ESTABLISHED IN 178 b. . PUBLISHED BY white;* co #. if. Kim* J (• SAifttfr. faznrt but .msea, thud stiext, wt doo* to ■mi roxr oTTica. Dt!!rn r per anann Tn-Weer.y ——£•£} Weekly, in advance)—*.«• 09. ’ o Ciabs, *t»redoced mei Ha 9 CS OV ADTCBTISISOj AGREED upon BY TJ C PITTSBURGH PRESS. One pqo ie, (tOlicei ofNonparellor let*) One Fqa re, earh additional insertion- •• p,2S lie. one week-**-—1,75 1>». two wests— r— a'pn 1M». three weeks ......... 400 !).•>. or.e month* ... s'uo Ho. ' two months' ■ . 7,00 , 'fir. three months- 9,00 Im. (oat month*-—. 10,00 IM. tix months--.- ——■ ia,oo Ik). lwe>ve months- -13,00 rumd-rg Hard (C lire* or le**,) per annum- 10,00 One Bqaare,changeable at pleasure (per an num) exclusive of the paper-- 25,00 For coco additional square, inserted over one month, aba fox fcaeh additional square inicrted under the rear* l)r rate*, half price. . Advertisements exceeding a square, and not over * BiWii i:ne«, to be charged ** a square and a hat( Publisher* not accountable for. legal advertise meet* . tbeamnnnt charged for tbeirpublication. Announcing candidate* (or office, to be charred the •ante bs other adverti*ernenta. 1 ' * AdTerti»enjenti not marked on the copy for a tp«J- Bed number of insertions, will be oontiuued till forbid, andpaymer.texpocd accord. The privileges of yearly advertisers will be eonfined ■ rigidly to their regular bmiceas, and all othsr adver* tuement* r.ct pertaining to their regular business, as agreed (or, to be paid extra. All advertisements for charitable institutions, fire mpantca. ward,, township and other public meeting*, ad such like, to be charged halfpriee,payable strlcuy advance. Marrisge notice* to be charged 50 cent*. Death notices inserted withoutcharge, unless actogi* panted by funeral invitations or obituary notices, and when so accompanied to he paid for. Regular adverti*er*. and ail others sending commu nication*. or requiring notices designed tg call alien Fairs, Soirees, Concerts, or any pflblie enter tainments, where charges arc made for admittance— all notice* of private associations—every notice der signed,to call attention to private enterprises calcula ted or intended to promote individual interest, can on lyhe Inserted with the understanding that the same is to be pajj for. If intended to be inserted in tbe lo cal column, thAsmne will be charged at the rate of not less than 10 c:m* per line. Bishop or Fiet Notices to be charred triple price, Tavern License Petitions, 82 each. Legal and Medical advertisements to be charged at faU-pners Reel Estate Agents' and Auctioneers’ advertise ments net to bo clatied under yearly rate*, but lobe allowed discount of thirty three and one third per cent. (Tom the amount of Lilia. - WEXSLT Ol XU-WEXXLT in DAILY TSPSTtS. One Square, three insertions -.31 50 Do. ' each additional inumion--. 37 ADYESnsxxxns ns wsnn rmt One Square, (10 ‘nsenion—— fio eta. IV each additional lasenion-—SS ■**" All transient advertisements 10 be paid in advance. ’ \VHITE A GO. Gazette. L HARPER, Po»t. W'DT M- RIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. Barr ft CO., Chronicle. FOSTER k BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. BIDDLE, American. IIIHAM VLAINE, Evening Tribune. Prrrsncien, Dec. 1, ir>ia. OARDS. JOn.H A. MAUElittbOX, ALDERMAN, Fifth Ward. Penn street, between O’Hara and WaJnsu Ail biuincsr piomptly at tended to. inayp AI.LXAhDUK M. WAI'SOM, ATTORNEY at LAW—Oifice, on Fourth street above W'ooJ. tnrlP DAVID O. TUTTLE, ATTORNEY AT LAW, and. Commissioner for I‘enmylvunio, St- Louis, Mu. All «Minjuunlcaii«.t:s promptly answered. octdJ-ly JAUEB F. KERR, ATTORNEY AT Law—Oifice on Fourth street, between Southfield and Grant, Pittsburgh, spilx-ly JOHN 11. 11ANKIH, ATTORNEY and Counsellor at Law, and Commis sioner for the State of Fennsrlvania, St. Louis: Wo„ (late of Pittsburgh.) References—Pittsburgh: Hon. W. Forward, Hamp ton k Miller, MKhindlrt* k McClure, John K. P»Tke, Sissclls A Semple, McCord A Kiog. augl4-ly BIDWELL CQ-. FOBRARDISO MERC lIA BTB| Glasgow, Pa. (iSetilh't Ferry Put Ofia.) Having pcrmancntlr located at this place, a new and substantia! Wharf Boat, we aie prepared to re. eelve and forward promptly to all point* on the river, *hd Saody and Beaver or Ohio Canal*. D k Co. ' Gla-gow, Xir&o Iff—?e!3 w*. 11MUI.. jotu a. cosiiiri, W. n. WOOJWAID, KALTU asaxLKT. BAGALEY, WOODWARD A CO, Wholesale Gro cers, No Market »t. Philadelphia- ant Fuubnrgh Alkali (Verkia BESNEIT, EERR V A CO, Mnnufasiurer* of S-Tda Ask, Bleaching Powder?, Muriatic me Sulphuue Acids. Warehouse No —, Water street, below Ferry. coTgJ-lr Frederick Braun. Geotec Reiter. BIIAUN a REITER, Wholesale and Retail Drug gists, corner cl Liberty and St. Clair streets, Pm» orgh, Pa. apt CA. McANULTY A Co. Forwarding and O.Tm a nunlon Merchants, Cans! Harm, Pittsburg),, 11. GRANT, Wholesale Grocrr, Commi. non n:;d m Forwarding Me reliant. No. 41 Wiuer *t-, Piu*. burgh. _____ _ T-l Ira Uersey-—• Amlrew Flenur-e K. K Fleming UUItSKY, FLEKISU A CO., COMMISSION MERCIJ A NTS—} or the male of Do mestic, Wool-m, and I , 1 non Good*; a!*o, dealer* in all kind* of Tailor*’ Tr;iitte:iig?, No If 7 Wood <t, lib door from Fifth, l’uttburgb. Reference—Messrs. IVm. A. Hill A Co, Banker*, jamtt a. Bstan J ’ BAIRD A ir.YIS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS and Bill Broken, No 1H Second street. Pittsburgh. »n*7 ENGLISH A BENNETT, (late English, Gyilarher If Co.) Wholesale Grocers, Coinmiftinn and For warding Merchants, and dealers in Produce and Pitts burgh Manufacture*, No. 37 Wood bl, between 'id and >d streets. octt GT&i. u. juiikstOn, Forwarding a commission merchant No list Second tt, Pittsburgh- tnrtl xosext w. rofirouTka) [waltxb c.uvu»as7os R, W. POINDEXTER A CO., /GENERAL COMMISSION and Forwarding Mer \T chant* and Flour Dofdcr*, No tf«o Market street, -Philadelphia. )y£s 11BALD, BUCKNOR A CO TOBACCO CUHHISSIU.I BEBCHAKTS. No. 41 North Water Street A No. 18 North Wharves A.J. Bcckitoa. > PHILADELPHIA Low'd lls*u<. ‘Vpi-Part’* D. C. McCammok. » 1 Ili,aa J. A.Waaata S *ug HLEK, (Buccrsiuir to Murphy A Tee.) Wool Deal • er and Commistlos Merchant, for the isle o( American Woolen*. Liberty, opposite Bth at. fe!i|7 a. a. mm. “ wa. r. iohtk. HARDY, JONE 3 A Co-, Isueeuison to Atwood, Jone* A Co.) Commission and Forwarding Mer shoots, dealer*, ia Pittsburgh Manufactured Goods, PmibuTTb, Pa. m^h*l7__ M<ßUALlif IIHCCCZiIOI TO ■SAI'XL C. KILL,) MPORTKK A Dealer in French and American Pa per Hangings and Bonier*, Window Shade*. F,re Board Prinu, Ac. Aleo—Writing, Pruning and Wrap ping Paper, No. 67 Wood street, between Fourth atreet ana Diamond alley, west tide, Pittsburgh, Pa. _fcb!3 - PITTSUimOU GLASS WORfU* JOHN AG NEW, late ot the firm of Chambers, Ag new A Co, would respectfully inform the old cus tomer* and the public generally, that fcr will *UIJ eon tifiuc to carry on tnc Green Glass Ln*lne*i, in ail it* varieties, and 1* prepared to fill nil order* for Apoiue carie*’ Farniture, Minerals, Porters, Viols, pertaining to his burincr*. Hts warehouse Is No til Market street, between Pint A ScconJ.n. JyiM:a3m TOliN ii. M<TUU A vVt *°k* altf *" d de ? l * *1 ei in Dye Stußs, Paints, Oil*. Varni«he«, fte,N<>. to Wood street, one door Houth of Diamond Alley Pittsburgh. .apt JAStESDAtZFXL7'VboIe*aie Grocer, Com int*»ion Merchant, and dealer in I’rodu-eand Pitttbtrgh Manufacturet. No at Water Fntfl urfh. apt isaiab btcsiT. uotiasr Diet IT, JB, n.i.n vibi.T, yiv,*., rdAIAII DICKEY A Co., Wholesale Grocers- Com mission Merchants, and dealers in Produce, No*.BB Water, and lie Trent street*. Pittsburgh. pov3 /ohaß.'iniwoni,.—....._.T7—_Joicnb uii worth- JB. DILWORTH A CO., Wholcsslo Grocer*, and • Agents fat lletard Powder Co., No. if 7 Wood it., Pittsburgh. _ dsS-jr JGHN hi._ TOWSbkS»D, Drags l*Tan"<T Apothecary No. 45 Market st., three doors above Third «L Pitt* burgh, will'have constantly on band a well aelected as aonmeniofthe bc*t and treshest Medicines, which ha wIU aell on the most reasonable term*. Physicians ■ending order*, wrtl be promptly attended to, and «up articles they may rely anon as genuine. H7* Physicians PmcnMion* will be accurttely and B*«uy prtp«ed from tha bast materiala, at any haur of ha day or night. ' Also lor sale, a tirg* nock ot trsih and good Perfs aery. * Bia JohnKlord Richard Floyd. X AR. D, Wboieaul. Ciorrr,, Commission gf • Merchant*, and Dealer* in Produ-a, .Round Church Building*, trojilmg on Wobd and Sixth streets, rltubcrgn. Pu. #p4 JNO,A,CSAL«GIIP.\, Agent for thu Lake Erie aCu Michigan Line to Denver and tbe •ntbe corner «f W*:*r «t».l Smnhfirld Un4 lAhl'£S"Ai HUTCHISON, A Cp.—SueeatLJf, *J m Lewis llutcbisoit A Commiiunn Merehmou ■rwt Agents of tbe Louu Wtesia Sugar Rcbocry atidSTJ front streew. Pittsburgh. tan! - _ JSCHOO>MAKF:R a CO, tVho)c.*ale Draggut* • No IH Wood street. PitUfinrrh. JIELLtiR, Wholesale and Retail deal* in Music and Musieal Instruments, School llooa a Paper,Slates, Steel Pen*, ttoill*. Printer*’Cards, an •Utioaary generally, No. 61 wood si-, l r itt<burfh. hA«(M or >»>*n In trade **‘ T * l * lr B. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Ohio.) Coinun*- (* . don and Forwarding Mcrebaut. and w, ' ol , e '“ l ' datUr InWestcln Re»etvc Chrr.r, Butter, I ol and Paar* Ash, slid Western Produce generally. Water • fact, between Sniltbfield and Woo.l, Pittsburgh. - JW* _ T/TeR A JONES. Forwarding »"*> Commission Mer —, Dealer* in Produce aad Pittsburgh Oanu alaetmad articles, Canal Umiii, near »t- *|>4_ PENN SILL, PlTTBBliail, PA. TT'ENNEEDY, CHILDS A Manufacturer* o IV «ry superior 4-t SneeUug, Csrpet Chain, Cottuu Twins and lUttiue. __ )■/»-» f It. €. STOCZ&TON* JATE Johnston A Stockton, BOOKSICJ-I.ER, STA JTIONER, PRINTER, and BINDER, eorr.erof bits! u 4 Third itrtalt, riiutiurgb, Pa. ijS^dif T' ' ' BUSINESS CARDS. Plltabargh City Glaa* Work*. W. CUNNING HAM A CO-, Manufacttrers of window glass. No £6 Market street, between First and Second, Pittsburgh* Pa. attention paid to odd vires. Also, Dealers in PLINT GLASS, VIALS, BOTTLES, Ac. hv. ccfiNrson*M, o. Dirncas, jySfttf p. craxwcnsM, i. ihmis, Wm. Miller, Phflad. C. W. Ricketvnn, Pittsburgh. VIILLKR it RICtfBTSON, Wholesale Grocers, and iVA Importers of Brandies. Wines and Sfgara, Nos. 172 and 1,4, corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Pitts burgh Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yams, Ac. Ac , con stantly on hand. ap-1 John M’tiitl. James D. M’GtII. Walter C. Roe McGILLS »\ ROE, WhnlessteGroeersandCommls sion Merchants, No.IM Liberty SJt, Pittsburgh 2Tb*tjl~' : ND P AND AXLE FACTORY naaa Josi*, roan r. qeioa. JONES A RUICIG) RTANUFACrrURERy of Spring »fld blister r.eel, ill. plough ocel, steel plough wings, coach and clip •lc spring*, hammered iron axles, and dealers in maJ leahle eastings; fire engine lamp*, and coaeh trimmings generally, corner of Ross and Front tu., Piuiburgh, J* A J* Tardos, Commission fltrehtatr. NO. 31 Old Letcc si, N Orleans, keep constantly on hand a large assortment of Urandiesof the follow ing brand*, which they offer for sale at agents forJ. Durand A Co, Bordeaux, viz: blßgloryrJ.Eraud, J Du rand A Co, Laruchelle, J J Durota. Cognac. A de .M «• Half 1 A L Bleville, Ade MoQdorr, Jean IjOUI.v, Ac., Ac; also, Anchor Gin, Bordeaux Red and White Wines in cask* and cases, selected with cate by John Durnnd besides Champagno TVlne and Sweet Dart-undy feh7-ly»J N HOLMES A SON, No 55 Market *t, second door • OD * corn *t of Fourth, dealers ;n Foreign and Domestic Bill* of Exeftangc, Certificates of Deposit. Bank Notes and Spcels. fD“Coleletions made on all the principal cioea .hrcughouith* United State*. S d4 0_ ,*f!} h ' F WM & UIU.!LMANN. Third ft, oppadite the Post-Office, Pituburgh—Maps, Landscapos, BUl teail*. bhowbilt*, Labels, Architectural and iltcbine _DraWmgq Business and Visiting Cards, Ac., engraved V on • lone> ‘ ind printed in colors. Gold, Bronze Or BUci, in the moit approved style, * n d at the mast frajnnablc prices oetbS:l** R°S" on ,' k . co -' * L,bc,.y 1 UD-burah \V holpkalo Grocer*. Produce arnL uomwisijon Merchauu, and dealer* in P.tuborgh Manutue ures. apl7 _uoßT._voa7sna._tdM. uttlx. s-iml. u. nooiKsor:. R o rv E, K 1, WOORK i 'Vbolevale Grocer, Distiller, dealer in Produce, Piushur*h Monuuc lures, an . all kinds 01 Forargu and Domestic Wine* 11 Libcriv street. On hand a very *f5 e * loc ‘ of *aperior old Mouonxaiirl* wanker which will be sold lorv for rash. ayi ' ' u u *uxk.' A BFIEE. Forwarding and Comaus slon MerchauU, for me AlleKncry R.ver Trade, ,n , Produce Piusbargh, Manufac and Chloride 01 Lime. Wgbeu price, in cash, paid at a!’, rime* for country rag*. Come' Penn and Invm eu. apj3 ■POIILUT DaLZELL A Co., Whoin-alc Grocers", AV CouxmiMion Merchants, dealers in Produce and Piaibuigh Manafacurea, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, apis k- a. cumnroHAa, WHOLESALE GROCER, Produce, Forwardinr, and Commission Merchant, and Dealer in Pitta Dnrsn Maaufaciureu, Notts liberty street, Pittsburgh, S tMOa. a. uVtin IfACKLETT .A WHITE, Wholesale Dealer- in Foreign and DomesUc Dr> Goods, No. yj W ood street. Piu-buieh. t pi7 S~ *W I IIAftBAU i i|i,-«o„l lfc ok .„ 111 no.r .Dll Cr.» (emr.lly, .cJ For»urt„., •nd Commission MercbaoU, No First strcei and ) Id Becond s_!rcet_ Pitmbnrjh. a? u F. tsiixua, iirosctau. ‘ * .* T LA.‘sn SELLERS A MCOLS, Produce and Gin-rol tM-n mu»ion Merchants, No. 17 Liberty street, P.u*. tmrgb. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oita. apl? S F VON BONNHOHSP ACO . WTsoiestlc firo • cert, ronvuruieg and Commission Merchant*, Dealers in Pittsburgh Manufactures and Western Broduce, have removed to r-cir r.evr warcbcuee. (old stand,) No. 3i», corner of Front sireti aud Chancery -pi? MORRIS A. HAWORTH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, blxst side Diamond, Piiuburgh. aplS kl. f. uruim.) cp, SHRITKU * OARRE9, WHOLESALE GROOERS, Produce and Comrnis-nen MfrcAmnUi, And deafer* in Piu*i»nrgl: Mantfactow! Articles, Not. 130 and 133 Second street* Between Wood A Smithßcid. |*nnb< iom w*tt ] JOHB WATT * CO., WHOLESALE Grocer*, CommiEiion Merchant*, and .>»«i£iiin Produee and Pittsburgh Mann f«crarc*,2co Liberty r., Pa. .*cpi J PLOUR —70 brl* cLoicc Family; 2r'J brl* tfnprrfine; .. t? brls Fuse, arriving, and for sate by •epl* BROWN A KIRKPATRICK . BAIRD * IRVIN ' WOULD Inform tbe pabllr. tbc-v bare u*cn the wsr-iou*© formerly cc-rapt-d by ibc Ui« Mr Solomon Scboycr, 114 Second tucei. ||w, P? *; irce and eoasraodioui wweJaasr, thrr would icnic tfte attention of person* having gooes ;o co-i*irn or «io r e. Tbey mil also rWc attention to Use purcinmc and aale of Notea. Drafts. Bonds, Ac. «cg 7 L. S. Waiermau- -R. N. Waterman..W. B. Waterman- L. S. WATERMAN * SONS, WHOLESALE GROCERY, ConiioiMicn acd For a arding Mercn>inisi vi t-.Jer). m ail tiaj-'oi' Pro du.-e A Put ‘burgh Mrvnulnrimr.l Article.*; *r.* Aren’. fi»r *»K- oi Kicsioond eitl l.v;: Manufartured Too.cro, Cl ., w'vltimY.liS,' ATTOU.tKY AT LAW, BuiUr , Fa WILL alio attend to iviiecuon* and ‘-j.i -uaj* eotrajteil ’«» kirn in Boner and Armstt. r.g BOtmiiec, Ps. Urferto J A R. risyd, Libcrtv lb > W. W. WalUee, do I James Marshall do (Pittsbarch. Ktv A Co., Wood st " ) ,a,i7 JOHN HcFADKS A CO. FORWARDING A COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Battn, Penn street, rittsburth. ,mrO JilfSS M. DAVIS fr’ CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No. 227 Market, end 51 Commerce mu, Philadelphia. Advance* made, by either of the above, os con^i^n meet a of Prodaco to either I|oo»* mjtf y. D. Williams-*-—• ■—John tlofi. - J. D. WILLIAMS 4k CO., TT7TIOLESALE A RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS. ?y Forwarding and Commintoa Merchants, ana dealer* in Produce and Pittsbttrgh Manufag tare*, corner of Wood and Fifth street*, Pituocrgh. rorSH Win. H Williams•--- —-1 ti.&lcVay- WU. 11. WILUABIB * CO,, BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North East corner of Wood and Third street*, janl Pirrs»rß«n- P*.__ wk. ba-jolit. io>rn a. cosohave, W. 11. WnoUWASS, SiLflt BAOA.IIT. WM. MaGaLKY 4 CO., Whoieiale Grot'Mi 1“ and id) Wood street, FiUsbuigli. up!7 WICK A hI’CANDLEFS. (saeee*«>n to I. A J. D. Wirt,) Wholesale Grucm, Forwarding and Coaimitaitm Merrhnnu; dealer* m Iron, Nail*, Glass, Cotton Yarn*, and Pittsburgh Manufactures general- If, corner of Wood and Water street*, Pittsburgh. W' A M. MITCIIKLTREE, Wholesale Grocers, a Rectifying Distillers, and Wine and Liquor Merchant*. Also—lmporter* of Soda Avband Bleach ing Powder, No. I«i Liberty street, (opposite Filth *ireet,)J A itt»bargb._ _ api7^ WW.' WILSON, Watches, Jewelry.jJiFver Ware • and Military Good*, comer of Martel and Fourth street*, Pittsburgh, Pa. N. B.—VY dishes and Clocks carefully repaired. an 17 wm Tooita! ions ». h’ffil'. WM. YOUNG A Co., Dealeri in Levlier, Uidm, A0.,143 Liberty street. Jam> ly \jif~k R. MrCUTCUiON. WbnLesale Grtco:*, *V ( dealers in Produce, Iron, Nails, Glass, a rtf Pittsburgh Manufactnr* generally, Liberty stneL— PUMipijtb. jsnll IO^PAHTNEKBIfIP. I HAVE taken WM. CaRR into partnership with me in ny bus.neas, which will from thi* date be carried on under the name of‘'John Parker A Co.” March Ist, IWO. JOHN PARKER. John Parker--- —William Carr. JOHN PARKER * CO., Gneertf DraJcrt t'w Prodace, Foreign ■ TKi'tws, Li<piort, 014 Monongahela - t and Rtrei/ed "Whitley. No. 5, Commercial Row, Liberty street, rar3o Pittsburgh, P wsTimsfl ruxn. jouiei ositiu. vk. t.ttsi PALMER, HANNA * CO., (Saccessori to fluttey, lUnj|» A Co.) Bankers, exchange brokers, mi deaien in Foreign and Domestic Exchange, Certificates of Bcposlte, 11/ink Notes, and Specie—North west corner of Wood and Third streets. Current money recessed on depnaite.—Sight Checks for sale, and collections made on nearly all the principal point* the Unitsd States. , , „ The highest preraitanpatd for Foreign and American G< AdVanee* made on consignments of produce, ship ped East. jin liberal terms. • |, - J „ _ wm. *. a'cirno.) (nao.a. t««« WM. A. H'CI.LRG A CO. CROOEKS AND TEA DEALERS, No Ufilj l.Ottly ilrrrt, al-ot* VTtxxi, Have always on hand u large assortment of Choteo Groceries and Fine Teas; at*o, Foreign Fruit* and Nuts, Wholesale and Retail. Iteolets supplied on the lo»**t o-rina. ma *‘ 1C AGh £ ULA H M WORKS, JOSEPH ELABELL. aaanufacturfr of green glassware, lyi VUIs. Bouics, and Plank*, Porter, Scotch Ale, Mineral Water, Patent Medicine, mad Wine Botlle* of every description; alio, WINDOW GLASS. Keep* conssntly on hand a rent ml assortment of the ahnvo article*. Al„SO STATE, as the other Greer. <»|a*a Paeume* are all ■rorraii, a* is tho castom in *""} mer > Tm» P across now in *uli. oraturion, and it continue m operatiuu bull, *ammer and winter, urueis reipeeUuily «olt«:iir*l. and will t,e filled on the shortest cutler HIJsSiSLu ‘ W ~ J Pittsburgh, AugnM 1.1 kvi WOOL 1 WOOL I THE hisbest market prit c m t«*». wi» t,, r„, the different grade* of Wool, by 1 **** haruaugh BlUe vitriol—sow k,. i ot .mi. k: MP*J y a R CO MiSCELLANEOI WILKINS HALL, FOrRTH STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. THIS magnificent establishment being notv com* Dieted and ready for baslne»i,ihe proprietor would respectfully solicit a share ot the public patronage lie trusts by riving his fall attention to the bntineia. m mike the bouse a pleasant and comfortable resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the country generally. Good attendants will be in waiting, and every ei* ertion made to render the establishment worthy the countenance and support of an intelligent coramnnity. The TWO SPACIOUfiJIALLS, fitted for Panics, Concerts, Lectures, Balls, su-l public meetings, will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal terms as any other in the city. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and iieautr in any in the wotld, will be kept famished wjtft Pare Wines, Choice Liquors, Cordi«ts,Toriera l Alevandal! the coni, light, retreahmamsoftbetcuoa Poultry, Gama, F«sh, Soup, Oyslots, ami Clams, served op In the best style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON,being on the first floor, anJ easv of access, wiU be constantly supplied with all the Luxuries and Delicacies of the season; and also, with such substantial* at the markets s2a.*d. Bonrding by the day, week, or year. Dinners or Fuppers for individuals or parties, famished on short notice. Gentlemen with their families, visiting the city can, be suopUed with refreshments of all kinds at any hour or tbo Osv Good and art extensive Livery Establish ment is connected with the Hall. Dinner at 1 o'clock. Breakfast and Tea at the usual hours. Entrance for Lodir* to the Ico Cream and Dining laloon. No 67 Rmilhfield street. K- 11. VAN RENSSELAER a. WEETurzLT, sa.j [a. vummr, rt A- WESTER.VELT & SON, WELL KNOWN VENETIAN BLIND MAKERS keep constantly on hand or -make to order the best article in their line, at their old stand, No. 13 St. Clairstreet; also, at No.Pd Market street, sreoud story, entrance in tbo Diamond. Vemuan Shutter, made to order,%ml old Minds neatly repaired. apio ' TV. *J. OLEKS, Book BtmUra. TCTK nre. still engaged in the above buiniev, corner -If of Wood amTThird streets, Pittsburgh, where We are prepared to do any work m our line with Jes fiateh. We attend to our work personally, and salts iction will be given in regard to its nealuess and du rability. RUnl Book* niied to any pattern and Loond »nb* rtacUa':y. Ilooks in number* utoidhooka bound care fully or repaired. Name* put on Looks in gilt latter*. TLote that Lavs work in our line art invited to call, pyiees low myJOitf Pens Ulsebluslhop, HWIGHTMAN— Manafaeturer of all kind* of cot' « ton and woollen mnetiuery. Allegheny city, P* The above work* being now in fell and •ucceufil tg»* erarion. I an prepaid io exetite or firs with dispatch for all Lind* of machinery in *y line, tteh as willows, ptekern, spreader*, card*, griming machines, railways, drawing tfames, speeders, tlite*«ils, loom*, woolen cards, doable ornnlrte, for merchant or eoantry work, mules, jacks, &c.; ilide ami hand In the* and tool* in gen* erai. All kinds of shafting made fo ordet, or plana giv* for gearing fac’.oria* or mill* ht reasonable charge. Ranra to—Kennedy, Childs t Co., Blaeksiock, Bell A Ho,. Winy. Hemwiek *i I to.. Jc*. A <»r»T BENNETT & BROTHER,' QUKENSWaKE .MANUFACTURERS, Blrcilmßbam.lnaar Pittsburgh,) Pa. Offict, No. IFcier it," bn twit tSlsrkrt atul ITiixf, PtUtburg.K. WlLLconstantly keep on hand a good asrort gKk/raent or Wars; ofonr own manafartare.anc mr tapenorquaJity. Wholesale and eoantry .Mar ehsnta are rrspeotfdlly tnvited to eallaadex trains for tberaselve*. at we ara determined to ael! ttcaptr than liaiavtrbsflirs bean offered to th* pob- [TT-Ordarieent by raail.aeeompanled by thaeaih ot oo.t refeycace. will ba promptly auended to. mrt DEI7 COACH PACTORY, at-t-tairusT. MA. WHITE A-CO., would respectfully infonn . tbe pablio that ttfv have erected aahvpon Lacock, between Federal *j>4 Sandusky streets. They are new making and are prepared to receive orders for everv iie*?nptji»n of veh'elee, Conctm. Chariot'*, B*. rcuci.e*, Beggier. fbwMo*. *c , *.• , from their lone experience in Uie «:*nctset?r>- •;< ihe above work, and the Mri.uic* they hnve, tlit-T ici: t omulem they are enabled to do wort on the mov reasonable terras wuh there wanting articles tn tl*ei f ~ ..<■ Paythg particular attention to the iciecttoo of raata risds, and having none but Competent woi kroen, they have r.o hctiiation in wahar.t.-v| their work. We therefore ask tits attention of the public m this matter. N.jl.,*r.T;s dnre tn the Lest mnencr, and on the most rea.onaUe tcteir. (a*l if ■7S. n. rctrrs. j«xis atxiikoil KCAIPKt ATKINSOa. riaim, IVoaa asl. AUti ct. Pjmc?r««n ("vA.NTINUh »o ruinuianurc all kind* of CUI’PKJt. tin ANDttIJUKT IRON WAKE. Alto, &:».»• >or;L and I * ra » h 'VorL. rtirdiij E«ai« hath io cinScr Sj.<-cial nn-uiio'i enrtr wnjwa. 2.’* “"‘"l* » h'tc assortment i-| C«p(*rr and Drt-s Kriiie*.T<n V\ arr.Jte, Lr. t,ie-_*aboat Cooctng Stuvr*, I’ortub.r Forpt». various sires— \ very convenient ar ticle lor Bicambooto, California emigrants, or rail road companies. * " e iroa.d reeMcifully invite steam boat men and others toc*J!»Jvi see oar articles and pricae before perenttsini et lealwa. JT -i7 Wroßßht and Caat lroa Oaillag. THE rubtcril*cr* Lee ieaTe to inform the puM«e !b*‘ they have obtained from the East til ii.e law and fashionable tk*:g:u for Iron Railing, both tor h»o>-es ana cer-inertes. Persons wisiuxg to procure bind, some paUerr.i will pleoe coil and cnumiw, and judga forti»em*e!rc». RaiUin; will be (uriunheii at the »•-,on rat notice, ttrd in the beat wanner, at the corner ol Craig and Rebecoa streets, Allegheny cut. aagtJ-dtf A. LA-MoNT A KNOX WILLIAM OIOOY E)Fa*!4 lease lo inform hi- 'nei. ,• »od , u«ioraer» tha J,'-*,;.'“a/o «a- ol g:,od Cheap, ln«‘nor.mhle, e :-d «e:l made clothes, win ri»- him a e«. , a* there n no stock tbit aide ol the* liot c4com,.ire with it. The ready mafic 'ltpartxauai is rery eitenaire, adap. ie<J to ail Usie*. Rai: rood c-Mracton. rnar.try raerehanti, and all war. paiebaie Urgelr, are parlieutarly Insitrd tr> rx ansiii<- b.e ro<* I,eforo Barcnasiug, a* particular at tention is paid to the wholesale basiaeai tu this Ssiab* itshmeni. Every article in the taJionnf line made to order la the most fashionable and beat manner, at the shortest notice _ mrQ BUTICK TnE pannership heretofore existing under tbo firm ofAACIIRA DLKYi it <sn:<lvefi t) tUe decease ol Mr. C Bradley. Tb« business will be earned on hy A Bradley, who will settle tha hasincs* of the iatu firm. KF.MOVAI,—A ItaanLar bos removed b:« Foundry Warrbosse from No tu Kecond «ircet,to No t•• WooJ street, between First and Fecund street*, u> thr ware boose lately ojcnpicd by G A llrrry.aherr he wi'l keep ecartantiy on hand agrofrnl a*«oric.cuit-i Cam mg*, Grates, Hiove*. Oookmr Ftovet. Ar ,yt3 HAI9VKL jncfCKLVY, Manufacturer of oast steel,and No.i and No. g American Blisttir Steel. Also Rest Cast blot! Filra, of all «i2e<; nrtd Illseh.tmth and ShnO Ra*r«, alir«y ■ tin hand pr.d for <a!r, either ai hi* '■ Ea gle S'.eei Work*," O’Hara street. Fifth Ward, or ai the office in '.be Iron S«tore of BOLLUaNS A GARRI SON, No ■*, of Wood itteel, FilUbargh. inrW-dlm OIBCULAa. We, the snder*igned, having n«rt!, with entire sat iefie'io’i, tho Oa»t Bteel uud Filr* made l,y Samuel Mr krivy, nihtsEacle rsrrl Work *, in Ibia city, taka pleasure in rrcornracndir.y them a* equal in ({uality to any ever u*ed by u*,of furnrn manufactare. Pittsburgh, March 13,1*30. lii J II KHoKNDP.RUKR A CO, o f Iron nml I’lUnl-uffh, |»*. knapi* a tottkn. Iron Founder* and .Mb/Hiilm-*, I'liuilnirrh. I'OI.KaiAN, HAILSIAN A CO, Manufacturers of Springs, At I* •. **prlng Fieri and Riret*. I’m- l.urrh. Pa. F * tv M FABER, Engine Builders and Machine c.ird Manuiacvo rer», Pm*h«rirh. Pa. A PULTON, Un.«» Fonn-.ler, Pitut uigh, Pa. GRAKP. LINDSAY A CO Maiiuf*.-tuier« of Iron and Nml*, Pit'.rborgh,.ra. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Builder, Pittsburgh, Po. W W WALLACE. Marble Manofactnrer, Madtina and F.ngtr.e Ilaiid oifil er, Puuhurrh. Pa. Dissolution of Partnsrslxtp« THIF> Partnership heretofore existing between the tuLicnbera, under the firm of Chambers, Ague* A. ilo., Maoubrturrri. wn dissolved bv mutual ennuint, on the f day of JuJy, instant. All persons knowing UieniKlve* Inilrfited to said firm are renneit cd to make payment to either of the parlies, without delay, and all persons having unsettled accounts with said firm, ore Invited to present them for settlement Immediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AI.NEW, D.ll CHAMBERS. NOTICE, ItllK owner* and consigner* of good* arriving liy the “Cititen* 1 Portable Host Line," will pinna t<ue notice that they will be required 10 pay freight at our warehouse, according to Hie receipt, liebira the good* arc removed. C A file ANULTY ACO W»»hlngt iilttchlof;, »ad Cl'ciniiaß Diarmoif*—l’ct the clothes into cold water and lei them »'ia« over night. !n ton morning wring thrm t.u; unO put them in'o a kettle or bailing water, tu which rdd Hi,' proportion of one pint of fluid to eight gallon* oi wnier *:ir u up and boil itin whole twenty lap'.Nirv The clothe* may ltir.ii be wrung oul and wrliiin'ed in clear cold water. The pant o I gut menu that may be raixl untied, sueli a* wrfilbund* and collet* of • bin*. may i>e *lighll7 robbed before, ruiniir, and the, clothes will be found perfectly clean, Warranted not to injure tbe finrrt fabric and to give j*erfeet antirfnriion, ur tbe money will he lefondcd. Su'd wholesale and retail by It F. SELLERS •epiu S 7 WoodjM Clavciandt Warren and" Plttaburglk Tdigraplt Company* IK pursuance of a resolution ot the Uoard of Direc tor* of tbe Cleveland, Warren and Fmsburgb Telnrrapb Company, requesting the Secretary to mane out and cau«: to be published in the newspapers along iLc line, an exhibit of tiif financial and other affair* of tbi* company. 1 submit the following Deport:— Tbe line of Telegraph commences at Cleveland and terminates at I'lUsbuigb, passing tbroagb Chagrin Falla. Franklin, Newton Fall*, Warren, Youngstown, and howcll, in the Slate ol Ohio. und New Castle and Rochester, in the Stale ol i'rantylvauia, at which pniuti Uiere are offices located h»r ilia receipt and 'trausmiaaion of boAirnwa.■ ' The whole length of the line u H:» ihuk-Capital Slock. €4*l per mil*, making ■ total nnpiul >tmi of SScEiiTtr whiftM • «*««» *10,201 i; held l»y cillian* nlone the line, itlid the bolaaeo » held try Cornell 4 Sneer! the rontrarlOM. '11)6 above amount of tub icmiti’nn* by citizen*, have been paid to '.‘email 4 SP--J, ur v/i.ifli mo Tru.trc. Jure lb«i job* * 1 4 .,.,r JKFKKHSON UALAI. Seeratarv. TO BOAT OUILDIIIIBI 100,000 (fel Deck Hlan»i 100,000 feet Coal Jtaet Bitfinß. V™ l ' ~ RODEBTWeKNKiHT, Attorney it taw, Foinb rv PITTSBURGH, THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER 31, 1850. State* lalnal Firs Insurance Company, fFllEvery liberal patronage extended to this com- A pany, having timed policlertothaamountofnear One a*d a Half hlillloo of Dollar*, during the last tore* months, Is ••tfieient maaifestalion of the esti mation and confidence of il<e public in the system of management °n which lu business is conducted ..To city ot country raeteiianta, and owners of dwell-! |hg*. nod Isolated or country property, it is believed; ibis company affords advantages in point ofnheap-i rea», safety, and security, inferior to uo Insurance Company in this country. - Conducted on tho equitable and greatly Improved system of Risks, excluding all special bazsrds, insuring only a limited amount In any one loraiity, tuna prec lading the frequently and occurrence of large fires, ard also on both the Stock and Mutual plan, u not only possesses tbe cheapness and accost .motltiion of both methods, but entitles the insured to n participation m tbo profits. It •* under the control of the following Director*:— .John V. Rutherford, A. J. Giliett, John B. Packer, .°l u « T A. Carrier, Philo C Sedg wick, Robert Klou. J P BimißßFOßD.Piesb . . __ A J GILLETT, Sec’y. A A Cmm, Actuary Branch OSes for Weetern Peonrrlvanla, W Smith field street, Pittsburgh. Persons desiring insurance will be furnished with books of the company by coll ing ot the office. .Associated Fimnsn's iasiuanei Com* P‘®7 of ths Clty ofputsbarfh. CAPITAL 8300,000. /K. MOOREIIEAD, Presh-W. W. DALLAS, Pec*y ls now prepared to insure against J FIIIF and MARJNERJSKfI of ell kinds Offiet, il/ow angaheia Houst, 124 ,y 125 Watsr at. tmnrron: J, K Moorrhead, Rody Patterson, Wm. A. Hill, "• H- Hartley, R. B. Simpson, Joshua Rhodes, Wm. W- Edward Gregg, A. P. Anshuu, Wm-Tol- Ungwood, B. C. Sawyer, Chas. Kem.Wm Gorman. . nufl3dly ilfs and Ilislth laiurauati fpHE Mutual Life and Health Insurance Company A of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Legislature of Pennsylvania, March, 184 S. Charter perpetual. Capital, §lOO,OOO. Ham lowku tusk any PsMitsvh vs-SLa Coxrarn, and hill so per cesit tower than the usual rates of Life loauraaee, as the following com parison will show: Thus, a person of the age ofWln soring far *lOO for life, must pay m the Girard 82,36 Pennsylvania, 12,38, Penn Mutual, 8i36; Rialtable, •2,01; New England, Now York Life, Al bion, rJ,46; Lift and Health, Philadelphia, 81.01. Dtixcroas.—Samuel D. Onick, Charles D. Hall, W. P. Boone, Robert P. King. Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, SI. M. Reeve, M. D.. Chas. 0.11. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E H. Butler, Edwin IL Copo. President—tiainuel D. Orrick; Vice Presi dent—Robu P. King; Secretary—Francis Blnckburne. .Applications will oe received, and every information given by SA.ML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Bootes, comer of _joct27-diy Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh . **IBJC AND HAELINB IHSUHANCU. THE INSURANCE CO. of North Amertea will make permanent and limited Insurance on p.-e. P« r *y l" * nd *ad on shipmeci* by Canal, Rivers, Lakes, and by {tea. The properties ol this company are well Invested, and funush an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons who desire to be proiecied by insurance. rnrlH WM. p JONES, Agent, 4* Water st. Fir* and Marina Insurance. 11HK OFFICE of th« Insurance Company of North America, has been removed u> No. 1H Front st esn of Wood. The subscriber, agent for the above old and respon sible Company, wiil U»ae Policies on Building* and their contents, and on shipments of Merchandise by bteain ti.itts and other vessels. W. p. JONF.U. ioaern una Iniiflat Foruliart. JAJSBS W. WOUDWELL, 63, Tman Ptmtcaoß. Respectfally informs mqPMPmm public that be ha. com-^^OL^ Dieted hts ipnug nock ofBHB^B FURNITURE, the largest and most varied assortmem ever offered for sale in this city, compuung several celts of Rosewood, Msbossm, and Ulsci Walsut cuiTrd, ornamental and plain, soluble (or Parlor*’ Drswio* and Bed Rooms, all of which will bo tom u* the loncst price*. I‘eMcns desiring Fenmureof any dcxcrlpuon, are epee trolly invited to call sndei amine t.. utieh, which rinbfuee. every description, from the cbeape«tan>l platm-M u» ihe most eleyant and Costly, of which ihe folk»'-ving comprises a pan: Trie a Tele y«fas; Tete a Tele Divsns; Conversation Chairs; Eluabethian Ciisirs; Mrcepimn do Louis XIV j 0 Fi;r>,«> .ii do Haffri fUiHjae: H hai Nuts; T.i..ct Tanteej Louis XIV '*orcmidorei Ituke of York's r,»aeL: 3*' i'* , t'** WILH I'l.i.h ati.l lUII rovers, ho L>iss,i«, Co do uo, 4:'dot ,Mshogaii> i'mlor Chsirs; lu " Kj'W woi-,1 do do, U •* IP k Ws'uul do _ do: <0 “ (hane Of a 1 i “ Mxhoji'iy Roektnjr do; s " do Fiano Mto«>is; So Marbla Top Centre Table*, At do do Wash Stasis, X 9 Mahogany U«-<!»te*d«, It d-* Wardrobes; I’r'Bfik Walnut do; - vcEs.y do. A very largs atsOrtneut of Cobuoor Chairs end oth er Furniture too tedious to tacMioo. iCr" Burom Busts on ths shonest nolle*. Alt orders promptly attended to. f. Cauuici Makers can b* supplied *itb *tl eon* of Manogany, Waluui, and Veneers, at conwderr.niy reduced urvees. tti>lo io a |> >»t w,>rk HERSEY, FLEMING & CO. HAVE NOB BALE, FROM THF. MANUFACTURERS, AND AT EAST KKN MANUFACTURERS’ |»KU')£v 'V'ntr Pi■".» 4. \V\vi..U u» Unit*. Ret .1.1 Jo j Uloe iVn»»m. It Hire. do IBee do Drab do Black Cuairsero. Fancy do Fancy Tweed a Soper Black Broad Octb. Soper Brown do Soper Green do Soper Twilled do Soper Black Poo Skim Soprr Drab Caihmerc*. Soper Brown do SoperlUack do California Blank eu. Scarlet do Blue do Drab do Grain nayyiDf Brawn l/rilla; At ‘.be Maoefactsreri’ \\ P.iULureb Otaaolutlon. r PIIK co-par.nerarup heretofore eluting between the X •übteiibrn. in (be natsa of Contu’.Jr, Burke Jr IX>, i« tbj* day ditaolaed hy mutual eouarnl Meun. Burke a Barnea wt:l aettle tbe bu«ne»»_of the coneetn, for which purtoae '.her are antliomrJ to use the rintue of tbc roncem NATHANIEL OO.NsTAULF, KllMC.1l) BURKE. THOMAS BARNES. The undersigned have tmtday associated ihemteiee* in ihe mop of lIURKB A UARNiiM, for the purpose of tnsna'ariom.| Fire Proof B»fe*. Vtol' Door*, Ae. ke., nr ibe mnd of ,he Inin firm of Connible, Uuiko A Co, where they will be ploased to receive iha patron age of Uie customers of that house eml Uieir friends. BOM UNO BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Constable, Barke k Co., I with ttncete pleatafo recommend Uruu. Barke A Unmet 10 the confidence of nr ft leads end the public. Feb 9, ts 49. NATHANIEL CONBTAULE febia-dif HAS Jam rctamed from the Eoilern CiUe*, end l n receiving n large vanety of eenionnbla Good*, t» which he rr«p«cifuliy invites the niter lion of mere h • pedlsr*. No M Wood st. _ feMl WALL PAPER—W. P, Miuhiu i* constantly receiving, from the largest manufactories to Near York and Philadelphia, nnd alto from Prench ngenrir*, '.ho newest and mutt approved styles of Pn- F-or Hangings, together with Borders. Fire Board Pr.ntr, and Tester Top*. For tole at efi Wood tt, be* tween f'onrth tt and Diamond alley, (*ocee**nr to 8. C. Hill.| ap3 r.T aXU c'Fa IN t—i" &ri • just rco’tl per steamer, nod for tale by the barrel or tingle pound at the Drue, Meed, and Perfumery Warehouse, comer of Muihand Wood ttreeu. 8 N WICKKRSJIAM. nplH omeaioAL itovr polihu TUB Pbcrniz Manufacturing Company now offer to (bo public their Premium Chemical Ktove Polioh; and without exaggeration, or font of contradiction, bv thote who have tested it, pronounce It far superior to any other In the market. The eonmmemeed hive no apprehenttont of toiling carpel*. Ac., a* tu com* position prevenu a dutt from anting when being ap piled, which mutt be done when the Stove i* ro.d The quantity required it to little to produce n beau tiful lurire. A tavlng of avor fifty per cent it tnxurnl to the rontamert. A coating applied io Stoves, Pipes, Ar., when laid away fur tho tuuimer, it n sure pre ventauve ngsuiM rotL Alter having tried it once, (if It i* aoce«« no iwrsou will uxe any hut tl.o Phreii’t Maiictnciurtng Company's Premium Chemi cal Hlovit Polish. For sale by H ,N WICKKRSHAM, myd Corner ofMixth and Wood street* PITTSUUPUII nOURAIHU BTOUE, Corner ol Penn and Ml. Clair sttceu. WM. ALEXANDER A SONS, Furnishing Under inkers, where evrry arUrlc for Faneral and .Mourning purport e ß ii he got on reasonable terms. lyll.Ura IMIF. VielMe Montague Company supply their agents . with Roofing and Flooring ‘n sheet* 3x7 feel, from It to W ounces per square foot. Corrugat'd in sheet* Jr 7, V 7 oi, for loofmr public butidiugs and depots Khip Jilieaibing. Ui4i! Inches, from vt to 33 ounces Nsilt. Mptkes, Wire, Bugar Molds, Perforated Zinc, Zinc Pntnt, Ar. They warraal their metal pure, and free from any admixture of Iron, or any other substance, uml re- Commend It for the manufacture of most article* in the house furnishing hue, a* it does not rust, is noi affected by ihe action of water, nud may be polished, painted, and japanned Maniples, models, pious, specifications, and other information may t* had of their agents:— JirCai.L A Htbohc, New York; Atsi.isoh, Uiiluka A Co., Boston; Natuah Tanrrcx A Co., Philadelphia; W. A fi. McKrx, Baltimore;; Mi.sat, I>at a Mistrust, New Orleans; F. MILLIROUX, Retnlent Agent, V Hanover tt., New Yotk. Liege, Mepieniber 3.—trps:il3m r |MIK Autobiography of Leigh Hum; tkith return* X iseenees ol mends and contemporaries, in a volt. Curiytc's Latter Day Pamphlets—No V||l,»ub<<ci. Jesuitism. Illilory of Darius the Croat. By Jacob Abbott, with engravings. Juba Howard, ■ Romance By Mrs Martin Bell. Pictorial Field Book rr ihe Revolution.—No 3. The above works received iHIt day,and for tole by R C M J OCKTON ■uggi Cer. Market A Third »t. AHt)-« bills No l on band and for sale by J „ ISAIAH DICKEY A Co Wbw icdFrcAiitnau INSURANCE. HARRISBURG, PA. Hop.* League Shining. Cheeks aod Mnpeo, very Lesvy good*. Tailor*' Goods. Red Padding, taper do; Vest Padding, Uuekrom, Tailors Cat. va**, heavy do; flrown Linen*, Militias Drsb Merge, black do. s 11 and worsted. Black and White Tape; lllark Twist. Drab Jo; Linen Cheek* sod Drill*; Mtuart's fi rprd So’l (Vmon; do Ijnen Thread, a superior amMe; Silk Figured Vettings; Black Matin <io Bruwn Hollaed Se'g Milk*; Uattoiis, Cravau, Ac., Ac arehoasa, No 137 Wood ■ nr.t Cs ARBUTIIROT NUSHKtifIAN ZINC, SKW BOOKS. BOOKS MUSIC, &o. (Slow Mnsle. n ECFIVED day from ltic e «iu_ IV La Serenudr—Srhiu’ en. La Serenade—Atr'inged as DurU. Jeannette and Jconiint—For Gui Ur. Voire of by Rone days—rosier. Awnv down is Cairo—Faster. Bn Watchful and Beware—Closer. Besides many orttsT popular Sonr* *nd Pieces. a *cp!3 Sign of the GolJen Hnrp. Third 11 B«w Dooki HEALTH, Biaeerc, and Remedy. By I>r Moore, Adelaide Idadsuv, a novel. By the author 0 “LeOice Arnold,” u Nortnan's Bridge,” Ac. Ac. Lite ami (‘orreepnadenc* of Bobt. Boothey- part 5. Gibbon’* Rome—sib and Bib ?pl.—completion of tht wort. Received tad for ealo \.j •-P*? ; R C STOCKTON jfF.IV BOOKS. I?N(.LISH GRAMMAR—The English Inornate in -J *'* i end form*, widi a history of its origin nmi «!evelnprrav.iit; for o*e in rolleac* and ichoals. Wnv 0 Forrlcr, la’.c professor of Rhetoric In Amherst Coltesr. Astronomy—The recent progre»B of Astronomy; erpecially lu tba United Stales. Uy Ehat Loonm. Fire Yean of, a Hunter's Lite in the far interior of Foinlt Africa. skidi inniee* nf ttm narire tribes, bud anecdotcn of ihd oh«*e of tho tiou, elephant, hippopo tamus - '‘’iiocero*, &c_ with illutiraiioot. Dy ■'•tcived for *alr by R T STOCKTON CM ailcel n ’ illuile. ILUHLR’S Mutio Store, the the Heart I Lore but Thee. The Watcher. The White and Red Rosea. Nancy B il. He doeth ali things well. All la orer. Where re oo* .her ho{ie«!eh-r.tii-d LtH-r»na,le. nep 7 BICW UOOUUI NEW BOOKS I AT If Of.MRS' LITERARY DEPOT, Third t.' jri-i. oj.po!>tie the Post Office. HI3TOUY of c'l'uUr.r.nir, No fi. fly Thackerby. Knickerbocker Visgnctne for Sepieraber. Hunt'* Merehcntr' Magazine for September. Whig Renew for Sopicinher, vub an er-crann* of Gen. Scott, B llotlon tshaks|>e»rr. K\> tfl. Lluei's Livh'u Age. No Xhi. Whig Portrait i.ahcrv, comautine fifty two engrav ing* of dmlincuithtd Wlx:««. North H-iiuti Renew lor August. Ucinocraite Review lor September. Eclectic Riricw of Foreign Literature for SrPtcrc* er - __ sepia ROSE FOSTER. or the Mysteries of the Court of London, vol J of this interesting work bu been received at Holmes’ Library Depot, Third street, opposite tho Post Cilice; nUo, Wien Parry, or Trtala of the Heart, by ulivia, George Castnot, somaraed Peanderbeg King of Albina, br Clement C Moore, L- !-■ D t ami No 3iW of Littell’s Luring Age. sep/4 Jui IlireKtdi ALAROK and crteesve anorimriu of PATENT MB'i Al.t.lC HILUKIt FABRICS, amonp ths aliooit endlc*i variety embraced in the aiiortmeut, n*y be lourd iho fciinwinjr Hone Covers Curriaßc Cloth, Air Bed*. Air Pll *V. W V r Co»lii«>n«, 'Vaicr PniL, Tobacco Pouchta, Flahirc lJ«ct«, Coat*, Capes Cioalt*, Tarpaulin*, f»iovr», Mittens Posebr*. Waps FJaiitea, Paraei, Ho»e. £Mor s-pnmra, .Machine Bn idin*. Soa’AVeaten. Machine Pacltin*, Camp Blanket*, Paper HokJera, l.tfc Preiervcr*, Traveiimj* loihtnui Bara, Ilotliiiif; Mats Italia 1 Hcad«, Dec*. l-moi, Saddle n*cs Air Ball*, Foot IJv|i«, Lndie»’Wcah Glove*, Ladie*' Gum Sfi»e* brnu 1 Mine*. Ae. r.very article told *1 U-i* e>t«bli*bmeot i» warranted lo pcateta nil the rnarnrirnatie« eu>cniiaJ to waicr Eroof poods 'l*;—in»oiul>ilttv u*-der any decree of oat, flexibility m tl.o revc.est cold, preol dorabilily, li*tnr>e«j, perfect !tri|rerTiour..e*s an 1 freedom from odor, for rale at (he (i v »J)ear Rubber Emporium, No* T A 9 Wood Street. J AH PHILLIPS PAi.\Tlau JJOI'SL A SIGN PAI NTlNu' and Glaring, prompt f» B—"*e w,ah it dn lan'y undemood, that we can do Pain'tor and lil*im« a* rheap ai any other painter* in the cny, and ore due trained to do u. J A II PHILLIPS ROL’BHKLL’A EXTRACTS, SOAPS, Ac.--Jenny Ull.l Extract. \V«*»t r.:„l do; Joekfy Club d..; Flower* do, deny li air t»:***, A lunatic • iiteaar; Amandine, 1*.r;1,..i e>oap, for •Atitiesiti* Ihe*l m. Aimo td Saavu fr-*T.; R«‘e .'o do; Am bmaiel do do. Iloeey Pnup: FI do; Arjnndrne do; litre! Not Oil do: Re-- .-o. .Mur-hmallnw dm' lUitucldo; tbowu Windsor do; Beer * f»T»F*e Ae lur ule, whole**!* and in.c, b) R 1-, trKLLF.KA, * I*l' I•* Wood at Soptilor Scotch and Iriih WhUkej. 10 '"' S c-lri.rateJ Mail Wl:l*. 1* i , ar.rltror.» WnirrMdr, »lira i^ja-'.iy «iM hijh proo r , un;’i-: Kcuie lock. A*»v, .tiSrrri.! vim»»ei anj br«t».!» in li&li. t,uintr, and c.fia.e., ami for «rl s by A !i MrCAI.LA, . '.Viiiic: »u riu<~Jelp^ia M'}'VO. 1c (vJbx 2r - Ci. MU* l> A Nil DF »• J'AIS-TtfoUl! ly CJ| iJiml «v tU<* <;u«l.*y, m'»o. J.iflWcJ Od., iioiii-a Ut!». r.n t Liiu.l.rr, :S*«,i W.jjdnw 9jii.*u* nto, Ac wirmcsair •ml rH«il ttn nccoi.'iiioJ4:,i,i.- terms. N. D All [urtviii iciir c. scl or Jrv paid* wbowtsbto Co ih-ir own parmitir. ran em-mv* i(,c «.cr .tt*ary urtcl.o.,* |i«|h. J a 11 PHJLUP3 j . ; A 1> \V«H| «| OIL. CI.OTIIB. OVs?.:?.*'""" •'*<; yj' J- J I ••»...■ • 4 1 <!o. 4U> r.J. a 4 j., u*' ■, «. t 4, .> .-1,. 1,. *■:> r ,„„ »•*,. ( I*ai ,-j, i-4 ij 0i 7Uj >«rj. wVurni.ui- SCO jj. <„4 c.. ii.orwd iFin Itriirto Me tell P•ii i ■.•!•••* • • .if • , , r * r « wn:cb wal ue .cia ». I’ir .owe- pr, r r/ * " J t- ?! i'mi.Lll*s •cp- u ‘ \ * Wmo. *1 KITUA FAMILV KXOIUI UOR the • ©n». ..lersee of t>ir eitiiru*, it.« proprietor* JC o' lii e I’il'i.'on l* Cut M> tit lij • c i hole it (or ifle reception »f «»r<icll at the 10-lo* . i<; ('.ices. J A H Kinfil. cornet efr*ili.i ouj V.'ooJ <treeti M Maynard. .(,<»- *inr*. ct» l.ibiM;&,Miiititu A IVciou, Biore, I'bitd atreri. L M «ituncut, tor Knnrtfa A Sit.uhUU. John J- - ham!., note, corner Jiteu A \\ >Ue Te!rpr«t>a irtl.e-, Fnonli tuer:. 1/ r Kelly. fT'oeer, Killh «i, of Manet tiler M W««., •tore, fei.i, .ircci, .N.nih Ward Ine ilour wargnua w.ll call twire ortbnre daily for order», and u.- floor, A r uenverctl prompt •y.ciihrf in harm* or (;*,•* Hour it pretifaidc for raimly ' cr “ :w «* ,l " * ° no f>crim**'on i<» i'-. re - flour a about payment. " ' 1,0 1’ 4 U»c tiu'..ic e.. 11 lie plear-J wat thuar rartcifacui, *« we •n»u endeavor in .loihem ja.iH-r*. ntflT'.M «’||,MaRTIIA Mllll.i’ Ntriaparllla Hods A Limou Kyrap 2J he*. tt,r*o.- a „;j,' * 23 lil» Jn 2D huie* liCinuii from pttre lemon juice; Ju.t t*e«i»«a ana inr ,»i- *,y mii a nrrvv-r^oN WOOLLICM (lOOUB ffMIF. undersigned h»» on nand, and u th)» day re- X cet» inp limii the manufac-.urcr., on con.ipninrat, a lM*e lot of ImnneN. ail color*. plain and mh*«, AI»o, Bed llltineu. Blar.iet Cosiin*, Bearer C oih«. I avOmere*. Tweed., wnu-l. Ce will »cll l-y *lie caie ur piece, to rnanrluriiirr-. - priee. The •ttcaiion of dealer* in woollen jrood. it inyfieil »l LKK, liLiwr.y.t C. YEAGER, 108 Uarktt Btreti, (near Idbirtni ittrointAs . nq (mm,, , n A *ww. C ;\ N ’ 1:N(;usl1 ! ANO tiKHMAN FAHCY (.ooiimi iiu<iii-i niau'iAH, ui:i:m < ,J, LOV !' s ri,,lt; At ) s. comus, uurroNs. su*. FU.MII--KS,Ac. Ai«i, Satla anil Fancy Viitlan. °V A »^ K ..*» ov-" FA * VjV Sl, ' s ‘-KaVaTJ*, I-ONCKI', I.ANDANNa, and UNI.s IIDKFH. a general aa. eoryjjem of . ANss »i‘J every yarieiy of Uiintniuga. Biauciiurini; it Paclili>gl;ttabri,irtMHi FUlt IUioWT. r F , |* l .'«iTr!* k ( l v WD ~ork M,,1 1 S'Amlittrinp and i-. 11 ..T _ 11, «ml iV.rmrny orcupied b, Tk . 1 l' Un , l , t „|, 11 . (o , , r , lt »'■ Chillicnthe; Bn*, county, 1 li>o j>Ui of fiouriil dividing tnr fihio Tti« .inHOßure rmor.rr. tlx .c-c. ol gieuort, cunißtniii*. ■ pciiß, lar.n aiui Iron, the awn*, a. tl.c,* arc u dnol.ic fluo .tt-Jm l.oller ami iiijme lor wusdin* ,i..J ruuioft lari, and iwn unks lor rrndruup «fl„j t,v n. rvrn * ’ "hrrc i« i«.j, on ih<‘ k .r l.rHm..- u,,, cnou r l, to runuin n S tn Uu,*.*,;■!*., * ‘J T7' \ V “"r y *, M wl, "- n ‘•'•dl.roihr- U ll,r! na “'lVt.i » ,»‘»rk Use.l It,.mot* in jl»r. NVr»i, and r*„ Hiwny. be Brn«;tit tl.nrc £«£teis,K:'tt‘srt ~, rb&hij.*. or' K, ni, xr, tli« l\n»i or '<.11,1, vt i NewOrirm,* Dn . h( „<!,,! . of ih« ).-nr_iu,ly cijuri 1q ailordcd by •*«ncittn»Va* MOO.-T r.,.n„,.R iwr-./rf bai'l. |,„- v hv(l * A|.pliraiio»» i»r fcminy u t |( j„ t<> . AM' X. II MrfiLKPnV, Attorney Ht I.HW, I !|nCIII Ilk'.(• (, f Ml l I"l.llll•• lllllf, «I. MUgVtt.'llTMivl - ilf. Tll K .. f** A SI AltKto T t hfl»t «i'l* of ifii* tJrinm d /A. |.«ud upon Lc.tir -Pidled WU» crrnw.i rcail»nulj>i;pr,:ck~ui!y |„, va * le *" n * Kl'TlJciil Tcaa at*—... . . ~, burner Tiie lle.t I' u lQip(.<n, | I ThU U> l, c ar ,| \ rm.i.umi, io I i«,. Mrj/tiuy i iiAWliin M 2!??, . . rn.rr.rwr. Hh. WILLIaM.w wiTr u r,.n“: . . . hnh S.-11U..1, 01l M*nH a V'7L ,,, ’ U h '" r ' Boom ovrr J D Will, *nd Filth Uructa. “ »< 'Vw.d frtiiTnr*. I i*'’ 11 w tlt«T H Uwne, •i». M.C0n1.K.,, ’ J u- V\,|| 108 i.., IU-r. Win. D. Ilowar. Itcv. l»r. Klhuii HeT. Hr .Ucl.ill. i> vi-.r ii/ - til* S’i'Aiitii” * to iho .Wo» Sro»,„f „« |,0,i,„, the lioprevemcnu «rp *L, » occu|»> . until hnpr/to .co t!, el r c U .„, (r , U r‘ ,i ;^ , > 7; IL o. 1 *• truuMe ol walkiDfj up ,m irii w ,„ , ’ item I|> -clljiiß I held Cheap IJo., (» ** ,tuxu,,etlk ' c |£7-Kutrcnce trom Fourth .Uccu - ur M b.f.crude u. iTneVwT.OT? , WJUAJI DICJiEV A CO *P* 7 ” 4 Freni in. MEDICAL. PROCIiABt ATIOS. *™ A* k Md aßleted with dtt- AV ewa of too bladder and I tdneva. rheumatic •«rSas; uiiefi, xe, liat Ihty tin bo -oreabr takinv ih« */ “'r' Vo “,™ t uik *i.->. Knch 1, you pleue, but ibi. doe, mil ii £."(!! e proclaim In the lace of an honest commanitr that er“ v Vm Th' e « a b ‘ C n * [f®sf}L T s® Qan who *• racked wnh pain and saf- Snr^ n ii?' ,ei,e ’ emn r °l G f l? wms - K* l relief from «irofihelH»ennnnierawd above. Header! it eon. , V 7 llt e to B Tbia Petroleum is no mix tnre—no eompond, pet np for the purpose ofimpoain. on the conmnnUy; bant la o remedy elaborated by the mazier hand of nature, and bubbler up from tlicbcv g®” on i «otkcr earth in its original purity, end of ftrototnfltrinshttmaahyaready remedy, a certain ana cheap cure. It has cured Pile* after other medicines have failed any relief. It has cored Rheumatism of lons standing, nnaofihe worst and <Do«t painful character. It has cured Cholera Morbns by one or two; li ha* cored old oaaaa of Diarrhea, in which every other remedy baa been of no avail.. As a local remedy in bum* and scalds, ir la boner than any medical com pound or ointment dial we know of. It will cere chil brstuia or froited feet, in a few applications; undoubt ed testimony eon be furnished of the truth contained in the above statement by calling on Samuel M. Kier. caiial Basin, 7th street; or either of the agenu. Ibcyaer A AlcDffJrelt, corner of Wood street and r 1 Sellera, 57 Wood street, D. A. El llot * W. Curry, Allegheny city, are the agents. BBAUTY— lU* universallyconcededthat beauty |« taore eomm°n in this country than in any other, wniie &t the aims time it it said 'ha tin no other eoun T 1 **-«® T««nr an art Nowthis is into *9 extent, but the lossu often caused by ne *lTf L aaytball, tlo not neglect your personal } I J ) ® L f*f" a . c<5 ’ bni reel the fallowing, and yau need not Th«e articles are tcienuln; pre parations, and have all atuined a blah popularity JBtta Haw.'s Ear Ditto e* VsncaAm Ntmth t»Ay, for removing tan, aunburn, pimples, blotcbe*, and other eruptions of the akin; the men perlect con servator o/beaniy every known. purchase nuibtug purporting to be Nymph Soap, unless tt hu my name attached. Julu lUrxL'a Pcaaian oa Csraus Pownan, for Im parting to the mom bilious complexion a radiant whiteness. In nothing should a person be more c are ful than the nae of a powder for the akin, m many of those Bold are very injurioua. My Cbine*e Powder tg compounded In a scientific manner, and contain* no tngiedient which can poaaibly inflict an injury. Jrtu JiADXL'a DinLAToaT Powers, for removing superfluous hair. What ta more unsightly than hair upon the face or arms of a lady. Thi* anicle wtli remove tt in a abort time, without lha uae of any sharp instrument. ioti» llackz.'i Vsqezablx LiQtns Jlaix Du will tnstamancontfy Imparl u> red, white, or «ray hair, a beautifully black, Drown, or auburn color. It trill color the hair in a (barter time, and more effectually than any other Dye, beiog at the lame litre indellitdc. JtTLaa liacxL’a Sluvtno CbvaX.— lt ii really a plea »ure to (hare with thia cream. There is none of the smarting sensation usually experienced in the use of I tnonSoaps. On the contrary, it leaves the rkin smooth and rofl as an infant*!, and not liable to become < chapped, i ■ J Hackl'l RoikTooth Pasts. —Next id the hair, we think the Teeth were intended as the rTeatesi orna ment to the batnan face; but when neglected, nothinr u to ditflguriag, or so quickly My Rose Tooth ra«te will impart to the teeth a pearly whiteness, at the aame time keeping the goms Grm and healthy. A so on hand, a complete assortment of French, Dnush, md Ameriean Perfumery and Fancy mieles. JULHS HAURI>, Pertaroc.r and Chemist, 1M Chestnut street, Phila. For tale wholesale and retail, by U A- Fahnestock i A Co., and It. & Sellers, Pittsburgh: and John Sar- | rOATUI XCVOVALATO fIUHUPT nm t>» All- *rrw.f, * luwa r«o< tartra* »TArt or tu* »u>od . j>a jiaatt ot Tim imn, nx: scrofula or Evil, Rheumatism, ObttißataCuta nruua Eruption*, Pimples or Piuulea on the Faea, lli«cfce*, litte*, Cbroaie Sore Kyea, Rinr Worn fif Tr_ Ucr ' HcaJ, Fjtlargcmenianti Pain of the Itonen auil Joint*, Stubborn tflcer«. SyphilUe Symplon.*. Sciatica or di*c.n»e* art>ii<K m-m an iuiaitcloui use of .Mercury, Ari titr» ,ir l>:op*y, Fjtporom or Imprudence i« Ai*i»-('*brrt;if Comiiniilcmal llirarderx, Ac, Tr,i» .v.e lvcme he* acquired a *ery extended and repoUUon vhereeer it ha» neen o »rd, entirely on it* own raentt, wl.irh It* superior : rtu.-ary h*« alone anetaineil. The anlnnatutc rictim I of tierrdiiary"dife*,«e, wnh •wolleti eUn Jr, contrse ; pd •inowi. and none* half canoe*. has hero roetorr-t n> ■ lienith amt vigor, The tcroioinit* n.ntienl. ritrinl j wtu. alefn, loainsnnie to hn:i*r!| aud his attendants ' his been taaile whole. Hundred* rf person., vo ! :.*1 aroi-nod lioprlcty ior year* ut.i.rr . ut uWu» < •-.'.■l jlsiiitulnr disorder*, chronic rheum* mi, rs■,,] ’ many orh*: complaint* spurring from u uervorrim nl ' ' iruvr "trait* unJ me mcaiaimn. l.avr rni.-d t» it were from the rack of dtieav, mj rt«w f rrf.neraied eonsUtuuOA. gladly testify tn u,* 1 <iuo«cy of Uit* me*umaule preparation i ‘•TftrTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION " ! Tue attention of the reader ia called to the fcillowlnc ) • »tr»viahiny cure, effected by the aae of Banda* Sana- | “Tim ia to certify that I hive ■ colored woman who liM -*«eaafflictedi for tie last five yearswiih Scrofula, «nd *ll the fcinrdir* I used bad no offeci in arresting the prt»<re«s of the complaint; on lb* • ontrary. she coMianUy jjrcw w°r*e; and after expending between •TO end (h) with physicians, besides uainr other popoUi remedial without success, till the dire ere bed e«e« away tie cartilage or her nose, mede in »n‘ reereoce on varioua pan* of her body, end bed finally commenced >u revere* in the root of her mouth "In Due dreadful cixaeuoo, wtih the prospect o death sunny her tn the fees, I elated her cere to Dr Uuuswav, the agent for Benda’ Sarsaparilla in New? bc:n, N. 0 , by whom I wai advised to ure that article at.d to my surprise and that of my neighbor*, in whom her care wet known, after uslor four and a hall Lot .te« «he we* rettored to perfect health, and U>ut m the 1 pei-e of three week*, and w*a a bie to work in two | week* froiu tho ume she oorsuonced taking It “in mines* of the troth of this statement. I have hereunto affixed my name, this Ifltbday of Remember la»7. JOSEPH McCOTTER, J. P n “Mouth of Neuae River, Graven eo. N C BORE THROAT Thei following la an extract &ora a letter received from Mr* Ocnui, wnohad (-een afflicted several yeara with i-crofuloos Ulcere, Dyspepsia, Ao., and reoently an adocuon ut tuo throat and chest:— . ti “ B *™»««.Va-,Dee.l3, 1845. A. B- it D. Bairs>—Before I commenced u»mg your Sarsaparilla, my salferinn were almoit tiaet expression; my throat waa completely ulcerated, 1 bail a dreadful coa|h, and Ibero were frequently week* together that l rould hot apeak above a whta* per; and besides, the inflammation from my throat ex tended to my hood, eo that my hearing waa very much impaired. After Hiking the Bareaparllla a ahort time' ray health waa improved, and my throat ia now well: I am aa freo frem eougb and tightness of the cheat aa ever 1 waa, and can bear quite distinctly. My threat ho« been well about three month*, (be cure or which hay been effected entirely by the u*e of yourßaraa panlla. Your friend, LAJUISA R.OKVAN" The following tcauznoalal to the value of the Bnraa panlla,li iromtheßev Luther Wright, aged 7® y**rm Congregational Minuter, residing at Woburn “Woenns, MaaaJMareh 30, IMB. “Mem*r*. Banda: Gentlemen—From what l have ex perienced. and from the InforaaliOßyl have recently received from a number of peraona.ot high respecta bility who Lave ered your SaraapariUa, I have r.ot he least doubt but that u ta a most valuable medicine and that the numerous certificates you have received of it* efficncy are fully auitaincd by experience, and although iu reputation and u’tllty are very extensive, and stand in no need ol my hnableJeffort* to tacresse thrm, I want nil who are afflicted/by disease to be onnu: acquainted with the etfiaacylind power of your valuable medicine. f “1 yn, gentlemen, gratefully an fourV. LUTI Prepared and aold, wholesale an D. SANDS, Druggists and Chemist corner of William, New York. 8 givta generally throughout the Unit, ada. Price SI per bottle; six bottli For sale by L. WII.COX, Jr., U. A. CO., and EDWARD FENDER!! •». >.v Hr H HMiril. Rrldfwaia- I very retpecifutly ER WKIbHT." 1 retail, by A. B. A L 100 Pulton (tract, bid alio by Drug- M Stair* aud Can l* for S 3. i. I’AHNUSTOCI |H, Pittsburgh. Ah lai>vi..iar.taw'i JHICOICAIs AID BORQIbI Ll* OFFICE, lOND ALLEY, a v Wood atraat, i# No. *l, DIAi nv doon be ok wardamariet [ DU. •UOiVM.b.Tlnr raMlarlyedneatfed to tu iye,i le *i profeuion. ud been for loma iim« in (eneral practice, now ronfinet bla mention id tb« treatment nr lho»« private ahd delicate c<»m plalnti (or which hi* opportuntnn and axpcrlenoe (peculiarly ipialif) him. 14 year* akaiilooDily dcvoteii U> Hotly A treatment of thoae eornpiainudduriaqaiqM V time he lias had more practice autl Lae eated more pa* tmta than can ever f«ul to the lot of any private prec tuioiicr). amply quaJlOei him to offer a»«urance> ol apcedv,partnanaut, and aaiiifqcioryknira to allatßlcted with Jalicaie duauts, and ail dUoaieea aneiof there, from. \ Dr. Drawn woxld inform iboe* afflljeud with private dueaiet which have become chronic by time or ag* graveled by the ua« of any of the eqnraon nostrums of Hit day, that their complaint* can be radically anJ iboi] OdgbJy cared;le having given hi* careful attention to theUcauneot of »uch case*, ami succeeded in hundred* 6f inmiiccsin curing person* of inflammation of the test's of the I.U(!Jt-r,*n.lklnilrr l'li*ea*e* winch often r»*ul! thoT case* where other* have consigned them to iiiipdcat Oeiralr. He particularly invite* aura *j have born lime and onfmeceaafully treated by oilier* to consult h.m, when every satiitaciio* will he gives them, anti llicir cure* irenied in a careful,thorough an* iiueltigr.til manner, pointed out by a long;, study,and Divestigauon.wbich it i» Impossible for ibo»c anyaged in general practice of ictdiwita to givs m enr cln.«> of disease. „ ICriftrniß or Uuptura.-Dr. Rrown al*o Invite* r , f . mm afflicted with Hernia to call,*» ba baa paid paro*; alar alicntloa to tin* iSUe***. CANCEIIB *l*o cured. KLin disease*; *lw U *,l , alir,#i«.,*paadily eir*« of either **i living at a dlnatie*, by stating their due*** in wrmnß. giving alltbaaymjw tom* can obtain toedieme* with direction* for u*a, by addressing T- HKuWN, M- D., poat paid, aiid aticloai iL &ffie# # N*. »« Diamond allay,oppositalha Wavarly Dr. Urown’a newly discovered ratna .iy for »• » apeedy and ecttain rentdy r* that painful uoublc. ll never fail*. Office u.d private C'-niuliiog Rogibb, No. WDI send allay, Phubargh, Fa, Tht Doctor la alvaya botuc. MHItBIWi ft*' PROPOSALS FOB IjBDXAa GOODS. DtraAtkcrr oil tbs Litebice. ) Otftee tf Indian Affairs, Sept 55, l?, r O. | SEALED PROPOSALS will be received till e oifice of the Commisriocrr of Indian Affairs, at Wash ington city, until ten oVi«*ek cn gsturday, the second day of November rest, for furnishing me following Indian good*, rix.: Clan No. I —Bbansjrra. 2,100 pairs 3 point while Mackinac blanket!, to measure 60 by 72 ißctes, and weigh, eigbl rounds. - ! 1.900 pairs 2j point while Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 and 66 inches, and weijsh six pounds. ‘ 1.175 pain 2 point white Mackinac blankets, to meaaaro 42 by SS inches, and weigh fife and a quaiter pound*. 900 pairs 1 1 point white Mackinac blankets, to measure 36 by 50 inches, and weigh {oar and a quarter poonda. ! ( • 900 pairs I pent white Mackinac blankets, to rreaanre 3a by 46 inches, and weigh three and a qnancr pound*. 400 pair* 3 point scarlet Mackinac blankets, to measure 60 by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pair* 2j point scarlet Mackinac blankets, lo measure 54 by 66 inches, and Weigh six pounds. 100 paita 3} point green Mackiusc blankets, to measure G 6 by hi inches, and weigh ten pounds. 300 pairs 3 point green Mackinac blankets, to measure GO by 72 inches, and weigh eight pounds. 250 pairs 2j point green Mackinac blankets, to measure 54 by Go inches, and weigh six pounds. 100 pairs :>j point gentinella blue Mackioßc blon* teu, to measure 66 by St inches, and weigh ten pounds. 400 pain 3 point gentinella bine Mackinac blan kets, to measure 60 by 72 mobes, and weigh eight pounds. 300 pairs 2j point grnlineila blue Mackinac blan* > ' keis, to measure 51 by 66 inches and weigh t am pounds. < Clast No 2 Day Goods. 1 005 yard* scarlet atroods. bOO do bloeslrouda. ],hCO do fancy lial cloth, blue. l«i dn fancy cloth, acnrlet. "■'o di fancy list cloth, green. 1 ,UOO do gray lial oloth, bloc. 3 000 do saved Hat clotb, blue. I,W>O do saved list doth, ecariet. fcOO do saved list cloth, green. 225 pounds wonted yarn, 3 fold. )00 doz. cotton flag hancterciiefs. 2bo do cotton Madras handkerchiefs. 175 do black ailk iianducrobiefa. 90 do S-l oilon shawl*.. 50 do 6-4 cotton shawl*. 65 do 4 4 r-otton shawls. 40 do b-4 woolen shawls. 430 pounds linen thread. SO do sewing silt. 100 pieces ribbon, assorted. 150 gross worsted gartering. 3t pieces silk handkerchiefs,bark and bandana. Clot* No. 3,— Domkstio Gootw. 35.000 yards domestic calico 10.000 do Menmac cahcu 3.500 do blue drilling 5 000 do Georgia stripes 4 000 do blue denims l,f>oo do cotionade 4,300 do l»ed ticking 1,000 do Keotucky jeans 500 do satmrils 7,000 do plaid tinccy 7,000 do domestic shifting, bleached 15,(KK3 do domestic shifting, unbleached 15,000 do domestic abeeliog, unbleached 5,000 dp domestic checks, stripes ami ylaiJa 400 dozen woolen touts ' 1.500 yards llannclo, ascoitsd I,'JOO ilannel shifts TOO calico shirts 550 pcttr.l* t-otton ihrr-Kd ; 400 dozen »|wk>| coiton. ■ CLiss No. 4'—llsauwaße. 2,0i0 pounds brass kettirs 276 dozen butcher knives 2b,000 cun flinii *23 gross rquaw awls 7,000 lisb hooks 145 dozen ash lines 25,000 needles . 100 dozen combs, assorted 10 do scissors, assorted -10 grow gun worms l,oiio tin kettles 70 ae*Nspanned kctilua, S in a neat Ctvt JVj. s—AoaicirLrtmsL r*. 200 drawing kclvea, 13 iarhes in length jl in. 700 augers, m equal proponent of U, 1, j, Jc 150 pain hatnea 750 pairs trace chains 1,300 weeding hoes 175 hand iswa 40 croaa cut saws, 7 feel ia length 40 cross cut saws, 6 feet ja length 100 band saw filet 100 cross cut saw files 40 tog chains, to weigh 25 pounds each 600 Whiitetno/e cards, No. JO 600 quarters socket chisels 9<) planer, fore and jack Clast No. 6.—Am. 3 c'ozen axes, to weigh from 4* to 5; pouads b'l do half »xc», tr> weign 3{ |>mu.ia tl dj hatchets lo weigh l« ooucdi. , 2.> bread Btc» i'/ju AV. I—NußTnwr.Tr Oujm. OfHJ iiorto tr«! mine, two ibiriln of which muM tmtuanre '*6 inchc* iq leegih of barrel, and on- third CJ inchca m length of barrel, to be dfln-erad in New York or Philadelphia, si may be required. Sample* of nil -tc above article* arc deposited in the office of th* Cnmmi.iton. r o/ Inritnn ArtVr* ; ind may be proper u> rcmerl mnt i1.0.r of hardware ag ricultural implement*, and m»ri» wcm gu <*, ure m iirrly new, and of l-eit-r «jn«tity ihnn me article* heretofore fumjalied under former contracts. Thopropoiala nay be divided iaio seven paria. vix.: In—niaotein. -Dry Goods. •Domestic goods. <lh—Hardware. frib—Agricultural Implements. fub—Aip*. : ’ *l<ii—Northwest guns. : •' Tbr !owr«i competent responsible InJder will re-- eei ra th-’ whale or any pari of the contract, according la lie above kcu.c, the Dcpauircni. reserving to itaeff the right to re it r mine whether the bidder i* competent, ana teironaihle or oci The wtml» amount <u money to be applied lo the puiimajic of good* will t>e about 9»OW0, hut the De partmrm ra** the tight to increase or dimlnt*h be (jDantity til any of the article* named, or eulnuiaie other* In lice thereof, or to require, at *nru!ar price*, •uch good* a* may be wanted for pre*erii* or other purpose*, io ibe idmmmraiton of the »il*ir» of the De partment < uedt of American manufacture, ail other things being equal, win be preferred ; but a« '<uli the 'ample* of Ulanltca and cloth* are of foreign manu faeiore. U will be necc'«»rv, when a domestic article t* bid for, that a aarupie of a «bou'd accoinirany tbr hid, to enable the Dcpurttnem to decide whether a it of quality with the sample* to be eiblhired The party pronoamg to *upp!y the aiticlr* will make an luvnire o| all the Heins embraced in the above .lial, and affix the price*, in dollar* and cent*, a i which ho or they wi l furnl«!i them under e.achcla** •vpaiaiely, de liverable in New Vork.iirifihe contraemr prefer* it, about oiie-b»lr of me quantity may be delivered in fix. Intuit, Mo., free of expense to the (lovernmcnl) on or before the lath day of May next, uasuaing the quantity oi each uruclc a* ipetified in this auvertitemnni, and exteudthg the coat, making an aggravate nf the whole invoice con*tiluting me bid. Tbo goo«i* willbeinipee led in New \otk land in Bt Louis, if any portion of ii'7. 0 • l ' ou,<l t,p ce.liveted there) by an aicoi of ihc Dnitrd Mate*, who will bo appointed by ibe Depart ment lor iho purpose; and to o.scailaln the conformity ol the article* purcboted with the aamnle* cihibiteii. when the contract ahail be made, ami witn the term* of Uie contract turli, which mall contain a clause that if Hie a*urles *re not lumUaed wnbitt the timo pro srnbeil, or if they ere of insufficient quality in the opinion of ihe agent *fore«*io and if wiibin live day* alter notice of such inauilicienny ibe party ,hall not turtitah other* In lieu thereof of the requirad quality, toe United Stale* *hall he nuihomed lu purchase them of Others, and IO charge any tncrraic of price they may be oompoMed to pay thntcfor Ur the contrncuir, •hall pay the aqid Jifleirncr nnhc Dulled Sintra. Bond* will be required in the unman! of the bid*, with two good sureties, the sufficiency uf wbom to be certified by a Uriicd States Judge or District Atiurnoy, frrihe faithful pcrfotuinnce n( the contract* l*ky meut will lie roudu alter the eontract u completed and the delivery of the good* as sforciani to an agent oi the Depaumcut, upon a duplicate invoice edrt Bed by him ! Coramunimiiona.lo he mutk»d “Propo«ils for lo- Jian good*. ll i The tnd* will be *ubmilU:d with the following bead mg, ar.d iK.iir will l;c rc-rivr.d l!mt arc tiol made in tin; form and term* b-rn jircacribcd “l (or nc| prupn'c lo lurmuh ( t ilic service of the Indun l>rp*rtnipni the lollowing good*, ai ihr price* sdned to them rerpcciivrly, vir:— (line insert ihe list of good* ) Deliverable in ihe city of Nc w York tor Si Louis) on or l emir in* day of next; and tn c»*f of the ae crptam-c of In* proposals, the quuntity beiiig prescrib ed by ihe Department. I (jr we) will execute a con tract according to tbi* ■greeruent. end give satisfac tory to the Department within lenl day* after the reception of Uii* bid; and in case oT failure to rnir r uno ouch comrart, ami give *oeb set unty. 1 (or we) will pay i> Uip I'mird State* the dit erence be tween the sum* hidden by me, (oru*.)uid the sam wlueh (he United State* may be obliged lo pay for the same aiticlr* *’ 1 Each and every bid man also be accompanied with a guaranty in ilia following form, to be untied by one or more responsible' persons whose sufficiency mutt be certified by some one who is known to the iiepart nieni, cither personally or by bis official position. • I (or we} hereby guaranty that j the above bidder, will comply with the terms of lire- adveruse* rbent for *i>roj omals.fbr Indian goods,’ datcld Seplrxi bet tt, IMU, if the contract should be awarded to him, anJ eater into bond (or the execution of the same within the Ume prescribed.” ] ft. ».j • The rontrects of former yesrs ere open for ihe in tpcctiou of bidder*. H. LKA .*-p:{o __ _ Oomaiwlonf rof Indi in Ada in. _ CO-l»AUTaiCili,|ii P . T HA Vr„ (lilt day, *.aoeinted wnb ok Mr. I. II 1. MiMim, iii it»e U'l.ok«eie Gharry »u I’rmlace Hu«.nc'.», Uic M)le it,c Grni will lie A. A.-kmue. Ijyjj j> CUI.UJ KTSON *. « UUlWlT»i>;.] |l. n rLOdxe. 1. V l< L. It K lITSON * CLOUSE, \X *.K OKm’KJtn and Oorammion Mrr * » ctruiir, lloalrr* in I'rudDce. Ami -i*iU»burrh im.cit«. i‘.u Übenv -C fituburih, i‘». m-T iLXtva Family Vlaur. AFRESH #urp>r of the Pn'»o»t Mi»* exirn Family n<.ni, B my eboico »xticle»js*l ree'dfor aaie by "A CULBERTSON 4. CLOUSE . IW Übtny iv VQL. XVIII. NO. 78; MISCELLANEOUS. Il!ge o( Iloßueepaiiiit Stditlnt, CI.KVELAND.OJIIO. Session of Uv'>o*sl~ -Chaptered 1819 Tnp Fißs-riwi vrmt SKssio.vor this w»i) commence cm the First Mona»,of KS oer, and continue four month* 7 01 J»o*r«m- The Chain oMhe Facility am .. c.ii >tonP \l. D. rrof«„ o r"f Disrate* of Women nml Children rcr *’ p£SS*jas&?- e " J?>4^r f ‘;S4 v ., h n y : p,< ' fe ""' •< Lemt Doin, M. U rnfeanr of M.ien, Media, and Medical Jurisprudence. - * Hamilton L. Smith, A. M., Professor of ('hemiitrv W«ia C U'iihcrel, M. D., l*rofc»»or of Anatomy and PhYsiology. 1 Jehu Brsicard. Prnfersor of Physical Science Chnrle* W. Uell, IVinotutrator of Anatomv The Charter of the WrHcm College of ll«ma»naihic l Medicine granted I-t the I-eeUimme of Ohio duriDg it* session of ISIO-W, U confer* ail ibe right* anJ privilege* u»o«l!y po-resscd by Medical Colleaea in the States, ami, unlike mni.p eollegea it exult independent of any other inintniion, harioe in Itself the jniwer to confer degree*, and potaeaaiar a common teal. 5 7ho d<£«cei arc conferred by the Family and Truatcrt upon the recommendation of the Faculty. The amount of ice* tot tec full course will be 355 Matriculation fee. S3—to be paid but wire. Demon strutorV ticket, S 3. Gnsiluaiinn fee. S - '!) Persona who haVa uttendrd two ful coiu*r« of lecture* in oih'r colleges, are admitied to t’n* 'nil course is tbia Institution on the payment of S’-'il. Graduates of re spectable medical schooln are permitted to attend the course rn the of the matriculation fee only. Good board, including room light, and fuel, can do obtained from S 3 to ?‘i 50 per week. For further in formation address. CHAS. D WILLIAMS,' »-‘*:dlta Dean of ihe Fncolty. PITTSBURGH GLASS WORKS. A. & D. H. CHAMBERS, |un cuOfßKSst Aaxxrr A ru.,| Would respectfully inform: iti6 i-u*iou.e»« «» the lata firm, ■ * blko the public keiierally, that they will cbcjHUo Uic manufacture of WISDOW GLASS, VIALS, DOTTLKB «e In all their varieties, at the UIJ Slaud, No 13 Wood at, between Vlrit A Water. jy^7:d:ttn IMPORTANT TO, TUJB AP PLIOTED. Df. Bose's Crlebratrd Krmcdlrs. DR. J ACOD tl RO.--r,tlie discoverer and Mle pro* pnetor of these ioo»i popular and beneficial mcuicinei), and alio tfi* inventor of th e celebrated ineirumem lor Inflating the Lungs, in effecting a cute physician, Doctor Rhyne, q„,i i, , or».|.j»i c of lha Umvemty of Feint.) Ivanin, and tor thirty tcuju since bn* been ersaged in tbr• iimrutfatKof unease, and the application of terredica thrieto rbrpuah the u.c oj ht- .nUaira* ml e.eonnection wtib his Pfopliy lactic Hy rup and other >f n,« ,-medio., be ha* famed ait tmpi.raic led eminence m etnas lho<e dreadful and fatal maladies, Tulcroultr suiupuoii, Cancel*. Scro.nla, Rheumetim. Aufme. l-ever ami Arne, Fever* ,tf an kind*, Chrome Kry • ipcloi, turd all those obstinate dtrcaie. to female. 1 Ir.deed every form of disease vanishe., ut der the u.e of hl» icmedtei, to which humanity t. heir— not by the' use of one coir.pnticd only, inr that u ic compatible' wj b I'byitlot: yicn: Law, but by the use of bi« remedies, adapted to and preuilbcl ter each peculiar form of disease. Dt. Rose’. Tome Alterative I’illm, wt m oefl j invariably acknowledged lo be »upertot :o et! other aa a purgative, or liver pill, inasmuch as the bowels perfectly free, front costivene.*; s» al«o tii Golden F.Jlm admittad bytbe faculty to peticsa peculiar prtipemes adapted to female dueaaea. but bents. *ati«ljed that a bare trial i* sufficient to establish what baa bfen .ail in tfiocmds of the most skeptical. The attlicthd arc invited to call upon me agent. aad procure (gratia) one of llw Doctor’, pamphlet*, giving a detailed arccuni of each remedy audit* application. For rale by the fftßi.-wm* agent., aa Well a* bymo.t druggist* ihruuthokt tiie country. • \ 2fhfoiuhi.ler A Co, SI Wood strci. nit,burali; J M Town»ebd.druegi.t. .Market . u ,!„• * Ue A.uri.-lh.m do near ti.e IMA Allegheny ruy; Ji>« III'i»• r>, Dtrilr.vtrit, i'civtf.-o . fa. Jn» Film i. ftinoii Wlcy, d.» f Adam* .Reaver, ,(.> JfCKJIY HMD. BFAI-TIJjUI. (1J Flint, ,u lirtv .f.t-e*it,o!,, p B . lie nightingale. h«, hf'en rccc-Vcd' uV rhe t-olonng m r H aal to the fipci tninmiate painting, and the iikenes. the ine»t tnuhiul at id correct of any yet brought out. 7 , ‘ Alto ' Jfnny Lind 1 * tireentiir to America, the True ijong, and the celebrated Kcbo tfonc. . 11. KI.KUKR, .JL— Qotdnn Harp, ini’ Third *i. ICxtra hu per fine Oolong & ft in»oagT«V rjlJipSK flfe ifacvcrvlrri Blai* Tea*«fcat are im- A W"? "*'* 'm C Hv !lf I - Vorr *» * H-'WOIIh, , .f, » n , l !'" r.a. ore uciUap raid Tear « t H* 4 '"T P" '« " f I ‘ ht ca* a w »a4 j Of .MFCHaSIO, Kii<inr WoiV, iSn-Ai hnpiw*ertn< —No »7 oi tft» peat wart Uai bsea tweircl »i Hmitcj’ liejouTaird »• o?po*:te the Post office. l*7lNDOyjr CLASSY SOP ils: * “ ■ KUFxciO I IS; , a*i t*2a 10 i J 4 . hin e2lra and for ««;« t. 7 * JOTIN WATT JL CO < ILOVT*- =t.V ; rTJKMcr'*s!rt-r- K e>elm:h.< ::Wecdi;‘ ij—TS! C K sfXLKRS Y/[ Al».» L' I A Ca L’l>— u jx* tf c«i»e*l :’.rr t.» - - oc - K K MILLERS p.iHIVjVSEtD-.|*, t| „ r V. i op " .HE SELLERS / UIAMO.Mh.y K~«AVKks_s t»L ,«m by V. . _ RE SELLERS RED U!ALK-ln *u-kr; 1 mee u>r *:ilc by ‘ v “ R K SELLERS f t.rl« pore. junt rrcM Ky J m'ANFIELR Long KbavrU, IN KTPSt vonrty i»t prlr- nnd n»urm. ,u«t rrd>iveil dorr •.! MTHl'ilY A i.-IKCUHI-LU f iNSEKb OIL—IU tirli pii>« c‘UM:y mi, , u *i M for i*!o tiy KOitWN. LITTLE a CO °C3 I ib-ny rl. J t . ‘ Uttfl- Window idKtn. L tJT r «' " .'•.'•Cl.LvriHJU’i* Cared W#rrhnor, No sj f'.jjj,j|, ,«>* , <•4 Huif Wwdow ijncn. " °^ 1 ' l’Al’KR—inn »m« V 4 j ' ——~— bed in iha marker for tnlo by 1 "* ’ * C ' ,U * l 10 ,ta B*'t° .. _ ROsr.H'KTOM HAMS-.Hi tml wi,’ * • old low to elosc the lot l>y IBAIaH DK'KtiY »'0 Waoarw.uK Jtivrreeeifpa , frRI V»,. tPn Usn Wagon Cover On Clmh.n *or,l ufti.-lfv < f >, Jill 11. |.l |*2i ’ ' .V •» W.H .1 ..Vf'Mv —■: t>rl* tnr -Me l>v Wit!!? ft M. Ca\l)| Cori» lliivnit* i t .f > a | r i,y 'V|»‘K A.MorANUI.tSS Bw. ... I rlj solid tuner tor sole liy . *® s J*R FI.OYD T^h l i P h At i US !*“ fl ht r y ,ar *° TupMUn^ot 0, I ,aJw hniitl and for H 11 * «£* M * m,u,b ' No *. Uciunor, 01 ilu. *_l excellent ma»uaine, end No la of PicuonorY of J**' ltc “ treei r r * 81 »w>« “uISS *W DI * I bud Mreel, iippnsl «• ih« Post Oflirr ulsol n r V TM Anicn f* ,,;Sovel TUr Coiwj.ruor, m t«le of rtlsrviicfUa.scH’s Uloml, on tbe 4»aio R,, e / and J** **.'clon.l Field Ilook’o. the Amr„o , R ( ';nt GO|) Flsil- It! cull loi sale l.y ' "“V • W A F WII.bON '.Hi Wood st C Salmon, for sale by .V..: ‘J‘*J . .. ; A. r WILSON SUNUKiItt-jw) bn 5 » piiDo* (.ici u Hu* tloilccT »K) packHKr* a>.nrl<*J Teat, ?i 111* aasoriffil i'obaCi'o; ll> bags Pepper; J S baits ANpiee: } 6" n<4lln Cinnamon; I»l’ No IVlmruiaie; i ;i care* Liquorice Bill; ll) nctm-ircs.'i prime Hire; ttenrk* I-i**l Madder; i 6 barrels Alum; . tu barrels'liiuncr^'-Oit; NMlrjpii patitif Hoclirts; ltv I'ji C’oru llromc*, hi Boses WJiiW Pipes; :U) Mul* prune S O Surar; tilbtls <lb Mofasee*; |im) :*r>* larffe. No .1 .Mackerel; SfO brl* Urge No 2 do; i do ,No l do. Ml brl* NC Tar; vo Iris Pilch;- 40 lirf* No a Uostn; l &*'o !li* assorted Vatn«* 60 bales No l llnuir.e; White Lend; ii /• i. iUOke K*«sw«ml^ajU; —^ —* *“* LHiertv it W.rra.t.d Pure \V liiea WlTd'iii^Sdl^T OUITAULB Mr Mnhe.h.l Purree. M » O band and for sale by the btiPeiuiW ", V* uu Viiinii ‘•'‘"ft* or calmii at *4*pS i ~A i v : —* »*iae Slot* OML. iiooda Nh case Bla. k t.loui Minvi .j 1 ca:*« Yeiiow I:*ldnnr!«j a cases Rad do; 1 cats Red twitted I'iactnrls •J easel White lit* Jo* ’ 3 rate* Darted J u ] a case*. Plain and Faucy i:e*j,* aer ** 1 caacßauiieu; 3 easel Clan Alpine; t casisje&nt; 3 easel lilau Black Blanket Cou nj* tfeasep Cray Blanket*; ‘ *’ . Sense* Drab Blanket*; f ease Blue do; * ease* White Bed Utankc'r ICO pairs Steam Hout ninntci*; Hrceued cu coarifciuiwai, and lor rale Kt w :r P ;■ ,»,£*;■?« gfliir-e. ru ,-u,^*s^4^,^-.: Cinnamon Bar Soipi y ' faoyK • Philadelphia Varibgkted Bean -I‘ittaburn l * do Jo. 1 ’ Ca>a|e Hoap; •* OUre-SMap; fowialearho'eaal* ..a s- y»J^ss,'v%t T Lo\r a. ~*7_ D«Off« Windsor .ttofcp,.R eu 4_^ I *,.** 0 »«»ib XJ Vermicular, Outr.ul, t*im ,^d/.i llar ‘ oy ' * ,B,k lbr*u Sqap* are blehlv V l,ve Smooibnrsit to (he skin 1 Isbmted lor nepaitnj 1 NIUA «uuiii.iFT>x<:AK^ ;^ ■ - parting u prepared * u t s„ *•,,'? I- }. ra! "V" will noj aflect o, ami,, vn . J, I- (lt V. M. mmum. ha* i^ luu a, ";rf ;*'•«•••: h,», *’ high fi degree r,f }. Cll . “.. j :!“ * i ,ll ' ll : o '^** plates, ptauiii MWs.*tV*«tn tt.m' t.-Vr sT jcrbp.a,,» c . K „ ,„ e J 4; fi PHILLIPS
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers