. . ~ i woman , who afters uptair the diAlesruf a ---I,Vhatquack medieine don't cure the Ins. fluenza? ‘Ve slimed like to ktitite• At the Dublin Corn Exchange on the had been", it WU .auppesed, affittarmailly ~ ' PstSR 'lslaaasplarts • , - Allesetellax Siterltorer. This distinguished Musician has arr ived wife aught to make her; ^ acqnsi t - 1 Prescott, Receiver at i_ t a le vi L ng au e d m O b ffi ez c z e le a d t ith, the repeal rent amounted to £904, the checleed; , - . , T All re 8' HU eiIA.NA 1%1 9 . Amongst ether p lants of coneintleeriiion. largest yet received, e xcept that of the pre '''SY ' S YRI A: . s vT eielesiseth( litgeree.;"'"ii' in our city, and gives his fiist Concett 4..11 . cutoprt handed ritel, , r the eeneral hated of vious wesk, which includna gun ex( i- Lettere ftotn-Altecandria. /peals of fresh I to-morrow eveninc• at Concert Hall. His • co ihdence towa ,wards nivea, thet e is one of C sl ll o ir o a o z o , ,:: s l ' 2 ' o S . s" ( ; l o ‘ c s i, ll t l t l a s been tried and so- . • .0 ordinary returns made at ir ()Ton nell's tlism l ens in aysiaeleirking, from the e xcesees l ilkii,y ma;),-ovii D I IQ I I I Lk/ A,ll 1 1 VI I t ?OR. astonl.-I ing pelf omances on fie Vinton. such par ammo, ni St 'Meeting in 'Tippe rar y. Troops • • f the A l - mato tit a. 0.3 rut ki-li no t i i , Tit. -""______"_- - f -----------t I potiance 1.0 the recut queied at Spliegfield, . . ;.,, 5 ,„,,,, e „, „ ~,,,,,In,Kurlosz•seesoesisions cello, has Cale forth the un on , del ap- toile ef e o men s condo , t.n her domestic an sir , that were this one vonsidet atiin all 'basin poured into the country in great Albumen t roops are steted to 1 1 e s b -en fltielliwir At the clo,e of the last week driven out from ['ripe!' by ill •in ebeatit ---. . - --- -- -- - probation of the public and the press of 11.1t-D‘‘t , JULY 6,1813 \ and to have retueo to Be . N root, v. he:e, they -,,,, - ------- every city where ht 11.8 performs& which had to be taken into account, MI the force in Ireland tt'ncititel to six di -; - , renewed their excesses of theft, vtolatien 4PO First I.sigei wool,} Vt . itself be well worth every e ,disav I or to insure so desirable an end. Ime I n *titans of artillery; six regiments and a Prrvi usly to Mr. Bohrer's visa to the ~,,,' open c enmunication of the -tate of di* United S ates, he had earned for himself, the stmadtoo of cavalry; twelve battalions and I and massacre. i Repeal. twenty two depots of infantry. li FReNCE. As was expected, die Abolition speech the highest reputation not only in his own hueband's Pecuniary cncurn-tani es to hts :•,.rhe English parrs are filled with ' acs The terminatiou of the ssssion in the of llr O'Connell has created very consids native Germany, but in all the principal • wife; for I can scarcely imagine anything more congenial to the best feelings of a Mutt of repeal meetings; but the follw- French Chambers is marked by 2 good arable confusion among the Repealers of cities of Europe. We observe from a file . in .wilt Suffice as a spesitnen of the mode, deal of act imony. The Budget commise fat hful wife, than Co be made the partaker . _ giving great uneasiness to the United States. In the Belot/lore Re- of Loudon papets, that in that Metropolis, in Which Mr O'Connell ta'ks: stun has been of all the interest and eve' ts m rat the leis . ..peal Asseciition, re , s denims strongly tie. he was styled the ePaganini of the Vies band derives from prosper'ity and success; **The repeal demonstration at liillresny, the mineety. The debate on the grant for s M. n unciatory of Mr u'Connell's course, loncello." The e'Musical World" says he while, on the other handohere is no great.. Olt-'7lhe Bth, is described as having bete the establisements inithe Pacifi has wt. reat: There were, it is said, upwards of I mutated not so mu • 1 in a victory to so were p a ssed, but the A ssoc iation a t the conquers a thousand hither t o insurmeunt- er cruelty than the , of allowing a woman 1108,000 people present, including. fron 11,, Gwent a s in a di avi n battle between the , t same time, nobly re solved that his impru- able Milt Lillie , and a, bieses utelreamed of good principles and ri g ht feelings, to go WO t 042,000 horsemen.-Mr. O'Connell. llell'etrent''• , t dectares it to he tits intention toldence sheuld not affect their zeal in the of tl tugs. on iguorantly conducting her household in re this vast multitude said-is ""2" . he cate,e of Irish liberty. expenses, in a marine! mconsistent with persist in !nevus:: 1 e the sum of money The follessins letter of 'noodle tion from there a letnil within healmet, If there he,tie real state of his affeirs, ehen thes are 1 upon , the Mai uesas Q ,eeti,, P roposes ts.i expel),q , in Philadelphia a meeting of the R e- 1 Baron De Ilanil,o'dt, whose name and in any deeree as or involved in t'll - them play up 'God save the ris i n tend nto cut a canal across th e {More than a dozen heeds here played ue peal A-seciation was called to expre sb a n works are krown throueenut th e conliz-d fisulty,-Mrs. Elli's (Fires of England st,b,mu. o Panama, he sass is no Chimera. , OW national anthem, the entire vast multi- op i n i o n on 'NU - O'Connell's speesh, when world, contaies a suffiLient assurance of I he 1 - i i, udge , t , vw. dad the French Ministrs -_ -- --__ hide rernaining uecovel ed. At the termis produce i is . tie toed as most unsatisfsictory. , the Ab.olionntsts sneseedee in d e f, a ting Mr. B direr'a worth and taten's. 4C 011tInfr Etat 'S ca. itation of the air three hearty and- deafen i Alter all, it is abutitlar.'ly clear that the r e 1 , • e e, • ei.ess------- - = -- RI cheers were given tort he Queer.) i ~,, a , ‘ , e ~i , , i , _so t i i Ins 0. a erm, moderate at a tern- ce,eitle'li.staff,.iasrl-tzeorts.alts,mtbseedratilufssititlicrstlizi,s,nee s o , t r t it , s e it ti a , _ *Ail now give you another atieject to cheer % urie Par'? , "a e lee Iveu a nl"''' a n ' 9 krr at e character, teprosine Mr O'Cons ra T.,1 s• a b . e • ~, to honer my e, ur-c -old a scata agt , 1 ern. - stir cheers for the Qeeen's army, the ' net ' s rash ,t 99, hut declaring that it should tablets tutor •• ire to rOCI)•e•s 1(111,1• Ittlel, tho bravest army in the world. (Tremendeus 1 , 'INDIA In e. 08 P ermitted to op-rate against Repeal- d e e , p ieterc.. %Alin' , I t ,Itt In thc suree- , If • 11:0 , -t , d V ( 1::( 1 ) , n 13 , , i n 4 17y is be Ist ,‘ .' ' lO All Boat., inarl,ckl Ilai. tr) are pro. nieu n ontel ar cl, LL,I , Bra' Cr, ray t e uetry,oan, I re sheers.) Thr.,e cheers for the Irish pen- ,), ,C.ll4aN Evans's hatety Uuard 1 tal I ins) 1, ..., ao_tf ta -_,le _ pi 'l.- ILe Plc , ldent, arid S , cre . ,ary of the A s ir). cu m re tis lien seetilarts to the b sualul eeun. 'try v, ,I 1 , ~, ,t ~, t 1 . t 1..11, to the ath ntutn of Reported by s ni.at.T. SE J r) General S B ple; the moat m oral, the !neat brave, . the , I ; i ' , ~ . 1 it re _had ',Pau , .-1. At er t p meant m lit e - sl at, n th,o, 1,--12, led their posts. On last • meet temperate, and the met , t relivi e‘s aft - or in :-,c..1.1n ie. 111 3o S 0 11, Whil t . e, , s, , 1 ea sol o-, . inn mu-tesl art, i.n.l who love tO ', Agcr.ta, 'Water -trect, 1.-0 , t tt- otn Lines" offie le on the face of the eat'll llctit 1 Y N tilt oay t strung, an adjourned meet- g ee ~,, lose airte to a noble end extraerltnary cter O n • Oil ing,„ r 'B d - 4 0 - ~ ( r , 4.1 u. ..ts i s/came !tont Seeker t , 11 'lt )` Lid- is g \sag h 1,1, at ehi di the reedutions a • '''''"' '' I)"andPhittgcnetinued cheer's te ) bad in corn , atul of a C r igid-, enco it,tctril ARRIVED. riag his bearers that nothiee could s re \ ent\ lAN' A.Nr)Rn DT: IIUMBOLDT v L ei:, w -I day hose ai lids , l to. wsre reconodered, and Ake vel em b e i n g ri d, l e t h e p pt ,„1,,, ,core i i :strong b,ttly of the ettem , ~ b \I 1011 rellil 1 11 ~...)I , ' ,cal SiCal.) Of l'ti 1)" , 11 Bra': , r Pt , ""' he rd Int , s tia, I ~,,,,, , p ,, f . ‘,. io nave marc h of Sir Cni.. I.\ epter tsil,iti in; but I t_... -t tl, and t',- xaluab e and Oil; i e nt otft. Vol dale, ‘l,. 10 I 12. • \t't Id de, l'ent,z , er, Loul-t. Ile It d d , (4,,, 0 c 11, ,N 1,1) ~,t1 , i ,fl.ls.llC heard of tli • Duke e t: \Vele ge ,-, e , e Sre le , y vie"- n. , ~,y tssolose lt e 1 eel i Leo- viho ie seset d, is tre ,vat rnl v urged to The .111iiidani-is (Elsa. -ase.--V,7-e- learn by a Claraut, 11.1'.11 , 9«n, Z (lc's, le ftebert Peel havtnt„ , cool • d ~ ,- r1 1 • , Parlta. 4 '" "' to ''''' a l ''' l'''' ' 11(1 '.e i t th'''''' ' ii , not sort thou -t It I eft, 1,11 c•eisented , eisented, we pit,ate ~our, e, that the na tridamus Case 11, , (1. , urg 11, 11, '''(, tst ti Alla went one fine evening, i o tieot i, oil; 0 , 4 , •c 1 l• to , much ilia-lenity 1. , 11 Char es :`:( •,, te I,_.\ e, t , a , ...,. la to g n, I r cc, t in, 1 , .0 , t t ldtet 4 one cll. to tcst they would treys •.[ the Roe. al of O l t t_l , er al owed the so ), , se e le t the C e ital C , mrn -see ers, has been tents, Von t g riti, -,or tr-h. and st day break on the 21111 Mart h. 1,, V , et e I, 2 l,ttulate int ft ten 's ot Irekna de( ided in tin it co, tr. We co •zt atolate cri n, 11011_11 , 0.1, Z ole-...ire then ev.n at the expeese , e 1 11 , 1 11 v , I r. ,tt out with the e s s e o f l is c t r ee, 60011 to. this torm-a'e c ott 10-ion of the tle cut- lee eulelc let 11 ' 1 ' ' ' t'Ull• and Indulge the 'iNt 2-I..ugusai V 11, y, 11.11. cu, do We will net go to te a t wi n 0 oro, ant I. t N ing , l lin , Do. inne , ,, 1A• heeling' ( prs , i.: .i ., , , iiis sir ng, to meet the Sstn lest-T. rt e sem in :lie e ,ci, tics %there it has been lee e that vie have -ei ri 111 e last asaault of them not go to war e iris es gq...) urnbiano, \lu ...CC, Vl, itecittig ~, chewing, which cotttinu d for -wee non- tin ` m about likk k P' l ' 4 B '' elir ' ek ' -3 ' °°° le el iie , ate} Call hut ex press the hope, lots tra Ispork ii tip et the intereNts of North Quetn, 14,L fol, ‘Vlitelliig eteeg. or more, peeted bele , d (me of the . , pee xi& I lei). rites.) We will re tont , e de fen ~ x ae 1 bs- ! , i • n,•li I + e set nil e last and worst ,ff.sts I t e ties. Teo Slate tel cets will la , ye Wallahs or dry watt r-coursee hs • 'early re tver k'y net.. )iellt me,rnen of liilkento, , tie ie is , nowOrt•iteu-', Dar 5, Z+l, p Yard %,‘ ,Ith the country is leterseeted in all di. t err, int ,pe re nof Mr O'C retell now, it ot pr I') Me, Ie p fleeted io purEue eV in Europe that would rte''h' t ti k you Att g itet y, Dea , ,, Cll. re oens. --------_ _ their 1,111 111 avocations w itlion 1 , 11 (It vice and the people of I , el t•el, cv • en t -,ey '.:eel, 1.e.1,11), l't c( ,I. Lit. Ihe battle lasted three hours. (I_, -... i l , O G , 7 , t , Ili , ..„ 1 1,1 1 ,1,,,i its i rim i s a nd vex/thot. oppt-dtt tit horn the cornbt- •.xlitti, 11111 , 4.. 11 111111.1 themselves In th^ right And rrt in the de- I' e ee e,i, s i.,-- eis N, r.,• V e-'. 'l' ett 4 I' I I e s e i e e LI st one ef tee e }trues of the; " e ' l c ' ) "P " 1 3. NOr,ll Q teen, Nt L.,,,,,, VN It•titog feueive only. (Heat , heat ) Ti , , tinedM r o e i 1,1( ~ Ike . V ~‘ toe tog 400 li ttli. , hem r ()out d 11, ,, it lltc fit (Int pi -ter s n„. ! ,` t t 1 "(1(1,1r I 1. 1 1 nen and other ened es with this civil ,earl es, bur the e et, N ( o binci .Ippoitilinefli s - flie \lad• sril 1. 11 while tile meet eit m e ~ ,3 . • lento ' laughed at them, and x on are at Oberty to hi 1 fi le.l NA olt dead al a , „„„ %,„:. I ~,, ,: •I 1,,,, 'oleignet A I t ~ n 0 1 ,•• ;te le, of Arnett? sit an ef Sourd is t oenteg sais:-"John No'- briegh at them. (Cheers and I Itiash•et ) e . 1 - _ , cittefs fell in ill' Actmoll-me, 11, j t\l 4 - c,t It n-. it ,_p r ~ a al p som e ex- son, , 1 \lst yl lie!, hes - w rit! e 1 the aro tint hurled back my intlienne ileferee ~, ro•rn from t he R e p e al A ss .,cia i ,, n, ?on tr,'d them }}-held ir Seer' , tie g est pt , tweet e t , the ti ,i, t• 1I On al' COT M 1 01.- 41011 publi.hed in tree, t 1, tele! ed hun t Ity ter t , ..--,, ~, o l or 5,, , 1 e I,ln, 11 ~„ ,- what I nuw tell you, t h at ee 1 tee s w0.,11 ,ca r t ~", Ne t ) f ' 11 1 a Wars ' 1 •.), ', )0 .er , 1 1.1 'r, teition of ti e t tast Attest es Gem • cal ,I he l - t I, I e it , s in t viorete the law, or commit ar,v si”mccee I e b,el"k'e'l-- " 1 " 111 , 14 " the " I* ," 1 ti V, eil ,I, 0 11111,In .1 1,1, in ,vetch there is, w o e , 0 e e l es of 'lts 11 et. hug , S I,r 2 , ds , gtent tte-pt tatton, t, o the cnsi tin nt ..ht tr but that We }'aye hands tiara to ,i(4,„1 , r . b ~., ~ b _., ~o r t 11 (1,, le some 1 , ,11,2nt , opt mimes ed hN• • Wit are sureo tlo• elt v , awes , reentre,t tilt cur own heads. if tin tlcre 1 t() -1 , tels es. c`'''''' ` " -I . ' e see, e t ,• I ' g``' 1 , :.arb or, Ito whit lot cothtd lered it tr.ii he s ill-f) 1, 11 , 1,, , 1112 r,cto ( ur readers. (flreer chrt r- , ) \Vitro ,vas 0,,, f t ti -e- a'' C ''P t q ' PI ' I • 0 r I , s , a. s lei . c --1 ler hie : sm . 3 t s 'le ' , ll TO f e the very Silt meets reel Ili no Mi. N. IA CI 1.1 + 11, + ill.- 1 1 4 11iThed I• ur his • queneel The greet Doke of Welli t t t ,, t , and the crafty eir RPt el sell ed in their " 4z ''' 3° n '''''''' al ' I 2 ' I 1% “""" ''• ~.., •.ti-r• 111, a ial ceni lin tit (,ff•re I. But e>oi i : di: , : t 2 , Idr .tornt nts, his guar it i t ie, t , t , 111 , 1,, ill 11 , line ~1,u_e10,,,,,'1l ~, h e ye i , ler l e n , in s 31 , ,le t e, o f the o i , . , (1 lls tit -1,; a halde i li4tracter. • horny a little, B ed they cat! they del n et .ii °e c,, 1, i t ,11,, nett neo into Itv, ;lase}} . . , 1,, , ~ ~ . , , , , mese to attack its• (leseeloet ) But th. , . 14op ii core W., to Lc( pie , I,•le I- a 'ili'llit In ( tr. ,11 AU Il in th• • Ills at my b o Int; bet 11 '', ' "' ' havetrarm taleyn.tantadvernr ~31.16,.,0els1011,,in,ist,i,,Inerlyi t am isa v l: r y ,, , 1 5, ' ,..,, : i n t y ,11) , 1 ' • , ', 1 .1 1 .: " p ",, e te, `:,',. ll' „„ t „ . }noel ,'•d h, 1 .',. VL . , 1 1. , -1 10 , .. .._ 2 a 1 .+.,, 1 -p ,-1 )))) ma y, • ) .... t , , , y, ~, „, ~, „ 0 „, ~ (1 , 0 ,1 ~, r ,.. p ,,,,, glad, fur they trill t,petia 30 000 ,;v1,01,02,, t\tio,o,la 1-1,.,rt, , , •who t hi , _t Ij,in as I,', as cd t . (1, puce I (Wm ,d 110 tr '`t i cvi n'''''c '" h le ''''', ' ''' ''''`,' I) , Vat 1- . t Tr ott, w to. t e t e , ,e, 1 , f t .,e I ' the I,i - 1 , t h e , i , 1 , , ~„ ~, I , •ime, this." i had, M en( 111, ,teen ii , r , a I,) Ih • 11 ti DaN td eirPty day while they remain in the r ountry ' Lt. si id Owl , ' r.oe.R lit nsh ie, of MI- tcs u.-tt-. Mr (Cheers.) It wmed he s lend of tittle rt - es he t' , .:.' m i t , t. c I ti-e- 1,1 (,) rlp'q 11 of ' File cot rc.-.1( ~I 'cut. of 11,12 Mot' I.lng , _ pesil of the Utiiim in itself, t , t tzt , t it t! y, f On , in •tenig, e rel in vent- s heist ILAS. - Chl oitlele (d..)-tiN es: - "At the batiquiet in the e , enine, he said, r e .‘ lltg t 1- c ornitla 11 . b, t ~, k a •,, el r rat ge ' ''''" ' ' \ ' ""' 111111dillg to the great assem bla g e he had '-" '' -i,',C,""`""' ;' e `'''' l " tr) ', , tie .+, C wit/ .‘, sun ode ; ,t 1 1 e •+ll , ) tabs t tin. tx a - t4llt 3 f o 'lt eRI • ef the'''''''" itt il 9 ' . s ''' " 1 " 1 ~ : o pri in the lITOrtIITV2,. What. av; as. e.l, , - ', “ ' ••' l ' CL tut NC.- .1, p”• 1 , -.., 0.. le ll l '. 1 a',. ~ 1,1, told tha t It 15 stn. li4l,lliiCtli faree have e e net ~ fitness , a to_ I ,_ , G •Ze lc, 1,,, , .‘ .1, rr, tri ll Seek 1 .1 vain f, r t .l_, ~,, „ii,, , ~,,,„ ,I, , , ~,,,,, , , ,t. ,, t 7, ', ,1 a ir rtill r i , ... day. We steed at the head ef a b ely et I " ' ''' "' ''' '' '''' any other In olLtil. %vitt I) C an he made et it t . , see, , n 1 ietib Eel. eSeeleii li, el \Nab men that, it °remised by teilsary thaele t , , , , ~. a , ~ ~ , , , , zi ,, , e I I 1 I 1 1,, , a i r 0 i s loi f a h( n O,Ol Ili, y 1 . il ' 1 \I I‘. r - 1') .1' "1 't I' .t . r' -4 One, would he quite e berel tat for the Co ~9.,1 1. ) to l a i eiedi Da 1, ,, I, e t t 1) I n -elle , ' I, se 4 ~ 'O. , - , 1 t 1: • o :-.11 , - ', 1 ..), arm • ,e 1 o a t I le , 5 ,),). 2 ,1,t. to L debar for - , „ „'e \, 1 q test of Europe. Welliegton hand fl eece t ' A " ' `'` - d ' t I '''''' '' 1 ' ' s"'''' ,i , sea I ,r lk et .1t 11 1. , t it: -11 , 0 ( 11 I N 1 e _ ...‘ li n ith)..t t lglits" sleds 2n arme es we saw trt do,. There! sr , Ile 9f:on C I 1 i-c .1 t 5, 1 . nat. ~ .. o I ',otoll il J ‘1 l',‘ •O • .- 1 ,1 99 IVA et N4Aleterino 0.1 both SldeS 4 , + rn eiv ' ..... , e .'' , , 1, it we 0)+11 n-t 4pond too. i n defend- o , t ~•,1 el ~,, - \ :1 1 ~,, , I'll:, ,•, ' . t , , ,-, ~,•dtit, • - t, , t , 1, , kIIt , e , it the s'"Alt, active energetic men as 11e , ' - i w 1i..! r 4 ' o ~ I i t einte Ives a ; r tin-t - ,cli ,i charge from sl i.lts at oitolle ,I' ot i sal -., to-day. Oh! but it would he lil,l Oiey I vL l e . lc, i mg w ~...i , ~ ~ , ~,, , ~, 50 ,- - oh ii -nor •e. it' the 0 •Ze'le's leallei eis • were Tat disciplined! It sau tell 11,cm c . ~ , ~1 t ; at 1 , ,OSi u g )0L 5 --... r I what ta do, you will have them all &sc. r 1 ' "LL O 'L" 1 ", re s '' .41 -* 1a "n" IS t° Vietin as any thine against lined in an bout. (G, e at and c . i t t , 4l , ,I , r i tm`l'm em.mm'g ti ne w '''' '''`''' "et"''' Nero nor si r snivels towport. Burin our whole e,y l ie n' fools to he c+ sled on 111 the - r cheering ) Do you not think they were , ~.'' polo ir tl hie, of p,inciples the very reverse w hither the Pleeeme, ildi : wottld as well able to walk in order after a hand \ NI "th' of thot.e we are chat ged with, then we have etel im the aril , I el sl ii a M tic ern , as if they wore red coats, and that they II:", „ v • ' , } ,'b "red in vain. We mantis lieaYen that ion I.lll+Bll . icteria 8 1-..' 111 at.lon of the . would be as really to obey th eir retie,}l e- we weer wrote anl, thlog that. tbe cortupt wardens, as if they %vele ca lled s , rto le ts ''' ")• ~rt; ,e, s , l in 10 ' i eer henry P0nt0...; 11- `'ll Ito thly r nryte, nhn It men 1 tse thtlTlstzette appro. and captains?"'that v . • i l o f I. ,• 1 1 1 . we . e-, f rom t% hich they I NC-, r . the , C . I Ito se at II, • ,T • I les, The usual weekly nieeti ire of tit" tierpee ,'' ''' 'it - • s l i It , t i ssiiiersitemt k 011 ,1V ,at •- tt y , Assaciatiun took piece t u Nlete l e‘ , the - t bit. a h ,d, 1' e -ti ollatlons a 1. 1, t..,, IJ ..) n 1 , 12th, at the Corn Exehene,e, pub ie. The use r-tent , If ne had n q other reason, to ,i -I I eel in the new , 0 , s he Ira'] ;ti '.I amount of the rent for the week ~ as any , ' co us On it we had eammited an ens eotinced to be £1:717 11a. 10 3-4. Tine " t ' '''`, al , S of t 11.ee , ,` ''' "Y, ''''' ,'"l"'g Ca ,' '"" ' ' , ,t, il still toe (;rand u, ifle , 11111, to carr),, at- lo r enthustasin WEIR beyond all des( ripli qt., I t• tit teittln to the Pettit, I the into:lenge mnb outside the building t -----------------_ I seeseNVe coplud the followine pithy and joined in the c heers from the inside. 1 I i e, ~ e ,se - stelead v. ~e e , ' !urn , df , i t,l jute: f the hack , C e ion of a Philadele Notwiths'andino the e xsitement will , li I „ , i „ „ prevails about the Itept al question, hi , , ~ ~ ,h, ,t. ~o wr, i, ~. plea Relish Note, of the Nlt•cliantes' and t s country is in a very qui -t slate. ~ , 4 ,131 e Caine 1 111+1 In urio..l .. ''. to Id , 4•eiuracturers' B int,: l i ' ,e- , t it t ',Antal Ii ii and t An individual named Semuel Mayer had ,' ' " '' ' - . , , been arrested in C,ttiseri tense of lea d-ji,, threseing a letter to a 1 , , , tt,‘Wr of the g , V- I eminent offetiutz t t as.ns-ii ate D,3114+1 0L- Connell. Ile stat.a that he tarots tee di ( g . g ~,,, r In. .......e Olycl- , 1 Corn ash Ulu letter after dinner, under the it flottoee 4 ,f , . t c •,,,,, t, ,„t 1 o\ 1 COll th e Cll ', willies a nd h ad no '''''''' 1.4 Fend " g 1 t• '"' le e r ,t,•r to e oth 1, L ,--1 ~ ''e ti et ,t ~ or co - , he put it into his pocket, in ehich hapeen ___,,„,•,, , , , we , , , , , 1 ~s t r , -,, ed to be a letter to lee a other . ; and hy u i..t rtt, ;aid be fon- c.. : a 1 IC 1 . ,C. , I take hertext pn.-ted the wrong lett , r, H r I rli . r est ii hi -.r , , , ,I ~ - to_ run -- expressed his rectreme regret at his lolls . I iie t '"' i l " - l- " 6 " g " 1 ' I ' l c 1 " . the Lai: . 01.1 lc., ~.r d 1 4 -, it., ‘,l to r he Repeal Assoteittoli of rhaiho ~1 , ,-as,(l 1, I• C ~, .1, C 01.., dte ear .. to 1 1,- i aie irked to have any connection %sell, or I I , t • thin; ot ti e 1)11 ' e ell igt. L e, al ' ) 11 c t tl, a, d as be ul.l so lib eated-h-a-h, a l; the constd itlllietance from the 1.0 don Chartists and Itle ti culated 'I execute airr;" Be then tt. tit , I resettle O'Correter, wli , tender el their , - e mean la t_fli d, say thg he had r oh-r exe ate any retviees to there. ' t. n • ~.1,, On "t ,t al .-11000../ack Times. I - AU idea of her 111, jrzty' , visit to Ireland ----------- , , ii" Tog love for '!'singes ow( for Monarchy.- - is for the present abandoned. \ ri, D ttt,cot y LIAV, 111W•vs um. g • a the leuaer- SPAIN. et Oh ir lit dual , n poleillS /,tit 1.1111,g at heart , ft\ r , '10,..r. 1,1 T.,0 1 11.0.1 u c.,1 ...LC 1..1,11. .1, insurreefion in Spain.-The Peninsula char;,": ~ 4 ITU. I,: ' y ex ttotrun, 11,0 Journals o 111 , 1 is*gain in inset rei eon, and it is now tol- 'l.l*-11-011-Ir.--..3 A %to 4 to ~,,toi,r, co tanottee al orohly clear that without ICI. eign interfe- 1114 burly rep, Luc: 11,1, .MI 1 2 , th e .. 8 ton tor woo . , Eiopartew wil to, tic', oite to mete] 1 ,3 me to rotary ot t ,o 1, .1 11/. 111/11--"111C Marl 110,0 4.1111 V ..0 11, , ...lc 1 ~ lite', , 1.0 t, : ; r his ground in Spain. E' Icm h go' d, if w e\,,, i . : 1 Great .1n.a.11 T, 'i • --It ' Ore to belt all we hear, has bees, tweet( see who %% al a -it, 'I, , ~• ~1 , r 11, 1 1:r G. ll'. '- p(Mmt in contributing t oi ts oVelllfit,W, 11,d to the tine, he I,rok 1,1-, • sor,l 1-.11.r 11100 $ s.' ! h am! Oa f f f i le tingo e e t h e people. z,,,,,„„„,, •e 1. wee it t ) the British at the I o ion In 101 11 11, , l l Owl. ifight marea i (11 los it O, ill 100 W#lll+44lll eljaillSt Cl)1011e1 Pl,lll, lin , , mos atitsged to re „ s anti. t, 'av"" ne latter l• ,i ss ,a , , et Ilic 1,111 , re Ci in tie'l , lin It'll - fivoir antgor of tiOl South of Catalerlie•- i• i t rut -„.lush me in ,a. , the bin- . ~I ‘ll W. at 1 Pe41.41/1011 Ore of dilly rccurren ye in too 11. IR" I I "I e ~ r 1 , - t'it , k et ()ere ""e"c '' \ SO Ittife itfuviticce; Pt, liarcrlot aa s earner l" ' l ' ' " I' sni 'est el ut 'S " l ug I` ei . T' mu la, We og lip the government has been ii ji t., , l r t i ; i c e - l a ,:u t , r it ,, , la I ~: fi, ( it , , ,ri t isi,,,k,Theh-ne t. , a t i t il 1 *4 , Ihe troops which were despatch filti )7 , , W.° en I r r o ' ai r t t i . :l7) I'-r de f..,,,'ln;NY.•wt Srle):::•• # .4 or 104 deer!! the intAurrection in the , ageno these aatrltt Wars?, --,prinfLv-Itt Registei • 10 Niti1404,..••81i bast their officers-- *ate I i o _ el)overt ! s re-s. upo. t eno,v is yet quite dees in the valleys toe @ARP*, Veieritle. Eelrematittre., end along the White Slountaine of Neel liampe S'Aeliteittli, eirse SeWeeoe wits of the recusant - a 1 b rte s e rn ,%rry th,e, C 0-..1 t; ; ~,,,. y ; ;. y tad, t ;i I ~ ;; r.;ry •1 c..ree're. th•.' ,:t; i 6-1 e ; r,r%rn mco, f•tir t• Stre, \Vitt' c I rcddene•l faro, A:1 struttinz, supercilious puce, And head elect, as w, flow I t his impti.ittlce can go. lie's diu br x•ic nth fine and bright, Les pp , of dawn at night, 11 IC) ll11.‘U;11J r•.tind lit , bed, ha in 'ncrth I to hcad; ‘Vb ‘ l..!revois Lu d-1 ki.ows, I;xcept he d: came ot wi.l:l,llg woes • n•,: nil the rain, A ,d or p!, ,ns• 1 , . :It , \V. race.; h. ht:it 1.0 his sleep, Teats surr,,and him three fed. jeep, Sh.veri;ig c:4ll!rem t•tatit',ing by, t-houal chatter forth ht 6 Name hint—name hi n, solve the riddle, SpLak the cured tittat,e ul B --Ic. S. ill**** The NV ife • In laver of 1"43, $6,208 37 To feel herself an unequal companion The Canal opened on the 7th April, and busi to the being whom of all others she would airless was suspended three days by high water.— most wish to please, to have never cult iva- TI e above increase is therefore in 21 months. Dea'h nf a Milliemlire —R •bert Stewart, ole of ted het p•.wers of conversation, and to be Shipped eastwar l sires 0,-ening o f N a vigation. lic. WCUltill at eulz us of New York,died on Mons eoncious that her society is vapid and un Flour, 84 767 eels. ,lay last, raged eighty-teui, Ile was uncle to Mrs interesting, must be one of the most pain- Bacon, 17,244 508 ila. Jam s Watson Webb, who will receive a large . fan ..utn... tt.ng feelinus to which amia - Tobacco, 9,303 765 lbs. o urlion of his immense estate. The N Y Express 1 lele woman cin be subject: but to see, what Flour and Bacon rye nearly doubt-, a nd Tobacco .1 . il.at Mr Stewart, brother of the Iwo Alexan. is very natural in sorb a case, that others 3,000,000 It) , inure than in 1841. hehr, pri,sl,lli to li .1 dentli, the est a te 1 ft b Y ii lave a power which she has not, to call AA , ht' ;Ibi.)%e e,imposelhe r, ceipts of both year , ‘hce Lumeortrrl, whi c h has recently caused so ing te:s Spring, up to the Truth r.vrition on a ccount a the ejectment burls both the higher faculties of hus hand's front t h e time of 0p,..„- mind, to elevate his thoughts, to charm his Ist 0 , July, it may be proper to add, that the ahoy hrought ag ainst it. Mr. Stewart is suppoaed to fancy, and to enliven his spirits! SurelY r eceipts for the present year, are nearly 82000 over hare r ereiverl the ertati s of kexander in trust, if the daughters of England coulti realize, ,'„eoyerci by vv,ll) for the betiefit of the children of the actual receipts of 1842, to same date, although that year had the advantage of a whole month ~' the latter. Death, the ea-ly or late visitant of all, 'by any exercise of their imagination, .the full intensity of feelings such as these,tnt-y the spring husine-s vv' r . Vie present—the canal generally unfol,l3 the c l o sest secrets, and the naYs• would cease to be careless about the cul. being open and business iu operation on the 7th ter) , which clashes to Peveral millions of dollere• di l ation of Lbw() means of promoting social w orth o rpropo•ty, will now he unfebied , ! awl domestic happiness, with which every y ear. of `larch, jt.st one month before the opening' this • . o,:t. 19,1541 -;l:,\V Alilt,‘ tit; ENIENT. I flu I.: :..71) I 1:::,* C i..A....S in Mr. F.,-.1-,•,,r Wroires ,Instit. ,0 1. title, e. .1 t..renner rt felVel . .:-.01 ,4, at 1( 0 ell. , elt I. In , !..;11,01 :0 I.te p ••,irt l'l-,--. a iiew + - me Will be !,?..5 el. 0,2,,,r2,r1 rrli Vl r Oilc,rl.eV the nth irlF l • at the alma' ci i 4... i, hour. lc: , I.ri,lics` 0,111 Centirnict''. ease' wtll recitve 1e5.,...n.- rvo re t s(' , tn.: , 1 11,.'r'nek. A. new iventna CIO!, 'in w ill also I, et a 1.17,1 ~,, Ow , 1.1 a it,t. Vl' 7,.wi1l be 3.2 die :,1 ix r.rl.. Ow 1 2 •11•• oqeol,oo to 7ive levsonv et Atilt 1 , ~,,,,„ ,„,,_ ~r t i . ,,,- „; ~, "1....). All "on svh.ll to breathe 75 d ' ; ... , o, ia ov. a .. of ~„,,,,,.1,,.. Clip pro. will matt' itillate• 3 ) dis ,t,,,e,,,,0,..., i4o, for a %erns or 1,.=,0ne, and )otir hest \ 25 di- • w r,..1,- , 11l 1•••• litrir, Ihrill l'entlz.,l, an .\ ~ 'Hr I'V•c • ("I II• s ri' V 101 •F•l.1.1(11Y, 11l r , log 1 l•TIlust• VoOr• rent' rt.ti,V• who 11,Vel• WrOMlrefore• 0,0 u la , gc body ~ Cum•ochns recent l y vt.i'ird 'I, INDIANA-8.-ta‘e i.ri,. , , ‘,.,i , old) 13 die Aal Ines , . wit. always wrote, can write the ratr.., Co - plis (.' ri , ..ti, c ,T.tored Mt t; ut!,ty and la , n,ly, • 11.1 " (.• 01, old) N It._ \ c'a.. a erollemen v. id ,eccive lessors atAtIB • • 15 dis ~,id killed a twin wh, e u one is nit - I;tiv. , . ! 20 4,„ In-ii•liie evert . nornie._ al I'.l ~•, lock. ig 4 li o (5, , , cy ,) The•e, 0. ere, re rha.ti, 31 th • wet' 10, ,-011 , 10 bt.! t Whi:ewater V'y Canal '...-erip 35 0 s : , ... - found at !lie plaro, v. h!ch !a- boon (les.ated fur I cur N v y c oNiNctsSIONEEL ~. t Iva . ly ❑a ec,,r, ~.(1 its re 1••,! , or,: lam th, 5,-•••1!,,,.. 1 ILLI.NOIA—SdaIe ll'lt and Braiii..lics, 37 ‘'i° Vie nt e tlrt , i 0r1.7.••d to announce Wl l ' LIAM KILRif me,, , ... I. ii,i , r.....,ii , . 11 a vi...t f:o.ii tile lad.ans easy 11,:nk .3 -- , taw .ii.', , , tr, 4) ....ii i.r ho 0., ~,, C.a.t 'l'. wr,chip. as n C:111111111.le for tbe •,,,..,. of C ~,ae ~,,,,,,,,.,iner ~ u ll•e, to the declabin ot • I X!..A.1 A NGE ilt 1.“1 :.ei 0 c..its, firm at li pr , ini.• . imp .1,., • I larr,tir,cvuntt convcntlon, ~, .4 too for pi,,ci, of 13 Irt ~,,,Cre. , hilt 3 -1... --_—_—_---------,=----- . Ve - -i'l r. ,,,, . 'i , !lent —il , P ' lY Ill ' t '"'"" 'l Y ' iCECIL :ilmini.ln', a' prein twit. ' --- ---- 1'"1 "" " ' \i'll ' '"'l3 " 'Cl"''' Ile i'l."' c't..."14- i KEN I u.'li . V k LIN D:-; ~ r with specie. I SIT U A ulf)N \V NN ftD. , - in r, , ,, . ; T el.. i 1.1,'t rt'u ~,., a ,•a• 1. 0 w,,,,, . . V , lIIdLE.‘ 4; CD I:A DY of respecnibility.is .410100111 :cc ~..,' ~ I, rt, .1 I. .1 to , 'l..x .. , ,,s iao ,ice.irop 1)1 ' 1 b " 1 " , .5.-- ' u" i' ' . 0 ''' ' '''''' 'I" 'e '''' o'‘.; IL o' . O . ' alit ...17, ..1 situ •tb•n as 110 u.. -ad la ate d 'be Pre coat- (.1. 'l'm v f no n - ihr• 0I•I 6rt do: ~:,i, led ..rll .1••• in ice, m r any elirtlig •in *•: •,' r t . r 0 by which tie y ' itsha,nt .ol,ere ,Vr,aul• are etnaloyc_.a i inttein. ,crlcil, I al'h !, 9plen , Cr:: ;.cal in roc y' (i.- have been goverite I for 5.,,, , to 0111.. I o dia na ' th,71'.‘,',1„1:,ei.”:„,,:.i0i1,::,t,‘,7:1;":::,..,r,'1;n1,`,',1,7 I....o2,l,isselin'ld7The uPrdl rect. m, traee. of .‘lex,,-,ils r 0,14 te '.1• 1 •.d St Itc lia..k. 1iir.11...' Cs 1.;,e ♦g . 4'" pa rte r the baud . ' Cant tv,.ii .1 on ' t ol j.e'n • -.I n I At. , nee frost *4 O l l I to.. .1. t r a The v.ll I , ontilry rup,r , 11C , i to ht. Clir , 1 :!' 'it , '" I.aper now utloit In Ihe c , ,,t,0n '.- of I , u-olie3s. Itle• II .• 1., hot'. d in". tn.' Nltxicans ..avo. v. 1.11.. , _______ _ ____ _________ For cannot inibrinatioti amity at•lnut o ffi ce. ~ • drawn iO.l !heir ttno-s from Ilse cast. pit './.1111. f-li littl,lties. In St. 1.. , 1ni5. ,„ 1 111 0 th e Ilono.ame .1.1.1zr, or the Court of 'General the Itto (;lands, t,t Matain t';is. ,r % % -;'.. L)lii Ar.e. 0I - lii • Ili!, tilt, says—" a• a Qn. iler g•, , ,ioiii t f die Pe...ce,in and fur , the count! A. fe .v .I; i It. 5in..,,, , ix ot ....even Mc x (..t.e from Ida not recollect of 'atg t ~t,,, 1.av, , , , ..! cit•Gn busine s s of A11...ii , e1 v . . . , . , TI:epoli1001 of Atchlbald NlcLees, of Miftlibiovinsblisi! the l'.l . Ertl nd''''''`lnc laht V'e'''-it la si-it I' ' it l ' mali.tlio C.s activity 41,3 it has the pies season. ' relatv,s 1,1 ;,ai t ,\e,. riey v‘.•.:e re.•civ , d 15i.. , 1- ! _ liumblt sliooeili: ly Ly the cciz-tis wlv, wr-licd to protect !hem and . ''''''"e-e t • l '' "1"'"'"' "t past} o nc C''•""t•tf d That )rir p..litioner bath provided himself with tat. aid them in relit( iiin: in salOv to their holics.— I.,,rt,iii. of produce loin lino upper country', liai serials for thcar.commodation of travelers ant otherirogi They 5 1 • •,t 0,1 1., ir reior i.,bot %sere por , ned by t , t,, ,, n p, Air ed down upon Us, and there is us . .et no Ida dwelling noose in the township aforealtl,atid pills than our honors will be ntras.rd to :ran', him a Hemline I,* a party of tottwrs, a,,a oVertak.ol‘ at 6"1'3'1•--- 'in I ication of a relai so. Every boat arriving and ke,p 3 in House of Enteitairment. And tour pst• The 7066,1, ,i,r , tired 111 , r1•1, b mid tit to tree.. is.h.cat'ily ILdeil with iiic pro,'.ucc of ‘l"'',.."•ii in duly bound, will May. and shot ol', Hit a soidll boy, who it is sapp.sei , (i"t",,r'ing, ARCHIBALD tri'LEES. coca pad r wa, cpar ed by Ill) bitill'.• One of 0.!1 . tertlie pr.atrlC•., or th e merchandizo necessary • We, the 91V.,F,rrilmr,R, citizens of blifflln township, do there NI, "iron= who w .s I •Ct f r it- 0 , re ' lO ll ,vercit lor our erins,i-apiirm. Clar leve., is as crotvdtd , certify,that Ibe alfroVP (10111011 r is of good reship, ait.lrettiriitti to Viclorin and gavo. I rl• I'lll3'loll of : o ,ly as 11 .in lug had but j ost. opened; and drays """" and letnoeratice. and Is well provided %nth the o,cia-cholv fate of his c• Inivimons. Ile had ' lioitm! room aiiil co•lvetrouc,...4 for the accoMinodatioll Of , c iris, ba_anago wag[jr.n. , ., ..`'..:C., art' so onrneroUq,' ,tranerr. nil travrlerA.und " i n t "id 10• e !" it nrcliwaq• • been shot in the f ii,-I:e.,d; b•lt the b 11l glanced t!••••t on Sa',ird iy 0.0 saw a Cl , ol.‘'d f‘i themL'h lt I."".v• ''''-""•u'i ik • W"°n' Isaac Wbits'lL" it t r r• - I the -'hul; awl ,•alito. not .in the. b tc\i. of gel', tVin \f Roo Sarni runtilti.,ltam David Metneneir his 11,:ad. lle was s:Wooed by the Sil 4, and the •,•inix,d nit s in F.:cli a l'n inti , r, that they could I ['tetra Rod An Kirkland Francis brelarer rollers probably sup: he was ilmt diners! ' to ; . ,t. er 20 forward, nor bark out, for , OrliC II ill ' iln ' J;IA ('sprat Jas Cannin:huiii E. D. Curry. 1 thruttoli tht' head. Ills as .ccats :11,nost lOU ' hour. The river is vtt at hearly its hi,lir . st stave, July 3- 31.. rucuous; and it appears as if h • were spared to iz ,,,,,g all ,:,,,,,, i d b .. , i ., t h e Lo.g,,st liberty tri arise as one from the grate to give evidence a, load 'd , wit to the guard,' and plough along wah gainst the murder, Ts. The eit•z•ms of Victoria put inipedini c n t . %%hen they heard ot' thee.) 1001.1.6:1'S, !lent nut par• • ------ --------- pentisy Ivan tit Canal. ties to capture ilia nitinterer.; but. tiro search was ! unsucersatul. The ci %z •,is are eetcrtnined if they , Tolls recei,ed at Pittsburgh trout can be found, that they shall suffer the utmost , D7thsame April t timeo 301 h June, 1843, aerially of the law. o. la-t year, oot t •.1 to:r s 0.31 wor.r 1,1,3 3 ya' anti ralc to them _ Vii. IC VAT V- • 3 feet w•atrr in the channel rusLtc SALE 'OF V ALUAgLE LANDS. - IJIISIT 8, NT to a derreial order of the Oman Ba. Pprrior Court of the Law and Chancery for Meson tcounty. pronoenrcd ibe 19th day of April, 184 N, in the t c:llNe d -pend pia therein of Henry Er r pier, pit,, sp lint _lames W. Brlllseilri,':Panil others. Derts. the ander. Vaned speetai,otoilik:lot-.C.r, V iit sell ft public auction to trile, iiiltte-t bidder. 711 llw rerun {totem. in ..IfaSOII !Obi'', 011 the ltit it .lav of September, 1343. (heins the first - day ! of the Cir Soli', Court of ...old county ) that well known ' feel y of land crhntiemly called "Graliatn'e Elation," lying in '.ll.lgon rorth,,Va., on the Ohio river, containlo* by i sot yey four t yett..;thd ore hundred ant twent , -thre• \aces, in two adj. - pulp:: posse, a tarse proportion of %%III! .la river holtom hind. The above lands previous \ , c) the day of .ale will be laid off by the surveyor of the ......" roil •1y in lots of convenient. size for farms ant plats furnished and or runny thereof will he sold es ma y be nere , s3ly to proltire the 4tim of money r ,, quireet by said \ der re , al order The ~14, wilt be mode on a ererlit of nine month+ Inc oire.t hi :1 part of the purchase money. of ItyMyr me" Ills for another third part, and of eishleea I , months for the resido. , . Ills pqrrtinger Or pOravvireri \ e ternt bond? wan ~e,,,1 ,rcurtry for the payineet' or the different inortitne..l,.., ',arms intere , t f%oroll'e day of SUrik. Chß--r Steamer bet land river, heal Et:tlyvllle, on Monday; Ire p.0, ,, ut ,flhe !Au, Ilam , w orry ..nd 'fah . lel° resat. ' . t lust, neatly ali ! et c.:rt.t.., but was itteuted ~! II!' ti ,4, Of Ilo' nott-lta-er or pu.-oasers rat'ing to utak, to Nc w Ore•atr4 or Nashville. c tut y tnd Ftnances. Ci .ci;lii u: 'be isi lust 6ap,:— Strp LI ,V 9110,1•1 u's•nn lu mousy ti.a t.ts p-ostt ‘.l tt„ e,,Aut s)lit,1111 Ittth "tthetl hil b Ati2r by puyrnet , t or b.ruk" -ft; ,ferit..ll7uti,n of the eir 0 It P 11A N6"(l.' SALE. ruptcy, the ;:,, _ --. IuoCT R S L'...1.V 7' to a ,, ot,'er of iheo3 ul :Ins' Court, bald rid iiti n ha- bet_:l g ., )1 , Ic. ~,t , and c"l'il.'o" •,'" ' I A nr rt ,, - - tvel , ~,, me tut 113 V of Jolx,x, A. P.. 1843, irreculal...o,,,, ti , : 3 101 :3 , , art: and 1)73 11,..031., IR ‘ e. 41. 1 vlvlo.,;3l:eae,xt7fe.o,,,titt,llll.l,l,ii..,ee.gailie, le-1,,,e .rti‘t,v-301;tpditi,:buortrfli:ulayi.k Till: E:,t r, OR 3 . 1 tt. r.,' a ot int. r, , ,-t ult H on , re tiln 1 , 11. nilrountl ,v!11, n tenernuut thereon, sit. •L. '•0 -, ~,. r. -•e' a clt , c4, re- ' note in \ 1...:!',0”, ri y. 1,e,2;Cri117 ilt n rn...a. on I k e e ar. ' ner ,1 rl Ili, ...:!1.,..! n,,,l"Nlor3,:nry•io r.ll , ) , .thx , nee Ilion; o; r' uo li: ~ 1 , ,r inve,tol• nt , , ,I,i ,0 ,.. , s, , ,?„ „,,1.,,..,x3v f,el to a five root ,Att,,,thince t I• f 0 ••••,..• 0:- .v:00: ,•• • ~l 11, ~.--..-1,-0,!!v I xven, v -lur fret. the yea ~a " 1 't - . " - ' ' ' '-' .1 I , F., , L; at .1, or t . i h;.,.. - 4 , =out li by ta 4 d 91116.4 :co) to , I 3 Ili ,t ~x, sx . •:c xv , , , ,,.il '3' 1112 Jr it.,11;:,,,,g, 1n11111C..:;':132, t.f br ~ i,,,i,1. t iiiii 0 tia No. in DT r.. lien. ''', ,')..:', r" oh -vo.Ov • I:" """ i'3'• -r der.nr..S Wan of ILA , Ist ,41.! rily. TPrru ,,, cash, par tii i, is fast t134:1,,2, t.I pal —tile purr , la. , 101,1 ,a ' .o u' 1 o.oot F. NI NRY .PtNE RIBIC., Ailminisi rotor of Rohl Kitt, deceased. :t i.i till coy, I-, 1.1.kf1,.”. IC,i i.el I.3a,:r.e,fi ri.tut: lit .1,, , „ 6_1:0„.. 411 ,. rte. Yin brokt rs W e ti , ttat , (1 serl 3 the 1,,,)ii.g. , ___ ._ . tt u,nt Or e, to its; kJ t I,carrc..t tat is,, ix, &c ~ L., t;oisi a ,•.a eXute :111.; lilt) --;;•1,1, u f 11 . :11) ,t 1) z LI 1. ts , er, 11 B t )3 • •1: Erie, tit B Gr . ..cor lI .' S B )4,1c ui Lie). 111.16, C, )1. •). M. T. C. Gould is lecturing in ' SL, touts. . MR. MAX BOHREWSdONCERT ,- At Concert Hill, Penn street, eat Friday Evening, July 7. .3fr. .Maz Rohrer, Concer Mister and first. Violitreal. list to the King of Wirtemberg, reFpeetfully Informs hit ; friends and the public,?, that he wiii give a Concert ota \Friday Evening. July assisted lig severe(' Prafeietres of Altaic in this city. The Programme will appear in the STIMiI Dille, \ Tirkei, Co, e dollar caeh, to he hnd at (tie Jingle Storm. prinrtnal lin eh, and at the Flan on the evening of the t.ei !or ma,.ce. Concert to commence at 6 o'clock. It 6.—at _.— ERIE CANAL CO NIPA.N'Y. °Tic E k het eby given to tire sultscribere to the rip itai ;lock of the It:Opt:anal Company that a Mee• ill of the stetkitolders is apprtltli , 'li to be headers In the Reed nonce in the Borough of Erie, state of Pane iva„in, on the ;;;3d day of Juiy neXt,itt 2 o'clock. P. N. for t tte nut' pa , e of organizing said company by the etee tem of managers. treasure', sevretary and Web other officers at may be neceisary, and for other brerpte , yea, as is directed by law. Witham Chas. M. Reed. Join :trfiathara, . David flick, Jaiiirs M. Fewer. Jolts Reynotds, Samuel Goollw,in, M. Mattzell, Erie. June 2g, 7843 plinclltal pan it ,, G r itli I BLI Soeclnl Com 'r. Point Pleasa ,Va.." , th e 26 . 1643- []e I.3OOIVFT E_l 1.33.1 T OFANNISIED.--ThiPfDlre n~d,trr•tuo cure. for the az4 ter. rancnfit row i'rre zlrel. v.llo'esale. and retail, at 4 Teri - Les 81; Prar, Jr 6. ---------- RICE. 0 TIERCES RICE, on banA and for eaie by tvol mit .3 W • BEI 9 BR! WIC k - CO,: :. jape 29 Water stteet ,be ween Wood and SottibM/ 44 -__ . DR, STARKW ETHER'S HEP/TIP ELIXIR. Case of Liver Comp/aint of 25 weare ctinehne. ThiA may rertift,lli.,t for twenty five years 1 oreritat. fl icted with pin in my side, which WAS frequently itu , spoor.. as ‘o entirely incapacitate me from labor. I haviV. heen wider the ea.e :Ind treatment rt . various physicians WIIIIOII :111V perma.te,d to,efi!. !leach-I; of the Many cureA effected by the Ilenatic Elixir prepared by Dr.: Starl:wcalher. I was induced tcygive h a trial, and fog, happy, id Fay that it has entirely removed. 1 hoes fat no symptoms of it for more than a year AMOS past. WHITE.. Norttihrid e.Jilticl6l o, 1841 . The ~tennine to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical *testy, .•:-. Pour' h street. $22,855 77 16,547 40 John Galbraith, Hugh Brawly, M. B Lowry, -- Hornee Cnßam, Wm. S. Rankin, Samuel Kerr, Wm Beatty, Commissioners, f . pity 6—tej li4rON,-11 FrII 5 do .• r , h-niOtirm 11":t11,11 Man," utholgnment, and for sale L.IIAN, IEN SINGti di• CO. 4'3, Wood *treat. y jnne2l FOR SA LE. 4 FEW F,DIPS Saratoga lodine Water, just.recei ved rilk- and for seteby BIRMINGHAM a r . CO. Pule 2R, fllidsKencucky leaf Tobacco'. jut IV lane 19. and lorry te by J. W.lllll/81111AV, itecE. lane 19. Water at. het wesn Woodif
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