TH&: BAFTS -r , SL I." 'I h i '-I it t r is The man who marries happily, may be Baid to be transported for life. ' , The young gentleman who flew into a passion has had his wings clipped. , We have heard of a man so witty that his wife manufactures all the butter that the family uses from the cream of his jokes. J : Two French ladies, who were in San Francisco when the Japanese arrived there, were anxious to go on board the vessel where the foreigners were. But ladies could not be received. Nevertheless, they put on portions of their husbands' wardrobe and made the visit. They escaped detection while they only talked, for neither party could under stand the other ; when, however, they shook hands with the Admiral, a peculiar smile passed over his features, and he immediately caused an attendant to dive into his cabin and bring out a variety of hair-pins, bracelets, furs, and other things per taining to the female toilet. He said, with an Ori ental wink at his interpreter, that he could not be mistaken in the pressure of a lady's hand.'. TERMS OF TnE JOURNAL. f . The Kaftsm at's Jochxal is published on Wed nesday at 1,50 per annum in advance. If not paid at the beginning of the year, 2:00 will be charged. Advertisements will be Inserted nt $1,00 per square of 1 2 lines for three or less insertions. For every additional insertion 25 cents will be charg ed. A deduction will be made to yearly adver tisers. No subscription taken for a shorter time than six months, and no paper will be discontinued un til all arrearages are paid, except at the option of the publisher. . S. B. KOW. : t'OUSTY DIRECTORY. Pres't Judge Hon. Samuel Linn, Bellefonto. As'te. Judges Hon. Win. L. Moore, Clearfield. - Jion.isenj n. lionsau, liUinersBurg. Sheriff. . . . Fred'k G. Miller, Prothonotary, John I. Cuttle, . Keg. A Rec. . James Wriglcy, . District Att'y, Robert J. Wallace, Treasurer. . . Geo. B. Goodlandcr, Co. Surveyor, 11. B. Wright, Commiss'n'rs, George Earhard Clearfield Glen Hope. NewMillport. William McCrackcn, Lumber City. Auditors. Coroner. AVm. Merrell, . Aaron C. Tate, Isaac W.Graham, J. B. Shaw, . . . George Richards, .' Clearfield. Clearfield. . Clearfield. . Clearfield. LIST OF POST OFFICES. Township.. Nam' of P.O. Name of P.M. Bcccaria, - - Glen Hope, Bell, - - - - Bower, - - - .... Chest, - - - Cuh. - - - - .... Ostend. - - - Boggs. - - - Clearfield Bridge. Bradford, Woodland, - - Brady, - - - Luthersburg, -" - - - Troutville, - - ... Jefferson Line, -- Burnside, - NewAVashington ... Burnside, . - Clearfield, - Ciearfield, - - Covington, - Frenchville, " ... Karthaus, - - Curwensville Curwensville, - Decatur, - -'Elam Rakcstraw - Mary Elder. - Thos.A. M'Ghce, - J. W Campbell. - Lewis Smith. - T. B. Miller. - Edw'd. Williams - A L. Schnell. Jacob Kuntz. . John Hoover. - J. M. Cummings. - Jas. McMurray. - Chas. D. Watson. - F. Coudrict. - J. F.W. Schnarr Ferguson, Fox, - Girard, - -u Goshen, -Graham, -Huston, -" . . Jordan, -Karthaus, Knox, - -Lawrence, Morris, - - Penn, - -'.... Tike, Samuel Way. Fhuipsburg, Centre county, l'a. - Marron, - - - - Edm. Williams. - Ilellen Tost Office, Elk county, Pa. Lcconte's Mills, - Bald Hills, - - - Shawsville, - - - Grab am ton,- - - Tyler, - - - - Pennfield, - - - Ansonvillc, - - - Salt Lick, - New Millport, - - Breckenridge, - - Kylcrtown, - - - Morrisdale. - - - Lumber City.t - Grampian Hills, - Curwensville, - - - Bloominzville, Union, - - J Rockton, - -Woodward, - Jeffries, - - - - - - Smith's Mills, ( This Post Offioe will do for Chest township. Will answer for Ferguson township. C. Mignot William Carr. A. B. Shaw. Jas. B. Graham. David Tyler. 11. Woodward. Eliza Chase. Geo. Heckadorn D. E. Mokel.v J.W.Thompson. Jas. Thompson. Jas. McClelland. W W. Wright. A. C. Moore, Samuel Way. ' Michael Wise. Wm. F.Johnson. Thos Henderson J. A. Hogarty RAFTING STOVE? AND FIXTURES, for sale at the store of "Wm. IRVIN. Curwensv DRUGS AND MEDICINES, an assortment, at the "cheap corner store'' of AV in. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 21. . COOKING AND TARLOR STOVES, for sale at the "cheap corner store' ' of Wm. Irvin. in Curwensville. . September 21. BAR IRON, Spring. Shear, American, Eng' lish blister and cast Steel, at the cheap cor ner store of Wm. Irvix, Curwensville. NEW GOODS VERY CHEAP, just re ceived and for sale low at the "cheapest coi ner," Curwensville, by JOHN PATTON. ri iuuau L,ji)i ua. ili;, to ex- JJ amine and reduce the largo stock of Dress Goods, just received at . MUs&Ul' EfTYOlTN'O MEN WANTED, to whom con 9JJ stant employment will be given, to buy ds at low prices for cash, at MOSSOP'S. goo A LARGE LOT of new Prints. Delaines, Plaids, mm Ac. Also ft fine selection of Cashmeres, Eng lish and French Merinos, and all styles of Ladies' dress goods, at the "corner store" of Wm. Irvin, in Curwensville. September 24. TJLASTERING. The subscriber having lo A cated himself in the Borough of Clearfield, would inform the publicthat he is prepared to do work in the above line, from plain to ornamental of any description, in a workmanlike style. Also whitewashing and repairing done in a neat man ner, and on reasonable terms. , April 7. 1858. - EDWIN COOPER. IT' WARD, Manufacturer and Dealer in Straw ll Goods, Nos. 103, 105 and 107, North Second Street, Philadelphia. Having just received our spring eiocK, wnicn comprises a large and dcsira- ble assortment of all kinds of Straw and Lace Goods. Our stock of Flowers and Ruches is unu eually large this season.' and we would invite your special attention to that department Please call and examine them before making your pur chases. teD. rj-it. it. WARD. F RAN KLIN BILLIARD ROOM. The undersigned informs the public that he has fitted np a Biiliard Room, up-stairs in Dr. Lorain's Building on Market street, Clearfield, Pa., for the accommodation of ail who may wish to indulge in this delightful and scientific recreation. His table is of the latest and best pattern, and all the appliances are of a similar character. . No atten tion will be spared to insure the comfort and plea ure of customers. ROBERT SMITH. Clearfield, December 21, 1859. - - D kANlEL GOODLANDER, BOOT A SHOE ' Maker, keeps constantly on hand for sale t his shop, near Luthersburg, Clearfield county, Pa, BOOTS A SHOES. SOLE A UPPER LEATHER, Kip and Calf Skins, (French and American;) and a variety of Linings,' Bindings, Shoe Pegs, Nails and Thread, Boot Webbing, Blacking, cVc. ; in fact, everything usually kept in a shoe-finding establishment- lie has also Flour, Sugar, Coffee, Tea, Rice, Soda, Syrup, Tobacco, Segars, Nails, Glass, Ae., all of which can be had cheap for cash. Luthersburg. November 2, 1859-lyp. BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield co., hereby gives notice that their books, name ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wriglcy, Register and Recorder at Clearfield. The books are of various sizes and a dapted to supply either private individuals or Sun day Schools at very ehcp rates. Very substan tial bibles can bo had as low as 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece. The people of the county generally are also in vited to leave with Mr.. Wrigley any donation they may be pleased to make in aid of the funds of the Society. Signed by order of tho Executive Com mittee. ALEJJ. IcLEODj President. PERRY HOUSE, FRONT ST., MARIETTA, (formerly kept by Mrs. Clements.) The sub scriber respectfully solicits the patronage of his old friends, and assures all rivermen having bu siness in Maiietta that no pains will be spared for their accommodation and comfort. Feb. 22. 1860-ly. ABNER M'MICHAEL. PAY YOUR STOCK. The books of the Ty rone and Clearfield Railroad Company have been placed in my hands for settlcmit and col lection. - Persons in Clearfield and Centre counties owing balances upon their stock subscribed, will save costs by calling and arranging them by pay ment, T by settling them by note. . WILLIAM A. WALLACE. Clearfield, Pa., May 1, 1360 2m. PROVISION AND GROCERY STORE. The undersigned keeps constantly on hand at his store room in Philipsburg, Centre county, a full stock of Flour, Hams. Shoulders Sides, Cof fee, Tea, Sugar, Rice, MolasseAc. Also, Li quors of all kinds, Tobacco, Segars, Snuff, Ac; all of which he offers to purchasers on the most ad vantageous terms. Give him a call, and try his articles. mar21J ROBERT LLOYD. ATEW STONE WARE MANUFACTORY 11 IN CLEARFIELD, PA. - The undersigned takes this method of inform ing the public that he has commenced the manu facture of Stone-Ware in the Borough of Clear field, and thst he is now prepared to supply all who may want them with Milk and Cream Crocks, Jugs. Jars, Ac, at lower prices, than they can be bought elsewhere. He solicits a share of patron age. FREDERICK LEITZINGER. Clearfield, Ta., Mcy 25, 1859-ly. ' MORE LAGER ! NEAV FIRM! The under signed would announce to the public that they have entered into co-partnership in the Brew ery business, at the Brewery formerly occupied by Hessenthalcr & Uout, in the Borough of Clear field, where they are prepared to supply their friends with the very best Lager that can be man ufactured, in all quantities, cheap for cash. The business will be conducted hereafter under the name of Hessestiuler A Liepolpt. JACOB HESSENTHALER, may 2 CASPER LIEPOLDT. OOL ! WOOL ! WOOL 1 WOOL ! The National Conventions Are drawing very near, .And what I now will tell you, - I know your hearts will cheer. Joe G winner now is with you, And sells as cheap a lot Oi Goods, as ever yet have been To Clearfield county brought. Of Cashmeres ho has a quantity, Black, Fancy Satinets, Also plain Flannel Coverlets, Together with Blan-kets. A quantity of Stocking Tarn, You'll find that he does keep ; Likewise you'll find his prices Are truly very cheap. N. B. The market price paid in cash for wool. W F OR TINWARE OF ALL KINDS GO TO For Japaned-Ware, For Brittania-AVare, For Hard-Ware, For Hollow-Ware, MERRELL & BIGLER'S goto Merrell A Bigler's. go to Merrell A Bigler's go to Merrell A Bigler's. go to Merrell A Bigler's JAPANNED WARE. For fancy waiters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For fancy deed boxes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good dust pans, go to Merrell A Bigler's For neat molasses cups.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good foot tubs, : go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior lanthorns.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For water coolers, go to Merrell A Bigler's. Jtor chamber buckets, go to Merrell A Bigler's STOVES, STOVE FIXTURES, AC. For stoves of all kinds, go to Merrell A Bigler's For farmers' boilers, go to Merrell A Bigler's For good stove-pipe, go to Merrell A Bigler's For summer furnaces, eo to Merrell A Bigler's For large iron kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's. for conee roasters, go to Merrell Bigler's For stove brushes, goto Merrell A Bigler's For German blacklead.go to Merrell A Bigler's For stove collars, , go to Merrell A Bigler's For Rafting stoves, go to Merrell A Bigler's. MISCELLANEOUS ARTICLES. For superior coal oil, go to Merrell A Bigler's. i or lancy coai on lamps, go ro merrell x Uigler's J-or om dominion coffee-pots to Merrell A Bigler's ror lancy gas chanualicrs.go to ' For good dinner bells. For good grain cradles, For superior ploughs, For side hill plouzhs. For good road scrapers, Merrell A Biirlcr's go to Merrell A Rider's go to Merrell A Bigler's. go to .Merrell A Bigler's go to Merrell A Bigler's go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior sand screens. iro to Merrell A Biler'a' For good platform scales, goto Merrell A Btgler's! ror goou counter scales, go to .Merrell A Bigler's, For superior hay scales, ror patent milk pans, For good clover hullcrs, .- . , ror iancy lamp snaaes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. go to Merrell A Bigler's. go to Merrell A Bigler's. go to Merrell JJigler s. For good spelter and zinc, go to Merrell A Bigler's r or superior fruit cans, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good house-spouting, go to Merrell A Bigler's. HARDWARE AND IMPLEMENTS. For bar iron of all Kinds, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior cast steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good nails and spikes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good English steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's For neat smoothing irons, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good spring steel, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior door locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For American blisterstcel, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For iron axles and files, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior pump chains.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For all pump fixtures, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good buggy springs, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For butts and hinges, A c go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior brass Kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's, For good mastiii kettles, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For nearest waffle irons,' go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good sausage cutters, go toNerrell A Bigler's. For good sausage stuffers, go to Merrell Bigler's. For superior coffee mills, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior porch feet, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For shovel plough wings, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good horse 6hoe nails, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior hotel lamps, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For barn door hinges, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior gate hinges, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior jack chains, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For long handled shovels, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For spades and hay forks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For hoes and iron rakes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. Forferrclsof all sizes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior brass cocks, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For Brass candle sticks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For brass snuffers k locks, go to Merrell A Bigler's! For superior lard lamps, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good lemon squeezers.go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good cork screws, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For egg codlera & beaters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good bread toasters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For superior flesh forks, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good basting spoons, goto Merrell A Bigler's. For good twine boxes, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For neat spring balances, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good corn grinders, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For good corn shelters, go to Merrell A Bigler's. For patent saw gumers, go to Merrell A Bigler's For superior castors, go to Merrell A Bigler s. Country produce, old motal, brass and copper taken in exchange. -Clearfield, June 8, 1859. TREASURER'S SALE OF UNSEAT ED LANDS for Taxes for the years 1858 and 1859. NOTICE is hereby given, that in pursuance of an Act of Assembly, passed the 12th day of June, A. I). 1815, entitled "An act to amend an act di recting the mode of selling unseated lands for taxes," Ac., the following tracts of unseated lands in Clearfield count v will k -r nitonI tt nnKliA doIa or outcry, for the taxes due and unpaid thereon, at the Court House in the Boroneh of Clearfield, on the Second Monday of June, 1860 : BECCAKIA TOWNSHIP, Acres. Per. Warrantees & Owners Tax. Herman Haupt & Co. ' " Jacob Krng, $21 90 John Gibson, ,21 90 Jeremiah Marshall, 12 79 Peter Getz, 21 90 Martin Fauty, 44 69 Jacob Fautz, jr. . 1 39 95 George Musser, 41 01 Robt. Wilson, 28 99 Thos. Wilson, 10 00 Matbias Barton. 40 60 162 116 . 162 . 116 91 91 162 116 330 153 296 125 328 153 215 73 74. 32 324 8 ,433 433 356 108 166 100 151 102 102 : 426 100 80 210 279 22 205 247 111 140 20 231 55 8 55 50 100 71 8 124 55 98 200 53 153 58 26 325 30 1S9 12f 176 244 138 S99 " 399 231 165 251 6 232 150 No! 5766 4226 42S9 3565 3565 5904 5906 5907 5918 5919 60 60 43 14 24 25 25 02 5 36 68 14 92 92 75 SO 16 12 .10 58 30 36 01 80 36 77 08 94 68 JVivlinsr. 43 38 19 10 14 62 87 62 68 92 17 01 99 10 30 05 56 1 32 22 01 2 39 11 8 6 5909 5910 5911 5913 5915 5921 153 David Barton, 153 Edwar.i Iland, 69 Emanuel Iteigert, . George Mocre, Jl. h evhng. 82 John Funk, $32 Frederick Hnbley, 17 Thomas ireslon. 50 Thomas Ketland, 116 Abraham Witmer, 116 Michael Mnsser, G. L. Reed $ Co. 56 William Miller, A. B. Reed's Estate. James McMnrtrie, Thos. Murgatory, Magnes Miller, John Patchin. 96 John Brady, Wm. Brady, 4 E. Blair, S. W. Keaggy. Brown & Boynton, - Jas. Hockenberry. Brown & Bcynton, 15 62 Abraham Beyers. 146 Jacob Krug, Same lor '56 & '57, n. G 37 Wm. Brown, Wm. Dowder. Wm. Brown, James Gallagher. Fred'k Hernman, Wm. Hammond. : Herman Witmer, Caleb Copenhafer. 108 P. Gloninger, R.J. Wallace. 16 Thos. Billington, John Cooper. 102 Sarah Billington, David xounkin. Campbell & Turner, Same lor '56 & '57, Hugh R. Jordan. John Shank, 3 Gill 4- Bratton. 80 John Ketland, 11 Peter Whitesides, Jacob Mussersmitb, 50 Wm. Bailsman, 140 Michael Fantz, G. W. Caldwell, George D. Morgan A- Co . Peter Miller, 43 John Mailer. 140 Frederick llubley, 80 John Bausman, ' 75 John Witmer, 61 Frederick Ilauman 96 John Beam, 40 Jacob Mussersmith, 47 Jeremiah Mosher, 144 Thomas Billington, Thomas Billington, 40 John Witmer, 40 Henry Witmer, 112 Wm. Wilson, 40 Herman Witmer, Wm. Brown, 70 Sarah Billington. 1 Philip Mysencope, . 50 John Mysencope, , BELL TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Geo. Oakley. 1000 . Henry Beck, 1000 Henry Beck, James C. Thompson. 500 Henry Beck, John P. Hoyt. 161 118 John Nicholson, Wm. Brady. 177 81 John Nicholson, A: Ml. l.eed s estate. Nicklin A Griffith, 60 83 Nicklin A Griffith. 60 K7 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 88 JVicklin AGrifhth, 66 97 Nicklin A Griffith, 60 81 Arthur Bell. Benjamin Gibbs, 23 35 Lr. J j. lieea. Nicklin A Griffith, 58 53 Nicklin A Griffith. 23 37 Nicklin A Griffith, 17 54 JNicklin A Griffith. 6 07 767 - Nicklin A Griffith. 46 71 1100 Nicklin A Griffith, 66 97 500 James McGhee, 439 135 Joseph Boon, 140 David Bell. Frampton Bell, Barnhart Henry, Moses Miller, Jon'a. Sherman, Michael Sheesley. Lendon Joseph, 17 12 3 20 10 27 07 13 33 4 59 57 47 10 59 33 40 22 37 31 11 43 18 24 39 70 50 70 50 40 60 29 15 44 35 98 41 01 25 52 Tax 60 83 60 88 33 33 10 81 11 89 1000 1000 1000 1100 998 433 920 350 2G3 106 39 25 26 79 4 84 16 60 10 61 10 20 5 90 5 72 5 83 249 100 100 75 50 100 B0GGS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax James Dixon. 89 John Thomas, $6 32 JLumadne J- Turner. 208 John Thomas, " 14 82 George Boicersox. 78 John Hall, 4 54 Hunter $ Brinkerhoff. 234 76 Joseph Drinker, 14 72 H. S. Urian. 408 76 II. S. Drinker, 29 07 ' Cram, Blake $ Perley, 429 41 Malam McDonald, 30 56 4'J 41 John Byers. 30 56 Thomas Reed. 100 John Montgomery, 7 13 W.A.Albert 4-Bro. 132 Geo. Ilootman, 9 40 70 Eh Ilootman, 2 20 George W. Gearhart. 80 Walter Stewart, 4 64 John Madle. 100 Hannah Stewart, 5 80 George D Morgan Ir Co. 158 61 John Montgomery, 11 13 95 146 Richard Thomas, 6 80 Fisher $ Powell. 119 90 Barbara Snyder, 6 59 75 John E. Shaw, 4 35 Josiah W. Smith. 205 ' Thomas Smith, 14 60 BEADFOED TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. . A. P. Barger. 102 35 John Campbell, $8 50 John Porter. 250 Blair McLanahan, 15 95 E. St Wm. F. Irwin. 437 17 Polly McLanahan, 13 31 Wm. Hitchem. 200 52 Francis West, 10 82 Matthew Forcee. 48 Mathias Slaymaker 2 John Wooldrulgt. 00 Wm.Sansom, 3 51 John W. Turner. 75 Wm. Bingham, 4 65 John Cowder. 225 James Duncan, 11 84 100 Abr. Lansberry, 3 44 . Same for 1855-7 9 13 100 Nehemiah Means, 2 52 John Stewart. 60 Paul Cox, 1 07 159 nail & Buck, 9 7C 100 . Jos. & W. Sansom, ; 5 37 150 V. B. Holt, 8 38 85 . Wm. Graham, jr. 3 30 85 ' John Graham, jr. 3 30 46 MBoggs' Heirs, 3 43 BEADY TOWNSHIP. No. Ao. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax. Geo. dr Calvin Baily. 3574 -102 34 Roberta A Fox, $9 13 M. I Roberts. 5682 86 Joseph Ferron, 8 18 50 Samuel Ambrews. 4 77 1434 5632 5877 5879 5881 58S5 7? ' TitiUs TZxtit. - 363 David Kennedy, 34 59 - John W. Neirvher ; " 86 Josenh Ferron, 4 90 Tilton Reynolds. ., 906 Henry Wycoff, 112 40 157 135 135 501 David Kennedy, 8 13 Rohert Ross. . Casper Stiver. 6 17 Josenh McClure. Joseph Ferron, 12 96 David Whitmer.. Joseph Ferron, 12 S9 M. LeusJ heirs. ; i Christian Sowr, 60 48 Geors-e Munn. 102 ; Roberts A Fox, 2 90 305 161 Ann Kennedy,-' 15 47 ; Same for 1856-7 18 34 323 331 John Dunlap, 31 53 100 Geo. A. Weaver. 5 70 25 Isaao Bover, : 1 23 Tax 1431 195 5631 5681 218 3609 BURNSIDE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per, Warrantees, Ac John Patchtn. 5602 100 John Nicholson. $10 79 5603 214 John Nicholson, . 16 9 5604 386 John Nicholson. : ,' 33 74 79 John Mailer. 9 03 -c 180 Abraham Witmer. : 19 52 : 114 Casper Shaffer, jr. 11 97 25 George Graff, 114 180 Samuel Roberts, . . 13 91 300 Daniel Witmer- 30 18 474 John Hublev. ' 51 23 100 Mathia3 Young, 9 91 - 3S3 Wm Bausman, ; . 44 77 203 Mary Roberts, u 21 84 76 John Tressler, 8 04 150 John Cummings, 14 84 v 2(U Martin Mailer, . 26 24 374 John Burgo, 37 13 293 JohnBurch, 34 22 165 Mary Jenkins, 16 33 347 John Tressler, 40 410 Casper Shaffer. 44 16 lloraen Patchin. 303 John Jones, 40 00 30.3 James Chapman, 40 00 290 Benjamin Tra3nall, 33 23 105 J. Backhouse, 13 91 John Irvin1 s estate. 311 TownsendSpackuian, 33 28 . 293 Rebecca Brown, ! ; 39 34 Jumes GaUasher.' 424 Mary Crawford, 40 77 Siepev Prestlev. 111 Christian Stake. 10 95 Josenh Mitchell. ; 100 Henry Musser, 4 66 Valeutitie King. : 115 Henry Musser, 5 33 310 Frederick Kuhn.; : 33 33 i r n T rr t mu sanies J.nompson, 4 oi 150 John Ryan, 12 23 Same for 1856-7,' 17 93 150 Eben McMasters, ' 12 23 Same for 1856-7 , 17 98 CHEST TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, etc. Tax, John Patchin. 153 Benjamin Youn&, $28 84 153 John Boyd, 9 32 153 Josiah HaynesJ 29 01 153 Thomas Hamilton, 37 05 153 MarlinWorthington,37 05 153 William Wilson, 34 08 John Witmer, 19 43 30 James Page, 35 54 Drinker & Clarke. 153 William Cook, 40 10 Daniel Gorman. 148 Henry Ferrel, 29 James Thompson. 31 Henry Pole, 14 Armstrong&Garnell, 7 18 John lrein's estate. 164 Christian Rohror, 23 00 153 John Brenneman, 40 08 Adam Hagy, 6 41 Wyatt Kitchen, 5 70 Isaac Bloom, 6 70 Barrett Brown, 2 85 Byers&Montgotnery, 4 00 Ac. 311 100 313 433 433 398 19o 416 433 316 100 36 190 433 150 100 200 150 82 150 100 25 433 160 63 200 200 100 100 140 108 William Decker, 6 41 Jefferson Jordan, 4 28 Johnllollis, 1 71 Isaac Kirk & Co., 47 48 John McPherron, 2 85 John Patton, 2 67 John Port, 11 40 John Swan, 11 40 James White, 4 99 George Mullen, 9 56 Fulton, 9 98 Jonathan Kephart, 9 23 COVINGTON TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Ter. Warrantee!, i-c. Tax. Anson G. Phepn. 5367 804 . George Mead, 922 01 57631083 George Mead, 29 65 5773 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5774 1100 George Mead, 30 12 5108 1100 George Mead, 3ft 12 5410 1100 GeorgeMcad, 30 12 53(59 1 048 George Mead, - 28 48 5378 4S3 George Mead, 13 21 5407 1000 George Mead, 27 38 5404 325 George Mead, 8 88 Frederieia Kartha.ns. 1893 578 Morris A Stewart, 42 20 1899 890 Morris A Stewart, 64 96 1902 889 Morris A Stewart, 64 8t 1942 5t5 Morris A Stewart, 39 78 Peter Lamm.' 1S92 200 Morris A Stewart, 12 73 H: tV O.Smith. 5367 250 George Mead, 18 26 Eldridge, Merrell &e Thompson. 53701100 George Mead, , . 30 12 5377 1100 George Mead, 39 12 DECATUR TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax. Georsre D . Morgan Sr Co. 417 124 Thomas P. Cope, 57 62 241 47 John Drinker. 33 35 123 JohnSkyron, 20 51 408 137 Richard Thomas, 56 40 358 137 Jacob Downing, 49 49 203 154 Hugh Ely, -23 12 210 70 Henry Drinker. 29 00 51 24 Benjamin Wilson, 7 04 106 115 Joseph Hambleton. 14 73 49 41 John Skyron, 6 75 167 138 Thomas P. Codo. 24 35 46 Wm. Montgomery. 6 31 262 1 Joseph Sanson. . 35 13 78 John Cannon, 10 74 97 Thoma3 Edmondson, 13 36 67 107 Georze Graff 9 2(5 20S 64 Wm. Sanson. 23 71 Bieler & Wrisht. 433 60 John Anderson, $42 17 433 60 Gilbert Vauet. I 42 18 Fitch & Bovntoa. 198 Joseph Harrison. 27 32 James 3IcGirk's eat ate. 391 159 Thomas Billineton. Peter Owens. 404 Charles Risk. . Ed. Wooldridse. 211 Patrick Moore. J. W. Smith. !02 Mary McLanahan. 300 Thomas Stewardson. John McGirk 241 22 Wilham Evans. ' - Richard Coplin. 84 137 Joseph Whitehall. 202 R. Conlin. t John & David Gearhart. 220 , Jacob Downinir. ' ' ' James Albert. 37 49 Joseph Sansom, 76 99 William Sanson, 9 30 A. B. Lowzi' ' 300 Casper Haines,! f 21 87 D. J. Pruner & Co. - 290 Eliz. & J. Harrison. 39 98 54 03 103 55 72 300 25 69 139 24 58 300 43 80 396 33 23 466 1171 382 14 74 228 30 05 234 5 13 100 Henry Kephart. 400 Samuel Hambleton, 29 16 90. Jacob Cox, 6 56 250 . Casper naines, 26 51 300 Joseph Harrison, 41 S7 Same for 1856-7, 40 20 100 Samuel Kay, 12 97 50 - John Weston, 8 150 Wm. Woold ridge, 23 15 , Same for 1856-7, 25 13 75 Daniel Philips, . , 4 88 195, George Goss, , 14 22 6 . Abraham Goss, ' ' . 4 05 100 Jonathan Kephart. 7 29 : T FERGUSON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, &c. Tax Greenwood Bell. 233 159 John Hambright, $20 92 John Patchin. 433 153 Daniel Turner, 20 92 A. Moore. 108 Mathias Slough, , 7 83 Charles Houston 433 153 George Ross, 30 90 100 Albert Bisbip, V 2 85 74 Lewis Jordan, . 6 36 50 Hiram Passmore, 2 14 100 Benj. Hartshorn, ''' 4 28 FOX TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. AVarrantees, Ac. Tax llenrv Lorain1 estate. 4200 4182 C60 James Wilson, 990 James Wilson, . Preston. ' James Wilson, J. C. French. Jas.Wilson, E.part, 10 17 U. O. XrflWrt Co. James Wilson, James Wilson, James Wilson", James WMlson, James Wilson, Sjmicer 6f Spiler. James Wrilson, Wm. II Gordon. James Wilson, ' Daniel Oyster's estate 44 James Wilson, 81 Alexander Vial. 183 James Wilson, 12 2, Rudolph II. Evans. 425 Jame3 Wilson, 12 C5 41S3 990 . 106 4271 4271 f 4241 4233 4242 1534 1535 4399 4393 4400 4310 4272 495 495 937 947 293 20 600 216 $13 54 20 11 10 13 68 83 64 52 24 43 1 64 49 20 14 84 14 07 19 5 80 Tax 5356 1100 5371 10S3 5357 1000 5360 1100 5364 1066 5365 752 5362 1008 5358 1048 5375 1033 5361 1100 5363 1100 5372 1100 5354 1008 5359 1000 5379 611 1S90 $13 93 14 13 20 14 52 14 07 9 89 13 30 13 81 14 30 14 52 14 52 14 52 13 30 13 19 12 44 James Wilson, , Benj. Davenport, GIRARD TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac Anson Cr. Phelps. George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Med, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, George Mead, A. & J. Spaceman. 307 45 MorrisAStewart,bal3 Thos. II. Fulton 6r Co. 543 Morris A Stewart, . Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, . Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stew art, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, Morris A Stewart, 1. V W. Murray. Morris Stewart, Reest ir Wearier. 508 100 Morris Stewart, 13 40 JMcto.'as liousxolet. 115 16 Morris Stewart, Anderson Murray. 114 Morris Stewart, Francis Coudriet. 254 120 Morris Stewart, 15 17 II. tV O. Smith. 50 - George Mead, 4 92 563 George Mead, 5 49 Smith & Graham. 201 Morris Stewart, Peter Lamm. 117 , Morris Stewart, 47 Morris Stewart, 97 103 Morris Stewart, J. P. Nelson. 50 Morris Stewart, 1833 1928 1929 1930 1886 1917 1916 3650 18S7 509 70 225 729 314 406 226 702 1SS8 150 1924 1913 ' 191S 1S90 5365 5306 1929 3647 3643 1837 22 41 3 17 5 64 9 26 21 86 5 53 2 78 4 79 8 20 1 80 72 5 21 18S6 1 00 Eldridge, Merrell & Thompson. 5352 798 George Mead, 12 49 5376 1100 George Mead, 17 22 535.3 1100 George Mead, 17 22 5355 1100 Georce Mead. 17 22 1936 103 ' Morris Stewart. 2 22 1926 256 Morris Stewart, 3 94 1933 143 151 Morris Stewart, 2 89 baine lor 18 )6-7, 3 86 1923 409 Irvin Powell, baL 5 36 No. 5313 653 5314 900 5315 1000 5316 1000 5317 1059 5318 1099 5319 1099 5320 1100 5321 1003. 5322 1100 5323 1100 5325 623 5323 1100 5331 1100 5325 200 1903 176 1834 1915 13 60 8 76 GOSHEN TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ae. Tax. Anson G. Phelps. George Mead, S9 79 George Mead, 14 83 George Mead, 16 57 George Mead, . 16 57 60 George Mead, 17 54 George Mead, 18 24 George Mead, 18 24 George Mead, 20 99 George Mead, 19 16 George Mead, 20 99 George Mead, 20 99 " George Mead, 11 84 George Mead, 20 99 George Mead, 20 99 Amos B. Merrell. 5239 330 . George Mead, 25 99 5290 4S3 George Mead, 33 43 5291 1100 George Mead, 86 63 Peter Rider. George Mead, 12 40 E. Irwin Son. Morris Stewart. 10 92 Thomas Graham. 300 Morris Stewart, Richard Shaw cr Son. 1922 124 156 Morris Stewart, JMatthew rorcee. 1923 383 Morris Stewart. 34 S6 Eldridsre. Merrell 6r Thompson. 5324 1100 Georze Mead. 24 89 6325 1100' George Mead, 24 89 5327 1100 George Mead, 24 89 5329 1100 George Mead, . 24 89 5330 1100 George Mead, 24 89 300 MapesLivergood 13 50 Same for 1856-7, 8 73 GRAHAM TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees. &c. Fitch. TiminJnn A Writrhf 438 George M'Lanahan. $47 Sam'L T.amthprr-n 100 George Moore. Ed. Albert $ Bro. 31 John Fry, jr. 4 99 Same for 1856-7. 2 46 Wm. Drinker's heirs. John Fry, jr. J. P. Nelson $ Co. - Reuben Haines, Jacob King, George Wetzel, t: . John Cook. Jacob Wetzell, Hippie, French & Co. Joseph Simmons, -John Cook. . j Reuben Haines, Reuben Haines, P. Ogden. William II. West, " Daniel W. Rradlev. 436 114 Robert Shaw, 431 114 Hyman Gratz, 40 T. Forcee . 145 T. Cope, ' Tax. 10 9 16 20 35 12 54 34 72 41 88 64 42 46 45 27 70 28 55 53 19 52 64 171 8 71 1 109 274 332 100 r 135 120 25 No. 5673 5674 5675 5066 5067 5672 4263 4264 4199 J. Graham. 8 4 John Thomas, 36 42 l?pnlpn Tlainps. 25 48 Same for 1856-7.. 51 04 Charles Hall, . 10 58 Thomas Dnncanson, 8 68 C. J. Allport, 7 80 Georee Stiver. 1 43 HUSTON TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. Warrantees, Ac. Tax . John B. Otto. 1 041 Moore Delancy,$102 05 1041 Moore Delaney, 102 05 1041 Moore Delaney, 102 05 990 Wm. Powers. 97 02 877 Wm. Powers. - 65 93 Henry Lorain 's estate. - 347 27'Moore Delaney. 26 08 990 , James Wilson, ' 22 83 990 James Wilson, 22 83 990 James Wilson, 22 83 "' - Fitch Ar Boynon. 375 E. Shoemaker, 31 77 .101 E. Shoemaker' 8 20 U.S Land Co 4235 986 James Wilson, 77 13 4226 990 James Wilson, 77 35 4229 965 123 James Wilson, 75 41 4230 507 James Wilson, 39 02 W. K. David. 50611113 Wm. Powers. 27 78 XT. Thayer & Z. Sisson 4902 100 Wilhelm Willink. 8 43 5063 298 Wm. Powers, 21 31 TFV. B. Gordon 4225 250 James AVilson, 21 19 4236 500 James Wilson, 42 40 200 J. G Kidder.. 19 60 195 David Caldwell, 12 15 4902 420 Wilhelm Willink, 41 29 4236 490 James AVilson. 43 73 4225 740 James AVilson, 66 14 5672 347 27 Moore Delaney, 29 37 5676 500 ; Moore Delaney, 42 40 5677 500 Moore Delaney, 42 40 JORDAN TOWNSHIP. Ter. Warrantees A Owners John W. Wright. 153 EbenezerBrenhara,$8 39 Patchin r Swan. 153 Richard Martin, 150 Thomas Martin, Robert Martin, Benjamin Young, Same for 1850-7 David McKeehan. David Brown, 5 02 Ac. 106 433 433 433 150 Tax 60 42 60 42 27 29 19 07 22 55 29 200 274 120 200 300 Edward James Gilligan- 15 40 5' Daniel Smith, John Coojier. Adam Kuhn, Samuel Jordan, 9 AVra. AVilson, 31 Same tor '56 & '57,30 John Patchin, 46 Same for '56 & '57,45 15 00 00 53 00 KARTHAUS TOWNSHIP. Ac. Per. AVarrantees, Ac. Tax Anson Cr Phelps. No, 5409 1100 George Mead, . 20 85 5411 1100 George Mead, 20 85 5412 747 George Mead, 14 15 5413 1043 George Mead, 19 79 5406 1100 George Mead. 20 85 5414 1100 George Mead, -20 85 5405 167 27 George Mead, 3 19 Fredenca Karthaus. 1900 600 Morris Stewart, 80 55 1901 778 Morris Stewart, 110 15 1943 507 Morris Stewart, 69 C5 1093 200 Morris Stewart. 26 85 Patton (y Irvin. 1429 555 120 AVm. Smith, 34 65 1430 563 138 ATm. Smith. 35 79 3552 573 120 Wm. Smith, 36 11 Irearge V aux. 95 Morris Stewart, 23 46 Henry Yothers. Charles AVillink, 3 80 E. McGarvey . Charles AVillink, 6 13 Charles AVillink, 1 33 Arnold Custer, 11 35 KNOX TOWNSHIP. Per. AVarrantees, Ac. Tax. Cram. Blake ir Perley. 48 Reuben Hsines, 66 04 50 Luke Morris, 65 89 153 Joseph Hilliard, 65 77 153 Robert Gray, C5 76 41 John Bringhurst, 65 CO 153 Sarah AVard, 65 77 153 George Eddy, 65 73 153 Moore AVharton, , 65 77 153 George Ashton. ' 65 78 John Patchin. 153 Israel Morris, 47 93 153 Benj. Poultney, 47 24 153 Martin Pierrie, 47 93 John Boyd, 29 01 Peter Loast, 15 65 AVm. Johnson, 15 65 Fitch V Boynton. 153 Isabella Jordan, 59 2 1 Thomas Jordan, 4 63 Wilson Hoover. 80 Silas AVilcot, 9 03 ll'in. Brown. Silas AVilcot, 15 65 Daniel Btmsma-n. Geo. Mary M'Corm'k.13 90 Same for 1356-7, 23 40 Wm. II. Robertson, 1134 Isaac Thompson, 56 70 Isaac Thompson, 12 51 Isaac Thompson, 6 25 ' Thompson Egleman, 11 92 LAWRENCE TOWNSHIP. No. Ac. Per. AVarrantees, Ac. Tax. Anson tr. Phelps. 5292 11oo George Mead. 15 68 Ceorge Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 15 68 George Mead, 15 63 George Mead, 5 09 - George Mead, 2 34 George Mead, 2 34 George Mead, 2 34 Solomon Kline. Roberts Fox, 1 17 William Bigler. m. Montgomery, 27 15 1944 513 1097 100 Sod 59 5412 393 Ac. 437 435 433 433 429 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 350 200 200 433 72 197 200 200 120 600 200 100 90 5294 11 oo 5295 lloo 5298 lloo 5299 lloo 5600 lloo 5301 lloo 5302 lloo 5303 lloo 5304 lloo 5305 lloo 5306 lloo 5307 lloo 5308 lloo 5309 lloo 5310 lloo 5311 lloo 5312 looo 2003 51 163 60 AVm Bovd. M. Nichol. 1995 77 Roberts Fox. Fitch If Boynton. 221 Hugh Jordan, 413 John Read, George Wilson. 94109Mar Martin. Eld rtdgr. Merrell & Tiomnoon 5293 1100 George Mead. 13 43 George Mead, 18 43 George Mead, 18 43 Robert Mitchell, E. Irwin Son. J. M. Nichols, 2 98 G. D. Goodfellow, 25 16 MOREIS TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees, fyc. R II. Long, Trustee. 153 Thomas Morris, 153 AVm. Morris, 153 Samuel Meredith, 153 Wm. Miller, 153 Hetty Morris, 163 Thos. Fitzimmons, 153 George Clymer, 153 Robert Gray, 153 Pat. Moore, ' 153 Mary Morris, 153 Magnes Miller, 153 Nalbro Fraier, . ----- W. II. Sa7ide.rxnn. 144 Francis Johnson, 53 12 150 John Nicholson, 24 48 5296 1100 5297 1100 90 490 2003 ) 07 1995 V1 337 Ac. 433 433 433 433 279 433 433 433 433 433 433 433 437 200 12 42 6 77 29 61 52 05 3 75 8 66 40 79 Tax. 45 90 45 90 45:90 45 90 29 61 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 45 90 V 45 90 100 400 170 105 100 90 223 402 208 327 373 421 282 407 143 379 360 170 272 40 1S3 60 100 244 231 50 50 50 125 433 407 203 433 100 96 f - " f Wm. Hoover: 153 Francis Johnson; George Slate. John Houston, Wm. J. Huff. Blair M'Lanahan, J.P Nelson & Co. James AVilson, 90 Robert Morris, 122 , AVm. Morris, J. A. Crawford. Simon Gratz, Henry Lorain's Estate. George Wettel, AVm. AVerti, , Christian AVertx, " David Lauck, Edward Pei Is d- Co. Jesse Yarnell, School for 1856-7. Geo. D. Morgan A- Co 44 Wm. Drinker, 92 II. S. Drinker, 63 Richard Thomas, 140 John Read, Michael Souder 141 Patrick Hay, ' E. L. Burton. 16 Robert Glenn. W. H. Rober tson. John Best, Snyder ir Large. ' Francis Johnson, James B. GraJiam. John Taylor, P. Kepple. John Nicholson, J. J. Lingle. James Smith, Same for 1356-7. Robert Thomas. Christopher Baker, Stcartz Cr Bower. Francis Johnson, Joseph Dippard. Blair M'Lanahan, Henry Crammond. Casper Shaffncr, George Gates. George Gates, 139 153 10 7S 2 SO lli J3 73 23 tl 484 25 flj 39 77 it 90 23 eg 04 3 47 21 68 3 7( 59 a 33 flj i s: 4 7J 9 01 25 W : 33 3 15 3 IS 4 55 1 S 45 3 43 (. 21 4 30 A3 45 30 11 4.1 10 30 No. Acres 5922 1100 14 5936 220 14 5937 200 5935 110 5933 400 5951 940 146 5959 98 133 5964 674 5953 1093 r 5925 1000 5952 1099 5954 515 5962 425 14 ir 30 163 75 AVm. Stewart, R. R. Smith, John Barron. Same for 1856-7, Robert Raincy, J. Farlow. J oseph Potter, PENN TOWNSHIP. Per. Warrantees Owners Tu ifiaw JJigler. Nicklin Griffith. ro gj Nicklin Griffith, U1S Nicklin Griffith, n SO Nicklin Griffith, 7 -,o Nicklin Griffith, 73 Nicklin Griffith, 61 C4 Nicklin Griffith, 6 34 Nicklin Griffith, 45 15 Nicklin Griffith, 70 f Nicklin Griffith, C 06 Nicklin Griffiih. 70 95 Nicklin Griffith' 53 C9 P. R. McN John Nicholson. Cochran Tract. AVm. Bigler, Greenwood Bell, Patrick Jlegartr, PIKE TOWNSHIP. No. Acres. Per. AVarrantees Owner James Ilonl-mx. 64 John Nicholson, 41 John Nicholson, 64 John Nicholson, 64 John Nicholson. Miller, DuBoi if Co 5733 1020 5785 819 5774 633 5775 820 3582 799 1429 70 5923 205 5931 206 5926 129 5776 2S0 145 5731 COO 5773 200 4259 990 4262 990 153 5777 1020 50 23 374 370 5779 334 450 476 300 3 10 3 23 12 90 3 63 . Tax. $35 45 2? f.r 23 3; 27 IS No. 1990 35S7 3( Roberts For A. B Reed's estate. S. Bloodget, Nicklin Griffith, Nicklin Griffith. Nicklin Griffith Wt'liam McCra. John Nicholson, Fitch V Boynton. Th omas Jordan, John Nicholson, John Nicholson, James AVilson, James Wilson, Benjamin Johnson, 24 John Nicholson, Daniel Hartsock, John P. Hoyt, K. Z. McNaul, R. Z. McNaul, John Nicholson, Daniel Bailey. AVm. S. Roberts, Same for 1 HS7 II. Leech John Patton, 7 83 UNION TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. AVarrantees Owners. J. W. llau-x. Roberts Fox, Ira rt land Irwin. Roberts Fox, 36 34 Henry Bailey, 5 70 David AA'ooIiner, i 70 200 350 50 50 U 97 3 95 11 13 11 13 11 97 4 41 9 1$ 20 4S 7 8$ 25 41 31 93 9 64 38 12 1 5 2 46 9 45 11 P2 16 07 13 39 7 51 6 81 Tax. S23 JO WOODWARD TOWNSHIP. Acres. Per. Warrantees Owners. George D. Morgan if Co. 231 305 335 436 100 57 119 193 433 433 237 210 215 436 433 216 436 334 216 433 41 433 433 433 100 433 456 158 427 410 240 230 314 64 82 43 151 145 Pieot Shaw Benjamin AA'ilson, George Baker, Benjamin AVilson, - John McCahen, Richard Atherton, Mary Connelly, James McGhee Co. Christian Stake. Mathias Young. Christian Hager, George Musser, Thomas Yedler, Daniel Offley, George Baker, jr. Timothy Paxton. John Burge, John Musser. jr. Joseph Ashbridge, Tigot Shaw, Sebastian Graff. Thomas Edmondson, s-r-shof. Mary Connell, Dr. D. Houtz. Philip Loast, Jacob R. HowelL AVilliam Johnson, George Beckham, Bigler ir Rtfd. John A'aught. Jonathan Walls, Joseph Best. Robert McGhee, John Patchen. John Cannon, Dr. James Lode. Henry Drinker, AVm. Drinker, J. Whiteside. AVilliam Sheaff, William B. Hegarty George Meek Henry Lorain. Israel AVheelan. Robert J. Wallace. 5 . Peter Henry, Hugh Ralston, J. Wolf. R. McGhee. Wright 4- Mengrs. 77 Samuel Einlen, Wm. B. Alexander ir Co. VnlonJ f Tuclahoe Sr Mt. P. Pl i Road Co 143 121 122 153 153 43 75 145 153 153 145 42 153 153 153 63 153 159 30 120 27 433 153 153 5 140 46 443 100 Tax. 24 95 28 31 34 00 36 23 43 18 10 82 6 22 12 86 20 67 46 92 46 92 25 63 22 7 23 40 47 23 4.5 ?9 23 45 47 21 38 11 23 ZS 47 34 2 75 46 S5 46 85 46 55 10 85 15 6 16 4i 6 51 45 IS 45 4S 25 9i 15 62 21 it 35 5? 4t 7 W 7 1 43 - 260 60 John m'-Ii.b 24 40 93 ' John IjimnKljirfc 10 William Albert if Bro. Eli Ilootman, . William AVilson, Lisle McCulIy, 157 Philip Diffenderfer, 5 Thomas Neal, Daniel Fulkerson, . Same for 1856-7 John Morgan, oame lor ibjmw, " - GEO K GOnrT.ATT)KR Tresnr Treasurer's Office, Clearfield, March 28, 121 100 100 16 215 200 300 13 05 10 t ess 1 15 23 3? 14 55 15 W 30 3 03 11
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers