I'KLtt.itAi'ti. * ThK PITTgBQRQH DAILY GAZETTE Aaa,TAL OF THE BT£AR SHIP OB CAMBRIA. • w«»»c Later Intelligence. HaLIFaX, OsL 3 *«* British steamship Cambria, with Ibrtf Uirongb paaacagera and tea lo Halxf»x. arrived here this morning. She reponi eooatatii head •fads. . The Atlantic arrived at Liverpool at half pau eight o'clock, oa Friday, the 20th, and the Eonap* «x one otlock, oa Monday morning. Both steam tra reported heavy easterly winds. LIVERPOOL COTTON MARKET. _ LtviapooL. Seat. 21 Cotioa—The late advices creaied great excite neot, erd prices immediately advanced n. wm, Urge „i,L at,~ o«T,lt re w«. more dl,po.nion lo i«ll—iho ah^T »</. o. w, i.ring oo c fi,o,. d , b 0 Iho *K »lcf orop. lo Iho TI. lii l l ' aed'oo Fri'tar at i idnnu 1 *8 market co dliog, tadJio { oj the better n ® o . t ° lnoß * Q d *id« can. 1 air Orleans la qaotld 8d; Mi. 4/lng Orlesn. 7g Jb **’ Moblle 7 * ® «55. : SUSS““i “ 6S ' 63S,tn. exporici, 0,610 lly, b t'' l * kc “ sa . dceroi on, *oM con, ju nils too t T »l 6|SS!J;29 «0h.1.. A , ™ ob *''’ cl Up‘«ad Utelw 6 ,„v 4 e ,eaT k *’, a ‘ a ‘°‘; s .«w «t ISOI dp rn ’ 160 h* 1 '* S«* lend «5»Ks G-ozr h e,iim, " d ■> ,««. T: O..Kt or a“;„? 0O 1 ~i“ “ P e,t °d 1..1 000 fc n 3 -SSEI 2I: WfIRE curTONMARKEr. i Advice, iVcm ll.vie node, ,h e \" h ”: S^ ?{ - 19 - j that oa tte orrtval of th?. d “ e '* ta,e bslar cotton chanced hind., P *V‘ <W, ‘ 4000 ‘ sr. T h o m „tSo t " d l , “‘ d, “ c " of '® c LIVERPOOL CORN MARRET. cbacdoT' 111 *“ J n, *“ ' , “ l "' ed '■"!»= f ‘wo pence pe. ssf?o?iV,“,r~ J7 ‘ f “-u>d«.ei a AMERICAN EKOVI3IONB Dod "* , ' ! ■■ b «“ <—« ». e ™,7°~ Th r “ * ‘°°' l « roll pHrea 0.0. j jor. are firm, and are moa naught far (1,7,. Card—Smnl, nsiea are mad-, at 3t» per cam I. “ m °"’ '“’"'ry. •“'I >* -mg., uoa ore vert- muetir;, „ u d preview „,7 let barely amuamed. Al -'Hall), per ion ' n ‘* rt " ‘* d "" •“■• lea o, pou a JSSZSSSS* '» <«’ »ira A slight 4?SnlpX anysymp .in-SY.XbI/"’'" ' to maou racl uring districts ec London money market. Ue ml'S 1 'T I "".'* b "° tad bant,. Ueo#» becft.<Jon« dunng tbo week. * b,, ‘ ,d “ 1 ' b “* «■*!« TLe bullion m the Rank rf , oal ‘ d *“* dt. « m’i °H* a V‘l'- " nd 0= Wednc cav«tv6|,ecd oa Frid*r ei 06j Jo • American Secnritlen, it i v n,» t m. psSssissss!?,'*%££i?s -i652'« 103 SIM; u. a. e-risss SmJs ft wSmTok S^SSStSiSt npw.nl teodrnc, ol r,ei*b„ t"j cb?' E °°d m o<r ". to: oro u, - England. lbe Maturity 01 , correspondent of Us lscndon Times, under dele of Pnn«, Ttmrsdsr e.e,un f ,.,r.j„emen» ,re o„ fun. beiween b^'l «b?b?Vkfei: i” r d H » ! "»d on me be on condemn of bntnnit Un * CUua of lUtrc powef*. rnv**« j Cr “ EoBl‘od,.nd .o*S * On»l»o aod Duw-h creditor*. Jeatnre ° f £ n English newt, has been ! ibe publication of r Catholic Si nod at Thnrlea in reference to the Educational College, ofGor’ ernmemln Ireland. which ha. been 1 2 ylo RUr P rl, ° of all well wishers ot that uolonunare country Tie Liverpool Jonrnsl nod Chronicle, which ■ being edited by Ulbolics, nre supposed to represent StiS* ‘.l*”';'"*J mon S ,b »' body, nre lood uteir dimpprobction of the Course adopted by a seelion Wh i‘ V lhe ooo>™nd of the Jrope. iiie Cbrwjjeie, say* this i* a mournful an it juncemenl, over retueb the suuesmnn may poo- & r Jh ** lh< ’ P * M “ unredeemed by by the rhgblenl hope of the future. ’ Thisditferenrc ofereeds, which it was the oh- J £‘,? *° pttriotuta to Leaf bynnit.- mg the yooih vf Ireland, i« to continue, it tecm» nticfestiutical aanctioo. with all it* horrd btXod Of CTila—uad passions, and personal and I eucuViao OEtipnb-.es. The cures of the past i doopj*«lw Lanff o»rr thb land ; aod a aiaiere o edocati.Vt odreirßW* adapted to the wants of thi coootry,> rudely pushed aatde by the prejudicci of Irish Bia>r*. J w «t diffusal pt*ce* il bubeco pto>>w<l to'bestow a aaiuble testiao* ui4J of pabl'e ftppi.’ v i , * , icm, for Uie coodoct of the brewer* ami ” of Kirdiy Sc Parkin’* es* tabJthmsnt &v':heir 1/ sMment of Haynao. RAt an oifuet, tbo Tini\i stale* tbst pnptrtiioss tre malting *t vVooa, to %teot the General on hi* tfciaro, with wr, a - tr.o style* , ‘«*pelndd ♦.eraoßttntior, 4,- (»■)▼«! devoi.'-JO." The Orrritoa *• totrrensd- hi,» i , f inrcbl.*.St, and the £mm. ?? r i« u raiM Inca 10 the rank Marshal of the r.npire. It in bl»o hputtJ.on (be authority c *B Austrian n, joorca!, that Ibe Att«'rtan M»oi«er it London bu n btfeo ififttrtfcicd ta dr rnsnd tfto pualihtL'eW of the b’ n»en why *ts*ultcd I‘ayoku, the butcher *tLoo' " tlca, ' A rail road ascitleiu occorreJ oh the outers line,on tto IStb.bv which nine Itvr* were A ' «tfn?tiro,Jlr.‘ ©aenrred at Liverpool, on Tburaday, in tb* lie Com Exchange Xb« batldinjr we* materially iaiored, tad a lame* ■toonni of property destroyed. * Tbe Atlantic baa booked ISO paueceen. and wa» to have aadedon the 25:b laitant. .'w werlJltfr h “ oaiotemiptedl? fine *ll partu of tho Kingdom, fat aecann r «fcmnanta of the barvert*. Makio tc So&’a Circular, of Friday, reporta a utraod ateady-puaiaeM «o flattrend wheat do* naguia week, on lie apof, and to arrive: and,that •f* folly maintained at preview market r osin* with an upward tendency. It la propv to oWive that other aotboritida do not *? en, '- oar »sii»T "view of the market. Ida London Pr«», 0 f Friday, publishes later Th~, '°S b 7 lelesr.ph rj« ri Tr ' bid broken oat fa CMn., i’ ovl ' n « nr>;«eo U.cUiof or ihit di.- inntliri- t/fri'a of Bomba? were C, C M-r, T: ' r 'f m ° «PPlio. IO Madru; k C ' op in ~ld 10 60 T "? rru , FRANCE.- poii " c * 1 <* Tta (Miwi.JS plol - cot 'L b tl Ibc Bui. .od Lon,loo rtaJfooSfr,™’ W ', U liemi*. **raaJoodferv e ry longed- The Ffe»id<mt returned to P*h, _-- . and buiotif J* -aaid l»>kave Thursday; . brilliant roe «•■•«. Some of hi. roeowd to acti.-vtc the question cf a iJ!i~ h4 * e com ' a1w3.000.000f for £> Dfopoeiimo, howovcr. nietta with bwiinLr.i" In conteqpemx of which, be ha», a n nld ” |* Tor » the detennmauooV>f making bo fonbcr progress th. l ° Of the whole: number. 85 Protincal Council. <9 patted reauJuftora (n freer of a revision o! the Cootiiioiion, *h it it liuderslopd, prolongine ih a power of the 'l J Vd«idimt,‘’cJf v !he'3B other** 12obi t pasted reaelutiooVdeetdedly- adverto to the propoi edchance. ••• •- Tbe Coeammsm-journal* contend that ibe great .majority of tbcr« ; couhcilt having admitted the principle of the ne cecity of a revision, It it permit ‘ted to Undertake jiuch revitioo. according to wbat Qay be dccmcd.tii usiadviaaWo for the good of the Country. Ma'RS land election. ” ; - Bax.Tmoai.O't.3. Tbo .'follewidsc are tbe retullt of yeaterday'a •laetfef, for ao far a* hoard from: B<kr more f3:y—Lowe, (Dam.) 11.561 Clark. CWbin*} e# eos _ . --- '■ Bail laaro County—Lowe,2 610; Clark, 19,1)3, Aty {ghiny County—Lcwr, 350 maj. . f'w derick Comity—Lowe, 2,001; (Sark, 1,941, attgoaery 'Occnty—L-'we.dW; Clark- 464.‘ uhlagtoit County-—Lowe, 2 518 f ‘Clark, VJ-0. ’ < M : VouULoWc, (t>.) 50,338; Clark, (W.J lflsQr Id vela mtj. tfint Ur,, 2,338. - -iMa thought .'h«t Lowu will bo dqctqdfcj 2000 . f Nifla eooiHtea are heard fro*" ». , (Deo.) 21,315. Lo*J? Uwe Twelve ™nUe. ie ‘ 3®. which, id 1547 give ThnL* le,fl! from, ooiibtwouo, wowiTlSEa. (^mJ 10 > lB7 i “3 EPISCOPAL convention . Ehl liii'o btulDDu of m i.^fJ" un ’ O' l - 3. as Tt “ shfifr,^ ,o bo obaerved donne ih« k. , U , l ° lhe P°«nr* to ri#olo • ter y tßiijedtelil 1 Ua!*"* i,v ° The rive, hu rieen 14 0a - 3 4 <*» w«tor in the cmnlu. Tta " **» “““ PHILADELPHIA MARKET. tiuannii, Ocl 3. eipnn, nod 2000to s'oooVm" “ ,orB il 2 airTft » r 0181 «h|J (.'I"-* 3 ’ 000 ' ?”* •• 78 44 87 ( , bbl ' bru* ■**» or yellow » die. oil, •“*H rir* oi 3000 bn,b ' u , ,b ' T “ 10 O'-bJ. «>b «le. .. 27c Baltimore market. « r ■*- ° f w ‘-“ «d cb < .a^5 M "~ S “ 8 " “ '"I “»»• Oofloo „ NEW YORK MARKET. nocw acroftT. nS^SgS^ Cincinnati market. cbtonal • “ h "” *" “tr “ foot wttcr m *t Mo[7?bbb Cm *°' i “ b '“'’ , ‘ 3 * !e ‘ oftOObbU “&^5 E =¥^«w , pSff i - •“ J r . CUb ”' * ruct * « t*'* no Oktnic. to DO , «oowfcKciAt. Rttrntw PliriiuHSi, BOAHD OFtHab? ■o*B mtauart Koujiet COMMITTER FOR OCTOBER J. I. HDOUttD U am am c - U oa ** T uim,ii room. PiTTjnuaou haukkt. F*f rtct ' rrrr »« f »«H CAZntB, » hndmr nonunc, Oct. 4, l«o { Tbe market rweniajr wo generally Stt j e i, lnd bn , Tb ' —tatteaol ood Biuiocaa here ha« been materially cheeked bribe “» <=“•'. »“»- ' I? ' “• t'itry will b. w “ r »” Or Mono., Tooidof s*:: : b :' b .r * n,r 1001 f " - - Contldertbto qatotitioo trrlred fetterd.,. trtlebtrerc toottl, deti.ord r „ , U!II , ~i pols“ ^ ooiood offonoj fo, „„ wwr „„ tolli . d •Mlb. «lt. .odd probttl, not oxceod 100 u> m MW7 too,, .boo, ti. s 0 OIUIN-O«io, to the lijb, ..ppl,„ „., k[ f *”t ■*'«« ..!« Wheal it »**.'... „ lu ,. .ft.ta.i* .»in qniiicr. cur*> h«, rtagjM( , contry for tome day., and owtn# to lfc .. . beC “ ita, “ d - ftT ° Rio« IWI3JC to cuy and country trade. Moituea.. s."« .LY,?*”' ftrN °. “X forS B S»iei of Rice In trea, at iOSit » & PBOVIS.ONS-w, tt/'QC* . f.-r (•0wj;.",,,. Dio. t «n„p l m , „ [ S.l .uNo I L..J, „ , (O o 0; , jaBc >te for ooooon „p, im ., „ „ t! , , ndk o B«n. „j £ra 3Je «, *“• “ re «'0»» ■■ 110120, for 000,0,00 L *n«s So. *1 eOS|o r B “ h 10 .i lio pg Salo. . r ftir 0100 ?B. Rooolpu ~o lunittd . T n ’ “ CHI-.EJE-rM .:o„.u of Cm., , 00.1000 *’ 4 "" «’"**“ »PP>«. Wo p.o.oYY I*’" " MS PI .... 0,0.0, I „ CRAu£t,Ki— «'u* f&Uowi u * .• ■in of p,loo.- ‘ £S, rO, "i e "-'s ,,, . M ~ *'-«■ Dyspeptic do u ■ ‘ *>'* I’list Ilrvad, u w r ~*' • ~ 4,00 Cracker*, per lb , 3 “* Foda do a « '*** * TOBICCO-IV. noiioo . bout, feeliog lo Toboolo, m * mr ’ ““ “i”' of 'be bouor quilt,.. 8.. 10 I t Robuuoo', bMO ~ S7cj So, ssp, ua ,il,or bronf. of oooioon aOo 9B: c iw„, = . r u soofod o, n,o ft. Wo b... oo o, m ’* hl® ground correct quotation*. WHISKEV—SaIe* of rectified a(S4o23r'-» cation ‘ocuyanJ country trade. * ’ oa ‘ e * an.eiea are generally without champ Don.r 51atl.r«, T ««d», *c. Ik. PkiW.i„„u U. s. a. „ u <Ui . * r *" [ ■''* »« noi ttoch demand in N.- Vork fe*.te,Sr t? ,b ' Tie N. y. Kaeninf Pott, of the 30th iitt, taya : The market i» active to day, but with far leu b»ov «-‘cy m pncea, wnmh h« fß dwlined [n manr Government .torkt, are. however, £m wflf fVZZ Henna S*i declined J; Read Mortr bn l. I» «• iTh W'n *i f,e | R ? i; Morri* CtDaf T-!? - nd * *’ tnd p ®««month dry dock 1 p;™' HjK .i_wd.r. d.». .1 5 c r k T M U«*ton Courier, in speaking of tha Hooey mar* Money iiUJ Conticaei to be easy of aecesa. and bee ” thair surplasfnndsYi rajetof laiereii for aoaia tine past. now nmf<*» whfeh^iSi 71 . l^T e<t^ ,u ’ P*nle«»Hrthose aueks I>« e * • *?<* ®«ntia (or improvement- Mur Whoaoic, oat th«»r mocks tone time ago, at prieescon. •:*r«bl» >»br» ihtn Ihw, now .S?,*'™ “«rtS fT„ "i«T >«•«!. th. old price. splic’ laoon bet been mcl/ilr coffined to Ute loir oileed wbleh hire lately advanced a larte# eeniaan a , r Zlh" ot *' io '» •'«*«* o^ap^dXJi? •toek brine already preuy well ap.-tbe attention of investor* is tamed to those securities of the dividend “• *>'"• Tbo Baltimore Son, of the t«i of OeL. imre • Counterfeit 81 bill*, on Ute Bute B.ok, providence. R 1 , have msdeibelr appearance. The aenuine btlls M 2 */S w ? f U,e IW J® on *be Jefihsnd. Tht ft>llo»ing.fmn*rer* of U 9. Stocks were made on tnre'go eoeoonidarine th* week erdina *<n ihejtfth i.T';--Losn of l&i3, 810/100; loan of 1447; 838,550. To* The little itern wheel steamer Ohio, in rotas oat of port vesterear afternoon, blew oat her mad vaiva. which scalded the cook severely on tbo feet and leas and dueolnted the engineer 1 * shoaJder. No one alto ii'Jdreu. The boat ran for Bioody Island, and after re* niMibln* tbeir a shot i lime proceeded on her joarneV —tt Loaii Her. C«(U» Market. BsLTtaou, Sept. 3a ifcd Cattle—The targe supply of Beeves at the scatason Mendsy, and the inferiority of a_portk>a of the stock had the afiuct to reduce price* The offerings reached 1850 bead of Boere*. of which 870 ware driven to Philadelphia. OSO sold to city hatchers, and 100 were left aver usold. Price* ranged, from >*4s to-*3on the heor, equal to 81^003,7hjiet, and averaging B i£o grot* Hot*—The mark'd ia brtafcakliuo to 95 —Amer. WSm.JM iJISDBiWB COffli’iJrr OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL *lOO,OOO. r ‘ B « a ’T* I B. Miu-n, Jr. Prwl •V Ut iorare, igsiast all ktfldl pf risks* A f r . FIREAWDAUHINE. A j 11 wili Orally adjaaud tad promptly, br Directors who krs ed by f 5?, I ?“ ,u 7* «« 4 »bo ue deiennln. t«ier%iSrSn**“ 411 l to maintain the char* proteeuo^^LiVv®^*?! l1 *.' tb» best Drwctoitrß^«T» had , e * lf * 1 ® bs Insured. N. Hcs2SJj7 B ’^ i i le & J J-» 0«o. Black,l. W.Bailer, Utcb,Jam e » L p? t ?£° u ' Th ®*- *• S^ 8^01 —Ifßse- wSsawfflsr^^ir^ >■- w «Woo«b’ IDCOKI&-J ftf* POKT OF PITTSBDRI Rirx*—There were 3 feet 06 nacht nfleljaai evening at dark, by tneul b ARRIVED. Fashion, Preb!«», KUiabetU. Michigan, Brie*, Beaver Dearer. Gordon. Bearer, Balue, Jacobs, Brownsville. Atlantic, Parkinson. BrownsvUlt Jame*Nnlaoß, Moore. Wheeling Companion, Trendeniek, Cincinnati Wheeling „ v . DEPARTED Fa*funu, pee blea, Elizabeth. Michlgan-Eriet, Be are- Atlantic, ParJnion, Brownsville Baltie, Jaeoba, BrownariUe. Bearer, Gordon, Bearer Weliirtila. Yoaaf.Banfiali ram, Smith, 8t Loots. Gossamer. Klinefelter, Cincinnati BOATS LEAVING THIB Da i WHEELING—Cashier, 4 ml BT. I.OUIB—Pennsylvania, 10 a. u. Tito rtgalar packet Caahler. Capu McMillan, will tear, for o’clock ihi. awning. UQPOBTg BT RIVKR sS Caldwell; 3* do do. Baaaler *n! i-n O j 4< . do h E ftMMMtt •*®SSSStt erf JLNwotalMbhH™' C 5-TdjS°'o - i 5! *;•* '‘ rt ' 8,11 s-ssslisis °B* D. HOW£’| shaker SARSAPARILLA IN QUART BOTTLES :™r; ,Jv ■« —. „ CUTANEOUS ERUPTIONS Affections, and ail Ul ® * Et,1 > Neuralgic a.u ; . 8: b ““ known; and P re P«“«« are well ssssr ff, s p e s , t*rtS , 7S 87,i -aeudttioa. P twrlrt yean is ,u beat recoin iPpisps =£SS3r*?sas= ■gsgSESsSF*-"*” &ATEB OF DISCOUNT. RATES OF DISCOU] a. nouai Ctcbaaga Broker*, No. Si I NT—COEKtCi toDT BS * SOBS, »■ Market atrrci, near <u • PtuujUasu, Indira. BAntdfPuuoMjh Pu&uiß'i * Branch*# . i KicfaanpJtaak Par B**i c ticn» ■ ** ,\ Merc*. A Man. Ban* .p« r Vlrmlmt* BXw > il'hU*d e lphi*— .p„ Exchmope ift* „! V*as , Gi.art &uk Par Fannmilk.of V»-*'.! U « « r t.ena*f»wn -Par Bk. orthe „ UlCoBn ‘» -*P*f Bi ar ViTtta-- . - u s ei#wMe - p»t “ K°a>*t>atery -do Morriawirn ** I ojJS."SSSS?iS?:-K; v HSLV—' Es.t; l; r,:K *• T p ~r- ■ «At’.'; 0 ,?:; fciVaswi: 1 pu UoiooUk.-Z' ~' gSSste*:::: Sr&fc?*?”-; s?ss.;----- „i • |,^ r r ,e J , U 7 ,aJ **•*«»’ Bk- ofGcorxtiowa i BauX, W*yne»bgTi | Bk.of Hambar* * lUrn«b»r, u Merrtant* B«! f ' HO-<eßdu« | Fl.mer, *Weci»A*»Bt. 1 pvßk nt Sooth C*ro.iQ».- t PKUTiUe. —. . m n a __. * | UalLoore jfi* ....’. fk Bk. | BAlun’etoaßUcrift ' l4 '‘Nk P r;j j n . u Far. B* i.f * So ip—p.Ual. I- C9HAl>i riTEn / 4 .V<* t •,<,./ ... i U» Frtd-nci • ’ .. I. fc °* X V°* ;FreJcf:c»U, Bfc . ' ?. w " Ur * wcb ** * .. MnomPiew.t Bk— . sw«bea» l n e «• ;Pt«p.so Ok ...TT «LC!A!f**ili 4 .1 1 W M t!cjru>n lilt——_ .. Ne»Lubc.n « ' Hlchl***. fnnran*t. ,*k.of Sc Claj?.~ Colombo* d*> ‘ “ '«k orß,* e ,|Ui« 0 .. Circle*.!!* •• U.ct.jaa In*. Co ZuieirllJ* « p»f.a Mech’.Bk ? Pamom— .... « ,W|»«oft*li T*rrli’« Wooner - 7*M«r.A.FireJo.Co,Mj»’. I 'Taitlllcn * . Canada*.'"* Saodoik/ 7('All*ol»entßank* i «e*o** Baa* of Enf laud Note* .lOfWlll”.. .... .... 7( - »| *n ■ t... Cleveland | 3otd*Bp«ela Val»« leoi*.—~~ •« S*po!*on* *—..... 3^ P»non u ;Oae«u--. % 130 a w Wettern Reoen^.—» •• ,£**!#,©id io 6t T™* I ™** ColomtM “ ,E*«le. nc » [I S£!?Ju —— “ .'Ooabloona.Spanjth II 00 “ 5?- P « rio » l»« Lanewur »-~ll,Gsl&ua 5 St iPredeTieked’OT*- .#7W P^ ll nW n iTen 7 2- Ftrtn'Tiß k C«jiton—-M Ten Goildero 3pc Grtont-........ ilt okonulTSj .Y:... , N e wf““V^\ nro Bt.ofLooi**iU« - PPHadeiDhiA...—. to™ E*cn i o» b r. .. . 4 pm wllAjr«»>k— Cur R«bH »r inunnr D’k*.~ A o{ PATKV «»i al 1 Po f* Lade.' Wa.h Olaer, J'VI** 1 ** CJara Btjoe*. tiem*' Cum Mboet. Leielno, Ar t , E ” r^* f, a l f ( le l » w *‘ »W« •«• bliehaea. i.waniX nr^r*il^^»i lhe ohaimcterinjc, eaaeaiial to water beat, flexlbuinr ia the *eve»e*t eold, rraat darabllitr NO.7L" WoV.^.. 0 ”'”"" B “ tb " *ep£S» A phil ips MKYV BOOKS! Je .* i * n f d lor »« (a’eoUegei! ud ffitonicSuS,. ‘•' , '*“ ‘ , '° W ■^MjwSSOTWttSK^ foal L ; l ' l iD f " latorlor of casia Atne*. with noilee* of tbs nilrii ins,. __j oopS3 B C: ffrocKTON ooporito tho Pon OfficciolM'nf„ p, r ]J ' d r VJ7, 1 ' BBW M>* op SPIfBBDID PIABOtf, Mum and Musical Instruments fiifaoftbe Golden Htrp,Ne SOI Third *irett. KIjBBEH retpeeiftlljr inform* Lleai* and <b« pnblle, Uitt be ht> •T #-| ■ I'"* Wtnrned from the cut, with ■ ■*7>J ■'r* 1 Wr*Mi *ad extensive e tM , tt lona, ond will in »l| cx»e» be oi N»w Voik foA. ■mrr^wfth 4 ’ will rereivn * written «o»r A 6 * 1 CBtilUn* ibam lo u exottuxe OMomrnofime irybttnd rteficilre. * e 1f *P*sfli<li4 Goiter*, from ibe Jtctnrv o« 2dwi ro B f l 5' ,,,N V T l > **** m * Mpefb article] 5? * c<,ttt DW , *** rior » ** made in RiHi , in^f.*? J<0 ‘ i ‘ ,c ® rF, » le »i Clarionet! Violin*, wod ihe'uewcit md mo* ffi *** Uni'* oelrbw.ed OU. CLOTHS. OWfISP-ES ?4'°“ rwn, WQydiS-t Floor Oil jpiduij $OOO Jd» 4-4 <lo; fiCO rda 6 < do, 500 yd* <W-doJ 1006 yd. «-4 So; s-OUj T di «hce* do, mpdlap and b*ay i f «® «to 6 yard* wide, all of ’ lt i3t t **? l !PJ s JS. f tr u " u ' * nd co » to any *i«n Hit. 700 yard! 4-» Farallore OH Cloth*: 400 ydn 5-4 do MO y<l* Mao ' > i ’ lwjlozAa anorted i*i*e* Table, Stand, and Bureau Cover*) VSJion* pattern*, and iplendid Bnlth 1000 yds 4-4 Pascal Canine till Cloth: soo’vd* 5-4 do} 490yd* 6-4 do. . opoo yd* Oil ClnthCmhtorßuir*,ar*onedDattefa« Moyd»4-4(ira*no4.9iotii r for Window Blind*. 30u yanf* 5-4 do. Window Sbade*, a Urje assortment Jn»l received of newest style*. Marehauu and ethmwiahlaf to purcbaw, are to- Tited to call and enamias oar a**crunent of ffoodv which will be sold at tit* lowest camera price*. „„ J*H PHILLIPS T 8?, ’ »A 9 Wood *t TU*WT®BESa*.,f W«ii P-per fo^ItiOUTE i.l Arabesque and Permian style*. —p& w p Marshall STANfE'CUJUUNT»«Sk* toraalaKwEy ’ * WMAMCCLURO4CO •t 6 * W Liberty st. kDoariD roa tux rj - water in ekao rk, and tailing* m T “*' T*"™**™ MfwTir.e -leW ft. Uc. r7 ¥ Mr. McLare.-a Cht-rob. Tuesday «v<W E , w»« uii.-sii.7j d by .-ailing tin- PaAior' 10 thi: .Chair. e^ CT- l | tig »as upcr.eJ wnQ prayer by Ibe'lUv The Her. Dr. C.mpt.rlf ntatietnhet a cotntmt. «ee lwd been appo.med alth-larl meet-ng l 0 *aalto the bvt-rreaiv sr.4Rgeu.esu fur tCw delivery ol a .series o I addresatu t>» tin- young n.eu of Pii’«. bargn end ADegUesy. On the part ol tbai com. ounce, he begged leave io offer Iho unloving' ■ H Jii Co “ ,a,,,e * lo eeleci preacher* tc oeurcr a course of aefoiona, on the evils of in- PmS?™ 11 ? 8, !t ! yot-s-men cfiU cities o urgh and Al egheiy, respectfully Report— j* lLe f Pare selictMi mu Ministers, tvftotc Baines, with Ibo.idace- where, oud lime* when, join»j :P<C,ed ttlesrwil ‘ Pleach, are hereunto hub- P*”: o' W ’ .'6 Aa«o,M.'e Koiorm-d rc Pitinharph— thud SutibritD evening lu Oct A«v. John Cowl, 1 8l rroabyierian Church AL fl* oay brst fSsbbaiu evening in Nov. P'* l»t Asrociate R e rorq,es SZb|,r"“ b “ rSb ~ “‘h’ ol ' l “ i . H-e*. Samuel W.lliaou, MctbodiM E. Oburph | Common, A3egheny-tir*i Sabbath cvenit ? to G-*cerotirr. ° Ph^ CV h D u r ' H - J - Cl * ,t - Me-Ud.a! . Proieeum | Church, Piitaburgb— third Sabbath ev-u*pr in ; DrCcoiber. U-'u** 0,3111 - 1,1 Cburili. rmaburgh—Sabbath evening. Dr.-ember the 2Hib. Mr John Me asity bod. iu afcordanea Jtt.ib tbrf wahcail a number of bis brethren, d.-ntyo up a pledge which he would lay Upon the Store- Ury’a table for signature. The Her. Dr. Campbell had aalrtd a gentl-mah last week, whether be woulo a,gn the pledge, and bad 101 l reproved on hi* autwcnoK that he wnuld with great pleasure, and would bav« done Bo bo fjro it ibay bad bad a pledge at the firmer mrel ings. He hoped that alt m the meeting woulil *lgo it, since the present ena.s in the temperance cauae rr.|mrcd ibetn to do n» Ti.ojc wjo had hot duue so loraicrly, should now airp torwari. Mr. Mco.ite, «-oo!J be plceo lu near ibc view, ofMoie Dl fii. tuib'.ieria! brclbara an the .ot-jccl, and would tncrcl, nU-vrv.- in.t i| le signamn, oT the pledge wa, a vet, ,tii(,.iriact and eo'enin rer. ernoi,,. There »„ a„e„g. •HI on b, than people i»ere general', aware ell— Il.WJbe agned ,n ,„e ,„j ■h. p.ewrnee ol Aim-gm, OW and a.I pe, to n. who lid ao wiihont deep v lealmg in. re.pon.ib.l 1, hey were volumardy incurring, would, lie wa >rraid, coi b- Uely lo ke- ,i. „ „ w rl , .Igned m the leal „l ,h,. Lor, I, hopm, tor the D nne Uiaee, 11 ran 1 1 sod übe tep- A Inend ol hia, who had 11. a,„ed .he hledge, had ealleu •o and he loid b„„ ihai w.uid „e on. ...I,n, «e. p , he woo S rae„.l liab HI. inead „,d ll.a, he wa, aware ol mu, , M , » *OOlO code., or ,o keep „ 1.e, :0 , u,.„ He had fell rer.o.joj „ wo •H leap il, ud he d,d no. do wore lb.„ . alUughU He he.ed ihai sanie of iho nun, e'o qoent ganllewen a.ound bo would lanir Iba meeilDg wi b a «w D-'ctor M'Cai.d>«« i-w'ipd i.. r ,w_ . tor ij. rt-.id.Oß ol the pledge, which wa. ... would al>.|ain fro,., ,he u-e enrumra, heverag. - He rn.wan l„ ,h„ , t , rr Xml T l .”"’™ Ihai lU| Jw” a*. ’ ll ’ ,ll ' V d;<l Wi*i!d prefer that n-r *>>.!,£.,' , **** of!I «*- He •iM.mwr.. ei«wp. '.-g.J. purpose.*. m ° r t»e*lu»l LWlcw Jchn.ioo r0t,•.»)., i u Uw C3l»r lW 1.. ~ , . " ny objto U> fc'K-itj,? .urii Jn I ’ ' n ' ’ k - l»y llw *rcrrta/v Hi- La t "S /' ‘"*7 ,rati , r ‘„ T ** »•'»> *od,r e ,rrirj,„^, incrra*f*. »,,, h- w> , , * ** ‘ n * ,p •«i«-- .»ir„TJ?;,’:‘'•rr.'i-'"••' rt »* cn.rt«ab,-«. , ftin , ‘ "*• r «fc- !*»*■—fttr, r . T w . l . a * ltlJI V’ “ r '• «Jwi hr tJtnov hi Ui.v rirffrl T *»** •« *"• I"***? ■ I rluura w.miJ . ' ’ •" ,f - , a WuuUl greau) IU " V''"^7 > ’‘ T ' ! C hn»i Ali wrjf> , . ifcu-S Uial wi,« n .il i. ' ’ ' D>dhnhn>u,rr , u fbacb't* i The krr I <r ,s • . , . i .» £?,'■ ,!w '“ J| how tbev cuiinl lw*»t ».,{ ifi,. .... ‘ ‘ lw ! They d.d ru! «. let tun, „ A’ ,c, ’ J {«raßre I »ne«J* wrrrw»tr*.. S.„t ,|,." C w‘'. m Ihri Urach. »e,v u u -r lr lc „d. ~,'J ihst if tlie wor-t ... ... ' c ll ‘^ , wi-i.J r ir „ ttrr ~P , fv ' c ? lh, ‘ »I«I „ 1f ... m , t n ! u 1 '' w ” tMw dnint, th»i tSr» d.il m, u , c 11 ~M' V b rr? . KllJ n» W up ~;c h D U.. „ . „ 'WO ...... ur*ue<l. r l.wr »c>d tJironjM-* « itrr.i*r«‘ _ ~. ‘'f >r '** A l«ihf uy COU„ y. I: *.,■!>»• ,-v.j , f . . were Dot 1 HI i:, - 10 . ~ . ** aJ ■«- ™" Djrlr.r l.'nupb.-!! I'.jurLi ih.-.C |bi) ft.-r rherhid maiir, BO uld. wun the i> w. <c eieMiOf.^odu^u..n:. ••eJrew»ii,. M d •U-U..T *" »«T k.r . ~ ~ £’■ Jwcl' on .lie .n-rc- of ,rlem .. ~ muatir. *» oMi> i ., i- r . \' 01 ! *UI« t.v tUi:ri wn „ U-..M ,' V ‘ -‘■ k v— iw i?*YZ seicnco mourn. and • robm-M c -n.irS . i hem—all if,ry w » n i..,j , ‘ u,o, ‘£ v •» mi ti ft Rjl Uillftti cr'lura :o«rn>peranrt wuiinj '»|j ’ *°‘ l »«” Vlt' h “ 1 j«clcd"lo 0 !hr! sp;oTr.r:^;b^i; tblaw.de world of »ur 9 <. o aM this mcceiuftrly haul-,1, than iq ih- "J*J •brjr bad called the j m j »hor« time oro, be ne-l fc|, called on .w ( ce up bia Voice to l„a ~.-,»p;e on ~.o „„, r ~ . 1 -perenee, and a- root.auo :o a-j fJ •. ’.*.!!*„ a» be had an oppjrtuiuty. Wl,ca aui:u ujftii Ai mrntip.ic.l in the re port ol tec Cuawuitre prra.-brii lo 13- of the two cttiei, tbry »imi«l anrely ~'n 1 fremt d«. of pood. ]|- ~. -ught tb„ lt , ai coorenueo oI um Wc , e talJ . SoVa*? 1 ? 6 * Ul * d U “ M! - “ w «“‘« b = productive ol rc.u.u. Mr. Gougn.oreoaie other clo qoeni lecturer, afcoolrl bo broogi.toa t) address tbe Bo !‘? Ql WRo »l*«cd ltrht Mr. U JO(S r, h oU just delivered bit fiftieth Iccuiic oa teaitiranre ' •wre, tad it bad been attended by touMoi»w*ai,d i jjfe “ r **• f-roper grounds oa the ~H a ,ajd lhtl tbe Cburca ol God mun nctre o the else their exort.cma would m k f,® r 6i * p * rt,hfl Would be be «»'ly I iL .TM«rr h .? M ' 3 * ftlero P-' r4tlce coa vem on for the citieaef | utsburgh and Allegheny, fIH well «, Al egheoy. Ccuaty, on the day of October. Ur. Wray suggested a plan whirl) he thou<:il , might amsrer a very bcncliual end. A series ol l • er ®ona abonlJ b« preached daring inc wm.er i!I! ee w ~IW,oe * w<,el£ ' 0 f moniliiy. Oj-ps»i o ra I P«ttcb io fauiera; ai.clbcr to mother*; another to daoghicr*, nnd amrber to vourir mi-n Thlf would not only all cl.s,cs ,o ITod bnt would keep Ibo miereii m lbo maiter si vo —’ It might acorn a airaogo asawitoa. Mil he ■ hat more depended ou the young lad-ei, than on ail the rest ol tnc ronminaity togr;tfccr. |< ih f - v •ere more careful about txcltiomg Jrom thrir aodety all funeg men w.Vj draak uitirr n . fAtkuntaUr reaorta, or dogvenea, it would pul ou end lo the ravagea of mieinperant*. ts Q ji oa 4 . apleodid puaora wcia b i.il 1., f the- eccomn.od.iiioii or yuoog meu waning to drink, and mi long a* youug lad.ee were «J{„. K tu u^otl , M ny tf cla | ibero to cat -re cr.-um*, an.l c. hrr lona would >r.unti rn- ,| , |( /' j Dr J.hcrfjn h,J „.,,L 111 K nf^„] ' > ’ h, ! 7j’„„ o euuvemnui. Hr wn-hed inut n rwil( , , . ( but he wu glau lo w im- (a n, c 0 , ‘ again coming ultu Hie u«.d* ol the church li’.'irr’' poenwere io preach Ire,| HW „.y lo 111c ., r pu ~. lonrra on ih.a sui jecr. urui „ ~p , ».n, . I l) r c , m ,t,; • eu.nnl.ci. coold l,v .......Ud wb.oh s^.’J S ‘7. T’' u “"»‘.euU..utaL„ l for, Mill, the church ol iuu l.vaie rjovi * lho lead in the mater * " ,Usl Uke ‘ I Dr. McCook won glad to »ee lUai ih,. who had ju «tok«u n,a wai |«J Church. He wn. ,o "lie ,h# waktof op, andthoiijfoi that U' any pvntmm been dress ro toe caure ol lemoeninJ?' h ?**! , been. He had bad the p(eo.un-f, my nn j |{* y bujl too to have been n*«a.,„| WUa cauM for ibe pu*i ten yean, and wu, lc? •o much feeling nunitc*ied on ibe meeunp Alter acme energeoc- tvtna £ eatered Into a aiattMicai account of ti, 1 ,b Uf ‘ ,y«4fly. u PnMiurgh and in r itf ul , y amount ol crime enured hr it, fcc y un ,i , ' , ' r ~ by urging .lithe clergymen ‘UJ,L,lu^-11 •et Ute example of signing ibe pledge Cp U{> “ cJ Mr. moeed that me Oev. Dr c™i, be invited to gddrew the meeting. Cook TUoEct. pr. Cook tfu rejoiced to ua th,t .11 piw.nl ambed p , omou ““ ■« •ny. He wtaglad to «e, too. ttni*r>ei, h « uw prevailed la ibemeethig. Hobid.etnT, “ ony of tHelrCm,., meo.mg, 8 , “10 “ 16I» »n in. dm on. n. bid bad iS L'J. ' - bOcndlng. Tb.nlu.Kb wort 82~„Z ruling npoa 1,. and 00.. in tb« mnuw. Tbl. „ td fcr tt. lykttrob a Ood-ibould mi nlu from cm— °f ** D " Go«pel *u tbe : Tice cf K no ~~T‘ b* Sill! be «u b-* #„J, to 6D P fh° ,00 lhe ? mi * ht °°* that a t , n ,.i,.„ i , ® •otyeel, ud be thought jrwd Hedd dm “ Bt * ,y efforti would d ° ® Q cb or L P zsz 'LfTK extent done bar® )n ,l' b °‘ lhey btd * lo * certafn I up tbe cuL W#T V *«* j tt.ii uioy W o U | d k!“Pf r ‘ oc ®« ,b ° uhurcb thought, i.g.uua at OB « ,n. b ! Rtteßd to "» « d ** «* 1 evt'ta. Therein ,Beu> *® other I to d*.',*grte iorir The J b,d no ,l * hl I wcr- -/eponnib'efJr .h o "* 7 / 0 olher *» •*«“ lh *J to Gnd. Tfto , b ® P® rto «o«ae® of their doty tbe =burch be p2 U !!!!° 0 ° eXt ,nM?l —bow shall J c.r ii* dm* ■nH l ‘K ed, °* v ** oro °* performance I bo r !ndnl,i 0 , W * h#l,lhe nioiaien of the the Knoer.n? dto rtand in the front raokof ward » "T o*’ 0 *’ aod lead tbe f,ltbful for* : Tb. ?* lbi *’ "«" “ «.t. »l«. 1 , very able and J» “* len J"o proceeded to make • 'tinwua. ,X'Jl "» evil, of in- Doctor o«'iz.Jm ,fc?,V h ° f " k ?' dfiD * "b™: n P oT, r Sl, r ' ! "fe U “ j 01 “i; «/i™u» m(Med ■■ (be ne. KltewS ,1"! M m fe» * u »*» *■» PMttl— eloonenl?n d *5 M, f oor *® oseol the oott Ih«?h.* in P M k f r, i. ft P* United Biaie«, tad hoped it. cxrcnr it,.. ’ l*i ,re they to ob?sio| nn P “rotigh the efforts <f the cJenrr and tuteht e|r l ._. D i h ji ßt T d wbfcb tooro Laorn I •» niB Tz:. f Hc,, ' n - *• tr lnie a^mT* 0 }! Mr ' McLaren was willing tocon- WnC . n, l ‘^ l# y ' •<cording to bit meant, for • hut w°sVwbcr" l |l°l' n <MIi '’** b;i tudlence, Pilbmgf '.J.d'i”' ~|,0“ “ " ta >»°°“bt ra w J fo ' ™ (be. m I M r cL *™' ice i • ,n.l« .k erß *r*re appointed a Commit* ... fgjjSEr-? *» o.^'.Tdi; 0 tfr-tT 1 ' » m ; clmcil wilh p „ r „ to _ At tbe clow of tbj ntootinj number of re. ”*">« fa *w«l ■■»! blnued tb. pk",e f * ’9II OAitT.UAtXi' r.-.,T«» Sr.rn Cgtnu.-Tlm Unlwj B UK. " ln „, 11011 yeit „ a , r i,„ i 0 j on th« Bench. *«wb, •Tbe Urrn Wi.occnptd br lb. .rtam.nl .rib. oeor Ur. (foiled St.ln ,b. owner, of tbs "" c " r bo *“ '“° n,c » 10 Birmiof b.m f M.n. .belter, .mi R„ 0 . J. R Bwci ,„,_ - D ‘ , '“ d e«»'P W- St.ontrm ends. . U.iclt, L»qi, for defeadanu. Tho oveen or ibe ferry bo,l. deny it., , ke Uniled Sure. Officer. *"? "' tl —k. Ibeor p*y ie.pecUoo b.ryc., The cue will be condoned 10 d.y- Tn« N«. W.jciwn.-.w, underwood rb, M ; , " r ,1 " t " fonoo. .to, k, ' J tb»l its CocQciU h,d m eo ki, wnlcbmeo from ““■nWd formin, . Dew bode P V- H 'l | »«lMlll.TOldlU, Bwinlcii P»l Item in ihe loahe. Irui, U»cc»Y -A young J. m *. JU,,, „n „„ Tmd , r oy AlJermi ' i,nicd »“*■ « p.ocu of .ilk f,„ " f J,,n “ ‘''■‘“•k. oo Markul S„„, H •uto.«d .k, tan-ojf, aui »„ commnttd i, j. Thx M.to, Al.Bi3.Tti.. Mapor Darker writer ' J 118 *“ l»M ." !».}.... .be o»» 'b-r-aed data., u. f.u, Trr 11 ' *'■ b.m b, „ n : Wr * Jlaadoipb «r.<j Piafcertaa. 7 L * 1 **-—I'hß AUyor’g lette w „ '•Le, T Vbr * n»wd Of ' """ “ > “ l l >“ bu bw boo- Z “f »>■ Ctor.„rm.ic barm*.*,, " • '“ d -" ■» .*.!■ Tbe Oouaed. were P..™...,, lu .!>«.! tata. i* , l|lrr . |enrt , ira ° „f P .,„. n j [JCOI „, t , j Hepbrnn n. keep.ej: tome „f and be would bore h.u. „il -[*„ h , *»■»■ ■*>•*»»., UU h.bed .xb.uiad.l| .pare .turk ( ,f wruh 1., (}.«„, '*«’ m-uM mJ r J ™' 3h ”*' .«d ,\T , " " thwihookow M». w,iu m ~, ' n n - * l1 "' ' or u " H't™ t>d ki,d >nl Wli ■«-» .ten. d,.„0, ,br„ , Mien** ..r t„i P..UC* Cojim.ra _ Tm p,_ "■ U, " lr v.-1.-rd„ toAldrro,.,, io .djr„, aai «i, c ' J,: *«“r' U..c 0l 1).,, VcM«. ud '< wo -h rnw»t b- Ur tcalioa, Ibojr proceodod to oppror. Iho boodb ,f w *‘ctiiDiro tbca before them. r,:„.«o Crass v„ Bppoißted walcbuuo, vice Rjiy»ru, resigned. »u ippoiolej OD Ujo liftkl •«><* i-i •-a.v uf .Sami. Wiley, re»!*ned. j..s„ J*«. pl K «, or J tm „ waichoio, rcignej. lL.=k.,J .pponucj, rrec Altmirr di*cb«rjej. I P. Si, r d„ was pm 0D he n , f w#(cb t| | n mbpmuto. A lbyd Rook *•» •ppotsted oa tt» nt|hl p i « <q pf4c o of Starnel Aiicn, di,charged. ° a inot,t ’ 8 ' ,he “*** of Afei McCreiibtoo • track od' the rolL U:» , hu ,h„ h3U , «... di,« n , oJ witlj ijil further &otice. Tbo 1,« Oj w.icta.o, „ cormcud, rt.J, „ fo| I 1.1 I.iculcnanl—William Herd, i " O Kell.*, 1 " H. M. Ptnlpot. b f(lr. Piizmorria. dal»» Baldm.n, Sami. Dnobaa, John Dani.L McC, “ , ' ! . N.'ban WbU., rn a " K 'c , b. r .? o \ Gi 'S ,p ‘ 0 ' I “* 0 «»“• J»»n s,„f li • ttbriiopher Gtbaoo, tame. McKaln « ” .»T*l. T *fS** “ ,:l - U ' K ' M'"=”'. foS ft'lcleaacr A n U '? d Rj n k ' Jc “ d M Jooe *. D E 11..,! Rl “*'d P. 1.1, John Jonw, Omig. Oi motion lb. police oommitioß idionnied. No D l »,p, B „oc._Tto 0 c._ Tt0 cacmbcc of din po. wpb“,r”M'“' dc, '' ou » “ *»<>ld Mr .0111.,0n ‘‘'“T' ' W " d 'f «'«U pod.. ,0, O call ,b. bou, 1,11 forth., non... Tbev .!» d, re .,.d ,b. »,fobm.n .0 lurrendc, lbc„ , h 0 ' T.T'm “f "*"*»' abould b. ■y the Mayor’, offleora. u arretfod Wllb - witranl, .boy „„ l 0 w r ,. N “ No mern be,of ,bo oW an|. T«. N.w Nionr W.rcn.-rio f0i1,.,,, wbl 7 n U ' r ' M ** AU.M.M before w ~ pnaoner. .i,, p, broo , bl hy ’ ' Sloi-1, Second Ward, McMaatera, Third «• PMbfnaoo, - Fifi .. M »Jor, 8 xib “ ■ W„c, Buke , ' ' ° f »i«bl police jeeri.,, , ho J y . ■‘o„b l .f otMor , uctmcn . sS 'l Bole,. H cc B „ „„ cb "7 b..« .befool ■ d ““ “ Joc “ >*«■» lo commil ■ breceb u u '° Worn away. 1 p ro«i«aaUoß. ‘ ' I 1} smw“ °f Wm. D in auil for the Finh Jutfici.l nmoa P,e *'« ' ar.a Jusnrr of n lfl Cnut. ' r Ovri » n ?/ £«»»•»!»«]• ' General J% it Delivery in J* < P a,uer » ■»« IVillinm Kerr anl (Z ' ‘ •“* Dulriulud Judce« nftbo irima coumv in Jt Allegheny, dated ib« Iflib djy ab/hJ? i u, “ f »T©t or our i.ord one tLjusaml eight «*?* yew ‘ 10 me directed, for holding %Court ,dnffi muter and (irn-rni j*jj DJi, e _ , V.®?* r »«WTer «»»tf"-'’«nib,oaa*^ii? o s"' | »“* ticioOrr next, at in o'clock a M run “ Monday ' Public obure ie berebr »!*»« iw-n t « h are, Corarlrr. and Conwa^ri^ I A , ° r Ibe Uu-v be 1 lien ami there. mw e i"^^ ben * Utat, thr.if rolls, rrcorila, iwjniaiimnf ro *** r P«t«tu, wiia. oib-T .remembrances, to cn U ?hll’ *^ tn ‘ naUoo, «nd thhf re»J<ecll»e'offices la their 1 Kahili »bleb to done—and alto thae U»t will,£^*M* TWta *® be that now are or may be ItMha^fn**? 4 " ft® prisoner* Aliegbenr. to be i/en and ffiJS *£“ county el them a* shall he Jan. ** w Pr®**cule agaton Uieenandofiny Kan Hat ... . . M.°£S£££'ESP*' 10 ow p.t Ul -Tar IT 11 .ay* STEAM BOATB, P “*'“.»”jr n * •* "* d 4vEni,tou. **“ Port of Plttiftnrgfc. KHeUL*rwTD NESI)Ay l,AoKKf ctaoiirvATi, Cabala Jons Btumauic. fc»M *«.bill!br*• iMMSfiss* *■' -^=^!I!^WSWiSSiS“ FOR CINCINNATI The •plcndid tteuer o«eoi«, £!Sf, Y y!i A i Nl ‘. above ud til ft>f th» JZP»- oola “ w hfeunopa^S H|?ffiE 0 '' ,u ■“ Im.SSdliu.’taS^ -HgUfgfrfajgLPHWt*apply oa board. \ <*4 REGULAR WHREIJNO A BUN7I&H PACKET* jfia^^aswss “S“«wSSSH“™ o wnakAmi. hkgclar daily PACKET POR UEaVRR , (k Tbo iplendld tieuner M. Uzutlafi, tniy rCffttltlUOf p|m w RECULAB WUEEUNO fACreS J&L 1850 JSZA ' "“«* «* WhecUnf. «t ia Saturday p°wJ»**, fat. Wheelbi f« PitubmA *l*l Retßmiar wUI ] : •nd Frtdiy, «t 6 A M* MowUjr. Wadaeadar, ' u«SO 1850 cotp.s wawwsiS *r * s» * ««m; bSS£ , -;ss ,, » u -- f "™"'?£"iKS B W POINDPXTEH It CO uuuirounn, Jggl ljl3 |^ , ssrHSrs:‘-- E »"»>*"lrtorP.„ I ,„ r . BOATS ' FOU PHIJUDELPHU AMD BALTIMORE. Qr“M n a£ns-ssrsr , i ■« <•«, Ihcnen Uk« tpieatfid flew *‘?»« f °Jai oh ?.* , ® Wl, » f, ®« {•ftlladelphim, psuiar oT#r C t V» a £ u d ‘ r *et to ***[ dad, siisWofJl%!S The inereaitd »p«P(j birSii* Zw?i. 1,, i. ,he . eOBWT *- Japa— “ “• ss ssess ssra IOIOIOtBUi aouTM. I Vl* UißWMtfli *Bd c"b«*Jj u* # ti« Pmuhftrei, •• "||o QQ T’HB manunf « 00 X l>ridn», dally, *t a BViwk *buf, abort ika lUJUmuie, 33 hours; ume ts PhJJaSeJat* Tijn* m Tbo cvanisf boa? | e *vea dcilwhoara •won,l •utelosV^SiSWW^ "'“lozoo-i, will CM ‘=*oui« o» 111. 0«r, Md Uiaa avoid ui t bi „a“° “* m "■<■' own ° Sc ‘' Mooonnldla 1850. ro.w A !iP^ c *-n«,Tu«a, rFii risss&isg^aWftß sui'J f tl^ldilCJ“' ~1» I HI V l'-r! It. P;:uhp r.» ‘•■■•‘AT CUTUJL BODTKI IDB PIOSEtgj ut IB g NBW BJU SOiJ| „ Tkf*Bffc «» food Dave •nrK»I U i DBl ' rHIA ANB 841 - ti moee s& s\a£•* •h»ate* b. to# j„ ti«*2Ste«a2?j2ls*"“* Bo%w nWip.whi.l .. .nil“StoJfSJt" a* lUrnabuif »nd ColoniM*. l UnetTla W , 25 , 5W!5 , -‘S5Si2 , r ■«- I'sgaSSSSfc JS^sfessr f idbyoaii kOTIOK, N^;^^"Mr^.v^ T .*r* TO “ rT SWiTIt^SW«2 Uereftr*, h«riaf elAim* or AII P*'“ a, i •‘tMoi^ddeeedrou^.SJflu/iiyV s * , *V n « Ui« u. >.m. u, ttaS^SSJJJ4“““ d “ “•*• »««*« THOa. SCOTT, CtIARtSH HAYS: PlUtbunh ffiS?jffiS3§3S3 "■M.i.fa, iTSSLV‘i„ , S‘^ r " w ‘“ *• TStf euKo.ita—if uiKl=s |fsa!J>a!!has2MkM_ IHttiOnue; I *>»t Iknwtz; ' ‘‘ P 'wiYfcv'“c o br Water fc Front «u I KpIO, • F "•» ss . ■'“' -J v t MMBJ" fJUKKSE-H b “ t nmc ««’4WSrni?bV ■cm J 4“ES OiL/EU. P U Tt?il ll ~" '■ ,i,l “ ■“>* *»4 B*tiiJi“ T. (or .1. b, uffifil! *®fcy 4CO - Wam^yfOßt^ G BMW WfAl ViUNisl Is lOkcfttS do; and /or S&je by ia - k6 «* 10 d«j •---• ISAIAH PICKET A rn I I ' f ‘‘ I '“ ti» ft arsr * ® - ibaiah biokey a CO ssfgaagE^r 7; ,SJI J9AUU OIOKBT ft Cfi A Uni luraice.!f«r 4.1. by Yl-rrT^ 1 „ , JttUN '”**•’ hco W ULAUS—i<JJ boxei ill ut *i quitiy cole l" d ’ f " r llUtb]f JOHNW^rIoo 1 o(__«ei>w S U^J 'KaTUER—<JO»Ibi ree’g for »ale by L JOUN WAIT A CO CUBED ftAMS—iOliereera prime article; few Beoteb cared, rac'd for ia!e' by 1 WM A WcCLDBO * CO - r • Lfbertt ettceL > toheNcppier (aigt*. for eaJa by % ISAIAH DICKKV A nn •ftAJgtl’ ■• • ISAIAMiPtCIRV iCO Vyfflrirt'faH-io brirTgOifg.-wl—- y - Att . JOHN WATT k CO O^rAlV'* JBttilßg= J e pate «ni«U.frr»ileby H E SELLERS *i!.“ R B SELLERS { 3 0 “!j5r‘“ l “ 1 “ p»>»ruifSEJFiiTftirSEt, wsr. B^^"*"l,oB -" UTO® ss 2?2yS3s& '~:s ,•** ,a ' •**• b > ■ ffßwfiSr - 4? Mtxfcc »i HODBEB. LOTF •'AM VOIIIALK, A «4 urr, „ —■ _S».lrTjs wS2«£. t . ba * ,u mm? I*. 14,0 W>H lAIIL T*SSSSKSR}ga p “» s? - u —«» fa&wwgd on aadnevtbe •f Uteir rmij road. **<l Otar U» •pattern tension* to'wii P«f- F Dquire a t w P*y*yn» wib be very eur, w »g,™ TO ngwil*Third .t ® ***** ««®W«* H.J * ° OTo £2°?> »“*-Um». • 47 Mtrhttit. ’ •tret i, i o* Oretnd tUuu on Pi os SfitSjgraygfißiSgi win Ul °“ , t * , ‘ , *“ , *“’ 0_ m } LU aE -OPEN. •.p" 1 i Urge Stock or Sew toodi. BOOK SE^E°R*IrD K I?’’ TIONER ■U Prinunf, Teo, tod v^rwn^,®’ y ritln C»LeUer, toiler*’. Bladen’, and Truk BaorSf. E** > ?. r ' "«anet, f‘pr Pri.Uo, likK JJgJ {“Si 1 ®«* ■ __T-- »«|3i?dfln I iHicKiißw * wain, waoxjiif mum n 1 00JBEST1C ao FOBEICJI flgi S0 0J)l 8*» 101 Wood Hymi la K Ui« isuon, and renaJSftfJ 115 * C®°4» dw* ; K »r...»n. „Si3i s/astm as_s j WM. OtOBT, agJSWwsft S=Sk^gsSgg| A\ UeCOED Jt CO Cor. Fifth A Wood ... 00-PABTSBaiBIP “• |irn, 0 f p *JUIW Sou » Co, fbi BAMCIIL M'fcLEAN, 1,. PUILUp,, FU «‘«l»»Wor. Otar'SA* i “*fj ;sisa pronpUy “• *“ ***uey buiaMa 1 *'*'n*Su.J jt»:n«i»u, I * Rnuviti I ■*. UAuaiaua iiwiLi, atzosnev at law - ~ Rona. WOTICSJ To OOBTAACTOttI Po« "S'" 1 “ “■ E"lta*i tetih or<i e - ohe r **«Boiy. tniil Ifc« {J e reomatu, w 3“ of ESSS?,? ■“* Jr SS?'.SSf “* te “ “< »“‘i S^Jst’a'wSaff Bs ?"- 5 "im oE»bcr“ s aSyysi.if-^sjy ,ct ■*■«■- SL«. •• «k»k uiTuiruSvm^S’ASVS'* l '* £■««•■ IMbimuloo bS» SlS P n?S , “. ,i^e ““ ai^ssm S&S SSSS!^ ssaiaf^SfA^ «' *• ecapwy p*in «f ttn Wlt^> : umr.r *™*™rSSiS&?3SZ«BX‘t -sl iw saaS^^Sagsaaisaa of the »g|>tcrxbof«. T «• «ki«r tbomassaft, tiEOBUS Q Ukl* gpilllilgp ■■.yjSSS l .?* np,. i s^sfes 1 fef ““' *H^WSS3 3* *“«•. loipw md UTuuUrWum * ,mt *ui«jr©f Co *nd Pbiloceac, J“ P°»d«r, iSSEfe?=«aES& »*rttiTtri«jafSSJ£T3^*»®*w a ■“«■, bt«de»' MncdintlilZ^Sj|£lL£ tfclM »** * wSch iS. M iH?Ki i *?**• *? u «>Uia the rapvutfoa sssssasssa*®: Sueaseot to and fanner °* KUQKNB ROUSHKL^* 7 pal Dnnitu fa the coimrT . ,; «al?jdiTi 1 PAPER ffANOINt AND BORDEEaT~ .1 Pk?l.^ tl u r(i I'M! lie uiendva Busafrcuritt or . f •* Buktt ipMi. Ao,e*reedia*lT torfe ud general aaiornaeni 0/ Wall Papvf-Ofld Borden, to which, with the stock oration.* P nQC jP 4 * I Y of hi* ovn raanofacLure, the attention of.atarckaato aad housekeepers la respect* (•Ur and which will be sold at prices coma *° il!L* ** ttl Mii*faetor» u catioraen e.plfcdm THOMaB paiScs* IO WESTER*' MERCHANTS. FALL STOCK OF DRY GOODS A. A. MASON * CO. DEALER! IN PANG?A IfABLE DRJ GOODS es HARSKV BTBBIIT s*iJKS e ? a Third * Fourth streets, PmsbJrth. INVITE the.stteniloa of merchants tiaitine ihe*\tw i to ihetr esteaetre nock of pul aid WlSSir selected with greet ears aad auEuonSS?JSfe aporwtoae, iafee aortas talea,and“rentt/ISS* ot rads Simon daily thrtm/a theeesson ai eesafallr to eoopeu wiul hoe si. XTOTICBU hereby|taa, that toeeafaroirr with as : T “L 1 *" 1 ' *““i MESuWS&as'.!? said eospany. at the clw^MmsT^JK 4 lUr ?£ 4 ? lrt l l lb «»l »trwt, to the °* e llib day! of tt ?**\ 41 *»• fc««r of 10 oVloek, A. M, sad cenuaM for the epaee of ftvedevs, orantll the whole «>Jhßed &J ’be said act shall hove Joutfcaa P. Rots | JaJttv.Waod lasted Traaifk I OeoffeLedoa 1 Xohhßiffen I ttomeelßei] J Isaac Walker , E. C. White Jacob XtaoKltto I Robert Sterna . 1 ecpSfcdßwtdT .George Aaeheiajr M. B. Brown Ortn a A. tf aVay ieba Obey Moses [ hats Sanaa! Urahsa P. t. «*i»» WilUaa Factor Jameh Rkhafttea proved styles, trill b~ %nd nw * t im & my flaantiiy, at the»«s , jlwii >y J 4# *abecribera fn will please MttMthL »7<?* pri< ', e *- Pareha*. fabric* bear tickets eo2XtisSi* w,,,i,,a B °y ®*aie mi, tad they will aSo*bJdi3S«i a u,a •hore Woolen Jeatore, and brilliancy ofaa&f of froa of 2*«- promptly attended to Pasil , «" nd i!i® ,# ®® ,r iHha alto find in other moft approred makt?l^J* omnfni 0l " the American,K£K*ifS&wbw.!!5 we, ,L de « i f M <* srasar* • d TggM r ar-asssE -Pml, PripjePcSSiSrU l f teJjtootoSjMMM Wain and Embroidered c^L 1 «£ erk ? rii ShawS— Printed Palm sSSSSziSSPV *hawls— .\> w B ££ Shawl*— BUeTaS 1 mSET l L B * r “ Broeha i } oarBbaSit-Pi^rSfMdBeK^S a < §i o «? ««»» Mode Colored French Tetkerrt soT 8 Phawl*—plain Eonnd-H*bt oaaruT fw.k and Cloth, nSttMi«?ffl| S 5 binding to «ia«h—WhiiTan Jo?|^S d R,S, r , Shlwll j si >*«to *«• ‘lSs.'ssssa- 3 IaSStKfF & CO., : *«TnO:dAw3m|p9 19 PMldelphU. KStoSQ n SfSf , »^lSl SbSS **lid nei£ nlna, PotaS»7j3ta^ f £ ) | l^?,! . Irofl.Qni othar mlneraf and Ar »« nir -i and many fora tic acUTa^buiTfr^i 10 , «nter into and Panaeeu of the s** n*^ 1 * *(. *£? ®"**pariill and ofYetlow Dock talsamoVriiit 9 am P° ani Enract Particle or theae wSSSS,** 1111 doei 001 contain a “KEjia "° tuat they aoSwaiaSPbK 1 *® 1 !* re ” u '.® *{*•«■**■* muc tha whole system wi!)T7fc.*?. ®®“Pl**aly mprcf* iho first cold, or tbefimif, [ f baneflU effect* that the palieat?«n»nithf2id^snbfce/.^"*^ lroWl » le * ' »oct exenuiadmr tortSitS^/ 1 ® almost impossible aaather can B*r*«parilfa pnpamiant *3* * u P?f*onoHa loprored Extract of Telloi.^iv- ,Ild ,*£" Gaysou»» which is effiesZ^«*^ J .?“^ tp " l]il ’ and paraly Tqretsble. All k?*,fl fM?® 11 * harmless, U* caaial influenc*. AB kind# of yield* to Chroale SorelWtSm £.«? p /?* °. a Paee, tUm. Rnlar*eei»!.i _-*5? er ' Head, Rhenma old and •n&torn'tileers. FeT»r , «!L ßo, t»? or Joint*, SSMSSSI IrTexnJtriau^c^p l Jji 1 r * r p ‘^°VFemaJ* £!• E 5“ 1 »t ria » “d Pail By«teo,iti*liriSS&i* 1 C<satni *oi« tor tho JJ,I6SL ftomlJ tSteto toMjijw Hint bta i r‘2 ,I i i "> of ■'toiieiniTolS' D - * “‘“r "—it.- yoanfwaaanwhv&rrixLSi 7 !,.^ 6 !! “f ®*" • srss w uaafidcai liiu Iho Yellow*Dock- P l Xl l ,^ fre * , r» “ nJ wil]Bfleet»peno4l»tcum OW «h C l k f nd It.IU. Iliu •vrSkTeSSh. itsenU »II« cr [»o mu<sa ftST« “ d • sSi?^gg^?s of iu orisiD it* imm.. “ w ° l°*h to the obteanr* *arimXfgMh?Ua!u P cX« ,^ U,e “ J S ,SJSS“ t j g*te«*to renarkabta to pby*!etan* in uiX£f' fc '- t #^llls?S3 ‘«»K*cS2SgiS£J|“i; 1 r Which ema” f^y 1 *?. 10 °ar fanuly, •praad.*oon fan«SJmv ,^ e i&»S , A contmninx w and axt*ndin»aJl "“toj into my bea.l, Irani tie *. i toce, ncch, and lower ex* Al tiaean, r| biec t l L ' loat °P cn » •leep or 110 lorn- «»d“odii7‘<-r.J"IV “? al, to to •U. Krioa.l, .li cu:i a ° c t“' toUto'o a, m*, /mm _7li ‘l e,n .v- Aly taca waa on* m§mmm£ JssvsaaawtsSr ''• s v&sz SS dL°^X“ d S'’.“ d I remain* your Obedient eerrani, vffilr Enrtc, „i SSI sS?? 3 "JpSS Jtfi: ta* tollr lasted thePnlSf. 410 b®* ebroolcled on til Hin, SfuffiSSf to« toft. ™ b. no relpptp o, rrS^ “>• TOT l.ppT Seu S SSSSsSSr 3SI^-"- SSffla JSSi' +SSUS SftK-' SS^SSSpsaaS^ gsHiggiii ggffliiissw® sjihstes tor «y too.- i- RMpecttoQy.. :rp»w«. : , . JAS. RUSSELL. twain* tnifcupat op la larg* lottio*, ud Uio name of Ua Smp blown with tho wxiitta tigastsrae/ fL*F. b*d_ •Mfo,*££“° m!p "- m..flp.rUral£!£ llililf 1 ! £? '?• °- ■’■*“• N.nh Eu terror 0/ ramh tad Walnut meets, entrance Walaat k_ <jljeriiroil,oki<>,iowl>on.ll onlmmwli^SSS: ; Carter A BiOh Erie; W. P. Johnson &,Ca w.,.. fcrdi OUa A aejnoai, OrtHCßjrilJc; Abe? TarLll Uoauptu Hiram RoUn Ror vJlful bor« LTioderictjColkaabaaf} L. Wilcox, jV Pltt£ ijfedESESi " *^ el “** C£ PI A SBTT’t BITT KltS Create* • healthy Muon throughout the body restar> cue appetite, tqatliM Die eircnUiion, eaeify to the eyitem. tad create a bow*? o?£ JKr H g ftPAfHE <■-'■ Win be Immediately reKcfed b* the 8m of thi* in«.i a3BSffflWSf4fife •***?““ Sbassaefc UMiptenllmiad»pid totfceli ** .«7ft.' pef l tfie J? ctiwlha,u ' ta tniel « !>•' <m the Liver fers£f«-IS9 t * Bn * 1 {l * cm&pleic^otidoie ftr Fun tad Afac. mj Typh»» Feven. CBASSTU44 > L.LJa4 17th IStt. . .* *«*•°* <d ®TPl«aeu»« Biueri, ■M beye derived *reai benefit from tfien. I bate o«en ttbjeet foi yean paaHo inef ever and Aroe. bet »lnc« Iba tnuMlMiloa of year Umtie, | kue enunhi eaeaped my aiaatauacta, bJid can wU&.xonfideaea fMOouaead tbem i> ooe of tie bttt Toniea in Btfl Rftptajklly frOTtrt, ; BUNDING. UfOaaßSta : Sna ? nsLD ' J ™» Wh, issL ‘ Dyipepua with wWch m y hife liu*beea ied.uuiitf &«# inaction of UwLirer * limy onicoae, mod eared by the *0« Üb.pr.r.runaVllllr.n, id Wlll/ff'J knml '>- recoauaeubnc o.em,»iea*o accept mr SniSr 0 ' 44 « Afianta, William T. Hleke k. ft,! Sinat, Naw York. For 151 *«« a*|fo*3olu I «. •_ . r —glWir • = 1 ». t.DAHK£, 7 fwMutaMiX 1 “*“> u mtm T7^ss~rrJgaES;*°g«loiLT..tdnv (or,u. >7 I,<U J t B*“r,nuiW*. 7 * • Ww4 «;
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers