~ ..e..•,*,- k , . v'k:, : , . -A' ~1',"4!-':,..1.;';'.•'.•': Leonard how 0 Lewis 11-W Lee Luke Mire" 7 1°41 11 1 ! Mauer John 4111,v:,„. ••• Minn Wm 111 - . IMbeilvallThiter - •Z; 7' itiofore Sarah c r. Milher-Jecnik Moodie II M Mosgressi Wtta. .1.A;; L I!"_ Montgomery B' r- e blorgan Elisabetb Moore u _4 , Mane trevin:N- 'tztf;jla9st Moore Tbos Moore- Roy .0 - - Moors ( - h a , P • Moore James Morrison loafs' Borrow MietElualmth .111 ha• Murry-Bartholomew lit McAfee liana Mcßride Arelid Mcßooms Sand Mcßride Mary Meeleas Besettut McCnllen Jaams McClure Wm Mtereery James McCurdy lessee McConagby Atemmake McDowell James— McCawan Jobs _ McCreary Sarah 11 —llitaamalhiktik....lll462lll4 Magill David Magary Mathew - mam* Mc-Fax - laud James Mawl% McGaivan Robs McGarvey Mr Mcifei] Feely Mims Ma Mcgain Me...Jobs-fano John 1110,141 M r II vveine Isaac W Mctlroy Thos S McNeal I McShary Amarda Nes , ille Arthbr Nair J ohtt Nerd! Ira 16416 T. 4 •404‘ ' Mnhi 8 D. O'Neill H ()%si.Bl O'Cormer litra Francis Olr iir O'Sh.rin2cy Mra ItilargaitOirta I O'SulijA an ?denael Neill Wil s o n j r Nesbit Samar! Page Mrs Mary E Pain l'nrdy IC Page El - -..sha Patton Peter Patton John Pe.lcio II Wm Paul 111a‘Ly .Patten G W . . Parker lames Prow Patterson TM Dr . knee' 1 Peery Henry final Peacock Sampson ~Poßeet resco I John Prevail Fripps Louis 'Foul Bei • - Penn James El . . - .:., Ramsey [relay 12,,frprtg Atexr Ray Mrs Et/Z4 Ram , ey Jo.,athan Rhoads J a mcs Rona Bkiii C Retlig .144+ Reel.; t, Ree.l T M antler DIANA Rudy Richard& .h.fin Ryod Richard& fig Catherine Russet' Rogue Francis Simpie Thomas SanciPc. Febe - Sacket Rev C 3 Sientt A S SCIII.Of Wm - Severa a Mary J Seeds Sa., I Mexr ;:har.., Win • Shaw Thomas Shed Ird 314,y Sh. o ma,l 11Arr Shre; Sam' Siho , h & Co Sims Wsitiam S'impulo George S r.ari Phil 1 W 41 , am s m ith Henry W Smith Jacob Smith Mesc J k A ."zin , th Mrs P M nit•S Mary J Tin : 4l.4* MeGrew E Bradford T. ~n ick Jos,Th Turnbull Mitchael Trocnbull Mitchiel Tnrld Gen Townsend Mary J Tobin Frelitis irces Vanderrdell Garrit Veitch Silas Walls James Waal Warn•r Jolla. Ws/ , . Warden Sand Wells N6c Co - Wows Wrstoo Nel,oa - Wanda Caroline i r W is Week! Geo _woo, Welsh Gen - Wescer Wm - wafts Whitney Micheal Williams Thos To o Willmass Aare* , Williams Easrace Eli 2 mb elis Wilrrama Richard'_,' . Willmms Th 9 . - -- Wilson Jon Agog Wilson Isabella - WihtLot Wra J Z rt Wilson James - Wilson EPiskei • • Wilson Dr It A 2 , . . York Mary Am Young isase-fi . . DrnfenlWlr OP vestOr Dihrodill. ON**, _,- -.111Miti3 0 0 errilift3llo llie illi. 11 4" - A* : ' _.., e:TA lin 11/1011110--,--- 1 arbist ad as svoiCky ..ovl 3. Dilwortik.a, : -., lie 111111411.1 :4,w,..- 4 1 4,34* , .. 4 .. ii. 3..**:11;11110 11 - 1 . 11 t i Z i : 4 ll ,ar, i't , bi7IM. - ..- -- .:-..i.F 77- _- i".7r-',--‘'-•!: -- .:f'-ti r i, ,,,. ;, - _ - , ; 3. - ;24,. * b t at. ' - ' -APIKS s '-' •.,--. _ . .. - I li'' ' ilnwsitroirrovisfcasniiid Cldi ::l . '' I. s• g DANCE.—It will be ; moiorosa LS, sealed and endipinanMpsikzapeditiiti WI 1.1 this office`; until' 3 enhaiiklr,„3l4l4C" ' ' tie , eren ce to our a dvettiaemenln, 1214 lay of November neiqicraisiddit, - ~ - ring .• n o f a novel and interest- 1st -the Navy 3511461414:"61"1611" i ir; Oil ' . - ' - liita * 1 Nato-, Brooklyn. N. If,. ilithatililphda la.. :1111.11411 ;bill' ) , takes place at Concert 11.41 i MC, GOFPOrte vs:. and the WuppainpAg 4 izaik* sta . t r,te - I tiOD• reEPeCliVely,l,ol usinuties ofshe' Tetrad arta ... , e ven a Grand war Dance, l e tt,- of toelest.:iptalitp. 'l62llo*y - in '4 seddinti aireu ni Th ose 1 red from the - . narrinvolesii• hi the npipei - ' jug , officers at Said 144 Yardsand Muria istsdartshc alli ttr i t the by veri,ta_blme male porting of the 1,1 Navy A.4eats. iltsy.ibirin.tm air iiii 1843.t0r the eon r;" use of the Coiled States, ni.= - . . - " l , re m agnificent specimens 1 ia-nperfine None, ; ley .. race; a nd there is little , wiackey, -,- ;;I• - -.,-- .; 1 trir el ' i,ion will attract ma lia L - I Tire said flour stall be innunactured of saline h e i ; h ti 4 ltirti in th e year ior 1843, peifectty street.alid =VI res . • pests of the b e st quality; and when required far shipment S.----- , abroad, shall he folly equal to the best descripaios of -- Ran about TOWn." i Richmond flour. la all the qualities essential to its pre nervation in tropical climates, and shall be delivered in i c , a :he Sun that some young , r aod, found, tnightinorets, with lining bovs dr each • United States, subject to such inspection as the C hief or sealtbre intend publishing a I I ' s -art , undies good shipping or der, free ofall c h ars * w:he city under the above title, to ; t reau ot Provisions and Clothg perfectly=y direct ' or fare, I I booze, and he in all respects satisfact r Ilse fashion cf the El ad•l t him or to tie commanding officers of the said filo! FISSII," "Rake," tit - .c. of the I Yards- , i The said ship biscuit shall be made whouy front, street. 1 They boast of having fifty ;superfine flour, manufactured df the wheat grov a in the _ yrer 18.32 or 1333; and shall be fully equal in quality,Stad 1 we have no doubt of it, for - ...,° ; conform Id size to the samples winch are now, or soon ye ar e at least fifty loafers i n , sew be, lodged in ..,m4 Navy Yards; shall be thaw:nighty I" haled, and kilo dried, well packed, and delivere I, free of 1 bd enzalred in I charge to the United States ill good. sound, well dried, bright flour barrels, with the heads well secured, or in , r a n f o d u S s e p n u o m u: i C i l atton. We have I , ti t ai barrels, when rcquired;t nd the said biscuit and the • erer, that they would issue I, barrels snail le in ail respects to the ealire satisfaction of I the Chief of Bureau of Provisions and Clothing, pr of T ie nu mber -213 we base confi- 1 the command tos t tltcer of the swirl Navy Yarns, and be .mit, i eet to =tell inspection a said s the Chief of Bureau , of b ill our cr . r) autburtties t , be- 1 Prodsions mid clothing may direr t, or whet wise. voni ki, b e sup pressed i rn inedi. 1 Toe sail w litsk , y shall be made wholly from grain, of 1 , w hush at least two-third pars shall be rye.shall he copper dhoilled, and full first proof, according to the United States ,__--------------- „ cosinnt House standard, it shalt he , delivered in good. IllipOit'der —I l has be , n aster- ; ...Lind. ltriglll. well itoolled. white oat: barrels. wit h white I la k eg w hi c h vv .'s p l ace d i n a ; 0..: tic.ids, and earh barrel, shall. when required. le cortpl reed with our pond and sufficient iron hoops,,and the; 3 Minersville.— Chronicle. ! w hate he put it, good shipping order, free of all cliarses I to , ne United Slates; and th e whiskey and harrels - ha trbe , ;other way of the story, and we ; „...I,3cet To rti-ii znarwetiort as the Chief aline Bateau of It. There is certainly some- ; Provisions aTTd Clothing may authorize or direct. and be 1 4 * .i n all respects. pet redly satisfactory in him, or to the lOUS about "that explosion.. ,, I commanding officers of the said Navy. Yards. ', It is to b e distinctlyundersimul. however, that persons; . ' who may offer are not to have any claim of priwiteee to .Sur et I fu , nl-.4 any _realer quantity of any article than may be lex pr, ssl v ordered _ ... . _ 017013Ert 16, 1 542: Turning Corners. n a corner in a hurry 06,3 advice i-• necesslry to our . contr::clors not living at the place where delveriesart , ri eemireri, ntit-t e‘tablish an arnry at such Mare. that no .I.lny unh)runate and a '.% k s.vard j dray ;nal, arise in frirni4iing what maybe required; and ,an a te , l. (.; o i t as s hrift ,v.ler•• a r.fliractorraihi promptly to comply with requisi . , ',ins, the Navy Agent at the place where the artlctft ~,,t,i‘e ‘on can see your way , are rennired to be delivered stall he auitiorized to par prt ~,\; c ~ , t,., to a cw.ner, ha;l ' clla. sorb art icl, anti lire coat rarti r shall be liable for if v,,n intrp.', to make a short )ape 2 ccid&nts and thsag.reea- i , .lily excess of cost over the contract price. , Separate bids muss le 'made. for each article for each , Nat., TAM, and for the llallimore staimn. The blank , offer:, (which will be furnished to individualson appli 1 ratio-. to the cerveral NavyN. , eilts and Commandant..and WOuld be avoided. Yei.t.er- t, - ' - - ace. a genlemon who was in ; 11""' a el !utter in getting round a :la the arranne t ~ hents sal a nonce,) mud have all the, blanks carefalty filled tin. ami Inn..t tie Fuhßtribed at directed in the note on the face of each form; and the offers ma,* be unqualified and 1 unconditional. Bonds. with 1 ‘vo approved cure! ie., in one third the es e r berated amount of the respective contracts, wilt le requi rt b i ,l, et , a ,.„i got hi s vest d a i.,.! red..and ten per renttim in addition will he withheld from - . ;he molten.; of each payment to he tirade, as collateral se pie hi::ier. Th 01142 1 -1 we, t'eat's , runty for the due and Cott brill performance PC the re - n hid' wit, on no account, i.e paid 1; Le',l fa k e care the next tit] e. ' u r n ec li t l ' l c lar e c r° 141 " 1 1-r ra a r r : ,-- ; . a re cornpl ied with in all ree - perts; un. ~ .sc,ecially authorized tic the Chief of the' Bureau of Pr..viseansa of Chdliinc. After dedartinz 10: per rent., rri, Ive 1,1 writ hr made I.y ill.. Cr ted Staies. within thir is divsafier ;he r..:id articleg shalt hare been inspected ' .13. d r ceiveri, and hil's for ihe :ante ieevelited 10 the Na vy t 7ent, :ipp;overt by ;be comatandiug .(firers of list' ' reffpective Navy Yards and Nay. 1 italic. :,,1.. ,- (!-Qid. is r 1,...,1 in the ten:I.:0111re contrail. fi,e. It ,, ,etrinte , il re-err PS m hr. rit..ll' is. rej'f-ti all tad*. )01 Sank.— nie s: earlier Nortii fr•lm lwr,o, Ch) h,'.'- herelofer . fmted , o PIC , Ult. II!, : leii wi,h c,,,k.0,....1,.;,•t„ :t:,, rtes rootratt-. tcl , i; , 111, (-,,, j,.. d'".tv ' :\ :1,11 ova '11.21e ab .ve ease, «e-e lEEE Rout ir Rae Loire : i.n.k i opoikd, n Roberta Basis Rnes Roes - Ries R. 3fitti tilt , arid ::+/11%. Lt-lo Boat na j cai SirestmSmae ,M Stubs Sorb IF Steller ..%svier Starts 1 . amphess Siereaues Stovall Ste c,,llapFekl a flue, t.tx mires a') , lve Portsmoinh, 0., fi7erne , , and datigerousl:% bur!, /ainy .-\.1;.()!1 :ph plocure posse,ston ihe Fate Bail: and Bank a ba,,a ui Si;ectilat4ffs, has Idle• ro- hare-faced Of course e men," and dd :1-.riev, be sent to iary, triry Uhl then be spoken iindreger!zr , men." Whether eeriiri their sirs in Bing scherne seen. Sleversai Softy ST/seri& Eatuoli *MI &GA.' UP~" ~ ~. e l~iTa~ Ssift s tir Sal SAO us have two of a_ majori'y on n the Indiana Legislature.. Tali* ' Taller Teritl Tivoli" Ling in Lexington Ky at 2 as la Innings contains abortt 140,000 of which are primitives; two thirds the Latin or through the medium . ..the rest are compounds from the k, aiding in the polish and beauty ks the son of the Emerald Isle, it tied that the speak - or should It is a spirit-stirring I n•_;tirige, bt:t laabeth shuck it out (If use, lAras repute; it is Tern. rlia bl c for (IV) ' it is an admirable. languor: for Mi d secondly, it is unsorpassed for • • :alperichy. PaittchiCula arrived at New Orleani L,f(c,n3 CampeacEy, which place .shc as which the Apalachicola sailed, Daps were to * have left Campeachy ' l , six leagues 'rum Campeazliv, qtalis , s were encamped and ler. s. Tie Federalists are cowman -tti, the Centralists by Gen. Mn. from the Central camp were ar I ‘3, +KW) report their troops in Ica colt of provisions. and wo r n (enonankr in chief) was on the crida vr , th - SOO men; to join Col' 'bar disision UN men "from of the State were shortly expect— nor 7.5-31. slid to excellent marksusen. forts of Mexico at ellastpotoo Ia IN THE tiOURT - O COMMON . PLEAS, small se h osso3s, t h e ot h ers h av i ng IL of Alieshessy county. of )(see Tenn. 11139. 4. Na5: 399. tta Cita, to t esost , ort - t h e rema i n _ In the matter of tabedersarry . ua toptgreesseals. . 3 itien elitism Yucatan, which, in e' xazian * a November g i 5.42 AND Te t WIT of 30 0 1 3 men. s iscasesst Of Killigeres is Amen ' trasrt and essefosestOls to becol4nl•69 asbessistels or before the 171 b day of lisseemtser!Sita. tet • Frets theiterord.' ALFiLED BUTlttig, Fru— Nortrapot 12, .184—Tde C.lser•Order• Om !SWIM_ in this ease lobe bad es: the first Setesday of metawmer next, Instead of tietlilh of lkwastiar.add ttadwaidowbe given is two papers. 1 I Nov 15-4 t HEAT RE: Mr. A. A: ADDAIIIe 16. trili te presented Sheri- MAXIM. • ia the Eletra.vrn ruica klhe Farce of E YOUNG Nt 'DOTY. 'la Bases 74;2 .lases.l4; zst..aa ijOi l.°l. , :AI c 1 rer,rl,, tilfor1:1 . 1 if. 1 - ill , ••1 4+l , atl . ,c , 'c.; v: !,• dest2t,..l3r. 11:e pl•ic.t.- 41 ts.hicil ::t4v t1e , .1.e pa melds I o Mask 10 I hem. To lie n9•l4 , iiit 1 in U.e NI Ali ,itattian. 1 olellicencer and 11tolett. ittortnuinith Jou F 1 and Hill's Patriot. N. 11..; m:^••n 1.;:mr: lc. VI- Morning Poe; and : Jow nal of Co inutierce. i-'un.f.. , Landard, Ern Nla-nines rosl. .; American ; Sentinel and Puhlic Led^.•r. Philadelphia. Pa. Pails Sinatinn Foal, NI; hurry, Pa-: Sun nod -flrpublican. Baltimore. tdd ; En• winter Etchmood, Va: Resion, Norfolk, Va„; Louisville :;awe. Lexi -iron Oh.erver, Slar.vit!e Advocate- N 5, ,,; Stenooi I:einsfl.lican.t Cincinnati; R ere - an:an, Slnten p.n. Olive: 11 ;114 51.1.0914 aninetin, Na ; N. 0. • flterii.ter, La I Detroit Free Pre-a. Mich ; :7-"outhein ra irtv , S C Moraine Gitzette, Ruffato. N. V. • _ TRIALS and al successful prove 101000 DALI.EI"S MAC ICA I. .PAI.Nr EX TRACTOR intv,,titnable, It Fiat only euresquicker,hut 4'A - es no addit onal prim, nor leaves a scar. Elie la clagi livelv rendcterl harmless. (1311) has been offered six inqvu,s to any person returnin anemply box. and ay ins teat all agony on ..ts not extracted to a few Mill toes, get not one from thoamt,tis of trials since has claim ed the bonus.) Parentsanxintst to guard against general injnr4 , , nod save 14111.., fortune and life, and prevent thcir offsprinc from tins. disfittuml try burns, or oven Stall it pox parities, tit pocLsewsing the enviab , e power to Ceptace the cellular? organs destroyed.) ran do so by ob • ruining t is inimitable salve. Marty deeply burnt cases fe rho city can be seen, and oneentire fare Minn over and wounded three distinct times in the same spot while heal. in_, re' in no ra.re eon be traced the least cicalrioe or mark' For all kinds of hurts its rap d Mal ith,r, effects:we also important; even sore eves. all innamations and bro ken hrea-n , would be niiknown. The toilet .artid causer,. for el—acing the skin of pia ples.remoring chafe, etc., will Find it and , spengthle. One using only will forever est ab- I.ish it thesorerelgn HEAL ALL quality. After this no lice, beads of families allowing torture for months ? and ultimately dc:torled features. can never ,uipe away re proach. jnstly uttered by a disabled chi d, for neglecting to triumph over flues ..Enierp.d accordint to act of rongreps. A. D. i841,_h9 c., o m,t-Nek ¢ t`g ,iu the Clerk's cgic , of tile. Dir.trirt Coo of the 17 nurtl Sate 'for INC Southern Divlriet of New York." Warranted the only ..,zenuinc. c o r as i e t c k Co_ wboiesaat. Druggists. N. York, have be come the so`e orhalle agents for Mr. Dailey, In Aa.gri ca for 2ti yearn. Atlordees most he addressed to them. The genuine only to he had at TUTTLE'S Medical Agener. 86 F. urtit street. , Nov 15, Tan tourfr OF CO .%I. l .l(filf PLEAS or Atiegherlf Count V. of Deer Teritillt39. l No. 155. In the mailer of IlleVo notary Assignmr.ett Of George Belt and Valentine Febt February 19,18-11 Fird Account of As tif filed, a ndim motion. of S. Rysh.r . Esq.,referred to Andrew Burke: tbritelins - Darratti and B. S. Magravr, eadi— ~A '`; tors to audit the same. ' ' ' From the Record. SITTTO P,ro- Notiee is herciq given to AU perso us • it:lsmael], that theandhom will mart for Ike purpoee - s.oftkeir appoint s:lmt at the rerr - e,of Andrew Burke. M. Pitts bores. on Tnturtday 16th Beamotter nest, at 2 o'cloeli. P. M of said day. _ C. DA RRAIqH, A. BURK E,, EI• S. MAGRAW, Audiom. 1 4 Managers. i . A. A.ADDA#I3 Mr J1111E14500 milkawNsvn.A.E JUNIATA IRON JILIP 9at4 Hashes: sanuNtimires of boo Wareboomo. N045,-tigoottor.4 itittaimitrit: 0713 FOR SALE.—Four. Lots and a Fantab Arresaidtald on If &LW OM. Lett Dos. 41, 40.33, 41,314,102 .and 184, eddiOn plan' of Lots, ow RobsteSpitt- MOO* Lots RIM- 2440 1 1 7 S -111 Cook's Ow othevois Bier* 'reirs..isosi`iiiiiiiesr toter. House. dinvonnoa apply to I Z. W.11161111,1674r. sep 10 1 APSOLUTE HEAL ALL A- •SOTTOA„ PF a. .arrosarzr Lae. ?Donk ereet, 041120,160.:, , , . GEORGIS fr -ILlVair49. Anita* istAinno O , - Its. 541 1 1(01 street. *in ibellbnareirina I _EL Sit, Atnornny 111(IrzwersBaildings. writcl# iitecive theft. , Conn House. on Crain inceet 1114111 a. A. w. PAT rEltiNhNl,o ll ice or ghsittdield - - rtear'Siith„ nit 10 SVGA It& MOLAINES...4O Idris N. O. e t aitry _ 40 bbla Mart:ties gala:ark Sonikr. Pe", .Mkaa•ellt - J. G. * A.'GOROON. 00 Bas Rio Coffee. eel 4. AL-200 fio. 1 Salt, just received. *U or mi fr raieloy J. W. BIIREgI Deg* CO., 001— No 75, Second Amu. - Bales Oakum. 011 bawd and for role by J. W. BURBRIOCAJt CO.; No 115, Si led stre et _ . . T. STEW ART, Upholsterer and Paper Bauer, qpio. 112, Fifth ta Trig, between Wood nod Swithihtat tits. Rusk lied Straw Viaturewes alvntse es hand. 'orders riecuted with neatness dud despatch, on neettutww sating terms- ' gieP2o--17 WANTED. 0 ti 18CtiSHELpSriOefinPLAIrenteD.gfivore; bich the 200 euh JAMES DICKEY ei• Co Agit. Mechanics Line corner offulesty and Ways, areas. rittabatzb. cm:* -'43. FOUNDRY METAL JUST RECEIVED. 3/5 TONS Soft Pighisa - satiable for Foundries.. Apf, Pl] to • A. SEMEN. d2w - CHEAPER XN EVER! Erzurum JiatiOnistanT Pv READY WADE CLOTHING AT THE THREE BIG DOORS, •i No. 151 Liberty st., sots der from tilt Asasta Ars:airy. f f 4 lil:::," - ittrer having prepared at his esrablishmeat • the tats and trout varied stock of READY MADE CLOTHING crew offered in the Weffern coun try. would respectfully invite the medic to give him a call and examine his Goods and bear his prices before • purchasing elsewhere. His stork consists in part of - 1500 CO2lll,2l*.oried sixes and quality; 2000 pair Pasta loons; IMO Vests: pith a large assortment of Shirts. Drawers, Cravats, Stocks. Gloves. Sopetiem, and ewer, other article of winter Clothing. His Cloths were all selected by bine:elfin the Eastern Markets, and purchased at the very lowest cash plitgea, and consequently he can afford to give his cuAttaters t BETTER BARGAINS than they can get at any other house in the city. Believing In the principle of-. Protec ting Home lndostr)" be has therefo r e had all his artides manufactured by Pittsburgh workmen, and be gas no I bestial mu in saying that they will he found in every res pect superior to the Setters wesafoctitesd articles that , are o ff ered for sale in the slop shops that have recently t 4aclorad amonz. , 115. I a these times when Heat laelastry is occnpyiog so large a share of nuttlit attention. as it always should.-the proprietor oft he *Three Bq Doors 'sakes peculiar pride and pleasure in assuring the citizens of Pittsburgh that his Goods are cal iteutafaetared under his own eye, by the mechanics of his own town. He does not. like some of his rivals in trade, have his Clothes made op is a distant city, in another Stale, nor does he adeettim his Stort In hills printed three or foot hundred miles from here_ He Coee on the princip'e that the mechanics of Pittsburgh can do work as well as any others, and he does not de. to-e to draw money from 'their pockets to aipport distant workmen; while be asks them to support him. be does not wish .o impoverish them by a drain to support far off mammoth workshops. The snhs , riher amnia take this occasion to return thank , to his friends Dud cuslotner.'for the unprecedee red nntronaze extended to his establishment. and to re p!, - .11 his inriiation to al timKe who wish purchase clothier.. of t•ve , y dr• , crip , ion. !mule in the latest fashion and slat on the mo=l ac-tommodatint leraf,, to rail at 'to 131 Litcrta Ater , . .r . rtg,..rve. M.-at 1 . 1 tlr to lilf!tmr anent CBEAP. -2..8CP: di:VD RIBBON STORE, Xri. 2 St. &dr s,ve.t.. . . . Lacesand Rilibotm. Wideand narrow sets, Lace and ilthOlin collars - . Infanta' frock, waists 1 Ladies, French Kid, Mohair. Lisle Thread.,'avid Cotton Gloves, I Black Mohairmets for Veils—very cheap A large assortment of English Stray Honer's. 1 Ataa, a variety 481 raw, plain X rid fancy Tuscan braid. . i MILLINERY . i mf,CiiiANlC6'' radeperdnit Printoportation Lies to of the latest fat:hide, atm at exceedingly - tow rates Pkileifelpiia ans . Bvirisore. F.. Treaspirrtiag i These goods are 11015 selling uff at prwes to suit the f Afeasksedize to wad from Pb4iserir..k, rig Tide Frat tr times. . . i "Sit Perasylmolia Camels. _ i Ladies are regiSetlfolly invited to =Hand purchase- 1 Cogneorso Sr:ors - Ls ox Saa9ITH .i.Xla TeleVALLlcti ''' Sep 16-41 , 4 PaiNeJet.es. i t Ta'' - Tp a BERRY TOO l'H WAsti—A Xeli : The stark of I lii. tine consists of the first class Spring isealsabfr Reroute.—The extreme beauty of the ; Ca ts.. Metal Roofs, and New - Decked Tide-Water Boats. Teeth, their indispensalle use, and the frelluellef either 1 commanded by i.ober and experleoced Ca mains_ decay. has led to **ant' incenitans for their pies-rvation; i Sierchanis by I tits Line are enabled to have their ~,,t h ow h „, pee ..,e,e, , ,t,,,,,t,, a stare of iwalth an pri s tine t Coeds shooed aschean. and With as much di staileb.as beauty. 11l the 'sips, pct` of exi=tenre, was entirely ! liy any other . Linr. One goat will leave daily from the en t s ,,, , i on ,it ii,.,.. di-enemy or the shove invaluable:foot of i o liiliow ,r.e.t. Raillicnoton the Delaware, in'Tow 0 ,... 1 ,,i 0 „ . I , : c. ,,,, ~ o pore ~,l ene eem pe se ,l e e i . e ...., i of a Sitatn. Boat, which is kept arcs:sly fur hat plir elatun j,, t ,edierTt. 2 11:1 i i paS,..l.slW'd n' 11K in4.l d..llc , orli i Pc'se- . rissiNGTON'S odor. It er4dicate.-.. tarter 'rem the teeth, removes lows ' The rroprietnrs wilt ~,.re their , a hole allention - , and 'Unrivalled Blacking, of incipient decay . } polishes and preserves the enamel. 10 1 respectfully invite Western Merchants to give them a ' wiii , li it gives. a ?fold like whiteness, and. from ludi s in. I call. as they will find it mutt] to. their adv,nrage. goods consignesl Williams l'icirater. 4. Ca. coast - lAA 'NUT kint U C El) and so'd wholesale and retail: i feeling properties, posNesses tile virote of giving sweetness . All iT_IL Sirro STRICEI one door below Smithfield. ito the breath. ' 1 w ise or viajle/ayare and Bahian Canal. will be Niels , Mt 21-Iy. , As an Arai Scarbatic, the Gems alsoshare in its trans ted at their warehause.foot of Willow street Bail Road. cadent powers ; ,scorvey is eradicated from them, a.,1 Pniinde l ti l-i n. where goads car tie pot directly from the THORN'S TEA BERRY TOOrB. WASH. 1 heathy action trip redress is induced, which offers to the Vessel into tile Goats without addnienal handling or ex Lancrornot,Oct. 2d, HUI .1 notice of the medic.' practitioner indubitable evidenre of I --- nt-To Dr. Toottsr,—llly Dear Sir: I cheerfully sad ; their licalthlitl rate. I. tans been examined end used ity rordia;ly embrace the present favorsh'eopportneity to re. ' several of the best physirtam of this city, who have no turn to you my warmest thanks of gramnde for your oe.i hestidation in reeomu.endins it as an 'excellent wash for equalled and unexceptionable 'invent:on of your very 1 the Teeth. Gutime•ete justly celebrated Tea Berry Tooth-Wash, and I feet that , Among. the recommendations In the above are the fol. , I am in ditty bound to my that I have derived the vett ; lowittr. eat and most beneficial effect from flattish:lent and mode.': Havingtried fn. -.Thorn's Tea Berry Tooth Wssb." ate use: and I can ;mute you that t are exceedingly b a p- i and become aequiamied whit the ingredients of its comp°. an to have the pleasure of inforatieg you. that Sliseet ely I, Sition,l cheerfully my, I consider it one of the safe- - t, as and cordially speaking. I mln injustice recommend startle 4 it is one of the most pleasant Tooth West es mow in use. quest use to self that unfortunate Portion of the betray, 1 Pittsburgh P 415,1841 . DAVID AUNT. Dentist. rare thronehant the globe who are.. now undergoing the I lake pleaeure in rating. having tandesse of-Thorn 's most excructattne pain for the want of a medicine prrp,. 1 Tea Berry Tooth Wash.^ Om it is one of 'the be=t den rattan of exactly the same nail:meal which yoursisprepg. i trifices in use. Being Ina liquid form,. it combines neat red, and who have for mats been suffering from lite in-{ness with convgnienee . While it cleanses the enamel jurions. destructive and pernicious effects of u p r chle,sand removes the tartar from the 'teeth, its pernime'velds tooth powders and other worthier preparations. In a fragrancy PPCitiarlY desirable. J. P. TIBBETTS. M. D. enuelushion permit me to say that I,l"ave used your Tooth -I - The undervigiaed hive used ...Thorn's Compound Tea Wash bettor a short period, and yet 1 feel thoroughly Berry Tooth Wash." and haire found il to bean en renie convinced that it is the best now known. its inestimable 1.9 Plensuilt dvilifrievi enertiv i n a 'it'd salutary i'atia virtues in preserving 'he teeth, (which II kepi i n a ., 00 ,4 et re over the Teeth and Gums; preserving those indis and handsome condition, is the greatest embelishmet.t !Masa* etembira from premature decay. preventing the that adorns the human structure.) are not to he excelled accumulation of Tartar, sad purifying the Breath- HaV in easing and relieving the grasser front tooth ache, an d Mg thoroughly 'tested its virtues. we take pleasure is re restoring the gums to a healthy and purified conditlorhang commendnii.,n-it lathe public, benefit's it to be Die best at. giving ales a sweetness and fragrancy tot disagreeable tide of Ike liiiMil now in use. breath hitherto unknown. .M ROBERTSON; JAMES P .ra ex. Accept mysincere wish for your success, from Barr Et PROLES, CHAS P SCULLY, Yours. truly, Josses Seutstiet. C DARRAG fit sox ArcANDLEs.s, .7 JR ..11011RETAD. JAS S cRA rr. a awe traLT. L S JORX-S, Pir.parwd ontly by WILLIAM TIIOII hi, Apothecary and Chemist. No. 53 Market street. Pittsburgh; for sale al all the principal Ormble, and Tuttle's 3f edirai Agency. Fourth rarest.' PAI) WESTERN cr.mrEßsirr OF PICIfiItSTL SCHOOL.—The Trustees of the Western University of Pear sylvanta announce to' the public that they have established a Lyra, &k a 1 in con nection with the University - , itt which wilt be lauilu M ncipal, international. and Coissiitelieekel taw be all their uranchea- The mode of instruct ion will he hy recitations, lectures and occasional mnot.conits. a. in similar lastiiio lons. The rear wilt coast:ll)f two tern s of twarstod a half months each. The first term will commerce or. the vermad -Monday or November rest. The ittaion fee is $37,50 per term payable in advarce: Wszeres. B. Lands, Raq•, a Fillitligef Or ta• Bar, has bees chosen Professor. The-tresters lake gnat pleasure in announcing that they have here able tore eon the services of one so well gam/idea for the station by reason of his legal acquireastsds, and partiesdady of one so highly esteemed as a sehMar sad a gentlemaa. The anaexed recommendation wit/ furnish satisfaction to all Isis qualifications as Proficsabr. The trustees having teen Mewed 40 4111Stb• a alb school from a trims ofthe wricros disadvaatamesameadiag the sandier of "taw, in the slice of practising Winer' aad ale the very obvious airantmensashick Pittsburgh goilu seam. over maw et her places twill's Wan Us the ems& liniment alma' an inattations.—Hatelsa simmadminatri. ova population. The student wilt see arsenal hiss exam plerofiadittry swil energy, eadmery few ioaa to lotioleate and idleness. t* MOW alehallse sallainiled with Wausau in an its forms. . f.har . Courts ant tittlag smarty ail. Has year roam% *ad this *Omits as Pen is the West whottea wrestler swigs af easesand pies irise H; • . - • The Cemaditsestwdesianuthlt ;WM" &sling is avail thesigehres stints advastages of this school. should do us immethesig by caning . atni istantin their hamar at the oSeeof Walter B.' Lowsis. , Ems.. an Fourth . ststan sr Ls *dolmans ithi.bygliser. past-paig, ma that , ail mg dents way oe sae epode% of the term. oe ea early the/wafter as peorgie. . - swims cam. ). Jona T.lassate. , Comarittse lommoonotroimi. - • aseme.ler,OrAito. Coosikoi _ _ . we tate a lliawalla lavallaglawbber ao die el e m. sr the public. Wallet it. lewd,. Pieu...rmisisicar law- tit tale Wailers norgeskto Penspiya• l / 2 4 ati a gaiU euileest Wait ingeallegalialit lies. audio everyaley Apialillatfwetimaitbes afelimialku ta "dila be iisabies 4.1110111111 mai • - awes Liltlumm, - 0160 , Aiteciamir - - sacral e- 4000,44 t iiiiticiteic the' cerisaptimuiC"l linettlet - tuna. woximetitior: . 0 4.* *Witt hitice. ' - Ottl4:AV ' • :• •,Sa, • ,„ - - "Mini aciPitalle a lemma Sam 211-. ItY 612isetlie l • oltteds: ad ether oat iwaaaes ant abler foultaitamodsik 2 good tlasolleaesarimoseled -mak riltitimidwitod al weft of tmeetleurawater. olltb peahrili at Ilia final deer- la relaittexatimPluslairtdo *Ol Mambos/ - matter.tbere to so Mace sairodlemed ter ottewttb isitooloeot. to atom. urtsidang ootelmee. gear Pittsburgh the terms will be ism% moderate,' for. further partiestarsamply 40 oroprietorat bisrahi talt , fame, Libeity obreet, eoliver b ef Altman Alley. I - - taiwarategaerreumt... 111.1L-ifittot Weld birCtailv.tbe-la Getcsaiew-ierzt,, ie ..it refit 10-dtioirtitikere-lotsabsttit plter.hat 'sem - = - dlor 19 Vor tale by' 3. G. it 'A. GOZDON. Erin salenclisers irespeetfurip rtall tam atianikm of 1 their friends and ei,,, the'paidiegetteraity,.telbeirorh seat assortment of paper IllkiEwT It : 140 CObtainz.. ;t lace and extensive variety of patterne of the fintosrfng limerfptions, which "Ten inspeetion wilt be Amid to be of saperior quality a d fi nish. firrilaand Wait P ;of atidesenpt , ons, fcr ;taxiing MOMS and entries at 25 cents per nitre. Mani Well Papers; neat and handsome patterns, for paperiergrooma and intrim.. at 371 cents. American Well Paper, of their own manufacture. for bang. Praw grad siker sty/es for parlors and chambers.on fine satin glared grounds. - Or , .Z 7-11" Prot' Well Pigmy, Dicfaxgis , sod Fivateepateris, in raala. and rich col rs.gobi ilia silver riper. Felea4 sad I Boris's. Landau,* Papers, to yetis, for papering ;doted?, halls avid diniwnonali s i e t reduced prices. Pies itaerirlitists, Ones, Orwerasurs, trader's Blial Parer, plain and figured, of dlifereat ci tors. Western merchants and otberaare'respeetfally in i 1 JO call and exandfielitee;r Stock and prices, off wbieb a !Herat diaconalwill be given for cash. From Wag experiencein the tuskless. the, -ate able to manufacture papers in a superior manner. and as they are determined to heep up the character, their papers have uniformly sustained. they hope to continue to re ceive tbeencouragement hhhertoso liberally extended. HOLD:3I3IP 4 BROWNE. No 491, Market street, between 3d and 4th Pittsburgh. Sept., 19. 1842-,4lawif 1 I '.- 0:• 1I . -- ...-.16 . , , ..-....-.-- 5 ITS. M AIL LINE of Splendid Patmenger Sham Pact . ell from Cileineati to St. Louis. The ness,srplendhl, fast running, * light draught steam Par-arts West Wind and Jlrenpareit will ran es regular Paekets. from Cinetnnati to R. Laid& Will leave Cin cinnatiand St. Louis every Wednesday morning, at 10 oo'clock. , Passengers from 1 the East and West may rely upon their starting marling! as advert h.ed. rep 10 iertis BUTTE4WOR+II - . staceireeer gad Crermio. caos Xereltaae, Logi:oWe, er. will attend to th• vale of Real $.-tare, Dry Gunda,G. °caries. Fa MD nse, CegutarsaleSevety Toe,:alay, Thursday, and Fri day mornings. 2 1 .1 CeCTOCIII, A. lg. Cash advances made on eansieninerurs. sets 10 Timm tesenwritairr. 1721 October, 1842. OnEALED propazaliwilllie mweived at this Department. until 3 teatiett. ft M. of the 13th November Wm% for furnishing the neeenarT stateriaband constructing a Depot for the Mosetostion of the Charmaud instramems , belonging totter. Navy, with- its semissig observatories, ganniteide is. 4-e. The Depot to etiostAt of a central building of fifty feet sostre. with Wing* of twenty dye feet is length and *Mewl Iket whie—the whole to inbuilt of Wilk. Plaasandapiwifieetions Mill be exhibited at this De allotment. to pdrions wishing to Idd for the same. - The doe e.t.a. to to 4:Depleted ibe present stew. 1111 tbe inaterials to famished of- the best quality. and the wort to be in the hest and auk wOrkmanlike malt net, and to the . entire sahsfsetion of the o ffi cer sopirtin. tending the COOStraCilOtt of-the buildings. Payments to he sonde not oftener thin once &month, and then only on Mit eremihmiti the sapetitneildias Writes, aod approved bp - the Seuelaryof the Navy.reservirra ten per emit. on ail bind as eallat.Mal security. stall the whole Wall be emaipiebini:to the wake mitisfamlos of-the Depamateut. A bond for the fikhbfat perfacwomeoe of the toettract, with two semiliioi, Maidt begioes for- one. tithiftbs eatim o ited imams' tstibe - tetsolecoet. _ . .-, adez-44.• lire NithallailiemfbeltinW illattitwom Anintioutileatieet and Ledger. Philadelphia: "Dung. Iloralic-rest. flee blygin Jomniat:ofeammmeete,-Meamdard, Elan, Union. and Ntiredie l'i lo Piert York IWOritiag - easiette. 1311110 0 ; Delp ViswW - ]rococo Pro Basta : Basta : . 8311% herbs. 8.11.- i itieleimmail, - ted Beacom. Norfolk. Va.; amitte;tal ~ at asleatent. . _ , ._ . 1111WIMICIII, 11011C11 - CULATING ANA RSFEILENCE I ir - I.IOA IT oif ieueogst.ffiutodelowideicalid U. I erOamern Witte. rift) be open esery illy. Witt* yeti: . Tkonal catal arpteil. 1001:` eclotic. A. 11..asto 9. P. It, tee the Ilk cbaiiip toner of St pair stretstsreill Ehrebaitte sift, volver*4 attendants silt bitiv“ * . oar 10 - -4: imitinG. - ttERS - Asirs ti o - ARNO carp elm - Dr—A l t - mita bar: _IL steered - &ex (rem Neer 'Yea. a - firigtiniap Ivio. the abort otiketwased cure for , Casztic' (VA: *nil ton noptioit; sal; nod, le suffti7 arstowers at 'irtoirsase sr Met. at Naiad ./gest4r. Se poem" it.. ai l * at ,rfarira Federal it: Ariegbeey- CAT. 4 /WNW Neledestior 01**tatii ofthissgritrikr , nr. at 16111441 a; !ime ettimil4ty dip the stay orNovessher 1- lomir intriant.4 C:=7.= sliewes ~'t .~~j. FltsJ~"~"~~' ili!kkl•Pbesr watlllkit - -,- -,77- - wig: De''. ' ili :•—• - 421 t . ' - AtAk: AA4 11 04.. . *km: :06170 iti.."* * , )iribie 4noaci 0 .- ext.) , 4 , - te*,ltiiii --- ' - .. 2 lito essaii , di.sitetricient.ocd yel so Fee- d l 4!iitilio abate piils„thitt Airlie taxi fiviiir*i a to ini.jiaer4r fa -the care i*ifj,ioi*(;of whaArrer BisiD4. - : a:4004 ,of fealater in pattic7ehti, thane titiriCarieei Offal 'ChM all ether onidirines. • ' ' ' ' Like every other medicine. this mast fiat hi kited hi, .:tans, last in milittoite there bas been ime,dbiappaii.4l. sinentotid more itatistaetion In ilag,4oiiiiidijApp o f - ,04, one, litiSeMkir ll / 00 .,, - -o ( .Ait 06 , 1 . 1 5 its i 094 i ti Mf its. i fr e q o NOF ' Amite statiiiishinq no. - ~ ,-,- ((my pai lent reattirt4 Al etiaperiant, iiedichai elitiiii before or after parturition, the Witscat i s WY , meriraiS the - thieg t sniated. ' , . \ . Ira droteptie acid eonditioa of the.stmatatii, e t i o, with imetivearas or inactivity of the three, avast diatom ,f my patient_ the pile - ..sere ; Mit Mt ; ,:,i named. . .. If i treated :a row. requiring, as tuisalehageguei Ur Wiannt's pills were jitst the thine I wanted_ , If palpitation, headache., Hushed momentary,. or _wiser indkaathie diStOrtlattee -111( the ckeahttury and secretory systems, sunaYsni far nalliental the •tarn alit,: the. Witson's piPs werejastibelieinel aranisai- Thus, without rwrizet to the same. a I/inane inisin happen to.sieur at the Hine' I bare. bed It Under that . went, particular - indications or nywrelans arising. were always row t promptly and avast happily met by the That so great a nutsberwftliseaerscand sateesintenaP parentle oprmile ones; in wider' bare used these pills. sibould be &Wed more readily' tw mew, than be any WINK Waned y. may at first arta sleasee and rentradimory,„ind why' it is so is es elem. to say mind melba' a mat wally persons tritoald become thirsty Grid t<is many. differed' causes and yet all require that common anti createld - Or l all blessinm, water-to oneeett their tibirst. In enfreasion, i 7 isdne the entnatiOn of t'e medlebse and the pubiir, tains steeidoily andstneonditinnally,that the nil!. are them...ly nolinbinslion I have OM' met with in my Tlve..ennylm of mueller. that malty pos. etsresanythlikurnsative or specrifie.kir rick havidothe,. Tours - MILO A DAISS Tho. - nbroro Pins deshrsed particularly for the sick hard-Ache, ntrapepsia. Coostitnition of Ibe Bowels ie.. Prepared by the proprietor B. A. Wilson. and .for sale, tihnlefaie and relail, at itisdirettin: in Penn straits, below liar' nry. - Oet E.. AUSTIN, Attorney at laar., Piitshareb: Office in 4th slum, oppostie:Rurke's W masa R. A rsTiw. mitt dive his *newton tome unfinished business, and i resMtnivenfi fiiei tochelettres Alm of my friends. c.n I 0--1 y WALTER FORWARI). IVIC STEELE, CSllotor to iii..brektsliey).Farsda. lona de Boot Maker, Liberty FL. 2tl door from V i - ain A ilea., sabscriber respecl rally informs the polilic that hr has commenced ibeabone bnsinem , iwthe sima formerly orcunind Mr. !teary M'Cloilgey. aid that he is now prepared to atilend to all orders in his line of husisek. 1161 It despatch and on the most rtmOsattle terms. From his tong experience in tin.. matolfacillre of Fraibionablp Boons, be feels confident that all ankl? from his establishment will give satisfaction to Ins pa Irons. A shareof public patronage is resperl folly solicit .. sell 10 FALL .A.MILLLNOMPTENT. pence. WILLIAM HELLMAN 11; Co, il from Philad. to atishysbat.;. 7 r-roprltters. H. L. P ATTERSON, From fintidaysborelt to rittsbur.gb. J AMES DICKEY 4 . Co., Ca , a: oasin. Liberty street if t=bu rgia-4peatts HIX.Y.LX dl tcIiER,IVWCW zticrt wharf. I. on the e seare,at Phi Indelphsa, JOSCPH E. ELDER, Bahl:lmre, gerr.. H. L. Parreasos, Holidaysbnrgh. Jr.es PAWL/LEON, .14:4inStOWIte tief rto merchants generally throughou, the city. - en 1 _ IRO .4 ND 120114 - 11 4 .410 N 311:-.R‘liANTS.- 4 t. i ier would wripecifully inform his old enstomema - id frieede.t hat he has this day- a.e.oeiatril with-Alm A./de 1i wa bre_ under the firm of 7a Seller; Co.. and resirtne_ d , Lis former business of dealer in Iron and Nails, at Witold eland, Ne. 53. Front pt., between Wood and Market stn. A renewal of limpid custom, and the patronag of the public generally, is rersecifulty reques-ted_ riusborgb. Api ilB, BAS4IJEL KELLER. gep 10 A LEX '0 WI LW AIN .The clothing is divitiefi, boys -and the offers men awe- and tenni he culealat For Sale i lentil . % the fittfilmerit oft OR EXCHAMOE FOR CITY PROPER 77.—A Lot : eewl "T W el° il li a ha y e d lwilie- '' ' . ' T .- 1 - ...nii^ l , . of Ground in the :own of Bealtvitile, Waahrngtork l The whhie ash he the i leeelldeVilleldeat Sol co. on the national tree inferno Wsalsi nmoo * Mltillias- j ll h e e o el e h ele r 44 1 . 1 2 9 94 lighLognew l a n t i a l • isfog ville and near the road trading from ['Mahar:Xi to Non ling bons or Ik"Stiga". and le._ _go" elhilo - e. heftle* gantown, on tablet' is erected a large two story brisk' ° I- e h l ir r e I ° lli eli elledlwelhe house, well finished, a malt frame adjacent suitable for. tine or the mPeribrealmraglitlif "84411V.14,4 an erdeeor More a brick milk house, smoke house; and = I deliver ,- ----. _: .. _" - - 1 ?! . all neceamry bilildings sod a welt &good ureter. Also , &Wi l e PrelPlcue Illtisk be raw-jr ~ . . .an acre ont lot with a large carriage boase and Saran 1 p ry " " .4-- a nd - --Pnn4 P:' " 115 " - 1 1"; r"--r ill ' t he - - dwellitu. iannie, and a twoacre meadcra lot., ii gond i Sort, ; third. re r sil-the efelthetlg elediliaire„,. a . , spring or wate rOn fl; The ebiewe pr o perty " will b e wil d i otherarticies, as disaset-castnlictitswril - Frisina .. on a crommodattn. terms or es-charged foe property in 1 fists—end thole whatlvens:o% like - eitisbur g h,2lm rash paid tz,r the eificrenee. Tate vit- 1 eleehiede Seeiti-Mtelly.PaptPLlA l Wet*: age is situated in one ofthe weahhies.l neighbo , boods 1 P.°, 6lbl e suiodhlo lOU have a PriArCillerelir,,l t tleig ii ibe west,and presents a goal crooning fora Phylician l will "eat of .. 1 17 i „„.. - - _,.....- . '''',..„ . „, ili L___" r Merchant , or a good filechani-3—to a gaud Physician i Thew- el - Teuhre °vibe ftbeforms__ .. _ l6lloll bewririp. an excellent practice can t* given. For terms and par- I eilf - b an 4l trr yi er itii1111**1"0“1"011"' may wrwer"., _ _ ticolars apply at • r: HA Itit ig' "_ i &Ted fr.orio.. rioreTsr-olis our Arrtoos.m. sort 28 - . .. Inietn,v,„ o ffi ra„.. title Akers air agents of the! Ceti abaft le , ,,eitt ' ~ ,,,7, ~,_._ "--- l*reliateliliai motile regained to itamity the land any eicelasof epst *swift prima aasesilit . , by pliegon (Sad. s'ball be aimed to arta railiW4* peclive 4:mai - adore: - - ' -"' ' ,f '' ''., ' Bonds is one Third tbnenlimatedautinaldittrth ice eons raw will be regaireil. oeiCtsiMrts"B=l - ties. and tea per +melons In add'abia. iiitibe 2 . the trourriat of este!, ..slOvet . 2 made ailiOlbstalit~ for the fait - ale t . performassea °Case ri s pet64o -- which will on otsaccosamsAielpaia !DeWitt.' '--- iota iltoPtied. with . la ail *pieta, and is to ba . *it*. to the ass and heidif 4 . 1.6 i Oaks& Siatea. Jst m ir et 7 Orit et faiians toestaspicletialeibrasiesia:OnPfbritlol 4 *thet to t orders that m isel ay made. Aftir suakinVigt' of tan per cesitusn, payment of the balauee wilt to - the United States wilbin thirty days after the clothing abet: .have been #sitanisei, *wowed laid rftif&P -4**,4 bid 41:fiti amt 00 *- 4 *- 4,11 0 e 1 ig .. yr 14WatliNiict i on - :lg l djagrird'..- 1 1i#4.. 0 * -'- ilecillaSaslr 41*1103e1154.i..54,2*,..,: the approval of theirmPllclinetililliii* .ilelei' of deltveiy Will be; preintrlian* Al* IOW! ,papoeut bin be made. , - _ _ DENNING'S FIRE -PROOF IRON etIESTS. r ; ITTSBVRGEI, OCT. V, 142. J. Detssuan--On Fricay. the3oth of lagi axtillb.about 9 o'clock at nieht.the flantnr,-Grooritm and FAA; Van ufartory, awned by Gay. Dilworth 4 - Co. with a :larm. quautity of dressed and u tug ree . .s.vd wed by fire- - - The Iron 'Safe which of To wimp, Wee back. was to the BMA expri-c - 1-rtuatron . doting the urc.aad was entirely red_hot aim plensedth tatorta 'anti was opened at the cioneof the ftne.aed an ittei6Okx, Pipers. irthe hest rcctrwitwettdatmal (311 Ore tar the utility of your safes. 0rt24...if - irfieimAsto6oTT. IIEL010141:13, PERFUNRRY. `e. The .IL—folloado. vatmtivie Fame* Medicine"; corert's !lila of Life torenthi, Taylor's ihalsant of Lirronrerr, lbr mope yeitnefda flay% and Ofettlehl, he. lag aceitahr are for the Plea Earfaefa hair Die; erifeasted to titles the Weisel iniribe illeivesVieforrand hone Lititteent Ind tortan Vegrta *e;Ellter.atonresi4 ethanol anewity for tostreetta" t itords . and fish; ate- ere. - ' = iveriarset'sUgliest. Oar seiriher %Wks etc. - Milers Pale altrilOter—Tirialetttetreelest atodAeni, ever Onset far bkttelkishaids,,oriikittefaiiy *and 1 tkilli , a7aerfrt: etre-nil; every pet sienekl4nstos tiE In 1 4 611 # 09 5- iltlimi 4 s. Wailes, - reeve. titian aed Sellers':lrfieht . reeaue Tux-- - 14anesilloarlteeed CoodYitinkitilli.ffeita rharWiliA trerAireriant-Piturvitestrheirritoane; This etr - Teshrirt TelialliltrOlt and Stiatingpidritntdrilinittithellnellesh4 artfe4;s: inisr*abiorar , be rilApiiseysg4 b F - casual -442 , 14101,0Acivra* - ,; uitottotiogitt.-A0;241.-i*W" - t-4 MUM: lated l 44llll6o4ll4 4 ktftelltaksAlMU ClE WA i ik ll6lo 041kOW 10t4 1 060 0 . 111 0 100 .`AIWIPOhli t "Z I 'var. +W be. bat At 401010460300011411010010 iiiiSimber•VS•dacilkkiollEal.-44r4okfAloa.-Sea4 Notiettote„..- it& tr - e.; 4 r.,..:MlLltAtialtilliglAtolle.ti . ravz 1 •"m‘ lb* riser.'" ableTtinia. =Mb.* leaf , 4411iirk Cittglifoi •• • eilprer Wtnifil - 410t.1 uodettlikir tasnahle tense "FM be ofkeitl"%iiallik:--44141: - 11 , 111 - Liar , . . . 41.ATie ;ESUBLICATIONSeb- etttitRWARRIIIII iii - RitOlts °Melva Ber...eithdow..Mtbor. 1.51 Pnesideat et Disitialsweintiege. Carlisle. iiitter.-11.41.14"t34ier.utitisa bthisonase GortraltJthds4l llllll l‘ CONINANT LW itrarareTlON A tier ____' lions. ; by Jthaarthisbauss. B". 1).. High einthinpilinda - 14 11, t o r c h. ormAymitiesit.frooktiwetb Edintwelk Bill sal . EPIRITUSL ROOMY hoer SaTra.“.B1 , 1114 itatiosi.sed otigtvaithilis - 44 the tai l - . bits of Bees. firstiturvalterd r th:glahlie. "Mitt II WAIT Beating ramtms...a. st.,,posidWid. 18 me ' ' - .4 TJ2llltrr2 OF 1 1 :11.0ThILE 4 i rt. I Charles Sumo. A..)J, . , DECIIPOZIS—ostbe iiO4rividail ohileatioit de - ...7'.. - A rtiass to save Mats Own- &Win an Essay . by ' - .1"". .. Tord—foorth A alesiettis. from; Lie litxtb Loads" SORROWING. Err WOICL*6I.-•F 41! - . .-.. recent otioessivebereavetheats inkss taisdetseir. • • 2 . - CILC,RLf L" sEritorti—ai the Georg Aitisk. - - . watio A l Bad Anon by less catherieeßieetatit.Aii . ett. 111. - ' e -e s e "Lrryl ' , flint tort t to LEPE—reetairdee Liiii ethane. Lire a Raat.-Lire weetrilier.V4 a thed-INsme / be eterathr.by the Rev. T. 0 4 / 1 401: caltrstsst. Arorr—or the ditty or pramise for the intatediate eonvervidliel *4 itopettitkr. - '-''' '. I -4-44 " . ME EXTENT .LWD allirMier - 41f - tiM4lOOllW* .41E3N7.--,try IFOltald Ithieetie."Treeldttit eir •CtivSrit''' 2 ' Colthse.ifylt-AM eillitist II atio. l • ' *•• • I * - -••" ' 44 " 4441 Thiliont I ntaeGei. - fliihiqx and ,Olittiv ddi wPti Great Chtrti---by Neel Todeiribi '''' ''=. ' t* -4 •-•'•:2'w o r' The fmee and duty of bilaiipfritinite Giii dIW - red andriaeilestilv Intprored.by inii oties.Tflrk: ' Rrs - rokr 01 1 "TitE" o,l=liT * Olio RIO lit ''''' Ti the sixteenth reuthry In berusetre.-Rtririer*R .. ..."* J. ff. Verbs VA pique. ?resident ar Ihe &badrt of einera. ~ his rah.. It mit:: 3d le front the SarLandos edition . i.tr 'E - r4losits * :P , .. 14- molt - - - ' - i 54411'wee BUFFALO ROBES:BEAR NA4sBBi g. TM& reoeivvi. SAGO Named4de Rotas jrptce ferret qualities erain Slim ?la I let 7 *F l. ^" A tsar CRearsad Cub SENN , '" . " 6 rr° 3 4 3 . t. 090 rco. I and 2 Shrtkrat Skim% Ada —..!l•l4.ltaccess - All iwbfeb aireaffeittat !e,!-,16 pt -.1 1 , 4 111 7: pftypi APO,' 10 A. WEBLEI, at the Ameeeei Per vs Ak-- 4 2,„.. Oct 12 'Set Cornkternmt. PREMIUM CASSIMERES; 'll'3 dt FritsikfrarilcHead Quarters, t5l , Wirt, SerasV ,Li. Jfame jure waived torrent" different saitailkaasir 0 fancy doable; milled Cassinseres, dark traServ't heave sod fide nowt tielsautirseteeles offitaiteAlsda. ; Bantam. Lowell., Mem, sad Wethered# Bro4lialthatieds6l . Md. The ananufacinrcra ihnseinseds iallitek9S* mitts,. sod the CAM:miry eattifirsar„ - at the Ishseadaldlal: before the Franklin I esthete, torn Wethrrford * Brother, Bad VIIIL dodbitrolliled - fancy Catolateres. to Itllleb ibtilmil. lloollll 4 especially to two piers... as -oomsetodsrg the eistliel is hixhly raised lit French roods of this descriptiolikt * eradicate of hooorabieoaroics• - -Mttsook- We would lotrite ?estimate trsoiltitai _ to call sad eva mine. A hasillotisoe — it rta trd AVGBD #lllcdffilaMPAlMß Nov }i'42 - St EXCLIANGX RIME - or. ' fa% • Oct. 20e11341..p 41.11§4. Hiockhoblent of this anitir r ore.sis annual election faribkteen directors to soing,year, rtrltl be bdEst fife litakhtir oreet on Monday 2ist NOY. nenl r tmon A. M. to 3 o'clock P. `M.of noti.itsy. oct - tt - THOMAS M. BOWE. /if,c; Felt I"IIE'N'A gsaa NAVY I.IIOIIITSIENY, ' ogytilW . tt Burton ..fProviehnts .iiir rt '-- -_'- - 4. ._ October 28th; Q.E.11...ED PROPOS4LS. madam* Propos* h.-7 iv CletAine. will be reeeinreil al ilrietwalmhtt o'clock P. 34. of tt e r.tb day of November neillaiiiir t % nisning-med- Wiliverine ow yeeettni . et-forny-fient fief,) at each crreittir Of the . 1%114 Via , . "i t -_, .• ..., Illanmeliosetts. Brooltlyei, New 'York:Ma& : ' : 4 , :, Olio. with quart:Mee elan/ of all UM- col : - .. .,,,..7 articles of Navy Ctotbbiz OS Mir be oideracr;:r... yea? IteLby the gowatintints . of !he -' ;1., '.:. .... _ . - r pectesively, Pdtie Oath P. Jackets and 'tither cT) i. '''. Wcolen Stocitings, . Woolen Bocke,, Thick, sewed Leather Shoes, Sewed Lerithei•Paktiir„.„ Woolen Fraokietit..., -1 ' All the woolen emirs tire! America* maottfietare. ". Al t equal to the vamplei. tallish I erYards at, titaeten.-flew,:i I tnn. Norfolk, Baltimore Bat Aiiiiii - artitiliihf.irdifei' 1 rpeerion and rerrei as Me? I tonsand Gloat* may di r i of the saidattlictei will ha,. to the =moles cir pattern'. I manship. and whir/ Nita* w to the stipotathart wal pr 1 , made. Thipetarmeat ;tea is 4*, okvit himupermils tow tan betsuitow, 414111k1 TikteeettareciVs. 04 04 4k}lilitiliS williiipitteeed to arsieeaSe-hk• they soy &she rayateste he bellilet UNPRECEIO2 I 44D . LiAisX'" ifigti isi6xtrieflt Wm lac IP.....; 411111 •• anti urt;-." acopsue rini Saildlin Lam rd Read...101r1:10400011 ztaset?a%ma imams JIM ROI_ II *OP ef moix 4'astioriatitaldlotsseasle • - ponied* all Own* Spot of it*irher, eseatriltAblwevaolai orximistiAleao l o• Isi , "stArrai-4014.0.)* , _ Tl~s Tate voi l e - 114 r.. , ,i*NeEri • 4104113.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers