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FL ran= Is Agent An Oa par at his snail grantles Nino Ana; ntin - brounodunt MN1TC...445..V. annt sivintin for • tr, Ilsatozes Ascsa , =iill; -4110- S , ctirdass Sad sd rase - I .: :mass ibs.tds ➢ ramteseival sad tarwraddiate of .- 117 Cricthiail _Danz GLizirint.—tafelthielint s : ~.1 : 41 ini., th tram roLsrper, will be noised tad ceastswass bit — TIDO ' ;n llZl:Allmus"46 Pe esor.llb. 2=114 t o. nnfra" 1 4 Nos Ills cdAst . l '' ' ( E r : nilll"Pmq...---. • oanrr—r--Muaur-a&—A<lvtrtlse isms sad sakeerrtpdaos to the North /Medan sea Sizettel 'Wee Mune, ilaletkiota., Men a ma tar' WAX' IiT.G.TIII 0010,11111RWII. .Al A •- - • ofthe Rl* Suns Omuta Commi tt ee, bald pi Hunt tiara vosso,lllnts .. RINXL.I9, . the Welp of Oa veeeral townies of ads Buda rorsonal— to select a ember of dole. cis rat • tathr rasyratthe nrpreseatexthen la the ant tall dtheyathi ta NMI ltiConyereou k, a PbUndelPtd.. on UM kith day of June, lea for the wpm, of noodnadag a candidata for c. s aii le,mth, to be voted for asthe Bathing . , • . • mormiri mamma, ciwria.n. ' Ganda R HAM Secretary. . . .. . • Antimutainto ann.-Whig County Con. ------ =Mt= germane of Co m oall of the Ohnirresa, the Whig • mg Arallimonle Committhe oflanageme • mew sus el the Goan Bona' The following resew ige: was edersd, to 'do— nna the Wag and Anttmaaoutgtome 'ofd = Election D4uiemofAUlegkeo7 Canty be, and ere hereto mamma to meet at their seta peas ket khan elections, on gatarday, the la day of lase next, then and there tooled two deletiltel to • the Omani Oximation to be held at the Court Baum, eaWedneaday, *alai day of /one, at 11 delock, fa. a. gild tharraidos re make the meal mad mecum, ' aeadnaleas for the emang October Elostietee, mad also to appoint fire delegate. to mamma the Cownkr In the Suns Conmetion, to be held in the elty of Pala a ' deigles; on Wednieday, th e 19th day of ham* • The primary mecUsem IsktlesTemmehips to held . lemma - the homy et two and fin o'clock, (maw pug and then totheWotda and ficarogkebetwece the leas awns and act o'clock, P. • • • A lIILANDB,IIIIBIaus. • Jan. E. Pau, AVM PiaccuAlSeeretcries. • Pittabanik, esmllo.l.B3lr. • CrEl3! MELT PAGE EGA LAICAL KATIE= TELEGILLYIIIO tus. Tim Nonmaritlaa—On y, the An timascalo end • yof County holds its Finney sferldintbsSf lion and inarructicin paNdasig• to the County nominating eira.. It la high time gureekne the every mamba efibt petty looked about him, End mode up his - Wad in mud to the proper persons to be se ' beta This is s duty of the mere borne. palates, as a nomination by" the Whig Cones. tin in this Conti, is niemat Want quite Mita* snout to an elation. The people generally eon. Arm the ninshostions ef the Convention. - Ths Officern to be seleetedaregall mistake net, OW number of Congress, br two years, bout the • fib 'of blarelk,lB3l, Cu member cf Commie in 1 „Supply tbiescany whinh wdl lie created by kb. Hempteuresiguthm: one Senator; flveinembers of the Aseanddil one Pritelging A 13019031 One 0:111114 Surveyor; One Couunisaioner, and One Auditor. The Convention will oleo have the am illaka ONO= delegates to the Whig Stat e . Conk ventien,which will Duet in Philadelphii; on the" .19th dual:se, to nominate one person for Ca. ultbreMissioses, one for Auditor General, and one Re Smuyor General. We believe them are candidates for flouring. *er r bran the offices named, except Inc County is rather strum, however, that to , It by perms are actin for the nomination Mile Assembly. ,So fir as we know, there :are 04Y In candidates, Including Messrs. Welker and Miner of the late delegation. This leaves the - Convention no choice wherever. There may be. however. a Feller number ot , ,narocs presented to the Convention, but it ra desirable that those who wish to run 'braid announce their mines in time to give some chance for mAcction. The grad =OW of basins, ; before the Convention •wN nomessaily briny mange a good dui, end inerket linlo chance be ebrisalab. Itis of exceeding Importance mike people arida great &Wet tiel we geoid wadable and expedmea mei to the Lirgidetire. and we trust that the Con - venike will te aide m preuntho names of each to the people for their VOWS. C I 1) 10: As, the town where Gen. Loper lands, whit Ids forms, Is on the North side of Cabs, es. sal opposite the capes at:Florida. Mean= is alarmed &boos Simp edits to the vestals:laden*, sad Minna abortions lomdred miles west. Ca. • be hircreas larndred mlln long; and of an average wolthof stoat misty miles, and contains a male. idea, we 'appose, of emer one million of iambi- Asap. neceagss of NM pro her a poorbitien of 62.5,06.7.25e,000 whites, and the remainder 'fon colored men and slaves. If thewtaitta ars sot dation ofa tante gingen. ader* will no deal* be overcome, and theirAises will payees forfeit of their temerity. The western UMW' the Wad, where the landing his been ef fected, Is the most F.:Tubas, sad die ernallan of oncost at dekat will ismibe decided.' • • I We we banana that a china has been pre. eared, and a loge anunrat of the troth taken, to manna n plank road Gaza Cemberlind to West Nearten,io conned with the Youghiogheny Mack Warr itztprovement. The plank road is to be liCastraesed cut the bed of the turnpike road, corking from West Newtim to Camberland, • &guar dame seventy mica. The cralculatha is to paw over the plank road at the rate of tan MRCS pa hour, making the uip through from Bat. *mew to Pittsburgh tu eighteen hone,by way of the Yetatthallay imprtrament. We cadets:rand din fradonal ItoadStart Company am the pro jeans oCtlia enterprise. We cannot ay that this route would ateeestfally compete with the rall add, bat would certainly be fat travelling. . compared with old lima, and muter an anther al indtmentat to the travel:l4 public, by giving *chola armies. , 01788001 C TABLE.' • 214Flarsartay Of./dersrd,`Agrlenltural, Nano teeming, and CktmatreiaL" Tali Is ',series of papers, by H. Co CAM, EN, which nese been pitdiabed ia the ratadb, the Loom. and the An vil; and have been collected, and reprinted in a thick pit:Aol(d, redly Wand. It is an We e► sty, showing dirs =dense Importance of a promo. dna to all caw littered', whether of commerce, roanufsanants, or sgticeitere. • Ths Femmes Gsiets,"No. 3 - ; and No.lo of the ..Ioctionary of Mechanics and Eogioeeting, * tuns jam beevocoived by J. D. Im.lciroXffo. 211 i Va4ip Meaty, a tostanee clausal= Lk," le the thle ors newly to home, Pub Diboll by D. Appleton & Co, New York and f*r lealej*l. D. Lookerood, Fourth street •Jsaisao Magpie Ls the Ws aficadbide wort, by alekud 0. Pater, tharaldees indeb to 'nand the Itrane In fasolltiicoriventticius, - sad teach them tq think. It appears to be tad sew, "IPW Omits /WO It ilia to view, end ass prove my- useftd: PubtMed by A. New.Yark, slid bride by A. H.ErAydis.h. We 120 Indebted to the Ron. s. Cslil of 0). Rama of Begresentailves, for a puiphlet Wiry of Magma Coa tho tette: of 512 a &lira sadike. The sooner Anthony Wire, cater recent trip b the upper Missisaippi, oreceeded I:igen:3 as high Si the town of St. Anthony, at the foot of the great falls, and • putt which bas never before been nached by any other exam boat.: lice Otptain wu pteICONI with • prank= nurse of CA The Wayroo lett Bt. Anthony" Falls on the In, at'! eight o'clock, sad on the following miming at 8 o'clock am red atPmrie la Pone—a &nun of tine hundred atid twenty Leeman, Including four Wan o :s4*P . We farther lam that a Minn boat to plyte .neeri the falls of St. Anthony and the Soul rapids has been lanached,and liseibelagnimpleted at the bead of the lolls. no boot ben bean named Gov. ltiosef, and was baili]by no or there entinch. slag ran men Ohm the Sate of Make.: Tle boll Is 000 hunderd feet In length, twenty feet to vial), and of aboott etttftty teltill:rtittOth She has eras holler and will he Pmfollnd bilW. - /niiiini — Ths Governor Bunny is the Ord steno boat Over . batabove , tbe falls of St. Anton, and the t s auk &snood to form a new ent.in swam btu nwrication exitio great !diIsiTPPL . . to people of bus sted Itntaiabi Oetibliee, Ohio, bees, as ine Iwo from the Zemernlle On. epp, plea the subsoiptioa or VO,OOO, au ahorbeld by law to bo mad, by deeds,' sod 000roy to the Greet Gamut Rail Book labia bg as the imam teendsdsdas of the Pahletealo tdol AdU ran TWO* . . . , lamunagaToN.- ' 'cvii.peadeuisiOairistowoct.iat .. Wairemerrev, 1hyD2,16 5 0. Cabs and Um Acuntratstrallon—laterettts United States._ ~,r urea determination stints to mike ;aity cagier, thin• brposirep reselinting the motives of the President In regret to histaterMg oll in theproceedings of iltoAmer. 7%7 there a stairtettiOrio4Wisyif;4o m this mu t t' • Curare struggleterralibeity, in +IL Dann qi thiradridAnd Mit Cab& Will gehrtatuset,i and op. primed by lapin,' easels ebbs doubt. 'Bettina panda are intelligent imaged enough be coM n pree bend that their' own golreninient has ebligadou and duties cespeet and MUM with Spain, which are at same and us binding upon no as say eth. a: Dieing or principle which should guide our conduct ass 171111611. We humanism with Spain under which we stand solemnly pledged to re. sped her tights to her colonies to the American seas. We have, alio, a stringent law which mikes It this theyorthe Exectrtivate opium by Mere, if necessary. and to - punish all violations of our neutrality, and all Infractitina of naltY, putiettlarty;to breek op all onganized and armed expeditions, formed in the United States, for the itorulonofrieghboring forelgtaterrltorkm. If the Executive should refruse camera to enforce that law he would be liable to impeachment. Bet if he should plead to the Spanish emtureador that, though it was notorious-that the expedition now threatening Cuba had been organised in. ale hod 'sailed from, the United States, he had not the power to arrest Its progress, afier it had len our shores, the Spanish animater might well 61•0 te ken the Dint and the gnawer together u • declina tion of war; for he would say, tithe Government of the great 'Republic is so imbeene that It cannot diatom its treaty obligations, and cannot repress the piratical firiyt of the hatless indent disposed of her population, then every neighboring country must take Us defames Into its own hands by exec. erring 111 armed altirlatlle o over all the ports of the United States, from which the marauders easy Issue. This,of course, would be war itself. - Bet there are other morepowedil reasons than even these foe regard i ng as most ill-timed and es fortunate this attempt to wrest Ckibaficon the Span ish Enmity. Cubaeannot be mdependent. When she changes hands she murthelong to the United States. Are we now in say condition to. receive ,her f Have we not now enough of excited con ension upon our liandil We are wrangling, and seem, alas, almost upon the verge of fighting over the dispose of territory acquired In war, with which, properly and naturally, the slave cootie. easy could have no concern, as it was free when we mewed it. What then shall we do with thi s Tag Wtnd,eeniaming a greater number of slaves and free negroes than any State of this Union I— CON not every intelligent man see that the qua. don would convoke our runny from centre to frontier Spain holds Cabe in trust for: us; when we be. come ready to take possession we have but to us range the terms with her and she will vacate In our favor. Leta premature and ermine; move; merit like the present succeed, as it would do if one Government looked on with indifference, and ;ermined preparations in aid of it to go on in the United States, and the result is , easy to be fore seen. It weed mire questions that would readen entirely beyond the power or se.tilement, those now agitating us. The question of annexation, si apemen:re nave State, would come fart. To this the North would never consent, though the consequences were the bitterest civil war ever Iware between 'teethe:mg and this the Scuth I would insist upon, though Manton and all its at tendant evils should follow. The contest between the Gee and slave States, on this point, might continue fir yeah, sod, during that time. one 'or the othel of these contingencies would be almost certain to occur, either Great Britain would amp in in aid of Spain, and restore the blonds° her, as security for the Immense debt due by Spain to British subiects,or the negroes would gam pewee lion of the Island by the expulsion of the whites. Under these circumstances the course adopted by the President and Cabinet is exactly that which should, and I trust will, command the warm and unanimous approval of the people. A more Mi grant ciao of agues:don upon nations/ rights, and enact more detrimental to the tine Interests of the United Stales, was never commie& nor attempt ed, than In this Cuban invasion. luaus. td - - LmenfarWe copy the fiilltrwhigextract . filro • letter In the Selma ( Mw) Reeder, vrrilltbY oSeer In the WS. equadron now °Atha st of Africa. It is the telitiniony or en Intelligent and dienterestiid witness relative to the proeperous condition of the Settlement : of Littera: •• • Monrovia is • very neat lab town, having having many excellent benne., both public end private, built of woad, beet, or want. Virtue. tiers wens to be quite laWhgcay. and in every bin= one finds • good collection ef be .and entertaining kooks, which they seem to be quite kind of. It is digkinh to had any one who has been rained In Monrovia who catuiniboth reed'and write. Whet Le (either, they preetice many of of the cardinal virtues; in.putimilat has b Drunkenness is quite uncommon. and the S.thbai b is very strictly observed. E verr bonze Lir M. has • gardenluached to it, come of tablet contain Mil trees, such as the mange. guava, granadille, mangrove.,•Phims, bananas, ;Yr s • The town is situated on a bluff cape, which jo continually green. This. with - their home stir rounded by gardens and fruit trees, and the clean. liners every where exhibited, makes it one of the prettiest little towns that I bare ever seen. Son;e of the settlers, who have.been indosuioits, have bolt ecbsuuttial homes, rind many of them aresfor nished with-taste—all of them. with acad..— There are several mechanics here, who tuns oat very good work, and fine cabinet maker hes made some very beatnifut parlor table,, ire. oat of African wool. Provisions are rather disir,',as yet, in Monrovia, but are of the very best kind; and any one who would not be satisfied with a iSloartivian dinner, would be hard to please indeed.' Some of the residents have becams quite wealthy, and car-1 ry on en extensive (ride in ivory, palm oil, dec., that is to say, wealthy. by comparison. Men who came out here not worth a cent, can now COM maod from five to ten thousand dollars, andall this made by their owp industry and attention to hod. nest The Basra and Vi people, who arc near neigh -1,011 to the Monscrians, are always willing to be employed as screams and one meets many of them yea tae SIMMS of Monrovia. An they ask butlittle (or their services, nearly every family in Monro via has one or more of these people as servants - They are well treated, and always seem in a good humor. Junk, Bases, and Sinai, are simatedfarther down the coast, and will each answer to the description of Monrovia, as far on comfort is concerned. Bas sa has a very excellent cove, and tho, landing is always good. The land is fertile ;indite &WIC, friendly. Sinou is sit anted On a river, and has al so pod landing. The bar is alys passable, and the land is-as fertile as any in h eworld. • The whole number of death. in the city Or New York, during the year 1819, was 'n,773, being an increase over the preceding year 0117,807.. The cholera created nearly the whole of this eztmordt• nary noes TherdiScial report goes on to say— Of the 5,1771 deaths molting from eholenii 3,2:0 are known to hevebeeo resigners. The argument suggested by these facts ♦s obvious. The uniform•: ty better condition, u It regards food, mitnent, *ha domestio comforts, of our native citizens, than that of emigrants who approach our chorea; and take up their abodes among us, need not be weed here to Judaea belief; it is a fact sufficiently no• tdiam The highest Item of mortality next to cholera, is of pulmonary disease,. amounting to 3,04, being a large Macassar= previous yeah. For rhsystrabarkkGasists. Ma. Wertv—Some time since, the city Cot:- sat proposed remosing the Fish Market from , its presua bag.= wilt° tear Of the old Courtlionsa, so an to glie countrymen Ind' gardeners more room. Not having heard that any thing Combos his been done, I would wish to ask the attention arCoaneas, which meet this, (Monday.) evening , Ito the game, and to ask whether they are for moving the Fish Market. If not, would it not be bet justice to nears what stands are in muket, so that those whomever vet have had a stand, may base a fair °hawse with their neighbors. Tan Mcomaconcesc—We learn that Raymond, the Tochrer tans bombers, race occupying Bart manta at thaßitar'sHerpital,luspeg cats wr Ned c 6ta o s.,==n b t=th c all w intoy " s .d n o t Writs Gonsalve, on the contras, to reserved tad z iounhay, and at times even his brother, ft r whom he ape:stains the arongest attention, can. not elict an tourer from bit. He is appareatls sick. both In body and mind .- Bt. Lau .11. milt. May 17. ; Ta=Cssin VITIOTTION.-1t h rid that Mai''' Theodore O'Hara. t Frankfort, is to have co .. Mani o( he Kentuckians' who, bare joined the ea. pedition a6ninat Cute.. jYemryaprrs in thi United Sestet.-L5. M. Alen, of. t wiU publish • complete list of the asarspapent in the United. States, . in reningell'e &porter; as soon pastiche list can be obtained. . - -. • 'An keurrection is spreading. timidly to- Russia 'cod Tethh Croak, taw Om had of Ali. !Leda', Susie and Albania appear Meatier ivrevolt, anA who bona but liunspuy, may son bo in arms. Ilut peach crop in NV' ashingtan eo., Md., the Un peturwn ar . Yreedwa aays, u? caopoto 104;Erch 01 , 19411 W rObaNy ftst, rem Greembnoth, pa Intelibilineet. , .t - ......'..,' Whlg Meettititt.'..f • . . '`. A-ttitai . ..tlf tho 'Whigs Of i*estzporeland Comity, matinee of a prevtittte, totiee, eras conveyed iiv.the 'Corot lieete, - In Greensburg% - 611Titeeility evening, May 21; - !850, for the pee -1 rtvei — itactti ii: -- i - M - ti ' l — Phitrdslott -±t:::. ..... . The meeting wee organized by eallingiohiaCo ,c . ...:11,,,, , otittihe Ckwhi.lige4l)Y•Fsedgrick 4, Per Eq., Jaciiti toth klif,Sser. Mini IL. M GnitigaltaltalObitihiiltitatii cti Yoe Peethletts, Jriad_clexting it.' Cooltet; 'lr.,oinaH.ltyere Futon, "Seetalartes.. . The object of ibli irieleilig timing tree tinted El the 7 Chilv—oni maim of M. Mailer. the 'meeting proceeded to the election of &It gatetand the "weft Volk:men were elected: - - FICCOUICI. J.Porg.F4Q-, jimenreamints. JAN= JosuatTon, ran. Snit. B. Laurrwt,Ein Gm. Cries P. idangis.—Senatorial Delegate, with the concorrence or Somerset county. On motion of Mr. Clark, .m ember of the delegation to hare power ofution. Oo motion et Mr. Morkle,tbe following gentle• men were appointed a Committee to draft resolu tions. Joseph H. Kane, Esq., W. H. Maskle, Esq., William Millimin,Dertd D.Mcßrier, George W. Clark,F...q.„ E-MoCermlck, Gen. ' dyne P. Mir, inc. Wm. Graham, req., Maj. Junta Moorhead, Capt. Solomon Mechlin', Henn Brinker, Wm. J. Miller, Esq., Robert Grahats, Esq , John B. Tarr, Ent, John Irwin, Wm. H. King, John C. Hankie, J.E. Hunt, Col. James Coulter, Samuel Stewart, Henry Bash, sad Edward Braden. The following resoLutions were reported by the Committee, and on motion were unanimoualy adopted. • TVAsreeklt is the right, as well as the duty of the "apple, to meet together in order to express their opinions with regard to publio men and Wherebre,flesolred, That we have andimina jilted confidence Is the minion= Intelligence and sound political principles of Gen. Zachary Taylor —that kb administrauon has been marked with modentioa,discretion,andwiedoon it hosproeured peace at home; and elevated the Ameriean the estimation of foreign nations. Resolved, That a protective Ma is a cardinal measure of the Whig peaty, and thatalthough our political opponents deceived the people, and vie-' . lated their pledges, yet the Whigs sull atudfawly adhere to that - policy, which brought Into the treasury an ample revenue, developed our miner-' Daces,urces, filled Pennsylvania with forges, for and rolling mills, gave employment to our laborers, and a market to our farmer.. :Ittsolred, That the administration or . Gov. John- Mon meets with our -cordial and decided approba - lion, his many wise mangoes his.revenuo measures, s a d - especially his sinking fund have infused fresh hope into our people, laid the Don- ' , dation for the eitinguislimett of our munition State debt, restored out State credit at home and abroad, and removed the disgrace of repudiation , mperinduced by Locofoco misrule. , Reselved, That wo hold in grateful remembrance I James AL Power, under whose banner we march ed to victory in Itilfi—he was a gentleman of re fined tun, elevated sentiments, and great "ram , : eat information—the Whig party and the State of Pcnnsyleanis has sustained an Wel arable ion in the death of so good a man. Bemired, That the proceedings of this meeting be published In the teromosburgh Intelligerenr, Pittsburgh Gasette, Somerset Herald, Berrie. burgh Telegraph . Ilarrisborgh latellijencer, Philadelphia Daily News, and Notional, Infelll• gencer. On motion, the merung adjourned. To our Readers Since the retirement of the brie editors of the Republic, many ruiners hive been circulated in regard to the internal arrangements of this jeers nal, which the proprietors deem of sufficieet moo meet to themselves, If not to the public, to de need correctibe. It is not true, as has been sui ted, that any member of the Cabinet ban the slight est interest in this piper, either as owner, or aid- Cr of any owner in purehasing a share in it. Tots correction is due to the character of newpublie as an independent Whig piper', and act of justice to the retiring editors and members of the Cabinet who have been misrepresented in this partictdar. matter. The Republics was established by the private means of the original proprietors: ,not a dollar was levied orrecerired from any other Winne whatever in aid of the enterprise. Ilpois the withdrawal of the late editors, their interest in the concern was not sold or parted with, in 'Whole or in part, to any Ott except to the original partners from the beginning, whose names apperr Its the present , publisher. The present ednor is responsible to no one in claimi high or low, for %hat he shall nee St to admit to the ailment of the Republic. He has been selected by the pro prietors as the edam , of their jsurnal; hts services are paid for by them niece; and he Min every way as free to act upon his own judgment upon soy matter of public concern an the gentlemen whom he succeeds were in their address to the readers of the Repnblic, the retiring editors explained the grounds upon which they destined their voluntary withdrawal from thetrust confided to theca expedleat, as well with regard to themselves so to the country, the Whig.pirty, sad the Presidint. They presented a ewe which made it incompatible with their views of the public and private obligations they had earned to dispose -of their interest in the ea tablialunent to Any of the parties reported as par chasers, had they desired an Interest in it, of winch we have no evidence. la retina', they did no under eirounastaeces whish they have detailed; but not until they were saiisfied that tbe , ararge. menu for the fume conduct of the Repetue were mach at would be satisfactory to their subscriber*, and conducive Lathe objects G.r which they estab lished this paper. glethodlne Episeopal General Confer. enices.sganits. This body adloureed its sating', at St. I..onis, an the 15th instant. The following are among the dningi of the last day's sitting' . The following persorts were appointed as Gen eral Book Committee, yin:—Wan. A. Smith, Geo. F,Pierce and C. B, Parsaas. Wightman and Summers were appointed a •Commitice , to revise and armnne the Dicipline • for publication, conformably io the action of this Conference; also to prepare for publication in pam phlet (oho, the poweeding• ol this General Con : ferenee, and the General Conference of eighteen hundred and forty six. Columbus, (Geo.) was appointed as the plane of meeting fOr the next General Conference, and this Ist of May en the time. • Resolved, That L. M. Lee be, and he hereby is authorised to nueed the ant session of the Gener al Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church, and ash permission of that body to copy the re cords of the General Conference from the begin ning down to the tension of 151.1, for the ore of this body, and of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Bemired, That there be published at Clualinenn, under the direction of the Agent, • yabhadt School Journal, with a Genertil Depository at Nnshville, and that the GenerarCtinferemee uppomt an editor for the same. - ;• . COnference now proceeded to the election of officers : •• - • Jobnik..a . rly, D. D , Val appointed Book Avent; W. IL Anderson, Editor'of the Quarterly Review; Thomns A. Summers,Editor of B.A. and - Sunday School Athiornie M. Lee, D D., Edi. Mir of the Richmond Christian Advocate Wttlmm Wightoton, D. D, Editor of the Southern Christine Advocate; J. a 151cVerriin, Editor of the Nashville Christian Advocate M. Id Ileokle, L. D., Editor of the Southern Ladies' Companion: Samuel AT Latta, M. D , Editor of the blethodi,u Esposito , E W. &bon, D. D., ,Missionary Sec. retary; E. Stevenson, D. D., Assistant Both Agent at Louisville; S. Patton, D. D.; Ednor of the Meth odist Eptscopolitin; C. Richardson, D. D.,Editor of the Texan 'Wesleyan Banner. W. 11. Anderson declined neer pan. , thudMee of Editor oldie QUarterlyj and D. S. thasge, D. I) , was appointed. Fria, th Cletehupui thaw. Nay -"rind GENERAL ASSE neLv. ' The only buoincos disposed of by the General Assboably yesterday morning eggeneral Interest, Was the reading end reference of the Report or the Board of Brute •fellastone. From this !apart we turn that the number of 14111iPtan engaged under the direction of the Board of Home Ml.. done the past pear, woo 379—0n1y . 313 of whom were engaged at the commencement of the yea , . The operations hove been prosecuted in all the States and mostof the territories. Three Mole. tern have been engagedlo California. About 93,- 909 persons were added to the Cherub the put year, and lginew churches created. The report gave a most incouraglog account of the condition and progress of Sabbath School efforts, and stated that the operation of the Board in all pane of our country, were ofgrdwinginterut and importance. The news from California was considered cheer ing, two Chanties bonier been established end • Preobytery organized. The receipts of the Board In the loot year. mere .579,019. The expendi. tore. were 5T 2 . 090 , round cumbers. Neatly $lO,OOO worth of clothing have been donated. , The arratgements of the riezzyear require • large increase of fonds, end the Report urged then necessity of vigorous efforts and liberal donations on the part of the friendaof the Minion. The aepropriations fir the next ycor 1101. 1 . 1 amounted to over 511.090, and there but $l,OOO round lumbers in the Treasury. • The term ot. °Seek's. fourteen members of the Board s ,expires daring the Lining of the Auembly, =idiom places were med." vacant during the low by death. . The Re ted,andre mort wai,accepMrred to amino mittee of Eve. The afternoon $6OlOll wee taken up'plincipally with the discusaion el a Resolution reported by a committee, upon the permanency of th e Location of the We ar ers Theological Seminary. , The Itex , elution. condemned agitation and declared the per mummy of Ow Seminary at Allegheny City. dim , • Lon was spirited, hot not of sidgclent gee. oral interestgo be worth reporting. Dr. Breckent ridge and Dr. Wax got into a warm personal dia counion, Which the bloderator was obliged to atop. The whole matter in reference to the Seminary was laid on the table by a vote of 100 to 91. Muncrte. • Corresmulmes of the N. Y. Expre.rs. Ihrtsvincrron, May 21.:: A*, Webiter len a wall p® phiet foilboo mmg from tha prest—being a letter in reply to the New boryport letter, ietrnieh be grm into the meanie. t i o W argument relttive to the giving up of fugitive 111113th It will gab a nansallon, Thr Cublui.Connetll *ad . Ilia Cuban Ex.. pcaltlosi: The New Yoik Son of Tuesday, has the fol k:mini parsgrapheespectin g operations of the Cubans,— = t‘ The Cuban Council, who sro mansging the cipsettbas tram` thlactleVettetittsPerenteg st - • how,. io Peek Row, whieltit is unnecessary In mention.--Amang them Fad eke great moneyed' man of the expedition, Senor 7. They shift their inemeng;ficfilitoriaVtime, an sloe their hotels; and, altogether thgx base managed the nf.- Mir with great secrecy. What transpired he the eonsell, last evening, we are not in a position to an; bet we may tell ' rieme -tbiags, which we have teamed tram pretty good authority, dud which einnot now affect the movement either one Way or the other. The arms have been procured through gun makers in Meetly, who sent out agents to almaa• ebonite and New Jersey, and the towns of this State, to buy op sit they could find; and they have been removed in oil cloth bozo, State prison oboe boxes, end other bona le the guise of user ' chandler. One house ie this chy has supplied tent cloth to the amount ef53,005; and two other boners (one of them in Fohou street) have furnished can• ridge boxes. belle; and other equipments, amount ing to $9,000. Arms, atnuninonn and provisions, have been deposited on the coast of Long Island, on Staten bland and New leney. Part of thew stores have been removed, and part mill return to be removed. A largo number of men were a. sembled on Steteo Island, and .ailed thence. The way in which the men and Prins, Ice. have left without obscreaticu, is thin—Veasels lie out at sea and wait MI they get signals from small craft, which go oat toitens at night and conduct them to the spot, where they tape in their freight, and sail before morning.—Gold is spent very freely; but where it all comes from puzales every body. Two 'merchants in the coy, we are informed, hove sold the Intetest in their cetablishments for $155,000, and have. embarked their all on s the tinned of the die.' Whether they will win or lose the game in which they .have played ao high, coming events will soon determipe." Arran TOE Cella Inveness.—The Norfolk Bea con, of Toesday, say.— The U.S. stammer Saranac, Capt. Tatnall, pas• zed the Copes on Sunday morning sheet 5 o'clock. A telegraphic deeentch from the Navy Tiepin. - meet was revived here yesterday morning, di. rooting prepack.us to have the frigate Congress, end brig Porpoise in readiness for sea as soon no possible. Commodore McKeever, with the officers necensary to make up the complement cf these vessels, is expected here this morning train Washington, and the Congress, at least„will in all probability tail:in the emuea of the day: Their destination, as well as that of the Saranac, is Cabe. The Beaten Courier, of Monday, says— . Orders awn Waehitigton reached ilia Navy Yard, Charlestown, on Friday, to get the sloop of war Albany, momentarily expected from Port no Prince, ready for eca with the qaickeet dupatch passible after her arrive!. tier destination is sup posed to be the roast of Cuba." West Ilia 'CUBANS Totem or InValOON.—We stated yesterday, that some of the late Matanzas 'paper" assert that the people melba anitedamtlnat the Invasion of Cobs by Americans now on foot under General Lopes. The fact is, remora come trooping in from enemy quarters coneemingthis in. teetering affair, and they are very nctuly as ron.l Meting os they ere 'omen:lntr. The last informs. non is contained in the following paragraph from ! the New York Courier and Eaton-et, of Tom. day. After recurring to the evidence on the alarmett side of the story, concerning the 1 feeling. and condition of the people of Cuba, it says:— On the other hand. a Spanish gentleman who irtived yesterday by the Vogines, from Pone RI. co, states that, at the time ho left, noth,ng whiney.' or you mid in the Spanish Islands relative to any anticipated movement spent the Spanish gov. erament. Planter., while admitting the benefits the connexion (with the United Staten) would ex tend, deem the revelation which must precede the esimemmation too hazardous a atepon3s) would rather allow affair. to proceed in their wonted ourae lb. Zee them diverged front it by violet,- From Ma Popabli The military, preparstions aro most eitensiye -5000 moils? troops see at Pone Rico and 20.000 at Cabs. The wholentilifis of the country a or. , gan'sed, , sith a stafralways kept as Inciter pay. 'The commisasriat is well proelded; and fifty Won. sand armed men could be brought into the field, hely equipped end accoutred, half of them well drilled and disciplined eoldiers. "The same authority tells osthst It is difficult I to COUCCIVO in what quarter money has been cab% scribed, for the mercantile community and the planters regard with fear any proceeding likely to tend to tiorrillUes which would make - their lands the battle ground.. and, as far as his itertonal knowledge goes, he believes that the report of large sums baslng been subscribed Is unfound. ed.. A letter from Havana, May lath, to the Newark Advertiser, sass: "It is teamed question, that a large portion of the Creole population of Cube would gladly ace it annexed to tht‘United States, hot they are not of a material to render much service In brieging it @bow, or capable of appreciating the advantages or disadvantages of such a measure." According to I.a Verded, the Spanish paper of New tort, there age two forces at walk in Cabe to prevent its emancipation from Its intent thrall, and then are the 'Colonial Government official., sad • "knot of traders in African slaves.. The former would, by liberation, lase their offices, and the other their atennnoble traar... Upon this, It baseen pretty broad hint that some of the prom . iceat journals of the country have been tampered with.. As to Gen: Lopez, hie departure in the yen of the expedition, without waning or hi. plan to be executed to the Mlle.' ertrot, war, it assert., because the Cubans themselves prererd him to lin d en his coming, We have the following intelligence front& /ago to Cuba: "An errival at Boston, from St. biro de Cabana till dig.* to the 21 lost., Meant that several 'tousled troops had been nunting,d at St. lege, to repeltbe expected invezioni an t 3,300 more were ex pected to arrive non. Three Spanish whoonere of war had been in port several days, and on the 21 inst., a gun brig. directly lsQ Spain, with troops arrived." GE.. Lenz. not Coin Palltior.—Frorn • so- 1 ry Ong and diffuse account °lobe hfe ol'Gettu p.x,. which appeared in the Now Oriel. Delta, of do 10th sod llth natant, the Philadelphia hat condensed the following sketch of • en. ever which isbrought to a point of interest by the entererize on Cabs, which tow attmets so much lunation. Narciso Lopez was Wm of wealthy parents, in 119 S or :9, in Venezuela, and is now a : Mlle over lif.y years of egre. Hy ern the only seethe' grew to manhood,tharagti he had ninnettlee enters. He wan trained to the saddle, as is the custom in South America. His father being obliged by civ il disturbances to remove to Canteen, where he catered 'upon a commercial life, his eon Nareico so perintended one branch of the house at Valencia, its toe Interior. Here, daring the trouble* of 11. n ilvcr's time, In !but, young Lopez took a promie (neat part on the popular tide, and narrowly an. coped from matnere. At length, whet reduced enost to despendion, he enlisted in the army 0.3 hie only chains for life. At the end of the war between Spain and the ineurpents, - Lopea found himself a colcnel, at the age of 23. He bed also received the cross of San Fernando, es a further reward fur various gallant deeds during the war. On the evecnatian of tlio country by the Spanish army, Gal. Lopes returned to Cuba. Since that woe. (1832,1 Lopes has been a Cu ban, having married and established himnit in the :bland. Ho wee known to be ponessed of lobeml principle", which prevented him from ob taining office 3n the island, and thus remained In retneitent. During the Drat of the Collet trouble. to Span, Inpts happened In be in Madsid with Ms wife, urging a private claim onhe govern. meta. He d etinguished himself on the govern. merit able; was made &staid de camp to the Com. en mender in Chief,Valdez, and received se. rol military decorations. Ila become the warm pereonsl friend of Valdez, who was afterwards Pie most popular Captain General of Cuba. He was, far a time commander in <Net of the National Guard of Spann end eubsequeltly commander in chief of sieveralprovinces. Duilag ail this period of favor with the royalist party, it is old ne ec meined faithfal to hie demoondio principles; and though ceressed by the Queen Mother Chadians, he despised and &wowed her. On the determination of than information which ended In the expulilon of Christiana ficonethe penny, lopes was made Uoveroor of Madrid, • post 'Which he held until Espsrtero became regent, whets be positively , refased to hold lt, spite of the eoliritations of Esparto. 'A Senator of the kingdom, from the liberal city of Seville, he rend r ied the politics and institutions of Spain, and then int learned the condition of the Spanish colonies; aud eapecielly the oppressions under which CuMt, the country of his adoptton, labored. The expolelon of the Cuban ,deputies loom the Corte further die. gusted him, And, rulgolog his aces, be de parted far Havana, nor without wade trouble in obtaining panilmion. Attlee iime,,(1839,) Gen. Valdez wan Captain General of Cuba. During the various political MU- Idea of Spain, Lopes held dilferent posts of honor and emolument in the Wood, hot at length be ro e limed all except his rank as Geoeral, and then undertook the working . of en abandoned copper mine, as a pretext for returning to the Ceram] De. penmen. Here he began to mingle with the peo ple and conceit a plan for the liberation of Cuba. The enterprltte of last year which was nalmearried so completely, was betteresult of his andrst °Torte The wooed effort manned more exten sive, is now on foot. A. T. &ANL Gao. S. GIO . PAINFLL Occraninek.-41.. John O. of Memphis, 'Tennessee, cam ennessee, e to New York on Thursday last, and look twining. at ,tho American Hotel, with tho intention of proccedilat to Albany. On Sunday he paid his bill, and coon afterward. begin to net wa Strangely that it became trident hi. mind was deranged. Among other things, he look the resister from the counter, and would not give it op, Vinally he drew a pistol, and In the wattle to Wrest it from him, the charge exploded. 'rho hall entered this abdomen of a servant, rotated Timothy Corrigan, inflicting • a. wound which, It is learnt, will provelauil; Mr. Smith was not roperaw, and his inanity Is maid to proceed froin a-very novena dleappointment. • Ttic rreibyterinn define! Awerribly, • New School, met in Dr:Doireed's &itch, Detroit, on the oth lostaut. • There was n very lame 'nee &we orDolecateifrom 4s . of the Union.— .Iter.,D.ll. of Pilt.bwille Wee ChMee 111&1114114. Gen. Zoom withan reelected GOVL;IIIOT of Snows Mom, OW power', FR anther Awl i _ yawls owl will &mu Mast ea Teem thoeclensis itepshikren,hfullS. - • ..-• itharis Susi she Illassairt 11.1 v ,t kly-;thir L • - ? SteruSei IV Peed. 1 ••:,.. The fine Welber 31..":Pant:Cahil: Y e,eryhred. night before int futoSt./oseph," - FrOss the clerk we aver;he fallowing t. ••••• - • r.; , :. , '•.;:-: ', The day proems tolleilliiiterlre it His St. 4'oel froir' 4 . - __ 1e...1t pricanstka.xxptutecAP „ rivo. funs - Port- Scanty, iiiiCe neelFof grc4aufferitle itiztonethe Cali " extfgrallthie r ws toisetriortelitcylind Pet& le, 1.•-arir' 1 ,tralm.taelndint eteenktilsiTtariquOvre len of all preputitle. , l'iPuSifieci I tbf " 4 ' l ° tween the twos plarresoind isfelei en. in • meat .depkultA o epndifirin. Tshlr Oulu:bed oxen were givtoir oat for the want of - thed; - aid it is add that the dour, meal and breed ottheeMigralits bad to be used, and, in several inset:Me, was freely fed to the perishing animals, id the hopes of keeping themNive, until the latter Fort Could be mated. The ('lain were destitute of grxte. and, in many plums, not the lust sign of Vegetation existed.— kis thought that thousands of animals will be sac rificed, and many of theemigrants themselves artll • suffer fte want of food, by their us-mature Mans ment. At St. Josephson the 101 Ihstent, a large number were getting ready to go out with the Goventreet (met. which would leave about the' 12th Mx for Fort Kearny. Jerome and Hanson', train was still encamped at the blot% ail miles from Si. Joseph, on the opposite side of the river, and would not start until there was a certainty of sufficient g.ass. Hall's tram was at Weston. and the third one from this city was encamped at nit. ass. St. Joseph and Weston were swamies with migrants, and the merchants and tram of both placer were reaping a harveate-gatti tt left, thieves, and plek.pockets, were also busy, and, with the exception or an occasional lynching, they too appeared to be driving a lucrative business.— Tne town of St. Joseph his been the principal readezvous. and in and around It are congregated every class. The throng, however, is being some what diminished. as the emigrants move to the opposite side of the river, or launch out upon the brood prairies. Some are taking the back track, and a great many more have became Mk and wearied of the tramp, and would relorn, could they do so consistently with their interest, as now situated. ,The-St. Paul brought down between sixty sod seventy, who, It appears, were deter mined to Teleira, , let the consequences be what they might. A few of these gentlemen, we learn, • have beet thelictims of monte and two tables. Some are disgusted with rough mountain life; come lizalatt as a reason, that they had seen as much of the elephant as they cared about, and others are downright home sick. At all events, the cabin of the boat wan pretty well !Ned with them. Potmcnn SPECI•LATIONS.-In the good old limes of Jefferson and Madison, the President and Cabinet pulled together. If any member of the Cabinet was refractory, the President dismissed him,Madison did Gideon Granger. A Pre sident was then sustained by the whole party which elected hint, sad intriguatits for the Presidency had no choice. But when the two old parties of Republicammos oral Fnirrolina were disorpnweil, and Adams men and Jackson men and. Crawford men and Clay men and Calhoun men and all sorts of men's torn rose from their ashes, intrigue began to make mischief between , Praidents and their Cabinets, nod Cabinets began to disagree. The iron will ofGen. Jackson overcamethese intrigues. He removed his Cabinet in a body, and the people sustained him. The same intrigues were pursued together` . an Buena's days. Ife kemt his Cabinet but was not eustained by the people. Tee system was still pursued under Mr. Tyler, and ended, first on the 'light of his Cabinet, second ly in the prostration of himself Under Mr. Polk, his party wen kept together by the Mexican war,, and come. (Meetly Cabinet were retained through his term. The same system was main operation with the accession of President Taylor, and Ems been actively prceecuted ever some. Taut far (son. Taylor has proved too strong for, these intrigues, and the question now before the world is, whether .he will or will not be strong enough till the end of his term. He is beset by u outsiders" who empire to the .Presidency, and who would gladly drive out the Cabinet, for the' . purpme of supplanting it by their own instruments. Rot if the President perseveres in the determine-' tion expressed, before his election, to be the Presi dent of 'barmiest and not of a party, be will sus. tam hi,, Cabinet, and the nation will sustain One of the letter writers says that "he is to for the tight," and that 'if the Whigs do ,not like his Cabinet, they may lompst." This %taint declare. Om expresses what all the intelligent end poi. otic portion of the people may. Well wink to see, a President sugainthig.,, hinsselr.against selfish in trigue, in an bones' and patriotic desire . to Us charge his duties faithfully. If "-the Whip" are not honest and patriotic enough to sustain him in such laudahle chinas, herhaps the-ul,oco Form" will be; and if so, the latter would have the ad. vantage. But we trust that the President wilt be siistained to the end of his tens, by limiest tnenof allpanies, against the intrigues of all aspiairds.to the Presidency If the people ere worthy of their institutions, they will sustain no honest executive apitot all lagoons. They ere competent to decide whether they have got one or nut, and we trust that they will net eccordipg to their deoSion. Our Federal form of yneeremeat will eOOO become worse than useless, it its 'collimate action iota be continually impeded mot counteracted by the set lish ambition of partisan leaders —Phi/add/AM iedgrr. • tiomerpc—A mart by the came, .William Dour, wee lodged in jail in thi, , plac, on Tomdey lan, charged with the murder oi Patrick Larigbam. both from the county of cork, Ireland arid cousins. It appears that the laborers= the rail road, west ofJohnstown, have been on a strike for higher wage for two weeks vest; on Tnesday wane of the bands had commenced work again at um former wages—S7 1.2 cents—and Door threatened that he would shoot the first man be would tied at work, at mid rates. and started with a loaded pistol to car. ry kit, threats into eseention, accompanied by longbant, who. after proceeding some distance, refii.ed to go any further, when Dour shot kiln in the breast. De alledges. however, that it wee an accidetu.—Grecnciwrg load Speaking ciao Web ter certificate, the Bos ton correspondent elate New Bedford Standard Bays Neither the Governor, Lient. Governor, nor Secretary admit, Waned it. Not one of the Coon. ell Waned it. Neither the Mayor of Beaton nor ono of the Alderman, elgoed It. Of the Boston Senators only one signed it. One fortieth, precise. Iv of the Senate. Of the 35,Reprwientatives from Boston only 6 wiped f; of about 300 Reereeente tives in all, only some 10 Waned It. Of the 161 miniaters in Boston, Cambridge, Charleston, Rox bury and Andover. only S signed the cetufkowe John Shnnnon, who has hamo confined in the Generator, jolt (or the long period of (metre Tenn, under nugnentions or fraud, was discharged on Toes,hi, by order cr Judge O'Neal. A Genera tion was immediately taken op among the gen.. Omen °film bar, and the handaome sum of seven ty dotiars contributed for the benefit of tho charged prisoner. LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 129 WOOD ST, ABOVE RM. Have just received large additions to the!, 111 NC STOOL OF HORDWARE, CUILERY,Ia Imported by lata packets trom Dimpe, and . to which they would ! peeially call the attention of purehavers, believing tacit very extra s..re stocks and low prices will give route mitisfactiou. may9dAwlyT IrrldlLaat's Livan offerlngthla medicine to the public, the proprietors are well aware that. they have to encounter . 4 hostility generated by the countless Impositiona which have been palmed open the public under the shape of patent medicines. We are convinced, however, that it Ls only necessary to give their remedy a trial, to place it in pablle catmint. lion far above all medical agents of the kind ever ogered a the public. It Is the Invention of an es. lightened, caperienced, and learned 'physician, who, for coany x years, used it in his own practice, when its prat sitcoms indaccd him to offer it to the public at large. ID For .elo by J. KIDD 3 CO,No CO wood Reel,' et the Foot and Ankle Cared.: M. Krora-1 am denroue of making known to the public the great efficacy of year PETROLEUM to my own cam, which was a severe scald of the loot and ankle; upon tmeroving the stoaklng, the chin peeled of with u, and left nothing bet the bare surface. I expected to-be laid op all mentor from the effect* of this !maid, but we applied the Petroleums freely, by means of a fennel cloth mutated with it; at first, the application was painful, bet Ina very shun dote the peln elated. I bad no pain on one hour afterwards. In five days from the time of the eppllcation of the Petroleum, I was able to go to work. I take pleasure to stating these fami for the benefit of other sufferers, and am desirous that tdej atteald be made public. I would also state, dung :find immediete rchef by the use of the Petroleum, in bum, herd which I am a frequent sufferer owning to my badness about the engine. I would recommend It se the moot prompt and certain remedy for burns I have ever known. (Signed.) J II COE, Engineer, Sharysburgh, Allegheny Co. Dar rate by xeyeee AbleDowell, 140 Wood street; R D Sellers, 67 Wood st.; D M Catty, Allegheny oily; D A Elliott, Allegheny Joseph Doeglass, Allegheny; also by the proprietor, B. M. HIES, Rog', Canal Basin, Seventh et, Flash:ugh I T SISCOVIIAGIN BONS I INSTITUTIONS, O Z . ENB ' INSURANCE COMPANY, Ot Plll•borsh. C. O. HUSSEY, Paser.• • • --A. W. MARES, Pirev. ofacc--Na 41. Wear street, In the warehouse of C. IL °KANT. TlllB COMPANY le now prepared to Insure KO kinds of Asks, on imams, esaoafmoneM, hods merchandise In More, and in transits scents, An. An ample loaner" for the ability and integrity of the Eradiation, Is aforded in the character of the Di ,[o.lsrs, who are all attune of Pitabargh, well L end favorably known toMut mama aullY for their prudence, Intelligence, MEd intagaty. Darnmou—C. O. Hussey, W. Bagaley, Wm. ins Jr., woo, Bryan!, Hugh O. Iles, Edward Llessulton, Z. Essay, o. Marhaelh, 5, M. Mor. arOtt:4l Inapravaminalla ta D•austry. • • DR. O. 0. iiITEaRNS, late of &mina, !. !armored 10 atananictara and act au= Tara ia arWii and pans of ma, upon B.llollyr Atmapherie anoint Plataa— Tanana.. man to Mai rcrnrsM wharf the nova ui rcr :tea, Fa cA:Z.,i„titizgr,2 6 : -......7 7 Nana 104% o.lllliVaddini.Y. EsiZa. • Ms D.Dr atom Dentin. Comae aflioank 11.T14 Doom, balms "11AM• ---Grorrrersmo—Jeap rarracroolgtari willpreiroperted la, do awrwretireWhig .04 lusiorlt Corneal" for tUriorawies r erudite?'" -lEari,utter- m illetsvii:. Lied. SttlititDEDDio.o Wag.. 4 1 .="4 combustible; tketeby emu OdmAk tiM2-0-tegrilliAPA omldEn ctt py 11 1,11 '‘'fruxelo.r.rz:Z4eor , 17,1 0 ° -• Reected auefot sale by JOHN D MOROAN _ , • •• - 7 IVS Libcf4 7 •°t QTRAW 80A51Y3—.4400 unroll umbers Muir VI Boards Mr Waders, Chimgmatnarg manufacture,' for saloby morel A CULBERTSON rx,l,;vareirui" -- ;:syetzitvg - TEAS -3DO kers Green and Black Teas, a well ae• laved stock. to which Ow attention of the trade is solicited, for sale by A CULBERII , OZI mar.l7. . . _ . ... N . da kegs hand and ( or .1.1 . mail? VRTSON FRESH TEAS—Just received, at the l'atsburgh 17. bamßy Grocery end Tea Warchouse,a feet balf theca olthe. celebrated Dragon Chop Oolong TO the best B aek Tea Deported, for vale by the half cheat or pelted, by WM A hieCLIJItG &COL marD rad Ltbeity at BOSTON CRACtie.Rte.—A flesh lot of Boston Sot. ter BACIlit arid IlrooCraekers,jurt raceired from the City of Notions, and for ratio by mops T AR-= brig now In gore, and for sale by 110,Al DICKEY te CO W l ater l fr. Emit sts PITCII-50 bd. zu •torsiliox.:p DICKEYhOO may 27 RD S marl N-0 Ws in store,ISAIAH DICK and for sale by EY m CO :7 nIIERSE-On hand, and bo may r icKEy co tr: B ACON -18 tisk, name; 5 do Blooo'dam 7 do Assorted, for sale hi morn ISMAIL DICKEY d: CC rroßscco—su bza Poindetter's pond 2. sale at a very low priers by may 27 ISAIAO DICKEY fr. CO 1100/1114 BOOICHI rrilELltoT . • Wife; \ memoir of Mn Shannon, of sorrey Chapel. Ify Imo hasband—with i portrait on Steel. . Prayers for the Ilse of Families; or the Domestic. klleismes Assistant. Lty Wm. Jay, author of .Bcr mons, Discounts," We. The Works of Dr. John T. Matron, late Archbishop (C h, nterbury, With tbe life of the Author, by Thos. Itirt A. ht Also, • copious index and texts of scrip tore emefally compared. London edition. The ComprebenstmsCommentary on the Holy Pomp ton., embracing ell that M valuable in all commit. taws. kilned by Rev. W. Jenks, D. D. embellished milk M.P. and engraving.. 8. S. Union Books, on sand, and for rate by A H ENGLISH & CO Successors to ELLIOTT &ENGLISH, Wmdmut B EANS—H barrels fa KER . rt COu.ct HARDWARE PAPER—Very heavy, and of fuar Lou for astride wrapper. A enurraur eepPIY of Um p0per,12,16, 17, 19, and 01 inches square, kept In 'Lore, and any Sae. or furnished at short 00070. =a A J.IICIIOONIILAKEIR d CO TRAW WRAPPING PAPER—too rm. &netted for sale by d HCEIOONMAKER & CO ULPH. QUININE-100 as for aala by ma VI J bCHOONBIAXER k CO T OGWOOD—M bfla Chip for sak by JJ map_? J SCHOONBLAICER & CO AMWOOO-156'birels grobigd, for.ale by mayia J bCHOONbIAKER it CO RlO COFFEE—MO bap prima quality, Mat me% and for aala by eSUBEfIThOY 1 fiEPPERT maa27:a& r1111111:11S ( - l o l aCLA asks and 60 Via anivlng I„,T pet canal, alld by may:6ollw ,RODERTEOOI 2 c HEPPERT BEET,mgroy 117 ThE MEXICAN WAIL GRANGE* Beck Canvassers to earn a small ./S. rattan. ~,400 Agents Warded in all permed the Untied Midi's: • Great liimotical Work, now ready, and for sale by Subscription only, a completelstory of the Woe between the United States and Mexico, from the cam meneestent of the Hewtides to the Ratification of the Treaty of Pelee, being • concire account of the splendid Military achievements and Glortoes Vie tmies of the Atneriectlirod“'under Generalylor sad Scott, and Mete gallant compatriots i tins •Iro, an leCooot, Ile "New Eldorado," the Golden Land of Goldoni. annexed 'to this country by the Treaty of Peace, Mounded with mote tb. twenty Portraits, and Battle Seen. , and a lima likeness of General ' Taylor, by John B. Jenkins, .ithor of the "Life of haat right? or the Lout War Sc. It is booed in em mimeo, and contains AN pages. ' A fine Map of Mexico, sheriving the Battle Grimed', the Gold }tenons, eke., accompanies the work. The book will delivered to • .days itont the time of suoserm.ion, and .precieely. like the sample. Lawns 12 50, payable on delivery. Pot tether particulate, applyspos coo s. DESIW MILLER Auburn, N. Er_ ==ri ASERMON will be penciled by the Rev. June !lamp, On Sande) ann e al half put 10 A. K., in th• Grant iNreet Regular Baptist Charon Ato C. ,lb . Ordinal.. of Mune= will kw adariAistered at St• Mariaagalsela River. enap23 EO.IOEI fkKURPHI it BOIICIWIELA at north east come Wl.of FOVltit and Monet ots, hole jut reeeieed supply of cells ttoo Irish LI detie, orarraote4 pun el. to orMetithei It:twits the attention of tole re [oast] Panty Castaim•iess IVi t URPIEVE BURCHFIELD hese opened an assortment of Fancy Csosinteres, t ad apted for gen men% unmoor wear. Also, wiper I. tench Broad elatits,• Bodo and Fucy Vesting.; Linen, Cambric, and Silk rocket Handkerchiefs; Fncy C...- li:ached and Unbleached Cotton h os iery; B id cud Lisle (:loves{ Silk, Cotton, A Mastro Undershirts; all at low prises for quality- inast± Linea La • A. MASON A. CO have awaited, and are IV of IS} Linen Lames. at the Ina pr o cony' Polka. Lawns. • • 9 CASES CoAA LIOMIS, 0( MC 010.1devirs `, Iesolor a/ teecivedipp AAP ,, *•• aow 2l k Valgt f r, co 132 IdarkeL msyo_ On s se "" pt g = l4 zeVL:cilTgr r y y lstirte reectso this day, asti .Pst.ng by ¢1.13 A. A NIA.SON it CO COPAL PARNISIY-6 Intl Jon rota, fig ..10 by J KIDD & CD (*Wood ot ALUM—xO barrels Alum, for eller bJ B rim it co ultra MACCADA SNUFF—YEU lot tale hi insTO J KIDD & CO . y ARRETII.SCOTCH SNUFF—kV , lba, In blaGdd Inn recoved, and for sale by J KIDD & .2s LUK-25 superio r riitsburgb Gloo for mils by rnsySO J KIDD is CO. GO-PAILTIIERSUIP IHAVE taken WM. CARR mut partneralup with me fu my Matinee•, which will from OM data be Carried on under the name nY"John Parker & Co." March WOW= JOUN PARSER. y o b g • Cam JOHN PAltlaalL B. CO., WheimleGrocars, Dealers in Prodam, Foreign Winos,Old Mottongskda and Breti:frod Whuhry. No. 5„ Commercial Row, Liberty mice', cit2o Pittsburgh. Pa. SUGAR—at beds NO Sugar, prime quanta, is au, and ler sale by JOAN PARKER & mond 5 Colananreial•nm, Liners sa IU/OLLSSES-1 7 0 WIEN OMa oak rrel. jUfur sal. by may2l' JOHN PARKER th.CO LOn , S . y 4 GAR—JO bes!o l sAA, (or by FLOUR -50 brio gram Fitnily Roo; 75 brie Hopedale do; 25 0 ris floe do; Iu bal. Rya do; na store mad Co mar 4 .1011 N PARKLR tr. CO DIXON-44M pea Hama Ham, eidea, and e:wa 1) deh In store - and for sale hy HN ' JO PARKER tr. en Ir m E z Ates in etor3Zfr A VLair t k. co YE WHISKEY—n:I btb pun Ryc Whiskey, on Lund. iend tor Wet by JOHN PARKER lc CO litlta Brandies. 10 1 1 °PoPecli:CW:g"Ifigga=,ilarkkpale ht pipea eau% Coeliac, dark; ' 3 do Otani, Duprey & er. dad; do Star, dark; 2 do Pallevolein,ts are, and for sale hy =TB J rAISKES.d. CO A LCOIIO4-12 bole Akand en hand. fot sale by way 24 J HN PARKER &CO PR E S EIIVED2iINOERmIca . ..r o t... d I;7IZ.t fine order, Just received, and for sale by • BB £ riI'OLUEG & CO 2581.1b.11. &CON-3005)lb" Shoulder"; • 0,000 lbs Side"; ad,Oto lb" Horns, for "We by L WATF.RMAN & SONS 3( %Valor at &CI Front-it. 61.17.. Ell ll 3-20 essks oupenor, ior 0 tale by L 9 WATF.RMAN & SeNS FLUITII--375bWeita Firray — Ploori 1 . /5 brit Wolin* Floor; 10 brit superior Rye Flour, for sale by lasyl4 L 8 WATERMAN & BONS ERRING-0 brig Boddroore No I for sale by - - L 8 WATI , RAIAN fr. Borg s B it= " Tao s ; N 471.U85-4 fr doz Tor male by L WATERMANA BONS scfilit: ON BATHS & RAtial.-40 disa Sue liarc 30 dos Bake.; Pm sale by L 8 WATERMAN A BONG TEIB7WIMONS-4d tea canvassed &Wain Orsed Beet; 40 tea 13uvar Cured Hams; 81 tea Canvassed Mum, for sale CI EELLERB A NICOLB MWO PORK-10 b (or ado by SELLERS & NICOLS ohs Desn'4;, far .. 724 WICK hIcCANDLF.93 Molioo%lB--Hroeene, ter sale by mayl4 • • WICK A MeCANDLESS WADDING -1i bales reel,ar‘tifor sale 114 amyl% _ WIOE& bIeCANDLESS ,o y g4 WICK ! trfaCrZb-y MOOTAS —ll man pare. rachl, and tor Bala try • WICK MeCANDLFSS WSAPPING PAPER-210 ream crow., madam, and tr.* wraPPlna PaPm for b 7 WICK k DUCANDLEMS S i r" c zi t tu a t.Lugm r ...wg . t . d , =mu: wile by . 1.124 WI CK AftCANDEIW Dagal/OialDl—B7_post for tale by LESS t0a714 WICK ft MeCAND GistsWlCK it AUCANDLW.9 T'l m hillrrvitg loca mara own EINEM .nurrElv4Daßefi olll4 as gall Loose OCen aisiin the following ire* Odds, Jot 461)drime Smyrna ;Mk boxes eltzl ci al,„::. - . • ilra ' f;tlozes do dO. halt cm dog 13n boxes Palermo 011.. e“: =1 boxes Sicily Lemons; nseeLtioily Lim*Aosi: L.. 40 dozen Assorted raking LI doze n Salad n Assorted Sattea% ' • ; .Sis boxes Sealed naming*, LA boxes No /Alerting; - • • • .50 boxes Jojoba Paste; Ile bee Yellow, White, • d Rock candy, 140 begs Whits Bruit ega; • to b n rls Loseriag's crashed &pOwdezed do; 4,' segs ZellNlbe'!; la bsis PleilSFliberlig ' 7 : do bags Iltra Nola; • . ISoaushels Yea Nuts; . Su barrels Paeans do; ' ' ' lbags aloft Almanac .. boxes Shelled deg All gapers oarsman Candle. Illio Pot I bl ts" 10/ paoped,ararsonled as good as on/ In eke cooper/. • - No 157 Liberty at, ten daors:eut or Si. Cler ni. • msySt ', -, • • . • .. • ~ TARTARIC ACID-54) lbs Jnu reel, Ibr ask b7_ . .stnytH . S N WICKERI3IWI DIME WHITE LVAD—A Wee rappli °Mile atoeVa Lead alms. on bead aaHERSHAM _ =T ee . N WIC LARD brie Not received, far ile by wa ry. • - • 3bl WICILERSAAI _ _ liki.ll7 BOOKS{ . asw BOOKS* At . 84 „ er s Li terar y Depot, Third SIMI, Opp°St DICTIONARY of Hoch=lea, Engine Wart, and kutgineering—Nolh. Boston Shah/Inure—No IR • Pride and Irresolution; a new-Berle. of the Hai. el/it/me of UR. Mistakes of a Lift Time—No b. London Quvtarly Review, for April. • Pictorial Fseld Book of the Revelation—part I. LinelPs Livia.: Age—No 314. Linda; or the Young Pilot of the . Befle Creole. By Caroline Lee Bent. eunuch,. By George Sand. • • Th. , Dalton.. By Le part L p 'hr rice II cents. Pio wial Brothe Jon athan.n. Youg Prima 'Donna. BT biro Grey. New mart 3: WX2.4I.IFLABIRIMS. MURPHY Je BURCHFIELD have recently reedy,. ed an addition to their stock of the above de- Bitable goods y , tasking their assortment elite 0001955 1 e lawpieces alities ver complete. Tbey have IGO received a aw of the American /Manufactured Unahrieir• able Flannel., and Invite the attention of buyers to then . large stock pr ic es Goods generally, which will be vole at lowest. oraylltl Now PrigMl, 1511 sesta. & BURCHFIELD have Just Teeenved • lent vatlely of rem st)leent and dark Frints cents, &almond tut colors; also, low priced WALL PAPER—UK:OpeI new rowan% trona Ino pp to We, just reeeived warn ine now. 'Also a few fine Oatierna (row SOe to el. W PasPeuku. _ may 23 - ' 5 Wood a. LAWNS. 0 CASES rut colored L 11•1115 received and now opening, selling as tree extreme lowAdenle en of Ben per yard °INGRAM/. 3. CASES fast colored 01. shams, ree'd, sad iellhel at 12 sem per lard A A 2 MASN & CO Marke O t at. • SALMON. DM Idiom.' 9 CASES plain and fluted Mingo do Litika, assort s, eikeolors, last seeetsids-and selling; at very low pile -e.. scinTO3 A A l'ilAt+.oNA CO PARASOLS. • - 500 le'oloxlit:lreledived,br:Pri%):pan ataginaj"rted raaE.l • A & MASON &CO EIttECIWX-Eiltr/EEI. : ... • A LLEGHENY City and counts Bathiwatitad al . .a.. at ttia A:chance (lace cf A. bbl NS &co • mayor m.:All/LW lINUYE—C. /looms'. beet, lVi sale by A A FAIINMrrOCIC A CO may23'. - Car. of Wood b. Dot .ti may2l B B ILIMISIVNE.-13 bets r A oll, for role bi— ,SAIINESECICK & CO . _ UNIPER HERB 1 r'l, --ON b, for see by A I PAVIYIB-TOCK & CO at•IYO rum' MYRRH—Igo Ib. Bombay, for •ale by • lT may.l3 11 A FAHhaTTOCIL ACO - - • ILtbArok.:.--41 ons stiggr Wow : nut'd per stein.er SUalt ' JA Wnght, A lILN H uld tor nip by. antra UTCHISON it SO 'DEFINED SUGAR - Y 7 orla embed and powders for see by JAMES A HUTCHISON &CO CIAL - ITNA LEAD-30 pig. seamed, for Isle by ,Isory92 JAMEs A HUTCHISON &CO Bel;ON-6000 Cln. owed Stlontsienr: , __ S"k4 aßztr& SILL 124 Wood la nrirmirrreirrsil LilAl LIALi—MoU Ws, to closet , G I ME= riu. met 723 nOTTON (Or. e PATa STUART & SILL WINDONTGCASSaIiS Lzs 729. for sale by may= • STUART & SILL jalise, m .0m told rote slay b7_ Marit • SWART &SILL I DI/1 bast Wire, for e sua. DCA% trE LisTrrts and Neskestea s, to sp. 1 - __nse, for 00 oly_ I limp' a SILL it KACKEREL brie :4o 3, jest - ree'd, for sole by In e.ta STUMM ttllLL L' ess m e tA rrixs-10 Oa przale i gpr i p r : . BILL I oULIVILLE 1.1.11Z-40a brls Iss - strbaroed,p , r 1.1 Ws by C II GRANT' . L. 0 .3— . • alikFLollit —l7 brie cadres% ano for sale by DURIIIGE, Wil.soN kW,. • rearin. . Wiera west , , FBLI ' Fist" • II =!—No'shad; No I blaskerel: No I do in bras a, titq. No do in a Ws; - Nein do an i bas; • Salmon,' od_Fisb, Sealed IleNioSi No 11 .7 1 43 .d Baluzions Ilesring. for sale by WM A McCLIIIIO , 4 co 256 Liberty ertuta. an hi gal, dealt, and pint lags, hlleed.Pickles do . do Pleolly do dodo Tomatoes, in quanjandc Somali °meek dm A 1,., Tomato; Walnut, and Elaahroont Ketchup; and Pepper Sauce. The snore vote put ay by Underwood, of-iloatori, whole Pickles are favorably known ,through the United Suites, and by Thos. B. Smith fr.Co, of Phil. delphia, whose articles never fall to give enlightener wherever introduced, far sale wholesale and retail b , ineya; WM A hIeCLURG ACC!' a K :24 U e t p .. l4o L" se ll s, l l:r & U PHILLIPS 7/9Wood. At Issoortorent of UP • rootSur mares J& H PHILLI PS-- NibitiEß STALLS-1 pass named elm, finable by mars] J m ii PIJILLIPt4 3 /J 8 r recetved24 Dzs bletallts Gam lasaticikUlgs, /1 • . • - • 11.1:th EtanTlC CUM-4 &nen, will and without kj handles, put received, and for be 11210,4 J&11 RININEA ELASTR.Ib-1 go as No 1; I do No% I do No% for ..la by ma 13 1 la FI PN11.1.1/.4 BATIIINO low ia.l received, espscudtd article for the impose, for We by rearm 1 tr. II PnILIJPS PORE AlR—Those who would have pare air in in their dwellings which is so necessary durine during the prevalence of epidemics, should provide themselves with one of the meet operable, and. at the .190 time, effective disinfecting agents know n. Seen an It is JULES I.IAUEVS AROMIC VINEGAR. It wig immedlately parity a roam ell noxious eliluvia, and prevent contsgien in oil ear-- It is arse a desirable argyle for the. toilet, and a liobtful .counetio. In headache. Innanor, meamaht pains, he. ,it affords Instainatmorm reum.. It is an excellent dentifrice, and an nrecable wash; it will itrengthen the eyes, and remove inflammation of the eyelids. It relieves the pain nod faggots eon sequent upon. excessive muscular exertions; sod when nee/ in the habits produedve of the happiest edicts. Persons maim& the sick may be preserved Ems the liability of contagion, by •the Aut umn.: Vinegar, or sprinkling a few drops upon their persons be Ere entering the room. In an rictuses*, atria, it may be peed with excellent smite, no it ina mediately dinipsterlhe lusonor and exhaustion eon. st pent upon this meat disagreeable malady. Re particular to ash for Jules Mixers Aromatic Vinegar. Prepared only by - • • , JULES RAVEL, Perlthner and Chemist, • • . LCD Chestnut street, below Ponth. For mile wholesale and retail by B.A. Fahnestocle & Co., and R. R. Sellers, Pittsburgh: mid John Rar. meat and J: Mitchell. Allegheny city. Fe. . mayag 11 Paper Warehouse. • . 1,03. 47,!DIARKET STRUT. between Thirtrind 1.1 Fourth streets, Pittsburgh, Pa. vuomits PAL , - MAIL would respectfully Me attention .0f ,his Blends and cuatomen, m hI grow= extensive tad , notteral stock of merchandise. Rural Ins found to___ceas prise every d:serlption of American arid PmaekNall Paper lOW Border for Partin. Bally Dialog lifaMos. Bed Chambers, Counting Booms, de s , ruling freak Ui cents to V 2 a place. So vests*. throrptY of^prlres and qualities can hardly fail to atilt the eircumataima and tastes of platters who may favor with jbeir patronage, the old established staddan Market splev rad O.Von In the Coma et Oosamem Phial of &Us. gheny County. • : TN the case of the application of the Oh'. and Pc n. Weenie Rail Road Company,tor the right ofway, de. No 155. Jane termlB3e. To the heirs or devise. of `Shemin Bradford, de ceased. Yoe are hereby notified, that the Ohio and Penn - mnia Hail Road Company have taken and appropriated, for the nee of their rail med,the follow ing described portion of the lend belonging to said decedent te Ohio Township, Alegheny County, Pa, yis:—Beginning on the lower line of seid tract eta disonme of Sgt from the centre line of saidtoad, road, thence mown along the line Weald tract to the river c line thence 8 73 ,the 15 ova feet., to the upper of said tram, nce along the upper line trl said treat northwardly BO ft. thence N 73 deg SS num, W 0.285 feet, to the Pmett heginelhg. Cdt , milting 6 acres I rod and ptrchea A description anti draft of which ta filed to the above cue. ROBINBON Jr Pleat 0. & P. R. R. Co. m~llSdkn~C DIMS Conti Of COINEO•M P 11.1.4 of *Le. TN air; ;as oftti4o.pVeaCifon Ohio and Penn. j„ retsina ;tail ll ' ows Coconenb for sint right of oral, Ai' No laiune terse 1840. , o ere heirs or dui... of Min flood, tats.if phuadelphia, deceased. You are hereby, notified, %hot the Ohio and Pesoillyant• Hod Read Corneae, h i ve ia .n. n od apppriated the use of their rl mad.e, the foll o w i n g d roeacnhed f p or ortion of the laud IN oI W hinging to said decedant, n Ohio Townaltip, Allegheary pe„ ow —ptegintihtg 30 ft north of the cease pie if said WI road iinetwt the lower idde of galas ~n en th en ., Twining 9 3 feel Wwwilds the titter along eh , hee of told warn, thanes musing 73 dog NS nsui v v ,.. oeg rat ,. th e gem 4110 Of Mad tiacu thanes tunes of tract nonrdly 80 ft, thence N pa deg. NI witt4,l<iltZl cO O fee to the place of be 're et ;I:n u :Ulla:ft t 6 f bls V. P i n e k " - e , coma ' Whl - 8031Nt3ON - ~anytLdLorPorgCa& IL R-Co •• • - 21hrla Tallow Grease. , j . asek }bean BUTS: te arrive, aar . 1416,41111DleirlicY.3 Wear Ptentsta; ies,Gitatilii_ - 10111/11971T i;MAN Iwo 10311—U6 • PM THEATRE! Le*ee sad Manager C. s. row= , PVCCO Or ArrrlrlON: c..nenaa. Circle and Parquana - _ , eems. Second and Thint Galinr*Afor-0dg0ndp•44.... LboSiii open at 7{; Curtain will Tin 9 oletike ri wi , - - r wEil zi . t.. s night gt itt..141111411.5.i Driiratiaii;;lSlaT' 2B , AML . 4ll- b e l neseater HET. 171 4 3,T A r d dsTe; • Tarot Lames • NA — UIIE AND .. HIOPHY C 0111.• • ..... • • •bl.ra 11 Niebols !las Alin..rsitter GRAND CONCERT, vot Z. , A N DINATIELDJANNTAL. NLEBERmonId respeetlalle inform the! adies ond 'gentlemen of ritUbmgh and vicinity, Nil homillgtrehlsfirsteencert of Vocal sad lastrelneMal Isosic; et WILKINS HALL,- Oie,TMasellay .loTesslatli .nexe, *ay ? 8 • On which" occouon be mill 'he 'assisted h ood 'Nies graft, Elitstm Glaademi.lieu.,Vogel, Nlenr Lengsn, celebrated Violincello plaice.' 0340.1adanso Borostelnlias kindle consented to lend her ealasble anis:tame on the occasion. For partlentara me prognjusznes. • VAIIIIINB 7 BI I II&LL, YITIAOUR6II, - 13 , eisr, 130 Weed above Fifth. noitAT splendid establahment is now offered for I Bea It la admlrably arranged for Concerts,. Leetates,ralsibldeas, gss. FOT cram arid, to 7MIN, A ZSMONS, 137 Wood st. , , PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APOLLO HALL.-Efougirn STILILETo PEN DAlLY—from 0 to, In the monger, 2 kit lathe elternooe; and fiont ko 10 o'clocklbe t O 475210402nee 93 cede; MEd= ender 1.2 ;ems ' ha. 2 prim 01127 ax. a. nitiono.) . , • 1..../K 4O . .11M. A. xocLuno. O. c 0.,. GILOQERS. AND. TEA DEALERS,' •' • Nailer Liberty and, abort 'Food, nisi alums.' tivid a luxe 14.01110Crit of alnico GlCretliell and Ann Teas; 'also, Foreign Fruits and Wholesale and Milers supplind on ttia lowest vrats. muyl L. A. XASOS & Co., cI. Amon & CO., 101 X.. ,1413.011. , WHOLESALE 1)101 GOODS A. A. MASON & CO, Kmaket Street, botwee.n . Thlrd &Fourth, Pltalsbargis s Pa. 1 11 Er WILD re-Or -Middy coil the attention of city and , mstrotry merchants, to one of the most elisnatro Stocks is the moony, comprising ever Hundred Cases Packages of Foreign and Domes tic Dy e Goats, coustrUng, Moor; of • eases best style Caney% .• 100 Bleached Mosllo, Oland.% 40 ftromoter Stars and Counnadmi : 30 Muslin do Lain% • 40 a Lawny atul ?Judi 61 flatineus and Tweed% 10 . Caraionmo, Cloth_ ,s• • 100 and bales of Tick ler, Cheek, te.; . 3:13 • - Brown Moulins. Together With tom most extensive -atomism:a of ImpOrted Goad. In this market, po ..... ing the roost ample facilities for the transnetion of theln•bosiness, and one of Monument bong constantly ut Me camera markets, thus ptesentim erery oda man ge enjoyed by casters hon.. They believe that they can oder Kremer inducements to merchants generally, in ark% quals, nd price% than any eastern market. Now goods constantly arnsmg. Merchants udenduly,par chasing Easr. arc Particularly aoliched in exanano their mwOmMegt. Will AA MASON do Co :01,00( TlN— , 4 fb Moray;lish, no.l I ham reccia- Jlol , ed. awl for.sble by, N WlngEftS. tl AM marN • Col . Wood a froth r- GTEOAIX:4I:O common Ohio - togar,fr agile by may2l - . J a It FLOYD J. U. asTtLLon, 140. SI ,r"M'atreet, has Jam received a new to. • mrtmetit of VI ANO - MDSlC,:among which .. .re e Yollowiego-eF • Volly,do you Dove me, by S. C. nitte. . ' .' :. _ Oh, may the L a d y, ome live Alway. do. ivolly was h Ld do. 'Thiele Ned: _._ • do. .• ~ Gwille to Run all Night Dolly Day, Solduet'a Wedding, by Glover. , • The Robin, do. _ Oh, Tench thord_yet once again.. . ^ Sweet Memo irsof Thee-; . . &rime Boon.-.. . . • Lamenrof the Irish Emigrant. A New Medley Song Thew hart Wounded " the Spirit that Loved Them . . The Conscript's Departure, by Glover., .- s De Bind to the - Loved One. at Rome. , Tie Homewhere e`er the Devi la. : : . The Yankee Maid. • • .. . Low BanVdCar, by Lover. Do you ever think ohne. ' ' ' • Slumber Gentle Lady. •• . , .. . . Josnoie Grey... ~ , . • ,_ Elfin, C.ellarius, Wedding, Wreath, and Metal Waimea DatehelerMaiden, BelldWelta; Coneerii Ladles , . ouvenir, Cally;lD vim Llly,Aliee,Everegreen, Snow. cogs. Adler. and Lazy Polka. , . • mart nORICS-3 Wes Porter ond Mineral, jegt reeeies4. V wad for sec by AE.I.LERS. Wood et RED PRECIPITATE 23 lb. jutt reed, rot joie L maga! E SELLFI:I3 t ]IN' CORN -32 sacks thledav ree'st, for sit'o ' 7 7 AItIARTRONG ”ILCIZT,R ...leaersenn Star.. Properly. 1" . . • SII veryvaluable Maldive , Lam, . Second 'vett, - kar be Ferry, as laid oat by John 'Caldwell, lan., will ois cold: Ibis afternoon. at Z o'clock...ll the pre mises, by P. Pa. Devi's, Aveno.er. They ate very desirable for private resideoces, and tcsnislibetal.... , wall. . - ~ . . • - - - AcKE,Hu,,—: ,, hT . l4lsPio 2, lot alga 10iat. clott, y l c.-nnlgotnett, ' • JAMP.I.VD.4.I•ZELI: 101Vater t rtHEESL , -4 bxe reel per Late Erie end" ribehi. Ran, and for rale by JAMES DALZE,LL. PA.-241 casks F.4l_ str. fon Allie by , IJ A FMINF-STOCK Lt. CO - Cor. of Firs, lc Wool WANTED, B . V a wholesale hardware house to nalladelphia t ..tive young no., who is f.allavarlth b.inces, and bay on extensive acquaintance %MAIM the merchants of Ohio led , Pennsylvania; Whiwo trade he could. influence. To a imitable Derma a liberal ardary W . 111,b0 paid. Address'Ll. T. at Vida MN, • • M. IS•Lemitm HA trr saTITRNE WINR-J out. insx recraveti and for solo -by HILLER & RICFMTSON • • Bh•stlng!fn'ilns. 31711eive3, of oihe 41feroot oidthi , A, 4 , : 4 • = r• p .sy4l "LI BURCHFIELD L. • OLASSML-15 bris S Mola•gee ion mewed, for sale by CULUERTSON • %VI - • - IDS taberry at VIA.ESIIGAR-33 brig basoned ribs:abets jugt reed taby2i A cumwarsos 16 , /1/IX—LUUD Um is state, and sor inte br ~mail A CULIIERTSON -50 do: No 1 Corn Memos; Ea des common do; jum reed. for see A CULlipelllON fir.A.TiM3ll.-45 Imitate jest reed:l677aq by 1 eary2l. A CULBERTSON' Yu r.F: Ftte.NOit SHANDY, warranted 25 years old, Or sale by„ StoRRIS & HAWORTH max2ll. . . „ ,__ pus side Of Armond paiDgriRRF.SCTIIIitiN:A novel. 1/I"CilWd air dry, wale:rale by • _ __ • niay2l. JOHNSTON &STOCKTON . _ 1100TASH-50earii pure Potr*li, for rale byf . . JL - • . . • .1' tr. tt FLOVO , • _ ptal2L L b...iI.EIaTHS-45 barrel., tar cola by --7r • • • Dip ma72l , ' : ': - .1 er R. FLOYS. do_ t I Altb-12 bortels No 1 Larkfor sole by A ..721.. '-' ' • , -,-.1-EIt'Ff..AVD ricting it. TIMOTHY SEE) m nom. Mr sal , by mast ilß FLOYD . A RY m E . N 7 —I 0 . ra,E;Tna,;) ATH SAW —1 may2t . &CO TAR,R - 03114, & prror —3OO WI. Tan • •-. -60 aria Rosin; • •W Ma Pitch. Tol , ciat for sal. bY ISAIAH DICKEY & tonyet .}Mater and Front sta.. ULduUM-,-100 lou.Napplas rummy, Ter...o Me ter .ale by - ISAIAH DI C KE Y co TazoLooici S.L IWOILUita. THE Works of Leonard Woods, D D.- Headley , . - Vocalic Lora Friond.../Sri Amu. Ck Tim Gospel imovra Adspc.sue. .:Posthumas Works ertrinalmer.. Family Prayer and CoomodutorY. Thornton. Melvin's Samoans. , Oritlm's Permons. Connie 'ham'. Remota. For tale by . JAMES D LOCKWOOD. , Malrßd I led Fetish st, Wat 11 . • j t i l yAt7 d . tx ti VV.l l . ° e r a %LI I P. ' d i x. Me. David x Park, by prede,H o t,,,, r ,`,,, k ! • Bella Yahoo Polka, composed and. dedicated to Hi,. 51 ary Jane Park, by Proforma. Rollback .• ' .STEPHEN II FOsyErs g F m k so , G , 1y Urodder Otim. Dmiuo to Rao all ?Gala. Ange. Une we,. Rory Sammar Breath. Away Down, South. :Dolly Day. Oh, Eklund.: SammerLoribinga.: Soiree Pea. .Doley Jones. • ' ' - • Also, Amhara, Itlaeltrae,.by Watson. - ' • ' Oh, Think 00 , limo, (Mane Boma • ' Oar Childhood'. Llomeims nom by Miss , . My Mather I 04.7,v:fords by C. Sbiras,moabc - cy, H. kleber. A 1.., . great satiety of Near Elenco,- Nome, Waktes,Lite. far talc by II RLE3E.II. mail( • . tut Taint at • , If lII.WAPDHLIOATIORB. • Tie orate ceded.* the 11, By,_ . D. Mon; A.N.Leith . of tho Bev. Sevenal Botherford, Produsor of Divinity id the Unlversity of Bt. Andrews, with a. sketeliof Ms life by Rev.A. A. Bonne, anther of Ma =in or R. M. bleCheyne. • • The Theological Werke of the late Rev. Daniel Boyne, V. D. Edited by the Bev-BaalPrey. Dite,nmi edition. • Hurtle., Prince of Atryninie. By Dr Jargon ' ow ooluan.. . . . gevay on Christi= Ramis= Dy /1 W. Noel. M. A. The Coatriateiens of Q. Q. Dv'Jane T/17101. 11. • lammed !Men original debigas, by li b yo u , d. et llosopby efltnbellef in Month and Religion, :aa diseirreiable In the Faith tad Chmeters °Chien., • Re Rev. 11. Hooker. ay, 3 ,,,tes of Joy, Demo a watt ta the Night of. `Weeping. 'By Da Rev. Boner Kelso. . f7i The Golden Psalm; bees a Preetvnl, Trepbeneal Egparinsta of Peelle XVI., by. The Lighted Yellen or cunigt Seenea is the * Lib; of • Behind Sister, by 13oltan, with a profile° by Rey.: The COMEAU ante with Preadee; by the Author of.: Day of the Weet,” ilhutteleil by Newland. 1141214iff of thalafe of the Rev. Jobe ihlemeireefahe Life and Mitten, of Dr Chahavre,.: bid 'be is tlexes,,,ia three vale. Vol L. Also, • large agleNnifeetof• New embnia. _ Y ;, or bT •El ENGLISH kCO win . tv V. - - (.o tor quo irr. to , R - 13. SELLERS
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