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One law Witte Ono of llereporill eruct) we I iter.len.----ww...r4...”1,--4 0 . 50 ' One Pill re, tech additional rasertitral - one Do.-tyro 1,01 • In. Onto 400 •• Ito. one eaantlt.-•—•*•• 'OW Z three 1.10112111. •• ae Do. , roar wombs DM OK months.... -- gnu:Aln Card (0 lbws or ea.l Per Italsss' " 0 • One Squaw. changeable aipleapita API! nom) etch:slot of the penal , ••,•- . • ........ '•'• Pot ea ek additional Notre, ••••a3 re ~. ant fat each additional setae!, Unarm , , 1, rater, bail • • • fner Advenisements Yiereol or a Wa d het ' nforen tines, to be 'chanted as a wear. ap Publishers not teenentable Pr Went asycf!.......a!a, - bayous the molar eintreed Orr 4,tirpoblieinotw . Anneaselog eandidaura fon Wk., Sai thusea Nat aa roller ad verustanenta gape' el= Adierilont,,ents cot waked on ...„7",..k„ d "11 i r anniber of inwrtiorn. wit . and paymentenacio anew* 06 , 4 ;1,4 Tbe attin= of yawl? ad , o ll __. othar • adver. rigidly to their leph.tbF.-7pr. Uwe:lents not pertslaint ISISr• a V c°4 ` ul P°4"." titallo • All adrerdseotate Or eta e ins ra e mpanlemorard. towtolllpanni OW= Paris 11 1 *, and tech like, to be ostg,herPrieeadtreme Idwatme. . , i , arrhyg ,, d r . to DO OWUTOO SO mute. • • , Drama notion Wetted wittentellarge,onteee aeolua. partied by Ware by/nation. or obituary wakes, mud, .e sew so aftwapan,ed to be paid for. . &lOW alrfatoOTS. sad on OtOOTIOVOCOIog !MOO* Meagan., Of ,IP,l,Ofirkl,,notlees de Finned to call aun ty,. Elite. wore., unrwerts, ad Of atty p ittt caul. “ I • 4l. ‘ wL ree . "elp`freg""owo`'-=tot-!:wry notice ptioate enterposes eat • • ertntenied to pro_rante ladividoal Interest, carton. ly be Inverted atitillOo understanding that • the same jaw be paid for. ' If Inlendod to be temerird to tin In. eat column, the .Im. will be ebarigod'at tRe rant 01 not Wu than la mote per Far, • • • Bishop or Flat riMiCt• to be chola:4 Uilda Tavern Lieente Petitions. U! . • Legal and Medical adwartlacenonta to be wharfed al' • Seel Pekoe Agnate sad Auctioneers , advertise. moo not to be claimed under yearly MO bo lo w diseaant of nty Ono an 4 oti4 thirdpeetWlL Murillo Mout of bill. .. WIOLOLT riormmtiti CID.. 11.71 M. Doe Pcnarli,three ir.ertione• ee.....•-• .Ilk GI • DA • oath addltlneral Isiserdon•.. 'ST • anoWCWslealarre aemll lfalrs; • • ' .Ons 61,0T0, One.) one qmeti. 4o . each addnioaal ussertbow.-.21 1 • tranklent aditnisements In be paid in edeantOs! 1.. WI DTP GaZette-; 11 AttPlol, - Po . RDIPT hl , littuDLk;, homes.' PAMPA P. 13AU ea CO.,,Oklallielt FOSTER& BA ret • , • JOS, SA DIPDAN, Mercury. ' laklF3 IV: 11 1 DDLb, Aortican. I • - • - LIMAAI KAlNE,E.bilmb.‘ errreirmar, Dee:l,l94D; •• • 1 C.4 l P 3 * - -1701 IN A I;LoON, - AUVERnAN. street, behieeft Oilers =LAW besieges promptlrAo• edta .. tA,Exesuica u. NirAvsuu• ATTORNFT AT LAW—Moe, on tem* fired DAVID 0- TUTTLE, ATTORNEY LAW, sad -Crards Perialy Inaba, Ok. loath, a eoI","PAR.L.PPE;POY Fx!".. rgoa• Wm IL Wm. C. rdart. Lancia r.-sraresn, ==;;=MZl P..13.1A1114.-- '--= - A ITORNEY AT. LAW:4We. on Fell* suer.; Zl, brilotocaSsguArAtitaadGcanuTiastrsigA: ... BtOwe( lfeyuuale riaTost svour.iravel.L. - ' A KM FM AT LAW-OEA•ta Ti 110 . 1 .2 sunk JOB. Orsat 0:011 th==. - SOS . Jeuslt. ific.Aams. • arid Coraoria ' ' never for too Etat, of PegrAy marl., lit. Loa* Owe of Pui.buntt , l• -• • -• • ••-k ftre.rte.ll%—fitUbsugh tr. Forwad, LUMP: bat Miller, wi•Aipii. s MaClafe,',Otin L. Parke, Bu s ett.szakpla,mecords aing. _ . reol4l w. v. lIMODWAIM. • ...111AtAig jumarr; t marixv, OODWARD A cr.p„wholaste Ott.; tea, No VORlarke. art Paralnua Alkali VITO raft , , VIDENN KT riBRIMIR If tr. CCII, PlaWalwas of UN 011,_BV.Iteirirdt POW4f alertatla a.u.Sak . teric add% W11'00216 No —, Wan . stscet.e.lovirferry , a -rick limn, Octave Reiter. , RETTER, , Vglioloodo , and ftetzli Pnig , iols, corner al Mery sad E. Cllr areas, Pia. burgh, PA. p 4 - --- • • .• • • SOLOMON eCMOS Mal, • nOMMBION MalltllANT,ElmeTendl3llllak.; er, No Magnolia mem.. Digiessmg Spriggs, Axle, Steel. and Woe . . COLEMAN. HOLMAN a'ixi, Munthinutra Coach and Utptio &rint& Hammered AMed tams ana F r ro l lr t3t"lattll'taxtk-':. "; tams - dank , * Ln Cosa Ttitatantrn and MMlnaldis 6 F4. 2 John A Cinlg. ' .• W. BiStlnnen rigida & SKintMER, in on and CM tutor la Umtata& Ni' Mute st.f.trtsbanite CM Cg. , IILTY - & 01, Forwarding and Coro n -Iff locr, WhOlcate C. Forinuillis Merchant. roni•— re •-anaw Fl ng Vlmrung . B IIRMSICT, PLICKISO 41, , 004: cossmisnos hiII.ROIIANTs.--F.- the woe or meltle.Roa len, and Conon Ckoods; aloe, dcalanan • kind. of Tailore,Trimmings, tle 117 Wood oh gil low from Firth. Pitabornh.. ;• itenrenoo—dinsins. Win.A. MU Co,Bank.dio:,, - ....... fls, Hauser . „ . 44ki, E.;iudy aillutia irtgliatleseYe (Weer,. Comm ia pna t•lir .a sM p ng- Wtril'l.*""'and su. berinoe. shi curtain., -o•- -Hoed 3d streets. -cloawmaitso & comuismoN Dir.gcnavr to.2e,ee Sturph & I t es,)Wootl&thit sr ml Cortintllslott:Xerhlthhtt Tot' Stle .40.0 1 artaella woolens , Ur hohmtte Eth ht. , fetal a. I, grctvos, Ephrata ishith •'t tb64;o: 0.116.11. ram a. hr•Euttst S HMIS & SIOCZNOR,SoIeco Chhhittlisitit my' clam& th North Watht 1411..1a Ninth Mans, lOWA 1 6 lONE' , fa_ .01r; Anternorcto• atwobst jtlonw & C&)(3owntsmata snit Forortnliarlegr. 401=4, datum. Plttstiugh Uszeinetara Goon, Issecassof Is atitaitt, C. A . 1:1:4) __ per a Dodos In ihmielt and Maarten re , yes Harming. and Idosi am. Windt. Sawies. Fire ?slats. 8.4 AI to—Wriums, Ftinilagend Wrap- AW4 raper, tin. 67 Wood stmet, batman Fauna strut Ma Diamond allay, west Mat, Pilisbardb, Pa. . • febt3 /a i r "mtlngoo44"reirrt,trg7dool, • MaCk, apa ILICRS DA • • ISMOUTIPTT, • • =MI literelet, 13,ilet le Prod* e end Pitueete enelecter n ee. N 024 'Water et; Pittebersh.* rum Dicggi , ciiehialente omen, Oo~• adoolau 11.m:hints, atiLdwalm In Prolix:4ool4G Wow: foul 1.97 Ymnt strova. alt. • L i :int:wpm &Co.' vit° l " No .. n w oo e • 1.9% Amu tkgard • &ay: C.eibikn .J 6" 3tl )' 'Ma st. Pita rksirem, Writ dein nhaVmai,"d Ii lionnib. 'win Nave edrirtork Immet ortmall dee btu and franca Itteftelti . rtL , Sat anti on the linen itureerable . rdp:,......arZ rerdlet otdclorill Mr. irnrcortyrir 01=1;6" F uel with *males *fp ng an g Prr.t.tortion, will Ira wears D ia p ftoSi sin Out materialy kbu. *a • OA, WO alit fnats Co" Ai W • m • .kl 7 CA' IN I • toot.' onwo, Ito )6 — mozsur. Woo .6d-r•MILTOMR Rho e dealt? lo Westrln Cx.e9 N - B , Th i r ..rot and pact AO. slid Western rtodtee,i t ," -.N ato at m, tosiontea Elm'Afield ea Wak-pybirsh;,,,,.: a: .s• • 42. , and repot ;r 4 ..aftr u " . °P 4 . tl* At Wan stif . iffniart -/s. R. FLOM Ornolesnle Omens, Ifterghantri Pada e innidions, freaking on. Llterty..War 2 Sines Awls, Co?nsn. Pin ; 4! onli WAIT; (ssaanion linoan& =104.; 1 -whioLoala magi and Omnissinn Wane 011nel nen and PitlAnurnh Meediteeme, s t ar of LOAM and ("Pinn ITolorda I. lea! TRE - C A r A ge at r F Er) -,, laanigan' Irin IA rend the n—OAss j &MSS; A. no OA parnAn'pr Woof and re Anntnnel4Late 11131CMSON,Co.'• • •;Rinansaiiiin nnAZIVVr ~ ;„-d.r ieC - filed Itelde.rttebetir • ' lUrtt "7.; rigarZ7M7ollll & CO, WhinAinie r . 40 0 If! AVoiAtevect. fan. Irl7,ll.lllWerrifilte ARMS:MAI Laironie.n.3t4n. dni =pc" En. CAnde4 Inomply (Sollsedons; lawainingsen, Fay.= enigma soniineni Pa. Blnadent. & 001 lstas • • • ; no eta an nectar to Wiwi* and Inimial .tn•mintenni, ISennol Boon. rapar, dinteg4Stnel Pens; Qnill&irdninns i Oath, lad 16anaziol dstargify,rie.dt wsod id4raggfatb. . ;VI SO botilg dr 11111111401 '1; . 4==rl . . . . . , . . . . ~.... • . .. - -.. . - ~_ . . . . .. , . ~. . . . . .. -.- 1%,..f... . . . . ' .. . 1 , • . ~. „ , . . .-.. ass' - n 1 - % van - isci7; LXCflLsQifa - door to the Bub of PIP N.. rnardtrine‘ onst•itsi in nod nouneirsion e n.alog. ". in Produce ud Pittsburgh mane. itwi7,7dTu0e_21,.4,." ^en el Itein,r ear 71. h apt felt/ COLL; PITTIOISVGII, PA. , tEXWEEDYCHTLDS rk v41.1..444 Gaspet Chain. Miton W r Palabargb. mina 41 igirriltra(9l=e2. NrT."47."1..f1er.,L4: 4,99 m/ of Labetty.aud Irwin St 9919 9 . Pa. Iran; Nth% Cotten Yams,, 0•11. Jots MGM. •Jame• 11. MULL. W9l4er C. Roe liircalLl.B.‹. ROE; W49144•190r0ec0s an d (9999914- 43// ileirilexelanuri No 194 Litany - 134 . Piltaba rib -•• 1. RY. ' 6 LIL 2 l'Agr° ims f. tszsc mu ' JOlllitS aztruFecruans, ,er tooth h .up ROOT 11 r4 " 411 "' el ' In 4 i;On axles, oaah and dealer, In Mal of iten end """. 11.13 - I\T 11OLMES &BON, Piodifdistotet et co ndom 1.11 &Dom comer of Foos*, dealers us. I' arelga.and Domestic 8010 of Ezenango, Certificate, of Deposit, Bank Nom and epee!a . - • • tErCoteletionn mule on all the ptinelpat titan Lam invite United States... of 4 Ken nx, task nn—tt ee o • 1.11, third door above So unfleid, south elbe.. , 'Osneeyarinlnr of kinds'done.nlitit the MU.; core an 1..1 socar.T. • - - - Tit nn to ilea lEntate examined, Ice. 0nt30.11 • ICI LPs Co., • ANUFATUII.IIII.S. UP 0 lIIIE.N.CIASS ,WAREL nOAT Nuke% isrect,Pitnins . gb, Pa, kcep eonitant IT on hord,Aut linnet* order all kinds of Visisi il., •e. PpIIIIT and Mould Was. Dont. of nut . Parteelaiatthatlon siald to Plinnt asan. • novioly - —T."—Ekthegraphto Establtilinadzit re WM. OCIILICIthittiN, Tiard st, opposite, tbe Q Poo.ol9ce, Pius4urg4L—MapNlALtdx_Lpcs , c f4 ll. h rist=ratt r iorst i N a LVt i ;t7nit i ec a e,, " ;ra he g Ordralm °alma's, end plated colors, Got., Inoue or Black, the at aPprompd s7le; .ad .t the rag , maecouote erases - . Della:lv E•DO( 0N,1.1.17LE a. CO. . • CU Liberty streei Pitesbuok %Panama GIOSCIV, PrcKhc• •Ad •1•••• Merck=ls, and .41•Cers Pitabarth ).Onrr..osaaa. it . crrns. nuR i sesmos. - OUERT NOClagN.holeaato Gonna. tu-ot fyiar Dalliptl, &saw Prodoeo, land. , lona. am all hula of Pomp. and Domestic Plldos .and lagoon, No. It Liberty Weed en hand onOY rh ire nt m n - di be r argra j or " rd, l . a at i ' '°l4Cit" I • L. O. IMO Z. L. SUM Igi . NOLD9 k 9UFS Fororannag and casual* .100 Merchants, tot lee Allegacay River Trade, is in Graterina, Prodaca lattsburp,dianataco tate% and Canirida of Lime. • ' Tits priaa;in cub, paid al. all times for - 11s rapt: 'Caine Pena and P.m *A, .3,19 - DOOldiEr et, Whalcsata ,aitaaana; .11a Conunixion Merchairs.dealera In pad:ten and Piaabnryh,Mana4e:ure6 LAbany anaah - - OIIMISISOI A Wicras iLF. DAMES, Prod - nee, Forma:Hog, Lod Comaueslon Mordant, and Dealer Lo thin oryh Ydaydda.ourrea, No =0 Liberty ern% Kuabonal. " o Sthrrttr-Mltnirr i4jYt - Si t tl ß iYo n ateD r.o* Teri fA. egpr add Plough Snot; Al6O-.-E;niscs, lnles,Vlcco, I'dey Union. eit•atiela of ounchanta and conomon to th-ir MIA b./0:01 pnrchuNg oleo- her... they nornat thntr ta belldita to .7 made in das moony or imported. (add c nacts.old - TllO4 X. wade. Q . LIADDIXTY . k. WHIT& Whelan!. De den in Forolguandllloonde Dry Deeds, No. It Wood scoot Illoalburh. • - 1917 Wool Aleroboyealato 1.7 ra Flee. brad PrOduee to:orally, mod Ponra•dloy had .Zestrolnioo Merchant., ha 13 Won'. on•ea, t; Immo, rrrcaszses. 1,1.71 alcols, SFLIA:III3 riletiV,Prodneet and Gneratroma Minion hterebanu. too 4' Liberty street. , Iry batik. Sgurm, Wove and Lard Oil. .017: Qis VON LIONNO.IIISr s. Wholnale Gina. cm.. Fororirding Coakatiesiem 111-rebitllM DAUM.. in PlitSbargW. Attaa'aelami and We.terit • Prad ace, have litalved to IS dr new waraheure, (aid cand,) no. N r ,ec , , nsct of Fnut street :and Chancery nOILIitS ri/LWORTU. ,TEA.".*N.D , WINS MBSCIIA.NTS. Itastilds rii=ood, Pittsburgh. apt 9 LS. Waterautti..l7. N Watering , ..W Wideman. NITAVNALAIAN s SONS, TOLIMI.L.r.GMOCESIA, Coma Mica. aM warding NerecardE &atm in sdi k.ds al Pm data PirtAnrgh Nanalletarcd Article% and Ahem* .fmaidd Iliditawcd and ld - ackberg ldaradaeurred WALL , - - ARTOSINST A 3 s Nitt a a: lso Mica to collections oda but. nass an:matinee blai spas reg z , - W. VT lace, do - James 'Marshall 44 l'ittebarxe ittl • 'Has & Wood s't psi 7 Geer, - S. 11. 013511171& 10 & GO., SOLILS4I,II. end }MO 'item in Gwent. end Dry Goods. end Carrannalonnterc lt hnnts Li Not Pnishonet cu • JOON ROOTADMII it CO., PORNARDI\O'L COMMPDON MERCHANTS, .. Cant 415.14,Pe5s poet. Prtuddo-ii or 6 • 7-7-3/1111215 10.. DAVIS f CO., . • nOPHCE. AND FLOUR FACTORS.- No. in Market. ind SI C...awdoed. Nu, -Piduttel}laa. Adomodoiads, 67 (Aker of tisaioee l o.sdadlds menu of Wedded to ciDet Hasse , ; ArS TAR ti LVI t Aee HAS: 00. • _ WHOltreD A itETAIL PAMPA' 0 tdOcERS, Par...Was/X. and®Metehantil, and ;denies. In Cod. try_ Tr,doce and Pinabdrgb Manofdt. eta; comer of Wird and DM Onto, Tindbars6. • .. rarer, Camml.sion knit 4t Winer rt.. Wsa. E7maVaT •1171 1 1(s U. WILLIAM. as COs. BANKERS AND- EXCHANGENROKERS, .Ncatli East ammo( Wood onel TIAN M. 1441 )1•1•1.2T., Jo.l • CR.Wri... 1•91,1.1 1 12, 1,1/11- ad= Cirecnro, te ,Tv ad= vir.ostre nab- _ *pi,. Josra.sworicz. • . imvu, leca.%can. leg r. weettaxgs,Clittemers te L a J- D. liVr' murk _Whatenale - bracers, Fongradat end Coaceinton JiletAiot4 dealer. la 'it., NE% Cau.on'isrus..ti Eavortitill.utfactvtri Onerill lheranuof Wood and Waters aseu,r.tubouh. lirriCEM • Vit.° ettle roor 1 l eWi Itumfylog ldstliters, and and a L h lq Ma Al ao-4.a portals of Soda Ashanti sr._ - powder; N 0.109 lalrl7l toPIK"Cj i tV . i7 l Erma.) Mob., letaviiiit tr..slllrtar7 Goods con* of Aeuka uq. Patna sun% Patub2nrn Itic o.—•Wittebes weThitrie. • - ; OEN AVM. vouraii, do, Dealers In Leniker. lilies, • ite r ivia Liberty Oft:Ursa% • • Sort' lealvSzci. . t sigOUTCOr.Ori, wristatigq_Zetaern, • deeers Pmdiree . Ircm. utob, ana ,nuAgnro bteadioldrio gc.u.lll, Labatt, grew.. THEW WILSON; Portrait and Miniature MPainwr. Reortheereer ei Peat Ottae May end Pewib street, et:Renee on Fourth eg, near gdultet., . Inr..l7iiirtrrtain, Coolislattefoel RI @retinue?. i MO. MORI Levee ii, (O Ottoman. keep renstantty en 1 li nand allure wirrinenter Brat.** or inei feller , II cur brawls. which thry.erer, far tale as *gent. J. • Dimond k Co. Mediums, ern glactory, 7 Eland. Ja rand it Co,Larciebelleo 1 Ronne, Cornau, A de 61 rto !taw A b' OW rille, Aldo ilemdare t Join Geld.. az , Itun We, Maim? Oln, fiords= Rod and White Mad la casks lin4 VW'S. gerund wheals by/I)bn Darand it:CIO; 00114e1 e Wlee,and Swart Burgundy !Pert- • . rebr..ll* • - wrii. TaNttstur. - • - IHAVE taken NUL. Cn RR into pattnerthip with •=0 in tar bulinett, Whisk will troth, tlabi data be Yawned en ruder the name el,igebn PitGr It CAP , 11,1=1,1510.2.51?. . , . JOIIN PAUXER. .inlin Park er .............—....--. MIRO= Cur. . . JOHN PAhICER illo CO., ICU leads Grans, Deckes in Praises, Fortyp. ' • -. Wines; bow's, "Old Aionaxgeheta and Becojted Whial , y. •• .. N 0.3, Covillarnlal BAW,Liberry street, u Art* . . Pittsbargb, P _ & airlGLe. M=LIII.COMMI9rI Nuncurars, stlveza:s mach oa . in)asignmsats , 11311-11,..tri. - WAsIZIWI rAtalgt. 7IlWh Man. and. IL SIMI " 1 - -. nuatunte astme. is co., , ...., tegieeeolsats to - Homey, Moan 6 Coy i tpANYERN IMCHASIIIin GROWERS, end dealers IJa In Foreldn mot Dememie EXishange, Certlneatea ,of Ba nk' ?Imes,- mad Spetle—Narth Wesi leorternlootlind •Thltd creme. Carrent money ,roecietd 86.tleyolite;-6616 Chula for male, and eolloetlontnnole on neatly all t h e principal polnta The WOW ytemlempald fOr Forr.i[nandllmanlo m l li l a ditendol Mod_ 26 . of 1 .- m.6We, IMIP , Pligtotoen noon/ teVPII4"" aoldl ‘ twle.a.a l eurno.] = ' Cos,. . 6 sofa I ..- 'WE. A. 11101.1360 do 00., ~ 6111,00811,6 -AND-VEll DEALERS, ....._ .__.... _........ Kolaktioirtry stmet, odeefe MA . i ~, , , „ ,- ...—_,`... shine enshood 0 lama amonmeat of Cede* --".... sad , lua mom men, reitelgrt FIIIILi and •Neuh--Wholush and . 1011, Dodds ea 1d owls .... . ass - M • so Obov.. tttitoos efjfAr"lcitsaftt* Iffllis Wins ant cu wee PP. 0.4. = 11, ..5ue1l es WSW offarrsitirdlspash sr of rich as Yr( lam% i l d rihtlreadisz,espf., tfla insaines ral=, ='"liMNithe'egjto Cote/ wait. IfflaffflUltg Ist Sod lathes am! we. In gen. - All Undo of Wh coo. to order, or plot Atty• : etet. for yesrlsg fattedes at mills SI reaseturire utra RIM 29.—EBUDItIVAilla aca Baietizgla 1 0 114 Ilimilottioft Alncv-- PITTSB MIWEIINNEoi Wilittill3a, to a,wpnzmT; IL A. VVESTER.VELT 81. - 80 N; IXTELL KNOWN VgNITIAN MIND MOWERS. V keep eonsumtly on sand or mate to ether the best smiths itt their line, et their old rand, Na it *b. Chtheteel; alro,stNwP6 Natteestreehmeend entrance in the Diamond. Veuithus Simmers made ur order, and oid blind. built retuds.d. .7,10 BENNETTB. BROTHERI QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, . ditrentaglitarmatuiar Plttaleiretrbil Ps. .Ofiere ; Ztiai 37 Water et,'. &twag Market and *WILL eaticantly temp on hand a Rood wort - meat at Wm: crow own atannfacoun and superior quality. Wholesale and emantry ithants are term:ollW call en ea =Ms for therlttNei. II wit - ant determined to' *ell +beeper OM beam? beta* teen stored to tbo pub. MWOrdera sant by mitil.aneasapantad by Magill' or ood reference, twat proatptly melded to. and NIIVW 00•011.1MOTOnT, . . lir A. WWI'S & CO., old respeetkUj infbne Ile. she patio that 'they hare ereensd a shop on Lar.o . ek, hansom Federal ant Sandusky' strewn Thep are anw ta4in. arid are prepared:a real. orders for own desenption of vehicles; Coaehes;.Chartors, Da. melte& UngtztY t tgOlOnet 1.C.1 &47 ,4 ,1 ,10 frOathl i 1gNnVi1.a4=41:e4.1.1..4.7,0; tumbled to do work as the most miserable twars with thaw wanting ankles In their Ilan, • • • PnYinit Particular auentiod to thieofeeetnnisf Mite. Wale, and haring none but oonTetens workmen, Owl have -no hedmtion le searranunir their work. We therefore ask to atisatiou ante palin to this tatter. N. U. Repairbsig done W the how mum; and on thr , mostwoonable terms. • , Watt • nist. s. scent ' latent asincemi SCAIFE de ATKINSON. • tin so, strew. Woo; am Swim PITTIMIntiII NNTINUE to mannfaetom ell binds of COPPER. TIN AND 811.F.b. - T ISDN WARS Abet Bt.* annh - Wort. Steam Coats built to otter.. . Special atonnion given to meant bose Work. lios.on bands abate smortmeet orCoppes and Dram gentles, Tin Kamen. km' Stem:Meat Ow king SUMO, Cambia Forges, sexless elses—s sop conrenlent U ndo for steamboats, Callfeole esolgrants, ar toll ma companies. would re*.ithany Lemuel stud boat men end others to call ud see mis articles mid peters be . gorehotee el rather? . r. 19 - W. LJ. CLIME!, Book Binders. , WEWS inn I.l4l.ekia the abovebtudnere. coma of Wood and Third unteeta..Pluebtnita, crave we are unpaved to do any work to oar Ilan with tiee pawn. nVe attend to our mock penernalliy, and nano faction will be 'lron in retard to its mantes, wed dn . Books riled to Mil ititelll toad s bet6i nth• 0.1311111.V.T. ikoka in numbers °told books bound ear. natty °Trepan& Nantes pat on balks in gilt Inner*. now am bane lend tsi on: ciao an invited to call Prins@ low. • aorta Mt===;Z=l :roam Wlllollld.Co., am prepared to ball& C 01240 ej tett Wool= atulstaary of strarf-desertialoa, nab u Cueing • dtaellatu, 1144ealj t roams, Swami, Drawing Prams, Balm Warpors,Ppooters, Ditattiag F rom es, Loolaa, Card 0 dam, to. Wroaela Iron Stating arced; all atm of Cut Iron, Pathos sad flanges of tweet pattern; slide. and hand Lashes, arid war of all Mae. •ef Qom detatottea Rimithad =abut mato. Pawns wide to Met rot . Mill Geuted, dat!ktt a.. .a . Itteam fa boad Factoreto,„Cast leant Una u 4 Amu Cu t:ague:l4, Wen left at the Wareham of/. al Co, Ltbotti stout. mall Um Mod% ersid Rafe; to Otaeketook, Hatt t Co, J. IL Idoorghead Co., f/. B. Warns, Jobs Irwin d. sou, pmeatak ; a.r. J. H. Want. Eltembouttla. - luta PIA AOlll POE subsotiber aeon for ssis a huge asul. spissolig iton:mem or:view:pod sod oishoshtly gonad en. Kann, with sad - without Colon=s eelebated /Soften /Michael= The alio.issuotaisots ors woo. rimed to bo squil So say snansfactsred in this emu. tiy,aroi will km sold . t aissAthao sat broaght from tin r. BLUME No 112 wood at. , • - td door aOOllO SUL N.8.-CW amp will be aka% b 1 Par for • re. GI lcei above assectree/4. /hY2 F.ll. gaciir ridramt insakr. . THIS Is w minify that I Wee g 4 , •. .w.b. far no win of[ eln iro PateatrVin ee tie GI Ina of , seal Alleinieny. JO WILSON, liw, ex Wahet el illibsen,3o Weeilwo7 • We haw tona wlngene of Ws Woes ardidinat We Whew of the Newby Works foe thaw swath% en telali . and feel peeked; waded that it is • esafol Lineation, awl we take. pleawue ln neeoweendliati daren as a we fed article to eill who low pan wawa Orden will be thainfally weaned we prosaplty weeessed. wag , LIVINGSTON. ROGGES V. Go . • Steak= Stith Werali OPT Bale. un otbserlber offer" for gale, du...STEAM DEUCE L WORKS, above Lavnenceellla, atop:Ulna Steam tStaine,t Boilers, !Afield Machine eapable of ountallonunre =VW Dressed thfabl (oat 'of dry ally, aa taken room the baula) per day; Bilk three sere" of land en the ateghtuy Byer, on Black are 4 atlas end sheds, Caseolsta and clay sheds, .witettlbarrows , track% cooada, ece., every Ihins rellilsitil la tont. Wenn, oparatiqrst at en hews mice. rem Beluding, 100 patent ratin to ale said staehiao, 117.=—formeor Petwent mule easy. Withoct the 1. 0 4 113,000. vol 'anteater., address • HENRY MERRITT, anly7dl No HS Moeo! Lab Hem. . '‘• *Vreoculti. Oast Leon ISallThit. TWEE sateen- l aws beg leave Wisdom the ',abbe Was they have obtained from the Eon all the *nd faahlosable designs far Iron liaillog, both for house. tan canteterica Peneo.ll wit/1114 to preine,eure kind tome pan trill ?kegs tall tad examend lodge far themselves.. Relies will be fttralabed at the short. cat =IOB, and In the best otsener, no ths sorbet ',- O es r ltabxata stnot• A. s, Allegheny e17,1T q. CNOIE. atßdtf• 1..A.P.10 Jon~ii *NO. 0 STATE STISEET, BOSTON, 4gint l e e Clams Isrid Itstaany regret, ~m • Hto'gg'3s?7,..'NTlTigar Li: " I I: 7 111 " M ir lu""b• WiDeEld. 11"eauratTi7f41,,,I, In country, and „legatee . mated BUDA& and to 'possible Agents - in - Loudon and Menehewar be ls srepand to afford all .riecessavy laloteliatiost g od' Mk "lee 10 petticoat:an 55.110 WeElYal PIIfWEW is {Let etuantly. -Lt. keeps e llot of rho England Eividend Books vat eh map be eatuatasd 11l 1000011, cute ler tel lent" of the Alphabet. , Rektou ors la Donau: - • C. B. F. ADAMS, NoEmy rotug /Aim WEI.I3,_EI; HENRY NAY, am" sOIIN W • 111sCOLID Oaks • A.c. rd & Woo Illsabliamalot• tlataarls. Owner of Wood mai FritA PGm:W CULL oils ter ti!...egrrlZ ' Osair (Ism and Caps from oasneribitsjent of Mo tilt asZarlat• era arosommacroof watt rraisoad arias LOWSW Coaalry Koretnissa Ptrebsti.l .6,olnall, an respecTially iiimtel la tall sad or Poem as we cam say welt etealteowo ,etet se rasards ovum and rims, ll artl:l MU agar fa a' aomp a - iras wall asp ea. In 11,111,1'14W - 2E17 owl tern salaams Ws Mend. and el:Montan that DI be b last Melting !donee. .pring r.oek floods,' coortiter, It meal, all Wo newest sod man einhion. =la subset Clods, Caulmeres, fenny Vesnews, cot ton end tine* simmer stall, and every antelealltable for gentlemen'e weer kw emend and saminst. it bens IwpossibLe to dewed., the bee it?, RanelltY of donned, do propels= tropes maids are in want or goat, ebesy,fuWewhb, nd well solo clothes, will. eve him a eel, as the is no Most this .Ida the klleglienles thin can coo ere wlib It. . ,110 to made le wedreescaslre, add: tel to all wow:. EMI feet cantraotors, country merchants, mad ell woo perdue lamely, are leaned to ex amine- she moot before parena=g, a. pannier are =nen Ls pald to this wholesale b=ems la Into 'M.. lahment. Every artlele la the =Wring Ida madefie order In the most fishlcasble and but sonnet, et lb. donee mules. • and ....rmarret • rrEE sertsewhip berctotors waiting OW irm or di I ERADLEY,Is Resolved Derma anew or Mr. 0 Bradley. The bestows will be wanted on by A liltsdloy, wise will settle tne balsam of the isse ISna. REMOVAL—A Dessrurr Ws restored his Vosnery Wartime,* Isom No Its Scored Www,teNo Woos arra; baleen TRW zed Second streets, to Om wate boloo linty mewled .b 1 0 A RIM. where .. will keep tort wolued sierra eassousentanset• .Orstus Wows, Cookie Atoresilts. fir stustann of tta whuou otiPottraL7 WWI to tbe followlag *adios taw undlir og, i ll ' d 4al"--11"1 Taut tr , item Kant to ow _ e methlooob. muat dm. ral "at J .lj " atuNer`. iZGM Pttlibutb, Nadi 9.160.• treantrama, Marel7,l3lL • MugulsiM—Dear gin Having arsminad %WM.*. amtc:*.antutfmnortul at you room', I do not Plante to eurintand lotto Imo of thoml paternal' .he or. about rumoring to canronsi. to safirek of ag l ifut n eial l s a, c in7 =4Zr:l: id tse laraintto' to ascertain when Ido placer to rialdlaglloldL__ .. molt You 1511010OCL McICSLVT, NIANITOIMES graj se;rrtr ra and Cant Steel F 's 4.lo, of afatosi sat Slackamlo4 - and Shoo .I= l 7l,:trlfategA l . l4 "ant oleo la the Nag am* of SOLLMANS ' SON, No I,,firot of Wool west. Pltubt . V6 . W ... ossiotmaii.L Wa,thowelorshosed, having *sea, los& Mite so. &Neuss, Oa Cast Mal tool ran saMty thossol 24eKsiry, a his Bute Piga Watts, lo thiselty,tsto pies tarcetalowtstAt them as mita , to quolay to lox cost wood by W. or Totals% aura tom , sibobottb, Natal 4,,1040. 0 & S 50,800121111310 ER t CO, hOwitostaisrs of Ww aa Nth& Pttst. sucter T ris,r, ~ '....olllVvidened Mits_binthilk - comm Art. raa 51"41atiftoterft,siielosatis storwa .., . A W W wbsialbP•s_ -• , • '. '4lt , " ~,,i s am:m' •••-"' -paitiliagia. sadjadOse os.anisacai,l.,. ....-7..," ..zi ' im' r '7'." - • .::: ".-rz. , 4AH r AFP, NAY & ....h!..4l.slotais_iflssolrelittitM-....:12.._ LosoittatiVe!Otah l t sitaidsriritialL t iN:' itailge Maaarmitrer, Malta la jib: - AIR of Golde2einudefonopiougl drorrp• ed to Weal wee, bl Mat of Baku/VI/is PUN+Nanwar., TIN Matt. will be twirled IQ frvins/Of ~ ~ itGR, - WEDNESDAY INSIJRANtE . JUNSURARIOIfoe . , THE DRLAWARR AILITIIAL sorry MAU. ft ANCF. COMPANY.—ORsA North P.m or the ettunge,Third street,Palladolphit. Fn. fosaagreete;Aulldlngs, Merebandiserand odeer progeny. in Tann and•Countrf, Insured against loss -05 dsmoge by -AMU the inweetrato of premium; • , Alamos leausanes—They Goo tense Reer• got. and Freights, foreign or coastwise, untlegoyon ret apeenl P TP:et no th .trtila% m egel d sr kierture Canal oredise trumperies) by Wagons, Rail H ood Clan, Canal floats end Steam Wats, od rivers and. labia bre the most liberal terms.- - : . .DIRECTORS*-16seph ti. soli, Edmond A. Fondle:' John 0 Dario, Robert Herten: John B Penrose. Som. el Rdireerl ',Geo 0 Lelper, Edward DirUnguns. hose •It Davis Was ' , egret, John Newlin, Dr It II linage, In C Hand, Theaphilus Paulding, H. Joust 'Moore,. Henry Slam, Hugh Craig, George Serrill, flooneor Delgada, Cbnkler Wetly, 0 Johnson, Win flay, Dr 8 Tanana. Jolla SeltoraWg Ern, It, • • • DIRELITORR AT .PITTABGRISII—D T Hergon, nosh Gralgs-Joha T Logan. • • , , e _ WILLI meirriN, PreGacit• . • Menai r.llonoous, Peer. ru • 07•00 See of - the Cothpary, rro, WvktiT MIN); 'Pittg/I111(11. - .nitlB34( • ! P. A. NADI:JIM:Aga Lib aad Elimulth loarmaramom, goutal i gre and Maul. logene< CMIMAY of Phlladel Incorporated hg tbo Lenialatore Cro Peumorimon a, Much, 1E149. Qom? pa -Capitall,llloo,ooo. Baatn uwn Tltilf PL'IreCYL TAMA COMPANY, sad 20 per cent. lower 6613 die mast rains of Lira lasurszeo, as the fallowing com parison will show: Th.s, a potion of 'no age 0131 oaring for 11100 Or 'kle i nlaut pay In the Girard grnire-. 4 Po o nnivati s t gi . Pr nil.,,oe3inro New elt Tatentaz, •Now Y o rk e. , • blot. 449•, met flealiii,Pholadelpido,nt . Pr . ' Dieromese-Paraluel O. Order,Ctrilleb. onto. W : P. Room, Rena P Cawley P. lin W. fa- Ilaltwito, AL ht. Reeve, DI. Chas. O. to Campbell, Levels Cooper, t. Rodman Baker, IL Oaten FP IL Cope.. Prendent-Sumuel 0 Onlek; Vice Theni deat-Robt. P. Klan Seeretary-Pronela bilmkborne. applications will be received. and every informatimo event) , SAM. PAIINFATOCR, Attu • Oilleo,Cogyrlltrata 60012.11, onn,cr ouverAdly Weed and TArd sts, Pimbargto pins ea - ri) malls= Ems yams cm. iNSURANCE. CO. Cl Roth America will S 'mat perman•nt and limbed !mamma on pro. Teoy in tills cloy and ILO o abionteets by Canal, Riven, Wee, and by gear 'The properigesoi this Company are well Invested, and famish Cu, moll. able (and fovea ample indomoity of all persons arbo desire to be pro.cend by Inn mum- - , la le Win. P. JONF.S. A no, 41 Water U. • • • - Piro end itt nirlsor Inatersuese • THI.,°.2I°LII" ""e'::nci,. 46 tPoP 1l Front tt ". Ins sratmarlber,.sgent (omen atnnto Wand ?verde. sible Company, will lentivrofieles ritilidll4B ves theft eyeteeth and on shipecenta nsPlezelanWee $ll Stem Boastend nth= vexed& • PITTiYDBpII ALIA rpm Smart Session he %Ids Institedoa. Moder th e L. cue of Mc sad Mn. - Oomosx; for weer% academia yeas,seill commeace mites day, hiontley; reran? tft, Os same thilliAgs, aS Liberty trmegemeats graftage Mado by which tho 7 is faralsh young ladles MUM. pa ea n la the Wee; for obtaudeg a thorough thiglioh, a cal, sad Ornameatal education: ♦ fall court* et Pb.. Ssoplace sad Chemical Lestsm mill ha teaseled taring Me Meer, illearaied by apparatas. ThCds. =,.of Vocal sad teammate litsle, Modem Deering sad Penang', rillench be =Am glummest* compstent l'Ulf<2llol , ,By dcsa attectLen toile moral sad Intellectual Iniptoyeamet of thole pi* eta Principals hope ha s met gralniatatlon of the pommto My e Wham cahoyel. Fla WILLII II I6 dreamer apply to She Pelealpea r• *adorn and aa;laue faentinte. saints vr.WOOLIWILLIn • J. W. W. a Zr e elk Respeetthlty %Stowell tba Poblln that to low cotOo ' pitted but n..sepa. ruastruas.e.i.i.c.a erdw.vapod motet ac over offered tot oalo taw city, comprising *macro' owls Rosromos, tdanottater, and Wormy, sawed, Omotomiud eta plain, 'tomato lot PalLorta, Drawhvg and Bed Rooms,all of *lack watts 'old at Pen tb ang demnog Fismitam of any , diwerlptloo, an alamdally Invited to sad sea tuon kW stool, watts asters.* every desevitalon, (row Me etioapostano ts ovost oktrant sad 'lndy, of wtdolt the comptivas opals Tote aetoborat; 'fete a Tete COMOZIMAUCILAIII, lfflulavetlan Comm; Reception do , louis,ll9 do Itateastou doltafot '1.9.14nal "mm New, Tollet Tables Lost. Corowi lam rat a'°! York", (Imlebt 14 egos with Plana tutd /Iml.ylottv po do; em; 49 dos /I.o.orady Parlor Otto.:w JO W Romrwool M 9 alaat , leit 4d " Caste Veal dot 4 • 1111.1ogany Itoelisty do; " do _ Pomo .tool; CO ramble Top Vows Tattoo.; 90 do do Wutt Smadir, 14181abosony Iltedmaods . 13 do Wararoaat , 18 BPI Walnut do; I • 8 Cltarry do. t went Mess awairmosed of CoMmltoll Maim .Odell. farsaton too matou to menu°. pOp. tlmoon Roam Conalshod On tae tltortest notteO. MRorders promptly crawled sot P. 9.—Cattinst.Maters eon be applied With &Hanna at Ittlabogoa Wilma. and Vetoers. et mmieldo. ll 7 vadoood price b . Yehts . _ . .._ lIERSEY,'FLOIING & CO, 11AVC von..qams, PROM THE 11ANVPACTIIIIRRS, AND AT 'IASI% . ERN NON . illrbloollemodo, all Wool.. Woo UPAC•rungay . M.* PRICER , ' Rod do ,do • Woo Docßool ._ Yellow do do Force Coticoleder, on In Brown do ' - tlo - of/Cre4 at Fibaboy f doom Illeoßtbnincao. . ,H ,.. i 4. sh.h . t , bleb 7. au . do , . DbOoko and DICIPcob INN do tea Tdock, Conlon& . ...on' Goods. .. FOP • , do :' Red raddiolcolopor ON Pomp Torpedo. - • - vest Podding, Ileclorson, Soper Black , Booed Cloa. l'atloncCaboaso,bcono do; Dope: Booms 40 ..- HIP•IrEI Locos, ellicia's Soper lima _ . 'do . [Drab 0 , ....10b block Co.. I Soper Twilled_ : the -- ' and owd; • _. Roper Meek Doe eklea. Glut mod W kite Tam 1 Sala Dtab Caabooreo Week 'noisy Drab do; ' Doper Roo.* do - . Unto Cheeks and DC 111 Noperßlllllk . do . Stasn'o 6 cone SO Cottoco Cabbalas Dbookols. . do Llacc. Tootod, o Rootlet do Doe dor truck; . . . Moe- '•• do ' ' Nlk . filterod Vesuarr; • l v • -' do. ' V. Ulu*. eaten • do DNA J . Dirt Ragging. , Drown Rolland Reg NW"; Remo ran _ . • tic:cobs, Crams, loc.. 00 . r l i Al UM Mutefilculolte Ilteillot4 No tro Woad • . Dla► T ITE eaTanatii,y bemafoto eatnlnd birdoca the , raeserlbero, fa the maw of CoustoOlo. Oily Is %Ids day dlarollEd ky menial control. .Idetsrs. duke & Barnes led foulallta taillal.ll etas concerti, fat drama Viloollll Lao ars LW:lorded so ase memos of do oodoefa. NATHANIEL CONSTAULL mu:sup:Mu, • TalffalAS LIAR:eV:Ir . ......- • The atoteretoed Pave &today asse:dated dui ataelave to the *Las of BUMS is Oa RN M.. for dm parpeas of cr.saa , aetatios roe /loot sans Vol'n Deets, ic. st the stood of -te lota tin of Oonetable. Barka ado, lobate - May will be pleated to reeelto the patron. • of des alsioesata of that boon and their rfteoda • - EDMUND BURKE, • THODLAttIIA.RNBaI. • Co., twittor i hook *to &no Cohlable,Multe & o 1 wire sumer: Onovra reevalart:ALtarke r :: prenriltll. 11VIZIEL.CfONOLZEL , 134 " 'MOS hat •rownied from rho Easlidi CUL end tr•••• ••• * lwo imiew of sedwasbledwods,to latch respowthlly Lev!wil W 11 e 'sundae of reCTO saw and No at Wood st‘, • P. /d.scsear, h tronsuunl4 rectetving, from Itio largest muisfaetortes ow- York wd rhtlaklphs a, lend abo_from Renck wileneWs, die mown awl , moat eoprored miles of Ye. -Hastens,%anther wlik -, llo4dete, Flre kknid rents, add l'esterll4=44aWat Wired st,tte. term Foarys Nast Outreeklat rigniEtt Pir.lNT-6 brieJesi wed per steamy, MI. and for lido by the barrel or duet , Puerta •41 tko Outf i t** and Perftwiery Warehouse, COMET of BMW and Woodstrouu. N WtoiCeptutlet. ifistrWPateat Mods A.L. 464 Mir of eke oboe eelabra ed 'brand and elute now 00%e . way ?pm New airlean ' s, ". 4 pawed hero dila week and 314 will diertlranire ell Daldtioro per Wipe Juniata, Chesapeake; Pune*. em /abet, wince ••111 be sold en ETTMi, at tie ta" "k" ink "' e tn. o 3NlT : atlatlES , Pui I.llwww ei: rtrIICAL , *TO* POLTifir TIM Phoenix Illeaufacte E.:meaty LOT+ oiler ta 1. the public ear Pie:atom Cteinieal Sieve Polish; and withal* , ezeggeratioa, or fear of ennu i thovo who have tested ly prenoonee tt far ...woo 10 way other in the market,. The eonesater need have no apprehensions, et soiling . <maga /to., 00 its epai politionvevents a dust rola utilrg wean being Op plied, whleh - mest delta when the Move is rail Toe quanilil required le so lade to preduee bast lastra A saving cos ting ap pli ed r cent is Insured to the saistialolll. A to %Norm Placa the, when laidca - a7 ter the ISSESPer,ISis SUM pre• 'imitative egainst iolt Aber. hiving tiled it vice, or It Is accesstSlo) no 50000 will use any hot the Itamils. Nucleated.' Company's Presiders itheinb eat Clove Villa. • Foe see by. - • • _ limicxyzoniot, . . unt ' • Carnet of 44111 and Wow? %Wein. --- .7 - 111171.13eattia ALE, peraeas baylni numbela Poi do their ...K..: la content ty to a resoludea . of Council. will please tilt author. Rotas' et , tser Dowd of Tnidei wand story, Owner of Mood and Third .O, 'and any for the same. ' 13ei61UK 1 i h . *A LI ESTOCH ., Pittshersti. ttit his . ..W.I muosTin i rs ta ow g o b o ir * i . Card. t . p P uma o t ewsDeavaiY. ssanes if e i . ibugh and Allegheny, andboe wortoffMw pony:nail - Jar . the psis*: tad wilt' yet in the Wald. Of sha Water soma whet; bOOOOOll the 0.015 and - -lye chimes aid ill ;be feet tetanal tit the livadietled Of toinplete and perfect Direttory, partleoletly shoes who have cot hoot, eallsd an, rill IlltidriMaltkeeallklisket,hritairettalning thai Met Valainaaliasisatioitcalit-pliteipt of bultneas, ,ats tritliktategisengtr,!ai.jrZinatid;dlti Yorti k lowed ijaepigeo, by tea eateabbranasisd. • - sinzosmost PIASIOS. 43138Tmein4'i 117:4Vrg e ortil tele. ' l 'l itiarah ivb4g. aneucuts. SW n lriapin°o7/"Ju"""•°V"tg7ll= Mule OWN T14#.0,94 Mlit . • MIMI bANI) BALES - [lv thorrosidout o f lbw tialltod Stator, . . riiro=nlgngl i g2aTeTg l grla?; declare and .ftnike known:that:online mks srll be 1.-13 at the riiitlenasntions.l Lend Ofliees intim till.* of Ofti;llWILN, at th e periods pertloaftet der . igosted, to wit:— • - • ' At the • Ler d Odle" ne -5A1.11.1 D one MARIE, foi On ' , Late ftsperior District. 7 pO , 2ISMiI 0, the doy, lA, tiXleillth day of Pepterobar milt, for the els. rinsitt of puble tones. Wit4fil tAtt felorsing .named tolon.hlos, sir . North eat luvoliatut4u2 urt of As prt 'rtrip,tl wndi Tosrosit'p forty Gus, on fraciinnif toiitnstilps forty sin Oil fell, fi,e , ll, Of ti 'IMO, ', ' . T..sirostilys fortY fire , a of (Ott rag , and. fraetforisl l i tOsruship.forre teven.of ante direr! • • • rr r r . r Township forty sli,ond IrlictiOnat tourosltip fort/ Seven. of range four. ,- - • : - .. Townrhos forty six, and Nil . siren, and frottlonsit townships fifty end fins one, of violet Ave. " - Frsetionol lowishlrs forty:serer, forty eight, font' nine, City, tird Oily. tte, of 'singe olz., . ' Toernshif • forty:cleat and forty tine. and fractions! • • - . ipmuttlp 847 of wig, sereu. Pracl'ontl 11,2,11411T0 +tarty nlnn on'..floot and fatty an k•rlat Itland," and taernehtp fatty five,'a rania eirtbr. ' • rrarmanal Wands thirty nine and fo crt “_llarr , and •(3 radvn" Wands •od finty Ogee on the taal land, add tomtit Ira fatty fair and foot) five, of racp . . nine: - • Freed emit townthins thirty nine rind forth ...One don" and , Pgancr" islands .4 townships forty thrao thrty too.. and (pity five, of thane tru. .•, rthationsl townships thirty olta on "Little Deemed , reil.d; thirty nine tali deriver .d "Trout' I.lands,' and fony on "Whisker" lel arid, and town'. hips forty three, forty four, and fatty 'Use, of range Frardiarsdiawyetip thirty eight on "doll Ihthod, , toWaShip forty two,, and.: fractional townships tory. three, forty four and fatty-fore, arrange twth , . Fractlanal townthia thrlyi an • the pain' thud, of Fractional:townships thirty ulna and forty on. tau , n(1 . 4.0gn vorent.O. - - • - - • Ptectlonal lan:whim thinyaight, thirty ninth fatty, and Gary one , onthe land of tango eighteen., • Prat:tonal • township, thiwysis on .fitornaer" art "Poverty" Islinds, thiwy seven linel a ding ...dancer lsl.d and an feint and 'thirty eight, thirty. cio, and forty oa tfid main 1104. and townships forty forty two, aO% (arty Paid. of Tanga nineteen. • Fractional toventhips 'thirty six on "Pt lifirtloV . and laisnds, thinly on on Islet of"Llttle PdM,er ,, 1.1.10, thirty right on seven the south land, With, rano (tattooing the' Island In ftelinll. twenty seven twenty tlghty.und nor t 70 .0 garaliP One art the atom 1.1. of mare twenty. • • • Fractions) townships thirty eight, thirty alai, 'and forty ou the min land, of tango twenty oat., • . ; AT THE PAID': PLAGE,riethaornelng Otl IdOnd.i, the thirtkei day of.Srptarober Peal, for the di:pill:II of toe public lands within the following d tr.t. Fulda. and fricdonal townships, to wilt— r o an' Narte'of fda 3a» lion, and west, ejjk*.fiisei . rd • Prtetiont I - tawnslops Lain') fiie 104: gatErsts !It Ws math 1.4, of node twenty Th., • F.MOgOll,ll Miry three, thirty buy and., 'thin/'flye r arty .4,ton:eddy dusty six, of -range. May ' five. • Praitionsi townships thirty two .4 thtny thirst the mien land. and townships thuty face and 'thirty tise, of rnsee twenty six • . 1 ElsteUonsl. townships. thirty .thae, thirty main ban d three, mull and Wry Avow:loe main land r aid township. forty six, forty seven, and fan eighttnf range twenty seven.. endletont lermathive thirty twO, thirty three, *l4 *env .ven, end township t thirty nine, fart, thg,forfl urchin:A sway 4,44 of TIMM Prontioasi townships thirty soy., tw o , thirlYntglrnuo thirty nine, and townships forty .a se, forth' o ' throe, forth fool, eorty dui. forty La. otrt forty eight, tannage thrum nine. pnenoaattosntritlPS *Wry nine, UMZLAIP roan (a l ly fretional township foity Ono, townsh , rs Wu, two, l three, forty, four.ferty grit, forty ..o,fortLY setwn, and forty cight,.4 frot h (er a of sections thirty 8.1 and thirty etc at the capes of Agate !mania Carve..l Ship fifty cand,cf range thirty. • . • •'. • .gractionni tost thirty nine.. fatty, sad fatty "one, townships forty two. forty three, font buff itifif fire, forty sit, fatty seven, and forty ddlitt an d ono- Una sections serenteer.end eightee on s•Ttsvers.r.: Island ir intovrashre fifty MOT, of tot . L I AT HE SAIIIF.iAcE,C.IDIIIIneing On MOIld•f; the fatineettUr . day a/October next, tor the !Canoga! the .pablia' lands sthantad within the ensdellacationed invn, slit A •I:l(MetiMl4l4io,llhiril, • :rya O l4 f ids ion . ctrl ats.l.4. Fractionel township forty Otis; tun/ f u rry'ww l4 . lll o,..,e ' . two, fortY . three, forty foot, Solidi Ave, .....lth at tinge thirty me.. Pretreat]] townships tidy It4d . filliftwo, of retit l e' thirty hirer. . , ,_ . _ . Fractional townthlpsitay nod fifty ....of MO thirty bar. 14•11.119 p 61 1 7. a MR. Mir a .e. ' ' •.-,.,. Freesia - AI township lam ell Etie /sod townaa , Pe kiwi nine end few, of range forty two. .• • , Tot/rectify limy _Noma fractional townsitip,forty, eight, god townseiye fo rty aloe end ditY, of tante forty three. • Towschips forty resell, forty eight, foal MY, of recce tarty lour.. , ,- • '.. ' nine,' - intenthit s forty seven. fotlY eldhila l,l brff ' 45 .. 14 ' end fractional a...patio Itly,ef- Mae fray Ave. - MFrsetkonalloweships,fony tune atyklillyosi redia fony Mx.' . • -i ./. ricflUlla tIMIII , hipg kV till one:Corti Inge,. [to •stship tom c.ght, and frac-Lione t terrnisip forty [ tins, of range forty 7 e.V.Crt. . r , Fractional townships forty seven, ferry sight, ena • [ aut7 aine,.of range f.rry eight. - ' •: - ; . t i - Fractional township (any alritt,ofrangs forty nine. *silo load oleo at tolgt A. eammatsotaa •Cos 1 . 44 . i" 'UT. the wiwwith of fleporceat vest. (Or Ito dimmed. of die paptto lands WOILks tha tot ettraftAtiCul,e4: tree, wt ~ra kbip. T.—.. , , ' ~ - : .. . Netlllof O Moo li tng,;prt if waif of fite ricticiyettf Sevearli ate and two, toe aid baffler-lon of three. sod r. cod.. eleven, tweleroidricco. fourteen,twenty roar, twenty fire, had thirty sir, le demise!? Oise, of . I .• Lands itypropriandd bylaw for the nee of orlon's, eal,itary, at other palpates, will bo aLciaisd Boa the I 'alto. . .. . . . . 'The °tenet of the shore mentioned lends will bli . iT.' seder 1. °:,:,teet, at'hye; '.'gl„l.,.tad.P:,ll1 4 1'.." 1 coolant dispatch, moll the whcie shalt nays erect id. Med. and the salt a thus era. d.' But no sate chat; be 1 tips opus locer than two weeks, wid to yoricais O it' of any to the landsavdt. he admitted u.alll 1C.4 We e.7.pit *dot. of two reel.- . . . ..., .. _ Given under toy hoed, at the any Istiftiam.n... this thirtrae.h day of Jane, MAIO DPUtini Oat I.r.onsant elatt hundred and Arty: -r . By the Mu silent: - • Commlutcrac of the General Land alma, • rut me tioN CLII:LNIANT3. ever/ perms nettled to thl right of prt , roptlen any of the .lettes wlthla the to ws,b los hod 14 acteftst Gamesttows above enartersted, I required to ettsb'thi tts the utterectlon of the Itegtstor sag lie: ceases of this proper Lend Vase, sod natens7thesi therefor Se eroo pracimiLle 'her seeing thrs.s once, and beret., the day oppoloted for the seintlebelnneilt be the poetic sale IA the hods wohrselzg _the ers;l esloted; otherwise ;itch clam se I be forfeited. • i ' • C.011:119111inet. Eciap•Api Alaiirissa Poultry. EtOak.; . rpitZ. Poeta Hoot And , Irovrl O . real ß eziowal. annulGrne ell‘lAst f1ete4r419.% nod- pc, f ! of flavouln Fowl, , rom tut, uTtir:v?iginfit tretrTiinsoefi 4originni.4ll4l other in roonewie a, both praedetl Isefah in regard Fowl. Iheeding,thea to mounted an.tin on tomato works tukoilier.: It will be Illesusted with mostik Fair Portraits of the men ounce verietios of Ationetri nod Feteist. tome toms of 'which' art - Doti ilfe, from dowslont when moonlit)! fat this work, ft o he MO@ Important breeds, and eettenl of them flow teWis very tenuity The publisher: , hoer spend no ensue to bring Wile weft Ina reiretier, mentor, hew La =hard rothe onto:rebuts', do mono. of Ike and the general ea.:Mien ul stow/ prittOf the hoof. And it in belie au the work evil be feted ordain roWelintedi retentAtian litoodtrigned Thum op Diatettiti rpus:vo at say work tweed La thin country.' Fottalsby . • • JAI" 1) LAYCKWOOTA PAS 13ookeoller tad Impotitr, lilt ninth OtiNSTON a STOCKTON Pa p ger the tallied aweruaent or Paper, Went Banks, aad Ptalleaery ever °dared for use in tnit.ity;Angetber with a large collection anew sad valiable Works in creel department of Litarsuire All publications 4or gonna eactaarnitu. Cowan . oteraltams with ;very twirl* la dila lbw ea the most nawmable terms.. COSMOS—Casmat; a bketeh of Panics% Detour:akin of the Untveria: By Alas V tiaabol4l. Traoshaad Otaa. Toth lama... Jam for akla by • J. D LOCKWOOD • Vaotteller la:mama 104 4' 11.1‘..0,01111 . 11 , , ~ , , as; No CV IYOO , O 0 1001 4' . . •100010 M.' 11.11.5 . raN . • (00 030 clorter 65; 155th do , ' do;' - 13 corks:rants Corrant% Id bales F. Watoolln; 10 BabseitN o. . . 100. do Pas Nols; . - ' 30 bx. shelled AlsoodeN - SS bra folk Cindy; - , Seoul. 1.1onone; '' ', 10 ta Penorpeolt Regtha arm 1 .L ~. - • lall 011101! 990,31a1d . ~ 3 tal Cloves; . ..., _ t owns Nautvgs;" " '3 etroono Indliro; • ' - : 00 eases Lemon 001oP; - 35 cases P. oder Bade.; 10 cries'iobwato Callum Ground 13# des or ell 34;43 10 !ares powdorodand I.oa(Sugal; . 0 bho• Madder, . 10 brl• IVAltion' ' : ' SAGILISEI 11. WIIOLt. 9 ALE tiF,9C.I c3Cr.vot site,• ON Ara V.ll.lmg.illact • and Onnpoarder Teo; 133 ban Totaacro; ito bone aro Cafes; V) brie N 0 3/dams; 73 bbd. NO Sow; 2:13' boats asiortad yOot, %VindOw . - 40 bxs Pipes; • - 400 boa 400141 i Csiol'em by Codfish; NI brig Tanners , . Oil; • NS bits Chocolate; GO do. Tlad Conic , 03coat Manilla Pope; - VI boa dpleed Chocolate; to Lao 3 bags Al.plee; 7 . 000 bus 411brls Vinegar; Zi holes' Yuba, ilihreh; 'anti'an ti , Hier; in , Coml.; Weidman Piesi• A.,..Va 1 1 no a lonsral Ida,ufactrited trucks. (2111.0P4Alky-100 N tkigllLt ,•• Sooet. Rio, lif oleo d 11ysoo,Yarloargrodes 30 ' do Gunpoiydat ging • ' • •G 0 do Porieheorg .53 caddy bus V./1 brip'& OPi '• . • •31 bad Vs, 54, and 1141'0am:0 caddy la, OanoseaVit do- , •-• • 20 bum. thatch „ ao bibit'brbrrialiiteratia loggia, bladder, 10.1. Cringer, Pepper,' gingpoio, Nutmegs,' and. Lamp !flack In kegs, for sate by OHUHANT : • ' Walegil imayl3 PLITSIVIANWTILSTIMONIts oI . "EAVE•FOUND let/THINO TO EQUAL Vu, March *, ts.W. *a tt. ft. E. EELLEE..?-.1 hams disposed et all the IX% Cough P , ,rup undlattr Palls you sent eso, and Et dos of the Verotituge. • lave cued 01,TparYsitlly lledloint* in sni ruidin ind tisve also - presotibed thstsin my piumpi,l .rtl much Owl-Fell , titlltimm ; and hgeefehnd, neap* t o sto w timts: Send WE Erdoi of your Vermitoge, and to detoeoh 01 Livet'EPts tad CourhSYgoP ,, ' 1_4 1 ; 14, or LOON Thom highly popuottmodfoines may he cad of the prop riolot It E 6.1.11 , E5, Wood s;end naziguu reumoity %n Ole twu eiderand OICRC-"5 Lusa "iyful gotia thsperteregality, mutable' ha soap making lust ireedteitic4fotill!Or JOHN AIePADEII &CO , 185 • GOOIIS, • --- WAITE GOODS POD. pcunsgs. • Rp If y,*. 13 ITIVIITFIELD is trt the; ottelitlort of the Irak to their o rum sire augment of Willie Goode for Ireerrer;roritsi lop or , • • • .Peoteh odit 4/ss 510.1114 • , , • .•riot 14,644,1 • • , tow Mere Ilarred riteketiet dreertg floe rofr Eel AO otollitlirro' !morose tof $1.11,1 roith colored rerbroitalT: ifiewaSrehooete LOrnt ,, , Firtrerr. ao.i•as • *tab east Comet Fotnh and Mark.t iirretr. • • IrtrURIMY loilltnenrinsibaro roselmo . la lot s upplt et Dm, Lomat', vm 1 1:74 , f2tVe i VgigiND r ttTanah Amm, Ot nrot to ityl - andloweg mite fortyuthty, intl north root tomer of Fourth owl IttartoLtt.t__;_!. Assem.- - B'AE. .0 F , IOR Y •000,08:: .• At Olt Oao . prise. Stews of • A. A. MASONBi. CO commence' 6 , 4 Mrotr , o7, , Juno W noir With. il tbdt Wholesale Rom.. ~ , ! 1 11, of tbIJ occasion, b. tbrovra opro for IroAot, ord nit cl thou 4.lEllllllth .t.oolc wilt to attired to rrmlttil rebored:l% lai , codor of from SO to MI prr rota. f , a thoc.osold PoorP. , • 711E,Ift,"fr1 t)(fa SfLKS;Comprlpt firer Mar' boor/rod pie cot, tridvrill tk, rad as on bilththithe • dlll-' Their 11.160t1Ifteill of Shewls,Esteßes.Tittues;,Cteh ; Adloes. , llsoloid Hilt.: Artwria..lllludial:: ittEOUOtt, ellillal CO en.d 1)71,1 Get dl , genetelly, will be ekeed• Utireme ,, „a 61 Otellk: a(3 :I 1 , eI( the lito if tett% , •• 11 pen. Fest will be °tiered et Pe..- 7do .11staree, , ' -t, : • , . I.e. 1 .'- 4. •:da :11.atliti de tetinesi• ' • '.. 10e . Segketlor F.hgflth awl Ar.. , orlean Ceilcoeei 101,11 e: 300 dat.7r.l.lnen llondttere'al.fer , fae.- 70. ,•• A terge lot of W,tcebt Celiv,, setae et let ,.. ta ear - . ,Tneethet with e • coutplets.vne , ele of- Domestic - 8.1 %lte Goody,itthbone, Hosiery. and Gloves, 11,outtete, -Peeing i [tell ale of foe teoetczter wee astottriatte Cull country. weieh will 1.,. a alltel down to meth umaa pr.ces than at any or ma miaTuij will ....11;sed cpan Tbutaday thd T hi irtlay a3 B A;hand nlstifor thr.parpotaaf7,,. . it•F !gPi aq.'"k!". Tn .. Inynt , • 141 111 ft. IX C!! Fl W:41?-35. .. . . • . tarl!lr St 01110:HVIELD hare tetetiefin:iop• 1 laT of 3 A m 44-4 F 044.1414 Linen, ter ertra , 4 4.4:444' cnd nets, latiee cart., impe, ant 0, - 41ten'a wet.r , of diet4Ootdeatable abide, ' -- •' •! - , : tllkarttavbe at'elititus It• the*. Istge ar4oruaenx Ot Nett 4 acd IIoys , PUMNIF It Weal], of. diS4rcat am terlitc.ll4 Oaf valleh 4411 lie .ola low. 14.17 • RA1121110L1111'1% 114501.81 PaYetntritCHPlELlthrie tt erived ureter. nra;pl7 of abate ankle, and are enabled ta tut.' g raheart ant - quality sea eater wanted. met et the -- tiatetat Stair Ott Clash Coer.- whIaCLINTOO/a-baa - received this day, at Ws • Cal Pet WaaralavateNo fault, ara, Stair Oil Cad: Co we e optety hsadanhae patterns and colon, taartileb we to the lineation of purchasers. DIME V GfaUUUPiIi, are now ogaring owls a t awllfrkta , refit rir.,',;, - BlsratVgir, Plain tranalD raga row ; Bonnet Ribbon* far 00 par gawd. Latta are Invirta to toll mad examine mu mend draw goads Infonaparabaeing alsentnnoww Nona east corner of r and fds. ate- Rtr"A'Atigue* Car p —wa.tam.rra vr mccu.T.e. Ulu Edney and Stvla Dag (PM% stn trinity SC at !ready ?vaned p.a., Done da . Lainalm r large IMOTtatestt of benatifil Math, /tonal and Belo Molnar: A apintaindassorunant of Diatt andiatieT Davi • Dawalplaw Lunn and Do iAllathremarkablv champ; Deautifol Proton Silts Magi, eenta per yawd• -11144,041 Caltem, Not 11* ern's, ant A lame sloth oT Brown nod Mooched DI aka', Pe • Urania Il td. and aiNl Pants. a;ivatd hat gweing Tanned price.. "Cott., wwwiniamownd Vatt DM*: the bO'n qualrit T ether wilt large wicnik 'lltkinga, errors ant 511 pg Clerks, al simbot Mora and Oltni-brd entailing" and in fns' Dian Liar;.' tallttnar itch nil elite omelet to our Ilan, tstnn vitt atm' , ai golitinard i ar i swan, wt. - • twin nem wiglaftgrutiligittenwirerrap, wierchwvrag and flowed thaw:cabin int s., a'antt ewe" spit nod loony; *tot lamina:2d E gated Wart winter d 0 banger arA ttmerr Late ode WA, W. ha her& atom Mier, new walla graneb, IDighwh, anilitten tn...., in Itinla nnnrig , and at sem low ?hart plain rowan, and satin aped do w .of all tints and qua nom liner bitten of an thetas and color.; t i lt= 'a e wnrttor ii t eett " .""nl' Cut elr APita sapply nt Disc: Li:tn and fanti' col . andig.;JaA eatraltel expreat Ins. at oaria.saig toratof ntußmir *-FURCIIFFLD L - _ wadtrnshD. Log laLn. D a A vree r s. •iLtawp b g. north tm C^Teri of Fatrds and..llnyktt lan. 1.5 flllllll7altlirk 6.4.2 11 1' Irian, radium ...a ti 119,131110, ef beil Ilicrittl7s liam,veed ad , . Nr..4 .at NaCL.astLoveror . koartlg mdLlan ket4treca len SI Ditellll L DORCI.FIELD -- ' - 'l3;aFwata ." 4137.31"tr--"==ilti acts. mufti. Ziirrifilebau. It Cal' NY re lallitlrlitlEa.:D Mayo te e med in ad ,"""l".' ,oPPiT or above toodsloelodlad vadoes styles of Chlnia, read. Altdee, ordi rkooels, •Vilaire sad Colored Gasp deg sod Rabe:reef all <Were add preca • • • • . well? r'i i - .WSK Olt. CLOI Piece 0:1 llodreetiviml from the feetori.• and cer 'sale itt. Ore wateroosa, Wo2d see d . • • • AVIRP HI , it • 11LMC131,1111.13 IMOViols AIL or tbc.e trunizigmds ren 146prnung 1.11K1144 w Mai ve,7 fan 'uoortm,td:Jo 4 rocciseo l 11,ic, %-toonv . • • • Mack No. , •. , . Ltourraing Wo,VV.,i.lcs.'• • • • Oa • Prinird, Foolar44, Llistrco,' AlJail . not. Plea Mast k,03-PTlOtad Zara,.; Matt EmOroide , -1 'do; Boan.t Ribbons, Setri do, Veils, . 1ma777 Z TAYLOR LI tot ol!,,,11. CuaT.llti—w pea Cantimerct,mocusd entnel, nedoildcairablit nUcla 'vs encintr coma. Red, ar4 neve opening by • A.. A .MAF024.614.7,0 .nayld • . • I , II2IC.T'SIIT,SVLS3aperint Ivan catered 'Rabat bbasi%entenii•hr. Otange; Pkuk, E;ne, theca, and (inn neared, ;mit recanting rucrarptain,. a.:34 dra day event,' by A ?..1A9014 i V' 1, Anay47 ' • ' . • Marie ' ' qhIMECE.3• 111.4c. - Pink7tiiectr, &if %, 00).4: C4minn, ice'd per enywau lad .14m ' 00'41.74 FrITU,..„.; - . A A 2,1.463% ft, , Ai--31.6.•*1331.Y. CO lire Alm daY connlnnlbect • , •17 Inch Wank Gro de tibiae ailk;.lD pea :r4 de• . '.inn , es 33 inch do . ; 6 pea Si ineli4% and 4 Ocean WITS* • 460 doe LAdies‘LlecgOautbFie Ild t re, all.peees; 1W dos Geoto.'• dot ••' ; • :ado* do ••• do . 'do role-red borders: Iteekired dal by ."-‘ 11. A MASON bq, ioflo •-• • 62 :dotket lANOLEC 1.11 , 1b:OI LalStlied—Weet nkautrembler V Lustre:l, tithe ettl'eme low price 0f.130 per yoyd. • nos7lo AA.%IAEON • lelzh and ,Wroven Ltisoiso, , _ IOXI•iebb•OlotilOO pcb4l4 Woten - Lbtonsi ", . 160 yes Grays /turtle" and AlarAnder's Sumter /nob Ltmens, wow osuauS by. -_ • outylO - A A MASON it CO 777 - s • rt ex, Arrival at 17147 . 60 el/ 4 - 17 r W E . ;a t_ lo rr zu ,, ,rjc 4 co t t%lae ry stutma . rlt i o 4 74: l 7 k . . • p 'red to otrur ort• ulce/eat asset artect!bs - our el p tull low pries. tor Cub, of spproved ; • • Tbs. ottabuon of et de.iers porteulatly re, quested to our goods; tbr Cr. 'lee/ etrufident of beteg. nolo tuotrur *utmost itObements to taabo bill etas as. Vail sa album/ea Et soy ea • . . pit Marks& truer. Naeale I4hisraysl. - "xteurrais Ana nr,..arta re* AMCRICAN, ENGLISH, AND o"ltta7All VANCir GOOD"'110311KItY,1111 1 .1. 10 M3 , 1 , AC 88, WV FA, TilltEAD.3. L'SAICA, 13C-1.• PUNUERA, Alas - . • . • !twain mad. /mat' Yaw Onus_ 1/LACK.: NU -A FANCY i- FHA ertAvsyrs, arOa err-rnt lia DNNland LINEN •11DitrAs as. Drit(TA rs Cl4 A ?ANS, and ovary T. 1150) trmsangs.' • WL4 D. R . e'P'°" 4l `"""r`ti AsoN &Co • - A PSEtI.--L: mnrs r erelveul and, noir, -2. 1 .:,, r t 8 rre, ( 1...11 ' 117 1 Z thoi L ealre.m.e roof price of sera par yerc A AtAe4Jl , 7lt. CO . - CAEIRS tanooloted tiltghatto, reed, ard at la cards ;rt. ) mat , A A. 2,1 a & tat Market t Or.tertikat . g 1.0 no or. bawd, lot ulo by% JOH • - ISAIAH DICKhY aCO I 'NON • aadu ou aunt. for auto U} , 'SALMI Dl.:Kinttr, CO .. , .. B"'-''''11`,•Itt:t!`,Tderi, a cuts Sides; , • 4 eulsastoned,nowlandlug , for saltily 1:411.1411 D'OLLiV 1.. CO g rguals Nll.—lawn gals bleacto4 rn d nu two ctl, anb!cneli'd SW tal. taltr, , 11:tirkgbi. t!:iqxklid Sad , Oil, hate and - (0t afai g V . "' 7,‘! 3initifittria4=N oßsoroacco of fluttozli moan La cwt.; ' e;nTdimi ail;in aims tai -jell'.' 11111,LF.R a inafiTeuN en). MIEWS Cp I,ip • t . • Wit 79 ' • Rsoz,batvto at tea pommel ruin? Omer, and bhfc eta gamm Wamm a Monstte Chi iztes3 tior papers 5 de Chelan Perched% Tess le do; 'p . lper. •s•' de • do do 'do '7os The above cele.bra , cd Black Tans am received 011,tfruttteo iraceitersOled will be Noel ea low as thry eta be pritcharelin the east,,wlth dot add:limo( wholesale scull er ff , 103 !• - • • *lll A Dicel.l7llG ACO Liberty st VAP , IS—A splemita ■uanwenL of .my 0;1 lavot I. ciialsjciau pile g every vitnety,ita tale by : ' , • C YEAGER ...*•1••••••r0•••••••••,1,1=MOM f von tom st) co ore. tom., 1., grns, . cc, rodding ;Suguals.. - do. oido d c oi :4°.1."?!.$ MD 141 1 00 ~, PrE.QMSOLIVICURE—T. ----, .. jpttial seirWo. i!yokkirmss retnla V P.4_19M49., _ r ::.y::~-~ _ :.- - _ . ~ _.. .EMZI . ...,,....,•.,, ~,,,. G . .. ~., A „.. ...,,. . .... .. .. ..,... , .................. --'-' • _ ' l •- "-'" - -„-' - .:.: • :1 ,- ,- .: --i• ,___. - : - 1 _:_ , ,....1 . '...:.;;;--- ' GOVERNWIRSTAIA. PROPOSItIaII,IPOII *MOAN ' I . . , . Tvzig,cvt,t,tredt - nlPlt er t; 0 0 templemont Mtn Mt 'monied la Act to orsern 0 Sinking: coed...rid en amebae , f•••r• the. 'redeem:at , • mnsln•estlegstshment,,of thnstebrosir itel Common. mcclth and to aschotiso &Jamul...uprose& dm -OM day or May D provides At .011AVIII,SiC ... 'Maths Goverborts bete , ' aolltarired to engmleter. Clean' fere. s - Mt Of Three blltions Three limsdred Thousand -Do late' redeerna tile • m thirty years from the date of the sabieriptles Menot el a 1 . 24 :of••Sserers not Tzetedinchnat evattm per eenorn.panable In gold end ailyerounr bonensim, anon the first date of Debra arY nod , ra , t oi e'lr TT*. and eSsrapt froni .ter y spectre •• f Nonce. that proomals for mid loan will .1, ti sneered, resll be , published •inat least one rtennortor , r. in Mr merough. of,tiarriabors, In the - edits of Pittaberch. Ismeartar. and Phitadeloble. nod in Me eiVcs eLt , clo V; th,..Dustarb. and , Elatdmores fpr • pe ,tiod• Opt. tree Mau three mamba heated.' o: *col WM.", eel by 'PAM ;Isomer... 1f deemed ounces-x{7,one Spun the day aseirrard for thatpurpme, Lz rush roue', the tnetmerds shall he opened . in the pr inapt of the Dtmeme. Secremry of the fonrme , end • illuditontkor e l, act sr a loan Isbell .be essutded be the hialtert bidder or bisect. 1f : .id hide dull. exceed th e . leant. item Mall 00 dmeribeted.Pro row aniongat the. hinhest. bid acre, befit the brhole'of. raid e m. thol) not-fen In token the !reenlist - May memo emir. le the mint.? sfurearddyfnmstMe terra,dlr tha hole' amp.% l said loern shall . sahscrllant..:Nocondr.lonal Mail he considered; end , upon warbling sash loan. • or any part thereof. CellifiCials yeah coupons for the Interest shall. be; DeOed -therefor, 6 7 too Somme 1.2. If the ilia loin'abell be tebseribed.ll, aball be end Mr hereby uppmerland rar parent and oC ieguiehment of the fa=ded debt of tile Cele. raboweaLl. nom due, or to. bccara dee, during the year <me thOusimdcight bemired end Shy, eni• for ibe , pagrimot of th run ei etztry Dm thousand one lush. • derd 4oo ,10 and. lee r nr dnlian and eighty tight' cents, dee tn. la dom pentanes ap the proelsioaa • eforemid, nonce ii• hereby give. that, proposals aril, le-parnirod nt Me ettice Of the Storeeny Of the ComMorlarcalut.unhl o'clock P.N.S. nf Tuesday. Dm fan . daynt . October • next, stipulating flea rem to the Iletomourreabb Or 'he on forth in Ma -Mild act. of elm earn of, theoo udglarathree handredtheesanddellem , f‘ d ecd o 'l oh/e ;birth Tears Cron:see date of, subscriptien therief,, at et revs of Letarrstour exceeding - Cour per • cent 'PR clam. payable 'ltt gat .n4'1110.. semi ar.ohalryi Opel the (UM day. of PabetterY end 000001 oreanh y car, end Wirer MC wren *sous of um' atilt . 'a- Cerrtitexio or au:mt .- 67,61i laid lam, with norrpons for tl.c interest mill be Loma td the areal menner and, mede transferable by the oirner, ea tan btiotiof the. .naddarDrocrale Depastuterd.• - • • •• ' ' • Ttc, ptomain in be required to state axe:May' the emeent ocred, ehell not in: nay cam be , bOOless fled one Mooted dobers. Me rite of mums:nob exceeding Dumper ow, and the were= propreed. • hiStAi'II2IIC . TVG II the tight to rerdrpt Ilmorhohiorl any part of Me suctelicnal eniusths proposals ..7s.con the loan Masi hisdireet arse -,hfcr , propoaale mill be received. , • . •; • Gybe She scieptince oft proposals . ; Me juicy' mast be pale into the PusteTremary, la tech mance: ahr.ll be dimmed. Vol trio Goserner.. • -••••• Cenatettat of *pelt milt Es lamed ht itch amounts' as may te retpmenal tiro leden • • s , • Toe pommel. to •he dimetni, ender OSA, tia dd. agme, eatorsed, oProposele' for Lento They wall 4 11 elmeed or dischncd oua. the penis:llot tend,- tag Mara bee elapsed; after which= eltaloF,o rbe - ALA, filietate rym limAikU• Se,SIP. L ; • I •o • sf.ib;e smiary. • o•C l*C lellat D norg, m ' b& .• • : IEEM the. ibiata•dati Saga Or am etas Catiatarameltla et Peaa ' ry4lo lll .2 "m tbrambe 'li i Tys • Amtably aai That tberGotatitaban of Ibla Cameo* armith be amcalaliaa nit mead melon of the Itiratiale: ea that Mabel pad's Waves -TIM 4adjak stake ilrama Cart, attha wren] Castle at Caeama and ar..4.' mbar Costri at Weal la aim a dug beestdialued shad be .1... d by tits atteiled slatorl'orthe Carmead j Meetimaithamagoarliair.: lbededpai at tbd' Symmss ea" byttle etalbas at Ihveniamare.. atestital the. <4 . • d!! qrvi. i cosali.Ttasi at raell otlem cm* frbitroanyk atit p' I sit a5i1t144010.4-10iii65nsilitil chat Jmitel•mlereV ea la Weal tar Vlea - Mal illaaptatild , elatianhefitlei llete atitaqtadds armada , :11 .Mr. l . l . lll Jarlemeaa J m i L ee Hera ba,t6:,gahtid:ehcto at6ieounticpzirsper.,tln.ll at timiltaprerea Gantt ette a • Itti . tori et tam ,on. It. ryibilt tails thamtirm toobjett the attaaarAbittiliaalt.ll4... attar Awe a*...31 thee Arrtm3actiair3 rmoM . .lodoe .tet Combat Gamma [Wet mad a sate mime. o,arta rtora .6, c•aun biaiuthiaL toaa,,., J aed ail °Par oia. Impaired tote bladed tbi tam, :ha il! told thea atm/ lei Um aim at tea. yarii it they anal m kagrbelueva Liman. melt' da- Macau Jag. tirtlie - . Cry.. :at .camaa Drat Mai beta itaiCearnu firr.las tam it Ara yemm,ll.lkay stall m Moi tram 1hn110104411 r?, ,, Te .415 f • .been be matatimomail by 1i• (Sommer,' :be, h...., maranas masa, labial' ebiti not la tritmeri, rearda hr...imiamelate, aha tleatrao at Mac Sal MO *ill. areas Math of ill. loilratora•..Tr.r. Are• elettioa shall tats plea ,at pare eleetion dale Commanatakb meter the ado* awe et it.. anittbniaj, and thet momMoakem Or. aJa Judge* the bay iie this to dice ohaq ...ip,wita Sat ..Mailef of Member. 011owhai, mean the tense et the air . , ..lealers steal mentattea. The palms - alba ebermeorlei, Meeid eat r atibe Sq..* katet 'bet Mil ibex MAW at y a m, Vatit them thr. Vanitymme.ase Calm eat), .as tor ea om bit , tmearrari.ea 1 =atm it etre yam, the Una it tab l 0 me by lit by Pa set ia airs thin then man me eareemi.amtlharm ait mrtiaie *ma to Um 130 , 110..5hat th. amemiat yem tar be bar la emeareanat Tb• Jodi. 'shwa' .aria s' Arta Mrp're tat: ter thief Jwky - elari , e • hMtarehael themea; eathiatam whom eeramiim Ara • spitball tam be thief janfrei'amt 41, sae soessetaire Mall axe:re:ad Ma rim y; the Sodom Imbi l 4 Imo • .01 dram by lot etOstb b 2 tUr. chid /oak*: Any Masks, laymen by Meath, resireamm,,p: otkerate. in sty at thread mem, atemi !Ad 'Tsai poleisest th' Gonne. to an ,the tot idea. Darembittomendimlabeant genial Judos at dm Beaune :Cali ster.else Parb"searata:e• errand 70artior CaMID • flesvgriU,isgsWitiM,.. , Mll litsts MVOs' me 64 4rSibl Axat by, , tear,. herb she/ tbe 4taini•lialie real 1 1 . 11 . 1 a , 1 10 .• isteMm; toil:Dry .1..11 mouse to fea or p zqt1i . 01114:54,1, .10;41a any atter an tr , : t yettl Maier viametamotareede, °reader thermanseast United States. aay eabet Siam La Oil Union The Jo Vs it els Seven... Ma I. . dwitqllnig enteisames sail , &el re Ida Main Gamnaimealill ad the alter Jdtge, taring their apace, awe to dim. fall aside mai the to mint at pawl for ebbe/allay Imre reopetlaely : .1 6 .laartiLUOUT... • Spear eta. SI,. ISaitaiststiiv.• •APasber orate:Scala, ay l'hi Ilarsbart. Jermorry.Z.,l3 , s3, Paartell Panti" Cita' area emit+ i rertift thttlke toregei.* mammy , Geo. tom •he ratite Et. ma the.. yrermt 2eseena3 =titled eeltmeolitim reteiele ea an nor edema at tha a am ilitior. l l ..att bait Alf UM, mallets and wan lla. bilk sill. )(arty ,rata Montan minted- to anis: Haan of Me bat le:villas —sane ha. ddly mta OsteM aid, Mar otat3, emehiS AM *mai to by. saelerityot the .mmedrrs .1.21.4 10 and soma n *Vilma. of Piaui: met at hi .parenatiemae, astat spry by,,therrous tiretitM:the Mal pm:serf morretiatm Latitanott :• Them maks u Alcor of the-patuayseit the amealaUModate, , H. Imes Bomar: J. Pater enmity. imam 4.l*.bb, 1 .10 1, .. J. Lt ahainelina, Thaw 13 imam, Thmeao Pereyttt, Chain Fairy. itsbart u. Prat 4.117 kalicesi John W. Que May. Wtikam ilestru, tram lista TH0.,1 , 1 lfe.,loJtaak d tat& 0 v . AleCaslin s ietjaaa blew/ titiimen 14.41 t.”..; 7 Attaleeleeee, William 41 !Nam, wal....l7,:sio....tiDows.k.y,Tairsis Bamhe...a th er.floherte. Me net, Dane tethae,Perris bale ari Jobe IL Walker, and Valtatme Elea, latakm —Tat% Thome tab; azairmi ths peresiteetem , Omni Demo", &map.. 01.11,,-111K1 Ateateim , ; 1 7 21 - . "llWret 7 4ltOit:&ll. Tlfe.tbstrWar'Satialaretremet,,f • ' tltteiberai Muck 11. - 1/.211. I.:Willi:a Jut, chief Clam ether Ham et.Tiaria, • 1 10 Urea eerily that tha. Fray brat tbr,Via. 10 of the moat. !Nowt Pm Ail mi R.s Mote JoanW at:this primal atria) olitiod mama. haioakahtimaa lb. itenotmeat of tie OmatPatiima. l ii N1K0.% mesa naololire With% mu armed tally • makeity et tha manhem eared to each Home of elm ha LAT**, haviai brae deyesammted at& dimmed, an tits any agreed t bps asjorityg tbe asteats eactalto sad H ermine., be the: oar at Zeperematam' of •Peamyle real, at Ma alma wean y their rotes, Olt ma the foal per we Odle rade' tawny iv., .Tiume rot , dlo Amer at the pants tha taalatica mat; John Acker, Jiba d'eemj Int6=l3aksr,Etrbrit Italehetei cnt e . Wale,' Jeremiah pot, -Jetsr A: pa.; William Bristle, Meal Aram. Jim , Barden, John C.a. WWI Math, Jen tr. easysigemm; 15,hanat Noisaam 13, Valli, William J. Dab: , lies, James • P Pear,.Tboyas. Doiaar timmas W.lrmet En Jobs C. ItriasiWtrimi tau; ,peteit it r t "k rilser t , A rltrad .r rr s ti F ibbra "6" .'" .%. ""' Une ll" e • 0 , 1282 Imsph Oattcy. Jae/. ibelatehhetam ,' Cleatt• 31. Item. tett , t Item JIMA Ilartingh..lasJ Beraphlii. Jae Bpd, Army It ^plel, Lama add:m . 4oJ , Jbaillan,•l4l6. Is, Ives Sem W Coin,a4.!rt lieu; Matra . P t Marie Jem ;ban D. tent, dna& Lemma, Jame': Lewis; /lan Litt* Jams ,Claerk,,Jelte. 101 1 1Celmb. Almada' 1.) 6111:hrdr. Jan erua.taia. Joh. hPamwe Natal, Alarr,'Jela IS 'Meet, blichial Mem, Jolla Atitkr,Jimple Nanaby,: ti Wawa ptetialr:, mime Malay Edema! Melees* Jamie "'tidy, Garbs Its e ,i -.Mho Li. Trier, Jomph 0 rowel. Jame C. ftsil,:lehrt • .Lerets lots'.PIMA &Atli ea. 'Jetta IL Ilistber. se nt 'Gam Thom. C. Steelier; Wliten.' Albs far, !retard .15irimat, SS , 1. illient Sada,: W bleitithutfel 51 , Eloper I. llama C - Sae. - DAM , Meow Clatrits 63,- Tram A s bdnar its.. Matted %be , a, Timms. Watare, ariter /1,, Ueda: Ze , hat. and 341:09, ISPl3tbaeat. tiptekatearres ' VI:ow ..114 'been a ibelp ord. iewleitawma.' Aamadue Ihml/ atm cur 'etas Al. Postal— :Nay. ' ~clatiatt Tap tad Jou mei). .• • - ' lOtWooketresu rem tumt, is' ism ' ' 1141 "" va °?i "' A w. ILILVEDICT Dini.!4*.yaCtiott - do torsify • Itst the , ark fh:osu:say if Inn an! • otores ofr yof M Wog tallatiOu of. tfitt:hy ;rig .a• sib y oniatol ;1116.41111111 itelttise to' so intaslmat'a toe toold.:Yotice, o oak moa maim au We Is Ws sIY , AL . testuscuy Isbotoof 1 burg .honstoris tot tot ky.d o¢d ono"; to teased tho and of Pm -Seas tire..Clits ish^iy, th;.• &troth .dsal of Joss, liana Dormiot ono it-Mud ixht h otttot - 1.. auvra,e , .. , ".*:s 4 t.h• c4.."11,41""i• 0. 14 TOT,: Apr. rna., reatiar v.1411711.i : VOlt the • onv:4-leaco of tbeettiatneditePrOPtituP it of the Pattburgh City Sliliwbanetlttoodkoam fne the re eebton eretdete et the followleet tonneit-- R Fto7d, toner of dizttr and Weed !IRV*. Itayirenlohoe more, eor.libeety 6. , Alattet ent.•• A. Pcotep, a4re,lol 1, , 3 enenteif . L. W.tcn it Jr, nenunnt, car rient,4:Smitkisi d . - John P nom, earner Rig W3R. • - TeeplAtipi eltEnter,Foank thew. :' • • 11 C K.t7. %mt.% Fink asieberer of Monet Itt,Untesonnnt, Po:Lofts, math Wu& . The .Cleee 'rammer 701, cell twine art% , oa.deni, foe erdent,shd thing:l7,km 'dative , / nendtP,LYtettliee In bare Ism saek. , eick Onar evr•mb'x• '‘'f•S t7 en%—witbent charge for eerier! 101 903 ve , secounte eta be %Reeved; 11.12 d the !Met. tan here ottkenntenten teneeb.riw t =tavii. t ., Welwyn the üblic...l , ennFt nitwits:Rd .t*l`littiritte.VTft* -~. .iG~` .7y~ 362:: .eftoctAiteTiros. Now all lierijoi , Si s Ore stet ilia eked wHis At. /V ease of Mottle:Oder and Ways. with sislasciu pains in hart Mittel., st(ttroP? old me* Tettstar Owen ke,lbat lbty - esar be on b 7 tekti* mts ttolettane , Too May talk .beet beteg er-boatrai o oak.. 7tm taboret; by ;Medea, cot makelt ees foa fee proeistm lathe fate don brown eostossottl. due . It hut winger:whin' • re ea tongued at WY clo= remeript :the raaa who targeted Asiillyntin sad term[' Oa= diroam. tan ter fi-U Mots got MOO Mei any onto ermumerated ea. Wader It SOS se / yank what. atolls!, 'Telt • peueSeama De mats taro—pesoompend, Pat lop ILe on thenommonfrf, bat it s 44ei n the Patter Sandell-anat. and bobblosapfrondatibilts - soot of oar mother earth hits original r.titr, lad if. faa to seeming Pereer.ll a reap ?} ceps, a WWI end gnosis earn 7- • it has nowt Pi'et, eller othtr toed-Woo, hors MK be roofer any nt:lnf. it !restored Rhea-mans= of II antrAng, and- of thgernrer nedoloss palatal osarsoiss. It has ertrod Chetrenblerittut 6): MO or MS 611111111 R has eared old eases of Diarrhea. to Web ories7 Mbar remedy has beM of no arra .11. a I,l°oll 'Moody to bons and seeds, it. Intoner Shan Any Menet} NM. Sound or ointment teat we teem •It Will Ost• dais tildes or frosted . feet, la s &or appl ef. leationg anik/abb ed ter:hat:m.7 o,n Ito farnishoint the_ In thirds:ens ointment by eat:inst. Sons' M. Mk Canal Dula, 7 th 111000 SI Or enter alba oemlss.._ ICa7eer to- McDowell earner -Woad Ini.% sad Thrift Allr rot. r. of Wetedmreei, V. 110 t & U . M. Curry, nUeforay any, en the eve& ~_ • • 'PA tiitrg Li EVEL13 . 413 TS.. m oot sit portant Ifttroovorw as at cord...Our* floated,. tor Ilse Moot nE• E: Prtr..wirg celebrated Eateraiii 611019 i. El caw flitnedy N. the film has aintroral Itself to be tha oily atm erre neer prow to tisr eablie. Ststea.the thecoreflof W 199191 1" 1114 tbe WV: number of errentm caws 4= Dr Drawrf motet, note! hal tolled Whitmire!, ,trettb- ,Itaiiao the rtany bealket baba. &Maio, affair , mouth , " years of ely•rlaranta'ister, has too WWI tort We pa:eat ahem t h ey' twooteetioi 4,9 ? Wogia bat aimr a few dm's will &obit) this caw by , . , lo.ealwy =i f ea not atter Itioa siabolei sweet to etove'royetriUcize. introduce woo milts. by be effect I intend it shall Woad or MaL Oa order Lax loathrome ebarha, the FILM oatho Lw. at a ire wilitas,kreitt the caw with ?OIL EFL D P !MOWN • ' Lloyd Wed, Bcfato, N.IE. So'd whi,'lor tad retail by E E 92.301.11 wood st.- 11rAficiaTzaili 011R13101.3.01/1/113X" , _ No. 41. PliteSl3l,lo #.1.3111. a ttsermif Tar 14114.1. 113)3. 31 0 WM, h ' ‘ ,„ ; 41,,t - Yegotarly e 4 to las - orofewirwhon4 bowfin tam 6 . WI lemore Pullet, bow ▪ '&l,,rentk: Tag.Zigrid Of • 4 ▪ • plairtut for mr witiob his .99 "E` Red erto y riende to "lady sevelse N. ie to rebeme coarpageopela al tint ho boa tad tooreptaetleo col boa arid sorry.' tegto than Oa over (al II the lot of any pinta titbeet) amply quoitles him to offbr easzraaaaa 'WAY, Pet; tad ...l Mato eft:basis illwasch OE blames FLIPS : , Cunt. De.Etanenercabitifinatbrei•allbbead week Wail diwatea which hare bacotoe chronic by Xs , granted by she of of waft -4o aosiaon UN 411, th astSeti eassplouatstaat*ndlet3l, Wag intait4 oared; be haring Oleo hit oarefal the mammal attach thwasoatil eabeabia4 to beesteala pf bowsaw la oaring Misfits tor thilasonatioa. at the tack of the hiatideroitai kindred diaevreon= towrittromthow owes whet* others Imo thgla {0 kOpilleall*Spelt., lispartioalatil norms mai our have be tsa r ohnooesafolly maw' bylaw*" beasnls, eaban-Irftry aottebatiaa i g thray and their owes crested. La *earth!, Ettat =ad tbyia MlDizme watty,owl flotthow. c oint i :f rtirtlV"eles Fhlui 11 , 041tone — Er. Brown is 9 Mt' soasafteted onth llama to call ! as Ulm 9 44 1t 4 a. i . 4 • •alarlatterttiter tor diatom kas l 4f6:r " :Yt 4 #t i tt mt pli t tp s Loo4 - sax /bin pita ' one 11,"1 eabobtatoaoltiterorma. Sott try t'Fit t Er . iTrPLACUAL*. 1 tr,VP.49 1 5 41 .... 41bmazulananorpostteibs,VRasadi IMZ= 6.21 aril's d . -•- tigs oar.' o k lobs. F i l a uN ieudetrts-pariolocativ!l4l, MEM -i&EDICAL 4107.1itte Zlitilicatislareeraar /Oe Zlli=erli'Weglfl4.ltoaliliiir,W a Di • = 24 tlieltPdtf triftbElF: Pfbatin 111111STS . h5ll. 7 7 4:t4 k " Th yogialce tour been auraAy , It Au tem _at thor LLYlubbgableillali et be cos eV box tkoto Aretendrbestrecd by lame Syr the eine enattba the canna Ira= a ..b;.et ter. At loot a ar weir hor ben - Wed' that tura Ithertatiset 01 UM VIM filta-aus of the ant yalaahle aretohlovillito o dyed.* of lie earth—ibis voodoo cad yeatlmpenal diseyoay cf theory, OW it tool:deed blatlyr *trio hayabromily. It Ives witbaal liele 4,11, 11• 1 0 .4 1, Wk . • bay, and Teue.Ws strerAlk sat oirec to tea wade 1 1 0 , Mr. -4t bee ciiitridernio the put threemocults.'rcer obeciAto theit wen Cpanderea inearshic OarditeLtzl of L4ri ccreur* prepare* of 1 1 1. away tale -Ye.* *abr. by collier ye tho 'Agnate: - lioup ge.matne uoloss pump lath an enarreelibel CM the outside 71trfs iyrrx by thyyroytfictitt OIL T i i 44, eclat 'pima ad Mara st i Pt g tto. Li .' • ''• No ttle to otAbbeinagliokk AFAIRLdt=4I teas San received an: lorister-bi lye fruTialp-1 ciAirlil/44.0.,i tn. iiruate , tor ;4 - p :,C.NbiAps. ot-zds Mo., t !food ' - tea to , dosl nerdy* ino.for +tit by • • - .:•i• - Ira 31, WICK O.MoCANDI.FI•II C.dvdidod &Jordon, • , 41J bcdt,l du. , do. , Adis. Peed /tit tdteloeS, . • t 53 " , : • r vd)CR d MeedNDLESEL 1 itutlND PErrtal-84 bans. tur.....?lbund ref. pct, !Or gala - • " • •••1 MICR kideITANOLVAM • .17.141. , DE 1 1 otto `ator owe b 7 , jya . - ld toatIoNDLkSS. ia " CtU Aetl IILFn UtlXes Ottawa Gado% day ?deemed - dada/ink by- • Jre.•_ • • . •• -WICK Ze 111150414114-EB5. 11....0114.3i.. 7 11.1.b0xes W. kt. Chotic..aaely ay fed add Kr tido . , • , 8 . • • . wlcir a'oerrvrit tsg: O ir j MrintraViilDiat. • /liana) eOA . r - ter ne.arwrae . m 6 Am A a co. et..1,:-...iubrta APP..L Jos . etgAtw, ' ' .„ fl PAIItissIOOVIMO •wzkr. .!macuJitcr a ca; FI I IO2.ACCO-4q bale* Ositefigk Pill be old 10ve tbite con • • " • MAIM! 116 KY& 01)._ - asts "4..4. n4o MOAB DSC KEY WOO: W C 11.1Y: 2:3 1,; 151 .1i1ti - R - DUMP' i 6:16 Ntls 77lC 6ll! '" d i ; ! I I. IV:I=M fialZ l i s 'illitlf.;°fritinliseAsiticx.l4( mkt* .I!saum_prpaysiza , t.lfr itl iTs r - - f tutu m. 4 unlit Laois, andW.dstairs. 141781 , 11 Y nil EICHFIELDiaIn reenned imp I.ln* end Monis Wing& Innt Lana . ' , Loan Work Thread doi • Bane s age, dot ag lakmat Edinger • Ffrre3 ord pl a lt 14eiti_ptntr4.6.4.:14. they ma enenitinib Ulna ; -.. lra VLOutt-0 Urfa' •• a iltr cam • • L itj . ". -7 11 " 'es " 1 t niausatati gliCIKEte iIERRING4SO bra ea tog -0.10,11 1 . 13721! ok.m , HaßgAuen Srb .5".3ll—JVc ' -- - - MWME4S2O bbas prima t 4 lranidinti ' • ' 101/bd. • 40, Soft% . • .1%1 hbds du haw; tecelvettenockoslitto aot and tor sal. by (.031 l5 & CiarkW-E- 44 bra, prime c LOW saw : . V,"t. tea " W.7 . 7 . 11 Y713 14 : forule : 41" 2------1144 U,44 W 11ABUM.1011 aIFR ilg 0 .- V ° '" 6 ":, rueltairini Low-454v fratS, roaca.r i l (11:Zha itt5u11 2 f.7 11 4,4. 0 """ 4 ' u Joussrox 15011P"wi'm ~..2.22irciriintKe=icciv /NALitil Lit:hair a G.), Miser & 8001i111 AT 110 Llit .E.l" zrzcaltarD2Pcir. tAtme,ops..l. • DICTIoNARY el Metaaalts, Lae= Esilr.vdrirs, Act .2. Litt's Ps Lortryg -Act 110 ate. &far July. , Simmer, (.•eii sirs. '~l•'<atwfa lc 6drtew sae loft: wccoviu.eussrpe ItioraSly tattiult d , Irciden . ti OM/ at ega-. tor .1,1 OW yak Mast 13; P. ft Jusas. ' ''',741.1r e" " Asuentrci, roe kiss, actuCetr. e foe plisseetzus jselay fobm re ireedese., UNIT o ishircias 'Aortm. or 64pefOg aorta, of -TA di A , McCIAIRO 1,411 Übe try a. viirarafitasata.:a 7 ~::.i ~ L t-. i i' • • • • -'3 s 1 , 4~► ~: ~~'- .yti ~'} ~t ' "4,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers