ESTABLISTIFT) 'IN 1786. • PLUILISITED WHITE,..I CO. D. N wan, '1 1.. rINIONT. 0111713 ER ZIP" MID STRUT, Mir DOOl. TO liiiiiffis ,00 pet MM.. •••••••-- 15 Wriikiy, in milvaneri- ti Do. Clabs, az a reduced rata.: 'Mal CI OF ADVIiCRTISTINOI AOREET 111-ON MY TI 6 PITTEIBOROM palm, OS 713 , e,(10lioe. TlOiailarell or leas) rn• urruen -- • Ow s iya re, etch aa•lition hi ineerileo IMMEINN 1 -- Pro.. three Wee ....—.— lon P., one meet —.—..— 5.00 Do. two mont 5----• 7,00 TO. 'three 11l !M. •.- --.•-•• • .... 0.00 In. lc. mon s• —• —•—• 10.00 IM. eix eta., • .......—.... 92,00 TM. Puttee sn n ibs..... • • 15,00 standing Gerd (il lines it. less.) P , .44.14• 1 0 •00 One Square, changeable tplessure per on • nem) excluder of the .per— 23,00 Per cash additional Muni. !named over one month, 01l for verb additional Moore lesenrd under the year• ty 'etre, hull once. AdVertimmenth eaceeding a vinare, and net over 1111. en Since, to be charged ex a Muller and a halt Pattfithen eat •cenenteble for legal aderrtiserocats eagend the amount charged for heir publication. Annoareing cemdtdatet for °dote, to be charged th e •lIII2E it tither adverureenonts. • gdrertirenteuts not matted ou the copy for a epee'. lied number of intieniont, will be continued till forbid, and payruentorattri accord, . The privileges of yearly advertisers will be confined rigidly w regatta business, and all - other adver decreer!, not petulnit•g to their regular boatmen, me agreed for. to he paid torn. Allat:Ten/lenient. fnr charitable Inatitutioni, Sra ardeu, ward, township and sid her kohl in meetings, and such Ike, to be charged balfprice, payable Wrinkly Ir advent,. Itltunage lionises to be charged ISO cents. — Derith notions Inserted vithouteharge, artless =tom panted by fennel invitations or obituary notices, and when so seenmormied to be paid the Reimitundvertmers, and nil other. sending comer nicatione, or requiring notices designed to nail atten tion to Palm :soirees, Concerts, or any public enter tainments. where charges are made for admittance -all notices of private associations—every notice dm signed to cell attention to fin sate enterprises calcula ted or intended to intone Individual interest, can on ly lit Inserted whit the understanding that the nine Isle be bald for. If Intended to be Inserted In the io eal cqiumn,the'sante Will be charged it the rate of not lose then 10 rents per line. Bishop er list Notices to be charged triple price, Inrern license Petitions, te el. h. Legal and Medical advertisements to ha charged at full pure, Beal lute Agent.' and Auetloneers , adeertiee meete net to be claaxed under yearly rote., but to be allowed diseonet of dirty ears and one AIM per malt from de amount of bill,. • • . , Ors e are, threOltme nions • • __ . in so Do. eaTh tulditianal Mr.e.rtion• •. 37 anmscrurnomm m RIMY . One Skulae, (10 1111.0 one ‘nce(llen• -50 els. Dn. etch additio ,, al Inwertion••-43 " VI trizneient cdvertiternente le be paid in advance. WHITE It CO. Gazette. . - L. HARPER, Po, RP M niDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. BARR A CO, Clironlelii. FOSTER h BROTHER, Dispatch. SOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. WOMAN, Auierie.. 11111A1I1EAINE, Evening Tann.. Prrscurucn, Dee. I, 1419. CARDS. JOHN A. PAILILIZIoOS, ALDEIIIiIAN, Fifth Waid, Penn street, between O'llere and lifsltent. All busmen, promptly at landed to.' Ar.b.MASDIER M. WATISOM, A TTOIRNKT AT LAW—Orrice, on Fourth axe% A kbove Wood ntrip DAVID C. TUTTLE, - A 77011,7tY AT" LAW, d Cowanisaloasr fir Arenn.ylvafila, EIL Mo. All eorninunietwom promptly wavered. , oeVilLly .TAIIIEB V. ECKIITt, ATTORNEY AT LAW—Olen on Form* Meet, betwean Ennatittla and Gnat, PiUsburgh. LETtly g=LIE=CMI AWORN Itti and ColmarCar at Law, and Colombo Wane, for the Slat, of l'enna*lvaida, SL Loala; Mo., (late of SOteharch.) Rofereaccr—PlltahurcS: lion. Forward, Ramp ran k Wirer, ISCandlow P. McClare, Joan E. Parte, ..ttaacila & &le, McCord & Kota. • BIDWELL CO., PORI7I'/LUDING 211dEt.011•21Ttla Glasgor, Fury fart CkAes.) lining pertnanamly located at this place, • nine and sebstannal Wear( Com, we are prepared to re• eclywand forward promptly to all points on the river, pad ho dandy annnsd 'Bearer o r Ohio Canals , Ilk Co. flgow, i IS —M WM ..... —loos a. cosolassa V.V.B. svocnsaars.• ---Pasta saaaarr. AGALEV, WOODWARD It CO, Wholesale Gm. ears, No 211 lilspteL ss, Philadelphia. ao4 - 7 ----- Pltraborgh Alkali Worts. BENNF.TT, Bl'.ll HY le CO, Manufacturers of Soda ?LA, !Beaching Powder*, Maria,. son Pulphatie Acids. %% archaace No.—, Water meet, beloorFers7, nocO, Prearnek Braun. (icor. Reiter. . . . BILA UN a. REITER, Wholocale and Retail Drag. girt., comer of Liberty . and Si. Cian . streets, Pitt are. P. .pi CA. Me ANULTY ACO, Formanlmgand C. a minion Alerchnnta, Canal Bann, Pittsb•rah, Pa. tor: Cill Gil r, ..rueer, emu tal.wo.. and . Forervilhig rderchal”, No. 41 Wilts, or., Nuir. burgh. Ira Hersey Andress Pienites K. K Plummy FLICKING as CO., rIONIMISPION MERCHANTS—For the sale of Dm Mestie.WoMen, end Colton Goods; al ro, dealers In all kinds of Tailors• frimmlogs, No 117 Wood in, 4th door from Filth. Pittsburgh. Reference—Alessrs. Wm. A. lIHI & Co, Hank en. •. aux.•.l SIM S. 115,11. &AM& & nevxm COMMIS.RION .1413PICHANTS obi Bill Brokers, Ho 111 tteeond street. Pittsburgh. ING . MLIS/1 dr—IMMO:TT, (late English, Gal!artier n Eo.I Weolesale Grocers, Cortnlssi. and For warding Pderebanu, and dealers In Produce and Pitts. burgh Stanalletares,No.37. Wood se, between 'id and OE= FORWARDING & C01111115.110N AIERCEI&NT No In Second rittobargh. mr2l mos ma — C - 11. romocrecal . [wavers c.uvroorron R. W. POINDEXTER & CO, C ENERAT.ONIISSION and FoflVlreirli Men olpanta and Final _Dealer, ' No CIS Market erect, 9iledeltdda 1725 "(SALO, DUCIENOR t. co TOBACCO CoIOMISBIO2I BEBCIIMITS. No. 41 North Water Street A. No. In North Wham. A. J. Ilerreoe. 1 PHILADELPHIA Inwe , Fl tele. j Philo4 e. D.C. McCall/row. J. A. W&ILNII.. < •.. tr ---Lk , i ); jnieeTatiiiTT, u rpchat .0 Wool Deal to;l4fe-no IVino,'O'n'e7:lZieert‘;',joeorilie,sftVlsi.here47of L.A. e. ;Os= HARDY, 1070. 4 .3 tt Co., (neeecoo. to Atwood, Jones & Co.) Cormalsrlon and Fonrardlnr Mer e:nuts, dealer.. in Pluabirgh Atanstraetared Goods, Pinsborth, Po. . lnoten • W . L.. ria.usuALL, PITOCTIOAT TO TAYTIII. EaIPOUTER & Dealer in French and American Pa per liangiaga and Borders, Window Shades. Fire rd Prints, A:c. Atm—Writing . , Printing and Wrap png Peper, lin. 0 Wood strem.hrtween Fourth sweet and Elinmond alley, west side, Pittsburgh, Pa. lebl3 ALAS! WORKS* (WIN AG Nt4Vit. late of the limn of Chambervoig. U new & Co ; amok' re spectrally inform the old cos ies.. and the public generally, that he will still e on. nude to carry co Ice Green Masa buntnese, in all Its Varieties. and la prepared to fill all orders for Apothe caries' Farnitare, Mmerals, Porters, Viola, An- he, pertaining to hit buxine , a. It,. americium la No 21 gf sant meet, httereer, Fleet k StCOl2l WA. Jry 4,d3rit ee.t tl er in Dye Stula, Pointe ; Oat: Varnishes. ke, No 113 Wood street, one door Month of Diamond Alley Pittsburgh. apt jr/C41W131A1707...C . , NV — schwa, DICE; C0121111:111t011 Merchant. and dolor in Prod. - e and Pittsburgh Manufactuent. Pio 21 Water at Pittsburgh.. ape 011il11- 1113.1. at ea Co., Wholesale Grocers. Com- JII. thaelon,e!...rennv.a. and dantaTa la Produce, N0c.56 Waxy, and 110 Pnorterresca, Pitteeucch. novq 7o►o s. . ----Joseph Ail , gurt. nk~efe 6ro ,and J. a DT.`;,',111.".,', - ,T4,d`r, Pittsburgh deSy JVICi Dl . TCAVM . SMNIst and ' , Miner..? . No. IS Market at , three doors above Thin! IS Pitts bergh.will have ennwantly on hand a well selected all sionotent of the heat and freshest Medteines•whieh be will sellon the "Iwo reasonable terms. Physici ans tending 0rder...41 be ow:motif' Wended ie. and mP plied witb arvides they mar roll PkTaiel. Prescriptions will be aecarately and big on pi dart from 1. best material., at any hear of dityer mints hAlso tar sale, a large stock of nosh sad good Nen Jana raoc - Richard Floyd. T it R. FLOYD, {notated Grocers, Coaunisalon 14 • hicrehcitr, and Drafers In Nada Round Charch , T l . Corinna on Liberty, Wood and ,t,ti•ig, 4 aPi A., CA Mill Agent rer-Dra Late FM. aitl Mkbiran • LOW , to- Eteavemad thdLatea.—Ofhec •11.1 SrpitbßOld mo S.' • A NM , Lewd. ilracMcon & Co„ Com:attain, Iderchait, `and &grab of OFT Loata Blanca Paw D.,h,,,n4 " :,tia,4.5 water and DY tronaarrarita,Pittatmak, ltolesa/n [RI n 3- • - i -;im,r-iciciA. - 62 - 7 -- * ,,, i5w (RlN,Resnd ..Instjwso.nts. 81stes. Fte , l Pert., Qaills,Printem , c u d., , 11.1ttimr.ry geperztly,No. 81 Waad A4Vituburgh. VTR r* hone, - a..NV.10 to " +CAN 1.1.-" . 11.-1::AN Fl MX, Vote or Warren,. Oh to) Uontons ktereht, and wholesale &ger 18 Western Reserve Cheese,. Bauer, rot a m ' r.. 4 Ash, and Wesu, Produce , generally. Water bomeen Smithfield and Wood, Pllabargh. lit Eh ft JONES FurursrAingsad /11<f. 4 1th•rti, Deniers in Produre sad Pittsburgh mann. ri , total Bost% near 7th ---:' ;PEI! 17 rAlgrit, rITTSIIDGIT4 PA: gritieEDY, emu's CO, lua.r.clarers ot ..sarrala,aer 44 anted-at; carpet Chtlith -it: sal Vatting_ ... 4 ' • 1•30-1, t ITOCILTON, ATE Jobrarra al Not hop, BOOKBIMLER, EITA. TIONER, PIUNTEEI. WO BINDER, comer I sag Ti4vt Plreglip rUtilnuibir& • 111 I j n PITTS ,--, , • BUSINESS CARDS, Pittsburgh . Clay , 4311ase Works. laTs CLINNIIIOIIAIII CO, AIIVFACITFIERS OP WlNonw CLASS. M ee Market street, betsseer,Flrst and Second, Pitubarsh. In"Partientne attention paid to odd siseo. Alms Do - la en In PUNT tilaSB, VIOLS, BOTTLES,. Am. w. CZNDITIDLEAD, O. procss, 1793:tt D. CITENCHAY. D. tenses, Wm Miller,Phiiad. C, W. Rickman, Pittsburgh. . ILLER & RICKETSON. Wholemle Groner. and d Yl Impormrs of Brandier.Wines and gegen, N. 179 and 174,corner of Liberty and Irwin streets, Puts. barna, P. Iron, Nails, Croton Yam. &e. fre eon staaily an hand. ap4 John Walter C. Hoe McGILL9 DOE, Whales. In Grocers and Cololll{ll- &len hlerehants, No 194 Liberty di, Pittsburgh ap4 PrnDiIDRZ-14—StkfETL-I'irdit/19'ar—i1i—'RWD AND AXLE FACTORY. MAX SOAL /0.113 s. emus,. JONES & aXr l OO. TiIIANUFACTITRERS of sprikg and blister meg, plough steel, steel plouy,h renage,.eoach and clip gs, h ammered Iron axles , and dealers in real re ' af=atule 4 gs, film engine lareps,and coach trimadnem K emeny, comer anon and Front sta., Pintemb, Portrait *1;1 blliiisieTe M A Pain i tT. W Rooms, corner or Post Ogee ' Alley and Fourth street, <nuance on Fatah an, near barker. decAaltf Z&st:lipardoss Commission klare4ant a. NO. al Old Levee at, N Orleans, keep constantly on hand a large actortaxrd of Brandies of the follow ing brand.. which they offer for sale an agents for J. Durand & Co. Bordeaux, viz: Tkantory, J. Breed. J Du rand & Co, Larne bell I Durand, Coner:, A de td mt. wren, L I.lleville, Ae, de Nentiort, J n ean Louis. Ac., de; also, Anchor Gin, Borden. Red and White Wine. In casts and eases, selected with care by John Durand teCo; besides Champagne Wine and Breech Bergundy Pert.• UOLMES it SON, No 83 Market et, second door . from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreign and Domestic Hula of Exchange, Certificates 'of Deposit, Bank Noes end Spechi. El:rCo!eleciane made on all the prinalpal cities hroughout the United Smtes. ap4 BUCKMASTER, Atnerchn.-411Bee, Fourth 111, third door shove Smithfield, eolith aide. Cony...dug of all kinds done with the greatect . .re and I.'l accuracy. Tit es to Rea; Erato examined, to. oct.lll.lY Lithographic Matablishosent r LPN. SCIIUCIBLA NB, Thin' st, opposite the U Post• Office, Pittsburgh—Maps, Landscapes, Ml heads, Showbills, Labels, Anhitecnrul and Machine Draings, Illusions and Visiting Cants, Gold ngve or drawn on stone, sad printed in colon, , Drone or Black, in the mote approved style, and at the most reasonable ences. octlndr 0:4, LITTLE & CO:. ` ...2.55 lAhnityOtreer Nusburph. Wholesale Grocers, Produce and Commission Merchants, and dealers In Pittsburgh Menefee ores epl7 ton. rotosola not. 127011. WO- a. 1.0111,504._ OBERT MOORS, %Choler:sale Grater, Reebfyin J.. 1 Distiller, rt dealer la Produce, Pittsbarrh Mane‘ tares, an'. all kinds of Paneri and Domestic Winc ,' ; and Liamrs,Na. II Liberty meet. On hand ...cry lac i :V b a e fzugLri . or fo o r l , d .. tonongullelt oraiskey, L o. 1111,10 , Do. I. 1- IHEL REYNOLDS 4 RUSK Forwarding and Goininis slon Merchants, for Pie Allegheny River Trade, sealers in Groceries, Produce Pittsburgh, Al.lufacs tures, and Chloride of Lions The highest price, In cash, paid at all times for comity rags. Come' Penn and Irwin as. ispli3 ROBEILT DALTELL & Co., Wholesale Citroen, Commission Merchants, dealer, In Produce and Pittsburgh Ilmuscaetures, _Liberty street, ?inshore. P. .918 R. A. CONNINGIIIAAI. WHOLESALE GROCER., Produce, Forwarding, and Comm union Merchant and Deaier in Pats burgh ALastalutares, No =Liberty street, Pin/burgh, S _ . MM HAETT k Wholesale De.ers In Foreign and Dogmatic Di, Goods, Ho. 91 D'Smd asreel Pittsburgh. spl7 - CV HAIMIAUGH, Wool Martiiinealtirs set Flour and Plod.* generally, .nd Forwarding and Goonnicsion Mentin= 10:; Flat street ant. I ld Second guest Parshurgh: aol7 r ; rein: e r ".u. as, Produce ut."7".3.' 1 4 .4"" - , 7:,•• 6 mission Merchants, No. 17 Liberty street, Plus. burgh. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oils. spil Q F VON DONNE/118T it. CO, Maniere le Gro eera. Forwarding and Commission Merebania, Dealers in Pittsburgh Manencturee and Weitern Prod nee, bane removed io fuer new worebonre. (nld .:and.) No. 30, corner of From street and Cuarieer; Lane. a 17 GILEEPISBOBOIIIIO7.IiL Ilbamou'• Ocu Stun.) MITE rebteriber beau: g lensed the above well Mown 1. and excellent montlishment, Ls now pr pared to entertain Mt Irked, and Inc travelling pantie nt, to the best manner and on the mom remoneole terms. Ms TABLE will et all times I, nipplied qi,h every delteuy of the season—as: his 800 troll the best of Liquors His Stabling is very ezieerlyin;ood worry arrange .. oet bee been mono far he accommodation of Dro• ZIOR&II3 & 11.AWORTII, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, Ban side Diamond, Pittsbnret. apltl BALED £ 111 VIS TGULP lefeq m the pobllo, they have rotten the warehouse formerly occapted by the late hit. Salomon Scheyer, 114 Second street. Ilstnng n !arse 54.41 eommodsolm warehouse, they would invert lite attention of persona having goods to cow/go Of store. They will oleo give attention to the porchnw and rale of Notes. Drafts, Bonds, ie. . aer, L. S. %V at:. n• •RN. W Jae nnt, •%V II %V merm . L. N. WATER DIAH & SONG. W duce dr. Pntsoorgh Mononactured Antler; Agrots for sale of Richmond and Lynchborg Alanufnmorml Tobacco. rad W3L TIMBLIN. ATTORAMT AT LAW, Bit n, Pa W i listrtro " res n d a io w t,== d and i ° Z;gro l ; emmllea, Pa. Rale: to R.. Floyd, Liberty at W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Plttabarah. dly Kay .4. Co., Wood at I lanf JOHN MaRADICH it CO.. FORWARDING Pe COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canal Dmin, Penn street, Pittsborsh. mr6 JAMCS 111. DAVIS di CO., PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0,257 Market, and 54 Commerce at., Philadelphia. Advances mule, by either of the above, ott consign ments of Produce to either House. sera J. D. W.Mums. ••—• Dam .1. D. WILLIADS WHOLESALE & RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and rdwomisition !Harahan., and dealers in COLINtry Produce and Putsbargh fitanorau• tares, corner of Woad and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Irwin tNIX4JIM WM. 11. WILLIAMS BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Fiat comer of Wood rood Third meets, pad 1 . 11111.11.1. PA. U. YQAilf, JOHN X. C.011.1.TX, W. X. IMOODWLII., XL1.211 TIT hl. DOLGA LEY & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 18 TT and YO Wood street, Flu.sbatet. 1107 roan 11. trice, DAVID o'er.. Jam -uurzcic weANDLESS, isoceesson. to L&J. D. Wick, Wholesale Cotters, Forwarding and Cormier lon Merchants, dealer. in Iron, Na Is, 41. , Cotton 'Pains. and Pittsburgh Manufactures general. / y, ednaer of %Yoshi and Water sneer,, f/ttOungh. 17 ap W& M. Ntrrciffl.7rnr.F., Wholeula Croce., 77 . Rectifying Disollers, and Wine and Liquor Morena., itlim—lmponers of :Lela &eh and Bleach ing Powder, No.loo Labe.) street, B '.' h street,) P"",hc; Watches , apl7 W. W a ;JP ' M ato l l+ G ' ooln ° , ' , l. - : ` , 1 7.1TL ', 7 , 7. ,," Fourth streets, Pattburgu, Pa. N. a—Watches and Clocks carefully repaired. apt? WE. wcra. MCI e. Y . C17:1/. I rrm. YOUNG & G. Dealers fn Leaiber, TY &e, 143 Lierty mon jan:nty a. ac'errennon non. 11'ClrICIILON. IAT 3 K. MeCUTCHMON, Who:cane Gwen, V V a dealer. In Produce, iron, Nall, Gins, and Pltlabargn Illsolulnetarn generally, Lanny Wen.— rutrbrogn janl7 W . & NOBLE are clew receiving new VI , crop wheat, which wof superior quality. They earl new (welsh families with fresh Flour. All order,/ left in the boxes will be promptly sneeded to WILAIARTiI &NOBLE, 10:W ,Ctty - - - CoopARTNIRECEII.IIPs IHAVE taken WM. CARR into pertnersh th With me in my business, which will from this daze be carried on under the name of 'Mahn Parker t Co." • Alarnh LC, LeMli .10/IN PARKER. Jahn —.William Can. JOIUf Pnaxea WAoirsais Gram Dealers in Prodoes, Fame,. Wines, Liquors Old Illonougarla and Rat ified Na. 3, Commercial Wray, Liberty street, anent ?turbo rah. P wares, an aMIIaa MM.. IVY. W. It. PALMER, IFIANAA 6 CO.. (Successors to litany, henna & Co.) BANKERA, EXCHANGE/MOWERS, and dealer) LP in Foreign end /Majestic Euetumus, Certnentes Of Dupe its lfaoh NotOd, and specie—tionb corner of NVOCkI and Third - streets. Cumin money received on deposite.—hight Checks for sale, one uolicctiona made onmearly all the PrindiPai the United Stamm ' The highest imentlum paid for Foreign and Amadeu Advinets Made cod containment ' s of Produce, ship pod Fillt.-01,libtild term.. artnl rs'eLcueJl 101[0:.11006 WAIL. A. PitCLURGI 6 Co., GROOERS' AND TEA DtALERS, No 256 Liforry Arm; chore Flan always of, hand a larce assortrasot of Cbdin Groceries end rum Tens; else, Forego irone Nam, Wholesale and Renal; Dealers sopptled On the Invraitt Ingot • --- "15 OREM{ L MI "---- rPEA. AND WINE MERCHANTS, east Sao of Diamond. Pao-Mims Taao--.....—..110 00 per itt. :So -Po-rim qaalities— 0 75 40. Tke best imported 100 do, Iqwo7let damaged, or loferlor Teas atit 00t kept title est* shment. ints 77 -7- '' --- 7 — aticiei a HAN'', i vi.r at lds Carpet IV - . ..!,cuiv.roccuoun received Vrmtleuse, No 73 Fourth cr.• very band WO ...No.= of Rom to vOlah we padre the at taw." .rlPaetakeetc. ' neat- - To *he Citizens elf olu.gasoY .--- i~y U Ono. Bub, aim will be i t e m2 l 2o - 1106 , piggy) MISCELLAKEOI WILKINS HALL. FOURTH STREET, PIIM.IIOURGH, PA. rrIBLS umgrobeent estahlighwent bring now mm pitted and reedy for brained, the prootietor would reapectittily solicit a share of the goblin patronage Be trusts by giving bla full attentlen to the businese, to mate the hooks a pleagant and coenfortehle rerun for the <btu. of Pittsburgh and for the country genernly. Good attendanta will be In wahine, and every ex ertion made to render the eris.blishment senility the counteranee and simrstrt of an The TWO SPACIOUS BALLS, toed' ton Concerts, Lectures, Bally and pablis 131Selitrf, will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal teems es nor other in the nit,. The BAR and RESTAURANT, equal in style and beauty In any In the world, will be kept ferniahed with Pure Wines, Choice Liquors% Cordial. Porters, Alert; and all the cool, light , rtfreslonents tiflbc Poultry, Game, C Fishnyl, Soup, Oystets, , and Chum, sery li In the beat s, The D I NING and Wk. REAM S ALOON, being on the first door, and easy of access, will be ronnantly supplied with all the Lazar*. and Dencacies of the moon; and also, with such substantiala as thou:tartan; afford. Warding by , the day, tent, or 1,11. Dinner. or Sapper. for Individuals or panic., eorntahed on short nonce. Gentlemen with their families. ridding the ray r.l. be supplied with retroehruouts of ell kindest toy hour or the day. • • Gond Stabling and an erirnaive Livery Einabliid , rnent in connected with the Ilan. Dinner at I &epee. Bmaklast wad Teiat the renal boars. Pawnor, far I.tollee to the lee Crean, and Pining Saloon, No 07 Southfield stree.. jetel:dt K. 11 VAN FIF.NSSF.I.AER A. WESTERVELT & SON, II ELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKERS . TV keep columnar on band or make to orderthe best article in their line. at their cad mend, No. 13 Vt. Clair street; also, at N 0.913 Market street, 'if. enna entrance in the Diamond. Venni. Shatters made to order, and old blinds neatly repaired. oplO W. & J. GLENN. Doak 13Indera. VITE are cull conned in the above business, corner TT of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work la our line with des patch. We attend to OUT weak pereonelly, andonus faction will be given In retard to its neatness and do rability. Moll' Books rated to any pattern and booed sub atanuelly. Lieviks in numbers ovoid books bound care fully ar repaired. Names pot en books in pit letter , Those that have week in one line are invited to call. peter. low rayattlf 11131 - WlGl‘ThlAN—Mmtafamarer of oil kinds of t0t .1..1.• lon ond woollen machinery. Allegheny city. Pa The above works•being now in Intl and szecesstal op. oration, I not proposed to exec ate oasts will dispatch for all triode of machinery in toy lints Molt ...W1...4 pietors, spreader., cards, grind IV r ot way s, drowtngframes, speeder', throastis, woolen cards, double or illogic, for merchant or country work, mclolltiacks,a.c.; shdo and hand lathosond tools in gem end. All kmils of ohallutg made to ordee, plans Me et. for rearing factories or Indio at re m e noble choice. Rambo T.—Kennedy, Mucks:net. Dell Se. (10.. Wine. Pono,,ek i.e. A. Gralr BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEF. NSW ARE MANUFACTURERS, it rmatingimma, taw. IMMlAbetrg at,l Pa. Offics„ I. 37 Water, a‘,7 Agtecern Marta and Wooda'auburg4. e: WILL n; riVaTs t ' f k o " a Ott ' 'L' m :t . e ". ; seeriorgasloy. Wholesale and corntry ftle, na ' chants are =spectrally =Met] to roll andel' amine for thereselees, as we are determined to sell cheaper than bas•lll7 before beet offered to tb• pee l.. ETOrdere seal by math accompanied by =stub or ood referenee, will be promptly mrended to. tore UMMMI -•-• • - AK A. WIIITE & CO,, cranial respectfullyinform the public that they have erected a shep Lacoet, between Federal and Sandoik7 mi - ects. They are now matin g . and are prepared to receive order, Or o roMe d' „Uu 'i g P t; ' ::, 7 1 hi v eL h n ic s, le iti. C ,Ie j 7. their tong experience in the manufacture of tee above work, and the facilites they have, they feel couritivni they are enabled to do wort on the moor reasonable term, with theice wanting articles to their line. Paying parucaler attention La the eciection of mate rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they have no Leanation in wazioniting tem wort. We electrum ask the attention of the maths to this matter. N. B. Repairing done to the beat maitner, coder ths mold reavontible terms. laMidf SCAIFE t ATICANSIDi, Pm ErtmeLVl Asn Mann, ...I. .ITINL'Fm irotnufaruire all ktnds of COt'.'EFI., G TIN AND SHEET IRON %TARE. Also, Mod , - tooth %Tort. Stom Dom, both to order. . . Speetal witerdimr on to .team boat work. Hove on hands a fine 0.111.011P1E.11t Of Con ..r :me Dm.. Kettles, Tin Warc,l.e be. Steamboat neck:, emma,. Portable Fergus, venous slnes—a very ern:moment u ncle for steamboats, Califonne emigrants, or smil noel eompa oies. tie would rerpeetfully tuna steam beer seen met otlwra moan and sea our astotee ami prates before parebasioe elsewhere rvn7 IMEM=SII I JrTv r'! rrvtn TORN & Co., ere prepared. to build Cotton t/4 Woolen Ulaehmery evers descripuon, sorb . DCardin" hlueltinea, Frame, Sp, de rs. raw./ Frames, Railway Head., Warp., Slunlerc, Frames, Looms, Card Gnndera, &a Wrought Iron Sbu bun turned; all sire/ of Cast Iron. Pain,. and 11.a:en of tn. latest patterns, slide and band Linnes, and tools Mall kinds. Castin;ro of every descrier ion furnished on abort Donee. Pattente made m end, r for Mill Gearing, Iron RM.112111, A.E. Steam P. for hew, log Factories, Cast Iron Window Saab and nanny C..• dogs generally. Order, 101 l an the Warohno, ~f P. , .r &t n, I,tharty edd. Refer to Glee toteek, Bed er. Ce., J. K. Moorehead A. Co.. G. E. War., John I rs.-“I ft Sans, P.t.uor, 4. C. lr. J. H. Werner, .s:enbenet!le._ la:i 17 • T ` . eubscriber offers far sale a large and splendid ga ...11111<lit of rosewood and mahony grand Ae• non_Franol, with and withoat Coleman's celebrated ZEolion Attachment. The almve instrument. are war ranted to he equal to any manalacto red in thm coo try, and will be sold lower thee any brought from the Eut. F. BLUME. No Ito wood at, done above sth Serip will be taken at p.r fore few el he above usericonei- oyl F. U. Steam Brie k Works [or Bodes MFIE sutmenher often for sale, the STKAM BRICK WORKS,above Lawrenceville, colnerming • Steam Enelne, Ilmlers, 6 Mould Machioe, capable of manpf.a.nng zr,140 Pressed Uncles foul of dry ens)', av taken from the bank,' per day; with three fen.. of land on the Allegheny rtor, on which are 4 loin. ar,d sheds, nasehfne and clay sheds, svheelhvrrows,.ucks, shovels, spades, lee., every thing requi,le 40 com mence opera.ns at ao hours nollee.. PM, including Se patent right to use mad machine, 67,060—mstua of payment made easy. Without the laud, SIM. For paao niculurs, address HENRI' MERRITT . No li e Monongahela Broom. Wrought and Gnat Iran Matting. /VIE so baCrlllerf beg lease to Inform the public that I they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable deaigns for Iron Railing, both for houses MAO cemeteries Person. wishing to procare acme patter. will please rail mid examine, and judge for then:melee. Railing won be furnished at the short est notice, and in the beat manner, at Ma corner of Craig and Rebecca suacts,Aliegheny city. a0K.9.-ittf A. LAMONT di KNOX. WILLIAM DIODY EGS lave to Inform his friends and customers :ha he Is jest reeeiving his new spring stock of Goods comprising. as usual, all tne newest aid moat fashiom able styles of Clow., Camtmeree, runty Veetinas, co, Inn and linen /tamer muffs, and every article imitable for gentlemen , . wear for sonng and summer. It being Impossible to desenbe dm beauty, qualwy, or qua may of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are in want of good, cheap, fasloonable end well made clothes, will give hint a all, as titre mno stock this lode of the Alleghenies that can compare with it The ready made depastalopt u very extensive, slop. ted to all tastes. Rail road contrimtora, country merchants. and all who purchase largely, ate particularly invited to •x• amine the clock before parenaning, as particular et. tent.* Is paid to the wholesale bounces in tine estab lishment. Every &Miele in the tailoring line made to orde r In the most faahionable and best manner, at the shortest ono en melt fiOTIC.E. H oY F AIr natft7al 7 , f? ts " d b existing y the Te e t e fi rTe tit Mr. C radley. The businem wilt be earned on by A Ilradle. , who will settle the basinets of the lam firm. REMO AL—A DIADIAT bag removed his Foundry %Vauban from No MC Second street terNo Si Wood street, bet een First and Second streets to the ware. boll. lately occupied by 0 A Berry, where ' hn mini keep eonotantly on hand • general amertmentof Cut, Mgt, Grates, Stoves, Cooking Stoves,Ae. jy I 3 2124:11.1ELV CFACTIIIIER OF CAST STEEL, and NS I td No.l American Blister Steel. Also—Best 'tot Flies, oral' sties; and Blacksmith and Shoe Own,. on hand and (or sate . , either ut hi, "Ea' either Works," Ultima ore., Falb Ward, or at ice the Iron Store of BOLLMANS en OARRI - 4,'foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. Mgt+dlm Can ster Ras., g gle tit el otllce 140:4, imucvLan. 'undersigned, having ueed, writ entire eat. the Cut Steel and Mlne made by Sainte] , at hie Eagle Steel Works, In Ws city. take In recommending them as equaldn quaiiry to need by se, of foreign or. ofiecture. , r ' '' ' AI tr& h ,I9IVOENLIERGKII & CO, clfacturers of Iron and Naiie. Pittsburgh, Pa. KNAPP & TO fiTE.N. i Founders and lefrihlnlete, Pinihiargh. Pa. COL — KMAN e , IMILAIAN & CO, of Spnrige, A.iii , e, Spring Steel aid 14.3• L to, Pars buten, Pa. • FAWN FAUF.R. der. and Maehigo Cant Manufactu rers, Pinishnecti. Pa. A FULTON, . _Brats Founder. Mullion!. Pa. .. OKAPI, LINDS.AY A CO, Manufaatarcni or Iron .d Nails. Pittsbarah. P. • ' JIRO:I'll TOMLINgON, b r h P. l'''''''''th' F'°"..'"'"I"P V; I V ' aI P, XLIAI. Karbia Mannfaxterer,M.MOna and Eng"... ',Mid air:Le en, Piushurah, Pa. ' We • .faction pies., afty PIT , Mist, Dissolute.lop of Pavel..rehire Oilif E Partnership heretofore existing better. the I subscribers, ender the Ann ad-Chambers, Agnew , Y. Co., Glass Al =He hirers. erns dissolved by mutuul consent, on the first depot Join instant. All person. snowing themselves Indebted to said arm are regumt • ed to mite payment to either of the Nunes, enthoni Jelly, and all persons baying smuttiest aecounts wi th •re • Waited to present them for settlement ImMediately. ALEXANDER CHAMBERS, JOHN AGNEW, jyadom H . CHAMBERA. Ptaina Wines atitril candles (IP our otari Importailou, ittUatle_far_atedielnel, lj.perpceee eenstantly outland untt for ealily - the - Ivan orwhalesale, at the Tea lad yy tee norea el tIORRAtJLAW.ORTII, emit Oda of Dtasuand, air MP.utt lult4 OW, Itaktio miuktt.. , PITTSBURGH, SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 28, 1850. MOE DELAWARE IDUTIIAL SA MST). Ex HE COMPAITY.—Othee North Rama of the Exchange, Tbliai mem. Philodalphiu Fits Ins cuisOu—Ouildings, Merchandise mulather Ploperry, In Town and Country, Insured against loss or aumsige by fins. at the lowest nsto of premium. MASI. R.VEJLIVC..—They alsolusure 'Vessel., Cue. fr... and Freights, foreign or coalmine. anderepen or special policies, as the assured may desue. ISLAND T.2I7TORTATION.—They also moire merelt andise transperted by W.V.. Rai l rt° '' c '"'' C '" "il Boats and Stearn Boats, on riven and lakes, as the most liberal It.rfal. DIRECTORS—Josepit 11. Seal, Edmund A. !Moder, Sohn %Davis, Robert Burtein, John R Penrose, Sams, eI !Awards, Gen 0 Lielper, Edward !suss R Davis, Wm ' , dwell, John Newlin. Dr R M Huston, Jam C Rand, Theophilus Pudding, II Jones Bross.; Henry SIoaM Hush Craig, George Serra!, Spencer Mellsain.Churle• J 0 Johnson, Wm flay, Dr 9 Thom., Jolla. Sellers, Win Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT 14711311UR011—D T High Clsig, John T In F as WILLIAM MARTIN, Prnsidani- ItICIUIED S. Nrorsan; Seel. DT Office of the Campany, NM 42 Water street, Pituburgn, lonely P.A. MADEIRA, AIR. Ailto mad women Daturas.. TIIE Mutual LIM and Ileuth Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Incorporated by the Louisianan of Pennsylvania, Much, 154.9. Miami perpetual. Capital, giuo,ooo. Rama towel 'DUE and PlNl[Slrlo van, COUPANT and full OD per tint. tower than the usual rates of Life Insurance, as the following car. parizon mil shoot Thus, a parcel or ,be age of 30 In sung for RIW for life. mutt Pay. in the Glenn e2•3 o— en ri nsylvania. 151.3 n, Penn Mutual, Sly, Equitable. rAnt; New Enelud,,SAA New Verb Life. 11,30; Al bion, 81.40; Life end flealth,Philadelphia,Sl,9l. Dtaturosa—k4imael D. Orrick Charles D. Hall, W. P. Doane, Robert I'. King, Charies'P. tinier, B. W. Baldwin, - IL M. Reeve, M. D., Chas. 0. IL Campbell, Lewis Cooper, 1. Rodman Darker, B.H. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vine Presi dent—Rolm. P. Elm Becrent7—Francis Blackburn, Applications will be niceived.and every info nnallin given by BAND.. FAIINESTOCK, Apt, oMee, Commercial Room, Corner of Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh D'*7.4I I I VIIIAND ifiiiiixr; gamin:LANCE. TUB INSURANCE CO. al North America will make permanent and limited Insurance on pro perty to this city and vicinity, and no thipnierts by Canal, Risers, Lu ea, and by Bea: The properties of this Company are well invested, and farmsh an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all pers.ns who desire to be protecird by insurance. cute AVM,Y.JONES, Agent, 44 Water at. Piro and finals. Inaaranca. TTLZ7LCP:-..orb2,7,"•%,'Newe'N'orw if east of Wood. The rabeeriber, agent for the above old end req., sible Comp•oy, tome Polimes en Buildings end their cosier., end on shwa:ems of Merchauthse by Plasm Boats and other vessels. eis3 W. P. JONES. Moaern aidfirffilie Mumtaz& JANUS W. WOODWEtslos Ed, Tat. Be., three...lit 141 ;r :17 g r tb , Reapec j fally • Infirt . ms the .". ‘ i bobite this be has corn pl eled bre sprang rock . • FURNITURE. the largest and mow vaned assortment everofered for sale in this city. comprisrag several sous of Itea.rooD,, and Bt.. WALNUT, carved, orrouneowl sod plum,Baltab:e for Parlor., Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of which .11 be wid at tae lovetal Lances. Persons desiring' ornintre of .y r description. are Wealthy redsmar call and examine his stock, whirls .obracce every dogwood., from the cheapest sod plainest to die most elegoot and costly, of which the fdllowing compris. a pun Tete • 'rete Sof.; Tate Teta Divans; • Converssuon Marra; Elizabeth'. Casual It eeeprion Lord. XIV, do Faterriton Hotel Haar What Norei Toilet Tab ; Levis XIV Commodore; Dube of V I!'s Coach; CO Rof. w i th Flesh and 1111,00 a be Darras do do do; 40 rt. Mahogany Pallor Chian; 10 ° Rosewood do do, If " What do dor 40 Cane Reel do; 4 " Mahogany Rocking do; " do Piano ;wools; 50 Marble Top Centre Thirica; Mi do do Ws. ritaadin WI Mahogany Llcils.rds, 12 do Wardrobes; II Ark Walnat do; a Cherry do. A very lame asonnotent of Common Chun mad oth er Foroonse too red.ns to merman. ' p'•• am Rows famished on tics .honest.honest notica.. All erdew Ste promptly attended to. P. —Cabinet Makers eon be.pplicd With all sort. of 111.agsay, Walnut, and Veneer's, at oonsiderably reduced prices.. febl3 HEILSEY, FLEMING I‘ll CO. LIAVIL YOU 51144 , FROM VIE MA ;.. I: FAuTuß.Lits, AND AT EAST- KaN MANI: FACIT Rel,.. PRICK* White Flannels, 611W.1. H'ite lloils; Rod do do Blue Demin• , Yellow d.. do Fortey Ceatonsdest all a* Mourn do do offered at Factory prince. Black Badoftta. Iltolle Leanne Erstrtnrr. fuel nand do Mae do Checks and Stripes, veer Drab do heavy anode Blooks,Cassimer. Tadors' Goods. Paten o Rod Psi/dine, kaPer do/ fancy Tweed." ' hest Paddmit, liciekram, taper Black Broad Cloth. TailiariCahakes.Lenvy CO; Super Brown . do Droarn Wens, 8111cial ID Duper (Irma . do r•b %erre, black do, a I / Super Twined do sad worsted, boper Block Dot Skins l Bier k and White Tape; !retie: Drub Cashmere. Meek TWI4I. Drab dm Surer Moore do Wilco Cheeks and Drilla.' Paper Black do Sloan'. 5 cord SolC011Ort; Califoriite Blanket. do Lassen Thread, • c r,t 1.. odor arlele :I a, ra .b.O heated Yea:legs; do is illinel Ostia do Gram lleitamg. Drown II ollaod Seg Silks; Broom to/Ilet Uatliona,Cravats, de., do. .1 the AI entsfae Wrote , arthonse, No le7 Wood a Flltsbergla . mend GEEECM T t n it: o e . o- cr p f n . rtnerrilliy , l e reretofore t agting b t:eleel thz CO, Sirs nnyr . iarrnyi ' vedTru s tl a nt•l eon '" sent A e l f eeer t ake S. Bat," vritincrtle the busies,. of the concern, (or vet,reh enrpono they ere author,yed to one the name of the coniorn. NATRANI CONSTABLE, Enniumn BURKE:. TiloblAS BARNES. The undertignedhave this ail , associated themselves in the name of Lit/I1KI: fr. RA RNI:S. for the purpose of manniurtortne Fire Proof Safer, Vault Duars, to. Ae., at the mend of .ne lam firm of Constable, Burka wove the, till be piessral to receive the patrol, Aso of the customers of that house sod their &trod. KUMUNLI BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In rctionc from the firm of Constxtdr, Burke tc Co., I won nuarein reamo, recommend !deco". Burke h. alirl,ll In. the coo.fidcor, of my ("0.n.0.,' the public. Feb.l. 15.19. riATILAN lEL CON NTAII LE. reblr-41:1 HAS j 12.11 returned from the Eastern Cit:l4'am! 1 0 receiving large Lett of mationtable Goods, I? which rrspcctfulty ve the attention of mere b ante and pedinrs. Ne 04 Wood at. fetal New York an/ . P7iladelptax, r and also from French agencies, the Ilewr. and most improved myt es of Pa er Dahmer, together with Wieder', Fire Board rint!, and Teeter Topa. For sale at S 3 Wood at, be tween Fourth stolid Diamond alley, leueeetsor to rt. C. 11111.) ap3 rlifficELlC PAIS - T-4 liTilijast reed per smuttier, stFto7Sile by die barrel ' OT single pound al the Lite, "Iretl. and Perfumery Warehonre, of ho g end Wood streets. S N WICKERSN corner AM. at IS Olney P.te■t Sada Ana. 464 Cr ,, th c e t go . vo th e e el m e I,..ra . tf .a d ct br:nd . t i ne , emits now on way from New Wien:err% en• peeteil here thin oreeli •, and will shortly arrive eta itantrunre per ehipa Juniata, Cherapeak Deana. euit, ana Alhus, which will be told oia arrival, at the lowert market price fur emit or approved bill. VT MITCHEL/17SX, entel No 14U Liberty Et Phanis Manufacturing Company pow offer to I 'Om public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish, and wallow cleggeration, or fear of contraitetion,by those who have writed it, proneence it far superior to any other in the market_ The consumerneed have no apprehensions of roicing carpets, !ie., as Its corn pontoon prevents a dust from ariarg when being ap plied, whet, must he done sawn the Stove is cold Toe quantity required is so little to penance a beau. hful Inoue. A saving of aver fifty per cet is intoned to the conthmers. A coaling applied to ellsve., Paola to., when laid away for thewummer, is a sure pre ventattve against init. After having tried a once, ta It is accesr.tilet no person will use any bat the Pheents Manehicturing Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For sale by . . 8 N WICKERMIAM, .10 Corner of Soth •nd Wood streets. PITTSHUPGII MOURNING STORM, . • . . A • Inl - 173t. A LEX Drat tr. SON . A. Furnishing Under t , where every etude for Funeral end 51ourioug parposeva earl be got on reeroneble terms. 11 tl:d3rt TO BOAT BUILDERS. 11 ) ) ‘ 10 4 00 0 0 0 by ROBERT Ale ABornnt of Le, Enloth TfIE hirbest market price in Cash sill be mild for different grade. or Wool, by ;nib ti W HARBAUDii Tiin owners and consigner, or good, arriving by die "Cairene Portat•le float Ltne," willp lease lae nod, that they tl.ll be required to pay fre , ght 5 1 oar warchoortc. according to the reteipt, bottle the coot/rue removed. C A MeANULTY &CO PUDE OLD PEIIMOD DILANDT. Smite/de for Mrthrtual Prtrouv. IN there meld, 111,144, the •oore glniClr IS hand rebutted The sonsenbtre bite sane on hand for e ele at One Doi at her Muth, winch they know to be genuine; It IVIMI bought by thromelves In France, and it an pare me whet they beenht tt. MORAN &JIAWORTII, Tea & Wino Merchants, east eida of the Diamond. angle j r,...h Arrival of Choto• Toss. Ar ORRIS a. ILA:WORTH, In the Lhamond, have M. Jim* received frtla the Importer., another large eport , of exeelient abet and Or in rem,urbieh they. nom retelling from the °Menet cheats at DOe and sic pet Ib, They day my In the Uvula to beat the quality at the lined. W. respectfully Pellet Me pub lic to compare our Tens with those porehatied else whereat thenestiecai • . att•th • rOayoßhu, FIELD 0001 C OP TIIE - RR Lih TIN, or llbutnalons by Pen .11 Pentul Mr ary,Seencry, Biogr a phy, Relics, .d Tra&tionr Independonce. By Ranson J. Laisslnty with RIO Engyiviynyy-on_Apood by Loisthir /cllinett, Y o l e keA ts try t t a d o4l , l2 o. elt wo r i zater. To be lite INSURANCE. lASOBANC/ 4 I=3:M C. ARDUT111101? rim.rizoAL STOVE POLISH Carver of Penn and St. Clajr ot!re!. =II NoTicie, DRY GOODS, &° WIIITIi 00001 FOR DRICIISWAIe CRPIip & BURCIIOiF.LITinvite the attention of /Y/ the ladle. to their ortenstes itzaartment of White Goode for Dresses, con... Blur of Seotch and Elwin Malls;, Flawed Swiss do; Embrollared dot ictorVia L; Law Priced Barred aw Jai . konet for morning drones; foie roll finished do; and a law's . aluelins. with colored embroider?; Lawns, Bereave, &a, at north east comer of Fourth and Market straws. Jell' • • Cheap Lamina. la URPIIT & lIURCIIFIF.LD bare received a lame XIII wpply of Grew Lawns, very elkpap; ...t .91. bro.'. at If leg ISM do, in great variety, for 10toldle Alan, embroidered an d printed Muslins mtd/ae ko net, of neat end newest styles. and lowest Oscar. , gualtlYl and north vent corner of Foetal and Market eta _ THE GREAT SEMI-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS. An Oh. Ono Prle• Store ? of A: A. MASON & CO, Wuft`, - ;. - .`".`4.°:,, - IT. d h`L.l, — ;::ll 6 ft% Wholesale Rooms. will, on tble °weskit?, he thrown i open for Ras. t ons,Ta and all of tbei extensive stock will be offered oretl purchasers, t •diecount of (eon, 20 to 3D per cent. Ins than usual nees. THEIR STOCK OF SILKS Compri over fete hundred pieces, and will be sold at an immense dis count. Tbeir assortment of Insert s,RarelexTiestime, Oven. sdines Foulard Silks, Lawns, Mullins. Jecowte, Cembries, and Dress Goods generally, will be closet% sot Immediately, at about one bell the nasal rat.. 11 eases Feet Colored Lawns will be offered at Re. 2 do !thieves. 10e. I do Aleslto de lAines, 10e Superior Friglith and American Calicoes, 10& Ile. 320 down Linen Handkerehiefs, 6h 7e. A large lot of Weenglit Coliars, some se low as De. Together with a ocmplete variety of Dossislie and Whim Goods, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Bonnets, fee., &. Maki a ng In all one of the most exteretva assortments in the country, welch will be marked down to mach towns peens Wan at any of their previous Annual ado. D5FThe Store will be closed upon Thersday and FS lay. lisp 30th and 31m, for the purpose of orrong i,g and marking Moth stock. No VARIATION la Pal au- asy3l • d MASON &CO 0:=M=13:1 MTIINIV & BURCIIFIRLD have received a w ply of 3-4 and 4-4 French Lineo. for men's coat• and racks, ladies' sacks, boys' and children'. wear, of the meet desirable abodes. They invite attention to their large usortment of Mettle and Roue SUMMER WFAR, of different ma teriala, pd all of which will be .old low. tel 7 PAILE)I4I I PAWOLOI MORP111" re BURCHFr lOL Witte reetieed another supply of above article, and are •nadlod awe •Imow any gamin) , and color wanted, end at the lower! eardiorteer . jell Patent Oil Cloth Cower. iIdoCLINTOCK brto received O. day, at lato V V. Carpet Warehouse, No 70 Fourth la., Blair Oil ClioihCovortng of very bandana. partarns and Colon, to welch are inuile the attention of parr/lasers. fel3 goad. M, V a ' t ' a P r l v l a * :l & . l e i r i rri L e l3-- os " tr W a ° from 6 cents Plain 4-4 Baia Corte. reduced pri ce. 10 cents up; Demo for 16101 Plain Black Berago for 124 e i Bonnet Fibbono for de per Tani. Ladle. are inched to rail and examine our cock of dreo goods before parehoing et...where— Nerth east corner of Fourth and Market fne 1013 Arteast nat.. "DECEIVED ILIA der, o Ire.ll astorini eat of Alla. % .VI.• or Grum Mara i.Sa Carpet Wa room of W aIOCLINTOOK Jeri 77 Foarth • - - MURPHY fr. BLIRCHFIFJ.D have a large stock of LSI Fancy and Staple Dry Good., 1.W.6 greatly reduced prices, sir— Barege de Lattice, • large assortment of bemallflsl Irclrii:Jaceicel and Sarin alnelins; A splendid assortment of Black and Fury Bake; Berne., Lawns and Da Lidn .. reatdratble ehcePi Beautiful Foulard:finks, at =ice., per yard' Bestowal Calicoee, from cents, and opened.; A large mock or Blown and Bleached Mullets,* per yard. end spleen e, Bonner and Deramils, et greatly reduced prices. Clothe, Casslnacree, and Veer ngs, of the best quality, remarkably low. Together with • large mock of Ticking., Apron and Flmang ChrekL all widths; Drown and Bleorbed Meeting...l SM. opt Din Lump; together with Oil other artiet/es in our at north east comer of Fourth and Market as tell/ r74c, ;ast,47,rerved and figured chatmealtle oaks everi P s.y and quality; super plain and • bauted black silts; do hareges and mute.. barer de lams, new and hand some atylcso net, .1)10 Franck, knaltilt, and Scotch Lawn., in great varlely, •cd •,17 priec•; plain. Erased, and satin strtped de lama of all kinds Fad qatuttass.. loan 'mares of all .hennaed eolem; ainekama. r. popt.. •t slunk emit corner or. Pnarth Muriel st.catt FA &VIKA supply of Stark &Ms tn I (ass) , coS. Al aced St . , Jtn racatvcd Olt et tuts mon, ,al north nut corner S tar s t 'Cartel Nos WUII!NY & BURCITIFLII I dURFISY & are *siting Boraxes sot& Baran and at nary low prtzes. north rut corner or Fagot's and Market nu Sae at aridc — maJitost .1701. tr.:alai Laces of ben quatty, last reed and for sale at Northeast corner of Foster& and Mars ken streets tel AIUKYHY L BUUCSIVIELD DOA oats and Donn. Ribbon.. !IR URPIIV h. BURCHFIELD have received an •d -1.11 ditional agrpply of above goods, including venous atyl,a of China, Pearl., and Comp Bonne., White 11.134 Colored Gimp do; and Ribbon. of all colon and prices. maF I, l l..liint — OlL - OLOTII-300 tit 44 Floor Oil Cloth, JOltt roc., , he Diet.rT aid ter sale at the iVarevoore. N0..7 & 9 Wood / P1111,1,i1",1 ROC RS IRO tiOOLOI. NIUR I'llY k. 111: [tell FIELD invite the attention of those Mani,.` goods fur Mourning purposes, to well very assortment, tom mooing!, such Black lionatiasineo, us lionpiastrie finish Alpaceas, Blaat Moose do balite., blooming Muth Su., do Printed Poniards, Para... Tisanes, Sicilian Lames, Alfinwneo, Plain Bract and Printed Laos., Slant Fnnbroidered do; Bannot Ribbons. Scarf do, Veils, be. mayl7 CUATliali—ter pea Cadtmertia, maned ocolors, a mod derirable article for dimmer coats, ree'd, and now opening by A A MASON & CO entrond nu 1. Shawls, rorapnrior Crnson. Orengq Pmt, Blew, Woes, sod Corn colored, fun tocolving per express, And o. day opening by A A MASON /r. ix) =7)7 • Ix Market GV ( I XlF ° 4lre F dl3 l :)Vger, ' re e ;M P pr, i'' r . Green, ti -- l e arn epemny by mmyl7 A A NINON =:IMMM A A. MASON h. CO are Up. day opening lop et La.. 27 inch Week Goo de Rlitae SlIk; 10 pc. Incl. do; 10 pee 30 toela do; 8 pas Manch do; and 4 plea. 36 inch do. :naylo Liman Ilandkorableta. 400 dos Ladies' Linen Cambria Mars, an iniees; 100 do. do do do eolored borders; A A MASON &CO La Market at. doe do Received due day by mono (J122 - .7.T.Vl,.`llf.=„vieg per maylo a A AtAbOA & CO Iriati end Brews Linens. SAO pea 34 •nd pea 44 Drown Linens 4 150 pe. Warr Barking', and Alexander'. reperier Irian Linens, now opening by maylo . A A MASON A CO Fresh Arrival of Dry Goodi 19177. are now receiving large addinton. Loony stock V of npring and hemmer Dry (Mods, and are pre pared in offer an excellent assortment at ear usual low pricer for cult, or approved credit. The aneuron of western dealer. M particalarly re anesmd to our goods, as we feel confident of beteg able to offer unummt inducement• to make a bill with os. Call and examine at any re,. SHACKLETT WHITE, malt 101 Wend street_ YEAGER, 10El Market B (mar 1.1b•rt7,) • . . . AMERICAN, ILMGLISII, AND GERMAN VAINCT 0000 i HOSIERY, RIBIJoNS, LACES, GLOVF, THREADS, COMBS, purroNs, SUS. PENDERS, ts,e. Also, ..latta and inmay Vostlngi, BLACK4 , I' , 7I/EANOY SILK CRAVATS, YONDER, BANDA:MN - ..4 LINEN lIDEFS. a general .- ilortroent. of :PANS and every variety of tnaaalega.. WuhUsg, Meseta hag. sad Clanaasl•g o#llsald. DTaterons—Pat the clothes Into cold water nod let them soak over night: In to meeting wring them out and put theft 'IMO almmo of boning water, to which add the proportion of one punt of fluid to Oita gallant of water—sue hop and hwil the whole twenty =alone.. Thu clothes may then be wrong oat and well rinsed in clear cold water. The pans of .grit. meets that may he most nailed, such as wristbands mod collars of shirts. maybe .nanny rubbed before mating, end the clothe, WA be bound peneeny clean, whim and clear. Worrented nrt to leinire the fiemt f.btp end to Itit`r engem eatiatenan,.orthe money will beitcrunded. elo'd erholewile end retail by R E . B6LLVIIS 67 Wood w IMPORTANT TO TII AR 61,10 TED Dr. Raid's Celebrated Remedies. DJACOB 5 Fair., the discoverer and tole pro homer of these most popular and beneficial medicines, and. also th e toventer of the celebrated instrument for Infialmis the Lungs, In efr•etlng a cure of tannic threnses, mite a student 01 that emlneth phyretan, /rumor Phymo, and Is • paduate 01 th e llntrersuy . of Pe and nnoplyanla,eth for thirty years slime hoe be. creased In theinveodiullod orthoclase, and the •pplietuon of remedies thereto. - • • • Through the am grids Inflames tube, In connection with hi. Prophylactic Syron and nther table remedies, he ha. pined to unparalc led eminence In curing those dreadful and fault maladies, Tubercular Con sumption*,,Cancen, Bernie* itheemadem, Asthma, Fever alt o Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ery. dpelas, and all those obstinate &imams pecoliar to females. Indeed every form of disease vanishes under the nee of hi. vertiedica to which humanity is heir— not 57 the use of one compound only. lot that is In curtipatible wi 4 Yhyatologleal Law, lint by the UM' . qt LIO remediee, adapted to and pre..ined ler each peculiar form of einem. , her. Role'. Thole Allerative Pills wheo tired are loVeriably acknowledged to be sui4rlor In all other. as a purgative or liver plll,limineou at they loser the ,bowWs perfectly Aso .from eostivOnisei n tvie. his Bohlen Pills JO toindued by the fecillti pone!. MIT: a ' i g=l:,os= to rIlte:11=1U what het been said in thriven:deer the mo ekeptiotd• The maimed us irmiled - i call upon 1b4 ageet.aed procure IgraneYegm - of the Dotter's painehlets, gisksl •d etailed neeeato of eaelt remedy and Its tippile talon. Ear real the following agents,a• att by nowt draggle.. throughout the miaow. J Aehoonteakel & 00, 1.1 Wood street, Pltubergh; / Townsited.droglei, 43 Market st, do; ' 14e !sedated, do near the P. . Allegheny dill Jos tratitley,Thollegton, Beaver ea , Pa. Joe Elliott,fdadon Valley, do do; T Adams, Beaver, • • 4. do saglttly A►tLw SIT rafgavpu CI UMSB'44I i i l4 IT GOVERNMENTAL. PD.OPOSALII *OK A LOAM, , T iLe I 4 , 7 l e nth o r g i tans a ltiectinite of the Act o tiz A Boatement to JAM. emitter ft:Aer to ' cream a Picking Fond a and to of for the gradual and ear-loin extinguishment of the debtof the Common wealth. and to authorizes . loan,* approged the ibob day of May A. D provides as follows, vie— itscrte• t o That the Governor is hereby anthorixed to negotiate 'Clout foe' the' rim of Three Three Ilandred Thousand . Dollen redeemable In thirty years from th e date of the stabsarthdon thereof, at • rate-of Merest not exceeding foor p e r ,e n n ern per enturm, payable in gold and silver, sembartnually, upon the first days of February and August of , coot year, and exempt from every species of taialloh. tgadee,„thal proposals for said loan will be received, shall he published in at least one newspaper in the Borough of Ilarrisborm le the Mlles sr Pittabareh, Lancaster, anti Philadelphia, and in the cities et New York, Boston, and Baltimore, fee period not less than three months Lefore th eopetdneof mid pomothls, and by loner elsewhere, if deemed necessary, and upon the day easlgned for thatpurposts in such notice, the proposals .bat be opened in the PG.... of the Governer, the Secretary of th e Coinnumweahh, and Auditor General, and the teen shall be awarded to the !khan bidder or bidder. It the amount of the !olds shall exceed the mon of the said John the same' shall be thrtribated pro rata amongst the highest bid den, bat if the whole of said Idols shall act then be taken the GO•Maur may renew notice, la the manner aforesaid, from time to time, till th e whole amount of said loan shall be subscribed. .Pfpcondttional bids what! be considered; and upon awarding nob loans; or any part thereof, certificates with coupons for the Interest, shall be issued therefor by the Auditor Gotland. . Bac-nos It. If the said loan .hall be &Omitted, it shall be and it Ls hereby appropriated for th e payment and egingnishment of the fluldedldebt of this Com monwealth, now doe CO! to become dee,during the year one thourand ri ght hundred add fifty, and for the' payment of the torn of eighty five thousand etre bun• dred and roar dollars and eighty ulght tenth, due to domestic eteditora. . _ . In partraenee of the provisions etlorevai4, notice Is hereby 0.1 r•po;ni. wlll et th e °Moe or the Secrethry of the Couunouvrellth Until o'elock P. M. of Tneeday. the nee day of October next, stipulating for • loan to the Conemenweeltb, for the porposes set forth In the mild 'act, of the rum of three millions three hundred thousand dollare.radeete• able In thirty years from the date of the mbacription thereof, at a rate of interest not exceeding four per cent per annum. payable In gold and sliver, semi minually, aeon the first days of February and gegen of radii year, and exempt teem B•Crt sfecigo of ter W Crtlecaute et sthek for the said' Into, with coupons for the interut will be inned'in the usual 170.11er and made transferable by the owner, 011' the book, of the Auditor General'. Depanment. The prepoeals will bar e 9 thltate explietly ffere the amount od. which shall not In any ease be less Wan one thousand dollars, the rate of Interest not exceeding four per cent, and the premien* proposed. The Mate reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the sum offered unlenthe propoule stipu late to the cannery. yids fpp the loan most be 4irpct and explicit. No oeuditional proposals will begeacived. Upon the acceptance of the pomm el.. the money melt be pain Into the State Treavory, in such mamma es shall Lie directed by tee Governor..• Certificate. of stock will be tuned such amount. as may be requested by the lenders_ The proposas to be directed, under seal, to this office, endorsed, “Propoule for Loony' They w ill not be opened or disclosed until thy perlpd Inc mealy. tog tiemil Lai elapsed; shoe welch no Stheration In th e terms will be admitted. A L RUSSELL, Secretary of the Cors'. h. Secretary. Office, Harruteurg,Jcmo Oth, 1630. JeLlditsvrAsT RESOLUTION TO all Altlatfthirty OT TUC CelerlTTlTflOte. ftE.SOLTED by the Stoats n d ilonsta of Itsprumsts. .lites of the Cdnatiolieselth Paensylveare la ticasral Amenably awl That Ms Constitutmet of Alas Camino. wealth be aatesided .o the measol.sectims of the LIM article, that il.hall read.. folk:etc the Jodyo of lb. Somme Coon, of the mearal Courts of Common ehma, sad of nth other Comte of &mord I. shall beeetabluded by kw, shall be sleeted by ths qualified electors of the COEM/9031- wealth, be ths tames, felkerinr, to Writ T . torJodtoo ofthe Supreme Coast, by . the 9 ,,... n . 0; ,.1.„ 9 r4p .t V w- ri:.?004 of mu Ociitr f :a Of Recant wi m Juin ba astablishat by low, salt all other Judge. or to be lammed 144 ISIV by the qualifled shalom of the lades: dieritt. Geer which they am to yeatide or act a. Judi*. aed lb. Aiseeiste Judges of 140 Courts of Common floes by lb. Toddled of of the cosatim reepeetlre ly. The Jaclyn of the Supreme Court .4.11 bolt theiro.Tmes ti.r the term of fifteen years if I+qshall ea lora balm thiamine well, (subj.. to the allotment hey,thancr e-••- otherroded gar. totniquto{ 40 the iunt akstion,) th e erendrut ~ r tlm weirs! Court, of Cm,oot Mae, aed ot eieb other Cowls of Illooor4 a. am or shall be la labile he d aod all other Judaea ragutrml to be loaned tk• kW, dial hold then ofilote fee the term often ye...l;f they obeli so lomy ashore that:L.4/ns well; the A UMW. JlllOll Lit a. Cowl. of Comm*. L'i.{l Alta 1.46 tbsie amb for t.s Gem of five years, If they, • I. INtfTe Hal:mho ell of •Itma asuaLeelosed by th e t3overoor, but for aoy reavoselle eakm Ithleh shall wit' be mddrieol geoestde lbe int multals t„de Gomm , . shaLl 'money any alb.," oat • 44a. .f two thin. of use branch of the murals Vie Ant slectiou shell lake plate al the mural eat*, of the Cootthoiereehli 0,01 ofter ths edop. bom 01 Lail ameodseeta, .04 the tosummekni of ell 11. Ore who ma, be rhea rffin shell main on the 110.1 Moseley a Deccoaber Ldloarioy, whet, the terms of the nms .1 adzes shell tommonee. Th• persons wise Mall Ulm be elected J wig.* of *r 8 opreese t.ourt , hell held their calm I. follow.. thee of 14.0 few three yews, coo 81, en ynn, ma for luxe man, am tor twelve years , art case for if eve yews, the term .f .004 10 be decided by lot by the mid , woe aitise skrt.oe as ciaaeciaboild the re ran ra n by lima to the Uarmoor, diet Ike tootteladona may be issued is .1.0,4.0.. thereto. TO. .ladjet whale eotemissioo will first axiom shell behief Jendite daring his term, and thereafter each .Ithilye whoa. racaroistion th!! thpaa .ball la tertl be the Chief Juitim, seal if two or mon tommons &all espies oo the moo day, the Jades hotbor them 'ball decide by lot othith shall be the Chief A.y recencire, herrn tog by Moth, resirmtion, or otherwme “, my of the ema courts, shell be ate; by ep poiotateni by lb. fkresoos, mustiour till the 1101 61 of Dem.!, roenodioe the we poem] et'ettime The Judie. oS the Supreme Coln and (mildest. of 61. wren! Coons of en Pleas ebeli,el emodlintos, nee se thstr sensen en erl• o uate lo be lima by 'ave, which shall sot be dorm; re. ,, motioueem ef6 w; bat they shsll receive em renew ll!..ociorothec, nor bold soy other oaks orp.-GGI wetter tnist'aractoaveralth, or under the reernmeat of the Caged States, es. any min State of We troioa. The. lodges of lb. Supreme Cowl. durum thew rontomame io toSee, shell reAde within this Cosmootnotaltht eod the other Judges, d unog thole mattnar. mme can, . 00 0 within the district a+ county fiw which they were res Only eleoki. J. 8 hIoCALMONT, Spottier of the Howe of ffepreembalime, Y. BEST, Speak. of the Seaga P AAAAA , lierruburg. January Sainte( W. hereon, Chief Chet of the &nate of Penngirania dohereby certify that the toregoingecoltat., (No. In ea gate haute die of the present staston) entitled "Resolution Matt. tau amendment of the tainstltesti.,” -.,l beteg the ace resoluble. which was agreed le by • ma jority of the merneeks eleelod to sash nom of the last isegisLaturr —after Ismer been duly sonstdered and di.- eneeed, was this day egad la by • nasi?rity of the osembers elee4d to weld vexing en she groan ht Penneyleznia„ at its presentn veld appear by their en. rim . the feral rungs of the resotutio a, tos 1 ham toting in &fora( the piessfeof the resolution were, H. Jones Ilnte,kir. J. Porter itraerle), nets A. e-rabb, Jonathan J. C.nuaghsta, Thecae g Peen., I'h-rave II Forsyth, ITherteaFecky, Robert AI. Fnck, Henry Fatten, John W. Guernsey. Witham neaten, bate Here.. Timothy lac, Joshua Y. Jones, Joseph Kontentaeber, George V. Laorctes, Malang . hiceultu, De:junta . 11alone, Ilenferna hletthies, Ilestry A Intlitlenbeer, bVtlli tee F f . Packer, Willows IL. Sadler, Davit !Sankey, Paler gamy, Goarta Pb Mee, Robert ML-lrelL, Dan tel Faietie Streeter, John 11. Walker, .d Valentine Ent, Speaker—Yeas ig. Those vowg araiest the passer. of the reallosion were, Geary: Dares., Aoynetue Drum, and Alexander King— Nays 3. (Entrant from the Journal.) ' ". Bahl% W. PkIAILSON. Clerk. In Tn. Hones or Reracskrreneta, 1 lierriabarg, March 14, P,50. I I, William Jack, Chief Clara of the llouee of Repre sentatives of Prtroylrania, do hereby certify that the f.,re • Ent io rc j.. solutioa., , SNo. 10 on lite Senate file, end No 411 on , rn of the present ortnon.) entitled "Reso lution relative to the amendment of the Constitution."—it beim, Um t 0... resolution which was agreed to by • majerity .f the members elected la each flume of the last Le,ish. tare—eller haring been drily considered and elimmsed, sou thtedey agreed t. by • majority of the member. ended to and lining to the Home of Representatives of Penn..l - at . preterit session se will appear by their votes, gine en the lost ym.tgrr of the reminisce, es lodoera, vim.— Those 'Mien infer, of the passage of the rtsolution were, John Asher, John Allison, William Ether, Hebert Baldwin, Hand J Bente Crake Diddle, leirmiah Meek, John B. Cowen, William Brindle, Ihniel H.O Brower, Jesse IL Burden, John Cores, Henry Church, John N. Conyoghara, Sylvester Cridlend, Benjamin (A. David, V. Mau J. Doh. Isms, James P Downer, Thomas Duncan, Witham Dunn, Wißiam Ekry, John C. Evan., Will-a. Ems. A. &al Ewing Aloaandkr-0" Feather, James Flowers, 0 1 P. Fortner, A launder Oibboney, Thomas E. Omer. Joseph E. Orfila Joseph, Gaffey, Jacob B. Haldeman ' Gentle 11. Hem, Leffert Hirt, John /Luker, WilliamJ. Hemphill, ll John !lodge, turyllsplet, !Awl. Herford, Weshingtrin.l. Jeckeon, N. hen c Jon.. John W Killfrier, Ch a d,. E. Kinkead, Itobert Klein, Haarlem I' Laird, Alorris Leech, Jonathan D. Lest, Anson Leonard, James!. Lewis, Henry Little, Java R. MaClintock, Joh, P APCiallach. Alexander C. APCurdy. John Ill'Lmhliti, Jolts M , Leta, Samos! Mart, John 0, Michael Meyers, John Miller, Joseph C. Molloy, John D. Morrie, William T. Morino, Ezekiel blowsy. Elwell! I , : jeklesao, Jamb N holy, Charles O'Neil, John 0 flicker. Joseph C Towel, James C. Reid, John S. Utley, L•wie Roberts. (smut! Robinmn, Jahn 0. Ruther ford Glen- , 1 W. &afield. Thomas C. &culer, William Shaffner, Rtcherd Simpson, P3l Slifer,' Willie. Smith, W Diem A . sciaPh, Daunt b {Sroper. Will II Souder, Thomas 0. Steel, David Blewa.d, Charles Stockwell, Ed awn C. Trona. Andrew Wade. Robert C. Wale er, Thomas Mama, Sidney 8., Well., !Erma A Williams. Daniel Z. bay, end John Sf.PCsilmont. Speaker-, Tea. C. Thme voting ag m gt th e T asta g e of the r e llOintiC(l wets, Augnetus K. Cerny' David Leans, and Jonick M. POtart-- .4, Nays 3. (Est act from the Journal) ' WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. SzensTaite'e 0/rtra,. Filed ATI , II 15 I A W. BEN DlCT,Dep.See'y of Commonwealth • rci. Secahrantria Orion. pelnesrLairria illn I du certify that the elan m and foraying te a trim awl eorreet mu of th original rotation of the Orreial it.. eamb , y, entitled' relation relative to an amendment of 4. the Coeuhintion ii e then che manna,. no file in chit office. a...a In tisti ouy whereof I here hereunto art my' Ih. ti. I head, end °red to be attired th e seal of the Sem, ......... tau% 0 at Herrieb e hy. th is fi finnth day of' June, Ant. Domi no one' th ouund sifitit hendred mid filly. A. L. RllB9 LL, hernia,* al the Commosarcalth. l44ndlehandit_ ExTu iamiLvii.iiiiii. "--- FOR theconv t enoe of the mlizens,lba proprietor. of the Pittsb ' S h ity Mills have placed boxes for the reeeptime of o ere of the following' , tit term— JI R Floyd, earner of ninth and Weal sarects. hi Iloyerard, shoo store, cor. Liberty A Market Ea A Realm, store, Third meet. ~.1, WiicosOr., drtigest. ear Fourth it qmithritld. `John F Smith, store, corner Hirt O. Wylie. .Telegraph Mice, Fourth street If 0 Kelly, grocer, Fifth at, corner of Morsel alley. it (Irma, store, Penn street, Ninth Ward. The dour waggons will call twice of thrice daily for orders, and the duar,do. delivered promptly, either in barrels or sacks—sack door I: preferable for family ate—wits' ota oblige for carman. ~ I t le plain gat no accounts can be allowed, and that drivers e have no pen:deafen to leave dour without payruenL • Wo hope the public will be pleased with this ar rmgentent, as we shall endeavor to do them Juliet I 21" WiLMARTH & NOBLF. • __ _ ____ - Sarsaparilla Soda it Lamon SFrup. 20 key Sarsaparilla Soda; te bsa do do . 90 bores Lamp Synip,lAds from DOI lemon ulial tai s t SAW • ""t".I!VIRFRIW MEDICAL. PROCLAM STIOJI tr NOW all men who amid °k end afhleted with di. Al.. ease of the bladder and I binary.. woh derma ie patellar back or limb., ciliated; old ear., merlins almrs, tee thatthey can be arad be taking the Pe• uoleom! Pao may talk abort Ita b. ag a nostrum as reach as you please, bat this tom not make it .o, for we proclaim who face of an bonen community, that it has virtues which •re nw contained in any other remedy. The man who is racked with pain and son Mug from disease, can for fifty cents. get relief front any of the ills enmonstrated above. Reader! It coats vary little so make a trial. This Petroleum is no mix. turc—no eompond, put ap for the purpose of imposiog tn the community; bat tale a remedy elaborated by he master h.d of Wore, and bubbles up from the be som of oar mother earth In its original parity, and of• fen to .oderiog humanity • ready remedy, a certain and che ear , It h. ap cured Piles after other medicines hays tailed to render any miler. It bas cared Rheumatism of loci standing, and of the worst and most palatal character. It has eared Cholera Marta+ by one or two doses; It 1m cured old cases of DiarthaN la which every other remedy has been of no avail. As a local remedy in btu. and scalds, it is better than. say medical rem. pond or ointment that we know of. It will care ebil blaina or frosted feet, in a fear application.; OmiortIo• utattemony can be funtiabed of the truth contaied iritts nabove statement by calling on flamed M. Ki n er, Canal Dula, 7th street; or either of the agents. vF;, McDowell, comer af Wood Meet sad r n Ail ey; R. lichen S 7 Wood areet, D. A. Fi llet & M. earn, Allegheny city, ass the agents. leant 8P,[ 441-E r lUo4ll4ll' thir li con7try 'e‘: th d al t rutt be y a o u7 4: white at the rune time It ie said •ha tin soother onus try is it tut et so young an ege Now this le true to a certain extent, but the lota Is often caused by SlC glee!. We say to all, do net neglect ,Tone peretnal spumous, but read the following, and yen peed not lack good leek*. These articles ua aolentide pre. porous I,VatTr all 3: 1 ; mg h ClT l mo n n g n. Soot, for removing .111, endure. pimple . s,bletchre, sad other eruption, of the ektn; the moat perfect eon. mentor a beam every know. Parch°, noWry attac purporti to be Nymph Soap, unless it has my r:o.r.e rums Mem% Pausal. m Cmminix Powys. fn. . parting to the Melt butane whiteness. In nothing should a peroon . t.e nil than The use of ..powder for the Mite, a Mesceo:o are very Injurious. My Chinon@ i t tal,..rtt Compounded to a ellieellie MUMS; and ao..".rs tortediont whoih can possibly millet an injury tivints Dann-army P 01..., for retrr ring Open/mos hair. What to more unsightly than ham r m e o m on o vteh the f n es ho r r ta t rm m s e , o w f it a h olaatd My. e uiThmi saarmrtiyeles aplumumem hr Jou. H0D12.51 V.... Lemma Hera Dre will Inmainaneonsry impart to red, white, or gray hair, a beautifully black, brown, or a.hurn color. It will or the hair in a . honer time, and more effectually than any other Dye, imam at the same time Indellible. Jots name'sßnev C;1•14,41 Is really a plea. sue to Blume with this 'Cream. There is none of the waning seimation .wally ex:pc:richeed is the are of most Soap.. On the contrary, it leaven die .kin smooth and sell as an hdant4„. and not liable to become °harped. Jots 11.11V11 BoeoToorn Puce—Next to the hair, we think the Teeth were intended aa greeteit grim. meet to the wean face; but whop naiich.a , n0" , " 1 .6 Pso dreaming, or so gplaltly men, My Rom Tooth aste wig impart lig the teeth a pearly whitener., at ihu sum time keeping thegum firm and healthy. Also on hand, a complete assortment of French, British, and American Perfumery and Fanny articles. JULES HAUEL, Perlumer and Chemist. 120 Cheetnut street, Phila. For .ale wholesale and retail, by B. 6. laatmestock & Co., and R. E. Sellers, Pitt.burght and . John Jar. gent. and L Mimhdfl AlleakenT City. Pa DU-2p to tsnWa,l fau.";. morn /411GL1511111. ISZNBIZITT; TIT 110LESALE GROCERS and Commindim Ner vy chants, No 11 NVood street, opneake-J3i Chadm lintel, are now rocelvtair and offer for sale, at low rates, a. follows: ' 150 pkg. Y. Hi kop,G.P,I 50 El laSpantati Cigar. Teas. d Bleek BO 211 Havana, and Vara, ' .1 gs 1.8. lb and kfl'a Gan ...ger, lump &5s roll Tob'eo. Ski Id Davao...or las. gCLI beg. Lammyra, 8 I'd fte galas. and Java Care. /3 51 Principe.. 50 khan N 0 Sugar. 51 b ag hl .ko lirts N 0 Moles.. C./bales Filbert., Full. 10 be•poweernd,cruah'd Walnuts. thanil No, and loaf Surer. and (Donna N uts. so Alum. DJ boa Lennon Syron. ru brls Tanners' Oil • im his Pepper bonne. 3on gals Lamp Oii. on eases Pickles ail ea5eri711.19.1.0._0.ei3.14.e 79 . 3 tax Seitt9.lo9l2 Glassl Ground Spices °rail kinds 1311 bra Rosin S.p. • 50 had'Elasdines. 100 dos Pat Buckets. 70 bra Smith. e 1 Oct Chocolate. 15 brs Book Candy. 95 bk. White Pipes ll/ Las Shelled. A I•nands; lin 111111 Wm's. P.p... 3 cams /aqua; lee 20 hos Pepper it ...Imre, Rinehart , . Cat and Dried MN lb Santelatftspeennutr Tatm.. to ms Klee 10 grass Blacking. Together with a gerentl immuneru of goods use. ully kept in tuck tins, as well as PitGLurgh mono. lactates. mp 7 • NEW BOOZES 1 3JOW /3005C.V 1 AT 0111ES' LITERARY DEPOT, Third street, oppesite tie Sam Oftlee. llisTrntv of Pendennis t No 0. By Thaekeray. Knickerbocker Amiss:Lae far September.. Boner Me reheats' Marmite for September. Wh'g Review for September, with an <rimming of Gen. Scou t Boston Khakspeara, No 73. • Lt.. Living A. Na 330. Whig Portrai O mitsy. cantalnln rally tWO engrav ings ordistingaished Wings. North B limb Review for August. Ecmocratic Beview•far September. lectic Renew of Foreign Uteratera far Septem ber. sepl3 UP STAIRS. MURPHY & stURCIIFIELD inform their custom ern and boyars generally that, to conseqnence of workmen Ming engaged in enlarging and jemmy mg their Store /loom, they have removed their goods to the Sn one Smut of the building they orcupy.unul the improvements ere finished: where they Wit t. happy to .re their rustoruets us amyl, and for We trouble of walking up small, 011 i; try and remunerate them by selling them Cheap Goods. la - I.lmrance from Fourth street. • stur.l3 L EATHER—MO sides rit Y role Lens 41.1: , - * g y rpoRARCO-1W boxes Manafastoro4 Tobacco, or , 1. Raised & Robinson', and other favorite brsnd, For ...e b• IstP o l I A R FLOYD CHEFSE—DIOO lb. W Rat.. in store, fbr sn'e by SePO • 1 0. It FLOYD F LOUR -5n brio Poland Mills stmerinr flmoy Floor 100 brls superfine family Flout Just reed for sate by A CULobtATSON Zs CLOUSE sera , 103 Litonly sL DVE FLOUR-20 bA`I,It,I,7II.rT;;;').°4y.OLISF repb g ORP I l'A fi ne llStletel, Wade expressly for that parpoie, (or sale by 1 & ft rAJLIAPFI Brandies. Wines, Gie s 50 hi; ). p g ir ec„i sCsynisc y o rwidy,•ariou . it o, sintages; 4 pipes Hovland Gin; tr puncheons it Spirit.; y puncheons Old Unlit Winship; 2P yr casks Slattern. Wine, 20 do Oporto do; Utt hilds Hamra Claret ID hi pipes Spanish Red Wine; GO Das Hardesty Clutch: la ho. Muscat Wine; 5 00. French Whits Wine Vincent.; Recdfor sot: by MILLER &RICKfiTSON sapin nal &TM Lahr at BACON SHOULDERS-10,MS lb. reel for talc by sent° Sit W Ha RSAlltal SUGAR--ttilinils - Si 0 Sugar ficrd Tor valtioy septa 8 la W HAROAUGH 4 i Ntifitilit-50 bits superfine, re enaante ty seal° 8 Ai W lIARHAUGH Ursarrainted Pure Wlmi sad illOndlari s 0 UITABLF, for Medicinal P urposes, a ways on hand and fur sale by the gnarl, oSenllon at MORRIS A HAWORTH'S act> , i en A Wine Ettate. - . ri.TIONAIY IktECIIANICS, Eat Work, L./ and kiMaineeritig ais . No la, h been re eaVed at Holmes' Literary Depo.,• Third street. opposite the Post Orrice Every mechanic should have this work. semi HA RTER'S blontbly Msg.!. rot Sepyktber. Ploorial Field Book of the Revolomnt do 6. Jam rke'll for sale by It C STOCKTON _kbp4 Cor Market&Tisrd ne BACON -8 bbd ! Sides, llama, Shoulders. Int re- J..) cowed and for .ale by STUART SILL. repro Wood 0 mnars MAGNETIC OINTMENT-2 dosed T for sale by J SIDq A CO rep] 60 Woad sr I ACQUITWS celebrated Catgut Tiosseit-+A new lot Just received sod for sale by err . l KlDnyt CO yAIL GUYS° Fr — i - Trotlow Doek - laparilla—.ldof lost teed fa, vale by laeri") 1 KIDD ter. CO POWDERJALAY-2 cases Just roo'd for solo by +tor J KIDD* CO DOWDER (HIM ARAlllO—(PareJ I sue, last re serued, and for *He by s-pa J KIDD B LACK CILKS—A MR assortment MO nos ad by A A MASOa rkol N CO sop . / 63 M LMEN II DKRI.-1•3 dozen rteeivetttbiam rains. at 8 cents by [sep7l A A NASO,N Co OEDHN by brie superloi for sa o Gsep6 J DILWORTH ACO 7.II)F.R.'irCri:VID4 iStrasm-150TOOTIbi Isolaqh mvsalsoone on hand and for sale by sera A CULBEHrsorg a cLovsE: EE.Sk:—.B.5 bit now Itndlnt. ll rot talc by 1:3414 D ICKL Y 4 CO, ==MI 1 IU COFFEE-3GO beg. green Orr eels bh; J R yD: =WI g t ag i e o g n e , s r 0 1: I , ? b r y , Imp. .fr. t1 1317 1 % at r t tl a :? s e N . oLl'i d t;ek d er . di fA io t.. c oaled Llama g, too •ele 61 . _7F.9 rzcartorrA TAR h. 0116-30 bale Intent Tanner.' 011 so brill Carolina Tar, fat sea by Ker? J a It FI,CIYD RIOE—S3 Sc, bets ImM/4/lee, for mete & byR T ' sepil d S VD ILOUR-40 Witt Martens Mills, (or ssle by 4 .1: 'rpm ,. .__ MeOILI.I4 it pg . . LINSELD OIL-11) brill gaBl i g:tze i l A l Zs K aal , Nt , s , Sep] tb Wnstl Sc MR ittnlTS —A .Istite ici - d — Sß:igiti A . ..crostini - tit& ti 1 matt, roeheeo and Fell Amer Prints, now open ivy by . btep7) ' A n St A noN • ind4ACIIED 4 !MTh . * riKW,Tr.I --A ~ 1 1i.,:,:i, I inent, all widths and band., &tent front the mans /esteem, at the lowest panes, by t_4f.S 7 ' - & A MASON &CO E U6 4'7 ' . bd. "c----'4 I-4 igirrlttfi§:4ll,l°Clrttll-b&YCO . _ • Gt i f i t l l l u l i T n E tyl V ti ALL o , TLER,A i 4Tirce w t.. - iw,ido. . For Iwo by WP bassitAti. ~,, . - 0 wood .I_,__ L1N . 57D011...-43brla Grlswq•BlAlNd;;;FiEtyl b P _ Wir,paiiiriff.43lls not tbrulitzt*Risai VOL. X - VIIL NO. 50: MISCELLANEOUS. PITTSBURGH GLOM WOW. • A. & D. H. CHAMBERS camoirsit, Aarzer en, s ) Would .. reete2l . l7 Werth th e en:to:menet the Int !or=nl;ene nmenfigtr e "' that 4'" WINDOW GLASS, VIALII. BONTiNI In all tlielr vviet!ei, at the Old Stand, No 13 Wooth et, twines Verna. Water. jri7.l.3m MAGMA fiii.4lllll JOSEPH D. ABELL, ANANUPACI'URF73. OP.GREEN GLASSWARE. Vi !s, Bottle.,.and INA., Ponce,. &Cult Ate, blinerof Water, Patent bledielne, and Wino Bents. of every de.cripilorn aim; WINDOW GLASS. Keep. earts.antly on buil a enteral assortment of tho above &nide. ALSO STATE, as the other Green Glue Paeunieb are ate rrornm, u -4 the elm= In summer, .Tuct PACroli u troy 1.11,13074.86 111 conunao to operation both manner and *afar. Orders respectfully to:incited. and will be HUM GAIL, shone., nodes. Warehouse, No lig Second sum payee= Wilait end Smithfield an, Pitubomh. . IT E. WILLIAMS swill opea - s clinical it 4 li.h School, on the lint Monday , Roomer J. D. Withenne + atom, ear, of D'oen and FIRIt antes. Rev. Wmv D. Howard. • I ltott. - '2lt , er.- R. Lev re.,,, Rev. Dr. Most, d. r..;`-fcerl, Rev. Dr. Melia • D•2l-11 elli , Pmt.o - 01.1 - ..1 rcit Q. AM...P. 8112 IV er;AS: have this day 1./1 Cr.r.trOve: cadet the firm of Bhrl [14. r tet - ,asaetioa of the Whole,ie • ••• 1 Commiadea bud. PittektrF• )0.1, , • . - • unoomted wdh me I. IL Wealesolo' Omer, La Produce e of the firm will be A. Culbertson 10 3 / A. CIII,I3ERTBON commersorl ft. E. ctactz. A. CULBERTSON endLOUSE, WHOLESALE GROCERS C0190i61i011,4131 , VP ehams, Dealers in Prixf nee, god Pittablugh Blanutumzed artlelec OS Liberty Pitoburigh, COPPZIL aoLLuso • rivilE undersigned having completed their Rolling Mill are 'weaved to fill 'promptly all ornery fbr Brasier Ka other 'Manufactured Copper of an, .- gulre o d Os., Made from the Copper of tbe Cliff Mine, Oka Guano, Th. Metal hes beta thoreighly tamed by amp*. tent sclendfic tan to the service of the Government, and prinsoacea superior la, strength, and teacup, hi any in use, and to sniatA preferreo for the mantacture of Ordnance and mher purposes. It hi therefore can Weed) , recommended as a =Dot hoe each, for all uses, to aisy In-market And we rrepanally eolith hie attention of purehaxer• and other, to this oar branch of home manafactawa At present the Warehouse MN* a Commenhal Row. Liberty Vireo. Kea '• C. G. 'HUSSEY &CO BIOSSELEIAt ZINC TE Vieille Montagne Com Pan, nuSply their manta silt, Roofing and Flooring in sheets 387 feet,from 11 to 81 ounces per tqoare foot. Com/gaud In sheets 387, 17 oz, for roofing poodle baltellnp and depots. Ship Sheathing, 14048 inches, from 24 la .Z ounces. Nails Spikes, Wire, Sagas Molds > , Perforated Eine, ZinoPaint, tee. They warntat their metal pore, and free from lay admigtere of iron or any other subluthee and re aommend it for me manotheture of most ankles in the boner forniahing Loo t as It does not nun, is not greeted by the action of watek, and may be polished, painted, and japanned. gamete., models, plans, speellicationa ; and other Information may be had of their egentaz— VCabb & brawls, New York; ATSI,OOII, Romer. d: Co gleamy Nem.. Taerrata & Co, Philadelphia; W. & 11. bleXne, Bellimoret; ecru, Dar I Syacryar, New °dean& F. M.I.I,,LIROUX, Retrideoeligpmt, Hanover st,'New York. Liege, September 2.—.0.1:d3re PROPOSALB FOR TIMMER Office of the 13.510.4- Penn. FL R. Co., ) Pinibmgh, Aug. (150. ROPOSALS In writing will be received by the ,fi„ utatcsigued until Tnesdiy,thelmday, of °mime, (or the cenvery of dm moss tie; impaired (or laying the tract of the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road from hence to filiuMilon eitlistwee of:107 miles. The number of Iles reword will Ito about one thousmd nine hundred per mile. T5O ties are #0 be of wand white oat or rock not, it: Neel to Ito inspection of the enginner 01 the comr..3 - • . .They mast be cut with a saw, mu, teas-Ms • of &gilt feet. of sawed timber, they are to be seven by eight ineheS square; if of hewed timber, they are to he Patted On the top and bottom to a width of eight immesh ?they must be Ica, of bark, delivered and piled up on the fine as directed by the engineer, between the pest of January and first of :tiny hell' Bidden ere requested to state whit number of gles they midpoint to deiiver, and et what section. of the Mil rood thoy Whose e t deliver them. They may propose for ties ore heitnut or locust, if of locust, they may be so reirlinchermuare. Propotali are also invited for famishing mad' wills of white pine or white oak, to be four by nine inches insure nod from eighten teLwent abov e Jut long, to be eelivened on th bo o armed ai. W. ROBINSON, Jr., President 121=111 Slaughtering & Packing Ea lialabahastaaat VOYL HET. T HE well Irroarst Pork sod Dee d ( Slaughtering and by the lat:satne r s o r fo k r leat '4"i4d The estatiltihment is located tibiliteothe, Ross county, U, to the plat of emend dividing th e Ohio Canal from the Scioto Riser, pad hag one thocaand fo of alio ad rrnutCnt Eit T . LIP enclosure embraces ins se, e ot routaintrg large pens, large and evllllllO.OU, riaushierthig, hanging, cutting, packing, smoking, and lardre ring, rendmu ghouse., brief house tor S and every convenience tor handling TWELVE HUNDRED HOGS PER DAY' and rendering the lard from the same; 'is s there are is detthie BM= boiler and supine Or scalding l ogi and clatieg hard, and two tanks for readortug offal by sthami There to atssa on the premises, an lee Borne, large enough to contain eight thousand bushel., The Sciotoholh or whichEbillthothe is the chief market, Is one of the largest Pork nun Beet Districts Ott the Went, and hags can always be bought them at lower prices Vann at Cincinnati and - many o th er points, and cooperage taut uhesint and cheap. There as no drayage nechszary, or boats may be loaded at the Packing Haase; and the !scathes for zhirpt n g direct from this elk the Lakes to New York or Philadelphia, or Daltimere eta Pittsburgh, or to the East or South era New Orleans, axe ataegk, all !lessons of the year May este.' to oh by einetnnah Money faeilittes too 1160 good, there bring o twelve banks within forty eye mile.. ' Opplicatioro for tenon g way or mole to ALEX. 11. AIcOUFFIrTV, Ationtry at Law, Cincinnati; Or to FRANCIS CAMPBELL, aveZt.ll.novl-816 ' Coilticathe. O. Cleveland. Var arrant Phil Plitaburgli . Telegraph company. IN pursuant, of • amolnuon of the Aloud of Ririe '. tors of the Clevelsttll, Warren and, Pittsburgh I'elegr. j,6 CoeaTany, rettnesung Stirreshry venues out and cause no be pubzisted Itt the norapapere along We line, an exhibit of the Re Inclal and other affairs of dd. company. I mtantt Ne follcmhag Ite'pom— The hoe of Telegraph cornmenees at Cleveland and terminates t Pittsburgh, pairing thtnagh Chagrin Falls, Franklin. New lac Wartewloungstown, end Lowell, In the Stem of Ohns. and Newcastle and Rochester, in the Steno of Pennsylvania, at which porn. there are orrices located far the receipt and trm•mmston of business. The. whole Lova% of the line I. 140.miles—00pital Stock,llawlper rule, making a total capital .toot of Cithl,:sta., of whim, amino! 5t0,1.G3 w held by citizens along the line, nod the bathos., is held tiy. Cornell Ir. !?peed, the contractors. The above amount of sob sattpuona by mituem, have been patal to Cornell S. Speed, (or which We l'rustree Pave Weir rescipt. ielSithr JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary. TO pONTIIACTOREI S . . . . _ AFETY FUSE, by Um bortyl or Nlett ' POWDER-100U keg's ISIuooR, ells attength, Laffm's inannfactbrO, far tale by c /IN 7 Water stmt. MiLW GOODB. A A. MASON & CO., No. e7Marketatreet, have en ephed the deficiency their stock, caused by fire, andit is now rendered complete .by the receipt of ONE HUNDRED AND SIFTY PACKAGE of desirable goods plirchased from manufamorera, and l i m e 'eche o sa les, at a Breit redaction Dan prices' of last Spring, width will thaotTered to their admin en patrons accordingly. It Mould be eedees to at tempt to ennmernle their will assorted stock, and, therefore, invite the early attpollon of theft friends and the pnblle, 'nth the mental.. of a Lo tf yam.. be e,* ailzed to nob *reedit. ' Irip WOOL.T.ZN GOODY. T"E. undersigned has on band, and la Chß ea, re entil tag Barn the martufstotarers, ColllllBllMerty, large lot or namics/s. CRUM, plain abd barred; diso t ited Blankets, Blaatet Coatingvlleaver C atm Csassperes. Sallnetts and Tweeds; which be will sell by the ease or piece, at manefacttneeral prlens. Tho attention of delikrs In oroollert goods Is invited. l! II LEE, augld TB) Lloeity n. FIE Aob6iogr ß ap s OWof BOOKS. alai; ,arith remin- Carlyle'. Latter Day-Pomptdemts9-7161,1.1ratt774% Jesuitism. Ilicory of Dories the Great i By Jecob Abbot; Intl engterifga. Jolla ore.rd , Romance.. By Mrs Martin Bell. Pictorial Pala Book Ora, Revolutlon.,—ho 5. The above Work. received Mrs &mired for rtale by drocKung ear. &leiter Tbird et. Staudt. P••Entan•lalp and . Copy nook. rink*: shore beaks having been listrodneed inns I public and private sehootp in Plasborgh and Atte iWnYt the author has appointed the sating*, . Seat for their pale in this city. • Teachers nod others atiii be sapplied ringlittier i a piens. n. stated In alreular. .J II •SIEJA•OI4 nualti nt Wood at riv,A Itl/1111Elt wawlet.l thicknesses, from I. to I inch think. The above packing Is prepared an that :Cadres. Fahrenheit. will nos and is eareklor .eo esexy thing dee, es no sahstatlee b. so reneleLeisalletly whielystatida so high degree of heat, and may be wed about all pRITS w here packing la owseatarr,••ta;—rgnaubw a p 1.., piston lads, wee= Jolata, stain etteatai der headk he. For sale wholesale and fetid by ; .14,11 PIIII.LiPS eyrie l b. 9 Wood et TII}; TEA lIIARILI/Ti Fitt side of the4iiaatioad,. Tth s estsh , ishibent the public may i" d e . LS , eeep . e uclog sapplled excellent Teas at reasonable prose—SO. 7 hallo, Eceyllent Taait a , —• al per Ibl Cupovor u 73 o Tee Belt T Imported cu . If Tht. I. decidedly U. cheapest and btat store in Pittsburgh to boy Teas. DIORMS ibI I Is,WOIIT/1 sells Proprlclos... Mx Ma. Family Vionr. A FRESH eopply or the Poland /dills elicit-Family y-imh_aygn , - ,ebolm ortteie.instrivtifm tale --A-CELIVYRFSON* CLOUSE. - • IDS LlEthylt - trEE9E-11:9 bis best Ching for salqy -1934, trlV4Ara
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers