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( 1 ,,,', . ~. ~e• = ••,." t4: l6*- ...1,.,..! ..! .:. .... *" =. . ' •'-..i: 4 " .• '• 1 ' I ;:, 1 •;# 7.4 4 :::; •• ,:, t At ...,:. „.. ,'„ ••jf t; . •• , ~....;,.. :,....,}' '" ' : Vt"; i . ~.., .. 1 ",,,,, f il - . ii y21;! . ..e... - ~• = t ' ,:''' - 4 ".. - I ~ ' ..., •7 " -; I . e, ' .elt,l" Ciii."' • •=4, i' .l •- •; *: _4%7!=f, •l .` • •*__ •', "'-• •-==.'- 7 . -* - ,''.. 4 . 1 '....'• ''' r li.t::-. 4. .••:•" * .A•-4-0;e 1 4:4•^-1":•7 1% ''. A ' y, Ar.girx 440;6' t ' • - ,f --a • .4- 4 ,41 , • ' 41f. - =WM =EMI itV. 4 4.4,4:+3, + 1 4,4 4 4 0 tbs 44 0 11. Of; , , • • . • • •-. 2 • ry l 4 r ti A PhaVAN4 v, +a; furrY 7:timing, 1 * 7 h nit -,i - ittp . ,,,V*Atoargiao - **llitirt 'row iaiDlytta *norm, i le , ‘D° _i_t*--ArriblpedlY t id : • 4.. 4- it Lovey..e IA .. jtitlxitt to . air S 0 Two cames—nf sale a qn, colmter In impale% lIWITItIik blintikllbys• , , -.. z v.' 1- mosunso-rosT ,.o Pnbßebidhou ~elgppenre pelovon7si hi* blanket, elto oboe% at, TWO DOLBRIIB • ,•7 .7 It • 'J. , - -.7•• -7 , a 1 .ap• No pepor *kb, pecoatinite4,(tt*dit at the Mime- Una a the Proprlototi)iiin Pefr va.. I • Mat i O P I VI t i ts l'irl4 thy. ap-Oonneetei with theaktoblithinitut o f the Homing Post it ono of the Intgtet JOB PRI • 0 OPIUM in 0;03 deg witj.l kind+ •7. ...; on the eh.. t notitoi add m. w "onable •e. Pfi,l:fn63loNaNili. , OMMS 1011 C. . VertlsMnfiluo.w . w 4 Yzjii • tAililitztllk garOftico in TINKVELL'S ' Inr t (w.trly oppaette thvPututilmul.) BUILDINGS G CR. W. WINGARD, 'ALITOILNEW At LAW, ' ;re JaIENSBURG, AtinVirtnailet4 In thinUnp ° M i llig, us Cl/1171 4 ;nd In dliunt conntras. - ten thly. 4riffla .1 3 0WATE, - Altothey at. Lava;'o (ace Fnurth istrs-et, Pittsburgh. betwouts Sl'l[olBol d Cherry alley. deollay en Atit.„,sur g een Dentist, successor to $3. • W. Biddle. N 0.4.1-1 lkoltfitlekt divot Air twurts Crow ti to 1 o'clock, ;Ind (row 2 to o'clock. _,t I '• ; • I J - SCOrt 'lleatist, 'Fourth street, five doors e Jlitserat itarket. =co hoots front I o'clock A...JIL. to b o'clock P. M. BUSINESS CARDS. ----- TOIIN 619GRIIEJX,IVWbolestae Grocer and Outrunaelcen litt*citant, tole theists of PIO SIITI'AL and BLOy ,ntuz.. ?.lp ith eAt ,4 d o "PRODU43.l6 .,: gtn_ cinl4 „ Woad ..; itmidinstp, 4174 WILLIAW aauxa. 1•1111ada‘..;.4—.11 . 1L littisetpos, Pittsburgh. AI ILLER Sr, iIIaKETSON, Wholesale Ciro .. __ pory-ltuiiihurellt liV „ . ANDA4S, WIRES Dial SWABS, Aim.. 172 and 171, cornurof Irwin aud Libum struota, Ma tinerX : Iron, N1'1140:40 Yarnd, Ate , covatantly on hand. &LIT= tronsarscus. EDWARD DErIIEDD.E DINH! L. RIMIWALS. );.0 IMIUSON .31,antt, facitireli Rif (a,t, Pftiod vutionAFsWmts, wartwuno4,.. W,vd dr,et, curuvr of Yniot, Pittsburgh. .inr ,. /[ll`ottu , r kiwis teGtmatiesto D 11VtailoW GUS; RE lOW 311WhOt prier. apllsTly 'mart trout .-- - .14.41111711 J. WAIL IaEDLIE•si U LAM, Sitecer,Nors to M uicany ctlrioatt.. ousautgw.n, o t (b,r, MoultlA ettil Pla. -Find and Fancy Oolong! GLA:SWA ILK, and dcaters to all kitide of Wiutlow kl::voi, Fln,k+, Ybdo and Itottly. Wan.- house-corner of Martmt told Woun 6troeft, Plttalm4h. intl3:dly It. Dit.vo, Diausini.l„ Pittsburgh, dealer MU:VITUS CRuuU4J offers no wan a obetco mock uf 43 Rt CRLU ES, selected fur family rm. *coo of olliwoiristratili-tboirareot iusllty,-groorkt-artfitUtratir Also, torssißruits. ltartstuti fad Uuiu.aUC pristuo taken inerobamtka: D. D. has pruoarod a full down - moat of Landrolleo war ranted akiLDIN SKEWS, and Writes thoattentlon'uf aU l Gartodral in rural fliftll,3. jaal YOU DESERVE CREDIT FOR YOUR DISCOVERY. 'DROP. WOOD'S hAll" litatTOßATill; it, Aso ibrobt, tb' 1. • most wonderful discovory of tors age of progress, k^* it will restore, permanently, gray hair to its original ad 0. . ,, ._: toyer the head of nor bald with a most luxuriant growth. 1.3011. TA BLE V 1,0 (J 111 NO MULLS. —The remove at ones all dandruff and Itching. curt sal scrofula , i and other cutaneous ernpterns, such as amid head, etc. 11. 1, anborribt•T has on bona. and to maulafactorig. rortstav Mil core. as if by magic, nervier , or periodical treedrohe • 11,010 ft Mina. af as intlie'vvd quaiitT. Dal' am ltaff taita• snake the hair soft. glossy and was y, and prmorve too color , t..."..U. 1114 t. 1FTL , .. 1 Loa, t eks. to 'MOW , b0.h. 11, Pm hoar.) perianth. and the hair from fa to as nem, of age. • •••• t, driven trj •1••=1, actor or horse pewee, and wdl prove The following is from a distinriM, Idled member of tho med. !at '`l"'"d 4l. ' ac'l 'l'M` , tt.i.. l .' ra.t.m... hunt.tnael" and ivritv tad profesdon i I 'sneak frodera. (Wm* ailad as 810 Libtory imam, Pittabergh. ed=mlaw W. W. WAILACIII. Ex. Pam, January I, ligrh. 1 Pelfestar 0. J. Tgort-Dvar 'k:c Erroll, Lora, 1 stud 3.aa • 1 MUT M ACIIIN ES. LU'LL'S PATENT this mirtianster. After bon, bald for a tong, tiara, and acv , ' i \ J nr an purr atActlinns. trued in "*ad With in Lb* courted all thohair reatrwittires extant. and basing ne faith I . t ., „..t. ~..,....,.... I , ~, e _ .... ..11. . „___,, ....,, . r.b.. . in nu t. 1 ` d " indn.d t ° " ilmlin vi a g“ u "' L " i i ,•"' R n i ' n '" i they hoortne '-' amootri. ilio aTi ' gr- naa bo r=trovistriryTtnettog 1 Oland myself ID the hand. of •ha ir. and had fay has I•i, I „. r . ,,,T T .,,,,,,, ",,,, b ,,,,,,,, ....,,, ~... ~,,,, ~.... in a ., etty rob' ed afth tr grad stiff brash. and tbe Illercharstiss then tie ( in t ', 1e itt5 t,,,,A,,,,,,,,,,, o f 0,,, k. u ....4, m at, F. /b.. w ow ptiod'and welt rubbed lit. WI the etnaP was &Vd..w. rd" 1 I rev wet ranted to ciao, weft. for oirticularx, riati "Pi tt ' dnver : '"''lr i Vh l and • in tiu "' ".'"" the iT" n ii n '"" I vrieris ailed a 318 Libe r ty erect, l'ltti ft urth. appeared and grew y from August lad till thr praised i , „,,,., W. Sr. WALLAOL . thua. and is Dow t black and etvear-isoft Wad pleasant l '-'-"' . ~. ._...... _ - _.------ 10 the touch: whereon brawn, lt wee harsh end wiry. abet I T . m ILI/ lrirl'ilaitg.-Franch Bttll'-7-"-ltfal little thviv was of it, and that MD. W" ‘ IIO 44."EUX "T. Laurel Ilia home. , Inking Clothe, Mill Wadies. Mal rapidly. I still sae rout Itmtornues ale-rut twice It wiwb.istrit I ro arkscrooa,#ersers wins corr., and g o bitruntem Grit non trOLIN IC 3IELLOR, Wholesale and Itet-.1 pawl coon has,. • good and patties crop of heir. Now. I I 1,,,,,,,‹ s t ar., ,t, „ ,,i,,,,,,,,,, , err 1,,,,,•,,,,,,1 ~,,,,,i,. to „ . „0„,,,, .1 818 ' dealer In NIMEICAL. INSTILLI3LENTS, PIANOB, MUSIC had reed or divas Wars-and who hat. W." tote It"' not , .1.11.44. *Mot, hitgungh. roues. MOM. Dthira arta STATED:MILT, Na El Wood street. roan hitherto any 0000 'whet , * any prxsons hair was realty , op2i W ft" Vir • I.Liteg. Pittsburgh. purl bemattrel bi any of the hair tonics. etc, of the day -. and it : sg.t . .. A NI E N , 0 1 NI -I.N - ., „5 r, -iita i ,Ac s- , :: ,- ... ____ . really giver me piernore to overt the moon of my erne- . ' °SENT `FLEMING, sueoesour to D. WIA• nerren I bars tre01231D•••1134 yoilr preparation tn other, 94 Cogeoee, Art.t, rho Ime s ; imkreseosente, wansorsd toot °am a Co., Senior of llitfkot groat and Div Diamond. nod it already has a large awl mirror - al asle throughout tb•• A.t.sOty„ no Latc , l and made to onin.r. wafer. re JontoM kneW C9O3tOtaly Ou /mod • foil am of DRAM& Matti Territory 'rho people here boos , ire t ffm-to„ and Lave cos-o- i tr-o. neat , or oi vl ,••...? t.ntoe ittl ,l eh C• d.. 4.14 - 1., •t 101,VM,.. - " lIIIDICINg CUBSTS, PaltifUllallT, atid all anti risme to it. The *ripply you ewnt to., a' ectuttn•ole e r ase ~1 ":. - lo Libor:, newt. litutoregh, Ps. dna - *Pertaining to his novinma... tar Territory, is trovirly eillaty•tod, and .4115 minn , .... 0 ..* ' .1.4 V Vl' Nr IT Al.t-tet. rts/r• Physicians' Preemptions manfully componudod al all toe& tot ft. Von drugs o reelit ho yam amovvrow. eiot I rit ••••.* - -- - I Is•If MAUI boors. peal for rrtallt yo*. toy thanba for the beareat it hi e do., 14 1 I ' ia: u£ Cl MAO is: I I—TWO fa MEN 1311) _________ JOklb I , «lntLN‘i « dioramas rumen. rat: for 1 .•rtatttlY had artftwirwri long ago of ..-, h. enreettog vows. hastily. "El LENII N ti 13 RUT 111 , ', RS. successors to J. any each resole. • • d W lON D. , PY ttlitiA I.:OULU 11,:t•41, ... /Witte Al4.3ey In F i,,,,, a is ,,„ o A 1 „, 1 1,,, , , , , , D,..,, ,gx i i i, s t. 1....„ flee , idol- aT• toes; a *View:l4 eyed tortio-4, ft. to the n..1.,- _13..' i":.1-1 A co., wirdleerlo WIDOWS fn. Ntr. 4.4 Wood curet. ' AI Ut ,4 .1 ~...1.,,:1n- I, haroir.rxr, owl t e ' Dern.rtnre of the Eittahrirelt. Proprietors of in. M'Laite's colobrated 'fermi- 1~111•-• fr•-•,' '',hornt•,,. • trerrr *MI twattafttl engraving no., fame, Lir, Nils, A.c. ialel r omen, 3 try it. tAnnerts thn f•• 441 too. . Ar Ow stove .4.- - ' sit - vet - rex. n la Avir airy. Lot will to mat free gl &mew; m aglarst The noin,...ere bow nett?..1.1.h.-/ • noon AillinTY in l'bdrolsophie, sod will furnish any boob or putinatian at tin' total I-4M, Dt... 01 pdontoow Any pawn., by tareardrog the eats, riotrair prim of any of Its. #3 Ilecastom mar as llexperm„ Choiey , e, Prunes:ea Gmtoun'ok, Vesta Leette., FAA b.". .1.4. , era:'- ••••.• thetosoommea k•f •tt• y est. mai • tv'fil of oath', of city oti,f• t•A•attilat •ttAta•altf,i, Clam of charge, rr if sotercrthiug o a #1 awl • #1 Magnum, such a. Poteri son`s, emit taollotes Wane' Christian AILOWAL they mill re• verve both milepost:am and acre/4W stabs: of the abase eve at inga rmy dingrtredan of guyarting on Wend assented wig. usenutale and despeauh. Vows of Poilitunm, grew= Aodiags. vsire of llitehturvt. hook libansaleaa. Pertitimarelb inudoem inn* AS. All orders was by mall „protuplairsdlcoorid tn. Permma withing sows of then build. Imp Wigwams", can weed • dimosariutYps or Asti* of the /dating by emu Or vslimaa ratarinitel &distance bating, aanslati ankle, would fad U ltro their advantage to iidarmo to. subset flews, as we wools, lace am spate fto to. as" a tt...•an... 11111.111 a rIWRCW. 10 Pasefb Third street. Ptradetedgatta. _ _ CYSIg R 511 b N 110 USE.—The (subscribers harappyampti • Limuao 4.wltteaberuporposeraL 2 it•lT eataliej4 stroet,. four Ovur• pburn tho -anteulahala we a - 01, purciukw, or rtreirg. au COUPOUTI.M. for. sale, aro sig-unants of FLOUR, DAOJN, CURF.SF, CORN, OATh, DAII:LitY, FLAY SEED, GRASS SHED, !LUND [LAY, ac, upon whipbipteulli'sueka ind s Witellszot pUidinau as ttho bat markut Men fur nut], [l..Te] ALGID) a CO. TWELICI LEE /eta., x'Wlickleisto Grocers, xj. Produce and Commission ?derchanta, and &okra In Piust.9lll,24ilyniactimei No. 21 - -Wag stArt, Wrorten:Wazer ittiaari, Pittebargh: • 418 147tiliNC 7 BLTTLE11 - &, Co., FOrW 4 . 3141 4Kand ComtilisAtou ilorclasota, dash's= in MI kinds of PITIS BMA )IA;I I3I A O fUAK 4, f#44.. PWE &Ca Ail Eft i t t4A *ow - plept3 ~~~~~~~- gNict ICCOW.' NS, Forwarding and communion mormant, and wholesale gloater ha 111311, 01.1Y.SSIC, HUT T MK, SESEIS and- ruorivos generally, Pin. 25 Wood strost, ?in:A=o - . t o - • t.:iIA.Lr•V 1C K, denier . licatucky 14. kW lUlt-11X74). RAUS stall RIME, No. 1.41 Wood swami, Luker" S:lctit, I'aLuibun4L. tap.l.ll gip? The bigtmm martrt rice, lu cash, pall for 1111•L•an e. neGUSII Y. KaIISIIALL & Co., Importers end • dvelers 111 FrOrlal sad Asuoritan PAPE% MIAMI DIOS, Re. 67 Wo.•l•Lraut., krirMO*ltinta tin the celehrtarti 1 1 / I =2Zatiaros ut Sam. Itellatatt ik Vb.. Pads. ang7 PfIILSY ;MUM I. LIALISOX. EYNIER ASLEILSO7).I, (successurs to iuldoiams Rhodos witotesalo &admit m VOILKION raulTB,ll),M, PP:M.OON WSOTIONARY, 81/41.4.10., Acs Na..,*.Xcluq..iiirol4, (wools.° ttp tit.. Chad= Motel, l'itur sP2 "11111.)11E; Wholesale and ,adtak J01110411X11.• LIAR/MA /MUNK; Arktifigood CARP= BAti MAX UYACTIMXI4 Na 1.06 Wood tura, Ficloborgit; . . havo g Mock or a.cratuai op hand, winprtsing ems entirely- pow end *gent nlylem, 'dab 'dilly are prep:wed tn forntal st. the lowest cutipmes. A . ,lso n inrge ani Weetos.ik GODS iIinNUG GOODS. deogdalyLlllN EL filkiELOW Autin. TIIITTSBUI UII COACH FASTTBY--8 1 0 - L .r.Ltsw t 03.,.mkertmo.ors to K. IL Bigelow, No. id 'Dior wood alit,y, no Wood ettroot. YittAborgb—CARIUAUES, tt_oultm, paakiTtnts, BUBBLES, nod 4...e7 dcacriptioti of , WANCX 144111:1.6a built to order,. and finished la it monitor diratriartawl for botany of ditiiiga,elelisice of ditiati,, 001 of woricntanebip and diumbility of utatjusii, AII 0.1 - Frir unwanted. itroio - _ S~IIUUNJiAKEIk Monufacturer of MA:, Load, Poi Lela, Zino, Mat, Lithouro, Nitty, tw. -Whalrialo denier inthlt, Paints, Vartoltes, Turpentine, No. 'IL ;Nova i.Osset. Ptttotonvti. Mrl. - CO. have on hand, rat CAIRN la and °LUIS, SIA fUYasI 'Die% , SuliLlineid nt.r.4, slime amartomittOif FatnY and ornituro, wheat. they will Atli Fur cont. levier; than co,L,Zery frat , t. Terlo4 OA only. doe2liy TAMES Al ELLIN E Et, 'Monongahela Pia niLlA N/Illovunld rismeithAly Latorre Ile 'friends and the the put,b,,, that )4 new ustablbtjuutintl4 n0w..111 frill opera. that. and Alit tari llLaa prep :find to Anittieli 'Boat Cabins, sod All all orle, iiir PLANED LU31511111, with itiotaptdoesottatali the rate. Itottril and Plank, plane:( (memo or.bcdli altka, constantly cm hand. liaala, Door. and moulding% of erat7 description, made to order. , r • their edema ”.- 111 4 1 .0 7771 add OarPenters.woold And It to a tago,te ,11h33 usll,sai leo can zurerturnieh them with P4taid Steil, notable fir ist;°l - / , &wort Clan of Wmft, • 4 •i tfl.3 Ll'e4aAit itTORICAS, FOUNDRY Alsi6 :511.77711X.8 SHOP. Seentrert, Ouro.—Ths sub.:Aber Laving mnyiel kitty hie row Worit% mealy ereotediconier o f Wenn . : 1117ouringh and lilkehly streets, le prepared to con. tract ter mod .n.tecnto all order.' for'PaWenger, 'Baggage. Pied , igloo. Muted Yruflit; Platfurto, Gravel, dead and all otlitrdem,iptions CABS. Msod'ar SLUM SWUM of allstres, 085.113770, amr- , ROAD cOTINGB of di descriptions, and all other work a ppert.tipitig ,pitt F o undr y.and Uachltio Shop. Tito F.ireition of tho auferent departments are ecientlAr and pr-stdicat men—itiostly from Basturu inatiofactorbes,—, who keep thorned's°. lnfintowl and adopt all venable turd- - era lutpriiveittonts._ tattglAttf 1 W. W. WATUBIIELL. _ _ PIM iLOPE COAL/COMPANY having re x- centlymet wih losses in tranaporana and to cure - mot, infitel pleated by the fdauttlactnrere - Lnsunince of ,taatploivhia, take pleasure In stating that donne -nture.jimanittly adjusted by J. Newton Junes, !igen of ealideous.pFdlYi D. DU SUN 01.4 - ...Cgent of tin Ooal Curopenj, CEo lt.intiatL Plithlbtorglib Do:ember 27. 1855. OTI.OVCS - .--Jami _GI/EN .Co., 1.101,1101:11, dee, Pll First street, would reepoctfolly Inform the pub ic that they lutee•constinidly on hand a large amply of !ULLA. SIINERAL W 41151, ALB and Pf.tHIEII, of.thp• • - irileLatrotoffain of farollbas toparticalarly illrocted to thei fluty bottle WATIII)11111.178 ALS inits pored elate. Physician. reonumend It to finales on accotint of whole some non -tr,,KLlkeuing qualities. • '. 0e1710d7 cn tc•arti..2. .... ...... • • • Awn. .• rusunnst. Tj. k baking . Glass Manufacturer's, Wad 4oalars tookirig alma ratea, Plato to t, grivirtiw. oonalsand Fai!CYCICKI4 o. 16 Wood Wept, pl.t.t. • "Onntitij saitkmaikito order.M r tt Tier and Mande alatone, Mahogniti, Itkoetr.od, Walnut and WU Vranna, or Maul& lag. of oc,.rss ,loacription. at Calsnus DWlldedood Oat., . . DOD WELL'S FURNITIFRE AND cuAuts, w hnimaa autl,relail:Anuhcarang every caruitnra,,itl lumeaeod, Mahogany and Watuuteuul tAlearin.P.lX/ora, chambara and (lining room.; equal tea' Intier Yorker PieWtalkh- Iowa?- priors, midevorhand, isidAverrlnted.. „mg °Wet , Uar... applied . with any quint* of T ill ß oteti=ol: I=lu b r a o = mm W ado teo. d ns atho shorted zottos.: Lion. 77 , . 4i pi„vand , . rt. , GA.OUTT. -;. .BRIIMIES lark' WOES Mk . nom' Fll# Wliflicy. • PEACti ANDA.PPLE BRANDY , - itterriffEttli AND .:CalUttas Or SIIITETTEID ANDTERI&MB TR EES - EBll4l4'Pft JAMES A. FETZEI4,. FoirwmanNa AND 00113/113310N Immo% iron ras stax, or Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeda,'Lard, ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. ' , SW** reftriteti' ' ..111:4031!nit',44. t . • 1,-czx %•••, ., • • 444 r r 4.7. 4. • , • • '• VOLUME FultNi TITRE ie4 s.-$4 Tax subseriber, having enlarged and fitted up In good xtylu bt SPACIOUS FLIIMITHE WAREBOOMS, To his stock, and no Invites his Moods exotilio.pnblis to Bokire pureluuring eisewhera. HIS STOCK IS WELL ASSOILTEi. Amowntin to rhoat $5O / 000 Worth, Qposiottug of EVERY CLASS OP aaons luau, iatll embracing wave very fine ROSEWOOD PARLOR SETTS Sofas, Book CassOa, &c., &c. Alt of whleb be offors by rrtALL, at NVIIOLV.S4tiI risicm Evary article warraiattal to Ora Katltre4on„ or [be money rotor:mind. H. H. UNA'S, ray* Na. 31 Fifth eir,t. Pro few, 1444.--Ikar 110.Filx$ mut. y trial ef yaw HAIR RRSTORATINE, st Sir,. tee plee.rt,r, to telt, ! • eirert hM been rux4letql in ry.m...orinst ineammetion , toin dna and a caorst-s—nt temlenry to lulling, wi 11... s•t,t,t I hare bern:trottblot/ hum my chli.inon4; mud eA 1,41.4 tae hair wbkb was 1..... ming i rm". itf ,14 , 114.1 I,+:->r I b.,- no .41ber ertiete with ntotlllng ltko the wlttn, 1,1v,4nr, u.. profit. Yunni. truly. .1. K. DELAtit.i. or r lsiol4l at 114 Marta sweat Et lattio, nt...mrt; 312 t 4 .4,1- way , New York: and all Dru i tscirti ernryrrhor. U lam+ . , Pansity Patent M. dkia.. for node aa the Lea pnsii , n terms, at,Pnaleasos Wood's eatabindment. 114 Mertes etrret. St. Lando. For tale. wholesale and rata. at Pittalanidu by D. 0. U. .14.1{1144% It. E. SELLERS & 110„ and all the Det."7.lode:' soLlannlaw • ED.MITNI) - WILKIIs.4S mws ' 14 ,1 n , : t, • .4 , MEM -'4'="-", L,=:;•,- .17:...;: - . V • • .. . i . . _ . . . . . .. . , . ... . . . .. . . .O 1 . . .. _ : ,... ! .....i.,. ... 1 t i .,; : e, , ~: 1..i _,,g ...::::-.:: . ‘, - r ' ..: :_ i_ .,... '.....:: - ~ . _ 4 .. ' . ..f. i ' i :CT ' ..., '. • . • - A i . _ .. . . . . . , . —....... • • WM! #LLtilaiStIED DAILY BY GILLMORE & MONTGOMERY, AT THE 1 $ POST BULLDOGS," 0011NER .OF WOOD AND FIFTH STREETS; AT FIVE • DOLL/08 PER ANNUM: - - BUSINESS.CARDS Wi; 'ME -- - RYAN'S BUILDINGS, No. II Fifth Street. MB MADE LABOR AND VALLTA#LR 4D plrlq.NB 413ALLD AND ENAIIIIN'E -MRDIUM, end LONc-PRIC..ED Covered pith Drench brigat,llo.. OAK CHAMBER SETTS, And a groat tariety of Mew Styles of Bureaus, Bedstoads, Chars, Mr , cmArriirtunl, it.• J. K ftrwti. .n •r standing, and p5.4.,...r are . h, Is o geraleal...o vt e_tvat frivi •t.t yrrsally be4onni. W 3f PT rr.. tICA. EAGLE MARBLE 1 11,0 i. J. ITEM) OF WOOD. ON LIBItRTY ST., and at the Omit:Levy Gate. Pltalimr,L. Monuments, Garml Vaults, Twat...bums. Mantel Pam.. (knave and Pier Table Tops. Wash ar- braid urel Made to order. of every varlety. Xlautelo. feso.log Calm:- tery look ormunental and is dutat.l., and sts,4l. im palatial;. at ftrum id isor axd- Griviag saeu engaged practically in this inadtmes fo- thm. M years. tiscuty.three of which kw, I•ceo 13 tit.. rit7. which Ids-sun a sufficient reforeoeo, 1 sill make tww tfreigstn, and tumuli any work in my Una. I.t rassemnidu F'OURTIf STREET CARPET STORE w. D. & U. /Er 87 lOtVRTI BTHSST, NEAR V/09 D.lOll Tan attention of purciauswe is reatevafelly Invited 4. one pram:rut Stock, selected tit SPRINti turludnis— East quality Velvets. I English told Tapestry In. I Brussels and Tapestry, grafts. Crerdllsand Stair Uri:mm*l finpar. Medium and Low Matra and Baser../C;Ply. PrieedLtastraus, Bost Importgli Extra Twilled and Damask; Hall and Stair .ottlte4.; floor Oil Cloths, trout 2 to 24 feet wide, tauten. rands" and mboend pi prices ano .i Tat Oil .neh d r - e c c te . ‘l4 l , l tia4.; Hearth Hugs: Boor Kate; Stair Bode ; Mat, Bag and Dutch Hotpot.; Venouatt Mode, with every vailety of Win dow Ellusies, Omen and Duff Holland, d.t.„ kr.; all of which will ho offered at sale at very moderate rat.. air We are also prepared to tarnish 11,01.1tINGTOZCS CARPET LINING 1111415 wTtli - rni;Y• 7 3 nar WY EnTtbwill I grin," IMPORTANT TO TIIOSE AFFLICTED W Tit DAD SIC ITF—Penione suffering trout Red Sight, arising from impaired vision. constitutional decoy. old age, or other causes, would do well to call upon Dr. 0. E. SHAW, PBACTICAL OPTICIAN, where tboymay rely upon getting Bpectaelcw sciontifically adapted to the JUST IVAN 08 TILE EVE. 'Addresa, XS Fifth street, opposite A_ A. ?deem's, P. 8.--Teleeeopes. illerescopea, Thertnetnetors, and every article appertaining to the Optician trade, kept sml repaired on the peembsea A 9" tilnaeoe *sorted in old Frames. Any nut approved of, exchanged free of et. pre doGay . D AVID CAMPBELL & SAMUEL POL WCIChave anieelated together under the atylv of ve.marAit, & POMACE, Tor the Inumaction of a Renown! 'Variety and Dry Claude bushism, and the or plain cud Waved Line Gilt Mouldinp. mil IP lOWA AGENCY—M. McL.kuuuLtN, Land Cud Meld Eaters Agent. Land Warrants batted; Pro. vorty bought and soil' Taxes paid and collected. 081ce, 'Ne..l Jones' Bulldine DUBUQUE. afely frO - THE CREDITORS OF HINTED. KING. „IL Actone a proper diatribution of the funds, in the bands of 'the assignee of !DWI D. Wing, can be made, it le necessa ry that those haVing claims should present them tonne o the undemigned, aUatained by entlioient evidence. Persona, therefore. holding ,certifleatea of deposit, or other evidence of indebtedness, altoluvre not already presented them, ere hereby netilledio do eci, On or before the 121.11 day of May next, otherwise their claims will be redacted. THOMAS MTIONNELL, J. F.. BEAT T. Auditors. 11l , AIANITFACTORY - -M . RENTER, six doom from the Aquednet, opposite the Lkillector's °Mee, Allegheny City, is prepared to fill orders for WIGS, and all kinds of ORNA.III O ..NTAL QAIR WOllll. The beet wi ant i c z of material is furnished, and ant/re Batinfamy lbabdel ction guar. y 111/1 _ARO ArN OFFERED.—The undersigned otlore for Halo SIX LOTS of ground fronting upon and adjoining the Depot of the ritesburgli nod Connelletille It )llT. ailrtual, intim growing and tkricing Borough of BI'KEES. Four of the Lots are Ea% foot In width by about 12p In depth, fronting Ot one end un the Depot., and tothe otiusr on *Sinclair street, and two of them franting for their alfdle length on other etrnotr. - o—TWO LOTS, 87% I'44M :width, fronting the other NUN - NS &' C'LARK'S PIANOS.-4.frgEh el oOf the Depot, soul in depth ITI. ! --one of . the Lots homier. -t iA6g_lbf NEW I,l2oloB, l rom_the cele- _ 1 Tor ite whole length on Jettpne - bra w "a n y 4 4 Nx.ol3.o,,,audgx, _ h ! ittor pnverty ou t b e 46t i tie;llll tut% low br)cleccoVgig,, aith nd on liceE7 -4. I otzr.;.r,gx. takou, tetztyintendalead bY *Oak, which 'connate Wonder. -r ,„ . - 'id,tft e re :a Yrof,ZPIEV ciet• .11,4,brpincAytt woe, ottl erially adds to the ~ __ "74" a;4ll",nillirrititin VA.RII2. FOR • GALE The vubscribit will mr.-103u hie Pam situated in Baldwin Township, ileghe- , Dy4otinty, Pa, on the wad imuling from Wilson's •31111 to DOM Church ; one mite from said Mill and oix miles from irittibrilih. Said Flinn tont:tins sixty-els Mid s half acne of choice land; has on ism two story Pam) Innum, frame barn and frannastable, stone, spring house and other out build• foga, three apple orchards and one peach orchard of select amitefive savor fulling springs of good cold' water, shoat forapflimanreahf clear lend in a /good gate. of oultivation ppd_ ,kg4on co la Main thubor, Terms rosy. ..Fier fur dierjartinutihis onotilre on the premises. fietw JESSE IiPOULLY. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY, SEPTEMI*Iti:'3O, MISCLVANEOUS DOLLAR SAVINGS BANS, ' No. 65 Parra Sired, . MInDLR ROOM,. JONES ' I .IIr.LT BUILDING. is NtYti OPEN daily from 3 to 2 o'clock ; • mso,,,a Wednesday and Saturday ovenirct, from May to October. inclusive, from 7 to 9 irctocal and from November W April, inclusive. from d to 8 o'clock. Dolovros r.:civori of all snots not lens than then DOLLAR, and A nli v..leud of the profits declared twice a year, In June nod licember. Interest was declared at the rate of sin per cent. per minion, en the first of December, 1555; Wee on the 31 ‘.l . June, 15511. Books containing. the Charter, Ity-Lacs, Ruby and Repy tattooer, furnished gratis, on applicaliou eit the office. Agsnlent—tlNOßlA.E. A LEGGE. Vlbur PRZRIDNIL.S. ' John U. Shoenberger, Charles Snap, N. Grattan Murphy, Thoolsald Umbstaetter, Lune M. Pennock, Willi= J. Anderson. nannum. John Q. Backofen, James Lierdniarb Hill ftnrirwin. James D. Kelley. Alto r t Cul borteoci, John M. Kirkpatrick, lb.:Jeri l'icotcr, William S. Lovely, J. tiorihorr 1'...ti10, John D. WOurd, A 100 vo A. Corriiii, Walter P. Maria:Wl, John S. C.sigrille, Wilson Miller. Chord , . A Coliou, A. M. l'olloCk, K. ~. E.lrsiagion, Uonry L., l'roo..r hob., flobort Robb, tic,' go F. tililitiore, James Steidle, Jomor S. !Joon, George F. daiden, Wollison S Unroll, Aleinnxior 'Neale. .A.erczort and rcutturec--CLIABLE'S A. OULTON jaulKly W. W. WALLACE 'STEAM MARBIAE WORKS. sl9, ;i2l and 333 Liberty street, • p 1 . i ....a., Sudildli 1.1 'trend, PI7TSITPRGI 7 . PA. ..1V ONI'NIF.NTS, TABLETS, and IiIIAVE- I 1_ .." - roNE:i al way* on !moil ; StOno cud Marble Curbing ;21.11 •i N atticher erMrloriet, madeWomit,. Forninire Ain! Vi indiction' Tope. And linpnerhagßtun.tna l ie 1 1, ioorboirry. to less tine And Lotter style titan cab be dons J.. mere notonal haw. !butt:obit Attention le twail to Um ILA ,111 . 4. Ct UM a MARBLE MANTLES, n 1 Lich we b ar , a Large variety of beetutifril luttorns. ):widen owl others are luvired to eXlitflillt , our stock, ea we 1 1-.-i ,i-t•on01,1 that allot doing as, cud 1.41r111g our prince, t ., s':. , lain! eIiMISSIx,i but ten gam are sale to awn a gueni ii•tii e ill lx• willing to remain long without procuring one r Dm., Diaz bk. Ainutlcs. They require no scrubtour nor hounung ; are always mut; are an ornament to a ruse am 'lnd liable n• (Ate Ort, and cost but little Were than a gusset itv.-1 pantie.' , xi...rt.!, rid low to theire4o , Ilinarth &hare toads to order. ' I , soma to/ Merlth ix the largext In the W. 1., And being inAtiatiartUre 4 by the bear wo..kuron, aided by araehinery. is . Nsultsey .4 Attention iir,liirA, AiLirre.,l to me, at 310 Liberty *Met, Pittsburgh, W W. WALLACE. Oeorgc It. White., IYillotin •P. Johnston, Jaw,e W. iinilium% Alouriider 33r 4lty, Wlll4im Phillips, 4111ml - r;li h 1 Jokstpti Virisites Ca . v po riage iftsTilery. 1 708KPLI wum,,, ~... cairyitig .41 bo.i. it ''. ¢J on.. to kis vac... Ketuti...(... 1 . 4 . 1 1 ,:. . .',," iitAtilr .. , Ain.l4 on thy Patittntr.t. nod t)rrev. ;;; t.urg ~.__,...!"4 111'nriti4, tolmr the T., Mit.. Mtn., Init. - two 4 • llX.Anisi.l. nut I...realconiAii, rervectfolty tanttre the pal.' loinsprcit ttin ato.t 01 i:A41.41.14.4M Lit'llil I YS. to. Awl ho 4... , tii - ..l.dii tututual Etqltkuxa pashatcra, that OW prico i 'only In ursln. Va.......nal rnzrii' - tru.z to dm 1..... c oss ea.btes titm to i ipitmon 11, - 40! 0 401 Vat( 01.11. 100 .00.." 01100. a 0.110041 , 2 of Chr. 1 yii,,,:aa 0 hi.. 4, . ,a 1:. v, , aro 1... At it ha. 1i....... ta• VaS it , 01.1 1 to Friin - ii, from thr varit-u• am! moll 1.11......1 liitartin2 autuulartt.rora. iho 04,010 a hia uew nriftnat in pin.p7eto--41..n Iwo:wail . f ii it arr. VtiA/ eitmaly tizn pi. t nii.i: taut (.ini.tuo 00:u MIAMI , . I arro at tuodcrate prtona. t),,,,,,,,,1...fej 10 etrow breory ,;»,116.0. 4 Wititli Usa t/14 , 14, r4r 1/o.`ast.t 4 ng 21.344.. a tHINIVOas tray h 0.1104 upou thn 111i00 gioncia. (own.. to lawn tonino 115812 • 1 1 W 111 Tit Intl well, On ring motley 0i.4 , at p.a. tr. thati Ow 11ai034 Nit.. it 4.rriairto Inuit.% in thin linst wanner vital drepatnit. • mheativir WHITE'SiiattRIROE ItEPOSITORT, avtlGETslyffibtifit, 4 110 purl tutionti ,, ,; the irtr Wound, ht Just • • rrlvirtic from OP Pant the largos/ and t. ,a n....0t Ernest •A' D.. and *wood-baud CARA tAt; MAW' EA, 8171.1CiKS, oth'i 414 the vary 10,r,...5t F.mtcevyt oleh tbr. motley, l'ereotta vtgllttag tho city, and wialting to ~r,:brhao mufti - ging to the aubleatibres hue. Other wholoratte r kit stud ot to thrtUaktvitutrkge to call and mutant t The goioc4 al.orttero. EtrylBl, thot,tbrm., ma by Ow exttfhlisbment only rt.. au 1 Sytittsl—etiti WITTY K. • O r. marl -_ - I.lllTts U nun - £ cuaTis, Dmierti in Real Estate, 61. Autlatily t Lio. tlinuciuta Territory. laud bought xi.d wad thiour,iiout the Territozy. gooey loaned, inowst• monto nand• to tho lost iurrantao., and Land Warrant. lora. At.o. Agent, for tho tato of iota in tiro town of ST C1,01.1i. Go nolo. 11.4/1 Ist. Atitiwtty, la.( of navigation ntoro the Tho purvey of tLo gloat Paoli!, Railroad 1110 IN+ point, and Ito , nomerutur ad. irnattAarr ii plTureff..l As a pine. of IMnicio/64. will make it one of the largnat bibes in the Nortlettoot. 11101:1VICUI It.k.riovernor Ratnary. Mimovoto. Hon. Wm, It, Welsh, Chin( Jitatica of blinnasotit Hon. J. &looter. liun.-11. Rita, Doloinsto to Congreaa. Rfro, Jinflingobetut A Bookor, Attoruryo at Law. kloonsa. honip I. Oaks. hankers. ROO. T. 11. Yulicrtuu, Resister of U.S. Laud Mee, NIA/ FOIL SALE.- ILI The Coal W. ko lately corned by A. booth.. Jr. A Co., situattel on the ',hooming:theta Hear, about 2.9 miles from Mush.] r4:1,. are now for .113,1 e. The property of 116 art. , 61 + , 1 116 lion oh 1.610, (nun r or lam) and all the Gad therein 7 add also all the C,al in about 100 acree more, together with Itoildloga, Hallways, kc. For forth& portlrnlnno apply to A. W. & A. B. IIBLI. Atty'e at Loa, No. 10.9 Vonrtb at.. Plttaborttlu Spl 1 drwif /LIM =SUMS ...11)Itll C. strati. BLAXELY it RICHEY, REAL EsTATE Rao maw, owner of !Seventh and Smithfield streets, Tata urgh. Farm, Homes, Lots, Mills,Bornarre, fir. &c., bought and sold on commission; Land Warrants bought, sold nod loco. Led; Binh, Bonds and Notre negotiated. &pods! attend( given to eandividing Farms, and divoeing of them. Terms - --• novtda* r...sousble. NLI,XA DER NV. FOSTER, Attorney and Conivellor at Law. and Solicitor In Chancery. Agent for pronnog Itimuty Lands and Pensions, nod for the Col. bztiun of Claims In Urea! Britain and Ireland. li-Collioitions outdo in this and tulJoluing Counties; Ea. totes of decedents settled; Real Estate 'sold or laesml, and roam colloctod. Moneys itIVVMOd on 100111 Inge or other security. Titles ogainitiod and title import drawn. Moo on FOURTH street, a few doors aboso Smithfield. Pittoblirelt, March '2B. latifi—fmhfilihdosrl A W. FOSTER, Notary Public, and Cora coisitioner for the litotes of Tennessee. New Ramp; 'biro, Connecticut, Wisronsin, Now York, Michigan, lowa, California, Lcltikliftna and Virginia. 03' Deeds drawn, and asknowlishnents and proofit taken fur record or nee in any of the above named States., Illinois, Mississippi and Rhode Island. Pittsburgh. March 28. I .4.• • • • 1.1; ‘ •4 0 • • " •:` I W, ' 4 " 3 44. ~ -+ • MOM ' fj.. MISCELLANEOUS. Two Medals and Five Diplomas ARTIIU Patent Alt kelt-Sealing tin 1.11131 fire-proof Yellow ' Jars. lieury Mgt the Agent of this cit Western Pennsylvat the tale of the shot. cies, at his China o. Quoinumaro store, No. yc,. Wood it., Pittsburgh, Pic, where is also kept aim and green glass Jars a tow price, with large tope and corks, ready fitted Inc sealing strawberries and oilier fruits. Aiwa ileum - al assort ment of China. Clam and queensware, adapted to the wants of private families, hotel keepers, (team boats and country merchants, all at moderskiprimet Jill MEADVILLE AN .'ERIE EXPRESS AND TRANSPORTATION COMPANY. THIS COMPANY * having on the let of July commenced tattling the P. B. on .. Aloe from Pittsburgk to Ado. through But. t „..,-;;;;Ir" , "r - tt ler, Mercer, Meadville and 'Waterford. have now perfected such arrangements as will enable the= to cam petweetters or pl,CkligeitO any point on the route in less time than the sated wirritte was ever before performed on this rood, and at dower . rated. Theme wishing to ere gagt• pagan. or torwantlatickagatt from this city will and en Agent at oil times in to wan upon them at the Bt. Char Hotel, corner 4 Penn and Bt. Clair 'treats, Pint , burgh, Pa. Tim. through from Pittsburgh to Erhs, thizirtwo boom 1731-tf A\ ING PURCHASED the interest THOMAS WIGIITAIA.N, in the Point Boiler Tani- on the nret of Mn,y I will hen,aftdr nary on the holler Hotting and Shoot Iron work, in all their hnencide,, at 114 old wand, tt'atrr street. below Penn. With thi, experience of thirty ear, In thi. 1.1135i1..446, I hope to render eatielsctiou to all who furor no. with their trade. L.UIE lit 'OUTMAN. Plushurgh Play ZI, In& • jOtiN - WOODS, BANKER AND AND E u Dealer to Exchange, Commercial and Bank Notes. I'I M bought and sold OA cosenalseion. Ogleedeue nonfat, attended to. Interfax paid ou Deposits. Nn. 07 Jvs.r.s . NEW BUILDING. Fourth Janet. Jew N - OT IC Eis hereby given that an application will to rook to the g•tittature of Youteryttania, at Ina nest rovivitut, for & Charter of Inoiniornttun for • SAVEgti FUND BANK, to tie looted in tire Itientigh of litrmulglen& Allegheny County, to ba styled "The Hie ioulttbiutii boring Valet.' and to te • hank of Drproit end Inse.unt, 'with a Capita Stocl of t3etenty-etn ninneind Dollars. .. . . INSURANCE! I.N MIRAN C ! - don far !neural:or ten neuersi twit reihthle lareureure tAnnpamted rrorlred by GOD. W. BUNN, at his Real Mete Ar,enry erui Intelligence Otl k on the north strfe of Ohio, fourth door east of the Diamond. Attint‘rrtnv Orr. Jul SALE—A desirable- property in the Clly of ile”hrny • neer cordingoone toe., ultnaird on the West olde of the East Common. petitioning in front seeenry.two fret nine inches. sad extending back (cornering at Gay •lley; to depth of ninety feet. there are on the preemies. one elegant three story Brick Dwelling Rime° and trio Dams trrearenti. Price, oil tinuound DT, lino drat dollarstwenty -flee hundred dollen" In hand. sad the butane. in time equal against instainienhi. with interest, .seared by isnot and mortogre. If title property Is tot diencleed ening its. month, tt win to oftwed as Public di/n, ma glieprendres, va Tneadaii tin woond day of Septembwr nest. For information in tr=to Ito, property. rarrnetare may tar bad to ittORMIMOM I and JOalt /11.811013. Lag., Slleghony Ctty. sainntis WM. . PAM PDC'Iit tI A 'l'o I{E. - - NO. 36 FIFTH lIPTILRICT. FLESH TILIP—A cboace Lot [Mil tivaat, alai 16azit Taw, }oat rataived dtrwct from the Isapartaa., ahicti wal Do add arialiesake Lad naafi, at prima laver thaw twast mr.%l_ __ J ATNICII, OTI PnT . CE _ .—App1i.........._.cati ____....- 8. ..._ .__ .. aa will be made to the soot 6-o.lettury Ix th. ctrartrr of . Thl, Alloctumy , k." with • rapttal a 6(66 11V,C83810 611 4 )66AND : D..)Lt.litA, instfpert to tb.• provt.sto.... 4 tits banking law. c....aufmat•mors *lt. Ilatotaara, W. Bacjay, J. It repttock, R. D. B..,toaaa Placa l'etera4a, James Vactoa. Joss Pash, J r .., and others. April 'l=l, MA s;arce.korfint Ir k Acres .. , Olt SALE .-2J s ti * Land; a giaxt l riErml.. 1.4 • roantrl atoro: w4mt twymor mi.t.s. 1 ., ,,Att 1... Cit , , is s thtivill rectgAt.4l.oott, and wo iwur Four I.6,nav• —two ILrt.rt. t.. r1.61111 , -111 Att..,hmy rats. atm Framo •Ateutia.l o Om Ittaxmoo.t e.ce.,44n4 so. a Fr.c., ) sod rovi.kort not,. anal.. Ow tmounap tom Tama! lotA ' WANTED—A tilltl. to do bonwowark tot • Milt le.glily In Allr•str..ny Oty. Allastfons wanted for 111.. n sM P. •T• Apt 4) f. OW. w. tittili, *A WI goal Fatal.. and I 1 Inuittwonm (Mims on Lb. math tki• of Uhl:. vitae. !mutat door ......t 01 Oa, tilamocat, —---- 63.6b , T7 ( 4,Y. J ) 3 VISS() — UTION OF PAItTNERSIIIP.— o.a pantaaahtp barat,foro airadiog bola:a. Ow I 01.- aarlbara. ander sae funs a !Win LA liTll A (Nt..., W.V.. ,}t, waved I.y manta moral so th. Ent day of Angust 1w... rtt, basses. of Me tats Arm will b. welled t, thv sow Arm 4 JON CS a LA 1.111 B. F JuNIPZ, 8611.6.4.1116 !AVM JNI.J. F. LAMB. The undersigned have formed a Limited ...Alf, ender the ftrnt of JONES A IotUTII, to the MANG/AUTURING AND DRAM: Ai IN IRON . 10 whiria Et ibe general pontoon are 11. Y. JON VW residing to the 04 af Irldhibohjikh sod SEILSAISS t.AL e ru, lea/tog to tire thoriaagb of lhaot Wraningbain; sod the special pest. nor is J RS LAWMAN, residing in said dry, who boa risedritstiod Miran* thotwood tin hundred and eighty-throe. dation sod tiny-eight mote of capitol to the Go& of partnership, which Le to muumuus au id tom lot day 4 Aupist, 1346, sad W torroinate on tbe let d. of August, 1641. B. P. JON BERNARD AITTI4 JAMES LAUGIILIN. Plusbargit. August 2A.,1146.4it03Aid/W) T wit 'SALE SPLENDID cottYria gat soustei Girtra Rot Moak Load sued bait e mite float Ito. Rune" Plank howl, containing liiks Aoeno frorsd sith board and ;whoa. pawed; not Two Story 11. -use. to by =I Get. good Dora; at 300 Trees. bearioa ftiot of doserirtion; one Qaartnr ale of grape.: one Ali r< .o.s MIA I watered, sod ~..ryttatog to wake it =sot atl.onfortal4n. A g..ot Throe Story Douse, on C 1 meat stoma, Alto ' glwny Olty A omen Fran. Hof.. la Man...ter. ovveral Farms of rarion..l.. nod In .lifferont du... tk Apply to O W. BUNN north al& of 0410 street. fourth tin."oast of 16.. i Diontoin, Allovtiony N otletc-jitb SFORISSIT. initi St - - Kit:L-li, THOMAS smirm rocchYril ('stoat for ids newly Invented DA Li. kir NM. or F 111..., 11 Ito e f iro-eo ow, now effitrail for sale to the pubtic. Thr tall It.s a aptrat cavity, whirl ghee it a many 11114 onrotary of flight.loriger mate and groat. r fatality to. rreev two than not other boil ever !beloved. It con be aeon at 11000 N A IC/ LEY'S. No. 136 WOOD form, Fern.. woibing Mato or Territory Nieto fluty toed, theta by rattling on WM. R Let, Groot start, Noun. GOWN A TKTIZY, or TIIO 11 AS B.IIITIS Na Di trot,. .tort. Pittsburgh, NUM, I.ll3:tactl* TlfftS. SMITH. ' COCOA-3000 Cocoa Nuts just re- NLTT add for sate by RETARD NDPJtS , I, No. 39 Woad etrret. Imes just received IA and for sale by ItETIESit dANDERSON, ens No 301 Wood *met. drums fresh —_ fresh Figs just received oud for aule by HEFNER A ANDERSON. • er2 No. ea Wood oho t. rpoi)tu - BRUSIIES—A large supply of the I, beat English utannfacturrd just reed and for We at. JOS. FDRMINO'S, eel Corner Market at and Dianniod. tRSTWATER- Duzen Coug. Water port molted and. for rate at JOS. F 1 Ellllll, .1 Corner 3farkot rt. and Diamond. LUE LICK WATER can be had at JOS. „Ijl ("LIMING'S. by the gallon or barrel. Corner Market etreet and the Innakon4L Ml PIRISIAN TOOTD. PASTE—This exca lent article is winfldently recommended to the public as being superkir to any other for beautifying the tooth, re moving tartar, strengthening the gums, awl perfuming the breath. Prepared and sold only by JOE. FLEMING, set Corner Mnrket at. and Diamond. MRS. S. A. ALLEN'S WORLD'S lIAIR RESTORER sill restore grey hair to its Mena color owl beauty. Sold only by JOS. FLEMING, sop Corner Market at.. and Diamond. fiIIIMPAGNE WINE -1,...) li, baskets Hubhick Chanotrne Wine, Oa anl pinta. 25 " Douche 25 " I. IL Eo. 172 " . tt 25 " M. IL No. 174 " 15 " Star brand " " " In store Dad for WO by au3o Y. 'MILLER & RTORMII3ON. R__— __ _ RAW — blls Raw Whisky for wale by (an3o) MILLICR k iticlocrsow. MACKE RE L-- 100 We. No. 3 largo Mackerel, "new catch." 00 h UAL" " 36 bids. N 0.2 medium Mackerel, " In store and for lisle by au3o BITLLMIL & P.TOKETSON• NORT II CA OLIN N ATA 1-20 bb 8 o Carolina Tar In atom and for es& by nu3o MILLER h RICHETSON NEW FALL DRE 8 -4 8 (.100DS:—.A... A. MASON k W. will open, on the 2il of September, BUT anal rano" of New Goode. containin Anted Detainee, All Wool Pg— Wid rioted nes, Black Branch Merinos, Black Alpanent, Col'd Paramattai, New Plaid Bilks, Brooch Moises. • ant* HKfR — BR - U - SIIES—A large assortment of every variety and inlt'gslrairtiers tot Corner Market it. and Diamon d. DEFINED CAMPHOR.-500 lbs. ju;3tre• 11, delved and foe sale by [au.22l FLEMING BROS. 1 V DOZ. RASPAERRY SYRUP. 10 dcrien Strawberry Syrup. 6 " Pine Apple . 4 60 " Lemon Syrup• Just received and for sale by REFUSE & ANDERSON, Re, 39 Wood street - c — UASES PRUNES, in jars. b dos. fteatt Strawberries, in bottles. 10 " Blackberry Broady Justreerd.Oad for tale by BErkWilk ANDIM§ON: N0..39 ,Wootiatreat.., t • • f Al t • . fi r •• • " • . KEEN u` 0, • MEM= maahismiratio R 4obii of repairing in i, puttirwaitAeFl s igc.lo l, b 942 '.tdr-co putting • dire% tV pOt= Promp t attended to at , the Eatapthie Walks, Na OViodt - street' Alr --.4.e,/ "" 4 , 1 " " 1 leo = ,31KINOTAirrelaink, MISCELLANEOUS Another . carat laic of Lois' and Blocks, at Rochester, Bearer county, Pa., ON SATURDAY THE 13TH INSTANT, AT 10 O'CLOCK. THE undersigned will sell, to the highest bidders, on the day above named, and upon (ho premi ses, one hundred Lott, Helmick lured, ond Acres of ground, with several buildings, Ac., in the Boreugh of Rochester, Beaver county, Pa. lie will also sell, or lean , for 0 term of years, name vaireablo coat Muds, atone quarries., beds of fire clay. iron ore, Ac , near the Borough, and convenient to the canal. river. andrallromls. The Terms qt . &Ale will be» down, `•, in one year, in two >tars, with interest at 8 per cent. per annum. A liberal deduction will be made for prompt pay Ellen t of the principal. Bids will be received. at the mine• teen., for queening, haul ing and laying five thormand perch of stone; for making, or for malting and laying, one million of building brick; for removing 10.000 cubic yards of earth, for cutteug down and Riling up streets' ' and for grading. curbing and paving a,OOOO superficial yards of Ohio lauding: also. for the immediate erection of twenty small tenements, furnistung ail the raw- Loraine and labor. Per any and all of the. above Jobe, one half will be paid in cash, as the work progreases. the remaining half in lots, ground. or building., at auction prim.: perfect titles, sy warranty deeds, fur every item void. Plats and maps of the property, and descriptions of the surrounding country, Ac., may be had be application. Surveys, plans, drawings and apexatications, with reference to labor. material., Ac • dtc., required as above, will be ex hibited at the Oilier of the Company, In Rocherater.i In addition to the mammoth Car Factory, Foundry, Ma chine Shop, Steam MM. Barrel Factory, and Moe trick Fac tory, at Rochester. arrangement , . are alrrady in progress for the erection of half a dorm other Latg.ituarinfacturing es rabliehments, to be driven by stee.m.-JAlciapacm..t. upon the hill, but near the railroad depot and steamboat lauding, Is already commenrad; also an eattiblidiment for the manufacture of 1.4.11310111V06 and Stearn Hulloes. This concern will occupy about four aces of meoundt—ttto St o / 10 walla are now being 1011. Thew improvements. with the contemplated early comple. lion of the Cloveianel and Pittsburgh Railroad to Rochester, and the necemeary in pot suet .16tation attachments, as also liberal and estenteiv. improvements of the public lauding. and streeta by tro. Borough Conn ell. and the location, at this place, of two or more extensive God-Yrirds, for .hirpimr coat down the Ohio, will incite a WlltilainitTleN of beefy antes of Rochester, and require an Immense amoun t of labor for year. to wore. tatufleknial rwl, It. T. C. GouLD. ---- ALUABLE Coal Mitten arAuction.—Ou the •.nith day of Ampast noel, at 3 o'clock. P. H., wilt la, s o ld on an. premises, to the hightail holder, Kelsey's re. rollout Coal Minos, 26 utiles above o re- 0. on the stragrahnia river. 'Thaato works arc now to opera/ Ma, Itnr ittg the roads all in the tn.!. order. The dip of ti e ' Ned D right. There ate 8.4 1 i arms of coal, with two lino veins, °no from It to to fret, Ht.• other meat 4 feot. Two brick and or frame hinteea: the ears amt everything on these splendidly tinprtemd worita, together with acres of Hier hollida lend of impel or gavUty, anti al rods of the hest landing on the , river. Terms—On° third twat, one-third In O months, and °no third in IS months. it you wont a bargain hair these nneurpvited works. For further pnrticelars Inquire ..f Wt.iODS, Geonterend Broker, .1,20 70 Fourth Sr., Pittsburgh. }..)10N & CO.— Tit ANSF .) OI - d A-I'lON - made extensive pn parations that winter, we Wl' now prof to do a LIKAVY illattNE,SSby PENNSYLA LA.NAL and RAILROAD. THROUGH TO AND FROM THE EAST ERN CITHOI. We can aesure one friends and all Oren rinigrated to patronme the Ponna. Canal mot Reitrund, Vast no puns will ho stewed to render C0r1 , 173 1 11.1{1.'4 . .1,11Mt0 Itals leas , )1 . (lioLOtil.o4 Wentorn rrefAht. The A VOID-A:WIC OP TILE Prou - NED PLANES ON TUE ALLEGHENY PORTAGE RAILROAD wilt g,ivo increased doepatcli to the trancubmkne of freight. OM* on Mill are, t, at the Canal Haan. Takla LLOYD * "( LE K'S TRANSPORTAtIO24 Letkitatting the went of facilities f transporting Ynagirts to and front the F yen Mira. via rOtattaylvautia Canal end It rood., we ,o inerelied nor stock .at . floats, At., on same, to a DOMAN DAILY LINE, width glees to • cavoity of over 160(1 lane par mouth each way. We armee atir friends. and those thapotied W Pnlr"td.o the Stale halietereatente, there will be nothing spand on our part to reudat general matisfailiou to forwardlog Eneteru and Wadarn Freights with promptitude and dovateh. NI Kit it MITtILIELL, _tegtl7 Canal Rosin, Pittahorgh. ift- ) SiifSitM li WORTH OF PA7ll4tt AND [WILDING Ltrrii in the triad Region of entisppet a.4nfy, ltrgittia, to ho divided artserito out:manta, 11, ott tit.' 17th of Seplootb,, I god. he the benefit of Port frt. rat kornato acyhtay. 4«, ONLY TEA Is ,L 1.4 WS KAI - IL ore-half dose. the rest en tie' wort of tie Prod snlorritier rill t o litattthoF Lot ott a }era. rongtog In lal. front $lO to 1rt1t.00 ,3 Pamir •1.01 Lors At, ...Pt to mann. co..lthooootat.. a.gllemnt tostut.or to to;; motto-1h Th., incroton• i n th e vq!ne tot.iot, ot.l t0...t0...e0n, tor the apparent !on {rare non salted Ample ~.nn Iv w (ft 1t Piero for 1 tot taint tui tot, LAO MOO .4 you Low: ta clot I.l.attoost. More. Aprils aro watt.-1. eau of Allegheny City, to obtain salmi - Mem to whom the newt liberal inducements ottl be ~-04.. th ltoaw. Agents writ, that they ars M0h0.% a For fait pea iienlars, Sulteeriptimet, Agra apply toP. UAL DER, Poet nor& Corothar comity, Va. G. W. DUNN, Agent. tido street, Allegheny, Peurra no. R. It calm, late of 1114tOphropt.111.41Thatolk h moot, Phila. D. W. rittabargb. KOONS & KERSTINE FLOUR FAClrtkitS, Ot IN-- 0n."1" AND General Produce Commission Min.:hats, /4...47 Nora Wham. mut skh Wrl,i Wert Owl, tr. Wow Arc.. drat, PITILADE "SPAR TO itagaley. Woodward A Co. ANUS. Drysn, Kennedy A Co. Pitteh. Garrett. Aladin A Co. Wilmsrth & Co. Wood A Oliver " 'PAM A Llg„gett. Sliter, Erise A Oo .1. A W. Rea. Caleb ype A On datcoloy, Oro-grave b ro. Truitt, swother it Co. " Watt .1. D. Ledtrues leo. laminae!. 'coat A Mathis. Oineint.sti A. A. Pollock A Co. " YIoTTOW A Oettler, ?weed & Afilrr, .7. 8. Chenoereth A Co. " And Pittsburgh and Pbiladalrbits hiorcbauts pawt oily. Jot CdaplAlll ANEW AND SPI,P:NPID STOCK OF PIANO Vo It T . 3.11 M Just reeeirwl front the celvbra tot to , t tory of CHICK Kit INCI, and other distlonniebed tookers. whiell the its.' of purtion.x•rt t. r,qe,tiolly .34 1}11‘; 11. hi RUPP.. No. 111 t% ood 6(0 , 0. Mar FtAllth. nr .113 Ageof For Chittorinc A Rona Ik•ntort to P u 14.121 woes ,hI.A to a iour lE—Face ~if ar . ' , rnß o of SRtm t 0 ront to lu a4reo within tru roil.. of Ott city, handy to ralliond or rivet: not partienisr ktbollt itnyrovennette. Wanted--Two (lisle to do hone° Bork fur mall *unities to Alleglnury City. Wszato.l—A attention as Cook in • ifotti rr ikeixtlints I Know. Moo a pint in the evutd ty for nu orybno Boy, .tuna 13 yew - n.l ...vs, to stay nod he I. 1; or 111. Apply to U W I.IUNY north tfiu of old. strut, four h. door tool of the City. nll) - - - _ SK etAtursi We have received per lispross another lot of the Kkeleten %Tate which are o n,ho t ht e dly the whist and Lis.htest (or tiuminer wear. Jelti 1...N0.70 Whist at. SUPERFINE AN _ _ _ AND EX'PRA SUPERFINE ?LOOK on hood and for ado by autS JAS. A. VIATZEIt, 89 Water et- WANTED—To Lease orßent, a large, airy 8110 P. one or two story. sult..le for 'mu 'Mid Wood Shop, with Power, in or near the city. Ati.!ireas PDX 001 Pittsburgh P. 0., until 10th of 6reptomb.r. an:o BARK,-200 lbs. ott - • hand and for wile by Yi.l{-MIND DUOS. _ Fresh, Arrival tit' Salt Oysters. JS sT rettoivdd at STEIN RUCK.'S, No, 111 'Stain %trent. where ell the delicacire the erteion can he bed. served up in any ilmira ble lle le also is daily receipt of Now P0t...10c0, Pieta holenera lkoge, shad, See nod e. lava; variety I.riko fivh, which will be acgtUo, fault ISt.% lintels and restaurants on the Most reasanable fornia. Ju.t revoved. a largo and Lino lot of Loma% Orange., and Noe Al loos. S. tiIIIINRUCK, 1)4 No. 111 Wood stmst. POWDER, SHOT, and all things ilocesgary tor Sportsman, consthotly on howl at aiillo BOWN A TETLEY'S. fgt — YOl -- air,F l sne . inch cylinder, 44 feet atrolio. glide rase cut oft. hoary coat iron hol platen, extending to after end of eittlini—iit Intermit in operation ea the Rolling Mill of Meseta. Singer, 11-Aetna to Welt Pittsloirgh. For tonne, apply to RA:MEI, & CeL Strain Rogin6 Corner Fir at and Short at., Pitteliurgh. NEW STY LE FALL PLAID SILKS-40 pieces new Plaid 81110 Aid received at wag . MASON de CO.'S, 25 Firth et. PRINTED FRENCH MERINOS—Just re ceen4l, some very handsome stylos of Printed French fnu2l:ll A. A MASON di Co. FRENCH CHINTZES -.; . ---Sorne fine new stylus of French Chintzes Just opened at att29 A. A. MASON it CO.'S. LOUR— Pam i I y Flour, fresh ground from new Wheat, received and tar sale by au29 JAR A. NICII.FR, 69 Water et. TOBACCO -40 boxer "Andetion'e IS'a and P's Tot nee°. 10 do. 0 Webaker's old" O's dn. 0 do. "Jones" b's do. 5 do. "Jas. 11. Grant's" We do. 80 do. " Wm. 11. Grunt's" O's and fl'a. 10 do." wit & nm , ' o'. Toba,co. 11 . 40..."Mbton'a n . Eie • do. 0 do. "Jones" pound lump do. 8 C0.1101:(40 trial boxes) Yank,* Doodle half pound 11.MV.Tobacco. Rust roceivtd and for fade by : MILLER:A niOrtcnoi, an 6 14es. WA and '2'M Liberty street. —AVERY LARGE STOCK of , liltrotH DRAM END BLACK TEAS •• Just recelTed ant for male at, lower prices .thaw iuma3. 101 • " • S. JAVNM IN•kilawkStoro, No Fittb-at. CIANDLFA AND SOAP - 7 - - 11 nd we; IL/ Ed) boxes gkortindlos, L'ett • 'Vd COMPOOI' mould Candle; 25 do Cim U an, fio4p; ; , 15 do do Niitr do 100 do lio.leatra , famity - Foar. In store and for oslo by jot& • . RICI-:UtSMC e r ^ 1 11Q,' FALL STOCK OF PIAN O S. --Olitat: LOWE BLUME having juet.voturmei = - from the itasti , r c Cities with a large stock o Nano Fortes, would respectfully will the at- a-' tentlon of the musical public ,and others to! the splendid assortment which ie now on hand and daily arriving. Among the selection are the following now and el47tnt styles: Octaves, full Grand, elaborately carved Case. legg, lyre.#C, with new circular keys, carved sliding muffle desk," carved fret-work, be. 7 Octaves, full Serpentine style, curved case, lyre, legs, ✓ with the usually open spaces at the corners filled with beautifully carved fret-worh.iulaid name-board, &Maar 7 Octaves, with pearl keys, pearl scale, itC. Also, a nor scale of PA Octave; being the largest alto yet made. t Octaves, with carved mouldings, finished back and front,, eliding MlLtie desk. etc. Octaves, circular ISCaie t use finished all round.. . 8 1 ., Octaves, round corners, Allan gtn Wile desk, Iron frame, etc. A It %ether the assorrinent is the best over brought totbla city, having boat selected with great care as to the touo and also to the style of in ruitire. Every instrument will be folly warranted,. and sold at"- nianufartorers' prices. Ihirchocure are r •speafully milted to call and examine before purchasing elsewheni,as the sob. scriber will offer greater inducements than ever tailor . % CIIARLOTTE• }mums, - • second door above VIM at. 11111 - ARDWARE.--BA7II -1 L F - XTINESTOCK, JILL Importer and Dealer In Itruslgn and Domestic LUCA; ware, No. 83 Wood strwit., Pittsburgh, Panntw—Tho sub scriber has ready ...NI Lk FALL STOCK ON ITAIIDWARE; And in addition to 114 extensive assortment,das received a great variety of Ivory-handle. Knives and Pork; Dorman silver plated, t 1.41 table, dessert and soup Spoons; nab, pie aid butter Suck,. ; Shovels, Tongs and Pokers; Walters; patent Gridirons; superior Planes and other Carpenter Tools chine Moulding; Mahogany. Veneering; Chair and Sofa. SPringx: Pump Chain Fixtures, Le—all of which will be soW low. (seS) sesrt, PABINESTOCK.. DAVU. 111CANDLVS8 MILIAN s. vonn. M'Candlegs, Means & Co., (, to Wick A, Werisidleas,) WllO LESA LE CI WOE HS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, CIMON YARNS, and Pitta• burgh Mannt,cmva generally, darnel. of Whoa and Maks. fret:Go, Pittadmrgh.. FOR SALE- 110 USES AND LOTS in. Pittsburgh and Allegheny Cities, Bhmingharth iflan• cheater: several bandeaane Country Seats: alto, swats of eerie, she, and in different directions. Persons scanting to purchase would .10 well to roll and seethe register— those hosing property for eale to town it registered at 1.1. N. DUNN'S REAL tiSTATE OF PICK north side of Ohio street and I.•orth deor east of the Ditunond, ALLEGII ff2i CITY. Sektt. PITSITING—WILL[AIII CLAYTON, Or tam,tetnl nod Fancy Paint. r. IIYT FOVItTII Afoot, be tween Wood and Smithfield streets. aril-All work done In the find 'style of the art. ass 7 PRICES REDUCED. —Below the public will nee ..or not of prima All peroonearflt 5C1111,.1110 doubt, of the opportunity, when they can lace from 10 t 0.20 per cent. Ningliah Tralte o . --...... 90 sumps. lrt i rig'' Lice of Waalsington........, i.. .....41 80 ' " tiarehrm —.-D: 100 " .• Life ~ I.lemer P. Ilechwourth ....... -.---- 110 " 'Wen Lineoln TO " Ilidnoroua poetry .....-- ...... -..... 165 " War I Atli 90 " libtatitha 90 " Itheert ilrattatu ..........- 90 " Retribtitton 100 " Clara. or Slave Life In Europa- .... ...... 90 " P olideni Moo abenvicat shire • free ter'y . 211 4 Comoalgn Int-Fremont and Buchanan, 10 Ptetaz ea of lb Fremont, colored... 160 " " " plain.--- . I'oo ti Pictures of James -Bncnanan, plain... 100 ".. " ° cobs.] ...- 1 50 " Tlepolillean Song Book. - 12" . julantilleati thopitaia-a,Song Books-.-..-. 1 0 " . Kni-terbockurfor Seyrtember.....- --- Lab , of. From - tat, by Blrlow. ---;...-.-... 90 90 : L if,...f Buchanan. by 11 `" 1 "" Martina of CO' , Alartin, - by Lever - • 60 iii new-ober, the place where you can ore front 10 to2o wr cent. hi et LAIIITER'S BOOKSTORE, see . ..„; . . An. 71 .1/math street-. .1 _. _ __ .. __— NEW ROOKS .AT - IiaI\ F iSONIS, 1 Cl mArturr STREW. 1 Jacobi'. Nob. on John-Pot hisited. Fluteraoa'a Itataltah Volta •I The Ntiur yr of 9umatroL-it Morniar'of Henry Lyixta&- - 1 liceadley's hife.of WaAlangtou. • 1 ay. - The Eric, elopedta of flue Artr-4t0.. London. int: Dintart,.,Ptillatiolphin-,.. ..... e.'- , Aupt, mow, . fru:ohm I:nevi-1.'04m Sletrop-ditrinit-coutributiona by Oen. B. . - Miller & litelietittOn, • • Al , y. il.trOttdiltvr i . ...t 31. AVIIOLESALE GROGERS,And Impottcrs A no. ..h. oyelope.lia of Morn! owl ltoligions Anealiate. ' - —-. . - - - - T T of 11.1tANDIF, WINES and „6190,A1t. .Nos. 221aud . . - . .. . . . • . . - vilt ye __ . . Contid,..Atal t.lerp,poutionco of Napoleonnd Josephine, . • Loech-et , I, I nn.. to the People on ilesith. P. 23, oarner of Linertin . ndfr isf.;4447e,TPitt"imr.,..b. Iron, Nsilit,CottoU Yarns, .to. kc, conanntry on LintyGuth, telt tletve.l In Ezrktel. : deettPC 1,7411,', Na.W . VOA P.A.. - U r' itliCel , Church II ham% &Pal in Kiitntr—ltoint's Library.'N Vii,k, of . Natarn, TrI111,(11/1311 . tl Manudi Tel-once 0..,1 Pbctukno t W..rds aro Mind of ,Jgss:l " i' l ~ rot •., is of nikeptell*4 %las bOtilid. &C, ,16-• ----,---- • _ --',--' - J. 1..3 lANISON, 1 '9. L.'..A.lll.ert, . . • ," .. . ~ ~ • .-:-. r.i.)din*Ot street. umr•Founit. • - rap. 8 wood itrimt,.betwppi 1 a a Flit -- 1856. 111 StrCkS, Iy-wiles and .I*der inlaßlicat&nroy9ry._ .... . I 856. Aieri , 04 ..nakent of 3 KY II L r '' l4l4l 7 .:4l l ll lp l i • rit ?At: rith c - t eiib , super. end fine Ingeshi Ilittets dilly r reeetting et Stoto ICU. AalttutY , wixt.4 careioi, IrAt Iriftb fttreet, at the luwest . eue. ' irrimurm. - DRUIt. STANARS, Arrossus AT-Lklf, ;ia. 170 F 013117111 .noes, ntsF 'UAW.. $ teka 1/4 TE 131t3L111 LOTSiFOR, SALF.o-- -- Ten , Lots of wreath 1115,116,, 4 0 4 nit 1995.g00. 2hl, ` ' and 261 in lc Ifissett's p of lots, bounded py Cook streat,Oliff surstanitaustmis each 13 elno.l feet (rout hy 1.5 a fet dam, (eaoept PO. wkack ,i 3. 30 feet 6 Inches wider 'lids VrOperty Is situated in ono' et die mist commanding kxationti hi Om City of. Pittsburgh, and. being madonna would mater bountiful location u r a prq eats residence. They -will„ tower, be sokt separate. if to. sired. Apply to BI4WRIX & RICIIKV. a .a ''• Reid tiktato *rollers U It SA 14 14----Seven mires orLud, on'whichl to a frirpo , torsos frame, stoble, newt , telling springs,l I,e,t of gr. .4 . 44 - fruit, grape vines nods variety of shrubbery. ism swot a quart...7llMS ottrival.on. stitch las brick totem ; with f.rir rooot. o goodsethwandA frame. hOp. • Also, a tett o lot. to Shit/v 0, brio, itoultio With' Glrie roots% bribbect witret.. WS good tCil*t a' finnan . ' in Se". iricklervillit suit will be ail,liow if applied toi noon, or wontra be trailed fur assailtarsiliaudy - nmnt. of•our nu or riven, _ For Sale—Three good twin; willifitproted, within tweit=) ty Avo vt the city. Apply to VI. W. IitINN, lb& Risl ' Estite Agonq - and iatrirty-n.o taco. north. thin of MA, street,' fourtA door , teat of t , „; thronnnd, Allegheny city. . 13'4 1 1)0Z. Fresh 11.101V-0110W, preservetl. aorxti Ipsbllllingtr. 1 . I . tmchrte., in cans. 1 " . Plums, in jars. Just rocaivcal aul6 DRAT(Pg. r, NilitiOl I )EBflS—A. A. MASON - &.,001r - i. wtll nrrive and open on tits aoth mgt, 12. tiocina, . ; .iendid ~,,,,, Ellibtoiderien. CiAlOll and Linen Edgings, de, ste. . . . .. ~.. ~,, ..........,ou% UTKAPPIM PA.PEll.—Sing/A„. Meozpvtir , Ty And Donble Crown Sinn" *nipping Poper-,siliqgo la Just received 6.010 esti-a - imp by • - , , - --, ' . ~.. ate..l) J AS. A. YETT,ER,SS, , FILL CAlittla'Tdr.V6l--a- CO., No. 'M snow,' Are now dnfly melting their Int•gt, etnek of Oirpetiript, Oil Cloth*. de.. 'tnd art. notabteitt:that•tbefain suit-anyone . wiabinit to pnreittroti either in ginntity, xt.yht pr.,plice. Itte* SALT -75 1,1)18.. No. 1 .E.stra and No. 1 Salt, put l'eceivexl and for nal° by MILLER k ILTOKVSON, , •:' ort No,. T2l anti 2:.% 14berty atm:et . UND ,_.. S SRIE-- 10 tierrra nice; 100 Itot.eaiNaro If.op; - • . , . . I,I) '- P tnr Candles; 60 . 6 Chr.colloo. For itolol4 ', -- - gqyl RM IT 11. HAIR & OUNTER, exikkCANS—.`illbushels White l3enue.for fo Jby [664 & utnnwt: C ATA WDA WINESAND BI DIES AN 2 40 CM., .SparkllnA Ottnwpa. Wino, gin. and re., "N.; Longwertl." brand. 40 codes Stlit-eonwio, Wino, "N. Lcnigwartb" , binnit " Ladies' oktuwia " " Catawba Brandy. In store mud for auto by *OO NIILLMI k UTCKETSON, CA 1 fl.) ET' N 0 S AND OIL CLOTHS II ROBINSON 8 CO., No. Z 4 Firm „Enna M, • .., . , . Caro now roroivo,l a complete 11.alortmont of„Talrearpon no and Oil Cloths of evm-yqnality and pritT, consisting of Wilton Velvets,' .- -.: Tapestry Vehete t Brussels and Tapestry' 'Wiens, Imperial and Snpar&Plya, • Super. and PMe Ingram% • 1 14sWit and pain 1 0 1 10 1,a r, Chintz, Vn>seo, Italia' , and `Gila pattern, of )ILt Cis/ATV' 14 ail ,• and all Oetais usually found tn.o4 IfOusa*, and at NI lowest prices. selQ, Q 1. 1 .6 Alt AN 1:1' MO SSE 3AO bLla., cypreita coopotoo4 ir): 'Masan • - 6 4 ;0 do oak do . do; ' . 80 do St. Jamas S. IL Manner, 100 Idol.. fully Dar and .ntitan N. 0. Batikriz'Onlittid and for auto by MILI,Ett h I % tlO4lO, jal6 - • '221461.1Mtr 1.&.t ,137 itte44' I , 3irßitilllc'S VILLB--5 grow jut* sctel 4 Pv.fslft isr ,03 ,21 ) .V,ImMg3LE(4O,,, extra' whiteijwit,:zeoeired and [Or Raba by tall FL MIN(. B A LU . bb EC . just received lira" lb (Rutn) •-,PramiNciannft• lbs;-just . receivedAuld A.) far ®le by - • frarAt. rual!NO AILW, AspIASOAP.-75 boxes,,Ap,Tm—e el artia l Nin mr,,t l / 4 i - lbrmJo by [null] LEMINa RAM fAYTEB.-500 - - jaet' recbiVeil taidibt mlairf [adm] eFFAMINCianatEV CISITEACHT*LOGWOODO=- 50 ibis; 4* btort, and for role by ha= FLEMING BROB. lO UOYFICE- - .650 bagg .061ftie bubbibtang for ,Ale -,: :Apat Ittata Itif"XV3N. CALC 14; D MAGSESIA-:--200 eats by 045 y, • AUI-Mird-intot:l-' frMtLE OtIMMEY ckto. MEE ^ _ ,•• NIIMI3ER 3QI No.llB 'Wood it., EAL4„pWETING& ECM iW -~~ - ....Z WC. • •• _ " - • •140.,5‘ •„,;, •;- AtIES -Or AT OMTIONG nizisitfrrimitriiettaidgto. poif htle4rge-** 'has tiise. ~Dully.~ ~ Tsca Tiro Mar Els months.. Hiner Sanding Card, six lin One. strurrOyisran st 1a"4:47, Banat • IV ILOIRSIL E - - - Cr Re C 114 Vdo. 130 and Bond litwoad siuthile*, ripe:wet, tioahri , "4 4 V' - , :nos.. BALTSMIL. ..BAJOEMW t9 , 001.*:i . taki!.i4 4 Al, FLlNTociy,4§.4 OS. 31 T and '4 VoA., siiiietjOrog. ' secohda Pitufburet, idigiV44.; GOODS ArinEGED Ast , A RE now offotinzairoftheiriminense stock 11 at reduced prig euutpYuin a 4sn of ono thonsatabs, ; • ttases and packagetaf NossGoocKfitaropetsed. Ostensive stuck orShawlsi Sillts,..,Dreatthwds..CloaktOton sots, Ibulapideries,.Trinuniugs., lloaicry, and GIOY , tPCNI eI`. - fioOoo.loc:.dro.Rillbo rodactxt And, sold )t.t Zfr.percont. has thaziAsuai hoes, * CO, _ _ tk Macresiur.tollanly,Ainewh.oo.) lbOMMILIS1031.'&1111 Irpvprikviling Mb'retilknt, Agent , of the Madison-and Indianapolis _ BAELROAD, No, 80 Water strut, littalmrgh. dec2o:pels , • mixt W. E. WOOS . :TO& n 001104001.1. & CO., Lim:iitzknErAWramass Foreignanittioinesile Ilardwaie, MTV, I.l‘l and,Slpmd sta, Altsbaret. [e* ' " m: I . I i I tie ' oat; Proiristons NO. ZS ZJEEETY STREET - " - prrrslargult. JOHN MMEVITT, (Late John 519eyitt WIIOLESALE 'GROCER, DEALER IN, FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC LIQUORS, 7 - 0. 311 Liberty street, opposite the head of iniadeld, Pitt.trlitglii Trx-JTAPC - cfltattalar luau) a largo supply of OK-Mononalß& and Wad ad Whisky, Baam, MAN. War, Lard, OD, Chacaeoko. dz. ISAIAH . DICKEY Sc.- CO., COMMISSIOLVIRCILMS, WAQUZALB 4.44A4.4t4e6,g. Ff Malan*, Produce Alut.Groceri# 4 ;ientrully, So.; so Wastetrlitriiiit a-JUMBIJIME,L t — ArSID PLASTEIr 45a ibis CARO-Sand 110 Plaater. Weary - Perm shot' ildVie — liffealitlero's.tiflal. It rill richly repay togas it puma? COrn, xaraale bye 11.9LSISS COLLINIt, Ifttl - W.xl .tr. et. IL KLEMM a t s::BIZO;; . ...AGEPIT B 10 /k ; 1 1 IsTUNNS .&,., 0:OKS 111, E D.Jl:l* T D PIA - NO , IFOBTES 4 CA GENUINE - 111EMEOXSZ' DicamarkiNNAßO,*(...N*4 - 41S;75**-6*l" • No. sa taccrusati To4Asciene tuu, ititor CIE (WIWI MAP, , • ,pirrerztrizau. - 2___pecw SVCord & Co"- -„ i n II AT T. NO. 131 Wood street; five doors above Pittaburgb, Pe. ' deet44pc.„2.j- , 1 0-11 Co. veto Uera*lii•& UIierDUVE - AND COM.tlt sslosl4l.Eit: CUANTS, and Deniers in cthyrac and Tilddiret ISOM. No. 'Ad Liberty *trent, Pittsburgh. [4l4ltic _ _ . COtte - ' erAiNV rititilaYlT.ROWN ic 01, ulaufacEfirbt IrAND: billk.U.S. tleVler street; bitinTßik ligdeii)a" putittSeldstreott r tnttabtnik., . *isaraiag- gisguiza—i.r..?- 18,5 0. 0, i•-mo"-YA L PS• Y•7l. Skinner-A 6 NradlAPIP, ,P,Rel)/TCB 00414484(QX 114401 14. 8'44 4 . ault - 4*est : ,"reipt.,Etteeet., One .Mrecpiva ; 4fid setlia L ripy.,4ye, Moir, Fhcat, Barley Matt, Ceneiecken -, ;3talltiesee; bon, Ulm, OatsXacePi..3. 4 7 kimotiii, Lai nopti, Patetit • eethua mil'. 1Me5.. , Age097.-forP..4ll..:peltteosit X, XX, and Ktuthott Ales, . :Qigist-;sales nr4 p&T 2tamx ‘isal.:t4oY Ale=Sider W. Fettit Ct l tih. . 1 ' 4' , 1 h ATT-Onkaa,AND 4:1 " 1. " 41• W' ' rtigiasinity emr,AgetitSor Poem 1024 ,„ ider "`k B°ll6twn-Cium ' 111 eolberVit-"tre ' and4lll2:am* at Ric. ,er _ *eel moil% awl Irebumt-_,-,mi ll iaiiiii ya igi&a t igr Is.corimenows w."-- , - ikkixt, AtallorA 4tirtatetkpriucedents_ A settlec .. , tita ruvrww. . - 14 n i ur essedou'd Baas u' i .V7- 3. 4644 2 14 • V'tAtigiera ithvighli "h6ti°6tiitY: )4.4 " IF firirdouAbpr , ,S444lbi macil,,Zio.Ara volakT l 4,l3. - „ ... - -- 3 444 , - s e w, pitiiburek. ' ~,, _• -,,-, ,_, :,. r.- ta --• '-* ''' =•'A; la r l - Ftkiir . .. ormar,pußm 5. , th .. ~ ,p, L4 tl.4f_ciahm, an 4 qcq.1i,...," I r%,,sii4. ttrit Himipill_ire , ''°6111141131411511*r- 7: aii eni =gtnialraVo. ll 14111 " 711 1 p ,1k5w1Wa.d.r1096144:14-npYlKivir,%ote _ stat . l , l , ;Ilizei t Yrd or twin ititrig tutelar ;am, : 1 .i..p 4 1,6 0 4 1444 11 1Ptidet NV* , •;E.l,1 -.1 - .....,,t ......... I Hui uriti,Zannary..4.ll l sV . . " SOBINSON,.. 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St. Clair inOWß Penn_ avirSt liaa.tag takes ttilAiaar t avinetrolittwilt in tonottlient Itixilwliterritznis' rand ttifelititr inured, with ilia contpiielic, ta . hike 6itliehhilatwektt'Atet tua , 51 14 1 , 0:3 1 4 d 0Wt• *Qat:pc Adams Exp." lieiNceeti r".A pit—ISM:IW 11 -- OLES s u tROC I, 3 f1111114N9 - ROBERTSON v- Glgstnat t i t X‘relKuse4A o TlMO:4o l . l joraouvasseciption orMassayieolloWlaitatliits tie 1 0 We'4 nWK.10,4/4 ,11Ecargri, Sheffield WM - Ala "St€43liireiriV 4- 111.0g,Stael; foto', As3.lpg bails% 11)9Vtikr susii 1401houtiii.V Vifaburg I, • detervr-! - W4l" , ' 10,0IIPA" 4 44.004 - tolgilthißkt 4 ittgloti";+mtrilic:AttUa' gmtitatiowthaftft*, `lo4zAvitotetAtlit ktustortsti -4inkir@pst - o t r i M . _ invirftratitilsnuord*ndi,ll4sortrararY 4wor tavittraineAtidAct, kasliGAW'itd/441L414' , b.dg 1 4 6 40 . • thrkikpmry lanatArinit , atost adasYmAt 4 1 .0 Po4o9 .l cAr opAvvioThwero i =s 1" ..., .. _.. . , ~. . , .:r :,, _ft .. 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Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers