F&F 7% hii Wh R di rye Venda Summons, Sa cunt AHL w SEHITOI0 487 RS FPORER d 2 IDA, art 1th 1800. LOCAL! ITEMS; wild a id rem LOCAL NEWS. ~Qur friends will oblige by sending LEA AY items of Jeeal inter- est, including 8, marriages, &e., as oh ‘h are eagorly roaihby your friends in § weit ‘may of whom get the Reporter, wuld esteam ita favorif our kind pa- Ks Jiild seeasionilly ‘mail a copy of fens PET th Telitives ‘and aequaintan- o'forit ety fivéd ‘mt Qentre county and remove | to’ fothoy pats which would fnduce niin to’ Detone subteribers: goats aa ie lL BL) li ide aii Bt S =Blank hes en ned, ~Justices Wu RE: a Ie i it this Ofice. oy sad ani i " ALES, da tT afr Dunst, Rots: Wp, "Feb. 10th, rtd Hi Buel 10 a | € Af univh sr, Potter ¥D., Roa boakshold Feb. 2%. CR Gait Potge LWP. farm- stork, on 5 Sale of G. W. Dunk. lots. at Spring Milla, an/28th Feb. My gialeufrial es'ate of P. leisher, (dec'd, Te font twp., on a Feb. NACE Fob § 8 Zijnrpater, decd Wan ar's hy ¥: , fh oop: on 25th Feb., fatmetock. Sale of farm of Sol. Weav er, dec'd, Miles | twp... Feb. 26th, Sule of Wm. Keller, sr., near Centre Hall, on 1st March, farmstock and furni- He. Por Rather we. March 12. : 3 Legh in he. Ezra Spek e's Loop, on 8rd of March, farmstock and household. “OTHEARE NOTICE. PERSONS GOING TO HOUSE-KEEP- ING, snd others, in WANT " FURNITURE, 10)" calla f (14) § ohn Cdmp's New Warerooms, on M treet, Milroy, where he keeps Fur- hy en kinds, CHEAPER THAN EVER. 14jn3m easements. frm “«M."—The compositor cold not get along ‘with your ‘manuscript; as the pepeil’ i were Tabbed in’ many places . ino Hay Neg Stable Sicilian Hair ce if y vou would have a luxuri- ent growth of hair. Em oR Sed Cause AND » & a py «> I : ren A pu of Beeb | rls vis aur office on Mon- Ys 4 GA such. a. bewilder- ment of our handspme d—-1, who was just making up Hark; Jan the “effeet. was a handful of pi. These gifls will make good housekeepers, if they are! as quick k B the kitch- en 3 ik) Paki as the ) rinting of- fice. Call often. SME PREF Rh (ate b “ate holding a tracted meeting at ‘Centre Hill, Rev. Sahm has also commenced a protracted meeting in the Lutheran church near Penn Tall. re dy pe Ap tpn Swasaes.-—Newt. Wolf, while dri- ving throughOtiet Millheim narrows, a short time ago, his horses took fright nd ra) smashing the buggy. Mr. Worrond lady were thrown out, but received no serious injury. Mr, -Samuel, Musser, of Bellefonte, “Shir having his horse hitched into a sleigh; the animal kicked and jerked lito "pieced,ithe other day, i 3 4384, 008" Huff Bugs, at, Belafonte, are still offering store goods “at. reduced rates. They occupy the largest room in the rer evidencd that they ‘must have the | gtest Tiber df odsiomens, who are drawn to their store because it is Fympus tr PUENTS- sestia Hol at ol a a ol ae Lands is sieleraad” on Monilay evening the en Tire front page of this week's issue cru- Sol Binds i eo oh, what a JP | wale pli 10 Vel; moth by | shops, wtel stands, bankin® houses, mercan tile houses, coach shop, &e., &o., all in ne eotifused iiss, witrs: than'a ¢olli- sion of six Fai Ford triting, and a con- fusion. ts.that of. Babel com- pletely i A oh Ps Oh dear, what a sdishy of hash none hut a printer will Jifow hole to'relivh it. We look at the pile with a vinegar face, and never yi a op’t gome ne comfort us by paging up h His subscription ? ad Bl eghing sas used up by the’ warm _sumom Wadd nesdat and dv ehchiny rain aT a's 2) brug ef —— NF QTICE. TO. QuiT. Soa fellows Nomis stealing ‘the ‘editor's Juss lune think have now ‘taken as many as they, ape) entitled too and it Fou: be. faiv, ifithey steal -any more, mis anew Crop i in the spring. Now thé falt’ thing, we think these hen-roost rangers might steal chickens awhile foi: MaA~“Witmer, from Mr, Wolf, Mr. Murray, Mr. Dinges, Mr. Odenikivk, ‘or from ‘the ‘préachers in town, as these latter et (or ought to get) their ‘chickens for nothing, or go out jand steal from the farmers a llite a¢ BRickéAs dont cost them noth- ing, and don’t tap our henroost any slungers We vared certain that: other coops have just-as nicely flavored pul- lets ag ours, and a great deal more pe thign the large black’ hen you 8 stole, last, week, for she was sick 188d a nb the time. and well strick- en in years, high he atid” too old’ for her to rogst high, hence you ca tured “Her wie 0 ne Fonbla. aiid if ‘she did't you's buitché While eating her diseased carcass, we hope your . wetomacks will tern now gs} we inform \_ + youlof hai ill haath.» “hip 0 a - sh dowa man ey ot’ druid Ih 1 bhi) a Hit @ roll of notes in his 2 pelle Hal Re ii ES osam ~H! Trdg a. ww Whi tie ey, Aad 1c horse on Saturday, ) sovitrhinsselandohion ode ope distance of forty miles, alone. = > PP The legal interest in Virginia is now twelve per cent. ¢ Fir} Soy Bop the sick in a greater measure than by his private practice, could find and the result Was the pro- duction “of the. Judsow’s Mountain Herb Pills, a famous aud Most suceess- fd miedivine, He began in ‘a gmal! rity to make the. Mountain Herb Pills mown, hy advertising them and such fortune but had that rare satisfaction for a rich man of having relieved the sick, fend benefitted his fellow-men in of grateful testimonials could proye, The Judson's Mountain Herb Pills have cured Dyspepsia, Liver Com. plaint, Female Irregularities and and all, Billious disorders. © This ttle skete hiserves both to adorn’a tale and { point a moral. Dr. Judson’s Pills { were meritorious and the doctor him. | self knew, the value of printers ink. For sald by all dealers febd, 2m. ! db mine An Jow a gentleman says the farmers in that State are compelled to borrow money at twenty per cent. to meet their obligatipus. The pressure of hard times is very severe. A RULE. FOR ME ASURING CORN. It way be useful for our farmers to es finte the quantity of orn’ in grain con- ained in aerib or store-house, while it is still in the eur, and we present the follow- ing Rule, read before the St. John's Colle- ton Agric ultural Socie ty, and communion. ted by them for publication in the South- ern Agrieulturist: RoLk: Having previously levelled the corn in the crib, so that it will be of equal denth’ throughout, ascartain the length] breadth, and dopth of the bulk; multiply these dimensions together, and their pro- duct by 8; then cut off one figure from the right af this ‘product. This will give vou so many bushels, and a decimal of a bush- el of eared corn. If it be required to find the quantity of shelled corn, substitute 4 for 8, and cut off one figure as before, “Examere: In a bulk of corn in the ear, 38 feet long, d feet broad, and 8 feet deep, there ‘will be 1216 bushels of ear corn, or, 608 bushels 3 shelled corn, as 38xo=190x8:=1520x8=1216,0 bushels: or 33x H=100xS ~1a20x 4: -608,0 bushels sholled corn; and so of other dimensions, The de- eimal ‘4d is used when the object is to find the quantity of shelled corn, becuse thut decimal is one half of the decimal * and it requiring two bushels of ear corn to make one bushel of she lled corn. The term. “barrel of corn,” so much used hy southerners, means five bushels of shelled corn, Op ‘MARRIAGES. Rent Thursday evening, the 10th inst hy vl dHamil, Mr, George L.. Goodhenrt st A |, danghterof Mr. Evan Evans, all of Potter twp. A On — of January, Mr. Thomas J, Fre- derick, farmerly of Aaronsburg, and Miss Anna Bitner, of nares twp. On 6th inst, ‘bv Rev. S. aurand, Mr. Geo WwW Wolf and Miss Sarah E. mosterman, Both of mraines. Qa 15th by same, Mr. Adam Maize and Miss Caroline Brown, both of Millheim. On 10th inst, by Rev, Edw. Kearns, Mr. D. Kerlin Groiso, of Wille minty, Illinois. to Miss Ads lie Kearns, of Mifllin co., Pa. pn A a SS pm DEATHS. On 10th inst, in Penn twp., Ina Sarah Dutweiler, aZed 1 year. 5 months and 3 | ht, 14th inst., at the resi- dence of Adam Hosterman. in Penn tw Pi of Epilepsy, Mids Susan Fisher, aged? vears, 6 months and 18 days. On last We a nesday forenomm her remains were interred in the German Ref. graveyard, at Aarons. burg, followed by a large concourse of friends and relatives, (On th inst..at Williamsport, after a lingering illness, Rev, Philip Wagner, formerly of Millheim, age 1J69 years, FS RR Se CHIOAGO MARKET. Wheat, No 1/88, No'2 §21a83e, Corn at 70a70}c for No 1 and No 2 at 601; ¥ 3 Outs fitmat 38% for No @ © ¥F Rye quiet at 66a67c, Barley nomingl at G5n70e. Live hogs at $5 5047 20 for com- mon to good, Cows und choice bullocks at $4 75a 775 (J. NEW YORK M ARK, Gold 1104. ii Wheat at $1 16al 21 for No 2, and 81 30a1 34 for amber western, Rye nominal. Outs at Sdadle. Corn at 82a88¢ for new mixed wes- tern, MILROY MARKETS. Corrected by M Atoe & Reed, White Wheat $1 05,... Red 31,00... Rve 0.80 Corn 0,7 "5. HOnts 42 ) . Pl aster per t ton 10,00. Mle per sae Kk 27 0 Flour (fami'y) 400... Butter 25 Eeogs 18... Badan Sided & Shoulders 6 Hams 23.. Lard 18... Potatoes 0,50... Apples dried 124, Barloy $080 Pork 1 | BELLEFONTE MARKETS, White Wheat $1.00, Red 0 90... Rye... 2 80... Jorn. 064. ...... Oatsdd. ...... 3: arly Cloverseed 7.00 Potatoes 0, 3 Lar per pound 18 Pork per nound 00, utter #0.......Kggs 80, ..... Pp a pan 310 Tallow 1: 24 at Bucon of... ow Ham28y ! V4 SPECI A L NO T ICES Reco SICILIAN SSR ENEWER has proved itself t) be the mest perfect pre- paration for the Hair ever offered to the public to Gray Hair to its Original Color and Promote its Growth where it has fullen off frown discase or nata- ral decay. It will prevent the hair from falling out. All who use it are unanimous in awarding it the praise of being the best Huir Dressing extant, Our treatise on the Hair sent free by mall, Manufactured on- Iy by | Price $1,00. For sale by all dealers in Medicines, R. P. HALL & CO., Nashua N. H,, Propr ictors, Jun. Tim ee pe To Ow ners of Horses aud Cattle. . Tobias’ Derby Condition Powders are wars ranted superior to any others, or no pay, for the cure of Distemper, Worms, Bots, Coughs, Hide<bound, Colds, &e., in Hor. ses: and Colds, Coughs, Loss of Milk, Black Tongue, Horn Distemper, &c., in Cattle, They are perfectly safe and inno- cent; no need of stopping the working of your animals, They inerease the appetite, give a fing coat, cleanse the st ach and urinary organs; also increase the milk of Try them, and you will never be vithout them, The late Hiram Wood rofl, celebrated trainer of trotting horses, used them for years. Col. Philo. P. Bush, of the Jerome Race Course, Fordham, N. Y., would not use them until he was told of COWS, what they are composed, since which he is | ever without them. He has over twenty running horses in his charge, and for the last three years has used no other medicine for them. He has kindly permitted me to refer any one to him. Over 1000 other ref erences enn be seen at the Depot, For sale by Druggists, Sanddlerz. Price 25 cents per box, Depot, 10 Park Place, NewYork feblm Oe Peculiar Adaptability. —Brandreth’s Pilis.—Their peculiar adaptability to all constitutions us elennsers of the bowels and the blood has established their great merit, They restore the liver, the sp.cen and even the heart to healthy action when other re- medies have been used without producing any benefit. They do not expose those who | use them to sny danger, being as safe as salutary. Extract from Letter to” Dr.’ Brandreth, Furmers/' and Owners of Buildings, Look to voir Tnterests | —The Camuverland | Valley Mutual Protection Company, at Fire Insurance Caniprinics on farm erty, the above Company has ado foHowitvg tariff of rates on Farm del | Be the | >roperty CASH PLAX. Pwoellings, Stoné or Brick. without frame Additions, Slate or Metal Roof, one family lyr. Ae, yr. 8c, Ayr, de, byr. Thets, Dwellings, Stone or Bric k, Shingle Roof one family, lyr. 25¢, 2yr. 4c, yr. die, Hyr. 90 cents. Frame Dwellings, ona family. lyr. 30e, 2y rSae, 3¥'r Te, 5y'r $1,00. Barns or Out Buildings on Farms, Stone or Brick, Ty r40¢, Zy’ "rode, 3y'r The, by'r 81,00, Barns and Out Buildings on Farms, Frame, 1y'r35¢, 2y'r6le, Sy'r 80¢, Sy'r 31,20. For contents charge same as buildings. Joux T GreEN, Sec.—ISAAC HAUPT, Bellefon'e, ‘Agent, vm. $1000 actual Thsurance can ‘be had for 1 year for $3.50, or five years for $12, on Barns and Outbuildings, $1000 on House for ¥ yeur 3500 F300; for ford 3 years $10 ! KRAORS oF Sor Yorn —A Gentleman who suffered for years from Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for the sake of suffering humanity, send "free to all who ing the simple remedy by which he wa cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by th » advertiser's experience, can do so by ad- dressing, in perfect confidence, Joux B. OGDEN, No. 42 Cedar st., New York tp myldy §10)0 REWARD !—I will give one thou” sand dollars reward for any ease of the fol- lowing diseases, which the Medical Facul- ty have pronounced incurable, that Dr, Richanw's Golden Remedies will not cure, Dr Richau's Golden Balsam No; 1, will cure Syphilis in its rimary and secondary stages, such as old Ulcers, 1Tlcerated Sore Throat, Sore Eyes, Skin Eruptions and Soreness of the Scalp, eradicating disease and mercury thoroughly —Dur. ‘Richau's Golden Balsam No. 2, wil cure the third stages of ey philiue and mercurial rheuma- tism, and 1 defy those who suffer from such the aid of this medicine, which does not prevent the patients from eating and drink- mg what they like. ' Price of either No 1 ar on $5 per bottle or two bottles, $9, ‘Dri Richau's Golden Antidote, a safe and all Urinary Derangements,” accom; a- nied jh full fizeetions Warranted to UES, Hee. 33 er hott) e, r Jick Mu yd lden Elixir d' Amour, a adic cure for General Debility in old or oung, imparting energy to those who have ed a life of sensuality, Price, $5 per bot- ‘tle, or two bottles $9. Ou regeipt of price, by mail ot Express, hott remedies will shipped to any rom § aitenting pai pe all corre- Ble ents one genuine without the name of Dr. Richau's Golden Remedies, — D. B. Richards, sole proprietor, blown in Glass of bottles. Address, Dr, D. B. Rich- ards, No. 228 Varick st., Now York. locl from C. J. Fay, E«q., P. M., Hammonton, my friends as well as myself supposed that Pills, I began to feel better. Well, sir, when 1 had used up twelve boxes I was a well, healthy man—my weight having gone from 131 pounds up to 152 pounds. I then ordered a supply, and between that time and the present 1 have retailed three thon- sand dollar's worth of these invaluab.e pills, and am quite sure that I have there- by been instrumental in saving thousands of lives C.4d. FAY, P.M.” —Sold by ali Druggists. Observe my name in white letters in the government stamp. B. BRANDRETH. > lp The President Declares War Against all impositions upon the people, and Science, following the glorious exam- ple, is out Against the Poisoners who sell sugar of lead hair dyes, that not only ruin the hair, but paralyze the system. Impostors Who Destro should be put down time ('ristadoro’s Excelsior Hair Dye, is offered under the guarantee of Professor Chilton, the famous analytical chemist, as an efficient, Pure and Harmless Preparation. CrIsTADORO'S HAIR PRESERVA- TIvE, ns a Dressing, acts like a charm on the Hair after Dyeing. Try jt sold by all Druggists, oy the Unwary y law. In rtd mean- 1fblm wien a —— To Coxsumprives.—The Advertiser, having been restored to health in a fow weeks, by a very simple remedy, after hav- ing suffe red several years with a severe lung affection, and that dread disease, Con- sumption—is anxious to make known to hig fellow sufferers the means of cure, To all who desire it, he will send a ¢ of ‘the prescription used (free of charge), with the directions for preparing and uring the same, which they willfind a SURE CURE por CONSUMPTION, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, Se. The object of the advertiser in send. the Prescription ig'to benefit the afflic- tod, and sprea information which he con- | To to be invaluable; and he hopes eve- ry’ sufferer will try his remedy, as it will Cost them nothipg, and may prove a bles sin Parties wighing the prescription will address Rev. Kpwarp A. WiLsoN, myld,y Williamsburg Kings co. NY WORDS OF WISDOM, ¥or vouUNG MEN, On the Ruling Passion in Youth and | Rar) Manhood, with SELF HELP for the Erring and unfortunate. Sent in gedled letter envelopes, free of charge. Address, Howarp Association, Box P, Philadel. phia, Pa, jun, ly He 3 A 04 "Tile Ried TR Fok) bit. Pinte. | day, defeated hy five, majority, a bill to authorize' the ‘intermarriage of whites and pegroes. It had Passed the radical’ Sdah te, #100 — t al wr TP Vile An Act, extending the provisions of an act, entitled * An A et to promotes the its provement of real estate, by exempting mortgages and other money securities from taxation, except for state purposes, iw oertiaincdin ties uf this gommotrwedlth’’ approved the fourth day ofiiApril, one thousand eight hundred and sixty-eight. to the counties of Pike, Centre and Wayne, ¢ =] Soctiond!® Be it enncted by tho Senate £1OUd monwedith of Pomisy lvania in General Ass sembly ‘moty and it is hereby enucted by the authority of the sume) That! thy: provi sions of wn act, entitled An. Aet te pii- mote the improve ment of real estate, hy CXCIPYRE f mortges es aud oth ¥ IRONGY 80 curitica ? Toi th nh om, except for atdte par- poss, in chridih/ conntios of tH. common- wonlth," approved the fourth day of April, ono thousand oight, hundred and sixty eight, be and the sama are hereby exten. dnd tothe counties of Pike, | Centre and w unyne son Ton pw ov '| Look » Here! Co BOOTS & SHOES | FOR FALL& WINTER TRADE! = The Lar gest And Best Stock, 2¥-0f BOOTS and SHOES, ever brought to Milroy, Men's Coarse Boots $850 and Upwards: Bayy' from $1.87 to $4, 2%, Women's, $1.75 and upw ards,” Misses Shoes $1,80 to $3,00 Children's, 0cts and upwards. Persons wikHing to parchuse (Boots and Shoes, will wo well to give him a call be- fore going elsew i Jd. L, MA RKS, Milroy. i i A——— 12novim 4 : + THEPAGE,* 11 “Daily & eekly, for 1870. The only Demoerntic Morning Journal Published in English in Philadelphia, “An Abstract and Bier Chronicle Of the Titres? The beginning of the New Year isa good time to subserilie for n newspaper, and‘ to subseribe for The Age iv Wgooc begitining of the New Year. The success of any po- liticalparty'tdepends, inal great mesure upon the character and inflaence of its publie, press, and without ,the thorough promulgation of its doctrines in a populag form, it cannot hope to secure a permanent hold ou the masses, Anxious to furnish, not only to political friends, but also to the general ak of all glasses, and political complexions a first-class daily and weekly journal, tha publishers of The Age now offer one not exeelled in point ofexcellance by any ether newspaper in the country, and unhositutingly challenge comparisons with the best and.most, wy duilieg Published mn the Union, The homeand family cirgle will not be forgotfen. It will ‘be "essentially a heme and fiumily paper as well us a’ political In fuct, ev ry department With- out exeeéption, will be so managed and conducted as to'give unlimited satisfaetion and préfent the appearance of alive, netive, wide-awade, and ro-ahead journal, "worthy of all mén's ‘putronnge and all women's en- couragemenit, ‘apd amply ‘rénunerating evéry one who takes it, reads it, or adver- tists In its columns, .. Terms of The Daily Age: One year, by mail Six months $9.00 4.5 ba 95 For any period less than three months, at the rate of one dollar per month. The postage on the Daily Age is thirty cents per quarter; or one dollar and twenty ce hie per annum, if prepaid at the office of deliver 'Y. Paynient required invariably in advance. Terms of the W eekly Age: One copy, one year Ten copies Twenty copies 2.00 Fifty copies 5m The above terms will WA rigidly adhered to, und no notice will be taken of a sub- scription until paid in advance, Drufts on Philadelphia, or postofiiee or. ders, payable to the order of the Publish. ers, being safer, and preferable to anv oth. erode of remittance, All who send mo- ney by express, must prepay expreés char gos. /Addreds WELSH & ROBB, 21j5t Nos. 14 and 16 South 7 st, Philad Wa nla A A A AAP a ——-— -— 3 STERN BERG Hus been to the extretno end: of thé market. For BOOTS & SHOES | to Boston, : «1 For DRY GOODS to New York.' For CLOTHING to Philatelphia.( | ¥@. Each article bought directly from the Manufacturer; with a de« ; sive to sui this nnd ‘FINE ALPACAS from 40c¢.te 756¢ the finest—equal to $1,25 alpacas. i ! SUITS —from oY to 818 bat all wool Cassime: es, sn. He intends ‘to Sale ‘out his x stock: if HE THEREFORE 'NOW OFFERS BETTER: BARGAINS THAN + ELSEwHERE, from 50. cents to 76 Carpets at old rates, ap for the best. quits per a DRY GOODS, NO ADVAN CE, And selling from 12} to 16. cents, the best calicoes, and muslins in propertion, at old rat amen s Shoes, common. good, to wear all summer, at $1 vs Fine Boots’ rom $ 0 to $7.50 for the best. : ; CLOTHING: at the lowest rates, and sold at 1857 price. SUITS, it and if it aint true, Stérnberg will 6 1 “They hI ask people’ to one: “and sce even ROTC not wish to buy. : ICE, —Bterpberg, \ nt ny en os in hish Busia 36, an ihe fore. 0 will sell 1 REE than any oth wishes all Who ow y by eo £ el to (Sottle ositively gt, of Noye next, @ as wily be given ingojoth ‘er hands too; 8c nl /. ai9I68f 11a a Ta j J FIAT New Peddler Wagon, for oie or two horses, for sale, very cheap, a WM. J. WMANIGAL'S, Milroy. ain yp we) oh Thay say) Baw £¥ Fn tal Fo Ha of LIA: i aay HD Proms: IN Hrd] 1 fored 22 yours with Piles) wa ¢ catedibnd ™ Han dow eint fies. wid GR t REAT Chane AT Cha n rie ot 51000 por Caw ju Ae A ple; or female n he n Py nowned Patent Ev ORR fie 8 wn hia | hist Lines ehh est andobast solos]! thes Lines in the world ; only 4 her foot, sid wi Tost. in hind oe aE River Wire Coy. 76; SH Add , rosy hte Jods Dearborn Bl; Sls 4 ms Sty, N+ Yuh THE JA GIC COMB will cha colored Hair be! TON Wa Spat black or brown iil contning ne nota wABNE| © One ean use it, One se nt by mail for $1, Addresh, © Mabie ods SG Sisptsholas cy Muss, id a Alfedm,, {1 Al Wanted ro 875 to $200 Per Monin, Every Whore, Snifle aA MEARE. roel | I the Gehuine Pmprovet Oomninn Sede | FAMILY SEWING MACHINE | This machine wilt stise hi ham, folly dueky quilt, enrd, bind hipid mad emhrgider, in most Superior manney, PR [OE ONLY 18DOLEARS: Folly No vaio fo Five Hetnes Ww e will pay $1000 for, MY. f mag hive, that ‘willsew | stron gar! Hah beatitifil? or” Ione alustie Arn; dba ours; has makes the VI SElastic Lock’ Stitch.” Every second stiteh van bo cut, hid still the cloth cannot be pulled apart, wi ht, Vn Ww ¢ pav Agents from $0 0 | | per month "and: expensek] or Smieniksion fom whic h twice t hat t amount ca Xe, made Pitsburg, Bas Tui ‘ton, Alass,, or 5¢ ule) CAUTION, — Beware of all Agguts sel lint M Mk ay inde the dame name Kat | BS unless they tary show ad 'Certifieate of Agidrl- We, shall not hold. our. selves respon thie for wobthliss chines sold by other parties, nnd shld all parties either selling or usin Aehinee nes | W or i Ao wl the fulliéxtent of the AW, unless such Machings. were, ined froin us by oly Rla o not fuie upon by parties who copy our sdvertise- ments and cizeulars and offer worthless-Ma- chines it n less price, 8fehd, Canvassitiy ‘Book Sent Pree for” Pa SUNLIGHT 2* toe Fishy; “and GASLIGRT A" WORK" dese riptive | of ‘the Myderat, Virtues, Vices, Rplendorsand Crimpes of the City of Pyris, It tells how Puris Ras become the Gayest and most Beautiful City. in the world; how its Beauty and Splendor are purchased at a feurtul cost of Misery und Suffering; liow Ny ar Swindled by ¥ rofessionnl Ad- venturers: how Virtue and Vice go arm-in- arm in the Benutifub City:: how ‘the. niest Fearful Crimes are committed and eoncea- | led; how mondy is Sadnderid Th useless luxury ; 3 and fohin. over, 100, ine @ngrav- ings of noted Pluces,, Life and Scenes in Paris. Agents win: ed: Cwhvassing Books Sent free, Address National Pa Co., Philadelphia, Pa. 18feb: I Was cured of Donfness hod Catarrh by fn ple remedy and willsend the véceipt "MRS. MC THORTY, praniY N, J. Row FAMILY USB-imple, As re: liable, Knits everything, AGENT: wane ted. Cirédlar and siirple stocking FREE. fddrecs Hinkley Knitting (Machine Co., Bath, Me. 18feb3m FOR DEAFNESS—The Patent Or panic Vibrator, Tt'Me into the Ear, is not perceptible, removes Singing Noises in the tread, und enables Deaf Persons to hear dit e¢ ly at Church or Public Assemblies Tr atie on Deafiiess, with means of Cure, sent free. Dr, T, Bunt Stillwell, 762 Brod- way, N.Y. | 18febdt LORILLARD'S "EUREKA" Smoking Tabacco is nn excellent article of granulated Virginia. ~ Wherever introduced it is universally admired, —1t is plat 4p in handsome mitislin bags, in which ordees for Meerschaum Pipes ave daily packed. Loritlard’s “Yach{ Club” Sthoking Tabueco’ has no superior; bring depicotinized, it ewnnot injure porveloss colistitutions, or people era It is produced selections | of Se! finest, stock, and prepared by a patente d and original manner. ~At is very aromatie, mild, and light iv weight—hence it will last much longer thanrothersy nor does it bam: or sting the tongue. or leave, a disagreeable aftertaste, —Orders for genuine, elegantly carved Mierschaum Pipes! silver mounted, and’ pncked in neat leather Nk onses, placed in the Yacht Club brand, Hh Lorillard’s ar Chewing Tobacco, —This brand of Fine Cut Enovii Ts bacco has no supetior anywhere, i —It is, without doubt, the best showing tobacco in the country. Lorillard’s Snufly “Have been in general ‘ue in’ the Tnited States over 110 years, and #till acknowled- ged ‘‘the best’ wherever used, — If your storekeeper does not have these articles for sale, ‘ask him to get them. PPP — are; almost everywhere, —Circulars wailed on application. 10d¢12t I. LoRIL L ABD & Co. New York. Te H. WILLIA Ms 8 Go., a o_o a a a Wholesale ES hn He in COTTAGE F URNIT URE, All kinds of. ; TURNED WORK furnished to the tra.le at CITY PRICES. ¥ Also TURNED PALINGS, BALUSTERS," “and HAND R AILING Furnished te Builders. Upholstering, Repairing Furniture and, | 158 e i $i. promptly s attended to. th 3 83 I aco Hue 'Bfdnchard & Co 5 Planing Wl NDWRPARING. 3 nerals. with the most i ELE GANT ARSE 1% 1 Hi he LH i BNET inbis parts of the county. Tig Wie + Bios, No.7 BUSH HOUSE ¥ ¢ . doc10,ly BELLEFONTE, PA. 1 gin » adigs can make $75 to 215) ( di li Spot i i al oa ! r A'S y e Americ Ww ha am i Gar Riittin ng Maohig res hig to g - nb > on y oe lo, hd Combe wim oy sd giving 1. 8 THIS hihi lou ie hello forwar Wishamgual fs ho on hy by hun 1it0 3 HT a EIN BefAD {91 TY Sl iii Mn the ihe thi rea It’ Sb Hein pat Hour, vin’ eit uid § neblain oF » Hbbisd w ork ow itl wv kind Wd fine woolen I I, £1 ’ or, revi Rt #oek hid CHR tod; d rawerd, dn fi Cw ry oking! rack mut nb, CHAR dod ph ben Rad ak cord, eeu comforts mle lamp wicks, mats ' jacket eradje blunkers, leggins, whey dui wr ktore] adie) tipisuts ‘ted’ or Ih fact» Hoss xurioty | A ih 6 Mm dav Ho Fiparipi ; d Nf Fhe 5 lbh HA hi Neh BORE Ag opr oportor g tg isvoh is ore des, whl o etm Ah ib : Wh. wa Wha Shik PRI ben - oo teadily ayit from twdvoste § stockings per cay, the profit on nS will be not ohh THEY bentely Phi i ied Bo Mois 8. BIG (8 ool b 0 to fift cents ped Pou iy Yat wool made into yarn dri 0 by et ex knitting it into rock haan hon nip 0 vp or th r pound may be reglized. On ree recelnt o ot B Warnilh toeesiil af win hin neordere £ Ww iv OCire active eB sb ig oP the dehy CAE whip the mestlib a nducmonie wi L boo ered dress, afte’ Whit Michie Co: pv i Bmtony Moss, or 86. Louis, | Me vi Pi id | lp 114 eg Jnl wit «TO THA HORKL oy A les x now prepared to furnis CONBNE 0h ploy entail ome: The of hed aml un LA ofthert sex! Re ie oreyenin fH 134) ony um ob Vii hab Wd; pi Av Veha' ny, | oys and girls earn near Any That all who see this oh ther pddress, and te nt the ok usiness, we make thio Soi eda To Sach is are oi wel) satisliiad, wel witl, send «ne, d my for the rr of radios en cular, av; a which: wilh di Cy sal CO WOLK on, and ap 9h Pe People's Tite rary C fond panic Le 3 Jirgest!: wreck bert” fumily! vowajinpére, ub. lished- hi ont free by mail cader nw Fntirene rofitible work. dred B dine, Bcd hell, 18, 0 he bytes td Frys rrr YY BC Al ‘BATY REYNOLD'S NEW MARBLE FRONT, BISHOPST, . WHOLESALE DEALER, IX. {1 C an sell their $d fh} 7 INES AND LIQUORS The sublet Fhipedtfilly’ calls tH at- tention of the pubive 10” tis establish. at, W ere he bt j= prep: ared te furnish all kinds of | Foreign afd” Bomedtic Lino whotésalo at the fosypsiensh prices, which are, ted to be the best qualities acco Hep Here tive prices” hy Sh onsite) € of Rye, Movougahels,s dris apd other Whiskies, x i § of Brahdied” "Holland | Gin, Port, Maderia, "Cherry, Blackberry and other Windssthe best articless-at as reasonable ratesias cun head in the city, Champagne, ‘Cherry, Blackberry, and Carraway Brandigk, Pare J amuicaimnd New England Rum, Cordial of all kinds, Hé Woull particulary invite Farmers; Ho- tel keepers and others to call and exp his large supply, to judge for themselv yarran- whieh tan ¥el@om be dotie when patfisae ng. fel #1 horas ili #2 Phy i aro Tes pecially To i to give hig Nord tl. 3.08% M3 12 LARRY i553 1 “f § A NEW Apothecary WHR Pg Store, ERR eiitodk to Brog op street, Centre, $2 ral, form the vitizens of *Bellefonte, Clinton: & Cledsficld coundities in Shak thay SNe 3 be ready, by: foxt! (UTREINer Y to Wid HO ay OPRN. DUEL EW, DRUG STOR all, who muy bein need and wish tq obipin cines, Chemicals, Drags, and all such articlet az are kept 1 in @ +t Wirt ‘Olass Drug Stove, 3%. Lately selddtedl with wf, on J th i y ‘the senior “partner of ho Eytabirsbment, who has had | OVER 30 YEARS, EXPERIENCE! {n' thi ‘A rt—and Wha’ ipeénks, ‘réads’ dnd , wiites the Germany dnnEARS as well as tho English tongue, beiug fully as’ SN acqunin- 1 td with thie homent tire inthat language 2 b ss, as with the Lati Ke DE ne A of HAR and hence we can and will SORTPEIONR, in cithey language; j wnd shall do it by day’ and by nizht. ‘We modestly: ands ba ask.for a. livgral ¢ (PRITOnRe. Our share of public favor an stock’ consists of > CL E VARIOUS, Ss A OUS PORMS of PREPARAT “used by ‘regular Ph yelciam, We alse kecpthe oo vido Finest Extracts and i Perfumes for, Lae dies, Hair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, } Clothes, Paint) d Vurdish!Brigh + nes. The verv finest and best Gives | lery, © bes ol orm i wn § Gum ay , Cages, an LO AVhiitéledd,! Zing" in 12 IO 20C hive Glogs, <4 LinseedOil; AY the - os oil) variogs fancy colored : ila ry and in Oi A "i pl} D; , s also: DeMarr, .Y air Jam “ah LR appro=" ib Je ved Rasenti Medicines, and Tob FWA a "PA is Lot of AT i LPAP ER, Fron 10ets > Batt LER to | $2,50-—Give GiLhbh & A wthéearies, ‘& Pi ag Pag gd & JJ RRETT, . SEE FISH, Herring, Mack Par ia anl7 68], BURNSIDE & THOMAS kinds of country produce, at FEEL het market prices paid for all BURNSIDE « THOMAS We have always on hand. GENTS CALF AND KIP BOOTS Ha A larger sssortment of Ladies and Chil- ‘dren's Shoes t freer mnie ing wee in town. Gum Shoes, every style, A and size. e ask an examination of our goods, ‘before he chasing € eleewhere, oN . A > ae 8 ast 10 bo Po cho. he cobor oh enn be chan- ged to green, Jud, stone, "drab, olive, " eream to su e r. It is valuab or Houses, Barns, Fenees C ar my de BY oul proof.) Floor i Ci Manafactur- or hnving sed: 000 bbls. the past year,) which «+ come, Send ulars, : trade mark, Gra SONS Can order th Paint ar it $0.9 z 254 y 4 New . COACH MANUFACTORY. [+ HA8 hamid PHILA rtown, the Lewisto and Belek a. ti . yw tows a fine st and Sp for sale as superior in : ality and at te any manufactured inthe "hb. are made of the very hes entire attention to his pro sion and Jefe ring Batisfaction alike te customers, rende by pations, operatives, his country, and imself. . at a EJ A gh EPAIRING | of all ol done Jhently, ind aw BE o | reasondbly. wd ih th iy 5 | Spike : ve ¥ Mav #1slion 78s W. Me : n ‘well Fling,” Sika -& aznionqbiB al Ti nad js of Sf cloth X from any’ I woul Loy ill to oun " Furnishing. 2 4 1 ink: ¥ . ; : Fiigire § In A sens Votan EE id om n which gapments il will be mint MOST. FASHIONABLE STYLE. | Bly me 3 ANT ask is fo eall und amine: my fine stock: Having] ap be thas { ritig the last: ats oan Pa. Reetingn A T . — 8 Tevet up xt of “ y i 3 Fa HAIHAT aI 588 P SYMWIR hE iE th ei Maids 1 i © : ipa aig 3s. : agi Lange IRIABL aE i Hi 1% van pi Hoos i 3.0. pEINONGER, iy tro yb Oe county, that he hasconstantly on hind, and makes to order, all kinds Pte A Yu Ty f en iF Pim BY a / Hr AA yEpsTRADS 8 i! hvaaa {4 od itis 3 BUREAUS, £158 das ik ind von] res % id aH 1 fal ii id TABLES we, &e ATHY Cn ge 3 A | : H } : 1 £ iat 5 s sg Hous Wao a Alam or ps a fret at Hik stock of N aly mds Furniture itiarge | and. warranted of good workmanship aud fl {an made under his owni n ne supers fe ion, andi is offered at rates af cheap af afobie- i here. ' Thankfal for past favors, he solie Ll LH &h Li £ "its a continuance of the i ee *. Call and soe hinshek hpfops parchasing clseyhers: five mt #5 bind col CANCER. —The ‘under signed aving taken outs licenseas a | I'vener dnd Conveyancer, r ; { his services us such, in din wel Releases, Con mdi and alto sales, All kinds wis of blan s | Hie Blwnys on ha GORNER. ia 5 Eh 3 8 ' HA > i waa aT 2 Y Sar: tid with Al ; ‘carriages, willow wal ols, pawder, shot, caps, cart i PT BURNSIDE & &¢, Gao, Pe Bila is
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers