— A A AAAS CENTRE HALL REPORTER. ton 2#~NoricE.—The subscription Prices the RerorTER is $1,560 per year in advance, which is less than that of Any Shes Piles ult an | cost, and therefore wish to remind pay- bt R ok 3,( trons that it isof great importance tousthal Or hash gn onniene & Shon debs 16 payment bemade at once.’ Hams 25... Lard 18...... Potatoes 0,50.... a ™ Apples dried 124. Barley $1 10 Pork 10 Bellefonte Planing Mi, | LEWISBURG MARKET. EDMUNE BLARGHARD, ,; 8, AUSTIN RRIEV, Wheat $1,30.......Corn, new 1,00 Rye...... By M_RLANCHARD RS ILL TH, 1,00......0ats, 821b, 40, vases Timoth yseed, Blanchard & Compan y wo Flaxseed 2,00.......Cloversed, | Sudcasdors to Valentine, Blanchard & Co., Butper80 63. Hany 25. ...... MANUFACTURERS OF . White beans 3,50.......Kggs 18...... Lard YT 0 Pall, Tallow 10 Potatoes 0,30 WHITE, & YILIOV PINE dried Apples 1b, 08, ...... Pork 8@9. .....cons ) Ax Side & shoulder11, "| AND WEATHERBOARDING, ll of Virious Styles, DOORS, SA e Sm —————— ~~ MILROY MARKETS. Corrected by M’ Atee & Reed. White Wheat $1 ,80...Red $1,20... ntntps A NEW Apothecary &..... Drug Store, located in BrockerhofPs new bloek, Bishe gp street, BELLEFONTE, Pa, ; The subseribérs have the pleasure to ines The Finest Stock of Spring Goods Ever Opened in thes» Phirts. form the citizens of Bellefonte. Centre Clinton’ & Clearfield countids In; ener | At The Old Star thik thoy oxtieet to be ready, by onday N cw Goods. | next, (21st inst.) to 9 OPEN THER NEW DRUG STORE, NEW FIRM at MARRIAGES On the 23rd of September b W. G. Engle Mu, Samuel G. Rove dia ori 100. re J RE, v - laste par {ic 12 ) sags 3 Valley. ‘ i \ ; 11 - our {RY 84S On the 28th of September, by'the! same Eggs 18... Buoo? oa’ Mit Daniel He Rote'to Miss’ Susan ‘Cron. iiler; both of id aronsburg Centre county, PR. : y the Rev. Gutelius' of FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th1869. Eee edie cem——————— EW. | LOW PRICES, ww penal me COMO igi CSO Tr n ¥ Bit vgs oR at _- EOEAL/ i “a FoSAL Toms 90 BLANES' —BUHE, Simons, “Vana” No ds Hxecitions, J Tufts sg emytidn Nut ombinefl, TOF SUMO REIN L (11.0 one Bit, BF REY. Hdekonbur Lap a isan & i vil oo LOC, ; nls ean aL MALE, fn ul pf TAL Tarnes PUHeriing ant Mids Mary A EWS Son Hh ST huey 4) havo Contry hl.) Je est, Incl ne oaths, matfiages, &e., as such ute edgutly read, by ydur friends in the west, plany of whom g it the Reporters We would | steam it & favor if our kind pa- trofs would ocdasionally mall a copy of the Rapartor to telaliyes and acquafntan- cos Wha as prly lived, in Centre county and'removed to ether paits, Which would, inddate Wy biome yibsttihers, NEE RICAN Riighctoneti hire been togeive # 10 conts per number T, Ell wobil ZoWl, Phil alphivg publisher. h Zd@ ls Ropuias Eneye wel my still contin ues to reach us, and we hold our former high epiniofvef the wark, as «being. mare New Store. * 3 A JE FRA CHERS! EXAMINA’ AN hi The examinationswilk be held as fol- low: Eilon a Ha bag : ar we following commencing at) a m Miles, Rebersburg Thawsday Oct, 7th Grog, Penn Ha 1, Friday Oct. 8th, hese Anronshueg Saturday, Oct, 9th. Penn, M heim, Mindy Ot TTL, ‘ Walker, Hablédshurg, Wednesday, Oct. 1 Marion, Jacksonville, Thursday, Oct, 14th, Liberty! Bigloville, PHdiy, OSL 15th, lnward and Curtin, at Howard, Saturday Jet, 16th, : A for the necommodation of the public, and they hereby extend a cordial invitation to all, who may be in need and wish to obtain at Centre Hall, BELLEFONTE MARKETS. White Wheat $1,380, Red 1 25. .'Rve 1,00.......Corn 090, ......Oats40, ...... Barley 1 Oty; Uluvarsced 080. ....es Potatoes 0,50, Ard per pound 20. 5. Bok per pound 14. ie ee BT Plas | tha top ( «Bacon 2 amis, S16 Tallow 12%... ——— I o— Fresh, Pare, & Genuine Medi- (ad cha eines, Chemicnls, Drugs, LADIES AND GENTS. .. DRY GOODS, BLINDS SHUTTERS, ; MOULDINGS, Beroll work of very Description. BRACKETS OF ALL SIZES. and patterns made to order, Having a “BULKLEY'S PATENT LUMBER DRYER," connected with our establishment, we are enabled to manufac and all such articles as are kept in a Firt Class Drug Store, SB. Lately selected with great care and discretion, in the citics of NEW YORK and PHILADELPHIA, by the senior partner of the Establishment, who has had OVER 30 YEARS EXPERIENCE Centre Hall, = C. WASSON & CO, The undersigned 1éipectfally inforrh the citizensiof Centre’ Hall and Potter town- } ship, that they have opened a new store | -- i i ed i 4 Ly ANP Wil :. » tis i Yo § ist £ ide 4 Milesburg and Boggs, at Milesburg, Mon-y \ 8 =m flay, October 18th, : SPECIAL NOTICES. THe vad Wont at Part Matilde, Wed: STTEASEAS EERE ARR SERA LAL SARE 44 Sst RRNRE ResReY 40 “esd ren we +f ivi compiate than any ether work of the kind yot pablished.«: «ou | oq HI Vegltable Sicilian Hii “Re.” newer cleans thesealp o dando’, and allaysadl wipléasant drfittiong: Bil AD noesday, October 20th, Huston, Julian Furnace, Thursday Oct. 21, Sora aenfiandlendd Ao Bellef oa RF or Se voy wna a, at Bellefonte, Saturday Oct, 28rd. Re- Mill. Rann Saturday. night, Testy we had a heavy shawer of rain, whickl continued nearly” all might, with occa- sional showers on Sunday and Sunday night. . The ground is. now perfectly soaked with water. erm ete pee Twb OF THREE ot! Men arrested about.a month ago by Officer Fowlerifor’ pussing “counterfeit money, wer" tonvicted at Williams, port at'the last Session uf Court, Jona- than Rider was'seitenced to one, apd Willian Bredn; of Centrg county, to two years imprisonment. - Kerstetter was acquitted. nd a Fags La i Br — SHOCKING Acoipsyn —Boy, Kir. LED: —A Tittle, sow of Mr. Samuel Ruhl, of Hartley Township, aged (Special examinations will be held at "Barsbure, on Saturday, Oct. 30th, hdim, Saturday, Nov. 6th, for the benefit of wh as werglpitendniod fra attendhig at hb propertime ; but all such applicants mist come prepared, as is required on page 139 of the school law.) Applieants for sehoals will ba required a v s § » to attend the Examination in the District whare thoy expett 30. teach, unlest they produce 8 written red from the proper Boal The Secretary is requested to he present, and have the class organized and in readi- 0 as to calisano delay, 2B ML MAGEE | 131 Co. Sdpts ws by 9 o' clody nes ANNA aug 3A sss mei — A "ANHOOD.—~INTHZ YOUNG & ris- [] ing generation the vegetative powers of ite are strong, but ina few years how often the paid hug, the Jack-lustre ove and em- fejated fornt, and the impossibility of “up- plication to men tal effort, show its baneful influences; deseon becomes eyident to the ébserver that some depressing influence is checking the developement of he body. Consumption is talked of, and perhaps the vauth is remeved fren school wd seat in- about six ‘years, was shockingly man- gled By coming in co ntact with ashaf | of a. Saprator, at. the bary, of Meg | Samuel ‘Charles, nea r fLaurlion, on | Thursday, the 23d inst. - He survived only a few hougs. | le outils Tr Porators.—The. potato crop’ this. year, will be a large dane, ‘éverywhere, Judge“ Hosteridan, on Monday, | braught.us a basket. of large, fine Uti | ca’s; his patch, which contained a fraction more "than 8 I of au acre, | yvielthed him 38 ‘bushels, or at the rates] of 300. bushels; to. the acre. This is a | yield that bears boasting’ 6" "Who | cai beat the jade? "°° BL a ta IMPORTANT, TO ALL ~We werd told | the other day, that Mr, Abr, Hirsch, at Milrdy, "hits sqeh a very: large as- | soriment. of CLOTHING, HATS, CAPS, SHIRTS, ete," just’ -brought | from the city, which Tre'selis so. ery, | low. Farmirs, and others, going to} MRfroy with graipy age myely surprised | at the quality offith€ . goods kept at | Hirschs, and speak of the remarkably low prices at which, he offersihem, wid bon mai or Oct) 8,86 + our en Sli nit BB ISSUANCE A tthe meeting of the Executive committee. of the Farmor’s Mut. Insurance {nag place, & 1 » ET kpimshminces up- on last Monday on property. wave granted’ to’ “thie amouwht’ of ' $150,000. . Our’ people can fiid no safer and: more reliable company to insure in, against losses by fire, than our own homg company. nip — Mz: Wolf, werchant;;at sthis. place, left for the eastern cities ast week; to lay ind large stock: of fill and’ winter goods, whi may be xxpected ina few days, when Totes ands thers] should not fail dk as A¥olfis no- ted for eek nd com- plete assortment. of goods. in which there ds ‘ne “deception.” Hold on for Wolf's figw articles a (ereBRATION.~ The Sabbath School of Jacksonvilleranited with the Soldiers | Orphan School in a gfififation in the grove near that plage’ on Saturd ay, Septeniber 25th. « Theday being pleas: ant."8 Targé hutiber’ 6 persons’ ere resent besides the. schools... The ta rarer loaded with’ godd: things and all partook to satisfaction apiounting’| in all to about eid’ persons. Addresses were delivered by Rev. D, G. Kliii'of the Soldiet’s Orphan School | Reve Jo Po Hudson, Do D., of Howard, Tt The'gddresses ‘were’ Stith as” interest and instruct children, without. weary- ing thes) Hyey'thisk pmserhoifontS mongously and. pleasantly an be ansoécasion long to she remembered by the good péople ‘of “Jacksonville.” kb - Ce POR ; th 3 iant Western'Ju venile, (which lai to have a larger cizeulation than an otherljuventiomagdzing in the wotlk, and go he beftef Worth theory fi it will come free for-Uet. Now and Dee. of thi:year to all new subscribers for the ngwiyear , whose names and money are Sentto/the publishers lefore ‘the last of October. ~Begutififl "Premiums are offered for Clubs. Now is a good to begin: Price. One: dollar a year, | FRED Ly SEWELL & , Co., Publishers’ Chicago, illinois. © Folia The Dismal Swamp fire has driven hordés of wild animals out'to the ad- jacent settlements. Tt is" a “common { thing fof 4 man ip that, region to. got upin the.norning and find a bear at thoteng ior, To i Tudianz polis, 1nd., Oct 1.—A. ter. rible atcident ocecarred ‘at the “State” fair this poi. “The Boiler of Sinker &: Co., of this city, exploded a few min- ute before, four o'clock. 1There: was) vrowd fon the ground at L the accident. cult; to getepartioulars: + It, is Skuta) Y that twelves persons vere. instant! i tol the countess This ds one of the worst movements, Removed from ordinary di- versions of the ever-changing scenes of the amity, the powers of the body too much en- tabled to give zest to healthful and rural ex; reise, thoughts are turned inwards up- Ifthe patient be a female, with anxiety, as the first symptom in which Nature is to show her saving power in dif- fusing the circulation and visiting the chibek with the bloonyaf health, Alas! in- on; the energies of the system are prostra- ted, anc the whole economy is deringed. The beautiful and wonderful period in which body and mind undergo so facina- ting & thange from. child to woman, is blecds inv angicty) ante funieles'the grave but waiting for its victim. Hinson six ti fot Bucy for WWoaks fess arising {ron cReedlec or-early” fnedis- tomas BWCELETIon, Loss of power, Loss of Memory, Difficulty of Brea- thing Gemeral Weakness; Horror of 1is- ense, Weak Nerves, Trembling; (Dreadful Horror of Death, Night Sweats, Cold Feet, Waakefulness; Bb af. V islogly Lanigour, Universal IRedth ¢ of The Mdscutar Sys- ted, Often hoormaas Appetite with Dys- pepiic Syauptanis, Hot Hands, Flushing of thé ‘Body, . Divaess . of, the.Skw,, Pallid Cauntenuncé and Eruptions, on. the Piin in the Back, Heaviness of the E Bids, Frequently lack Spots Flying hdfore thé Eyes, with Temporary Suffusion and Las at 3iaht "Wiaht ' of “A ftention, | Groat M bility, Réstlessmées, with Horror of So- eidty. Nothing is more desirable to such patients % han Ralitede, snd nothing they mare dread, for Fear of Themselves; no R4pOse of Munmntr, no Eufnestness, no Spe- culation; (bata hurried Transition ffom one qubstion toanathers - Thesessymptoms, if Allowed tosego ons—avhich this Medicine in- vutiably ;remoyese—soon follow Loss of Eice, + A", ay P= of Which the patient may expire. During the Superintendence of Dr. Wil- son ag.the Bloomingdale Asylum, this sad result becuried to Two patients; rea’on ha fort atime 160 them, and’ both died’ ‘of 8pi- lepksy. “They wdré of Both sexes, and about twenty years nf age. frequently followed by thosé direful disea- an¢hbly deaths of Consumption, bear am- ld witness fo the truth of these assertions. In Lunatic’ Asylams the ‘Most melancholy exhibition: appéars. The countenance is actually sodden and quite destitute—neith- er Mirth or Grief ever visits it - Should a sound of tlie meite octur, it is rapely arti- culate. “With woefal measures win Despair Low sullen sounds their grief beguiled." Whilst .we regret the existence of the above diseases and &vmptomis, ‘we are pre- pated to offer an invaluable gift of chemis= try for the ‘removal ‘of the” consequences. HerLysorps HicurLy CoxcexTrATED FLU- 1b EXTRACT oF Bucuvu! There is no tonic It isan anehdr of ‘hope to the sar- gean and pafient and this is the testimony of alF'wiih have sad or proscribed it. Sold bY Dr where! Price $1.25 per Bottle, or six bots tleq for $6,500, Delivered ‘to any address. Prescribe Symptowiain all commuticittions. Drug dnd’ Chentichl "Warehotise, b HM Broadway, New York. 4X done up in steel-engrav®d wre with ‘facsimile "of ‘my hose, and Signed ' * 9 oct8 2m. HI TOHELMBOLD. WORDS OF WISDOM, wor 'youNG WEN On ithe Raling Passien in Yeutivand rly: Manhood, with - SEL® HELP for rring and mifortiinate, Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of charge. «Address, P, Philndel- dO jundly Uhsmical ‘are- yhipfiPak 1400 i f Errors oF Yourn.—A Géntleman who Pramaturg! Decay, and all the effects of youthful indiscretion; will, far the sake of suffering humanity; send free to all who need it, the receipt and directigns for mak- ing the simple rethedy by ich’ he was dared. Sufferers wishimg to profit by the ad vertisel's: dxperience, can do so by ad dressing; in pétfect eonfidence, tz fun JoRX B..QaDEN, No. 42 Cedar st, New York: To + Qoxsumerivis.—The + Advertiser, having been restored to health in a few my 14,y jug suffered several years with a severe Tung affection, and that dread disease, Con* gum ption—+is anxious ‘to: make known to tis fellow sufferers the means of eure, Mo all wi desire it; he will end a copy with the directions for preparing and wing the same, whiely they will find x SUrR cuge wor CoNSUMPRON, ASTHMA, BRONCHITIS, ing the Prescription is to benefit the afffie- ted, and spread information whieh he con- lceives to be invaluable; and he hopes eve- ry sufferer will try his remedy, as it will eost them nothing, and may prove a bles sing. Parties wishing the prescription will ddress © Rey, EpwagD A. WILSON, . | Byid,y | Williamsburg, Kings co. NY er — et we te te. i ~Tie 3 killedvaneha fumber founded, proba- BWR ITH NI iw 3 KE 2 Xi frou 12402 cunts per boltat, Herlachet' gs 3 7 A ES 4] oF i 4 # we #8 5 H HALLS VEGETABLE SICILIAN od] HAIR. Is theonly infallible Hair Breparation for RESTORING GRAY HAIR TO ITS ORIGINAL COLORAND PROMO- TING ITS GROWTH, It is the chaapest preparation ever offered to the pablie; as onebottle will last lon: goer and accomplish more than threes bot- tles of any other prepéation, | §tain the skin as others. ! It will keep the Hair from falling out. IT CLEANSES THESUSIB,* AND! MAK ES THE HAIR SOFT, LUSTRIOUS AND SILKEN Our Treatise on the Hairsent free by mail Price $1,000. For sale by, #11 dealers in Medicines. * RI P. HALL & £0., Nashua, N. H., Proprietors, octl, lm ETTERS TESTAMENTARY on the J estate of Philip Geamly, late of Miles township, dec'd, having been granted to | the undersigned, they request all persons knowing themselves indebted to said estate, to make payment, ‘and those having claims to present them duly authorized by law for settlement, at the house of said dec'd, on the 15th of Octobér, next, or as soon after as possible. SAMUEL GRAMLY, REUBEN GRAMLY, Executors, octl, hit wen —_—— EE — MILROY FURNITURE Wareroom. The subscriber respectfully informs the citizens of Centre county, that he has con stantly on hand, and anakes, to order, al | kinds of BEDSTEADS, (Qottageand plain) WASHSTANDS, CORNER CUP BOARDS, ture our work’ from THOROUGHLY SEASONED LUMBER! F#“ORDERS FROM CONTRACTORS. BUILDERS, DEALERS AND THE TRADE IN GENERAL, SOLICITED, BELLEFONTE, CENTRE CO, Pa. augld 68 6m. A RE YOUR TIMEPIECES OUT OF ORDER? take them to J. H. HAHN, at Belle fonte. who is the most reliable Watchmaker and Jeweler in the place, Also Dealer in WATCHES, and FINEJEWELRY, Chronomotor and other Watches repaired on the , Most Scientific Principles. Jobbing of ull kinds promptly and ecare- fully exeeuted at shortest notice, All work warranted to give satisfaction, 24 Business transacted in both English and German. Next door to Harper & Bros, Spring street, near High. july2i ly ONATHAN KRAMER'S HOTEL. % Mitltheim, Pa. (forma rly Wm. Hos. te man's), This well known Hotel hus been refitted by its new proprietor. The traveling community are invited to give him un eall, "His table will be kept first- class, and his bar always supplied with choice liquors, Drovers will tind accom- modation for any nnmber of horses. marl2 60tf DF" b BOARDS, Plank and Scantling for sale by Irwin & WiLsox. apl0'68, ROSS-CUT AND MILL SAWS, best Jmuake at Irwin & WiLsox, aplO' G8, PICES of all varieties, ground to order aud warranted to be strictly pure. It is the only place you can find unadultera- ted spices. Try them for your own satisfucs tion. You ean only find them at BURNSIDE & THOMAS, ANDSAWS, knives, spoons, coffee mills, shovels, spades, rakes, hoes, lamps, forks, chains, &e., ut BURNSIDE & THOMAS A ——— A ——— A ——— or cm —————. —— TL ——————— HOE-MAKERS TOOLS and findings, in all their varieties, at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS, PINDLE SKEINS for wagong, all si- zes, at the sign of the Anvil, aplO'GR, Inwix & WiLsox. i ' SOF AS, EXTENSION TABLES, Dining Tables, Breakfast Tables, Toilet Tables, Centre Tables, Sinks, Doughtrays, Cradles, Cane Seated Rocking Chairs, Cane Seated, Chairs (plain) Cane Seated Nursing Chairs, Plain Rocking Chaiis, Windsor Chairs, Children's Chairs, L Settees, Complete suites of Furniture fuspieh ah at Hort, A3tic ad and § the bestyw munner— IH oMEMADE and warranted bést material lounges, of the Prices Lower than Elsewhere fm. Persons in want of Furniture will do JOHN CAMP, Milroy. J. & J: HARRIS. “NO: 5, BROCKERHOFF ROW. A new und complete Hardware Store has been opened by the undersigned in’ Brock- erhofPs new building—where they dre pre- ared tosellallkinds'of Building and House Furnighing Hardware, Tron, Steel, Nails, Buggy wheels in setts, Champion Clothes Wringer, Mill Saws, Circular and Hane Saws, Tennon Saws, Webb Saws, Ice Cream Freezers, Bath Tubs, Clothes Racks, a ful, assortment of Glass and Mirror Plate.of all sizes, Picture) Frames, Wheelbarrows Lamps, Coal Qil Lamps, Belting, Spokes Felloes, and Hubs, Plows, Cultivators, Corr Plows. Plow Points, Shear Mold Board: and Cultivator Teeth, Table Cutlery, Shov- els, Spades and Forks, Locks, Hinges, Screws, Sash Springs, Horse-Shoes, Nails Norway Rods. Oils. Lard, Luabrieating Codl, Linseed, Tanners. Anvils, Vices, Bel lows, Screw: Plates, Blacksmiths Tools Factory Bells, House Bells, Dinner Bells Gong Bells, Tea Bells, Grindstones, Carpen ter Tools, Fruit Jars and Cans, Paints, Oils Varnishes received and for sale st juneb'68,1y. J. & J. HARRIS. YAXPAYERS READ AND REMEM- BER.—The undersigned, Treasurer of the Board of School Directors of the Town- slip of Potter, hereby gives notice the Scheol Duplicate of said Township has been placed in his hands for Ceelleetion, in ‘uc- cordance with the provisions of the Aet of Assembly, approved April 21, 1869, enti- tled “An Act relating to ‘the eolleet on of School Tax in the School Districts of the Common wegith of 8 Piiie J10uig}e wird that he will meet the tax payers of iai Township on Friday 22nd of ps next at hie residence, and on Saturday, 23rd of October next, at Centre Hall, hd the purposeof receiving their School axes; = ; : AM persons niking payment on said day por within one month thereafter] will be en- titled to w deduction of five per cetntum | those paying within one month thereafter, will receive no abatement, and on the 26th, day of November next, 5 per cent. will be added to all Sehool Paxes remaining n- | paid, and the sanve will be placed in the Bands ofa eolleeter. JOHN'BITNER. sept 3 St. : - Treagurer . OUBLE AND SINGLE BARREL fowling pieces at IRWIN & WILSON, ARM FOR SALE! aplO'Gs, ——————————————— A ————— The undersigned offers his valuable farm situate in Pean township, one mile west of Millheim, close to the Lewisburg & Belle fonte tarnpike, at private sale. The same in the Art—and who speaks, reads and writes the German language as well as the English tengue, being fully us well nequain- ted with the nomenclature in that language of the business, as with the Latin and Eng- lish terms and technicalities of the Art; and hence we can and will CAREFULLY COMPOUND PHYSICIANS SCRIPTIONS, in ¢ither language; and shall do it by day and by night, We modestly and kindly ask for a liberal share of public favor and patronge. Our stock consists of PURE & GENUINE DRUGS, MEDI. CINES, & CHEMICALS IN ALL THEIR VARIOUS STYLES & FORMS of PREPARATION used by regular Physicians. We ulso keep the Finest Extracts and Perfumes for La- dies, Tlair, Nail and Tooth Brushes, Clothes, Paint, & Varnish Brush es. The very finest and best Cut- lery, Combs of all kinds : Ivo- ry, Gum and Horn, Bird- cages and Seed, Pure Whitelead, Zine in Oil, China Gloss, Linseed Oil, Al! the various faney colored Paints dry and in Oil, Furniture and Coach Varnish, as also DeMuarr Varnish, and a few appro- ved Patent Medicines, and | lastly, a large and well selected Lot of WALL-PAPER, ANDCHEAPATTHAT, viz: From Wets per Bolt up to $2.50—Give us a call, ZELLER & JARRETT. jun, 18 Druggists & Apothecaries, PRE- The undersigned respectfully announce to the citizens of Pennsyalley, that they have in operation a NEW STEAM SAW MILL, one mile east of Foust's, in the Sev- en Mountains, and are now ready to furs nish Square Lumber, P ank, Studdi.g, Joists, shingling Lathe, plasterer’s Lathe, Shingles, any desired length of frame Stuff and Squaretimber sawed 10 order and on shortest notice. Any thing in the line of Lumber supplied to order. Builders and others wanting stuff will do well to send in their orders addressed to John Taylor & Son, Milroy, Pa. Ladies Trusses, Thisinvaluableartigle for females, is now te be had at Herlacher'sstore, and no other place in Centr? county. Ladies remember that these trusses can be had at Centre Hall. tf IE COAL AND LUMBER, 4 The best jund 6m WOOD Containing 102 Acres, | Seven acres of good white oak timber lund, | LARGE BRICK HOUSE, BANK | BARN, all necessary outbuildings, a | LARGEORCHARDOFGRAFTED FRUIT. This is one of the best farms in the val- ley, smooth land and in a high state of cul- tivation. A well of excellent water, also a large cistern at the door, For further par- ticulars apply to JACOB KEEN, ul2s tf near Millheim. OALTS for Buggies and Oarriages, all sizes in use } Fire Bolts, ditto, at 10°68. Irwin & WiLsox's. _ OCKET CUTLERY-—all makes and ices at IRWIN & WILSON. apl0'68, NION PATENT CHURN, the bes in use at InwiN & WiLsen's. apl0'68, Ryo== L'S HOTEL AARONSBURG, PA. JOHN RUSSEL, PROPRIETOR, The old and well known Hotel, situat.x! in the centre of Aaronsburg, has again beer occupied by Mr. Russel, former proprietn, who now invites his old friends and tho travelling community in generaltocalla | see him. The house has been elegantly furnished and is kept in the best style. Dic - vers can always find accommodation. aplO' 86tf. —————— so———————— I* WIN & WILSON are constantly ro- ceiving new goods in their line HARDWARE of every description atredu,ce prices— now being opened every day aplO' Gy, Chas, H, Held, Clock, Watchmaker & Jeweles Millheim, Centre co”, Penna. Respectfully informs his friends and the Pobi in general, that he has just opened nt his new establishment, above Alexan der's Store, and keeps constantly on hand all kinds of Clocks, Watches and Jewelr; of the latest styles, as also the Maranvill Patent Calender Clocks, provided with: complete index of the month, and day o the month and week on its face, which is warranted as a perfect time-keeper. 3. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry re- paired on short notice and warranted. sepll’' 68; ALUABLE PROPERTY AT PRI. VATE SALE in Centre Hall. S. G.Suaxyox offers his fine property for sale, sitoate on he corner of Main and Locus ‘ EERE treets, in Centre Hall, n large frame dwelling, with a'large and commo- dious Stable large enough for seven hor- ses, . The house is well finished, and has a hydrant near the door and the water can be taken to any room in the house, or to he cellar. For full particulars inquire of ‘John Shannon, at Contre Hall, orS. G. Shannon, at Seliasgrove. teb19t UFFALD SCALES, of the best make from 4 1bs up to 120,000] bs, ‘apl0'68. ASKETS inall theirvarieties, children carriages, willow ware, guns, pls- ols, powdery shot, caps, cartridges, &e., at BURNSIDE « THOMAS’. i be Irwin & WiLsox, COAL BURNT LIME, the Pike leadingto Milesburg, at the lowest prices, We are the only parties in Central *enn’a. who burn in Patent Flame Kiln, which produces the Best White-Wash and Plastering Lime, offered to the trade The best SHAMOKIN AND WILKESBAR RIE ANTHRACITE COAL, all sizes, prepared eS uress)y for family use Also Silver Brook Foun- dry Coal at lowest prices. Also a lot of first and sec: ond quality 30ARDS, BROAD RAILS PALING, SHINGLES and plastering lathe for sale cheap. Office and yard, near South end of Bald Eagle Valley R. R. Depot. SHORTLIDGE, & CO. _aplO68,1y. Bellefonte Pa, (ENTS THIS WAX A x . SUITS! SUIT W. W. McClellan, nt Bellefonte, would inform the men of Pennsvalley, and his old friends and customers, as well as all others who may desire to be rigged out, In well Fitting, Substantially & Fashionably made suits of cloths, from any kind of ma- terial they choose. I would say that I am still in the field, and prepared to aceommo- date. I havea large and excellent assort- ment of Furnishing Goods, ALSO, | Cloths, Cassimeres, & Vestings from which garments will be made to or- der in the MOST FASHIONABLE STYLE. All 1 ask is to eall and examine my fine stock. Having just bought. my goods du- ring the last panic, I defy competition as of Philadelphia Remember the Place W. Wi. McOCLELLAN, No. 4 Brokerhoff’s Row, Alleglieny street. Bellefonte, Pa:, where cloths, cassimeres, vestings, callars, umbrellas, cains, hats, eaps, in short, everything to completely rig ‘out a gentleman, can be had and made, up in the latest style, Sewing Machine, which should be seen by wll desiring a machine, de25,68y nt the well known stand fornierly occupied by C. F. Hetlacher, where they ure now offering A Full and Complete Stock of SPRING & SUMMER 60ODS cheap as anmypohere, Their stoek ‘is entirely new, and the publie are respectfully invited to call and exam- ine for themselves: Goods will be offered at the lowest possible prices, and by a gen- eral system of fair dealing they hope to merit a fair share of public patronage. Call and Examine our Stock. NO TROUBLE TO SHOW GOODS, 22> Obly Give us a Fair Trial. oF We havea full and complete assortment of the latest Styles. Our Stock comprises in part Dry Goods, Notions, Millinery Goods, Hoseries, Fancy Goods, Boots and Shoes Hats and Caps Curpet Bags Umbrellas, Parasols, Queensware, Gentlemen and Ladies furnishing Goods, Ladies Cloaks and Circulars, in Silk and Cloth, all kinds of Groceries, the finest Syrups, the best Coffee, Tobacco, Paints Dyestuffs, Oils, Fish, Salt, Stationery, and everything else that is to be found in a well stocked country store, ' The highest market price paid in Store Goods for] COUNTRY PRODUCE. Don't forget the New Store, at Centre Hall. where goods are now offered at a bar- gain, Call and see us, : apy C. WASSON & CO. NION HOUSE, Mirroy. A change of Proprietors of this Hotel, was made mm the 1st of April. The establishment has heen refurnished, refitted, and remodeéled, md will hereafter be conducted on: first- lass hotel principles, . The present propri- stor will give his personal attention to the somforts of the traveling ‘public, and oth- sr« who may favor him with their custom. HIS TABLE is kept in first class style. 00D STABLES are connected with the Hotel, and shliging Ostlers are always on the ground to-atten to this department, A portion of the pub- lic patronage is solicited ; good accommo- dations ure guaranteed to all. WM. R. BELL, may 21tf Milroy, Pa. SAPPLERS BUCKLES, hooks, bit spots rings. Everything a saddler wants for the manufacture of harness, to be found at BURNSIDE « THOMAS. Hv COLLARS, if you don’t want your horse's shoulders galled and made sore, get good herse collars at BURNSIDE & THOMAS', | OTICE.—On and after the 1st of Sep- tember the undersigned willsel stoves for cash only. He has made a reduction in the price of stoves and is now prepared. to offer Cook stoves WARRANTED TO OPERATE WELL at the following low prices: P No. 7, $18,00. “8, $1800. 9, $20,00, Fruit cans cheaper thanever. Store near the Depot, Milroy, Pa. E. PP. TITZELL. july 18,3. VY ArARLE FARM at Private Sale! The undersighed offers a valuable Farm, situate in Penn pwp., Centre co., 11 mild south of Millheim, at private sale, Containing 60 acres of Land, hfler the highest state of cultivation, and under ood fences; ten acres consist of CHOICE TIMBER LAND. Thereon trected a 2-story weather boarded Log Housk, Barn, and all ne- essary Outbuildings, with a well of water in the yard, and prescoaaad. large stream of water, Elk Creek, a few rods from the door, and TWO ORCHARDS of choice fruit on the farm. CHR. BAME, near Millheim. A Tremendous Stock of Goods. : AT BURNSIDE & THOMAN. sm ——————. myl4,6m — ———————— INE GROCERIES, moeha eoffes, ole gov. java, best quality Rio coffee best oolong re teas, green teas, lovering syrup, golden'syrup, Drips fine article bak- ing molasses, rice and everything in the grocery iine it the lowest cash prices in the matrketBU RNSIDE & THOMAS. is the place, WHITE FISH, Herring, Mackeral, ge... in apl7' 68, BURNSIDE &« THOMAS YH Elvighest market prices paid for all T kinds of country produce, at i BURNSIDE & THOMAS. TURRET PRUINS, raisens, peaches | apples, oranges, lemons, all kind of foreign fruits, Hume, bacon &c., at BURNSIDE &« THOMAS". ARN ESS, collars, cart whips, carriage ment gears, saddles, bridles, martingales cheek lines, cart gears, tug harness, bugg harness hames, ete. Everything in the sad dlery line at ’ BURNSIDE & THOMAS PROT Sessa BEER ee hs = wwe OT1ONS of all kinds, Stelring’ gloves Handkerchiefs, combs, pocket books BURNSIDE «x THOMAS! N" BURNSIDE &« THOMAS’ Onkley's soaps, old eastile, pure, Palm sot p, B in all their variety and very cheap, at W PATTERNS of oil cloths, at re duced prices, at! ID ABITS SOAP, Wim. Hacan and .ie- B ons, olive soap, Dobbins’ soap de es Elderling’s soap, and a great variety of other soaps, at . : Be RURNSIDE « THOMAS’ URNSIDE & THOMAS. “Offer to the Pablic one of ‘the largest and best 0 dise. in Centre county. Onll, examine and gee for yourself.’ ' yo Year pio fd HARDWARE, ‘QUEENSWARE, also A‘ONEAP LINE OF 27 BLS, fits id gl nye MUSRINS, =~ to smi si } 4 ~ CALICOESR, AND: Dirniah gil SHAWLS, » s2c4 10 48 ’ 3 ’ a FLA Siem SYRUPS, COFFEES. 14 oh pn also sn lurge stock of! t FISH, the best, all kinds, : « 057i MACKEREL and HERRING. the best and cheapest in the market. Wolf*s Old Stand. WESHALL TAKE PARTICULAR CARE TO MAKEIT AN OBIBGH To FOR ‘New Customers, AS WELL AS INVITE OUR OLD FRIENDS, TOGIVE US A CALL. ap24'68,y. WM. WOLF. The Latest Scientific Invention, th Calorific. : To give some idea of the peculiarities of the stove in question, me may state that by a highly sciegtific and patent arrangement the excessive heat on the top of the stove which causes the centre pieces to burn out, is curried around the oven, equalizing the heat of the stove, and causing the bottom of the oven to be just as hot as the top part of the stove; by this arrangement, there fore, all danger of burning out the centre pieces (usual to all conking stoves) is ef- fectually obviated. What is more, the fire and oven can be easily reeulated toany degree of heat, by means of this patent ar- rangement, thus avoiding ‘the necessity of giving the stove constant attention’ while aking, in order te prevent it becoming to hot or too cold; another adyantage whiel this stove possesses to persons who use bi- tuminous coul, is, that bythe aid of the patent in question, it consumes the latter eo ration of this stove, which is as beautiful as it is efficient, leaves nothing to be desired. we ould alg st te that these stoves can e readily supp with a patent copper. back boiler, by which all the het Water re- quired in a family, ean be hented by the waste beat from the stove, To Te. siding in the country, this stove comes as a special blessing. as it affords them. all the advantages of a cooking mungée, with none of the annoyanees ; a Wanter-back’ can’ pasi will heat water equal : , without the jnconveniknee or expense of having a range built in the five place. We will tnke the liberty of s much impartanée cannot bea necessity of having the best p. cook- ing facuities, The great feature t it does ‘not reéguire constant attention, that when the oven is once fived, there is not the slightest risk from carelessness or neg-- leet, and that the temperature of thestors, is absolutely unitorm at the top and be tom, are alone sufficient to allo stoves in use, we would advise all who think of purchasing, to. eall at the ware-rooms of Isaac Haver, near the de- Spears’ make of stoves: Al' of anti-Cust Cookstove heretofare sold him. Prices, 10 value; for cash: 0 [sane Haupt, Bellefonte, Sole Agent for Centre county, for all of _ Spears’ make of Steves, : Z2#~He also has on hand for sale, a few woshorse Wagons, both new and ‘ald ; al- so one cart and harness, one 1-herse truek wagen, one new trotting buggy, together with the best stock and variety of plows, cultivators, and arrows ever Kept for sale about Beliafubte: pA ng .; bar. eains, fer Cash, nit... at to call see his stack, before ICA elsewher by SATYAGES& RRO, | {Successar to § redline 1 N. Hilibish) Wholesale and retail dealers in. . Allegheny Street, Bellefonte, Pa. Read only a partial list of Cook Stov 8 i hil i Wellington, Whiverly," 7 riental, Ret Cook, : Prince Royul, Sea Shell, | Artisan, And American. Parlor and Office Stoves: ai Morning Glery, Tropic, = Brilliant, New Egg, Wood Stoves of évery deseription. Attention is ealled to his stock of Reenng Plate, a new size, which he bas old size, and ean be furnished cheaperthar any other establishment in town. he i Zay-Spouting and jobbing promptly’ at tended to. Charges reasonable and satis- faction guaranteed, cel bat Fis S534 -
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