s Til IITOIIW X ..'! X4 1 if. S'l TEK3IS OF THE JOURNAL. The Raftsman's Journal is published on Wed nesday at 51,50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, 52,00 will be charged. Advertisements will be inserted at 51,00 per square of 12 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will bocharg d. A deduction will ba made to yearly adver tisers. . 5o subscription taken for n shorter time than six months, and no paper will bo discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of tie publisher. S. J. HOW. COU.NTY DIRECTORY. TIME OF HOLDING COURT. 2d Monday in January, 3d Monday in June. 3d ' ia March, 1 4th " in Sept'm'r, Cf each year, and continue two weeks if necessary. COUNTY AND DISTUCT OFFICERS. Frej't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bellefonto. As'te Judges Hon. J. I). Thompson, Curwensvillo Hon. James Rlooui, Forrest Sheriff. . . . Edward Perks, ClearfioM Frotb.notary,'John L. Cuttle, Reg. fc Reo. . James Wriglcy. Iiistrict Att'y, Israel Test, . . Treasurer. . . Joseph Shaw, . Co. Surveyor, Jl. 16. Wright, Coniinus'n'rs, Wm. Merrell. . t. C. Thompson, Jacob Kuntz, . Auditors. . , J. B. Shaw, 15. C Rowjuan, Chas. Worrell, Coroner. ... J. W. Potter . Co.Superind't Jessco Rroomall. . Glen Hope. . Clearfield. Morrisdale. . Luthersburg. . Clearfield. NAVushington . Leeoutes Mill . Curwensville LIST OF POST-OFFICES. To'cnships. Beecaria, - -Uell, A'ume? of P. O. Glen Hope, Rower, - -Chest, . - -Cusb. - - - -Osteud. - - -Forrest. - - -Clearfield Bridge. 1? antes of P.M. G. W. Caldwell. W M'Crackon. Thoa.A. M'Ghee, J. W Campbell. II. L. Henderson. James doom. P. 1J. Miller. Bloom, -Hoggs. - -Rradford, Rrady, - - Williams' Grove, - Jas. E. Watson. R. H. Moore. Troutville. Jefferson Line, - - Charles Sloppy. John Heberlin. Rurnsidc, New Washington Jame3 Gallaher. Kurnsiue, -Patcbinville, Hurd. - -Clearfield. - - W. C. Irvin. - Jack Patehin. - G. Tozcr, jr. - M. A. Frank - P. A. Gaulin. Chest,- -Clearfield Covingto"n, Frenchville, " .-- Korthaus. - - J. F.W. Sehnarr Curwensville Curwensvillo. - - T.W.Fleming. Decatur. - Philipsburg, Centre county. Pa. Ferguson. - Marron. - - - - Edm. Williams. Fox, - - - - llellen Post Office, Elk county, Pa. Uirard, - - Leconte's Mills, C. Mixnot. Raid Hills, - - Saawsvillc, - - Grahainton.- - Smith's Mills, - Maaera, - - - Tyler. - - - Pennticld. - - Ansonvillo, - - Salt Lick. - - - William Carr. - A. R. Shaw. - Thos. H. Foreoo. - A. G. For. - Chas. J. Pusey. - Iavid Tyler. - 11. Woo Iward - Eliza Chase. - Geo. Hcckadorn - M. O. Stirk. - J . W. Thompson. - Jas. Thompson - Jas. McClelland. - II W. Spencer. - A. C. Moore. - T. W. Fleming. - Pcnj. F iMle. - I. E. Rrubaker. - Jos. Lcskr-it. Goshen, Graham, Guclich, -t . . . Hustoa, - . Jordan, Karthaus, Knox. ( - - - New Millport, -Lawrence, - Ureckenridge, - Morris, - Kyiertown, - -Morrisdale. - -Lumber City.t -Grampian Hills, Curwensville, - lilooaiingville, - ltocktou, -Jeffries. - - Tenn, - - Pike, - - - Union, - -Wood vard. i Thi3 Post Office w: 11 Jo for Chest township. Will answer for Fergi son township. f "I YDE HOUSE, RIDG'iVAV, PKNX'A. 5. J. OSGOOD. PROPRIETOR. This Hotel is new, and furnished in modern stylo, bus ample accommodations, and is in all respects a fir.telass house. February fi. ImH. JUST FEOSI THE EAST. RIG HAUL) M OS SOP, DF.AI.FR in FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC DRY GOODS, &C, MARKET STttEET, CLEAItl IELD, J'A. Head the folloirwglixt of good and profit thcrchy. 1 . fill ail T'nf, mTTn I rOO'lS ! Goods j Goods Goo s Goods Got is Goods Clieap, . , . ... (j j.ca - Always on nanii a largo stocK oi La t'L'a J dies g'iods iueh as Coburg Cloth, Cheap Chan Cheap Alpacas, He Laines, Ginghnm3, Prints, chintz, Kerchiefs, Nu bics. Hon nets. Gloves, etc. li-cap Cheap, FOR. GENTLEMEN, Goo,l- Cheap-Aha ays on hand Elack. Diue. Prown 'Goods Chetpi and Grey Cloths, Fancy and Uiack Good Chcjpl Cusimeres. S.ittinets, Cas-sinets, -Goods Cheap Tweeds. Plain and Fancy Vest- fioods Cheap'-. ing3. Shirting, etc.. etc. etc. floods Cheap READY-MADE. iGoods- Cicjp, juoh as Con's, Pants. Vests. Under- lands Ctf'tp shirts, aud other Fl unicl Rhirts, Good Chfip Cheap Chap CJ'iitp, i.oo!s, Mio"(. JIats. t ;is. Aoc-k- ATOod ties. Gum Loots and Shoes. and Guods a variety of other articles. Guod HOUSEHOLD GOOD.-s lrOOd CJ'flP' F-nch ns Unbleached and Iil'o.-.ched'00 Cheap Cheap Cheap Muslins. Colored Muslin'. Linen and cotton tablecloths. Oil cloth, Linen and hemp fowls, car pets, eurtains, fringo, cto HARDWARE. AC. G'lod Gotids ! Gand Good ',(7oo'lt L-it tap Cheap ChcTp Gondi Cheap If Jpu want Nails or spikes. Manure Viieapi vr c!i-iniu or oiner (;00, Cheap s-aws' Smoothing irons. Locks, rrnud Cheap. Hinges, etc.. go to Mnssop's GoJ Chap whe.-B you can huy cheap. rt0ih Chap- IF YOU WANT Good Cheap Knives and forks. Rutcher Knives. '(Jofl'jr Cheap' Shoe and Store blacking. Manilla flood Cheap, and hemp ropes. Ink, Paper or .Good Cheapi Pens, Powder, Shot or Lead, floods Cheap. etc., buy them nt Mossop's. .Good Cheap- IF YOU WANT Good Cheap gjj00 Last or pe, pnIrj or pancv Good Cheap Soap. Starch, Wall Paper or Win- G'oody Cheap dow Shades. Lamps. Lamp tubes Good Cheap or H icks, coal oil. eto , go to Good CAm;i Mossop's cheap cash store. Goods .f'et'P irvni-ir.vT Goods Cheap Cheap atMossnp fl cheap for cash. j rheap IF YOL V ANT Good Cheap. Tallow candles, fine or coarso salt. Good Cucap, Syrup or molasses, cheese, dried Gond Cheap appies or pcaenes, water or so- Goo i do cracKers, call at Mossop's Good wh?re you can buy cheap. Good IF YOU WANT Good Cheap Cheap Cheap Cheap fort wino f r Medical or iSacramon-lwo'fr Cheap- tai u.ses, Sweet wine, old Monou- .Good Cheap gabela or rye whisKy, Cherry Good Cheap', and Cognac brandy, buy at God Cheap' Mossop's cheap cash store. Good- caL . IF Y0U WANT looi r'AMn-Rai"'ns' V'Z- Prunes or dried Cur-'Good- )l,3 ranu; tilborts, cream, peenn or ll00i3 ff,nn uu, canuies, liquorice :, , or I.inuoriee mni V.v th Chean ""I"""" iuui, ouy incia Cheap Jiossop gchoap and good. nQ IF YOU WANT Good Good flood" Jhea-p u uu 11 J' nrnoie encap, do (oml, Cheap ore to go to Mosgop, f or he sell? ;0O,a, Cheap cheaper for oash than any other Chentf peon n Clearfield countr. 'ri. cZPp November 27. 1881. uP2tM. Approved country pro-luce, of evert Hind talcn at , the u ital market prices in exch inse for good.. BOG6S TI FARMS FOR SALE. One containing 121 Acres 85 cleared and under good fence. A log house 22 by 2 . plank bouse 16 by 18. log barn, smithy and all necessary out-bail-dlng.i thereon. Large springand spring house con venient to house The land is woll waterH and has sufficient wood and fencing timber. Thoro is an orchard of large grafred trees, and a young or ehard on place, all choice fruit. It is convenient for pasturing droves. vLSO.ono containing 90 a crcs 10 cleared and under fonce balance well timberod. This land has a log houso and stable thereon. Fo terms apply to Octcbor U. I. J. CRAFTS. Clearfiel J. Cheap 0"0'1 fm7 Flour. White or Chean- brown sugar, hams, shoulders or V, ChZ S l-nperiaj. Young j g I -7r-h a hf I i Mam ' Hawi5f & a. 1. y - a. v f m m i v -rr-. 11 s tl rr-s try iA.er v ; --j -v iri y t ? m iJffCT fu 5 1 S AtL 3 1 v 1 a 1 1 v.7 -. x - r y f 1 CO ' S tfxooGry s -fL v-- -JL V W " o fNATCHCZ t 1 Utiahnoha. v V rn t v a i A v - Vr - .iir.ri ! VuX f --XV - A VX1 C I 3 f ; I". 1 I " I I' II A I . A'n-yr- . r-j CHEAP JbWLLLY STORE. - ' 'A iiraham's Row. Clearfield. Pa., a Cue assortment of WATCHES JEWELRY, Ac, &c, to which we in vito attention. Gold and Silver hunting and open faced watch es, to be had at NAUGLE'S. The American Lever of different qualities, can be had ut NAUGLE'S. Fine setts of Jewelry, such as Cameo, Coral, La va, Jctt. Carbuncle, Garnett, Opal, Florentine Mo saic, Gold Stone Mosaic, Porcelain paintings. &c, or single pieces at NAUGLE'S. Plain gold Dreast pins, Ear drop3, Hoop Earrings, children's car drops and rings at NA EG LE'S. Gold seals, key and pencils, gold pens and sil ver holders at NAUGLE'S. Gents breast pins, sleeve buttons, sh irt studs, fob buckles and guard slides at NAUGLIvS. A fine assortment of gold finger ring3 of differ ent styles and ouality. gold lockets, coral neckla ces, silver thimbles, spectacles, watch guards, and all articles in his line, on baud at NAUGLE'S. Just received, a fine assortment of Fancy and common Clocks, and Fancy Time-pieces, from 1.2j to la dollars at NAUGLE'S! Old Gold and Silver will bo taken in exchange forgoodsat NAUGLE'S. All goods warranted as represented, or the mo ney refunded, at NAUGLE'S. If you wish your watches put in good repair and warranted, take them to NAUGLE'S. New Goods, New Goods. ,T. P. KRATZER, Has jnst received a general assortment of Fall and Winter DRY-GOODS. Delains. cashmers, reps, valenccas, morinos, al paccas. prifets, coburgs, ginghams, ducals, chintz, silks, muslins, cloths, cassiincres, tweods. satti netrs, flannels, drillings, linen, debages, thawls, cloaks, and dusters. CLOTI1TNG. Over-con ts. dress-coats, business-coats, pants, vests, shaw s, under-shirts, drawers, neckties, fine linen shirts, Hyron collars, clioakcrs. cravats, bats, caps, fine calf-skin boots, heavy kip boots, shoes. GROCERIES, coffee, tea, molasses, sugar, salt, candles, rice, spines, flour, tobacco, syrup, candies, essence of coffee, pulveri.ed sugar, crackers, starch, soda, sperm candles, black tea, saleratus. HARDWARE fc QUEENS WARE. Nails, spikes, forks, spades, shovels, springs, saws, planes, axes, augers, smoothing-irons, scissors, meat cutters, knives and forks, steelyards, pen knives, white stone tea setts, tureens, dishes, glass ware. NOTIONS. Nubias, hoods, gloves, hosiery. collars, hoop-skirts, bolmoral-ifkirts. bonnets, tibbon. flowers, plumes, bonnet frame, ruches, Inee. brai 1 binding, zephyr, yarn, fringe, button", trimmings, etc' MISCELLANEOUS. Oil cloths, buckets. school books, wallpaper, twine rafting rope, coach varnish, moss, curled hair coach trimmings, velvet, plush, cotton tape, coal oil. linseed oil sperm oil. glass, etc All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for cash or approved country produce Clearfield, Nov. 27, l.S;J. - f.t.v.M.-t.-3 y. RavtnMuLTr UmjiJLi.-iT u t-A 2 1 NV . .... i-J 7 C Z-ZhDmM&K a t X r . ir.C,j, AaV Nlti'XX Ay WMthrrv $ I Y " 1 -yYu A- 1- - . r'-' . V ' t - x - - V ; -7-. ' : JVA - V Xf'X ' v : "-- - DM. jL ITCH'S 3Ii:i)IClN KS. A fresh sup. ply of the.o invaluable Family Medicines are for sale by M. A. Frank. Clearfield, consisting of Pain Carer; Restorative, a great cure for colds and cough; and Auti-liilioie Physic. They have been thoroughly tested in this community, and are highly approved. Titv them. CLE AKFIELI) MUSIC SCHOOL For in struetion upon the Piano, Melodeon aud Gui tar, and in Harmony and Singing. Terms For pupils under six years old. $ j,00, for seventy two lessons of one half hour each ; for all pupils over six 3'ears old, $1 U.00. for seventy-two lessons of one hour each; upon Piano, Me lodeon. Guitar or in Harmony. Payable, one-fourth at the beginning and the balance at the end cf the quarter. Vocal music freo to all Instrumental pypils. Studio ! alone. Jo. 00 per term. Rooms at Mr. Alexander Irwin's. Oct. 1, 1 S00. E. A. P. RYNDER. Teacher. N E W GOO D S ! A FRESH ARRIVAL OF Spring & Summer G oods AT THE CHEAP CASH STORE. Just received and opening, a carefully selected stock of Spring and Summer goods, of almost ev ery description. Staple and Fancy. DRY-GOODS AND .NOTIONS, Choice Groceries, HARD-WARE AND QUEENS WARE, DRUGS, OILS, PAINTS AND GLASS, Boots and Shoes, HATS AND CAPS, Stationary, Cedar-ware. New Mackerel in half, quarter, and eighth barrels. EXTRA FAMILY FLOUR OF SUrE-' rior quality. All of which will be sold on the most reasonable terms for Cash or approved country produce. June 2!i, ISfil. WM. F. IRWIN. rrillE CLEARFIELD ACADEMY will be X opened for the reception of pupils (male and female) on Monday. September 2d Tei ms, peracs 6ion of eleven weeks: Orthography, Reading, Writing, Primary Arith metic and Geography, S2.50 Higher Arithmetic, English Grammar, Geogra phy and History. S3, 00 Algebra, Geometry, Natural Philosophy. ' and Book Keeping, $1,00 Latin and Greek languages, Sf5,00 To students desirous of acquiring a thorough English Education, and who wish to qualify them selves for teachers, this institution offers desirable advantages. No pupil receivod for less than half a session and no deduction except for protracted sicknass. Tuition to bo paid at the clone of the term. may30J C. B. SAND FORD, PjiacijmL JjardfrsvuicK. jT x . 1- iwVi;4- ,,...v ....,..... Crt v ViifV;,i t lliUiiiz-cs-'r. 1 V yivi- A,i'fuL'aua!2 sT 1 I Al V I ' i' X M v7i.vi- fj-vul ' - r . ;fV SiaHcsvUU 5. iiV''''Vrr.l ' N - y v '..- v i res 1 x . y X tt . . . -luCaobnz- Xv'C 7 f- -. Sf P CKSCflCt tar:?-.! ' y.v r. .... ;y L1 lUlll i JJ lUUl constantly on baud and for sale, good familv flour, at cash price, by 4 n. 15. I80U. 1 ERR ELL .1 ETOI.KR. PLASTERING. The subscriber having lo cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the publicthat he is pt spared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of ar.y description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in.a ueut man ncr. and on reasonable terms. April 7. 185H. EDWIN COOPER A Xew Lot of Goods. rg"UIE UNDERSIGNED having taken the stoeK A of merchandize of the late firm of Patton. Hippie k, Co., have just added a fresh supply of SEASONABLE GOODS, comprising Groceries, Drags, Queensware, Roots and Shoes. Clothing. Muslins, Do Laines, Prints, Sattinets, Flannels, etc., which thej- offer at low prices FOR CASH OR READY FAY. Grain, PorK, Shingles and Hoards, t.iKen in ex change for goods. We respectfully ass a share of patronage, ('all and examine our stocs. Curwensville. Deo,. 11. HIPPLE FAUST. N E. The accounts of Pattou. Hipplo X Co.. are in our hands, and we hereby notify persons hav ing unsettlod'accounts. to call and settle the same as wo desire to havo the boows closed. December 1 1. 1801 . HIPPLE FAUST. PUMITUM ROOMS!! Bennev & Barrett, Respectfully announco to the public that they havo completed and are now occupying their new TURN ITURE WARE-ROOMS, fronting on the Market lot and nearly opposite the Court House. Cabinet making will bo carried on in the upper story of the snuie buildiug, in all its different branches. All kinds of furniture will be kept constantly on hand, and sold cheap for Cash, or exchanged for country produce or lum ber to suittho business Their stock will consist of PARLOR. ROCKING AND ARM CHAIRS," SPRING SEATS, CAIN Ii'JTTOMS. Ao. Parlor, Sofa, Centre, Card. Dining, Extension and Droakfast tables Sofas of all Kinds, Varieties and Patterns. Bureaus, Sideboards, Book Cases, Wardrobes, ic. Bedsteads Jenny Lind, High Posts, Cottage, French Posts, Ac Mattrasscs Hair. Hair top, Cotton top, and Corn husk, of tho best materials. Looking Glasees of all -rts and sizes. Also glas ses for old frames. Also, What-Dots, Wash-stands, Work-stands; Hat-racks, Ac. COFFIN'S made to order'on short notico, and Hearse furnished. Poplar, Cherry, Maple and Lin wood Lumber taken ia eschano for wwrk. Opt. 23, loill. TJLX ( AZiutcn t .v.,-...i- ivj" ; - ujraaiivt .Aij&J-- WifTy --2 i . .' ri Z .-'-f 1 1 uj-.-rVf.iv: . yt , - . f7t.-rT-yry A. J ---'.7; ( r i u j MPOICTAN 1' ANNOUNCEMENT ! I A Fact Worth Knowing! The undersigned informs his old friuds and tho public generally that he has just received and o pened, at I113 old stand in Bradford township, a NEW AND WELL SELECTED STOCK OF SEASONABLE GOODS, consisting of Dry Goods. Hardware, Quenswaro Groceries, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which he will dispose of at as low rates as they can be purchased in the county, and of as good quality, if not better. He respectfully solicits all to give him a call and examine his stock before purchasing elsewhere, and he feels certain that they will buy from him. jyll MATTHEW FORCEE. Brilliant Opening OF FALL FASHIONS AT THE ' NEW CASH STORE OF II. W. Smith & Co. Tho attention of the Ladies is respectfully called to the following notice. Wo haye j'jt received and opened the very latest and ixcst f.tshionable styles of NUBIAS, WOOL HOODS, Zephyr Wool Gauntlets. Berlin Wool Gloves with gauntlets, Wool Scarfa. Ze phyr Wool Shawls, large and small; heavy doable all wool Shawls, Chenile Shawls, Cloth Cloaks, and every variety of Zephyr. A superior article of gauntlet Kid Gloves, gauntlet Lisle Gloves, gauntlet Buck Gloves, gauntlet Cash mere gloves, childrens' Caahmere Gloves, childrcns' Lisle gloves, and a good as sortment of Ladies', Childress', and Infants' hosiery. Also ELEGANT WORKED SETS, Elegaut worked Collars, elegant worked Skirts, all wool Delaines. Flannels, and a gieat variety of Dress Goods. All of which will be sold cheap. Apdenpa The Sontags will be oper.ed for &ale in one week from this date. WALL PAPER AND WINDOW SHADES. We have just receivod from Howell ir- Brother of Chestnut 6trect, two choice styles of Paper. Also, window shading, plain and figured. II. W. SMITH t CO. Clearfield, November 13, l'.Cl. ..--t-..-. y,.it.-jsn -y i VvT-T r.vrT .-,'1 J .1 x 1 : i- A 1 t IV Sf.i.trna, if-.i r z- i r-t- X-X X Mi . . - ... X. - ! - .3 - .' a V V EY STONE WARE JIAM'FACTo. i INCLEAKFILLDpt CT0Ry , The urdor?!gned takes this methol of facturo of Hoi:--War, in th, Bh J C" field, ar.i tl,,t h-s is tow prepaid !e who msy want them with Milk ru 1 Cr.-,.T' M Jug?. Jars. Ac. at lower pries, ibaa bought -!se h,r.v H, ,Vici: . ,hVr CWrScld. Pa.. M.lv 2;,. js: "N"- E w in; E W FRY.- i o V ETuTrT lt I he fubserihers wciH .--. ctfu'T the I ar ke per a .d others that iLct hf cf e!it started a new Ereworv in the Lvi.: -v , Clearfield, and that th :ey are now prep aii nish Peer oi;thenio-t aeenrnmodaUne !riX :"" have employed an experienced Krnr 7" L"' east, and they frel confident that thfr can u a superior article cf beer. Givethei a "' T jidge for voi:rs"lves. ''"' i-i June 20. 'f-Q CHARLES K.U'T 4 c , fLIXIR PROPYLAMINE. Ti p -J KEMEBY i0;i RHEUMATIC ;J ANEW P.EMEDV 1 A CERTAIN KLilEDY. J r?Tt AcuiE r.nttUATN-- CHEO.MC l:HLl--cl"".'-ROErMATISM OP EVEhY RI.Nij . u No Matter How Stcbors. Hmw ix, -a'v-. PflOPVLAMI.VE 1W,LI- 17, ' ) NNlLL CrRE -. TI.7 it tizs dour. It trii do a-.i,. Doctors reai. Doctors examine, r-wii t:t The brt testimony. Best Mt.iiru.' A j','.., Doctors inovr it, Pj-tieitit!i' vt it. Trad i 7. Pear sylv-,r.!all?ap.al. From Oi ticiai. Hospital I'.m - ay 19, lif.0. i.:n . wt. 2?. f;r . wes very strong, two Tcurs tts t.-,.i tec k of aeute 1 h uraatism. froni whir!. 3 t- 1.1 , , 4' L-ueii 10 ner t;eu lor two wi-eks. s-oW,-vj frm n reiapsr- for four more. Sk haj sir;ce then till hm Sraturda?; wbi! ! house clcauing. she took ccl-i. had pais in tit , j.'" fe:t cold, t'Ut bai no decidod chill. I t , later her ankles began to jwcll which wcjf,-',' cd by swelling -f thv knee joi.'ts st-i f t't ;.V:,r bf hss dull in bor sbvultivrs. sua iitr ia' les ai e Tery tuder. red puiuful . 1j':..u, ?re 1T cto j. but th right i the wtst fo X' then, is a c.iinj ..f acute rheu!natim. tr. fi5 i: , fkbiooably caiii-d. rh'-uiiiHtics lever. It j. marked typical ca-e. V.'e will nn-fai'r ,;. ; , case'ivi from time to tiiae ta'.l your :t.--.'!.r.",rf the 'iii L3 syciptoaiE whiel pX..; - X' 51 y eht-f object in bringing h'.r I c 3 h. ,r 4, to ca;l your attention tv a r'!;.-y hsoH in r cently bean recommended in t'je tnfaia.n.t ,4 tr-. ma'.iita. 1. iu oan j-ri'py'u wi, W. Av-i:,';, . ( .St. Petorsbui. rtc rjiint-s..!-: it in th- U.s t.r.i having dcrivOl groat lci:f fet frorti u.v i J j case. which earn! under his we. 'ariwuJ r ; rocndr.iory tisti:2i.?:i:il.! rr.jpoctirg .'t ), ive a: :,: ed in our journaN. aud I proposr giving it m :;.: trial, r 1011st eoufesi 1 am a hi iy incrda!c.L . to the worth of new rsmed iev whih ae as specifics ; but this c,.n.f . t'. us rec. u.::.i;j.j , . highly, that wii are bound to give it a I: in.. SAME CA E roi'R DAYS I. ATT 3. May 23. 1 "-'". .- 1 wi 1 r"w exhibit to y-i . tient iVr vL-.r.iI p!-pl:iibe'! Prcpylataii.. . ; who was then 1 tier in z mi it nr. a:;ack cf a rheuinati-ia. i'U has s'alily tulvii i:, .. , cf th reo grain', every two hour, t iiiU-r i, i ; at nigh!). 'J ho day after you .-a her. 1 i'.m. i:.. ; ir.nnu mora cowforta td. bett-T thsu he -;;.; to be tor a week or more, lu-igiiig fr -i, h t a'.tack. (The pn!ie::t no-v w;,;kcl iijtu t L.- r' it The improK'i.' i-i, t has Men. lily prgie.-s 1 . : . yon cannot fail t.j tio'ice ft mnilXi ctm:'.- :, ;. uppoarance of her joiiita. which are tiw i.ir their natural sire. Tiius far ourespei iiimi it."- : have s.'emel very mccssiul : but ger.tU a, h must wail a littlo ;bi!o belore ne cm jC:vs m . cidei opinion us to what is to be the iia.t. THKEE DAY.- LATER " 51 .11" 2 , ISoii. I bis is thecase of acute r'uei a i tism treated vith pri-pylamine. the first f tbo.-KTi which I called 3'our attention at our lt c'.'.'--She is still very comfortable, and is now ta;:i three grato.j thiice uaily. In this case it has set-mod to be followed by if sati jiactory result. TL secoud cars 1,, whi.-a your attention was tailed at our last lecture. ! als-j eontinui'd to Jo ell. I now ri( tore yoa a very characteristic cise of a-.-ute 1 laatism, and it the result b esatisf.ic-.ory. a pond j ury irtu . irf f'tjl.'l j -tt!y rn.r v,,r If t'ai'n' of op:' 1 n itr . lie is a ?ea;naii. a-t. L'f. who na sdn; i" J a f. days ago. llsifc had occasional rht-on-atic ; 1 but not so fls to keep bis bud, u'.tii ib t !.- 5; The pains began in his right kr.ee. su!-'-:e::!, sfTecteJ the Ui't kr.oc ar.4 later the j -A ti.. npi'er e.Ttrt:iiuti-J3. 1'hete joii.tt are .-,!; ,t,' e-. tease and tender. Hi; to;:gueis fs;nel : i . .. at present, dry. tiiough there has bet j. 11 '.:.!. i. lUg. ll;s puise is Ho h.is now used r : 1 ii: 1 ai: 1 strong, a ,-J a: ..pviamine tr.tu' This Mr.tlomea is uhat :i:tv 1 typical e.:se ot actnc lLeauatism. posure to cold aiid wi t. and this lowed bv a fveiiiur of folai.t..- Th "M - -. it: pain, l'-eg'r.ning. us it tsu.'.liy ti"e.- ;.. ::. : joiiiis V Lure i fjvtr ai.J the pr i--so gMu-rally at'.endat-t f,n f cut-- 1 hcu:.i it; .1:, I did not bring this patient 1" !' r- y,.-, n . iiitcr.ticni of giving y t.u n licture Oil t.l 11.: cowcectol with rl.ouuiM'i?i;i. but to :,-. tri-tl to tho new remedy . are t-.-;i : 3 hihiito you t!,ij typical ciho, us have ,. 1! than which there Could not ba a fairer ;; for tct-ting the med ickse in f, i; i m. V therefore, avoiding th- n i f nil other i even anodynes, that ther liny be no iu;. as to which w.i: tile eiS -ielt rein-.-j-". Y-. see the case in a future clini;. THE UE5IT.T. A FAVORALI.E YI.r.M Jf.vr. 'J. 1 f-i'. I ho next of our canvai--the C:3C of a .'jt.'rLeuj;:aL..-j bet' .rev ju - f. vj' ic tf May 2nth. which I then cali;l atvi r. and which it was remar Vr I was fairo; 7 for testing tljo v.orih of oar new rene,'l it ' , je 1 therefore steadily given ir. three grain -i'-two hours for lo'ir J ;ys. '1 ho 5: ai ;e;it h ;. very nicely, and is now able to walk a'"-. see. i uo not h' tii.:'. ts x.ry ihct I .! ' as severe a cjicnf acute k-:iin ttisfi si j1? ' " ed to htuh'i as this lit h.is .rot. ct i r -.n r.:' ' prcpirc.d to dec -de positive ! y us t-i th ' - ' "' the. remedy vc h-ff it.-: i. I ft--! o'f i r-i ; "' in the ctse. in ir::ic'; v.-r. hjvr 'riel t:-r '' Propiluwiiie. til: yn.-t-V.Vf av, zai?J r mitci earlier than tinder tht te-ztm 0 a- ' ' pursued. I wi.-h. gflntlonien. you wcu! 1 I solves try it, and re;ort trie results. For a full report of which the aS'M-:. j -: denied extract, soo the Philadelphia -V --' " ' Surgical Reporter. It is a report a'icr a t :' 'x-" by the best medical authority in this erse'rv. y makes it unnecessary tojgive namer jus iert:"-- '' from astonished doctors and rejoicing ' A Spcctiy CriE. Av ErrrcTi'At Ct i r :' S.lMr. i'.ESCr.T IN tVFRV CAST, V1'VIK T''-' Vi Hiir.F.VF.R I PH.D. . What ir has t- f It Will Io Aoii". Dulloc- .t Crenshaw a firm "v': t"-''.-1 ''"",f medical o;2n. by whom the ElM.r l'i jy'y,; ' has been introdu" 1 have s )1-1 to us the -" right to inanufacturo it accor-iicg to too "v , r recipe, aud we have mad- arra: gt : er.n '- magnitude as to enable us to scat'-r r. ' J l 1 amongst suffering L'tmacity. A WORD TO DOCTOKS 'If you prefer to v -i: the same renieJ.v ln L "" form, wo invite your a'teniioti t- tne i'l'f " TALI7KH PrPVLAMIN I. Pri'.E PhOl'YLAV;T. I Pi re Pnorvi.Avisr Cocetratei. I'1 rr ' ;f . PnopYLAMiNE, cf which v,e are the a.-'n-turers. . LX'U'e claim tin oilier virtue i"T the b -. Propylamine than ii contained in Pure t ". -iied Chloride of Propylamine. The Elixir is yorr, co-vrMrvT. Ar iJ! READY rOH IMMEDIATK CSf, AVD M T T r ACCOF.DIVO TO Tin rr Tl S. tV ASY OT. EVEKY ONE. W UO HAS Kttrt If ii l.-M VT AM E" - SOLD AT 7a CIS. A E0ITLL'. Orders maybe addre.-'-d to or.": r t ''ti "r uftctitri'tg Co , t'fu'-o. Hoin N. "" V Fourth and Che.nnt ., Phil.i'i'dph'.a r Or toeitherof th..- f -31" ing " ho.-esa.e j Bullock A Crenshaw ; French. Kich Hs r .John M. .Muris A Co . -!". J " ether- Peter T. Wright .t Co., Zeiglor & hjnit- ft'T hs Perot 4 Co., Philadel hia. LDt0X-t -''- FLOFR. A lot of go flonrn n
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