EASTERI4IVIWERTISM nossikLman mr , • oeir agteW I %MR (.91,puhl a.. , 0111.1 ,0,40 11 " " 7-stad In %beets II .""ces''"""" e jgms red der _O7, IC ox. for toohnr put tie ha rh ,; } ld _ Map Sheathlng..l , 4 m x ta n tr jr• Vge;, ,, N\ f Thigx l Metal a re, oiti!,.tue min d en) ._ admixture of r0t,, 1 or ary other tat, awn., na o,omaxsfacture of most art elm ID commend it p does not rust, Is not the haute fornottlux I r ,^ 1 • affected by the *emoe' swipe, and may le poiltiteu. PV1 4 11...,'"c,114.7p1att1, rice, Mentions, and other Infatuation mac be had ot these agents }Petah it OTAillo, New oft AT113403. floht..X. k Co.. Boston, NAT., Tosrem. Ps Co , Philadelphia; W II it1eXix,114.1.113..r1 hula, DAT fc 'SI •urrit. \ew osigaow F hIIJ.LISIOUS, lie.idenl Ar , .. Liege, nal' 1. Y Ilanoterr st , New 101 l trigi 2 0 43. ILION: FIN DINGS AND LEATILUAL. Edward A. anafray, 16 -4.1 a, Calvert it., near Baltantore st.,lialtimare, (1..t0 F.. uod,rz to Non., N. V.O IIaPORTVIt of' , oe Vinetrea.nol ['chlorin Leather. of vatic. lorndat I , ,nglishand french Kid Sale*, Prepoh Iflnkina, Parent Leather, .2,1nr00 no. red, white, an pink roan^.lin.ne , a o. 1.a..1n.r.. Franca , . BILK G .LOONS AND RI IntoN, Leenta. Webb, 141,n0 Ken es, Aar Iflrdes, ~, , a . THREAD, Wood T•6k., Sh a !Simla nnd . ..h.. I' FA,S. of: all , =. F., A. 1 1,,,,,,, eatal.ll.l.,.l.The ..tanin Lumina. in Daluniere, n. enabled in anp rnad.• 'South or Waal aai,h the oin t o.t de,ofr 1,. ~ • ..an lawn,' prices. 51rinufnc.nrer... Inn 1. , a 1 an cabers. naay rely apt. aln.rop, - . ~. .. . • .. 1,1 too trade, of the boat gualtly. or oa r loam I>l on,or. rti of Boot Tree, Eli, Tree, Cl*ir rs. Crlropii, 'toot t , trrttbe,,,te. All ordtn prompt: exeroto,l.opr , r• fot A e•tcl,or enotoint, R lan of corry cie 0, trade wail De torw.aded to those wile ativ cletare it. • 5:1)W AR it A flf , PI 7 IIF.Y, 1r: S. Wean 4. ,anltittio _rH.lll,4ltrovr . r. BAR N U M'S HOTEL, NEW YORK, • Droadnray, earee•r of Malden Lsln..., ramosive b•en lea.ed it endear...cr. and tat. beat, eon:Mtn:Of 7:‘ , ..=1%!,,r , th l e most eleralat Louvre additi ll 0n... e it Ne bomb made, whirl, v hem , eumnonrm. Mon vile...toe lintel in P.l•lr Vert. lilt llb.oetertni nauon of the proprietor, tomato it yell!. it: eery re. 'Peet, to any other limo, tithe Vatted to rm. Iu m a . eatton'ta the mrmadetirable Pod contr.:lin . lilt in the froh.onahle Dart of Llrry Y. to all the pubLe ^r7-1000 baviness.., Ureteral to: •he from hit Nre ste tn frlib_r d •d' • lelo Sod mo t ° reeropy mid i Wm:dell !flange, Cleveland, Ohio, mrpoetfelly noalierm am-nen-al of thrlt pairon• agr, far hie oimo eatdirtiment. y„, nod belie m ~, Lemurat every eford on hi. pan alto!, be too°,l° on, to their comfort a u nkleivre . Bear Vonf,blarch.l6so.—lmmt_am • A 8011 T VIIIEt FOIE IlCi or LA. RITANNIA SPOUTING PORTRAIT CLUB, Onerge street, Plymouth, Ermined. The pane a tier to neausi et their num••rous mrtons that Retort Pirtnbutlon of d P Ot Pate loces, comprise those entere toe Gto forniceming Grand Naboaal Derby e a ch toe number of share s to be Waited to 6,000 each clans. First class member SA% amend is ditto LS. Fart ,. application for the 1171. f o r apprptiated theres is necessary. A party 114bgarib fog mono than one share has the chance et gaining' an for number [minuses. Those members who draw On canons Portraits well be pr with the fol• loaning gains:— Portrait of let data honest. 2tl ditto Winner, or Vim horse /.0,101 110,030 " Second llorse•• 10,000 6.11e0 Third Horse F.OOO 4.1110 Divided amongst Starters. •• - Clint, 3,tmo " Non-starters 0.000 3,oooThere ere 'Art bonuses in each nits, that being the number of honer tittered for the race. The Drawing will he cow:acme open the Caere lerititnate prinemies as them width charactimeed the late Sc Ledger and ether proceedings. Full par:ice:ars nf the remit will e mat to abeont members trimedtately • atter the de- Orton, that each oay Inna.• his p.malo. SobifOriben. r-si-ter•-d and st rip fora :ivied on re ceipt of a reenlimite. 11,115 of 1....11.1.13g.^, Drafts, Sank Nate, Inc nddres•rti and madeiitYnbit to the blenaginii Direemrs ‘V. a Oat . Fri. per riot torentianion to be reduced the rrs pentanan of Meat , . • serindio 1 SAOI REED HOUSE, K.EiTn d 111111.11 till, Proprietnrs, Puld:c Pquare, En's, P. cr,:r..4 A L ST.IO;F: Wt. ard F, • !mn Mgr , to ill :1,1 r }{nu;.. Mti.itn la.. a; W BA /..tr Km, 1.1 Non. - -- • Jame. rturra.,•• tf,.fa Illsgue•.• p KEVAR!: , n. onr, e of Ito In - • • • 1- Ola,b: to of the niae.. aovvt., gc.•: n, u g , hte it. to th.ra. danr, epo, nnp • a., the howe,o, rut:, roar• of ~, • ....rano!, a- ...la no , 'heti ear' I tan., nrr L o u P. Co. 1; ilt: or o fano tort.th, op - In el' es.: • ~ e • a plc:Loos aperient. nod ‘• Sth Humphrey IP,- thth 11 10[1,11 Potable ct& manor, caoss , • Potable. and-marl,thy con , trio:Uri, —l,eodeney, v.,that ether a!,ance, ea.! even :tiognesaa Ite,) , , bad 6.1-4. Fr.. Sir Plthip Crampton, Bart., ‘... , nrgenra ficheral to the Artay I:olaratd, °O-ar tf:r—Thene eon he no ,tort , ' Mosnenta may be o.lnoniatered .111 , ,y an Ihr of eon eentrat•ti solution truh nut.thatree; for this, and nanny other tenon, am of o+ ion that the Plod Magotean it a very ,thumble odthawn to our alvthena Sled , a. I'llll.lP CRAMPTON o Alen" Jae , . e.erke, Sir A. Cooper. Or Itright. and blew t;athrie and Hort., Nl.co. of London. strone• ly root; nowad Morena, Flat] Aforneaa. at belt, in• finitely morn solo and convetheor tit.. lee sold. Lod free roam ti danger a:tee...to:4 the oo.t , tont ate of aodi or poop.. EIIM= WrrYTICY: beret, t: tt oe. or al Au , ino t•b 1,1 of April, the aubreAori e bed not: J ; tads.. nt ent: drawn he Cl. A. Marto:. abb. : oar nrd •T April n: months eed E n d:. Al John it hloctan,..ine day tund, 'or 11111 : 7. awl • tett .Iran," by John tVnet 1e , be-or ut Joh:: b. Markel!, all re-andoreed by ‘ll, dated April oth, al foal ren..the, for :,:. atedve rotes ware neve, received hy an, end tble is to caution all perseta• arnst Ira !dog lot or"baylud the name, ida payment 01 thorn hes Jean stoned, AI) CC' 11AIIRAUCal mays SDLESTI SPELISO & SOUSING GOODS. A coneVerE d/Re rSommer oa G w o l o liao ted s l t o o l o l k teen reop a v in Alexanrf th Daar t s, a NdsMaket street, aorta west t In caJltnc the att.:at:on of oar eavtoment and tbe pohire to tbla Wick, It affords Ida great plemearc to be able to say it embraces GREAT 13K:11001MS in al mo•I overy description of good., as a large portion of at wes purchased at trod reecot exteestve aaduon sales to the caatent 011,0 000 enaoruatent, Surds of lane? and ed apt, goals. is very aurnor, and to all emit be , era. ottber by "Meese : a or retail, a hoe op par:natty of anoint bath torte and nano LADLES' DRESS (3000:3 New .110 Foulard Fa, vary r neap, net plain and figured eldactetable ado, of almost every etyla an quali t y; waiter plain and fidured black milks; do. bre reges and themes; bare, Jr la es, new and band cue cp.; new vtyle 1: ern - h. Edadtsh, nod Seetch erat variety, and at very low prer, pint, 5 gum& an c d ratio Pulped do Inina of ell 'kinds and quaLties. linen lame. or all abates and colora; ging hams, cbtatres, print, Me SHAWLS. 80,[1 . OEI4IOOIOOO nila Plam ant r:6 11,,, black do: pinta and embroidered Th: et et, line ea:oa t:acre do; lapel Pain and embroidered walla and colored crape dot Irvrefe and 1,1 dn. A o _ii HITE GOODS. A fine ascomment of malls, CIMECNAS, Menne., hooka, ma B f ir kin. Rough ,t, Ready, Matt Florence braldjmd super kMgli.h straw bonnets PARASOLS. A fine stock of solicitor pl.on and frineml WM end BMW Tarn 70raci'ils of all coin, end nue:ince. CLOTHS CASSLWERE. A large arson...int of su tirctich, English and Belgian cloths and eis-oilarres of all clualines and prices, to wean we would mmte the Mtentlon of the gentlemen. DOSIESTICS. Oar stnek of brown and meciehed innalins,itekines, cheats. elmontanys, drillings, fen, is very large, and at the very lowest prices. Also, a Large lot of table diapers and table eistba, brooms and Ideactiedi Nueva ar.o Seotch dispern, crash ne t or. mitlon and wool a goods for men and u " e '" , i l n i g n gn ' tl7:ll4 'h a ' rd " Il e n d e a .' ' d n a; " rn; glare• of all hinds, linilery and bonnet ribbons, tell Amid flowery. be In nil whiCh we would rcipeeindly invite tan taitn u nn f wl,o'crnin and retail can!, buyers. AIiFLKAIS DER a DAN may.l.s EflNlntkrt A sst —nl VS' co , . of the Innimind APPLE. Tatbak.b. lAM now pTep,r.lai to furnish Apple Treen, tram 010 wril {mown Nornery of /geol. N. Drawn. The trees wtil Ge delivered at dm ...half Putaborgli for bIA per hundred. Porno. s. /Aura good Su tree" Perfumery learn order. -no nt the Drug. Seed t aod Perfumery arcOouse, corner ort`lood land Sal ••: WICIREIL.4IO.I.I • 11.16/110V,1.. WAYNE IKON WOR WM1E110110« -0/01..1".Y limo \SS A. C4l. b,:e reeboved to No 1211 D W.eber bb.l doer below ILO Alnu.,uCntoln house ITECEISTE! P40.MV.11, 11A.NNA CO. LAVE rernmed their Itretl,e Oleo to uurdi swe.l eni..cr of Wood and Th.rd •tr,eta. ==ll . . . C1117R211. elt2tt2ll4.ll.‘i. re Gt. haoo rernomtd to No 9, trt - ator rt. berme, Wood rt. Mart,. la the Iltottre formerly oce.ptrol by N•rdyt /over G. Co. --- STAKcji.:::i.it Pp. 9.yab. .1o; to bye M•ClurgG Tre.c do: 1 ,1 - 1 Y7erived and Cop mile by l:l,7l:Erso,- • • -- !I Plantaillin Sagas and ltiolaaaaa 115 Lh.l. emanion, it prim. rimitation boor.; 2,0 oat 5,41100- boa Mara..., 70 °Tyree brts 40 to. lit FlOrt, fur •Ile by MlLler.ft 11.11 7 1lETVeYN 17e :1,171 kl 7 iTEE-iiirta.-s ,: s (of am lU i7b (iIIANT tat- Water at 151, IC bi — Clt Ant...feat fr" 1510f-artssl7, pua, II HANISLta 15111 F-to tea Inftlic bra 5Cu (Witsma; tea IN ttler:Drovan 411.knas dt s o Dress .t nicfnia do; des tea D. Stools Ica canvassed like( round.; ♦lna plain do For Bale by 11 , 111 SELLERS t NICOLS NOVA - d'ZFAIA It);ftfitlia-15 be, In stort;Td.d for sato by Iletn) 110111501, LITT I.R &C() CILILLICIUTIIS :;OAY-irli ha. uro.o.n to bra Nol dot' bolas No 1 Itosin Neap; .hmt rceelrai and for sales by fr.RicrieTsoN 1,1--alitirkren. rWGverwt.rt and Tsr, aslant) and for .aleig KIDD& CO - C) ISOZ 13:PrIroVitsend l iiirrairpisttlacfor mare by •40* 1 KIDD teCO - 7,0:1;01,11VEND-faii=laillTie-a -1,, Jett J CLEO npcumri fr_slL____Lla by .t fdnhrtt " i4O - b r is pgab, on conairriment and fits/ SELLERS & NICOLS nada vied for Fade .• . . • •• ^ M - J. H. MELLOR, , 7110 . 0.1111 WOO strattnnoC. i•gr sortmeat et P.IsiXO:StUSIC, among =Web' are the following:— • .1.7 donde , raybar w er.e., L r S. C. Foster. Oh. may U. Red = area Alamy, do. taelty wts a Lady, do. Rock Ned, do. • titeihe to Ran nil Night, do. 'Dolly Day, ' do. Solchers Wedding, by . 010000. . The Robin, , do. Oh, Touch the Cord yet an= agaba. weat Mu/som The. S role= Moon. a Loopeat or the Iriah Eroirraah A New Medley Song. Thou host Woondee the - Spier that Laved The. The C.onacrtpteportare, by Honor. Its tiro: (0 the Loved Ctonsot Homo. Come =bare e'er the Rea= i. Ti. Vanhee Mold. Low 1,1=10,3 Car..b; )0 yen eirer Mink or me. 'lami•ne (3.4.5 Jen nnle Grey. hbfin. Undue', Wedding, Wreath, and Daisy Waltzes • st.,•hobse, hidden, Bette Welts., Co , creek Le,dlea' Snovenlr, Cally,Eivirk. idly, Alice, Evergreen, Sara easAtheu, and J.lskr P 911.. may rri,issl TEAKS! TEARIII AVE enter not labs the list of pattern, we ray nothing Tryut llaltdreds of Cheats, Importers, Large L c oro ,, Bougbr far Cash, tr.e. In fact, we will t humbug in nu, MunUer or We ilulpip invite the , 0 , on , ro qc 00} Teas a tth what they purchase Ois the best method we know to aster :am wee ortls the hest and cheapest Teas In Pittls ,,„„h lCe.rh now.rellint;nad g •nd to at 40 aid 60 cents per Its. A reale areee.• •••• 73 do de The nest Tea =paned into the U.Steers, 111 L o w Nieto], dnmugbe, err inferior Teas ore do not beep MORRIS es HAWORTH Proptietors of the Tea Market, PA.( side of Diamond. Ncriillis fr. A pplmork it, Co. New Y ork s tisve in course of pal. les ion, to pato, once twenty floe cent. e.t.a, A DICTIONARY Of hiarhintu, filerhantr, 6114 , 01.4 Tro-ri.and Bn gswertnr; rlerlgntil for Fr qua!Warhang Alen, and these intended for the Eng. wenn' Prpfutsson. SM. In ou..a NTH.. J. ms WORE Ls of target:ma nee, aria will eontai. two nmostaresom, and upwards of atz root Sallp 11.3.1,73ta1 - .o . ia It will rcaent woric thend dmertotions of Ma most important machines to United Ststea InaePendent o f the Molts of American ingenuity, It will contain complete practi cal neon et 03 MCC33IO3Oa. Machinery, Engine-work, and Engnoicilinn with al/ th at is useful in more than oe thousand collars wOrth of Iblio salaams, mega- Li n nee and other books.. The stela otoect of thus pabileatton is, to place be. fore prat:real coon and Students such an amount - of LI/menet:l and scientific knowledge, Inn condensed form, to shall enable Nein to work to the best advan tage, end to avoid thole mistake. which they might otherwise commit The amount of useful toformauon thus brought together to anuesatleyood precedent In sorb works. Indeed, there is hardly any subject within its range which is not treated wait such clear nets and precnoon, that even a moo oldie mow ordi: nary capacity cannot rill of anderatanClng it and thus learning from tt mann which It islmportant for him to know., The publishers net, in short, determined, regardsu of cost, Inmate the work to complete as posaible, • and it is hoped every one desirous to obtain the work will preem i e it as boned in numbers. end thus encourage the enterprise. Tan work toll be leaned in stmt-monthly numbers, ceritmenetnig th Jarosag, ;ph and will progress with great regolluity. The whole work will be published into riktuben, at cents per number, ond completed withinlaircfir• rent yea, ISM). A Ithernl discount will be Made to AAny • ny oneremining the publishers 1110 In advances shill receive me wet through the post office free of asperses Ophatoaks of this Press. o To our nenteroos Mazufacturcrs, Mechanics, En gineers, and A rttstma, it will be a mine of wealth:i— lls-evidence, (III) Journal. ol'asts men, nom yourselves with its knowledge.— ' We Caa ionn confidence recommend our readers to 00a306.11 themselves of its nombere asi fat as they ep. near. , --Amerseioz ‘ - hVe atingly commend, the or to these en gaged In or interested in mechuical or schm4.'s pas snits, as eminently worthy of their examomuon and study .r—Tro), Y../ Budget. "It An t,ooy creel wnrc, rid the publishers de tens. the 011.1.0 of tuVOntOro, a machinists, and mono mcuirer• and indeed orale ponitc geticrally.”—N. own pendent. • "Int, Dior - nary will he Inghly useful to practical mechanist , arol saleable to all who wish to acqualnt tonal:wives w th Ilan progress of trivention In the me. Luna ails , -.New Itenhord flatly Mercury. stoat., m 3,ables ..1,13 to keep pOsteu op in tile. .rental Itcl pr•oi eel 'soul:vo i ds , . and this w,it sip, • the, tart taolo Z3c, 5L1,4-"—R010.0 Aiiveinser use i, lobe pal Um work 0301 scores 0 , 01 hat,. _reit. of our lids:se:at merhanuo a have desires! to pos. amos . e it . its aeacrtpuora, and so (nil and so o neenno..s. wit it nese. to as that any hcno 0.. il, conel any Lase , IseaLdeacribet, on areaclo euFre sings ,t,trucnots. — fi. Lt.:timer:Lai L.lveraser. ' - Al °dery , ted in u.cebanics shouldavail them irises of Its ...lounmges"—Strioylfilll, ( Pena,) Jour- • A werk ore iteraave practical thht7 ttha gm.% im peull‘ll, :::tt V2llO l 0 the rapodly loot-costae tuterra...• the ...oat We regent the mark al ernteen , ly nlnrtt reu•e bele., uhd the • and toIt.3,IIITIMIC valuable Infer ma two on tar- , "—Farm., thad Siecbanic. e n v... atea tua ;tined walks of mach:tot ,tl end v...e eeluriag indalaryt tuna-L.,* wi 1.1 • all trer...ate wh.rh it veill Le W taest t•rn'tt ta ....—T.oy Dail) Whta '•arefOly peruse. the I.llllh , I,IIIIEI knee heata., th 40 thytta that it.o a bent wort lee ~ .01Me Ira- Men, and h p en, ever obli.h. a tor a cLotao,totatto oafetroatio m n ea every branch ••, cl an I . .tr 0,11,, .0 art‘ ar. Welter., exprevae • ease, kntell.giti!e to any reseal . at rids ., eapactlv."- - Nloseeatrrithlam. l Neat. -We ere &ore we ate doing the tneeharie• of Nor wich one eller pang itof COLLMCCURIII St Se, lee by ~y tagt• r worn to their attectloo."—Norwath, (CaenJeoarer. 'lt ta 'eel .01 • work ea every ra..ebtzie timed 'l3l ,rd tosnormo , . cat. aToro to t•s• • • IP • •Petosts pool:-Atit , o• Cmstris thr.r t tJ1,112 , :t of tlo• mechns.t. ..rt• end ...,etter., U.ll Vie base seen,. eo ," r rssm.. • .110 1 1... — U - 4 ,10 ••1• •ry- 11:1 , 1 r r1,1 . .1, Mai ever oa•sreil to Me .1 pr ::teal co,:i.,es sod dmermoto. The .:• • at , bsztrautiy executed.'—WmkangLon •• pool for ime of the most uosful 5,11.. eve :•olsltsbed for yeSsa, nod the low pries at 11. id rakes 11 lttertalble to --South "We eager I: a s of thin rust comprehensive and • eiriable, 'sell as rhespes works ever pahlistie.l" I.loln more Adverip.e r. llecht to be theta. by every one desiring to keep oar.. with the progress of art and science in !eery our ibe labors of eistfiredl.'e ''—ilando , t Cormier. .% is designed after the priocip.e of Urea ihe,ria. ry, only that it is more devoted to the mechanical and neineering prolessions, alai above all. ..valoable acesionilb lilog me America ovine Urn has done for p5.g.4.1., viz deeerlieng Anienean epseinnery and worse of all ",—Sothritifie Amencan. `lies publiohed to umbers. and as • pries so mode rate. looking a. absi is emit:tint:4 to trek nrusther• that th one who hao leant Interest in inch matters, conflict decreed from procuring It; and every one who deer no, will find that be has in a conden.d form an it, of instrection which would be obtained, it at CI, only by toe purchase Of very many volamene—N. T. Hoarier mod Empire,. “lbe coruprebenerrecess with which the gubjects re treated, rue admirable Meaner in wilitch th ey flee ulorbrated, ceasyirs to make this one of the most deal ralda ores., r . —Lienlocrano Review 'Chia wore thou.! ni t the ti ioniser essay mechanic, sne. and moninante cap.eially those who have le.la.paalions to eiCel M their respective busi nesses. Wr have earefaily eiluninedit, with view of rerominendive to 1:1:e:, 111, To tom we would sae the kt7Dra language alibi "It is greet."— , 14;lemnre I n ,Illofe Journal. =EMMMM If the forettemg advertisement I. anserted B. time copyMe year, and Me paper eontaing It neat m copy of the wort vain be sent grate in payment ade al Cr WALLISTS.II".4 01/1 THE BIT, Contain I.zg . ry , no Mercu, nor Parr Mineral. TIIE fail° tram testimonial was given by the cele brated lie. WOCalef Peach. the author of the peat medical work emoted "The American Poutlee o. medietde and Family Ptysiciim." ^thawing been mode acquainted with the inmethents which fn pore All-Healing Ointment end Itatorot preetritiedAtd tested it in several ease. Is my private practice, I been ho hesithtion be saYltilt or tertigg shit si is a Vegetable Remedy,. ts cants., en mineral substance whatever, that ttolngredien comlitntd es they are, and cued as directed by the Propoeter, are not only harmless, but of great value, being a truly scientific Remedy of great poorer: and I ehecrfolly recommend it as a compound wideh lies done moult good, om and which Is adopted to the mare of o greet ninety of cases. Though 1 have never miner recommended or engaged In the sale of secret merit rinee, regard for the Polv honest, C0.C1,11.15, mane Lo character of the Ftoprietor of Vt. Otnottent unit the vette of his discovery, obitgo rue to say thus tacit regarding tt. W. DRAWL, V. D." New York, April Ell is one of the - best things In the world for Fir LES.—Thourands are yearly cured by this Chet. Mt.. It never fails in giving re t Per Tourers, Ulcers, and all kindle of Sores, It has no al, If Alothorsiand Nurses knew its value In cases of Swollen or Sore limas:, they would always apply it. In finch ewe, if treed accenting to directione, 11 gives relief eta very few hour, Aro.% the or are dirantions for using kle Allister% , or Scrofula, Liver CemPlutrit, Erginliellter Toner, Claillriein, Scald lined, Sore Eyes, (jorncy, Sore Stroll, Crocco:le, NeIVOLI3 AffeCtlo3l., Pairs, ihre3:o Or the enure, Field Arts,- Asthma, Deafness, Ear debt, Ilarus, Con, all Illness, or the Skin, Sore t Pimples, ad, Swellies of the Limbs, Sores, Itheinnalion, Piles, Cold Feet, Croup, Swelled or Jiro her, Ilreast, Tooth Ache, Ague In the Face, de. Front the Reading Eagle. Therese. never, pernispis, Medleine brought be fore the that has in eis abort nine won sects a repo:Anne a. hie/kit:Mem B,ll.llealnic or World ive Moneys every person that lieu made trial of It spans. arm oily In I. prallie. One ties been eurcu by it of the emust puinfui I tieunnotiern, another of limpid, it of iinublesome pain the side, a fourth of a toting in the limbs, kc. If it dove not give imino• .!inte relic , . bi every cue, It can do no inferli bete( appleed outwardly. As another evidence, of the wonderful healing paw• et mussed by this my, rut4oin the following eestifiente, from respectable citizen of kiisidancrcek townaktp, in tles eountyi Ill.denerek, liras co., March 30,1847. Riner fs. fru —I motor to Inform you that I Isr.l o f cared of creen, mania the back,by the use of klaMiisterW &thliraling halve, which I per ehuve.l from you. I sugereit with It for about. 3 7 4 • ,4 1 and at nigh von• unisiiie Cert.. Dario; diet t time illezt mums, renree,,ee, wlacla were pryer fibril lot coo rhvelc.na end ether per.nrls,wlllLOultCeciv ins wry rlnd Ir. wide wird of tai. Suter., with are- lynt y evo r n bie eynnel exper,,,,nll. I non now entire ly frr, renni the pain. end enjoy nt night a peaceful end swear learn. I have awn used ihe Halve since for tooth ache rind other complain., mith similar happy Mani.. Vont friend, /ono Mantua ca JAMPS bIeALLII47I.I, PrOpriewir of the above medicine. Principal Wee, No 9d forth Third aux., riulaael. pima C IS GRANT PRICE 40 CENTS PER BOX. Acorn ra Prem-SCCOVI.—B. A. Fahnestoch k eta. aoroor or wood and First stai Wm. Jacteou, No. Ito Ltherty street! 1.. 'Wilcox. Jr., comer of Market street and the Diamond, also comer of Fourth sad streets; J. 11. C.assol, corner of Walnut and Penn streets, Fifth Ward; sod at the Bookman In Smithfield street,:ld door from Second. In Allegheny Cityhy It. P.Schurarts and J.Doadlan JJy J. 13.. Smith, Drangtst,_lllnninghtunt D. Negley, Rag Lihe rty It. Rowland, McKeesport; J. Alexander Son, Monenaabela City; N. It. BOOMMII &Co., and J. T. Borer., Brournarille; John Barkley, Beaver, pat, John Walker, Jr.. Elisabethi.• Boalnighs It Rochestar. . , fablleedl7 , ,; hJla sad R Wear WO. .11,4 AWMI/11# ISISCI.LLANEOUS Ara Unable and extensive Water Power t. let on favorable terms. T''NVAIAIIH. NAVIGATION COMPANY ore new prepared to lease the Water Power at the 0 ,.. e d Rapids. to so amount sufficient to propel four w ore,' pairs of mill Lune. The mention to based epee • rook. foundation.. and the power cat minor elntly he arched on hod) yid. of the ricer. The C i rel 'r di h y e fTrnieliril . P . G . ll7 d pen l i ‘ rt 'h ;Zle b- ,l; , f.:e t ism, ere, and tend, to the" realest abundance, and in superior quality, GM be comity procured threnel the aurae country . Tattat—kineltandtell dollars per enema for • pow er sufficient to propel a ale to an of mediate sited mill stones, fora period of fifteen,yents. with the nebt of renewal on the e xpiration of the lea,c, at u fate vatuationof the power employed. Tbe pito of the mill dr manufactory inciuded, without fatal:et charge from the Company. By mks of the Dretters. ABNER T. ELLIS, President oats W. N. Co. I Vtncelmaa, la, %lay 9, leen my3l:dam JULFS FIAUELS finf.DICATED NT M t t li SOAP.' —The .km of many propos m disfavored veal. theta eruptleno, is ;ample.. morplaw, de , and when thit In merely • &mare of the Ala as a is In ninety nine macs on. of every hundred, at ts reel' rusllT er moved. Jules Hanet's Nymph ;bap to 4XnremlY adopted to dlwascs of the Min, on it mas dtrectly upon the rolunte pares which corer cleensing them' from impurale.. end by tar maremie neoprenee heating and enaliceung all mention, and rendering the 'ltasca 11214 roughest slan eon, foie, and Wm mina. Persons who have been in the habit of using weir = 0 72 io Soap. in Lost, miring the neck, fare, ortands from chap ping, allaying all 'emotion, ne.ri removing MI comae. ono nrdpnono It Nos e ee cZystisitc ;el fun., mairely devoir. of MI all shoe permeate", tendert'. it the only oracle which con be aced with safety and comfort in the nurvery. MI More whom (ones or neck, ere dnifigured wish platter, blotches. ,an. morplicw, the, should oink , Mel of lines 'Janet's Nymph Soap, is the pen et pooltively exam. them, the; it. 11/.e will reedre toe most dimolorml skin wliPe, the roughest skin *MOW, and the meat diseased skin healthy, pure, mid blew.- Jule. Ilauelts Nymph Soap W the only allele whist; will effectually produce SW rffrrts in at short g tithe, and the s-ltone which is at the We time all powertal and entirely hanaless. Prepared only hy JULES Perfomer out Chenstl, 1 Chcstnat street, Phila. For ante wholesale and retail by II A. F. hnesteck Le Co., and R. P. Fellers, ilittsbatriu and Joh , . Sar gent and J Mitchell. A Heaney y only. Pri. AZGOND hAND PIANOS. A GOOD Nelms -my PIRIIO Forte, 6 OCtiiiet, incand hand--- WOO 00 A hundmmc upright /ham. unit. liotrorood 0 nentvet. and in good ordur • ••• 100 00 A Whin 6/ octavo Plano A good tt ootavo Piano A good 5/ octavo P. ono, with hundrotoc ro,m• tvn JOHN H 1111.1.0 ti Wtio4 For r.le by may .16 QUPERCEDING the Wooden Fio.ll, 1 ^• combtonit le, tbereby economise,. Pie oil, std rents . .aninon. hermdfore so much objected to 11, sit Gthol floats. One table slloollll.li Of tho comtnun lamp oil mill last Nine floors. or tire further length of time, accost in: to tie oddmonal quantity of oil. Received and for salt by 101 D hltintiAN malt DraCtion CliXi=l:l TVITT REMITTED, at the rittsburat Fison Gro. al eery and Tea Warrioniet Ctn. FlTilhOen, in tin eanai 3 do Pickled do, in otionr; 5 do do do, in pint do. The above Fresh Oysters are parbnited, and put up in insul,yoonontrated maplsed In bertrirtical y sealed cant and me; muchlon.. than titoar pat if , in the ordinary .aye For salt, wholesale and retail. by W5l A hIeCLURti A Co, my3o SW Lail,' It Orsgt AIIISSIC.I.3I Mechanical Work. U•PPIXTON SACO., ktem Yost, bays in coore . of outthecnon, is 18 , 114. eel, twenty her et's , * each, it DICTIONAHI Ma-htnem kleehantot En gine Work. and Formineettos. desisned ler Prartteal Workunt !demand those ...ended for the Fmetncerisg Profession. raked by Myer roe This work ts of larce sect and will corrals twn thoosand ra, and onwards of six itteu...nt tim•tt ttost. it l e ,wil rreent wort Ins draototrs ors dos , ete - Sono of thr MO. , most (lint mar one. to the tattled Sate,. Wier...fent of the rottolti Otetertetts t century, it wit' cents.° complete triort•o• t , n Mechanics, klachantry IMlsitte Wr Itinentee•• Ins; with all that is useful in more the, au. tbett.atot dollars worth of (oho volumes. tn*F"slse" s' , " fla. nu. we • received, sr d 'or site by the it lit trKINS. 7. , Aron° Froth et. Nhi.'W STOCK. or PIANOS. ,-..., • , IR , P, ..(1-.,,c : 44 '.. : . •-....1.:34-:4- 1 :-. L f... N:4 CHICKERING'S. PIANOS. John 0. mtllor, hl hood Strrrt, Pillstanh, Acc".l .. Cflll'l.l:illvi:'+ ~:Fi.F:U H.l7'h.li Grataa a-um litosare Inane, Vortes. 131.1. iS hat to Inform hie mends u,st ^ :le t be hasnos , Invoices, toe. tr.'? :ever , tvd expose for stie. doting the prete. , l e,ntoh the ono tlesirsisle stork of P.sno Fortes rert for "le In the .se,—soloas the nsnorr orill tout:d • full supply of Scpertly <tarred itosevroo.l Grant l i n e r Fore.. with ail the recent Improvements to torthantrut style of erumoe. :±plenntdly earref! rtt,V.lll,l seven oetare From , . Piano Fortes, ftristeu In the o.tobetutan sod bout. XIV 'tile.. of sl , tt,e vsr;sus na. of P. , • vt.rn io Sato sod . Pure , ate i0...2 , 11 pnen n( Mr. ero. u• 1 . 1 Irv+, %eve wth tat. , ,•• •. •au. I.• et per kct vnier. ::i'.•f. or izc r. 0 .; . cur) to form the puh.. h • 6.1 ',I. 4 P lim•. who or,con :he A Hof urd m.ssir. humor." at th, 0.1 ond. corhrr ..r J n(4:I 11tt thd . ot whom he moo A...tca• onst , e,ltir laberal pattoengc berewitre bc.to-mt , oct thn /WINU. IJAV/S, April Ulh, P. n. DAVIS. (SUCCESSOR TO JOON D. DAVIS.) ANCTIUNEER AND COS maws MERCHANT, CO.. at v...t0 MO Mt!! mato un Itboral terms, DI Fatal old T Demesne 51 !lolanda', Roa I F.tate, , 4 tn . ekr, /to, and hopes, by and ,In.o en.t.tn. borne.. to merit • continuant , of the tupoort and ratronste :lberally extended to the format house. Apyll f b, IF3n E=tl= • . RELIANCE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. decease or the settee partner. In PnityJr: ohm. .11. Ole hate Junes hl fasts.) prOdUCCS uo we're:am , ' to the biouness—arrarremeno have been =nte vrltieh involves Re setae interests preeisetv, error h have heretofore, existed The business is c 0,114 0 ,1 under the same name and tom, eta... Jun Datrts &Co . Phtlsd•iphoti JOK• APPsee.l.. Poodniren. fr T nd s o n e i s euun t c ul lyo f o t l he t te o l n f atgoey opt er o so u n r s mh•a vsr pec deinands as all. the concern. they are requested to resent them forthwith, (Co payment. Pittsburgh, April 10, JI MN NT pa W. tf t‘unitysrrA partver. D. A. Wahl*Meek t Co., itrilounnt.F. DRI . GGI , Trt, corner of Flrst and VT Wood streets, otter for Isle, on tovorubm terms. 1001,01. Whaing; 500 It,. Co,(. Anonoms; CA do A 1.,.; 500 do A•salretida. 210 Jo Aye ‘coods, WO do Crude For,nr, 25 do LamfsTnek; Guo 10 Liquorlec Root; O 0 do Von. Rod; :1.0 do If 1,1 :110,01, El do Camphor; 150 do 110.1 Prempowe: 10 do Span. Ilrown; 100 do 0.10.1 Am^r., 20 do 1 ellow Ochre; 25 do do Eng' 10 do Isronstone, Z , O do Bucher Lenseq; tl do ricrcs, 200 do Rbuoorb hoot; 3 do CIIIII3.PIOA•trE4I,O do 14m.nap. do, 14 cases Ref. Boroc; OM do o d , ; 23 do C 010 8091; 200 do sal RocLeere; 15 do Pro•woo Roue; Vad 9...Pim ,I . l mre; 10 do sacncans, WO do Pow'd RhoOaro. 13 do ChromeCe (keen, 600 oh, do 1., p. 5 do dome. Yellow, 160 do do rs. Aruine sdo AM. Vernohtort, 100 do do lAq. Root GO Mart" t , n.nd Paper, Du do do lmap. bags Sumac; 0,0 do do Al.t'a 25 oales Cork.; 200 do 921(0 Z., 75 61 9.1(0. Aloe.; SIR do ti-,1 1200 11,a Cape Aloe +, 2.1 do Twoartod., Looo o.o4rotta Potash; 150 do Quo, ,e• , ...r; 21001 do Pink Hoot; On. do 0 0.4,0 1500 do Turkey Utdbetr; 75 do Goo4o o, di lOo4i do Crrvn 'Tarar, 2 , do ItyLl Puasso; WA do Tartam Actd; CA go Mono, US/ do Vva Cm; r. do lirawrole Lotlnn fe1r.19,418,,2mT PETROLUun, OIL ItOUFf. OIL oThere ma more m, repo lal M. yen and .W 1 Thu r tire:giro o, Tilt 01 . the con,tnot application tor it, mum propr lisu th e h. to have h.!ei , woo I.- belt And three., for the l•enciii of dn. pub.. The 1 . 1.71501. CUM II procured front n .n Or, ennui), nt of Inn/ fret, a ~.,e dotter:tied arncLo, w,Thcnit ony t. chnoge. ont jail, re front Notn,e's terra 1.,,,,rat0r,!! Thai!! contain ,, proporuca reartung ri,.t.er of di.erive.. no loaner then tali Th , .re are Om, things to among, of natuse, wioeh, if k hos., he of ync owfulness in P 11,11.. 4 .11;1,1a11, Ar.t, • storing Ihe tl;ooin of heel!! v, or /nnma,.sni fere, log before :he nf u ! it tip In 1,0100., had o teothonon for rule ; wr a._ rote The conitlnt nn,l utcrea , :tim,eulh , Andse•rral rerourli•lde am. It hu• psi:pooh', • sore thdientlon of It. future roi.n!arity and w, , te. spreadapplication In Ihr ,ure th.o., We do not to 'nuke n lonr. 7,001 of 1 eater, as ore cOunrinuot work i nto the le eta, De,there Oriel owl with to be healed. evense 'no not elattlithr It 0111m - sal application to down., are onhsatta hhilil saY, that in a smother of Chrome V 1... it I. unrivalled. Among the+a may be e enommatrd—all diseases of the macaws it,..aes, Wb as CIIRONIC PRONCIIITIS, CONSUMPTION lin inucarly.atagr) Mama, And all diseases or tho air poscts LlV*,il COMPLAINT, .DVSPE.PSIA, plashes. , Dtheasea of the Illaddrt and halloo) , Patna In the Back or Side, Nel9ol.r. DtsCll.,,lgrarelp.id,rairy, t he tate 1 . 111112, Itryldpe:n., Totter RinriforTn, Borns, :cold., Ll.ises, Old (tors, lu eases of ththilny In sulting kom rsposare, or long and protractednt , disease, medicine will bring relief. It will act . 1 • otos,. TONIC and ALTIOIATIVE Id midi ems., ...1...5T.4n And energy to the whole trona, rem... 1 gohllrucuona, npentnr, the stuggish function., which eau. disease and a ...co totooltuttun, gime increased AM renewed epergy to oil the Organs of lab,! The ProPretor know. of several cures or PILES, that toosted srecy Otter ttestinent, gel well under the or the VirPROLEUAL for short nine. The proof C. be plern to any person sari deems It. Woe without the'slenaUtro of the proprietor. bold by the proPrictor, H. Al 111101.1:Anal Beath, nese Seventh al. AA, R -- )! ,ft 37 Wood eti and—KEYSFOlik, fti'DOWELL. caner Wood tn. and Viretn.alle7Ovho aro bls noterdae ' rsealitelYcippithoral deem. ALIFORNIA:. RUDDER COODri—Jnot reertiond, 39 Camp Pankow Mt caner nowt lePon d; Entre nett head KlMng pro Pond; Deem; ulstemeo Deem 3 water Tants, 5 yam swans esahi 611 tenteens, I gallon coal 1 dna trnetinpi Hone/ poluii I dn.11.,p entaltrin olla dot glekanon geode foe Wont tbo fouda outitig 'Woad '11.10.1, I 401/0414.10,', TR INSPORTATION LINES. 1850 tEEt lB5O ERIE & MEADVILLE LINE. B t , ' . ", . T rfec ( 4l: Litecr7tiltra"neetirp regularly, end de ! t 7 BMW Pittsburgh, JAMES COLLINS, do. ' }Age= mss BIDWkILL k BROTHER, Rochester, .1 i,gL:;i4 - r - ‘4 ° 1850 BMW ELL'S SANDY AND BEAVER LINE. Prom to Coinffds., and Cleorland, thro , tgh rlrorb and populous Cola. b ana, Carroll. Stark, Tascarawa..., Goshogrforz, 71111,(rngsrers, larkixg, and Franklin. The completion of the S.ndy and Sconce Canal opens op to oar city ttirooKh this great natural Lentsal none n direct communication to the stoic° nit well iss the ioltoining counties of Wayne, Holmes, Hoar, mit Holey:ate. from :hot Tochnit of ilhlth the trod, with fhttghorgh been, to t mitt extent cut off. In congequence of th o•rd re e hi to and ghtrow.rortatlon, wtoch are now re ll t Bono of tho hire will lotee daily and run through ernnoat tranthirnient. The tonal company have twee upon this hne au intereo to tbr noprece- Jeamn ud,tntarra of thrs r r horn, and than secured no 11,e awhile portions of Ohio In ordering their goods by 111 1)11 HANDY AND BEAVER LINE, an equal toterc.t In this a,vantuse. Agent.: J C. BIDWELL, Pittsburgh; • HOWELL A CO., Glasgow. 71SIGN.S. C Bpd r . +l Mill, Ohm. 11 & A Goy, Wllll} mrport, 0 rge Fannin, Elkton, 0; e.tille A l Oman. do; lion a, Orate= 1 Cr. New Loboo G; Artrr & NlVlkolut, II rover. 0.; 11$1,brts & Homy, MI. 0; Lo-oker Foster. do.; Jrnrol t Pool A Co, A Du-n, 0 Oda Mills, tr.; 11 V Beyer, do ; Cll Duro:int & Co, !alarm, 0; RK Gray, War'" Log, 0.; C , do; Isaac Tells, Magnolia 0; J rledulOcEo, h Qnaua 0.; Wrolloknees, do; J NI Fartand A Co , Bat dyadic, 0; r P Ley, tin; Pooh. bough A Btrinboveb Bolivar. 0; & Bhrirer, do ; J Hoffman. al .Ilion, O.; Carnation A C., do ; lobo Kordn,on, Con I Fallon, 0; Pertig A Torrey, Canal Dover, 0; A ledloory, Roscoe, OL L K Ws rrr, No-Jar k. 0; te 11nIr. Columbus,tY, L 0 Mat thew, I:levet:1ml. 11. Modes & Green. do. ml7O VANIA CANAL r - Ort:N. EANNEOETCYI64 LINE. Tllb. PENNS] PftISUURGIt ISSO • I nas Canals & Rall Road*. HoOrt: G'CONNOR. AT , Phaude ax 1,174 /- 71) North etr:,et, 13. 1,1 .... i , II ihntne street, Lhasa; , Alsysvllle, gentmety; Ismitte street, eiriettlatt; . ir, ,„ Co., St. Loom M=f2ll IIEfECIE M=ttl ,aurae... and Pram+ to anal finittasore, N. Yorh.,t Poston. To Skxnurs of from / 7.1.344,41 i , - .. , mein fine order. are ; re prepared above' 0 wry 106 , (38 pnect. We f of any charge buying policing for d IA Itic foliourfue extenelve wank il rii of ovine entire natisiaelion to : dto our este. Our boil. are all 6 d iiy captaina of experience. and :dented on WKS sentintli baring icier, i .iin.l r Beats," papinins ieroisclaanla laytari, a !I Fit. I.cuie, Cowden Col !toward Ridley ion Mary Deborah SIMS n I Ecicrproe. KIIIIOII 'lf I • Junie; Oicinin rlin. lt a o p u e , O Sh w ie e lTelrer il No I d. point M PloyM i Quede Ita:clo'cllipperßticy _.. .. , .. flu: rrwtr o loravuen ~.....,.. inne all Relght fr. . vet SG/.... and { all 1.-et rollid all 1mmn.,... rnt.t.la TIMM, and [...MA1,/ altlf tat.. ~v. l• . 3 and tevreance prir.o Itnats. CA. , irc,,City. liactin 51e.ryl•na, I'dspl. C:nr.innnlt. or.ne. Rut. Anna. Ch.”?.v. Wm A.k.0... 1 . ....r0n Imiort. IlPlf il U. op, .0.1.4 t 6•Ctild• 11ai.., C.. 1... Ilawirlaa MMSET2I Julm Ann 11.4w0 , Te,c,,,ftph Nn2llayis liemeu IV ,I,le Tke I vz SI A :mis Aurora Srpow.•ll Look Soarp Hnry ht - t/T tahh T' th TT. tt'CON' fthot•l OH. w p 'OH. AfKINS a CO., st.. I.lll•l,artn Trlmavortatiou Company. - 1850 . inttita, U. I.IMCIII t IXrs LISE, DETSVFVN PII,TIIjOIZE 3: NEW 1 Pr,: Cetwsl n,.4 let.l c• to ^aria largl ME= 11. 1 .11711` h 1.):7:1',. 1.1 South nitol al. A tl ni 11, Tl•tott,to Iltott itt, ntt adeiibit.. Pa.; J1ot;F:P11 VIAIII 21.r1;,, N.. 111 'snot, Ilocv t•rnl•tt Pattotort. MA ; No 7 Wet; t!, .I , A; 1) IA 1111 A CO. I:a‘lts l'etto .1. IS3O, UNION LINE, ON 7117. IRNN'A AND 01110 CANALS. C 1.61: s'A It 1:6 1 e,l. re, Vropr`t. I`4ll A CA l'f:llF.Y. Arent. ro. Wpi•r mts, Rittst.atgb.. I'II.AAIDI.RI,IN, CRAWFORD & CO, AO , . 1.1c1cR.,,L. Ohio. 1{1: v•.• lAnr. Ire prrint rd transport it/ A,, 11 , IIVER.I1oa I 11,6,,.1 on ROI Cana. and Lakes It . U... •I • LI, ate attrurposseJ to nonlher, ' • a • ,••, lio,,,eLps.rter , co or eaptams, i 3"!' '•' 111.115...1 0,4 .1- tt.. .2 I. t •tt•k.l.•rt• Co. kociii - sicr, ra, I ';• P. is r e Ca.Youiocooinda, unto, 1 Wavii3.(l, ICo. Ft .yahoo. Oh h. Co rani:aim , Cc, Cc, Co) obeys Lee • CO. iiitivelaad, Lid o ii•hoon ....cot'',mo "I co` < • Ca, o, Shot: Nikasulie Wia; to., 1 N:tun {lacoo, Was, Ilrergo Chicago. ill, llama* Chicoao, lit. .1011.1 CAUGIIFN, Ag, tar:o curoar Waiter anti tihnithgeid 1850. 11:11.1111 AND rIICIITOAA LIME, ON to i EXTF-NSIWN CANAL. I CI ARNE. l'A Rh! , & Rochester, Yropm tor, 1,1 i'r op -,etorn oo oboetd and ore!! known op I,oerin p that they ate now In or , eta 3 t , •t t!, roe,. se , w,n., and have commenced lec,., Prom and I'daal,,er•, which Mel are pr pored t corn - to all polat• en the Canal and LA A 1.- , I.IIIF. AND aIIC/111.AN, At thnl've of the Row. of the Linecoot inntly a, the la,ohng, below Monongahela thidgc, to crevice fretabt. A CAI:GREY, Agent, Omen, eor Wader and Reuthgcld sta,Pitab.rik. rt.Ntot;NEF,': ' R IV C{11111.11101.13. i,ve'Cabtle, Pa; Mit-lootre.• W & 3 Ilu.l.Snarrnhorg; ~ re & Co, Greenville; Wm IleerY. Ilarintoorn; \\ n, l'ovrer. CoonrautvOie, Jobe lira', A Cr, Eli, John 1 'Wooer ft cm liuffetn.N Y. me.M Pittsburgh Portable Boat Lista, non 71.ar - ra.srnar,nol. Or 111...112 10 •ND FROM • / . I'l TSBURI• PII:I,IIEL VII TrckN IA, , BALTIMORE, 131 , he . . TMOXlll.ST~~c~dO'Cosnos, i•tu. t,ta 1 for now open s be pro rie r• this mig and tolwardloK Ilerrhandme and and will, the prrnapinena. r and y prc ohne . to their Rnd Triode of v. fie:A. nversor,ltun , iran,hipment lvd, the -ode deli rod probmtnilly / Fe N,,reliaodt.e n.. 01 Produce la . ,,pred et... wn4l,and lid al forwarded free 01 charge for roman... oi,,'i'ormo.v. 11.1 OR Oi. in f10.0n!,,, Int, that of the owners tar vtllvo ~.lanplok their good. 11l the following agent• prompt 'y I.,:cl.dcd to: . . IMM:I3OIIMUMCW, f,r7.3 Mark, rare'. Philadelphia. TA A rrE & O't:ItNNI rg. tnr ur l'uhn Wayne streets, Pittsburgh rags,: lalm t;,•,1,11 k Co, IS, Nur - LA.11,130C P. 9.11110 c t, ~, ,IV 5..1 Tarcuc 6Cr Sl, ;NZ Wheclevnght, Cmcm mr.25 itiwirs TRANSPORTATION LINT, 7' . -113 . _ sn..en Potodourgli and astern Citie- • .1".. 011,1 we arc ready to rrretv tt.! 10t , urtl ;./.1., . 1, pro,lLec auJ ruere4u,tdi. , •-n, it ...val. no :41 Xl' IP, tb:aged by respn at , ln nnra. l'rnioce na.t inereliar win he received and for. vrordrd cu., and wen. wt. nit an.; thane An (Of • ward,e advaited , c nerela.cointnia•lem Ito, a I ..Irce. ,orwarded, and an direct... faith fully idteiond to. Add, ca or apply to. iY3I. BINGHAM, Canal Bast., cur. Liberty sadWayri. BINGHAM & 'DOK, No 1 , 3, Marker at, hervrecn 4th to 0t12,1 . 12i1`a JAN. WittrON, Art, r No 1 . +2, North Ilemird at.. Ilallintore JAN. BING 11AM, aunt No ur, Went areal. New Ynrk Peaslmager ale& Mend! aaaaa 0121••• !lAN it DEN & Cit. continue to brine ermine ditram any an of Fretted, Ireland. Peitaluel or uPoii the tenet libdral term, with Owl. usual punctuality and attention to the waine and corn. fort of eininiKinnio We do not ellow Olif pawner& to be robbed by the soricdhott scamp:4l6lW Infer the sea. ports, at we tots quid of than the moment they to. port thrti etti oelves. and see to their well heety, and dee retebttvm a w te ' le h lre t islT,7as '' er ' e n tl i eh) 1 0 9 0 n oTr gent to show t bat they mom detained 49 filo . , by as 111 Lietirpool, whi n thousands at other. • aro detained months, until they could be Rent in some .4 wall, at • Ch; rule, which too (resiliently wreathe& coigne. We i t to perfonai COMWICIf fioneruhly t cost w h at it .oy, and nut ant as 'rasa. cow last sewn, with ether odiccoh—who either performed oat all, Of when it iwitcheir convenience, Drafts drawn at Pittsburgh for arty tom from II to L l , liti h liat o Y i. te4t o t e rtg a o . f seal Limas in Ire. JOS/WA ROllltisON, EltrePeantSit Geattal Agent, NV Silfth Mew& ocie door lisle. Weed' V 404114 - & 7 0 ' .."'?llslllthitwtd N E - 'CIO bills_ Wlligraftliadit Plll-' - M 18CULLANli0118: Niki 9 31171110 IVELLO rd R z LI g lr m oai o., st m rtitt ulfr..: l4, t i„ coy can you gee by tie muth's hob-Butt deals qj toed to Bev. 0 Cook.. Oh, think , not less I love thee. Blanche islpen,i love thee. Whet other Mauds around the. The cot be the Mil. Wert thou hut mutt. Annie Laurie—Scotch belled. The Robin —ord. by Ellen Coot, rsuaic by Stephen Closer. Th sw ou bast womsded .pirit that loc. thee. The Omer of Washingion. The /rich Mother's Lament. Old Sexton—Russel. '`Be doeth all thing. Widow Ildachrm—Russeli The cottage of or, inotber—ilutehitmon. Low backed ear—Lover PliCt Waltser—complete. The Biagio Bell. The Bridal or Weddioc roikl. Jetty Lind). American_ Polka. Lissy Polka. Soiree American Potka. Tip Top Jimmie. Polka. La Belle Baltimore. Polka. Jenny Lind Polka. The Origins. Scottish Polka— Julien. Salutation Polka. ?lin Polka. lorephite Polk. Summit Polk. Domingo) Polka. The Pro phet Mi t ssitilles—Meyerlieer. Jenny Lind Qtadrilles. The ‘Vrrath and Daisy Waltzer-41re Ernest. The Flair. Drover Uoy—vanNera by Orem. Monument. Sounds from ilome, Meru Louimille March atd Wl, fluickmep. Wood Up, Quici.. Oen. ill ------- CARPET W PouARBereaI.EHOHSE, , h TIT APCLINTO^R la no consul htly ,ereiving his . Spring R. .t of RPET OIL CLOTHS, Trimmings. ke.. souprislns n pnrt Me the following, trio • Extra Super Royal V Ives Carpets, " T • pestry F English and /merle , Brussels Extra Superfine bur , • rial-Rply 4 Superfine S ra tip t e r. rsne Ingrain eaTeu, Fine Common, all wool, " cotton 14, f and a Tap Von Car. 44,1 and 44, F,l and 9-4 plain Car. List and Rag Carpet; 44 Printed Cotton Cupeui. 0-4, :54; 44 and 011 CALtu; 64, 54, CA, and I filsain, (8 blob parent 08 Clo for main. Costa Tama's. Bluroscin e rind Il AS lsoth Cloths; CnIA; Coes al Cloths; Damasks for Linings; Watered Morelos. Buff llonund for Vigliales; Tramp/fluent VrenOti tlimp. Venatlau Beale( for Fl.fl 74.de1.4 Table Lime; Mania Crash; Scotch rttapve; Orono Linen Napkins; German OI Cloth Table Covers; Sam On. Cholas (rap the most approved Eng lish and Americanmanufacturers Irons 12 to 24 feet in width, winch will be eat to fit 1 . 0010., halls, and vestibules of any vivo or shape. The undersigned having Imported direct from Eng land, his Velvet Pile sad Tapestry CARP irrs. These Carpet., which are of the !west and moat clonal siyies and patterns, and of the most gorgeous colors, wdl be sold at pet.e as lowan they eau ha purchased foe In ally of the ellstelll too " .:lliettib i lelflit:7:lll7glVEVAr:V/ra GRAIN PLY and IRAIN CARPETS which far surpasaes In wieldy and eheaptonts of priee,uny assortment ever Dentate brought to this city. Ile idso invites Steamboat Men and Caeca Manufacturera to his large and well seloetei.sortmentofTßlMMlNGS,andotherardeles neeesonry in their business. The undersigned is also agent for the only Stair Rod Manufactory In Philadelphia, and Is prepared to sell lower then ran be purchased clievehere in this city. matte ICS. IIiPCLINEOCK. flow Goods II - New Goodall rwlt M2IgIMaEMO A - Waotaaa. and Retail Dealer in British, •• • French, and Allletirad DRY GOODS, Market .acct, beta.eon Tiard and Fourth, assn of the il,s Ira. liter, has just comincaced reeel slog and opening one of the most orb, splendid. and crtcn.ive cork. afPpring and Surntn.r Dry Ijoiid• aver offere4 for sale in the Wes.. coo v. All of these I,nooccd Goods are fresh opened, and received per tho last steamers from Franca and E:nalund; a. Inch Liners, Imported direst from Dellarti, all var. bleached, and warranted the pars arnele; these 1,1,13 are all mapattad Lae 6.l,9etPq. r, and art all virraeted. Al., !rich Linen Danasak Vu ' l ' ald l l s .:ol:, '. lbc very best resuutactuM tri.h Loren Gcods of all II mds. Imparted Judea inano Hello. to-, ..cbscut,t, and wdi bo found the real kdin.so brach. Gr•st Caro of Cowasitsuptiora. HAKIM:us, January 2,1941. Mr. Ilynnelt—Dear Sir: The en , : , thnath lO.thIL I bayed:lmM from your Extract of Yellow Loci: and tiarsoptrillo, in •thr, aa Anent of juonee, to maks Vie ft:hawing statement: . A llrf wasting fir two years from general debiliry whieh Lnally terminated In consecluption, I was gtven ' LAII/EF' DRESS GOODS. op by lay Irirnds and ph,Ssiciano as beyond the sod of cSw style riot: TaskliaLna, all co4Oro, sidendid nicdielw. A. e last re :or!, I woo lniaeed to try ew.M., liloet Turh Sodas, all pr:cer, rich gown;your I:xtrart, and tilYing lured but two bottles, am .... clorb I iae• Stilts, MI cotes., lots imports:Ono; /Yen, venial:- to )oar directinns, 1 um entirely well. '.l Kul so sus. all colons. ti.e. hest mipor.ed, plaid Munkwould do-re:ore, swam:lv recommend ) our oneconl a e rrtheth•. per la, FICI,L, steamer; new style pmated led Compound :nth,: utlneted who desire 3 powerful, liareg,, splendid Foods. Also, n superb and Iwo pleasnot and tole terardy. Gratefully your Stead, dress~ of whiebiack I.lramsela Lace, (or inutattag ladies' 7.1 WA rr d t: dres, Yen' siert .roods; plain Boreget in all Colors None grain, atlssa put op In laror square tmo.les, at melt' low. beaunful goods, Wart Mk Fringe, all, eontihmo, a quart-clad tab nom. scl the sysup blow,:width. and mine; very cheap, French Lawns, 11,Iff lin me 'Ass, wol: the written ..I,:naiclre of t' ,. F Pew style, Is last Venial, steamer, plainscloola the: lie I net: on h.:: ocltside wrapper. l' nee ei pet bottle, or Clew, high lustre, superb goodr; blank feurecl.Gro l Ws but... ID, I' , II De DMus Deeep.te. r..th gooels, Frema and Ith.ge,h i l!th .thhl ur J. D Part, corner of Fenirtn and Wel . Is •Morsem now styles beaulaul goculs; splendal , nut st.oo, l'ioco.miti, OMO. General Agent Inc toe i ...../ ma : , :aisit goo-1a ins . ball drer•wai rich ernbrniilertud ' t'nui.b rod West, u: wham allot:Oars most be address ii-artim Mull. ter em:ning dtea C6j 2tveisa al l vid , ed. Y II si n ! the heal entwerthd, Silk Tththe• Ife all coke. Carter /a. Den, Ere, W. P. Judean le Co., Water and rune. new myle, thin and sane otrrycld ll , ae I ' bird; Win k themoss, Crow:log.111m 51:01 Turtell, Rarer:, alt puccr, primed Lawns, sow 115101. tram Monte .. 'Strom Mex. Tesenodm Itemert Goy. NVylls. eenu: per yard; Garage at LeCals. • new aruem bore, L. Doclorich, Calieushorcli I. ""ileoh:Jr . Pd.' lot ladies" dresses. Also, • intro end superb *the IE of bor.,, rorcl, or Saran street and the D1.114.e11a1. style aprtug Dontlet Iluldions, the vary best lam : aillllh , ..turth:ll' peltad, all new e EL1.1:110 . F.0111.1* .11E DICINI - 1.4—:: fney are the 811AWL9, 011AWI—o. 1,) thethelitee of Ow clay." Canton crape Moon, all color:4l , nd. IrOth the` COI- . I ithholo Stalthei, Ohin, May 2.:. Ifcla. ;mu Dowse, Tort Sotto trusawls,splendal goodly in all R R srikr ,..., uuuk ur ,,,,,,,,, rurruu ,.. thrrr, .b ,,,,, V .. '.. '''.. b.."''''''.,'°"' r h ea ' , ID •lII'D lIDIMC (20.4 to ID;IIIIIII 10 your eiceitent Ea. Silk Shawls, fresh ium '; orlallaa i whim embraldYrou ~,,,,,',,,i,,,,,„. ' C a .." Cra P• "' h. ": "."''' 00 ` 45 0 g r '''''''''' ..- 1 have sued your Verm:foge largely in my own ed Canten Crape 'Shawls, splendid reads; LaPin's family. one vial ereether.l eXpeiling large qua:Miami French made hatiroldered Tkoaet, Finest umporiation; , ~. , m. , „ mum , rum mu , mmruu. i have Paris maimed Cashmere trbiturls, all pri«s and cash- ' a / • rued your also rum your Lclver Pills and Cough Syrup in my ties; ta,l,es•sumaisr era:m[6 and SIIIIIPI in are•t vas (Amity, and they i see, tit fiery thntrince. pinioned nett',Fr. ar a litlllkeillapes,Coharaaml Cods. a large 11 , e edict. cleared. 11.1441,1 , C 11 As 1 we no;:mfad In merchltilliiAi ~ , I 21m nide in 1 fr . 0 -,.- •-, t 1 i , A Luce !facet of , 11l ik; ESTIE AND STA PI.E WOOD/ rOl I h!!e eat to boar ot tho bro. failure warm dale be.e. th.,icscomf 5,11•11.. num h per `..“••„°'',„'„'''.:,:;‘,!.-..° Le n d. lute roar frond 1- tit the day, oil a•e deemed is hove o very per y sod, I 1 caul losh Linea• thwarted memo foot Ltetiast, II bales Ticking, from , te 25 cents per yam; °°°° ,ll•D Y• Year.. re•thethtilY• ' • - W 11 PiNNELL. P blue Drill, treat • to It/ cent per yard; be- • rot , o„oor.,o, orEemmer c. a ., Prepared and told by SF,LLEILS, N 075 Weal Tyrooar, 5011 ,, 0d aootorky. Jeans; etreet. end. sold by Drage.n generally to the two So cater Jerk Cabot, fast et:fared, (rem to eenb; per yard, d ease, Hoyt & San.' English Pouts, beat kaed- 1 . .1.-en OA.MILOAIELDSII I .E.s-- - ITtcy ars aria imported, 5 bales Ramon and Scotch Duper, eltreum- A. 7 oledthme s 01 the day ° ly iow. salth, ite.elteriping Goode of all kind, yery ! Slamon / Otho, May P 5, 1340. cheap, 11 bales Ramis Cr.h, from GS to In/ echo per j 1,110 Shore t I dank a right teethe excellent others yar d, s ind : c , • t a s,c map', Cy,ll, and En ; 1,1010 301111, fees in mini. to net excellent Faltdo Mope. Also, Canton lelattoehoill colors and quoit- I ly 51edrinen tre.a, at low path, red, slut, nod yellow Flannel, I Unto needy. or Vennithge !nm ein my °venial-e -very cheap, bleached and unbleached Drillings, full DY, ene via.'fru...mall thoveneg for e.Peliffiri -Se .thrtmeoti 5 copes bite Merrimack Calicoes, ex-I esanaileAtesY I duo) worm. (rem two ehildrel 1 tretneir low; black and amble...heft Table thaper, all have Alth seed) our Laver Pills and Cough Symp, in pricer, eye Diaper, paces sod rivaling, my femtlY, and the, h.e lo cony manure produced very cheep; colored CAl:thrice, a fall anortateor, the. rts desired. cheaper than ever, 5 train Duriap, from Pe/ to lA cut A. I ate engager! In tricantandising, lam able to per p ra. tth, large thick of Genoa Table Diapers, nate that I ban! yet to hear ef the first failure where Marine& :Swung— A furl asamimant, very Cheap. year medicines hove been used in my thenon of the PARAEULS! PARASOLS! country. to conclusion, I may mum that they are the The Invest and most splendid stock of Parson/a me:thine. al the day, and are dammed to have a very ever opened by soy ere house in Pittsburgh, Is this extensive pthulanty loam, tee •thoulth, day reverie:l, and ate nil of the ele , oeelFeellell 110/1.4 ~ IL VPITIL.L. tohieh, for richness nod beadily, month be surpassed. Prepared and sold by R. 1.115,N057 Wood As we have a large lot of these Paratthls, they will be siren, and sold by Drage... eothrally to the two n and thereon thin any other noose le the'elty can al. net mid vicinity. my3l ford to wit the sauna quality of amid. l REA'r CURE OP LIVELOOMPLAINT, byOe The Lain. are respectfully invited to examine these kj dr a y Liner, rdd i de , er , Parasol, they will find some of rho holiest and Sooty eons, Ohio Cattrily, Va. new Set styles ever Imported from Earope. These March 50th, Parasols net all of the richest and moat !fethionable sj. R. r.. sate.: Dear Sir—l tinak it a duty I Owe Color, and are alfirthy of the Inethte. of the ladle, , to you and to the public, gr,neta 17, to nate that I have All of the above goods will be sold of at prices tar b eret with the Liver t o , long bsi.w •°7 to 1110 °4l and Ia sr°°'th prove tone, and se badly that an &bee. noted and broke, tam toot, the public will please call and price these l e n me to a very low state. Ifanag beard of nom., and !crenate them with say other house la the your celebrated Liver title being for sale - by A R city, and be convinced of the above .thrucin. Sharp, in West Liberty, and reeemmended to me by I°` .dheriber would b " . sa y ''' , " °°°°r°° ` °°°' my physician, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to nve them Lame, NIP the publie in general, that (here nee two a y ar „, a , y purchased odd y„, , sod Snoodthen, to other bee Mee atom. to market nth.. Polendthe '.e lute what they are tome dud, THE DFaT Ll eo with the Dig Ilea Hive, winch tit alone the only VER PILL EVER USED, and after talcuth four bezel pe celebrated aril Mr famed Dry Goode establishment to / find the di.mw boa rdardly. left , aid y do „ do , Pittsburgh. The subscriber would therefore say to all perfectly well. Respithililly yours, purchasers of Dry Goods, enter wholesale er retoo l.l.l COLYILAN. that the Big flee Illy. Marin street, between Third West Liberty, blotch fill,lths. and Fenn, POW opening the largest, nehea, Silted tee - dry that y pdraoro al y , a ".,, de d therm splendid stock of spring and Umiak= Dry GOodsd brae a roodi i d a u , trut h of mo Can a pa layered - nth fur sale In Pittsburgh_ stir re: entficate. A It SHARP DONNOTSI 110704F.T8 I Toe ocnotne Liver PIN are prepared. bud sold by Neer Syn.. rem 1550--The largest and moat fashion- RE;I. LERS, No 57 Wood street, and by druggiall Ode stock of Bonnets aver opened in this city, t• jest lama „o teecreml at the sign of the AO Llth Hive, Pit maitet TO I . IIE ort Kinn. only true and gen non, between Third and lodrili streets, where ry tune Liver Pills ore rrp.trod try E Selina. and hove trthath of evert' diethiPtfith °°°°°°' °• °n bita name stamped in lilthk urea the lid of each any other heath tu the city. A. pubite will please ono Loo +to. o ,copper—ell late POLO, that there are two other bee hive Starts on other. on , or ;Unite! street, who pretend to compete with the ' REFIo propr,dyd, Dee Hive, between Third and Fourth Precut where __ - -• the public will find, at all Itmca,the largest andocweet wrowies t.-ctir.M. t UNE:II . .— .Lyles of Dry °nods, fresh opened. VI door reed, an invoice oh lj esaFtied ra t r ,, t i, fr) 7 Heath ume nonce, that the !Metre 10 between see Want:lca, py earns nee cove ah I can sell as Th t di end Fourth steep., a lga of the MG DEE lIIVE, low thirty and thirty fire dollen, mid warranted tt where Dry lidudo of !veil description UP Wittig keep /t oad pp,o., c 11.,. man at arty other house In the city. ' Alth—A splendid assortment dr JEWELRY, coat apili 1 -• DUDDV. I . I .- octants the anions and lath., atyles, Auld hoot panne sc. thILEON, Watchmaker sad Jeweler, k• A MASON ft CO. GO Market then, between a • -• :Is 'YOH and Pour*, are now yet:coring large a• sortql.ll of Dearer Da Loin, Perinalt•Cloths, an ell• pro new ortiete, Pellet:lc Crape Do Woe, /ce; with barge anontnent of Lemon. and other Deets Benda, of the latest styles and moat fashionable 0010r1. p 3 COATFF.—rdi baps, prtnal7.; and Java: Starrouts-40 b.. mould, dipped, and sperm; Clot:ha-1M h... Cream and Engin& Dairy: an , —.4 do: Hemp and glannia; CA.sra-05 Mete; barrel; 11raas-30 N Cnremon and half Smullahr 0 , 0 —23 brlr &lid half 'lsla MankerclAmlnalmon; “1.4,4-40 . las assorted .mans; Ilaseo-0100 Prime Vealvon; lrrn .Sov:r Clued; ;tome—lOU Ila S and Manilla; INS—N do: rtar 'rums Blank wild Copying: MULA.S.I6I—Ln Orleans; ball bele Sugar Iloaler rrrrao—no dox assorted narraters; IV LLOV-50 lb. Italian; I .111,—ril do legs ataonerl; Plar...dr.) ua.ed;s!4•tsevorves; Parca-39 ream. assortedi Parma....anto Its bordcaua; Boos-50 bra Resit end Cast Steel; N Orleans and Clarified; n“..-C,(l.p.ekagelt (keen and Ikael; Tonarcd-20 5, & 1 lb lump; Wane Utl/311 . 11--SU do:pa:eta Zink; For sale by J O WILLIAMS & CO troll Carnet of Fifth and Wood sta. ,WAISTALID. FURS! FURST iillt4:fin7rubecratera will pay for Coon, Mink, Moak Rat, Gray and Rea Fos, and all kinds of shipping Far., Ue Mr" Bute o pricea M hloColl & CO,. - 'nit and Woo 4 au. . _ Paper Ilestgllage. - PILING sELEcrioN.—WRI he received, by Gra eannl "hhettetete, a new mid choice usortment of l §all Paper, of the latest Fteneh and Eattete In gold, obamola, oak, plain and luah colors. P. MARSUALL, anta 13. C. 111114 • aria • ES Wood street 'l'7..c.rzaltnas . ok:=7 - v ___wurthg l bgritr." Sol B. 13; Bonfield & Co., et this da t s i oLiv " ed by , mania songs'. ' The business or the old Mrs will be settled by 5. IL Bushfield, at she old wand, N 0.40 litheny creel, Plitsbnegh. B gguggFIF,LD, blarchl,lB . so. JOUN MeGIL.L. B. H. BUSHFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will continue .the Whateaste sted Retail Doi Ootele and racers , baleen, at the old mad. Na lhel Liberty et, maei the of - ~13. B. BUIDIFIELD & CO. hbvehl.leso,-{eule.• I HAVE IN. eeTemommedprich. me, us the Whole. ale Omer), COMMialpft; end Formuding busk ih 1113. R. N. and W. N. WallHAPA 4 'Thb Welt an esentestre will be eandoetedeeeeethe et of a - 4K M thil 112.11 d tiO. Ml m , IVO', FLAW Ur Janusz: t i f l OrA *MAIM. GREAT IMPORTAAT CHEMICAL MOREY CIIFAIMAL, COMBINATION From the Trorri,rale Kingdom, to repel Deseeme Dr. Goyaott'a Drool of Yellow Dock and 13 larsaparilla. Cram Reratlin, orynpen., acconnm, Rout. liver compiaints, spinal affections, ulcer., Sr Oohs. dropsy, asthma, pile., rommer,MfooOm m the LliMdet and kidneys, mercurial aiseema, mot nisi horrors, ru,•IA of blood the !mid, fever and ague. female comfMumMt, emend debility, dYoroP• rta, :035 of appetite, headache, celds, eostiootim's gravel. _nicht oweats, iiotic, organic Mrections, palpitabon of the heart, bats, pains in the side, chest, back. kr. It is lafallible 01 ell' &seam& ori , ang from so Im port aiute of the Lom]. or irregular action of the ryl tata In tie Vegetable liongdom, an All.wise Being be deposited plants nod herbs congenial to our Constitoe lions, nod adopted to he cure of disease; and to the vegetable kingdom does die reasonot roan, as well • the inetinet edam am, turn for antidotes to pain. The :'peep is a scientific compound of the most vat cable pimint in nature, mutely free from deleterious and e. rating mineral substances, and as it expel disearo tram the system, imparts rigor and strengthig aCorromonding,douree. CERTIFICATES. Au extraordinary case of t‘crofuls Eryaipel. and U cm, eared: by Me sole se or 'Dr. Guyrott's Con, pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Sarinthatilla Ileciosisa, Nov. It, 151.9 Dn. Gurrorr— Fn: I tender toy sincere thankwifor the groat '...tiefit I have derived trout the use of your valuably s,rup. I hare bccis troubled very bad Wit a scrofulous sore, whoa nand? ILI appearance on m . chin. I did nut pay much :Mont.. to 11 al tinel. Pup postng dim be nothing lint an muptian that appear on liersonis far DI - molly began to increase, until spread to tin •oCk pan of oho brad. I applied to • physician, who attended we ell to no purpose. I had tried every Wog that could Le med. I saw your Syr up of 'Yellow Dock end Ss; repantla, and conscluded to 17,1 h, for r kraw that Yellow Dock war one of the most valuable articles in the world for the blood. I bought your Syrup, and from the use of one bottle. I could eve a great change in my system. I continued to exec; until I was a well into. I now feel like I new person; my blood is perfectly cleaned and tree from all impurities. There It net a question but the your newly discovered compound rn ha caperan t any sarsaparilla syrup ever. sold. 'Phis certificate la at your &primal to publish if you like, and any one you rimy refer to me I shall he hap py to pea them nil the intoonntion I tau about my caw, PA, reins th your obedient servaut, GCMIGIi G. Jonarrort, 10 Market Greet. Super piteptChenith Sins; Rupeofion do do Rug.; Tolled Rugs; Fire Common Extra Wilton Common do Chenille Door Alota4 Tufted Sheep Skin Adalaid Extra printe ato d piano coven; table Emooased Plano Table Printed ;woolen " Embossed Stand Linen and overlaid Dam.k Saar Linen; Turkey Red Chintzes; Chotee Borderbor; English Oil Cloth Table Corers; Drown Linen crumb cloths Wooten Brass Stair RedK Stole Drag-emu Garret Bindings; Site and Coco Male; Alleant and Skeleton ?ding; 1 4 and 4-1 Omen Oil Cloth for Minds; • llueltabank Diapers The beet female medicine Irnewn. The F.:tract of Yellow Dock end Ea; caporal* is rszsatve,spestly, and permanent cure o , r all romplaints incident to mild, sltentive properties 'render it peculiarly applicable to the slender and delicate constitution of the ferule. It Is unrivalled in its edccui upon such diwases as Incipient consumption, bevrenness, lcu• confrm, or whiter, irreirunv ttmoatruanon, ins eau . nenee of mine, and general prostravon of the system. It immediately countermen that distressing nervous ness and lassitude PO .nunon to the female frame, and imparts an energy and buoyancy as surprising in tney are We have evidence on hie which Induces us strvngiy to recommend this medicine to married people who have cat been blessed with oil spying. not-as. Donn, Or Falling or the Womb, of flys years , standing, cured by Dr. boycott'. Extract al Yellow Dock end Sarsaparilla, alter every tithe, known remedy hod been tried without relief. NTstounuron, Ohrn, Feb., 1949 This certifies that my wile, aged W years, hes been *uttering under the above complaint fur five have all of that time confined to Ler Led. I have An four year: cor.statatly employed the best ..0. teal taken mat could In: promised to this section of ma ....Tr without any benefit whatever. I have also purchased every instrument recommeaded for ib• cure of such diseases, all of which proved worthless. In the .pent of 104', I woo induced by my friends to try Dr. busott's Yellow Dock rand Sarsaparilla, whir wes toe y d foe four months. Allot ate h ail used Ir for about four weeks, It was evident to all that she was noorovlng, and from this time she improved rap idly, and ginned test i and strength, man the disease w•s entirely removed, and the is now cnjoymg most exrellm.L W5l. 111,1Nr1tRT. . We knof Leighbore of Wm. stud Julia Aloafort, know t h at me atio.e materocut. As to the statue, o. Alm Mootnn, a.t.d a. to de cure Imitif ettoried by Guyaott • 'fellow Mut stud Samaparillu. to I o strictly Wm. JANE k.1)11V. BARAN POWERtii; PATENT SODA AST. Price Deduced. TITS SUBSOIOUItittr ern! rub Nurpmtt's beet quality and And, In Clare and Soar Makers' soda A,,r s warranted superior to any oilier brand t t 31 by the troannty of G tensor upor aresiorourreoey or annoyed :rotas, at four months, or fora Isar loan tity, • W & 111 ErfeIItILTREF, Liberty rtra.t. TAILORS' GOODS, AT COST 7- ItSbt.l, FLItMING & CU, baying s t J 1 give their entire attention to ate role of dossers.: Uornea and Cotton Geode, norm offer their lorin, stork of Tailors' Trimmings, Vcrunar. Frenelt rod Oerwau C,01b% &„.„, CO& CO 11.9,1V0nd st _ll3L,Fatel ONO POWDElt—te/ caste Jar Itturprrtn& brand, P copettor artic:e, tor nude lip nov4 & et i.:l;ritEn • • tt&Slis Mo•pran , :seta 's,t . rb. and IU c , rots I 0 Wench., l'orvacr, arrived Per .711 p lkyenbridge, al.! LOW cotuong on by canal, 10 , NIITCIOTTREE N. 11.—Tbr y se.] reortie•,..mg the leg. • New r.•,•ra• .01,0 rev air d. e pliant 1,111. e. lievrood oet. nailer from the celebrated antenuive.tory or Nun. & Clark, :IV, otruperier lane, and very moderbin price. For .ale byKLEISEIIt, deli/ at .I. Woorlvrells. WILL( ethic , ' IVORY PEARL TOOTH POWDER for retnowoc Tartar, Neural - , Canker, and at sabstanees destructive moo Teeth. It is delicious t the tastc,leaost rig the l, heeling and strengthen Hr. porno, and purifying the breath. • or lisle, wholesale and retail, by tkeln R E EIRIZERS, 57 Wood at °OUR FLOVR-0 tuts suitable for stareb or sizing, f or by 1j0271 M'CiLL.n A ROE br j ireeninny ninffor IkV iv I JAMES DALZELL IDIOT A:311---40 csokz, for sale low, co eln•e enn•lgn ',lent, by t) JAbIF4DAI.X LL rliTift6 IL. jizt rCenizezl J KIDD A CO bzimime, reed Per R~ewell's Lino -- 41 by (Jiro] • • MESDALZELL =TM B A j A r°uLDEßl Ti,. t :v t° l7A;raucti . r Diu 4ko, ,ne'd on ennvonynent, and for gild br rjelsj g v lIAIIItAUGH .allo ITre—c47. W Y S ItAF.BAUGIT lunal f VuW. BLAZt•—tiii 3. r "1 1 8& N HARBABGy - Str-4i - ihiarbT. - o. ; Sam. • iir6s .---. k .r4 . f " ltni6 &W. IiARDALIIR.; MEDICAL. INIII°K—UYX"'"r7 mince brF AVIF; I Z LL kegs.No ' bzb snorted iiu. 2 711AITIEI Mau asad SkoltlJara e'd. • - wows MIFCELLANEOITS. A OTI-CE, TOE Partnership hereteore existing between the subscribers, wider we firm of itsrb.idge, wilson & Co., was this tidy dissolved by mutualsissent ,7 .. The hustness of the firm will be settled by J. W . bridge, or Wm, ggilson,Jr.,entie.r of whom is author sued to use the nsew or the bern in IWaidatioa. • J W. 111IRBRIDGFa WM. WiLtsoll, Jr I.IIJN, SHORB & CO. Pittsburgh, Jul. 1,14.50.—jyt iltt)PA.RTll.liffiffariPs TAN. W Curbr,dge n. I3cnj. F. Inghnon he me tins dNy tnen.seises cndrr 111.5 faln of Bur. • bridge A. ttart•net Whales!".le Grocery wet benetal C 1.111.5101, Ill:cerise, in tbe boast lately oetlete , Durk,rt 1,, Wglenn tr. 00,116 ',tiller el Pilebargli, July I, lillet.—jyb CO-PARTNEELSIIIP 9111 E .nbccriben. have 'Ma day formed a co-partner under she faro of W . Wthon, for the pun. ;ore of traniincting the Who:arans Grocery and Com• pet S6lOll BasUICAN, at No 20 Wood Street WM. WILSON, Jr. FRANK WILSON IllelOdeora Planer with tivo ttttt of Road• JUST received et the Piga of die Golden !tarp, one rapcnor 5 octave Moioileon Liana, With IWO cella • •• •L.- !sitt•St improvement, The above I. . prnbably the fine , toned La: rereent ever °tiered ler r.we here, with a hiaLlv Gowned and elegant exterior fnr kale II 11- tair , l. -1 2,'ilt-1011 a l e d le Loa ioak paper Iflr2il tat do o co 50 do ,lo do Ost:/, lOU do news printioc, 21227, 110 do do do 4,[11,1; GO do do do ta34V., do do do oGoti GO do Blue Envelope, 9drt4; VO do Yellow do Ore, IA do Manilla do Al,* • 21 do do do 21.18, SOO ao esgorted Wrapping Da par._ in aura, for sale by JOHN I . IIIALO.II' Al e %Voo4 • i.conOlny In Toas DCIDEOLY the cheapest and best place in NM harsh to hay Tee is nt the Tea Market, cost stet 01 the I),amond, They sell Exce'lent Tea at • 50 per lb , The ',cry Nest• --.—.•.•_.• 1 1 00 Low priced, damaged, or inferior Teas are not keel at this moildmhmeat, therefore, whether you go your; relf or send a child, )ou are sure to obtain n goOd artir.e, ard the Savor of the Tea is coy„spprosca, they readily e schen,. it or return the money. HAWORTH, Protaietnrs. -- - S " DIUE-1 11: I elbs x' WeiTAti m cfe ' re ' r In brie dodoi - 5 kepis do do; I la bas Falerstue, 05 box Mould Candles; - aN 0.15 No I :torch: 01 dos ;went Zinc Washbanids; 00 id cheats superior Green TesiN 11l ,- eddy boo do do; lb lif ebes, supelior Black Tans; .. 5 tes Duffield's extra Items; For role by J I/ wILLIA IS I F. & CO 1115 Coe Wood & Filth stsi :: O re L e A ci ' v r e E. z . Lls ( l , ..o r e . 5 .„ 144 I Fres& Cliocola!" , C I , I1) , C , iy4 WICK & I.IIcCANDLMI.' GOOD BOOKS NOR FARNELLS Johogion—S merman l'anner's Encyclopedia, Spa Emerson—Trees and Shrubs, hVO Brown—Trees of tnesca, SNo 01=1=nillE=E:a lloy—A Guide m tho Orchard, itimo Itumi—Family Kitchen Oardoner, Mina Miner-11m American lice Keep r, liatno .. Blown—Tim Amerman Podia) . Yard, Miro ,'.. Marshall-1%0 Farmer nal Emigrant'. hand Digit Allen—The American Faim kook, Maio . . . Dooming—Frail .on Fruit Tiees of tunerici,D2m. Younn—The Horse. Dent:et—The Poultry Turd, lihno For sale by JAME. 7 D LOCKWOOD: 104 Fourth at Amorlo•n Journal of Selene.) and Aria. , nUNDUCTED by Prof. B. FiMilian, Prof. B. 81in an, Jr, and James D. Dana, New Haven, Min eenmeul. This Joannal is issued• every two month , , in numbers of 1.50 pages each. mtaing two oelsvo volumes a year, rich with many Illustrations. 11:11. devoted to original stuck.. on Calera and the Arts, Condonred Review. or Abotwets of Memoirs' , mild Disco:cows from Foriegn Notice of New Parlientions, soda General Bulletin of want Self. or. The Gr-t woes conteinv GO volume. Om last of which Is a general Index to the 49 volumes preceding. Sublimation, a year, In ndvance. J LOCK 4YOOD, Ac't for Proprietori, 104 Fourth at. Hood Dock. for Bummer Reading, Brown—T,lrt/1111 L 21110.::; Tay!or—Eleuratlu, 9 vol., 12mo Colman--Ittoropemo Life ant! Almoners, 2001a,212210 I.Letens--Domuy and Son. 2 vol., 11 Mar sy— ttorultt r Datustons,2 vois,l22to. • Marvel—Fresh Ginn:tugs, 12100, C. u. 11 —lstortmatt Leslie, I2mn, Thaw—Ent bah Ltteratore, Moo. Prior--Ooldamatt's Aluteellatmoos Works, 4 volt , . Mayo—Ea noon. 12mo Tat tor—Vietar Auto, Ilato. Ilutaltuldi—Counto.t., 2 vol., IMno. For emit by JAS D LOCKWOOD ja2e, -- nooks—General I. ore. Nor"— rIL,P, Ito Foe 00.2 Alancfaettre. 12121. PPlall..-I . ItIIG-0 Nil' of Nature. Ittrno. Ctstioar ,ort• Ins and Iteacetums. 12.0. Shaw—Eat Itm Ltterntoro. 12mo. Itavi-,—Lttu-sulm. 12 ~, rt. Bryant—What 1 pow to Caltform. t. Po trre —Paul Vol lima...at 2 vols. Mr-Ot A Moll-I,rtmt• to lottuu men. 12,00. Itornao—lteetutule of finnann Nature. MOO. Varietmr—Slt darn French Liturstara Smeute—l'l,tiot - tphy. Nerrautom-11 Lunar] Moronism. llomimidt—Ampeet.n. Nnrore. Brtutertn—Zoologim.l Betreations. For sale by JAMES D LOCKWOOD jet , 101 Fourth PI Fo•t•ea Now Ethiopian /11.1oditts GNV INF:. Run all rin:ln; Dolly Day; D.,ley Jone..; down to de Cotton Fte Id; [icily was n Lad), du. • -Ike Kind to the Loved Ones at Home; Fuse tby Iwo ' , gulp, True Love, by T. Hood; •: Oar Nei, as risi. the sea, darts; A nesv medley soil, by B Covert; Jcncy rsyi inu• tic by binarr, Jo, wt.'s risiwihng, Wedding Atarrb; Cod linnly marine.; a.:bay4:ll Watts;; ; 'Cunrsrint 4 Deposer. by W. C. (hover, Sounds irunt Items; Waltzer. theTeimarkssehe , Col LOS, Ilene of Summer easy varinhons by flerii United States Polka; Indies` Souvenir Polka( Cora Crocker Cinalinilei Leaianlle Quadrille; Beauties of Italy; Welts, Thos. fee. , A hare assortment of New Makin on band-to...ketch additions are made weekly. For sale by r-- febiln I. 11. AIELLOR, Fl Wooskit. Uncap Standard litata.7. 13RNIrli r..ity OF ENGLAND iv now pun- Listing by II Irper h Bros, in G vols. et - pin:and paper. St Cu Cana per vol. Three vole reenivatli and for sale by • It HOPKINS, 76 Apollo Buildings, PourDig . L_ — New Boas,. Tl F-DOURNs His First Voyage, by Herm.. MellYille mallor of "Typee," "Omoo," to. Moray of King Alfred of England, by Jacob Obeli line engr.lU 4 V. aidolllll. the SoiCereas: by Wm. Meinhold. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, nova corner Third and Market alyeeta •Chxe of the Plan Re.artethle Wont: of tlaor — geo NINEVEII AND ITS RE:IIAINS; with anannoant of a Idsn to the Chandrean Christian. of Katlic ., and Dia Tetnllt, or DecnbWorshippers, Riad Inquiry into the Muraters .11 Arts of the Ancient Ah srians. Dy Austen Henry. Ls rd Esq.,lL C. L. Introduetory Note by Prot. E. Ratio:m.l,D. D., LL. I). Illuctratell with 13 plates and maps, nal PO wood cuts. 2 vols. alio. cloth, VAC "The book has a rare amount of graphic, vivid4.ld. turesque narrative "—Tribun. -The work of hayani la the men prominent contri bution to the amity of aniiiptay, that has appeared for many years'—Christ. Ind. "Not one excels iu inmreat the necoant of Mantle , and its Rains, given Ly Mr. Layardn—Washingtoo inmlligencer. "AA we follow the dingcre with breaMdess inyir . . • IMMittE tort a puterive Grum curved with Initiate accuracy, now liana; tts gigantic head trout the dust or 300 U boat,, we r toady w cry out with the astaatshed ,Arabs. 'Wallah, it is wouderfel r batClL§ tmett,L—tb def eby Coale i4/4ES D. LOCKWOOD, 63 Wciod st TBE WOMEN of trio Old mid New Testa-Mont. Edited by E. B. Sprague, B. 1 vol. Imp; boo., elegantly bound; 18 eaquisitely. Gniabcd erigruyings; dreeriptions by vol.:Limited Amerman Clergymen. POEMS B - AXEL' A, (Mrs. of Ky.,) a new and enlarged edition, illustrated by engravings. from original designs by Wit r. I mai, *guare geo., olggant ly bound and gbh Also—A variety of spleuthd Annu. al. and Out Basks. liiewelPs Child's Firm Book of if, Illstory orßomo. T.* 10100. 511.MIIANICB ASSISTANT, adaptedlor - ago of Carpenters, Shiptenmhts, Wheelterighta,i Saw yers, Lurabermen,Stadonts, and Artinuna geneenlly being a thorough and praerient Tramline on McMinna uon and the Sibling Role. By D Roper, *. Boimebt Trani/re on Week Brow, Cnnyositio • • . . (Mendota'. Elomeroary . Frencli Grammar. . j Prof. Greene, of Stoma Ifoivemily. I vol. It?too. ', ' Itordiyer , (repent.' Hebrew Grammar, by C t OONL lie.enov , Ilebn....ryirna. Loomm' Trinonometry mil Loyarithrola Tatilea. 1. . . . . ot.(sla•ep.) The EnglinlmatO. Greck Concordance. I •o n.) Anthon'a Cleosiral Se dos. Vielister's Dictionary, revised ed. I vol. Fyn. 4o do ' unutiriticed. I vol. 416, thirne's Notes and Questions ou Nese TetlailltllL Wnsteiy's Locie. . ISlc,heito's Ikeiesinsueal Ifistory. 3 vols.,and. 2 ale. ishecp.i Ventigc 6of Creation. I vol. I L Srso. Mornings anions the Jesuits at Rua,. 1 voi: (cloth nd pper) ;sec.. , svhere the Tempter has Triumphed. '..1 vol. • 1,11 and poperj 1 - 3 nlve'v 'Moo Leetoyes. 1 vol. eve,. (cloth.) Alder's PlTlllouncit4g • Rdyer's French theoonary. tdrotri's floraee. Foe sale by R 11111'RINS, norrld Asodo 13n1 , •!Ingo. For lb b lqden LoCKWi:it ID, Bek , elet and lehrotter, No. MI Worel hto rnr &a n my: coplcs tor, plate, Eke rent:notice ef the editiend of dos Jalutblii work, devoted to the lire-emotion of Document", and other authentic. ii'ornidtion relying to the goitres ploraiions,rmllement end improvement of the Country around 03C bead of the Ohio. Icy Neville Da Cgolg, kteq, of Fitniourgli,in 3 vole live. novlO J. D. LOCKWOoD _ . _ 1.;111EKTY: A History, tv.th a mele or the Liberty of other Ancient Nations. 4 $.4",0 Elliott, Fig. Illostreted with twelve engraving", ex. erred nt Foote volv., deo.. uniform with Frescotthi in Historical . ty Jaw published and for lisle by • JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, . Importer. [,FANNY .1-51 . .11LE INTrAiy: nut edfileti r 1Vrt0."75 ate. Al/Ll. FANNY KkINIIII.EPt YEAH OF CONSOLATION. . "'rho reading of Cam book line impreww‘tii with roach higher oinnion of its autitot than we Ininifornite from pentium, her other wnungr; Itdl.ptbyipiresper tone of thotigity united to more pare orotund y'Arnee of feeling then any other produolori of the fern.fe mind with winch we are acquainteihm—, Eve. Mirror; "It is a very agreeable and tradable book, vCritteutu Fanny Nest rtyie—bold, aplrited add enter taining, Me recommend it to due reader. with° beat publication of the remon."--Iteatling Cat. "It contanw the Journal or &travel through Earope, and mo o t twitaly; and le one ° Nike plideantest mid loco book. of the - imaiom ,, ,cour. nd Enquirer. "A very ehossoteristle book.; We kayo reS4 R in" ado page to Colophon with odahsted interest. A •ia poi= of lab In ROO2O. Itt ell sweets ookinestlY rettosble."—atekertocko. For sale by JAII Ji LOCKWOOD, sosls - Bookseller loworter, og Wood st P/Slet tipingctassza „. it 1. 1 . 31 F/IF & BURCHFIELD have ao. taeellent ..011. vavertnteell of abOvo article, light and auk. of ebeies..colore,llneladlest . woo of a very soperior 914 1 .4;10/45 VP VtIOXIIIHCIWaItY Cilolhalolit !AP EXCHANGE BRona • FORXIGN IaXCHAIITOT:. - B i. Also, tirnfts pnutibie in any part of thy Old Countriw, 'born-Li to 41 . 000., at ate raw or $3 to the Sterlin, FfOA''without dedn'ellon or &mount, by JOSHUA BOUM- Europeiuu and General Atent, *Moe fiat, onw , door went of wad. malt Wl= I 11DWA.103 AMER & Rama, ;; L- DANKEns AND EXCHANGE BPOKERS,deateck 1) In Forekrn and Dorarede Dills of Exebanke. Ger :Cincotta of Pepe:kr, Bank NO.l and Coin, comer of .:Pd and Wood streak, dirtelly dppoeke Chin Ho _ ....._ .- - ,llVE4ire Wall IMIIIMI ebio; ' . Lutisnau . . IT I.4llranky, Illtssoaii, • • Bank Nato% • '""" th *"' "11::17)Liaz a SONS, neon . • ' M. riet Ct. g oeeeF: o 0 N o v i r an kr—:-"jaht "rk buw.tpbl .. rd • • Coast.. .0y for .it. by N. 110121NiS BONS. KI•13 Wark es et IaISCELLINEOUS. R10E.1218 & HAWORTII, FCTIENIN43 :DISTILLERS, and Ten and Wine Iferchanu, East alde of the Diamond, Piusborgh, • _ ere notr °demo of th 7, eery Immo prices for colle t Rectified eVhiskev, liin lend Demedtie Ittandyt oleo, French Brandy, holland tilt, Jamalr. Rti`fimt Loe- Jon Oitt. Irish % hie y, Rein, der. Fort,ShetrYi Mc. delta, Chempegne,Thret, Maloga, Tenet. reldh Lidoid Violet Wholeeele& RoIW. .0 DIUNTI PAPCR—Aternie on band or rondo to 'D older, the voriotti vivre of Printing Paper, Rag Wreppiug Pitnertermen, Medium, and Double Crown Uwe sway, Wrapping Paper; Crown, Median ,land DooMoCeowifroet thrice raper; PaeteboartLacc.d.o. %V P MARSHALL, US Woad at, magi' . Agent for Ciloton 40TICYde JOHN WAIT A. CO. have removed their stack of Groceries to the eypeatte aide of Liberty at. a,5 VIYOMAN IN AMERICA—Her work and hnr ward. By Maria /Hammitt, author of "Muir,. Coantercharms," To Boom sad to be." I Vol lumo. Latter Day l'amphlem, L—Tba present limo. Pr Thomas Carlyste. Cnamsram..-51cmoits of LIM and Writings or Thos. Chnlnters, D D., L. L. D. Pretections on Butler's Analogy, Patsy's Evidences of Christianity, and Hill's !Antrim on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures and four Addrewes delmered In the New College, Edinburgh, by Thomns Chahacra, D. 0., L. L. D. Vol Innto. ; c,tstn—ldle of John Calsin,nompiletfrom authen tic sources, and particularly from his correspondences. By Thomas II Dl.rs with portrait. I soil:hap. For sale by B HOPKLNS., .p 47 72 Apollo Buildings, Founh - - Combat Combat to VICS,9 Liv a r4 , o ,: l i k 10 do do very fins; 12 "' super EngllsE ; florn Redding; 5 Pocket Combs; 500 "• " Wood " 1000 dor ava'd Ftee Ivory; 30..! . 5he1l Side Combs; 10 " • super large Buirnio; 200 gro'ss used Side Combs; reo'd and for sale by febs • C YEAGER., 1119 Martel in. Duff 11 °Mandl Buff flollandl. T ARF rec;ia N erse e ve 2— ral Th e faa w a . r i i i ne c kris k alte b s i t . lti Window Holland, to which tir'erould moat respectfully call the attention of his customers and the public in general. Tr a y et Were ROOT., 75 Fourth at laud anion. AFEW very fine GUITARS, Jan reed from tea celeenned manufactory of C. F. Mania, and for sale. by Mans J. 11. MELLOR, SI Wood at. nooks Jost Itsselvea. Complete Works of John Baur.; 2 vol., Pao, in 1 vol, i/lnattMed; martin allt and gilt edge. hlimbelPe Biblical and Sabbath School Geography; new Work; I sal, Town's Analysis and Speller. lure of John Q. Adams; by Wm. IL &sward; I sal, 'bug; morlin Poems by Mrs.unn; t vol, Mao; mnellni South's Seroions—Sermons ;trenched Upon several. ieeninne,by Robert Smith, D. 11; a now editlonol role; including Posthumous boo . Discourses Ssmo-4 sok. in 2; sheep, enrol For mile by R. 110P/CMS, feb2l • Apollo Bolldings,Fonnh st. EAGLE FOUNDRY IOU", IVICHGLSON I •. W. 0. FATS.. THE underogned,aueecosars to Anhurs tr. son, keg leave to inform the citizens ofiEttaborgh stid public generally, that they have mhoilt the EA- SpUNDRY tout a:e now in Coll operation, and have sahrh'of their patterns Toady for the musket:— onionsjst %Vlach are tfisskiug Strives, cool and Wood Stoves{ with a splendid air-tight Coal Stove, which is now supereeding in other cities... thenom:non round Stove. Alto, n canon coal Cooking Stove, well adap ted for Small with a full anortmen; °room. mon non mantel Orates We would partieuintly Ow attention of per:cons ',adding to call at out warrhonse befon.liutellaning, and roomier a splendfd article of enommelled ;rotes, finished In fine style— eahrel y new in this Musket. Wan:boom, No.lBl. Liberty at, opposite Wood at: _NI_CIIULSON_ft PAYNE PITTSM7U6II IMPORTATIONS. C. YEAGF.R. Importer and Wholesale Dealer ;In FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: Sign agile. Gilt Comb, Ind ,Market st., Pittrhargh, pa. ' %I:esters Merchants Pedlars, and others viattine Pittsburgh to purenase ' Goods, are respectfully invited to roll nod examine the esteuslve assortment of Eng lish, American, French and German Fancy Goods. , All Foreign Goods this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and purchasers may rely on get ting goods from brat hands. I have the thrgest assort ment of articles, In the variety tine,ln the city of Pittsburgh—ell of which will be sol d for cosh or city acceptances. The Stoat consists, lu past, of la ce Goals, Ilesiegy, Gloves, Ribbons. Silt Craver., Stressed Patent Threads,Scwing Silks Sprgol,,COtton, Tap., Suspenders, Etutions, Pins, NCI. dies nod Gallery. tic:o std Thlver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all knula of Crashes, Combs and Razors, Percussion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk At Cotton furies, Asyeetheles, Steel Pens, Alasie Doges, Carpet lisp and Baskets: Condones, Fladroga and Trimmings. Toys and Fancy (foods; to,ether with a large verbs ty of Fancy and Staple DR% GOODS. C. YEAGER. is also agent for the celebrated Lens caster Comb. ; nowt: _ _ FOR Couch', Coide.Asthmo and Consumption! Tim GREAT AlEi ONLY nion:DY for the curs or do Bove th e rm ic', is the. HUM/ARIAN BALSAItI OF LIFE, discovered by the celebrated Or. Buchan, of London, Englntul, and Lutrodnerd into the tinned Biatea ender theimmedinte superintendent° of the Inventor. The extraordinary eaccess of this medicine, in th• ewe of palmer.ary disetmes, Walla= the A.Merleau Agent in soliciting for treatment tha worst possible ea" 03 that can be found 'tithe community—eases that sack relief in vain from any, of the common remediee of the day, have been given up by the most distmgatencd. &paktaut/ thi confirmed and nmumble. The Bunion sit Balsam hoe cared, and will cure, the most dmmnsts of C 0. ., it is em quack noncom, beta standard Eng- lish medieine, of known and erablished efficacy. j Every family in the United genes should he supplied with Bonbon's Iluagasian Balsam of Life, not tom to to count:rads. the consumptive tendencies of the ellnithe, hist° Le need as a preventive medicine In all corms of colds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the oat" and chest. irthatlon and soreness of the lungs, broad:in. difficulty of bleating, hectic fever, eight ornate, mad. scion hid general debility, asthma, tolluensa, whooping cough , Ind creep. field In largo bottles, at 21 pet Imuie,th fall dim. Lions Mr the restoration of health. . raniphiets, containing a mussel English and &marl. can certificates, and other evidence, showing Ule %Ur equalled Merits of this grant English Rmnedy, may be obtained of the Agent, gratuitously. For sale Ly B A FAIINESIOCE & Co., comer 0 st and Wood and Wood and &hats. lued&wril ELLERS , IMPERIAL COUGH SYRUP—Tam's Nosinne Lire Iri • • Prrramentr, March 27, ISA). Mr. R. F.. Sellers—ln justice ta )ao and your inewo porable Cough Syrup, I beg leave to state, for the Wa di% of the community, that my wife his been several Omen started with a most distressing cough. I pur chased, in January last,* bottle of your Syrup, which eared a coelb at two months' standing . About one month shies, thii cough returned, and was so severe that she could' hardly move, from weakness in the insult; I seat fOr one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and a part of one Wade cured the cough leave the other to a journeyman who nos reverely &Maned Who had. to one lab own Words, oealon enough "MOO candy to cure alb the petiole Patsburgb," it the candy had, been us good us reolesented. Your, ' respectfolly, Alston D. Krems. Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, Z 7 Weed. street, and sold by Druggisw generally to the two noise dela JIII.IIOII.E.NY VENITIAN BLIND, , • AND CABINET WAItEROO3I. J. A. BRUWN would respect. fully inform the public, that he keeps on hand wilts stand oath,. west side of the Dtsmond, Altw ='ll:' Va/alni=ut.trAt Wu. Shone,. are made to or• der in the best style, warranted ual to any in the United States. Tr! Ills [Muds can removed with eat We aid of n crew dotter. l'ving prochwed the smell. tools., and wood of We cabinet tabltdonentof Ramsay It IPrd "rh 01r..u. t asas the public w bar...with every th both, their line, Agency No a Wood street. Pittsburgh. . J. A. BROM.. • Colored blareelllealsla.. • a..UURCIiFII.2.I) have received in az jLL ithOnent or the various colon, and of new and hesinifin protest( •40, White Counterpanes of vs. 701.14 jydd I,llthrting i gto p syless. I‘l ‘ ;; V ,lThllL a` tngl i i ß olt i rs le (car a . t n tllr rtTortete ' ll; o thn, Kolb Iv lfrent Cara Is token nnintruny tun rely tleit mote; out to they buy la large quautities f.a.n tbn ulnter of them ottuttletUrere, they cue bo e eh3 oh the very low warners nogb PO rik.sli-7 make ree'd and for ”de by mop; .a t w lIART:AILTY W , _ , re, nut— Altilic•ii2iLti [OO.lllll I ly receiving, from' the Inrgest inanefierories i New York and,Pniindelphin, and elru froni Freon Agenrier, Ilignelregland awn approved MI Pa per Ilangines, together with Isordeet. Itcard Prints, onefester Tops. For sole aril Wood sr., be niveenrogrin. Went and Dimond Adel, isn ccccc or to S. O. - it 20 mtt P RY:k. m •bovo • article, and are prepared w , o PMT • soP•Mo , 4.sllCSl:•••Abzio rbs.s . ,, and m a low primp MS qsty. Enerfine bosom lbw.. "••• . Packages lak Storm.. • 'GidE O. ll.l . B a..ma d ll kw i m dLl i ;e l c fl a to . od un , Pi 6t na m b n o i lh p ;.... burgh.: Th owners vedi please call -nod pay the emt~eF and take them away. inno,..ra WALLINGFORD de CO vuTaTXlTict...—ai IiVIEV — etBIJRCIIiFit. - 1.76 Whave .11 an hand raw pea Oreaborgs, of nth% 'width for Wool Sae., which they will alp. out lost. To City Merchants. #P,PrO ft soperior rutty Pose tor hastier; 1,301 kegs Hazard's blowing Towder, 2Ut . do 122 e raWdar, The exteptive odd ltd wide spread reptuatlon the obove powder, is the bp.t purentee of its - rood ovatity. Lir., row order!, they wilt reedy* m.o. .attenton, hp, • J 8 DILWORTH aCO 'rat 3l %Vood at • , • ESPOWIVLELPI II S aka 22f class. URPHYI & DURCIIPIBiD ate •sel:cog a pent 1.11. article 0113rown• Drew I:4llnts 'at the mpnee - -of 121 e per paid; alata a grear-voriel* - of atyloraf hat at* at 104 Mei la ala Par lard;. elm, White 0041 efal Rada ( et 164 Hi 441,h1Yer7 h2P. i I ( ~i Y'l t'
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers