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PUBLISHED BY WHITE, it CO iDAI • 0 1 O , JU 20,-1 at at Ida rr:". . cka 1.44 71 l ir a " If act. ' aii.rzhi., and anal •b satbanned - • 4"' • and advertisement, far na., rendre subserlptinna •, • - nit • • 4 - , S eems Paninu ump.t Nana t As A ? ' 1 • nUnitd State wri seueP•h/edh 'nx r 1 ad -• .warded !ma Wu ernes - Pela r reesinne a n d ' • .!Vhns!.m;,, - --..Acr-rzwCommurat.Ltre —43 b.** , •.103 . talaable pvc, win b. homed. rce<tgrad (mad ...,1S , . Jr ' . —• .rdAdeniiiid advertise. ad reer received mild Carvrezdettree of , . , Demi eadarrne.—Advenisestente 'P ... . far thi• tali oftg.. IMPer, mill be named and Cum , . • -I P. o 9 4,ll 'ici way; BTAT76 vricaziPl • pok co 33 iii.kox.• • 108 HU.K . TPUNOALN,.. Of Buts County. w. . ... Of Union Cou pnty. . -1, I , .•t JOSSP.II Of WouldnetonOn.ty. 4tatlauraasia RadWAestiatatlesta for . . . . - •=a man amnia C01R11.203, T 110 111• /11• 'as fir...• IMO "MO; mar euiivy • ~1 11rA Kali DONN Y - 4 • •'-: JAIIIE. CAROTHERS, • rr • —.."' Ir . oa AssAxeLi, • , MORGAN ROBERTSON; Plastorsh. . • MOHAN, Lower AL Ci.jr, ' WALLER, JOHN /VOLUBLE', Robizuoa. • FRANCIS . C. FLANEGIN, PituFaigb. - • EBENEZER BOES, North Fayeßa. AIMISOZ, • ' WU. FLYNN, Lower St.•Elair. 7.2 • .•orner• scimn'os,, - • N. CO U RTNEY, Oils;• . :MIME NEXT PAGE FOR LOCAL MATTER 2 Tha weather cow opiteasively hot and debil -:3-,3 Atm/4. - -We 4301 mote 010apIng to tocae - coal . , , Vdf.1311 .. thati editorials 11 ottr sane/am, wait the theta:mow Wall cop to one kindred de- ; : //•*Netwithatanding the exectiave best, however, t_ii , L•lPAiatieriirtisatill remarkably 6=1114, when nom • :Fparedwith my other city in the taco, and probe. la the oast also. It is true that there is more ':"_ - `sickness sour than in a more heallty'aeateo, and .cc :reek to a slight deprecohii effect *ribose Can: ittrwhieh' are ptoducisig. so great a mortality. in Ala western cities and towns. We have had a .7faiil l l l . sl l of clugeta, mostlycoeduidtoente - foe& • t % . ,!•*.!,7 ; . iii;:ltPd soma Cholera Morbus, and disturbancs the bowels is a COIILMOIL conplaint. Bat with • • 1 •'•• -'' thla: we hive but a alight morality compared iwiththertmount of our population. The deaths ' 1' is Cluelnitati, front ill cams. avtusge shtnia:lvo ;i hundred pencils a yeti, at the present time, In • - ! - PiUsiburib, We are saki to suiserting, theie has no: to been la many as 509 deaths in theirist two months. 11 in' :hive - Cleciiniti has a somewhat larger n 2 . ;=,..•::';wortiationthrt our city, but this will not account lir the viontbufeirlispuity. Tike 11 all in all, we ' ~bedieieihit Pittibutgh the bealthicm city In 'the intable among the Pal 'a Ifni, Our Lot:ogre° friends, out to that glerioal CaligreemOorial District, composed of the coattaties or Westmoreland, Itedford, and Ram . PTisi .11.1' IP* hdo Aealiule =Olt about their • , - ceittdid■te,to represent the Deineeraol cif the Di*. , yid In the nett Congress. We depot understand the greise nature of_the quarrel, artful grounds of Venetia ; but there seems lobe s very prettyish: • I. moint on, much to the edification and amusement , Of the Whigs of the Marla. and which sire hop theywnll not be stow to torn to some: good se- It Ma gnat prig that our Lxefixtocrientir cannot lire in terse, but it they will intim!, ise i :yeaDereaaoawbyaprudentadvantageshouldnot tikes Inca rogues uu '•" ~1• Iva know,. IThe Leefeco Conferees, to nominate, - met J*litihre.,On tho 17th lost. When the mem. Wage - toot, • two Sal of Cottecia "appeared fov -j: : Cambria mown and both 'eel. patine:heady ..trlca rained setti: To settle the daGeulty, it was Ore ;l:et:pored .tty:amatarti t t or ttla &Aerial.. from West. _comehead and Bedford, io :;z4.;:thire Cambria elte +,,,,gethir; but the bleietithi boy* wreak, not stelae rank of the matter Wes; that two of co*kineth.leireheiv.ettel cod She, iiithltew. aid in iromitictient with the oe ant set from *tattle, - eineinated Gen. Iv. Jii;k 4+o IdeTiottald. - The wei4.64.0 oonGmeee r Q,, fried me remaining om tromaciford, Mr. Tate, • plaited ta noadimpaa marestaar brtaatey, ta g , .::!zig - -A , ttatatirotiatttettiati. The Widr hae a . inseograat . .exotatainut oat in Meat* ind the eid I tat ps. Both tteigaring lot - Mar, ladwe - trap will preparekritetory,yhiel the, I:6,ieeekeeeuee, mama ona of Ike comminute .2.Acroimthe * . irhlta'AitAer,” aed gives ht; The will imu4d 3 the, tut+ l4 + ll •Wecotle. iiimperitor does Rot sestet atipaica to Zech. aittasaaaa the pipers of tie District Ira lik l 4 21 4 1 .‘:% • - • 114 n ealbag - PaPer ties * l 7 the; Wmtneme- Ma+ 4 1141 lieWn`isiet for-ay- Paiaoaral" avows CHOLERA IN THE WEST. The sicithe in Cincinnati. for the week coding • TolyD 2 , „were 110; of winch IES wan of cholera. • , The deaths from' cholera in Louisville are atm small, and by all other diseases 'am!, by no means epidemle has appeared . In Washington. ' . : .2.:11 - ‘ 1avisas comity, .ind fans, with almosias muettel- I ',...', 7 ;sr,tPleitioe as hisf year: - Up to Tuesday night, them beets sixdeaths. With the eiceptionof twe - ? i• : kad thiew . famillew, (the Louisville Journal asp) the lowa was deserted r;....reurceses of cholera have ocemred in Boonel ....... nob ...... county, la. Several ,cue. Aare also occurred on the line of the cauller and Y,. .Oa the creamer Highland Wary,_at St. Loafs .1.. • I*/Histrotiri,, folic dealing of tholera °Muir! %it tiro pawners; au engineer and et Gremlin. pamenier on the stunner 1. 1 2 , A6 Sim); Wheeling en arriving et: 'Louisville, • -' amdayrwaa land to be very sick ireM chides fi .the HoMiwil In a dreultioti • ,She bids Waal! cUd with her, and • - earner ..of Frklay lest, lisoe yn,-- 1 , that titi .14 persons ' .... ' : 7 = 11 : 11-1 .6 11 ;:r14 1. , from jin a e= Ai tithe! , Flitrietl i grdledoti Mabee*, and 'was buried /S Ilasser of the 17th instant, ups: • .40 Ur. anted that things , begin • ssui IDOI7 about town once room.— tater all,Me weeder Mum , that so many ate wow LICA ' Green ~.....se*.es,ertmlediencgreelt erne, , quay eat. s• A.,IfigkOULINUW", UAL LOAM was no such vial. - ' oasis in; our addet,sad thea•therw who 'aro thus mural at,thrres,,,,.:‘,htd, _ comes them - • , • 1 Irittg.or 'comity, ityr.!"ige i .: Leland its learn ibaeMr. F•Pi' ,,l llx, roams -srtit.atFloentaiuld.. • Pgmra not known all'. alea,.ww•Ook.,; d , ii „i Several other deaths, by' - -tore,4iiired is thai*uty.:(9i,iiseriaj ~• ritigtles last Week or ecr, sad "lel we hews ibelettiat." - t 'g I:l4ebeferalins broken oufliil fiedeut form at '7 4Hadiaua. Eiiifaseraliiivokflaie4hcre on 4.• ( I ^-IbilnidAy;lla4 Alb 7110/41111N", T 411kittialisirillo Journal iay thififte cholera is l • rte al Pedirib!irt,.iddtua, lima' bad iiittinvoe meal, the taborets- on tlie taut] SOUti qo hemmed 1 dissent itt EisusvilhSduriontiset weak. •.. a• 4biliOli4trej *cm pletrya,oo;i °D° /C. 3„ Tbete.were '9 baths by oboteni at Nashville du. Jr4l*4°-IWeiineatls* 4119 . '44k *. • WM! • t ' /.2 death.la Sr Lona . airing. the: kloaiaT, lay 13 of rbicti '77 were' • • ' 7 • • 1 1 .114 . 1110A6AVgdti/pY Soso. I Mitsrankie farad' ka*-bein , eliegrixtej: , wpm that rodividiel lands sad ' mortgages held by fie einem:my. This wave!, • .she csiopletioer iefni Watt Whitewater. The 'find stOiced is MAD. 0 1 / 111* PTill3l7noir .=UZOIIM.IV[O PO O, rsa. rcrtmbiinwlOphmedieith,t, kg Withinton ri 10 ar*dkiiii a close.:.:, idged dat Mr. Gi dd kits ha, th 6 . 1 .1 1. 1 4,, cltha Obetila Punt 'llPersS°l. upgq;hiiolgaappiica• boo fee them,aotwithalan dame) of the Let 'SeEralee;gaineigarectift:' of the Boston AUu was freerrogated uto the tio. thorabip of the letter la which the charge wu made.. bot- refused to- 'tempt -•TM Co®itne use, at tie haat aceohat, were deliberating on their coarse -relative to hierefeed. " ' ' ' ' .'Tat PzsTroant —The •Locofoco State Convention of Ohio, _which asiendited bna, on the 'Foinitit of July, .in the following um.• quirocal manner itiontined die enlightened policy of the tayhie Adminfamtion, relative, to slavery ma the new territories; in dellenee organ 0 4 a'''. :Wintiutgtoo Union:: !.Remmima. This we . hmii with waimthmti timm‘m: lion of the people of .Cedifonals and New Merino, In the farmed= of governments foe themselven, and we Maid eci their. admission Mtn the Urtigoi with thhmustitthiahtthey have adopted." eis 7ISISAJIBI3GITON. gorre!rpcataeu:s Oft Pludurgheasette Wmzunirito. July The new Cabinet dad =take pentagon or tbeir. °Mese yesterday. • It to eipncted that they will 'do Jot* day. - Mr. Pearce has positively declltti ed; and Mt. Bani and Mr.. Crittenden have an., carded.. The. &pertinent. of the interkov: Rio gurnitht, beniyen either to Mr. Dann or Mr. -McKenna& The Wended Mr. It. allege that bti name wan ea tie the of the* appointments As It stood on Fndayaiaht tut, and was Calf atiOak aq a, the Itollifted conatoelool of Mr. POoroorto swept th e =thaw tattleh had been pie vionsly 'tendered to bin. The mutts Of cake will be tak en today, at ten o'clock, by Mani Webster, ceneh t . and Hill, veto are the ontrioetabera taim in the city. by. Bake is In Now York, and ill! We are drawing towanii a votoOpott the Corn. promise or Omnibus Bill in the Scalia. Mr. Clay nude hie anxiouslyexpected eloalsig speech upon It to dry, and; as h tun opposed rd the measure, 4 ant happy to best testimony to the high 'and gods . tent wormer In which this venerable Nestor ot the Senate boruhintself.. After pouting ant agtpunents begin eittoggested fin two hears armory, Kr, C. was set apon by Messrs. MaCON right, Satuwill, and others, bat repelled UM@ with the ease of a wag brushing ?neigh his towering undue a strip sling hound or two, who hare separated front the pact --HQuaare et) - lonic& PIAITINZ Wunn DZATII WARRANT SION ro.-- .7 13e Boston Triner-ript cOaturday *fiefttao/1 Protestor Wender is said to have been frilly prepared teeth* decision of . the Executive Conn— e4—at least, when he learned it from the evening PVllerv, he did. not *Ovid In be dimtpkaated. - lire wife and three daughters, also, fdr. Staler, rate of his counsel, had an internee/ with biro MOW yet: It is understood that Prifeasth Webster had ex premied earith that if he were to be executed. an early :day ardght be Axel and that hit, [easily might bra kept in ignorance el that firer. For e bang time the homily have abstained (rare reading say newapaper whatever. - , The pratenerivaa visited WS morning by High Sheriff Eveleth,' mite them! Dim •calmand appa. reedy retained. Prothorr.Webster had probably long *tae abandoned elope of the favorable action of the Governor lad Council. --His Excel. lency;tho Geier:or, - has armed his atoature to the death warrant, attach biabeen defy transmit- . The Journal wilts( Prof.lV:a43lly had not when they 'visited. Wm, on r3 . rantday. limed nf innidenal on against ' . Dm= or vitr. Due. or dur'sancie.—The =et important lum of Dears, brought by the Atlantic, lithe death of the Dote of Cambridge, brother. of thehde Winn IV. The deceased - prince was the sevenths= egging George HL- Ile suborn to 1771, recelved his earliest eduniallon it Sear, and finished tds studies at Gottlageo. min u hi, age *towed, the prineeenteted the anatand, erperieneing . much active service; be was pm: meted from rank to rank; until la 1813 he aUirn• ad the distinction cf Field ldarshaL Rococo af terwards became Governor General of Hanover, and continued to 11l that post undid,. accustom at the Date of Cumberland, is 1839, to then thmise et Efitiover. Jib' subsequent life preownedw fea tures of Were= He liberally begowedAf. his slew= emoluments in the car= of chatty. His some eru lobe found as a patron andt contribu.' tor to many most valande innitationa, 'and he loolidelightla presiding atbeaorrolett kvivalsand analverurr dinner; where, though winnow the alighted oreteasivave eloquence, the fowl:sea and ionhommie of tic maulers, and hint simple straight forward earnestness of speech, used make him an voiv.rtal farorite. His charade; yr:shank. genetsaa and manly, and LW &spoih tout untinnutv tend and eendienteendlng. • Hit earnest, high mind. d'patriodarts, his genial 'yams..- . airing dispoindt" no and the =Arc pan he war wont to tote in aithe prominent chortles ends day, won tam no small degree of popolally among all elutes. Though be petideal dou were intelligent and fins, bi toot bat ropy. little put lathe active, striae of panties. His bin speech In the Hoer of Lords was delivered on behalf of the Bishop of leaudon's recent: Church Discipline MIL • The •lince died ter hisllD year, leaving henna Lim one son, Prince , George on Cambridge, and two daughters. His disease is said tote= been gout, memplitated with dime. den of the stomach.—X. Ft Coterie, Tar Clazzor Dam H. PlAllloll—Tbe tower of the present staid of mind of Daniel H. Pear. ion, who ordered eteetition,on Friday, de day,) at E fit ast Carithrhher, Kam, for the murder of Alitheibe and ohildreo,waa brought before the tem. mittee of Pardcnta on .Wednesday, tott ne actioq meshed.' The rear nrof Dr. Luther V. Bell to his eolleageesupon the . Council Committee on Pai— -1 dine, relative to the - ntoest restpottajlity or tike dentneib. 'at the ante be committed the'deed, tem bum pablialuNL 4412 inciphilathis the (sable the esitt,ibe ovidenceofestentation before, redee lion ud ertireihnent wire quently to the coda.. nation of the mintier, he coma to the famine conefaalon: . . "That Pearson is tuit.. pointof intellectual powsr,to be ranked talkie:vermin; and it Ls Wirt-. ty probable that he may au teeloor *be average of the great Meal of the species; but the undemign ed has been unable to 'teeny thing in Ma history —bin coavenstioe,. as given by thoso witoessere: or in the immediate act oft-time, which under any possibto employment of the wor d imbeeiluy, would include hun—nor any diefixt in'undertranding, or moisture:ability; which would not exonerate the peat majority of snug doers as well as Ken. -- Even wreathe glade of Interiority such an to a cne a Momentary doubt, in the abstract., an to hie &mu to meet the legal consequences of soma of his ems, an luqulny into his capacity, as relates to the specific - deed of homicide, would Race itaelfin upon one minds . , • Waimea conceive that a man of memo poxeM of t o maple led into acts of ulnae. tArellpeCt to 'Web hts power of judging maybe feeble , and should: in the e ye of God lead man, quail* the extent of his reeponiitlity. into of very toarcapacity may alter a counterfeit Ago because oomebodybae passed it to him, end he -cannot cemptebend tow la can-be very faulty to, do ache has been done by;: so Imbecile tout may, steal became betas been robbed, and may hue a nune Idea that 'Os world 'owes Win tiring; lee sachems mere} should not touts deaf car.-:- Hot what grade of eapacily.is them.altort of able , luta alemeacy, which does nu clearly Oedemata thoi, guilt of unit murder—which cool possibly" trait , d etttla sittakit fir `PteOPtlb t Thou shah do no• Murder r. • e . • Death or s. narig...cpuitur A great beieaveAt hantierallen vn as. &lea and correspondent ff.) s..ddargaret Fntler, Onuti• ten thaoll,-wlth her bullhead - and child, (the War about 2 years old) were all - drowned in the.'ireit stifle of Thuraday end Friday last; by which the brig Blizabetb,2thetein they had taken weamin at Leghorn kir this city, was wrecked on Fire sedation entirely broken up nod wished in pleces,Lin thireonne of Friday, The • mate in conil. mind Obis 'captain berivg Abed, of small pons• at' Gibrahrul with'sovenor itto or sera* ashori benve the vessel broke up, or were washed ashore. sr the time; we blieve all the passengers (Gee) i were drowned... Among' them was o young" Rd, man lady, about 22 years of age, - who had reel: . °esti lived la this. city. :.'We believe the Cstgain'a widow we, oleo es baud. net are not • certaia.--4 Out lamented friend was drowned in L the Wean' , tie b.** the vessel went to pieces; her husband sedan iirme lost at that lime. . The .•bild'abody 'soon washed ashore., but life ems ..bopelarsle beer the bodies of neither the Count not cm._ hod. been bond when our letter we, Written. Oteautte4howeier, they tare hero era ibis.. Ildiresdamitifslis .apent'us - wtth grill* aunt _ elnsleset, thongh we have been apprehending: Pala faucet since iviteestlieg the Violence of Um tata cuTheradly - melt. Our friend and corm*. icladell_ad been absent from Oat illy about Gni; Mra'mtna travelled throe b Great Beau . ' de • • •ttod spent more than three year, ID it. , Ayordine ddd married sad - beeinie a mother...-. Ale thaw fret wale soul Into the straggle of It alfaut ruditioal are Saila teiteneritino, icianued:. , her dielendem by voie•sed pen, end min ker-d to the erclandird Patrice, lathe ItOrptrats delft/ Ike. berrigOillkge and Bombardment of Rome by Oa, vlint4;nsdes the order; arta, „yaw by.ipmatry In the. asuanotof pe Intl in Atm/ tie minender °Came; Our friend 41,1„ her hatband • and - child, L removed •to _ ,were they.havo slate teed in itelbetamst.' ne t , grime herd!, -reecrretsd from Ah4,dyre Wee rani .ed.braefworek hill'ihopis• 0 1 1.1 e written es quite op u Maly, hut bas been engaridea generalteoe a surrey otitis Sum of. ludy. prior to a., groat op - rising with. blamer tbe central though • tiefortneate !Maggio. Wo trust her moeusaripm hare nod been lOW With jet.—A"no Yarh :From the N. EIGHT,IietiIMYS LATER FRUiffellapprAl IVAL or TZLICCItIiII ikeTilet - Tsseista cosrtunnior 15,008,000 Properly-Dfits -.""GOLD"PtIUDER.4'SN'OYEGOI~I-~.._.~ ~_ lite Militia Stitch Ida itittim ship Cre.m.nt City, B.Mmt frEto Chagrel4yia Kingston, le, *l hLllii to J. How: and T 1.2 o'4oo, The Creeceitt City ettirtid trot etChogres in 9 ileYe, 99 1• Region, from Mite Voik; and IA Chug* . on' Saturday, likh :liar,' el 12 o'clock, M. .l3he rekelled.her dock is Kiegaton nt 4 o'clock. P.M.; on the - 15th, r,2llcori (tote Chegres; end left King. the. mai t .6 - wotock A.M., 6 yr. end 7 Adore. Arrived in . .N. : York. Joy 2•ll;teeloet-.P.V. i,C4agrel:Batk 'lletipq, tor' New Y o rk, to nil ots the 121Y1 ' IrMallti bri g . Matomorn; mit 'air the 13th; brig Nile sailed for New York on , ttie - I.2th; steam ship Felcon, artited w: the 13h, and sailed the aecoe 'Jay for attrinn; piestner_Orus, to sail. foe * Juan deNi. caw:Liu ace o'clock on the 13111. ~; ";,.116:cre . setti ,th tCh 6a oqe 12,40 i: ha d a n bd :(!;h th oty 11; . o nd - dolla 112, ggold , fd . The Wanner Co!debts arrived et Pinworm on the 6th Instant, hying led San.Fnineisco 'en the ISh of June: She', brought 190 passengers end .$136,0110 hi gold dont, on (might, and the mils.' • • The 5130,000 to , gold that brought by the Es= Er Cc4gartinn wu detained it Chain= to Iteelfilte. snivel of the steamer Pherotee. r delaeuetiVe fire oceured ci Sid blinctsco on the 14th of June. Oser'thres huddred bnitdings were. destroyed. Loies wait aka lit 0 , , 1:100.000. The steamer West Polnt arrived at Panama on the 4th of -406,, and wawa leavie an the 16t4 fur We are indebted to Mr. It. Lorit r the'gentlentan• ly:Porsecof the Crescent City,- and to the mires' line of Gregory S: Co. (6, the prorript deliiery of theipibona's despatches. .• is Brat lire °Canned ,n . .Franclico, on Frt , diithe 14th ultimo, destroying four Inrgeblocks the heart of the 'business: property to the estintaind ratan:of 15,04000. Among the prttierpol trials Finley, Johnson Si' Co. Molars. JJvrard Co.. J. L. Far= ILltolback & Co &oche% Elioatois & S. Bantu .Obborno ar..l3rannou J. J. Charoleau S. IL Cortleovro Cobbs, Bator dc Co. Meraadry lo Co. Vitere.were at tent 500:other aufferer.4, to a mull The blocks bounded by Cslifornha, Cloy creels and the sinter, nal Including Saresinenlo and temi g .n. T arem.w m 4.lkwYo-1. =1:=! Skate the Sailing of the (triton ' OP the Ist inst . . little had transpited Caltiornisof absorbing lei; taut. aatil tan booty ealwaity which Weimar city yesterday. Wition.aifew monthapsstt San Standee° hos been visited with three huge firms Tao two first wens mot wiih.undtoopingonsany, and a tow days mu only needed to elapse until the head of temineu commenced with renewed euterpilas. . . blow . But the present dimm m er is • ossatunuing o --people pause in their eperation*Onnl key that °MOT nnturider Whalisbott to be done. Is visited • quarter Utile city.wbiett trsirbato the Maio de. pot o(commerce, , and swept away tar more prop. ' - try y than en former our...Maas. a large propoetion ds of tria is on consigntrient, the lass of which fads heavily on distant shipppv. We roe bound to create en tftelent Bre depart ment, and also to have established a certain ligj that must be rebuilt in a site and proper moaner Our citizen* art now tiling the matter into con. sidenaka, and in a kw days such ordinances will be muted. as may guarantee greater safety In fu ture. We rekr to other columns of this sheet Mr fah partienlars. • • . Because ofgmat at, trnetba at the timed buds of 'building materials tare advanced in price, sad. for some tune Is come we think will be held above their ruling rates. The tore*" ruiners rue paying tacit tax widener operation, and all &madmn:, had °canned from that entree. Ile:Want roking . inte Pinnace will be found in abet itillutann. In the tipper Sacremetto there is much excite, mew about land tides between thaw who with to settle upon la part oftlame immense claim. of Cgs lain 'Satter, and others who have purchased Ma right to .many of the best locabdts, and hold them lot'specalation. ' • Sumo our lat. the discovery of large gold de posits In Oregon boa awakened considerable at. tendon here. TIM. boa. are very authentic and we think may probably bare an lotlocore to direct part of the entreat emigration Which is now ea the 'pb ms. Poe fix c tr, nem the mouth ol the Colembis drawing vetv cooeiderable attention' among nets men. .4.2de a 001:0001 of huddle/is have at. ready been erected there 1004, .d ascend large improvemeati are iricenterhplarlon. Ao able Eno of San FraneWeo iv about to ply -.steamboat be. tureen raelfis City and Its upper inters of the Columbia. 4 From the British colt:mice we have had several annals lately, bringing crowds of pasiteagen.— Qaire • trade his sputa op with that pan of the wolid r .aad moat of thew prodaem ire to be toned oa ab ln this marker. Prom Cebu we have • late wind. ankle imam of the death of the Eta. perm'. We ate 'fir receipt of late dates from the Smidarich Island; bet there Is whew. of knee , reak-,,Par9ic NOW. Atlld 17th. . : From Parings!! nate of things at Lisbon, tonnecte4 with the max -of the Amerman squadron. and the demand made upon 0o rof government by Mr. Clay.- • The tailmriig la in siceennt of the affair. • "Two Attieriesoi ,align of, war," the Indepen dence, 36 tom 'frigate, and the'Musinlppl, drat chug wanner, bad anise)! in the Thigh., charged to demand, and, if necessary, to enforce payment of certain claims made brae Gaited Stales gee. ailment Upon that idThom calms are unnserins and varied in dander , and same of long ,atandlng. The .principilla trelairn for the destruction of an Atnernan prioriner,icalled tie ' General Armstrong, which walk pursued into Fay. al, Harbor, lathe dower; bytwo British yawls of user, at a limo whets we merest MO with the United' States, sod being 'ailseged -by them, the Amerin:r were compelled to WI hie to dell tea sel, and estapo.to the shore. If appears that, al. thongtithe Portuguese ese ooternment is responsible, sesordingto the-laws of tagon/. kl,.the dainage done to a 'easel of a frieddly power while its their. waters, Great Britain is really,' by - the mks of equity, the party who' ahoold I» rerpcniblei but , aids Idea li repudiated by theEegllahgavernmerd, who have loft thit of nolutal to sot oat of the scrape as they best eon. The glom demanded ma tins Nett is 4350,600. Terrified Au the arrival of these warlike ansingera, the a:minty held a natie- . hi4l..which ibey,h,vi,tetldlo.lo.4o minletera, in: hope. that, something in the way of arbitnition might be effected;, but the r Anteing,: minister re fused to hear err ■Dtlibilfhdoll,lWd iOCMOI.I in payment of the" dalctswhhiu twenty dam and if Payment was not made lotthaLiime. Le said th at l be - meet demand hls pompom, sad the eiptadnon would proeced tomato reprisals. tats supposed • that the affair will be . settled-by an offer ot- per • meet-by : installments, ,wbleb the 'Americana . can seireily.refaurno eo fleetly a &Loot. . gr. Tim matter Conned a sullen An diaeusaioa in the Chamber of Deputies on the 854 of June, when the Prealdontot the council, in the absence of the minister or !write affairs, - made a long Witten:mat of the affairs, In which be denounced 'the clairei of the Americana as avian or excem nye, and calatadad by saying that tnegortu i guese , goternatent 'wOOM gis4,, as require:4ow answer to the time specified, bon the House might depend open it that the answer wont,' be seek ors.wonlol Ixterinfinumble to the looniat and diginty of tae aatioh. 'At fa thought tbae,,however just these deathe4hll3lll. be, the refusal Mt the part of the A inn:cans, to submit to mbitranoni wilt entitle the Penitence. to consider this as a c.asitAtaltrie. and to call on Great Britain, noder all treaties, to aid them inshelr extremity. Thus the adroit realm 'at pteseitt?' . • Tlia-ListPursuirespoadem of the Lublin Times antes a long letter to that petty'', g iving a Booth version .of the affair of the 'ttorivral tryiegeoptette it appear that the neutrality of the port of. Boyd wu first violated by the American• firing on the 13eitisb , Itl cooecqueutly that the itatoricari "elelso tor damage for thelose of the brig le • lied oce ; sod he, concludes with the Gal- ISWENt V0a6r44.: have made tun ceremony in than glaring the oplidOn I have formed of the General-Armstrong because I have no-doubt the' Pertognese government vain vortiene to reject it In toto, and tnay'cradoesteni exploits( 'ott;the 11th of July, will make, a• maw, arge...4l interest; balsa moped/as Sid othetolahree Included In the-'I ultunraYlW, a Council of layano is about to held: I 5h11 . 4 .00:1301114101. refrerellbClll for • Mame letter 4 cod show Ine'prounals updn which I Wok +nom of ihem Matto feuridearrhan. that of the Goieral Armaroog, although equally extended anon the Pacafien scale, to • total rat about Slika.- DIATSVI or Dm rtsoulinsa Man—Gen. Main ire, who eetired tor mobs, ; year. lit Attica; and who commanded • brigade 10 the army in the Kamen expediuoo, died -m Paris on the Gilt Inst. . Admiral de- Menges, one of the most dirdiar goished naval' odieer iu •Prenee, died' at Pawl, it•ar,Puill, on Shit same Ail, The leading article . al La Pl(Ilf of nondij, OitOodlog to more then four columns, end embed by ht. Goardia ' is devoted to • penegyria on the We Sir ttabert Nei, between whom and Colbert sad Turgct a parallel la Militated. Fa•-• - .11/LIPTTNI'DISIINION spazipit., • .zienrjr.ci.viam.....t.itosu flir r iiis!derisje;wi Minotay, Mr. Clay was very alien on the Rmr. U. Barnwell Risen, of South' - Carodna:for a dissuuo" n speech, recently delivered by•lthar at Charleston. 'ln nevi of this'apeech Mr. 9..dpolved that Mr. Meta was a "fritter and deserved* trailDA fate, : ' it !labia been cot ., idpreted. —The Maximum papers bring u a full reportiat Mr, We. speech, revised by him. eel!, which is 'a leinpfij argnment in favor of an frunediate dissalutinvol the. Upton, provided neither of the tartj,altetruives of the Nashville Convention be adopted by Coegnu; which he does not eipect will - be the case, In the intro. 'doetion to his speech we find the: following sig. - nificant sentence: ..I invite you tri It calm and 'mom considers grin of your conditionanthe Union, in order that yon may properly do your pert in the grand dnunia of dissolution, widen, it appew to me, mutt tato place at no very distant day." • And in suotherpouitet of hie speech be lays: bring of • any reAmmulon which arill bring the government back to the limitathatoss f the- ConethaUon—despairing of any amendments of the Constitution which will glee us new guar suttees. I see but ono coarse left thr the peace anti Brasilia's: of the South—a dissolution of the Uoicse. • • * *Looking tattle put--looking to the nature or things, I deem all ;chance on the good faith of the tree Sulea, to protect the limitation of slave. y in the South, vain and facile. - The South must protect luelf. Its tome is It la Congress and in the Colon, because It is minority. To give to our people that protection , and peace, which the Constitution and Union woe establish. ed to secure, the South must sever the connexion li with the North.* He, thou pftweSeht to dila the advantages which, In his opinion, will accrue to South Cups , Una hy ■dissolution Or tha Union, concludiag with the folloWing uiat!cal peroration: • .. , 11 have thus, felon, citizens, flailed my word; •Ilave spoken with open breast to you this night ,of your ,preseot . Condition and future', political prospect& • For the Sentiment,. I have uttered, end the counsel I have given, it may be there are some who will be ready to exclaim—triton! A bettor tewhet sod to whoml To South Carol. nal. It Into save her in herrights, institutions and sovereignty, that f would counsel disunion..Ttai.• for to the constitution The comaitution has no existence, under the constructions of consollda. ton sod the base purposes of abolition, to which It is made to either.e. Traitor to the Union I— •There is no Ortiosi pritimut the constitution. That is le bond and condition. Drstroy the one, end all faith to the ether 'ls absolved,. , Pintit towards both, as the government is 10mb:deleted, are- lc. conipablile things. To maintain the liplosi is to acquiesce in the destruction of the constitution; and to maintain the constradon, womn.st dissolve the Union, to afford the oily :hence of its restore. lion. ,00.0iX1 10000 D 100 QUO 4sllololl 000 LOAM 40,0110 0,000 X)000 Dm let it be-that lam *traitor. 'the word has no terrors for Wei tam born of Traitors—vaitors I.F.ogland, lathe revolution in the middle of the 17th neldnry-Azilitorii agile in the revolution of 1730, when under the lead of an ainostra, &Mat Canaille was frescoed from the capricious rule of the Lord's peptic ors, sod traitors again it the ievoldtion of 1776. 1 have been born of traitors, buttnatik God they bare ever bodn traitors in Abe greet cense of liberty, lighting against tyranny and oppressirms. Such treason will ever he mine whilst true to my lineage. ;But If 1 hem , tight, 1 am sot the only traitor these peoloun times have produced. I too sorrouuded by a host of traitors ready ho strike kle equality and indepeedenee against those aseitions incendiaric*--thoto real traitors, who wbald convert the Union into • hood of infamous ilegredahou, or a cotdon of tire to consume the South. Returning tram Nashville, through the interior of our Stateil teethed, that the people in one of oar upper Districts, o..aring that the Nashville Convention would he • Callum were already seta toting th e policy of South etrolitia taking her rights hita ber own bands, aed acting alone In their vindication. Thera wet the tree spirit of old South Cambia, and I think I heat it proclaimed ia your cheers, that she at least will never submit dithontimbla eultection and ruin. She will jolt her sister Suet" et the Sends, or.support any of them, in all expedicots for redress they may pro. M-lad is content ever to fellow rather than to 3111, if they atnal., kneel down to a rev. ernment without iimitati.ioa .11 its powers, ardor thou control of the Oonsolidationieth and autdday. try propagandiath of the North, she will sot ash. mit. If blisolatippi abandon orb:sive sad true in councils.' in field—the firm to sound the bugle which Yu called the South together for the tin. diestinn of bar tights—and A lobarno, where to many of our taus hove &Mod their homes, and, WO hare 1 ° 0 .4 keyed, hive sided in emling an in a richer clime a younger and fresherliberty — 4 parer aid loftier hatred cd. tyranny—sod Georgia, the Empire State of the Booth,• proud of her ®ulars siid strength, but prouder still of that free Writ and dad:altos coange which never yet boo tonged lathe maintenance or her rights, sad Virginia, the Okt Flog Ship of the Bosh, to whom we will all yield It ate yields not herself, to lead es on to victory and redemption...great in spirit and wisdom, and uncoagmtnible as she is great—and afe•ducky sad Tennessee notonly standout us, beg as some of the.. *tate-men 'aye trelltaniatto pro claim; titian join with sholatentoto and ream:gala. taming to sabjezt es to the domino, of the tree Stotes—otoll °oath redebtot oubmlt No--rte---my friends` timelier States bare be. loans' struggled succoolfulla for their iudipeud• yore sod fteecom atilnet Su aconite odd.; sod if it meat be, we no make ono hrace, /301 F, lag, des• parole struggle to our rights and honor, etc tie poll °throaty is stretched over the bier °razz dead liberties: To meet death a tilde sooner, tor later; eau be of come queues to very Covet us; whits duty performed, may remain in Its effect to mug generations, and a fair tame live forever. Look; tog to that undying reputation, which boo ever iillewed every people who have dared all to pre terve their liberties, and have conquered or per. Wood netiy In their defence. Instead of 'honking, we might pant for the trial Which *tuff hola.e South Carolina to this great controversy: Bat we wish no foolotlon.We desire peore—we desire liberty—taupralea'and Lb,rty which the comm• tint was intended to mere, but which hos been barely wrested - from no by sectional (ooatiuom, avarice and ambition." Reath of Sir itobrreree/i • The death of this distinguished nobleman .hat been barely unounced by the telegraph. The particulars of the lad occearence, which have subiiquently appeared, mainly confine the origin • nal account; but the following narr , ulve,from the Daily NeWr, gives apparently the most anthentle and connected statement of the minnorAn which the catastrophe happened, as well as of whit Wallowed afterwards, up to the Period of the right honorable baronet's death Sir Robert Peel had called at Sockinghom Poi : ace; sad entered his name in tier Majesty's log book only • few mimes before the accident. Proceeding ;up Constinition Hill, he had untied' nearly opposite the wicket gate leading Into the Green park, when he met Miss Ellis, one of Lady Dover's daughter., on horseback, attended by a gloom .Sir'Robert his scarcely ...changed Co. tutu with this young lady when his horse became sligharrestire swerved towards the rolls of the Green park,UL3 threw Sir Robert sideways on bin left:Moulder. Two gentle:ion who were close to theripol.rint foraind and raised him; holding bin, in a inning poeture. Dr. Pot:mart was the third gentleman to render asaistance. Ile. save Abe accident from ' the distance of one hundred and Gfiy yaids, end. hastening forward, minted the' pot just in Sit Robert had been raised by the other two gentlemen. Sir Robert, oo being raised, groaned very heavily, and, in reply to Dr. Foe can'. qtle:01021; as whether he .was ranch Mat, le. plied, .Yee, very mucb."it During the few ma mass Which Mused before • carriage wag camas- ' Jed, Sir Robert became CMCOnscintir, nn which state he remained until abet he had been waisted low the osnl.g. lie Men slightly revived, and again, in reply to Dr. Foucart.satd,:.l teal bet. ter.' The carriage was Aben ordered to drive lowly through the park to Whitehall gardens. Sir Robert being auported 'by Dr. Pound, and the ewe gentlemen who had not rotted him from the ground. They hod proceeded not more than I thirty 'yards When Sir James Clarke mit the car. , Wage, and having beard of the accident, came up' to Woe -if he could render any anistance. In ■ few minutes Wier be had entered the dewier. Sir Robert brume vouch melded, and endeavored to raise hkeself up, which it war thought eteceutry to v eotsc lonn ne a t e he , in half then ag which nia : intoo stale of oremained his arrival in Whitehall gardens. oh being lit ed ' out of his ea/Tinge be L re!ired, sod walked, with sinistance,lato the house. -On eettnug the , mariiion, Sir Rotten wan met by Lady Peel and I the members Grills Diridy; who hod been waiting tin aniial in painful anxiety after having reeelved intelligence of the oceident. body Pont -seat overwhelmed wain emotion,. and:would have :•liong herself into her hoshand'a arm.. had ant Sir Junes Clarke and the other gentlemen in atten dance removed her. The effect of the meeting . was extremely &mint. Ile swooned in the arms of De. Poneart, and way placed upon a sofa in the orate= apartment. From this room Sr qtobert Wan Dever remornd,aud wo extremely seeritive to pain did he speedily become that it wan only alter reef considerable difficulty that. he could be re. moved TA= the outs to a patent hydraulic bad which had been procoted for hie use. aS. formitable difficulty to the phyticione pommy tail itself at the veryoutact of therue, Item the 'dim:endue lam that Sir Robert'. antreringe were' ao acme that he would not permit any minute ex , itmiutkitt of hia injuirlea to be made by the medic Icat men..., The slightest touch in the vicinity of the gale parts gave hint intense agony, and the gale nasenet which be 'could be treated under these cireymalances trail to assume that the emu ' minuted fraoture:of the Mitigate, (which was ye:. dent to the eye, on the clothes being removed) was the one, sad that the ribs were uninjured. Ater the consultation it Was detenoined to reduce the fnientre, 6134616 u to the extreme seesffillity of ttie . patient, the operation was not completely per. formed, and, at the expiation era few hum the aaffarer entteated that he might be released from the bandage, wad they were uoardinaly taken on: Daring Saturday evening Sir Robert was permit; out to ace lady . Peel and members of the tamily; bet niter this time it was thought advisable to ex elude all strangers from the nsurtment, fur faxr of producing any additional cicilemesit. On btooth y the poise laving int:matted from between, So cod '9O, at which it ranged octet rem accident, to upwnfdl vr No, it woe deemed uccemary tu take come blood, with a vket of reducing the infistrialat lit. Tarring leechoc were accordingly applied to the left shoulder. There was no positive im , previewed in tbesatienes condition feria thii ow. citation, and he continued in a very precarious state throughout the whole of Sunday and Monday; _ On Moeda,' :night the...larmink. symptoms .ivenr increased. About seven o'clock Sir Robert beanie delitions,tatud attempted to rase himself up in hie bed. .7n this state Jae condoned during the greater part of the night, and at intervals became so much exhaneed that her medical attendants were several times of opinion that he coold not survive through the night. lathe paroxysms of•hin suffering. Sir Robert's thoughts were with his oldest and dearest friends, and roe name of Harding and Graham were-frequently "on his lips After four o'clock on Tuesday morning . Sir Robert fell Into a mood sleep,io whinth be continued uninterruptedly until 8 o'clock. "On awaking his mind wee quite compost ted; and his medical attendants rot:tendered hira.to be much refreshed hydro int. At noon on Teen day, Sir Robert expressed himself to be a . little easier. The relief was, unhappily, of short dura— tion. 'At two o'clock far more dangerous - tome than any which bad yet been o bse rved, pre 'sewed themselves. At this time Sir Robert began to breathe statorowly , and his senses again failed hirocand appeared to be sinking into a comatose state.. Stimulatua were administered, but had no apparent effect, and the stertorous breathiog be came moretind more painful. The relatives were now informed that all - the relief medical science could afford was exhausted, mad that no hope what ever existed of Sießohert Peerslife Wing prolong. ed for twenty (one hours. The Bishop of. Gibral tar, a very old friend of Sir Robert's, was low sent for to administer die last offices of the church. On the arrival of the prelate it was intimated to Lady Peel, and the members of the family that they might now, 'without risk of locreasiog the danger. oats condition of the patient, be admitted to the aParuneht in which.he was lyier In a few too menu the whole family were astiambled in the presences( their beloved parotid, whew, exhausted condition at this time scarcely; enabled him to re cognize their identity. It ts not the province of the joarnallat to violate the sanctity of• Wane like thin, and therefore this portion of our transitive necessarily omits all mat tem of detail. it lasuffielent to say, that the to. mented sufferer revived Sufficiently dozing one period of the interview to identify too feature of those beloved ones surtaindlog his couch, to whom ha at length emended his faltering hood, and in an attitude bespeakleg the intensity of hie feeling, whispered la • scarcely audible voice, altted Meta lour' At. the termination of this distressing atone Lard Hardingeand Mr lames Graham, who had I been informed of the fatal result anticipated, were admitted to the presence o(the patient, now rap. idly Waking. Both gentlemen were painfully aT (wed; ind well might Lord Herding* remark on leaving the room that the contemolatiea of la beloved friend nom - bin dying couch had more unnerved him than all the dangers he had encode tered on the plains of Meodkee and Sottisen. ' At eine o'clock Sir Robert had become so ell, handed an to be callous to all cliental imprenlone. The members of his finally still remained near him, with the exception of Lady Peel, whoso painfully excited feelings rendered it absolutely necesarey foremene her from the apartment The sufferera strength was, however, so far exhausted that, al. tbougithe gave occasional indications or being gamble at their presence, the power of edentate Lad altogether caned, and it noon became evident that his end Vas rapidly approaching. Sir Hobert cued to exist at nine minutes slier. eleven o'clock. Those prcient at hie denitair. were his three brothers, the Dean , of . Worcester,' Coronel Peel, Mr. sod Mrs. Lawrence Peel, three of his seas, Mr. F. Peel, M. P., Captain W. Peel, it. N., and Mr. Arthur Prof, his son ln low, Lord Villiers, Lord Hard age, Sir I. Graham, and the medical gentlemen in attendsoce. Strushility to pain bad ceased some time lichen death, and his last momenta were not disturbed by any physical suffering. Lady Peel continued throughout Tunaday night io a stare of complete prosecute, and on Weikes day maritime her illness had so mock increased that it wee annul catenary to cativo Sir itzejsznisi Brodie. • Appropriate coguieutee °film death of Sir Bob. en was taken in both Houses of Paritatueur, as woo as the roclarichoty news was received. His mortal remains reached Tausworth on the Gib. Caudidnto Brawley. .Tto Loeofotos undoubtedly be., • bcaaNj I custom+ tuber eandldskte kw Surveyor General very Oak of monthly, honesty and purity.;—. Tao Busten. Aseu. (ono of his ow* pony papery, mod not • seruptaouely oleo one elther,) speaks of him thus— J. Porter lbswley, of CrewZrd coonty, is tined by one or two cewspaper correspooderas; or Auditor General. Ito urauld d. carry artl for Walsers Isancros. If the Dasonocnitic pony viable" to prayer It must nominate sober and honest 11100,--ineu of prod moral chsrecter, personally and poldically. —And the Riklkard"lnoksoniluinoetar(nnottier acoroon paper,) inapondn—, Thathe the talk! Beside,. Bromley Las been repudiated by the democracy of bia owe county and la connected with the "tome faction' beaded by J. E. McFarland, of Crawford coolly, ant battik au:thiourea man. Both were:mediae, jishy politicians." Now take, i connexion with the iaregoing ex. true* the Mikhail); remit:hope, adopted at a larga LxaaNee meeting held in Crawford county.— Brat•leit rfarii 4 of reiiinym, where they "Ithoir him,^ and the Mau'. reputation i.establibbed— . " lot. That it 6 necessary for the DertioeraiiC State 'Coaventioti to nominate candidates ot tsetse mist aid worth sad competency. 21. Tait the pima contained In the Crawford Damoorat, erecting that the nomination of .5 P..- tilswiol. to • 7 erindidate far Auditor would tie gratifying to the. Democracy of this wanly. are uncalled for and untme. 3d. Thu the delegate. to the Williamsport Convention he isstruara to-vote in Gen. J. B. Guthrie, of Allegheny county, for Auditor General, and Nimrod Suiekland, of Cheraw, for Canal Commissioner. flu, you have It. w II do very well for Whbikey inspector," Is "cone led with a rotten Ihmlotir is a .../fray and the assertion that bin nomination ''would be acceptable to the Democracy of his own county" is antitrue."— Efollfrfoysfergh Brewer, Tee Snorrrer P/111•OZ Ems Mans—The U. S. M. steam atop Atlantic, Capt.:West, arrived at her dock before 4 o'clock, yesterday morn ing,baire tog made the tiro from dock to dock, its the onpre• nedented time of ten day. and fifteen hours• being the Gni passage that ban ever been made inside' of eleven days. The confidence we have reposed in the ability of these ships to perform short voy ages has sot been misplaced, and their perform' ancesjuatily the high tunas of poise we have be fore used in alluding to their speed. The Arnim, which sailed loon Liverpool on the 6th, at 4 P. , arrived on Saturday night, at 9 P. hi., Is a putouts of fonliCeil days and Soo .boons We published on Saturday a statement of Capt. Shan. non, that he had been detained over forty eight hours by fog, and by the Lag of the Atlantic i.t will be seen that she also, for more than tour days en. pevienced a dense tog. Bpth the Atlantic and America felt the acct. of the gale on the coast, and in fact, both ships throughout the voyage, amens to hive eocountered the lame Reverse wiods,thick weather, dtc. The /Magic hu acquitted hertelfoobly on this her second trip, eclipsing the perkircuanee of all that have gone before her, but it yet remains to be welt what she can do under a combination of Is. 'stable circumstances, She brought ee passel:- gen. and • Lugo freight.-114 Y, Coneurvist. feenesoondonee of the N. Y. I,:cpress, OEM TAYLOR'S PROPERTY Wslintetrroe, July 20. Gen. Taylor, I regret to learn, leaven his blues nen stairs to a very naMished,-and somewhat .dotabilut condition. When he left for Mexico, it is stated, that in three sealed letters, he left direc tions for the management of his property in caul of his death there, In which was supposed to be a will,--and these Ilium' were not opened till eller his boast here,-but no will was among them, Mid the directionsepplied to a property Which In now almost wholly Misused in Its tore,. Indeed, his finely now hove no histie, and therefore, Mu. Taylor, It In auppeeed, will not re. nun to Monism. His planation on the Minns oippl has been sold since he came here, to enable him to emotions sugar plantation below, so that that honie is Int Previously, however.. ho hod purchased another, midway plantation, but that has turned out to be • very nnyentitable piece of ltentir, nuking nocropkin consequenee of be ing dooded , repesiedly., Taco the homesteed Is gone to make one payment on a sugar. plowman. on which mumbles like seventy orelgb y Mon sand dollars most now be due,—and the middle plantation is ander water. Probably, some of the Presidential salary was relied upon to meet the further payment on the sugar pleatation, but tin t salary - la gone. Von soo mai these general facts, Chat Geo:Taylor died ina very non:motto time tor the Interest of his Smelly. He had previously, however, to CoL warriors with his enegbe teromuled mien her a imaidderable sore lo motley. Mn. Taylor, accompanied bYttin. Wood and Mts. Ban, went from hem to the "Eutaw House In Halliday, on Thursday evening. Col. - Bliss , remained to pack up his books and papers, ice., bat wPI follow this evening. Old Whitey and • favorite dog, ire menaced to Capt. Boyce to day, an intimate . Mend of the tate President, living on Georgetown Heights: - Mn. Taylor was PM &tinting lo.like Wash. baton, and ititeoded joining mom Sriweiett, this coming winter. She was Tenting ar inisr, and had completed all tbe botteehold turennements, which were requisite to put the While House, to ceder; It now boasts of, fin superior to what, in furniture and comfort, it has ever before beenl . under any administration. Thos suddenly Minive ouch a home, alibis reasoner the yew, andgis M a Hotel, seems truly had: LOGAN WILSON lik• CO., 129 WOOO ST, ABOVE Firrp, Ilea /an reached lute additio. to their MING STOCI; OF 11111DWAIIE, CUTLERY, ko Imported by late paaketa from I4tropa , and to which they want.' aaparAallY c.ll the attention argr , ehase, a l 1 a S i talr erl.g. l = palo. . mayl4lmllmtaatma. • 14provoisteliat tr DRUOiSrys' . DB- GI:O. STHANNS,tua or Bathos, prepared to osansfsetare and act IX= Tuna In'arhobeand parts Ornooti oPon due don or Atmospheric Suction Yhttaa— TWtntcancanna Lt land, When, the Urn, I. szposed. Mee and maiden.. next door to Um May o:hi othee, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Alias to—J, 8,1 1 11.144 , 1454F ! k4 &Wm, )sl!, 011losi of Obleajid Perini H. Co. Third !Li hntattlauJarre 15,1 M Stockholders Of the Ohio and tPaussyleard4 Road Company are hirebY aotlrma PaT shalt lartalmeat of fire dollars per shate, at the elltre of the Cotopenyo t 1 heretofore, au or before the WM raj Orloni !mai, - .cid the remaining instabierde of 55 Oer share, on or before the 40th day of earn sue reading month, mud the Whole are paid. ie2o3ltf ILAHINER, Jr Treasurer. 1314til S. to . II ght by the P. ' S. S. Lumen—Sir I wish to beer mailmany lo coedit al virtue of the Odealled Petroleum. .I wee (Or a long time sithete,l with a badly inflamed and. very sore eye, no much so AU b Into night entirely, for about three eionths,Witlnveiy tittle topes of ever recovering the eight, and but sif slight prospect of haying it to or the mottoes'.; attending phyeiman wo nuaniceesfuJ in asking • cam, or in giving relief, and afforded noe but little enenurageaseuh I hoard of the Petroleum Shinn the , tat of April, !too, nod gave it a trial: the resell iv, the tight' ie . ieitort4 and my eyes well, except a litUe tender or weak when I go out in the son. • ANN IRELAND. ManaGeld eh, Cincinnati, May 11,11310. B. S. Waren—Sin 1-have been. &Meted with Piles roe rot years ;and hero tried ether remedies, without permanent relief,' until heard of the Petrolouni. I have aged only one bottle, and think I on entirely eared. I teem:nem, it to all who are afflicted veldt Pile. I have known It to be good (or sore eye. . Cincinnati, May UO, 18.70. . E.: C. GASKETS= 'levitate by Keyser ic Mc Dowell,hlo Wood meet; ft h:Sellers,l37 - Wood sh; D 31 Carry, Allegheny city; D A Elliot; Allegherifi Joseph Douglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor. S. D. KIER, • lee • Canal Baehr. Seventh et, Pittsbargh .[ErWOMIII• WOl4l/ ! — Variaa • theories have been sorted relative to the origin or intestinal worms, and yei the question lea vexed omi among mediesdnuthori• ties. , Of one fact, however, all are informed, and la which all agree—the'retal muss °Alm influenee they exert on children. fisibis season of the year is one at which the attacks of worm.' 140 most 'mummies well no most tiangerous, two takolgreat plealure In directing the attention . of parent, to the Verrolfuge of Dr. .11 , Lane., It is otiainf the. most, extraordinary medicines nix introdueeil to the public, and his never failed of eiteceis when 141. Mr - re r side bpi,. KIDD& IX),No co Wood street. 4 7 6 ; • garOOVIZQUIC' /WUIf. laliT/T 17T/ONE! ~ :•OITIZ ENS' INSURANCE COMPANY, prct•burgh. C.O. HUSSEY, Plsei.•-•---A.,13tehr. 016ce—No. 41 Walt, street, in the warchon.c of C. 11. ORAN'S'. Tilly COMPANY - le gow prepared to. a inne ll hinds of Grea, l irealies„manufecioneit a , goods merchandise in stere,estin limetitu commie, It. An ample guarway ;rat the ability nnJ integrity of the Inetitathen, I. alforetedin the character Of Ibe Di reelon, who are all eitreetre-e( Pittsburgh, wen and favored) , known tertlweinetteitnity for thetrprudenee, intelligence, and iniegroy. DinuelnaL-C. U. litresey, Win.l3agaley, Wm. Lar liner; Jr., Walter Bryant, Sap D. King, Edward Howellon Kinsey, S. Giuhuagh, H. N. Kier.. - i$l 4.D. numr, 1 1 ‘. , • Dcthiumo..rom.nti Wwket an and Dwain; between . Oa the 2th July; by lot . B. E. liskscoek,llit./eaun W littz.iistAti to Aliht PAULI' C. Kta.ixt..tito, ell cf Pittitmrigh. - A tals No 3, large, BUSIDA inspee tiou,jusa attired Nod for sale tq 113 t i TA AFFE A O'eIINNOR. I.VF LL9--1 balm heavy Satralk.jaorreceived I att4 far tad. by atIIACKLICIT A. WHITE iYhtl . ; let Waal street BI E 'SHIRTING TWEED?—t cut prime indigo colors, Ant blue elkeUks. Just MOthrta by SUM:ELF:Tr & WIME Jr,lo. SIIACKLcrr & WI Lar: aN i t ) ofu,"4. p amps _ 2 '1!1:T B E d aid rine blue prias.n c w style. 'l4l' ISHACKLETT a WHITE BRm"DR I "4!-' beillteELT-1141:1"—diTE BLACK WADDING. , 4 bale+ . large mire heavy )astreeelvedLy. .2311ACKLETT fa WHITE MiN , QUITL: petcs- :4 - and 84 whine 1171 and bard Mosquita Neiting,jorm Opened by Jr% k. MII&MnLETT& WHITE F L M -u*" " l.3- o norAsel—w mirk* prime in more Irt , J 8 DILWORTH & CD . Q 11UP-51 brio noperior more irk___._. . I S DILWORTH & Ari - C/L ASSES—NI brio N (Memo in store lrtz O.BIIGA R-43 ittqls prime' 1-I.' Inv J 8 DILWORTH tc C(V I. Llll-30 Ws large No . 3 Mackerel C 4:23 J/3 DILAVORTkI &Co 111011E3RItVED PINE 'AVLS-2 e I'Lnsesfrostr Ha oorto . Presor , e , 4llasi rce'd tor sale by iT~. %RAJA AIeCLURU CO • • 26 Liberty et __ EbION SVllLlP.—trodynvoalit celebralmt true Lttivon ague; m y; a eail latjan reenlyed for sat.. by IYAt E Wit A AleCLUIta &Co MUSTARD-4im,,n sapirdiv nrtic'e J2Ljyti Wal A Itiel=fa Jt. CO DORUCA.UX ALM/tit:N-5 boo elm , %VM A AteCLUItO A CO • unsir— Co. rinAtal SugAi Cured I 4ric.l Mot received (tic by Ott; ' IVA A AIeCLIIRO Jr. CO , VOUND.—The ve eigh t h attached to a Patera Hal l: 'lona Beale, were found on Thursday aftentoon, on Gtutt Street. The Ic4er can obtain them by call. lug and payncfor this ativertisernenb _ 111411ZIIT W. POINDIfitIII Mgr,. Lie W. POINDIIIITRIA G EVlittAL COMMISION anti - Forwarding Mar la Omnia and flour; Dealers, No' .1:16 Market net, Philadelphia. NOTION: TO OONTILJAOTOIII. PROFOSALS will be Weeteed • until Bnuarday, the. tOth of Augury 013 o'clock P. Al., for Grading and Field Plant : Road, from Vee " tt r qh. " 4 near the Pa Mile Ferry, ter the Greensburgh Turn pike. no Turtle Creek. 1. Flans nail sporilicadmii will be exhibited; oul formetion given by the dub/amber at the office of lt Woods, Eel. Wale, street, Putebargh, for four Onys previous to the lambi Up resolatton of the Board of Managetai SYLVANIIS LOTIIIWP, Engineer. PiUsborgis, July V, 1530.-1p23:11lw - MOURIS L UAW 08TH, TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, cut aide of ttio Thamoad. "SO .0 per tb. • eMar quallties•••-- 07 3 do; - • *a ß che.. toeportetht ...... -•-.1 00 do. Low Irked, amaged, Or inferior T. ate oot kept at MI. eatablisbment. Hato Pare Wlneeland /trundle. OF opt ,own importation, Imitable - for medicinal parpcurn.CODatamtly ota hand and lot into by the evertor wholenale, al the Tea and 'Wine Stores of MORtiltitt 11/MOW/14 can aide of Dianland:PilW lonatuand Federal nueelid Ilegheny, near U....0v, tiara • LiORTI LIOUTI LIOUT‘r • Piste Oil, CaseplOtte and' • Vitali, /IF aoknoseledgedimportant! and parity lawns a.„,y (attiredd' an for solo at the 10 ViClq wkolesela poem, by DAVIS & HATER, At the old 4 , llbliSbCd Stabliof the Isle Deniawin T Dam, CAMDEN, NEW JESEY, wham-onion by U or othenstiac•are mlielled, and prompt attention will be Riven. The voice of the p oldie for Istvan peen., and the award of a Mlyer9ledal. and compliincntarf rimier by Ito Rankine Initittne OTOT all monotone., Is saihnlcat evidence of the excel cmte of an ltd. Ter, Pitch, Tomotine; lion n, and Spirt a oiTur ftell6ll.2. for wale wbolmell and retail If reioNtawew LINSEED OlL—h r brle 11,4 reed for avid w • WICKER:IIIAM 9. !per _Car. iTood.and'lttixth sot IfEPURATItiiI SY tirry—A - Testr dixen — r , rthle ex eellent ;timber of .he Elmta yet on head, and for tale at the ,use pfi,e of Si per Unfit, for este only at PITTEIBIIRCIII GLASS WOMICaI. JIOIIN AGNEW, lato ok the fain of Chambers, Ag. near tr. Co . would rcarieetful form the old am. touters and the public generally, that he will althea.. 11000 10 cam on the rirotn Glas• Imathem, In all lu variellea. and in preperedlo fill all order. for Apoilit.. Futultere, Minerals '-.Potters, Viols, tre..Ae, pert...num to hi. boalnera Hra warehouse is No 21 Market atreeh between Egret & Second sta. irdiAla SUCIAR 110VS11 111 0 LA5 94 13-40 btla Ifoottale a d. St. Jamaa' Kamm'. toe ssle_by BUKBRIDGE mann % .1121 - 110 Water street. Fl ly lgt—Yoe bets }lobe jot by 1111,n_11111111d. & INGIIRAM Fawn'tut,. fll lty. r ii Jotr price of IQ~q par 5.,a. to he J 'store of filtßeos I ELD ' . I. Fourth k Market sts. Colored Illarnllios MURCIIV & iterIFIELD have received an mi . uji. tarn:lpm of the YarlOOD colon% and of new and beaanfal patterns; .also; Waite Counterpanes of v.- . Package* la lore. 'imNE lhar, ma ha - Burial 0.15'0.4 Pitt bargh; ti One. Dandle, enured Charles Deashony, Plus. burgh. • The mantra wig elute call and pay the etaires,'aral take theta roisy. July 214, 16611.—jy7J 'WALLLYOFORD &CO• P1%1.11 , 114'4 GNI> Maas Works. W. lUNDOW F]nt .ll Potaborgb, Pa. - IrrFaturolar attentlclo paid to odd noes. Alto Damien In FLINT ti/olfg.S, VIAi tt, UOTPLES. D. OIRD111.111•11, nom". rri.E¢ AU1 . X .7 12 %TA% TVA 4y NEUAtt- , 4 bra cakr vm_eor for b. kYI ENGLISH t. GIBNNEZT Day CU BB &NT B -10blis Innuoro sad for We by £NuLlsil k UMMIT ALUM-15 bd. in store mind for sale by iratr ENI2I,IBII IbIIENNETT_ DAB 1.1U40--=OO !bib slam Ind for nob by jy.tl ENULISU & BENNETT Or Wmtlts lu store .-7 ;; 17 ----- t1 for .sla , 7 t A fia Tiniii__J,R73R ENGLISH ULISH &IKNINETr l,oe arid (or .ale & HEW' B UCKETS -13 0.:4m pore and for sale by • : IMIULIBII t BENNETT Eo3=l fit 6altSpeaiisln , .• , 10 Id rtilelpC,'assoTted britrols; to Al Regalia. , do In more and for Onto 4( ENULISII & RENNET[ 1773 nourS—au iu ;ion, an'd fur me by AL . /PP 1ii(4.1421 a JazdriETT AMUSEMENTS;I f::i.,-;... 'PITTSBU'RCIR-.: MUSEUM, APOLLO ;./lALLi—painswii sT4I-1.- B W. ModicaPawkier. vitormie Ot Ilr - 1/4 X • °NI - 4124;g.21111 . 1.47111." e TI P 3IR ' Admittance, 25 tenth. 190111E770W ILILL.1 1 1771111111011,; 137,4 139 17909.1 91slisr abovelinflb. rim Ar. koanakt estsbluhment is now afferld for Urn.- It is admirably str gml•fs: Co:cr i ns, LL - stares, shibittor,9e. jo wmg„ - 1 _47.praed... • I X L , Czpsrx so.V. wAniWILIGIRT; . 1)1 c.lputrisirroi rn iost f 1 FALk PWI D ' E, !. J. N• DICKSON 8c Ca* /a* Market and 23 Wereluust OM, , womb atm DLUUnf r-L 000,118,', • • INVITE . NVITE the attention 'of Western 'ant Sotslon Merchants to their AUTUMN grocr. Of UM& and Fancy Dry Goods, of Melt own Imiiottailon, tout from tbo best American water*. • , the_y w il l eihiblt an e men arraiaitety:of , eaddell". new Fall and. Winter Dress Goat.: Preach, Ertsilabt and Amerman CLOTHS, CASSIMEREs,and VaST IN GS: HOSIERY and GLOVES, PRINTS aml GING HAMS, IRISH LINENS, maattfacaltaDmiotesslyta, order, and other Irish Goothi,in past White Goods, J....Melte ' , uamtt toted loonier. l aN te„ssatatuae. A general satiety ot tiotionailncladitat Patent Thread, and Spool Gotta; otanaNatared ex. Blankets, • BtOWlabil . Illesei ted ':ShOurlaea e d . Oar supp (Inching., ly of Pall and VibtleiLmottittchlljati all their details, will odor indoeementa. IA Sena and istimtoo'noCeand upset ass. DICKSON CO, " • um al 1 ”itet uld'al' Merchant Sts... Phila. • H . P. WILLI/048 oxi kelameal and eg. lish School, on the firat Monday of Sept-nen Room over - J. D.-William. , noun, muter of Wool, Re , Wel. D. !lowan!, IT. jortit'e R. Alceont,p4, Rer. 11r. lifelislL h,TAUAZ , NI FOR•AUGUBT.-4t- Imele Lite. entl Den ' nireol, oPmmile_ • Umnanea hial4.ane (nr .Annom, rotoreora National, for nag en; Btnnger Towneind'a =awl. /any, Na. a, Price 6 ems ,• CodeVa butyl Back, for biAnson; Strlain'a Union Magazine, (or Alasatlj.- or de or Unravelled Seext, a tale by:TaIM I:Uhlkinen Le.., 2legeno Boa , Lenieo Arnold, a nOvel:by. Mtn. Mamb,priee eu.. The Valeof Cam& orator. Martyr, by Grace _toolbar. =tarot Woman's Ftiond.' Ado 11.7.0110dd Instate, and Gm odd 1.7", 0 iy2 MULISH & esrixtrf: In - seorb...ma for 6 .4. ENULJ9II & BENNETT. , MirEllItING- - -liurozcs Label, seadett.td.idtd."....i for .ale by tins'. ENGLLSII &BENNETT. ' r-.4-c"?l,lilA,titrak'r:'l"l;! Ite a ttlt ro'r.rie te r '°- —HNoLlstl .: HEN.itirr. Sailor, in &tor ind Yot A %ale low by. ENULISII NVALL. CAPER.—W..P;II6BBIIALL le emestant , ' NV IV ...Melee, from the largest' alaamfactorles In New Vora and Philadelphia,' and also !roar French - Agencievobe newest and most etipniveAstyles or Pa z. thurionge, together with-Borden; • Fire . WAITS Ykint., anti TeatacTop,. For mile at ESlV.oodat , be tween Fourth cues end Diamond Alley, ,(1310CVISOT 11111). '" 17)20 V , 211 yOOl.. SACkING—URP/W. & DGQCIIFI B LD have still on bud tew pee Osnabergs,of right width (or Wool Seeks, which they Vsllr close oat low. T 1N EN LlllllREta,lilse.OreetyDrovethEatf,vad: Lj other Rhodes of Wen Latatea, received mod eel/. Ina too at the stoic or _ .• n 22 .* D MURPHYURUIFI.D. BLACK DOMEAZINES—NU BURCH,- FIELD bawl:received ■ rapplyof tbows also. Mourning- Alpaccas, an ouch" artyrr . teach axed to piste of Bombazines. • iltitf• 13Ea-RIZZ-Ot teemed aad tor sale_67.7: /Ow • • JD CANFIF.LD. (NREfial cad fox for sale by Da2OJ 1.11 CANFIELD. 'r ALERATB~it •AR CANFIE. d o. riT 5 / 1 . LD o ; boxes Tobacco. Jost ecome4 Co cobslcOmooo s)osfor !sale fixs:l /ill OA NYIEI.D . DVAGED GOODS--Tik - e botanic orcTiVds drm ck , ..ed g it d rela l eliP ‘ eice N ::.- C 111 14 :11rn i :17.1:eola in t17. • '4U A: elaso N & co. EL6A.3IED GOODS—A coadelo astorlowill of all widths and grad's, of the ' .e4roa/e, Very elicit:, aIV .1.4201 A MASON a CO.'S I'NEN llANtliatitCHlFFS:=lZodazen auparlda -13 ea 1.1d14, at the km price orMeott - ' • • 'A kW &SON & CO.'S A Lna 1: "Mad CaPea,Cottats utd Culkoaat reed at_ /52 0 A A BIASON , ACI IVPl F Ota F r i fes t t i f :2 bey""'"' lhte _Flee 10.0 MeCLIJED i CO3 - 251114terty n. CAPEliiiesse.stipose — Capans reedilriaTii , nab byAlaCt.l.7llo Lnitartil - MUS re 110-1 es*. 4 Monlsola Amara l` three," a mild ?award, !layered wit!, diffareal ei herbs, recved and for sale by W W! A ZiIeCLUOU k. CO, *44 Liberty sr. nolls PITCII-13-riali-N-C-TirTICO dot ti mom and ^ • ' ' IWO - • rigP"*rnB7isff...;/.61471 / e t , h „ . 1 M OI . RI GAN... l for Bate h~3wEic 6.01,,,,,L.14.1tr0R.Azi:.: ENNA. IND/ A—IW - r Otiiri by re2o JOHN D MORGAN. •-• Cadiiii SILL 801 M, kr* sale by Jrw. /011N,IIMOBOAN. .111 CAS/LS Sr laaAlk` ILLACTE, iTZ) JOHN ALORAN. P:HVlZT(lrSinffrifilirby H2C/ . JOHN_D NOROAN. . , WOOL - "Wool. ITUIE biggest market jukees In Ck . ;•111 be eat& re; •J. the them:mend., of Wool, be .„ --- 8 & NABBAUGIN k.—iu !Levee prune freak Mee, Jut ree tem - T "°3 &NICOLL at foal.eetttle : onle e r Ng.3l6ll7'7l ' . CA A ikeltUlftrir.r.. n et f, MC s t i r. 'No, 3 Mackerel. reeelvin prr'Meby JAS. DALZEILL, Jtl9 M..I) Waterer. rpiNNEIIS 014-30 144, for We by, 1 brie . JAS. DALZIa.I4I7i/ W ife ' r (LOUR- r tEO 4rl..upetsnq Its I , l*,fine, IJn fAnd te.br Orbi ' BRAWN & RIRKPATRICK. .11Eur Goons A tp 4 p d ltlr k a:X . l%, 6 3 2 le a st= "1 4 fire, and it la ne w el reuderecammplete by the reeipt' f ONE : HUNDRED AM/Tiny:PACKAGES of cleanable goods; p.urehaacal front wananceturen, aod large •actioniales, at . a swat reducileo tract prices at last Spring, which will be °fared In. their )auther inn patrons accordingly., It .would . ;be melds In an leapt to, unmans/a lam well - &aorta stock,aincl, cbcrefure, invite the early attention of ;friends" and the Publiaacaldr the assurance of • test taws/Al loy algal/ to eath .tilde.,' • . ' lila ILV-11pei limy Silks, 'hap daj eeirad at '' byte!: ' A. A. MAAOPC & CUM • /14 INGIIA BIS-5 e aaca doable fG naham — at 41. low pisca oft° 7yle , Ind..ala pet Va. I a d td . " • - Is7 OIT - Triroo thy: MASOri co ' _ ao Itaatasaa atWi"i I°* Pnc....lwat 0t.e14 by f d A.31"9" j ilit" l° P "d . and .T ,ll ets ' eay bl'l, ; Pi**4l".§; .k. atisom* co. CuRN-:ca..cee shelled Corn,laadingtreos meal. er Allegheny Clipper and - ter eels by - lytel • • 11R6WN a itnucexisucc. Deco N—as hhdt prim Nhonldert; 21 - blAls that Sldea, landing vect fbreale by 1,18- • - BROWN A-KIRKPATRICK rpm( ndu 011..-31 brim N. C. Tar; xy do pars A. Tamara (311,fur sale tor •.. • 1916 utiourp,ra EIRXPATItICK. - 1 In. tar bt.b:F—tu itereessogarTelF odliid Eta f, reeelted and Mader by - i 716 ' • - F ,Skr—lirbrin N. 3 blatterel; 6 do itiitirtg7for SELLERB do N1G0L.3.. L ETTERS am remaining in thisathen addressedlo. IRON ^ irloraZlLe'Gro , '4N. Lectorea . ? . 11 / 1 1R eas i la 't ats ' i TllO gbe'rl'iZbi,lirilitOstro'VtOrirepo—adener.tiltha• bytdir son, Ore e itev. C. C. SOuthay. M. A ..rin ,received. Linde* nava I„by mbar ot Tna • Nornudrui Bridga, .11andandu la Strand Emit' thereat; rontaiathg.Syntai,vrbit leading 1011001 proae; prasedy: and law dial•eisi with . read': g .I.easnuo in yenta,. formingl elatliticat Creek Reader. .avlth a. vat abaliri;-ty jabritleClin• rota O„ , D O„ late Prattle.. of 'Ancient 'Lang ages in Sieliinvon n: 'Ate. topic - an( eaeli of. the above works limn re coil/I and thr rale by 3(.IIINSTON.R. STOEIgTON, 11117 • • ' • Career Of Market and 3d sia, tolCUlt}lll NF:ITS—A large anthaimiced o!!rad Jr . Neu., orilegiekt *riles r•lia, rims Wire cia, Waal, Illuaions, and Irebineth, waived br R PSI V A.' UCRCt I . . 'APRS-SR TEAS—We afe constatrtlYtecereing rain wen Mot Mask Teathelimet toes the , imPotftft In Philadelphia, and bare taw on hand, at tit* hi.* Urocery mot Tea. Warn home, MU L. - cue $llOO4 as .nonmed[ Or mete Riede. nod :taw. ouch 14 I. not to he. sulpalectl Ie PmatisithW•lt ma comparison, tee/ing, , emoted that,'..oo _, Teas mill be Maar equal,lt not stmurhaill...?'",' lame pOllOlO the Gtr. - - /Y 1 fcct,vaa a C0.: II Delta , SUMMER IVEAl—iKvaredrrf.. odtl6lgr;:rlr , rr e iS%o Woo len Woamrc of WM, musenr, avapin fr. riptillaudiliZtil.lnt:con°,:tilisfili4444? Sons In 'e Prlnonr.tillee ItioSaYmlt Irmo, Panetamlort Copions °O&M a...W.! .ft NlZ ' Ag a tittinalTerla Ptidl4lf permASSMTANT, Ineladiop immusaux AMIS. peening the hlechattiore orboots. FounstetU . tOIIriSTONA STEW Er, wmrszp, rltsg, *Wu. Imo aim. t - AePoiMTet. Addts , a M t canal, for ula by- MALI,I4 Diox EN . co, iYI7 sad Plum S Wttf/lat.4—, atll . •. ISMa vl ki t Klr DIOK ad rnell AU. Brq. -Fl'4lll7l= HIT - ' Wither **Wren' Ms. ' r recalled_lind orb-tat brbolesthy Mel by jy,-; HUHPIII( BURCHFIELD. O reCriiii — C—lirbris tor ede by r I yCUOUNMAXEB R CO 91 WO2ll ei -K~rY-...,..r;~~~ , YELLOW OCHRE—U:I6IU sl. bi; • 1710 J SCNOONSI.AKEI4. CO CIOCIIINVAL•j-1. ceresco fine qsaiity for salt by .1 SCHOWIMAKER lk ei HALL-4 to. just received Cot talc bt jrl6 • J SCHOONIIAILFRik CO fariiistis isj" . J SCLIOONMAKER CO *Mlifrilistila. .ifTt.l3itrillTail* Iltaltt.ST-r'lDtsiss tkonseassx, ...Ss. Jukes Meslo-eg ll`l6, Si biohu g u s x ; .1001 reed for *ale tr MILLER & lIICFIRTSoN cufsuites TulfACCU—ki bit Weed Virl s aussyyjan yik;sl kter 141121 111/t.LIM & HICCETss 00.60fircanir t i ree'd roP sale by - lye BRAUN & Reim CIOLIIS—IGO Al Aim e, and 7, Ora: Sogesjestretelyed rot sale by IYtd . MILLER*, BICKET9ON 11r,ir''n 4 n d Nre ' ~447Figukgg IkM=9 HcidAick's.ql.l; . • "- Minato &Co sSlllery,qts.• ioxtreed kti.d.b . • - .11ILLEa& do RICKETI34A do -Dlgi . 1 - ' olt.-9 146 Ggzsm light yellow, of 1 -• 6 " 0,04 b.Ponslioni la% feeeiyed rot:gale by 1116 BRAUN & REITER VA11111LN:1-3* kVA S yggy asUele. (Or •sto'bl i 118 , • 'WICK .11. eCANDLESS. Rt. h • r l Nglea Fe s tal ree'd Car: Wood to Sixth tif: DONN SOAP—ASew bss.on bled. :blab will be mokl cheep flpp WICKEiteHAAIS INSEED 011 — ZirCbils for We ST_ --'------ iYI6 ' REITER PiRITB 9 TURPENTINE--is tnislo , olme O illo , BRAUN fr:EEITE OPAL IrApNl9ll,B intik Mai% tala jy!a LIEITER • NOTICSJ. • • • r Annallt . lfaetlige of the nary holdeh or the North American Etirdoia Company of Patron, hold at ti e oftlea of raliner. Banos .2. Co, in the hitt of ttiobargls, Pa; an .I.lOodat, d!la .fifth day of L A, 2 2aat twat, betarcon the hotfoot 10 /1. M. and 2 P.M. Election of Dtrtelont of the Catemuy, and for Inch u'map bra presented, In accordance With the etuottor and bye lowa 01 'old Corepripy LEWIS 111.1TCHNION, Pres% th, July ay, in2o.—jyttrolld 'lama Patters Print. i a 4 i f q.atila and beuillestylri eellinrat ills s lIIIIIeH FIIiLII I.lolzver .f) Bkiet,firrnis by JOIIN IifeF.ADFIN & CO ill Marinas eoled., of tam sad white, green and 'whi brown and white: •nd VATILVIAB new and handeilan araka, or extra duality,. and rely neat at In. acceded and °fared toW at colt or. Id ORPfII . ‘ F l l, ` lf k.4rtei ' gill - VR[I I 2Z I •d l y 4 aCnOA Oac,im { .l CCDfIIE6 CO rrr ' r Oita Cid ' FOB. two Band Sous, Mat co n n , ni n malted b Stet=qoaCnaa&netabatbo& n6uIAVOII p y :QUOAII , cI.OIED HAMS-76.es reed fortzle by L 7 ITU 1 • i S 11.61111.1A1J611 LARP- I °bftlir isoding from steamer Coriarie N*/4u l e 6y. incianctCO . . 11VME . -9 brit vorlarldiNf for br _ • for pal; AIAU.UICKEYk CO Y s ALLCIliff for gals - irlO 1 - 19 11 - All 111CIIEV &CO Tl7Cermrrrm7iTrrnitlN .reTtig.a4-i-aisatts Isricirnirrorzale ISAIAI6 DICKEY tc CO brig landing (ar isle • H I I . DICKEY 10 - PhYENp4-1 . Lazy Low landhor for yaleLy his ireLeit DICKEY CO - - farITOR 011:--18 bra No 1; for tele by ; Ft PELLELLB Wood st LRITSpPTURPF.ALTINE-10 GIIs for .43 ny R :MLLE:RS ....susses )01tKE-+ . 12 bales mineral - mai fas tale bY . . NISELLEIIH CEIEFAE , ' -WO tin R. far saln y -- .Al 7 -: 8 F VON RONNIIORST., r• 17/NEO4-10 brl! ?are Cl!byr nrir t tinutill . by 1 ., _:/y1:1. • S 1 VON BON Dicooids4eod.,. Various quit/Bier. for rote to LI :111:1 —ll'V VON CONNI/ORST &CO OSORCIIO sums-tol / 4 - 7 iyl3 - S VONZMNIIOI4-47.1, vuirtooOr by V /Yl3. 8 P VON SONNIIOILAVJAO ... Va&TlLlryuiVß-131 Jo ytio< 4 4 lottale by • A bi• W. H. Craut , i; .j, to lazy litnotllk/tolxinson's; • .1, 40 bx •W. gortovers , rce'd tor yyl 4 , by J 91 3 A CULBERTSON. A. • brli Loyaving'irnahe./ aal piihrrrneJ E.ol.,ilet received forted!,- biz A CULBERT:4N & r..OUsn • ST 3C—!s"'!" retritigfA b l 1.01151: ftlfilVVVl=l - 0 racksp.ust tprelipeo tor !mei IMP3I 74.1 ifr',..5761111nfif Fiat;NT:274l"tht,rx Hamer {Lcnr Q.ODA A9lll-10 ciao supellor,rri'd for solo Er CI »13 a & 11AP-tat:GU liEFSEt•iil Ln qeened for sale Ey C , 8 S:_18.8111yarGIII . . F nONFEE449 yeti pm. Rid In nom:, fin - rale _Ol3 by ' , ISROWN RIRKPAT Ii.RIL Libeny.st . . Tl'4-40 ci,gats iercellred for saLe by 5,43 BROWN 41. „r", - .Q,..pketotltorin 'Tod for We 1 /2 - aiRAIWN S A TrkE-23 keg. ediro;2 V, tiri .Vi4Ll,a jyl3 J.ltpiimcyfor OWN . ---- vtati—.lobils No 3 Macke re,; ! YO bat Herring; - IS /kt brla for sale ' • jyta • II d ItIRKPATRI.II: gWt.—,to* tece,sk,l tor satet tow. by tlll3 • - lIROWN it KIRKPATRICK' W ow LS M . 4 . 8 -0 . es Waite e n N , B ao:7,Teeevutatiar vale by ; & KIRKPATR 'X NISON. —US,I les en ratt.lKnansta fOr tale by 1118 • • ',BROWN& Kila/WATRICK Q , . averted,UOT—.solno rted, for Ws la Jll9 . • DUQWNk LIRKPAI.IIII jr "-I,o" TVg: , 2ll " rjv.v.% am , • BROWN k KIRYPATRICb: IYAsIUK 011- U 6r1,110k mey . iyal fo!,:i . tie by ‘; KithtZyt - mama Itrufrzata the eupetior quality, Itor re eelved fru re.b tee . 0 , 13; - it 1.111? te CO W lllll4 h , tlsJant ricelrel for W. by C O Ma Mlt* Pi7l4lllT GLASS PAPER-300 re•rus tn, eilka prGge gdaliil leArg,.•e. „._ 1 1111littft ilatar—asacks on bane nn iout od rtaseTb 3t - y . ' • - -Cor Wood tbn •Ito bt o 1; 10hrbrio No Moat reed Winkle o, - JASOIIDALZELL • Moe, .t.• _ _xli/itoON TE.a.•—inet mewed of Y — u'ncnißq 1 / 4 1tory ond Tea Woroloto , o 4 • kso dodo oliconatoo lino old Bro. Teo, (oriole low up fit , o , , ; AI A is tf L eCic.thira it , CO blrEtt UtPotleo, 091" . I vo4q. STUART& atlas—Ho e x ' " uk WiLtART BIM rvAli—ao Imo rue , lute.'iwinsON. LIDILNIc CO. 8 AP444- 7 2 :::1:17.1 ; fitag.lers; , - • .3;a1r.10 Aisarted, ter S quiding. (re m lAll.Dtchusv a v., W emendFrear „t, • •Orly • tomNav,e,.C” AHD irristimkling's No INr Ale Ny 3, - H A VANNES - 11v . .r.K h. et t I iprokteill . 9.07*4611. 1 sh • :15". 4:"' 4411T0crhi 1100 b.!, Micelle; - 4_. ;10 Ma Ora and :pater pio n Palm; Ito baahola Pouda•a; ts apte and Mt We by I B CANFIELD • .13 eSTOr4 : .for W. at No 4 :4p tiberty std Cold W•wienekcrsii.. thrl a- '&Mal „ . l; 7 . 144 all ! . ArcLbEtra cep japeltErt. 'IIEMSPh.) Meal. Li oCCIT:I47-mico-o ... 1 1 41414 g 444 V," 1 fLutfor by - EI,AMeCLEFEWIL CO - 1V -IL. Übe/1y 13 2 4 ,1 4 ,111 trisprmalaxiiiireiTai .4*71,...k 441(ormWW1b, 941 CAUCiUstel ..41011101.E.4,-107Dam xi MC Cs 11 very .. 4111 "1" " `"" IFL.Trfr, co - O.• hireAN -•- a le Wypigitu,RElal—t can, wnticr, s ol l t; R 8 EIRCLIBR9 seesl and Gar le NM= I:0,P, Lira= & ibi‘voing hi, .EunsulabrtheititamwmA. Xf9.114111111. 214914994. --- ..C111.19.P/IY* OUkIIIFIELU2ave rneivetwm. al 14 91 - . 9 b 9 .1iW 1 9 , 9=4VM19. UurM. rent Corot- W. Alm, Ytah Yitd Bias Neu, fat eeterltiog ell•nok istp. SOMR of the bell 111 llgs Milted r saliva, in 0; br paws
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers