j~IYL9JIS\IZL~ ~~s MARCH 21, 1843 Jet. erson',l Airih Day.—,-We are pleas- , e 4. to lioelhat_exertions are making to get up a - eelebratien of the Centennial Birth Day orThomas Jefferson. We hope that tboee engaged in it may go at it with ener gy, as the occasion is worthy of the best of forts of every American, of whatever party he may belong to., IC:PDc),II:4 comet Professor Bronson's ecture to night, at Concert Hall. He nightly draws crowds of admiring specta tors; and we think that there is no place where ladies and gentlemen could spend An evening mere pleasantly. The Rev. W. Smiley, of Kentue,ky, who was on the cutter at the time of the explosion, has been preaching in this City and Allegheny for a few days past, on the uncertainty of human life. We think that during last week, there were more rows, fights, drunken sprees and accii•dents in Pittsburgh, than during the whole of the past twelve months besides. RIVER NEWS. 5 feet water in the channel Arrivals and Departures since our (not report ARRIVED. E npire, Davis, Cincinnati, Monongahela, Stow!, do Swiftsure, Robinson, do West Pomt, Grace, Louisville Ma>sarhusetts, Smith, do Mingo Chief. Dcviuney, Wheeling, ' Columbiana, -----, Nathan Hale, New Orleans, Little Mail, Gask ill, Brownsville, Alpine, Cockburn, do •Michigan, Boses, BLaver, •Cleveland, Hemphill, do., DEPARTED. *Michigan, Boyes, Bever, *Cleveland, Hemphill, do , Belmont, Poe, Wheeling, Monongahela, Stone, Cincinnati, Swiftsurc, Robison, do Oe.lla, Allen, Brownsville. Boat• marked thus ♦ are prov ides with Evan's Safety 'Guard, to Prevent the explosion or steam hollers. Business at the frharf.—We have not for many years, seen such bowie and activ ity as on the wharf in this city yesterday. There were about twelve steamboats re ceiving and discharging freight; the wharf Was crowded with boxes, hales, barrels &c. The drays were busy, and clerks earned 'their wages well. Good times are coming, that's certain, if briskness of business is any indication The steamboat Messenger is aground a Whito's Ri ppe. The River at Louisville ou the 1511 inst. was 8i feet. The river has been rising for severs (14) s, and is as high as it has - been th.s. sea lon within 8 or 10 feet. The Miami Canal is open to Daytun and recepts heavy.—Cin. Sun. TWO CONGER FS AND TWO LECTURES. Pena BOONFoN, assisted by Mr J. 11. NA.H,wi ! give a Concert ofORA'FORY AND MUSD.' tlik {Friday) eveMng, at 7i o'clock, and another to. at/Sorrow (Saturday) evening at the same hour, in .Cinaert Hall; there will be TWEN I'Y Songs and Recitations each cve:;ing, embracing an extensive •sauge nt snicces, including Wind ot the {Linter ortight, the Maniac,the Wh.sker , ,the tragical piece ut Parrha,ius. &c. For partii iilars see mall bills on both sides. On Monday and Tues. daysevenings, the last two Lectures of the Popu• ler Conroe will be given; including v ENTR OQUISNI,and the rurthcr disceciinns of the NI A `• IKIN; interspersed with a ipromiate Recitations and Aungs. to illustrate the Principles of Menta l end Vitcal Pig I isupby. Admi.taace t o Convei Is Of Lectures 25 cerit, , each. March 1.7-4 t 1:1:7" WHO WOULD BELIEVE IT.— ' Tuttle has just received (rem New York, a large supply 01'4 G , u- Poudres Subtiles," Blanc do E..parne or Lily White, together with Anderson's Honey Dew fine cut Tobacco. Persons requiring the above articles would d, well to call soon at Tut- Ale's Medical Agency, 86 4th street. 111110 GAS FIT ERS EJ OTHERS.—Propo , Sale fur the purchase of lie I ools,atitl stock of fittings belonging to the fitting department of these works, w.ll he received; as the Gis Works feel disposed to relinquish that department, if a suitable offer can be obtained. _ W R CRISP, Pittsburgh Gas Ntit rhs, filar 17-6 i. Eng 2 0 , 000 LIM, Cotton Yarns, assorted No'. 2,000 1b. , . Batting, 2,000 " Candle Wick, /,000 " Carpet Chain, illld 500 " Colton Twine From the Eagle Facto- For sale by HAII.M.AN.JI:NNING &Co Cot ot, Yarn War,nnius., No. 13 Wood A' reet. tint 17 RE %lOVAL CALEB LEE, Fashionable Merchant Tailor, in. forma his customers and the public generally, that be has removed his Clothing Establishment to Market latreet,fourth door from the corner of Fourth. in Dr. 13inapoon's new buildings, where he will he happy to re -1 valve orders for articles in his line. March 17.'43. Judson & Flanegin, ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Smithfield near 7tb street. Collection■ made on mode. ate terms. Pensions fet widows of old soldiers under the late act of con /row obtained. Papers and drawings for the Patent of-- dew:prepared. mar 17-Iy. jrMT RECEpED —3OOO copier of the ' Youth's TiPMperance Advocate for Feb., and daily expected Maffiiiiiirietof the March number. Also. the IRett'y and Mirth numbing' of the lonrnal Of the American Tem— , ventsa Um's.; lied Se of the Washington Harps. for saps away to Temperance Societies, Sabbath Schoois,4e.: oared 16. 1. ii•RRIS. Agent and Cony mer. AVEB.—Jurt received from Ohio , per watzons",.,3s Ria of roan apples, costriAint, of t.rennocks ' 4- Auskikw Also, 50 builicic or dried apples, for sale by ISAAC caus 5, In t o keeps constantly on hand Timothy and Clever **lot tbe best quality. war 16. COPARTNERSHIP. 411.41iNga lESIL.MAN ¢ JOIEIN F JENNINGS -time entered Into ipartnership for the purpose of cammarsdads whotatate Grocery; rroduce and Commis Ana betitthescri eager the firm and stgle of li ILIK AS , .1111110111. 1 “ 41- co.,at No 43 Wood stmast. orpoatte the Illefehasite peal, where a apply ista menu; and Nits Mg. lelaiallketured Artleleacaealetaya be bad as 6144svasa • Wan* 11 '43. aOOB A 3-011 BANK PRINTING :OFFICE I cORRECTED DAILY, DT ALLYR KNAMNR, IVICIIANON su!!za N. TV Corner of Wood 4- Ilfth Ste. P ENNSYLV.AI9 Bank of Pittshurgh. Tax proprletois of the Moe iNtl Poor and Mertecay Merch. ¢ Man. bk. AND MANIITACTUNAN respectfully inform their friends Exchange bank, and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large Bk. of Germantowr. and well chosen assortment o tEaston 1 auk, ariormie r3IP-115Z-111P031119 Lancaster hank, Bank of Chester Co. AWE) &IX% (Dfaigilala.EAUßifl.ZZ.ltg. Farmers' bk Bucks Co Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are prt Doylestown hk do pa:ed to execute Bk of N America LETTER PRESS PRINTING Bk of Northern Llherties, Commercial bk. of Pa PRINTING, 1 i Mechanics bk. Kensingion bk. Philadelphia hk Schuylkill hk. Southwark hk OF EVERY DESCRIPTION , Bills of Lading, Circulars, Bill Heads, Cards, Blank Checks, Hat Tips. Books, Pamphlets, Ilandbills, 211 Mulls of Blanks, W,.siern hk. Ilk. of renngylvanio Stage, Steembeat, and Canal Boat Bills, cith appvo lilt of Penn Th. prime Cuts, } ',Man. 4- to ethallice bk par, Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms i rtt,cbanics to,. par We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and 1 1 Movamensing bk. 3 he public in general in I his branch of our illlSllif , 1 Girard ha. k, 45 Pittsburgh, Sep . . 59.1842. Nil lAA PS Sr SIIITFI, 1 U „. • r- .., tates bank. 50 - - ___ Lumbermen:', erre°. -- BLANK LEASES. for Frank. hk Wanin2ton, 1 0, 1 A new and much Improved form 01 Blank Lenses, l %, i „ ors bi , of r, ,,,,, i1e, 5 s ole at the office of the - Morninz Post." Bk of ‘lorti;:omery Co. par ItAND Ft E'l' I l'S PI LA ,S, Nino Mt Brownsville, I { B Erie Bank. SECURED — BY LI:VITUS PATENT up Ilarriciatrzit hank. :)i rir. I,k Lancaster, ti, TIIE UNITED STA I Es. rk of Middletown, 4i TH E mETtii)D u r pi t EmiziNG THE Bk. of Chantkoao tirzh, , LI c B"• ANDItE l II 1 .V. ,. . V l' . ); ET ABI .E EX- „';:1.7.1.,,e. Dank,or t ,,, i 1 wheriand, 4 4 , TN .x("I':c • CrOornina Ilk . Brid2e rc. '1 t'asr7tt ee triel 9.h 2 nttf.to gr4litt d Co , B,•lij.111011 limn Ise 1,.•.2 hli .1aoli;t v. -211, itkef,vo re The t•Xtfl.e,.: 3ro ' Lk. pod are ohtaitie I by ‘v p uct te(l s , . , (;,'" without boiling to lily '1,';1•• or itel S thus CU. e I tl)c ZIS It iS In the LIVING V1.:171'.',V , 1.1:• Tl, PiiThe ,11:111.ti Colll , lP,rdt , ill ati,ol"l , llr•lit , t,olll 1110. I ~tah which the CONTI.: \i}' :11;1 i: 1.0" tr., It 4 my C"." '" d" (I" 0.11114 Titn , ,im‘v " 'l .' a: (kc , l• er- f I,g In,. TIIE NIEDI':I N I: op I'll I.; BRANDRI'.I . II .-, l'l 1.1,S 1 1 1. , Peoi;i Far. s- 11,1.11 I.k of F•lrn ATerit , toe, proved by th 4tiatids dadv rr • o hrhrci , •• mend tbem to the atibcted. BIZ A N Ell I rs' ' • LI.S are ~ z,niyj,,g every 4,ti ;;;(,r,• [wind ISlos vii arii exses.sding ~f- aril-tin Isr•lns.r,ll both qexiis sire (4,4 (for : Is : 1oz h n GI frmi t•s;stss No ca-e of d prase but 111.. s r.u, h.• ns,•,i 4,ivan nr his,l lumps S.S 'km r't••• Sp,••• , •• • t, „„, 11Y 111 re, S. with cry-Ipcl.l‘, so ui h -5,1) hrorn in • do p 0,., %vitt' intlicts , ti in, so all I tdd•, , 11,11114a1l cosiivetieci . , so a h crtie,r,<“ i h h'4 parrs ers 1 ut Lank.a. and e4htte, in 4 1 ,,i mouth. „ , Tr•lif , s, Lk of . meffirifve, and Ilt,y ntll t'.lol r,lll,ris r. I' l,, c l ”'hon• Soil R' h I ; r,tnn. a, riss;:ot, It; t, ()'••••et , t• ••• o 111,V t• !•'• I.a. It 1 •;,15 1: Ili •Itt 11 i'''s"and "" -• si.tlatn, ei• of I Ir. /ill'',••• ~ S. I, h,a of ht. s N •12 , 1,1 •re • tt nj .10111 firalid th• es. B. 1;r-n..r• The ,1.1 P: k . I. 'a • ; u!1 th e n , it, lh k . s. 1 , 11", 1). own ()Ili c, Nn 11. v , •nd brh,se.in an -I 1)1,,in lid 11-.‘ , :11411.: Pi Is ran tn•Ye, , t 111 •,11`.. Ditrt: Tlwi..l, ,, wing r r.t. )N .1 1 :ENTS it: p , in , by Dr. B Boat, 11r h. fur die on 4dt , ' egt ,, n ble P.ll- CoDtity. irtel 1 ,1 Office. Nd. 98 Wo.td Pottthtorg , t. Mr Johi, (;:,icc—A!.ez!),t y. lobe , t C F Doedl—Eli/Aht thtd‘s 00. 11. 1;1 , v:1a , e‘n , •rt. 1. Jill .111 , 11i$ 4, 1(g—57, , 1Art,t:) , .. ,, . A4,1..11 & C , ll .I!—C en.l on (;,t ,, otsto , rVI w. 111ti , 11. C ~0 1 I h to Ed sari T/10 —ll . b h. W go. O. 11i I, I:\TERE . RI , I 7 . UM imp s r E s PORTA BLE Boil' LINE. For the Tra,N partat thq .11 err indt:e and Prwittre Bef,teo PITT:, , BUI7 GB ANA') p lit 1..11)1:1. '111.1.1:V1) FITTS!? ("It Glt .I.\ - 1) P 11.7 1.$101;1, NEWYORN. A 4 SI) n osTi)N. DtiviSE NIA.TV ce-perimyil I,:forn, he pol , lie that itry tltoir sio rar,gr itt,lo for the thnve Loo 0,, NND \lll;Pcsoc•T pßiseteLl-.:, ' Fire public 11, 4 hlng a I•hrd for 11.11,i , !1h.11 romplil ion in Traii.lrocalia4n on 1,, Itich a!ntie it ren I.e freed fro, a , 341 redil red to Ilaloweci curler (11,61 1%1.11 trill now he C..' 7 , d; 11,, liaert,? 11l lied 011 I.v. Ra ti - III• I'• ii ;1 , 1. re“lerd to bid for 11), ;1,1 l!') to row - pr le Willi r.lll,pall ThiS line e.)01!, ,P.l Tw—cv - poo a t,fr ~e ti by the I' IVA t na.ina nil I hem and well 1;0 ne,•ll r ti , pi indu. , km,v.d. ex pc fiCOCOII Boatmen "I•he superiority and ado , n 171.: ot•rr every other rinh!• .111*-,r,:uot 1,1 :MI, urn Out iEllolVfl grneraliv.io lequire rn II I I Itl: -111 flee 17 to sae, that II teurin n .14,45.qrp,..:t00n a”,l d.um age to Goods, itivartaliiy eitdiot! (burr , between riti+!mr•h nod Ithiarielphia are by the Poitahlr Boat too.it eirer trolle• removed The Portable Boat p)s.ttssTst the :r,..“ ad Va Ida2e. lon, of heir): well renti,'ateri and cool in Somrfiger; whir II %mills Flour from eouri ,, , and Barn!, and 'f chart U I'i um Devine 4. Mr A ntrt r,.t.totilo ll‘Vo.i•rS of zootl: itd t lot Ilonl I I ; ;whn r-tri t• I !,•115, :11,t egaally itacrottlcti in prOlf•cliii2 111.• t i ocrt. s , t. it t ottri(o no pi etwi-r.F. to iltr tau Llir !hot, wi!l fittlkfoik perform , . . . They are 1111 W prt`plit,tl In rPrrio , ;‘ , ‘,l , riViirtl Pro duce to PlulatFolollm. halt int , trtt, York. :pill 11,4,, in the shortest time alit ;11,112P themsttlytt• to !tiller iron no comhinnt lon with other Lint tint attytt. • stood reatl, to carte out the totinctith•stil thtttr Ln.r. and contttutt 1(11 frei2ht on Ihr vrry lowest ICr 111, tzive ritlottittel,teritrtlv In own.`r Or 2ontl, an open pnliev of lien ra nrr ht.+ beep tlt: It ii by which all tite,clinndli - i shipped ht 1111, t. Ile ‘a ill be In-hied withcnl an: adillt jowl! ex pep:, in the ownttr. Devine ,c• MrAnnlly will rem - ivy 7t 11 roe‘i2nial In them at l'itl,Mnrzti, pay fro•ilit ;111.1 ritlF2F 11) vienm Boats and GlitNZlFfl (he same wo Mall dela, to P pills, Baltimore, New Vnrk, and flovion wit limit ;tny charge for ailynneine nr DEVINE k k NULTY. .kalotc Canal Basin. LMeriy street, ritl,bur.2ll. THOS BORBIDGE, Aeon!, 272 Market MOMIE ASE 4eenis, Narclllo, 1:342 75 Rowley's %Vhart, Ran ironre. WILLIAM C. WALL, Plain and Fancy Portrait and Picture Frame ,41annfacturer, No. - 87, Fourth. Street Pittsburgh.. —Canvass Brushes. Varnish tc., for Artists, always on hand. Looking Glasses, promptly framed to order. Repairing done at the short est notice. Particular attention paid to regilding and jobbing oiiiv ery delcription. Persona fitting up Pteam Boats or houses icitl find it 1. heir advantage to call. sep 10 DR. E. MERRITT, DENTIST, Office in Smith. field, between Second and Third sta., Hours of berthas, (rim 9 A. M. Hit 4 P. M. rir.. E. M. manufacy'res Protelain and Mineral teeth. Dentiststan be supplied by the 100 or single teeth. Blocks of teeth with a beautiful gum in full sets, or parts of setts, will he made to order at the shortest notice, by forwarding an exact impression of the mouth. A lan, for sale a few machines-with emery wheels for grinding and fitting mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—ill will se self. lbw for cash. dec 23. btods,N, o.gugar, rhh dayreeetved per steamer Newt 8 York, add for sale by 3. G. it A. GORDON. dee lei No.l2•Wate• • 0; 1 : 1Z A . 1 ,, I.k. 01 V. , y =Eli IOI{ SALE 01{ TO RENT. 4 .....rr'e C, ore ,''',("Pler ,t.ont , of the rorr.er 4. # ' -7 \la, ket and Slll -111,11,, 4,11, ()CCU pled by Mr i i -A .... - . Ii . E ,'tt. t .i t 1 , ' , . 11.=I ). A ,„, , , ~, , v n r , ,• ~., 11000.. 00 ¶ IM• rorrrr or it. , ~,,i room -I ,, e+ , -ti , , , . , 6, :. t0...100 l 11,111..- ~,o1 Gr.iro ry , torr. Eligtll, VI. Li \) ES NIA y . l'ob .21 2ow it tt R R F:NT. -A r for ahh• “I.IV dtvell to) Coil Lam. 4,:tr 111,tre,t rk , l lerlll-. 10 , moder“Co..lo ,, v to 11 1; LUSK EY • der 31)._ If. Thrpc Dom. 3,1 Alt vt, I ',•-• hill d ~r . 1. r/' •1,11,1 - To Lel, sToRF cF , r -'re!, IMEMMI ycni. r. ,n,l re k Itt‘.l[ll. .1- I AL" t t !,:tto and y aEce on 31 •t ,Iff••Plit OC ;1. 11, ..11te!telim 11• c(), rent. fever:ll ~11 ! ~,nr for dcci..... in: 111)ti..• of ;Ito ,11 , Keril , Pr 'III I artr , 401 I.a n.l all3fhrd io TCllr 1 . 1 llt :; Fon r 1 , 1 Vclnc'or-Irr. I I %cr., (,1 1.1, 1 11,0111.,' Hill. 1,11, dl, Ifil 11.2 4. 1‘01; . 6 p"111 1101 ...:111 If, p ri."ir 11,0 1101,V 1 . 01111 timvco ['or Orion apply 10 7 1V 12.1:NIINGT(1N. ,1,11; No. t; ‘‘ , •t ll , ' 11 , 1:‘''• .1 aid- r/li.hur.4ll l'a. I=l rune p , op ,, t',. nu r.‘4 , nloru, Acitwitt-Tra Int: Or I;trt - tl , iliq, in I :II -,1111.1 NN v Ml= ‘,V.1,1m11.• r,tIIF. I;roip. , l t , •111-1 . A n'21,1, H Kell Wherr• r)p.1011 1.1 i i itti.pr r AV 111 Irnal fr,r 11''0,11r, IS rl . -pi I I I, :11111`l'• the the f,lltttvi. I , tl :,_r ,011, . P. 11r(',,rmr k and J:low , S. (Ica ft, npean A 7.. 0 , Pi , ihd; John frown, Eirmin2ll.lm; It. NI, I,f•nall, rot!, I,,vrroo•eviHr: lame Jones Liberly; fl uilrl IZ.l.hrr, lowtNiiip; /. J \ ES LAKE 4 NI 21 brick 1,6 n.torlpsllll, 4 ccol:t.,!airlp r 0 rtr anti 10141,P11. vi r j.i-i 11,' CII liar, Oh a 'WI vi"' nl 111, r" of wi , ltin 20 011,,1i0,' walk nl the hrhrt 11 f tt, e 0, VCr3 low ar 1 lifEroom occupied by Alderman Si ceva rt. on Fenn st.. no an office—rent $36 per year. Also, two rooms occupied as a Grocery Fail re, on Penn street—rent $36 per year TO LET. riivvo store room , and dwellings mt Pane street war d.) Cent very low. apply at the house A .:ency, Penn st. 5111 ward. March 15. J 1 7 .,! 4 RI.IKELY. ONE brick dwelling house, containinz a larle Ctohall, two parlours, 4 looms on st iirs, with fin• fished garret, dmind room and kitchen, with car. Hoge nott4e,4'c. This house is pleasantly located with yard In front and rear, on the canal hank, corner of Chesnut street, leading to upper bridge, now in the oc cupancy of Mr. McClurg, rent Intuit thellroes— Enquire of Dr. Whittaker, A llegheny City. mar 8, For Rent. - LIORa term of years. Pita building Ninon the bank of the Allegheny river, adjoining the &My line. Apply at the bowie Agency, Penn street, sth Ward , Mr 2. • — "a BLAKELY, Wooster, oaodvky Cramp, Norwalk. Xenia. A= ir . par Scioto, 30 Post notes. Chillicothe, 5 Pran.Ak Columbus, La,,caster, 40 Hamilton, 40 Granville, 80 Com. bk. Lake P.rle, 30 Far. bk: of Canton, 45 Urbana 68 INDIANA. Slate 1(.4 - Branches 1; State Scrip. 4t KENTUCKY All hanks ILLINOIS. izt ate Lk 4- Brancheg, 60 Sim wnertown, 70 VIRGINIA. P.aok of Virginia, 1 ' do Valley, 1 Far. bk. of Virginia, I r:Krliange bank, 1 N. Wc....:i I.a nk 11 Mee. 4 \lre. dn. 1 t NI A I, A N Baltimore Hanks, pat Count ry Bank.. I a 2 DEL WARE. All tlankn, par NEW JERSEY. All Para:, par and 1 N E ti oln. r 1 . 1 11111 ry r::Tr, ty a 1 it.,(i:, lc: 1 N ENG I, N 'V11,1,111 P.:10,5, 11: I'm tt.l, y note-, Orr 9 u , P. 3111, , ,, font). C.% VIOLIN Ml 1;.11;01,1N 21 I IF. 1 . 01.1' A ttlhQ. MELEIMI \II 8a01,.. 4 N 111 c. of St. 10 d0..1,c• 11. :0010 I:n.trrn F:SPhilnl.(C. =MEM BIM= 114 11:11.1te, tVe , terii par I I , i, e ln t ~til.ll =II= TO LET. TO LET. ,iroor ni k% 1111 y ro T1.1,n2, 2 Coll 11111.11111 ME 1.o , " ors Thir ;r . r.trly op Off. P :i1 lilt I,i by Brown 4. rri',Vi) h. (1‘7.7. %NT 'N . . , 51 Th rll Howie ft 4-,eney. IMITIESI=I=I d ITr.yerl , vi.1:! , rt!!!! n.to. trrio! i ,, 11 ro n til fi,‘ !I I •r tlnnt ih, or 1.1 FOR RENT. I-I “I s •.r I; 114('; 0 , 1 Ili- lank ori .% 1 1 lES. NA I:f.V, If ouQe Ageni.::,lltlV;ird For Rent. JAMES TIT,AK ou,e Agent, 5 111 Ward TO LET. PHILIP ROSS - I - FAIIE REDUGED. HAS reni Oil oved train hit standlel I,lle store former. 'Off 1711 Glitax Cearnat..H -Rolm tr . via Natioat. Boa". 1 .9 occupied by A. M. eltaderfek 4- Co. No. 59 1 1 ARO 11ALT111017Z Alls'olllo RAU. ROAD COMPANY. oral west corner n - f 4tli and Marltit streets. He is now receiving a large nod sidenditi assortment of , - 5 ,.....4:krac• - • ,. :!•. , DRY GOODS. 1 (co t -;-‘, 4 ,... , ..y ... ; to which the atie s ittsdn of his cusiouieri and the public Is - ,STEW line of U S. Mi.il Coaches for Washingtpx City, respectfully invitee flaring, recently 1 urelinsed Ills iiv U. k Baltimore Philadelphia and New Yar . geode in the eastern cities, principally for cash, he will ' .• ' be able to offer unusual induccitient, in the way °flood This line is in full operation and leaVesPlttsburgh daily at 6 o'clock A. H., via Washington Pa. a itil national bargaitis• mar 15-Bt. road to Cumberland, connecting here with the rail road M.aCKERFLAND CODFISH—In store, 4 ca,ks Co's. to . all the above places.: Travellers will find this of Codfish; also, 5 barrels No 2 Mackerel, and 15 a speedy and comfortable route, it being a separate sad half barrels, will lie sold very low, apply to • distinct Pittsbutgh anti Cumberland line, facilities will he mar 16. ISA AC CR Uri F., 141 Liberty , st. afforded which have not been heretofore enjoyed. Ex• tra coaches furitiOted at the shortest notice, wito the REMOVAL. priviregr of going through direct, or taking cne night's HOLDSHIP & BROWNE , rest at Itteir option. AVE removed their Paper Store from Market Fare from Pittsburgh to Ralllninre, 310.00 11 - ; 11.1 street to No. G Piltsliti'g to Relay house, $lO.OO Z 4 Wood street, one door from the 12,00 corner of 4th, where they kv Thence to Wa.hlngton 2,00 $ ey on hands their usual as met of WALL PAP ERS, r Pittsburgh to Philadelphia, 13,00 or papering parlors. en For through tickets, apply at our office al the corner triits,chtinthers. 4,, and also PRINTING. WRITING of Exchange :tote!, oral our office at the Monongahela and Wft A PPI Sit P A VCRS, BONNET ItOARDS, 4-c, House. L. W. STOCKTON• all of which they o ff er for sale on accommodating terms. "u" ' felt 14, 1343. —dt f Feb. 3,1--dt I. President of N. R. Stage Co. OS LOIN F— ------- . FACTS SPE.9K FOR THE3ISELVES—TRUTH IS , A FEW MORE STILL. CONVINCINO:- flaying, been afflicted for nearly 1 OILY if CLOSKE Y. the old original, has on hand the two years, with a hard swelling on the cat , of my knee. •., r ost tatlendirl assortment of Clothing ever offered which produced much pain, and used various apptica Wes My hock is large,and I art disposed to sell at the lions recommended by the Faculty—all in vain wa, °wt. I possible price My stock is heavy, and as the sea. cured rOmpletely by the use of one bottle of Dr. Brand- on is Advancing, I will sell at lower prices than ever. I rclh's Litiament, or External Remedy. sk only the ol,agurr of a rail, feeling confident that a WillfeSs My hand JA NIES TAYLOR, .ohls so Ilicient. Rewire or Counterfeits. Remember , THREE, BIG DOORS. and the SIGN' kV TIIE Ohio tit Allegheny co, Pa. Jan. 10th, 111-10. Dr. Brand ret it's Evletn'al Ttroirily or I,leamenl; sill .VE ME -VT . . ', nov 23, 184 at ilin office, No. 98 Wood street, Piti,hurgh, A O,, PRICE-- .. „.c,. ~ rei, 8. . -, have taken out letters of administration 51 . 1 rents per bottle. on the e-‘tate on John Wilaan, late of the City of I___NIII,Y FLOUR —Just received a few barrel= I rs 0 ( , Pittsburgh. de. kl. All peons Indebted to the estate of .11_ . 7lA Superior Flour, made expressly for family use. Fur the card deceased, are requested to make immediate pay ,ate by I 1. AC CR L'SE, 1-13 Lib, St. mem to me at my residence In Penn st. near Ntarbnry. and S . I 0 store 511 barrel.;=no. floor, : those who have claims are requested to present them duly probated. • .1 P WILSON, Jan 19.-6 t w. .AND LARD 13S1' rerelv...l, R barrels Ors!) roll Bowl . , and 30 w 1LLL.4.41 ELDER; Ntrrn4 in kPgs fi, t r;de Lard from Dover, Ohio. for sale by Balteweirs Buildings, nearly opposite the Sewl ISAAC' CRT-T I3E • ; Court lionse. on Grant street 1..1 2..3 14ft Llherly zt L~ii'l=l:lN BGs RIO COFFE. 101.1 A E 'lc T.i. 20 Ilex. , To , mern. 15,001 p rind 1.o:11 S(lAr 20 pox, Rl'lkll , R 10 10 /0 Ke.:..2 Ground Gllqer =MOE •1 100 11artekatnen •Iva. itrccived on 1-o,l.4nmeni n , (l for gale cheap for mash, II !WV ISFI. 1. - S 1 ; 11 P ,1 • 10, , v3rebourc, n.A-in,l.ll , erty -t. mgr 111, 11.1 I. 11:NN 1,N11)% rri!E ttn:',rr,lqited 11%vc alForlat , d thou...4yr, tw2oili Cur one I.ertr from the liiiinarr, let 13 , 13. on , v !",1 ti• lnn!!v, for ihr purno, , e On 110 WM E. A rSTI N„Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh. Pa. ottire in 4th strert, onnostile Burke 's Building. ' triy of two, 14 yens of age., ItilLtlAst E. Nt'g'l - Is,E-q.,willL , lve Ids attention tO My A Hilt , at,t ato be made lief - tire the (list of March to rnfinL=hed business, and I recommend film to the patron. F I, Ssown r.N, ale of nit,. friends. WALTER FORWARD IS4, Lihrrty head of Wood at. sep 10-1 y DENNIN stt.vrt:. jOtiN EILTTFERWORTII. Auctioneer and Commis. PITTSBURGH, OCT. 2.2, 1842. Lion „Merchant, Lotisri/le, KY., will atiend to tit. l 1. nEVNINti—CITI Fr way, the 301 h of last month, about' o'ti , ck at nicat, the Pl.,flinc.“rooyin and Sash 51an I sale of Real F.,=ta:e, Dry Gootts,G.oceries, Furniture, 4c. r,r , ruy. o,vnrd t,y Gay*, fhlwmiti df Co. with a large 4e. Regular sales every Tuesday, Thursday, and Fri qua.' dy dre—=ad and .v:dretsed lambert was all tonsu. Iday mornings, at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances made ,W 11 he 1i re on consignment s seT Tn.- Iron •F•afs whirl' I hough: of you acme time Inca I . OYSTERS, SARDINES, kc.; served up in the hest seas in Ow nnso exposed situation duo ing the fire, atia style at A. Huesca',, [Co. 9 Firth steed. Sulta'de vas ...I irnly red hot —I am pleased to itiforna you It Wel 1 apartments are appropriated to rentlemen accompanied iipeerit at the rtnee of the fire.and all the hooka, papers, ! by ladies. Also all kinds 01 Cakes and Confectionary for -r..., srd;— t his is the Iv-,I Ir c MIMIC ',dal ion I can give of ,p 3 rites. weddings, etc., for sale by i iie mull ynf ) our safes._ i nnv t9—lf. n, 12 I—tr 'Toothache I t TIIE inc•it inveterate Tanibirdie Cur in Two MlN t'llol--en'l at Turrt.e's medical Aeency. 86 Fourth ani obi air , att otTe, It ig warranted lo cure or • the I~ r E W A vn Eti(l s: m.„. ~ „ ,„,, itionev vinll he refunded p irrs•' ,, •,:. in I'o ~ladnl phi ~ et) rot i tn; 1, 1111 llCpry to N 411.1 k al 3 o'clock A M. ti .iont hefoo , the lie'el r!•:1)(7.1.1.,GRAII \ M, WA1:4;11 I , h 23,18.1.;-Iy. wro :td h .. II ❑zdaps sii St ol,k , sriti, this d., (cf . Vf! , l 11343 Sleaihrr nEI for I.y J. G. kA. con Do V. rs R ECEIVED. Twelve hoses of Oranges and 12 :TT T •l s i the finest goalily, for sale wholesale aid W • TIIOI3 ti, hiti 22-11. 5.3 Maf lief st. outaidinr. w.P4,) , .. I N DEPEN DENT TIDE W ATER. LIVE ifIIFIF Irnm 1 / 1 1,1, f r t . ~to by 13 ‘11.:`; R 1,3 K F:1,1".". , k1.111111,3 VNI , Ire .111 kMII , of •D N% I kl 111:.. -1101 n , 11.•.•11+ . Mortl,zes. Amtronlirt-: In 11••11111 of itioer , .•lo. Ixticrs VV in a neft Illihner :1,1 al I,l' ‘.l orruhr s. :1' hi , till -ta,,,1 ,!,.. IVI V.l/..1.V k I • t tvn rtling and Me, 11.141 :Al VC.. SI!, I. Vick,bur.q Th , v r".9werfuit, nn.-izt.ll,lllg II 2:-1: S 17"; :IR .1 1) 1101-1 VSES loft 12111,1 , 14. N HI print , nnrnln.r, j n-i rn,..•it,nl l v S li. rrnininn,nrlni foi 1. %V. 1 , 1 . 1111 t. I E Xx•anrr %yen, IVnnoi and Stnit hfield 110 11,41 W, I.l.VrE• 4 ''TUkh-R "' ' ,. .'tt,rtr and Sheri trot 11 War , . St , 17, l'llll. .I,ratt.• , rt Wood aod SLn tt r.ociant lv bawl , rnl 4,,i11•11.: A •Itare of putile 1 , , Irona2e. Als , l•na nand. the 1~~11 iv 1,1 Sltortl4. PokerA. T0n , 44, Gridirons. Skillet ~, Teal,itlcc, Pat., 1 - )YeIIF, C,1:10e It 1 el:a111' , :11111 other+ are in, i:ed to 4,11 and examine psi i/11.111,1VPF, :124 hr is 110er:111:WO -c!! r Kral' Inr ca-h or Br pc o' - en t patter. I=ll 10 rLs Ter pr a , rd for salc by J G. `• %. 11 , )11DON, r 1.2 Wairr si,eet. 17, 7?. BBLS. fr F+iwily Floor. For =NI, by rv•l ol:tr li. INNI Es m =MEM ft TnNS Ten nes..e ,1111. It vo r r,rlr law to rtost•ronsipnalent, DRIED 1'E. , 1( S, -100 BUSHELS Dried Peaches For , ;,le low by =NM= S:111111 CO P.l 1?7 T? .S 1111) G'S FIRE PROOF IRON C II ESTS. S FlO DII,I line tu r1,1!...1.•.phia 13.AC()N Couvryantisaw. iv:lr 1-1-1 /'/G /R O.N SUG.qI? RICE MOLASSES Prime N, ti, Sugar. JL.NO 10 Tieires Rice. 19 1)111,4. No. 3 Nl:wherel. For Fate !ow El) close consignin ant, by mar 11 Regular Morning Packet 1, FOR BEAVER. Ari5K.:"...6.4 1;4 The Lilt ninnin:: and well known tr y! . . 6 1, anwr CLEVELAND, FoAne HrMrHILL, !Master, will depart daily from Pitt burghat 9 o'clock, A. M„ and Beaver at I o'clock P. M, For (might or passage, apply on board, or to BIRMINGHAM & CO. No 60 Water street. N. IL—The regular canal packet to Cleveland, Otani Greenville and Meadville Pa ; and Massillon on the Ohio Canal, connect,m; with steamer Clcreland at Bea. ver,will be in operation immediately on opening of nay. Cation, mar 16—tr. LOUISVILL.g. LIME AND BEANS.—Just r epot,. ed a supply of Choice Louisville Lime and good Beane by the bbl wholesale or retail to snit customers mar. 16 s I, HARRIS, No 9, Fifth et• SAI=M ITTISRUIZGH CIRCULATING AND REVERENCE Lt BR A RY of Religions, Histoilcal,Polii ical,and M is cellaneous Works, will be open every day, Sa:attli ex. cepied. "loin 7 o'clock, A. M.,iinill 9, P. M., in the Ex change Building, corner of St ;Clair street and Exchange alley. where attendance will be given by nep 10 J. GEM MIL 7211321.1NGT0WS Unrivalled Blacking, h s o i na h i r e mi a d nd retail As:IcuTIF; A sc l EtE U x n r E o n ne a d n o d or go be ld w vlol oet T T. STEWART, Upholsterer and Paper Banger, . No. 49, Fifth forret, between Wood and Smithfield Ms. Hush and Strniv Mattraasea always on hand. All ordPra executed with neatness and despatch, on aceommo : sntinc terms. aep ly READY'. W ASIIINGTON, ITron.V.Er 1-1 IV. —Office in Bears' Bnilding, Fourth.ir Pitt rff h H, DEVINC C s. Sit'A 171:1-1 1111 R. A. W. PAT VERSON. s7rfice on Smithfield street .15 near Sixth. seri 10 THOMAS fh COTT Etj/t(i.i: tr. L./ I'2l - 0. Attorney at Law, Office N 54 rift. arTO_ near the Theatre. PitWourih, .et 27-1" (10. 1 / 1 , Sozar 14) Tierce4 Rice 15 lin d Nis 20 li' Is No.fl Mackerel. iatiding from S. B. Cutler, and for sale low by i;in JAMESMAY 8 L00.1t,, tuns Blooms to and for :are by vs , ItURIIC I Dr:E. ‘t•Aier between VV.14141.c. Smith IP \ 17 ), carrjlm: Nlerdinntlize nud Produrr to and from l'llimdt , lntba, It ,itonore, New 'Volk nomd l!u•ton, by Ii e l'enbsylvanm ( - anal and Bait road, on of 11, Iy rrmncrair prinriolea Sloe k of One eon,,e: or new lareol'ideavaler expre, , y for flir ratite. ,v lin all the modern Ito nrovettient9 In ho.it buittlin2; of a gopet abunda lit supply of first rare ear , on the l'. - trtale Railroad; and a full Slip ply of =t row: and ro.limodiiina Peri ligylvaiiia boats lie !wren Jolin , town and rltts,iirzh; all of which wig be ronduoed .oher reins and experienced captain, and ‘tiperint , .tidyn . s. Chart:es will he paid Ott all ;mod- Interel,d to h^ allipp , rl from POlshiin It to Philadelphia, Ita line re, New York or trio-tali. and erisk.ned to James Der k e y 4- rlo.,Ca wit Basin, corner of Liberty and Wayne ,Ift arid will be pr)ititi:ly attended to and forwarded with de'Patcli. lIIIMIVM=I Alt Gnotis and to he shipped front rhilafelithrt rn,l sts, e.e, ur slit the Delaware and Rari tan Canal Land roltsi2itutt to Hart „Andrew and Mc grver. wilt he received at their war, house. fist wharf above Rare street, Plolatit•telita, and shipped directly from thence without addittottat handling or expense; a line of Boston packets conttrcts with the Hoe at this point. Shippers are Hcited to exatii.ne the stock of this tine c„, j„,„,1,,..1, ,, 0re ,Iliirpurg by ant other, .ts their interest will Ite tillVdtteett by It, tie proprietors hetrit2 tleterottilett to exett 110 inselees to the u i,' of their ntolos for Ihn inlet or their Cltslo_ uu terl pen-pertly ol 11.etr of her, roue ig rimghle,cd thf• prom; I I:Trat=. llari..lndrrn•s .g• llrKever, lroni I'llilnflelphla and Pal liiitOro 1,1 11 , 11ry TA. Patiers.n.fr•nn 11.1 , 11,1a . r.:1,urz to Pill,burgli Anarrw.. Nldiever, Philade'lolla Gelvt (:0., Pah irnore. ileitry L PAII,SOII. ilonldayslurg Je§Fee Piiil4.rson. ohncl nwn. .1:1 trove 11.rit 4(' Pit' r , It 3A NI NI A\ - - Stit;3l? MOLIISSES. MIDS. N. 0. Foear. 40 Molnsse.. .1, MES M A Y Just received per :team boat Ashland, at II for stale by 1. W.BURBRIDGE eo. Water Si., between Wood and Smithfield 1 OHN J. MITCHELL --Attorney at Law, office • corner of Smithfield and sth sts., Pittsburgh. Collections made. A I business entrusted to his rare will he promptly attended to, feb 16— I y• JAMES MAY 300 BBLS. N. 0. .MOLAISSES;just rec'd per steam boat Little Ben. and for ,ale by .1. W. BURIBIDGE 4. Co. feb 27. Water at. between Wood Saattbiirdd .11.2CKEKEL, ndub. Prime N I ll , tlr, olvo cno l e virrvi rd rura per hg t hi, line i ban:my NEW A LA MODE Flu E uctierslenrd respectfully in form the puhlie the after several years experience in the hest shops In' the eastern cities. they have opened their New a la mode in Third st., one door from Market, and nearly opposliet the post office, where they are prepared to execute nil orders in the tailoring line, in a mann. r unsurpassed by any other estahlizhnient in the city. !laving made arrangements (or the reception of the most modern style of fasnions, gentlemen wlshine clothes made In a super for style, would find it to their thletest to give them a call. We wish the publie to understand that this Is not in tended to rank among the niblame gull advertisements of the day; for ay to style anu t i.vorkmanship they-challenge compeit lon. March 17- dly SCUJ.LY.t MO:s:TALrE MOLASSES. :..~•=: Food for Thought. The Bishop of Oxford Ills declared that:fhd Population or England is RAPIDLY ENIZING! That that country is now on the r 13pee inta tarbarism is evident to all;—the annexed extraet which is but ore et the thoo..oed which wo meet with, amply testifies to this: 'lt is calculated, that out of the whole pointlein of London and the suburbs, ABOUT FORTY THOUSAND SUBSIST BY THIEVING' Has the Creator made men thieves? NW al ay. will ansWer, Why, then, then, does this dreadful state of som 1.7. ety exist? i is simply this:—Capital and Labor - Set; ving Machinery United ih the hands of a few have robbed the laborer or his w Igen first, and then s ilea prived him of the right to labor at all. When men arc deprived of the right to labor' they must either starve to death, comfit uticideot STEAL. Some of the more courageous resort to the former, but the mass baud together as robe bers. Not only is it so with Then but also wornos.-- 4 Look atthe thousands of females in Loadon,wbok in a properly organized society would lead punt and firtuous lives, have proitituted thent'selvosht bread. This is the state of society in bloetro/eat Sig land whose huntan people- have shed so manf crocodile tears over the wrongs of the slaves ofth4 _- Southern States. --Aro . riying into ti's same golph of perdition? Alai'. this is painfullt evident! Look at the appahng increase oferims in our country fluting the pa..t re: years. Lent at the nimoit u,,i:er,al demoralization of thti pople I What then is th.e retri>dy? now is this ha= pentLna , ruin to be avoided? By Tariff, Notifies 11 Bank, Snh•Treasury, Excheqw.r, Distributions Asqumpi ton or any of the great nettsuras *hick agitate the politician? NO. We say that the only teinedy is to bisfoood iti INDUSTRIAL ASSOCIATION. What is said af the Exchange Compaily: Statesman says The Fourierists in and about this dity va - formed themselves into an•lndustrial as3ociation. and a column of the Daily Fia4t le devilled each morning to the advocacy and developement oftbai.; peculiar system. I have never read the works f Fourier, but. the essays of Brisbane, id the Deaf°. cratic Review and Ntw York Tribune, struck mo as containing much good sense, and aro not by any means to be denounced as Utopian . Borne of our most respectable and intell gent citizens, me chanics. ineYchattts, and lawyer% have joined this association; and I was told ono of their number, that they are about lo %king out for a large tract or lind, waither thiy c aigrate, as soon a 3 all thaiearrarrgemoats are perlecte3.---). It is not at all improbable that they will . , select some fertile valuta of Ohio far their little repub lic. Nov. 5, 1812 HAILMAN, JENNINGS &Co : ; Wholesale Grocers, Commission a dd Pro- duce Merchants, And Dealers it Pittsburgh Mar/eft/dares mar 17 No, 43 Wood street, Plitshdrgli. A HUNKER A D.III,YISTRATORS' XOT/Crireakil Palmas in' dehted to the estate-of Robert Keenan, - late of %Vest 11..er town4hip, dee'tt, are rcque9ted to make Immediate payment of the same to the undersignr.d. and at! per. sone having claims against said elate are tuitiflo4.l to pre.ent the same duly authenticated. nudersilned will !else two Farms situsicd iii Ihmr titvoship, with the necessary tehenetits, and from 75 to 100 acres cleared on each. ALo, or farm FM nni,(l in tee-q Deer township A Ile..theny county, with from 50 to 75 acres Cea red. Ti e above di sciihrs; property to In reasoentily sood renal", nh Jul 15 mans from tilt eiiy of Piiislinrsh, and within two miles of the Prrin'a ranal, and will be on reasonable terms for from 1 Ick .hrPe years, r.a !nod lenartis. BARTIIAM NIURRY. hl,rr It h The Pittsbui.gh earrespondent of the °hie H A 1.N4 AN, JBNSINGS %lc Cotton Yarn Warehensei So. 43 Wood street. Agent' for the sate of the Eagle Cotton Factory Tatno March 17A,'43. RWT. KEF.N A N..1a110.t. BERNARD rt.ANrr,MC, 'trier mar S-6tw Foritts to Lea Se. H. E. 11 . KIti' ALGA. P. THOHNI(II,. McHA.Y & THOMPSON, G ENERAL AGENTS and Commission Merchant% ST. LOUIS, .If,„ Refry . lo: Mews. Turhett, Royer k SC , e, •,V. H. Cam plvell 4- 1... s rope.. Todhunter. q• Co. p •• Morgan,Crutcher Co- Woods. Ireatmon Co,, Rt. Look. IVoods, Christy Q• Co. Fe 4.—d3m "S zy.,%• iii "Why will ye lice at dying rate?" 49 444 4 4 I?: E. HUMPHREY'S VEGETr4• BLE OINTMENT, FOR PILES: FISSURES, MPfiteli Arney, fig Fourth at. ; P °nit' asror fn Pitist , urgh. 22. Adams' Patent 6 1Eaughphy" HVP' now beee before the pubic. 3 3' , nrs du ring which tine several thod<ands have been Bold and in daily use, We ere confident of tieing sustained in savin , z they nre this best Voirre Billie In the Untied States, a ny way you.fia Several tnintifirallons are rnadeto snit the f.iney of wive. nod the purses of hoskandn Said by ihegroes - or dozen at the mannfitctedry.— ' Malleable Cantings made to order. These zeniiine article!, of all sizes. and most Imprensa varietles,consiantly on hand and for Kale at very reduced pri, es by tlie mar. !tract u rer. L R. LIVINGSITON. mar 2. --if Front between Rom and Grant it.. DR. 1)-4.V1 EL Nei! IEdL. O ffi ce uts PiAh street I,etwepn %Vokxl and Smithfield streets, Pittsburgh. der 10-IY. FILES AND RASPS.—The nobsrriber ha 'ld a 1 . supply of fl3l, half round nod ramie handsaw files; soil expects in a few days a full supply - of m um. for ' , ale by ttte d.ncti or single, low for ra.'h or exchantod for griods to suit consignee. 1, HARMS, /m.l:+ and mar 15. Commisgion Mer'ltt. 9 Fifth ea PIG IRON. 64 tinneese• Pig Iron For rate low to close cOneignment, by TOBACCO AND 5F.,3 ARS. _ . . 9 Boxes LA hdersoh's' pound lr.iti o Totiiit-o of ma,Rettr i'lquanty, together with llt 1.4 1-nao* tiro flanisisa ears for sale low to elope, lir li4 1 A C CET1'.. , 17.. mar 15. 148 FEAT Ei von box Fro ar rs, a Win' it Biqa just re:calved awl for male by lIAILICA. £N1.51 :Mg it Co. 43 1 W00d *tit. Platform Scales. I 11E4 M AY,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers