JANUARY 30, 1843. The Report of the Managers of the .So; -for the reliefof Indigent Females, will be found on our first page. It will be &source of regret to every person of phi lanthropic feeling, that the praiseworthy obi* of this association has not received a more liberal encouragement. From whit we hear of the Society,, we believe I t haorganized on a plan that would, if i)oeti pi . y encouraged by the citizens, give empbotnent and relief to a large class of females, wbo without such aid, would be toned to endure the most pressing want, gropispelled to resort to public charity to dam their necessities. Through the Web= of this society, aid is extended with v tit wounding the sensative feelings of dite - recipients, and it is received with the octsesessesettemess that it is the reward of their owcQnclustry. ..The articles manuracturea by the soci— ety, are such as are useful and necessary in all families, and we are told that even as an object of economy, persons requiring each articles will find it to their advantage to purchase at the afore of the Society. If an effort is made, we feel certain that the public will not p e rmit the association to go down, and that a prop - 'r appeal will pro_ duce such encouragement as will enduce theworthy managerato continue their enrti in behalf of that portion of the corn nunity that hag already derived 80 inupli benefit from their meritorious labors. Messrs. EDITORS:—The communication which appeared in your paper of Friday morning should not have been noticed by -- isrsc*ere it not that some might suppose 041. its author was a decent man or boy. itiszseless to parley with him about "who Oliew the first water," as it is well krown 14:4 'rho Were present that the A le ,, heny diddthrew at least 15 if nor 20 or 25 min- efeir before the Vigilant. "Many Mem, • belie, may know me, and lam not asha med to ftther tie "trifling communication" (4 itripoke the truth. The author telks tell about thfir "usual custom" fif ''kick Uthink that "Many Members" hare kicked' hut once and then they wit paid in their owe f 0 conclude. I do not wish to have an% thing more to say to such fcllows —there is no credit t) he gained by keeping up a controversy with the r. ~S!r-riaris - .accident from Powder.—W e i4rn..thrit as a son of Mr Joseph Coltar',. Ml! . Saturday, was doing something in thittpollar with a candle, he accidentally ig oiled a large quantity of Hock Powder, rtdtploded, inju ing the boy so I:adly iii(tri z 'i•autte serious approhensions Inc hihrlife. The cellar door was blown open Mk every thing moveable about dashed from its place. The Oregon Meeting at the old Court Mine last Saturday night, was a roarer. *re.nover taw ouch a jam at that old shall . tee before - not even excepting the Hay Meetings. Nothing was done except the -nppointment of a committee, consisting of Meow. Pettit, Nortol, Totten, Curry, and sixteen others, the names of whom we do riot now recollect, whose duty it is to col- NO NH the information they can, relative ttrthe Oregon Territory, and report to an other meeting which will be held in the settle peace do next Saturday week, at 7 oeloek P. M. MARRIED—On Thursday evening, Jan. 26, by Rev. Mr. O'Connor, 1) ll . Mr. Jew( S. COOGRAVE, UI Miss IltriarrrvA, daughter of Win. Mack y, • a' this city. DIED.—On yesterday, Mrs. ISAPHENA U. LANOHORNE, wife of Mr. Robert J. Langhorne. The funeral will take place this afternoon at 4 u'. clock, from the residence of her liusbaod,on Grove Hill, in the immediate neighborhood of Mr Alron Bart's. The friends and acquaintances of the family arc requested to atten I without further no. tice. Jan. 30. RIVER NEWS. River-5 feet water in the channel ARRIVED. Joh Bowman, Bruvdn•vilie, Herschel, Alen, Brownsville, •DEPARTUR ES. Alpine, Cockburn, Brownsville, Lancaster, Jiliueleher , St Louis, ',I" Mick from a man iA a man in a mag- antic Sleep!—The Bunkur Hill states that, list Monday evening, in the town hall. Mr. :Oda..dre magnetizer anti lecturer, willed hi. l'atiblect." to bring him a hat, which lay upyn the stage, when a person attempted tOtteep the hat away from him. At this the "subject" took offence and gave the said person altick in the astomach, which took. his breath away. and caused him to Clenlera in Burmah.—According to the lilitst•tadvices from Ole East Indies, the cholera rats raging in Burmah to a fearful enctetat,' Whole villages in the interior hilk„become desolate—the inhabitants be ioreither cut off by this frightful malady, oftelitpti aed for safety to' other parts of the Country. 01,0ASSE&—I 6 barrcls klolamits, For Wife by ! JAMES MAY EIEZE! 1 0 iPtiT4L. torn Pig Meier is atore.and for 1011140/... J. W. 817118911)0E 4 Co. jaa 24 Water at. between Ward it EintibSild tan --‘" 1 02 , 14.02,2 1 . - ►OR TOR MORNING Pon ALLEGIIENY c. Phut-Imi 'rainy Portrait 20011Lazni and Pistol.* Frew Jimusfospicee, Antra Street Pittsburgh. —Canvass Brushes- Varnish PRINT" . G OFFICE *c., for Arnim, always on hand. Looking Glasses. fr, I promptly framed to order. Repairing dons the short N. W. Corner of Wood 45..F11th Sts. est notice Particular attention pant to regilding and jobbing orev ery description. Persona fitting up Steam Boats or houses wilt find it tt , heir advantage to call. aep 10 AGOOD cheap Tavern Stand for rent low—the only Tavern stand in the vicinity of East Fairfield—eight miles this side of New Lisbon, in Columbiana county Ohlo—adjacent to several other Villages--and In a re. spectable neighborhood, on the leading state road through Ohio—the Tavern house Is serge and convenient—a good garden and large food stable ri.c. For terms, which w ill be low and accommodating to a good tenant, apply to John Anderson on the premises, or at Harris' General Acency and Intelligence office. Jan 19. NEW LINE OF 17. S. MAIL COACHES. ..fratFt FOR WASHINGTON CITY. BALTIMORE, PHILA DELPIIIA AND .11*Elf YORK. /IRIS litre i+ in full operarion, and It avcs Pittstiorgh flail• - at 6 o'clock, A M, via Washin7,ion Pa. and the National Road, to Cumberland, connecting there with Rail Road Co.s to all the above places. Travelers will find lids a speedy and comfortable route, It bring a semi. rale:and distinct Pittsburgh and Cumberland line, faciti• ties will be afforded which have not been heretofore en• joyed. Passengers will he taken up anti set don n at the Monongahela Howie, Merchants.`A merican and Exchange Hotels, or at airy house In the vicinity of here ptares._ Extra coaches furnlr•hed at the shortest notice, with the privilege of going through direct, or of taking one night's rest. at their option. For seals apply at tie office In St Clair street, corner of the Exchange Hotel, nr at the office in Water st, next door to the Monongalicia.litiuse. L W STOCKTON, President of the National fond Stage Cornosey. J C Acheson. Spry. inn 9—dif. To Let, rtirro STORES on Illarrket ct. , betwcen 3d and 41h $1 rerot ALSO, Iwo spneion, a till convenient mows in the ger and story opening Ity a Ilan on Markel Ft real; well adapt. ed for Law offices, or for any businr,.., requirity4 a c o n vgnirnl and ready arress froth a lq,nes9 sircet, ALSO, the small store MIMI on Third , nearly op pointy the Post office at present ocr Upled by Croton d• Raymond an a Lanm ALSO the Ii:Il and airy office on 3d st. at pre‘ent oc. chided as the Atheneum. A LSO, for rent, several the ile,ll - house orthe aiLsrrit.er in Pitt luwualip, ahh a few scres of Land attached to each. jan cown D. G IZZ %M. No 51 Third - FOR SALE.—The Storclimise and Lot vow occupied by 111 Datzel, situate ai the rou ore of 11 - , Diamond alley the Diamond. in the city of PlitshurOt For term': apply to 31 D.itniM on the prem se*. , or John Snyder. Caiihier. dee :10-1 B LOOMS -25 tons Blooms in Sin, e and for i=ale by I.W BUR lir I FIG E. Jan 2 1811. % alrr tiei wee', Wood .Q Smith JUST received -20 dozen 20dd roil nrooots, 5 do I: S A 1511 n. freal i Roll Mill,: blip ruts Carpel ; 4 dozen Sork I.llARnis. Arent and eninink•inn !.le,cltant To Let, T`/F. Fiore room ane dwellint on Market 41, now oe copied Lc 'rhos Campbell 3• Co . Apply to j0tr17,1i42 JAMi RI,.AKRI.\' Family Flour. 100 RA I; ELS Extra Fatild v Floor. jn• - 0 received and for sn'e by J. W. HI.1111111.11)1;E, 4- Co. Wal rr Si met. bet wren Wood and SmA barb]. Jan. 161 h. ...N. ? Rl - CE' s -4:- _... . - . ____------ --- T. - : - 7 - _T, - T------_____ -- _ - _. • •._ _ . ' C ' 0 CANS- -- rums is a safe an.l rertain cure for COlll , , Cable Artthmti, Sore Throat, Paiva fled Weakness or the• Breast Whospie* Cough. Hoarseness, Irritation of the Throat, and loony dineasies lending in the Censomptioa Try it—only Pi; pre• roll—prepared and 501,1 W bole• snleanil Rela!l6y ii. T. rll ICE, Confectioner, Fed* tat sl...Vleglieny City, and the principal Druggkis of rule Be Aire. you ask for Price 3 Compound Cough Candy nov f. Tea, Grocery, and Produce tinsinews, TO St nlsrnsrn O At No. 140 Liberty street. Pitasburgh. V JfE x 'MAT r fiber bring, about to live in I lie I 01, wry. is desirous of selling out his :dock and fixtures. The stock ronsixte of a choice and general selection of Teas, Coffees. Spites and a general assortment ofarticlea usu— ally kept by the trade. The fixtures are of the neatest and most substantial kliod. Tue stand unsitrpas-ed by any In the City, and at a redneed rent; being well ellen - tared for a Wholesale and Iletail Grocery Inisinesa, which the subscriber has carried on In the same stand the lasi II years. The above 'a an eveellonl opporttiniiv for any perlon dr.:iron:l of embarking, in lnnliteo4, having a cottsider.,hle connexion in town ;mil round Cy. For Sail,. alio. 0 . 1 advantarentia tenll•, a Two Story Brick Dwell in.!, sit h Ita.eit iti, vaint, 111111112 room, kitchen. 4.c . en'tantially hoilt and well finished, snit aged in Robinson street, Alterlteny Cne,oppn-ite Jark son•a Row, beim, 220 front by 1 , 0 deep to a 15 R. alley Also, nearly two acres of land, hems! one whole .rquare •hosted at New Troy, hetor e lovely spoi .1 mite from the city, contalninz 1 small line ()wet Hoz, a few fruit trees, and 2 write of first rate water. Mao. a small farm of 20 acres. B nide,. from Pitt OW rglt un the Ea?! Littprtv rand, aunt:lining a I.og house. Stone Bank ha rn, with Si ahlea tinder the tv hole, being 50 feel long, 25 wide, and 2 arm of chnire Orcliardintz. ronsoa ing of about 200 grafted Pear, Apple, Plum ana oilier Trees. in full bearing. A ko, Pew No. 101 in the Presbyterian aped about half way down the !at aisle from the ent ranee- 23-dhv Q.hints. N. n. Sit r. hit: day received per Fienturr N:r.vw York, and for sale by 1 C. ti• 1. CORDON. Per 10. No. 12 Water gi VOR SALE AND SUBSCRIPTICO'S REP IVED, JU 'the A metican Pioneer; an exeeilent Nlontlify Putt• tirniio n . devoted to the olJ• , ct of the Loran Historical Society; or to collecting and puhtlFhin¢ stictche ß relative to the early settlement and snrce , Five improvements of our conitiry, •for my country I rejoice in the Rower of Peace "—Logan, Ti.e above excellent work, Edited he John S 111tlianas , ELF Cincinnati. for sale at g 2. for the first volume, and 2d continued in monthly Nun and subscription. at $2 per annum received at Harris' Agen• cy and intelligence. Office. Pilinburen, hinnary 26,1843• . DR. E. M ER RITT, DENTIST, Office +7l Smith. field, between Second and Third Sir., Hours of buOnsss from 9 A. M. till 4 P. M. Dr. E. M. manufacturer Procelnin and Mineral teeth. Dentists can he supplied by the ICIO or single teeth. Blocks of teeth with a beautiful aunt in foil sets, or parts of setts, wilt be made to order at the shortest notice, by forwardine on exact Impression of the month. 4 lsn, for sale a few machines with emery wheels for grinding and fifth's mineral teeth so useful to the Dentist—all will be sold low for cash. dcc 23. .INCHORS dIND CI-MINS FOR THE LAKE S7'E3MER. ROPOSJILS•riII be received until Wednesday, the P Rill day of February ni xt for the making and (hr. nishing for the 11. S. Iron Steamer, building at this place the A nchore and Chains described as roows, viz: Three Bower A nehors,lron Stocks, each wei;hing 2700 pound. One Stream Anchor, Iron sock, weighing, goo ?olind3. One Kedge. Anchor, Iron stock, weighing 600 pounde. One Kedge Anchor, iron stock, weighing 400 pound,. Two Chain Cables, 1 3.8 inch Iron, 150 fathoms each. 9 16 do. 150 fathoms. One set Shrouds, . 8-16 do. 50 do. All to be made ofthe hest quality iron, agreeable to instructions and speclflcatians which will be tarnished, and to be subject to such Inspection and proof at the Ilu• !Tau of Equipment may require; to be delivered at Erie, Pa., on. or Wore the first day of July next; the proposals to state the price per pound, delivered free of 'every other expense to the Government. For further informationinguire of the itthscriber at the Iron works, cornerof Prong-tett BMet its,, or at the Monongahela Rouse..B, HAIM N. A. 'Jan 28-AtBF, Tax proprietors of the bloanixo Port and If rictriur ♦nD MaxusAcross* respectfully inform their friends and the patronsof those papers, that they have a large and well chosen assortment of SOS r3IIrWIIP I '3lEa 90 78. ND /8.%16 OUE MEd RE.4IIP.RESAZIZ Necessary to a Job Printing Office, and that they are pre LETTER PRESS PRINTING OF EVERY DUCRIPTION. Hooks, Bills or Lading, riveulars, Pamphlets, Bill Heads, Cards, Handbills, Blank Checks, Hat Tips* Stage, Steamboat, and Canal Boat Bills, with awe Printed on the shortest notice and most reasonable terms We respectfully ask the patronage of our friends and lie public to general in ibis branch of our business. Pittsburgh, Sep'. 39, 1842- PHILLIPS SMITH, CORRECTED DAILY, ET ♦LEER KRAMER, RICRANGX BROW PENNSYLVANIA. Bank of Pittslmr2h. par Merrh. ¢ Man. hk. par Etchance hank, par, Bk. ofCermantowr. Easton lank, Lancaster bank, din 2 Bank of Chester Co. par Farmers' bk Bucks Co. •• Doylestown hk do o Bk of N America Phil. '• Bk of Northrrn Liheities,'• Commercial hk. of Pa. Par, k 1 Irchanics bk. •• KetiAlighati hk. I'hilaJriphia bk. •• Schuylkill Mt. Southwark bk. Western bk. Bk. of Venn 4 ylvauta. 14 Ilk of Penn 11. par Man. 4. Mechanic■ bk Mechanic.. bk. par. Movainru,ing bk. Girard Itaak, LO, ET. StrttrA bank. GO Littribernorh , ', lVarren, Frank. Irk Wasltlncton. par Miner!. hk of Pot tnelle, 10 Rk of Mont -ornery Co. par Mon. bk ftrowneville, lj Erie flank, 5 flarrfthtirah bauk. 9 Far. Irk Laneanter, 2, Ilk of Middletown, 8, Rk. of Charn'.etshorzh, 81 Carltste hank, 81 ftk of Northnitilterland, RI, Columbia bk ¢ flritivt co. 3 Rk Sw.aptelianna Cr,• 11 Ilkof Delaware Co. par Lehatton hk. (lei yatto rah Irk. York hank, 8 Far. 4. Drover. Lk. of Way neetto r2h, ••• Currrutty notes. 8 `2. Wyotwita bank, 20 Potsit'att state Scrip, j 7 Conntry do do 9 Flerktt l'n. hunk, 65 Lewistown. 18 Towanda. Nl.Amtplea,a:ll bk 2 Far.4.!Oecla. bk Of : 4 lru. hruritle. 2 Belmont Lk k.l Si. I Nairg 2 Maririea 11 I=l nn Lk Nrw Lon ‘l,) Pose ❑CI PM I:ltirionnii specie par books. %leen- Trailers bk of I.k of r„liirolms, Den.a.pf Circleville, (IL Lawrence 1.1.011 Yr Z1l111•4ViliP I•k II ill F.:l T 10V.IL!--,tir ,rithrrcrihers have removed to Ws. IL ter between Wood and Stnltlideld streets, where hey will I - 0111111111! the Wholesale Grocery and Commis sion hu-int,s and would re , pert fully solicit the patron. age of their friends J. WARM:BRIDGE 4. Co. Dee :1 I-1 I'. PRICE, %V itole.,..dr• aud Retail Raker, Cnn. . feel loner and Fruiterer, Federal street, near he Illaniond„allteglieny city. Every variety of Confer, inna ry and Ornamental rake., .11itabie for weddings and pallier, manufactured irorn the hest materials, at short notice. nor 16 GEoRcE W. LA 1'..V0 Attorney at Law, Office Nrt.:,4 b street, near the Theatre. Pitisilurgh. sep 27—ly FOR RENT.- —A comfortable new brick dwell_ Ike. beg howie,9ittiate in Cosil Lane near 711. street a 5 For terms, which will be moderate.apply to JOHN 51'eLOSKEY. der 30--11. Three Rig floors Liberty st. RENJ BOWN Relative to Bonds and Securities of the City Treasurer, and other City o . fficers. lizEcTIoN I. Be it ordained and enacted by the rill -1.7 Zeliß o f l'ittrldirgli, in Select anti Common Council as , embl, d. That the Treasurer of the city of Pittsburgh now elected or that may hereafter he elected. together with such other officers as are hereinafter de , igetated. shall Itefor, entering nn their respective ditties as city officers, be required to hand their Bondi to the City So licitor for examination and approval and give the names of their securities to the Maior, by whom the same shall he laid !reline the COIIIIIOI tern of Councils, as hereinafter provided for their approval. And the paid bond or bonds stmt, not he accepted, nor shall their commission issue atoll a inajoril y of the. Cr mnittice to whom tll, it pond an. securities are referred, shall approve of the same. BENJ. BOWS, 240 Libel-iy aired. Sec. II Be it ordained. 4.c , That the Committee on Finance shall approve of the Bonds and Securities of the City Treasurer, Wharf-Master and Collectors of Taxes, and endorse the sante as approved by tbe inrti vidua I meint.ei, of the Committee so seamy inT The Street Commissioner's Bond anti Seettriti..s shall he rip proved in like thanner, by the Cominiltee on Streets. Grading and Paving. • The Clerk of the Market in like manner by the Committee on Markets. All others as heretofore provided. sec. 111 Re it ordained. 4-c„ That the City Treasurer hall, at all limes have all mop eys paid to him, or pla— ced in his hinds on account of the city—not paid on war. rams, or hr order, or on account of the rity—on hand, either :it his LtTice in Bank or Banks, or such other place as may have been denignated by the Committee on ri. which moneys, warrants and evidences of pay. meal on account of the city, shall be Open for the in. spection and examination at any time, of the Commit. tee Oft Finance or any other Conimihtee that Ccuncils may order or direct. .Sec• IV Be it ordnincd, ¢c., That In case of the re appointment of any Collector whose former duplicate Is not entirely settled up, no new duplicate *Mall lie km. d, until the (miner is settled up to the ~atistactinn tactile Committee on A crounis or Finances. See. V Be it ordained, ¢c , That no Collector of City hereafter he eligible for re appointinenl, un. less his former duplicate shnll have been satifactortly set tled, previous to the time appointed for the election of city officers. Bre. VI Bc it outlined. kr., That so much of any Or. dinarce, or Ordinances, as mny be hereby altered or sup plied, be any they are hereby altered and repealed. Ordained and enacted into a Law, in Councils, this twenty.linst day of January, A. D. eighteen hundred and forty-three, WM. CICHBACM, rrestdcnt Common Council. E. J. Ronsura,Clerk Common Council. JOHN SHERIFF, President pro. tem.§electCouncll Atact. Ildita.sa,Clerk Select Council. Jan 28-3 t. V.OO-BR. MACICE.REL, te.-16 odds. !rime 14 0 Sugar, . 10 Ttereers Rice. 15 Kegs Shad. assorted Nos. 20 Bbts. N 0.3 Nadler/H. Nor► landing from B, O. Cutter, and for sate low by Jan 28. •SAIdEOINIAT; owed to execute au twos of IStanks, priate Cuts, BANK NOTE AND EXCHANGE LIST. Wooster, MassiJun, Sandusky Ceatign, Norwalk, Xenia, Dayton, Scioto, Post notes, Chillicothe, I Fran. bk Columbus, La,,crister, Hamilton, GranytHe, Cont. bk. Lake Erie, Far. bk: of Canton, Urbana State lAA. Branches 2 State Scrip, 50 All hank,. gate bk 4. Branches, 60 Shawnee!own, 70 Bank of Virginia, le do Valley, le Far. bk. of Virginia, i Exchange bank, 1 i N. West, bank ~ li Mar. 4Mer. dn le MARYLAND. Baltimore Banks, ar Country DELI WARE All Ranks, All Bank!, NEW YORK. KIT • i'aunlry (Rafety fowl.) i a 1 Red !lark. I to I NEW ENGLAND. Boston nk S. 4: I' Country •• LOUISIANA Orlen ns knnkc, eoo.l, 5310 NORTH CAROLINA SOUTH CAROLINA Rank,•, AL I,IIAhIA Good Rank 4, 20 Flaok4, 7 MICIAIG AN iRk. of RI. Clair, 111 'Do. dn. 1(• 11. :Anvil It 10 CANADA Good n 810 10 Eastern Exchange. etahidetia.ia. New York, 1. 1131111110 re, Horton. Western Exchange. ;lanenn‘ai I, pa r Lonieviite, oar Cleveland, A dir 2 Whrelk•E par 2,nor.r) t 111 81 IN ER, ptir AN ORDINANCE, 134081 CRT PORTJEUtip : sus _tomes IL on the cotner of Forth anit ImithiSehl Ite• ger , 10 READSE'V'AN INGTON • ATTORXEr 4T LAW. —Office in Bears' Building, Fourth street, pittsbu rah. flue . 5, 1842. y T. STEWART, Upholsterer end Faper Ranger, el • No. 49, Fifth street, between Wood and Smithfield dts. Husk and Straw Mattresses always on hand. All orders executed with neatness and despatch, on accommo sating terms, sep 20— 1 y WANTED. 2000 BUSHELS OF FLAX SEED. for filch the hi.liest price in cash will he giver J A MES DICKEY 4- co Agts. Itlechanlcs Line corner ofifterty and Wayn if reefs, Pittsburgh. oct PTSBLIRGH CIRCULATING AND REFERENCE LIBRA RY of Rellglous,lllstorical,Political.and Mis cellaneous Works, will be open every day, &Ant h cx. cepled. 'rom 7 o'clock, A. M., anl II 9, P. AL : In the Ex- change Building, corner of St ;Clair stet:eland Exchange alley, wnere punctual attendance will be given by Imp 10 J. CEMMIL. Unrivalled Blacking, MANUFACTURED and sold wholesale and retail: Stint Svurxr, one door below Smithfield. oct 21—tv. IiDRINTING INK.—The subscriber has Just recel ved an assortment of Book and News PRINTING INK, from the old eßtatillskee manufactory of Charles Johnson, (formerly Johnson ¢ rurant) of Philadelphia, which he warrants to be of the first quality, put up in kegs of from 1010 13 lbs. to :nil parthasers. Be intends in be constantly supplied, and all orders accompanied by cash; will he punctually attended. JOHN KNOX, Washington Printing Office,3d door west or Ma) Irons' Hotel, sth st. Jan 10-31 w. ~~JILLIAM ELDER. t , r y at op L p a n t g l , l;e o t fit lte c; le s: Court flown!. on Grant well. erp BUCKWFIEAT.--BereivPfi from Harmony 15 half barrels Buckwheat Flour,suitahle for fmnilles, for role by IS.-1 Al: CIIUSB% lin 5 14.1 Liberty n,• In store, Family Flour, a superior article for Bakers INDIANA K ENTOCK ILLINOIS VIRGINIA /1111 E sultscrilier has just received his annual supply of 1_ Landreth's Garden Seeds, consisting in part oft he owing kinds—ali of the last years crop II - warranted foenuinc: Asparags Egg Platit, Parsnip, Beets, Endive, Peas, Beans, Kale, Pepper, Leek, Punrplin, Brer_culi, Lettuce. Rachsh, Borecols, Water Melt'', Rhubarb, Cat hage, Musk, Sakary, Carrot, Cauliflower, Spinach, Squash, Celers Okra, Tomatoes, Cu' led Cress, Onion, Turnip, Cocitiolotr, Parsley, Corti, Mustard, (white and 611.0..1) &r. &c. her varlet p of Pot k Sweet !will , . a r.d flower 4emk, in'Orders for Seeil,, Shrub , . "Pres, kr. from Carden. ers and others will be received and promptly attended to. F L. 'SNOW DEN, jan 11 No. In 4 Lolierty.itead of Wood st. NEW JERSEY par end 1 I'IS. COLUMIII A HF, dwelling lumse, k lloWn ar lli Ciinnon Coilage, nronnned on line lower inank :111egheny rimy, fronting Rauk lane, in. on lire Ist rinv of A ' ,HI fell. G. R. WIIITE k jr a 16--413 w. Mnricei al reel. $lO Reward. SF:x from the stdhle Ftileccriber Iliree i n ' t ()' mile's a eAt of Brownsville in Wa•tlittivor i co. no the night or the oth dark brown horse, with n roar in till forehead, about it; hand. 10211,5 ,en rs olds bin In flesh, nn shoes on behind, slightly !Ante in hot h Lind feel, lids n so - e or sear on the left PM', no of bet marlin recollected. The n one reward will he nivel' for the horse and Biel sor five donors for eii her delivery of I he to I lie suleirri• irt, or to John M near FittehltrOt. an it is 9 1 rOlit• v i•unpecteil that the horse wan taken In I hat direction, Jan 16--3 w. JOSEBII BUFFINGTON. ASMALL FARA( FOR SALE. Furor of 50 H. creep!' Land in main township, near Lebanon. Church, anti near 'hr McKeesport and IVa9hinglon road There l- ationd 40 :wren cleared, n new ototte bonne and n w onare tol barn, and n rood youth?, orchard on it and t: in excellent order. There IA an alintirlance of cold and limecintie on IL •It lieu about S mile! front burgh, and will be sold on necaintnothil En - quire at Harris' Inlellieence afire, No 9, sth at reel, or of the sohserlber on the premi , "en. jail 13 JOSEPH LIVINGSTON. Ovra Stioss.—'file i.adoes call now do away with all kinds of over shoes, ran walk thronah the wet streets with thin shoes. and have their feet kept perfect. ly dry: can wear Itrbt Awe. without havin?, their corns pain them; and ran have their ahorF wear twice as Inn.' as ever, if I hey will use I he er4diraied Otto, TA NI rf.lA hich will make leather water proof and render it a+ ptiabtc and soft as kid. It's an article well worth their notice, and one which they will all value 1117.111 y, as soon as they try it. To he had only at TUTTLE'S MEDICAL AGENCY, 86, Fourth Flr , rl. F•ice, SI per holl'e. Jan 9 N. DOIIKRTY inform their friends and the politic that they have commenced manufactu ring Hats, and thht they have now ready for sale, at their Store, 143 Liberty street, between Market and 6th' street, an a , itnrintent of the very best Hats, which t:,ey are a nilialtS in dispose of on the clicaneA and mos: reason, atileterms. Their stork consist of the very best kinds, v:z;—Beaver, Otter. Neill Ha, Cal-tors. short Nal ped Rite sin. Fur and Silk Hats. W. 4. M. Doherty nre both regular bred Hatters, I hey have had extensive experience ns Journeymen in the beat establishments in the country, their Ilams are all ant or, under their own in.meetion, and I hey nscure the rethile that nothing hut the very best articles on the most ren sonable terms will be offered !'or axle. 15ep 10 ANEAT and convenient two story Brick dwelline house, with a very large garden and severni fruit t reef; situated on Federal et, Allfeheny v, ;those the north commons. Povsendon riven the first day of April encoire of Alderman Watson Pittsburgh. Jan. 19 1843 (MORN NEAL.--80 hu,:tteis fresh grown! Fined Corn Menl, In barrels containing 3 bu,hcls, at 75 cents per barrel. In elorL--Family Flour by the 6r rrrl. jan 20 ISA.AC CRUSE. MACKEREL —ln more No. 2 Mackerel at si4 per harral--half barrels Fli 31; the Mackerel are offered at these low pricer to close salen—Aino Codfish by the dram, very cheap, apply to SA AC CRUSE: jail 2O 143 Liberty ,t• NO77CE. —T have taken OW lettere of administration on the ettlite on John Wilsan, Inie of the City of decd. All petsons indebted to the estate of the said deceased, are requested to make immediate pay merit to meat my residence In Penn Si. near Itlarliury.and those who have claims are requested to present them duly probated, WILSON, jan 19- —gtw. TFIF: 3d story of the building occupied by R. A. Bettsmnn as an Auction store.--kerelofore known na ..Rfesmith's Long Room,' corner of Wood and sth streets Inquire of R. Morrow. stb st. jan 23. WM .E. AUSTIN, Attorney at Law, Pittsburgh, Ps. Office in 4th street, opposite Rurke's Boftdirtg. WILLIAM E. Annul, E q., Will Ova his attention to my unfinished business, and I recommend him to the patron. age of my friends. ' WALTER FORWARD. rep 10—ly UMBER FOR SdLE —Poplar plank, boards, weather boarding and Scantling. A if°, White nak boards of various tengths and thickness, wheel arms for steamboat buckets. brace., tr... of various length and at. ses, by wholesale or retail. A wiry to JAMES C. CUM MAE. Dec 2114.1310---2mJ fARSJL,V4PPLZII.—Jort ree'd from Bei'worm:m.s6 WIC , blMe.e/Rotealdte apples, which LW' Air bOeemts !ter .%reel: IRA AP CRUSE, jan :0 148 Liberty ht. WS to (S tps For Rent, TO LE T TO LET ~~~ . - They inanuractivre and have on hand at all limp 6— Printit , z.Writinz, Letter, %%tramline and Tea Paper.gon net and Fullers' Roards—all or which they otTer for sale on the mO5l secommodaline terms; and to which they invite the attention or merchant, and other,. ALSO— Rlank !looks ofail kinds and the hest quality School Rooks, etc. niwaya on hand a nd for sale as above N. II Ilacsi nd Tanners' Scraps' taken In exehance. ISTERS. SA RDIXES. 4-e..; served up to rue hest style at A. !tummies, No. 9 Fifth steerti Sinin%le apartments are appropriated in rentlemen accompanied hv ladles. Akn all kinds of Cake• and Confectionary for panties. weddings, etc., for sale by env FRESH ARRIVALS! TUTTLE !lac this day received from New York. fresh enmity of Hewes' Nrrve and Bone Liniment, and Indian Vesetalde Elixir,' nasiiive cure for Ritettma• Ilsm, Gout, Contrneted Cords and Limbs—oleo Gouraud', Poudre Subgle, for completely and Twrma nrntly eradientinu clinerflum. hair from females' upper lips, ihe hair eoncenlin , a broad and elevaled forehead. the altihborn beard of man, or any kind of inperfluotia hair. Price 81 per halite. Gonrand's Eau de Beteute, or True Waler oi This , French nrenarat ion thorour.hly estermlnatc.s Billow nem., Freckles, Pimples, Sores, Ithorher, and all rutaneons e uption. whatever. Reatizina delicate white hands, neck and arm., and elleitlu> a healthyjuvenlle bloom, A !so. several other valuable articles, too numerons io mention. The gpnutne pnld only at DE. A. W. PATTER SON..7ffice on Smithfield street, near Sixth. set) 10 F,Ritt FOR SA L E.—Tbe undersigned offers for sale his l'arm, lying in Ross Township 41 miles from the City of Pittsburgh, rontatning 114 acres of land of which 60 are cleared and under fence, from 15 to 20 acre• of meadow. -2 grad Orchardg of A poles, a few Peach and Cherry free , —the,lmprovements are a large frame house coot :Own!! 10 rooms well furniiheil, calculated for a Ta vern private Dwelling. A frame Rare 2S by 60,toone hvern..ni, and stabling, sheds t nd other out houses suit able for a tenement!-2 good Gardens surrounded with currant bushes anda well of excellent water, with a ptimp in at the front door. In relation to the Pittsburgh and Allegheny market, there is no Ware now offered for , ate with mnreinduirement to those wishing to prirclintie near Pittstmrsh, the terms wilt he made moderate, for' further nartirtilarnapply to Mr proprietor at Ids Clothing Store, Liberty street, corner of Virgin Alley. N. It. trnot snhl Arrbte the la of Octnber next, it Wilt be divided int° 10 non 20 acre Int! tottult purrhe• Tc. 11.3 s 10 ultiOnN'S TE t fIERRY TOOTH WASH—A New JI Invaluable Rfiledy.—The extreme beauty of the Teeth, their indispetwalde use, and the frequency of their decay, battled to ninny inventions for their preservation: vet how to pre serve them inn Plate or health an pristine beauty. to the latest period• of existence, was entirely unknown 110111 the discovery of the above Invaluable preparation. it forms a pure tins-lure composed of veg etable Inv - et - bents, and is possetowd of the mt...st delicious odor. It eradicates tarter from the teeth, removes spots of inelpirnt decoy, nolkhes and preserves the enamel, to whirl, II gives a pearl like whiteness., and, from itidinn. feUinc propert les, possesses the Vifi.”l of gists!: sweetness to the breath. As an Anti Sc•st.rie, the Gnmsalsoshare in itstrans crdent powers; Scurvey is eradicated from them, n heathy aci lon arid redress is induced, which offers to the notice of i lie medic) pracifiloner indithilable evidence of their b auhint state. Ir has been examined and need by several of the hest physicians of this city, who have no besiliation in recommending it as an excellent wash for the Teeth, Gams etc. Amon; the recommendations to the shove are the fel lowinr: !laving tried Dr. "Thorii's Teri Berry Tooth W3sh," and become acquainted with the Ingredients of its compo sition, I cheerfully say, I consider it one of the safest, as It Is one of the most pleasant Tooth Wrist es now in use. Pittsburgh Sep. 15,11142 DAVID BUNT, Dentist. I take pleasure In swing. having made use of"Thorit's 'Pea Berry Tooth Wash," If•r.t it is one of the best deli- I rifler, In use. Being in a liquid form, It combines neat. news with convenience. White It cleanses the enamel and removes the tartar from the teeth, its perfume yelds a (regretter peculiarly desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M.D. The undersigned hnvr used "Thorn's Compound Tea Berry Tooth Wash,"and have Ton nil it to bean eat Sena• ly pleasant dentifrice, exercising n mnar Witt:try inflit. ence over the Teeth and niims; preserving those Wis. pensable members ft run premature decay. preventing the acrunttilation of Tartar, and purifying the Breath. flay. Ins thoroughly tested Its virtnes, we take plenstire In re commending It to the public, helieeing It to be the best ar line (tithe kind new in u+e. ROBERTSO.V, JANES P . . ROR'T FI PEFRI,PS, CFAs B SCCLLY. C DARRAGH, Tr.T.l .IFCANDLES.S .1 Al MOORE ”An. .7AS S CRAFT. II R !NO IVA!, T, r, S JOHNS, rrt, pnrpd only by 1M THORN, II poi htrary and Chentio, N'n $3 Market ,trPet, r ittpbn r7.:1); for sale at all ihr principal Drutrgi.ts', and Tutite's M.dlral :12enry, Follrl h eep OiLy C I SIC E the old or;einnl, hat, on hand the ovt volendid avt.orloinnt or Clothing ever offered Wet , rtly =fork is large, nod I nto dhapetved In re!l at the low.. I prwvilde price Mvstork it: henry, nod nv the rem. son it. nivaneloz, 1 Will sett nt lower orteel than ever. I e!tk only the oleasure or a roll, 11.r.tiocz confident thnt /1 took ill vnffirient. Yloware of ConoterNtn. Remember t h? THREE B/0 DOORS. nod the SMN iw TIIF: VP. }LT 'toy 23, IR4 BUFFALO ROBES,'BEAR !NS AN r) IfURs JI'ST received, 3.000 Sen.onahte Finnic) Robe. of if. frrent qnrellties from Exirn Nn. 1 In 3. A Int rf Rear Ruff Cob Skins, 11,000 No. I and 2 moo< rot Skin., A lot c Otter and llneroon Skins, All xvltleh are ofreredat reduced ee. fo cm.), nr to proved notes. Apply to A. Rr,ELEN, at the• American Fur ro, Afenei. Oct 12 -3m Cornrr or Front and Perry Ai BEAVER AND PILOT CLOTH COATS, ate• P. nelanT, TO4tor, Nn: 49, Liberty St. 2nd Door above Virgin Stied HAS completed rt general assortn‘ant of Winter Cloth. ing, constvtieg in part of dimorld and plain heaver cloth frock and overcootr; Panay. tine and common pilot cloth velvet tri m med.R nd every deverlpt ton of firm and frock cif/throttle, fashipttettle rotors and fresh cloths platn end fancy canine oants..cloth art e tallnat do of 9 1 , Perktr quality ; - every description Jtf VeSt3lrnitlthre for the season, nod wilt le S.lld low for cash. Persona wish lag .-. hove failtlonahre earments made ortlre best meni al will Hod them es thle estattllshnient resiklaa , warren tel equal moony In the ctty. A full stock of goad; are on hand to make to order. Donaghy and Thomas hlera nee aro at this establishment and will be mach Pleased to urea eat! from their airreral friends. Good-tits Insured oc no Nils. /4tsborgh, Dee. 1.1842. GPs ,„_ rorgeosats„, ;. THE sub n i ters respeetralky Xtanlida of their friends and the nubile generally, t'O'illete pre sent assortment of Paper. Haviwirs. *Melt rootain r. - lame and extensive variety of patterns of the rmlowl • descriptions, %filch upon Inspection will he found to be ofsuperforquallty and finish. _ _ _ Unglazed Wall Papers, of aI! descriptions, fcr pa,lering rooms and out ries,at 25 cents per piece. Glazed Wall Paper*, nest and handsome priiterns, for papering rooms and entries. nt 37i cents. American Wall Paper, of their own manufacture, for halls; Fresco and other styles for parlors and clianthers,on fine satin glazed grounds. Frensk Wall Papers, Decoration and Fresco patterns. in plain and rich rolors,gord and silver paper, Velvet and ha it alloy Borders. Landscape Papers, in setts, for papering hotels., hails and dining roomy, at reduced prices. Firs Board Print*, Statue*, °rammer, ti-c. fi'indoto Blind Paper, plain and figured, of different eo• fors. Western merchants and others ore respectfully invited to earl and examine their stock and pikes. off which last a liberal discount will he given for mush. From long experience in the 1 usinesg, they are able to manufneture papers - in a superior manner, and ns they are determined to keep up the character their papers have uniformly sustained, they hope to continue to re• ee•lve the encouragement hit itertnao liberally extended. BOLDSHIP d• BROWNE, No 49, 111nrket street, between 3d and 4th Plttsborgh, Serf• 19, 1542—dawif J OHN BUTTERWORTH. Auctioneer and Commis. lion Merckont, howirvilie, KY., will attend to the sale or Real Estale, Dry Goorin,Gloceries. Furniture, <le c. Regnlarsales every Tuesday, Thursday, end Frl day mornings. at 10 o'clock, A. M. Cash advances ;nude on contrigninno.is self 10 JAMES HOWARD CO„ litanitfaeterrers of Wall al Paper. No. 18, Wood Street, Pittsburgh, Pa.— Rave always on hand an extensive assortment or Satin Mask:A and Wain PAPER HANGINGS, Velvet and brill:10os Borders, of the West style nod handsome patterns. for papering halls, parlors and chambers. n2: l -11" TUTTLE'S .IfEDICAL AGEJVCY. 40:10 LAW RENCEM iTefIELL A FEW MORE STILL IVIXTE R CL 0 TIMM. li=llll=2=ol==lllM / Passage and ttontittorees to and from Groat Brit Ate traand. f EIHE subscribers harms concluded their arrnuilliOelsoli 1_ for extending the:r hoslness,are at all Hoes premor, red make arrangementa for bringing oat Nissen:UV ~ ships of the first class. A ntericart built, and romutandc4 by carnfal and eiperir need men. is Ito nre well end 'loner ably known in the trade. T.tne being the Olesll l l.oll, of the port of New York, It Is hardly necessary rev oar that the arrangements are mature and complelL 4 from tits feet that a vessr I Is sent out every six dem K. is evident that no anniteresrary delay to passengers occur, A free passaze per steamboat from Itnteed or Scotland, ran he engaged, and when those settled for SIP , cline coming out, the money ta always refunded fe 14411 parties from whom It was received, without dedetelbse. Apply to SA ItIUEL THOMPSON'S, Old estalillxlted Paesareollicr,233 Pearl or., G. G R MSHA PP 4 0 Coree Piazzas, Liverpoo4 Drafts and exchanges at yield, and for asp 111111.11r4 can be furnished on R. C. Glynn k co., Rookerioboto. don, It Crimstisw 4. CO., Liverpool; the Notional Big% of Scotland; National Bank of Ireland; , and.likettnwo BankfneCo. •-•, Chathr nm street, near the Fourth street road, egareAlf the Welsh Churn). dale IS 3ka D R.. DANIEL :ileJliF...EL76Mee on on ri sf py4 bpi WM" 11 /004 and Fmh !Meld cretis,Flttabursb; der. 10-Iy. W M. 8 !TELE. (eneeersor id tl. MaCloskey) rows Boot Mnker, Liberty it., 24 door free, 17172 in .Alley. Tice subscriber respectrally InforreStiltf public that be hart commenced the ahnie hnsinest tst fine shop formerly.. occupied by Mr. !leery ltrettielnlir nod that lie is now prepared to attend to nit meters tilde line ofliusiness with despatch and en the most niestmeliN terms. From his lone experienre in the mnnefalttrrl of Fashionable 8001 P, be feels ronndent that an errtetri from Ins eatabilshment will give sallefartien to his tets trons. A share of public patronage is respeetrany settene ed. Sets fir DENN — . I. G'S RE P' IO CHESTS. Prrrsamtwn, Ocr. 2.2, 1841 J. naturists—On Friday, the'3oth orlost month, AMY, 9 o'clock at nlsht. the Planlng.Orooltin± and !RA Man- . n factory, owned by Day, Dilworth 4 co, with t lama quantity of drassed and undressed lumber, was all CCM*. mcd by tire. The iron safe which i hough' of von SOMP !Isle beet tuna in the most exposed situation during the fire, and wag entirely red hot —1 em plea*ed to Inform you ft nine opened at the rinse of the fire And all the hook!, {lnners, drc.saved;—thig is the hest recommendation t can give air the Williy of your safes. FITJNKER ort24-11' L o7'B FOR SA LE.--Fortr Lots ill AbtrltheArr, Oms and a fourth Arras of Land on Rotates' Hifi. 111 rum. 41, 42,5 - 2. 53, 54. 181. 182 and 184, in Cook's piss of Lots, on Goitre's Hill Also, Lots nos 26 and 27. hi Cook's Wan of on High street, near the new Cowl Rouse. For terms ripply to Z. W. REMINGTON. yen TO I i 11, , s Pll ENT BELVITEAD At.cINUFACTUR ED at Win. LEX ritlft firStabtielt 1,1 Shop, No, 69 Second at, bet wren Vl'uod field. where a general assortment of Furniture 'nay bit had at reduced prices l'or cash. The superiority - nf these • Rertareside, cocatit ortlnir &merlin:is, which ineducability and ease in puffin/ -ckfe. and taking down, is not eqoallnd by ai.y other now is tlEC—and to all such as would consult their own cOmfbrit in their' nightly slumbers, it 'honk! he rOlunndx-mf all elastics of the bin family' are fortenci/ ou,:, by fastenings. Ilighta for-Goonties,Dit4riero,o, Vni , "tint /' 30f111,61IllatElt, Patentee. tt'e, the undeTroLikt..iiii have exart.tro tuw ed the ae Be& ',trailer:bile, apt have eO healtatio, I prnnottnern: them the hest now In rive=terrhirnew fir, "`in the.repregentatlnO in the nhnve ntivertisemrtit. Wn. GrnhamJr., Jnirepheoltart, Wm, writ,. Jacob lingdeo, John h. - .Gill, George Singer, nov I, —3m. tiiirtiotss Er COLEMAN LOYD R. Cotexior , COL EJILIN ¢ CO.,Geaec.i. Agenle, Forlynrding Commission Merchani4 Levee Street, Viekiherit. Miss They re.pectrullyso t con,igtemenis. nrik-tr CO..ar.S7'.l.ArTL Yon • hand a au per iOr article al Lard Oil, warranted to burn nt any trwieert. [arc and equal to the liegt winter strainer: Sperm rot, wilimet• its offetia , ve qualm's, and one third cheaper, reap. ti tired by the subscriber at the old stand, Third all, nearly oprinaile the Cosi Offire• N. EDGY. • jan 4.10-13 11.4 R G.R LVS! I will sell for can', or brit ter, FIVE ROUSES, on tine gib firer) rural, in ate city of Pitieburgi. 'three of ttipm rote brick and Iwo frame. 'PRO fratrieft ere wet! rairuiatrd for bußineFtt boort,: being close to thy Court botiße, Tbey will be lOW lOf el lir? or serwately to ti!t. purclinctri. For foribon triittitnititi enquire nil the premise e of JAS. MOR RIP, no 7 UN:3 —lll4 Proprietor; PITTSBURGH LARI) OIL MANU- FACTORY. . • rlnEstthser titer wonld recprct fully inform th eeltisens et Pilltargli. A Ileshany and their vieittaies, that be I :14 .7 1 :111111enre3 msnuraeturing the artiehr of Lard OW ;toil Candles. Ile In ends mak ins Nu (inequality, whirl", w II equal [behest made in the Union and not sargawmill. ho the hest winter saralardspermnil r It her for it 'riskier" or burning, withnat ;is en ' , sive properties, and one third cheaper. THE ABOVE IS WARRANTgID 7111. BURN IX ANY TEXPE,RATURAE. The subeerik. ber w What. ta impress distinctly on the plitlin mitt& ilia& it is not neressary to parelta AP any new tangled tamps !AWL are daily palmed wpm, them 30 1 ring requisite to turn/be lard oil I. Person; wishing a rare and ran al.tuirt it by calling at the old fnand,34 *tenet, nearly' opposite the Post Office. ~11. C. EDBY T! nttentlon of WhaNtia.le dealers, Churning and. Igas.. reoprctfull) pnlic:Cerk N. B —Au the b3riehl will tear the, manoracturell Jan 2:.1343---U Of the EjTency of Dr. Swayneo' Compound Syrair of PeliMIS Virginians or Wild Cherrif. .Sv.P.r) A ro OPER. STONED OPER TO N nriti LESS ETERNITY HT L WHO WITAILIFXD ten pale and ghastly object canned by spirting blood and a setiVos; violent enneh, with ntaht meant, a hoarienees , ,, erne sound of the voice indirating• an clot mfrig state ofdhs• ease; my clergyman wan Mato with me, and stated that I had hot a fhw dayF to live; my sister who wltnemerl cry condition. and was my ansions caretaker, mad* Ingot. ry where she would oe'tikely to proeure the mon eertatia— relief; she was 101 l If Dr, Swsist's Cotillion; al INsrtilr er Wztn ("smear failed In the mire. my iffewat then hope. teas. Dr. swelters Compoithil ,Piyrop of Wild View? Was then procured, and the first bottle gave relief. anti by the time t had eommenrrd nn the fifth lamtleohlythastelr had tett me and my strength so marl; tmeroieleithaT-li, - wna stile to take . the frntl air, and In a short tint, tirety reronrered my former health For rorruhatitelat of the troth of the above statement you ran Pali n, 119 , d.ter who items In janiver street. OM rinoi WOW Rua street, Philadelphia- Shined. les.se MoudaPPM/VMs, Castion.—Ail preparations from this valuishigTge„._ elgept the above are fwiltione and eonottideff. , For sale a; the Drag Store of. Wx.. Tacasf.. JP.* . Market at. Piffsbarshi flf Swasse . s OMfa, 54. 61141/1146116 door he:ovs Arch west side, Philata THOMAS SCOTT 11*0 bt E PR 0 (WS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers