. ._ TM'.+nao-~~a , :rn:'.w.. ;ices-.,.~.~..'. ~ '..•.;.f.','.;•l',:_i'`.,)r3' • "!.- - - , ::.: - „YAST.VILIB:E.D. - IN :,:71786. -pFpwartrany.., wmAtE:4 Co'. . - L[1172 IMF a Sir CII6 T, 111 ST POOI TO Kali) pa Trt•kVeef , 500 • 2 • Weetly,la ---•• 2,00 - Dp., loClaba,ataradaped nm. , • • r/117 CIS - OP , ADVCEITIEVJOI IIT:T1.0:P/TTSISIMill 0113r45. ••• •-• .•DpelenretialClines O ( lionpareD or Ica) •, • one r ' • - "One flair re; each iddblectil insalloi.• • 0.0 • • Do. ono 1,73 Do. • two mecke.--,-•---;•••• SAO Do. om • Do. seem .. .. . . 4410 , Do. • mes motalm-.----.74"" 744 hoc Do.. fom Do. months • Do. • 'melee mentbsi•-••• • —... • • 133X 1 Itanding CIA DI three or lers,)per eanise• 10/3/ • • Seame.chammable atpleatere (perms. nem) excherhe of the paper ..... MAO For each additional some, inserted onion° month, see fox each additional femme latisenothroder the year. 13 rates, half price. - • • Adverrisemenu exceeding. a enema and net aid, Aileen tines, to be charged es plume and a halt • Pablishers mat acconnutble for lessladvertiscatents and to mama charged for rfablicedoe.' acing etuadidatea too alike, to be charged inn mane as other atimntoemests. • • ' _ Adverdscnients not marked on the eepy Mar aped-. ' timber of insertions, will be continued forbid, and paDnentezactad Recant . • . .• postimes elyearly adventscrsarill be etelfilled rigidly to MeM regular butane, a nd all other *Aver. Demesta not permitting. to their acirelarinialneskas we Fo, to be paid extra. . • All adaertisemems fen eharitehle Melina:mai fife • emanate, ward. telreship arid other Public. Meg= and perk lac, robe el:urged halfprice,priable Marriage nodes* to be rbszsed 60 cents. ' Death melees inserted witbeet eharge,unlen meow; pealed by funeral bwitalleas or obituary =does, worf when se sceempirmed to be Pled fer. , • ftevalsrsdremsers. and all 4:Omens:ling eamosw 11.110.4 W 121011414 ebb., designed to call aatert tion ze Fairs, lftitel`S, Colle CSIS, or any pablie enter. tudt.seetiblablere obstavviate made for adadttaner-- all pods= of private sawelatione— every notiee de. Wined to'sall attention W phute enterpnaex calenla• . tad of ietreded to promote Individual Interest, can ne tt, be everted with the andenuteding OW tee same late be paid for. lr intended to be mewed We fe tid velWe,oe same will. be charged at the Me of as km than lecemtpctEste. • Bisbee or Flu Notices to be charred telee Peet, Tavern ]decode Yetitionkl2 V.ook. Legal and Medical adven*menti to be clusicd ii • Seal Pt:state -Alexia , 'and Auctioneers , advertise ments 110(11) be classed under yearly twee, bat to be allowed. &mount of Willy three_ and one Wird per teat: from tbe amount or bill. - WICKILT OR I . I.I4ORRILT 111 OMIT tam One Square, Sink Insertions- SO Do. each additional In settket Lap OCOsmitAZI tO WORRY T.UTL Ove Elitkre, (ISlStea.) one larankt..--60 eta. • Da. each additional tnitartlon..-7.5 41.11kiataireat la" eltiltelate t• to OP paid In advance. IIITR k CO. Gazette. • . L. 'CARPER, Po• - a ROST M. PIDDLE, /mum& .lAlsr.B P. DADS. &CO Chronicle: 'FOSTER k intorliEß;bivsua:, JOE. SNOWDEN. Merano. • SlDDLla...katetieal. Evoldni-Teibants. CARDS. JORN. A. PAILECINeO3, A LDRIZMAN, Sin word, Penn ,[reel. beteicen; d 0 1 1 .7.. ad W444aL 4/1' business promptly at. eracreniiin U. WATSON, ITOBSIEV AT LAW—O6co, eriFenrih street above Wood!. -..'t eerie DAVID C :. TDTTLEy' A TTORNkY AT, LAW, • moll Commlrsirmoi for Toonsy Vt. AU miatmarilmutour promptly annoOred. John IL Lana Wm-C,Frizad. .LAUDE k FRIEND; 461.,A TTOILYSYS AT LAW, Fourth Erivrt;neirtilad lea . -• . ' .1A111813,1+. NEIIII, ATTORNET AT LAW-06gee on . FourtA ivory between Elmuhteld and Grua, Pittsburg h. gptIVlY - knvssiii"-..iPilliaa.lla&swell Pall.ros e..naiclewiaLL A7TOR NE, TS AT LAW-05es Is Tilghman RA Giant It. near tbo Conte Hone.-- • ATTORNEY and omm.imr oocsit loner for the Sum br reassylvaals, St. Lash (.ate of rut... rgiz borgto,, , • , RefeTeseex—Plusbo Non. W. ra m aril , limp. Oro & Aressdlesit & eClare, John E.: Parke; Mesas & Semple, McCord & King, snebt-IT IP% NALLIT :era L cosaiam ea. r. teringwa an-i • • ;...--aaarti ragmen.— r , At:MAW, WOODWARD k CO, Maimed* Oro. et ot, NO arl Markel gt, 8.D4 Pittsburg, b &Mall Works. _ BINNETT, BERRY itAX.I, hinnentOtren. SC Soda Ash. Bleaching Po wilco., Mutilate had Sniplonic Sc Ma. Warehouse No --, Water coney belerferry. • • . . . 13RAttli 4 REITER. Melanie and Retail Dri4 • corner of Liberty and Ert.Clair street., Pine; . apt , • SOLOMON ;int-MON MIAs COhnitSSION MERCAANT,Sunk and Bill Itroa. sr, No 111011mond latent. Zhiiiairsas Bp ====i COLIM 11AR, ATIXAN & CO, Tdamsfaetarers of Conan and Mode Barlega. thoonered Axles, Boring and Plough aloe, Warchom eo Water and Front surds, Frusborgb. /Woolen's,* in Coach Trinaa and Makable John Cralr. W.B. Warta. CINgtIT, Witt:MT:AT 4"b1.V771"'" CA. - MeA NULTY a, CO. i. 00 .rd..iy i . 4 4 :41: loOd3l.Alemlunts, Canal . llatiq °RANT, Who tale Omer, Coongnion an • CFonnrCthr lambent. Pio. 41 W4‘44 th, ,mh. • - at. 4 • - In ithrsery.....-./.thhsw Fleming R. K. Fthropth. • newuncir, 44 CO., 9 01114113.410 ti ISTERCHANT:4.—Iror the etto.,. thente.o7colen, and Cotton Gbodg al re, dellets4n I 43144 or Tailors , Trlothothgs, rio 10 Wood c, 4th door froth Filth, PlUsburtk. .6Lethrenos.-41ess». Wm. A: 1131,1 46 Co. Canken. .- U MI:2OIAM I:O22NVIT, 'flue oneilibi Co.l'Wbotenale Gruen, Contmlnstan and m For, antrilnit blernbants,and dealers in Prods. and Ms . lamb blannfattnnen, Na.7l Wood et n between 2d'and -Eto&w&n.DiNa & cciwassiomms&cnorr Noll 3 &ved at, ritubscrgh. Itl7°" - Irt"° ry /Matteis' woole.lA . Liberty, appall. 4IC CA ' flibt? • • Z. WIXOM; = W A" MAUS' ' D. C. X . C.A3Of MI. MIN A. waits.; . . 1 & BIICENOR, Tekbasee Colam -LairE , M 71:413, 41 lionteWetel es, 616 Ninth r.rr TTARDY, JONES .4 1:144 . to.ossors' ur1,21.04,1 Alriciaes k Co.) Co4..musa .4 Toni Wt. ehants, dealen;l4 Ptinbatt Ibisaftoture4 GOOO, Mortises to SaaresN e.• rroz.,) • LIPORTER & Dearer In French and AmerietriPii per Daeglegs and Denier& Window Simla.. Fire Prints, &led—Writing, Priming =4 Wrap phis Paper, No. 87 Wood etrect. between Pow& street audDlarawia alley, Intel INe,Plttabutah, Pa. 1•11) rtMia - airite . 7.Viholeaale Lieut.& and den ' U er la Dye Starre,•Pairtia, Oils. Varnishes, ice,' Nei eil,Wood street, Dee' Coor:Aloutli of Diamond 'Ailey DA cue • e G ..249 Grocer, • tan .11r A ire .re It ' ent; sad ilealet Lit , Prees•ii.43 Pittemb lianafartart,lioft Water at. Plitsbd 114.""1A .4 H T Wl-I"7"Gsa twin Ac *on MenOtants, *nu drall: in • PrZRN c g, Woo. end 197 }toot vtrest , .. Pitt.Uara. nnol ••---• • • •-••••• Joespa &now. ICINLWORT7I N Who lewl“,inwew, and • hlwatator shard Powder co., No. 27 Wood at., •iitr - viswritwpaci• No. 42 7 Maikst at, th iv. rob Noontabrw. Third •L Ping: . hallth,Wll kw. conpuntly ontand a wall seleopi sai antratetof the bed and. Ileabon MoNelnes, which ha watt wl.l ao the mow »Notable ter.. Pkil•niaol " 4 " 4 "dm. wiU prowinlY allande 2 W and map. isw.r. !el! moot $ 4 'M uth '''. a!Plwerinilowi will tit acearately and — •'`" 4 llwalla best materials, at ax 2/. hnr of ha Tar add:. • Ala tar 444, Ilina Root 01 . Nadi and goad Pala • T 't. .alal4 1 , °MHO C 00,0 1." lb Pion romtrdtax Merchant, awl, Irtholentle dealer to Wortera ibrstrot Ctlvese, Dotter, Yot and Per-4 AatViA,Wott.titTrititteitenetally. Panel:bemaetuaeliti4al4 a.a4 Wood, Pittsbutrgb. TtWitrat otil • and Paper IlanahLetareti; No.CI 2ttarktt meet, itublatith. • .ittue Word , - ehard PloSd• • k. R PLOYD, Wbolcgale , Grocers, Comtnissisn • Merchants, and Deelots in - Produ• a. Round Church BalldtersCfrontinc.,,a Wood and 'r nth .treat.,tintnurgi: Ps. - far 0i Nt . 747 . 1' ast e tsee . sr i r CT a 1 . 40e5!1ar dealt, in PmeueenunTilivdrengh Mattn m i:r.. e 7,4 an of Lite rry and Han? etteet4, Pittitblint i t ts 7 NO. A. CAUONBY, Agent tor Y. weds,. Line to Deaver and the Lities.Otlee on the corn, of Wets. cod Rittthi old 71-AMSO-A-7,HUTONCRON;7 Ca.--T-dneeeniniirt Lawie Hutchison G Ca., and Agents of An ft, Unto St e a mßeitnery. 44, de nestdd ounl,td front ntrects',-Piniuntnh.• _ claim NOV S Woo.' man, PittabarO. erala . . pg d . opposite 51. ,Charter Cottle Pinentalrb, will OW pcostptry to Collection-14a Washington,Forctu and Omen tronattes, ..• suastociimmacc, Cborth itCatoldnes, , ristellecorh. • D. T. 14.1.11. °UN KRE , LOkt - NO' ta Maser stn4 MastcaLjnentrinents, &Imo( Banta ...piper, 811ars, erner Prat, Qtsills. Printers , Cards, and — S` clmru i ("1 " 417,N*19. - W ma•LiPitignirel• `Z: ;11;TAV b.t 4 04. PArimpati.. . • • . . ,' ••• -.. . . . • . . 4 i 1 . . • . . . . „ A, . . -' • '. : . Liar • ....y: • "...,7 . , A. f . . .. , te , ~, r v ..-.,. ; -s./- ._, , •.- s, g r-, ... - A " ' ' ' • ... 41., 1 ••• , r • . . • • .. • . - - . . . . . .. . . . BUSINESS CARDS. GEORGEi: ARNO LD B r. CO EXOnajtoE t C9III, Isamu NOTZ9,&e, .N0.:4 Fdtirih meet, nett dooi to the Dank of rig. , 'Kfr.Rd/Ohliiirroms niOnii. and Commission chart', Dooley to Prodore tad Pitistntrati mono. uiatiarrd ottlei r ea,ranal Resit., near7O at. opt Irg 111 ILL, PITT/MUGU, RA. EENNESDIcCRILDS. d. CO.. Manufactireri rely auperforµ Steeting, Carpet Chain. Cotten ne and Doan . • ia9o.ty --- Wai. 2.1111er C.W. Mutation, Pittsburgh. A MUM RICKETSON.WnaIesaIe Gwent, and vL Esponers et Brandies. Winn, and Emus, Nos. in and 171,vorner of Liberty and Irwin weeny/Ws burgh, Nally Cotton Yarns, its. kr, eon; lobs NOEL. Janina D. WWII. Wattar Roe- . CeGILL9 & ROE, Wholesale Greeers and Commis , : ANL 11 1 n Mardi= No '194 Idbeny Es 4 Pittsburgh NITHSTRITiIriPF.4L-I,IPRINEI AND AXLE VACrOHY - taaar" • . JONICS isr.' %moa t . • NprcuncTuAtErts sr spring and blister steel , plough steel, steel 'doses wins, souls and clip. •Le sPrings t hanimr.red ken Lees, and dealers in IDs[; Lebec suss" Ore engine lernps,and conch trinuaLons k asrally, comer Of gnu. and Front star lettraburnly 110LklE3 /SON, NOSS Mittel st; seionddoov Allrmy comer o( Foszth, dealers in Foreign and 'Dome a stic Bills of Exchange, Cutticaice of'Dopotat, Bank Note. and Specie. ICTOoleictiona Asada on 1111,11141. grit:wipe MOM lreophootthe Coked State,. . AT • BtreitruSTLll, atmattgazt-4.llfice, Foots ass .LN_ s ' third door above ennuitleid, smith - Conveyancing 01.11 kinds done wrillattio greatest .are and ' • 1, to coat rotate elm mined. 0013:61y iteitltnioitt WELILs 1 1.11UFATURERS- OF_ GREEN GUAM WARB,'; 110' 0 . 27 Marketaeet,Pittrbtrtgb,Pc, Ireep nonstant 7 ty on Muni, ant mate to order elf Laden( Vials, Walks, ve: -Parlor and =km,' Viola Banks su- Portion's. staration - paid taitrinto : • OvldattettariaTthlits Establlstustint WM. BCIII.ICRMANN, Third it, apposite the Paat-Odleer,•Elttabtualt.‘-tdops, Landseakai beads, Shovrbilti, Labels t _ttithhectoral walla achina . Driw.nas, Mathew aad yalun Cards,dte-,edaraved or dram ousthao, sad pruned la color; Gold,Utonse. .pt Black; la the moat approved style; nod at the r mos reuoitable pneea-. • canta ROBEN .1 ON, LITTLE & CO- o. 112 Zabel* gravel • itiebursk Wholesale Omeers, Pstqloee and Cosatelasion Xesehants, and &Jamie Pittshorsh Menefee arm sow!: Boat. aeacaost.,_ SIM IMUL SM. IL: i 0.313507, ROBERT h 10011.6; Vfohblesild - Grocer; RToft. lug Macy., dealerla Prodoire, ridalmorh filtrufao fareAy all kind. or Puragri caul Domestic %Voles sod lilemors,No.l.t Liberty meet, (to hard al.cri largir otorle of faperier otA hiaroatatirl•'wzilskey, odurh will be void low for rash.' I.IIILYNOLEIS it-811EF". FOINFIItaI old Commie,AlL Iderehantr, for the A.Hegoeny direr Trade, t orte re In'Grmerien, Poultice kiu.lbarr,h, hlanaree t and Chloride oULdne. Tbl , hlgl n i _p_nee. cask - all Voles for , emotgr mac uondr Penn luto 1r.,. eta.: .alslB DOBERT DLLZEL.I. a Co, Wealesale firmer., Commds.led Merchant.; (WIS.,. In Produce and Pittsborakidsonfactores, Liherty meet, ridsberen, ROBERT A. CI:WAN:OIIAM, 'Malntel, Grocer, Mal, la Produce ext.: Pittaborg.:.levafteunr. N. 144 Llbery street:. ' Ara SINGER: & St:afield trod. eta .Strel 41 Works-anofsetorasSi t ing andllough Steel. . Also—f_torinss, As es, Vters; An a/11,2m They invite the alit noon of merebistats and consumers to th,ir stork before pareharieg else where. Theywarrantthetr articles to be eons as any 'made In this errantry or ire • ed.- l fritti a. C. bli4Cil.ta • ' TnO . a. VrltSt Q HACKLE:TT & WRITE. Wholesale Dealers kJ Foreign and Dereealle Dry . Good,, 90 Wood eireet-Plesearal, ' • '' nO7 2 S: 4l . 7llaTif u l a Tipai l , „ l,Voti ,.. ll4! rc FCT rnr•• .3onneduien e hterchoads, NoAS Wanes. , rtr ' ect, Pittehergh - . • eel, • ' r. S.l-4123, 30 /33 ..MCOLII, IfAITLSX). SW4it S rNmv , tra - f. bare.. Sperm, Lint, =id Lard Oa& apl7 YON &TN AHuit,Sr. & CO, Whalsi/eGro. , kJ. dtes. Forwarding. and .CdtaadAsion litorehant., Dealet,ta Pinsbarra Mana'actates and %Voltam Prodded, have reamed to tier new warehouse, (old L easad.l.No. 36, earner of Fraarcreet and Chancery WORMS & HAWORTH. - TEA AND - %VINE 'MERCHANTS, East ads Diamond, Pittsbanth. . anis . .L.B. SI Herman. , ILIL Waterman -AV. Wainamaa. . H. 'di SONS.. 'HOLESALE IMV . ERZ,Cotal a y i i , %a d r . 3 r4v 4 ; :. dams & Piusbn:hAlnatataetared ernelna Agent. fot dale af.E.iFimaad dad Lood , dm. AlaaufacnDrA Tobar.Ta. . ~...marl ATTOTSET AT zavw, also stait to ui colicearcks and alt oder burl. ]TILL .. also entrusted 74 Dl= fa Dater tad Itrattrnsig 1 ~ J. &a. Fl i d. Libcrtjat. - , It Alarshall ‘143 Pittlboigb. • my [ bay &Co, Wood at. - - - , : jn7 B. B. Blab Eeld•—• •••George &than!: EN-13. DIIIIIIIPIELD ' MILTDOLESALId and Retail Dealers in Ciro-rents 11and Dry , (loads. sEnd Ccrruniarion Merchants Nat! , Llberty at, l'inrbargh. JOHN INcITADEN Q. CO.. 'FOILWAIIDING . c . 011.11198101,• 21 . 1ER,CUANTS, Cam Bau m , Ve.nn Pittehartit. • mr6 JAEF.Y3 MI. DAVIS - PhODUCE, AND FLOUR FACTORS, • - Aa.2tt Markey oxid.s4Commerce st., Madelpltio. Mitoces mate, br edit!' of the abore, ahem:Air meta of Produce to oilier flea/e. J. D. WO Huts., oth. "..T. De WallaAin, vto W i Po i rat E r tsd ill' atx,..z . ,,tr i lalta ß V, dea l ers In Coos try.Prodace and ritzsborgflrasafe tares, earne r of 11 ood and F a n sweets, =Labarge. Wm. 11, • . war ! U. WILLIAMS fr. CO:, :. BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKBELS, • ' North. But earner OtWood Thil4 ituect • vg.- woarr, •- • • 301V3*. C0•p141.9., t. 9. jiriL RAMAGE lc- CO., Wheieal. Garecrio. iD TY aa4 SO IVeed street, Vittetrtirgtr. - apt" 1087 r tLT.D leallP.l.&S. WICX & INPCANDLES (tor.otaoars L J.D. TV , Wlet,) Sirbeilesole I..rocers, , Forarotalog ood, dooadniou Actehoot4 dollen in Imo, Nuts, lAus, COW= Yorno,,•ood Pittobetala MoznsforsomFgonen.ll. ly, tornar of Woad and Wolof. tr,orts, rittabOrgh..— UT_ & BUTCIIELTRE:4 'Wholesale Grocers,. Zoe , O a rrina pacilless,: r %; a ftrse b and ead ikeztto: log ro.dea. No.loO (Ahem streer,lopposite „ ILSOlas Watches, Jowelry.slaver Ware end 1111hle - ra Goods ,- corner of Ttuter • - Fearatatre.cia, Patsbergir, N. m.—Wsus , bes s att Clocks easerallartroslro& P ,.. ' 0017 CCM. YOUNG & Co, Green is I..e . alher; UT to" 1143 [Abaft) 'amt. 1a,511 WK. X'crrenscre. W. & It. MeCIITCHOON, w o w" ' T,7,...4.rdealsr* raw., 401. r4c . itit ju j b,47.—.. U . att a r . ' g".. 11 7', Lama? street,— •' , INEIIIVIEN. & AATJCLO. GENERAL COMMISSION IdERCIIANTS, • 07Lairia I &dreams made ea =rod uvecu MATTIIEW WILVIN, Portrait ' end. Idiejkrene 'Painter. Ream.,, came: at Peet °foe ilart sad Panne street, entrance. pa reenlist:ince, Musa ..a7l — care TareLOse Commission ltterethase tee 1\113.31 out Levee et, N (Meant, keep conetantly an I,A hind 'think ageonerseni of Brandi...lkea follcree.. Ing brands they afar for rale/ as egoats for /Weed k Ca. porde emx. 'ex:: "kik' kiwi, .7.• &zed, J Dbs. rater& Ce,Larooltelle4 Menne, Coiengel, 'A do Meii. inkeille, A de liontare,Jean Louie. ke &xi Leo, /Locher Lin, 13ordesex tied. end White Wine • .In easkesed case,, ukCt d rah vim byJobe &Ten beiddesChawegnelVece And Swot{ Beep, dr Pork . • , lilffro t y l tr,ineaL ". 4ter4ri a due Le Oar on ursder the no= of ' , Jan Plater at"... March . . JOHN YARKE:R.. , John Parker. .William Cur. •• a -.j3UN P /Y . ! ra G rams , o Co., For s gn Old ntorunagazia• and itaaffied Whisiry. - N 0.5, Commercial How, Liberty meet, wanontOt wain; ;cam' ussori4 mt. tux , r, *PALIIMI:4IIAXINA diCo.,. IS2eirtscrti to iiiirrey, Hanna kCO4 SANXERS, EXCHANGEISROTERS, and dealers Forel&rn and DontesUe lU•rintrirre, Certificates of Deposite, Conk Motor, ripecW— North wort. darner or Wood owl Tbtrd streets. , Current coney reeetreid err depostte.-6tght Cheeks for may, and. colleetiono =boort neatly all -this prhaelysl points' the Colind Sums. ; - . , The intteit mono= onn fae Fomlte =a AZMei/WM AMaill Undiodeoltrponurols Produce. obio penKonl on liberal tonna... - ororl MX. C1 4,10 .] • taxa r. '.IXIII. A. XtmLtrica - A; c0;, , ,' GICOOEUS AND. TEA DEAI;ERS, - Ns 25.6114.4eitit' iriiit, a bm Wood, Thai always on band, • larFe aaraitalent of Chola. Ur/feeds' and Ilnit Teas: lams Foltigo rnal and WdOkinda ILISI/ Wtall. Deities, soppllsOon the lowest terms. • , • • lltc.bil;• "trap. wicimiAN_Atinit.u,... kin& of ear. O ton and woo/len ea oekinery, Alleg h eny tit? , Po. or The above work . -beng how La fa and soceru!ol op erwino, lona prepised.lo negate attirifte.l.l, girpoich. for all WM. reanhinery in my bne, nth OnkerNsProndere, cards; griming routiore ioitwors. pa , Tr o gri, g Or merehiol or 00.117 work. =doe:N(4e, $.7. Me lf loa hood lonesand bolo lo god-. ern!, All kinds ot elating ende to outer, orpleoe gko eo for goosing /anodes or mills 02 reasonable charge- RErga Cei Kbgi 'UM it, c o 4 :1 , Pikkul•kk. *FP , k a, . Q p. rsp, _ , -- • R'ZIRCIVICIA tll.l krarrierm4, . A. WESTERVELT is. SON. lATELL KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND M AHED% I+ V keep conitaroly 011 hand or make to onler' the beat ankh, in their Her., at their °Pt wend, No 11 Elk Clair stmett :atm. m No.Pd M arket tTeet, se toad smr7 entrance in the Diamond. Venittan tikeitera made to order, and - old blind. neatly repaired, • EtZ923l BEN N.ETT. it. ' B ROTH ER, ' • - QUErN4WARE MANUFACTURERS, '• glimattissinams,[senz Pltesbargb,] Eta. . Clfuw, No. '.37 .IVarir at,!. ietiossa 111.4rbst mut - •' - ,' • --ilia, Pittsburgh. • !.. .- .. WWlLlicoastaraly keep on hands. soot snort• mem ot Wars: of ourawn manufasiumand • superior qaalay. Wholesale and country Mar. ehanto ore respeettally Invited to caltand ex. amino for themselves, as We ate dewrotinsd to sell cheaper thmulms rvitsbefuts ',been offeredlo Ws pub. llT'Orderi Sant iy Mail, secompanled is Melissa or , and reference. will to promptly attended to. mrS - ; .. • COACH FACTORY, . , . W/LITE.IL 00.,• would .respeethdly inforre the Pablie that they -have erected a shop on Laeoek,between Federal and Sandusky streets. They are now makthir and am prepared to receive orders thr eve .... dc , semption whaeles,•Coache. Chariot'', ihr.: roar Boggles Phr.:ol4, & a.. 8.0-, which from th eir lona crperlenee to the manntacro re otthe above work, and the facilities they have.they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the room reasonable:terms with Rosewood:la...del. in.their till 1 Pallor parnealar attention. to dm select:ma of mate rials, and having none but competent workmen thee . hare - no - hesitation •to warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention of the public to this matter. N. IC Repairing done team best beanaer,land an the moat reasonable term. . • . Itaktor 1. ; ......_.tannircessort• • &CARE& & ATKINSON, rams, =rasa Worm amt MAIM, Prrriamore, ruNiTINOE to manufacture all kinds' ofCOPPER, V TIN AND SUEET IRON-WARE. Also, Black smith Work., ' • • • Steele Boats balls to order. Special attention given to stem boat work: Hate on hands atom easonment o(Copper and Dean &UlmToo Wue, Ike. Re. Steamboat Cookuig Stoves, Portable Farm, tartans idsas—a Tety.constalent ar- Delofor smiumbams,California amlgrantsi or rail mad companies. wocl4 repectibily Inuits amain boat men and others to call sad ame cur articles and prices before pare/m.4lm el towhee, J 1 ,17 , I • • ' J. VAN. nook Madors. are still engaged to the aboye bosiners, earner ''99 of -Wood and Tkird atm% l'ittsbutp, abort' teh. we are prepared wend tto do oar o any wok ork it as line with der.. ,ra - We personally, and taus- , freedom will be given in regard to its neatness and du rability. . • tnank.',llooka nand:lo any pattern and bound . iirb: sus - 'Books in lumbers or old books bound ears. fall ror repared. Names put on boob, in Ott letiers. Thom tkat have work to cur Line are Wilted to call. Prices lcrer.• , - piu.• noshlao Works sad Yonsid.ry. TA. . . TORN WHIGUT It Co., are prepared to ,bolld Cocoa ',I and Vi oolair Machinery cf =c ry description, such as Carding /11aeltincs, Spinning Prunes, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Warpa rs, binders, Dressing Preuncs, Looms, Call Grinders, de. *ronght Iron Shafting tamed: all sizes of Cast Iron, Hatters of dro latestlatterns, all= and band Lathes, and tools, of kinds. Castings of =my description furnished an stunt notice. Patterns made to order for Irma trading. de. Stmun Pipa lot heat ing lactonts, Cam Iron Window Snob and candy Cas tin= generally. Ordars left at dm Wan:hones ord. Palm= Ifs 'Co., Liberty atm= will have prompt Refer to Blocky - toot, Dell &Co, J. K. Moorehond Co.. G. E Worarr, John Irwin A: bout. i tub u rgs ; G. C. I J.Ii. 7.Varnier, ti.ohonvit!t: inn IP MIRE subscriber criers Orr sale a huge and syienAlit esanmSnof rosewood and mahogany grand Ac tion Planois; with and without Cr.:missals einelirarid Aiolian Attachment. Thin above instruments are wart ranted he .On equul 10 :icy eutnrifzenure4 in runt 0 0 00- /try, and will be sold lowerany bronght from ilie East. , • P. F., N. unod intor exiaterf h l tri ' N. El —City iien? will fa trikmi et par for a •c , .. be aturvireXTrtrat.t. 11,1 k;,'..r; felr4.c T/lIS IS ta cerafy l that I heat eat ,1•e and Lierf tra t e:ea tr. :Co, Sale Arren i te for the Halt Peiesst lloapra.l4.,rri Filter, far: Fre cif Gm of Pittelor and Allerheir... 30111 GIPSON, for Rafter _ht Gtheou,34lo Broadirey, b . it. Ocr. 0, We have been Hitt[ oro of the above nettle at the etlGee of tha'Novotty Werke for three month., oh trim!, and feel perfect!). &milted that it is a useful int mtioa, and we take pleasure in rocurristemling them n , a eve. AU article to all who love pure teeter. Orders 1.1.11 . thankfully received and promptly exeented.... ocal• - LIVINGSTON. ROGGMI re Co Et Sitzet Orley Works ter Sate. rpnE.bgeriber offers for &ale, tke bTEAtt MUGS; WORKS, 'above Lenercitcorilie, tornpriciiio tqcalll.tiniline,2 Mosta Machine, csoaliiie nf orionforaaring .20,C( Preosed Bricks tont oigly token from tho bank,) per day; with' Three recr,o of land on the ASregheoy reef, On sehleh ars 4 tan, snit abed", machine arid chg. cher% OrtitotOirrocra, stiooneity spiress,'Stri;• every .thing - regairiiis to con roes. opersticiosoLko hoots smite. :Price isetietine' the patens right to use ontd.ocoehinoy 07,c0r.3. al pen:l3=ll.4e easy. ,Withosit the . irOnli ss,ann. For addressALFALRITT. , Wrought and CaSt iron Diatlimg. robserthers beg leave to Inform the pat,te that they have obtained from the East all the Ime ;od noble desigme for iron Railing, both far houtcg and emaeteries. Persons tritbleg V procare hand some patterns will please call and reaming, and judge for thetimetres. Railing mill be lantieltrA at the st.en. est noticeand in the Lett manner, at the earlier m Craig and'Rebteca etmeter-tliorheit",s4r/•. migs-dtf • A. LANtori-w-m KNOX% STA ,, Tt:L.TitE.E;r ;, :o: 4 7cp . ; :vrt, H A ZOgi s e p r e s=cfn l iT a ila s Ly_ ln late emit to Ell nec.tlgating :Nista for penes- enantry, an d . haring infested c.9tient and "'- again:lle Agents or Lend. no and Mauebester. be Is prepared to afford all necessary information and ad vice to persons who . sett to recover their property to that etmetry. 4. L.:keept abet of the Wink of England Dividend Mob, irtech they be eraroltmd for 60 cords, or ad for <lei tenet of the Alphabet. • • References in Boston: C. D. P. ADAMS, Mater) Palaltc; - JAMES WELD. EAD HF:Nny A. MAY, irris-2N -- JOHN W. RIDGEWA y, Esq. .. jt- • • wconso as. co • . • t9.eceseots to ArCord & t " ang) , Pashlosablo flatters, • Corner of Wood out Nth &rods. TEA RTICVLAJt attention paid to our Retail Trade. JL Gentittalto Can My opoo toting their Hata and Caps (Wont oar estabtisbntent aftha azn stasantato and andamita aim, of WI LaMar Ml.lnoinsi ad the LoWort Coanatay Mordant., pittablaltia by wholesale, at. revettft.ly fowled to call and examine ma thoea- as ,Cao with tonGdeaco that asymard• q al,rn and nits, .1{ will Sat SLIEST is • oolayazioott sub -any oarao In pktladelpbta.- • febl7 • BEGS Immo to Intern. Its friends and casiomere the, dm is Jan receiving hbs neerspnag socket' Goods, comprising, as weal, all the newest eadMost fartioe, sale styles of Cloths, 01.45:3104[3, fancy Ilestmes, toe and linen swam. stado, and every atueletoltable for gettfemetestreve tottering andmotteet It being Papassibleto desCribe the beanlY,VtedllY, ernsnoult or the *tech, the to roprieurrhopcs nit "rho am m 'rent orFOOsl,ebeip, fuktortable, end troll made clothe., 1.4.1 pre tint t 'eall, , ts there Is no stock this side en the Aileglted.; that men Compare airlift. The readynlae department Is veryemensiwe, adap ted to. all ' • • • 1411111114 eantistetom errantry merchants, and all who purchase are pa mintier'? Invited to et. £OllO, the met btiOni parenselng, Itap . ¢lllCllNY tenhon Is paid to the 'wholesale business 12 Mk caul.. EWery• trade in the tailoring tine made to °Merle. the moctfathlonable and teat manner, at the shortest - .rfpartnership 'heretofore exigtine under the law f A & C BfrADUEY,is dissolvra by the deets4e 'a Air. C Wadley. Tye business will be carried on by A Brudley,,wbo WILL mule, the business or the late REIIOVAIrA BUDLaT boo 'sr:tented his , FonndrY Warehouse from No lid Second streot,to•No lg Wood street, between First and /Second streets, to ware. house lately occupied by G A Berry, where be wig keepnonottntlq on lined n r,ancoil .iorunent of Cost logo. Groies r eiteves, Cooking Cloven. && iyta —7lell34—Altitlfitif . _ . THE attention oftheppobbeu rerpeettotty 'called to • ' the folleeelog cettificater ft,. ft, le finds qminlity of Geld vreixbed by your Mem:wire, I find the rcrult proem your irdltromlut correett and 'recommend the C. of If to theme eelng to eldifornta, as the beet method for o 4• toinforthe real outdo of Geld. -Pose...yew:, • 1.-D. DUNLS9I, Gold BeateK — PltUbtrrzb, March 9,1E49.' . . , Yringauttom Marsh 7, ICAO. blz. Egging—DearBir•. Jigging, eXlLlttlited th " Ar.O. mete',* movnifsetnrod at your rooms, t do not Iwatic lr to ecru:mend it to the oit - of those gentlemen who its about removing to California in search of Cold. It Gt . VOI a cit.., appmximstion to the systiSo grist ty eletrilF, and will certatelY einabni the Adventurer to ascii:Min when ',Meer is 70316111 g Gold.. -sone.tt, Vours. resins.. 7.11 111`13,114TMcItt ----- - NI-""if,L..°ll.,",,E4`,2rßtiArTl AL" Oast fpant Peer, ur allaiscs; and inaegarmith and PI , . gsps, ants's on band and fur asle.ettfier at his "Ea. gin El Lad IVork sirs., rth Ward,.. uffino in the Iron Stine of HOLIAIANK 4 (fa giti. ISON,Ido 4.10nt of Wood strcer, Pittsburgh. • rarArLdinl • , oluouto.u. we,tho umitrorn,a, havinn sed, with entire eat. isfsetion, Ma Cam Rteal said ' , des made by Bomar] Si[oKelvp, atlds Eagle Steel Works, la this city, take pinata:a in recommending them as ens nt to pnahty to any ever used by as, of fsmign manitfitentra. r"j4"gb ' r tle. 4 lll ' STOMA:RCM k CO 7 alatiafaetar era of holland Pittsburgh, pa, KNAPP & TOTPEN; 'miaow:We m and Inehinists,'Plutbargh, Pa. COLL:NUN. ilAllsal CO, tdmatnetnrers ofaVIAMAIIetiSPCAIf Siet"nti Rivets, Patiliatgh, Pa. tON AI PAIIP.R, I Entine Builders and Utchine Card Manufsetai rem, PAltitta3pli,ria, - • Brui Fop inrb Pituburgb, • GRAVY, 4NBpiy ,, tr t ?O , , 7'l°°2°W;t°T" of h°ollnrAintMLlN .ON Loeurrotiwri Engine and Bypr4VAl t t , raa, 3.l"bi.Alugg.c4Lrr,..4.lllrie and Engrultuild- OT. Pinsurrh. Pn, 09 APAIR of fiold OPecololos, vapposed to 4. b e en droined Wood .troot, in front of Balmweil 4 Penes Wasn.ronse. -Min Ender oiII b. rewarded 0 0. rotundas doom to the row, No.lo Wood Ed'Wt. , Ji ~ PIrI'SBITRGII, MOND A Y MORNING. JULY 8, isso. MISCELLANEOI GM= WILLI6ffi DIOIIY INSURANCE. • ' • INSURANCE. rinl4: 'DELAWARE'. :GUTDAL 'pApyryy 04D, , RANCE COMPANY.-Office North Doom of the 'Exchange, Thintetrtet, . • ' .. Fan Innamtem..-1311111ings Merchandise and other pre arty, In Toms and Country, blamed against low. or Msenage by bre: at the lowest moo of premium. al same inscrunet-They also tosser Ve earls, Car. goes atat'Freights, fomign or cosaterfsd, ander Ore u or special policies, as the Immured may dogma. • DMArm Taammmarnos.-They also Imre merch. • salsa mansponed by Wa 6nr.,.11a1l R nad - Core, Cans I' Coats on! learn Boats, on rivers and bites, on the 'moat liberal Mhos. DIGW-MOSS-Yoseph IL Seel. Elnnind Bauder, .John CI Davis, Robert Dartbn, John Petrone, Snow. el I.lPrrards, Geo G Lelpee Edward Darlington, Isaac /1.113 , ri5; Wm Volmeil, John Newlin. Dr It Huston, JetC Wald, Theophilna Paulding, /Ones' Drools, /lend 9loan,'Craig, Hugh George berfill, • Poencer blellvain, Charles Kelly, .1G Johntan,' Wtl2 nay, Dr 9 Thomas, lan Sellers. Wm 'Eyre, Jr.' - •' "MiIIeCTORS AT PITTSPWRGII-D T Down, -thigh, Craig, John T Ulan. • 'WILLIAM MARTIN, Dre 4 iden nrcirillo 9.Nownorn, Saab,. • • Q7:0G.3 or the Company, No. 41 Water ameel, .Piushargb. Ijart-S. if P. A. MADEIRA, AO. Inrrerte.r7+kil4., nal Life and neon Insurance Company T i of .l Itin,lntorporated by the Legislature ' of Pannnylvanin :March, - lats. Charter perpetual. Capital, RICADOO. PAM 111,11 ATT Cl.3r.i.!.Ccotralti, and fall g 0 per cent. lower than the final taws of.Llfo Insurunce, as the following corp. Pails= will show: Thne, a percent of the age 01 30 In suring tar moo for Ilk. Malt pay in the Omni renusylvanql2s, Penn Mutual, St= rquitene, sa,o4 ; New • arid, BilBO; New York Life, 0:!,:;f4 Al. bier, PleD. , ; e and ilealM,Philadolphla,sl,9l. Diaterorta.—Barralel D. Orrleki Charles D. Hall, W. F. Bodne, Robert P. Kllk !Jaye, M. W: Beide/in. DI. Al. Reeve, MD., Chen. O.' Campbell; I..e.nrieCooper, Rodman fluter, E. 11. Dotter, Lenin R. Cope. President—Ea.:A.l'D. Orrick; Mice Bred. dent—ltobt. P. King; BeeretniT—Fmncla Blackburn, Applications willboreceived, nd every information eon by • &Vat, Aft, . Clltee, Commercial 110001COMIci of octifi.dly Wood end 'Mr' ani,,Fltteburgh • FIRE A:ND MARIS3Ir. INSIMANCE. I'I Iy i.! .%,BIIFULNCE CO. et North Amerce Trill ~p ergiumnt and limited Irveraere on rm• v ‘ iLth i f , o, and .13 alupmtcts by Oda Colony 100141 inveZe.f, '' ind l. f l o ' reTAV L" m Pf able fun for the ample tedereally .4r.oens"whlo desire to be prmeeted by in.atenca - vs 1,8 P. JONES Attlit 4. Water et. , Flgo and Marino insuranne. T 1 1 1 ;„?,V1F4' . : 1 5 th.' . .'.'l.T:rtocv VZIl h tell uflWoret The eabsarlber, agent or the above old and rrryon• &We Company, , 11 isoot Paii.nda no Lladdinde and their ednteats, midon thtpatents of geraLi,,,ndian by Stearn Beats and other wearer. - ad 3 W. P FLi !MALE INSTIi OTIG Tile, . , Second Session cif Otis Institut:on, , 'under the earn sr Its. tad Mee. Costrows, rot I the _present it sesistriie year, cal/ e.oramener thiany, Monday, Petinosty Mb, in the t buSrlings, Ni; SI Liberty street Arrangement., lime been made by . .aided. thEl pill be &tile to fur:nth young ladies funnier. aqui to say In the %Yeah for Chtionii. thbrougli English, Cbooo ettl i and-Ornamentat eracatinA AWI counter of 1 . 11, JSONtled: m m Chetcal Leons will be dotrvered - daring the wintce, Illartrated led apparama. The de. r :unmet. of Vocal and bletramecht! Music, Modern lAngtiaiens, Drawing End Putting, will each bc under Macau too comp.:mit renfersert By titan attention to the antral and intellecttail uhitntryttmeatof their pa. tits. the Princioata hope to rum it contirinEdron of tits Itberal putnmtra They. hare hitherto eoinycit Po; Wt.& ran elteular OT apply to the PrincipstA (CLlt.ltt Moneta anti Antigen Furniture JAME Ws W. WOODWIIILL, • SI, Tranu Sr.. l'lrttscracn. J. W.V.' . „ .rgait ',obi. Oat be LaA c ,, m• :4,ra rl6-1 44 31011 7, - , TIMNIITTIF. the lArgr , at. tnecv.i:ls4.tas,pon eser etrere, in talc el :Lit city. eariplleszq trio AL .N!,00 AP.I. ard 111,01 on:lines:tat 11,1 suit.o, lot Purl..., DrAorsneould ,- .101 will L.... 4t tkeick.er...paser... • l'oorr rrarrro; Foram,* of ar.y dcancrftlan, arc r•isr,CA rsa l6. inv.-J in e:ril tra mice b, t. vilnat onlnatarre every irea.orralloo, inan the er. apart end plorocirr la the , Vl.ll e: rpacit and coarry, of which it. folletvioc•cozproco a s pain tor .; Tete a iTh•ar_s; Converaarraa 110:abettirot Reeriritun cn Le:11.11V da Erie do Roam Euideei 11 - 041., 0:1. Toilet Tee.., Louie 2:Conamadore: Ituie of VOl, , e-Oreh; Pioth and Hear-olio.: tot tra; (4 Divora, 4o del% Molso4ane Ver!est C44.rt: 10 Itostsvonal dod; 10 I2ra %Valeta d 4, 40' Cate :teal do, 4 Idailochny Rotkida <I 2 " P.lllO ,tVOIS, Sit 11urble Caatte 12; Oa do Wato Stand% Yu Malictitany Wardrol.oa; .. 111.112(Walnut Caerty do. A very tozae reeartmere of Cotceeou Caai reand ah et Fo mite re too tediocia 10 mention. . )7",b-eaut Enal• rand...had uu the thortoat noun tii unser, pror...7tty ....dad to. R 11.—tahirst !Oaten can bunt - plied %Nth all ,or. ofMahnitu, Walnut, tat. Veneer., cvnaitto cab:) . reduccd prices. talda • lIERSEY, FLEMING ar, TIAVE VOIL SALE, FROM T! II: 71ANI'VACTI:aVrtS. AND AT EAST. rflIN MANI%I , IIV7I.IIO:t?,' PIOCCS: White ut, Lee iio c: 0 I irk L. DemAs; Widow do do F oot, C.0.d.; ell ore ulra ;o da ofnred et Fiteto:y mem rl:=•t e.ti ,- -c , - , • Steel anasA do Some Leagues ;hitting. Mae do Clieck• and Sripea, eery Dratx -. ! do hearegooda 1 . • BlaCli Canittler. 1010(.. fie...v raney do Red P.A.:in...., a, , :, do; Fancy Teyeede. ' Ves: Padding, linekraln, _Serer !noel /Read Cloth. Toderie..ensa,kecesate; Super I;n.k.en 00 !Ire-. Line., 501 c...• Super ftteetv , ' do' 0.. Serge, black to, aI / Soper l'veniedno .4 wor•Led: . 'apex fillet Doe Ski. 0n.... __ ..... ~ duper fillet Pee Ski. 11laek and Vilalo 'repo; ~ Doubt Than tikabuleres. Slack Triai, Drab dr; sealer Marra - do Ltuen Caeckg and Dolls; Japer Illsuk do eltuert's 0 card Sol Colton; ,Cnbfailir Blankets. do Linen Thread, a ' , wik - la sure tior amelt; M. l do tlik Figured ycaunkri Drab ea Sr ` (Drown bun. , do Grain Flagging. Drown 11011R921 * Sittti Drown 1, , 0 br• Balthus, Unaware, to-, Ito. or rho Maidal octant* , Ve &rehouse, 110 It: Wood s Ilquaburgh ___ car-1f _ —,— Dissolution. . pill; er4.poraterotap.tteretatote °stating ha seen ther j.. sanoaribero, In tba m* or ConotoLle, Burka & Co, to tho• day dlomtivra a nuy mutual conger., Magma. Latta & Banta grill stale tba Gaugers cf the concern, for which7gepose they are natbarteed Reuse Manama of too cantata. I.:ATHANtitto coNsrailLl.; P.DVUtlit BUI TI-1051.1S /JIM:Sr-% the yr de reldned bete Ode day associated themselves In Me eaten of ClUldfiE & fur the purpose of mmu , selarine Fire Panel Safer, Vsell neves, at the of die late firm or Constable, Make &en, whom they will be pleased ro reedier the patron- MO of the sweetness of Mat bons° And their f needs. EDMUND 1.31.1/Itlo, 1110NIAte HAHNE*. In retiring from the firm of Conotabto, Dort, & Cr., .1 ornh asneow plonsorn wormwood Mew.. Butte to 'Norco, to the ounddence Of MT filohdo nod the public, NAT/lANIEL CONNTABLE: fohl3-d/ C. ARBUTHNOT rf AS jail yentnred from the Eastern Calm and in jj rocethjng a largo variety of veasonahle Goods,4o .tthiehle erspeoffutly invite. the attention of Inerch anth and ondlare. 'No ei Wood or. (chit VA - TALI. I'APF:II-,W. I'. hlaasuau. Is contently yy. le C e lig from the largart manulataories In No* Yhrk ante rltastelpsta, and taro from Franck ageneler, the newt it and. matt at - Tarred ethers of Va• per Irriaginea., {pother reitti Bortiere, liert l'anta, arid:Teak, Toe,. For ante et 55 Woad be. well luntai anti DILMOUd (~ , Icectyor to S. .1 . Alf and ter ante try . I L nrrre l ' erfp7l ' rl d ra r rat th .t e . . Dreg, tiqed, raid Perreata , / , Vaaatak.e. earner of Sitta and Wortketreete.. , it 151 WICKFIII.SII.I.IL '4lslB' • . Ersiaprefei , Pismo% Soda. Ash. 464 04.31k3 of , the above enlebroied 11 , 114 and left, direct front `N e wetrfacturi 1:41 en.lim mow: nn :be - we.7 front llrioane, and ex. peeled 'hare 1144 w-eir ; and 314 Will 10101'11Y arrive' via Bolt noire per 4.f, Jriniate, Citerapeake, Damns. Cll4, And Altus, which be sold on urinal, et tho lowest r.s.4elpricd for colls or approved hill.. NV & u MITC/IIiLTILEK NO MI lolivrtir • PiillBlll riIUE 51tumfarlormx CorapanY now ol:rr to the polAn their Prmatma 1.7..m00n5i Stare I'nl.n4; nod wititvoi-exo;nr rat too, or I', r vt . cc rara.ll , ‘ inir, by I.torC aAn nave to,ad it, pro it fat iori - rior any other In Om mart,. Tha ;mummerDam/ move no appr.rire..tir, or . t rpo. , Oa cern p.,etilorr provanta shirt from nnahm when hempop. plirrl, which 'numb,: done when the Moon i, ..0.5 TOO quoutity.Tcititeit I, so I,ttlr to yrhdare o beam tlful toMrt. , A 5 5 ray, Dray, faly cm/ m ,lamer, to am rooMmnta. A comma nninnJ r•rov , •, hr., mite!, (rid Smvny for the tommr-, Parr pm-, lamb. offantrl ma Alme haviag triml once,' o r •p}m , , ltlc) no pemon la, day Ot tie PoramtrlCAtanalaolumng Coraprny'r Proms om Cimmh col more robot.. For rote, by. g N iVlbf:Ett.ItANT. Corner of Sixth .11/cll. 05tirob -- _ . ALL pan.o hityjo;homotiowi put on thaw ar r ow, to ronfonaity to a Tesohltlon of Council+, wall pleat° call' acilio Booms of tho Hoard of Trailer 'mound otory t einclet of Wood and Third .tri, snit pay. 'tor the rotor. : ' SAMUEL. VAIINIESTOCK Intwhowth. April god/ . PALL tilidi — TOClS.4ll MILETOTTa7;--- f • Pitorhargh and Allegheny, and boroorts or Alma. cheater, Llitinlnghatai le., that the work It now nairryl 'ready for the promo, and oral be ion tha baltda 1 40 printer nan:inhere between the gllth and 37th !Mont. The elitzetic generally, and all who reel an Interval in the pywnetleo ofa complete and perroet Directory, partletdetlythoiti who bare not been celled on will greatly oblige th e publisher, by este rtalnln g Ortitheir canons nvi.attons and nisi.. of heather., he r ate noted rot petit:canon in the Directory. - ^Altefrdttoholciener!, mutt he handed to forth. orliti, or glee !meet, by the dale above named. JagLonuoar riikNos. received, wad now opening, 0110 Organ,. R (Me; JI;;;TA 'ottento Melodeon Finn, from the colt. reted.utoonlictory of March & Curchatou. ThisG a slirrlan tesiromont, of One tone, and errs • (144 d anolr . t* , loAi Wow, Inn 4 octavo Piltdodeoni Y , . & - KLEMM'S Mania titor mayl7 - ,101Tblid stmt. • MISCELLANEOUS. OI "!'"'"l4lf;'74lltSVq4 _ . AlJin&Tilti—l4 cask, for sa - Valle • WICK & .SIAGICEREIL b ba. 2 ala do; .50 bt& I,llerrior; bin doi For oslo.bys • JOON McFAUFN & CO 'GO Canal Dodo. Peon az. Boun jeao b y W.loll* Nati - Ana:to L CO Ihi lutir tiLAlid—m.l b.. fixlin , ' . 170 bx*JOxit • It bx. tixt2 7bislOrt4l _ Preelx d and fin nix by LIMES DALZELL je2ll O U PI I e S-Avt;El 'bie per Union JAIAP73 ttALZELL TV —7B bit; to ston7iir enle by anlntrr mt. tin Wneyi in t° F l'4ll , A . R c l e in c ; ,a r tn . % Unval r of ' , Vara ! ir'243o P by IhNO ...11.1NDRIF.:3-ten brig No 3 111 nekrresi: . . V : a brie Tot lte rig r 30 br.s Tanner's Oil; : Mi tea Meet. 11 casks Oaeon Ebooldars and fildasi 5 brio No 1 Lard, in store, for Ca by • JOHN wArr er.co SUGAR & 101,A8SEZ—Mi hhdo prime enKar, 150 pb! do Malmo; Fer , ele - fialvf 110911,40 & ROB . Imoked Pbciaiders; ' B A CUN ' do .81des t • 20 tee Sugar Oared llama. for salelll 149 L - & ROE DROOMX:IOS - dos;;i7nted deter for sale by /i_jrl2, __ • hictilLLS & ROE NNEHO' Ull-10 PO. Tanners' OrliNCTar. per cans rer sale by 44o] MeaILLB & ROE bi..§ No t Cincinnati In nom for iniqW 9 itir • • • • • - occitzsg,. ROE 1! ian — eil 4:eiverand fe.: * s i nt b ' y 4 lo;llr2d . c o nar. e i g etr. Jai!) 370 Claud /Witt. Pena . Cv ODA, ASH-,10 casks soap makers , steal also 3.7 earke Superior, for gran malting, all of willeti will be told low for cask by let? • JOHN MerADElg kCO 11 k"11701jo-L"'"ol'011 1113. o" brla N o 07 GB Stgat, 43 hes C. do; W bat C. pulve riaed Sugar 12 brts do do 23111 a I. crushed do 40 brie levering', er'd do 43 bile do paled do; 00 brit toll embed do; Just reposypil, pod qn tale by /eV - 411 cr.mt 1 itlel:l 7 .ll3MV ritlliCkiß.S -40 has ßwan Cenwobior sale by 1.11 'MASTS k 417•47NNntt coTa !flair 10 brill No 7 Mackerel; bile Gibbed llernag; 3 emits South; 1 brl (hotrod Cowl., Li I‘ppar, L.I Go big do rotsco/G; 10 kegs Artrieel 10 keg. Pepper, bas btareb, 10 brls Crusbed and Polvensed Snow, 30) lb, Zola., Co. rams; la la rhea's Chalon 10 do Su redo , Green rt.; 40 has Sae ar.l <Uri do; tyi loft Cider Vt.:mew. In store and for Sit by W 4. iLLIZOIS 1 1 0 lel l cot Weod k 311111 71 jII.II I IIIS-110 dos Cr, Steam* (~,,n k by, It ICS k AIeCaNDLEsS rn pa " c f arA fer.o. by lell WICK .1b 3 / 4 0APIDLFAS C " /TIT E-t) Die W. R l; l Kl r irk. f li C le . 47:t e bi b lrf.ES 9. 11L.) R-200 Or's superfine and coil, for sap* byy - 17 I-11 AIII.I II TIZONII tr. C 1411.7 raef'ol.4-alvo tta azig,w-prol weal ws sal. 1.1 • 1) ;ell A53137110:46 3e 0111114E71 (,10E311 TA STAR-404 lbs - ...r stet! lorras.. 1.7 J KIDII k CO CO Wood et • 3 ;ell boo No 1 Citenn;to t In I` . Chdrah44 ' R " o :m bed A n r e ", ," s i t; I o P . r , “ 4, -.4. 444 far .dz w :a ARSIIM4. I lett' , 85 Wood tI itt.—.llit Gni!, ior talc (INAWT ( . ../ i. 1 " 1111 DI Wafer at in. , cl , li En ARRAN OLEZIS rirW fer robe by wtl MCI n MeI:ANDLESS oe: o 's Etle d r o ab f t: WICK it MeCA4 - 14.11.iS 1 YD. do Impetial and Galp , vidn, 4n do roaeliare Calon; Z emit dze Oolong 40 oat:dies V II Gunpowder nod llntrerial.. Itonrdi CT Ware are ,Cofer, and all will be told Lea Pitch; :or aatOliy 1,9 C II GRANT RNIE.-4.ironzd and Hoe, banger, Alum, Nat -IZ7 ICIR ciert, ludleo, Woo In lino, I.:Wattle by Jed C II GR ANT ON! ;: econd flat Wheeliftsirftf-- r PUBLICATION,. Parr—Sienna Decor-op by and Maw", F.nnu. Eensas—'Trawls tr. ItAiteta, Y vow. /Yaw. Brown—The Amerie an Bird Fancier, Brown-111e Aincriean Ventre! , Var4,l2eno. Ibirneu—lbe Poona" , Ronk, (tiro Aaeria, and Frei.. Flatter—Porairr Delusion rt vola,l2nro. Thonnia—AninrirauFlPll Culatriat •)i vitro—Chemical Technology, yob., Man. pGefr—Thic East D G riingunhrerooriala of %Anima and Marshall. Lay:lra—Nineveh rod lia Ron Sin, ilturrated, 9 nolo 4 Ake t.pericr, Aso, Illas2reted. botsicy—prinr.sta , ILecoirt took, Ittuit Careflllet—Akalrolle Linge Wino: For Arlie by .FASIStn r', "Ft LOCIIIYOOD JOU Itonkraller A Damien, tOin n'enetb 11/ ',it'll Aro- alonneata American Poultry Book. Pooluy Disik and iruwl Breeders' Gordo— '. ms a &cater on the Breedlorf, Rahtleg. and, • tioner lte el - Management of Dornesue Fowls, with' me mercies oud,nai dereriptinus and FOTO - nits .from Ur& by John C. Delmeir, Ad. D. This work will he found to cantata a treater anrocul of originnt and Other infonuatios, bath practleal an d useful, to regard to Fowl Brreding, than 1.. contained in all other Merman work. Ingether It will be Illostra•ed with 'ematly Finy , Poorest. 'of the moat choice varieties of Amines, .one Foreign. Fowl., some forty of which arc from life, from drawings tut en elision ally,for Shia work,of tho' most Important, breeds, out serer of of Wein from fowls very recently' Impnrced. be poblithem bare mimed no expense= tg aot. work in a superior manner, both lo regard 'to the graringe, We ore,, Of Ahe wore, and the general ...son of orcrY Part of the book. - And It a belles , ' en Win the work will be found to Contain more cal information 00 Meatus and blooming Domestic Fowl., Wan any work hailed In ship country. for Isola by ' YAK D LOCKWOOD. rep Bookseller and !crooner, 101 Fourth rt. . DEW BOORS ITZW- 0001[9f AT'if OLMES' LITEHAEY DEPOT. Troop Sevin, Opposite We l'oat Mee. lao RV EL Ilaatinta, or, the fligata Ia the a• Nautical Tale. • The Thousand and. One Phantoms. By Alexander compicie. b),;l4sgehti.ess country . Dy Afgor W. go,t,:iwwozieserie urs.. • - Urania Wring Age. No Me. • Godes for July, puce Ailper year. Gealti in do do Sartain • do 011 No - TON &STOCKTON hsvelostopened (or sale .7 the lemon assortment of Paper, Ulm k Book.. sod Stationery ever fiesta for Pole in This city; together with a hike collocuon of now and goluablo Works io aver) , depAriment of Luerstare Ali publication. for ems Si eneterit price. Country merchants supplied man entry arnelo Io Mit line; on limo most reneutiable Wrens ,_,v II SsUrstptbile7V3n (j=et:e.Bk;ltrA7or:. W. thbr.batJt. Trunglaird by Ultra voir, Mao. Jort Icrelrrd fur Sir by D LOCKWOOD • llookrellar k Imooner. $Ol Feeolol. sva~aait7*. linCll.l IV!) pkgs Imp. Elneki 1111 J Gunpowder Teti; Tunneern DENS /4 TT, • RP, Na 41 Wood 41 ret t, 21 , 0 111. 12.1Welin; ICA Ilia ChM, c 10; 13 kg. do do; lOU tbss,4 flits Coles; N o Alolas.% 741 , 461 s N Susar 2io nrsonete size Wt.lo(miss;. iU lus Piprs; irs, Gas , osp; lIW f•xo s.itiVei WM:la; Codfish: 15 cult Zan% Cutradll2 - 16 bolos E. iihnnoin; 13 do Jinttii Nuts; • 13 do dben.l4; 1441 do Pea ridts; 1..,4 skteo44l Almoilde; [trick Coolly; 5 ranee bouonoe,• lu Al 1-Irincipoo Rognlts • Il 1 /kilt .94010:40; 3 lire Cloves; 2 coot otme2S: 3 re eoon non. Lemon Syrup; . 0,04 r . pear Sauer, I 04444 Tomato Cot•up; itleoutid Side,. o f all kinds. 40 barreln.potvdered and Loaf Sagiri• 2 hhda klakkier, I to Fria Whiling; 10 Ode 'rwmenr , Oil; 111 lag Choc - eI:J.I doz lkd Orrds; 'AI cnil. Aboolln Hope; 91 I.X3olred elincutotA; 10 bag., 1 , , , r0.., A I.agnkt ia tell 1.. r. Jr.;1070 40!ii13 Vlnrgmli .101. X! Fir,r,sh- MIME 111 1 103 Cl::u kl 1:00 titan,. mg.; As wad as a gdderal Ma9ufncidtcd G M/Una:S-11M ehd I:0) sack. 74 hide 30 do . JO do 0 do 6.1 cadd 611,0 s 1 2 JS mid assortment of Piztatairsh Nngir n Rio Gotten O Os V ynon, on Tarim" grulen Poo be Onnpvdeidnd Imp Galou bxa Y Imp G 1 12 5 'e, abd /FlTobanco n r e titnVit 9 ° do ht ( ii 4 dt PePper, Allrplcq lu..T tar sa el . by '_/I GRANT Di Water at dU Inla Indigo, Madder, Alan:. . NutmFgo, *ad Lamp Black A PDITSICIABOD °I DAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EIdUAL.IDEP.I." Bartolomeo, Ya p Blotch P, ledo. 11511.• E. BELIADS--1 bo th disposed aan the OA Cough Syrup end Litter MS you sent me, Ind Id don of ,the Vero:drug, I have used ad your Med:duce utaly.fordlYt and have alto presatbed auto in toy ptssucc; se, eery touch pleated with them, and ha, e round nothing 'to equal them. Scud tae B don of your VenulfoO, ILO tocox each 01 the Liao PIE. and coagapyrup. Ithspectfully youth [FgOact of Letter.] jAirjONA fauth.OlßNy pop otor medicines may be Bad of, tha proprtethe,K SULEIIig, 67 Wood at, and Drum*" genopily 14 tho two {Ma sad oidolty. DRY GOODS, So • ..W li/T3iCs GOODS FOR DR.F.tilte.S. A Urn. UV &Ill! Bel/FIELD invite dm attention of NI the ladles to their extensive noon Earn! or White "Goals fur Dresses, eon witting of Scotch and Salsa Mulls; Figured Swiss deg Fhabraldered do; Victoria Lawns; Low Priced Barred Jackonet for morning dreams., fine soft bnirltsd do; and a large usattent at of Series Magnus, with colored embroidery; primed Jac aorta. Lawns, llamas, key at =oath out comer of Fourth awl Market creel" . Jell Obeap /anions'. Iff pa PI W. & BURCHFIELD bavoserelved a lame sorply of Dress Lawnil,very, chop; [pin style brown at Ille; liabt lit great variety, tor 10 to 1010 Also, imbroldered and printed Muslin. andlae toner, of neat and newest style. and lowest orieo for quality, and north east eomer of Fourth and Marten its TUE GREAT OESIT•ANRUAI, -.- SALE OF DRY GOODS . A.A' 'MASON &CO • connueneo od Sionday,, lune Their Immense establishment, with ill IhMe Wholesale Rooms, will, on this oeoulon, be thrown open' for' Hour. Tadao, and all el Melt ostensive Hoek will be offered to retallpurchasers, at adfscouni of from In to no per cent. rose than anal prices. THEIR STOCK UV 'AMU Comprise aver Nu hundred pieces; and will be sold at an Iminenie count. Tt . cirauommentefElhowls,llareaes.Tlmues; Gun edinee Eanierd gni 'LaWoe, bladior,. Jahonets, Oarobtfes, and Goods generalty, will be ; closed stimmedisely,, at about ono half tho tonal rile. II cases Fast Colored Lawas will be 'offered at. Pe. do. Harem, lie; do Muslin de !nines, • Ina Superior Emelish and American Collect:a, 19k, c. 700 dotin Linen Handkerchief., - OA - 7c. A. Imre lot of Wreught Cohan, some as loaf as I • Together with a complete varier of Domerdic and Whim Goode, Ribbons, Hcslery and Glans, Ittumets, Ae. Mating In all one of Me most migrates aucifinents in the country, wcich.'will be worked down to math town ;Imes than at-any of their platform Aennel dales. CY'Tho Store will he closed upon Thursday and Fn lay. flay NMI and nlsf, for the purpose of mang le/and marking down mot • No Taman°, in Pat. ems. .frry3t • , A A MASON k. CO . _ . . . . . . 'NIIIRPHY It BURCHFIELD !into Tcenivcd a sno. , PIY of 41 and 44 FrintaLlefen. for men's coat. an 'saki, ladies , again, bays , and aldldren't wont, of the loco t desirable abades. __ltbay Idylls aVandon to their largo arJonment or bleu'. and Bove SUMMER WEAR, or different, ma. 1er1.1...nd all of which will be .old low. • jel7 PARASOLS PARASOL Kt 1/I.IFIPHY dr. LItIKCIWIELD have received another ..pply of above article, end are ppahlytt 'to sap. ply altoßst stly Quality poi dkry'vedlod. and at th e lowest cash pricer, jetti /taIIFOWCEW• . titeCLINTOCK. has leer -iced Lida day, at his . Carpet Ward :loose-, Itio 7.S Fourth el. Stair Oil Citith Covering of very handsome roman's and colors, In which wo Invite the attention orperehasers. ‘g, 11itPNY R BUCIIFIfiLD atone/ay orferdcg goods 14 u Z" .4 q2 . rd ftrlnka 4 'Vtiarts from c.a. 1:K44 kipisina from to cents rip; memaeaTor 121 e; Piain Liank_Berage for 12de ; Donut Ribbon. for Go per yard. Ladies are Inched to call and examine our stock of den, goods befoin parchaaing °Wiener.— North east merle r of Fourth and Market 510 Icl3 13== ThECEIVED this day, afresh assortment of Allcent I.lh acOns. Mats. at the Carpet %Vara room of Nif ‘IcCLINTOCK. 75 MAFIA at IL/ ua ?HY allu Rol i nub than a tarp, stook of MA I . ilnlY and /Maple Dip. Goods, ...tang ad at greatly reduced prices, vim—. Damao de Lames. a large asionment of beautiful pancres- ' • Malls,Jacor.et and Swiss Mmalin ,- ..A eptendill l.?%o rtment of Black and Faney . Silks; - Berates, taarns and De Lalnes,motarkablv cheap; Denutifel Foulard Silks, at Mk rent, per yard; 13e-aatioil Calicoes, from Oh cents, and onwards: A large moot of Clown and,Bleached Nmgns, Me pet yard. and oparanh i Bsillieto and nifralinli, at Breath . . seduced prices. Cleth..flusimeres, and Vest oph of the nest Quality, remarkably Together with a large stook of Tickinp, Apron and Shirting Cheeks, all widths: Drown and .Illeached Shea:lap and-Shirt nal; Irish Linens; together with all other articles to oar line, at north tail corner of Fourth and Market rt. tell emil bare tOni received Mnew .tyro Foulard F.ilts, very chearrl rich, plain, and figured mitungeablesilts:%rr almost every Kyle and quality; raper plain and figured black slit.; do barges and Ilsrung bare e de lams, new and band. smote styles; new style French, English, and legach Itairi ' lg um ' r, ;it'd nanny, a aaa d o " v. I ra ? 177 ' P sad p as tune; linen Icines s o f all h i ss shildes * niitl colo rs; gingham!, chimes, prints, he., at north east corner of Fourth and Market streets. A raer aunty of Black tfilks and fancy cot ri ore Miltyjasf received tay express this morn inn, at north east corner of Foarth and Market sm. jet - L 111URPIllf & BUIRCIIFIFLD ,% 4 Cirri V LYA. sal !gage M. D. Laine. RI very low prices. at north oast earner of Youth amthlatketsts. jag BLAdirSiEKEhT.E.F.xtra wide arid callow trimming Laces of best quality,lnst reed and for salo at Northeast earner of Fourth sad Mar. get Memo 'eh bitterly a BURCHFIELD. - IC=ml;iss M . . . . . . MURPHY & I.IURCLIFIELD have received an sa delfts) stipple orabove good 4 inelndlcosLorlaus styles or Chins. Pearl. and Gimp ones, Waite and Galared'Glrop acquid Ribbone atoll colors and priers. roeyl7 Luce emt . tiLoll t ;lfdet-f Floor Oil Clob, ,LJa.te Po a .7 N 9 Woodouyere. 0r tee at the left 1 II PHILLIPR IaURPIIY k DURC/Illiaa inghe the &flotilla:1 .171 of tho wording , goods for Mourning poiposcs, to Weir .err fell IMISISHILI jut received, such.. Illut Rotobasinot , Boonionme finish Alpieects, . - Black gone 2c :Aloes, ;dooming Want Silks, do Printed Foolarda, - garage% Tinntes, Sicilian Linares, Albotrace, Pinto Bison sod Printed Lonna., Bigot Exobtoicered do; .4toonti gibbon*, &add*, Veils, am. m 0517 nn n S Ij o 0 .' 41 :act r a p r e t fol or r e n r " ;raTis a roo , d, and polo opening byMASON COC tnoyl3 • oi Minket at HIBET - ii ti7OLS—Supcnor high . colored Tel io T Ebairia, comprising Cnmson, Orange, Pink, Mae, Green, and Corn colored, just receiving per express, and this day opening, by A A MASON A. co . =alp 2t}PlkiClS Pisan Hine, Pink tliscii7areTtliria L. , %1 Cohned Boraces, reel per , cipress, ast nolo opening b]] mayl7 . j A A MASON black SOU& AA MASON ACO anfillieday opealoc lope . Vlinch Black Oro de Rbirto Silk; 10 pcs ireL adi 2 0 Poo XI Inch do, 6 pc, 34 inch do; and 4 pieces In Inch do.. anaylO rmwl rs - T. ..4•TtICN . . . . . 400 /Ls CcimbtlVldl4,, allree4 dos do do Received this day by myth do colored bolder; ♦ A MASON &CO di Markct lL I IA2.IIIIXIC uNkNN LUEITRIN-1,4 pee changeable %) Lustre., at tha extrema low price of I2le per yard, Mbyte A A MAf ON CO and klioll/II Linens. 200 par 34 ssd =pd. 44 Brown Win% pits Gray's Barkley% aud'Alersado es superior Irish Linens, wow opening by utisylo AA. MASON CO A 27111111 of "'eds. Dry Geed*. WEare boor hiCeiTillit 111410 addictions woof sleek of Fpring it-id Sommer Pry (foods, and are pre pared to odar an excellent maorlatent at our usual low Meta for cub, or approved credit. • The attention of Western deaden, Is parlealarly re. quasted to Our goods, us we feel confident of being able to oar unusual indue!menta to make a bill with us. Call toid alumina at aoy +we. ISILACKLEIT a. WHITE, mord , • lOl Wood street. C. YEAGER, . 108 Blarkst. Strati. (soar Llberty,) ton2loo. AItk .. DISA LIIIS IN • AMERICAN, ENGLISH, AND GERMAN FANCY GOODS; HOSIER_ COMBS, RIERIONS t LACE 0, • IRLOVI.II, THREADS, CMBS, BuTioNs, spa. FENDERS, A. Satin ..eleck Arnelcy Vanelnge, BLACK ND PANCY BILK CRAVATS, iIiNGEF., BANDANtrA, and LINEN IIDKFS, general am. torment o1: 7 AND,and every variety of trimmings:, ape! • . . Is AluicAilf. Dl.; AIM). .Q CASFS plebs and figured Harare de Lams, asoart ai ad color oast received, and selliug or very low prices. LL - l'ilitaoN a. CO . 2,cAsrB f.,, TOCCIVett and now opening,vetlifig et nu extreme low plitt 01 8 C pet yard mallA A A MASON t CO rt) CAS fart Calmed Giaghtrrna,recM, tmd ttelliag at I:tee-Ma perlocal A A MASON S. ell IU Market rt.. VILAT112.:11O-20 bogs no- on band, for'iodo by' lom• IeAIAH DICKIY.Y .2 CO 'ir Gr k l: ;4 - fo r l.3 e 1 !ek l EYt. CU r. cloaks 2qc..; 4 'sate niioric.o, now lanaing, for sale by ILrillt.EY h. CO _Co y g. 4 tll; Me re I. blenched fall: eve gals N. W. coast Whale Oil, in store ant far sale by MILLER tt RICIigiSON telt' 1716.174 Liberty rt. !FANNERS , brzTo “s; sk U ban common 011,1 n mom lot l<l9 MILLER & RICKETSON Cra p........1;ent fur sale of MILLER & RICKET6DIV lA=U Floor, for tole uy UB—lt4 1 S 11/11:Y. mArrunws k co lk 73 r•ox•ITI,W - v I RECEIVED at the ratehargh . Famlly Grocery sod Tett Warehotom— • 1 eht this genuine Follette GhtdreTtae to 9ox papers do Chelan Perwehong Tens la 9as pope up 6- do . do r •do do Teo do; The above celebrated Glut Teas are recerred 'direct from the lciportere, and will be gold as km as. - thereaa he'prtecharod to the east, , erlth the addition of height, wholesale or retell, by Wu A MeCLMIG & co 450 Liberty et • AN6—A splendid - anorimein, of my own import. alio., eoutprioirremery niiety, lor nle by grows latest styles tases — C73astri, ---- . 75 gm. ••.05 • • readier. do; silgroas aide 414 logroasimesspocketearobaJor YEAGER • y_Tubsybuyrs AS!'ECTS OP NATURE—T . '„ugL mood by no Wm. vols. Luso. .Fer Sale by _ 1.7 D LOCKWOOD ,-jet GOVERNMENTAL. PROPOSALS FOR A. LOAM - 7 -- 'IIIIB eleventh end threlfth sections of ths Act of the E. Supplementemby of this Commortweelth, entitled •tA to an Act entnied erfAct to crente a Rioting. ound and to provide for the gradual and certain extingtishment of the debt of the Common. wealth. and to. authorise a loan* approved th e 15th day o !day A. D•Af 50, provides ' as renew a, vim— Samoa That the Governor in hertoty nothorised to nsgothee, a ban for the sera of Three Ithltione Three: -Hundred Thonsmid Dallas redeemable to thirtratesr from the date of the tnieseription thereof, at a of thereat not exceeding four per nerman , per lulrlom,p.yable In gold and sither,senti-annua hy, apoo the flan days of Febraerg and August of each: and-exempt from awry. species of taxation,, Cicla; thst Proposals for told into will bo received,' shall be published lam least one newspaper in the 'llaraegh of hi...labeler, in the cities of Pluaborgb, Laucamer. and Philadelstda,aad In the cities of New lintOtt, and /hidden, for' period= tees than three menthe before the opening ofsald proposals, and by tenet' eleewnere; If - deemed necessary, and o pen the dayethignedforthatpurpese, In reek notice, rpoir he opened eresee of the Governor. the Beatelary of the C o m mon wealth and Auditor General, and the loan shall be awarded to the highest bidder or bidd 'lf the innount of the bids shall exact the ram. ofthe midterm toe same shall be thstrthated pro rata amongat the highest bid. den, but if the whole of meld loan shall not tnen be taken the Governor may realm nodes, in the manner aforesaid, from lime to um tilt the whole ernes. of said loan shalt be inburibed.' No done/Honed bids shall be consideredt and upon awarding loch lova. or any part thereof, eenificarea with toupees for the Interest - shall be 'issued therefor by the Auditor Samoa It. If the said losnahall be subscribed, it ABU be and it le hereby appropriated for the payment and ex ingaistunent of the funded debt of that Com monweal neer due, o hundred ome doe, during the Year ear thotthand eight lad Any, and for the payment of the sans of sighty five thousand one bun dred and lout' delim . and eighty tight vents, duo domestic creditors. . • . • In penitence of the provisions aforesaldoodce to . hereby givett, that pmpolals will be received at the Mee of the flestretary of the. Cauntsernavalth morl 1 o'clock. P.M. of Tuesday, the Oral day of October next, sdpnlating for a loan to the Commonwealth, for the purposes set fonh in the sald act. of • th e sum of three millions three hundred thousand dollars,rodeena. able In thirty year, from the date of the sobscriptien thereof, at'a rate of. interim not =needing thee per rent. per stream, payable iesold sod sliver, semi annually, upon the nest days orpebrgary and Aetna .of moll year, and eVirthpi Seem .every vadat of ta.S. Grititicatoe at =ca r for the in loin, oritlicouponi tor the interim be tamed in thermal mariner and, murk transferable by the owner, on the book. or the Aeditor Uinerell Depertment._• • • • . The proposal. wilt be required to. atone exp li ctly the .moan offered, which than not in any rata he two then one thooland dollars, the rain or tnterest not exceeding fear per can; and the prelate= proposed. • , The Btate reurrm ffe gip tight to stet* the whole or , =lean ortho iota ored enlemitheproporals mica• tine to theertnnuT. - - ' Bide for the loan most be ducat and explicit. No sonditionet prepotale will be reo else& • Upon the rieceptenoe or the proposals, the iwney mast be pile into the State Treaser7 l in such rbenites as dell be directed by the Governor, • Cerufico4to °fount', ill bp inmed Amick emotints ea may be requested by Op leaders. Toe proparsAt terle'direeted, melee oral, to thla Ae, 04414 'Trope:n=2 for Loon," They will cot be opened or denim= coin the period for reee mg th ere hen elapsed: rifler Which no alteration in the knee will be .duetted:. A L RUSSELL,. Steretai-y of the CotOh Secretary's Oftec,llarnstsig, Jute Oth, jel:Altem3.l, RESOLUTION . laLittler TO Art altlDeteM ot VMS ourtrnrriore. RESOLVED 1g tio becats.and- Home of Itepiesenta diet of thi Commemorealth of Pthasylrents fa Geteral I r. notably not, That the Condit/then of this , Consmim , wealth be amezdtd ne Ihe woad median of the 0(0 article, we that it atoll read es thilown The Judges of the Supreme Gout, of Wetmore! Courts of Cameo° rte., and of suds other Courts of Parent... or dell be etiablashed by Dew,: .heel be elected - bythe qualified electors of the Dcammoo wealth, in the manner follloWinz, Li wit The Judi" of Ilm Supreme Court, by the qualitked ebotora.of the Common. wealth so to the remade. Judge. of do Mimi Camels ore... rens, and of note othekCourte cramped so are or stealth. extaLlabid by b., and all other Jody. requited ta be lksethel Seth. low, ly the qualified <lemon of the 7 lZet. " :t:eV . lL jd al i seem *.' iVa ih :fg th ee ' lf . Z t Ge P u ' els "i o d ; ge s t. " Pleme leythe qed.!aeonefie.!aeonof Me rumor. maptelloly The Juke. of th e Supreme Court shall hold th e off,. f. el. tom of Self. years, if l'oy AO ea to g behath themselves well, (subject to thee alkeeemet I leer,lnatier pro vided for lubeequ.t le the dee licktico,) the I , ,rtsitly. Jadmdihe several C o wry uf Domwom Mos and re , cite .umber Cote , e efanethord aa ere or 4111 be established ty law, and ell o th ir Joden required . belemened in the law shall hold theur ode. Gar the term of ten years, if they doll so long helm theatee l ve. well; alb Jessamte Judges of tha Gone. of Comm= Mae shell hold their abet Gar tLe term of fire seers, if they shall WI bog base. theteoehm , w ell; ad of leboen shail he cowoideionel by do Die error, tut for any ree.m9k tem, which Vail met be weltemet. ;rounds for impreethosne, the Dammam thole maple any of them on the ebb.. of two their: of inch breach of the Legislature. • The Lest eitetio. .s null take place at the general electios'of thee Coneneenwealde next M. the adop tion of tills emendement, and the colatlismiOnl of all the Jodi. who any be them in ea...WI expire . the tint Mood.; of December kihnolog, when dee tome of the new Judges tholl akel.olcOet. The preens whet shall thou ho eleetedJudgeo of the Supreme boort hell bold ebelt effeet. ne fdlo• se Dee of Dom Car three years, one for or seen, }foenine y. . , ete. for meet.. years. .d am for Of em ean, the tr.,. of each .to be decided by lot by the said Judge", av some after the election as teamirAt, sod the m eet wertilled by there to the timeather, that the eimmulesia. may be kneed to amonlarect then. Tle Jodp whose toaosiesima will first upire shall be Chief lace doe,. Mr tee. end thereafter .h Judge whose comotheken thaß fint salve Salle lent he the Chief Judi., and if hewer 6101‘ coat:Maims dolt repine on the =me day. the Judges I.4din them doll Jerkier by lot which axi - 6. the - Chief Justice. Aoy reemumbes, happening by death. rest =deo,. otherwise be any of the send warts, 'skull be el. by eye pointabent ' by the Goma. to amen. till the that M o b. day of Deernatersencetedinithenext genteel &mike. The lodges of the Supreme set and th e ?reelect!, ej tl • . lodge Courts of Co - oPlres shalLat steed I.a, revive far their scream an adequate compeametion, to be Seed by Law, , whith doll tribe diminished daring their combatante in tltiml butt.) doll receive lob Ibetor lee Needles bf edger, nor nolekthy other MEd cryogen Older ehiselmennoetwealth, or med. the rerertment of the United State ge n e ether Stee of diffUtion. The Jaeges of the S Coto. during trier mein.. in ofa.sleall bond. within this ' Commonwealth; ea the odor lodges, during their conenra-' mire in cif., shall. reside *aka the iirtriet or county for which they were respeedeely elected., _ , J, S. IideCetLSIONT, ' . ' Sperthei A l do IN. ofklepreventathe . V, star, , 5p."2,.4.?,ra. SRO), .... . . . . i.. .3traFft Casaamt, L... Alarm:Marg. !wary Dts I, Ftstref V. Peuson, Chief Clerk of dis 'ltlerat• of PeemsytraiM,do borsht eirti4diat tk• forego h:4g rnalution, Om la QOM Bata. Ale of the mint teettoo,),tatitled t•lttrolvtioo Maths to an .mend.w.t of the Canstitotioa," —it Wing Um sun msolation wit/thetas mama it by • jority of the otstoshert chewed to .acht Hoes. at Ms last Legishitaie—intr Lain beet' dulr . tatsidered .a d .ftam.A. toad day agreed to by • mtge.'', of dm membitre .lute wring . 1a the Scud of Partaginais, at its premat wessioo,•lo. will anew by their rats. ;Mtn tut Ile keel tune of dm machation, es follows, Wt . . Those vain fa taw lathe pay. of th• twohlthan ergot, H. Jowl Erathe. J. Porter Gawky, William A. tabb, Jontitlas J. Csottalegtams, Thomas 3. Far..., Demme H. Forsyth, c 'writs Frailty, Rabat M. Frick, Henry Patton, John W. Gummy, {Maas Mishit, IWO Hogan. Timothy hiss, Jo.hus .Y. Jones, Joseph .Hositgetscher, . George: V. Lawrence, 114agers11.1ttC•alia, Benj..* hiaktOe, Deopmin %NM . .. Ila. sy A. ISoliletberg, Willims tacker, Williamil. Bettor, Darla fhtskey,.P•log B Stymy, Cannot 3h ratr,ltotereCAMerrett,Osnrelatitto, - Farris B. biretta:, John IL. %Va 1..., tad Vatentrot Best. Hawk Yea ta w Thom votive 'phut the pump of Gig re.l.lj. Genii e Dante, .4111X0ltin Drum, tad Alrawr.4rl4lnt Nap 3. - (Extfact from theJocrall.) BAM L . Wi Clerk. 1811 H 1 Honig of Etoltesearrmages, •rrieharg. im&• 4, MM. • 1. William Jack, Chief Clerkh 1 of the • Howe of Der l r. nnhaime of Pentallelniz:do hereby certify that the (- k tamtiminna ltno lc ' tha Senate fiht,eed rto 21 I. mt Joan., of the prevent lamina) maitlmiugnot Innen rehalett to the arnindment of the lamina,)) Ming the me resolution which we earned lob, a mojaritr of the members elected la each Rolle of the last Legiale. lure—after lofting him deli mins - Mehl! had dieemacd, woo 8 .7 agtnod by • gni* ity'of the moottiooo ettotod. to and ettrall the Ileum of Bepreeentattees of P.m!. maxi et 14 'praline vendor, as will Onset. by their rotes, give on the final pump of the gwolution e 10 1 / 1 3.5 0 Thee g Ludlam. oft!. twangs or theresolution were, John Acker, John All Baker, Robert Dahilegt, David J. Dent, Craig - Beidle, .4resnish Bleck, Joh. B. Dow.; William Brindle, Daniel Mr B. /rower, Jew , IL' Di/Men, John Cram, Ileory . Choreh, John Cm/to:ham, elproter Cridland, Itenjamtn UtDmid,,William J. 1,,,, Jamie P Downer,' Thomea Donato, Willman Donn, WM.% rape', John C. Ent., Wilriam Emu A. Scott Faring Aleeroder 8 Feather, Jams, Flag - ere, D ' eojamin P. Forieer, Alerauder Otbboory, Thomas Greer, Joseph F. Ortiftn. Joseph OnEcy, Jacob 8. Haldeman, George 11. Hen, Leah. Hart, John !lettings, WllliaLlSJ:lleophil , , John liedgr,lleory Iluolet,, Lewis liceford, %Vedas/m.3J. Julmol, Naiades , J... John W Killinger, Chames X. tnlatrad, Itobcre Blot, , Ilarrisen P !Alga, hlerrigLerch, loorthon a Lott, Anson I.eatud; Jame, J. Lewis, lime, Cite, Jona% R. M'Clintock, Jolt- j' Al•Corde. John M 'Ls, hint, John Am.., !Mame! Moro, Jelin 0 Meek, hllchaelhde/cm, John hliller,Jomph C. Ma. .s. John D Morrie, Willman T. Morin, heekstl blows/, }Award fitckleson, Jamb P holy Cbarlm, John B Pock., Jam& C Powell Jo., ,C'. Iteid, John /3 11147, Cowie 11 1,0,, eteentel Iltobinton, John 4 /Daher 'on) 111,1,i W. netainld, Thames C itcoullrr, Willinto idlitnher;--Itichard Siterms, Eli 81ifer 11 0 116.0, Smith, Wiliam A. nnath, Donal M Sorer: 00 illiasts II Sooder hamar 1.). 81.1, Devi) Steward. Charles Stockwell. El. will C. Tronr. Andrew Wade. linbert C. luau. Timms, le.doey B. flirataD.l4 Zer oluk 8. 711'eximout. peltkgl , —Ten. el. l'hote voting Naina the tomato of the remolution Arrant!, K. C001y,,, Perri Eton, and James M. P 04..- 1)410 3. (Et testa from the Journal ) WILLIAM JACK, Clerk. F0.e.1 'March t 5 1. O A. NV. BENEDICT`, Detk. Ssey of Conaiimmnall artily that the atom and ramping Is a tree ant rnrr , rl .or) of the orlenal revolution of the Ors.al usably, sunned Ile.lotion relative to an anteriaresnt of the Coostlutian, , ea the fame reasons Co file in LAA In testimony. whereof I have 'hereunto set my heal, end mood to Instated the veal of the sane ivy's Office, at Haniihorg, this fill“nth day of luxe, Anna Domini see the trostil Ord 11,ndeed Ind fill : • A L. RUBEELL,Vesertas7 of the Coot:m.4w.! jelkillasrumbi VOltthe , oinlC XTILA' tenpLotra. ..:Jeuee of th e oltls,iho proprieton r of the Pittsburgh City Mills hare placed boxes for Jae reception of order,. at the following pleees— hl & R Floyd, corner of Binh and Wood streets. std, shoe store, Cot. Liberty &Market its. A Peelen, store, Third etreet, - Jr., druggist, ear , Pourth & Smlthaeld. John F Penult. note, corner lllg¢ & Telegraph Waco, Fourth street II 0 Lay, grocer. Ms st, corner of Merger alley at Gran, atom Penn street, Ninth Ward; The dour waggggons will call twice or turtle daily for orders, and theflour,/ke:delivered prowPtlT,eithcr: In barrels OT ago h—waelt floor is prtforstne for fondly sae—witheat eh trge (re cartage lota Idaho mat " tem:into can be allowed, and tbet drivers coo taw Go pen:Unica to kite dour witliostpsyranol. Ave holm the public will be Plowed with this or. rangeaunt, as Mb !ball end,exaAtoild7onthlotNjonanua Saysseparllis PliTcirs /.• oss elye up.. 1 3 2 k t lits Bung:rills :VT le boxes Lemon Fyrop, buds from pure lemon Idler; Ism teemed wd for ale by mu= a RICKETSON , • -A - - VOL. V XVII. No. 288 MEDICAL. • ' PLLOCLAIIiATION. Ultiotr ell then who are sick and afflicted with dil ll ease of the bladder end kidneys. with rheumatic. Sams in bock or limbs, stifjoipts,' old sores, rimming ulcers, anoint they can be cured by taking the Pe troleum!. Yea may talk about its being a nostrata as =Mb as Tan please Ira this does not mike It se, for we Preelaim la the flier of an honest community, that It has rinses which Ore not contained tn , any other reamdr. .7 he man who to racked :web pain'and suf fering from &ream. can for Any rents, get relief Min any attic ilt. ennumsrated•above. Heade!! it cuts very little to make a triaL This .Petrileum is no ens tuttt..—ao someone, put up for the plume ofimposing lin the community; but als a remedy elaborated by the master hind ofnamre, and bobbles up fromthe of our mother earn inks, anginal, Pmnifi and fen to sedicrinc bum a natty remedy, a certain hu clued Piles alter other nedlelinithave failed to render any relief.. It boo cured illunentatism of long standing, and of the worst mid mast painful character. Ithett AMA Cholera Merlins ,blfontr.or two 4., I t has cored old cases of Diarrhea, in which every other remedyhas been of asail.. As a local reinedy burns and scalds, it to better than any 1.411 W tern pound or ointment that knew of. It will core chit blalsot or frosted tut, 11 t hfew applications; undembt ed testimony can be famished Of the truth contained in the above statement by callieg an flanmel EL Kier, Canal Basin, Mit street: or either of Ointments. Vl C rga7,l Ity; i gfr.NlYirt o .gVo o o f d :; 117 e kVl d . hot it D.M. Cuny, Allegheny city, use the agents. lan3l • PAVIA) AND •DEIAD The meet latpostesat• Dlimervery oat Um. cordt—liture Remedy -for the Palest D R. D. P. DROWNS celebrated External Amni a./ can Remedy for the Piles' has already proved itself to be .h. only .are earn Ord. presented to the Deblie. Since the discovery of thh valuable medicine, and Ike WV, number - of extreme ease...with which Dr. Berme has Mated, no ono Mk hdled tribe entirely cured, Unlike the many healing balms anus, after months and year. of experimentalisieg, has too often left the , patient, when they coonneneed, or. worse: bat; atter a few day. will decide the cue by elfectlng a Mf=:ZeTu,,, rimester into labored ar- Pm cram prove my medicine. !introduce It upon Jr. ores merits. by Its effect I intend It shall MantlOT ll X: r' f diw t ai ;! LE !' a) the of a few TMlni, the e ase . "DR.DP BROWN, Sold whohnialeandZyltileArdy.'n ,1214 47 Wood et. • SWon.Wt ate Wax nark ar rug atsion • • tia rex estant, Slorefelfor RingmaterEAS mas, Rheims/am; fikatiente Cam. oboes Emmaus; Pimples or Pustalea en the Face, Mottles, Inns, !Chronic' Sort. Eyes, Ring Wont or Tester, Rudd; Head, Enlargement anof Paht of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn 'Ulcers, dyphiltis Symptoms, Sciatica to Lumbego,--and diseases arising from en Intadicions one of hfereary, Aci tiles or Roney, Exposure orleciprudence in Lite; Ab00....eb route Constitutional Disorders, de. This medicine has inquired revery extended and eatablished reputation wherever it his-been. used, bared entirely on ia own Sterita.whlch its superior cZeaqY has atone sustained. - The unfortunate victim of hereditary:daease, with swollen glands, contracted sinew:, and bones half cartons, his been manned to health and vigor. The scrofulous patient, covered with Henry, loathsome to himself • and his attendants. has been made whole. Cluadreda of persons, who had groaned hopelessly for year! under cutaneous and glandular disorders chronic- rheumatism, and many other complaints et:ringing from a derangement of the re ervice main and the circulation, have been used on it were mom the rack of: disease, and sow, with regeneruted coonitution, gladly testily to tho efficacy ailts inestimable preparation. *TRUTH IS STRANGER THAN FICTION.. iTbe attention of the reader is called to the following ainentshlng ewe, effected by the use of Sends' perilla. is to eerily that I have a Colored wetness who his been afflicted for the loot fine years with Scrofula, and all the remedienl used had no effect in .arresting the, progress of the complaint; on the t ontrary, she constantly grew werve; and after expending between WM and too With phyaielens, beanie. using other popular remedies without success, till the disease had eaten away the eartilege or her nose, made Its ap. peartnee coverlet:Ls pans ether body, and had fined• commeneed ism misuses in the root of her mouth In this dreadful situation. widt the prospect o death mating her In the Moo, I soiled hey ease to Dr Dbuseway, the agent for Sands! Sarsaparilla in New. bent, N.C. by ',dna I was adviseilto me that article and to toy actor/Wand that of my neighbors, to whom her caws yea known, alter itsing.fear and n half bets ties she V= restored to perfect acitith: end that In the pane of three weeks, Red wen in hie to wo rt In two weeks from the time She summand taking it ~ t in winces. of the truth of this statement , I have • heremto affixed men resins, Ms torn env of Stsetember, -. 40SEPH bIeCOTTER.,J. P., ehloatit of Neese River, Crtven co. N. C. • SORE THROAT.. The follo w oo extract front a letter received from Mrs B evan,had been affIIMMI several years with Sere/dons titanic, Dy•peptio. the., and recently an ademlon of the dam and cheats.. • u nsnarl:nut, Dee. 13, ISIS. .".Ilearre. A. Ilk D. Senne—Deftue I commenced using year Samsperille, ;myrrh - cringe were almost pan expression; my throat was completely ulcerated, I .bad a-drew/id north, lend there were. frequently Weeks together Ord f sould not , peak above, a whim. pet, and heridei, the is flammetbm from my throat ex tended to my heed, lo ‘ that nay hawing was very meek impahrwL After taking the barcepartlla a short time, my health was /reproved, and my throat Is now well; I am as free Peru cough and tightness of the chest as ever I wen, andenn 'hear petite distinctly. My throat his been well Shoal throe mouths, too cure of which his been effected entirely by the use of Yottr Sanas parille. You friend LOITIBA R. J3EVANe The hollowing tectimema• i l to the vista Lathe Sarni natilla. la from the Rev Luther Wright, aged :d years s • Congregational Minister, Minting at Woburn. , oWestran, Nagai March 30,1848. nletuni. Sandi: Gentlemen-From what I have ex perienced, and from the infommtiOn I have recently received tom a number of persons of high respects. !dilly who hero , need your Sartain/Oa, I Imre not the least doubt but that it is a most valuable medicine. and Mat the rusturrain cettificates Inn have received of its clammy tie fully rtstained by experience, and althamb its repletion and utility we very =entire, and steed lane need ot my tunable efforts to pummel thern,l ward all who an afflicted by divease to be. come acquainted with the efficacy and power of your 'addable medicine. ! • . • "I am, gentlemen,. gratefully and'.very:respeetrally yours. ; • LUTLIER WRIGHT!? Preka i, ide r uld told;wholesala and retail. by A. IL & D. 8/... Dinggiata. and Chemin& 100 Palma street, eorneeeP 4.111.40,_ New Tara: Sold also by Drug. gists generally thro ughout the United States and Can. .Priee rer boule t • six bottles for 63. • • of sale by L. WILCOX, Jr.. IL n; FAIINESTOCE &CO., and SDIVA RD FEIN DERICH, Pittsburgh. n. hr Tk.R tiFTTH; It Minimum • firs9 , 44sng /ore ab WaiAltlMlATaltal Itflitell/MATAAIrtse TII6 AMERICAN RHEUMATIC BALSAM!! A Nti OVP 4d. re ut rne u dy s t o a , nr a dlecovertj . in i the Veg i e . tal2l Rheurnane Complaints, ' mach " 7 or Ingammatory, Chronic. *elite artd Meretirial Ithaurnedism, Gout; Lumbago, . I ; Spinal Affectlons,loe. • Thlt :medicine lies long been sought for. it hat bee* mid that Ithembetimn could not be cared; but there is remedy designed by 001000 for Megan, of every rile- CAM that the humm eyelein is auteeet to. At 14111 re medy boa been found Mat mime Rheumatism of the worst !brut—one of the most veldebre vegetable mo d es:lona of the earth—the egreatest and rnostimportant discovery of the tool and a wonder/at Waling to the homed family, It rarer section! sic khnln er debilttgo Ling, and reaews strength and vigor ro the whole eye let*. It has cored, datum. the pest thorn months, over • GO eases that were conotdered Ciente Certificates of the eurative propertice of this medi cine can be seen by calling on the Agents None gennine unless put up mule ah engraved label neon the outside wrapper, signed brtho proprietor, R TURNER, Beghlo, N. S. Sold by 11. SAISSER, corner Tblyi and Market ty Sold also by IG. P 'o..M.Aitt, fabeKltswentEt Nolo9 Alain el.,Cineinnad. 0 • ~. r 2IEDIei A ai AZ LS alUtAtattieil. teetratuim a • ' ' ' No. OS. DLDIOND ALLEY, . t 4. 1 11 p few dyne bo. ono Nand Creel, li. • wards tweet • ,• • -'• • ' •• • • 4 1' -1, . DR. -ER( WZ, hariult ban t vj t ., i.,. ,.p• ~, 1 ,: f L c v ,, , ,,, ed 4 , 4 . 1% .1 .1. : 2, .e .,i. m . ed ! ct psny„ N. Li :gern pm..l, monr confides _-, - 4 •?.,cef I, \ hie attention to the treatment of r'r - • . , those. prterne and delicate corny ~., ' plating for which hi, - opeortemtte le ". 4„,._ , ,,,,.4Y, - and experircoo pecaliarly quality , Ni'afei ' _„ him. ld years asslduonsly devoted to catty re ireatment Of those complelnue(durialeteas 2 UM balm lira mote pre< iii.e and hea cared more ps. troll then cad ever fall to the let of any. private prac titioner) amply qualifies bin to odor nrsarance. et timed', penatinant, and .sti.teettly sun to ail antiesed with dobeata giteana, and all dlseate• annuls thew, Dr.Brownleold inform those allilcted wigt private • Meuse. which hays become chronic , by tune or ea. grarated by the ON of arty of the com Mon ae,,,,,,,,,„, . f the day; that their cemplainta can Di radically cad there megldy cured; he having given hie Cartfiti attention to the treatment preach cases, and succeeded In hundreds : f e neck r ' g: Li ;NI; ;lan/0:i perso n. Vil - ." whichoof open molt from those eases, whets others lento consigned I theta to hopelesa despair. Ile. partiordirly invitee *nein • . ~,,,,, peen) ong andanreecosafolly treated by other. to consult him, when every satisfaction mill be glean there, =id their cases treited ins ettretel,tgorrougit and intelligent simnel, pointed out by • iontexpieriencs, atedy,and investipationmhicnit is imponalblo for thole ensated id general practice of mmUcine - to give to me ale., of dine... i 6'..' - mreitemia or Rupmia.—Dr. warn Cur Irmtes per sona adhered with liernia to call, a. he bu paid putte4 aloe indention to that disease, ' • , • CANCERS also cures ; ; , • i , .- Elgin disease.; info; x%palm Its 4 Speedily eared esvcry low. N. —Patients of cißer sec hying et • distance, by itatlaribeir diselmo iti .writ,ng, Swing ell thegjneg. tome, can obtain medicines sadh etractiosilor sue; by addressing T. DROWN, AL 10, Pun Mid. mitl Uties,: .V:ilr o . 1$ ix... Putt alley,opposite the Waverly gr,,,,gaingt,..D,ltrovra , s newly dlecovered lees. ly for ilitemnaticas is IL .Ntdruzi4 certain rem e dy d ot Rat adialui trouble. It never Pella , . • ogle.: old Prints c.csabing Ilicints,.. No. td Di. motel silty, Pittsburgh, Pa: The Doctor Is always at Loam__ , Ricligasuy CZ& 410
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers