u U Til 4 :? SI i 11 TERMS. Ta JorBSAL r published yery Wadae-day at Om Dollar ad Firr Cests per annum in advance, or Two Dollars within tha year. Advertisement inserted atfiftyoenta per aqnara, of twelve lin, for the first, and twenty-fire eenta for each additional insertion. A liberal dednetion mad to those who advertise by the year. The 'Terms' will be strictly adhered to. Ko paper discontinued without payment of ar rearages, unless at the option ot the publisher. ; Cart your Bread upon the Waters, for after many days ye shall find it. A Cert aia Cure "for all Kheumatio Paim. iost cosrursx rt kt rr, it caxxot tail. ' Z. . E. C. ALLEN'S COXCEXTRATED ELECTRIC PASTE, ASP ARABIAN PAIX EXTRACTOR, FOR MAX A HORSB. Copyright sccitrel according to Law. SMAL- JAR 50 CENTS, LARGE JAR 51. TIIEElectrio Paste acta upon the Muscles.Ten deus, and upon the wholo nervous system, re moving torpidity and producing healthy action of the blood. There being no volatile matter in its cunipcaition.it remains in action until itaccoia plishesits work. It cannot lose its strength, and is altogether harmless, iu constituent parts being entirely vegetable. WHAT WILL IT CUKE? TTe answer Itheomi.tie Pains, when everything else fails, Cramps. Choiic, Cough. Chilblains. Bares. Scalds. Sprain?. Headache. Toothaches wel lin"S, Bruise. Sore?. Ringworm. Tetter. Stiff Joint?, Contracted Chord. Fresh Cuts. Ulcerated Sores.an 1 all Scrofulous Dif.'es where external remedies can bo used. Pore Throats, Stiff Necks, ie. WHAT IT WILL CL'KK for Howes and Cattle. Sweeny, .Spavin. Fiotnlas. Poll Evil, Windfalls, Cleers. Choiic, Sprains. Collar and Saddle Ualls. Stone Broises, Stiff Joints. Vertigo, Splints and Running Sores. J-fNone genuine but tho?5 having tho words E. C. Allen's ConcentrarM Electric Paste, or Ara bian Pain Extractor. Lancaster. Pa..:' blown in the bottle rLook out for counterfeits. Don"t for get to ask for ALLEN'S. Letters upon business, address, E. C. Allen, care of H. A. Kovkafield A Co., Lancaster. Pa. frSTor gale at the Druz Store of Charles D. Watson, Clearfield, Pa., and country storekeepers and Druggist throughout the Mate mayil ao-iy A VALUABLE PKOFERTY FOR SALE J-1 desire to sell my property in Tyrone City, I'.lair Co. Pa., commonly known as the Tyrone City Hotel. Comprising as follows: One large three story brick hooe, Sixty feet, two fronts, and finished off in complete style. A l.irp and extensive stable, an excellent wah bouse and other necessary out-buildings. There is al.'O. on the snme Lot), one frame house, with out-buildings attached, now renting for one hun dred and thirty dollars per annum. The whole stands upon three valuable Lots as in the plot of said town, and affords several very eligible loca tions for store, offices, 4c, ic. The whole will be sold on reasonable terms. And to any person, de siring an investment, or speculation, now U the chance. Private reasons cause me to sell this val uable property, which is every day increasing ia value. Inquire of Caleb (.Juyer, or the subscriber . J. D. STEWART. Tyrone City. Sept. 19. U:j.-tf. LOG-FLOATERS TAKE :OTTCE-Tbat ut a meeting of the Lumbermen held at Clearfield on the lth inst.. the undersigned were appointed a committee to institute prosecutions a gairst all persons obstructing the navigable streams by the floating of loose logs. We therefore notify all persons concerned, that proceedings will be iu etituted and prosecuted to conviction against all and every person, whether owner, contractor laborer, engaged in putting loose logs into the riv er or any of its tributaries in the counties of Clear field. Elk and Centre. JOHN M. CHASE. W. II. R'n ISO V. -ROUT. MAHAFFEY, VM. STEWART. JAMES ASKEY, DANIEL RHOADES, C. W BLAKE. K.C. WINSLO'.V, ROBT. ROTH ROCK. August 27. lMft. J- Z. LINDEMUTH. NOTTS THE TIME FOR E AIWA INS ! HEW GOODS AND NEW 3? JtlCES !! "Quick sale and sra-11 profit'.'.'."' HA VINO just returned from the East, I would inform my old customers and the public iu general, that I am now receiving and opening at my '-old stand" a splendid assortment of Spring and Summer Goods, which I will sell a little lower than any goods heretofore soli ia Clearfield, a saong which wiil be found MANTILLAS, a large assortment atcxoecdiugly low pries. , SILKS, at from 70 cents o 1.25 ct r.U per yard. OI-V'IIAM.5, ct from 11 certs to 2j cents per yd. CALICOES, at from 5 cents to 121 ct3 per yard. SHAWLS a good article of Shawls, at from G21 cents toSlO. each. BONNETS a 1 Jrge lot at from 50 cents to Sj LADIES' GAITERS for 1.50 worth 52. " Boots. Shoes and Slippers at from C21 cents to 1.25 cents per pair. LADIES' will pleafe call, as I have almost eve rvthine in their lino. at extraordinary low rates. "GLUTS' Boots, Shoes and Gaiters at very low rtes. MUSLINS, at from 6 to 12 cents a yard. JEANS, .it 20 cents a yard worth 40. CLOTHS Black, Blue, Olive, Green, and other Co!irs. very cheap. CASSIJIEUZS Black and a variety of Fancy colers of the latest styles. VESTINGS a great variety of fancy and plain. SUMMER CLOTHS, Cassimercs, Trimmings, and in short, a variety of almost all sorts of Gentle men' and boys' wear. Call soon, while you can have an opportunity to select from tho whole stock. All the above, and a great variety of other goods can be purchased at the very lowest prices t Oil CASH, as I have- determined not to be undersold. mav21'5d RICHARD MO.SSoP. PAY TO-MY, AIDTBHST TB-MOSROW. i o rt n riHIE OLD CORN Mil STORE OF 1. A. M. HILLS. IS JUST NOW BEIXG CRAMMED with a choice selection of easonable goods, AT THE PURCHASERS OTlriV PRICES. READY-MADE CLOTHING iu great variety and of tho choicest qualities. A large variety of choice DRESS SILKS, which will be sold at city prices. Some beautiful CRAPE and Summer ER0CIIAE Shawl, which will be sold vcrv low. BOOTS & SHOES in grent'varicty. lower than they have ever been offered in this tounty. FANCY GOODS extremely low in price, and of tbe most beautiful patterns. CALICOES at 10 CENTS per yard, warranted fast colors and full wid:h PLEASE CALL and ermine MY STOCK before pttrcJia-siugeltewhere. R-E-A-D-V 1-A-Y it mi motto, and I am fully determined to sella L-I-T-T-L-E L-O-W-E-R than any one else, notwithstanding "20 ct. Jeans worth 40." All kindi of marketing, boards and shingles ta ken in exchange for goods. ' N. B. A few beautiful Gold Brooches and Gents' Breast-pins, gold and silver hunting-case patent laver watchep, Ac, Tery ow for the Ready Rhino P. S- Just call at your leisure. I'vo got goods enough to do you all. so that one can't get a-hcad of another junoll,'o6-tf. A. M. HILLS. REMOVrAL. The undersigned has removed his BOO T A ND SHOE SHOP to the room lately occupied by Richard Glennin, where he is now prepared to furnuh customers with Boots, Shoes, Ac, on the shortest notice and most rosonable terms. He respectfully solicits a continuance of a shar of public patronage Clearfield. Dec. 17, ISjO. FRANK SHORT. PARLOR STOVES Several excellent Par lor Stoves to be had at 11. 1). PATTON'S. CLOTHING. A generel assortment of ready made clothing just received and opened at NOV23 W. F.IRWIN'S. fX4An'je!!i f ever7 description for sale Usai!lVVA at a moderate advance at WM. F. IRWIN'S. FISII ! FISH !! Superior Mackerel an Codfish just received and opening at th oheap Cava rtor of Richard Mossop in arW4 may JI M DAILV, SEMI-WEEKLY & WEEKLY T ' TELEGRAPH. I The Dailt Telegraph. Notwithstanding the ru mors spread abroad by our political opponents, that the 'Daily Telegraph' would be discontinued after the election, we announce to tho public that we shall not only eontinue its publication, but it shall be done with renewed vigor ud determina tion to meet the public expectations and wants. The publishers will spare no labor or expense to mill it a naner eminently worthy of the capital of Pennsylvania, and one which should be found at every fireside in our borough The 'Daily Telegraph' will contain the latest nws received by Magnetio Telegraph and Mails. We shall give particular attention to our Local de partment, and endeavor to make the Reports as full and interesting as possible. The Editorial De partment will be under tbe management of able and experienced gentlemen, who, upon all ques tions a ffcctiug the public, will express their opin ions fairly and freely. Our next Legislature will bo entrusted with several important duties the election of United States Senator, the election of a State Treasurer, the apportionment of the State, e., which will make the proceedings unusually interesting and important. The 'Telegraph' will be able to present this and all other news transpi ring at the Stnte Capital much sooner and more satisfactorily than any other paper in the State. Tbe 'Semi-Weekly and Weekly Telegraph' will be published, as heretofore. Wc shall endeavor to make the 'Weekly Telegraph' the best family newspaper in the State. It will contuin all the latest news up to the hour of going to press. It will contain full reports of the markets in the At lantic cities. A portion of our columns wiil be de voted to tho interests of Agriculture and Mechan ics. The 'Senii-M'eckly' will bo published only during the sessions of the Legislature. OureS'orts shall be to make the Telegraph the model news paper of the State. TERMS : The Daily Telegraph will be furnish ed at a distance for Si per iunum ; 52 lor six motithc: or 51 for three mouths. Single subscri bers in the town will be furnished at six cents per we k payable weekly to the carrier. . The Semi-Weekly nud Weekly Telegraph will be furnished to single subscribers at 52 per annum. Our Clubs Rates are as follows : Clubs of a, - - - - - - S3 10, "-17 20, 30 The person who raises a club will receive a co py of the paper gratis. Where is tbe person who cannot afford this? Three cents per week for a newspaper, which shall convey to him,iu addition to political intelligence, all foreign, domestic and local news; in a word, all of political interet which may transpire ei ther at home or abroad. Thanking our friends everywhere for the gener ous patronage they have extended to us durin: the campaign, wc trust that tbey will nt once re new their subscriptions, and make the Telegraph in luture a constant visitor at their urestues. f A Mityazine for the Homes of the I People GRAHAM'S ILLUSTRA TED MAGAZINE, the P,o"r Magazine of the Country, e-dirbished in 1827. Subscribe for the New Yoiume commencing with the Jannary number, 1857. WATSON A CO., the new publish ers of -Graham's Illustrated Magazine.' announce to the Ladies and Gentlemen of tbe United States in general, and to the former patrons of the work in particular, that it is their intention to make use of all the immense resources at their command to produce a First Class 7-Liaziue,. To this end no expense or exertion will be spared. The best Lit erary and Artistic Talent will bo employed, and nothing that capital, taste and enterprise can ac complish will bo wanting to make this Magazine more than ever deserving tbe liberal support so generously extended to it during the past ."50 years. Every number w iil contain 2 fine seel engrav ings. One illustrative of some of the most popu lar pictures of the day ; the other a beautiful col ored Fashion Plate, drawn from actual articles of costume. Also, a number of fine wood engraving", patterns for Crochet and Needle-work, engraved from the aiticles themselves AU the latest styles of costume for Iulits and Children will be co pied from the newest patterns, and fully describ ed and illustrated in every number. Ladies about forming clubs of subscribers arc requested to compare "Graham with any other Magazine published, and we are confident tbeir good taste and correct judgment will decide in our favor. - ' : Gentlemen who are about to subscribe for a Mag azine for their odd reading, or to present to their lady friends, should procure a copy of '-Graham' and examine it thoroughly, and then see if any other periodical presents equal inducements for their subscriptions. Tbe twelve numbers of "Graham"' for the year lSi7, will comprise one of the most magnificent volumes ever issued ! containing in all 1-00 pages of reading matter! 100 line wood engravings ! 12 handsome steel engravings! . 2 beatiful colored fashion plates! 100 engravings of ladies' i children's dresses! 60 coming illustration! And over 3o patterns for needlework, Ac TERMS : One copv, one vcar, S3 (0 : Two co pies, S. 00; Five copies, and one to getter up of Hub. iio ou ; .lcven copies, and one to agent, 520 00. Graham's illustrated magazine will be supplied to subscribers punctually, and at as early a day in the month as any other magazine published. Send in your subscriptions early to tho Publish ers, WATSON &. CO., 50 South 3d street. Phil'a. EYTRA NOTICE. Subscribers sending thrre dollars for one year's subscription to 'Graham,'' will receive a copy of Graham's LadicS Paper for one year without charge ! Send for specimen numbers of Graham's Illustra ted Magazine and Graham's Ladies' Paper. TVLWUI KU HOTEL The undersigned hav i. 1 ing leaded the hotel recently kept by Ezra Root, in Newburg. Chest township, announces to tho public that ho is prepared to accommodate travellers and others who inny give him a call The house is well supplied w ith all the necessaries and accommodations to make guests comfortable. He respectfully solicits a share of patronage. Oct20-'56-:;m CYRUS H. THURSTON. VTAOON - MAKING. THE undcrsingned T would announco that they manufacture Waggons of all descriptions, Buggies, Sleds, tc, at their shop in New Salem. Brady township, Clear field county, which they offer for sale at as reasona ble rates as can be purchased elsewhere They res pectfully solicit a share of patronage. CAMBRIDGE JOHNSTON, Octl-'.'C-tf WILLIAM LEWIS. BLACKSMITH I X. The subscriber would inform the public that he has taken the Black smith Shop formerly occupied by Georgo Orr. on tho corner of Third and Main streets, in the bor ough of Clearfield where he carries on the business in all its various brunches. JuneO,lS53.-ly JACOB SHUNKWEILER. GRAIN! GRAIN'!! Wheat, Rye, Outs and Corn, can at all times be procured at the Pi oneer Mills, on the Moshannon in Morris town ship, at the lowest selling rates. JulylB ; HENRY GROE. GROCERIES. Just received and now opening, a general assortment of choice groceries, which will bo sold at the lowest cash prices at : . ;WM. F. I RW IN Ef fifXTi LONG SITING-LES wanted by A. JJJ9JJJ M. Hills, at his store, for which the highest market price will be paid In Goods at the lowest prices in the county. june25-tf QUEENS WARE A superior lot of Fancy aod Common Quccnsware now opening and for sale at the most reasonablo prices at tho store of RICHARD MOSSuP. BLACK, Imperial and Young Hyson nt".3 Teas of the best quality to be had at $ the lowest each price at MOSSOP'S. WOODEN WARE A lot of superior Buckets Tubs and Willow Baskets, just received and for gale at the sign of the - nov'' LiiKArt.ar goods." CLOTHING. Ready-made Clothing of all kinds, just rocoived at 11. D PATTON'3. flWO ONE-HORSE PLEASURE SLEIGHS, -M. for sale by A. M. HILLS. A LARGE lot of Family Grocries just receiving at Mossop's in Clearfield. may 21 HAF8 of all kinds and at all pries! to be had at U faaay 21 MOSSOP'i -m-nnnv TV SON KJI noiesaie ury r X Good's Store, No. 145, MarketStreet Philadel phia l-aog. i, ioo.-iy. REMOVAL : The undersigned Degs leave to inform his friends that he has removed hU BOOT AND SttUi Biuri., from "Shaw's Row." to his new building, opposite . r- cr r "T f I,.! wA torn I rtnra av-knth nf tho Office G. H. Barrett, Esq. 1IA ;11 Iraar. Ann. (anMv An Vl OTnljJ. ftrrT ATIA ty of Ladies slippers, gaiters, pumps, ic. Men's y . , " -. ii . lancy snoes ana gaiiers, wiia an eiccaom mxji la ment of heavy work, all adapted to tbe various - C lV. rt In I'lnorfielrl If a hnnps his friends will call at his NEW STORE, and ex amino his mock. Boots and Shoes made to order, and mending done as heretofore. ISAAC JOHNSTON. Clearfield. Juno 27, 185a. GOING IT A LONE. The undersigned hay ing taken to himself the store formerly own ed by Patehin 4 Swan, takes pleasure in informing his friends and the publio generally, that he Las just received from the city a splendid assortment of Dry oods, Hardware, Queensware, Groceries, Confectionaries, Hats and Caps, Boots and Shoes, and every thing else usually kept in a country store. Persons wishing to buy cheap and good Goods should not forget that he is determined not to be undersold by r any store inthe county. His motto is -a nimblo penny rathe than a Blow six pence " B. C PATCHES. Glen Hope. July 5. 1S54. - I EXCHANGE HOTEL, rillLIFSBUKG. Ld The subscriber, thankful for past favors, would respectfully solicit a continuance of tho lib eral patronage bestowed upon his House by the Public He is prepared to accommodate water men, editors, drovers, and all others who may call with him, in tho very best manner. He also purposes to run a line of Hacks from Tyrone to Clearfield, for the accommodation of the travelling public. J. G. RUNK. Philpsburg. March 14. ljj.-tf. DAVID S. PLOTS ER Respectfully informs his old friends and the public, that he has obta ined the services of a good Cutter and work man as a foreman in the tailoring business, and he is now prepared to attend to any orders in his Line of work on the most accommodating terms.anJ short notice, and will have clothing on hand at all times, such as dress coats, frock coats, vests, and pantajoons of their own manufacture, anil good material at the lowest prices. With a wish to ac commodate, he solicits a share of patronage. New Washington. May 9, 1853. TVTEW ARRIVAL. 1 A. If J. PATCHIX, Have just received a new and splendid assort ment of Goods tho best that was ever brought in to the upper end of Clearfield Connty. They in vite their friends and the public generally to give them a call, where they will lind all kinds of goods usually kept in a Country Store. Come and examine our stock wo charge noth ing for the exhibition. AARON TATCHIN, JACKSON PATCHIN. Burnsi le, Nov. 28, 1303. I7OR SALE the Farm occupied by Richard Dacvers. Jr.. situate in Penn township, about one mile from Pennsvillo. It contains iii acres, of which 45 arw cleared and under good fence. Tho improvements are a two-story frame house and kitchen, barn and out-bouses. There is a young bearing orchard on the place, and the whole is well watered. For terms apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. june-t Clearfield, Pa. E W A R R I V AL. The undersigned has just received a large stock of NEW GOOPS, adapted to the season, consisting of DRY GOODS. GROCERIES. tL" KENS WARE, HARDWARE. CONFECTIONARIES, NAILS, HOLLOW-WARE, CEDER-WARE, Ac., e. JAMES B. GRAHAM.. Grahamton. Aur. 22. 18j5. ir O! FOR THE TEMPLE OF HONOR II HAD! X A- M ' G IRK' S. TIN, COPPER, & SHEET-IRON VABE Pll ILIPSBURG, PA. BRADIN M'GIRK have just opened an exten sive Tin, Coper, iV Sheet-Iron Ware M inufactn ty. w here they arc at all times prepared to supply customers with every conceivable article from tho smallest Coffee pot spout to the longest pipe ima ginable. They will do both a WHOLESALE fc RETAIL business, and will at all times have on hand a largo assortment of readv-made ware. II O U S E a P O UT I -V G done to order, on tbe shortest notice, and put up in a neat, substantial manner. STORES, STOVE-PIPE, ft KETTELS, of every variety kept constantly on hand. They will furnish to order any of the following Cook .Stoves, viz : The William Penn, Queen of the i est. the Atlantic, and Cook-Complete, all of which are suitablo for both wood and coaL Among the Parlor Stoves will be found tho '-Lady Washington." tho '-Excelsior," 'Homo Parlor.' Ac. Produce of all kinds taken in exchange for goods. A. A. BRADIN. JNO. D. M'GIRK. October 24, lJv.a.-tf. lfnOLE-SALE. The subscriber wishing to f T retire from the Mercantile business, (sole ly ou account of press of Professional business) dn sires to dispose of bis entire stock of ttoro goods at wholesale and w ill sell them on the most accom modating terms. Any person wishing t engage in trading in any part of the county will do well to call and see me before making any other ar rangements. A. M. HILLS. Clearfield. August 27, 1355. 171 OR SALE, TWO BUILDING LOTS in the borough of Clearfield ; several BUILDING LOTS and PASTURE AND WOOD LOTS, contain ing from three to ten acres each, near the borough of Clearfield. Also several desirable FARMS and pieces of TIMBER LAND, in various parts of the county. Terms accommodating. Apply to L. JACKSON CRANS. April 16, 1855. Clearfield, Pa. - AVE YOU SEEN SAM? The subscriber would inform his old friends and the public generally, that he still continues to keep a houso of entertainment in New Washington w here those who call w ith him will receivo every attention, and bo made eomfortublo. Good stabling, and every other convenience for horses on the preinjses. D. S. PLOTNER. STILL OX HAND! The undersigned con tinues the CLOCK AND WATCH MAKING BUSINESS, at his new shop on the corner of .Main and Mechanic streets, one door South of Dr. R. V. Wilson's office, where he will be pleased to accom modate his customers at all times. Repairing done on the shortest notice. ang.M) R. R. WELSH. TAMES R. GRAHAM. Dealer in SAWED LUMBER, SQUARED TIMBER, SHINGLES, BOARDS. Ac, is prepared to fill, on the shortest notice all orders for articles m his line of busi ness, on as reasonable terms as they can be Pro cured in the county. Grahampton, Clearfield Co., Jan. 2.1, 1R5G HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. The late residence of J. M. Pfoutz, in Ansonville, may bo bought cheap by immediate application to we declO-if. J. B. M 'EX ALLY. HARDWARE and Cuttlery just received and now oponiug at Mossop's cheap cash store in Clearfield iuay2l J" A N CASTER MON EY will bo taken at par -i for Goods at City Prices, at the store of Clearfield, Deo, a. RICHARD MOSSOP. JEWELRY. A lot of fine Breast Pins Ear Drops. Sbi It Studs, Ac, for sale very cheap by Clearfield, Dee. 3 THOMAS ROBIUNS. COOK AND PARLOR STOVES, for sale by J JOS. PETERS, Curwensville. Nov. 23, 1355 6t . TRON. Iron of all kinds, to be had low at the X Store of 11. D. Patton. in Curwensville. w HEAT Jas24 FLOUR for talo at MERRELL 4 CARTER'S BOKER, BROTHERS & JONES. Koa. 153 & 160, ilarket Street, PHILADELPHIA", Importers and manufacturers of City and EASTERN MADE BOOTS AND SHOES. ' Also, every variety of French and English Shoe Lasting., Patent "Leather, Kid and Calf-skins, Shoe Laces, Gallons. Bindings, Ac, suitable for manufacturers. Also, Foreign and Domestic Straw and Silk Bon nets, Leghorn, Panama, ard Palm-Leaf HaU, r English, French, and American artificial Flowers, Oil Silk, Straw Trimmings, Ac, Ac. Haying removed to our new Store, No. 15S A 150 Market Street, below 5th, South Side, up stairs, we invite your attention to our large and varied Stock of Straw Goods, Boots and Shoes, which wo are preparing for the approaching Fall Sales. All our Goods being exclusively of our own di rect Importation and Manufacture, we feel confi dent that our facilities are such that we can offer you inducements as regards variety and prices of Goods, unsurpassed by any house in the country. BOKER, BROTHERS A JONES. Xoy. 8. lS54.-ly. - Philadelphia. A VISE'S CHEAP WATCH AND JEWELRY STORE, No. 72 North SF.coxn Street, (oppo site the Mount Vernon House.) Pphiladelphia. Gold Lever Watches, full jewelled. Id K. cases. Silver Lever do., do.; Silver Lepine, do.; Quartier; Gold Spectacles, Silver do.; Silver Table Spoons, Silver Desert do. ; Silver Tea do. ; Gold Pens and Gold Cases; Gold Pens and Silver do. : togather with a variety of fine Gold Jewelry, Gold Curb Guard and Foo Chains. All goods warranted U be as represented. Watches and Jewelry, repair cd in the best manner. Also, Masonic Marks, Pins, Ac, made to order. N. B. All orders sent by mail or otherwise will be punctually attended to. His motto is: "Small Profits and Quick Sales," Philadelphia. April 25, 1355. MOUNT VERNON HOUSE, No. 53, Norti Second Stree:, PHILADELPHIA. The undersigned having taken tho old well known house, which Jias been renovated ami re modeled throughout, respectfully solicits his Clear field friends to give him a call on their visits to the city. The furniture is all new, and has been selected with care from Honklcs well known establishment in Chestnut Street, and is of the latest and most fashionable stvlo. The location for Merchants and others coming to the city is convenient, being in the centre of business. I. L. BARRETT. Aug. 1, lS55.-1y. - Proprietor. RAUL STAYLOll- JL No. 255 Karket Street, PHILADELPHIA, Hare always on hand, at their Wholesale Ware house, a large assortment of the Newest Stvlc of BOOT. SHOE. AND STRAW GOODS. BO Til FOR EIG .V A XI DOMES TIC All their goods being of their own direct Im portation and Manufacture, tbey are enabled to offer superior inducements to Merchants laying in their stock. WM. W. PAUL, N. G. TAYLOR. Dec 1. 1331. ly. CONRAD & WALTON, 255 Market Etre t, PHILADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in HARDWARE, IRUX, XJIl.S, 4r., (,-c. They respectfully invite the people of Clear field, to continue their favors. Aug. 1. l S55.-ly. I EXCHANGE INSURANCE COMPANY, -i No. 11, Merchants' Exchange, PHILADELPHIA. This Company, with an ample Capital, well se cured, is prepared to effect Insurances in Clear field, and adjoining Counties, on terms as liberal as consistent with tbe safety of the Company. jno. Mcdowell, jr.. Oct. 3, lo.). Secretary. K OONS, II EI L MAN & CO., No. 107 NORTH THIRD ST., Philadelphia. wholesale dealees In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goodi. - 1 il'th Door below Race. CHARLES KOONS. AMOS G. HE1LMAN. Philadelphia. May 15, l5i.-ly. RUSHTON Si CO., 243 Market Street. PHI LADELPHIA; Importers and Dealers in Eurthcn-WarerCLina, Glass, and Queens Ware, 0ppob4te tho Red Lion Hotel. Philadelphia. J. Y. RUSHTON, J. C. HOPKINS. Nov. 8, '54 .-ly. ROUT. ST1LSON. HARRIS, OR11ISON ft CO., WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, No. 250. Market St., North side between nth A 7th. Philadelphia. Drugs, Medicines. Chemicals. Pat ent Medicines, Surgical Instruments. Drtigrrist's Glassware. Window Glass. Paints, oils. Dyes', Per fumery, Ac, Ac. JOHN HARRIS, "M. D. E. B. ORRISOX. Aug. 1. "55.-1). J. SlIARSWOuI. "IITAKTIX, MORRELl7&lT0., 1TA 'Lato OLIVER MARTIN A CO.) Importers "and Dealers in HoSlEHY. TRIM, MlGS. COM US. BR USH KS. FA N C Y GOODS. Ac. No. 24 North Fourth Street, Philadelphia. M. T. MARTIN. CIIAS. II. llAMRIt'K DAM'L J. M HIRE LI., ii. R. PEDDLE, Dec. 5. '54.J SANDRSON R. MARTIN. RUSSELL & SCHOTT7 Nos. 138 Market St.. 5 Merchant St., PHILADELPHIA. Importers and A bolcsale Dealers in . DRUGS, CHEMIC.iLS, $c. They respectfully invito their Cleatiefd friends to give them a call. .Inn. 17. 55.-ly. HOOD A CO Extensive Dry-goods Dealers. No, LS7. MarkciSt., Philadelphia, keep constant ly on hand a largo, splendid, an I cheap s'ock of the most fashionable and elegaut goods. They in vite country Merchants to call and examine their splendid assortment, before purchasing elsewhere. August 1. 1H55.-Iy. (i'EU & CO., J 176 Marktt Street, PHILADELPHIA; H DOf.ESALB DKALEItS IS Hats, C'p. Furs. ,. between 5th and Cth St., Philadelphia. Jan. 17, 1S55. Yf7"ILLIAM 'S. HAN.SELL A SON, Mamifac 1 T turers and Importers of Saddlery, and Sad dlery Hardware. No. 23 Market Street. Bhiladel phia. Saddles, Bridles, Harness, Trunks. Whips Saddle Bags, Bridle Filling, Bits, Stirrups. Buckles Carpet Bags. ect. Aug. 1, :55.-ly IRISMUTII & BROTHER, WHOLESALE TOBACCO DE.1LERS, No. 105 N. Third Street- five doors below Race Nov. 29. '54 -ly. j Philadelphia. TEIDLEMAN A HAYWARD Wholcsalo Gro- . . . , ' - tv a mvi wuauis No. 273, Market Street, Philadelphia. D. BEIDKLMAX, AUg.l, 18JJ.-iy. A.J1AWARI), A. T. LANE Ax CO. Wholesale Clothing No. 171. Market Slrppt Fvt vifrm r ready made Clothing, in the most fashionable stylos constantly on hand. (Aug. 1, '55. -ly. Cl EORGE J. WEAVER & CO.. No. 19 North Wa T tor Street. Philndolnhia. l)cnlir in r.. chain. Yarn. Manilla and Hemp Ropes. Bed-cords tiiomcs-iines, A'c. ac. lnS i. inaa. ly. ISAAC M. ASHTON. Hat Store, No. 172 Market St., Philadelphia. Hats, Caps, Furs. Ac, of every variety, and the best oualitr always on hand. Aug. I. 1S55.-Iy." GEORGE W. COL LAD AY, Conveyancer and Land Agent, No. 3. Goldsmith's Hall, Philadelphia, will f.iiibfultv H. entrusted to his car. Auir. 1. lS55.-lv. CfALEtf COPE A CO, No. 133?Market Pt., Phila J rln'nhin Don'ora i T. U'kw. p.aa.Ij siery, French, English and German Siik Goods, La- M flUvfia Tl.Al&ir. nf.l.a ek 1 cr 1 yp vivi uuinv WJIUP) AUj. 1, Vtf- . . PROFESSIOX.U.. A T TITTTS T) D S Offio.Qadioin- Artificial Teeth, from one to a full set." mounted in the most approved modern style. Filling, Filing, and Cleaning done with care and neatness. Teeth extracted with all the care and dispatch modern science can furnish. DR. HILLS, can always be found at his office, as he is now devoting his' whole attention to his profession.- - (June 20. MEDICAL PARTNERSHIP. Dr. Henry Lorain, having associated with him. in the practice of Medicine. Dr. J. U Hartswick, they offer their professional eervices to the citizens of Clearfield and vicinity. They will attend to pro fessional calls at all hours, anil in all seasons. . Dr. Hartswick will be found during the day at their office opposite Dr. Lorain's residence, and at night, at bis residence, on 2d street, one door north of Reed A Weaver's tre. June 18, IS50. RETURNED. Tbesul-scriber having return ed to tho town of Glen Hope, offers hii pro fessional services in the practice of Medicine to the citizens of this place and tbe surrounding country. No travelling in the night except in cases of actual necessity. No medicine given out of the ofiice unless accompanied by th cash. -decU-iit S D. llHUlE. M". P. DR. I. l AKLEY, PHl'SICIAX, Grahamton, Clearfield County. Pa., tenders This professional services to the inhabitants of Grahamton and surrounding country be can at all times be found at his Office, diroctfy oppo site Mr. J. B. Graham's tore, when not profes. sionally engaged. A p 1 . 25. rilHOS. J. McCULLOUGH, ATTORNEY AT A LAW and DISTRICT ATTORNEY, Clearfield. Pa., may be found at his ofiice in Shaw's Row, four doors west of the '-Mansion Hou.-m." Deeds and other legal instruments prepared k ith prompt ness and accuracy. Feb. 13 ly. DR. M. WOODS, tenders Iiia professional ser vices to the citizens of Clearfield and viciui t3'. Residence on Second street, opposite the of fice of L. Jackson Crans. where ho can be found unless absent on professional business. Clearfield. May U. IS5'' Sm. AR RIMER & TEST. A TTOR XE VS A T LA TV, Will attend promptly to all legal and other bu siness entrusted to their care in Clearfield and a l joining counties. Clearfield. Aug.6.lS55. J AS. H. LARR1WER. I. TEST. Ii. M'EN ALLY, ATTOR XEl'AT LAW. Clearfield, Penn a. Practices in Clearfield and adjoining counties. Office in new brick addition, adjeining tbe resi dence of James B. Graham. Au:u-t 1. lw55. S. DUNIJY. attorxey at law, Clearfield, Penn'a. Ofiice in the new brick addition, adjoining the res idence of James B. Graham. August 1. 1S55. J JACKSON CRANS. ATTORNEY AT LAW, i Clmrfuld. Pcun'a. Office adjoining his residence, on Second Street. Olearfield. Angnst 1. 1555. Trr Bi cnuiiswooPE. attorney and 11 COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Cl.-arficld. Pa. Office in Graham's R.ow, next do .r to Journal office. April 10 tf. T A. WALLACE,.! TTOR X EY AT LAW ?! t Cleurfirld. Pout a. Ofiice nearly opposite tbe Court Iloase. Angl-"55. O. CROUCH, PHYSICIAN. OificeinCur- wensville. Mar 14. !-."0-!f ATW FIRST. ME EE ELL & CARTER would J.1 iiTorm the. public, that they have ju-t open ed an extensive : COPPER. TIN AND SHEET-IRON WARE Oil. Second Street, in the borot'zh of Clearfield, where they are prepared to'lurnish at reduced pri ces, every variety of articles in their line. - Steel. Bar-iron, nails, Steves of every variety Ploughs and farming utensils, pumps of every description, stove pipe, patent sausage cutters, funnels and self sealing cans kept constantly on hand. All orders for castings for FlourMills.Saw Mills, Ac. will be thankfully received End promptly at tended to. HOUSE SPOUTING DONE TO ORDER. They are also prepated to receive every varie ty of article on commission, at a low per-centage. O. B. MERRELL. L. R. CARTER. Clearfield. Sept. 19. IS55 ly. HALLOA! NEW WAGON MANUFACTORY The undersigned would respectfully an nounce to ibis friends and the public generally, that he has opened out a new Wagon-Making Es tablishment in "New Salem City," Brady town ship, where be will at all times be prepared to manufacture, on the shortest notice, ail kinds of Wagons, Carts, Wheelbarrows. Ac The best ma terial that can be procured will be used, and bis work will be made in the most substantial and du rable manner, such as will bear the test of strict examination. By a close observance of bis busi ness engagements, and by disposing of his work on the most reasonable terms, which he will do for cither cash or approved country produce, he hopes to merit arid receive a liberal share of pub lic custom BENJ. R1SHLL. New Salem City. Jan. 15 ISOti. J P. NELSON & CO., Murrit Toirnshin. Clearfield Co.. Pa.. Would respectfully inform the citizens of that vi cinity that they keep coustantly ou hand a largo assortment of Dry Goods. Hird-Ware. Quern ware. Groceries, Confectionaries. Huts ir Cups, Boots iV Shoes, and all other articles usually kept in a country store, which they are determined to sell low for cash, country produce, or lumber. -August 1, l5.. TEV HOTEL: The old Skcrino House," at 11 - NEW WASHINGTON, has been re-opened and re-fitted by the undersign ed, who respectfully solicits a share of public pat ronage. He is well provided with house room and good stabling, and intends keeping a Temperance House, at which he will alwavs endeavor to make his guests feel at home. " JOHN SHETTEU. August 1. 1S55. tf. O I FOR 10WA!!-The undersigned, d7 sirous of going West, offers to sell at private sale, threo lots in the village of Marvsville. one half mile east of Clearfield Bridge, in "Bo-gs town ship, having thercou erected a two-story weather boarded dwelling house, good stable, and a black smith shop. The terms, which wiil be reasonable, can b5 ascertained by inquiring of the undersign ed, residing on the premises. maj2S-U" SAMUEL B. DILLER. IIOR SALE. The subscriber offers for sale his farm, containing about 02 acres, with a bout 25 acres cleared and under good cultivation, having thereon erected one 2-story house and oarn. situated one and a'half miles above Clear field town, opposite the new bridge. For terms apply to the subscriber on the premises. may 14-tf MI LP HO"T. REPAIRING Watcher. Clocks and Jewelry repaired by Frederick Smell on the shortest notice, and all work warranted well done. Leave all articles in care of A. M. Hills, who has on hand a beautiful assortment of Gold Breast 7JS;-V.hj f tu'ls "nd Cuff R""S, which he will sell VLRl LOW for the READY. ClearGeld, Sept. 3. 15. JOHN KrsSELL & CO., " TAXXERS AXD CURRIERS, PcHtivill, Clearfield Co., Pa., Keep constantly on hand an excellent assortment ol leather, which they offer for sale at the lowest cash prices.' Hides taken in exchanfrc JtHyld. 1854. jTy GOODS: Tho nndcrsisrnod has just re J. 1 ceived a larire assortment of NEV GOODf?, AT nfS STORE IX KAR THAT'S, which he offers for sale cheap for cah or country fraduoe- h. P. HURNTUALL. " .September 5. 13.15. SALT! SALT!! A-qnantity of Coarse and Ground Alum Sait, for sale at W. F. Irw:V. AMBROTYFES. P. C. PURVIANCE, Pro fessor of Photograph ic 016101..' Gallery at his residence on 2d street, one dor South of Merrcl & Carter's Tin-ware establishment, Clear field, Pa. r?Days of operatic: . Friday and Saturday of each week junelS ao . IF YOU WANT CHEAP WINTER CLO. THING, call immediately on M. A. FRANK. , who has iust purchased a lot and is now disposing of them VERY LOW. Yon will find him in Gra ham' Row, Clearfield, Ta. tireo door eastcf'kt Journal office. Aug. 27. 7VOTICE. In the aosence of THT'EIooni, Trea. 1 1 surer of Clearfield county, the Books and Pa pers will be in the possession of John MoPhertua, who will attend to the business at all times. Clearfield. May 2s. .1959 "jVOTICE. Having purchased the Books of tia 1 1 Raftsma-ii's Journal with tho establishment all rmoucts unpaid for Subscription, Advertising, or Job-work, are to bo settled wiih the undersigned iuarI9 S. B. ROW. 1 (( Pi H i Fect of cood BOARDS wanted by lUUjUUlJ A.M. HILLS, athisstore ia Gear field, for which the highest market price will be ptid in goods at cash prices. maria-tf 4 K. W R I UIIT, MERCH ANT, asd EXTEN 2 SIVE DEALER IN LUMBER, Second Street one door south of his residence, Clearfield, Pa. . Clearfield. March It. 1355. - CLEARFIELD LODGE No. 193 I. O. of 0. F. meets every Saturday evening, at 71 o' clock, at their Hall in Merrell A Carter's new bail ding on Second street. . fcS29 (f HATS! HATS !'. Richard Mossop is now re iVj ceivir.g and opening a fine lot of Spring and Summer Hats of the latest styles, wuiuii ho will sell at prices from 12 cents to a. 00. CLOTHING ! 1.000 Dollar worth of Ready-made Clothirg at your own pri ces, at the cheap store t,f iu.-iv2l RICHARD MOSSOP. 1 ,lOll SALE. A second Land 2 horse wagon i and a lot of harness for sale very cheap by Clearfield, apr? A. M. HILLS. fl f infl SHORT SHINGLES, for sale low f J fJ j f V7V for cash by A. M. HILLS. Vi 7"AGONS and BUGGIES, for sale cheap, by febl31 H. D PATTON. MOLASSES Best Svrup at 90 cents a gallon at uiay21 MOSSOP'S.' CLOCKS. Eight day, thirty hour and alarm Clocks for sale at Mossop's Store. Jn. 13. AYER'S CHERRY PECTORAL, FOR THE EAPID CURE Ot Co)I. Coughs and Ilonrseiu'!. BaivriEUs Mss Sfith Drc, 15S. In. J. C. AvtK: 1 iio Dot biiir tony Uia lint remedy I burr rer found fjr CoCfil A, H-KU-seliUb, ll!fturt!7Jt. .U'J VlM concomitant yni!tom of a Cvi-.i. is your Ciif.taT iECTTKL- I's crusit.t uie ia mr (.nu-'nt- au l jar unmj !.r tiia lust t-a yeir h t'l.'-n n it to p.-M s::pe-ri.- Tiriu. f.r thr troarmrnt of thae ro:n;.?ain?. EHi-N" KNIGHT, M. D. A. B. MOBTlXr, Elisor UT1CA.X.T, used your l'jcrosm. mrsvtf am! ia try buuilv vr :cr yoa iiivonr if. a-i-l tWvf it the lewt t,.licr: l.r iu prirjvxe ever p.it oit. Willi a lad pui-1 I hooSJ oor.c kiv twenty -nve ik-;ir ft a botlia tliaa do wiiiiout it, ur tfcka any ot!ir rr-ie-Iy.'" Croupv Whooping Cough, Int"ir:eii7a. ti K-.jFrii, S, l-o. T. lsid. Iianrnr Avrar I iti:i i-lnwrfn:iy crtify mt Trc-rom la t!i ht retueUy wa j-ws fur the ure of Uo.uum OnKjh. C-.oitp. and tti c'."tl !:c.iv of cliiMrsn. V M yoi:r fratnrmTy iu tlio n;h a;.precm your aailL aJ ccuimii-l our niliciiitt to or to;ii. HiKAM OXKIH, M. Tx AM OS I.KK. K.jIjtt. Ixvrit, 3d Jan.,lSK?: 4t I lul a ttti'us litllr.fP?, 1.:rh ci5iteii u. i?: djtrv aix wecfes; tijf; niaiiy i:if iii-i-it biitoit rt!k-f; filially tried y.4ir Pi lor. il tli a-iiica i4" our clergy ruati. Tin fcret A'Vi nuevi-,1 tiie Mrrii ;n ray thrtr aiivl tnntni: thun unc hitlf ti e N?! mwl ma cowiT'Wreiy w eil. Yoiir ninlii.-iiica tire the cbwprtt as reil aa tuc Itac e can lny. and -t.in v1", ltor, aud jour reci ftie, aa Lite ioor utan'a f- i?ui.n AstLanu or Phthisic, and Bronchitis. W:n M t.tcursTaa, V 1U. 4, lsi. Sib: Tr Cmut li-romi id j-rf. .rmu.i; tuarTr.ieua rt;r i ill this i -tii'ii. It ha- i:ii"Vu ci-ri fr.!n alarm iTiit yrui.t.ri of i-o:iiutii.n. ami w now coring a man 1m has I.i!kred uirW an n.-iion tf the lunc for ll lit trty y.-ar. IltNKV L. PKKS, MarciianL A. A. KOTSET. M I), Ai.nix, MUf Co, low, write. .t. 6, 1.: " During my practice of luany yora I l.ave funiij tx:!.ii.ir equal to y.-ur CiiEasT riToiii. ft-r pviiii p and rirf to ixuhimivtie patieuta, or eax.'.i ancb as aie curable. ' We tnigbt a-M vjhiuiea of ni.Ince, ll tlie meat con vincing pn-'f of Ihe -i:tu of Utia ramedy la fucuil la IU e.li-cu Hi' -u ttial. Conumntion. rr'-TiMT no mm miKHiT Ji.u ew tu known w)i!k curr-I so many an J inch liniigrmia caw a this Soma no tiunmu a.,1 cau zvacli; tut even to those the CHBa&s I'a'rroriJiL aT.T l relief and comfort. Asroa IItse. New Yi Citt, March 6, 1S58 Dnnns AitL L"ia: 1 fivd it a duly and a f.Uura in'-'tni yon that your t'HERT I'm.tii ima iloue f r my wife. ?l.e 1,1 K-e'i five months lalijritip under th Uitui;rTt Tmptouiirf"C,ii:niiti m. froTi which do aid we could pr-nire pie her Pinch rvlief. She was steadily f liltiie. until 1'r. Strong, of UiU city, where we have ot.tiie fir ad1-r, rrcoinuitded a trial of your medicine. We t!" h.siiinine, aa we do your ekiil, for she ha reopr. erl fr-ni i!:at day. She is not yet as eTroig as she used Iu be. but is free from her ceuph. and calls herself wed. Ytur i;U Tfet:tti'ic and rranl. I'liLA.MKJ SHtLBT, or SnELSTvnj.a. Omsumprirr.'. c.o Hot despair till ycu hare Uied Alia' C"HErKY It is ci;ulc I t onof the I-t nedkal ch:oiits in flic world, and its cuivt ail aionnd na besjieak tUe high oiei iia vt its virtues. J'huad-tjjhta l.eiyT. Ayer's Cathartic Pills. ri!lK e.:eiires of Chemis'ry and Medicine have lra - L Iaxi-J tli ir utiiu-st to pr-du-e lliis best, mot perfect j-o'iiAlive alMvh is known to man. Innumerable proofs are mush that thse I'ilu have virtue which surpass in excellence the oidinary nie iiiin. and that thfy win ua precedenTMliy uiii lite esteem of nl! men. Thy are saf and jdeasant to Hike, but owerful to cure. Tlieir pene trating rr;e: ti. ;imtil;te the vital activitiMJ';hebodj, remove the o'irut tions of i;s oi'nns, jHirify tl:e bluod, K:A exjel diji-a-e. Tli.y put $e out the V r. humors which liivtd and crow rii?tHiie.'. stimulate sli:jrr'h or disor dered orpins into tluir nlnra; action, isti impart healthy tiev.it.l stivnt'i f tl.? w'.ole jtc-m. Nut au'f do tliy cure the tvery-!uy ri.i;.?:(te if er,ry Kri-, tut alx. foi nii'!eb!' and (!uncrrou that ha? Wr!Ud the l-oet of hi:nia.i tl;;!!. Vl.iie t?icy produce powerfu. eifecta. th-y rite M t!ie Fame uiu lit tiiutlr.i-Vjt-d doses, iht ift And l-L-fr jdiyic t!;tt cau !. en1; ic-ye-1 f'.r ch?Idieu lvin ,ii;.rH.n!l, they are pK-SMibl lo lnl.e: and bein purely vegt.ti de, are free Tior.i ny ri-k of hurm. Cr.rp hjvo leen made c::r'.i K'l'rf wore thf y rot T;b st.xntiAtcd l y men uf n-h ex.iTlcd Tvoilion n j chiv te as t,i forbid t':e surj-iiion of rrm:!!. Many eiu:nen ..clcrpynen and pliysiciatts hae lent the;r ua to cei-ti fjr to Ihe J uMic the n lni.ii:;y cf n:y n-ui.-diw. while oth er li vve cia uie the av-nrai; -e of Jheir conviction t!ia my Vi e; .ira'ns co' i i'.n;tc iinini)- ':e relief cf m; , Siirli-lj t i:l!Vring fi-I!..-nirn. The Ajnt bcU-tt tunnel is id. x-.-C to tixuM. gratis n. ' Amethwu A htiacac. eonta iuii",: dinvlloas far their use an certificates of tht-j' ciir-. of ibt li.li. uiii coniaiuta t C.e.;iveni!w. i;i!;n:s Comi'I -.inta. Khinno irwii. Iln'jwj Hoartl.iii n. Ilwin'-lte iiwps foul utnach. ai sen. l:idic.Tii.:i. Moil-id ln.x'iin oft'.e Itouelsand raisj ai-iihz tii.T.-fiom. Y U:t'V' y. l-'f of Aj ;vetite, all Vlcrr on ai:d Cutaneous t'i-a i'i h rcipibe aa ctsciucus Mii'.icitio. Sor-.'fiiia c-r hint;' l.vil. They aim. I.y ;mu:1v init the bl..l and stiimiiaans ihe sslun.ui. ruau'y co:ii.laii.w wiii. Si it oiild not suppose! they cotiili r. ah. fM'-h a lenfn-s. I'artial l.!lud:K-t, Neuralgia an , Nervous Initai-ility. IVranffemetits of the Liver and Ktd ners, (lout, and th-r in. '.red complunta armng fiuin a' low s:ate of the budy or oltriK-Uon of irs f lnctkma. lo not be put off by unprincipled dAiltr with amwa other pill tlwy make more prtt on. Aek fir Aria Vnv, and take norlung else. So othe they can rira j-ou ri-niiaroe w iih tliis in its intricsir Tu'.ue or cirauv ;or. The sick want the best aid there ii T-ir them, and thii stnu'.d have it. I'rcpai eii Tj- Ir. J.V. AYERV Practical and Analytical Chemii:, Lowell, Maaa. Pric Ctj. ir Itoi. Five Fcxis roa $1. SCiJ BY M. A Fiaiij rvA CD. Vnsou. ClocrBc'i ; J C. Brerber. MorrisJ .lo ; P..W Ls-re't Lu:htx burg; J. B. Sxgcer, CurwenaTillo, and by doaKera through, the country. spt 3, 185. write : " I b 1 ! I .CASH wor aa : Oaib. ttoi- r a" " , . IJ u. 13. I . 7s r and Sht"' .J. irrr
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers