i —————. Sr. § AT ——. A ——— * LOW-PRIGES,- Fall and Winter Goods, At The Old Stand st Oentro Hall LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS. DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES Hats, Caps, Boots, Bhoes. + + 'AXSO, A CHEAP LINE OF FUANKBIS, ~ MUSLINS AND SHAWLS, | . ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF "NOTIONS, SYRUPS, COFFEES, cs ho Mlse alarge stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, + fhe best and cheapest in the market. SRE A MAKE IT AN OBJECT 0 adits ao FOR : New Customers, AR WELL AS RTENDS. TO GIVE US A GALL. TE WM. WOLF ATT ‘JL whips, in grea #nt gears, Py bridles, martin ney gears, tug harness, bu Larnes? hames, ete. Everything in thesa dlery ii t So UBURNSIDE & THOMAS | ¥ 3 —————— a andkerchiets, combs, poe very chea 1 i jety jn all their PR URNSIDE «TH al MAS. duced rices, 8 t BURNSIDE s THOMAS! : § Oakley's soaps, old castile, pure, Palmso: p, other soaps, @t BURNSIDE «a THOMAS URNSIDE & THOMAS. dige. in Centre covnty. Cull, examine and see for vourself. Re GROCERIES, mocha coffee, ol¢ 8 gov. java, best quality Rie coffee black teas, green teas, loverin syrup, golden syrup, Drips finearticle bak- ing molasses, rice and ‘everything in the grocery line at the lowest cash prices in the market BURNSIDE & THOMAS. is the GVADDLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bit s t oolon found at BURNSIDE &s THOMAS. “QJ of Proprietors of this Hotel, was ma on the 1st of April. The establishment has "been refurnished, refitted, and remodeled, “and will hereafter be conducted on first- class hotel principles. The present propri- etor will give his personal attention to the womforts'of the traveling public, and oth- ers who may favor him with their custom. HIS TABLE is kept in first class style. GOOD STABLES ar- eonnected with the Hotel, and obligine Ostlers are always on the ground to attend to this department. A portion of the pub- lic patronage is solicited; = accommo ions are guaranteed to ail. a" . WM. R, BELL may l2tf : Milroy, Pa._ | BIE EOIBE aig oe dere W. D. RIKARD, Proprietor. come under. the proprietorship of Mr. Ri kurd, forinbrly of the Cummings House, be kept upin FIRST C YLE "It has comfortable rooms, odern conveniences, prompt zer- FOE Foasom ae THE TA- BLE will always be abundantly supplied with the most sumptuous. . will afford, done 3 by the most experi- enced cooks. HIS B V tain the choicest liquors. He will be glad to see his old friends at themew hotel, and no pains will be spared to make them feel at home. BIA 1 Jul23,60,tf "TEE Largest and Best.Stock of warran ted Boots and Shoes, warranted to give satisfiefion] at redncekd BURNSID . E. CHANDLER, M. rices, only to be i & THOMAS. D.. 7 aro, Bellefonte. over Harper Bro's Store, enn'a. Office 2nd Floor Residenee nt the © A. Mackey, Pres't 1st National Bank, do; Harper Bros, Merchants, Bellefonte, Pa, samid otherse oo abo 2 19novGatf {rod ANVILSTORE is now receiving Hardware, Stoves, Nails, Horse Shoes, Nad- ¥ ¥ ron also Bugey and Wagon Stock of every description. —Call and supply your- “selves atihe lowest possible rates at aplo'ts, IRWIN & WILSON. FIVURKEY PRUINS, raisers penche Ci papples. oranges, lemons, nll kind of toreign fruits, Hams, bacon ge. ut TT enn BEBNSIDE s THOMAS. | moss sh) BAL . NTEW STORE. —LEVI A. MILLER 4 N at Rankles Old Stand, ovposite the + verifies, Tobucees of ail grades, Boots 1 "the best New York Manufacturers; Try janTtf, him, § oT ae 0 CENTRE HALL REPORTER. CS so Aion le FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18th 1870. FROM WASHINGTON. The bill introduced by Senator Chan- dler yesterday for an air line railroad to New York will be reported by the Senate Commerce Committee in a few days, The bill abolishing the franking privilege has been postponed until next week iu the Senate. Mr. Drake urges his amendment for a free change of newspapers throughout the Union, while Mr. Sherman would confine this privilege to the county in which the paper is published. Mr, Conkling wants the bill to receive consideration. Unless the Drake amendment is adop- ted, the bill will work greatly to the advantage of the poorer country news- papers. A man has arrived here from Alaska with a petition, numerously signed by the inhabitants, praying for a territo- rial government for that genial clime. From their appearance, the signers are all genuine. No such specimens of autography were ever before produced in Washington. There appears to be an amalgamation of Prussian and Choctaw and the alphabet struck by lightning. Beetle 4 Pr— Blairsville, Pa. is the scene of ex. citement in consequence of the tems perance'men prosecuting five liquor sellers, who: were imprisoned, = They atid their friends vowed vengeance on the prosecutors, and they have partly carried their threats juto’' exécution. Two barns belonging to. prominent temperance men were burned to the ground, and all their contents, inclu- ding four horses and eleven head of cattle, destroyed. SE. The most extraordinary animal in the way of an ox, of which the whole world can boast, is now on exhibition in Macon, Ga. 1t weighs 4,540 pounds and is 18 hands high, 13 feet in length, and measures 11 feet 4 inches in girth. It was raised in Bourbon county, Ky. ; is six years old, and is three fourths Durham and one fourth Devan- shire. ! Aili il Sherman's Funding Bill’ provides for funding $1,200,000,000 of the pub: lic debt. It provides for three classes of bonds, the first to run from ten to twenty years at 3 percent, the second from eleven to thirty years at 4} per cent, and the third from twenty to for- ty years at 4 per cent. . The three clas; ses are to be of $4,000,000 each. * * lll > Samuel R. Nankervis, a young preacher of Tamaqua, Pa., was senten- ced'to be hung last week by Judge Bayron, for the murder of his infunt child. sili >| The last stage in this gross outrage on the sacred right of representation has been reached, and John Covode has been sworn in as a member of Con- gress from the district which elected Henry D. Foster. | me cl me The murderers of the Peightal fam ily in Huntingdon county, will be ex- cuted on the 9th of March next, orders to the above effect having been issued yesterday by the Governor to the State Department. The large barn of Wm. Cameron, near Milton, on the Northumberland side of the river, was destroyed by fire, on Saturday night, 5th inst., at about & o'clock. All the contents, in- cluding 7 head of horses, 4 cows.and 8 fat cattle were consumed. Wma ntrmaifis. Yfposam——— St. Petersburg, Feb. 9.—The choler is spreading through Russia. ‘Senators Sumner and Tipton had a formal introduction to Mrs. Revels, wi'e | of the Mississippi” colored Senator, in the Senate gallery, on the 2d inst. The important ceremony was performed by { his.excellency, the Hon. Mr. Downing, the redowned oyster-mian of Washing: ton. do Mrs. Amelia Hobbs, of Jersey town- 1 ship, Illinois, has been elected Justice of the Peace in that place by a major: ity of 26. This is the first woman elected to office in Illinois, Tle Indians on the reservation on Maria's near Fort Benton, are dying at the rate of twenty five per day of The Manheim Sentinel speaks of a sausage recently made in Lancaster county which measured over scventy one feet long, and weighed upwards of sixty pounds. The Miners Journu] thinks it was a long hog that furnished the covering for the sau:age. duties a The following is the last witiciem of George Denniston Prentice, the great poet and editor: “It is reported that Beast Butler wrote the Spanish Cortes that he would accept the throne of Spain but after hearing that the Crown Jewels were already stolen withdrew the offer. representatives were admitted to seats on the floor of Congress. But the vo- ters of Georgia had given the demo: cratic ticket a large majority at the election in 1868, and thus committed a sin unpardonable in the sight of the radical leaders, for which they deter mined she must suffer exemplary pun- ishment. It was an easy matter for the cunning knaves whose displeasure the unhappy State had incurred, to invent an excuse for inflicting the me. ditated chastisement. The men who had found a pretext for the establish, ment of a military government in 11 States of the Union, in & time of pro found peace, could not have much dif- ficulty in discovering a plea for the expulsion of a State from the Union, The fact that the legislature of Geor- gin had denied seats to the negroes elected to that body, under a construc- tion of the State constitution by which it was held that persons of African descent are ineligible to office by the terms of that instrument, was seized upon by: the conspirators, and under the pretence of restoring the evicted negro representatives to the seats in the legislature, they obtained the pas- sage of a bill by Congress remitting Georgia to a territorial condition un- der the fule of a military dictator, Albeit, this was the merest pretence, for the Supreme Court of the State had decided thatthe negroes were eli- gible, and the legislature would have scated them] at, the session then ap proaching. The malignity of the disappointed radical leaders, however, was not the only animous of the atrocious men: sure: + It was partly inspired by the urgent necessity of the carpet-bag (Governor, Bullock, whose peeulation of the State funds was being brought to light by the legislature as then con- stituted, This infamous wretch, who would grace a cell in the State prison rather than the executive chair of a great commonwenlth, proceeded to Washington, assisted in framing the bill to strip his adopted State of her constitutional sovereignty, and actu- ally engaged in lobbying it through the two houses of Congress. His pe: culiar interest in its passage consisted not merely in the reseating of the ne- gro: legislators, but. in the ection, of intelligent and incorruptible white representatives whose votes and ins fluence would be given in tuvor of an investigation of his malfeasance in ols fice, und his impeachment und removal from thé Gubernatorial chair. The sequel proves the correctness of this view. , Gen. Terry, the military dictator now ruling in Georgia, has constitu- ted Limsélf a Commitee on Electious, and has assumed the power to deter mine who are and who are not enti- tled to seats in the legislature. The But their votes were not enough to give Bullock the control of that body. Accordingly, Gen. Terry, by the ap- plication of the test oath, (the very same test oath which Gen, Meade de- cided was not applicable to the mem- bers of the Legislature, in which deci- sion he was sustained by Gen. Grant himself), has. pronounced disqualified a sufficient number of members to place the Bullockites in a majority. Having, through’ the arbitfary inter- vention of Gen. Terry, unseated the members inimical to Bullock, the minions of the latter have gone a step further and now give the seats thus made vacant'to the candidates defea- ted by the votes af the pe: ple at the elee- tion! Such is the latest phuse of the reconstruction of reconstructed Geor- gia. The representatives elected by a majority of the popular vote, are driv- en from their seats and, their places filled by those whom the people rejec- ted. And this in the noun day of the nineteenth century, in the Republic of the United States of America!” A —— J. B. Kreider, M, D, Office at Millheim, Ceiitre county. Offers his ‘services ta all needing médical attendance. Calls promptly attended to, Karly settlement cordially requested, when a liberal discount will be allowed. ‘Inter. est charged on unsettled accounts after six months, 21jantf _— I ORGANS, Organs. MELODEONS, MELODEONS, PIANO FORTES, Piano Fortes, From the best Manufacturers, Warranted-for five yours, For sale at Lowest Prices, by W.J. MMANIGAL, jan21tf Milroy. ETTERS TESTAMENTARY ‘on the 4 estate of Jucob Homan, late of Gregg township, dec'd, having been granted to the undersigned, they request all persons knowing tliemselyes indebted tosaid estate, to make payment, and those having claims to present them duly authorized by law for settlement, NO. RISHEL, «9 WM, HOMAN, jn21,6t Exdeutors. Photographs. The undersigned respectfully announces ublie, that he has stationed his Pho. togruph Car at Centre Hall, and invites all who wish good pictures, to call. He is prepared to take PHOTOGRAPHS, FERROTYPES, | &e.,'of all the ordindry sizes and in the Call at once, if you wish hpndsome pier best style of the Sou wih: and in groups, tures (Charges reaconalile. del REUBEX MOS#, EW! CHEAP!! GOODS!!! ZIMMERMAN BROS: & €O,, Mave just received and unpacked a mag: nificent stock of DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, BOOTS AND SHOES, else in their line. ded to their urusually, well rtment of and everythin They have ac selecied stock An naso BR PATTERNS ZEPHYRS, SLIPEERMANTOWN WOOL, RIBBONS, and other FANCY GOODS not heretofore offered for We. Better goods than var wd than ever; warmer weitoine Joes pai is now extended to all their old customers, and all the new onus whe can crowd into their store. They are also agents for the world re- nowned AMERICAN COMBINATION SEWING MACHINE, which for SIMPLICITY, DURABILITY and FINTSH cxnnot be surpassed, Plain Machine, without button-hole parts with cover, $60, : Combination Machine, complete with cover, $76. Instructions free. | | Call and we will treat you ns politely AS we Cl No charge for looking at goods. \ADMMERMAN BR O'S. &: CO. 20 Nortog, ~The subscription prive of the RerorTER is $1.00 per year in advances, which 18 less than that of any other pape of its size. Weare printing this papernt cost, and therefore wish to remind our pay- rons that it is of great importance to usthul A ayment bemade at once. "RE YOURTIMEPIECES OUT OF A "ORDER? take them to J. H. HAHN , at. Belle- foute. : FRET AN § OB 1 who is the thost reliable Watehmaker and Jeweler in the place. Also Dealerin WATCHES, and Hl ahs . “81 FINEJEWELRY, Chronometor and, other Watches repaired on thie Most Scientific Principles. Jobbing of ull kinds promptly and care- fully executed at shertest notice, All work warranted to give satisfaction, #o> Business teansacted in both English and German, Next door, to Harper & Bros, Spring stoeet, near High. uly | TONATHAN KRAMER'S HOTEL. ¢) AMillhelm, Pa. (form. rly Wm. Hos. te man's), This well known Hotel lias been refitted by ita ‘new proprietor.” The teaveling community wre invited to give him a endl, His table will be kept first- class, and his bar always supplied with chofee liquors. Drovers will find aecom- modusion for any nimber of horses, marl oof av Lon co — UMMINGS HOUSE. Wa J. HOSTERMAN, Proprietor. BELLEFONTE PENNA. The undersigned, having assumed control of this fine hotel, would respectfully askthe patronage of the public, He is prepared to accommodate guests in the best of style, and will take eare that his tables are sup- plied with the best in the warket, Good stables attnched to the hotel, wi h eareful and attentive servants, The trayling pub- lie are invited to give the Cummings House un call, Julsdo, ly. o—— a ———————— a » USSEL'S HOTEL, Aaronshurg, Pa. 1 . JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR, The old and well known Hotel, situnt »! in the centre of Anronsburg, has again ben occupied by Mr. Russel, former propriet u, who now invites his old friends and th. travelling community in general to calla) | see him. The house has been elegantly A ———— vers can always find aeeommodation, ap lO 86 RY BOARDS, Plank and Seantling D for sule by Inwiy & Winsox. uplo'os., = Bien A a NMROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, bes muke at Inwin & WiLsox, ap los, spn sr se NS of all varieties, ground te orde: Ire: ) fv ted spices, Try them for your own satisfac tion. You ean only find them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS. ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, ecotfee mills, shevels, spades, rakes, hoos, Inmps, forks, chains, &e., at BURNSIDE & THOMAS ——— —————— S——— t— —————— CHOBE MAKERS TOOLS and findings, Ke in all their varietios, at : BURNSIDE «a THOMAN, PINDLE SKEINS for wagons, all si- zos, at the sign of the Anvil applies, Irwix & Wirson, 1 OQUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at aplO’ 08, IRWIN & WILSON. I OALTS for Buggies and Carriages, all sizesdn use; Fire Bolts, ditto, at uplO'o8, Inwin & WiLson's. Pees CUTLERY all makes and ricesat IRWIN & WILSON, aplU’ os, TTNION PATENT CHURN, the bes in use at Irwin & WiLsoxn's, apl0'68, I wes & WILSON are constantly ro ceiving new goods in their line HARDWARE of avery description atredu.ce prices now being opened every day aploes, Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweler Millheim, Centre co., Penna. Redhbolil inforins his friends and the public in geaeral, that he has just opened at his new establishment, above Alexan der's Store, and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr of the lutest styles! as also’ the Maranvill( Patent Oalendér Cloeks, provided with r complete index of the month, and day os the month and wepk on jigs face, whieh is warranted as a perfect time-keeper, S44. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re- paired on short notice and ‘warranted. : sepllo8ily NO. H, ORVIS C1. ALEXANDER, ORVIS & ALEXANDER, Attorneys-at-law. Office inConrad Hous Bellefonte, Pu. J. P. GEPHART, with Oryis & AlSxhnden iftehide) o collec tions And practice in tphan’s Court, TTian’7068 0 Lo tii iti Wall Paper, cheap frow 12 to 20 cents per bol ta Herlncher! BrAraro SCA LES, of the best make ; ~~ from 4 bs up to 120,000] bs, apl0' es, Twix & Wiisox. 3) e ' i A large and elegant assortment of Horse Blankets, Buck-skin Gloves and Bufla- lo Robes, at ver at low prices. URNSIDE & THOMAS PRUNES and DRIED CURRANTSof the very hest quality juel receivedat Wolfe old an *¥ Yok ! , - fe i ¥ #t too you « Neighbors: ~~ Ye MILROY Woolen Mills STILL AHEAD! The attention of the publie generally i enlled to the fact that the undersigned will exhibit to the people At Their Homes, a great variety of Intost styles Fall and Winter Goods from the above celebrated Factory, a Milrayy Mifflin county, Ja. The list comprises the following articles: — Cassimeres, Ladies’ Cloth, Beaver Cloth, Plaids, Satinets, Plain & Fancy Flan- nels, © Tweeds, Jeans, Blankets, Horse Blankets, &e. A great variety and superior quality o Stocking apd Mitten Yarns, Zophyre &e. Especial attention is called to our large and varied assortment of ya. Striped, Flowered, Ingrain, und Da- musk Parlor and Stair Carpets, "8 All goods made of best matorial, WOOL, LARD, and SOAP taken in ex- change for Goods, Goods, of every varies ty, always on hand at his residence. pr WALL PAPER, of every kind and style, always on hand at his residence, John C. Kemp, Centre Hill, Pa. Agent for Thoinpson & Sons, marinf WY HouESALE WINE & LIQUOR 8 T-0-R-E J. B. ETTELE, Bishop street, Bellefonte, in the Stone b : dm jormierly occupied by the Key« gare stone Bakery © Takes pleasure ip inforining the public that he kee cob on band a supply of choles Fare n and Domestic Liquors, HU Barpels, Kegs avid Casks carranted to contin the quantity represented, The attention of practicing physicians is outled to hiwstockof PURE LIQUORS, suitable for medica). purposes, Battles, Fass, ahd demijohinx constantly on hand. I+ has the ONLY, PURE NECTAR WHISKY in town. | All liquors ape warranted to give satis. faction. Liquors will be sold by the qitart, barrel, ortieree. He hus a fargo 10t of BOTTLED LIQUORS Of the finest grades on hand. x Confident that he can plense custom rg he respectfully solicits a shire of public pa tronage my 4if GOODNEWS FOR THE PEOPLE Great Attraction and Great Bargain! ™ LE undersigned odetermind to meet the sapulnr demand for Lower Prices re- public uil- wa ~ spectiully calls the attention of the to his tock of SADDLERY, now offered nt the old stand. Designed es- pecinll for the people snd the times, the lar gest and most varied and complete assort- ment af Saddles, Harness, Collars, Bridles, of every deseription and quality’; and in fact everything eomplete to a first. class establishment, he now offers at prices unlity or finer EE A iH fit} £0 HARE Si 'NO. 5, BROOKERHOFF ROW. A new and complete Hardware Store has been opened by he te omgned in Brock: arhoft s new building-where they are pre. Bre to sell all kinds of Build ig and ust urnishing Hardware, Tron, Steal, Nats, Bugey wheels in setts, Ohantpion Clothes Wringer, Mil) Baws, Civenlar and Hance sizes, Pieturn Lasupa, Oual Oil elloes, and Huby, Plows, Cul ; Plows, Plow Points, Shear Urators, Corr! and Cultivator Teeth, Tuble Cutlery Shov- ols, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges ; Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-8hoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils, Lard, Lubrieatin Conl, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel lows; Sepéw Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jursand Cans, Puints, Oils Varnishes received and forsale at juned 08, 1y. | J. & J. HARRIS, AINS AT Frames, "Wheelbarrows | (GREAT BARG i ‘CENTRE HALL, PA. 3 i # Dry Goods, Notions, Groceries, Har { ware, Quovnsware, Woedand Willow, wy Iron, Salt, Fish and in fact, a magnificen assortment of ¢verything Keptina W ‘3 ¥ Fist Class Store, t i i i now ready, and for saleat marvelous low rates, J : GOODS VERY NEAR AT THE. OLD PRICES. Muslins they will sell sou the very ‘best brands st prices that will astonish you. | New spring { § » Dress Goods. A most beautiful variety, consisting of all the novelties ot the seuson, ‘av {luwer rates | than ordinarily charged at other places, which will suit the times, A better variety, a better ¢ style of Suddlery has Hever befors been of. sered to the public, Call and examine our elfewhere. heretofore enjoyed. 1 respectfully solicita gontinunnce of the same, JACOB DINGES, aplO'68 1y, Centre Hall » > WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOK, STATIONERY & NEWS EM- PORIUM. ACOB D, MILLER, has purchased the ¢) Book, Stationery and News Establish ment of Kinsloe & Brother, on Alleglieny streel, nen? the Dimond, Bellefonte, which he has just added a large Invoite of | goods, such as is generally Kept in a wells tondueted Book and Stationery Stove, His | stock consists of Theologieal, Medial, Law Miscellanious, Sunday Sehool, and School Books. Also, hiank books, thine books, i pass books, diaries, every grade and price | of cap, Tegul, hill, letter, bath, and note pn- | per, drawing and tissue paper, fine French | paper, envelopes of every description and ice, pens, inks, ink-stands, erasers, rub fer bands, transparen® and common slates, state peneils, lend pensils, chalk crayons, &e., &e. Legal and justices blanks, of all kinds, revenue stamps st face, Orders taken for goods at all times, Goods received in three days from the time the order is received, Mr. Miller is also wholesale agent for Lochman's Celebrated. Writing Fluid which he sells at manufacturer's prices. County merchants would do well tb give him a call before purchasing elsewhere, sepd. G8 1y ———— ———————— I OOKING-G LASS PLATES ofall sizos J ' forsale by Inwix & WrILsox, upliras, M ERC 418 & 416 North 3rd, st, PHILADELPHIA. H. Ho MANDERBACH PROPRIETOR. I. C.Nirg, Crerk. This well-known Hotel, will be found by all visiting the city, one of the most desire- able, both as to rensonablechargesand con- venience, German and English js spoken, aplU 68 tf, § ( (ENT R HANTS HOUSE" repr eb od Bn oth Regi lp ne EWALL HOTEL. * ® Joux SpaxNovrer, Proprietor Stages arrive und depart daily; for all points, north, south, east and west. ; This favorite Hotel has been refitted and furnished by its new proprietor, and is now in every respect one of the ‘most pleasant country Hotels in central’ Pennsylvania. The travelling community and drovers will always tind the best aceommpodutions, Pers sons from the city wishing: te spend a, fow weeks during the summer in the country, will tind Centre Hall one of the most denu- tiful locations, and the Centre Hall’ Hotel all they could desire for ‘comfort and con- velrience, aplO'es tf. CENTRE HALL ‘1 EY Tr J ’ * Tan Yard The undersigned would! respectfully in- form the citizens of Centre ‘county, that the above Tat Yard will again be put in full operation; in alltits'branehes; by them, HIDES ANP BARK W,NTED. The highest market price will be paid for Hides of all kinds. The highest mar- ket price will also be paid for Tanner's Burk. The public patronage is solicited. Nutisfaetion guaranteed. ded, Ym MILLER & BADGER. OTICE.—~Letters of - Administration 4 \ having been granted the undersigned over (the $i ctute of Samuel Harpster, late of Centre Hall, dee’ d, notice is herebygiven |; to “ll petscipe knowing themselves indebted to said Estate, to come forward and make ka without delay, and all persons wving necounts ngainst the sane will pre- sent them properly authenticated for settle- ment, ALEX SHANNON, JOHN ROSS, Administrators. jn2L;6t, Ladies Trusses. This invaluable article for females, is now to be had at Herlacher's store, and no other place in Centra county. Ladies remember thal, these trusses can be had at Centre ARiL, 3. . | White Goods & Embroi: eries The finest stock intown, both a+ © quantity | quality, and prices. i | TERE @21HSE | HOO? SXIAT 3 ' The best makes, latest styles and lowe rates, (Hats and Caps in great. variety Linens, Towellings, checks, Devin gs, logh BALMORAL SKIRTS, everything, aud will sellgt a very small advanee on rst cost. All we ask that you will CALL AND EXAMINE OUR STOGK "ALL KINDS OF HARNESS, and single, bridles and halters; may1' 68 1y. a — APANNED TOILET SETTS, AND ¢) other Japanned ware, at the Anvil Store. upl¥ 68, , IRWIN & WiLsoN, os NED FRUITS, peaches, tomatons pine apples and pens in groat varie tat BURNSIDE a THOMAS 7 ISHING TACK LES, rods lines, hook flies, sea hair baskets, ete. Rig you out to eateh trout at BURNSIDE & THOMAS [' IS Rnown to all in Bellefente and = through the county if you want a good article goto '' ® BURNSIDE & THOMAS, Whitman's celebrated confections, Whitman's-celebrated chocolate, Buker's checolate, Smith's chocolate, China Ginger, English Pickes, Amerigan Pickles, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS TTORN BLANKETS AND SLEIGH : BELLS, at low prices, at apl0's. Irwiy & WiLsox’ SAVAGE & RRO, : (Successor to N. Hilibish) W ol sland retail dealers in : Stoves & Tinware, Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Wellington, ihn Waverly, +t Ornamental, Oriental, t Roval Cook, « Prinee Royal, Sea Shell, Artisan; And Ameriean, Parlor and Office Stoves : Morning Glory, ronie, Brilliant, New Egg, And Parlor Cooks for Wood or Coal, and Wood Stoves of every description. ~ Attention is oalled to his stock of Roonig Plate, a new sige, which he has just receiv. 4 old size, and can be furnished cheaperthar any other establishment in town, 79 Spouting and jobbing promptly 'at- vended to. Charges réasonable pt Sa ‘action scunranteed. a oct? 68 1 Av JF EVERY VARIETY and ind at E =] apl0.8 IRWIN & WILSON'S, Bellefonte Planing should be addressed NG hehe i shal F. BARTLEY & $ Nov. 126m. it # AN ante 9 fun Ff iY 4 ais ita 1 dpe El ue; a¥ graft 5 SBN GS awd ¢ fF 9 i i Pf i +8 ap dt eM te bn itis AY Ged ated §’ Stor bee vol tam%) nde HM soni wig 4 diz Je phe AAA ol Tt J» new. ; hased at the es Cah prices Te - halt te « intorest of want te to them s cult bop fore madi do five : They have placed the, under the control of Mr, Jas, ! had many years experie and who will at all timexbe : EE od Sa he a fe them to purchase. ment of Sind of hn ® country store, sueb as u o0E val iF he by #5: * D : bose ud 100 Ye sae i $5 , Sif wiv: i : i uitiA2gm eu fr > §°§ y, §.0.¢ { undersigned fiavia g {i The * G44 3 * ii i419 ‘. Centre fis HIinGYY 8 3 $Y gy A 5 dw won 514 v ¥ # Gb ¥ § wih ’ tis] te {1p : he! § ri TMEE E AEW . E sil boos S450 25g ap BOOTS and SHORS, . Hats and Caps Drugs, Oils aud Paints, : ns b “ : Wood snd Willow Ward, als : Fron sid puting AAW Wall Pupér, Fish, Salt, Lasthor, &e. - a ntre t and cheap goods. 1: veg dn: Gir Centre Hill, Jan. 22.769, 5" £ Spits i 3 ; id . : § 3 MM 7 T P. 8.— We also buy Hides and Calf Bkine or which we will pay mark ce, RI marke gh Si n Cash or Trad PARLOR COOK 8 TOY ES Parlor Stoves, and four sizes of (ins- Li rners constantly on hand and fer ssle ab anl068, Inwix a Winson's, Philadelphia Store, Jit Bellefonte, whore Hue 'n laa Dost i of Go 4, HERE LADIES," Is the place Moka ia Brockerhoffs block, | i pave Just bier gn Mozambi ton. Hopi Alpacas: Delsina, on "Cali : Flanels, Ladies Lans, Brilliants, ings, Fianula, Mad ing, Gents’ Cloths, Sacques, Pekay, Linen Table Cloths, Counter Crib Coun nes, White ang ing ! White Lace Curting, Ze ds Taph terns, Tidy Cotton, Shawls, Bask SUNDOWNS, every kind, White Goods of , Perfumery, Ribbons: ld «and Bonnet, C : eils, Buttons, T es Skirts, os 3 i § iY sony (at HOOP SKIRTS; «iia : ell 2M aH 5 1 : palin! neal oF Hen} LADIES AND MISSES SHOE y . 5 ts Pie Spt 4 and in fact every thing that ean be thought of, derired or used in Mig SE be thought g “i 4 see hing 3 fh ege ft $6117 Notions of every Velvet, Taffeta a Shi FOR @EN TLEMEN, JE they have black and blue cloths, back fancy cassimeres, 4 bin otts, Pon Rant orns, silk, satin and tn mmon Yestings, in short; every thing imaginable in the line of if iE Ba Ruedy | de Clothing of Every Dis- Hats and Cope, CARPETS, Oileoth, Rugs, Brown 8, ; 0 yD 77 , Sheetings, Ti bleei _chenper than slacithore, . By § CRATES Sabnot be excelled OR Te Ba 45 ARE. GRO! CE aE a oa aD FRobTes Avs TATES
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