| 4° he MN CYR ty BE Dr. WALKER'S 22 LIFORNIA { ype. We concluded. tha athygr day Faas Ts 1 : thy md S419 ul, uh ; VINEGAR BITTERS \ too, were ®hutiter; andjacoondings in tob ofr gun, went ta the mountain and |’ i PLANTS,” Nari iii 4140. by Sve of VINES sbis, and: ms rg + A Thousands He WHAT | ii Tier a AT ETT IN Se Yr bad PATTIE SR Tre rey TRI REI WR I mr wa gga | SET a D918 t | LAN GTA RUD Lal 0a | bean zh tH ba «1 | Ou a iy Tystituto i will be leld this yar at Belafonte: commencing on otiday, Dec 296th; at 2olelock, PP. Mu All Ténghets, ‘and alljwho are. a in to ouch will be. garded an.) Bove pane A of } , t if ind pa- Me Ut ented Ga pokorkb 1 eclops han St Heddtidhs the, a Wen wo wor i ou pe time to attend. the fk a2 and gount the sume, LW Aeaching, | Diredtors 1 ART are romindod thitt this does not'donflict with the afl dey vit required of the the Reporter to relatives and acqua Pre yidonbol the he Fhe plap adopted by ‘» i of districts lust he whale time, ¢os-who formerly lived in Centre county | hi. YIN cing fy ng wopk, by paying the teachers for their anc hao; TR Wald SO § {lo SRP bly du! I : fate on it Dither a ’ © fhust Ripe of Ceéhtre tounty Wit mo : ' ee in this respect, for the Bastitute, if properly ec induco many to become subse ers. | hape wi : bo’ * ucted, 18 BL. ANKS —Blank Summons, y sadn | sRopininly a he nel, Hoty only’ directly to the Tenchprsp rida go. Re ol tomo sl i hugn a Sa their schools. But whether alowed the time or not, 118 W duty every Ex A Nite combined, N ustices War-) 1 toucher qwes Lo gh professions gnd we confidently Axper every; ono low rants, &e., for sale at this Office. Lin the GolHGy Rog nd lady BA wh Let: ined, tot { rosehi, Tenehers, Intnothing pretent you fromaitending, for paid attendance, nt best, does hat argue for professional zenly but ‘come bépguse you feel a love for the worky sdb us. ur to Tpke: it so aLEribtive and instraétive, that no teacher, w aed afford to lose’ the bennett of 8 single sessl oR ourattendance and interestionly mL bg my Close your sc hoel for, (0 1h wir] IY i come in arly, e ent § } he Boos il Our Institute ls het year wag mare, Juggoly attend 2 any prev ous one ever hold Oy equnty: ; U3 Fo ware present, (80 more than the ever ald jut! N int el Jo Ninety ol cent of the agtuni tengh- fers of [thee elutty wore present dufing the entire sessiof. Let! dvery *2 foncher ta vepridi in Kaeping upiiie reputation, IIHT Qdots ani # LET ni f— i COUNTY :: ros Ebb LOCAL ITEMS. “soon. saw a fine one coping through the| ‘grabi,’’ she soemed jo be stonding on her Catalogues Fre : H Sl ly ol, SEEDS, LOCAL NEWS. Our fridhds will oblige hend, ling hdr tail ‘all the time. We us by sending in any items of local inter- est, including death 3 age &c., as steh Are oagar read our friends in wey ying THe ey the Vihe REPHFI r trons would ocd dasionally tail a copy of sighted. drew trigger ‘wid {fell the déor made a bow and pussed on, and so did, we, This is. all, Fred, only that we do; wonder whut tho editor of he Whtchinan Aneatidby quotihg oats ati§0 cents Ni bushieky I USSY A T. \IN Bow: MARRIAG ES. | Nav, 10th by the Rov. WW @. Rip eo, he Robarsburg, PRONE, Maa! Mary Schmelsér to Mi Andrew Qui iiser, L oti ort Brush Valley, Pa Wir ban g $i Now. (fou hy the same, at the. hr ide's is b Lad aly vi i 81d 1 | od i ' Testimony lis abundant that the heavy, {#"OPK deep clay-Toam of the 2000 acres off NumseriestiinoGoteva - ii uneqaniled for | Producing Jomgslived, Penithy, vigorous | trees, for transphinting i. to variouk soils nnd) climates, ) : 13 rr ro CED CATALOGU ES OFM Mrily Breil lis or JP ull Ta, ready Sept. 1st; of Gladioiug, Dahling and other Du. bs ur 8 ; pring 1 Mfiting, with complete Jigts of, home, Miss Anna Wolf, of Bins Dh Val Hey; te] Mr. I, M., Weavpeoof Pine, Gogno Mills, | Se x oon AL KI 3D5 die bd FLOWER, VEGETABLE, AND TREE SEEDS, pring 1 M0... 1 i IRyq unchanged, of Fr ult and Or h: siaon arr Oats at 6la62e! ‘1 fOARWANS Goro J fm aL 90.92¢ for ld id 85 A 3 EEN 1a87 for mew. 1s + ri FOL dal at 1881 She. einio lt als G4 apo waa for fresh, m1 ar) - 1 i MILBOY Manrkurs.. .jAnother Great Earthquake in Carrected by Reed & Thompson: «of *OUAFLIFORNIA! Another large Awsartment af those splen- 123} hitae hn AE 12500. 010 red 190. new red 0 00 tt } i’ y Ug 0 83 o y od (or did Waolen + GNOUBS Wikkorr wre . Munujue fied as the 2. wt 168 oy Fits of ob hE 16 uo HE RNS ad ®t Panes Jo yooh owe ssoeeqd Misa ie fs hid Ww - apuern ory ect grr. - C&.4 ad rem) mas IMPORTANT TO BUSINESS MEN.— The cidWlitidn af fe TR ¥vorTrr’ on this sid» of the county, is now greater than that of any two papers in the] county, hencehddinetd mén who wish to reach the Pennsvalley trade, will advance their own interests, by adver tising iu the REPORTER. Our subserip tion list is open to the inspection of all who wish Meares T TINOXY pa For L ADIES....Hirseh: & Bro. at : Milroy, are now selling their Jyrge aud oe | 19 selédfstoek off LABIE' FU RS, BAL: The Febretsés im cost of Pike hers” or workin MORAL SKIRTS, SHAWLS, CLOAKS bl: ain | during the day Nd Pedtufas {nd Adeline es i in the oy gning. { day seskibis THVErd arid rvhedl ie give nin al black and trimmed, at greatly reduced SOT Reding dnd IRIGeiow] By, Pru AVN. Hull, of Piushurg prices. 2loctd Sm | burg, — Lat thie dawn of womanhood er =f the Baer In he cc. . NEWS ORK MARKET Wheat quiet at 1 8491 5d, i ————————— sus bo new Lihout January 1st, ; ' land Nursary Stock Generally, REAny, PELN & Co, Geneva, N.Y. ; sAirowdrk, Toiporfers, dnd Delors, onlin dn long, a hdd Ld —_ vee “1 will he i FOR FEMALE COMELA irs, hot is pre, fod Loi Mohday,; 80.88 tor be pr srried or 2 these Tonic Bitters lave ro cqual. $F Send for a circular - BEE ! oct28 fin 5 en - uu } “hy Come one id all’ PRICES, LOW NM 1 L RO X Woolen MittsAt The Old Stand pr will now be offered ti a pyblic : Bladder, "ee Blucre Lave ech most smeoces: Thun k ful fa ful. Such BPlscases sre cavscd by a nk fu) for past-fax ors. am ugain rea- ; . : } - B¥eod, whicli is gencrally produced by Series ay to supply my old customers tnd num- The Targest Arrival of Spring and . Organs. £ 3 Summer Gouda. {ha r$ of ne W ones.’ My wagon will soon aps Pele oR iNDIGRERION, | pent PTI iy i : A v Coughs, Tightness of . 3 at Centre Han; Quest, Dizziness, Sour E tiozs of The Stomach, aard i ied ''e a ; bt Nation we Hai D f £1. At Your Doors, ad testi’ 15 the Mouth, Bilfous Attacks, Talpitstion : ris ry sExeelsior Hair Dye + [10a lod w ith a great yariety of Goods, such of We Bears, Inflcmwetionof the Lungs, Fain ih ths Wihaonly o Rist has stodd the tost of chomicAl analy | a Plain and F ancy Chassiineres of the latest regions of the Kiducys, and a hundred other palsici sis, At the store of the propriclor. 6 Astor Houde, Now| Spring & Summer Styles, symptoms, ore the ofeprings of Dyspepsia. Millet, of Jacksonvillelr A. I Mutuhison,. of Bellefonte. H. Meyer, af, Yock, may Be sdon the certificate of thst ble analytic wall | © <1 Thy Wnvigorate the Stomach and stimulate the for Rebersburg, and J. S. Stahr, of Lancaster chemist, : Beaver ( Noth, Tricot, Doeskin, Satinets, pid liver and bowels, which ronder then of unshuallc & The teachers of the various Ace andemics ahd High Schoals of the county, » Profédsor Chilton, Tweéeds, Jenns. waterproof Plaids, ¢Cloaey 1g cleansing the blood of siPfmpedKcs, and are expected to take part in thé sxércises of the lystitude. testifying that it contains ne harmful ingredient, On| an almost endless, variety of luphrting new life sud vigor to'flie whole ¥yctom. : { the other hand, in the "Jo raal of © hemistry™ my | be | FOR SKIN BISEASES; Erupfons, Tettr, Sale EVENING LECTURES. f found tho statement that thord are upwhrdy ‘of thivty | Lhgum, } iotohon, eFinpics, Puctatles, Rolie, €r- poisonous hair dyes before the public, Choose the only | | HT Luacks, Jing. Worms, Seala-liead, Sore Foes, Koyst;- safe and sure ohe. F 1 a n ne 1 Ss lis, tel, Teurfe, Diseolotations of the kis, Bunce CHRISTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVATIVE, as a | Pine, Medium and Coarse. and Discasos of the LKin, of whstever name or nator. Dressing, acts like & charm on the hair after iat | Stocking Yarns of ald kinds . g 4 8. i [oo are lfteraliy dug vp and ¢airicd out of the gyetem tu a { Try it. " ! RPL NEA . 4 MY vamntodl nl GROCERIES £hor timc by the use of these Digters. One bottle 1a “A STAN ‘DARD REMEDY.” | (i | ey "2 VBL ANKEDS! euch esses will conv ince the mo tincreatilons of ted corative effect. © (1) ae - Cheause the Vitisted Blood wo never you Sud ite SY HAN ART ICLEIS," DR, TQ Bl, Impuritics bursting through the skin ia Pimples, Erap- ip s a5 i, E Rt L a 4 LINN E31 wiftd gray, and horse Blankets. as stow iore e Pa or Yours, an AAS (never failed giviag satisfaction in a single dustance. | St ri ped Cauy lage Blankdts, The most beautiful striped carris ize blan- | Tobias Kimself, therfore, it can always be yolied upon. | kets, unde in thi nest superior order, and | “tions or Sores { clcatid ft when you ind it ebstructed : ih : and singgieh In the veius; cleanse it when it is foul, a . A NH ~ Every drop of this valuable compound is mixed by Dr. | WARE, QU EEN D vi RE {It is warranted superior to any other for the cure of forsale at u reasonable firure. [ ‘hroniec Rheumatism, Toothache, Headache, Sore | y \ 5 snd your foeliigs will soll you when. Keep the blood {pure and ibe health of the syssew will follow. Hats, Caps, Boots; Shoes, | Thro: at, Vomiting, Frosted Feet, Mumps, Crop, Burns, [ Cuts, Sea Sickness, Insect Stings, Sprains, Chelera, ii THAR ] Hit CE hoot) asd al a eel 4 ¥ w a : a or Sessions, Dugipg the Se sions, mente esteem tlle en [01d ons me Dae only U5 Barley | ! FCloverseed 5, Eo ats 4.00). s0r2sss pues 50 Oe. “at io i Ben A. ARAN Wad \ Sof oJ $100 willbe givenforan rari Eusboatict the Bones are not Messed: hy 3 wincrht 4 her means, sud the vital 4h + Roghish Griomniarg by. Profile H: Shumaker, of Chamber ", Penmmnship, by Prot. WW. N, Huh Arita tid abd AT, by Prof. J.P Hulghes, of Balletoh to. Geography and U hited Stuiuty History, by Prof. F. W. A. Shultz, of i Pr linshurg. : : Wo | Geology, by Rev. S J Dorkay. Mentad Neiencey by: Prof. John S. Stal, Of Frinklin fintl Marsh: ul College, La NIERSEE TS THE ran Elementary. Teaching and Object Liwons 0 + T, Burgan, of Agricultu al College, Rhetoric, by Prof. John S. Stahr. Setenntié Kxporintents, by Supt A R. Horney of Willfamsport. Physiology, syd Aly giene, by —— = er— al Ee An, ae An excellent article of sewing ma chine. pil, wapmntedpatnta gun. for sales Cad Lierlncher'ss wiovnfyrt pad lavage oe Wit ani & The Mifffih & CUTE RTnid pol WR ey any! fariher; how ute loads: adi chen Goods, ne Grif Xi THOMPSON'S £6 SRE Mir white. thé] ca county J trade alk centres. | 5 ig There they get their bmg rp OTH HH | 21) yaeTints . ; ALY ¢ ba 1 J ne Sn On various subjects, = be delivered) hy A. D. Rowe, Supt. of Clinton a . i } REPOST KF Mi ARK RE Ban {30 Nite WHat = 90, Bed ) 23 Re: 10, 70... 00h 070. LIOR EAA UU Barléy 0, Bm. Cloverseod T0060 Patiatdes 10TH t Lard, pet poyn@ 18 4p ork HF pad 00 {Butter 89. Hy #0, Plitstgrptr ton $15 Tallow Tor. 720 Baeor I. 2 1 I PUL leg LBL dd ETERN ALYIGTLANCE |, i Is the priced! Health an woll as of Libewty. i yous CB TE A Ham aud (ote y §P Py ' ‘ i LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. PRY GOODS, AND county; Rev. A. H.'Boyle, of Easton; HH Kline! ob Ge tvsburgy AH adverbisement, und see" what they Shumaker, of Chambersburg: D. M. olf, of Bellefonte; Rev. dk K., offef, ha ig : ae Holter Ra be ctafote, now hawe tier basgost stoic of" drygiiods, rogers aut oll: Bide doting ivf; the coubty always: sel - ‘cheap. Ge i boring a teeY FULIUQ ED ee rks OF REY. [oR ian 4 » dred ‘ab ‘Hiner's Friant anicom Jou 24th Octiber, agetl 7" FUE ‘Rev. Re some 13. years; age, was pastor: of It is impossible to anndained, wt’ this date, a complete PIOgTamMMe. The following, however, wil form [part of the exercises: REY. 4. H. BOYLE, of Easton, isn will deliver hig famous lecture on, The “Origin of the Poetry of Nations," { » ') on Tuesday evening. On T hurequy: eve ning pn x . Elocutionary Entertainment, hy 1'rof Hal. AN ADMISRION FEE OF 25 CENTS ‘will be charged to assist in defraying. the expenses of the Institute, On Friday ewewing, Prof. SIHUMAKER will deliver a Lecture on Physical Geography. ESBAYS thre’: Xuron | i burg Lutheran charge,’ and? was well! ko thridghoyt’ Pose alley. int His. ie was one of: Christian useful | ir al as a mihister, his “ great] ————————— aps BIN, TAPEand other WORMS, lurking inthe system-of so many thousands, are ¢ficctualiy destroy- ed and romoved. For full dir , rend carefully the circular sround each bottle, in four les- guages—Lughish, Germati, Fron aed std Epaoish. i i 3 : i ALSO, A CHEAT LIXE OT wii td Te true. to. his gre: at call eb and 1a work Mi- the vine yard | ea + He lms gone to feceive] hereyard. His wifé préceeded’ Bin to fhe. spirit, dand sune fw months beforesss ior SH Wits 861d Hig 1 d hii i week; and his suflepiugs wee: Hitense, bat bedore them: with Christian pi | tienee aud Fesighiftion. : _ BR mari Satyr | Br Vora who ave desirone| of spurehasing bargaitis will “cil at’ Hirsch & Bro _ They haye Clothi. « of all deser pion, Hats, Capsg Boots: Shees; Ca livoes; Musling, Undershirts! & Printers; Triinks)T Valises, Caret, apd many $0 I NEW articles: -all goods| arésbhd wt exceedingly” dow! ices at} Hirell £ Bro’, Mihoy,. 0 vias - ATT §IFETE FLL “fa Tas. vans; of Gregg township, lira ted to Bellefonte, on Tuesday last. er Ay ef me Degpg.—Deer must be plen.v; ‘as| theyrareiseer Tulimik fr Tin the” diy | Two of these fleet footed animals came | closeto the premises of \Wm, Emer ick, a short distance below this, recently, | while another was seen near S. I] Foster's, a a few days ago. rey var a Wim Ianris Twi) 88 CoN ENTION.— | be third meeting of the Harris town | hip Sabbath School Institute will take| luce ut the Spring creek Presbyterian] hurch Branch), agurday, Deg. | WEE dpe’ § teachers and adult members of . several S. Schools of the twp. are all expected to be present, and bring their lunch with them so as to remain all day. All'vthers inter sted in the cause Wil! be read hy diffe extended to the Indy teaghers in the county, ; i | An invitatioh is to’prepare Essays, The roll’ will be called, morning and on FRIDAY AFTERNOON TICKETS OF ME to show the directors of their respectiv Sessions were attédded. For the { enefit of tedchery ind direc Rchool Law, page Tat: privilege of attending such Lustitutes without mak enchers should provide themselves F afternoon, na requ ira. by law, and mMuersHir will be given Tenchers, e districtsy setting forth how many tors we extpact thd following from | ing any deductions from their salaries, and with netg Bodks,” thst fy MAY T = he ir schools. ) Effortshvill bend ge The prédprictar’o the following hote Bush House, per day, 1,00. -Brogkerhoff Hays, per day, $1,00. Garuegy's Hotel, per day, 75 cents. MUS Theiexercises will be inteTshe vsed du cal and wstrumental music, under the music will be selected (rem the * JPeachers gre requested to Dov: classified. ihese shoyls " Teac he rs, (Hon. J 2 Wickersham! State Superintendent, Hon, that all muy micet and exc hunge vie capt ns 1 Diceetors] Day,’ whép the fi Unequal mode of Taxation, Shortness af Schoo) term. Teachers’ salaries. Township High Behools, THE COMMITTEE on Permanent day afternoon, when the regular annu 2 3 4, D. . . Bellefonte, Pa., Nov. 10th, 1870. Is have very gencrandly ‘offered to . IC. ring therdn wm and exdning? with: Now! guidance ot P raf. Shymaker. ; The AT EE sg: 08 “ wong adifé-study; and a lifeswork by I. H. Barrows, | [2 | DAY, Thursday, Dec. 29th, will be set Mow ing questiong w He discussed : ard the | Direptorship. Certificntes will be elected on Fri- al election of officers will tuke place. R. M. MAGEE, Co. Supt, are also cordially invited to be present and participate in the exercises. D.D, “President Indiana i 3 Bir Puhr House,” is . in seffil, Tnstructive! and RSI work. We heartily recommend. “Night Scenes” has met with unprecedented popular favor. We predict for this volume : still increased popularity, and. a. still; greater demand. [TE A Wt Weare about to make important im provements upon the kREror1er, by greatly C. Nutt, Shia Univer $i le the ainount of pace no Ww appEopri- i to reading matter. 10 do this We are’ obliged to have a new power press, wild near.y $1100—this, with the expense of u| great enlargement of the Reporter, puts us ta ancioutlay of féarly $2000; and Wé run in Now we trust that our subscribers, w hom | we have regularly and faithfully served | with the cheapest county paper in the state, and who ure yet back upon their sub-| scription, will pay up, as per terms, AT ONEE, SO We meet-obligations: made to furnishea sgillimore attractive paper. \ e wish mo enetosthink that the $2, $8, or $5, iliels may besdue from him. is of little helpand unimportant; but we kindly ask this be forwarded, we moed Jevery cent, and muve: wedi meer) Be very subkefiBer can’ ised by whe date up~ oh his address on the paper, each wéek, how much he is in arrears, and we do trust he will look as soon as reading this, and then mit us the amount. + Come,” now, give us HsdLifyahat iss deus —und we: iurther, pray, &c;, &e . SHERIFF SALES.—The Sheriff ad- “yertises the following sales, for Mon gday 28th Névi; dourti weeks: . “Homestead of C. A. Melus, in n Rush twp. Tract of land of David M’Clos- ky, in Curtinygwp. Real estate of Michael Mays, in stor, twp. House and lotof & €ampbell, in Rush twp. House and lots of H. Reichart, in sbap. Trisct of land of D. M. Pfouts zs tp. ‘House and ee hci ots in Millhein, ji 1 ince 40d lat dn Millhcis, hh of Won i Mus- _ Fhree tracts in Burnside twp, rby of £ foams ‘Gaines: Tract: of Ve , Property of John ; Hd of land in Boggs twp, erty of J. 1. Marie, ys : » “a 9 eT gp $1 . wl -_—— =e " Lettcr Erom the Loop. oe Loor, Nov. Tth 1870. Deir Fred.—Since you have been #0 highly honored by the citizens of otter twp., wherein they elected you I have not written you since I left Our p wasa pleasant one hn way up. Friend D. ‘Bear Meadows, as he expects to comé The fact that the engineers, who are not locating but searching for the best route, are making suck rapid progress with their labors, is the sole’ topic of the day and, all are looking” forward to the early completion of the R. R. as a new era in the history” of Pennsval- ley. The question with the people of the: Loop is not where, ‘but when: the road wit be built; witha road from Lew! isburg to Tyrone, one from Bellefonte to Centre Hall, and one from Hunting. don to the Liop, no people under thé sun will have better facilities than we for the transportation of ‘produce. If the Huntingdon & Broad Top R R. Co. construct a road from Huntingdon| to Milton, to intersect the Catawissa R. R, by which’ they will have a dis rect route fo New York, it must almost, of a necessity come through the Loop, as the Bear Meadow route will be the most convenient as well as the leastiex. pensive. - Those who are familiar with the ravines and basins of the Seven mountains, west of the pike, will un- derstand me when I speak of the route through Stoth ap being the easiest grade, but as distance is mueh| greater than Se other it ‘would, con} sequently, ‘be mere expensive. But do not be alarmed, ye to whom the ¢brill whistle of the'iron horse js a ter- ror, for what you now see in imagina- i The engineer attendants’ were no*! very communicative as they passed through the country “where the wood- bine twineth,” but we learn that they, | too, are true to the instincts of nature, | of the gentler sex. Some of our boys| overheard a conversation between ine of them by which they learned «that some landlord's pretty daughter had taken the door knob off in order to, keep them from getting into the room’ where she wes. We do not know, whether it was “Yones” daugther or| not. ever graced (?) the Loop has left. éclipses Artemus Ward, and for “elo-| quence Demosthenes sinks in oblivion | when compared to her. Her last expression is worthy of being! gnce. In speaking of 8. C. who had not conducted himself very properly while in her company, rance would sport such a stigma under his exterior. She has gone to thelandofpines 1d buckwheat, where the sun shineth only at ROOK. day, whete the crows: cross with tears in their eyes, where the kill deer ear- ries a haversack and the bees get on their bere to sip the sweet nectar from the clo- f'ver blossom. § Surely thd wéodbine twirieth there and she can compile Her lexicon and not we disturbed by. us" “nasty Loopers.” Deer are plenty and no. less: than fifteen ave been killed during the last’ month—a number of them in the valley contiguous jto the mountain. Mcesrs. Young and Miller each shot two. There is a clever joke brewing at some ones expense but we are not in full possession of the particulars, bus we do know that some one shot a deer that had one hind leg broken and the other to stiff from and old fracture that—well, we ware going to say it eould not walk, but some ome thinks that it had at least” power enough in its shoulders to drag the other part. Ask Heinrieh about it. He san fell] | [you the rest. Nearly every man is a hun- ter now and those who do not hunt deer are hunting dears, even “Bob,” took his gun and went hunting but when he got to the {mountain thought it was too high and ie = might slide off if he went up, concluded to ‘olic, Spasms, Dysontory, Bruises, Colds, Coughs, Qld "World" that stands more | “Vonvtaing ldolment. ‘here is no medicine la the * Sold by all Druggists Price ' Dopot, 10 Park Places | Brandreth's Pills penetrate the whole mass of bloed, Tha body feels, purified, and the botly recon. Sing Sing, March 25, 1568, My daughter Alice, thirteen years old of that horrible discase, after My Dear Sir: aiplolely curod ars reddored Ife a torment ; 1, constantly improving. Yours traly, DANIEL LUTHER. moult Hoy. B BRANDRETIL ol » AND STITCHING, BY BELLE HUMMEL, Living ‘at ks Sanu dl frbiephterds! 4] " Qct2l tf pm - ——————— I SH TAA I wo BOOKS! BOOKS. "BOOKSELLER! Pw * He cells the schoplsbpo ‘used throu@hout thd dint He sells them cheaper than any one else. He always has on hand the best as-| |sortment of Bibles, Hymn Books, 4% i \ it 3 that. i Tun SUNDAY SCHQOIL BGOKS, nN vit vir SINGING BOOKS Prayer Books, Reward Cards, &ec., at rates that defy Compptiom; : (¥ D He is always on the lookout for the latest publications, and has them on his counter at i 4 “ BE 27.5 LEER . Ww : gi DOO § He keeps the ett cok 3 of Bunge Envelopes and Blank Books in town, and defies competition as to quality and price. He has all the daily, weekly, and monthly publications for sale, at pub- lisher’s prices. ‘Merchants; save money by buying your books of him. Sabbath selivol superintendents, send in your orders to. Rankin if you-want to save money—all he asks is a trial— so that you may be ecomvineed of the above facts, Setiool ‘boatds fornished with | books, outline maps, chalk, crayon and every. thing needed in the school room, at the lowest. rates; Address all orders to JOHN I. RANKIN, fioviin ; Bellefoute,, Pa. CA RP E I'S, Meavy Damask, Flowered, Ingrain and Striped, Parlorund Stair C: urpets, nll Eupe- bright fast colors. w QOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex- a for Goods, Goods, of every varie- , always on hand at his res hia. John C. Lemp, Centre Hil Pa. apraf Age nt for MRempéon’ & Sons “ITS! SUI TS W. W. Mc «NeTlun, at Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who may dusire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably hit sits of cloths, from any kind of mas ind they ctsovse. 1 would say that I'am date. Fhave a large and excellent assort- ment of ALSO, old ths, Cnssimeres, « ventimgs | from which Rut rr iv the ‘Most K APHOTARYE Ar 0) ents willbe mplatp or- Having just houglg say, goods net © Aely aompelation nal to prices durability, wna, Fein hi sill, lof Philadelphia ro Rica Remenber the Place , | WWE Me@ LELBAN ® Bel efonte, Pa. pwhere eieth eg Snprgs, | vestings , eallar€ en has .e | eaps, iInshert everything to completely rigd {pdt a gentleman, caw be bad and made up| { inthe latest style I am also agent for WILCOX. & GIBBS | Sewing Machine, whicleshauld by séon by | oo desiri ing a mu achipe’ , ded, 68y | | I “OUR FAT: TERS HOUSES or. 'THE UN ITTEN WORD. By DANI BE Manon, -D. 0 pes of the s athteld poplar “Night Sces {thought and ng dd iriehes and benutie 1 We Gr Ho with its Slomp "Feast el ETHER li fi bow Ser Ly 3 5 Mighty oceans Thupde dering voices, Blaz, ing hedvens and ‘vast univérde with count less beings in millions of worlds, and reads torus in ech” the Unwritten ‘Word. *Rose- tinted paper, craate engravings and su erb binding. ich and varied in thou ht. YOhaste't - “Easy amet graceful in rie n “Correct, pure and ey rt mA tenden- cy. " ‘Beautiful and goo “A house- hold treashre.”” Comanendatioiedi above from College Pragide: fessors, ministersof all déenom the religious and seculn country. Its freshness with clear Openty pay substantial binding, ahd: the book for themagse: rom 50 to 150 wes We want Clergy smart young mpm 3 the work fur us ISewe ak will puy liborallyes SER : woman need be a LH Send foreirenlar, full Mseript wi g, oman 01 QSINess, tion, and ferms. DY, 16 8.8 Stre Phila, Pa.y, )3 Race Stee at, ou inet Ohing 369 Monpa Street, Chicigor X21 Sixth St. st Louis, Me., pr 192 Muir St., Springfie/d Mauss, 2sep. 4m EMOVAL. THEODORE DESCHNER, GUN SMITH, = has removed to the store knows as No. 5 Bush's Areade next door to Zimme TIAN, Bros & Co. at Bel efonte, whére he is just opening out a complete stock af REVOLVERS. ' GUNS. A MMU N ITION. FASHIN FLANNELS MUSL. NS, CALICOES AND ), A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, SY RUPS, COFFE also al; r 30 s shock of FISH, the best, ts kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING. i, best and cheapest$s the market. Wolf’s Old Stand. WESHALL - TAKE. PARTMCGV LAR CARE TO AXE FF AN ORJECT * A LS( FOR New Ca: tomers, AS “WELL AS INVITE O¥R OLD FRIEN DS, TO GIVE US A CALL. apA6RY, WM. WOLF. a i —— Z ELLER & JA RIETT . f DRUG - 5. wll 2 To RELin S, MEDICINES ~@NRMICALS, alsgTh the $A | iTAND ARD yATERY > “A IIEC ) MP Sonps, &e., hohe or LT TV nes ial ¢ ity of Razor STEEL, POCKET KXN1V ER SCIssoBS and Razors, War Gred PArer IN ASS TYR PRESCRIPTI INS, componhded By eom petent dr ng gste at nhl hopes, Sy or night. a —— LER & JARRETT, shop St, Bellefonte Pa. junl8 1y ‘WHITE FISH, Herring, apl7 68. BURNSIDE PICESf nll varieties. ground to order wid warranted todo strietly pure. Lt is the only plaeeyou can find unadultera- | 19d spices, Try them for your own satisfae- tion. You céun only find them at BURNSIDE & THOM AS. USH HOUSE near tive depot, Belle- fonte, Pa. mt hotel, having come under Mackeral sc. « THOM Asi “his elegn nuonnee to the publie that ha to aeeomu odate raw after the style of the Best, house in the cities, Fhe Bush House is a mag#ikecnt building, splendidly furnished waa enpable of com- ble accommodating THREE UUNDKED GUESTS: Itis'situnted near the depot, and cons enisnt to atl places of business. andiis tse Lest ho- tel in esntral Pennsylvania, are obliging: polite amd atbemtive; its fay bles are supplied with covey lus ut) in the mark ety ie sabes are first elas, with as tentive and humane hostlers, and its bar supplied with the best of Figtars, . For guests from the cities to spew the sufmer git ix just the place l, The proprietor will be happy $0 receive the public as often asthey wich to eall T.HO WELL, oct YStf Pp roprietor. Sm SKIING for wagons, all si respectfully A LE Base Balls, Bats, Keys: and gonoral: Spun. | ing Articles. warranted, Norway Oats. The undersigned offers for sale at hi res- idence, at Centre Mills, Pa,, the eelebrated! ; Norway Oats. This oats yields larger than any other Oats known. Sold in any quantities, at $3 per bushel. Orders by jun3d zes, at the sign of the Aneil, Irwin & Wirsex. 1, kind at apTd 08 N OTICE. — Letters. (irdgg township, dee’d, having been gran- tad to the undersigned, all perscns knowing themselves indebted to said estate, or hi v- ing claims against the same, will hand then in, properly authenticat od for sctt'ement without delay. M. RFESE 280etit Admiristrate: IRWIN & v WILSON'S. of aii, mail attended to. WM. K. FORSTER, 23sep. 4m. i : i { § ! i J. WALKER, Proprivtor. RH NcBOXALD' & CO., Drugs ober and Geh. Agents, Fan Franelico, Gal, ° S2aud 8 Comnuerce Struct, New York. = — BY ALL DLUGGISTS AND DEARLRS. : poTY'S S WASHING. maCHNE, LETELY MUCH IMPROVED—AND FH Universal Clothes Wri 2 UB Le Cov-warerrs, and the PATENT Stor, are now unquestionubly far su r to ar? apoaratws for washing. clothes ever invented; and will save their cost twice a. year, by saving Inbior and cloth The Editor ofthis paper, she # Washer amd Wringzer, 7 hts pe us to is tie fiard to. Many bing. as ay is dread by enn wives and daughters to perform a with greater ease than accompaniés the old side of W: hing by hand. “A€ vet, few of thee inventions hove proven sues cess! sgruinst some machines it is objected that they will not wash clean, against est work wommn has‘to tend ¢ ‘Peel the inventions to tke others that they ruin the clothes, aod against othérs that te operate thenr is more tiresome thew the old jwode. A washer. thus, against which non of these objeetion hold good will be acknowl & a read - send BPR we ankind, nan F Rae be cla ed wwe re moet us uP This I satisfied by oe er one of which we have in how Be y. whieh we have ‘given a fair rial and Doty geeupies very little space, ‘is easily movetl fronron® place to amotlier, it washes clean. does mof tear off buttons or other~ wise dnmsge the gnods washed, it does its work qk. ad with cach remarkable Centre Hall Reporter, Deel 17th Fog. Prices --A Fair offer. BF the Merehants in your place will sof furnish, or sepa for the M' hone, eu us the'retal price). Washer Sl XUN £9 and we will forward either or how nacfines, free of favight, to: places where no one is selling and so sure are we they will bw liked, that we agree to refund the money if any one wishes to return the mevrhines free of treight, after a month's trial, necording to directions, No lushand, futher or brother showld sermit the ds udgery of washing with the b ands, fifty-two days inthe yesr, when it can be done better' more e w th less labor, and nor ing W to the nents, by a Doty Sloth asher, and * : Universal Wringe Soldby’ PE rk Re terally: to whom Tbe ral discounts are made. KC. BROW NING, Gen. A Sept. 30.3m 32 Cortlyndt St.., Now Fork: Manhood : How Lost, HowRestored. + Just published, a new edition of Pw. Culverwell's Celebrated Essay on the rad ical ewve (Without medicine) of SPERMA~ TORRISOEN, or Seminal Weakness, Invel- - untary Beminal Losses; InrorEney, Mee tal wv! Physical Incapacity, Im Im pediments: to Marriage, ete. ; also. CONSUMPTION, Fe LRPSY, amd Firs. ind ed by self-in. 0 10e or sexual extrava re Price, ie a sealed! envelope, owly ¢ cunts, : The eelebrated author, in fie admirable essay, clearly demonstrates from a thirty years’ successfil practice; that the alarm: ing consequence of sei f-abuse: may: be rad+ jomdly ered without the: dan a use of ingerynd medicine ofr the ap on of the knife; pointing out a pk puis bd simple; ehrtain, and effectual, by mexns of which every sufferer, no matter what his condition maybe, may curehimself cheap Ky, privately, & ad radically. 1 #i~This Lecture should be in the hands. tiously, : Sent, under seal, in a plain.enve.ope, to. any address, postpaid on receipt of six cents, or’ two: post stamps. j lil. sa 1 "Balin Also, Da. Culverwell's A, Guide,” price’ 25 cents. Address the Rus Published Large Stock of Ladies Fam 3 or. : Blankute and B Buffalo 127 Bowery, Now LE BURN KBE TOMA. y 33 $i ies i 7% 2 iEed Lg te oi ME iz Fai #
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers