••Afttilltatletflig .160 • AD COME 4 - dam flis•riromg4k4--‘4,&, 004,4_ rouimeg_JO l r ious" :o77;7l' 40 10 4, Irsleas 1 "P"'.. L Beribf.doo/00. 'a* OgealY loll _ pespaseg,t o * *' . ly Vistaed, where be lee "wet ay.., $a litany". Sim "r sr alo~l9 e boospees PrilitgA4 ool rV' -70110.'-'"'"'"--nici—ilfidetteli • He wit 4940 11 11 00 : 1 lir ite°.fleacses, Bias, Cartlasia - as s v Pena Itrallg. Calls frodt the , il*" seise/004 1114441.141 ' 19* withete ware 111**".10Msosee Is is Abeseve Italie/aIIV seryteee veY Wilele 1"-ai ace.: 01111V 101114(- jam eases. v. 11""4111"114 mal. costa? ' banes 0111110 11 11101011, _ trim .,,,nuoga r D. sir , ma • ate Jose's lav , -icay. DAVt2I. err: it. r• nifiP n'inw 4 skalfigiolL tea** ataigh NOS ______ 'WOW tP2DIVAVISE•sia ... . .. STBAIIIIIOAT , DILL.g,. =it Li, • 110 . 1t8E BILLS, I , VISI'T'ING I . CADS , z , z 0 ' ADDRES4 " DO., ~ ' , - ' • 'BtIStNESS DO . HAND: DILLS, .. . Ilitilir QV LADING, - CIRCULARS, .fre, ie. trai i with every,dieerlpttori of Litter Preta,rlnt iiellitridishatitiith peatnese anddespateb, and on mode rata 9sl4lll,',cit,tber Ace of the 1;1 , 3,11y !Horning Post. r"osg-,VITHOSE- OtXUPATKINS TEND TO „PR.ODUCS OR AGO RAVATS DISSASS.-a.This Masa of indivartslals,vary nsipperoust They are those Ariensappliht at unhealthy straospbere. Printers, work shop ,:te,Thdrier mores, stone cutters. bakers, white lead, 11111611AWtardre. are all more or less subject to at. eortikettpAlte stroppily of their constitution. The only method to prevent Orme, Is the occasional use of a, rawnsdao *doh ebstrpete from the preulaiian all delele mleatloalMilurtarui estialy Ihem by the bowels. Tanica in looPlisme aro iairtrloas, as they only :-.ut off the- evil dar,liti Mare It More fatal. The use of randretit's pine. eslPlentra health, because they take all impure matter astAtihe blood; and the body is, not weakened but arermiltened by. their . operation, fa , these valuable Pills do pc torte, but they assist nature, and are not opposed blaisarmonize with her. Sad a•Dr. linindretlet Office, No. "98 typpit Pttighargn. Price 25 tents per box, with full directions: la A RK—.The :.enly place ia Piusbareh where the OERMN& Pills can be obtained ,Is the Doctor's own r6f. Doe, No. Wood street. sep 10 -PeW., KO, TEL,—The subscriber respectfulty in rorate his old friends and the public that he has opened tt, Temperance- notel,in fifth Street, near the Ex change Bank, andin the house lately occupied by Mat. theW Patrick. and has hoisted ant ron gn, ”The iron City Hotel," - where he will be very hapr:v to accommo date all who may please to call or. him. His table shall benrovided with the best fare, and every Possible acelimmodstion to town and country customers ' and Mains. Also/ - boarders who wish to lodsein their stores or of. flees, can ite tolcen. and gentlemen who live out of town Can king their dinners daily. Slitillthisige and good stables, and the best Ray and Oatirsand a gdod ilostier, and will accommodate travel. gentlemen who have hor4es. ilinlitidantasken by the day, week or year. Charges Mete Moderate than at nay respectable Hotel in the city. sip 19. JOHN IRONS. W•ASIIiNf.4TON H.ALL.—Tite subscriber has .-,apeaad the late residence of James Adams, Esq., deleelliffr the reception of visitors and hoarders; the bonne is very pleasan•ly situated on the tract of the Oltioctutilea from the city—possessing all the delight• fat atajtordissolutenta of a country residence, without bibs 11.001iir'Aistan for percons doing business the aitri'l/5011101* will be furnished with every delicacy of thivasoa. ilstOrmaibus , runs regularly every luau elillitsod of t h e Bridge. ff. 8.--No Alcoholic beverages kept. soir.lB' • _ WM. C. BERN p .OP THE UNION , --The c o act. Trap, rfrr,(l7.N* nerablp 'existing between James E. dbourn and OEM J. Marvin is this day dissolved by mut K ual consent. Thitviondlitoos w NI, be duty noticed, with the signatures tipbe* Wiles aanezed, and Barry Hall will he continued rot - thiiabscriber until other arrangements are per. Ihrwsitle,'Wn the Premises, 150 bbl:: choice winter sp• piss.lhippliiti tot Immcdtat My. JAB. E. 13 I L 110119 N, sefie-•—tr NO 9. Market. and 74. Front at: 1106R1ILNDING. — M'Can diess. 7- -,( - 1. ALP Johnson, Bookbinders and Paper Rulers. E. W. corner of Wood and 't Ponrt:4 streets.are now prepared to ex. 1 11-- I ecute nil kindsof Bookbinding and Pa. per Ruling whit neatness and despatch. - --- -B' ~ it books ruled and bound to iniitvisa littera at the orient notice. N. S. All work done he alsoire le warranted. Isepi 10 10010 E) Urgtea Dentist, has returned to oidAttand: No. I(Y7, Smithfield Street, ilibillk•Nottoorimi.conoutted soy boor daring the day, fs4on- • . • sep.ll) ir:4114--GeOrge Atnity. Merchant Tailor, 'neptiiteUlty announces to his' 'fitedids and pa cilisitioll'has renewed his establlshMent front his 141111.- iti*Third street, to the corner of Front and ,11•11, in . the basement story of. the Monongahela thitlialfirtierelie intends keeping on hand a general as. sOrolooO4lrasiktottable Goods, suitable for Gen t iesebst:s weir. Ai bop*, by close app l ication, to merit a share of the misliAllirles liberally extended to him at his old Stand. SAE; Matingroade arrangements in New York and litillatifetpbia, with the most Fashionable Tailors, for ON reception of Paris and'Londori Fashions, en:owners stit#4oi/Oit laming their orders eseetvied according to theletiellNityle: • ' - GI3fiRGE ARMOR. 1031,1) . . 'LSOO 44.14-71.1% Subscriber would most respectfully I.Arlittam the public in genera that he has an article of WWI Oil of a superior quality, mannfactu red at the Cincin. eackeit liortalifectory,by R.W.Lee 4. co.,which Is warren- Wearbis equal to the best §perat.QP, both for I Liglit and ',ltbittery‘,. This Oil 4 entirelyfree from any glutinous_ alialates.einoke, or anpleasant odor, and it Isar clear and I el lorlicAt is spring wailer. Not a particle ,of trust Is left Ole .:Alle• *let. The light Is pur e and brit:Mat, stat.virill . testae iong. 11' not ion.nr, than that from an' t:44040 .et SpeTru, git. The •En bac i the r informs ,alumpiaNgleitikrti.lte,has whet% a place nearly opposite the 14110-14101Nrirere lie will light up several different lamps , Ttyl erunqus. arid h e w ould respectfully. invite the in• bVibililliallo4 gittabur;b..Altegliepy,rtod their vicinity, to • ulliAtutplgaca.i.th.etuuelv_fs. fle feels confident' they uffirinsettitsanendtbat thq ,nlioye ,s t a tcrrient Is . perfectly etuireet. Out of ttio hundred individuald who have tried tilleeLhere.haa not been a single fain,. found , with it d_Oil costs one third let* than Sperm.. . Ile, would 'rictpaSillidlysalicit.the early attention . 0 f •Dealers and Ma. 0010. to thin above. 1 ...,. lnllowinz Churches are now nstng the Lard Olt: ~, nail Preshyterian Church, Pitt.bnrgh, I. ~,,, ~ . .i . "trAlutntrritind Pr e sbyter i an Church ,. rltfidilitalt, Iliat, rEireehylerfan Chuinh, Allegheny City, , _=. i- .le ,Reforped Chinch, do. . ..,. A 'l r celt ire branded Q. VP. LEE 4 Co., Ciucin. ..-:...,.- l, 1 Pittsburgh, lade Ist, 842. • 11 ' ." - ji!iiik4Wridtied.Citdjains of the Express Line of ; *:': • dru4liitieuresthrahla banat,haiii tiled and are '. .' . ilitlifif tardrill Introdieed here by ainttheti iliiikithilajorhir R. W. Lee it oo.,itt the ...• K -, ' adratiory. ' - - Ittleeleonfident in unveiling lint the a 4 cVs' a is equal ~Atitl!lOritt dli;:itaeltis free -tree from dmoke ' ~flat laous'austtailriftitever; the light is - 11er. a - .. ‘ p ve areAdear and brilliant. and will last as Iring,'lf pot l' sikiWtbiffiirvii-driirquil quantity of Stferth. - Thi, frittlitslitiidiowinsieoittatending OW our ftieuds st-!haiii4a4Ostisirilll:•- '-- -. ' - -TOWlT..cipizAcipTaticat lobe Adams . i • P." ! ' .._ AND. taptsiO,'Neket 'iotiii tflitidek, - ',., ` - 4•• ''''' ' ds do John Mad • '7-Zisst'oingOtt • & eti - " iittubargh; - piLl.45-7 . " HER -- rveleb , exert ivtori EVIVRTIM of herbs, . ~,„„,iberior -1.104" arit . \the boat II" 1;",;40,,eued., I +vpt►n Ili! , 44004 mom - • - 4...,„aih. lawn E th e ', li'L ' 411Prm.•:, ~.,16.111t001b I*mins g - •I: ' ,bi iiii'Alkeeitteribmr WAY "ltre. 4'''''. • Aal" gemsiciii_°C. •Evereur clr .itt.hibi 011~ , iiks Aminagrriboliwibliw - • Abbbiebag-T-r- . Asisit,* ishohtilictun, - - - "4 0 0 ....,,,,,.......".2111"w - IV ebigr"-• 11..b.gp----eeembited•- * . be body • :• • - orikisto .40,te It, ant A ,ge, 10300 ..hrim~.. and ramiroc-th. -. • por-eaktqAMlßKAgy;l3, ' ' • atb0w.,,iw,...,,,,. RAM! i t, Wow f „., ', • - , . it . 4 ' 4e''''' B COW 11*4141 it tSia l Jagaderi 4. 4 t t.ift.44MN tor` ' '''' ---ilhe rov • ha egifititehseection Ifni; .111—.. i ...,„ .„, oormomm.t. be th oaf of ;Illy hist, Ma art to lade the esti trarreXpensed of glk,,,,orvieleot„....pay at-of the Waren on the Sate Debt....eceivlng propels's for the sale of tie Public Wort, and (or other Pummel," there wilt be exposetto swirl sale. at the blerphants' Extbant;e, in the city of Phillidelphia.on_Wedneaday,the 23d day of Noveni ber anitt,St 10 o'cloa,s. M.: the following Stocks, Owned by the Commonwealth, to wit; WO Aura of stock in the Bank Of PennsylVaula. 543 do to the Philadelphht Bank. 17118 do in ti :e Flamers and Mechanics' Bank. 900 do in the C.lsitim*Bank aid BridgeCompangi . do in the Union Canal Company: - - 1 - 560 du in the Pdansylvanhs and Ohio Canal Com • 1 piny. i 500 do in the Chesapeake and Delaware Canal I Company. 1000 do in thelfiehuyikill Navigation Company , 31i0 do in the Bristol' Steam Towboat and Trans • portation Company. Aliso, at the State House, in the borough of Harris • burg, on Monday. the 28th day of November next, at 10 o'ciciek. a. re 2905 Mimes of stock tnithe Danvill e and Pottsville. Railreaul Cordpany. 2000 do in the Ounitierland Valley Railroad Cora -1 PillF. 2000 do Franklin Railroad Company. 400 do Wrighttroille. Yo-k and Gettysburg Ballrond Co." 10 do Codoras Navigation Co. do Bald Eagle and Suring Creek Navi - gittiOn Co. do Monongebela Navigation Co. do Harrisburg Bridge Co. to NortiMmbertand Bridge Co Monongahela Bridge Co. Allegheny Bridge Co. Wilkesbarre Bridge Co. Lewisburg Bridge Co. *ig Beaver Bridge Co. Sanirdie Bridge Co. Nescopeck Bridge Co. French Creek Bridge Co. ponemaugh Bridge Co • Schuylkill and Pottstown Bridge Co Loyal Hanna Bridge Co. Milton Bridge Co. Bohtiatown Bridge Co. Towanda Bridge Co. Franklin and Allegheny Bridge Co Schu11;111 Bridge ,( et Matson's furd) Comit ny Willi manna Bridge Co., Washing. ton county Aisp, stock in the following Turnpike Road Comp , nies, to wit: 2124 shares la the n g Carlisle and Chambers. burg. to Chamhersburg and Bedford .) Bedford and Stoystown. Stoyltown and Greensburg. Greenstitirgand Pittsburgh. Huntingdon. Cambria and Indiana. Erie and Waterford Perklomen and Pending Gotland Newport. Waynesburg, Greencastle and Her cersburg. Morgantown, Chu rchtown and Blue Ball, Little Conestoga. Berks and Dauphin Laneaster, Elizabethtown and Mid. diet Own. Casten and Witkesbarre. Susquehanna and Lehigh . Milford and 'Owego riownington, Ephrata and Harris. burgh. Centre and Kisharoquillas Susquehanna and York borough. Centre. York and Gettysburg. New Holland . Spr ng House, No Bethlehem. Cayuga and Susquehanna. , Susquehanna and Waterford . Susquehanna and Tioga Bridgewater and Wilkesbarre . Btsbneth and New Alexandria. New Alexandria and Conemaugli Betinont and Easton . Pittsburgh and Butler. Philipsburvand Susquehanna rimier and Mercer . Mercer and Meadville. Anderson's Frrry, Waterford tad New Haven. Pittaburgll and Steubenville . Ridge Road . Bethany and Dingman's Choke. Robbstnwn and Mount Pleasant . Mount Pleasant and Somerset. Somerset and Bedford • Hanover and Carlisle . Millerstown and Lewistown . Bellefonte and Philipsharg • Philadelphia, Brandy wine and London. Belmont and Oghquega. Harrisburg and Millerstown . Philadelphia and Great Bend. Lewistown and Huntingdon Armstrong and Indiana . Clifford and Witkesbarre. Indiana and Ebensburg. Washington and Williamsport. Washington and Pittsburgh , Lycoming and Potter. Middletown and Harrisburg . Bellefonte, Aaronsburg and Young manstown. Boiler and Kittanning Mllcsburg and Smethport • Derrstown and Youngnianstown Mount Pleasant and Pittsburgh York Haven and Harrisburg bridge. Abingdon and Waterford. Warren and Ridgway , Lewisburg and Youngmanstown Somerset and Conemaugh. Carbondale and Lackawana. Somerset and Cumberland , Lewisburg and Jersey Shore Ligonier and Johnstown . Warren and New York State Line. Titusville and Union Mills. Atinstirong and Clearfield. Warren and nankin'. Sum Grove and Union. Brownington,Harrievillean d.Frank pm 200 r do Snowshoe and Packersvitle. 411 do. Lackawaxen. 200 do Butler and Freeport 64 do Sterling and Newfoundland 96 do Lenox and Harmony. 224 do Pittsburgh Farmers and Mechanics' 160 do Bedford and Hollidaysburg. 160 do Luthershing and PUTITafiIS OII eV 160 do Birmingham and Eliratietlitow ii • 64 do Bald Eagle and al ittany Valley . Theterrns and eondltions of raid . deg wilt be made known on the days aforesaid, or by an application.nt any time. to this office. State stock will be received in pay • merit at par, or certificates of credit, which have been entere.t an the books of the Auditor beneral, in pursu ance of a rewlution of the General Assembly, paned on the 7th dcy of April, 1842 - By outer of the Governor . 2500 4500 2400 2160 1600 560 400 600 600 180 350 100 ,60 200 - do_ 15p, do 120 do 300 'l, do 4310 2154 2564 1760 i " 3477 100 1560' 512' k '2.50 ' 250 100 1240 1 6401 400 50 1600 400 116 500 1 the Alle no. do 500 do 280; do 300 , do 660 do 672 do 100 do 717 do 779 do 500, do 100 do Etta do 256 1 do 984 do 43601 do /St do 56 do 3-29 - do 855 do 400 1 - do 280 do 1180 do 200 do 1610 do 204' do 240. do 408\ " do 200' do 2801 do 98 do 360 do 24 do 020 do 128 j do 160' do 40; •do 9fl do 2241 do 160 k 80 do 80 do M. C. EDEY, DaTwis LLinlfal l e R V e /ImNe S d ' y S IiesSOOTHING d S- T bu RnHd Pe.— ds when Ahtworbt_past recovery, from convulsions. As .spon as the Syrup is rubbed on the gIIMS, the child will roc( v. er. This prepgration is so innocent, so efficaciquirtaint so ,pleasant,,tbat nochild will refuse to let. Ira gums be , rub bed,with it. When ihfantsare at the age of four miintoa. tho! there IS ittkaPPshronee of teeth, one bottle of the Syrup should he used to open the pores. Parents should never be withoutthe pyrup In the nursery where there are , young children. for if: &child wakes is thefiight With painAn thegotott, thdAltitlthullyefilate l Y esse;fil opening tbeporo,trald healing the gouts; thereby pre:yr:llV lug Goova.tdogs, FaVers, kc. For Sale Wholesale and Retail by B. E.SELLERB, Agent, sep 10 N 0.20. Wood , street, below Seco& lima* nowAßp 4. co„ main i futums of , Wall WC "Wt. Xv. - 11.. ir•«: sows, Pitts.iltria. P.L— Haircotwayooa band -an exunotive anorunent.pt Satin tiloactl,tont plat PA ER RAWLINGS, Tsloci . and Ingushan !order*, of the laltot, style and: . banesinne Ihtrialler , latter* . _ oatiors-and-ettamlani , - orbit `piottirlthn . sad Ratio on hand. at-ail Maas— trilltßlVlArenitig, -Ilissoptagand Tea POPer,l loll- 1 1 64_,.. / maggents - : go.l.att at which they - afar %vole, tritnnlailleantleitonllntobtillit Wore and • to .athlchr they, iiiol4.RniiSNillUNl*Enrerehindnand *hem ~ , !..- Igan*- 7 - -, email bingivaild thachelgiontllty,, Wait baud mad for Aida atlainnw ITaancreilerage. taken la exchange.' do Ao do do do 40 do A. V. P ARSON, Soeretary or the Common'lth seP 20-4/15 7 - 4 1 404 . ,~';~ _~" MIME tOlowiiist ivit.l4o..imoosirsisetsisiteifrstimwailititta :Tibor, ; Cow. 4 " 1' oN ,A i i c ot laltb# ' ' ollbeincleitelle 'et trots id _ tel ehilell gr reetl" it. ,iL 111;.:itot e lti$14 111Hilink lie; O 'sa rlik " Of: sictereerrthatthe Bialinitalta Puna dentist , . gird generillynit6 Alt hough these pills probing( ewe , estriter,thateifectle,alit• to prostrate the .body,: faith o ther sSeekitues, Intl:the Frame is invigorated:by than- Masai eflbeftiltnee tirtesiakneati,tbe - mortild. the irlttsted husterstient the bleed: 1 —' - , - , Raikeileasill thenieelvelt, they merely . i 1 ' Ataitirtlistrues , , ..„. .l' b i ll To thro* eat the (mash)" if; sickness from i b body, and they ;; require no site tionle the dieter clot og., . . In fist& the human y Whetter able ills.lnnta With. Out 11131Ify, the inclemently of the weather, whi under the InEhteritte ofthislanntion thatroytteg,niststual Snub= ting. Medicine than at any other time neat • . The importance of Btandrith's Pillsltir en and i tt travelbrsts, thenefdre s eelf evident ' By the timelinse ol`tlirs Pdedicine bow laugh axle!, and slikamis, might we, hot. pievettt:, Geld ;Ail 'pee tif fectiona,Typhue, Scarlet and feierita ail kink webid be unknewill But where eicitnes:s dtieb exiit,Oei no time be lost, let the BRA NDIIETtI'S !ILLS lie at tinice sent for, that • the RetuetlY !nay be app'.lndi 'velliloit ' Air , ther toss' of tin e.—TO ax RE,MMtnaßtn Thai, Brandretli's Sills, Inive stood it seven years' 'keg'. . .. , . ; ... , .. in the United States. That they are a veg ttible l and innocent, mtdipitre, yet 1 all powerful forthe removal of disease, whether, chronic recent; infectiOus or oliteristae. ' • ~ That they pnrlfy the blood - , and stay' the further' pro• greas of disease In the tiliman body: That, in Many cases, where . the dieriliful raXagee .of ulceration had laid bare iiganieni; and, hiune, and where, to all appearance, tito'human . means could iaielife, have patients by the use of these Tails, been 'restored ko *good health; the devouring disease having been coMpletely eradicated. That garb of the genuine has upon it Trial% eea , Ynnitrr, LABELS . That eac h label has two signatures ef Dr. Benjamin Brandreih upon it. That there Must be upon each box three signatures; thus:.. . ~ , B. 138.111D14111, N. D. And three signatures, thus:-- BillJaldter BR suronrru. DR., FRANKLIN SAYS: ticute.fevers ever require some evacuation touring them lo:a perfect crisis and solution, and that even by stools, which must be promoted by art whet) nature does not do the business itself. On this. account, an ill timed scrupuloustiessabout th'e weakness oflthe body Is of bad consequences; for it is that which seems chiefly to make evacuations necessary, which nature;attempta after tree humors are lit to he expb lied , but is notable.to accomplish for the most part in these diseases; and I can affirm, that I have given a purge when the pulse has been so low that it could hardly be felt, and the debility er. ireme, yet both one and the ether have been restored by h." The good effect to be derived from the Brandreth pills have to be experienced to be , folly believed. By their timely use neither the scerlei; the typhut( fever or small pox would ever assume their malignant fthem To appreciate to the full extent,tbe,hicalculeble bene fits of BRA N DRETH'S PILLS, they must be tired when the First Symptoms M . Disease present themselves. One dose then, and their geed effects will be felt throughout the attack—lT IS TAXING TREK IN TIME that is thegreat secret in the cure of all appearances of diseaSe arising from bad Mood,and I presume there are few at the pies. ent day, will lay anything of those diseases which affect the body when the blood is pure. Such diseaies I have yet to see. Hoping that some who read thiS may be benefited by so doing. I anf respectfully , the public's servant. B. BR ANDRETH, M. D. 241 Broadway, New York: THE COUNTERFEIT'S DEATH BLOW. The public will please observe that no Brand:reth Pills are . gennine unless the box has three lataffs upon it, each containing a• fee simille signature 0( my hand l e writing thus—B. Brondreth . These , labels Ar t lama. vett, on steel, beauttfully designed, and don at an cx . pease of several thousand dollars. Remetn ri the top —the side—and the bottom. Ent red according lo act of Consrest in the rear 1841, I by Bet lamin Brondreth, in the Clerk's Office in the Dis tlict Court of the Sot therm District of New YOrk, I Dr., B. Brandreth's own office, No. 98. Wood Street. Pittsburgh. Only plc-re-in Pittsburgh *time tile genuine Pills can be obtained. Each Agent who sett; the true Erandreih Pitt, has an engraved certificate of Agency renewed orrery twelve months, and has enteredinto bonds of 8500 to sell none other, Pills than those reelived from Dr. R. or his special General Agent. Mark, he certiti• rate is all engraved except the Doctor's name, which ie in his own hand writing. Observe, on each certificate there Is an exact copy of the litre labels on each box En• graved thereon. Purchaser. see that tile eng,raving of the labels on the certificate correspond with those on the box. , • The following are Dr. Renjaniln Brandreth's %gents !or the salt of his Vegetal le Univttral Pills, In Alleghe ny couty, Pa., who are supplied with the rew labelled boxes. Price '2.5 cents with dtreri ions. Principal Office, No. 98, Wood Street, Pitlebur Allegheny, Mr. Jour Glass. McKeesport, H. ROW LAND. Nobtestown, JOHN JOIINDON. • I ' Stewerte Town. CaremeLot e- Sek.utaitno A LICZANDER MOLLS. Clinton.. , IBEWARD Tuottesorr, Wilkinsbuilit • OtOROIC PORTER. Fairview. , • Ilit °BERT SMITH PORTER, TOre.Mlllll. .-- ' Elizabethtown, C. F. Dunn.. East Liberty, DaNIRL NEGLEY. PRENFILNY Lewis. Pleasant Hill. Da.van K. COON—Plumb Township. ^ WK. 0. HUNTER". Ailell'lt 1 , 1 111. , rxep 10 fo!LES cured by the can of Dr. Harlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient Pine Dt.Harlich--Dear Sir—Shortly after I received the Agency rim you for the -sale of your medicine. 1 formed an acqnaintanre wi;h a Indy of this place, who wasseverety afflicted with the Piles. Pot eight or ten years this lady was subject - to frequent painful attacks, and her physician considered her case so 'complicated. that he very whim prescribed medicine for her: Through my persuasion, sheenrnmenced using your Pills, rind was perfectly cured. Yours, ,tc. JAMES ft.g.taßy. Oetober 3, 1840. Chambershug., Pe. rrOffice and General Depot, No. 19. North Eighth Street. Philadelphia. And by Sit [noel Frew, corner of Liberty and Wood streets. Pittsburgh. sep 10 vrrERESTING cult E p erformsd b y Dr.Swayne's J- Compound Sgrupof Prunus Pirgisiatta,sr Wild Cher. ry. Bay inglinade use eithisinvaluatile Syrupin my family, which entirely cared my child. The . syMptoms were wheezing and choking of phlegm, difficulty ofj its . enthingt attended with constant -cough, spasms. nonviSislensi C. ofwhich Lhad given upail hopes of its recopery until I was advised to make trial of this invaluahle thedictoe. After seeing theeffecls it had upon my child, .and con cluding to snake the game trial upon myself, which en- tirely relieved me ofa tough that I was afflicted with for many years. Any person wishing to see us 4 can .fa.. at my house in IleacbStreet, above the Market, Kensington. J. Witcor., PR. sWAY NE'S SYRUP OF WILD gIiEMIX. We call the attention of the pllblitiO the numerous certificates which have been In circulation in .our paper and some others of. this etty, highly recommending Dr- Swavag's Compound Syrup of Wild Cherry.--„Wchave seed the original certifieatet4and.have nado,uht: Out the , / come from truly grateful,heartthexPremilve 40 10 belne 6 t s whleh - they have received from that yalual4 Mimpound. We have acquaintances who have fmquentiv. used . tbe above medicine. who can speak witheurifidente of: its virtoes.:—Saturday. Chronicle. - • Patters Crstzener,-With sincerity i would _advise you, one and all, built sick and well. always, ti)-hase bottle of. Dr SWAVIVSCOMIX, III P 4 13.Yrull -Witd\Cherry In your house—it is invaluable in cases of emergency, t such as-Spitting -of -Blood. Asthma.. _ attack/ J.)l violen csingllitig,!whieb Is often thecause of eplttin of : hti Q. Violent *swan Affections, Which occrisionoDy' come from fright, ,and -vit/Iptia. cat Wes, Rredueinggreitt alarm; sudden colds from. .finprOper ;'Ogintiere. are-ollest let ran- la an alermliag extipt,„lor, waif_ of means *Mg ready et bandi—sed livfe - 11 * 4 1..p r • Swayze:a:Compound Syrup of Wild Cheery re peate dly In MY family, and always with marked successl-I ean recommend IL Wit. 4 conSdOce. as being one of 010" family Medicines which hod eyes. been 'offittria the- public.—/hutirdny Oki/nacre., tiedd by Wm.,burri, Wholesale ; ;$ &tilt; onlyayeot ferPlusburgh,Market Street • tiotiß) WILLI AM REED. .Ifferehant zing The putITC `ln general' that be lutareoanneneed boldness at No. 11 Market street, -1410051136M1r from tholckine. r of F rppt here be ho es bY. antlet.,lotentlan _to Wilma 10 Lerit.anul4rgof 4 111111 c pairolfs* • $441.i=.4,00014511'11 14 1 11 4;1111114i theValk la Itaag,4epend on having their work esseistaillientllng, o the Wog stile. iii hr ' 'of : 4 1 / 1 104 6 / 4111 _ 041 ** 4) ettyiiii, ACC ncleilliti.*6 4110 11 .01, 1 #21 11 1± Atn t e t rseaWehistoietroihma*Visth lafe i llitto.VFl ,the latilellllPnOT bet with webers antler peeretenttklt. • , ftle4o7 ll o 9 4l l lo ll4e rrt in g„. -deopitmon,lo4oistio:attentio 46-1014.-coiifideadctdis.ll:,roc#o4idk bearente and Loudon. reads Comets; also her epiendid astairteleiti ofambroidery, Which - is steamier to :4107044 Itiftiiral decline . this country: it includes Baby .Liesni - Connel• setel*Oriebtatt. Criptisa le - -Outiputt; - Vensi;:dOWS f l r f thaeloV „Evening costumi;Cuitere - Cliffs; pocket' Beath , kerchiefs, iternieigitati Pipe. ite., varlet' will be ready for their apprebillen oh the 9th of October nest. Mrs. T 4s, 'treble( the arrival of her Bonnets from Batelle., el No . . 2. Ferry„street, street, between Liberty' and Fourth streets. . seat '29-11tf. • 5..! misuse:Tr:— .... . .. r.i.spratkrfp itivikattAw.a. etorleys at Lary -beat .I.7.llL,Tetiurvedlthelr Office to the residence of 11.5.1!4a , /11ItOn Fourth sttwol° doors above Snaithfit.id. se 10 " r tiPrtN --vveftf4; ". Fitseth N./ Stroood,,,Bettoens Wood and &WOW, sea. frsva.doors from the corner of Wood street. 'ton. Sal ntly - Ow hand.= assottateprof made,. COFFINS, of eltery sitestruk-desiription; covsrd. ones, with Cloth: -Idabogatry, ,Cherry, Brack ““aunt, Poplar. and•Plite Coffins.., . ALOO, Plates neatly engraved; Hearses and Carriages furntlbe4; Graves procured;, ',And - alt -services-tendered -1 that friends way requite: A credit givealtraticasmeithe„r of, cuff:luaus Arringes f requested. HENRY BEA ives,„ seplo . , . 175 1381.9spie.bWHITE LIME. a superior article, far _ A.GOREION. —N0.12 Water-street:, . . _ •V A AIBTY. Just received from New York, 3000 Temperance Almanacs for 1843; 5000 copies of tke Journal of the American Temperance U.nlott And Youth's Temperance Advocate for - Septeutber. A 150,2000 Chris tian Almanacs, and a good esiditatent Of LOom is's M age zi ukadii itiebttigli4nd the eralikkilhAlgaizetet *Or OW mon Almanacs for 1843;.hy the groat dozen or ,single; 250 copies oft:tide's New Pittsburgh' and Ailciheny'llo sines' Dirctery and Strangers Guide. , for et pent'. Also, Cottage. Family, School and Pocket Bibles and Testa. mer.its. David's. Psalms; Methodlstand Temperance Hymn Books; the beauties of Harmony, Introduction to Bacred Music: Mason's Herewith round end patent.notetr, Christ. Harp,and almost altkinds of School Books; Goon's. Do mestic tledicine; Day Books and Ledgers; Writ tug, Let• ter, and Wrapping raper; blue Mack, and red. Ink, int the gross, dozen, or boy letsteel peas. quills, slates- Pencil suit , / .wafers;Cyclopedla of History. WesterriPilot, and a con, siderable variety of Books and Stationery. for sale on an commodating t erms tor cash orcountry erlduce, IBA AC HA RBIS, Agent and Commission Merchant, sep 'l2 No. 9, Fifth atreet. J. K. MOOREIZAD. G. B. WARNER. • J: P ancilot • UNION COTTON FACTORY, Atleghe ytity, at the . end of the upper bridge. The subscribers having commenced the manufacture of Cotton Yarns, Stocking Yarn,Cotton Twine, Candlewick, Carpet Chain, Batting, 4-c., and are prepared tc flit orders at the shortest notice. Having selected the latest and most Improved machi nery, and employed the manager who has attended to the HOPR FACTORYTOY the last five years, they are manufactii• ring a superior article, Cotton Warps made to order, Orders through the Pittsburgh Post Office, or left at the store of J 4 C. Painter- Co., Liberty street; or Logan 4- Kennedy, Wood street; will MUet.with prompt atten tion. Address—J. K. MOORRE %D 4- CO. sep FllO FEMALES.—There is a large class of Females in this City who from their continued sitting, to which their amen Wiwi' oblige t hem,are affected with costiveness • which gives rise to palpitation at the heart on the least ex.• ertion, sense of heaviness extending over the whole head, intolerance of light and sound .an Inability of fixing the attenUon to any mentai.operationr, rumbling in the boiv- ' els, sonietitues a sense of suffocation, especially after meals when any exertion is used, as going quickly up stairs; temprefickle; these are symptoms which yield at once to a few doses of the Brandreth Pills. The occa sional use of this medicine would save a deal of trouble and years of suffering. One, or two, or even three of the Brandreth Pith:4lst before dinner, are of en found highly beneficial; many Ilse them very advantageously In t his way; they aid and aPvlqt digest ion, restore the bowels to a proper condilion,enliven the spirits, impart clear ness to the complexicin,riurify the Mood, and promote a general feeling of health and happiness , • Sold at Dr. 11-atuiretli's Office. No. 98 Wood street, Pittsburgh—Price 25centi per box, with full directions. MARK—The only place In Pittsburgh, - where the GENUINE Pills can be obtained, is the Doctor's own Of fire , No 98 Wood street. sep 10 SURGICAL INSTRUMENTS! SURGICAL 1N• STRUM ENTSI— T. McCarthy, Cutler and Surgical catrument Maker, Third street, nearly opposite - the Post Office, Pittsburgh (SIGN OF THE GOLDEN SHEARS.) Physicians, Dentists and Druggists can have their in• struments madeby the subscriber of a superior quality and at Eastern prices. Tailors' Patent Shears and Scissors always on hand. also 'Hatters Shears, a superior article. Orders respect. fully . solicited. N. B. .Aliarticlee warranted of the best quality. and jobbing done as usual LIVER COMPLAINT.—This disease often term]. natento • another - of a mure Serious nature, if pro. per remedies are not reatorted to in time. in all forms of this disease, Dr. Warlich's Compound Strengthening and German Aperient . Pills, will perform *perfect cure —first. by cleansing the stomaeh and.hoviels, thus rem°• ving all diseases from the Liver, by the use the Ger. man Aperient Pals, after which the Compt3unt Strength. eel:10111s are taken to give strength and tone to ' -those tender organs winch require such treatment only to effect a permanent 'cure, Those Pills are orally put up .to sniali packages, with felt iiirectionit. For sate at No. IS North Eight Street, Philadelphia. Akio, for sale hy Sam uel Prew corner Of Wood and Liberty sts.., - Pittsburgh Pa. sep 10 _ A LLEN KRAMER, Exchange Broker, Aro. 46, Car. Aner of Wood and Third Streets, Pittsburgh Pa.— Gold, Siker - , and Solvent Rank notes, bought and sold. Sight checks on the Eastern cities, for sale. Drafts, notes and bills, collected. ELEYERZNCLIC PittsbargA,Ps, Wm. Bell Co., John D. ,DaFis, F Lorenz, J. Painter if. Co., Joseph Wo,odyvell,Jame May Philadelphia, Alexander Bronson 4. Co.. John D. Brown 4. Co. Disciattoti,,9., James. Ild'Candteis, St. Louis, JIlo„ J. R.. IldlDonald.. Louisville, W. Pope, Esq. seplO Presl Bank Ky. , . . . 1.10 EMOV AL.—The undersigned begs leave to in forn AIL? 'tits.p"ublie;tlratilefitae removed from his old stand, to the corner of Penn and St. Clair atm, oppoaltethe change flotel, where he has fitted up a large Marro Fortnr. Wilt* Roble, and - now , offers for sale the roost splendid assortment of •Poxes ever offered in title Market. NIA pis nos consist of different. patterns. .of superior Strike Wood and blahognny, beautifully finished and mo deled, and cone . ' rutted throughout of-the very heft ,mp•. terlals,whieh,for du mbility. and'quality of tone, as well as touch, he warrants to be superior to any ever seen here. As he has entarged his manufactory, and made arrange. meats to supply the increasing demand for this instru ment, he respectfully requests , those intending to par. chase to call andexamine Ms assortment before purcha-' sing elsewhere - , so' he is determined to sell nowsa, for cash, than any other establishment east •or West ,tile mountains. • • BLUME, Corner of Tenn and dit. Male *Mete. sei►lo Opposite titemsonange Hotel, Pittsburgh, Pa. . ILAVARRANTED) GENUINE.—Dr. :T• V"; :Evitniai Cemonille . t CsiTtricA.Tr.s.—Leiter,from.the floe. Ablitat •M'Clei• lae,Vedirean COulity r EeitTetreetsee,lltearberoftehrese Westazartynt,lizty-Siti Sir—Since I have Wein inittboity 1-have neettsemcof year Dyspeptic , medichiewithltifilike ,, benefih , and. satis radian, and belleveitOote ' , most vahlahis -remedy. : Otte of my constituents;Dr. A. Darden,:etZatiipheliocitinly, Tennessee.. wrote to me to send' hiss some. 'Which V'tiiii. , and he has mployed livery In his practice; and says it is invaluable; Mr: islinson, yen, agent at' thli.plate s . think, yiitt iwobibly like an agent in' Veldiesiee. if sOi.t Writildrecommend Dr. A Carden as.l a properperson to Olktiatst for'the sale of your celebrated Makin& llitotilayekteMmissicm — tifitt he is wining tm !ket-freF yed.,..7Atint missend thesnSdisineht water:Acktbez tare of Rokikielfirigit Sow - gatexelne - enunty.Teanel. l seSt'ef by"- landt 4i4 lo 4 l7suiraus 4. 'aiougan. Tazewell. Zastl It'irlitiilleo- 'el' - treins - detubt7 bet -it you had agents In: several counties inr.asi Telaselleein great dell otilleal'': *liy Irill ',be4104 1 . \ 4 assymingsestke some of it home`: for„fuz-owit,*. atii4litatzef •sayAfriends, and should! likedp, pear from-inn whether Ism _would like.an agent at iftuntville.dellivanauttr Sam Tennessi.e; I can get' Name of ite.utereltisits to ter you net live , near therej IrGUNIVWXIn 4I 4 4 T ?....;: • 4 .; , • . ... _J ,=•; . -;-A,011,4141.414 1 14,N4444 , 4 1, of Tennessee. rt \vet ttarlak- Maboa * O,Ailtit. t . . i s s . 151.1. ti ,.. . modl asp io No. 2% W ood MOW , Z .- ' }rjJ, Pittsburgh, June 18,1838. • Mf:',loFif Dittnnatti--Dear,ffir—:-Having been predent, yettarchiy,rif the 'experiment which you were,pleasid to inailti; thaPresence oir a notilber of out business Men, l of theriifety Or -Your IRON COESTS, inoaseeif lira t ot toe Pleasure to Say, that so far es I wart capable' judging; the test wai fair.' and the result eiceededi my expectations. I . 1 - The Chest ; was a small one, about 30 inches high, by, starlit IS or/0 inches in breath and' depth, and was pla. l cad on a block of Wood about a foot in thickest*, so as rial] to elevate it idling ihtithelght from , 'the ground; sarto books atid neratspirpersivere depoted Intdde.of it, to the manner in whlell Merchants, and others would usTalty ! Piece theinL-ci large quantity of 'light plats wood [ labs from an adjoining Saw Mill,} was' then placed around and aimve It; 'and the fire kindled en the chest. Windward so as ` to drive the dame against the back part of the ' t'The fire Was kept cip about three 'quarters of an boar, , until you bad gone among the spectators and received ' from - them their universal answer that the test was sufficient. 'The chest wasthen drawn out of the'firg, and cooled, and . crpened, and examined. The contents were all isfe; and the only injury done was to the hack of one hook which appeared to be a little cuarred. from what I witneased, 'I think that these chest/rare desery trig of contidence,as affording, perhaps. the best security to Merchants fur their books and-papers, which they can have without building large, thick, and expensive vaults. I would consider th'em - a better sec .uity than many vaults which I have teen built . Your ffiii'M *lenUd, E.I. CHURCH. We concur in the above ,slatemens, having been pres• sent when the cheat was tested. W. Cooper, J. H.. Shornber. ger„ Robt Bell, J. Laughlin, -J. Pniateri • .d. Certtell. Jr. C. L. Arnistroug, 4. H. Hoge, Thomas Craig, S. 0; Howard, J. W. Hoyt. • Extract of a Letter from Pugh 4. Atycortt, dated, Cia ciuttati,VAtit Jtfarz h,1842- .1. Defining . , Pittsburgh, Pa: Ribpseted Fr ends We have the satisfaction to state as the best recommendm ion we can give Of the utility of your Iron Safes, that we in have. one of them which was 'malt exposed situatiun our counting' room, at the time A - 1 the fire, on the 'horn ing of the 10th that, which consumed our Polk BouSe to. settler with a large portion of the meat, lard, 4.c, which it contained;—and that our booksand papers phich were In the Safe, were entirely uninjured, and were taken from it after the fire; without ever being discolored. Yours, 4.c. PUGII 4. AL VORD. Eztract of a Letter from Slater 4. Holbrook, dated St. Louis, - Feb. 24th, 1841. MIL DVlNtlitt, Dear Sir: One of your geconti sizechesis was burned a few days ago, in a leather store—lt pre. served its contents. Respeci fully yours, sep 10 SLATER 4. HOLBROOK. Han LIVEIt COMPLAINT cured by the use of Drj itch's compound Strengthening and A perleni Fills.. Mr. Wm. Richards, of Pittsburgh, Pa., entirely cared of the abovedistresslng disease His symptoms were pain and weight in the left side, toss of appetite, vomiting, acid eructations, a distension of the stomach, sick heaffinche, furred tongue, countenance changed to a citron coloi, diffi culty of breathing, disturbed rest, attended with a tough, great debility, with other symptoms indicating great de• rangement of the functions of the liver. 'Mr. RiChards had the advice of several physicians, hut received no relief, until using Dr. Ilarlich's Medieine, which terrnina. ted In effecting a pe-feet cure. Principal Office. 19 North Eighth Street, Philadelphia. For sate in Pittsburgh by Samuel Frew, corner of haler ty and Wood streets. . sep 10 Cincinnati, February 15, 1840 Dr. SIVAVNIC—Dear 'lr:- Permit- n,e to take the lib ion: rty of writing to you at skid time to express my' approbati and- to recommend to the attention of heads of families and others your Invaluable medicine—the Compound Syrup of PronusrVirginiana, or Wild Cherry Bark. in my travels of late 1 have seen In a great many instances the wonderful effects of your medicine in relieving chit.. dren of very obstinate c omplalnti, such as CoUghing, Wheezing, Choaking of Phlegm, Asthmatic attache. .tc. 4-c. 1 should not have written this letter. howevet ,at present, althongh I have fett it-my duty to add my testi i ' moray to it for some time, had it not been for a Ittie In. stance where the medicine above alluded to was last te mente! In restoring to perfect, health an •-•only ld," whose case was almost hopeless, in a family of my at. qttaintance. .4 thank Heaven," said is dueling moth. er,orny•child is saved from the jaws of deatid 1:1 hoW i feared the relentless ravager But. my child is safe! is safe!" Beyond all doubt Dr. Swayne's CoMpound-Syirup of i Wild Cherry Is the most valuable medicine in this or any other country. lam certain I tave witnessed more than one hundred eaves where it has been attended with COCA• 1 plete success. 1 am using it myself in an obstinate at. ; tack of Bronchitis, in which it proved effectual In a ex. ceedlugly short time. considering the severity of the cage. I ran recomend. it in the fullest confidence of its superior virtues; I would advise that no famity should be w ithout it; it is very pleasant and always beneficial—worth 1 double and often ten.timea - its price. The public are as. sured there lone quackery aboutJsexaos, D. 1). . Formerly Pall or of the First Presbyterian Church. N. Y. Sold by WM. THORN, who'esale t retail, only rieerit for Pittsburgh. No. 53, Market street. ,sep 10 BOON TO THE HUM AN RACE ! -4 , Diseover Awhat mill destroy Life. and you are a great slur*. Oilcan& what wit/ prolong Life, ttwd the world win call youlmpostor.". "There are faculties, undintetteetwat, within us. with sekich certain kerbs have affinity. and - oiler tokiok which; ilio d4D re re n ß s a :a Il i 131.61r1t79)PunosdewxreSetrpti:ahr9a:'sirndsr,:aFt'rteYi'ffbl'aP°1 iwniteeisrs7edVsioi t r e abst ra cts l L w il.n e ai l l l t i le rt n p ot r , Rheumatic Pains, or StitTness, - Stiffness or the .10tals, I t t TuMors,'Unnatnral Hardness, -Stiff Neck Sore Throat, 1, Croup. 'Cemtractiorii of -the rmiseles;-Hcrofulaus en. largementa; Tender Feet, and every descriptionof in jtirjr affieting • the Exterior of the Human Prame,Thttre curia or greatly relieved by his nerkerqo be. snit-derail/ actoiled-remay. Major Caserssiorera.—The following letter from Gen. eras Sandford, as to the qualities of the External Reme. dy, steaks volumes: , Neni Yoms,-Feb. 9,1842. • Rear Bir- 7 ,Wi1l you oblige me with another bottle of your excellent_ Liniment? It is cerAinly the hest of the kind I hnve ever seen. 'lt bas'eured entirely ; my ions knee, about which Iwas&o tiniasy,,and 1 have : found It productive of immediate relief in several casettof niter nal injury In -my ,fartsily. A few evenings since," my yountest child Vas seized with a violent attack ofCroup, which was nniirelY 'remoied in " trio my winner:, by:Cet i:ilk Wet chestand throat freely with the It e rtiernaltßem. think you - ought to manufacture thli Liniment for g'erieralose,iristead of confining the use Of it, as you have IlerethfOrettine; to your particular acquaintances. Yours ltuir C. W. - SANDFORD. , IL•Bakinarri, 241 Broadway, N. Y. Por indent 241`Broadway, , New York; and at his AttlideLliiif„ SR WARR street,Fittsburgh. PR lOrr-5 0 cents .perhottialwitit .directions.• - , scull) - • Riciteiare's Opium Rarelshntett, August 24t 441842. ALE 08" MR OA NA L 8 :AND RAIL RIVAO9. BE tOROINB TOWEllElTATReloticelilbecelq ten.' Mil in tairattlinee cof the setlesiteenth,i alglifeepth, ninefeehth andstaientieth' Bettions of the Act:or Aseenbly passed the 27th day of inly,l 84Z ProPosaill will he mei veil 4 . 64; lista tlephi - tineitt MUD the last day of Novem- Jew nett; (*vibe. sale of all and-each' of the Owlets and itilrlikiads belonging to the Comisottwealtb. for , which , latitef3toek.at par value. will be lecelsed it payment, Each individual or Company is requited, epecilleally, to stateltliertatViltalailine of Canal or Rail Road which thii - dappa.:lloo o 6. the amount of their respective fitds tharit*lbt; este and safognattrotaill *teemed, In Cdr#,ieteltket'-1/2411A-drilleetl*pric of risidence. in orde th ariba,ailhidalaY tielialdWore' ;eat tette' sattire The Illeßotoieltleetheiietilett:=os42-tlitirited to the :, q 4ll O 11 rMeittlilooliiefill4*l\hAnlifillOtAitlietti On the *PAC t‘o 01401ile ;finelke astratile tit& t ' ..., * - 010 ,.. viviuth i al sep 10 Iletiretatj of lb Commottarstilili Atlmisf PVtatitti &jai EMS AVKLERS TAKE Myr „IL prailded with the Eakty Gilts printed with atgarenetbet rut you age not deceived ty m geutsatating their hosts to 134. Fey Guard, when they are rot iserarti • The following lea Bat of time ty Guard at the Port of Plititie arat. oa- the Hat have the Improverlia dpparal en it Is lin pesaihte for an ei s a , SAVANNA, FORie RARITAN. IL6I ii NIAGARA, Qt ORLEANS, JEWEI , CANTON, MON LADY OF LYONS, cAODo, VALLEY FORGE, INDIAN FORT PITT, GAL BREAKWATER, QUEEN EXPRESS MAIL, RIKER ALPS, Bitll,tl CASPIAN, ECLIFV, IDA. W EST WIND. MIPH4 (IARQUETTE, TALLEY RAND, PANAMA, CICERO, AGNE4 SARAH ANN, M ESSE NARRAGANSETT, SARA I AMARANTH. MUNGO PARK, NEPTUNE, • ADELAIDE, NORTE! BEND, MARIETTA, BRUNETTE, - - ;TEA111 FERRY BOAT, The t ravellog community are rear. before they make a choice of a Itoatoe and see whether it would not he to and security to choose a Safety Gaul passa,ge ant: freight, In preference to . against explosion-41nd that they t that Ibis Invention has the unquittal fifty steam engine builders—geodesic it is to understand the stilled, and • Interested—besides a number of rea , ac gentlen en and "others—all of abkt my office, No 10. Water street, whet' pleasure al a:1 times to exhibit ray who will lake the troubleito call. sep 10 CADWALL VALUABLE REAL ESTATE The subscriber offers for eak,ei cad rates, the greater part of his real the elites of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. Brick Warehouses, nearly new. I I situate on 51 arket st reel .1 el wenn Sur bracing a front of about 54 feet by 60 tire, or separately to suit, pu: c15.4 . e0, its. Alen, a select building tot In Alletivn hreadth,b3 upward of 150 feet i fronts.. one on the Pennsylvania NILO Washington street. r l Aka. the lot adjorwing t he above. II by nearly 350 - reallby-Oarfrb, iorir6or. t gant aucniltUr hew* *Mel) / now nal . Also. a lot with two r 're inc brie* 1( ate on the corner of Market and Front stn a Moderate ground tent, an.l now °tropic/ as a groeery. • ALEX. 1111 AC seri 10 •FLax 6.ek.4.1 W .1.1,4-11.1).—%\ ado,d east, or goods, a quani ity of Flu and Almost all kinds of Country r mince I: , for cants or goods at HARRIS'S Izi:effi, Fep 21—If - Cool toisFi War,lnm, JOHN HART. Commission Alserini, dace and ihnerican Jklanufnotnia, REFER TO— inn. Grier, E-q., r n 41, Aaron Hart, Jame; C.iehran of R'd, Jno.l). Si'Vag 41. Hanna, Avery. Oaden 4. Co. Jnia. Woodboorne, Esq ,Maditoo VALUABLE FARM FOR Farm on which I 'Hee, in Wilt Broddiekafie.la, eontainir.s naelo acres; about 70 aert.e of whirl. i.eim well timbered. There, are upon it aid a barn 63 feet by 34; an ai,ptc or.' ` Also, about seventy acres of coat T I he ccitial to that of fink upland' fox I Terms mode known on applicaitnnto l In Hie peemises. . WILLIAM IF WILLIAM C. WALL, Piai, oil and Pieture Frame Ali!! Fourth Street Pitts bUrgh, —Corot H ere., for A rtints, ataate on ha. 1 " promptly framed to oider. Rtralig, est notice. Partieulurattention: paid to real': ery decrript lon. Persons fitting up Steam BOVS6f theiradvantagh to call. W HITE LEP. ..- D.The cursor to furnish painters. and 0 ' chase pure White Lend mane to an! of tte ' ranted equal, if not supe All ender.: addressed to Donlan 4- Co, No.ilaSecond street,Tiudieu 13V attended to. LOLDIES FASHIONqIILE ;VIA St.. 01. e door free Old The Sulweriber respectiully ins Phisbureh and vicinity that he tailing Shoes of his own nianofactt where he will keep COrIFIRTIM meat of all kinds of ladles, mWs , ' and shoes, of the hest quality e•estOguit the litresTie will SO. Inds of fancy wok— such at Olt slippers, colored gairters, and liculdro e,hildren's etisters. silk !niters, wilt be made at the shortest nottro nen. Ladles please call ass etaf as the subscriberwill feels confident Usti any article in his line they way eil° l fen IO lace— a I P • S. Don't forget the p-0. door from Harris's intelligence 041 frrim Markel Street VV—"---""------'—jtt..l,l A3l LaGBY harms a 5 business of Maar k nor s n Liherty street and 42. Market sttleh' thanks to ~t he nu nt emits frien4sololol firm, for the very liberal WS! PP' s tended to him, in connection r.b..4 rishesto assure them that eV 6 1 merit the continuation of tbe f 210,4 peetfully invite their! sitenthis 71 Clothing, which he In I ends selP o L ji than hes-been ever °tiered, he} 0 7;,1 the whole of the stock of thill ig la Bible; and as he Intends to CO dish business, he fe4s esolleill surpass his stock. either is eknir -- flees Of work Manship„ Nesse to hike notice Mar .., litre in 'Pittsburgh. • ' .., ,:i , • - - -ii r srlp - AIIVL M0Rg0ig....., 11 1 t---' Sheet /roe lifirielf: 1',40' Waalnd Afirk`et 0140711 r; t In his line at the el''fV andothera are sottchic i t° to, • of wares. which- aril MP"... 11-tenN• . 40 0 'floilis Speeding 4 sod 0 - • ' eeplo L t. joi)o.-,t.-.7Dr 1.6 - ra 033.1415 -1, _Kau 80/I. 211 . • aljtjkaPliela 0 • DOLL 4.1143 a SIMI:MIM I 2 lAt ti's "vgilaFB tnelu°nP :rvOa o pt: .rlute al::i I'our OIOIIIA6 1 l in% anttalllV , H One Ott' i VtarriSrAiligN kI .PLZOIVRZ. IVO S. , ' • I .111 W iSlent!ig, • I 6411 Y ear, f Stl prop:ol°n. .-' i apu.Ass a ye ird beftOcea :Mark aster. A k ir door from W hei %wen Pirzt • m, l'reasurct. 'lord ,Otreelr nel l c.1t.,-S.. Jnhnet I•etween Mark nfaYne- .Vauttb , neare M. ?iNKS" laitket and Wu, wtID '4l;lng ?llnd.) Fo geii -~V uod MEI Water at ne er of Penn and - St rnernCyirti an tv ut iltPrd and Of Penn street a greet, near SeC Si' 01 °vex. Penn Si. 8, 7 ATTOR AT LAW. on' Grant 91., ext-tooma to TT ~M. etooven Penn an reAnilk INackcp Engi!sh, Freud'. kel et , Plitshair2ll DEICLU RE, Mice in the Pittspu rgh. Attotrow, Wenn heti.ireen Wood Whoirs.,le Cu ler in Prance No. 223 Liberty clt Man "j ; n a: V I u °" eRRtI tt r 14 I : e f° r l s hNe ) 1 1A.W4 Attorney teerviees to et—Stre,ete, above V,ll, • n Ware, No 80 anti St ealiibo, G & CO., (land st. hase Farah', - tt call, being ty and price. —Just 'Teti v red and for sal ,% suppey of Lao tier different' va or sale zit REM! 84 Liberty sire, ' Bunt and rtb St., nest de a, Kid and Sati by the newes MULTLCAUL rs; to I.e dispo TI=0311: Ftowers and Fl can always he 194 Liberty sm anual Idatmticr g and seed sto • F. 84 Liberty str MOSBY SW - received by 0.184, Liber 01:misting of 1 Towels, Pruning Si =TES 1. 14, 44r5t re iOred Yen' i!itrney. ISAAC 59r4r..Sied, a aiwa • 8.1 4itietty st 1fA1 . 1,47 litatuord t bet wee I , 4 '_V ;. _!(!k An b; - LY ,_444IIGTO.APPN - French . Ar,4P,at i~~ir--TL.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers