MEM OW LICIFTZRS A M et A l of l L /M i t o th t e h e 'l l ts s b th a n of lNoyt, ° l Mee salU them NII Plot., toy tboy att ea Ladles , List: • Aries Mgt , Anderson itekkt. Atchinn nArtstnto Anna Anderson Nancy /amp Amy Eausan Ares CMDISet lantlen Mary 1:1 BeTingtonDelllahrtooka lanuirdOary L Binaley 13 .1 • 8r01.12 Inure artlan Hinsletlllarr A /Loam Beau, aulaal - Dina tiara .11 4Barran lAlt Eliipan Lindy Sank Byrns - Benaltoo•er Marl Gana Bring: Itnallangrr Mire Wynn% Joaapta nn_Bratinon Samoa Julian Bartel i<ol,otll 11014 ontlat ;Isbell& , • Gail Celine • 'Cothran Must 8 ItCrawl va Idary3 Caldwell Anna Conaba llamado Crain aria ) ennWl Harriett Cower Lonna • Calve* Flinch Carroll Midget CC41,03 FAO. chmur o luil Cavanagh Nutt Cowan Mations Canna Clans • Clancy Navy COS glary E Cam ,bin Taxes mate nab •" • Doyle Damn, • Cart Diana Conycv AdisOU Cleat Rubel' Davillom Mrs 0, Davi. Rehm:as - rAntriltinrilt Mar T Davidson Um Davit Ran._ • DDT Rank 7 Davis tabigalt• Davis larraWnilB • , . -Dacca, ennalino DArno3Uts • • E' Faun Marla El'ota Emily ' Edst r ad dist hails Fenny. Forsyth PI Freicriet Men Fish( Helen Versa ion Mgt U Fa wier Jaea'emilFrekar Zany A Pabst. Ann ti Aug Enema, . hi , • Date. Ring Yon Eleanor Patch Basun:tab Flake !dart J • chan.s Inns Coln, Nanny Groan Martha Gastatt Warden Canby Emeline Conon Mu! news finance N Gould Met . Graham Natter • In X Graves Gott:sae • Hammett petard MraVirftliart - Anna liannset Alnatra Hashes E , izat HilinrAlnahosk Bannn A . Hamm Join A Darns Sarah n Mrs Jaellawes Mr. P Pawnor Ansa Haney Hamann newton Mary Heil. Saw 1 II SAS Mary Henry nom Ilampincrl Mul 'Harris dash Ann • 1t... Mary. ,Ingram UrsEligla 3 Jatkana Rstona,../neknn Nancy Jinkina nay. johuaton Elan. dents Vary '• ; K Rune Items ' Kettle Harriett It err Ninny Xenm, Itac'aor Enunedg Aeigal Kerr Mi. David Kew., tu t u. C XsosS Otts - E IClAaland Bann D Ecuratm Anne ,Keng r an Ellen Xonwelottineawa L . Latina Anti - Lovas Manias A Long Ism I,4,itt Mi. A A i lorba Hannah Lea's Inns LAtus Sirs John I.yotA_Elisa -Mils ELIAS • • Bmiset Martin Nay T A mortoo4.n. Maras Jahe Midd Con La:We:Murphy Fllea A MAtaftll Marl S Mittold Mara • Murphy Eisa J May Nancy -Martin J , Myer. Barbel Idairball AC liana Elsatta ?dada* Stlask • Mr4tOstcy Mr. J McElroy . Bridget ?Seinen Anna M'Cltdg ncGrary MeNalta Mary XeCantra ' , to McKenna MnMrs MePrah , Met MeGnan El an McKean Pink AlrAceen 4 1..XY S .-McCrgeten M. X McKeeDir • ' Megaity Mrs • • aleCnilogit If .tit McKnight an Mitstelgan Me %maid E li as glebes= CaNtenacy Nes tAtitt.loa B Norris Mails Writhe:4 g 24 Park Anii Pew Plisib • nom X Mee Ezeiline Pewees Mary A rattfnon 4.t1 itrit.oll.llta kilitfinnttpteLl um A Pew DIXIMOn • /laymen! tonl.slßeed Mary Roblmam Mar, A Tinlfertf Bridget Reed Mary Roo Lyra Romney &nett, &Ursa Miry R,dge s Bridget Ready I:Sely AI,C Semler Etimbeddßetkerfordiads, Reed Ali. ftssgo Isfietto Kozel...Km Stone Mrs P Sem Maeda Sten Barbus Prsry !lima EttsmorMrsStarySisos. Mary I Full Mr.. Starer Clara r•srir Elisabeth . . Poreessy Cadet Brrevirn Bridget Slosh 14E Ur Stewart itarttraM Shoop Pharr A tiCt , th hitli Irstersrtsnustrolut Smarr ?Sands, I Slsors M. • .Taylor Sarah' T.ybrilizi,thßrbombvich eiltS Trans= Nancy Ilaororallaellel/ lams --- - 1T Yuma 261ssisnth W W. boas nevemWes Sauk Williams 'Mulls Wash Fu.-W•eks Elubeth Wsllluas til as nr WAkias listunaheWilogi klisabeth ,Siar7 Witliams Marx Wright IdissaJalla ------- GeatleMlS!:ll Wit. A Abrams V7l Acheson Jno - - Anderson J Airbot J C Adlinos SO Armstrong . Wm - A I s Jos • Allosandor Wm Ammon' Foss AgnomrDant Atom Gt. , 0 Armstrong Jim Ans., Rohl Andato l 2 .101 N Ar 19.111191 Robs Adana Robtjr Applebe Thos Astdold/C0 Adams David Ands,' Jno Men Jno Adams Bdit d • Baird JD F Rennet Jaa awe. A: Ba nemh. H L. Beach BB aMar. Wro Bead W Bucher Cans Baker Mao Bell A C ..Barkley site Bailey J. Hell Chas Balton] Pim= Bsen , erd G R Bell Joseph . Bart Baia W Baker Gen fi Doge= Thee itahoaa J W Barber. 'I. G Ith.ratall V Inel Brennan Pierer, Beeheejee Bippes Jee 0 Shisban Jae Barnes t.eet. litattehard rl 31 Britt J. Banos Thee B Nate Edsed Brooks Jne Bohn Co.h 816 e7W Berhy Henry Bartle , /no • Blankhant Hush Br". Thor Ilawbeler Palk . Dissdell We. James or Butte Mr; H ewers el A Feted . em (ice . Wen 7 Brown Wro Freeman Jests Valle Ch Brawn Alex Bunts Joseph P Shackles Ferdaq Brown Fla.. 'Bare gaulP.Boyd Je BrwrnJ It Bersbor.d Fns 'Bryce Henry Brown Dalai T Bede.ell Darid I Bosse Wee Brute Thos Benson Carnal Slostwiek NB Byer!) Mr Beswick All. Boyd Geo Bads Lewis Berkey Peter . Houle !as Hyena leo T Beeler R D Bovril John Butler Josep4 Beek Gee Boland Edwd COora A J .Catin C W Clark IMmI X I Cali eremiah , Itolem.a John Crantecd W Callaghan Waa Colclaacr n Hazlet Crone AR oo Cable Daniel Rabt A Cream John CertnerAlfisetre agOgtiby JoErl L Cready John W Cuter John Coetedno Vincentereaa Henry Carting Jehn ' Cogan Geo W Cella & Saloon Carey James . Cocteau, ThomaaHr.eyDra a Cantrell Thor onaCell , na II Prane ' Cavbiner Jelin Collies James Craig Henry Caner Chtolea Iloate. Ittberrte Contains Park Cain II Mr Cody Richard CertisA is Cvney 3tair ^Tolima bested Crocuigham lasso Cameron &Pr tee Comae Peter Conan Thomas Caion Leach. ' evogrOv k eJIUSteII Culbert R &CO Chester Robert Corbett John Callas Wain Chapped Java Poo Mahn. Canso Theories Chester Robert Corbis Samuel • Cathben Jima, Celleron ales!e Covert Joacpb Cued) , James ' Charles loon A Cochrane It CDr Comm , Mr Clarke 'Hirano* Cook EL Croat }IC Cluk &Co Cooke John Crowe Henry poserCloey Michael tram Plenary Bel Martell I land Ralph Clark St Co Cork Robert Combrai John AI Coleman Wm ' . Cr. nor John • Wry Jan Piel,oriThos e Donald .Robt Darlington P.atri Doicly Dna A Donighos Bobt Darragh Jassy n Dorgan John Dologhty Pak Davis cans 'D.u.r 1 Jcseph Donoboo Jas .Davis Jonath an Doug n narty Eder! Doal4son Vahan Davie Fs., Dougherty !as A or Huh Dear bowls Dataglion' Twos Drone 0 L Deno A. • M.Kuar 99 MVP. John D•shoun Pt toll Polar! Thos Droaldond fl Decree J Don lan Jar Daily Adam tl Dean Wm .1 *ones EleptialniDoon John Ulan) . Jao F Douglobs Dam Patk David, J Dondlionitastin Dana Win De, is Joseph DoonnatJao . Down lhos • Derbin• Jno A Dolan Jos Darning Jos Dolph lasso M. Donaghy Thos Talon hi E......nbT Mn. 'vans Thai E E.kks. It- W Entine Chas Ewing A W Edgar Jno . Audis mane Joe 'Eason palisades . Exam P. L Evan/Jr.) alsbnra w W .Fleinlog David P Bartell Palk • Floyd :Am Pstris damn ilool Nicholas Yinerjno Flinn Rabt Piston Kr Fienniod luso PU , h eras Foley Term:mak Firma Monism 'Foster John • F Ol 'OJ T 'Fos ehristophth 'ltd.? Psrd P rddler P A Forrestm Arehd F ''"" if • •.Folliart David PTOTd.W k ino Ohm, Sara ..Grano:. Rio W Ro't Giffin peso Gmentalati Lase _GabonPug - Groan Jae Gabon GU. Gt., m,s Grant nal GM° Oman TirnotbY 'LIMP , . 118 0 Garnar Sao Caarson Dorsi Guano Joe Gulley Taos, eialden Put G Robt Gardener.' Gonaley Vasa GriblustJas Gilbert Is Goodson Jos Chabalt Utafon .0111sur :tor Gregg J as . Giblet Chu • , Gretna:l3 rirutiohn Gables Geo • Gram Ileury Ong Pull Girard Ju U pIAsT Steller ll•xtry .-}lselip Jay _ Jere =lab Ile &Ur Nicht Rotuma Siapheale. aims Jas U ifaTe Rest lisait Jes liana Fecal , Bare Y ilogan Jahn lialets Pier /lays Joe Hostme lowa lied% Jets Ileye Ebeneser 'Taiwan! Abler 'hurry Wee • Header*. A Hood Jae iiannah "nos • fiessin lro Ito ?Aida 'lases Jacob p licreey V Ilteiraid Thee sisrina w Heratorn Tilos E llopper Woio liatrLe Daeld Hillier iko liorshis Taos U Bares N rte. Marker las 'lathes SS, is - Ihcd. Jar PL 1151 II I s /Laotian.; Bart Jones Iliad* Wm Nader/ Wert II John flashes:each Harter, W A Uilionaaa I/4 Illacherar liketsen C'W ' 301111 1 / 1 [1,11.2 1 Jams Chas U • - Jack James P , Jones • Jests WACD Jalossen PAwd Jones Vir Jietticis_Wei Janes 111 Jose* Jactsan - Joalredin I C Sores Ertl Jena 8 Kahn Settelnirtonlaroosterne WC Dr • Staley John , KePer Peter *412116 Edward NanLee/414n ' Kerney Thee Kennedy Henry Xetly John Kearns Re trekei•Thehael Kerr elterirs , Kenenr I leary •NI er eer John IV NeklyJantes Keogh Menlo Riegel.. & Bean Rellf Sderard ' Kerte. Veered Nkrekend M P Neer 11t. ti • 'Nennedy Brawl Nile:ken it Porter Xenorey Ddvid Kemp Wen Nom 16 Remedy hit Nen. 14.rnard Kymer pommel KcaLe John „Kearns - Michael Kr:be Jacob • - Netts Wm Levin . = D LuckynJ Light Paull Itoc Lankha M Luning Cbsilcs Lynch Logan Laughlin John . Lerch Michael Lycander f Laid Elwin Lty lie 'ate, d DD LankastM I.en DaintyLocratecterJoh Lantrg rept. • Lneurgen John Lciccry Local . Lamed sat. HI Low Jenne. WWI. Mt Lanesiget 0 , 0 • Lnen thew hl Lytle Joan Lacaltaig.Jl,V Lilly James !Inch 11 J Lewis Siticard Litter Jo'co Itcolist4 pat p1 * , 141 3 ,CSO D ' ..3 : ., ';'_ r ;7...5?..: , : ,- * , -.:: , :q , .•-,'- •,:. •. 4 :•:,,K.-,,...4,..,:..:4.,.:._-:. ja a h,g has Mellin Mawr Menem J.• Malloy Mez Mareweat David' Masao P Malloy Milord • Messy fas Mahn Freak Ilackeral Hoary Milner emu • Moat 'Dead Mahal int - • Midis his • Mooney Ju J Matta flea Mingo /alias Mow Nelson Mahon Joe D Mitchell M .1 Moor. hwarieasta Mattis Job, . Millar /no Mows Fru May lames Miller Chas Moore David • D Maws! in A 0 'Moore Won Masao Robe Miller Levi L Merriam! J • Maaglillts Thas Millar Caot • Morrow Ju Masts, Marshall Aronimer.Peilip Malley /no Nohow, WS 8 hlogbanCO L Matto.,Wro V Moller Pas Morel. Jaa Mum Jest Manny Jo Ihlestar Menlo Mar A Menu Murray Mich Messiah Ciro B Monis r Murray Dull I • ' Mailer /mph Morph Palk . „ I uo xvlinan J. 14 , Donough Chu Witibben John WAleer lezophen 10.1 , a0asd Ju Mts. :mob 51'0111.4 ArthatlATAl eta J. AVlElnoe. J. / W 11`Cuthy Fellx 111.11 e Jos nil.oghlin Jm WC..n J.O AlCur MAI hltann hl'enttray Thu Warn.. Lotherntleain U SVCsolly fland WOra. In. M'Slanlion Wenn eK Jas DWUsershill Debt Sllfuess Sara Wrote cu. AVG.. Joe Avkluilin Alex kan Jno irDois.Domnllll`Namghtun JasC Vero.. Auelw PrOone PA% WNW. Chen hinteskx flesh Whoon Thu U , Phsil Ntn WC.. Joo D AyAinney E A 0 MV... John DT.mler Danl M'nooy John 11 , Calty Wm AUK. J. W.F.-Wax IleDsistalJno WK. Wm Jno Nonni Moist's. Nichols /no Neely Jno • •rl ends A B Nieholoon Oscar iSsiiisPras Nicholson Jas Nelson Andras. lUeka4 W • O'Bries Jo 0 On Oto Myron =al Olin= Than Orr Ron - 07Inhern Pan 043nen /fit - O'Donnell Christ O'Connor Donut 00ent T S . O'Keefe Zoo O'Donald Neal Orford Wm Peal John .1 Patterson Hold I Piece% L H Payne This Penney Wm_' Plontruma Wm Payne R , • Pence David Pluck Joseph L Palmer That . Penrod DaviJ Pierson Rohl T Poston Wee Peleu Alfred . Pow P Parkhill Jan H Peers Joseph Porter H Pall Peter, Peppard Standish Ports 0 0 Patterson Aaron Phstan Jae Patois Joseph Panama R H David E Pole. David H Qalati Imka Quiz Edwin Hition Jos A Ponies,' Jas Rigir Jos Robison Thos lbultonlr_ Wee Abram RobiosonBacrd 'Ramo. arcs ROgle Jos Robinson Fr'sis.l Ira ph dual Aloe Jno • Robinson Mary Ramos Joseph Riahsrdson o Robinson WU- Ray Stiehardsonlio kilts 11 Road Thigh • Roney Hen Roberson A 8 ' Radials P Rap W D Rogers C 0 Roodi Itoolani& la acne Pater Rogers Jos Ca. Roberts Use W Rome W Ronald Igo Rob= les Rhodos & Nelson Emily !dacha Rork Mt pms trna,,,n !them Wes R - Stoop Wm Seottiaa Sheehan Batt Standish !111 18oati8han1 !Shipley Freda . Sterner J. II Seen Nm ' Mont JIM N Sterling Lord Boon Geo - • Stalk David Stewart Char II !kaolin Matthew !tido • Blow., ne,h,,,r, Beholej,Wert ensith !Glee T Boman Jon :Wryer Nash! Sm th Wm Stewart Jao !ample Hines Smith Jen Stevenson Win 81112 fie bilL2l d Bath Wm D Stephen.. late Sett. Aaneford Simmons Henry Motes Woo A Semple Band Mu Gabriel &Saler Geo B Meier Abram Simpson Win Stoat Natal Bald. David Selma Norbert Sakti. Jno Shonoelt. Steen, festively Bei* timpani! Win Bal.& Co Jae Soinnie waneyr leo Shannon Wen Spear S Anwar Shannon Jos T Sneer N Swisher P , Aer O tt Ain, Stewart Dr IBlleatproale Chas fih,setosi II _Spencer Lill. Swain Was Snell= Th. Steep Win John nommen !Jansflol Tobin Alutin • noun Wet Isy Frbompl on Itiehil Townrend Nilo a. Mtn B Thom p.= John Tryon t 4 Thintaa }Wads Tavel illehanl D Twig Edwin" CvtickU 8 Ulmvn Simon WelM , Frene.s. Whitatall lash Wilhelm Janes Weade.D6 White K' / Willson Rabert Wel Mill Henry Whittaker AnthlWillna Wm Wattle° W t . "David Wits Henry Wal , Me Wa3 P W Whtau NiehoPiWills Wm Waiters Wm..f Widiants John WIWI= Gems* Ward Ambit g WilliamsWm L WLI2IIO Chttlef Watecre Jams It Williams Thee' Wistful Joseph. J WarelatleldlenemWdlem Jesse. Watts°, fr. his. Watkins itiebardWilliame Seen W Mule. Waters Parfet W.l lame Alfre.llCWoo.l. Joseph Watkins Henry Williams Jes W Woods Chas R. w eaa e z aamm %Whet. John Worcester Thee Weaver John • Willson Frames Wolf F Waver Henry.WWillum illson E James It Write Wm . . Soong T B Jc eo Yowls= Henry £ coag Jobo Yealcs Elm 1 Z • &lin Lewis Zolliellorett mT • .1 Nonfat toren of ronnoco.}lll3 , ill. N %V 3 . Monet Text4l. bi 1 1 / 4 004 No 41. • bleeholdeld 1 - o be, Nog. Loo-reocovillt D.viaioa Sans of Towanda. Ocean Wave -do - do • Pdssoorgit do do do. lon Ltaquedno do ' ' d, do. - SAWN% aIIBEBURti. K. P 161111111 2 ,, )oly 10, IWO. A. wci.sias•s CO., E*Ol4_AN_G E B FLO K ERB I it Con.* cr Thins as•s Maria ar. /AZ TWUCTIVIIS AX :LMT =ELL T.cree. • . TAMES WILSON infonni his friends and thepoblto W that ha has removed 1.11 Hat and Cap Ettab:am mo% from Smithfield meet, hta old nand on Ihn cora, of Wood•meet and DiateeteLdEc7, (toeond Mary) cans Yavieirs & Friend's Exchange 011,,rn [ranee back. off Dianhand Alley—whens may be found • lusts and bohlotmltle enactment of Ram and Caps at miaced prices, wholesale sad tatsiL Hata made to otder. Jettle.d&wh.m.• J. E MELLOR, SI Wood street, lids reerioal follosottyr N.eo Marie: nu, nye. , Toe C o o k. the trwles holy light; de& %J. crated to Ken. 0 Oh, think not Mullane thee. Manche /Open,' lose thee,. When other Meads amend thee. 7116 rot beneath the bills. Wert thou bat 011110. Annie Lsaria—Semch balled. The Wotan —wind* b 7 Cont, nes by Stephen Glee,. Theo ham wortoded the saint that loved thee. The Grave of Wsehiegton. The With Mother's Lamour. Old Sexten—ReweL He docile nll Woes well— ' Woodbury Widow Maehree—antrelL The comas alley mo th er—Hutehinsona. Low hacked ear—Liner Kilo Waltem—romplele. The Memo Bell. The Mild or Wallace Polka. Jenny Lend'. Anterie. Polka. Limy Polka. Same American Potka. Tip Tap American Poles Lit Belle ttaltimorean Polka. Jenny Led 'wk. The Odeon &mule. P&P -- Joliet'. Satan= Polk. Flirt Polka. lexperne Polka. Suanelt Polka. Sosemgol Polk. The Pro phet Quadriller—Mcy erbeer. leneyLind Quadrille. Oto -Wreath sal Daisy Wallace-11m Ernest. The Polls Drover IMY—Tenatione ey Curtsy. Monemerd. Stands from Home. Wrecker ., Daughter, quickstep. Loalantle March and Quickstep- Wood (Wa ster. WILKINS Tisza., rouEnt STREET, PITTSBURGH, PL. ' • • - %IBIS theardfieent establishment being now cow l: Dieted and teady for bustnes s, the proprietor weald respect/ally wtheit a share of the yobbo patronage. Ho trysts by giving hts full attention to the hasineas, waits the holm a pleasant and comfortable resort for the citizens of Pittsburgh and for the eeontry 'generally. Deond attendants Will be In welting, and erery ex ertion mode to rendpporter the eetablishotentintellTigent worthy the te [One. aed su of an communi. e TWO SPACIOUS, HALLS, toted for Panics ty . deneeTte, Lectures Bar ani Nagle electing. will be let by the evening or week, on as liberal tern, as any other In the eity, The DAR and RESTAURANT. canal in style and besety to any in the world, will—be kept tomislord .with Pare Wines, Cholee Liquor*, Coolish, Potters, Ales, and all the coal, sgsf.reirersoreom or the season. Panhey, Guns, Fist, Soap, °Teter., sad Clew., screed up in the best illyie.. The DINING and ICE CREAM SALOON, being on the bat floor, and cup of seem, will be consualy tape lad With all the Lnzoelee and Dedeseles of the rogen; and also,with sack tonbstantigle Ls the market* afford. Int. IrOr= Wig!. Gentienten with their families. visiting the city can, be gavelled toriilLtefrathittant• of nLL lends at arty boot Feettr Gel B Fa oar exwd 'Parana ileory F 'Fold Etweh Freemen Wm Ftlus Savol Frayeal" Fr•Ter Dismay Pool Wm Fre.) , Franais Frew J o• the arr. Good Building and en extensive Chary Ernb intent is cemented with the Hell Dinner all o'sleek. Dreskfastend Tea at the venal ESltrilfee for Ladi.a lo the lee Crease and Solo., hoe) Sallihi.eld street JeW:dtf IC. H. 17141 , 1 RFNfiSFLAtit . • hiss 121111:11/ANONI: J. Fhliasy, Agent for MA Perna. Life /morrow Co. of l'lsila l (4 .7. PPIGE of the Western Inverse. Company No. p 3 Waisr street, Pittsburgh. • Wets, with all necessary infornuttion, and blank nes will be famished. -• Husband. eta home their lives for the benefit of their wives godchildren; erednons tbis Ursa of their delosta. The whole ornate of the Company are divided among the holders of Ws Policies. The dividends of the past two rem lam been eleb• ty per Cs. L sack Yelf. _ hag NOTIOIO, frE owners nod consignees of geode arriving by the "Weeds Yortablo Boat lAmaa will please nodes that they veal be - required to Pet, freight at mu wan:home, mead; ng to the reeelet, before thegoods aro =mond. 0-A—IdeANULTY fr. CO Jl l Demayera Dry Goods as Mat Pmts. BARGAINS] BARGAINS! VV sig:.°loAlttlUgulirrti.Vlll continue selling those Damaged Dry Good. on Wedl e uday,3aly ad,end willoontlnes froinday friday until ' sit-the damaged .goods are sold. fleas Roods are wog, assourod by erVer, and will be of.ood to cult parthsWere at leuthan half the original cost 11113110r.110IIIIMMOry and the public sn general wiltyl Oar itase tell soon and secure bargain. Ihe goods wets damaged by water only, sad many of them will ho found &lowa perfect. (Wive of them ore anti pall at slower Dry rite. Please remember the Corr, No Oa Nuked street, between Ti ird and Fourth. sign of the SD DOS Bleb when! no cull easterner wilt be Mint away without belay perfeedyse:Jaded. All our Mal 1 1,11 be opened for retail trade on inn ~e e utoe, 01.1dIst]NAL L. RUSSELL sIaYLTITICIIII NIP: THE gabserthere hue Ws day farmed a cl.. river h I leader the Dm of W Wilson. for the our mee of transacting theWbelerale Grocery and Ccm a te petwien Bednay,tt Ito m Woodtareet. NAL WILSoN, Ira Pinsbur" PRANK. 'attar" • 11' r; bin& A A. M BON it. CO, are ness FdP 4 s o ° ire ! ta 171. . the pasha their cads damigsd by Islo sm, assong sada ma be fond: . 4 . 2 t o . Caicos. vl4 y damaged st (K raraltna. 9 eau; lawns do, good sm I**,ll 010 cent° No s s de Lab es do, 3to Cashmeres do 10 'lOO4 aln wiped do 12i; 4-1 Petah pants do 12, - aster Cans? Chintz hal prim °lngham% dry Steams% Canter pass, kg" de coasts.; blaarelog de [mass' to la. Together with ear malls lama meek of Now and Lai a °goad% a data redaction fromfornace plea Tr et .tesni - dessa olcly.ottcvellow mitt tp Baragsgrllls, and for "ala by J KIDD h. CO • Nolo Wad am* , - ,s~~ 1~ti.~,~.:~ RECOD. PITTISCJILUU 50.11 AD oW !TELADS COMMITTER FOR JULY. su comi••••sert. wets. 11. Review of Chi PITTSBURGH VI A.11.1CIIT• .von ma wm IMMO mar ld Sulam ton.lenes cells Inactive, and fen nuaket 1 8 ' 4,1,11 7 has been dell lance ear last weekly report . The Ireather,fer the mast pan, ha. been warm and deg, Inn while the past kw 4171 we !min had cool and ielreshlng showers of rel., may have served as a check epee hay =Mel, will he of Indult alahle advantage to corn, potatnna, and • vegetation genatelly. - Owing to the excessively warm end dry wolobori the river has been gradually receding, bat it has rei ci Not been oo low es to prevent oar tighter draught l matters from moming whit a considerable daces , or facility, offering ample oppottuntry far shipment from iii I t Ils point wed, at comparatively low situ. Owing to the presence, however, of the dell summer months, business on the rives has been limited, sod met can- 4 clone ma, to a greater °slue degree, *Ma the oPm4l 1 of the approaching fall trade: The arrivals of Bre adstaffs see Provleions, end oak- I er articles of western redaction bare been Oaks huidiming the past week, bat, to ledge fcsex she tee. soot samencis in prises, ws should infer that euppliu generally acs quite motel to the demand. 'AVM —Very little bas been doing in the Ashes musket, owing to the prevailing doll ecatonoted ecim parattrely small demand, and prima are generally the moth as given Mout lass weekly review. With wall sales, we contlene mu Ouetatbstre seTeilowsi—Poach' Or., Secretes, new; Potash, eilliki Soda Ash, 00 41c; and Searching. at 110310 0 Si. ALE—There Is a flit tender nosiness doing by oaf brewer. at 4909, cask Mcleod. BACON—The market, doing the past week, has been gales, and rates being moiety confined to he sec ular home undo dement, we exst roped nO heavy transaction. We settee • fair tomineas doh* In the way of general sales, at tie following rases:—Plato western and alp" cased hams, 7071; of emu anger eated,canuesed hams at 10e, and 0 prime do at 90 Ole qr , b. lute. of &des unit% sod of Ilitosibloss at 4100. Erma dry eared from smoke bosom is sold at a elight advance, and common counuy cured at - a seduction an the abort glum. The euppllts of Ba• con in this wither, so present, are unite tail, notwkl9 standing the liberal shipment. mar. BEEF—The aunties of Beef am generally . light, I sad we have no sales of mime or meas. Dried, Beet Is seam. and In demand so 9010 e, for commad to ex tra, by the sue. , BUTTERO wing to the prevailing hot weither very little is coming fourard, and priests are alto's*. Cr nesenstal. ' . .... .. BROO3I3—We mum Mir &applies to the-marks; with regular males at • range of $1,2310 MISS per dos, amending to quality and Pelelu BUCKETS le TUBS—The creator gala to the roan. try trade are at . 127,12g0523, dm. Sates to city • ' ea lower figlfell. Sala of Tabs at 1123301,3011 , Om aceenitng to sire and Soleh. CHEESE—We notice receipt. of eons'Aerablo lots Boa the Western Resorve, Mt the aromas this year fall fox 'Wien of the toweepoodieg Period Ma 70 22 Saks have been confined to comparannly smolt mss, at e rum of 511761 for good MOO= to prim. CM= caecasits—we give the following no the highest mullet prim for the different artlelosawler this hood Waxer Crooners, per bbl ....---.-----1 4 , 22 .........._....._. isz l lVltfre de ad d , o • . ------ gpo I f =r Oraeten,nr lb------7---- 4 IXIRDAGE—Wo note no nether ottange In prima— The following aro the Monsanto . .. , Oriel Idandlerope, by cool,— .---1110 r 0. do . cate•—•—• I Whim Rope, by mil,.— no ~ • do eut,--- a. " " _ Tarred Rape, by eoll,----- , --•••100 . II do cat,- ——• ••tle . : Peeking Yarn, Ilne,---.—.•• go . . do omornon,•—• •• no " • =COO. Manilla, sixamter3, 73 W dO. do ir reel,. •••140 • Romp, 51,2002,3303,00 • dos. do W toil,•••••lbe " b. 10212=111 =1721 aincv num =I=MIIIM Ma lila. 67i. --••._._.Hemp * dos. Ky.had Cordage is mold regularly at Hie f. ez 0071'014 TARNS—The following Is a eerreeled natal the 'MUM. ankles ander this head: 70CAD T• 131. No. 5, ewer lb 19 No:13 eta per lb No. 5, .do 4sa 7. "15 " u••--I4 8, .--.20 18 • u• a a " 87 " 10, a " • .--.dolB ", g e l re nowt Vols. 4 N i . SIXI, ever Ib •• • 0 No. L eo per.", r " GA " -•- A 2 do 703, i 2 "1000 0 " do Carpet Cbsla,•—•--M Candlealet,l ----le , ywo,.. :.--22 , Bag Filling,•"-r-do Todoe. - - 23 I Derrlng,No 1,2, 2-13.12, 1 1 COTTON BIIEETINO9-Wa settee a firmarese to Pit/id:di* menatertatad, Peen- hHtl sill, enka of No rer Se: and common or IfOneumg, at lila d. yard. COPPED -The rrgelar alandrud prices for topper areas follorec-Cliff Rine, onto and Ingots, 114220., eben, e , ; and old copper at 180 IP' D. DRUGS, MEDICINES, & DIN STUFFS-We gi. Ito following corrected Ihrt of prices of some of the prio elan) unities under Ohio bend /does. Dm. • ...... 10017 Liguori. rast•••• 70 9 . . 4 .... . . Aunt, " 310 4 Asafetida, 40014 Arnow Ran Itts• •• • ~ •• 40011 ao,u . to ro e Bus= reru••11•5302 ,73 73 do Commis...3MM Lt• • • 410$ Camphor ref, 4004.1 I Chloride lene, csk, 111 Oxblood 1,5001,73 Cream TM= 13626 Carpet.,--... •• • rie Glue, m 5511•—.1110105 Gem Arable •--.50400 " Copal•---;*8050 e lath: 60066 531000 1,93 Ipecac • MeV° I Uth dered,Wooo 1 FLOUR—We notice startles decline In Floor. dor. tog the past week, with a cootintied downward ten dency. Prices at present are carremelr unsettled.and a U difficult to arrive at eorWet quotations. Receipts during tha wets hare been light, and the moat Mathis I arrived has been stored for the want of purchasers sansfactorl prices. We may cparo from (int hardest impot en, and from stem any toad um, at 1 114, 7 3 for good brands a 5., with a declining tendency. llra FLOVZ—We nonce a continued dawn in Ills article, and prices are nominal at la INOSITS f , brl.. CORN hIRAL—The market Is We? supplied with Corn Areal, with regular limited mles a $093011937 6tl, and 6001120 per hashed, from swraand tram tha. CT. 0040 blagnetla Carb•••33o3o bladder Crobre.• • 44010 iderrh,Tarkey—• .20030 (NI • 44E5 • Casa:m..lin., 100 - Cassia 4,1X31423 • Cloves • •-•34)0 3 , 0 ° • Leman ••••3,3003,40 • Perish. 4,0000,00 Opium, Tarka7,60003,33 Quinine --••••4,4004,n0 Rhubarb, root.• • 400140 Sal AR11001.......-46020 Sal Soda—.—•• • • 40 5 Senn..--•--•1E0 70 Tartaric Mid 44030 Vitriel Carnamed, bbla••.4l 0 7 Puna • --.240 3 Leawood, clipped, 071 FISH-Prices have endorsees on decline 111=8 oat last report, and we now me the fellovneg quo tanottc-Salmon 510 r hot, md 26 • time; Ne. I Shad 619; No.l Mackerel 51160 P bri, and $7 50 P hit bet, No. E, Sti)6o for brls, and $5 for hlf brie; No .3 . zurepo r Orl. No change In other detteriPtiort. PEATHEIPI-Sal , loan of 600 M HOD Dm at MO 62e f 01. FRUIT-The demand to felt with asks of Wane at $363,23 VP boo. Sales of Almonds, atloo23e an of Ground nets, m 51X01,37 . • bur, of P.m.., noncipf Filberts, 017• Se; or Clemson% at 407 e; of Zan* Carranut, at 909/, sod of English Walnuts as 7 glem orange., 000. FiP, IIO V O r *:Lemnos, 53.50 sap; Cows N0t.%116,22 r lon PEED-Vt'o noises the receipt of mental late of hr., with fair sales from fiat hand., at 12•2130, and from sun at 140t60 • b. Sales at City MI., at WOW for bran, 23031 for shorts, and 23045 e for chop Corn and Dots, FSEIGHTS-Ihe following are the Canal rates fro, this point emu Damn hi Butter • ' 150 Beef, salted, • 45yt, Beeswax • CM thutles Hair Ilde ' Cheese . • 75e Cameo - • ..... --••-• 60e Drags t, Medicines. -• • Vie Drted Print.— 73e 73e Fon & Feathers ----tilde Fandittre 100 e &111.111.131••••••••-•-• - • 550 Plagmed &U, Hardware. OROCSRIES-Me ham Bides* 1007 Giallo, —70 e Gad - GM & Lard Oil.- • • • Os Oilo 750 Pork, Obis. • • - ...... Ma H u , ~,,.---. --• 500 &ado Oa Skirls. Db. & Bodalo 75e 7ohaeeo, Ohlo•--• Wo Talt KY .—.. t 7 0 .7 Wool ..... -—•— • -0 Whlakey,bbls•---•1 000 Sheep Pelto- , -- 50a flomp, Bops & Nen, GC•O - no marked chants te n. lice In the (Rm.:FT market ranee eus Nat week's re port. Prices gencully ramie firm. The Wee of N O Pager have been confined to lots of L to 10 hbds, at esolll, dote, bathe better grades; and 1110110 for com mon. Molasses, if any thingrts held more finely, and may now be fairly quoted at 3503ee, aeoardlng to de scription of package. Pelee all B molasses at. 450 gall, syrup Is held at 0001 Won. Of Me Goffee we have salmi In 100 of ILO acts, at 10101010110 • 1 2 . -- At the latest date., 1110 Corm wee selling to New Or leans at 01091 c, in Baltimore at 01010 e; irrYhtladel phis a Whys; and In-Boston et 111010 e tot good Java, and 13/ for fit Domingo. Wee is in moderate dr. mood In Ole market, at , 41060 fir lb, hi Witall lots by the Once. .Other articles ender this bead are witheat chants. GRAIN—In viewed the new crop, which mast soon Wear In this 'nuke', we ponce a decline In Wheat lieu oar lot weekly repart. Very tilde b. Come forward nOwever, and we can report no salts of ern." acqa•neta We =syncw quote et 1010 for prlMe qual m. Bales of other Grains have also been limited tram firm bends, at the following retest—Ono ede, lt7a CU; OttlOY 0.50004 and Ow at 370100 GLAS!—We santes no change to Window Clue: aides of city brands, S by 10, at 113,75; 10 by 1.11 el 114,15 01,50 ♦ bon. For country brands the allowing is • correct list of pricer .. - • 0 1, 10.-•—•43,10 31 by 1.7------114P I.G by it —:—.0030 II by 10 .............11,7) to by 34 ---. 7 .--3,711 ID by 30—x../,71 oby lb .. 4,10 n ---- by 11 ~ 1 ,15 ID by to ..3.—....-.- 40301 19 by II —.....-.-..m0 10 by 17 ---;----- 4 / 4 30 by Ilt•-- ---,70 1101,8-We bode* to dump doling dm prink, sad may Callaoito out tito mans II 121,133 e, with vary M . CA doing. . LARD-The matt ocnalnats Issattry, luolooty la* has beta &In. We ,viots vial Wel in 11/Elo, . , ... ia ballitid Up.. . . IRON I NlLL4l—fa• Cellansion lea Ind of pde tho 'Moos uttitts• midst dos lonadt pr—FN l m o d a nd Kw . * b ... ..... 11: 61 .......... Nau.s.-10 So peon, • 13X5 h.g. "P to • peon! 3.50 • • to 7 want pantry r23 ° • 4 peon! 4,00 • • 3 mop 4, 30 • ! Pr cci—Cat, 3to 4i Inch 4,00 •• ..Cot, to 7 'Asti Cat, sto 4 inch.••• 0•••• 4,50 ". • • LEsT-HER—Wei hays no slangs* to nonce In doe Tarim annle• =not this acad. 11•15toor• solo at 20 Ma and N V An Wolper lb. L.P.AD—Theie is • minds: &mond In tho inarkat, • 4.511 e `•• sod 5103 i (or Oar. "stint moor Pd.:seat Lead Pips ling to slag. . ‘Vand No 1 • Ust of prices Au boon 4 oar denim, to mke treat af• 8 7.'"at" 00 11" 1. -1 112 91 (P M) do l 0 a uo do do do do do IOD I do Clear Board, do do d 4 00 f do do Plant, IP BO do at CO g do do do do do 46 00 Pins Jon; ID do 11 to .do do III do lett/ 11 Sandia/ do 0000 Pitts do do II 00 Shingles per 00 losurce) 0 MALT—Hest barley Rat oaatinses Ira at 51,03 P bake]. OlLS—Mere Neat Rule Llrowed 0/1 ogered It the markat, and we lore no sales of consequence to re port. Sales of No 1 Lad at 638380, of N 0.2, at WS 00c. Whaler bleached epana, 11,10; do =bleached 111,40; Pill do, 11,1001,40 P gall. Tawiere Oil may be quoted ai SIMI? bbl. POWORR—Owird and Dapout Riga Powder aS7 be gamed In large quantities, SAM and by .lotto keg, a11gi,f603,110 • keg. Rook Powder al 10,14 lo RIP or Lute and small gautitieo. . PIO NEPAL—IIea market coati:was dell. with a* abange in pricer. Sales of 130 tom In di/Stint lots or h. b. at 1130,60, 6 mos. ROSlN—Salce at 03,50 • brl. RAGS-11w usual range is 31031 tor goad eboul seutrra Tuitemiss—sabla in bids at WSW. • gall,eaal—libbresua charts• to awed by an 'drams to the cod. SPICES—Cues, *Mlle; Cloves, 211110c,audigol • wags, al, for Nu 111,0501,30 pS. SOOT--Said .t 01,4901,6eir bag. PALT—Pales In a regular :way at SIP I bta..hleit to the regularly swab fished price *goat STARCII—EisIea elOlO7O, for caonnou m ken. SOAP AND CANDLES—SaIes of radii Soo, 4 041 a; of Star Casallea at 011ittik; wad tallow, 101 and column diPP O d, at 20 • II TAR—North Carolina is quoted*: 51,10®1,78? bbl VINEGAR—The regular raw for good older Paw gar Crow nom, are 171010 e • galL WRIBICRY—We wine fair applies in the inaitut, bat :Weston been confined 00 modarate ealiw 02 reg. else tonic custom, at Ate, for recalled. WOOL—The following use the.preawn taw paid by dale., to this tarket.whlrt Is ma luivanee 1000 laat erseVe prices: F a r & bloc¢ t Corarnon• do a a 0170 11 i t 063] We DOW Wes of to Ss at the above price. =M=e3 auswohr, JW 14 liditEVlll—Sates at the yard on Monday ware to a ratew, u IPdhd. ss ♦ lee net, for Oa better gull. dm Ordinary Quito sold al 815104,60 ft seesp—Bale, at ...reef IL 10010 omit, aa• twitting to guilty. HOOS—Wo hoard of no rtpenabls Was. Itemmeen, /sly a. Canle-761 offerings at the males on Handel, reach el Mar Seed of Beeves. of whim IMD were sold to clef batelters,4o wen left own aosald, mot leo were davit, to Palladelphla. Prices ranged from IP 33 to erg, on the hoer, equal to 6350 0 7,am, ea met- Wog 4625 ants. Hoge—The sales are einaned lathe retail Made, and tat aveoly ta maple for the demand. We queer (row asm SS 80-.1•IIIST. • ihnunscriu, 7dl ll. The offeriep All week eommise t had at Best CM*, P 0 drivel w New Yak IMO Case ald Calm 400 Hop, sad 1100 56erp mad Lambs. nail has bcon a tale demand for Beef Cattle. add qes mans* to rsla MP. Ban u HefillliPi ♦ 0 00 as la qvality. & Calromileh Cows IBM* LIPMIP.m. MMAMl47CowsoMtleliel , Hogs maga trots; IN to A t li} p Ito sh.p & Lambs all sold, at Il1,2:105 aaeh, x. 004000 to palm. Pittsburgh Steaks. ma Mousy ilaritsil. • Prenztrttoe, July Qua. &heavy intibiessbni been dome to cosks.-- We gins the folkiwiug list of pikes, with islet, so Cu are hers fleD . ltildn.d, duties As put week. he sal- Ofnliski • we. fed. ed. Bart cf 111,1:0461:h Elieldond,(hiaraud Not. )4 Ir mu.— 650 650 -69 Exchange Haut—Gleptsa4Sl.,Nlo,o o ql. l lt. (May atnlN..kt ci•••••••-•—••••••• • • 60 421 Ateteharaa , and aouPonnyara , Bank— Capi.i, saugar, Ikeidenil, (glay .4 Nov) 4 o cent go go Piushor.h G. 4-I,.—thvid.d, (Jan. and Join{ 4u 6) 60 gal Allegheny Widget Conlonny..----.. 5.V 05 .17 0 H. 4 Nireet " -- 25 uu Cl 50 N. isiberftr• " - Mecum Itisuranee Co - •- • 10 Ohio t Patuurylvaran Ralltuast, 933 paid. 60 Pennsylvania Italtroud--..---- go Pittsburgh Ctty loon •-- , is N Allegberty Oesusty loan 103 97 II Itha l TAT 1/K22 Copper Xht....C,d12 .. a 1 7 0 199 : I.lrenta AlDEfielfl " /0 IS .29 • Pittaborght Ig oT." " Olio Trap Roek Co. Mks leahrottleat =1850,3 ip can 4 ohm% SAO by /Wanda I (lido ToZzph co —Capital, 6110X0r,irldept "share foci.- W7t APrik ,W• tabu: awes, SID • • -• • • STOCK BMX:-8310. ISO she Pivabasith Gm Co, (us+ stack) at 1130 gat. Bales 33 du Pitta3asgh, CioetmN I Unimak Tal graph Co., at M IP share. PORT OF PITTSBURtII. littrza—Them were 3 foal 0 inches In ebannel, by metal mark,last evening iu desk,aod rising. ARRIVED. liiellgen,ltriee, Dem:. Yachion, Peebles, Elicabetll. Atlantic. PS*lllO9, Drocreincills Bahia, Jaeobs,RwerturclUe. Ceatden. kiendetcluern. Alcliteeepeet. Vatigcloghcaty, Charm, Glow. Reveille, Reel, Wheeling. Raamch►, Stacleac, Wheeling. DEPARTED. lalthlitt Bda, Belem. Camden, lendrieksen, ?gammen Pesion, I - Bell Jacobsßr ownsv ille. Parlunson.flow Lo inurirille. gheny, Chaffee. Otazegow. Hagen, Wheeling. Mal Oninsib Dream Oltsoas, EDbarls, Cineinnao. Este Flawing, LoursWs. BOATS LEAVING TEE DAY. BEAVER—TOOIOkOOO O I, v BT. LOUIS—Rob' Rams, 10 A. K. WHEELING—Kanuldry; 10 A. Id. CINCINNATI—G*4ra, 10 It will bs wan by mlwansemont in another column, that Mogan sow light draught swarms Robert Rogers, will buss this morning, at 10 &Most, Wr St. Lord. W. Burbtidge BOW. F. lagbrata hare tart asevelated ilemelves mace Ws ana of a bridge tashraal, to uansaet a Wholesale Grocery and - Gneral Comausalen tht.exass,th We house lanly °emote , . by Ihataldge, Wilson &Co, ltd Water as. Pittsburgh, July 1E50,-40 NOTICE, T B e PIWOOTAMP heretofore mining between Me anbeetibers, ender tap time of Bushlike, Wilson & Co., wee this day dissolved by menial moment. The beenees of the finn will be wiled by bate, Of Wm, Jr.,sithei of whom le amber. teed to are the name of Om gem In IlqaMeiton. J. W i BURORIDOS, Whf. WILOON. Jr. LYON, 81101111 & CO. 1, hely I, IF6o.—jyg PIVWF3D. Mee of riiisboroh Oss Coripsop, W,11150. MILE Trilittell of rho Pittsburgh Cu Company hew 1 this day demisted Dividend pf Ow per enst foe the Jur els months, oo the capital stork pan In O the the wiabolden, or their legal representatives, so awe atter works. forthwith. 1,9 JAMItli Al. CHRISTY Tumour. TUB WAY TO • BODFORD SPRINGS. No Night Travel. )3Y BOSatil //Ma to Rro.attWo, Stags by day Red to Catobeatod, and day Ilea Slop, from Caco criand Redford—Faro eo. Alto, a Outgo kayo, 0117 ark,. atomism We 411614,11). nod Friday., at 9 Woken. A. td vi Bedfo rd aulted and 9otnerasf, Mani, anining t o next day—Fara fa. I biIkEIRIME., .ftet!for Natkoal Road &Rood lomat Stare Ck tY";9..4. burgh Gludicturee, No M., Libeny arm, nts • I's ItAU LtRRATII.—to nu cases oat e 1..., Set breathmaybe ourlbuted to a neglecter the teeth, te loch tartar is allowed to accumulate neon Wenn and cons heady ensue. 'When thts is the cue, the breath Caner t he otherwise Na bad, and the per thus afticted not only sober from a conscloontom of ryolri t' t ly g tre t " a t oll! ' I b UTP I II/111. 4 aVar. PIED on e the y ?ASTI] is not only n remedy o nt:4l . l , zatti . glimz . o . , , b o e u le s etia an d . tr7illant whiteness. Charcoal Is odmitted • by all so teo on. silo persons to be one of she greatest dainfoolog ounts known, and Is Mehl, approved by ail our host 'Outlets u s dentifrice. The. greatest objestiort to its no. heretofore has into the ditScuby of getting rt paned free from coarse particles The TbRIFIVEI CHARCOAL TOOTH PARTE entirely obviates that Moony, utter coal from which ills formed is poplar wood, kunst* In an true G 7 Oder, and roomed t o en impalpable powder. The Net Ingrodloots of rho Fasts are sub as have od the approbadon of oar most meleenba Dental meous, and ara bore • pilot In their effects. By aWM Of Jules Hanel" - Fulled Charcoal TrOth te, the meet discolored .50 Wieners White Fish 4 tooth will, la a Ikon du, ems a pearly whit-enemy SO bell Lake Than and spongy gams Munro and healthy. • VS MU Lake Shod; JULES HAVE Perfumer end Chembl, his No I IlatensinMO Chas at street, Phila. •' 10 brbaie l Klakarch 'For Baba wholesale sad by 11. A. Fshnostock ~lokf Mistier de.,Jeta Mi'd ina tot ale by s ee, 11. tfellip;!, njyb; 2e4 Jebe l:l er JO= WAIT SI alp psi, J, 'AU' re. ;16PLIDISIn l ocipprmajic - HAmbit a °PATIO, PIE 1741 c 178 Centre stree t ~ ss eirsor:York, offer fet sale the fillertellretoollOIE: DEO (trivia Veneer. from 44 to Eie per fo 45000 Boards cod Pinot, welt seaweed; 67760 ft t:MpOOc Y M mn ieid f r D o i m a Hna oD i ia pr fe toe ft Umweenod Veneer', fromn to Oe pee to • Jaw, Whim Hay of all thickness. The aciventsgra we porters In importing End sowing amble oil to mil u Tom it the nown.n. ' Otters promptly flied cod corefolle peeked. Jyttellar• lUD •If • "1,...111 unyjs....3B Ma not Lard; lane do muds do: 2 bias Orme; I 2;ll'am 2 tads Honer 1 derma Wet 3 bels Flaxseed; 38 auks Fealties% bap le be alm l . 2l/All DICKEY O CO To 16666 bar" - - want 6 ytent las -; LOCAL MATTERS. 11701119 1/01 TAIL DAILT •111 New Towesu.r.—Mtlklet's Township wan, lust week, divided Imo Adams and Wilkins Tea:natty. The farmer occupying the Southern, the latter the Nmihem pin of the old township. The lice ler armies et—, num from Huffs hedge to George Blacked° .'• Cum. Con • We were &seed to wee lieu Vo• tel had • crowded hottie lOW night. He wends. served h. Madame BRUltierl Rath was warts. sppldet. She la • guest favorite with Pm burgh • diet:met. Tan' CAXPOSLI. Mammas —This celebrated hood ot Ethiopean Serenaders give their last eon. act to night, on which occasion they otter a silver cup aajthe pr se of the bent conundrum. • Taa COMM OF COaIHOt PLElOl.—The Court of Cocaoson Pleas met yesterday, but adjourned with out transacting any business ot importance. Rat,cas Colerrar:ZOito W tidy, ML yesterday. . . minsi i b ht before judge . McClure on a rent of He, bees qua. He had been committed to jail on the p 'ions day on • Bunch Warrant, charged with esalideg away with his goods to defraud his creditor. The case was sti'y argued by Col. Blank for the prisoner, and John Coyle for the prosecution. Wildey was remanded tojul,Jedge McClure wishing to examine into the law a little farther. ________ ___ fitATOl'lll 01,11C1-113211'.—A few Com mon eases were brought before Mayor Fleming yesterday, and dealt with In the usual manner. eacumus..--Wo bear of uo caws of cholera sibk.h base occurred ou either Monday or Tues day. B8.11.0.'"W. are h.PP3r tolearn that the Ole in :crate late George W. tayng, Eq., who was attacked by cholera, subsequently to his &th an death, is or '-vt recovering. alum of, btu •relay, wa■ caused by n quantity of otGam• • s" catching flue in a butters natty nearly op. the Idayoett tidies. No timings anytime. itacanintsvi.—ThaPolice were all Idle yea • DECAY O MAO D NO before maturity,we sac Cueslee emaciated, SOO the clearness or complexion, and. brightness of the eye, &paned. Thome not thirty in years, the, have lea of ynath then they ought to Masco at EkWhy Is Mist Depression of spirits, tontoor. meal debility long continued, without seeking in an enervated unsdtutior, and a train of. FEMALE COMPLAINTS width eon only ho removed, and th e shattered con. siltation. restored, by some mild. end gentle medieme, whom tonic and siterative'propernes are peculiarly salted to slender and delients conrtitutions. A 4}73TOKATIDN. Cutcusum, May 7 1650 Dr. S D. liowo—Dear Flr—For nearly two imam iey wife hu been gradually declining without soy distram....the symptoms, boreemr, were general de , Witty, weekness, measitmal severe 'pains, and ir mudslides of On system. Our family . physlrian hardly told me that there was no hope as the ap. pssubmg warm weather weeld be anfavoruble. I now pemamied bee to try Sher D. Howes Shaker Sarsaparilla, (mace against will) and a change lOU soOn perceptikde, and e Collotala Me of it three months, mum gig ballgo. bee health Wil• OD stored, her strength and flesh twined, end the our enjoys sound and ambast health.. No accessary con. Mderstlon can ever repay the abetment I am mider iq Too fo, restoring ife to healm, and I most cheer. reemnutend yourtruly valuable Medicine, JOSEPH MAYNARD, Sixth at, between Pluto and WW amen Row Bo run, end oturrsfor Dr. S. D. MOWES SHAKER SASSAPARILLA, and tate no other. This to the oedy glansparilla that seta on the Liver, Kidneys, and Bleed, as tee mom time, and hence its titular eel can , SOASIIILLIA ' For We by J. 4...14me5. 3. Bettamautker k, Co., W. Muck. it. W. Mesas, Y. M. Townsend, .1;W - bier, W. Jackson, Pittsburgh; 1.1. 4. Elliott, A coy Oltyi IdeCtellud, Menet:Sten IP•grolok.r, Wown. oil* Mid by DR. S. D. HOWE A CO., Proprlters, julyl-11L - wlyT I Collura Hall, CrocinnalL 0. W* D, A GIRL to do haemostat. A pen:natant and ple it sant saltation tan be hoard of-by applying at ': dt t tyh THE Annual Meeting of Steekholden In the At. Italie and Ohio TetqcraPls Company will be held agreeably to Charter, on Tbarsday, the 15th of July, at Ureeldek A. at the Company's Mace, No lilt Chestnut a4 Plitladalplaa, for the purpose of electing alms Directors to acne for the ensuntg year, and to transact such other business as may be. brought belbre Ike meeting. By order of the pi caldera. ‘l,• blelial% tO.PARTOILIIISTIIIM RAVE, dos das, a• samara with me M. I. RI Coats, In the Wholesale Getwer7 soil Praia, Inkiest; the of Ste 6.11/11 will be A. Mil/erten . litCloase. ii3/ A. CULBERTSON a. ctrinurrnani V. B. corm 4. 01/I.BURTGO3 I & cLoriaz, ViTUOLM I 4LE GROOMS .11 Con4o.ton 111:er nhanue, ilesle , s Prod4re, - 4011 rittnnuTO Manufactured 4rttles, 195 Lanny Vittsborsh, Pa. 113 Into HVINU this day mama Goatee Chia:Ty th. partnership with me, the harness wit; hereafter be conducted fa the name of R Rant Co RICHARD BARD R:011.111.1211 Z.O. 1, MOWRY 11. DAUM et. CO. W BOLALE and lietail deCers In Hides. Lel, ther. throe o. Shoo nedint•. Trtt:era' MLA Carriers' Tows, and Tanners' Chi, No NU Wood mreet, 'mann b, Pa •Iy-tAim DIVIDEID. TITE Directors of the Pittaborgh and Boston Alining Company, bare this day declared dividend of seven dollars per share, (or the last aiz month, pay able at the ones et the treasurer. on and after the 51 Of AII MII. proxim.. CItAIU.F Z AVERY, PresA Jaly 18X1X—illedot =L2 Mille Par Serf Committee elate City of 'Pittsburgh, j have made an arrangement with me Rey. Pates. ant, of this city, to place CHOLERA PATIENTS in Horpttah situated iu Laceyville. 'They have also empotnted Dr. Common of the Fifth. Ward, as Ci t y Plymelan. By order of Sanitary Committee. . A, I.ILACIf., cu.irm•n. Joey ?dams, Clerk. • tyMdtve 1114H13 oilmen of 10 cask. tiooreksings,, and a lot of 1. ,Hollow Wow will plowo eone forward, prove prooo per rd Ing ty, to ad take arm away, o they will be az n aw l, to pay riarge s r C If GRANTsoId 04 Water at DaIiaLSIARID. Office at ha Allegheny Bridge Computy,l }lnaba Igh. July Is418:0, THE W,.!dent and Managers or Cc C o mp an y for J. - erecting &Bridge over the Allegheny River, telv postte Pittsburgh, in the Coonty of Ailegbony,have this day declared a dividend of one dollar and oeventy nests no each shore of tee capital cock, wending in the acme of individuals on do books of the company, oat of the proPts of the last aLt monthe, which .111 be paid to stockholders or their legal representatives fonhatik. UNI JOHN HARPER,Treatarer. • TO BOAT BUILDERS. 100,000 feet Pauoned neat Plank; 100,000 feet Coal Bost Biding For gala by ROBERT IIe6NIGHT. a:Pahl Attorney at lAve, Fount, g. 18 AME RICAN HOUSE, MO ROBNART LOWRY,: Proprietor, Public Epore,fraitisyshurek, Pa. GENERAL' STAGE OFFICE—Two Lally Lines et Suns for the Sanaa Wen; Atha the AO ford Sure leaves his hoes. . teittllm BIDWELL & CO., VORWAILDISO -11gROICADITS • Marva, Pa. (Yimides Ferry Past °fag) . Having pennanently located at this place, a new and substantial Wharf Boat, we are prepared to re. eeln and forward promptly to alt polnn m the rivet and !Seedy and Beaver or Ohio Canals. B & Co. Ciareow, Jane 15.—jelct Dr. J. Blaeost'a S relent., or Indian Panacea an d Blood Parld4r, HAS been extensively used for 05 year. by the Doctor in an extensive practice, and is confi dently recommended to the yobbo for the earn of all Impatides of the blood and general debility, rheum.- Rua, dyspepsis, coughs, colds, broncluue. dropsy, names et general debility, female complaints, mew curial di coca,. ulcers sores, or eruptonns. and dis ease of the skirt, utter , ,lte , liver complaints, in abort for all Imperil.. of the bwod. It is wittily vegetable, lad me, be taken under any elteumstanecs with per. feet safely Prepared by SAMUEL KRAMER, Bald. mere, Md. For sale, wholesale and retail, by eV R IC st:LLEKS, yV±todst,Pausburgh. 'Valuable Property for Bale. 4: IIEFAEILY to the last will and tenement of the late William Tem., decessed. The sub se a offers for sale, on very accommodating terms, althea the Whole or a pan or the property Del o oging to the ettate of the said Wm. Teem, situate on- the west aloe of Hood atreey lo.oolllillt the Allegheny Lltidgeotontlating of a three awry homice,two of them hearty tow, pleasantly *Unwed and le good order. Also, four of eve tinsel ground @dictator the above— gold entire or divided, a. may snit the perchnecrt Alva, advent! lots In the borough of Lawrenceville. As the ohletn of the sale Is to !oven the prover' for th e benefit of the fatally of the deceased, the great pollee of the porthole money can be retained ReOyean. TWO property pre. t n favorable opportunity any <ll3O wanting a comfonable home on cony to TO . LS-on . en , f a t t h: houterteill be rented to low rate. FOIr I LIUM/ klrOPlPPlialy 10 It `B R A , Actin; Executor, or to If JONES, Dreg B. A. 0111X211:1011ADI, HOLn. 4 \LF. ORUCER, Produce L , F and Couynittlen tderebarq, and ad: STEAM BOATE. REGULAR WEDNESDAY PACE ET CINCINNATI, Captain Wir.r.taat J. Hornaz. This splendid boat wan boils b y the acedrs of the summer lease Nes non, others for the Cincinnati uld RPinshursh 'Packet trade, andsil Vsdnesdny, for CincinnatL In placot Ind, No. n. painnw• arply on board,Orto R hOLTENBERGER, AN lease every 1 • the New Ere, Int freight o mr2e 111110ACiNGAIiiir. - LA ROUTE. Mifia ly 73 'MI 1•6 Btaigitags Via Braernsaille and!Comberland to Baltimore rad Philadelphia. Fags ro ilstrivou—.....»• •• ti CO DO. PIIII3Dr1,111A•••• • 12 00 Tnn morning boat loves the wharf, above the bridge, daily, et $ o'clock precireiy. Time to Baltimore, :12 boom; time to Philadelphia, 40 hours. The everdeg boat leaves daily, (except Banally es. entries,' at S.:Ode:wk. Passengers by leaving on the evening boat, will erase the 001110ir.JI In stages next day, and ravtreUtrattuig:Lollieer Monoogahela Mow, or 'SL Chivies UoteL 0e114.1e J. MESICIIIIEN. Arrant REGULAR WHEELING lc SUNFIPH PACKET. The fast ruining eraser WULLEIVILLE, Capt. B. Thing, will ran as a regale packet between Memel, 'Wheel. ing,Bridgeport, and Sunfish, leaving Pinsbergh every Monda y anernoon, tor WelLeille, Steubenville, and Bridgeort, and every Thursday anemoonfor Swoben. villa, Wheeling, Vridgeport, Celina, gad Sunfish. Retaining, leaves Itrid se port and Sunfish every Tees day afternoon, and Seigel every Friday eternise. Pot freight or passage, VP!. besr. se Ca • .10 D WILKINS. Age= PITTSBUMFAND WHEPO The splendid f ast tanning ste ea amer • LOUTS McLANE, W. B. C.emwell, master, (having undergone a- %bo r. ougb repair,) wilt run hereafter as a regular packet between Pittsburgh and Wheeling; leaving Pilig.urgh every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, ate &clock. For freight Cr passage apply on board, or 10 . lad W.B. WHEELER,AVIIL FOB CINCINNATL The splendid steamer GENEVA, . Viri'll Ins, marten, mill leave for store intermediate ports, on this dap 17th last, at 4 o'clock, P. 11, For freight rzyasatticipkplyon board,lptp . .. --- FOR CINCINNATI R ST LOUIS. ALTao splendid steamer - • ROBERT ROGERS, Botcher, mader, will leave for th. . vo and all intermediate pen 0 , day, i to t pal lout , at 10 o'clock, l i r ) . A id lal , . , . F " f" gh or Pligni7ll,4lTLYEßG'sg, est Die alit CITiCINNATI & ST. LOUIS. The splendid new stesmer Eatkp ASIA, ~ P. Boyd, fussier, will . leave for the and CI Intermediate ports, en 11.40,0 A M. this da /AA at, pt pi P' o l4 o 1,„4 . Jill .. For!night or purslar 61423510 t. -- 1071111212 a —AL ME Sat . 1850. 403 13EAVER, ,SMITLPB PAC PEKE T. RRY, AND GLASOLVP The Re. and light draught steamer VOIN3IIIO6IIE NV will make dolly nips between Pittsburgh and Glamour. (Sundays exeepteda leaving Glasgow at 7 A. 11., and Pittsburgh at 4. P. M. 'The Pousluogheay *.:uchea draught, and tenon relied on Se a regular pietit.throagbout Ito season. For freight or poser , spolton beard. or to J G INDWELL Agent. lete BIDWELL fr. CO., Glasgow. SPEED INCREASED. alagalklBso.llllNa EICIPIEMI ABILATIONMEIT. =M AL W. RV? urn To KromxanoN, Pa. PENNSYLVANIA FLOM, Two Bally Lino Express Packet Boats, And lan /Lead Cars, (EXOLUSITZLY WO'S P•sesßasal,) TO PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE, Via the Central Rail Road and Ponu'a Canal. 11160 milts Rail Moak end 'l4O miles Cu.]. Time-36 how. Fare—SlD through. The Portage Rail Road is pawed In day ON ,uk•AFltla.d.ta, (10th June,) the Central Rail Rood will too TWO CORI 'nuns remote. eats from lientnigdon to P h iladelphia. The ears on the above road and the Allegheny Portage Hull Road we all new, and of the very best description in the country, and with the Increased speed on the moue. tains, pane/igen CO through with despatch. A Packet Rout will lea every morning at ot. alcuit . , and every evening at 9ve o'clock. For Safety, :ripe& and Comfort, this mute is do , cidedly the met pieferade Awls in Dec to the Realer. Otte. For raissatitwAg r siorgation apply to C , Blenongswell Muse; or to D LEECH to CD, Curial:Basin. P. 13.—De the let Feptereber, rho Celina non Rand will be elan to Ho 'Will:atm when pm -enact , mi.l go natutge in 43b00n. _ 1850. -+r: zunwELx. & nnoTH Nu FORWARDING MERCHANTS, lIOCIIESTEIL Fs, IBeaver 1.17 - As;III• for lODWELVES privsnurn.trAN GLEVELAND LINE; ERIE AND MEADVILLE LINE. To EIGE; WARREN AND NEW CAnTLE PACER 05, towing and shipping hemeen Pittebetnk and Rochester II at.= boats hlickigen, Lake Erte, and Beaver. CD - Goods reeeipied and promptly delivered to all pia,• on rho Canal. and Laken, •t the lowest rates. Shippers will please &reel soodo tn 930Prell's J. C. BI DWELL. Water st. Pittsburgh., WBOTERN I,IIBOBAIICE CO OF PITTSBURGH. CAPITAL 1100,000. • J. Fuerav , Jr. Seel. I R. Mut e s, Jr., Pout. Jr., uninst all kinds of risk., FIRE AND hIARINE. ALL lessee will be liberally adjusted and promptly paid. A home insiltudon—mansged by Directors who an vrell knovm in the community, and who are determin ed by promptness and liberality to malnhiln the char acter which they have assumed, as Mintier the but promotion to those who amuse to be Insured_ Mammas—R. Miller, Jr., Geo. Diana, J. W.Batler, N. Holmes, Jr., Wm. 13. Holmes, C. Damen, Geo. W. Jack - sou, Wm. AI. Lyon, Jim. Lippliteett, The. E. Limb, James WAviley, Alex. Menet, Thou Boon. Oulu, No. SS Water etreet, (warehouse of Spans ArA_ on sutra) Pittsb unit .14:MY Augast -,IIW Wasteland. Vit ars sits wad Platals. Telegraph Company. TN penman. of a resolution of th e board of Direc 1.. ton of the Cleveland, Warren and Potsbrugh telegraph Company, requesting the Secretary tomato out and came to be published in the newspaper, along the line, on exhibit of the financial and other alfalrs of this compute. I submit the following Report:— The line of Telt graph commences at Cthrelard and madames st Pittehatgb. passing throsgh Chagrin Fah., Franklin, Near= Falls, Wm - Kn. Youngstown, ana Lowell, in the State of Ohio. and New Castle and Rochester, In the Stale of reno.7loonio, at which points there are armee lowered for the receipt and tratamithion of business. • The,whole leng th of tba line I.ll c mites —Capltal StockSlM per mile, making a total apital melt of 111=1,0, of sables amount SIO,Vt3 ts held by citizens alone the line, ants the balance a held up COULII Speed, the to:dreams. The .horn moult of sob• scoptions hp clowns, dare been paid to Cornell Spend, for which the 'from , . have their rceelph tellltdtf JEFFERSON BALM, Secrets, C=Ml IKILLS, Water Pnyer, liwalling Houses and Lots, and knwainsprosedboilltngloto us the town of Brighton, B eve no.,and Orden grounds sad V adjoining said ionm, •124 • One loya Ihno nary Flaming Mill, willt four pair of um feat burrs, and ail the onchlony fu manufµtaing Estra n. F. Floor, Kilo Doled Caro Meal, ¢e. A caul tan may load mad onkead at the mill. Al., • Cotton Factiery with 1600 Spladloo far Spinning mom yam. 100, tato( ground upoo which is enotait • Imp and oubstamal well built Marlow Nom, of nowt mid brick, two stories high,vrld" Bnek Kitchen, Waokliommtud Babe How% Foot Trees, Shrubbery, 40..,'• •eyy desirable uy ellgUlned. Alpo, about twenty lots 1.116 Hume of Brick, From., /to , creole. thereou,of greeter and km • d value, beautifully • AMU& Aka, 034 buildmp lots oiou. Moto Oho CI orVer lou, ma/roved, and nulabfe for Milt, k/omfacturies, with therminired water power for Tom himer/. The noon {rotor Power, Le to, dwell papa Houtw . douts are situatod upon t h e middle Woof Deaver nom, whore the fall m end y feet of the 'whole 'oh.. the of ' . Adarami n o With • tall also of about DO feet, Mahout on• mileaboce and Fallohin mad New Brighton • Aunt dinar. below ' The Ohio and Fenno Flathead (a continuation allot Pena Railroad from Phil.. to Pitts• burgh) panto through It to tho lakts and the for Welt, through the groat bio heat Carder of the U. A, etbifk mat loon asks Beaver Foils the Rochester for Enuring The tonal flout Ohio to the Lakes atm put es itif thot of It. AI. • Pact of EL Acres of Loud merlooklyg the FON of Bower, adjohoinc Ik ' lower end of Brighma, on new of Om (kind to Doan:lCl volondetood obm of bh• red. Th• Btagelload from Pr hbuegh to Cleveland pun throng it.— More than MO cleared and under Ince, Tory level. and no table furldned,omos tad thirdece Foil rieh end well water ell, load • ref] of tool under. Will be Fold in ',bolo polo ottottfles tong patellas.; Also, • tout of MLA roes of lend, bounded by the pool of the canal on the east, by Ad lea', o{. teofth,by Anghtomou the math, mad owned tag emit moon the Ohio mad Pomo Rail Hood, about ax domed. Thosem on PIM htnd• huge ',entail two oho/ nOweloome, amo. Wee nary Mate derellin . beim rad other buildings. Th• Welt part of 'ln tract to Merl and Moll, and for beauty of lemon, fertility of sollond protahe oropeedy and groat Inermoir in helm to nouipaned in orcm l•fonoylnano. Ills well 'applied with timber, roe/ end arm tau, opriluzo of pure waitron:A is well adapted to Coming, gordcoing,or fur private residence', mid will he sold who!. or In quanlitien 10.011 parchamos. With tbe Unetottlirl water power int 'dove and below it, not it. unriodlodoverbite.) gowition ther omit Omens io value mum molly porlespa than any o piece of land to the West Also,A3 Hs of ronnal Itl New Brighton, cart of the towing path °mho e nal; mud bounded by O, between too th rt . t u dla d and look of the marl, pan abovwead pot below All this property istreantifolly &Ruud, ion broth room tr, .001/nding with coal, timber, building. sot 0011 Let tot three to dam and a half to,llo from lb, Ohio rimr. oIJ rAt from Petten,gh. The not which poem 0, afford SOCOnnuoeWatotat with the n o tint ant Leie firm et Frio and Clem:owl; end Ihe tne. and Penna. 8.. Baal, now hacteriog to completion, d winch maws Canticle much of it, will bring It within n obour or loot time of Pittsburgh, and FM 1041 ind thrrugh it lbe great flood of passengen, pry ducemid merchandise from the Eliot and Wool. Al a s Mate. for manufactrer. mechanics gerdecors, or for cow lel reo denem for moo of bus um lentsburgh, or for profitable investment of cramey, tio place raw offers to sonny loduremento. Tomo of see willte removable ant ediaotornoa to ur. etos:re. For or parkas. enquiro of 'Janus Po ma, proprietor or Wm. Herrin:in, at Brighton - . or to 'N, KO. n. FET tEtthlAN, Mbomou Law old Bod Lillie Aosta, ielbfdAmil' Fourth !keret, Pittsburgh. OAP-100 -- Eila forsaliby iTOLLESE'S—VS btla (At lind Cip_teas barrels, Du. w close eensugh STUART & PILL "IliEE9l, , 2oobzwereana in store tot sale Lly • bTUART & BILL ilia arson 8.1. sioreAf t oasiZa t B11.7;0 6 Olyi—ii00 dos Jest scoele,l4v i tsly sitt, E trgilllt in bartels, boxes, and a i t% ane b 7 & SILL Os in Mtn ill is trali rem, HOUSE& LOTS eARN FOR filliCN'T, A LONG ROOM over Mr Connolly , * Dry Good, :are The room Is well finished. and furnished th lens fittings. Entrance on litarkei street 47 4 onzzesi. ANEAT Tem Story Fromlting Noose, an Peon sr, NEAT In Wog derirable p.m of th e oh". For p•r.leniars, e re at No lit Penn street. reA:dlre Tocet Orel Dtvenine Ileums, in Seventh Want, en Ctnitt A Vutte . Rent too. I"nntnre of JOHN WATT b CO jef 1ME1371 That Tema etiinmodiona Derelling end Lot, on. which .re • good Stable and i E. t. earring., Houle, being the property cc 10 ;H: and lone the residence of Mrs Jane Me ' ee, situated en We baler Oh neer Seventh *Heel. For terms, apply to M H LOVVREE ntrhltf Fe Wylie at. Leer ABRICK BUILDING. 4 by .5.0 feet, three stoney high, with Engine, .he; located to hilnaingbew, mmegitately below the Fern, Enquire of BOLL.M4IA 2r.GARPISON, ' Pituburelt Foundry TILE large three story Brick Warebause, on Water. below Perry street, Punning from Water to First: street, on reasonable Leans. Possession escalade.' F.nquire of , • F. LORENZ. NarillitiAliLki }LEAL wrATEuN Pt.NNSTRE.III V FOR SALE' —A Lot of Bound situate on Pen: sweet, between liar and harbor) streets, edit:4lllns the honor end lot now occupied by Riehard k2warda having a front of ea feet, and in depth I:0 feet, ortll bi sold on f bit terms Title unexceptional. , P 4. quire of C. O.LOOMIB,4th st,naar Wood. ocal-dif To 110DthOlO and Western Rlerolhants. DOUSSF.L'S PREMIUhT PERPUCIERV.— The Us, subscriber respectfully invites unlike attention to his extensive meek of Perfumery, Soma, Shaving Cremes, Ac., to which seven Silver and two Golden Medals have, within the last six years, been awarded by the Institutes of New York, Boston, and Philv delphia, the latter tniog the only Golden Medals ever awarded for perfumery either In Europe or in this country. Romma's Contrail= Scam* i Covax. !Almond, Rose,.and Ambrosial') universally acknowledged to lye superior 1.0 Slay Shaving Cream In this CO.try or Emape. - 0110171A31:701 EinArna—Beautifully trumparent, and possessing highly Emma acmes .and emollient properties; Sanonaccoas Compound; Ambrosial Shay. Ing Tabieu Military Sheving Soon. • outliving TwthiPosto—Altriorid,Roae, pligeflems, llrr Bousleiet,PlSUSehio,l"dusk,pajehonly,Ompilios,Flont.': I' Itt ' r- Va n , o U" 1 " a ' 2 V r U d e= s e c " ' lris I" ; Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind: Mousse, line, Jockey Club, Magnolia, Clematite, it Rossi, and many other ranches, in all sixty different perinea. Tom= Warens-Flosida Water.. Earl de Toilette, I Grange Water, and a great variety CA* incites and Lavender Watery Pnassuarturii tt vitellam—Gemilne Bear , Ohl, Antique Oil, Bendoline, Eno Lostrale, Olcim, Com pound Oi Narrow, Bair Dyes, liquid and le no:oder, and Pliflocome.lllcielne, mot Jenny Lind Pomades. Onommoic Pitt I.l.lloMS—BallatiliC Enolt, • iime Thoth resit. Chopper!! Dentrigee, Odentine, Tooth Paine, and TOO Powaor. Caratmtp—Yegtioble Cosmetic. Cream, Amandlite for chapped limes. Cold Cream of Roses, Cicala de Perse, Wp Salve, Raspberry Cream, An. Powders, far r feLje "'n l.,%T.l ",' .ll,,t r „ , Vionria !Heir Composition, rre!sten Salta, besides n meat vary of other articles, miasmas to be named In hist id yveisee The subscriber hopes to maintain the repefistion which this . estabshment tins ~m quirm try disposing of nothing but tr ot rate article and will hem appy to furnhth those who may wish tp mitigate lam either wholesaie or letdll, Oh reislal..l4o 1011611.1. on, es tetdishtnent le the United them XAVIER DAMN, . Successor le and former Director of the Label story of EUGENE: ROUSSEL, • - - 114 Charnel street. kir. Biwa , . Perfumery Is far sale by all the prime pal Draxeiszs in the CO.lll, Mew Goods LI Aw Goods II CLEAR TOE TRACK! Nne Sprang and Summer AV 0 . 2 d, la< 1830 ViILIJAZI I. EIVIRIELL, .1 , -re C n ' e . 6 l :ii/tisTer d lc i sn 'u l n 3l l 4 ) =A I N= sweet, between Third and Feanh, sign of Me Die Deg lit., lum Just commenced receiving and opening one of Me men rich. splendid, and extensive istOe sof SPritif and &Milner Dry crordn ever otreren for sale ln the Weston county. All of these Impormd Goods are fresh opened, sod received per the lase slimmers from France and Englandi as ed. Irish Linens, imported direct frornDelfast, all grass bleached, end wurinted the isms article; these Liners arc all imparted by the subscriber, and are MI pure flax yam, warranted. Alm i lrish LinenDantimk 'Cabin Oath*, thy very best Inanulacture; and Irian Linen Grinds of all k Inds.imponed direct from Ildlfso by the subscriber, and will be found the real &S edges bragb, LADIES' Dfl&q.B GOODS. New style nob Tare Satins, all richpledi goods; Illack Mak Senn% all prices, _giscaq black clams Silks, all calms, Isle importation; French Kid Gloves, all colors, Me best imported; plaid black AraVuer, per Inn French steamer;; [mimed Ilareges, triennia goods. Also, a superb spa large moo k of *lda ln.,ck Mussels Lacs for trimming lathes , dresser, Tory sten sonde; plain limeges Wars, extremely low, beautiful goods; .bleca *ilk Fringe, all widths end pros, very chcapi!French Lawns, new styles, per Deer French SCaVer, plum block Ore De Minn, high lustre, sopeeb voosle,• black figured Oro De Rhine Ilreesde, rlete Footle; . ' , rem h and English Cashier:es new lee beautiful goods; splendid finurea :swim coeds ter All dreisesi,rledi embroidered Swim ;dulls for evening, Ores es; areisi Eilging and Ineerned, the best imported; Silk Tiseues In all colors sod gas/Wel, new sty It, plate end satin Mil , * blank rarest., all prieer, rolled Lawns, new styles, from 8,0 r 3 per yard; Maeda Leine, a new iruMe for ladies'Alm, a large de and superb stoek of style sprits Denson Ribbons, the very best Im ported, all now. SHAWLS, SHAWLS. Cameo erupt Shawls, all colors, fresh from the Cu. tom Douse; Trot Salta Shawls. splendtd goods, in all colors, per last creamer; beautiful changeable Orel silk Soarals, (real importation; crime embroidered Canton Craps Shawls, superb goods; gimen enibroider. ad Canton Craim Shawl!, splendid rods; laminls French male Fmbraidered Thibet, finest Importation; Paris painted Cashmere Shawls, all prices sad quali ties ; armee.. Craters sod Scarfs in greet va rlet); French workedCapes,Collars. mid Cu. Tea large aeaarime nth. A Large BMA of DOMESTIC A l STAPLE GOODS. CO bales unb tee eh ed Aloshns, from 5 to 1U cents per yard; 15 cane. bleached Muslim, (rota 4 to 11l coots per yard. 11 a l Arias, Linens. importhd direct from El 11 bales Tiolong, to to 25 cents per yard; El cures blue Doll, hoar S tn Ili cents per pot; be sides a full assortmentrif Summer Cloths. Md. Carr. &Mules, Tweeds, Sennett', and Kentucky Jean.; Weasel dark Cobra, fest colored, from 3 to 121 emits per Turd; A eases Hoyt Ir. Sons , English Prints, best imported; 5 holes Bassi.; end Scotch Diapers,- ly too. Also, llousekeepttig Goedaof all kind*, very cheap: H b let it a u(Li g n a Cr s ti i (ro pf inal c a 121 cents per Cheek and Shin.); Stripe. Also, Crimea Flannels, all colors and quali ties, at low poriceF red, wade, and yellow Flannels, vary cheep; bleached and uablencimal Drillings, full assortment; 5 eases blue Mcminant Colleens, es. gamely low; black and conblettehedTrible Diapers t all prices; Hire's eye Diapers, till prices and C,nalittos, very cheap; colored Crunbries, • fullassortinern., steeper than ever, 3 bales Buzleps, Gorr 121 to 21 cti per yard. •A 3 0 a'larri stock ottouna Table Diaper. Mariners' Shitting— A fed assortment., Ram cheap. PARASOLS! PARASOLS: The largest and most eplendid Mott of Poniards ere, opened by any one house In Pittsburgh, Is this day received, aud are all ofd} nowest.Freuch styles, which, for whitest. and homily, cannot be surpassed. As we have a largo lot of these Parasol., they will be sold cheaper than any other noose in the city can al ford to sell the same quality of goody The Le dies are rekriecually invited tO elentine there Parasols. as they will And erame Of rho richmr. and newest styles over intpartettlrOal Europe. These as Parols are: all of toe riebOr l and most lasbionaule colon, and are worthy of the tendon of the ladle,. All of the above la goods will La read off at prices far below any house the any; and In elder to prove dos feet, the public will please call rind price these goods, and compare them with WI other boast In the city, and ha conraiced of the above assertion. The suoseriber would here ray to hie numerous ear women and the public in schema. tutCaere ace Mc other bee hive mares to market atreet, pretendlog to cope with the Rig Bee Hive, which ts clone the only celebrated and far famed Dry Goods esrablishomm to Pittsburgh. the eub.anbtrwould die retort say to all puretarers of Dry Goods, either wholcSale or retail, I that the Big Uce rave, an Market street, joureen Third and Fourth. is now opening the largest, richest, and most splendid stock of spring and eummer Dry Goods ever offered for sale in Pittsbargh BONNETS! BONNETS! New Srrtm Foe ISM—The largemand mosifashions able stock of Bonnets ever opened in Weeny, is lost received ro We sign of dieing Bee Give, on },la ken street, between Third and Fourth slamets, where Dry Gooos of every deseripuort are aelling cheaper than any other boom , In the city. The plank will please take notic g e that there ale MO other bee hive from ort Market rew, who pretend re compete, with the Big Bee Hive, between Toted and Foirrat streets, where the public will find, at all grues,the large... 4 newest styles of Dry Goods, fresh opened. Please take notice, that the store Is between Third and Fourth Most], sign of the BIG BEE MITE,' whem Dry Goods of every descripuon Rid .clung CIIVAPIIS than at any other home in the city. ap13.43m WILLIAM I— RUSSELL. IBIPORTAST CHANGE DALLEVE mecum, PAIN EXTRACTOR. TaHIS never failing Pain Destreyer, and certion curt for Burns, Scan., Pole and Whined Eyes tm, Woande, Bruises, Inflammatory Itheamaussn Swellings, Sptalnr, Pore Nipples,Broten Breaey 9aµ Renard, old and inveterate sates, and all cutaneous and tntlarautatory tESCP.S. IN A NEW ENVELOPE AND lIGICIES OF MUCH ENLARGED FIRE!!! CAUTION. ,dounterfeit•ofDALUN'S EX'rRACTOR in the nut By market. nun the you briond potion!! By buying the tirttoic lith eNEW DRESS you at uid tne danger of being Imposed upon by coon terfelts. are our SO or - getting rho benrune, .1 gain, tatireover, 'lour SO per cent on thy secrete. Caution to Dec • lireta iinpositim is practiced open peeler*, by un scrupulous operutofs, vitt, par up rho reunterten stool tin eitunterleit alio; Old wrap{ er, mixed with a few hose. ti genuine eath 000:0, and thus oiTer it (units tat a eiloceti lime! This nor catches litany ,f•etc,.., but the confiding, innocent t Oaten:ler, who uses the spy quits atonic, pays Ina lienalo! Puttering, plon,•nyiglidy seer. tied Marta resetting from resole bums. wound. Cl inic., ma often to a( Inc Welt, ari die eatliciptence... One In roost L In nC Partie.lan lefuou of Goilsoatieilerely bona sod' irtureli sutler. at me late hod dilemmas HAGUE eTREET EX. coo niiluN, ILI None Yeat..evol Frailly be pablohed. Mind the ENVELOPEn, the LABGE BOX ES, and toy AUTIIGNIZEG ADEN (511 Ejniblea the hew Circulars for IWO, murk the symbols on the now dieste-{the Triangle, Lion Soo Dove j and Eagle, and B e Dailey'. ;inn grAvtad dauger but, ,sitAfruad and buy Dailey's Ex meter ONLY, in the Nom , and Lulea coon. 11. DALLIIY, 015 Broadway, Near York: P Pen waxen, Ailegbeeyf.leteral and Whale sale Agent. Wis. Tunas, Agent., Pltisbiag h. N. It The named of 11ealola who primate the Dai ley Sate, new tine 00001 <Uttar the Ps ounctor hag at Mot Dorn his authorised agents, will be PabliW a la the papers, as a golds Oolitic public Cu steer elms of Gaud. ; • I MlLlls:deo.3alt EM5313021 . . - .... D iL ciVe l ls - of rl t ual: l argb, P irs ' h U o i tdis pc=cel; located himself in 'tens Min for tins polemic of pric doing Medicine and:Sureery, la ad its various branch. ea. Ma ofece is OxiTennh soul, No len. Solidoeca No 97 woe at. .. • )114,'r DR. 3. 7._MT.E.AB otters h , o profeesional sTrviece 4./ to the citizens of Mancterer eon Tictinty. °flee and . rostecree, for one presort; at Ramble, In Manchester, touneduitely &WIC al4 U.S. MaMarine!beyond. .. iolY3Usto 4. ;a, gumati, una, 4 , co 111 E DICAL. GREAT 1111ORTAhT (IiENICAIVIRCOTERT CHEMICAL qt/hlll/VATION Fro. ' tls VigetabLe:Fir rime; w- .Disesses Dr. GuyseD , • lezreiret of 'follow Dock and liaraSpaellda. Crass consumption, *moray. en-Aral.. Annula r. goat, liver enaspl•ints, 11:4011 oat - 0101114 liket.. dropsy...tem, pits., teurs/cry,affeetio. of the bladder ar= kidney., mercurial dm.... eon mat humors, ntsbed blood m the bead. fever and logos, female ecternint. A...rem! dehiliry, dyepep s's• balta of appetite, headache, told, enstiveness, natal. aieht sweats, ;Lols, erpatto alfeettema, pa 'shade, of. he haarlf.bdes, puss In the a/de, chest, back. soe. It to Isfatibla In all dbreases whont ham an la' pass ante arts, ;blood.. irstgolar action of the Do, tall soma la the Vet...lslas Esneema, an -All wise Beteg ha Jertahed phtint. and Sorbs iongezdal toms panr-inr. boon, and adapted to be slice of ;disease; and oaths ergetable trinidam does tbeletion of man,. well a the iNilnet of ani ale, teeny. antidotem to pain. Tb. Syrup is a reicraite tompoiad o( shame. oaf eab:n plants in rattirci,'eatitely Aso pop deletes - lova and enematiagmlnend anbausneesaand as it esp.. dime.o from the system, Impiatts logos ann avanatta aeonsallondingAegree. CERTIFICATES. An cratriordinary ce. of Scrofralt,_Erysipelso and GI nem cued: by tie solo rain of .Dr. Grayson's Caraj pound Syrup, Yellow Dock and Baroparilts. oostre. Nor. Des Gorsorr-81n I ten ll de l r coy sincere th in fir the great !retell I have derived from the use of you valuable eyrop. _I have been troubled Very bed wit • gonfalons sore, which mete Ita appearkone en m chin. I did not pay mach &IMMO to It at first. top poling It to be nothing but in enapeton toot intoner petsovrafar L ltfinallybegan to Itiefiale, wait spread to Or ark pane( the brad; I spoked to a physielszurgrho attended mein nonage.. I hat,. trod every Uses that mold be toed. I saw your kyr! up of Yellow Dock and Slain/sae:gas and conclude.. to am it, for I knee/ that Yellow Doek ensue of ibe mow valuable ankles In the world for. the blood. I bought your Syrup, and; front she ~ n oe of ono bottle, I could wee great change In my system., I toneineed to moil until I was a well man. I new feel hko new Trenton; my blood Is perfectly cleanied and freer from all hope rine s. Menlo tot a question bat*. year newly diseeeeteTeOneinoad is far superior 1 any campanile syyttp Over Sold.; Thee cent:tome la at yourdinosal to pahhith II you like, and any one yearn) Ater to me. I Mealb be hap py to give thr.m all Om Inftmmatlon I eon &boat tor use, ke,l amain polo obedient germane, .okorier. Gt intimte, . "143tiarkettneest. The best ranee modioine4mosen. The Prose, of Yellow Dock mid Sonapetilts is • positi.S . .no , ' , Y. and perusals= mire for Oh complains incides - . to • FEMALEII. alWratise onspernee , :render peepdin'y spplioable to the slender ead 4 0.. 0 o f the female. It is unrivalled in try dims up,. n..el disemes as incipient consul:Qom, barrenness, Ott o cordons, or whitn, invest= menstruation, neonate! urine, and general' pmenaton of the system; It imm cdimely countersmathet Oistromins nervous nen and lasttude to common to go female fewer. and imparts an energy amilmoyineyss mop noinga• they ate grateful. hare wader.° on OP: which Indoors up strengly to recommend this roc.tteine to married people who base not bitm blessed with off Wthfi ' • Finnarses emu, Or Falling of the Womb, of link' Teens' Aitanding,eared ti) Dr. Guyeott's titan:of. Yellow Doe: and Parseparilin, &ter !wary tan known remedy bud becAtrled without relict Wunmerolv, Ohio, Feb., 1949, . This certifies that 'my wife, aged el yenta, bee been aufleting ender the:, shove complaint for hot yearn—net/IT oil 64 1:1 , 11, :tat confined I, her bed.. I have for fop yearn consumtly employed the beaimeds len) (stoat that could be prOCeed m WS seen , . of tee COnntry, without any benefit whatever. I bare o?.o purehared every iCIUMMertt recommended for tha cure of such diseases, all awl:del proved afinthless. In the opting of 1848,1 erwr induced by my friends to try Dr. Goysett's Yellow Drink and Setssparitla, th which wee need for font mene:. After she had wad . • . II for about four weeks, nt Vote evident to that eta was unprovlng, and from thlr time .be tot¢roved tap Idly, and gained flesh and , strength, tie thee** was entirely removed, and obe le now eniorin a moat excellent healtb. MONFORT. We bolo; neentere or Wni. and Jolla Montfort. Snow that toe above statement, es to the definer of Mrs. Monfort, and LOA Ito core belay erected by GIUNOI4I Yellow Doak and Baninparilla. to be arid! JANE EDDY, !MALI' POWERS:. Grant Curs. At uonsuragriosas J unary 2. Mr. Emmert—Den Sir . ; 'The gratt benefit oblab,lll ban de nved from yonr Extract of Yellow Doin make the Induces me, As Want ofhunice, tom a bs. de following statement! • After wasting for two - seen from general debility which finally tensioned In nognmption,l was given r , t , r c at i o n z fric i rftstlph , tician l s s„ as . bg d omait t ltl , d of your Extinct, and tuning mated hut two bottlev;tio• w eer )ons directions!, I am entirely well,El 'mold tberrefore, came air recommend true tinequot led Compound to the el:dieted who desire a powenni, pleasant and,tale remedy.. Gratefully poor fined, • . M. WAITE None genuine union int op In large sq. , e bonne, containing a quart, and tie name of the %Troy blown la Ma Ow, with We written signatereßen nett on Me outside wranieri Price 51 pet bottle, or sir bottles lot E 3 ' • It n sold by 3. D. Park'i Cern= of Fourth end Wal nut streets, Cincinnati, Onto, Gemini Agent for the Sooth nod West, to whom µlinden meet be address; ed. Caner IL Bro ,Ihrie, W. Judson &Co Water ford; Olin & Clemons, •Crog sl n g , II c; Abel ' Terrell, Mentron; Hut= 3lis, Towanda; Robert Roy,Weal born; L. Roderick, Calinsbursi L. Wilcox, Jr.. Pitts. barge, center of MeneLstreet and the Diamond. • apl&d&wlynT Irr• karma's Sams lit Ira Chemical Soap Canter tree persolnWon,sa W the same tune moltil.-a, Sonens and whitens , Ja s akin giving ti the texture Olid:LexaCi of an intuit's. S calor, Salm Rear - kills Sava, are won no , only healed, bat came lia Übe, vs at tautonly, reran 1 apt.' clans In New York know, who use Ltiasach rases, findit unfailing—as. also 1.1 Puerta:OUß:can, Fananas, or any other sk n dis. tsar. Tne radar is assured that this is asattest paffed ntatrom, at one trial will prova. / could ann. mends at least E 0 persons cured of boaslirae,Sema Lces inn Seas. Duna—. try It, and nowt, and the reader Is again nutted I would cot cruelly sell it for the Wore antral I anew,. to ha all I mat, Those who are liableto Canaan, oa l'Aitaran Futsa, militia' this care. Any one atilt atm:Lanni any of Me abase, Or alm a= diseases, will had this all and 01t12 more (a lalra bit in its properue @Allan I state. But, reader, the Corea ere flooded with iml-stiems, and be nano you alb the Italian Ct =deal Soap. Sold by W WO Liberty sines, Pittsburgh , • • ; • assOnla ere Tut .51.111 Z Ott Vl= RIPS= r not mete repot nye thou a but, putrid breath, or dark, yeller, Mien ed teed, liner:ens bane these a is their own halt— they can, for two shillings, bay an aria'. that mate their breath pure .and sweet .Vis Splay atl.r • It cores diseases of the Gums, *ono or alettratedi and for We Teeth It is onequalled, rerunmog prom as teeth•in gums, and clean them an 'Mate the nuns of winner Farb: Saeh, reader, are the propern. of Jonea's Amber Toothraste, and, aritlAnt praising 01.7.< fres, her whet one el nor mast respectable and scientific Din do 't tt M av ' e E tTol f l k i eserarralli ' ll ' d:ll 7 :Deratti(al and fret palpable -•Miele. (lents , Amber Tooth raste,) M eau recommend lt as perseasing all the quailtresela ed for IL" Reeder, we rail say no more to consul < only that If you try, this once you will be well plou cea " tL i Cld u tiV TlCZa i Ttr; L t Xt! , re 11 mos.. Piusbunrh... lma:dale: CT Au. OOOD Crrairi are 'nehornoly oscura. 0.1 the following are the denial Qualiti l s ol au, tome o Jangs's Coral Hoar Restore:we. f they desks GO word, they cannel theialtlghly respectable cast, s ! Rho nave 11164 . hir. Geo. Becket, 41 Mm et, New York. Mr. Matilda Reeves,Slystle. a., Ifroliklyn Mr. Wm. Tompkins, OS King at, New Vote. Ayr. Tan _ Jackson, Dlontonts Islund,riear Plturbe gi H. E. Collen,late bather steathlickat e. America. And more than a handre: others state, though al Must suffice, that it will force the bale to grow on ,ho ' heed or face, stop itlalling o ff , strength , . the ri 4e, removing scurf and dendruTfrorn' the roots, rust mg light. red, or gray he usu.= 'a 'fine dark look, end keeping dry, harsh or wiry heir midst, eon, clean ...a benutiml, • very, MY long Sae- • Sold op the Agent; WM. JACKSON, 24D Liberty at. Pittsburgh. Price 31-450 cents, and one dollar. autheAvir Property In iiim•clkasy !laity tor r fllllli sabsenturs kler for. sale a number eitmeJ Lots,sitanto lathe Second Ward, frentle on eem=on Fround,anitay terms. !sown or W. 041. noßßisoN, Azy it 1.0.1 rt SIC sir at or erJAS P.ol3ll , lBrari. oa therms's:a orrruirrenrY , b , U.% i'oo $ ••• SIMS Cablag”: I.It.E.I'AKEI) They are not aware how fr,gbibiily tnhanosv it Is to the akin! hoW coarse, how rough, bow .at. lows tutheslOry the skin ap- pears ader Ilving pre r wed chalk! , aides it ill Wryness, ?yawning a lergg quantity of Les.ll bye hate prepared a beastltal yegetable arvele; sehteh we call JONES' SPASNISH LILY WHITS.. It if perfectly innOcent, being pa rif,ed of ail del.. Oni ons qa Clues; and it imparts to the Ogle a natural, eels thy, alabaster, clear, ll•ing white; at the :tom aeung as a <ensue& on the skid., making it ref: and snteodt, eold hy the Ageat ; WhI.JACKSt. , N, t.,th,„ erty st, Patsbarsh.r Price:a sent. attit7:d&vT --- CALIJJORNIUL ADVAIITISIIMW.NI". nEARI3 & BROCIMAK,ComentAeIon Menthol*, Sacrum:lto City, Ca!mortals. Laberal advance. made co conaigneaeats, and yOl 1.0..7 ['oilcan prompt' y antea,,cd , io. P S IS IL. W..II . OCILWAI,. ST Was, maylant&natafr, , • • _ ___ ,__ J .— . UE.111116031 IS JAW K 1.11... ATIORNEY AT LAW, 0 t n 1110 STATE COMMISSI ut ONER fur bales Repo lotions, Acowlevigniert of Deeds, &e.. ,OlLeeFearbb street, above rlttill)Ge/Al. oselole...T - • ROB/LILT ICIaRIGIGIIT ATTONNEY AT LAW-11thee on .out; elde . o Fourth at, t4raween Cottry Qiey sad IJMIt tl 4,4-ditakaatril 1 El•illenfAild Sumolasi 2101,14. GREEN reneerly or not.doiphis, and late ot Near Lisboa, Ohio, tak , • Pleasure to an eooncteg dint be hal located hirareir permanently in rittsburgh, for the purpose ot precut ng the minima Menthes of Medmine and eagery. Calls promptly aiteeCed to at all; hi.ors et tat day and night. Wheel and residehee NO 142 Third sham, betweea ymltabeld and (:treat: Itataandera—K Koinion. Y;iq Fourth Bt ;F. Kay, Beelmellcr anti to aIICCI, Keramily, Apothecary sod ritays•ai, Pelle a• jerdielly r „ h w Orred ‘ c ' o r ndi a Na W it nos .:,net 'V. laid tale ' tig gA o r ZN l INiti li n P 5 A THICK. iyl (2 ," 4 z ;ma ler sale by A KIRKPATRICk r t 1 .0 au llcrnn4 i ht,i;irlackard, ' r cu 4° adfar„,aa)), coirenarnnia :toTiOn; in ncra and lai ya~jir RIRKPATRICE._ Ott,—:wood la,lo Tamen' 01,1; I a, Or • bleached winie; Elopbant :/00btl• do {l. (.n4 WOO gals *inter Bpqm oi4 uutporm Candlrsi . for sale by' ALLEN a. NkMI.•EL4, jyl,:diodl tlfr. 93 Bondi Wharves, Ptiledelptio -11 r HAret--"NO;PAilai=`,Asocated sTiTeirolarg o; yy. gauger 111AUSIIALL CS %tiro.' et I=9 1.0 qzatity, fox tO pox roam. W..•P 51.4.94111ALJL. • t . ' kts Wood sx • rt:TEE-130LE61 ; sad /pia urt I!EM==l i!M=ES
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers