BY VAGNETIC.TELI molPP ,7 l{..rit.D R Tll4Lic.c.., ••lIQD *Da iw parstmani DAIL! i•AZETTE FOREIGN NEWS. ABBIVAL OP TAO OTEA DI CHIP AFRICA. ticw Vona, Der. 4. The ihezeinWp Africa retched her dn..", at Jersey , Cay at 'l2 o'clock. on Sunday morns x She ex. petveneo very heave VVPIIIhr, during her roller TaTalte: nerAlriea, at half pa,: G o'rlivk last evening, posed the Arctic, hence for Liverpool, al miles ex of Sandy . Hook.. The Wad *learner Wa•hiucton, Captain Floyd, strived kite at Bee:ink, P. M., on the :eh tart ,and ant ber milli for England and France to Sooth• ampgan!, - nert marmot,. Era:gee:trent reports, Me thecatrned war in Ger- Many see= to bare, been staid for the present; and es a matter of come, the Influence of the :amicable saws !moat lot aptly mtpertenerd. Tee sty of silver emit:noel in the various Mart The' fact continue. e unmet much at Mats hen Caused a st:II luelher advance in WO kat. Metals. Tea money market Las greatly improved. The donna market hoe been favorably acted up•• Od by tle pacific news from Germany, and much pow trap ions were being enterer: Into. ri wip b e erved, that while the gtain market allege:pool Clewed firm, in other place pa as :tappet: . rather languid. Waltrip to German nilaira, there Teems ern, alderable d ou r The tendon Times, of the 7th reasarte, t hat the unectlainty a e to wheip ery h em pe peace or r, is yet ILI prat as ever, and that meander for armaments, on both eider , have our . beets impend il The pupil:Ty, at Berlin, appears to be disorgan• bled, ate proem:int:. lime naturally drawn :orb 111110141,CoaClUglooti and ntl , giVinas, as to the no. Sri Math of negotiations. li they had been redly fa exable,l it is tnought that Prueio would to have Wilovined the public at Vienna, The time:ins;t of teraca and me nitions el wet Milt continued. ! • It le add that M. klnalcrlll, bat been thwarted IA Ala ehdellettli to bring •bens an arrangement ore the beide toniuntied by &raw ersenburg. The Papal eseleinhat has very notch subsided. The refiecong pr.ritira of the people are beginning tel TM* It more l•bereliy,.and w I a better spirit. aidvikes Dom Prance are Unimportant. Every thing igpetre that Med in Inn Ciatallo question. LIVERPOOL MARKET. LIVIMPOOL, Dec. 7. Oottett=The approach to ■ pvaCe(Gt antlerotent of Ike Zuottle is Germany, tenth the final train - 111100 that we may dismiss front one mind. 01 fear of Maio has had fa legitimate effect en nor Mara ket foe Rome time pan. Conutners irave prudent ly farbdthe -laying In any srarindereble mratillty of ill/material, limiting themselves with taking their sappliii from week td week, anti! the distutb atroottl questions htl.ginett downed of. The advicea from Amerie , bjers Indy iciticating a aSott crop, have also tinted to atreogthen the mu ' key Sad a fair amount of bunions. watt done yes terday! The week- lose closed with en advance off toy per tb on middling and te.21011 quaiitioe of Amannea, and I. advance orr-fatr, over the previmissreet'a prioc, The Commit, of S quote fair Upland et 745; Mobile 7011 C., (10,..r. 61 peslh. The week's, sake antountio 41,450 boos; of which 'speculators took 11,331 tints, and espostera 119 bales. "Thu remain doe were taken by the trade. Provisions—The marker la doll. Smell enter of Lard take place at 96a f..r beet, per 100 lbs.— Cheese is active.' • Orsia-.-611 ktada ot breadeten are very firm; and the values of 11l articles arat-,,ty maimataed stgnmitione of last week. .United &nes white WlNeseisatitteg at 6s 4tafle 3d; and red do. a refift2 10d p♦ 10 Its. Indian Corn hoe adven oed edition quarter, and isles to a fair extent have mazatdred at 2113921 a 6d for oonhern yellow, and Ste 6. dens 61 for white. Southern brings 23r 6d 15190 e 6d oer quarter. The-imports the past week am 16,449 quarter,. lout--Weaken Canal Finer is quo:eit at 19.1(3 224 6di Obtoai 23S depite; Philadelphia nd Saltiatare; 23323,64 superfine Canadian 214322 s 64 per lb% The tannins of filer this week have bees 31,392 bble,and l l3;l94 tracks. ladiaa Meat—Priem are quoted st 11e 6d31.3e per 106 N. • Tobiecd=-The market eont".nues Ores, with ts good demand.' Ths supply is light end the ten dicey la cyanide. Groderine—Coffee is steady a - premiss prior, bit wilkont . setlvitv. Sergarand - Molasses am ZVI, Atka fait • moilubil sa'ea. Rice' m gad. lath silos ik tedA7l6,l per cow. • is a gym* depoott foe Naval &area, and elaei kro faikkoodatained. •'- V. f : WA . ..HMI . " Dec. 21 . e . —Mr. retwo:3aPpeated ts nay, aad took Ids beet. '., -, libittre:, Ctay and . Cooper peaenord petitions modifying the tariff. ! . 'Mx. 13 own to trodnetd, nod explained at mete • . laturth.t bill fee the rehequishment of tolls on i p t - .. Erni d *hates' stock to thin Louisville anti . _Midst ' • olfteroNtdort.t.Ottt-rooo'de - iii - Wae .-, ace, er tIICC2 up, luta powposed till Monday Mr. in called up hie till to ateenain and fettleila• • claim. in CeltrorcLe. - A en • thole fur the Lill was toreidend, sod agreed t• and the bill ores postponed. The - Data then wan into executive navies. and Me •y afer edjoerood net I l'elistiey 1.3 L Hot* r. Richerd,o, el I.Lt'..xets matte a personal plan loft. . At d proses <el.< n- :he Tr,. 1 et tie • epouilcht. of it.- V. aT. a... 0.. an artmi sled falectood, Lee. to c ..e. ACNAlttre I from pa •ltestion an ifIllitRIP.W, I,l•et. lArtl.itu Cy Macre Ewrat„: to his ewe vindicenne at tb. tut • a of .N;oegrety, when , J• 1 the stt!eei cam roittisa • • pointed by O. Boost, upon cettalp •I kV •• • spinet Mr. E *nig, ea 2<erztery of the Isertior. The •id to r •geilate the miens 01 trft:MO iy Lti mesa COW! , t.:d <tedium - w..e toren up, tea debated Mr. t tldw ~ of Kento Ay, onkel leave to ill. troda- a toe ittoe that ncilhi s In the Wooly land at paw i• ni September, the II I, fl, onstrudi , • 'a to • vent me nate or tra tier., cf •nv sornficet< or rant • rite in the lei wide of the some, or the , wing of `a pah-tt tides , . Kr. Robinson informed the gentleman that the 13eleCt Commince, recently raised, wan now ready to report lit favor ot %oche provision. Objewtion being made to the introduction if the motion, hlr.Cildsrell Inured the suspension of the napwere ordered, but without takisir The " . adjourned until jhursdaSr LIIIPORTANT MOH SOlrtli CAROLINA. COIAISARLI, DCC.2I. - Mt. Canty sent to the Senate a reselution that 800,000 dollars be placed at ite ataporil of the Ordinance Berl for the defence of the State; and that :0,000 be added to the contingent feed of the GOTerMen'• to be used only ih CAae of actual hasulity. Ma Hasse paged the az:re pfatioiChill, but the )Bellal• elate: Led from a. ScriVe lOppolotti Messro,S. Bootee!, oho P. Riclmrdsron, W. Ilampont and latnadon as &polies elcet to the Sstahera Cons pew to ' • Lad at Mor.tgonsery,Atabama, on the 2doll awn lea. £ ps d Paiute was fired, at the request Of the Govern- at , both at , Colorubla and Charleston, lm - • ly on to c:lv.og the news of the drcielso Ando* of bolt, of the Le4istatore, anon the m• • a the SALhergrcongress and State DALTIMARE Ied.RKET. Tkit 4 1 .0 1 V att to COM • at Walla Bur &T ut. rio Pazassiener. Dee. O. 131,0 a barrel. llowsrd Srrcet 'lsar ,ar-d a OD barrels ally mat at lila same I pal ' attune red ariteat Ira seal, g at 100110 , 1 walla at ailaalgra: cent. pra humd mars cents far talitts .4 yellow'. nate. of :e{: yet La. , y ta • "boat ettorya. • CATILEMAIEE BALTIXOItt, Dac. 23 I i.:es.c.l 3;0 htad G pa landied I • ralll 0/ 85,25 per evil, vials sears is .14 sad smrm9• I.llroad ;Lulls` to Ohio ItAlttr. AND INDIANA. RAIL ROAD. 5 E4 ,11 D PII9PGII ALA veld hf r eeret t y r,, e-J w s: *SEM y •;tr e . ' ,l ' i ' a:te ' r u' do l trz ta . e grata , . end pad ',E. from CV kla r le , otAre with It, "red, and DelDneetert e belt Dose,' at the 114,1.4 BAft Linn. Prettier lee row rottOi,st the Leal, tree °ales, in y. MMY, Jr Color.. Ohio, where hrntetsbun en be oleameS rico 6141 PcOaterlCll, Kestrel Eselostr Propoms may aea be len et 014.17, till 11e of /Weary ilesJeol rt. r...11.1{}r1 aim L. re.telved at WA/11 0 N. Ohlis, Meal woo,y kb. nest. for drone cer.t 014111111/1, set 4 , / rallet, between Illetlere tied flete:oetelne Too work and profile• to re.ll Crl read r tea 40411..t0rre the lettlag. J ghee one be abtalued f mai after%Venal), {.eldest Fote.orer, al ii,trionuiln-, an at lbeehlel %beer'. elect en Marren above are the oily pOlll-4111 no the statical fel !Radar eoetteet 'Mr reed to Shown Iterbe.thltd tilt k' t e e Titg. re ' rti .. l ' ll=;:e " a i nP h:tr: o P te h Ilea. il Ala low, hoer, from ,'ll and NnM Mk, * t onal o ared. By Order al Ita boarder !Tremont W 1111,NOR min ars, na,f Dr , redessrita,s On itkdo& wito it, Mortro, low. Chalets:N.sl2lns rIPMEMr.f .I wiltOn, vale accrt;o4,l4 . 44 - 1 P" r137/ 1 1 4 A11VITI,V i n ' ol:l w st i e l o U r ' t . l 4 , O t t yrutlb tad Markel 11., a <nlope AnOld.Cl:l of Was. No.L., %sada, Stuffs, rl. a 141:trp Calatorl: *Oa "taboo, Neville Wert Col:km*4, eel A M g la r lt II 1 - Mat ova aft° ea Ilpaa lazy. WEarrA. Nntraal: ll< vim, 14P6,4E,'• Ra, Mita. 11mtleo, firm In ere, Gra, f.l, {AC, it alt o,Alla fon. Ways, ilk 6.1, nod tarry woes awl W yablia sad Kitools Mak a ~,ntral If .1111e111 Or MOP* .16 , 111.11,1 *Aosta tiacilltp , 116 d off.e,a Also Caner ft Um oll a for planslaaar,ol O. aftohos •I,eor. of fa anh. TA • ha yfac. an P 3 Reurgk'to toy REAL:GOOD TEAS • • ' Ls xr SORRIES IIAWORTIVS TEA STORE ' 11.6 01 nnt owlrmo $l,OO per vaunt!, All sitielly genuine Tea•. i rk• DIUk 7.. ai 75., and the Green Teas at see Ihe verr lcatTlu Import...4lmo the 13. emu,. COMMERCIAL RECORD. IFITTIOULLOU BOARD oY TRADR /IED 0111=1.07% COIRIVITTFZ FOR DECEMBER. • sibrx eau= .10101 811011• IXE WILXI.II7I. TUE OCEAN STEAMERS Carlin's liar—From Limvpool to .Ntro York. palOo cop. Coto Satirdny, Doe 11. Futile Copt. Nre : Patordor,Doe. ES AJl•otia Capt. %%CBI SEtsmuy, .42.13 From NmoYork to Liverpool. •' .• • •erm-Nye aittnnlay, etniard Linz—For Liorrral• • AIM From N. York •• • • t% -000*doY, Dee. I' Mame* From Ilomar k ' Wednesday, Ma IN, Arne... ••• • FM. York Wodpe.doy, Jon. I Canada F la • • - • • •We dor mloy, Jon. la Pros. lavemal. For N linrk, Dec 7. • •••For Itovon Sattada.y, Dec tt. Ocean Strom N. Cm—For Bremen from N. r fILIEMANN ..... coot. Urattree o'nuay, Dom ap From Brewton to New Yr,k. WAi/UNOTON.Capi Lloyd tatalay Dec.l3. piTrseunon MARKET (Rom Frrmacwouriszrrrs. Tuesday morning, Dee. 24, 1,51/. $ The weather yesterday vow extremely cold. snowy, and windy, and business generally at a rind. FLOUR—The arrivals of Floor yesterday, were vont:end only to • few small Into, and we heard of but lute thong from first hands. We may continua oar quotations from the wharf, at ILLfirafidl,7o, add ll°m storroo dray Mad lots, at P 3,8103,97 bbl GRAM—Wheat continues In lair request, with sales lei the mills, at 75850 be. Rye Is firm, at es etCIIC; Barley at 75e ♦ haw Wu noticed considerable receipts of O. yesterday, with Nes (mitts wharf, at 73 0371 - IP bug. Core in selling at 45049 e, farold and MAT mop. SUGAR—N. 0. Sotrar continues pretty Um; Ctie 61 for her quality old and new crop. White Ilavana •ogar,ll. Vos, ie held at Sic Itt s eli'S —We notice no farthsr change in tr - In Iris • I it, is aDd 20 Obi., st 3x , 1 gad a n e ver y little ha. been ettng, we quote Rio at 114011sito 40 m. DRIED FRUIT—We not ce no change in prices Rom oar last report. Peaches aro abundant, and will not coamand over 51,2301,37 pbe We quota Apples at 7DR:de from first tanda, and 730600 from store, as In quality. GREEN APPLES-941es to We ur4arf yenerdev , utuxuacd up some 400 bUlt, at 6706 t ♦ bbl POTA'fOES—enles of fat at 45e, and of Neehan nooks of COSIG2c p La. lII:ANS—Prone email 'white are selling at 1,011125 bo. Mixed parcels will command over SIOSI,rei p. BUCHWIIEST—Reneip.s continuo light, and m attes are limited. We (Note from but hands, M SIX 4467, and from atom at 51,1t01,16 per eacktof 60 fba. LARD—SOW:7 bbla No. I, at 7e, cash. Seunuad ea Fats Tat,. Peutraturr.—The Lowell I alum ) Joanna, publishes the following tablo of the factorles 'topped and workmen discharged, in distend alone, In consequence of inabtlay to b .d s =tact for MCI( &bales, at remunerating prides. Deer... Len of Corporation. Handed°, Leona arappeal. Month pea Settlak 110 f Lnato 111 711 M.. 5,1X411,0 Prescott in , / Ice 2 tel 4U Hamilton 1 15 , 040 • 4,402 Ili Appleton' 1. 1 .94 00. 404 05 Tremont ..... • % .270 tr, 44‘10 nu Lawrence I'OU 11/5 51411 On Lowell vl5 1111 ..96175 Bova lOU 4CO :015 OLP is farther stand that, lab daemon to the above, the Machine tilikoe Corporation has dischargcd wove 1 evi, 216 mcn, wpm. month:y pay would amount to making the uggrtg eta (slang sill to tho toonthi, PaY menLi of the .octal cricripstitel of 540.214 57, and die total tum ant unify witharaven from the li srluess of t h e city, EiliViW2 rt blame, the Portland Atlverotter saya, that the amen and slit:nicest inanufscotritc estatAishotants. those best able to stand against foreign compeuilon stthoot prottecno, are in a eripplid and declining cOodition. The Bare (Main) btr.ltee SaPt " The population cf Saco, and are mar say the sae taut Of Iladteatord,ds lem than a watt a /eat ago, by over a thaw... Had too C . c.ue been taken in June of lam year, toe number noted have (alley below:oa gees. The stoppage of the teanulaetut• tog edwratiengod bob sides of the V.7.4)11s Its enril oar Vegetation at /east 70111 od each side, tad we ro . taut to say Caw, the lea• SI rotes oc. and will rnt be enwesd tintil tee beeduce of tuesufacturh.g ans. .To show the on which Eta. has 'enabled fro. .the earns oteanoned, we will state that to creme.. won seeds bias at the tobaboanta limn on Factory ion., to hi., ISO, "bor.*rd over.lnnt persons run• ding titre Tee eensat of ado year barddr ranee to sen Tao beamed Loolu thea ateraged itd—tht. year, hcrdly 13^ The :entrant - Advent., remains-4f we go to As. gusts, we chill firil a Waller state of Crafts—heeds 'Alen:tried, opted:. ari looms .tytng aline the Slats, Factory, we believe. is enter ciese t op, or doing eampanitirely nothing.r kte c riTsyskrra 7 l , lo , glon the *lsle flank of 0iti0,...0f fras.y clecalatha ;Stan dete. citiAt ' itrit " We have tefoth na, • one nailer eine, welch ens taken thorn the lerthetd upon the pectins tecentty tweeted, in the vicicuty If the Clinton bandthey, on Wester: Ittier.— These coanthrtens can readily be detected by the Marten Bees of the Nom ret resented as heating a sickle in kW bantt,ann the genera! engraving being detective—bat the detect/an of the eyes Is .the =est markedthstinetion lathe bills. The teas are ihtevn the c est en —tin. Goa insazza t t it , A":4,N a Wa.a...ale litncewe a: lay amen% y yuuttg man arti• qu•i.• 4ed tar ba.acag. .nat.,ackca, re,muen aoeca Addle. D 0.% Nn You Vuee S C ILLYION-4 brio Nol, for 'ale Cy L dorS trullEttr DALZPLL tr. CO I )c,c ` ual nUY ItIUERT LZ,LICO RICL- 1 :0 sale by wM BAC:ALEX & CO OLLIU Larls (or sale by 11 JOHNSTON BROOIIS-110 doe for sale by del? Yt H JOHNSTON lIEEP P . II.TS-1.10 for snip 1, dr.l7 JOHNSTON L E r Ea 1)-1000 pits sof: Galena, per steamer Nam calor, for sale by 4517 1111 EV, IHATTIIER'S d CO hACIIk--177 bap per Moyflower, IC T sale bv P der? RIVET, MATTHEWS & CO 1110 METAL —176 tons for rollingmilWaroi— del7 __RHEY MATTHEWS & Co //it FFEE-21:t bop Rau for ante by - ltt del7 • MATTurms . k. CO LARD OIL--0 WT. winter slothard. fur nate by /1,47 RllliY. MATI'IIa3VB & CO 10IS I —I ; LH, bore No 3 - M7 - 1 'aekt;ere F IG belt No t Delmore Darting; 1 dromA Coast" for saln ==M=l BLOOMS -100 tens best Tenne•sce, landing from eteemer Eindere.ll. (or Isle by dcl? JAM F'S DALZELL. Weser st VAN Itli BOLE LEA I klEti—boo ..a. tor -.le by dell JAMES DALZF.I.I. Cnucint.Es4-3 etas evened, Brn o e 80, Dix on'. best Blaok Lead Cnseibles, warranted, del7 J SCIOXVO I AKER & CO far alay AirialitcrOitEE77-:d g! J ISCHOONAIAKER & CO LVJ. dcl7 11011"EtligR'S EABINA--8 brAf.r sale hY dcl7 SCIIOONMAKER& et/ 1111 N YOIL-1 cue beet Freecti, for elle low by A deli I SCllOttl'OttA it CO 111)Kit-24 brie in store and oae by •r /el 7 WM H JOHNSTON MEW PA RINA-5 boxes Hecker's Farina—invalo- IN able as an an icle of diet for invalid* and ebild. ren, and abr. much used for mains. Pudding., Blum blange, he. A variety +of mode. of preparing, it la given on the wrappers, 'wit received for sale, by WM A MeCIAIRO d. CO 13111NTINIJ PAPER=White. yellow, pink, mild I, blue printing paper, for hand t ills, for .010 by IV I MARSII4I.J., den. nn Wood pi 'RAPPING PAPER—nroarn Medium& Lklubl Comn Straw Ws•pping Paper. for .10 by P MARSHALL, de9 85 Wood at I)APER HANGINGS— "iI '' '' ""‘"Dt SODA fi „ s Are band And fur rate by 'r .v atiperior for rate by W lIARBAUGH N. ISIOLASFIRS—CI brig rge'd filr sale by .1. dr9 1 El DILWORTH h CO jj—tU clots porn, Om mile ny I 11 , g J e U 11.15 ORM aCO Bur. , lirk pnnn roll, for 411,11. dig C. DILWOATII /lc CO el OLDEN AT Gt ur-15 tuts rue i for sale by ‘1 A<4 1 5 k.llO 1 . 1111 . 1 , 47 141 lendino; for ode y JJ °" >1 1711.wowni __ T°°A"°° - ' 7 4 bitlb Z. T.y.or sum riot do 47 ~x 4 beldon & A 0ub0n7 . 4 &Ws 71 boo uorivabed Co; II boo . . 10 boa Balker:lnto celebrated lb so catty bag t 5 lb cariLkieriict brand MI do do Warwick k 01e7 , 1 , all on, direct from the rowto l .e. Were, for sale by L WATERMAN & 141NR dol 31 Water & Vrant 'AfiUrliTA It C.' '4; - /nTiliritarP, ib! ‘../ fora s . appl of the Omega COM Starch, which look the polonium at the last New Yolk bluer Fair, Jut received tel far ea 1.1, act Whi A OIeCLI/R0 & CO pima atlen ..1- by M "l etr "-'25 HORN at #7, t r li.7 i'IIACIIES-3M bu Pae'd In pate 1,7 J Jolt rffinivEtt fr. BARNES ljih.l. IltilTra-r4l;gliiiiinr, red=l for .17;1 - 1;ii Jolt arillill VIII a. LtAIINTI4 ..... ... ~. MAI'DI:H- 4 ttokr Olt .1, ny IIIIILI11111)01: Pe INCIIIIIAIa, .100 He w.u, .1 (4iii,lFF-3 cast • lintret i l'atlenulb. forstn M +PIO lli HUMP: k. INGIIHAM M BU kegs prim., pat teo4 for gale LI den 11111211111Deit: re OHR W e .r. - “;" '"" '74; rir.fiI4V:yINGIIRAM COIN ONTAGOTOUN. 1r UST waved, edditieuel wryly et the improved e„/ Deleeuw of haw rm. (leen Welt Coln of ewe do. to to IN.. It I. IN, 1 , 111elleal•le Invented, and eon he inked with by piece in hgo coney, end perfeetly rrllahlr. Far gale by W. W. WILSON, [watt Cor Merkel. Fourth cu it As—l u la Is jut t tt<erieorlioiTile LT . lJ 001 It F' REI,I.LtnR 7 14 MIIV , 011.—w bti 1. lib /0 _ j d<lo lIOISIIRIIXIF. L I.OIIRA ht /11101 E 4OPPLYTI, aft - E• 'ORISON, LITTLIZ a CO POWITFPITTSMIRGH. Been.—Thsm way 15 feet 0 Mats m ettamml, at a uk,l si evealmr, end ARRIVED. FarbJae, Peebles, Eltsabetb. Micalasts, Dries, Deaver. Deaver. Gordon, Deaver. Baltic, Bennett' larrivrastlle. Atlantic, Parttnron, Brownsville. J. bleDee, Ilendtietson.EcKeespart. Ital. Waiver, Maley. West Nevelt,on, Jas. Nelson, Moore, Wheeling. Reveille, Dale. Wellsville. Cincinnati, Birmingham, Cammack DEPARTED. Festoon, Peebles, Elizabeth. Michigan, Dries. Denser. Bearer, iso op nion, Deler, Baltic, Re en, aroorninrille. Atomic, Par blear o, Brownsville. J. Alclica, llondrickson, McKeesport, Thos. Mincer, Bailey, Wert Newton Royston° Eitath, Stout, CIOCiLIII.I. DICKIIOI. Arens, lilthey, Wellsville. Wellsville, Tsang, donfillt Isaac Newton, lialchbon, Et Lusts BOATS LEAVING Tills DAY. NASHVlLLE—Mayilovver, 10 A. a. e LOUIsVILLE—LueIIa, 10 A. m. WELLSVILLE—ReveiIIe, 10 A. 0. lIIPOIITS BY; =VEIL WHEELING—P.Ittast.-1 bar mdse. Gager & roma, 7.2 bits bsrler, Copt Coosrelli 46 Obis apples, Bruer; 30 aka d apples, W Heasley, b kgs lard, I 41ra Dotter, blather & rimiest 3 2 6 1. lard, 12 do flour, Grown & Klrkpeitick; 13 do do 1 Davie; D bgs barley, M B Brown, 67 Jo barley, 6 W CINtINNATI—Poo KW.Yons 60200-15 4ks terve Forsyth & Co; NW h.. 60 eouitlea, Kier & Jones; IV w 0 r ,, 1 49 1L , 13; r h k , e d r , , , 50 follow, . Melee l d. Co; IV & N co s; 10 pro, I bo pubis., Slerrieki 66 bbls whilkos, 51 D Patton; re do 410, Crawford k. Marsland; 30 do do, Lantbrn & Bblpton.l seek wool, 3 bJls sheep stlos, 8 k W Hai tough. 51 eta. 13 tails peaches, Stewart & bill; 6 bbts lard, 32 stn dma, 11 C 21120; 2 bib benison, 4 No peach ., & F Wil- LoutsviLLE—P. COLIIIMATI—NI bbl, =Abuts, J 18a ran hemp seed, Framesleek & Co; ltlid/ blooms./ 13017011;317 sits barley, & A Wno. 801 Lys barlye, I.eo W burgh: 7 MIMI tabs.:Q.l..ll & Co 60 tons png iron. bleCardy GRANDVIEW—pm Wit.thr,u.s-1.000 h pole., A Ridgewy, 13 Dk. peaches W Dyer, 3Os mmllllllll & Roe; 4 do peaches, W 1 1, Johnsion . 2 litols lob, Leech & Co; SO bble flour, L S Waterman; S bg. oniony I bbl apples, McCurdy & Lamle; P 1 bag. mobilo g.; Dolan & Palmer, OS dos broom. F Dravo, 357 bt, burry, U Brown; 114 bbbi Sear, Hell & Lrerist; 11 Jim 3 bbl. lard, Armstrong & eraser; 275 bbl. spider, too 111111,7, J Little; 150 do apples, Edward.: 37 bid. wheat, W,I• moral & Noble; oil bags alupeorPs, Al Brown; 12 sack. stool; 11 Graff ifIIFT ROOKS m great variety, at the Nj data EDIJOATIONAL REPOSITORY SUGAR -14 Ws prime NO. Fusee, recolvfolf per steamer Iftbeenla, for sale by Wal RAGA LEY A. CO it & no,l • t deth --- M lV ,, :artret, reeetving per (111F.E.3F--M1 W. R ce..•.e,,0a rob'd by detb W5l Bb4JALFV fr.. 00 DRIFD PEACHIER-00 onteks !muting for sole by 018 WM lIAI:ALEX te. CO A Lt M-50 brls for sale by Il dela Wll LIA6ALI:v e co ADrol:l2-4. ohdo Nto I Drool, for .010 by --- d 0.19 WM DAGAI.i.y AOO WaIoTOAX Caost-4 stgAt fo , rho ilaidays Among the many b.taunfol ari , c'es of eaufection• ary, prepared for the holiday', we have seen none ao handsome :a the representation of 'Waltham Cross," wrought in auger, by Mr. P. Fl. Maker, etryci. It is intended to rtamount a huge ehrtrims• cake, weighiug about three hundred Puund s , an= be s-rn this morning in Mr. Elooker's wdidow. It fa wed worthy a visit, ted _ _ heri , tcri Mr. Il.'s whole eatablishment te tided up 5011 A , ! .. rake auperloc, for dal. hr Ii a AtorAIDl5 4 l/5 CO Wines and Brendle• • UrrACLE for Cooking purpmear, tor lute by MY 0 quart or gallon at MURRIr A HAWOUTII`n . Orin East wide of the Innmotal riornZING Aai. oa, Dry Cart. , s. Citron Yr.,, Candivd Orange and Lemon mtnry*. Cut aamon, Cloves, me., for 0010 at vrry lon prmer, by dein MORRIS A lIAWORTII MIME3NM 15 on band and JOH ri Met ALIKN it CO lIIMEMEMtI O. 3 MACKEREL-75 brla hlasa. inapecuon, urt il hand and for able by - • - - A b 6. Jost rre -, 1 p." 7 vicamer Ilibe 11'1 nl• No 2, for male br dclt 116 Walpr SA I j r ir . tr. , (o Wood COM 311— a caoks Itarte oil. ior dela BUR INGHRAM y ozENrws—ln bo2er a....rted, poi ...A and ,or j We by .1 KIDD & CO. PJ tbon.l GUM .alc b. 41..1`1 1 KIDD a co strillai TONIC SYRIA. -1 statsloLc i li EI).S.TEnT.` 'TT." (nr dcls 1 Jilin , . CO at kr .;10by dela I KIDD 0 1 . 0 C111111FSI: VERMILTION-1 4.7.1 f. /KIDD & ro IT M.TIMIACt'tI DEA LELL--We — r — erwirej Ibis jay, from the mtmlfenturnt, eeneri , no r.lOOO end fireplug. to the pora...i, which we nee to rrll by the samples. IVALLINC.Fr , RD L CO. No. De Water Strati WOODS' FEARL SCA 111.11-15 haata lily rope VT nor aruele) In acre nod cog wtle by dew .IV & M M fICIIFILTRIIILLabrIIT L A ,• H . , Js4J-tiar rele , .11t, brated brand renebted that. fall ,n eon. and (or sooty [dela] W & M MITCH ELTLIEN O. — ALT - DETER kEtIiIIIFFINF. 0 122 nark. grad. Salt Pour.; 12 Dbl. roll linntAnhe. In Were far sale hy &la I SNEAKY & CO, grater & front It INFORMATION WANTED, of /LIMN WILSON, who It& Llsnastraln, Coint7 Down, freltlna, in 11.14. In reale ego, war hying orob n G (Orr. none of SAML 13EAT:v. low !et An• 10.. , 1•14 , 11. Mt' I ,• .! •••,” .•••••••• • 1,,t eon .. . rb •br,r I,s“, ?tn.rtirs 0 , It. Phew., 5S.b Broadway, New Yob. .1,10.1:11 MEDICINES—For man and be tst.-A 1., toll turly en heel and for rale hr R E SELLERn, dell Wl,llrinile Arcot (or eiltailtrb. ITIES oINTMENT annPOWDF.II%-: CI M For aate by C SELLE RS, WhOIesaIe Agent .1-14 A,l .ItlCars Al.lanle AC alga aco•sitory or Use fel Knowledge forme year le", coup/Jana fall, authentic. and varied Infer - met.. enneernina the af fairs of the General and State (Javcrnerenta. This To acne is ensal to it. preJecrasors in fellness and accuracy. and will su•tam the hien character of iho Atherir an Allnwale•' at , • ire•twor th v manual lor reference. at.d a toil tepow:ory of sw.tal knowledge. Just reretved and for mole by I•TOCKTON. Bookseller. Prir.trt and Binder, dela 40 Market w LEEIIU t ems lIXPOZSIiI TO POILADILLPIIIA lA/ E I , ave made arrangem• for ranmng the V übnee Eepreu daring hr winter oerteno, by Stages in lin holayahurgh, •tod from thence by l' m. sabv•a • ham t Roan to Phdadelph , .. Thronah in thirly-s. hoots. Small partners only run be takest elcl7,Um. P LEECH Jr. CI, I:anal Meson E■1f11.1• Coliatsaa, A VKI.IIY t StIRVIIFIE:LD have men ved e.ot 11/1 of neb and handsome Kngit•b Cluntaer, of .17;e. rumble for .Ingle add terappera—warranted fan eo , nre. del4 STRAW 00013 a HM. ORM ENR & CO. Msncfacturers of Por . Wan And Domestic Etrag• Goods, call the aiten• rt..n of buyers. to their goods for ladies and salaam— They will oder indacements in a greo vanety or styles ; ike.on porchwers who toy by the manular• tnraw package. Sample. exhibited at their owes, No gig Poael 51.,109 SlOiegi hew Verb. de2Cdte Wido Black W ***** d silk lUrtIRPIllt it uuneiwiELo halm wrie: ei t 4 he DM above smote:of &climb's , width• tot fashionsbie mats and cloaks; also, black blantlils 111111Cirmkier drilll - 10 aria `s«., Jaat reOVII•T el/ /011,11 %VAT r /CO 17IGURED FRENC/I OIL CHINTZ—tae band am% fat tale cbcap, at the Caccet %%mei.... Na r 5 Poona at. tdolaj %Val 111r.LINIXICH ijalftWrelilPlTZ, reeelOd - tbia dal, af the Carpet %Vaccaro, (5 Fourth t, oCLINT deli Wal MWIC J UN k ALICANTTHATh, is atom sale end fat le by dolt W5l fricCI.COTOCK low &laja:LT.ifii,N - .%taTti Zr 1.1 vdeli Wm laloclLlNTliCli _ WEIL I'AGLISII bIIELI”..KIN MATS Ihr hu.komem uoortroPra of Sbecp.kin 61vu eyrf brought Ia Wu maTtct, for ..1c by del4 MeCI.INTOCK . _ ir iaiii 'I . Lii, b id A'iii, In .taro nod for 'ale t, .1 flel4 Whl hIeiILINTOCK Sf Ail( IIiVICIN6-11, Istnrest no.l hem •ftnrt• atent ever brought to this nsarkei_ for r,:o ettetf: by feet 4 I . Whl SIeCLINTOCR k. I 7nALLI,W— tiniiiThrilfal; ,, iv , . A . - deli ft Mt IA R 1 . 1,13 I\ll "":1741/IS.-1 0 bo toomoco (or gale by lkj th.l4 SHRIVEN it BARNES DOLL. tiFTIER-10 bra prime. reed 11.1. doy by SA, &la A & V/ BARROW , If th ?dare, oh!! IA debt tit (V NARA/Wall DIVED APPLES—Wir.ter'd (nr We , bp drl4 It b. 0.11/111941:4111_ SENMII-F.SL:4I brl bria No qa . 1 1 Tolloor; 17 bra No P do. lobrl 1 Tallow (114 1 bares Beeortor: Cl boo. Ground Nur, II legs Dry Prooltor. 19 boos Dry Apples; 21 boo. Gumbo: 121bago Feather!: to orrlre on otcarn: et Tor:arum! for ao:o by ISAIAH DICKEY & dell %Voter A Front oto iiLIODRIET—.I WI. °team . L 15 bags Ground Go, e 7 bogs Ginseng; . 11 bates Cotton; to arrive on steamer Caledonia, for sale by lif.AlAll DICKEY ra CO dell Water a. Front •1111 GLOVES AND DOSIEELY. 250DozF.N LADIES' Black, White and Gold KM (litotes , pion, Cashmere, Stia and Lisle Thread du. Ittl dna Orntlemcn'it Kid Glover, all colnw, with slendid essnotnent or Clubmen, Derail and Hoek. ell de. of the 14 , 11 quality, tOgether with WI I.Wiit lOW Ma I rstenvivo stork of Iletirry ever brought to tit , =tact, lust treed/ad, and will Or purl of reduced prior.. by • A It MASON & dell & 04 Merkel et llnsp r IllenoliOng Powder. 24 CASKS be rt. quality, oriband and far sate at • reduced prier, uy doll _W&M AIITCMF.LTMEE • " t:rsciAtio - oistaiTii - Inicaiiinieco . iers and IVlAnsphol atheatlngjuot roccived and for daso by doll, 1 R II P 1111.1.1144 gtoiloilfliirailkild•lr• - E XTRA way Ooklond and 'lowan/ Twill , aott on nano • able tot steam boot trot sow ddekilowng , b ownintt, racetved / Manta, •nd y FI.F.MINO Pr CO, 1.29 Synod at Phawl• I Illmairrl• I 900 t'4 1 4t 1 1 1 ;71tYgS'a . ": 11q7a 4 ;: . SZ:”' r '"ju . : 1 7 : 1 ceberd by ttb.l7) A A bl Aro .N a Co Tnrtl• Creek Plank Rosa. A FrAV .halco 0( this 11100 k wanted by d• 111 , A WILKINS a co - ''''"" - 'INAV:=?,M.77": - ''''..77 smarm sot tat 1421"61 , 13Pit1i DAILY Wirni Nrw Fotomaam threauC. , •We bid titi4 canoe of attending the New 'England • Neppet yesterday evening. but the leitivitles, se is usual on an ow cation BO joyous. sodear ID the heart of every be of New England, as the annivcriary of the landing of the pilgrim When!, were kept up to a Ice hour, end we are compelled to delay the pub. Rea tion of the roll report, which we had prepared, until to morrow. coact of 141 i WWWWW Nasslana December 23 Frew= Nan. Wm. B. McCinre, President Juke, and tiainnel !env., Associate Judms. The Coen met at 10 o'clock, when the Grand Jety were charged, and a petit jury d.rupartnelled. No hosineas being ready. the Court adjnorned nn -1110 coder k. TRIAL FOR. MURDER. The cue of the Commonwealth vs. Daniel Mactey, ttdicted for murder, ef!eged to have been committed on file-lc:heir Benzheocer, will be nava up oa the first Thursday after New Year's day. The use, of ihe COMMOIMG-lith ye. Jahn F, Mcßride—lnlntranet Forgery—vu taken up in rho the:noon Tito evaleuee on the part of the Commonweallll wan closed, but the Gann ad journed before that fur the defence was beard.— The ease will go to the July to;, morning. Rear WARD film:rm.—At a meeting of tho Electors of the Fast Ward. helthhas day, between the boors of twelve and two o'clock, the follow. leg nomination. were mad,: Select COolleil —lames T. Kincaid. Common Connell—Allen Cordell, Cyrus Black, John Wlhock, R. M. Riddle. School Directore--F. 11. L'sioo, M. Algeo,lhree stare; W. ThRIV, 11. L. Theronlt, orm year. , Inspector—Samuel Barnes. Judge of Electione—David Fuzedumous. Assessor--Chatlea Craig. CLue.Rble—lames Sharp. , JAS. M. KEAN, Pres% S. R. Jounstow, Scey. ARIMSTII.—Jahn /tettberth, teemed Of warder in the ~ reohaltlegree, alleged to hale been cone mated to Piefailelphia, and who made hie escape bow that cify,was yvterday taken Into cratody by the person who balled him, and curled back to Poiladelnhia. eaD ACCIDENT.— We regret to lento that E. M. Stanton, fell upon the ice, wh.le coalk,ag down Woad erect yeeterday afternoon, and broke his leg. Thin b the second umo be bra sof. feted from the effect, or a 1,:okon bmb daring the pert y-re. • • LAND Stroa —A lend slide occurred ei Pittsburgh, on Sunday ourbi„ which bent DI +Niel of e house °trued by Mr. John Brou'o, the juortio.; of l'ut'e rend With tee BrOSCOSINI 112/ The fsibi'y prteeived [Lot me <al woo gradnell• eliding down bill on Serer toy. , their itife..ine Wm, an removed when the fall , man etreA. I beu IsoDse. iitr£2 rt.! • tow:film., tort, ort fi now on CI b Ptak/ ffnd 1., of , • attract,: crow of vaitoral W evrart to I.ll:lying noo,c, rclattre to • Inn toe Literary world . "ALA oats. is the mAki of el :tare, t• thn co r. veleus were, [lt - aurae (torn our Leon. &flood or sh•ifyine pouf,.::, eznettest--11 revelation ware by . all.l , sr to I. eherttryeen of the power el! majesty et Art. They who Otto leaked In el tit deNght ea rho Vents or Its Taboo. to p,,,,, . r . no topic, copy a steerie peed -tee. 0s 011 r a live share, aprous from th e Winn., baSealll.l a. tine thresgrh, • fresh emitualtan fie, :het ob oe' !• leas taut or Itewity, swain • WOOS, 11.1 I,, dent with the inibittla of frll , . GO too timed Oro.l. redeets: IRS allt3iitil , lll.! . ...6 VI. r 4t,,,,,,-...........—.-.--- .. ... . BAirrie• l'anostAx. —Hundred. of car, tlit tau tW:gtitial pettatraQuk undoubtedly, draw - crowded honets dotiog the holtditys. Wo are Flltd w Witness its success, aloes It Is tandoobtrdy the Leal plooramacov• ex tvhi,ed ,o Pd,sbotgb. AT —The lir-Ipouee • Con !AIM .V ro on vu-uer.1.51. nod ibe usual coutine of bu- Lat.acs turtle tist.clo klonor,Juage McClure, at to opening of the Coon of Qatarter Session., ye,terday, delivered 3 very coat ea•l ale prupriate address to the Grat! Jury. TEIIPLI.CC CO,T6N - 1103.—A temperance con• vent.n will be held to any La the Church of the W. Bleel, Allegheny, at ten o'clock. A M. Punctual attendance Is earnestly reiptented, as butane.. of the' ntlnMa Importance wall be tram.. acted. Seivrencen.l—McCnrilly and Carat-, two men convicted during the last term of the Coon, lila, ceny nod Amauit and Battery, unmanned on Mr. Mn Haunegan, were yesterday sentenced to nu dera an imprisonment of three ttionths in the Coun ty Prison, on the latter charge. They were nut sentenced on tho Larceny, on a 111101.11 la anent of Filament has been made. Avairran.—John Hampton, Eat , was yesterday adulated to prartleu in the several Courts 01 Ave. Eaeny County. Mr. H. am geutleman dine talent and a liberal adoration. HEM ARILADLIC CABS: II EVIDENCE IN OUR MIDST Ma. Btu—tir, 1 cheerfully comply with your re: quest ihni I Would give you no arenant;of the almost Qin:LC.lOO3 GLift of Orr toile daouhters eye by the use of your "Fctruleuabll Flop WO, attneted with a very rote eye In February or March last, when I inaluvitalely applied toil, but caelical Kid in tho city, by whom II we• pronounced "• very bad eye" and all Ease ma no hope of doing ter any good. After which I took ner Into the coun try to an old lady, who had been very mccessfal in coring eyes. .be told me that her ease wan kopeks., mi she would certainly at: tot only that one, big also that the other would follow—lt lictur!scroffilmut affection of the blood. And I do certify ,that :at the woe my father (1. IL Vachon; cacao to the conclusion that we bed betieen7 your . Petroleum,. AMU Wi• awns at ti-11no at one rye. It la now about two mantas sin, she began Its one, and the can now sea wash both eyo... good as OVer she did; and, SY far as I can tell, I believe :be has, with tie Memoir of ha Along hay, been cored by " Petroleum" Yours, reapeetfolly, M. run,. V... 103 COUlit• Itsb al glib, dept. n, lebtt For nate by KeYset A McDowell, 140 Wood .beet; R. P... Marra, 07 Wood meet; D. Id. Curry, b. A. FA iton, Joseph Doorlik.s, wad 11. P. Selmal to, Alleghony, Mao by the proprietor, , P. winß. noviidcw Canal flayin.Pa•andt et. Pittalzurgb FALL IMPORTATION UP HARDWARE LOGAN, WILSON & CO 129 WOOD srnixr. Are nor+ prepared with a lame and fresh stock of English, German, and Amerman Hardware, to oiler sepertor loth...lents to buyers. 71,na0 stamina to pa bane ann. promote ' their Ul serest by looking btough our mock, as they are determined to sell co he most reesoneble term, aagts D. EIUNT, 'l4 lll . — Dentist tortscrufrourth anti Decatur, Letwman ' " neti-divin ENCOURAGE HONE INSTITUTION/ CITIZENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, Of Pltttburgb. C. O. 11U32•EY, PAWS... —A. W. MARSD Sin. OClcr—No. 41 Wolof Dn er, in toe Wan ',owe of C. 1111$ COMPANY co now prenatal to Omura 01l Mod , of rick c. on Inure, n.. , :toluetnytes, goody Inerchuni:un in clone, e,. In tonneau •ersels, etc An ampll gostno:y for the aWlny and tmegfity Of the Institunntl, to glut - chid in tlfo chnracter of the [I remora, tato, are nil eillneu of Ptnulturrh, well end ruvnruLly [any. tnthe community fut tl.efr pruyence, luldligristo, and intrgrlty. Lameorona—C. G !Weeny, Wm. llngoley, lAr liter, Jr., Wolter Bryant, Hull. D. Kintft Ileozelton, Joltet Itetwotth, S. Ilaiboueh, 5. M. Kier. MOW et Timporence $ citing N Adjournedm Meeting or the Allegheny Cnor. A Temperance Congentino will be held nn the erth Instant, In lice A. MI, Black's Cbornh,Sandttaky A:leg beny olty, at ID o'clock, A. N klekerel 011011- •io paptri will be prerented by gemming. ranted at the lam meeting. Thelemperato and the intemperate ore invited to attend. py order of the Convention , dein . J .Jilll.l2llANAN_LEie_q__ . New fload• •ffill[l• M. U .S R F. P 4 I 2 - 1. 1" .11 1 111 a VITal p . b1.140171YILE710,2, . Olt/kw...8 el desirable 0010.1C.. h. 111E1 , 1•14 Ihnrhe SCARFS, throngs Flounces. Oro /eOlslp±,il!koons, !to; IMO BR -1 tors fresh roll, for dote JAMES LIALZELL. 'LIWOIC'FILEWLE -4 1Ver• FRIEND! A RE 'TM A FATRHllt,laborincr for the parapet{ of 1k a family, and Groat general debility *al low soma. an that DA M' 51 1 r most weals a hoiden, an DR. EL D. SIUM - b7S SOAKER SARSAPARILLA. ARE. VOLT A MONIER, Satierang from datums to worth Amadei mei geaes , ally mableer., ease Dr.PLll.ituart's Shaker Sarnpudla --it *di certainly care ye, Fall al dardelmllar on one of may agents, and get a pamphlet, menu, wimps got will find Mat the Pro blarsaparalla, ma prepared by. Dr. S. D. Howe, bat been the means of permanency manna more threaten to which the boom fanny are continually subject, than any other preparation of . Bantspardla tsar yet broog hi before the public. TN, medaeme h. established Its logo mambas= by is amocrous and well attested etre. ll is pat op In quart boults, and as the only Plana. parlas that acts an Me Liver, Kidneys , and Blood at the cane time, Which renders It altageillermorn vala .l,le to every one, partieularly ID teeth. BI rats medeamaterfor LII.S.D.IIOWE'S MUREX SARSAPARILLA, and take no other. Price St per bottle-8 Wales for ISS. For sale by DR. S, D. ROWE & CO, Propuctors, t Col Wee Hall, Cr neannad,o , To whom all orders most be addressed_ Also, for sale by J. A..Jorten,J Schoonmaker & Co W. Black, It W. bleats, J. M. Townsend, J. bbider, W. Jackson, Partsbnrch; D. A. titian, Allegheny oily, W. It McClelland, Silaneurster, P. Crocker, Browns. sills. ' James Paull &Co , Wheeling; J. II ratterann and E. G. Morgan, St. Claimabl e ',Paean & Kama, Cads: oc.s.,lkarT ItATE OF DIsCuU NT tATES OF DISCOUNT—COILILE—CTEDBY N. 11014310331 i BOHN Esetmaxe Broker., No. it Biarkat 00003,1. a, Its reausylossaala. Dank.c/fPivaborgh --Par tqate &Draneht••• Exchange Bank P.O 3•ateSc rip • Merck. L. Mao. Bank •par 'Virginia.. • Dka.alrhilade!phi. , —Par Exchange Bk. or VIE : !Brawl MOO; ••—• •- --Pat Farmers 131.03 Va—• Dan k otUelistaunsvn -Par Ilk. outs Valley, o Cheater County. —par Eli. nt Virginia- 11 Delaware Co.' • •pai g 1 Montgomery Ca.• •par do Illorgantaw/i• -• • Nantiaraberland••Dar N. W.11ar, 3 / 4 Va--• Columb6llndge Co•• • pay do Viellsburg--• • Poylestoven Bank •-••pt: do Parltershurg.— Facuers'ilk. Readlug•pai 'N•ssal eeeee . EirOsora•Bit. Buck. Cu. pat Bk.of lennessee• •• • 3 'Fatter. B , k Lancaa'r•par Par.& hl arch's. Bk •—• Lanoline, Co. Ilk••• • •par Planters' Bko— •• • 3 Lancaster nk.•.--- par Union ,• U. State. Bank-3a Missouri. Brownsville Bk. ..... ••parKtatelli of Miesown— 1 Washington Bk. ..11 North Carolina. Ilk. of Cape Fur 11 Chamberakarg• March's UL,Newbern• o Basztatbanna Co. 111.. State Bank 3 Lewtshavra• ••• Month Unrolls•. Middleton:l 4 Camden llt••••• ••••. • 2 Carluls ...... . Eaarleston••• •• 3 Ens . OI;•:ommerclal Farmer.' and Ororers .110. oftieorgetuwn—• Boas, Wayneubart :Bi•ol 1 1 .433014•••• • • X ilarnsbors ,Alerektnta lit-- --, 5 I.l„„ssdyis !Planters &AleeriaNtsa • Lebanon •••• ........ , paEttk. of Knuth, • 3 POUvrillo --••• •• - "I &logy land. . .13altacora Wm- •••• •• •par York .......Lita/us'eal.OAßßerlp •10 Bk.__ 4 „ camberland lik.of Relef Note. • • ••-- 1 • [ban, . ...... ••• •• • 1 lik 1: 111. Potxdo ” ! Far. Bk.of 51aryluid• •,, Sorlp—Ptnath l: Conotyl !Farmer.' It Alechanlos mk s h on , • I , Bk. Froderlek•• •••• 1 , ;Prederick ro.llk.—, SW. Bi.ano Blanche. 1 11aXchEovrn 8k..... .. Moont.Plurstut ..... • 1, 111tosial Ilk Stoulteardlc— •• • ' ." ! Patap sco Ilk-- Bt•Clait•istits•—•—••• 1, „ Manaus I llt.titi[lllllinSter ••• • • •• Newl,loLe.o. ••rylehlga a. eine:anat. tank. .2 lit. of St. •-- CelaralL. . • ~ ,Ilk. of River RaLteb--- ~,,m,ssiin, ;Nitehlgan Ins. C 0... -- - 2. . nds g is . Much'. Bk• s /•••• „ nnn 11 j Vlltscousisa Tarrit've. Wanton, 35Nlar.&Fireln.00Alilw'a Alaositlen ••-- ' Coasting. t'sudaski 7ri<aolventßanka• •• • • • 0 Cr,sp, Unit of England Notes Cleveland-------.• 1 0301 d es 51p•gla Vol.. ..Napnleong ••—• —.• 110 Dayton— • --- ...5 11;11 10 Wegtetn newt, , r ,1 61•01.1 • •• • ••10 30 Frantlit LPIr rolgatbag " 1 -nile•n<a -••• 10 00 CMilisutes..___._-_--- it.eabk.nt Spanish. id OD L o t, • .......- Patrloi—•—• n 50 . ;Sottigigni ..... • • 4 8.1 Langsvgr • —lO ft olnea. • - ...... 5 es Harallun- —••• • ••• • 13 , Frederlekurort —.• 17 tri Nuotv.ll*---••• • to Tan Thalrr. • •• 330 Fartterall'k Osman-2h TCh C 111149 1 .11• •• 3 916 Mebar ..... 60 ;1,0044'031• • • • • a 56 fisiat•aky. IL2lllll•Asffe. ilk of Kentucky New Tort •—•-- larw Ilk.of !nostril,. ..... • ° •Pl•isZelptita ••• -- pro Norhern bk. Ea sto'ky • "1.11.12ta ors •—• Jou lottalt—Cto Mutt thuvw Wks-- PROPWITT FOR BALL, r; HUILIUNG LOTS ter talc in the icon of FA , Tai Litt riar..l. Main, claw vitro and on favor:tile le ribmw-di tie ter earner In!, BM I IN for to in Fen 3 =fe born ty lib Met deep Lreetpoot tch awed ob t he Ohio INT., ft urt— baby. cirr i - midway . between rimmutah and Wheeling. 4 tare• ham Wagon. end Idnir end the roan tar., fret. Websci3e aid Calcume. It m abeam in a healiay and btltldiul ran el Obin. h. Ittio add date twa to moan, 1 - 11011TELITA81214 Awrs for he atana(etare of / and re Tagil biateb, dry podia and aroectl gum., and mrehanite of ea non. tinla, tour rbarrtetc, azaile mbonla At the recent red of Intl viz were parratird by ambefaciam, 04n deign erect me Wilfrid 41. e. earmaia ^r3., ,Y11er,..1 and wher atinutictittuis ricabbalimects gag...ft of a pbm whim, is addltran a R,Ck•'lOll44l .03 )Litfolf ware, taring teen enanufaetured In thla tows, it be reanimate maoppoet tam p will rapidly improve Persona dread. of the property can do ro soy der,. it tea bout mil train rutabaga, ateami ere lett:. oar hunts every day for Lteerpuoi, Wallatqae and Wheeling. pastes urt,itialst layint. piee trine and batet,ria, to be dime m Liverpool, derma the net:c i and 4.0 nine, alto tor Lemma and brick. Apply to Sandford Macel4, , poor. or 10 lbe cubectiber M.: or alcsig. Maraca r. r. Attorn r 'act Lace, No 149 rerarth 'Creel .' - JAMES lILALELV de.d.hartjanla A LL maces indebted to Ole e 'Ate of VVIn WI?Ion, deceased, writ till op the ardt.cienad, toil ant,- lortnett, tf et: hawins elli,a nphit. t rrt•te p 1 ,41,4. 4'• ut,•neni aisam xV!1..11•4,? AA, nal.f:dataltt.n CA.L.V:", A1)01. 1 Ll= °ELTON'S sptagund (Imbue Mn;,•re new betng totrotiartd to all tbe ittedtog teitoo!• m Nett , England and Neat Vett. We tote otntine ,, thp mewl' tot them lii Plttebaratt.ans motor reacher. and eaten: committees to teara pd examine No 1 —Map of the Wet= Ilent, do, pbere, els inches No tba do galla . nt do Nos— do North Americo, No 4 do United Suite., 111==i21112 No;-- do 0. &Merles & Africa, N .14 Poet. of 041 esic., with kr. S 2;; or lltr Lot two llamiralthrc Mart, retth key, Rio Tooth May are unovalled la are arm,. 1 cony and tilt:afoo t. and adapted to the wants of the potent!, goonthat a ad WO retools of the United Note, For race at publ sher'. puce., without uddiCon trawl& <Large., at toe EDUCATIONAL. DOOR STORE, not& Cor. Market 2 Fourth on. • • . aV - 1 . Ire d-,1 dot arms' pe rp e tu a l gm.. M '''' I.' k. 9 Wiled al, 4 - y ril‘" Itul,' , cr boat., tar +a la to • dell 1 a II PHILLIPS_ `C..' , e 1 La , 131-111 arts received for ,, !a b l i l L y t4,,N, - la • L Orel2 no Wood al_ Nf;.‘ 1.1i.AF1.41111-171 ail. and I 7 aria in. , raed ur .alt by 8U11.1.1111D6W. 4 lialGis RAM, 41e111 116 Water at 20 sill, RES Weetern Inturanee Comport': to .11111(11 Prriniqlotnin slid Ohio nail Rood 5 do North Amencan SIINcg Compan7; dell A WILKINS & CO Ur sated to Chariots A LIMIT DMA Stern ‘Vbeelftt Steam 11:: 3 1 14 m SCAISIF & ATKIN oc Apply to Fifth st., between Woad _Jo Market. Phreab 'Trona, Blots, at. 600 1.110 Zoete Curran% 3fttl lb. Setedicas BAWDS; Lo6t. M. n. do to hf has do do tour beg do do 404 bay do do AS drums Smyrna Fig.; 3 eased Citron; do. Leman Sugar; dos Corm Powder; Al tars Bordeaux Prone.; 3 bale. Ivies and Pnuer Shell almond.; I:d:tailing no prod Ptekles For male by J DfSVILLIAMS k CO dela Coo Wood k. Fifth eta FlSH—antis Pio Patinorti 6 brie No I Marken:lt la hf brit. Noe l Ir. 3 Mutate', II gr brts No I' do In kits No I do Shad and Herring, for agile by D WILLIAMS A CO 1141 AD MASINO,• a mental of Die principle, and Lk, practice of road Teraina, comprising the len-anon, construction and linpictrentent of rnad, common, blarodam, payee. 'nark, Ae., and rail rends, ay W. 0. Oiliest., A. of , C E New elltCan. seta addlnnan. A les capies.for sale by TOCKTON, linokseller, Printer fr. 81132 tr, note 47 Market et NSW I:IOQ.KS e NEW BOOED AT 1101.21ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Thir d " , ml , °Ormolu the t . :xt Wee, ALTON LOCK, Teller and Poet. 1.17 the author of ••Shirlay,”"/•net Rpm" c. Dr. Dere. Reply to Ilinep lloghts, on elle Decline of Protertantivm, %Plug !recta.* for Dern:ober Littelltv Living Age, No 20 Kaiekeniroeker Alogaztue rot December Huston Shotapeare, Itoruculturial for December. cultivator foe December. Di a orogd Wife. Ily T. O. A ether. Pride and Prudence, or the Married Sister. dell RO'LL BUTTER-1000 lb* Isoub, for (away use from Tarlol's Dairy, for uo , e. by delo UORBRIDGE k INMIRAM irivrirs Merchants' Magazine— The December JIM numb' , of thlv excellent publication has been rct <dyed %I Holm& Literary Depot, opposite alio thrice. All merchant,. shown t take tha work. The nest comber will commence the new vOlaylc. P+l4o and Prudence, or the married sister, a nem novel. by T. S. Arthur. Littell'a Living Age, No delO ITOIL BALM, AFEW ESnres CET . Aline ro Stock; O, North Ameticun end Itickterin Insontord Slnek. A ditty to Baird k 1r,1it ,114 Strom) street. p oittatin a 1/0511'..n fin WIN 1:i lc 1.11-illtilt., ulway. on bond nod lof Clic 4y the rnst, or In q ,,,,,cr so cult purchasers, by drib W rc hl Al ITCIIELTH IX. . - - • - . . NO. SUCI A It—A few hltdo.pilam old crop, abll on • hood, and ,or rale by nail W it hi MITCIIELTFIER RICE—t les Cualinn, In state, for ..In by dell N & M MITCIIEtaIIEE. OLASSE.I4-55 burela new crop, laud ag from creamer Catcall:tali, for awe by JAMES DALZELL, dell Water et TANNERS' OIL-50 Orl3 Maks , Oil, far sale by dal _ JAMES DALZELL DX ACKEEEL—IM kis rceg lier eanal, for sitle, by LY/ dal JAMES DALZELL JR TrONEY - DEWinly dal V too on hand. for •ale I R DALZELL iXt "rough lS inos. OCIIY4 BURCHP. Mer IRLD b... on band a rood M awntruani; also, blank and fancy Coburg.. dal virgin VISH-16 rls for sok by deli 8 F VON BONNHORBT k CO rIAIrBoAI's: Packets arriving at ukddepartAng here th• Port et Wittilralih. FOR NEW. ORLEANS- • Tee neer -sad elegant passenger 4 • ' PARL. ANDERSON, R. C. Onty, =mar, trill liava En the • abate .4 all Intermediate MIS, on Thursday, the 26th Innant, at 10 acettlet...n. 5L For Irei I_ll•Lrpaatraae. apply on Loud. .11,11 IMMEIMI i i ff i ts — Tliespieutlid near Kramer L, • Taylor, masterU EL , tri LA ll loan for tho above anti all Intermediate 'porta on Pala day, •d 'net, at 4 P. N. For freight or meant." apply on board. tir4l FOR CINCINNATI, LOUISVILLE & ST. LOUIS. The passetteer racket SaIaISAAC NEWTON, U. F. H utchison, muter, wall leave for above and intennettate pans on this day, 2141 into, alto A. AL attage, apply on board. de2l FOR ST. LOUIS. The (oat rennin! steamer ROBERT RODBF.R_R, Semler, master, will leave rat the rthove and 01l irdermediate pone, on thl o day, Slat inst., at ID A. 151 En, ft r itt h ' or P°!...gc,±PPO. on ooud• 4,02/ FOR CINCINNATI tt LOCIISTILLE. The splendid akv i lßtAr p a i nulng steamer John B. Darla, master, will leave for he ahove an d all Intermediate Porte icy rho girt net On i reight or poaaago apply on boart i o G r i ; u o G For aIILTENI3 The splendid new packet steamer Conwell, ma l e lj r a: R IN NA tiL perforating her regular tri-weekly trips between thls cup end Wheeling leaving Pittsburgh at In o'clock, ellen. Monday, Wuduesday, end Friday, and returning, leaves Wheeling every Tuesday, Thurs day tad itaturday, in each week. Vet freiSlat or pavan/E.. opppl. on board, nr to . „KRIIIMTH9N9 tr. CROZ ER, Art. REGULAR WELLSVILLE kaa..,:s. The light draught steamer ' . ARENA, D. I'. Rinney, master, leaves Flues burgh Monday, Wednesday, and Fn. day, Cl 10 o'clock, A. 51 Leaven Wsl motile Tuesday, no mdag, and Saturday, at 7 o'clock, A N. For freight or passvge, apply on board. nag PITTAEURGE k INT.LLSVILLE PACKET. The Neaten, . PEVEILLF, y--0; a D. R. Dale, ma-ter, wilt :cave Pitts. burgh every Toesday,ThursdaY, and F•llt , elltY, returning. leave Wellsville o'er/ Mendalr, Wednesday, and Friday. Fur fresAht or paasage. apply on board or lo _net) W 11 WHEFIER. Aetna. REUULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain .loan Bmmnanaa This eplendid boat was built by the owners of the %teenier huge Newton, end others, far the Cincinunti and Pittsburgh Parket trade, and will Soave evety Wedneedny, for Cincinnati, in piece at the New England, No. R. For (mien or I , &nape apply en board, ono 0211 U BIifILTENBERGED, AM lirlislii:iiirl - SIWEELINE"72 'SITS Sirf frVicitti.7 ' The rest running steamer WELLSVILLE, Capt. It. lioung, will run at a regular packet between Fitulargh, Wheel ing, Bridgeport, and S.lich, leaving Piticburgh reel) , Monday afternoon, for Wellsville, Steubenville, and Brolgeport, and every Toursday afternoon far Steuben ville, Wheeling, lirldreport, Ceotion, and Sunfich. Mtzilur, llt enurs Sdpets a Sunfish rem 'Faca- de.? anemone. and Sunfior!nsi eve n yr Friday afternoon. For freight or pe,itee, apple on ',amid, or to •ep7 D WILKINS, Agent. NM 850 igifrsiM PHILADELPHIA & PITTSBURGH: THE CITIZENS' PORTIBLB BOAT LIMB, CNTINUFS to ferevare freight to Pitubargh vie Had Road and Canto, en very reoconable tents, oral ',alb the nsael de , rolru. (rum our large depot, N 0.270 Market sue rt, Ettiladelplite, (Omer!, oeeepled by Mrs.., Bingham A Spelt. _ eng27:,l2m 'll SF POINDF.x . rna e. co • WALL AIIItANGEBEEZIT. ffik F;;;"t"lrtiqfiat Central Itatirond open w llollldataburg MI Con& to Johnstown—;SO saileo .1-toot from Johnstown to Pholcsienhia. TWO DAILY EXPR E.L;•S PACKET BOATS, 'E7S . C.II:e:7 FOR PIIILA DELPHI' 1'.1./ BALTIMORE. , 'Flute through, 13 ' theme tole • neer it cyry :Hi miler direct o to ercluilettitiv, euestoy over the ric/ l'enoryivattio Irytt (“ohl, thurr 0115 ar tbe leer eet In the cotourte. 7he oteerseeG tend 'hie roan matte la Ito moot teeruhiy. 1: .6 the meat coroTortottle etc to the errsiutri e•tien • . Al Pafiili will leave dyarri Armiiria at a 0 and ever, carver, at S IL, —. Tre Damara Pail Ilaad ea la day Pelt Par 1 . 1 -gc a tii•trinaline Apply to W BUTCJI, Alndoncatelei House; at-,113 D LEI Cli it CO, Caaal Baal. 1:1-0-ViaDiGAIIIICLE. UD1131%. MtialPE W 2i7g7tititi Only 71 illtaa Via Orawnsrille end Ceinaeliend ko ItilthroTo sod Patletolpaia Fax. To Ilet.staoes----- . • -VD 00 DO. :2 CV TOE moinlng boot Imre. the 'abaci, .ban the triiiiee, dally, ai to Ti 'man t;ilie ll•ilaAcli•LA., oh 1.,,Ta r• 1 ,, Tl. Fla;ra rt." de, •• H•od )u r a t otaa oie o,llcc, nootzgabolit H Char:o., 014.1 T L MESKIIIEN, Agora 185°. Itie6Mh AIDWALLA. & lIItOTii 61t 1 FORWAILDISt; rP.R, (heave! ID — Ace:He fur BIDWELL'S PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE ERIE AND L) LINE TO EMU, WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PAUEFITSi tcrr !At, aud rh,ppmc bctwrca Ptß‘bist6h aliPlirchet:cr I:y .lenru Lolls MlcErom, Lx:ko Eric, and Verret. 1,7 - 4.K.0.1• romp.' Om] promptly del:oozed to all - plaro•oo too tloortle tol Lalo.. lowoot tame. Shelve go *Ol plea. Liao. 000 d• to othdr. ell`.Line' . , J. C, IrIDWELL, Wntre at, l'ltubnrgh PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD WINTIGU. ARRANCMISENT. L . .. 5... -xnznl=4:74'2lnlAMO t 30 00U0S TO YINLALO3.I,IIIA. .213 pear., Rood-92 04;les Staving. Good Intent Telaikrapla t>C:prass LIE. • st• ge Compa onc ny. QIN Mi!g I.lam of New Com. foe 1101.1.1- LMVSIII7IIO, cud 1..1 tile it. 111 , Nev Penn• 111.• m Kell Hoed to VIIIILADELEMA NEW VORK,•n.I lIALTIMEME. Daring tho empansion of Cron Nmigetion, Piz Do!" con•bm mill tore lot Moly Core of conebee will leave for Ilotlirloysitorte, nod hem theirs by the New Penney Ivattia Rut Road, (213 miles) to Phtiodelphia. Time through, D 3 doom Fare to oo Fare to BallImore•-•--- - 10 03 Coach., arid train every morning, at S o'clock, per elvely,atd every night at the same boar t xrit SIS to leave Al any tone, always In madinesa. Th. IS the most direct. control table, and expeditioat wale to tilt eastern clue, • raareratera for Unltimare lake We New Rail Road at Harrisburg, dam, on the amighl of We ear. at that glare. For portage or information, apply to; W M. 510011.11FaD,St Charles Hotel, sato J. F. HOLME4. 4 , Monongahela Hoare. IlitHaturgh, Dee. 4,lSMs.—de7 THE OLD PiiINTING ESTABLISHMENT, (1.*16 Johnston k Stockton's) • Aed Blank Bank and Staneenry Warchouse. W. 2, ITA V E N prepared to excrete every t Lyle of Legal, COM. maraud, Canal nod Steam Boat Job Brtitung and Bea ihadmit and furnish every eruct° to the Blunt Boot, Caper, and Statinnetr line, at the shoriest no dee, and nn the rflOft terms Bunt Beet ado Statmery Warehouse, corner of Mark et and Second sirens. Printing Office and Book Bindery, No on Third at. A 11NOLD'S) ilatbert'n, Hogan & 'boson's, and Ja. Ilstrlson . . Slack. toed, Scalier, & Carmine inky. tronteml, Faber's, Illoasktonn & Langdon a, Jack gon'r, awl Monroe% Hiles nod Red Lend Pencils. I, kmands of every deseriptton; Untestt's, Cohen's, ['rainy, Levy's, Kelly's, Leman's, and ether manu factures of Steel fens; U.k E. At. Smith', raucCentOr to A. G. Ilayley & Co) delebrateil Hold Pen., with gold gild carer nom. , %Thunman's English Drawing Paper—antlquarinn, double elephant, oda., colon:atter, roper to al, royal .d elephant; Bristol llamas, cap, delay and medium. Perforated board, flinty box paper, plain gold and slicer, embossed golcl, silver and toner colored paper, geld and colored stripe and earners, and lithograttio for hinny bore.: pr red parchment of all niter, imitable for deeds, charters and diploma.) Frei.eb note paper, always on hand, the mom desirable ell its, sae, a'' patterns, plain, gilt. embossed and silvered, suitable far bane, patsies, wedding. rind concision. ,French note envelopes. ploio and embossed; letter °Pucka:es, brown; while and blue; laid and plain ad. ! hesive envelopes, half blue and white. Wafers, water cop, vat mots patteross.wrlling sand; trees, an, eon. owl Talks, boxwood sand boxes copying plksses, ink., brushes, Ftench and English ! r clay mg books, and oil paper; tisane paper al all colt is; red and white patent blotting paper; Pen mrcs, &e. The above, with all other articles in rho Stationery, I ne, broth fancy and maple, together with a large ar• flortinent Of bl ank bunks nod tacMorandom book. of ill common four.. of matrix, in every Blyie of binding, rid paper of all sizes and kaolin., Mr note a: reduced ales on the most reaconabln tenor ) at • W. Y. IIAYLN'S Stank rook and Stationery Warehouse, ' , IT" nola i Corner of blorket'and Second Ms Loam littamvla and Dry Goods. ! F. have jurt received on co rat 0 very handsome& M lot of Long Shaw/. at ar tit prices, wßich will be rinsed ou verY cheap. Tbn wade is tcapeotailly Malted to call and exams. Mem. Also, o. very large lot of Dry Goods, consistiog m pant as follows, Ms:— Super Woes French Cloth.; to Salve. Mown sod sereen'do• do 111ue and black French Doeskin Casameres; do Drawls and drab Tabby Velvets; do heavy Ribbed Silk Serge; Worsted do; a.. Mao blaet Santos; Silk, brood article) doMink M o it Twist n spools do Sloe black Waxed Patent Throad, Very sap. Dunned'. k Allan's bladder Prints; Turkey Fed, neat mica dos 44 do do plan for curtain. do; 4 4 do do fancy atyleS; English Gingham , : PirperiOr French do; • Sopetior Oil colors do, he: Tor soda by HERSE,V, PLEASING &CO, del?' . . 11131•Woodkt Corn roOmor szlo'by B E V I3-475 an Lt ROEY;I4ATZW HESIt CO 11011SEKTAV RAVI& &c. A TM? gerze i re a ll=rl i ke s kl l siltf a r! s li . Aitng IL. tem. Far tenlut CV! to • ROBIBON ITTLP CO del2 235 Liberty ot n NE ceatiii e..) onthe pa Creek and htl :first rue Dolton orchard. lid. It would d itde a deuraae ptoi iningMaettstaules train Wood.Sala, ailed road to the Ohio River, at Flatung rdia, about IMO Sams clearid,,Ulaere. m,S dwelling boasts, barn., and a large . would tout t aplendid ttoelt WV, or e 'advantage into three Caroms ((le Jperty, andwill ba soli law. ALSO, Two 50 acre tracts of land beautlfally simated an the Ohio Slyer, mile. below Wheeling, improved, and will be Feld a bargain. ,Etutalla or WSJ • II JOHNSTON, oC9 bit Second at MEM THE dwelling house No. Es Second street between! A, Wood and Market streets, now occepi,rl by the subscriber. Rent ISM per annum. Possernion Oven Co the lst.o(Nocernber : next. JOHN hIELLOH • oetll.ll No. 81 Wood street • FOR RENT. TWO wets fiyusbeieffices — in Post Offtea Bai ldinn• Third siren. . . A long, Ira lighted room, 3d UM, entrance Mar.' ket erect, betweelf : Pd and ate Wenn , Also, • small brink house, in Pitt Toornstdp, 1.11/ Pennsylvania Avenue. Inquire of oet7 R D GAZZAM, No 181, Seearid 11. • MEM • - - A FOUR story Dwelling, slate 'roof, office, bath moot, gaa &llama, and bake oven, ID) Third at Inquire at tO Water street. aera 44. M'CORD & CO, (14. Wholesale & Retail Manotacturers &Dealers itt HATS, CAPS & FURS. Car. Wood & Ylhh eta., pittaltrarg b. Whore they offers fell and complete Stock of Hata, Caps, Furs, See., of every qvallty end style, by Whole. isle and Ruts* end invite the attention of their car towers and porrhasew generally, assuring them that they will sell an the Mont ADv•lrrao.C. TUX, angriest G. W g TAYLOR. --- COMIALSSIONER ABB BILL BROKER, 115 Second Otleet. S TRICT attention will be given to all basin, a en. trusted to bis rare. Pittsburgh oranufactund articles always on hand or procured at short notice. Notes. Bonds. Mamma in regoclated OA favor. able terms- Advance" made, if requited. ise....eaut lIOtINTY LANDS A • • • RIIANGEbIENTS baying Gaon made between the Mid orsipt d and a B. Grayson, Esq., of Washington City, (Into of the Tretsary Departrnenll the understened will procure Ilminty Lands for the &Leers, and Soldiers, their widows and children, node r the Bounty Land Hill, pawed September 22tb.11320. J &NIES F. EERR, Attorney at Law, Fourth et, between Bmlih6e Id SL &Cherry aliey. __Pitishuraldlct 21, le2o.—oc= CARD. MURPHY& BURCHFIELD HAVING CuBIPISOLD THE EVLAIIGEMENT AND OTEXII 137713.0V1N51Ts OP THEIR leraild ROOM, ' North-East ear. of Fourth & Elatkot sta, WILL. RE-OPEN, On lir Mary earning, =September, With a Large Sloth of Few Geode .021 R. C. STOCKTON, , BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER, No 47 Market street, comer of Tnird HAS coollmtly on'boad, for sale, Writing, Leiter," Priming. Tea, and IN rapping Paper. Bonnet, Faders'. landcra', and Trunk Boards; Book 4.1 Nowa Paper Pronlos Inky; 11r blehle will sell lathe lowest cash pieta, or in exchange (or rags or tanners' tongs vent 9 ATTOIiNEY AT LAW, No. 89 fifth 1711154ra1t. r.. . IBA AC WORTHINGTON 1 NAIRMAT/UN of Due Worthington, late o Westehem er, Chemer eounly, Pe, will be tau& fully reed yea by Wilmer Wouhittiton, M. D.. Well chest.", Ne. • deatd2q tato Sionettarra and n n•rehaats. s_IOLISSPI."3 PREMIUM PERFUMERY.—Tba sabserther respectfully invues public attention to his extensive mock of Perfumery, Soaps, Shmillig Creams,,Se., di which MY. Wye, and two Golden Medal. nave. within the last six years, neon awarded by the Inailisites or New York, Roston, and Phila delphia, the lqter tieing the only Golden Medals ever unman: for perfumery either In Europe or in this COentry. Itonscnt Slum° CERA.. iAltoncd, Raul, nod Araros , al,) universally ocknowledged to 1.. e :opt nor to Lltt , Shaving Cry= lll , ura country cr r.orope. Omens. too Snarl:la—Beautifully transparent, and froarcuitg . bigoly Soporiamus and emollient Ambrosial Shoe. Ito Tabled 11il Bury Shaving Snap. treernmsaT SoAre—Almond.Roet,Milletleent, Bonn el, Fi'imeln o,lllrisk, Pale hold y i teonihaa, Float. • Me, Transparent, Olive Oil, 11 - indoor. and Cirea.llll. Eere/CO rune ihriLISZL/t1117,1103C, Bouquet de Curli Geranium, Jenny Idea Mousse- lin:, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clernaide, Citronelle • Resat, end catty other science, in ill slaty different • perfumes. Toren Warm—Florida Water, Eau de Toette, Orange Pewee Water, and a great Till iCly o f CO. L.VI/ CA and Lavender Muses Pearamoono too out Itaut—leonine Bevis Oil, • Antiqae Bandanna Eau Lastrale, ()Woe, Com pound Ox Marro..., Harr Dyes, liquid and impure. and i'biloooeakatin.,assitAsererMEMlSerroola ' alirruedi Powder. Cosiirrici—Vegstable Cometio fere., Crea m for chap ped hands. Cold Cream of Reea Cream de Perot., Lip Salve, RaapSerry Cream, & r . Depilatory Povsd era, far removing rapernuoirs bale, , Pearl Powder, Vlnalgre de Rouge, Anemic Vinegar, Vtctoria Bair ot herComption, Preston Salts, besides a Own Peri try or am ne=treirel be named in this advertisement The rnbacrtlier hopes to maintain the reputation nien Ors ettatiiirlinient tan acquired, by dui:main nf antr m lifucles, and mill be happy to paireni:e him. ellhet .LI: reu.onnhe terms as Mt! eit iishnelti tlc IL:ft] Mutes. _ XnVlFat LAZIN, doccessor to and fount: Dirertor of the Lebotatoty • • EITGENN noussEt., lly Cketoot turect. ?calmer) le rot Slit by anti. ' all the p ai. .11 the country • &oil' allyl Nei," Book•pt - ,17retelir•d. Mr. Masan'. 'al Dru mmtn i t UWE. Lila of John Randolph ot Roanete., Ry Ilogh 1 A. flatland, with a p011...14Y Yule. Pluto mac Mextolantra Spica. of LearairiA Lttge•aca, ap • plied to the study of French Second French Read-, iiiiistraie.l with Historical, Gtographieitt,,PhiloaCidd• cal and Pbilologlead notices. lly J. Romer, Pion , . r of the French Language and lAtatuture in the New Fork Free atiadinny. I edt. Mao. The second voila]e of the Memoirs of the Life and Writing. of Thomas Chalmers. D, L. L. D. BY his son in lOW, Rev. Wm. Sienna, L. L. D. Itistory end Geography of h• Middle Ages, for colleges and schools, ehtedy Goat the ',each. By George Washington Greene ' author of Lira of Gen. Greene, Historical Studies, iSe. The Pathways and /kidding Place& of our Lord, luotruted in the Journal ore Tour throuvh the I and o( Ihnuote, vrott nun... Engravings. Or J. Al. Waiutonplth D. D. I vol. royal rm. Par sale by R. IIOPKINS. dela IS Apollo Rut Winos, Fourth at • [sells Robber Cloodt. -- -I dos 4I feet Rubber Whips; 3 dos 5 feet do; 9 dos 0 feet do; dcz 7 ruff do; I dia. 8 feet do; dos Alen's Loos Sleeve Gloves; '2 dos Rockskto Money Sells; sold of he India Robber Depot, 7 & 9 Wood It dell J fr. H PHILLIPS J UST reed S UNDIIIExI-1u Is brie Pent lei ID brie Mil,/ Apple.; 4 brit Cloyemed, 6 brig Dalmam, 160 his do 26 kris Roll Dotter, SU kegs packed do 75.1ars Batter; 10 boa roll do; ecao tad Cheese; 1 bale Sheep Pella; (or saleby de 7a 1 II CANFIELD TIDIICA FLOWERS-1 bale (or l e hl denl SCIIOoNNIAKER &CI) FFO3IIBh Bea Inas, La. OPIECES Black French biotin°, 50 pieces colored do do Iva do Peransana Cloth, all colors; 181) do Coburn do do 300 JO Alpaos; lost opened ho A A MASON S CO, del: 6Y & d 4 :Minket st MILL PROPIMITY. A NV perran orirblne to coulee in the bur r% eels may bear of a very derivable property by apple lication to WM II JOIININTON, O IliFlieeend et . Seller. , Imperial Cough Syrup, FOR the mire of Coughs, Colds, Hoarseness, lan. eon, Tickling Sensation in the Throat, Whooping (Mush, ac.; pronounced to be the most effectual re medy now in us, Caen' Imperial Cough . Syrup—Professor Porter hes, without solidhation, glum. a certificate of the ea. cellerice of this popular cough medleine. l It will be interesting to all who arc utritcted with coughs, and are cur..r about fur a safe and speedy can.—Pnts• burgh Dairy P3B: Exchange Hotel, Oct. 10, IS Messrs !now—Having been for some :time yowl cry much afflicted with a severe cell and, almost anstant cough, and baling tried ”1101.1. remedies, yrup, Co, and all to no effect, I win induced by my teemed Owlet, W. W. Wallace, of this city, to make a trial of II E. Sellers' Cough Byenp. I did to, and to nay great *wort., I received alsnaet Immediate relief It was with the greatest difficulty that I lea tared before my respected classes, but on taking • spoonful of the syrup lost betorb entering thy lecture reom, I could 'peat with perfect taco during the evening. I would particularly recommend it to defy , men, lawyers and other public Teal - els. I have used two bottles only, and am MST rerfectly eared. I feel It to be MT duty as a philenthropist,to make dl pub to acknowledgment of the efteitey of tne articlob, for I -consider It to he the hest now before the public._ JAMES 11. PORTER, ProPr of Mathemmied. Prepared and sold by R SELLERS, deed 67 Wood m Christman A. Few Year Te ps. JUST ree'd-9 , 12: India. Lubber l lt s t . l”', dos do Llons;' , , dos mall size Doll Dead.; • 3 dos small size : do; Thew are an entirely rew and handful deuria. tion Tay. for children, ileac tenet be equidle6 by say other lind for service, es they cannot be Injured Of broken in any way I.y rough alum Al ~6 dot India Dubber Teething Itingls,!cor sale at the India Dabber Depot, 7 9 Wood sweet. dell J & II PHILLIPS • IALF.6MAN WANTED, by a Philadelphia Dry L't goods Iloose—Orre sale to inflaenee a Assad cash and sir mnattietrado fronsWestamPenosylvaula and. Ohio; he most he of eood character sad enabled to' take a position as a 6nt rate salesman. Nano other need apply. Clomnanlcatioos will he considered con fidential. Address, post paid t ßox 761 Philadelphia Post Odle. - nolanlendtto Cold Weather Goods. MURPHY t BURORFITILD have an hand, Soper American premium Blankets; llama made • do do Boma made Flannel., white and bared; Tonlled llashrinkahle Welsh. Flames's; • Under Hhint and Drayton; Gloves, Hosiery, Wonted;________"n Scarlet Curialn ChM's• flalltlPllY tr. MIMI tFIELP Suva reasfirca;a rap 11l ply; .Iw, Impressed do. igen MJNIIIANEOUS 111117E1111 INAIIKANCI CO ph :OF PITTSBURGH', `'' IEOOOOO F. 1.411: R. nuaa, J Will AlllOlll5 a p ricot i t t rt . or or ticts, al , TIRE. AND MAKINit, . Ltaao.d. be hberally atlested and pnmpu}. p+.1,1:: A howl instilation—mansped br Director. who ars well known in the eateresnitv, and wile are detenutc• . 4 by Pm:Spouse =1 liberality to canbstaln the actor whirls shay have assured. rs attestor do hest proteolsonlo those who deslr, to be Insured. Dnurroas—R. Jr., cro. Black. J. W. antlii, N. Mimes, Jr., Was. R. Holm es, G. thmsen, Celt Y. /whoa, Wm. M. Lyon, Jr Lippincott, GeOrtl • Danis, James AVAnley, Sena. Orin', No. W. Water etreot, Orarettoare of Spans &C. • no *mina Piushoreh.. ; :104.qty:. PIKE AN ID; MiEHi Iiti , SUBARCEAOT/g& PROTEC..VIONI . IHSURA:DOE COMPANY OF HARTFORD, SICCI ixn acart.ra Mae; mr,000 t o0o: CHARTERED 1 25 TRN neerraned has been eepoin used T: ILG old abd IMponsiele company, o anceeed Mr. Fayette Brown and II ready le ie. ,policing In the Fire and Mantle department, en. m - minable MISS as anypther respormibte company in thla eft), • i GEO. E. AR 01.71 6 71 Fourth at. nett 10 U k fluttatraL PROTECTION FIRE MARINE INIJRANCE COMPANY. AnnualPrestsarsa,Capital,Stauf, 99.11000,00,0. uralenigned would call the attention otraer an4 others hosing . property elposed . loss by Fits Car the perils of Nartgatton to the investor adoantorei °Baud by the Proteetion lneorano• Company 0,11113701D,C0NN.,•1V., Is—Rases of Premium re low RA theca of any other RESPONSIBLE Other. 2.—A speedy and satisfactory adinsuneurtf Inure by the Genssrel Anent of the Company (or the Western oud Southern States 3.—Arburaction (o( alt MlTerence s which arise) by referees Mutually chosen.• 4.—ftwardreprOmptly pall in Specie, Bent able Pones, Or Buchanan on New York, Baltimore, Charleston, New Orleans, St 1.011i3, Loeisstlle, Piushurgh, or Clnelunstijat the option ni the insured. ID ei o r ftlTo b gri b".."17 41 .1 '.'oPpe T :nall7mr. ars! 3 '. .; theof .harstrds, Sc., furnished to the evatomers of elite free or eharas. For. farther :Information, apply to the undertireed, who Is folly sutherired resort, Dwaine., nioree t Hotels, Warehouses!, Mill., Menufsethries, Bain s, dee. Honethant Furniture; and Goods, Wsune r end 3(ee chetah.e, contained or ironed thernan,aancrat lons CT damme by FIRE. • stho, Dry Goody` Crocerres,.lllmafactured Gonda. Pre date, HOTIIO,OId Ellraltere, Lire Start, rind every Oilier of itlerchandixe or . Velso:Iil Pros Pacts alcoved at to be shipped per et.4o 71enOlhOtit. or boats tosatid num points 01111,a Wea,rn Water, Or hetwcuifutstern (vie Lakes,or usher toland route) and ant town, in the Western coma rr, nr , inst tho Swan:Sao INLAND TRANSPORTATION: • Shipmen% of Coeds, WaTes,..d IWeWL'od,te, per mood vessel by newels, between Now Orlesu t end I.:m.swm ?IWO—brow, n New Orleans mx , ,lotber Gul! ra7o7e b al;;;_o ' r " to A''n' otli ' el ' eriTtitt t lt am:acrid we Aumoide waters, against Istis'e p .R . lLS Or TSIE SFAS" GEO. E. ARNOLD, t 74 PO2llll 111, next to Gm Rack el }qualm:L. memliHttiarjl . • E=l=M TE IlEttl% WARE MUTUAL. SAFIIIT7 RANCE: North Room of Me ligebange, Tao' meet, Philadelphia.. . Ftmt litagrboor.—floild toga, archon d ISO ond whet property, Itn,ldloran and Country, Umnred or damage bY Bro. al the 1.7.G.1 rate of : premiss.. MAIM! laanaanca—They also insu re Vermeil, Car goes. and Frejebtr, foreign or 0.n . 0.., order. nen or. .portal polinles, at the all turcat may 4GSIrI. Imono Toommorrarrom—They also Jurors metelb. transported by Wagon!, Roll Bond Carx,.Chnal Boats and &Miro Boar., on wrong and leio F, on the mast liberal tams. 'DIRECTORS- Jateph v. Seal, EfSuitt/ A, Sadder, John C DsoliJßobert Iturtst, Jolui ft Pent ~+e, Erma el Ediranlij *J oO Lelper, Ed ward OsSint ad,. Stine R Dash., V1111:Fohorell, John Newlin. Dr ft M Jo. C Pr9thang, II Henry SidAti,lllish George 3it,.1.1, Routers.. Mdllvd l d,COldar 1ie111 1 ,.3 i Johurou,. IVid I isy, Dr 9 Thomas. /Om Seifers,Wra Itym, Jr. DIRECTORS AT I'ITTODURCII-1/ Slordart, / 511 dh CtA.di;John TI yon. • WILLIAM , MARTIN, Clitldent THOS. C. lIAND, Vme rre Rd..% Jwwn 14.:POIV•11,SCC‘). Err Office:Or the Company, Nu. 4:1 itmu `nueb?lgh. foettrtrl P. _A MAllrie A. AO IS VIL A FLU J 7,1) ' J. Ftwary, Jr., ' Agent for ao: PM= Life Insurance. , kFpicE the Witflent Inn VICO o•NrlrrOir No. . Irt Waterstrect, Pity byre,. Pamphlet., 'with all LICCT.CAkti iniocuo rt.! ylsik forsdo Will be fornirled. Ilosbarili .4n mg.., OEI7 hies for tee 1 , -1. GI of tbsir wines and children; creedors theiktcs at the.r debtors. 1 . _ ... , . The whelp ,proStr of t..e Ccmpahr are 4 iri.lrd among the holderi of Life rams The diride.pds cr the part two yearn have Seen ektti ty per eeeLeithh r 0 .. re2l3 ca t. RC cTii ATTORNEY AT .1./1.1Y,7 , , Cillto STATE CONMIIESIO'NEIT otOn Atkoowledonents o( etc- Othoe—Fokott.atzoot. above SoIASOO4I. vor4-.lAviT IGHT DRAFTS Torn:. BA:1.1'11%10F1':, IL ADEL II 1A CINCINNATI, I,OIIISVILLF., ST. 1.0t71,,,, ..101•1) CSAISFI' it V," ' For sale by A tV;;A:INS A. CU, n 0.5 . , t• ar.'llool .b hloAct sts ..._ .. . - fIanOVAL, UR. trIPFOS h•s rrtn•sol ... • t 6. , r4 street, Loloor l'iit ZlZrtl, No Ms (Arco sod dsrehox to the lime touldift. ' aughluirscr. A. Wit VI/STEIL, ! • A7TOILNEY and Counsellor at Law,Oillee Na Foutitestreet, oppattite Willies ItalriPittehurnif, italretlierfewry Builders rind Erato. d LtLvang EthiS; SeienfOr Przneyirs. R DERIt, left at tins admit or the Pew (iffiest awl for personal Interviews ran be Fern on Fonnh st, iesidence or Dr. Olio:, between Maiket and Peng. ' Ile te reit e is—P r &twos Sr Innen, EJ bar of Pint/nen% Journal; Pinfesser O Id Pilitehell, of the Cinrinnatl Observatory; Pra fe Svor Hobert Petr rot Traretylvani a UnissPattYi'fir Professor Chester Dewey, ft. Dr. hi. U. New York; Professor J. L. Cassal,•Ciearland Uni versity, Ohio. In Putsbitrgh—.A. W. Loomis, John Ilarper. Wilson hleenadless, Mr. Childs. Colonel Morten, !ter. Mr. Sparks, J. D. Williams. hlaJor Ilardter,ll. S. A renal, John Irwin & Sans, L. Harper. DI N. Whole; W. A. John I:Sampson, Mow! Davis, Jon if. Shoos beraer. nole:d&wiffi LanllllSigil vi 1. mil. OSL 1 4 1r0n, 4 T t i ' e c o " r n n r e l t T;Ge OJ t and Wasi4gten Tu rn pike 11.0.4, Tesuperaneuritie. nelFedtrnely•S _ HATS 4 CAPS, AND MUFFS. it ;• JANES WILSON, 95 Wood gt, mama ofDiornond alley, Screed ni e 7, OPEERS his cardamon and the dutch new kid fresh stock of Ham, Cape, nit 4 Mona, In great variety, Manufactured and Selected with math care In reference to price, style, and quality, inkling Yore city and will be offered atthe lowest mice of PreSent low prices, Wholesale and Retail. riusborgh,Oct.ll.l6so" oclluranfrartraft 01101:111Alalitl.A. — INICITISI ATTU'CO. : - Illocles to Stockholders. IN parseance or the pmriiione of the Chart...! of Incorporation. the Apnetel bitching of Mc Sta,e. holders of., the Monongahele Hayman. , Company will beheld on Monday, toe Gib day of 1 army re. 1,151. (being the Rot Monday of the month( ci the (Igoe et Me said company, In Tile/loran Hell,' of Grant street and:Diamond alley, Piimbergb, ai le:clock-in the afternoon, far the puma,.e of electing elneere for thgcnsuMg year. WM. HAREM , ' EMI, SelY. deal:dawieS MIL=IIM=;r:; ENGRAVED ON WOOD, PIM° BALL, • • .• (Third story), PlUsburgb, P. : - "UMW* of Buildup, story), liezdver Nom , wipers, Fisetispleces, Laudoempee, Deng Libels lu colors. Seals for Divisions. Societies, anti arboci• aiions: Copan Stamps, &e. , ,lntbe firm arrir of art'.' and at tbe lowest price. nelOilfterlfS Ei AV , TPod., laTb• latest e'io7i' nowledccd Etc.". tqw.s, wits fonalshed bY the uh 3 er" In 10 1 . tt We very lowan( pricer, Parch.... art wll please notice that the grunion BaY 'fabrics , COWlespontllts/g With thy eril,lntlikWy will alio ho fray. an nth , ' 'Woolen 4h.wls by their inpanor `‘` dezture,and brilliancy of colori. Order , . lit ',from alVaeations of the conetry,ind . a. 'aria aria lit Prorninly attended to. Pardoners will aka lima in Out Shawl department • lar othugo sw.Wlcrt of all the wost improved snake., and navies: derdos of AlAtiltals, French, and SColth Woolen tW/twls; em braellat &Veil variety of plata and rordniat rtlice for Meads. ALSO, Blqmtior Prima Brach , leeK and square Shawl, in " riml CVolgldllblf I t= Tog o:flared Tbibet aver, wlth ink and w.inlan Fringes '....Parla Pruned Crworeere all Terilerri !hhaarLe— Plain and Emhroldered Crape Shawl , --.l4ew atyla Priated Palm, Phawls—Bleat Seared Puns, Moral -Shaarle— Lupins honk and .310.ce Colnre.l TlAtl Loot Shawls—Ma Aldo Mode Colored French Taken!rouged arid bonad,Elabt quoted French Node ode -cloth, measuring 1411 two yards wad, for Flalllylg bndlepto , watch—Whits and Colured Barcelona and 0,,,e,we, shawls, kn. Wholeartle add Retail. ROBERT POLIOCK & CO., , .; _ 15 Booth Second at, Palldelphla. rsPllkulkiedalift ' "le iI .BIAIIIRIDOE a IN-01111'404.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers