CENTRE HALL RE PORTER. Cx NTRE H ALL Pa » October 8th, ———— ——————— 1 869 FOR GOV VERNOR HON. ASA PACKER, of Carbon. FOR SUPREME JUDCE: TON, ‘CYRUSIL. PERSHING, “of Cambria ‘County. ele er DR MOCRATIC 00. TICKET. ATES For dsremblmn] acob G. Sewer, For + Prothonotary-—=Jolin. Moran. For “Register—John H. Morrison. For Jiecor der—Isragl Grenoble. For Sherif —Duniel W. :Wandring. For Treasirere—Simon 8; "Wolf. For For Covener-=+ For Adit. nn A Larter. TH. Yeager. There will. be a: democratic meeting at Contre HAIL, on next Saturday evaring, th. Tard ouf!! Se . 1{ Coburn should happen. ta be elecs ted $8 the TRgidatite, he Will support all thecheresies of his fanatieal purty. Dewacrats stand. by your principles and'véte for J. G. Moper. J 381 do Lagi n Citizens of Haines “township who considered you ‘too ‘common and de- ed you and your: interests in the turnpike ‘question. It was James Pu Coburn—he now asks you to stand by. his. interests in electing him td'the Legislature. © Will you'do it? . on oy + Seri Democrats of ‘the lower end, ‘who was it that favored mobbing and hang- ing Demitrats during the war, for ex- pressing: the freedom of speech? It was ries Coburn. "Will any one now'vote for’ him? Coburn wont vote for a Democrat, and boasts of it. eb tbe peat bela Dasiiel Woodring, our gallant nom- ince for Sherif, was a bmve soldier, and lost an arm in the service. ' His opponent; Jerry Butts, remained at homé, to arrest iptiocent men, amd mo- lest unprotected women: - \Whonr will you yote for, next Tuesday, for Sheriff, Woglring, ‘or Butts ? Fre ll Mp o———— Should John, Moran. be defeated, of whiclt there‘iz io danger, our county would loase the services of a competant man, - Mr. Moran will make a capital officer. He is gentlemanly and oblig- ing, and his knowledge. of the . affairs of otir county, fit him for the office’ of Prothonotary so munch. that his. defeat would bé ag actual injury "to the people. Jas. Pp. Coby wn adopted it as a role never to vote fora Demoerat, and now he asks Democrats to help elect him to we Begislature. © Will any Democrat L+ green enough to vote. for such a Litter radical a8 Jim Cobarn, who has all his lifetime heaped curses deep and a ty? > Cififing of Haines tow ahi aid all you voters of ‘Pennsvalley, who own mountain lands, will you.eleet Jas. P. will have -every ~epportunity to hunt up your titled and endanger your right to. your lands, by fetiog as ‘agent for landysharks?. You. know Coburn is now fighting seme of your titles. Voters of the: lower. end, there is no danger of J. G, Meyer, when at’ Har risburg, «searching the offices - to: get hold of your, end, in oder to, take them {rpm you. Yau know how the thatdine 48a hy: eléeting him” you: on- yl Willy's sce before it, is tonlate? Mar Bweeny, “ Pleasant Gap, has written. a:letter, which is published in last week’s Watchman, = stating that D. Hi Rote, the rad candidate for. Re- cord, if the person who threaténed, withrasdrawn revolver;.to. shoot - his daunghter, if she did: net haul down a Woodward banner, he had flying in the yard at. her home. states that he is prepared’ tomake oath to this: fact. dha | ——- Coburn is for the nearo out and out —he favors negro children side by side in favor of negro juries and. negro of: fice holders; he is-in. favor of negro equality, and is in favor of the whole bateh © of ‘negro heresies against which. Dergocrats have fought for twenty five years; and now when the negro question ds to he decided in the pastyd. entizemegro programme of the radicals, let Democrats therefore, work fur his electiog.. © : | ——m———_—- THE SLANDER NAILED !! Jars for tk The letter below § and shows, to what lo position organs of this wy aes scended fa ardeg to break down’ the chitaclg? of - highest wan, Ae charge upon the Be lefonte Republi- can, that in what it had been saying against Mr. J. G. Meyer all along, it was guilty of wilful, deliberate lying. We contradicted its falsehoods as fast as ground out by that unprincipled sheet. The letter below nails one of itself, Aaronshwrg; 10ct. 2,69. Mir FU Kurtz =~A8" the Bellefontd' Republican’ charges our brother, J, Gu ‘Meyer, with "“deétrauding ‘one of his Oil Company, we would therefore say in justice to ows. heather, that we were the only woof his brothers haw ing had stock in said company, and that neither of us had move than two shares, at §50 per share, and that the money was paid to Mr, "Michael Har: per, Treasurer of said Company, aud that skid charge against our brother 19 & base falsehoad, and undeubtedly; got- ten up to jure, hig public, and private character’; and ag we have a high re, gard for our brother, and do Dot wish this in your paper. ° SE a HNRY Mev, Prue MEYER. THE BELLEFONTE REPUBLI- CAN AGAIN PROVED GUIL- TY OF FALSEHOOD!! The Bellefonte Republican has for the last six weeks been loading its col amns with falsehoods against J. Gi Meyer, charging him with having cheated his neighbors in oil stock. These charges were “pronounced false in the Reporter, as often as made by the unprincipled Republican, and as farther evidence that that sheet makes it a practice to deal in falsehood, we and members of the Aavonsburg Oil Company, stainping these charges as false and: vindicating the character of Mr. Meyer, ouy nominee for. Asseme bly : Aaronsburg, Oet. 2, '89, Mr. Kurtz—Whereas the Bellefonte Republican accuses our neighber’ and friand. J. G. Meyer, of defrauding his neighbors, i in the Aaronsburg Oil Cay and of being a dishonest man in other respects, we, therefore, as directors ang, members of said company, feel it our duty, in justice to Mr. Meyer, to say. that all the charges brought. against him in regard to the Asronsburg Oil Company, are utterly false and without foundation of truth whatever; that Mr. Meyer never was in the Oil Territory, and that all the company’s money was paid to the Treasurer, Mr, Micheal Harper, and he. paid it out to the managers, Mr 1. O: Bower, J. A. Fry, and athers, according to'the order of the Board, of: Direetors, and we would further say, that ave have bden intimately acquainted with Mr. Meyer for a number of years, and that we al- ways knew him to be ‘an honest ‘and upright man in all his dealings, and «a man of unblemished character in all _respoets. A. HosPERMAN. V/ T. Go EHRIART. JACOR HOSTERMAN. J.C. Drover. H. A. MINGLE! AMOs ALEXA NDER. | a — AND STILL ANOTHER STAN: DER SHOWN. UP! From ithe wholesale mnuner iin which'the radicals are glandering J. G: Aleyer, we judge they ‘must: bel very mach afraid of the man, To 'this day, however, there has been nothing: said trutll. Honest Republicans; how ean you endure the.eonduct of your leaders and organs in thying to make votes fir Gohyrti by using nothing bat: slander and vilification against J. G. Meyer ? Demotérats, come to the support of your nominee and your whole ticket, ‘and teach these bad men that you are not to be led astray by their falsehoods. ‘Read, Voters. how another slander. is nailed by the following letter : Mr. Kurtz Dear sir— Having been informed that certain ‘individuals ,and other localities, are engaged in circulating reports against J. G. Meyer, to the effect that he, Mr. Meyer, had been acting meanly and i in an exacting manner towards me, his present tenant. ~I' hereby, iu ustice to J. G. Meyers, state for the Pete of the public that all such slan- derous reports, whatever their nature, are totally unfounded, and that the said J. G. Meyer, has in all transactions with me, as his tenant, dealt fair and hanotable, leaving me no reason what- ever to complain, and that k intend supporting ‘his election to the Legisla: same, + odonN:H. Mex, Centre Hall, Oct. 4 1869: - One of the Salt aed saints: ons for three of “his wives a '‘grandmether mother «and = daughter—in this way avoiding the Uupjeasaniiges of mother: in-law. . Mixed Tickets. Democrats look out for mixed tickets the radicals have ‘the democratic ticket printelgoie with Goburn’s Laser sehoald be; where A High Tribute to Packer: and Pershing From the Lips of a Radical U. S. Senator From Pennsylvania. WHAT : Rdates, they Ee to deceive by mixed tickets printed as above stated. Democrats; ookout for mixed tick John H. Mar is our nominee PF TRENT een ¥ i ne SN ualified’ for the position. wij Hil opponent, MrsC ating fsa man of no nisinses qualifieitions; and one whois not inolined to pay’ niuchatten- tion to the duties of that; ‘or "any other office: WH Lot Joly HH. Morison, therefore be | ing. fdlh St Rash Cadwalader trill not vote for Lewis Hiss; 48 raported ; on’ acednnt of Jess oi opepations. | If so stiff a: vad bike Gadwalader chn's: Swallow Hess, | then Lewis Hesd isbadiygane np suee; Thedeading radicdls of Potfer twp. ,; ho know Hess, dud maf of avhom have lost heavily by his otl-pperiitions, will nat toaeh-himee “Joseph: M*Clos- att and agninst Hess wl * % on date for Treasurer, is a gentleman of education and ripe experience in by ness. He served in the late war and | received an bonernble discharge, To his efforts was mainly due the Regiment. and mobbing of Democrats, now Rash | place of Wolf, Democrats stand by. your ticket, ->- ——— — SPECIAL NOTIEE = As we £0 to press ive hear that Hom Geo. E.Miller, ithe President. of the: IL. Cod 8 Ci RR. Co., has. written a letter, urging, the friends of this enterprise. to go actively to work in obtaining ‘subséripfion$ ; as he has beéti informed by the officers of the Penn’a RR. Companys’ that they must soon-know whether, the, people intend subscribing the amount pledged by the Committe e. “Np time 18 to he lost and ‘we again urge upon the citi- zens of Céntve éounty to da'their duty, and do it! gewerously and liberally. Rest assured the Penna R. R. Coy will not feel themselves bound to. ex tend the promised aid beyond a rea. sonable time, and the comniittée must goon report whether the money can be raised. Hurry up your subeeriptions and send in your report. From the’ above, copled from the National, it will be’seen that our peo- ple must keep” the ball inmotion, if they want arail‘road, and that the ball’ must get larger as'it moves on. Now fig'the time—Ilet this opportunity slip, and We may say “Good bye” to “all prospects for a rail-roud through Penns valley.” Tle work of siibscribing has not been’ ‘progressing as it “shoald ; some localities dre’ doing pretty fuivly, hot figure up ad much yet, Tas’ they) t should’ "The meeting at” Boalsburyg, last week, will haved” good ‘effect ‘on that fieighborliood)' ns we’ are assured. Mr. Robert Duricitn, also aksures ‘us that Gregg twp. Will come ‘tp to what ig askéd of her, and that'thié'assessment acquiesced in by her citizens. ® Lad ningls. eld The’ Republican says! Meyer is-op posed'td ‘the interests » of the ‘lumber: men. Another falsehood==for Meyer manufadtures lunibetr himself and has interests in the lumber regiotd on Penns Credk: TT Rash Cadwalader denies the charges brought against him in a letter, to which we referred, in our last, and says they are untrue and without foundation. His reported course against, his, oppo- nent, Lieut. Wolf, led to this. Mr. Wolf is an honest man, and the reports spread against himon a quiet way, that he was implicated in the failure of Lukenbach, are as unjust and unfoundded as are the charges against Mr. Meyer, who is so triumphantly vindicated in to-days’ Roporter. When Political Sumniersault Ap- hearers at the Fort on Saturday © even- ing, will some honest radieal ask «him why his ‘paper’ Tied so about Moyer? As "hem will be a xail-ros ad, ‘meeting at Pive Grove Mills on next Saturday, out. i, F Cohmrn'y Motto: “i Laleyer vote for’ a tg oppor heady; | . Radical Senator from thivBtate, wade a speech at Lancaster, Pa, in the. course of \irich he this reforved he thus referred to the Demo- eratio candidates -Mesers Ao e gad < To beth m Spr: could rought against the character of Hon. Asa was know: throtig hout the: State: hg an- | hanost 17 ighl gulegpt ising many of busi he epdewnment of the. duehigh versity by the munificent do tion tor which his fréends might well poing with pride. MreBeott also vindicated | the character jand canacides of , Mr, Pershing who he said, had beep unjust- ly assailed by Republican journgls and speakers The spéaker Kiitw Mr. Persh- was uotatslie bar, in.any scetion of the Htate, a ble lawyer. He said further. that , the charge made agains Mr. Pershing, by aCatholiey wag alse «ar falselioohd; as Ar. Pershing was a eongistent: elder of | the Presbyterian Chureh, and, said the Sengtor, “If he were a Catholic, it would HElthEr at to nor détriet from | my estimation of him. ¢ Flow him intimately; and feel it my duty in jus: Lice to him. to wake, this statement, "This is strong testimony from an oppe- nent, and effectually silences the hat- ADDL + : REDUCE THE TAXES y From all quarters _epme up com- These ' com- plaints will ‘continue to come up'untill their cause is removed, which: will never, be as long ag) the present radi lend party has control of public affairs, Those who wish their taxes reduced trenehment and Reform, marae pe the names-of a demoe ratic candidate for legislature, in this great struggle fur the repeil of the fraudatent ratifi cation of the Fifteanth Awendment, i not werthy of the name: of doahrcol In this crisis it is’ treason to principle in‘any man galling himself a b: mocrat todo anything which directly or directly ends to the election of radi- eal candidates to this legixlutare! who are mot for uscare against: Their, place is with the, epe Ys - i a Fire—Destruction of ITorses. Chicago, Sept. $0.— Last destructive fire aceurred at the cor: ner of TlHinbis andl St Clair streets. Tha five orieinated in a fnrge stable- belonging to 15. IL M Donald, contain ing twenty-two, bores, all, of which Ware destroyed. , Total loss $8,000. Insared for £6,000. a i How True and how strange, us. night a that glifics;of a doctor's prescription when they ean buy as good, and ning times out ten, a better remedy than most doctors Fite, for the sighifitant sum of Bets. «We refor to Judeon’s Moun: tain Harb Pills, these pills cure Head. ache, Liver, Gomplaint, Indigestion, Female Irregularities, and all Bil Ilious disorders, they are prepared from 4 formula prondunced by he mott ledim’ ed, Phyxiciuns of our county, tobe the best sud most universal of. family mel icines, Give them a fair trial and you will never be withant Judson’s Moun- tatu Tdth Pill Sold by all Dealers, | . Oct't 20. ina bil md Bll ! A eotemporary seas infinite trouble af settling + Bricham Young's estate. The old fellow is very rich, ci) when he dies each of his twenty-five widows will expect her third. ; i & IRIS EL ELA Ligh ln MP rth scm i ofa Pine Groye Mills, was robhed,. The thieves eftectedan entrange by blowing open the large lock at the front door. Mr. Maer’ 1688 7¢ only eandies’so'foras is known!» The “Post burglars, were in hopes of finding some money, which My, Musser wisely kept at some other Stace. 4 nil Saale Lihh DRAMATIC. On a certdih occasion w cortainl drafmatie fempld, a fart was just reached the scene where the Tover enters'seeking, almost “distracted, His lady lové, who had just concealed herself a moment before (in full view of the audience) in" the “garden,™ be- hind Some ' cans * répresentation of bushes, “Where, oh Heaven! where has my WJulia” fled ¥ exclaimed the actor, in despairing ‘accents “looking arorind everywhere bitin the right place. A spécimen Of the “gents Yankee, i the pit) who had heitherto” been all attention, now exhibited symptoms of dmpatience; mid as the actor repeated ‘Right, behind you, you darn foo) in: the tater pateh 2” Tha effect of this can bétter be im- agined than described—the applause was, trémeiittous. . At A. T. Stewart’s store in New York twenty-one two thousand dollar shawls, have been sold this season, and one worth fifty seven hundred dol- 1 ghanget d sleep. A case illustrating the same principle reported in Ohio. A city main, accustomed to-lodge on noe-of the += noisiest streets visited a country friend. ARE his rest at it 18 frienc nig elt for his distress, dtr can he went, to 8 “eighbor’s ‘and procured & ha drum, which he beat under the guest's window, and had his’ boy run a speaking whel- | burrow apd down the, Yon hile fis Wile playell on the | jano, ar ai ‘servent girl poundgd” oi the chamber door na a_pair of” “fon 2s. In this manner the sufferer was AAT 0 get two or thirde Nurs of quiet, "riffestinif sleep, though it was heavy ¢ on the fami- ly. * } ( \ hd Sd * » Muzzy, iN, ( PARYO: There, is come tained in Dr..Morse’s, Pills the. prin. x a of “health. We ‘Rive many thousatid ‘of tedtimonidlR of their hdv. Ying restoréd the mick to health ;avhieln Loan bie .seen ab ub gifice. Uses {Dr Morse’s Indian. Root Pils, and you; will find them not only a curtive of disease but also ‘a preservative. They should be used inall “eases of Billioe. ness, Headache; Rivet Complaints; Female Irregularities; &e. We make no secret of: the, formula, from which, this medicine, is prepared, . Ask your store keepers for the 'Ometa Alm: are read it carefully. : Sold by all! Dealers: 46 0 lr Oet'l 2 RA a” DOTY'S WASHING. MACHINE, NEW Universal Clothes-Wieagee, Improv ed with Rowell £8 peat donhie, , and the Puter't S000 ate now tr SUDeTuod vw Janey an bidit Ps el! nye HCl and He Lav hg LE BLY MUCH IMPROVED — AND TH, cogswhoels unaies ti onubl Ya wins far washin OT hes exe will save their cot (ied i Lom 14% Ww vd el } 108. Those who have ny #s follows: : “We like our uy whine mae th eau 1 not be, pers ded to dowithon, © and 8h de nid 0 "Daly Wi the NOSILON, 4K hn eh, i lid is yo! +h one dollar a week jo may family.’ : N Y. Tribune, Lh used thi m ai Ive Lo Hino- bean tev. L. Sgoid, Bishop AL ual than ke riving on Mondavs {or yerpet Rev Phooftove 'T.. Cuy- (he invention. te 7. “Every, week has given itn strobgy hold upon thé nfé@sions’ ol The minales of ithe! Ln andy. "wN,. XY. Obseryer, “1 Ae artily comment it to economists of time. money, amd conteiiment.”’ —+=Rev,! Dr. Bellows, “Friend Doty—Your last Triiprbeemant of youriW ashing Maphive is a conipleip.}’ SUE 00s [ assure vou ‘our machine.’ ater ny ea ® nse, it is Chotiight mete 17 today than even, and would not be {hupted, with uhider any cirenmsannees. "=Solon Robip- SO). “Your W ashing a Machine has Deen. in daily usd in" our l: andry, and the hoase- keeper expresses herself as highly pleased with) it. Li core unly ae omplishes great- ¢ K Amount of work with Je: Tub and does wear the clothes near so much as the fi old fashioned wash-board. “By using §t5 one laundeess ds dispensed with.’ whe Yirht M! F.. Round, Superintendent of lu: KR Department oF SE Cathwd me's Nursery, Y. City “A fie * a cons{ant use of the Uxiy £18 AL Cromitis \WRIKGRR for oleke thin ‘four yearsin our inwily, Lam anthovize. «i by the ‘powers that BE to give it the most unquals ified praise, and to peononned ito am indise! énsible pat of the machinery of house vbr pine. Our <brvinte have alwdes Bren willing tof ase, it, nod always hive liked it) “Henry Ward Bee cher. , \ ual PRICES. —A Fair Ofer. ot Send the an price, "Washer 214, Extra Wiring Ad both Aha Alok! | Fashore no one is A said 0 sure are we they will be liked, that we agree to re- TTund thé mom dy if any oud wis lies to: vetu rl | thé machines free of (rai ht, after unontlh's, trial, Recording t0 direetions. No hashand, fatlier ar. brother: should 4 sermit the drudgery of washing with the Nak fifty two days inthe Hour, whos it caf he Mong beter more ospadisons bn with less labor, and no injury 10 gur- ments hyn Doty's Cloths + Washer, sand w Universal Wringer. , P {dive rTgH of sale | Canvassers with exe make money fast seling thein.; Sold by dealers generally, to whom libe- ral diseotitifs‘hte made. R, C. BROWNING, Sens Agent, get], fm 32 Cort and{ St., New York. Millheim 0. W. STOVER, jr., res ectfu y in- 20 dhe citizens of hoblinid ep Brush vals! fics, that he bas started anew Saddler Shop. at Millheim, at the old stand for rmerly Kept by J. II Stover, and is now prepared to furnish © Saddles, Harness, Gollars,. Bridles, anid Whips of ever, kind ahd quality, | fact everything éomplete, équal 10° a fi class establishment, and at the most rea. sonable prices. He warrdats his Wo to quality nid fineness: of styleus Farmers, and his stoc kK. He is determined to lease customers: | wpa, Ly, G. W. STOVER. in, Grol RG PEOK’S EATING HOUSE] AX & OYSTER SALOON, On High'street, at Busly/'s ‘Avende Restaiirs ant Be lefonite; Pa... This excellent estab lishment is now open, and good § prenls can be had uit all hHeurs. Roast Beef, ~H ¢ lery:: Pickels, Oysters, Soup, Eggs, Pies, €akés, Cracleers; Nits; Oranges, comprise the bill. of fare. Billiard, Table connected with the Restaurent, OPostorein’ evér glenn hy i doen and huni dred. dec 25,1 yet 1 A AAA SAMA. UA 30 CENTRE HALL Tan Yard. The undersigned would respectfully in- farm the citizens of Centre county t 6 Tan Yard will again be allits bratches, b THE BELLEFONTE Next door to Post Office, We have always on hand. GENTS CALF AND KIP BOOTS in town, d eo if fous Neen nm LAT TARR 106 ou Aro a octd itl Bit oil PC coat viRgof an i of thers 3 olf Orrin: oe He re ov cube 20vk EN WANTED, 3 A number > hands are wan im- 1 ately to work on the new pike now peing made at Farm : Sthoo wages OWEN COPLIN, Contractor. Read this and Tell it too yur Neighbors. MILROY Noolen Mills STILL AHEAD! genet is ~The attention of the Lublis 208] next, ont nt inex, near Wall's St @ lil ville Cavern, dec dy gor 110 Acres ot poe 4 Whout Li god fi Nees ang, wh, Aaa ie # tion, The ee a he sith PINE anddd @ a 0st Joi ry WE EAA tht ndepssaty outbuiddibgi vv 2a und ter, from oan Aina Goo Hater 1 the a A >; Wgoed nitty ohoica fo mitre 9 futhepreminens onl etobid- LL 10e a on o nd, uridor to rena, Widows: dowen | hare ses 3 ten per WS "of the itd " on day. of sale, and forty Her cont on! Boned | firmafion of sale, and the residue within 4 one yé ¥ theéhltof With itere to he'te- ¢ured by bond and mortgage on the rem- ise, JONAT HAN Ww EAV ER, oetlitmiswog O . Girdian: STER NBERG , Hap baen to ‘the extreme end of the w market! (For BOOTS & SHOES 1 TF to Boston. For DRY GOODS to New York: For CLOTHIN G to Philadelphid. Sm. Bach; article bought. directly from the M: \nufacturer, with a de- | sire to suit thismmurk egy § Net vi po "FINK ALY ACAS front 40e to 350 thie : finpst—equal to >, MIT 3 4 i 19 bak STITS + rom Sto Sig, Vik li 1d] wool © nssilneres. a oT ": 1 xg. Me intends to stone; out his to. gE oi Now “orp BETTER BARGAINS PHA RLS Esl wh i LK ol was Pat Bie : Cuirpets at 0M sites ton 500 cents’ to 5 Lents put sand, for the best. : DRY GOODS, XO ADVANCE, hot calie ues, and musling in | proportion, at ol rados summer, at $1 per pair vine Boots: LOT] oto 32,80: Fists CLOTHING * uf aiid est 10 and sold at 1857 prions | UY TRC oh SL rh a xn Jo CALL AND SEE, oh int trie, Sternberg will treat. They only ask ee Wf Riis o ie ot ake ® A ofr il att) Vv. I Hee RRooks Hes be a ore into ogists onion . vl pin BIS i#PHY ANTED FIC Yoni Saumih 134 ” rec, inl the boundiess West and suany It speaks to the IRR AR of a ome ag Stil SE d tel wy, Jil and ow ; seek its! i a fhe me tn invest; the laborer, to find go wages; dine | firmor, it! EINRIES TE ot) JANDA Ey a, founieiasianulo ng pect janie, 0 often ¢ kjie 1 them; nitedls § To \ § 3 ish —Stem a Yh to he I~ 8] Vii & Vit Phi geead Sovntts; o Now) ting : hd opuiar Send FOLANI other enterpris: of ul AE a P EO: UBLIS dolly di. oi Hay ak : oT TT Raa cass ng ETE Bone Anny an eds 1h POR bluowk ag ey 1 ra i "OFTHE WoRLE Seay n Ore ohe. t usand. illust largest] héstsblling, "and | be subscription baok exer publ lished. Jireuthrs with fers at" re US. P G00 WF outlth +ALL Broome St... Ne ew York. i AGENTS, WANTED POR THE.» Sie s: Secrets OF THE NATIONAL CAP HE most startling, jnatrue tive, i iar an see tthe day: sSend for | Cireulars as see our terms, fdr ress, S. PUBLISHING Te 5 AGENTS aremaking ‘fortunes welling our |. new sn avhich will Wie Any by Pig be, the sa o $108 7s OFM s artour — Lider on FOR CHAMBERILEN' a a8! § 1a pia 90 agruen ions eap. Practical ara. grhce, Rn completeness.’ —85 oan IAS Thinindite oly Slr le Ln he ROE A Ray vears experience; wid Gs jg Rr bt belly a a ose oo iy many Chi oe Goud Soy. Er ero the Chicl Ju octicut, | Sul oe zepts wilt fod’s Vory fx in ims. OD C Fo & o> digriford. Conn; Nou 1 Sprues WT No "dudes (ih oinmath bi TT CAULI Norh Adi obd dues ed MANY Val AS ho : 3 Ww, LNT hE re-is fed as “i ) offi tor 0 A 1 isephit OR zbhts WHEE Yih the P11 KJ. BRST BOOK OP PERIOD RENE REI en v The nit "Libera 1 peat ie time <7 Now You if Thm "hha Arisfocrneys’ hh ec ‘Married Women, slgrses th Aig in oy oS pm’ nl {Tp | mR gy T i ha fuged o3 i Bio ons ns d lungs—dissolves the tubercles, i. ure thaw Th hm savitiexchemb afl aturk is affected. wr 0 so11 ean Heh Ru Mo im Om oq: ai sadani] OSE SR soldi Ne rday tera bir 25th, n rv Ca o yi She: fol, | Wo 1 LL Sor fae wi d Hemlock gis oq aruinsatil bug si=ulf of hat < Pesaro do; doling ‘hedse,) Bark A CI A g x Fobns a i of sald, nt bodogel “ad 3 Jeass LIST ET ntefdst toh be SVEIVER. 2 img, ured by | tibera Wk R HORE MAL grod oy oaginnin BRELERONTE Be Loy ne wou ih publi B 22 CHA and Rintive ce a all. pin arge and well | every bat Lid ap Alexander. H The nse of pdwelling house and lo ot | private sale. “Charch st hs futher town, For f farther [10ers % it 2001. ao mhemA 0 nt all sizes and kinds at i 8 Awan a W 1I8ON'S: ("1 thot. iy Nh &iei Highly "by profestionakdndescie [bx felt peopel ls to Sh without regard ph iam; HE givi vin i 8 1 | TRE By way, Bug; i FE 5/0, AT ya iit Li] aol d disor w ’ iad £8 ¥ i # # $f Loci) botlim Tap vir S of all kinds, a 2 ia dw wel Sul § quwdyid of! ai i Pa 6 OF Th rg g ui boast = #14 z 1 1 a av oe # «Fa 1 aid 1841 sud
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers