- From s.c N 6.1 -Sal I :cal ;. -t? Tribute to Mr: Wsbsser. We are indebted tot friend for copy of an Ad dress delivered before the Phi Beta Kappa Society of Bowdoin Call4er Y nsuer, , l !i? s ,-TY4 r r fiar ) , September last, by the Rev: Dr.Spragne, of Alba-, up, New York. If our limits permitted we should be happy to transfer to' our columns the whole of ;this able, learned, and eloquent ja.ddress; which adds much to the 'already ensiled reputation of this distinguished veinier end divine. But we too en. able to doter.. Pitrannot, however, fmbear from laying before our readers an estrum 11.0131 it, "corn Ireytug a tribute to the eminent gentleman whale name Ls at the bead of this paragraph, as jaw as it is eloquent. It comes ; opportunely to rebuke the reckless ammadversions.which a few of the cler gy of New England andelaewhere--eome in Con , gross and some out—hare poured forth upon Mr. Webster. Socha tribute from gentleman of Dr. Sprague's learning, piety, and eristian patruniscri, cannot fail to have its just duence upon all candid and sober minded men. • Sim subject of the ildress is "the Perpetuity o, Intellectual Indultam. The following is the estrug "111 were to ' sele t frono the whole intellectual nobility of the pr t day orie whose inducnee, especially as a sta, furnish as apt an elostrai : tion of my rubject so y other, • should have no octunion to look yond New 'Hngland ; and the name to which l re f has already become so much the property of toe ry that &msey does not tor. bid me to allude to e; while vet it 111 to much a. Leasehold word that nedessity hardly require that I should prouomme iL That illustrious mum, near ly half a century ego, wen hard at work eta neigh. : boring college in the culttratzon of his intellect; . and be bog been Lard at work, almost ever woes, for the weillare et Ira country. 1 speak Lot of the • . diginciive bite of his political opinions, or of any particular position be may at any time have awe. med ; . but, overtooku g ail party distinction, I speak of blot as an ear test, booth, tor seeing patriot; a moo of wtsdoet and a man of might; great a+ truly ti repose as id acuon ; in thour,buul moderation as • to resistless peeler, I honor bun as fit ma balance • Wheel in our political mechanism, which shall give to each end every part of it a 'steady, safe, and ef fective openelon. I nonar b tio as one who has more than once shown hinge Ili able to stand up in serene grand. ear amidst wanong elemei and to make his Voile heard Strove the if:Maeda smell of the storm, declaring Circle country, Ma wnelo country, fm ever. I tinnier am as eon who has given mull , twos! value to the privilege of being an Ames eito,-and win/eeI:IMMO we have only to speak to rebut manyof the paltry can:lrani< aof other nation,. 'Poem have been periods to oar bre ory when perues have boned in a tribute of homage to his public 'character; and even when ho had appear : ed on the areist of political combat, and mingled In the hottcsi of oho fight, he has Lever tired in so much as an eiquivocalattituder introspect to either trinity or integrity; and his very advent:ales hare been constrained to do him honor. Ilia vocation - hit been that of a statesman; and there his maim once and his honors have chiefly centereditind • yet he has occsamnitly brought an offering to the I Oltthe of literature, Which has given him a place among her moot renowned Isceefacters. The pt. - der:dons of hut pron, distinguished alike by waste • implioity a .ii :urged strength, map Willy eh I cog: comparison won the molt classic pro co.tions of , antiquity. Hu. thouatita are like a chain of diamonds, and hue style lobe • crystal stream. soon Plymouth Retch and Honker Hill have been invested with new attraction, by the power of his eloquence; and as long as the one stands a Whlleitil foe religious freedom, and the other a mimeos for civil freedom, each wilt he a witness alio to the mej may of intellect. Yee, be will °lire eh through alb coming time; will live a continually:bugling - and *lmager, and more wide ly dffused life. And If the State where he arcs born sod nurtured, or the State in which moot of kis publio life has been passed, should venture an attempt to monopolize his fame, or hereafter to build his Monument, his ministry would cry oat that be twittered to ear; the world would cry oat that ha - belonged to her; and. hese universal eierms -- Would be echoed and reechoed by each pawing penerstion," _ _ 'A Sournarnitais. refuters The Albany Dutchman fur4shes the following brief biographical sketch of kr. Join Reassusw, a man who,, vast arid vateinis artainmants would, bdt (or hid seclitied hshits: and idatto modesif, have long sinto won fame and tarmac. The "Learned .Bliehtraltlit," unwilling that his light should be' hid, tont.: the tide at its good and has made the most of ate acquirements. But Mr. Pat• terson,embsent as a Mailigniatieian cod a Linguist, having quietly and diligently given his days to the spagoliox and Ins nights tq study, is comparative . ly anknOviss. lie is nevertheless an honor to his crafter] io his noway., • -o an at chorr.siesa, Oil ,a.= - a... _ CO; he is, thereto , . to.nis 51st year. &the f : t,;e . of tour years, he ccsoved with his parents to Can ada Hid father was a ehocmaker by trade, and died peer; his mother is still living and resin. to Canada, near the buy of Hamann. . Mr. Paterson was apprenticed ,to an uncle to learn the house carpenter'. business. At this employment Ito con tinued about three years when his andel met with a reverse of fortune, which campelled his nephew to pumue some other milieu for a livelihood. His nett auempt to be unfelt was as Macro boy to a country phyaromn, with whom Mr. P. remain ed till be woe nearly as welt rind in Medicine •as his employer. It. m, doebtleas, to "the Doctor's Library? Mat Mr. Paterson is mainly indebted for the leerary tames by which his after life has beat so singularly distinguished. . . Quitting the doctor, we shortly after fed boa In Buffalo, where ho acted as clerk in a drag store for Duet three months, when the Mien and well Ailed shelves of stationer of that cap, induced. htm '‘to throw physic to the dogs," and takes positron tinder the tree that brought blushes and aprons into the worldthe tree of Knowledge. la connection with their: bookstore, the Idemrs. Salisben ye published a paper called the Beale Ots• 'sette, which paper having contained a lapel, the • proprietors were seed; arid judgment rendered a gainst them for D 3,000. They at ohms proceeded to smuggle their stock lota Niagara. Callade; and rent Jo there for the paryame of disposing of in _HeMita nett part of. building °envied by a prla ter,end en dimmed la the Dock of books in about eight Months. Bet, g again thrown on his own resources, he agreed to se. type (or M. Fergana, publisher of the ?Imp= Spcciator. At this time, the earlobe,- hed Roberti:l/oriel contributed to its colcmns, and beteg a !radical reformer, he libelled the Govern. meet. Por this opeenis of enjsyment, Mr Perim . eau wad imprisoned, h sipaper ceased its exist ence,MDle Patersea te as *gain compelled to seek herfurrotoe elaewhere. It MA hit intention then •to go to: Montreal; but fading at Impossible to raise the necessary rondo° carry him there, he was co spelled to .foot it" to Reek Rock, and not having means sufficient to pay his ferriage, returned to Buffalo. At this latter city he remain ed threeyears, during which time he learned his trade (that of a printer) 'in the elhee of 1). M. Day, publisher of the: Sothic. Journal. Atter having visited and worked in a number of places, i be took up his restdence — ln this city, In the year' 1822, i residence that be has continued to this day. His first work in Albany, he round at E. W. ' Skinner'. , i The degree of A. M.meas conferred on Mr. P. in the Year 1836, by Union College. As We : Mentioned DM week, Mr. Pateraon Is a scholar in-every mum of the term. He is net only thoroughly veered in every branch of mathe matics, but can relit and Mile Greek, Inds, He. • brew, and Arable, with as much ease and fluency as he can Realist. In the different tivicg laitgea• gee he Is : equally well paged up, and is probably the only matt on earth hocan converse in every language spoken In4dope. am great work, "The Calculus of Operation, . has jut beanies/is ed Sari the prep, and i , in Operation ,, opinion of scum tifia men, ono of the m profound' prodiactlans that the Mathematical rid has yet given to an' 4 0 Misty. From what we have tlrritten above, the reader will perceivelhat Mr. Paterson is tot only a self .... I_ made, bet a most persevering man.. With no ald , bnt Judi/airy, and no higher salsry then thhlef, 4 is bestowed op a Journeyman Printer, Mnr. Pater , son has become not only thoroughly acquainted with reel' depahtment of human knowledge, bat has acquired a handsome tilde property, and owns One of the beattelect libraries to the city. The latter COMMAS some 3,04:0 volumes, while its eat s mated worth Is put down at sin thonstud dollar. A Week ego we stated that John Paterson 01 Albany, wan OA meet extraordinary man in &na rk. The above lama, we think, prove In in our opinion, nature will -prodece a half doses . Shakspeare's before abs prodtices another MID SF belle acquirements will compare with those be longing to this modest, unpretendieg printer. To our young tree, the history of this unaided ' should act as a atlurolue to exertion. Having the same means of progreation, they should endeavor to amebae his success. • Before we conclude this rather bury oketch,we may as well render It a hide more complete, by stating that Mr. Paterson married In 1b23, Wee Orilla Bosworth, by whom be hashed five child. rear—the eldest, Ens, is' married to Charles G. Resp, of this MI, Mr. I'. mill works at tourney work—his present employer being Joel Mantel, of State street. Cm:river:on or Corson rn Cantor—. The nob. ieci of cotton cultivation appears to be spreatilm, thronghout the liritith cotuntal possessions. The -last scoot= from Ceylon show that in that bland the subjects coruddered to be one of material im portance, while, from the great mass of informs• non collected on all the princip al points worthy of notice, it would appear, t capaties of producing cotton of tine quality and in large quan tities are unquestioMible. The soil and climate are considered tube superior to India for the pun mac, and a competent authority has declared that it can he grown equal in qiientity and cheaper in price then that of toe United Suites About twelve thousand square miles of tend are mentioned as ad untriy suited for its cultivation, and it la thought that in oboist three years from the time of Its being pot midis itthiratiou, more than one million bales would be produced annually. The natives have mimed crops audicient for their own one from time immemortal, and the native cloth hi strong and earful It kW oleo been shown thatcotam an great oboadance can be grown in Africa, on the west enlist, fully equal in quality to that of the United States• fiamplea already rebetved from Liberia have been valued at trom 7 I 4d. to 8 34d. pet Ponua—Britli4 Parr- ITTSBURGH , GAZETTE .1 PUBLIbIi LI.) BY 'WRITS er.. 0.) PIT - Ts 111:713011 TUESDAY MORNING, DEC. 21, 1550. %Ma cal N'141.'.11.1 703 YU JOUN 7. 11.000 Elsi. arnovartutes are earnestly requestd to ennialn favors Paiute sr. ea, and as in tliedar praencable, A,rettlarmenta not Inserted lot • 'pen. Led PO2e be ebartcd antUr.k"..loat izrv. U. PALS. It Agent tot lam paper at his eacral agendas is New port, Phaadelphin, .d BOMA and Is authorised to retell.: subt-eriptions and advertisenterds for es. PurtanitMa No AltlaraCAr.—Ad vertist• meats and subseripUOns to the North dmerie. an for.d United States Gaiter, Philadelphia, received and warded from this efrlee--- I J:Tlinhabarattriattoresresnahlat e r .—oltscrtptions ror thin valuable paper, will be received end for ward ed from tuts office - Bahersrentsforsetesubeenpuo •und sdveire• of neat. foe thin paper reeetvrA and forwarded (t rt ee rharge from this *dim Cesetursart. Patim76.7.--Advewlteems and entweriptions, for Ibis paper, *atilte received and awarded from this °Mee. • RU7Strai wren ACsista.—There is /tome little excitement at Washington, at the present time, In reference to a correspoodente which is now going on between the Austrian Mlnistet, Baron Garen, and the Secretary of State. ft appears that An. his is quite indignant at on: having sent au agent to Hungary, during hdr recent struggle, to express to that unfortunate nation our sympathy far her nise, and our willingeess to acknowledge her In dependence to 110011 as the had established a gov ernment We understand that the President at sumes a very high attitude in reference to this matter, and will show the Imperial Court that this government—while it will violate none of the riahts of nations--will not hesitate to &snot its own dignity and its duties to liberty and humanity. From present aspects, We should not be surprised it a rupture should take place, as we anderented that a moat powerful letter was addressed to 13a yon Gerolt, Curing the last week, in reference to .his matter, which will greatly excite the ire of the Austrian Government when It is received. It was in reference to this the. General Cass request ed, early last week, that his Acadian Resolutions might lie over for the present, as he had jam re. ceived some gratifying Information which would probably render them unnecessary. The clever i. eonrepundent el the Baltimore Son, Mr. Grand, who is always posted as to what is going on at . head quarters, hints strongly at the probability c our having a blunt with Audits. Jannis Luso tx Prrrsaintou.—We are authorised by Mo. Barnum, to say that Jenny Lind will posi tively visit Pittsburgh in the early part of March, and will give one concert. The tickets are to be sold at auction. The Tarlff—Ur. Corwln'n 'Report The able arguments of Mr. Corals m favor o adequate protection to American Industry have fell likes bomb shell Into the croup of the Free Traderai while the Weeds of homi tabor have La. ken-fresh courage, and with renewed energy are struggling for the defence and succor of the Vatl Intern am concerned. The leading presses of the reentry speak In high terms of the report, as tt most clear, logical, and able State paper. The New Yarl Trzbune esys that "if it could only be rasa with candid at• tendon by our whole valuta population, we believe it would *office of itself to secures booed...in change In oe Rational Policy." The No. Font Cormercial boseig no r. will lay it aside mahout a, careful• peruaa!, and addr. "Mr. Corwin hoe supplied the 'country with facts that ought to be carefully studied nod we:gh ed in all their legitiatate remit. He tette ;act tablish no vogue theory, hot In enlighten the ',at tic mind on A great prami; al quettien; etc. rpm, which every voter ought to be well inform ed, that he may to exerman his franchise a• to taster the! policy which will mart be:acacia:ly operate upon the country. nod most permanently promote it, prosperity. The peli:.cal ...Mom laid down by the Secretary is that such d,rvirainating duties should be imposed on Eireign manor...um . ed toilette to shall upstate an a On:Witt, to supply. That may can the counuy rely upsa ito own resources, when pressed by thooo 0110011 geodes to ..itch, however secrete they may at present .sieela t. .d.,is nees!...ssrily ramp or ttss..ex . At present we stand in ibis positiow Our htheyitt*shatitErciiliftiiit4reffnliitrin: pests exceeded one hundred end seventy eight mil lions. The disproportion between the two, it is expected, will next year he greeter; say, exports one hundred and sixty five millions. and imports two hundred and fifty millions 'nu, Lot tries that while the demand for manufactured oillebtil. increasing, our ability to manulacturn forourselves is regularly decreasing undi-r the operation of the pmeer.t tanff. It is not clacult surel y tame where tin will lead re—to what mortifying dependence upon • sad embarrassing indebtedness to Great Britain, when we might by a more in....miens and rnittliy pro:me:truer:can gnidu3Py !acquit- the power of supplying our own LCCOI.IO ten nod el . prootebty em ploying our own rapidly noginuntinc pupdstior We ere tat "Sea but e of Amer:ern lades protentou 0. 00 , 1.1. • 1.. n tonal duty on the nor f on. Nottleg else will so nuiy nen permanently usb e cace among oortistves, c:c p iota comfyrs end contentment, nod rest t•O tru a, tschmens of the mosses to ibex coyote!, line laws and their institution., no ibund•nee et etc. ployment. These attachments it a the duty of every governo.ent to promote. Horne martuisc tows increase and supply such labor. The pry ent twill' discourages it It does Ant anaihtinte this photo of nottoosl industry, sod euts?o , :ve, the amount of fsbor to be toppled to the people. It it of little use to say that at ores cut the..mpply,,of labor is equal to the demand.-- It Wiwi so evlEeusly au son once ml.!. ft will become lets so era, year; end it is high time that • pahlio policy should be adopted which will leo: to future prospects as well us or more than to p-tet con sentence" The Now York Courier and Eacrutrer speak' of Mr. Corwin's report, as follows: .fdr. Corwin's repeat has been received with naive:sal favor. It is a plain, clear, straight lots Ward business document; and that portion of it sh , ch Is devoted to an examination of the protect tiff, is especially able and imprestrive. The ca. grossing nature of the questions which lave re. really agitated the country, has diverted public attention, in s great degree, from this important subject. But it cannot much longer he evaded The apposite of manulacturiog establiabmeets throughout the Northern sod Eastern States, the dear:reed condition of the trop works of Pennsyls wants, and the downward tendency of all branch , es of American indestry, will compel Congress to k Who some action upon this s ubject at co distant I day' • Mr. Corwin snits, moreover, that the exigen cies of the government will demand a revision of tho present Tariff. Exieting twa will tot raise, as much revenue as will be 'required. And la re•adjustiog the rates of duty, public sentiment wilt demand that tome attention be paid to the ir • threats and the neeetaltie. of Americas labor. The present law lays a higher duty upon the raw ma terial, than upon the goods manufactured Item it. What Is this bin paving to foreign, a premium over American laborl Now that the slavery agitation has emitted, and we are again to have the benefit of quiet and tem perate councils, we trust that thin subject will re. crier from Congress that degree of a acetion which its importance demands." These extracts will rumps to BLOW oar readers the opinions entertained by rho bent preteen in the country on thin report, end on the civilly interest. tug object itdilates upon. Oar th rig Is very ect , Wit, If there is not some modif cstion of the prce• eat ruinous Tariff, which will meet with general acquiescence, and relieve our earning hor_•e ie. dostry, it will be a powerful element in the next Presidential conteet. By that time the country will be so prostrated that It will he impossible for politicians to bold the masses to party fealty.— There is an opportunity cow to tete the quenticu out of party issues and party strife, and to settle it oa broad and beneficent grounds, The admin. iaustipn is willing to aid nil In Its power in the patriotic work, and if the Democrats of the North ern States will join in the effort, the work can be efficiently done. If they neglect this golden op. portnnliy, they will leave a potent engine to Le wielded for their overthrew In 19r/4 Scummier or Su.vxst.—The scarcity of silver cola is at present attracting a good deal divina tion both la this country and Europe. The with. &mai of this coin from circulation has been go ing on tot some time in this country, and several deacriptione have become so scarce that a conaid. arable premium is t. mined by the brokers, cape. chilly for Mexican and Spanish doilars We nee lice that an increased coinage of gold dollar, half ogles. and eagles, is supplying this scarcity. The London Time% in an article on the =me subject, says: "Tian in proportion as silver comes to be dis placed by gold in countries where it has hitherto been to extea•iro circulation, its farther relative rise will be checked, because its uses, and the coo• segtrent demand tor it,.wlll be diminshed A de crease in the Intrinsic value of each metal may then be looked for, although not In equal propor tions; and the only way in which it will be possible that this tali can be traced thereafter wilt be by as eeetturring from time to time the general exchange. able relation between them and other commodities so as to iminnare the purchasing power of both snag what . it eras at former periods." Lb Stated dint Wall street is almost barren of the commodity; halt dollars are Tuned at two per cent. premium, and Mexican dollars ere at a pre mix of 5 per ma. yaws WABIIIniGTOX COTToo*OatlaCc of We Eh Usbusgh Guette... .... Wasicina Tom; Dec. Ig, 1659': The Poottlea of South Cazollustilo eat Mato of Things—The TortlL - - If we judge from probithle ahseLSouth Carolina Ls preparing heraelf for ietistanee to the laws of the United States. The bill appropriating three hundred thousand dollars for. " putting the Slate In • condition of defence," puled both Houses of the Legislatare, and is no doubt nom a law. perceive that one of Its provialons creates the Orrice of Inspector General of Artillem with a salary of two thonsmid dollars per annum. I do not be lieve that there in any intention of expending any considerable part of this money in warlike preps ratiallil, bra such Indications of insurreetionary purposes Canna bat arrest attention. How far the contemplated proceedings we in contravention of the clause in 'action 10, article 1, of the Constitu tion, which ordains that " no State shall, without the consent of Congress, lay any duty of tonnage, Law troop, or ships of war, in times r (pram," may be doubted. 'Consequently it may become a set' lout question when the right of the Federal Laes atitiVe to Intervene for the pratection of the Union against threatened danger. It will strike every one who reflects upon the condition of public feel ing in Smith Girding, and the tenon of Its public authorities, how Indefinite and unsubstantial are her console:eta against the Union and Federal Government. It is only lately that there has been any discunion upon the question within the State. All said or written has been one sided deanncia uon. Upon what occasion, and for what purposes, does she cow propose to rush upon the deepernlo extremity of war and revointion f Her complaints resolve themselves into these alleptlona of grits enee. California has excluded slavery, and with that exclusion hat been "mthe'l tote the Union; and the people of the North contteue to express adverse opinions upon the :moil ar loatittttion 01 the South. To talk about aggressions In a cuss like this is simple fatuity. la fact all assertions of senreantou3 is the moot transparent pretence, and worn a pretext so manifesay false is made the justlfirallon for insurrection, it argues badly for a pe•ccial arjutunent. The inorgents demand no remedies' and therefore their imagined wrongs coo not be redressed. They propose no terms, and therefore no concession which It ia potable to make them, will divert them from their designs. Almost the only motive of action which they as. enbe to themselves, nod which other people can understand, in • blind, unreasoning hatred of the Union, ant of the eitisene of the Northern States. without amaing upon the alp:fact right of races aino , it is apparent that South Carolina cannot be, permitted to withdraw from the confederacy alone. She world leave the Union in the Humor.a of enmity, and would remain in the midst of oar ter ritories an enemy still. It cannot be; there Is no parallel case in the worla's history. If she desert the Union new, she will be brought back, likeo ther detertara, in fetters and shortie. Secession may be a natantl tight, but like many of the natural ,r 0.5 de moo before he becomes a citizen, once abandoned. It can never be resamed. It appears that if South Carolina permits in the h come for which only these warlike preparations min be intenced, bloodshed will be unavoidable. There is no poasibihiiy of commomise. The first overt act of reel/Mace to the Federal law*, these for the collection of revenue, br example, tam subject the perpetrator. to the pains and penalties of pension. Bat It is probable that the appropria• tiaras and other h menacing intimation. of the fearful things South Carolina has in store for her siva. arc left in b a applied or ant, according to the dircretion of the Governor, which discretion, it to prob:biy expected, will be modernly Gitf. wed. We shall get smoothly through the businen of the session, with the rain:aloe of that past of it which relates to the Tariff I regard the result of the movement. now making in reference to that I aubjeet cilh the greatest eolicitede. The want of time, and the impediments which the rules throw in the way of any beiMelin which cannot command MAyMity of two thirds, feeder. It extremely doubtful, in my mind, whether any effectual re form of the present oppressive eptem can be obtained this winter. I desire that all who are .aterel!ed in obtaining tee relief which au.retentist °mace:ton oboe ran •tr,d, tray know the poachse pelicice of affair', sad not indulge in delusive hope. Notions but the most vi.roraus Giet(101111 ...No encl. (loam. on to the work expected of it. Every day's mactleo readers the prospect of dual relief ten eneocar.ging. Imam. Wannacra.4, Dec. 19-1850. Nr. Ewing and his ataallsata — Th• Canso., Ilassau—World's Pals-4<nay Line's Last Consort. I vinoopt miataireotlip oilarsr day .. iti ramie; your Madera, a Zar act Mr. ing would prepare bima gli thearnsulta upon ibo patriotir adminaira=nitrrviructrtinisras .atalY a maaubari in regard to the removal or WeL ler and Lane. Vlr. Ewing, finding the hie for bqasurce iu decltaing to avail Walsall' of the facts wh hod come to hie knowledge officially am • turned mw a weapon against him, seems to base gone to the Deparummts, in his capacity of Sena :or, on his Rani:acts bad dote, and there forme tE, emole•t materials with which to relief their Bredbery'e resolation concern calning up. Mr. Ennag rentini a bad prov.•ked, snd replied 1. `ilvic.icomb, Can, and Dnepr. He cact i—Ai:iv i0:0..e the wblea coot. lb m, sod sio far a they Filetn pteJ any reply, they :wi.daed therniclaca to tha. denunciation of pioartipnon, which cornea w.tt .11.7 n peculiar grace from democrats, who have practised red lived upon the doctrine since entering upon their political existence. They a:tato:ly avoided facia. The duty of a reply was devol:r.l upon Mc_ Bright, of hadn't", who was not in his pace to day. Ha la donktleas cramming h.maelf tot a grand lamentation Over Gen, Lane. hcoileman's este is a gloat card with the op. pie , :kon, and I bane no doubt that those Of his tr'enda who 11/0 10 taxi:rattly making bat ant a martyr to his principles, have serious thee-ease( uswg him in a mush race for the presidency. The oritankaton and oroceedlogs of the Census Bureau are autijects of pride and setsfsetion to every American who has had an opportunity to beewmo acqnaleted w;th them. The fini object of coerce has been m Idale the most accurate percedee enumerrsion of lehabileriu in the United Stater. From the extreme care which myths an cry operation of the bureau. there con be on doubt that this will be accomphased to a manner to command the coufidence° , the mast skeptical. The returns are comic' in with rapidity; end In them, when ail shall be collected. may be fond, written out in • fair round hand, the name of em cry dweller within the wide extended twrder, of this linen The eystem for the detection and correction of errors,: enema to be u nearly perfect ea can be devised. So far as re. ceived, the return. are creditable to the fidellty,ae• coney, and intelligence at those employed In making them. The labor and responsibility of sOpe•vaoing and directing inch a work, may be estimated from the fact, that nearly three,thousand asainant Manhole have been engaged,' In what may properly he celled the field oper ations, la cuumcrating the inhabitants, and collecting the great earit,ty of aatistice intirmation required by law. The Superintendent, Mr. Kennedy of your State. hr, honed a number cf circulars to these agents, propounding inquiring, the answers to which will be of unquestionable mine to the le. ginater, the political economist. and the historian. When duly callated and prepared for publication, the result. of these labors will be such mto excite the admiration of all Who may trapect them.— 'rho mespendiam of the seventh moms of the United State., it prepared upon the enlightened lend comprehensive . plan of the Superintendent, will present, in the moat compact and commodious .form, en authentic exposition of the population, aceitary and social condition, wealth and femur. nes of the United Sates. It will be now:palled by nay work of the kind ever nodertaken to any country, end will, of Itself, constitute a Woe of •wealth and knowledge, in the shape of facts and detail., ascertained under the guarantee of official authority, a blob may he drawn apon:ln the next decade, without fear of exiimetion. The most diatiogniabed men of cur own, and the representatives of foreign countries, after eaneurone the eystens upon which the inquiries are conducted, and recalls analyzed and record. ed, have pawed the warmest comeiendation upon is Time most be given for the full developement of the system, and performing, the labor. which it embraces. Nor mutt money ho grudged in giv ing It toll effect, titongh I uuderstand that there m no expectation that the whole mist of the work will exceed the estimates of Gengresa. Bat it would be folly to Impair the vain. of the work proposed to be done by undue impatience for the results, or by a niggardly parsimony In respect to expenditure. I was todebted to the eminency of Mr. Kennedy, fur permiaslonln examine the operations of the lmen, and found envy part of them replete watt- interne, and prestrattug with regularity end ell deefrable epeed. Returns from Maass. onumns, atid the Wryllory ot Miaamota, are alone complete. Generally the Marshals and assistants at the Ssuth epperato be more dilator{' than Mose at at. j , North, bunch Kentucky furctshes • most reilitahle exception. The rehires are nearly all in from diet State. So they a:a from Wooer: Virginia, while Cann the Eastern district of that State, and 'the Wetter° district of Penneylvants, next to none at all. From Alabama, and one or two of the ether Sentbetu Steles en cereal des mend Is made for more time within which to rent. der return', the limit now being the first of Feb. ntty. • la making rey ackneWledgMents to the &mere intendant of this bureau, for the civility stem toe, and in remarking upon the pldlity with, hich he oroonis to preside over it, I would net detract from the credit die to Ibe able and dlstingniched Chief of the Department., Hon. A.s. H. Stuart, without whom concurrence and enthority the ad. mlrable arrangement. I have bided, sketched, noted ant have been adopted. , The proceeding, of Compieu have tteiLbeeio 0, much consequence for some days past. The bill from the Post Office Committee for thoiednetten of postage, upon the plan of the DepertMent, bat been ander dllettaltion to day in the Homo.— I tit; debate ` mttl comment ROW*, and there it'. • Mlle donne Olaf the bill aril then peas. There is' Saner that it may be amended so as to eatab flab uniform rate of five Mats, instead of that Of three cents for Otheeid, and nee for unpaid kt• tars. For my own part, I cannot butatunk that there ought to bo c Mseriminetinn in the rates for long and short distancet. my five indthree cents A very important retinction,.heturever. is certain to take place. The Centel Committee of the National Institute • have applied for the U.B. ship of the line Ohio, to transport the articles tor. the world'. lair to Lon don. They think they will obtain that noble ves sel. The arNacaooght to be in louden by the lat Ketch next, and lethal •nd, It will be nearer nary that they shall leave New, York on the Hist of February, or before. The Atm ought to be gen erally knnwn. Jenny lend'a Concert lout night. was a manta coot alma. Foe building wee filled, and the elt• diastase:, eel:vended; still, I confeas the evetting pulsed off less pienemntly , than that or the previous concert Jel , e) .vtdent:y jaded, and these. lectiort .tf• et. et, vas thindicioens , Thick of any mortal women tie . ..fel:log to eccomplah Hail Celumbio alone n wee dowti on Jenny'slisa To say that she at emoted it to etmegh. I need not say that it tesc, nem beginning to end, an elongated sethech There was also a good deal of unnecemary end ungentlemanly distutbsoce.—. Tho occasion of it ree.fiee me that thecheering of public men, the President tone always ex cepted, et politic pieces of amusement, is • Frac.; that ought not to become common. Junes. PROM. NEW TORE Corrcipoodence of the Pittsburgh Outfit. NEw Yout, Dec. 19. Primary ulectiuna, ordinarity,excite but Mau interest or nuentioa, in large eatery out of, and away from, the immediate circle of the profession- al politicians, though rho Poet t one that reflects no eredkupon the people at large,'who are nitwits ready enough to complain, if bad nominations are made, when the tru.li in, the cause of the grievance ream with theluse'ves Some of these sort of ctrl runs, I verily believe, would rather live in Ronk, or in Turkey, whore n tzar or a Ehan saves the people the trouble of governing vhconelves. A. min who carrot farad half an hear, or la too indo- teat toattend the primary elections in his district, is not tit to be nn American citizen. He is not a Repablican. Instead of living In New York, or Philadelphia, or Pittsburgh, be should emigrate at once to the more Congenial clime of St. Peters• burgh or Vienna. Yet there are hundreds, nay, thousands, of such persona among oh These thougtas are rnggested by the fact that the Whig party of thin city is to hold as primary elee• • lions, to choose, on Monday neat, the beers who locally are to govern it the ensuing par. And I give utterance to them here, because the disasters which have overtaken the party in this marediaa, the few months past, are felt more or lees among our iriend3 in other part, of the country. These disasters never would have occurred, if the manes of the people had done their duty,, in tune, at the primary elections. Our may at borne Whip be gin to see and acknowledge these facts, and there fore it is expected the elections of Monday tiest Will be more . ger.emlly participated in than any we hiWe had here for a long while. Ido not believe any body will attempt to make the inuoone be• tween "Seemrd" and `Tinware." There are good Influencer at mark, referred to in a fernier epis tle, which will prevent toy such mischievous di- Virden. The stmaship Africa, which comes to this pa t from Liverpool, direct,has now been at sea twelve days, and is therefore hocrly expected. News from Europ e now more anxiously looked for than it has-en since the breaking out of the Ray. atuuons 0f18.13--and no wonder, for, at Illeba dales, the peace of not only Germany, but cities whole Continent, teemed to be hanging on a hair. Cap ttatists and basmesa men here bee in a general war n lucrative (meninx for AMETiCan enter prise, speculation, nod cc:proctor, but there are others, again, who fear that so wide spread a con. dagmtion, a. Mis German one threatens to be, would not leave us altogether unscathed. Cillilii• ed nation., nose n dur., ere so .altalately connected web one nrioth , r, rectally as well an morally, that a shock which in given to nee, or two,almost of nceetaity, rererluerstes ihroashoat the whole fami y. The workmen engaged in the extensive rope and cardsge manufactures ol Williamsbrugh, have milted In a tnemonal to Countess, pmymg for such a modification of the present lard', as wilt not ate solutelymbe the h,ad out of their mouths There me in the immediate vicinity of that village (op , polite New York, an the Long joined .hoc) sonny trip tamolic, making, la the argregate r frona 090 to 30,000 tens of cordage every . year II Up to 1817, the nom when the present tanti begait pme beady to ir4u , e the tattering incenses, these mato lishments manufaletured thetrourdageahnieat exclw. sleety byeAmtericen labor. Since that time; how ever, the ta.preasioas-iftto!... rot nativity to tu men out ib -- erispe...ement, but ,evela thow oea uca-?Witb told annihilation ibis importnat brunt:the demo. tic basketry. The mort industrious wartmarr in the factor.se nary, can hardly make more thritubree or four dollars per week. 1t is to way ken LocotocoOm lavers rho ..erf, of liusa*to rob and be ear the ialramrs of America! The "first" snowstorm of 'the selaortlievieiting veto day. The stranger, however, Is rathestbsshbal, looks thin .d weakly, no that he Is not likely, tan this occasion, to make a very lasting impose.. The North River firm and fast, note,abare Mad sen, and if the present cold weather eantlaues lew dam. lorgo , Jack Frost will bra* his My em. borer down to cur own doors. . Tame is a remarkable " vitality" in" the Stock Market, at present—to employ a Wall Street phrase. In Erie there is enasiderahlespoeOlation atom, which occarons a wide door uation in pri ces, from day to day. The bends of 1801, sold, to day, at 102 12, the `income" do at 951.4, and the “certafteatea" at 97. The 'Voce is held at 87 Gov.-meat mound. ect.erally, Steven firm And in lair demand. Permsylvanus Ave per Paw are held at 93 3 8. Cotton--Cnuon has sold to the extent of 3000 bales, since my last, a! full Id decline—slam the America's arers—on Upl.ds and Hondas. Bold ors are westing now for the Aftlea'sadvices before operating kriguly. Flour—Sal. the Owe dant rest, 22,000 blahs at 4,75 foe common ante, 4,87 1.2 for strait ikt., mixed Michigan 4.81 1-4; Indiana and Ohio 4,81 14, pare Genesee sao 12 1.2, fancy bliehigna 4,93, Sootbem brands 5,1'1.5,73. Orate—Wheat is Ii pod request for milling, at 120 for white Genes., and 112 1.2 foe red do , fair 1 Canada 106, in bowl Rye 71.1a77c Barley 89c.— Corn to in active request at 81 I.2ert for round yellow. Cktie 45a47c Alba—Asko are 1,9042,021.2 for plata:tad 8,91 be for pearls. Provision.—Mein pork b. ailvaleed 371.9, Ohio sells a112ae2.37 1.2. Beef as tower, sales of. country mere at 8.37, priSr do. is dull at 15119,20 Ohio lard 13 steady at 7 3.407 741, kegs 7 34. lkes eed hoess iron=—Englasb bar is In apecalatlve demand, at 30,50,37 0 nun. Sales AO Mas Scotch pig, to ar ise, at 19,27, cash. Coat--Sales 150 tons ulterior Liverpool at 807; 100 do., Alabturta 4,20, mom , other kinds dull. Se..7oes Counarra Crusts or 51a.mx.—We ;dud In the Portland Advertiser the following official table of the complete turns of that State. s It does not sustain the estimete matle 'by the Mope rpers, and which are have previously Oen s Counties. 1850. 1640. Increase. York, 60,094 ,61 , . 0`27 6,071 Comberlsed, 79,547 62,600 10,657 Lincoln, 74 502 63,542 11291 listscock,,77 2 25616 5,740 Washtngtoo, .Wlll 25,34 10402 Kennebec, - 02'524 50 524 6 720 Oznard, 29,766 ;5.599 1,427 Soutenret, 35,r91 33012 1,679 Penobscot, 63.293, 45,705 17, 359 Walslo, 47 229 41,539 5;694 Pistrasquis, s 4,735 13,138 1,597 - Franklin. 20 027 20600 Aroogooli, 12.525 9,413 - 3,120 553 026 :501,78 63,603 Usduct decreaz<• of Frigklin county, T 73 81,213 Ilto concur for 1350 doe - a not ionlqe 1375 iamb• italll3 residing nonh or tho 44101ut Bluer, which were tocnoled io the ccusueof 1610. but being in the territory ceded to Croat Etrltain•by the bound try freely, ye cow out of ihe State. The pOpti• lotion tying within the present litalia orthe 81110 in 1840 . no 495, 9 1. The actual inereste therefore 63,105, or In the ratio of 166 per cent. Tux Crinssni or PUILADELPIILY—Thu fall returns of the comma of Philadelphia snow is population of 406,308' , and an Increase /a the task ten years (In 1840 it was two huodred and fifty right thousand and thirty seven) of one hundred and forty eight thousand two hundred and twenty oae, or fifty *ev en per cent. The following are the returns for the several dtstrists • - - - - Population. Nimes. Families. Old Philadelphia, 121417 16,212 20,176 Northern Libertim, 47,223 WA 9,056 14,E95 9,150 10,501 44,770 7,555 9, 0 6 11 • Southwark . , -"d799 6,451 7 . , •% 2 Moyanteu,n,g, VII! 4,096 5,269 Suburban Districts, C 0,201/ 21,577 1 / 1 275 401,353 '60,720 71,205 VirEiOia is iteib , tios tow, the baits of free trade, end t yht hitter arc those Intim to unsay d oar Musses. They c4me •to too shape of books repley to the it:die:duet, cod the detraction of positive and exacts eaten to hie State. Whilst it rains the cue, It ands to impoverish the other.— We tee In the Valley Whig of the 13th inst.; Is advertised to he sold, order a deed of trot, the /Elia Iron'Farate, together with all the peaco at end real estate notched to it. Another coati• lottimeht or the name kind, we sae 1:002 an laver. nomad in the same paper, Is about . 10 clew 01 apemen,: These -sestitifseterlog sod relater; esteems 'spare" op coder the protecting wing Of the tariff vf 1:42, and hove *oak ander that of 184 a—they ',teen nursed by the one, .and have bees destreyed.by the 'other. The fidlureofthese enterprlsa ahem be an:Mated to the bad roan. mamma of their owners; far we seethe lame ef fects etsewhere, and their aciveraility points 19 as entiamd a anse.—Breh. Wldg. . . • Wamtra axo Usatec.—Tbe Isg U rm extract from Mil Webate pie Dentinal Bused is 1843, on the occasion of the =Mole. tion of Banker Hill Monument: vln the Iteventein millions of happy people who comp: se our American community, there is not one man who has not an interest that stru cture, just as there fa not one who has not a deep and abiding interest in the vio which It wu design. ed to commemorate. The respectability, I may toy, the sublimity of the oicaahin, depends en. arely on Its rouroaality. It is all—all American. Its sentiment'. comprehenelve enough to em brace the whole American amity, from North to South, from East to West; audit wilt stand,l hope Weyer, emblematic of that Union which coo• arms us together. And woe betide the man who coates hero to day with sentiments any leas than wholly American. Woe betide the matt who shall venture to outod here with the sulfa& 10. cal jealottaies, local feeling, or local enuatles, bur. Ding in las bosom. All our bapplaess and al our glory depend. on our Union. The monument it. self, in ail that is commendable In Its sentiment and character, depends npvn the Union. 1 do not mean to say that it would not keep its posi lion if the States were rent islander by fact on or violence: I do not mean that the heaving earth would move it from Its base, and that tt would actually totter to its fall, if dismember., meat should be the all cape of our land; and 1 cannot say that it would mingle as fragments with those of a broken constitution. Bat In the beeper:log of such even'.. woo Is there who would dare to look up to 'al Who Is there that from beneath ninth a load of mortification and ahem* as would overwhelm him, could approach to behold it, Whets there that would not expect eye balls to. he scared by the Intensity or Its allentireptoofl= For my pan, I say, that If it be a misfortune, desisted by Providence, tor mcr to see ' such it time, I will look at it no more, I will avert my eyes from it forevef." TOIL Lou CItBIIII3ILAND RAIL ROAD.—The fol lowing letter totho editors, from a friend at York, will be read with gratification by rho stockholders of the Company nod all who are interested in the .promotion of the undo of Baltimore. Thecomple- Ron of thin short but important work forms a new bond of onion between our own city nod the State of Pennsylvania: Corral:tom:mace or the Baltimore Aimed ann. Yoe', Dec- 19, 1850. Glecnantim-1 had the pleasure of asmog over the entire line of the York and Cumberland Rail road yesterday, in the grot regular passenger ear vrtuch has yet traversed it, and in company with quite a large party of lades end gent trace.— Among the company were Mr. N. Gouteaosourat, the Renewer in charge, and on the return trip, Judge Krax, one of the Directors of the Road and two ladies of his family. Mr. Hoocrts, at the En• gineer corps, won also with the party over some miles of the route. It gives me great pleasure to say that the road is perfectly safe and permanent— the track very smooth and substantially laid, and the trip was made without a single incident to mar its pleasure or the sense of personal security of the ' company. The excursion having been gotten up at a few hoots' notice by Mr. Gord.,.of the liber al and enterprising company of contractor" afford. ed the most untutatled gratification to the party, and on our return ladies and getalemen united must heartily in Mr. Hambley's anggeshou of a vote of thanks to Mr. Gordon for the please' party which he had given. On Monday next a formal opening of there'd is to be made, in which all who partici pate will enjoy a delightful, safe, and interesting excursion, and the hospitality of the liberal eon trattbrs Who spare no pains to minister to the en joyment of their guests. rirSince the above *as put in type, an adv. trtement from the President of the Company has I been received, amounting that the invitations to the proposed excursion have been issued by the COIIIIILCIOM withoui consultation with the Rosa It will be found in another column.-13oft. Arun. ran. Pazainor Fittasoas and the Hon. Daniel Web iter bave addressed letters to the Maryland Reform Convention, nelosowledging the receipt by them of the resolutions of that body in regard to the adjast moot 1:11e9.311M1 passed at the late session of Coo pea. We give below the communteation of Mr. Filbuore Wmaninvos, Dec 14, Woe. Mr Demi Sia-1 have the honor to acktiowledge the receipt of the report and resolutions "on the acts of Congress forming the Compromise," etc.; adopted by the Maryland-- Reform Contention, which you forwarded tome, and beg leave to es. press the high gratification which 1 derived from their pemsal. l trust that my f mime conduct will justify the confidence expressed by the Conctn. min, that I will faithfully perform uLy Marty in the present crisis; and tam gratified all.. tee actu ante of Mato-operation at the prop.../ ldaryinod in env eminent,: which may regptn• n ,rmuppert of the LAGS and (701,15 t 011111 a Of 0 Truly your- ItD FILL,SIOIIE. To. Taxi or tkoratononr. low—.Tha Court Pauthgl for the trial of Corn:mama Joneo la cow it aculto Washinrcn, and compaacd es fol. • VOMMOdore Stewart, President; Mohan B.:: lard, Bloat, Shobrrek, Re,d, Pe ~r, Waningtoo, Downs, and Kearhoy„memhcre ;JdanderdtoQot 11ete, Judge Advocate W•ner Junes Is [0013.1 for the nested. The Millrace and .pec.ficandna were read bg Mr. Cartale,Jodgo Ad vacate, against Com. Jones. - • • • • .He is charged, a correspondent Of the Herald seyt, with fraud in epecolsting with the pale money in geld duo.—with actiodelone contact towards his eebardinates of the Pacific equadran, and with oppreseun In naleartcom hanging two men ender sentence of Illegal court mantel, the death penalty only being allowed on baud a ship beyond the loans of the flatted States. Commodore Jeleo put in hoe *nearer. 11.1 erns wilting to amid tie trial on nil the berg :e, but took execution to the 11th charge of copreseme in unlawtully banging the Iwo loon. Ili, conduct had been approved, or the opinion the Attorney General of the extent of hie jariedmtion eller Cali. bait* mot become mot of toe United Settee, had never been rem-reed. Bet If he had truseended his authority by a court martial, with • sentence and penalty of death within the limit. of the Union, the cue was beyond the innsdicoon alibis court, I and most be tried by the lawa tithe land as acme of warder. The two men were hung for mutiny and attempted murder of an officer in discharge lids duty In the ship's hunch ia the Bey of San Francium. Their eject woe to drown tam and (taupe to the mine.. There were five men—the two that cast Gibbon ovetboard were convicted and bong by the neanimovejudgmcnt MUM COWL The officer. whose body had been picked up od chore and restored to tile, appealed for the others, and they were saved. • The Commodore appeals to the melees of a long life, to the approval of the department, to the stela of cognition existing in Cahlorma,the temple• lions of the mines, and the frequent attempts at mutiny, in Amgen:cm of his conduct as Commo dore cl the Pacific. A Waohiogton Jotter to tba New York Courie A concerted movement will probably bo made ter a modification of the Tariff at an emly day. It Is manifest, from the completion of the nett Coegress sod etpecially from the overwheinsiog moony of the opposition in the Senate, that no chance no be effected, stolen • eriela should oc. c ur, for In commercial alfairs„for several years. sow is the time for anyidemonstratloo that may be intended, and fora n immedi ate coneentration.ofaff tt quittances which can be enlisted. if this anti , St thruld be allowed po cline withent extending relief to the suffcring manufacturirg Oatmeal. It will be difficult to predict, or e•en anticipate when a better opportunity can be expected• There are many considerations Of policy coo :meted with the approachistg Presidential canvass which Mill operate Jodiciouely at des lime, and which cannot be readily colleted hereafter. Duraccomem romento.—Georgia having &A ded against Mahlon, and Moraisuppi concladlog io poupoue the event South Carolina aloud, "a. lona in 11111110 ff.. All.tho;cbivalry of the Fatale to grata, therefore, have come to • :dend,stsed will. South Creation must way • hide longer In the Union or id:without company. Thus Allowed she may consent to hold over. Felber " woo jeer 11•1111(8 that' the world woo C. 111114 to an end as SoutMlCarolina h of going out of the Ualon ; sod yeethat wise and good man content ed to Iwo or three postponements. Terre le therefore, a precedent to favor of forboarance. And, as the world survives "Father Miller," who knows but the Uoioo may out live Gov. Sea- brook I—Albany Earning !derma/. Factcu SPDMATION CLanna —Tbo Philadelphia Ledger says that the merchants of that city, who are propzietoa of a lane proportion cf the French claims prior„to 1800, have again presented their long•deferredllemends to the consideration cf Conger.., with a arm belief of obtaining final justice, andgip face of many a weathcrsbeaten oldisea captkitr lights with joy at the thought that a debt einumod by • our own government" fifty years ago wiltyet be paid. Of all contracts, treaty stipulations are the most sacred; sod this chum la doubly guarantied, first, by the faith of treaties, which tenured us peace with France at • most eventful riod of our history ; and secondly, by the C oount/ration, which, provides indemnity for all private 'rawly taken for pnblio use. Moro than half the Legislaturee of the States have adopted resolutions Invoking the pay meat of there claims by Congress, sod Congress has passed an actor ply them, which we vetoed by President Polk. As tardy justice is better than Its total dentat,the , preenut Cooper• will co doubt terminate this long postpsncd indemnity for dal:tuna rpoliatioe...—Beletsurre Artertran. °Mee 01 Ohio and Penna. IL R Co. Third at Prrossmion, Aogast 5,1E50. Tub Stockholders of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Hoed Company aro hereby notified to pay the eighth instalment of bee dollars per share, at Meant , . of the Company, On or Wore the 'Nth day of Attend. The ninth Instalment, on or before the 45th day of September. The tenth Instalment on or before the thnh day of October nest (y- The 7th instalment was called foe on the .20113 o Jul) le.t. etege:dtl WU LARIMER, Jr, Treararer. Illeprevoinssota a Dentistry. • ~ DR. O. G. STEARNS, lateen Boston, ts pr spared io maraiarters and lit Moen Tarr; In what. and pans O nsets, upon dualism or ionospheric Bunion Pines.— Toot/nom oxen to ton motets% when the nerve is exposed. Oleo and etude... neat door to the if aj , °es ace, Foneth meet; Pittsburgh. Lyn so—J. D. 1117adden .P. 11. Eason. 101 l A •. iit,Da of ~vernlPl L„,,orbo c*P" FOR THE HOLIDAYS.: ehtlaren,is anntderly hatueteeper;land willing to take charge of the Pittabonlh and AileghenT Otphan Atylont,.world hear of a good emotion and high t‘o 4 r9 by .DPlYing to ! m t g. 71111k1ToN, at SIRS ROBINSON. • [Er Fauvist should never be without a supply of hrLanz's V.Marllo.—it this season particularly, when worms ate so troablesome and so fteesmall fatal among ehrdren, parents should be watchful, and on the first appearance of those distressing symp toms which wun us of the presence of worms, once apply a powerful and elneaclons remedy. Tide remedy we can now supply, confident that it only re quires a trial to convince all that it richly 132t11 , 1+11 the preteen that hone hem lavished open it. It Is safe and infallible. ViOnmes of certificates might be pro. dgced, showing hs great medical virtue. lEr For cal° by J. 61DDfcettl,No 60 Wood anat. de9l.dtem9 At Galena,llllneie, on the Witt instant, Dims DIA.', Laura, an old and respected citizen of tab city, aged 74 7.1111. OURISTRLAS LARGE variety Of French, E nallsh, and Amen. Acan Fancy Stationery satiable for Christmas end New Year Gins, such as, Peaks Noche, Pearl, leory inlaid, and Bone Gard Cale. and Porte formic.. Porte Montan. with profile. of Vi'sartnnoloa, Flung ma, 111IIILM, and Talbott, etched in ivory. ornamental Paper Weights, of Glass, Marble, Ala.. barter, and Bronze. Bohemian Glass Wnfer Stamps, and Warrant, wan flowers and other hermitic.' deeps enviously moulded in the ornate. Gold Pencil eller!, with and 'Gila's, Gold Pens. Portfolio., various ,atterns. Resewood Work Bores. Porable Writ. , . og,Deske Backgammon Dosed.. Chess men Scrap Beata Herbarium's Music Portfolios. French Note paver, embossed. silver and colored edse.,--isce, and other styles, with envelopes to tont. Porcelain Ink. ants, riebltrin, a gnat Timely. Paint Foxes. • above, gm` ^^ other fancy ankles In the The iebove,saitli Many or stationery line,lor tale uy - NV 9 HAVEN. Stationer, drat Corner Market and Second .is. Most, Journal, utd 'Mantra., copy) BOIL THIS HOLIDAYS A=ANDER & DAY have put received by er pees. splendid WOOL LONO SHAWLS of the most' dealrable and and color., via Else and orange, Drab and Blue, Drab and Drown, Deep and Black. Ac. ifeantlfol French Habit Cloths for. Ladiea , Cloaks, French Merinos, Brocade French Poplins, 011 ks, Tore eatins, and other b.dsothe goods for ladlu , dresses, all of which. will be told at the lowest each prices. dell:dirt • ALEXANDER A DAY India Itubbss Toys Test received by express front New . York , for the to Holidays, a great variety of there beauttfoi and sershle Toys, consisting in part of the fellowlnaC -09 dim assorted sexes Doll Itrads,Dogs,Llons, Fishes, Rattles, Dell and Parlor Ball ke Wood lor sale at the Goodyear Rneber Depot, Nos s, 7 &it Wood at le J & H PHILLIPS_ Murphy s Bur•IIII*Id solvable goods for Holiday A Pre Handsome Dress Silks; do Fiscal Merinos, Poplins, k.c. Heels Worked Collars; Shawls, Sarfs, • nne Linen Cambric Handkerchiefs &a. Andilivise the calls et buyers. d 024 PAILTIEri. IRFSPE , TFULLY Inform my patrons and papas, that nay fitit party will tate place an Friday, the 27thinstnit, at Wilkins IMP, Fauna in. No May will be admitted without tie: retet. No children except Miami° and ruhieniers will be admitted. Any ono violating thu role will be charged as m holm,. Tickets tor gentlemen visitors for We even ing trill be limited to ten, apply to A. LI perionallY, as no imlets will be sold at we door. The quartet in dancing may commence at any time, m as to get tam iy lemon heroic the middle Apnl For mom partle Sall l ane, apply to A. tiONNAFIT4 Mt Market ADAM HARDIE, VICTRIMARY SVILGEO.II (Lau from Edinburgh, Scotland,) IA 7 ILULD...r=ac.lp h ia:ftgtfilet h atopv o e o P i ref i cta?, and by careful attention to ertintecer entrumed to hien, he hopes to give senclactlon. • In conneetion with Jame* l!areie, Victor Shoeing and Iliacksmitbing In general still be culled on, at the corner el Tunnel Erect and Pennsylvania ATCGIIf. de24:dly Sliver Col.* 1711FtatiFil, - FOftvr tieh the highest.premicro twin ke veld at th. Exchange tqflce of A .Wlt,kl NS ft co, deci Cot. of Tette re Marker arc A GREAT MASS MEETING of all the cloacae, wlll be held at Weelingua on Wood at. between frtGh and Virgin alley, an Tatalay oven nk, titsztth lnitant, to nun:dame for the Mayoralty ot borah, A CITIZENS' CA—NDIDATE for the WHOLE PEOPLE. Let the friecig of good older, without demote to r,i polttlesoirho ore In favor of • CitMeng' Ci=dl. iatii fro= the, wotkilops and Vagea of basi. . . 00,1 t.tr theinielats soma good man, .1, •r Tad{ I.tia Oat . „ 10, ..111 , a tr;tie ofEarr ), of • Pan]. O• %loot Cm:cm ttg tra , I =!== i.Vven ly t: a 7 11 , 0,121 , - d eßp7Psy ltlsi 19.-" WED FRUIT-136.d Peaches; /al pared; S 3 ADDDD < J Juxt reteived, ant dc.3i ZS 1 !bey ty .t esok 1 sale by it de% Whl A AIyCLURG 11c CO 4IMP-IYbes rYeeiyed .Lars. We by daY4 I S DILWOILtIf d CO XFO. MOLASSES 3Obris s iffayZ i tia i leg de24 TOIJA/!CO-11.10 b ssY El'a DILL 1 IL 4,Y J DILI T etcg es -75 La plc:m.lV riAcjl DUTTEIL—V. torts primp freth r6l . 2s. ker.; prirze packed, toe.N brls p ,4 7•ll 3 r i f vowni CO ROE dal 57 Lawn, st_ • IIULIS-16.!ozen in sutra std for cra4 rIV BACCO-5n bzs * tor bale b ten dtroLts it ROE TJ - O:I:LARD-5 bit. and 0 kegs En" ree'a for sale by nibLEkt ILICKETBO7I, RR fr.:113 lAbeftv at • . a . IMESE,-ICD Wi Chum, Li dal nitLi.Ba E e° ,l l 27 "Y "4i Vs In Aare RICKEWON t e aIIAUGIL A5ll-40 °ks tee'd far Aaln b y 1,1) DA 4,21 as s. lARDAUGI! DOTtibli-10 - en.lis in liana and fm sate by deD4 8 b W HARBAL`GII, ILTINDOW GL&SS-400 bra assorted sixes. city I V brands, reecnved and for sale by dr24 & W HARD/kV:ill UTTEtl—le brls sere roll, for sale by Ural 8 r W IIdIaBAUGU CIIEESE-4150 two reed km sale ky de24 S a W lIARBAUGII lJ ILo t " Mt . a. m Eres " . e . '' Ller! . ale by de24 Vt es'atluhoDLE3o. C "LS d ' et T 4 NUT2-5 his T , 7 l tut Zd e co t r , kl i tt tas Ban 01115-10 do: sapetter COTS Wool= far sale ty de9.4 WICK t At'CANDLLS.9. FEATHERS—Prime Ky for role by dall WICK & M.CANDIMS. GINSENG -4 pkg• for sale by WICK K McCIANDLESS FLAX 14 mks as Land t';gf:III'2.IIIDLIMS DOT A cask. yule for tale by de2.7 WICK a M'CANOI.F.29. By'd7Rlß - C 9 Pk" " ;Win' `E.T.,'llats DEARLit.--S4 ceeke Int reru. for Wetof 4t21 WIO d McCANDLESS , 101;xs for vole by C A OrDLESS_ SALV.ILATC P-33eeek•an d 1f 021 WICK APPING PAPER—NO TO C TV wu n ICO limedium ; ./ t cap. For Rale by de44 NY e.CA NINA*. TAR -2441 Aria N C Toc, • 40 Of LIN do for anto by 4514 %VICK & McCANDLES3 PROFESSOR A. C. BARRY'S 'PRICOPBERGUS, Oil, WIEDICATED COiIIPOUSID. INFALLIBLE for renewing, Invigorating, and beau. I Ovine the IleIR, removing the shirt, dandrotl, end all affections of the rutin. and cutitaleraPtione on the skin,dlseareeof the glands, murcles and 111141.0011111, and relieving sting* cow, bruises, sprain., he, With this preparation,"there I. no such weed as tall.n The first Journal, in America, medical men of the highest eminence, prominent chlsene of all ptofessione, and ladies who bare used it for years In their dressing rrome and nurseries. sd telt It with one accord. tkat hr ItliptiTung vigor, giciehlusur , inner, and curl to timbale it melamine tenet and deed tuffi beating wirtrodr, win; contestant, sprains, miner, rte. and rettering diseases of the .kin, the glands, and Ithe muscles, it has co equal among the multitude of compounds advertited In the nubile pnnts.or used In private enrollee. In cheapness as well as rAe enc.!, Bony'. Tneepher , O. Is unrivalled. The immense cash miles of the article, bane enabled the inventor to ripply It at retail at II cents per bottle, which is from 60 0,100 per cent l ess t hen the price of coy other 'preparation for the hair now in Ilse. The leleillifie nest'e on the hair and the skin embracing the valuable directions for ti l e enhore wh i cht of nature's ChnitVit On camera, in each bottle is enclosed, le alone wenn the money. The affinity between the membranes which eland• lute the skin and the hair which draws its sustenance hem this tr.plo envelope in very close. All diseases of the has originate In the skin of the head. If the pores of the scalp ate elored, or if the bleed and racer Guide mr net maculate freely through the cma . l search which feed the nrotasidi moisture, and impart lift to the lines, too revolt la murf, dandruff; Amin-INS 1 of the heir, graveness, dryness and Larthners of the -ligaments and. full's, bald:tear,' as the Vlee may be. - *Omani= the skirt to healthfht anion with the Tti- ' copheroks, cud the imp./ sestets, recovering their activity, mill annihilate the dmeate. In all erections of th e alttnv and of the euhttrata of muscles and In. tegardente, the peewees and the elect ate the same.— It is upon the akin, the muscular Ohre, and the resods that the Tricopheloas has its specific action and► in all affections and Injury of them organs, It is • so. vertigo remedy. Bold so large bottles, price RS cent., at the princi pal office, lif7 Broadway, New York, and by the ptin. elpal merchants and druggists throughout the United States and Canada. ' defitd3m 3p In the Court of 001206.0111 Pleat of Litt "[homy tiowskyr IN the mattes of the View of the Bearer Road In Ramie Township. No, Vt. Decentbet..Term, tram And now to ores, December Repined . Viewers Wed cao4nned rtho, and ordered that notice thereof be divan, by pubileatton two we in the Pittsburgh saints.. Dy the Goan. dalitditawup A NIGH r WOR Tais. HOLIDAYS. • ONRof th e finest ornamented eak ea crier men - in the Twat Cute, will be set Id the wind,* of P. H. (tanker of Fifth stmt., on Christman eve: , . It will weigh nearly three hundred ponnds,mill be tastefully iced and ornamented. and surmcanme by a repremn tenon of Width= cloy*, in England—all dare In sugar and glee.. It is • eplendid piece of work, got ton up With much troobis andexpense 1, , order to mannain the farmer Terinaliort of his old establiale , mew:" Hit patron.. itht the public generally, Invited to cell and be agreeably serprieed, even If they do not wick to melte.. They will slim find Cake., Candas, Prat., and all the other faint for Cl rittlemo • call at No. it Fifth street P.. 1-1. HUNKER, de23 Baker d Confectioner. i PRICIIHRITATIOI II OHS, A T the Educational Repository, 140 65 Market et, j .61. mile foetid the mom splendid altectlon of An . neat. mt Gift Book.. The stock =riga* ovary vialetT natty booed and 'linty tea O.t Bartle. Alto, Episcopal Prayer Rooky, end Presbyterian Hymn Books, Bibles, to,for talent thelowestprtees. I dmg noramtv PURSE .1 W Cas a am la rletv . Goora n u t itallo fb e r ‘ g t rllif: 01111,--onnomval nod awful, for corner of Market and Fourth streets: Peal unary and Inner artlol aultabl• not Vtonday Preeinti: PRE.PARATIOAR for the Grown nod Paler motto. onio, Inn Rm rzihiii Bear's, Roan, and Maces an Oils; Pounnam, in pots endn tic ka Indian Vegetable Oil; Hondaline Flattest,; Up Salve; Cold Cream; Amadine for Chapped Hands . Hayti'. and Room!'. Hair ph; Cologne Waters, at all ones, from 6 rents to one dollar per Perfumes for the Handkerchief; Phasing Creams and Soaps. Toilet and Faney Soaps of every variety. Together with many fanny articles too numerous to merman here. • 8. N. WICKERSHAM dee) Cor of Wood & Sixth stet. TYROLEAN TOYS. • Anderst. ged has Met operied a largo rook of anis Tom and canons other goods, never c before. The finest wooden works of skill. the nicest playthineo for children, eapreso ed for the holidays..which he is determined iry tow, whalebone and retail, by JOHN lIENISIERT, smitefield street T HE leas as well as ly selects so sell vel alft Doak. for the , 1.4 EAFLET9 OP MEMORY. edited by Reynold Colder, M. D., eplendidly bound In Turkey mr teem Toe lel., edited b, Professor Job? B. Han. btund to Turkey morocco, with numenme .• nations • • enerselnes Gem. of the Seaton, elegantly illustrated. The Ketriwke, a Inn `for the Itteriday., bound in Turkey 1110101.011, with illumination.: • The Crystal FOllll4 for MI, wilted by T. S. Arthur, with engravings. honor Tempers:l. Offend, for I°3l,by T. B. Af Nor. The Chrlnniss Tribute, for 1851. I ryines Offering, Snow Flokr, Forget Me Not. " by Mut. E. S. Smirk FriendsblpACHTerleg t " " • Gems of Beauty, or Laerary G in; ter 19.31;e&ted by E Percival. bound in Turkey moseeco, with hunters dluminattous end engravings. The ROM of Sharon, a religious xecnende, for AWL edited by Mr. Caroline M. Sawyer. Topper'. troretbral Ptilosophy, minis editions, elegantly be and and illuetrated. Read's Female Poets of America,: cOntabring Dor . tasty of Mrs E Oakes Smith, Mr. F 8 Carted. Mrs L Sigeurney, Mrs E F El lct. Mn Emma 0 Ensbrary, Mrs Amelia B %Veiny MIS .111 ale. Mr. C Kinney, bits, C Lynch, Mina Fara 7 Ciarke (13raeo Green. woo Fbdel ) • y, goldsmith, Boma, Moore,. Coleridge, How. au, Algot., and Beats; Coleridge, Shelly, and Beata) Pope, Byron, rod Woodo*orth's Poetical Werke. Moo, ja lenge .11e ellol3 ef papier macho, papiertie, album. in morocco and parner mt.') e hinting; also, a largo calk ellen of an lendid Juvende Book., with other worts., for ante by It C IsTrandEToN, Late J eleven a: Stockton, corner Marker and .7d its deli [Chronicle and Post copy • FOR OILUISTMAII filitE rat, scriber respectfally informs nuonttroas 'customers that Ids stock ot Tags Red Fancy Goods, ssitsble for :he bonasys ' is nose open to Ns 1.40 wholesale ware rooms. t?. 114 Market et ~op stairs, comprising the largest and most sploodid assonment • f Corium,. rTeteolll 0701 offered In this 'ciry—nr, ported direct by myself, and far sale by dtdl:ddf - C YEAGER H 0 LIDA Y8:I • • . GIFT GOOllB 2 GIFT DOGES for 1811 AT HOLMES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third at, opposite tLa Pon Ogee. OUR Soaker, with Prophets end Apeattes Too Souvenir Cutlery, a Gif. Book The Sacred Animal, d. 3 'rho Iris and Illuminated Soenern: The Gem of Kearny „ The Rosary of Inustratione ' The Lem:lens of Memory ',' , • ' The Flora Keepenko The One of the Season The 'Winter Plorsems ' The National Temperance °Penns • i The Sone of Temperance Offering Christine Souvenir and Missionary Memorial The Keepsake of Friendship The Amaranth, or Token of Remembraetee The Irving Offering Whig Portrait Ciatiory, with fin Pngravings of Oil tinsontied Whigs The Token of Frisddship e American Keepsure Teo Stew Plaice • Gera of the Wan= World Tlisteilstal Form .• . ' • , 1 . , G Thoerirm ai ailtinitns ' ...,.;:e• -• .. • . a The Gmluee, erThren or Friendship Scenes in tbs. Life of our Sudsier The Ladies` GIP The o: ate Not Toe LLy of itie Taney The takes of Friendship Toner Ladies' Album deltbilit-rp lit TORY. BOXES AND WRITING , DEERS—The TV largest aa•ortenens of Paper Alaeha, Rosewood, and Mahogany Wort tinter arta Wridag Desks, ever offered for sale in this eity—oil of my own import , tion and will to ruld Jim by rderaludiC C YEAGER Insno.for tale by YORTH k GI e VO d f l all k CU I ; looting ny ToY BOOK/5, kr—A fine assonmeun of Toy Bookl Annuals, ax, sulable ! for Christmas .d Net licitr mums, for solo by C YEAGER deYiblit A . o Elimakants and llltniihkettazenk. A O w E , l7l, l llr . A . l4 an al i n k eg e : ,. 11 , .e ._c 1t , f.4 . rt17 ttnr f 810000 of 35:0.4.3 inany tea Asa proatanle holiness, Necontunla bed etyinvy conaleand. AddfesonAn Cieztne Ogler. detn:da• A NI penon with copilot of three to Four Thous- Li. and Dollars, desrrous of purchasing an inter:rat to a safe manufactory, o'er wbicn he aril have cou tool, with a salary and one half of the profits, eon hear of such an opernag by addressing "D. II." Pitt. burgh era: ()thee. . • den isle by I MLR &RC/F. SUOread for aale by ILTB-ICOII ba this day den BHRIVER to Iif,RNIES PITTSBURGH AOONP>fgeri,C(44Ai: a Fiore forible by RICICHTSON Corner of Third and Market streets. Tho only Chartered Institution of the kind trilPitts'ith. recover. John Fleming, Principal Instructor iiPthe Sei of Aceoents. 0. B. Chemberlin, Professor of Penmanship, Mer candle Competence; Ac. Alex. AL Watson, Esq., Lecturer 011 COMlltiCi Law. Those desiring a compleie knOwledge of Book Bee nig and Its application to every braneh of brisinm also an elegant sad rapid pormanship, are invited call and examine the arrangements. Leotnraon Commercial L.ew every Monday ictionce to any ante recident city merchant, 10 IRON-15 tone hot Mo. Ranking Rock, for oalo.by den JAS A lIUTCHISON &00 rILOVEISEED--25 brie for sate de23 • JAR A HUTCHISON k co' MAZZ,tptil,-IWbVItI o A 3 UTIT ' :fI4OI;t7CO SYRUPS -2f Vela Golden STHIPG MiClrrif:l do, jolt rifeoxved and JAHlat A HUTCHISON A CO Aig , ta St Louis Sugar Rellnegy Numbering nOl2llOll and Pittsburgh Dirsocerr. A LL persons Indebted to the subsceiber for num- JoIL, hertng hourceor Patel:stet Directory will please esti at the Dame of the Board of Trade, corner of Wood and Third streets, between the hours of a and otiont, and genie their bill.. Bobscribers and those wiehina to parches the Pittsbolgh Dacciney will Ilse please calL SAM, PAIINESTOCK plusher-0, Dee 1850.—dell:ddor q & cuts Wr various b"'d"2s:,euksSo4llrabda• nsoo and for solo by Walt MlTCliftr y EFi I.llTrtutiest • VANA E2ll waitejan recTiid C. .1.1 sale by UURURIDOE&XCOURAM JeCt 118 Water et hAds prune N. O. Stig.T; bria do do 31olasren 100 bogs 1110 Coffee; 00 bill Lemons; to arrive, for ,ale by doll OURBRIDGE MRS a& COPS *PECIFIC, for all diseases of the Urinary Organs, Leueborrea, totlamosailon of the Bladder, Eadoeys t Ae. Pei , St Mt per bottle Sold by le. NELLERta, No 67 Wood .1 cod by A. D. & D. Sande New 'Volt. dell SPOOL COTTON-3600 dos ree , d direct from the maumfactery. and for solo b 7 . • dcOl 'C ARBUTHNOT ABLE: CLOTHS—Linen, brown and bleached Inmost and Dtapti_pattsms for gale b 7 efll C MIBCTRNOT !RR CRACkEII.9 tor tale by den C ARM/ lIINOT 111011/TTRII-20 brit roll just received tor sale by dellt & 1I&RBLUGII L ABti 80 bOs k.f Card teTztloitr4l7l6 • iloArts—wpo common, reociied for sale by S a W HARIIAUGII YiriaLLOW-30 brio rserteed tor safe by d. 21 S & W HARBAUGII 2 FLAT I.IOATt, 120 feet each, lor tate . by_ J SIMOONMAkt.II &CO 01 Wood otrect • 150 LEI asters S wetted Pl In ro'Js. for ..ie by LEI J EIDD CO DALLAH COPAVIA CAP24I3-3 CTIVA sga • b Id<l o .l] 1 KIDD &CO IXRTIFICIAL ca. last , e - cei7edliCti for sale b 7 I KIDD & cos Eft Wood et INDIA INK—It lb* for .de by den J KIDD & CO ARKETTS 104 trilk-4001M for stal tTy . IT deli JKIDD a CD rannual meeting of the Cleveland and Pin. I..azln lipped theautany will be held at the the 7.f l'gy'or At Whitt' little and place twelve DiVISCIDt. MI to too elected to serve the OIIIIMAg YCaS. ou. of o.p. pa s. R. Fo a 4J e t p tilßE. &mull • Rust, Nov. 30,1M0 j dot uspratta. Patent Soda Ash. 236 areas, Sinkers', still on h sad for solo at the lowest soothin pure, cosh or shimmed bills, b doll Libert rt W & hi MITC y HELThIia, 82 AMUSEMENTS. : .. POWIC11 , 8%1:111.MSK su.tv a tils.word reneatied etatean wilt be exhibited el ' Philo Hall, are, the Poet (Mee; tor a fear dell. .eeteletelleine Mooing.; DeeemberrAl. Mears of Exhibition, from 9 A M. till 9 P.M. Adatl.11!00, IS elia llama tlelreti, Seem, Pamphlet , . a teEtS P. S.—The Stanza M th e rtoper g of Mr. Pima. and h exhibited feeble benefit — _ deXI • LECTURE ROOD, ATIIENEI I II BUILDING, Libi.ni Street, Open EVERY BITSNINCi, fora slap sawn, Bayne". eelibralsd strive ergigualc • PANORAMAS, A VOYAGE TO EUROPE, t]abraciagr maialileant views of llsion , its Itaxbar, Halifax, the Attu tIX, Liverpool, LO N DON. • From the panips..nd. , the MOS.., mad coding with a 19 afto6cettt view Of me Biilllmtlp Idoritiliated, arid both ha• Its of the birsatitai Or i erri:Vid h a ' ad el Year Ie , 197 I,oiewilat •lldjv£a. • An Euhibittoti piety Wednesday and Saturday iftomoon, at 3 o'clock. Admission, ;25 cents. children, under ist yew of use, Id cents. Door. will onen.ki dl o'clock; rs.rsuns to cm utenesynoving Se 71 : delt:d3ss .. • mTraninkora HIGH SCHOOL, Artitare. Dal 44 Grant atria. RFS. W. H. PADDOCti, M. O. Principal; W. T. hieDONALD, M. A., AtiOetare. 1111118 Patio:arm *ill be opened faiths reception of pupils on Thant/ay, the second day et January pelt. Cireallll6 end tithing the obiect of the tion, mode el imamrtion course of study, discipline, terms, fee.. May be had at the stores Or Mr. M. White, and Messrs Ell ib Co., or of the Principal, at the Monongahela House, nom '2M 1 P.M., of each businenulttv:flleek. • \ deglnlt t • The 'Cashel's* Hotel for Heat. - ro'f,rg.oefitettertoPTlZ:tigl.LlXlsirtesiud well known Hotel . is about la put it to a state of thorough and cpmplete rep t, and odors It far rout on liberal ttenorPatera m re of ' 1 ' W. VII. ROBINBati, Ater at idari dotlcd2w • : CO Fourth +meet.- Mast copy.) TOBACCO—)k. Pis Oresjotttic'd for sale bY dug . HARDT, JONES* ' SATTPET6km-1611 bop etude tialipstre; .1 5o kegs Dupont'. sef'd do, (or tide by Idel9l W o F WILSON - ATECfrAa LW TOBACCO-14i las for MOO br doll) BADLY, JONES b. CO StxdTir"7"'" ° ll74;-".1(111M1t4 1 §. MOLAY9ES-40 Ms At Quo Sr ail LIM* . Svena, MeLam en eonaignmeat, toy sale by del9 WILSON cBARN[IIII'S . PATENT eL ANIS 0 NACIEIIEZ. hisatines, while they posacat equal (nein• tias , with iny.:other, remoras all the ohleettons • formerly urged ageism machine y:antue far Snip or Steamboat bulldine or lane Coiling. 6.e., l.y Stthhing the motorist With the grain, ,jolting no indentations on the surlar.e, ai In ell utacbtt.es agog readers rollers hlplaning, , by the chips and knots colleelb4, pampa between the planed alnico, VW teed rollers; thereby dertroyina work deafened tor pointing Coo. reset! may t•e, ; madts for their Coll.ltlciioll Of YU, or the fermatitn Gra joint Stook Company or Camunee, in any past or the coded Suttee, to rueeeestllly pr nose; cote thr.hasinies.hl aPolylng,to Ile &NUN. Snowden's Wharf, Philadelphia, Sheen /10 machine* aro in ennstant onennlon.• , dqflvtlOt F lBll-1110 .tlO . 'No 3 Mouebun ua Mackerel; GO brisj do nobles do for W. by JI IdolOl ,• \F SF WILSON DfaaP 2 , l 9lE' — 'wb!"Wt.brTALßON D RY 6PPLE4-100 bulnotaAnadarAt by deel9 , Round Chtuch tiaan ODA. ASII-2t taeks Jatumon's bread, iandlay Ws day, and tor ale by '-' I IR FLOYD 1000FFEE:—V11 bags iirliiaTgr eta, for mils by AIL de l 9 .1 R FLOYD TEAFP‘B4 chests Y. Byron, Imp.and Gunperrter for sale by Wain '. R FLO],D rIIANNERVOIL-22brh pant OP, in God 0r , 4n r . for sale by , [dal_ ' J B. FLO I P OLASSES—.3/ is Lesi"ts for bi. .dela ; & FLOaD G uisENo e.pkIESNYA.I-13 bap Masan; I east Ileeswaf Now luadEng teem slca.7er l ivzioßat L ql nt b c r o Lela 1 Water Front sia ur.4 T. _ 11EF03 7. 1v bag. 17: L t ii ng s: from 'fuseon, by i DICKEY CO ARD-41 bola No 1, now landing. forma by LAI dela IYAIef 'DICKEY &CO .4, I rLLOW-I.brlNn 117 tali No vow louJinc. for tale by 4019 . ' • ISAI/111 LAOYEY to CO TALLOW ol btl. Cpr bi deli , l i 3AIMt DICKEMLSII! P F t i l s o u72.7:G2 ftie b i co pt:AcksC3lO. AP.11,E9-L3l. bop DTI reachoty . 11. oar, An /topes, now hording by s MAIL DICKEY CO 7G tlla Yo LAW; , er belt' fetthers; itiarriee eattir s stip r ConzLelituld No 2, for see by deiD MASAI! DICKEY & LAD.TATNIN 110LAS8 FS— 5) bariels new ezoliN, low reeelvdd and for We Or & RICKETSO:I,, VV br IT WHE HA a'S.elo. SUGA I te—tl ni re c HILLER Kertids e bra nt ed Thr sib PLANTATION SUGAR-31 blab prime old crop, on contlgolhootou.d for sale by del" • MILLER & SIICKETSON o. SIIGAO-1111 hhd. now .rop, kudint and aC fore HODMILT PALZELL CO delft ' 1 Laberty st • 01 .1199Eati tab new plactmtion.'for malt yy delo ROBLIT DAILZELL & ue TAITLE lute, :V lb, each, Grozad roble ..d for aale by •AV AI GOR9ILIAV.7I Litxrty of OD FlSit—:,M*o rzlme we Am lutte b C y del9 dbot W M GORMLEY DEAVEII. IIUnKETS—iS dos DI. Balmer Mt 0140,, on bud aild tor .ale by • . . . deleurtial NV 15 GIDRAILES,27I_ybonj MOLsB9llbrin — planOithiti - Molosteit_ to url* bid ground, 5 MoLasier,. receiving per ktenmer Iloith River, for We br den JAAIK9. DALZELL , . SUGAR s , ' : 5 9 c t :b r , I t i :I. o " . a u . I" , gordgParS. bob I a ' 1 :. 1 t t ":1 :: g from 01.ia ix a , ',. I, ar North Itlver t arid for aide by den! , 1 JAMPB DALZEiI; L tai:ll - 1 - 1 - rTiTiTater attained, retailing 1111611 ~ del9. . , JADIEii DATAIELL 7^-11111 ElThl Di:MAß—le= fer lT dr.l7 J tCIIOO:.IIARER Et CO powvertr4onaltdicr s E i lisE r t i rrea r ev den , • •• •lt Wood arta. numat music. . • Roemrtor. Polka, Soiree Polka, Scotch Polka, Poquette Jenny Liode Bird Song d o ' Echo do o Badmen's Song Carta Diva; es stoic b 1 !cony Lind The Deer Mon the Sloes= ; Jenny Om i have Something sweet to say I am dreaming of then 0, would I recta a boy again Blanche Alfred. Lien Balt Comma kei Cotillion,. Allegheny Cot:Mena Belle, with variations Love Not, ortickstro. • Than hint *waded the spirit Jeanett and lemma Shovel of Peale Waltz Silver Lake Polka. Received Indio/ sale. N B large stock of New Ponta , to arrive weed, I JOLEN H. hIELLOR, derSO . 1 4 • el Wood at t ~ Tl 7: 'b tu a . tl l 'lu g !r Ea! lorry. ai twatc he TeErneddrur ! pd in cub On Stock of the Peruslybratia. Salk Mll.P9lnßlaring Company. and that the debss end unpaid Ws re mine bundled dollen; on Mnia Novernhen last. GEORGE THOMPSON. Eteey thTreas'r. t:ILARLF.S Lvrictio,.President, Athrmed to and E. i11.C1r1.4.1 this 171.11 day of Demme-. • ber, IY+4! ' N. DUCK...MASTER, And. 4NI LI RUIT-30 bus trash fkl. tt. nutstusi .01 23 bf hes do do ; 23 qr Os, do 'do • lb costs Ire. Zunte . Curran 9b. do Citroiu just reed No sale by 1 NV ,A 1 G011141.8ti t delB:dlial - ' 271 Liberty st, above thud WES-120 dry Ilidlisl :2: dry Calf:Ain.; 1 bundle Deer St hal landing fur sale toy ROBERT RAL2F.1.1..t.M1 __ _pear ' DiLZELLt Co - .. ' tiErAti-,4x) b. in ptiCA JERI' DALZELL cab • Wash - IT is eked , for washing eiothing Of 11117 detaripson. White goods are blesehad and perfectly elestagee.. Calicoes and other printed colored good. are Improv ed In Weir o petard:tee. end tho colon look brighter idler being washed in the Enid. It leased without soap or., soy other preparatioa—h it Ices Womble to OW 10.4 itQUiresloMllllll34 lo perform the wesk— it cannot possibly tome the fabric, end it is far cheaper then o 4 eider .preparation. It has no odor of itself, end tf emits !weans none to the cloth. tog, which to made misett sonsr, whiter and cleaner than I,y. any ettisr metes of ssashmg. It contains nelthsr:totpentine, ommenla,:catepheno, pound', or tichla 0, any deseriptlet— can do no poseible lalury to the health, and will not affeerjbeiskol anion wen onneeestarily strong. f.,Ti cents per 'guest ' Sold by II deeto , Wood at 1 ULM ItAIJEL'S 911AVING CREAM—Taste la the Can wbo dots not appreciate theft...hey °fan say shave! If any there b_, roe do not *Um, oar- • caeca to biro. Vat to M ethers vra eau U prima's o render Stioalrg • plettnutegcrebute • box oilcan I!‘ueel Alum-yd Pistachio or Asirreftlel Shaving ettntUlt. tls nuetlviznArsvble to eatrwords to de scribe the . f-elinro of a person oleo but been used to , Shaving with ordinary soap, c;tel etaking;irielef Itds O for the !int Om It lc o comb.x..dort rur!dq, miratitin. and plemare. • • JUI.E.3•IIAULL . S. SIIAVING CAF.A.M Le execs& IngipreoJering the oldest and /awit WWI beard toll' end pliabie, produrina en siltabtable lather, end bY no: eitremei7 mint:enure allaying - ha ltrlte.. lion, cad ereecnting 51..05 unplcarent and etilr roans orthe hkiit which Is no often experience; aver shay" lug. Cer.tleraemating JalsaltauePre I . :Marin/IC=IXL may, facer the coldest end tarot piercing Incas be. otediapy atter lie ow, without the stilt beeoming chopped. And thole who ease watt, we tea !ably nay will never toe stay other.. One groat advert tegelnahleh mpecley'op. pre by those o verse velnekers,la the Jac_ ,that it will not Citron:4 tlewltleh mast imps will di, ovine a sandy or testy ,pgyararletYte tau , edge dine or bitters. ; JO. !feed'. aehaattAateatn• are deligtonal plecorabotto,.comPotrodod M the otter exclusion of ot!anlelee ealculeUrdi ta r e nder the octane. of abalone unleasant, ga be eppreeisted hi entree mete trial-of therm. P " P"* . 3 ,7a:g l illltlFl. Perfumer and.Chennitt . ten (Messina ot, Philo; For4ale, wh o lesale and retail, by a nimemck . EtiiellemtPtimbosEbt std J and ,I:llfltebeil,AlbrltheMl Cy.. min" tlo3'lo E.
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers