__ .... _. ._ .. . . Vitlatt-1114)AllgIVirra T i OOT - -. ' PROTHONoTARY , - - TO THE GENTLEMEN OF ptrrs „ 1 Clear the• coarse for the rainitecrs. 13 URG 11. i WILLIAM B. FOSTER. EF.q. or AE,.-lio,ny coy will FIE so!, , ,,ii , er tors ri onertfitily informs thegentle be a candidate:Gm Merin , eof l'ruthottOtary of 11 ;••ahell ~ T - 7 n„.„ at j. e;ts and yin I,ot y 1 hat he has commemed cuuoty, at the otIIOITS elf'Cl ion. .1 , .;. , 4 ti,,. RI /01' and i-:/l()E iii,,iiii i g liilEllll`,, in Fowl It S 110”, PROTHONOTARY!: °ji f f,: Ii i lie. :11:,yorq mh,,, , .. I:avlii: been lo,rni;,u In liiiii., I f th , ine a tar itia-t 1.0.1,1i iii1.1.11 iiaiii.; Bi.niu. WlOlllll, best Fri nth in the Easton) I respectfully offer myself an n candidate for the ritlirr cf Proonotary, sul jest 0 the aril,' iti I lie Dr ell i'''' and ir"'"2 111 nii i and American li'il.l i-1,111F., lie! 11,iiiiiti by his attention to Converd ion . . W:1 1 . G . 11..1%1 li IN S. Wilkins Township, lune 27—re tm• hinss to introa share olpiilitir pat rorittLir To those genii, men wliii laivr kindly rairoirigcri him he returns PR OT H 0 N OT A R Y. liiii , tricsire thanks and can with,ntdence ;4.1)431 for the vmdness of lii;worl , arid kilo, ledge cf his lousiness. 7'tt the Voters of 4110:betty Ceuta y : --I resperifuily of- „rat, /1. I'. kER RIG A N. fer myself to your consideration no a candidate tindenen. dent of parties) fur the office of PROI'IIONOI'A lII' til. farlialio (0 Lease. Allegheny county, at the enstiinl; elrclion, As I donut TIC enclisisigiroil will loon, two l'llll/111 situated iii come hefme you terommended by a Can ern lion , those 01 1i,,,t 1i,0.r tow onhin, with i he ncresslry retie cents, you to whom I am not pet aonally known will Mcnse cc.. and Irriii. 75 to 11111 II iO. rirarod on oar h. Alen, one amine Into illy qualifications, 5.r.; anti if so forum:dr to far ,,, ‘,,,,,,,, , 1 in Ii ,„:, Deer io „,,, si . ip A ii ,,,, h , ny „ only to obtnin a majority of your miffrages, I 1;liall rtidi. n‘ of with f , oin 511 to 75 arras Cr:lied. TI 0 hlitive dr srrl .1.11 by strict :Went ion to the duties of tlo. office. to -ab=ly ycu promo' , is In rt.a..onanly good rrli.dr, laying ab At 15 will) your choice, ALEX. 11 1 T.t. A n . ~,,I ts front int nit yof P0.'0 , 41,211, and within two miles may 10 —lE* 01 Pl'ilrbilre'hi, , of lII' r, Hu', canal, and will he In:i.eil on reanonahle -- ___ I term , fur from 1 to ,:tree years, to good timmds. fi.'. RT I: .111 'HURRY, J 1 ,YI Ti - 1b43 on' . y .- - tr h ft ....... eit' Vain:sl er .;,-Y er , terday the •• ountihi elecied E. W. Cuox, late High Constable, Whmfinaster on the Al legheny. -Hibernia Greens.--The report of the plo ga at the celebration of this company will. be printed in to-rn orrow's “Post." Doings on the Fourth. :We are sorry that we cannot present our with derailed accounts of the vari.- ouccelebrations held in and about the city, brit find it impossible to do so. The celebration by the Hibernia Greens is'avoid to have been a splencli affr:ir. The entertat n merits was prepare! by the host eni,—Mrs. Murray, in superior style. and lipHiy . thing passed off in the must agree. able manner. The address of Capt. Por. ter was a wry creditable cflot, and was received with marked satisfaction. The Washingtonian celebrations were conducted, like every thing those reso , kite reformers undertake, in a thor oughgoing and successful style. lo,niense .crowds of people were in attendance at the tamp •ground at the six mlle ferry, where the old Washingtonian Society assembled. Water was for the first time put into the new besin. A large enhcourse of people were prehent on the occasion The War Tent of Washington and the Ladies Fair formed a princirEl feature in the attractions of the day. The rotunda of the Court House bad many visitors. an,l at the hour fixed for the d,livery of the speech . by' Judge Shaler. the wrdience was quite numerous. The address of the Judge was of course full of int ores', and sus twined his hie reputation ns a public speaker. No accident that we have Itel' . rd or oc curred to mar the felivi.iem r)f the day. The Temperance Celebration at the camp GrJund.."--Amonv the many a tiunf and social parties held on the Fourth, the largest and most eitthuhidatic W:iS 'that of the Washington T. A. Society, on :he Camp Meeting Gr )und, \V , st's place, neat the.six mile ferry. The gathering was not eirtlarge as anticipated, o‘%'ing to similar celebrations got up by °Ott r branches et the Washingtonians. Float one thi , usand to fifteen hundred persons were rill- nt , and all seemed to enter der ply into the spirit of the called m foge."lllPr. The steamer ;he libove the Mutionrgi',cla ut ab ut 9 0 . 1.:1,) , • k„-1.. having on b r ril th:it beautiful and ivell dis;•iplitiPd rni itar v corps the Jacko , 4l Blues, Cala Hay, ami irn triense crowd of ladies g n.— The Hope, and several other bows, imme diately followed, well with tir.1.1,1 friend. , of eeetota:iiim. At an early !:our t'ley met ()T: the groutil. and were orgltiiz.,l by the uffis:eri pointed for the tv•easi The procceJings were c , rnmenred I,y n Temperance song, by the Choir. ?lifer which a Prayer by Dr. Penny, of Ve- Keesport. Then the D•r•claration of In— cilpendence was read by G. W. Layng, Arf address was then deliv , red by J. W. Burrell, Esq., which was good and was well received by the aud:ence. lle was followed by a song he th e Choir, when G. %V. Layag, E'sq to , di the stand and delivered a sh.ot speech, which hal a good eff-ct and was !iqenerl tervively. The Choir sang again. Mr Eller then -- 4). peared with a new Pledge B.,Jk. and call . ed'opon all to "come np to the trnog., The hour of .ne having arrived a te , ess was announced by the President of 01.2 ay. when all who felt hungry retired to a table well supplied with the good things of the season. After dinner, the drums sounded, and the multitude were soon re-ass •mbled.— James M. Cunningham, Esq.. of Bearer, waa the first speakerantu utned. lie de,. livered a speech, rich in sentiment and hu mor, which was received will] frequent borate of laughter and applause. After a song by the Choir, Mr. Elder, (who had made himself busy in proeuiing names to the new Pledge Book,) addressed the Company, After anoti•er song, and the transaction of some business, dins,: who belonged to the city repaired to the river, when they embarked upon the Nloxahala, and other boats, bound for their homes, highly pleased with the day's proceedings. Fourier Pic Nie. Some the friends'of Associ a ti on jo thi s city talk of holding a camp meeting immer distally after harvest. This is the proper way to spread their principles, and to en list Farmers into the scheme. The ground at the six mile ferry w(,uld be an excellent place as it is situate in one of th e r i c h est and best parts of the county. (g"Two sailors of the ship Velocity, at Neror.leans, got into a fight on the levee oft:hal city, on the 16th inst, from the ef. feeSsof which one of them, named m Tatot, tfterveards died. PROTHCrrJOTARY. lESPEC'TFLTI.Y.Gr my , elra caothtittle rot the t tTite I N yrth Ho of Prothonotary of Ile;!heoy routo y J o el to the ar lion of the Demurral i. enttn , y roovonticot vvl•telt InVels Cu 30 , 11 A itr.tu4t twx'. CEO. R. n !mix A 11,2 lien v City, Hay 6HERIFFA LTS We are aun,1:7.,1 In nenol.eee PODY PAT. TE!tSON, of ihe city or Pii , ll.oll. c:Tediil.ile Gar be (Ai.r 01 S rirriff, :it :the e• c:e0 • in 11,e i 1 ~,ioonon or the rtm , i , y COI;V(.101011 jm.e SHERIFFA LTY 1.11:z1 . 1:17 - 171'1,LY pn•arnl 11 , se'l . to illr cii'z• fl 7 of Al!v•hrny county, ac a candid:lir for t h.• Flt• rfan! , v, sol . kci to ti , ••artinn ni l)vmo, • mic m,' l< nn tic Ail, of Au¢nct ne-xt jn".• 9. d 5 ex tr 1.'()It, ST Li • The e.. titer .1 .1 If ES fitrSS dePart hor and ..Votiav, Jolv .I', B'o o.o'rlock a. m. For freigl:l or ioi.F_:age :1N..). on I.r. It .1 ..1 .0 j.. 30, .I Aai lip .11 k BA ROl7 (' F( )1( SA ( )R RTER 4 COni)Bar.teh, tit 1t.11,1,- rt, %v.v.ca: r 2 , 0 d Iraaa. r.•,, , ,: nr • . 11 It;tz:i.ir rinhle Fourth at jilt. , 311 4i PITTS L;(3 itt3 II 4 !: ot_ 'y 11.4 i , • CHEAP F. il; AO S, Fll7ll S 17. ELT, Two dJ9rs frc in .11a, lat serrtt Y 1T el,l- to I, .!1; ti t : Itt II 1 , f !Iv V. efl rtl 111E=1111 I -1 , 1 , e La , 1,.z t.•fi t ; 7 crlalits ;:‘,.! qtr :or c rs . • I ,;7 :,!I r.• ;.- A I F.' , . 4•, , In:: 1..:3 c 1 iii 11.•• tor I ~, • , p!, a •.:, 3, P!itio s 11“1. j" ' Y 1. 0 , L_IIO 10 ..:, , r„ 2 11,11.,i:;: , 11:1,11 t: I c IMEU IT fOi 1";" (;•—rv. , ( ,;:e ,:ort .Ve'Ve ; of, .7 rh.r,ll' icc II) ....1 e•. , tsl Grin. r... 1„ A- Cr or •'• to I. fi n I 0 F1' , .1.4 !! • I r. A:1(1k%Itlu 4ce. !T. Aul, -, N I , July I--6m. Lqpd Office r more I :rem tirk - Irr Leon rerpiv-1 f•ntli he 1. • • I. aII 0 tri.•, I ~•x • n, .114-f.llll. p „ 1' .1 • 11 ihri.Wll 4 4 I the t'T.-.1411 '.l t't 11. c n•i,tr I '4, c;,l f:rt•ref lit 1.1 , ands o; de li in 1.k..arl tz it, proscri:l ti in 11. e lots.tl 4:1 :• t•s For St. Xi t ,uis, B;.:1 - lin.i,rtork de. i.7alciaz. , ,„. 0:0 ( )1: \ I), no , C. MAY. Wlli 11•.iVe fir the do 1.1 el lel,•,!Li t , 611 , ,i,ty 11 , XI. t; ti of jute. ,1. NI. ror Cbi Of rn,nagt.tittitl, On no;;ItI or to t.te:;t, J A NI ES. • flat North ro•ttd forn't , lt , tl ‘v it It Ev.tio,' fnfety (;11.11,10 ptet t rnt ~1 BLOOMS. 33 ON': T J.: Hun - - • -- b 1,1 n I,y IV. it I Pr; E COLN I Y CON]JII»IONEH ,;,e 11 , 1,11. Pr of 14 trI.OF or , II pamr.,, I re , ructitil) o r ,r 1, %, - 411 I I 11, ell, Si 4 eint.o. of iry 11 ,. ;41‘v I ilszros or Ilo• offire I Controi-Fi‘Ther. her 0 , In I,l4liiirrit or FlrlVale itirtir, I Hear free to say 'hat I have ' , ern all my I.le a ronp!,lrw hr pottliotto, in ;0•11=e of Ille turd. A. the y if Fn!newtirtl ernl.rr; - . ,, Fed in its fir.n,ici:ll hill Ihp rellorliort of calnrien of rotHir. offirer. has rereiv«l thr amtrolmtoo l If ',lion! iem nllhr I lie Sizneil would not Filo 1: 1 0 he 1 , 1. for 111 , :i len , In I•i• rlr , led. in :toy mar.nrr at!ratpl In renLt v re form; should II rear h the office of roomy Crimt. pr ti: SA \ U!?, II U F.: 1' . PIiESBYTERIAN 130()NTS• su ihr! ilaS . lo.l tem ived n =mat' a.3-nrtmeht of the ol Pre- 1. 1/1 , 11.111 rio.rd or Walton, ni..l nlll„11 t !lent at the rat.tlooto pr!ce (ex. esptise! rh , ? Co.'Cf , ;ion of F.lith, and the orret edition of lle Psalms llyains—on these a small 14dro,ce must i be made to corer !•Aqrwes.) and on tile same trans, as at the th•nosito y Philadelphia, for nil :111 , 01110S n; Fitt v Dollar= or undrr.ne below copied from the terms of the terms of the Fh,,ird. I.t. sa'es acnottniin2 In ten dollars. ca , b. 2d_B;ilea above to • dollars.:i net n,l excrr!tior4 wenty, enbb, with a aim . ..mutt of ten per rent. roe 3d. Salto in amount ()OM Ift!`111 tr 111 fit !y eollars for Corner elf Pena LS- )f (la tr Paisb giz , par funds, to Whirl; n.tt asset out he added 3 per • I ern , nd the a ,d the ex _ T 1011'1,101f 1 11 E Plop, je .l. !, r heir 1ev7,1 a rid rel., ntrru- e. t• fri •r ha nee on Phils.l,l, hia. as shall :ft:I:11 tit the time the I !e In•Ir _ ,rwt. front this ends I.Putchase Ja made. d ate, . . _ Twit a fair experiment may he made In tide branch is reduced In ONE PEI; It . lY. of our iwsine<s.the tech system Hatt! be strictly nOtsred F'rnm tar lian'e, brio, , citnatrd mid to; and on the terms above pionnaed. it l< believed vat! way ant! S'""'""- d nn zrrgationa and individuals will hare no efi utte to em _ LW: :treat therntiehiwe In 70 - vl4 I, ytity. the prt plain. A sttare of pawie patrormv is soli:' lees I rilst that with row itt•tl 1 - 11 , /i . lona or i iijo r p art. cited. LUKE LOOM S. Anent, they will lie e3abled to a front <very ;Mention and (aril June 2.4-11. 491V00d street. requirt d for the comfort and eonventenee °fit:eft : curets , and i crie to merit a cnotinuei,re or the patr on . 7 ., that ha vi liititerto be.P/1 ne Wirral!) , extended to them. aILOCKS made expressly for powder magaziner,• lot i The principal Steer and roe: et Oeirrg,llfP converted ',erg suit:lllr for Pork finuros, as the 72aterta4 o f .. wlth toe Ilmet, and for tlio better arrommndetton of whit() the, are con 6l "e ( ed " 10 h a t rant !rum the actte e of the salt, will be *old low for cash. tn , ihrir guests, an Oaibus will at all times be in !wadi. „ i n ew douse.to convey them to nod from thedouse. luny 2-6'w J 4F. PATTERVON. 1 ae 2.5-3 m. :ttcIEIBRIN t 5,511T11, I:1.1 I 'T MANI;FACTLT,L'S 1 , !:or, n. 14( =KM I 111! ,* ti . 1111E=11111‘111•111 MIMI. kL i t nr•,~i GIEMBIE + J , I 11. It 1 :!() II Pl. 07 I- • 1i111u••1•15 It. i.l 11,-I \iPORTAN't"I'O oWNEUS OF SAW NIITA,s. Self rs tvl,cll 1,• n !L. t, (::Icreni Is a tilt , Or ;14 I 111" (ii/at , art 111 a ' , tun ", of to: V,: .1 \!f F MIZE= I hr r ran W. %V. R n ,1,11 on Liherty .t . nr:ir up. %vhrrn• Ihr lo:whin° wi , ll fiall(ls. %wily In B. P. S',.yde- or 1V I v ; r \ IS:1 1 0:: r0:1'1) - : 11 , 1r+ I '10)a 6a) te!colv,,! by T i N. , \ it, 1,, , s a.„I a , nn,- ..and =MEI Phi E.I.:11) 1 . 200: - 1), I \?F.:-;114' ( 4.. ; \I" \ - 11 r a nii r•, n rr l'7ft I =ME i Nmici A .e r ! ' N , L .1. ~•• • r • • 1 73 ' t - • i .. 1 ,;i f 1 , 7 „... ~ _ :—Nr,,. A . .t. -w , ;co IA o, l q. t k i . lil ill 1 1111 it P () INMEN 1 ; t • ),-,11 , A • f..t• •L•ct... 4 11 • .v‘" ' - •" • - triti ••.3412.1140",.'71f);,1 ril 1 ; , I fll h 1 r 7 ; 10 ; 7,4 MEE 1.20 , v ,!, 7. I , ,•. • 11,..r0 I. t,lrec acid r, r, =ME 20 t t It tit :trd r!otltc: u.:, 'i(l rn':hi~~•+ :4)7, , aer en .r,f) do, 51) e 1 ,,,q4 on, do"! ,17.^s .o'o4 :11) ~ r n, 11'on , hvrivr , ri I•.r!rd !Ism rz..nrr,l lrrnrtmert rtf 'lll It intl. n l r:trirty ;:rr. dr. ttr't NVrlttOrl rrndle , ., inn rkrt arnl t Ihr•r I' V. „null 111 irtvttr thr rotitin nrihr :tdir , to hl= F.n,,,d I .ALtt, Orrt.'dtit's r4.'rh.;01,1 .ix Iho Inl nt tirtr rtrittr; rirrrnnv rdir. Itr , t, the hr.:, rt.l-in2 C:1 , 1 rt, ,rnror,zo,l 11. ril rrc, .'lief) It, VP ',` fht and rtrl nd ) C. Yr A.r:Ert. in:ly for r hen I pin- 10,1 "1 kl . /f11,t1;) 1 =TM v.• (11,1 mar hire Yt . I. , ..rrol -1, • t '•i, I) 1 2 1 . .1• '1 IiiIIIIIIIIIMIIIIMilli: NI 1 Y =Eli • ' 1,1 C• N. I. 11. Co°V A BSOLITIS AEA L iLL. ' 101000 TRIALS, and nH suete ,- sful prove MILLE rs Am G tcAL rAIN !CZ TRACTOR inestimable. R ry , t ontg eu:.r•ga ,ker, but gives no addit mnal pawn, nor leaves a sear. rite Is noal lively rend( ted harmless. ($lO has been offered six months to any person returning anenipty box, and •ayine that all agony on anointing is not extracted 1 a few min tiles, yet nut one from thousands of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parents anxloutt to curt f'd sgaittel genera injnries, and save time, fortune and life, and prevent their offspring froin being disfigured by burns, or even small pox pustules, (it possessing the enviable power to replace therellutary or destroyed.) can do so by ob• tnining this inimitable salve. Many deeply burnt cases in the city ran he seen, and oneentlre fare burnt over and wounded three distinct times in the snme spot while henl Inc, ye! In no rave can he traced the least cicatrice or markt For all kinds of toms its rap•d soothing effects arc en, i mitortnrit ;even sore eves. all inflarnatlons and two ken breasts would be unknown. The toilet and nursery, for clearing the skin of pimples. removing chafe, etc., all find it indispensable. One using only will forever estal list) it the sovereign HEAL-ALL quality. After this no tire, heads of f, allowing torture for rnot,lll., and ultimately dt.torteri feature., ran never wipe away re• proacit..itt.ttly uttered by a iiisahien child, for neglecting to Trill, pb ever tit., , •E:111,,(1.1,..0rdiw... n ari 1. n. 12,11. s : " ,c 111, 1.. e. 1 (.r!h , thi• fot it 11:,:r.r1 or New bork.- warr, (Ire_i 505. N. 7.. k. "aye be COMP I , It'e ik2e,kis (Or r. C❑ l'er 21) veal 4. All orilurs an!,-,t he addre-w•.I in Iliern. The c'' ~ e only lu lie tail at TIiTT L E'S itc'encs. flgr .011 Fa reel. Net , I.; TYPE AT IZEI)U(3E1) PRICES. BRucp: k co, Ak TNn 13, PIIANIPERS STIIEEI', 'war th rem OtTee, New V,.rl; ihivC an hand an a, tiuttane larv. :410 ,, k o f 11.4.1 r writ Iro,,wa Prla;iac Ornaweel, , , nulsc, a r,1.1 . II e 1 est 111,4:,,, 1 , 1, , on 01 i2lrtal M:1 1 / 1 ,- 4<,;ImIVCI . V7lertiralely finished, all of v‘ineh llje I ave1,4.1r111..11 , 1 - d In F. G..E 'FLY IZEI.UCED PRICER Phtri, g the nook and New.ii r Penis ar fol!Ov•C: al 32 rents a 11.. 121EIEMI No uH r‘ol I 120 6, moo "r 6 r„, Pri:o in, I f•.r 1.1111 r Priro • for Wltli pl ompti , +la.., ;nal :it the :ow 0 Nrtv tOw tYP al!vert.n. 1.., : tow 0' •• II•P Pt, i ' •V.I r 1.11 111. 4!: it ii.1`,.1 ft:, , r.. I or lunr± ?!.,!! 311, .110 of I!. :C. I ! I. NEN 110I,ES %LE CASH STORE Nu. 09 fri,o," ,c(red. ril-rsvt7w4lL d • ,— • 1 • 1 , •,,,•• v r\lnii• , r . ^ 4.OAr . Vt• trip 1'( OF JULY ' kVA 1 . . A . .• 9=l \. RI I 1N(1 IMMIIMENII VAT: & CO.'S liEsT REPINED r ‘sT srF,EL rric Nr I ,f :1,1 • ri.Ll • !I . fl MINIM ti co,. MEM !••• r N .( )Tli. MIME =MEM rr, 1.•,, • .t: • tioH ! he 3.1 nl In!v P M. at Itle n? to , :dtl r , !l r:‘.l F?and JCIIN TASSV.V. f'•~tw d IE \ 0- EnITTTSCZTrrr - Sirk . —r ar 11,./ rla. Ilr C , O P 11:,; !Vara,' ewe 1 Afr. Ca-I,r 0.1 nail a variety of 11 , 11jrIlltS (Or sa'f. rl.ap. 11C !I 1C It I S.l. 7. .11. IA :111,1 r,(11, C;,`'l 1 1 . .k! , 1,15:i ',1;:A•1 irt)sTr.rvs I v Eyt F: CT:NC'Y. t r; I zi.Yr DE. l'o 7'. N n G i EIZA I, NF.kV S 1;0():VI • ST. CLAIR STi PITTSSUrf:(7II.PF.V.VSTV..B.. orpot , lTE Tnic tXr 1!• , 11 . : 7 1¢R6 cal; lot had nll 11, laler rerlodl, 'ilk, 1 - looory. hl I I, E:it Yr n prlcr=, , N Fuperlor Splokti ;Intl rf,I.HI P 1 , 11111,1 V, ril t . 0 , 111A, nr11 , 1,, rtr . 1 1 4 )AnnIli - Nil CAMPY, [ln cirt'llent rfontoly for Thr ir , rc n rrqur: , ted c him a call- Jane 29 JOHN CAIZT\VRIGHT, C it • TLER and muiral foci rtitilent Wintirnrturer, 1,1 or 1 - 6111 and I,vberl v Is, Pilt,al , li. N B-- !may? nn Ilan.' an exicnsive n.snrl nicht of Skr• viral and Dental instruments, Bet Tailor's , I fullers' flair I.lressers' and Tanners' Patent ShoarS, Saddlers' Tools, 7'r - us:los, &r. jr 24. 110 R. 1..),1.WF:/. tt;;l, r 0.. F. ;t1 strcet 1. and :Fini , linc:d rico. 10-Iy. DISSOLUTION T he re-p tr:nev. , lllp, Iteretafete exi-ti;ez under the Urn: of N'ates and 1:ev:, (lay di<Folvecl mutual consent. The loci noes of the firm will h e , ett led by James at the old - .Att. tf Nn.B I, at. .11 ES YATES, S. 11" L ys, Thr Futt,rtt.er tr ntlrrc 11190 ha tt I, < i o the ou rot the ecru Literalchar' of patrona L le Ite,4owed upon the e.eatorahr n e ; 11,anri re , Trctfistly infnruw theta that the 1:u• win he earried nn ns bere(on,re at th e hld sla S, FlrTil ST near Market, where n frill supply of Ladies', ..11fusAet. unit Children's Shoes of all kinds and co lor 9, will he kept con.lant ly on hand, rind sold ve r y loti far C.O. JANES 4%4 IES. pine 29-3 t. LA.I)IES' WRITING SCHOOL, ' By IL. Fee; Front 4 to 6 o'clock. P. Al., ilninDitouse mist of VViiitteker'i Clothing estahilrh. nosot,Feeond lareet,hetreeen Plant and Ro est eats. ileyelloyee ertl!ln: ro enter, err!! plea►o eel! dating cies. Atom Pine 23--artf, crviwith ih^r.ddili =MEI lt lit*, I', no. •• , MEE= lIIMIE. le or r,,,,,,,t I BANK NO AND EXCHANIan LIST Oita Xr.T4 - Dl - 4t. Et ILtill MIttIIANIIIII PCNNSVEVXNIA. Pk of Pitlahur: It. par 19nch. 4- Man, bk: pat Exchattee bank. Ilk. or Germantowr. 11a91t.In tank, ‘, Lancaster hank, Rsnk of Chiseler Co. Farmers' bk Bucks Cu Doylestown bk do •• Elk of N America Phil. • 13k of Northern Liheities,• Commercial bk. of Pa. • rar. ¢ 51ePhanics bk Kensington bk. Potiadelphio bk Schhylkill irk Southwarkbk VV , ..lirrn bk. Ilk. or PennAylvailla, Ilk of Penn Tl. par Man.l NiPchanire bk par hk. par Moyamensln f: ira rrl TT. S'lntrs hank Lomhermrne, rren, -- Prank. Ivk W:1 , 1111121ori, M , oPrs hk of Pnltco , e, 41 Rh of NI onizoinery Co. par, Ilrowofolille, Erie Rank, 51 flarri,liorzli hank. Far. I.k I.;o:enster, 0b of '4 14?d'et ow", ql Rh. Of tham'crehur2h, 4 1 ('article hank, 4 Pk of Nr:rlhamio , r!:lo4l, par Colombia bk B.ri,laece. ''usquellanart Co• 40 rlkf re Co. par 1,0 , a noo'l.k. ceiry=l , llr2b bk. 4 fork bank, 4 Far Sr Drovern bk. of Vk' a ? h 4 entrency notes, 4 fToiie,~l:alP • a' bank. 10 P.ltsWal) Fate =trip 2113 roli,try do do 4 Berk= t,O. bans, 79 . Le* it. town, 2.ttank. odn —I PIS (131.IJNIll'A Ssoks, if 01170. "..nntp'Pwant hk Par. 7tlech. hk of Fief) h,nv PPlrrnlit bk f -- . 1" St. Claire , ',l! P,,,,k., 3 11, ~ tirrirg.% N 1 , !;:. of SI. ri!iir, • 111 nr, , e4, 'lno. ,1,-,.., x• fl. Smith 31 1,0 r ,, ' ,, fp• t . :lot,. I} ` rI N kti 1 l'nliiiiil , :i:ia ! , k New Lig 1 , 7.-7,i li;rikg. . Stn In Ton 1 - 1,,, .$l, 111 r.t , i ern 1:1; t h tinge. do pc..! 1 , .4 , .! ,, . ii Pliilg•fi Tr)l,•,, / , 71iir',imati gpiirie riv- IN:rvi York. ?: 11"1 , ligrifirgi, 1 I. 1:er,:;,1y1 Tr:l,'pr4 bk . 1et,,,,t,, n i 3 1 cvewl ern rtc!lanae. cii,, , ,,,, hk „r 4 , ,, , ,,:n10.:1, .I'it.rili,nll, pn , r , ,,,,,,,i nr.,,,.. 1f Lool.vpl, oar Vll , ' , ' , i'" , . 11. Lavvrrrrr 11-1,,,r,,,f. i t 'lir Cri-1,'., n ,Xl.rrltria, par 1; CoLD f VI) Si IN f:R. par C=lllllllll 7-I:,e-ri'v4l s ILE fl. RENT. ri (Yr: , I.nic in lint , '•r n„. rr4 IrTh c of Lnn.r on rin.11,.%' I.nt , !•,•, 11 4;.;2. ;.1..", In #`1,!;%1 pinr r r. • 1,r4.4 nor , and 21. In rcnn or no Hie!) ctrerrt. nrarhrite ('Onn to Z. W. REMINGTON ,e:. Vnr Pent. rrr....VP.N:fr, T .tnry hrirk hnticr • 7,, 1 ..orr.,Nt rinirth• rtrnt ^2,121, I: 'M. A 7,0 r tn 4.11 E -1 M \ TO LET 4 r ' r : EMMEIIIIIII r• , l ,1,11! i conti t •••• r, arork. nrr,r F.dernl Ft rriq , A !le. 1 , .!, of f I T, T A NT POT T IIr, A j A' ' rl'%(TCPrrz. Orerrir =MEI 9.9-. 9 • 9, 9 9 99,0 • rei FRF:E'.IAN'S FIR BRICK FOR S\LE e , vr • .cl/04 1 F•f.P!•lnt , 'Q' ,, •l rtr7r , ;. ,oit r, ,e,., rw• - • hrtr.i ,11.1 IF,;‘,;•:(;'; ‘m h Co =MEI I's rlvtiein b; TWS A- . P • G.lth ••'.l .01 ..1 of i , 11..1,1 Wood atm ..tr. new Mir. f-lkv. rr n.rnirr l t.r r, ,n nlvanceß on "onsivt• ~.,1 I ,, m ' . Thry hope hy . • it'tolltir to ottitt , r. , alt• .11 ,, aml prompt retrirfiv, to r,icr a lair purl inn 111.'ItI:ittecv %pril Is! 1.^.-13 rnc;•... I I..kP ` la fr Ifne:r4 . Slll 1, vo ird with ~ ite!.)l n‘v and xv;',l do Istt , " , nra. a R. Crlflttlr.. cot'(; tj* ND cm.Ds r NV :/•.• tt: 'e'er ‘vith br complainis. 3 1 , 1 , a, 4 : , '^'!!'y Powell's Balsam .a.i4fririvon to nil. on , y Tt! I' tti; Foort!t .treet. j.t ., ." 12. COUGHS AN!) CO DS i• limn♦ of vrar for I , ersana al tael'll with Cant! .. I; hrurral km, Gout. 1-r, d-c. —T. Iho=r .fflic.•ki a .1,r.• lr rare ran Pe rfr•rleti 1104,2 Pr. ^SI 4 :'S frOJYR 110 rixn c.dq.vnY, tirliic It le allovivit ov alt %vim lint, 114 , 41 fi to hp the befit over r rtr d Oolls .rtn.l I! F.' If' S I . RO.VE 'X4.IIE:VT I.V1)1•?..VVF111-77.‘.'111.r. ELIXFP. :in :i11,010;11 too, ia and milmoi for H tini tr;.(ll`li r 1,11,4 :11111 Limbs. •ii if they "ill use ah , ve T II h.' !t) hr had only it rIDICA.r. AGENCY. 1)1 , 17.5i F and i'riiir,;ry sV 111 1. 0 f 1.1 ppliri a 1 - 16 ra in!tl =trot[. Nr(w YnaTr. Pri^e p A ANIEL M. CURRY, Attorneyal Law. Of. Phrr on 5 , 11 rI 1 - ri Smilltfir , (l. on 4 M.T.ETIMET HOTEL. 'fl.[E PROPRIETOR firthi; and house, Qthirtted rit I is , " worth rod 111 ,, 21tenv hridze, informs his nr,/I the • that he ha,' err'''. [him: in cum ph..2 onto( fur the rererwon entertainment of trans permanent hoaril, rA. charze% art mnAeiare :11,1 nn ece rlim, t will I , e crated in make Fo. jun hers roilirartahle and keep op !he former reputatior. of his house. Coed stubtio; for any numher or horses. Ntnunt Etnnieti rivin patrons rd r hisptr•aennt retreat and all tvhn seek roe,ttie In the fare 211 . °Nile rountry, are Worn - led that mmint riivnet now ntida for visitors Al , r ivirt pp f:1 leave the Mt. Emmet t Tole! every day at half past 2. :1114 ha'r pa:: 3 o'clock. Stindnyik ezrep tvd. HUG!! t.W}ENY. may Sl—d4w m nurbridge & Co. A GENTS for tiv. sn , e of lipatt v . . , Powder. Waters:. !,..wre n rt , :nori and Smiinfiell. Nlnrch SO, 1143. NE W GOODS COM I N;. - 4-! rROP IF.Tnil nri'u i TH111...11-`, BIG DOORS, No. 151. Lihci ty street, Pittsburgh, ti now In the et-tern market,: pnrchnaine the largest and ino.t varled_rtock of senronaltie Goods that lure ever twen hronzitt to this city, and tea few data he wilt he aide to furnirn hat twornera, and the nuhlte at large, with every article in the Clot hot:: line, of a quality and aisle uttrquatted by any other eleohlighntent in the thy. The ruble are re.threl folly isiited to edit, au above. and examine his splendid stock. Jana 74-3 L .1011:1 A:cc:CO:MET. Waihinvon Examiner and B•aref Fatr!ed t , to. three ?Imre and thaw adv., tre-r WOIMI Pr. Sheol •n, _ do oealip, Norwalk. do Xenia, do Dayton ' do etetnto. 35 Post notai, li. Chillicothe. lt Fran. hk Columbus. I; La..ca...ter, 30 Hamilton, 30 Granville, 78 Corn. hk. Lake Crie. 25 Far. bk:or canton, 48 Urbana 60 INDIANA. Slate hk.4- Branches ,Slate Strip. KENTUCKY. All banks. ILLINOYS Slate bk 4- gratin hen, 50 Sim rinenfnwn, 65 Vf Ral &TA. Flank of Vireinla. do 'Valley, Fnr.l*. of Virginia, rxrhan7.e bank, hank Nler Mr,. dn. MARYLANn rnitimore t2nitntry Tiankp. nr.',L %WARE. Pralk , •, NEW lERSEr_ 011 na , thg, par and 1 :`; 11:1,V 0 R cl. par Ccnntry bank . q, v a I PM Park. I lo 1 N rti7 rs,Nr,LA sr). 11m.ton flanks, Country .• 3 LOUISIANA lOrieafls sand. 3 NOIITH CAROLINA Bunks. SOUTH CAROLINA AT. IP.IMA grand 1•7, N:Er,SEE. t:.•n .'orV h rvr, IV CrAjj.7l( A V I;M:BE=11:1 - SO= AMID iit PRINTING OFFICE, N. Tr. Corner of Wood 4- Fifth 'SU Tux proprietois or 'hr. Steer txo run- and *RCN ♦ND MANI:VAC:IVREA respectfully inf , ,rm their Muhl§ and the paironsof those papers, tbat they hire a lergil and well rDOPen ne.sertaleut of '3Ir7EfeIIICAP-11114 4VRID ©VA 5 11 . 111. EVAIVIEZZAIre NeceFFary 141 a Jut) ni . int!n;l otrcr 7 . nti that thay arc Fri pared to exem:e LETTER PRESS PR!NTIN OF EVERY DE CRIFrION BM. of Lndinz, Cireuti k ty, Hifi FiradP, Ca MP. Blank Cheri:lt. I Flat .Tipp• alt Rtnbs of Wanks, Stagy, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Billie, with die* Pamphlet', li andhl Its, Atrial* CUL', Printed on the shortest notieeand mast resPonabletetid, WP rPrne r lfull y aa k the patronage of mu frlelidweed he poblie in yenerril in ibis branch of our basial Pittehureh, Sep'. 59.1842. PHILLIPS 8,11 FASHIONABLE HEAD QUARTERS No, 251, LTBERTY STREET. 'T r 'v ther: '‘l i i h!l 1(!::n"f7 the Tct l n ott li r ''n atrg o o f rt n m o : r nt d c:lf a s and which w,' !I:0'P ju.r rcriciccil fro m th e r a m , iat or whieb we arc determined In tell at n rmall advance 01 "Mt, Cmitnrnert may rely on having rhear, good ; witij ate! and handrimmartitoc+, W 3 milted to fit, Viihlth u *Vert desirr"ile rr ni!,imit • Peron? who visa this establishment ran depend 6it tintlin2 an entirety ocw a•stolment of spring and slitterweit hoods; ire to not sny ore thinz . nnd mean ancther; when tvp sa. our assortment !arse, ftuthionable t bandsonill and rhsno • w mean ¶1:0 It is so, and cannot. be MIN imc.nd in 'his or any t.thur city. ftt— tr. A LGEO tc• MeG:tikt to Steam Boat Ovrprrs.—'n:e ruhseriher; IM 1 II ennvequetier of the itiffirulty or ihe three. hap redii. rrd the prlee of nip Safety Geary/ for the prevention 61 the Aplosiar arc/nose hoilerato $l5O nor boat. It is hoped that 0[1).411 owner. will avail themseivell of thee* reasonable term., not ()ply on account of HIM nrtfeet tritely they afford, but Mgr) In point or ierooooky, !Miters with the apiraratos 711 1 0(.11Pd *lll like akin v. v ., . as !Emit as those not provided with that*, Mst , ll-3m " 'C. .14A IV Ai NVANTEb 880 t OR lion on Nfortzn.ze on reatts4ii4 11 r l /0/1 , 114 1 14 oniony I lie bent freeho , dit in the rity, n'.4 the ostvn•ti=er tp wlllir, zlve a hz•ndrotall nrerni.im cor the above nom. For further pullet] arnapa v nt Ihe (+lrv*. of the Morninfr Font. Flo. , 9 Itilt:XL W/CPC. . JOINIi trtek L. & J. D. WICK, 11 - holeonle• Grocery & nonlerm in Prodncti 116 Wood strrot. 4 doors above Fifth st. PITTSBURGH. mac , 15 . , 1 S4:1! Otanclrirt. Irraraham & Cie FO R W 1 A DING .1111rD CO3l. ..1!F RrILIINra. etreet AND. ninis. G FNTS for he MerdinnisTivnlenn,talinilnfinP", Corn pored ofrhr V.rrtuinis Lit:P. Erie Caoul'; M'n , -41irtgion I.lne. I!tv.ter, Palmer 4- Cu'!., Line of Slcam Peat, it-r . or, I b e ct. Ponn9rlvnnin and Ohin Car.ii, Prl-rip , o, of the Utreinnlti , Line Ohio Cana'- P: Er! - Vt . ILK( I:7‘9lvorrn. No. 9, Coent'nßtip, 1%. 11. DU %TER k ro. Orr roArF, O. PuTMR , CO. 1111M110. HS 4- Dow, Cleveland. PON J 014,4 M. CnAret..trr , ` l •qtrhxa", J. Put misonkm k Co.; Pilts},urxil nol 111.11-Iv. -- . ,: t E kGLE .--.- le. L. -4,l6edriirs4 .. ‘,..... , , fii it °critic iii 7 %'• - . 11, .. . !...Y..-,--,.. STORE. A. 4 4.. .t. .... cj Ts c r i r., r rn. Jr„ , tv , , niecnir, rrti il,taff - Croce, k - 71...i Frit,terer, No 140 Liberty. .treet, Pitteborrh. ml,. .20. 1C H 'l'll El.'s'. errrooove fora the NurFety • n, re,r Phl'adroptqa. a lot t - e 4 I Vir I'l vrottld aoteolianF' t.. SNOtt'llONl, ! s :' , in! 1; 1 erre et frnfrt. I. ft, (. It Elf; ./ Tr' )1? sr! T I, q rP; Ofr:re, rori,!- or Sic.lthr.c',! ~rd 1•1:1! iCCIS. ri ,- TsßrEfiß, rENNAL. '27>, r Minghna di. AG'TS rdit STEAM ER CLEVELAND. n4l Cleve/and Line. !kl re I/ 22.'41. BROOMS, r'oz Corn Itrooink 20 rrcelved and &TWO'S► J. W.I3IIREIRMGE Co. 11 vter et. Irtween Water ¢ Smltled, - 14 IR 5 , t, E on w. Nal •t, East cornet of Ca* • Inv and h , frfel A r'plY to I r) ‘I?I.f:ICTr)Y, Market. near 4th HA PTON".; E C't 1 , ',11' A BILE T I NCTUIt E. . 11 f; mom , :tr, aed rerml remedy ever known to the 6,r rariun+chroni , dlvraees, offer they Gave r, ached o :awe, and n.emned a character, hitherto con• .mered deenerale and tern rahle. Son/NIP; al!entird with pwelliooy, and Fora and 1,044 of Pig ht, to a nightftil eziont bait been rifted Feren'ea 11111111 Z ntvty by yen.o h arm: ralrnit , lans, and oblnrtielea IfiltrlSHe (n.. 01; iy roor,s, I von when ettiended Ly siinstrAt or At., have. ,lee, rivermosin yle!de without a errtizzie in lie mild yet powerful action upon filo owne'd. In Catnnit t or cough. Rhen mnitem nod Flionta IT Pryer tillg In Cull, ne irk' havE fully rimer& Th• tiOntte tend 4 ree: Iv to evette a henithtraillet ltt the stomach, fiver, Innen nod kidneys—to puffy the blood and other fluids, by e.vpeltlop every parade ot morbid matte rfrom the system, and therefore never Chile; (with its occomnanimentg,) to prove n valuable remedy Cur the distasep for which enlornel has been Invariably ttsrd. Old sor.s'or ulcers. or any cbronle affec ion; and fdr the calomel diseape It In an for:111We remedy. This remedy Is perfectly reeetat:te, ndid, aereerrhtn t and safe for persons•of any age, either rex, or . In any condition; ncknowleder.rl by those who have tried It, td be the best known family mettleine. The juts. lv celebrated Tfeettire creates A errivin4 ap4 petite. and the patient lc left at liberty to indulge ft, indeed he Is part ' , warty requested to do co. Thermo of ink uurlj,,nu will change his complexion front a pallid to a fine Itlootelet: one. AN, uslite this Tincture for weeka. a petrol, crony age may eat any Oma that a child (glut year's or P!. , ,e, :U:2 bettOtt. Could eat with. out the least invoncentenre, Itle7 A lartte onml.rr or 1111101,0004 1 11 - the ell ;sena t" L e elinetors, TCy„w 'lnge r '4;try Is ynnened ibe by Hons. A .;:f Johnson and Pe:cy Clay. as well au a number taken In .'ex ndria and T , Vashington, , ea. bc Senn on arm:lc:Hon to the room of the proptielovai gsehnnee Puke. One Dellai• per bottle. June 21--d2w . HARPEri, Attorney and Counselor at Law, cAniz. nAtnrsoic.: COTJNTY , (Mtn, yr' ntu•ttli r ,, oniritty in the rot.prt ton-or ifirAftVilliti of rlpllll., RI, at) prof , ssionnt tni•lneA• entrtillitelljto b Ou,r7r in se m The romitips of Aarriaov, Jeff arse,. Berftellf. 7'itß Ca arcs, nohot.g. CeSilDesm. Carieft.. Stark and ;Perri.. Refer to: lifftetilr t, nottlig, natZ,lll4,*l I P I"r It, ' John F Piusbur hrper. D. T. nlercelt, may 27:-1 Oftire r,r-tho At'le2hPny R , id?r• en. f'Dte'prth, July 41;tai . 3. C Preelii,nt and Manazera at the “eppripett! far e'eettag a It, over the 41) rehen) ri•Pr. Pittettfe*:-ettuntv nf hat, gbh, ?ay tie e'oreelilnylettri of Flys per Gent, ne I he froNIAI inacir of u l4 Nonpany; ant af th e profit a- of the lan cx which he NIA ra thy 11, 15 :ht.14cre. 4:4 tliar reprearboatlvn3, on or after th,it fitD t.ftt. - ju!.t . srS! JOHN &LAR PER.. s • :Treseit4;iiA
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers