„4111 • • PIW PRESIDENT, • BUCH - ANAN , sofect to the der-Iston of a National Convention. DAILY MORNING POST. PULLUP/1 4 WY. B. SMITH, ZDITOII.3 •ND'PROPRIISOIS TUESDAY, MARCH 21, 1643 Harrisburg Correspouzlence. nAmerauttall, March 16, 1843 Gentlemen: To-day being petition day, an hour was consumed in the morning in presenting these 'short speeches from the people.' This being done, a resolution was offered by Mt. Brooke, instructing the committee on ways and means to bring in a Bill au tlitrizing the sale of all the public itnprove . cate. The subject was a fruitful one for gentlemen to show their patriotism up on, and there were many who eagerly em braced the occasion to make a display. The whip go, unanimously, for such a proposition, and I presume that a sufficient number of Democrats will vote fur it, to carry it. Mr. Speaker Wright made a very inflammatory speech in favor of the resolution. It was carried by a large ma. jority—y . .' s 1 - 5: There were many, however, who voted for this resolu tion to instruct the committee, who will not vote for a Bill to sell the main line of canals and rail roads from Philadelphia Li) ,„ lSittsburgh. The transporters ate here 'thick as blackberries.' They are going to get a reduction in the tolls; and in case they fail with that, they are determined to have the Canal Commissioners thrust from office. Mr. Rockbill offered 10 , resolution for the appointment of a committee tb confer . with the Canal Commissioners upon the subject of a reduction of the tolls. The resolution was unanimously adopted, and Messrs. Rocknill. ?d'Daniel, Lowry, and Russel were announced on the committee. In the afternoon. the consideratioa of • the Bill to erect a new county out of parts • ,of Huntingdon and Bedford was resun ed. This Bill visa in charge of Mr. of Huntingdon. 'That gentleman made a speech in favor of it—he was re plied to by Mr. Loy. It was soon obser. Ved.that members were determined to have some sport. A number gathered round the latter gentleman, and commen ced prompting and laughing at him. The old gentleman was not daunted in the least—he continued his speech in broken Enlist!, amid cries of 'a little louder,' 'go 'go on. &c., &c. Mr. L: appeared to tickled at his own remarks, •for lie laughed with the members—particularly -when he said any thing that was appropos to the subject. Gen. Sipes, his colleague, then came to the rescue, and managed the subject with much adroitness. He offered several amendments, which the advocates of tbe Bill found much difficulty in core , betting—and his remarks were sensible and to the point. He was congratulated when the Howse adjourned, by his friends upon the skill which he 'displayed in op posing the Bill. There was quite a heavy fall of snow this afternoon. The storm yet continues, (10 P. M.) Should a rain follow, serious apprehensions are entertained in relation to the canal, much damage done to it now would be a great calamity. There is not - money in the Treasury to make repairs, not even enough to burn at the end of e v. try month. P. Q. Illinois.—The Legislature of this State adjourned on the 6th inst. From a long article in the Peoria Press on the business transacted hr the Legislature, we infer that the members have labored faithfully to relieve the State from her financial diffi culties, and we are gratified that their ef— forts will besuccessful. The liabil.ties of the State at the meeting of the Leg stature are shown to have been $15,157,306 as thus. Bonds negotiated on account of internal improvement system, $5,055,444 Scrip issued on same account, 929,305 Bonds negotiated on account of canal; Scrip and certificates issued to canal contractors, &tads issued to and purchased by State Bank on account of *mk t fonds issued by the Bank of 11. linois, 900;000 " on account of state house, 121,000 Doe State Bit.k for paying au • ditor's warrants and int. on same, - •' Bank of Illinois on settle ment, " U. S. on account of federal deposites, " School fund, The editor of the Press, afte rotating all the memo provided by Legislature for meeting these liabilities, shows that the following sums will be liquidated: • By exchange of stock in Stiste Bank, - •• - • 2.0:73,008 lik k , Bank of Illinois; 1,000,0°0 See First Page. $15,157,308 Do. . State property for 3000,000 By disposition of canal, 4,436,408 By arrangement with Stebbins , 11,z McAllister, Whirl) will leave a balance a. ping the State of District Bill.—A friend writes to us from Harrisburg, under date of the 17th: "I send you the District Bill as it passed the Senate; it only wants the signature of the Governor to become a law, which bare no doubt it will receive. I trust we ere now done with this vexathllts The bill sent us by our friend has net come to hand, but it is the same that was reported by Mr. Brawley, we believe, in the House a few days since. We will publish it to-morroe if we receive it. They had a tremenduous snow storm at Harrisburg on the 16th,and much anxiety is felt for the safety of the canal, should it be followed by rain. lithe puldi c works should be destroyed by sur ly a calamity, it will save those who are trying to (Alect th-it object by le g islation much trouble, and leave the State in as pitiable a plight as the 111091 radical destructive could desire. Economical Machineig.—They i've at Balton a sausage chopping machine that goes by dog power. when one of the an imals becomes disabled or indolent, they throw him into the hopper and he comes out on the other ride fnst-rate sausage meat. There i• no waste about this ap paratus. Lucky Escape.—The Yankee girls who took tickets in the matrimonial lottery, a l Boston a short time ago, may thank their stars that they drew blanks. One of the prizes, Andrew -Allison, has been sent to the House of Correction, as a common drunkard. Port 3u Prince.—Accounts to the 9th ult., received by way of Savanah, speak of the renewal of the revolution in Hayti, and the success of the insurgents, who have a force of upwards of 5,000 men. The whole island is in a state of revolt, and business is entirely suspended. "Bridget, two pillows missing from the front garret bedroom." "Yes, ma'am, 1 know it." "Well, then, what have you done with them?" "Why, Miss Jane and Sarah put them on for bustle:, this morn in', to walk in &oadway„, ma'am." The Quebec Mercury, of the 4th inst., says—" Mr. Charles Hough, who left here on Sunday morning last, with an express fur the Exchange, at half past 10 o'clock, arrived at Boston on Wednesday following at the same hour—just three hours prior to the sailing of the Acadia. Mr. Hough reached town, on his return, this mm A gentleman living at Northfleet, Eng land, has purchased for himself an annuity of 500/ a year, and the residue of his prop erty, (about £200,000,) to be appropriated to the building of 40 almshouses, the in mates of which are to receive 12s. a week The war steamer Ariadne, belonging to the East India Company, was recently lost in one of the Chinese rivers. The late gales produced a loss of prop• erty, in .hips and cargoes, belonging to. England of £1,000,000, arid about 500 hu man lives. Judge Tompkins, of St. Louis, has al. lowed a writ of error in the case ofJarnes McLean, who was convicted fur the mur der of Major Floyd. McLean will not, therefore, be executed until the, writ of error shall have been argued before the Supreme Court. The factories of Norristown, Pa., are now working full lime, with full sets of The Treasury Department uf the ted States has had eight Secretaries with- in twelve years At Woodbridge, Suffolk, a farmer was recently convicted in the penalty of .C 3 9s. for haying kilied a bare upon land in 3,747,000 659,408 his own occupation In London, a duty is imposed on every advertisement published in a newspaper, The London Times paid the government for advertising duties, in the last three months, about $20,000. 1,765,000 294,190 It is said that the ladies and gentlemen all smoke in a Mexican theatre during the performance. 369,998 447,919 808,084 Dr. Aleott, the Gtahamite, says that he dranknothing, during Ibe year 1842. He must be dry enough, by this time. A Grand Jury iu Indiana hi& presented the practice of dunning as a nuisance. - _ Lord Bacon says. the chief discoveries in political Eicielice are made by young men between the - ages of 20 and 30. At the request of one of the Forwarding houses, we publish this morning another aratarnern attempting to elucidate the system of Tells upon the public improvements. This qnestiontas been so much canvassed aisle that, to a person unac• qua inted with the minutia) of the forwarding bu siness, every new statement has the appearance of "confusion worse confounded." To our mind, the statement or the Canal Commissioners, and the calculation that accompanied it, both of which we published a few days since, placed the merits 913,215 $11,422,623 $4.734,685 of the question before the public more fully than any thing we have yet seen on the subject; and skews that on introducing the truck system no ad• vantages were given to any patty, other than those which tvr uld naturally follow the adoption of the new mode of transportation. It the Trucks are banished front the public works, it is, in effect, dating that men oft mall capital shall not have the privilege of engaging in the Cm-warding business; that our canals Lint ra Iroads are for the exclusive bent fit of large combinations, and that the inter ests of vast impro% ements shall succumb to the v‘ishes of a l'!tv men who a•e handed together by selfishness alone. The, continued cold weather, which:keeps the Canal elmcd, gives the cgrpces time to mature their plan , , and to annoy the public with their s'atements, in which no reliance can he pl aeo i, We most sire-rely hope that in rt few days the works will he open, and then all hands, hi lines aed litde lines, will have a more profitable. cm• ploy ment than quarreling about rates of tolls. Affairs in St. Louis.—The Organ r f the 10th says:-4 'Navigation h a s a t l eng th opened. The Nlissisippi below open, boati are trriving and deparing IVe have had mild and falling weathi r for the past few days. Winter has left us; and glad are we of its departure. The riv• er opposi.,e here is rising, and in a few days the upper rivers wi'l he open. We have had an extraordinary winter,—but few mild day, since the middle of November. Our oldest inhabitants have never experienced as severe and long a winter as the past. Our merchants have labored hard to sustain them elvesthrough the winter months, and nobly have they done so. Glo.on, despon• dency, and ruin stated them in the facr; df spair accompanied them in their walks. Winter having left us, they have doffed themselves of such thoughts. Their coun tenances,—the index of the mind,—are clothed with looks of confidence that the coming season will repay them for the hard• ships they have borne. The Comet is no great things after all, for it is in every b 'dv's .mouthl—Forum. A Specimen of ✓lncient Federalism.— The Port Fulio, afJanaary, 1803, in speak ing of Thomas Jefferson; says: "The circle of our Presideni's felicities is greatly enlarge! by the indulgence of Sallq the sable, and the auspicious aniv 1 nt "I`om Paine, the pious." Froth this it will he seen that the party has tilt improved by age. tionor.—The Common Council of New York have passed a resolution authorising the hoisting of the flags on the City Hall, 13:itiery and public places, on the 12th o! . A pril,the centennial anniverary cf he birth thy ofJefTerson. Dtbl of the United Stale 3. —The public debt of the federal G verment, at the dose of the last Session of Congress, was $23, 731,:327. The whole accumulation, ex ept $4,000,000, taking place under Whig rule. Murder.—The edit r of the New York Aurora killed a distinguished dancer's fath er fur the purpose of making the following joke:— '•Fannv Elssler's father died a few weeks since. She didn't care ~pirouette, howev er, as she depends entirely upon her grand pas for her fortune and fooling in society.' It would seem that the apothecaries were formerly a very sober class of men, for according to the old standard they had three scruples to a dram; but whatever those s';ruples originally may have been, some of the apothecaries of our own day have got over them A new Unitarian Church was dedicated in Buffalo, N. Y., or, the 9th inst. Al handsome church is 1) be erected by the Roman Catholics in the centre of the village of .Madison, N. Y. "l'he Comet" is the name of a piece in rehearsal at the Chatham Theatre, N. I-. General Jackson was 67 years of age on the 15th ins' Dr. Lordlier is lecturing in New Orleans Sena . ,or Tallinadge is fast recovering from his idnesF The Tropic gives a gloomy account of the Mate of the New Orleans cotton market, The " lismal Howl" is the name of a new paper published some where down Washington and Georgetown, in the District of*Columbia, are infested with in cendiaries and burglars. The small pox is raging fearfully in New Orleans, and many of the most res pectable persons are ill with it. The master of superstition is the peo ple; and iu all superstitions wise men fol• low fools. CAnal Tolls. Proui r ue Itailidayebiraiteglater. • TO THE PUBLIC. MR: EDITOR-- - - My attention has recently been drawn to the •enakt.'ct of the Tolls and Motive Power charged on the Curs -and Trucks on our Rail road, which is now being much agitated by the public and par. titularly by That part of the public which aro more particularly and immediately concerned; thounh if the matter were properly considered in its pro. per I ght, every true friend of the improvements, which arc or ought to be the pride and boast of our commonwealth, would consider hims_dfdeeply coi.ecrned; for it is admitted on all hand°, the true policy of any Government, and the only one by which the greatest number is, "Justice to all, fas vont to none,' and all experience has shown that, just in proportion as this principle is departed from, Governmentsrhave become obnoxious to the people in whom •all power is inherent,' and as a necessary consequence, Ma to a greater or less ex tent failed to accomplish the object for which it was iminded. I have been no little surprised to find a policy pursoed by our Curial Commissioners which is not only calculated to injure the improvements. but which is doing the extreme of inju =lice to a highly worthy and enteprising class of our eiti.. zena—men who have placed all of their hard and honest earnings, and not only that, but their cred it also in stock upon these Penna. improvements, (mil here let it not be forgotten that this stock is to' only the moat expansive kind of stock but al so the roost perishable of any other) for th. it own and the interest of the State, fur it must be re membered that the interest of Or, State and of ' lie Transporters most be mutual if we wish to compete successfully with other Slates in the car ! eying business. Why, I would . sit, in the name °fell that is hone.-t, do they allow car wile 'ls and axles carrying a section boat to run over the rail ! I road free of expense, when the same kind of wheels and axles placed under cars roust p ay. and that heavily toe? is It bicau , ac the One is owned by the State and the other by nn ind9strious and en terprising citizen of the State who has givet ! his untiring industry to tie canal anu rail road all the credit they possess. For it is a fact which catanut be con roverted that the universal testa annoy oldie Western and Southern me:radiants is lan favor of the Penna. carrier; and nothing but the extreme heavy i ou Some artie:eg has ena• bled the New York canal to dispute the Irate with us. It is not as lads been supposed by some, because our Trans' onus have by cha•ging ex horbitant prices been e ideavoring to real z enor moue profits. No; the very reverse of this is the fact; al.d instead of growing rich by what sonic have been pleased to term a mmopoly, it Ens taken their energy and ingenuity to keep afloat, and even that has not saved all, for it is a well known an I lamentably fact th at out of all the lines that have started on the Peuna. improvements riot mare than one ha'f are n - ,tv in exi.rtence: the bal ance having pursued this profitable business until they were not worth one dollar; and even after all this, the Car a' Commissioners, to clap the climax of injustice, wish to allow one set amen near 40 dullard more than an ober for doing the same a mount and the Simile kind orwork, as can be seen by a reference to the annexed statement, to which invite a particular examination. CALCULATION. Showing the amount of Toll tic. on Flour carried over and upon the Pennsylvania Canal and rail road in boats and rail road cars, from Pittsburgh to Philadelphia. Say 3(10 bb's. 63,600 lbs. From Pittsburgh to Johnstown, 103 miles at 5 mills per 1000 lb.. $l9 6.5 Boat same distance at 2 cis per mile, 2 06 Portage Roil road tolls, 36 miles to Hollis da3sburg, Motive Power same distance Portage Hail toad toll on 9 cars Motive Pe.wer on acme Use of 9 cars, carmen, oil ALe. Toll on same frt. m Hollidaysburg to Cos tumbril Boat same distance R. R. from Co ! umb:a ti Philadelphia Motive Power on same Toll on 9 Cars •Moti , e Power on sam e of 9 Cars, Cundt,ctor, Oil, &r Deduct 20 cts rer bbl. draw Lack CALCULA noN Shewing• the amount of toll, &c„ on Flour carri d over and upon the Penna. Canals and Rail roads in Section Routs front Pittsburgh to Phi lad. I phia; say 300 bbls. 63,600 Ras as per statein ni reevived of.tho B. Bu ler. F r om Fittsbuig:i t r Johnstown, 103 miles, at 5 mills per 1000 lbs. $l9 65 13 git saw( distance 2 06 Portage Rail road tolls 36 milks to /1011i— da sbnrg \lotive Poser same distadce I;se of Trucks Road toll or. Car or wheel Toll on same from llollidaysburgh to Co 'alibi:a, 172 miles, lollcn Brat same distance R R. toll on boat from Colombia to Phil adtlphia, 82 - odes Motive power on same U.s.f. of 'frocks on same Road toll on Car or whet' Deduct 9.0 cis. on each Uhl. drawback The tibcve will slow that these mcn transpott. in 4 by Cars, arc charged 19 77 motive power, %‘ hen section boats are permitted free of motive p over toll. CALCULATh)N Soowing the tolls on cars and Boats when return Mg empty: i on 9 cars on Columbia and Phila delphia 1:a:1 liotd, wi.es Motive power on sane Tun on Boat ruin Culu.nbia to Holhday s— bin a 3 41 Pull on 9 cars on Portage Rail road 1 62 .11oti•.: power on same tl 10 '1%)11 on boat from Johnstown to Pittsurgli 2 Oti From which deduct tke expense of' the truck t,,vstetu $l9 77 To which a hi the above $l9 77 and yon have 39,- 51, the amount of difference in one entire trip from Philadelphia to Pittsburg and back to Phil, adelphia. In addition to the ahoy: is the expense of horse power and agencies, furnished by the Common. wealth fur those Section Boats at the different points, estimated at from 10 to ]2 dollars per day. CALCULATION Shewing tolls on Section Boats when returning empty: Toll on Section Boat from Philadelphia to Columbia $3 28 do Coluaitia to Hollidaysburg• 344 do Hollidaysburg to Johnstown 144 do Johnstown to Pittsburgh 206 Am I wrong then in saying that this is the right of injustice? are one bet of men to be bu It up on the ruins of the hard earnings of another, and edually meritorious class of eitizeui? And then hear what th•e President of the Board of Ca nal Commissioners says on the subject when he is written to and urged to place all on an equality, (for this is all that the old Transporters ask•) He says that they (the section boats) cannot afford to do business on such terms, that is equal terms.— Well if they cannot do business on equal term., would it not be better to do no business? Every unprejuditief snag- iiill say equal chance and . then the moil tactual:ism eco— nomical, and. perievering will sici the tinsinesiq and I have no doubt that when thicsimmiasionera give the subject the 'sober second: thought' they will not hesitate a moment it' placing all upon a level, either by placing the requisite amount of tolls on the trucks, to be paid by the owner of the boat,. r else (v. hich I believe to be the better way) take it off the cars when empty, which will not only have the good effect already alluded to, but also enable our carriers to do their biasiiiess much lower,which would have the tendency to bring on to our im • provements many articles which are now tamest etvirely excluded from them on account of the expense particularly when empty cars have to be sent from one point to another for their transpor In conclusion, I would just ternark, that altho' I am aware of my inability to do justice to a subject of such importance, yet inasmuch esibese hints are dictated by a sincere desire to see equal justice administered in this matt?r, and an in ward consciousness that I am right, (fur although I am no forwarding man nor in any way interest ed in the businesq, yet I have an opportunity to know how these things work,) some person more able of treating it may undertake it, and by that means `public opinion, the unfailing corrective of all abuses in a tree Government' be w:.ked up,and thereby old and well tried friends not be deserted for more recent acquantances. The Bedford, Pa., Inquirer contains an obituary notice of Charles McDowell, Esq., an old and respectable inhabitant of Bedford, and for twenty-five years editor of a newspaper published in that city. The debt cal Sr. Louis is about $BOO,- 000—the annual interest is about $60,000 a year. 4 e ll SACKS dried Apples... IL 23 lib's do. do 10 Sacks dried Peai-iies. 41 sa-ks Peat hers, jolt rfreived per steatnboais Point rind liar kburgb and for , :'e rern low for rash by 11.111-11,1 X, J EX.\'IVGS 4. co mar ZI. 4 : 004 it: rro the honora b le Itid , 4es of the Court of Genera 1 Quarter Sessions of the Peace in and for the county of Allegheny. The petition of Dan'lFickeisen.bf the at ward,Cily of Pittsburgh, in said county, Nimbi,' heweth:-- That your petitioner hath provided himself with ma terials for the accommodation of travelers and others, at his dwelling house in the Ward aforesaid, and prays that your honors will be pleased to grant him a license to keep a Public [lode of Entertainment. And your pa titioner, as in duty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, citizens of the First Ward, du certify, that the above petnioner Is of good repute for honesty and temperance. and is well provided with hoii3e room and conveniences for the accommodation of strangers and trivelemand that said tavern is necessary. Allen Brooks, Samuel Cooper, AS T Copeland, M Dalzell, A Feiguson, A Holton, Jas Crawford, John Thompson, J Wilson, A Wilson. F Remind, %V \l'Mllullen. mar 2I PP( FOR LAFAYETTE, watash river. The new Steamer CECILT A, Gitokor CLARK. Master, will leave for the above and Interme diate landings , on Monday next, 27th inst.. at 10 o'clock A. M. Por freight or passage apply on board, or to mar 21—td JAMES MAY The Cecilia is provided with Evans' Safety Guard 11 45 22 90 1 62 8 10 15 90 FOR T. LOUIS, GLASGOW t%D IYF.STON, MIS SOURI RIVER. The new and r - plendid passenger • V •• s•eamer, ROWENA, Jonit D. •••-; • pft M 0001.:. Master, will leave for the above and Mt. r nediate tannage on Wednesday, .2 - 2 d 11191., at 10 o'clock A. it., positively. For treight or par. sage apply on board, or t o JAMES MAY. The Rowena is provided with Evans' Safety Guard to.prevent explosion of Boilers. mar .21 32 82 3 44 26 18 31 29 3 Go 11 17 23 85 MILITARY DIVISION STAFF 4PP OINTNEXTS. JAncg H. ‘VA.TPON, of Allegheny county, and PHILIP EvreLrron,of A rmatrong county, aids de camp, with the rank of Major. Also, by and with the advice and consent of Brigadier General Jonathan Large, of the 11.3 t flrigade.and Brigadier General Levi G. Clover, of the 2.1 Brigade, Tnor. IlAmturott, of A regheny county, Di vision Invprelor, and War. CLARK, of Indiana county, Division Quarter Riavter, with the rank of Major. ROBERT ORR, Maj. Gen. 14Div. P. M. Kittanninu. Armstrong co , reit. 22, 1843. $213 93 60 00 $153 93 NEW ROUTE. ENTIRE N,E COACHESi 4 F - f t 11 45 22 90 15 90 1 44 EFROM PITTSBURGH TO BALTIMORE .BXD PHILADELPHIA. United States Express Line. Leaves Pittelmrgh daily, at 3 o'clock. P At, via Steam. hoot to Brownsville, thence in splendid new coaches to Cumberland, over the great National Road, and from there lty RAILROAD, 26 08 3i 29 23 85 3 28 in superior new eight whveled cars, to Baltimore, Washington city and Philadelphia. The above Line is r.presented to the traveling, politic. as being unequalled between the Ohio River and ti:tsterti cities for romfort and expedition , having made arrange ments to Convey prwserigers through in two days, and no night travel, either by Stage or Railroad Cars.— Think of it! Only 75 miles Stage travelling, and 56 mites less than the Wheeling route, and that In superb flew COZICtICS. 0194 16 60 00 $134 16 Fare through, $lO. Office In the Monongahela noose, A. lIENDEP SON 4- CO., mar 21 —ll3m Stage Proprietors T 0 the Honorable !ht. 1 , 414,s the Court of Gene, at laltart.r .1 the Peace in and for the Counfy ohAll ~neny: The pt •itinn 4 f William Griffith , nf Pitt township in the county aforesaid. humbly showet That you. petitioner Mitt, provided himself w , th maierials for the arc immodation of ti avefe, a and others, at his g 11 , 114, in the borough more :said and prayv that your Min its will he Weaved to grant him a lii•imse m keep a Pnble Huse of En tertainment. And p , itiner i lily h mod will pray. \VILI,IAN GRIFFITIiS. We, die subscribers, ritiaeos 'it Pitt ti , wll•ll,p, do certy 'hit the ahmi e p-titi o'er is of gn,d ',w i t, for nonestv and temperance, and is well provided with h.mie morn and conveniences fir the a,corninoda lion and lodging of strangers and trave:e, s and that said ta.•ern is necessary. $29 99 Thos O'Brien, Samuel O'Brion, Jas Wilson. Ed Fornn, James Cargo, Richd Atlison March 15-3 t f 1) the Honorable, the Judges of the Court of GenPr al Quarter Sessions of the Peace, In and for the calm ty of .% ilnheny. The petition of Martha McMurry, of Nnblestown.Fay• ette, in said county, respectfully aboweth• That she Is well provided with house room and other conveniences for the accummodatlon of strangers and travelers, at the house now oceupled by her as a tavern, and being desirous to continue in that liminess ,she prays your honors to grant her a license to keep an Inn or house of Public Entertainment, and she will pray, stc.„ MARTHA McMIIRRAY. The undersigned, citizens of Payette Township, re spectfully certify that Martha M•Murrsy, the above na med applicant, is a lady of good repute for hone Sty and temperance, and is well provided with house room and conveniences for the accommodation and lodgin of stain. ger, and travelers, and that wild tavern Is neresstiry. Thomas Matthews,David Pollock, James Moat, Wm M'Clslland, John Pollock, .1 - s Marion Thema Stet, Matthew M Steer, Saunter Cooper, Jahn Marshall, Jacob Erich, Jas M'Wherter.jr. Chines Morgan, - John Laughlin. mar 21-3 t. JUSTICE DAN, FICK EISEN, W.dai A Win 111. Arthurs, Thos Farrow, Jacob Tomer, Jag NlcCandless, Rod Maerks, David Jones . , Iagr.NOMENON IN CHRX Y 4 ISTR-4C ti 1 Heir Dia—colons the hair and will eel. thet—... This Dye is Inthe form of a Powder which in plaid matte of tact may be applied to the hair over night, the At* night turning the light etit or grey hair to dark brown; aid by repeating a second or third night, to a jet block. Any person may, therefore. with the least poiadhle trouble. keep his hale any darkshade or a perfect black, with the positive aaanra rice that ;lie powder if applied to the thin will not color it. There In no cidoring in this ',tautened.. as any one fluty easily tent. These facts are warranted by the chenist who manufacture. it. For , ale at TUTTLE'S, 88 Fourth street, where a large assortment of Patent Medicines may always be bad at tither wholesale or retail ..Doet forget ! 86 Fourth strut 1" NOTICE to Steam Boat Owners.—The subscriber; Ift consequence of the difficulty of the times. oat milk. ced the price of hie Safety Guard fir Ids preesratien of the czplosion of steam boasoorter4ts4 per host. It in hoped that all boat owners will avalithensietvta of these reasonable terms, not only on account of Om perfect safety they afford, but also in point of economy. Boilers with the apparatus attached will wear ohms wire as long as those not ptovided with them. March 6-3 m C. EVANS J'rew Wholesale Cash Store IN PITTSBURGH. S. C'. 'Fianna: & Moen tm Joatts, under the firm of Tiernan & Jones, A RE now opening, and will have ready for sole by A the 10 of April, at No. 99 WOOD STREET ► a large and well selected assortment of Dry Goods. pis , " chased in Philadelphia, New York and Boston, at az- DUCI:D PRICER eon casn—and as they do not Intend sell ing in any other way than for Cash (par money) in band. they will sell at a a mall advance, and confidently believe they ran sell as low as goods of the same description can be purchased from the Wholesale Douses in ritliadelpfits. JONES, MURPHY 4. Co. Are also receiving, their Spring assortment at their old eland. No. 48 Wood street, and are selling for Cash, and on their u-ma I credit to undoubted men, at reducgdpri. ces. having determined to receive, hereafter, nothinglint p'r money in payment. The lterald Steubenville, 0 ;Falladitim, New Lishon; Jottrnat Callipoils; Messenger, Zanesville; Repository, Canton; Gazette, Cliarle,toniXanawha; Parkersburg, Va. palter; Reporter. WaQhinaton, Pa ; A rang, Beaver; La. urinary, Mercer; Chronicle, Warren, 0., will each in. sort the above to the amount or $ 2, and charge this of flee, and send one paper containing the advertisement to Tiernan S Jones, mar 18. LAW SCHOOL. West e,.11 University. fIIBE next term will commence on the fi rst Tuesday JL In April next and end In the middle or August. The ier . in9 are thirty seven and abalrdollars per term , pnyaide in advance. Altendmice ea the Moor COURT alone Is ten dollars per tern, Persona desrious of enirring arc rrqueFled to appl to the PROFESSOR. SVALTER If. LoveRIC at hii office In Fourth st tect, rest to the 'Mayor's office. march 20. 3t NEW ESTARLISHM'E2L-T: Upholstery Furnishings. rrtHE volvicritier respectfully informs hie Friends and JL the Pudic that he hrts just opened the tore No. 30 Fifth street. near the Exchange Bank. and adjoining Mr. JD. Williams' Grocery—where he intends - to manu facture in the he t style, and have ready for sale a full assortment of the first quality of DpAryisterjr Parnisk• lags, such as Dal r, Shuck and Straw friattrapies, Feath er Beds, Sackings, 4.c.which he will sell for Cask at neat ly 100 per cent less than former prices. ALSO; Sofas, Chairs, etc Upholstered, carpetrande, and Cut tains arranged after the newtst fashions—All or which he offers to execute in a manner unequaled a this or unsurpassed in any miter city. mar 20 ly JOHN T. STEWART. fO the Honorable, the in gee of the Court of , General Quarter Sessions of the Peace, irptisd for the county of Allegheny I s Th e petition .f Aaron Watsoo, of Lower Sl.Cleir - Township. respectfully sliewe , h, That he is Well provided with house I' 06111 and oth'r conveniences for the e lation of stranger-and travelers. at the house now occupied by him as a tavern; and be.. ing desirous to continue iii that business, he pr a ys your honors to grant him a breese to keep an Inn t r ionise of Public Entertainment. And lie will ever pray. AARON WATSON. The undersigned, citizens of Lower St. (lair township r I specilully certify, that Aaron Watson, the above named a pplica nt,is a giantlemait of gond repute for hontesty and tempetance, and is weft .poke4ded wan house roam and eursvezienass for theelersitOnso dation and lodging u( strangers MA travviersti4ad said that tavern is necessary for the accornincidaneit of the public. Elielta %IcAninch, Saml. Hamilton, Jose MeClu• g, Aliei..ael Maguire. George Hoffman, John B awdy, March, .20.3 * goo the Hunurable the Judges of the Court: of 11_ General Quarter Sessionsnflhe Peace in s nd fur the County of Allegheny: The petition of Moses Dunlary, of - U*4 St. Clair T,,wns.hip, in the county atnresaid;itoottrly showeth-- That your petitioner has provided materials for the accommodation of tiFitterailltrid n , hers, al his dwel mg house in the towitikip afire said, and prays that y•iur Honors will be .pleitiid to grant him a liecnse to keep a Public Floosiur Entertainment. And your petitioner, as in 1if01,7 bou' d, will pray. MOSES DUNLAVY. We, the subscribers, citizens of Upper $e Glair do certify that the above petitioner 1.4 of good re* pute fur honesty and temperance, and is welt pro vided with house room and conveniences kettle accommodation and lodging ofstrangers andical eters and that said tavern is necessary, '• Wm r.r, Sam!. Fryer, Robert Bingham, John Riilardson, John Kirk, Alexander Para - •.• Eli Frew, Wm Nixon, Samuel ennui, r, fl , a r 2o 3t /1 1 10 ine Honorable, the Judltes of the Court of Geoend ("blamer Sessions of the Peace, in and for tho.cono— _ ty of All,ch.nv. The peuttnn of A inos Holland of U. St Clair township, said county. re, , protfully showelb:— Thai heir well provided wis h home room and Alt convenience. , for the accommodation of stranmerls d traveller,, at the 11.11 , 4? lIMV Occupied by him as a !liven; nod twit loOroits coolltale in that business he pray roar honors to .zrtifit him a license to keep an Inn Or houne of Pubic Linteitainment. And he will:lv:44 e- A %I OS HOLLA.NA The undernizned, citiZetitt of it Clair TOwnsillei, re, . rer ify. that A. liollond the above named aro.- Wicant. is a getillantan of good reptile for honesty and lemperance,and in well provided with house room and convenience. for the accommodation and lodging of Wan. gore nod travelers and that said tavern is necessary., for the accommodation of the public. John Fife, Daniel Blathro, Aaron Brawdy, M. F. Crookshank, Samuel Laughlin, Arthur Lent, Wm. Orr, Samuel Conner, Henry Holz, sr, Samuel Black, illstthew Reed. John Mei riman. March 18-31 TO the- Honorable the Judges of the Centre of . tilitiont Quarter Session, of the Peace in and ihr3 lo County of Allegheny. The petition of Francis Tobin, of Robinson Township, in the county aforesaid, humbly sliewells--' That your petitioner bath provided himself nativism— teriala for the accommodation of travelers and othemr, at hls dwelling house in the to. aforesaid, sad- pis that your Honors will be pleased to grant him a news to keep a Public House of Entertainment. And your petitioner loin duty bound, will pray. FRANCIS TOBfs. We , the sub.teribers, citizens of Robinson Township, do certify, that the above petitioner is of good repute for honesty and temperance, and is well proel• ded with house room and conveniences for the ocean's*• dation and lodging of strangers and travellers, and . alit said tavern I. aersastim., . Wm. McCormack, John MCiii," John 0, 99 ,11, mar Ift-r3l,* Wm. B row n, &awe! Mettiy," ThogAf Wright,. Janis/ McEke, . 4 0 0tph ,r ,_ ,bieg4w10104 1 4. 4 .r.nsto*, " • John D. Miller, John Miltenger, John McClurg, Jurnea C. McGuire. - Robert Cunningham. John Brown. Wm. Fryer, Wm• H. Siesiart, Stephen Pierre.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers