| | the opera, the Times correspondent | says: a hg “0 4 : IETF, OFENTRE HALL, REPORTER. piel inn " eg N i po s £8 CENTRE ——— men sh Contesting the Election. democratic pres in diffutent’ parts of the State’ard spcuking in’ fiver 6ficon- testing the, Lata election for “Governar, There is no doubt that, the majority s d now counted for Geary 3s a clear fraud and that Asa PRCKEE Has a cleat mia: jority of the'Tegal Fats cast’ for 'Gov- ornor. ‘We join in with the demand the democracy of Centre join “Th with it, and ask that a contest be had, and that the majority be no’ longer robbed of their rights by a mob of “nsefip- ious jacobing, who have fbr years been feat the will of the people. The recent events in" Philadebihia blushing character. test, und let us sce Whether 'thépe fs truth in the cry of fraud to figute’ up a majority for Gaery. If Gary My w him be the Governor-—if on the othe hand, it can be shown "up, that Ava Packer is the ehoiee of the peaple, Tet the democratic party of Penusvivania democratic masses are tired of hedrivyg Pest. «dpe * urges upon ‘the Democracy to contest the thatter. Thi Carbon: Democrat suggests thas to take into eonsiceration the propriety of contesting the vlectign.of Geary. It should be culled together at once ayith a Viewtn such aétiomin the premises as fay be decided upon by a majority hay, when; joimal in the. demand for an among the democratic newspapéis of making 4 cofitest] exception, thev ald chat thi fri and Fraptinn with which the /pavti- sais of (PERF are cliswewed, shall by InvVestu fated and exhoded, sentient iff favor ‘bf i 1 contést. shold assenible at an earlvday/ DIL YOULL 8 ot ered et \¥ unter A)Sporting President, Win. Grealit isi fond of theatre,zoing, horse-raemg rund: babhing apound the § kgbs gral aabobs who steal their living Off “the country. When uot dt the ‘white-house; you ave sure to find. him at the theatre, and: from all, repyrts, ‘attheatvosndt the lowest kind. He is déeply tainted with the late gold gam- bling operations ine Néw York, which spread ruin and misery, all around— ¥ w & ¢ {i x . r i the fimouiit ot $24,000, To show how oft Gen Grant'd tastes ran; we copy the following, headed Grant and the . Posy Herre such « dukp fnreress m the election of weeks’ engagement of the Richings 4 vera Troupe, who preceeded the Ly- dia Thompson blondes, our worthy President did not feel interest enougl. anee-to attend, . But on Orleans, and Gen. F. T. Dent, occupi- ‘ed a prominent private box, and ns ment in not taking’ Mrs, Geant to wit. | ness the lewd and “sensual - display whitch clase with the Seancean,” The “plas on burlesque wag Sinbad the { Sailor,” and in one of the scenes the travagantly as “The Girl of the Peri- od," with a “bustle” or “Grecian-bend,” 'onher biek as big as a flour barrel and sspeech, in which she said: “Hols goup to the White House, make Granta present of a hox of good cigars and a bottle of wine, and got him to acknowl {ede the independence of Cuba.” laugh, but the judicious grieved. "All eves were turned to the President's F difference as to what was said on the stage, probably heing engaged in the discussion of some important question at all events, theyetfeeted not to notice ally the wisest course to pursue, the President of the United States ex- | posed to such ribild jokes to his face trom a strolling astress” “Torring a bar-keeper’s name into a considered 8 “track” advertisement. the President of the United States is open to discussion. 5 — i wn - The Juuosefaced eburacter of the radical party is beautifully illustra. Lted “in the composition of its. State ticket in New Fork. General Sigel | Wwas put on it to represent the bibulous side and Horace Greely to catch the Ltemperasce men. The word radical sees a misnomer when applied to [sncli a party.” The term hypocrits | would be more appropriate. | itm etme i The Frightful Disaster at Gran- © ville, Ohio—Taking Out the | Bodies [fromthe Ruins of the Asylum. Ceennville, Ohio, Oct. 30.—The ter- ribleicatsasivopbe which has’ just ‘oe ' ewrred here has throws a deep gloom over our town. The lunatic asylum | was quite a large building. "The fire. Ciwis said, originated in the culinary department, and by reason of the very dry and old material comprising ‘the stricture the flumes covered it with featriud yapidity, During the excite ment attendant ‘upon the discovery of the flames, all seemed to have forgot ton!that in one of the upper stories | ten dlemented persons. were confind. | These persoys were immured ina held almost constant control over the them, vendered: such a confinement ngcessary to the safety of the other inmates of the establishment, Their shrieks were appa. ling as the flames rhemmed them in. Desperate éfforts cavere taade, to (save then, but the t lames remorselessly checked all ad- pwanees of those who would” have res- reued. them. The building i¥ now a tpile of'hot and steaming ruins, Prepa- ‘rations are making to rescuc the un- «fortunate persons who lie beneath the tadebris, ‘The scene is surrounded with va dense throng of people, and’ the | feeling of griet in intense. sina blind ULL ETT A Horrible, Desperately Wicked Act. Theo Boys hold a Fourth over a Fireand Roast Him : which sur] : . he Tativious evolutions of the skirtless: WI6udes in she can sone “he Washington correspondent of “¢tié Railioal Cineionati, Times tells of attending the nude drama in, Washing. ‘tonal few giirhts since; and, of a “gag! that Lyd @hompsen gos oft at his ex- pense. ‘The“pag” in question comes ‘50 near Being the'immortal truth, that tha lan le obtuse than Grant it thought Ita ¥ight, and that heing ‘President, te oright to aod both pro- HT i § . Tn AAs tection and amusement to his. people, whase fog broke his faeok trying to tue a spmmersauls, asd the King, not to det Lis Court suffor disappointment surped fool himself (2nd became the butt af eouridy ridieaje. Dpeskiig of : of X i. .3 . Pat tht the Proajtlent hun Either el Te Cough or Mtl Carbon, 1t is not yet de- |- tween thisborough and Cressona, until | youd Hillside. © About a’ quarter of u "mile from the house of a laborer nanved children { Hornickel, several pie bdys wheu they reached this spot, built a fire, seized and dragged Frede- Crick to it, and most horribie to state, i { was actually roastedi Thon they feed, terrible condition; snd it is feared that he is butned internally by inhaling thd “flames, | He has not been able to talk since the occurrence and is in a | critical” condition; Ye understand that the motive for the inhuman aet is supposed to have been revenge for information that 'Krederick had given of some boys who |spring house. : One arrest has been made, and ‘after a partial’ hearing before Squire Fraitey tie accused: was beld for a farther hearing on Wednesday next. Miners’ Journal. i een men A AI it | A firemen on the: Central Pacific | Railroad fell off the locomotive when | ling at a high rate of speed. trave | Atter going ten miles the engineer | missed him, backed up the train, and found him asleep against the bank, 4 ———— iin THE ELECTIONS ONTURSDAY. | Terrible Calanilties in Europe. ne 3 | "| The latest Tras: Atlantic mail brings YORK DEMOCRATIC. | tn sepoit ofa tertible cortlugration in . . Te — . Hungary, The town of Radosin, the Nelson's Majority Twenty-Five | seat of the Catholic bisho , burnt down Thousand. in less thav an hour, and twenty one children were consumed by the flumes, | The day previous to the fire a hegvy | ms storm ragell overa lurge portion of the ‘Mraonn- Rabin. MAJORITY IN | country. About 4 o'clock in the after- kid o. MASSCHUSETTS ; NEW | breke out in a baru on the extreme end of the little town, and in less than! five minutes there were one hundred and thircy houses seized by the flames. Most of the people were in the fields, and though they returned immediately ‘show uniform demderatic gains, and | aiter they bad caught the first glimpse unless the city gives a largely de. | of the fire, they came too late to save "creased democratic majority Nelson ig their children and cattle, At six o'- probubly elected by an increased ma: | clock on the sane evening only the jority. | church, the pulace of the Bishop, and The probability is that the demo- {five houses remained. Every other | eats have carried the State, unless | building in the town was in ashes. A there are democraite losses in the in. | Franciscan monk, the chaplain of the | [torior of the State, | community, saved thé chureh buildings Returns from ‘the interior show | by his eircumspection and bravery. The administrator of the Bishop's prop- | we ———“——— ! Maryland Overwhebningly Demoeratie, | RADICALSDEREATED IN CHICAGO Vow ———— Scattering tetursis form the State | heavy democratic gains and indicate that, notwithstanding the democratic | erty lost his thiee children. So teri. loss in New York and Brooklyn, the | ble was the heat that not a vestige of j entive democratic State ticket is elee- { the bodies of the burnt children could ted by from 10,000 to 20,000 majorit i be discovered in the ashes, The State legislature is probably ' One day previous to this catastro- {republican in both branches, The | he a frightful adcident occurred at Senate is close. . | Koenigsburg, the second capital of a { Pp oy MASSACHUSETTS, 5 | Prussia. K : . | visit,and whilst he and his staff’ and | ‘The election to-day has resulted in | ily were passing under a bridge in | the re-election of Governor Claflin by | 5 goudola, the public crowded with | a plurality of from 10,000 to 15.000. | sel force against the balustrade that Che vote of one hundred and sixty-five | it broke, ane one hundred and fifty’ | towns and cities, including Boston and | cons fell into the stream. Thirty | four of them were taken out of the | water dead, among them the three children of a high civil officer, who, to- Cam. ridge, foot up-Claflin, 43,179 ;/ | Adams, 37,150 ; Chamberlain, 10,000. | legislature is claimed by both | an and prohibiitonists, but is | nerly divided on the liquor | were thrown dow | qUeSHION; and the republicans have a | ' majority in ench branch, The parents were when she heard of the fute of her chil- | | on MARYLAND dren. Among the many frightful | gues overwheliningly democratic, ' A young man suw his bride at his side ‘being pushed into the abyss. He | | jumped after her, hoping to save her, | | He seized her, as P, thought, and | the shore, and brought | her there alive. But it was another | { woman ‘he had saved, His bride was drowned and dragged to the shore, a | | p . Nov. 2.—Returns from | few minutes afterwards, a corpse. Four- | : IN CHICAGO ‘the radicals sustained a defeat. ALABAMA, | swam to has also gone for the Democrats. Clicago, large democratic gains. The radical | generally believed that they also are | (State ticket is probably elected by ‘a | drowned. small majority. Grant's majority was | : r { 24,147. The radical loss is estimated | Collision on the Pacific Railroad— | at over 15,000. | Four Persons Killed and Three EE ni : | Injured. | | nme ————— i , . oll 1 A Race For Life. Omaha, Oct. 29. —The westward. | We copy as follows from the Jack- | bound passenger train on the Union | ‘son (Ind) Citizen of the 5th ult: | Pacific railroad, on Wednesday, ran | | Sunday afternoon the Fort Wayne | Off the track near Evanston, Utah. "rn | Before the train could be got on the t { lig the usual custom. The engineer, | Upon afriving at the bridge, however, | | with all his force. A man with | wife and two children were on | narrow portion of the bridge, where it ran into the regular passenger train. in the head, sot serionsly. Three | grants were killed and! The Russian government eannot suppress the Skoptsl. Ouly a few weeks since a party of 400 of these | families left the town of Balatschow, | 800 feet. Neither end could be reach. train would rush upon them ; but the | father and husband was equal to. the -emergeney. Catching up the children | in his arms, be toid his wife he would | see to them, and bade ber run towapd the end of the bridge, aati! the train | should reach her, and then jumpin the her safety depecded wpon, her { near enough to the shore to find shal- low water before being overtaken ‘by tthe train. She did as he diveeted, ane to pray. A madman named Wasiloff'| declared that he was the Son of God, } | i i i i i i i | i from the patty, called for a human | sacrifice. Five victims were at once selected, placed on a number of Wagons which had been piled up for the pur- pose, and burned alive. Awomanseized | the shaft of the cart and beat two | voung girls to death ; female wus first trodden y ton to pieces by the AP vn —— Chi We hicago, October 28. —A | respecta- | | . . * * . ’ . | distracted with fears for his wife's safe. i for them. Taking the littls ones in his | bed of timbers, amd’ there held fast "within a few feet of the water, while the train came thundering over them. } i 3 + i 1 i i | | { short time, he managed to rise and make his way from the house in which ois oli lo tg Madrid, Oct. 20.<=Dissensions have | broken out among the different wings | The final selection | uke of Genoa as King of | their way, thankful for their deliver ance, A New Way to Out of a Well. A blind borse owned by Audrew Smith of Genoa, Cayuga county, N. Y. fell intoan old dry, deep: well, a few days ago, und ‘after repeated but unsuccessful efforts to get the animal upon terra firma again, it was decided | upon to bury him alive by filling up tue well, Accordingly two or three men with shovels commenced throwing in dirt, and as'it fell around the horse's legs, he! trod it down with his feet. The men continued to shovel, and the horse contivued to tred, working his way on thé top, till thefwell was filled, when he came forth from his living tomb; a wiser, . if not a frightened horse. This new metive power, so un- | expectedly brought to light, deserves to be patented for the benefit 6F urifor- tunate blind old horses, ; ! EE a E—— et aa + Farokfort, Nov. 2.—Quite heavy ' shocks of earthquake were felt last i evening throughout Germany and par. ticularly in Darmstadt, Wies-Baden, Mayenceand Frankfort, Horan et tion on questions that relate to the church and a future mongrchy. The eclesiustical estimates ave to be re- aaced thirty per cent. gore. raps come How True and how strange, that people should seek relief in the hiero- glifics of a doctor's prescription when they can buy us good, and nine times out ten, a better remedy than most aoctors give, for the insignificant sum of 25cts, We refer to Judson’s Moun- tain Herb Pills, these pills cure Head- ache, Liver Complaint, Indigestion, Female Irregularities, and all Billious disorders, they are prepared from a formula pronounced by the most learn. ed Physicians of our country, to be the best and most universal of family med- icines. Give them a fair trial and you will never be without Judson’s Moun: tain Herb Pills, - Sold by all Dealers, Oet’l 2m: i Maine U.S. Senator, Augusta, Me, Oct. 31.—Governor Chamberlain has: appointed Lot M,, | | | | Morrill U. 8, Senator to fill the va- cancy caused by the death of Senator | Fessenden, citi ie Tr— Good little buoys— Corks. Sa INTERESTING TO 7p ter now ‘having ntta well nigh auto 800 ¢ p ol it UF attention of the citizens of this side’ of the county, Do you wish to reach tho Pennsval- ley trade, advertise in the Reporter, Have you a far for sale, advertise in the Reporter, Do.you wish to prosper in business, advertise in the Reporter. = «gf o——————— we p— i 9% i Murros 18 Parvo.~There is con, tained in Dr. More's. Pills the priv. | ciple of health, We have many thousand of testimonials of their ‘hav. ing restored the sick to henlth ; whieh can be seen at ‘our office’ Use Dr, Morsa's Indinn Root Pills, and you will find them not only a curative of disease but also a preservative, They should be used in all cases of Billious- We make from which Axk your no secret of the formula this medicine, is prepared, Use Morse's Pills. Oct‘1 2m. NE — —_—— A North Caroling clergyman has invented a mouse-tond, sold hie patent for 811,000, and quit preaching. % Sey — ——— a ———— . (Special) PIMPLES. The undersigned will cheerfully mail ¢-und using a simple and Beautiful V ctl Balm, that | will immediately remove Tan, Fre kles, ! Pimples, Blotches, and ull eruptions and soft, clear and beautiful, He will ulso send (FREE) instruetions or smooth face in less than thirty days from first applieation, he above ean be obtained by mail by addressing THOS, F. CHAPMAN, Chemist, Box 4128, 195 Broadway, New Oect'l, ly return ! York. TALUABLE FARM at PRIVATE SALE!—The undersigned offers his very desirable Real Estate, on Penns creck, between Penn Hull and Spring Mills, at | Private Sale, consisting of 30 Acres Good Land, of which 83 neres are clear.and unsurpassed | for productiveness, Thereon erected a two | ; story HOUSE, BARN, and other outbuildings. Alsen Black SMITH SHOP, | and a Brick Yard, | i i terinl for making, brick than is found upon of never failing water near the door, The | 4 MOST VALUABLE TIMBER LAND | FOR BUILDING PURPOSES. For further mrticulars spply t. the un- | dersigned, v1 P . Wilson at Spring Mills. | CHAS PF HEN NICH. | / Penn Hall. : 4 INE FARM AT PRIVATE SALE. The undersi zned offers his valuable tarm at Private Sale, situate ub wut § of a | i containing 65 ACRES CLEAR LAND, AAHOUSE, also a GUOD TENANT! wll IOUSE., NEW BANK BARN, and | othernecessary outbmidings, . A well | of limestone water and un spripg of goud | soft water near the door. TWO ORUH | Also, | 100 Acres of Timberland, | of which 50 acres oun be. cleared and put under cultivation | For further particulars GEO. W. SPANGLER. or Tottertwp. — pe —— COURT PROCLAMATION. | Whereas, the Hon, Charles A. Mayer, | court of Common Pleas, in| aid the honorable John Hosgerman and the! precept. bearing date the 4th day of Jaly, |! A. Dy 1B to ine directed, for holding ad court of Over and Terminer and General | Jail Delivery and Quarter Session of the Peace in Belldfonre, for the eounty of Cen- ' tre and to comumience onthe 4th Monday of i Novewbher next, being the 22 duy of Nov. | 186%, And to ‘continue 2 weeks, : Notice is therefore herchy given to the | day, with their records, inquisition, exami- | nations, aud their own remsmbrances, todo ta be done, and those who are hound in re-! 1 Given under wy hand, ut Bollefonte the | 1th day, of January, in the veénr of our | Lord, 1809, and intheninetw-seeond year of the Independence of the United States. | D. Z. KLINE, Sheriff. 4 Sheriff's Office. 1) Bellfoent Ae ug 13th,. 1869. Good News for the Ladies. FALL OPENING of Baunets, Trimmings, Millinery, at In Centre Hall Mus. M. KE. Snoorx, has just returned from P hiladelphin, with the LATEST | FASHIONS, and a complete stock of ¢ New Bonnetts, New Hats, Elegant. Trimmings, &e., na which will be sold or made up, as usual at reasonable prices. 7#The new styles are very pretty. Ladies call aud see them early. First, come, first served, Oct, 22m. OTICE.—Lettors of Administration having been granted the undersigned over the Estate of John R. Kern, late of Gregg tp., decd, notice is hereby given to all persons knowing themselves indebted to said Kstate, to come forward find ‘make payment without delay, and all persons aving accounts against the same will pre- sent them properly authenticated for settles ment. MRS E. KERN, oct29:0t, Administratrix, "1 tc dn — pn —————s ;. ° Ge c Farmer's Helper. HOWS HOW TO DOUBLE THE NFR OF THE FARM, and how ors "and © their. sons can each make $100 PER MONTH in Winter." 10,000 copies , will be mailed free to farmers, Send namo address to : : ZEIGLER, McCURDY & CO., ont 4, Philadelphia, Pa. ’ Stoves € Tinwar Allegheny Btreet, Bellefonte, 1’a, ellington, —— avery, : How u.if : rnamental, idan bos “1M tiental, Bn Royal... J y yal, Sea Shell, J Artisan, And American. 1 i Parlor and Office Btaves: Morning Glery, Tro nh Attention is ealled'to his stock of he late, w new size, which he hus of Roouhs, ed, size 40x20. It makesbetter job thant he old size, and ean bo furnished dheapet thar any otherestablishment in_jow id io SALE.—By virtne at mt of phan's Goce of Centr An nodne expo at publie snle, . ember 2th, Jett, i on Sa iitee will be drday, ; Ne. BERT Wolf s Store, in Miles twp, the O11 val ARM, Ya aluable FARM of Solomon : 2 Sontainin Cres © of which about 60 acres are clear, under good fahoes add in a high state of cultivge he ; . . PINT and HEMLOCK TIMM, ereoted n te story, weath- It speaks to thes fortune, and tells hi to seek it; it tells th invest; the furmer, the best lun ‘manufactures, the profe the mechanic, o he gre thems it tells avery bo { bo ka h Lipid ! Fa Spouting and Jobbing prow I mt tended to. Charges rensannl e yh: LOW PRICES At The Old Stand: at Centre Hall LADIES AND GENTS DRESs GOODS.’ DRY GOODS, AND GROCERIES HARDWARE, QUEENSWALR Hats, Caps, Boots, Shoes. ALSO, A CREAP LINE OF MUSLINS, CALICOES, AND ALSO, A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF NOTIONS, { also alurge stock of FISH, the best, all kinds, MACKEREL and HERRING. : the best and. cheapest in the market. | Wolf's Old Stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKE IT A FOR New Customers, AS WELL AS INVITE OUR. OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL ap24'ely. . WM. Wolk . | Wb di pe A A fio sree pon np . HENRY WAR BEECHER’ 1. SERMONS IN hen PLYM Are being read hy people of avery (lass nnd denomination all over this country and | Europe. They are fall of vital, henutiful | religicus thought and feeling, Plemouth Pulpit is published weekly, and contains | Bsa nmap ow form suitable for preservation und binding. | For sale by all newsdealors, Price 10 ots, lishers (83) giving two handsowe volumes of over 400 pages ench. Hall yearly, SHS A new and, superb Steel Portrait of Mr. Beecher presented toall year’ y subscribers, | Exrtrno nr gifer ! PLYMOUTH : PULPIT (S83) and the CHRISTIAN UNI. ON (25M, an Unsectarisn, Andependen: | § ture Room Talks and ‘Editorial Articles by woeks for four dollars. Spécinlinducements | to canvussers anid those getting ur clubs. Specimen copies sent Rastuge tree, for de, | J, B. FORD & CO., Publishers; 39 Park Row, N. Y. t N ocdl, 4t | Ww Clergymen, Farmers’ sons daughters. and all to sell’ = 70 IA | f "NT bE a: 8 aE { an & and Aue UTpas seiOliuer Of TRE Ding, who, having abandoned stage life now ex- hibits in vivid colors. the whole show world , moral books, = Beautifully illustrated © with 40 spirited engravings, 24 full page, cuts, 650 ges, ‘om rose tinted paper. Greatest ine ucements vet offered. Pripaction Sample tings ; AMDT Insiders Has been te the extreme end of the : 023 f to Boston, Fo Olga ot : . ‘Av 1 Hevy oy For DRY GOODS to New Yok. : PORES 1. For CLOTHING ts PRilideipiria. 5 PHB a90iTY6e Wh. Each article bought di from the Manufacturer, witha ¢ sire tir suit hire, po, ita wl py qe ir 13 FINE ALPACAS fom finest —dqual to 1,25 alpoeas. © § ge £ fb! vali} £48 Ini) 1% #6ins o $18, bei all. woo, Unasimiores 0 99000 es. % SUITS ~froin $104 Paw oi Cas He Iateanis tu. dost ot fi a A ret op te HE THEREFORE SOW 'OFrERs BETIER BARGAINS 'WHAN FANEWH ERE, 1E veins 14 a f il ad A Carpets wt old writes, Apes, ¥ ohts! i | cents por yund, for the best. | DRY GOODS, NO ADVANCE, And Selling fron 121 to 16 ofngs, Ye Dost calicoes, and musline in, proportion, “wesid rates, nid sian is tt 8d sna Women's Shoes, comuion Reid To "Wonr ; enaair © RUE snide, all suminer, at $1 per pair $50 forthe v ee Boét: from S500 te est, i ; CLOTHING: Ww attans 51] at the lowest pates. audi sof ni INST a. bu Nike dT Se from $10.00 to SIN fer the best Fitiviz Ha : CALL AND SER," Mi» and if it aint rrud, Sterhberg willithent, They only ask peuple 10 come und see even if thay do not wish te buy, : #87 NOTICE. —Seafubong; intends to make a ¢hange in his Vinsinessy there fore will sell logerithan any s wishes all who wwe Np . to settle positively By Tat WN next, nlse the hooks wily be given inte oth er hands tu collect. ilgnd _uplO'es, of. 4.8, { . > i 23 YREAT DISTRIBUTION! RE, the : RX Metra wlitan Git Con 0 Cash FS to the amount of, R25 —Kver SO8h Gitte anche Prin ha herty HA Gifhs, 0 he, on irvnn cpm tn oni 8 — ~ mi Ee -1,000 an : ‘nnd 100 3 : Cy trassasessiiie lo diiieny OO A elegint rosewopd pinhds, ench 830040 750 WIDE Machines, cu que. 08ch Meo 178 500 Gold Watches oil ToT ech X36 300 Cash Prize. Nilyer, Wire: ote] all YRIGEA AL oir cananes iile e SN OON, OX § A chanced to draw nny sf¢hs whos Pri. zoes for 3 ots, kets deseribia sarn : in BR and hor hn ree J er, ne WF drawe i nut chive an t ns 2 dress, Fhe Prize san upon it w delivered to the RR ft oll payinent of SL. Prizes ure inyhidisgely sent to any address hy express or retires ii Yom will know what, pe prin iki ore you pay for it. Any Prize exchanged: for an- | wine value. No Blanks hur pa- trons cn depbud on ik = Refercpees,—~ We seleet the following from many who idee lately deawa 3 alun- SLAB Arr EERERARES it ‘ i £ if ar .“ AA BR +1 i he Messrs sassss gos Ww titre} 0 30 ne ah is ’ 4 - Miss Annie Monror, Chicago John D Moore, Tout ville; a Walworth, Milwaukee; Piss 3500; Rev, Day, New Orleans, S38 We publish no names without yn : hice ‘of the Press :—** linble aud deserve Tribune, Oct. 8. “Wp fair dealing fra. +N. ¥. “A friend of oufs drew . . (HN 3 353 Bf tia va Sond for circulnr, o Liberal : ‘ugh Gift. Six Tickess, or. ) 35 for $5: 110 forSI5. Ai lett addressétl to | Cie J ; LH) 'HARPE co., irs ndway, N.Y. ( opie, Bowes, and Stationery, Free, Por PN lr nining, address, immediately, | PARMALERE & (0. Publishers, either. at Philadelphia, Pa., Cincinnati, Ohio., or | Middletown, Conn, ~~" $100 A MONTH SALARY PAID oH J for Agents, male ‘and female; business permanent; Enclose 3c. stamp to-| Van Alen & Co., Broadway, New York, 4 . ‘ wv Les — Cc” 5 wii 4818 waded - rot) WAT FREE—GIVEN GRATIS fo. ° ry ive maficwho will act as; agent ina new light and Jonsrable business, pey~ ing $30 a day. '} humbug. Address R. CO., Pittsburgh, Pa. : § ' 6 [@fY “enterprise. NO | MONROE KENNEDY & ect dw ‘pied stables % *
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers