'- '1•11S . ..A-4141)-416181:1141*- • • ' , PHILLIPS & W. H. SMITH, coilfeßit t . F WOOD 4. FIFTH STS. S:.—F(I 7 R DOLLARS a year, Twayehle in Ware copies TWO CERVi3—for late at the Of the office, and b • N ) ewe yt. ,_. . ...._ 7 111 11n1 - Mercury and Manufacturer 4 iiiiiii . sited WEEKLY, at the same o ffi ce, on a double Ii lcillEalkikai sheet, at TWO DOLLARS a year, in ad. - v 6 , ,,,11111DarA1. Sin4le copies, SIX CENTS -',. "'Kornis of Advertising. reit se.tr:Arn OF TWELVE mNr.s OR LESS: seer ilogertiOn, 0,50 One month, $5,00 ?wo Insertion", 0,75 Two montr, 6,0* three imprtiona, 1,00 Three months, 1,00 Otte-went, , 1.50 f Four months, 11,08 l'wolOioka."' 3,00 Six month*, 10,00 ' Vikaliiilit‘eekit, 400 One year, 15,00 YEARLY A DVERTISERI ENTS, ....„ - varanOICABLIC A'r Pt I:ISURZ. ...„,.....,,.. ..,'Dig 81114tre. Two Squaw 1111Watatha, 813,001 Six month., $23,00 -..4046 r. 25,00 One year. 35,00 1121.01rgiwativerilm.ments in prorortlon. '''s'il2iltßioSof folic lines six DOLLARS a year. - PCJSLIC - 0 FFICE S, &C. Carr Torr Orrice. Third between Market and Wood Arms M Riddle, TOstmuter. Vle7aloost Hessor, Water, 4th door from Wood et. Peter. ) 111011 Vtotedhns--Majoir John W Mock, Collector. ~,.77. 40WITatassolerc-Wood between Firit and Second lmeslab....Atmea A.. $k01421, Treasurer. Taxiirritif e Third Street. nest door to the TOtreilYterian Church-43. It. Johnston, Trozeurer. cilforoit's Orrice, Fentrth, between Market and Wood a-•-Alelatulie Huy, Mayor. ' 9 EXCIAAMOt. Fourth, near Market at: BANKS. :AND , tecultosrasa,-fietween Market and Wood streets, on WiTelitiaßlifoorth at recta. lifica• - mespe atra MartUrAcrun ens' AND FARniclie Da; POSIT ItmeK . (formerly Saving Fund,) Fourth, between Wood and Market !meets. Esoseharott. Fifth street, near Wood. HOTELS. 4 11 1 . 0K0110ArtgLa Mese, Water Street, near the Bridge. trostattow MOM., Corner of Penn and St. .M.estessasns' Hover., currier of Third and Wood. ''''Aitaittoare Hortt,corner of Third and Smithfield. ."*.prolealtramaa, corner of Penn street and Canal. Sa"sore, Liberty street. near Seventh. 4 14 t !Comma Hones, Liberty St. opposite Wayne niter latearsuon Horst. Penn Si. Opposite Canal. RT GODS, ATTORNEY AND ••• AVOIUNSELLOII. AT L Ail' .—Oilice re uno 'telt° BrikeWeirri offices on Grant at., neaily opposite Court }louse, next rooms to John I). Mahon, ~I. l 4lV.Finet Boor. set , 10 OSe LLIOI'T, 11. D.— Office removed t o St. Ctairatreet, between Pens cod Liberty st s •, Pietibirre.k. p 10 . EW GOODS. reit° n - Mackey, wlik,leentei nod Mail dealers in English,' Preach, and Dontesile - Irlk7 Coeds, No. VI, 111 a rket -t , Piltrhurch. rep 10 M, . , 9 C 1.11-nt ESS ..ic 11PC LT' R ' Attorne and ..... ( 4 1' tirisethns at Law: Office .11 the Diamond. hack - . t. 7 " sr tire oir.e.ourt HOU,C. Pittsburgh. sep 10 .4•kiii i i , ' EtlOVAL.erit. morrow, Alderman; oM o north ....... . it , - "Aide of Fifth Mu t betwee Wood and Smithfield .-, • . tits. Altiliaireiv..•••.-• .• ' ReP 10 • ci D filt 3rEvurr, .Witedesate Grorer Recta:Ong - Mlom . .,in Janda& and' Ph . tehtfelt 'lliad Arth;llir.- JY1r..944 Li ttrts,Strett. Pittt i .11,7` - sr p 10 :►.r~~~ . -1 t1rL1.a..1411 111. - Wll;l.lkSta . I , IIN .4. liii.woal II -. ILLIA.MS di - DILIN(.111.111.-- \ V tinlesal • -7 W nrocers PredllCC and Commission Merril:mi., am .:44141ri1l lit Pilhdlurgh Manufacinred articles, No. 20 .. .70Vodd st reet. sep 10 WM. .%1 tomer at Law Vir ' °Wee on the north side tithe Dlainond.l.etwee• tarter and Union streets, up plain rnp 10 A I. DURBORAW, Attorney at Law; tender 'rasa his professional services to the public. Office cur ,ter of Fifth and Market Streets, above D. Lloyd 4- Co' Wee, Phishorkli, Pa. sep 10 dottit B.Btizitirr lax . N. K [AN QUERIFF lie. iitE Manufnetm,ri of Copper 11k-7 - Tin, antl.Slteet Iron %Var., No 80. Front bi ~ Fnte burgh. floosie Spouting and Steamboat work promptly executed. rep 10 if - ,TNIFENIIiaII . YOUN . Flt ANCIR 1., YOUNG. 110 B. YOUNG & CO., Furniture Ware jj Boosts, uurni-r of Hand at. Exchange Alley. Venoms wishing to purchase Furniture, will find It to boiradeatitage to give us a call, being fully satisfied that Ire till please as to quality and price. sett 10 ON ii A.MS.,—.llust received 160 choice Mut ton Barns, well cured and for sale cheap byihe do ten or retail, by ISA AC HARRIS, *eft 10 No. i. rot II A ItU T BAGA.— op'y of Landreth's Fresh Ru• to Baga, and other different varieties of Titrido Seri. just received and for sale at Ittnocro PRI, es at the IViiag and Seed Store of F. L. SNOWDEN, Rep 10 No. 134 Liberty xi reet, brad of Wood. CETCHIS CIAINEY,s Hoot and Shoe ftla tttacio ry, No. BS Fourth St., next door to tie U. Stet, s Sank. Ladies Prunella, Kid and Satin Shoes made ;n lie Reatestmanner, and by the newest French patlerns. seplo MORUS MULTICA MATS. lit lots loam O(\00 purchasers; to be disposed of by sNownEr4, No. 184 Toberty street, head of Wood DAHLIA ROOTS, Flowers and Flower Seeds of ev cry description, can always he had at the Oro skSd Seed store of F. L. SNoW DEN. sep ld 184 Llherty street, head of Wood. 1 1J1/ I.IIS. Minute Annual hlaniounth onion Seed, to 9)1 sate at the Drug and Seed store of F'. SNOWDEN. 184 Liberty s 4 et, heed of Wood 4 00 -I,lli. NE:IV JERSEY S‘V EET POTATOES for seed; just received GARDEN TOOLS, C 011,319087 of Hoff. Fancy : 4 11:n1 Transplanting Trowelg, Edding Took, Buddit Knives, Pruning Knives, Pruning Shears. etc., just r ceired and for sale by F. L. SNOWOEN. sep 10 184 Liberty street, head of tv...d. zuotce Venison Hams.--Jusi received a small su t pip)! very choice cured Venison Haw, on rota Ist mall lots for current money. W HITE Dutch Clover Seed, Orchard Grams and Kentucky Blue Crass, always on hand and for F. L. No. 184 Liberty SNOWDEN, street, head of Wood. safe by sep II E yBTER 4 - RUCH AN A;, Attorneys at Lon, office removed from the Diamond, to -Attorney'aßow," sissity side of Fottrth street, bet wees Market and Wood streets sep 10 AiGISTitATES'ESLANICS. for proceedingsln ..ec tochateme under the late law, (or wile at this Office t a ISALE.—Lots on the North E.urt corner of Con Lane and Digh street. Apply t o asp 10 BENJ. DA ELINDTON, Market, near 4th it 00 1,11 d.% Landreth French sugar Bee t s ee d, j uel received sad for tale at the Drug and Seed P. L. SNOWDEN, 184 Liberty street , head of Wood. Store of iele ie russoLuTrom OF PARTNERSIIIP.—The espartnersiiip heretofore existing liettacen WIL LIAM Mc BY and BENJAMIN HOPEWELL Is this day ittasoltro# by ontaial neasent. Minim Digby ie authorized e aeit the stalwart of the Bras in smalling tip the basinan iptitiatsie Alpa. WILLIAM RIGBY. kr . • 1111110 1 T. RfirEWILL '.2i `V.P 1p- ~. . ... i .. ^. M. ...-....-"::-:,. ----'...-'7:O V. t,. SNOW ET N, No. 184, Llhrtly bead of Wood s ISAAC H %ELMS. Agent, and Core. Merchant ~... . .... . _ . . . .• . , . ...,,, ' . B •, , __________. • . '` rlirri rn ct -6-1, -r- -, -,---,. _____ • JOHNSTON 4. STOCKTON, Booksellers, Printers and yi 11.1 GB Y—Aro• 121, Corder of ll'oed (yid .Fr!txt fia Paper Manufaetur ens, No. 37, Market st. sep 10-ly Streets, Pittsbkrg h, has on band a complete as. - JOHN ANDERSON Smithfield Foundry, Water st.. sortmentof Qucensware suited to the city or country , o y near the Monongahela House, ur,gh. sep 10-1 Y Also, a c h o i ce se l ect i on I'mnd DINING A N TEA WARE, iporen large or small gets, or • rcis pieces to suit purchasers, A cd.k of 46, 60. or 84 piece sets, superbly painted and gilt English China Toawa re, at very low prices. Toy Tea wars. plain, and rico painted and gilt, funs) 1,00 to $5,00 pSi - Set Chil dreit'sMossoreverydescription. While China Shaving Mugs, Granite Dining, at d Tea ecrvice-N, in while and with splendid American scenery printed in Mae and black. A large variety of Stennilmat Dining and Lireakfast Scis, imported to matrb. complete, Fire Proof stone baking plates and dishes, from the Derbyshire Potteries. Flint and Green ftass, MI all their varieties. Window Glass, of every sire. Patent Buckets, Tubs and Kcelcrs. Stone Pipe Heads, 4.r. 4.c, 4-r, All of whirl, arc respectfully offered to the pub. lie on the most favorable tem& Jan 26,184'2-1y L EONARD 5,,0 Mclennan, St. Clair street, sc. cond door ibwittifierty. sep 10—Iy R. S. R. HOtoiltS, Office In Second street, next door to idulsprt Co's Glass Warehouse sep 10—ly SnUNK near a THOS. H ° Wm): 1 1 151 Hat. Alt.misty 111. 1,4 V 7, North East corner iptiel# , sns4 Fourth Strew,. sep 10-1 y ..., • . - Ty . Pt PtiilllCti..... • ... . ... ... .. .• . JAIM TURNBULL. ANNA it TURNBUI,I.:I3 Paper witteholime, No. 104, Wood st., where mei h had a general saprdY of 'writing wrapping. printing, Wallpaper, Munk hooka, schoot hooks, 4 . r, ikr. lien 10—ly r. TOWN.tEND ge !fire Workers and I IL. 3favtitiathirert, No. :3 Market street, between 2d and 3d et rcets. sell 0--1 Y - - E xcIiANGE 110 TEL, Corner of Penn and St. Clair Ft reels, by DI c I i IOIIIN smirti. scp 10—Iv B ROWN SV I . r.E JUNIATA MINI WORKS.---Ed ward Hughes, Manufadurer of Iron and Nails Warehouse N 0.25, Waort it., Pittsburgh. sep 10 -1 y TO Mrl'A -77 tons soft Metal for sale by J. 0.4. A. GORDDN, No. 12 Water street gs. tLcoN HAMS. 16,000 ILICO MOO L Shoulders, fur sa'e by J. G. 4. A. GORDON, N 0.12 Water street ins. PATTERSON. Jr., liirmlitzharn, near Pittsltirreh. -Pa., Manilla, turer of Locks. Hiner, 3 , 11! lions; To. laced, Mill and Timber Screws; 'loosen Screws for Rolling sen 10--ly J only MT LOSKEY. Tailor and t:1( rifler, Liber.y street, between Sixth and Virgin alley, South side. sep 10 Jiv, nURAMInGE 4- CO.. Whoic.alc Grocer. and COmmission Merchants— Second street, between Wood and Snaltifield F I F., rittsi.urgft. scp 10— 1 v JQ A. GORDON, Commission and Forwnrding la • Merchants, Water M.. Pitislmrgh. sup 10-_ly IFTA A1:3.-4 casks ba RIK. a good artirlP, received per S 11.1. B Cureatr, and for sale by' J. 0.4. A, GORDON, p 0 No. 12, ll'ater st.eet QUGA 11 101.ASSES.--40 finds New 0,11,,r, i, S 1 - 7 glr; :If) Oils New Orleans 111olas.c, -, ; for sale son RI J. G. - A. t:,iniiilN: S uG 'lnd.' prune N. O. S11:1 , . rereivell net. r. 11. Maine. and 1 - tussle by J. r; ,A (10111Dr/N. Pep 10 Nn. 12, Water street t 1 BACON CASK S.ln order. ran tr;snd and for 'a6• sip 10 J. (1. A.GotuhvN. I:, si S UGAR AND MOLASSE.S.—F3 till& 3 , 1.1 4h00,, N. O. Rognr, J 2 bile N.A. SI ofas3r., re. , " fired per R•ea b ear Importer, and for vale by J. G. 4. A. GOV DoN, • rep 10 N.). 12. AV a ter et reo RILE. LARD 01E,futtale lay .'•-• P A ILVARBl:l3iitt co., ettr.Pt tOt 6th 141 - Wood ai s P , A ; l' E G t ,r tovi; !P I'i rin , lter of e , to and W00dy,,.. 41k0 for ria!r• by 'vet" r roil; rn ',Pp 111 _ .rnr r iii fish nu,l Woolf • SUU.I ft AND Sit s::.SES.—fill Mids. N. 2.5 hhis. do. df,., 11)0 I''. .nle J. G A- A. Cn lifinS, sep 1.3 No, 12 IVater }lll,l. BLANKPETITIONS, NoTicus, 0 1.0 in flank rilplry p...r••••dlng-, iorintyll On . 4.04 pa por.nnd in Ow forms approved by t lie Couri,for gale Office of tli Merrury and Orniorrrit. nep H) lirt [IBA It I), 1.-in.,' :IT • NIIOC bluoofactor,. No. 10 1,r....1. 1,1 • and Smithfield ,trect,, rep 1N A7"l{\ lit' I'l' I, 11', • ha, rellinVed tic oat,. 10 Il••• vrk;•ler 01 Itoirl street and Clo•rry Alley, between and Gtat .1t reel*, pit leburgh. "ejl lu FOR lENT.—'Plrr.fwc lli nl and lot Co' arrey, in Allegheny, near t he [leaver C oad • la rely °cell pied by P.l r. Samuel Church. A ititly at the Merck:s4os and MontifacturrW Ba k, to W. H. DENN A'. rep 10 Cashier. n,.11--, ri A VII) SAN DS", '4l ATC II di CLOCK ri MAKER, No. 7, zit. ci.,ir street, Pitts. ',. '"' burgh, DEALER IN WATCIIES,CI.OOKS,BRE.HSTPINS ir/NO ER RING.., CIi.NINS, li F. Vs, Coxlis, 4,c. Fer 10 . . LANDRETH'S C ARDEN SEEDS.- A full supply of Landieth's Carden Seeds, always on wild, awl for sale at his agency, the (1101 store of Feo 10 F. ssotimEN, UN i.ilMr~y ,ireet, head or Wood DDAvin WARD his ottice and residence LP on Fourth Street, nearly south of the Court House, xeond dw elline from ft 03P street. He will faithfully at tend all calls 11Ni:titling t o his profession. Night calls should he wade at the door above the basement. EMOV.AL —Mali hew Jones, Rather and Hair ttre•s• er, has removed to Fourt hslreet, oppositerhe May• ors office, where he will he happy l o!wait upon permanent or transient rutdomers. ❑e solicits a share of poi hi pat. 111". - %VAR!), DENTIST, v. (sir,: ho m , ! ma, street. Hours of brisiorss, from •. st., uuui 5 I% fa., afier• wbirli lime hp tall attend 10 no one except in eases of actual nercssii y. ifc would farther inform those who way think proper 10 employ lirm,thathe expects Immediate paymuttl, witllolll the ro•crssity on his part °escorting in hills. sep 10 otIN 31,FARLANI), tiph.l.tcrerhhd • CuLi J1..1.er, Third rt. bebrrrh Tfrehrt CIS, rs.spccsrui i , fortiss his friends and si,,s 1,,,b1,e. that I, is pr. sissies! so ~1/10 Unk!r] h,r SlllO,, :4,41.4)0:1111S, S'sands Hair and Sprint'. Mattrass,,r:iss,ssiss,. 4 _,srswis, alt sorla of lipholgteriog work, which lie will warrant equal .o any made in the city, and on reasonable terms. scp 10 c 0 .1 1 1 10 11F. H. J o t arifiL Stree t , A r U it C2 b :l rr Ofi R R O l t) 3 n l i bl :m .. , V n o . A uct longer and Coq, m ission Merchant, Is now prepared to receive and sell all kinds of Goods and Nterchandize, at Ills large and capacious tooms. No. 110, North East Corner of Wood and Fifth Sheets, FlLlSlillrflti. Regular sales of Pry Goods, Furniture, Groceries and other articles, on Mondays and Thursday of cacti week. Hardware. Cutlery, Dry Goods, and Fancy ankles, on Tuesday, Wednesday..and Thursday' evenings. Books, 4-c., every Saturday evening. Liberal advances made on Consignments when wanted. Rergarcrs. Messrs. John D. Davis, E s q ., .. Bagaley 4- Smith, ~ Hampton. Smti h, 4- Co., .. P. Lorenz 4- Co., ~ J. W. Burbridge 4- co.. I I •• s. M"R ee 4- co. .. Capt. James M`Gargill, n.). Pittsburgh C. lhmsen, CM. sr John M 'Padden Esq. .• Logan 4- Kennedy. ". J. K. Moorhead 4- co. I .. Jas. P. Stuart, Esq. I .6 RobertGalway,Esq: "I. Capt. Jas. May, " McVay, Hanna, # co. *. William Symons, Wheeling 4 . S.C. Ropy, - Louisville • '" Smith, Say,aky 4Co Phila. • XlO _ MAY. Attorneys at Law, Fourth et., jror's Office, mtighurgh. Imp 10-1 y ' TPN, Attorney at La w. Fin h, between lirnatlttlettl sta., ritlShUrgh. ep 10-1 y 00-130a,1;,-' Uon'ee. For sateby 4. ' A. CORDON. P .R.ISE'S BOA RIIOI7SD CAN . !) Y.—Turrut has received this day.from New York. a fresh supply 0. the above celebrated cure fur Coughs, Colds and Con sumptinn; and is ready to supply cunromers at wholesale or retail, at his Nadical nigeney, 86 Fourth st. nov 12 D AVID CLARK. diet, eeashionable Root Maker,— Man remccind to No, 34 Market street. between Second and Third streets, where he won'd he happy to see his old customers, and all others who feel dispos. ed to patruniZe hint. Ile tines nothing but first rate Steck and ern phi s lite best of workmen; and as he gives bts consta ni personal attention (obi/snicks, he Irani:stir:lt he will deserve ar,d receive a fair share of patronage. nen 10 F it ICE ellEAm, k1342 ---- ,v ..1r0 --. m4 , 1 A fluttlier respectfully informs hist friendsami the pubtic that they can always find the tiePt qualfty of lee Creams, together with all kinds of configiMall and fruits. in their season, et his emaidishinto. 11, Path street, between Wood and Market. N. B.—Parties supplied on the shortest notice, with cakes, or anything in Lis line. Also families furnished with Bread. V %Ns's C iioMuk; HAM J. CLEMER, residing at 66 Molt street. New York, was aillicted with Dyspepsia in Hi letett aggravattail - -form. The symptoms were vioteelfidss ache, great debility. fever, costiveness, congtiMpett, num, pain in the chest and stomach always - at:lft tsitiftte, impaired appetite. sees:llion of sinking at thellt. furred tongue, nausea. with frennent vornitings.diaartieSis towards night and :maleness. These had continueA up. ward of a twelvemonth, when, on consulting Dr:Wm. Evans. 100 Chat litim street,. and submitting to VS ever successful sad agreeable mode of treatment, the patient was completely res . turr i l to health in the short space of rine moni It. and graipn,l lot lie inc4lcula tinni•iit deity eniiiiy came forward and volunteered the above state For sale Wholesale and Retail by R. E. SELLERS, Attent, No. 2.0. Wood street, tticiow Second. (~I_IRR'SPd4TFYTI..ETwr.s FORIE7 L.IRD, Those who would wish greatly to reduce their ex pr ess for light, shoul d certainly purrlmse one of the above named Lamps, ashy their ure t is a clear saving of at least Iwo.' hirds of the ercien ihe phrained from this is pure and and wtoilix flee from smoke nr ( Ilsar,reeoldevinclir; We %you'd -tate i tut Carr's Patent it the °My one worthy Ihe,„„ attention ' , tithe ' , oldie, as it is the only one that Is appll n n ! e tintr, ,IY variety or pattern of Lamps, and On only iiurn Lard ws.r.ri;al any temperature of told or heat. We have. In the filibrt spare or three months, sold geverni ihntismols: and with scar,' an eleei,tioit, ,thime using Ilion, have ea p re,F er: ll .einftelve*lllo.ly pica, fully emmiti.sed of the erwpr.,....,bmi,- Nii'lhour 11 , 0. AVP , I a.; their y over tit 1,, or en Ilit.r 10 r loaplitsexs and !fight. Thr ahoy,: mimed lamp. ran br hind only at 'Third n ER n W.N - R. 4 y.lifohlT S. reel, .1.1 ,, ..! 1 e. the Post Office. Wiwi, ix kept roaxiiinily on hand Britannia Metal, Tin Anil Masa Lumps, ill vat itiliß 1:or114. Class lamps sold al pis rari pH , es. {Cr rake pt. n , ort. in rare, ill? . to Flo' irohloc ILr foroit• rertlfit.:ll... huh -A; it, mil.Atr,heri lo t” , . , 0 rt!,pecia lEEE= %Ve. I 11 , 11 fltifsrairo 71,•,, . 1C,, , I rico! :11111 ,1 , .‘ 11,,,N• Hint): ca rr . s rm.,' Lamp,: for toirnifo: 1,:ir,1 Of o'. her Slot vo.l fat, and tee 1./iV' oil 1te..1, alio, in , :lyft,F that they give an exeellem held -emiat to any of the ...Hoary m0.1,• $ of light,,, a hons, ,at ahout one 'hod the roq, and t% holly • free I, mti n,' k, or oil., ,l-agtef Okle• ...1i,.•11.1e lake a . ploonoro in "Tik lll lllClitti,lt! I he., l'oor, 10 Ihr mO,lto, r t s f,y :heir 10 , 0 the, i.. n !;.1 . ,11 ~,vioz, over eit her sperm .1c lard oil, or even Tamale': and tee believe 'hens to ls, run, CIN . :‘,III , a n.l ii•vg I r 0 01,1 ,...... !Oat, • titter. To he had at Ilnou's ,N- It A 7 4 , . , 11 . S only, Third 'street nearly opposit e the rnst Oilier. 'try. W. W. Ilakmvell, _la foe; ;loon, " A. M. firv,in, Charles Paelson, " John Aileron, r '"eager, N. G. Collins. Writ. Graham, jr., tr Robert thentap, P. Trovillu, Dr. H. D. Sellers, Ititil Donzlas , , " K. D. Cazram, Henry A twOurl, " W 111. M. VVri:lo, 114-13 t. Crotte, labert D. Kerr, Km- (leortfe IV. Henry A. Peckham, Robert McPherson, Thomas (Joann, Joh,. S Shaffi.r, acortze M iltetsher4er, %VII,. Etc libann., 0. P. Shirt's, J. It To, ti.lr. A. Miller, Win. filartin, R. M. Riddle, Post Almiter Ilenry Partyett-er, P o tter' Gray, Jalo.. S. Clay!, . ',I Ills A liirr Alter' K ranter, lean Point, A. P. Mart hens, John M.Camphell M. StaCkllOUsti. 1.. A lber,...e.f, Potter' Johnston, 111111. P Mellin, N. fl Just received, alt improved Patera Lamp. for )(lichen use. ____ 'toy 19 - illw 4' wit' T 0 THE PUBLIC, and rarortiblrlry to nry fvrnier Patrons of this city:-11:ivrol... retired from the iractir, or Medicine, I may lie permit led ro ray, that it has fallen lu the lot of but few persons to have' enjoyed so liberal or lar:e a share of obetretriral practice as in) , own lies heel; for the to .01 or 40 years. The P.;puri , riro• of thal 1.1112 period of art ive life. and I he fart of my Wiring our, twioe,, ore associaied with Wilson, In the pt attic: of oi.,hcio,, ( in both a nerio t t of live years.) enables no; toyildge fully of the rli •• 01 iii; pills, conveniont,F.letlirienl. and et did I ,ri t i rm , those pill , . lid! for the tat tier yea's ur my ura, c f ire for Mr cure of chronic dieeaacs,oi whatever llama, and ihose of females in pailicuhtr,l have used mart . 01 tt 111 011111 all other medlci et c. Like every oilier meiliolne, Ilk [mud fail in some in alances, hit in iny hands flair.. has 1/t, a ICS!' diva ppnint. orient and mori 101 i iQfari Inn in rlie ailinini-r rat inn of iiiie remedy than of ail others; itc and eiteets f 1 11 ,11• rtston kiting 1:1' II my tii.it ient relptiretl a safe aperient medicine either ...fore or after parturition. the Wilson's pi.ls were just the thing I wanted. Ira dyspeptic acid condition uf the stomach. crunliined With costiveness or inactivity of the liver, camitituted the disease if my patient, the pills were just the thing I wanted. If I treated a rase requiring an ciume nagegue, the. Wilson's pills were just the thing I wanted. If palpitation, headache, flushed countenance. or other difficulties, indicating a diaturbanc e or tbe circulatory and secretory system,. armored my patient at ill, 'turn of life,' the Wilson's pills were joittl Ihet h Mg I warted. Thins, Ivithnui ren,P9 to the name, a disease might happen in Ai ear at the lime I have had It under treat meat, particular indications or st mptrimi a ti.ing, were always moat promptly and most happily tact by the Wilson's pills. That so great a number of rikeasrs.. and FOrr,t Imes tip. pareolly opposite Ones, in Which I have used timso pills, should he cured more readily hy them than by an y other remedy, may at firm seem strange and contradictory, but why it is so is aselear to my mind as that a grant many persons shoutd become thirsty from :.a many rh:Terhnt causee.and yet all require that common and greatest ~r all blessings, water to quench their thirst. In conclusion, ft is due the teputntion of t'm medicine and the pabile, to say decidedly and unconditionally, that the Wilson's pills aretheonly combination I have ever I met with in my longeouritt or praCticc,that really Dos-. cesresanything curative or specific fbr siek headache. Yours dm., DR. MILOADAPHS. The Shove Pills designed pm Ocularly for the sit* Daed-Aette, Dyspepsia, Constiration of the Bowels , c prepared by the proprietor Dr. R. A. Vt.' Ar-.ln. or sale, wbolesa in and rel .14. away, 4 Welti w 4; rn reita Meet, below learbery. • - .,04;1 v ... -<--~.~.-~. TIM ()01)E'N Cc /e beeteii Fr bias pubs. These' Pills are ,ornnglv rvroinntended to the notice or. Min ladies as a cafe and ctliriont remedy In removing those complui WA peculiar to the; r sex, from want of ex "vein% or general dehilily of 1111- .ystena. They obviate costiveness, and eounreractrall Hysterical and Nervous affeellans. Tlie,e Pills have gained the sanction and APTirahnilort of the most eminent Physicians In the tint lad States, and many Mothers. For talc Wholesale and it. F.. SELLERS, Agent, Tiecl,(. No. 20. Wood Sireet, below Second. WM. ADAIR, Boot and nee Maker, Liberty St., ` - eppos ire the head of Smithfield et., Pittsbargh.— The subscrllter haying bought out the stock of the late Thomas Rafferty, dreeme.d, 'has commenced business In liteold stand of Mr. R., and is prepared to execute aft tiescripttons of work in his line, In the hest manner and on the shortest notice. Ile keeps constantly on hand a large assortment ofsliee findings of all descriptions and of ite best ttnafity. lie gqllcite the patronage of the pub lic and'of the croft. Ben 10 WM. ADAIR, prrrsuuncri MANUFACTORy.—SpriNgs and ...Tacit for Carriages at Eastern Prices. The gubseribera manufacture and keeps constantly on hand. 6ach,C and Ethnic Springs (warranted.) Juniata Iran Ales, Silver and Brass plated Bash Frames, Brass and plated Flub Bands, Slump Joints, Patent Leather, Silver-Ind Brass Lamps, Three fald Steps, Malleable Iron, Door Dandles and Hinges. kc ,kc. JONES k COLEMAN. St. Clair st., near ti e Allegheny BrWae. r sELL u: RS. M. D.,oftice and dwellin7 in Fon; TWat Ferry street. Sep 13-1 y LOOK AT THIS. - The ;Mention litho.° who have been somewhat sren tical In referenre to the untteerous erniArate. publighed in favor of [Jr. Swavne!s Compound Syrup ef Wild Cher ry,nn af:eonitt of; hr perporia 110112 unknmcll ill tbia !WC 11011 or the State, k ro , trutrittlity directed to the followinß certifiente,t lie %V rifr'r of which bag been a cloven ni Ibis borough for Frvernl years, nndr is It non n es a gent!eman of intl city and responsibility. To the _leen t . Mr. J. K TRAY. "ffef Libre used flr SWaVtie . g C0,,1. Utiti Syrup of W s t ; d u i for a rniii2ll, with which I have liven severely of filet or about four mouth., and I have no hesitation In Ski ti 7 that it kiln.. float or,d ive medicine that I have been - ~ to proi . itiii. It composes all uneasiness. and Asti ' ve.il with my diet, —and maw:On:4 a regular and jiinrad :timid ite. I can freely recommend it to all others trinillari v a ( flirted. J. Al a a Pin IC, nOrOllgh of Cliamberst.' 2 . Aflt 1 9. 1:Nfl. Pr p 23 - r o: t r by WI I. f, tAM TIIo TT !sr No. 53 Market street. . __ FEW! iTs 'SII.IDE, ~ 1 N 1) ORNAIVIENI'AL .--, TREES. 10.4:_soNs rio,irmig:tf prat:Ho z Fruit, Shado. and I JE ,t, la fr N ti , ll ,, f , r , u , . ,t 1 0 .1 , 1 1, , I , f r r e t:: I, o , e r , ~ ,, ,,I : f r to hi m ic ~f . V k : . from arl., i . 1: ,i l l i r i l . . , a n i r• n t s sryon $1... pnssinle, ni the Diri: and Seed Fiore of Iho Full scriber, where ran he find rataloenes, :raltritonsi . °lll mosfitxrellent varieties. F. 1.. SNO'llrlY lti VI l. No IR-4 I.theity n' reef, head oft' AR BT,P. !Vt NM' trTirrt v—Pniri,k row field re• retfo !Iv :ulna i ors hi.. friend., and tbe :Zen I”.hosrnmmrnr,dtlll;tride loisine , s al the erlr. •:' h and 1.1 he,/ v wilt he ronsi ant ly. on ...Mad ' , full, stone to, ph;res, ltd rtm , stone., table slabs for enhinet ware, and every l , .ten. , n , rtaleln z to the bosiness. He will wntrani his tot., welt done. and his eltarzen wilt b moderate. He riippetfnlly asks a share of oolitic patronage. seri 10- TUR.VBV/.7.. PRArRIETORII OF Tar Craw. TM/ PAPER alit.t....Stenbenville. Ohio. havine rem°. red „Itte store from this pity, have,. annotated rittdship 5•• liroshe, 4,-IStarkeleit w n fild a nd.4tit; • qpnif for Ike sale or Me different kinds of Paper mbigfa tstrtil !ben', where their friends and cnstnmers Veinal wirys And a reeniar sitenly of paper, 'itch as Cap sod P st Wriitn2, plain and faint lined; Wrapnine and Tea raper; Amine! PO:nth , . and Printing Peper c on ife si t ne. and imalities ,a of which will he sold the modt ae .r otomndatintr. terms. flora...slits. & flanwne, mannl'artrers and importers of 11'01 Patters and 13orders, keeps enema ntly on hand eve. ry aaricty of Entry. Parlor nod Chamber PONT'. af the ;west styles and most handsome pattern's, which they wilt sett mow and on acentomodatinz terms, wholesale or retail. not 18—tr. . 0 YOUNG'S Improved rlav i s ...areir• . form SraleP. monorail tired be -H ` iih, it...rrowri. it their Machi, t ' Shop, Smithfield 4 rent, between Dm -. Ilttlfid 11Iry rind Fifth toter'. two anon; above Tempernnee Ilan, Pitt. lour!, where tie•v nninitfortore and In r p roni.tanity on Inn nil the (anon'. 01 LI qr. f'l,ll.ot m Se ales on Wilr.2ls, to wrigli 2,500 11 , 5, - ; 1:;:, o,i. d,, do ZOO:, at $ , 15 RJI 110 d o 1.500 as 35 00 do do do 1.00001 :al 00 do do 500 at 25 00 %vitt, taking It% ••1.,4 : ,, 1 , 1,11,,,, of tic.; to each scale. Mills thirmii or for the. kr , e of Warehouses, Flouring , 4 . ,-..,th e ya me p, ices as above. Also, White's Patent f 'owner Scale, Wilt , 0. YouneB ilOrrtlV,ltletliS. :Mil a ‘'ariery of other counter scales, which they will sell for front i In $l5, They also manufacture Steam Engines for Flouring Mills. Saw Mills, Sall Worlie. hr., droll,, s tet sing'e geared 'gide lalhes,foot and other lathe, for wood I Ornitig machines for tenanting chairs-, planing 010c1,1 nes, door and ,a, II machines. pal fat horse power, with or without thrashing a superior art irle; circular saw shaft,, machine , : for sao tog lath, Tlnner's ma chine and tools ofall,losc, for making black ing, a superior .1 „ CI, ; gnecrtior. fur steam engrite ,..torks. iaps and dies, coffee mills I ,,,, tura i l or Joint hots and trmi hinery for making the 'aim'. cotton factory ma chine, y made or repittr,d; priming priais Watkins turned and printing presses repaired. A 111 Ets 111 A V, gel, '2--if V Oil N B. (.; 1 .1 . 11111 V, A netioneer and Commis [ e sioo err ) 1 0;.,orrter of Wood Filth h: flaying been ppoint one the Aye .sts. llow ecr , ro, lite City of Pitsburgh, tenders ti yervices Joh. berg, , mituulacturers and dealers, who may be • disposed to make 'trial of this market• /le k prepared to make advances on consiatutienis of all saleable commodities. and trusts to sati,fy correspondents by quick sales, and speedy land favorable returns. That the various interests which may i.e confided to simil he adequately protected, be brines to the aid or his own experience in business and acquaintance with itty.rchandize generally, the services of Mr. SAPV'EL rAumerracc; beretocore advautneeously known, as an importer and dealer in Hardware arid Cutlery, with whom a permanent eng..7etnent is made. lir r.R Tr) MeOSIS. M. Tiernan, Pres't, of M. 4- M. Clank. Darlington 4- Perhics, Robert Galway, " James M. Coop. r, James May, '. R. M. Riddle. 4 , Wm Robinson. Jr. ['real Pittsbur.;b of Exehan:o Rank. Flamptoo, Smith. d r co., .. John D. ("Javier. Samoelchtirrh. R. Moorhead. Jas. W. lirown 4- co. . John.H. Brown, 4 , co „Smith it Ii Yvaly tr were, .14Jhn-S. Ul4(d!e, • ...John Naafi!, . igiCY F LOUR , —hut received & few 'barrels of lier - Fleer. made expriveir for Simi* sas.,ror eaSjoi" - ISAAC C SUS% 14S SAIMIt. `'Nbarrels sap. Am. ing scales(w 1101 ly composed o metal): So. 1, por able Plaifort :St:a lc:, oil 1/'1.5 Lu ‘ll,gll pound,,iu Sus vOTINC h Mt A MUIR Y Philadel'a , serf 10 "?!"77-,IN-r7 -k-zzfr4".; f7r.' , • = ` , Z ": ' For publishing 4 new Daily Paper in the City of Pills burgh, to be entitled the DALIY MORNING POST. pflEBithsCribets having made arrangements to merge the American Manufacturer and Pittsburgh Merco• ty into one Journal, have concluded to publish a daily payer with the title of the Daily Morning Post. The leading object of the "Pon" will be the dtssemina Lion and defence of the political principles that have here tofore been maintained by the Editors, in their respective papers, and their best efforts will still he devoted to the advancement and success of those doctrines. Although, in politics, the paper will he thoroughly democratic, yet the Editors hope, by giving an honest, candid history of passing politic a l events, Foreign and Domestic Intelligence, and brief notices of all mat ters and occurrences that come properly within the sphere of a Public Journal,'to make their paper sufficiently In• cresting to entitle it to the pat ronageof the, public, Jr. ,respective of party considerations. In addition to the political and general news that will bs found in the "Morning Post," the Editors will take pains to furnish the business community with the latest and must interesting COkI44IICIAL brret.m• azure from all parts of the country, and to have prepa• red such accounts of the Markets and the Slate of Trade as will beadvantagcous to our Merchants and Business Men in their several callings. Turns.—The Posr will be published on a large imperi al sheet of tine paper, (manufactured especially for this Jonrna9 at the unusually low rate of FIVE DOLLARS per annum, payable in advance: it will also be sold by news.boys at the, low rate of Two CENTS a copy. firrrfisentents will he inserted at the lowest rates ' charged by the other daily papers of the thy. fty - T4VENTY active lads arewanted to sell the Post, who will be engaged on the most liberal terms THOS.. PHILLIPS, IV, EL SMITH. A.u7tirirt :11, 1842 lIIIDS. KY: LEAF TOBACCO, in sioro NY for sale by J. G. tA. GORDON. No. 12, Water street, of Wood street and VirgiA L alley Pittsburgh Pa. and corner H. Harwood, Beaver Pa. who is sole agent for Western Pennsylvania. sep 10 F A R Al FOR SA 1, E.—The undersigned offers for sale a tract of rand situated 9 miles from Freeport, In the dirrriion of Kittanning, Buffalo 'township, Armstrong emint , containing 100 acres, 65 cleared and under good fence; 10 of WIIICTI are in meadow— a good square log rltccllirLe lionse and cabin barn erected thereon—an apple orchard of 80 bearing trees—and a spring of excellent wafer convenient to the house. FOR TERMS apply to the subscribers residing at the Saitworks oil the Pennsylvania Canal, 1 mile above Free port, to se P 10 FM THE {VISE.--Itis now well understood how _L much disorders of the mind depend for their curs upon a due attention to the body. It is now understood how valuable is that medicine which will remove morbid accumniations without weakening the bodily power. It Is now understood that there Is a reciprocal Influence be. iween tile mind and the body. It is now understood that purgin g with the Brandreth Pills will teniove a melatt, cooly, and even insanity is eared by perseveringly vain( them: It is now understood how much domestic bappi. ness depend, upon the healthy condition of the digestive organs. It fallow well known that the Brandreth Pills have c tired thousands of bonnie :cis and hetpleva persons, even when thigfirst physielann bad pronounced them beyond all hi.ima. ? ajeans of relief. It..is now not tokwedl known fiat the Brandreth NM's() cure, Itut it !hie un. derstood how I hey cure; that It is by their purifying efteet on the blood Dist they restore the body to health".. The value of the medicine Is becoming more and more manifest, it le recommended daily from family to family. The Brandreth Pills remove In an"rdmost impereeptli* manner all potions accumulations and parlfy andtaivigo.' rate the hiood,:t lid their good etTecte are not counterhalatie ced by any 'inconveniences; heing, composed entirely Of vegetables they do not expose those who use them to danger; and their effects are as certain as they are Lau tory; they are daily and safely adminhdersd to Infancy. youth, manhood, and old age, and to women in the most critical and delicate clreumsta ners 'They do not distort? I or shock the animal runrtiong, but restore their order and ertahligh their health. Soldat Dr. Braailreth's Office, No. 93, Wood street, Pittsburgh. Price 25.cenis per has, with Dill directions. MA RK--The only place in Pittsburgh where the genu ine Pills tan he obtained, is the Loctor's own office, N. 93 Wood street. step IA T O THE LetDIES —Why du you not remove that superfluous hair you bate upon your foreheads and upper lips t fly calling at Ttrrrtobs, 86 Fourth at., and obtaiities a bottle of Gouraud's Poudres Sullies, rohleh will remove it at once without afreellag the cktn. You can also obtain Goerautl's truly celebrated East de . Brave, which will at once remove all freckles, pimples, eruptioug of the skin, and make your face look ;sweetly fair; and to those who ,wish to assist nature by adding more color to their clnreker, they can obtain some of COO ratrs r elenraled !jinni R onge, which cannot be rillirwd nT even by a wet cloth. Also may be' found a good Iw o, linen, of Perfumery, swell as Cologne, Bears' Oil. Al. tionrt. Palm. Windsor; and other Straps. ilemendw r . at Tuttle's Medical Agency; as 4th greet. Dee. 11. 1812 BR A N DR ETIi PILLS. L ET invalids read the following °crone! of a Ballot cured of a complication of afflictions in nineteen flays by the use of Brandreth Pills. ft (flannelly proves there are herbs in nature which have affinity cure be rause of disenwe, and Brandreth's Pills are made for them Rend and Inenrivitired. Take the medicine a nribe cured EXTRA ORD INA R T C URE OP HITE U-414 risAr DIA R lelf (ERA.-VD AFFECTION OP THE I. C , N(7.1 Joust Stwv. of Pembroke, Washineton county, Maine. bring ,Inly sworn, ways, that he wes taken violently sick about SIX months since. The pains in Isis head, breast, beck, lift side and instep being so bad that he was una tile th help Illynself.and was taken into the Chelsea Hos. mint in t he rite of Brewton. That after being in said hosenal five weeks, Doctor oti.:Antri he did not know what was the mallet with hiet, arid that he could if , , nut hors for loin, nor rniii.l he pl wrrihe any medicine Thai he, thereFere • was r,lnveyrd from the Chelsea Ilea. pilafto the Sailor's retreat nn Staten island. That he was there physicked with all meteor medicine for a per} oil of ft.ur Inon Ihs suffering rill the lime the most heart rending, wirer,' - Thal, he,ldr, hi , affertinn of I,is bohes _ be was IfOIILIPIi 11111(.11 wit It a dieea , e or t lie lungs.: some. tunes he woe ht spit a quun of p1,1,2m, in she (fa); le - sides this a ffertioii lie had a had fd,,rrlic..a, v, torte had more or less at tended bin, Onto the roinntenremeni of his sick. ness. That at times lie dreaded a stuut worse than be would have tire:idea tleail,; I hat he can compare the feel- I ,emperale remperance.—Tbe New in t 'o nothing save that of kniv es rntssing throng!, sislJersey papers are raising a hubbub on ac bowels. A Der suffering woriwe than death at the Sailor's Retreat. on Staten Island, the doctor told him that medi. I count of am occurence which happened at due was of no use to hint. that he murd. try to slit - about. 1 the Sate Temperance Convention, leldlaat At this time be was sufferiug the greatest misery. Thal I week at Trenton. A dead set, i i appears. his bones were so tender hr could not bear the least press. art upon the elbow or iipor, the knee, Thal his instep was Pennin gton, to get s made at Governor most painful, that as the Doctor said he would give hint wan tO sign the pledge. The Governor, ;' no mare medicine he determined to prtwure some of Dr., Hrandreth's Pills, which lie did. front 241 Broadway New York; that be commenced with (ice • however, held back, notwithstanding the ve pills, and some- 1 ' many broad hints that were given him, un times increased the dose to eight. The first week's use ; til at la. , t, one of the ladies present arose so mach benefited him, that the doctor, not knowing i what he was using, said, <now, Shaw. you look like a a . nd called upon him by name to come and The Gove rnor , thus a - man asain• Ifyou improve in this way, you will soon be sign the pledge.. P wen.' Th ' at he found every dose of the Brandrcth Puts pealed tn, could no longer sit quiet, he fae refir.e him, first they cured him of the pain when at co - ro - 'ingly smiled, bowed, and replied kt the stool; that they next eared the diarrhea , and finally the suggestion in a neat address, in which he Truss in his bones ; the medicine seemed la add strength to him every day. fletold the doctor yester declared his willingness to aid as far ascii*. day the 11th instant, that he felt himself well, and also. sa bl e th e use f t . --... " he , ca o te mp ( rat, that he owed him recovery to Elsandreths Pills under Providence, that he bad takes the medicine 'every day 1 same time stated that he never am - - hinge without due reflection, and should therefore , for issays; that the doctor 'Old him If he had known he ' decline the invitation, in is due respect for had been taking , iliac medicine, he Should not have stayed r another day in rite !tense Ile considers it le his deity tot make thispublic staletnent for the lieoefirofall similarly those present. Almost immediately upon ankied ; that they may know where to find a medicine i ,-, the G overnor's taking his seat, a hiaaugg . that will cure them. JOHN SHAW. John Shaw being by me duly sworn thief 12th day o f i followed nn the part of a large number pree. April. 1842. did depose and say that the foregoing slate ent. It is this insult to the Gi'vernor whieit roused the ire of the press. awe 11 'went Is true. J. 13. WHEELER,Commiaeloner or Dftd3 I, The ith.e.v.nn.crir PALA' are sold at Dr. Bra n' "" ... dreth'e grinetpa I ogles. 241. BROADWAY: New York Certainly improper to force a prga4)l3 an d et hie ortecipal offer. Ne. 93 Wood street,Pittaburgh,' t h e es pfeesm o of h is opinionli. via he War P1...Wl ia Pittsburgh where the puttee can r 22_4 1 ,2e him/ birn for uttering there. -41014/- Zedgek - be ablated. WM. t PHILIP BARER . rong Passenger."—We find tkgt, following paragraph in the New Yotk Courier of Friday:— A good name is at times a good thing and much to be desired, .but there are iti- ' stances in which the reverse is the cue, and one has just come to our knowledge, which we will mention for the , ! - benefit of all concerned. Since Commodore A. .1. Dallas has been setting on the Court , of Enquiry on board the North Carolina, be has received various letters couched in language neither chaste nor elegant, de. mending the payment of certain sums due notes payable, bills accepted, 4t;; of which until the present time he has remained in profound ignorance..—The mystery, bow. ever, is solved by the fact that Common. der A. J. Dallas (Brown), who, by a recent act of the Legislature has dropped the no. menetature of Brown, leaving only the IA J Dallas, is the party for whom these missives were intended, and it is to be ho ped that his whereabouts may soon be dis covered, as Commodore A J Dallas is sub jected to some pecuniary taxation in the way of postage, and much inconvenience from the frequency of the applications for sums loaned, notes, ik.c., of which be is profoundly ignorant. int— LITERARV POST [Prom Friendship's Offering lb. 11141&) THE DREAMS OW OLD. Tho dreams of old haVelltded. Their wondrous power is o'er! We cannot be persuaded. To try their spells once MOM. • Our wisdom now 4 is ecorttlfrir WhLt our fathers deemed t Nat'l The worlds bright clouds of morning Have melted In her noon. Yet for the parted glory They shed on mortal mould. Thi* gently of the phantasy That framed the dreams of °Ur • Where are the fairy legions That peopled vale and grove 3 And overspread earth's ►eg tone sia , With etre a etherial love? The flow ' cir beauty haunted Are b ing gaily still; DM 1 . ath disenchanted . • Themeadow and the rill, Thetcls not a child who listens Mgt their magic tale is told, Who ears not know they were but drearthia Those radiant &emirs of old, „Where la the high Wiring That the atar.wateher knew,. Dorn or thspure desiring For the holy and the true? The faith that never halted Heaven's starry- page to 'cad, And framed a dream elalted Unto a Prophet's creed, Who now would seek the planets, The future to unfold? Who, as the grave astrologer, Revive the dreams of old? Where is the kindred spirit, With weary endless quest, Still hoping to irherit Eaatb's riches, and be blestl No more, beside his furnace The alofijittist_may bend, No more in lonely sternness His secret labors tend. We have a bolder wisdom To multiply„our gold, An open craft to supersede That strangest dream of old. So pass the dreams of ages, And leave but little trace, Visions of bards and sages, • New wisdom can efface; Dreams that have won the fearful • To hope for better days; Dreams that have filled the cheerfill' With terror and amaze. All pass=doth nothing With deathless thing enrollcd c That shall not,perish and depart-,. Amidst the dreams of old? Yem e ni* upheld the martyr Amidst the fluid etrtfe, Whorthel Hi s ' To lofty thought and deed, To.auw, midst death and (loners+, Thelospers sacrrd seed/ They hoped the world's wide nationit L. fruit should yet behold,;. And was their glorious faith irtiteam==. A fading dream of old? No; by the babe's devotion Lisped at its tm , ther's knee, And by her deep emotion, Its early trust to see; And by the bond of union The faithful here may pr cc; Arid by the blest communion Of ransomed one's above- 7s _, We tell that here no vision %Vas with the past enrolled, That the Christian faith may never be . A limitless dream of old. The ff' 4 1i it . ngreri. 4
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers