PItOCI.AHATIOW. \T HI'.RIIAK ‘.T of ft-.* fT »- ;,8 1 •eir.iily an An roto . uag. of U><* Common wtnuh, UweD’ctDcC ottmo to g!re notice o'iubh clectict* to be held, and CDSRterxit'- in »«rk notice what officer* ere to fa elected :' Tb piwuance thereof, I. Cafcrn Crrr*. Shenir o( the Connt y of Allegheny, do U erefore make known and gi»a *M» pablie notice to the elector* nr .iW Courn'or illegW Ih.t , t.SE will be held in the talc county, on the SECOND TUESDAY OF OCTOBER M&T, ai cltdtion districts therein. * . The elector* of Uie First Ward of the city of Pitt. »r*h, r » «llhc t. O Q,e of Mrs. Jane Uule' , t t l e crner cfl-errracd too nil streets, i “aiding e The elect** of Ihe Second Ward of ihe cut of b»3'b" U'SL'g' 7™ °r n.„. iSf* 10 «*« « gcCTicu^i/^d 1 dMlor* r.r nf!h Wird 6f the clly of p hu . Lv Gbilnth tf 1 V ‘ ( W pc "B*yl*ani« Honw, Occupied TWt b ,* lr,l, , P \ lMe Alel Slewar;, ln s«dw«rd. Lmiir , aU ul U,e U '*tJ ef the elty of Pitt*. »ran) ’ 40 rarc: * l U>c Publlc School iiouec, to a*id * l^ r,oN nf,he of The r.ty of «!» *£’ 10 tteet “ *«" F&blie School itou-e,u, • aid ward. The electors of me Ki/rbth Ward of ihc cur of piu*. u> meet at the Pubbo School House in said Tha elector* of the Mnth Ward of the city of Pitts burgh, to meet at the Public School House, in said waru. ’ The e!c> toft of the Flnt Ward of the eity of AJfc- Cheny, to meet at tbe house of J. Woodhoese, Robin son street. I The clcu'ors of the Second Ward of the city of Alle gheny, i» meet at the house of Widow Thompson, itonn West corner of Ohio street and the Public Square The elertorh of the ’ll.i'd Ward of the eity of Alle ylieny, u> melt h n,.- Vul-lic School House, m tani w f. * on theka»i t'ottimont. I'tio elcctoJ* nf me Fourth Ward of the eify of Alle- Kneuy, u> meet at the bouse of Mrs Wylie, East Com mons. | The electors of Pitt township to meet at the house Wrr. Nancy Murry, on the Mechanics’ and Farm ers’ Turnpike rosd. in said township; eicepitbe quali ’ bed Voter* residing in sectibn* Noa 4. 7, and I < of the city disirirt, who shsli vote at all general elecUoos in the uirtii ward of tte city of Pittsburcli The elector* of Peebles township to meet at the bouse of John llietler. In the villas* of Fast Liberty. The eiCctor* of Wilkin* township to meet at the houic rf I'rmiri* WiUon. on tbe Fraukstown road, in aaiJ township The eic.itor* of Plum township lo uisst at the boeae of John Summerville, in said township. The elector* of i’auon township to meet al • house of Joel Muiirr»e, in said township. Tho elsrlor* cf Versailles township to meet at the H...-,".., th. tx-PU|.ir J !.>• 1 bo; N—l. and now by Wm. A Ti-.*-:.,,. .1 binOrflh ■•..!!«„„ , he wX";i!fKr. , oiro"";;.„ , :;r" y arc ‘ p^ TkC ' »' lb- Itaronrt o( Klw.bnh to meti .1 . fvX j ;:i:•» '■*» TOi clcc '-rsoi Jrir-reon township t 0 meet at the S' tdtli ~v ’*■ *'"*■ of s , aui'l , \Vr.» I °^!; m,n , U>wn,b, l' 10 »ret at the bouse funapdy »•* j« »Ned i 0 th!T? r 1 e, I cl l °I ,t,fl, M ,w 8» a«Mown.bt r to meet at the hour* 1.1 James Connor, in said towr.sLm tW il t eCl r,‘" U,wer 81 C,aif 'otrnshir to meet at SwSp : ph ***"•' ~o* p f *«•^ ri.e ciectois of Robinson totnulun m lU e, i „> -he lal!d C i^^»^dfowu?hlp r,al,,l, fom,e,l f Audiey Me Far- Tlic «Jt-ct.irs of Findlay township to meet at tbe j' A- Armor, f»miorly occupied by thm a »“ *** **»■*• of cuatan. in ami wvn*^ the Ke, t- r , 0 f Moon township to meet at tbe bouse 6 rr * »*««tr»n. in said township. v*? r 'fyr>f of tihio township 10 meet at the house Of Johu liny, m *airi lowusbip The electcis of Prantlin township to meet at tbe house occupied hr Joseph Holeman. in said township. .. m .. r '‘ roT o‘ l lh ? H or#u * h of Watchester to meht »t the i*u:>.ic tvcbool House. h..ate«l , . r S l W v ,er,e to meet tithe cease ol t.otUcli Fisher, m said township C wr * of U«Jdwin township to meet at ;he house of John Cowan in said township The electors of Snowden township to meet at the ion* of Pete, m laid mrel * l ~IC tJknur ;C^M 0 . l . Bo * ,U,F, l TrU6lown * 1 “P ‘® «a*« «i Sterti*- “• '‘ ra ° :a -^ iM " r ’ io TheeiectotsofNorthFayeue lowashtp to meet at «r,- O M ,C | ,:OW !f Francis Jamison, «t Roi' gcr’ Ali.l, in said township. ’ , J?.f. »» meet at the honie alip C *'* l '* c * {,, ’ on tVAnkilnroad, in said town- ° { : Pis ®, 10 meet at lha house 5 04 c ’^vnship. Th- e>cr:<.rs of Wc;i Deer township to moot at ths Luuee Niuhnn Conley, m said lownsmp. i*J i ,r '' ,r - ru, ’ 1, „ of KastDsn township to m*»t at ths 'hr - iJJ ~‘ = nurougb oi'Tatei.uin. h-C- W... . Mai,- „. I ..^; ■er 1.... :„hij. u. Li-i .. j^L; • t e v*“‘' 1 ' t'.a poll of f Uwi; V ' ‘•'•i '••■‘•"IV. ir■»«.!.„< tl.- * «• * ll.'. li ..H. ,-| I. . i.. >» : t rgi- 1..,!, , n U.JIUi t . f;i- A-1, Uv« I a. lie luiui ucr u, i r.r . t t«, e . ~f„ .id C,W- lu tll , ■*. tvrac -f MiJ Cali.t » rtrca— Ulci.ce fUm.nr ■ ' wc«rr 7 i • uise to toe Sttatoi iow M b p »„ e . , ue l, „ j ®antu .t. .<> embrace alt isrin. or U.i» >uaasc *„ | • district, and tirnwn «. thr river Lieu,! Witi.i'- nit bouridfuira, ikali hereafter vo:e at all irtti. * ern.. i.e.-tic*'* in thi Borough of Ska psbunth, attha' e'esuon poll of raid borough. i Borough of Birmingham l 0 meal ••ir 1 UJ a Houac, in said borouetu •Icctnra nr the Borough of East H rhunsbam to KHj B“*d Office o( Oliver 1!. Ormsby, jq [ r.Tif. o' L , Pl “^ n of Duq«e*tw Borough to meet at the ' 1 Vri" c House, lu «aid borough. I nic e.e.:u-:*or the. Borough ol Lawrenccvilla to W ;JL* al J 1 uil ** fcchonl If onto, in said borough. the borough of Sharpsburgh u» meet ■ ' Sharp, in anid t<ore>ugh. .. .te £iu' , ,“as i ' fa,i '“ *• _™ e oC ?** South Pittsburgh to meet at t IC hnasc foNceljr occupied hr E. U’A&mqrh. •‘J?* etd i-i t..- Alodoueahela Bridge, in raid borough. t'no per.-m ( r Uansi orter. Ct.if p'rinn r>>r t*ur.. ycr f.enn,. • One j*er\oa tor As i.i. ? «,i-,ie.n, One person n.r tc*. One perr.on t*. .\i'i, w , ti,e r-c.a.r or IVnn.i 1 vania ciirnn.ti. T.m" «. A...mil!, lYnn») 1- coo”, A ““ , "> r '“ r Allcjh,.,, One pei*ci lor County Comruuatouer One prrri.il i., r Auditor. Our person ;< r County Sarreyor. Alio, u> Vote tor or agniiiat the following aurndrarni Of Ur 1.W..U.UU,, tho S, ate of Fatna,!^rd to by a ir.njrr iv of the tnamhrr* eleeted to each Lou*e Of Uie Leets aiurr. at two ruocetaive icimuu of the tame;— * “*® resolution relative to an amendment OF J lii; CONSTITUTION. ' ,T ,J, '‘ 'i* nalP and ~(>u‘ , ■ Ifepreaentu tii ! 1 'T»‘ 1 " ,l!uo ' Of Peun.yfv.m. i n orne ral Aa.emhly met. f mi t!>e Conoumtion of Uni lhnn ?/o n r«f : i h *? r - u ctl ,n . 0,6 • te ° nd S7 **’ n ° U,nl ‘ ,<?#J a ’ l fo'lowar Tke Judgea ol & K ~ l ‘ B"*. *«*«•«! Co«*a of uomao,, 4 . "' r ' ■' ,aru of at are or ahall tm eNU-. , r.hrd t.yHw.ihall be circled by the qualih-d r.c• tor.cii Uj\-. o.ijn»onwealtb. tn the manner todowuir, 1.. »ib Tor Judge, of the Sapnsm* Cw, '‘ P£ ! r!e r* 4,r ' ° r tl,e <s®»m»n%»*alih nt '.V*®* »i«e iwdoutJudgra ol the aoreral Courts of common »ir.ii. and .urn other i>urt< of Record a* are or >*at' hr r«-a|.l..*,rd f.y law, and alt other JuJgea re.|UTtd tn he renmed in the law, by the quail °r r ' HiM ‘ CUVO dt«trirta orrr whirl. UICT UTC lo pre.tdr of art u JuJgea; and the Aatociate Juugri in in I4.iin» of Uano, I’lea* by hr quali irn.-S' 01 * ®' * ; ' r c ' jnn “ e,rp *»«»’ely The J.id e n» ofthe Supreme court .hail hold their often ior «b« term of hnren yean, n they (ball no long behave themaelve* well, (ruhieet to the allotment hereinafter provided tor. Nuhiequeni to the ftrvi eleetion ) the I're ■idem Judeci of thr .everal Coun* of Cort.mon Pleat .■nd of »ueh »tber Court* of Record «i are or ahall be vnabli.hed jy inw, aad ail other Judge* required to be team'd in the uW f -hall hold their office* for the term ol ten year*, tf the? ahall to long behave them •eivea wc..; the A*roeiate Judge* oi the Court* of bommoQ I jra* than hold their officea for the term el I i. Tf .? rs “ " lCy ih * ll “* '“"y »*«h«ve thera.elvei I well; ail or whom •hall he commiaiioned by the tiovi emor. out tor any m.on-ble cauie, whiet, ahall not Oe lumeicnt groundi fur impeacheenty-the Worcr-ior ahall remove any of them *n the addrea* of two rhtrd* ofeaeh b , ao-;h of the lygmlature. ■Rie fimtelertion ■hal uLc place at the grnrral election ofthia Coauuon wealth next «'ter the utlnpimn of tbt* nmeodoanL and the eommiMiomof vllithe Judge* who may be then in office «toU« expire onithe Cm Monday of December following, when the t*ru. of the. newjutlfea *L*ll commence. The pemw. wbn *ball then be eJceted Judge* of Ui-eiiprcmr roan .ball bold their office* a* follow*: in Ul-.TI for thrre >ear«, one lor six • yean, one for ntr.e yenra. one for twelve year*, nod one lot fifteen year*, the term ofeaeh to be decided by lotby the *.:id Judge*- soon after the election aa eooventent. and the »e«uit certified by »hen| « the Coveraor, Unit ins commmlon* may be iuoed in ae ' Hiereto. The Judge wflfi« comnunion i wtl! am expire *ba!l ho Chief Juitlee during his term I-- aod thereafter each Jadge wboee eotaminion thal! i fimexpire -Shall m turu-to> the Chief Jaatlce, and-if I two ormore cctrxnlriion* .ball expire on ibe auaoday, the Judges fcelrii.y them shall decide by lot which ahall he ih* tftncf Justice Any vaejticiea, b.ppsniDA by death, itM-nstn'ii, or otherwise, in any of the said coaru,.bnll trailed by appointment by the Gover* nor, to rontiriun nil ihe brit Monday of December succeeding the next geceral election. The Judges el tho Supreme Cour: mid toe PrexidenUof the several L«aruo. Pi=a. .ball, at ataled uisci.receive isiiii r an ndequato compentaUom to be fixed b/ Ja«, Wmch shall not be dirainiahed during their ceatn.uiurem bat they shall receive no A?^.^ r jP, cf ** ,l **'* Ul4 i nor bold any other offic*- of proa; uiular thi» b-ommonwealth, or under the or T ihw B r 1,1 ° f ‘-it L<1 l "''‘ , or any other Butc or thl. I niMi, lie Judge* of the Supreme Court 4o ] r ‘ n (^ c ' t ui offiee. .ball reside wub.n’ thia tomitoluvrnith; nnl the „iher Judge*, duHna their conumiM'e m efflee, shall reude within Uie di.tnci or county for which they were respectively 1 clouted. js? McCaLMONT ' * I Fppaker of ibe House of Representative V. BEST, Speaker of the Senate. Alt ACT' Prrfcnliitg the Uw .uui manner of submitting to thf }*apie for u\nr r a/if canon or rejernon*/A» iirojioini Atnnuttnrrtt of the Constitution. \Vn<»**«, -v join: re«>iution lo amend ibe Consti tution of ihn >:omjcot.we«)th.in ike second see t.on of u« fifth artirlo thereof, by provldiar for the election of the joes** of rhi* Commonwealth oy the people, bar been mgrreii m by .1 hintomy of the member* elected to each lieu**-o; «,*• Legislature, at two sueeeasiTe teisimta of the mine, tie first commenting nn the first Tueroay of Jrtuian. in the year of oor Lord one Utcacrn-.il r-iit: hundred and forty nioc, end t! e second cohhm-m-iiic «n tin- first Tuesday of janaery. to the year ©four L < • u one thousand eight bundled and fifty And wtirrr?*, li i« provided in the tenth article of the CauMiianru. iliai my aiueadment ao agreed upon ■ball t>aiutiiiu;ir<Uo the people in such taanoerand at larb n®rj at trust three months after being so ■greed to t.y ii,c two houses, aa the Legislature shall prescribe; mere five . tJeelicn |. lie n craned l>y the Benate and Hosm of Rcpre»ruui,iv<‘( 11 ibe I'muraon wealth of I’enniyl * titr.cral Awrufity wet, and it is hereby en ■eted by the uiuncn.y v i the tame, That for tta -per ■•ecnai-.if* the rnue of tbo citizens of this ®^ h 7 rc ?* fJ <o the adoption err rsjeetion 1 i'. , “ t '' ~J,r <e’-WU»o<»flyerj>or of this Gammon. «r , * , ' 3r ' ? w,il , ot el*<ttJon, directed lt> the • *, n ‘ * Ve fr ehunty *>f Uis Common '? '■ 'tttt to give notice in tbo usual I ' l ** feel* ©f the townships rds, at d JUtr.eta thaieii»,on the second Tuesday jn October, in tt>e year of’our Lord one (teuiand eight ..tfialrcd and fifty, for of deciding upnu the *dci>tian ortereetiaaoi amd amend meat, wlmiti raid rb non iluUlb© b*Mattbe piaeei and bec|u:i.r«: am) rt-snl al tWUw,at.aiid witbin -whirb the general r'c.'iionsAf fb«Cawiao n wr« t fi I .are bald, opened and clo.-cd, an,l it shaft be the duty I of the lodges, .finped-fr, »ed township* vetr- 4 . »s.. • vc.cii.in, i.f in. , i-v . ~r p_, r , c . ; n . r .. t? for'Difilcrt of the f-r rrrel *•••-.>:: i 0 deposit them ib a hoi or boxes to ’.e fer that purrose Provided by ths proper officer*, which ticket* shall he labelled no the outride “Ara-».dm«M," srd there wbo ure favorahla id the amendment may aire by TOtiig each a written or pouted, or partly, wntten and tnnly pricted ballot, coniaiun.g on u r tasjdo therenf the word* "For the amepdmeut, s and fbote who arecppoied to sn?*i ofi:en'l»»nt, msy ex prear their opposition t y v«,n :p t s.onlar bullet Containing on tie mail)* tocreof Lie wunis “Again*; the amendment ” ijectien 9. That tbe clectiou on the said jmTotefi ameadsent shall ir. all rarpccts i-e eo-docted as the general elections of thi- f'cmrcorwctltl! are now con ducted; and it (hail tie the duty of the return judge* tf the respective counties sad district* thereof. fir»t hav ing carefully aicrnatncd of votes piver. for O' agninst thr said uueuiimrm :n -he truener sfoie said, to make rut dapliente returns therro' rtpreuted In words, at length and not in firutev only ore of which return* *<i made sboL he lodged in me pro ■tbOupiary - clticcof .he proper county, and U'e o he scales and directed n. in* r*erTftary of ihc Coiumou. wraith, and by-n.c <>; -.1.r -aid judges, fonhwai do ponted mi the jnost toovcmcni port offie*. Section 3, Tim a ii.bJ further l>» the duly of tE* Seereury efthr Con.wonweultn «n receirjre the re iani» for ti»e election lor mil n*n.n*i d.* ..,„j ment, to deliver tbf saute ioi£c Steak-r o- .u„ onorUcWh* fu-i Monday «««er lU or of the next f.c<j*Uiurc after ami return- -f-.M received, *»fc« <*bJ open nnC public tl.c s.-.nio in the pretence ofthe menl-er* ofthn frcute u, u n„ 0 „ Bfpre.cnui.te. on U,c next ’ißeeSat "jr r fr M when the number oi toic it,- *,, d th( . been lUU4 np nn.l meeneinej, d«»|.r, . ' UieGevemer, 0 ,"-" in olili.Comn,o„w',K J b >' “e Secuo'i 4 Tbe ,be„«. ..r„n,-r> ,f ,h, retcru cooiMi.-t „i ....... »uiifli«nimi r. nr uip nil »r, P n “7“ l, '" ! t.o dorc to C t.c effect to ,r. s ; : ,-,,n plot',moo? j. s Moim.MONT P J-Pfr.ker of the Hotw oi K~f>r*afi>t.uivr«. •V. 111.-T. Sp<*.k«-ro n.c >i-nu:e .!■ *J:.v i.i APtu. uue llmurauil 'V M F. JOHISS i'ON. .Appro»pii—Tbr i„„ bnnarcd au.t Q( ; , Ptnimi.VaWu., SS. \ -■" . J <lo iierr.hv criof)" shut A |„, V( - nnd fore < L • i coiBR r» x ii hi- nml oort 'f i r py of the or IR . *'•— nnl/.ae Uc I.encr»i a»-. m' lY,cnmJ*d "jl\ ~ i''p‘« «ih-n/ iuc.i tr.r bn i m..i t.-r ealisutUo* li pr** Vilb 1, 'T lu,ir t **#** , * t^o u> T'-IU»||1» I.ir in i!n. (•< 'wjiih'"' t finer hrr»omr. «-t mv ham; nu t rnnw.) in he adiir. ilMMalvi (hi* H.-.-rrt». r v other m tlx ncnih day o' >- pi.-ml.p-. .* I). our Hum-mild cbsli hundred and tm>- a I. Id „< ii..- .V-mmonwr-lUi, Anil hy nrtur r.ftl..* j. „ „ t u, e ...,1 of July, l<i“. ii wt.*. nartril inai cv-fj- perron except J«r*tipp» of die I'mre. v In. «' .< | an office or bp* immuunm of prow nr,r,.„- ui-,1. • ihr fcWmmmi of inr l. • Uril Slnlpy.. nr ui ilux Mntp. or ot aoycuv.or mfo.-piirxinj dim.d, w|,r.d,**r a <-ein.ms.,uu*-.i officer n . r a »abof Jiuuti- olticer »r *ueM,.nUn i« or OilJl he empbyrd uiiurr the Jodici-rr or tjecuiivc .lepo.n..rt.u nl in. Male or ihe I'tnlrtl Slater, or pf any J«iJ K e or mcorporalr I diurjpt.am) nl«<« ilia: .- y«* i, m-irr.ri ~r i’n;iprr«-. andfSTThr. «;,,ie i.ef!i«ui.ii.\ c.f ihr amt Common Oout.riU of AJiy city.or C ( .rr mi iK.,. 11 „ f . „ f ,„P < , r ,„, r , 111 . u U|4 . tf |'«k ** ,ll '' *“ w "*« a P“> Ip of hol-lins or rXermin* »l l tie Mint- nine u,e office or appointment I Juil*'. Inap.-eun, o- Clerk ol any pleriiob o' Hu- Comiaon f illii, rnd uiai any Ir.rpeeiur, Jud«e nr otter Officer Ofiiuy Miclipiceuou, mail noibc to any oOiro to op then voted. r ’ AUo 111 ana hy the 4ih arction of an n-l iipprovr.! ° { I^l '' ll u lh*l the 13ffi »ec tio i oftue aci pa**e.l July *>|. IK2I. entitled an net re n Ofl to tkr »Jprii on* of ;!ii* CommonWi-aUh. thall lor«^° n « ri,r 'l Mym.iH.a adii-Pr or *ir,W rtc,r . ftul, '*wi»r ** Juilyn, Inspect -t. cr n.oiUiiih!' ,n ' , ' i ■ C ™- ?,r”“ luc,a„ Oc.owr » «„o Wert to p,r P .re for tnoae du!i-a teijui'cJ tiy 1» w r y • Jivea ntdrr oy hand ami real nt Pjrt.ou-dh, tbia I7ih «”u5 rpp|G-tliti -yfcT (• i KTKII rdHTIA. BhenlL EXCHANGE EKOKEBS- banking ho us e J. i , AUWT»KU.-si-a>.. . So 16 Wood BirreC, Plttaburgh. 'URRKNT MONRV RIXKIVFn t‘N Ut*l'osrr n.aoc p*. ~! principal ciupj of the Plata, mnjrlnily A. VHUdits k Ctr., XCHaNGE BROKERS ° Alt!>O 1, ir jt to BANKERS, UKJIEBS IS aCIIJXIE, rax. 11AXK XC.TES, 2* •- I 4 FOtii T II STUK E T, (Next door to Uic Hank of ri;ulur^h.> auj-Jiuliru-.-p X. nOLMEd A IiOJJH, lUitktri, £xcli %u k « Brtkirt, *NU M-*I BBS NOTta.UKAITS.AOrrAVi sil.VFn AND HANK NOTKf* COLLECTIONS.— Not-* a’lri Accea**'u;<!» r»r«ble4nAnri>an«f'Jic Union. co!irc:ed cn£e mou In vorable irrm. EXCHANGE on Nrw Vatic. V’tiUfLt'ei«*him ind Hi!- bmore; »|»o.Ctiifmn*ii. LouisriLe, bum I.t-iiu »r;d A:-tr Orir*n», connaml v f->r*“»e IiANK NOTES.—Nmr« nit rolTrat ,r m« tailed Slal;*diteocnlpi! auhfl lowest r»tr*. Al'i.r.di •‘"fPWttwJ Amenenn Gold »«d SrlrrrCoin actlW RUAUVAL NHOLMU& mi\*! I.rtv.- ;br'rßank *,,nß Ji’leliir.cr Olbce lo .Vc (>T \l--ke' *t <«’«f _«iw>U beisw o,J •:, j VOUUICH KX< f!A»;<: c. »> ••' ""».•* a* i • It.v . A.-4.. l)ri./-.4 J.«vn-.i r in -n-fir; i»*j ij,.-,,,,. & » *.»»>«. -t r..w ... or by. JOliW/A RttillS- AiiJOl IKaMSJI) - ' , B KEAflKtt & RAI7EJ, ANjCSOS ANU Ka'‘lla>i';| J'-J * •KJ’RS. «i«R>r* m J Uiii. . : ljeinace, Oer u Z*‘Wort £££ " -• . v ._■ . , _ rT4V->Jl> W B. «au,H.l " 7v T . V^z^uj: XIOIiISU A U^BSfia'T, \ir»OLKi#ALEtikoCKt:S •ud-C<.nimi<«u>'' Mrr ~»¥ cUI.tV.No 41 Wofl.l . nptto.Hr M lTto»M*.p ll'*re ao’f rev«iTiiiff ami oi’rr tor . lf fair*. u foll.lWj; ‘ liopkß*V 11.. lu,p <, iv | .v m 1,1 < r .,... tnd Bl.c* .l. &UM M.va i» «, M Vara. ?oup*g>3«SlU>jUf4&rib.( *M4.» ,amP -^ s J ,< ? lrToto ' C “-i SIJIWM.qr 1 1’X. WM>*g* Pro, l*acui)r« t ] J iT.v;.a»(Fui.n< a«i! Java Coffee. ,i iV.*j •H* wh«li N O S«|pir. - | '.*•&l'i» li v> o U0149.c3 - Kmi..tu i',,.-'..t, 40 I'r.ipo*-. x , n uu Hr, - | .\„J ■ nil loti mars. •; f mu lirujr.ii S„-» lir , T» U '" • -Vl.*, • »'* 1-un/p (!■; i l *>*ir X e ’ '*' '-A* ’*«* M+Vtctrl. |b , J t'iw>i*r>U !e !>• Oi.» K.o»lUNia|). J« j.j|, .“a..'! 11b*"*Joz poj iiurkrW. I SUO*, s ;ar «l, a < i'i» Oi'ocoitic. i {;, p., u„... , ?> t>X« tVhlll* I 10 |.J, Sa-ll- l Atnnnl - llfcwmtw,.,. ripe. | nJ: r I i.-ui a„ (t i )n ,j «*/;>> SeoiclrAKapecsjimd T„i, a( . co ’ 4MC3 Rice I „ c 0 ,, 1 i", * n , ‘ “• i ‘ r - n. , , , «FV TF . Oil- Cl.oTlfn. W NcU.UMTUCt. ” utwnmr at hi. Cart..; »» • »* ■ rehou.e, No 75 I'onnli .i/.-,-, ats) :r, u J,,J *iri--i. t ter) h*od«omß auMmuipni orcJTfi^j,.... pn*.«a lu ntrt oi tlxr follotrine K<cli and cleg mu itrle Veiret i*ih .-r„ pr t K ci. tnd elrpwu tivie Tr.pe.uj Superior Eacjnh Aarr.ran Krj-.M, ... iai , t .Hp.3r>lyC»rDeu i I Ka««, O.nlif oujuHioe do do; | ~o[i, To'i/-i| Hit. « i 'l° Injrntn do; | ' Lnc A bnp dodrr, I TuJtod 'ln:. Oout, i«ll wool, do do: I Hrd*' ’ i <lo oou’n etiaindo du; I Co~o Man- , do couoa dodo; 1 2u\e a O -' , * Terr iinre »wn m »„ t o’’ Trimmer, ‘it i Slf.uj CimarM. M., n , r ,, i( . Oi! Cfotfu. /. .CT l., t r , l ~p ! »n width from trr trehe« i« -i hanifMrse *tyle», cot lo tit any Ftred\oui..' i„ti «V ’rteoboJe. 7 ,Uul “. or T'CMOC* of eood»will be ,oM *i ehrm. ,i. r * can be porcliavej tn »«r of the r*r-tern .iv We ir.\ i;r every body to callwho wi»h B bircn,!- ' _\v Md'UN ro-'K vt suTki'ES- iup Lj. nr,.„,n~"\v h 1“ liitfi' tol.l J.v, <Vtfr,:. HI tr««* LojjnsTri* do-' *3J bap* fancy Bi*. ,| O , 10 hf rltmli Cbulnti Te»: tl) Caddy tsi nun (u.n.i 4° do prime «»recji •PPif eli'ii* do; 10 lix« hunch Ra!On«: -I tiair* *n(i fhr|( Almond*; B lift/ f’Utr Plirv >{«i J.rrron t* j;r*n SlilrllcmrAjinhir ft f„ lie lUbxaitrnmn. Ccron and No 1 do, - bx* Aloinml And Palm Ko:in; So hx» Raimi and Vnrimj*t»i! M>n ft doj (Hire and Ilorrieaui j ‘J do/ IVpper Mance; - dm (arrkui ft Walnut I’icHen: - do* Fern Water. P ea*e Itotian Marcsrom; • ft caura do Veria.eeUi; V <Jue* purr India Currie Powder d rase* mperfinc R tr r Fi-. ur , Ifttirl* rrt»‘;rit ft puirciui J Soran Ji> brh iitiall lytiafj “ r '"' 10 P*r 1a put'" C u'r; Vinrjrnr. UidOe (Jorn ((room* For aaleby j j, Wj/.UAMI A: CO —!? >>7 r Wood ft FlfUi ii. JOlin UYLfc'H t>POOU MlLu, TJixpreti/tj ft* Snetnx, ° * T ®‘ d .lke many jur.mvemenpc aue ltl l,„ r ,h* u«e of the rutunoHry Skrin. th* ai.orv art, He won. mac It, «»d for .Jon* nme warned. hwi sr!vJ been a matter of anonMhniroi thm »«« ronrr.n'rn.ly ,p„oir, 7o7«""" r«i “W-MIl, m> much morn v-tmnhlr i,._ tMrs " teh - i, d‘p*«u l iy.i , M mj„i i*. c „ ovrfCf , llie ~ t , U {.i,c I* 0!P red a good art'el.*, v put up \“r,, fcnu-ni form for do»arM,c ujr * a l '"'‘ The only pl.j P eti«m .u„ ... *ppsreiU-*m»U tjnoumy ol( L „ rll ‘ * ' “/ expand Emb spoil .« yard* of Silk; while the ordinary r ! ,f !, ’” n A {Si&xi* “ oiu ' crtai, ‘ ■»«».«* t Tu« Spool SiJk i* res.ly for it* *, „„ lltT)r • Cone, end it only need* a teal, to , g nv „ ln . , t „ J tteptlcal nfiu topenonly irisJaiiiy l<uj Pi „.f,Jrrtnr lap nr at anJ csnrmieitt form in whim i; . tl ha* crrai „ vr r the m* iM , „„ £J; 'T.M Ae trtlium of Wtntlunf, tluj vt-astir,., „/ *>*d llic lo*< of trmr to ptCfmrmjr n t-tr u»' SoiJty WM..11. Ilf HLSiW ANNA rfoN.s* il NVirlM 7 liird au I’liilaxlripiai ' lIURSTMANN.JJKO’** f.O i Maiden .Lane, Near York. I Sole A*enu j jyTO-drcdgtn TirillTF BUAN3-gLri»rt C ’Afor «Ie bj Tf *«p7 J 3 B CA.NFIIXP MiSHELIiANEOns. "• i'w-ws, ' VnckXc<i, <J°- g™,-*—lV^. «»* nrver Moon. i Lnn,„,„ r ,ho,rtM,En,itT«t ) A New .Medley Sons. •|>e V 4 rVe ***** H*e BPint that Loved Thea. £ K? d 'loT t De . P J a ” nre ’ b T iS.*V|“ 10 ,h ° Once at lioma. •Home where e’er the Heart is. The Vankee Maid. Uw Bark'd Car. bp Lover. you ever think of me. Hemtier Gentle Lady Jre'iuieGrry. < Wd'Sa C<!ll(lriB *’ "’eddlof, Wreath, and Daiiy Itfclehelnr. Maiden, Bella Weha, Conoert Ladiea’ T Vn[: CaUy V Lily, Alice,Evergreen,Sara-* «rn : . Adieu, and Liity Polkas. - maya ! TKABI TEAS 11 TEAS Ml WK enter not into the list of puffers we altout Hundred* of ChertTlm.^« »7$ “■’.:V' , n,J„ r «7^SWntiii fftorffasa-riSRs SiC“ ‘■‘KitKSK: I T^ C l f c * l Tea imported into the U. State*, 0 #! PficvA, damage*!, or Inferior Teas wT do not «eep. MORRIS A HAWORTH , - rropneton of tho Tea Market. —s£ - _ bast side of Diamond .Clraat American ffUehaate*! Work. D. Arpirion ACo , New York,have Ineouree ofpub lication. in pan,, p nC e twenty five cents each, /w . , adictioiary Of fllachirrs, jilechanuj, Engxnc \Vork,andEn gtneermg, deigned Jor Protocol Wording Mr», and those intended for the Engu nerrtng Pnjfesewn. SBITSD BT OUVtI >Tin T“So «?oi K «• ™ will contain a7s. M? * u p *?“’ * aJ npwarda of Six thou * t iu.i nutiu«. It will pieseni worfcmg-draw i_c,? “‘’p ‘ lca.»nptmn«of the moat important machines An! *.,} • C * - I ,nd «;P end ®»‘ o' *hc retails ol ai i nr," uigcnaiiy. it will coulain complete praeti -7' •'lcrhauica, Machinery, Knxme.work, ...... bl.’2 ' o, ‘° D , !, J rrl ol a '" public.uon j,. , 0 pj,„ b .. fore T-r.tmral men and students such sn amount ol 07, : , , 77'7 7i lJ w ;7'“? e knowledge, in a condetiaed orni, V 'hall enable tbent to work to the best ailvan ‘•;r e ’ *' ' 1 HVoid those mistakes which they nueht r£ i f°7 roil L T llO »n»onntof asefaJ in/ormatf. n *mh work*. Indeed, there is hardly any tnbiect «iiLin It> range which » uut treated mill sach clear neaa and prc« t*«m. that even a man of the most ordi ■ I ’.' rannot (ail of undemanding it, and 1:2!:"" ,u 11 "“ ok ■■ - 5™.,“; b.»™,ocJ. ra.rtlc V , x -\ ma - te lhe Work a* complete B.posaihl.-, and •» . ui i*e>l every nee deuroos to obtain the work will U»p r p B .Her|. t ,LV > '“ eJ i 0 number *- anJ Ulß# •nconrage Wf,rk will be iuued in icmi-montbly number* 1&i0 -‘ nd •>«*'- wuh .. vs e .u W , Ltt,awo ‘ k . wlll Published in 40 numbers, renf veer t Tn'' * n ? POln P lelcd *Uk»B the cur •gettw' ’ A kh"* l <b*coant will be made to Any one remitting the publishers «|0 in advanc «Jlieu»e*' ,e **' " urk u,tOB * h Ute post office frea i Oplßlow* of the Prsu. lo our nameroua Manufacturers, Mecheuies, En •• k oang men, arm yourtelvcv with it* knowledge.— » e can with confidence recommend our readers lo po>scm iheuKcircs of iu numbers a* fast as they ab . American Artisan. r “We uutie»uaungly commend the work to those en gaged in or latererted in mechanical or scientific pur S* il*‘n««Uy worth? of their exatmnauoa and sudy. —Truy,(N. k BudgeL •‘h u trn’v a great work, and the pabltshen de serve Uic thank* ol Inventor*, machinisu, and menu lacuircr*. a?id indeed of the public generally S Y Independent. 1 “Tlu*_hieum»ary will be highly useful to practical ntcchaniri,tu>d valuable to all who wish to aeuuatni turinsolvcN with the progms of inventioo in the me- I’hanic ’—New uedford Daily Mercury “\oung mechanic* oughi to keep posted up in the i-'rtical •»* wel: a* praet cal knowledge, and tin. wo.-t win «uow ihemjuuhow they *tand>— Roxhurr Ma»r.| Adyeruaer. ’ .Jlsy e !? to kbo work that acorns and bun umoa Ofour Intelligent mechanic* have dnaired to po*- •ess. Svi ample are ns description#, and so full and imnute ns speeiiicauona, that K seems to as that any mechanic might contract anv machine it describes, on ■he ■ renjjih ofits eiigravtngs and iQttrueuocs.”—N, Y. t. .iramcrtial Adveruser. • Ail n:verc»teJ u> mschames should avail them Jivc.oi t* ad»a. l ug**."_Scb ay u, i i > {Penn ,) Joor *-A wort d! extensive practical utility and great im portanoc A isJ value to (he npidiy tnereaung mteresu of .he country. \%* regart tbe work as eminently calculated lo promote the cause of science and the cmctiame-i. r.ri». aud todisseminaie valuable informa tio.l O l tl.rj.ti subjects.”—Farmer and Mechanic. „.V 1 r ’'. <,,:r "* ~ orn ,n 4,1 **ned wails of meehani r»i rv,..i » u.ti.acmrtng tndustryi engineering. Ac, will U:.J tr, t j;i• work a Lreasvra which it will be u> their 1 «,V- ln v —Tioy Daily Whig W e havQcarefuiiy punted the number*, and have no he*.U.iurt 15 .ayutgihai itU lhe best work for me rannics.tradrrincn, and aeienufie men, ever publUh > d. for it c-rtnialns minute information on every branch m t.ie mechanical arts and sciences, expressed in a *<y.e a.,4 :atßiiagc intelligible to any reader of ordi nary copacity."-tjiouc«st*r, fMasa n ) Neva. W e nre sure wc are doing the mechatics of Nor wich aid other parts of Coaaeeileat a service by “ringii g Itie work to their (i onn , t^oarler -Is i» just rurtia work as every mechanic should pours* Frretntn'* Journal. «»•_ ....i i.._ ... . . Wo rotwtjrr a one of the mod useful and Important publications olthe are. N’o mechanic can afford to l>« without i' '-.Ntwi/i, (V JCommercial Conner. m, ild tinoti publications haring (or their ol» jcrl the e.ui-icauon and advancement of the mccbani eni arts a-id «-ie:trra, none that we have seen, n to Jo ; P" 1 "? 1 ** 5 »• •'•l* Buffalo t ei '■* el o p A H ' rr ‘ r *P r 't wore r«er-offerrd to thr |.U’ i.. i.r», t„r > r«r.. i iu g i JW ~, .. a o.d in»«e« :i-*crepiat.le to a:i •'—Souil. “U « i. gar it a* *>:te of the moft CAmprehrasive and vniuab.e. us well a< cheapest worts ever published " —Baltimore Adver.i*rr <« <•* :.ikuu by every one desiring lo keep f’ B ‘ * w, ’ > ‘ the progr***.. of «n and acience in every on* <i: i.i<- o' i-iviliied life.*!— Rondoat Coiner. “U I* •>*ts'r.esi after the principle oi Ure'* D«c ion* ry. "nly that i: i> rum devoted to the mecbaiiicni end ei:»:ineen„< >.rme«€,r>ii«. ai,d abov.* all. .» valuable *« acroaip.finig |,-r Ameflcs wfca Ur* he. done for Knrianil. vfr Or'crib-ng American machinery end wore* nr an Scientific American. '•liM pu. called in tioraOer*, ead at » price to mode rate, I'-nln.? j; «hii contained in each number. m*i uo one who lia* ihe !e*«t imereat in inch mailerv need he deirri-d irom procuring it; iad every one who «ii, Mr. hud in«: ne ha. in ■ eoudcn*ed tarm an Ksinuni «‘i mererunn which would be olitattied, if at ail, on.y :>) iin- purchase oi very many volume*.' —,N t Couurr ami Knrjuircr. “The i ■•lu.'Tchcinifcneaa with which ihe vobfecu are treaird. the ailiu.rai.Ja manner in which they are il'miratr.i, compile iu make tbu one of the moil dcsi rah!- wr.rs. -HriuinraUc Review. ‘•fhi« vrnr* rliould l,c mibr handaof every mechanic, artiMn. end in.iMif-.rlarrr. specially thoae who have Lie .1 4.1 |l-|' , l*U„||. 11l p i cal in their rctpertlve bu«|. nc*w-< Up j, iv- rv'fiujjy examined it, with a view oi rci ouunrii.Jinr >i n> mrniwt. To them we would «ay in we -tronr language «( thv Bible: “It i« good l.uli.iuor- tn*.- u i., r r Journal. Aoftre lo i.:r J'rxrjir-isUrTnf Pfewpapeft throughout llf l T nuni Hi.iitu and Canada. i'i'i- foternlng advertisement I* married five unie. Jorinr i;.r \ nr, and i*, c paper contain* n »em m **, “ ?! 'i ’•sT° , ' t Wll ' l>e ***** * TaU * m P»> rn,en i M'ALfIBTKU'I OUrrnKlIT, (.otUatiimr no Mrrcury, nor other Mineral. rpMK '‘litownic i-vn.uomai we* given by the eele- A Ur. Ui-o.irr (Web. the author of the greai me. leal w..r« enmied “The AmeHeen Practice o. Mcdiei.ic and f-ainlj C| rviciati “ • U-tvii e been made acquainted with the ingredients wi.i'i emnpi.H; McAliivter’* Atl-ilealing Ointment ami LSi .|| K prracnbeU »• d levied it in veverai eavei. u iu) privaie j./acu'-n, i bsve .u hesitation in .ayinr or crrufiu,, 11. ii,.. . V.„u.U, n-n,d r . coni.ifin, no minera! .uh.ia.ice whatever, thal Hi ingredient* uiobined a. (hey arc, and used e* directed by the Proprietor. are „nt only harmWa, bui of neat value. hHnif a truly •oientihe Remedy of great power: and/ • heerfu.il irromniend n a* n compound which hat ■kmc mach /ood, and which ti adapted to the care of u ercai variety of cues. Though | have nevereltner ecci>rtmiei..i<-il ,>r engaged iii the aale of secret medi cine*, regard for the irulv booevt, conscientious, ha maue character of the Proprietor of tbi« Ointment, and in a valor of hi* dtacovery, oblire me to tay thu much regarding it. NV UEaCH, D. D." New \otl. April ad, 1M«. fo^nimnT’ - !t l * ° ne 0l lba bcit In the world nLfc>}.—Thnuaaod* are yearly eared by thia Otnt mt”t' ~rvr' tn Rtwinw relief. Uu-cr*, and ail kind* of Sore*, It haa If iloihoridand Nur»c* knew iu valae in caae* of HwolJrii or Sore Ureaal, they would alwaya apply it. Ui aoch ca«M if u*rd accordia* to direefioaa, it mtrea relief in a very fi »v hour*. * Around the fmi ire Uireruotuforaitng MeAlUner** Ointment for H-rotula. Mver Complaint, Kryaipeiaa, Tetter, Chi blmn, .Scald Head. Bor* Eye., CjlineT Horn Hiro*:. Hro-.clntc*. Nervou* Affeeuona, Patna! 0^ 11 ' !<fv, T- Ache, Aithtna, J»e*fnea«! Ear ArU*. I.ur:c> ( i orn». all Diveatc* of the Skin, Sore i l jp«, » mi;... » Ac , Swelling *f Urn Limb*, &orea, JUicoinaiiPiu, Pi.pr. t .old hcct, Croup, Swelled or Bro ken BreaM, fcolli Ache, Ague m the Pace, Ac. From the (trading Eagle. There w™ nr*e.. perbap*, a Medicine broajrbt be foie the pal'lir, that ha* m »o »j,orl a lime wonsech a reputation AJcAllmer’. Ail-He.iJn* or World »al»e. A intuit evr ry pcraon that baa made trial of it •poaia warmly in Hr pmire. One baa been cored br Hof the most painful rlicumMUm, another of the pileL Aa anoaior 0 t u, e wonderful heating pow er |««aru««l Uy trn* „*jv P we rubrom the folfowma eertifieoie, fram a rcp-ctaSle clliten of «aidencreef towuihip, tit tin* county: creea Mc«ar«. itiiier &. t-o:—1 desire io inform yon that I ™ ctiuid). c.rci of . wr.ro pun 1011. b«k,br Ik. u« of WcAlbrlu'. AUplln W BU.e. WUoli I p. ” I ctmMii.from you. I-übrn rlwii a for . bou[ ~ ‘0" u.au Dutaj lk«i ;,".T tried ranoos remediea, which were preaoribad byphyaicianiand mher peTMmwiibopi relief; nmlaitaitmado-uiai of ml* Saive wliH auil favorabl* beyond rrweurion. I aro’newenulT ly free fro® ibr paiu, and enjoy at rrtjht * p«a^hi r " D,u - _ . lr o{ loe *boae medieine rnnetpat fMTr.-e, No & North rartyuteLPMUdd. •‘iUL’K as chirrs per cox. Aann* tn ytWACMu.-D A. FaJmeiloek * r>„ ron.enr of Wood and First »[.: «££ w *»« Liberty •Ucct L- Wilcox. Jr* f£r£, ofMark* ftre<-i and llmniond, alto corner of Fomh aa< t r*itmhfi«ld ureru: i. If. CMMl,«oniey o/wtw Snrn!,r,rU *, frvm “ ,wu “" <■> ljiAlltrbr«r«l)'>.>- , lP.Spb»iru«lulJ.Doi,.I u . B> J. ti. L-umii, Birmingham; D Na*u» K«t Liberty; -11. iowtetfil. foaXeSgEtS. SiilSdS J ':• E^ A^ I JWC 1 LLMEOtIS J-rL lit,"?"' i " iTIiD .NYMPH SOAP, •lielii emminn. i c -' ’r person* u diafigared wjih (hit it nSSWi 1 •“P‘«fc Ae., ud wten ifcar- ' ,s '& ££% rendering ar ‘‘* rra, kcaiiiij *ll eruption*, and blo» min* diLrte * l WiU skin aoA, fair; and V*° ,-cen m tba of niuirordi- L s a .rr‘ ~fd M i lUt I * e,Buru ‘ Moo o hJI?. Njtr.ph .-nap. m imparting t delicate mie arn-f t:,e li * c4 ' iace,©rhand« from chap ob. rniptior!; “h ' B r , Ui “ J ‘ ori * "“."•“If »« coune it merely Urvo. o'» >? •■" «*•>■»« perfume, and ilthr « properties, reudenn* colon ,i n:sr cm b ° “ cd wiu > '* fc, y - nj r, ' ts or necks are dii&gnred with *' ~lr inorpoetr, 4.c , tboold make , uls “ Heuer« Nymnh Snap, as Uie proprietor, ,h "™- *•«« «w use will rider the juni the moil a,»-. a^' !t,u hJLlhJfJurt’lS’biS * ““i'’ *i Ull *!** ° u t,lie wl, irh at the »»me time ali poweitoi and cour, :) h*rtu!e»*. Prepared only by JLLL:> HAi'Kl,, Perfumer end Chemist, l-“) Cli-itnni creet, Phila. For tale *ml r-tml by B. A. Fshnesloek • • t j‘ J R- *■- Srllrr *- J-mshorsh: and John Par* Item and J Mitchcli, Allegheny city, to. ieS f BKCORD lIA9D PIANOS- A GOOD Mahogany >-mno Forte, fi octave*, second hand —*lOP 00 a uaiid.ome upnghi lla.m, whU Rosewood .*? U «»id in rood order l«Hi Oti A. plain 5J octa I’m, A good G o.'t.vr riai.o A (rood 4J o.lirr lure may ty 1 wiili lutmtaune furm- 75 00. JOHN H MKLLuri s'l Wood *t Rlelatlc niKht LlehL. CUPKROKm.-v,, , B . O eonibuaUMc, ivrfl.y a ( .o,:nnji.. e r ,* , oil. .ml pre *•> n'«ch ohycried ui Ml »H il™ 1 i 'im . »!'••«inu| of the common a”,' w *" *»■' .nr nmbrr 1.'.11. rfumc. • .jorfm, „„ .f„. L Becked <*nd tor .air t. y JOHN D MOKtirtN “ y “ . Oracicist » * g '“ 5 u<. 7l ,„ T V Or-t. r. ,‘ tr ~,r t. „l | ,.d.p,.<irtll v “ , T - -'’l- -<••'<>-.1 .^b«r»eu«J S»rs rir.r,"i:r ,m - r ‘ *" W M A A Co, . m V-» Vf-tl.-PcM,,t Auicrleao*n»cltitDlc«l Work. APPI.KTON A * o. TJ.-w Vurk.iiiiTo in courie • of iiuli.ii aliu" i* »..<•-« I'tirr iwmir 6*r emu each, a lUtrri.iNA H\ »• M ..Miilc., Mrrlmnioa. I jl- IjOe Wmt «r.J r „r Practical orruif! ii. .. i, r J for Hi« Engineering jiroirmion. I du.-.l | > n.,»rr H-. nir ' Tbl* work |. o' i» >• •• -\<i nnJ will contain two thousand pa»er, Ull ,i urwnrrt. of *, x ibou.aml tUurtra uon.. hwil 1 w.., k -,. c .,,,1 de«crip uom of the mo. li.tp.lt-.., machine* in the Untied Stair* 1 iideprtulriu u.- re-nh, of American »n - win .-oma,,. coniiirtr practical iirattaca on Mrrh-iiira. Mn-',..,.,, I'.-tritir Work, and Engineer ung, with all wm i, ur.-tui m mure then ouo thousand dollars worth m i,. .i, maoline. and other tx>ok». Sir nunitu-i. r;.«,»e<!, and for tale It the V" l * H HOPKINS, *P*" Apollo Huilding*, Fourth at. HKW STOCK OF PIABOS. SttA^.-.j.)J;^ B j, W CHICKERING’S PIANOS. John U. Mrllor, M Wood Street, PilUborgh, BoJc A*eni t!> l , i-!ir..firsnim. for the «»le of »> <>.' l-.tMIATF.I) (•rand >ud Square Plano Fortes, iu j. mm ihe raumcal puMic. -> that li<* h’i* in'at r.Ti... uid will rcrrtv* tnJ .•X|>o«e lor .air. ,'nrut Hi.- ninrmi month, tb«- ltr <fl | and rami deairakir moci o' r.auo Forte* erer offered ror»-tV in :hr «r.| iht- nuruUer will t>e found a toll mppiy oi Suo.fl> r-ircl H...-too.| lir.iul Plar.o Forte, with all 16c rc.-e-u iuj"ru>f rifim in Rrcchaiiiam and •tyle ol cxiemir u-ren ofltrr Square rnrtJ Ivi/abrUitu tjid L<ogii " “ ll u mrcr »•'». i <>.’ •<. Xli<- »»rlnai Mylr* of t*i»- ** r ' ■'•* l- fn.ni *!»i lotnOOnpa r'H>arcu i-r Mr uuK.rn.i,; for U»- i-rr»-«i rear. * l*ti*rf.nrr« atr ;h«< I'M- yn t U 0 f y f . Chirk »iuu« I innoi |n.«f i. -, «.1: ronunsc 10 hr. sbr Mat 'hr n;.iiui..-.,'ij 4 „ ttijitoa, wiihoat char>r for irai-.p.-nau.K,. , r. .y- and «es u,un V* t * n *J’ t ' irT - fut >»’ the city. wiihoat charge, mrjr * U _ PKTIIOLTSrsf, OR aocu OIL. “Flm/f «tp r: ncivee and aarui iiirni »rp ii" .1: , >-' 1 1 1 .liiiMophv.’ l »T1I!K VIKTVKs >•: :.m retae.ip. tQ d A M'r fou »'»«- iu( 4\, t lo t |, e rrotuieior. hualrtducrd L;i:i I I 1,-iv- ;»a; tip ,* bolt!** Wiljj Ife. ,!,r ' •''*«•&« n - the public. The i KTKOl.ki M I. pra. from ■ wall in lbi» mubs;. -- > dept* of '««: '.-..ar-u feet.. pttTe l#| . ■lstifru’ctJ ariic c. wiibrni; m 5 - citenucai ctawge, bet jum !«• Bewt from Namin'* r.rcaljatJiralorTlh Xb«n no tenser a n..ur, of 0 -- mamfy There are m*nr s»v: r ;r r^ op.u bottle. ■. •. '• I--,...* it* cure of d.« im the com.», i >■•>.! ,i... ' can* jof ,1 .rr u a •fe» j* •' d " :>•••! .i!a 1 .:c mild Wide •or »*»•• J oi e.< . ... . - all umiM'iirrls. . M: rn>> T, i •*V.^ r l y t ) ; ‘,a N * r >■•■ -a-li ,\er<roi'■ !*• ■^a»-. !•! „ lilXil. l.i )'* [•» .i • . O'u Sor»-. .1 »ulmi« Horn , I'., . 1 . * rcflcral ruSK- *.-• pnr.m< lour ai-l •• -rcu.-d »nd ft nr ÜBl -4 r*»f\ i/r,*mr’u Vr'l'tr *„Jrr »!,«• u.r ..1 |‘, 1 K.-1.t.. SI rhr ,**<*<> . (ir ,. j 4,1 r^l'llcUi . P M KlHt.’i ;,. a . i: hl , n h Ah \\ U , rt a. m ! h»wl'Ll., •. B:i'. »iio«r«h!' fOr ii*t SVn^.i ''.■•l-llf U.I...UATT.K 3 O „A Price KdOariil r P«K -rns.'RißKK** Mu . , 1 ui.lv ...I ... , ~ ‘ , ‘>*r*r»n. ben , "'' l '^.* p •4 ty U.Miu.um, |.,= . • ■ , .rf"“" CTor vv MlTi-MKI.TttKr i ' l * n * CAR WARFHOHSE. I? ' T*r**»:ty ' 2 3 Ln*l,ah and (Üb-.,!, - Klira bupei&ne Inorna] - •• r rj S. PC ,B„. T „ !j Hopi>r{ii.e liigrain | i.i. . , Knu iu,, T , I.J l« »»j>rr ~«.«mCboni r..,,. L n "»*. Jo do , rafted Rura; Common, til wool. . " aonon M.IbuJJT.,, VrtM Hf H M4t Wl ! i , ,|,.. irr }-*• I. | -i.J U-4 filoiiM't, U« and Rt, r.tViw » Fumed fimon tV H»it M oniriojn .t«> *; :.'<f i.i! ;«• t>,. uf M.t, 'Tuhr.t .• ' M, 7-4 i M, M, 4 4 mid |; ’ B, ‘ d 1 »«“i I MtmnrJ iB ioeti pmem Oil Outli.* tor cturt. ; ;P.*tr« [.riniad |ntio cove | j»0.».ic.l * n . . ’ I'Mllc ” t mud wo,.icn >• Kiei>«»«d j»unJ » J-H'CII nn.l ” oa<D4«k hmr Jouen; turkey Nd Chinixee: ire »l-rr.Jeri„ g: * ° lolh T * bl n , TMki»«. Bine ai.d Drab Cloit*. Crimson Plosh ’ Coteb OlN'loihi; D*m«V. for Lining.; V\ ate red Mornus. Biff IlnUeridfa* \V*Ui«d e « Transparent - ’ French (rantp •• Venetian UlmUs- te, Hr««« su»r R<iJi; ntmli„ K i; Julr nnj C.<>po Mala; A.n-nin «jHi*krletonMatt; *■* ai " l *-» Orren OH Cloth lot iJiinilx; [lfuok t :,a,.| 1 )i a ]>c t ; .?* m "!‘ l ■PP«««I KniT* n width, wlurh ,?, o,ai ‘ urff ' »* “> * fret re»Ut.olc.«.f.ny.ji,. 0f J‘'V U 1,1 ,vom *' hmllt ' .and, lu» l Vr” l^t"| e *' l |o’'[ j n ?. ‘l'fc-t from Knit- Carpcia, «*, c , d ' n ‘ v ' M ‘v' ’ Mf IMTPS. These MTtc. and l-uerru,. 1 ! .) I^.;' r " *.H be .aid „ pnc „, *”'<•■«»«*» 7'°«; for in any of U, c “>7u * ' ‘ e *’ urcl, * !,0(1 llarinc the Jaraeat 1 , >. most Isiaionnbla libinvim Ir " of Ihc richest sod fIVN INUIUwVa mnKK lo quality and che»p„t„ 11 * w! " rb /lir before brought mthi* °* price, any ever Men «nd afnch juLV?'!- »• >'»■ ""•’""•"•I oeee..« o ' j n n„, n.Uele. '!’? “f™ “e -nl)- Sinle 80,1 ißWer Ihnnitjl to niV**! * l ’' l 1 ■" ““ Bflfl ** P Blc fi**co cl.rWtirip m Uii« rltf, .... WVI M*CUNTOOK. S 5” ,I W7~ H *i« 7-4 and » 4 Table Unans Rosua Crash; Scotch Diapers- I Brown Lino, Nnpklnr ! U l“'“ A A Ooo<l*. * 'titaiSS between «mas«rtof &re*X \" re ao " «'<•»*« «- tlfo rfew ■rti-i,, Tr,, *' aui *t l ff»iiut Cloth*, an rn* a large WMnminta/V'Hi rn,flr **• w 'oi of ibe Uimi Mvlfit’?! «'jJ other Urcu (iovd*, MJIM ttsdlnojtrtjihipculilc color*. "f«■« Wall lw ft??," 1 *? * ~e* “" d «*«««■ ««««•'«» of French and Intern .lylci, u> gold, ehamoU-oak, plain and brel. color*. : W. ¥. MAItiiHALL, ll.iie r* O. Hill,) t-i Wood street J “>« Whole £*™,w,£ y * Co ®'“'«*l- n , and Forwardin* bu.i -“J J* O K. N.and W. IL Waterman. The w**o_ be condncied under the style of „„ *• - 'V.’fKKJUN. T INBEEDOIL-iaV»U«rt*wold’. brand r«’d bT JU Hfl >* ;n CANFTRLU f Jf! ASPORTATION LINES ' ISSO ISSO ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. BOATS of tbu Lmewilt leave regularly, and ' ii»e< freight* without transhipment. J C INDWELL Pittsburgh, "l JAMKS COLLI .NS, do. (.s-ents UIDWKLL A BROTHER, Rochester.) iisstftga 1850 rrh-vFfjft. . BSagCSZa BID WELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. Fn.vi Pittsburgh to Columbus ami Cleveland, through the nrh and ooynlaus mtntties ofColtttn liana, Carroll. Stark. Tusearauxw, Coshocton, Musi-uifrum, LicXtug, and FranUin. Tbv cotnpieuou of the Sandy cuul Beaver Canal opon' op to our city chrongh this great natoral cantral route n direct communication to the above as well u the aborning counties of Wayne, Holmes, Knot, and Delaware. ’ Frcia this section of Ohio, tbo trade with Pittsburgh ha-i Ken, toapreot extent cut oS. in consequence of the birh uf transponanon, which are now re (lured IP, tSI and 20 per rent. Boai* of ttus line Will leave daily, and nmihrongh without trailihipnieiit. The Canal company have A C ’“.‘'Tri- P ". U lh “ l in f au *= ibe unprece dented advantages of their charter, and thus secured I°v minVK? IWWM* 0 '? ordering ibetr goods b> UIImLI.Ls SANDk AND BEAVER LINE. an interest In ihu advantage. Agents: i‘iBlttWKLL, Pittsburgh; BIDW ELL & CO., Glasgow. eonwotraga *{**'’’ A A Gay. V \r,nUr, Kikton,Oi Carlife f.v iKiwi-i- r'f ""S; "rir I vK £■; WhSjHfcSsKS'aSl tt£*sSß Mri-ul M Co. Magnolia, jj , Wra'lJsrkneßs, do; J * • ? T Jvv,,,e ' (y - 1 ‘ L«ffrr, dn; Fhfb. f l f t : ,nhn «h- Mo ‘'»*r.t>i Willnrd A Shriver, do J J Hoffman JW,i| on . O; Cueitmn. AC„ ,to • John UntJinson, Cnn.l Fulton, (I; Ferlig A Toircr CanM Dover,O; A Mrdhury, Robccm-, O; j, k War-' ricr. Newark.O ; l-'iteh A Hole. Columbus.O; |. O Mai tliew*. Cicveth.id, t>; Kliodr* £ Green. do. m.)U Waaler* Transportation Cotapaay. lSso.m^, I>. LURCH A CD'S I.INK, Bi-nvKKN orTßiniKuir, nni.Ai>RLriUA, HALT IMOKF. A NEW VtiKK, Uv Ftrmsyh-a.i-a VaaaL and Rad Road. MUIK Itoais and Cm* of iJ.is Uue have b C rn nut m l compete oilier, nml wit), the addition of sever* new one* to the L.n.*, roal>|e» us u> carry a large nuautuy of pro.l l>re and jond*; ’ 8 . Tlie entire «m.'k u( ihe Line is owned end rnntro •4 by the Fropusinr* HARRIS A LEECH. No h South Third si. And ai the Tobacco Warehouse, Dock si. i'hi adcphio, Pad S, ..... JOSEPH TAVLUR A SON, No m North Howard st, Latunorn, Md : OFFICE, No 7 U'm ti, N e w York l> LEECH A CO, Cana Bas.n Pennst, ul * 3 , PiiDbuigb. 1850, UNION LINE, ON THU PKSN'A AND OUIO CABALS. CLaKK, PARKS A t'CJ, Rochester, |*a. t Propr’s. . t J"HN A CALGHKY, Atcnt, Othee rnr Smithfieid anj Water »t«. Pittsburgh CHA.MBKHLIN, OKA WFuHO A Cu. Acts, ' mins well known Line an- prrViVj'ol'ratl’.porl niL-vtf.'vn P«-*cnser. from PITTSBURGH and CLK\ kI.AND. to any p..inl oil the Coital and Lakes. The larilitirs of the Line are uiUarpa*«e<l in number, quaiitv and rapncit) 0 ( Boots, experience ct captains, and cftiriency of Acents. v ' Our Bom leave* Pm. burgh and Cleveland dailv. ran rxmg in coniirctii.n wuh a J.ine of Steam Boat* be tween IMI rsm/RGH and RHAVCR. and a Line of Btatt. Propellers and Vessels, on CONSIONKEJi- Clsrk. parks A Co, Ki>cbriirr. Pa; I. N Park* A Co, Youngsti.u u, ohm M H Tsvlm, Warren. O; A A N lhark, .Newton nHls, O; I Uravion A Co. Ravenna. (», Kent, l.rinnelt A Co, Franklin. O; II A .Miller, Curating* Falls, O, Wlireler, l.rr A Co Akron. O Chamberlin, Crawford * Co, Cleveland, (): Hubbard A Co, Sanduslfy, O Peekham A Scott, Toledo, (V (i tVilium.4 Co, Detroit, Jklrrh; W il.lam- A C.i, Miiwauk,*, \V,s; Muiley A Dutton, Karine, W.., (b-,.f K c A Uibi... Chicago, 111, Thomas Hale, Chicago, JOHis a CAUGHEY. Agent, l,;l " - „ corner Water and Snuthheld sis IS5 °- LAttJC KM IK ASU MICHIGAN LINK, . ON THK Kim-: KXTKNSUIN CaNAL <■’»), Koebe.irr, fropneion. MK I rrrr:ctcr» of ihiv old «.ul well known L|n« wnuul inform the public ihli tb>-y ire now in op ennon lor the -pre.ci .con; in.! hive commenced rrr-nr lflc |-fri<hi m.d I'tornrri, wi.ioU they in <U.,J pr.p.f-d l» r ; „v «, „„ lllr LAkhS KRJK AND MICHIGAN. At the lo»e»i riif-i On* of w* Doan of the Line Urid/e ( °''* !3: l lU> “’ lS \ c Iwlow Monoajahela nm JOHN A CAHfiHKV, A*«ct, Office, ear Water end K.uuhfield iu. I'luniirik, onrvsiii.NHKS K W ('onninfitam. New Cb»il c , l‘i: AUicbnircc A ».'«», Hulatki. W 0 Mains, Sharon; J A S Hail, Abnrpvhnrg; Wic*. Aehre A Co, Greenville; "•m Her ry , || irIMOWIi Ur I'l/wcf, i*ooneautvj,’le* J°-■" Hearo ACo Knr. J.ihn ) A . o, IGilUia. N V mrr-J I’lUibnrßli Portable Hen i,t M| is:, °-nn^ • « Ut? pri>jifu*ti,t. innm, »i;J u.rwantin* Mrt.-n .ml.w ir-Ju.-i- m i,. w Mi,-., an.! win ihr i»r*.ini>ui«-.» rrf :"'" 7 l,af u ’ lfar ’' »r .•* '-i l "' r W lr ’' rrTf Wi»Je tf»Ji*hrprrrni i% uf d»tu*re U u>J rrobatiMur J****** ’ l, " f • t»(r>r T ~ t i r««tAt wp.t.md •inn i* I ’ '* ,< ' fkV '' ’’'*■' ,ref <’ l *" f Ce for cniomi*- rrt 1 tl"v *, n,4.^17.,V Vu.ZlJ.lrih!;, V! if • lithjrj'u!"' ' ’■* " IC l ajfili pfOJßpl- HOUiIR)U*iK N..-.T- Sj,r», - H.UadripfJ, .. „ IMKf'K4(»r.,.\.S(IK, * * crm •’ ,J " •'"* «"■<?!», I’lmbor^Ji - I* B Burl f •*»»»«■• Wfc^ciwn X hi,«-.n.Mii. BIMJIUrs YKi!H.Hi l uKTlTlU]| Ll.\ U. n . rr ,nPM„n«r«h anSHErSJnS?. *n4 to r * t 7^i. r Z\^T,'Vn^:?LV e ,r: “! v '° r, ' cr '’" > tnd Wr . l ~J" r u' “-'l J' *nJ mer.rh.nrtis. em«t uMrimer*I*"* 1 *"* " >We,t r,lr ’ , ’ hur * ,lJ l*y teipon wSa^^nT^'t^r:! 1 i' rr- a r - ._AJIN *« ..r -n“.(v ,«. 'VM “ u, i "'■Tii' - *t«. t’iu*fcnrcb . m.NOMAMA Dot'K. Su l? °' I - w— 4,1, A ai!,. pfc.lv jai wiLhun. Am. Nn North Howtnl m.. Ualt.morc JAS IHN4JHAM, Nnht. Vl'r*| IMl „ Nw Y,rt Biotic* to onr Patron*, POUTAULK UOAT LIITB. IMh V' r V B ° f ,n Philadelphia, , produces »,o interruption u> the uu si lies* have bceiuuadr which ,Ue M,nc pfeetaely, whirl) hava errtofi.re c*med r<i« hustncf* la continued under the same name ami firm, vis: - Java* M t»*vi. A Co., Philadelphia; Jons M'Faha.’i A Co, Pituburga The ronnauarioc of the patronage ot onr m»u UmllT •® l « , it e j. If person. have Jeniwd. mum tr, c coin-mi. (her we requested to present them foriliwitti. ioi payment. Pittsburgh, April iu, ’it). JOHN M’FA DEN, “ f,,r " . . Somring partner. Ua a * PaiMßsar ahu RanHlaaaa OfB««* f£X HaNROKN A Co. continue muring person. MMV rom Part of England, Jr*land, ttcotland or upon the omi liberal terras, with ibeit usual ounctuahty and attention to the wants and com fort of rinmnrnuita We do not allow our passenger* to be robbed by the swindling scamps that infest the aea porta, •« we lako charge of them the moment tber re port themselves. anj »cc to their well being, and de rpateb them without any drtemiun by the first shin* 'V« say this fearlessly, as we defy one of our passen ger! to »*mw that Utey were detained Em-* by as in Liverpool, whilst thousands of pthers • are detained months, until they could be sent in uni »*1 trail, at a efcjjp rate, which 100 frequently proved ihcir coffin* Wc intend to perform our contracts Aoiiorsbty coat wbat it may, and not act ns was the rase last season, with ether officers,—who either performed not all or when tt suited their convenience, 1 ©rafts drawn si Pittsburgh for any aatn from SA to £lOOO, payable at any of die nron acial Hanks in Ir*. land, England, Scotland and Wales. JOSHUA ROtthWoN, Kerapeta *Ld Ginn*! Agent, ?*h) Fifth ■tr*»L on« door lialow Wood LK{l UHS-J7 hf [>ll>.-« IJrirn.lT— Otard, DupuV &.C ' a pipe* IMlnnd O.tt, ’ 6 c*« N i: rtum, lim M.l* WhKkrv; far Mle 117 ***** u ' fc M Dr Ar K*l>nC*tO«k A Co. I WH'iLKSAI.K PRUIHiISTH, corner o’ F*i r »! an Wood *tr.*et«. oiler lor »al*,on |o»oriibln irrttn l'*J bW* Wbiimic; 4WMU* Oarlr. Ainn.oiu* iio do Alum; 600 <]’« Aiaaianni*: ’ Dot) do Dye Woa.li; CUD dp Crude Tartar; as do LainpMurk, 500 dp Lthooii.-'e Root; Vl> do Von. Red; 3KI do Irish Mo*«: .0 do Camphor; l'»0 do Red Precipitate -10 do Span. lirowir, l.V> do Calomel Ainrr •’ VO do Yellow Ochre; i‘A do dp ’ iO do JlrinjMonc; 'SMI dp' Ituckrr l-e»vc»; » do Clove*: «0- do Rhubarb k«..l 3 do Chant Flower*; <nt> do Sanap JO - caae* llrl. Borax; »*i do Cenitim do’ 36 do Oa*UJe Soap; awi do Sul Koehrefe; IS do I’rviuau Ulue; COO do Scidliu Mixture' 10 do Oah'. Magnesia; SIU do Row'd Rhubarb;' 13 do Chrome Green; #M> do do Slip t't m - Cdo do Vellovr; 1 00 do do <; Arabic sdo Am Vermilion; 100 do do l.in Ropr CO ream* Sand Piper; ton do do Jnlai. RS hop* <*leilv Sumac; tiSOdo do Af.Cayettne' U bale* IUiUo Corks; aiX) do Solph Ziue ?s ox Sulpb. Morphia; duo <lo\ Uar Tm; ’ hM) Ibi Cipe Aloo; COO do .Tamarind*; 1200 do Ui-CbroraPoti»h;lM do’Oulck Silver: aaod do Pink Root; SflO do Orange Peel: 1600 do Turkey Umben 73 do tCoehuiaal- IWQ do Cream Tartar, 2i) do Hyd PuU*hr' 600 do Tartaric Aeidj CO do Hace; ‘"WtiSS...— - Gr “ Tlu " MINTS —A large and •pteodid a»ionmenfMen mack, Cochteo. and Fall Elver Print*, cow open u>( bj i>cp 1 A A J4ASON ACO medioal P*lr Ji»„ narrsfi Plaid n««niiia. KEI’AHgD under the immediate eare of ih. to Tenter, and established for upward* of thirty rear*' t preparation i* recommended i n all • I"'* 1 ! n ‘*J' and indeed [he only one in which It Rh. to be exhibited. possessing all the properties of , dangerous concretions in the bowels, eo S^f“th: y curr * heartburn without injuring the bo. rt f Tiwnach, a» «od*. potass, aad their ear* ‘ to do; it prevents the food of in [" «•“ « , wcri * n it acta as a ptciunr * p l l ‘ u ' ,a,, 3 r adapted to female*. * •eirhl. ?* rT *“ai thia .olutiou form* . Ind ™ C « a,i v n *. Wlth ar,c " e,d «»u in cates of gp- and gravel, .herby eoontertcitt’g thru injurious £4 IS Zm ™" ■“*"'*• " d u.'.'dfJ.VinfeSj"" o ' l ' ■^* r &r~Thdre can be ao doubt that Magnesia may be adminifteied more safely in the form ofacon eei. rated solahort than in substance; for thia, and mi'T other reports, I am of opinion that the Fluid Mv.rneaia ia a |cry valuable addition to oor Materia „,l i PHILIP CRAMPTON.” i . Jamea Clhrke Btr A. Cooper, Dr. Bright, and Me-«* tiuthrie and Herbert Mayo, of London, atronr. ly r.eomraend Murray'* Fluid Magnesia, a* Vein* in buiusly more safe and convenient than the solid,and tree from tho danger attending the com tut ue of •o.lk nr potass For *aio by the importer’s and proprietor's agents. &A FAHNKSTOCK A CO ' *** . Cot, of Wood & From m. BliliJT IJIfIIKTANT CUEHU;jTdIBCOK!RI CHK.MICAL COMBINATION ih« Vrgrtaile to repel Disease* l>r. Wuyiotl'i Jiiuaet of Y«irow Dock *nd - ItriaparilU. „ *' t c , 1 ? ,,,nn 'P ,, on. ecrofnfa, erysipelas, rheumatism. «• ut, urcr coinplaiut*, soinaJ affection*, ulcer*, */- P<<e»i aeurvey, affection* of madder and kidney*, mercurial (Urease*, cor r. »! burner*, ru-b 0 f blood 10 ike bred, feyer u»d ’ •rue, female complaint*, general debility, dyspep » i. ■•>»» of appetite, beadacbe, cold*. cOvUrnnc**, r *vc . night -weafa, cholic, organic affection*. . r • p'-ation Of ike heart, bile*, pain* In the aide, • cte*t, buck, Ac. ’ Ji .* infallible in air diseases arising fram an ln« pu re state of ike ,blood. or irtapular action of (be aya tetn _ I:, i-e Variable Kingdom, an AHwlm lieinr ba p'a mt j, Krt ,a congenial ,u our conatitu *w°" to he cure of dj*„u*e; and 10 tb« X *•' * ln * ,Jo « the reason pt mao, a* well B > -u-iinet of ani ala, mm for anudoie* to pain. „.i,.Ti? rri,, ' u “ PC,c " ubr compound ofibc u,o*i yal " . - piwiu in tiaiure, entirely free from deleterious ™* rTlU, “< ftmeral auhitanee*. and a* u expel, . CERTinUATKI. "J s "" f “S Ery.ip.lM apd U 6 7? r ' '7 drr 3"?°re Uiiinka’lb, . .. .atai™. aare, »hich made iu app.araL “n „ DO. . f. d . ,d h 01 P ?* T raoch " ne,l,lf '*ip it at fir*!. ,ap h ffi '"it "“P"”” '»«! apptt.r . ‘ r V began to increase, until •prcMd to ihr .ack part of the bead. I applied to a friJi 1 ' w . ho ,l \ cc,Jf J “ c aHt» no purpose I bad unofVHi« lb ‘ivL l t al c ? a J d be lried - I saw your Syr. , and Svnuparllla, ami concluded to n*c a lor I knew dint Yellow Dock was oue of ilia mo., yaioable articles in tbe woTkl for “XSi. 1 eou[i 12V Syn Bnd frt>m Hie B*e of one boule, 1 :r, s.rr*‘ >wfffi .t-aas ar lltaaa.flJlf""’ “ “ r°“' d,, pa“‘ to publish U you Pi ‘■ k «« bakap a them all the information 1 can about my caae, xc t remain your obedient terrain, Oiosau G. JonjßoH,' 113 Market streak Tbe beat female medicine known. The Extract ©» \riiow Dock and Saiaapanlla ia a punitive, rpeedy, muA permanent cateMbr all complaint* incident to **?, m ‘\ 6 ' •'tctatlxe nropertle. render it peculiarly applicable to Ui- slender and delicate constitution ot the t> male.. In* ÜBrlyalled in ita effect* utKin inch tnvaacs as meiptent consumption, barrenness, i™. rorrkoea, orwknea, irrcxulor men>liuatiim, iiaeonti uefice of enne, and general proauat.en of tbe system. |l im ur< lately eoaitteraeia that dmre.sinr ueVroS lie** nod la*«itude ao eonuuoa to ike female frame, theV », P J *• aurpnainß aa Jrajofcl. We have eVi-laucc on hie which recommend u.u medicine to mairi.t! peojile wbu ha?a notbdan blaued with ofl u-r t “ I * Pl Falßn«,of ; tha Womb, of firs l-V » i'JI i" 5 fi" 1 '• r Kia>nol 1C...W DcH-k and Sorsapanlli, alter avety mhar kiiowu remedy had been ined without relief 7 tv . 'Vasuutuxojt, Ohio, Feb., IMP Thi* certifies that ray wife, aged 2T years, hat been .nCeriug under the above eompltuut for fits years nearly al. of that time confuted to her bed I hn ve fur foar year, constantly employed the berimed u-al u.cnt tua: coald be procured in this auction of the courrny. wuhom any beneht whatever. 1 hive parc—sed every mstnioient Tn-ommenfled for the eu e nf such d:«:ase*. ail of which j-rored worthless to tr> w **‘ naui ' rd by my toendi J, , r ' eilnw “‘“1 Sacssponitn, .7n f ,or { ° at “Ot'dis. Alter the had used t» ror ejout .our weeks, u «r<» endenl ro aJf that aha M improving, and iiont this brne she improved rap W«.' rd ac,b 1 w ' <l art til the disc dm i . b" MM. MONFORT. v,l V Af ntttbbon of Wot. and Julia Montort. s?£l mb V c u the sickness o Mrs. Mrinton. and a« d-c cure being effected l.v i.iiyaou s k allow Duck and SarwtpanUa. to be strictly lrM - J.ANS KDDV. SARAH POWERS; Graat Ciri of Oeasumptlea, U. ~ ~ IIaJOLTo.i, January a. ItAf. Mr. Bcnneti--Dcar Sir • The great benclii which 1 baved.-rtved fr..ut >,.ur Linnet of %di„w lHrck and i *■ a:c - ** *a act of justice, to mats i.ir o.iowi'ig ttsinnent: * r “f u ' , S for l **" years from generai dcbtliiy j cl. unmy in coitaumpuon, 1 vu givati «)• •> icy Incr.it-. Ui-.d J.bi siemus a* bevoud ihc aid of ir-rUHiiic. a, . ia,( resort, ,I was induced to trv .cur and h.v.ug Juse-J but ■«» ~.rd.i.Y i- «m !t | rl . ltlr: , „ vll ' , No-.- f. -.u i-d t up in Ur<f so ere t.o-t!» » 'ii*j 1.1.14 . «,u«’ t. »nu ihe name u( inr s> run m..» flf' 1 ‘" *il'.t».iire ot s. F. Be 12V5.C STS’* wr “’ 1 '"- 1 "" «• Ui-m-MstJ f) Park,corner of Foorih and Wai »,ir et« c i‘iri„ oAy> OLio, General Agent rn/ u.i -ouu, md \\ tr i, ui wlion, ail crOcfi mu-i W fcJd ie „ 1 «Her fc Uni , Kr.e, W p Jua'ton 4 Co., Ware V. L 'if l ' AUej Tarrel ' , ' 1 ' """•*<• J,i; n„t. rr i lloy.Ur-U, . 14 Hj-r, * t .4:v„. ( .a f<r ; L. Jr . p mi u ‘'^’ ,h,,n, Ohio, May W. |-m> K K S-ltfM i limit n right, idr the bnirfii t>< others iiMVVnl.fiw.' 4 "" 1,1 r ® , ‘‘ Uo " 10 r"ur eiL-eUam F»- ,' i-nt'iT m , » 11* u> v,!,’ cl ' ,ell,, 'f large uuat.tiucs 1 “ y 1 A™ *' worm-) trom iwo children. J have mo olio.* ' ‘ CT,rry P'WlUccU '"'lOi-d 'n mn>rl,.,|J„i ne> J , m , Me loor 'l rl, ‘ i,‘. V T ’V. »>l''o l m . 1 "■" 1 1,1 'oolinn nfllit modm, m. o! Co'.“« T'h 1 ‘““ y , "*"■ ‘ h .“ U, '» ■" "■» «u oici .«* 01 -he o*, , and a, e destined ,0 Save a verv ('ojiulirliy. V™,., ” ,y I \y If (*i WPI t I’lepaiV-J ait'l «o!J by R. K. SHU.KRJ* NoTSWood r;.'' n :T.;s r 1 : 7 S Va MiT. T“m kok'in fc»—TuTfVrrlii O Medicines ot tij«* tl«y n * a v 0.11 May Hi, jS4g. * ! "" w , !l n * h 'kr«he benefit of oih.r. 1° Mrdi.mlc. f * B r ® l>t,on 10 Tear eucdlsni Kami ilr '! V ,f rm * ft, * e In »T own lag -117. one vt. frequently answering for exocltinrl is (juanim*. ifty 1 m vtxi) worm* from *l b«yy .No .red your Liter Pill. and Uourb Syrup ,n «f!r efll n p| 7 i.^*redl ICJr il " ,n e,r<!ry ipjUll '« pwdneed /"f , R ed In rorfd.aHJl.lns, I am able to’ •latr Hint | t.kfc T ei 10 he.r rf the firai failure where your ncJte-iir. have i.ren u«. d in my kci-iiou of ihe country, hi conclusion, 1 mny state that uiey are 1%. medicines «l the day. a- Josiiiu-j .« bare \ Un et tensive p.polarity Yours, re« ifui’y, 7 Prepared and sold by K. 1 l H^Nd'awLl GRKAfOURK OF UVKKCOSfPLAINT, bfha originaJ, only true, and S enalne Lirer PiU. Buust Oam. Ohio caumy, Va. > %t n .. „ March 2Cih, 1840. ( Mr. R h. Seller*: Dear Bir-| think If a duty I owe o > ou and 10 the poblia reuera Ijri lo siato that I have bern alb ic led with the Liver Oomplaiot for a long u,al . la » bp «*» rormed and broke, which left or in,a eery low Haw. Harine heard of r f- e '!f alr, i i' ,vel, being for tale by A R Hbani, in »»e*i lubeny, ami rocoiomeoded u> aio by my pl.y.ician, Dt. K. Brauh, I coneladed lo eiee ihem a fair trial. I l>ox, ami found them to yM I ILI.iLVLR USED; and after utang four Imixc* I find llicihaeuie baa entirely left me, and I am now perfectly walL ; Raapect/ully yours, D 11 COLEMAN. , , - Weit Liberty, March vti.lS-iD. I certify Inal I ami pcraonajly acquainted with Mr -1, and Can bear teaumony lo the truth of the there rrilhcate. A R BIIARP n Li,er pin# * ro prepared and »old by Rt i LLKI«S* No 57 Wood street, and by druggists TO THE PUULIO.—The original, onlrtrne and yen* nine Liver Pill, are prepared by K Kticllers, und have bis name stamped in black wax upon the Ird of each and bit signature on the outside wrapper—ail others are ebunterfeiu, or hate imitations. aj>lu j II K BELLF.R3, Proprietor \X7 ATCsIICS t I—CHhAl'bK I'iiaN f-Vi- k • - / V x J ait A e '!'' iari 2 ee (txli i« w *»*d paten lie »er Wairhei, in careU fine cares, which 1 can tell ai low a* tiling and thirty five dollars, and warranted lo • eep good nine. ilflcnJld ...onmcnl or JEWELRY, con. TATI6'HB' u UODB, AT "corr HhNSEW IrLEMING A. CO, haying arranged la five their entire atfemtoa to thoasde ofjJomcaUc. »>ooien aad Cotton UoDds, now. offer tbdr large" Ve,liu ** y Frctiah-and German Clvths, DoetkUis. tastiaete».4e. ai first co»t _ IIERBLY. KLEMJNG ACU - -tTPAVood tl ■ I ,n , e , rssm plain HcuewooJO oci. PUno V f "|™ V? e c *>«lroirtl menoftctory of North* * t-i V-v * ” of ‘ui>«nor.lone, and Tery moderate price • T l'tl' r aIJ.W. w£2£3lU. W" J .j-uaajs: ivory pkarl TooTirpowwa ' Kir removui*tfcQnry»lC«nker, •»«! ail ii'Mmiu'r* itruirueuvc 10 lUr.Tceil*. »u* (Minna* la io ia«le,clcnirMuj( Uie mouUt.beaUnr.ooii ■troartbcn Uie *uw», niitl purifyiMß Uie breaui... to ! 'T- e > »iol«»eie uid retail, br { ,lc ' M i R K HKI.I.RRS, 37 WuJ *i _,. v Wln*iiCli»7*c - 4 plpr* Jlttllond <Jiu; V I’UDebfor* Jsinaire Spirit*; y p(UiPlt*<rTiM>l4 Irinh Wbl»kci: M>cjre*»k«Moiletia Win#, • ’• S« Uo-v. opono - da; 3U likria Boreeaai Clarcb 1? t frl C5 l BPWi"h R*d Wia« t- * : »i b«* BritdMiClafet: ■’ i * 10 bisNucuJViae;' * . ■ i _ 8 &*J« French Whlu Wine Vlaeiar; P. W. GATES’ PATENT DIES FOR CUTTING SCREWS/ PATBITID MATS, I^7. haV| t>p been adopted and highly approved m .11 , h _ ;, L . Ln - "T Philadelphia arr now offered to inamffaeturers, marHuiua jJii*, um **”?{!* t!T i'-'' 'if o« .he «m» t perfect art.de m use or cutunff Wwi.. ’ «»«»»*«•. uunut u. u_„/ ,r yver any otlwr Dura heretofore 6>ed, roti«i»i> - . __ Scwtw.wlWkwV„„ A „« Uo,|, v ire,™" * fn , n “' T dl= , rul ,he OU! fl.„ .olid io^o n rs -a*«**.•rfSSWTKA'tx Certincates. FaiLAi. aniU| Aof. IT, 18W. W ,h / U w * kavs psrchased from P. u n:lt ot »*‘M lu » patent Diet for cot- Bag Mia. In ear opinion, hi* tn*s am much sune n~L}° M ? <u V f, 1 . we '«« acquainted wiia ior ths purpose of catling holla. J P MORRIS A CO. „ . PmLADxmiu. An*. *l, IW3. H*? 10 .* ksd P H Gates’ Patent Diet in ueciaoai establishment for Die )a*t nine months, for editing nollt* ;w» can in every .respect reeotnmerd them in the highest terms, we have laid til others away, iney being to far superior—considering then 7 S per eem. ehamper than tor ©then bow in nte. 1 Raney, neafie a co, Penn 'Work*, Pa. TlUt it to certify that yve have purchased tne right lo u/e, and adopud in car bonnet i P W Gates’ Pa tent Screw Cotter, wbichwe highly approve of. We can do ranch more work, and we believe tt will tor pau iu durability and precision, as mach at economy of labor, any die* known to ot morris, tasker a morris. PiMUHttniU, 9th momh,tMth day, 1643. Naw Yoxc, Aug. 19.1&19. • n ** s ®< Copied P- W. (lutes’••Patent Diet” for cut ting burs, we taka pleasoro in tayinc, that it more thaii answers oar expectations, and bare no kesita uon in mving it at our opinion, that it far excels any outer plan in present ate for conic# bolt*. T P SECOR A CO. He hava P. W. Gates- 1 “Patent Diet' 1 for cutting ecrewt, and ibe economy of using them is to very considerable, that we look upon them as indispensa ble to every establishment bavin# any quantity of terewe to cut. MeCORMJCK, OGDEN A CO, CtncAfio, May 10, i>49. Ordsakci Orinca, H'aamonTOtf. Alh Sept., '49. I have purchased of W. H. Bcoville. for the United elites, ite right u> n»e in all the nrsrnnN and armo- MItCELLANEOUS. Jamsi nurray’i Fluid magnesia'. T>HKPAKKD under the: imniMiiaie csrc oi ibe in * ventor, and established lot upwards of thirty years by the profession. for removing Kile, Acidities and Indigestion. icMonnc Appcule, preserving # moderate stale oftbe bowels, and dissolving nne acid in (travel uad Gout; «!*<..■» an mir remsuy lor sea ■lckn»*,fand for the febrile affection incident to child hood it is invaluable. Oh the value of Magnesia as a remedial agent is n unnecessary la enlarge; bui tbe Fluid Preparation of gir James Murray u> now the most valued by the protr.nion, as it enure l ? avoitt* the possibility of those dtbgerou* concieuon« usuuUy resulting from tLe use oftfir article in powder ' lot sale by the unporter'a and proprietor’s agent, 1 0 A FAHNESTOCK tt GO * C.or. Wood A Front sis. TOBACCO— .'4l bit Russell A Robinson's i’» luma; 90 bit Jones A Hudson's J'j j 0 2n bis Calihess’ S's lump; 3U bxs 8. Myers’ 1 lb lump; 7Uqrbx» do . jlb lamp; for tale by __■££! 1 MILLER k RICKKTSQN RC BTOCKTON baa received for sale, vol 4th • of Gibbon's History of the Dielme and Fat, oi me Roman Empire. Lfe and Letters of Thomat Oampbeil, in ‘<l vi It Edited by Wm Beattio, M D, Element>ry SiriehesoliloraJ Philosophy. By the late Rev. Sidney Smith, M; A. Lectures on tbe Araerleen Felectlo System of Sur gery. By Benjamin Hill, M. n. Talbot an Verrum; a Novel. lury l6 Bbc ' ul * er K,lOl > * tale o{ l >« aeveuteenih een- The Scarlet I-eiter, a romance. By Nathaniel Hawmurne. tu(fW . * LETTERS OFTHOS CAMPBELL. Failed by \v ilham Beattie, M. 0., one of his executors, a vols lilmo cioth. Railway Economy; a treatise on the new art of transport, lit management, prospects, aud iclntions, commercial, financial, and,social, with an exposition of the practical retails of the railways in operation in IP* J-P 1 * 11 Eingdora.ou tbe Continent, and in America. Ry Dinnytlut Lardner, D G.L.Ac. I voL Khnocioth The Past, Present, and Fdture of the Republic, traits ated from the French of A. Do Lamartine, anifcor oi ltie GerondisLi,” “Memoirs of tny Yonih.” “Ra plißet," Ac. 1 vol Utao clolh. Hiuts toward Relormi In' Lectures, Addresses and ol S?, r Writings, by Horace Greeley. ! vol 1-iino clo. irA.i?i Conf c»vti>nal. |)y JsEn Henry Hopkins, D. D_ Bishop of tho Diocese of Vermont. 1 vol linno cloth. . Tl T,‘ 3 ® , ’ , H»e*'of Canada. By the author of ‘ llocfte laga, tEliiett \\ axburlon, Esq.,) v vols rrmo. Cosmos; bi sketch of a physical desor’pu..n of the Universe. By Alri Vou Humboldt, traji«luied iioni the German by H c. <»tu. tl vols fJmo cloth Gibbon’s Decline ana r’atl of tha Roman Empire, with notes by H.JI. MHramt. Harper’s cheap edition. Umo. rlotb complete in 0 vol- at 40c per vol- * voL reenvrd (or aale by R HOPKINS ”9 Addllo Buildings, Fourth «t Naw Untie I MOURN thae ir sadness. When other jriendi around thee. Conscript's depar.are and return Annie Laune. Are we almost them. Low l»acked e«r- «■» all tlungs.weli. Nelly was a ladv Pnver moon. Grave of Washington. Thon U<l wounded, the tpiru. Boul’d Sojer Boy. Be kind to loved ones at .home. Cheer ur» ray two .Jaannelt Oh, Lamusi. Boring Flower WaUis. Elfin Walu. Ucaitiehoro Wall*. Paluisliori Polka. BeUr Poh f a'.”l LmJ “ t i ulck,tt P The above are just received, and for sals by .n,a J H M' I,LOR, ■ ?l Wood »t , „ . ia-W MUSIC \ J 11. AIhLLOH, B 1 Wood itrttt, kus rttavtd ths Ofolltnnng AV»r Musw: H, say can you «e« oj the iruUs » holy light; dedi cited to Rev. C Cook Dh, think m.i le.t'l love tuee. Blanche Alpen, I love fbes. When other frtsnda arouud thee The cot beneath the bnt.i. Wen thou t'Ui mine. Anme Laurie— Seoicb ballad. Tha Robin , ••Tits hy Hlx« fool. ihK* c |>\- Slpphen Gtosrr 1 T nu b.ri w,.umled -be -pint Tbr ! r " °f H <«:ui'st -n I L<- L. t Mi.ibeil..irr -in W, :• I oi n.» i.-.oinri—Hulcbirtona. nacked e„>— L..vr, 1 Kihii U -complcir. The Magic Bcli, Ti.- PnisV ™ ka - Je, ‘' Y I-ied's American rolka. l.irry I ollca. gonee American Polk*. Tm Top American Poika. La Bello Baltimore™ i’olka Jenny IJnd Polka. The Ortgina Soottisb I’otka Salutation Polka. Hirt polka. Josephine L « SammJi Polka. lto»,m K ol Poika. The-Pro pbet Quadrille-—Meyerbeer. Jenny Lti.J Qundnllei n>e Wreath and IWlsy Waltaes— Mrs Ernest. The vcr ,J to >—»*!!»“»' »'>y'-*«’rny .Monument. ? N Q Jpv H reeker’s Danghicr. qoiekiicp. Lobiaville March and QcicJtriep. Wood Up, Qnlek- ' irl btraatbenjr Plant* for bale at Uraoi » wood tiardan* l> m*» Seedling*, and Vicionai rneie are m- Inrgttt and test lUvoied irui *monp«i *ll ihe diflcrrut varietie* row grown Unio«* addre»*ed io tbe prop tcior, Wcm Mane!»«». wr, wiu receive pioiupi attention. J MckAlN. H uucKjenn FfctUNA AS become an establuhed ami almost mdunent. *i-lr rrnasiit* ill eeerr well prodded fam-iv irom tu rntnnrkahiy wholrrome and nutritious uuau.’ •j*« a food for the healthy.at well an * diet tar iu. »nl d», acd alto for the sustenance of crow in-' children afi.l infanta. Various mode* Of cooUn* and orepaitn* n are nieen on ihe wrapper. 9 H p * ,,n * Though well known m the etai, it has neacr Teen introduced to any <*uer.t In Pittabuigh.. The luhacnh* trahntr, therefore, made atrangementa to be eon •litjtly supplied with n. and now o o cr u tli lraler* or iamil** on more favorable teinnUtin U ha» ertt been u>ld at >ll FittsUrgh WSI A MeOLUKR A CO WdJJhertvjrt "" APPi^'j^Tuiiks; — T AM now prepared to fumuh Apple Tree., f wn j the lw«ll kuown Naraery of Jacob N. Urown. The tee. will be delivered at lie wharf at Fm.bnrgh for V J *!V. hundteJ ' Fer»oo» wlatnn* *OO.l thri/tY tree* • houid leave their order* -oon at (he Uruy, Sc/d' and Perfuniery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Sixth «*. BpU - _ 8 N WIOKKRSIIAM£ * W*w Good* J - KblvUbß bis jnx received a fine Jot of Bra** n« n^? Bn, f m " ftr the be,t *n»nafaeiure, selected 7al.!?iw7 Kh *a“* «". <•««,»« market, aar* a* & 1 . fiT?? « ne,,S J* Hort “- Comeu, Tubas f*- also, a fine se.eenon of Music Boxes, piayiii* »&» WSAKSSfSfcI: s». r r £.;!?».{?& ssswasr * u * sr * __ . >OL Third (treat. ' WHITE'S celebrated STICKING SALVF~A*jn »eVkhe^ ? »„ r rt‘?f djr f ° r ch, , on,c rte*»«uc aflecinna, £«M. h„*. * lamol,e ? ot ®o.t part* ol the body! •coldi, horns, sores, of most kinds, cats swellmcsl , P, r “*“« bia ‘»«®- corns, and felons when first £.!s*’ Alio, the most convenient and safe suekmr salve I£r (Ucugthcmng plasters and draft, oo the fret 1 b » a N WIOKFRHMAM Cor. Sixth A Wood su (imK"": M.ioau^ ( J-'ni. 8 ? * ttn 111 Nl P b >i Dolly Day; N^3L^^^sa“°fc;. w,, °° ,,m PldJ ' n , ; ALSO: Be Kind to the Loved Unea at Horae; £?r l “ y boAl True Love, by T. llftoj* Oar way acrosa tito tea, duett; 7 d ’ t-? e w? e i lcsf ,on ff* b ? B Gown; Jenny any, aa»ie by NnHet: ft°^ , Ku!il ,9r^ cr ?^ n ?* WetMtajr March; Ood blow the hanlyjßwnc; Schuylkill Walts: OwnenM’it Denartuwj’by W, c. Clover; ■ « e; BleVcnn.rkiache Qo; ifttJ.H?? ? f 8^“” er t ***? Variation* by Herr . United Stale* Polka; Ladies' Souvenir Polk*; Cora Cracker Qaadrillc; Loalsnlle Ouatlrillc; Bcaatiee of Italy; Doetu, Trio*, Ac. ’ . of NewMa*iconhanrt.nj wbi^h idditioni ore made weekly. ; For tale h v ftb;i J.ft.MKLLOn.6I^I., li li.bln* by Harper A Uro’», in «,X,Jtoth paper. ■MUcem. per vcl. Three vol. rroriioJ l» \ lor ..io by hIIOPKI.vT, ,auJ _ <9 Apollo Umldinaa- K.iw».i ) '~- t ‘ LlO*FEbv— so ii.g. prime «io.»iui 'CAHOI.KI "io bx« tonnld, dipped.-ixni *r»enWi'‘ ,: * sW ' C»I»-1S0 hi. ,: re .ra ... CoiiDfr—irtl dot Hemp and AlncUlt) •{Tv • - oa»u.-« ftutu* • “rr. i. , '.' Cu>m—| b »rroli " £Si3ESw?S?SiSi 6 *L r ss,*» I >^.i^ ! .-. 3 "“«; , *V w ~‘ IBWl Praae Venlwnj ■ y-.nr-u-:. i. s^iSiS i ;v‘is:ji*.L« '■■ ;, v- MTOMo-^VraulorS?"^,? 1 s?*5 CA *°W-ttlbiliaW nt4l •• y**it*caM~«M |b. do • .. , : Pim.l-loolh.Bortt.atV l • , IflW" Por ..1, 0, Z!"t : mrlß i cjJ l ® CO ' gpnier of Fifth >n d Wood nk HOUSeT •ssssggzfzSS^ Patnw.P."^*® 0 of “«• P. W. fo.nj»i» „„ .sdSr.y, “•££• v R* IALCOI'i, CoL Ordinance. Ucxtsc o» Yaxrwairo Doets. > had usa aaid improvement for their. 8 New j JOSEPH SMITH, Chief ot Rar o a,. ’la use also bj Buffalo Works, Buflaio; Rcsse AAihley, Bochesten RcttJett A Co, Gloooester, N. Y; Harwood A Snyder, Schuylkill County; Uirbrckjftlew York; i|°?k*DalttmateK**PL«rDiX,»N, Y; 1L h. Dunbho AOo, New York; iJenrnraa A Co, Monument Works, Bait; Van Curen.-Hoehrsicn Won a Ayres New York; Aiisnr Works, do; Pease A Murphy,' do; H'e*t Point. Foundry; ? U , rri l* 5 10 * Py»delpklM A Jenks, BfCedeibUMb, P«; New Y ”‘ : Atheoekeag Co, Manrliesrer, N Ip Lvraan A Soatkcp. South Boston and uumcrous others; l. Skic*s.J St V‘ M *^ no ' lo a ,eU dlc, l 4 U P' ft ito« in pri. 8350 No i iZ 2 it iiolkprs'ce j Olf ±V* t 0 OEte « * J’*t»!«K(aie%o, rnnd T«rL i * Sons, Cnieago/for Dies «ii or teachlnet fer using them, will meet with prompt attention. 1 "nrwMw .T 1610. tolo*. mjscellameoui KkßQVst,, 4 C 9* ** 4,ro rea >°*' ! d their fItOTJCE, THE Partnership, hareiofore existing between the •Übaenhers, ander lue finn of Burbridgc, Wilson T a, J h ' , , k d 7 JlMo ,«d by ,nniu£ consent, rbe business of the firm will be settled by J. W. Bur bridge, or Wm, Wilson, Jr .either oi whom is anihor tied to use tho nkrae or the firm in liquidation i,)y* Rhrrridge, wm.hhj.on, jr,, LYON, BHURB A CO Piiuhurgh, July 1,1930,-Jy4 LU CCNPAOTaKHIWTp; JAB. VV. RurbridgoA Benj. F. Ingbram have this d day associated themselres under tho firm of Bur - bridge A Inghrau, to transact a Wholesale Groeerv ! and Oeueral Commission Uusineti, In the bouso lately i oecqoied by Burbndgo, Wilson A Co, 116 Water »l i Putsburgb, July 1, ISSO.—iyi { CO-PA&TNEaSUAP. i «nb»c>it>er« hire lh/» dir formed e co-pmitiier- ' stitp under the.firm ofWkf Wll»on, for the oar* - ; m»e of lr*n*»cunp the WboleitJe Grocery end Com- ‘ poifuon Baunett, «t No 86 Wood street. J Pittsburgh. I,l33o—jy< EtLANK I WU^’oN f axoaais * qawoktu, RKCTIFYING. DISTILLERS, ans Tea and Win. 3 Merchants, East tide «f the Diamond, Pitisbnrsh 5 Me nowotferinff hlihe TBfT lowest price* for cash, i Rectified Whiskey, <»□ and Domestic Brandy; also rrench Dranjly. llolland #?in. Jamaica Spirit/, Lon- * don bin. In»h Whiskey, Bom, Ac. Port,Sherry,Ma- » dcira, Chsmpjgnc. Claret. Wuscatell. Malara, Tens- •< reife and Lisboa Wines Wholesale* Retail my 3 } M INTING PAEkp—»' “ PRINTING PAPER—Alwaya on hand or made to 5 order, Oio tarioai tire* of Pooling Paper, Kao 1; w rapping {Paper, Crown, Mediam, and Doable drown •' ' v WPu»rP*pen Crown, Medium. ami ; DonbteCrdwn Poal Office Paper: Paansboard, Ac. Ac -VT P MARSHALL, 85 Wood au ) Agent fcr Cl/mnp Mill*. • TITOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and ber re- i Tf trerd. By Maria J Melmoih, author of “Charm* 5 fc Coantereharm*," “To reem and to be.” I toI ldmo ■ Latter Day Pamphlet*, No p««ut lira-, t llj TWomaa Cnrly«!e. \ CaatMaai.—Memoir* of Life and Writinci ofThoa. i Cbalmera, O 1)., I* L. U. Prelection* on BuilvHe - Analogy, Paley’a Evidence* ofCbmtiauKy, and IHIPa ? l-eeturc on Divinity, with two Intro-foelory Leetaroa - •ud four A.tdrea.ea delivered in trio New C«nle**» ; tJUilmraU, by TLoma* Cbalmera, D. U, L L IV f i *oi jVmu. • ■ I Calvm—Life of John Calvin, eomnjled fr«n aathea. 5 r. C *"d p*meularly from hu raflHpflMeaeea. i fcT rhonai H Dyer, with portrait I *©l l-Jmo >or .ole by : H HOPKINS. j ■* _ 7$ Apollo IlnilOmaa. Fourth %u h Combat Combat. ' CROSS *uper Polka; 10 do do very Sot; *, **\J *>o Rcddhee; ;• IV ** tupcr KorlE Horn Readint: ? r ‘ “ Ui Pocket Combi; I 500 “ “ Wocd “ loou dot •»*’<] Pino Ivory; { 3o “ Shell Side Combi; > 10 41 iuper large tfutfolo; i *» I»U *U’J Side C.rnU; *nd l„ „l« „ r _i£ii C VijAUßk- llie M..k„ .. ’ EA.(iLIC k'OnsilHY. ----- lOHH jtjr.■ • 1 • • nun mcuuL*o» ; •linKuMdpniignc<l,»Bcees*«iri to Arthur* * N»eio.v i 1 ton, legleare u» inform Ibe citireii. 0 | PiiuburiA i ( iVpnrrsf.nv lly^U,al havo wbailt U«* UA ) j>GhFOLNDII\ and are now in (nJJ operation. mj «*"*' part of lhcir patterns reedy fo,°&s V e 9 €^ k,,, e. -Cual and Wood . ; ov '*» wnh * aplendid oir-Uthi Coal Stove, wkielr i* ' ,Dl ?. re, ' d ‘ ,n otbcr c “* e * ““ common round »r - Al “’“ C \°*P coal c Stove, well ud«p- 1 led for 'mail fnniUmt, with m fall asaontaeni ofeo£ in.i. iiuj "ilini'-l (.mici Wt would pamcularlr in . the auemmn at perannv builduj.- to call at our «.,,'. C , J -°.T'.‘ ;lu,c V 1 * 5 el '*«**•*** a splendid ~,. ' r|,4,,, n*';t;ed i.iaira, finished m fine style— en'.rri) i.. w iii tl.iA market. I * s,,rr, T “• opposite Wood «* •_ NICHOLS; »N APA VNSi y, JMPORI’ATIOIHk | 1 YKA(»F.K, ImpoMrr (uni Wbolern’e Heater ir. Jr'* , „ £V N 9 V ' AND v AniCTY OOOOjS ‘ or the trill Cotnh, to* Market st. I'm,bJrrh h«. tVe,t.:rn Mm-tdim, Pedlars, and l,‘ eM • 1 I‘t.burah 10 purrftdar Hot.ds B(C |c.|.#rll u ;iv ' tu eß!lfc:nleiaiu.iidtlieextei,.ivea t i >f tn.e t i« 7 of Kn*? ! Auivnenn, tretu-h and German ha.iey t7..0d. * i ,/ l* 1 ’" 1 # 5 * bo< rf 4 at \ ht * *«Ul»liiluu.-su are.raport- I ed direct t<> myself,, and purchasers inuy rely on net- ( . nr,* good* from fimbauJ*. ll,are ti.cUr Be « fr.rni of articles, m the •nti.eiy In*., in the my or ‘ Pittsburgh all of which will l-c »otrt low f or CI ,L 9 , ! e iVSrK? e 5- y** «v ck »>■ part, ot - r : Lace OOoib,Hosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. ..ilk Cravuu.{}bo«ftndPateniThtpa.u,Pewit» , *., t l rif ,f j Gold and Silver Watebes, Gold Jewelrv „.. , ! Brushes, Coraba and Razors. 7 ’ * l,ltin daof J Pereosalon Caps, Hcvcdvors, fistoln. tr „rk. <anv > - Luuoti Pitrsea.PpectafSes, Steel Pern n r **’. * * J Carpet Hags and Umlcli, * , '* tt * ,c •‘““•i : Kindinga and Triratairyi 3 usj'sss* u ?- l„. ; iais 7 » i \ £ 5 I oi. vajfu. Hl* no «jo»r.k nourtim, hui a *i«n i^ftJ* 1 * ? Iwij medicine. of known end e«s)ti*heJ r> Kvco' f»tu3y In the United tune, «houM'\ C^r- « »it)» Buchan'* Haagicrinn Balaam oi fj,r ’•' counteract the consumptive temlencm of .V» * ? n> * l * •*! bu u> be used a. a »rr£„tlv c 4S ft *• *»?“•. is et.i.U, couKha, »pmiil«f of blood, p Mu i cUjw untauon and .Borenei* of the k* 1 ,' 4 ; -i difficulty of breaun*,.hecti« fever, m*h “w c ;i™^ lU - • ' ;* «■» s PajMhliu, containing a mas. 0 f Enrti.h wj «a:j Certificate*. end. other evident .k- lup * An»rv- t. enuttUed meriu of Uile great Kngliih > ft^?.u lr tha a * V : j ©btruned of lie Agentt, mituSutiy tt *» b% -c * . Mr.,*• E. **»4l y parable Cougk Synip, l be# leave in * ur ,n '/om ebi«f ike comm unity,.the.? tnywlfo * lW *> for Uoes afflicted trim a otott dt»tre»v -*» been aoveral ',{ chMed,iu Janu»r>-laiatiaboiu* ,‘ a * eongk. I p ur . curcducouga of two month*'. wf y? ur Byrop, wh.ch K nu.mb «ince, ifce couli kei- * •*">*«*. About one tbKt (be could kanlly- - rne ®» »«d wu M Severe br.Ttui; I sent for oik- fron * weakness i u u» h » P*n of one bou* - 7®* youf Cough dycnp, and R E BEIIeA K . ErrlL - - sa "* M,J *|i a.x.1.4 *4 del* v VJC2IITIAB BUID »tr WAitKROOM. k SpSSHs! I'nr CUT ?'L 1 ’ 1 ™ I ' l ' ' 5 !KJL^'L ,h ” ; ai&sss&ara - I A f bßmw Kcoaomy la T..,, XfuKittZ-z 1» p.».. ol Lbr p\ ao nd. TheJ«‘ Te **« k «l, «*«l *.u* Kicolleut .Tei u . ~ J Bup«fTorOu»liii e *- s®l*r lb - Tito «i»r-y h-.^ — • !»;«•**•• ” »«... **J r pf Mod * cItUJ, you VTe iu?„ t er *“« »« your ,f|ho Sworof So ? T&^L • food ..'.T** 11 * t jehutt it or iewraX lht «‘wci^uVtt^n' e, »' S 2 «t U iL‘i l ( i !i wrf,Jo i | y dinoUe*l?,‘! J ' ,u, n'iiy Of S sSms *rssg& • 15 b « u * ■»• r »*. ■ :i '’* Besixaa KSwfij «
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers