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' .ii•., , , -- -; ,,,,, k7.-„ , ` . ..,- . `„. ~.'",.,;,:.,, ' - "....`; 1 . .. t + i • 4 " A t. 42- t 4,1 EMS .‘,^ "ei - .: , 1 ..;d4P :40?i 'p` .. •41# . ii.'-,Paitsp,. 'LT oR A *11.9 rE,T,641. Pittsburgh, Fort•Wayns and Chirago'Enitroad. (From corner of Liberty and Grant streets, Pittsburgh.) Leave Pittsburgh. Crestline,. Ft. Wayne Express Train 12-.15 A. M. 650 A.. M. 1101 P. Mall Train 6:50 A. M. 5:00 A. M. _11:00 A. .M .Express Train. ittiO P. M: 6. - 45 P.-M. 230-A.M Arrive at Chicago: Ir4press, 647 P. M.l Mail, 6:00 P.M. I Express; 6,17 Alit Returning, arrive at Pittsburgh: - Fran, 3:40 P.M. Express, 800 P...M. 1 - Express, 2:ro Alf (From Federal Street Station, Allegheny.) - Few Brighton Accommodation.. 9 - .30 A. M 44:0P.M • - 6:25 A. btr 12:10 P.M r: xpress Thiin Mad. . _ Line 7 neJobnatown Way Pas9euger Train Johnstown Accommodation—. l'.rat Turtle Creek .iicond Third . 6:00 A; ?d., Lb P. AL 2;50 P. N..11:00 A. M. .10:41.1 A. M. , 0:50 A. AI "• " 0 , ..20 P. M. - :qtJ6 P. N Pittsburgh and Comettsrille kailrora. ' ••• • (Frorn Liberty and Grunt streets.)* Na Leaves. Amves. __ _il Train 7:00 A. t 1.15 P. Al lixpress Train 4:30 P. 31. - 8:43 A. Ai CZeseland and Pittsburgh Aziln..ad. (Prom corner of Liberty and tirantatreets.) . Leaves: Arrives: M. 240 A. M. . 0.25" A. AL 4.00 P. M. : 1.05 P. AL 8:30 P. M. ..5.00 P. 31. 11.00 A. Al. . Expre..is Train Nall Train Aecolomodution., Pittsburgh, Columbus and Cincinnati Railroad. 5,p1 db m. 11.20 A. 111 ExplOss 'Trails:: 1.05'P. 1:30' - 730 4. Ai Court of quarter Sessions, Before Judges - 3VPILtre, 441aIns and Parke. . TnunsnaY, June 9th,.1859:' Commonwealth vs. John Sing, T. J..Critty, Luke Berry et al; indicted for the murder of Augustus ; llihlman. The Diitrict A ttordey opened the case for the Commonwealth. In the course of his re unirks he stated that he had examined the wit, ness..ns, and did not think a Couyietion for rder the niTt degree could he had. He read tine of Assembly defining the different grades of - ' Dr„ }f practising - • - hi - the . tow Vert' Perry. 4 Was acquainted with- Augustus,Dillimim i the do ceased; attended' him in :a spell of sickness, I , ot had no knoWledge of him between the '2d iijid )Oth of 1858. . Was ealaki upon by iron4r - AleXitrider fdinake - tip i i4l tr rteni P.r amination of aeceaked: round a wOnrid op the front part of the head, back of the frontal bone; removed the scalp and found the skull fractured and depressed; sawed out the freetur... ed portion ; gangrene had taken place, and the discharge was very offensive. Death resulted front the 'wound; could not say with whatscrt of an instrument the wound was inflicted. The post 771071 CM examination was made on the night of the 10th of April. , Cross.:exanzincii—A.ltend'ed deceased a week previous to his, receiving the, hurt. If the pr9per timely means had been applied, the de ight. ' l!yq. 16 , 71er, PLora—.Knew 4ugust Dirdmiiii' 'the:night, 115'iratt r irijuied j _I. was at iiihding,t;ar Tor - Fred. Masser; saw Isaac An: derson; John Ring, and T. J. c!fitty in the bar roorri that night ; did r i e4 sep - fiery' I. iif past eight. 0'.zt041, - . Washingtiin 4ewis, - llttrly and' pglle .ilridO'Spe came in; Lewis and Ifurly; 01,...,ed for more later; ?qr. Tiniser ffil4 it NSA! time to *l nn and no wonld ilifiOititOordhetEr IltirlY-Bnd'Aluler tift Went auldSMlla time aftermird4 a stone (.anie through the iNdinlowl - John Itaj , mon came in, and after bhn came August Dihlman, with the fore part of his head- bleeding. Dildulan died in eight days afterwards. Arn3. - Nasser, &I. the . time the stones were thrown, was in the /filet/en. A great many stones were thrown. Did not go out to see 'by whom they were thrown; did not see any of defendants about at the time. Luke Berry lives in Port Perry',; did net see himabout for some time after the Olf +Vaq 14 " .. B, i'l•e/1:” r . e'reiminell---Tt was about half an hour after. Lewis Burly and Anderson left that the ,tones were thrown -Per'is A r ea, sivolv —Live in 'port Perry. Op Raster ldonday, in April, 1858, was in Fred. riNilsser's house; Icing and Crotty wanted' to sing before the counter; Na:s.ser said they should put do so, that they were pg better than the others. Iringand Cratty drank their beer and went out. Saw nothing wrong after that; and , ;vent (Jot infdrlciatibnralletwardi that there was going to I)BA:fight., and went. back to. Nasser's; saw Andy titrcilli and .i.ohn King throwing stones through the WindoWs. Heard h:worriau and children crying and went in the house at the rear door. Took a candle and went out the front door. saw Vratty, titrepb, Burly and IAWiS; Ptrouti was asking for his hat; Pagel; hiddalliiii; find asb-ed Who wbp throw.stones beside .hint and King;' took him (Stioub) into the bar-room, and asked him again; he said he 'wmild not tell ate, celled me a s--- of a b—, and I. hit him on the bead four . or five times. Straub went out, through the back door, and after that more atones were thrown. I went out again without a candle, and was standing near the fence;,HurlY shook hands with nie, and asked if ho had done any thing-wrong. While I was shaking hands, I was knockedtown from behind with &stone; about five minutes after Dihlman was knocked down; went with Ditilman into the house; he was hurt very. had; his cap was : cot through., pay/ him every day after Wards until ho died. Prose'-examined—pihlmati' boarder:lst Nas !ars' sat 412 0 14 aftßf • he hugs strual' tiut he die not drink any beer. 1. I if4sori list#P a lagqtßer house in Port Perry ;came home lite op the evening 4 „of .goeter r iletqteen - eight and 'Pine o'hiohk "Alide'rshh, 1:Th1.1/and ewis tf a l u Pt i ll 41 4 itsls4 : 4 .fgr o bper 4 .4914 .ikeln, had lillirMitr l 6l4 1 1 1 /PP. g l .4iNiint out, and heard some lou ; thought there wpoi , 11,,Vit; arid !nem:" for open nis Neel. Stones were thrown through the win dow into the bar•room and into' the kitchen. [Thiswitness, corroborated the evidence of Dennist Neel.] Did not see Berry 'during the whole night -•Dihlman lvardedwith me; after he 'vial hurt he did not eat much, and com plained nitiehltdwardatitedast ;.:=was with him when he died... 3Latle theiriformation on which dcsfendaliki:WCie" tiirestel me to' settle #l.o44o4lol@utgx nki.131114. - 4. Qross-eramiaed—Drank lieelon that night; Was neither drunk nor sober. 4 6 " R CY 34 nt Morn. :--Yirw in Port Perry on the night of the difbcolty . a. Diblman niter he was. struck. I was coming, down the road, Mad - saw' King, Cratty,'Andeipon and Lewis;" this was before decessed•was struck. Lewisaidd ho could Whip - a Dutch" hotelier, lnEloninK 1134 4 , .' a.9;•ttPlk;;;;oldtri In ;o - Armakon. Cratty said ho was,tre of Port Perry Lind Brada&leiViehl, 111 . 14 Wen stinck me in the eye. Stones' were thrown and Ilan into the z coblihed ;mine out and went to litasser'ir house ; the front door was lookerlr."I. looked into the window, and was struck with a stack by Jacob Xrasser'; asked him why he didt, and he said he did not know mo. Went Into the house, and was there-when Diblman came in r- Saw thatlair was' truck. . • Samy.ll Van,ipay, worn—Residci ill Port Perry; intitihfiiliass'er's house cm the morn ing of tho occurrence; - saw a man There with'a white handkenchiof tiediainund Ids head.;'ask., ed him, in.Gerinan, what was tIM matter, and An.inid- di - cob - Sasser bad struck him. on the head with a bade. Jacob Kenai: lfis. ••Ito'drain igniset,;, and August ,P 1 Ac e wer9-caVe . 4•11,4 corrrobora tell e v idence o£witnesses. &mend othirtrittiesiesireiniailfenbixenaed, 11 M4 1 4.411.4.4*44nEksi 3 ritiri.$0,14,ifitMes, attachments were-Tiansdforlhem= to insure theieattefidtmee; if farad , theZheriErf off:Mere were instructed te lodge them in jail., court adjourned.till . nine this morning. - • ausrniiiani alylaa:;nr. .hboys'eclobing. both plain an'd' fancy, may beaaan at J. L...earnia . . - ghsin Co'a„ Roden-lo*, Alreeffiy• - BEgiiNE BEEBE NOLIMIK VI Daily, Fire Dollars _per Year, atnetly in ad Tanee- , '"WeeklY: angt.Csuiptlane Two Dol lars per year; in Clubs of tire, Ono Dollar.. LOCAL AFFAIRS. . • . Departure and •Arrlval •of Passenger „ . . . Pennsylvania Zai/road. .. - (Frain corner of Liberty. and Grant.eireets.) Leaves. Arrives. 8:50 P. M. 12,15 P. M. 2:50 A. M. 11:50 P. M. 4:20 P. M. 12.7:10 A. M. .";1 ' . i.:1...f: 7 ' , r . - 74 •-: .5.4.i..:;...-1.::i,;,. ,< ~ :~~ .Ifind• PicAle of `the Pennsylvania .Dragoons... ,COLLINS Pwalc RACE.—The track yesterday Flag. Presentation. was flue after the shower,-and there was ageod ' The Pie-Nic of thp Pennsyliania Dragoons, Capt. Vierheller, which came off yesterday it attendance to witness the spirt. Everything was orderly and pleasant. Iron Pity Park, wail a very pleasant and well . 'First came a trotting match, mile heats, best ariango social military gathering. The as -sentblage was 'very harm. numberingupwardstwo out Of three, for'a gold medal. . Felix Laverty, entered black mare, Sallie of a thousand ladies and gentlemen. Ward, The entertalninent was excellent, music and dancing forming a chief feature. At the table Johnatson, bay share, Fanny ,Robinson, . W On'the first heat 'Sallie started ahead; Finny we observed quite a number of invited guests, 'broke a eouple of times but finally came a amonewhom Were his Honor, the Mayor, Col. length ahead, in 2.50. On the second heat, Rowley„:Gen. Snodgrass and others. Fanny kept ahead froafitti start and came in Previous to the - dinner, Col. Leopold Said four or five lengths ahead in 2.48, winning the made amosteapital address to the soldiers iri race. the Ger Man language, closing by introducing Then came a pacing match for a gold cup, Mayor Weaver, who, on behalf of a number of Thos Bailey entered bay horse Dick Turpin. the Com gentlemen Harvey V anvoorhis, bay mare Si's, and Cbar ; presented pany with an Aniericini-trag. ley Jeremy, the sorrel horse Gipsey. The 'Mayor addressed the soldiers as follows: On the first beat, Dick and Lipsey to sulkies, Captain Vierheller:—Gentlemen of the Penn;and Sis tinder the saddle, the bridle of the hit sylvanin Dragoons, I have been requested by ter brokOand she left the course. Dick came in ahead of Gipsey in c':so. - some o r a gYlPlWW;eilizemt-fer have a On the second heat, his led off in fin;t-rate higliregard; tccbti`pieseht on this occasion, and stile, and Dick passed her in the first quarter, tender you as a testimonial of their good wishes winning the heat and race in 2:5i, Gipsey coin --for-yotirself and company, this superb flag ingin second best but some distance behind. ,ofoureofintry. In obedience to those wishes , The followime, races were announced for eheetfully confide to your patriotic care and next Thursday,' viz: A trotting match for keeping this symbol of American freedom and and greatness. Already thirty-threestars,glim- four year olds, mile and repeat. P. entered roan colt Kate M'Kinley ; and Sam ther,-andiglistemirl RS, „azure- folds Psign of hope and triumph nigh" to the oppressed of Butler the bay colt John. The visitors at the course had a good, time every land. We gentlemen ; :at this time, -view With kindling ardor and enthusiasm its expand-"g enerall y ing folds and increasing brilliancy, but should war sound itsdread alarm, and Columbia call her smile; the battlefield, therr indeed Klett soldier, eye will briptlitv turn To 'where iLi meteor glories Inirn And us Ins springing steps ad, anee, 004 ntr,iwie iteneeenee la the glance, As patriots and philatitrophiSts, letus hope the day is far distant when our bright banner shall wave amid the smoke and carnage of battle. Rather let our starry ensign be hailed and known as the harbinger of Peace, and the nu :Routh emblem ;of a:great yerlile;prosperous and'free.'' But 'whether us citizens or sMidiers, gentlemen, T may tretlifidly say this flag will boast no warmer admirers, truer friends, or more gallant defenders, should need be, than the Pennsylvania Dragoons. As In the pa geant of mimic war, it shall hereafter float over your ranks to the summer breeze, may it prove an incentive to high and honorable ex ertions,.to- .stirring deeds and noble induce ments. Deathless fame is not alone the heri tage tif- lief veteran Warrior or dauntless chief tain. Peace bath her own victories as well as war, and' OM it' may pot hp your to;tune to - - serre.Yoni•• coUntry on :the tented field, yet may you, one-and all, wits tho applause of your countrytifen by the manner in which you tlis -01(11.0'$-our high duties its American citizens. As it military corps, ever ready to respond to your country's call, . your bearing and deport ment is a sure guarantee of your usefulness, and I doubt - not you will preyn yourselves worthy sons of PenusylVania and Fatherland, in whose bosoms' stili plows n love of liberty, and nu undyin g tiatreci to iyranny. After passing the day most pleasantly, the company and guests diverseil as the shades of night came on, well satiAled with the days en joyments G. P. It. JAMES'S NEW NOVEL.—Messrs. T; 11. Peterson & Bros- j u . d. pu bli shed from tht author's own manuscript, G. P. C R. James new histc,rical noyel, entitled -The Cav alier." It is one of the best of tho popular works. which have emanated from his pen. James lean agreeable. as well as a prolific now eliqt. iris *lyie E•tiotlg, };a spic and vigorous,his subject well selected, and his plots good and well wrought out. Messrs. Peterson have is shied his new work, "The Cavalier" in two dif ferent ,stsies•,- Iry two Volumes - paper cover, at ont'i deilkie, or hatitlsoluely bound in ono at or either edition, free of nuiGage dill basant to any pail of the: Trailed States, on any one remitting the price to the fluut, & Minor have the book for sale in this city. ARRESTED FOR. COUNTEEFEITIND.—Deputy ;U:riltecilitates.,Marshil - Bernard, Dougherty, yesterday,arrested. Susan Keyser, at u boarding house on' Fourth street, on a warrant issued from the United, States District Court for the Western District of Virginia, at Wheeling, charged, in connection with Charles Pri9e, who ;virtu: firrested. in Allegheny city, on Tilesday, with counterfeit ng. Both parties were ar rested Mid' ]air at Wellsburg, r- - ,V41 1 ,. 00401, :hut maliing . „ their . .es;tipti, and keeping; oitt of the waforthe officers until the present time. The Marshal will remove them 'on Monday, to. the District they. will I Ni Wad:. Tll2 ' numerous ytl4-erditY. ii.a6ll = theeltv, .tre ci Well' Attended. including the tidd Fellows' pie-nie at Glen wood, : . ..the Pep nsy vat! EllnrgoonS presenta tion find'ple-nle'nfleori City Park, - the Straw berry Fmtipatat •Uornewonii..and itlSO vnl at Valley Grove, near ilulton station, on the Allegheny Valley' Railroad, for the benefit or , a elinfelf at that idae - e. 'The day wii‘ a delightful: one, neither too warm nor tooeuol— justsuch a day as one can enjoy in the coon try2—nrid'we'llaye 110 tioutit that all who vis ,ited.tlteai planes will feel the better fur the few hours of relaxation and open air exercise they have enjoyed. - C4.§1 . 1..N11 8 . - 0110 of tho largeateastingB ever,made in the Untied States was made for a new sloop-of-war now building at the' Kittery yard: ' It was a steam condenser, and nineteen tons of metal were used in the easting.—Neto York - Post. • At the Foundry of Knap, Wade & Co., in ibis city, preparations are now nearly for casting a gun for the United States, whicl, will requyv ,Dirty tons- of litchi! to be melted and used itituce. The casting will be made in the eourso_of a couple Of nem tlis t as .we were a daj* iii two'since informed dly'kayo t¢o skillful foTeniun- - cif %1,0 foundry. , Mu. readers will recollect an individual' hy the name of Fish, who visited the West-as- the agent of ftieecdoraini. 100 NV4.9 looked upon us rather a Scaly fellow"by the newspaper men, :who found it soinewhat•difli cult to eqlleet their bills from him in some :in stances. A few days sipee,the aforesaid Fish wns'arrested In New York City for the non payment of FicLOlornini's board bill. Maret zee and Strairwh 'both offered to go his bail, but he'steadfristly'reAtsed.' Ile finally got at liberty 'by; tiro Attorneys of Mr. Lumbley, the .F.nglhtly manager, for., whotn :acted as agent, Mlyingthe_.bill. gLANTSD CORN..,—The American Ag riciaturist foiJuno says: 2, ? Some good farm ers purposely delay their principal corn-plant ing until 'the first of, June ;"that "when planted into the ground is warm, and quickly germinates the seed, starting it at once into a -vigorims growth, that spa oyertikkes anci gees ahead of the curlier plimted." They also agree . that ono hoeing Is eared by the late, working of 'the'Soil, 4,70. * • , , , . • Fanners; whose crops have been injured - by' the frost,' hare hero the opinion of Orange 'Judd, s practical farmer; to encourago them to plant - again ; if neemsary. • • ' • A litrisixci..- - We are daily requested to call attention to the condition of the• sidewalk in front of the new building now being erected on the corner of Market and Fifth stmts. It is covered over with loose plank, in such posi tions as to form a complete' man-trap, in`addi tion to bricks and atones scattered aboutinlieh profusion, and a morter bed covering a portion of the walk. A lady frain.Allegheny city fell as doWn,while'pang this place, yestere . o #iern ingi. ruining her clothing and receiving some severe bruises. The Mayor would accommodate the public by:having the nuisance abated. A Immure. of coal miners, employed by - the Messrs:. Watson, at - Beck's/WTI, on the Monon gahela river, have ceased Work. They Allege that ' their einployers' wish to reduce their *ages -sonic temper cent :which-they resist. They held a meeting, passed resolutions niit to work for the price , and advising other miners to hold out -against- raducti4. E. It'..llw.4)lr.,oftte=!;secikiille Jejfersoiien, sends us tt ateectmettoopy of a paper, which he itttends-_pliblishing during the . Erie 'Annual Cettfetenaief xhe 31. F. 'Cher* which- fon velum et. Brookville twithel4th The entteprise.4emer skew •• 4 -4t‘f 47. • 7,, - ••• ' . - . - • - . • . . . .•-. . ... .----- . ,• . • . ~,..1...0.,,:.,.,...__ ... , .. ~.. : . ~ .. .. ... . • . , ..... ._ .... .. • •. • . . .._ . ......... .. .. . .. .:•.. ... ..•.. .....i..........,,.......i.,, ..... ..... .. .. .......1 ... - . . . • . .. , . ...,., • . .. . •. . , . . . , . . , . ... • . , COUNTRY RESIDENCRA.—Many of our husi n.eas men have already purchased lots from atuong , the many beautiful spots adjoining the city, for the purpose of erecting private resi dences thereon, and many more aro doing;so every day. In this connection, special attti- Lion is directed to the advertisement of IV; 0. Leslie, Esq., in another Column, headed "Anak land Property for Sale." This is ono of :the most desirable places—convenient to the city-- within our knowledge. nodes the terms are ex tremely liberal, we expect. to law of a large number of lots-tieing sold. Ttt r. Clue Er ltoreti between the Olympic And, C . [tartlets crleltet Chits plaeu - on Thursday of next week. The Olynipie. were practicing, yesterday, on.the North Common, Allegheny, with a strong force in the field. The Chartier boys have 111140 Leeri playing sev eral games .‘• to get their hanc.l.4 in." Both clubs contain crack players, but if the Chartiers defeat the Olympic they inu4 do some, fine playing. COAROF OF Ittor.-1,1,-1 I•Vl'ltillEr, a party of four young men, under 'the inrowneo of too much lager, went into Iteititz:b suitoin on Sixth street. and acted in n riotous and disorderly manner, tearing down the gas; fixtures, and otherwise injuring the property of the saloon. Mrs. Benit!. appeared at the )taYor . s "Olen end . made oath agaitis,t, them riot.. They %%ill , hails a hearing at nine e'eloek this morning. • Tug Morris Mo.'s, Poll and Trowbridge 11.1.iNtrela are at tho Arch Street Theatre._ Phi ladelphia. They intend to visit Pittsburgh somo time in. July. SI:411 It ER C LOTH I NG, -.- • k tri, s oe 0 article, for 4,20,;: mac “"en , e b,n.:S fo u nd3'<n lti a q' and tiw ‘4 meat of Messrs. \v. 11. 31:Geo & Co., at tlitT corner of Market square and Federal stied, Allegheny city. These gentlemen have every description of the InuAt ih.ghimnible which they ninnuraptnre in the hest manner. Their stock of gentlemen's goods is large and 61e,gant, and their prices moderate. They never fail to please their cnstoniers. KATINCI 1117 STK.V.I.— As a testimonial of the itorkwnliko rnattner, porfoo, twti o ti o f their e lt".. rviztaatittg rmu.hines, itt Rtcl, and flu httlentt.otion neex•ssary to room comfortable. tca biro this rertitiento 1,. mid Phillip-, 9uect.ssors to Phillip.. • t'o, for their ',No of - 1.,.; t t0w iJCuni the Sevoial (Vont Sehool. n 11,,' vity of Vittsburgh.and which ha:.met our upproval, mat would rt , orninond them to the puldi, 1.. giro entire wttifla,tion of heating by steam. IL:Miller, Jr., John Slnr”hull, Jr., rti. George Wth , on, John Wtl,'ai, Ihroetors. DAVIS & Shorn limany, G. Mitiv. Pfambthq am: Liras: i),./.4 in curry &NI - 44ton of G, Fuquiy.sond No. C 7 'Wood and 14A First strew; de1o:1y10• AIECITANIC,;' INSTITI/TR. —This Instituthrn, want of which Its, bocci 5010114 felt by wit closet,: iv now open. tind..r the , uperintendeno. , of Jarimitui A J 01105401. in li, Lafityeti, 1:1014101g, Co t:lmre, ttr. l ou.l strk.t. It,. kic , i,!;liett for aw lit v.lllal exhibition lii lb. prodnetm (IS .breCtIAIIIINS. N10n1114..111- rem Insttrit....r,, :tad Art.,1.,; an.l 04. a pineo rt,..rt for thou, settling information r..buive 11,0,, brmi,•l.,•.. of industry. ..itie•r by ~:11/1111101011 or vemdUtie puttlit•ltuttn, tat ;utiel,... O s tiring hitfort• the linhlie wilt find it greatly to their ad yantag.• teat, Katoptr,, Ihr 1116 public are ro , ffettlilly tura...kJ to shit tilt) •rt_,Litzta. Cal.f/iTSB. st MEICTZkin, House, Sign 'and Ornamental hunters and Braluers. Orders left nt their shop on Fourth street near Market, Burke's Building, will bo promptly attended. *Ora The Human many persona this delicate unit icantiful ornament, by burning it wi th eilei•lndir tomehe.t and plaatering it with grease, whialt hits no affinity for the <hln :in , ' hi t Oil, /L. 4 itl ilre.tirig for the ltir—is rendity ttb,ortititt, wet peonliarly atopted to its %%tritely eonaitiithii, reveuthie . ite falling off, aitil firemoting Iha heohliy Site ..frertlitetrieut. Burnett's Cocoaine. n Burnett's Cocoainc. Burnett's Cocoaine. Sir A compound al Cocoa-ma Oil, &e., for dre,ing the Hair. For et/Scary and agreeablen7, it N without ~ .. .14 prtrao/al ILI heattary ark/ rigaroar yrTrlh ; i f : P L::::::::::rit7Ay : 41147 Ql;: ' - .. -. ft tenets tam dinigremble &Jar r IL &peas the hair when hard anti ,tru t li tuothes Me ieritaled st(l. , Min ; ft affaras the richest thsfre; It remains langraf in effect: It rusts fifty mat.; for a 1011 f yin, tddttt.;.. It nip 1.4 Lail nt Rcxer'4., Burnett's Cocoaine. Burnett's Cocoaine. Burnett's -Coeoaine. TEBTrMON !A L. Mrsaas.,Y,. EMMETT & Co.---I cannotrefuso to state the salntary effect in my own aggravated case of col lent. Hair Oi I—(Cocoai no.) For many .months ruY hair had bcen,falling off, until I ITO fearful of losing it entirely. The akin uponMy head became gi l s...tually more and more inflamed, so that 1 could not touch it without pain. This Irritated condi tion I attributed to the use of various advertis,O'hair washes, which I kave since been told contain camplacno spirit. By . the advice of my physician,' to whom you had shown your process of purifying the Oil, I commence,' its use the last week in' Juno. The' first Applicktion allayed tho Itching and irritation; in three or four days the rednessruid tenderness disappeared—the hair ceased to fall, and I have now a thick growth of new hair. I trust that others, similarly afflicted, will be induced to try the same remedy. Yours, very truly, • 91.19A15i R. POPE. Burnett's Cocoaine. Aurnett's Cocoaine. Burnett's Cocoaine. "si`,A single application . renders the hair (no nuitt:er how Off and dry,)iorclind glossy for several days. It is conceded by all who have asedit, to tht , !Tat orut leap - at - BairTtreasirig in World.. „ • Get: the gem,fine at - DR:REYSER'S DRUG ANDiER YObIRRY STORE, Ho Wmiletreet;_e . ign or the ten Mortar, Whohasale, Agent for Weeteeii Peuneylv.sni. . rpHE . 11 SRGES 1 r.'AND - .;CHEAPPT asadetinentof FRENCH' EMBROIDERIES - 1n: the city.'. . - - EATorri cam * co, ; .eorner-Fifth and Market streets., I - 1) .4.-Arabialr t:81 OEYELEk'`h AND . 4l. •!• 99 WoOd - EX; oPPiskte et' 0""x1e.4 NuW:Vonu, June, O.—The:Royal mail Stettin. ship Africa arrived here this morning. She left Liverpool on the 28th. her dates are not so Into as thoie furnished by the Arago at St. Johns. The Austrians profess satisfaction at the re-r snit of the battle. lien. Gyulai reports that his loss was 300 filled, i 18. wounded and 281 missing. Ile,said the French force numbered 40,000, but they abstained from all pursuit. Count Stadion, commander of the Austrian forces, was wounded during the battle, Some of the French authorities still assert that there was not much over 4,000 Freaks en gaged in the battle, others place the slumber at 12,000. There were popular risings in some parts of Parma in favor of the Sardinian cause. A vague rumor had obtained circulation, via Vienna, that Gortsebachoff, the Russian foreign minister, has resigned because the Emperor re fused to carry out his engapiements with France. In England the Derby ministers had'. issued strong - appeal to theirTarliamentarY sapporters for their early attendance, to meet the opposi- Gen movements. The war excitement was high in southern Germany. • • • It was expected that Kossuth would go to Genoa in about a week, with the full concur rence of Napoleon and the King of, Sardinia, to concert plans with Elapha, and others, to overthrow the Austrian power in Hungary.. The new king of Naples, Vraneis I, had been accepted. lty telegraph it is announced that nearly all the powers, and the army, had - sworn their allegience... LIVEIWooL lIREADSTUFIB MARKET, May 2 9 .--Ricluirdson & 'Spence quote flour as very dull and unsaleable. French flour offered at a decline. Sales of American at 1 1P.145. Tuitim Nay 27;—The Austrian steamers are cruising about in Lake Maggiore, threat ening the towns and villages on tho banks of the Lake. The inhabitants being in arms, of fer resistance to the menaces of the stuniv. The steamer llialetzki appeared before the town of Cawnol,,io, and fired is few' shots, with out etThet. The asebarge froin the small arms of the National Guard soon compelled her to be away egsin, A.• private Message an notinees that Wu. Garibaldi occupies a strop position near Varese. yesterday, Count saltneur departed for 'Naples. TURIN, Saturday, May 28.—At Lane:arr ..: ino, in the Dutch). of Parma.. th: - people - hay , dini• risen, and pronow , l g 'er the Kin of Sur • General Ribotte is nt tho head of tho Tuscan troops. The military engineers and gen d'amn's en tered Parma amid the plaudits of tho people, who deelanal for the King of Sardinia and Italian independence. The Parmeson troops hare' retired. Timis - ca. May 27. —!-Advices have been re ceived from Corfu to the dim :2:41 inst. Two Austrian titeauters had arrived there without hindrance. TOrT ON, May '27.—The Siege fleet which is now ready to sail from this port is compo,al of thirty-two and gunboats. Th., French Minister of Marine has ordered two additional ships of the line, ttml two frigates to beprepnr el Inisiosliatele for Sea. The correspondent of the London T;wes, at Vienna., in a letter date tho states that fitin: (taribaldi's corns was only fifteen Miles frein The London I'mo, was seized- tho Paris Po,t, °dice v 01... terclay, the 2.7 th inA.,.'tho Paris correspondent of the:7,jitiOil nimotitiYes that '(he army of the East is to Is inereaied. 160,00 men. M. Dal legrand has been appoihtxxl Ambassa dor from France at Nantes. Fethrt Washington. WASIIINUTON aune --Secretary ' Floyd bas returned from his visit to Virginia. llii•tMg not entirely rt . :revered Lis beAlth. A ei;ounts from Tampico represent that M in i,ter Nl' lima, nos cordially welcomed by the State and city authorities, lie went thither to make arrangements for the protection or th e American interests in the event of an ng , nult by Miramon. The increase of our squadron in the (lull, hag occasioned much joy, both to our countrymen and the Liberals. There Ic reason to believe that our Minister to Madrid has boon imtrueted to avail himself of the itarlie.4 opportunity to assure the Span ish Government of the emrttestru , sa of the tint te4 ;St:iti,ti Cuba;abaltitit. the mon ey win romptly purls. nebry'N. gonith - has been -, apphinted Post master of Norwalk, Connecticut, in, place of Williams, who has been removed. Roger Pryor, today, severed his connection with the votes, but will be an occasional con tributor. Other able v.ditorint, help has been socurisl. Further Accounts of the Flood on the Upper Mississippi. Cuti•Ano, June o.—The Minnesota papers of the lith, contain further details of the flood. The damage is much greater than first stated. Lem, and St. Paul is entirely stibmerged.:` The St. Anthony Minneapolis storm flood was terribly deAruetlyo. property to the amount of several hundred thousand dollars Was de stroyed in the former place. 'rho St. Anthony Water Company lost $0,000,000.; logs valued at 540,000. The Boom at Coon Creek con taining 10,000,000 feet of lumber ismornehts, rily expected to give way. Notless than $1.30,., 000 worth of logs had gone over the falls three days' previous. The river Is twenty-ono feet . 41.KNe,low water murk, end.within one footand iti half of the great flood of 1850. The storm last week in that section of tho country 'xires described fis the most frightful ever witnessed. River and Weather at St. Louie. '- ST„ Loins, June 9.—The river fellabout ono inch last night, and has been stationary all day. To-daS , perhaps it is rising slightly. To-night tho upper Mississippi continues to awell, and the mountain rise is coming down the Missouri booming. The Illinois is falling rapidly. Weather, clear and Warm. Bosrox. July 19,1857 ItEmOvAL: ' • W HII G HAVE REMOVED TO NO. 69 11.21R KET Street, corner, of Fourt4 where they re main till the first of September,whenthey remove to their new store now being built at the old stand, corner of Fifth and Market streets. mykina . - • j DR: iIosTETTER'S BITTERS ha.iirci. , re-, cowed the warmest encomiums from the press tunf people throughout the Union. As a valuable tonic for the cure of Dyspepsia, 'Flatulence, Conatipatiqn,,aud general nervous dehility,it cannot be appioachediE,Vexy day, new cases of its great effect axe chronicled throuth our public journals, There Is nothing equal iolhe en joyment which the afflicted experience when using this valuable specific. Its mild tone, its sure and vigorous action upon a disordered stomach, and - the cleansing or the entire human' body, should recommend it to all classes of our community. All that will be necessary to cogrince the skeptical of its healthy effects,- is to pur chase a bottle and be satisfied. For sale by . diuggists and . dealers 'generally, every where, and by ' ' 'HOSTETTER & SMITH, : Manufacturers and Proprietors, . 3e9 ' Nd Si Wafer, in 4154 opus oreets. Dar' "HOW BIEAUTIFUL?" IS TIIIE COMMON' saying of those who see the magical effects or . the..Eini . , A thenienne or Hair Itesterer ofUnles Ham) & 6 , ..FlGiietx , . . restores gray hair to its former color , : and beautifies that impaired by disease. . . • • Bold by B. L. PATINEBTOCH * C 04240.00, Confer 4 , *6oa iiiia• Fourth Streets, Diuggista generally, and Laboratory or..ittles Hanel it Co., - No. TO (*Anil , street,. Philadelphic , • , ' jeleutw! _ 1- 11011AU.LSOITS REFINED VELATIN—Ati _IL . economical 10mi:taxation, superior t'e - talvei Peet et`, isinilast, for - making I•Jelties 3 / 4 Blanc-Mange, Chad° • Atuise,,Soup tot s, Gravies, Ac ' . Mao, Cox's Sparkling Ge •: 't4.0 111 .00 1, ,,,,, _ 4.— ~, , --„,i. ~t, ~....., ? ~ • - - i~se.,FLX.MiGir4 ~; -: ..,- , 4c'"ff:;;,! -' - 1 - .i.s'.A 6 4ii"P* 46 Pd '!14 1-2 ' 1 ,41ftio • -.. .~. _ ~..~_ z hT Y a ' ~ x w 3 ; . k ~ Y -J yY ~ .•'H 1 ==M9 EWE _M=EI THE LATEST NEWS BY' LATER FROM EUROPE Arrival of the Steamship Africa EXCITEMENT IN SOUTHERN GERMANY &mitt.lan Tern ion of the Milne of Montebello. Enna PROPOSALS FOR MATERIALS FOR THE NAVY. NAST DSPAITXIXT, Bureau of Construction, Equipment, &e Hay 19.1319. SEALED PROPOSALS to fmmish matenals , for the nary for the fiscal year ending loth June, 1800. will be received at this bureau until 3 o'clock, P. U.. Of the 'Mth Jane next. These proposals must be endored "Propel said for Materials for ael Nary; Bureau of Omatrudionoft.," that they may be distinguished from other buSiness letters. The materials and articles embraced in theclasses named are particularly described in printed schedules, any of which will be furnished to such as desire to on application to. the commandants of the respective 'yards; or to the navy-agent nearest thereto,and those of all the yards upon application to this bsreau. This divi• shin into classes being for the convenience of dealbrs in each, suchportions will be 'furnished as are actually re quired for bids. The commandant and • navy-agent of each elation will have a copy of the schedule of the { judged yards, fur examination only, from which it may be. Judged whether it will be desirable to make application for them. • . Offers mast be made for the whole of the class at any yard upon one of the printed schedules, or in strict, con formity therewith, or they will not be considered. The contract will be awarded to the loweot bum fide bidder who gives proper security for its fulfilment.. The United States reserves the right, to reject all the bids for an class, class, if deemed exorbitant. All articles must be of the very best quality, to be de livered in good order, and In suitable vessels and pack ages. es the case may be, at the expense and risk of the contractor , contractor, and in all respects suLyeet to the inspection; measurement, count, weight, die., of the yard where re ceived, and to the entiresatisfaction of the commandant thereof. Bidders are referred to the commandants of tho re spective yards for samples, instructions, or latrtieu/ar description of the articles; and, all other things being equal, preference will be given to articles of American manufacture. Every offer, as required by the law of 10th August, 1846, must be accompanied by a written guarantee, the fonniof which is herewith given. Those only whose offers may be accepted will be noti fled, and the contract will be forwarded, as soon there after 33 practicable, which they will be required to exe cute within ten days after its receipt at the post ofsco or navy agency named by them. Sureties in the fulf amount will be required to sign the contract, and their responaiLdlity certified to by a United States district judge, United States district attor ney. collector, or navy-neut. As additional security, twenty per oentum trill be withheld from the amount of the hilts until the contraot shall have boon completed; and eighty per coutrtmof 03311 bill, approved in tripli cate by the oolninandarits of the respective yards, will be paid by the nary- the points of deli vary within thirty days alley its presentation to him. It th e ulate t h ee contract that. if defat al l-o rb made by the rarties e l and part in delivering any of the articles mentioned in any class bid for in the con tract, of the quality and at the time and place above provided, then, and in that ease. t h e contractor and his sureties will forfeit and pay to the United States a stun °lntones, not exceeding tvrloo theamountofsuch class, which may be ;cc:Livered from ham to limo, Recording u to .. th d ia i re 3 :t ls ot 3l' sangress in that ease provided, approved Class No. 0 to bo delivered one-fourth part on or before the 10th May, one-fourth parton or before the 33th July, one-fourth part by the 30th September, mid the remain der by the Ist December, Class 3, tho silioto by the 11 th May, 1 1 ,00. Tho remaining easses so be deliv ered one fourth part on of ;.,Gave the Ist September nest. onc•fourth 1.-ft oy‘ ot before Ist December next, pvirou or - before the lot April. rind the re mainder on or before the 30th June. latie, unless earlier roquir'ed with 3 notice of twelve 11Y559, COMpriSing at cacti delivery It duo . prop,i„;tiori of each article. Classlo and all followimt. additional quantities of may of the article. nairMd 'therein' are 'ileinandeil, they nee to tat stimi,Loa un lotus ternui and tooliiisolv., prtqiint9 to the e•teir.itiou of the 6.1:11 1334 WlCtil receiving 3 ituti.,o of llneeti days froni the bureau, the commandant of the ) aid, or navy-agent. Form of Offer. of ---- ----, in the Slate of herobi agree to furnish and deliver, in the re spective nary-yards, , tII the articles named in the cla s ses hereunto annexed, agreeably to the prorieione of the tiebedulet therefor, and in confortnity with the wirer lisement el the Itnreau of Construction, ,tc., of the 19th of ?thly.lBs. Should my offer be accepted, I request to be addres_ ic at a n d the contract soul to the navy-aget_. or to —, for signa ture and cerbbt ate. The schodulc which the bidder encloses mind h• paid./ to MS 141'r, and each of thorn alinaed by him. Opposite each artiete in the , eltedule the pace must be act. the *Marna Milled out. the aggregate reeled up for eaeli cheer. and the a - nount hkeirtac Written ill worth. Fore, of Guarantee. The titelere.kned, ---'—; of —, in the Slate of ---, and In th e Sian of hetet iy gueranty that itt one the foregoing hid of for any of the elnise, therein named to aceepted. he or they will. niden ten darn after the receipt of the contraet at the post utile, twined. or nary :agent designated, execute the contract for the Name, with Rorer and eurticient sureties; and in cane raid , hall fad to enter into contract of aforesaid. we guaranty to matte good the ditrerenise talween the otter of the mid and that which may be accepted. SlYinature of two guar:gator., C. Et E F. tide. . Willies,. 1 her,by certify that the abov* named -- are known to hle ai men of property, and ablo to mat , good their guarantee. Date. Siguaturo. U.' 11. To be staled by the United Slates &strict judge. Ur tot States district attorney, colt.etar. or uarj.agent. The following am itm clatelea required at the reaper lit eav)-garde: KITTERY, MUSE. t:latte No. 3. White-oak promitteuous timlter. No.ll White aNh oars. Nu. 15. White-oak staves and heakllngi No. 31. Iron. No. ?. Rohe, and nails. No. M. Leach zinc and tin. No. 33. Hardware. No. 2. Paint.% -thin. I.eather. No. 33. }lose. No. 31. limslies. No. 31. Pitch. tar. metiti. No. 33. , 43011.. OIL No tta. Ship chandlery. No. 10. Stationery. No 11. Firewood- CIL% RI. ESTOWN, BI:M3ACIIINE1 rs Class No. 21. Iron. No. thl. Spikes and nails. load, zinc. and tilt. No. 2:t. Hardware. N 0.27. Paints, oils, he. No. LI Flax eiIIIVAS. No. 211. Cotton canvas. No. al, Flax twat cotton. twine. N 0.22. Leather, No.:re llose. No. 34. Brushes. N 0.33. Bunting and dry growls. No. 27. Paoli, tar, rosin: No. tel. Tallow, soap. oil. No. 30. Ship chandlery. No:40. Stationery. N 0.41. Firewood. ItEormtLys, NEW YORE Class Nu. 0. Yellow pine plank stock logs. No. 10. White pine. No.ll. Ash, cypress, white-oak boat boards. N 0.12. Blaelc.watnut, cherry, Ap. No. 13. Locust. No. 14. White ash oars, hickory bars, and butts. No. 16. White-oak staves and heading. No. 14. Itlaek syruer. No.lB. Lignunirlhe.! No. 21. Iron.' No. 22. Spikes and nails. No. I.t. Lead, zinc, And tin. No. 23. Hardware. No. Z. l'aints, oils, ke. No. IS. Flack canvas. No. IS. Cotton CA11411.9. N 0.30. Flax and cotton twine No. 31. Mass, N 0.32. Leather. N 0.33. Hose. N 0.31. Brushes. N 0.33. Bunting and dry goods.- No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No, 38.. Tallow, soap, oil. N 0.39. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. No. 41. Firewood. PIIILADELPHIA, PB:s./NSYLVANIA. Class No.IL Vibito-oak promiscnons timber, Class No. 11. Ash, cypress, white.oak boat Wards. No. 11. Black walnut. cherry No. 14. White.ash oars and hickory bars. N 0.19. I.lgrutintitro. No. IL Iron. No. 21. Sp_ikes and nods. No. , xi . Lead, slug and no. No. 2:4 Hard tram No. 27. Paints, oils. .4e. No. 23. Flax canvas. No. 29. Cotton canvas. No. 30. Flax and cotton twine. No. Glass. No. 32.,,,Lcather. ' No. 33. Ifosn. No. 34. Brushes. No. 3a. Ituaing and dry goods. N 0.37. Pitch, tar. rosin.. N 0.38. Tallow, soap, oil. No. 39. Ship chand lery. No. 40. Stationery. WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Class No. 10. White pine. No. 21. Iron. N 0.22. Spikes and nails. No. In. Loud, slue. and tin N 0.24. Plg iron. • No. 25. Hardware.' No. 27. Paintsand oils: No.3l.olass. No. 52. Leather. No. 33. Tallow,Boap, oil. No. 39. Ship chandlery. No. 43. Tank and, galley iron. No. 44. Chain iron,' No. 45. Ingot copper. No. 47, Bellows. No. 48 GOSPORT, VIRGINIA. C l / 1 94 Nd. le. Ilhick spruce. No. 21. Iron. No. V. Spikes and nail& No. 23. Lead, sine. and tin. No. 25. Hardware.:., No. 27. Paints, oils, *e. No. 28. Flax canvaa. N 4,29. Cotton 'canvas.. ho. 30. Flax and cotton twine. 'No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Leather. • No. 33. Hose. No. 34. Finishes. N 0.35, Bunting and dry goods. N 0.37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No. 38: Tallow, soap, and oil. No, 39. Ship chandlery. No. 40. Stationery. • • • WARRINGTON,. FLORIDA. Class No. 10. 1 Wh , , , , hit0 pine. N 0.12. Mack walnut, cherry, No. 15. ito-oak staves and heading.' No. 4. Iron. No. 22. Spikes and nails. No. 23. Lend, zinc, and .tin. No. 25. ilardware. No. 21. Paints, oils, &c.. No. 29. C otton canvas. No. 30. Flax and Cotton twine. No. 31. Glass. No. 32. Leather. No. 33. Hose. No. 34. Brushes. No. 35. Bunting and dry goods. No. 37. Pitch, tar, rosin. No: 32 Tallow, soap, oil. N 0.39. Ship chand lery. No. 40. Stationery. my2l:law4t-sat COAL OIL I .COAL OIL ! COAL_ OIL! 100 bbla refined Burning Coal Oil for sale by apt) S. C. J. N. SAWYER.: RIED APPLES.-10 barrels for sale by MURTL AN & coNNort, 14 Liberty street. r OVERING'S WIIITE SUGARS -- :5:1 barrels Crushed Sugar; 15 do Flue Pulvenzed Sugar; .15 . do. Granulated do; 100 do B. Coffee do Just received and for sale by REYMER t ANDERSON 39 Wood at.. opposite St. Charles Hotel. REFINED SUGAR.-- 10 bbls..Eastwick's standard crushed Sugar; /0 do do coarse pulverized do 10 do do tine do do • 30 do Penna. A coffee crushed ', do 10 do do li do do do E. do do C yellow do In store, and landing, and for sale by — ap2B ' MILLE'S & BIOKE79ON. -- ItITFCRELL'S RED INK PENS. For JAL two b.), 'street . WE neao DIN my 4 63 Wood Fourth CINCINNATI .SUGAR CURED Halts and Dried llee4 10 tierces to arrive, per steame. Delmont, " - 11A.WORTII k BROWIMEE'S,- . .-TAMES HOLMES & CO., Pork — Pickers ti and deideni in &icon, Lard, Saga. Cured Mann, ae.4 earner of FIRST AND Ulan= STREETSi. folCtly • Patebural• 9 16. • T RAW AND "SALMON COLORED BONNET. EIBBONS—A few pieces received, by Express last evening. and for sale giy-- - - • ToY27 EATON, MEE! CO, Fifth and Marketais t a RSIAN LOTION, or LILY 'LIQUID t,e2som--For rende64 the *blot/I=l6o C'n ak - ha X4 fIt3EIEVE - Eatlroa vinzaopdvta mg 44tottioti ~ , ._._~ Stage of Water. Three feet , four inehos. ALLEGHENY CATTLE MARkET. We have no change to note in the naarket since our last, Prices ruling about the same, with only a lcical de mend. No. Offered 90... J. D01by...-. 82- Ur. Jacobs.... 93.-Piaft & Harris 11...J050r Ewert. ... 11' . 4W4. t . 5e , 16 2... W. 25.-P. PackArd 25 ~, 4/ ' " 13... J. Y atman ' 'l3 - ' 3 gsc 4 18-11. Merrick.. .. . ' .18 . 3%04Na " 17.-A. Campbell , 17 4 ®Sc S.... James 3PGahan - 8 • •2 , ,f44-Xe " 15... C. H. Ward '.... 18 234(glic " • Z-.ll'. A. Croninger (stock) 25 3c ' " - 2...11. Macrurn. 5.. D. B. Taylor k G0...._._...... 5 3 1 /.',(a..1, e. , 17.... W .11 rah:wood . • - 17 . ' 335e 7 . . • 17... C. Shoemaker - 17 . 3 , ./c " 15-. IL Davis (stock) 15 - 2 3, c ". . 15.... J. &ogler - 151 $4,45 1 000 In 7.... J. Todd 7 3 G3-y 4 c la lb 38.-James Morgan • ' 18 5!4e 17.-James Bullock 17 31, ~. 44)8e " 1 . 313... J. B. H 38 uff' ' 33/45e " ' 13... A. West 13 •. - 4310 a 515 offered. 2O sold. 316 sent East .SHEEP AND LASIES. AI/. Of:Aral. .oiTerol by. Sidld. Scottland 375.-Stahr &Tomlinson 161...J0hn Waif 5( 1 0.-Chas. Campbell__ 100..Joitm Blair 12-..htmes Burbeck -27.-L. Little 15... " (lambs) 00... R France 10— " (lambs). 102... J Yeatnntn . ......... 114... E J flumes - S3—Wm Neal . Fisher..... /10.-A .Etring....- 1 0 5.-Jrunes Turner...., 111....101in Crouse L. " (tombs) 33_,A Williamson 2436 offered. 913 sold. 3a9 aent tut rocs. head shipped Dist. • From the upper yards some WO hood or Cattlo were alaipped East. • Reported Expressly for the Daily Morning FasL Prrrsurrstau, June 0, 1859. 7_• Flour—TS - a note a few sales from first &ands at SI,Z 41.50 for superfine, $7,75 for extm do. and $5,00 for ex? , tnt family. From store, sales 2,500 i 7,753,00 for sulierfine, $5,0433,25 for extra do. and' 5i4,::18,75 for ex tra family. . Grain—Sales 250 Walt. Oats at 57f958e; Corn at 91c. Ilay...Sales 12 loads from scales at $10(414 V ton. 13,1 tons ltran at 98e. 2100 tbs. BC11.1111:-SedeS 1u bosh. Beans at $1.25: • Ilacont...Salet 16.000 the. at S y 7 ie, for shoulders, 8,1-40 0-7),",e. fur sides, and 1034@1.0340. for plain hams; 3,000 tbs. sugar cured hams at 123 Eggs...Sale3 I bids. at Ile. V dozen. Sugar... Sales lilidsnit 7%'d Se. Molasses.. Sakes 23 tails. at 42e. V gal. Coffee ... Sales 19 saoks at 123.igillte.. \i/11ce...i3ale:i S bids. at 5(3.7%e. lb. Flsh...Sdles 14 half bbls. White at $5,},1; 17 half Lbls 31.1.1,rel at Patator.s...Sales Sit bids. at $2.5032,7,i; 110 bush. at signature. :It ellecar.-Siales 31 14, - Kte3 IV. R. at 93.64310 c. Lima—Sale: , 8 1.,1,1,4. at $1,25. 011.-Bales 1I Lard No.l, at 9 :1a 93 e. V gat ~VLlsicy...Balos 9: ['MA. Rectified at 29@30c. 7 gal Per Steamer Africa-. Lwrs.Poot., 27.--Potaleos quiet at alsg.at..'. Sugar heavy, and all qualities have declined. the town grades being mostly infected; Coffee quiet; Rice quiet. All qualities of Tea hove :lightly advanced. Bark is im proving: Baltimore is quoted at as Gdgra. Rosin steady - at is 2d( .1s S.l. Spirits of Turpentine steady at 433 on the spot, nod Vs to arrive. Liverpool,. Slay ..-.—lireadstuffs closed quiet, but. steady- Provisions closed firm but quiet. Lon don, May 27.—Baring &Bro.'s circular quote Wheat : very dull, at a ileeline.of Ala for the week. Sugar heavy, at a decline tar the Week of Coffee steady: Rico quiet. Spirits of Turpentine heavy, at a decline for all qualities, with sales at.4.2ti Bd. Pan ant - term, June 0.--Slour firm, With a speculalige demand from the West; rates of .2.000 tots Pennsylva nia and Ohio extra on private terms, and superfine at $7.90; sales to the trade from our lowest tigers up to 3:050 for fancy. Re. Flour and Corn Meal are quiet, the former at $l5O, anl tho latter at. $4. Wheat unchanged; sales of 2,50 e bush red at $1,0ona1,:0 and whit e a t $1:;50 1.52. Itye Comes forward slowly; 1,600 bush Powusyltn. nia sold at 90e. Corn is in better demand, with less of fering; sales of yellow at 90e, now hold aline. Oats dell; 1,500 Walt Nntiey I vania sold at 50c. WhisUy firm at 2734 Istin l'oinr, Sane S.—Cotton buoyant; sales salese at tic for upland iniddlings. Flour declined ; 5.000 Oils. 'Wheat heary; sales SAO bush. Corn Leavy,; pales =MO bush. Park hear) , at $17017.25 for mess anti $l5 for prime. Whisky heavy at 2734 e. Cut meats heavy; sides 7 !!".i@Nr.ti'; shoulder k V it iO7c. Pig iron dull at. r 24 .5tr.). Linseed Oil declined 1.4 c, wh sales at 02e6.3c. .11ides improving; sales at 21c. Tallow heavy at leX€olle. Su-, .gar steady; Atuscovado.s3sAs3..i'c. CLNIIMATI.. June ti:—Fliittr more wave and the market *firmer at - V.804G% for superfine; quotations atitVlk su,cu and $6.90. Wheat tinehanged at $1,35®1,45 for red, and $1. 5 041.C0 for white and prime trhito. Corn tends to EkivrinrN quotations nt ttae delivered. Oats un steady - Wit: Barley and Rye , uncluslagesl. Whisky dull at a deoltue of Ne. .Provis tons unchanged in prices ; bales of sides in Milk at shouklersi fi-No and bacon shoulders at 7 ®734c.. , Exchange steady at yie. R. T. KENNEDY ' 'W. P. KENNEDY. PEARL STEAM' MILL ALLEGILENY crrY. it. T. KENNEDY dr. IMO.; WHEAT RYE ANDCORN PURCHASED. FLOUR, CORN MEAL - r ' MANUFACTURED AND DELIVERED IN prrrammon Arm ALLEGHENY : . auLlyaaw]. , TERMS. OAK{ ON DELIVERY BET RAYS YOU 112ADAeaz ?-;--Try Witson' i s nib, a specific . remcdrfof Headache, front ,wludereir 'muse; they invariably ghrviinindfrik , relief; agreeable to take, either before, daring or after' mean . their effects are almost magical; -The sufferer from surfeit,. or ho whohas been indulging, too freely in stimulating . drinks, should by all snouts try, this speedy and certain cure. gee .Guido io - Health," to be had gratis of ageuti. PrepariA and sold byt. Whole. sale Druggist.% ,'corner of Wood -- and Fointh strea', Pittsburgh, Pit: .. , , See Ail adveltisentent on the third page' to-day's WE 7.avii?isci sAsT,nr,muis cotrirpty,. that tho ATericgt? /me Oeciamo Sawa., diroughout ah Christendom, as a hard driving, hard drinking, hanl -chewing. Lard ntrearklg:PnQPlS We have ,heesroe equally, famous fur 4obilit4te.l , stomach% nem** and disordered nerves, broken, dont eonsOtutiensralid the;hundred , aud MrOS whieh follow upon .the vices which velum enumerated. Countless panaceas' for these ills have been advertised, but weknow of noth ing so eflicacions for aajnviaid suffering from indigo- . lion or nervous depression as 9Lms STOMACH BI TERS, manufactUred and sold bytho proprietor, at Up , depot on Penn street. near Ham!. JOSEPH , =mat & SON, Manufacturers, and M:dew:kW and Retail Desks* In FURNlTORgtoqpiAißs::.i. No 4124.rens Stieet, nboWe the Vstaaaa,,.. Have on hand ' a large assortment at F'Aturi . imutpuhi •Fumiture,'ln Walnut and Mabogany et their own. Mann facture, and warranted equal in quality - and - styla-k, any manufactured in the city, aad BjJl awlt at ratannable VALMICIA LACE - SETS , ; ,; MAIMED 'DOWN ' • WITIIOUT REGAY - COST. C A TI t 4 1115 . ' ,4 14;71 ** ; :1 1 uIY 2S "` 4 9L -310113 r11r ` 8060 - Atioyk4:,•- - 1. - •y. COMMERCIAL. .Ausumar car, Juno gib; 1814. UNION DROVE :YARDS.* • Joks Allpider,,Fyoprietor. • BEEVES. offered by . •• - ' sent etst: 7 $3,00 id head 18 1,50 " 90 3, 5000(03, 00 10 ' 1,50 bead -..-.-a22 3,00 100 Ma 112 ' 3,00 1.1 ....... 83 3,00 14 " 85 1.75 1.1 head -110 1,95 105 3,10 'II 100 tbb ..........111 30 1,50 '4i , • liead 1,00 11 33 3,50 100 roe PITTSBURGH MARKETS. Foreign Markets: PIM adelphla Market. New York 'Market. Cincinnati Market. .amour =viz. Plguerrean SaUnits. . • • ROE 3EI ' Ambrotype and Photagrapl GALLERY No. ro I~IhL Street, • NEARLY OPPOSITE THE POST Orkia Photografthtfirobioeor WriAakon at short hee,at_Eastera pries.% and *arranted equal to them. at SMALL PICTURES colored in Oil. ENLARGED TO LIFE SIZEota - " tr& A BEAUTIFUL AND DDRABLR NOME WARRANTED, CAN BE lIAD AS LOW ' -•- • AB AT ANT - Plitsr CLASS RiITABLIS : . , ‘,-- • . , MENT IN THE COMM Al' WALt'S, Fourth siroet. H. CHIKDSii C 46- Price. Sent East X 0.13 OD ST., PITTSBURGH, PA WE are now ,opepirig oar, lar ge a n d ea- T' teusive sttiek ot BOOTS ..AND SHOES, O! every vaiiety, and latest 9416 an a fashion.; sidzipted to SPRING AND -SUIIIMER.SALES, Which - haring been purchased prniciyailly for CASH, • Direct from the 3fattufactitkers; And selected with great carg as to qualityand -sizes n' is Hatter onrseives we are able to offer • SUPERIOR • - . To onr friends who may favor us with a call. Wo are Agents for .mtrarttiL , s 'PATENT Metalic Tipped Boots 8i Shoes, For Boys, Youths and Childen, which are highlYie• 'commended throughout the Eastern &Mei fel; tl/'el durability and cheapness, ONE PA IR hsying, beeti fornid by actual test, to OUT-WEAR I,II BEE-PAIRS,ef the old style. air , Buyers will find it to their advantage to call .and examine our stork before - purclatsing theacheri." " _PartieuLar.atteittion given to orders.- _ mrl7:3rndAvr IL CHILDS & CC! T3f-101 E Y E 18r MIRACIFLOVS VERMIN DESTROYER, The Only Heine/1y in the Whole World, SURE TO EXTE7?3IINATE ' . - - . . . . . RATS, MICE, COCKROACIIES, BUGS, kyrsi 110,..N171- TOE-3, FLEAS, 310TEIS, MOLES,,,GRATti..IV9RRS,,. AND CARDEN INSECTS, £C , 50,000 , BOXES, SOLD I N bN, , E 11615111,.. These, celebrated remedies hare been extensively used for twenty-two years in all parts of Europe, and their miraculous power have been attested by 'the Courts of Russia, l''ranee; England, Austria, Prussia, Bavaria, Saxony, - Belgium,. Rolland, ...Naples, and their Chemical properties examined, and approved hy the most distinguished 'Medical Faculties-all overt - he world. Their destrnetivenessto all kinds of vermin and inseets has been certified. In this city by. the Directors of the various Public lastitutioias, Planters. Farmers, Pro prietors of IfoteLs„ Warehouses, Manufactories, and by various distinguished private citizens. Numerous Testimonials and - Certificates of -this efficacy of these Remedies can be seen at the Depot. and Proprietor. • • • ' '3OS PII Ef EPER Practical Chemist f Brmilway,e6r. lloustori Pt., N. Y. General .Agent for ate United. States". and Canada,: For sale. Wholesale and Retail, byt the Inventor FREDERICK' V. RUSIITOIt,' Druggist, 'NO: 10 , Aster House, and 417 Broadwar.Atal'intr... `- - For sale In this city. Wholesale and'Retail,* Sellers .t Co, corner Wood and Second streets; Joseph Fleming, corner Diamond and Mirket street, and Beckham .t El'Keumut, Allegheny. • T. ' . ENN MACHINE IVOIRKS F 0 .11, ,N,M:: A --V-',l' ..., • ~,, . 11. .VVIGHTMANI ._, . .:.. At...IIIsTUFACTURER isaF , .... ..- .. • Steam .E4lg,i , shaa ,ll :4F4-es MorticoMachio Wheels. . , '-', ' ...': '- :, -.. '_ ~ t •,: • • . Efsttgers,tte.; etc. . Orders protriptli sttel!tled 4 0 - :r I-M .h6 Er i ;.1 , A NY, A - Y & • 'CO hf P Y; : 5- -; • nOint.or:i.ritsiti.ATi6NErt*• , • • BLANE.. BOOR" irfAIiIiPACTUBERS, ~.; •-• E 42,1,6 WOOD;STIiEST, . „wir.A. fall assortment of Law, Bleate?,l.ll.s,ldisoedlli uli cionstalalf met • Q111"at S*l 17V4 DEN'S NE*4ik ' eroite;' 80. - 3441ft1i Street: ; - EXTRA. - CURIOUS OOLONGS, -FINEST ;YOUNG . .11XSONS, e GUNPOWDERS, BREAKFAST : purchased a lirweet rash priers, enritireaie 6 0 0 . tS3IYTII SNOWDEWS....‘ reiliktf New TPA Store. 34 Flab street. W 111; '3W.'GRE ' & ~31.ERCHANT TAILORS. 'Wide in'Eeuily 3riaiciarimg 'find Gentleoiiia's 412r nishing Goods, corner of Federal . street '.arld -- 111Arket aqtrin. Allegheny Ci . .5012.17 • * „ *ow - Livery Stable. ✓ AVINP - OPhIN F 1) . LIVERT, 5T.A13,1.a. H In the rear of 'th6)3o6ti dowse, corner of Irwin itmetiin d 1)1511 . 63110 Way, and iniressed i'fltia la of Buggies and Carriages, I would reepacquily. so lieit the patronage - of friendiand -pnbite generally, . 4 m-wing theta that they can he ,arrOkUac) . [lS*Al4 . the most reasonablciratea - I haVe - niade aVII4I , arrangements that persons wishing their horseirkelptican lie waltzes comniadtd.cl ' , . NEIL EII.A.CELAND, '" - Scott Hunan' , Pittsburgh, Pa. • "tuiriEd - - . ARI • 1111XAARANTED Pure: and Un- , Tv adulterated, 'and 'to Xi? . S'l V E , Pickles tor. years, the same that .1 have • sold to a Majority of the; Pittsburgh Gro eels for :lesiva was; and which has taken • Three First PTCMIMIII i! • at Pennsylvania. State Fairs, lam now of- • • .., fe g gizto the city and, country trade*, Please order direct. - Terms A 8.PL1A.91a,"1.443 Water_sireet„ • befWeettlilinithfield and Grata,' mr2kdaw ATS; , ROACE.ES BUGS AND filies.Rat;,Ronett'and Mous° Eitenttinator,. I.7con's.Mtnetie Powtlemi and. megor'a Tatulous VerrDitrbestroyer. 1 7 01`aakthY ' ' ' FLEMMO, - - .Cori' , iaraand and ,liaTket gavot. C2Be3 Chccoot ituarts 311 - 14a1C48 Peas lifidseicqta . 3W tfo do - do pts .to do , - do do 4 0 ,, 7 ., AL: -.26 ' -414t:'1-4.3IIIV,,Ca4wbA.LQ •• GiV4 l : 4e •i i4 dfOr*. th rbr - ' - , BERM AND -Cl. X. DPI
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers