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N' ` ' .s e t ,„ , ....% .. 1., - - - . , _ .., .., ti - `' ' ' .-': '..' • , 0 -,. f••i 1,. ~..„ - - >. 3,' r, " . ..' ~... A'' ,''''.'..ch't,-,!" likt .1 I , ' 4 • '' '' ' ' :,' 4 . ~' '. tr,...: ' if , f, i 4". 7 ' ''' - ' 7,.. -• ' • , q 4,' , , ' ..- 4 , ' ' ' • ' ..," . - ads . 1;, 40 - - t. 1 -....• ..., ~ wt : . i , t . , 1 , Z? 4' 7_ , I.i ' '; ", 4. , .. - _ :..... 1 • 4 0, ...4 . 1, I ' . 4 •11 - -, , t ~1., 1 % % 44 * t o g , , ' l q-°_,l4,tt ^ll 4- ,• ...-,...7.r ..ii , 441..,,....1 , !,.... 0,„ - ( 7 4` %1` Vr:f 4'7 t 'l 'l - - A 'A. • 4 4601 Aatr.,... ,c,ii,cemisi. e ri l 54,1_1; 0 05 5.4# ....:if,t4.*.5*...0 4 .5.. =ME Q •-• • • , t „„ ,, • ' • , . ' ULIUN CAR WORKS, FOUNDRY AND F MACHINE SHOP, SaNDOStr, 00141—The aribscriber having moved into his new Works, recently erected, corner of Water. Nl'Dimougli nod Shelly elLroote, is prepared to can tract for and execute all orders fur Passenger, Baggage, - Post-Office, House Freight, Platform, - Gravel, Hand and all other delcriptions of CARS. Also, STRAM ENGIN of all sizes,ORAILI:gO, RAIL ROAD CASTINGS of all descriptions, and all other work appertaining to a Foundry nod Machine Shop. The Foremen of the different departments are sclentinc and practical MOO—mostly from Eastern menufartories— who keep thernselvwe informed and adopt all valuable mod. eruiv smear ta. (aug2,S:tf W. W. WET HEIINI. L. . • THE 110 PE COAL COMPANY having re coolly met with (cedes In transporting real to Cinrin. nail, being insured by the Alanuisrtuters' Insurance con,. parry, of Philadelphia, take pleasure in stating that their clattns were promptly adjusted by .1. Newton Jories, Agent of said Company. L. BUS HNELL, Agent of Hope Coal Company, Cincinnati. / RECTIFIERS AND DISTILLERS COKIRR or SEITRITIEL.O AND FRONT STREETS. PITTBI.II3IIO 11, PA. JAMES A. FETZER, FOR THE SALE OP Flour, (train, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, But- - • - • 4,l2!_ltYrk,t44F:tt . -Ke", tat,444-041,.‘ •• 4. t t . MIMI -."-P • , PITTSBURGH MORNING POST. published every morning, (Beauty: eareyeed, BY %SUL/MOIL* Q. ,11101111.60.11rERY, ;Le soktamm lir . wool. Va. Firm errairra, DERMB..—Vito Dollars' a you- payable strictJy in advance. Ma Dollars invariably required if not paid within the year. ralirSlagle cordea, Two CENTS—for tale at the counter in he (Moo, arid by the News Soya. THE'SATIIRDAY MORNING POST Published from the same office, on a large blanket site •:alma, at TWO DOLLARS a year, In advance:, Single copies :411Yn1 Cora. alir. No paper will be discontinued, (miless at the damm tion of the Proprietors,) until ail arrearages are paid. • , far No sttesition will be paid to any order anises access _Anted by the.money, or eatisfactory ream it, this city. CkAtriecied with the Establishment of the Morning Post woo° of the largest JOB PRINTING OFFICES in the city; where all kinds of work Is dons on the shortest notice, and most reasonable terms. PROFESSIONAL CARDS. SAMUEL C. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, PITTIMITROB, PRIMA. .ff4r Office in BAKEWELL'S BUILD] NUS, Grant street, (nearly opposite the Court 1i0n..) fob l2ly CHARLES W. WINGARD, ATTORNEY AT LAW, EBENSBURG, CUMBRIA COUNTT. PEIRNA IM.R.I6O practices in Iltuttitiplon, blair , elmrtleld and to diana coup tie, fob 12:1y. JAMES A. LOWRIE, Attorney at Law, of cx4 Fourth strut, l'itteburgh. botwetm Atutthtlold and Cherry alley. IfAIIL Surgeon Dentist, successor to G. W. Ballo, No. 144 Smithfield street 44:041.1tfice hours from 8 to 1 o'clock, and from 2 to fi o'clock. febl6:ly SCOTT. JSCOTT, Dentist, Fourth street, five doors . asst of Market. SW Office hours from 9 o'clock A. M. to b o'clock P. M. domiky BUSINESS CARDS JOIIN MOORITEAD, Wholesale Grocer and Q./ Oumraimito, Xerchant, fur the sale of I'lo SINTAL and 1if.,)01i114 and PRODUCK generully, No. 27 Wood @tract, Pittsburgh. Ina& WILLIAM NIT.II4t, Phihula. WY. slog rrsoa, Pittsburgh. MILLER & RICKETSON, Wholesale Gm: cern, I ruporturs of BRAN D 1 ItY, I4'INR ami SKI AU, No. 172 and 174, corner of Erwin wrd Liberty stroots, Pitta burgh. iron, Nail', Cotton Yams, Ac, conatantly on hand. Jr -k) tract, a caxunu Nutu...ol itUaIJATUOOI. IDWAUD MTRILIDui HENRI' L P.11 4 1‘,V1L4. cluitLrNu, ILOBEfI'I'SON & Mann fitetarrre of Cut. Prewtost snd Flint tl Sill'AßE, waralsonse b..s. 17 Wiisist strotst, Corn, of Front. Pittsburgh. *kir All Othci kin.is tliesswars, stud Wsndow Ijiam, at low Market priers. • aut®s 1.101.11 .JodEr II J. T EDLIE & ULAM, Successors to 51ulvany k L.,,dhe, nanuufacturvra of Cut yloulde,l and Plain puut u,d F..Cy Cult,r,l I i awl ileniurs In all kindle of Windwo Vial 3 and ll , dthas. Ware hut.a.rner of Market and Warm atradra, m11.1:dly FR. 1. 1 1t..Vu. a in rxh. Silt I' Ett. ai a rt: I.• 1 e 1.114, a clngica stuck of Gli.4)C •(d na.• Slacea of ovary Varl , •l) and th. pal Ira. zy, ••1u•I al has 81.e.m 111111. Fruit. FruA Foreign and 1..) , • 1110 KI. l'rodnc tak..n in exchange fur meilll,:dr,e. F. 1). U. hula procured a full Fuolortmenl of Laii•ingb's war rant.h.lUAlLDEN SENDS, and mvito the att, 4,f . of all in loreatod to rural affaira CO I\IIS~ION lIOUSE.—The sub:zerioers hil,VOUperieriv..l a JUJU... for the nth,e purpose, at No 17 Smithfiold Nowt., four door', al,oea th e mr, a ,m ot .ab o l a Ra o ,. We will purelia,. or r,wire 05 Colll.l2{Raitorl, for Site, coo. aignmerita of FLOUR, BACON, CHEESE, OOHS, tIATS, lIAILLKY, FLAX SEND, UIIASS SEED, BALED ILAY, upou which wo will make advancoa, or purdiaso at the la -.t market rat. for cash. A LOSal A CO. JOUN AMYL/. A. J. -CI MIA& ATWELL AT"'ELL, LEE & CU., Wholesale Grocers, Prods.. and Counniasiou Merchant., and dealers in Pitiaburgh Manuhu-turee, No. 8 Wood street, between Water and Front atroeta, Pittsburgh. anis 4 TWIN W. BUTCER & CO., Forwarding and tf Commission Merchants, dealers in all kinds of PITTS IiURAI 11 MANUFACIita...i, LEAL! PIN,: and 81i 6tt T LKAII, No. 67 Front street. Pittsburgh. sep2.B HENRY 11. COLLINS, Forwartring and Cornmiasion Merchant, and vsbulossde dealer in 71811, Clllsk.SE, BUTTER. tit:EDS and PRODUCE generally, No. 28 Wood Onset, Pittsburgh. marl!, TWIN H. ,)lELLOR, Wholesale and Retail to - dueler In MUSICAL I NSTIIUM NNTS, PIANOS, M USW 801301.)L ROOKS and ST AT IO:v HAY, No. Si Wood nrr.t4., Pittsburgh. Joel TOSEPLI FL EMI SG: tA) L. vox d Co., cornor ~f Nlarat.; and th e w at o„ o d, keep, cuustantly un hand a 1E11: .....u.rt,nent of DItUtIS, d F..D• NIElt V, and all art,- ohm partatuing to his Idantumn.. .$1 Phy Ihvacriptauum carefully compounds.' at all hour,. .k 9 JOHN 1 - I.zad:au c,./co KAN YLS.6I.OM. FLEMING BKOTIJEB.S, successors to J. Kid.l a C. 0., wholonalv DII !SF S, N. , . . Wood dtroet, Pittalmrgh. Proprietor, of Dr. kr Lour's coltd.raiad f ego., Liver Pill., ac. .18.10 I W. d,ater in Kentucky . Leaf TQLIALX.X), Rod I'APHIL, No. 149 It'o.d street, blow r Eh, PlLlnbut,h Sir - Ti,,' marht.t to ash, oak! for Itattn WALTIRP. AtAILItt-LL.J. acatru a.. LltOlilla WP. MARSHALL & Importers artu a donlrra In French nod littera:dm PA PER LIANG LNG.* No. 8 W•od street, rittaburgl, Buie s't'ets for the celebrataal manufactured of hide:am Dellconrt et Co, Part. aug7 PRIMP ILITYIE. I‘OIIIIILT 1. MaralisON. REYMER & ANDERSON, (suc-oessore to Justaia 1111,Airil k C 0.,) a oulenalc deafen In I , IIIIILION PILUITS, NUTS, SPICM, CON FILL;TION AILS, SULL AILS, A.., No. 39 WuLNI straeL, oppudita the St Charles ILAaI„ Pitt. burgh. aP2 ATINDLE, Wholesale and Retail SAD , ULF., HARNESS, TRUNK, V A LIM,: and CARPET BAG MANUFACTURER., Nu. lUti Wood street, Pittsburgh. .134:97 MEN AND BOYS' WINTER CLOTHING —ROSENTUAL A RID), Fifth •treet, upissiite Ma- Poreg have a large stuck or Men and Buys' cwrifimi on hand, uuraprising noun, entirely new and elegant styloA, which they arc prepnrod Jail at the 10v,..5t eine h prices. Also, a large and fastitunable stuck ur GENTS' PURN !SU I N GOODS. de, 1.3“1 I y H. ZEIGICLOW.. ........ L. etTX , LII3 OWLAiI LUMP., PITTSBUHUII COACH. FACTORY—BIC:- Eww k CO., suor,i•sisirs to K . M. Bigelow, Nu. in Din• mond ol'ey, o.r wool street, Pubiburgli—CAßßlAGES, COACHES, PHAETONS, BUOUIES, I.lli every di -scripts. of FANCY VEHICLES built to under, and finished in n manner unsurpassed fur beauty of dimarn, eiousucv of Smith, akin of islirkanimship And durability of matortius. egi,. All work warranted. onvi , JSCI.IOONIIIAfiER, Manufacturer tof • White Leal, Red Leal. Ztnr, Pont, I.•tliarire, Pun:, Ac. ilessle dealer to ills. Paints, Va.ru.lbta,Turperitiii• , Wool stem L ritlablgrgit. no A MILLI KEN t CU. have on hand. at tiwir ..rtensive CABIN rr and CHAIR MANI:VAC TORI. N., 64 smithfidd iftrize naourtniont of and Plain Furn:ture, w 1 .Irn thy unit iu•Il lb jar nen:. er than custuntary rub-«. Tv; not. cauh only. doe,' y JAMES ME LLING E R, Monong:,attela nine Mill, wunni r.,pertfully Inform his friends and the the putbi, that by, now outabliallinent in now In full np..fa lion' and nut he to preparod to furnish Bust (....4anne, and fill ail nrtier, for PLANED LUMBICK, with prompt..a, and at the luonsu ratan. &rani mid Plank, planed on one or both Odd., nunatantly on hand. Bah, Dori and Moulding., of every description, made to order. ea.. Builders and Carpenters wonld find It to their nd•an tago to cive him a call. an he can now furnish thorn with Planed S;utf, mutable P.r every doscnption of wort. Pittsburgh, December 27, 185.5. , lIIIC B°T . PLERS.—Jonw ONDEN Co., Buttlem, No In First street, would respectfully inform the pill. ic that they have constantly on haul a large supply ..f SARSAPARILLA, MINEILAL WATER, ALE and PORTER, of the best quality. Tho att.-talon of (amities IN particularly directed to the WA that they bottle lA' A INltin ars ALE in its porent .Cato. Phyviciatim recommend it to (mulling on account of its %IRA, some an.' Itrougtheniug qualities. nnt..l. 1♦ J. I. OILLL.PIt A. FINUUN JT (; ILLESM C 0..., Looking Glress Manufacturers, . an•l dealers to Looking Wass Plates. Plate Mans, Eu. gratings, Combs and Fumy Goods, No. 7B Wood street, Pitt. burgh. On hand and made to order, Gilt Pier and Mantle Olusse., Mahogany. Rosewood. Walnut and OM Frames, or Mould ing, or every description. 44 , - Steamboat Cabins Decorated said Gllt. J. & T. GROUTT 13=11D3 BRANDIES, GIN, WINES, &c. C=il Fine Old Monongahela Rye Whisky, PEACH AND APPLE BRANDY ; FORWARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. No. S 9 Water Street, PPITSBURGII, PA Francis G Miley , Esq., B'illiatn Dilworth. Sr., S. Cuthbert a Son, Pittsburgh; Boyd & ott. & Swearingen, 8. Brady, Co'h. M. & M. Bank, List & eningki it Co., Gao. W. A edema, Donk., Paxton & Wheeling. rnis2B AIfRIET BEECITEII STOWE'S NEW !—DitED. it Tale of the Ormt Diemul Swamp: by Harriet lieocher etoem, nnt.hot '• Uncle Tom'. Cabin.' Two volumes, 12m,—price $1,75. ire. Stowe needs no Introdur lon to the world of lettere. tier" Uncle Tom'e Cabin" reached a cal of nearly four hun dred thonannd cord., In the Unittyl Staten; and in England Its MlCer-41 was errs more unlyereal than in this cosy[ It was red and re-rend in almoet every house, from the unlace to the cottage. On the continent it was tratadetted Into every written language, and has been read by all the n ations between the German Ocean and the Bosphorus-- from the Spanish Peninsula to Siberia. For saki by W. A. GILDBNEIBNNICY & 00., imaa Ptah at., opposite the Theatre. i d t I • ~ s 4. • • etc e 4 1)0t. VOLUME XI V. FURNITURE! C'E. - 4 , X,?,,, Le* - 11Y 1 ' , ' ' ' 1 .", p, i . , ; It ttl rkf ,toilili, .„-,.x . ,,, i, ( ~,,,,-,: '.-t. , ,,g - ~ . , : ~,_ . • -... . , ), (06 .. 2,0,--- ...... ,„ .5 .— ..... , ..... , ..........„....,...„--.....,..„ 1,.. . .... ._ __,..,.,...z-_-_,.....- ~,,...!.--,---..... ----: - _ ( 44 . .k:z:4:_ , .....2_-..:.:-!::-:•: - .-.._- .. .; ‘ ,6 1 ,..,,. ( ir,... Tux. subscriber, having enlarged and fitted up In good style his SPACIOUS FURNITURE 111RE110011S, LARGE AND 1".4 /.I'ABbE ,4!)r)/TR).‘"S To hin stock, and now hmit:•.e hie monde nod the puht purctmeg elb«where. lIIS STOCK IS WELL ASSORTED EVERY CLASS OF 00 n D RICH, And embracing same v-ri One ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS OAK CHAMBER SETTS, New Styles of Borealis, Bedsteads, Chairs Sofas, Book Ciao, &c., All Of which he titivril by r.,tal 1, xt W IluL& ALF. PI: IC i yak_ Every article warranted to give estuary t money refunded. 11. 11. RI AN, maa No. 31 PUth rare,. YOU DESERVE CREDIT FOR YOUR I.)IScoVERY. DROP. WialD'S 11Allt It6ItTOILATIIg a, re. due ht tl I rood wonderful .11evei cry ..1 too. age of tir..gress. I. will rl l 4l.rc, permairetitly. gray hair to ii•• 1 hor.! cover thr head of the beta ulth a meat In (111 WI , , 'llO remove at 011ce all diarrhea nod trchinc.. - ure all -• and other rutanemie erupt/mei. emir :a renall bead, vide will cure, es if by magic, uvrim. prr.....1...11 r.e.Ma le make the him soft. glassymid writ v. mid pree , ,, , the r.,1. perfectly, and the hair tram tailing. 1• ro trent, 0141 The following to from a .Intrept.ts,l merely, of LI.. 11,. prufeasMo Anfessar I 13 itteiri---roar S : it eI, ...O• .• this, cerrinclata. After I •ii., i i 6•r a 1,1,< tien.•. an.: I ing tried all the Iniir t oo , iirotlrool,...st, A.nd ha. 114: I. fo, , in any, I wait indtic.d, on heat-inv. uC y tvx. I. I placed niyoolf in the handl of a Ityrner. and had my rubt ed with a gaol of fl bind, and the itretorAtive rhea o plied - and well rubbed in. till the ...alp an., repeated every morning, and in tan, week. t I:••younr b. tipfoytreti and - grew rapidly trion A ugnot but till the poteet m.. and to not MIA. 11th end atr...44--..11 nod pl.a.a t to the tonelt . bereati. lo lore. :t was haroh ant air), ti little there wan of if, ac-1 that little too dlaappeAriug Yoi rapidly 1 still your I atvrat • wa a 60141 to ice A ono 1., or. shall Anon ha).- n And leo re. hA'r Now, had n--r• 1 of these a hi , La. .t • •o. hith•rto any reoe when. any persint • h fir v o . benefit, , 1 hi Any .1 th.• hair I-Ito A. Ow aft) . really goeo 4,•• plenert, to re. ord tl , e -.nit of nano, I hat, recotnt/ien.le.l year.rapes. -5 le - mad it ahead) It. a large And gerioroi oAlo thr•iu,s, ..... iL. T. , mh.ro.T6. pl,plo horo ki.ou done. In It. The mupply • tho Tvrtltttry. t. ofttrit rib.. wet.,j. y L ,u r.. our •tz**-.11.r1,* *l,l ,tart, ti rn) :trunk. Ica • f, I ....rtainly h 3 ,1 .I*ornir,l V• .tly such roarult Your.. iurtoy. .1 1Y Ia rrs lulu of toad A Drug . o.f.., ?rt. 1... The tors.ierot:,,, , l., RI, K. Itrto o .r,.. toto reh.••ter . , ror rtereloug. toed paa,e, et, •.1 ioax.• • • /JP 1. - hdd, a a ,:vatirtrtaa, gru.nt , ••nally heloored. NI NI f —D,SII-r rti Ilirrrner WWl.' n tr.al yrtr 111111 IILSTI)RATIVY... I....rannr, 1. , rat, rir.rt .Tint ha. la,rr I ler. rr,..rn. ,I• 1116k!I• it,. truly. and s I,nal an r• Pr , hint. ;h br-nu:trwtrtrltln Iron. In) thrlil•Lor.l. arr.! ..J rt .t..t • • halt, which was gra). t.. ita•rri-tr,. . Ihpl IIa•Y! nn other artirl. with ai , }llwrg Ilk.- 11, ; or profit. lours. auto, .1 H. bit %MI So/r1 at 114 ktart..r at: wet. Ht. LrArl.. ht." hr ... way, new Viii . taid all lir rig,tral... rit-tr kits ar learbily Patent \I• 4t. 11. e• t.,ar term., at Pirrfi.rra, ..oirts natatlr•lrnrr.tir, II i tit. Intro. For nate, nwlittltmalt. and rt•txll. nt I, In tt K KYSKR., It. K. 6F.LLEIL.9 k 0). can sel.33cuttar EDMUND WILKINS EAGLE ill AIR I BLE WOItHS. Ell) OF IVOup, ON LIISKKIT SI . 11_ and at Ow C. 4;ntr.. Ptllnt.tvzti i• 4 Centre mud Tui•le TWtr.sli•tairo, mad), tr. ord., r•f r-very LI, r, I , a trry “rtrartt-raril e ta?, i ran plinlitrg, at Trio i•• tr' , ire , 1-3 Ilas rug 1 , •••••14 -a:raw-11.r.. 11, nil. I ri• , •• •• LIP yea tactay-three ..1 tt^ 111 I II:0 v Wili.'lll ,rs, 1....111 .141 t 1.111 r•f• r. •1••• Isr •Il 1,, ••• -I. • ,•••• wtdfflash any s•,rrk 111 my • , • 1.. ly. FOURTII STREET CARPET' S'f(ltE W. D. Al. H. 'MR:CALLUM XB7 FUL'ItT 11 ti Tlt 11: K NB.• It VII tt -1111 THE latterstl ,, n purrhaa , i , • tr,,'it ut nI , I t— cur praeout Stock, lur Nit 1,, liogt quality Vul 'rotal.ll end TAI..•L. - y IH Bruna,•l.l and Tapo,ary, Crunllle noel Stair lit 1itt,544,4, I Hur , r othi trawl Sup., Ply P • " , „:, linat imported Estra :lied and Ira matt 11411 Flan Carpeta; Floor Ohl Ch it ilk Ir. ta to 21 foot ,1.. val:onv Analitoal and Km,: Tablo lii (11.41).; pr. ur it N.! K/1416.1.41 , ./ PiAllO and TalM• Canto and 1',..0a Mat 1118: Hearth Rugs; il-or ; I. l tatr Rod , . Loa. DULril Chirpita, Vi, stintl unilt "very varoi) of 11 Jon ;thu., (trio mad Bud sed will Is` 'dt-rid at eta!, at very moh rule rat , . at- W•• niantno pr"parr.l to fornhth 11A ItlilNllT, `V:- CAILIICT LININU. ltdcza Neithnr with my eye tw e my Ddt tr ' 1 ; ; 01, _ M NALTA NT TO •I'llos,E A FFLIcTE I WITII 1.1A.1) SltillT.—Pel 411f1,11tU Its.] right, nrtslng froth linNured .1., old or Otli, r... WOlll.l 4.1 Well L. 1 ,111111.41 /it E rIII.IVI, pp,..kt3TlCAatir. Writ:lAN'. v. her. thy rnoty rely ;Ton gt. 11,124, Spectnclen ateutlllenlir udsptod is the JUST Al A ',TS TILE EYE. Address., '26 Fa til 051,,wite A. A Pittsburgh. I'. lll.—Telesscopen, Mirrosenpen. Thermometers, dud ~, ry article api.rtnitaing to the trptn.tan Ulla, kept ALoi top:01 - 04 on the poerulses. Str ()lasses inserted in old Fronlns Ilek„, Any article not stpproved of, on hang.,l free td e‘ . iv DAVID CAMPBELL & 1'o1:- LOCK have t ,, Ketber mot, CAMBKLL A POLLOCK, for the traml.vnon Variety and Dr] Gootil 1 , 11.101,14, and ILA 111/111111.“ • plain 10,1 ‘Vave.l Line tlilt N 1.0011114, lOWA AGENCY—M. McLA 1:6111.IN, Land and !teal ?state Agent. hand IVair.int• purty bought and sold; Taxes paid and tellected. inhce, Nu. 1 Jones' Building, UC itl'Q PK. a:, 1r Firo TIIE C1111)1TOILS of. HUGH D. KING. a proper dieribut,nn of the fends, in the hands of the assignee of Hugh D. King, Mil is. made. It In 111WM4.- ry that [Mew having den.e 5h.,111.1 present them to one the undersigned, sustained by es Wel, therelore bidding certificates of deposit, or other eVfill.lll.e of Indebtedness, who have not already presented them. nri• hereby notified to do au, on or before the 12th day of May next, otherwise their claims will de relented. ap3o-dlwrwl2m_ FARM FOR SALE—The subscriber will sell his Farm situated In Ilnldwin T"athol.ip. ny County, Pa., on the road leading from Wilson's Mill to Bethel Church; one nine from said Mill and six miles from Pittsburgh. Said Form esue r 8 sixty-six and n hall acres of choice land; has MI it a Iwo story (some house, frame barn and frame stable, stone spring house and ether out build ings, three apple orchards and one perch orchard of fruit, five never failing springs of good cold Water, about forty-five acres of clear Intel in a pond state of cultivation and the balance in heavy timber. Terms easy. For fur ther particulars enquire on the premise.. aulthStsr JESSE WOULLY. N[INNS & CLARK'S PIANOS-Afresh stock of NEW PIANOS, from the cele- Witted Factory of Nt'NNS A CLARK, Nea York, now receiving and.on the way. They ;. • are all provided with the NEW SCALE,' lately Introduced by Norms & Clark, which imparts wonder ful power and brilliancy of tone, and materially adds to the durability of the inetrument. For nape by viri•-••••• - . t ( ) y~4♦ ~' • ~~ ~~ I=E PUBLISHED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE "POST BUILDINGS," CORNER OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE DOLLARS PER ANNUM BUSINESS CARDS REN9 RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. 31 Fifth Street CALL AND EXAMINE $40,000 Worth, I=l 00#1w..4 with Prviich And a ,Tre.t ,viet .4 =l3l =MEIN 4 ' A , ,!i;i: l -'' r --, ' • '7.! -.)'•"4. ~ ~-Y„-,- - - r'7tT344 6 ~.. .. .. v ... i . i .. -.' i g,f : l o - '- f . < ai r- : 1 ,-; 44 ~,,_,e,....,_.......7...,....v NI /I , TIfOMAB NPOONNEL, .1 X Bi+Ar H. KLEMM A BRO., No. 53 Blith street, Bole Agents for Hanna & Clark. PITTSBURGH, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 1, 1856. MISCELLANEOUS Proposals for Indift Goods DEPARTMENT OP Tar INTERIOR, I Olfia Indian .Iffin'rs, September 1858. IR TII U R SEALED PROPOSALS, endorsed " Prope- ' Patriot Air-Ti ' g a t,, for hobo. I L0 , a10," will be received fit the O ( lign of Self -Sealing tin cam Yell°. W Ind an Affair, Waohington City. lt l ~'elock, A. M., un fire-proof„ FRIDAY, the Slot dos of October next, for furnishing Ofsidofinery toliv for the Indian Depattritent for fulfilling t runty at iy,ulations is a Agent of thief:ay it n it It imams Indian tribe., and other Indian purposed, as fel- we 1. the of the shove / . oleo, at his Chino I Quota: aware store, Woo.) et., ttelough where is also kept f mid green glass j ar low price, with large t an I "rho, ready fitted ~.. sealing .tea wherries snit 111 her fruits. A!,O a general assort ment of China G lass and Quern:twerp, octiotod to tho w ants of prientt• fnmihes , hotel Moment, Steam boats and fieintry tuereliouts, all at moderate price.. j/ 17 : 1 1/1 MEADVILLE AND ERIE EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. rI I IIIS COMPANY, having on the lot of 11 July commenced can - ring the U. S. Matt from Pittsburgh to Erie. througlaßut ler, Mercer, Meadville and Watertord. have - now perfected such arrangement.. as will enable them t Sty pos.:augers or packaged to oily point tat the route in I, m time than the same smiler was ever lo.fofe pert 'ruled oil this toad, and at cheaper nitre. Tidal, wi.ltiog U, en gage passage or forward packeig, from thin city will find an Agent at all thin. 111 readincas to Watt upon thaw nt the St. Clair Hotel, corner of Penn anti St. Clair streets, Pitts. burgh, Pa. Time through front Pittsburgh to Erie, thirty-two hours. jySl-tf I AVINU PURCIiASED the interest td TIIOSIMI WIGHT:MAX. in the fount it•der lard, en the find of blag, I will hereafter carry /.11 the t Making and Short Ito,, Mu! I:, in ail their lamb 0., al IL., .41 fLNII.I, it oter otmot, tal e ns Prrin With the ~7 lo this Ltl/1111.,X, I huts. PrillelLYOTl.ll. fitrur me waif their made. JANUS VI I‘llllll.l N PJittoburgli May :id, ini'.." , 1.1111.1 ' , lfs Ivooft.s, II.ISt6LR AM) EXcLidN , .Y. flmft Ea, Nailer to Ear fiali4,•, C.o l / 1 f11...r.:11.1 And Nnte..l 2'l tonight and kohl ,n, corm...too ‘,1 0 11,,, carefully attond.-.1 Si,. 'mere., loud f.:l O: JONitX S Sitlit hittM., Fourth .tteer N UTICE hereto; tricott that utt o made t , Mr 11. XL •etwea.. o ( 1 ,ft.a ...t, „ I otil`off IPSO Ito \K. 1. t : • dot to 11,. 1,, ../ g t : lit, witiglaam, •!• • I •. nr,,. FI t, I f pi, sod Pi, -mat t 101,11; 1 -0 toile n. I Cuss No. 1. Mackinac Blankets. 3,r o , pairs 3-paint white Nlackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 Meta.% and weigh 8 mounds 3.1100 pairs 2k6-point white Nlarkintit blankets. to measure 54 by 64 incl.., and weigh 6 pounds 1 500 pair, 2-paint white Mackin. blankets, to ifleasure 42 by 66 inches. and weigh pounds l o iter pairs li.i r point white Mackinac blankets, I' measure 36 Li 50 inches, and weigh 4' paindm 1,:',00 pairs 1 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 32 by Pi inchem and weigh 3' , painda 500 pairs 3-piint scarlet Mackitinc blankets. lo measure 60 lo 72. ins l'es, and wsigb '4 ponntis lasi pair , 2's,. Kiint scat I. t Mackinac blankets, to monsnre 54 I.y MI inl hes. and weigh 6 pomade di,i-porot green 'Mackinac blankets, to measure 116 by '4 inches, and weigh lb pounds 21s, point green Mackinac blankets, to measure roll by 72 inches. end weigh 8 pounds AO pairs 2i,4patit union Mackinac blanket., to measure I y Gen, and w, Igh 1 pounds laii posh, lii-point Indigo bine Mack, nos blankets, to roi &- sore Ii by 84 melee, and weigh In .anm,le lie) pairs thintinella "dun Sincitionc blankets, to memoirs 66 by S 4 iiirhem and weigh 10 pounds :.00 pairs 3-is Int Uanuuelle blue Mackinac blankets, to measure Cal by 44 incl.,, end weigh 1 0 pounds 400 pairs 2'y-point tieuttnella blue 3latkinac blankets, to measure by 66 10 , 11,, and weigh 6 pounds MEM irtle It lb, d.. d-ray iiwt Woo dt. .4.adt) .1.. wand lIM do do 4 •wao d.. do nClal 64 do do gr... :I do C_oo No. 3. Pr. G. TWTITI urn.. 3 fodle 144 , hrte, t , .1 I—Tl flog hadlkortirof. 414.1 ra. do bn do Cody not top do '2.5 do I.lork .tl4 do 144 do • 4 cotton rthosrls do t ldo do 4-4 ,4,. rd. 4•4 r.1,410n thrt...l otrring .44 ; r,d.• I'+ , Ix• ratr , l r., , 1•11r•11..t.r. Ittcoff rrr Ittaiu• 1.11, ,I, hi Is. .Irllling 41111M4,0 J Vue drUtilll4 .4 , ri•. t 4,1 )4,112: J.-an, I k nttin. c+ 4*. k• i• 141.1 I•wcry 2 , lJirting. 4‘,. 44.3./141.4. unloleachnd i.l.orot .1., do alsrvetiug d.. In Mul an -I.et I strilv4, nt , l p1a4.1.1 ~00, 1.. n.l. n.dlon (11,mA do z., o,dt .n Ld. TersnlllLat A inerle,n now Idovn yrtllnnr. tt. a nwa4lrt. 11 tn It tx ;..1,14.1s k %NW ,44.44 t.l u.. =MEI e 7,4,„,, 11 , bfuo , it.th fr•,k ( N •s! W=MI r.l. ketti, I.'l 4. 1., MEMO 1 .• L• 1;o .1.. 1.. n.. gr 4.0.4 31) 110 C r I+.,♦ AA, I..kin habltl,. 16, de. 166 6. I 1 4 6s Ara , . ing 1.11,61. It. an.: 12 16 l e e. qc,;urs, 11/ tacos r .Ir%, 7 Iructh •I .9. • %It 1.19vr qt.: it • •• k 19. 1, 94,.1 t••Il [11 , 4 )4. k Pat—, rto r bandl,l frN ra pnr. I , rr... 4., . ry • I=IIIIIIIIII , •ry..sl , -.; gun., !hut .1 • :• 11.14:” Ne-gr Yor g,lsgrirl •1.0, lirtitato•c,•. Pizt•ls-gll, I'mi - I°u/tn. Pt troop „Dgefrft,t.r ••1. , ma I la , •iaa 111..4 in the a.mapt.d la 6.; end the. I . ... ; . ./ • 111.11.:•• • •IJ I.! 1.4 a re the 116 clay of A prl • ,I VI , I. 14u.., therriatint dun n i Lb, yrakr Joly ,••• • •r-lervri l.y the Coorrulegomer. of Indwn A f r‘e! t. , r1 , 1e ire r e real: o r In" quan ,10 tf••• ,t 11,to pet !lied in the ,e • he , h,.. 401 %he. At. y c.thrvrs of the inin. dui, but t• mny be I.etNie cl• all the lovreet • ! A tner I. fp ma tufo d and t 4tit a. ni..xt .4 tha eatill./el of • - • ; tho it.rtc•st, It rt II h.. nN,,.!nry. ; • p...r1, 14- • .1 of 'loom tloo ..11.1 111••••+ .) tti' f-rwut,ltll to tithe )111 , 1+, at ..Arly u 1: f ,•.oi, .11 1.. 0 v‘h :bit A .o.mplo '•/ roolu. ot lo kol4 • ,ountity h. , . oruqn , 4 in 111. L t, 4 , ic.i..•rtri, r;tthe. r tµht nl Wxerun¢nn•hl4l t. I • t , •••I Iu• wont tolrnu (4‘0,44, a 14, th. •.1 .1 , I I.; Vl.r Ode • •timer in till n•opw, Lig ritt.l..rtv nut I.e pi.ll. 14 if t lir tipttitttlpp. whirl, may In , twilit ttl thin tippitch Pattlitht. id w guns oily ht. I.lr It:. Thoy will ay.! ...I a ith surripltio by an agetas at nk”...t. thnt Inn Stich es inn). be untelmitheret e 4 r, p i•lt: I - 01,1(14i: lu Which Calcc the con. ireetoi tt Ai Ic. 1.,11 PO t lernedi ethere or the reirielreil kind o 11,111 u dlon r, uif that ne nut done, the) ~„ I„. t.n rrhn. ltl hi, expense_ Payment will be male for tio , goodsf elooVe.l 011 11.1, 0101”. thereof, certlffted by tbe ngeol o f Kg, n0...pi...1c..1 ;.sleet them s or, in lii , ~mount of tin I.ld for the ts I f..r001.0... of the rot, l ra. I. with two or more Sure r, K hose ranwien. !oust rert.fled by it 1/11110(1 Stuter o 01 110110 .t 11.011.0, Tie)wid» onot a( the is rt It 11,w lEh the gaunt,. t thereof t h', arc arranged the fi wetruing echedule, w . if ( fl u . raj, 111,‘ , .,t t.O 1.14 In &lief - natal coma at 0 high ) w].l ~rturnM lli ebed, and the t1.111(01111 • moat be carried ont and f 0•1,1 ot. for h -Ira.. 11ny /timid be nolitnitted wish billow ng heading: " I [or wed he,. i propose to furnish f.r the Nervier) of the I tOtl,Ol thplat./1 ur t 1.1.1 OCCOI ding to the t. on. of Ito wirer tenement [hirer] r, dtto] September =l, 181111. the f o llowi ng article., at th pr]con thireti aflin.d, [here Ituiert the hat Ar ,' dn ., . tots ore 1:01,14 proprwed furl deliverable In 0]). city ,r I n,,..L00, New York, Philadelphia, ilalthnore, l'ltt.hor,ll. C,, itiliall. St Loma, Detroit, or Chicago, I. the ca., ;wit I.e! k- to-CO - OW first day of April next, or at emelt 1111.1. rr tail, duet eg the year 181) all may be urdend I , y ..illtnie,,iner id Indian Affairs,; nod I (or we] will iti the +mar price., such additional quantltlea of tit ] e n, kind.. ino 1 )(iodates of goods, and at the lowteit opt / ket tannin other article, of the name daaa, but of different ~,,, »» laity reifulral for the set, ice of the I, den, Imp a Intent .lor.ng the year I lfh7, deliverable an u to niatirl. And if (111. propieed tai accepted for. 1111 , 1, In ert cr .if the ch.- or Clada , a, proposal fur.] I lur li. ser, bin tan days thereafter iite a contract de y. and g, re•ecur Ity. ant i,Wrbry to the Contralti/donor of India. Affair., for the faithlul pert !ntt], of the some:' Each proposal moat al., be acconipaidad b y a guarantor., its the G,lluu iuit form, to 1. , signed 117 two Or tom, r, aiasa ,d. ta.r.ams, hose sulticbdicy must 1.4. certified by a Lulled &ides judge or district attorney We hereby guaranty that lite above bidder, [or bldderad if contract shall be no arded to him, (or them.] according t, lie [or tbrirj foregoing 1,1,1 or proposal, will execute a con tract and give necurity for the performance, thereof, as pre. Arrlisql In the advertisement for proposals for Indian goods, Feptember 2.1, 1h66: and we agree to pay any and all damages or bowe which the United States or the Indiana may stiffer by remelt] of failure M./ to du on the part of the said bidder" (or bidders.) No proposal will be considered that does not strictly con form to the terms and directl.me of this advertisement; and bi.hirre are particularly reluested to examine the samples befare making their proposals. CIRO. W. MANYPENNY. Commissioner. ICE= TWELVE HOURS IN ADVANCE OF THE MAIL! 44- TILE EASTERN DAILIES are regularly received, twelve hours in advance of the Mall, and delivered to sub. scrtl.ers at the following rates: Plnholelphia LEDGER, 10, per week. New York Daily TRIBUNE, 18c. per week. 0 HERALD, " " TIMES, " " 11af- Leave your orders for those, or any other Eastern p spell., at 71 Fifth street, for m)•24 TANNERS' OIL--20 barrels Tanners' Oil, prime artiste, In store and tot sale by sddD MILLER & RICKETI3ON. -; a;t; ~+s; ~►+- IZEIEMIII:IIUM ' . •ts • • • • i s V. Two Medals and FIVe Diplomas TNst•RAN(..E! - - Alptic t,"11 for 121-ortti, I)Jrtitet,nie* recetet.,l by itE , IV Itt: s. N. at hurt itt Ageut,y tt.ad lubelhgruct. Witt bb th. north tutu fourth vast of 111, i , “11,1 .0.1. ,root, (: ITT. )4 Ilint SALE—A de,,lrui , lo prt, rty in th ,, c,t ) I Al;,:hr." Thaw cuntlngovur 1,15, hil.,/ t./i0 IN eat aidi. id the Pant Cumin. a. rt.., in tong ti voint,t -tu nine *riche.. anti liateti , titir ,orzzerlng on tiny Alin); to a depth of ninety lt t 1 born r.i.• on tonitost, t•i4 , ,,,11t w sa, ir H: k Lin oiLi'g 11 , inee and in frame toniirnenia. tin tlionaanil bun. ill,: &Lai 'aunty iiollnrit in tuthd, an t i the tin •ii lour olual artl.lVil Inahalitirtita,'nth ,r.h•reat, aia uri•l it, hood au.: rin irtga,ol. tido rnitrerty a 0,,t disport"! of (hit in: nlt. 110. it at ctn. pram...A. tin Tuuailay, theand day of txtnetutier neat. Rya ilifin - sc.ation ri-guil ri , ferru , e rune Iw heed to 119K1Ll FiinT Kit and JkillN klent , A lingh•ny i'tty Wll It Fitz-TER. NO. 3 1 4 FIFTH STREET. YRF:1111 TEAS—A • 11,4. - . 1.4 I,IIL tin-ea slut ilLack Trala, la•t IltrArt IL.• hteh auk: vrlkt-Insalo aza4 retail, at pr ,•••-• 1 I•re r than n.rn.d. turn/ in_ .1. N OTICE.— 11}b1;•11`.b,r) w Lit be r 1. 4, nest Lralatatat t•t liaak,' • . \ Y. IILS1.1:):1 , 111411 i I.r • - V•ura. N 1tat43.1, 1i 1 , 1 a.. I. If If r .~Lr t-r. .1411.4.. Putt... .1r 6,4 ',1.-a va'• ntrl sit. t 1 • tt \ I 1.1 r the I, D'''',Lri I„N l'Alt V.1:1111' part, t ' • r, t ra. “•t.•. nrn, .; , .‘1.1 4 , I.A . ¶ll A t .41,1 1., mutual the •..•• I .. • V.lll th. A A. 'N 1 LA 1711 Mi L \ i:1 , I. k LTV. I:‘ , ` Y I.A rill The tiri.ter,igile4l have f.nned n lullite,l pdktr,..r.h2p. ”rth-t t nem+ Jf'N Ef+ I.A I'T 11. tat tlf.e DONN of )1 ANL FACTVI4I%O AND DK ‘l.l!sti h Cruz gwiwt t.st itup 11. CO) 1.111../.uf itEltS A n-.1.1 , rtg th.. t.f Y:aot Ilan] t T..rt f t,.lfU kii LAP t.) IJ I.l\, !!. ft. 1,1 r vh• La., th...tseuttni !I, h1L0.tr..4 attp.i t v thrf, • ilft) , el 4 ts of capital t.•••k st lot 11 is to ta•litio.ouCt , •• I 11, 1., . oa/rwzat. IS:A. az. 1 k 11,.. lat 'L.,' of 15 , i1 r 04 itLlt',tßll 4.1 .1 t'—` , Lt.) ch And 111(.11 l'ilt•burgl , A s‘git•l —•• :nu OR SALE- A SPLEN l'ilt'NTßY F , / s1 i •Il •t-1 r.v.140-1 A •.n.:: Y:•rve• II .! F.rr.. Et —1, Tit • , • / , e. arm k t .,,, Itt .\ A It. r. thorn t. Otl NI !LAREN Mi. t. )1.-m. ItoW S A t:T TllO ~‘lll- 1 1, •Itt • t ritt•tt•tti;ll, . . TrIOS. In I. C ) ).‘ SLIS- !it , t rt.- tvt.d wio by NI LI: a A 5 --o) tuim l.clm , us iLlSt L a'". by }:EYNIER a A.1tt:1t:.,,. ,:rumb fresh Figs just reermaci mlr by liETlOilt At A\ I)KIU.b Yo SY t ri1 0() Til B i t czqii.:SLTA large supply , d the knst Yoy,lbsll 111t11/11!.. I.°l 1.1 • .brk..t ekll,l CIONIIII.ESS IV ATFILI.--1), ‘..) tttel tate tt ner NI rk ..t I ' 44 : ''''' Ll'E LICK IV ATEII can Let,.. 41 yJ FLE M 1 NW.:. Ity the pttion or 1..., tel. Cot, eet and the Dian I. . _.I I'oolll ex le i. or,litlently r.4•••n1m,."1,1 to the n ing n0;,,1. , r b nun Mlles Cru I.vant,tyl,i4 zuvritrg ?RI i.tr, th , nth. I•r olutr .41 rwti I,l'l, 1.4.111.,1, -.4 I Coi:•••1: , likr 6 , i .1 31:q Ilt.4tn , Ln I n.,; tnnun s. I. 1„„) t • Irt., 511,skrt 31..1 WINE - \2 ;• • w.i.;•t, IL^ iri Chuinpu,el.• .Itx. and ot;ti, •' I. R. No. 172 " " R. No. 174 " 15 •• Star 1.r5.1 •• Cll ntore and for tale I.y an:10 MILLF.R A: RICK S:'NON. . RA W 'WHISK 11. aw Whi,ky f r sale by (au3o) MI 1.1,111 t d RICK ETS4 A T / Lc KERE .1k) bbl.. No. 3 large Mackerel... nea• hf bbla. •' '• :36 bbla. medial') Macker..l, in inure and (or sale by an3o MILLF:II A IIIeKETION y. flan CAROLINA TAR-2014,1s N,.rth Carolina Tar in store and for sale by ntl3 J WUXI{ k RICKIMON NENV FALL I) RE SS GOODS-A. A. MASON & CO. will open, on the 3.11 of Septembrr, sev eral packages of New Goods, containing— , Printed Dulaines, All Wool Printed Detainee, Black French Merinos, Black Alpacas, Cold Parainattas, New Plaid Silks, French Chintzes. an:* - UAW. BRUSHES--A large this,,rtmetit tf variety and stylo, to suit purchasers. at JOS. FL.Evi I NO'S, eel Corner Market mt. and Inarn,iel. 1 . )1 .F - f - P I N CAIsdPIIOR.-500 lbs. just re it mired and for sale by !an'S'.2i FLFMI NO BROS. 1 0 DOZ. RASPB R ERRY SYLP. 10 dozen Strawberry:Syrup. 5 Pier Apple " Lemon Syrup. Just receiteil and for sale by REYMER A ANDERSON. No. 311 Wood latest. o do C0111,00:1 nemld Candles; t•III. i/erinart ,`,.n. , 1 , ; I:, ,1,, do No. 1 .1,. JY,2O. 100 .lo No. I extra fontiy Soar. _ - .:-Li - --- 5 CASES PRUNES, in jars. .. -i . T o .f.Lri- mid for ,o;Ie by ! lel t, MILLER A RICKETSON. 5 doz. fresh Strawberries, in LAG... -- 10 " Blackberry Brandy Jost reed and for wile by - .. --) F.PAIIIING—A.I.I joie of repairing, from REY.IIER A ANDKRSON, ji to potting :1 " re, lock. stock and barter 011 a rifle, to lye No. Sr Wood,lstreol., ' pilling a rivet in ft 141( . :et irnife. promptly attended to at BROWN'S Essenee of Gi n ge — r —2-f dozen of the hoterpriae 'S "riot, No. ttn Waal stree w t. N k 1, .v. thin valuablehuidicine received by • JOS. FLEMING, 110 OCIIETITSE i - jC HRE.-5 casks in store and 1 Y 25 °corner Diamond and Market at .. .1.4,1 for sale by 1=22) FLEMING BROS. RICIIARD SHANNON 11§1111 a . MISCELLANEOUS Awarded PEKTNYEA i P4E. ~ ;, 1.. 111 - It) \ li( N• I -11; Tit ' , 1., • • I I 11.7 2r:" r • . ••• ' • - ' vt#' ' • AZ. Another Great Sale of Lots and Ellocktt, nt Rochester. Heaver county, Pa., ON SATURDAY THE IdTll INSTANT, Al 10 O'CLOCK. T HE undersigned will sell, to the highest on thyity all., named, and nivni the l•reini ses, ono ;:findrni Parr,* owl Arre,, of ground, nob several I A ndldn,g4, e., in the snwtojil rti Rohteler, Beaver a.O nty, Po_ tin trill Ilk. ;fell, or kw.r. lof 11 1.•• rill of ,u1i1311,11, caal lands. 5t.,11, quarrien,l,/,, of lb, clay, ore, Br., near the KoronOt. and convenient to the ricers nod 7hr I , rtsuot o ! ! will it,. !,ifi"Vril. in on, year, 0 a in two venr,i, Ali tii;eri4t at Ii alumni. A liner tl deduction will It. nude lor prompt of the principal. 1f1 , 14 will lie received. at the Annie time, for quartung. total- Ink nod limn, t , ve tlionmand I.•rch of nine•; for tanking, nr tor trinkink one million of limn - ling for retied ing 10,0ot1 cultic yard, of f anti, for cutting down and tilling up *treoln and for rradlue. 11. w,“: .':IMIO tolperlinial yard.. II ()hi.. xlso, Ih.• inmothate ri.itit.n of twenty fda.lll tenement,, iurniehiug all [lie um, t. rule and labor. For any and n!I rnr nk,‘l•.l,ba..nw-luilf will be inktbi in cash. as the w.4k progn.ft.., the ,Innuilniz half lo lots, grounds -r nortiou pries, pig Get titles, by warrarily ernry I:eni wt.!. Plats and mann of Lilo property, nod thocrititions of the Porn rutty be hail by optilieut Surveys, plans, drawings and pperiflllaloll4.Nitlt reference to tuber, materials, inc . required as above, will 1 , 0 ex hatted at the Office the Company, iu Rochester. In addition to the ru.inginotli Car Fi.tory, Foundry, M.. chine Shop, Steam Mill. 1:11/Tol Factory. and Farr Brick WM> tory, at Rochester, ocrratigeruents eve airrAly In rrisgit-sa for the erection of half a dozen other large uninufacturtng es tablisbuituis. to ho driven by , ttiam. A magnificent Motel, upon the hill, but m - ar the railroad depot and Mrltlll bon! landing. is alreati, coinottoomli an establishment for the tmtnufacturr.•f 1., , 0uit St..anl Eugluex. Tb is , 1,1 will [spy 111+ , 11I tour ACI UV of ground i—the qt....- iv:ills are now Lwing tn.iproveutt tom, with the. cinitertitihittiti early ronitilii 'l,l ..f the tilt,/ , lnt, I tin.] lint.litirith ti/ wul the non - ...in:try I tvii•it Fitivoikfi litnotitn, nn a 1..., lilt-nil tin larnlinen non iitnint. 1.) tn.. iltir , ittulk ()ion. T nt thin Y t.O taor , for ,al t li,• ,, irt• 4.,11t,i,,/,n,t• 4,1 itivit,l• nos a: ,t,•l an I (Lill. attl ,, ,/ut „Iv, '1,1:1, T ,Ul,ll Lt: A 111,E (:.,u1 .Nl:aes at ..‘utot.i ,, ri.—On ti— 'l , ll day ' t;_:::•c neat. at .; I' M.. %.111 the 1.1; heet 1...; !••r. Krix,y's x Pd ,l t-laet 4. au Ow N., ,tut.gx. th :1,111 I tnl 111,1 r) t J , ••I Tr•lk tuo t• t, .1" .1I ,1.., ,t •••••:. I•mck 1111 5 . ..11r ! • l'i•• 0.. nil 5, I ..f. spf..nfiff fly Ifffprw 5,2, r i r. 4,1 riv.r IN•If .111 Lf.:4l eiLlpg of •ri, quo." ty. ful ! f:1) iff .; 011 law:111g tlf r.scr. n••• too 1 0n..):, ~no-tho .1 in 9 o,ontlis, alnl ono stu F or f:tr.;..r pnrti r .,r, ..1 'I'II %%•k.t , , ftrok,.. .I) 2 ' l'lttaltaY s th. LEM 0N i ; O._ i rRANSPORRTATION LIN Y.. -- Has tit:: matt, ex Lebyt !sr,- pyraritasst tat, sst••l. ars n•ta prtitit t 4. do a HEAVY Mt ^INIESS by PENSSY AN A l ANAL nod ILA 11.10 'AD. tUti II 'lO AN II Yltusl TIIF EiIIoT ERN CIT I Ntt , aa aasttsra our ft - watts and all tL,,,, tilstis“es, isatr.turat List. I`..stitn. Canal rrnd liaLtirsaul, that tsu layttss, wfll 1. tipartstl It , at• Last ta-rs of ItSaatssrn arts! W.'-t.•rr. Yroitrb Tbs. A V011 , .4.NCE YtY Tllb iNct.tsra) ttN TII V. A IsUCtiIIENY Itt titTAISE It A ll.lb will sine incrrastatti Lleapatch to the tsranxtbiNsiLti of frsaals L. °Eire on PENN stroct, ut the Canal Basin. rnhl4 LLOYD & LIMON. _ _ _ KlEft'S 'lli.Als;Sl'Ottl'ATlON LINE.— Anticipntln4 tI want ~ 1 fat tltta-• lk, trsusporting El t.tolds to stl.l front Ow I'wst Cntwa, r t l' , .. aok)lvauta Came. and I:.crns. , ! cmr Lll It.tats. &c... 11 watnc. to 2.1 INJUBLE. D.I.ILL LINE.. u lush pees us n , ustutuity over 1(.00 1,10 clu tiVe thiwiedielrwr.l to lilt! natio , tho Pita, intiortistitnoutiii i thoir.i will lie nothing atiarod iLI our Jan 1 , rouili•r iroratirs.l o in torvrardine Kioitorti aud A retoril Freights with XI Eh at SI ITCHELL atorzlLT Carralt Itaftria • l'lrtAtalargh, PAL • —— 4 IhISIESTEAII /IL 1% , )::711 ‘ , E FAl'atS laarLi MY •:•1 ,t—ta C•al-1•1«, a.•ttrata. 1 atgamak, ta• 1.. .aisaala al a«:' •ika fa:, rt,.• 1701.•1ia«1atakaal,r.1%,:,1:. u..• ..tat . I'. r: k. rol l'••zaa«'« A.-adenay as- .r\f.l 'IF% La al.: A I IL,..la.atf at••‘: IL 11, a 1..• Ir•-••. 1 ~ r ata,,. i. r ak.al at , t .ar I l',lll I .!, /II aak:aaa: tr.kaa . « a.,11 , 11 raw:ant« 6 6 "6 !.. A .t ti,.., Arr 'All 1.11.,r, A ~;.-13 A.., aiq,ly .'. 1.11 •it h ti is 4 t 1,4-44! :I. LI W. truunit Lute , of rtuutturgit. kOONS FLOUR FACTORS, General Product , Commission :hags, Pi 47 Nor•.A MA CMG! UZ, Wat, a 1,1, Wino P. .acr lbw{ Mrnln W.kkln nrd A 0.. Phil. Ll %Kn. Conn.) AC.. Pitts% tn.tt NIA1,1; l , lnnArth A Co. A r " It.ll A I.44.grtt, rt.. A Co. A 11 Una, 1 Itnenkv. t'...•ormv.- rrn t:.. .n '• ,ll 41; .1 I. •.wr A •, 4 . i •+lk k A F nti A A r trn.. 4. t A tivti..-r, .1 .. .0 I I', NI. :,:.nnt ni!y =ME 4 % \ " 1 I 1 I , :•1111K (4 . . • =MEI r .1N I ELI I ( 1;C I I;•Lrilts - A I t-r AI., PA ~:. lli 1.4 4:1 -rp,au ..,.,; 1.,,, i , •[ , , i.• ..t..\1:11131 lie I, 17 ..rlt. A, i .l. t.• Ii \V id \,_ o. ril, .1.1...ki iilin., otrl4-t, tomtit 1 .... e 4..., ••I th • I,..tni In.l. \ :1..1",“ City, an I!. {.„'. l K ELF:FUN \ 1.::- . 1'.• -- \‘' , 11:ll I` reCeiVed per k j r . 1 ,.,-...0.,,h, bq -I tie. r . .k.•.• t .ii \ ,et:_s numb Aft. or. I -1,..,11y Lb, , . '.•-t nri.11.,10.-.1 ••••1- 5...1” •1• i w..tr Jo: , . 1.. 1111,,11et.L11 .1 ,§N. N o . 7„ 1,v,..1 m Q . I . ii.: It Fl NE A\l) EXTRA Sl' FT li Fl N E kj V i.' It I: on 105,1 find 1., •Ai Ik ~,, .1 \., A 1. 1.17.1%.1{, 1 , W.it, r Nt. W ...k ,, N , :1 ; ;P ii : , 1 , ) ,7 - -- ;:i r :O or I t . o l`:: : 1,: ., ~, 1r I ~,, ~, ::k i i . rt, ion i . i. 1, 1 ,. ..r . i ,. i. ,, ,r : : .i 13',.. , ,irtie. i .. tow. Vv.,. It .Ilir•tr Ow City. Ad. r, NY it , IX foil httst•ma t I. 11... 1.11, , 11 1 , “): "I 5..pt.•,111., )111:Itt_ W l i t.. 1.)1 ..,I r: it , lt Y y B n ,• , \ : liK,- 1 -::- . .', 1 (. 1 .0 iin , 1 : ,,, ,k1; Fresh Arrival of Sall Oysters. TI'ST reveised at STEIN liT . ('l'S, N. 111 ( Nl',l[l onit•el. , 1,, 4:11 Ow d.•I. :tt.,.. .4- -, Ow 5,.• .11 , .411 tn' i'. , :,.6. I , ./ YI , 111 RII) •1, - .111, fS . a 1 • 1,.....4 ..•1 . ~,,,, , o N l. It of 1.5,k• io.II, oh,.!,,1111 lit rn.id t•. !Aim 1„-.:,-1,., Awl 11qa..nit0•...1 OW 111.. t tow.t.hl•lt. ter,,. 1 , 1. , , . t•.,1, n largi• n ,:,1 :1i,.. I, I ,k11.,...,,.1•Tatit ~..All,l I ' .•.kitri., $ i'VEINIit'I.E. .I:`' Ni'. 111 It out/ stn... - 1)0 1 / 2 Y ..) "' , l alld all thing, ite.,s.ary 11'111 , 1 111 k 1171 TE V . ,' (11 I ‘ . l . 1 1 , FOR S. I.E---01:0 'l6 .• kil I . I rl „ U.• 1.14;t; Li. Lo Lu I 141 Rt 1.111 .t• -',\ i•;11 '1'11.1.: 1 , .," PLAID bi A A A RON . 4. CO . : 4 , ' l5 rall, • 111:INTED\ltx'Itl • Po nt• ntv29l A . A MAS•IN A Cu F C i l . l t. l l N : f I e A A. 61A & 110. 1 : 1 . _ 1: 4 1 I A Int -- groutni from 111:W 11 rnte 1,, .1 \Vat, nt. rfl)li ACM—. •lA, boron "A odt.r....n's" mid 4'5i11.1.rce..... 1,. do. •• ZIA do. &da •..11.6.-," .7:5 4,,. do. 11.11r6.61'5" 6'l 4.. 3d do. 11. It A LI do. • 6 .10. ••./ .6..5 (to Y.tu1....e1).....11...1.61 poorol I limp Toloa,o. Jnnt rt,..e:red cud Gar tallv ho At RI OK ETEON, cob 221 and ':/1 I.lherty ER' LAARGE STOCIC of 4i It EEN AND BLACK TEAS and for 511.1, al louver iCtql OM, 111,11al, S. JAYNES, Pekin Ten S.tor... No. :11; Fifth tit. C.\ N I )I.ES AN I) SO A '- Stnr 4 . q.:•'n and trd ~'Y '•~ _ ~~.. ~.. '~ .. .'h. <4`f MISCELLANEOUS =MEM l'uty. t.• 1.1,,:t1 odurrtn., lt. I.t 11111ZEIM 1=1! ;•. Nio.r L L STOCK OF PIANOS. -CHA.B.- LOTTE BLUSIN having Just retarind from the n Cities with a huge stock o 71477... kV:" ... Piano Fortes. wool.] respectfully tall the at- I( I [Potion of C 1,,, ninsical public and others to the assortment which is now on hand and daily arriving. Ainntig the selection a, the following new and elegant 'dyke : tre taves, full (hand, elaborately carved raw, legs, lyre, Arr., with new circular keys, carved sliding music desk, carved fret-work, !lc. 7 Octaves, lull Serpentine style, carved ease, lyre, legs, &c., with the usually open spaces at the corners filled with beautifully carved fret-work. 7 Octaves, with pearl keys, pearl Inlaid name-board, circular scale, i.e. Also, a new Scale of 7I; Octaves, being the largest size yet made. 6% Octaves, with carved mouldings, finished back and front, sliding music desk, etc. circular scale, case finished all round. Oda res, round corners, aliling music desk, iron frame, etc. Alt %ether the risisor.mout It the beet ever brought, to this city, having been selected with great care ea to the tone and also to the style of NI-piton,. Every instrument will be fully warranted, and sold at insonfarl..rers' priers. Purchasers are respectfully Invited to rall;and examine before purchasing elsewhere, as the sub. scriber' will eller greater inducements than ever before, CIIARIATTE sell Nu. lit Wood at., s”cural door above Fifth et. HAR . 5W A L N ESIOCK, • • Importer and Dialer iu Foreign and Domestic Hard- Ware, Nu. 5 . 4 Wool strLsit, Pittsburgh, Pentm.—The sub scriber lee received hi+ FALL STOCK OF HARDWARE; And in additteu to Lin extensive maortment, ham rtav_ived great variety of ivory-handle Knlveli and Fork., German ,d; v. , r, plate. I, tea table, ,l.•orert owl !lOU p Span=; fitly pie and / utter Lnr tio. Tonga mnl pek e ra; waiter.; patent ritiironli perior Planet and other Qtrponter Tools; Ma ton.. )L-iolOing; Mahogany Veneering; Chair and Sofa Spriug, ; Pump Chain Fixlmr-v, ke,—all of which pill he .1,1 lieor. Olen) SAWL FAHNESTOCK. it TIYANS, =II M'Candless, Means & Co., to Wick h M'Candligrs,) ATTIOLESALE G LLOC ERS, and Dealers in IRON, G esti, COri'Oiti YARN.;" and Pitts burgh Manufactures gen«rally, corner of Wood and Water royB FOR SALE DOUSES AND LOTS in 1.1,:-I,urgh nod Allegliony Cldos , Birmineltam, Mau . . seae , :,l handsome Country Femts; also, Farms of vars.na si l.oB end In dftTerma "ijireeti o as. Persons wanting to purchase would do well to call and we the rmrists.r— dna.• hers .g property for sale to hose It registered at (I. W. Ilka 1. F.l=TA•re 4 , 1 , F1C11, north side of sire. t nod fourth door roast of the Diamond, A CI,EOII EN Y CITY. Sept STING_AIWI LLIAAI CLAYTON, Or- Pnnm,rtzil and Fancy r. 107 FOURTH street, LW tw eon Wind and Smithfield attents. Atilie All work done in the hMt style of the art. au' It EC ES REDUCED. —Below the public will set our list of priers. All persons will avail, no .1 mlit,m . the opportunity, when they can save tram 10 to '2O per cent. 11.81A1/411 Traits 90 canto. Ire ing's Life of Washington $1 30 FArataga 1 00 IA& J 111114,4 llorkuourth 110 " fiche/ i.iurYdu 70 " 11E1111,04i/ Poetry 1 30 ar fall. 90 " Elise:trim . 90 " 11.-Lert Graharn lie " Itotrilattion . 1 00" Clara or :slave Life in Europe 00 " P.M !lope .bowing sieve aOw trey. 20 Campaign /lege—Fremont awl Buchanan, 10 " Pictorea of Cal. Fremont, colored 140 " s. plain 100 " l'ictures of Janata Buena/mu, plain.. 1 00 " red 150 " nepol.lkmo Song Ilkeoke 12 " Iteptininmil Campaign Song Books 10 " K niAerlea•ker for September Life of Fremont. by Itieehne • 00 " Lit, .4 Ittutien.sn, Ly 11,u.° 90 " f.ti tins of Cr,.' Mat tin, Ly !sever is/ " the pitto, where ) en teats save from 10 to 20 per snail. Is at LA UFFER'S BOOKSTORE., I nh Nu. 77 Fourth street. NE W BOOK S Al DAVISON'S, - 65 Al AILKET STREET. .• - • N.• 1•.. en John—hit ilrellod. - - . Erne. 'ou'r Eng'erit Traits. 'rho Mart . % I' SU ntrn—.. Memoir of floury Lyman. T 1,.. Enen, i0p....11A of Fine Arta—U.. London. v Al.li•oir.fit.ner—koiltributhaer by Geo. B. A, • y. A.t,oriorn, Royal. A r :,••••• 'ye in of Moral 1111.1 Religions A neerloto. Conioioutral C..rroop.ik•nr, of lrorpoloort IAIII1Jome•phioo. lh.. Peoplo on Health. t; .11.'1 I F:ee6n 1. Lo.: Cook Cm. , ...lei'. Cher 5 Ilistory. SA .01 ill Nettro--ttottn's Library. I I 0tn . ..1.1t . , View. o f Saturn, T • n. • •11./.111/ • :1 11Anual, T. , 11,0mIrtur. 1% ••r nllO 11,11.1 of Joom., Viol • of limper'. ;Story IMok, E•ruol, Ar., &c. J. S. DA V DUN, fS nrkot ~troot. near Yourth. FALL CARI'ETINCLS., 1 `1"-)() 1856. . A lan:J. and superior assortment of 3 pip) sup, ,ud ti 1.0 lugruiu Carpets. daily Toadying at Store No. FiRL street, at the lowest prices. MSG RourNsoN & co. • _ _ . _ - iirrsi STANAHD. 1) lit., ST AN Alt D, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Nt... 170 FOUILTII ettretet, tamr Grant. Pittabeugh„ Penn a. aw 9 ENBU I I.DI LOTS FOR SALE—Ten T ~ f ilrouud. Man. 195, 190, 197. 199, 199, WO. 201, and 204 in i l iolt Usssett's plan of lots, bounded by Criok. rtvt, CHIT street and Cassi..tt street. each lot being 24 feet front by 156 let dcep, xeept ho. 1.6. which in M tent 9 mil), 01.1e1. Tins prinierty is situated in one of the at ~ritnimu.litni locations In the City of Pittsburgh, anti ti 1.1.1. e a l.eauliful fur a pH: rate resslen.l. 'fliey V. ill, however. to' sold separate, if Appl) t. , MAK KIT It RICHEY, find 17Atati• Brokers. it; ALE —:•,OVI.?1 le-es of Land, on which " ann. ue.••r failing sprint. :t lid av. irty of rubbery. ' t, t•cret.l.ll loud. tin which i. it brick house :1 I • I ....• 41 ' , liar tt frame td...p. A A .4 loi. ~:s IA a brink twits° with four ht,l4ll,ti -Atn t. and ta,td ta.llat, all hit aatod m :St t.:•) d',.. ,to! N, //.1 'MX If apt.tiott for soon, or adod for a 511,11 faro handy to wine of our 'tail- Fr :N1 , ..--Thtoo ihrrnit, well improved. within inten no,•• .1 Ito. city. Apply Nl. it CNN, n 4 the llowl /WALD A ~..tqxv and north L,r lnito nturet, lourth door I 'ow.. nisi A I;oglit.tly city . .13"26 1)( Clil)W - CIIOIV, preserved. I .1,7, ',mil I ilt,tor. I " •• ! 1•14. * •• 111 Jars. Just received at an tt; PRA VOS I I Ni .‘ MASON & CO. and open on the &SI) en.t, 12 eartoua ep, ,e!1.1 new Ei,•rvideriee, Cuttou and Linen lidgings. Ac, ti•_•9 11TRAPPING PAPEil—Single, Medium V and I)..ahle Crone Straw Wrapping Paper--a large lot Just rt for t 4,11. cheap JAS. A. I , I.ITZER, 69 Water at. FALL U.ARpETINos— ROBINSON k CO., No. I livers wrairr. Aro now daily receiving their larg• ate. k of Carpeting - a. oil (lot ho. Ac, and are confidant that they can Suit any one w .'oeg u , pc .• line. either quality. ail le or price. _ - • _ . Q LT-75 1,10,. No. I Extra nod No. 1 Salt ju.t and for ,al. , by MI LLNR k RICK IiTSON, ,a 4 No,. 2'21 and 22.3 I.lbvtly istrret. S 1 1 1t1 ES-- 10 tier,ra Itir.: lay boNoll 1 , ,:a S..ap; `• star LU " Cborolat, 14.4 SNI I I 11. k I,IIE A N I White 1 ettfiri fiat sale 1 . ) by SMITII, MAIR & 11UNTRIt. Al ANV 1.1.1 WINES II It ANI/IE: Cklint4 Catawba Win., .Ita, and pta_, "N. 1..00gut. , 1111" brawl. 4o 1 . .,t00 to, %Vino, " N. Longwurtli" brand. •• Ladiele Cataw " ra '• Cataalia brandy. iu e 4 re and for sale by and, MILLER k RICK RT9OV. C IN(1 S AN t) OIL CIOTHS !! It 0 INSON & CO., 1.r.3 nrnt NTRzyr, ILI, now r.-celvod a cung.l.d, a+aortmont of Fall Ca.rpel b, and Oil Cbdhs of 'very quality and prlw, conmtaling of Y•dro4A, Tavemtry V4l, eta, 13ruastd.1 and Tapestry Vf•lvota, linywrial and Snlwr Snixr. and Fina Ingrnina, Twill'd nod Plain Venitbula, LlNtlngs. &r.. 84.• Yrt.,.•,.Slarkrir anti Y9tr patterns of UIL CLOTTF 4 of all : and all' 0.,0di urbal:y found In Oarpket llonmes, and at lln• lowoat • t 0.40 Q.1.J1;.A1:. .1N 1) 1%101_,A SSES— , y pre. owlper.tge, N. 0. 1100 11.. oak do do; • 50 St. Jan.. r. 11. Molasaes ; lad 1211,1, fully fair and prime N. 0. &tear. Qn hand and for ..ode by MILLEN A ItICKETSON, • 221 and 223 Ltberty strong.. ANTlttuirr's I'iLLS-5 gross just received mai for n.7n by (1 , 21) PI.ENILNG BROP, l• extra white just received and for , olle 1.7 [au=2.l FLEMING BROS. - A Lr,,m.__lo just received and for (au22) F LEM ING BROS. U ti A ti Orr •”le by f 1 S . /1 AIE6O P jA. in by ILO\'lis.—ZOt) I he. A?rl PE ACIIY ~,1. 1 •y ku22l Nonmsro BROS. just received arid for Atnrt, Find for ftvle by (mr.n) FLEMING BROS. LOC W 00D.-50 lAA& in C 1 1710 C,ol,nuwd'inFliffJ-1;650 b nr anteags prime Rio Coffee 6v4 HILLER & RICKETSON. C.l. LC I NEI) MAG N ESI A-200 lbs. in store an I for sale by (8015) FLEMING BROS. s_ IBLE CUTLERY of all descriptions cop siontlyou baud an rot sale by DOWN t TRITAW I;11 all3o Enterprise Works, No. 126 Wood at. LACK LEAD-5 bbls. in store and for ealo Ay lice) SLIMING BROS. - - - • . • t . 4 e4.# . • V', • . NUMBER 305 10- lbs. just received and I wat2l YLKNIING BROS. boxes, a prime article, I.OIiNG BROS. , .I . l a e, SEEM Mflll=2=E • RITES OF ADVERTISINO BY THE 'PITTSBURGH MOBBING POST ' Metal Icia'TereiaeTeil.brirklte TM UN"- 1"""gleg ineekja weal souk. paper . One Two insertions..... :... Three inwrtione One week. ...... Two weeks Three week5...... ...__ One month.. Tw0m0nth5....._....., Three months Y0ur..... .live Months.- Sin months Ono Nine m0nth5..._...... Handing Card, x tio 1 00 1 751 3 00 , 200 4 00 ' 2.6 600 . 3361 700 485 966 6 00 .0 00 606 100 736 2 00 • 800 6 00 ie ZEI pOO 13 35 Im or loam" per n __. , . palgatElLL • , pirupThir . r One equarn, per /maim; exchudie o th4paikeri) - 514reastro ri00 , ...e. 50 cents ; Doath notklet,'2s cente. _l3 ff - S I Wk-S§-CARDS SUM= r. smuvica, ...... ........ DUNOtra Shrivcr & Dilworth, WHOLESALE iiROCERS, Nos. 130 and 132 Second Hired; .(tetween Wood ;Lad Pittsburgh. dec27:pc VIOL. UALLIVELL. OLN , 7. P. MEM/ELL. JOHN P. PEAS BENJ. R. CAIIPEILL. Bakewell, Pears R. Co., FLINT GLASS MANUFACTURERS, - MOS. 31 and 33 Wood street, (comer of Second,) Pittsburgh, Pa. deer.:pely DRI GOODS AT REDUCED PRICES. A. A. Mason & Co. ARE now offering all of their immense stock at reduced prices, curoptislng upwards of one thousand cases and packages of New Goods, just opened. All of their extensive stock of Shawls, Silks, Dress Go.ds, Cloaks, Bon nets, lintbroideries, Trimmings, Hosiery and Gloves, Domes tic Goods, &c. &c. will be reduced and sold at 26 per cent. leas than usual rates. A. A. MASON & CO., docOirpc 25 Ylfth street. A. A. Hardy, (sttoce.aor to Hardy, Jones & Co) Commisidou and For - warding Iderchazat, Agent of the Madison and Indianapolis Nu. 3u Water street, Pittsburgh. J '2O Mly EMEEMES JOS. WOODWELL & CO., IMPORTERS A.ND DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Hardware, Clrrwr f Wood and Smut [dc2Op SPRLNGER lIAMBAUGH, COMMISSION MERCHANT, DEALER IN Wool, Provisions and Produce generally, NO. '..V5 LIBERTY STREET, PITISBDROIL JOHN MIDEVIVF, (latte John 311h,Itt & Bo.) WHOLESALE GROCER, LEA LIM. IN FOREIGN' 4.2 VD DONESTIp LIQUORS, NO. 311 Liberty street, opposite the head of Smithfield, Pittsburgh, Pa. Keep; constantly on hand a lance supply of Old Monongahela and Reclined lt - lic.ky, Bacon, Ptah, Flour, Lard, Oil, Cheese, ?lb. • . , _ ISAIAH DICKEY & COMMISSION , MERCHANTS, WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Provisions, Produce and Groceries generally, NO. 80 Water street, 4oc3:l:pcl y AND PLASTER-50 bbla. extra Sand Plavter. livery farmer should give this article a trial. It will tidily rem to use it on your Corti. our sale by BOOMS & COLLINS, No. 120 Wool vittet. H. KLEMM & BRO., AGEITS FOR NUNNS &• CLARK'S CgLEBILATPA PIANO-FORTES, A.RHA RT'S & N EEDHAM'S 3 GENUINE MELODEONS. DEALERS IN MUSIC AND MUSICAL LNSTRUMENTS, No. 53 Fifth b tree t, NISI DOOR TO IILASONO tau, MD Or TRIG GOLDEN LUMP, PITTSBURGH. f doc2D WM. 1M- railadelphin. .. c. au:xi:Taos, Pittaburgh Miller & Rlcketson, WLIOLESA_LE GROCERS, and Importers of BRANDIES, WINES and SEGAR.S. hue. t2l and VS, corner of Liberty and Irwin atreeta, Pittsburgh. Iron. pads, Cotton Yarns, dic. Au., constantly on hand. tleebtoc M'Cord & Co., HATTERS, No' 131 Wood street, five doors above Fifth, Pitubargh, decl4:pc -- --- R. L. Allen NO. 6 Wood street, between W ater t and Front - streets, Importer and Dealer in LIQUORS4X every desription—Ohl Rye and Monongahela Whisky, Cognac randy, Jartudga !Spirits. Holland Gin, Wines, Cordials, Champagnes, Wines, Clarets, AT- clocl4:pcly shirt= secLuacss—....-44.453 antasarnunt, JOHN Late of S. ArClorkeu I Co. Lute of Kirkpatrick I Herrons. IfifClurken Heiron & Co., EROD U CV; AND COMMISSION AMR , CHANTS, and 'Dealers In CLOT ER and TIMOTHY , Na 243 Liberty street, 'Pittsburgh. fdecLi:pc Wayne Iron Works. BAILEY, BROWN & CO., Manufacturers of Ay IRON AND NAILS. ' Warehouse, No. LAI Water street, between Wood and sndthfield streets, Pittsburgh. dee!Akpc YLtNKLIN SKINNER Skinner Sr. Franklin, PRODUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS, NOS. 7, 9 and 11 West Front street, CIN CINNATI, receive and will Mirky, Rye, Flour, Butter, .“ heat, Barley Malt, Hemp, Cheese, Corn, Urn Malt: Fea thers, Tallow, Oats, Hens, Lard, Bacon. Dry Fruits, Clover, Timothy, Flax and Hemp 'deeds. Patent and Unfinished Leather and Wiles. Agency for G. W. Smith's celebrated X, X X. aml Kennett Ales. Quick sales and prompt returns. jaMpely klexander IV. Foster, ATTORNEY' - ANIS) Ctn . SSE LLO R AT I. Allr, and Solicitor in Cliancery, At. - ent for procuring Bounty Lands and Pensioua, lultl for the Collection of Cantina in Great Britain and Ireland. im.COLLFX,TIONS made in this WA adjoining Counties; Estates of decedents settled; Itted Estate bought, sold' o leased, and Rents collected. Nioneysinvested on mortgage or oiler security. Titles examined and Title Papers &ann. Office No. 139 FOURTH. street, a few doors above Smith field, Pittsburgh. A. W. Foster, NOTARY PUBLIC, Commissioner for the Court of Claims, and CouiruMaimer [or [ho States of Teuneisoe, New Hampshire, Connecticut, Wisconsin, Now York, Mirhigau, Lora, thliforum, Virginia and Louisiana. wit_ Deeds drama, and acknowledgments and proofs taken for record or visa iu any of the above named &stet, and iu llliuoie, Mississippi and Mak. Island. Pittsburgh, January 24, mg. MINN MILLERS, Founders and alaelliiisjth, MEE fn 'MARKET STREET, Pittikburel-, All kinds of Mill and Mocllinery floglllitmillit on hurl oorico, and of ni•Rit al I rov l iiiitrenis. • 7:pc.ly Jones & Denny, Forwarding and COMMISI6IOII Merchant., No. GO WATER STREET, •" R. & A. C. Duncan, WllO LESA L E GROCERS AND DEALERS IN PRORUCE, FOREIGN WINSS AND LIQUORS, Old Monongahela and Rectified Whisky—No. 2SI Liberty street, Pittsburgh Pa. docahlicly . Linden Mining and Smelting Co. President F. J. CAMPBELL. Secretary ' S A. LONG. Omer., 112 Smithfield street, efiyistite Custom Rouse, PITTS II U ita u. Telegahvely FLEMING 13 (mut ERs, (suaces.sons To J. KIDD k • WHOLESALE DR Ui GISTS, No, 60 Mxrd. iNatburyh, Proprietors of Dr. 111 , Lane , s Celebrated LIVER PILLS AND VERMIgIIGE. Ideal: pc St. Clair Hotel, CORNER Penn and St. Clair streets, Pitts hurgh.—Tbo undersigned, formerly of .13rown's trl," having taken thin large and commcalions lIMEL, and having refitted It in magnificent style, would respectfully invite his frit:win and the traveling public to Ore him &col/ I assured. with the convenience Of the houoe, and bin long ex perience In t h e businedS,Ae.-, be can give entire satisfaction , anti his charges Moderate. WE. C. CONNELLY. decLkpc • Adams Express Co., No. 64 Fourth st., between Wood and Market, PITTSBUROIt [decl4:pely Ragaley, Cosgrove & Co" WIIOLESALE•GROCERS, Nos. 18 mud 20 Wood otrrst, Pittsburgh. ciecl4:pely 12=== MORGAN RINIEURON._ -111orgY. ILIVILLTS CURLING , ROBERTSON & CO. Mann (adorers of all kinds of Cut, Pressod and Plain PUNT GLASSWAIIB. Warehouse, No. 17 Wood street, corner of First street, Pittsburgh, Pa. Anis- Every ileseriphon of Glassware, also Window Glans, at the lowest market prices. Sheffield Iron and Steel Works. SINGER, lI.A.RTMAN & CO., Manufactn rens of CAST STEEL ; Spring, Plow and American glister Steel; Springs, Arles, Crowre, Vices, Ac. Ware. house, 109 Water and 140 Front streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. dec27:pc • VAILA louit SALE.—The Subscribers will sell their farm. situated in tipper Clair township, Allegbeuy County, Pa., on the Coal idill flit. .and St. Mar turn pike-, five miles from Pittsburgh. .13ald farMicentados forty lour acres ur. choice land, haa en it ss two. shaty &ante dwell ing. a inane stable, Ac., and an mallard of choice bearing fruit "free,. three never. Wing eiirings of twsr Is under good fences, and the whole in a good state of co)* ration ; and will be sold all together or divided to snit init. chasers, and on liberal tenon. Apply to J. T. McKnight, P. M., at Mt. Lebanon or to either of the subscdhers. jui-ltd A tot w. LIMO it glum ...= NNE .y r `, isir 1 - •-" 4. " , - .:' - .'t:', fr••f:-:.•7:. , .;i,f,'-',l-:1 , : ......,t',. 1 60 2 00 2 50: 9.60 4 WI 1 00' 1 25 1 60 2 36 3 00 3 35 3 05 4 40 6 36 6 60 1 00 1 25 2 06 8 00 4 50 6 60 0 50 9 00 MM=I PITTSBITROU 44. ti $ ~~~; yck'F , ~' ~. # `., u try ~:-~:;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers