ESTABLISHED IN 1786. PLIBLISIIEP UV WHITE. 4 CO O. , ! 14. 0,10117. /0.01,07 tu, aL OF in= MIST, NET 0001 to Dui pot r.---•.— —57,00 per annum Vepe .. ly. aaranue).— 2.0• • o Cleb., al • i•daced rate.: kial C 9 OP ADVIIRTISIAGI AGREED 111.0 N OY TI C PITTSBURGH PRES& Ooe ti er te. (Mines et Nonpareil or Less) • •••• _ 4oes: , One oet re, cock additions, insert., • • 0,23 Ito. one 1.1 , k •••-• 1,73 V* taro 3,00 Po, three week.— 4.00 Ito: one month— 54* 00. torn months.— 7,00 . three months--• —•••• LOD Ito. tour months ..... 1000 1.. MI month, • • • -- Ks. tarto•e menths• • -•--.. • 18,00 yo o r n y, o , Card (0 tine. or le•s.l per *P..e.• 1 0 M. One Sty: , ebony cahle o 1 pleasure thee 00 - nom) cyclaive nf the pither•-• • .... 23,00 For ear additional moure, insprted over n on month ano rash additional square 01.40 t the year. *rates, holt mice. Advertiarsaente exceedung • quare, and not over fifteenone., to be charged a. a ',io and a half. l'e'.l.6ter• not arconotahle for I.•g n, al advertirwmente nevond the amount charged lor i nr,r poh%eatien. Armour:ring eanthdate• for olTanto be ehanred the same a• otter tdverwein•otn. • Adeertkvotenta not marked on continued or a apeeb bed namber of Invert:one, will tte• till forbid, and payment tzar, I •ecned • pnv.legel of yearly ad eerave. will be confined rigidly to their regabir buvinerv, and all other adver tilettlenlv not pert„ahntrlt to the. (ego!. !mune., 11. •FT.ett for, mbe pat extra. All rulvertisrmeotv rar ehnritahle inatitectons ‘ fine Int . wart. toornah ip and nib . r meetings, arid etch bite, to Le charged hal(prme, payable strictly Ir advance. Alarrtare nothres to be charged 50 cents. Death nolo,' 'twitted without charge, peeled by 'antral In slotttons or obituary notices, and when ascot,' onn'eal to he prod for. Han 'der oderrt..ers, and .11 others sending comma ntrationo, or musica ntices de•lned to cl au en. don to Fairs, Soirees. le Cou o certt, or s any pub lic enter tatnmenta where charges ate made for admittance— all nottee. of pmts., thatoeiorions—every notice d% I t la Cull [Metall:ln 'or ate. enterprlses to ti it.tendcd to promote tntllvidual interest, ran on ly card with 111. understanding that the same la to I , pall for. If intended to be "'wiled to the In cal column. the aim. will he charged at the rate ol not In., than 10 tact. per line. III•hoo or rill Notices In be charged triple prier, Tavern License Petitions, SR eorlt. ..• • , . Legal abd Medical rorertitemeta, to be charged et fall prier, 'Heel I:•tete Agent.' and Auctioneers' adveruse- Mem" not to be üb.ler yerly m o t, b u t to lie allowed thrrounter thlrty three and one third per cent from the etnonot of bills. W. 10.5 00 ir.I.V.,IICIT I, Dill? FAZE.. On !Nun re, three/11%trtinils• • •-- • • •SI 50 Do. r are additional insertien••• l 7 arverrever_vre 171 WEIS'S Z, 1,111. One Ea etre, till liner4oue •Irsoroon•--:areu. Do. curb alidlltoual invernon••••••2s All transient ariveriaemenur in be plod In advance WHITE k CU. Uagetne. tr. HARPER Pot WIRT M RIDDLE, Journal. JASlllel P. DARR A CO, C^roniele. POSTER A DRUM r.R. Dropateh. JOS. SNOWDEN, Mercury. JAMES W. DIDDLI, Amerman lIIRANI-RAINE, Evening Tribune. Prrruruun, Dee I. 1,11./. CARDS. JOHN S. Pan.HIN.oN, AI.DERSIAN, Fifth Ward, Perm street, between CPllate mul NValnut. All lowness promptly a, raided to. map_ ALEXANDER Qt. WATBOA, A 7 -- I,ltN ET AT LAW—ofl k ou Fourth street rurtg - - - VII) C. T LITTLE, A/TORN El Al_ IA W. nod Commissioner for Penn.) . ltrettirt, St. LOW, blo. All ettotottrotcattotts promptly marsrvered. _or y • JAYIES F. FEMUR, TTORNEV AT LAW—it3tee on Fourth street, ASinsd,fie,d and Grant, l'iltsbuulla. JOIIN A TTORNI , V ei,d Cao,,,lior at Law, nod Commis il. Non, 1., 11 , . 7,11, or l'ennoyorr.nur. St. Lout, Mo., lime of fal.nargh.) 11 , 1eren^r•—l'itt•httr,I,: lion W. Frmarl, tot, & M'ertuße.. t 710r , 3:%erc. Joh:, h. I , orke, topla, Nlc.Cord t Ston Rocl4-1y BIDWELL CO., ITORW'A 11.011.16 MERCHANT 19, GlaJigew, Ta. (Bnirth's Ferry Pam Ogitr.) Hanlon vett - rant-rift !seated at Cos Wane, a new and othstantial %p.& Coat, we ate prepared to over and tborre.rd promptly m all points on the over, nand Sandy ond lieaver on Ohio Canals. 0 a Co. - Choenne, June —arid 3 . 0113 en. I St, 11. wo .---••/1.1,11 DA GA 13ADALEV, WOODWARD k CO, Whotesale Oro. eet s, 2,1 M...rke: Plisladelpho a. en t ' PO...burgh Alkmlf Works. 'DENNY"! r, It F:ItH Y tr. CO, Mattufa Do DD . , or sod. Ash. Direrhing Powders. Muriatie a. Suip.,,lD, Acids. Wa,eaouse No—, Water stmet, below Ferry. no•RO le Frederick Drano siroree Reiter. Retail l Pitt,. ~ch. P a. 'pl A. AIcAs.V!..TV & CI p orwnr d," and Con &.J• IdtrziJnyar, enual BEA, Patbiburch Forwurdir.: Ner,t .1. No Ai .1, hit , ••^. • ki . LlT•iney• —• d F.e.n0.0• -- • • It. K Ciemirg 111.11LIrldV, RLILRII6O 41 CO., mmacit ANTS—For Ono nolo of MI- N, morltr,Wnolon, an.!Collon Goods; Con, dralers in all kinds of Todor.• Tr, ranting., No 127 Wood st, 4th door from 1-,r.1), Reference—Mmws. Wm. A. IGII d Co,Thankera. lase. - u - Kra') a IRVIN CHAOTI39IO , I NH AC II AN I's end Mil Brokely. .. No 111 ,onni at-ert. Pood.terh. aue • lir - giEn J 1041%, 1. 111.111 LIT. A IIENNKIT, (late klntlidA, Gellother J r, 4. Co.) Whole•a:eirnd^ra, Cronrnr...col end For trarthror Merchant.. and c d.o.7er• in Pro -Into And Pt!ta -1..,ct, Mooofootor,-, N 3: Wood to-, I.coreen VI and fd Hre-o. ortl .191INSTON. "DOM AMMO; OoM. .1 I , SION MERCHANT r 112.,, , c0nd tor.H bourn w. POINDE.III.I lwaLase c.l.Joaeow. It. W. POINDEXTER t CO.. ( - 1 EnNEH Al. CI 01,1H=0lcrN and Forwarding Mer l 3 rhino and Floor Onticra, No d 1) Marko, [LEAL°. BUCIENOIL k CO TOBACCO CuNiIIINBION BERCBAIITN. No. 41 North Walt. Street & No. IR - North Wh•rves. A. J. Dreasoa. t PHILADELPHIA Erne. , II I 10hd„,,, 1) C. hfeCaoanomt.' l •og H . Mar LEE, (se eet.aot to Murphy k Lee.,) Vjoenl Deal an.lo.l¢oni sins hlerchce., for 1h...1e .1 Aneareeta L h‘h ... (.147 - _ • II 4S9T ITArt-13 V, to Cr.o•intsstnn and Forwarllnot ?der th ants. d,slrts tri Ptitsbargh Stangfact.ted Goods, r.Ahurfb. P. n.n.r> VV. C. ,to A It.rlIAL, fxrcc•s-.nm to C. lAIPORTEII French and Arnoriean P.- per lianginc,. an I 4nr.tera. %Vino°, Board Prints, ke A i•ef—Writini, Printing and Wrap ping Paper, No. -1 Wond •Ircei. between Fourth Street arid D131110[14 ...rept ride, Piiii.bargb, Pa. • PITTAIIinI.OII 01. ANS WOYLKS• • 01IN AGNEW.Ie 47f ,e faro of Chamber.. Al • .I new tic in, would rest , reurally inform toe old cos tamers awl the pup, n renerally, that no will still eon• time to Carry On tve Gr, , ti War.. InnUne•s, cull it. •ariettes. and is preoared lei fill all orders for Apothe caries' Formicte ilia rats, Porters, Viols, tre., p.r.ntnef to nts . leterne.s. (114 warehouse in No el Market .ricer, ,tcreen nr.rtc Second els. iy24:d3in TO/1N D NifilltiAN; - WholeialeDruggisCarns deJ. 10 et in Dye Sut, Paters, Oils. Varnishes. tee, No Id Wood 011000, one done South of Dia:hand Alley !quern:ire, 7 AMP.. Val:2 a L., WhoTeisieliro^7r;&toto ...on !! Merchant, and dealer in ProdiP e and Pittsburgh Mllnofarte,r, NWVI Wnt 4, •l. P ,, ts , nrxh. opt tn.lrn r -- x• 11111•Micr 11,• TS AIM! 111 , : , 71 , 1( Wholes.le Grnorra. Coat i and 4 , 171 E” to Prodaca.N..:ol Water. and In 7 Front n!rte , t, ritts!.:ch. nnVi • .--Jua mph INl‘voitikt B. CO, wt.ol.Ltt, C merry; and . Aecnn to, iforard Powder Co., No: 37 Wood at.. Pitt.lairgh del7 JWIN TfOTN.Sp,NI), Drunstat Anothenary N 0.43 Mart', ch. Mom doors stave Third oh Pitts bareh,will thon nn hand a well selectsd as' oonmem °ribs loot and freshrot airdiciues. Which ha will sell on. the moot reasonable terms. Physicians sending onto.. will he ' , rowdy st'endad In , and no]. —plied with nrimcotioy may snit open a. genuine. PhyrOio no Prcor.nunno will be accurately and b eady piapasmi from the boot materi•ls, at any hour of • day or nicht. hAlles ter sea, stoat of (nib and pod Perk ca. latti John Klaye. Richard Flny.7l.~ fl T k EL FLOYD, Wbalemste, Graters, Commission • Pierehm,g, and thaler• in Prodir e, Round ebr" on Liberty, Wood and —Bl/th atreet., r itt.ttora, awl J NO. A. CAUE II Et, Agent Cog Lb. Lake Erie an a Michigan Etna la Heaver and the Lakes.-01La c an the earner of •Ai gmilhechl el.. lane 1.11MM9 ti IIITEJOSjk. ep [Awl. lielchi ton 6 Ce,Canieut feion hlrechant., end Anent.. of the C. Loris Steam gaga r Rermery. Ho. 45 water auJIM 'rant strecta,Pitteterch. teat 1 ----,..C1100, MA - Km le, .00 , ,Wbele al Irr n Wand arrent. Pwarqi. nr4 Rntn 77 "i :: - rt i o — lo iC n ( V . lfor i li — nl . I nrtaln i' en " , 4 rc.= rdi a m n , dket I Pens, Qalll Printers' Cards, a, SMionnrlgenernii9,tio. Vinod sl,lPlusbargh. ITT nanrkt er raten in Irwin eon,. IL CAN FIELD, (late of Warren, t. , . sinn and Forwarding Merchant and orhole dealer in iVeiiern Reserve Chsesej•Batter, Pot and Peet /kph, and Wettern Prodnee generally. Water mine; betircen , .^.3mitttfield and Weal, Pittsburgh. apt alaelared articles, Canal Deem, near :di t .p 4 tPENfi MILT, PITTSBUGII, • WiltstßEM', CHIL D & monoroNver. of very asperr 44 Sneotin, Carpet Chain, Couon Ja3tl4y It:' O. STOCELTON, ATE Jobroton tr. Stockton, BOOKSELLER, BTA TIONER, PRINTAIL .Ad BINDER, over o arks% sod Thlld PUtibSTIN ra. pilhatf _ GA TillniT BUSINESS CARDS, Pittsburgh City Wass Works. W. CIINNI AGIIA & CO-. NIA NUFA CTT HERS OF WINDOW GL. A S YoDS Market street, between First and Second, Putsbahrb, Pc 10 — l'artirobtr attention paid to odd aura. Also, Dealers In FLINT GLAitS, VIALS, BOTTLF.S, de. sr. ennernashot, DUNCA.D. )712:tr D. CDICDMI DAM. D.. Di DID, Wra Stiller, ?Wad. C. W. Iteketson, Pntsbnrch. lIICKETSON. Wholesale Grocers, and sirl Importers of Brandies. Wines and Segars, Nos. 172 and 174, earner of Ltbe.rty and loam streets, Pito bargn, Pa. Iron, Nails, Cotton Yarns, de. !se , eon slaw ly on band. apt Jahn IttlCi“ • Jahn M'Cid. Jame. D. 111 , 6•11. Walter C. Roe' Ma - DLLS N DOE, Whole , tale Croce. and Commie . hie...haws, Na MI Lthertr St, I'lltaba rbh .7 4 PITTSEURGE STEEL AND SPRIZiti MiaMMtM . . Mx. roan, loan te. data.. JONES & &VIGO, MMANUFACTURERSor spring and blister steel, plough Intel, steel plough sr lags, coach and clip pie apneas, hammered 'iron axles, and dealers in mal feeble cuttings, bre engine lamp., and roach truutaings generally, corner of Ross and Front at., Pituburah, Pa. febed SATTHEW WlLStri, Portrait and Mini:aure Vi. Painter. Rooms, corner or Post Oaten Alley and Fowl% turner, entrance on Fourth it., near Market. deco-dtf . aJ. Tardoe, Clomml..tota 2N•rehantr. IVO. al Old Levee at, N Oilcan., keep constamly on VII hand a large usortment a - Brandies of the follow ing brands, which they offer for sale av agents (or J. Durand & Co, 13ordeaux,vin klaglory, J. Fraud, J Du rand A Co, Laroehelle,l I Durand, Cognac, A de 31 thouals Ellevilk, Ade slondore, Jean Louis. !sc., Se; o, Anchor Bordeaux Red and White Wilma to casks and edges, selected with rare by John Durand & Co; besides Champagne Wine and Sweet Burgundy Yon. feb7-th• NIIOI.SIFS &SON, No 35 Market n. second door • froth corner nf Fourth, dealers In Foreign and Domestic Bills of Exchuote, Ceruficates of Deposit, Bank Notes and Speck. ra . Coleletionanude on all the pnnsipal sine. [doughnut the United Sours. opt NIIUCKISLASFER, Aumao•cr--CLfier, Fourth et. 111. th ird door above Sixtutfield, south ludo. Conveyancing of all kinds done with the greates care and legal accuracy. 75t es to Hem Estate examired. se. Lit biographic Establishment OF WM. SCIIVCIIMANN. Third at, opposi te the Poo-Office, Pittsburgh.—Maps, Landscapes. Bill. heads, Shorrbllls, Lahelr t Architectural and Machine Drawtura Business and VU.ittna Cants, de. curraved or drawn on stone, and printed in colon, Gold. Bronze or Black, in the moat approved stele, and al N• most reasonable prices octant!) D opIN- ON, LITTLE & C 0. ., o. 255 Ltherty street 11, Pittsburgh Wholesale Grocers, Prodnee and Convolosion Merchants, and dealers in Pittsbursh Menefee ores. opl7 ROD,. •031301.1. TllOll. WM. 114 XL .e...ers. R°Ml,T„"Pclak Manufac turer, an , all kinds of Foreign and Domestic Wines and Liquors, No. 11 Liberty street. On hand is rei7 large stock of ariperior old hlonongdhel t vroister, which will be sold low for each. tart L o. TIDO. Da. I— L. M. D EYNOLDg & SHE& Forwarding and Catania -IA, sten Merchant. for the A Ilegneny liteer Trsae. eaters in Grocene. Produce Pittsburgh, Manufac• totes, and Chloride of Idroe The highat price,in cash, paid at all time, for country rant. Conte Penn and Irwin at. aplB D ()BERT DALZELL & to., Wholesale. Grocers, /A Commission Merchant. dealers in Prdduce and Pittsburgh Alanufamores, Liberty street, Pittsburgh, P. ,ply CUSININGIIMIt, 1101.r.S ALE GROCb:II, I`roducc, Forsrardlug Ty and thunnthslon Mercbunt. nr:4 Deal.. in Pin, burgh Manufactures, No 1.1) Libcrty sired, mint tub Pa SCIIACII-41-1 18011. It iinciu.crr rt WHITE , Wholesale De• W lc l. rs In Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No Wood street Plusbargh. apt? flAttlif11(111, - Wool :ttercltants, Dealer. tn Flour and Produce gener•lly,and Forwarding and Comm...lon Merthants, 1411 rirst street and 110 Second meat Pirtsbur.h.._ els - meat,. /011,1 xtcou , ll••ILAND: SELLE h S h NIUML . Y., Proc., and lieneral Cam • onssinn 7derebants. No .7 Liberty street. burgh. Sperm, I..nset.l and Lard Ipl7 L S c F er. Vo;:i o 80 .L .N n 1 g 111 . 1t ., .7 6 4 0m C LL, O i , L., ‘ , l . o ' , llo l l , fia t e r, lSLZl L Ci t e , Dealers in Pittsburg.. llan, actures and 'Western Prsdare, bane removed or w cw•rchOuoc. mand,) No. au, corner el Front Street and eboneery Lane apt? GUEENBOURGII HUTILL. (11..tolfs01...Srano.1 TIIE subscriber Atm.., leased the above well known 31, , excellent estann , ltmeo.t, is now preparvil to einerthin Alt , riends and it, leave/ling petal,. Irene, a iv. the boat manner said en the moil Ms TABLE oo;li at all votes be J.orplied tool eoery delicacy of the sesoon— sto.! Oto 800 tomb the !test of Liquors HA Stablicg is very rrteeDve; land every arramee er r e. env been made (or th e neconnnodsuon of Dro 810121118 6 HAWORTH TEA AND WINE - MERCHANTS ExAt suie Diamond, Pitt.bargA. •ptn OAKUM & IRVIN .. • WOULD Inform U, public, they bare taken the 1 1 , orarehoom lormeriy neeopted by the late !r 13,1cinon Schoyer, 114 P.econd Wert. ilurtnK • laser oval commodious, they would Inv, Me attention of persons having rn0..1, to roossen or store. They t5.,11 itlso give altenbon to the porcbasne and sale of Notes Drafts Bonds. de. cave W . .l,“21•0• • It N W..zr0.0. , ••W B ‘‘mennan L. A. WATERMAN ag, SUNS, yym• ko6,1•o: ern. duce Pilt-1,1•10 NI4111111:1C.reLl rnri c•.gent. for Rale of li.chruond Lyi•cuhLrg Slam...muted TObacco mrl WA!. ATTOIINEY AT-LAW, .13-szle7, Pa WILL also attend to collection. and all other Gosh 11 nes. entrusted to him in Butler and Anus:thug thaithas, Pa. Elder to P.oyil, Liberty .t. W. W. Wallace, do Jamas Manillall do YLnaberich. di• liar it Co., Wood at. d ian7 JOON OePADICaI i CO.. FORWARDING ft COMMIS" lON MERCILANTS, Canal Des. n, Penn street, Pasha, b. rurn JAMES 111. DAVIS /It CO.. PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.217 Markel, and 54 Commerce st., Philadelphia. Advances made, by either of the above, on consi7n. Went, of Produce to either House. Dirt . . • J. D. lams • • • • ........ gr am J. D. WILLIAIIIa dr. CO.. WIIOI.Ii.._ALE h. RETAIL FAMILY GROCERS, Forwarding and C Merchants, ommisvion Merchan, and d-alera in Con. try Produce nnd Pittsburgh hlannfac turea, corner of OFood and Fifth streets, Pittsburgh. Enrzi war. H. Wi I lame--.... it. ale 4 ay WM. 'll. WILLIAMS II CO.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS., North Eaht corner of Wood and Third Greet., Joni Pirroaraon. _ . . _ 30111.1 4 C054.4.4V4., WOOLPW•4II, lat.Tlll tau N .n l Groenrc..lB • apt. Davin aVeanot.c.t. [VICK M . CANDLESS, (successors I. 1. D. V V Wiet,) Wholesale Grocer, Forwarding .nd CottoComms•ton Mer-hanwdealer. in Na, Wawa on Vern, and Patencrgh Msnrifactarra general y, corncr of Woad and Water street., nitrburcb. apt] VAT re M. MITCHELTREE, Wnoleaale Grocers, VV . nee itryeng Distille r , nod Wine and Liquor atereqaist.. Also—lmporter. of Node An and me Powder, No. MO Liberty alrect, (oppoetto Rath Pit.bargh. apl7 W W. WILSON, Watene... , , Jewelry Warr • and .binary Good., corner of Market and Fourth Greet. Pitt•Lorptit, Po. N. O.—Waterier and Clod. carefully repaired. ap 17 • Or ".• NMI . .M. YOUN I>al G & Co, ers in Lesilb,r Hicks, &e„ 193 Liberty meet )u.}ll WIC IeCIITCII , IOII. Nora 1111 . CUTCEIRON. W/r. R. MeCUTCHr.ON, Wholesale Grocer., . dealer. le Produce, Iron. Nails, Glara, and Pdsvhartn Manufacture generally, Liberty street.— Pludaugh. janl7 MEM TITILMARTII & NOBLE •re new recciolng new ry coin wheat, which is or sopenor onality. Thri can now farnigh families with (rein Flour. All orders left in the boxes will be prionnti itended to WILAI ARM &NOBLE, Ca, • • T HAVE taken WM. CARR Into pertnenhip with T. me In my business, which will from thin date ba carried on undcr the name of "John Ratter A Co." March Ist, le.:10. JOHN FARKEIL J o b", .-.• • •William Carr. JOHN PAKKEIL Wholes. Gram, Dealer in Prance, Forotcu Win., Liquors, Old 11lonangethela and Rettiffsd Whiskey. No. 3, COMlllertiZi Row, LAberry street, e,eal Plusbereh. P warms's... 10,11 MIA new., sew 4 max (Fuceemrs to Ilu.sey, Boone A Co.) DANKIIItd, EXCHANGE DROKERS, and dealer. I) In Foreign and Domestic Fsehetfige, Ccruheate. rat Deeosite, Bank Notes, and Specie—None we/o corner of Wood and Third Illfre.R. Current money received on dcposite.—Sight acct. for pale, ace collections made on nearly all the prtnelpal poinu the United State... The highest pretahunpaid for Foreign and Ai:intl.:an Gold Advances made on conaignmants — of Prodace, ably fool East, on liberal telcutr term. apt) ao.] 11.0 WPI. A, VI.CLUIIO 4 CO., GROCEILS AND TEA DEALERS, No 23 Liberty stnytoslass-li r ood, Sava always nn band a lama a•aortnient of Choice rirocerles and Fine Team; at., Foreign Fntite and Nom Wholesnle and Retail. Dealer* supplied on the term. MKT NOTCHIeI & H•WOWVII, PEA AND WINE MERCUANTS east tide of the J. Dminond. • Szeesloot Teas-- $0 00 por lb. kloperior 000 do. The best Imported . 1.00 do. Low pneed, dammed, or Inferior Tess are oot kept at telo, extahilshmet. ' tra - sums I Rua' I _ . . . W . Ll.F . C ,e LLN . T . oo i th ., •47 ,3 tgealTed at Me Cre d t . some ateortnicot el Rage, to wider wt 4 i n er v i ' le i the an et. Lelolon of purchasers. eosin" To the Mimeos of A BOX for the reception of entere for CO l :Tillie a - 1. Float, I. left at the core of Mercer & Robinson, 144. sigh 0 W odaral street. Beek e ntersUNlA will R be TU• NOMA .promptlyettp- M ISCELLANEOI FOURTFI STREET, PITTSBURGH, PA. • pleted and ready for b rea *bare of the petite paienneeV. He treats by giving his fell attentiatt an the business, to mote list house a alessant and comfortable resort for the ettivenz of l'ittsburgh and for the country generally. Good attendants will he in waiting, and every ex ertion made torender the estahliahment worthy the countenance and unison of an Imcllikent community. The TWO SPACIOUS HALLS, fitted for Paths.. Concert% Lectemes, Rolls, and public meennes, will be let by the evening or week, on so liberal terms a. any other in the city. • The BAR and RFATAURANT, equal In style and withto any In the world, will be kept fornwhed with Pore Wine., Cboiee Liquors, Cordials, Potters, 11Ale+, end nil the cool, light, relreshreentsof tbe season. Poultry, Game, nth, Soup, Oyaters, and Ct.., mined up In the beet style. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the first door, and euy of vexes., will be constantly merited with all the Luxuries and Delicaciu of the EM=MMMIM=II Ito...ding by the day, week, or year. Dinner. or Parptr+ ler individuals or portico, tondo:led on abort Gentleme their flambee. •mning the city cub be supplied withrefreshments elan kinds al any hour to , the dsy. Good Stabling. and on extrr.lee Livery Estabbah oient is connected with the flan Dinner at I o'clock breakfast and Tea at the usual bout, Entrance for Lad , e, to thr, lee Cream and Dining S•loon No 67 Salitb6:.l! •oree, Je , Stdlf I. H. V .‘N RENSSELAER arrxr.vra.a, ea.) la. evasreartar, . A• WESTERVELT & SON. UTELI. KNOWN VENITIAN MIND MAKERS keep constantly on hand or mete to orderthe hest article in their line. at their old stand, No. Si. Clair cther No.till Market Street, sr cond +tory, entrance in the Diamond. Venitten Shatter, emetic to order, and old blip& neatly repaired. wan W. 6 J. GLENN, Book Ellad•ra. lurgE ore gull engaged In the above business, corner VT of Wood and Third streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work la our line with des patch. We attend to oar work personally, and satis faction will be given to regard to its neatness and du rability. Mani Books ruled to any pattern and bound sat atantialty. Books'. numbers or old book, bound care ully or rerai reit. Nantes pat on book., in gilt letter, Those that have work an oar line are Invited to call. prir,s low • flliTALAN—M.alketurer of MI kind. not s ton and woollen macktnery. Allegheny etty. Pa The above works being now la toll and soccesstal op. emaion, am prepased to ekes Me Orions watt dispatch for all kmds of machinery in st lmeTsceh as willows, puckers, spreaders, cards, Kr'. :r.g cos, Li,es, 'Anonym, drawlng frames, speeders, thrown's, looms, woolen cards, double orgle, for merchant or country work, mules,m to eks. e. a ble n and hand lathem and took in gen eral. All kinds of shafting made to order sr pi.. Vls• en for gearing fnetorms or mill. at mnsonoble Horne. Berealv—Kennedy, Chtld. Slackstoslr, 1411 ‘`o trine. 3,33 ..1•33. A "rot BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QuErnswAnE MAN UFACTORERS, 11Thataglaana,[m•eir Plltiabargh,l Pa. Otitd, No. 37 Wager banwas Maria and • Wood, Pittsburgh, 41? W ILL constantly k cep on hand a rood assort. en ment of Ware; of our own unuiacture•nd superiorouality. Wholesale and country kler• chants are respectfully Invited to call andel amine for themselves, as we are determined to Pell sheepar than he before linen °fetedto the pub lic. ID — Orders sent by meal, accomp•nied by the emelt of ood reference, will be promptly •teended to. owl BMW COACiI FACTORY. •usnumr. • . VT A. WHITE It CO , would reapertfully inform M e Ike public that they have erected a ishup on Lzeock, between Federal atoll Sendne& y ',recta hey are uow making and are prepared In re,eive order. tar every de,enpnon of vehicle.. Coaebea, Charmes, Ila• loathe., Llugglea, Fltratorak, Au., kr . wine I, front their lone expenenve in the manufacture ot the nt.ove work, and the fetal/nee they ha re, they feel cooLdent they ere enni,l2,l to do wort on the mom reaaortabin terms unit thaw wanner, entelea in their hue. Peyote parttettler attention to the wieettan of mate nal., oath berme none out competent workmen, they have no brmtation avertanune their work. N% therefore. net the attenuon di the pub!, to Una matter. N. IL Itepairtng done in the beet manner, and on the mort weacoonble terms. tatalat sc,ra /AXES SCA IVE & ATKINSON, 1.4 rwr sarwssm ‘Voos •so Mlllltrt, (N.JATINUE to snanufseture ttotls of CUrl'Ell, TIN AND ND OWN WARE. Also, Dlo.ek• south Work. Steals Dort. Loin to order. - . . Spectal attention me, to weevil boat wort. Have on tnand• a line stawrtment or r •ndlbrass Nettle.. Tin Ware, ,te. &r. :Steamboat Coot ,nr rboves PortaLie Forger, •artoos rotes— a very ounce:nem sr. Ode for steamboats, Calbrorrua emigrants, or rad road eo ll pmanies. o orouid respect:l%3y invite steam boat men and others to call and see oar artlclu and oboes belors parelossina el sesehere .v TOILN WRIG LIT &Co., are Prcpared build Cotton ILP and Woolen Alaehincry of even - deaer,,,,,, n ,oh as Carthug Machines, Sinnning Frames, tipead,s Drawing Frame... HAW seat' Heads, IVarpers,sr,,ler, Dressing Prams., LOOT], Card Grinder., Re Wroogl.t Iron SLaa/na tamed; all .tars of Cos: Iron. Yollir• and Hangers of :Le latest patterns, aside and hand Lathe, and tools of all kind.. Castings of every dcserartaoa furnished on short nonce. rulerns made to Oct., far Mill Grortng. Itonßun R. &e. Steam hp.. (or I,ea, ing Favtorle.s 1%, lion Window :Sash and lanry Ca.- unto generally. Orden 1,1 at the of J too. Lave ,•,• 11..1et to Stlxoluttott..ll , •. i (to .1 I( Co .t ,G. El Vi•ll,r John 1, trio tt :tons. tts:ourg, . C S 1 II Wnruer .stcubenv .11c Ist,Y subs , rtber often . 1 0811 e • large and splcudni oe.lrutteiat rove wood and mlatveany grond Ar• uon Planoa, nod arettaont INlleman , • eetenratet7 .Eoltest The Above inetruntent. kre ranted to be el eel to env tram...eta; red In tlus try, and Wall be sold town, ttt, en) br.nteht 'tom the East. F LILL:MK, No lOt wood,st, •• • , -V door shore sth N. 13.—City pen wilt be taken at par for •feor et he above •storttnettl.rove F B Beam Brick Work. far Halo. THE thliscrther ciders (or sale, the ere.A.m BRICK WORIsS, ahoy, Lawrenceville, comprising • titcarn Enainc,!. ylotlert 6 Moelit Machina repsbie of manufacturing 20,ter0 Pressed }tricks lout Of dry r a“aken from the hank,) per day; with three err,. or land ou the Allegheny river, on which are 4 kilt. and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrow, tracts, sho ra vels, spade, Ac., every thing re g ui•ne to rena scence opt tions at an hours notice. Price. including the patent right to am said machine, Ir.Otai---terms or payment made easy. Without the land, 11.',00u. For Partteo , ars. address lIEN RN' MERRITT, ang27-411 . No I In Moooriga:iels Wrought and Cast Iron Italllogg. THE imbsentiera be leave to Inform the public. that they have obtained from the East .h the lam sad fashionable designs (or Iron Railing.,both for houses aria cemeteries Persona entliing to procure hand some patterns will please ea:l sad examine, and judge (or themselve, mill be furnished t thee short elt notice, and in the best manner, .t the earner or Craig and Rebecca weeds, Allegheny city. angt,,ltf A. LAWN Y A SCNOX. WILLIAM PIODY BEGS leavea Inform hi. frtend• and customers.n he t. just receiving his new spring stock of Goods comprg. as usual, all the newst aod moat fastdon. •hle styles of Cloths, Cassoncres. e fancy Vesting., en. tnn and linen ‘umther studs, and every •rt.ele v•itahl• for gentlemen's wear for spring and mummer. It or mg m 005... to clement,e the beauty, quality, or quantity of the swat. the propnetor hope. all who are in vent of good, cheap, fashionable nod well made clothes, wilt roe him a call, as there is no stock this aide of the Allrghentes that can compare with It The ready made department is very extenstve, aday. .d to all tastes. Rail road contractorm. country merehante. and all who parettsse largely, are parucularly matted to ro esaun the .roc k before puree:won't, as particular at tention is paid to th e wholesale bonnie.. thu estab lishment. Every article in the taltorthe Ithe made to order In the at faahtanable and heat manner, at the ehnttec *Mire oar= lIE parinenthip heretofore ertsting ender the Arm T of A & C BRADLEY, ie dissolved by the &Lee... of AB. C Bradley. • The banners tirlll le earned on by A Bradley, wbo Will aCttlir the business of the Isle Ann. REMOVAL—A B.ADIAT has removed his Foundry Worehoolte from No 119 Second 19 Wood street, between First and Second street., to the ware , home I.tely oecopied by 0 A Berry, where he will keep ronatantly on hand a general aworiment of Cart ing., Grates, Stove., Cooking Stoves, At. Jyl3 SAMUEL 211eKZLVY, '.IANUFACTURER OF CAMT STEEL, and No I LY.I. and No. a American Blister Steel. ANN-sliest Cast Steel Filet, of at sizes; and Blacksmith .std 'Shoe gasps, slva). on hind and for sale, either at his '•Va gle EiteebWorkii? O'flara weal, Fifth Ward, or al tie office in the Iron Store of 11OLLMANS & (SAUL!. BON, No 4. foot of Wood street, Pittsburgh. mr.fl.dtm 10321121331 We,fite andersigned i having used, with entire tat teftetion, the elm( Steel and Files made by Samuel ItleKeivy. at hit Eagle Sleet Works, in Chit city. tate pleartire in recommending them as equal in quality to y ever tired by es, of foreign manufacture. Ytttalattge, March . _ CI A J II SIIOENBERGEE & Co, Plattufseturem of Iron and Nail., Plindiurgh, Pt KNAPP A roll Iron Founder. and Machinist, Pittsburgh. PL. COLEMAN, HAILMAN A CO, Manulacinren of Spring., Attle., Spring Steel and Pirsburgh, Pa. F & W hl FABER, Engine Builders and Machine Card Manufacta. Vera, Pittsburgh. Pa. A FULTON, Bram Founder, Pittsburgh, Pc GRAFF, LINDSAY & CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nails, Pitsbusgh, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Solider, Piltsborgh, Pa. • WALLACE, Marble Manufacturer, MachinW W e and FAgine l3ii riN or, Pittsburgh. P.. Dingolotion of Partnerships TPartnership heretofore existing between the 1 lubserlbers, under th film or Chandbera, Ammer & Co., Glue filanufaclue ~ was dissolved b y mutual consent, on the first day o July, Insunh All persons knowing theenuelees andel ed to said firm an inquest ca to mate paythent to el er of the parties, without delay, and all p e n*. having unsealed accounts with ..,,d firm, are Intoned to present them (or settlement ImMedrataly. ALY.XANDER HAMBEALS, JOHN AGNEW, U. 11 ClIAMBliRit. T yr - W oar oan impe i llt e. io7: l lu n it:bre d fo l :lnedl porpores, constantly on anti end for We by the loan or wholeule, at the Tea l and Wine stores of MORRIS &HA W ORTH, fan g s de af t ph.. hat end Fedstill !nth ulb. market, PITTSBURGH, MONDAY MORNING. SEPTEABER 30, Isso INSURANCE. LEXIMECI33 _ - TUE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.-06ee Non!, Room of the Exchange, Thin etreel. Plandelphl. P.M iftl7ll.ll,cs. —rialldings, Merchandise and mime PMPerrY. it Town arid Country. lammed agarnet loss or &Image by fire. at the lawn( rate of premium. kismet. Instrastsca.—Tbey also insure Vcosela, Car go, and Freights, foreign or roastarbm, ander open or special policies, an the etsgared may deatre. Innan Tasnagonsvrom—They also louvre ranch. •ndin traunoned by Wagon, Rail Road Cora; Canal Boats and Steam Boats, on riven and lakso, on the moot liberal terms. . . DIRECTORSLIoseph 11. Seal, Edmund A. Sander, John 0 Davi., Robert thoson, John R penrose, 13¢1.- el FderarstlyGeo G Le!per, Edward Darlington, Immo Davis, Wm Polarell, John Newlin. Dr Rid Heston, Jan C Hand, Theophilea!Mea t /I Jones Elroass, Henry Sloan, Hush Cnsig, (Marge , Flerrlll,Speneer Mellvaln, Charles Kelly, J O Johnson, Wm Day, Dr B Thom., John AT Won Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURGII—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Leman. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Rtatato S. Newnouo, Seel. 1:17 - °Mee of the Company , No. 42 Water street, Flumbergh. flan:o4f P. A. MADEIRA, Aas. - - Lite asilieelthinsia — .." PrHE Mutual Life and Health Insurance Conroy 1 of Philadelphia, lareorponsted by the Legisl of Pennsylvania, klatch, IE4B. Chaser perp..ual. Capital, 1100,000. Raers bow. tasti An Ptll AST, tint. Co xra , and hill 10 per neat. lower thad the mina/ rates of Life Insurance, as the following com parison will show: Thus, a person of the age of:a/Ito sating for itoo for life, mast pay in the Girard VLSI— Petmsylvenia. 823 Penn Mutual, 8 . 2.38; Equitatile, td,U.l; New England, Stbard New York Life, &EA; Sti,49; Life and Heal th , Philadelphia, 111,91. Dixserons.—Samuel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hell, W. P. Boone, Robert P. King, Charles P. Hayes M. Baldwin, M. M. Reeve, M. IL, Chu. 0. earnpliell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman Barker, E. 11. Butler, Edwin R. Cope. President—Samuel D. Orrick; Vier Presb dent—Robs. P. King' Seethtary—Franeis Bletekbanie. ' Applications will be received, and every informant. given by SAML. FAHNESTOCK, Agt, Office, Commercial Rooms, corner of Wood and Thad sts, Pittsburgb FIRE AND MARINE INSURANCE. Tlll3 INSURANCE CO. of Nor th America will make permanent and limited Insurance on pro perty in this city and vicinity, and tm shipments by Canal, Rivers, Laker, and by Sea. The properties of this Company are well invested, and tarnish an avail able rand for the ample indemnity of all persona wh desire to be protected by insurance. myIC Whi. P. JONES, Ai ===M=M:l2 NE OFFICE, of the Insurance Company GI Nora J.. America, has been removed to No. 141 Front it eat of Wood. The Company ` ' ag lamer e above old and renpon satin will licies on I:Wildman and their contents and on shipment. of Merchandise hg &earn Boats and other vessels. nr.3 W. P. JUNKS. Modern and Antique Furniture JAMES W. WOODWELL, 83, Tuun Sr., nrrmaua. J. W. W. Respectfully inform. the public that Le has eoin• pleted smite stock of FURriiITURR. the largest and most varied a.ortmeht ever offered for sale in this city, comprising several tell. of 1101.W00P., bIAIIOO.T., 1111 d LILACS WAILNCT, carved, ornamental and plain, mutable My Parlors, Drawing and lied Rooms, ail of Which will be sold at the lowest prices. Person. desiring Fun:knee of any description, art spectrally Invited to call and examine his stock, which embraces every description, from the cheapest end plainest to the meat elegant and costly, of which the following eoinonses a past: Tete a fete bents; to a Tete Divans; Conver.ntion Chairs; Llltatemitui Chaim Reception do Louts XIV do Fatenrion do litifiet ho Mee; What Non; Toilet Tabios; Louis XIV Contrhadoret Duke of York's Cinch; CO Sores with Plush and 11. r-cloth tole.; 11:41 Divans do du; 1U din Ma hogany Parlor Chain; Rosewood do du; II " 13rk Walunt do do; 10 " Cane Seat do; 4 " Mahogany Rockine do; 2 " o Piano Stools; SO Marble Top Centre 'Folic.; Yd do do %Vivi/ Sends; 2U Alsloyany Ihrilateade, I n do M erdrobos; Ilnic Walnut do; n Canny do. A very taree assortment of Common Chain and oth er Furnitarn Loa tedious to Memnon. .fu . rn rn ite i d . on toe shortest notice. P 6 —Cabioet Meter, eau be aapplted ..11b all ,or, RNlahogo , %Vault., end VcsseeTs, al .owaldarably relluc•d peter,. Erbil . . HERSEY, FLE)IING Si CO. lIAVE Von SALE, ! FROM TIII.: NIA Nl' FACTUR ELOS AND AT E.A...1T. F.RN NI ANL FACCCREItn' l'RlCl3 AVrote Flautclu, all Wool. Born node, Red o do Woe Deanna do 'aucy Cotionades• 41 are Brown do do offered at Factory prices. Black Sanr.ens. :4,1 ort.ned do noel. Lena< Sturnag. Blue do Cattle and Stopeo, very eat, Jo hoary Foods. Black Cassactera. lollop,' flood. Fancy do Red PaddLne, caper do; Fancy Tsreed• Sent I' addule, llockeneo, Boyer Black broad Rican. l'olorl'Uoi.v....besvy do; Paper Brown do Woven I.lneolt. 4locia`t t‘eper Green do Orsl.. Serge, Oack co. • J I Soper Twined do zed wor.ord• euper 1.11.e1g 11.-, :4.0• U 1.01: sod INl:ac Tape; teoper Or.t.Cathme res. Itusck •Tveux, Urals 'ln; Super lOovt• do from Check. sod Lhiilc . Sop, Black doSookstN $ 0 cord , -, 1C000n; Ostforni• RI•oto• do lane], Tl.rea..l. • 1 , ...5e do ....Ic i ,orod; Or,. do Back eudt. do Ore..: B•egley. Brown Iloilend .....e'• Slits; Brown Leh-, 801 a..., Cravats. Ae .a.e Al Vic M.o.caeLo re rs' 11, orchouee, No In Wood s Pdt•Loreal4 to r.. 11 .. 1 111 ,o-partner• heyelatorr eatodoi loq•reen the sah•eri,er.. to the 31.. or Conalahie, Ruhr i• thim day ,1:11.,lyc nun.. ronernt IlorYr h .ro le tte heal ste•• of the conrerti, tor 510 w... parp....c they .re asakhnnted to oar the nosmo of the euorern N ATR A\ lEL t'ONSrAuLE, ETYIII7NR }WRAP.. THOMAS BA RN P.:4. The artdersreued have thl. day usocottst,l themselves the own< of BURKE k BARNES. for the purpose or m•nota,,toring rsre rroor :rarer, Va r a, a r ,. r , at thetrod of ,he late rim, or easextalrle, (tart, C., a where they will he pleas,d to ree-tar the patron age el the e.t.a.* or that heuse thrtr frtenda. Eltal1 , N111:113Rlir, Tlttlat Ats NAIINES. In retiring from the Arm a( ConAteble, Porte in Co I olocete pleaeure men:meta Meesra. BurLe Barrie, to the confideuee of toy tecde nod the pubhe. Pet, 9, leet, NATHANIEL tX/NYTAIILE, feh Cr AROUTIIIIO9 HAS Jest returned from the Eastern ewes, and In n-vereing large •anely of seasonable Goode, to *Such respectfulty ansims the attentlon of march ems and twelturs. No Ed Wood at. febll WALL PAPER—W. P. coolitmally ring, from the largest manareetortes th New York and Philadedphis, sod also from French ageoeleg, the newest and most approved styles of Pa re Ilscsinzs, together with Borders, Fire Roard and 'rester Tops. For sale at Si Wood al, be. tweet: Fourth at and thamond alley, (mecessor to S. C. Redd ap3 Ci — grALLic PAINT-8 hi!. Just ree'dperitetimer, IS I. and for ..slc by the Darrel or single pound at the Drug, Seed. and Perfumery Warehouse corner of Sixth and Wood streets. 8 N WICRERSHAAL Otto Stomp Pascal Soda Ash. 46 CArthrt of the whose celebrated [trod and h ter!, dtreet frost the manufacturers; lat en.. now o wro n the way from New Orleans, and el. peeked here this week ; and 314 l shortly toroth kin Baltimore per ships Juniata, Chesapeake. Dam as erot, and Athos, which will be sold on arrival, at th e lowest market puce fur cash or approved bill.. W tc M MITCIIP.LTRFX. urn No Pm CHEMICAL STOVE POLISH Fidelity Manorlactating Company now offer to the public their Pretdlum Chemical Stove Polish, and without exaggeration, or faar of contradiction, by thibie who hare tested It, pronounce It far superior to any other in the Intitrittt. The comiamer aced bare no apprehensions of soiling carpet., An t 00 its ChM. pesttrtril prevents a don from arming when being op plied, which must be done when the Stole it cod The quantity required is so Hole no produce o beau lustre. A saving of over hlty pet cent is insured to the vermin... A corium; applied to Sin...l . lpm he, when laid away for the inoirniv, a aura pre ventative agionat reel Alter having tried it once, id it In accessible' no person will use any hut the Phmnfz hlanclocturing Computy's Premium Chong. cal Stove Polish. For sole by N WICKF.RidlfAbf, mye Corner of Sixth arts' Wood streeta. PITTSBOPOII 1110121ISIBIO STORE, Cora. , 01 Penn mod St. Qat, etreet, Ilnder ute,., ..born eery . nele or Funeral and Mournens porno.. can be got on reasonable tetras. 1 t:113.1. - - TO BOAT BUILDERS 100,000 feet Seuoned Deck Plank; 100,000 feet Coal Boat diding. For otlo by HOBERT ItleKNlfillT, Attorrin , 0 Lnar. Phurth at r leeheet market price In Cub will be paid (Or the dlfferent gruice of %Veal, by lel , W lIAKBAUGFI MELO I lo IConel , and eonelanees of rode arlivlng by the r•Clorana' Portable Boat Me,. will please Mire notice that they arrll be required to pay (Wed at our vsareboo., aceordlng to the reeelpt before the aooda me removed. C A MaANULTP , dr. CO 11l PURR OLD FIIENOTIFIDUNDT. Suitable for Methanol Purposes. IN theta nockly Uwe*, the emcee anlcse It freqnently atu The pertnut:ere:lm have tome on hoed fee tnlet One Dollar bottle, which they know to he arnaine; 11 was bought by theentel vet utTranco, and n as pure a• when they bought lb ND RIM IttIAWORTI4, Tea & Wane Merchant, east tide of the DlaMond. lu Premh &rearm' of °halos Teas. MORRIS & HAWORTH, In the Diamond. have lust received from the important, anotom lame rupply of imeelient Glace and Green Mar,which they aro how retailing from original chests at Goo sod the pee lb. They defy my in the trade to beat the quality at the price. We respeetfally solicit the pub. Ito to trooper. oar Teas with Mole purchased el. where at same prices. at •10 PICTORIAL FIELD BOOK OF THE REVOLII• TIDY, or Illustrations by Pen and Feast! of the It lsWrp DooriarY.. l " o 6. o kl. Relies, and Traditlens of the Wm for Independence. By Benson J. Leasing with COD Engravings on Wood by Leming A Doren, ahlegy from original late:Mill by th e Mier. To be complete In abtnitlO Nos. m 4,1 tale b curate a [forgave Mr GOODS, S:g 1;17111"Flfi GOODS YOR DRESSES. lb. ladies to their.atenaive •s.onment of H nj Goods for or. . tellldatillr nr Scotch and Srtlth Mulls; Figured Sons. do; Enthroidernd do; Vit , oria ',norm Low Friend Burred Jackonnt for morning dresser; fine soft finished do; and a lento ...Mau.' of Musiths. with enthred ensbrordere; printed Jankonntr: La run, flirter., Ito., at north Cum corner of Fourth and Market strosta.. ;e2l • Obstop Loves.. lli{ 1121 P h BURCH Ff ELI) have received s lame eupply row., Lawns, yr ry cheap; 11-ILt vyie brown at light do. in groat rot iety, for in to 12 le Also,euthroMered .d pfloted ondi.kone of neat and Orwell style sod towel( one, for quality , and non, cost Corner or Fourth and STorket sts THE GREAT BF.AII-ANNUAL SALE OF DRY GOODS At the One Plies Store of A. A. MASON & CO, W ILT. commence on tleod.y, Junr 7d, 15a0. Wholemile Rooma will, on thls ocranion, be thrown open for Remit. nod .11 at their extensive Meek Wilt be offered to retaßporchasers. at ad : l.count of from CO to 30 per con . less thou usual peter.. TO P. STOCK OF SILKS Comprise over fear hundred piece., and w II be sold at an Immense die eeent Their ossortraent ofS owls, Byrne e Brno. edifies Foulard Silks. Liirres, Jarobew, Cznihr es, and Drew flood, 'veered'', will be closed .vt Immeiliutely, at about eim half the usual rates. II eases Few C'Olered Lao...rill be offereiTal Fe / do Swears. 100. I do de Leine, lec gepellor Ainelleell Celled., Ilk lie. 31/./ driven Lin., el& 7e. A large lot of Wm tight Pollan, some as low so lie. Together with n complete varlet, of lkonentie Whim 110061, Ribbons, Hosiery and Gloves, Bonnet., Re., he. Making le all one of the meet extrirmye assortments in the country, Vel lee will be marked down to much Lawn poxes thine at nny of their previa. Ann..' try• Th. Stnro will he closed upon Thuraday and Fn lay. May :nab and 31, for tba purpose of &Franc.. lrg and masking down stoat. No vaarnrlna in Pao cam my3l A A MASON tr CO FRENCH LINENS. ATIYIIPItT & BURCHFIELD have received sup -IVII ta c k :bland 4.4 French Line. for men'. coal. .d , indica' was, boys' and children's wear, of the most devil able shades.. They Invite at enrion to their large assortment of M.'s and Boys' MISISIFR {TEAR, of different ma terials. and all of whleh will he .old lota. ,eI7 P•SLASOLS I PARASOLS! m ilt! PUY On RU RCSFIEL ar other Yly ahro supply of above *DEM, and see enabled to sup. at buy quality and color wanted , and at the wen cash prices. Pates& 01f - j'" else/A Cov•r. AIaCLINTOCE. has received this day. at his V V CarpetlWurehoure, No 75 Foorth at.. Starr Oil Cloth . Covenog of very handsome palter. and 00101., 10 which we Invite the attention or purchasers. _ jal3 EI=M ik FINN' & lICCIIPIELD to now or:lemon goods al at arratly reduced prises Lawns from 6 cents up; 4-4 lista (tons (mc 10 :mum up; Berates for leie; Plain Black Ilrrage fur IMe ; Bonnet Ribbons for 0e per yard. Ladies are inmsca to call and examine our stock of dress goods before purchasing elsewhere— Nonh ram corn, of Poo-th and Market sm. ' A*leant Data. ECRIVED On. day, a ire. assortment of Allem. 11, or Urn, Mats, at the Catpet Ware room or W kIeCLINTOCK • UNFIIY A BD RCIIFIF.LDave a large stock of 1111 greatly redu Funey ced and poe Sta m vp leiz D ry Goals ; arl.g off at • Battle de Lain's ; a large ..isortment of beautiful patterns; Jeconet and Swiss Muslin.; A splendid avaattrafeatjf Black and Fancy Silk.; Ilicragez, Learns nod De twilow, remarkably cheap; ileum:fel Dealer:: edits, at 371 cent. pet yard; 13ettatual Calics, Ileum (-teems, awl upwards; A large stook o f Btuara and Bleached bltalins, ego per yard. and upward., Ilona.. and Parncols, at greatly reduced pricer. Clothe. i l l... Lucre., and Vert ngs. or the Lett quality, remarkably low. 'Together with a large amok of Tielangs, Anton and Slotting Chccks, ell Idthr; Drown and Bleached .eheettns ad Own ege Irish l.tus; toether with • all other g arn n eles en our t low, 01 met en h eas g t wetter of Fount. end Ilaelot tn. ICrit ' e l Ts i tylet ' Dolg r = a e v itea l prrig7Za d t and Lauren changealice almost every wyle end end neared black salts; do hassles And Owe, lora 4.e lain., new end hand. Wane styles; new st) Dtettch, Eng lt.h. and :leo:eh I.okaraf, in great Vasa:), and at very- law ;once, plain. Lgored, and calla snow." dc Wile of all kind. and tow lUe•, linen 16.1 re. of sol shade. and cotors, gletlowne, rll;l4,ru. vt,ats. Ae., a not.h net roiccr of Fourth the, A FARTIIcR auppir of Black 'Fill, et Nary col . and Silk. , ,itst received nt, es rear. morn. trig, at 110,11 r east corner or I art/Ltd:Aso - km Ins seb ?IVY: fi7 & 111:18C11F1 VLD MURFH HUN ailylia.Li ate aellitig Ccrageti and Denten M O. Lai nee at very low pri_es. at nob east corner a( Fourth and Market rm. m 5 13L/171C SILK [-dee:S-4:2lra wide medium and ontrow trimming Laces oe best qually, mot reed end (insole at Northeast corner Star. kel *treats MUCIPMV & BeI:LC/WIELD Dotassata asatlllotantit Ribbon.. URP1111( & hare received an ad i.Vl damn., supply of xl , nte owls, toe:tiding vane. trylea of China. Pearl. A:lnoue, mid throp Hoboes, , Vbite and Colored °imp do, and Ribbons efallrotom and panes. • may': - 01.0oR - 7,irc • I.,yrii —sth yule 1-1 Floor Oil Cloth, Mal teeth... Gene ire fre•rfry 1114 for sale at the Water/lons, Nos.: 5 P Wold .ire-t 1 b It 1 . 5111,1 14.0 • IItsURN Mit 1n001.14. URPHY & 1.1 •Hri I:t.J) Invite Ne aneniton I of more w sotto., (pods I.r AlNtrntrig purposes, to their very 41.11 us somment, mkt received, such as Illuet Itorerraziet ' Iforraffaifne fiumb Alpaecas, Ltinet Mouse de Lames, Mourning Wash Sots, do Ponied roulordas eeeee , Sirilian bar-tres, Pltin Ilfera ard Pruned I.,awim, Mack Embroidered do; Boons t Ribbons, Scaring, Veile . Re mall? S ti 31alle n r:— rel f olerelots ior: ed me'doanaowpminre;auAalr,amwraaa, g by A .111/te , ON & CU ay', re/Menet al :jut W l: t— t s til.erior - 04iTe - roiced h Shawls, enamnsinu Crimson, Ora,ge, Green, ond Coen rolored, teat recomeg one espre yl: ss, suid Nis day openti,g by A MASON A ens am Gi Marge, 011 PIECE.I P.uw Wan . Pink, Stern, •c r Corn worm 11ar,r, 000,1 re, 0 " 5. " opentug filiaCla ."l ryas alto.. — ' o ' 'l2l' AA. SIAeAtN & CO are d,,. day opeiiing toper Vow!, Lloset Oro le (thine dill, ID pe•3rl I do. * Mises 41 itch do, b pc. di nob do; anti I pl,cel 25 10011 do. Lines flaladk•rchlets. 40d clot lAidies. Linen Conitic.c Iltit Cs, ail Once.; HU dot Opiate' do do do 1 dot do do do colored brink, Rft.v.l this day by A A MAii.ON & CU 62 Mattel .t. tiot.Kr LINI:Al Ltit/ III:.---..50 ;eel eiiiinviiible l„) Lolirce, at dna citticric :co price of Hie pee yard. . mayll3 loh anti Brown Lineal,. 400 p •od rLqi pea 1.4 Hrown Lome.: p. ; Grey. Hark ley'., and Alm:wee. lopetior 1 11 Linens, two, opentag br mays, • A , NlA o fl . , i & CO_ Pre•to Arrival of Dry Colo Odo. Un - : are now rerel , ..olorav lrds/two, to our oto7ll VT nf Suter a 41 Sommer Oct liotoH, and are pro- not oil, eoeellent oaAortc,ot at our aloof lowsrree• tor Cub or approved eredll or e el we.tern aortler• la ran teelarly re novated tn our 'rood, reel eonrdent beirg able to offer onyaual tedde-rnenta to mate a 1,1;1 with us. Callstod exavotov at any ro e. SHACKLE:TT A larr76 101 Woool street. C. YEAGER, 10H iN•rk•t H ttttt (Haar Liberty ' ) AMERICAN, ENGLISII, AND tiKRMAN FANCY GOODS, 11.,:4,E!11, I. A t. 7 GLOVCS. THREADS.. COMBS, surr(tnrs, SUS. PEN VERO. de. A,.0, SHISH mad Fancy Castings, BLAVZ N ELVA:NCI' s 11,1( CRAVATS, rONGRF, HAN 1./ANNA, and LIN F.a lIU.Ft. a general an samurai of .VANS, and cfrcry vatic!) of trimmings. Washing, 1.11••obing, and cia•nLiag Yel is 18. IheolcTlOOT—Put the Mother Into co'd water and '.or them soak over night In toe morning wring Mem out and put them in o a ken e of boning water, to which of add the proportion of o pint of fluid to eight gallons of water—silt It up and boil the retain twenty minutes. The clothes m.y then be wrwell ung out and rtn•ed in elear cold water. Toe petit of oat- Inenle Etat taa sham,ost soiled, such as vertelbsoule arid eoliaro of aety he slightly rubbed before retirtle •ummy., nd dear . sad the clothes will be Maud perleetty clean, Warranted net to injure the beet is brie and to give perfect amisf,r non, or the nriumy will he refunded. So d wholeule tina retrial by II F. SULLTIRS stole k Wool et I2OiPORTART TO THE Ar FLU:res:lh Dr. Rage's Celebrated Remedies. Dll. JACOB 8 ROSE, the discoverer .ltd sole pt. primer of these most popular and benefit..l medieines, and oleo th• invnistor of the celebneled instrument for IntlsUng the Lungs, in eff cting u cote of bronie diseases, was a student 01 that eminent phymetan, Chnior Phyme, and Is a grad..iate ot the University of Pennsylvania, and for thirty years since bar been engaged In the investigation cf disease, and the application of temediea thereto. Throuth the am of Ina inflating tube. In co/enceinte with 41. Prophylseue Syrup nod °thorn( his remedies, he has gained anunpamte led eminence In eating those dreadful and fetal melodies, Tubercular C00...P.1.e, ...P. 1 .e, Dhaeerv,_ Boni ohs, Rheumatism, Astlims, Fever men Ague, Fevers of all kinds, Chronic Ery sipelae, sod all Once obstinate diseases peculiar to females. Indeed every (ono ordinate vullshes under the use of his remethea to which homototy is bele— not by the use of one compound only, for that Is in compsullile wih Pbreioloyfleal Law, hat by the at. of his remedir.a, adapted to end prescilead for each pe Dr. Rose's culiar form TonicA ase. ltetative Pills, when owl are invudatily acknowledged to be superior to all other, as • purga tive Of liver pill, inieffalleu 0.• they leave the bows perfectly tern from hr u; 55 also (t Ms old.= Pi lls as admitted by the faculty to panacea peculiar properties adapted to female diseases bit belogentistied that ahem trial Is sudurent to eatablish what btu been said In the minds of tee most shooflies,. Tile gained era invited to call upon lee agent. wad wetro urratist ono of the Dome* peeMbletet adetelled account of each remedy and is spolteatton. Ear mile by the falloenng agente,as weU as by most draggles throagbout the county. . J lerboonmaker & Co, Ift Wood street, Pittsburgh; j Townsend, druggist, 43 Market st, do; Lea A. ilectbitm, do near the P.O. Allegheny city; Jo. Outlay Derlittpon, Deaver co., Pa. Deo Ellion,Monon alley, do do; T Adam.. Bsßyer. do dot suilledig. CUE I3B- 4 0 a read by 0010 0 0 W L/A11000(14 GOVERNMENTAL. . PROPOSALS POLL A LOAN. - ITHIP: eleventh and twel ft h seetioreer O. Act of the 1 (moms' Assembly of this Couconsmal th . etftl••• •A Supplement to an Act entitled an Act to Canto. Satklng Fund and to provide for the gradual and certain eatinsthistanem of the dente( the Commoie wealth anti to authorise • loath approved the Idall day or May A. D I FR, provides as w , yds— Sarum II Th at the Gee/15nm a b e et yuhixed i" ft • g•iftftd • it'ao for the ens of Three Millions Three Hundred Thonsar.d Dollars redeemable in thirty years from the .e f the sultiseription the ' f alt MC of the net exeeeding four per centri per gnnelin payable itherild and silver, scmhannas ly, c ,,,,,, thg fi rs t gay s of e ve ry Feua and August of eget year, and exempt from ry species of strati th 3 Notice. that proposals for mud loan will he merle d, shall he published in at least one newspaper In t e Borough of Harrabure. in the cities of Palate La ,u,L Lancaster, and Philadelphia, and in th e cities or Nele York, Beaton, and Baltimore, fora period not less than three months be foto the °penny( e f said proposals, and by inter elsewhere, ir necessary. and open the day assigned for th at purpose. in melt notice the proposals shall be opened in are pet Irene. of a t ; Deventer the Secretary of the Commonweal th , and Auditor General, and the loan stall be awarded to bids shall bidder or bidders. If the •1110LIM of the bids shall exceed the lam of the mad loan th e same shall be dtwributed pro rata amongst the highest Lad. den, but if the whole of raid loin shall not then he t oken the Governor may rends+ notice. in the manner feresud, from time to time, till the whole %morn or said loan shall be eubseribed. Nonondrionnt blds shall he considered; and opoll awarding nob loans, or any part thereof, certificates with coupons for the interest, shall be 'staled therefor by the Audror General. Feestos In. If the said loan shall be subscribed, it aball he sod a is berehy appropriated fur the payment and ex inguisbment of the fended debt of that Ceto• monwealth, now doe, or to become due, during the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty, end for the payment ore th cow of eight hoe 1b012,.1 on. tam dad and four dollars and e y ighty eight 11 cents, duo to domerhc creditors • - - • •• Ice n pursuan of the Provisions ther...6d, notice le hereby given, that compost's, will l e at received ate office of the Secretory of the Como:lantern Ith until 4 o'clock P. M. of Tuesday. the Lest day of October next, mit:misting fora loan to the Commonwealth, for the purposes set forth to the said act. of the sum of three million. three hundred thousand dollars, redeem. able In thirty years from the daze of the subsersption thereof, eta rate of interest not exceeding fem. per cent per annum, payable In gold and si lver, semi annually, upon the first day. of Pebrdary and A ' agost olleaeh year, and exempt from every species of tax. Certifteems of stock far the said loan, with coupons for the interest will be tuned in the mmei manner god made transferable by the owner, on the books of the Aedttor General's Department. ' Tin prepotrale will be required to rate explictly the 52.200 offered which than not to any care be less than one thousand dollars, the rot. of MD rest not exceeding four per cent, and the plemiem proposed. The State reserves the right to accept the whole or any part of the sum offered miens the proposals stipu late to the contrary. Bids tor the lout must he direct and explicit. NO conditional proposals will be reeeived. Upon the eceeptance of the prapesals. the money must be paid into the State Tasesery;ist Inch manner as shall he directed Governor. Certificates of stockwi l lbe hutted in such amounth es may be requested by the lender.. °Teoee porodps s e a d ls , t "Proposals c t f e o d r L u o nd o e n r . " T h ey wilt not be opened or disclosed until the Ptrtod for receiv ing them ties elapsed; after which no alteration in the terms mil be admtued. A L RUSSFLL, Secretary of the ComhlL Secretary's Moe, Itarrisberg, Jane QS 1540. felaollteleltuF RESOLUTION. KTO S. dMi1.P.7.37 or TB[ cottrrrron - con. RESOLVED by the Stoats and Howes of rapresesta lir. of ttie Cc...wealth of P.0..1.1. I. Ueurel Aseolottly met, That the Caustitattoo of this Comtooo. wealth a .mended m th• mood weedoo of the fOb article, vs that it shall read es followte lb. Jodg. of the Supreme Court, of the neend Courts of coo.= riots, led of soeh other Coons of Reword es .e or shall beestehlithod by law, shall be Jeered by the quelitied electors of the Co..mmo wealth, ia the ioniser Is/lowing, to wit Tha of the Supreme Court, by th• *Paton of the Zamm ..Ith at 4%. the Prutd.t Judy, of the retwal Cou.s of Cocoa. Platt, end °reach other Co.te of Itroord or shell be established by law, sod all other Judges required to be leotard ha the low Ly the ot.lidtv' ton of the respective districts oil. which they en to pre.da or act 0.• dodges; .od the Ass:elate Judges of the Court. of Comm be th. qualiflod electors of 00. 0000,11. reopeotlrely. The Jude. of the Supreath Court shall bold their offiets fur the tem of Gftes. pan, if they shelao tatterrave. theestarlses wall, (ruble. to the elltitatent h ere. pm tided for, subsow.ut to OIC 41114 Justorsttf lb. rah Courts of Cm.. Shots, ot at th othor Coarse of wea Retard ea ereeribell Loothtbithooll h) sod ell other Judg. rik t airsd Co ie laarsedli t I • law, diet hold their °filets file U, throe of too yeurt,if Clay shall tosi talless theme , . wall; the A... 41 titreyee art tie aearrts of Commas Pl..shalt Hid their obtes fur tte term of ft. yea., if they: let it • I.z 1L... themsehoo 1er1 , ,• all of • bus stith La tawaleakoloel by IL. tivt•ruor, bat for soy rem... eases which shell sot be nitric..t groyne, fn t^fey hael , oh. goetroar sl.ll remote I , y of Mess sat carats of two th irds of eas broatt of the 1.-.1 eats.. 'The cr. fleet.. Well take place at the h ., : n 3 i , %111..ata wczoo.uslth a of el t o ; who Ira, be thou la t C,e• shell e•piro es th e Gr. Mood.; of ileac-Esher to:lowing, whoa the ter. of the sew J.,. shell coompaee. The pnlons who shall two C. 1. I.d tad J•dges of the Suproo• I van .1.11 held Moir cafue• s• f 11e..; Use of theca-for three lean, woe for at 000;., . for twee years, .1 for twotre pare. ILO y e a foe •f ern es., the torts of nth to be dceided by lot by the tied Juds., es .0., th e etorean oosteariest, sod the re eve et rstficd by thoia to 11. tior tt.t the co. way la isost.d itemnlaa. thereto. Ta• lodge who. cutaissess. will Sew tap... Alt: be Chief Justice darit.g Ws Wm, atitt thereafter nob Jutly• wham et.t... first ewe. shell to tots be lb. taief wait., &aid if tyro or more comaiwanns shall oxpire . the us. ley, the Jokes helliog Sara evell dec.. by lot whtch slte:l hr th• Clot Jostle.. Aay hour... by death, rosig.tion,or otherwise, t oe goy of the atid coact, sh.l Le shod by •p poiatment by tts Utleossior, to mitt.. till thy fint Jay of Lkaesther that... rte., etc.. The Judgee 1. So.ea. C.4l .4 LI. Pro•Oecie t • ..I natal, of Comm Mast shell,at w•ted vteate r, wretees ad• e . onteb which stall s tt he 0ttf,......1 dortat 1 i..• . .0 to t ~, L, y shell roves. ea ea r woe of 015 e.., oar 0144 .3/0.44 office p. 6tleal•rs. is ro od,,,Coottotao sr under th e pmernturatt of th• Coiled Stet., or yoth. te t. eo this Cu.. The .Jog of the Sups.. .'otta. donu t thoir molt. .a is office, shall to.idc with. thut t7asitat...h; esd the odwr Judgetalunag thetr arm is Ole*, theft resit!e will, or county for .44th 1.1 were respectively tittle!. ." J S McCALMONT, Speaker of the HI., of Reprearo.... • V. HEAT, Speaker of the Saxer. CasaSark, 1. Ilarreabor, Ike, liakek. FittlC*l 00r. Peanut, Chieff - Clerk a the tieveate a ' Penney ta Jo hereby certify that t`ee karegaing No. laa a.aa 'be ktuaie die t at renal rteaveo,) metaled “Peeml,veok relative en envedeemat of the Cem•," —it tea., el.e same ecemetaii , o•hiah eras *Treed t e try ma. j 4.0. 01 the opmsaers wearied . uth [lave of the lAn getatose— aka, ma s twee el•aly mos dared clad Cm. ciaseeel, eras Om far agrce,l to hy %Me:Ye.; a elactaal to and eveviog ha the ..nett or Potnylrakia, et h. ate yeeeerat secreu.a, eal at ae.PI spy... by (heir evtes given oa Ike Rod peenge of the vaoolutiro, at feelkaara, hoot v,Aareg in favor artier peaty. of the reenlertion mere, 11. Jouee (100. J. Yorker &trawl.), W Sham t Jvamehea J. rouninkham, Thome* mac kerayik, Ckaties Frailry, swot kl. Frick, Henry Vul'ora, Joe. Gueeusey. Wellman Iluktt, lone lievet. realKSeT Ives, .10,1oa Y. knew, .I.mpla kooirmaeher, liaork• V. use, Maamell SleCasno, Brejemin Slalame, Svayetero Malt , tttt t A. Alarelaohee, tkillrem le Packer, Willtem IL kaelar, Met I Seelesy, Petal, II Lamy, Caramel eal. neer, akivert C. to et, Mama Shoe, Perrin U.l teener, J. Al 11 tVallter, end Veleriem, Ent, Speaker— v.tee spaest the peen, of the rerelut.o 'eery, °eater Leave., ktivestus Uratm, sad Ateleceler Kips— Nays 3. (Cetrecl from the Jeeerkal,) 11a1.11'1.. W. PEARSON. Cl.rk. I. kun Hoe , . Is/ Rraltaltlll,lll4, bne,, wett 14, I, Witham Jerk, Chief e Clerk o M f the Home .1' Repro. aetstaliats of Peon.yleenia, do hereby nervily lb. the fre. R 0 sin reetdot 7 on,lNo, 10 on the Semite Me, and too nt I rat be flout. Jo•outl of the rafted entitled "Beim. town rebate., th• eimetnlinerit of 1 0 . Lapaleu li oa u —ii Lem, the mewl resobitio, erbwh wee egreld 4,4 moPrity of the metehem vented • tech Hon. 01 the Lut Inba. ture—efttr heel.; hetet emmi.ered end dieetined, wee lbw el, grand t • by • majority of tbe n3ember• elected to .0 saving to Pm House of Bride-tentative. of Panic note, et its meant .ear . as IBM *Neter by their vol., on the final pa.. only reseintioin u tullo•e, Thee* vet , . g in Barr of the puler of the neolotion were, Jnbn Acker, Ileker, Robert Baldwin, Ihwid J Bent, even, Oblate, Jerusiatr. Wank, Joh. 8. Borten, Brindle, Dauirl 11. B Brower, Jesse R. Bann, Joint Cewna. Ileory . Chareb, Jlhn l'ooyodham, Syleeder ernitand, Benjanate G. David, M albino J. Bob. bird, Joint. Ir Dnieper, Tim.n. Doneao, Witham Done, Etpey, Jelin C. Exam, Wilde. Ea.. OranE win AletzuJer 8 Feather, haute Rm.'s, P. Fortner, %blander rbbboney. TLrw.. B:Greer, Joseph P. U.itfio Jowph tialfra, Janob 8. Haldeman,Demi. 11. Ilert, In& •t 11,irt. John Ileation William J. fl•aphdl, llmice, Henry Dopler, Lewis Iletforal, Wa,hmito. J. Jett., tiwhe et June. John W Ballinger, Charles kb Emitted, Robert Klotz, P I.uN, Slcrris Leftb, Joo•th. D. Lest, Anson Leonard, Janie. J. Lewis, Hear, Little, Jou. R. M'Cimiorle, Joh M'Cul vb. Alexander C Itl•Corde, Join M'Leu him, John M'Le., Smart C. Mara, John 11 41..1, m.' Jobe Jowpb MaJoy, John D %Valiant T.Morinap keektel hinwia nand Pltokteeon,Jerob Julio D hob. Joteph C Powetl Jalaea C. Reid, John 8. Itaay, Le•te RoLere. some' linhinrou, John B. anther. toed Glen i W. 8101.1 d, Thom. C blcooller, William Shaffoer, Riebted Snap., Eli Bliley, William Beattie, A. Nati.h, IVillrem II Sander, 'I beau C Merl, Dmid Steward. Cheri. Stockwell, &t -wee Andrew Wade. Robert C. Welter, Thome Wwa, ti,doey B. Walla. Hinge A .1/killlems Danial Parke,, end lobo 8, 111'Caltookt Speaker—Tres IC. Thme notnen egain.t the parse re of the reerilution wen, Atigudua K. Corny David E•ana:Mod Jam.. M. Porter— Neys 3. (Kabul from the learnt!) WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. Stcato7:•■•••■. Filed March 15 ISM A W. EDICT, Dep. Sec', of Camoacnawaa:th Sscaisree Orract. E:=M • Ido err.l fy that the above end foregbing • true corftet e.. y of the oriyioaJ ...Wino of the Ger••• 1 Ae. eemb'y. ent.tb.d ' Rr.nlvtioo rtiatift stnenJoient of the Coogitution," no Ma am tamoire co file in 1b...15ft. lestsmotty whefter 1 bare te...novo ..l o. hood, nod atm.! to be atlits.l the seal of the &en tory'. Ocoee. at Haryilburg, this fifteenth der of A... Domini one themand eiyht hur.dred sod fitly. A L. RUSPELL,Seeretary of thi Coomooireallla, i.XLatatma.ll EXTRA PAMILT YLOUVL OR the ronehtience of the citizens, the proprletere .L" of the Pittsburgh City filing bore placed boxes for the reception of orders at the following Pinder & If Floyd, corner of Sixth and Wond shrews. Id Heyward, shoe store, co, Liticny & Market .to. A Itoelenonore, Third meet. L Moor, jr., druggist, co, Fourth & Smithfield. John F Fmk& wore, comer lIiR, R Wylie. Telegraph Office, Foenh street H C Kelly, grocer, Fifth et, earner of Marto alley. M Orson, stare, Penn street, Ninth Ward. The floor weggons will all twice or thrice daily or orders, and the delivered promptly, Other barrels ors-mho—each goer is preferable for family • se—without charge for canned It Is plain that no counts can be allowed, and that drl•en can bone • o permission to leave door without payment We hope the public will be pleased with title or aneement, we shall endeavor to do dim/in:mica WILIddiRTH h NOHLM •araaparmf 80dn k LIMOS! Syrup. VD do go kegs stra.p arida Sod.; " do; .' bid VD beletOL.l3OAEI - rdp,mde (ma! ;nue lemon Jake; Judi mond an 4 for eels ta m 41111PINTIWN MEDICAL PROOLAZI eITION VNOW an men who are al ak and afflicted with dia. .1l ease of the bladdin and t Idneya, wth Pm , . in hark or limbo: audio intit,old sore., running 'ulcers, &c, that they men be need by Me Pe crolemn! Y. may talk ober ttd be•og • nanom as much as you please, bat this does not make It no, for we proclaim In the face elan tonsil community, that it has virtues which •rs no. contained in any other remedy. The man who la racked wit&pain and sun feting from diocese. can for fifly rams. get relief front any of the ills ennuinsrated ahoy& Bcoder! it costs eery little to make a Mal. Thu Penbleui is no adz. tore—no comm., put op for the purpose of imposing en the community; but It is a remedy elaborated by the master hand ornate., and bubbles tip from the bo sore aim mother earth In its original purity, and on fen to wagering humanity a ready remedy, a cenain and cheap care. It btu oared piles alter other medicines have mance to render any relief It !mama. Rheamstiosat of long ...Eng, and of the wont mod most character. It had cured Cholera Minims by one or two dose.; It has cured old cues of Diarrhea, In which every other remedy has been of no strati. As a local remedy la barn. and scalds, It is better than any medical com pound or ointment that we know of. Rant! ears ehil. blown or fronted feet, in a few application% sadoubt- Ie monmeny non be furnished of the truth contained o the strove statement by 011tlag on Semucl hi. Kier Canal Daslit,7th street; or citkehnf the agents. ~, hiebowell, corner-of Wood stmet and ,1 0 1V D .Vre.15. Sellers, 57 Wood snug, /t. B loom " 7 ' 4 ' 1 .10. 5 1 city, are the mum. DtALITV—I t Is universally coneeftidlll27 beauty Is while I's Ttl?e"wrofe'llimnoftit'i's.l7..' i •Va ' llo " nrroth o e y r :o 'h u ' o r, nY is il low m wi young an Ng. Ntow ltd. Is true to a eartmo extent, nat the low le often caused by net like' W '' auT m all, do net neglect your personal eenpgronee. but read the followirg, and yeti need not lark good look.. Thum arueles are aeloutifio pm parstione, and have all alts ,, ird a fir populanty teZt,":orliene'thoT'lnE'g ' jee p :eclat uoTon. pthiplesAbloN= and other eruption* of the skim the most perfect con eercetor of bean ty every known Purchase nothing porporung LO ba Nymph Soap, ante., it hes my mune atinched. JUL.* Henith . • Pelee/LIT 01 ORTON a ftheToll, for Ins• parting to the molt bailie eomplexioo a fadmot whiteness In nothing Mould ••*Teen be more Cafe fal than the an of a powder for the skin, •• Many of those cold are very iniorlous lily Chinese Powder I. compounded In a eelentrfia manner, and tantalite no inerellient which can possibly mill , t an loJerlf. J 0... Kam's DIEFILATeIT Peeress, for removing 1 soperluotik hair. What a mom umtichtly than hair upomn the Nee or arms of a lady. This ankle will ove it In a short unto, without the one of any sharp lustroment Jamas flatit's Vtotrabta Lieu. /UM Del will instantaneoesiy Impart to red, white, or gray hair,. beautifollv black, brow//, or auburn co/or. It will rotor the hair in a Milner time, and more effectually tlissi any other , Dye, being at the same time indellible I Jet. Baum. • Stange C.w.0.-111e really a plea. ire ' oto shave with Ude cream. There is none of the marling sensation usually experleueed in the use of ostSoapil On th e contrary it leaves th e akin smooth eon as as tofimils, and not liable to become harmed. lcr. Karat's Bon Tami Pure—Next to the bide, we think the Teeth were intended a. ,he greatest orna• nen, to toe human face; but when neglected, nothing •so dilatations, or so quickly wen. My Rose Tooth 'owe will Impart to Me teeth a pearly whiteness, at Me same time keeng the gums firm and healthy. Also on hand, • complete atwortment of French, British, and American Perlin:lam and Palley artiste. JULES ileum.. Perfumer and Chunist, ISO t, Phila. For Pale wholande acid retailstree, by El A. Fahrteetock ft Ca., an _d IL E Seller. Pittsburgh, add John Oar. gent and 1 Mitchell. Alleghtiw City. B. if J 7 - 217 ___ _ 1T... isolate.] Dee /. IMAM ENGLISH &HEN/SETT, TVIIOLESA LE GROCI4II9 and Commission Men gg chants, No 91 Wood atriet. OSDOtite SI Charles. Hotel, are now receiving and ores for sale, at low rates, as follows:- ILO pkg. Y. 11., Imp, GI. P, I 511 tri lit Spanish O'Gara and Mock Teat. 50 I n /hyena and gum, 200 pi geSs S. lb and lif lb in MOD packages. hoop kCo roll Tott'co. CO 111 Havana, nrh.r.a. 100 bag. Rio, harrozyra, t3ht ilegolim.' •nd Jars 02&e. ln bl gintelpsw. 00 MM. N 0 Sagas. iio hoe hi Ho 50 help pi 0 Molasses. GO hiles Filberts; g - ngllsh 90 brispo steere, enisti'd , Walnuts, Marti Num, and loaf Sugars. . amt Ground Nom. 20 hris Alum. Mhos Lemon Synis. 00 brie Tanners' Oit. Cu boo Pepper ban.. 3to is Lamp Oil. 29 cases Pickles, 50 has No 3 Manson!. 10 cassimple'd Chocalar• :let hos bile& 111112(ilass °Mond Spices 0001 kinds 100 hits Rosin Soap. 50 no. flaroicc., lie Oct l'ol Burks.. 20 boa Starch. :1 h.. Crocolam. 95b:. Rock Candy. 10 la. While I%pea ID hoe Shelled Almonds; ,tat rms %VII , p. gaper. 5 r axes Lg.. ion 1h 00, Popper Ih. elloce..l Rinehart'. Cut and Dried rim lh Sentettkßapeentnad Tobacco. Iv Ica Ries ' ID gross Illarklnt. 1% Togs aim with • gancral assortment or gnods too' kept Well hoe, as well 111. Pittsburg:. ir.nnic. Molars, NSW HODIE.9I Ai: IV 'WOKS I AT HOLMES' LITI?RA RY DEPOT, Tined atnroi . orpreite ll e Poet Office. Ligroin- of Peociennia, d. Hy Theollerny , Kniekerhoelim phonon lor nenteter. Mont, Mne•miie foi S , ro Pmmbim.- Ke g Review for Semember, I, N engraving of Gen. Senn, M.P. Stearin:ore, Ho H 3 Linces Living Are. Re Whig Portrait Gallery, inantwining fifty Iwo engrmv inn. of Jiminguiviiml Whigh pwirlh II huh Review for Aormt. Penmen:um Review far Remember. bee Fele. tie Review of Foreign Lteratore for Repierm ropl2 tro - 13 -7 r . Tra lit , 111 . 111" k bURCHFIE4I, Inform thur costom ers 1 of \-o,kfr and b. . fen,a man or in eylly nla t. sno. to calm:garne I,: grtrouy othi tmprme. tog their rite, Room , tees have removed ?brie coeds to thy oyr. `troxy a the bui'ding they oreoPY• tl the improvement. rt , e li - tvhed; syterc they, will 40 happy to s. tr r tvallt ot,mm t •r o.vat nt! , o tr % tt.em by .elltny. the" Chen!.Wax, i pry tut d Entrance flog aura, ads r N nolol.embeY, for role / •e, by Jt R FIA011) tote. hientlftwoireitTorteco, of 1.5 Roblyoon't, and o th er favorite. Ityyr,l t t, For •a'e b• ir< I N J JL RFI.I)I H 1 1LLE.1.:— . 11411 ILI W 11.Cbneio In cor, Pa eby ,ntl J Ze. It FLOYD F [OCR—. bd. Poland ?1111• •u Dolor fatally Float It* brla iroperfine Flour. Aot toed A CULbERTVON At CLOUSE 105 Liberty et 1"4" 1Nt r 1 7 ;= . 47 . 1 ' 147.01)5E LIOSTI yod„ y eery an.. & article, made earnestly for that pmt s.°. for sale by f•entn .1 tr. 11 PHILLIPS Brandin., Wine•pGin.d.. 50 h . 4pipra fibrillae Brandy, •nrion. ,; q, ensk• do din; I mos Holland Gin: 2 runcbrons Jamaica Spirit.; 2 r.unehrnr.• Old l lab Winritcy; a rir Cook. Meanie Wine, en do Oporto do; 00 bhd. Barmen a Chorein Al pipes Spanish Red Wlnia• 80 hoe Bordcaz Clare< I. ha. Mascot Wine; hos French Whitt* Wine {Soarer: [teed for sell by MILLER k. RICKETSON .010 V 1 /ten Liberia et • DAMN SII OULDERS-102 , 41h. reel for sale by 1„) .0112 s W 1114AUbil S NUG:A-1U bbds N 0 Bagar s riti'44t A te 3 t A ty ron r. TAU R ME7i—,l GE--1;-O'itit.37-1-.0.7.7 rept° 24 tr- WiiaBBAUGII Warranted Pars Win.* and Itrandlni; 40. VITABLE for Medicinal Parposes, always on I 3 band and for tale by the twters quart • or ration at 5011 MORRIS & HAWORTH'S ltiE C •ea tr. Wine Store. y ht..IIav o IYAMIGS, Kern e Wot. JIJ mud Engineering. No 10, has been recevred r dt Holmes' Literar beme, Tlud street. aon. Mt Poo Office Eve y ry me r chanic r ahnald have n &is . .004. _pt FAARPCR`L4 litnnthly blasasine for September. Pirturial Field Book of ttle•Revelatien, No & O reed for sale by R C STOCKTON .06 Car /Market& Third au - B ACON--8 blids Side& llama, • Sboaliier-T,Thr, r. eelved and for sale by STUART .4. SILL retail Wood 0 T I L A O 9 2b y ik: hIAGNEne OINTAIRNI-1,,,0 ID do o tape 60 Wood at T A O C(/ UITIIII t celebrated Kanto T ''""4s pm received and for attla by — . A I 7 D - trritt/ lI'S tie CO ..t! o i l ti , vt o r i e : c ß 'd J r:tr . !ale by [genii JK I DD./r CO sea, J . -9 eases pol rend for sale by I KIDD & CO • p 'red, and v , S A a r e tr y lC—lrore, ) I eue,jum re eepry J KIDD & B LACK aLKS—A kin —11330 77 , „ ?, {11 , 17 , 7n a e . CO d: , l ok.;n7 . _ - I•AdAT;N7gi,7g , ~.-i)EngN STEEP 4 P O brhTii i r L _perrtre . V — y kdr 1 OIL:WORTH MN, 13INCURS' 'HOARDS I:tunnel-130,6Pu The CiesiT.. brlrt u•gh manufacture on hatid end for Ws by s, A CULBERTSON I CLOUSE (DILFHE—C3 bia nom landing fer sal. by • ISAIAH DICKEY k CO ro Water*. Frollt —.34) be . green for We COFFEE-.:AO R ;LOYD 1,119 Rimed Mnch. EAS-2N) paek aRt Y IL G P, Imp. I Meng Teas latent importation for sal. by .J k R FIA)YU FlSH—tin nris I. No 3 Plangent; Iti Mir Noe 1 uld 3 CM lo bre scaled Horning, for gala by J & R FLOYD 73A & OIL-00 brie brawn Tanners , 011; at brio Carolina Tar, for sale by 9 & R FUND D IRK-23 sea fret heath Rice. for •••• by opP . A. R FLOYD ULOUH-30 brls Marietta 31111‘ for sale by o p 7 AIrOILID & ROI{ • _ LINSEED brla mat rreeired sale J SOFIOOa/ yt &KED & CU n FIATS —A twin and rolortabr nt kb, r manic, l'onbeen •nd eau Mato boar open lag by DLEACIIEDA filio If;iiis;i_ A 13 meal. all 'Oaf a and brand. * &reel from the mar ofactorrs, a t the lowest prior, by tep7 st AA In•SON & CO E - 0. , ?: , 7 'via Ireah Ear o ir r r o i l:i i lirr by 1J GRANITE WALL PAPER—A . pedant fronauno of (tawny tiranite, aDv burl In black. For taw by R P MARSIULL • SS Wood at I INDEED OIL-13 tale (Dianald'. brand rna'd srp7 J D CANFIELD,_ Urijrnl DE 41101-41 WU 'IDA feu rale by_ TT Ogr , J 8 CABBBa,B VOL.' XVIII. NO. 51: hiISC~L~N~OpS. PITTBB6I6II GLASS WORIE. A. 4 D. 'H. .044A.MBERS, (LAU cum.., Amur A co,) Wealtl n eepeetrellY W enn the customers of the Ode fine. no also the conuaaa themanu nubile, generally, that they anll esetare of wiabow oz. ass, VIALS. BOTTLES 4611 In all their varieties, at the Old Stand, Xs 13 Woad at, lbotwasu Slut & Water. imc:dym .. • EAVOLIG °LAZO WORKI. JOSEPII D. ABELL.- gANUFACTCRFR OF GREEN GLSSWARE, I.VA Vials. Dohlee, and Flasks. Pon ca , Synch Ale, them! W eteT..Fatent Bledione. and - Wine &maw of redly de...option; Wee, WINDOW GLASS. imps eona.ntlr on hand a general assortment of Or( abow on ALSo STATE, as the other Glie9 Glow Fartoiles. are att. no as Is the emote la tamer, Tate FACTOR, It SOW tret.z. orseartne•and will cantinas . opention both tlitallit7 Ind %Innis, ardent respeetfalty whetted. and will be filled on the shortest node*. WarehenreMe 112 second street, between Wood and Sallthheid ate. Pitobareh. Jyradly WILLIAIILS opea a elassital swa 2 . 1 . 1111 0.. 11 rSerork fi . r , st . Monday or ept-I:rat. bra, corny. or %las') and MY creole. lEL/Itzmal. Roe. W. D. Howard, 110. Walter , H. Lowvle, Rev. Dr. Rlliott. J. La McCord Each X . Dr. J. D. William& Esq. jy_2l-4( ia Tire Cl'ifti. P. SHRIVEN - tad CHAS. BARNES have 13 11,1 e day &cultist.' thciaselvca togethet ruder the firm of Shrive, /t. Herat& lot the` treavaotloa or duo Wholesale Grocery. Produce, sad Coastaisstm nen, at No I. &,.122 &toad street, home,. Waal ul d Smithfield st • Pittsburgh, ..1 CO . PALEITINERSUIP. I HAV E. InitedNionlesalaialerm.74l me II. ikaine.; the style of th e firm will be A. Cialbo= Clouse. ljy.lJ A. CULDERTEON ansunclal (E. a. cuacoz S. CULIIICRTBOA a CLOOSE, WrtLnTtIaO,I:OIJEUS Camminlon Man Manufactured ank les, titnTatrllud.sallk! Jr_ P ITTSBURfAII COPIL L NULL. • NW Iddersigned having cdmpleted their Bolde Brazier and d aft other alanufactunimated to all predCoppe r remptly all o f co rders fe. or dolma Macs. :blade from the Copper of the CUM., Lake Ltu doe. Thubilltel boa been thoroughly teased by compe tent scientific men tn the renue or the blevernmed, and pronounced superior In deadly, strength, and letmeltY, to any in urn, and Is muck preferrea for dm munulacture of °Meer:coned 011wpm:rose. It Is therefore eonfideally recommended as a we article, for nil ores, to my In Market And we remedially solicit the mention of purehuen and others to that now branch Mbetne manufacture. AL promo: the Warcbouse is No 6 Commercial Row, HUSSEY ACO 2110.911KLMAN zrso. fpfift Vieille Nontagne Company attoply their agents T with Itoefing sad Flooring in sheet. 3.7 feet, from 11 to Mt soccer per soo•F . foot. Corrugated Ot sheen 3r, 17 oh, .for goofing olio buildings and depots. Blnp SheathutgAl4 z4B aches, front y 4 tn =oanees. Nails, Spikes, Wire, Boger hi olds, Perforated Zino, Zinc Punt, &v. They warrant their metal p es o, and ( roe from any admixture of iron, or any other maims...nee end re. commend It for the ZOOnnractara of most inlet. iu the house furnishhor Itne as It does not rest, la not affected by the and. of inter, and may be polished, painted, and japanned. Sample, module, plans, apeetAeations, and other Information may be had ofilmir agents:— 02am t Snood, New York; A 11.113031. ROLLIMX & CO, Boston; lice 'Norma le Co., Philadelphia( W. & 11. Banimorm; Brru, Bar *PST; AILI3IIOIIi, Agent, • V over at., neer Tort. Liege, September 14.—senSidnm PROPOSALS FOR TIALBEIL. Office Of the Ohio. tr Peon. R R. Co, Pittsburgh, Aug. IS 1e.50. 5 PROPOSALS In writing will eciv nties signed Imo] Tuesday, t h ei s t day Octo b er, for , We e k livy of the creels boa required for laying the of the Ohio and Penney Mania Bail bo ld front beece to Masai/lon, a distsmee ofiO7 miles. The number or ties moored will be about one thoutund nine hotedred per mite..-The ties are to be of sound white oak or rock itch, subject to the inspection of th• enginee r of th e temp.]. Theo mast be eat with a saw. into lengths of eight feet. 11 of yawed timber, hey see to be perch by tight inches equine; if of Stewed tintherithey ere to lie flatted on the top sod botto m to a sottish et' eight Jorge., They mos; be lest of bark, delivered end piled. en on the hoe as directed by the engineer, between the first ofJantwry and hest of May next. bidders aro requested to state whet seethes of toes they propose to emitter, end on what sections niche'lntl reed they propose to deliver them. Theymay propOst for ties of elms:Astor locus, 11 of leen.. they may he seems Mehmaquare. Propose!. ate also maned for fornithiug toed mills of whiten ins or white oak, to be four by Woe inches agave, nd ' (hoot ClAhlten to Min fe e, tone et long, to be deilyered on the hoe of road as above. W. FLOISINSON, Jr., President. auslGidtectl . 111.aght• - Y..-- taring &PackintrEitiialumest 808 ItENT. • rfOlE tnestrn Pert and Beef Blangbterihg and T Pael.tog Caneerd, owned and formerly occupied by the hoe Jaw; P. Campbch, is fur cot The es.bli.hutent m locate.. h. ehilbrethe, Ross county. 0,00 che plia of gratuid dividtng the fib.° Boni the Mclean litter, sod has one thoustiail (ret erg...atm ft - emcee...q t . ' The enclovure embrace.. at en., nr cruend. cants/meg loge Pens, large and COILLIP,IO,IO , fasighlering, banging, coulee. paektng, smokleg, and laid tendent g brick house lot office and every convenience for handling TWELVE lIENDIsED BOGS PER LAV.and tendering ihr foga Ocean., as Mete are a doable Rue steam bolter and encate toe scalding begs end eau. g lard, 040 two tanka for rrodertsg offal be steam. There Is ergo, on the cretins, on lee Ilona, large enough to contain riga; 1110111.11 boatels, The Scioto Vahey, of winch Cbtlueotne to the chief markel,ls erre Of the large. Porn and Beef thsuipte In the West, aztd hag!. min alwaya be bought the:e at :ewer prsctis thin at Ctnetnitati and Leant' 0 1 1ie , points. and “epereso as abundant and cheap. There is no drayagetweet/coy, a bean. may La loaded .t the Peeking House. factllVes lot shipping direct from Mk via the Lakes to New Yen It or Philadelphia, or Baltimore via Pittsburgh, or .0 the hail or Scull, eta New Orleans, are at all seatons of the year fatly equal to those afforded by eilletll/1•11 Money facllittes are reou, there bong ten twelve hank, within kitty live miles. Applieattena for rentmg may be mode to ALEN. NteIiVETEY, Attorney ut Low, einem... Or to FRANCIS cemenat.l., aagg£C.4thavli-111.5 Chillicothe. U. _ ISelotn Gar. Clovoland..4l/ aisa—Plustinign— Terograph Company. y N paranancei of a resolution of the Board of three. tors of tbe Cleveland, Warren end Pittaburgh , Telegraph Company, resficeling the Secretary to mtwo out and cause to he published to the newspapers also me line, an mhibu of the financial and other affairs of tins company. I salient the following Report-- The line of Tekgraph commences at Cleveland set terminates at Pthsbergb, passing through 'Smurfit Franklin, Newton Falls Warren, Youngenwn, r and Lowell, in th e Stake of Ohio, and New Castle and Rochester, to the State of Penneylvaida at which ' points there are *Meet. located for the receipt and tranwaission of busineis. The whole length of be fine is 14.9 miles—Capital Stock, Skye per mile, Making a total - capital woes of eta:Cc, of amen amount $113,,VJ tr held by duxes!, stems the line, and the Lelence is held toy Cornell et Speed th e contractor.: The above amount of sub so:lotions by cinacns._hsve been paid to Cornell Speed, for winch the 'Frames have their receipt. jell:dtf JEFFERSON BALM, Secretary. COCRDs Q AFE PU TV DE, by b e TRATO Wool or hl loch 1,3 POWDER—IOW Sega Moony, extra strength, Lail & Xna th , . somufactare, for sale by J C BIDWELL, Agt„, /Y3O Water street_ INEIVGOODB A A. MASON A CO, No. Al Market street, A rc s au:Tiled the deficircicy in their matt, caused by Mc, and at is now rendered complete by the receipt of ONE lIUNDELED AND FIFTY PACKAOES of decinible goods, purchased from manufaciurcra, and M arge auction salsa, al • great reduction Iron prices flan Panes, which lull be uttered to their mutter. atm patrons accorcingly. It would be useless to at tempt to enumerate their well asserted stock, and, therefore, Invite the early attention of their Mends and the public, with: the assurance of • LOW Vixen be as allaseu to each article. lots mmr•A • THE . nedcrolined has on hand, and la Ws day rev coining the mannfavarera, on concattatruy alarae lot of Flannel., all colon, Plata and twrev; also, ties Blatdreta, Mullet CoIaIJOE, Beaver C otha Canonerea, Sa , tuella and Tweeds; 'which he will sell by dm case or piece, at tnanrfaetnrory poise.. Tv,. attention of denim to woollen good. la Invited . . sash II LEE, 19 Lioer st BMW 800167--- riCIE Autobiography or Leigh Runt ; with retain. 'seances 01 mend. and coutermararles, in 2 vols. /m Carlyle's Lauer Day Paropolats—No VIII, subject, auls. !ham or Bari. the Great By Jacob Abbott, arch angt•vings. Jolla froward, a Romance. By Mr. Martin Bell. Pictorial Pield Bata of the Revolution —No I. The above works reaerred this day, and mr ado by a C TOCIPPON Coy. Market a. Tbird at. itaaws Peaminablp mid Cory Book. IlltitH above beedes having been introduced into 1. nubile arid enivata schendo Pittsbargh and Alio- Kn.?, the author has appointed the eulieeriber agent tar their wale in this wily. Teaehete and °there oils be euppleed atpublisher,. P.O. , ...iatatihi In Pb..!.,. 1 11 hIELLOI4 awn et Wood rt. 1 PACKING-3M lba usorrea thiekneesee, from 1.1/ to 1 Inch think. The a 1.,. packing w prepared so int atudegree• Fahrenheit will not affect P, and Is anperioe eflay thing else, no sonsrance has so much elasticity *Web sts.4,, so high a degree of hear, andenay be ruled about all pans where packing 111 !weenies?, vie:— manhole plates, plows rods, new Joints, etc= chests, cylin der heads. An. For was wholesale and retail by J &HPFULIAPS aeons. 7 dr. a Wood THU IPRIA' lARITART, East ellie et the Divans d. A IS • ertahlishmeta the sera' Nay alssxys de n.. peed epee 0.4 6 1 , 46 *llO excellent leas at reason•bie year have perePent Tees et • • 40 60 per lei uper/er Tho Pest T a baronaa 1 tra This la decidedly me cheapen end hest Hors in Iliumbergh bejleaa. MORRIS &HAWORTH serd Yropriesere. ;Meer Pasal4 Mane, 23.. A FRESH supply Yeland eras FeaulY near, a very chores a rtl ole.joet reed for sale I.v urea! A CULBERT3ON t CLOVIS MI Liberty sr C i a r 4 ZE—/C0 Wu Ern Cheese for We L repi,a flrmal
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers