-1 - ESTABLISHED ',IN 1786. PUBLISIZED ST • WHITE:4 co: v. Inters.] . .(e. ewer. aaxrrrs strrateal, vats. mixer; po€l.'so , Weekly, ln advanne).......... :u . AnCtabo, at &Fanned no.: , • WO CI Or •ADVIERTUiIdaII or e prrelleesan PDX4ISO; • One 13400 re, (Dinner of Nonpareil or ono t mettle* *vertu :one 1 39er re, each additional 0,03 Do. one :1,73 lb. two weelts—•-•••••••••W 3, 40 lb. throe vreeks-- , •• • -4. 00 . . • IDo. pets ranuths—w—••• '7, 133 • Dr. three mouths— . r. . •OP • • Do. • *Wu inotiths.... IkMt • ' • Do. ;twelve mouths. ••• " 180 anding Caid.(ll Una or lesai per =riot. DM" : ‘, One &mare, erten:cable atpleastre (Pa . nam) exerussve of stot paper.-- For each arklitiocalaxame,Laserted (recline , ate for each, addillonsd sonars learned ainixiltu 718, ` 1/ rates, half Frio': • ' • • ' • - • ' Advertisements exceeding • moire, sad 1. 4 * ,, 0r fifteen linea, to he agreed asst Prete moil a halt • rubllsbers nor accountable for lona ad*. gl.s".un ,, in beyond the amount etiarged for iteir renur-auo, • Annoucig . eandldate s for ell t be .pflre Pb• • sumo sis caber advertmemems.. _ • • Advertisements not smoked on the copy war a trpud lied amber of insertions. w 111 !." 1.4. "4 4 3' 11 h i t " , d ym• al accen t ' • " ThTprivirrea 'rr Taal adverdrers willbia lionised rigid ty le theta rt4 r alsr bastes^ and other solver. Dunmore not permlnial to ad! I M a4l . l 'l l 4 lt ! a s agreed for, fie paid mum Alt adrenisements for charitable matinuitros i llz mpanica wart tonnlgO end ether Pnblie • and sack taw to be aura luarPties,Pall lo advance. - • • . Marriate ,i,,tleas to be 'Charged at min: ! • Deem petiessip Inserted without charm anbeniaeocrms pulled by fiummliaritationn or obituary nollOwt, and when so Scetapnnti to be paid Rernlinadvertiters, and talinthersaandhopeomrow. • .oicormer, or reloiring notteetdininned eall *Zen sip. I,s Fain, Eeircta, Concerts, or any ,patille eater. whets aliarges are made for admit:tenet • al] orifices of private associations—imerp•nottec den ' wined pull attention to perinea enterprises eared& • • sea or mended moratoria individual interest, tam as s, be : insertedwith she ainderstanding. that Alta =al btu be Paid for, ilf Wendell to be rammed intim to. calthe sum wlu be charged at the ' rib ol tot km than 10 cents per line. Bishop or Flat Notices to be charged ttiitla Pile% , Tavern Lleanse Petitions, Ite nob. tt i • . • Legal and Nadleal advertisements to bs dined . 1 . Rea Cstate /kit - sista' and Auctioneer's , lultrailtse• menu not to be classed ander yearly rases, bat to be allowed discount of thirty three and one MO pereent. Irina th e amount Or bills. .• ' One 1 2o t9 z as 12 T.amolnmAtuilziou 0119? rata. • —.49 a Do. 1 emelt additional lutettlon•- 37 . I Vrßra %= i One Paane,lrine) on eta. Do. . each additional Utst011011••••43 • All transient adverdisements le be petoll idtaucs . WHITE k CO. Gamma • 13.11ARPER, Put ROM II:BIDDLE, Joarrial., JAMES P. DARR k CO., tinnitnlcle. • FOSTER. & BROTHCII, Dispatok. 11(X.s. SNOWDEN, blertmsy. JAbfFlt NV. DIDDLIii, America. . • • HIRAM FLAME, Evening Tribune. - - Perratuan, Dem 1543. . • • 'CARDS, JI;l111, A. 7 • • CIIATAIST; Fit .Wasd, Peon Mum, bitworm Vilma and gala= bos/assa promptly at, ALEXANDER 11. WATSON,: - A TTORNRY AT LAW—Offire, aa'lloortlrett • • nMUSILVIO C. TOTTLIC. jk.V O v, IINEY- I l le:C/1100/ Ibr All communleMlasis proopily anromed.. • - oeral 'Johnit. Large ' Wm: C. Frle. LAALGIE & .1711IENDi 1. t ATIC/ WinS AT LAW. Fourth met, nor Grosa. Jyl64 : aAaxs r. amaze, ATTORNBT AT LAW—Often o Fidinl meet, between tinuthileld nod O. MiM PATTON & nsicacirzLi, ATTOENEYS AT LAW—Offie• 711ghwan Grant noa.tthe Coon Howie. • fold .11:111X - Ylaralaf INr - , ATTORNEY mid Coalielhrr at Law nail CO:nada alone, foe the . elate of Pannaity aida,i SI. Loa* No., Ousel Pittsburgh.) _ • „ k reneea —Ptuaborgh: Tim . . Foivanl,; Hann. tau k kliikr,•ll , C.andiesa kPleClare, John E. Parka, Tkosella A Semple; McCord k. Kiva. anal4l4y ILL.I.MS 101:11111. ICONISATN. w. 1. wootrwalta. -taunt 1160.11.117. AtIALEYi WOODWARD k. CO, Wbolesalo Gro cers No VI MotkoCat, Philadelphia. • „ Pittsburgh Mk *I %Vomits. IaSENNET'fi DERRY &CO, Mazzafa :hum of Soda tab ‘ Mxiang gro_te4; . , Ifu t riado ; aaftalf . basie . • novitit t• .• e et Crum • Gear. Reiter. 110112 at*: It REITpR, Wbolosela and Retail Dreg corner oi tiberty and Ss. Clairdream, dream, Puts. • Pa. ' ; Ii OLO3IOII isCHOVED, ,rIOMMTBSION MFACISANTAtock end Bill Bret er, No 1111 &toad fu eet. roeyi-dly Azle, egesz. mut:area ' - : • Works. • COLIMAN, HMLMAN '& CO, Iganuranners of Coach and Kittle Patinas, fiatemered 'Axles, Posing rmd Planta Steel, hen, te. Watchcase ea Water nal, Front accent, Mill:uch.. • • .__ - Alto, danors In Coach, Trimmin g s and illnleable anlogn 1 , :-.. '' bent John .Cnile. 1 • ~, _ W. B. Manner. CPA! ' 6 SKlNNER,Forerardine and entantadan ants. No In Market st. Pin blunt: :.0 0 --- hIc6PULT V & CO, Ponendcag and Cour m k sk, n, Igernhant, Cann Itaph,...picnbargly. lii• .._).., C — lLUPPOeT,MlbnlnnenneeroComMtnnun . Fo warding ;Merchant, No. 41 Wane sq - Phi s. eldrah. • •.• ' • • ' ant ant tanley....—•Atalcm PI ening ILJL num* - 1 lilltS&V. Vbr.,111511 & C 0.,. .90 lSe lON ME ICU AN 711—For the eald of NH nee e.Woeten. sad COUCTIGoodig elegetestetete kW. f Taile•. , Teo...lnge, No letViroo4 st, et a " doe: fro Filth. Patabenth. - _.' Refer, es-41esers. Wes. A. Bill & Co, Beaten.' it '----4--:-.. . MM. a. //414•TS I. 15/MM. WNELTSO ia BENNETT. (Im Earliah, Oanuke/ t Oa.) Wholcattc Grouters,Coorraidos nod For. ward= lactchanta and anaert In Pro/Saco and Pitts &mat Idasafattarzs, N 0.37 Wood al...bstivicalld sad id Erect, • ' , • • . octl • • MI.OftWAILDING; COMVIL9MON /I L• No ilitfteemut at, fittahamh. star t. Ineemorso , aptly Lee,l " • Ana . and Covaiscia. 'Menke.; be wale o Ave" Woolens, Maa. ITIMMIL Mt t febl 7 a. I. 1112CILKOX fralriXf LW" jplktra, D. O. M'C.VIVYM. toßl 4 wo , nri. FICALD UM:Curly Totuce Cmastrthin atir.tg.ll tisor's View 14 it 16 North wriaa-fa P.A. I(aZDY, • • • • A=l. PAM 'llolrAiit JONV3 & Issecousoco to Atwood, toot. & Co.) Cer..46/iMPI sad Fororotg= shams, . dation Pl:Lbstolt ltumractorod Bosbunrb. Po- - . osebt7 -- •,.. . ((rvoctosoa *6 .Eton , G. Cat;) . • I:PORTER it Dealer is Pnoelt and Arnerit/11 Ps per Ilsogings sod Borden. W.lodolo nada.. Oro d PII3III, is Alto—Wrbing, PliodiAt dod Wrap • gi:dag Parer, No: 77. Wood strent, between foarili onset d I:Xamond alicry; wort Ws, Pluslkargb, pd. ' feblJ . .. • 1, I.IBOA , Whoimale gis‘sad dea .0 et in 14e &ere. Palau, (MP Vit • drab fit,.Plo IQ Wood .orset, ode door South of Dismotul *lles Pittsburgh. • tog IiitsIDATZMWETkIei ("mercer, Coolubssiou * Karelian; and dealer in Nodes sad Flra• ,litetstaetates. No et it rt. Pituhertit. • .1111.1. [WM DIMIT, /1, 11AtAll DICKEY • Co., Mental. Grocers. Conn. Notation Meraßains, and dailies Lot Prodscs, Non II Jam and 101 Prot 'treats: PICA. .• • note o • lorotth• •—•••••• • ----.lo•epa I'l we • . s. DILWORTH R. CO., WTolesale GrOe•tyrand • Annts for Haivd Powder Co., No. Er Wool Ari iTu.yst riC7.lsaNirA7Will?st mod Apothoesry no. as Mew s 4 twee doers aberontre et Plt' leash. wits Owe earss WWI On li•JP a "" 11"1""ti "' sorcelent eftba, belt sad (testiest 'Maxims, wkiels ortil sell ea ttie raMt ettewewitls terms. Pkysielsos wean - orertiostt proMPIIT I Dondadte. ana,_ *led with Ironies 01.) roar /•1 . 3 Ir Yll l ll" a fap i a M.ll,lllCltes Piestriptlons fMli Ike bait Otatillriali, at soy boar of ,bll night. Al** tin uki slugs Week of ft j eh ilatte ol ries VILLA Itoda of Waroda • !don and Forn . r al ardinn .rea.nnt, and wholesale d ok,o Western Remy. CuI:44,IMM poi and pan,.l ;oh, and 'Cavern ?ton.. rtnaradi.. Water arrest, a ewe. Satidataniaad w.„.4 ria.barab. apl tq oINNSNVOW o. tT; and Payers l .m l .emu% N4l Mattel apt rimbard4. I . John Mon ' i _ klkard Ploy& ..- y sR. FLUrYD,:...W I I,no,Ido Gown, Connaisatad • Me r chant. . rrodva. Round Ohtuna r ibulding%" rain g / 41 ,,r7, - wood ..ad• math creels, rim Pr; • - , , , TWIN . V7ATr." - alteaosant to Ewalt di Sebald' : *0 Wade tale Glow and Oonealairm mem.. /want in PrOdana and ntUkbetth hlrotuawnten. an a.eofL bort7 and trane amnia, PluabakWa. WC' 3,,O„ccoGIIIS Y, agent tat to. 1.141:0 eitairda. jaallltan Una xe Beaver end the Laid en Om raver of Way. and rabltadnld Inn i dd s -.11110:-A:71.iy.tre1tif&Or178g-OFild. Oemmfa fiforetooug, unwillettor Lou. swot Itoletarr. of the fit IA °tit {S 100 , !rain . . , 0 : 15 7 A - liICEB & CO, WbcdssainDrioate, J. Wood &rest; Plustranrd.' ' ' atke - 3-0:81PTE111P.1, Attorney at Late, elite as opposite Pt. Cbsries Hotel, Plothsre &HI also ad PrOoPtO Mn.ethm, fa, Ws= and Greta coantka , Pa. • =seamed,Bell & Co., (Urea & OteMalus, IPlO3cralt; -irri . lEVlMAnt, Wholesale one •to ;ad dealer la )4 iele end MAW. Instruments, &tool 11000, roper, Slat" Bteell Pea, Qaills, Primers , (*Ms, an 4 petleimy Ittaurelly,llo.llWOOd 114P4d611116.. WS*" bonbl at tatkpqrsiii. NOS: r~. N; s k _? r ~~: K.~u;:: :~;-rte.::;', '--BUSINESS CARDS. GEORGE E. ARNOLD . RS LD CO.. . • • DEAL IN zsonjukor t COIS• BANK iscrrits, ag. No. 711 Vona Area, air depr ti! the .Itook dna, m,. ONES. For... Mott and . Commtratort Nor. e b, t i s , Dealers In Prodnee awl Pinsbargh mans. &wow ,' ' , out B• 11124 P6o} 7th st. • ap4 PyjY six.v. - evrzsabour, PA.• KENNODY, CIifLCIS CO, Manufadaretz 41. “ r ", mgr..stor 44 Sheeting, Carpet Chain, Cotton .YmiM as •• • :* • - jaM.ty Balicerblitid• C. W. 111 'hewn; Pliabarah. RICKETBON; Grocer. and M. Importers of Brandin. Wines and Seger. Nor. Intro/ I74ieortter of Wherry and Irwin weeny Pitts. loarth.. P - Cotton Yvan, te• Ike . eon. ..ntatly oat hand. L. , • . ..p4 • John M6lll. J=es D. MtiW. Walla C. 11x. : M%512 "°E.tl'Srl:lFirnice74::Vit'bTr"gh - ' . 's`t,~ 2~B~ktt~'~, 're ilia plc-rimy 'um =a, Iff=lfiNics trot:7 laable I'o.o s-brrNKa'ar=,,7mnd F.= us, Pli . 4001E8 &SON, No AS Market irt. viscera door s ' (real censer of Fourth, dealers In Foreign and ate Halle of lizehange, Certificates or Dersesa, Bast Note. and Sped,. - mrColelellons made od all the prlnalpal clues brn hostile United Saes. • • apl . . . I C Men 88, Aanrrsan—UPi - sT., N; third door above Smithfield, south dd. Convoyaneing. of all kinds dooa oda um grottiest elm ard lard aecntie7. • ta Rom Enloe examined leo. ent3ol7 11831111210168 1 - 17BUS4J1 6 Bee” h A.BUIPATUREBB O 1 GREEN BLASS WAR P., OLYLMarketurta,Pletsbmob, Pa., keep nottstant. lyonttand, .1 mate to order all kind, of Vials, ales, t. Potter mad Mineral Water Bottles or ea parlor tiaaltlT. Particular attention paid ba PriTate 14011161. nomat arsalevaphio rigatabtialtmeal F WM. t3CIIUeIIMANN; Third ~ apposite the O fin4olsse, Pinsborgh.—bleps, Lar.dscapea HAI , he=rollla, Labels, Architectural sold Machine Iltneinces and Visiting Cants, 2e.,, entraval or drao n on mone, and printedin agora, Gold, Monne or Met. In the most approved Stria and at the most reusable mem 4 nett:hip zioginiv*l r riTLE-a.CO.'.. 102 Isherty meet Pkishorsh, Wholesale Omens, Prod cue and Isholon Meithsols, and dealers la Plusbanth Manatee WTI. BOAT. JAMISON. TEM LITRE. IL tmanwo t ROBCRY 1100RE,Sielsolesale Greene, Reel ()Ind Bladder, dasler is Prodaes, Plosbarsh Magraise tura, an I all Lind. of Foreign and porsestle Wines and.Llquors, No. II Llbertrsikesh On hand a sery L.. ItMt. 101ErNOLD9 & SITEF. Forward./ and Commis /1i nlon Merchant., for the Allegnerty River Trade, Acaleta it firoceries, ['redact, leeabarge,fd.ufao• ISMNItOd Chloride of Lime. • Tea Islgbert•priay, la earl, peel a% alrelmee' for gamma rms. • Corse Peace acd ltavi a em. aplb DIMWIT DALZBLI, it Co, Wholesale liaaceny Al CoosaLakes hiecthansa.dealen erodate aad IPl=burgh Alanafamezes,.Llberty meet, Pinsbur,l, Ya< aple , • A. A. OUNSINGIIAIN. WHOLFSILF, GROCER, Prodaca, Forwarding, Ind Commission rderehant and Dealer in Pius batik Stanuracturss, No SAP Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa OMMETTICTiIWre2I7,Werteid Iron and PCP ftteel'Works- , biamintetarers of tint. B. Spring and.Plough &ed. Al so—Spthsgs, Axles, Vices, An 3t. 'ftey Inaba Ma attention of merchants and COMSRIZMN• t0,011.11' NA:k before purchasing elm whom They warrant thwr articles vs be eons to any O. C. MAGUS= Twos. L wiliiis. QII4ICIMETS & WlllTE,Virbotesnle 13e•lets in 17 ronsign and Dunemis Drs GaAs, No. 91 Wood Mom, Pisrausb. spl7 OTF.Vi ,111117EMIT'W.MTX.T.C.rocifii OIS Float and Psalms senors . nod Forwarding and Commission *umbras, No. 53 Wsuer mut, Piumbrah. n 17 r. MUM, RTM.GX. :OEM NICOLL. MILITLIOI9. cc ELLENS & NlCuL.s.r,Prodsee and Goactul Com 1,, mission iderebanut. No. 17 Liberty street, I bursa. Mmes., Linseed and Lard (hie. • ,spl7 S. , F. VON isoNnuutcar & CO, Wholesale Gro . etre, Forwardiatawl Contrattalen Merchant& Dealers In Pstlabant Mauleactorea and Western . Predate, lave =toned to their ow ara retina., (old =ZO.) No. 36, earner of Front Street and Cbsocct7 Lane. apt? lllntlas e. neWOUTIi. TEA AND WINE IdENONANTS, Put sada Diamond. PiUsburits apt 9 L. & Waterman. • R.N.Waterman• 4V. ILAVstsztrut. L. $. WATIIIIIIAN sib SONS, • ipErnorsamm GIioCEILe, Commission and For v7 imquu ir vacuums; duelers in Studs."( Pro duce & Pittsburgh Meendlietered Arlirier; are Agent. &raids of Ittchnsuil and Lynchburg Atunnfisturod Tobacco. • Dirt . „ • ATTORNZT AT LAW, - Better, Pa ego aliend to collectioaa and all other ban& Wvencrusad to him la Thaler and /Wittman( 'Gantlet. Refer to - S. a 11., Flayd,Llbetty . W. Wallace, do • James Marshall Platsbnagb. CY Kay I Ca., Wood w ) Jae f. D. DIIIIIIVIELD & CO.. WOLVrALE and Rata Dra!ers N Oroeenea and Dry Gondar and Comninaion lderehrunn Na. LID ',diem at, Pinabarga cant roue 11loPADEN • CO.. FORWARDING to COMMISSION MERCHANTS, ClAalBYt2l, Pan 'Met, ?Memel.- tote f3d.BIICS IS CO. --PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No.SV Motlcet, and 14 Commerce st.,, • Adnioces =a*, by wither of the itboire,oo muss of Ptodoto to edger Rona . ore D. tau— J. D. WILLIAIIII CU., 1101.Y.SALE REMAIL PAMPA' CI ROCERia , v-Forwarding and Comminion Merchant., and deakata In Coa•doT Pradaee and Piusbargh Manarae torca, earner of-Wood and Valli suety., Plasbugh. sno WFL. 11. Williams---•—• •• • • •-- i. B. McVay, WK.. 11. WILLIAM'S & CO.. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, Nora Esot tomer of Wood add Third Orem, —Paid Malts?,'-/atm • cosoir.vs, W. S. lirostnie.ele, Buset.u.: vird. BALM LAW CO.. WhOlesile GroCers; 19 ' - sIOI3II Wood arm ,Fittsburob. •rd 7 nll.ll 5. 51*1! werstneDlise.. iiialcastax.ss,(.«;;;n7le Ca.l. D. Wier,)_Wbolinsle Wooers, Forwarding .ad Connalssion Blerlharny dealers in Iroe,Naila, Ways, Cotton Yam. and FruMargh liSanatacium general. tricot= tit Wood sad Wager street., Pittabary h. ari7 Ur - a .curreitELTREF., Wholesale Urinary • 1111 • Reeurgiog Diariletv, gad Wine and Ulmer Kamm, Also—lmpanara of Soda Ash sad Bleach ing Powder, tie. - 812 Libesly r street, (oppodite F lY .inh ' PTAir. 4. •r k r l 'ond blinVwfd b y "' Vilna aSCIa. Paul one. Pa. N. ' u. * —Waielots and Clocks earteallY raPsirsas• • an 17 WX TOCNS. SO= a. Wave. Wig, YOUNG k Co, Dealers la Leather, Hides, Am" 12 Label, street. Urr & R.' lieCilltRISON. VT deem In Piodoee, Iron. Nails, Ohms, an• Putsbota Diandaeutra gcstrally,* Ltberty rt.!, rioabiugh. . Sell 1111L9101912. a ANITAGLO - ,. C 0....-9 ON E.: • . liCrLabetal advances nada oa easdgmatou. Itat44a. ' - "FAITTHEW %FILSON, Portrait and intimate LIM Painter. nooses, cornet of Pen Mee etliey and Fourth etrect, eatranete on rOath on, near hLarket. • & • lir • oa t main O 7 are • lust*. Pi0.3l Old Levee n, N Strlearre, keep ernmiantly on hand large amenmeet Brasebrs albs fellow , lbreadvoremb they afar for sob as micros for J. Darted lk. Co, lantlesez,vlm Ktalov, I.Eqind,l Di na! & Co, LAilachigla,J Iktnina,COyuaceA de Id e t ew AL. A do Deriders, Jean Londe. Sco ; Mow, Allebef Gin, Bordeaux Red and-Wane Wine. le cuts nuul came, velem led wid, care by John Durand toeLidc!Champagas Wine end Sweet Elargundy Port. • feb2.ls• ) IHAVE late& WAL CARS wto partne . istop web ia my business, which from 11, dale be carried oa ender the mane of "John Parker Co." 14are11.41830. JOHN P KER. J o bb,'—Wild Carr. _Jona piutizano. co., WA•lews Le Gram Dealers to Pralace, (env Winer Old MonwitakeLl ' and gereffi'd Mule!. • No. S, Commercial Row, W 'trot',or'trot', dylpPicubargb..P PALUU, ItAXMA & CO., DASB, en nalSiitllTA,%. l° L. „ " In- For and Domestic Esclisose,.Certificates of eoone, Uonk Notes, and Specie—North yew corset of :Wood and Third sweets. Current money Waived on deposiseen Micas for sale, and sallooDlais mule on nearly all Inc principal points the BMW Strom - • Tye Wheat Minima paid foe Foreign and 'Meriden , Muttons made on ocoudgtuneatir of Prodoneohly . .Eut. ort 1 Dismal terms: MMI!!MEMI ogovEns L AND TEA DEALERS, Wie OS . /army street. aboir Ravenlwaya on pand a L lama amonautui orchadeo thseerati lad VIM Tem: a Fastiga Praha sod prig, Wheletall mid Wulf. ,Dcaleta upplled on th. tevut war amyl •-'4lll ' ... 3 -' .. 1.. 1.• . - LI„ . . future? of If End. :oZ i andi woollen knacllncry, Alle gheny el l pa skorawarka be now In fal and sneer" op- V11.:41 . _ prepaied to osears *tiers veldt dirpuch w r ... of machinery In ny hen, inch as wlllowa, plet i o;l4,,,,,m4,pdadnad canatines, 'airways, drs ..p aa d a ,a, Weskit., loom, woolen dardit_,_ or tdmie, for enertflant or country work, .. 44 ' , k.. 14 4e and handlathenand too!. in gen eral: All kinds of shafting nude to order, or plans Or da hin twig (.*Urdu or mills at reasonable eitar . -RIM TO Quo & cyukitoek, a ft . gill PIC Gli kco ht; At nY. PITT MISCELLANEOI ronlaratmna, ail fa. winclytthr, sa •A• wEBTERvELT & SOW- IltpriiLL KNOWN 171thiMAN TILIND IN keep eonatantly on hand or make' to order Be hest article In th eir line at their old wand, No: 13 Clair/nee; also. at eits:l4l hi arketstreet, area tul stary, entrance in tee Diamond. Vanltian Shatters made to. orders and old blinds neatly repaired. splo, BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, IN riostaitism, fialiox 'PI atatioargto i l Pa. 0f.% No. - .at Wow rt.! &wows Attain and . . Wooit,..PiNatitigi. • • 111? W ILL e militantly keep on bead a road won , MOM of Ware; of our Own tuantifetrare, ant • euperiarqueßty. Wbalalle and country Mar i elm tuware respeay invitedro ii ell andel amine for themselves, as wu ate determined to eel) rbeeiWr dam b he, • before beau °tomato tb* pub. Mr Orders swot by mall, accompanied by the cub or oad reference, will ba promptly. attended to. turd -... NEW COACLI WACTOIrF. , ALLURE/IT. Al {SMITE & CO., would respectrally Worm 3.11.. the public that they have erected a shop on Laze*, between Federal altdflandesky streets. Th.y are now Making and are prepared to Arcelye °Mery for every description of vehicles, Coaches, Charters, Lie , touches, Pussies, Plmons, in., etc.. which from their l an on a g t t i urr . r c i i lr ti c , e . iLth y o h nt .v nu ,.., Lu se n th r, ro .i tti , t4t c ho u v t e t t , n y o O r m k, mudded to dope* on the mom reasonable ,sluts ?afiLb these is-aiding articles In their line. Paying particular attention LO the selecuon of mete• dais, enhaving none Oat competent work men, 6, 1 have he h.csitatton in warranting their <York. We therefore oak the emotion of the public to dils matter DLit. on done in tea frost manner, end on the moat re terms. _ lanai 1.111C•1711. JAI ASILIMON. SCAIVE i ATILIN4OB4 in nit terwrcrt Woo' sum tihextr, Prr.-snonott. rsONTINUP. to ottoinSoutre rdl kinds of COPPER. ‘,./ TIN AND Stle.liT IRON %VARA:. AilN Black smith Work. Stesin Das.ts Milt to order. Bpeo 111 attention Riven to mews baat . work. flora on hand* a Goo assortment of Copper and Brass Kettle6,Tin Waredte.dc. SmantboatCoottng Stoves, Portable Forges, various sixes—a very convenient or. stele fur steamboat., California emigrants, or rail road eamJanles. - Re *gold reapectfully liaise steam bon men and °thereto call and see oar articles and prices boron perehe elan el.sesahrre. • Jed, J. GLENS, Book Ithadees. UM are gull engagvd in the above•business, corner TT of Wood and Third screens, Pittsburgh, when we are proposed to do any work to our lint with des patch.. We attend to oar work personally, and smut. faction'artll be gives lanyard to its neatness and da. tnbilit Boots reed to any paean and bound sub. stantially. Book. in numbers Or old books bound care fully or repaired.. Name. pat on books in gilt tenors. Those'. that have work' In out line are Invited to nut. Prices low. waif. . PILL Nasals , * Works and Foundry. rtrrnozon, TOIIIII WtuGIITd Co., unprepared tO build Cotton ge and Woolen Machinery °rosary deafriptlOrciach Vra ( Vf,.. m t, m l2 ' ,. WM,kr44,T s ,O.l:Z Thawing Frathes,Locon ' :LUrdGrindersoto-Wlanght Iron Eatalling tanse; all sites of Costgron; - Paints and 11=tgers alba latest patterns, shie sod band :Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of aver, ,deeeription furnished enema notice. Patterns nide to order fo Slestutg. Iron Railing., &o. Meant Pipe Ibr boat log - Factor, but Iron %%l odes, Sash sad fancy Gu iana renerally. onion left at the Wueboass J. Palatent Co, Liberty street, will.intre mania &nen-, uon. • • at ter w !tame!, Bell & Co J. K. Moorehead &' Co Waraci, John Irwin & tuna. rausburgh ; U. C.& X. 11. Wamer, Steubenville. 111112 PIANOS! MDSE itbserlber often for sale a large and apleadO assortment ofroacarood this:miser...UT Lead Ae• tion Plielosovith and without Calmat's celebrated Non= Attachment. The above Instrunrus are war• rutted to be equal to any entnatneuitol Am this coati try, and will be sold lower than an Nuiw (rem the East. IF;ELUME, iln wood et. Ut door above Gilt N.11.--Qty Herm wjttba taken at par tart few of he above assnrtme•t.. - - tayn • F. `Pkli T llde is to certify km have np! ForeAge Li nts for re' era l :7lrlentlngls • raker Diaper Irlhee, for the ell • Suet nabs =I All, JOIL GIBSON, Agent, • .1% for Walter AI Glbsoo, 3111Broadwry. N. Oct. 1-0, 1545. We have been eller one of the above ankles at the peke of the Nevelt). Works forthree month., on GSA, and feel perfectly ssusfied that it is a until mve talon, la and picesure in recommending that, as a use fat areal° to all who love pure venter. Orders will to liomk GMT lea ei ed and promptly exec ed. cella LIVINGSTON. ROGOVIN &Go Steam Brink Work. for Role. 11f4attbscrdest odors for mie, the STEAM . 13RICK TLIRAS, above Lawrenceville, ' GOILIMMIK a SteastfEnstne,l Rollers, I Mond Machine capable of manalltetanog tithntal Pressed Wicks lent of dry clay, as token from the bank'? per dept with three acres o f land on the Allegheny Met, Am which are 4 Woo and sheds, machine and clay sheds, wheelborrowa, troths,' Marta, spades, to., glary' Ming 'reqoldee tocam 61G6CC operations at as hoe. notice. Pr Mending . the palms right to me mid machine, 17000—erems or pamnent mode easy. Without the lend, CUM. For artivelam, address HENRI' MERRITT, atordZsttf No 113 hfoooogalleta . Vilgenght and Coat lents T HEmbsentmrs boc leave to al public that they have &netted Bona the East all Me late ad fmhionable designs for Iron Railing, both for boo., ant. chniemrint Femora wishing to primate hand mep tumra w3l please call and camatne,end lodge for themselves. 'Railing will be futodshed at the shun est notice, amt in the best manner, at the, earner or Craig onßebeeda streets, Allegheny city. auritSilif A. I.A.bronre.t. KNOX. — l9 ~ NO. 9 STATE STREET. BOSTON, Arent foe Clams end &unary of Property ty Enes.4 TIA.VINO spent neatly a year in the vulvas Re , Li cord Offices, - National labrarle. Or., daring h.. ' late vast id England. investigating Maims for persons ' In thSt country, and having steered efficient aka re ! sponnble agents to Leiden and Mabetiester, he m prepared to •iford all nee-ma llod ad vine to permns who reek to m o ver their property to Wag ednanny. J. keeps a Uri of the Paoli of Fngland BM:dead I Booksoonah may be examined for 50 cents, or t/..d for I mob letter n! the Alphabet. References in Boston: C- B. P. ADAMS, Nntary Pah'or., JAMES WELD Erp • HENRY IL MAY, liN W. RI UR 11 W A En. CO,, 4 , (Sammons to M'Cord Klre) !r•shiesnable Ilatter?ii, • Comer of Wood mad Filth SCAVLI., • ART:CUL/at attendee paid to oar Iteui: 'nada P deodomen eta rely span geeing then atm and Caps tram oar establlatment of the MT wten. us and wouseuroem of do 14=7 smas,aed at the worn . . PR.2131. • . .. . Candy, Mambas,ia, parettaslair by wholesle, no reapeotfilly Waned to can .4 eland. ear Sloth; . we can say wiitl confidence that u nmarda grainy and run, it will not rarer in a eempasison with a. oa. In PAllialelobla. _ - • febl7 . 1:110111r BEG 9 Stare to Inform his friend, and corternersthai he Is Jan receiving his new spring stoelrof flood tempt - isles, as stand, all the west add most faahion :Ist= linen n f s eloths, , Cta su rgue o Let e l y s e e nr e. y We: l tr o n . t . y i t; for gelallemente wear for penes aridsummer. It being ropowible to describe the beauty, octant), or quantityl of the stock, the prOptietor hopes all Who are in want' tflnl j ee 'h hlfrNlVllTU bi the ;e t" : a rie we l l to rn et 'a this '' etre . • the Alleghenies that e. compare with st. The 'read y made deparunent la very exit:Woe, adap ted toall taste. • gait road contracts's. country eterehuur, sod all who purchase Largely, are particularly invited to ex amine thy steels before parenaalng, as particular et- Welton Is paid to the wholesale heatless In this eatab- lishment. Every smirk. to the tailoring ttne Made to order In the most fashionable and best alltnneet at the shortest nntlre. tarn ------ TILE partnership heretofore existing ander the rinn of A it C NRADLEY,I. dineolved by the decease of Mr. C Bradley.. The busineee will be carried on by A Bradley, who will nettle the business of the, late fine- RENOVAL—A Bunts, has removed his Foundry Wareitome from Noll 2 tkcond street,tolto 19 Wood street, between First arid Second tweets, to the ware houser lately oecopied by 0 A Berry, where be will keep aonstantly on hand a general amionmentof Cast. joga:.(reeres, moves, Cooking Stoves, fra. jll2 . - • - • rrE attention of the pablie respect:any called to .the following eon/beautyAlM. Is. Esnas—llavhas tested *quantity of Gold welshed by your Areometet t I find the result proves your Inattuatent eorree. one reeouuttond the ass of tt to thaw goiag to Califernia, as the beat seethed for ob. taking tka root vale. of (bid. Rap. loots, Y. DUNLEVY, Geld BMW. rheabargh,liarak 9,1549, • Printout 'Horeb 1649. Sin Having aximined die nAreo. triminfamared at your mom, I do not hesitate to commend it to the use of those gentlemen wbo.are about removing to California in search of Gold. It gives a clone approximation to the epeel.64 gout ty oil metals, end will certantly. lambi. the &loannina to ateartain when hit placer to Yielding Gold. . merit V. ritapl. • 3. It. WetarrINNYIC. •ADIVILL NITS rt : C / l American E it CART O IIu r A T . .1. C and No. ut Steel Aro, of all non, and Ulaokomilb and Oho. Harps, Want aOa band lforaala. ellbar at 1,10 , 1 , .. `to o ust Wn rka,o (Pilau street, Fifth Ward, vault,. <ad in Colton Bum of 110L1,1 , 1ANH t GARNI 60N, No 4,Y00t of Wood gout, riluborgla taMtllnt 0=213 • • We the undersigned, having yawl, with entire sat. Isterstion, the Cut Steel and - nes made by Samna! MeKehl', abide }Ade liked Writhe, to this thy, take pieusre in reeemmending them u ulna in eiteld7 to Ray ever lieed.try who( foreign manefaelare. Pittsburgh, gereh 7o. 1931. - (i 7c 7 II 8110ENRERCEB. & CD Illanntesterepi of Iron end Pittebouh, KN AP P TOTTEN, Irma Foenders and Machinists, Plurborai, Pa. : COLEMAN, 11A1IodAtt k CO, Marialactarenif Opfing, Ailes,l3pring Steel awl =gine Randers, and Meld= Card alssurartn , tem Pluabaro. Pa. A PULTUri, Biome Posful_ cp,Plusbugh, ORAPP, LINDSAY k. CO, Manufaerat era of Iron and Naffs, Plitabarala, Pa. JOSEPH TONLINI10:1,. Loom:moll. Erik& and Plalp Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa. W WALLACII; Marble Manullatarer, Machine and Engine Buil& pro or. rillAnlff h. P.. A.PAIR of Gal Spectacles, &appalled to have beta dropped at Wood sued; In boat of nuovoil 1 Purl Warshaw. The limier will be rewarded on Wartrdal them to the ewer, Re, SO Weal greet. • RN . . .. . ' .-. ..• • ~.'• . , ' '..'. ' ..' : ' . '. . . . . • ~ .•,,,....... _ . ~ . .. . , . • ' ' -x E. , rZ-' , ;:: ,:::- -.. , _. , T , -.,. --,--,,,,,!;,-,,,,,,e----,z5i,,,t,....!.,,'Frke-g7.<_,7-;ry--rSzt?,'P'n:7“, : .,:, . -,. :....6„..- - - , ;;..... , --..-- , -,•.417. ,, ,-,,,,,,,.. , ..,,..,......-,...1. ,.. ,... 1 . ,. . 27 . , :v a" --- - :,:- -;-,?',----,,,,,,--..---,-,,, „: - ~. ~,. .. ~,,, ~.. .• " .. . . „ ~: ..... ..,.,,.. .., ~... . '' ... . ... ~,,,,..r,,; ......:;.:: , :t. 1 ...,...-: ,t..r.,, ,r..., : , ~ t. ;::::.' r , ' ,,,,...t..: 1 ~. i i..kr . l . ~ • l ' '," ' :I'l . l : 1, -.:' . , l i i .'1 , . '. -I '.. ' -1' J.._ ' - . .. '.'''';'... - . ' ~t. ' ~., .'. :: , .... • • •-,_ • , . -_,.. -- ••. , 7.-' ....'".'7 .:...... , -... ' 1 *4/ .. .. .. , .. . .. . , .. . . ~• , ~. .. . . . .. ~ • ... ~,,..c.• '._, .7:, tr l7, -.. 1 1 . ,...f..e.'. , 41,,,..'„i v.,,1 4.,i ''''.-"' ' ' •• ' HtIbAY - 'MORMNG: JULYI '.•.IN'SII•RkNCE Prim DRLAWA RR . MUTUits Uteri . inv. •RANCE - CIALPANY.-015c. NottlsgOots of tip ,lacbtune, Tblrd.stroet.Philadaionia. t ItesuraNcs,—Bulldings,Nerabandise andOlttes prOpetty; in Town and Coontry,inaortd "pawn, Loa! :or damage bk fat, at iber lowest sato of ',madam. titans:Tß tnatsaatwa.—Tboy also Insule,Veaaela, Car ton, and PralattLibselan or etsastwisoitnlot,oPonps as the *guard may dire. . 1.141.2 W ThattolizATloll.-.-Tbryntsa Insute'artesaa: andiso transposal by Wagons, Rail Road Cant,Canal• Boats and Steam Boataissa Fivers and on the most libel's' terols: ' • • s • •• • . • . • DIRECTORS-Imph l gent Edmund A, Sander, t it l e 41t , I . lop ; er .... 1 1 1artigigiAR D ..P t ennaw,.B i em% II Davi., Atx Falwell= Neirlith Dr il Mneton, Jes.o TheophllaAaeldlng, H Jrinra Moan. ,Henry Sloan, Thigh Cr ,1 Ceorgn ScttUl, Spencer Iklrlivaln, Martel Folly, Olehusan, W m Hay, Dr Tharaaa.John - Sollers.'Wai Ityre,Jr. DIRECTORS .AT 'IRTTSBUROII—D :dam= • Mei Craig, John T Logan. ••. . • • •• . WILCIABI MARlTN,l7esidenl. !Imam; Sjityrsoz.o,Body.: • ' Q7' Mee of Dr Cornp.y, No.. 42 • W ' attr. MOO, Pi. 4 b2 , 2 1, rior‘lf, . LIP. and glanaltli 111111121.11/M•i TM. Mama ' Life and Stealth Inenraneeilmpairy of Philatielphisi.l.treetperated by theVegiel tithe of Perathylvonfa, Mareh,..11318.-. Charter perp etual. Capital; tliou,uou. Faroe town fawn art Penneth.-,_ vast, Coarser, and tall ;40 ,peraeat. loWer thaa th e canal Me. of Life losdrance, . 110 u the following Copm s, arison will mho Thus, • person or the ake or to. ering for COO for We, most pay In the (Dread 412,3 a Pennsyls.da. Wand, Pete hlneral;',2,74 FA.k.bk; .at,thli New Enici.ud,lWA New Tort Liths2,6; then, 81,4 e; Lila and Ileshh, Philadelphic 01- 01 . Diatcrona—Samaci D. Orrick, Cherie:D.lMM W. F. Boone; Debars P. King; Choirs /Mfrs; Reeve, M. U., Chas. 0. hi Coinithell,, Lewis Cooper, 1. - Rodman-II taker, F.. nailer, Lewin ' R. Cope. President—Samuel :D. Ortiek;.Yine . Presi dent—Rohl. P. King; Seeretary—Fnmele litaekbarua. APplientione bo received, end every inforreadsm given by RAML. PAITNESTUCK, Agt, o.See Oenunerele Reetes;comer of eerf:D.dlY , Wood and Third gas. berth IPinuCtiTviTrehuircso rNsutt4s t em. MDR INSURANCE 'CO. of North ' Amaithis will make perms...in and limited frisormsea napes.. perry in this thy and vicinity.. ended alSomears by (Moat, Rivera, fakes, pod by. Sea.: The properties et' this Company ate wellinvested, aed farnithaaanalb. ebb, Mad for the asnPle Inclementy of all peraous who desire to be protemed by inn:trance. " , myth • WM. P. JONES, Agent . 44 Water et Piro . and Ilartnainintassett., T . OFFICE: of the 1n50re,....: Cornpinyikf North 11F, Americo, has been enclosed to 'No. 111Ylor.t It. east of Wood. The Vibe° tihee. avert fa: the clove old and ration. sib's Company, and illow Pellicles an ItolldiSas as thelheontenu, and on, shipments. of Slerehandne Steam Ilonts and onkel Ce3f.Ell.. ap3 - • .-' W. P. 3.oNlta. P11V281711.011 SIitELILL LINITIcTUTIO InfiE S“ood Sesaim, of tkla Inattuidoo, coder to cam of Mr. and Idra.,Gosuosa, for Um_ limey; academia Soar, will commence on thla day, Monday, February Mk, sn'th same Indldinaa, No. ad. Liberty attest Atrangements have been made by which they will be able to futnish young hal. futildes equal ;A uty lathe %Vest, for obtoming a Mororsh ErgharbCiaval • oal,and Ornamental edneation. A full COITO4 of Pina loaßldea! It. Chemical Lectures teUl be delivered denim the winter, ilinstroted by ern erste The de• permeate of Vocal and Instrumental Mete,' Modern Longues., Drawing mad Palming, will each be under the ogre ors. competent Professor. fly dr...Mod.. to the moral and intellectual improirement o f their pa pas, the Principal. Lope to mern •eentlnuation of the Liberal patronage they • have hitherto' enjorsd. - For tones, see elm:dater apply to the Ptinelpalt4 febtk•dst •• • modern and Antique Furniture. JAPES W. WOODWELL, 83., Trail Sr, Pm-rsamt aa. .4Z' . .... ' ,4 .. i1;r::: n . : 3 RaPectintly inhume tittZ' ••-c` o " . ." •,. politic that he latt cont. _ ,__,- pitted hi, since stock of FURlVlTL'itr.'lle Mitt...tend mos:waked asiortnicet ever tiered tor sale in MA cily. tiompririne wrote mita of llwaiwoo, liatmaavr, and llt.a.m Iffal.mr, CRIVO ornamental and plain, mitabte for Parlors. [hawing and UM Looms. till or which will be 'sold al the lowbvt prices.. .. . • Pe nes Cesminy Perellete of my description, ere epectlittly 'ardent* Mill and eXamitie his IMOC h. which embraces every description lime the cheapest sad pletriest to the mast elegant sod &may, of which the following comprises spurt Teich - Tete &deo; Tete • Tete Diem; 1 Coovervotton Chem; Illfribellim Count ReMphert -do Loots XIV 'do Estenstiva do MOM Hakim; • 51 imilstett; Ttrilet Tabby., , - . -• Lovw ha , tlmottot dote. point of. Yoh!, Couch; --. 01 r , viai toll i'lcil. ml Ibi.i.Olvd, turns; . . 60 I.livo cc, Jo 'do • do; 40 deo 1-iabegorty Parlor Chair; . 10 " 11..t.vcwool on • to; . . Is " RP. V. .1,,,ii .1., orr, . . .40 " Cam Item ..: _Aliii. 4 " Mahogany Irmiinty. dm . . c'.., Hone bormo.l4 Itn hb Mgt Top.Cenire Told.: PO do do Wall Staid;' - • Stutdahoymy Bedsteads , . . ' 10. do tlinnirobe'ai ~ - --•- ' .., • ln Mt Walnut do .... - ...U.... . - • , ti Cherry do. A very largo amortamtof Common Chairs Mid NIP it rl4l ...re tOO Well, 10 _ Dor them Boma Ihrelihed on We Morten entice. Al/ olden prompt . ly a uemted to. - . .•• Y. t4CatiMt .4M. rs Coll be Implied with an mrts of ia.b*.pr. sec, o:, cut Ventage, ea othwiderehty ' redsted price,. . . iebts . ...----.... HERSEY, FLEMING & CO. 11AVIA /JOU VALE,,,, FROMTHE MANUFACTURERS, AND AT zA t ru- - - , :En Zi WAN IJVACTURERPJ,PRICES: ' , Mato Frontels, all Wool. Woo °ruts . , Rea do do ENe Drroms; • • 1 Vedoer do do For el,' Coda:m.2es; it ate. Droorst • do do odert4 at Factory prices, s.,l ll m la w rir 4 San d. oete. , I 800, ~,,,5,r.,, „Limit{. 1 Uhl. Jo Clkeekt and Stripes, very Drab do bispsoods. Mae k Cur:nem , 'I Adore Garda. ' Farley du P.AI Pereira& auper do: eanry Tweedy. Vert Podding, Doetrams, Soper ;Pack Mead Cloth. TerihrreCaLvers, herder do; Super liras do Shown Lloelts a lt Super Green • do Drab Rrege, bliolt for • IS Soper Tallted do and aroratorE, super Mack fox Skins Mar b ar.d Wilde Tape; Soper Lhab CualCieres. [Pock Twist, Drab dr; Super Blows do IJuen Llireka awl Dunn' o4prz Black •.. do ID orres 0 cord ecel Cohan; Catrlorsta Blankets,. do Luna TtePad, a parlor. do ' toperror arhelr; Mae ' do silk Figured Vertlngs; Drab - do Mark hatin do Grab Bogging. Grown Milord Seg 84:irt; Drown In f o; thltWell, Cravat., he.. Ite. At the Manu'adtarent' 1 arekomoo, No 1117 Wood s Pittsburgh torpe , TV F. eeopartnerslio heretofore exteting betiteree the eneerribett, to the eerie of Constable, Bathe A. My, Is tam der d:satileed I.y etstael .aseet. Mew.. Rorke 2 Deface will eau le the tateisees of the veneers, for which paw°se they ere othonsed to IMP ICe nose of the conceta. N ATI! ANIEL CONSTABLE. EDMUND Bunt,' • THOMAS IJARNES. The tobirralgetea have thisday ambulated the uvulae. in the ammo of DUMB 8 BARNES. for the pantos* of totteufactariag nee Proof hefee, ?atilt Poem he. fte., at the nand of the late fine of Constable, Bathe .too, where they grill be pthased to receive the gateau• age of the eutoatere of that boon arid their ftsengs. • ELMI Will BURICF, • THOhlAt4 in retiring from the firm of Constable, Barka & Co.. With lances plea.ure 'recommend Mr Blab. nal kft if. Dame. to the coofidenee of mr frla.do and the public. Feb. 9, IMO. NATILUNIEL CONETALILE. fet113...10 • C. stmuTnao, 7TA.5 Jan returned from the- Eastern Cities, and in IL — receiving a largo 'ninety of ...enable Bonds; to waren be remostfully Invites tee Maroon of were ants and psillara.po SI Wood at : frblY reeeieio~!Sew York - en: Vonimelplute, from the ' and - oleo Ito -o leveeb spades, the newest and moat annrowd.all tee oil'.. per Degrade, torther with Borders, Wire Board Print., end Teethe rope. o ne rale ale. 5 Wood St, be tween Pourth at And Diamond alley, laaccemor to S. C. 111114 . TagrAliu — TiliNt , ‘a brit et Feed per siesulet,' 1,1 and tor sale bgte barrel or . glo b ale pound at the gig; need, mid Trrro'lnr%tritillaiirk." .1,12 enapratts l Patent Boas *.h. 464 elute bow on tad way freer' New Orleans, abilez • arertt Ito pseud bare this week g and 214 will shortly wive lilt Baltimore per ab lox unlata, Chesapeake, Dames eel, aria Album, erbleki will be 'old. ea *meal, at We lowesi market plea ;lir esah ur aparoved W kbrATPPCHELTAI7I, eV/I ' • ' Nn lon IJMrtr .1. O IigUAL STOWIiThiTIL•IISII - fill Phenix alsonfaeta ling Company flowerer to T the public their Premium Chemical Stove Polish; and without ezeggeredon, at fear of contradiallothby lbw who bare tasted It, pronounce It far superior to any other In the market. The consenterneed have to apprehensions of soiling eirpete. de, on 'lto, worn. position prevents a dam from stilettg when being ap plied, seinen meta he done when the drove is coed The quantity required is se little to produce .a beau liful lustre. A moving or ore,' fifty per cent la Insured to the ronsainera A casting upplted to Stover, Piper, tee., when laid away for the etonnkV, to sore yrs. ventatire 'purist rod. After having Pled it over, lif ii to leCenlble) so permn will win any but the Phenix Mancfacturing Campo/Ws Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For seta by B N WICKERSICAIkt, ' Corner orPieth and Wood streets. • --- titiiiiinzateio tabuisigs. ..• - • • • • . • A LL pe rms. Moine number. P.... thelt lames, LiL to eonfordvty la a re:Winne a Cooed's, ssiii please call at the Alcamo of; the Ilont4 of Trade; wand story, corner of Wood and Third sta, and pay for the elm,. flAhdlika. PAIINESTOCIC Pittabarit,. Ankl 81.10.511. - ' wall SPAIINESTODE bre!' 'leers to annetuice to the patrons of hie New %rectal) , or the °Wee of Pittsburgh and thileghenTt tthn, ininitenbn. at Min' eheethe, Banejegh., OC., that th e Ware' 'IC now •early. .ready , for th e poesy, and will be pot la the hands or the' printer somewhere between the DO* tad 30th Instant. ' • The chigoe. generallY. nee ail , thn fret tan„... interest in the peththellen eeleeeell and perth sn et reetory, pbtheethely theta 'deb bare not been yelled On ' will peony oblige lee pethlthee,by theirtelelo/ that theft eeriest &rotations and ureter of business - , wrier* noted for ptibtleatien to the Directory. • •All eaNe to be inserted. most bit _handed In re:0o Ith, 'or of th e Wed, bY the note tlnYe' merit) szt.orocort rtMicks. TUST recd./v..1..1nd stew opecang;ane elegent BM; 0 wood 6 oe{eve 61elodebe IhOno, (sondes pale• e Ywee euse t ilicso of Muds /F. Mae, eutelnneu. e supe ry rior snstrespeni 3 Of o.llolunci dad vier ..tapi4.4ntrol4 .a 40, oee_ bap 4 *sus. Meledems. ai • - n..EBETPS Mnll4 8191% Dy Labe Freatthant lig thaw tiliatilL elitailate L'N putuatten of Iaw,•I,24CTAITTTATLIST, .Pee: Went of the tidied heaths of Aineriali 410'hert'br• ath wd make known. that public afnewill bel held at the wide:annealed Land Mess IA the Bute of MICIIIQAN, at the Fella& k i er*H l ar4if.t"g atmd l Al the Lard Odlen at WILT STIL - TIT, for the Kaska filnerior D,atde4^.aommgaetp(l on worn day, the tilleenth daft:if flernember now, roa *Warta , POW or pubiln lands, within the 'following aimed, sorpl, of the lass line; Wok Weir 01-'4l pninniptil Jrnanapip forty Eve, and fractional toWn4dint. TIM lux and on, seven of rarofe two. • ' • Townahlys forty the and-lertYlthi lea ffraadollal. tolarnabip Corn sores, of nap three I ; resemble forty six, and fOgisealll tartirwthip linty wren, arrange four. .. • • • • , • Towable+ forty aix end forty ettreiipia tortnthipi lay and fitly otte,ef raltr. inn I •- • • • Tractional towlsl4. forty sew*, forty , 4lrti ulna, dapand arty eno, of range air. Townships forty night and forty nine - , attafthrthintal township any of range wren. Frartionlloarnships thirty nthe art "nod ...A... and forty on ortat Inland laird township ibrty A.., of Frac ro tiocallowdshipa thirty nine and fortion and Garden^ blurts, and forty th ree co W. wean land, and tournibips fatty fear and forty five, ocrange, Fractiontl townsblestkinyzise aid fogy dial/ari /580/i&NOlgt den" Islandaand township Prof 4, r:h.., forty four. and folly five, of nog. Ito. - Fraetional townships thirty eight on"Lful Bauer"' bland, thirty Pao on -oLdttle' Seaver" " DOW !Pawls, and. forty on "Whiaker Is/and, pit totals , skips forty three, duty font, and fatty Bloo d, of mode Fractional township thirty-emit on 4011.1' ratand, _towns:sip forty two; and fractional hrtinilltal forty , eee three. forty fear ant forty bre. of rano tweet. • Fractionartowashis, forty, oa thin paid land, of Frastional townships fly note Syjp, the Imola and ; of range seventeen, ' Fractional townships thirty eight; thirty aim forty, and fatty one,nn need land of range ei ghteen, Fractional .townstilps -thirty ott"drn and' "Poverty" Islands, thlrty sevenliaeladlng?fiannurt" !Sand and an. Well, and 'tarry eight, thirty Poos and limp, the main laud, and townships (=WPM', fart/ two, an 1 forty three, of rift 1_ Fractional township, thirty Sin on ."14 Infartioht" and "GPI" islands, thirty wpm no an Islet of "I.lnle Put:neer" bland, thirty Catalan the Pain lan4thirit nine (locludins the island la Petions twenty Won and twenty eight) and forty, pad township AlM three en ato mise land. Prangeland. Monty.- . Fractional township. thirty Pahl, thirty pine, and fortton the min land, of range twenty op. . AT THE :Wet FLACE,eounneneing oagfonday, lac thirtieth day of gepumnbes vent; lot the dispnal ef the/ratio lands within the following. waled town. 'l app. and frueolonal townahipt,lo .-, North of ins km lint, and nose of As Prisiiipol meridian. Fractional townships thing flee andithirty Pt ea the main lend, arrange twenty four. Fractional townships thirty. ilaree,thirtg TOM and thirty five, and township thirty sir, of range twenty Eve. Fractional townships thirty two ind thin,' three on the main land, and townships- tianykiitr and..Miny Live, of ratentwenty sin • • , Fractional township. thirty 'one; thin' , nio.tbirif three, thirty four. and kitty Ave en dm main land and township* Only six, forty silvan, and font eijht,bf note man n , ,ana. - • • • Fractional uranwhips thirty mro,rhirty three , and thin y seremand township. thirty Oine.fottYplm, fan seven, and forty eight, of rum, twenty eitht, • • Fractional township. thirty seven. Mtn! am , limty nine, and to antships- forty one, forryrisrM forly mum, forty four, any fire, fatly Ws, forty scam, aml Only eight, Memo twenty aloe. • • • ' • •• Fractional townships ; atm nine, to p (anis riartionai township forty one, townships win] iwo, forty throe, lonyfoar. forty G rt. forty wz.forty Moan, and tony Mei:toad the fhtetions of seetnius thirty tv• an i triny Oa. the cannot Aden harbor, of town. ship Lfty rano, el rantrailliny. ham mat Intraday' - thirty ohm. fatty, and forty ett, town-Win, Cony two. flirty th ane, forty fe.r forty re, forty tin. Pony oewerLand from eista , Penal sections MCIIMIC and elenmea,on venter 1 11 I lqrfra FirAt " Vo f m r g lo "l4 o l tig the faanecuth day of October .neat,for th• dbliwattlalf the subtle lands situated within the nuttermentimsed serrashi, and framlanal telnutdys,no Inn-. • • Nara of gA. darn. lie. and welt f oh. orincipol Fractional township forty cam and Urwmaddilli, y two, forty duke, form Mar , froty et mat thirty taro. Pratt oml lownthips Gay had Ally toi l , of oats thirty three. Fractional lownahim fifty and filly two pf mate Frwmhlp thirty - „ CV, of room fortr oma Fractional township fora , eight, and townships (wry aloe mud Efiy, of rang. Cony twiti Towtoship forty seven. fractional Mannikin forty eight, Avid townships May nine as tUly, of canto , . Townahipa fdrrY sere; Lutz ei gh t, forty aloe, and fly, of rant, tarty tour. • . • -• TotettAlya Ratty genera, forty eight, and fey eine. and framtlonil (4tettattip Idly, of range forty fire. f Fractiaaal tow:whip forty moo sal Ally, Of nap , Froet'onal ioarnalpit fOity *lx and lots novas, da Rutip forty sight, sad 111014.10t* loarttalip ropy aloe, of raaxe 'Amy NTT • . " Fr:edema tosnathipir roeryscrea, forty eight,' anti forty altakefratura tory eight, • nitelloaalUmnaltip forty eigki,orraktußini aloe. At tha land *See at lONIA. matanteltetas 'WE. day, the .exterath of laerAsabet Len, for the &nodal of do, poouo loothrortads the aadonateatianed frac bara,,blp.i2l, — • • • • Nora of tAfi Lan Ext . , and sprit or fka principal • Sections one an 4 me, the eau belt section of atm. teal ...edam, eleven, towel re, thtrunes. Wattage. tweet) (at.. twenty Gee, and thin, az, unnuaup alas, of ranee 1-0,611. lAwir appropriated ty Lawlor die use or Wools, ml lawn or Giber, parpooeo, will Do excluded ftcast die Tbo *fence onto, above mentioned lands will be eononeaced on the day. apectroed, and proceed to the order in which they are advertised, with can :ltem Alienate; until the wbole shall have bennof -1 frred...c the vales thee clood- Bel eo We shall be tept open longer thee two creeks. and no prime tare of any or ne lend* will be adratuted eon! atter he expiration of lwo weeks. ' • • 6111f11 tinder my nand, at ttot cny of:Wahl/span, thletairteen di day of Inne,Anne Dambil ens thousand eight bandred aml filly. By the President: .:2-VI'LOR. J. Byname., Coierulutooar of the Geteral land Mot. • ' • ' • ZNCITIOP, TO plit•EMPnoN CLAIMANTS."' beery simian entitled to the right Al preArteralen any of the lend. orldiluthe township s:idfranumal townships above ensteentsd, is [colored to .eitteblielt the ea= to Its eau/faction of the Reg!ster mad Est em, of the [Koper Lend Office, laird msge trlyment therefor . moon . practicable alter teeing this petite; and Larne Oa day !appointed for aka comettneement of the public sale of the :nods embracing A. meet eltdrord, gate moist each clam mid be forfeited... J. IIUTTVIIPIELD, Lesesetiestener. jAdl ilot9eB - - DeanatCs Americas Poultry Beaks TITA Poaltry Dock and 'Fowl Menders. Gaid•—; Ming a treat., on the Dreedirm, Maisingi'and • tieneral Management of Domestie oirlsorna ran morons original descriptions and Pon-tabs Dam Life. Hy John C. ltennetti M. D. • • • This wok will bn Antrid to contain • treater Ltrolot Marianna and °that. utfonseulev, both praideal and metal, la regard to Pawliheedltot, than is contained in an other ,menean Work, together It will be Illastra.d with nearly Ray Pentane of the moat anoint. sancta of American and Foreign -Fowls, same fairy of winch are note life, tram drawings taken especially (at. thla 'work, of the most Important breeds, end Ovoid of from fowls eery recently imported. • 'rho gmbliskers havevpared no expense ti nag eat this sort In a moaner manner, both in mud to the engravings, the scents of the worn, ardgenet. , eamatian of Omni Part Mike boot.- And It ta banal , cAthat On work will be found to contain more pencil: nal torero alien on Dreading end Managing Domestic Fowls, than any work tuas4 in ibis coanlm. , • Pm sale by ' JAS D LOCEWOODs jet t Dooksallev and Importer, lel Prank tt 1 WINSTON &STOCKTON lavethaiopened rot sal. •I the largest ataorueenl of Paperoßlaun Beak., filtationeth ever otrated rot toile In We ally; together with a large collection of andvaltiable Wadi in every depannienl of Lawithwara publications Tot nth at e1t14.13 prices. Couraty merchants supplied with eVery ankle_lia this lthei on the Moth thaanaatila terms. jal7 gUbiouLtyro cusato4-0....; a Sketch era Physical Description °Cleo Universe. Dy Alas. rfurnbeldt. 'Translated by Mile. I vols,Dbao. Jost received for wile by LOCKWOOD. -• . . • z. 3L) C • ' • ' iqe . Bookreller It Imponer. 104 Fourth.' • • • NNOLIIII/ UT1101.1,34.1.F. ORM eget tor 124 pkas Y.ll. hap. inset • an 4 Ganaolet Tau; 133 bsa Tobecro: • Wu byre Ilia Cotten; WO N o liitolusani N 0 Sugar; boles awned su. Window (Assn; . • 4D las Pipec • 400 bis .40ep; 100 boo Quid to% 31.140144 Codfish; 30 brls Taws/4 1 011i 20 lap elmeolatej 00 dos 1384 Card.; ' 20 coda 819.10101 Rope; , U. Spiced C 804.01114.4 IQ bags reppon 8 bag. Al4plce; 900 hp 114t4104; 40 ban Vinegar; MI bates 43•881avne8; 110G1.50.14.14 111 tic. III:4; • io brio Chalk; 31:41 111111111 Flair, Al well a. a genital Idanaleenirc4 'uncles. G noceaws—loo • IVO woks 711 arch'. • 3u do do da . • • 63 Gadd) GI 6616 , • 33 Gaddy •6 bezel • ,' • 60 bile!! Indigo, Bladder, Alum, ( ,lintmega, and Lam? Blank A PIIVOIOIAII , II THATIVIONY. "I HAVE FOUND ' , AMINO TO EQUAL. THEW' Utemunto,No.. March Meth. MR: R. E. FELLEAS—I have ellepoped of ell the Caught:letup end Liver WM yen soot me, and Ledo, of the Vermlfoge. - I haws need all year molly Will:anon to iny and have oleo yreseritmd them In my peutlee; I am very much pleated with them, end Imes foetid nothing to ape them. Send nee tides or you VensUoye, and tO eon each of the Wet Pills and Cooph 87105. , •.Itespeettay yoent, Minim, on Letter.) !T. T.Liemea Those highly poyntar medicines zany be had or the. prop rlehhr II E LUNA!, 67 Woad et, and Illdtgthtn, ;Meanly in the Ire titles and vieloltY• • MA o menthe" onallty. gnaw. ter oo•P nnthlegilftt reclaim% sail by JOHN PAOLO A oo 140, MY Canal Vali ?fp . ',--:::1 , 110,!:;5A.Lt5,',i , . , ';.:.6 , AM nag bi. R. Itala las; lee bra Slaver do; • , IS Sirs do ' do; , • IS casts Zama Cortina% 15 balms E. Walnuts; 16 do Brazil Nou6 - • IS do Minoru; - • lOU do ' Pen Slaw .. 00 Su libelled 'Almonds; Ca tms Rock Candy; , 4 tura Llquonam - ID Al asnoPflaelpea A Rtralna Cl . 1000 11 Batt Bosnia; ..••••- 5 ban Clotom - 510100 . .. 4 gam Natmerg ,' na Indlgor " .' 16 cams Lemon tlynap; .63 caeca Pepper Cauca; In atom TomatO Cloudy; Omand Spleen °fall mod. 40 burets postdated and Loaf thmar; • 9 bads histitter; • 10 ads Whiting; warm:ant of Pituburth • Itto Coates • pa Y Ilyson,mitossoador Genpowdar and Lap Paaohany • a 0 s, ant J. Tob• l ;e° ty bit itanew'• 6'a de • to Staten • & btbrla Hainaut G u nler , P.PPeo, Atioploe, q ( II.1, r i r e ltalri • 01 Wsteist • DaY.;:.oooog,i Wi Izike 4 *ooo* Votna smas. utritaatpc a smst itmtai ang anli a ay.laamslohaitaeaakaaaan at wait& , '9oatell innel abroWered Coil, Priced' Sated Jaebast Air- moridu • dnyiei; Ana wet Sauhetl dtq and 46 1 .. linammun of Bola fitultos. coloml embromarT; Inizabdalietaaeun Duo, agclit'boith eui e . ory4r of Fount' =map idurrh 1111 PEW* BURCIITiELEIbue ricelvkt Ism liullappir of ElhelniLavnis,.rert e,/sap; aru CV. Irtaxo as 14e; ligltteot lArreatntlol},tor 10 in Itla - Also,egaok4eisd and prrnted Mewl* o.oo.7orkemet, et nett and nel/rsitssyles:tad tairestoriee far wality, Isod meth eastsoinirt at Poirill and Matti 0.0 t4HE GREAT '0 f"-Dltifi -, GOOCitlh At O. 'RUA 114Prit LLeamoisiee oa madati4, lone il, PY Their Minnie WallahWA, With 4111 theft - Whelsealo Rome r will, oo this occasion:be. thrown open for Btu% Taat.s, tad illbf tltelt astensafe steak *Cabo *eared Martell run alata N inliftlinel pf 2 farup s eAt ve.silriVev,a=reett fmft haulm! *nes, end will be sold an lgogote ALP. Their eisortmeettifBhiwbr,Bettees.Tissees,ren edkeut..Fitelind Altai Lams, Alulleil i tc7ll= inultruAttlelyT e r eaten gl r f n t i l l e'n w aral b l e siea• Possepeo L ree Limn mill In'odorral - at Et. ..Aejorior Flogllsbabd Antellean ' Cil,lleCOS,' Waite. 300 noun Wien Lleadkerettleh, • . OS 7e. . • A No lot of Wteught Collo" Wile es low se de. IWr**A o.ennulete wirletr.of Donuale ant Yalu Goode, Rtlibotts, Skenteut ke • hletrig In alone of the Mietesumetre wortimiti le,tildeoestry, wcleh.widl be watked down to own loweiprieos then et any ef their pretrwu Anneal FnWrSure win I. eloped upon tierietsiy. end da, 31 , 3nti soil the ;inflate anent. Ing'intestartin dowAsuct. 'No volumene Pet. ••• • :;••-•• wAvapriv&BURCIIPTELD ve welded h asp .i.vd:DIY 0(3.4 sad 44' Preach as fatinan , " fiat. and mks, sack., boys' and clidantn's annul of the moat &dud* ander. • ' • .• • • Meallnvite attamldo to deli lame aanardaent o f Meal and Boys , 81/14103114EAR, of dldareas ma! Wien. and all of watch will be .oldi Wit , muuuroi.s s' raisiAsoAm! rSYS SITSCHPIELDIitaa ttiattad ocittirt ripply at abort ankle, ant staysails.' to sap. I►sham thy, qualitj oat rolotarantidaad al the wen taxi pmts. ^- - -4 ;,:, , ... ... jerls ' ---- Piiieat Stair Ott OWL" Savor. vr .f aci lly m t p.. ilt erd n.m .6l,. d. 1 4 ,1 t a dinut Cav enng of oar bildsost ' tautens lad War; to trkita we to Its attattlott oirotelsotat, . 02 : AIYIIY t - 1 l at .e l . o l am 44 htamm i nulkso bows .1144 Crt Ire; Plain Mask Senors for Mas ; Bonnet Ribbons Gallo per tard..! Lakes am &Meat to Mel met emunl4• 6 llr MOE of dress goods borne parehartrm.elsemkors 6, North coil caner of Faith tar Mutes jelll • 4 , oiTsistrillmes. • : t : tkEC2147...0 MU day t artertairtn of Allearit • jle or Grass /Mus t as the Carpet Wel! room 6f ' . jai • . -Fourth at BUICtIFIELD rum a /axis Stock of .• Pansy, and Staple Dry .06:46,, While a at greatly reduced paws, ds—• - • Duerr ds Laines, a larks assortotard of ketalltal, Mare dimGt and llirtis Pdarillirt A splendid assortment of Black sad saner Sart BeniLawns and Do LalseArsmarkablr aims ~f.l florlard Bilks, it ec= per yard: • Basalind Glimers, from 4d cants, and oparardrt •. A largo of of Broant and_Pleaol44 per rant, ind upwards, , • Boma os, Ma and Parasols, at grealli 'oilseed 011ees. — =larlfros, and Vert agt ! ottla kart pallty, ri i t AlliVi*erwith atpnk Orrrtiltlis, Ak ro n nod al Peeks, all ortddist Bora% and Masked Meetings and Bkpt nip; Disk ILlnsalll togatkor wUh all abet arid* ar *ln o 11 64, 11l W. 9. 6 . 4 ?..'" Farmhand Motet r • . • • mu . I ars nun entailed 11 awe note Raised Mame, ebeaw:riati, wale, and ligared.ehmeeable el alma ET, mile and qtalityt mem plain and ; lank Olkw do barge" and flung bare.* de new and hub. Wale styr taw aryls Frew . 11,1 Wad anaaaneh. ccF p i tarrldwer ard ' sada We ' d 4= :ft? l ' inds and queens' . Dana lamp of all ahades endue" trnew'itruttrlTA."'. "I' Ir. Pas xli sand,. of Mart Sian mad fanny ooi- A ond Elta,Jonnesleed or impress Mb mom-. Mg, It monk east corner of- Posith and Mutat ms: jet suacnrrnu- -- mitraeltivtm i az:limglac . = MIA PM comer at !Dania sal Market sta. •bil • admit. ma il narrow trussing Land of bets paa.M7, Jut tech and for ash at Ifrotbeastramorr of PeaMt *ad Man km nowt. •• fa SIOROHY 1191WEIVISILD Mthuh..4 np ral ar 0, 1 , 1 , 1:1% resehrld an atl lurks of Pisa, Peed, Alboae, atd Clap 1301112<tig IRO Colored tht tp end 1400abef all colors add ; • tI=4O6I4CCI - PlaiFth4 Jut ready.: from do Gaeta% btd 'fbr able et Os W. rfes.7e. 9 Woad arm- • enn.ups mono 0000$. - lc or aretv BUR.CIIMLIIttovOs tho ittoottoo of *oar tooltot tools hr Nototoof to It vet y sasottottot t ionomoinC sock as. Blatt lloottooloch • • Boottortoo lottO AldadOut Moak Moose do Woos, . llatnand . Woad Bilks, . . - - : do Iti . l . tted >ts Potato* - 1 =114 71 4: 16 t0r etw04 1.4 13.10ck It i tootd ; Scout itlbtfons, &add Volls,A.c. . ,easyl7*- IMOMJSK iihnaTlNid-22 pea - Canunatta% monad 01 colors, • mut don:Gable Mkt* for spume/ mu. "Wd. end earar ° P" . . /. 1 h/ • :ahlA MASON CU enaylo • • • 101 blanket gd 2 1 1 H1126Tiilfiesponag high calorad'ffla - 1 Itheer/e. el)lDNietr4 Clussan;Oriunga Pink, She, Gree4 and Corn colored, Au teeDlVitilt Vet *gram, oh Lbw day opening by A'A MASON &cc). ^ a.. 07 , :10 PISCESPaIs Bing bah, 0 - rinWasin — Cohaseet Barham m. 4422 tahniate as? near Ippezthg_p, . amyl? AI A MASON n • D7ieliDrama AIWA. A• A. MASON& 4.2ltare at day opealailep:te 27 luck Meek On. de Rhin" Bit 10 0,70 inal, 4o to pe. 71 inch do; a peg Ltlk =II 414200 i, Linea ilsaadkoreblet& 3 `. • 400 daa Ladles , Liam Calablie Mkt*, an We Id) deo Gado' do ; fa* do MI dal, dd . do catered border& ionelded tbla day by - A A DIASON &CO maylo ' • de idaabbt I intamer LiNEN LUrrilms—Go diaa lArtreio, Us eatradas tear priadatilladiacr yanl. sold la A MASON& CO PUD • • . Pea VI sad Sla pea 44 thotimUww.,l • • • I poi Wars Ilarktay% and Alassadaea metktr kadt Limas, new °dental Py,• ; • A: A MASON e CO. .114 — Arrival of Dry . Goods. NVii747.74V,...'"M"G".ll: l 3:Atr g rec. pared ta oder all ezeadent auniortawat at oar anal Ww Pim dtd awl., ad VOraviat redit. • • The alou= of %nom &alas 4 padeahady clausal to one goods, as• wa ton dent of Wag obis to oder *zonal tatiao , naatna tt maks a bill w&l aa. Call and! wait= at toy aka, • • amyl SUA.COMT anat. . ; Wood anat. C. - YEA(AgR, 191 Illarkat Stmt, (asar Lt/484,) 4181.61A1CA81, Erafrati, AtrIrCIIRIAN ITAISOT .. ROODS. 110SIERV,JIIRIMNS, LCES; OLOVIA THREADS, MMUS, BU TT ONS, ells. Rails and Altair aatlaga, SLAM; ARDPANCIL MLR CRAVATS, CONGER .DANDANNA, and !Assn EFS, • general as. aonsaent t rAtil3, and elm/ • of . tn• nAIIIdtaICIUR RAUL . • 1 CASES plain and Spared Butyl de Lain, anon a) td colors, mat received,' and selling at Very law. pries. raarl3 • ly A MASON &CO fl Li - MAI, 4 CAPES Last eatered Lawns neestrs4 and - saw r ar ud af,aella a aArn,stre A nn t lairgsa , of Beta • CASES WinterediliVnir et,end'' anperlan ntiNaO WEATHERS-4e bags neir oikband,for Sale by jelB ISAIAII DICKYsY & fro sacks so bawl: for sale by U• IslB 18AIAH DICKEY CO k javutl—ve auks Itamr. • .0 eatke Mouldy:it auks Rider, • • cask.sucitted nowlandior fo sal jet SHAN & W HALE 011—I400 gall bleuhta eye rs; . . leetaalsaableacled do Zia 'gals tall; 1000101 s bleaehtd fall; _ • elat tale N. W. aeon • Whale 011, la store a tta . lot eale by • . . '• .' NILLEEt & RICYETSON • telB • , , . 17* & 171 bibeny et. ___. TANNISH*. 011.-4 DO 4orl: 1 1 . 0 7 , " l 6 C 6 • ; • more MILLER. it RIIIIISTRON SIVIV.k.' olt oalllttlll%lagg'l .FLilllB,—Vei lii. EP Rear, to. sal* !_y • . • • • • ISSYhir7=7.l4- 0 0 rogrviD the I , wpm:slowly Mendip and T at ea Warehouse,— • 5 dicta 44nala• Vanes* ClaaliaTeai las ea piPera 5 mhatan Paroling Teas laa of papa"; 4 o a - al 4 4 The 0070 aelebnmed Slut Tru are mewed &tenth= Ma impanel", and mill bet mold as law as tarp can be pateinmed b Ina cum, with the addition a( fre4M,Wholasala ot rstal4 l by - - maltrßo at co VAN is—A splendid sittenmedi, of sity awn Impart *don, souipillin duty varlely, los pis by • • • C MUER '`*Upon = do toddlog do; , *Upon _ do •i%i - do; • , • •Id you Illooluo potketsogobs,fo fe y . . C YEA r;LBOLDIVAAPECT'Sior NATUIIV;Tam, • issiala Idte gililM. •yotNtsems. ita w , F.. VOL. XVil , NO , 3°40 GOVERNXENTAL. PIESMOSEirat roa ils LOA! ;,' , ' 'r, • T I HE ebrrouh - amt - twilitetecesbils Oahe AM °Me • General Assembly of Oils Cemteonwearbt natl.:- . 'Oopplement . Wan Ear abittleti treAcitcptaam a. 7.l s. 7 .;:cn ki : hr . Heausarel: r 7 Tb. • ,3l !" ish ia...te*, a me t).o,l 4. l .o l .por, ' ,7l:.. k. tb i4. l;dre: imt :t roirov :l 6., a by llte ll Tr i , r:L. lbiein . ' w, 7 4 :" to bestittera'A' teen' Urine' fur or•Tbred Million. The Hundred Thonsad• tlemlata r , rederdalbllSJO thirty. Teem from the date of the subsceptlart therto4. • tit a tate 'of datereinedrateeedlegt•fror per bottom' par. ormush payablein - orits and siher4sesuberomellY i .apostshefult,dannt Febraaryanit.O.Osusi for eeetS 1142;"47,..,...c° 44. =:2114Mtg= .ball bo be: published fiti at least iftfiehtesnyader in the Ilartomb of flanisbaro i its the eidee of Pittsburgh, Lenny MT, end Indledelettia, end In the chide of Few Tort; 1i0n!,,. IMF Ealtbainej tee a barks, not In. Man threentnalba WON Ole ttimaltrV e lrPesn sod by letter chew:ore, if deem edarr. ' epturt day mistimed for that Demon, In web notke the Prolierde shall hempeocd in the Promare *Cita Glneren, the &cult of the Coommart, sod . Ambler Antend, sad e , loiwoha/L be a reed to the highest bidder or hiders. If the a of tbsi. -bide thall"atersi ibis .ism ellre tart ltiatrettelaheir . Anil be Amit.4.4 prozgAuromoarti the tlat.t bid.. demi but KAU tolosist of 'aril to .hall nothen he Oaten the Governer may KU* mules, Le the manner 4sfometatd, hem motto mei till tbewhole ,Tount of .aid lean stud! be 'subscribed. No o del nal bids AMU be ceneblared; end upon award ' id:iike h loamy assay pastxtunoor, teniffeabis wish ma:sqt . for the war be hued' Chamfer by the, Audl , or Ovum.' I tr, , ~,,, '' , : ,I. to ..! ~". , I BeeTIVI, It if the.. end !loan' shall be .tab seribcd, It shall be Old' It la hereby approptlated - Mr thcipuyment .tleripOsbarist , of: the hulled !dabs of dos COM. nee= Akin day .Or te gem.. itt.,ltrin t h,, year den tlirstised refit Miklos! end Any, and far the InOreenbof tior sum - of. e*My.bos dimmed ens true died and feet dollars sin ! Uglily eight cents, dart to Omen* credltern ••., .' ' , ."..- . ' ' ~. _,' I lopmeascue of the primislatut .aforemid,lnotlec le •hereby Oren, that • propoials will be reerly+l at the office of. the Heronry of lii itt anal 4 &clank P. War Tuesday, Out Ina d ay. October son; hdputalleg fora loan to thiCiernmenw the jtenneee. Set feilli iil' 1 4 ntii'de4 or . no va tyre. 0121101 n Wee hondriol keened do ' redeem. 1 ebln . ill Woe Yearifoter the Cam' th avab Macke' thcrio4 at a rue of Utterert not ousted four per • cent yet: ineen, payable ifeitela ea - ter , ...1 Otneettun aansally, wpm the &sr dhys of febtsteryanst Ammo offer-hirer, ond.eyerept inna freq. sputa of tax. Idienfillimesot Moak ter the MIL losnoril icemen* . ce the intent mill bo breed in the count miner and .mtdo inumforeble . by Me' torieti en . Min boots of tittp Audstar • Ontaralta beeptutumns. • ..t.t .. • .., ~7.! I " Tbn vmcg.li mill be setleired to One 40E04 the amortu'effered: wlich MU net - k• arrcase be leas Marrone shouted debuts. OM MO 'of Inuirestimb exceeding (roster con, and the premittm mused, - :The Mate reserves the fight to accept the phut rie ma part of tho Ohl tilieltO staltPrellsdinst4YeSt late lathe sumtrag. l e MU hi r. - for the m mierbe — direst and coil .., No etnallikaalymposalevoll be received." i . • !. • Ilyon the acceptmee, of the • propulle, the memo Eno bo paid Leto Militate Treasary,ut such mamas as dell be directed by me Governer. • J „ i Carttficatts of stock will ba lamed in 44 ,MC • u may be recuutied, by the kerbers. , ,,• • i . ,:. • 7 .. MillTneproposs4 to be directed,. turfan se lo 'MU a t y a c..44rnt 4 Purpouls:lbr .Loinn,•T 'oral not be opened Or disclosed until the period foe nein, mutton. has Cluck afteywhick no eltalltUo In the area will ba Winkled_ ~.,, ;I , ',' i %. -, •I:>; i .' '-.11, 1.. ROOSEisio OM retasTof Um Couttlb. - ; ifleonttarre &Ice, llarrimary, Jr. Vs, labO. . mamma TO ix Mimes :Trot Tax etaiaiartmek • RIXFOL Y.a : f f hal by nlkeite ' ioseably sot, That theitleaditehes Of //as Comas. I Inaba meadedla the sewed sesta or the Oh wrath, ea Wit thellered tothrea "The lodge' efthohossae Gast, of tharassl Coati it Coins* rlsoceed °lath other Clean et /Lead etas er doll be abillished by la, I shall be *hated lsySto eptelided deters area comese, ir "'i' clrareTrte i ttr •=l;4 " Ttliltrl i: ' sat= Isrysr thettestat Jeiree of tfo sereal thew' of CciaaseTNlS, sad °both oat Cosa Of Itheatatere , or dull be tatablubed %tin; at di tom Joirg msitti „ k" , k 4 4.4 th .iit e r , !tta ,u l ahsAe 0 4 a* they au te oreleb ' /. 4 ll4..4l l .lAeleeeeteJelpa et the ante eLCeseees tlehe hr the Ouslifed 'abase er the oaaties sesaisibelY. The Jags of the ablessee cast hole - their oleo ler. the twa at Uses, years, If lay than ea g basso themetlere witl,,telthjett to the allotment berseatita_ 'abed' lbs , ethessnat , aer fru -theasa) th• txXiot" Jape o rbs avast Doestief Casa= Pb,a Oath other Coasts et Sneak a we Saha be eadthebed bylar: ea ell other/Mae noised to be lamed la the lar, sletU - bold throe*. ths of to yeah if tba.shall lag bales thatiiaNte Well{ The Ameetele",ledies Of the Coati ef Co.ina Pb.. than bold edlea •Ihr Wm at are yyary,it they sall bag • Woos thaeseha a,/ . 1, o f of oboes gall be eolegaissel bf d the Or iaa. irbor be mtimalt tom tom. *WI grebtab ithasthusal, Goarsor , thall'emott en, atlas:a:elite whba of two diet of loth beach of the legieassa. , Thi,. Ind mitt. tux taw Otte *V the. aural Oaks or Veil Ceoasernahle Wes the Map- Ito ef the. oamd etat, - 01• lb...etent o. of ell She • Judges whei'ethy be tale I. also shall Ossifies the 11l Needy ofOreember Ibilesarg, Wes th e hole dace sat f la = ..arm. , The anon Wei RUB thes , the/lap:re:4 atot then held bloke/thee fease= i f el these &Ohne yossme f. ati teat' es See site yeahoo foe sake Lynn. sel ess thellfas ' yam lb. on. of lalty n aid oAtis, es 110011 apes the elieslob IYoanaloo, ad alive. ea Iysm ith.threeria, that no moomila.mg ethy U./seat is 110011/01151 theseta,' Teo Jags Was . emembeks thereell lino a aaire, Judge Weeea *all be Cat te \Jsediee dela biatess, awl se la ease shall than a CAW/atm; eta ha thethatheli sore samtheisse dolt aspire 'eon ma My, the lead. 1.1010; that obad decide by lot tande elan 1. - the Qua' A.y tbebirb..b•YYmbl,l6ol4_,... 4,44444. 14 0,7 of the rod mute, anau be eld by sp by the therseruer, le maim" till the dna Aloe, W a/ eratessioeseedia taunt general eleetice, The J • the &Jan .Cootrt awl the Treuldsits et. the, 1131.1111 i Caw el Care Mae thallottead does, melee ter Weil writhe ea depute erapeatieu, to be dyne by L. :al dull set be dueibithed ,191/02 their eatiatesee in /air balkyabaii imita berme, 4.3 a tit a.m., see boa ay thar <thee eTprokLetteeetei. , Seder.' t el tkelJnit.4l Sala or ay other eta of adeffnies. -The J a ls er. the Same coati. aria their satlesestes Mall rade . eathia this' Ikwasonsehis ad the Wei as, dosing thaeature , Soleodic,that raJewi th ie the diosict ;sr teal for width they seee:sopsettaly *kat • 1 • . L. • :• ••• Spear dam/lea of zepseasatini. • • • Ls Motu. . .• • .• • • " • *ea.. MO. " fain CI ' ''ltanub.ft hauty2B,ltso I, !send W. Issessw :Mei do Senate of frel!)==israll Los roant• to as ausaleatt a t * Con.iiimalgo islang bet sumem reeolatint "had weever' te by am; jot, of the . artabas Wooled n Maelm olm of Om lasi Legolstuo-nber butur ben fey assslderetb card, ens this in wad mo by a Atalenty of HA vanktre I UnttM to sod raving is Otts Senn at tedolytnialsott lb' patemnasndemaa 'rill mat by their votes pin tat Ala lad puny ernentold as reUneseir.- . , Thor vlk vain fit etbeftho bumattle(Wituaohtioitione, H. Joan &nob. J. Fain - Abrasion WM= A. Cant,. I iambus J. ContlagL4llnote. 8 Fenno, Thnus It I Vonyth, Chao F Rabbi M. Vuok,Holay Falba. Joke W. 0111IAltr t ir Huts% lan Hop, Tinatlg len, Jokes Y. 3u.se, Joel* Kutigabehu:Ou.S. V. Lawman: rifesetell AteCeelia, Imayean Mekete,' Snits& blebbia, Hem A. bialll.o.ll, W Mita Ft Peek., MMus It. &RH., Dail Matey, rebel' Sing, Cured Moste,llotottC.Sterrett.ljeammlSlies,Fsetiell att.hrb. JohalL Walker, ant Palau. Sees,speskn-ees.M. Thor bang &phut AA wens tu resoluta* emu% George, Um., Amalie Dram. nit Atenadtir Klar- , ( Kettle tuna the Jriteal.) I BAWL W. PEARSON, peek, Is TEA Won Ranzanewbetsl Ilterimben t Multi 11. J. Ware Jock, Chid Oak. of Abe Home bit Rem. wanting of Peastsylnaloolo hereby entity that no Cr.; fo'qrhultakul Om lit to the Steele Al., W'No An to the How Jeoroll of tho plant wake.) amUtled "Iteact. hobs solemn to the ninth:ma of the tatestllemksbut-it bear the onto neolatiottattiels wee tined to by,e aabrity of the unalten elected is each Mute, ot Ilati hot Leen. tan-After has* btu der n.t , itn.l na 4 4 . 0 0. one this ley wad, It Itum, majority 'of as neaten Canal to bad emu( kthe Hear or iepestiodstini or Pump - nab,. of O preset Its swill vpsar liy their Inn, Pen on the lad pelage tho taelatmea, at tenon, Timbals la dm ottinpuente lathe enolatioo Inn; Joilsk Acker. iota Al/we, Witlistaaker, Rotott/Wobristr J Bent, Cis* &Mk, .11.13114.1. gawk, John S. Enna, Wane Erladle, Void H. B. Steen, Jan R. .11.11sa,JAILAsftionb, Mary. a/nth, Mos N.Coupghstk Sahara ( WAWA, *Oatia Or ORM, William J. Os& blas,Jamote P Ontser, Thom thoosa, Witham Deas,l Maks h ,hipey Joha C. Knots, Willem. Ems; A. Peon 1414. Aktasstrr I Valtlbm how lileinrsißeairen P. Passer, Aknadre Hatton, Thome °net, JimstA OHL. Junk Getty, JaetAt & Heldman, Outrge 11. Hut, Lean Hut, Joh* Hutton, J.HAteptill, Jobe &dee, limy Replay Gratin emAtei, WoWstees.J. LJerks 211C41•W lazes John W Mtn. Char & AW, Rant En; Herrista P Labd, Morris Laub, Joann 0. Lett, Ammon Loam* Juan J. 1414., Hun Liti ts,Jaus& leCltalamk,Johe F MlCalhelt.Alentedsr C. hiCordy, Juba /kPlutehha, Jobs Maas, 81An1 Man. Jahn I ban= Sinus, Joke Al illoz,Joapl Jobe - out., Mho! fdorism, rubel Moon. sec, Rio , Jacob May, Clarke OINCII, Jobs B Penn Jte.ph C P 0.% James C. field Jobs Sr Rae? Saturn, Jeha M Huh.. okm,Al N. ,tteoSeAktlisodus C.Sege, ‘Villim Sheerer,ftbian 131 Slobs 11 , Mem Bain, W3lismr Reddy_ &nem W W Baader, 1 beau C. Shol, David &mud, antes Staebrill.rd, via C. iron, AaAress Wale. Rebut C. Walt*, Thane Wenn, Solon 8. Wollo, Ilinom A. Willbuss. Dotal Kuhn, tad /oho& APCelaseat, Sposkrb- teat Theo* voting newt the image of the neoletkasetn, Aegean, Learn*, David Poe eed Jowl M. Patiort- Heys S. • , (PAtteet bon the Jearas4). , , WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. lircueale's !O mer. II ntui'd, Is I. • • • • , A:IV. ISTICEDICT; met Se, stessaeicemeellis icia7Litre °Vitt' .- PrtediLitili it • de <14114 , dud the - alma eise iii Teri my at the arigiaal malaria at the OeOM A. suably. estliled • Ilesgaliaa" MOM- ea ea meadamet of hba CasetitsW a Um mot maim aa 610 la Wieder.. la. ledamey whereof .1 but banteeekst.n. JI. lam. and awel to he ermd Um seal ottha rope Ole!. at Haraelom, this Owed. day ye Jai., etAm. °Mint Sae Masud sightlt. hydra mad , : L. iIUSBEI.L., lestreeary We CeemeMaitle. .lixTaa va.ituor 'nova. • Foltheennatmee of th e onizena,tnoptorkkilynn oftha Pittsburgh idutiltareplioed boxes for teoninlon o f Men tt4no follonninit I aa r noyd, cow oninith nallWoo4 4reou, • yward, shoe coni, COn•Lingfir 4. - -- "A las, More, TWO area • •• - .1 not n t kdor ant 141 n h!4' "1 . 3 vy te . ..: C Vonetainhs2,noenoriatozel 14 0 mot* Pl= smog, Ninth Wad.: - • • • Lrh• • will tall mien orlimen ilotrAtc.daliveren onnspilsonithon. Ornankn-amt Ana is proniannno tor family nun"tnnit fon niqo it in Enktil it no qeqolllld■ ii - 1110 , 1 , qd W I- °al 4 ":;1 " Po Dpaal lq let's lawn rrillunn Wa h ore Okillia Wild will bo mono Y - ints • "4"WE. " "" oT wtrit i etitliVlAVlV manta. abronsepasalliatiail Ai - LW - WM Jar. up, jo in s.onpssilts MO; 1113 423 b0z0n Lan% fifTh . I.I4,OOC,AF gn InlC Y.4lll • W ” ai a*' tug.A; CLIMOIN. • • NRDICAL: r .' I" PRocvAlTATtais,t rlzow ii,,a....,;;;aek am iissom ..td. Ur ::-,.... t . rtZ abg tt e i rAn r d=9 , 4 .„„ thowando Nee,. nnairl. =Ad-rig:pi =sled , = c lad this It ztek as h y; &ter 4 , 11.1 . 1 i d w irs not make It iso . , , lLw - lit IL whim= *snack ato dor eentabred any caw torital . The ease awn to naked Waved and ed. Ward disease: win for fay ante, id relief Crow widths atounarated , abow:l Haider der tlt toots darldilido to maks etit•htlai ids• tturo-co aimpondapidup fto , at *mow of imposing Oil tatocaantadr a hards a remedy elatornad try as guitar *id Of Wax% oath Itakddiatideroatho rem drier mother airth lulu 'original path wad of. tarots vidada l l i o'reaaly moody, a malt It k nssp n. eared Pak ittiP oast arialeicas him (allot Id render any sidleft;'.ll. budded Illwasaidsosof long Nadia& and dew slibtatand Most Walk:karma. It has cured Cbolessidd'had by on* ar two dada; It boa rated old cues od.Poindadi In widen dart Otnar comedy, kits..tedtiorzo atom- As k s bed remely - War and *odds, It pawnor than arty nodal cow. Bpound or dilatant tad we tamed 'twill ewe shale atas or frosted - fed, In a few apolleodond ed-tegbacmy tazbeifirroldadairbe Ira% annalnalh In dio inuar*y aiding on Samuel NI. Mari , Clad Badn, all or either dais manta. _ 4aar-laJdeDo isoirow of Wood 1 , 121111141' , 431 R. E.. 134 ers,47Wiped street, I). a wn ahi Cary. Miegheny alit, an tba want, •••_. , . , 4 •-•,• PAVeIe,AIND .11104103 t • Iles* Axepeilleata Dipeoverr e d t-11 lar• named, tor the Pll.ll Tit D. F. LIRDWWe celebrated Eaternal Amid n..r can Remedy. for ,the Ptle; die *tread) , yell Itself to be. Me only Care care eller bf the VOW. :tined dinstiserfery Mika abbe dendbank and the lathe, ndrabra of exueste cues with WA Dr. Dthem lan neated,to one halt felled to m he etitther tame eared.. llaltleithe than detallmc balms firgendltr , ,47 hey ..l : =. 4. the cent het: _the , a ret!dadslial deetde the by efacadrg da .l4l''724 rent.pnrrenty l' ecadletee.._ "l''MiH i t inrcod r" ace at.b° ll i ld pearth own marts, by effect Umtata! It dull wand be thIL Irdou prethr the buttthouni dente; the PILE9O the value ors few depths, d reel the . 1 " hr o ILI Z IL • • , 1 ; 6 D o ltitt"..o4l De kr4 - held atholetate Ind rautlar B Sriih N. Y. ***CAL ascii simians& • :.Na it', ilmamoND Allier a fisrleots los Mit Wood Moses. `iwa tallYst , 301 L, SRO liniTalstost Trogalartyedszased m ths Loollosl :• otA1: 1 .?; ! and boasfr nosy es ^ r Pr re ' 'tV s iteoa atess IS WIC yLmsejszst - Litazior ea& :.ylslets toe wide; his mmtlutbs ,• .= vied isystlettee e t a cult" , • /.4 TWlsistdasest e. = Lo st • ts,snissotsza of those ecsaptalszsA six= let has ILLl.soots Nulls. sad haressol more Wall= can sea fa to the Katy! any yams sties Utlonari amply child Ithe so srer. elssoyisile wsP4Ment, lettlesotory eta So All soma um fta 6 l 4l4 . l a 4 4/14.. &Mall UMW f ig "1- se Ski • litth a ' ses .. which tress ehronle by tlatsror i zr. Viteftd by thetas of sr the essamitnostrasts ses day,seguesfrwsPlalausae Os niALlcsilysadt/LOLII onghly coed; bti having esse Ids metal atLetsiost es Imams= of sash miss, Wel 'Sweated la Modred. Of Instants In estilly Ponolia St naugulagoll al " oak of the blades, sod kindred disuses said ems mantra:lo those eases Idlers - main, loses socadsosed - .LoasiMsk.svisoi.Les lisisutiselsilyeentes , as am beating sad illosseessidellytss .. e!sAtryetkes b coma ',lmport= at FT ~, h 6 ,01. 1 0. 1W a m im ar.d t tlbi n z=b ub.. 6 +2 , 41. by gady,and bvrefis=felritiLlablellortbasi: M i :r= , Trrffesaltof Royttes.-Ar. Brown elsolesilis pa! solo eflitisawite Boats is eell, es le toLspeLdPitll4 Woe tussles to guesses.; • • ' . . Ream, svoi 41 .. g of elggcsa.lhpts atastisenahlry ited4 vier' auttilarat=ts sizir! tdaheasoltais ' with loft C I g#PCAT I A#4 3 2 1' ° , 4114 " 4 Ns.. No. a niazona orrovociusiki vrandr, 2:=atr== . o latVZ.Mit Il=zir . inemi allay, Pinibm4ll,l%. Itte'Peetair always • • • All ATO HMO SA • THE AMERICAN R RIATIO !MAL 5 ANN N ic r gemedy s la, i llesortned tinjAßLet i l i igt 4 Rinoneet e Couplet ntsfinish as' ' ' Ingarasaatory, Oltenia keine and Ilieinariel Itheasianue;Goat. Lainbege, • .• tong bran wren thi. hale boob Waileaaayea s Rhesasokent Gould oetbe Wed; bat *ore is 4, mete* designed by Weis foe SWUM Otero] , dis• se noth. Munn spools ea biro ua Al lan a re. medy,bas been skit earesitheiromoisto of iha worn for of the atom valuable vegetable goo• daetkaaa of Owen:A..4e strata toloostioryonant dlsarreo of the age, sod Avroagerial Mesa to (ha human Molly. It ours without air vsm ag or ting,Rad rem* oragth and vigor to Ike whole syrs• taw It has eared, d.l.lr,th. PIA ihrOmaPasr ori" tea toes *at ion countered Ineunbis. Conillooeshl the sande* poopetties of this mogb• eine on be wanly calling= the AMU, , Necingenabire loins pc, iloWth anerignored libel .ISI•Pot signeß tbegmOrieter, TuKNER, Bodelo, jr. Rote by c• -ll:earresur. cornet Thlt4 sad ; Itatterm Ptiiyfip:).l; Bald also by • RAS • .tiotose ;07:',1k1.4M-9 vionewl . .as awn a. —.l auxin tutor Ntus uwals,vrc .Berehlwor EURO Ithearearler,Obrioate Cade gears Brepoons, Pimples or Postelesen the Face. • Mucha, Biles, Munk Bore Eyes,'ollng Worst l'lnter,l3eekt lloW, , Soltagentent sod - Rio or ,the Bones and .kdou, .ftbbom Ulcers, 13= ntymplansi• &lades or 'Lturtbego,..Nod • anserg from an ialudielorte use of Merewy, • don or Dorm Broome or hapnalenee In LIU; • - Aluto.eltrouto Oorradtutioaal Menial, no. • 1121. med2elbe hai !rebuked " 4444 " " 4 'established repetruitur wherever It bees used, based entirely on Us intoCarents,videnlur superior etroon7 hes ehow serisieen, !flotnofensouns TIMMS Othdredititry3iMaimOvitik /Molten glinds,MMillaleti sinewsould tdoes. half wises, has - bee, regared to Stealth god Thor. sesofttleos,parlent, earned with aleers loetbseere to himself sad his anew:Laois. - hie been. etude rebel. Ilandrechr ef peones, irks - had, groaned hopelessly far years MUICC,MMItnedall - sod gbutdelar diaerders, ehonde• nteentigno, log minx other eatillplaints trim Ons Qomss.dssniameat of the tatted,e trra sad the drmlatlon, hevs been famed es It aura trent she leek of dimes.; sod saw, with regenerated .etilmthalitm, - gladly Unify to the = 01 " 14 0 .4 nger N." . • erlAaNi t of luastie wi able rektretlewolo. , spawn of the teadtris called to thafollowlng as cure, erected:by the usa I' 'lTU+ Is m cortifY DD. 1 hada • eokssid woman whoa - bat heart ;Minted far the list Ave yearsyrith Serabilihr Rattail the remelles limed hal ro edict la smoothes ths,gontresa of Do .cOmplabitt on Us restrarb Ms • ...may EN* .one; and altar ogyeuddair between . •- . grib Atut, DA - with skyoleienc, hernia* . ening other. popular comedies withbut the disease lad eaten away the cartilage or' her Atteeibtails; • . yearamte en varies a pans of tharbisinklunt Sy s • commenced Its wages in the root of helmets • sin MD diets:UV shanties, wine Ash prawn • death staring loran the 4lnitcy Matadi Aar base lb Dr. [hooray, Ilt• *put kr Sicaddfllassigtsuilia hero, ti.o, by whom lovas artier tense tier artiela ••• • ; awl to my sanitise add that sty steighboriqut *toss her case was known, agar aside four sad It half bet. ( 1. 1 . 4 Pet.. Wit; and that la bahe of tlim whadarand, area able to work in two weeks DIM Station she cantoeuecd takiglc. - . • sem.. of lb. lathnit thlastatabscoi.l baba ,- i oll. erestd maxed m j y eldotilda=f6ertiraher s .910!ipuge usa 7it I• t THI[OA4: co. .C. are a folletchig Ls an craw 'Rum s bitted reeddied h lars.Dannonwhad been ad noted siestgal years with Berofekuts Ulcers Dyrectahli Aar, sad ragently an allselloa of the throat end stab— • ; B,naDee.lB. ' `album A: 13. A D. BANIM.O gst.,4foll 111.10.11Ctd sung year Elul ops4/144 .71403.41 wars .03114 spy Tkro..ll ebeguartelylelesisied. • 5 " I had is itreadtal ;cough. sad Daze -were frogeently weeks to~cthv that t could not *peatabate • whir p er . Naldrit, the Ls Outman= hobo Say threat es- • • is t ;aeo b mytied,.e that ray bearinswasverr snack 'lmpaired. After WWI the Accospannu a short time, - - my health wat improved; sod _ ay Wass hrnsw wadi acu its nee Pm cough sadtl,ol2mta of the chess gq • errs I was, and can haat Quito disductti•• My threat has been .ell abo4t tines areatained ears of which Imo been edcetrd entirely hz ihe use : of' loar Oran patina. Yost friend ; LOUISA IL DAMAN* The foliewteg tastiancitial to the vitae ef this Dun. • panda. is from the Res Luther W righl.sscd7o tsars. Congrepuonal • nonding Wow's... , ;;; • Worran.bleas, Kara 811,121 A. "Neon. Bands Geinlemen-IFlegawhat I have et , peiteneed: and from the infbrmaildlo I have Totowa, . recetsed tamt umber of foto:bid high respects. Willy who. Imre lured your Idanottiattla i I haws rug the lean' amid tel thit lb • thou valuable medic i s that the r 112.111016 Ceralleddan by haft met of its offleneg. ate fatly sudtutned by txpetkrer, &Wend* its repstatiod and utility are tory extensive,. and Wad m ao of my lambi* atom baseboard; them, I want au who err atbleut4 by disease to emus sequainted whit- the aeon, and power of you, - .1 am, genticuisn,•groutfidlWilscgkrim r goi Pro. epared aid aold,srholestle sattritalt.ey Ida iybb kiewl aad I in b IMPILINgby ;giotageneraillattronghoultha United Rases snd Cry,' . ads. Pure St pqr_hottle; olz-boulea fort& •'l;dr ale by WILM2C, Jr., 13. &I' • •i 5,00.; sail EIoIIVARD FENDEIIit Ifistalutro. • Pb/1:141 1 / 1 1PIRIs l! Way, • . 1- ;•: - .1.- • : ••• i .
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