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FITCH Will conclude the appointment in person, and REMAIN IN PITTSBIIROFI until Saturday Evening, June 29,1856, When he eon suited dao iSabbath roceptetl:betwevu the hours of 9 o'clock A. M. end 4 I' M.. at his rooms at the ST. CLAIR HOTEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair Streets, Sir- Entrance to rums on Penn sinvl,"iiil For Diseases of the Throat It Lungs, And all affections predisposing to them. DR FITCH will open his permanent (Alice at 45ii MAIN STREET, SINFALO. on the first of July, where he may be addressed aftor leaving Pittsburgh. The Invalid's Guide and Consumptive's Manual, Or .usgaittuub foi the prevention and relief of Consump tion,AirFnia, Catarrh, Dyspepsia, Female Complaints, Sic., by CALVIN M. e FIICII, A. Price In muslin SO cents. It can be sent by mail to any part of the United States. „ mr2S TERRA COTTA OR STONE WATER PIPES, From two to nix such calibre. PRICES from 12 to 30. Cents per Foot ALSO—nOcHEST 11l PEARL STARCH For Sale Wholesale at Manufacturers Priced by lIENICI 11. COLLINS, Iicit:WARDING AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, • AND WIIOLESDLE DrALEII IN CHEESE, BUTTED, SEEDS, FISH, AND PRODUCE GENF:R.kI.I,Y No. 25 Woo STREET, PITTS R I'Fin M. JrlB JAMES A. FETZER, FORWA.RIANU AND COMMISSION MERCHANT, FOR THE. SALE. OF Flour, Grain, Dried Fruit, Seeds, Lard, But ter, Bacon, and Produce generally. No. 59 Water Street, PITTSBURGLI, l'A. Franc'. U Bailey, Esq.. Wi . Cittlitort & Son, Plakburgh 114,y,1 & Ott. & Swearitip-n, S. Bratty, Cub. M. & M Houk, I.lgt & Crttngle & Uo , 0.. W. boni , •n. Pa.x1. , 11 s 01.. IV het.llllg. ,111y2S PEK 1 N TEA STO 1Z J NO. 3S FIFTH STREET 'PERSIL TEAS.—A hoire lot frmsli Green and Bleck Teas, Just IWISII , I direct from the Importers, which will be sold wholesale and retell, al prices lower than usual. my2o & JAYNES. COTTAGE HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE. T HE undersigned (with a vie'vr of remov T tug to atiether in the inottedinte nirinit y .1 offers for sale the AND Der in whtch resides. situated till 'lust,! N% se..llingttt. en the brow of foul 1611. opposite the lower part id the ~.1) The lot is I ti feet frau and 350 feet deep, coil has groa n.e 011 it IV large nuniber of fruit trees and shrubbery. consisttug of apples. is.aches. plums, rho. ors. apricots, currants, go.sseherries, raspberries. grapes, Lc The house is 411 P...t po tt y o feet hall, and LO feet deep. with lotcloat and cellar. There are iv room, a ill, bath root. and finished garret. 'll.. lions , is bail! in uusl ern style, neatly pointed and papered I hr. itinh. itt the doors windows and washboards of fr rooms and hall are grained There is a cosh stable. sufFeiently large h.r to.. horses and carriage. A aril of good water, it .:istern, and all necessary outhouses. 111.. It.'.'re I eted by n hsl utg Lure ti feet high . The location is .41P the nsed le sottful and healthful is Western I Posseestort 1 , 111 da) Julie if T 1,111.4 hberal W it. LESIIE, jul.l N... J;, Fifth street. RYAN'S BUILDINGS, %o. 31 Fifth Street Tile subw•riber, having enlarged and fitted SP 1C1(1[S FE 11 ITI RE 11111E800MS, I.AR;!: AN! , I III:A/ 1 1.V APPIT:iOc To hi- !it'd 11,,V 1111 , 1 U,.. 1,041 t CALL AND EVAMINF Before purchwatio elbev I), HIS •9u'F Ir Nt AsSOHTEIO $50.000 Worth, 41,1//01Lig •.1 EVER)" I. \SS (IF (;()t)us RICII, NI k. DI I NI al Aud ROSEW( l'.\ I{l.ol{ SETTS, with Pero L hagnfrlle OAK (II AMBER SETTS, Aud great ‘att,t3 Few Styles of Bureaus, Bedsteads, Chairs, Sofas, Book Cases, &c., &c. All of o hich W 11. WK. Ever, a, ti.•le. ‘i:..rrititt.4l to pt.. .Att.4"...•thm, ,e the motley rufunde.l H. H. RYAN, NO. 51 Fifth OD-. t. PEE IN TEA STORK No. 314 FIFTH STREET, ONE Do.R EA'T OF THE EXCHANGE BANK, Pittsburgh, Pa. GREEN & BLACK TEAS Parcluts...l /Urea from the Irote.rtsr. for CASLI. The stock tonsdste of all the different Moors and grads. of TEA brought to the Anceriutti market, and SOLD WiIoLESALE AND RETAIL AT Tilt VERY LOW F. sT CAS/1 PRICIttll PACKED TEAS, PUT LTl' IN MKTALIC PACK AGNB, expreesly for the trail , . TEAS OF ALL //FADES, BY THE HALE CHEST 011EEEE, SUGAR, Ct)o , IA and CHOCOLATE of tle nxso lIRAITDEI. for sale. Long erperience w the lm/ono. in a xuIP guars/Ass• tlsxt every article told will Is• an represented. AGENT. NT SPTSTAI. APTAIINTYIINT. so/ erns SALT or Do JAYNE'S FAMILY MEDWINES. M. JAYA ES. Pittebergh. Jllll , ` 20. 18:4-4.1e2o, Two Medal' and Vise Diplo Awarded. AR T II U It Patent Air Tigl Sellsiioallnir tin cans au. firs-pria li-111./W VI as Janis Lienry file by the Agent 01E1114 l'l/) lit Western Pvtdoi) I cairn the sale of Ow oho,. art Cie!, at hi• Chitin ar Quotn,cars. •tors.. I . Woo.l wilt., ele6) till and greets 4lissia jars at low price, with hug ew and cork. ready fit scaling strassibrrrii , an nortment of China, (Aro.. . wants of private tamales, hsi rl lo•vpvre. steam boatss and country nirrcbantA, all at moderate Kiev., ED M.TIN WILKI N S, EAGLE DI ARS LE WORKS A EAD OF WOOD, ON LIBRRTY SREET, and at the Cemetery Oat,. Pittsburgh• Pa. 'Monuments, Burial Vaults, Tombstones• Mantel Pi:•ces Centre and Pier Table Tops, Washstands. kc. On hand and made to order, of etery variety, Mantels, fencing fur Co. M . lota, ornamental and plain, which is durable, mid "beads no painting, at from $2 4e /A per fopt. laving been engaged practically In this business fo- thir ty yearn, twenty-three of which knee been in this city. which !deem a sufficient reference, I will make new designs, and furnish any work In my line at reasonable prices. Je-13:1y. Dint , X CAIML.III,I IiTLLIAM MEANS n. A COFFIN Drcandiess, Means & Co., (Succeasore to Wick & )113andless,) WWALESALE GROCERS, and Dealers in IRON, NAILS, GLASS, OJTTON YARNS, and Pitts burgh Manufacturer; generally, corner of Wood and Watcr BtrertA, Pittnburgh. royh Geo. Aibree, Son & Co. JUST RECEIVED—A prime assortment Ladies' Kid, clth, and anal patent foxial goiters; tntsws colored and black gaiters ; children's fancy texts and low cot shoe,. all made to special order. jeltc2w d T INEN GOODS.--We have received an oil, lot of nun I.hieti Uam,i,k Talole Cloths, Napkins, Dispera, Towelling, Irish Lieeos, etc , wilich will be sold at considerably less then the usu.' prices. je-11 A. A. MASON & Co. CONGRESS WATER —36 doz. Saratoga Water (Congress Spring., just received bv JOS. FLEMING, pi/ Corner Diamond and Market et ---- G • -- ENT. ' S FURNISHING GOODS. —We have now on hand a very fine assortment of Clotho, Oassimereo and Postings; Silk. Lawn and other Cravats! Pocket litikfe., Hosiery and Olovee of every description, and other Goods for Gentlemen's wear. . pat • ' •11' ~~ ~,=. •~~ LOCAL AFFAIRS. THURSDAY -1SIORNING"" THE SIXTH ANNUAL EXHIBITION PENNSYLVANIA STATE AGRICULTURAL SOCIETY, AT PITTSBURGH On SEPTEMBER 30th, and on OCTOBER let, 2d and 3d, 1856. j,?2.1 ROST. C. WALKER, Secretary The Abduction Case. The following letter and statements will explain themselves. To THE HON. W. BINGHAM, Mayor City of Pittsburgh, Gin: Four days ago two ladies, one representing herself to be a Catholic and the other a Protestant, brought &child to St. Paul's It. C. Orphan Asylum whose name they gave as Mary Anne O'Connor and stating her to he an orphan of Catholic parents. They repesented her to have been living of late with strangers, by whom she was very badly treated, and asked her to be received into the Institution. At the recommendation of one of the members of tho Board she was•provisionally received by the Sisters of Mercy, until her case would be brought before the President and Board. Circumstances have since occurred to make the Sisters fear, that the account given of her is a fabrication and that probably she is the Mary Crosby whose abduction from her parents was reported in the papers in the beginning of last week. The undersigned being informed of these things, requested the Sisters to make farther investi gation, and this has only confirmed the suspicions already aroused, though there is yet no certainty of their being well founded. Before proceeding any farther however, he requests you to have the kind ness to come up to the Asylum and examine the girl, or attend at the examination which is intended to be made. The Board no well us the Sisters of Merry, will be very glad if you eau attend at the very first formal interrogations that will be put to the T. J. REYNOLDS, President Beard of Managers. It appears:that on Saturday last, after the depart ure from the city of the mother and step-father of this child, two persons brought her to St. Paul's It. C. Orphan Asylum. They said her name was Mary Anne O'Connor, and gave the statement which will be found below. The Sisters of Mercy never receive children into the Institution without an order from the President of the Board of Managers, but as he was not in town, un the recommendation of another member of the Board she was received until the Board would have time to act officially. The Sisters of Mercy, in the meantime, thought they had reason to fear that some imposition had been practised, and they notified the President of the Board, Rev. T. S. Reynold more interrogatories to be put to her, and the opin ion that ehe was Mary Crosby was confirmed. Be fore seeing, her, hew ever, he wrote to the Mayor informing him of the above (deb+, and requef.ted hi t , institute an inquiry, as ever) nue eetineeted with the Inetitutioo is most anxious that no person 1. received under circuu”tances such us are alleged exist in her va.se on yesterday at three o'clock, the Mayor, accom panied by High Con,talile king, Rev. T. S. hey, nolde, President, with some other members of the hoard, Bidiop ilTunu,a, and Mr. l'intutusetter, At torney at Law, invited by the Board as their Solicitor. sisited the Asylum, on Webster street- The sisters tit charge of the wirtituti..n were first introduce They gave the statements above alluded by—that ebe nits brought to the Asylutn by a Miss Turner and a Mis, Ritchie, the former representing herself as a Catholic, and the other f 1.9 a Protestant. They said the child was very badly treated Is bore she last lived: that lthtlit parents were dead. The child her self had stated last evening, when questioned by the .i•ters, that she had Collie from Reesville, near Isan. tv.ter county: wus brought here by her nunt, Mrs a- ViVt i aht,t, Ii hiss g 1,• , 11 lasetane es istent that she ens 41V II) retke ki , ' , •ollllt. ,Ug4ezted I• , her U hers. the with the Mayor . , ,AJLCllrrefl, io r ettlt.,! t•, hor t- tell ihe truth, the ti!, ;‘, truth :1.1,1 thing but the truth thnt the panic• the, kr.... er ht,t. ry sell. 140. ni,h,-•l 7.• h e ar h e r, 't a.l; ea then th,re, by wh,ru. Sc. After a lt,lig rtruggic, during übd,h ghe cried baldly, ..the admitted alto the hud lien taken away from the cars, at the A Ilezheny Ft 3 un lam Monday neck, Ly a man nhom Mle ,110,1 n watchumn, and rvtnain..l in ~ t ne b.,ase it the rit3 t.11 , t1 _he n,uld not denenbe. until I.._INV Hilt HI •--titurday , that this tr..lire f• r taking her ,n nv NV rl 1! Ow cruni trcatm. nt her tn. 4 her rind 1 hat Ler tuk•ther bud beaten her 1• Int ler ruelly. ae :Lb° the step father, and -he tied alcud, and Iniither yrculd kill I,r if ,he went bark Ler. Sli.• frritueutly ulmott shrieked alien she Lean t.. ILlnk ±Le wtte g. , ing to Le tent bitek L. he! in , dher. She raid her : , 'elvfather alro treated her cruelly, but only when he wan drunk. She was pa~•i lied, end aesurod sbe would be well eared for, and oar thin taken charge of by Mr. King. and removed from the Ary lu m. thin eubject had died away before ,he was br,mght to thu Aeylum. Thk,se in charge of it were thrown ofl the:T. guard. The ,hill tt mei. and roomed pained err 1111U91013 lu her etile•edeot ,ivrt• unwilling to pugb in.itnrieg regunl.ng her at Mir! until she should feel more at ease. She ear Minim was excited, a thorough investigation war ith neditstely instituted. This would have been d ine at any rate by the Board when the case came to i.e acted on officially. But it was thought host the Nayor should be present at the very first interroga tories put to the child, which resulted as above stated. I du certify that the fm•t• Sc? forth in the above statement, so far as being notified by Rev. T. S. Rey nolds of his suspicions, and the statement tondo by the Sisters, and also the statement randy by the said NI Au .‘ on Crosby, are true as mails in my hearing. W. BINGHAM, MnA r. Mayor's Office, Pittsburgh, June 2:ith. A. A. MASON A 00 • 'zit *4 4 4 r„ 7 4 . . ; .'. 1,t. t .: 111• •••• I 14 ." ,116 ••••• _ • 1' •• .4 " 1 1 ••!, •-• 4 • ~:Utf41,11:241:. !: • 4 1 ,14' '‘k•l'l • tt WILL BE HELD Pirrsurnan, June 26, 1956 lle requested some our, it Philadelphia, repeating the salue acu-uta I h..w the 1% It . 1:4 to be retoarked that almost all excitement On d.ly fur day. in the inatituti , ,n, and a. SOOll me 5,15 liorhelrefin and Breck ivaridur. —At et :ureting ..f ale Executi‘ e Committee of the Buchanan and Breckin. roige Club of Allegheny county, held on Wednesday afternoon, the following gentlemen eote appointed the committee to make preparations for celebrating the coming Fourth of July Capt. John Birmingham, Jas. H. Hopkins, • Col. Jas. A. Gibson, Dr. Alex. Black, Matthew Harbison, Porter R. Sawyer, Col. M. M'Cullough, Dr. A. M. Pollock, John T. Symmes, Capt. Dail,' Campbell. The following persons were appointed in addition upon the Collecting Committee: East Birmingham—Esq. Hageman, A. Arbogast. Duquesne—D. R. Williams. Geo. Burrows. Sharpsburg—Law. Winchell, P. Connelly. Manchester—Jno. Wagoner, Jou. H. Dubois. Elizabeth--Jas.-Scott, Dr. Jas. Power. 1. Fayette--Robs. Potter, A. B. M'Farland. S. Fayette—P. F. M'Cabe, Jas. Dunlevy. Franklin—S. Neely, P. Wiggans. West Deer—Chus. Bryson, W. J. MLaren. Jefferson—M. Snee, Joe. Ralston. M.'Candless —H. M'Laren, 11. Good. Snowden—W. M'Cully, Wtn. Stewart. Versailles--Jno. Sill, Wm. L. Miller. Sewickley—lt. Stevenson. Shaler—W. Graham, J. L. Rlcessur. Wilkins—Ed. Thompson, John Mliiriney. Reserve—Jos. Lofinch, Joe. Eckhart. Plum—J. C. Stewart, Jas. Boyer. Ohio—John Seibert, Joe. Birmingham, Robinson—R. B. Guthrie, M. Harbison. Charters—H. Ingraham, C. Scully. Baldwin—W. H. Wightman, S. F. Curry. Elizabeth bor.—Dr. Jesse Penney, R. C. Walker. W. Pittsburgh—Joe. Rodgers, John Murray. W. Elizabeth—Gen. J. H. Watson, E. D. Rodgers Findley—Dr. J. Pollock. Moon—Geo. Sampson. Penn—Francis Wilson, jr. Patton—Jas. M'Ginley. JOHN M. JEWEL President. C. MA GEV, Secretary. PROFESSOR lANGIV ORT 11 N' , Destructive Fire. Win ,•nter the rags of his Trained Animals, cormstin e ..1 ' Now 1 iiliti, June 2:i.--Tlio Full River Mas,nvit LIONS. LION ESSES, TWO RON AI. BENG AI. Tits Elv,, Flour Mills wore burnt this morning. Loss S 5 0 010 0; LLAPINU TIGER, PANTHERS, Lilill'AltDC., AL• ' insui..l for t el lo,o 00. And exhibit to the si.ctators lb, wonderful i•ni.;,..tioii io n hich li, lkililii Own, saragio iliin.Aiiiiii el the jungle and Departure of the Steamer Arabia. forest. ADMISSION-2-5 cents, (1., half price.) Iltsmved ii, t Now Vona, June 2i.i.—Tlie ,bilinier Arabia soiled Seats 60 cents; Children 25 vents. J,....!.., at noun with ISO passengers mind SIMoo,IIOO i n JOHN W. weAßtflY.liii.l: POSTER and ' -1...'".. DINTI3.IIO3ToR, will attend to the twain,,, arid Ihstri Luting New Orleans Malls. of all kinds of BILLS FOR CONCERTS, LECTURES, EX 111 BITIONS. Ac. Pt urtmunr.. June 2.5.—. The Southern mail brings I,,,rect a Co urse . — T h e C h ron i c l e Repo rt erhad - , . - All co mmunicatione--eithi i i•v instil i..i...,c,- I• ..i.1..-r- New ()Helms papers of Tuesday. wlie--directed ta the offire .4 t 1,,.. NI , . Loh.. I', mot. u ill 1 c.IVIN ii .......„,,,,....... - another half column yesterday on Hugh Corrigan, prompt attention. ap7 N 'NTH w ARD LIBERTY STREET PRO " that unfortunate and wretched old man " who is to --:- '-- - REIVIO't-AL. BEIITI AT AUCTIoN. —on THURSDAY err - blue, suffer the extreme penalty of law next month in FRANK vAik: fI(TRIFF,R Ii AS 1: VNI 1 1 • ,,, ii- .... ut s 0..10ck. at the IderiihantW Kixellanmi. Fourth Westmoreland county. The half column in question . -..-.... —.-- .......I. V 2,11 N'in , l. will lie s old. that valuable and handsomely ki Waled to No. 78 MARKET street, neatly igitsiedte t e h,„, „i I• el , I I ,mind oppusite 110. Fair oidluils. on the N.rn, o f was prefaced by the remark that the statements in m.,t,.1, and Is now prepared to supply his ell.toMelli nn i 11, IA ilcit y and Clymer streets., having s front of 76 1 4; fe,t on I 11 , ,IN + tref .1 amt extending ithing Cl vnier street list Use t.. the morning papers to the e ff ect that Corrigan was Pow, generally with anything they ncc•l iti the way , I ' C. .. . . . I: millings, EndtioLleries. Ribbons, 610VNIel, Liireiitlty H. 11.1 'P i i " " ' ' it", lllliii i , iilin, the i i 'i I . ' ThIP,Ii of 11, Ha. n.,. h. to be removed to lireensburg yesterila_y wore incur- F .„,,, i i,,,„1,, generally'. hi .' Ulu' N.,.. of 0., most desirable 10C-Stierle in the alnive reel. Of course the contradiction was unreliable, al- tte - Ilitnember the Na., 78 Marknt It. aii=itin --eh., " aid it ,i, ~rid. ... i, 1,, divided into four Lets. 0 plan ..i though the Reporter had for authority no less a per- DlVlDEND.—Citizeta Insurance 0 .111111 - NI I, II 111h1 1 , 1. we'll 11l ilia Arlen. I. Strife. sonage than the prisoner himself, who, byl. N - Th.. Pri.sident and Directors of this Company Tit b. ,0,,1 Terms Ni nillir. the way is i• c thisdat declared asemiannual dividend of six dollais I' .M. DAVIS. t,'.1.0 A netioto.or. being no longer a fret agent is not so good authority sh,re ties the Capital Stock ek. dinars lii iiash. lINV si - •i• •• 7 77,- ,7— ' ,7-- ' s lIIJOI I • s sAi.r, OI A VARIETY ! ' ll. r .s to il:e St....kiloliters , their . lsal r pir Int2fltili IN o -. I and a..Ei the Sheriff of Westmoreland, from whom we gut olie duli..r i r e,. i t ,il to their ' stork on am " aft:, ii,,..2. 1 „1 1, 1 ,,. 1.. STd It E. t a t Friday morning. Julie 28th. at 10 o'clook. the item. SAMUEL L. MARSBELL. Sect. at th , store of Wm. Boyle. No. Cs; Wood it.. near 4-th stris . t. dune 1: th, 1,56. jas..gw will 1.. ,01.1 by order of Italy ilattenniti. KN.. High Sherld of ..--....—.—...-..,...-...------- REWARD.-- St , .len this Imirming, i . 1 ,,,,,t i ..;„.1„. .I' ' II• - I Alle g iiiiiiN c up,. the vial, •tuVli, comprlsing tun . gold and We invite attention to the sale of valuable real Si 00 , per um, } and soap, oo in. g ililSeit. .r., estate at Corner of Smith fi eld and Second streets and ' , 1.1,15 th - Aff-g.i,oy litilliii , riiy l itt l e girl, I i,, r ,i..lin, acieriliiiitiii and ••i her ID 11.. , 11 instruments; re- Mary A.. I..rosby, LI yours of aee. black hair and small ear 7...r5. to We 4114.1 pliCitet clitiery. ci•rolito. liiindiek. pidt mon ' also on Liberty street, Ninth Ward, this evening, at , rings., drestied with a nit ...In, troek, fl,tt. Tie above • • blue sack and le horn flutes. hosiery, Alin...der. spool ~ateti, w.irk biniketn. tu,d -r, ward will by PiNlli (Ur iiifortli.tiOn OW. les magic lan terns. atitin very eXtellelll, ass,tnumt of en 1 Merchant ' s Exchange, by Mr. Davis. may kitol to the conviction of the Intel. or S . 2A for the returnwrit , rags, toys, Variety gouda, Ac. -----......-.-..-- _ of the child to Yoh N CHAMBERS, Also,shelving, counters, show case, storefiX.ttlret, on. 1' Th Id, DAVIS, Auct. e Board of Licensers are still in secret session. ) 017•Ind Emmet Howse, Allegheny City. .)elli _ - ' • .•r . , Itemsof Interest.—There were 396 commitment& to jail during the month just passed. Of these 286 were vagrants, drunken or disorderly persona, and 110 were for court offences A meeting of the Fillmore Americans is announced for this evening at Atnerican Hall. The action in to he in opposition to the late Philadelphia and New York pow-wows of the Cayennes and Republicans Alderman Don aldson on Tuesday evening committed Richard Bei tier for un assault and battery on Catharine .11uffy. lie will have to take his trial before the Quarter Sessions fur his unmanly act. Some of the spectators moved to pity exclaimed, "Alas, poor Richard ;" but others in the crowd, more sensibly remarked : '::JUNE 26 The man who lays hie hand upon a woman, Save in the way of kindness, "Twin's base flattery to• call villain. Hotel Impro7gent.—Geo. Aurentz, the polite and accommodating landlord of the Mansion ll , mse, LW. erty street, Railroad Station, has Mikan addition his Hotel, which gives him double the room for the neenumodntion of the public which he has hail here tof,re, besides which Ii has :tltered the interior of the whole building, haling now one of the tine,t dining rooms in the eity. The ,itoation ,4 the Man- House is a very fortunate one t . iir the proprietor as %yell as for the rutin,, inintedottely ailjoinipg the Pennsylvania Railroad pa.stengerSiati , l3. The van nary department is unexceptionable, which is attest vi by the crowds whiel: daily rally around his iilt,r:ll table. We have only one opinion of the Nlansion House, and that is, that it is hard to beat. hateretaieg Secne,—Vesterday afternoon, at four o'clock, Hugh Corrigan was conducted from the jail of this county by the Sheriff, in an tounifttu , , to the cars, Le which he will he taken to the new burg jail, there to await the ese'•uth.o of his sci, lenee of death un the '2:dh of July next_ liefrre leaving Hugh bid adieu u, all his fellow-prisoners, many of whom, especially his female. partiier3 in iii,- of l prisouu3ent, shed tear copiously. at whieh the man Immune al,. deeply atiectod ancl - ,vept biiterly hi, last farewell. Verily the Wl,' t.l the tran•gre, ear is hard, bringing many , orr,w, whieh, mainly upon the ,ffender,,lned at (110 C ,-r -ruw tel pain upon Elaine around. Ilugh drum, the murder. /;•,.1,1t1,!. i.,,witlet ut the Lt. Clo..ir H..ie dittoes table yesterday, was one Or the Ihrge+t Iln, hatiiisouleat it has ever bean Liar liktutire to scent alii look upon for a lut: time. It was arraulzetl in howl dexterously met up to the heigLl .kf three Get, Hnn the product Of the s hill nut geniu. Titottiptort hi t.t It, tH, 't t it , t p iv!! Ilttit geHtleirmnly 1,11111. ❑IILer drafts 10 th, 4.1:y for tine wee the P. ending dune tieenty thee, (if fled of et.onolikiption, threw of ti nge-tn.o 1 , 1 1,1'161 hree of scarlet lever. trio cholera infantata. nc cramp, one each of bronehtt, Jr y, intlanint tie eilll Lora. Ili! ..1.1 and Indiana ltrtdr , ad held a Meeting 31. Lu. n• wlt-•h ti,e sv reptegen led A vote w u,k , n .111:1111,1/, ~I,olo.lrlntug the uttli the ~:,,,• a , l'evosylvanla an,l Fart NVaytic r Iv salted un a nim.,ly in t”rn/ 01 the nati papers that Frank Rit.lt. ph al. ..! C ty, A - 11, dr,,ne 1 it, 'war that in 01l atter:i I r•—• hill.. urn , 11, r -,r dragged ttuaephal under. 4:1i• Ali Ai. - 'rhrrr I,olllc. of 110,1.'114 1 .. .. IinATLD ST• %lAt. II 1111'r i..• MEMEIT EME:=III ,1 , Siolnitrh 11111er. il• 1!111=IIIMIIIIIII MEM J. t', -1„ 1,, „,.,. M.44,.••1 II A, Mtn, and roaqur•lL. 0.1 Tint 111 1 , 7 \ 6 \ 1N... .11 air BM 1.1 I .k NT Hob Ito.). or Auld Long Sy It. 11. • .• •! . t It-, F•.,t . I, • . MIZE 61,F11 & The Largest Establishment in the War //: .1111 . 14 :114..1711 kNIk 1.111 1N.,. 41 44. 1141 4 ',.1. I 104- 01.1 11 • N'• l• VIII. It PER YOH NI A" , 1'• 111 I. Flll I The Equestrian and Gymnastic. Troup At the head of whom are the celebrated COOKE FAMILY, Fr.mi Attiley'tt Rout Amphitheatre. rit.ANCISr() B 11( 11 ERS, Fur in nunilker, from the rim°.. Pari.; 14. .lEl' \ 1 )UIS. the i... 1 Clas..• hf the .1, . Fillmorr'h ()I - Lytton. FRANK CARPENTER. tbe Daaing Bute-hack Pod, ,sl4 Li iI.IIILETII, WADW ELL. II , 31::`; rd.. aud JUI,. 2D. The riA wore ovation was 'clt,lk I , Es IF VOI.TIt;t: ERA, ACRoIt.ITS, PA.Vrk oil NI grttit.t throughout. NVIIS Intrieiiiiied by the Whig 1, , T, AND DRAIIATISTS rural C.,tnnlit Ice, la,t evening. and male a fritel- TWO STAR ULOW NS t• ,t , 14EN sTtINE, th. nwet ,nignnd TVLt and pungt•ill in A nierint . and 11. t'It , iNVIII7ItST, him Kogli,ll iunaitt mt," And th, grente , t el..ri in t Lead ,r C.,rne•t !land II MINI AN LI ta lit ill 31EN4GE11.11 . : IA the moat perfect ..1 et t,lot.it ,, d, 2.1.1 • otaio- LARUEST and 11431 CUNIP.II El !ENS! tf. , 1.1.t. , 11, , E ,)F A NINIAL , front Rumored Net, Clove rliOr for Ka11.11.11 EUROPE, ASIA. A FIt.ICA A NI) A NIEI(I '.t. \ riot CI t Y, June unauthentieal , is I otn, , retl that Gen. Pereiler F. Smith will be ap tiro- comprised 111 lobe Z...logical t;• , t ern,,r of Kansa,. s lee Gni% Shannon. liaweihately aft, the 111.IIC twrictritintict... " ' , .f tL In= lIIMIUMMI I• • • i.I S • I. \ 1.1% • • sz• Sla•I,•1 ••1• • S.I,E. I• •It 111111111111 lIIMMEIIIIII 1TI;1 , 1 111 ~:1'111,!F 1r CV 4Dllil 110611 ISE I.A.IIIIIITEII 1.11"1'.-1'.11.:il • . 1151 MEM TIikLATEST N EWS BY TELEGRAPH. THIH TY-FOURTH CONGRESS. FIRST SESSION. WASHINGTON, June 25.—Senate—Mr. Wilson pre sented the petition of the officers of the Massachu setts Emigrant Aid Society, setting forth the objects of that organization. and stating that they had been much misrepresented by the majority report of the Committee on Territories. They say that this So ciety has not been the cause of the trouble in Kan sas, having never infringed on any law, nor inter fered with the peaceable execution of the law ; they never invested a dollar in any munitions of war; never sent out persons to control the elections in Kansas, nor hired any man except as business agents to go there; never paid the passage of a single emigrant; nor is it within the knowledge of the company thnt nay person has gone out there under their auspices with any other view than settling in the territory. They also represent their property as having been destroyed by the recent ont-breaks, and pray that the offenders may be brought to justice, and that compensation be made ba the losses and injuries they have sustained. The petition was re ferred to the Committee on Claims. Mr. took exception to some of the cum 'omit, of Mr. Seward ye:terilay on the conduct of Mr. Husk in assaulting Horace iireeley some time 0 Mr. Seward vindieatol the correctne,-, of what he ,tid aeeordtng t, the fart:, as they were within his knowledge and reeolleetion. Lie did n it, however, it the liter, remember the pr,i,e ,;rotind ,, on which riek Math.. a att Mr. Fost••r alluded to the paasage of the IV ansas• Nebraska Bill about the hour of midnight on the 2:.th of May. The darkness which then en. v.•loped the earth yielded to the light of the coming day. but the darkness and gloom which had been eaused by that bill did not pass away. They had been increasing, till they now enveloped the whole bind with a proud black shadow. He spoke with earnestness in defence of the Emigrant Aid Society and vindicated Professor Sillitruin and the Reverends Iteerher and Dutton at the meeting in New Haven in the Rev. Mr. Dutton's church. It was to bid fare. well to their friends who were about t o l e ave for Kansas, and the arras furnished were merely for delen..e. It was a significant fact that the party who were thus furnished with Sharpc'e titles had oever been engaged in any of the disturbances in :bat territory. If Professor Silliman had no stone ei at him except hose who had done more than be for the g.aol of his race, he would be much iiibre likely to attain to the age of Methuzelah than to sutler the martyrdom ..f Stephen. Mr. Foster maintained that over slavery in the States the gen eral tiovernment had no power: e here there was ro poor there eas no responsibility : and there should be nu intertneddling with the existence of ,lavery : iu the territories it was an entirely different matter. Veing unucce:isful in discovering what was ti,,. groat principle in the Kansas-Nebraska, laid down what he conceived to he the true doe. vine, i is • that Congress has exclusive power over the mai ter. If :Livery nos right he .•.Ipld he wrong woublrecointio•rl th.it a herever slavery existed in :!tr territories that it i.e abolished, and wherever it i.•I cot, it ,hould I forhi.l Mr. Itettiatain e pres,ed 1, grat.ifittatittn at tit„ : • at , I tt• t , t p e r it Mr. V , Pstar s Spe,4•ll. .1 t!crettt trim what he had hottn at•ttutd,,ated tti hoar t u Ilt•ttte entertaittin,r. such optttions uo Opt sub. ttt •la, ere. T 11,• . 1 11e•11,11 ha. I bran 11l 111:11If/rtr emn.outlr tteettttling n S , not.tr r , prustutillg ~ f tlm St, erett.. , ,a mates i.t the t•oniederwy yin ttt Mr. V'el'ar the Kart.tt= 11111 and all pr..itt,ted mitettlott•td, t., tilt Terrtt,4l,4. .1 01011 11..ij”urne,I. • . The 110,e ja,....e.1 a Lill rathori.ling the Pro, lent t.• cause t.) be deli‘ered, at the expense .$f 1111.2.1 Scat , , ':/th and New Mexico, midi .ra!• a- !Lev are ent.tled tiler the ext.tiog h.il t,tahltAinLl to.. addtt,nal land o .- tabled by t,,janty. f f•r tho of the tale Kun,l .h.• the I h;•m, with th.- Topek.. C. , t,titutiou. a, re ...r14 , 1 from the I . ,toulittee lerrttortek, Was eon i Nir ter r. argm , l that the people made thb re 1.• , t. :II • rder t tel,e,.• them tr,m, tyratmioal and Trllll., inc.,A , •.l n -1..n1 bartnnuy 1 , r...:n1 Ll 4 prt•ferell., T ,, ,a111,A . 1 , 111. I M. I . lr.Prt • tyrt, ft , . II .11-r. 11111 ipll,l it Qeut the It I ~1 I .• 1 !•• tai.l“l. ! •l' 1 , t •••• •01, ,r 1 C. 1.11,111. nu A rl.ll al ni qttr hrr As.g I I. ..,i.~.~r/'... , $. C:11 k ort h v t0•••,..S • Nel•L.3t.• 11-I,IIIIIW three •• ••••:111•• • • 1.•1•1 • %.•lent: kl• •A1••.1g-t•••t .Mr. NI•tr••) . ,• ••.. r•.I • It ••• •t4411••••.•I that Nfr I .•'• 1..••,r• • 1.• •••11.:••tint.• 111,1- • • the C•ntr,l :••••• •• ..1.•••• , C,••• Ii MIME= th:II :I' t.I: ,11 of Mr vil vst elf !y Ifffun CrAffspl, ELME= 1 \l••.r thithsll:f n to., .11.1 eltlh. faro 1.11i1.,“• or top1:004 - 1. .71 •i mil..rtant pr iy the exle,,ion To, nr:lt.l . l , l:'. The ert-al ' I •it. !, .• gt rlts 01,1 ‘ll,, lIIIIIIII= u1..,1111,t0 .1, publicau linUfi. nllun :Ilerliuga 1 , it ~.. I r.• Lc Po•puid.o•nns lazt . •.! • r ,r. 1...1ie I. I , lc. rrlu<ct at In June 2.5 —Thu rect•ii,Ll Itt•eve3 were :LAO ..• t %coin Aso . Shcri, ail Limbo r 77.002; s w i n e loon • moo: km;n. The lusrktt Luc Beeves WO, 1. 'lll'l 1 • ..ni or lui; to au incristscl 'imply caused by the ui II wa: i i. ,c: hist ncek. The p:ucs "taiga hum to 11 for n L0t . ,.,,u nic ; I l l) it, the sleruc. zoisl 'LS usual for nit! . . be ; CO NI3 $30q70. hrni A,Hr , were tiel,cre, I ,Ir. 1.‘,;i,-r. .Mr \\n\ no. Mr. MeV el.:. ,1 •n num No Fu.lon , Detn..eratie U°.- lice rhav vt e'm Holland Bitters is o. its . • !,,,rl,l, The :4"1:, curio .ulFuitnte for brandy. It contain= • I t..r te z i,d), 11 - 11 . w:10, la , ter related, and merely rqdll. - lend spurt t.• pre/em it. 11e offer It to th. -ed e•olVelllioll,. Wet:1111Z at OW ,11110 pnl.lt; simply as a It-tardy which can Le depended upon, too; , i•i I 110 0. rel•re , ent the two erga- w„>lease%of Dyapep,,ia, Headache end Indigestion, It ail c•trua .‘ excellent rvn.Nly for the many nupleaaant et Ir. d..s attyteling a ettanee of climate and water. Su Inntr ce. Brooks CTION :—To prevent ltugsmitlon, be caraful to usk for W.,ulNt:los. June Thu genii.l ,lury to-day lkerhare's Holland Hitters. pe•uoted Brooto for 1,,,A01t at,.l Lottery on ;1 4 umner. The latter appintred bi.li,re that liody and gave his cm_ Sold at $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5, by the pro BENJAMIN PAU 6, JR. A CO., Manufacturing le,titoony. ! Pleutnaceutists and Cherd4ts, Pltteburgh, Pa.: H. E. SEls- Municipal Election I% Norfolk VIL, June 25.-- Thu inutiniipid eleeticin, ti•uteriiiiy, reunited in the Alll.l - ICIIII. Carrying their Inn nnitiirity. Jibe May, curl F erguson •-• F t • .rtto F rt PITTSBURGH BOARD OF 'TRApitr. Amu MERCHANTS' EXCHANGE. President. WILMARTH. nu Presidents. GEO. W CA69 T. S. CLARKR, JOHN S. COSCI It A TB, 11EN RY LAMBERT, FLOUR ...Tbe sides to-day foot up 31 bblx ,as follows: 20 bids. extra from store at $5,55 ; 44 bids. superfine from do. at $5; 10611 x. superfine from store at $5,25; 100 bldg. extra from do. at $5,02L6_ 4 : 25 bbls. extra !met store at $5.75; 3$ lAA, superfine fronMagon at 81.80; 20 bbls. do. from wagon at $4.75. GRAIN...SaIes 150 bus. Rye from store at 48c. tol,ABSKS...Sales 10 obis. Sugar.llousts at 59c. WHISK Y...Fales 150 1.1,11, rcelltbsl at •21:.. HiltdC.,N....llark.% active , : sake 95 ,O) tbs., as fellows: the. s k. t o,kcs at eic., cash; 9100 tbs. shoulders. sides and 1....+ 114 1 4 ;r“1,001 Jr..yidslit 40, 2 ; 10,110 %hoill.l-1 , at ,' and Itt.oott its. Name at 1031,.. 100 u the. hut, at Ito a , I:Loott the..ll-111.1., at a ti,irts dap. 11l Lk NI EAT. Sisk+ UI bids So I Lard at taw., cash; and 1 buds. .1., at , nit.• The Milwaukee I /Serif,. o, .Li ne 4.. says " There has lawn some eV neaten( created awning fantlncers by the appear• inner of numerous buyers from Eastern houses, which has led them to look for 3 to F.r, advance on last year's prices. tiny oldest dealers refiner to yield to these demands, and trade has not been pushed alnea.l as fast as the excellent shearing weather would seem to indicate. The wool sold the past week has been in small lots, and in pito poor au:Within. We anticipate that ninny of the largest clips will be picked op at extraracant prices by traveling buyers and agents. The tlialStititlon anteing dealers nn to allow from 2 to 3c. ad vance on last season's priees quote unwashed at ISI6O roma,. 2:.(0..27c. half blood 27,42.5 c; three-quarters ; full bla.d 31(d.3.3c, and choice selected Merino 34n These prices are only for (lean wool, and when full of dirt and grease the proper deduction is insisted upon by buy err Foote ..f the best ,A:pe of this ruuuty have sold this pant week nit 304:;2c." The Cleveland Plaind,L , r, top L, save: The shearing, sea ,un in now passing: the receipts of the new clip may be ex pected to occur very soon. A brisk trade is indicated herr I y the arrival of unite a number of Eastern buyers, who though they make rai•untioni into different portions of the mate, make Cleveland their head quartets. Vitt, ls, doubt -1,4s the best market for farmers: the competitkm between buyers bsing active, and sulli , ient to itiAnre the best going •• We 1111, ,, Ito reported sales as yet. lint fits a e‘,llll - of views. believe that the following range of prices can relied ini as correct. fur the present : nuns in to quarter blood, In lb.. ' , 50,30 cents. 11 ,1 3.31 - airib •• 'Chris quarter , iig„:t; • • Fill: hii.sl 3stts4o •• Fatii•y• 4.ilta i3O " 4 th.Me tiglll , l. N • ..311 • atially may that I %••I tar, '(a•.l whit It luta laten twoal and du., whir It are pet (mot tly w.tale .1 and cleattNet: •.t itiptirits, will ei•minattilat tat the IttaAtt quo- The lietroit riesefiier says that at the date of itn AA! review •• the, wore quits a minds, of wool buyers East in the market, w ha ie since that time re ',nod Ono holm., u lock porehased quite largely :.siar. has also gone out of the markets Others, buying p. Eastern ordels, hare had voile of their orders coun t- to,eled. and there Norms to lie a general disposition an the loot id East, u nom ufortorer, to keep out of the mar k I as inu, h keisiolsle tor the present. tine buyer, who has rips for sill worth id wool, in limited to 3.5e. , r , lb. f d the Lent wads, uith IweOlive ordent onleer', wools are t o bi I...tight at from 25 to th. not to laty. Other buyers think priers will range shout the name as last year. from t - The rreeipt9 for the past week do not reach r Ids. This has lain rereivisi in small lots, met otly in nailer bail order. A few lots of blood bare le en taken, for whith 3:fins:Wis. was paid. Most of the lots liameser, hire heel, sold at ender 30p.- kw a grssi expiirt and hdrne ti ode demand for f,tinnVin and m.dinm izrai.l , -K .1 Fleur. and sir , .0.4,41 at 5..10 amts higher; enlra 15,04' bhl.+ at ta , triad State, and zlifsaA•n,4 , i for at , 1 , d.,, tArly in thi , inferior told is low as van), into pi for I.,ornttn,ti c .al Indiana, Illinois. 11'it , nein an ti fer ci.mna. , ii to gusal extra 71 i s for e,anin.in ti• n.ael and S474tif 9 ;;•• ier • s the market doling batyant, with agi.es.l . le•rt aml trade demand, and tome ipplolative I nearly :Liss. did. ria• exln , rt, including extra Ohio =date at priria within the rank, For Fouthern Fkint • , A d em:en d and the market it armor. . sales ~, 1 , 1- at fi•r • “111,11011 t l . l Slll/. 1 11 ' 11,', $1 1 .1.1 1 , I. 13 1 11, an extra :slides fin , . I• 1•1,. Rye Flat at i'dk, i.e . nue opal sats•rrii.•• Meal •teatl,!,; Sall, 1 1 ,1 .•(haudaull,,, at $3.15 -I - inter. , Wheat Digo Ind dye. ami prii hole a •11,stino 1,111,116 y. x }ille ttwii , tat g,•••1 anal phut ,, parcel', at plant i 1 twides Ile .1.1 i,.. t Ire-o !AI , ht - k 1,.`• 1-----.••,.: - 14,1, 1.1t,. ,111 ClOOl, ~ilsl 01 t.• 1 1 1 - 11.' 1 . 1 1.. :1.4 • •si xmtr r and swing =MO the le!! thither =IEEE k— t A ,Alk rt. 11111, ok. t.a ily , tire, I. - 'rl 1 , •Akirk I. 41 I pr • - t• rol rii , r - A nr•1; it ir • ir• 1- i, unntr-.1 I.r liormAk•r ; k•kn/ 1 - k• 1 r tot l'Anna. rink! \Suck , . f r Arr s•ir..l :Ant n: ,All- 1 •1•• kin, ration _ %••rs Ark•l ro• - ropts I taot liark,•• in an! the .lortornkt t. .nr•••• it lit, Fittr.lrol , At I.kor tri for klisrilltrAirAtot tAr • orrizoon t.,gook' nrks. l . l St ' 51 ' 11,1 11111 1 1 1 111 ' 1.1- ' l ' ,L .r vr•llrork. 1111e , I and .Litt: Skiin to nro•lrrati rtAinerit Ar I IA h I MEI =MEM I‘,l I irjur t f Mr .. . . . , ' ,ft 1., St ~t,. and .;,,,• :AM r.AA 111 w, 1111.1 pl ISA An. nt :V ~..41. Ii I rrncd 1.8..1, at ;....1 l', - I‘. ,outmu.." to advance a itll II I t : .I..:‘,Alid . Itudiy r.r 13111 n, • rrntrar N. +aka 1-1 , 10 1,1,1, al • :. 7 1 .ragrr.:.d/ for Mean. il7, A 17;2:. 11. r ;Atria., .Meac. and ,:r 7 I prturc ilta , fir co and in good dcznand 1 atlc• 11dron /I.' KA $7.2, 1 a , c , lor ruuntry prinud. $.49,7a1 (or country . m..• Ir.l N. 7;... 12 for r.• p.+ krarl Nimv , Lurd I,l,ter , ~.,,i,.. :•,.; I 1.. At 11' 4 '. 12. ‘l...mr, I.t, y'lt‘t Butt,' and Ch,-..., .i. 1A.,.11.r.1t.• •1.-utial,.l n ill, I.; ,1,144, in 01011. , 'aat 1:1:1. naja•rtin.: nt 1111i1 loot tatrrel. at 1..1 s•t' !.) I. -t:t..•11 , 1), Uu flit fin,' and I.ltat t•t :-.:raletnatoi V 144 ,•1 , 1 I, 11 It .•1/ pr:, tetrinn. a atemll dantaral for attiplt ity tt.olo at fr. kV.: a. quaint, Cora that mitet and arm. will, *mall lobo it:: it N't 'wt., in in bout, .I.Latatal: ialtta :toll Lao in jr: ma S..trtla•rn aml Penna. rant at „tt 1::. 1 :41. la. - la:ling la:: I,n. ..1 whit,: at $1.2.f..tat,1.at. Ityr loett:o: aalas of 2000 tot • I rt:nu. at m 64.4)1 , .. 31141 .04110 small Into ntittat nt ;:tat C. rll 1110, It'll, Inns :loarer; tott I.a. South:Ill t:tlitatt at L't alLat Itto P•mtla , 14 4 • Ltl,l .t , Lf .L1111344...1 at Iflat IT. (Int. Rtratlit: 1•.1. AtGil, lot Itel.ttk att:l 34,a if: tor vania • rroc tat , ,: t rtptioto a ad.an:ttng; tires I'ork i. r a S2O. ‘V/111.1, - ) lattzwe:l: salto iu bltts nt 310532 • n. tur.nti it itirti•te. unit titotritto u 4.0, ,al.•. 1,6 I• nr I. :a 1 , it, t•t aako 1 ,4, la, 41 :I:4,:ta. ........ 4 4 , 1.1. '.!.1 and fruit I yea fit un (4'111701d 1,11,!,t !,, W. 1.. NI lat , t ev,.aing ~t .ar , mill, 1.• .1” •at ",:t, v,lll,out excepta.a. ~•• 1 • 1 t..1 , 3t,(1 a lark vt 11/L, nil Hamitia . .l .... tia art - tor) n in at tall pr u,. MENEM commEnefis - d - ,. Tr✓AS.rrer. N. HOLMES, JR- Secretary. JAMES P. BARB.. Sulwrinfrmient. S T. NORTHAM. JR. anntift , e of A rin/ralum for Jung OEO. W. CASS, V. P. JAMES O'HARA THOMAS BELL. PITTSBURGH MARKETS OFLOCX or TOE DAILY MOWING POST , Wollnenday. Juno 25, 56. The Wool Trade Wool Trach. In the Interior New York Market Philadelphia Market - Cisacinnutl ,Inrket New York Pattie Markel Ness' Orleans Market. v‘s .1 Balvs Cotton to-day we], at 10, 9 -11 cent. LE/1S d 0)., corner of ii,coud and Wood strovts ; and Dr, giata golle,rll3lY. t1.24:11r Qc(yrctißOTTOM LAND FOR COl'N -I,j TRY SEATS AND GARDENING Pt It POS ES. AT PI 111.11' SALE.—liii THI:IISDAY, June 2dltr, at 3 ohock. welt be sold on tics primes_a that very valuable and hand -iniely loi at. d vice, of ground, containing over tilly.fli 0 1, , s. ,ltlll.t..ii on the North side of the NlonotigaLela river, iLi 1'i0..11, township, :dealt thii nail a half miles front the city Thu stove elti.r It hies tern subdiviiiiii into lots of from Le,. to tea acres. to Mitt purelimers. comprising part of the . ii.1,,-st of the w ell known Scotch Bothilli traet, lying br te.. it the Bradlock•ti Field Plank Road and the Moninign ieda t tver adj.iming lands ot the late James Ross. and Iscing 'art of tire 3115,11 . Estate. This haul la tent under cultivation, every foot of it arable and of the very best quality for gardening purposes. and most desirable as IllteS lot Country Residences, delightfulls ',wilted on the hank of the Monongahela. wiihin a be' lia 0 o t.tei role of the centre ot business over a good road. To gent !eaten seeking a beautiful secluded count ry hones eri, •-i iii.. iesa. or Gard , tiers, a warm and fertile aril so convent ot to market, Di, more favorable opportunity could Le af tordeil. P at. ,an be obtained at the office of NI. Swartzwelder, Goa . 1.1.:1 hour th street, or at the corner of IVisod and Fifth -treets. T . ,' .. indisputable. Terms, one fifth Llish, balance in five equal annual.' payments, secnred by bend and mortgage on Cohe localises, with i• tcreilt payable semi-anal:ally. I N 11.—omnilinties will leave the corner of Grant and i 1 oui ili streets at 21, 2 o'clock. P. AL, on day if sale, to con . i..., persons desirous of purchasing, to the ground. i jeli I'. 51. DAVIS, Auctioneer. 1 IBRICR DWELLING HOUSES, STORE I 110051 AND LOT AT AUCTION . On TIII:ItS i DA V evening. Jnno 26, at S o'clock, at the 51erckiants' Ex dainge, will be sold, that valuable Lot of Groun Street, .d. situat la n e u 1 the ,notab eaat corner of Smithfield and Second situ a t e -i n ing a front of 40 feet on Smithfield street, and extending lack along Second street 130 feet., on which are erected tw., spacious, well.finisheil three story brick Dwelling Houses. I with store room, which is considered among the beet stanch for tisllicial on that stree • t li ia further particula t rs+ call on Messrs. B. 11.1'Lain A on G EO. BLNIGHASi &CO.—TRA_NSPORT. A '. Real Estate Agent", Fourth street. P. iliac gout!. Tot ma at sale. 51 . DAVIS, . TICS LINE—Vie PENNA. CANAL Auctioneer and RAILROAD.—Tho aubscribera are p h 2u delphia, Baltimore, or New York, via the State Works. _ . - pared to ship - FORTY TONS OF PRODUCE D AIL to e tie , ELAST IC - p.x o T ls E E N 6. _T Etgi,:er.r,, UM pity particular attention to Way Freights between , le call :””19.anno , a new ankh of sacking fir all parts of Pittsburgh and JUlaigaWil. Baring a DAILY LINE OF steam engines, wimps, Ac., when soft packing Is resmirtd FIRST CLASS PENNSYLVANIA CANAL BOATS, we hope The advantages of this article are: great durability, saving t . 1e...b1e L. ud ethers PA Cik i nt l e N r e?t , d F ?r il e incite d -FNr They resider entire ixtrisfaction. id tallow, reduction of friction, eonseoliently vivito.? of power. GEO. BINGHAM A-GO., ft .1., nri , ',qui, to he niken 04a nj the stujiing I..rez, but, rii.ll:llm Canal Basin. Liberty st. Ise.res packed in a cone, the packing ill allidllallV .V11131.1111C41, tin:- s, mg time end material. Specimens of - the various 11 11 1)0 LL F ''' ' - AY's— -I—Building Lots for Sale.—Four gumd building lots situated - in Allegheny sins stn} he seen at W. S. HAVEN'S Stationery Warehouse, ySI Market ear, corner of Second . at the low price of $175 each, $5O in lutod, remainder at . .City, near the outer depot, will be sold sepamtrly or together . . oue and two years. &millet has a front of 24 feet and a6O VI lc ff-15.e.es prime Carolina Rice, in feet atreot, by inn deep to a 24 feet they. Call and see the RICE-15 store and for sale by plan. S. GIMEIMMT do SON, MILLER A ItIeIiETSON. .le/9 Seal Estate e t,ganla, 61 Market at. 11111911111111 RIVER NEW S 7. - - • Tug itrvcx.—There were 4 font Inch water in the at dawk lost eve ing by h::'o.-"'"k''sld lYh .d w , vnrW r4nl:r4durT7 day,v hadccou thetlo.pheean: daring ontdo u r operetwits more pletwant. Boalikla si.the wharf was ext.], ~,,,,, dull, only ono steamer departed fur Cincinnati, and tn. arrivals (rum that port, ilia steamers Argonaut " and Motrapalia." Till: steamer "Orb." Onpt G. D. MOore r Ix tho regular packet for Wheoling this morning—leaving at 10 o'clock THE steamer "Iowa" was towed up Licking river where she will await a rise of water. The steamer "Clara Dean" left Cincinnati, on Monday, for Pittsburgh, and the um} seer" had arrived at that port. Toe fine steamer "Clifton," Cupt. Thos. Poe, will leave this evvuing. at 4 o'clock, for Louisville. She has superior accommodations for passengers, and these wishing to make a pleasant nip to the Falls City should nut fail to give her an early call. THE tine steamer " Minerva " was detained yesterday, owing to the great pressure of business. We were Informed by Capt. John Gordon and his polite clerk, Mr. Johnston, that she will leave this ruoruing, at 10 o'clock, for Cincin nati, without fall. Svcanta Snn.—The light draught steamer "Lucie May" was sold yesterday to the owners of the "Metropolitan" for 517,000 cash, and is intended for tlio Lipper Mississippi trade. She is now tranofering her load for Louisville to the steamer "Clifton." The -Lucie" w.ll commence to freight for St. Paul. Mr. U. K. Hazlett is expected hereon Saturday, when due notice will be given of her departure for the river of bridges. CAPT. J. J. ROBINSON'S new steamboat hull arrived on Tuesday evening from Graham t Co.'s ship yard, Freedom. She was launched with her cabin on. She draws only 9 inches forward and 8 inches aft, and measures 158 feet In length un deck; 32 feet beam, and 4N feet depth of hold. cau _say, as far as our own knowledge extends and that of hats of experienced mechanics, that the workmanship on this new hull will vie with any thing of the kind that ha' ever been landed'at our wharf. THE Nov Orleans Le Cberier do la Louaiane, of June 18th, says The steamer Swan left Shreveport on the 13th feet- Re ports t n boat in port for New Orleans—no tine from Upper Ited River—four feet water on the Falls and falling—the riv er telling fast all the way down—passed steamer Lone Star at Tucker's bar. THE St. lad Io Denancrat, of the 24th inst., says: Toe river opposite is on a stand. with a good stage of water to Cairo. There is a good stage also to bookuk. The Illi nois is , low that several buds have been compelled to with draw. The Tropic has conic down, having had some trouble with the bars, and another boat will take her place. The NUnsouri is on a stand, or falling slowly. T ermos the kindness of the Adams Express Company we are in receipt of papers iu advance of the mail. From one of them (the Louisville Courirr of the 24th) we take the The river Wite talliflg yesterday, with but threw flint ten Incbeit water in the canal. by the mark. At ebufflotown hir, the %boxiest point on the river, there were no boats etin.l. The J. S. Pringle. that had been tlefait.ed below the r Intr. voccetele..l iu getting over un the l.tte &well, Lied er r,e4 yeeierilay. of the 2.511.1 Ear The Cumberland rivor was falling on Saturday, with risen Ly inches on the Shoals. hyltur to the continued low water. freiehts continue firm at the fullu% lug figures, with nurlerats oaeriu7s: Puzsburgh nod Tl7wcing--Whisky and 0,1, 100 c. It bid Pork, Stu.; Flour. 60c.; Molasees lard, 11.tenn ' Sagr.r, and Grain, 34.10. V 100; Wool 40c. tOO; $l,OO l O bale. St. Louis—Dry Goods, 50c.; Beery Freights, 40c. V cwt.; Whi,ky it! - 6 hid Nrto Or/Am-I—Flour $1,0: Whisky $1.75; Oil $1,75; Pound Freight 60c.(4,5r ut.: nse.on 50c. %t 100. Pork $.1;25. Sas/wino—Whisky and bbl.; Ale $1,81 . 3.c.; hit Freight 75,..,.:51 V cwt. ea:dn Passengers $l5. Iraboxli and Arkitss.l4...No boats loading. PORT OP PITTSBURGH =E=EI ARRIVED. Steamer Nebraska, Dears, NPKeeeport. Venture, holes Steubenville. .• Tigress, Beret, Wellsville. •• nrn, Moore. WhAeling. .• Knroz. Cincinnati. •• Argonaut. Xl'Lane, Cincinnati . DEPARTED. Steamer Nebraska, Bears, ,WEeesport. lierst Wellsville. '• Yen ture;•l3olee, Steubenville. •• Rosalie, Doyle, Wheeling. •• Reliance, Doyle, ‘Vheeling. •• Dunleith. Beltehoover, Cincinnati STEAM BOAT' WHEELING, &c. Pittsburgh, Steubenville and Wheeling Th, R./SALI PI, Capt. U. larri.E. and th. RB. Capt. GEohAiY. B. .liloaaE. will man . MD - A:LAIL DAILY PACKETS betw,a.n Pill • !.,1, .11,11111, mai sulpping at all int...nut. a. The DIURNAL will leas, Pittsburgh on Mondays, Wed nesduya .111 It ..lab e. at 10 o'clock, A. M.—ltztruncrtatn. she will leave AVbeetinii. ~n Tuesday, Thursdays and Saturdays, at :it', o'clock.' A. M.. The FOREST CITY will also leave Pittsburgh nn Tuesdays, Tlairislaya and Saturdays, at 10 oclock, A. 3L—RartimiLim, she will leave ‘Wheelin,..... on Mondays., Wedneedays and ...rt.. days, at 71. i o'clock, A. M. For ft...wilt or itinleaire apply on board, or to J. D. COLLINOWOOD, Agent, Jelt; No. lbs Front street. Regular Packet for Marietta, Parkers burg. Itocklugport, Pomeroy, Point Pleasant and Galipolts. -Zr,?Tbe 1101,, and vary light draught steamer CILARLF.S AVERY, Capt. W. P. TOII.ANCE, will hoer for the above and Intermediate ports cicry FRIDAY. nibP. AL For freight or passage apply on board. jel9 West N CS'S' ton—Regnlar Packet. Regular Dailey Packet for West Newton, in . 1 .. d. connection with the Connelsville The excellent and very light draught steemer KIIItASK A. Capt. C. It.R, will leave DAILY (except. I.lln day) tor West Newton. in connection with Conuelville /tail rw! Pds.cincers and Shippers will apply on board or at the Weed Newton Wharfhoat. jer The steamer ST. LAWRENCE. Captain l A O,I.4DUNLAI . ,-1:1P1 . k. J. Lti,Viltli will leave I the above and internieilisr , ports on rut; 6: at 10 ..'cloek. A. M. r freight of passage apply tat board or At the :: lit MARINE ASSOCIATION 11.00315, No. Si W. For Cincinnati andLonleville The steamer cLre'roN, Capt. MO& Pot -4 Clerk, M`CLOSlitt —Still leave for the abore and intermediate ports on THURSDAY, Juno f.'et .tt. 4 e'..l,s-k For freight passage apply on hoard, or at dm PITTS. ItUROII NI A RINN. ASSOCIATION 11.00.115, No. S 3 Water •Ueet. jti:27 For The steamer 3. R. CARSON, Captain D. Z.. Bateaux—Cie, k, 8.. Batearite.-wal leave for the above and intermediate ports on TIIDIIS DitJuue 26tb, at 10 A. Ai. For freight or passage apply on hoard, or at the PFFTS RC ItG MARINE ASSOCIATION ROOMS, No. 82 'Water straw. .026 The steamer SAM YOUNG, Captain B. C. Onar---Allerk. J. A. hokum, Jr. will leave for the above and intermediate ports on TRIMS- I,A •26th, at 1.0 o'clock A M. . . Ft.r freight or pasaage apply ott board, or at the PITT' 1W 1W II MA KIN E ASSOCIATION ItoONIS., No. 12 Watt je::o The new light draught steamer I.IN - 1 - lII.VA. Copt. JOIIN Oospos; Clerk, JoEsap , s—will leave for the 11 bOVO and intermediate ports et 12 .'duck Tilis DAY. / 1 , ,r freight or passage apply on board. or at the PITTS BURGH MARINE "ASSOCIATION ROOMS, No. 82 Water street.Je23 --- T EMON & CO.-TRANSPORTATION IA Id NX. Having made extensive p parations this winter, we are now pre pared to do n HEAVY BUSINESS by PELVSYL, N A t......i.NA1t and RAILROAD, TIIROUGH TO AND FROM THE't lizr- Ewi CITIES. We can assure our friends and all those disposed to palmnize the Perna. Canal sit road. I tint no imam ail l be spared to render general ea action to Ship pers of Eastern and Western Freight. AVOIDANCE .51 , TUC INCLINED PLANES ON THE ALLSZII.ILNY Pt iIiTAGE RAILROAD till give increased despatch to the transmission of freight.' • Office on PENN street, at the Canal Basin. YD a LEMON. mhl4 LLO QTEAMER PAUL JONES FOliT sA - I:7 1 ,) The undersigned offer for sale, the Sne ,tenor PAUL. JONES, as site now Las ut the r l o tt i altot f, at Pit tsburgh. Tie PN UI. JOIN ES is ono year and four months old—' knot! Ido feet, beam 35 feet., held 64 feet. two engines, cilioders 23 inches in diameter, 7 teat stroke. She is In complete order and well found in all respects. The cabin is ,d . tht indet approved style, and fitted up in thercant elegant mum,. Tlie PAUL JONES will be sold on the following terms:— say one-fifth cash. balance 4,8, I 2 and lb months, with in terest and approved security. If said boat is not sold at private sale before the Ist day of July next, she will be of fered st public auction, and sold on that day. A ny person having claims against the PACL JONES, will t,,a - nrt them to the undersigned for settlement along with the balance of the claims, as soo CA n as DWE said boat is sold. W. A. LLLO ~,........ MARK STERLING -I ``•“'"eeg- yI ER'S TRANSPORTATION Anticipating the want of facdities fo transporting Freights to and from the Pro Cites, via Pennsylvania Canal and Bruirirads, we have our stock of Boats, &c., on same, to a DOUBLE Da iI.V I.lliE, which givea us a capacity of over 1600 tone per month each way. assure Our friends, and those disposed to patronise the State improvements, there will Le nothing spared on our part to render general satisfaction in forwarding Eastern and Western Freights with promptitude and dispatch. BIER & MITOILELL, Canal Basin, Pittsburgh, Pa. V'et =Nmi SAINT LOUIS, &c. For St. Louis CINCINNATI Poi Cincinuiii For Cincinnati ..„,,, , , , e....-1 , ' ' .:!,:=''''' fi INtr '‘*fr. INVIGORATING .0011:i:414a PIIRIVOMEaVOIT Health Restored *And (elfin ilLtengyheyeed fit NNE'S INIIIGORATEVG I.peril, replace ireaknells Atithstrength, v.it.ll efficiency, irregularity with.tniffirin*id natural activity, and this not only wifileut harfinftif iine tin, but with a happy effect nu the general eirganficathiti. Bear in mind that all maladies, wherever die' gni.), with the nervous system, and that the perailratifiti of the nerve of motion and sensation In pliyeicar death." Dear in weed, else, that ter every kind of nervous disee, the yfiisit Cordial is the wily reliable preparation heww u. CCitit Otr NI:111111n tiltillASES. No touguage ten convey au atequirte idea of the frame& ate 1,11 dhhhi 11. L h:4 ` 4l hud it occasions in the di `trcel broken down by erce,,e, ettoe systien, whether by ~it k riess—the anal - nog and reltLX. s . -.Z4 impaired lon 4.44 pncu braced, revivified and built up. The '".titt ' fl e A l v i mka symptoms of IlerTollB disease ranlah LOgallU Nor is the effect temporary; for thoOordial ' e l f ' ' ' tle medicine reach the coinfiltrition itself, an d r to its normal condition. LOSS OF ALEhIO.II.I, • • Confusion, giddiness, rub of blood to the bead, mebancholy, dobility, hysteria, wretchedness, thoughts of self-destruction —fear of insanity, dyspepsia, general prostration, irritabilr ty, nervousness, inability to sleep, disease incident to males, decay of the propagating functions, hysteria, monomania, vague terrors, palpitation of the heart, impotency, constipa tion, etc., from whatever causes arising is, if there be any reliance to be placed on lumen testituouy, absolutely it al.' lible A GREAT MEDICINE FOR FEMALE& The unparal effects of this great restorative- in- all complaints incident to females, mark a new era in the annals of medicine. Thousands of stimulants hare been itrrentod— thousands of iuvigorants concocted—all purporting to be specified in the various diseases and derangements , to which the delicate formation of woman render her liable. . EVERY WOMAN OP SENSE, Who gaffers from weakness, derangement, nervousness, tre mors, pains in the back, or any other disorder, whether pt. culler to her sex, or common to both seise—ehould give the Invigorating Cordial a trial. MARRILT) PEI:EONS, . • Or others, will find this Cordial, after they have used a bot tle or two, a thorough regenerator of the system. In all directions are to be found the happy parents; of healthy off spring, who would not }hive been as but fir this extraordi nary preparation. And it is equally potent far the many diseatee for which it is :I:commended. Thousandstif young men have hem regtoret by using it, and not in a single in stance has it faired to benefit them. pEnsozis uF PALL COMPLEXION, Or consumptive halite, are restored by the use of a bottle or two to bloom and vigor, ditinging the skin from a pale, lel low, sickly color, to a lecauttful florid complexion. • TO TB SI MISGUIDED. • These arc some the sad and melencholyeffecta 'produced by y habits of youth, viz: weakness ofitho back and limb~, paths in the bead, dimness of sight, loot of muscular power, palpitation of the heart, dyspepsia, nervous Irrita i dor.ingrount of the digestive Inactions, general de bility, symptems of conaumptione, eta. Ilcutsty, the fearful effects oh the mind ere ma-to be dreaded. Lose of memory, confusion of ideas, deptioskin of spirits evil forebodings, aversion to society,:iielf-dheittat I•vo oisolitude, timidity, etc., are some of the evils produced All thus afflicted, ' BEFORE CONTEMPLATING MARRIAGE, Should reflect that a snood mind and body my the most ne c,isary requisites to promote connubial hapfinese; indeed, without these, the Journey. through life becomes a weary itgrlmage---tbe prospectifourly darkens the view; the mind b-comes shiolowel with despair, and filled with the melee. chuly reflection that the happiness of another becomes blighted with your cuss CAUTION I Dr. Morse's Invigorating Cordial has been counterfeited by some unprincipled persons. In future, all the genuine Cordial will hare the proprietor's (lei-lulle pasted over the cork Cl each bottles, and the follow ing words blown in the glass: Dr. Illoriesi invigorating Cordial. C. li. RING, Proprietor, N. Y. The Cordial is put up, highly concentrated, in pint bottles —price three dollars par bottle, two for five dollars, six for twelve dollars. C. 11. Proprietor, 192 Broadway, N. Y Bold by Druggists throughout the United States, Canada and the West Indies. AGENTS - - Pittsburgh Da. CEO. FL KEYSER, N 0.140 Wooded- FLEMING BROS, No. SO Wood strait; IL E. SELLERS, Wood street. Allegheny City...BECKIIA.O & M'KRNNAN; JAMES T. SAMPLE 8 CO.; • J. P. FLEMINO. Agent for 0h10...J. D. PARE, CiorionMi. fapilidasrly A A CARD TO TriE LADIES.— DR_ DUPONCLYS GOLDEN MONTHLY PILLS FOR , =4-I. FEMALES. The combination of ingredients in Dr. Dupon• 4,-24 co's ilohlen Pills, are perfectly harmless. They have been ...- ii.vt 11/ rho private practice of old Dr. Duponco for over 30 . --'''' ` ,l " years, and thousands of ladies can testify to their great and .. 14 - li. , oik' ..." --, , Z . .litti neierfailing success in almost every case, in correcting " T'`- 4 '' -s4 irrigularinea, relieving painful and thetiessing =mania-. ...1, .44 tip n, particularly at the change of life. Froth oto 10 Pills " _ will cure that common yet dreadful disease, the Whites. '' el-,i.1, 0 1 , N. ally eery lady in the land suffers from that complaint -4.4. ~1 The shove pill has permanently cured thousands, and Will 'i,..4',..: - . .:are yon if yon use them. They cannot harm yon—pn the :ye, 5 ,,,,V,,„'/..' it- r coet tar), they rethove all obstructions , restore nature to ifir,ci , \'... 4 7i', F1?,...'5.:6Ayjf el pt ,Isar channel, and invigorate the whole system. ;liitriiii,: : ""`ro 4 ..el Who.• health will - not permit an increase of family, wilt find ... ~ Y,,,,4,,.., ; these Pills a successful preventive. Far particulars see di;' y i, , , ,, ,,, 7.e„ .. ...A , ructions on the box. Price sl—and will tie sent to ladles ,•-.- ie - ~. , ~ ,i ` ea I , i,,koi l aily, by mail, by enclosing gl to either of the Col- : ' l ,.iti , it lowieg agents:..-',-lir Sold by SA.IIPLE it REED, S. aura] Agents for Allegheny City - , FULTON'S Drug Store llinningham, JOHN P. SCOTT, and bS.W. A. G 11,131,N FEN , SEY 8 CA 1, No. 4.3, Fifth street, ~,,i, ' opposite the Theatre, Pittsburgh, who will supply dealers at ~;.,. , l i:. proprietor's prices. Sold by all Druggists in the city and United States. apr'2lßnadap VA - j - V, - ',..;.' ....,,, v!' - • - *'..l '1: , i ',.;•.-, , ---,' l t - .?„“ ..• . v - -. 1 •••, 4....:, . -.. r ., 1 .... ~..•--- • - '. 4 ... 4 _. '....., Le, • ''' i .• ,14 et - `,..i A. y. il- ;.. , A , ~.. , ' l '3 • :t i 1 , l;••` 'f.. e '4' • '2,:,,,'" , ' . 14. i r ? ,r.. irligri , 2' , i ~ . rsii,t,- k 7-114, i ~ , A • •. " , .....Ax - -;•'I' ' ~;,'.f: ....., 2:-...4 1 -` e.t<o.',.'" --if•t3 • ~.;.t., , a . • -'!, ::- 2Z.„' ! )P . '" , ~-:: ...'A - -....,...1 .. 0 ' '''• '' SANDS' SARSAPARILLA. , IN QUART - BOTTLES. Fur the R enural and Permanent (hire of all Diteam alirtHn9 from an impure .Wite . of the Blood, or 1111144 the System. This truly valuable preparation is extracted from soloctetll roots of the finest description, by mijans of an expensive and powerful apparatus. which obtains the medicinal and active principle in n highly concentrated form, no sciethifically coms. biting the severed vegetable products in the process that a compound extract of :sarsaparilla is obtained infinitely sup.. riot' to any other for purifying the blood, and the care of Scrofula, Salt Rheum, Ulcers, Fever, Sort., Pimples, Dolls, Cutaneous Erfiptions, Rheumatism. Mercurial diseases, Liver Complaint, Dyspepsia, Bronchitis. Corannuption, Female Jr. regularities, Loss of Appetite, and General Debility, This powerful remedial agent nets simultaneouslyhpon the Stomach. the Circulation and the Bowels, and gently fitlinn lates, while it disengage. and expels from the system all that is irritating and prejudicial to bodily health. Being #o;*.ty vegetable, it is perfectly harmless in ithoperation; thsomet delicate persons may take it at any lime with perfiset alsfety. The astonishing success of this medicine' ,cowitintiy creasing during the last sixteen years, hefirieLlared , ferit-the dist i ag-uibbell commendations of the, Ftwplcy;anctii•enjoye a wide-spread popularity andextensive patrenageNrblekthrowe entirely out of competition every otker,preparaticorhf horse, withs. Attention is mipecthally solkited to the' following eertiti rate ANOTHER CURE OF scrtoFuLAz• TROT, N. Y., Septen44o,lBo. Memo's. A. B. if P..Cands—tientlemeni I Laveller nearly fee year. been troubled with that Alreadful.disease, Scrota .., much so, 11l to be offensive to my htwband and to my ~-if; and to obtain relief. havg tried every kind of medicine that mine under my notice, without effect. One of my neigh hero, who had been curednif a similar complaint, by your Sarsaparilla, advised me to make a trial of it, and ram truly my that it has done me a world of good, havlngeompletely cored me. Hoping that my evidence may induce , others similarly afflicted to adopt the same remedy, with int:Lame satisfactory results, I remain gratefully yours, &RAM J. P6insua. *IL Prepared and sold by A. B. &D. and Chemists. 100 Fulton street, New York. Sold also by 11. A. FARNESTUCE. & CO., FLEMING DROS.,,Eitteburgb, a nd by Druggist; gswarvilly. Prize ft per bottle- or six btt ties ter ta. jel.l TONICS WON'T DO !--They never did t o more than give temporary relief and they never It to because theyton't touch the canto of the disease. Tito cause of all arm and bilious diseases is eke atmospheric poison called Miasma or Malaria. Neutrirlmr thiopollouty Its natural antidote, and all disease ea.,ied by st disappears at once. Rhoda? Fever and dyne Cure to thio Antidote to Mai:iris, and moreover it is a pertectly The certificate of the celebrates! Jr milt, J. it. Chiltpiy 'of Now York, to this effect, L attached to every bottle; there fore if it does no past it con th, it,, harm. This is more thou'oin_le,add Qolnioe, Arsonic„ or, any tonic ig eziotenee, as their mai to ruinous to tbeconatitntlon and brhtgt on Lit.eb which never nrlCars a person to feel perfectly tv 11 roe munient Io illitatration of thane troth , . I. -.a no, zono- ,straots from a lotteries', received from a Physician: ilsoiseivoont Ohio, Unfit/14656. Ca-13ACIETOWIT, JAS A. RHODES, Fest:4)oy Sir: Toura of 2d.lnst. Is at Ilan I. The Cate arrived late bud year end the, dilliMalty in 4 ,As t y, any, ono to try It was greatly Increased .frOns the ca that is meetly bad been introduced whlth in issvem.with the public, as beffig batter thanes:l4 titnino —not knosrfm , ' I presume that this remedy they:need . to ta.,espe t aking Quinine, contained the drogitselfr.'-',......:" . • 'Luis remedy, kritiwil as Smith's Tonic, woulddirearlabiy• treak an ngue, but it slid not cure it , as It woulOften re turn with reneis*viger. This one circumstance I. deemed in raw Lever, ill could institute a teat commtriatiti„bet7see . it oil your Cure. Thefollowftig, is the result: Three persona took your Care, all of which were cases of Quotidian Intermittent Fever, of many weeks standing. Ploy hart tried Quinine, end other remedies, octagonally missing a chill, but it wee Cal in all smell eases) slowly wear ing then, out, and laying the foundation of other stutseve. rer maladies. 1 did succeed in c ffecting a radical- cure of all threw of these CUM with your remedy,. and they lave not hod chill since. lu nil three of these canaille Stnith'a Tonic had been used, and would, no before stated, break the chill, but after a period or two had elapsed it would return. I think there will be no difficulty now in 'giving to your Cure the vantage ground of any other femedy now in use here. Sc., Sc. WILLIAM DOCK.tfErfX D. RHODES' FEVER and AGUE CORK, or• "ANTIDOTE TO MALARIA, the only harmless remedy in eilitolice, Is equally certain as a PREVENTIVE, as a MIDI' ,'Taks it when you feel the chills coming on, andyonivill titireilave • a single one. JAMES A. RIIODES, Proprietor, 'Pnividmice For sale by Druggists generally. • -'..!..:2-3e14.•••• D ItIIatrDrSEASES-,—Dll. 8R0W37; Noti 60 Smithfield 'Street, between Third and•-Pnnflil streets, devotee hie entire attention fo an - Oftlee 'Prep ties. Hie heftiness is, for the most 'part, 'colill,itecl4o. private Venereal Diseases. and such painfal 011 .' 1 5WW., brought on by imprudence, youthrellminigiluce„ - fat,..at MCM. elyphilia, Syphilitic Eruptifms, Gonorthen(Olms slue Urethral Diechar., Imparicfotinc, atoc - 4, tittle altrliaeases of the Venereal &gen. skirises , EczFtiaticlihrOtions , Totter, Ringworm, Mercurial Disuses,-teMinni Impotency, Plies, Rheumatism, Female weikacm, etl2traly Suppressions, Diseases of tho Jointadfistola In Ano,Ttervona Affections, Paine in the Back and Loins, Irritation of the. Bladder and Kidneys, emccessfully treated.. Cure . rnaranued. Twenty years' practice (ten in this city) enehteisiiinser,,,, to offer assuramies of a speedy cure Wall who:Ma i der his care. Office and Private Consultation Boma ' giaftatftAtild ek, between Third and 'earth streets. • ..:!-!Fr (Or Charges moderato. 3.xf DR. BROWN continues to be-tiL" , ' , `.'fax the cure of SITZRET DISEASPA. long-standing cases is unequalled. The aMictedorstilvdte to tall without delay. Persons attlicted,witkireatiihl D 1 8" Rheumatism, Pllee, or Seminal staid ha de;ey to get his advice. Letters coubsliinisAlfaluddedado. ly su.wered. 011iee and Private Rooms, N0... ‘ 60 Sualthilehl eared., betweeu Third and Fourth streots.PßObt!rigl. OLD TYPE METAL. .._ . . ur E 'HAVE FOR SALE; at the Mee of IT. ibo MOILNIING POST, a largo quantitt 4 OLD 1 TYPE. Mach isle and others wont:lag such amattLele =I get a largo in plyty eallittg won. "' ac, — O .-- - - W11117r3 le — edreilpir I- T2ress ß an a othe A r To7f gen, Dark, pa 'ellliii per &law:Yorks Summer Cow e. which we will open thi4bMening. 1 AO L. HIRESS4D.6 50N,..20,10..V0 ot., .4S~.A 'll%. - R F . , • • • • -."--. ~ r Fj ~ ~ ~ 'S~f L i y ~ J `l4) 110 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers