CENTRE HALL REPORTER. wl CexTrE Hay, Fa. No oth, 18 na MBER Z 2 "tons sth Fo Camvettion. © The' culffoctof revising oir state con stitotion, is just dow being agitated in omequarters, and the question will un donhtedly be brought up at the next session of the legislnture-——which may withorize the holding of an election for choosing members to compose a convention to revise the constitution be a ¥ pein dt — ST Nr ® the } cabinet, there has. been AD UNiD- werrapted. series” Tof break downs, re movals anll appointnients, Sue as are not chrowicled in the history of any administration, from Washington down to Grant's inauguration, The majority of Grant's appoint. ments to eabinet t positions were errors, resulting from his ignorance of the fits} and. Jigs : counterfeit offiee 0. 188" Srond way, under the name, of Cooper & Co., were arrested this afternoon together with eight clerks they had employed. Notwithstanding that the firm did an extensive business, no coun- {goriaie mandy snve one ten dollar hill Was ‘found in the place. Their plan of doing | — fold ne: and was & all. «During pred but Ii ) A ois death © opera! of Yeco 2 his decense his friends, and the Gomm®. nity here sutfore d an great bereavement, and lost 0 most genial companion and upright citizen. His mother, sisters and brother have experienced in his death, the loss of n kind, affectionite; AAA" Autitutison and brother, and suffered a bereavement that oA RAGE Nay» yy nd fy "On Son ny 0th Decemb a valuable Tract of land conning 257 ACRLS. of which 20 acres are cleared, and in a good stato of cultivation, the balance. con-. sisting o GOOD TIMBERLAND. Thereon are erected a good onze dei and Outbuildings A good young ( re ie. [ETTING UP CLUBS. T' SAVING te CONSUMERS | » - s enquire how to get up clubs. Ou Bwer is send for Price List, and a form will accompany it with full directions,—making a large saving to con- sumers and renumerative to Club organi- ZOrs, 5. P. 0, Box Nh John Cessna, defo ated for Congres: by B. I’, Myers, 18 going to contest! tl vote of the peo ple, business was to receive certain sums of money from parties, then forward theme» : box of snwdust in return, this.evading eon re THOT eT viotion/in ease they wera arrested “on tho, Look! ol Lok! chargd of selling orvdistributieg connter- i {ont tf Ui assurance of heartfelt sympathy of 3 mpa- 88 » men, an ness of the men, a d his lac k of a prop thizing friends. AMERICAN er knowledge of state affairs, ‘and not “4 knowing what men cabinet positions, of ¢ ‘hoic e fruit on the trinet, This " fn i Yory + 4 t phowiB! 1 is for SEEN Sout ey Romets, 1 yn | «MRS. MARY'E. InC entre Hall, ig, M, E. Shor We, hus Jugomgurgigd i — Ss ’ | 7 « a Phindelphin wit) 1 the 4 } / ; a an Bhhiats oh wo; k ofy hw JA, ijegant Trimonin gs 8, &e., on hr fin dd ip! ay’ LLIMS lt’ rites’ rd Abs urk very prefty. Todi him ety. First. come, Ar | “nk NEY FE il submit whatever alterations and a by mail. Now Youd AA AA IS 15 {iprovemegts may be adopted, to a Cesstin is one of the greatest politic villains in the state, who will stoop to any hase and dishonorable means to obtain a seat for which the people oi strict thought him {oo mean and his dl enough, if it be made w ART wirter were suited for His appointment This of Stewart was owing to his ignomnce enclical quarter, and muy. all be we {of the Inw ; while his appointwent, of ith an honest! [Washburn was owing to’ n' wait «of undeservi ing, as shown by the chang, Lintent and to work a needed reform proper eo neeption of he gravity and against him. The people of his oe Land if it Le not for a partizan purpose, | which. de- trict have spewn Cessna but, mid by ich | nv ands a ripe statesman, instead of the hired perjury he will endeavor to fore will ouly operate for the benghit of the | low political bivwler like ment Wash himself upon an honest and whwilling} addiend party. The delegates ton con hue! 8 Ktripe When the Phisident, people 23 their representative. John |! | itutional vourtention would! Rave toby chance’ id hit upon a good man, Cessna is depraved enough, were he ia he i byt Teta tiv didtets, sind! this stay in the cabinet wis very shout, the sitting wiember, to become one of Hor the compiny around him was poor, ns perseribe din the " A ( ETT RTE R ee constitution, movement originates from feit money. They were arrested on. gem, plyint ofa man wha rend one of their ad-| ‘oil a On ent in fm provineinl newspapen Hg cwitib to New York, went.to the office f of! hpi | mondy dealers, when he paid $00 For bogus currepgy. "Theaccused took | hig money and then farcibly. put. hin ent of thd bffice. He gn plwined: tothe police uyhofitios, and t 0 A currency ‘dea- lars wero arre sted Lobo dy A Republic an Opinion of Grand. (From the C hie gh Republican.) Tt has been no yneommon thing for pags ty‘organsin the United States to accuse Presidents’ oftheir bwii party of party “of fances, untruth te the party principles, or infaithfulness to their actual of implied |’ | pledges in respect to individuals or poliey. It is the common fate 08 ‘acceding Vice- * pe bw Not for the Uunviival But fou. ded fall ¥ in goods, Cambin If on want to buy your Pry Goeodscheap, Go to Graff & T hompron's, 4 Milzoy. Ie Sou waath tor bi p Go te {1 & If you oS -, 4 a fae &| | reason Que enswure &fy g ot) MEY Tha new st Goto Gall OM By. cativg Sob" If yon want to buy your Boots and Shoes, sery cd Huts and Caps, ¢ hen Go torG NF Tho peal, NX ilroy kf you want to buy your Clothing und an-| der Ware ches, xn © Go torGratt-de-Fhompeoniey If you want to buy yom FineDress goods, A Vase Himportaucg al the pli wee, Land to make a new constituiion whi whié hw LIVE ae Wo Oni Jorja in the : i w onderful de YS the rstod rac ov x Es 8 Ti , The best pa i gird ‘le dyer fT Ladder the pre sentonfad ap portionme ni wonld second rate material, Kee hes upon. the speculators,’ 20° (hut a igh pind d, honorable stiitesimdu, got the committee on contested elections, and decide higoxn CAFC : ii Brown Jie wn ta Ni al Ha i hogs, | LA may wi OWS fie beat toy framed by a body in which there] Fi of his. OWN: AAT the. Sule ctyvas Neb iy Jair, Je presentatiou ol the Ww 0 he demeyratic voice of this state fot linve the stremgthito whiely its num | HIGSUTY, and ant a’ constitu th tout of jt quick as possible, or if he felt! {Nike dremadning, a at | he i» Wol 1d entitle it, believing the night J as 3 ™ ii (9 6 | i Go to Graff & Thom pan ® Milvoys mlkendy made. Hothing, ind, Lat. Tirs, soldat w bolesal Le ar Lop, wl S, Milky; a | ore - fw Ts i & # 0) § ‘ » Tvirtually / : ! Lit to Lo be the case, - Bit ‘apportionment can effect it. Lah § We do not deny that there nre evils| ‘small ends, und his cabinet always ap-| W | Missouri, was du Ruchingtoh a Pe existing which should be wiped out by | [pe ared butt up—one bad egg flit dds’ ago, “aid! ¢alled y on WALES constitutional enactments. Our state "mow another then, and knocking down | | bett AEs “+ ye 4 "8 1 ri y a) y { { ho USE, Cd ant Ww as tu ip but he legis] Aber sadly neads tobe curbed st any gooil one shich might | happen to i hest place in the gift of the people by his! By order of Court. 3 nx UY ———— & 1s enancy., | xe el torste Carl NaS J00 Busy just its licentivusness, and the power of cor tbe in company. President Grant lias 1 NOE underss ee] thn. (Canl. bad sinued, in that he, t the facul fg r ] Ly! Professor Agassiz is cut in a card deny- I ARE : ie uhdersigned | rapt rings utterly ‘destroved. A eor (nol the jacu ly o gaining wisdom by! hereby gives notice that the Vendie| hai: wh ta-defeat the; Grant party = : , i ing tint he hat predietpd a great tidal wav ap fates bf his sae execut dd on Be dau) diy A a fo EN Hd f : . (0) ! : ENE B24 1 SAVE :} ile March, last are now due, ‘and hive bees plendid 7? ssortmeh © inf Missoni. But Carl Sys he is ), 7, 0, or a, less number. left with Margret Spangler, for éolleetion. | better radical “what” Grant, that the ruhiiom v Men's & Bay's © lothing, over & majority Ww 1g tform he stobd upon in the Missouri | rire pit { | whole nutter of members in: a full |his—apd Lis has’ next "to nothing “of hv All persons interested in this iwill“pledte: enll immediately and settle the same,’ and! mmodiufuiy and ps Cloths and Casgimeres, damental thels o th's , i » ~ POP campaign, Wasi the one. upon; w thie h) thouse, and withhold bills, unless taken st: itesmanship the : : cls of thy Yap. A vires, wil rm pre Al of which fh we alter g mag poi ULAR Ulyssees: was pominated. Oh, ak! ' | 1 chianges i has un erEone ad 1» under ave trouble and expernites, novig, Bt EZRA L. SPANGLER. rr PRICES. TIO y ~ Sef HY ote ‘good looking, ad] lout. of its hands by the potent two-| Hew low political corruptionists, who. going all the time. Jt. would be easy to PE oS AKE NOTICE KEP Fd a RE 4 § yA : Bu Eh k! Jdom at | made him presents of corner lots, houses have those facts taught school, p you; “ch tome in. Sut we thin ING, ee and 1 wish the panic to which you ‘allude und others, in WANTOF F URNITC RE, | Al VA afer pin bri gia trore: | 1 Sehnaz, can stand it as long as the big r will do well to call at : : smoker,cab.. Fhere is more pure air John Camp's - New Waurerooms, on [Sten for sale a valuable Hotel and store Main street, Milroy: where he keeps F ur=| Say situ! od tn Fens Yile, ey vture-of all kinds, Sofas, Tabl Chairs, | mton " Ominty he buii- | outside the: white house than inside. A RN i kin a Hn ee HEAP: | ding consists of a good frame | This edfittict upon the part of Graut.! ER THAN EVER. noy 1.3m construction witha storzroom | Hwa his' little, petty, péevish'nature,| aud his stubbornuess will land him iu & mud puddle, as. did bis hanging on ‘ TRE] Ts 26% 46 with a goodiware room, | ; d Fos EX! STOVES) and an‘nrcled cellar beneath the building. r toWow’s tail, ms related in his biogra- phy, WrittéPby his daddy. so far asa partiz: (his cabinet; be appointed men with Was ever!: INO. MORAN, Froth hy cl A i 020 (NO! Shawls and’ Ladies ®ars, “Wi Gi d suits Brow, bd Aeing iol hogs andypl e, would hardly be just and; fair ark some refofins, he was furcdll tolPresidents to suficr under acensationd of ~Goto Graff & Thompson’ 8 Miroy. 1 . in ter X: 60 8... Ml RG aniong J (hem. went! Fenrs.ago:. Je fits feutures! and free from party Fa eave By preside nig] interferancé with [party perfidy in general, accompanied, for| If you wunt to buy yout. Bi apd; salt] A1 FRONK'S, LE WISTOWN rh f | iit lan houest discharge of duty, i the sake of ‘emphasis, with suggestions. of cheap, AID their: new. ans on nificont TOME for. Fp Ee pes Geen if ook GE bn LE Wi A gi wr pid 5 "3 oftieim malfeasance. -Buttheoflicial eareer Go, to Crll' &. hem peop’ 8. Miley yi phone commagntionef ther oid Jr, friends, in, ro rg dra R00 O big apple lo Jumping, which he gillped fu (his Light, we Vv would 1 not favor staneed in the. recent, resignation ol of General Grant presents'a cage that is pe- [If you want to buy Anything! ng the’ Reeling and a TA py i ih Rt Hy dow, at. ONO HIOQP. He, Was! a Very | land be content te gel along with our Mr. Lox, as secretary. of the intepor.tenlinr. He'stands charged not so much market prices, tig {Tr Gis LAL, 4 DIL big hoy tier; and. has grown nonc¢the present one, until 1 more propitions |G rant’ 8 cabiief making Ww might aptly} ith i to his party as official. | y : OAS, ji win wl Mei S., » ) rQ Ww eom ar » {0 tl o fli § 4 id Mise onduet And personal menhndss.; and ju Domestic wiods; a8 sd nand h Ra "hidy. ii at - les§: finek,” Te! edhumns of the Resi moment, when a large portion of the Ww fe othe effort. of one in “sett vg B1thess tlinrges ‘are so well astiblisired, iso! ae Barred Fi den ial odie ANTENA AGEN §5 + public ican “ire A [tring receptiicle for electors of this commonwenlth are not up nll dozen eggs upon their POIs | iver ally believed hind so-freely aenliwg-p 'GRAFE & THOME: ON arre: anne 8 ) (i py A Ss ra howalogy: disfranc hised, as Wwe now find! and trying to make thom stand. There, od upon, that the orghns of hig a purty Vid 259m 4 Shawls and a0) ' 1 1 ny Sg w PR an rabies t iri = | wad no unity, harmony, orstability in} Levon, whielspealdin Risfatbr or wis: Th YOTICEY TO JU i ORS “AND T AR-| 4 | wide. nwake iu AF hed pha ale, i rE 1 ¢ R- F¥opld Se ‘Him. {his indication” Mre “the éxéeprion.’ “N Ti: S,~The Jurars Supynoned to! 3 k a )) | RU SSE LI, ’ oh} ar - _— fical : se ( Ir wm | | American President, tikihg for it the tes: “an nd tl ge BR pac inl Conrt of conpmon Pleas)” | A Fine § SLo8: of I enery, inetd SPs rag 8 AUF Zy Td cal : senator ic [timony of the Republienn firtss, to be holden on 3d Manday, of Nov. A B eth 13 7 ie 4 } { { FREE TO 1g! thor Ne Fadi v inst) are hageby Notified that they need ORI aid a) more rorough yd o¥hise d or de served it not attend asad C ourt will not be held de. Hits, o % , ' ay urd lL gord u lig er than the dné who mow dishonofs thé! Pirtics interested will please take, nogice, Ay k ; a ont fide af Ribbons an shaid iy Natoma) ‘wblishing (fo: Bhi : & Flowers: d: 4 5 : $10 MJ ‘MADE F * op ¥E oy ‘3 ' { 4 i A ¥ Fav § Bowmetdhing urgently n | IOn land i ¥ Pre y | ily ! : rupt Bpujarity committee, it t! experience, He is too stubborn. and : 5 § SC1Z08 LH or that he ever intends to. . . . nid) hgh 3) : |conecited to listen to, or ask for advice] giension to say : Rat #18, Wy OLGOTT, 1 0 AGENTS WANTE HOW WOMAN CAN H MAKE woe Avdrothor best Boeks ia the market. Me Kiviuey & Mastin, Yotaihean Street, “Phila lanov ih, | Farmer’ s Hel NR > “Shows Tow to dhuble’the profits o “fhe” - FARM, and how furmeors winch their Trot caneach make » ‘ “adh _ 8160 PER MONTH In Winter, 10.000 1Gagion will be : free to Farmers. DY, Philadel 5 POV - to ZEIGLER & eCU RY, 0 | DE BEI WANTR FOR THE LIGHT OFTHE WORLD, Conts aining Flaetwhodls* Jaf of Christ,'” * and “Lives of the Apostles, Svangelists afid Marty's," Doddridges “Evideniées of § C hristrinity, '! “History of ‘the J.ws,” b Josephns; Historyofall religious Denom font nntions,” with treatise nnd tables te tating } Higa | Comp sed of & thas ‘power of from heads a thousand times wiser than! It is a great pry that the community. at y is still Kept in ignorance of the fun- Ilis brothers in- els { in every thirds; which now-a~days is se hand when honest legis lation 1s pro rand fast ne Los, are the men whose ad wight bean inducement for adding those and whose views Land kindred subjects to the studies taught W hile he in OUr como) se haol 1 may it . ‘ it with tops at is talerably well ascertained that in recent vice he listens too, be alcontrol the admimstration, yosed. We think that there should ‘constitutional probibition ag: inst ali knows how to eat Lone Branch, and may know all the \ ad that it swell. geological tines (that is within the \ private or special legislation. It is this, last reihund rod t) hich the vultures at Harrishurg points of horseflesh, and be a good . two or threehundrod thousand years pupon wile 1 Q strep af the tonst, vv Alrying from ten ta ast front winter to winter, and where judge of pups, he is just as deficient in dth. has no are outraged and that know ledge which 1s re (uisite in along our const from Cape Hatteras : J » acy a dritis rovinces, [corruption is bred, the Chief Mag grout fitieish Provinees. tured, and the rights of the people country. Now that reports lnere. If olGrant’s cabinet has all along been be called failure, and is it a wonder that ke has 10 83 — v * } twelve mi Hi ww! Ol wer avy {0 uy tho tt (yas justice and honesty this strate of and fid, and nur wher is it a marvel ’ Andrew Reesman, would respects pr. her part consists lof twa rooms, a § NOW It hai i eid aren tr ifually inform the citizens ro Centre Hall, {200d stable suficient to stable 30 head of A Big Make. that he now has on band all sizes oF Coal {po a good wagon shed also on the FO0u” readers will ‘have noticed thelconstitutional RiOVes Burnersi-which” he ofibrs at game. "For terns address | loa ns elsdw here, (vive him a eall and go! “MPU ROOKEY. item, going ‘the rounis of the press, with an honest tha: Farwel hy, radical and many kindred evi's, then we ble leaders of his party? ? and see his stock before purchasing: else. S. E. SPANGLER i a - elect from C bicago, had won $10,000 are in faver of the movement, and the! nov IBATE of tr Exgeutors Mifflin County 1 Bets iipon hiz own eleetien. We may | Weathe Wasehis day, fare weervod it ton hy Larvavih dhe : : gambled away for filthy ton by ; Ap! 1 Riree fines ‘a twahty- nt sinned ni he duity p , mpe pers, best es! (3 {). AL 11 CONIC Mg place hs, wr their col . £9. ¥5 tates convention hed 1h allio! : ed in allie tinned pub li intention to correct lost the sy ymp ail hy of all the respecta bes} to events connected with Bible containing ‘many fine efigrmvin whole forming a copiplere The 1 Chrisfa'n Knowledge, W, FLINT 98-8 SEVENTH re P ll TE ne bulle 1 The tel rn Fed tory ys hic arrangement fi congressman ‘these 0 sntisthe | Ww a h . : OCTOBER. 1870. 9 J &P.COATS tion ind distribution work i i beh J EE that (hey are nll received in f any sooner it be done the better, LewsTowN (LooKING UP ~The| ington: aft distributed througout theeputi- t ing \& should disqoalify Farwe | from! follow this subject further in future! Middie Creck RR. Company bas! try in loss thanore hour'stime, Although | tak ifg! his seat, it is this, No man | ‘numbers of the REPORTER. decided to enter Lewistown and locate | the points of observation dange frowd Key | IS NOW THE having, & hs in congress pis de pot on Wal Gran AM’ 8 farm, at) ¢ estto Cheyenne. The LIME, o> A> CRVSLeNY phomiisas u Facts trem Cd wo ddl, ACh as un Romane e, now, fresh, ol ny . experience on the W Pr Hunts, &¢, ale the Wf Falk Shor &e.. >. MILLION Buition om. « dy, price v 77 low ; sels fast, nea. a TE Tv Hook cut. First chapter; AHH CBee trations und terins sent free. B. AD, Pub. ; ONLY s, with mene " ney State Treasurer. he lower end of Main street, about good résults; and We (developement in of f 947 oe Pp To ny dmb sits lnm consi Snug wood Bo foe vr colnet ? The Sen- - Office and yard near south end of Bald Eagle Valiey R. R. Depot, Bellefonte, Pa. SHORTLIDGE & co {fe Senne issues his writ for such elee-| | flow. - Ale, Watt's district is demograt iby a small oma Jovity, a democrat, A Diamond; having been” elected, Bat’ Myr Wi aft contest g lie scat last Voulers, Diamond was yi This « elegrion will be: impariant one, 4 pon’ it now ¢ fepends the complexion ofthe Senhte, and [ from thie resitlt of ihe. Tate ‘elections we are in hopes the dergoerats will elcet a senator wish such ow! majority. as must be respected at Harrishurg, and, th was give Ms one mad dority. in the spate, This leaves us dope for.a fair apportionment this win- ter Geen: MCarrdless will be the dem Seratic, candidate to fill ¢ - Cr . fp. pine ret a acy 400 Chestnut St., “A o F = {AGENTS WANTED i | “LADIES OF THE 0 nafs } “WHITE HO 8) . : Stand: ud. and official biogra ses | mistress vf the Presi@ents® Wiishington to: G ed Superbly 3, iota ted on stee i Tor circu) ars gud te ®dress, US Publishing Conipany Yur Bld aT 40 ry » $1 000 TO. . $2. 000 S io L. A RY WEGUARANTEE TO PAY DOK AGEFTS of experienee; or =» > irger cominission ist offered by any other 0 pr wi are mos king & She : for ony rAd 0 Feel tee Age a salary or a he commission, with a choice of two mew and papular books and exclusive territory. We offer a rare chance to energetic men or women to make money. Seeure your agency “direct” fronr the publishers: Jo R Bt RR & coi Hartiord, Conn. Rov] . TRY WELLS Jarboli bl Car 0 ic : ols.” Ap unfailing remedy, for aif “Bronchial 1 Diffiga'ties, Coughs, "Colds, Hoarseness, Asthma, Diptheria, Dryness of the Throat of Wind Pipe and all Catarrhal d ; "The wonderful modern discovery of Ou y bolic Acid, is destined wo Da er n the grentest blessings to mankind in Sts 1 ro plication to diseases of the throat and. reat curative qualities in all affections oF the Chest alls Lungs. a Dr. Carbolic Tablets besides the I remedial agent Caf Acid contain other ingredien ria ~ recomended; which chemieally combi prode Tablet more hy ghly aot fhe n ter 4 3 hon SHOR oe 0! hari the 3h offered to the publ FOR COUGHS AND COLDS Wells’ Carbolie Tablets ARE A SURE CURE: TRY THEM. SOLD BY PRUGGISTS. » ORRIBLE-—I suffered with Catarrh’ thirty years, and was cured in Six | weeks bya simple remedy, and will send | the receipt, postage. free, foal afflicted T. J. Mead, Drawer 176, Syracade, NY nov4.4t i aii M YSTERY SOLV ED. —Fifteen Minutes Private Conversation with Married Ladies by one of their number. Sent free fortwo stumps. Address Mrs, H MET 2G ER, Hanover, Pa, nov. Local Agents Wanted. want a Local Agent in every Jown and Village in the Coun- ry. to canvass for Subscribers o the Western World: A Mag- vificent $6,00 Premjun Steel Ingraving is sent gratisto exery Ea From $1,00to 310, 00 an be easilymadein anevening. | A liberal ir LSomanission is allowed. Send gun or Ipteimens an Prize Circular. dress, JAMES R.: ELLIOTT, STON MASS. nov18.4t 50.000 Boys & HFT : Wanted, qe in gvery n ood, to. act as agent for nt de, Juvenile Books, Pictitres, and other novel "and use- fal articles. pA: in fash, and perma- or gent emplo else hours.” ~ smplofment C0. Chictgo, 11. tn¥ i 8 v arid novi. 4t » Offere diolivemen. J Stamp. Di septHBma 1 bh SE co oo oi oan i Fol GENTS WANTED ( $225 A MO —by the AMERICAN KNI MACHINE CO., BOSTON, MA ST. LOUIS, MO. WANTED—AG . day) to séll the cele HOME SHUT- TLR SEWING MACHNE. Hus the un- 1 der AH makes the “lock stitea” (alika on both sides, ) and is filly licensed. The best and cheepest family ‘Sew Machine in the market. Addr JOHNSON, & co., Boston, Mass., Pittsburg, Pac Onis Chis cago, il, or St. Louis, Mo, bese. 8m his vaeaney., rm vse Thread put up for the American niatket ‘which is SIXC-CORDIN ALLNUMBERS, " From No. &to No. 100 inclusive. For: Liand: and Machine, nov. L4t in hig parse for which he never Jo: | One year ago, the democrats in our [rae from the stone bridge. The | watched with interest by ihe svientifie LIF Br VE 2 'CIDEN ER IN- warriied ¥&lue; has Ja conscience ~he isigate le wislature assisted in the election work of grading the road at. this end world, {3 : SU IEA Nr COMPANY of ; - a 't Ww i AE its nothipg less than a gambler, and willjof Mr. Irwin, republican, to the State of the line is to begin this week, un weit Th und RAL | and POW DER! 81. 300,000. Giants LIF Ea CELon proposes O ung ert ake, ( Ie : $ : 1 sceuple to sell himself to the high- Treasuryship. Mr. Mackey was the der that inde futivable subeontrae tor, Ith inst. 3 en | fount hundred i Yeditith! | « 4 ENDOWMENT Policies of all regular caucus nominee of the racieals, i Joshua Morrison, esq. The probabili. |. R approved forms, Aniple sceuri- cst. bide der, All goes into the bag in five consecutive ds ays, re sting a four hours! ty low” rates. Also, qnsures i WB voradi 1 but there heing ome holting Ie publi tics now aie that there will be but one at the ck of each day's effort; and muak- gains t ACC THENTS Ceausing » the Chose Oo f : 0 } § : s Ss Tae a o 3s ny a purity. cans who would not go with the depot in town for both railroads—the ing ‘one huddre id WETER miles! witli le death wp townl disnbidity, Pol Neos I L400 lp ps one Fhe Goverticr e astntlv uooknted i] r, they, with the aid of the demo- Sunbury and Lewistown and the Mif twenty-four’ conscative Nonds during ’ cdwhitten by the year op month, Hus paid ) { ) 5 od i i = 3 ¥ ap elected Irwin, and thus defee ted | flin and Centre County. The track of | $700 per day for Six Years in benefits to Gen. esi: Beaver, of Bellefoule, the radical caucus nominee. This wa the atteralong Wate or street will doubt: polic; y holders. . : Rov A Gentre count ; : oe re Bs : vy : HE. P y 3 “The th Di Bi, Mejor Lieneral of Lhe a hard blow for the radical ring, but | less be torn up, and the road made to 13 . 1COAL~—- Wilkesbarre Conl, Chestnut. | 1 ih A he \GrIC at, { RAR NE; BR. 7 The vision, Comprising the counties (The RL owing, ol tury Wh eroded ont! Rtove, Egg, farnnce: and foundry) leading ricuitura onthiy o e oF Vinita; Mifflin; Centre and Hun~ did it help the democrats any. Mr.| diverge somewhere near the ~Ameri | st werk, ) i +1} Conl=-of b ap qadliey, at the low= L uited Stnies; cptaining Ri gunria Pages i Jrwin still claims to be a OE Taunery, to connect with the SF or HET Sito. ast prices, C ustomers will ple nse: is recommended, to i ih vy j DELon. and we do not know of any thing he and L . roan note that our copl is housed un: b= i shopthed ig ha) fo! </Dke-Goneral ‘deserves’ this, compli. did, while in office, foosh wo that he| A Obituary. fas sonmwlions sheds i) : to Ing and fe wl Hi i . © ) p { ( u r . ~ $ 1 finrge made y O10 ni nat- mens aio ve i other republican |, ok forgotien Alot Hiseleciion was Fhe furnace at Freedom Tron W ovks{ Thaddeus Po Stephens, who died at lier, and devoted to Stock’ Rais ing Grain the di: strict., : 1 ' N o is to be put in blast on the 1st proxi: Bellefonte, November Sth. 1870, was born! LIM E—Wood or coal- burnt Lime, for gale’ Grow ng, the Dairy, Orchard, Vegetable Sadia: jowing to the democrats. : Ow if we mo. October 16th. A:'D., 1880. at Warriors nt our kilns, on thé pike leading to and Market gardening, Grazing, Re: aring Death of: Senator Watt— mistake not, Mr. Irwin wishes to be ; Mark, Pa., which place was the seene of! Milesburg: innd Fattening Animals, a Yeteribaty esd nate left a Ti yedelected, ard in the same manner, viz:] CAPTURED BY THE, INDIANS. —Thel (his carly boyhood days, ra ich ge, : nek {De partment, &e. Price $1.50 per nm nm, * 5 "> . ¢ OCiONENess Pp or Rire 1 . - - - ( » S 2 OF ss & q y a/Tie a em ovine thel painful intelli ence bis bein veccied, ud bya precocionaness ii chor desiia wd pv 1k, —aving received thio agency! ih trance... Bails conics bb ld Hon! WW. W. Watt senator from the aid of democr: is. We He not censue,| ‘that Homer ~ Eps, son of ‘Moses A. Lone’so young. While yet a youths he acs) for Rants x op der b T puication with show-bilis; furnished on : ‘ » aH a Bay > 3 FID Ist diseiet, ‘Philadelphia, died in that | the conduct of thoge democrats who vo-|Sample, of this place, was Bow 12 na if npe I Sher ro heres] pleased to receive ordersfrom a) plication in 2 DR N ie Thi. > 3 re lane } t = iy . Htor anc opriete 2 0 r- city, oll fast Frid ay. Mr. Watt was a ted Sor w in, bel; believe they id it| bilgi by the Indians. AoBe! he way) himself in the peaceful pei of agrical-| dhe trade. teenth street Philadelphia. movi. dt in gooc aith, be ieving t ey aided ahs companions, wihlst: 0 ! ture for some years. At the age of seven-| : PIN © C 0) l 4 N | republican, aud be longed to the more movement. in favor of reform. But) from Texas to Kansas with a drove of teen years, his desire | for Jenrning Daying, a ME, HEALTL, HARPL ES honest portion of his party. Thisdeath wo do not think now, that the samescattle.— Lewistown Democrat. Ince Le ary hi A ve ho made rapid pr PraNTAaTIONS, FARMS, VILLA SITES AND Vv He » ' feav é5 the State Senate 16 to 16, whieh | game should be repeated—or if it shall os A gress in his studios ; won the confidencexud| wa Looe, pt Tun Guna es uy N will stand thus until an election is held be, let. it be upon the principle of ‘The Key to the North of gE of his Professors and (Classis ‘the South.” 48 hours from: N.Y. fhe “turn abi ¥ g ; s { ( \ and assumed almost sole gommu 0 e t Te : : rec yi Bikilie vacancy, which will Ye after ’ oul is fair play,” aod let the, The inund: ation f the country was social cirele, After gradunting at ¢ ‘nssvile, Re RG » 7 gi 3 { sy WR bi of the is e the Erase and vote for a Cd miles there] is one a lake, rutuing Pain 1860—where he Tore til the, — orchards in fall tae Fore ptive fish iA Airey days after The Seder of | erat. ‘the village of Lamboas, w Kich Was en- (spring of 1862, meeting wit avanted success N : | S H “ | mh oe (with stamp), J. C. . DY pr 3 ~ We hope, nd Semeenitio con- [sist det serted. Five Byndred fami- I mpi bk a F ainber ofiother ctudnins, CWS! oe er ec. DERBY, August Gn, foe novd 4t stituencics demind, that the democrats|lies were driven away by. the flood. he entered the U. 8S. Military Servic £9 A a ary I= bung men v "yr » > - > Re "of the senate and house, nominate a|The windows and doors of the houses joining the 49th Regiment of Penn'a V ol TIN AND SHEETIRON WARE, #~ wibted as local wid travelin Snke | | re walled ‘unteers. . While in the service he w ds! men. “Address (with stamp) RH. WAL- democrat, and vote for lim in fot were walled up to keep out the water.| \siithe disehurgoof every duty, how-| + The andersigned hereby informs” the KER. 81 Park Row, N. Yor & Revit convention, and none other. If the| The zone of the inundation is eleven ever severe, withoutin murmury despite his! gitizens of Perinsvalley that he bas pur</™ ROYAL HAVANA LOTT ERY. radic als have » a fight, let the ‘m gonge | miles wide and completely enc ire Jes! phy sie al 1 gutkuess Ww hethe pili bit Fhe d helt Hishop, jeriatofpre [cries on Prizes cashed ol AML P tion furnished : : 1icome and fatigeing march, Or periorming by the 0,, ANG wil. eontinue by GEORGE UPHA rovi ence each other much as the 'y please, dewo-| Donai. Over 50 ,000 persons will be! | the monotonous rounds of Inzy camp life, the same, at the Sa stand, in all its branch- ova. 4t A Cerats should stand aloof, We do not ‘made homeless w hen the inundations Thad. wasthe life, mirth and quiertain nant es, in the manufacture of NL his is no Hum b ug. see that Irwin is.any the less a radical- are complet ted. {of the company. Owing to physical debi STOV E PIPE & SPOUTING ty and ill ealth, he was unable to endare ? / . Y sending 35 ets, withnge; height, col- for the votes he received from demo: | tid cbse ' and © . ilitatv, : feves and ] wu will receive, \ arr | the hardships and exposures of military! a1] kinds of repairing done. He has or of eyes and hair, y¢ cratic members 3. while, should any The Broadway Tunnel. life. and was honorably: dise harged from always onhand P R by return waily a correct loture of your thing prove wrong with his: administra-| The Beach Prenrmatic Transit Company's the army inthe winger r of Ina and "63. on ! future husband oF Wite, With Dp indie a , 1! his return from the army he commenced | Rost . of marriage. (eress tion, the democrats will have to share| tunel under Broadway was again, opened th Stndy of law. under the tutorship of his| Fruit Cans, of all Sizeglh Drawer No. 248, Fultonwille, N. Y. novi. 4t the blame. or public inspection and eriticism this | \nele, George Elder, Esq, of Lewistown, | BUCKETS, We gay then, and we know it to De| morning, and was visited by the represen-|,; in 1864, entered the AN Department CUS, the semsiment of the arty —Ilet the re tatives of the press and many friends of! of Howard University, at which he gra lu-| DIPPERS, b P the enterprise. The wir compressing ma- lated in 1866, and #t once began the practiod| DISHES, &C. le # igulur denlociatic; nominee fof] |chivery hus been @ompleted ‘during the| 0% Jaw in Bellefonte. Tus aw practicenot! \))'work warranted and charges reasons tate Treasurer, and let him -bave the] \ | being genial to his taste, he turned his at-, 11a, Asshare of the yublic patronage so- vote of (very democratic member of] | past summer, and several new’ passenger ten jon to Journalism, connecting himself licited. Dh. REESMA Rigel ar % ho i Sh { in lear: have bs en built and put upon the with the ** dor, a Press of Cn as sep Oy Contre man » SURNEE Aue ) , days gone : : | agsoeia eo aditor, aud when said jonrnal was! iy. Any other our wil be “dist tate. | ‘track. The machinery was set in motion merged into the ** Bellefonte National,” he JXECUTORS, NOTICE. N ful to democr | te « [this morning, and the cars’ well loaded, | gcumed its sole editorship, conducting it] The undersigmed having been appoin- The people of North ( ‘arolin EM} ocrats, and a vote gone inj ay, passengers, were gent flying up and|in a creditable and able manner, until fhe ied exectitor of the estate of ‘Geo. Ludwig hin is it their Penitenti ry 1 tony S03 Sie) Frain wis be Jooked |down the track at a speed of ten miles an {decease of lis father, fee which, and up| Kurtz, ge of Jin So Ah EN a » ed 0 Si nail o hold all the villains in that Upon with sug jicion aud as treason to] The gene a ‘to the time of his own decense, he was en-|gons knowing themselves inde Gh it FINE TH ANY ha party E hour. The general plav-of the company isi | gaged in looking after the Beng a 3 so corte are requested to make immediate, tate | : a dowble lime ~of tubes the entire tianent of his father's estate, In recording! payment, and those having claims against (820 | to lny i EY SA a Hentn of the island, nd put on cars enough the vntimely deaths of Thaddeus P. Steph-| the same "will present them auly authenti-"§ Gr ant’s Cabinet. to carry $0,000 passengers per hour. T he| ens. we record the death of an intimate and | cated for settlement TERMAN ¢ ft is evident that President G Is comput 11 . } respected triend of many years standing ; ADAM HO: K 4 6 it Garant as company will renew their application to ot one who possessed more thin ordinary movll.6t xecutor, $1 His first effort | ‘the Legislature for a. charter this winter, | nind, red with a stock of general infor- Land it is to be hoped that this or some oth it | mation ot men and things, and times and ——hetore his inanguration-—when Stew | x er project affording Pa tramsit will find places, that he imparte 'd with an atfability nEl. Wills AD ated secretary of the! favor at L thapy. and in go intelligent a manner, os to ‘com-| who, was dixqualified) bins y Before the. er. of radicalism and edrpet- bagism, no such accounts reach: I! fis frolit North ‘Carolina, ‘and as a. ‘not a eabinet maker, gencral thing the Jails in the South were-fenantles 8, aml person and prop- erty. were secure. Wherever the New ‘Exdgtand radical yankees ure found, i the South, you find crime, violation of Jaw, and. disorder and the jails Jown thera wre mot: large enough to kold the yankee lawbreakers. ¥ Bi 0 0K AGENLS. MAK 0 £80 to $200 por \ Month by ling fi (BS GREAT FORTUNES, Axp How THEY & ERE Mapw, By J.D McCabe, Jr. New, fresh and original. Profusely illustrated and beautifully bound: It shows how a poor school- master made banker, a butcher’ sapprentiee the wenlth- jest man in America, an unknown mechanic « roillionaire in seven years, ‘with many more such examples; how energy, talent and patient industry have always met with | Ehocess when properly exerted; how mon- y can be ini honestly and without sacri- foo of’ principal. Send for Circular,” ete. Land notice my extra: tenms Geo. M aeleap Publisher, 719 Samson St., Philadelphia. novls, it mand individu al attention, ane delightfal- 1y enfertaimand edify: Asa comversation- ‘alist ane soeinlist, to us his equal was un- ‘known. His conversation was always ac- ‘companied with a sprightlimess of wit, and power of charm, thut were most irresistable and entertaining in the highest degree. As a writer he was ready, spicy and elear; 1ib- [orn] im Bis views, and always espoused the | catse of right with great earnestness. As tn friend and companion he was trasty, true land most genial ; ever ready to sac -rifice his ‘own personal conv ¢nience, comfort, and! always re ty | interests, for the benefit of others. - Selfish= | pess to him was g stranger. + He nossessed a ‘most generous heart, W hich knew nothing > A Now Y ork politician in Whiting n let! ; ter of ¢ondolence to the widow of a’ *‘coun- His appoint: try member” who had been hi: friend, says: ment of Washburne as secretary of’ ‘I am paimed'to hear that = has gone, state, was laughed at by every imtelli- [0 heaven. We, wete bosom friends, hut \ {ROW We shall never meet again.’ gent radical in the land, and so utterly | ey | trensury=and ' by law, of which Grant was weterlvig- norant—was a failure, ming to ih ae Mark Twain, and no treuble:t Profits. Send 3d no grails Hus e-circular, to. Evans, Stode Pub lishers, 0. 740 Sansom St., = S0CLOC novis. it Jon: No AN WATCH FP , per day, sw P24 Cl No G iGo bug. AddregsR. Monroe | burge, Pa. > —— Covode sent the Following note to| unfit Cessna just previous to leaving for/lic opinion forced Washburne to resig during “the day they are California’;—"John, go home; Meyers 0 Wee . a yers during the first two weeks of the -ad to shut up at night. : ‘ministration. Since these break-down A veteran shopkeeper says that] Tor ever Toy “and although his elevks are very talkative igre 4 Business and ise, No ham- Cennedy, Pitts novl8 iw an appointment was it, that pub- 4}
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers