p i) Li rt IS 15 I I 18 rt fill 4 i - 1 f i Raftsman's jjflttriml S. B. BOW, EDITOR AND PROPRIETOR. CLEARFIELD, PA., OCT. 26, 1859. INSUBBECTIOIT IN VIEOINIA. On our outside will be found an account, ta ken from a Southern paper, of aa "insurrec tion" which took place at Harper's Ferry, Virginia, on the 16th, 17th and 18th of the present month. Old Capt. John Brown, who, our readers will doubtless remember, had a valuable saw-mill in Kansas burned, one son so brutally used that he died from the eflfects of the treatment and another shot dead by the Border Ruffians, was, it appears, the con cocter and leader of this, insane and mistaken movement, the main object of which seems to have been to liberate slaves ia the States of Maryland and Virginia. When the "insurrec tion" was first announced, the force engaged in it was magnified into hundreds, but it is now rendered certain that it numbered, all told, seventeen infatuated white men, some of them over three score years of age, and five halt-naked "niggers." It seems Incredible that such a petty force should capture a town of nearly 2000 inhabitants, in a State wheie prowess and "chivalry" are supposed to grow spontaneously, and yet the fact is substantia ted by indubitable testimony. Insignificant, however, as it was, the consequences have been of the most deplorable nature, and the effects such as will be regretted by every right thinking man in the country. We are glad that the press, without an exception, and men of all political shades Republicans, Ameri cans and Democrats denounce the move ment, and characterize it as the work of a miserably deluded aad crazy man. And yet we find there are those who gloat over the e vent who seize upon it with avidity for the purpose of turning it into political capital Mho have openly expressed the wish that the occurrence had taken place before the late election, so that they could have raised a hue and cry against the People's party, and, by charging it with being responsible for the con duct of the handful of madmen who took part in it, have defeated our candidates. Poor, despicable creatures ! they would be none too good to incite and encourage "insurrections" like that at Harper's Terry, if they tfconght they could benefit the Democratic party by it. TVe regret it much that men, who express themselves in the manner stated, should be found within a thousand miles of Clearfield. We can tell them, however, that all their ef forts to saddle the responsibility npon the Op position will prove futile and recoil upon them selves ; and whilst we say emphatically that John Brown did wrong, acted unwisely and madly, and that he should bo punished to the extremity of the law, we think if any are to be blamed for his conduct, it should be those who, by disturbing him in the pursuit of a peaceful and lawful calling, burning his prop erty and murdering his children, made him what he is a monomaniac about slavery. .Some cute Locofoco politicians are trying to create the impression that the X. Y. Tribune justifies the conduct of Old Capt. Brown at Harper's Ferry. They are either grossly ig norant of that paper's views, or have not the honesty to give them correctly, for in speak ing of the "insurrection' it says it "deeply regrets this outbreak," and that "the whole affair seems the work of a madman." A man must be either "a knave or a fool" who will attempt to pervert the meaning of such plain words as those quoted. The organs of the Black Democracy will in all probability join in the effort named, but not one of them will have the moral courage to transfer to their columns entire the articles of the Tribute on this deplorable occurrence. See if they will. Official Tota for Assembly. By the following official return of the vote for Assembly in our Representative district, it will be seen that Gordon, Opposition, and Benton, Democrat, have been elected. The district has always been strongly Democratic, and Mr. Gordon and the party have good cause for rejoicing over his election. Gordon. Nio.hol. Rnvor. T?PTitnn. 1224 11G5 1414 1383 1057 837 818 5'B 599 649 3:1 44G 474 3151 329G 3324 Jefferson, McKean, Elk, Total, 1257 550 3365 Official Vote for State Senator. The following is the official rote for State Senator in this district : Uall, Opp. 2,734 1,331 1,219 Dnrbin, Dem. 1,281 2,070 1,382 4,733 Blair County, Cambria. Clearfield, Total, 5,344 4,733 Hall's majority, 611 A- conspiracy has lately been discovered in Turkey, which had for its object the over throw ol the Government, and the elevation of the brother of the Saltan to the Supreme Power. .The plot was discovered on the 18th Jilt., and on the 24th 3,000 persons had been arrested on account f it. A Court of Inqui ry, consisting of the highest officials of the empire, has been formed to investigate the affair. . ' Still another triumph ! Nebraska has elect ed Daily, Republican, as delegate toCongreas, PESITA ELECTION OFFICIAL EETTJBNS. Counties .2 f; -3 . ? "' Adams, - - . 2,529 2,539 2,520 2,546 Allegheny, - 7,934 4,720 7,930 4,729 Armstrong, - - 2,282 1,943 2,261 1,942 Beaver, - - - 1,756 1,131 1,748 1,132 Bedford, - - - 2,011 2,147 2,009 2.150 Berks,- - - - 6,251 7,444 6.451 7,208 Blair, .... 2,000 1,449 2,602 1,449 Bradford,- - - 3,743 1,639 3.733 1,651 Bucks, - - - 5,172 5,159 5,176 5,154 Butler, - - - 2,075 1,514 2,087 1,514 Cambria,- - - 1,593 1,868 1,581 1,900 Carbon, - - - 1,491 1,640 1,513 1,626 Centre, - - - 2,446 2,233 2,444 2,233 Chester, - - - 5,066 4,044 5,055 4,046 Clarion, - - - 632 1,216 531 1,225 Clearfield, - - 1,129 1,448 1,122 1,455 Clinton, - - - 1,226 1,600 1,255 1,580 Columbia, - - 1,005 1,782 1,070 1,808 Crawford, - - 2,766 2,141 2,765 2,125 Cumberland, - 2,921 3,224 2,932 3,234 Dauphin,- - - 3,331 2,217 3,284 2,277 Delaware, - - 2,097 1,280 2,111 1,261 Elk, - - - - 317 411 309 418 Erie, - - - - 2,325 1,119 2.299 1,144 Fayette, - - - 2,676 2,824 2,651 2,817 Forrest, - - - 37 30 37 31 Franklin,- - - 3,692 3,267 3,552 3,393 Fulton, - - - 716 851 715 851 Greene, - - - 785 1,596 760 1,588 Huntingdon, - 2.264 1,774 2,283 1,778 Indiana, - - - 1,922 827 1,932 795 Jefferson, - - 1,071 851 1,070 806 Juniata, - - - 1,223 1,309 1.223 1,309 Lancaster, - - 7,602 3,433 7,598 3,443 Lawrence, - - 1,351 520 1,339 420 Lebanon,- - - 2,451 1,289 2,461 1,283 Lehigh, - - - 3,013 3,856 3,622 3,S42 Luzerne, - - - 5,071 5,936 5,112 5.839 Lycoming, - - 2,590 2,949 2,608 2,904 M'Kean, - - - COO 587 C03 585 Mercer, - - - 2,770 2.225 2,755 2,222 Mifflin, - - - 1,372 1,439 1,376 1,434 Monroe, - - - 409 1.777 435 1,754 Montgomery, - 4,535 5,056 4,572 5,026 Montour, - - - 602 1,154 618 1,142 JToithampton, - 2,797 4,077 2,794 4,006 Northumberland, 1,602 2,159 1,642 2,167 Perrv, - - - - 2,070 2,052 2,069 2,051 Philadelphia, - 29.525 26,366 29.701 26.203 Pike, - - - - 135 721 127 720 Potter, - - - 918 502 893 517 Schuylkill, - - 4,879 4.534 4,966 4,469 Snyder, - - - 1,280 737 1,322 709 Somerset, - - 2,187 1,190 2,196 1,175 Sullivan, - - - 324 525 331 507 Susquehanna, - 2,807 2,091 2,805 2.092 Tioga,- - - - 1,940 1,042- 1,902 1,031 Union, - - - 1,303 840 1,375 829 Venango,- - - 2,022 1.837 2,022 1,844 Warren, - - - 1,139 757 1 129 759 Washington, - 3,745 3,390 3,749 3.396 Wayne, - - - 1,009 1,949 1.610 1,947 Westmoreland,- 3,803 4,163 3,780 4,152 Wyoming, - - 751 945 758 942 York, - - - - 4,983 5,203 4,941 5,265 Total, - - - 181835164544182282103970 164544 163970 Majorities, - 17,291 18,312 Some of tho Locofoco papers say that Ger rit Smith, whom they assail as implicated in John Brown's insurrection, is "a Republican ex-member of Congress." Mildly speaking, this is an nntrue assertion. All the world knows that Gerrit Smith not only never was a Republican, but has long been an ardent an tagonist of the Republican party. A year ago he did his best to defeat the Republican can didate for Governor of New Yort, preferring even that the Democratic nominee should be elected. Before that, when he was returned to Congress, it was not as a Republican but as an eccentric, independent advocate of the the ory that the Federal Constitution does not recognize Slavery, but is an Abolitionist in strument. When the Kansas-Nebraska out rage was being pressed through Congress, Mr. Smith refused to co-operate in the attempt of the Republicans to delay and prevent its pas sage by parliamentary strategy. At the same time, he advocated the acquisition of Cuba the great measure of Democrats and Fillibus ters. Such is the political record of Mr. Smith. We are not aware that he has ever a greed with the Republicans except in voting for Fremont, which he declared that he did from personal liking for the man, and not from sympathy with his party. A party press must be hard run when it has to resort to such pal try fabrications as that exposed, in its ef forts to make a little political capital. The leaders of the Black-Democracy will doubtless begin to suspect that Lccomptonism, "progressive Free Trade," and the other pe culiar doctrices which they advocate, has made their party "weak in the knees" in the "wild-cat" region. Tho People's party ha e now the Congressman, the Senator, the Judge, and one of the two Assemblymen in the dis tricts to which Clearfield is attached. All these districts were heretofore considered hopelessly Democratic. Model Democratic Judge. The papers of Baltimore are urging the Grand Jury to find a bill of indictment against Judge Stump, of the Criminal Court of that cily. The Judge, it will be recollected, sentenced a number of the "blood tub" rioters, who had been found guilty by a jury of rioting, rape and murder, to two days' imprisonment, and a fine of fifty cents. This model Judge was elected by the Democratic party of Baltimore. The Memphis Avalanche (portentious name !) openly accuses Senator Douglas of "treason to the Democratic party," and says : "The little apostato has drawn from the Democratic party his vitality, as the mistletoe extracts from the oat its substance." "What." it indiznantly asks, "has this rebellious demagogue done,that the Democratic party should now bug himto its bosom and strike down a faithful President 1" The season wanes and the nights grow cool ; bat the coolest thing we have seen lately is the following from The Pennsylvania : 13 ev,ldent that the Opposition intend te ntDe' 10 Feisylvania, their game of de tkinJL m relation the tariff : the cry that of FrTr Par'yftie nation U in favor oflreeTratle they know to be false." ho has that Lat ? E. C. Wilson, Adjutant General or the State of PennsylvaDia bM Uken 4Q wbjch "ere in possession of the Colored Military "Z7 Philade,Pa, which paraded n that city a few months since. SUMMAEY OF NEWS. The St. Louis Express of the 24th Septem ber says : About ten days ago, a tremendous drove of gray squirrels, numbering hundreds of thousands, suddenly made their appearance on the Meramac, covering the trees and waters like a pall. Thousands of them wero after wards found dead in the river and on the ground. They crossed the Mississippi at that point, and worked their way down the river, until on Wednesday they reached Cape Girar deau, crossing the river at that point in count less myriads. The citizens turned out en masse, and killed them by hundreds. Every tree and bush in the vicinity swarmed with them until night, when they all disappeared, and have not been heard of since. Their route was marked as by a devastating storm. Trees were girdled and fields destroyed. Old French settlers predict a very severe winter, as it was noticed in 1834 and '52, that immense droves of squirrels made their appearance, followed by intensely severe weather. Bloody Engagement. A bloody engage ment, between whites and Indians, took place recently, on the Arkansas river, near Fort Smith. There were seventeen Indians "on one side, and five Americans, two unarmed, on the other. At tho end,elcven Indians were killed, and Pool, an American, was shot with an ar row, which he had to cut out ; and after per forming incredible feats, he was finally killed in a third attack. Sawyers and Bradley, of the same party, shared the same fate, and out of the five but one escaped. About a week ago a woman who rejoices in the cognomen of "Dancing Sail" stole a horse near Rochester, N. Y. A reward of $100 be ing offered for her arrest, she was pursued by a constable, who overtook her, and for safe keeping confined her in the third story of a hotel, from whence she escaped during the night by the aid of her bed-cord, and finding the officer's horse was superior to her own, exchanged steeds, and made her escape. Prize-fighting is certainly becoming fright fully popular. The other night five ladies of St. Louis repaired to a vacant nail, two of them being principals, two seconds, and the fifth a referee, to decide an "affair of honor." They fought several rounds, and the encounter final ly became a free fight, in which several eyes were blacked, teeth swallowed, noses bloodied, and fine tresses damaged. A progressive age ! The grand jury of Allegheny counly have found T. J. Rutherford guilty and returned six true bills against him, on the oaths of females for misconduct. Mr. Rutherford was superin tendent of the House of Refuge, and sustain ed a high character for moral worth until re cently. His case is a hard one, having to sut ler vengeance of the law on the oaths of some of the most debased and abandoned females. At noon, on Saturday the 22d instant, in the Maryland penitentiary, a convict refused com pliance with the orders of the Deputy Warden, who, whiist enforcing the command, was seiz ed by the convict and stabbed twico in the neck. Immediately Gregory Darret, another officer of the penitentiary, fired two shots at the prisoner, inflicting a fatal wound. It is thought the Warden will die of his wounds. A Vigilance Committee in Lafayette parish, La., visited the house of Bernard Lacouture, who had been "warned" on the night of the 30th nit., and calling him to the door shot him dead. The mother of tho victim attempted to get a warrant for tho arrest of his murder ers, but the magistrate refused to receive her statement, and the coroner resigned rather than hold an inquest over the body. . As the train going west over the Great West ern railway, a few nights since, was moving along the shore of Lake St. Clair, a heavy fog prevailing at the time, a flock of wild ducks came rushing against the cars, four af them entering the open door of the baggage car, which was quickly closed, and the game cap tured. The spoils were divided between the conductor and the baggageman. The Indians in Southwestern Texas are be coming very formidable and daring, in conse quence of the removal of the United States troops. The white residents of Western and South-western Texas are greatly alarmed at the menacing attitude assumed by the In dians. It is expected that troops will bo im mediately sent to the relief of the inhabitants of the threatened districts. In New York city, on the morning of the 20th Oct., a police officer was attracted to a houso by the piteous cries of children. On entering, he discovered the dead body of a woman, with her three helpless offspring weep ing around the body because they could not awaken her. Sho died from intemperance"! Her husband is now in the penitentiary, as an habitual drunkard. A new Filibustering expedition pgainst Nicaraugua is said to bo in course of prepara tion, with larger resources and composed of a better class of followers than any of the for mer ones. The examination of the filibusters, who were recently arrested, has commenced at New Orleans. No important 'evidence has yet been elicited. The Fincastle, Virginia, Whig says : "We announce the fact that there were sixteen bears killed by two persons in this county last week and we bear of several other gentlemen who killed from one to three each. We have no doubt there have been at least trni hundred bears killed in Botetourt county in the last 60 days. The St. Louis Republican of the 20th con tains a despatch stating that a party of men had arrived the day before from Pike's Peak, bringing with them $100,000 in gold dust. Seven men were killed by an explosion at Dupont's powder mill, on the Brandywine, Delaware, on Saturday the 22d inst. By a fire which occurred in Leavenworth, Kansas, on the 20th inst., property to the val ue of $120,000 was destroyed, . PENNSYLVANIA ITEMS. " ' PRFPAR.EB FOR TUB "RAFTSMAW'S JOUKSAI.. Westmoreland County. A son of Capt. John Miller, of Hempfield township, agea a bont 15 years, whilst walking on the railroad track, on the 17th inst., was struck by a loco motive, knocked down the embankment and severely injured. ... On the 17th, Mr. Clem ens, of Greensburg, had his back and one leg badly injured, by the falling down of an im mense mass of slate in a coal mine at Penn stadt, part only of which, struck him. ... On the 16th, a little girl of Jamts Dugan, of Greensburg, aged about three years, in com pany with another little girl, during the mo mentary absence of her mother.had her clothes set fire by a candle which they had lit, and was so badly burned that sho died next day. ... On the 6th, Peter Fingle, employed at Coch ran's salt works in Hempfield township, fell into a salt kettle and was terrible if not fatal ly injured. . . . Augustus Hostler, who went to Kansas about 4 weeks ago, deposited $850 in a bank, in Leavenworth. Wanting to make use jf the money, he drew it out and placed it in his trunk. In the morning he found it missing, some one having stolen it during the night. ... A man named James Thompson was put to jail in Greensburg on a charge of setting fire to Lynch's school house in Alle gheny township, whereby it was destroyed. Cambria Couxtt. Mr Jacob Tost and wife, of Carroll township, whilst returning home from Ebensbarg on the 6th inst., were thrown from a small wagon and severely injured, the old lady having her right arm broken in two places, and the old gentleman getting one of his ribs broken. The parties are each about 70 years of age, and are rapidly recovering from their injuries. . . .The dwelling house of Mr. Win. McGahey, of Munster township, was burned to the ground on the night of the 10th inst. The origin of tho fire is unknown. Loss about $500. ... On Tuesday night, the 18th inst., at about 11 o'clock, a fire broke out in a row of frame buildings east f the bridge which connects Johnstown with Conemaugh Borongh, and before it could be stopped, five of the buildings wero consumed. Several poor families were rendered homeless and al most destitute of clothing by the calamity, although most of their furniture was saved. The fire is supposed to have been the work ol an incendiary. . . . The brick walls of the new German Catholic Church in Cambria City, were blown down by the violent storm of tho loth. The loss falls heavily on th contrac tors, Messrs. Easly & Son. Indiana County. Mr. John McNeal, Sr., of While township, was knocked down and badly bruised by the large door of his barn blowing shut, on the 15th, and striking him. ... A large bear was killed near Diamonds Mills on the 12th ; another one made its escape. . . . On the 11th, Mr. George McCartney, an aged and respected citizen of White township, whilst working in his corn-field,was attacked by heart disease, which caused almost instantaneous death. On the same day, Mr. Francis Meloy, whilst sitting in a chair at home, died from a similar attack. ... A portion of the brick walls of the new school house in Indiana Bor ough, was blown down by a strong gust of wind on the 11th. . . . On the 14th, a son of Mr. David Mitchell, of Washington township, was out hunting, when by accident the gun was discharged, and the contents, entering his side, produced a severe, but not a dangerous wound. Venango County. On Saturday, the 8th inst., a fatal atlray took place in Sandycreek township, between Vancount Vossler and Wm. Donahue, which resulted in the latter being struck on the head by a stone, which fractured his skill I, and caused his death on the following morning. They resided near each other, and were on good terms until a day or two previ ous, when some diliiculty occurred between their families. They met on the evening re ferred to, and after some warm words came to blows. Donahue stooped to pick up a stone, when Vossler picked up one quickly and threw itathim with tho above result. Vossler hag not been arrested, and is supposed to have left the country. Armstrong County. The house of Rev. Jamison, was entered on Friday night the 14th Oct., and robbed of a gold watch, from $16 to $20 in money, and a pair of pants. Entrance was effected by means of an instrument, with which the perpetrators succeeded in turning the key on the inside. The same night the store of Wilson Sproul, at the same place was entered, but nothing carried off. The lock of Gen. Anderson's store was also turned, but entrance prevented, owing to the door being secured by an inside bolt. One of the windows of tho Priest's parsonage was raised, but the servant overhearing it, gave the alarm, and they fled. Centre County. A large black bear, week before last, crossed from Nittany Valley to the mountain, near the residence of Mr. Jacob Barnhart. Bruin was taking things leisurely, and though pursuit was given, made his es cape. . . . Martha Furnace and the steam saw mill adjoining, were recently cosumed by fire. The loss falls heavily on the owner, Jack Thompson. . . . John Carr, a colored man, was committed to jail in Bellefonte on the 11th, charged with stealing a coat from Mr. Michael Lepkichler. Wakren County. Tuesday, Oct. 11th, Lawrence Mowrer, living a mile below the town of Warren came to his death in a singu lar manner. He has been out to Dunkirk af ter a load of Goods, cn his return he stopped at the village of Sinclearville,Chautauque Co., N. Y., to stay over night. In driving his load into the barn of tho village hotel.Mr.Mowrer's head came in contact with a beam, causing al most instant death. Elk County. Roscncrantz and Rowlee, convicted of horse-stealing,were last week taken to the Penitentiary in Allegheny City, by Sheriff Healy. . . . The old Rough & Ready Mill, about a quarter of a mile above Ridg way, was destroyed by fire on the 11th inst. Tho mill belonged to the Sunbury & Erie Railroad Company. The loss is only the value of the building. Mifflin County. John Swigart, an eld citizen of Oliver township, was found dead in his barn a few weeks ago. He had left the house an hour or two for the purpose of attend ing to the cattle, and probadly died from ap oplexy. Crawford County. The famous Oil fac tory of Mr. Drake, in Titusville, was destroy ed by fire on tho 9th inst. The loss is estima ted at $10,000. The "hole" from which the oil is drawn is left unharmed. Potter County. The, house of Mr. Henry J. Leach in Hector township, was robbed of goods to the value of over $100 on the night of the 5th inst. Much has been said of the Eastern Escula pius' labors for the sick ; not one half has yet been told of the indomitable perseverance of this singular man. Imbued with the convic tion that Scrofula is tho parent of disease, he has been years engaged in searching the boun daries of the earth, for its antidote. With vast labor has he canvassed the products of sea and land through both continents until he hag discovered that combination of remedials which expurges this human rot and corruption from tho system. This new invention we now offer in our columns under tho name of Ayer's Sarsaparilla.altnough Us virtues are from sub stances far more active and effectual than Sar-saparilla, FOEEIONNEWS.. The steamship Anglo-Saxon, with Liverpool dates to the ICth inst.; passed Father Point for Quebec at 8 a. m. on the -3d. The diffi culties in the Zurich Conference still remain ed unadjusted and the prospects of s favora ble termination of its lal ors were not encour aging. The Great Eastern had made a suc cessful trip from Portland to Ilollyhead.whence it was reported, she would proceed to' South ampton, to remain for the Winter. The Brit ish Cabinet was seriously divided on the Chi nese qneston. Sir Robert Stephenson, the em inent engineer.was in a dying state. The Lon don builders' strike still continued, and the hopes of its speedy adjustment had been des troyed. The Vnivers bad received a 'warning for an article on Cochin China. Spanish troops were about to enter Moorish territory ; the Spanish Consul at Tangiers had received or ders to quit his post. Where will they Go? Since the result of the late elections have become known, it is conceded on all sides that Douglas is played out. His strongest friends admit that he has no longer the semblance of a chance of get ting the Charleston nomination. Had his friends succeeded in carrying Ohio, Iowa and Minnesota, they would have gone to Charles ton and put in a strong claim for him on the ground ol availability. They would have in sisted that he was the onlj' man who could carry enough Northern States to elect a Dem ocrat President, and pointed to what he had done in the North-Western elections this fall. But all that argument is gone to the land of dreams, and at Charleston he will scarcely be mentioned except as the late Mr. Douglas. For the next six months the wire-pullers will be actively employed canvassing the strength of the various candidates. Chicago Press. It is said that Governor Wise is not very complimentary to the people f Harper's Fer ry, imputing to them cowardice, in allowing such a handful of men to hold a population of nenrty two thousand inhabitants prisoners for twenty-four hours. He also spoke of the fact of eight or ten men keeping forty or fifty citizens in confinement. One replied "Well, Governor, but you must remember we were picked together like sheep." "Yes." replied the Gov.. "I know tint; and I must say, I think you acted like sheep also." A man in New York recently bought a clock at auction for fifty cents. About a week ago he sold the clock to another man, who after taking it home, discovered that a looking glass in the back of the clock was broken, lie took out the glass to have it replaced by a new one, when he discovered notes of the Bank of England to the amount ol" ten thou sand dol lars. It is reported that the heirs of tho es tate to which the clock belonged are going to commence suit for the recovery of the money. Judge Terry, who killed Senator Brolerick of California in a duel, has been arrested and held to bail in the sum of S 10,000. After giving bail the accused was released. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Ad vert i seme His srt up with larsntyjte or out of usual styl trill be char gal double price for space occupied. CLE AUFIELD RIFLE COMPANY You will meet for parade drill, in full uniform, with your arms antl equipments in good order, at Shawsville, on Saturday. November 12th, 1S59, at 10 o'clock, A. M. v order of the Captain, Oet2(i. S. A'LEX. FULTON, 1st Serg t. TO BUILDERS. Scaled proposals for build ing a Church in Pcnnsvillo will be received, by the undersigned building committee, until the 10th of Deconiher. Plans and specifications can be seen at Joseph G. llusselTs at anv time prior to that date. ABRAHAM SPENCER, JOS. (. RUSSELL. CHARLES M. GOFF, GEO. FULLERTON, ELISUA FEN TON. Pennsville.Oct 24,'59. Jluildinj Com. CAUTION. All personsare hereby cautioned against purchasing or in any waj meddling with a lot of Wheat, Uye, Oats, Corn and Buck wheat in the barn, and 2 Calves, 5 Hogs and 1 Log Sled, now in possession of Jacob Waggnors of Mor ris township, as the same belong to me and hare been left in said Waggnors care, subject to my order only. VALENTINE HOFFMAN. Frenchville, October 2C. ISiitf-St. AD.MlNISTKATOll'S KOTIC.E. Letters of Administration on the estate of JohnS. Curry, late of Pike township, Clearfield coun ty, Pa., deceased, having been granted to the un dersigned ; all persons indebted to said estate are requested to makn immediate payment, and those having claims will present them duly authentica ted for settlement. WM. A. BLOOM. Pike tp.. Oct. 2i), 1359. Administrator. 1359' ,rjl"55ifew; 1S- r V- MERCHANT AND " I EXTENSIVE DEALER IN SQUARE TIMBER, YE-r.. BOARDS, SHINGLES, AC, , vK- re .- " JTflY PIT AUK lSi . -"'-fl '"SoTfirtKt assortment ojl o Octl3 13i9- 1859. FALL TRADE ! in"A PITTSBURGH, PENN"A. 10?JJ. A CARD. Tho undersigned have just received and are now offering the largest and most varied stock of FRESH GROCERIES ever brought to this market ! In connection with tho above. they are constantly supplied with choice brands of tnevariousgradcsof JrLUUK! Also, Bacon and Cheese; Whale, Tanner's and Lard Oils; Mess Pork; together with all kinds of Pittsburg Man ufactured articles. All of which will be sold Low for Cash. The Merchants of this place are invi ted to call bcfoie purchasing elsewhere. At tho Old Stand. WM. M. GORMLY & CO.. 271 Liberty st., opposite Eagle Hotel. Pittsburgh, Pa., October 23, 185'J-2iu. BIT ALL'S PATENT STUMP PULLER, JLi is now oemg exoiDitcd in Clearfield county . 1 " : - 1 - l , , ... - xi is a new luing, is aumirauiy aqapiea lo Stump pumug. ana is capaoio oi raising trotu 40 to 100 iuu5, uucuruuig iu mo cizovi mo luaeiiine. tome of tho prominent men of the county have pur chased machines and farm rights, and find that they are all that they are represented. The ma chine is of simple construction, and two men can by it raiso from 30 to 50 stumps of ordinary sizo in a day. For particulars in regard to prices. o., inquire at the "Raftsman's Journal" ottice, Clear- Held, l'a., or of W. S. HAWKINS, October 19, 1859. . Agent. TROS ! IRON!! IRON !!! We. the under JL signed, would respectfully inform the public inai aaving nreiy repairea tne works commonly known as tho 4-OId Alleghany Forie." near Phil- ipsburg. wo are prepared to manufacture all kinds of hammered iron, fuch js Slrdsr Mould.. Crow Bars. Horse-shoe Bars, Satonull B.irs. Wann. Tire of all sizes, Sciliu Iron, Shovel Plow-sluires. 7' " . rj. . ... ... . ' l arge w jriimace j. oois, cfc. v o will also man ufacture Iron for machinery, which, for strength and durability, commands a high standing in the estimation of all good machinists. Persons wish ing any ot the above iron can bo accommodated on short notice. It is unnecessary to dwell on the superior qualities me Hammered iron possesses roweu iron, as persons using botn are soon convinced of the superiority of the former. The people of Clearfield will find it to their advantage io use ie Hammered iron, both for strength and durability. Country produce aud scrap iron of every size and description taken in exchange for nammcrod iron. AU orders will be promptly at tended to by addressing the firm of 11. HETHEKLIN A. CO.. Scpt.l47d3-6ni. Philipfcburg, Centre Co.. Pa. ENUINE FLAX-SEED OIL. D OIL. 31,12 F. GEO. W. RIIEEM Ion, for sale by October 1, 18i'J -3t. i tearBeld. Pa. R EMOVAL. The nndersieced wonM ; . bis friends and customers that he ha. a Shaw'a new Row, Cleaifield.ra., where he hfr,r pared to accommodate all who ma v furrr " : . 1. .1. . ti , J .IVI u-tt mm mcir tu.'iuui. a uaumui lor past favorj hm now solicits a conticuacce tifpatronaee Oct. 19. 1859-4t. GEORGE RICH ARBS BIBLES. The Bible Society of Clearfield eo hereby gives notice that their hooka, name' ly, Bibles and Testaments, are deposited in the of fice of James Wriglcy, Register and lUeordcr Clearfield. The books are of various sizes aD( t. dapted to supply either private individuals or San day Schools at very cheap rates. Very substan tial bibles can be had aa low aa 25 cents apiece, and testaments as low as 61 cents apiece. The people of the county generally are aho lr vited to leave with Mr. Wrigley any donation thev may be plecsed to make in aid of the funds of tic Society. Signed by order of the Executive Com mittee. ALEX. McLEOU, President A rPLI CATION FOR BANK CHARTER aTL Notice is hereby given that an application will be made by the undersigned to the next Le" gislature for the passage of an Act incorporat tx a Bank to be called the '"CLEARFIELD COUNTY BANK." to be located in the Borough of Clear, field. Pa., with a capital of One Hundred Then sand Dollars, with the privilege of increasing it to Two Hundred Thousand Doltara. J. F. Weaver, Thos. J. McCulIough. Ieaac John son, C. D. Watson. D. F. Etzweiler. James Alexsi der. Jon. Boynton, M. A. Frank. Richard Mo4..p A . K. Wright. W. p. Irwin, S. B. Row. June 29. ISo'.t. Look ii eke, c;e.tli;men ! wagon SHOP AHEAD'.:!! '1 he subscriber thaikfd for past favors, takes this method of informing his old cuitmcrs aud the public in general, thnt he has removed his ahoj from the Foundry lo tbs shop formerly occupied by George W. Orr, on Sec ond street, Clearfield. Pa., where be will continue to manufacture Wagona of every description, tj order, of good material and in a wotknianlike manner. Also. Wheelbarrows, Harrows, Grain cradles. Ac. mad on short notice, in superior style, and of the best stock. Repairing of every kind done with dispatch, and on reasonable termj June 29. ISiU. WILLIAM R. BROWN. GROCERY AM) PROVISION STORi:. Mar let Stre.t, Clear fied. Pa. The under signed would inform liisoI J customers and friemii that he has opened :i iiew stock in the building which he erected on Market street, eat f -Clearfield House" and immediately opposite K. Morop's store, where Lc will serve customers wi:li SUPERFINE, EXTRA. AND FAMILY FLOfR. at as cheap rates as it can be sold in thi3 section of country. He also keeps oa hand and for sabj BACON. COFFEE. SUGAR. MOLASSES. TEA. R ICE. C N FE C f I ) S A K I ES, CRACKERS, N I TS , TOBACCO. CIGARS. AC , AC. Abo. variety f choice liquors, tnionj which is Pale llratt'ly. Blarl lirrru liraiidy, Cherry Bran dt, llye 11 Jiislu. Port iir. Common Brandy Whisky, o-c, ali of which he will dispose of at reasonable rates, and to which he invites the at tention of those who desire anytliing in that line. Country produce taken in cxcLange for goods, at cash prices. Give lue a call. A use. 21. 1S.VJ. THOMAS ROBINS. SCROFULA, OR KING'S EVIL, is a con stitutional disease, a taint, orcorrujition of the blooi, by which this fluid becomes vitiated weak, and poor. Being in the circulation, it pervades the whole body, and may burst out in disease on any part of it. No organ is free from its attack, aor is there one which it may not destroy. Ihw scrofulous taint i variously caused by mercurial disease, low living, or disordered or unhealthy food, impure air, fiiih and filthy habits, tb depres sing vii?es, and. above afl. by the venereal infec tion. Whatever be its origin, it is hereditary in tho constitution, descending from parents -to children unto the third and fourth generation;" indeed it seems to be the rod of Him who says. "1 w ill visit the iniquities of the fathers upon thdirchildren." It effects commence by deposition from the blood of corrupt and ulcerous matter, I.ioh. in the lungs, liver, and internal organs, is termed tubercles ; ir the glands, swellings; and on the surface, erup tions or sores. This hul corruption, which gen ders in the blood, depresses the energies of life, so that scrofulous constitutions not only sutler from scrofulous complaints, but they have far less power to withstand tie attacks of other diseases; cocse quently, vast numbers peri.-h by disorders which, although not scrofulous in their nature, are still rendered fatal by this taint in the system. Most of the consumption which deceuunates the human family has its origin directly in this scrofulous con tamination, and many destructive diseases of tho liver, kidneys, brain, and indeed, of all the organs, arise from or are aggravated by the same cause. One quarter of all our people are scrofulous ; their personsare invaded by this lurking contamination, and their health is undermined by it. To clcansu it from the system we must renovate the blood by au alterative medicine. and invigorate it by healthy food and exercise. Such a medicine wc supplv iu Ayers Compound lixtrjet of irsaxaritlJ, the most effectual remedy which the medical ekill of our times can devise for this every where pre- ailing ana iutai maiauy. ills combined iroru tho most active remedials that have been discovered for the expurgation of this foul disorder from th Dloort, and the rescue of the system from its des tructive consequences. Hence it should be employ ed for the cure of not only scrofula, but also those other affections which arise from it, such as Erup tive and Skin Diseases, St. Anthony's Fire, Rose, or Erysipelas, Pimples, Pustules, Blotches, Blaics ana loils, lumors, letter and bait Rheum, Scald Head. Ringworm, Rheumatism, Syphilitic anl Mercurial Diseases, Dropsy, Dyspepsia, Debilitj, and, indeed, all Complaints arising from Vitiated or Impure Blood. The popular belief iu 'impuri ty of the blood''' is founded in truth, for scrofula is a degeneration of the blood. The practical purposo and virtue of the Sarsaparilla ii to purify and re generate this vital fluid, without which sound health is impossible in contaminated const ituticci. AYER'S CATHARTIC PILLS, for all the purvy ies of a family jdiysie, are so cmposed that dis ease within the range of their action can rarely withstand or evade them. Their penetrating pro perties search, and cleanse, and invigorate every portion of the human erganism. correcting its dis eased action, and restoring its healthy vitalities. As a consequence of these properties, the inali -who is bowed down with pain or physical deb ity is astonished to find his health or energy r: stored by a remedy at once so simple and inviting Not only do they cure the evcry-day complain; of every body, but also many formidable and dan gerous diseases. The agent below named is pleas ed to furnish gratis my American Almanac, con taining certificates of their cures and direction for their use in tho following complaints: CVt tivenes.i, Heartburn. Headache, arising from dis ordered Stomach, Iraitea. Indigestion. Pa;n in ami Morbid Inaction of the Bowels, Plattdeney. Loss of Appetite, Jaundice, and other kindred complaints, arising from a low state of the body or obstruction of its functions. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, for the rapid cure of Coughs, Colds, Influenza, Hoarutitss. Croup, Bronchitis, I net pi cut Consumption, and for the relief of Consumptive Patients in advanced stages of the disease. So wide is the field of it usefulness and so numerous are the cases of iU cures, that almost every section of country aboutds in persons publicly known, who have been restor ed from alarming and even desperate diseases of the lungs by its use. Whon once tried, its superi ority over every other medicine of its kird is too apparent te escape observation, and where its vir tues are known, the public no longerhesitate what antidotes to employ for the distressing and danger- ous affections of the pulmonary organs that are in cident to our climate. While many inferior reme dies thrust upon the community have failed and been discarded, this has gained friends by every trial, conferred benefits on the affiicted tbev can never forget, and produced cures too numerous and too remarkable ever to be forgotten. Trep-red by Dr.J.C.AyerirCo .LowelLMw. All our Remedies are for sale by C D Watson and M. A. Frank, Clearfield ; E. F. Brenner, Mor risdale : C. It. Foster, Philipsburg ; John Bicg Unionvillo: Wm. Irvin, Curwensville ; Samna Arnold, Luthersburg ; and by all Druggists, thro out the country. July 6, lfr5(J-Deo 2'J. lSSSdy. C1ARPETS, Oil Cloths, Window Shades. As , eta J be procured at tho store of May 12. JOHN TAITON. Cur itnbl G r T
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers