. . • • • „.; . . -•-- • • • • • • rim • • • .• •. • - - - - • • • - ES TABLISHED 1786. • • • • • PUBLISHED DS- W H.l T-E; CO. •e. ..•.1.71. • . • • te. Roam legitilt 101 mom, Tears STOW, I= Ix** 70 • Tag Mgr aril= • Ihrly et • . ~ i7Po pergrumeg. geg • • W kir; to advisee. ;-;-;;•-• •••• RAO " A Cbabs, ale redacted rms.: , • KA . " if ..(I.OIrIBEITITII43I • • • • , AGREED UPON E prricsonon racks.. sae p ,c,,, , ,eatoga.forcorwetierri...) iteninn•—•—•-••-• •-•••••.71 6 , 0 t • -.I 0 .Sewre, eachiutr k... mil Murtha. Oat • • Do. • t Do. 'h.ree e wee 4-D" . De; one _•- Dr. • 'three , Do. _tour ranrebs feed Dn. ids DUO • • ' •• ' • Do. • welve • • 10 3 • , O ne Card (6 lion r . lona per sum. lead OtieSetSale,ehangeable ntplerame (PO ty exeluive tbe paper.- •••• • .••••••••'„,,,,...., rot midi additional square., Inw.leo ." 1 " """"", Um for each addnal mum Insettedfulder the Tao -. Iy rate., belt ghee.. - • '- Adv wen erti tin sement. exteedlni a s ei n e ;;;," "1/". 7 L in'. liner, ' p o et ' s:e h " %Vs ,or= l % ll, iitme 3 G ' 111' . • bel onl the:amoont dron e!, edab . pableation. • '• • AM"Gbrorrtgodtdam. fat al le lefehazged the • . ' same as othVvertisettlenet.. Adventre ma wit marked en the copy for aspect ' • ;led umber o ,inwoluns, tell ibeßuud till forbid, • . and paymenteutemineeord • ; The privileges o(yeerlr strerdiersbo mined Hgldly_tiatheir regal... balms; And abet. edger -•••,, • )Isentimmootpen.integ to thetrregals!. besiege., go. lAdteed Writ* 4.lWidfdtre: „:, ; , • -,•- All edverts d m cas far. ebuttable. urtt l hßOem, &a rptehT .6 =armhergArX i lr, • ands. yl p4ee ml •-'- NarriageikAtees di be eherged 6176enti.- . •,-.•••Dtonhaaothzeggewilmlldthenneltogeoligee: c•antedganertlizegualens . orjobltgrog nodes., and • when so ageompseted tote paid fen • ••• Iterulaxadeetuier.; and till other. tiendine eommo. er rquiring. notleescilarlignd.O. eall doe ie Pa.,. Seinen, Concerts, - or ear leggin enter. miweete; where-charges ax made for adailuene...: : ••• all liotleesorptleste essociatients settee do,' . : t i e l SZ=Nr.p i t i :gtriet=l7l,_ "" S e a tt si on . .. • betreetted wan the nnderstandleg OM the same et be plater. If intended - tole 'exertedthe lo; • cat column, the ...me will be charged snobss rate Of net less than In emits per line. - • • • Itisbrip'er list Melees to bebbargeduiple price, _ _ ' .Tetern•Llcenso-Reeti II Seel. lace - tied Medical ed.enisemcno tct eharmed at -601pnee.- - • ; • .• • Red Estalo' Agents , Auellongerat ad. m• ertl • , r.c4 to, be elasamineder yearty ruu„ beau. be 11 4 ; • abeam,: &fee.' of dairy three Bade= Odra per eseL • • Rem theater:ant of bills. • • pular qa. . , • Nang. Os TrI , PIM/..T DAZT , PArati. Ore INenre, tbree Idiertions••—.4-gl GO " • Do. each additioral (waitron-. L 37 • Cie igere, (ID ; eta. . earl, midterms! tasenou--.25 All Usasient odrsrbernents to be pe i d intent:tee. - • WRITE* CO. Daum% • L. DAMPER, Po.. -• , • . • ; ' • •Itt•IPT M. RIDDLE, JoenteL' JAMES P. DARR CO.,chtordele. • • POSTER BROTHEILDtspeeh. JOS. SeOWDEN,lderatry. . • - JAW'S W. DlDDras, gmedenn. .• HIRAM RAINS, Evening Tribune.. Prirmelon, Dee.", 1649 • • . GAI D S. • • JOn*'A. PM:11[1E80N, - • A IMEDSIAN, nth Wood, Penn {Met, beim= I& O'Hare one Walnut 'Ai l hadoeu promptly at• tended to. • ' • • run. 'ALE 16.3113817. arwrapar, • A ve TTollterr AVLAW-Oglee, on Fourth stre et jrl. abo Weed,' - • r LIAVIDAILTUTTI I I2,: A ITORNEY. AT LAV7i. awl A •.. ••• • .. Pantsstrar.i . a, Ht. Levis, Mo.' . All er.,munanicativrAproFptly• anew i d. . • T: H. .- P. 6t= - lIAIIID A IiTEIWELIINT. A TTORP: ES'S and Caantellnn it. Law-4 7 6M tg' aq 2i. between Solitn,field and Cluny Pittsburgh, Pa. John IL Lame - L &Rd& & B,IIE ND, ATTORNES*AT. I.:Atii,Totrklisitst neat anat. • - • - 'IN REIM, A TTORNEY AT L AW—tlfbee on Fou urea, jolb between Benthbeld nod Grant,Tillabcrgb, PATNOH b rd;E:SAVZI.L; A TrOnNErs AT LAW:-.012ea InTilghinan Ran, 11 Grant at, near the COM Monte.. " tehl k II P , NOLisliraC ls -7 - Th - Telegleal,,_Clasineidt jog 4 and Fonday•Sehrol Boetnenery and dealer, In la/ kind+. or.Wridea, Window and Wrappkos Pa , yer, N0.1:9 Weed street: between rourth a.O Ola mond aliet..PPt.h.rei., . • ' eel? • : and ir pig:sr .- 4 ' 4h; Once •of Pe r tr "—' /meg MRn e learn - g W Pl t a . Ke a n b r t g n hrgretnes ett Lrm.- YFfEA•Penalddlgrmpic,Mrnen, r rke, BsselrkKe eCad It King. . fl smfaxxr...r.• .. .... • ........... ivtoicamnt - la, IL .11 , 0(191,•••1, ' * • • ...Will ...AM. ACIALRY, WOODWARDA CO, Molest/A C. cats, No Vt. Molt, st.Philadelpht.• 1 *Di Pigtiburob Alble Wavle. l TIIII2 4 INErrr;IW.RRY & CO. Alansasmaren Of !Ws ./,b. trenching . Powder., Mulinde an. eulthatte Acid& Womb.. No Water street, below, Fem. erVin — Brene. ' (icor. Reiter. 10114L?US h REMES, Wholetale and Retna Pm -1). Sim, corner of Leborv,and St Clair WWI, Pule bargh,ro. SODOSIOW 111011017i13, + OS61113:110 ++l . 31EFiCHANT,Staalit and lila Mot et, NCI to Second. . Dnq .... s Spring. AitireSteel, aatlLllrein • Works. ' j Mannikentr"..f COL B MANIM ILMAN Coach • and Maio Springs, liaraasorrd !Azle., Rol - Nu:ad' Mica Meal, Iron' &C. Wombats. no Wa.cr and Front meets, Pim hirratt. darders id Coach Trimmings and * Malleable sating, , octl2 4,0543115A10N Ai nem' ANTS, aad Dealers In Pro. ad dace, :to tat, Starlataaadt, - rplabarah. .. • John Iretak.' -. moor. • Cit SKINNEIC, Forsrardior and r.0m.1 twin Merchant., No W. Market st.Piusburrth. , ape A. 161*ANCLTY•It.CO,'Pornutting *NI C minion Merchant, Coma Baum Pi b CIL GUANT,Wholenle Crewel., Commtulian sad . Forwarding Itcrelmikt,No. 41 Mew 414 Phu- • -Andrew Fleming R. K. Flonang. lIETLRE•FLEeIIOO & nOM3I ISSION the C "1,, o f meter. Worden, •na Comm Goods; atee, &Olen in all kinds of Talton' Teimmings, No 10 Wood Ot, Ath door from Fifth. rittonTgh. . • • ••- • Refereueo—Ateera. Wm. A. /WA Co,Rantero. • nE.Nrigrr, Otte Enellsl4 - Gallatber ..Ed & Co.l Wholeauk. GrocersiContolon and Pon vow:We Merokurs, and 4+alern in Produce. and Pitts .buretk Aloonfoctarcs, N 0.31 Wood et, between s t and orreets. ' t _ . F94.l.menvi r s t r C r IZRTSZION MERC . II . I , N n T EOFIGE COMMAS. Commission and Foistamlint 7.7-Merchant No. 2D Wood.stmot. Pinsbo.sch, ntyli I LEM;(SCMC6SSOT u. Murphy & Lce„) Wont Deal. . • .er end Cenarnissio• Merebatt, for ths sate of 6.4itan Wootens.Lib i.oppoxlse OTh st. &MT wiiiCilu • Linlciu.s, • I rma , : • !I 1. WILINIS, OR.eTobseeo OC eNmatb si % n. Met 7ayera,&A%mo, .I.oearcr.f.: InT t P . J.D.t . IFLC" PAZ ' , '" 1":11 1.16 MCCIT . P. JIM. } lARDY • J0N1,9 Co., (accost.. to Atwood, Ram, j, ne.l ea sod rotwordilw itor. etmv; Pittobirglallainrgialarod Good', Patesweh. Po oteh97 - I,v. P.-n*ll.BoAm , , _ -• Liu,) DrPOUTER [haler In Brew snet - American Pa. ." Tr.itlega sod Ilordera.,SVLodor Panda. Piro ard Prima; P... A leer—Writiniierinuni and Wrap ping Paper, No. 57 Wooderesn. between Fourth greet and biemand aUerr west tido, Pittaburs2l, fa. • • febl3• t rIN Po Witoteealo %Fir; owl de,„, • or la Dye Palnot, O i ls. V Aso: ae. - -tin Wood enatevano. door. Beath o Ilia=orol Alloy Pitt maargb.: • Trusgtikt.zeu.,v 4 lok..ce fde1...,.; twd eslaet 'Proda's alyd Pitisb.hrb Maaolinture4.—No IL.Witer et. Prl.hm6. . ap4 ss .rag olcln. lows moue. Is., 11mAlf.DICKFA ss Wholesale Grows. Corns ,“,„ st.sehents, an dealers to Prodson Nonni" Wator. and 11,7 Front. frltet..6 Ptv,himh. e 4. worth • • ••—.. ewe era' tb T 8. DILWORTH te.oo.,',Whoiesele G and sp Agents Wt hazard Powder Co., pig. oM ee ,l" , Pittsburgh. de3.7 ,iirAr TOWNIIRNIX.Drantet n 1- No. 45 Market et.. three. dolts eb.,:rii= s e n burgh, h conetendy en hwIA a well ecliCte - AZ of the beet add frethen atedwittes.whiebhe will eell on the met rensenahle terms: Panicle= gen.dlng erd="42, 6l 0 . 4 " 41, a". o ted Wend ae. plied w4th =fay= the,' wew're 4 l.". twitlne. " dr7" Phniewn• P 1555 rintione sNp be easervele and neunp,oarell Dona the best materials, ates, hearot "Alde.o7to'rreill,' ‘ %1 arse Wet et hlah end rood 2 , 1.12 a B. CAN VIEI.D.ICata of Warren, Ohm) C o a a iiia. „on and E nr wa,ding Mer•hant. and arttalatala . dearer In SVasurn Newrl Clinale, Boner, Pat and pa-1 A.L. and Watiotn Pradoceptanratly: Wm, atraat, between Smithfield and Wand, PiusbatilL TOHNSTON h STOCKTON, [loanlle,. Primers,. tj.• eqd P.peri blanutaciams, Na 44 Markel .nett, pitubantb. l• .14 John Rickard Floyd. & moytkWbolooolo Grooors,,CommOisino • nfl Merotkooto. - Ind DPaters In noels o. Round Church nodiinos, frannor on Liborty, Wood and / no, woos, Wobnrolk; • .1 C 6 v 51 , 1.17, 0 Tt r iin'lN:"4= ge=lll - is k 'llet ban !eater In Prolate aid Pittsbaroh MinufastareS, cor ner of Liherm and new, streets, Phigniton.Fo. II 11 Cl7l-6AUCIIIK - f,agentibr the Lake era' , aa a mie ta r it 1411 to lleaset awl Um latkete - 0341 Fa altaaragr's! Wit01.414140/Jakt aa, jut Tr'^s 57- "": THE PITTSBURG BUSINESS CARDS, • I.IIMES A. iIinCTIVIoN, t Co Boeelnen t 0 17 Lewis Hatobistot ft. CA, Commistton Ittlrhorsts, aoAuctlts Louis lttem %twat Aterusery 4t Irma. stsd 02 !rota stmts. Piptbargit • hat 101 IN R. MELLOR, Wholesale and Entail dealer in 'Kula and Musical Instraments, School Boom nnner, Blatu, Steel N-011, (Wu, pth. rn e c ar d, and st..innnry generally, No. 01 Wood st.pinalmratt. ft 7. Rani ImeAt or tab.. in _ .13. BWRITZE /mum opposite Et. Chutes Hotel, Plusb " wood PuolriY to Colleeitori, w eso Foam sod Greta eostrtles,'Pa. C O , Vtlseistoek, flett k CO, TO - Church is anthers, ihusturch, D T %lowan. JOCHOO MAKEk a. CO, Wholesale Dosse•••• . lee 24 Woof mesa Panama • • • —.—.... o.lllg 1112. .12111111111 PO ehaets, Damien Pradoea tad Pittsburgh examt. restored *rides, "anal 11,In rear 7 h sr. • apt Z . 11 iaeL;VVIcint 11101(T" Pr ENNEETOP CHUMS - it CO., Iklaaaraeiurer• el a ine earr and pier 44 Sweetie& Carpet Chula. (bursa Tw Vesuvius Iron Work■ SWIG DALZELI. & CO, Manufacturers of al Lau Bar, Mint, Bop•r Iron and Naos of the bra giant?. Warehouse, 64 Water and IM Prom street • ball • 4m. Patter; Phila . & 'C. W. Rielstson. Pittsburgh. IT LER RICKETSON. Wholesale Groom!. artd Jrl, , Importers of Brandies. Wines and &gars, Nos. 1711 and t7t, earner of Labarty ata Irwin street", Ms ,btugtantly on h, Pa. , • Iron, Naha, Canon Yams, le. ' con- ad.• apt Jabp EMI • . James D.AllitlL Wait.. C. Roma kAq6ILLE A ROE, WArdeseqsGrftenotad taovela- IYL glop REITFAsaIs, Nq Men, Raobunt PITA I DORON .gyrzet. oNoits AND HERM FACTORY. AXLE ACTORS". MIS Sill ' tly JONEig IY[r2FACTIIRERs %MOO, ilbtri44==l.lllgb Rio ~ coach od KalrelY "Ow axles, and d.sisss in :rft 3 rof R.. sad ".43. tdsfaitnr, Pitidona • fetrZ .V.HOLMES &SON, Node Marketa.antind door Root comer of Foal* deafcra in roreida and made ltdla of Exchange, Certificates of Deport, flack Nemo and Specie. • .., • MrColidetiona trade on all dm •ptinatpal 'eines .broatboat the Oohed States. a. NB CateASTER, Masa wan-4 Pee, Fourth rt., a third doer stare Smithfield, math side. Conn ancing of all kinds done with the greatest me and lead keestracy. Tlt ea to Real Estate examined. &e. oernaly W - EllTra dIA Coe ANEFATOREES OP GREEN GLASS WARE, 141). 27 Market sineet,Pittsbutab, Pa, keep constant ly on kind. an I make to order all kind. of Vials. Bottles, .• e. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of na. perk'? giaisty. Particular attention paid fa Prime Moulds. novin.l7 Lithographic Maharlishaaant OF wm.CHUCHMANN, Third a, opposite Om Post-Cdßee, Patsbarga—hive, Landscape., Bill it ends, Sbollla, Labels, aretheeyntal and alsebino DramnriAnainesa and Cards. d0a..,,s arrayed or drawn-co storm, sad prbuod in colon, Golf Mann, Of Black, o most approved able, soot the most inesonablethees. • ontakly J. 0 . PS' TTICIPAWAT I MtSTEAM BOAT/ AGENT . Onus A.DOVIWK. EV. Ileum &Bea; spa NA 37 Water etteal. 511&01[LEITT & VFEICTE, DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO. 1C1. : WOOD !STREET, HAVE in and will be onstantly reeenleg daring the season, a la rgl wad well selected so somata of Fade =I Fancy Dry Goods, width they wßrscß for club or approved WAIL Western Identhanta. are inViled - to. anentne our otrti OBIN - ON, LITTLE a CO.:. o. Idd Isbell) , anew Pawharia Wholtsala .ahasers, Ptsdant and Camtskoidaa &Unthaws, and dea!eis fa' Piathanth • KAI lair.'s croon. ;rani L RRBERT MOORE, Wholosamliocer, Rem tying llor, Maley In Prandial, Fatah*, rh Monacan toren, MI kinds of Porirgn and Domestic Wines and Llamas, No II Wong street; in aged marl largo moat of I.llBCriOr Mt Monongahela sraiskey, which wtll be wad km f.o.b. EY L. L. Lau:. Rnon aterelman, far teo Atli/am°. Riser 'Vida, attars la °manias, Prague Isusbargt°S.TattalSer uner,and Celan& of Lim. Tim bistprpriea, is tub, paid at ail thite• for amnia ruo. Came: Peon Ltd Irwin DIJUERT VALZEI.t. c Cc, boles I.llotql, I% Com'Nam Me...thugs, dada , . 14 - Protium Pitubasti libmaturatres, Libertratrov, I . tubarty .08 DILIDEILT A:CM:NINON AM, Mixolteale Grover, Defiler le Produce an- Pittrborge Martufaccorra. N 0.144 Libemr Woes. !• *pia' MBM4=I (NM/Eli. HAAT , co., Sheffield Iron and 0 91 e sitorks—minatutnners of .Am. .9. Eping andVionalt Also—OpHdhes, Axle% Vices, An. ran,ta Tacy LUTitA Wa atmlion of merchants and consumers to lb u ato-A before anoctrnarg .boo. Tho, WltUant thetr witches to beepna to any. glade to hie .ellory a Anported.. • •: rms. I slug. ca..14-..warrs. or,tAntsizto . I.7 ll Foreiga sad D xreet - PI.IIIMIII. - • - 0, W EIefILIAIJOH, Wool teleeeknow, d' Pie" Vol tr i - I "l2"3""ilM 'Watet, nu.-t, iutablargh. • mtascaoa. Nowa ,al ariiitras. .10 kLbEIiS k MOWS, Prodnen.and CkcoLa, neral Com missing alerebanta.. No 7 I.lberty *mot; ) burgh. Brena, Limped and Lard Cas. •pl 7 F vox BUN •_ll Jan CO.&Whoes• la Gra ,r-gTine'rt randsett,' b aye ren se Mann tenures ewed Flair new ww. to lowa, (old L ift na, earner of Fleet Cadet and' Chati - or, Lift .• • apt? 111101M111 11.11AINORTII, TEL AND WINE 51ERMII4NTS, Fist aide Diamond LaLWatennsto•H N Waterman “W.H. Waterman. • . 'L. 11. 'WATERY:LAM at SONO, 'WHOLESALE 0500E84, Commission smrt Poo. TT warding Merchants; deere to all tools of Pro dam & Phonon& fdanufaetired Artielm roe Agent• .for nie of gichdond and Lynchburg Kanifamared Tabu.. . mrt WM; T151111111_,. • JITTOILII BaRT A L T AW,' • der, Pa VMRIM attend to collisetima mat all madilmoil sta eatroated to him la Bal/ir sad Aratitna •coanam, Pa. Bator to • J. 6 IL Floyd, Marty W. W. Wallace, do • • Jamas Marge( do Pittabargn. dly Kay & Co, Wood atlati7 George Richard.: _ • • O. B. lIIISTIVIELD & CO.. NI;r2OLGVALB and , Basil Dealers in GroesGes and Dry. Goods, and Commission Yatrebsota N 0.230 Liberty .. Mahwah • JOHN illey'ADEN di CO.. FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS . Canal Basin. Penn lintel. Mubarak,. xr. • Jena* Au DAVIS ds PRODUCE ABD . FLOUS. FACTORS, N 0.2 7 nuke, and 641 Commerce st,lsdeirlds. Advances made, by either of the above, on consient triennia( Produce to either House. AVALtAFIRrEjs.. -- Cir, FORWARDING t COMMISSION MERCHANTS . • MLIZISET/SOlf. WOULD respectfully milltni the consilrntnent of ' Ilarrishargli freight, from Weatern Merchants, as they tie prepared to receive soy amount Line and fleetion Bents running night and doy, the freight - will not be detained, as they will unload sash boats at all hours. felnoS-Unt ,Ilanishargh.Feb.2 o ,l l 3 3 ?. .D. Wili Was —• .. Haft. J.M. 'WILLIAMS & WITOLESALE't RETAIL. FAMILY onm - za9. TT Forwarding and Commission Merchants, and, dealers In Con,try Produce end Potebergh Manntse tares, earner of Wood and FM streets, Flusbargh. =r2o Wm. L. Witliaats.------• • O. Meyer WM. U. WILLIAMS & CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Lost corner of Wood and Third streets, Janl Prrrammort. A. ora. 11101127, MON • COWWW.V3, W. 0. • tarn lAOLLST.. vi rom OAuALEy & CO., Wholesale Grocers' 113 - y VT and 20 Wood strew. Flastnrryth. . IP" Man D. Win. DAVID ilecaNol.l.l 6 WICK t ItVCANDLESte., (eneemmors to L &J. D. Wiek,) Wholesale Grocers, Ferwarding and Commission Mer•bluate, dealers In Iron, Nails, bins, Cotton Yams. and Flttsburgh hianofsetona general, 17, corner of Worodand Water streets, nusburgh. • art 7 „ Jr. 211:31111holeillkla • Ceenfrlng Clsullen, and Wino end -Linder adereuents. Aloo—lmpartan of Soda Ash cad ileach log p•wdor, No. Liberty skeet, lonekite 8411 " api7 • roes'.) Finsbargh. sf o l i r . m../ i wg.v . :4Waters, c g . evre ., l 7l 6 . 4 o v er . : V i {.. " . a g Poona streets, PgittbOligh, Pi. N. B.—Watetes and Clocks carefully repaired. • &DE/ arY 'mite. Jan S. 'cm..., Tirm.. YOUNG a Co, Dealers 14 Leather, Irides, WV te a 143 Liberty sweet ,r }artily we x'esacitson. lon. Wetmore , . IV 'a IL IlleCUTCßEGN,„Airbotessie Grocers, sl'.. dealers in Produce, Iron. Nei% Glue, and PIUMITIM Alanafacus re fr.Ap.tally, Liberty Greet.— Pictotraigh. janl7 , . 1117. J. D. WILLIAMS £ CO.. HOLESALF A D RtrAl GROCEFLv, For. 7 V._ woolly; oko Co lasion 161e L rokuor, 1k RIM in C.onlitry Produce and Ottsbargh Biumfactures, car eer or Wood and I , lfth skews, Piasburgo. - raublyth. Thach It 1830.; . :-• , ~ illitieSit & ANTIC/M. . : OWIERAL comsnlisiox terEacHANTs, Cr[Abenl advances made en eensipenents. bee 4den MAThIEW Ponralt and Miniature Roen, carrier cr Post Once AV.), and F"'"b "tut, = m en on Fourth stotear Market t Tanana, Communion Merchants. *To.h Old Leine at, N Orlenno-keop con•uu.tly on haul alamassortmentof Brandi. of the brand. which thew offer for sale a. eget. Damn & &neg.. MUI OA. .nnd Is Co, Loonholle, J Parana, Corw .° '" test • . 1.1 Ellonitle, Ada ee e Menlo.L kn., GIN Colin= RedantlWines to each { and caeca , nelteud owe by John Durand l' .CksongneNto . and Sweet Borgne&l ••• - • • Geb74l* PALMER, NOM It CO. have removed their IPMehlot• case illatOM_Weat coma OW O % I Iltiri urea. • epos Pear M .cbfaefboy WlClllTALLN—Manafutarer of all binds of cot lig son and woollen machinery. Allegheny city, Pa The above works being now in fall and suecessfal op eration, I am premixed to excreta Wan will diumeh for all kinds of machinery io a ybac, sach as willows, Pieter., spreaders, cards, grinding mutines, railways, drawing frames, speeders, thrusras, looms, 'coolest cards, doable or single, for merchant or country work, renles,lneka&c.; slide and hand lathes mad tools . g • end. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plans giv en for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charge. • Rolla ro—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Blackstock, Bell & Co.. king, Pennock A fn., Jas. A. Gras. BENNETT 4 BROTHER, QUEENSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Birmingham, Eatar plttatmareelt el PA. O. No. 37 Water st,' Maws Maiist anal Wood, Patemsrgh. WILLA onstaatly keep on hand a good amen Mont of Wars; of our own manefacture. ape superlorqualny. Wholesale and country Met chants are rerdectfally melted to call andel amino for then: melee. as we are f eternized to sell cheaper than has ever before been female the pub. lie. 117'Orders sent by mall, accompanied by tbe east, or ood reference. enll be wonted, attended to. care . AIA. WHITE I CO, would respeetfally Infanta the public that they have erected a shop on [leak, between Federal at 41flandusky memo: They me now making and are prepared to receive orders for every dmeriptmo of vehicles, Conches, Chariot's, oveyies, photons, In., fee., which from their 'long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they tome, they feel confident they are enabled to do work on the most reasonable terms with them wantinyartieles In their line. Paying particular attention to the mizetton of mate rials, and having none bat competent workmen, they have .no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the attention oldie public to this matter. N. H. Repairing dote in the but manner, and on the most retainable term. 'em a. came :man •71/3300. 110AUTE4:ATKIRIBONt artwzra WOOD .11 Mawr, rrenrotooe, ILNT/NIJE mormfactons t [rids of COPPER. I TIN AND 4 411FET IRON WARE. AI.o, Black en nth Work. Ore= Boon built be order. E peva! attention pool 10 ate= boat work. aro on bawls a fine assornatit of Copper and Brat. Kett , eibTin Waro r ko.ao. Bteamboa.Cookma£riotea, Pornible Forges, various sixes—a very coovernent ar bole .bir steamboats, California consume, or rail road come allies- VVe venald respectfully invite steam boat men and others to call and we our articles and prices before parch wins elsewhere 11-.17 _ 6 J. GLICIng, Doak Hinders. VETE are suit engaged in the above business, comer V of Wood and Third streets, Pinabursh, wheat we are prepared to de any work is oar, line wits des patch. We attend to oar work personally, and satis faction will be given In =podia its neatness and du rability. Blank Books rated to any pattern and balmd slab. muttony, Books in numbers orold booksbound rare fatly or rePaired. Names put on books in gilt letters. Twine that have work in our line am invited to call. ?slain 1017. nlynnif Flit. Machin. Works sad Foundry. ITlTszirlioth en. JOHN WRIOIIT & Co., au prepared to build Cotten and Woolen Mackin.]: of every description, such t as Carding Machines, Spinning Frame., Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Duds, Warpers, Scooters, Ehrraing Frames, Looms, Card °raiders. &e. Wronght turned; all sites of Cast Iron, rallies and F I /Mg ß e h rMle latest patterns, elide and hand Lathes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every dump:ion Famished on short notice. Patterns made to order (or (dill Gummi, iron Railing, Sr. Steers ripe far heat , log Faetorlea,Cast Don Window Bash and Neer sege generally. Orders loft at the Warehouse of J. Palmer S CO., Liberty etreet, will have prompt atthri inn!. Refer to Dlukstack, Dell &Idurehead & Co, 0. E. Warner, John Irwin S tions,.Plusba nth ; G. C. &J. IL Warner, Steubenville. i All P OLADIOSI HE sabscriber offers for lode a large and splendid Cuonment of rosewood and mahogany ge ed Ac. Von Planes, with and enthout Coleman's celebrated Abelian Attachment. The above instralments are war carded to be equal to any manufactsred an this coun try, and will be sold lower thar any brought from the ETA. F. IILUAIE, No 112 wood at. ,door above Slit • N.D.—City Sooty will be taken at par for a few of he above ageorunent. my 2 F. II THIS ta to certify that I have ap.: pointed Livingston, Roggen & Co. Sole Agents for the sale Jenning's Patent Dinprallm Filter, for the elf dose( Pitrabargh and Allegheny. • JOHN GIBSON, Agent., • for Walter hi Gibson, 341 Headway." l ;* . N. Y: • ' ' Get 10,1818. We have even using one of the above ankle. at Oa &You, of th e Novelty Works for three months, on trial, and feel perfectly sans/led that It is e agent' mvention, and we take pi re in recOiruncoding them as a use fat a.rdele to all who love pare water. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. mon LIVINGSTON. ROGGE% & Co I'2=t=n THE AREONETEIR Tidur auentirm at the public Is respectmuy eallad the follwmg cenllmatem B. Easms—Haring tasted a quanthy of Gold weighed by your artometer, I find the molt proem your Instroment cornet; and recommend the ass of b • those faint to Calicos:L.4..om best rosthod for ob tabling the real value of Gold. Float,. yours, J. B DUNLEW,GoId Mama, ' Pittsburgh 104. e. • Firremireen, March 7,180. , MIL E.l3s—Dearitiri Having e1...1ed the "Arco • metc,^ manufactured at your rooms, -1 do not hesitate ! to eatenated it tei , the am of those cantle.aa .bo aro mbosagirmiessingso Catillstrils to swatch of Hold. It glints close'appreciate thee to the *pacific greet ty of metals, mid siniicertamly 'enable the advemnrat to utertain when his planer Is yielding Gal/ merit • Vol.. reap's , J R INDIA RUBBER CLOTHING—Jam received for the California Erpedition. • mplete assortment of Gum 57amic Cie/ilium, at prices co nutting from WAD m SHAD for suit of cam, pants and hat. For sale at the India R.. 5 , Depot, No Wood at. doe. • J A II PHILLIPS illeismass Orme. Work. for Sale. THE ....tier oat. for sale, STEAM PRICK W0R1.1.4, 'above Laurreneorilla, compri•ing • Steam Engine, g itthiCr% S Hos. Machine, capable al manuintrueng ACM Pressed Bricks loot of dry clay, as taken from the tiauF,) per day; mi h three eer. al land cm tha Allegheny no., on winch aro 4 ad. Me, sheds, machine and clay sheds, srhcelbirrosim tracks, einivs, spades, Re., every thing req.. to Cl:ail ments operations at an house notice. Facia Intl tiding the patent right LO WO said machine, 87.0(0— mss of payment made easy. Without the I.d, per panicolann address HENRY DIERIII7T, aagYJ d( Nn Itifdonongehela Hon.. aws - a , — To cCoC— HF. partnership heretofore eximing under the firm T of A lc Ai BRADLEY, is dimiotired by the deceit.° of Mr. CBI-artier. The business wilt hie carried on by A Bradley. who Will mule ho basins. of the ume firm. • REMOVAL—A Honour, has removed hirrYeandry Warehone from No 111 Second Mreetterliii 19 Wood ovet, between Pint sad Second mreatl, to the warev bone lately occupied by 0 A Berry, where be will keep contently on band a general neornitento/Cart:' jag& Orates, Stoves, Conk rug Stave., Ae. 1713 • DA.11011111 1313 k. frIHE no min heretofore catalog I;etween the anhseribera, lo the name of Constable, Duffle a Co, ts this day dissolved by moron! eensenh Mews_ Be rte A Barnes sent seta tho basineso of the concern, (or which purpose they are eathonsed to ewe lee name of the cancer. NATHANIEL. CONSTAHIA EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS DAtiNkid. The onderaigned Is eve MB BARNd thmatic. In the name of IMBUE: Zs BS Co, the purpose of Manufacturing Elie Proof Safes. Vault Doom, to. A - e., at the stand of .he Into tee of Constable, Bathe isCo;'whe re they will be pleased to receive the mama• age of the came:tem of that hems e and their friend.. EDMUND BURKE, THOMAS BARNES. In retiring from the firm of Comltable, Duke & Co o t With encore Omen* recommend Merin. Backe Varner to the confidence of my f1i..1.,11.4 the public. Feb.l), IdlO . NWILLANIEL CONYTABLE. fe143.4.1 CI ARBUTHNOT Iratl:ll37• tu rma °4 rymaTleVorse:Lcmn2lucToowded. to which he respectfully. levies the nut:chop of were h ants .4 pedfato. r y a 64 WooJ at. (chit _ W rought and CAIM Iron Rolling. IHE subscribers heog leave to inform the publio Shot they have obtained from the East ell the late and tionablo designs for Iron Meiling, both for houses CCSICIEriIiI. Persons wishing to procure hull. some pettiness' - ill please roll and roomier, and judge for thenmehres. Hailing will be tarnished at the short est noticened in the best manner, at the earner or Craft and ' ltebecesstrects, Allegheny env. remor•dtg g,..I..thION'T ie. KNOX. "E‘CONOSIV CLOTHS, CASSIMERES, SATIN• rA Errs, received on consignment; and lot salt a manelacturees wocehoow, by artlo 11E1E8E1, FLEMINGIk CO JOUN LYONS, NO. 9 STATE STREET', BOSTON, Agog for Clitas anti Barootry of P/17 Zagland. so HA i V o Ng r4ll.egni a el d b e , tr ,7 l7 Ze ., v r u i , o . u . s g Re - tore visit In'Englend, invesugating claims for persons In this country, and having secured erGelon and re spennble Agents In London and Manchester, he to prepared to afore all necessary Information and ado vice uI persons who seek to recover their property to that country. J. L. keeps a list of the Rant el: England Dividend Book s, which may be examined for 60 cents, or lt3 for each letter of the Alphabet. References In Mown: C. LI R. ADAMS, Notary Public; JAMES WELD, Esslt - HENRY IL NAY, Evg; mr4S4m JOHN W RI DOELTA "1 , 0011.1) & 00. Mummers to hPCord & King) Vaahlostablo Tlatt•ri, Corner of Wood and FAA Streets. PARTICULAR taw:alms paid to one Retail Trade. tientlemeu can rely upon getting their lima and Caps from our establishment Of the me ndralstata and Isoastlastaltte, Of the wear MUM, a the wan= Coantry Merchants, purchasing by wholesale „ are respectfully leaned to call and examine our Stock; as vie Can say with eonfidence that as regards penury and num R. will not seer la a Comparison with any *Use in Philadelphia fehl7 _ _ . - - WILLIAM DIGIllf • D1F.05 leave to inform his friends and customers that Al he le jest receivlog his nets se ring etsik of Goods, eotepfhtieg, Al Otani, nil the newest •vd Won fashion able styles of Cloths, tare me fancy Vesting', eon utivend linen summer staffs, and every erne le thimble foe grelletherea are. fin %ring told ilamtner. It being Impossible to describe the beauty, quality to quenOty of the ,tank, the pTeptieter hopes all who are in want of good, cheap, fashionable, end well made clothes, will give Ince • call, as there line stock aide Of the Alleghenies teat can comport with It. The toady made department le very extensive, odap tad to an tastes. Mot road contrationt, country merchants. and all ono perch. , latsgly, aro panientarly invited to ex ' amine the stark before purchasing, as pnrlicelar at tention is pad to the wholesale haleness tit this Watt. lthidecht. Every article in the tailoring Ulm mad, to order In that/Net foolliettsbil mut ben manor, at the shemen sedie, NMI PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY MORNING. MAY 31, MO. INSURANCE-. LIFE INSURANCE! Welton Mutual Life In!wanes Company. IMO OF Tanen: RICDOCED rui cirr. Capital. 1150.000. JAMES DMA/ & Co.. dams at pubarab, Pa. SOLID or noticTion, •r SEISMS, NMI /MET. lame• Roo, Jr. . I Joseph C. P.m., Pr•a'r Benjamin Fish. O. A Perdicar s V. P. John A. Wend, FU Morris Bactingdy. Jenath. Fnk, Tenuarer. MN , TOIL CoasTurollmrorNew York. Geotre Wood Jots P. Mackie. David Dudley Fled. /mph • Weir MILT. Ws Fan. Gov. Aunt, I Fx•Cov. Vroom. W. I. Dayton, D. 9 Sen. Iwo, Wrdrielt,M. C. 0 D Weii.Eo &Sen.] Worth. Newell, N. C. Ex•Cov. IL Dickerson. Den 9. R. Domllma. MEDICAL. EXAM/NER9 A. Sidney Done, N. D. W Oertterd, M. D. Wetrrn N' 301 Waloot Wm. M' f Morena. M. D., D. R. Oen. George McCaok, N. D., Allegheny 04. Pa., Pittsburgh. Pa I Toe Age Ise( this Comoany.st Pittsburgh. are as thorlsed to take every first elate risk on Llfe at gencalon eV l‘relere-riei roe cm. from th" anal rates of premium, aßehergrd bg eater Ceopentes. fawns Amen 30 years of age. taking a Polley of LOMllanCe lel One Thousand Dollen. To ran for one year, pay. mealy MIPS do seven 11 9 ,0 • do We nn., u u u 111.7:00 9400, wh ic h e s same xtproportion f o o n r anayny nw me.P The Company eommenced opernUons on She lot 'October, 1848 and its monthly hosing... op to the Ist October,' 18414 shows a progress nannies that of any other I tfe Company on record. Tee first dividend of profits seal he declared to the amazed en theist Jana ary.l9lo. Pamphlets uninviting the rations tables of rates, and all the necesssry Information on the Important subject of Life Assurance. will be fandshed on arpl.• canoe to JAMES DU11.90•3 CO., Agents, Chicon Beth/1141.. runE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN SURANCE COMPANY will tome Polities of bloomed: agoin.t Lou or Dana. by Fr= spon Dellitg• sad Fornhor*, Storrs, Good*, Ale an oppl 'cotton to JAMES DURNO &GO., la, del? Ode. o.sillngs. ==l THE DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY WIW- I. RANCE COMPANY.-016re North Room of the Exchange, Third street, Philadelphia. Fm InscurscA—Balldings,lderchandlse cad other Props cT. In 'Town and Country, insured against loss or damage by fire, at the Inseam rate of premium. Marna loran:lca —yhey alio Insure Vessel., Car. goer and Freights, foreign or com_owisc, under epee or speeial peliele., .0 the •ssured may dens -* I•War , TYNEtOrrATION..—They elm inure :nerds andl. transported by Wagon., Rail Road Can,Canal Born. and Steam Bona, on nava and !aka., on the mon lihenl team. DIRECTORS—Joseph IL Seal. Edmund A. Roeder, lobo C Davis, Robert Burton. John It Penrowe, Sam.- el Edwards (inn (1 ',loci . , Edward Darlington. Isaac R Dane, Ibm &dwell, Jelin Newlin. Dr It ed Jas C Hand. Theaphiln. P. 1041114, Il Jones Brooas, Henry Sloan, Hugh Cmig, George Serrill, Spencer hlclisnin; Cheri.: Kelly, J 0 Johnson; Wm Hay, Dr S 'Thomas. John Seller. Wet Eyre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITRWURUH—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, PresideuL Rowan , S. Nesehosn.iSec'y. Ip-One or the Company. No. 42 Water street, :Putsbergh. 1,rin29.1f -P. A. MADEIRA, Late amd Health lazurasna•• r 1 UE !dam° Life and Beath Inaurance Comm° J. of .rbiladelphia, IrMorponited by the Legislature, of Pennsylvania, March, IBIS. Chatter prepetani. Capital, 0100,00 K. Ratan town cum, env P.SITL VAL...., cones,°, and fall PO per cent lower than the usual rams of Life inserance, as the followie4 tom pari.n will show: Thus.. pence of the age a NI in suring for 0100 for life, mast pay In the Girard VAX— Pennsylvania. EON Penn Mutual, Equitable, 00,04; Neve England, $1..30; New York Life, 52,1% Al- Eton, RCAF; Life and Health, Philadelphia,lll4l. Disccrou. —Samuel A. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. P. Donne, Robert P King, Charles P. Hay° M. W Reldsrin M. M. - Reeve, D., Chg. O. Id dampbell, Lewis Colorer, I. RodienaSsekm, MlLE:der, Edwin R. Cope. Prevident--Ramuel ES Orrick; Vice P.M. dent—Robb. P. King; Secretary—Franc° Ltlutkbanie. applications will be meelved , and every information Sites by BASIL. PAIINESTCICE, Agt, Chace, Commercial Room. comer of oet.lN•dly • Weal and Third eat, Pittsburgh — VISLIPTAIND MAMMY. 12111117B,ANGICIs THE INSURANCE CO. 01 North America will make penetansto and limited Insurance en pro perty inshis city mud vicinity, and • n ahipmeaM by Rivers, Lakes. and by Rea. The properties or thia Company ue well °ritual, imd famish ao avail able fund for the ample indemany id ill persons who deal° to be protemell by insurance. ' myle WM. P. JONES, Agent,4* \Water et. IrIiGALTU IMIEUELL2IIOE. ab - 11 burgh. The Sprin Garden Ilealth I. l ranee CO, OF PHILADELPIIII6—..--CAPITAL moo°. fiSURk. Males and Females natal-the Pawnee 1 and la. acceteioned by glance or Accident, by an immediate .allowanes of from Si to $8 per meek, for one. taro. three. or (oar year& • The method •of effecting this .Insataries. and the manner of awarding the ask allowance, will be &Hy agplainad by the AIM Works A person sari lance &gale. Igivitninslideligerttent' which will detain bee from hls ordnun7 business.. es foibles, sic FOr one year, by paying s44o.andreeeive Ll/ week. For Iwo " " 4 For ihree7,l4, • ° ° For (oar " 10A " a o Or. for a period of fear year', the no of P 14,40 'paid ocnoally, will secure eV per areas while sick. vetoed! o Everyf Insuranc neceyviary i e nfo cenermrallY ailon wil byl be affonled on the JAMES DUR NO & CO, Agerna 017-deca Odeon Ouildingi. @lre sad Marla* lsrarauer. THE OFFICE. of the Insurance Company et Non k Amerie., ha bees removed to No. let Front et east of %To.. The subscriber, agent (or the above old and ...pan- Vide Conivany, will Lime Policies on Badding end their eonionta, and on shipments of Merchandise It, Steam sow and other teasel.. W. P. JONFS. 'rho PommySymms Compass, Fos I NsSOMME ON LIVICS MID 01111 . 138 A xncnlla. ettl: , E lint Life Ineeranee Company in the U. Suttee. Ineorporeted Merck tp,lBLa--eha. ter perpetual. pito! 5.500.4110-111 paid in. !laving autlionaed Uto andereigned to reemve appli cations for insurance, on .hub trona. VIM be lathed, according' to their propotals and rates, which will b • made known to applicants at his office, No. lid Wood itreet. eyll GEO COCHRAN. PITTSBURG* VSNA.I.I4 INSTITUT*. TIII : scum:A Seaman of Mks 'methadon.' ander Ma care of lir. and Mrs. Cason.., for the prawn* academe year, will commence on this day, Monday, February lath, In tho same build/am No. rel Litter!y street Arrangements have been made by wtiteh they will 'be able to furnish young ladies faculties equal to any in the West. for °hulloing a thorough English, ChUll cal, and Ornamental education. A fell colon of Phi• disophieat nod Chemical Lectures will be delivered daring the winter, illustrated by apperates. The de. partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Painting, will each be under the care of somnolent Professor. By Ouse attention to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pe• pits, the Prineipal• hope to merit a continuation of th• liberal patronage they hare hitherto enjoyed. For terms, sun circular or apply to the Principals. fel•ln-dof HERSEY FL : IVAVE V FROM THE MANUFACT ERN MANUFACT Wino Flannels, all Wool Rea do do Yellow do • do Donlon do do Block &Cisco. Steel ettliod. do ' • , Sink Cusiciern. Fancy do Furter Tweed.. Super Sink Dryad Cloth. buper Worm do Soper Green do Super Twilled, do Super Sleek Doe Skin. Super Drab Canner.. Super ii/01•11 do Super Block do California Blanket.. Seailot do Blot do Drab do Orin Brown Will.; nt theMan'nfaciaters' Pittsburgh N' 6. $4 60 ' 63 00T 8. $1 60 aubocriber is now manufacturing • licaaufel 611MMER BOOT, of good rneteroda and work. manstop, •t the very low poet, of 04 00. DANIEL RIIEA, No 6 Markel at. secotad door from Water It. apl3s2na (Theurer copy.] NOTICE. mut.: undersigned having purchased of O. A. Ba j. aid, we Ktoem Saw Ana on Ray Allegheny Refer , above the Arsenal, are new prepared to fill all biro of !amber of any alto and length, front Or it. downwards. Boar Hiders, Deck Plank, lcuawales, Joist, teaollingsi Trimmers, Boards, ice on the shortest notice. Laths eonstanly on band. Orders received and any inform- Olon given by It Wernan, corner of Water and Liberty streets, or II orrircon, No 140 Liberty are., and at the office of the mil. apleKrlm WIGHTMAN k MORRISON tar ALL PAPER—W. P.llisususaa 1. constantly VT receiving, from the tersest menulactortec an Naar York and Pbtledelphia, and sue from French age..., the newest and most approved etliM Of P.' per Nudging% to tithe[ with Larders, tire Board Prints, and Tester Cope. For sale at AS Wood IP, be. tween Fourth at and lhammtalley, (successor to S. C 11111.1 eu.)_ s,llireudc FAINT-4 !id - bigot reed per steamer, IV/. uld tor .ate by the barrel or eine., pound at the Drug, Seed. and Perfumery %Yoruba.. center of Sixth and Wood street. $ N WICKERSHAM. al In ISOL - opiatts , Paton% Soda Nets. 464 CAhltS of the above eelebtwed brand and high test, direct Now the nianutseturers; 130 rests now mi the "my from Near Uric.% trod ex. peeled here this week; and 314 will ebortly arrive via Dalsimore per ships Joniata, Chesapeake, Dams. eve, Inn Albas, which will be sold onarrival, at the lowest market piles fur cob or aperoved NV td I.I4TCHELTREE, appNo 1 1 .1 Wherry et. Nunn:atom nuosse. Ald. persons tastes numbers pat on their houses, in eenfermay to a tesolution of Councils, will please call at the-Rooms of the Board of Trade; *mond etory, earner of Wood and Thud sta. and pay for the same. Hewn. FUMESTOCK Talabarsas April 111,1110. _ OEN • :' , 1.::.: , ..",'A •!i.i.. -,- .. ...._______"i''.... :.--:, .- ... 11_.....: , -:-':', l =-"5.:: ,,- ,..W '.li ; .''' '' ' '.:- 1 ,. - f • 4 _ . • .. • , • ‘.... ... .. • . .•:.. . ,-' . . i . : ._. ' .. . t r i .• , , .... . , 7- : '!. I ..:- . 4 ' ‘. l . . ~. •,. .. i t ,. , _ -:., .. - 1 :4 .., . 1111 . :. . ... _ _ . PiIIOOLARIATION. .4 VNOSV all men who am sick and afllleted wi dig., 11. cue of the bladder and kidneys. with Men sue pains in back or limbs, stitfjoints, old torn , re ding ulcers., Ow, teat they can be cored by tallier tit Pe troleum! Ton may talk about its being a n ea as such a. you pleue, bat this does not make It • for we proem. Lo the face of an honest Maim ;that it has einem! which toe not contained an any Mites ...,,,,,,.0,. Th e moo who is racked with pain and sof lenng from disease• can for fifty cents. get relief from any of the Ills ennumemted above. Baader! it cotta very little to make atrial. This Petroleum is no mix• tare—no command, pat up for the purpose of imposing on the community; bat it is a remedy elaborated by the master band of name, and babbles op from the bo som of our mother earth in Its original purity, and of. am re seeming !lament y a ready remedy, a certain and cheap cute. It bat Oared Piles after other medicines have failed to rot, er e,ei, Wier It cured Rheumatism of long standing, and of rho wpTst and most painful character. It has cured Cholera hlorbas },y pge or two doses; It btu eared old oases of Diarrhea, Ih wni,;l: rtery other 'remedy has been of no avail. As • lee til 'Maxey io barns end welds, It Is better than any medical tom- Posind or oluttent that we know ,L It will cure chil blains or (salsa feet, in • few mirth:ado.; wdoubt ell tesdmony soot bit tsig,lebed:Of the troth ...Mined In the above eistement by nUngfee. td.rn'he! Mr., Canal Basin, 7th streeq or eillm, el ItMee. Keyes,. a. MoDowell, corner of ewe and Virgin Alley; B. E. Beller', 37 Wood oraet, D. Ei not ec a M. thug, Allegheny oily, are the menu. 14±.91_ A FritioIRAN , S TU9TIZIONY7"--. Hen. Jame. Campbell. David R. Witlte Ale J and P.M er ike, P. Cementer.. W. J. 9 HATE FOUND kcvetipg TO EQUAL TREK' , MARI:IIN, 14., Vern P,11150. R. R E tA SELLER—I have dittposM. of 011 thy M Cough Syrup and Liver PIII, you mat me, and (0 An of the Vermifoge. I hum toed all your Family Medieines in my family, and have MN. prescribed them In my pracuctu I am Pool much ples.eo nit,h ;oem, and knee found nothing to equal them. Send me r..; your Venuifoge, and 10 dos each nt the Lim, Pills nod Spio. Renpectfully your., I, C h ( y L ta t'e pu ' lar med'eines ma T y . li T e . l l ll peeparto b ,lt ' S iiIELLERS, 67 Wood stand Druggist. Ferterally ' lnitu Imo eitles and vlelnitY. ttn6 -- . PAOOIII *up LIE AD I TB* moat impel lout Plast•VOry Chlt Rte. 00edg--Buta Remedy for Ile* RlSegl ThIL D. P. DROWN ' S celebrated External ! Ameri• Le au 'Remedy far the Piles, ha. already proved itself •ratte a B b in e e th ° teh ondlom e r ars ef tt. v 'l ina ble t m ed e d t i o c i the , •nd the largo number of ext... PIRO with *bleb Dr Brown has treated, no one bat tolled to be pedrely eared. Unithe the many healing balms extant, altar months and years of experimen.'lM ig, hem too .fan lett the•patmot where they commenced, or worse: bar atter a few days will decide the ease by erectus . Vu7r l" l.e ‘ w " gr ' ilexs,l shall not et ter into a labored ar• Mao cot to prove my medicine. tintroduee it apon Its own merits. by ita effect I Intend it shall stand or fall. 111. pn to that laathiome dime...the PILES, to the vales er a fr,.. daft—, I rut the cue with ye* DR D P BROWN, .4 6'7 Lloyd street. Iltatip. IVA Sold wholesale and retail of LI F. BELLE my 4 67 WOod • I 152:2421112,AT0RY . 1111111U2I ATI/fie -- THE AMERICAN Rot L Wil ATIC BA Lb A MU.,, A NEW remedy boxiy covered in the Vegetable .11,.. Klngdom—a itate and peressaux tare for all Iliteumade canplennis, men as lellammainty. Chronic. tenth and Idercanal Rheinaltism, Goat, Lumbago, Spinal A feed.* &e. This medicine has long been sought for. It has been aaldthat Rheumatism could net be cared; bat there is remedy designed by nauare for the cote o: every di* • cane that the bumeo system is suldeet to. At lasts re toady line been found that cores Rheunatima of the ! wort( form-one of the moot 'climbte vegetable pro• ducnou of the cunt—Use greitissx t end most imp.. it diseovery of the age, end a womler 6 l blessing to • human fetidly. It cares without *eget:them! debit. - dug, and renews strength and vtgor to Me when. sl, - AID . It has dint'red, during the pest three months, over eases asete considered torataine. Certificates of the cultise properties of this meal. I eine can be seen bj calling on the Agents. None gehuine note. put op with an engraved label upon the outside wrapper, aligned by the proprietor. B TURNER, Bolide, N. Y. sold by . 11. SITTSER, comer Third and Market et, Pans !lath. Boit unman G. F. THOMAS, to UM Math st, Co:Whined, 0. • reb7.dirmellual ,DILDICAIs AA LI BUItIiIICAL 01,111Cri , Na. 165, DIAMOND a few doors b. ow Wood W. 411 5- ward. Market DR. Mil: am, baring bd. remtlarly educated to the medical prafosaion s and beta for some time In general practice, now eontines Lis 'gentian to th e treatment al thus mama mull delicate com plain. for atich ni l opparthcniep ud experience pacallarli ilnallij him. to years ualdoossly devotee to malty A treatment of those complate.,(duna.miste, 2 time he has had more . practice ud Mu cued mom pre tents than can even fall to the lot of any private prat- Intoner) amply guilty. him to offer siasnruces of apeedy,pereitatient, and satisfactory rum to all atniedid nth Halt au diseases, and all diseases arising theme from. Dr. Brown muldlnform those minted with poste distaste shreh hoe a becoans s chnirdcby!tinte or as firsesmid by the one of any4fthe enc. , . no of the dot, that their umplaima man be radically and gam: °uglily:nixed; he have& gipen his eyelet agentian to the nestle/a Out. canoe, and sc.ceded to titaitred• of inustmaiin caring parsons of indumostion of 4 neck lorthe blunter, end kindled diseases which o • a result hnsitthoso cues where ,mbers have tonaig nil theta. hopelusdespan. Ire pankularly tunes+ di I es ham been lons and auseconfolly treated by oth .5 I tO etnisaitilms when every unsfsetiesi *IL he gi uststim their cases treated in • eareful,thomagli 4 !ragtime. manner, pointed out by a long </pence , stady i and invesbigui.,whiel It t. Impossible forams,. engaged in general practius of medicine to give to au class of discu. Itrllernia or Rappers-127Indwe Um tunas per mita emitted with Fiends to call, as to has paid pard• ear intention to that disease. CUNCEBB alto cured. Skin dissue, else 1' *Palsy, Ea., eptedlly eared Charges very l ow. N.B.—Padens f either sea hying at a distsnu, by stating their disease iii writing, critic all the /lyric• toms, em obtain medicines with dlrcences far am, by addressing T. DROWN, M. D., poet paid, add endu inga ft* _.,4olltis Ng 51 Diamond altlay,appunt• th e Waverly Ilause. . 'ROUX:rim—Dr. Drown`, newly discovered reme dy fat She dunce is a speedy and certain :metal lot that pain'al troitile. In never falls. &See e. 2 Pouts 0-7saidag ROOM, No. AS Ehe. =ad allay, Pitt,burgh, Pa. 'tilt Doctor is always at homy. No sueno par. '' Doe t. lima " GUEDI2C — ST AL OVIdIiOTI.IIIII ----' I/111E Phcenis Manufactenng Company now offer to JI, the public their Premium Chemmal Fiore Snltith, nod wadi , euggeration, or fear of contradiction. by those who have tested it, prenounee it far superior to ny albedo the market The en:mutter need have no •, apprehension. of soiling carpets. en., ss its cam- Ipi:Mitten Prevent. a duet from arming wheel:ming ape plied, which must be dote warn the Steve is rod s Toe quantity required Vso I,ttla to progue a bun. lifat hasten A savutg of/over hey per cant Is insured to the count mars. A cantles applied to Stores, Pipes, 4e., when laid away for the summer, ht a hire pro. Iveetative against/ rash After bluing died it once, "Of ii IN accessible) no person will nu any lint the '`,am t -lx Manetacturing Cempuy'a pn.mi n . "Thud. sal Stove Palish. For sale by 8 N WICKF.RUIAM, gild Comer of Sixth and Wood streets. 15AUCILLF KeK152.1, 7 1f, ‘TANUPACITIIER OF c.t.sr STEEL. and No I al. and Nova Ammicu Inkster Meal. Also—Peat Cast Steel Filee,of all sites; and Bhicksmith and Shoe Rasps, Morale *Abend and for lisle, either at his -Ea. gle Mail Works,. (Pilau street, Finn Ward, or at the office in the Iran Stem of BOLLMANS & GAIIIII• SON, No *loot of Weed street, Pittsburgh. inal.dlna ife, the undersigned, having nisei, arch entire eat- Jafirodon, the Cast Start rind Files made by Samuel 3delialvy. at his Engle Stee VPork In lain city tae pleurae it reenrumeniliiig them cc miu a! to quality k to any ever used by as, of fornran manufacture. Pittsburgh, March t 3. lebtia. U A I It SII()ENDIIRGER Manufacrurers of Iron and Nabs. Pittsburgh," Pa. KNAPP& r ['WEN: Iron Founders and Machinists, Pittsburgh, Pa. COLE3I AN, II AlLnl AN & CO, Manufacture. of Springs, Azies,,Spring Steel and Pittiborab, Pas Machine W FAIIER , Engine Builder. and Machine Card alanubicia• re., Pritationth. Pa. A FULTON, Brass Founder, Pittsburgh, Pal GRAFF, LINDSAI A CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nail.. Pittsburgh. Pa. JOSF.PII TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Sunder, Piitabureh r W W WALLACE, Marble Manafitaturer, Machine and Engine Iluild rarr/ es:Pittsburgh, Pa. EM=I =DI DREFIS, AND AT EAST• USERS' PRICES: . . . Blue Drubs; . Woo Dersilno; Fancy Costonades; all are ' offered at Factory pnees. Noma League 811Irting. I Cheeks sod Stripe., very ' Leavy goods. Tailors' Good. Red Podding, supMeker de; Vogt raddsug, nes, TollorsTstevass,beavy do; Drown Linens, hir ' 's ;Drab Serge, bine d all and worsted; Meet and Maus aims Wads Twist, Dra do; - Linen Cheeks antis; 13s do 's 6 cord rfts' C do Listen Th ad, a superior. attlele• N lls g\ i,is.\ Silk Fsgured Vesli Illsek Sada do Brown Holland. Beg .. as; Limb:sus, Cravats, tr.e. arehouso, No 1.27 Wo od nardS il °darn and Antigne Furniture. JAMES W. WOODIVELLy Sl, TILL. ST., Prnissenon. J. I,V. W. iii..1 . ...,; , Cd. "32 , ..,, i. 12 . Respectfully swot.; the _ i''' i" public that he he. noun pined his spring smelt of FURNITURE. the 'amen and mos; vorted tesortment ever offered for sale m this city, comprising several setts of Hossthoon, lilaninianl, end llLacs Wst.ituv, Dawed, ornamental and plant, satiable for Parlors, rawing and Bed Rooms, all el which will b• SOW ul the lowest prices. Pcisiths desirinurniture of any descrition, w are speed ully incited to p call wide:ann. his sto c k, hieh enibreeee every description, from the cheapest and plainest to the most elegant and costly, of which the following comprises •parn Tent a Fete Sofas; Teo • Tete ItivanN Conversion. Chairs; Elisabeth'. Geo..; Reception do Louis XIV do Extension do 'Bodes Lulu.; What Nets. ' Toilet Tablet. • Louts XlVCommadora; Duke of York\ s Conch; GO Sofas with Plash and Ihdr.loth COT Cm, AO Divans, do do do; 40 dos hlnhogany Parlor Chair.; 10 " Rosewood do do; II " 111% Walnut do do; 40 " Cs. Flat do; 4 ° Mahogany Rocking do; I " dp Plano Pinola; 1110 Marble Top Centre Tables; GO do dii" %Yeah Stands; 20 Mahogany P.O."'""i II do wardrobes; Is 011 Weitzel do; El Cherry do. A very large assortment of Common Chairs and oil, at FAlMlllare too Indioos to mention. Ire Steam Boats furnished on the shortest entice. Ail orders prof:multi attended to. P f 4 —Cotner , Makers can be supplied with all sone of Mahogany, Wa ma, and Veneers, al considerably reduced fthEeea.Oblii CHURCH CAROIHERS A CO h Ne 97 *Ater st.b' t wb Woo d . <9 . el7l ' "'"" bovue formerly oc9llo9dy 119,49.Jostes.Z'Cot..to I. • r WCA lona •,a &WM t I' Proof Paint, or artificial elate Just reeetyrd. •Tre above vain• we boa° bad in no fur five years, and we can confidently recommend It to the peblle fur gerotraLesc. as a perfect are and .vrater proof paint, nod ; to mend the action of the atmorphere a/lA.O ilviag. For gale by .I t It PHILLIPS mayl7 7 k 9 Wood at ASTLY2'—io barrels tg ‘'.. T t 0" 4 DIM"! Aritez MEDICAL. 011LCULAIL F114.1' , 4 MISCELLANEOUS. SOMETHING NEW •. . 'Under the Saa' or Pittsburgh II 'WILL be opened shimi Om 2nd or hrio IL Ryon,' Tv , wooorr and Tea 'Wore, in the Ilillattelphie nte subscribers have Sled sip a more it No. efr, a t Liberty etreetiin a styJektioetioeto Any of he hind to PitObstrgh. where they •vetll eloraye have hope as. sortmeet of fine Groceries, .td super' 'Tam to which they respeetfellf invite the attention f the pub lic. ' Of every article, 'they *will endeavor** 'keep vim best of Its kind , end conadently - reeetamosd Aber Tug as not vo we scirmszo, ir await? in the ci y. Their assortment .17 nontplimr,Graen 'Pod Black Tens of all kin& from Lei routs to 11,50 per vested. .... " - • C'ffn" of" : " ,,t ra ral .. f, Cfraihed and Pne•erlaed: Lo•enng•. .nd Ti.o:Mothise..Choe "'"S t "P ' S'g" " " d'Zirith;l+.l<ch, Pi kiee, Fi.ho Kr 6' r f ' ,..n ° ll }7. :i e n nn ds., cl: 4 '4" : B l4 F t' A Z ,Lard I ; AI oge o ured l , "" b , r r iF i l t d - e h :0 . 71 7 i; ; L lZtl2ll °." 7,ll co hula nz het herih,fore.be had In PAW. o-oin, - .7.141e13'11rt1a would fill TO enomprair. the/ ..C o rrd ..u. ltlivered rise of c!txge veer? part of . . Deniers supplied on most reatnnulde urnps. r is w fd . c ,, CL t. U .3 11 ,5 0 ,, te CO.. ‘ rop4 (s.teireinseti, A. WESTERVELT & SON. KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND Id nKEHEI VV keep eoustiottlf 'on hood or make to order the best toilet,' in their line, at their old stand, No 113 Clair street; also at No.P6 Nat ket street," eond story, ontrancp 3,, Dip it A ktoppond Veritinn dbotters made to order, and old lltPnrette kettotre4 , -!PIP To longhorn and lAreetarn Illeretrienga. DOUSSEL'S PREMIUbI PERFUMERY.—The U. rahseriber reopectfully invites public intention to his cgtensive Met of Perfumery, Soaps, Shoving efeFl.l.lt.F., to ti seven Silver and two Golden Medals Ilk., rthibtil fee lOW siiyeerg, bah Alluded by the blousons of New York, Roston, and Philo dolPhrit, the loner being the only Golden MIAPIA e'en awarded for perionery either, ,th Europe or in dm canary. Roma'. UNIVIALLTD 511.151.1 ClLNl•lAlmond, Rae, and dragoman anivetally acknowledocil to be superior to any Shaving Cream in tlas °canny or °'''' !=teira.va FOR all4Vll/6-11kIlliiIrlally tr.4,114,5,f, lod posse-alt. biagly Stroacepas coil r 0.1 1 ,. ., operties; Sononut a ova COMpotne; thasthigf SUVy, g Talt!et; Military Shaving Snap. Su ram. Timmer Soars—thinonth lea, Mllleflen., poaunt PIZIRCIIIO. Murk. ', thehouly, !galas. Float ing. Transparent, Clio. 0! W . lndo=ing Circogsign. line , C l a r ro a lin n e7n i e t Ansutf, J -", nny z Eilil:ldrotTl line, Jockry Club, Magnolia, Clemaute, altellblle .Roan, and may other varieties, in all six ailment perfumes. Totem' Woron—Flaida Water: Eau de Toilette, Overige Flower Wear. and a great variety at Co logne, and I,ender Watas P1161,11.10X4 rot run Hots—Genuine Besa's Oil. ;.basic. tril, Cadoline, Vao I +went., ribrinh, Go,g. ;gond fir Ilactg. id( ly., rvils and In powder ; i al Philiworne, Glenda, il Jenny Lind Hartle. 00.1,1•GIC Pllll,Clittl. 1— Italtamlo Giar, Rose Tooth Ita-te, Charcoal utrifee, Gilman., Tooth. P.M. and Tooth rota.. Coaaries—theetahl. C wt. Cream, Antonin.. for chopped had . Cold fetal of bows, Cicala di Perm, Lie Sala, 11 4 , Pbgfl fn. - A All. Depilatory Pourer., fee removing superthin!. hair, Pearl Pawner, thaigie de Rogge, At 00.11113 Vinegar, Victoria !lair Composition, Promo Salto, besides a treat variety of odicronlelea, too name.. to be named In Una othrortisement. The stbserther hores to msintsin the troptitstion isrbish this establishment hes smutted, by Elteromng le nothing but Gest rote nateles, and will be happy to fu .h those who may Islets to patronize bent cutter wholessle •r ectbtl on •• mast:inutile tarsus as one Labliabpeatla the !ASO BEMs. BAZIN, SeeelJfee to end foam Dismiss of the L 40441011 P.:(SENts ROU3ODIss 414 Chesnut street. Me. Barml Perrainegy Info; sclc 07 CI Or prtnel• psi Druggists in the counter Sri die DISSOLUTION OP PSI...TADS SUIP. HE Pannership heretofore existing betwern Junes 1 Mershall, Wm W. Woilsce, and henry Miteary, 1.• the cart iron business, under the name of Manhall, Wallace a Ca, wan dissolved by mental consent, on the Mt Mat, Jarrow Marshall and Henry Prficary, haring pptchmed the entire interest of Wm. W. WAI LS:A. in :aid Amt. The businew in Intern whit he eonunued is 0111. venous branch,. by the sebteribers, under the name and. wale of bluebell Messerary, who arid made the badness ord. late firm, and to whom ell persons In. deb.& •re requester to mate payment. Wants...re, earner of Wood and Liberty streell. JAM'S bIAIMALL s not HENRY fiteriblertlf ENOLISII & HENN • !It, th l 4 Wood .Iron. :OM boo DI. 140 batt cluster do; 151 Is do do; I: cage Sante Cnerantst 13 4rrJea K We eau; 15 do Brazil Pion; 16 'do. Ctlberte; Pea Nov; 20-bnetibelled Almondm W t t&i . Roek Cando; 6 ea... Llquonte; 10 31 Printipee & Ciars; . lock 04 g Halt Sranah; 3 002 Clcitmr; 2 <0;11. Siotm.tF 3 ceroons Indigo; 2.3 eases Legion 2 1. , 2; =cues P. ppm , nou , e; ID ernes Tomato Camnp; Sensed Spines °rail 21.0.2 40 torrents powdered and Loaf Strn 2 lint. Madde or; r: 10 Ms Whiting; W i siVOT A gg. UngC 120 pigs V. U. Im. n'aelr: Ansi Ouppos der Teas; 170 SgsTobsecoi bat Rio Cafes; i. N 0 01olssiitir; 70 bids N 0 Sugar 2.10 Dogs, •isorted ' sizes • Window Glass; 40 bia Piper; 4011 bra c33sp;• inn Clud'es; aro" 10$ endfiah; IO boll Tanners' Oil; 3 r lbgaglinerng,i $0 4a3 Bed 4:ark 14 co ils Nlarnira nape; 30 by $p Iced Chocolate; lo bogs gamer, hag. nlapzee; ;313 • 40 Vinegar b+. ne; 30 okles Ca • dlavnek; 40 bra Starch; 10 tree Vire; Orris Cha k; :04 drama Figs; its Ire; as a general Mani:dm - won uncle, assoroxeat of PiOotnErgh ozoOl =3:21 Tim TWA Eat: a:dß of fvy• or 1•••• Ty ai.••••4•rTen agams. Try our Tie Tea agora .t Toe yen. ben Blurt Tel at 75 cents per pound. The very best Green Ter at SI per pound. eve arc de vLdely oppoovlto p Ohm,. instead of which we vesper tfuL I y so'int Conspornon, as lee best method of troyina who sells the best and ebeapast Terut. MGR la Id st HAM - MITI most Proprietors of the Tea Market. I eaninrid, Oeni • weer, ?Sc Tea laugiticleeintere. SI Tee tioeglei enteertere. a imported, ive axe selling ported, we ore selling =MINI 150 TONS ICE w TZIUTIVALTI7I7:IIVP maFa Cana. Ilnaln. I :be.. at Colored wed I& Itire Waedlng. RALES rupotior chatty, lora memted from mtnolamorer, on consign...ter, end-for ranet mum once, ita the thanuferturem , tterehou.e, & CO, •p 23 t ,1 20 W 0 et. Indl& Blabber Rote. JV'THoot. 0. and 3 plr. of .11 CO'C 'tot leather far oak , by tar " "" J & PHILLIPS mn9 , . & 0 Ni To H rLS—A complete assornocnt O r bes ystClts ofeast Steel Wass and COM 1! . ..) , hnh avarraolcd. thlat Steel S. :1,/r. 4 prong Forts, vicsrsont'd, Css,terl Ilav K..ives: • 10 dog do tiorm-nook—lloet, solid; 0 do. rommon do do, Drug rale low, at the rug end Seed Store of S N WIIItiESPDASI Inet , D3 Corot Sortb Wnnrj .14 GfiliCEßlF...looliaal 0 Seger -713 r oetrat,Rao Coffee 73 lo <l3'3 Y Hyeo.t, eariec, grades 30 no tomposedcr end Imp 30 do l'uoeooog 5 do 03Iene .1 , caddy bro 3 it Imp A c r u 1 bb 11,5'5, and Ws TobsecO eo.idy Bo.tow'a 5'9 do braes Starch lols A Mllorir Salermos 7,19d0er, Auto. Claw, Pepper, Allspice. Nutmeg., arid Lamp Ulsok sokcg, ker9; for BOG I.? C 11 t, VT PI Water at Genuln• noels Farina Cologne. T-eH. 91 Ort 9 taned bane ',en en milted °gams in Pittaburgh h.r the sale at Charles Marie Farina's le v. 11a:diets will be supplied al manufacturer. prires. WV A BIeCLURO & CO may 19 PM Liberty at eithdelni.S-4.4 . .mrast, titian, Ronson and English twilled eppy Oh. Nod Oil, Marne & hire Copal Varnish. Voglish Nlllllnuirdsoutorted sizes. Illanosaily Pallet, Charcoal Sticks. - Fine o Pi) COOT. lu flosihteouber, of all kind, loot reed, and for Bee by J NOW & CO Wood et SUPPLY Jost received, of tto most approved e make, and eultali , e width. MURPHY & nunciirtELo, rnforui N P. eor Fourth lc Marknt tt. TIKA FIFOBI &IDOL& MD. D REM. Teoe same kind of STIIN and Rogan &tweed that are retailed In t i e old coo wry at 4. and to. per lb. eau be obtained for 50e and 'LW our pound of Tao T.& Marian . , east lido of the Diamond, thltaborgb, or at hlorris & liawrottb'a Wino Store, Federal etreet, Allegheny. The about Pew. Ceuta we receive through our English Agent, direct from the queen's Bonded Warehouses, duty free, tering for erponation. ogle JTUFT opened, •t the 19usbargh Family Grocery pud Tr R Winchonue,the following misordnent of Green and Gluck Team -4Ilifill• BUM Wang ilyeen; Oniony; ..Fine Young do; Fine Golonyi Extra fee do do; litre fine do; hope nal; tteachone; Gunpowder. Choalan Poneliner, filegyeng do. Itl u i ui neeesied7 to parr the above Teas; Cap swat roe themselves. MI we ask is a fair slid, and we sore confident they will please twill in quOtiv and price. . Wll A hi'CLUtiG & CO ' • - 03•04 310 Liberty N To:Natl.-13 b .111)end Es Lamp to do do Slope nor do; 00 b 34 Cobine. 5. Lamp. Id boo Jones & Iladton'o Ws Lump; IN b. Mown a Rolononn`. 5•0 Loom 6 capes 40 dwarf boo IN yrry flronoeo 4 do 31 do 'room. , Neeter LI do B do do Gold Leaf 30150 00.0, in Nom, and for oil. te) MILLER a RICRET6O34 mayl3 170& 174 Liberty N. OwnittlPTim Citi& So. Ptinolpeer, goon N IVJ. 43 M do do B 01, 00 M do do No It 30 31 do do No ;A 10 AI Regolio, Fornerr No; 13 IN do Cosoctopolne; 0 Al Ilernotd, la ti 16 M do gdr; for tilde by may13 ,,A,41,s s A A MIL , MILLER & RINKETSON 31 't 5500105,3'' ri"Teft-h":„F:i.oki"4l'' void. for 'Belot & M S MITCIIELTREE stavlN Wherry N., %hooting RI wallas. ABlippLy jam received, of all tbo dif f erent widths, ~0. one to Wee yards wide. lanot MURPHY ts BiIIitCUPILIZ ______ W ALL Piftßitlo eonts a - pleas to • W P AIIMISHALL'S 'iltayl7 Wall Papa Stash ES Wept st. - 7 VOL XVII. NO. 2.V. DRY GOODS, &c. Itinati•ta wad 130131 at Ribbons. MVBPin a RUB.CIIFIEt,D Mire =cooed an od. d ninon! supply of nt.'s goods, inchadins • aim. Mira of China, Pearl, Albano and GinonlPrinets; MIAs ',id 0,i...re., . I:MORNING GOODS. XNURPHY & BURCHFIELD Invite the atteation LU of those 'ranting goods far Mcaming pewees, to their yet"' SLR ...moot, lest received, such as Bleck Bombazin, Poßombazine es . finish Siloam', Black Mouse de Mourning Wash Silks, • do Printed Fonlarde, Ravages, Timms, Sicilian Lustres, Albacete', Plain Black and Printed Lawns, Black Embroidered do; Bone., Ribbons, Scarf de, Veils, he. mayl7 Baraigo 4. Lianas A A. MASON &CO bare reeeir , e4, per exprese. /1. and aow opening 30 pze eretee Burge de Lek& 70 pea Plain Moendeg do. liFflTlV.,Tc7ralaVerit!d•Y " HO Mime eopaltubet Slums, p 1.14114. embroidered; 60111,4 do Ale% Z.) per Black Oro de RAW Silks; ape. de bade de Chine; d* 4 p<l. Turk Snin..' • QUM Ala CueTiNti—Zipes CAW mews, assoned aolon, most deanble wide for InalrtnlT cools , reed, and vow opening by AA. bIASON &CO 01222E1 HlBKiltirAlirLki—tiopertor 61gb coloied[bet T Rbania. nomprikng Crimson, Grange, ?Ant, m ap Grua sod Corn colored, Jost reco7o roctilo, and this 0 / .4 4 bT A rterte l t sat •• I -01114 COS 4.,n4q• -n. hot Gilson and Corn Co.LUrew..o'n Mr <epre .. now mityl7 A A bk/ . ..Algi. A , org. Virgtirmi. o. to 39 12C 'do; nneo 3411: 14 : . Pion. 23 'inch do. • "A, moo7lo Moan Ilandkarolatiirls. 4QO dm Ladies. Limn Cambria Udall, an - micas; ICO dor Genie , do • do • do CZ dm do do do eoloved bordersi. Received dila day by A A HAWN &AM maTIO 0124 . 12 . fa , ' jil a. I.4llifiliout6Patal L. 4, ?2..14!'"W 4 " ;'''', riffiira47 i r ia l ntl'unirwzi p “ 4.4 .44 44p. 4-4 4,4, 7 141 '4'A, ..paricr i r,. , 6!wr; Ulatiors, .4 A elm Utons, no. opening op A A 14ASON & _ Fresh Arrtval .t 113 g, Goads.' IX7 E arc now receiving largo ad.:adieus to our clock VI: of Spring ad damtner Dry, °noir, ard aro pre pared to offer Wlxcellent •ecortmoot It Q . o . l. gain low prints inr cu lt. Or opproyeti Tb. ..30 iiVavicalatly que,tete to car aa ccl cosi:dent a being thin ttl olcriutuattarthdoe•lutro• to mato • bill will us. Coll ard ciandna malty - 1511/tCIiLEIT & WHITE, ronyd____ .. till Wood ore, I AlThMrreTTVNA—tell pc. Lenten= Lawns lust I rremect, and note tattling St Lhe e pnce er l• news pet yard, try_ A 4 MA 'Tet SON CO ITVii.freS - BeIIiPZIE9-10a pee Paris Prlntil EltlagoAd i local attey,:_93 pea do at tele yor yard NI , pc, Ilea 1'; oted Maslow, all oaalltleN fast colored Muslin. at Sc per yard, now opening by Aaylo A A MASON & CO C. YEAGER, 108 lllark.t Street, (boar LlTerty,) AMERICAN, MOLL.? H. ANIVKMAN IFAN I' 0 0 7 s y ufar.avoi [mmnc Ls, CLOY r BUTTONS') BUS FEN . Ilaßlsa au Vasty Vestings, BLACK :ND FANCY SILK CRAY &TS, ONGRF, BANDANNA. lola LINEN FILIKFV. pencral as. Kamera 21 FANS, avcry variety of tramming& VRFISH GOODS—We are now reenverleg• a eery r large and floe aatonment of Spring and Summer Goads, a large portion ef which have bean purchased n¢ great redaction from the priers brought by the same deseripbons or goods in the early part of the season, so that to almost every kind or goods we will tie enabledto offer Great Bargains to Cash Bayer. wbbrlt we W 0. 41 TOnMsSf4IY taste Se gall at No 65 Mgrim; si t pdtlit west comer of the Diamond, iaayS3 ALEX A N DER & DAY UHPHY i 1.11./RCHFiELD ate now receiving M Weir snood supply of Goods for this Spring. and offer their friends and buyer genenby s Urge and choice 1100nlittra to Wee! from. Deelers are incur& to took la .t the wholesale rooms of AV It blerphy, us stales t where a fresh sop. ply bus alio been received, end 'several kinds of goodevaPp .pid at cgnee. thqn ;seal. myt2 At. 11480 N k C 0,69 market ens new open A • ihg choice high Cotored Bitrege.,-Tissoest Mar. questa, Delphisee t AO., all at reduced prices. n 1915 FithlotedWoe hod Mottios at the low once of lop, will be opened by A A MASON t CO myth • Bargain. la Foulard &IndianVasil Silks Aluorr7,ll Pout—TAL._,D.rblT: law price. m 37k peril id: also. super do. ' higher Provo scam Silks, eau plaids. at reduced price.; sad a lope as ormentor HARROFSA GRENADINLZ.avd Lad/ea , Dors Good• genera Ily. of noon style., at earth east tivioAvi_o!ri2sHkond M ar k et . mold_ rro littlels£ PROM . THE I=l D COURTRI I Pseeisaly the same kind every nrang and mob favored Tras that are sold In the Old Cool .t five ;dalliers pet pound area a. MORRIS & HA obtained for ?no peWORTHr lb or searn . LOST' A PAIR bf Geld Spectacles, seppoted helm been A drooped in Wood •tree; in front of Bakevrell et. Pear's tVarshontte. The finder will he rewarded on returning. thew to the owner, No. re Wood atreeL ADM •11141 lIIMOVAL •..49 PIENI•3•NT CUL 07 AtLD3IAW OE ilherr of Tilt hind, O. Scrofula or Koichi Evil, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cut. nee,. Szaptinne, Pimples or Pustules on the Fare, Blotches, }Liles, Chenille Pore Eyes, Rio Worm or TencrySesld Head, Enlargement mad Pain at the Bonet and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltie • Symptom,. Sciatica or Lamb* ',and area.. arising from an itiludielous nor of Mercury . , Am ulet. or Dropsy, Exposure or Imprudence in Alho—Cbroute Cansututinual Disorders, Me Tins •dicine has acquired a very ere, nod and est , blithed reputation wherever it has been used, hrtsed'entirisli on Ps own metits, which its superior stLeacy has Moto sustained. Tie unfortunste ileum o; hereditary &sense, wish &melon glands, contracted sihew, and bones half ....ions, has teen remitted to iesith and vigor. The throfolous patient, eevrerd with dicers, leeth.me to himself and his attendants. has been made whole. Hundreds of persons, who cad greened hopetesity for yeats ceder • raincoat and glandular disorder., chronic rheumatism, and teeny other complatets syringing front a derangement of Nr sectedve organs sed the eireulation, t hane been raised ns Is were mum the rack of disease. and sow, with regenerated coneutatino, gladly testi:, to the efficacy of this theitintable preperation..• • “TRUTII Is STRANGER rILAN FICTION" The attention of the reader is called to the following silo, 'shiest core, effected by the use of Sands , Sorso . partite. i- This to to certif. that I have a colored woman who has been afflicted for the teat Eve year With Setofala, and all the remedies I used bas no effect In arrethug the progress of the complaints ow the , emery, she constantly grew worse: and after expending bellreco IVO and SRi with physleiens, besides using other popular vemedies ca rti la ge uccess, 1111 the disease bad • carrel away ths or her nose, made int sp. pearance on •aneas parts of her body, end had EMILs ced its.ravages In th e root of her mmath ' ommencis In title dreadfal situatiod. with the prospect death storing her to the false, I stated her case to Dr. Disosway, rho ascot for Sands , Sarsaparilla in New beta, N ,by walcho lwas advised to use that ardelq and to my contrite and that otem neighrors, to whom her mien was known, after 'using four and a hotfoot nes shears. res , tored to perfect health, and that to tha pace of three weeks, and we. able to work in two weeks from die time ate commenced taking b ate witness of the troth of - this statement .I have hereunto affixed my name, tble.ltth day Of Heoterabor, 1047. JOSEPH ALeCOTTER. J. P. • uttouth el Phase River,Craven ce N BORE 1 GROAT The lollOWing V an extract film n tatter received (rem atm. Ilevan,woo had been &Weed several years , o Perolulons Wren, Dyspcp•Ler le., and recently I an abeam, of the throat end chests— "Bactirissuls, Dee : 13, Olds, eMesars. A. D. & D. Berths—Before I commenced slog your Namparitha ray mfferings were almost pt iptereloch my th ro at Ira, alearated ; I h a d a dread's! Coal h, and there wentiteeptently weeks together theft roald rot wan about a whir. per, and betides, the intlamendion from my thee.. ea.' :ended to my head, se that say be ming warner? mock impaired. Alter utklng.the Sarsapafhtaa rho) . * lane roamwaa improved. and Inv throat is now well. as tree Pout cough md tig Moue of the cheat Ter 1 wary and can hear quite distinetlY 'lily throat as Leers well Sheol three month% the gore of which J. been effected entirely by the use of ' , Mir Fuss. . partite Your friend LOUISA' R BRYAN" The rebooted testimealal te the yam of the Rama is trom the Rev Lather Wrighsouted yea% Cangregabenal Meister, residing at Woburn o tVosuas, biau.4 March 30,'/Otallt 'lleum Sands: Gentlemen - From what I have Perfumed, and hem the information I have memo) re persona f eat a number of persons of high respects is lily who have used you Sarsaparilm, I have. no, Me least doubt but that it Ina 1120ZI•Illellble Medlar.. ml that the Ilailletrele cemileates you Lave reeetecd if its efficacy arc (ally attained by mpertence, and though Its rep laden sad Wilier' ere very estmalm and eland in no neeffelmy humble errata to increase hem, I want vAvdte are afflietad by ililahre to be enure tegualated With the talcum and peter of your callable medicine, s' . laut, gentleman, gratefully end very leseeeffnlll reefs. ' LUTHER WRIGHT.. Prepared and staid, whqicsale and retail. by A 3.8 eIAND/L , Druggists and Choosy-I,IW Fulton annest earner or WOILon, New - Yore. Sold else , by Drag gists pnenuly thmegtrearthe United Btruesdiad Can asts. Pike by per beIOC. WI:, tor It Fee sale by 1. WILCOX, fr, A. ff# l Mir= G and EDWARD F=SDERICILMOsbuts_ so, 1;7 Tr. 11, 17111TH, BghigWAleft • in BOOK. MUM Ece. TELEOLOGIC IL -IVOSILL rrHE Wort, cf LconsraliFoan, _ ficadlers M nenlinnins. . Yancr Esdri Fried. Mrs Farrar. Chrinti. fttanyttl. Ilobaft. 'lle Gospel ha own Ativocatt.. G.Ctidaa.LL.D Posibtems Works cf t:alma& Fun l Dfel.iay Prayers and CommentlFY: Thomia- Stlrtileht • • Gyiffin'a Y.ennort. Cnitainghartea Smanno. Fa* sMsbY JAMES D LokEWOOD en. , rt 4 R.arth TUFFT rewind at the sitn of the Golden Have— The Ma.pretta Wa reGlDare4 and 000101004 /0 Mrs Eravidld Part, by Protases Robbook. Della, Vahan. Polka, comooeed and *Skated to Miss Mary lane Park. by Proguaa, Roebuck STEPIIEN H FOSTER'S 1./SWAMI:IS: My Bradde, Gaza. °wino to Ran 1111Allabh Azo. bee Baker. Prey Shahan's Brash.. Sera Dam, South. Day. 10b,LemaeL Sarno* Soiree Polka. Daley Jones. . Also, Aethore Maehree, by Walron: ' Oh, Think not_Less I Lose theo..(A trine limy Oar Ctuldhood's llonte, as nog by Nina /Kraft " /Sly Mother / Ober, words by P.Palnia, wade RY H. Alro, a SreaOraijqn. of Now Rap, Polkas, Waltros, o. far We by • • II RLP.RER mart' . 10 Taint in AXW PUDLICATIOISS. A N Itieturie al end Critleal View - Wits lOpeealettee A pbilneetthe,of Europa In the 19 th venture. L D.Math/l, A M. • Leiterit of the Re, Samuel Retheilted s Prete/ear of Dielmty In the lthiverstry of St Andrews. with a eltelth of Ala .1% be Deo: A. A. Ikea; author of Ma 0101. at R M. Mothaeyne. Ibe Thank. leal IV nets of the' 'ate Rev. Anal BOA,. D. IX Edited by the Rev. Seel Puy. Detooot. edluon. Lomeli*, Pane of Abivio.l. By .14 Johanna. Nom odluon • Christian Baptiste. DyB. W Noel-111-A: _She Contain:Woos of Q. Q. By Jam Millar. 11. 'emoted from original dealgut. - hy itovelated. The Philosophy of Deb her in 2deeats and Religles, in the Feith aid Characters of Mae. I Dy Hoy H. Ho-ter, Morning of Joy, besag a eeetiel to the Mills( Weeping. Hy Q. Rev. H Boner Kelso. The Dold.en Paa , re.tolog. a emboli, &vixen.- atl. sod Prephetleat tpooluois erPsolut XVI.. bJ Rey. T. Dale. M. A The Vetted Volley; or Closing Settles in h. Litet Cr /3..k.ed dater, by Bolton, with a preface by Roy. Wm. Jay. Tao ttattonnement ariqt Previte; by the Wm. of "the Las, boy of the Weeop Mounted by -liontant. Mee:Loin, of th e Lite aMe ilsy. John William, Misolnuory to Pnlyneoin blemetro of the . .Life tinh Writines of Dr' Cbalmooto. by Flo eon In low, Dd. Horne, in three vol. Vali -- Also. n lugs CsioartliCLl of Now Unto* Fob lieoloPL For sole by rya A 01 , ;(71.Mtl &CO 70 Wet* al ViaIIDISYSTOCZeiI DISIGCTOILY. Card. (, FA TIN I 3TOCE begs leashtfte eunoaneeb the S. patron. of hie New Dir e ty lee elan of Pittsburgh nod Allegheny, and dvnlNhe of Man. chaster, U. Mines am, do., that the week Is now nearly ready for the press, and will'Afe.pat tr this heads of the peirtor some statcrelietwOah_the Ada and - antt Instant. Thr,coirenuenerelly, and all Wholetil an latareWit In the prodneten of a edoolete und'peree;Directory. particularly those who have not tweirehli-0 on, eel greatly oblige the publisher, by ',earthiest,* that dada •atlons avocations and nieces or - busuttcpe, Ito , ars noted for publication in the Direetory, All coeds to he inserted. mist to handed la Conk. wltb. or at the latest, by the dale uteivartaftred. nes)lQ ISZLODEON PIANOS. TUST received. sod eon opening, ens Hanna Reah• fj wood e OCALV Plano; from the ode rived emenstactory of March & WhitoltrechlOota. Tel. is a lope. for i t estromn. or 51 let, and eery. - tpid etninc.alluni n so, ono fins I ocum 'fdrbdran, H ELEM Music cum, 1111 Tara Elea. 1 EW P U 1111:10 A , IiVSTESI of Ancient and Mediaeval Geseraplii. pot the non of whoa is and nollegeo,:_By Chutes *neon, 4 L D. grofesior a( (beet and Latin Lands ages in Columbia College, hew Verb. The History of kieglatii, from titegivatiOn ofieftes Cisme, to Dm alitiklUae of James 11,10EL•By David Eagi a new edition, with the author,. By ooh 'actions and Improvement,.; to which in ',eased short account edits life, written by hiseselL tavola A Neb.! Dictionary of Greek and Ramie AS*lll/6 ties, abridged mom the larger dictionary. By South. L.. L. D; with conic:Mae and barertereattaaf by ChirlegAntboa, L L D Memoirs of tie Life one wetioo pith. gm Thos. Chalmers, D. D., by big min in law, the Dew. Wiliam Hanna, L. L. D. in three volew.ca Vol L White Jackch or Life In a Man of Wm; Fly Her an Melvi ll e, author of -Typee Omoo," •'.hiardio and Itedburo. ••• • . nor works of Mrs Sherwood: being the only sale no eeff.publiscied ie the Vetted &Uwe la seen immure. Fairy 7.lra, Ikons all nations. Ily'Ardall, B. idonta.le,yrith twenty (oar Idartnolona by IL Day/. Walton Limey, and other tales. Bytea Saga wink. . . The National System of Book Xeejelag, adapt.* 4. .11 parts of We Vattd:SlateS,maKplahlt klaalsap. aia• COnataat. Alto, a Ima Ma:l=W of. Amnia= 8. 8. Italia Books, art baud, alai tor mar, b A It EivattMi rico Saevenon to ELLItYIT b ENGLISH. marl% HI Wood swat. The. Farsiuse• Guide to holertillie SP4 Practical Agrieralture. . Y biepletts: F. R. s.E., ot Adlaboreit,'tbe JUL celebrated au th or. of Cm .Boat of the Farm,. Rua Protestor Norton, of Yale Cater', New Hawn. are pwoiriag for the presaa book ender Ike aborts title. It wilt embrate every robieet of 'unpettanee bonnected with Actiealtere In all Iw vulvae branches, th Theoretical and Practical. ' Potence, Into far as lobar, up to the present time, been wade available ma roe ore, by experanentoilll he Melee In Its rela tion tD ereryapeman as It occurs to the Acura of the reasniicc Toe work will be arranged an er loan [bowel Wipe, 'commode, the KOMI:A beet: ilea watt Winter and ending wnli An temp. J NOLA D LOCKWOOD, tw00,..... tot monk at • • . 133 Bremet's Writs, the Aomori Tba Neighbors; ',ilea of Every Day Life A Law and revived edition, with an introductidn written expo:24odr Oda edition lay Bremer.. teem, cloth. LI.O CI sob Ivo, Coot-ter, sad Bedgeorl •lea; and illuatra.ectwitil Ytiitialt and Tx., at Ili withorha resideree. Homet's Wad; translated - by M'lnhoi. Cowper. Edited by &Siert &w hey Is V D , with inks by M. a. Dwight A spier Lid edition, °DAM.. Pufssr, Castrated With twelve migraving• In outline, from et. mu. hY Fissman. eno,cdoth. Also,acheaper edition for scb.ils. • Gnlbratth's includ're it variety of pieces cow firm colleetsd.. Ly James Pnor. Complete In I vols. Ithno, artily printed, ant:olM b, mylo with Irving, Cooper, &a. Tito per, Calendar; or, Wit and Wisdom for Esu Day um the_vesr.._bdited by W. C Richards. In -- a very neat volume, Wino, cloth, R 3 cents, eamk gilt, 6/ cents. Vor sale by JAMES D LnCEWOOO, 140 ' 1100kitener and importer, IA Forth it. IGNQUESIT OPThANADA DrilieWod. tliiiepetaya,a-in Y Wniq ciplh, - frer We by ! -- seasyll . bTOCKTON fa .14) en r I Y.O firtatMONlo l', a now coletelloa of J. Church hose. tAded by George KatgrLy, Al mar of 'Metal Choir J avenue Choir, Cte, (Sabbath trebooLGerns of :9 .11.1 and roetr) of...signed egpreerly for tal:LS*l*Mb he 11.% try J. I A Lout _ 'A hew Treet•se on ArMennrayt and :he Dee at be Waber, fa two Itsrm. Cal:talon Attroclornlea and other Ed:el:bans, moues and posulof oaf Mt run mean al (Talent... Kep er'a lam- nod Theory of Gray:mm. 3 Earsroon,Tenlieht, and ..inemlina, earamener.g ace., Lbatonees, Pheimutena Led M•S'otreles of Ma Emmert) llodles tompormg the horse SYmem,Aa4 fusa on rate:are collect on of the moat useful t ratt le:tot it tt I.N. of Mt on-s 111u.traled bY a ...- able satiety of taampisa, Ac de'tg, c 3 for the Lao of Emit fielmo's old notemirdes Jame. Manure, , Pear. mar of bla-Lerrottes and,Asunnorty in rho Central High emaol, or Bat moos. Deek ard Pon, or Inesdema of a t raise lathe Vaned hum. Imam Carafes to Cultfor IL with Sketches of ILo Janeiro, Val, ar fe, Lima, Honolera a. d man Fria:mlate. Dy-Ree her eaheN U. 71- N 4 nrabor of _hip and Snore, .me. .For rat by • A. If L NOUSE k CO, Sueterson to ELLIOT d. ENGLISH, No 7)7 Woad street. Pirtn.il - 70t11011 - 87, --- r l 3TOLVA "lob ll p arTF. n skils i , o — r the h 6Te Ct 4Vis i taV a Sorry o I Root --Fltragrore; or ONO Sunday s c h oo l Boys L.,,asted.—'the Bar of [TOO; Of chat Ranger of Unease-INa A glicnon —Rorie of Rehm I Bova—Knew:go, the Basra ObseL--The L. f t , of Labor: viab rpeefel reference to It earlier perrods, m.d the oven tng moors of the Reformatkms by Barrio -mom, DD —A Summary or 114blual lac School) and FLlA'''•• Subluata It> Amato'. El Union. Patinae by A It NNI•Llell lc CU, IDreemsa •to I.l.uorr L‘'SGLISE, my 2 • %I Wood iortol. • ftdilf.3 .1J10)rUttl) btu La KLlks and will JJ pahligt shon/y—or Must xx on tho Di me Origin Govereuncto, treaslated from the Faisal:Lb) LU. dwier, fit D 4 postola.:. theand eduion, I voLllnto. rav2 ' I) , LuCKWOOD ,bambv.vt smigteatismat _ 1 U En...llstutlFlU nbAJIIUN.—The *taws. Chur bem hare employed the first. Professors fa Boos. tand, .1n the preparation , of these works. 'They My now offered to the Periods of the United elates, and.' Am-ricanrcaisiou of U AI. acme, AI. he late Noperlotendant of Pane &timbale Meaty sod County et Plow York. • 1 thambers , Treaaary of Roowledini • II Clailt`a Drawing and Parer/calm.: .ILL Chambers , Elements of. factual Plitirtli IV.' Reid ib Ben.. Cricemou7 mad ElecUiellyj V..l.lantllUM'S Vegetable and Anneal Pb7valh l aTi VI. Climbers' Elements of ZomogY, soido-Flaittai VII. Page's D. menu of Gro.dgy,dlßouste. • li is well knave that the original paeloban'of these erloaltho &Imam Chambers, of Emisbinfah) are sec to command tbe best %Alvats to the WPM...eI Mail books,' and that it Ja mrir prude* ui deal althfally whit the paboe. Tad. stdes will net dreappotat me reasonablinespectaboos bas,ached TOO) ilia ele mentary Warts, peptisedy uthors In every wan cae. pable of h a l animas. resbecitse imectian logs, and woo hve crustily bestowed s you gene the vw versant dole and tabor to adapt Mara 4, theft pitipOs. .AC re nce. them to tauten sod Weida With 'Abe on flatbed 'alum, to the hands of a teacart of the yoonger elassei, engin fant.in auto tabsasublo bele of onsawmrnt sod tostrabiloo. Tether, limy would coL admit a rich mama to a dm. .ily of hitelegeht cblldwea, and impart a • tlihat tor spowlrdge-Versuoni Chic:data. • . • Ribboned by A. B. Monica Co , New .iorit; and .or sale by ' " A. kNOLISII & CO. mr* . Wood at FATCER DAY PAAIPIILETS. ediail by i'horau s Carlyle i.e. IV: Tee Now Ina wow; Rime*. Reemscil, and tor sale by - •• '' • . ota.ta - JUIINVNIN IMFFITON -- n - Evirls — diThrisr — andlrrnootpi • AT HOLMES? LITERARr .r t spor Tomo Stotts. optioslic the_eoit tllDee L IZZIE Lritile,a Domatent-TaAj Cliatica Diet - Ilostoe tinaltopearr, No' ateraing.Call No • : - Eldorano; or •dranteres In the Jam Ot troy op. to Cat.fonea, by Bayard Taylor. LittelPs gonna Act, No at& •.• • -• Dietlol2llll Necanties. Na. .• • Cones Nerd ante iagbrag. • . 11110 , —ha•ssf fer Mods,
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers