Te DPI p 7 1 Fi TR $i Pl EP § uit i vil % } AUR alalg Pag Saagold 00d i CL anufacturer of sil kinds of Bugkies would bp Ceatre uns He a he of, eh sal oer YTwe Herse vas, Sprin made te ste an Naleaat So . satis. faction | All kinds of repairing prt in Shirt no- Lies» eh or ol for pure “Science on the Adeance, Wag ons &e. tes ey ee —- BEET Ouiras han Horo hy ati , rs hh 16 conta. fo mvered " 1 JH0-per vertise weekly 2k menth TER iu 8 nadvance, advaucd. Rel poner. 1 Ea iderann square (10 lines) and neatly sad or a regsonublechar Ey Cosh, itiously executed, Ko. : be we A a WV S| equipoise, and 8 “moment after cots. menced gradually. to decend to the! earth, Every, instant ineroased ity downiward speed, The professor sa that he heard the cloth. tearing, renta snlarging:, until, wish 8 that soanded liken desthsknell, ihe ing weamou both sides {rom the hot: bi Eri rtm i wer iilion daesi A | the “phrak to ™ given wo melkache: ly. i MI he | Wham thar appeats a certain ied | redness of diverse colors at. the be- ginning of the nails, ‘it ‘shows: the | person 10 be chioléric ind very quarrel | 4 | some. When the extremity ia black, is " the sigy ‘of husbandry, | a9 Nurfaw hails dedote the persan to. LOEn (a hao) tpt epee ATER FOUN Jeg aD flan ¥ of Kdudation lust night for expludin the Bible from the Publ ie ' Prctitan; tefl Catholics, ¢ ik | wotes. fim Ad fi reall Aloha ald ssl i hn YeTaR Juul AATAIAE LAW FXIR wy ell A. * ! yous 0A whT 2: 4 oH TRreRD =i ii io iy ol. 2 d In Sag YI sivas ia i nile nrmsiineg A will Bm bao in {ya | 838 1 4% $i wt] vient qe § kia hdd Find Bald a So) usin! oo } Tir +8 i Jjol ofl! 03 qt outing esdy met gill $o1d 119 HH soma Ruslan , than, 8, vast religious dissns, N ’ or hat the fanatic Sop 0 0 foesiodd i o ‘Been unearthed and che lenders ofithe| of the. United States toward the, Gtaty J. in i" spring [ad its hopea! and desires for «the gon; ~ “ereeling "thi former: fn} toi “th the top, ‘The gus: eseapedTin- nuation of those feelings, and fo r the. stantly, leaving not a thotiand eubie feet, while the sir raged in; filling up be inclined to mischief, nd to d net ‘Republicans, and | three jury. to his, meighbora. oir vel A A aa good igion. as’ follows » ‘Thirteen ow oe tto which human naire say | » be debased. +A corvespodent. of then Vienna Nue Freie Presse now sends TK GUTELIUS, ae stestanty, one froé-thinker, and one Surgeon & Mechantcal Denti, whe is permanently locate Darke in the efies formetly oe off and who has beén practic Be suecess—having the SE of a sember of yearsin the p on, uld eardialy invite all who have as vet" not gh} Mima cal to Attn. so, and test the Taeth Extracted without pais. A arZid dy SENET BROCKEAROFY, J.P. Sie ral § President. NENTRE COUNTY BANKING Co as, eave Rtrlixex WoovEn 4 ¢0.) a DEPOSITS, ph nen’ port 0 sqass ba Buy hy Sell a a Bicarition Geld and, Lou, apll'es GR borney-ut-law DR totonte, Pac RET oT P. SMITH. offers bis bis Professions ) ish Sly Suing fa Rp D PD. NEFF, M. D., Physiciso and Surgeen, Center Hall, Pa. @fere his professions services to the eiti moms of Pacer at OIRBIRL STN yours» Dr. Neff ha the setive practice of Medicine and Sul CaplOhly. gory. RB. XN. SR sdbA BEAVER. SPENDS EP : avg ytd Attorney at Law, Bellefonte, Pa. dee2ly. MN ILLES] H Q nak Centre saunty. Pa. oR YF This fa SAREE v its new prof jeter, raish. Ju ine svery respectone of the mast pleasantecuns try Hotels iu central Pennsylvania. ‘The , Sravel ag com nunity and drovers will als and Ue host \cecommodations. Dro- FAR The heat cabeoh wpa with siabiagrad » ure for any nut er of ¢ tle of WE AGRO MILLER, julyd ad ef. YE. AHILLER, DECK HOTEL 82 & & 3 (VRabe Street, B % ” Afi # 8.) 1 locality pid es it desirable for SRD the ¢ business or for pless- ure. A BACK. Frepristt i (formerly of the States Union H ee 68, tf. FRE IMIRGY & WIPIZRK ATTORNEYS AT LAW, Ofiret On tie ANY door to Gar- a man's Hotel Comsuliasions in German or Kaglish. TOA feb! 19.69.81 CATES Whaiesale ahd retail, cheap WISON. XY. STITZER ARW EN &, N ras LF It = # i HOTTA hy tue thoussnd: all syle, 4 si ca ol “ATRL E Sent rents istidael nn- retee's, sheep § kins, mings: gihes, o- the eather li ive satis. ia the ” y ranted to give oa ‘ a a ————— Sluding 4 PRA &c 10 IRWIN & WILSON, | SE ROWETERS » and Thermnmeters, sat pl? Miltheini Saddlery. | STOVER, ir., ref ectfully in- CN io pani ay % Brus val SaddiesShop : ot formeriy kept a j cw Ry SUH Steves, | furnish i : isha olin, We, 2 ont dnd. Whips al exery Kind hd quality fet Mngt comply Sune A to a 20 8 > Ja hc Fe et Tr bie gh +A ky in od ER. it al i. oY Reitants prt it nf i ent’ a "idiot is now open, 4 and and good me mes ala o Phir toa 4) CHidwets, Tu ripe; LTA Soap; Bex, P ples, akes, | eh rs LE) Fr res Bland Fabia Eaanarral Wit Sie doves. Spyennip Ye id eri bes id pI, huge ey ne Tibi — bol CENTRE HALL REPORTER, COsevan Marl Pa, AY 1869 ————————— ET —— A'BALLOON Al ADVENTURE. Prof. La Mointain's o's Recent Ascervion from Bay City = His Passge Through Snow and Rain Clouds Erplovion of the Balloon Nearly Three Miles above the Earth— Won- derful’ Escape from Death. The Saginaw Enterprise says : On the oveasion of Prof. La Mountain's: recent balloon ascension from Bay City he met with =u terrible adventure, {and very narrowly escaped death. The balloon was filled before star ting, to its utmost tension, but, ewing to récent repairs; leaked badly, se that, After bie or two’ anvacoessful attempts Mr. He: adley, who wis to hitve aeeom- panied Prof. Ls Mountain, wae obliged te get gus | ‘of the car, Mr. H. had eatihles, instruments of observation and ‘tiddlié paper used to dysegeain the ascending and descending force of the balloow, and as he ord out of the car, before he 'conld tennsfec the artic: Yes vated, those who hed Bold of the a rapidity thatearriod it to ap. altitude of two miles within 8 few minutes, A gale of wind was blowing at he ‘time: nd » mowgent after rin and sleet commenced failing. The balloon was still escending when lost to sight ina cloud, ‘Pref. La Mountain, in relating his experience, says that it hecameall at once intensely cold. The eloud he eritéred was ome swimming may of snow flakes, interspraed with rain, which formed a frost work on the petting of the balloon. , The cloud with thé ‘show flakes forming and fly ing higher and thither, had, as he ox- pressed it, the appearance of a cloud of stearn ‘through which the sight cloud not penetrate. The earth was \okt to view. By tearing up his hand- kerchief and throwing out shreads he bécking cariscious that he was passing upward with wonderful rapidity, and along with the current of the. air east- ward toward the lake. Nothing was and overhesd his balloon; which, as {the air beesme lighter, had expanded | thie thi elothcovering « te its utmost length. ' Fearful that he might be earcisd into the lake, and ‘without a pound ‘of ballast to regulate; his dex cent, he reached for the valve rope ‘with the intention of loweriny himself gradually. Te his surprise the yalve would notopen. The rain and slect accumulating on the’ top of the bal- loon had frozen the valve to tight as to resist, the pressure form’ below. Put: ting his whole strength to the rope, pulling out the iron staples attaching the tops to the valve, the falling down itito the ear. The balloon was mount: faster than ever. . It had pas- Look i ‘sari ‘clodd; Rich? ‘was a utile ¢lear, and the sun shining as bright, as , ir was £3 f : éold, ‘ahd 14 Mountain Sha attained ‘@ highto of over threes miles. The balloou could not burst, for when the expan: sjori became 100 great the gas gould escape from the fie or valve below, ‘which: was open; hut he. was fearful of being chfried “into orover the lake | mad preparations for . «find wat be, had left it bn the e ‘the Fopes with us band, wit i eho agd his teeth aftersbrie in tear serving the épposite de the same way i § hh # otikits dr » ang oh & phase | Diving this: operatios’ fingers. of both bands | ad Beane frozen. For s' few min whos the balloon bept sedeadieg end | votes the vacuum, the’ aloon ating as ® parachute. The Professor ‘gives it’ ay his opinion’ that at the’ hight of awe miles there was nots foot vi. ig the balloon. The cloth, beliying elit, formed a strong resistance te the at- mosphere, and ret d the descent. He remembers distioculy passing reghininy wight Jef / the earth. te has sit’ wihiost iudistinesracolléction of approaching the earth's surface. A dull mos ling like thesadging « of the the cloth became louder, and ‘&‘m0-’ ment after hé béeimtGheanscions. Ou re aining his, senacy he find himself lying, ie the, woods, and hie ballon was some yards distant. Several perion, who! seen] the. balloon descend had come tothe scene and were stan ding’ near. + They “siterwards assisted him. faaturgd, but distrustful, and loving recoRcilitOD rattor than differdnces. | Oblique nails signify deceit and wand of courage, Little ‘round nails denote. obatinte. auger uid hatred. If they be cranked &¢ the extremity they shaw pride and ficroeness. Round nails shaw a choleric person, yet soon retheiled, anus, 4 bows of secret sciences. f Fleshy nails denote the perion’ to be mild in temper, idle sad fasy, © Puleand black nails show the per: bie, sind subject to'many diseases. Rel and marked ‘mails signify’ « cholerie and martial nature, given to eruclty; and as many ligtle marks as; there are they pubis so many evil de- sires. ill da sy - His atms and legs were badly bruised and hivdeelf stunned, but ne hanes ed.. The spot where he fell ia ‘seven miles from Bay City. “He, stopped over night sta farm. hogse near by, and y-sterday morning returned to Bay City. The time that ha was in the air wae lead than thirty § ninutes, and the reason that lie was not earried further was on account of passing through dif- ferent currents of air. il. WS — The Signs of the Hanls. A. R. Craig, in hiz “Book of the hands ; or Modern Palmistry,” brings together a large mmount of amusing gossip, without saying how much of it he believes. Ha founds his story upon the system of I’ Arpentigny and Das barolles, the celebrated French Chiro- mancers, From them are taken in Tas Roan "Morey or THE the rotary motion of the earth has for Ages past given rise to learued discus. sion between scientific men, and nu: berleas experiments have been made to demonstrate the theory. Foucaulty, a learned Frenchman, some years ago atnouneed a simple contrivance which he claimed wou'd set at rest all dispu- tations on the quastion “and demon: strate] the theory beyond eavil. Mr. T. C. Mendenhall, of ths Columbus high school, conapleted arrmngements for a test of Foucault's contrivance on on Saturday, and proceeded to put it in oparation. A wire was attached to a light cross bewn from the inside cen- reaching noarly to the floor of the ro this wire a metallic ball of twenty- detail the rulss for interpreting all the knots and hollows, lines and furrows that oecurin various hands ; and he who studies them aright will be able to tell fortunes and read characters, at any rate as wisely as any wandering gipsy. Without rauch study he may he, in a superficial way, s paimist. Thua: A hand something long and. the fin- gers thick, denote the person to be of a phiegmatic complexion, idle, slothful, but modest.” If the palm of the hand be long, and | soft, but rather ‘hard, it denotes the peridn to ba ingmious, hut changable, nad given to shaft aud vice, " If the hahid be hollow,” solid, and weil knit in the jhins, is predicts long eight pounds weight wus attached. The drusifiental piece of rotunda pave ment furnished & circle, through the centre of which, from the true north, a line was struck to the south. Nine ad ditional lines, representing hine degrees of variation from the the true worth, were marked on the circles. The ball was sent in vibration on tha north and south line, and in owe hour had de parted from that line in its vibration, ‘and was describing the live of the first | dagree to the right. The proposition wis that'at the ninth hour! from the start of the bull, it wold 80 fir depart from the true north and south liné as th deserilie the ninth. While.ghe ball seemed £3 led ve the'track in which it life, but if ove wrihwarted Se denhies short. life. ns : He whose hand is according to the! quantity of his bady, and the fingers too short and thick, and fut at the ends, wil bea thief’; a liar in wait, and ad- dicted to sll mauner of evil. When the palin'of he hanil is longer than the due prapertion requires and the fingers mors thick by how ‘much they ave the more short, it signifies, that the mean is proud, idle,. negligent, avd wo much the more hy. how much the hand js the more brawny. Great long hands betoken a grest counselor; and finithful to his friends. Observa the finger of Mereury—that ig; the little finger; if the end of it ex- ceeds the joint of the ting finger, such a man will rule his own house; and his wife will be pleasing nnd ohadient to "Rim ; but if'it be short, and dies not reach thie joint, ho will have & shrew, and she will wear the broeches. ‘Broad nails show the person: to be ‘bashful, fearful, but of gentle nature. When'there is a certain white mark at the extremity off them; it shows that the person has more honesty than sub- aility, aod that hig worldly: substance will he impared through negligence. White nails, and. long, dente much pickiest and indemity, espocially fever weg indication of sirongth and deceit | By: wdmen. "If upon the white anything appears at to extremity that is pile, it der votes short life by sudden death, sud Tha apparent variation was due tothe rotary motion of the earth. This was the sectud trial of this interesting ex- periment in the Ubited States, and the gentlemen conducting it on Saturday expressed themselves entirely satisfied with the result. Tt'will probably be repeated. —{ Columbus (Ohio) States an, | a Crime. " Louisville, Oztoher 30. —At Albany, the county seat of Clinton c.unty, Ky., shot aud killed Logis O." Story, the killed by sawa citizens, Story was en- deavoring to arcest the negro. Lynchburg, Va., Oct. 30. —= Miss Baylor, ged twenty-one, was found on Thursday, near Sharon, Bland coun: ty, with her throat cut, The murder er is unknown. The negro nurse of Henry Creecy in Bedford caunty, threw Mrs, Creecy's i arrested. Evansville, Ind., Oot. 31 Deputy Shariff, Major James Fitgwilliams was to-night, in a saloon, by one of the city police. The murder hag caused great excitement. Canada, was interrnpted on Sunday ‘by a big brother of the yu ng ‘woman about to be immersed, whe thrashed | the olergymes. [Jow, The champion of the party for expulsion was, the. Rev, be Jet 0. Veckers, and the champion. for retain ing the Bible was the Rev. (Al Du Maye. The resolutions forbid 'relig< ious books.gnd the singing, of sycred ‘songs. 1 ‘V'from earrying lution pn Bible, religi ous beg injunction, was that the f mers of © Constitution by declaring i in “that ins ‘An ‘Wcdourit’ of ‘a'now fatutical relig-| ious Body, Whidse dogmas and practices, | "do Wijk 15 ne though of & less dangerous character | bro f. the: tha those, of the Skopzen, are. still a feo py in’ are sad picture of the religious lifelof the. e' SHR, of iti Stig interior of Russia. The members of | ticket in New Yor Sige: this ev. sect are called “Springérs,” Was. put on. it tg, Feprese yorship suows, sell in vio, yd and Hm Te | 1s, which Jead, to myst; | lemperaiee. Aen, word: sade and vehement selfcnatigs Bo mei When" a ian [rues 4" party. “The ri tort’ Hype" ould be mere APRIOPTIRIE: 1) vn eT vei nel ve! richinldpiumstof the gahTIMeni aq. lava; JDTAIFSESS ‘The fame of his, swing, has, pr a Ps hehe © : 1 Bi"? Saratéy; aiid the ‘pilgrinis in great striment that religion was essential to good goverhment, deuied to thie Board | of Education the sight to exclade Nl i maoner of religious insgruction, The case will ‘be heard’ on Thursday pest. | A. Sen Shoots His Father through the Heart while Lying on a Bed of Sickness. ~~ ° Mme, November [IY horst- ble murder was eoramitted at QO: Kalon| Mississippi, Sutueduy’ might. Ma) Shepperd, Collector of Internal Reve: vue, while lying in prostrated by paralysisand unable to lift a band, was shot throagh the heart by his son Sam- uel, who entered’ the’ room just ue his mother was leaving. Mrs. Bhepperd hearing the repurt of the pistol return- ed tothe roo. Bhe noticed theabs sence of her son ‘and was surprised at the report having no effect on her hus- band. She went to the bed and dis. vovered that he had been shot through the heart. Young .Shepperd after 1 where he was pursued by the eitizens who had learned of the affair, and ar rested and brought him back. By this time the excitement was so great thatit was with difficulty the citizens were restrained froin inflicting summa- re ‘punishment ‘upon the parricide. Hea is still under arrest to await trial. Whisky is supposed to he the cause. He is twenty-eight years of age. BE —— at a An Entire Indian Village Razed by a Prairie Fire. The Sioux City Times, learns from Captain Hill, commander of Fort Rice the details of one of the most: harrow- | ing tales of loss of life by fire that, has ever come within the range of latter day occurrences. About five weeks since & band eof the ‘Sioux,” under “Little Bear” were camped on the Soith side of the Missouri river above Fort Rice. A large number of squaws with. their ApI0Ses RCO! mpanied the Indians, They had camped for the night, and not thinking of danger, had all gone to sleep ; about midnight the prairie contiguous to their lodizes was set on fire, and before the alarm could be given, or measures ‘taken to save their. lives, about ome hundred were consumed i in the flames, together with a considerable amount of dried meats, and such articles as they generally “| carry With them, or use while in eamp; sbout seventy ponies, werd - likewise burned, tha others wade their. escape by being driven to a place of safe- ty: Ahi camel A Fire at Lock “Haven, Linck Haven, Nov. 1.=A fire broke which burned Rynders’ music store Hopkins' photograph, gallery and a dwelling, ‘along * with several other buildings-one occtpiel hy Mr. Lewis Walters, boothes of Harvey Walters, The / others. are principally; insured. The fire is sapposed’ to have: bean | the work of an ‘ingondiary.” ; ig ded 3.0 Treasurer’ Spifinar announces tho | counsel, nee fund at $114,009 the ac: cumulation of years, and. made up of small wiaounts--not a single shoddy cohtractor is st to Kaveeontirb- uted to the id “They bave no conscience. ¥ ’ + inten To to offer a Queen Victoria potinds sterling prize of one hundred’ dren, ata slip life = lp Counter To lady numbers wend their way thénce to the | village of Uwarono, the hone prophet. Among un Inte batch of convicts were very many young women, ‘who ‘mud. the long journey. As these wero re’ turning home again, there heing | twelve wagon-ioads of them, they all fell. i ins to a stata of ecstacy, between ‘which condition and insanity is on appredi- | able difference, ‘When ‘they stripped | themselves. of their garmeuts, and be, gana real witch-sabbath of fagellating orgies. One male member of the party declared himself to be Jesus Christ; and a female impersonated St. Bar- bara. The religious passion led to severe injuries beingcommitted by. the mem- bers upon each other. The fanaticism went #0 far, indeed, that finally one woman was executed asa human sacrifice, though it was ite voluntary onher part, she being Just’ is fanatically excitedias the rest. “he wis hound fast to" 8" spoke of a wheel, when the wagon’ was driveif'on, tie wheel passiig over her untill the body was transformed to a perfect jel- ly. The most active of the party were the two who personified Christ and Saint Barbara. When the re- turing band reached the’ village of Peatchanks, in the district of Balas. chou, government Saratov, the civil jis. q 1 - authorites stopped i's farther progress, I A man n waned Brack was Focehtly and an investigativn into their actions | foun. dead on the grave 6Fhis wife in was ordered. Whatever new may FVanderburg county, “a 3 now. be revealed about theit setiofis | toe ahi can hardly be surprising, after what ns noted “th oly 4b Nis’ baen ‘revealed in many similar George fuel ion] E Lee. sbott which have of lute been discov ered, — Cor, of Eve. Post. ty aut TA. N. J. ws oned on ee CUBAN "HOPES. - pamphlet cover, the glaze being chief: a green. | [= liom 2d a over ad i led, W 1 mains, Nore toms of ‘agitativg Sh ofan i ITT Ae pt pe sd 1 Madrid. November - 1. Thes pros... pect of an igresemet in. thisCortes on a choice of a king improves. Ieiie” now. Xpown, that 141 depy i to, yotp oe, te. tar b swrviind{ workhuses at three shilling; ! pene » head, tive mouruens firtiabidd . 4 Work has been rerumod at the: west end of the Hoosae tunnel, where the daumge hy the recent, inundation proves to be much less than was at first supposed. The arching v was injured but very little. ¢ A frequently divorced man, rr cently satin Arkansas, 25d she. pers announce that he jontes sey farnilies of nuw-rous chi orl . +0 BIE Father Hyacinthe i is coming West to hunt the bufilo. It is said " will send a bull to lo” hunt Hyeeint 1 Two igertionen” have been fined I 1H Bremen, the one for biting off the, am of a cat’stail.on a wager, and the other for holding she! ost:rfas Ses pas Apel il 4 Leading Cubans and representa. tives of the insurgents here hope for great thinisz from the next meeting of Congress. With thé wid of Banks, Butler, / Bingham, Den Wade ahd id, the ude July. others they say a joint resolution will | in pass the House expressly sympathy | : and calling for the reeognition of the adda a Te. : rebels. The House may favor bellig. | fortune; jandsat aint hve a erent rights, but it is well known that a’ init di tid go deal he i a re e Bost kinds’ n ashy of Shei Senate will. vote Fo the professional sman,, d st recogn : " oe the gt oii an ap hot i el eid 3 BOT San kh ha hy y to know, a at t 2 Election Returns from Now York. and wondébiul priest in vt : Albiny.'N, 'Y., Nov. 4.—Retarns this great Sunt, New, , fresh, _ injerds- received from all parts * of the State ad for A An ror py give a majority of 13,600 for Nel- FL erprising jen. son, democrat. py YUNG ; oh Cine fiti, Ohio, : “Thé New York Jegislatare is demo=f py | WR orn cratic in bath branches —the Senate |! : octhm, af ad tsum be hs pg. | standing 17 democrats to 13 radicals, | “copa P AA: oN: and the House 71 democrats to 87 rad- | (Whereas, the 0 HANA an wer, ieale! The damoeratio majority inthe resident of t! he court ‘of | : 7 fal th. 3 000 Th e 25th Judicial District, State is now estitnated at 25,00 . That | countiesod Gentz. Cinign am Gicw § will do : gad: she hongrabled ohn H gegen mah 3 ’ 5 “ norable W i ans As thon, a = pes ges in Centre LANEY. SE “The Governors of nincteen Stites] precept. SR ato of have. designated, the 18th, instant as a} A I Oy 0) od ourt of Oyer AG erm inet an day of Shunji and prayer. This | Jail Délive Lo" SeadiaR HI h ne diy ofiginidlly ized byl th Folieulpnie fie heh bie: Hythe day dig Pt yithe | ¢ d fo corameng 3 Prseident for ‘ftiovial thanksgiving, | ET The diy will probublgibe obser ed in in ‘nearly all the States. wetiry Sei yn ib hie beorthe St. Lonis, Nov. 5.—A dispatch from ip A wid Fort Harker, says that the governient | corral at thiat post was struck by light- ning on Wednesday and ‘sixty mules er ; vidi: i3 those who are’ i gre. of sh Fshail b a LC Ly, be to pris. ie “Yacdinst® em il 4 E Given aadermy haad, Stott the The Board of Edyeation of Cincin | To bd TO a wd hha te lis 0 nde og Leg nati have prohibited the usa of the. B+ | the RL Len is ble ae a school+heok iu the common | Sheriffs Office. a with: Ch an apd theirow oo ings w : to be wy | cognizances to ongrs that: aes tro. coun burned. —————— et me em clerks. A ral | 1 Bok toentde, ug 10th, 1808 ha Ba ¥
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers