• VOLUME XVI VO . i•111111111106.021ar PlTTStrtitGil MORNING POST. ,r. y (5q.;,131, •":" If 1 P. tit Akt R r 7.1. L C8V.91111 or wOOl3 O. ytA.tr, payablest,i6ly to `adcoa..e tflr Doae.l., InvarlalAy reriwirr-d it net ;Ink', tho year. TWO CEiTh—t(q . CU➢Ptbr 1 1l - 11,.) by' 'ho New, iseyn, .t.kTiiB OF ADVERTISING. Thrw.ll Twice' Once Va'kly • week t o weAki week. I --,- 7.,NVC• fnsertiai,;• ... ..... 7; Dixon inaorti‘an! .... 1 00' 00 One ... 176 50 7 . .w0 week5......_. 00 200 160 •1 00 76 ti2hrt.c. weeps 400 265 200 125 one mouth - SCO 3as 260 160 Two m0uth5...........7 001 465 350 236 Three months 000 000 460 3 00, 30( Four months 10 00 066 bOO 3 36! vice months—. 11 00 735 550 3 65 1 No ..... 12 00 800 600 4 001 rntntbe.... ....... 16 00 10 35 1 800 535 20 001 13 351 10 00 665 P,,t 0, aix or <ll:.‘ 4.5 in...1A613gr. 'lll Za ill. 1, 137ireit!TiVe 0 i the paw,) 2: 00 in Ivi,, ri - notic.:A. L 0 ciAit.: :Dee.th notices, 25 centa. P f 'SB RGH SATURDAY POST =NEU filt/LAMOTIE WEEKLY. DMA9N 00ILLAit VER TElit, CLUBS ON TEN :stagle SubseritpLions, - - (PAS par I.lkl Ural .20NTAINS ALL THE O•URRENT NEWS OP THE DAY, Political, Literary, Agrte:.!..tural, Gonanier 1:oca1, Telegraphic and sliecellaneona. This Paper being of the i..4..5.05g.'r man, and nent,y print.° on ftri.3 white papor, :n large, cie.;.: type, will be found by the subscriber to gico Letter satisfaction :bee any i.ueliztlied in Pittsburgh. The., - ahe wish to paper Pittsburgh, v•iii End os SATURDAY Pi.hrt' s sw... unit proEtable investniet.t. Addreee, JA.M..ES P. BAILlit, Editor and Proprietor. BUSINESS CARDS lE2EMI BARR mvisites , BOOZ, AND JOB OFFICE, 3T .3T311,3D eta, Corner of Fifth and Wood Streets, PITTSBURGH. THE und(-,si g ,r;-: having made ext - kesive I additions of .‘_NV H NDSOMEST STYLES F TYPE, and improvnl-Sda_hiao,ry, to the MORNING POST JOB OZFICE, r;t_• • ..t., , tatian of Bail Road Ofdeei , atd the public ice,,,,acally, to their t. t,r ,iiNytttch. riutt, 1,11 kiwi - 7 . "i A , R A I Li, Rf 'l2: CANTIL iE, , LEGAL, DESCIOPPION ur PLAIN 6 , -, FANCY PRINTING .txa , ,Jur kuxv, rvu eau give it;, ilrrd RAIL I:AE.In BILLS AND CARDS. B A lIECES, lILANE NOTES, I,P lIEAD,A, BILL IIEADs, P.ILI.S LADING, CIRCULARS, ❑US (NESS CARDS, L'A PER. BO( IBS, DEEDS, ItIORTGACES., BONDS, &c. I, paid to the printiio r u,r - Ac. Concerts, Exhibitions and I;A BB d: MYERS. 11.-f Of I c...3r, ll'eophe's .441 Ge Sirf)e•e O. S. Di EFFENBACRER &CO., In all kinds of Fashionable . 6 309T:-, SHOES AND GAITERS, co, LI, Ladled, Youths and Children, Puceh Street, near Market, PITTSBURGH, PA El= =MEI ijE . ARIT4 ProortuLors of Childs tr. Cu.'s i s s.4lrt. yr:. Elastic Fire and Water Proof Cement. Roofing. 133 STR.RET. - • NO promptly and faith- J;:r wors warraLto.l. u• - , Ltd sle'sys ou nod for Hale, - with di sep*.k.ly IRDE r r•rr!vnc tor JO S. P. 11 A TiLe a 00., E,NG/NEETIS itLta_)kiiiiNiST"4o O.:11er of First and Lil.crty areei.a, Pittibargh, Q n UPERIOR STEAM ENGINES fur Grist 11 and Sac , \tills, Breweries Printing Establishments, lianufactorie., &c.. made to order. They also continue the 7..anufacture of their Colebrat.d Machinlsm' Tools, such as Turning Lathes, Iron Boring and Drilling Machines, .Ic. Also, Wrought Iron shafting, with Pulleys, liangen, 4c. kr. jaS:lyd .P.OBEILT THOMPIU)N TiIOMPSON Si. CO., Dr - OUSE PAINTERS, GLAZERS AND No. 131 Third struet. SIGN PAINT ING execnt.ed with insattss and despatch. Mixed Paints, Vila, Turpentine, Varukb, Japan and English Patent Dry ers, Vilte Montaigne Ziuck, a vary superior article; Phlla - - delphia. and Pittsburgh White Lead always on hand and fur sale. We are prepared to grind colors fur Painters, Drug gists, or ellierri, at the shortest notice, as we have a Mill '.which grinds by sLCuu: Painters will save money by get ting their et;tors grouod with y ►e ; - Atild. Corn Wanted, aITEJI:L.MC aii,ZEL t L Ea ENT CITY. . 4:l' ,=-1 T il E '.;SGRIBERS HAVE TAKEN and aro prepared V 'Mr CLJI! !OR OY 10,00 tt F.,. it 1,001.1 th Off. r Of Whit, "1- fled Whrat. Th-3 , intend tc matt . .;or .uptrior Family Flour, and are willing t) pay a :19 the larnvr, iu lb. , shape of an extra prix, to in. nc , , 111 m to c.ier a ci Got;llty of Wheat, and to bring it Pe , market iu got ri .3 .1' I,s:lrtit.w GOLD AND SILVER SPECTACLES, 1 , ACTURER 9 S PRICES. lIVI)ROMETERS spirit, the cheapoet and beet articl•a over I,ronzlit to this city. 'CIiED.MOMET.K.RE AND BAROMETNRS, aryiug in price from Se to rp3O each. POCKET COMPASSES, AND ,SURVEYOR'S COMPASSES, hlwayt, oh hood at G. E. SHAVirB, Practical Optician, 69 Fifth &reel. opposite Masonic HalL a. C. & J. H. SAWYER, I=l LARD OIL, - CANDLES, PALM, TOILET, No. 47 Wood street, Pittsburgh, Pa. F. J. Busae, RUMA & GUTENDORF, !ZAN UTA OTURIIRE or STEAM - - BOILERS, And all kinds of Sheet. Iron Work. Penn street, near Water, Pittsburgh, Pa. arse Al nitP.4 Preasrpnv Amman en. fts26aly JOHN EIBER & CO., MeV DYERS AND !SCOURERS, abre.et, BDTWENN WOOD AND LIBERTY STP.EVId, All kinds of Shawls, Dresses, Ribbons, and every description of Bilk and Woolen Goode executed at short notice, and on reasonable terms. [ap2B:am Office of Sealer of Weights and Measures. THE OFFICE OF THE UNDERSIGNED,' SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES, May be found henceforth, in Cherry alley, beta een Third and Foiirth streets, where orders may be left. mrl3:tf CIJARLZS BARNETT. oft.—We have commenced mann factoring Lard Oil, and m;11 be pleased. to receive or =for it. We will warrant it equal to any Oil in the mar rot. We will fill barrels returned when desired. B. O. & J. H. gAWYEB,r Kn.-.47-.Wcind attest. bblo. Othon or oaliil4 %X 6ga Mai a. ooku- ,0 6 DO 0 60 P OC 1. 00 10 00 =MI `JOHNSON, BPA - r=-_`=_ :=tea &ND ROSIN SOAPS C. GIIVINDORF. PITTSBURGH. PA. w !. .. . ;... .: -..: ...-. .1 PUBLISHED DAILY BY ICB P. BAR INSURANCE REPORT OF THE CONDITION OF TIIF. FARMER'S UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, At ATK - VENS, BRADFORD •,.'01.;`•I Y. t' •sel,l , >, prevented to Or , tltGeklim.lers . , slid ete or with the State Laws 01 New York STATIMEN r. The name of the Compauy' l is the P A TIMERS' lltir ON TN SLTRANCE COM.PA's located fir I , l,ens, Pa. Chartered April 13,1853, by the Legislature •deerisyivaula. Chart.. Perpetual. Cash Capital, which 1,, all paid up Surplus in addition thereto ASIEtk , Fifty-tour Bends and Mortgagi.s, at six and seven VS cent. Interest. amounting in the aggregato Which mortgagee are ortvalua ble and productive real .e,tat.., principally farms, iocor , ll , .': ar,•l iirst liens, worth genertilly4ionh:, the amount and more that{ mort gaged for in each ca.te, aud, in nu case less than fifty 'p cent. more, exclusive of farm buildings, and .Y . 20 certified by the Redorders, where recorded, to the and tor., ~I the States of Ohio aud ihois. Nineteen till ; T cent. Bonds secured. Cash on hand and in Bank Ce.di in hands of Agents, itnd Iu conime of trauma-sion, secured by ouudi ...... /ilia on losiica ro-Insured, Ac; llilla receivabie., viz: proilicsuly cotes payable at bank and to the Company Interest accrued, (principally JAnuan 18580 :ate and ..-offlct. Fixtures and Furni ture INCuME ➢CF ras YLAR 1,1,7 of Premiums re,leheil yexa y, 55,231 30 ictereit refieirod .era 11,1-12 0, Ain't received from nil otter Hourc, 2,48 u UXPE3DITURIS. ,:xpenees for the year, tu.4 l acing CMIIIIII-A,La, ealaries, renie, rein surance, printing, advertising, taxes, and all other expeniies 19,19 J :haik:lda paid during the rear !,u3. , e 4 paid, which ticcurieil prier to December 31, ISti6 I,otie , s paiu which occurred ' ,dnrin t .: the year, Losses adjusted and not duO paid) incurred and in proces; of bosses r,ported,ou has been taken Lames reinted, on ground ol in,ar allee after fire, property tratof.r• rod before lode, property losi ”ct uoverNi by the Policy, iitcd Whole t of arilig the s, i9bole amennt of rim!: at date... .. 7.8.".! OP PENNSTLVANLA. COZ:ITY or BisADP , I. C N. Shipman, Preiiiiieht.,,i-nd J Can:i ce Farni,n:' (7—api.ny. Fi dhiaise and • t.,f hi.. ta.•,l ais • uu forego,..*; Ala tim, shd .cial•Ct n , it t. itrairs of maid corportice,;:. hld that hey arii the alai% ‘. cribed oti cere thoreuf. N I A N. erchiiti••ht J. X. CAN Fit D, 6••••ridari 6 u ' L s.cribt , cl uworn thin 'Liao dny ..t J.. t ; Lry, ISSB, la. C )i.4 I eof the Via.. . J. :IL rpl7:ly Wm^r 1 41 1 k.ZE IN 'SUR, IN; E, Reigance litaatuai IFlvitar:hince (}F P/I I L i A )N BUILDINGS, I,I,II.ITELP,oi: PEI:CPS/T[IAL, teiERAIHAN 1/1:1E, FURNITURI•;, IN TARN OR QC ,. ... - TTKY 011!zz, Mo. 306 Walnut Ltreet. , JAPITAL, 111‘,..tut.1 TV/. Fl r&t rTiorti,r.ge. on I ttipro iionbl,• tr.e ankaint. Peuusylccuin Y.uiilo C. , p•- • Laau, t Ilegtirriy Co.; at • ‘ -n - Dt.ntriyita i. Stack of Lit u . 6 ;Lock of Count, Fir, Ica, Scrip of P tr: try I r.sriranci• 1111113 lloCeiVis 21.1. hunitpste r Account, r..:arr.,..! Interest. or vu hand and I.ls.ak .;. 'I I NI; LI-, Y. Gt ELECTOI+.6. Clrtu Ti William li. Tll(.lllptital I)tiVid S.. Brown, Corneliusll';uverlk L. Jol.llli. Stisrrel . H. L. Cltrsutt, Robert Toland, t nice Johnson. Charles S. Wool, .187.11,1 i S. Woodward, bir3 r2.lmrlee 12. E Wry. :NI. 111 %Il..: J, nir3 North-east et:, I-. • 1.• r 11EliC _RAVI'S' I .t'j S,Lit e NM. V. I'ETTIT, ....... D. J. "t 1 Imuuut of Capital Stuck paid in arvf. ,iurpltts tfs - aren Cargo Ilialiff ou tho Ohio and W,r,ivaippi }the ir ELEA Infearee agairlBLlrza or flatu,i4o by Also, against the Perils of tho etva f nfa.l,l Navigntiou ate; Traasparl:.tifio 1103101 Ww. V. Futttit, J. C. •hu M. 1 . J. McCann, FL i. Mtn,. L L. I,Voolaton, John .I....Marz!nAl, Chn , . It, John J. Patterson, Elwood, T. P naoy. 01 ICLP.7: WILLIAM V. PETTIT. ,•.,, E. F. WITMER, - riot F-rcJri•!. , :: IL J. McCAITN, Secruary. RIIFIjIIINC.t9 %II Philadelphia': '' ' ; In I :,:,',...1.,p'.2....: Bolger, Lamb & Co., . 1 Srmitimitz, Jutti , ', 4. Co.. Truitt, Bro. et C0.,1 8a..k..)1,r;;1:0 e ,- . .ti.:1 ., .1 .. T. Lane & Co., • i P.L.i.rc.y, , C...l(iviel lA. Co. PITIBBURGLI OFFICB, NO. 9: W.17'1_41.8. t_. , 'Ti:ll . .E'r. NA L. W. !.' 11:•'':raTE11. A12,-,llt WEST MUTUAL INS LIANCE 1:0I5IPAN V. LOCK LEAVEN, :CI. 1,V7'0 CO U_VT Y. ‘23AIITII,RICD BY Tail LEGIFIL.I.TUEM UY PEANSYL.7.V:II Capited_. $300,900 I Premium Note lil COMPANY'. WI LL .1„ linildin g a, Merchuntt rill Cure, lc ,in t , .r. couutry. MIECUE tiou. Juo..J. Pearce, I Hon. G. C. Marro}, LlPark , A. ./ /In J. Hall,Charles Criat, P. T. Abrams.lK. Jackman., I . I, Thoma.d KitcheL LION. G. C. LLA.U.I , Ir, rl oetilicL T. T. A.IIP-kilS, Vice Preaido. 'fnoe. Krromor, Secretary. lE7g7IENOI:b _ . 11. Lloyd, I ILIr. SC: A. A. Wluegardner, John W. "slay nar.l, I A t!legratt, 1.. A. Mackey, liuu. (Ithaeron, 'James A. White., Thos. Bowman D.D,lWlliiani Fear.,.., James Quiggle, Win. Vilnderbelt, I ITon. OPFICE—NO. 65 PIM]. eTREET, J. A. LIPPERT, Agent. THE FRANKLIN FIRE INSIJ! - ;..‘ .5. COMPANY, OF PEL.,.L,ADELP.IIIA. DiasoTOns—Cluu - les W. Bancker, Thomas lilt: 1., .17,0ia , Wagner, Samuel Grant, JaCob 8.. Smith, Geo. W. .tiortlenai R. Lewis, Adolphi%Yl. Bore, David S. Brow M or. ria Patterson. Cain. PrKiident (Rub. G. BASTOKIR, Secretary. Continue to make insurance, perp<tiad on .:cry deecriptibn of property, in town and country, at rates as low an are consistent with security. The Company have re,crved a large Cuutlegent their capital and premiums, safely Invested, of ford ample protection to the mauled. The Assets of the Company, on January lst, 136 i, as pni.- llshed agreeably to an Act of Assembly, were as followG, viz . Mortgage y. $418,1'28 uN Real Estate H 4377 ;' ,4 Temporary Loam Btooks di,889 Otieb, • 64,3.18 81 Total Bine, their lUCUrpOrtiLitA,Oel of twenty-tin, y.,1 - 3, they have paid upward of One illwn Four Hundred I'M Laud Loth re,l OStibti by fire, thereby affording evidence of tho, ineuritiace,ustvell at the ability nn.! to m,et with prolllptllt,H9 all linLliti~•a J. o.kitTaN ER 00WIIN, 1 . 111 V. ood and u, soli IA rESTERN iNiURANY COMPANY OF P iTTSiIL' Fir; ii . GEOII.OE ;. '. 1,31 .•:, r...iiiiiiint; • . F. M. tionnOtt, Berreisr;. OYTICI No. 92 Water stye t, (,• pang li: CO'N War-holiio,) u, stairs, Pittsburgh. Will insareageinnt ail iiin4i. o. - . ii :ilz.'z.B.FSliS. A Home institucion ; 1111.5lathgoi by 14. , . known in tie community . , s...ii who al .•1..: Oil. ,;:., i.,) promptness mod liberality, , to maihttu.i.n tut. , tttl - t:t ~,r 1. - I.it - 1. they have ElBBllMOd, asottcring tho tt , stit prot• • . t. ::. who deeiro to be insurcil. " ASSETS, 0 t CTOBER 81st, 1857 Stock Accounts, sl'zi.sou it,... Mortgage,— • 2.,1110 oe Bills IWceivable, , 1,161 67 Oflice Furniture, . , • . . 24( on Open Accounts- ...... . ... .. ' ... . ..... ....... .......... .. ii 478 c,,i Cash, 14,841 145 Premium Notes,- 40,246 f. 7 Bills Discounted 125,003 78 a:asoro - .AB Gbor,-.1, Darxie, • lt. , ,Lller, Jr., J. ~ . . tier. ~ George W. Jecl... a., Jee. , , , 'I -Miley, Alex. Speer Andrew Ackley, Wm. Knight., • Nathaniel Holmes, Alexander nonch, D. Long, Wm. IL Omit' 0. W. Hioketson, le. kr. 00160 N. nov4-o,g.,r,ts,ry, . t- . . BACON. -3000 lie Country Bacon, for eale by ( 1 1 99 ) ' WIL, FL SKIM a 00. 4 2;X4000 60 G3,485:81 $26.9,4 , `56 61 140 2 l• 151 $ 253,48.. of ,t 99,155 JS -14,,,,u L 64 MEM 1 ,✓,f A • E tA112,4(5t1. ;..b1 MESE ..... 0.) t gag., ' - ) I - 1 I of. iittlottd St,rtut, I, Ltozitr.. S,W, .3 _ $317.641 7E INSURA_NCE '1 1. IX 1 . , 1" t tic: , o;.1 " .1 .V Y, .V 0 96 WA TER E yx;,_.i~s~,~ F. n. RINILIIIIPI, r4onist.:7 TlllB C011.1p11113 Conef,ctod with LIP!: RISES' , A 15,,, against 1112 1.1. 4..2D C ,nd•H' nd against azl,l i 3 1 , 11, 'IS of the g^n nud 110.7.111,NACii, - , i,•:. walti Poficioe f P mirth^ motre: Eureka lusuraure ('outpun) .Ad be 'II C Du, 0 1.1. 'ateltl lu elLt.t . '.LlE,;.l ' 7 tai =MEE J. IL Shut t W K. Nitnidi, W ,w3T. :-.ocr• tat iTIZENS ' T :0111.1 C NV. It. D. C.)chritu, J ;Cal J. .11Horlo, ri ll_ l l MEE IIITI2ZEMMIIII!!/11 laHure. I: LI. A Insurot uguithit U-... ngaiu,t ...1. ... .1 :1:.-. ~ .:Lbi .._ lIIMEMIE ll= •1, ?it IL .:-.1 fi .-c:: : i .Ls. L .I_ . .i;' I. :.:.1 . ,: .i. ./.D L :`. 1' ..-,:. Ti ft 11 ‘I. i II 1 h EXCII.A 7;, (3Pki. I ;.'pr ` r ,„ l`; :1 1 :11 , c... ' ~.i; t- r, , , ~ :~ ~.. ~ , EIELIESEE =ME THE NITAA , .-,..iiir:fil, 1:EIMEMI11112 U. t-,A}C, '}~~ ~, 1 7:• A A 1: I, •••• .$•.l L. A I 11, WASHING 'in sF t' ; L. PEN.V.4 .4 VE:cillE T .1) I,I7AS2Nt.•;Tr., I:.', C'o T lid. 3 1,," E (.%on . ner 4r l / 2 :n Sty,: • NI r;tl . !•,, k; ,; Fi; f _. .15. 1:1 4 ' ii' 4:i.; UI 5 : Yr' i..rp ol o. A !,.r•r01.. , •1t ip.pr.ncr+mer't ~ ~:.. .. ~ ar.e ;1') 1).•; 41j 0,, ,! It .•1 tV-1,>:,:11:114 1 bt• gr ,a .7c 4 .",••Z L;&. BY ELI Y. Ut.Y.k:., .nl;<L7 • r'l'nits w'”it •-•,:Q.• : • ,:•,•• t:ATINti !;.d.;,4E IN A 1 : luvrze.' I I.EI `il . l / 2 Llp Dill a:q . L 114., Ii t •04,1,1 E: p., I s I 1 !-:11; tlitos ;11,E. r , col , runt A.; L1A..1,1)..N.:.; -It, ;lE', CALNI, r.F; ..Si;. i".l-7dl f'ltE;•4li Cop FIbII , E.& York PrViceog Bay, ttigg Egg Harbor, Shell Oystert;. flue, bro..lit tc Ui i ci; :i; r . 'h.. rXeri!.- IT. G. 1.• 1 .1- • ‘ CI. • - - t . I;r0 , 411 • , tvl t - 1,7 Lippincott, Sizorxer.t 2A.larw,casni ,D). 10 WOOD r.rtikl_Fir. NEAR 4lirril -idA N'ti IiTURERS o}f TR' rNKs, !toes, bit and lionnot 11,1),F tiOb Trnvoinv, Trunkm, C4..rpet clock. We are prepared to don •A•hole.al e trade. find hav• ing:tticilitiee tuzu out good stock a: r•Aucks4l pricers. Re would invite the trade to call and exaumn g. )o c4 b.r fore porch:ging elibtatte, • L S. MEM 11.' z ~iZ L~ =MEM lEEE . 7 , 1 • MIME i:: Ccjill.VAN ;..;; C;INNIMIIIIIIIII 1::;, Luv MEE =ME TtLe ,. 71- cot:, ; ; ) • r liT •,1 =llll2l I=l =KUM • • , .1 • 4., ' • bnor !• 111111 1 , i C °`~ ~~~ .L.c;ste. ~, ;e: ~ y~~i , r. Ju it, t,i. , 1 N i AK•. all lIIMBIE=B weiy delicacy .1 th, • r 'Alt A .N T. 1!!!! ea Penn :ind St 1“ I .raler LI L nt) h., I :11• , ,/•• • t•,• ( , f the the Ti give (:. cz::.li ,=:;.,, t .71 ' 'i4ii.1,:01.N;48." )'. ,,- ' , .‘ , -r - : -.-1 , '../ F 'TOO.O ..,, W EI)N s I OJFI, ti' `'_)/ r MIMI lIIIE •' ' J =lllll d9po.dt, , i Ilret chi!. 01 31/1i !rk,lol,li: -ur.i:oE AL IT•itiLfA ELEMEREI IMM=I .„,, {y, .,. ~~ 18 r • _. r ;) ; Y ! ~ •!$~ of 12 Truat..eft =INS cpp 11 ti =lllll3 =MIME $.l u,.,u ... ,i .. _ t4it.g2.t yta =aa ti 07r, Y . - ur j • y " ; ; 1'; • • t.. t_t 1- 4 1 T 6( :• • -- 1•• •. • t- !m --• • . ••., • pi stil • , UOOK.LNG BY GA . 1- • I ) 'l' ( I I . 1) . TL t th.,t klit)NiNG, -,TC M.,l3,;cruvr - E 4. '. & :.111 a3l . 11J12.:i;111 G (t N N 1.1 C T I LCII e 1: t: T U , 'rj i` N t • C • ;'; F F ; U 7 ,) F T 1 U • ) NG - I •) •C U N N rf. the Gab la rac 1. LI kJ t2l, g.•. tt-r .ittxtt 11. - Inx the grope! ty .Ittme .. 4 `l , . we. molt au Pr_:, 111;6 ,-, i II ti; ~J tk, t, h.. hi Ibc 1% lv I 4.t - k-k k " I _ . , Lou vt.--20 slicks Buck- WhOtit 50 lb 1 aat. crcived s',l To: tale f.'l!) LA.KI Fli:ur received atdzfor H. 1.10 by MeCA.NbLESS. MEANS en), IL•20 Coruer ttsd 1,1 - 13 tor VMICIRANT RIFLES.moB A t desirable and e.b.Hap vrnaper... at 4.73 a. TETLEY'S, - Wnrwi errn,-*. Apriale article of No. 1 Lard, in rurerc , i ittld for rale by McOANDLESS, MEANS & CO., Ger2er of ?fiord mid Water etreets Q NOES.— t bagn Pimontn; • • a raft' Pepper, Inat-WA4Ved'and r sale MILLE& t ILIC&Er.P. - 11ti. Nos 2511 and 228 Liberty erroet. 4/IA ,. : =EMI 1111 42oidQ•44e, Ci+ .1. - 1 rre 4. 1;:ir)5 -F ,Lulty of 14 Teachers • ./ I' -•. • •. .~ ~ .1 ~.. ~i l:~, Mk: •• ' , =SE =EMI r•-• •,Pdy now MEM= SLES • ,11:4L:i : , 11? .•.••-•1 -. •ZAL••••,, LC- '~~:.~y~~+' ... r'r_•itt'.'' lIIEBT=I MEI= jr,OOH . ,L2.biem eau de2.r FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM. JITI'-E 2, L-58 GWAND MUSICAL FESTIVAL. THE; GERMAN NORTH AMERICAN NNSICAL ASSOCIATION ~rain it, 10th An; iver,ary in thin city on .EliftiE *it'll., 9th and 10th. EVENING, THE sTLI, 1. ; it A ND L',ONCEIL‘T IN THE NEW NATIONAL THEATRE Over two Hundred and Fifty Vocal and fir rn zuental Perforformers, Jimi;,, icing some of the best musical talent in the country.) in which occasion will be pert . )e med, for the first time irk the United Stan-is, the celebrated Musical Tableau, ON THE SEA SHORE, , the diiitinguishe,l composer, Julius Otto. This beam tifu: and chaste musical composition, descriptive of the Ina and till , lit, and habits of tit, Fishermen, has met the great in Huglanil, Fraaa and Germany. Ccuct.rt will be under the direction of the eminent •t. F WA H 'lf A FTECiNCON. tho 9th, 3 o'clock, PRIZE CONCERT uich ttio different Societie6 belonging to tire k /UAL, I gill compare fore mogniliceut ether goblbt. EN EN,NO, EMIT O'CLOCK, 4 SPLENDID BANQUET Dr i t. tna Sai /. L k the 1,1 ocesal n °ugh the principal 6,1 C td 16, ny. frte Nic at Denny's Grove o. ite/tlVitlez will close with a ole .4 ..tv D BALL .~. i,dn.uuu iluii fl_ ~; Graud Conc rt, Dress uk TUE MUSICAL TABLEAU, ON THE SEA-SHORE. REFACE; 1 111.1i1u. IHE i that 11, could ~!I:•• pngt.H. s of laaki ng t",n, tint, his call judge of tills, thr , inis•ts with. lit att , •mptinn the snot, , nto in f.or, gin. cia.ll. it ha 1;;L , , h. “LtilLik• the rrigunal sn strictly, am to rt , tain 111, qmostnty and m,i2ther of syllabi's in i'a, •,• , hor,. Tho :hornless of tho tun , I,:.•11 I liavo ii.voto ttr the Wkori:. 0,11.44 all ur now a., linen smAtclwd from the midst of toy proti•s -i will 1.0 an additional atipolbgy L tiny - cliaracterizi. the translation. Z:,..r,hdr. • , be kind in GriticiLing the 141..1 I , ••ri :aLl,e the will 1,, the 16.4, 1:•• 1,1 tr, '!.• 1 i.,•1 111.1 , 31 , tr.1 t., s fri , •lld I 1‘... a 1..: INV , • LI 111 0 :iblo —t the practi4ll.l i• , 11I. 111,1 "•I.iN I /I,l,tit, i , tt:.r ku„w v tng tti I tl t tt ;tit. t ti t•ttlii tne kca-ttore. felle,vind intereatia: sber le.s, is to gas,' reader ari tira tie namiral ficAs! the - ter and its chief i teinis. ; -try. in ft; ;luau. is I;t; Dr. E. by .11:LIrs tasty, Celebrated •lib. tires...lli •,1 the -,press the ideas et' the 11141 by proper hem; hi 'III 1,1, , up the finiNhing, tat-re. lie plet ore, which is represented II.; t L.; td the ti.:!, 5- , •11 performed by the ttntsir of • ddie while compositiati distinguishes itself ; o ;turd, ;lief touching repress ntation of the beau - ail.; a11..n att;:its. the majesty and horrors of the Sett the anjoymente; and sufferings, and o f it; the lided melt at sea, and at huwr. We um . .. • t twe ;sect tens ; the first of a rather • • -• I; lat. I. :did representma tler trotibles and eutier ; t termed] s : the stacm_el, ei a hilarieus • at:• ieeturing their enj..yllielits ' is iit t nurse inlided by 111.. nature PART I. ,y itli (h.• tho ou • -It 11)11,1- ~f thn (),•,ali. It .• rat)1111..2. all)! Ow I”rliiullug of 010 wave,, RC. 4 !ipo tllCil cht• I.y 111 1 . 2 (WI, By ,1I•1 I.y , I.ly !••„~ntiv Aurora aprp...tr , in the he; glen : nu t might. stu , diune, the loge: to it da . o4;lit, and the U.:I-moll bra, tit in an. tidnat,• ;.. fight' 1:.1,1`.1,1.1V Ttit'r• it hemp,. itt lit • The Ittll.,s, elndr, :. 1.811.' t.h. b. I. tr-nm. Ali dnwri Illse st..u.l,llnz. ili ii) und immensely ~ ,Treat warm-grave' 1, iiio mos,— about tho rack cliff, and -,rand through tho air-sea. i in , , i•i11111 , , t. , W,11'115 the land, !;, tL, rh , in his inorrung th.• \\, nil , y• , rm,:, tll..rpiliL 1P1 , 1A1 ,, `: nil., ye Lehard, tiNyalt.e: ~,,le t., ih•• I in ery,tal • aft, ..1 th , waters: I Lt • 1:1 , 1 :!I.• f bill light :std better yeur tert , •' ritte,,ereie. t , try your gle :•,‘ , :eth the sea %vit.!, in, ;Hid ITS I.•re, ye fish",, he right.' i'ishent, Lo right ' •:z. h•-,t,,nine Inv. r.n ii• tip thr:ro, jut unite in the ,ul-I,He LI, lit ,:t1:1:) 1111,_ -L L. 1 , 81: Lk,. rol..4uhrilng iraiy n brvast .1- ..r ril.t.h., tiow thy 10,1 y 0..01. rur;itily werking, up , .‘n the Ntoo , l -r fl W thy beauty ',p r u ne d," is the sun Money ever young; re, eive Hues (if the s,,m, • 1: 7 !I. \‘'...[ houngt• st A ,g! t% :I t- it Itiruit•if tiev,toti, it It nCI'Vb another lb , ,rd: Illy uletlee - , tine our being Srr• Sr,t with ..titt: ace rd lily Sea' holy Sea' .If!er having thus done homage to he eea, their mother. nourishes them, the ftsherrnen . prepare their vessels for -trt iug. Everywhere activity and bustle of hurry, on the sea—bore, and ou the vessels, which activity, bustle, hurry, ~ by the music of the orchestra, amounting led. to 122 tars. A fresh breeze swells the sails, and with renewed and lovo of the tie herd sail for the high s,ll, giving nt o their leelinjs to thy, following merry song, : hurrah: swell [he wayee; them quickly raise the anchor 1 , , 1 ::: , •11 awa c' 1., Hue :tea direct the flying vessel I'! lie lu n.ti sL.LIIIino. play. They all \eau, :., our prey, .I.leyo!.' urraii : hurrah hurrah'. Thou sivuut tmar! ir, submit to parting from me, um !anti. Ito. one mor., but one, and thousands I wil t• 111,, thou c a e. to thy cheeks so strange, I bring in,. ih. costliest pearls in .xchange. hoyohl If a rralt hurrah: hurrah: Tip• :I:L4 waves and flutters, ever changed, 1;07 i• rit the t•—atuan's heart will beat for thee unchanged • ,n 11,9.-, pod: teth home, whence his start, To rest and joy on his maiden's heart, hoyoh! Hurrah! Lurrah ? hurrah! ihrn. briskly, and when the ev'aing sinketh, NV,, turn enriched and glad for home, then the true fisher driuketh, 'Chen sail we all storming to the tavern's beat shrine, To dance with our sweethearts, to treat them to wine! Lloyoh ! hoyoh! (Here the music of the Orchestra represents Brat the pleasant, swift, quiet and safe sailing, (for 89 tare in 6.8 tune 0 and Mr. Bauer, says; that this part of the Tableau' was exceedingly alluring; the audience would feel as if they themselves floated over the crystal deep, softly bourne by the flying vessel—such a rapturing effect would the music bate upon the nerves of the hearers." I have no doubt it will. Then • follow (18 bars in 2-4 ttmecYrepresenting' the collection of the fisherman's children on the share, around an ^ld fisher, who makes Ida old days useful by knitting nets '1"1' E IT ALL, I V. ui 1111 l ML } LI I. R iwtd , .!'Mlo:osoos and instructing the boys in his peculiar way. I need not say, that the beauty of the following sung of the old fisher man, 1 regards the poetry, consists in the happy manner in which Dr, filopsch represents the old man's srmthneuts and prineinf, hi. , attachment to his craft, and hie sirn:de mode of rec.,mmending it to the young generation, and 1 wily regret that the translation is fir inferior to the original. 'l' pis song it a s, In and the melody is exceedingly fine and tender :I • . Mid whilo tutu the young 111c11 011 the billows roam, We old folks remain Os right quiet itt home. Now knitting the nets. now twisting the , tow. Now tea , hing the youtkits the villago ; So c , .usii then. children, and listen to me, It never will hurt ye, hot profit, mity-be. let me infirm volt, how touch iif 11 St - 01),` The sailor obtains fi . orn the ;bid of h;,. ho pe ! '-The scriptnr-3. the holy', just real. where they hegi Till you nes•i. the fate of N‘iali and his kin . Whew did it exempt then, the Mt riMe s.k:Who passed then it. , 3 brave an I as gond before idol The man who cnustrueted a sea frigate Him heaven did save, when the clouds did burst That Noah survived al4 others on earth, As (dud had decreed :it the rainbow's bright birth' Besides, when our Lord did Canaan explore,' And wansfring about, human appearance wore: Where losi'd he to stay, in what part of the land Around the sea-shore, Cenezareth's 1-trand! And whom did he call for his disciples now ?- 4PBut fishers and 'sailors, seamen, I trs.w ! Saint Peter. Jacobus, F..aint John, three abrawt, Lead us Pohers to heaven's eternal rest Remain then. ye urchins, all true to our stand, Be true to tho sea, and the paternal_atrand ; And ealleth your ntake•r you off from the wave Th• v+ - ill provide you a friendly grave, thi oka . ..us moss and in a I:ry,tal tom?. Ynn rest, until called to mot y.rar last 1104 au! The n will yuu be ready. ts.atitudi. at hand, And r. y-nr,, Ives fresh to the heavenly land! The fish. is in the upeudinie arrive where they intend le threw nt their net,. They COMM...IIC, fishing. Following the mythology of the ancient nations, the poet, here happi. ly, intreduces the spirits of the sea, the elves and sprites, in order to aecenth for the Sturrn that will ROOll rage. The spirits. aft, eni.ying theimielves for a while, suddenly die• eever the thieves. as this them, and apprehend dan ger t they rouse stern) and sea :Villirar. the intruders, and suetssded the fishing is seen at an end. The th-rite of the slice is said P. be the chief point in the v. hole Taldeau, mei the perf.,mance thereof eery requiring munch practice. The orchestra introduces the chorus in 1,1, , FM, sylph-like I,•rtne, and accompanies the sent,•, I..ll,lwing the chartietti, “f the 1,10111. first in gWel•ti) dattering seunds. Ilion with expressed, of and h• rror. a n d finally in the heat of the highe-t The sprites slug this: Deep coneeard u. crystal-like grottoes. Dancing in caves on light-greenish waves. There to the harp, euann.ring notb.es, Here b. the sea-hell h , n - n'; dashingly tingle, R.-king us to an-i Help] we, ile•,Libir. n 1. , I. nc; :sisters are we and [IC sprites, our sweet play -ovate WIP , graceful at 111,s•n-shit,,, Lead the elislance c.. fine; Ilk bows, 80 :Leader, affection tender, lover they upward,, hover they downwards; Eternal longing breathe they in sad songs, Teare .t 'sing their wrongs. S. , ir th, music is fantastic. playfully imitating of ili.• ,•1‘ , ..s :tin! •prir, ; lott thmi it I,eurin s tin it.•S SIII - V , •\ , 114 1,11”..11-c • •, I emnpanions and riNsistants is• , • . . tuna nity pt,•l'. i.e: t . h,.~.,. GPI r•r ..:n• , . ~r,: ~:) Aro ,1! r.. 111,1 11.• tr,” !!.•<11..-• T. tir 11/1 I lt ji 1 1%1 , ,- . . t , . , 1r.t, •lein.-1 y.. ppm' si , t•pll2, 10111 , , S , A S , •.•il I , y n,h.. 4 • 1,.,awi1, r ; • Dr.“ 2: th•ln .1. ,k 1,1 th , St.ll[l4/. ' 14, 1`, L. th, storm rn,••••; tiAll..rrlloll 1,0:011 1:11•••I' alit! C• 0111 1,11 Iii•• n., 11111,•. .n•••• .1 , 11110,. til.pl,tV4 • .01: , 1...•im!.411, 11411,1 1111.1 t.,1.•].,z. r• 11•ar the thunder- IitANIIII,4 Ili.• NV .00. re g7. , w1114; the .1 , Slut the y 11,41-axilia: to the walu-iti:i.,tm li,et the calks ' Ne cur at the lis:htniug; shudder' k. • 1:1,4t1.111- , I the billukv,: nee,r bonds, like \t MOW,. In the mcanimi. the dauger 1-) ob,erved byy the wives an)) eldhiren "r the wrest!ini: mcn. They See, that commix. hardly suffice, is tht- emer),,o)) 5 ,n itilotr Laud Lan Lto f , re, iu ~r tlet to s.• awake), and prompt» them to praYer. They sink open till knees, and invoke the u,sistance the f:d1))11-1 spirits. The runaso, of .•ourse, partak - e of the Isat eircumstancos.) 11,4 u,51: the 1111411ty Iprt,th ,1 , 11 1 111 , " all thus, !aging way., : Storms to Ita.itisti. Waves In Valll6ll. C.ll•at tht.m merely to thrir S4V, those kindly' t,•ars sit Ihea. chlldrea cry t, the. ! these cnitlron Aro thy children, Volt, and thAnkful will that 1... ...tilittirtt then tho racing, wttt.tr. Lowl nut drat nos happy hone hod !if -pi rite. Lord and linntl,r, Lot the au:' le ,0111, Difior , nt ellar.trt , r of the fiction of th' rishoi foil While thoughts of prayer linty !Imo to heaven, they teiglect not thou ode , I their strength. rue! thew ; they display their accustomed energy. the the nutsic. This part cf the ci anpesit ion is llf a Wild, awful beauty. The et , hestra Md. toi•ii the ragin4 elements, tie' howling of the storm, the clashing of the thunder, the rushing of the waves, the cries fur help, the command of the captain, the weeping r,f wire , and children. &e. The Almighty is touched at last; him 1'1'10,1[1 , 4 siamds perceptilily through stone and thunder, by 11. - !gre,i silencing the enraged idements; the storm mid waves subside—the fishermen are saved. The pro , tAiug and this , are a dduhle chorus./ Struggle: wrestle; 110' a fiehisf tiarinz Is the sts.t, aml wurthy well our hearing; //, in tempest bravely 1. , Will, r in battle tts bride w pain, Is the seaman's pleasure V. E',ql when death yawns ui him Wide, 10 , Stlt, sill Gar hie bride! Itet.ll lament' rementl.er l'estsr here, Iliac in a musty ,•hauther, When the merry elements Play then - iiilnty instruments. l ice we fm.. t.. Father's Lit be lezht - iim; I s hi= me' i ilea w,• aceful and the organ nail the the strand, calling the fishermen and hole families h. expre, their gratitude Le the gracious ireservation, aul enrapturing. rushes the Ml owing hymn of praise through the arches of the lure of ;01:1 : Rescued are they. for whom we prayed, FP grnatest danger now safe and in.. Fattier, helper. Refuge, shelter, SAN":.ur, we all thank Hoe ' Where hearts of restage on thee confident, Reach'd they their harbor. tu sandy and wh' list thou not raised Tl,' rain toy:. the praieed Emblem of peace, over rah soul' Tlt .0 Lord of heaven, Leaded.' from surf 'ring 'F. happy off 'ring iii thanks and praise: Grant as protecti.o Aral thankful reflection! ',Oda it, Father, grant it in grace.' PART 11. Th.. labors and troabh•s are vi er, the cares and dangers of their 11 - I.lly* charge forgotten. The fishermen now march iu joyful procession. with' peir wives and sweethearts, and following the music. to the tavern, to conclude 0113 day with the inciting cup, with jovial song and dance. li,muud: ya tiShccc, resound! Ye riddles, resound! we dance! Ye maidens, prepare in advance! (Thus they enjoy themselves at the tavern, where they tell each other stories of immensely heroic deeds, looking through the microscope of the wine-glass. lint the young fellows feel an itching in their legs for dancing: the riddles and horns of the fishermen's orchestra resound, and th e waltz begins, while the following song is performed by one or more of the company.) Resound, ye fiddles, to the dance! Ye maidens, prepare in advance The garland! We will have mead and cloister-wine, Kissing and laughing, sweet and The garland! Why look'st thou so smiling at we, Thou fairest rose I over did see At dancing? One word but say, I entreat thee; That word is " yee!" and thou haat rue Advancing) Yet old folks in the corner throng, dice us also a merry eong To the dance! What fresh with tus'aur youth produced, It may with you the wine, if used In advance! Ye lade though, who to-day have wood The sea in storny'who toanly Snell In array— Show now what, you enu do on Laud I NUMBER 198 Drink, till the stars befriended band Fades away The old men tOel themselves iomewhat out of date, when they look at the display of ti n • youngsters; and to emulate them, tt4v commence boasting of their time and their deeds. in Ow following manner, spreading it rather thickly. This chorus is really magnificent. and always met with an whey,ser the tableau woo performed. When we wore ninon feihiws yet, that wig a better time Did nut John Casss A r Drink tell .juarts ruin once and stood on hie too I As'.. then A was honor! In friendship's pas,iun, Let. thoretore, us drink in firmer fashion! Hurrah hoyoh : Wil •Ii \ f,•ll , lwA yt , t. that was a hotter time! I , lql flat Steen ttr, ~ 1 1. n. hill With hi, goNil kffire, tt,gt•lilOr 't ‘siL , In friond,..hir',.: pa. , nnnn, .rc. • When wo were ),11i15 feilows yet, that was a better time I Did Italr Hiv., 'terry [rtt wls,h, Flt•,11 ett, i ,• 11 , 11 , 411 , 1 t.LIxIIIR ? New they treml , l•• inn,' As we mmre 4,, may 3,,a follows ! Bt• CialrilgeOLlS 111,11: No cowards tht . ll! Bravo at the hearth, at tin , glass 'Dom it is ! In friendship's pessimi, ex. While the, things go rn at the tavern, a young fisherman secretly slips atcac, to give his sweetheart a serenade. This piece , teie,r sele. , is .ra re, h'autiful, sincere, and full of feeling. and certain of de e p effect. th , ra, and inquest thou not! Its th,o thy heart not, who speaks on this spot t Sweeii , :,t or roses ilp , o our ah.we, Fnuow •, t th.a) .I,lin A nter.itars r9i,e any more? K:r0.v . ..1 Ord' my singing, and ittt.,w'st thou my word 1•1!!!t thin Ow quiet port - . ! stud.. It draws Mr , I, , nzirm a!,l timid 1 ormiHo nr 'AM , spa! thouit,tsv ith•tt,:tt. eusigrtt tpott. thy laitioo, h.outor the , hritto,: ‘.2 I , 'lt 6,•11 i thy ruolit, h , and 11,11 happy. I bloss ary , .I,tm ' 1 , 1 tit, NO, i,hor riff! Dt,rit., illy liora. no,r port 'lake Ir, t'li.o 1,. 11.11 y board! ft , r ento . , inpn; mv,rn iy over. those childreu tak •I. -; their mutitr r in the following sung. Thu a‘,!l:l , tlritre Otul quiet of the night, &c. moves them tt, a I expressed in the poem am! m Tht• tl;ty Th, sun 1- The :11,sm to t glsams, ls• stars now glimmer I :parting smiK, 111, 2 0.11 Sia,ill. , T aid!, Gar all i. richt• gq,li night : And ili•wdir,p , th.... lit , v . ry land; And rrion strand to strand M Jill a 1,1111 OUI IMAM!. I' all i, ' gt.i al night ' al , itirid the 'lion-. unw 'nut ,ryes in quirt, p.•ina• th‘ Int, Anil 11.. w uiiL ti. Chin! go,st i'nr nll t, right , ' llt.llllll, I, it ,seeilietessi, so ends the Tableau. The first I.- , cte, althou g h ilitierent in their nature, par . i.••tit et tie salslitll,', opening and concluding the whole. , il4llifl , l TI ”• int•ltide. all requisites u the ,Irtina : feclii.g, are raised to the highest degree of at the conteid between the different forces, the .1 red in a qatkla,a , ,ry manlier. The complication, it. well sic tlso . ..11tti..11, the whole piece io.a ; master-work. . of the in I of music w ell kneworNit what &Mewl ries t he perforinanl, tlf rils4l.l it musical 11..• u , ;,11 fore, S. IN 111..11 d,v,•lop theinsolyea at the groat me-teal celelinitb , n , in tiermany, conhUnet bo collected itiel nde-r eireiiii,tatices in this country. arelees favor id., to otic Ti, wt,..le energy of the central COM 11111h, an,,ciat 5'150 IleCerStiry, to carry the ti,n.d tins the present anniversary, and no lees the utmost exertions of the festival committee, to procure the nun fist - us able singers. We had to create the materials first, before we could think of the performance. It e fulfil a mere duty, if we hero acknowledge the great merits n loch the Direst of the Association, Prof. SCHWAB, deserves for his exertions in behalf of the cause. Although are aware of the proliabilit v, that artiste in music will .letect imperfections in our performance, yet we cherish the 15..1• - , ..1- , 11 , 11 of the piece, and the performance hes eef, will give general satisfaction, and thus compensates the performers for their C1.0111011:3. GREAT SALE FU RN ITU:RE. $30,000 WORTH, TO. BE SOLD AT PRIVATE SALE IN 1' HREE WwJEKS. The subscriber h , :s sold hia Ext. , nsive Furniture Ware reoin- , , on Filth street, and having to give tioagesston attic Bnildings, on the 15th of June, he otters hie entire stock of FURNITURE AND CHAIRS, _A_T COST. THE SALE CoNIVENCEB ON TIJESD;II, 11AY 18, 1858, AND WILL CONTINUE FOR THREE WEEKS The wilt be 'narked in plain iiKareii, on each ant c:.•, that yilltors cam at once bee the GUT BARGAINS OFFERED. —AB Hama Iva% than $1.05, cash. On $lOO and upwer , s. a credit of sixty days bo given for approved 0 , ..1, - ,r4 , -(1 paper, with itP, , reat added y 18:8 w SIMLI FIHNESTOCK, Ntu. 1-4 Wood street, Pittsburgh, nr AS JUST RECEIVED DIRECT FROM 11.1.. ENGLAND WALDRON & GRIFFIN'S ~_t 4 tt,lkj l CUSS AND GRAIN SCYTHE, OOHN HOES; PATENT AND 00311SION ANVILS; SUL. Traps, very tnivirior BriviTor Locke, very superior GUT. and EunamOled Banco Pate, Spoon, P.; aBl Candlesticks, Br= Coclis, Bras Roda, Braces and Bits, ?ilea:ming . TiliNts, Superior Waiters, 'Carry Combs, T. 1•033. Coil, Rifth, Tongnev, Stretchand Breast Chains, with o cittitiy ti4 , 4ls, all of which will be sold et mod• trxte tc:rms. alllB A,MES MI LL! NGAR, MONONGAHELA PI PLANING MILL, would respectfully inform the public' that he has rebuilt since the fire, and having enlarged hie establishment, and filled it with the newest and most IP' proved 'machinery, le now prepared to famish flooring and planed boards, scrowl , sawing and resawing, doors, sash and shutters, kiln dried'; frames; mouldings, box making, &o. South Pittsburgh, September 7. 1857. 18,10 CHARLES it, LEWIS, ALDERMAN, And Lx-Officio Juatioe of the Peace. tiFFICE ON TILE CORNER OF WYLIE ‘Yr. sTimirre. All 1./1/SlBBllill connected with this office will be attended to with promptness. Qdnveyran,oo, of an ICILIdi &lilt/with legal accuracy—such :la Leeds, Mof gages., Bonds, Powers of At accuracy—such Fc. Titl,e to Real 'notate 0-tamined' To the members c! the llar tie tenders his cortices smartsui to fah° p o p oet io n e to be 1 140 in thpootera ~1 this State, and olsowhore, Ms office is one of,the main Police StOtioue .)f the city, and CollSoquently.l6l theilitiee In execotiukt Uusinoms of that kind aro vets OEFEE.-200 bags R P7ll ia : 11 •amvra:Cffee, for sale b U.Y 's 00, " 118 , Second. and 137 First efts` lora, - VINE FLQUR.-20 Fine oui . f " ftalitlvevinsas; mwis 130-, Oonser Cd Wood and Water Area& :',‘ H. H. RYAN, NC-% 31 IJITH IiTREET
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers