4mm -TILE JOURNAL. CLBARFIELD, PA., FEBRUARY 25, 1857. Rer: Mr. Sflttwrfleld will preach In the Meth odist church in Curwensville, on next Sabbath morning,' at 10 'clock, A. M., at Centre church at 2 o'clock, P. M., and iu the Metho dist church in Clearfield, in tbe evening of the same day. - Raftko. Dnring the last few days, a num "ber of raffs hare passed this place for "the Is land," from whence they will be taken as soon as the wcr will permit. Yesterday the water was.at too low a stage to admit of aafo ran king. Last night some rain fell ; but did not produce a rafting flood. Prospects good for iiicro rain. Borough Election. At the election held in Clearfield Borough on lust Friday, the follow ing officers were elected : Burgess, Geo. D. Lanlcb ; Town Council, Wm. A. Wallace, O. P. "orrill, YTil. F. Irwin, John Troutman, D. Etzweiler : Constable, R. F. Ward, Sr. ; As sessor, Geo.W. Sackett ; Judge, David Litz j Inspectors, Thomas A. Wrigley, Joshua S. Johnson ; School Directors, E. S. Dundy, R. J. Wallace ; Overseers of the Poor, C. D. Watson, Geo. W. Rhecm ; High Constable, Josiah "W. Baird. Lawrence Towssuip. The following is a list of the officers elected in Lawrence town ship on last Friday : Justice, Wm. A. Reed ; Township Clerk, J. B. Shaw ; School Di rectors, Clark Brown, Lewis Carden, X. K. McMulliu ; Assessor, Isaac Thompson ; Su pervisors, Henry Aughinbaugh, John Orr; Auditor, MatthcwOgden, Jr ; Inspectors, Da vid Browu, Wm. L. Rishel ; Judge, William Wallace j Constable, John Shaw, Jr. ; Poor Overseers, Josiah W. Thompson, II. Gulich. Tub Teachers' Association of Penn town ship met, as per adjournment, at the School house in Pennville on Saturday evening, Feb. 7th, 1857. The meeting was organized by William Martin, Sr., President, taking the chair. By request, the President stated the object of the association, aud urged upon the members, and citizens generally, tho necessi ty of energy and perseverance in the causo of education. On an invitation being given for All persons who felt an interest in the cause to express their sentiments, E.Fenton, John Rus sell, Ilenry Sykca, Charles Goff, Abraham Sr-enccr, and others, addressed tho meeting on the .stibjtct of education and school govern rr.or.t in genei.il, and more particulaily on the rlhorupuy of our language, and the method cf teaching English grammar. After the sev eral speakers had closed, the Constitution was read by John Rusell, Vice President ; when twenty new members joined the association, including seven ladies.- On motion, Resolv ed, that the proceeding- ot this meeting be published, and that the association adjourn to meet at LumbcrCity the 1st Saturday of March, at candle lighting. Eliiia Fentojc, Sec. Ccrwexsvillk Boro' and Pike Tr. There was considerable interest, in a political point of view, taken in the election held on the 20th, in these districts. A friend, in writing to us, asys: "In tho borough we had little opposi tion, no regular ticket being formed agamt us, arid the Democracy only votinjr for Inspector. with some half dozen votes for other ollicers. Consequently our majority is about forty, all through. In the township the Democracy went to considerable trouble to form a ticket, having prior to the election, held three con ventions to make nominations, and boasted very loudly that they had every thing their own way. The result shows that we beat them lor every ofliee in tho township, excepting town clerk, for which ollice we did not run a candidate. The vote of tho township was a largo one for a township election, "6 votes leing polled, out cf which wc polled 7o. Th'. majority for our candidates in the township, Wis from 11 to 23 on the entire ticket. Tho fact is our party feel glorious over the result cf this littlo election, and feel confident that hereafter we can hold them lervl in I'ikc town ship, as well as the borough of Curwensville." The following is a list of the officers elected : rikf. Countable. John S. Curry ; Super visors, George Smell, Peter Hoover ; School Directors, Jesso ttror-mall, William Holdeo, Sr; Judge, George Leech ; Inspector, John Hancock ; Assessor, John Xorris j Auditor, Alex. Caldwell, 3 years, Wm. Rex, 2 years ; Overseers of Foor, Gilbert Scofleld, Johnson Holden. Curirenstille. Justice, Isaac B. Scgnerj Supervisors, Daniel Chambers, S. Miller; School Directors, Wm. Irvin, Esq., William McBrido, John Patton ; Judge, Thomas Ross ; Inspector, J. F. Harlcy ; Assessor, A. V. Cooper; Overseers of Poor, D. O. Crouch, S. B. Taylor; Burgess, Joseph Peters; Council, Col. Wm. Ten Eyck, Col. II. D. Pat ton, Daniel Ilartsock, Joseph White, J. M. Williams, Jacob Deitrich. Married On the 13th day ot January, by John II. Byers, Esq., Mr. Wesley Toner to Miss Anna Maria Selfkidoe, both of Chest township. M O N K Y WILL EE PAID FOR 500 BUSHELS OATS, at the highest market price, delivered to A. M. HILLS, Clearfield Borough. fcb25 E cTiTi.' gv iixp KI.IVK. DF.C'D. 'a T.tir nf Administration on tho estate of Jane Kline, lato of Bradford towosbip, doceaseii, having been granted to the undersigned, all per eons knowing themselves indebted to said estate will make payment immediately, aud those hav ing claims against the sumo will present them du ly authenticated for settlement. JOHN WILSON, Adm r. Bradford Tp.. Feb. 25. 1X57. 15 ACOX, PORK, LAUD. BUT! Kit. SALT, and WHITE EE AS 3, kept constantly on hand and for sale by JOSEPH K. IRWIN. Clearfield, deo24-'55 OLLOVVAY'S FILLS AND OINTMENT, CLIPPINGSAND SCRIBBUNGS. Q"In bad condition the roads. It is difll cult to travel over them. K7"Well attended the concert at Cnrwens ville od Saturday eveniDg. n-Passed off finely the party at the Man sion House on last Thursday evening. The supper was supcr-excelleut. C-'Society, like shaded silk, must be view ed In all its situations, or its colors will de ceive us. D"Mr. Appletion, the new editor of the Washington Union, was formerly an "aboli tionist." That's the way politicians wag. rX7Tho Board of Revenue Commissioners, which convened at Harrisburg on the 11th, are still in session, actively at work. D"There are said to be 8,820 females em ployed in the Lowell Mills, in Massachusetts. What a Aoop-ing place that must be I C"A bill has passed the House of Repre sentatives, increasing the pay of j urors in Lan caster county to $1,50 per day, and of witnes ses to $1 per day. CF"Sensible suggestion. The Washington City Star strongly recommends the adoption of the cash system by the whole newspaper press of the country. C "An English writer classified old maids and bachelors as "solitary mature men and women who have nothing happening to them." He ought to have his ears boxed. " CA young ;vidder." A couple was mar ried in the cars of tho Memphis and Charles ton railroad a few weeks Rince. The bride was a widow aged sixteen years. D"Slightly befuddled the individual who wanted an officer to arrest his shadow, the oth er night, complaining that he did not believe in being followed by such an ill-looking scoundrel. D "The Grand Jury of Clinton county ig nored the bill against young Smoke, who shot his father a few months ago. It is generally believed to have been an accident, as declared by tho father previous to his death. K7The Tartars pnll a man by tho car when they want him to drink, and keep pulling un til he opens his mouth, when they pour down tho liquor. We know some folks whoso ears would not require much pulling. C7"In Manchester, New Hampship, on the 13th, two women, named Ilcttessy and Cough lin, got into a quarrel about a piece of cheese, during which the former threw the latter on the floor and beat her so badly that she died shortly afterwards. !T7It is stated that Mr. Keitt, the intimate friend of the late Preston S.Brooks, and par ticipator in the Sumner assault, is confined to his bed with the identical disease of which Mr. Brooks died. The coincidence is some what singular. C-"The height of lolly half a dozen broth crs, four uncles, and a grey-headed father try ing to stop a girl from getting married to tbo 'man she loves, and loves he-; just as if lad dors were out of date and all the horses in the world spavined ! C7Gov. Pollock has offered 500 reward for the murderer of Xorcross at Altoona ; Gov. Gardner of Massachusetts $500; the citizens of Pittsburgh $500 ; the friends of tho de ceased $500, and tho citizens of Altoona $200, making in all $2,200. K7"Uov. McRca, of Mississippi, in his re cent message to the Legislature, says that he is Governor far life. It seems that the Legis lature of 1854 in making changes in the con stitution, have managed to make the term of governorship perpetual. C7A mother and four daughters, all of whom reside at Northampton, Massachusetts, have, collectively, approached the altar of Hy men seventeen times I The mother has had four husbands, one of her daughters four, and tho others threo each. They'll do. E7Thc President of tho United Stntes, as is usual, has called an extra session of the U. S. Senate, to convene at Washington, on the 4th of March next, to receive and act upon such communications as may be made to it on tho part of tho new President, who will that day be inaugurated. CU Cincinnati, on the 16th Feb., the case of James Sammans, found guilty of mur der in the" first degree, ten years ago, for poi soning his father's family, two of whom died, was disposed of by the Supremo Court, and tho prisoner ordered to be bung on tho 13th of April next. Along time that, for a man to bejtcpt in suspense. H7"A St. Faul, Minnesota, paper says : A large and beautiful elk went down Third street the other day, with a cutter, and two young men as drivers. Ho did not exhibit a very well defined trot, though he was very manago able, but when ho opened his gait, it was a cau tion to all fast 'crabs' on the track. Wonder if wo hadn't better sell all our nags South ; bucks are said to bo plenty in the back coun try." 'Thenr Minnesotians seem to bo 'fast' people. E7"A rather rich winding up of a murder trial came off a few days ago in Detroit, Mich igan. A pedlar, named Samuel Kitcr, was missed by his friends. He was last seen en tering tho house of a Mr. Bickley. Foul play was suspected, and Mrs. Bickley, daughter and another woman arrested, charged with murdering him. Blood was discovered on the floor and wall, human hairs with it, bones and a piece of cloth in an ash barrel, and something burning was smelt by ono witness. On Satur day morning, as the counsel were about sum ming up tho case, a little Dutchman, the veri tablo pedlar himself, who had stood with his hands in his pocket, a quiet spectator of the sceno, stepped forth and protested against any such liberties being taken with his affairs, do claring that ho had neither been slaughtered nor burnt up, and as to being dissolved into the smlll show of sheep uoncs anu nurse nair. which tho tablo before htm anoraea, ne icit in dignant at the ida. R AFT STOVES for sale very low at feblll MERRELL A CARTER'S. LOT of good WINDOW SASH, 10 by 12, for sale by MERRELL A CARTER. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR -A lot of prime Buckwheat flour for sale, at lower rates than elsewhere, by jan7 MERRELL A CARTEK. A FIRST RATE Sett of BlacksmithingTools, including Bullowg. Anvil, Screw-plates. Ao , for sale by ljan71 MERRELL 4 CARTER. ANTED 100 BUSHELS WHITE BEANS, for which thehiehcst price will be given by MERRELL A CARTER. Clearfield, Deo. 17. BACON! BACON!! BACON!!! A PRIME ARTICLE, Kept constantly on hand and for sale at the store of lebll- WM. t. m WIN. TIOR SALE A two-story frame House, with a L half acre of land adjoining, situate in Law rence township, on the road from Clearfield to Curwensville, about 1 J miles from Clearfield. For terras apply to Zebad Lawhead, Lawrence town ship, or to the subscriber. L. JAl&WS UtA. june4 Clearfield, Pa. GULICII & BENNER, would respectfully inform tho citizens of Clearfield, and public generally that they have entered into co-partnership in the CABINET MAKING BUSINESS, and keep constantly on bands, and manufacture to order, at the lowest prices, every variety of furnituro, consisting of Dining, Breakfast, aud Centre Table, Sewing, 11 ruing, and Wash-Stands, Mahogany, and Common Bed-steads ; Mahoeony and Cane-bottomed Chairs. Bureaus, Sofas, Lounges, tc, Ac. Coffins made and funerals attended on tbe short est notice, with a neat hearse, and appropriate accompany mcnts. House 1'ainting dono on the shortest notice. Shop and Ware-rooms, same as formerly occupi ed by John Gulich, ui early opposite tbe 'Jew Store,' Clearfield, l'a JUll.N UUiacn, May 22, 'oo.-ly. DA.MEI, lifcMiK, E1 VANS AND COMPANY'S GREAT GIFT BOOK SALE, 409 Broadway, New York. Fine Gold Jewdry Given Away to Purchasers of Uooirs. All Books will be sold as low as can be had nt oth er Stores, many of them for less. New books re ceived daily. A Gift varying in value from 25cts to 1,00, given with each book at the tune it is sold. Having on hand a very large stock of new and val uable books, and as our motto is "Large sales and small profits," we are determined to give our cus tomers better bargains than can be bad clscwher . Any book published in New York or Philadelphia will be promptly sent, gift included, on receipt of publishers price. Catalogues of Uooks and I re sents, containing full explanations will be sent tree to all parts of tbo country. I he most liberal ttulu cements are enercd to A gents. Any person by sending lis an order fortcn books, with money enclosed, will bo entitled to an extra Book and Gijl. All orders for books, con taining money, (to ensure period safety,) should bo registered nt the Post-ofiico where they aro mailed, and directed to Evans 4 Co., 403 Broad way, Jew l ork. Kkferesck. M. Thomas Jfc fcons. toutn Fourth St, Philadelphia; J. B. Lippcncott A Co., Phila delphia ; u. Appleton .V Co., inroad way, . xork ; JJcrby X Jackson, iNassau street, iiew lork. IjjfbeiiJ for a Catalogue. EVANS A Co. Principal Store', 409 Broadway, New York. Branch stores at 125 Chestnut street, Philadel phia, and at Washington, 1). C. Dec 17 3m R ECEIPTS ASD EXPENDITURES or CLEARFIELD COUNTY, FOR 1856. Eli Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in tbe Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, in account with said county, from the 3d day of January, A. V. 13j, to the Jth day of January, A. i. 1307. KtBTOIl. To amonnt received from Collectors for ami previous years. S159S 7i To amount received from nnseatcd lands for 1554 and lH5i, 3UI Tt To amount of interest on bridge order, 27 00 CflEPlT. By balance due Treasurer by county last settlement, s2j1 44 Bv amount paid as follows : To Jurors and Talesmen, 1251 72 Election expenses. 14 l-t y.t Commonwealth cost3, SOI 27 Wolt, panther, w ild cat and fox sculps, 271 P9 r or rucl Tor county purposes, o Jail fees and boarding prisoners, 101 2.'i Refund, 92 64 Bond views, 179 00 Court crier and caro of Court llouso, 67 50 County Auditors, 9 50 Constables, ,. 119 51 Assessors, 580 70 County Commissioners. 207 75 For repairs to public buildings, 611 3rt Prolh'y and clerk of sessions, 275 70 For count v printing. 191 25 Hiiftrict Attorney fees. 120 00 For Coroner's fees and inquisi tions, 3j 02 Justices' fees, 9 H7 Commissioners' clerk, 210 00 Exonerations to collectors, 210 00 l'cr ccntago to collectors, 298 09 Commissioners' counsel, 100 00 Books and stationary, SO 50 Ou bridge contracts. 900 00 Treasurer's percentage on recei ving rii)07 00 at 1 per ct. 12100 Treasurer's pcrcentago on recei ving 57953 00 at I) per ct, 119 30 Costs on sales of unseated lands, 40 02 . $8115 60 Balance duo Treasurer, 378 17 8445 6(5 Amount of State and county tax duo from tors lor 1850, and previous years : Year. Townships. Collectors names. Co. Jordan, James Rea, jr. 205 51 143 Fox, David Carr, 1849 Clearfield, David Litz, 6 33 Covington D. Hugucny, Burnside, John Young, 30 Ot 1551 Jordan, D. Williams, 3 15 1552 Fox, John J. Bundy, I 00 Curwcnsv. John Askey, 27 19 1853 Chest. John M Cully, 45 71 Decatur, Dnvid Kcphart, Tike, Jog. A. Caldwell, 1851 Chest, S. J. Toier, 45 85 Curwcnsv. B. F.Sterling, 13 25 tSoshen, Jacob Flcgcl, 6 99 Jordan, Jos. Patterson, 53 43 Lawrence, Benj. Snnckinan, 23 40 Morris, Joseph Potter, 49 70 Pike, T. K. M Clure, 44 34 1855 Bcccaria, James Slowart, . 14 2S Boggs, (Jeo. Wilson, jr. Covington John B, Barmoy, 62 79 Clearfield, T. J. M'Cullough, 70 3.1 Huston, 11. M. Hoyt, 5 67 Lawrence, A C. Tote. 52 9S Morris, Jacob Willhclm, 31 42 Pike, Daniel Bailey, 52 90 1'cnn, Jos. Collingsworth, 54 2t Woodward Abraham Byers, 30 57 1856 Bcccaria, is. K. llegerty, 196 64 Bell, Charles Smith. 160 08 Boggs, JohnW. Kylar, 10137 Bradford, John Holt, 247 73 Brady, Jacob Kuntx, 487 21 Burnside, James Weaver, 121 01 Chest, Jonathan Fry, 204 62 Covington Daniel Bollet, 82 C.IarHnl.I.Wm. F. Irwin, 173 40 colleo- State. 92 14 1 43 1 62 8 29 38 68 47 58 35 17 4 7 52 20 10 54 3 3! 10 08 83 90 15 57 64 91 I 87 14 89 ni 89 139 03 10 37 90 09 133 95 17 85 60 39 7 73 114 84 65 49 77 00 125 94 314 63 41 70 44 63 46 14 177 63 85 80 117 91 63 29 56 14 95 43 00 53 04 57 80 10 23 95 09 Curwensv. JohnD. Thompson,l27 07 Tint nt ii r. Ferguson, D. W. Hoyt, 135 82 tax, tiirard, Goshen, Huston, James Moorchead, N. Roussolot, J. A. L. Flogal, Asa Younir. 4 50 50 85 54 73 93 65 Jordan, Robt. M. Johnston, 87 16 Karthaus, J. C. M Closkcy, 74 2i Knox, D. J. Cathcart, 99 52 Lawrence, Abtaham Ream, 219 91 Morris, John Hoover, 212 53 138 49 Penn, James Arthurs, -179 58 80 94 Pike, Lewis I. Bloom, 336 44 220 84 Union, Jas. W. Hollopeter, 66 20 60 31 Woodward Samuel Haggerty, 190 34 97 97 S4836 78 3097 55 Amount doe on unseated lauds for 1856, Z90& 40 HW o Amount of notes and judgments not included above, 3 f 7991 71 4550 21 Amount of orders outstanding, 793 31 $7198 40 Amount of Militia tax due for 1856, and previous vears : 1618 Bull. Rhinehart Iletzol, Henry Swan, Philip Antes, Ab'm Spencer, Joseph Stites, David Lit I, D. Hugueny, Wm. Wiley, Thomas Fenton, John Sunderlin, Lorenx Hartline, Joseph Rothrock, Joseph Davis, John Young, D. Williams, Jacob Wise, John Askey, David Kephart, Jos. A Caldwell, S. J. Toier, B. F. Sterling, Jacob Flegcl, Jos. Patterson, Benj. Spackman, Jos. Potter, T. R. M Clure. George Wilson, jr. Jacob Pcarcc, J. B. B.irmoy, T. J. M'Cullough, 11. M. Hoyt, A. C. Tate, Jacob Willhelm, Daniel Bailey, Jos. Collingsworth, Ab'm Byers, S. K. Hegarty, Charlos Smith. John W. Kylar, John Holt, Jacob Kuntz, James Weaver, Jonathan Fry, Daniel Rolley, Wm. F. Irwin, John D. Thompson, George Kephart, D. W. Hoyt, James Monrhead, N. Roussolot, J. A. L. Flcgal, Asa Young, Robert M. Johnston, J. C. M Closkcy, D. J. Cathcart Abraham Reams, John Hoover, James Arthurs. Lewis I. Bloom, J, W. Hollopeter, Samuel Hegarty, 6 00 4 10 14 09 17 50 29 00 9 80 33 00 25 00 32 50 6 00 20 50 13 12 30 50 16 28 7 00 Jordan, Lawronce, Penn, Bogg. Clearfield, Covington, Jordan, Penn, Bell, Karthaus, Morris, Penn, Burnside, Jordan, Morris, Curwcnsv'e, Decatur, Pike, Chest, Curwcniv'e, Goshen, Jordan, Lawrence, Morris, Pike Boggs, Bradford, Covington, Clearfield, Huston, Lawrence, Morris, Pike, Penn, Woodward, Beccaria, Bell, Boggs, . Bradford, Brady. Burnside, Chest, Covington, Clearfield, Curwensv'c, Decatur, Ferguson, Fox, Girard, (loshcn, Houston, Jord an, Karthaus, Knox, Lawrence, Morris, Penn, Tike, Union, Woodward, Total, 1849 1850 1851 00 1952 17 25 19 50 7 54 15 50 1 33 10 04 13 50 SI 67 41 80 33 00 8 35 9 54 46 00 So 00 11 00 31 43 24 33 25 90 43 50 11 75 13 37 13 47 17 50 30 02 60 00 41 00 27 50 49 50 22 05 19 47 36 50 13 85 4 00 15 62 12 87 14 00 17 50 21 50 25 50 45 50 36 50 35 00 37 00 14 50 1853 1354 1855 135G 30 50 Eli Bloom, Esq.. Treasurer, of Clearfield County, in account with the different townships, for Road fund for 1354 and 1855 : DEBTOR. To balance due Road fund at last settle ment, $143 40 To amount received from unseated lands for 1354 and 1855, 6476 73 CREDIT. By am'tpaldtp's. Bal.duetp's. Beccaria, 303 92 Bell, 323 22 Bojtgs, 110 20 Bradford, 165 72 Brady, 304 73 Burnside, 199 13 Chest. 176 73 Covington, - 92 00 Clearfield. 12 06 Curwensville, 8 00 Decatur, 201 33 Ferguson, 23 36 Fox, 214 73 Girard, 117 22 Goshen, 185 99 Houston. 1232 33 Jordan. 573 91 Karthaus, 160 95 Lawrence, ' 123 60 Morris, 850 13 Penn, 164 10 Pike, 123 66 I'nion. 214 56 Woodward, 600 64 Bal.due tp's, 223 73 $6620 13 20 63 13 73 93 41 42 92 32 37 13 72 Bal.due tpsS220 78- S6320 13 Eli Bi.oox, Esq., Treasurer of Clearfield County, in account with the different townships for behool fund for 1354 and 13o5 : PKI'.TOH. To balance due school fund at last settle ment. $393 62 To amount from unseated lands for 1854 and 1S55, 6549 58 cnnoiT. Byam'tpsid tp's. Bal.duetp's. Beeearin, 372 97 85 43 Bell, 2S0 83 30 12 Bogg, 76 00 22 90 Bradford, 162 00 27 69 Brady. 300 00 25 43 Burnsido, 451 01 Chest, 162 40 63 04 Covington, 77 32 21 94 Clearlicld. 11 92 Curwensville, 8 00 Decatur, 191 80 63 83 Ferguson, 25 17 Fox, 143 47 Girard, 97 50 63 43 Goshen, 137 29 33 51 Houston, 1025 62 121 83 Jordan, 221 40 155 02 Karthaus, 175 00 63 41 Knox, 105 50 35 04 Lawrcnco, 153 25 2 92 Morris, 787 29 167 13 Penn. 150 00 22 25 Pike, 113 95 I'nion. 280 00 Woodward, 233 04 16 39 33 16 Bal.duetp's 1220 11 Bal due tpsl226 11 $6943 20 SC943 20 We, tlioundcr9igncd Commissioners of Clear field county, in the Commonwealth of Pennsylva nia, having examined the accounts of Eli Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of said county, for tho year, A. D. 1853, do certify that we find them as above stated. The amount of debts outstanding due tho county are seven thousand nino hundred and ninety-one dollars and seventy one cents ; the amount of out standing orders fire seven hundred and ninety three dollars and tbirty-one cents. Witness our hands this 10th day of Januarv, A. D. 1857. DAVID ROSS, Attest JOHN IRWIN, It. J. Wallace, JACOB WILLHELM, Clerk. Commissioners. We, the undersigncdAuditors of Clearfield coun ty, having examined the accounts of Eli Bloom, Esq., Treasurer of said countv. for the vear A. D. T353, do report that the accounts are as above sta ted, lhe amount due the Treasurer by the county is three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventeen cents. The amount due tho Road fund by the Treasurer is two hundred and twenty-six dollars and seventy-eights cents ; the amount due the School fund is ono thousand two bund rod and twenty-six dollars and eleven cents. Also, the a mount due the county from collectors and unseat ed lands, notes and judgments is seven thousand nine hundred and ninety-ono dollars and seventy one cents, and the amount of outstanding orders is seven hundred and ninety-three dollars and thirty-one cents. Witness our hands this 16th day of January, A. D. 1857. A C TATE Attest FRANCIS PEARCE, R, J. Wallace, PETER HOOVER, Clork. Auditor. CLOVER SEED. A small lot of Clover Seed for sale at MERRELL A CARTER'S. MISSING. Tbcondcrsignod requests the per son having his axe in possession, to return the same immediately, Jan24 JOHN TROUTMAN. EXTENSIVE MARBLE YARD, AT TYRONE CITY, PA. Having just received a lot of the best eastern Mar ble tbat cau be procurea at me rnuaaci- phia Yards, I am now ready to turnish all kinds of work in our line, vis : Mon uments. Tomb-Tables. Marble Door-steps. Lintels, Mantle-pieces. Centre-Table, Card-Table, Bureau-tops. Ac., of either American or Italian Marble. tN. B. All orders sentby mail, prompt ly attended to. Wc will not be beat either in work or prices. fdec24-'5C.lyl I. ULREY. M. A. Frank, Esq., Agent, Clearfield, Pa. CLEARFIELD INSTITUTE. The third quarter of the present school year of this Insti tution will commence on Monday, February Vth, 1857. Persons wbhin to fit themselves for College, Teachers, Commercial or other avocations in life, will hero receive every desired facility. A thor ough Scientific and Classical course is here given on terms lower than in similar Institutions in the State. Parents at a distanca can obtain boarding for their sons and daughters under the immediate care of the Principal, where tbey will receive rare advantages, with all the comforts and pleasures of home; and their morals will bo carfully guarded. It is particularly desirous tbat pupils forthe ap proaching term be present at its commencement, to select their scats and be properly arranged in their respective classes. Further information and Catalogues of the In stitute can bo had by addressing. W A. CAMPBELL. Principal. Aug. 20. 1856. . Clearfield. Pa. F ALL' AND WINTER STYLES ! at the sign of the "CHEATEST GOODS," Market Street, Clearfield, Pa. The undersigned has just received and opened at his store room, a large and well selected stock of Seasonable Goods, which he offers at the most rea sonable prices to purchasers. His stock embraces DRY GOODS. HARDWARE. QUEENSWARE, GROCERIES, Boots, Shoes, Hats. Caps, Ac. He respectfully invites all who wish to purchase Goods at low prices to give him a call. Approved country produce taken in exchango for goods. Persons wishing to purchase, and receive a fair equivalent for their money, will do well to give him a call. Remember the sign of the CHEAPEST GOODS, on Market street, and call and be convinced that there is truth in tho words thereon inscribed. WM. T. IRWIN. Clearfield, Pa., Nov. 2fi,"l350 4 MONEY MAKING TRADE FOR . OATJ-: DOLLAR. JEFFRIES'S MANUAL PROFITABLE Jt USEFUL TRADES. ARTS AND OCCUPATION'S. WITHOUT A MASTER, IS NOW READY FOR SALE. This isone of the most valuable little books of tho times, to all persons out of employment, as a number of money making trades and arts, can be learned without a master, beside all the genu ine and popular receipts, acd instructions of the day, for the manufacture of the most beneficial and saleable articles, now in common use. Any pcr.on forwarding one dollar post-paid, ioC.JEt-- I'tilkS, Jeffries, Clearhetd Co.. l'a.. or to A. 11. Banman, Tyrone, Blair Co., it., will receive a copy by return mail. And any person forwarding twenty-five cents, posfpaid, to C. Jeffries, will receive by return mail, one of the three following instructions: How to make the celebrated artificial HoNEV. How to raise double crops, of all kinds of vegeta bles, with little expense, and how to catch ail tbe AVolves. Foxes. Minks and Mui-krots in the neigh borhood. Any person forwarding fifty cents, will receive the whole three by return mail. June 4. 1S53 ly. JTOOK HERE !!! LOOK HERE I!!!! LAB6ESTAO BEST STOCK OF FALL AND WINTER GOODS, EVER OFFERED IN CLEARFIELD COUNTY, l'ENN'A. The undersigned has just received from the East and is now opening at his Store in the borough of CURWENSVILLE, one of the LARGEST and most ertevsire stock of Fatla'vt Winter goods ever offered in Clearfield countv. Havinz select ed his goods with tho especial view to the wants of this community, and being determined to sell them at as low prices os they can he purchased any where in this section of country, be hopes to se cure a liberal share of public patronage. His stock consist ot Dry uoods, trocenes, Hardware Qxeensware. and in fact every article kept in a country store. The largest and best assortment of iioots and Miocs. Hats and Caps, Ready-made clo thing, 4c., Ac. Ac. Country produce and Lumber taken in exchange for Goods. Ca.'h not refused. Curwensville Novl2-'5Q H. D. PATTON. BROADWAY GOLD I EN MANUFAC TURING COMPANY., NO. 33 5 BROAD WAV, NEW YORK. LIST OP hetail trices : Gold Pens. SI 00 Gold Tooth Pieks. S2 00 Gold Pen and Silver " Tooth and Ear holder, 2 00 Picks, 3 00 Gold Pen and doublo Gold Pencil A Watch ex-Silver boilers, 3 00 Keys. 3 00 Mamonth, " 4 00 Ladies GoldPencils.2 00 Leviathan. " 5 00 " " " 3 00 Fountain Ten, Desk " 4 00 Holder, 3 00 " "with pen 5 00 Mamonth, " 5 00 Gents' Gold Cases Engrossing Pens, 2 00 and Tens, 8 00 Leviathnn and Box, 5 00 " " 10 00 Gothic Silver case & " Gothic " 12 00 Pen, 3 00 " Screw Tencil, 8 00 " Engrossing " 4 00 And all other kinds and " Miimnuth " 5 00 styles at retail prices. PREMIUMS PRESENTED TO PURCHASERS. To every person buying a gold pen of us we pre sent a numbered certificate, and each of these cer tificates entitles tho holder of it, by tho extra pay ment of 2; eenis. to an article of jewelry, in value from$l to SlOO. This jewelry consists of Gold and Silver Watches in great variety. Silver Goblets, Silver Fruit Baskets, Gold Guard chains for ladies. Lockets. Bracelets, Gents' gold fob and vest chains, Thimbles, Breastpins. Ear Drops, Studs, Rings, Crosses, Ac. none of which sell for loss than SI. Fur every Dollar )aid tis. the party i.t entitled to a numbered certi irate, ami by the payment of 25 rts. extra on each certificate he is entitled to receive irhatever the number of the certificate designates. Wo have been in operation for three years and thousands have bought of us, and we have never learned that any one was ever dissatisfied- This plan affords every opportunity of obtaining a gold watch or some article of jowelry, for a triflingsum. All our pens, pencil cases, Ac, are genuine arti cles manufactured by ourselves with great care, and offer them preefcselyat prices aked in all oth er stores in the city. To agents we make advan tageous offers, and any energetic person can do well by working for us. We wi.h agents in every place in the country, and persons who would like to become such will ploase address us. and we will send them printed circulars of prices terms, Ac We have no stated periods of distribution. Tbe moment a pen is purchased, the purchaser is enti tled to receive his premium en the pevment of 25 cents extra. MERRICK, BENTON i DEAN, 335 Broadway, New York. AGENTS WANTED. X. B. Gold Pens repointed in a superior man ner. Enclose the pen and 39 cents in P.O. stamps, and the pen will be repointed and returned post paid. Tho Broadway Gold Pen Manufacturing Compa ny, is well known throughout the country, nut as there are undoubtedly sme who are not acquaint ed with us we append tLe following well known firms as reference : Fellows' A Co.. No. 17 Maiden Lane, Xew York, Hicks A Mitchell, No. 20 Benton Bros., cor. Broadway A Conrtland St.. N. York, and Chesnnt street, Philadelphia I- lli7 ? ?' No- 5 Gilsy building.X.Y. Gould A Wood No. 9, JUid.n. Lane, Newark, February 4, 1557-fca LET US REASON TOGETHER, HOLLOW AY'S PILLS' WHY ARE Wfi SICK V - - ; IT has been tho lot of the human race to be weih cd down by disoasc and suffering. .HOLLO- WAY'S PILLS are specially adapted to the relief of tho WEAK, tho NERVOUS, the DELICATE, and the INFIRM, of all climes, ages, sexes, and constitutions. Professor Holloway personally m pcrintends the manufacture of bis medicines in tho -. United States, and offers them tea free and enlighi- cned people, as tbe best remedy the world, ever. s saw for the removal of disease. THESE PILLS PURtFY THE BLOODC. These famous Pills arc expressly combined to cp erato on the stomach, the liver, the kidneys, tha lungs, the skin, and the bowels, correcting anyde rangement in their functions, purifying the blood. the very fountain of life, and that caring. diseaaa in all its forms. OISPEPSIA AND LIVER COMPLAfNTS, : Nearly half the human race have taken tkese Pills, fr-his been proved in all part -f tho world, that nothing has been found equal ta tUm in cases of disorders of the liver, dyspepsia, and stomach complaints generally. They soon give a healthy tone to these organs, however much deranged, and! " when all other means have failed. GENERAL DEBILITY. ILL HEALTH. Many of the most despotic Governments have of pened their Custom Houses to the introduction of these Pills, that they may become the medicine of the masses. Learned Colleges admit that this medicine is the best remedy ever known for per sons of delicate health, or where the system has- been unpaired, as its invigorating properties nover fail to afford relief. FEMALE COMPLAINTS. No female, young or old. should be without this celebrated medicine. It corrects and rcgulatcsth mommy courses at all periods, acting in many ca ses like a charm. It is also the best and safuet medicine that can be iven to Children of all ags. and for any complaint; consequently no family should be without it. Holtoirny's Villi ere the be.'t remedy known in tit irorld for the following Dieiscs: Asthma . Diarrhoea SecondarySymptoms Coughs Chest Diseases Stone and Gravel Colds Fever and Ague Venereal Affection Influenza Bowel Complaints Female Complaints Costivcncsi Infiaination Worms of all kinds Dyspepsia Indigestion Low ness of Spirits Iebilty Liver Complaints Inward weakness -Dropsy Piles Headaches Sold at the Manufactories of Professor Hot. low ay, bO Maiden Lane. N. York, and 244 Strand, London, and by all respectable Druggists and Deal ers of Medicine throughout tbe I'niied States, and. tho civilized v.olrl, in boxes at 25 cents, 621 cents, and $1 each. L'Thtre is a considerable saving by taking . tbe larger frizes. N. B. Directions for the guidance of patients in . every disorder are affixed to each box. aprU'5S AT ROBINS' LITERARY DEPOT, Shaw's Row, Clearfield, Pa., CAN ALWAYS BE PROCURED - BOOKS OF ALL KINDS; Stationary, FANCY ARTICLES AND CONFECTIONARILS, Tobacco and Cigars, DRUGS, MEDICINES, DYE-STCFF3, PAINTS, Chemicals, ire., e., J-c. Among bis stock will bo found Histories, Biogra phies. Sketches, School Books, Poetical, Scieuiio, .Mechanical, Medical and Law works; the latest publications always on band or procured to order; all the Magazines furnished monthly, at publish ers prices ; faney and common letter paper; plain and ruled cap paper ; perforated paper; note pa-. per ; fancy and common envelopes; black Deeds; a great variety of Steel Pens ; common and faney pen-holders, pencils. Ac. Ac. Ac, which be will sell . at the most reasonable prices. His stock of Drugs. Medicines, Dye-stuffs, Painto, . Ac, is large and well selected; among which ara-. Calomel, Blue Mass. Quinine, Morphia, Red Pre-' cipitate ; Rhubarb, root and pulverized ; Rochelle ... and Epsom Salts; Cream of Tartar Sulphur, Sen- -na. Pink Root, Sup. Carbonate Soda, Tartaric A cid, Sulphate of Zinc ; Liquorice, Col umbo and Gentian root; Logwood, Oil Vitriol, Blue Vitriol, Coperas. Alum, Red Lead, Prussian Clue, Cbrom. Green and Yellow, Vermillion, Terra de Sienna, . and in fact a general assortment. lie has alfo fine lot of Ladies' Gold Breast Pins, Ear Drops, Finger Rings. Ac. Also, Watch Guards and Keys. Penknives. Hair oils; Hair. Reading. Fine and Pocket combs, Tooth-picks. Ra zors and Strops, Sadlers' Silk, Pearl powder, Fan cy Soaps and Perfumery a great variety. Also. Prunes, Figs, Raisins, Almonds, Pea-nuts and Filberts; Candies a general assortment; Cin amon, Cloves. Tepper, and other spices; Blacking, and Spool Cotton ; the most popular Patent Med icines of tbe day ; all of which will be sold at the very cheapest rates. Call and cxamino the stock and judge for vonr sclves. ldecl7 THOMAS ROBINS. 1 EMPLOYMENT FOR TITE WINTER., -i 'The best Book for Agents. TO PERSONS OUT OF EMPLOYMENT." An Elegant Gift for a Father to Present ta his Family ! Send for one copy, and try it among your frindsT WANTED Agents in every section of tbe Uni- ted Stntes. tocirculato SEARS' LARGE TYPE gi'ARTO BIBLE. For Family Use-?Entitlod "Th People's Pictorial Domcstio Bible," with about One Thousand Engraving ! This useful book is destined, if wc can form an opinion from the Notices of tbe Press, to have a unprecedented circulation in every section of nr wide-spread continent, and to form a distinct era in the sale of our works. It will, no doubt, in a few years become The Family Bible of tbe Amer ican iVopio. tIhe most liberal remuneration will be al lowed to all persons who may be pleased to pro cure subscribers to the above From 50 to 100 co pies may easily bo circulated and sold in each of. the principal cities and towns in the Union. IT" WILL BE SOLD BY SUBSCRIPTION ONLY. i Application should be made at once, as tha field will soon be occupied. Persons wishing to act as agonts, and do a safe business, can send for a specimen copy. On the receipt of tho established price, Six Dollars, the Pictorial Family Bible, w ith a well bound Sub scription Book, will bo carefully boxed, and for warded per express, at our risk and expense, to any central town or village in the L"n:ud States, excepting those of California. Oregon and Texas. Register your Letters, and your money wiir come safe. In addition to tbe Pictorial Bible, we p-oblisb. a large number of Illustrated Family Works, verr popular, and of such a high moral sai anexoep" tionable character, that while good men may ssfe ly engage in their circulation, they will confer a Public Benefit, and receive a Fair Compensation for their labor. Orders respectfully solicited. For further par ticulars, address the subscriber, (post paid ) ROBERT SEARS. 131 William St., N. Y. WILLIAM TI NTH OFF. CLOCK AND T WATCH MAKER, Informs the citizens of Curwensville and vicinity that he has opened a shop between Peters' and Masons' hotels in said borough, where he is pre pared to do afl kin is of work in his lino on the shortest notice and upon tbe most reasonable terms. He will warrant all his work for one year. He respectfully solicits a share of public patron, gc Curwensville, Dec. 10, 1S5&- GOOD INTENT TIOTEL. The subscriber having taken this well known HOTEL in the borough of Curwensville, wishes his old customers and tbe travelling nnhiin n.rii. : call, as be has the hmt .ti.i;.i,n,.Ki . .l . in the county. He hopes to give general satisfaction. Curwensville, AugU-'SO JOS. PETERS T B M'ENALLY, ATTORNEY AT LAW a has charier.-! hii nffi t )a . i;. tion. adjaiuing the residonoe of James B. Graham. All business will receive prompt attention. Clearfield. July tfi. lft.a. 1 HA SACKS OF SALT, for sale bv XJJ MERKELL'A CARTER, Deo. 10,185g, Clearfield. Pa. UMBRELLAS and Parasols, a large asaoftznec of the latest patterns, te b had cheap at ' re for sale at THS. ROBBIES'.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers