TRANSPORT.ATION pENAtsyLvas.., , , CANAL & ItAILIWATI r:xs. nr., , FAST I . ‘..grr LINE, • FITTIMUItfiII vu PIIILA DA Ng irnurfmonr: F.mius.rviy'fir Pat1..1,, rpm: ptd, . ate re+ , <Fioliy .taorrye-1 that nob L cm u , oar lOW in-tant awl rotate., ibrv•olwo. thc •ratue The ynr have no Placa , fu, , r,or ~tP or...a.aod Ra lo .l• road Cars 011 which 0r.,11 pre gr. atel ,tota:orn to.traet• A Picket floutr port. arid 1 , 6 e 1.P4 chirp public are zo th,a, prevapaa to rofiaa.or 'TAKE lh \ll F. Di H.LA One ofroePork,. 41;1 iio• • tond.g.lopr.o,le the Caned 11 Starr. Howl./ ea -n, Pratt crtet gad. the _Canal, iv. rp . a . gl+l or if 11 . e , (11.1t . Fl %IF. .fra Forlofwrilaboa 11. • I/4C 6:tt,. M.ll,ll4.ltheli liter ree I. o'.lo ACo _ ... orehlal (or Penn we, and Canal , • , . r WEATIT.O.N: TUANSPOR.TATION CO. ..,.... , ,„ . . .14.. ~I=2, 1 1 AO= .W.itn.. ~."..,.......:,- v 1 . • ' AZ - :are .... ID. LLECII it CO'S. • OLD ESTA111:10#11 , . I t TRANr•POITTAI lON • INT . •• . • - maw E:^: nurrsur nu it. • putLADvtx at A, n t:i - is'inin AND NEW • ORK. . T1. 1 1:;.! 1 . 0,0 `....1.',..&'.^71;:'.°_,",.7d,::.',' ;'„'.l , , • whldh are 111 liood ord., The 001'...ribcrs are repa• - , red to forward a large 411.11115 Of Derchand. • and Produce 0010 h °quint) , nue ourpaterc ' ' Produce. or never...di', , ortagne.l to any or on derstaned. ,• tors...led free of any charge for ei, . no.. %ion or xtor.tgn. • Dills Ladosg tran..nt.tted .d all nn.tmet.on* prof rily nttendrd to , The buinn,s• of tbt• Lane is e4ll/ducted on 4 . 00 oily - Sabbath-keeping principle. Att!Pra., or apply'. 1) I.E.KCII 0 Co. Proprletors. • ' • Cana! Ita• te, PatsLu It ' • DAIDII. & LI:ECU, DropretarS. No PIS:Ruh 'n. , rd itreet. Pliliadelph a JOS. TAYLOR a SONS. Avant ' No 114 North !Inward rue, Baltdno . IV It 1V11.504 , i, Ag e nt, . n .,,hir,,, . 'Nor Went street. Near Yet PITT SHITIWiI POILTAIILE: 11.. LINE • - • -.--- foI L T• 4I. • 1847.., Q ----- -,-, v ou. I r transportata ;;; of Pre 4 between . /V and Ile -ta11)... 4:Et,r• ,v,nding tranahipsuent• the way and the. con•eiluent rt•I• of dein!. • , Ttrua breakt4r, and separation of gond, Proprirto., • 110FILIRIDUE & CASH • No 'Do M•rket •Irect. Phi:aft:pt. , T.AFFP: & O'CONNOR . . . Cot Pr no anti t'dunc. rt., l'ittrtorrgh O'CONN(R 41:0' North street. 13altunote / tx , n , ID' &.1T TA Pscorr, 71 :south. N. Y. S ' ncouraged by Itunv.a•ed barques, the Propriety. have added to their •,,el and attended their nert.og .. meats durour the. ont", and ate non hreparr d to, tastrd y ar d atoll rrcularity and dispatch...lona,. fir anyerl4ll,"P'he, long iipcurnre o. earl,: thn palpajr superiority of :he Portable Foot tn Int, and the great capacity and cow:enteric.. to the 'war , loon,. nt each end otT the 110,- ore pt.:440,1) Trticul red ta. maid.. the Irrupt:ea,' ro frOfil their ener;grotet nod heronturodron Areit ertrionacrx—eotehdentl) odor, Me poor an a guaranty for the future. they re4perou MliC It a ectimnunper nflhnt reropmgc Witch tury n ( \..,(01{1C111113 , uehrtrnyledge. : All con,gtonetr • to fraurfc & •o' , •onnot. "AM Ire re . and forwarded Stray - dorm • chhrees poulard Mg .. Lading tran.rutned ll,' ol any chdtrec . r e st toCOn 44 : ailvatteitte or r ag.. 'flaying no in &reed indtrery ,t t attratutroat... the 111,r4.44t 40 the eon., a , thr,t of . .arty he • theli woo., old , e , In 'a 011 1..,qt.'1.,15 11),.) pir,l, theirt.rlyna to tonoard a , , , In them prointnly hod or the mart .1... 4 coo, Ina to the 0W14114, , . .. ....MareLl.l,47 at .INDRPENDENT POILTABL • • BOAT LINE. &L....K . . t.:& ISI 7, 6.r.tht.lii-i...F - • F1)11 "CIII:T12.‘ , •••1'1 , 111•ATIIIN 011.' PROD( N 511 . :111•11.‘N)I,r. 10 AND 1110 M I . 141 . 11(iti. 1 • 1111.ADE1.1111A Atill•ItALTIMt - IV.timu: ev111,13,t1 I. IIIIr . MAI 141 nit lot, 11..11.1 tran%gnmejl. land .11 11 , 11,v1,11. tttt ni.- Art- irmn Anv ror ..Druge nr runnii A NI. .A N i I'm.' . .. .., 113.1.1 r it err !al, an.Le,....t.....„ pri.par...fl 1.. fee, t.• ;,...ita.o.l in ... *llJpinent) +I laver a1...L.101 1'0411..- A., ..... , 1 low mi., 1 • i"..,,,, C A M.-ANL:I:n t PiCKW()ItTII di Clrs LINN. ......) ,;.... L . 22) . .. I".I 7 . ~, r , , :0:,.1 , -....1 , ..1.;:. li" Ole II untie 7 tlst c.:l ot a\, .L 4 1'1{1.1.!,, I%Ht i, , ,.‘ ,-, 1'.11.• , ,Jri.,.1.0...r.v , ... ..: town, 11, .i',.nig lt.III,: Stte, l'cier...... ;. -.. 1 oil .ncelm A..., rime, One H.. t ..,11 lee, t!....,r terbouse r.:"C A NI. 1... S. Co.. l', t...1 .. e.2 rerr .151. ( ~ ,r , sAA.k, ) A kitupperat tt ~1,....-.. • ,rk,oi , A, imv:, thr, i,.. I. I. warde.l • Weou: tir,s, AtCil ni t.i•r n.:•-• T, I.: r wiz.. Ine,tllor thr ~..,qi 5.e , 1tyter...1...i . of tne well 1,1.1:1,... aril Ow propr. ~1. regpi• •iful solica it 11 . :kremi .:,ere. Of p.,tronag., Nrop-r.e3org - JOHN. iltlW iOltTil JOHN .1111.1.1 , 1 DAN'I.III BARNI-',l imitERT 'Not! is WILLIAM ri:LTI BA:IS MlLl.ER.Hoil,:ayslmrgh ,It 41 CANA, ) A enti - C + MeANUlirs' dc. Co. l',ltsburrh) . _ _ __ _ , • Iti;llEhr.../.fi. 3,NieDivity. JobnVurker, Moore, 17. tza1,—... 4 . , ,0 f . • . . Tint, Lthe bring compc,yil of S.cantlmata Lek Et 1 and Mieltigno; mating dmly lietween fiats tot' add Heaved and ficiant and e‘menper Calm: Zuni running I.eq,cen Renverand Erre ulna ennYtetin .n• C 51 fteros Line of Si.eol.l/00! Propene. and V me on the List& vei;:l be upon Mr earliest r p, leg of Nat gation to car, Freight and Passeagt r, 1 , all pofnw n the River. Canal end Lake, , 1 LITIVAIik very tacit ity 'fors imight am; pti rengerA . I:,,,, a ..d di+pateh 'be prop, etc and age. r rewprietra:ly soi eat fr . thi i fr. at . he puhb ventrallv their n: , :ro . ,iage. CNI HEED. Er,e, Propricior --- .IOIIN NI ORRIS . REED,. PARKS Is Co. Flearer Am, I peranualiy with the oboon state. JOON .1 CA UGIIEV, IThtsbra •do I die. I hereby Certify that Me same is true. lii i: ~ rr To REV. T M NIERRINIAN - • %V melt r,Croi.krr at Co New York ' ' FAETTIVA Turtaion —The following wan extract • GI , 13:1,,, llotra!a . from a letter received from Rev. WAliam Galuthat P. N - Park. 0 Co. Cleveland esarustax, Vt.. Oct trl, 1:45 . If A Ar t n•tinn g & C.o. 1,,, trn ., . p Meson, Slade: I have been bra renth • irvere A ~ 1 1.1 n. & Wit.turns. Ililwedk ic :re in my side, occalioned bra diseased liver, o] he Li :owl& PorteriChtengo .. 1 t et na clay years. aufferttig at' .11ra what language • I/ m Power. 'You:erste...l'e.. • cannot convey. but since takmg )ourtirsapartlle. I GO Nlat•heirri re. Itydnyhurgh, !'ciao •have been greatly relieved, so much. that) have been Jilin Nl< Sethi, Ilotiiown, do able to attend to my basil...and preach occaronally , iztek & Acker, tirs - cny dlr. do fns the last fifteen months. I wholly drscarded all other Cring h. Frampton. C.,arliAv.lie, do I ined•eine. and thoroughly the Sarmywarfiln, which • 111, C 31u. no, Wherein , t ,... Ivan rermnmcnd .n ttutit and sincerity to all those wig, It IIV r'unninghrim New Castle. dol . • ,t:, I are .n any ts ay afflimed with any oilmen of . verobinous REZA ANCP. PORTABLE 13GA , LINE. : r ,.7,7 ' ,. ' ,;, ' ,.; ~1,1 , ,Ta ' f :,,,,.' ', ` ', 7,.` ;r r ,'Z':.,',7,,`".7,; - ; ; 1 84 7 . —.- — 4• --- "": It 'L7.,ln i .- 0 ,0' 0 ,-"',.'„";:f;',.;;',,e,';;;;° } ',`.drf. a b neA. li r, - 4'.','•:_ . • )rok I'II.O.,I'O . ,ItTINC: MERCIIANDIeIi U:- { u7o. ..n. had he!. . e , r Te . lyrdilleled,. , bo . o E,,r/iP TWEE.,,N PITTSqI ItGY ANIS THE EAST Ito'. ! `..., 7: ‘ , e ;T:':',/ “""." ) th e " W ' . ULT ' ..ZIi • i 4. - "I'e• w i r ." . .T " r " ..... ./...."". . For farther particular, and conclustee evidence on its ri'llh: imProvr-d mYthral . 1 cart/MK 'wed AY thw lr..ta i superior value end elheacy. sec pamphlets, which mai A Eatabli•lied lens. 0 1.10.4- 11. sell known tit.. de- b. aw ne d a Arr“, ere. . sermiiod. orineeessary. Goods are not touched ridhe I repan-cl and so dhyA a I D'S• . route MIL. All transit pitient ores te, handbag 1.0. cart ,F Pa ~ re ,,,, e f liiipigu t , Sr Turk. TA rule at. are of light draught and Forbore hhcir cps fadd also by I.:WILCOX, Jr . Pittsburgh; 11. Ilat • in fr am :even wood, Beaver. W. Watson. New Castle; U: N. Rob. Tb Cr pacify of our We...heirs, Mbatiledui to tore wou, Brownsville: A. Cre-laii, Waslungton; and by oily ono :annuus tr,ittle tons. Receivat,siortua and Mou t .. genMally thrtatahout th. United States. oily ncre !tern charges. Price el )ti.Yr bottle—six tmttles for 1.5. Li •ngl. ,, Y Prop"'roo to make .oleo of Produce we Tinc manic are respectful!, requested to remember rc•P . mt HY .nine:, , of western F our. Am it to Sand's Sarupardla Mu nu constantly nehles , Bac ii, Lard Ihirteri Chteie, Wool. ryatliers.and o'er i n , ~0 1 , remarkable cures or the toot, difficult class of • Orb les,cor sa:c, . whirli liberal advance. en! be to• whieri Me human trione no sub t e, there. ma and other usual faciQtie• afforded, pledging •nr- ~,,,, ,„4, fro whim ant take no nib., Deis s that any I , n,urse entrusted bps shall o as --___-___ Plll4. SALE. pro oily e . g.:mated fo ‘ sd ~...,..„ c , ir c, t , fti o r o ter , s a as co h, ity , .. c..... THE Steamboat !! do t e- F-M Cr] aired Mie Louse. Canal 8a .,.. 3 ,, I , , and refined in han siyle tout ( i • I '' JAI , NI DAVIS ACo now at the Monongahela whorl 'As mel le • 09 ..a tIM Alerkeist, Mitt, a Ihe wr.t.Pr.yed she ww r'lladaL•ed Mr ~ carry ota trLight and passengers, or for towing; sib has CITIIAESTS PORTABLE BOAT' LIN . geol rapac4 and, power. Apse person draw. dto . atithoz pureba srill ofeudree Inspect her • 1 Q 4 ,7 !i2,W,1rl rie.t. ‘ , V . ,, - t I also props.. to lease, forone or More years my mai IIJ . / . ..,...... ,z. Wheli; and to • menu( energy Dud Mrs,. habit. they of e r grat advantages I lien furnish the lease?, either . . lon on or, charter, my tow Word - MINER." Ilse ati roe T10 , T.110 , 01T1T1.0, Or I , hut ~ on fair Lena. n,l barace, Mere halm and two' .11.1. RA i Ir , OF NIVIO, II A N DISE 'I it AND PI OM I ~,,,. , ~,,„,„, ~y 0 „ „. ~, w ,, a . r 0,,,. ., E,,., 0 ,., • Philtadelphia, Baltlasoro, New To,. n,mle mr full roperat,der An e..einstafinn oft be r. and Bandon. - , . tablistonent rs invited. Perron; disposed to negot i ate , i ,,,,., iticouragenslot Ihw line has termer° a nee ...,,,, ~„,„„ ~„„,.,. ~, ,‘„,, „, ,b, ~ pa „,,,,, ~ de emu nteneetoent. had induced the pro rte. m a y mfdrese tea at my udoto to Smart, Budd.. ale r oes t o ni i e r ,,,,,,t h e otocl, lty addlng , nontber WI rat 10 , 0. PM ge.e, at firtylete,nrorr N/00,40-.1401, ray, claw!. a; led 100,0.1 01 giVing reeelpo as he .b, :wenn TOO: , II LIAM/ Faye 21 o , ente,.l,e tviil ge. i. out non reCriplt tar M EDI/ ~‘ I. ANL, SURa:ICA L 014LCC. freighl l r i - Filpr.l Ay flit, line. I No G 121 A WIND Al. TO. I to are all porlithle. rosisequently Ile •itt d.ll' t' few doors bekiar aria laketilthe w hid, dist.tial e without trantlypni ..1 Wode'l itrcei, towards Me thereby "d•tletiting 01.M0, ,, , from Ite quent Ilansi w •e.erk , o cipi the r mte, and ty each boat to owned by In 1 e;aptaiti why turn theta, c.',:ell ta a sufficient gin .ahller , ll it thnro will ti: pt, delay on Oil. rriuti. All I' oat. , 'or perch: ital.,. consigfied In I underifn j.ill will Au Atm. rded FREE OF f 1)1 I . . IT be Gail , il without. dela olat'ihe lowest ratiet freight. • 1 t ~.., We f peetbilly o olirillh .. ', Al^ '. Ildb ,, e ll'l‘l nage. t WA I.I.P.IiPJED ,t. co , 1 , . a nal alma, Ibttaburgb. l, lAlt 1113.1.4,Ah & Co., Agt. 'En ist Stbee-t, l'lti/ndelphta. J F M LI .1..12. Agent • Ittiattey'seWhorf, Ealtimore. Eittatturgh. Fel.l. I. Illri. -. 1 TO T . BE: PUBLIC.' • . T 111: atete , h's flartald tpa„y. du. solve En b tbe lompaity ngin went into articles of Co• partners/ tp undo, The natal of the 71toattnent. Idner sand likenise agreed to fe it the btoel, 'at, tot to have a Intimater of Rout. for the asrpo.c of cArry., good. . thloug4 ill from too to mgt. lin, tl. Walt ert.thly—nod feel etteddraged by the lib it I ti, of laot year's pan logy, to Make moretextedot c arrangements for the.n sg yer. `t We would thkrefore relertfoily solicit a contine• &nee of our fooJue outran., Ind refer,all ncw,custoonert to Usage we have one litioi r,.. for. 18 ' 7. MiiMili BOA TAIN - N , LINE, .54,,, ) ' For the tranv tattoo CI ti a ALL Illf1;* OF lialtr:11), Dlst, TO ACD LOW. • Pkiii•OrLelzi A, lIALTIIIO... N...' Vo•F, .O ROM:, ' SA?ItIEL V IGIITNI AN Pe Co, Corner) Liberty street end C.lllll Mc,. Palfburgh. A ,GERBART &Co, , No 11S 3ln tked avec!. rhttaitriplua, • ELDER, LEI I. Co. Agent, Ralttmore, Md. I J . REFERENCES i IURGII—Jas. MeCally, Geo. filaignn & On. t Ily&tto.d A Eampson & Co, lit Allen & Co, DELPIIIA Morris Pattcroon &Co, Reynaldo d & Co, N etninF k Bur.hy, Paw Wright B ethanatio .ph (mix. . . • ,_ .. T3ltgl—Gr honk Co, Thera Perry' & Co. ' ' N—Reed. find& C 0.)..,: .. . i NATI —2t mats & Vresgh, W W *rubor ,LPITTS W Ide PHIL AI Part don. .1 8.. NEW HOST Ve.'P/ ~...1 _ VA— . bladder. -... leneva. does from New York nod Ara., Hint t & 'Co, l'ititat n. telphia, :will be .i ..../2Let_n s omititio • . •fehrt . P arto Parte,. MSOM V: I..lqm:rota Pier:pes t of a variety ylett and price&nrith the !west feuprovement., be• tho eatiecriber. will he received in a few Offered for sale at FASSEIII priers: I . ' , iniaadinic to buy this Sprint, area taintstett to rattan, theta on their arrival, bathe, Mated Wises,aa they may rest assured the love Will d thctrtalay ansarpesecti ta thli aisdket.' , JOHN MI MELLOR .' . , 17 APPLES-4ot. reed and Or itHeXty ' 4 TASSEY & BEST • ' \ •No Si wood street ‘1 I . Non— 1 emu (used prortVir , — 1 1 , tall/Jul tkorpu be Fors 'TitAIiSPQRTAT.IIIN . ' LINE& 1846 AND • 1847 La r , 2 t, 7". 46WbAil; TO THE EAST EN MOMING AIIELA GUITE, TU B BROWNSVILLE a LA ND. utulcuttguett use nu m' pr-pumawtut - tartan! pm aßur.Stt.:tuil,r Ent.tern Slaatlttuß Lutuag the tug,tu.-r.oit wt. tuu.l trtuut. b ) it t• rirr• 41.1.0.,- mutt. Ai , properly rou•mned to a• *Alba terwarded at me ram• and ,r“, deepajch lirit hand•ee rem Peed lq 1b.% roma p!oraptlF fer nrartMe ) C BIDWELL. 4ae. l'auunrau. I. tl.' CA,S Iltmem•eMe. n 0 .2, I'. EGEKILIN &.Co Cumberland , 1846 / AND 1847 TO THE EAST AX BALTIMORE AND 11 010 AILROA D. • II r Ives silt receipt for the del. very of Pro / doer to Henn:ore ,y the Monongahela z+nekarater nt the followtog prLeee.— A.hre. Damn. flow, Lead. Lard Pork, Tallow, N'htaYry, Chee.. and Lilnts—tAl el, per MIL: Tot.arro.lleinp, Flax • ttli Wheat— cis per IWIL, Aehts, (Pot). Apples, Chet.. Fax. Seed, Glass, and Leather-1116 C. per lou Iba • p a, SI ma. Seca:, W.l-110 els per 106 lb.. Furn, row! snalf e•Rool p, 190 ibs. 1, • ucil to rither Of Or unden.igned Imul de - lay, free - or C0M131.1.10,1. II CLAIM, Brown.,lle. & ‘VATERNII. Vittebutgh. DICKEY, . COMMISAION MERCHANT,, and B'ridgespeder, and Agent of steamer, :IL AND MICHIGAN, Ull.l aPID IA7 ptcpart•tl oa Opening of causal nay. V • tonou to receive prapeny at Ittasrherebout el or in antr.on.... l'or ati o. p I:rm 17.10 a.. t'ut, and Own Canals. WI parlailn Late El:f and upper hake, nvalso Itaw.trd produce, An by Pe:m.34. s Improvements. ripply tero!addrea• Icl.l I-dli A: n:CRI.ZI", PITTSBURGH dr. CLEVELAND . LINE. 18.-16.• 11. Clutli: II llooi;1. T..R.cl4mothl &Co CLARKE & CO., . . Forwardtvg d Commlaatov Dl c reh T IIE A Llp gentanad Erooneuns of tion Line layor! kttovra to the puldol.wtil lot-pared on the earnest operant of Canal navtgaton to tec r:ve ;Prop erly at l'lnsburgi and 8C.17C, nod' the at an) point no the litto canals, tied -.h on Inct ud3l:chtgan, oath the greuteardeipate it and at rens. ook rates. lite proprietors of this lino aJE4. it the busaticas or their fontscr-cusunners with confident, knowini that their fneilmes ere second to none. Apply en or address r. 5( II A RTON. Aet. l'inshoryn. CLARICE A Co. lkaver. T RICHAIOND e .syj a , t d SAND S SARSAPARILLA: For the tontoo,ol and I ertunneot cure ot a.l o.sea,,es (ran ate =pyre state of the blood or newt of the va: • Ss-soft:Oa. Eines' Ertl. Ha'— n. COutinoti rulanevus Ponybs or Yushols s an the En, 1 . 47.0. J. Earoniebore Eyro. Esay Worn dr Tea, :teal, lit ad. Elan, gnat o rt. and parn eJ Ow Bonn and Jo:nts. Sitdnsasn tarn, Sorholatc ,soseptoors. Snort., Lusa tea,. meal arrOst.e.poan as, tap.ol.rtoo, n o. r l o- Ino)sto. Expo or Isr,,nintot en T:homely hat , been at tr ruled watt •• I is:tap:rat re•at/I-ttat many unetulyu. itd r efll.ll, la. chard, ottendrtl at 41114 e *mad whit. le e tut• briar. en t. rathorttr ntat attriartit ttttetzter:dteure ttr medusa, mutt. nt chat ut an altrrattre dtrettiiv—int:ttrily. pro. " 4 a ...nag tontd I, trt•trni II t • Ingbt, ..01,1ntruted tor rustrt .rttre l and Aorta• I nuthtng but Mr ext r•t caartscrt I • ti.r rept...4,111,0, et the :Strattparilta Ron:. la the t •..u.t. manta, as 1.45,u1111. II of Pr r:tt. Irst .or >h,.t:h•, of up um It ot att • rtablathrd thst ts gia .11 1".114rr gush.," ur M 01141.110 i`oslsll', al. Ih• met! rtnal I glu ut a (sir, soh-tatter, hr are Si,.- ottpr'ratt t) :Lune prt,sruttuns ~ h alf thattrr tiralk, gado, mlsturc atirta a half post taanin tied 'lt , tartl.ctsta: rahir • Thr Sartapart'..a an t e rthen ittar Agve, 111.1. The to.ktatutcrl,44,l: , •ll,lAlte•sed .he 1 1 , to:rsen. pr•c.l of •t• • I 01' Fvrt N•rrx. .k,t i em,., pi ,e-. 0. I, 1,16 t. m...4,-..,tet,,,,, & Fteed—lien, lh Mly 1.45 I h i a I . u.nen at In .lore a tuh , :e o, Sant:N Snrsnrar , nar and confined ha my bed. urnhou, -4 en u n•eek. ..r• 1 orruaanned lay v nneof pant mom a reeti!ti fever vote oa I long mantling. On my rtght leg My ph, ,riana advn.,.. I on tar to have thejlthat , arnpLeaked. my,nv it sa the On!) ily nn-Lso• Itnely to pmaerve nv, lite. Anne Og erg halt the tam, the pain be:un to aulonle and by tr,i tthae 1 had .r.d nrvriy thire holt.* 1 um. ,h, tu tranfiiet my reg. utur hnvne-v Lind hviore 1 u:t lah,hed the tom. hot liV. i u a.... oven and round . 1 11.1vrco. i have no In ,ml.on .ug that Santl. Smrsapaar,ila sor•• mean!, under 'Providence, of . my Lab and 1 dont. not my oie. Mrlit chcerfn:ly recommend tt the be.: nr.kclebeztant fur the the 1..0al JAM MILLE u. rerrifien., is otay anather link n the 1) pro,se,sed reseed.- •... • .r. .ut too on th , ed db. :e el successful bras,. Imust and grautude ;u To,. do true reorwebov lour valuable preparanon ot le, Sorsapartlla I bare' seremly &Meted for 2l ye. ah I with a dtarase about setbch - sluctor'e did el/ tar, presersporao vivre and more thereof. I trued a remedies but found no rebel until eeSll7,flocal to us.; your excedlent t imedlcane, at which time I we,. • whnous rally confitteddo my bed Atter oust, it a few raudlhot I am now able to wall •bout,tide out, and copy a OM, tor' . hmable de&ree of beadL, which I ahrthute rat.req to toe use of Sand's SataupardLa aercpt toy ea. surance of gra:dude and reord. , .. p;44' 4 3;1.4 • ✓ OR. °now N 0 layse, born reguaorla oratral ao the oiedlool ro. a• - •-nao. ood tor arrow vanerol 1 , 1/4, ret ==2ll to the, treatmentl , ids prorat_e_and deht-tt , WA. 'plat:its tor wlt.e, tunte• nod e • per., o, peralativ Lau. 11.:Ieven p . " 2 1 .• D•+ldtl4 . o.l t . fr 'idled to the sooty sod those romp:, Ms. (durinii h,eh ho,e u. has had more practlee and rat cured more itsr.e,att can ever tall at Mei lot of a It proilite praranaiterl am ply quattne. tom m offer as armless of speedy, p,,rrea nein and sal.fuctory cuns mall tollheled with ddisoss diseases. and all d atoning thrtetroco Dr. Ilruwo. waeld inform those afflicted wrilt priorttr discuses winch have become ch MUM' by taut, or.aggro vs ted by the use of savor' the convoon 110.111111. of the ICI day. that their complaints can radically and that. o „e r i r , are d, he haelmg given careful attenhon the treatment al such eases. and succeeded to hundreds of znetaatee• In Clalnk persons of inflamat.on oi be sleet °Cato bladder, and hatched diseases which often result tram those cases where other have coos:gout them to hopeless dospair Ile pat heralarly usenes such as base beerilinreand ansarcea.fully treated by others in von salt him:when every %ansfarnon will be suttee them and their cases treated .n acareful.. thoroughand miell . tjettt marmot, rmint.d eat try lope esperienee, study nod tni v.:worst/on, which It impossible, for to engaged 11. I general pmet.c6 of medscute , fftsc anY one 41.ase. LD - Hero. or Rupture—Dr. Drown also tatroc• I persons afflicted with item. to call, as ha has paid parueslar attention the &ware. Skin Chums.; also Yllea.Paley, etc- speedily eared • Nagesverylow. H—Patten. of caber see jiving at a distance by stanng their disease to ',mum, on giving all the stymy: Lortill, Cal. obtain teed ic/ nem with. directis for use, by whlreasing T. BROWN. &I. I). Old pa'l and eticto siOfficng fs.. e N 0.05 Mammal alley, oponche the %Vasco? , IlOtort. sp. we e , eee. new, NO CURE NO PAY. . 1 - I,ft. CULLEN'S INDIA ,N REMEDY—Wirranted toMire ' or the talon. el• rata mod: This medicine is prepared from an In than Receipt, °Ma' inotl'hom One LI them in the Far Woil, •nt great estrus°. Thee, edit, hive been .fitmiller with the Indians, know that they can and do cure Venereal without the krowledge of Mer cury, Balsam, or anything of L Th..* honed bare now an opportunity of being cured witbou 'the axe pf. Balsam., !Phis medicine la breath.' to the taste, and leaves ,no smell on the . Prepared by BOWAND ds. WA TON, and mid .wholesale end reted, by J. T. ,376 Market street, Philsd'a. . Far nale in Pittabergh by R E eflers, 67. wood 'street. and by Wm Thorn,fd Id et eL oc6d.T. REDUO4LirIiA.'II. St. 0510, Indiana, Xentnelry, and con.. fonds; als I COMO"! la City Orders parents at red 00ed tall& divesnmt,lty • Nll tIFS I SON doe 4 Excannp Oro cr,63Matket at nu. SIIEJIJOI AN . has discovcrai a oray to'osalto media, ll plc,saot, so that chiktrco .10 We it reidily tool cry 6 morr. set that I.ts jor 3ems.'t If }moud each Not of Lassoi gcs, a rot of Twit. hoar wt the Luck of cadh . P6.trr , and • voch n u of Dsrectiooa • bll FIR NI AN'S COL:CI4. LOZENGES. . 91:...1.Aft a lart.ildll.-, eli) her a,u g lo . colds, coosuroptodis, whoopingcoughs, asth ma, bghtross of the lungs or Mon, SC, _lflte pupriatar has mem lonnru'et, tosmore where they did rot pee perfect U. facupe. Setseal Mousind boxe hare been sold swims the bury ear, restoring w health pinto= 10 almost e'er). Wage of rotouotptiou,adol bort labtriog under the most diem:wing colds end coughs. They do out chant and dry up the rough, but reader nem), pomade espreturatioo, allay the belt Img or aminconire the proximate or =soul rattee,--1 'they are made Irma i,.mbutenon of • remstvaluable expee• rrfltors., oc cough mediriO - ds, RR undoubtedly superior to than-lb us+ for 11,use complairda Husulreds urea boo dreds of ceMibeetes hale Leto oared of their woodsefel tuns, feem those who have been sawed from . untimely gem,: and restored to prefect h•-ati. Ly.wog them. Where there o much pain to she brow or side,o. of Sher insole Pan M.'. Plasters (price only 110 0.00 shouldiad applied C•ti the =4 worn' till mimed. If =tainted with anti remise, • few mthartic or Lscaliee komiges, or ika) mild cathartic medicine, should be used se mast. require. 1311311441 A nine WORM LOZTirinl4 Them warm losiroges Imre hero proved fo more than 1,400. " 1 .. 4 ." the only te1111.3 worm destroying maitereemerdoinnered. Many di.emes =ism nom worm. and ocra.ion fang mad ottessesulfeeing, and cern death, with out thin-aver ben alopecia; grown per.. plot very oft. nelicted with them, and .n doctored for earn. comphoole without any benefit: when one do. of lwatroges would speedily cure Splnpllt/If ff ,'nano.—Palm in the ;Mom oe limbs, offs dye bnnalt, pecking el Me ocee,grtudiug of =a meth donne deep, arta at Enron painter about the &abed abed, bleeding= runt,• planing =mob. al the stomult, flash e. of heat iter the surfsse al the body, alight chills or ohly erings, hesaulte, deo.. sinew, , rtigo,. torpor, disturbed drmus, wade" martin, to deep, 0)11, fright and . scrouning: ennettroc. Lads cough, feleri.hoem, Wort, pallid hoe, fa., Lad mo.tx, difficult binaliting, pun in the idomerb or bowel., fatigue, came, stramishrwee, von moo. eppetite, leased, bloated stomach or limb., shooting pants to remove parts of the body, • some of NA. thing thing =the throat, Ocbing of the arms ionards night, a lifroquent desire lo par something from the Wirth, attil„,may ‘i"".. ' l3lo ' 4l ° A ! . 1 ; ;rA d brP u ll ' O ' il I.OZ EN GE'S. . . . . . .. . . •Y,They. Eire immediate relief iti nervous or sirk beadiche, payolpotion iuf the heat, lowness of Re quits, drepundeay, antlatnetuituo - hr putrid sae do-out, bone! or summer plaint, fainting, oppression hr • sense of sinlung or the at., hid°, spun°, rear. of the staunch or bowels, hysterical affertioi, and all nervous disinues, droweineva through lb. day, ad, naliefuloese through. the night; cholera or chat era moras, ...letrtlioiu, 1...0de °el. eenve of fatigue ?er us travelhog or attending large ;all., will find the Loma. gr. really yetieing.and //Naos, tie{ buoyanyof youth; used niter dnufenton, they will restore the tau of the system gen! really, and reihme all Re unpleaual symptoms arum,' irons iu, her living. , Persons who hate bent am logh liven, ad aLailoned their ditsirated habits, will find they Logriages nil arable rompoart of the aerie. 1 SHEItSI.II.I4PS POOR SIA '9 PLASTER. The Inist at Tigthentng ;dater in ie 1•01111 ; ode rovereign rrinedy hr jun, or weekness in lb bark, lona ale, ad, c Rabe, rots, rhea:lan., iiimbago, e. he. dot mullion • )ver will out apply the demand. Thity require a little 'Nann ing be4Jre application. Warrated opera. to &Rather*, and fur one quarter the usual price, oakg roam!} the bat, but the chew ;dater pest ;dar in the world. t affurils relief ha • few hours, mid outs n cures ~, In Iner conipltint ad dyspepsia, a ihiald be wont over a,,. region of the liar or sumach, ad it mar il .ni ruv rat nalonnlishg relief. lo iv.. gill, (016, attune, difficulty of lireuthing, opprevaion of the chestre sitanch, die, Intl isn mediate ly ...di ad greatly Lenef9 Re ipsbat. Perweis of ',dinar, hrLitu, or tease obliged ound malt, will each.. deckled app.., Ina one of de .< voly strengthening 'Pas at.. • Phy • 1[1.• generally reenineand Rea,a preference to all others. Lela. theritiek or abrke betur,and affired grat er relief. lu,their °perusal they are,sanulent, tunic,ad any Tn.; an p art s of aunty diflrrent inaedi- ruts Ina au; other ituni wins from the expel-tear of mil. Rua it b. Lave used them, as well. the woad tramway of all the celebrated end distinguithed clergy and physienia,•to Le theauvt useful and logh/y medicated Outer. all pervons lure called at the ware/wore hi npress their surpriiie and dual., et the abiKl•l miraculous axes these planers lute eflated. , Direr4on. no: use at! on the buck of rah Taster, with a , far simile of Dr. Shama ermine. It is iinpurtuntyoo idieuld sloa), ask tar Shaman's Pour !Out'ii Plato., ad vee Ono pit, get the ,rlonlnle . , so tare are may literates. mita.. ' hue, Yid .tune ad told toe ae true Sherman. rt....i., Ly usquitiripled dealers. Soli nholean oiol read by W, J AC RSO rr . hie Patent ; ihe lCreetii , o,,, :Su. t.,. Lffierty oreet, Sias or the DI,. BOOT. jay 14-44. • ' •, D R. RUGElt'ti. COMPOUND AVILIIP OF' LIVERWORT AND TAR! 1 . ,..1, cure fur et.11 2 ,1113p1,011 Of the I.taug ,tt.tuttgrt Ittrtutt.Cuuths. Coldr. l'J•et Ihr etttle. liruttetutti t NV hooluttg Cou t th, and ni • . . . • Poll isionary Affecilons. I 11l •44 the ,I,c,tett I,nrfit. be pera medium to tow Dr. Roger. Lverwort a.,1 Tar, Ly whleth he was reAtored to per te,t IV NI. 1 RICI IA . r a,tamph„,_ RDR tbs. cert4ficate (g,7-Th.. Mill perform. CURES rigid scent! hn..•l 4ui as they are here •nd our own. ,R , i4nr• icvnnon, can hud from the:tr....l' rocvdn . e 144.100.41 stqa.caluf the wont) MMilMla Anoint, cure et COYireLTM r —Mr Intone, Whitehead, of nits city, was tedtmed no tow that all his In ends. and redo his phystcosna had green torn up to DIE! 't ' : Mr. A I. nevetll—.A• I owe my Irk tattle use of DI. Pagers' I.seerwori atul 'Tar. I feel It • duty. , and stostl wtotout :Car or delocac tee my teettmony. v e•tdetuet thtt where who may be atn.cted Cooriampnou nr di. a.ed Lunen may know that this meat. one is not , IlUhlllUlt. but is worth ten tl.oun.and Str tan.' pre• senpieons for the Musa., foe which it ta recoloon tided. Last Ammer I wash tken ninth • InUiltDisTHE.lNti COUral. and about th brat of Jul, thy r leung. were tw aisenszd that I bird to a short time several quarts of blood, which reduced ow no low mat.oll my friends and e yen my phi tml.tna thouults Ito einem Mk tent, Cow sumpumt. My 'try:tier, fiat r. heard of 1106. of the wooderlot cures made by this medicine and procured • boffin, and before I had tat,n one half bottte rt seemed to gJ to the very *Tilt uf the Macßae. and rmned wtarge quantity of Mauer and Phlegm. Mamas MY Cough War atopped by a charm I have since used some tumor three bottles, and ant now atr,e to attend to my Itutnnear as well as ever. I teal very thankful to the In or such a meth emr. for tf II had not been for some all powerful medt myto raig,d rho matter and phleam, and bested rny lungs,' should without doubt have now Leen 111 my grata II any one Will call on meow Catitasure West. half • ',mare helour Lmn. I wit. g,e'thent the particulars sod mit r Meru to rumen:all friend.. who •mited durlng mycrlittes% Jan. 10, 1.37. OABBIKL WIfITKIIKAD • - Statement of Dr. Throm Cos. Late Prdes.or In the Clocine•tc Eelectse Aletheal Col fete. uod pu,mc,ian well k nown..who has an emelt mve pommy.; in relau.n In the. core of blips Bell. oiler baying been oven up to DIY. %alai the lam nage of CONSI2..NIPTION, by a 004 tor r of Able Ithym cs•nc air A I. l,i.cortll—Sig" /foorevor reluctant I have bee 10 oetnin my name to - apeal, AMIE Iled ha a remit, :ate ref-mm:Wink rahent Mg. - airings, Nostrums or Calltolleum, I oevernmlees think It soy duty. not only to my patrons. but to the communtty, Mot all alatcred poth thneanes 'moo mg Cough medtegnea,ro Mare that in three pariteular cum. of 111Clit:Nit CONSUSIPTION, viz. 1.11,4 Hell, men daughter of Mr John Carr of thiv en)); a Mrs. Verger. agoer.itt lair of Mr V. Wonder. Iluich- Dnod Mr. II K Con. one of our City COlint/I. that R. Itoi/ER'S COSIPOUND SYRUP OF LIVER— WORT and TAR nag rated more LIKE la SPECIFIC than any remedy of a many ellaracter wn. °peg :sr.°, that I hased in my prnel we. One of 11,g , ve P . above., Mtg.everu opo arm IP rl he laboggille order the LAST.I , EAIi IL in Serognlon. , Commotatung, a. on, I,y ern] ,negnits who were 1111,111.011, 1.11 . V.1.Y.10 In, Legng,a,,ed idtreat igen en, "ha 1:11• 1 / 1 1, In 11, enjoyment of no apparently good health, andognei hopeargogge. Igkely waig any other &g en.,. 114 any other )oung lady of lm. roy Aa It re an,ct. the health of the other two nave all the tl,ernon glory •yrtgatingia xe•gro to. have aolg.oleol. tr ~,,, n o . „r n gv hottlea of gty run. atm,. Very revectrutly, C.1.'111111111. Jan 2.,',/ ,, t; lIIItAaI COX. hl II ,101 ttic -Igesi• tool ado 001 a p. 1110111.1. ( . 011111m .t rfimitev of wrognle ggere•, non great ..... !... 0:•Ing mug well known eitizem, For rule CA. Scov dt t ti., eon., of bill and Rm.,- Curt/moo:Ohm, Aar.- an- the Went D C Ora rst .t. IgagiOtrats,,Egunn k r . O . corner 4tk Jul! II Ca....-11. wa'rd I'otplourith II I' N:lv/rer I. A 1i,g1,r21). Jo: n Sunit.6-I , nennehaul. m.. 1.2 . (:)-11/I.oN ,, lirri, c u RED' —PR D DU Nen N'S . EX. rEs:Toft ANT REMEDY AI.W.I,YS CURES, If , USE') IN TlME'—Rev lame.. lV e aeon, of the Meths, do t Seeisty. sis Ifinthdrlplitu, was nffin fed Nyilb . H.. oroghtessene tomphout fur several )ecrs, which render. ell bon unlade no attend to ht. mostemial dunes as. preacher of the Gospel 111. symptoms were a dr, and punt,. rung. with lipereencee, pow )21 the ebrat.ale end breaSta .enee of eultorauon. no much in rot tones that he .coultl ecerecle get In. breath Ilis body and strength Ise Mme reduced, countenance milk and sallow shovreig Mt the .yonatom. of • speedy termonanon of In. life, Isofforrunutety • I•dy. one of thewem ro or Ws claureh,t .culled to Villt hag while he lay proated upon hos sick bed. Behohlang tnu awful situation be 1,. al once udlrlsed loin lo send for DR. DUNCAN'S tX PF:CTORANT REMEDY, which he 'proctored no a. rholadelphiss Office, with bet faint hopes of evetzeinv• lenng. He thcamenced using the medmine according to the directions. The effect Man wonderful. rbe filet week after rising Use mmlielne, the cough ceassod— !hoarseness disappoarsd. After using three bottlei, his ' trength Legion to increase, which mudded blink, go i down 'tams; and by the fano he hod used elgltkbottles, he found hlortkelf a well Ferran and is now attending to ha ucoal profession. I We, members of the Melliodost Epitcapal Church to Philadelphia,araVell acquainted with Falhpr Walson's .itHic nook, anfrca I certify to the tenth or the oboe.. t ELIZABETH 140REJS, • SARAH PHILLIPS, ' IIA:CNAll DEWLTS. i Pholailelphtn, A0g.12, I kdri. Janl Fold in Pittsburgh. I,y IVAI JACKSON, cornet of i th: m i n and Liberty som i l . COPPERTIIIIIEICT4IICIPI, Alllb i lAr WARE MANUFACTORY, No 111 'Market street, ponshorgh,d'ennas Trni . i . h7:on.'ruen'tioln'vconhr:rAcCg3;lll477a, "'V'F.!;: . rez:e . l llll , l;= . r \ oo m es: , o c n t • build Leg StaaLoboa .op r o c w all With De" stone., Porte7i . ltd e w v:r r y *dark kind of Clapper, Ton and Sheet Iron work nee aaaaa y in (umiak n'!fft,k'''eStil'r nt t'L aite to ' order on she shortest notice Sal Tobea and Chamber, Copper work for Steam Engin. and every ninety of work in our line. reb9 SHERIFF' is SHIRK' %elle.' Elver Pill.. ortgolaß only True and genuine I,ver er< offered lathe. aude ern( from Lien complaint upim dle ter:user no care. no par Read the folioorins let nCTLI a. Pa.. Sept 25. 1546. Mr R VlSelienti—licar So 1 reel tbst 11 I. a ant,' .1 owe to the putil.l to •• ,Il .g• lo the credit. of your Liver Pills' to at toe ?nod dyes.nroiloc;d by them .1. my own el., Burma the month ,ii JL111C.151.5,1 took you I unwell nay ',pride tailed and my oteneth 71. em I brely pro•trced. with to severe pain in m 5 lid.. and ,/ shou!dera 1 w • tolitlly medical Men Main, di...oar wo a 'CVO° . att rk of boor complaint. 1 toot .oseral ho a r.. Alas. 'i Ps. and tiocue•yrups wliielt I was told were mind I i 'that d0e..., but after all I was gm no; Worse. 1c neluded to place niyi ell under therm, lust• phys cian , or lit it-/ or worse. Hut (071.ftlely . /.1 at t,... vnt 1 was told by the Rev 1. Pithlocit, of this place Met o frmnd of hill 514 seta hue a hoe of Seller: lacer P.n. from Pittsburgh, winch had l'eneit tea tom verl nitwit. I forthwitli sent 14, a box of your Liver Pill., and by the pineal • . done. I was satotid that it sr. mid atm in,theine that auded my e 1 twit for.toore. look di five or •ix boxes. end M ase. end myself eintr•ly curi-1 In Mareh 1.,. I caught a .seers cold, art, h bmintht bark the Mutts., and ill It short litre I arms as tiad aserre 1 again hail recourse to your Liv er Pills and 100 i tiny rimy other night inr 11, wed,. and W . f. WIC') CV• I' •Il3r, and 1 now ran say that 1 feel little if any syniptutne of the Liver .crimplaint, and my tremlial health is as good a. alias been tor the In:, ten years. My neighbor, sok inn who wh• my Doctor. 1 tell thorn that Puller: Liver Pill. ay,. my Doont, and by the- hlesainel of Providence. thenean. of curate w. 1 am runfident, a• the public become. acquainted ith the valor of your pills, the demand for Mom well tacit:a.- Many of my nrighborr, in whom 1 have tr• cottimended the pill., can testily' to their valor and to the fuet• aliovr stated Yours, 4e. . , 111.1,ER , As there are other pllls en/1,.1 laver Ptlls, persons who we'll ;be GEN IN arne le should ask for, and take no other, than those prepared by R 57 wood tiorel I=== . . 10XPOAITION to the F.p..tle , . to the Rotnan•, With .1.1. a remark& on the Counneton ilea of Dr. Alttektt,ght Profemsor Alo•entSitrt rt. and Prof...A:lr Tholicl by 110.-- ert llaldan. F.q. From thr fifth Edlnhargh Ninon, I rel. 7.71 pug,. Frier 8 , 2 50 -.. The Wie h o ly.. or England at the Fifteenth century; by.Altti. Colonel Mortny, author of the nrlien Perxonal !foul: tho Wir;T,T,V — San. Tll f.'s Conirstml ..... of 2 vol. I , llr, , n lira 01161 Correopondenc, Lo} I. .` Fmty• 4.. Hron...; .• asul D.vgliirr; • U,., 04, • Oi i'rasantri lien, Dun can, D. D. l'„ E1.1.t0 IT tr. 1.1.N"1.1:01 No 5.3 51ar1,1 meet al= FROM the v.-, I.Lerol encournge a ' - • 111<til Inr ha, vece.ved . • lit has turandlitinnelf. In Allegheny, 10.=11...•. tn. .o.loreJ nth. • tie tern or non., pr 0n.., he siow Cienlifirin. in linniyer - -it. et. mimed/air., hen.:n the l're•ltctennoliburth lb , long ex petit nee in the t•nrn-: nod a .I,•.re to plea,. he hopes to titer. it on.l reer.v ilt•re public pattonag• Now on linnal and fitoglnng to order, noekneror Ilog. •44 top Boggle, and Clot) tle•ertpunia of Corrloga mane w •rdcr. (mm enrenty.fivn dollar* to coat bosom.. I oep:1-.1tfl • JOI IN SOUTH Congo u ?lON hos hee • thre Anti •11:1 hold. tr. 1.1.• •• But Selo en now ottangle. ILe lirininnel ; at Link, And sseeepg all hi r terror! nothy. Among lbrany medo .nen' (or the • Cure of Con suropt.ork" •Id disease of the Lungs Dr ltulthan'r Plspeetorant Remedy .ands threntost ronL• decee he g gen 11 preference above all oath.. fur the wonderful c ors a daily pertnruts.ln mil &sear, 01 the Chest. Lungs and . love, thug the.l.cmc will bo found to be the anlj certron remedy that wtli effer , s perk. care. It .thrited.gtely removes the ...ere.el phlegm- on.: shat accumulates a the 'Trachea. Aar Cells nth Top!", othoth, tf.strereol to retrain ohstruct. free be resit:m.on. or hrestboth through the longs and reuses &wrath. II , thee Conso.upoon end .peedy deat h Dl'. DUNCAN'' , EXPEL — MK ANT REMEDY. 05...1 let tone. u.,• a.l rthstrort.on. -ea .1 the L.,. Cough., e t t i ldeytus. B.ottt du Lenity of tnele. mu : - on nett.. o' 11t e Sit t i! ux nt • Nt ut ight Sr, it, and ot, cot t er apitrultclC.n, tun, when win I.c cr:. Lave the..< rt . ./ .r.l• a disease dr vrd truaa you •) add our .lie 01'\ CaN'S lV r.STERN trititit•t:. s o 150 Sycamore street, Cote moat: (or Dascis , WM ACIZSON. come, 0 :R FAILS! .• VEGETABLE l'..11111:1. rill; Scrofula, King'. Esii• Old Sores, I ker., Toter, ny other complaints arising nisei, are requested to read prool of the 'rootlet ere named medicine. AD!! READ!!! • hawing visited Mr.; Isaac of 'blew*. Rowiand and eet. Philadelphia, consfilcr Leine one we hare vier it- WULA, and terrible mum Milli conflict with the Ole rooforhie mouth, Nose Up. of the Right Eye have been rly eaten up, and part of the i w a " m% learrin peinfo/ Were! • -aril sat, he commenced taking Dr. CULLP:N'S INDIAN VEGrI'ABLF: YANA (EA, which checked the disease in a lew days, and rota that time the cilia has progressed without to termiszion. New flesh has supplied the _place of the deep al gem andsbough badly disfigured, his lace is sound and his general health is restored. - We assured that in the treatment' of AIL are Brooks' ease, no SI reenats.Onimilents, or Caustic arliestions have been used,l-in fact, the PAN A- L EA ALONE, bait wrought Lila wonderful ehaoge, band Beek. count)), Pa. Charles L. Rowand, bleadvtile, 'raertord cora.. J W Jones. 51 . 11 South Second street, Phila .. , la' oh Lee, PeatiCapn, N J. • E. ' Carr,llolli Fourth, above l'oplar at, N. L. S 't:ullough, Lancaster, Pa. . . It It Maddock, t 8 North Eleventh at. Phila. Cl% Appleton, tell 4 Youth It. do Tinto by Caldwell, Marion cut Missouri. Daniel Yeakel, Chesnut Hill, l'ho dolphin on. Yu John Harned,SW High street, Phila. Wilt= Steeling. Al D, Camden, N. J. . • , William Hale, MS High street, l'hita. J H Potter s , hlanof eturerol Mineral Teeth, 109 S. Ninth street, I. A Wollenweber, Ed. Phila. Democrat 111 N 3d street,do • George 11 , r.lenta, Brush Make:, iI7 Market St. Fan, Carr, JS) Chesnut .treat, Hula. A IS Gillette , Putor of Eleventh Baptist Church, Phila. John Bell, Erie Street, Philadelphia, (North_Antel can ofßee.) o IrOO Sands, 161Cattanne Street, Pinta. *4E_ Daniel Motonley, Kessler's Alley, do Andrew Sweeten, Camden, N J H Ennis, West Pella. Itiehged It. Young, Udder, •1) hisrhot Cl. Phila John W Ashotead, 60 South stub street, ' do TS Wegner, Lithographer, 116 Chesnut street, do B 3 Bested, IVS Eleventh street, do Peter Sken Smith, Editor Native Eagle, do Joel Bodine, Glaze manufacturer, %V illiamatnevi N. J. William Steely, Farmington, Van Buren en. lowa L B Coles, M D, Bosten,Men. Russel Canfield, Phinioloi.t, Philade! oloa Thomas P S Roby SI I), liarrssburgh, Peter Wraght../..59 Market •rant, Pbilat Janina W !Navaho, Rd Falbert at do. jobn%:ndl7r'77t. do Wilseine, 'lortl'aul'a hi. F.: Ch.f:ethe rine St. Phila. Jolz Chrbera, Paull , : let lotrep. Church, Prom' I Phila. P ' , Astor Olive H mch, Doylestown', Wholesale and !Udall by Remand • %VAR., l'rt.t. pnetora, 376 Market St. Phdadelphia IV flSellent, 57 Wood at. eitlxburgh, l'o,i 'l'hAlar. kot at, do.; K It Perkins. Mine., Ohio, mine Sharp, Maya. llle, KV; John W Danenho., er, I 'in., Ohio; & itecrec. Mathann It; Noble, I,Dula vale, K V; Dererouck At reltpua, St: ',pool, Mo. P li McGraw, piatehe, Mwa; !lard:twat 4, John t ton V rekalesrgle , do; I'harler Jenklne, New t Itlean ail HOTEL. FOR INVALIDS, AT: Pricrsßuimii. • . rill - 1E: object Of tin.. , 4tablo•lttnent tno.upply a wat. 1 greatly feh'by ce.pectabte tcaveat renn our we..tern Inaharny..—by resnlentd, lanody . . taken— and by pattent•ylynn tl,e,lMlnlndlne WWI.. and cennitry win revert to dad plane for reln.f ern...wawa] end other dlaeunt. ,Suctihuvr often Yuffered !rout tbe want of the carload eanaart, and noel's.. yo ner , aury and agree able to the Yick. and frontearele. and uninithtul names; and been mall , nten In !wavy and odren.onnhlr eldtrges I nealt orn de will there be rn . and cadialde attendance. and at ru e much below the otual charges. . . ]. - I,Vlala tho. are of both phyNetatis will be extended.. every vgriet • of th eease. a ~, wended' hy Dr. Speer mac spheral °resi, to co - SUIIGICA I. DISEASES, P•llTiert..l.l TO DI EASES OF 'IIIE EYE. To these brii t aels, of Ms plate...ion he hoe given a iarge .hare of is su e r.. for th e last tar:sty-five yews, and hr will eo lathe cc devote to them the oxPersenee ". rbr ''. ll4 . l Vrrn . v I i:l l :Tne i ro Tnn ' e l ,z " gren i Tr ' n- no rtli ea tub. hththent am suggeated gait only as neoravary to supply an evident want In tlns city, In tho ‘ ranre ethernet of any vp:.ololPrarth.on for the sick . . hut.. warrented also by th oece.. 0( .itullu to ate ane/wan t end Neer Orleans—the fotmer ander 'the carof Drs. raniferw Morahan co d &r lc latter under that of Dr • Slone The building irelreted Mr the parpode Lave r, aan u, .. and the'north book of the Allegheny rive near lb Aqueduct. is no commodious awl roomy, rod fornishe • with all atermnamlationa to for : the Rick. Applications Oar admission to be made to the water bars, at their aitteo on Penn meet, Sineburgh, or Al a establiminnent. ! I d [Cr No enanignms dAimasem iln nu ad .: • , J. R..1 1 1:1, M. D onarDdneruT .• , , D FUIIN. am. - - Ext•npilue JTew II r* Wentirooms, Nortkuott reran iff the Alkgt tideark! and Failed Strad erny !Nay. WALLACE, , conk.liVirgsnd Oheie Monate; H rarer, ache above stand, ntspeetfully call. the at tention of tile public to Itl• lastitififem of eplendid porter 80(..; th. t . j i ng and Common Borealis; klaboiany and Nadas iTop Centre Tables Wardrobes; Holstead. and Cbaira all of 'which he is ready to fornislynade of the bectrialen Fiala, by gaud workmen, at lout !aids 'IAYNE'S HAIR TONlC.—After reit% bit artfelf a cab. J trial, we urthrsilatingls prawn. it to whatlt pecan. es—the best of arithout any escapism, so um, for the restoration and reservation 11l Mg 60.11 hair. We hatow nother/ms Institutes where Imir4v kern mewed to heads othkh have Seen bald or year.; and we think lac cannot do. necommind Is all our readera who are hieing their hair, ta make • trial alba; Tonic immediately,— Boston Mal • For de In Pittsburgh at 16i Pitakin Tta Stare, No. 7i Fourth striut, our Wood. oundilk.T Nnoising' k BON; Exchange, Banking, •e Collection (4,, No 13kbuk e teet e ftaistio rift, Yu mobil Einiii2 fA3 . HRISTIt'S, "44,, "••• • # OO A POSITIVE de,YERMANENT CURE FOR EMISCMIZEI AND ALL NERVOUS COMPLAINTS. .Wlnt uhounh She rausta may not be explamed, SIM,. Mem rffmts are duiy, aseermtned, Let not deltn•nnt. premdice, or pride, 'lnduce inanktMl to set the means aside; Means which. iho' emote, ate by Heaven designed To alleviate tbh ilia of hareem kind" DR. CHRISTIE'S gIALVANIC RINGS AND MAC NETIC FLUID. 'PHIS remarkable invent., which has received the 1 1 J. universal apptiiiblition of the medical pro viten of Gwint comprises an antral) new application of Gale armor, ay a remedial agent, by tnenne tit which the ordinary tialvanic flatteries, Elec tic and Ilaltnetle Ma chineahe.,areenbicly dispensed oritb, and Me myste rious power of Galvanism ipphed wihout any of the objection which arclinseparable from the general mode' now in use. The itrOng ikries..and irregular intervals. I lu.which lilthrillllll6 ts applied by lin Machines, has been pronounced, alter a lint and impartial mat, to be iniarieur,lin it woe to remedy Mat radical de rcpt ihatthis neer applicattoulwas projected, which, at. r unceasing toit Rid perseverance, been brought" aeits present statel of la rfectioif Oahetnie Rings answer. all the parpowis of and t11041CZNII•il, Chll/(.1. and in imply other respects are inomsaji and main accomplpng the desired effect. The Oialemsießi used l 4 connection wlth die Nog nene are c nfidently recommended in GU dime den which arise /ton an enfiebied, or unhealthy 0141.1 dir tureens or arse `/¢_ s dirt ese complaints are among the toost yston, and th whieb we ate subJect. They 'rip.. withoureiception, from one Sim ple conini—a derejleetnent of the Renato System— nod it wait in Meer. C.O. that other •remedies , having so often failed. a nil , . agent Was-gre . stly needed, which it is confidently believed. lots been wend in - Maim:Ter at Judicious app {canon Galvanism. The Gialvanteltipgs beenlused with entire sue all-cases oli Rnatrusimet. -• chrome ........ - .- all Ithatraisinus. acute or chronic, ap plying to the heal: face or limbic Genic Tie•Dokorom, Tooandr. BeencAid.... Teener, Nereus dr Skir Hasdocie, Indicn, Parer NOY, Epilepsy, Flo, Cramp, Palpitaddrs of dia peon. Arrophxy, Solis= qf 'Jai., Spinal Camp/din , Lumbav, Arnkolgia, Nemo. Tre. mon. Dimsnros Ott/re Had. porn M in Orr Class and Side, ti,neral Peinlity, tficiency of N.. .61111 Par/shed Ha ndy. and ail NE VOUS I . .)ISORDERS. In ease. of onfrented Dysper&ta. winch ts simply • nervous de• Retirement of the of gr.', org errs, they have been found equally . surces•ful, The, extraordinary effects upon the system must Ire writtessdd to be believed, and as • crown preventive for the preceding complain% they are equatl) recorOmended. ,The Rthge are of daferent mores, 'nadir of all arlas. and uf •artous orna mental patterns, Ir /Id ran m o or , by the most Joliette stale ... m Pro t e sl.ghteit Inconvernence. In fact, Irra acrarratiorr 'I rAther agreeable than otherwise, The linkman Belts,: Bracelet., Bands,' Garlpa p Necklanna p he. , 4 1 Le wan epres la vete seirero etiaramesoind of long rand.a. Ilia po ras applied by'the lialvanto Rings is not ontficient td arrest the progress ot Macaw and ulitmately restorer Icahn. , The rarproverl modificatron d,the Gateau,. Iklis. Itradclarta, Sc.. enurely sense. do, this objection' any deed, ot power that is req..n red eau 'cattily Itd ob.mea, and an complaint winch the my stet ie.. , i mt in ul ilalVanown can a - eel will tad to he persnatteittlrebeved,', The. eructed are adap. red a tho wear. airs. wriate bent.. encl., or nay pan uf the bmly. watt lir 6,1 conventence. The Galvanic Necklaces are ueed with M eater benefit in caeca of Itronehnot or atter-riot% of the throat generally: also in ea. of Nervous! I.lirafttessr and with artunst uniform and a preirnPre lon Apopka y. Epileptic Ets, and sandal compiatnts . Christie's Magnetic Fluid . usr dat contte'etion w, ill th e galvanic Ringo andrall Th., imallforat.ona 11,• rota ti h.. Let, pro. trounced by the French t'hetti.....n be one of the, roost e stractidtu no modern science. It ia be. cord kr pa.sese irre rarrorilalrlep order 12,I" erodreing di aeries sensate. to an claim n try ta r e m oan . e andng a folircllln.ll 4 late mditorre. at the' seat 0( &sea - , th. grartng tap( Lang • pct tanetti rt.lref. No othci `me In elision., .. knowittoprodurre be ran, ether.. to thrt.ttr ‘- ...nor proper, in the nervous I, sterat.l.) 111r1•11.. 1 1 an ouraiird tonal 'lllO seurio. Pt,' contd..% prolong copal,. of the 'drip . ; est ,ajury rt , arrilraaraar '. /...1111. I.ld 1: l• . ;,..,.. t , ,1..,111.1 • 1L : . l,trefielal in t• resOts. Full one and.threepuns aeraturank .1 The erdithrt .b Trettr,oos are ,yr try,' y way perfcerly hartn• 1 ,y ore ...14!at po,e. rit . lig.> the reach re all sad the '11: - overt" tedy requests 0 %t trial as a rest or ow., ettreary end permanent henefil Chrlstle's Gni!, noon Strengthening Plass 1 , leis. Tlle l ll. art.olcs t urn, annikeer •alual I. spirt...atom . 'thent, oteonu. ttaluenro oriGlatvanisiti Tun) ore an mpunant minter) on toe arr.ourne Galivant,. &ores and their sumiterationtr 1.1 1 , 111 ulK3r , l the same prltreapla, r ==nl havolf rulval ore cout,leney re shr. spritly rum oerroui mowing' ro Pao; and Irm4 Moo:mei rum cf . t Fu Lnoi Mel Mir or. el havv oar.. I•eno Mm of iho grew.. a the them.. and Mime complcom A•rffelo•l whenolehiloMml Jud Comll for 07 , 04 floa,o/1 the rinlyome Sir great na.l [—rla 0.. the woh Imprfrm ar),,11 I. lumber 1, contolues. Erre from tlitme Of complutto .rat lag , of More Meal applijabon: The, thnin .ended ao • valuable addthou .11 Rheunmtlani, acute or Hiram, at all /o 1 and es}, posit. ye remeny in thaws aim° rot trid Chou or Bat*, Pe. on ..c. I,rifteromoorand in Wthineas re 07 7 ,.... oono, Cold , . In Spoil. Conthla mu noel; be s ' e 'i l ‘ t ' u " 47n ' l ' . t r e ' t ' e ' o h sFe ' c ' e% : ;. ' 'ke : ; .. rt re '. rtivantage In and W eukothom arc h:ehlY recommended for many of o se bieh !Cronies are eirpeetally Itable. cab thoerow °rather etthona,aa • 191 ' . n n :o I \ { 'e:::::, ::: I I " r7c o; tt7c h Orlr . eMins of 1,,e ithest. generally. 1 r Plaster toll be found of ' l I i t.. t thor itio tolval Inn few word.; i.' • irtheo of 1, , ic, ..m.e preporatiot., sk addo.oti ol Me pais awe t.Lthi , ove,.. immured tiro exhausted, whole the se-''l Tither articles se,ll be found entirely 1 4+i:ons Wt., are a constant warm ..,‘ die ordinal.) Molter. too:am...A use-, i.CA trrtoN. , . Ea. The great Celebrity and sere. of there arbe lea has caused dorm tO be coanterie,tett by iterate:pled (4.•Rtlnclifl'Es Ii ' I ' E . .TI2IIONIIILI4S, Of the loglthat and Most rearteetalde eharatoter, a eti ann..' glumly loreeivest. regarding the extraordinary valtrei , -__ - o- —.- . _ and threes. of the ;shove articles. It :a beltherd that' DR. ROSE'S . in thn ray to( New York alone. upwards of FllillT'l tin l'FarsONS Jaime a omaol of less than , DESERVEDLY CELEBRATED CHRONI - have been , enbrely ielieved of the Mont pail/MI I TIIERMEL MEDICINES. 0 1,,,,,e 0 disorder. On Jthich have completely Lai-, I VONSISTING of hie Prophylactic Syrup,'a ter: fled e ll forma , eirditt..f . .a.d l e 4l .. 1 • "deed trm: , of 1.../ WO remedy for all Convex Pelee and Senorit ., hr.. PIO a l u l ant vo Mrs it 1)• 'slut dwafthrove of the roue affeettonr, Cough Syrup, Croup Syrup C. P. 6 .' , ."'" ."'' M. P . ''' . '' `''''.". `' ..t.t. ' , " e " ... centrated extract of Samarrilla, decidedly mcis l ow. aenhentnio In their praetr,. and with the ex • , 009 , 1 „,,,,, d„, ) „ „. fr , ~,, „,,, ~,,,,,,„,, I,„ gee,, . , r ,.. hopernor to all other .rimers. laving oven relief Nthe mathithon has tern . r , d unman°. (scut w. h. when all uthera have fulled,tetng througn a now the meo_t iononethr ameneno I'm- shy Di process math cOneentrstud than ant other ever et. woo' 1s at oil am=. ' , lit and 11nnoY 0 0 i•ve , °tiered to the public. ASTIIMATie ELIXIR,. rr , y l'amhtt ‘a 12 11 Y . '" . ..! , at,' ml ' .l, '''' , "'vd• ( nt ‘"•(''' eavthg effected permanent curcs of that sruhborn• dig the "tt. ... " ."".'ful and ' be e.rt.c.,.. ' i '''' . : disease, when ol more than I. years sthathnv • diseoirety o ' bent° it stands 'without a rival in that amen dreaded disease.. rep If ; . uv ll, l' 1 . rMabarg t 4th sod Melnet e , . • .1 . --; - ) . Dr. DOW/ LiNIME VD. fora ll rases of tvoak , .' A I.J.FAIIEN Y V KNITI , A N III.IND F'..“71'0111 ' • •• . • .•. JOIIIN A. :MOWN ' - tiers tor pain, anti a complete snooitute f or otmterg. '' Ur pose'. TON 11; MIX runt:. an i Month. , _,.._ TAKF,S oh.. memos. infant has friend, ! cure for chits and !eve, and indeed le more of a r -_a__-- t hest the putold. at large that hi. Factory - - - e . ' • - ,s -- .- - - .o...iii ielteißiramiii, o n the Ea st o d e ,; armee 10, levers m all lands than barkor gut =='------ I, or the Diamond, Alleghtny, where • cons I nine. ==-- ' ianm!..91 ,1 1 0 Blinds. of various colors" Di'. Kose's INCOMPARABLE. VERA:MTGE., a n di ll mni,,l t , esiasmallYfice l mi hand,' shore known, to used' in litelerence to any o th er • - 7 . _- also vi Nu ShVuod .. Pittsburgh, at J. t.', tr o , ro doge ocepooCloo. D. PLlfligln . oil. lotta %common, .' Dr. tim.e'. TONIC ANTI-DlSPF:l e rlf: tor all Sh“*"1"0 10 "r''' ' the l''''"Yrc ' disease. al the Stomach and bowels. Chit la- Sheds repaired at the shortest notice. N. ,th racDm lthealt,ll be: put up. 'without any addj.. fectio., ho Too high an cncominm cannot he banal onse on tat theyran be removed Ina ma- palaed on the merits of this medicine, foeure 'of mem, in case of fire or for waithtitg, and 10111,00 the and.' Dispepsia, and all diseues that result from weak. DI a:rew dr e 1 ' netadlye.wlamtY '9 one of stomach nt bad digestion. AAORGAIVA V COGIS AYRUP- - li should be Dr. D 011 0 .6 FEMALE I 1 1.1.5. a most valuable IVI ythblithed and made known 10 04. pulihe " niu remedy toe those general complaints to which le. Ivan MC expression of enfold man who toed the Syrup. I males are uhject. .• February I. 1 '47 1 Dr. Riase's TONIC ALTERATIVE PILLS— Mil Miuuralii - Thla maT .rusty that h l eig affitet'. l No dl L ever 6efore °rated the publit so happily vv•th a trooldeontne cough thole time I bottotil a honk , i o r ai0,„„,,,,h1,,,,,,, nod a „, j„„„„,„„,...„, tom Wes the qualities of a ralullolo matlicinem an using., my rough is entoreli :thrett I pronounce your 1 .lal - dll'F.Pbcr LIV an C l f S t . W .cil. p ill, " - elnlli SYron the be4lMethe,ale I have ever used. Na. tag those disease!, and t hereby preventing cons family should be without that valuable . Remotion. A young Lady 2., years of age, having DAVID MaROBERTS. Allegheny City a diseased liver lot some time, her strength pros. reThi a medicine or prepared wholcriale and retoll ~,,,,/ „ 0 „ „op s aja„ g o es, was completely reatored at din Dings:siert or • .1011 N D MORGAN eek... Nay the use of the Anti •Illapeptie no, Woods:Tee . one drew below Diamond Alley ,s sis 'w Prier'Ort ern,. per wail.. , . ' .. veto.• turoand these pills alone • . Dr. Rose's CH SOHO -THER MEL STRE.NUTH . - PITTSBURGH ,-ENING PLASTER, lot weakness of the b.k o nae. SPADE ADD SHOVEL MANUFACTORY. breas ß t, &c. Dr. ose's SPECIFIC all'lLEl'l. 4 lt,the most ce, REM DYED. lain remedy for all cases of file or convulsion., il I. % a.CRO . I"r e,Mani r forne r ver o f Ilanuneted whether in infants or adults. So curtain a specific •Li. t l Pie n" l'iinv , b• l'estivlihifY las , m lb. , ' or it le( Obis formidable disease that the most ob• cg, ‘ ",, 1i 11,";, i 0 d ,7 0 P ," 0 , 1 1,T,..,, " : 0 ', i ti 0 'r, 0 ' 1 . 1 2 ‘ i „,',7,,,' . 7 , 4 . .ti , 1i ornate cues and those too of long etanding, have inn Fem. , ' la 1 eIV, occupied by Colemen, Hs linen yielded at once. • & c o. , ,„„,„. ii, ' ,di ~,,s,„ k„.„ on „„„„ .„ 1011. .Dr.„.ll.77lß.nll,l•4ll,S,V,i,ThlCohil.ll,X.T.llMTA‘spriasrthisisT., rinelY,Lfahro't"trir ' ro d ie r n '' ii i i:i a„r utiett ' e t , '" lr k hh lt irv . ; " : ,.„'" d i . . n ,1„,, 0 U r „ ." „. " :, " „„ '' , " 1.: ff Ta1, P1 " . „`,1 0 ,, '” tffi'''''Y Wilt Cell low wholesale 0 , 18,011 on the most ace ammo- . 7,.. e.- " - "kiiiiNi, ,',..sp; ci - 0047itairyTh ~,,,,n dung terms, We ,would Call the Wien.. to Canal .",.., Rove.,. ' bawd, ,teed f , ' h • 0 . „ 0 , ontraclor• to our 01.1.1 Shovel, which, for material m .... ) '''' •Ptt'ttn4 mooedPte, t-e . g . an d w o r kmanohm. cannot b e 0 ur p 0 ..., ,„ ,1„.„, ~,,,. blood whether froln Ithnge, bowel. or other parts ot the other entilitry DOrvile,ro ris.11111( thr eo will plea., hoolY• ~ , , _ c•ll.and exam.... one sturg-Ifiebort. 101 l 11,9 risewhere. D ' . n o `e '':•"'' i'cU,,l4.°" ''",r a. " d r.7 , , , ''' . ”P,'''' . ll: .11.0 up. • o.lMlrut tw,l r dui Ire urrunitnOdUted. The -,., • .. '' , "‘ T, t 4, " , 0" ,..„'Td 0 r ,. ` , ‘ „' ' .7',;„,j1,7, 0 0.7." " A, ,ro u i o ,', tumo . Partner ho haygcV,thr NiellUlleluStne dr• ...,,.,'''",,-'...---. Mania s• . 'l, - , d , h • . • , thstd an hl, ••,in,„ ‘ k. oon o , d „,,, 0r „,,,,, the nalalle Cholera Wan 11142ng ~.1 Ist e p .... a a.. 1:717: ‘ , . "' .1 - 1,,,„.p 0rc b t „,, i , i 1 „ .., 1,, a „..,, r ,,1 of oat hon e found to be the toast sueremnil it, arretiii.g 41, oaring deceive./ l l DA's 4 cH , r ,„ - ; .thoe troths m all mow sour used it. ~, ar t may be said of one of these remedtes may ,lii. N O Ol A full . Lipp y n .16.1 storinge and axle., well said of all, their j value will only be appreciated be sathl. rood fir this , and remit at the than. ii them reths prtheo. to , those who try them. Letters Inarnthose who have been ivindTurtt I • , ' rated of the 0.11... maladies that m 15.6 the honor° I , -body moon be r,P;II, 1.4,1 tar Utt, waling to real the r pit I' Una ituw gry,Ast ifs iaOA lei r,,, m0 . 1 mistier oii ite weans of Use et ude ,We hare n .1 rota 1 '‘ , ..... 'qv.' Sthoia, or Maths from elosl ie ., panacea fur Scrofula in . venni. arrino,,o eutailmw..l Wooden.. Carpet, ot . i.. Ara end renderom the some and 'etheactotta that as heatmg power has astonished where .thed ol nr br.' ' • ' • - '' n . , o. ~ . 0pp,...1,•1 nr l , r,khl, new awl ,ntina. ,1,1 tn.°, ~r,; ,I,ren ion. 1 , ,, I. 23 en,. arn kn. ,i),„., ~, llf‘l AcK , ( . , , , , i..91.,(erty .Irnnt. hero, oI ,V.,nl at i,,,, !tont ntl Nron more, sign of the Iltg Vuot . . ---.—ilt_ I 1.1 Inulortirt. , , .• C V." A.M., L.. ol Put.burgll.l . ,4 ',l.,mr , el Nu.hville, Tenet. IX II bl Ell. a AIN DEILSON. Dealt., stle.tior, / I'm-v.:n.1,, 11114 Cotoral4n4,oti Nlerchani, NO b F . ..."^ ,,,,,,,,, Y , Mudbra¢, 0, .. , ;:rai1, 01,,,, i )ttyra , Yo— r . I / 1 , 511.1 .. *-- 115.......:1 ' :;.) . i I .,, Lbargh. f . Win. Ittnrl,.ant, ; „ . . ~ ro, N 11111,111( NleAI,, , r, I Na..114,11,..T04. Ynti.nonn Sr. Am„ Icnal , , IV r 1,41, ,t. Co , Laul,t4tlle, Ky. Sl , r , ..C ( r k Wi. ' . 1 . ...• p , (7 ( C ei,chnnt Jur.. a Jolma tr m/4 o. • ' Ilnwntt /Irian /1,t,.. \..,:w Orlermy. , k. AI r ' -, .. Nlngr. ,, Mror & klrr... hew York. r , Duvall lielglrler Co.. /I.4lnmore. 1 n.h.lieg h. , uley ..PholaJelphm. , Daniel Denlion 114 mon ma p .—.. / I NIP. MOORINI liArit. DT _For permit. ne gni, dyeing Id ht. Red, or Gray Ilair n Del, Brow n or Mark rolety, withoirtalycyig or Injuring the akin. told widi full d ter nom! 'Pin , e Zr) coins, or II 4 honk , J.CP - Sold by 1V .1 CKSON. at 1 N%. re hou.e. .4. y .rreer, h r gig. of the the Bout. J. U. W. Ledwiebi . IV. C. Wil.on J. G. W. LEFT 'ICH 4•C0., RECI.:IVIN G. Fr/KIVA:MING. And Comml•sinni Merchants, PLA VIICD/INE, La. 1)1/ARTICULAR an unorl pritd or coignmente ol I ~.4mar Mill., Engin A of oral uncles for ()pylon.. and 0 rtnli apt.. ' / , REFER 'at—Mess, hell+ A Liginlow. Mr Thr,' mite Ltmerlek, New C 1t0... •Meenro. turruntr. I/ I,rwirt, Mr U Zr) nerley; I.u. lavillr. W i 1e h t0 . .. 11 . 4 ., & ,, 5i01c 1 / 4 3 . , N ftli . V:o: i p: u lg:r;y.Rob a n !Lars. ilevars, 4-2 'I co. ; birtutnao lit. Ri0..,.. llyne• 04 raighead. Meaars. rdwnrds 0 Whireall. (lon. Zeno Labanie, Ilan. John Dutton, I Plaquemine. La deeli I y -----",o111NO / ElTLAiio2ll—‘ r' , . , SODIETIIINCI 11. EIYLA : OBI—W. learn Mut Dr Jayne'. sed4ne. fur ;Om eure of ;be SORE THROAT, ban belen derma wonarra during the lam un• plei...otwernlorundeg tom. li le Letter to attend (1) il , Olt "hiP inn e ang to ynnebre the rrmody apphed front akiliul phyt manej Man frdm unknown and !rm. rrgnalble quark . Dr.F•gno bus eatelmak•d• repute uon lona wire ( r ill/mane! skill, and dm errnedle• fur of ha and e Ids hale been 'preyed efficacioua by the experience Of thownaltila-840 Eo. Pm; For sale in Pliirrlrurgh. at ilia PESON TEA STORE 70 Fee , '"ok'.,lneur Wood. end at the Drug Lamm 0 II P.:Schwan., Federal street, Allegheny Cal. .441241 w ! . I l ~.~.-~-- MEMO PitEbERVE THE TEKTIL -FAR better t• nto cure iLe Tooth , he inone nute,tir going Wheeler, Teaberey Too ati tti than to suffer the aching; also fo core aorenesa oldie game, sotlneas of the gum.. Flop bleeding of ll.e Ruin, avid itlosyt kaci. the lei ill, gums and mouth end .n !het., suite of health. . . . WM. introdnenta WHEELER'S TEATIERRY TOOTII WAttli to the public, it Is the painfoldaty of the proprietor In male that this article.•altielt t. of mold end only genuine Teaberre Toot., W• I been :roamed by ntnnetraiszteat.,..r, n I i t W, Traberry Tooth Pastes. and a et ne.V c.e•w ith then ame Teoberey +fancied to them: whee l to tact, tots tade as the first that ever bore the namc'of Tr sherry. and Is the oaly.ofte which possease• the real v,ttue o , the plant, arld,tablished all the ceichnte for :I. indneed others to make useof its name, though they rn.v• Cr dad present no intranate virtues Mahe evade:tee that, ants isibc fin, preparation of 'reaberry fur the Teeth., the ropy of the certified record* of th- United Staten Dowel Court tspuhltshed. - Eastern District of Penneytraelo. • it rentym , liered. Thai on the aecond day of Ihebriary arin d o • "1301 Donam.onethoosand, eight haat, and fort•-twa • ‘il .W. • • • • of the sad Doane, depo , sted W e Office Oa Title of a 13,asi, ti tle of winch is in the wools tollowittis, to wit: TEABEREY: TOOT , ' " A. 94. • The nett whereof he clams . Prvpriumr. In con formity 1W . Act of eotilled ^An Ac. to amend the several Arts rsaperitns , Copy Rtghls." FBA' 110VKINSti:Y, Clerk of V.. 4. D. Coo. 1.42, Feb. 2a, Copy deposited. - CHAS. P. HEAZI.Err Te stave Copy Right for the wrapper or the bottle; sltowmg the Title oldie Antele tit legal *gauge. end granted in the legal form. will prove tlne to Ire the ortg. mel Teaberry Tooth Wash. and all others are but tint- - tritons. wit ;eh have gone out at use wherever the Gen , tune Teuberry Tooth Wish is sold. Then, rethember, t 4 g..nuismbuiWllEELEß'S. Certificate. of Magian:ries of Me city of PhilatCa made use of your hutch velebrated Tealrer ry Tooth Nt, ash. I feel coneineed that Its. the best angle I have ever known, and Le/eby warmly recommend use to the public in general as a pleasant and ether, cow. anode for preserving the Teeth .0 Gotha HOBERT F_ JOHNSTON. For a number of years my Teeth and Oums were so touch out ot order AS to preyunt me from canna. er , et pleasule, and caused toe much pain flaying heard of Wheeler'. Teuberry Tooth Wash, I do eenity dm: I tried one small bottle of it, and in le.• Man two week. , my 'Teeth' and Outua were sound and good. I believe that the use of 31 would be en advanuage to Many nth- J IJRAZER. Certificates of Members of the Philadelphia Cru !laving used Wheeler'. Teaberry Tooth IVaeh a ad powder. I have round thew° posses' , eleawng undj.u. rtcyteg proper - um and wlnle they white. god bluntly the Teeth, they have • h.:oche/al effect upon Ma gums, Impartlng to them free and healthful acne, F A RA VNOL.D. I have ur , esi Wheeler's Tcaherry Tooth Wash, and sty rtiret• upon roy Teeth and Gouts have given to mac high opinion of its 111.1,11. cheerfully recorutoend to the gene'ral one. II It KINiiiAJ: My daughter has used Wheeler's Teaherry Tooth W.h, laud powder) nod has found as edicts to he and purification of the pleas, azd a so:cute-a loe of the mouth. I have uo hesitation 111 recommend mg tt u• the 1110.1 beneficial preparation for 'the teritt I have CVCI aces, C J JACK. Car'lificalts f Ladies and Gentlemen of Yhiladdph It 01 with gnnimite that I send the follo..v:ne eert.ft. cat, hoinne .that roan). who gaffer will - he led I. sine rusal of obtain heeler's Traherry ToothWa.h, whichntele I used, and 0 has effectually cured step, soreness of the gum', removed scurf from rs.y teeth. and I fully believe has entirely arrested ea' of them I trust that all who suffer. Invents,. ,thcr of .he some species of complaint. rill as soon on rms.. LI , use lVbeeler's Tealserr) 'Tooth %rash. that may be rcite7,4. JULIA NA CUTIIRAI. Own, to havtng take, cold. Lai con ~ queue.. of the wad au paint used color4l prim, mY ire°. Leentoc very soul 4 injured, e t te rc rz . e=s kas .s.,1.8;111 rahrely 8,41,1 in ,crurnsaa- :orcn I oce•,l, ihat eh°, mho vr.611 prnert paaitul sad 141.10dwr pleck..okt 'tooth NV 11 ~ tuayt., coa• fidenec tr) Wll4(ll,lTcaber•LT.ogi Wo o l. AR% A. 1'1441 “Wheeirr's Traherry Tooth Wash' Imaddr removed !worn sod cured ardent. of lb” gurus. who In had trod. 41,1 mr fon tvro years It Is my belief amid is a laahlv u.aial arta:ln:sod that tl.• advAsslde no Mo., who fer wi Un toe 4,411 atsJ god. to idatcst,ie...r.n. -Veeeet Tculmyry room Weteeh mewed the /meth ewe, el el •nlem Martlll.4 or thr run. en my lamely sued 1 weed you they reerelgenw Mai worewho suelcr mil 1.01 .mter ter yorrews. 01 the guu,. ma}' know thata 1. u ',needy Mr 114, and a very Pe ,,. .e.kbe Trmeke I•lcEvwr, Wheeler 14900m1-1w rivet • Whs.<Mes Teaherm Tooth Wautt" hoeing toted •OrClie. Of the rum.. and effectually smptsed lareshor of the gum• I demo a • debt oi greditude it r thr ef. vett.en a afforded me /vv.! dati owe° tout,' •• ta v. 113.1 my firm COIIVIVIINI. I.llilD, WI. wit! use Terherry Tooth 'Wash. or the teeth and gums, veal find ami it t. all importata article THOMAS J. hIeCIADV. - From mach aevere sulfenng of ryyst. , l,ilc-te.4er , a( my tanuly, u-Ith decayed Tc,.11. Awl *cur {haus. and the gar} te.,erta Io eStunnatals highly' 111 favor of Wheeler's Teethe'', Tooth Walt,. wee Indweti eve II After serl hreh my innuly 'aped it., and I e• 'MCC LO that It d. pertorm thortnteh and etiertu-LI ru won for all la the I..,lartlele that I ever knew el'. I uld ter....ereend Ito ti.e lo there whn . esnyhe au:Te I V MWRE, 467 Market rt Maoy IitUVO Leattmontals are approvlng of • W he,er, Teabrrr% Tooth WoAh . So , d at rVM J ACKSON'S .tore, No.. K/ Liberty P:unhorgh. [11,4 of' Wood 10. Lrnn.Pal . t'ttanut Ptuladelphtx ) . . IV. a. r.., we ...hula, It sbouLl be tmed tbe hued state. _ • mot" A cm, el Cancer orcurrme .0 the wile of the f: oe , fuor of Delawure. vomplate4 rure.l n few annul Thp vtsp,.r had e rut out It>. proohnont .ml renewed with !heron..., ennhinity. yet loom th.tuolling the stotolity of Cohnotu. not! hod removal hi the erai porta. the oar a the Pro phylum!. comploely roanovell every ve•hse of the Miaow C 11,4 tottotheroble . of the Timm. cure• that hare hallowed thr ttle !:hare remedies are le am poonee• atn, butis not doomed tweet.") . to enutnorote them the oae of them will reeonitttetid them in all. - I. SeIIOONMAKVEII, & 03., No el Wood Stp, Agent. for l'otshirgh ' la DISEASEI OF—THE,. LUNGS. Dll DUNCAN'S KXPECTORAT NENIEDY. BEWARE. OP . CONAUSIPTION. IJOW ozone poisons pat no from hnto to tnue that 11 tonal itophrtkiht calling—uurntittag to their health before it 1.0. too lite. Look around an porbtokia to . • our undo. and we will behold hundreds of persons whose roOlruies bespeak .der Jug , with dint ases of the L ugs, and a protracted cough. tont approachiug their immortal destinations, wttbont. p..A.aps, hem; .ruble of their scrim,. intim... May ti.,,s unto, ••••Opn .Iniri a.• ciao s.:ason—awl at one, week relief, which is 10 bo found to Dr. Dunesn's a:eyseetoratti Rem edp, a safe, pleasant. and er r gal a medicine, for the cure of a Cough. and the pre nary aytoptoms that lead to Consumption. This medicine immediately h ea l. t h e ta irrited mßronchi of the Bhi and Lungs, given enength •ild tiapport m the enfeebled frame. Was cans ; ij:: the I . ..o n am . tlz d w . :Lt . lie u v , iae4 . l ., s . ec rated nuttier, • ddYll ' arttember al is DR IttIWAN'S Medleine rips he performins .1,41 wonderful Cures. A Iriah supply juarreceived (tam the principal office. tut And tit Pituiburgb, by Wm. 4Ack,o N, cor t ,, of Wood and I.tbeltPata. No Cure, No Pay! De Atekuits. Pins Embrocate., Nuys Faits.' rll IERE are (kW dime.. more common or lion. I bleaome than! the "Ilea, and yet, notwitht tand• tog (mat efforts hare been made to cure by the use of pills, electuaries, liniments, &c all were bible and of little bone t.' Now the E ii mi ., t:mutt o n is the i only medicine tea llt! A perms Who has been suffer mg wi th the Pile 'or the worst kind cane from SA ! le m, New Jemmy, almost on ,purposu to express hi. gratitude fob the • • eedy cure that Vim modietne had i of in his easie.—sPhilA Sat. Post. ' f Illj•Fer note in' Pittsburgh at the PEKEN TEA STORE,l2•Fourth at .and also at the InegEtore H. P Schwartz, Federal at. Allegheny City.. feblBT --- .4._ • EVE . NING - 713EN—Jost recerved a few mute of those spend d eplored Swiss embroidered Robes, it lire New 'York tore,roMarket tweet. ' ' meta W 11 GARRARD aleniMediekne Jail of Wood, of the - I.ATEN ' T : 7SI' ' OYES. r i citizens of , dad Wenern Pa, tint they have commenced the nianufseture or this eel. elmr.ted stove and ill have hem for sale wh o l e ”l n and retail at their um rehouse, Second ,t 1 between Weed and Smithfield. They feel „confident they ran supply per.). wishingle boy cookihig Stmas wmth the nom., pelferf article in the World. . p o n. se.ser all the antages rol any other Stout: m.‘e in use, with at least mone.thlrd more (..)en Which its unifortnitrin try pa I Thorn are flues in the oven 011 cromrtia t eted am o, entry oil 0..111 rising front the conking of various kinds of meats, into the pipe, therailay . preventing, the tom lure of flavors. The economy, convemenen, led despatch in all 'operations of !cooking: render this Stove decidedly time tnnnt prelerable to soy, other ever oflered to-the public. nay hate. all 'the ve nous sir's, the mat lest siatficent to cook fir .sor G parsons at a time, and the Wiest of aotliclent ea-.. - pacltvln do the rook mg for 450 perror at onee.--:, The limits of a newspaper rlvenimsement will not' admit the publicatien or maul certificate,, but we' have hundreds or them from . gentlemen in all . parls of the country and the principal eittes,Y.estifytag to the unparallelled superiority of this m.Stove, giving it a moat thorough test Ity radiating amt., acing it for tootrais. We refer to our large band lor a low of the great number:- So confident are the adverusers of lily supee.or tralittes of this - Stove, which they have been manufacturing rut selling by hundreds for enteral years. port, and pledge theimiselv rill the Steve,. do not peiform as recommended — they may be returned within three months, audahe money will be retufided.,ajli Tho following cer - filicate fern Messrs:T. D. Sr D. Bascom., proprietors or {ll ' 9 Franklin !louse in Cincinnati is one of .1-91..itrndef.— "We the undemigued, proptietotz of tilf Franklin Hodse to viol eity.hav'e now in use ono of. D. Hock'. Patent No. 4 roobing Stoves. Having; used the. ensue for the last three mmiths, we .46k:dangly give it the preference of snit.Stoze we !MC eves seen. We have used dillerent patterns of cooking Stores, such as the h-ge Steamboat Stote,..Q.neet. of the Wers, the, The iota Huck Vnient Stay. will do tie cooking for ICH sierpons, with one.thina less Mel than any oilier. Stove we have fiver used. The Oren bakingas well as' any-Mack. otters, being size the whole se of the Stove, together. with .all its other advantages for lsiling.,broiling,.&e., make it the mosCperfeet Store we Mize ever ised." Caxton:di.& H&StIOM. tic • . The folluwiergentlceneroe I'hil4deiphla'haTe used there and riven rimilarßestinsohy. -'•,,, AR Glass, 51erchJuts Iliitel " J A Jones,Joues•i . ' , A Charter. Amersean licuse 4 • - J Sturdevant Corlett.. Bell.: '• RIV I iiiiiisp. City Betel •• J S Adinns. Mount Vernon ;: ••• J Peters. White Swan House J Burr, Ridgeway BilPi'ia ' ' " 5 111111.2 ml et I Intte,,, 1 .. It iluusuin :Back Rca ,:' !, c..,rn Duncan . iCl:ike, ;Beiehents hone __..,..,“ ..,, nue, Alitehnna, J & B SlctllaLlit,'Caile Island lair C :Wets., Gulden S ven : t " •••• Bush, Bald Eagle Hotel •• •• e King, White florae, " .1 Arnbutubault, Buck! 1' •` J 6rger.lllark Hoke l' lino . ..Walton. Capellsland :. ' - i Millbr i hint JAV James, Caine' Hotel • In Harrisburg .1. refer b ~Itti It Herr. Willa. Hotel and to NH Gee Prince, 14-- Hotel, Irj- They ais—used en ra . r;ioutistenhaboals in the West and area tint rate art, lb rum thetn, • [U• Rights . main tactur !ar 11/erlern Pennsyl vania can be obtained uf th nut/scribers- LaUers must be pact paid. - , 1./ OVLF.R dc Co . . I. • • - • • H No. C.ll:pwbi 11 at r 7 1 1! L t , 4 . A _ r • -5- • paNAC E; - TUE GREAT REMEDT,I APPROVED RV TO,V. FACULTY === en 4 u7l °the, offurtion, of i.h< BroilOikt haw. . DREPAJIED cuurely (rum Ole GisiStroc. uzcl war curl ram ' d . c.".” Pm-Prrrar , Cr.• cdAutuctony.Aler or Opium. . , XOttr. TP,I3 3000 SATE r IMIN 11101:13?.T 115 TILE WITT OW CINCINNATI ALCMS, WITH IN Tilt LAST /OCR MONTHS, AISP,IN STYLIST ass WITH TIC MOST SLIETICT TO THE PATIIINTS. The t i.itseng l• now ordered. by physicians of the first respectability. Ok their tegalni practice. an• its chitin to he considered the only article ever dtwov red capable of speedily and .;permartetilly allaying 51 - .l:menial irritation. which is the causi fugh. asthma, hroachiii c, and according to Dr. Eberhe co who Intl expresses the opinion of all the first aithonties to F.urope and America., of two.thlrds of of the eases usually regarded n+ true tutierculOus coliSstoptiOn roust be- cons:dried as forever setticd.L . • .„ We select the following nerr..ei• froro ti' liar of hod deeds, who hos , infoence'iitilhomoOlvoi, and seen it in their funnlies, becatfie mike of them are well known to Me siness contruunne..of . Pittsburch a. 111,1 of 4tndtne podd inlinenee in di O. rtemnatl, who would not. for n moment. !cod colter M ttamre or in fluence lode. distribution of an :libel, except from the convJetent alas east utility to thOtlheted.i W Itroadway r ber.sM ald Itat:: 3o on rte: Nl' Parr'. tkomi,vnv. norm G W Cietth Harkey e flett Fouildry,od er r J Vanduien. at Hope's warehousc.syr*More et; 1 A Tremor, Surgeon Dentist. Cotter.s fi it; - omr, , rni ofi Druc:c:Co, x 4 yc..t. L himket N Noble St. Vanal . Collectors OtfiX . ri • I 1 lone, Amistant Cleo: S opener qt.) t: E it Wlicychre. Mtn 01 heudon t Hlindi Auctioneers; Roe r, 1411, et, between Vine and Race; - Kesman. firm Fmkbme hlmn: F Ikmarmn, 1nwt,.1.1 Ft. treL 310„11r...1 Sye . A Newcll. mm, II Lyon, Frohl,ri, From ' . JpIM.OII. Curpolmr,; Cam..Adnms, C.ltnnbus Ilnusr , II V Jon, corner hongworth Hd StecliNg. eornrr VI/IC.llnd CelitTe; fit :+ycnmore st. = For .ele le; 11 A fc co, sic”td & Co, Jno Nlorgun, It EHem Wm TllOO . ll, T. IN - Ortiz. Beano ll.rt A rOgor A Thom D C Knerlaml. And I.'Soowden. tlo• ellyf .111 On•.el mI leg .Itl %V.A y. . and Ity 11 I' ~. kht ia rlr..F, ' !: D4 1 ""cl• A hrily Cit Sold nleo of Bawyer•e 114Ith Depot, Smith tield ot. between ad and 4th, BARU:Yr. Fllth korect, npp ”Int• Iran CA ZI a9jel,l.l , :trttnt,ni Agrynt fur Titi.i.urgh ontl T. S41.1,1:11, 1 . 1.11,/,1 . 1:11.inilCill.11, Frier pr r 1.0.11 . 111111 , dt). . . 041146 9 . , • : t t !-; nn. IN tiOLDSBI7B pile, Spetine, an Interior./ l A tnnly ottO rnltead rum whether 4, , sriu., ertrrhtth blertltag rertain blunt, al, tw Irriloiennrthe kidoeys and Lletl der, pune in the Lark :mod nie, habitual Oortimnels, crop tt erinatia before anti after eantesoinlate ntheet troubled with etentipaitoo of the bowel. r roniveort:ioe era CI the pile, In all 111J1th cane, the nreeine coo be tphen net eatery, end ts •.eertein 11,4fdy.i. The Iqeroign it avi a eteratete, sod ts on or togriettle remedy,: ef stlsoot a par qle orgvAnt.4..., tioloryttee or alnes—pfearant la lake and per hotly hermleei thltte mot Jetteationees. :1 • This. to earn( ) that I kuow Dr. I oldall'irile !Specific, .tube a certain cure and safe nwordy. nay iaiiiiren its efrot, Itt arch caw., ann.,. my /:1110ly ttetions.inameral apto firmed and arms. cmeawf the pjlm here it Made au( ohm curr iu ca., iIk:NU) WHITEHEAD. Ntly Qrti, Day Dahl I cheerfully Rite my noiatuay artaiii and mom cleat ithing tart... Dr. logold.b t 't Pik Wyuciticow Allow it (rum. my own Upttiorthrr Sal ilt.el4l 11.13, rhe ham; tarn a tmed with moans ral enseinipilm, male and Dalai.. pEO New York, lii . 1: 1 DIttIl. .1m c LA 4 LiIE":•e.F.R.TIFII:jkI - ii.SI. :i .. N 'le York 'May. IMP. M. lleali—Dear Sir —I ha‘ e in.. r i....,; 1 0,...7, Dui I your medicine, Ile. Irly:Pldllo's Pile, $ 'elf, In, mule a vCc leet cut! In the taar craw +ce, anti .'",..V... Y.'. "I 7 .'“." .I.a , I lla•elocen;urpriced at sti .o it. at . zqonocau on. yoankle toe., Ler. IL. veer, I e... • uw trgift ..w 4 . v o ill . r toed : .kethc a. being inallsl , l, ~ .a.ol ak.. ad.,kr II others : la am , ‘, Moat in ti e bke owner, to pc.cure l i i e arnek,ka Pm, may depend on a teeth. eure i,,,, , , ~,,th ...n.,, 1 {Vett cn.iter, N. ~ May Ink, 184:k —Dear Sic —Thal r a mai 14neLI others ' Dr. In T" M " , I: roe i rot 11i ' 'Pude fe . c who may tee. eeoNo . "' . I , l Itr . . the beneill I have deri.ed (too the nn. 7 Jour ekluanle Spa.. 0 " 0 a r". i . 1 ! —F. , , .1., - ,N, 7, - e::! , ...'„retk.'7 l ;:etiil c er 71thetti n ' .e:ror ' t a " fler LAVILI . W.,ifAher trolls arphotiksacccsa. . Nunn wi th tare. , thdd el. holende and retail by JACASONii al hia pal ,,,Med&ciue IVarehouae„and Molt anp ,Iltoe Sion, No. V 9 Liberty three!, hcalk.ut Wood, Pillabuc7,ll. Peke MI centa Dr. MeLasso's Liver Plll4 If.S.VRS..I Kll/03 CO_( lit lambast Ma boxes of ar.lllcLane's hry: has used Iwo bores of the Dories , they have daneher mare rood than ink fasuill•phystclin has by two scars attendanci. Twol add:vows, boors, I think, will trees a cure. JAMES jo;Nes Wilkins Townsfs'is These valuable Pills for sale by a. xitq No. ay Wood strew PlitsbUrsh. s • ••, tochro rLINSEED OlL—ho bbl. .n sore audfor sale by la matt*/ - BRLUN-It REITER • . / ,--...1 tIMILMAIrIVTOOTII P./11WE• • il ',l , —• S /Atrium airtatric. 'IMF: liia L lsittiele goatee tor cleaniuk.4 trhitroing ,i lie Teeth', strengthening the (011.5,, sweetest/es We bread ,he ,It hhould be used every tight math • told I beach ohd Owlet.. end ;mouth .1116,4 retteire ,slight ; I natti tor ito IheAnAhhavg. Wet the Leos! Wok trvrrn '' n ate , mit itOltl mill alielvitr. sod rub A n ten' lino:. Sa__. — the olimel. wiett enorgh will 'adhere Lu eh e the trettri It laavcla 4elieteus lune in the mi,,,,ia..a, lm pin t , o nicot delightful tolgvenee id We tries.: It ‘Illtd• ~,a l kj aa la olvvisint i . effietetoun, cOnireMemi. bred safe Illenttilitte. Itts uttrratiten oat Is Mute the tech. Innta,ponvervrthete. . i ' 4 •- I Llytluttng it rtgularly. itseiD remove the L.. t and ' 1MM , 4711 tma l•failillallitian—etmetireat the toothache, . streatheht At! Rums, sod prevent all 'doe.. to okto, lelteditso4 phy,stelstos end the Nerd, recommend, h at ' decidedly toorrlorte every itOng of lb. hint, in t ov.—.' AslOtt hethosti l • Compound Orris TArth r.,,,,, a .4 ottsrDe bps stgueture is synched to each too. _ Delinothrtettet 4 by Dr pestle, 2,1 tlrestitvisr, cite of i • 0 ,,,, 1,,,,,,v1Den05t, and by: •t 4f the old eAtubliolted t one, la the Dnilittl Stun, 114 'ever ..vrt e ,l v t, vg !, , ggg j b 1211,4 ,t . .. ''' no ffi g T ro * rt i ltl }tl‘ n tft ! ' Rr Ete rett it :r n., ;;;tottlitel mankind .: nriAe front roine'llerang cleat 41‘1,, . Ins:l2a% 00.Wcga, tehleh a, unteltd ute o the Cello itte Lineage...llld ' entihtly Ohvintet Per. . eq . ltilictia loth. should al. .1 wayW bane n boo at 4 int, sna take et dove salie h ev e r , they feelthe least derahgerocul to their health, Aged.- clonal of thette Lorengei "Told precool thovauds ca 1 ..., Fur.lF e: )VJI. JAKSON": , :' I , router of iVootl And . 4 AGE Ltin;ily en _ -- dr STANTON'S EXTERNAL 111:111MOY, r i ALLI.t) . • ' . .1 H,UNT'SILINIMENT, aekaoil dto t h erikibliLFßlEMEDYWrkatabi,,,si. mit 4teetiotra,.Oordroctiomiorvie apaetec , s, ' Threat rAhtv f . home, Vile s ita m :p: to the Ruck Sat• ' Arie eittlTace, '1 1b AchtpStinlne, Bruises, Set (Bute., Cropp, Frosted rcet.atia 01l Nervous Macao, Ti!eiItiIIiNNIAM , SUIXESSaAkt landed the application or Al Etrlt most aereri — e . aars tithe - diflittent thtea.e. above tamed;—and th e WW I ENCtolllifitS that have 4-en showed upon ft, wherever at hai been introduced, give. me the right to toll on the 'AIELIC FED to retort at cote to the i ONLY REMMY TIIAT CAN BE RELIED ON: 1 Tim faculty mike in .recommending the Idle d External Remedy, Itunin LinimeoL ' he follawing letter .froth the highly, inert m imins'whir have , beetruanchad to the Mount IMO :Unit Priso for "nliny years, is the bent I ,env of the vain of thLicelebrated Liniment. . I l' Sinn , Sinn I Deem°. 26,1845., ii) Dear sir 7-1 rectived your note of yemeiday, .ilg my opiwoh In relation to licht's Liniment, repred by Mr Crorce IF. Stanton. K I.lMili, 4ompovition, end having. trestrently need it. 1 .0 tecommendit to you oslo safe•Esternel Rene. e, And' in 'my opinion, the .iesl. Liniment now in e.i ! Very truly nod respectfully'vouth. ' .1 A K HOFFMAN. :ol l'ielre Van Cortlandt, Croton Manor. 1 Ilrily concur in the above opinion. -; •.- •. . W N HELCIIER. Yakut - ow:4,Jan. 14, i M. Sii— n reply to your loiter, 1 would sty ilint 1 hay ml ed your External ttentudy, called liontl. Linn ent, 'writ) , practice since ,)ou wide me nc, q _ h oir, w i t h ilj compositinr-sTaittl• unhesitatingly may tho I belithe it to be On bent External Item, ,j. dy ripe in Waiter the et - implants f e which you re icommend il. Yours ropectlally,_ t• • KENJI) MILLER, ' Gel M . 0.. E Ktanton, Lig. . 1 , From thell . l' Sun. . . . .. .. , , . . ' 114PAmong the wino of :worthies. articho Illliti hue hely that ore poured for th at the muscat . day' op ' 1 e country, it m really refreatitng totind Atom th to of real poetical:utility, lioniethinesim• pie, .sp'emiy and effectual in Ito operation,' tied et the mo time free from these injorieue edema why h generally attend powerful remedith. Hunt's !Lutiancet, prepared' by Geo. F.• Mamma, of Sink.. !Simi, though it has been buts alioretim e i Ne r e ,, , .., 'the public, ye obtained the confidence, nut •oolyfea our most wesitlifed influential ettisens but buif moat, eminent phyaiciarts, All acknoy.l.J edg4; h . .' to bele sotereign halm for many of the ill. ithatilish is heir to, soothing the aching limb, sod ',by las genuine wimulating intlueuce,baniithing elts emagttent the system. Mr.' Stantme—Sir—Seeing your advertisement ,of Hoot'. Liniment, 1 was induced to try its effects My Wm; who bad been crippled glib A Issue -1 ' ' t.:o, infant,• and it is oat, gratitude I bear 1 t'estimony to , its 1.... awful beaLog properties. My child. who is now five 7cus a) age is now itt a fair ' wayrecovery, Your., &e, I . , ' f• DEAIMON C NIt . :KERtSON. - 1, .. Peer Oiiect, Tows, ag, Putnam Cu,' I grtify that lam 'personallt acqusieli d with` the ' . slanted child, and think the father would be sale inlaying that his colt IN almost well. N v 5, 1845. . JAS W DICKMAN. Master. Deputy Post aster. tt af . I would also statelhat 1 hero been fur a - i ' number oryenrs subject to frequent attacks ol the Ithelimittirtn. which in' many_ instances prevesiled my•ittending to my healers*. -' Tx o or three spple. cattimenuf. the Liettnent invariably remove all al lectlont of the kind. In cue. of 'brui.s.aprains andatoms, too , numerous to mention; it has in this victrigility proved a certain remedy. Its v alue eau on!' he estimated by those'who hove given it a film .._ • • • . -Thisiltointent is sold its and fit) centaper heti tlej by:all the Principal Druggiate and Alerchants, throughout the country. lt7tekadfc Agenti in Note Ywk. . • HOADLb.Y, PHELPS & Co 14; Waterer. RUSIITON..& Co, 110 oroadwey• A 13 tr. O.SANDS, corner Fultnnand ASPINWALL, 16 street. Oideransley., , ..... 4 o me at Sing Slag, N be eau/SU. , suis, Oslotissis v simlisTOPll Proprietor. r ~ttz D& I•s, Cu. Allegbeain Pittsburgh krt. ity;JOHN WI LCOX, Jr, end J SAROENT: • 1 1 . .r0,J01 - IP. Sid TN. • 1et,19 • --rslsautlasiley flallsaises r „ 10 „ ,Biarrox,Jurke 16: 146. i respecting your Vegetiblel r iiltd&tiPLYJ tt* ; Shlce 1 first tared tbe balsam, about 11 year. ego; the happy effect or which 1 then gave an attecint. I Vier ,had soirural severe constilamts. and 'attache at Itny langs. (one aloe &aye since ) and in every instance 1 have uaerthe. Balsam elects wdh Celtsi pleas and perfect sinter. It bra - elected relief and, cute in!a very few days.. Ills certainly a safe mad kite. do not know Oath wi.l cure a B:id eon uda, hurl believe it will in many cases he a preventative, and preventiou is better than care; I dal therelbregor the lore of my bellow men ear-.; mostly recommend the use of this Batson, to alt ! [amel:tau complaints. I - sm conident bat it has been the means of preaching my life to this day. • • BUIS/MIN PAISsaltS. Sold wholesale and retail by 'B A FAEINESTOCK 4 Caa, leblU COM= Slith de Wood sln. F YOU will use Aldrgookt Cough SyrTop, it .1/ cure. you or the Influenza and bad Cough., Try Prcitiltdn as, Jan. 1,1840. lr. John Morgan—dlThis Is co to sily that I hat been laboring under a oescre.COGGH for coo erkl Wien, Whack compelled me to 'Nate my work. root persuaded to caltot your Drug. Star* add punchisc a bottle of your Syrupdand I found great rebel from it; and aloe acing the whole of the bottle l found topielf entirely cured of my mth: :I Bane recommended t to many others of ocquaintance, 'whom it Boner failed loom. cob say' that edorganks Cough Syron Ii the• best mOdkine I have core used for Coughs. It only cork ILSeents a bottle." -Janos &Vilna-tam, s • ': Thad street, Moro Grant, ta'old Whqlo43le gad retail by JOliN U MORGAN. Whig fehitt YOU PUSILLANIMOUS SOOUNDIAOL t- I 'llDSEmeauaanonsqoal y ore! Look is your l' s fatrtyoung arife,alth herbrig t sonny facet look at your own, pit me ted : with eruptions and blotches: Yet fon eto:too an to glee My ce te for a take of the great Italian Chemical Soon, vat old ennrety free an fn.:them, odd make yoar`yell ar skin clear and Thy. : Go alliance tolackaoulo Sane, toldterty at. sbotnh,md gets nake. - ' B Jitak.u.s is toe only place it Pittsburgh where the DENIIINkris to be obtaaned. Beware of Counter- IrcOIISERVE the Big dam standr an the doorgsj. atek2 ' • • BOILICIIS accond hood doohls flue Losiera, le feet lane,, :4 i eke. diameter, logoral tinter, soul he sold total( aPp4ed for sons- FAnuite of 1 DAVID HOI.AIES, Market Street sovAlte • or ROB/PISMO A. MINIS. •' _ . CM. ENS INDIAN VEGETABLE SPI , :. ; WIC 'FOR VEMALE-CONIPLAI WI'S. . /111SVneilieine isles( taking the place of every . ,preparation heretofore uud foi,diseares mixing (rum Weakneve or othet_causes. All chat i• netes• .l , y to secure this medicine a place in the Ikvak... Uri Practice or every family, w hen each a - medicine is heeded. is i trial. , i • It speak+ nit innocent ' its Operation, ZOO 00.111)1.1t7 CSAI arise iiolil ita us at any time. Whoic k i e and Retail hj . ROW ND -ds %VAL., TON, PCoprietora 376 Market Sta .t, Miura. ~ 1 , .” sak in Pittsburgh by It E S liens 57 Woos , ic.dcsi: atd Wm. Marko im. .i. 14 'l' •CDUQUES E SELLING, AXLE - STEE & Reiff WORKS el °LEMAN, IIAiLMA ,GCs., taring taisplewa sti their New work,. am i pie amid to manes, rah every. deeerimiou of Chock ac • Elipric eprinas loin 011 r% AlOctit. Wirier, spring iind Steel, 11nii .11 rizos of small ,bore mil and Iran, which :key offer Meseta nn liberal mend, t their 'Medicate Nd 43 Wood lamer; ahem, they al; keep on hallo a j:l4.:"'4,,' p hamleowe meow utalle r ablic ol coe% t p ch , . 1 , 10 ' 71 ' ; mat Iron, C. IL& C 73 hare moJn arrangements with Messrs Di). 4 Cao:, manufacturers al Shovels, Spade, Parks i.e.e an d wilt Peep eonalantly_ani hand every article made by them, Dealers lire vespeeifally 11.1 rkifj we..all,ts . rtiees and term, will be made mo n o. irox'ort .4TaIr...CLOTILING STOILE, I ; 0 !! ! , ~, , _. • • „ io. TO WOO D srnoor pri - rsnußou,r A. _ E Would be i g I. announce to our cowman. end .. the public generally. that we haw, re-opened... estiblistoneut with • full awl eplendpl awarimeni of 7p4lg and. SUIIIM{ Rawly-mails Clothing, which in respect tO atyle mid workmanship canaei lic captured by Oh bOtise,ln doe city. Ilfilultuneu wiware A leant of es 4 ankle toper line will: foil it to their aihrantagc oa give w • cant before purChasing Chiewberet-te our *rock. as well Ws the low priors of our Ocl, will enable a. to 0 1 ... , all ,who will *trot us With a call . . Iris uirneausiaiyy far us to, enumerate the artic/ea deb* oar oteek,...a, we are weelly supplliall—it oil 71f1. kl*lli.' , essy that atahrimos oar imam:nen, ustuu template; with ,rely .rick umalninft 'to the l" •I . - - ',l : . ANCKIIII a. h B den usvm. ,—Guritletuen urhuAaTe ova al our ware, far al/X Canient thatcher wish to 6aet made in N. York, directions. furaishwl iir two weeks after the receipt of their directions. .. ' awn§ A& M. i. 1 - 7"'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers