BY MAGNETIC fELiU'.RAfB. ttBPUfIT£D * TKIiEOAAFHXD tOB THK riTTSBUROH DAILY GAZETTE AHnITAL Of THE ITEAB IHIP • '.CANADA. I ONE WEEK LATER FROM EUROPE Nxw Yoke, Ocl 29. Tbe ctetmibip Canida arrived «t Halifax jet today morning, at 10 o’clock, with dates from Liverpool lo the 19,b iaat. Tbe Canada cor on tbe rocka aboot thirty miles <mt aide the harbor, but abstained no material in jUlT COMMERCIAL SUMMARY. / Livxzvool, OcL 19. Cotton—The quotation* current at tbe stiliog of tbe Asia, coanoue without change. The ba ataeis ol me week praaents no ntw feature tor comment Havur, Oct 16, CObtlon— Saif a yesterday reached-1,333 bales at rising rates. Tho sales of tho week amount to 9,500 bale*. Cjffee—Tho highest rates of last month are now current. Tbe market ia quiet Lard haa iacreated in demand, and prices are well aUfported. GENERAL MARKETS. , Limroot, Oct 19; Tho leading anie’e* of trade bare aaiused a fine aspect, nod a lair amount of holiness his been transacted in wheat sod Indian corn, at improTing rates. Floor also move* freely at Toes dart rates. Provision*—B:ef-ia dnller. Of pork; talcs base been, to a. fair extent, at toimer ittea Baoon ia tusiabed at tho extreme qujtationa ol last week, with an upward tendency. Shoul der® are very scarce. In bama there haa beeo no improvement. Lard is in native demand at 6d advance. Of cheese, there are no aasormenta in* the market. Tallow—The market is leas active, hot quo* taliona are unchanged. Groceries—Sugar—Tho Committee "of Broken •tale that Ibero • a continuance of tbe previ ous demand, witn a further advance of 6i to la per ewt Molasses U active. The demand for the trade is languid,'hut exporter* and apecu iatora keep up a Irntk inquiry at fall former rates. At London, on Friday, the market dosed dull, and salcß'Were mace si a slight decline from previous rite*. There were sevreal tales of black tea at full ittea. The transactions in green tea were limited,but prioea were support ed. Pablic sales of Cnngoas were made at an advante. Common qaslities are la id to Is Id: por Cl .Iron—No improvement to notice. Bara are in moderate demand. POLITICAL INTELLIGENCE. ENGLAND. Fire new Bishopricka bare been created in the Anglo-Cbihohe Church. Government education continue* to ooccopy a large share of public attention. Tbe 'Citbolic Bi> shop* and Clergy ape urging the rcberae for their own University with much energy. Tbe Tenant League continues to agitate tbe country, and its meetings are attended of respecta bility. QFarmmgopemiioss forthe spring crops are being commenced upon an extensive scale, ft ia said that an immense brradih of wheat will be town in -England and Ireland this season. FRANCE. It is said that the whole of the President's tour through tbe country will form a subject of warm: debate npon the meeting of tbe Assembly. The Republican and Orleans parties hare become consolidated, while those who threaten the Repub lic Legitimists and Bonapariist factions ore only becoming weaker. DENMARK AND THE DUCHIES. Nothing new haa occurred relative to the position of the armies since the assault ou Frederickstadt, and it is now confidently asserted that Diploma cy wiU be called in to settle all difliculttea. Eng hand and France are named as mediating pow ers. The number of-killed and wounded is variously estimated, but it appear* certain that the people of Frederickstadt suCe-ed severely from the sheila into tbe town by the Holsteiners. In Hssse Casrcl, the revolutionary feeling is said lo be increasing Upward* of 200 officer* have te -aigned iheir emacinbn* in the army, which la cow in the moil disorganised title. According u letter* from Frankfort, it is the Intea tion of the Elector oftlesse to abdicate. The Prince of Castel will succeed him. In the last sluing of the College of Prince* at Ber lin, M. Pe Radomir formally aanotusesd that the Fruaclaa Government wouM not suffer foe Federal .Assembly at Frankfort to Interfere by feres in Ilene Cassel, and that any attempt to do to would be re sisted by Piussla.* GERMANY. Two divisions ot the An.ttiaa army were on their march upon Hen Cassel. hat had received counter orders, and (topped in their progress. This, It is said, has been tits retail of a Joint remonstrance of Eng land and Russia. Prowls rill nrolcMs sgsiQit foe course adopted at the F.ankfort Conference In ofoevmttttrtj-ttereappears to be nothing of in- AUSTRIA AND HUNGARY A calegranh’e dispatch fromTiieaie states, thaithe oholera aad broken out in that city In future, all important affairs r«n-eet*d with the ermyare to be transacted by a Military Conneil cf ’ fire General*, who will meet aider a Preaidens ap pointed by the Emperor. Czoatagb, formerly Secretary cf Kotauth, baa been arretted, aa well as Dr. iftnnieb, late domestic phy- Iteiaat) Palasky, on the qrcuud that he wu in aecret communication with Pnlacky daring the time of the mrolation JnCroetls. Tocensof returning sympathy is daily monTeeted. SLAVERY EXCITEMENT. Boston, Oct. 29. The fugitive slave excitement continues to pre* Tail here. The Committee ol Vigilance has bees increased. Tht* afternoon, two white men, named Knight and Hughes, reported slave catchers, were arrested by Sheriff Coburn, on charge of conspiracy to kid sap negroes. Bxitikox*, Oct. 29. General Scott arrived here to day on route for ‘Wakhlcgton City. FIRE AT ST. LOUIS. St. Loco, October S 3. The Candy Factory, of L. 11. Barclay, corner of Cbessnt street and ybark Alley, was entirely d:»uoy cd by fire, oo the evening of the £flP» instant. Tfre leas was #lO COO—ln*areil <or S?,'.ca The mCioinlng house, occupied as a town tal', was also seriously damaged, and nu of the et'.y record* were injured, bat nere were entirely deatrojed. • • CHOLERA ON THE RIVER. St. Loco, October 59. “ITute has been quite a number ef ease* of Asiatic Cholera on board tne steamboat* on oar Water*, dar loc the pact few weeks, principally among emigrant peseencer*. and we heart of one fatal e ace in out eity, yesterday. » The weather is clear and cool, wiih alight Traits. RIVER NEWS, Ac. LomsriLUt, October 29. Tb» river is on a stand, with 4 feet 4 inehes water in the canal. The wkaibcr it pleasant; . . ' The ettnr Memphis arrived here this evening. PHILADELPHIA MARKET, Ynaaoxtynu, Oeu 99,1650. Flour—Standard brands are held at sl£?| ?bbl. with a moderate inquiry for export. Grain—The auppliea of Crain are moderate, and pneee have farther advanced. • Corn eomss in slowly, •alee of 6SOO bus yellow, et 68087 c ST ta Whiskey U in demand at 33 in hbds, and SS| in bbls NEW YORK MARKET, Ntw You, Oft. t 9, 1850. FlouT—The market is steady for the east and for ex rort. at 54A004 50 for common and st'aight state, and •45004,C9 for mixed western. Grain-Whest is in good request, with a steady market Corn i* Heady and firm, at 70* for n^rrd. Provision*—Pork Is in moderate inquiry. at fj0.750 1057 for Me**, and for prune. Lard is In falrtfc mand.ut7|o7|e 6. • . ... „ linseed Oil-Sale* of American tn bbls, et 7*. Groceries are quiet; *a'ef 700 bgc rejected Rio Cor fee yesterday, at tOte y ft. BALIIMORE MARKET. Ort. 29. Flour—The market is firmer,with sales of How ard afreet brands at SI 73. La lei 5000 cliy mil!* at $1 63 per bbl * • n«rn inn*l is at S 3 IS per bbl. Qrain—Wheal has improvad, with sales of red at tuJc. and of whito at 1100130 a per bushel.— finks, of-whlte-corn at 60, sod of yellow at Me. per bethel Rye iasellingat flic, and oataaiSS: per bushel Tobacco it firm at advanced rates. ProvMona—The market is firm. Salesof Mas* Foik at Sll 37, and of prime at $9 87 per bbl— Reef is quiet. Bacon anouldeia are selling at Si, and bsms at £olo*. per lb, Butter and- Cheese are £rfe at prevlona prieea Whiskey it seUifag at 27023:. per gallon. CINCINN ATI MARKET. Ocl 29. Fleur—Tb« market is steady a! S 3 50013 £Q per bbl Whiskey baa declined to22}c.. Llnseeioiiis held atsl, wuh tales at 95c. per gallon. Groceries—'The tsprkct is without change. FroTls.'oas— Nothing or special Interest has gyuosplrcd. Holders arc firm. The weather Is plssssnr. The river is stations* *f»« _ -- ■ LOOK ’here MY FRIEND! Arc OU A FATHER, laboring feMbeskppcn of a familT. and lafTerinc (ram gmertl debility *&i !L,. ;* that life utmost terns a harden, uie StffllO Wd SHAKER SARSAPARILLA. abb YOU a mother, •.(b-.. f rom disease* to which female* am geaer 2tfffifect«eel»»-S.D.H<»we>sBb.keTS.»sp U Ul. ’^^«Vu%er«t!er C on <> cne of ouragent*,, andret • **oil *t r® m fjnd that the Bhtkti Metier, rTUt«,whcreyjawu Df j, Howe> ha ' t ftampaitlla* a* n F u enring more diiease* iSeVp^rSaSSa**”’“sm! _R Is put up in Kidney*, and Blood at “jtsisa2SS% ,^£ i x^ SSHA,iEB w in.’.v n hie am. J. M. Townsend, J. Mohtcr. W* Jackson,Pitttbareh; D.A. EdkttjJ^legbeny^; W. R.MeC»nana,Mati«h«ur: IMr®«J« r t"Fown^ IOMMfcMCfAI BECORD. PITTSOURUU BOAktD OP TRiDB an uxcßasr’s ixchamu. COMMITTEE FOB OCTOBER, r. a? Kocagxap n. obakt usn u- coorxa. Review of ta* PITTSBURGH MARKET, rot m wxu asmao ccr, vw. GENERAL REMARKS.—During the week just t!o«* *d, we have had a rpler.did ri>e in oar river*. Com merce between this eity and the various point* oa the rive r below, 1* now free and open for all cla«»e*of ttramerT, sad the result has been a general revival of trade In bur midst. As to the general quotations of foe market,we here lui Csw changes of Importance. Buslnei* generally, has not yet so far revived, and operations have not yrt been so extensive, as to caste any marked change in prices. The prevailing activity on the wharf, »laee the rite i» |tio river, has been truly cheericg. All oar steamers, large rmd *mall, have resumed their regular trip*, be tweea this city and (he variou* point* below, and we m*y now eonrldcr the fall trade a* having frily open ed, with every pro mite of increasing activity to every branch of trade. Now 1* foe time for full shipment* at low rales, on the pan of our merchant*, and now the time for coun try customers to hasten to thi* market,forthe parpose of laying in their fa-1 and winder supplies. The stock*, ia every branch of mde, now in this market, are full sad ample, and oar wboletalo merchant! may nowfcc called on by their customer*. with every assurance < f folding bargains at tie r hands, whieh must meet the Ticwijjeyen of foe most fastidious. The receipts of the varlcui article* of western pro duction, since the Isle rise, have been immense.— near, Grain, andGrocones, are beginning to come forward more freely, and lo a abort time the general supplies of the market will be largely increas ed. A9IIES—The receipts of the various articles under this bead during the past week, have been ample, and the market is now fairly supplied; The tales bavo been principally confined to small operations to the regular trade demand, and nothing, so far as wc have learned, has transpired, sfowmg any marked change la prices. In Soda Ash wc have no large aalci, of re cent due, to report. Tbe receipts that have come for ward, have been principally utc-i in filling funner contracts. Tne sale* of this article daring tbe week, hsTe been to • fair extent, however, at 3103|0, eath and ume. In other articles, sales have been fair at tbe following rates Pearl Ash, CJ; Saleratus, 0051; Po t Ash, HOIK end Seorehings at starts tt B. APPLES—Tbe receipts of green apples during the week have been liberal, and the mu fcet |* nosy fairly stocked. We note tales ol3oobbls, at the river, in lot* at a range, according to quality, from W to 75c 0 bbl< and from store at ?SOS7e * bbl. ALE A PORTER—Our Brewers are doing a bruk business, at 95 without, and #7 including easts. BACON—We nouca a continued firmness in the market, at about the seme quotation* as given in oar last report. We note setes cf 70 eks Sides, in different lots, at Sic, and SI each forrasks. Sale* of 3t> carkt, Inlots, ai?o7|c for Hams, die for Side*, and HOJH for Shoulder*. Sales of sugar cured Hsmi, intierres, al4olOolO}e for good and prime qualities Sales 30 tes, comm-n convened hams, at 7|e ft. BUTTER—We notice an improved demand forbnt- Ur, but owing to the comparatively light receipts, we have no large sale* to report. B*siqaalities fresh, are odd from store, at 14010 c, and of feir and good qual ities, at 12013 c. Keg is held at «09|0loc, according to quality. BUCKWHEAT FLOUR—Supplies have come for ward more freely, the ani.-le has slightly declined, and tales are now reported to us from first hands, at $2 * 1(0 6*. We note sales from store, at 91,12 F saek of SO b*;nl which rates a fair business has been doirg. BUCKETS A TUBS—Considerable additions base been made to the supples, end prices from store to city and country trade, may bo quoted at 92,121082,25 p dez, for Baekeu, and *S,COOW F doz, lor Tubs, as in quality. BEANS—We notice moderate supplies, and t limit ed inquiry in the market; Slol.Ul e bushel, are the nominal rates. BROOMS—Receipts have been ftir, and suppliei are 'ample. We rote sales fromitore of the better qualities, at 51,?50C2 F dot, and of common merchan table, at Si F- dcz. CHEESE—The arrivals of Cheese from tbe Western Reserve have been lull, during foe week, anl notwrih atandingthe heavy ahipmentt east, we notice inereaa ed supplies In this market. Soles ol foe past few days turn up some Itxo to 12u0 bn, at 606f0«t< for rood common and prime qualities, and slo2} fjr ordinary. CRACKERS—Tbe following is the manufacturers' list of prlee* ; Water Cracker*, per bbl 94 ro Butter do w “ 4,75 Dyspeptic do “ *• 4no Pilot Bread. 0 u ■..._ 3^73 • Sugar Crackers, per lb —— 7 Soda do “ ** ■ .. . 7 CORDAGE—We cote to chugs In prices intfie Ttrioss snides end:? ibis bead. The fo.lowing is * list of pdees * UtoiUsrope, byeoil, do cot,' While Rope, by coil,- da coi, Ttned Rope, by coil, do ent, Packing Yarn, £no,—• da caiamon, He * b. US) CO VO. Manilla, •1,87C!2,9i53,7S Fdn*. do c0i1,.-..|4c 11 6. Hemp, •1,500‘J,5503,a> P doe. do fe>U, ---lOc “ b. Manilla, E7| Hemp, 7Je & -.lot. Kyaniled Carda*e is aoU rcfolartr at U<lo V B: COTTON YARNS—Prices are generally very fine, at the recent advance Stocks are cocsaeJly light, and sale* have been receistrily confined to reff?la r limited transacoona o easterner#. We give the fol lowing list of prices, with an improving tendency roano N. i 0.5, ot> per lb • -80 " «, “ “ -w u » ;[ “11, “ “——.2* “13, “ “ T 3 No. 13 eta per lb . ..-m “14 ** “ *1 “ IS *« « es " 1# « v a “ 17 “ r “ 18 ■ “ » “ I» “ u 29 No. perdoi ■• J “ 1000| *‘ “ g| C»ndl?wick^..— .*flj B»g Filling, so l Banint. No* 1 * 3-00, |4 No. 800, etsper [b-•• -10| 1 “ 600, « “ *Jj “TOO, “ “ 9 Carpet Chain,.—34 Coverlet Yenv • • ——34 Twine, COTTON SHEETINGS—We heir of do change u -yet, ia Pittsburgh masßfncutred. No. 1 Penn and An* «bor Hills, is selling at Bc, asd cqramon ot Nonatook, at 7|e t yard, asd very firm. COPPER—Tha regnlar paces.oC caka and ingots, a> other descriptions are anehi OROGB, aiEDICLNES A no important enarge in pri ‘iiUbargh tctnufactonr’a .»el9o*Oa*&. Price* of iicged. DYE STUFFS.—We find ce» Jtrlag ihe week. The l of price* o( loroe of Ute folfowinf it ■ correct Lii principal article* Aloe*, fit*' A lata* LitfoorJce root 7 0 9 “ ball.——l6o2o Lae Dye •••.•usOlo Marneii* Corb 25030 .Madder Cmbro 14018 Myrrh, Tnikey 50056 Oil Vitriol 40 8 u Co»tor, In bbl» u Cassia 3M)04.00 Aasafcrtlds 29030 Arrow Root*——* *lool# Aqoefortit 100)1 Borax, refined 89038 Balsam F*re-”fL5002,75 Do. Copevla----2SO3S Brimstone • • • 410 S u Clove* 63X00100 “ l.emon 2X003,00 o Pep'raH 2X00300 f>piam, Turkey- •S,m»o3,i'O Qaimne-■ ——••• -4,t('04x0 Hhabirh, root 750100 Sal Amonac -• •1C02 , > Camphor. ref* 4SOSe Ch'oride Line, esk- »• • • -Ji Cochineal 1,5001,7 s Cream 1 artar- • • • • • -2SO2C •Copperas » Glse, In bbls Il|olB| Oall»**~ 4805> Gam Arable-*-*-***sOo7i> “ Uepsl- 35050 “ Trsgaetncifi • 50060 “ Shellac 15018 Ipecac 174 Uthrtge —5136 Jalap, powdered 100 DRIED FRUIT—It is too SaJ Soda 40 i Senna- teif n Tnuaric Acid 14050 Vitriol niae-- ll&i/ Camwood, bhl* 60 ? Pantte, bb'«-• ••• • Q|o9| chipped rj > eatly ia the *e**on yet for any heavy tisnitctlocs in dned frail*. Ihe recelpu however, are gradually increasing, and we may antic ipate an active bssiness at'er a little. Apple* have tieen aold to a limited extent, from Sm bands, at £OO 60c. and peaehea 10 the extent o( several hacdred Lbi> at sl£3 F be. DRIEb BEEF—Supplies are comparatively l : gbt, with tale* in ticiccs, at lOe fur goad western cared. FLOUR—Daring the put few days, receipts by riT er have amounted to about 5100 bbls, bnt as this was designed for eastern shipment, the sapplies left in this market have not been intfictently heavy to caase any marked change in yrices. on the wharf hive amounted to some 1200 bbls daring the pul two days, at f3,C2,85,7003,75, mostly at the latter figures. From store sales have been confined to dray load tots, at SV£o3<B l o*M> 7 > according to quality and brand.— Bales by single bbl from store, at 84 for good s. f. Bn Front—Supplies cominne light, and ssics from suuo hat# bden confined lolinuisd lots, at 83,5003,66 9 bbl Cou Uul—From store and from the mills, 60052 c, are the carrest rates, 9 has. FRUIT—Tbe demand it fair, with sates of Raisins at 83.59 0 box. Bales of Almonds, at 15023 c 9 bi of Groand nuts, at f1,290!,37 9 bos; of Feacan*, nonei of Filberts, at 709 c; of Cream nuts, it 6|o?c; of d of Engluh Wainota at 7} 11015 s? ft; Lemon*. M,CW ante Carnots, at 809 f, am 03c; O ranees, none, Figs, 1 Cocoa 5f «ts, 6*3 9 ft. FREIOI ITS—The followi ing are the Canal ralea from tther ooieuled nidc*—- Leather Lead Lard A Lard Oil- —40 e Oil* “Sc Per*, tihli USe Unr:»,ewi-- fiOe 6Sc ibi* point east, whjcft ore r* COe Beef, salted, * bb1....11*e Beeswax C2e Bristles & lltlr G2e Ch«*e ?5c Canon —. s(>c Onus&.Medicine*-••. Jjfj 1 l Dried Freii «kln*. Deer & Buffalo 76c robacCo, Ohio—»—• HJc l)o Ky sl*c Tallow 40c Wool ——...... 75c Wht*ker,t>b]«-—— • -ISUc ' V “*P r<“’- Fisr, g «K===s l>«eed --. ££ itartW*™ Sbetp VeW ?5« (letup, nope* Bag'ng OOe “ ,hr £nc ‘tafo or wuor, uuHtetan.Mß , lnaen now i 0 tbe Itt4 ’ ite te»CM 00 (nick! ttoa tai. rolm m, uc 10 low FISH— A 111, tend., tej neM u, ten doln, ni Ml I*"* " «* No. 1, • 13;No- 8, (11011.90-, led Nb. 1 UH«Sf bunl Pickled Herrins in uUlcs .1 sjjm; „ 4 81 ,, 4 „ tIJ ptiind • FEATHEM— fceceip u lirra been fair, usj w* no tiw food aappUe* la tho atikot; BBl* f fe f*ott <k» nUsf nM, *fek aodona rttf. 0 ROCEEIE8 —We hire bo ehange of Importance to notice in the Grocery market; tale* have been main ly confined to limited lots to the regular trade,and with the exception of Coffee, oar leal week*aqaotation» are, folly sostsined. Coffee, owing to the increased supplies and slight filling off la eastern prices, is lets firm, with a slight decline in this market. Very little, however has been doing, and we cannot qnoto otherwise tain nominally, at 12|0130t3ie for Rio, to city and coun try trade, in small lots. Molasses continues tolerably firm, at 33939?, cash and time, for Plantation, and 4EO 50?, for S- II- The sales of N O Sagsr have been eon fined to lou of 5, 10, and 15 hbds, at 7, 7|o7|J»or com mon to best qualitv. Loaf Sugar may be quoted at Vi 01O), and Flee at S9S)c. in tres. CRAIN—The receipts continue quits llmiiad, and we have heard of no large sales daring the week: Wheat Is in fair request, at 75080, as in qaality; Rye, 63055; Barley, 63070 c; Corn, 50c; and Oats at 37)0, from first bands. CLASS —Of Window Class we notice heavy sap piles in the matkeb Priees are gen-rally the same as quoted lest week—say, for city brands, 8 by 10,. 53,50 10 by 12, St; 10 by 14, 94,26; and other sixes'in pro portion. Country brands are sold at lower price, and may be quoted as folio its : B t>y 10—.— ••12,75110 hy 15 -3,75 10 by 12 3,U) 10 by 10 0,75 10 by 14 | to by 17 ———-3,73 The above are the time prices. lIAV—We net? regular sales of Timothy from wag on, at 815017 0 ton, according to quality. HOPS—Sales of western N. York, 1649, at 10c; do 1650, 20c, and of Boston at 16c 0 fij. IRON A NAILS—For the past few days the ship ments of Iron and Nalls from this market have been berry. We subjoin a list of prices of some of the principal nrticlei: Iron— Flat btr ~t2|osle “ Round and square hat---—-» .g|o3.c “ Band 21031 c “ Hoop >3106)0 “ Sheet- ft OS)e Naiu—lo io 80 penny S3£3 4P keg. “ rt u» # penny “ “ « i»> r peony 4,00 *' u 5 penny, 4.25 u “ * penny 4,50 “ “ 3 penny 4,50 “ Bmn*Cut, 3 l<H}inch 4,00 ** Cut. sto fl inch 4,50 “ u Cut, 0 to 7 inch 5,00 *• LEATHER—We notice * regular demand at fall pricea lor all anii'r* under this bead. Bale* of Balti more aole at 21022?-. and of New York do, at IPOtSe 0 pound LEAD—There i* a regular demand in the market at 9 tor pig, and S)OSt for bar. Lud Pir* —Tbe preaent range of pnoeeof Lead Pipe ia 7014 a 0 foot, according to sUe. Bunt Lk*o—Sales at 6|c by tbe sheet,and «|e 0 ft whan cut. Whits LtsD—Pure lead ia telling at 82, and No 1 at ei,£opkeg. LAUD—We notice the receipt! of several conside rable ota daring the week, bat tales have been rather restricted. We not; moderate liansaetione, in bblt and kgs, at ?|o9c, on nme. LUMBER—The following are the ruling prices from ihd yanlst I ineh Common Board, per 1000 feet, kllOO I do do do do do 12 00 It do do Plunk, (P M) do 19 00 2 do do do do do 34 DU 1 do Clear Board, do do 24 00 . It do do Plank, (PM) do 3100 2 do do do do do 49 W Fine Joist, (D M) do It W H do do do lord II Scantling do 10 vo Pine do do 1! 00 Shingles per M (scarce) 2 75 MALT—We notice farther regular sales of Malt at Sdjmc 0 bu. OlLS—Owing to the recent advance ia Linseed 1 1! in the west, from whence we receive oar supplies of that article, it is now held in this matket at pOOSSo 0 gall, with an advancing tendency. Sales of No 1 Lard at iso.'Cr, and No. 2 at Me 0 gall. POWDER—Hazard and Dupont Rifle Pofrder may bo quoted in large quantities, 94.79; and by nngid keg, at SS£SOS,SO 0 keg. Rook Powder at to or large and imall quantities. ROSlN—Sales at C Xpi 0 bbl for North Carolina. SEEDS—The quotat-.oai are, for Close}. 817 9; Tmtsthy. 8i 75; and Flux at $| 25 per bus. SHOT—Sales st 81,90 0 bag. SALT—Sales in a regular way at 81,0 0 bbl. which is the regularly established afloat. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of rociD soap at 4 Ot|c; of Star Candles at *202i0, mould tallow, 100 and common dipped at On 0 ft. SPIRITS TITRPEN TlNE—Sales ia bbls at <9048 0 gull, cash—bbls extru ebarge. SPlCES—Cassia, —040 c; Cloves, 3So&ta, md Nat megs, at, for No. t 81.4C01 (Ofb. RAOS Sale* of good ranee at 31e 0 6. STARCH—SaIes at Rio7c, for common u> test. TOBACCO—Harrell A Robinson's brtrd u now held • i 29031)-:; Oram's do at 27c; aix twist, 1i., ; and other good 00mn.0.1 brand*, at 3io2«e 0. ft. Of leaf tobacro supplies are aedsrate, and mada a t > m.TStly of common qualities. Prices may be quoted rtf%oioe, according to quality. Very liuie of the best quality is «otd io this murkel. TAR—Sales at f-4.23 0 bbl TALLOW—Supplies are small, and we may quote nominally, a. ?}o?|e 0 ft. VINEGAR—Tbs regular rates for food eider Vine gar from itore, are 6JO9e * gall. WHlSKEY—flairs ot Rectified at 34021|e f»IL Cattle Oark«t< Aixasaorr, October S 3. Csirtv—The camber of Beeves offered at the yard on Monday, was more abundant than lasi week, and lie tile* amounted to about 400 bead, at 304? net— the qcslity being generally ordinary. lots would bring higher figure* Sitsrr A L*x**—'■'cme heed were *oid, at prices ranging, according to (juclujr, from *1,43 to Cl.rseach Ho»»— a limned number wu offered, oil of whieh were sold at $431,23 4P cvi BaLmoaa, Oeu 43,1950. Canle—TSure was a better feeling in the market on Monday, and price* slightly advanced. Tbe offerings reached 1300 head of Ue»v?s, t?o'iof whieb were sold tn ettjr bt user*, 30 were leftover unsold,and 470 were driven to fbllaorlpbia Prices ranged from $4 to 94 73 on the boot, equal to $105,0 net, and averaging gross. Hefi—We qooie from StjOto 94,871, gross rittLiCELTBU, Oct 34,1950. Ti» ©d>ncs* at tbpyart) it<t« week.eomprited afoa l 1309 bead of Beef Conte; 300 Cowi and Calves; OOU Hots, and JSOu Sharp and Lambs. Beef Cattle are in fair reqgci, bet prices are rather lower. Sole* at ti to 36,50 (00 Ere, as in qulity. About 303 bead were driven to New Yora. The market close* dull Cows A Calve a—Dry Cows, *70*13, Springers, (14 fit 18, and Fresh at 31603(1, each. Hogs are in steady demand, at 3505,20 W 100 B>a Sheep end Lamhs—The former sell at 51,500|3,?3 and Lambs ar 33934 each, as In qastity. Coffee JUarkit, • fUt-nxoai, Oct. 25,1600. Until within a day or two. the market wasqaitelao guia. Yesxiday there were kales at 1350 bass Dio at lie; SS'i bag* Lagnayra at 10(2. small Jots cf Maraeti bo at 110111 1. and of Java at 130. There is bet Rule Bio Ccff«e offering on the market. There ia a baiter feeling among barer* si the close. Tho imponsof the week are g* Bio FUKi OF FllTSßOKtifl. Bivks —There were 10 feet inches, in rhanne, at da»k,ta*l evening, and falling. ARRIVED Fashion, Peebles, Elizabeth Michigan, line*, Beaver. Beaver, Gordon, Beaver (Jsuic, UtnneiL, Brownsville. Ai'antie. Parkinson, Brownsville. Ringgold, Cope, Cincinnati. Jaa nelson, Moore, Wheeling Cashier, MeMlUan, Wheeling. DEPARTED. Fashion, Peeblos, Klirahetb. Michigan, Dries, Bearer. Bcsver. Gordon, Heaver Dalitc, Bcnoeit, Brownsville. Ai anno, Porkintrn, Browntrllla. Mamei, Doss, Portsmouth. Gus.ainer, Klinefelter, Cincinnati. lonian, Liston, 3i Loais. Co onel Frcemoui. New Orlcsnt- Rcvei.'le, Dales. Welisville. BOATS LEAVING TUIS DAY BT. LOUlS—ltaar Newton, 10 a. tt ZANESVILLE—JuIia Dess, 10 a u. ST. LOUlB—Paris, 10 a. m. WIIEEEINO—Cashier, 10 a. m The fine itrar Paris, Smith master, will leave for St. Loots and all intermediate ports this lO.o’clock a. h. The Urge and splendid stmr Isaac Newinn, Hntehi soa mailer, will leave for Cincinnati and St. Loots, si lOo'eioek, place of the Cincinnati. The tpiendul steamer Jalia Dean, wiU leave for Zanesville this day, and is the only boat leaving for that qoaiter Cl AfIBUTHNOT is receiving a latge assortment© /, Isncy and staple, variety, sod Pry Goods, consist ing In part ol Woo:< n, Thibet, and Casbn.ere Shawls Silk, Berlin, Thibet. Kid and Buckskin Gloves; Wool, en and Worsted Comforts; Alpacas and Bnohaztne*; Woolen and Canton Hansel*; Colored and Rlenebcd Merlins; Caramels and Catsimerea; Ribbons and Laces; Button* and Ctatbs; 'threads and Bindings; Umbrellas and Dress Done, Ac A|l of which, country and city merchants are re* spectfaily Inviud to examine,'at feS Wood it. *epSs DANK OF PITTSBURG*). AN Election for thirteen Directors of this Dauk tor the essuing year, will be held at the Banking lious:. an Morday, the Übh day of November next. JOHN BNYDED, Cashier. Pittsburgh, Oct 18.1850.—0 c Undid Kxehan({« Dank or Pittsburgh. AN eteeiioo for thirteen Direet"ii of this Bank, to serve daring iheenruing year, will be held at the Bonking li'.ose, on Monday, the iPth November nest, between the hours of 9 A. fa. and 3 P. M. THOMAS M. lIOWE, Cashier. October 19,16.10—rc21:did Bexehants’ and NkßofstUrsn' Bank of Pittsburgh. AN election for thirteen Directors of this Bank, tor the enseutg year, will be bold at the Balking House, on Monday, the Ifcth day of November next. W II DKNNY, Cashier. Pittsburgh, Ort 16th. 1650." ocXtidtd __ GENTLEMEN’S Heavy Silk Vesu and Drawers; do Fine ATeitno do; do Wstm Saxony do; do Plain and Fix’d Silk Cravats; Pine Sbiru, Collar*, and Bosoms; Silk, Cotton, and Worsted Saipenders: Turkey Red Dressing Gowns; Prla ed Flannel Rohrs; Rassia Beits; Umbrellas; Pitt aind Linen Packet Udkfk; Wool and Bncksktn GtoTcsj Bops* Kid and Bilk Gloves: Betrfs, Comforts, and Moment Jut retired and for sal* hr F H EATON, Rftanfcgi LOCAL MATTERS. BXNSTX& roa THJ HVrXBCUB DAJLT BAXXTTB COURT OF 4VABTRR IEIBIOH. On tbe opening of tbd Court this morning# Hi* donor. Judge McClnre.resd (he tallowing ebarge to the Grand Jury : GENTLEMEN OF THE GRAND JURY, An set of tbe 11th ol April, 1779, section 24, provided for the creciion and repair ofbridges over any water or a public road,by petition to the Qaarler Suasions, descriptive of Ibe place# circumstances' and probable expense, wr 1 tbe petitioo was band ed by the Court to tbo Grand Jury, and if tbe Court and Jury approved of it, tbe Court made *n order on the Commissioner*, requiring them to cause the same to be erected or repaired, in the manner dictated by tbe Coart and Jury. The 23th section of tbe act oflBo2, repealed all prior laws relating to reeds and bridges, except special provision* respecting tbe county of Phils* delpbia made before that date. The law of the 11th April, 1199, waa not iocor. porated in the revised laws of Jane 16ib 1836. By ad of 13. b of April, 1843, it wa* made (be dnly ol the Commissioners ol the several counties in Util Commonwealth, to repair ail bridges erect ed by tbe county and pay the expensesof the re pairs oat of the county Tressary,except Allegheny county, snd nine others. By set af 2lth February, 1848. section 3. it is made tbe doty of tbe Commiuioners of Allegheny county to repair all bridges erected by the said o runty and to pay tbe expenses of such repairs oat of the oauty treasury. On the 3:b of April, 1649, an set was passed with a prominent title#which amongst other tbingi eqoslly descriptive of the matter in band, is enti tled, an set to sathoriie tbe town coasctl of Mon* ongshels City, Washington County, to collect warfage. It consists of five sections; section four covers more than half a page of pamphlet laws, containing lour provision* a* long a* tbe enactment without any index to tho proviso, or clue to tbe act,smothered in a long section, in such a manner as to defy and biffla tbe scrutiny or search of the moat inveterate lawyer at (he bar; a law that can only bo stumbled on by accident, and Ua latent ef* feet traced from curiosity. The third proviso is at follows: “And farther, that tha fifth section of an act# entitled an act rela stive to pablio roads In certain couoiiei (herein named, passed tbe 241 h of February, 1813, be and the same is hereby repealed.” Now, the only county therein named, that is named in tha act of 25:h of February* 1913, is Al legheny county. Now this repeal takes away from the Commistioncxs of Allegheny county, alt power or authority to repair brldgea In Allegheny county. By tbe 31st teclion of the revised acts of Juno l3ib, 1836,11 ia the dnty of Sapervisors to make and maintain In their respective townships, cause ways on awtmpy grounds, and to ‘make and maintain bridges over small creeks, rivulets, and deep gullies, but these ara township matters, and do not embrace county bridges; and by tbe 23th section of the act of Ifttb of April, 1834, the Super visors of townships are authoriz'd to levy a tax for tbe purpoae of making and repairing road«# highways, and bridges, not couoty bridges; for if this was intended, the act of 24 th of February, 1615, conferring power on (he Commissioners of Alle* gheny county, would have never been passed, or when passed# the 31*1 section of the act of Judo 13th, 1836, and tbe 23ib Section of the set of 15. h ef April, 1634, empowering Supervisors, would hive been repealed. The power to repair courty bridges in Alle gheny concur, is not vested to tbe hands of Com missioner*, Supervisors, or any. body else at the present time. The proviso repealing the act ofl 915, should bo itself rvpra'ed ; inconvenience and danger have already rssolted from'this proviso, and present aid prospective expense* to the county, and miners will grow worse before the Legislature meets. Tbe Commissioners cannot spend money, unless authorized by Lw, and they are not only not an. thoniod, bu: prombi'ed Iron repairing vthtre .m perauve necessity demands repair. There aie[fi/\y or • xty bridles in thisconuty, built by the coucty cf Allegheny, at various coil; some taree hundred dollars, some more, acme teak Ualeaa legislative remedy ia afforded, it is plain that the timbers of all tbe county bridges wiU be carried off, in time, for want of repair, into the Allegheny, Mooooganela, and Ohio riven,and tho o*l to the county will be the difference between the oat of csoairoeiion and the cost of repair. Tike one example the wing walls and abut meats of the county bridge over 801 l creek, in E. Deer township, have been impaired by recent freshets, snd will fall down next Spring, tf not sooner. Toe bridge coat three hundred dol : ars ’ an rxpenae of forty dollars would now repair il I: coit two hundred dollars to rebuild it. In rebuilding there will b; (Losdvantsge in tho point cf cost, m having the old stone upon the aod any icing that floats will pass away. Tbe Supervisors levied and spent their taxes for ordinary purposes, and Bull creek ia neither a •* small creek, rivulet, or gully." Tbe expense threatened to the county by (his repeal of the act of 1843, is enormous, to say no thing of (he delay, iaconvenieocs, and danger to man and bent. It sects* to me this is a matter of greai import* atce of public concern, and calls lor a speedy re medy. Qo'>d roads anJ bridges are sn essential ingre dient in (be prosperity of cooolies and cities. The interest* of our cities and county are uni Inf, bat maloti, dependent, tad identical. Wfael benefits one is sn advantage to both. Perhaps Ibo most experienced end far seeing men amongst as, hare bat a feint idea of the mighty impulse these cities tod this county will receive from the com pletion of ibe two great railroads, which will ia a f.w months traverse this county, and terminate ra our ci:ei, and of ibe improvement, prosperity, ac. livlty, and wealth, which ate their natural, and toon will be their obvious effect* Thus, it will become necessary in a doable degree, that every tvenoeof transportation and Davel Ia thia county should be opened, well made, and kept in repair ; and of these, roads and bridges are the most pro minent and important. The commitments and keeping of vagrant! cost the tax payers of Allegheny county three thousand dollars per year. The act of 13th of June, IS>6, describes who ore vagrants. Vagrants and disorderly persons are, in Philadel phia, sentenced for thirty days at suitable employ ment, m the vagrant apartment, to be fed, clothed, and treated as convicts in the county prison. And although the preamble, and section Ist of the acl of 21st of February, 1789, is suppliod by the 32d Motion of the act of 14th of June, 1836, yet the 2d Motion is in full force here, and ia, that on confes sion or proof, vagrants shall be committed to the work house or jail of the county, there to be kept at hard labor fer the term aforesaid A thought might be euteruioed wbother trader th a act, to sentence a vagrant to jail waa valid, at the act proscribe* not the jail only, bnt tho labor alio. We have no work bouse here, and vigranla are committed to jtil, where they are bad com. pinions of offenders, aa bad, aod worse than them* selves. Many vagrants, men and women, are cott mitted frequently. In ibe coarss or ashort time, they desire it, for ins:ea-l of sbuaning the jail as a punishment, they seek it •• an asylum. A vagrant ia always lazy, and yon cannot infl el a severer punishment, npoo a lazy man, than to make him work- The Western Penitentiary of Pennsylvania maintains itself, and did not for twelve rears,atk for State appropriation, even for repairs, nntil 1650, all repairs having been made from the man* nfactuncg fund. It ia my duty to bring this heavy tax apon our citizens beforo you, and I hope it will be yoor pleasure to recommend some plan, blending in» duitry with confinement, in order that the county may at least stand square in this account If Penitentiary labor can maintain the system, the labor of vagraota should at least maintain them selves. By acl of 12ib July 1649, section twenty first, any person who shall cheat or defraud by color of false token, or writing, or pretense, and thoa obtain money or property, shall be imprisoned in he Pesiteotiary or jail, at the discretion of the Qourt, not exceeding one year, or by fine not ex* ccedlng three times the value of the property or money so obtained, or by fine and Imprison* meat. This it an excellent act of Assembly, which, like a drag net, catches malefactors who have hitherto escaped through tho meshes of the law. Bat it la liablo to abate, and baa been aba - aod In the Btate of Pennsylvania, for some* times hard hearted tad on aero polo os credi* ten men to tfei» Itir, u a mode of cmciai to payment cf a debt due upon an ordinary cen tred. ■ Should any sdeh bills be brought before you, gentlemen, you will at once detect the diatinctioa between fraud and indebtedness. Ilia much to be desired that ibis Court had the power to summon a niw panel of iravvrsejurors, every two orthree weeks An it now is, they must serve the whole teini, which ia «r metimes five or B’l week* Tina is deraandjeg too much of the citizen*. We know that from change uf hab it, and loeg and close confinement to which they are unused, Juror* get aick, others employed In good situations, lose them, if they serve so loeg as Jurors, as I know from Jurors themselves, and il is not reasonable to expect that man to active borincss could absent (hemseivea from it so long. Jurors thus shunted, tell me they must go, and if I fine them they will pay il. It would be harsh and cruel, under the circumstances to fine them. Bat another pontiqnence of this long term of service, is Ihia ; our first object being to clear tho jail of thjM- committed fer the lesser offen ces, tedious or capital cases are postponed till these are disposed of, but by the time tho tri* ala forth* higher grades of offences sre reached, the panel of Jurors is ihioueJ by sickness and the prisoner* cannot obtain a fall panol# which is his right, if he demands it. Tbti occasions continuances and dcioyt, ia the administration of justice. I shall endeavor to have this remembered st the next session of the legislature. At the last session of tbo Legislature, mi Aprj| 22d, 1 Sf-Op an act waa pasted, Section I2th as fol lows : —That it shall and ciay be lawful for the several Courts of Quarter Sessions, of this Cum monwealth. whenever the public business shall require it, to fit adjourned or special Cuurts tf Qnarter Sessions, lor the p irposc of frying issues Jacriminal case*, aud irhuaartwg tbo other bu* • ness of such Cjurs, and io rtcogn r.; parties and witnesses for their r.ppenrancc et such Courts, as if they were regular seasons. Hitherto our terms, as preicnbrd by law, have been on the fourth Mondays of October, Decem ber and March, and on tbe third Monday of June. From Jnne until October terra, a long period of time elapses, and it follow* that tbe October term ittbe largest and longest in tbe year, and persons committed for trial remain a long time tn prison, st > great coat to the connty. This Court will avail itself of (be power confer red upon it, whenever the interests ol the county, or tbe convenience of jurors may render il necet- We shall also, with tbe assistance cf counsel, endeavor to fix a day certain for tbe trill of cases of magnitude and importance, where many wit nesses are aubporaacri, sod dispense with their presence nntil the case is reached; this will be convenient to witnesses themselves. We hape counsel will aid us as much as they can in this, for the costa to tbe connty In such cases are ecor« mens, and I have inspected some bills where the days charged for attendance outnumbered tbe days of the whole term. We would suggest very respec'folly n magi*, trales the propriety io lelontcs, of taking such bail, (with s.deilgnatioo of iheir places of aboile.las will •ocare tbs attendance of prosecutors, wheD called, who often fail to appoar, irhrn lb j bill it ignored, and tbo county pays ibe coils. Bsil in ad esses should be substantial, his abode known, and in every forfeiture the amount should be recovered. There are seme hundreds of thousands cf dol lars of forfeited leccgr’jsocep, &c., which tbe. Commissioners do not entreat nor sne upon, for if they ihey could collect would not defray the costs cf suit. This arises from the foci that bad hereiotorc, have been mere men of straw. Co the llth of A prill 1646, an act waa passed, the second section of which is sa follows“ That say applicant fur the benefit of the insolvent laws who is, or city hereafter be, id confinement under sentence of any Criminal Court, end who shall be entitled to ha released from rucb coitiuement on s compliance with ibe province* ol ezuring tea o Att'ml'ty, shall be rv leaacd by a. vice bonds as In cml cast* '* This aci,ilottgh rw-l repealed, waa pssr.-dovei again, word for word, by c t of 24 n January, 1819, P#aipolei Laws, pp. 677. From this act a question anna, -'better a con* • vi7l w,“io it sentenced io pay c fine, cannot, by fij. ing an insolvent bend, evsde payment cf the pen. ally, and avoid impM.onmeDi also. 1 have given ibis a very caitfol exaraiDiticn, (relereoct* to authority ured not here be detailed,> tod am clear in the opn.uc that tiling an icsniveiu bond doea not operate as a discharge uatil tbe con vict baa remained in priain three months, and •■nee ibvcXigaticg the meaning of this art. ! have found s dromon of ore of las jodacs of our Sa. (.reme Court, full to the, svjcly, t*: »i u advent l.;oi will on: d.-.-hs-g? 0 .u imor«in- iteal !ur {•ayn.-;'.:oi « um ; ' j,tiiw.:n erhaa on IstgoDe three morthrs' I'linii'.'-nieui. Wc ibmk ibis a proper liaie sr.«l ,o bring it to the notice of lie Grand Jury, ihn Bar, ite Sheriff, aod Uiose persons egainti whom bills may be preferred. Every law ruimta of three parts, declaratory, directory, reinedist, and vindicatory, or penalty mj. carred by breach of tt, and without the las, Laws w’mid be bu! labor lost, aod the coutcapt and sport of malefac-ors. rfhoold the (Brag of an insolvent bond in the premise* operate as s ilischsryo from Imprisonment it would amount to an exemption horn punish ment, and half the trials in criminal cates, would be ts mere pastime, without any benctii'ial or prac tical tendency or result. Gentlemen, it ia my duty to bring before you, as a judicial offi.vr, a matter which Is of the utmos, vital importance as regards the morals, ihe peace, the happineaa, and the character of this communi ty PrinteJ sheets or newspapers are daily circula ted ia thia city and neighborhood, wilhout any os tensible editor or editors, printers or publishers, of all waom this Court is ignorant, some of which have been sent to me through the Post ertiee lor the purpose of calling my attention to them. Their contents are calculated to route and slim* ulatojplo activity, every v,le aod devilish passion and propensity of human nature. Their contents, and pointed and unmistakable allusions, are cal. enisled to extort money even from the ionoccni; to drive the objects of attack to wrath and mur der. It is a moral pestilence that wilketh in darkness and walkelh at noon day. An allusion in one of there sheets caused a mur der in Manchenier some tune since. It is distress ing to know that persons exist in this romronnity who will print and publish eiuh obortunotinns, but it sickens the reflect thu! ilirwe who thus pan der to the vilest oi\pas*inns, should meet with en couragement and support by those won purchase them an read the'm\ Wears no advocate of breaches os the pence . our duty and desire is In preserve it. But if any man who feels himself, or any one who in dear m him, insulted, libelled, or aggrieved by any publi cation in any anonymous sheei, such ns 1 have al luded to, I say here, in lull view of my duty, and of myonlh of office, that ehoild tie beat (he scoundrel sooffeiiduig within an inch of his life, break tho form*, and scatter the type iulo the gutter, aod be brought here, before me,for (rial for an assault and battery, I rhalj charge the jury in a mancer stu diously feeble, knit if be is convicted, we nh-iil de tail forthwith twin active and experienced tip staves, and excuse them from all further attendance in the meantime, whore duty it shall be at once to proceed and try to find and ferret out where then; infamous sheetsnre printed, who are the editois, printers, publishers, contributors, aud earners, ai,d bring them before us, when we shnll direct bilisuf indict ment to be presented to you, and when found shall proceed to try and puni»h. : We are determined this moral putrcfncliou shall be expiated or cured, we don’t care which, and we solemnly wurn all those bo offending, or intend ing to offend, not to put their trust in the lender mer cies of the law. The Grand Jury then retired, and a number of true bills wer;, iii a short time returned. Several jt cognisances were forfeited, and the Court proofed ed to try a care of larceny, which occupied the time until the adjournment to the afternoon. At th* Ktrrmo of Merchants, Steam Boat En gineers, Matters, and owners, and other persons interested, ihe undersigned were appointed to draw up a petition loitho Congress of the United Stales, remonstrating against ibe passage of a bill now pending in the Senate, which would, in their opln ton, be unjust In its action and injunona to their butineaa— ! * w Your Committee have, to tbo beet of their ability, and briefly as pbaaible, homed the following petl lion■ 3b thi Uonomlt*, tXe &nau and Haute <f Rem. teaxativea, m /Congress attembUd: The undersigned, Citixensjof Pittsburgh and vi« dnity, would respectfully remonstrate against the passage of * bflJ, now pending in the Senate or the United State*, entitled A Bill to amend an act entitled, Aaj Act to provide (or tho better secu rity of the tires of passengers on board Ycsaela, pnplM I* wtjol. <n to pul bj ikm»." The biir if passed into a lav, would, is our opinion, prove injuria as to the nnrigatioa, com* aercUl, minafactuTing and agricultural interests of a very Urge portion of the weatern people, and it* provisions coatd not possibly be cured into op* eration bv western steamboats. To exclude Lard and Linseed Oil. WhUky dec. , from steam boat* «* freight*, while Hemp, Colton, •Qd aimlar combosubJe* ara permuted, wonld be an nojuit dttcruninaikm againat the former without adding to the security ot life. It la not oar detign to remonstrate against the paisase of stringent Uwa to prevent the do* V™ ;|0 “ lhc live * °f naaengem on board steam boeu, but we aie dwinms to see «oeh lawa pas ted a* wdl provo applicable a the nature of the navigation ou Western Rivera- The ehoelmeol, Into . of |hc Bill reared to, *oold »»«.. are..ore .u.p.od i„do .od ire.d on the WeMern Rivera doriog a great nan of ih* bd.ino.. ..0.00 W. »oold Therefore re.pre,|ol. I» reramoreod the of o commiuee 0 r ,00, Hoooroble bodj.ibrU. porpore of in.e.,1,.. no, too .object, ood collecting iolbra.lioo free, prececal .od Cipctreoced poreoo., toiih ■ view to making such amendments to the “Bill-’ aa mav be deemed necessary and expedient, and appllca* bio to dieam Boatv, and yonr petitioners will ever pray, teo., All of which it respectfully aabmitted 'WM. THAW, Q M. HORTON, F. SELLERS, JAS. NELSON, JAS. HOLMES, Committee. Hiett Price CATrt.«~Mr. Jonathan Y. Oir* raid has sold a fine cow which was exhibited at the late Allegheny county Agricultural Fair, for the sum o! fifty two dollars. Da. S. D. Howe's Snutxa Samapaxilia.— We would cill attention to the advertisement of this Family Medicine. Its established reputation recommends it to all. STKAM BOATS Packet* arriving at anddepartlng from the Port of Pittsburgh. FOB BT. LOBI3. The eplendtd neaner iff?**A „ , PESNBVLNANIA, JJBMKjB Greenlee, outer, will leare Tor the ■BBSBi ehoee end al< intermediete poru on Friday, the In et 10 A. M. For freight or pueege apply on hoard, or to _ oc3o J. N. JONES. Agent FOR CINCINNATI. . The (tenner fflSfiil ISAAC NEWTON, yfettWar B- F llntehi«oß, muter, will teive l2Bnsfifa' or »bove and intermediate ports on this day, 30lh imu, at 10 o'clock A. M. In place of the regular packet Cinelnnatl. For ( eight or passage, apply on board or to ccao J NKWTON JONEAgI FOR ST. LOUIS, rn.. The ateamer i paris, A. Smith, muler, will leave for the ■■■MBitaaaboTe and intermediate porn, on this day, sout iasi, at iO o’clock A. M. For freight or paaaago, apply on board - ocati FOR ZANESVILLE. ifKmow The splendid new steamer i lL ". JULIA DEAN, fantmtH Cant. Gallagher, will leave this day, UHBMIfot above, at 10 o’clock A. M. _ror freight or passage, apply on board. ocitO FOR WHEELING. The fine fart rannJn^itetaer M'Millio, master, will leave for above intermediate porta on this day, the 10th Init at lOo’clock, A. SL For freight or passage, apply on board. oc3o FOR G4LLTPOLIS AND PORTSMOUTH "**” k The fine ateamer IIL TfrviP MAGNET, .. Captain Boa*. will leave for GaMp ***afi*3*Oolia, Dig Sandy, and Portimonth, tula alt'moon ar 4 o'clock. For freight or passage apply on board. ecjtl. FOIt BT. LOUIS. hmm. The fine light draught iteatoer, , . lONIAN, ygslSS L aton, mailer, will leave (or the HkEl' above and ie'ermediate iandinn on Saturday, W.h instant, ai 10 A. M For freight or paaaaee, apply on board, or to __oci» ARMSTRONG ACROZER. Acta. prrrdDUKGii a wellsville packet. ____ . 1 he ateamer REVEILLE, yngnsh 1 D. R Dale, miner. Will leave Pitts- HOSIW burgh every Toerdar, Thursday. and {Saturday, returning, leave Wellaville every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday For freight or passage, apply on hoard, or to o'*i w B WHEELER, Agent. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACKET CINCINNATI, Captain Joan BtUQnaaaM. amw * This aplendid boat was baill by the f/L ownen of the ateamer laaae Newton. end others, for the Cincinnati and nC&BSßßnPmaliQrgb Packet trade, and will i very Wednesday, for CiarianaU, la plica ot lire New England, No. 2. Fur freight or paavage apply on boa id. or to arin G U MILTKNBF.BGKR, Agt REGULAR DAILY PACKET FOB BEAVER m k The aplendid ateamer iJEvri_p vouch big heny, _iricl?2» Cept. Hartupee, will leave ror above all intermediate landing*, every d«v, at. 4 n’eloca, l a . M. _P,u frvieht or passage apply on board. RP.GULAtt WHEELING A SUNFISH PAOKETr TJt* 'in running steamer | fr*T7J» WELLSVILLE, Capt. B.’koung.will ran u a regalar SUBBK3MBM packet between Phubanb. Wheel- Bridgeport, and Sanfish. leaving Pittsburgh every Monday afternoon, for WellsvMe, dtrubcuville, and Bridgeport, and every Tbnraday afternoon for Sieoben* ville, Wheeling, Bridgeport, Captina, and t*onfi»h. RTtarnme, leavr-a Bridgeport and Panfi*h every Toe*- J*t afternoon, and Sonfiih every Friday afternoon, for freight or patnage, applv on board, or to n WILKINS. A PHILADELPHIA Or PITTSBURGH.* THE CITIZENS* PUBTABLE BOAT UNE, ( 10 fcr ** rt freight to Pituburgh via \J Bail Road and Canal, on very reasonable term* and with the urnal de«oaich. from oar Inren derioL No. a,* Market street, Philadelphia, formerly occupied l.y Utngham A Bock, ear-ffidara R W POINDEXTER A CO FALL AIUIAROSHBIT, CHANGE OP HOUR Central Railroad open to Hollldayabnrg I'l l W<*i Cams! to Johtutovm—2&) tm/u HaH Kjtid from Johnstown to Philadtlphia. TWO DAILY EXPRESS PACKET BOATS, Exclusively for Passengers, FOR PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE Time through, 43 hours—. Pen—glQ ON to after Monday, September lCtb, two daily I ackei Boat* will leave for Johnstown, from thence use splendid new ears 390 miles direct to Philadelphia passing over the new Pennsylvania Kail Road, being one of the very best in the country The increased speed bv this route makes it the most desirable. a« well as the moat eomfortable one to the eastern cities A Packet Boat will leave every morning at ? o’* Clock, and every evening at B o’clock,precisely. lp*The Portage Rail Road is passed in day light t- or passage or Information apply to W BUTCH, Wonongahela llbose; »epl3 orto D LEECH AGO, &"»1 R»rln nOMOHOAHBIiA Bom, aadfi 0»ly TI Htlsi lt«|ia| t Via Drownavilla and Cumberland to Baltimore and Philadelphia. Fail to nitTtnoaa— —... gio qo no. Philip sum* - jg 00 THE morning boat leaves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, at 6 o'clock precisely. Time to uanimore, 33 boon; Unto to Philadelphia,4o honra The evening boat leaves daily, (except Sunday *v enines.) at 0 o'clock. Passengers by leaning on tha evemng/boat, will erets the mountains In stages next day, and thus avoid night travel. „ s "» ,k omc *> M0ti0n,.,.!. Hou*e, or yt Charles Hotel. ocm-ly J- MEBKIMEN. Arem JbdL 1850. DIDWELL dt BROTHER. FORWARDING MERCHANTS, ROCHESTER, Pa., _ (Reaver Point.) IT>” Agents for BIDWELL’B PITTSBURGH AND CLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND °M EA D VILLE LINK TO ERIE; WARREN AND NEW CASTLE PACKERS; lowing and shipping between Pittsburgh and Rochester by steam boats Michigan, Lake Erie and Beaver. ’ ID* Goods receipted and Promptly delivered to all Since* on the Canals and Lakes, at the lowest rate* (uppers will please diraet goods to “BidwelPa Line ’ J.C BIDWELU Water it, PtU»bureh. WBBTKM INS U KAlf Cfi CUffIfAHS OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. J. Fiirstv, Jr., Bco*y- , t , R., Jr„ Prtsl WtlUnsnre against all kinds of risks, . . . . FIRE AND MARINE. will b« liberally adjusted and promptly A liome institution—managed by Directors who art well known in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to maintain ths char acter which they hare assumed, at offering the best protection to those who desire to be Insured. DiukTTOH*—R. Hiller, Jr., Geo. Black, J. W.'Butler, N. Holme*. Jr., Wm. B. Holmes, C. IhmservUeo. w. Jwkson, Wm. M. Lyon, Jaa. Uppineott, Thos. K. Lltch, James M'AuJey, Alex. Nimicx, Thos. Beott. Orrrcx, No. 99 Water street, (warehouse of Spang A C<v. up atsirO Pittsburgh. wgidtv ORKA’FTKB't'iiAL ROUTE I ~ THE PIOSEEBB OF THE NEW BAIL ROAD. Through tm FOUR Duyi TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE. WE take pleasure In unnounoingtothe Merchants of Pittsburgh and the Western business com munity, that on usd afler Holiday,the 10th of Sep tember, ike will receive and forward goods via the Central Rail Road, and guarantee them to be through in Four Day a Our extensive stoek of Can and Boats enables us to offer the above expeditious route to the public, whilst we still eentioue oar usual lines via' Harrisburg and Columbia. Merchants wishing goods brought from the East with eertainty and dispatch at low rata*, or produee shipped thvre, are invite! to call on - O'CONNOR. ATKINS A GO„ Pittsburgh. ATKINS, O'CONNOR A CO., Philadelphia, Proprietors of the Pittsburgh Transportation Line; Or the following agents, O’Cossotts A Co., 70 North auveL, Baltimore; K Block. 8 Battery Plaee, New Yorki Elliott A Guam, It Douse street, Boston, scplftdt A FALL fashion. A ItUIB beautiful style of>Uat is now received, and . will be introduced on Saturday, Xiet inat-, by MeCORDACO M|49 COT. Fifth A Wood Its. HOUSES, LOTS FARMS, fco. FOB BALK. THE Warehouse on the corner of Wood cod Front streets, recently occupied by Wm. McKee, nt a Wholesale Grocery Stare For term*, apply to 11. H Ryan, Fifth atreet—Ryan'a Building*, where all kinda of lumed material* are for aale, and ateam power and room* to rent, the machinery bring now In operation. ior!?:d8«r) 1L li. RYAN. TO LET. THF. dwelling ncuie No. 04 Second street, dietwccn Woodard Market streets, no * occvpicl by the anbacriber. Rem taco per annum. Possession riven on the Ist of November next. JOHN 11 MEI.LOR octfrtf No. *1 Wood atreet FOR REST. TWO well finiited officer in Poat Offics Boildinga Third atTeet A long, well ilghled room, 3d s’orr; entrance Mar ket atreet, between .*M and 4th ,trt e'* Alio, a vmali brick hoaae, in Pm Township, near Pennsylvania Aver us. E D GA7.ZAM, No *d- Second it FOR SALE A TWO STORY BRICK HOUSE and LOT, otr Penn street, comer of Evans Alley. loom re of _ ROBERT M’KNIGIIT ? TO LET. A F<>UK Ftnry Dwelling, slate ’roof, office, batfc XA room, ga* tixiure*. and bake oven, IO Third at. <: _ In H ..„e a.tti Water street. wn3 ; T land for SALK. Coftl c °mp»nr will sell some very of ih elf'.fj p ‘ 1 " nil ‘, cb«','“|. d Tulc'f- ™ , i d „'; d L im ° >« *»'■; f nou.r. or m * ot P.rmem w.l. t.« »,r. ,0,y.; Co.l1,„h„;. 9 o 1) , W RKMINgToN. . _Ti_..*b , - rt _l*.t Manaver. TO LET, A N DL p , o y."!s"„ 5 ' i ,r,:r r r„ d ‘s“;\-“'«-r^^,o,v opcoaite Third at 5 ALSO W L,Lert * atreet, ai,d MirTcfiuee. »° > pSf^s.’S^sfts'fisa® havmg a front of US feci, and in will* t •old on favorable terms. Title uneicepUono'le t* '“VLm , c - 9 LOOMIB ' “ HATS, CAPS, AND MUFFS 4 JAflfEB WILSON, fl.*) Wood it , corner of Diamond alley. Second story OFFERS hia ctutomen and iLe public, an entirety new and fresh stock of flap Cap*, and Muff*, in great variety. Manufactured and geleeted with much cure to reference to price, style, und quality, in New »oit city, and will he offered at the lowest cutes ol pretem low rricra, Wholesale and Retail. _Pittabur£h.Oct.ll,l4so. ocUyUmAwlmß ! O.W.TAYLOR, COMMISSIONER AND BILL BROKER, 119 fiocowd atroat. STRICT attenlion will be gi7«n to oil bmlncaaen. trusted to his care. Pittsburgh mauntaciarrri articles always on hand or procured at ibdrt notice Notes. Bonds. Mortgages, tc.. negotiated on favor able terms. Advances made, if required. oc2/ BOUNTY LANDS. A RRANGKMENTS having been made between ii. the undersigned and E B. Urayeon, Em., of rVashtngton City, (late of the Treasury Department.t the undersigned will procure Bounty Lands ror the officers, and soldiers, theirwidow* amfebtldren, order tiie Bounty Laud Rill, passed September Kith, I4iu. JAMES F. KERR, Attorney at Law, Fourth st, between Smiihfieid at. ACherry alley _Plttabargh, Del g|, l&ai—ceyj / ’ MURPHY 4 BURCHFIELD BaVtBO C MFLETED tS* ISLABOtMEBT AMD OTHEH ntpaovxatrr* of tbkir areas eo.m, Borlh>Eiat cor. ofFonrth a Bfarkat ala, WILL R E-OPEN, On Monday morning, 23 d September With a large Slock of New Goods. sept’i R. C. STOCKTON. BOOKSELLER AND STATIONER No 47 Market atreet, comer of Third au. HAS eonatantly on hand, for sale, Writing Letter Prtnurg, Tea, and Wrapping Paper. Bonnet FBUera, BLiders’, and Truck Iloerd*, Rook auo Nrw Paper Printing lake..which he wiit .ell hi the lowe-- cash prices, or in exchange for rag* or tanner, ‘ «fMff rap|9 _ ’ DR SPEER hat removed to Liberty stteet, Pitt street. No lOj, office and dwelling in -he same building augithdr.m J. K. BRADY, Arr.ofljv£r at law. No. B 9 Fifth ttrtat, aeiardtf •. MTTtBPIPH, Fa. CO'PARTBKUgHIP. r pHLunder*igred have, thia dav, associated them- L selves under the firm of Phillips, lies-A Co., for the purpose of msnufHCturng every vuii'tv ~f rn. 1 Glass Ware. WH.LJaM r*lUj_LU n. JOHN BEST. SA.MUtt, M’CLKAN, Jr. PHILLIPS, DEBT * CO, Munnraetarcra of every variety of Cul, 'Pressed, and Plain Plinl Glass Wart ORDERS filled without delay, at the lowest mar* ket price. .*1 Uiejr factory, on Try street, near Second, or at Vi Water street, Pxueturgh. SBpUtdfrnt. fALtrORaiA ADVERTIsipw iftWT, PKARIS A BROCKWAY, ComraJniian Merchant*, Sacramento Cuy, California. Liberal advam-ce made on consignment*, and .all egenoy be»mt*J promptly attenued to. a a. rtAio, > sv Loru. \ m»v|n:d*w ( JmT !*. w BROCXWiT, mrstt-atH ,j< BA Unison S K WICJ, L , AT7OBNT.Y AT UW, OHIO STATE COMMISSIONER roruaing Dos amom, Ackncmledvtncnt' o. Ac. Omee—Fount, street, above SimtbfieM To Boathsra sad Western Plerehanis. OOUSSKI.’S PREMIUM PEHPU.MKKY - Tt.r lV subscriber respectfully invite* public attention tn hi" extensive stock of Perromerv. «nqn.. Shv.tns Creams, Ac., to wj.trh seven fttlvff n:i4 two Gn'-l-i. Medal*have, within the last n: yan, b.-en nw*-,w by tbe Institutes of New Yeti, Dontrm. tuni Pi-il#- delphta, the latter being the only Golden Mcdul. i v*r awarded for porfamery either In I'arore or in this country. RweesiL’s UxsivaLlxd Stuvtno Css**, (Almond, Rose, and Ambrosial,) mnvcnally acknowledged to be superior to any Shaving Cream in this country of Europe. ' OliumuH* for Bhavim— Beautifully transparent, and possessing highly S»aponnc*ou* and emollient eruperues; Saponaceous Compound; Ambrosial Ssbav ig Tablet; Military Shaving Snap. SL'rxixiJ.sTo-.Lriik*At-s—Almond, Rose, Millcfleurs, BOQOUCl,Ptmohto. Musk, Pntehouly, Oiumbu*. Float inKTrunspitrent, Olive dt/, Windsor, and Cuca*»ittn hJißAnt* vor tur llam>xebc>,l£7 Co*r, Ja-min, Bouquet dc Canilinc, Gcrnmuiu, Jenny Lind, Mousse- Une; Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clemautr, CunmcUe Rosat, and many other varietiss, in all aixtv different perfhmes. Toaxt WiTua*—Florida Water, Eau do Toilette, pronge Mower Wuter. and a great variely ol Co lognes and Lavender Waters PaxTAXATioni voa tu* lists—Genuine Bear'* Oil, Antique 0.1. Bandoline. Eau Lustrale, Oleine, Com ixwni Ox Marrow, Hair Dye*, liquid and in powder, and Phllocome, Ricin'uie, and Jenny Lind Pomades Onotnat-otc raspxjuxion*—Balsamic Elixir, Rove Tooth Paste, Charcoal DcnlnGce, Odontlno, TooJi Paste, and Tooth Powder. Cotatxncs--.Vegelabie Cosmetic Cream', AranndUa for chapped bands, Cold Cream of Rot-os, Cream dt Perscx Lip Salve, Raspberry Cream, Ac. Deptlaionr Powder*, for removing superfluous hair. Pearl Powder, Vinaigre de Rouge, Aromuue Vinegar, Victoria Hair Composition, Prencn Salts, besides u great variety of olhor articles, too numerous to be named in this ad retiisetcent. The.subscriber bores :• maintain the reputation which this establishment »-u* acquired, by disposing o(nothing but hrst tste arucles, and will be harpy to furnish those who may with to patronise him. either wholesale or tetaii, on as reasonable term* as any es tablishment in the United States. . Xavier dazin, Successor la and former Director of the Lsbo. story °» EUGKNK HOUMbKL . U 4 Chcsnut street. Wr. Batin'* Perftimery is for sale by all the prtnol pal Dragßtsts in the country aplTidtyi FIEE AND bFaEINB INSBBANCK NOTICE; PHOTKCTION INSURANCE COMPANY OF HARTFORD. cxrrraLSTocx *tn> suxclvi rv nd, 91,000,000. CHARTERED 182 r., ' PpRE undersigned has been appointed agent for this A old and responsible company, to succeed Mr. Fayerte Brown, and is ready u> tunc policies in the hire and Mnnne depsrtnient. on 'ts favorable terms ss any other responsible rorapsny in iM« city GbX> E. ARNOLD, 74 Fourth st- next tn Bank of Pittsburgh PROTECTION FIRE & MARINE INSDRANCE COMPANY Annual PmrJums, CajnzcJStoei-, 4* Surplus Fund, $ 1,000,000. Tl HE u*dcr*igued would call the atientlon of met- A chants and other* having property exposed to loss by Fire or the perils ol Navigation to the superior advantages offered by the Protection Imurtnes Company 1. Rates of Premium as low as these of any other RESPONSIBLE-Oflice. 2. A speedy and siuefactory ndjostmrm of tosses by the General Agent o( the Company (or the Western sod Southern Slates. 3.—Arbitration (of all differences which may arise) by referees mutually chosen. 4 —Awards promptly paid tn Specie, Bankable Punas, or Exchange on New York, Baltimore. Charleston, New Orleans, St Louis, Loulmlle, Pittsburgh or Cincinnati, at the option of the Insured. ter Pamphlets, setting forth the mode and prin ciples of adjusting losses, rates of premiums, daiilS- ! caiujn of hazards. Ac., furnished to the customers of: the office free of charge. For further information, apply to the underslcaed, ! who is folly Authorized to insure Dwellings, Htoreo, Hotels, Warehouse*, Mill*; Manufactories, But ns. a c. 1 Household Furniture, ami Good*, Ware*, and Mer chandize. cor.twined or stoted ttrtem, against iom or damage by FIRE. *uo, Dry Goods, Groeerie- M#ni:faciurrd Goods. Pro date, Household Furniture, l ive Mo-S.snd evei> other dcscriplton of Merchandise or Personal Pro party, sh pped or to he *htppcd p-'r rood *tcnint*ost. or boats u> and from point* on Western lVatar*. or I etweea Eastern ettir* (via Lake*, or other inlsr'd route) mod any towns in the Western eonntrv. against ths hazards of INLAND TRANSPORTATION. eons, or to any othtfr maritime pen whst socveTtn i£e Atlantic 9 ° F THE 9EAB. GEO. E ARNOLD. Ag'L 74 Fourth si., next to the Bank or PiUaburgb. *«plß:dtlsot TL,>AWUk’BOAPfl—Fine Eogl.ab. sale Jc by ocW aFAUNBjTOCKAOO MISCELLANEOUS. Sou Ar*nor for Dnnhia l !' pi» Bnt HKI.FJtFK like* plrtrare la ann;nncin» m ii.« ,NL.|IC that ha haa: ttircacicj inT£3£9; jol’- Mnacr for Dunham's celebrated f»,en 0 for Western Pennsylvania *”***» «llie Pianos made byMrDochaiß, of the lm *r aioilart t puabarp, *re too well and favorably ken»n in this neighborhood to tequire any comment *ttku ~. t o for a lent tioe Mother pi«nb» were known in the Western coontrr Nuousit Clark -JU' CtinhanuUe practical partner of tbe ’above !a.7* ul Mtwenty yean inthofte tory o. *ald,£ro, Mpiaciidbl manage? and director of the l>u»we«*. W nbm a y-.*r or two Mr Ihinknahas out {br.entiro factor}' ami •ppor.cnanceaoflho to mai■ult'twe, et before, in hS own natr*. Dunham'* P«ano« taro attained (Bell popn anfjj Ui«t in of the wciiera citicpu Ciaelc ’M, i" ey^avc 3C| ,’* \ mn .to one.of iiy o£{r ■menu. They arc distinguished by their power and bnUmncy of tone, r.cddxtrsf.rd.nary dorabilll*? N. H - A laree invo re of the above elegant Pianos ■ow recmfc*. SUJN OFTIIBCoUSn ”S : :NGXjISII bxtraotsT ' ' Extracts of AcooiteJ Belladonna, ceiaeyaih Cajnp, Cicota, Hy;?cia£rns, Piramonicom, Rh*. l*ny, TarsueuiD, Sampanlla, QuaAiia, Ilona: Col. cbicl icein and Indian Hemp, Imported and for »aJe by _ 0 A FAHNESTOCK A CO Cor- Flrat A Wood aU Apparatus for Cl< e *“*nrißwor* Pip* iklnffdovrn, ;k Bleliet, end made br JFfi* ATKINSON, tween Wood & Muket at f- ESTOCK £~C6T, without ta) INVENTED by Frederici SCAI 009 First »u beti B. A. FAUNi WBOLEBAL B DRUGGISTS, Fint Pmabarfh, sir own Jimpor.atios, dlrwt Corner of Wood tnd 1 OFFER for sale, of ihei Rom Europe, Borax, refined, in cases Emery Com A Powd.kfi Carb. Amir.on, elks * jars Parts Green, in cao» Rouen Stone) iti essks FloafSslphar do Castile Soap, in bxs Calc. Magnesia do Carb. do do Aeetje Acid Orange Flower Water Dole Armenia Fill do willow Vial Corks, asstmed Adhesive Plaster, Eng ' Soborons do do Lead Jo do " Oalbannta do do Elaierina Jo do ’ Citrate Iron, Eng Frecip, Caro. Iron Aleppo Galls Tipton's Lint Wrdgewood Mortara tal> Pestles Oil Lavender, Spike do Garden 1 Oil Origanum Oil Rosemary Oil Bitter Almonda OH Cejapnt Oil Croton ! I'tnk and Bine Saneexa ; Ca'daoor. Seed I Tuiph-Ziao Heifer*' Testa, prepared i Gentian Root | ithubaib Root FoluUlot Fnuy I Itulian Red oe3 Lae Dye, pnwd in brl* Carl>. Iron, in kegu Citric Acid, in lb boitlei Polr. Amiraoniali* do Aii-Ammon Cone, do Cklomcl J2n*. do Oil Amber Rect. do iodide Potaah do Crearote U'blle do , 'do ir ot viala , !5® Kng. in hf lb boiUej Jfdidfl Iron, in ot vials Conf.Senaß.in lb jam moeP,nEn B .inlhj 4M Kef. I.tquonee F.o*. tn bt« V<ooi Naptliain lbboiUea lart. Rmeiie do Pru?«»t: Acid, in or. riels Tortarnj Acid, in l** Crocui Mart}*, in % tK * KadYaleriaq Eug’.in balea . e; bay STATE BHAWLB? ri'UESE celebrated and juilly acknowledged Mf „-*■ 112 . ? oodl * .‘n»be latest coloring! and » ostia* pnved style*, will famished by the sabscrtbtts, in any quantity, at the very lowest priees. Parefass rr« will please notice that the. genuine Bar riut i„. nC j b tf M 'm?*? corresponding with the above cut, and they will also bo diuin r nlihed from all other W oolen Shawl! hy their laperior finiib, fineness of ekmre. and brilliancy of colon- Orders elicited, Ircrn all sections of the country, end the same will l* proinpily attended to. ParehaseT! will %i»o find in' oupfehawl dcpamner.t b large uMonmcnt of all the' other most approved makes, and newest design* Of American, French, and Scotch Woolen Shawls,em** bracing a gTeat variety cf plain, and medium Kyle* for friends. ALSO, . Superior Paris Brocba long snd square Shawls in Itieit style! and bett ctanufar.urm—High loitro Klaeh snd Colored Silk Shawl!—Lupins Black and Mono Colored Thibet fibcwli, with elik nnd woolen Fringe* r-Pnrli Printed\ Ca«.unerc anl Terkerri ShawS— Plain end Embroidered Crape b-hawls New style Printed Palm Shawls—ffeat figured Pan* Bnwbe Shawls—Lupinu Black end Mode Colored Thibet Ur.g Shawls—plain bound Seal Skin Shawls-Plun- Mode Colored Fteacb Terkerri. Shawls, trfcred and. bound—Eight qaan-r French Mode Colored Thibet picih, measuring /oil two-yards widefni ShaWls, binding to match—White and Colored Darceiona And Genesee Shawls* Ac. • Wholesale and Retail.. ■ \ . RofepjiT pollockaco,- • . IS South Second at., Paildelphia.' •; 9eplBulAw3oiinS • • .TO .iiOAP QOMTitAfliriing; PROPOSALS will be received at the oCc<*ef the Balihnore end Ohio Itnil Hoad Company, at Ctl> UmoTe, OnmberUnd, Faiunoant, and wieeUue'.-aant Saturday, the ‘ilth of. NoVtniber next, Tcoltmvb. for the Graduation end Matdnry ef-otca; 33 teeddnror ndeaef the Un«, extending wetiwardly by the water* of Fiih Creek and li.ave Crest, anti oter the dividing ndgc« between them, frflir the lfiodi eeetlcn of the pan of the line already let; to tb«? StJdUt sectionof the laao line*—heir*. the oily portion of ihe rtaie ro* Oalmnn-io be put under Coiltrcet. - Tho work to be b-t will bo generally heavy—-in* clodlr»(r aiannel t>f CIJO, another of 1353, and a third of *OO fret m length, a narri'ier of acep cuttipr* and embankment*, amt n coimdrrahle quantity of bridge mn*pnry. Spec:hca'Jmi« will be ready at the above Olfcce*, op and after the l-t day of Notrt-raber, anM Lnirir.erra will he opou the line to ;*ive tnftmnaUDO. No hid an*Bppnnert by cor'd testtmcjtiil* will bo considered, and biedr-r; are defied to state if tlirj ’ ha»e ot'i*r wots rn hand, and when it rvilj he figuhed. '• The mu* l enrfretie pro~ cetion o' the work will**’ expected. Uyf i-rdor ol trie end Director*. -< • BRNJ. H. LATROBE» ■ ! Chief Engineer. ' o.*2\ JtnovlS 5T DURANCE. THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANYOSice North Room of <)»«* Kjelinrge, Third strvet. Philsdelptiial Fite lsscuA>rK.— Ittulr' -Merchandise and other prnper.y, in Town and Country, insured against locs ot I'.tmarr hy Crc, r.t the.|c\vp«i rate of premium. Msftins ls«-riu.NCJL—Fur j ; 3;,:i ~unrc Vessels,Car goe_* M.d fur' tgn or covitwir-c, under Open Ot special pollac*, «? tbe a-sure-l ra.iy dc<-trc. lAiarth Tssw^osTATio-t.—Tbrv "alto insure merah • lu(i*e tranrponed by Wag Oils, Roll Road Can. Canal Host* and f»|ram Ibiats. on: rivers uhd lakes, on tha tno»: libcrsl ten.i*. DlRKOTDKy—jojeph 11. Seal. Edmond A. Sander, Jfbn O DnvD, Robert Button, John R Penrose, Soon el FAlwards. Geo G Laiper, Edward Darlinricm, Isaac n Davt», Wm Folwell, John Newlin, Dr RJI Huston, Jss C Handi Theopbilas Panldtag, 11 Jones Brooxu, Henry Sloan, Hugh Crait;. Gorge SeniU, Spencer Mcllv/ifn, Citnrle* Kelly, JG Johnson, WmHay.Di S Tbon,.**, John Sellers, Wm Eyre, Jr. • DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGH—D T Morgan, Hugh rrarg, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, PreaidenL THOS- a, HAND, Vice President; Jt»*srit W. Cc.w.ik, SecT. . lD“Dflice of th« Company, No. 43 Water street* Pittsburgh. roex-jin va. Madeira.Agt. LIPK IKSURAROR J. Ktnaay, Jr., dgmtfor tfa Petal Life iiiKjrjjroe Co. oj Pkila, OFbtOE|of the Western ;iu*uranoc Company No. W .Water street, Pittsburgh. Pampbleu, with all necessary Infonsauon. and ()lauk fdrms will be furnished. Husbands can insure their llves for the benefit of their wive* and children; creditors the lives of their debtors. : The whole profits of the Company are divided hmong the holders of Life Policies. , The dividend* of the past two years have been eigh typerceuL each yenr. -Je2* PLA SETT’S BITTERS Creates ahealthy ocuon throughoutthe body,reituro the appeute, tlic circulation, give tone and energy to the system, enn create a power of resist-, nuee to disease in all iu form*, rsrely to be obtained. They will perform a speedy snd permanent euro pf Dyspepsin, Indigestiun. Flaiulcney, General Detiiuy, Liver Complaint, ami a l l the train of symptoms eota fnonly callc-t nervous Affections HKADACnE Will be immediately rct eveUby the a*e of this InvaL liable compouml, which is purely vegetable, and ti odnpted io all sgrs and cor alliens. KEWMiSCS Will find in tbi* de'icote * i palatable prepanjf on, a tombinutlon ol Tome. Aitciauve ar.d Aperient quail lien, peculiarly edupii J m then systems. ; The *penhc action tfcatiM* srijcle has on the liver anil Difstivc firgiror. Tenders tt a complete Antidote (or Fevefund Aguo. nnd Bilious and Typhus Fevers. •CMasrmxn, L.I. July 17th 1S». I huvr. ueed'the artieleof Planett’s Blaers, end have derived great benefit Irom them. I have been subject fur ycarv past to Uie Fever and Ague, bat since the inucducitoo of your Bitters, I hove entirely cieapci) mv usual auacxs, and can with eonfidene* recommend them as one of the bast Tonies in use. Rejptctfuily your/. C. N. BUNDING. brsL’scmw, June SDth, 1590. Mt Dxaa Prx. • D gives mo much pleasnro to state, that tha Dyspepsia with which my life has been so long troub led, arising from tusriien of the Liver, has been en tirely oveieoote, and cured by. the use of your invalu able preparation of Itnuirs, and for your kindness in recommending them. ptc*j«i accept my thanks. Junr dtrlLcnt iervOTit, ' ; C. L. LEECH. Agent*, William T. Hick* A Co , 149 and 151 Freit Street, New Y’o:k. ForsJeby augStrgmin ; R. E- SELLERB. OAX£ FLOOUIKG BOARDS* 1 F l'' -KT Worked UkV Flooring Boards , Jv.vJlMj perfettiy dry, and of s superior quality for *sle by 8. CLARICE. augididtf . Sharrsburch. BalilDC oat at.Cott to Close Baslatsi, ALAROK. stock of DTIV GOOJ>?, for which Ponds. moitrages, jacgcmciit*. unicnd rent*, or real estate, will be received in po*menL JO*. D. HOGG, ocfl tf • 113 Wool st. Pittsburgh- Refined shears-2»5 hi.i* crushed i<s do PowJcrod, 40do Clanhed. m store *nd for sal* by JAS; A HUTCHISON A Co cctU Agents St Loots Steam Sugar Re&asry W AGON COVEROII.CLOTH—ISO yirVjust'rea sad for sale at Nos 7 and P Wood street - octl-J, J J A H PHILLIPS » HAIR GLOViia, Ac. LAWRENCE'S HAlRGLOVKS,jungle,forLadtea, do do do do* for Cents. ; <lo d<> I do do double. do do do Oo Bath. ti do Co Bixune CsrLadles.' do Co do for Gents. .do .do do . Bath. Demtcluff Brcrhcs- •*: Imp'-ncl tod foi-taJc by ««U2_ B a FAHNESTOCK A Co- ... : FK’k VRr»Cp7l*jffST—• On"hsn4 all "this eolore Akron Fire Proof FainV*ho i:cwl,e -etail. at ;: Nos7atid_9 Wood street. t»cK3 J U FBILUPB ; -••. CO-PARTNERSHIP* THF. vi dersigned bus ashaeiated Joseph ftobb with him, to eurry on the,-Whole*«le'*i» Retail > . Grocery and Produce Business, under tits Blank nnd Hobh.wcst vide of the of ' Dtamonti Alley, Fittifruvk. : i- . - ••• edfcdtf , CYBUS BUE| .
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers