•Ail:>,, - • - •40.' ' 44 1 .' 1 ... - ' • • - -:"P" , - g - ,• • ... ) . . . ... .—., . , ... :. .. „.. . . . .. c . • -TABLISHED -IN 1786 Ufa C O; to watt Tomo sun:4=T pool To : PONT OPTICI. ..."•-••"-7-417,01) per emus. col ' , oat • rt!dseed ' . iF ADl7l6lt7llllHal AMID UPON Irrsuoutax puss& dean; of Nonpareil or less) Ono &pm re', each a/Winona! illaeruon..- 0 4 2 o k Da Da. two weeks 3.00 lb. three creeks ---- 4.C0 Do. one month. Do. . tet9 months 'Do.' bur months ...... six months•• —..••••• 12,00 Do." ewers menthe..:. O , nding Carel (6 li ne. or lers,) per ammet.,lo,oo, e &rare, eltangealle aspleessee (per an. MUD exclusive of the.psnew, 43.00 For each additional Kane, Manned era oacatattlt,.. ano for each addineenal name losertedanda the Temr ly rat., half prim Advertisements exceeding n KUM Ilfteen lines, to be charged as a soave and a half Publlehers not accemntable forAeltal edvertive_, =Ma beyond the alablica charged Ihr tied , Plblieellon. Amlmetcieg candidate, for dice,. to he caused the came as other edverovereeenn Advertisements net marked on the copy fora sped. wed number of 'earth.... will to mutlittlati 011 !othid• and payment exacw/ accord: • • •The pn II ge yeenly adverdiers will be odU s ined rigidly to y th:D 4altur buineat, and all *Mar a vet. unguent. not pertaining to UMW regular business,, agreedlor, to be paid extra. -•, All advertieements for charlinble mstluatibns, Ire mytmles, want township and other public menage, and net like, to be charged heroine, payable stria* ir advance. Marriage notlessto he charged GO cents. • •• . 0 Death notices moved withooteharge,tuden amen. ponied-by funeral invitations or obituary nodes% and when so smompexued to be paid Ow. . • Rarely adventure, and shelters sending earned d eiestioneter mewling notices designed to call atten tion to Fun, Pewees, Conc ertni - er AIM publip ,davratis, where charges ate made for admittance— all detlees'of private smociittions e .e.very :notice de, 'trued to call. uentiou to prints enterprise s celesta. ma or numotetto promote Individoal intatest, eau tow ey be inserted with the undemanding that the...lee btu be paid /or. if Intended to be maned in the 10. cal eatamil, the same will be charged at• the rate of not less than 10 eems per lbw. Bishop or Fiat Nediees to be charged triple price, Twin" Livens., Petition., IX each. Legal and Medical adverthientents to be charged al fall once.. Ike] Estate Agents' end Auctioneers' .drertise• meat not (o be classed under yearly flee, bet to be allowed disco= agilely three and one WA ',cream. from Au moron of bllla WnLLT ONVIS-1•32.11 a =LT VIaTZIL O te SqMa r .34 1111 : 4 insonlon• SO - Da eaoh addidanal Imertloo••• 311 airM7l.lll3llllll. IS WWlr Para C. Square, (10 lines,)ooo 4 11/1011011—.--40 nu. Do. each additional insorlort..-AS All transient advenisamanta low paid Li advance. WHITE k CO. Bawls. L. HARPER Poet DORN' M. RIDDLE, loamaL JADES P. BARR k CO.. Caroalels. FOSTER k BROTHER, Dispatch. • JOS. SNOWDEN, Mernary t JADES W. BIDDLk., Alonneati.' HIR &AI RAMS, Evening Tribatto. Panama, Dec. 1, ISO. CARDS. ALEXANDEIL JIT. WATSON. TTORNEY AT LAW-011ce, 011 fearth street Abovo Wool • mit DAVID C. TUTTLE, • ATTORNKY AT LAW, and Commione; for Pennsylvania, to. Louis, Mo. • • . . All Coololl6lClailloa promptly answered • '. ocrl3.ly T. IL Baird J. P. Bream RATED & BTYSSYTT, • A 7TORNEYB and Coen.llan at Lann—Facntt tx. between Si:Uttar-14 laid Grant. Putsargb, Fa. tals Wm. C. FrLAM. LAILGIA & PURIM TTORNEVI3 AT LAW, Forma simnel, near Omen John )1 Large JJLEILZB r. ICILII.II, . A 770ENET AT LAW-41fflee Fourth street, 41Ga between Smn,t,beld and Grant, PwLabarge. • aptlaelY ' iteniamin Pattrat.-- William Batmen PATTON 4k-siuiir.wELL, - 'Kir' _TO _RNESS AT LAW—Office In Tilghman frail, Grant in,, near gin Coon Mama. lab* A. EN61.213i1 - & — aliginal, Maul, a and s da Reha:a tloolmellera and dealer. all kind of Writing; W.W.I , and Wrapplan Pry per, N0..3. Wood meal. Warm Fourth and Dia mond alley.' Pita. 11, Pa. .. apn JOUR U. RASKIN, _ AA TTORNEW Coattaellor at Law, and Caartmi; sdostat for tbe Slats of Peazwylmla, Si. Lady, Mo., Iltie of Pittabarah.l ItefewasaPiaaburga: ratanull, Haat. tau & Miller, WCandlaw A atanata,. Jahn it - Parke, Bissell, & Sew*, McCord & Mag. tuurt4-1- Int La/ILn. .10$111 ' W. IL WOPONV•1111..•• • ••-• 13OALT1. &IMLAY, 'WOODWARD & CO, Wholesale Gee. eers,_No ftl Market R Philadelphia. Nod Pittsburgh Alkali Works. MIEN - New, BERRY &CO, hlanufactsure Soda MN Ash Bleaching P0,.d000 ang Salpitsiie Aside. Warehouse ria ace strectlielog Peery - red. ck Braun. Georre Reiter. BRAUN k REITER, V7botnnae and' Betaillhua au,. corner of Liberty and Bt. Clair meet. Pin. ° arab, P. up.. sotoitoar sCHOYILIS, nOWAISSION MERCH6NT,SgoeIf wad Bill Brat r, No 11l Setond •tvert. nar24ll Duquesne Sp:lug, Axle. Mesh and Iron : Works. COLEMAN. MAILMAN & CO, Idiontfacturra of Coach and Mimic Sprint, liatantetrd &zit% 80iitlir &Ad' Mega Seel Iron. &o. Warahosao on Virtue, and Front street., Vittshitrgit, &N ,dealer. in Coach Triskitnisga and Malleatda astio Goad Alt • STRONG & CRON'S% nOSAIEMAION MERCHANTS. =I beaters. laTto- V dace, No it Market atneet, hu mitt . W. S. Skinner. 01W0 SKINNSH. Forwarding and Contaturon V Merchants, No &Market at. Pittsburgh. sp4 ("1 MeANULTY roma:tit:lt and Can %.). mission Merchants, Gum' Bum, P4tabargb, ro.r2 GRANlT,Wintosale Grocer, Cormairdwi and C Forwarding Merchant, N. 41 Taw, n., Pitts. burgh. . . Ink horsey Andrew Fleming • K. K. Fleming_ II KgItISIDIrk FLEIKING nOlallBBION lIIKELCIIANTS—For the tubs of IN? mestie.Woolen, nod Cotton Goods; alro,.dealers in li kinds of Tailors , TrimmLogs, No I/7. Wood in, 4th door from Fifth. Pittsburgh. ' • • Reference—Mesas. WM. A. um & Co,Banken. jonlet s - 77C¢.Trtatura, DENNETT, Gans English, Gallagher E e Ca.) Wholesale Grocers, Comnitraion and For warding Merchants, and dealers la Predate and Pins- Maga Piansfaeteires, No. 27 Wood at., between w and 3d street. t kl RWARDING COMMISSION . MERCHANT No Its Second st, uMurgb. m2l Rog COCIIII,AN. Comadsalan sod Poterardiiii T Merchant. No. td Woodmen. Timbers:b.. owl 7 - Nor Ixe, Ineeessor se & Lee 4 Wool Deal ..lol, et *A Ceermisdoe !agree.; for lea sale el Nzae. ries!, Wool.", Lit. in 0 Ppoilth 1511,V., , use" Breiterearee some" =Wan ULU, n. a. arcalretax, SORN 'W•IX/1, J..ALD & BUCHNORI Tobaveto C.I&Isoloa Mar cel:" el North Water at, k NorthnovNeif Wharves, Azov, JOKE%'CO." lanaaamara ite.awl• & Co.) Commiacon *no n Forwarding Mel. 4 ". &alma to • Ptetalrargh litantrfaxiared Goods, nub" R. . what' MN Ps BIAII.IIIEIALL, Incesasea TO Jam= e. EIPORTEIt a. Dealer In French and American pee "Wines and Borders, Window Shades. Fire ard Prints. ko. Also—Wriung, Prlallnt and Wrap. ping Paper,'Ne.ny west stmel, between POUTO IMOOt sad Desmond alley west side, Pittabargh, Pa. ratan' • " 1") " SUrrnrb-Inil 4 u.1. ogs: daarilasth Diszsos4 AUsY Pitt smash. • • . sa4 yrirpsdA NF • dam roe DI illareaant, and dealer in Prods,' and Pittsburg!! Moznisetarca. Kan Water rt. Pietebnro. •M SSSSSSS man. tosslrr =Mt .4 Wain. mu! 107 Prom Wo% pi w b.vb. noon Dilworth T B. DtLWORIUi'CO., Macula trotter", and • Arent. for Maud Powder Ca., No. Wood It., Pinatades-7 TWIN M. TOWNSEND, Dwain elo Apotheeger Na ds Market at. three doers above Third it. Pater both, grUl have cowlaully *ahead a well imitated ed sweeten' of the best and freshest ileittelnes.whielt be twin gall on the most reasonable terms. Physicians . ...,cOinw orders, will be promptly =ended to, and sop. ..,plled with articles they may rely WWI a• swathe. Per Physicist. Preseriotions VW be sewarately and play prvarod frau the best matteltls, at lay Wolof be WY ese etoe's*_a large suck of flak =I good Path rt kJ. CAKOIEMIsta a Warren t , , Me,' Contenl. e.. Yon and Pareardint Merchan sae denier In Western Relent. Cheese, Neter, Pot whoineale and Atb;.and WeeteenTrodues eenerany.• Water street, !laymen Solandeldind Wend, Pittebniat. yoniverrolv & erocerrix, llookselkn t Primers. .swl Paper I!stintasctrrers, Ne. 44 Maki meet, 'Ulm Lloyd. . Richard MO.. Tau-4:lf ~c::rit.V.3 Marl Usildia . Ks t framing : on Liberty, Wood . AL„d _ l :t. murk. Ton WATT. (accessot. to Ewalt &. 3nb ban .1 Whalestin Grater and Cannsdasion Merchant denim in Plodace and Plu*smh Inaniftenunn. n,n ner et Marty and Rind _ — pitube ir k )aag 11 60 .A.CAUGHEY0k4ent for IWI • • 3 1160diati Limo tolkararand the LaXl*-0111eo ost the comer of Wawa. aim, Blaitklel4 as. lent Gmßb srof Ato et. &me MN= I ns = istml6ll frosistgests, BUSINESS CARDS, • rs ts • , mg r I. ItEtaig, Wholesale! and Retail dealt,' br ',halo atotblosical Tortrosoonts, &hoot Boot. , prt,'Sloo,forot P. Glaillg, prim,' cu„.d., and .0,,,, ft , ‘ ,„.."4,1 0. gn wood ot4Pittobarth •• irr Mire haven or taken to Irodo. .nl5 T .B. MWEITZEIt, Ammo, Lawomo. opposite St Cameos hotel, Piudn so agb, will al Wend promptly to Collections, la Wasklarton,yayetta sad GIVOC causaita, Pa. • REFER TO Ch in' arra k Bdi rothat, -64. 1P r iUnbarikh: ILT..IIf anal 61.1111, "rg SCHOONSIAKER & CO, Wholesale &nous, . No VI Wood street. Pinsherah. apt k JONES. Fereraninne and Connosssion .n. charts, Dealers in Prodoee sad Pittsbergh menu ataatered.srfieles, and Rain, near 7th n. ape L, • TI• IItrAHTF 17'04NEEOli, CIULDS & CO., Martoraesarers at Terme a. very and Batti superiorng .44 Sheeting, Carpet Chain. Conon • . Vilikvlns Iron Worts. LEIVIS , 'DItLZELT. k CO, Nanafa soarers of al sius Bar, Sims 1., 'Barr, Iron and Nuts of the bet qualits. .Warehoese, 04 Water sad 103 Front strut . jara9 Was. Mlles, Mind. CL Mahatma:l, PatoOnsgb. UtILLER a RICKETSON. Wholesale °meets, and LYE !openers of Brandies. Wines and Smog, Nor. 17, and .111, COMET of überty and basin stems, Pans• bungle, Pa. Iron, Nails, Genoa Yams, ae. ao s ago• Mealy ea hand. S. John 61'Gill. Junes D. WGUL Walter C. Roo. cGILLB & ROE, Wholessic Grocers and Commis slim Merchants, No MD Liberty St, Pittsburgh ang AND AXLE vierbsi Mut NNW, WWI F. Ulf.. • JOAZII 11kApINUFACTUREFIS of spring and blister ateel,, LIL plough eteel, elect plough wings, coach and clip 'lags,,e huamernt drop inks, end denier., in mad le eastings,llre engine Imp, and coach trunmings • generalinearner elites. and Front sta., Pittsburgh, Pa. Cnints N 11OLMk3 & SON, No 53 Market sr , second door .1.1. from corner of Fourth, dealers in Foreirra and Domestic Dills of Eketarmac, Certificates of 'Sellout, Dank Notes and opeel.. lEreolcietinne . mado on all the principal clues bros bout Ole United Stares ikr DUCEXASTER, ALDIII.OI-oLike, Fount, st, third door above•SmneSeld, sou th side. Deuveyanelng or ail kinds dame aria tan greatest ear. yd legal error.). Titles to Hem IrAtale examined, k.e, WicuLN a c 0.,. ANUFATURF.IIIs OP GREEN GLASS WAGE" NO. fa Market street, Pittston ph, Pa, keep manual ly int hand, an I mail. ardor all kinds of Vial*. Books, ae. Porter and Mineral Water Mules of au ,perioccaaloy. Particular attend= paid to Private netrilo.l) Lithe/171re lih r ilta T tel , rhynant, O F P W sto 1 . 311 t, Pit i Mbargh.—`llaps, ' Lt 4 id2ipearlial! heads, Showbills, Labels, Arelatectoral and Machina ravnngs, Susumu and Visaing Cards, Se" engraved or draw ri en mow and printed In edam, Gold, Bronze or Blank, In the masa approved style, and al the most reasonable, pneew oetlfrly J. C. PIC TTIOR3CW, STEAM BOAT AGENT . Orrlex Azar. Wx. B. 1 Imam & Bsy apl7 No. 37 Water meet. ==E!M=E=M DRY GOODS JOBBERS, NO.IOI Nvoon STREET. ■ AVF, in store, and will be constantly roomy/or I, 6 •lll d en a r 2 ' 8 1 :1,107g i'lrri " Cigr7 ' 4 l oo " rls " s s e o l l e n c crili ”- ey will sell for cash or•PP.Vc. cr." Western Merchants are melted to examine our sued ODIN. ON,LITTLE & CO.. " o. 192 Liberiy street R Pittsbngsh WholOode Grocer*, Produce and Cosondsslon Ideschantl, and deniers an Pittsburgh Elanufab area 007 1 I . RDERT MOORE, Mholuala Omer, Recta:liar Laminar, dealer in Prodase, Paul:writ MadaM. totes, 101 all brads of Fomarn wad Domestic %in= It' and /:gums, No. It Llberty ,treat. On hand every large lamb of caocrior old Monongahela amiably, 'pluck veal be .o!d los far eau,. my( 0. 10100L00. L. L. tam. RBYNOLDS & SHEFL?Forewardlog and COMatil. lllon'Aferannts, fil! the Ailaneny River Trade, ...len in Gteeeries, Prodane ta.efae tater, and Chloride at Lxma. 'rho hllheol prize, In cash, paid au. as all time. (or notirory rags. tremor Penn and Irwin sold ODERT . DALZELL. A. Ca., Wholesale' Greece Commission Merchants, dealers m Product and Pittsburgh Alansfeemers, Liberty street, Pituberes, P. apIS RODE DT A. CUNNINGHAM, Wholesale, Gilmer, beater in Prodiree mt_Pittsbargb Alansfacteres. No. 144 Liberty wee. sold SINNER. HARTMAN b.. CO., SheltielA Ir. and Stsel Works—Alanufacterers cf Am. P. Pinang and Plough Picot Also—tlonngs, Axles, Vic., An y:lssas. They invite the attention of Merchants and coalmen to thsir, most before purchasing else where. They warrant them articles to best'. to any made in this ton o try or troported.• • (MIA SHACiILiiT j • BITE. Wholesale Dosless in Foreign and Lianteado Dry Goods, Do. 99 Wood Wave Piasbarea apl7 ISWAVlltla.l.l7LWareiee ilere tn . Fleur and Trodore generally, and Forwarding arid Cammlanian Merchants, No. SS Water meet, Pluzhargh. • ap_l7 I'u tun, errninottin. - Joan trinntn. ntnnrhenn- ELLEKB & NICOL!, Produce and liners[Cern. tinsenn Merchants, No. 17 Labertp - strcel, Fins- Darin. Sperm, Linseed and Lard Oda. apl7 VON nosst lETar CO, olecTt Wh S a ecru Fornnirding and 02113111i1Sill II Merchants, Deniers in Pittsburgh Ilona - and and Wn.trrn Predate, have rentoved to their new varehoure,lnld Line. No. 36,corocr of Front street and Chancery Lne. nol7 BIOLLILIS & II&WOILTEI TEA AND WINE MERCHANTS, East mdo Diamond, Dittsbarr,b. i Lawatermant • rt. N. Wateiman • • W. D. Mumma. L. B. &DERMAS & SONS, WfIOLESILLE GROCERA and For. warding Merchants, deaden Map k tads of Pro-: dace & Pinsbargit blminfactancd A minim, Agmita fm wale of Eictunond and Lynchbarg Illaustaciarod Tobacco. cart ' WhL TIMULIN ATTORNEX AT L aw. • Bade r, Pa IrL also ahead to collections and all other bud sumrs cntrasted to him is Itatlgr and Arm • . • coatitles,Pa , Peter to J. IL 2. Floyd, Liberty 11. W. W. Valises, do Junes Marshall do Pittsburgh. dli Kay t Co., Wood at. 1 jan7 EL B. •••• ..tirorgo Richard. , 11. D. DIISEIFIELD £ CO.. • EHOLDEALE..miI • Detail Doggers m Gmeo nes .d Dry Good., end Commission Merehents. No. S2O [-luny eti Piusburxl.. JOON DIoPADILIN & CO.. FORWARDING Se COMMISSION MERCHANTS, CanalDuin,Peon street, Plltsburen. mrb JA3! Me DAVIB 41.7c0;, PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.992 Muter, and bt Commerce et, Philndelybla. Advances made, by either of the above, on cone fen mentiof Produce to either Hoeft. non FORWARDING a. COMMISSION MERCHANTS • HASHIS3OI.OII, TA., 'WOULD respectfally solicat the consignment of liatrisintrgh freight, front Western Merchants, as they ace prepared to receive any amount. Lane and PleCtiOrt 130 Ats naming fught and day, the freight ill not be detained, as they will unload sae b beats at all boon. feb26-3m Ilarrisbnigb reb 20 10:0 J. D. Milian --John Haft. J. D. 'WILLIAM{ & CO., 17TDI•LESALE & RETAIL FA AMY GROCERS, T 7 Forwarding and Cantabrian Merchant*, and dealers in Country Pnirduca and Pittsburgh Manufac tures, corner of Wood and Fifth strata, ?ambush. arra Wm 11. Willlardo—•—•• • • —•I. B. McVay. WRI. 11. WILLIAMS` CO., BANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, mint Ent cornet of Wood and Third meets, Jan' Prrrosohon. PA. ww.'IIAISALIT, Joe, a. cowilitaVX, V.P. 11. WOOOW.S.IID, 141.T1C Ural. 1111.UALEY h CO. Wholesale Grocers. 18 VV.' and 40 Wood •Mel, Fittstunt,. apl7 roan v. WICX, DAVID at'essraksso. Tung G MTANDLESS, (so ceetsors to L es J.D. VT wieT,) Wholesale Grocers, FOVIAIIIViDV and Carmals•lnn Merchants; dealers I "Iro Manufactures)ai., WASS, Cotton Yarns- and Pittsburgh general ly, corner of Wood and Water streets, nit.lau b. • ant? WVM. MITCII OtilEhl, Wholesale Grocers, ;, Wearing Distiller., and Wine and Liquor 6/DTC44III, Allo—lmporter: of Soda ADD mod Bleach ing Powder, No.loo Liberty meet, (opposite 15z.rth wren.) Pittal apt? VY WILSOg;i - llatehes, Jewelry, silver Ware . and Military Goods, corner of Market and greets. Pittsbrith. I'.. N. 13.—Watebe• and Cloth earefally repaaired. 007 wa Loons. JOFIX W.:TM WlLY%Vb.rtlaßoarD.cialeta la Lauber, Ride% w. wont. li . C . II17:11 ' :: & R. NeCUTCRTPN, Nbolasalc tironeiT, VY dealer, In Prodoee. Don. Nan., C 1.,., and Plusb.aren IllanuacUtra generally, Liberty ',Tett Pittebaigh. janl7 J. D. WILLIAMS & UrTROLESALF AND RETAIL GROCERS, For , warding' UK. Comminnion !don damn, Deafen in CngliNVidri'nl;intßil iii:nt,"att2V;;L'eu'''' 000 • Pittsjiargb, Much 12.1850.: . & ANTICLO. GENERAL 'COMM2ISSION MI.TCHANTS, • • •• • --ranartarara— • Irrldbersi advances made on tousles:ants, janl4.ool MATTHEW %VIES rnd, Portrait and Miniatore Palmer: floosie, corner at Post Office Alley end Foartlt street, env.. on Fear* ac, near Market. detsC,ll( .7. &J. leardee s Ceentssieslosa Merettarats. Oid Zoete. sr, N Orleans, keep constantly on band elates assortmentof Ontrldles of the follow ins brands, which they elder for sale as witty for 7• learand It Co, Bordeaux. sir: Disflogi r t4 u. ". I )b -rand ar. Co, Laroehalle, J 71)mane, A de Mat— tesen, AL. Skeins, A de' Mondale, no , ' "' Meo,Anekor Bordeaux Red and White Wines. in casks and Cate% selected web care by Rata Durand le:Co; besides Ctommaarls Wine and filmset leiranda7 :Port 1eb7.1.76 , Ipm.,mmt, HANNA k CO. Am =Rota their j EZthanp Mee taunt, wen eonsar id Wood Ina Third streets. 1., . • ■SO BYO tua , d kqpiurr. Plan Machias /hop. HWIGIrPALAII--"hlantfasturer of all kinds Of cot . ton and woollen -machinery, Allegheny airy, P. The shove work. 'Aga now In fall and suecesstal erasion, I am prep to create osiers with dispatch for all kinds of'snachistery in icy hns,reh as willows, Aches', spreaders, cards, minding =thanes, I WIL., dimwmg (rams, speeders, Wanda, looms, woo len cards, double or single, for =inheritor emmtry work, males, jacks,/m4 slide and hand Lathes and tools In eery emL All kinds of shelling made to order, or yl.s ma sa for gearing factories or mills at ressonablo charge. Risen to—Kennedy, Childs A Ca., Blackstogy ll ell Cd: King, Pennock & Co., Jas. A. Gray. BENNETT' 4 BROTHER, QUEE.NSWARE MANUFACTURERS, Illirsulaughaser, (near PiStabillifhp) Par 'OA% No. 37 Water a.! . loo . li.ren Ardart , and Woad, Putsburgkr:. ._ WILL constantly k cep oh hand a good anon; moot of {Vert; of our own manufacture, and superlorcimany. - Wholesale and country Mer chants are respeetfelly invited to call and ex amine for themselves, as we are determined to eell cheaper than hammer before been effendi* the pub lic. [DvOrdere seta by coall,accompanled by thee...lt or • nod reference, will be Promptly attended to. mid aLW COACH SPACTOILIts /111.34111121 T. IVr A. WHITE & CO., would 'respectfully Inform IPA the public that they have erected a shop on Inicoc , k, between Federal and Sandusky streets. they are now making and are prepared to receive orders for every description of yclocies, Coaches, Chariot's, Ra madan, Hoagies. Phartons, &e., dm., which from their long expertence in the manufacture of the above work, and the facilities they have,they feelconfident they aro enabled to do work on she most reasonable terms with Mose wanting articles to their line. Paying particular attention to the seleenon of mate rials, and having core bat competent workmen, they have no hesitation to warranting their work...;We therefore ask the attention of the public to thin mitre, N. R. Repairing done to the best 6111111 C; and °alba most reasonable term. /11VO:lf . • Fri IL a. woe. 3.1111 C. SVAIVEIi ATKINSON, flaorer .- . I sorwurat Wool, SOD Namur ' Pomona_ ,rt (I.XiTNUP: to manufacture all kinds of COPPER, %.J TIN AND !MEET IRON WARE. Also, Black• amttli tWork. Steam Boat. bolt to order. Special attention riven to memo boat work. Have on hands a fine assortmeut of Copper and Brass Kettles, Tin Ware,a.alw. Steamboat Coulon,' Stones, Portable Forges, various sises—a very convententar. tide for steamboats, California emigrants, or rail road compaes, We w ni oald respectfully invite memo twat coral and I , others to call and see our articles and prices: brfor• iniZaly . . W. L.l. OLIVIA. Book 17badors i , WE are wall enraged In the above batsmen, corner of Wood and'Elurd streets, Plttsburrh, where we an prepared to do any work In our line with de. pintail. We attend to our work personally, and satis faction will be given in regard to its neatnem da ninety. Blank Books mated to any pattern and bound astb- Mantiaily. Books to numbers orold books bound rare fatly or repaired. Names pm on balks In gilt letters. Those that have work in our line are Invited to call. Prices low. turAtaf — Pltt flashing Works mad Venzadr7 JORN WRIGHT &Co., we prepared to baild Cat= and Woolen Machinery °Celery deAcription, such aa Carding Machines, Spinning , Frames, Speeders, Drawing Erman., Railway Heads, Watp<lll, 811001.11, Westing Frames, Loom., Card Grinders, the. Wrought Iron Shafting mimed; all luxes of Cut Iron, Pulite, and Hangers of the latest pattern, slide and band Lathes, .rid tools of all kinds. Castings of egrep description tarnished on short notice. Panama wade to order for Mill Geanng, Don Railing, Steam Pipe for heat ing Factonng, Cut Iron H, indoor Saab and fancy Can tinara generally. Orders tell at t h e Warehouse of J . Palmer t. Co., Liberty street, will bloc prompt $ll4l. Refer w IRaeksurek, Red & Co., J. K. Moorehead CO, G. E. IVame:, John Irwin a Sono, Pittsburgh; G. C. te J. It. Warner. Steuhenville lento PIANOS! • - - - HE .bse vibes offers for sale a rule and splendid aweruneoi of rosewood and mahogany grand Ae bon hams, with and without Coleman's celebrated sEallanAllachment. The above instraments unwar ranted to be equal to any manufnetared in WS aceta te'', and will be *old lower Mar any broaght from the East. F. HLUME, No lid wood at, - 51 door above 6th • N.B.—CitySnip 11,1110 e taken at F. for • few of be above uaortmeet. 0111 F. G. Vale", ter nia --- ... - in - r -- ,..i. Tlll3 In to etrufy that I have api 4. • tc..i„...„..,..i=n„z00,e,..,tinc„ • Patent Diapniturtit Filter, for the cif Weer Pittehargh and Allegheny. 1011 N GIBSON, Agent, for Walter 51 Garton, 545 Broadmoy, N. T/ Bet. 10,1315. We have teen using one elite above articles at the office of the Novelty Work. for three month., on trial, and feel perfectly /angled that It Iv a neefal inventron, mutate take pleasure to recommending thew... awe fat article to all who love pure meter. Orders will be thankfully received and promptly executed. netl9 LIVINGSTON. ROGGEN t. Gt. , TEM AUEOSICTICH the attention of the public as respeettudy called to X the Uncaring cestificams: M. 8. Eccles—Hating tested a quantity of Gold Weighed by your ereopteter, / [did the tess4 your instrument correct; and recommend the asap! it HI those going to California. as tho beat method for ob taining toe real valu JB. of Gold. Reap. o years, J. DUMLEVI, Gold Basler. Pittsburgh, March 9, 181 x. PrrY•sefiew, March 5,1915. Mt EGGJe—Dear Bin Hating examined the nAreo mete-," manufactured yonr seems, Ido not hesitate to commend it to the SIN 3 of those gentlemen who en about remelting to California in search of Gold. It Iris,. • Ci.e approximation lathe specific greet ry of metals, and will certainly enable the advent.. to assee t/in wr. Las player uyieldlng Gold. Vane., retT , T. J.ll. SPCLINTOCK. NIII• RLIMIER CLOTHING—J.I regetvoil forte. California 'bipedal/in, a complete assortment Of Guns Elastic Clothing, at priers ranging from gifitnt to 111 fin for salt of soul, punts and hat. For sale at the Dila Rubber Depot, No 5 Wood et. decfir Jk. H PIIILLIPS • • Steam Brick Works for dole. TTRW. subscriber oferm for sale,. tke STEAM DIUSdIr WORKS, above L.aarrencevills, comprising • Steam Engisie,l Boilers, 6 Maidd Machine, capable. al .Manuring =SOO Pressed Bricks (oat ads,. e'my. I is Luken horn the beat.) per day; *lb three arms. of land'on tie Allegheny noel, on which oe 11.1itlm and sheds, machine and clay abed., vrhpelhovears mita, shovels, spades, die, every dung requisite Lo in cmence operations at an hour. melee. Price, including the yearn rigid to use said machine, 17,Wli—sessms ol payment made cup. Without th e Imit, 534.00. For pimientos% addreaa lIENRN" MERRITT, : -eh( No tic Monongahela Homo . . . HE partnership heretofore wining under the A MI of A A C BRADLEY, is Mao:dyad by the deces sE M. C Bradley. • The businers will he carried on by A Bradley, Who will settle We badness of the Late fires. , IIIaHWAL—A 1311.15 T has removed his Fosinery Warehouse from No 112 tkeond street, terNa 19 Wa od street, between First and Second streets, to.thr sra re bone lately oenipied by.o A Berry, where be w.ll keep aonsteatly all baud a general assortment of Cart in p. Grates, SWIM., Cooking !Coves, All. yI3 ittasiolmt on. PRE etrrnrcnenoxip beretoforio,czicting brtureen the anbscrtben, in the name olConstable, Burka &- CO, is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Messrs. Ilarke Cs !Conies srolsettle the business or tb c concern. for which purpose they ore authonzedln use the name ursine concern. IiATIIANIKI. I, • TLILMIALIII.3.IIPiES. The undersigned have this de) associated theta selves In the name of BURKE - Pe DARNER for the purpose of manulactuiing Fire Proof Safes, Vault Dona. &e. kv, nt the stand of ,ho late Arm of Countable, Perko &Co, where they will be pleased to receive the yation age of We costa:acre of that house and their fn ends. ED$l 11URXE, THOMAS DAMES. . , In rellrirly from tho rum of Bimetallic, llorko & Co., I with sincere (denture recommend M . Burke & Barney to rho confidence of my Meads and the pithlia. Feb. 0, 1h49. NATHANIEL CONSTAIILE. fittilfi-d C. ARBUTHNOT HAS just returned from the Edetern Clues, and i receiving large variety of smomneble doods. ant s whin msd peti he resare.pectfullyo b 4 inv Wood at ites the attecuon of (obit mere Is t - N Wrought and Cast Iron Rat ItE subseriben be leave to Warm theysiblie that they have obtained from the East all the late and fashionable. designs for Iron Railing, both for houses anti cemeteries. Persona wishing to procure hand some patterns will please call and examine, and Judge for theruselvet. finding will he furnished at the short est notice, arA in the best manner, at the Canter 01 Craig and Rebecca streets, Allegheny city. - amaxAlf A. LAMONT k. HMI K. 17CONOSIY CLOTHS, CASPIMERES, A SATIN JJ-ECTS, received on couslignment, and for wile a the inanutacancr's warehouse, by . .010 111 , 11SE1 FLEMING & CO NO. 0 STATE STSEET, BOSTON, Agent. for Clam.. and Br..wary of Properly eta England. • 111 Cr AVINcI spent nearly a year in the priors. Be. ti. cord Office., National Library. de, doing his lair visit to linglimd, invemigating claims for persons in this country, .d having secured efficient and re. eponaible Agent. in London and Manchester, be is prepared to alined all necessary Information land ad vice to persona who seek to recover their _property to that country. J. 12krrpa a list of Me litatik'of England Dividend Book., winch may be examined for to coots, or . tar cacti run of the Alphabet. . . Refereneu in Boston: C.D. P. ADAMS, Notary Publle; JAMES WELD, F.A4i . HENRY K. MAY, Keep 611.113 JDItNW. RIDGEWAY, Fop. -- - - i t • moons, s ett, Mammon to OPCO r einthAVAM OIL 0 411 Pashlosablo Mhtt•r's, Caller of Wood mud Ptibi &rear. PRTICULAR attention paid to, rtar Mandl 'Trade. Gentlemen cm rely apart getting their !tats and Caps from our anablishatomorAo am mammas and woamaisna, of the I.lllldl stun, and at the LOWEST rota Camay, Morahan', emehularby.wholecala,an respectfally invned - to calla:3d exarane our Stock; ae we ton ea" with ionlidencatia.asegards QVAISIT a n rate; at wilt not Mar In • comparison end' any On., in Miladelphia. • • rabl7 Blea. to Inform bls friends .d customs, tb at En ha is jest receiving hie new mins stock ttf Goode, ...prising, so natal, all the tomcat and most fashion able stylessf Cloths, Cassliceres, fancy Yesungs, cot ton and line a summer stuffs, .d every artinleseitable for gentlemen's Wear for spriag andsantmer. • It being trop.sibte to:descrlbe the besuty,•qoallty, or quontill of the stock,' Ilia proprietor hop. all lodide. In want ofgood, eke. le , fsaht.sh, and mail made clothes, give hint s call, as there is no stock this tide of the Allegheoks that can compels with It. - The ready ma. deyarnstant ...try me delve, adap ted to all uotm, jlall road cOnissetonY r .tatitly , tocrehante, sad on who panbsse largely, etc pinicalast invited lock amine the slosh before paranoias, na p a ni.,ilar at-- wanes is paid to the wholesale, heal.. in w0n.... lishetest Every ettele in the tailoring lino,gtaga o* fn the moo haktaitable szot MNa;zsr, WIN; gulp 1 ° . • • • ;.1.1;44, -!* ;i4i4. 's7\ , • - 72. • . SF • •%.,• 6 :,. • • . , . • , ' : , MONDAY MORNINO. MAY 27, .1850. INSURANCE, LIFE INSURANCE! tenon Aptaal Life Insutanta Company. urn or Jo/sax troveco 25 rum cars• 0001.1, 5150,000• JAMES MENLO & Co., Agents at Pitabargb, h• WARD 01 111110100 - 1, ST James lllov, Jr. •HebJamia Fish, John A. 'Metal. Jonathon Fist, EIMEIM moo nits. • CompuollerofNew Yo rk Geenre Wood. Soto F. Mackie David Dudley Field. Joseph =C=l I Hts Eke. Gov. Haloes. ite.GW. Vratn. W. L. Dayton, U. S. Sen. haw Wildrlek, M. C. G. D Wall,FA U. S. San. Wm. A. Newell, Pl. C. Hx.Gor. PI. Dickerson. Hon. B. IL Hamilton. PW.DICAL 'CANINES.% A. Sidney Doane, M. IL W. W. Gerhard, M. 30 .Romeo a., N. Y. 301 Walnut st.. POWs. Wee. Prk Morgan. M.D., H. R. Bell, M. D., George McCook, N. D., I Allegheny nay, Pa., Pittsburgh. Pa The An ettn of this Company, at Patsburgh, are Ms. Modred to take avow first class not on Lilo at a memos. os sts-merr•swa sw caw. from the usual rates of premium, asebwgedn.g. byother CompaCampania. Aw A man 30yest. Of age ms , taking a Palley-of lumrance for One Thousand Dollars. . . . To run for one year, pays oaly 110,10. do seven " " 810,90 ,do llfonme, "•" ROO° And to the eeme propanion fot any tumlnP to 84000, which it the extent taboo on any one We. This Company commenced operationt on the lit October, 11148, nod int inonthly bottom up to the Ist October,. 1849, theme • progress atchaento than of any ether Ltfe Company on recent ..The Arse dividend of profit* WAIL be declared to the inured on the Ist January, 1050. ' Pamphlets e ontainina the various the of mien, and ell the ne pessary information en the Important Bub,. of Life liwurancw. will be famished on appl.• 00000 to JAMES DURNO & CO., Agents, dell Odeon Etuildints. Iwst4 , iii.ciu;frc.l4 EE TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN. T PENANCE COMPAN.Y ill issoo Pollee. of !ordnance wand Leas or Paso. by nu. upon D.rolllort and Puma... Stores, Goad., do . to, on 'oppli l? cnuoo to JAhIEbiDURNO to CO, Pod Ars. ta. de Odelin ding. EMIE3ECI3 qpric DELAWARE MUTUAL SAFETY INSU RANCE COMPANY.-01bee Nag. Room of the Ezeh.ge, Third street s Philadelphia. Fr. Inesea.s..—lluildings, Merchandise and other ramrz e y T a a i n e C l o o o w n ? e x , . u o r , a d p f u ll t leas Mang ImmaJtcis—They also msure Vessel., and Freights, foreign or ea.twilie, under open or special pallet., 1p the assurid may desire. IRLAND TWISPIRTATIOM—They also imam met.- endue transported by WIKIIIIII, Sail Road Cars, Canal Boats end Steam Roam, onnri, rivers and lake., an the mast liberal Items. DIRECTOIL- Joseph H. Seal, Eilmund A. Bonder, John C Day* Baleen Barton. John R Penrose, Sant HEdwards. Gee 0 Leiser, Edward Darlington, Isaac Davis, Wm Folerell, John Newlin, Dr R MHartan, Jag C Hand, Theaphil. Paalding, H Jon. Drools, Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig, Oro , . Borst/. Porn r Mellon., Chasten Kelly, J 0 Jobomu, Wm hay, Dr S Thomas. Jahn Salters. Wet F.yre, Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSDURGII—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Lagin. WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Remain S.Natracum, Sen'y. (17 - 0111se of the Campany, Ho. 42 Water steers, Pittsburga. Bait:Sid P. A:MADEIRA. Agt. Mfg and Ilealeh Iniaranao. mum Mutant Life and Ilealth Insurance Company of Philadelphia, Irrearporated by the Legislature of Pemmylvanla, !Barth, ISIS. Charter perpetual. Capital, swam.. Rata lowa run. •1.17 P 7.3,1111, VAIVIL GANN.. and fall co per cent lower than the veal lawn Of life Insurance, as the following cow puison will, show: Thus, pewee of the age o( ml W- Paring for MN for life, ulna pay in th e Girard 12,30-s. ennsylvanla,lll3o, Penn fdatnal, 14.08; Equitable, 111,04j.11cer England, aChlial New York Litia,ll2,lB; Dion, Il0,40; Life and Health, Philadelphia,llt,bl. - Bravery= —Samuel D. Orrick, Charles D. Hall, W. Robert P King, Charles P. Hayes, M. W. Baldwin, AL M. Renee. AL IL Chas. 0. B. Canspbell, Loom, Cooper, I. Redman Walter, E. IL Boller, Elwin R. Cope. President—Y=l.l D. Orrick; Vice PITO. dent—Robt P. Eine; Secrentry—Frencis 131arkbarne. Applications wilt bereceived.aed every InformallOU gioon by BASIL. FAIINISToCK, Act, . Office, Commercial Rams, comer of Wood and Third ca. Pittsburgh , FIDE AND MARINE INSURANCE. TSIB INSURANCE co. .1 North America will make permanent sod hrodeddestaance on pro. per u• Clot city and Weintly, and en sbiposerts by Canal, Itivers, Lobes, and by Sea. Thee roperties of Ito.an Compy are well revested, and fornialt an avail dble fund for the ample Indemnity of all persona who esire to be prolce4d by Insurance. angle wst P. ON ES, Agent. 41 Water at. 111,ALTFI ISSUILABICEs K pireobi.qnk. The Spring Carden Health beaming Co, OF PHILADELPRIA—CAPITAI; $lOO,OOO, Iristria2l Males and TeMalenanustst , hie Eapease and LAS. occasioned by Nettie. or Accident, by gin immediate allowance of from 1.3 to la per week, for one, mo. three, or four years. The method of edecting this Insara.n milce. and the menace of am.ding the sick allowance. l be c.ly captained by the Agent • A person con insure spoon ßichness or Accident which will detain him !row his ordinirry boelneY, w follows, viz: For otto year, by payhtg 14.20, And receive VP work. For two , " 6.20, " 1 For three " " 7A3,. " 6 Ftkl ;i :yrer " ad n7fonr yet :: 11, the ram of 014,40 paid anually, lull secure lei per week artule nick. lively neer:sear) . information will IA afforded on the willeet of Insurance aeneraliy, by JAMES DURSO & CO, Arnie. Galeria lltuldialra._ Okra nod glartme Inaoraskoo. OFFICE - uIHE On' Insatarteo Company of Nnnb T America, ban been removed to No. 141 Front .4 stet Of Wool. . The subscriber, will for the above old and rev.- tibia Company, will issue Pone.. on Buildings and their hotline., and on !augments of Nembutals , ' by Steam Beata and other yessels. al3 . W. P. lONS'S. The Pansmylmoom Company FOU Insaossu 0% Liras asnCrierrow Ariantraz. TIIIE first Life Insurance Company In the U. States. Ineorporated ?Jaren 10,1bla—chaaer peipetaal. Capital Sblahlaio--all Paid to. - Having aathonsed the andenikoed to receive appli cations for insurance, on which policies will be isaued, aceonflng to their a tlasproposal and rises, which will be made known to applicants sires, G Ell COCHRAN. PITT/OVMM V/USAIAG INSTITUTE rime Second Session of this InstlMtion. under .the cure of Mr. and Mrs. Somata, for Ilia wield endemic year, will commence on, this dny. Monday, February lath, in the same buildings, No. M Liberty weer Arrangeownws halm been mule by which they will be able to furnish young Indies facilities equal to any l ab le for °bowmen a thorough en oars Clas h • cal, and Oman:cute education. fall coarse of Phi. Diophlcal and Chemical Lectures will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by tprallatlll. The Ae• partments of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modem Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each be udder the care ofa eompetent Professor. try close to the moral and Intellectual improvement of their pas pils, the Principals hope to merit a continual. of tho liberal patronage they have hitherto enjoyed. For term, me circular or apply to the Principals. feble-dtl ' HERSEY, FLEMING & CO. 11/I.VIC FROM TIIEMANUFA SRN NIANUFAC White Flannels, all Wool. Red, do do Yolk+ do do Uroien do do Black 'Sennett,. Steel .xed do 111. do pin do Black Cul/timer. Faner do Fancy Tweeds. Super Black Bread Cloth. per Ilrourn do Stetter Green do nape Twilled do Soper Black Doe Shots. Super Drub Cashmeres. Super Broom do Super Black do' Cattierrno Blankets. Scarlet do Bloc do Drab do 4- (Unto tinging. Brown Orli* At the hlmufactarcre Pittaborgh N° - 6. 1450 BOOT S. ' fif 60 gIIDE subscriber is now manufacturing a licannfol eUMAIER DOCIT, of goodterials and work maneuip, al the very low price ofSi 50. DANIEL RHEA, No 6 Market .t. mound door from Water it. .01.1dirm [Vincula copy.) NOTIGICs !VHF. undersigned having pitrelomed MG. A. Ray lied, the Steam Saw on the Alleeheny River, Mom< the enema, nre 11fIlle prepared to MI oil bins of lumber of arty dm end length, from tiO A. downwards. Goat Biding , Deck Plank, Gunwales. lout, !Mantling, Trimmers, thard., he.,on the Meriest notice. laths soustanly band. (ldos remeived'und soy Worm. Mime gloom by IL Wig hem.. corn& of Water end Llherty ierrete, or It blorrison, No IGO Liberty street, and at the otfied ollhe'ealli. • Ryles-03ra WIGIITMAN A 11101LftlfolN VALL PAPER—W. - P. Sailltnetd. 00111111.11101. receiving, (tam the largelt manufactories in Newt ltiuk and Phnadelphts, and Were Ham french sgettetes; the newer' and moarappreved *raved Pa. per Har.ginan, together mini: linklers, ire Board ftinta,tand Telitnr,Topn Far We at en N nod at.,.bel wenn Foardt at and Diamond laity, faarcwoz ,to S. C. I 1111.) an't TDsCALLIC PAitit—siii.jiaszrea'd per Mazer, (mule by the barrel or finale pound at the Bead. aad Pafamery Wanatoasa , ..Me[ of tratiodWookaucets. 8 N WICKgEtSHA aple lttospratter Palest , 110dr. Ash. t 4g,A Onb6lB of- the above eelebre and brand land ti`: bitch teat.oilreat (rem . the manufacturers; -11.0 nuke 'war an the enry from New Orleans, IM et. 'ped.l6.l laird this Week I and 314 will abonly erns* via'Saltbnore per ships Junlath,Cbearlirnake. thnerm., <us, and Alb., widen will be Kid an 'ameal. at the lowleflnystket price for cask ar 7 ' Virabeved bills. MPMTOeE 1111711131611.119 atomics. 7 ' • ALL petunia having nambe re pat on their hoaxes; ha =tonna" on a mahatma of Coma wilt pleau call at the Roams of the Runt of aocond stafT . Pdt- w". 4 444 MAW, 4041,,Nun% ,KNOW all men who are ark and Maimed with dia. 11 ease of the bledder and kidneys. meth theametie • pains in hock Yr limb., stiff Danti, old sores, running ulcers. Ac that they can be turd by taking the Pe.. Unicorn! Yea may , talleabbut its toms , a• nostrum as much an yea please s hpt th is does not make it so, for *e proclaim fa th e fate of an honest community, that it has vinare. which arc not contained in any other remedy. The' man who le reakml with pain and oaf theme from disease, can for fifty rents, get relief from any of the Ills enumerated above. Reader! it coma very little to Enke atrial. This Petroleum is no MEI tII7O-60 tompand, pal on 517 the purpose of imposing on the community but It is a remedy elaborated by the muter hand of =ore, kind bubbles up fmm the ho wan of our mother earth to Its original parity, and of fers to naming humanity a read! ...ad, a ...lain and cheap ogre. It has eared Piles after other medicines have felled to render any feller. It has eared Rheumatism of long standing, and of the worst and most painful character. It has eared Cholera Martine by one or two down It has euredold eases of Diorrhea, In which every other minedy bee been of no avail. As a local remedy in bans and scelde, Is better than ithy medical cote. pond or ointment that we knowor It will cure chit biol. or frosted feet, In a few amlicatlonm undoubt ed testimony eon be furnished d .he truth contained Is the above statement by calling on Bamuel M. Kim, Canal Ilaaln,llll street; or caber of the agents. Keyser bleDowell, corner of Woad street and Wilma Alley; Sellers, 57 Wcod street, D. A. El liot di Carr/. Allegheny city, aro the ageniat hail 'Sane, SSW _ Joseph C. Pons, Presq. O. AL Cerdiessa., ATorris,Seereu.•4 , Treasurer. • - - TLADSIGIA. Hem JTrloe V s Campbell David 11. White. Alexander Caren:da*. W. J. P. White, P. M. A PHYSICIAN'S TESTIMONY. "I HAVE FOUND 13nhennona, NOTHINO TO EQUAL Lurb THEM." Va., bl 0,18:41 Via SELLERS—I have dlrpored of all the H.L. Cough Swap and Liver Pills you of me, and lido. of the Vermlfoge. have tared all your nuttily hied Minna to my &May, and have Mho proscribed them In my practice; lam very much pleased with them, and have found nothing; to equal them. Send me , 3 dot of your Vamsllnge, and: 1000: each of the Live, Fill, and Cough Syrup. • • • - • .• • • Respectedly lEstreet of Loner.] T. T. /Lamm. Thom highly popular medieleee may be had of the proprinter,E E SELLERS, 47 Wood st, and Drugging maerally in the lire eittea ardivicieity. • - spg . . • The sist important DIMEOVIII Re. co rdt—lenre•Remedy for the P l l.ll DR. celebrated R. It P. BROWN'S celebted External Maori .l./ eta Acme.fy for the Piles, has already proved nself to be the only core cure ever presented to the .Publie. Sin re the discovery of this valuable medicine, and the large number of extreme eases with which Dr. mown be • treated, no one ha• railed to be entirely core d. u n iih., the many hcallag balms extant, alter months cad yea,ps of experimental/ring, has too often Jett the p l ural where they commenced, or wane; hot;otter a few dap will decide the ease by effecting a perfect care. Fxxxow croxeses,4 shall not . etitito a labored 11 . gement to prove my medicine intrbSace it upon its own merits. by 11, flreal Wend it other stmid-or If you prefer that loathsome disease, the to the value of aOw dollars, mt the on with 7P. _Li R 0113R A7 0 , 5 1 Y .. 1 and' retail Lloyd street, Befalls, N. Y. t3old wholesale and' retail by it SELLERS my 4 „ co i , P V-YOl l P '” ne - ' , ' jl,l ' i 4 1 'l;4 i ;'2 c'l r .. if.. v. , v 4.J 1i 1 ....z. „:.). ),, •., 1 f4 --, 5 - j 0 • i ` ;. E; "..• • : I ' ,N t , ! i l l t t-L l - t ,A , — , 1 e.l . • 4,:a 4'-- " --- ) -'' .'f' N.1 67 . "'e- :, ,‘., IN QUART BOTTLfie. .1.13. X• rang An ladrtntit cars.. DUD %MD oil MIT OS 111. e Strefult or King's Earl, Rheumatism, °bath's= ..Nti• coma Eruptions, runnier' or Po-dales on We Fare, - Vedettes, Mica, Cbroint Fore Elm% Ki , tn or Teller, Scald Brad, F.nlargoramil and Pain of ,thellones and Joints, rtabborn Ulcer*,Prpronie Symptom', ftlaricil or Landrago,—and 11... apes artsing from an iniudicicm• oar or !ilereary, .tri• stirs or Dropoy, Espo4ro or Imprudence to Lie, Also—Chronic Cainautmlowal Dloorders, OE. Ties Inn:lmmo hs• abounmi . very el - tinged and established tromanion" wherever it tam earn med, Inman calmly onti. ovni. 111111,0 et:annoy Sas one mrmlned.@fr , unieruthare Tattle, of aeredhary:dmeme, exult swollen glands, [oblige tee sinew., and banes half comma been rest Men lJ health and vigor. The .embalm. patinas, tweeted with Weems, loathsome to himself and his attendants boa been lead* whole. Hundreds of persona, who boo peuvil harmlessly for pear. Dade( 1,11.1114.11.11 Ml - irWridatr disorders, chronic theanmusto, soul meeT o , l. , emblllsdhwahrtnetng front a devOyeerantt of the secretive crammed the euralaborb Lave been rased as Al were tram the not or Menem. and ads, with it-generated eoestnnuon. gladly Wady to Um efteary ethos inestimable preparailmi, ==U==lZiE3l . . The enration gristle reader Oh ealted to the follsnaing utoraalood care, effected by the alte of Sand& Sans panlla. t•Thia in to certify that 1 have sealored vrem,,ut who her been ;trawled for the tau fire ears wroth 'aerated, and all the remedies I used had tio street in arrectnit rho proemsr of thecomplaint; on the • ontrary, she ronsiantly wren worse. sad alter expending Letraeaa $7O and IL-0 wain phymetaus, betide. using other renolsr remedies wittinat ull the disease had eaten swan the cartilage or her nose, made tt• np. pence en vario.• parts of bee hody.and had finally COMMenerd t 4 mrear• la the root of her =oath ltlit this dressital saltation. with me peostrodi o death staring her m the rate, I stated net/ease to Dr Disitsway, the agent (or Panda' darmpanda in New tons', Id h 7 Whom I gra advised to Oselbst arn . rte; toil to mg asirprise and kart of MY nttnktona to whom her cue was known, after astog (ear and a hall sot lea .he was restored to perfect healin,and that in the parr of share swim, and was able la work in two week. from the time .he commenced taking It . . . "lawitness-Pi Ora truth of this statement, have nevem. ratted my paralytic lath day. of Peracutber, of NeOTINR, J..E;•• "North Neese Ri C ver, Craven co, N C BORE THROAT. - . - The following is an extract (rem a letter•seceived from Mrs. Des., vane had been ablieterl several years with Scrofulous Ulcers, Dyspcpcia, lea., and meetly an allsedon of the throat and chest:— "Ilso.rommta, Va., Dec.l3, ISM. 'Mos. A. D. ik D. Some—Defect I eammenced using: your Sarsaparilla, my euffetlngs wore almost prat expression; my throat we. completely ulcerated, I had • dreadful crash, and there were frequently weeks together that I could eat speak above a whit. per, and besides, the infiesaination from my threat eV tended to my head, so that my heassig seas very much impaired. After taking the Sanspartila • short time, my health was improved, sod my throat Is now well; I am as free Dom cough mid tightness of the chest u. ever I was, and eon bear quite distinctly. lily throat has been well tboOl three menthe, the core of which Los been effected Mattel, by the use or your Sarsa parilla. Your friend, LOUISA It. BEVAN^ • The following testimonial to the value of tho parlila, is from the her Luther tVright, aged 74 Yea.. Congregational ?Sinister, residing at Woburn. "Wouems, Mao., Marsh SO, 1610. able.... Sands: Gentlemen—Sono 'what I have ex perieneed, and from the information I have recently receivedfrom a number of persons of high respects, bility who havo, used your Sarsaparilla, I have not the least doubt bat that it Is a moll valuable medicine, and that the numerous certificates you have received of Its efficacy are (ally sustained by experience, and although it. rept:limn and anlity are very exteneive, and stand In no need of my humble efforts to Increase teem, I want all who are of by illamme to lie• come acquainted with the efficacy and power of your valuable medletne. =2l IMES:3, AND AT EAST TURERW PIUCES: • • • • • • •• .-1 am, gentlemen, gniteiblly red very respectfully yews. iIER Prepdred and .old, wholesale and retail. by D. & earner, Druggists and Chemusby OM Fallon street, ea of Willism New York. Sold else by Drug. gists generally Itersingheut the Unned States and Can ada. Price gi per bottle; sik bottles for t 5. For sale by L.. WILCOX. Jr., IL A. FAIINIPSTOCIC & CO., and ktDWARD PENDERICII, Potsborgh. Al oe. At In B. BglTll. Bildewmer. Ocll•dewlaceT . _ Ilion Drills; Moo Demloin Fancy Couonades; all aro orored at Factory prlcca Homo Lagoa Shirting. Checks and Stripes, Tory heavy goods. Tallors' Goods. - . Red Padding, duper do; Vest Padding, Buckram, TailoreCuivass, heavy do; Drodn Linens, Placid's Drab Berge, black do, • s I and worsted;. . ----- 01/11.1r,1110 li•rOV P OLL SII anPhoton rit . fecto rut/ger:mar now d i n r ry and notto ' o! ' e ' x t ag e g r era r tirn i , u o m r fria ' r n' orc . ontra is dretiolt, " bi those who have tested it, pronounce:it for superior to any other in the =tract. The consumer need have no opprchensions of soiling carpets, Ste., Os com position prevents a dint from nosing when being up. plied, which must be done when the Stave is Cll4l Toll quantity required is on little to produce a beau- OAS lustre. A saving of over lily per rent is insured to the consumers. A coating applied to Stoves, Pipes, .le., when laid away for the summer, Is • sore pre ventative egemst rusL After having tried it 00Ce, ilf is eiettliSliale) 40 person will 1111 any list tbe Pbre tic blanefactonng Company's Premium Chemi cal Stove Polish. For only by N WICKFR9IIAM, my 6 Corner of Sloth sod Wood streets. SAMUEL ItIeICELVY, NI AN INACTURER OF CASTSTEEL, and No. I and No.l American Slime, EtteeL Also—Best Cent Steel Files, of all sires; and ttlpetnmlih and Shoe µimps, alwot • on hand and for sslelv.ither at his gle Steal Works," O'Hara street, FillffSfaird, or at the office In the Iron Store of BOLLMA d'OARRI. SON, No 4,1n0l of Wood went, Phut, lart2Allto 0111GULATI. • Wank and White Tape; Blank Twist, Drab din Linen Cheeks and Drill.;' SIZISIVS 6 cord Spit Cotton; do Lined Throotil stipends artlele; Silk Flasnid Veining.; Blank Satin do Drown Holland So'g Silks; flottono, Crass% ik.e.,ko. asehonsa, No IV Wood . . We, the undersigned, Minn wed. each entiresat lOsedon, the Cast Steel and-Flies made by Samuel McKetry. at his Pigle Meet Works, In thi. city, take pleasure in'reraruniead.nd them a equal In quality to twy.everused by w, foretutt mantikelare. PtuaLurgb. March 13, rem. • O d J N SHOENBERGER tr. 00, eduarfamurcrs of Iron and Nails. Putaburah, KNAPP tr. Turrg,N. boo Renders and Machinists, Pittabargh, PA COLEMAN, HAILMAN R CO. guatdauraresa orSpriaga, Axles, Spnag Steel and Rivets, Pukburytt, Pa. F t W hi FABER, Fame Builder. and Machias Card Mitaufaeta .‘' . _ _ ears, Pittsburgh. PA A FULTUN Brats Pander, Pittsburgh; l i .. URAPPr LINDSAY it CO ' Maemfallarers of Iron And Nadu. Pituttafah, Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, LocoutatiadEnglue and Map Builder, Pittsburgh, Pa. WALLACk., Marble Maitufaetarert dikelhau and kngiue Bdild -taßl , - Ur, Pittsburgh; Y U L E : it "'.l' ' B ' 7 B !) ' reflagi Vitth ce .PAID SEED—.O bd e tue'd, arid fiiiru the 11 Dms; Seed, Lad Pqrflamery \Varela:arse, earner of le ith cult Wood way. • ' mayl3 S N WICKERSHAM GINPER ROOT-3 sacbs reo4l; for sale by •=.1 16 • ' 11. N WICKYRSRANI MibitOON-10 teaks auclud,to ifirlmlor eel, of =kW .LSAI.A.H DICKEY /I, CO • ZINY /5 • - Fronk Water do MEDICAL. PROCLAMATION. PAUIE AND READ 1 BEMffEEI MISCELLANEOUS. SOMETHING NEW Under the Inn et Pittsburgh t I WELL be opened about the Sod of Kay, a-F=4 yv Grocery and Tea More, tie the Philadelphia style. The subscribers have fined •u• afore at No. WO Liberty strreuin a style superior i n any of the kind in ghttsburah, where they will always have a largo as sortment of fine Grotteriel, andsuperior:Teals to which they respettfally Invite the attention of the pub. lie. Of every article, they will endeavor to !keep the best of Its kind, and confidently recommend their Toss As rum To n suirsatzti, tr lona/Alb in the ci ty. Their assortment comprise:—Green and Black Term of all hind, from 37S cents to ILGO per pound. Coffees of every enirle- • ' , worthies engem, Loaf, Crashed and Pulverised: RCM Syrup.lisfear Roma and N. o.lllolasser, Cho*. elnes, Foreign Fruit and Nets, Spices, Pickles, Ketchups, IF...CM Sugar Cared Hams and. Kee(, Fish of all kinds, Petrel Land and Whale Ws, filaald, , t4rerre and Wax andles, together with Many radar,s which eoald not heretofore be had Id Fitts burgh, ind which time would fall to ennmerate. . . . . thell7l.76o4twacities4leHveted.liee of charge is every part of • • • VlOSlM.opplied an most reuortable lama. WM. A AteCLURO t Co., mil - No. Ind Liberty meet above Wood. vrlinstlik.:,, mg • ' • (e.lemacarma, A.'WESTERVELT & SON,: vr7l/4. KNOWN VENMAN BLIND MAIER& VV keep constently on band or mate-lo order MO ben article [albeit.at OM old nand, No. 13 8L Clair soon; ntro h at No . . Fri Market street, sr mad story, entrance In On 'amend. Veaitian Shatters made to order, and old blinds neatly meal red. . 1010 Tsllouthers anti Westersi 1111.rallaaatik 11 , 0USSEL'S • PREMIUM PERFUMERY:-The subscriber respectfelly finites public attention to h s extensive stoet of Perfumery, Soaps, Shaving Cream. Re., te which seven Silver. and two Golden Medals have, within the last Mr yam.. been awarded ' by the Institutes of NoW York, Boston, and Phila . datable, the latter being the only Golden Medals ever awarded for perftunary either in . Europe or , n thin emintry. . Ronsree treetrausu Snarled Clean, inlatand, Rose, and Ambrosial,) universally acknowledged to be superior to any Shaving Cream In nue mantra. or Europe. Snavara—Beentlfelly tramparent, and posseudng highly Saponnecoms end emollient properties; Saponaceou Compound; Ambrosial Stu- Log Tableq Military Shaving &lap. 807WINZTouzaturs—Almoud,Rosa,Blillefieurs, Ito. not, Pistachio , Mask °matelot, Moat- Mg, Transparent, Olive Oil, Windsor, and Circassian. EZIMACT. run tax Itamitinnzr—Rose, Jastain, Bouquet de Caroline, Geranium, Jenny Lind, MCIIIIIIO - Jockey Club, Iduriolla,-Clinnatite, Citronella Rom; and many other muierwil, in all Urn different perfumes. Toner Watts—Florida Water, En de Toilette, Orange Plower Water, and a great variety et Co. Inane. and Lavender Waters' Pammunowe roe ma Haa—Genuine Bunt Oil, Antique OIL Bandon., Ean Lamont, (Seine, Core pound On hlarrow,gtalz Dye . . liquid end In powder, and Philocome. Rlelnlpe, and Jenny Lind Pomade. Opmeretnto Puragamons—Dolaande SILOr, Rose Tooth Paste, Marcell Detwiler, ()dentine, Tooth Pane end Tooth Powder Gaiserns—Vegetable Cosmetic Cream, Amandlee for chapped hands, Cold Cream °Moses, Cream de Parse, Lip ,Salve s aupberry Crease, ke. De pti wary Powder., for rellierring npertarms hair, Pearl Powder, Pinafore de Roage, ASoplatio Vinegar, VICIDFI• Nair Composition,' Preston Salts, hurtles e relit vanety of other uncles, tOn 6110.2.111 ID be named in this WI re nisement. The rabsenber hopes to maintain the separation winch thin eatablishment has acquired, by disposiog r o nothing bur irst rate anielesi end swill be beeps to (womb those who may unah to patronize him. eats wholesale or retail, on as reasonable terms as any es tablishment In to UNted &Ilea •: - 7CAVIER HAM, Soccesaat to and former Director of the Laboratory of h • EUGENE ROUSOEIo 0.• DINSOLUTION OP le Ativreskas utt Pannership hertnotare &Oahu betweenm limed hlarehall, Wm. W.lVallam and Henry Wircaryi in the cut iron business, under Nam name of Marshall. Wallace, Co, eras dissolved hi medial corium, me the le Inn., James Marshall and Henry htiGeary Immo perchued the entice memo. o( Wm. W. Wal lace in amd .Tbe bosinees io (gore will be onntinued or all Its sago. branches by Me eabseribers, ander .edgy and gale of Marshall ek blebeary, who will tide bylines, of We laic ergo, and to whom all persons 111- debml are grqueggi to make payment. Warebouse, corner at Wood eat Liberty . greets. . 110 /AMES baALL, e, gENRY bIeCIP.A OS' BiHEM WHOLFSA GIVIC !soy t:V11:1 .trco;7 111.1.11 sad Ganptomer 'has; 113 IN, bolo gm eau.; tal• N Molaw.N 01E.6 N Snow; 2N/ 'Loire atietted Our PM hros4 B. Ra.smr, 100 hes elame do; 13 k 33 do do; 15 casks Zame Currants; IS bans L. l{ means; 15 do lirmil Nat.; IS do Fllbtets; 110 do Pan No r 0 ben shelled Almonds; 09 Ons gook Candy; 5 duos Lisisoner i 4 mha 10 Id roneipeo & Ciganq. MO 31 Had Snardell: 3 brn Cloves; 3 ei , le. :I . o s la l i m e 4, ,; . ~ . , 23 cases Lemon sirup?' :15 ease. Pepper eance; lo ease* Tomato Cheap; tiroond Spleen of all kinds. 4D Marvels powdered and Low( Surer; . Wlneorr kaq 40 bis Pipes; 400 tabs .04P; I au boa Csalter ;MAP lbs Codfish; 110 bele Tauten' 014 14/ bas Cbbeisiste; 00 dos lied Cords; stods 6146010 Baps; .10 014 Spiced Chebbiale: 10 64.44 Peoo4 o . II ban Alspiee; boo !lemur; 40 boo Vmerss; 30104 . 6 a Cdlesnek; 40 60. ibrrek; 10 tees Rice; 10 bets Cbrk; SOO drums pier Ail arra L a gemanl s. Ma seam st d anteles. ITIZSB=I A 111011.170.11 of fiiubuß6 MJA., EDT= Fine Dr A A AIASON Cat • oldie folle•nrorgrg Lens vizi—dupe telt Timstem, Penman C Barrer. and Barren De L erste:, •ed Dalin!, hi real tine& in all their m ttemilure res. pattern* of Wall Paper, tit Chemin.. hold. plain, and Ass* . Stye teen recently received, together with an ten postmen of Irreneh Borden, Vire Board Pools, and Tesler Tops In Gold sod velvet. W 1 . MARSHALL, rasyt Wall Paper Ylvire. FS Wiwial Swint. t rs reselling tinily', additions h ta . 1, 7, g t v. ta v tabs, All/stake. dsllbents, Book, Slam, 0r,.0d0, woo, a.s.. also, klassoisk varlet,. ' .1.47 Whave 150 tons lee for sate, to 11Trirt. Dealers and natal Keepars win End a to then. advantage to call so :O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO., apl6 Canal Bruin, [ahem sr. lI:MIMED . . 150 TO y NS ICE, to agat i t i tn i zlo A L T f l uade k elmay CO talayß akniovAL. CkCAR I VVi I OTHERIII Zs CO. have removed to ater . st, between Wood &Martel, le We borate formerly oceareed by Hardy, /Goes k Co. apa4m r.r& 1"1" "111 .1 by mayltKIDD & CO (1110C01,ATIO—itot. fioniZiToolabbliatfolk Co, V roomed tbl• day, mad for soda by Virtd Bag ALF.Y & T OBACCO—Ya boa 0tb0n.5% 5 b.o.f hum Hair do, 5 boa ritielorood no; Loa Lender fro Pp. no. landing, intyll ISAIAH D ICKEY Et CO I:=t= Tpirth PltOttl , PAINT-34w las patent Fire Plow] J: Paint, in store, aad for Isle by .ItEIiPIOLDS k :WEE, 'a ear. Pena & Irwin Wean 71sdittoKr_mnirwiTtnwe iIItEAM CHEESE—SO boxes prime old cheese; DA do new elmese.jostree'd rile by May 9 J B CANFIELD DUTTER-3 nee ,pd Iv bib trash rah, in 11 inn rea`d, and far bale by J D OANFIV..I) DEL — Ts li..=e iiiirtieree. on hand,t o nd ffrDPe.ha thary WALLINGFORD k C SO I. A —Louisville and Cincinnon nap—a cone.t sonny for sale by W4LLINOFORD & CO ols Nol on bond,al or male 'ST L Al mayn ' WALLINGFORD &CO prime N u Seder , 102 ule by A CULBERTSON, Llbeny et SUGAR -25 MoLASsES-3 Loa N U almanacs ms, at pa and for male by ma 79 A CULBERTSON r OM - 01M. LIAIE-606rT; imrt rac'd,loi mar by Inay9 A CULBERTISCH . T" Acc4l°l7l - --7ll itralgt,b' may 9 llr rK r °4 1 1" 2 I Dom ßtons,tld27=6fStV & CO m•y10 per steamer Keystone Stew, for JAMES DALZELL W Water et LA . II I. I) b O y ILT- 7 3 br _may9 FIEMT3II6B-110,0uu for rale low, to clout...amigo ment,.by ato)ft LISIEr3 DALZELL, rIIIOIIACCO-2 Mag Onlo leaf. In store for sale be .1. WM u JinuusroN, lin Second el._ iT n" NI 0 do: atom, rrtlyr.' WAI JOH SION — lfEi r ttfirlilr LAUD ILI Mb m.~ for isle Oj 1%. M.,' RGUMS—SO toys Juniata Brooms for rule by !ORR & JONES, yO• • Cl.lllll Basin, Seventh yt. OTTGNI m aTINA4OCO aysiated &a6ln , 'i (or the by C II GRANT myS . 91 Water st. IANNE rayb sate by C H GRANT IlllG'l' HALLS—hut teemed, a oplentild allele of Foot Gina o(4 7,"and 9 look aim... foe We at tee Goodyear /lobate 'Depot, 7 k 9 Wood se ID 0 J H PHIGLIPS felfi.:lltrle Dr sod, ton reed. tarmac by tityd . JOHN WATT Ss-CO liWital—to kepi peeked, Just. eed for sale by soya JOHN WATT &40. hi etiesbaYet — Wariltrion, liablariadaTitat Black Tau, on hand, sad to arrive for sole by A cuLisetrrsoN, 115 Libenl ol 7 . 7 1) TEAS . . YI3ACKED TEAS of . , all grades kept eonstantly on brAd, and for alto on niaaonabla , erras to the traAo, by (.my}) ..' • CULBERTSON my} A. Lileialinilliann 4 z . a c t tr j i= r e EATtb—", toe .11.1. b • -.----- ma 3. 2 S F VON BoNNUOBST'k. CO • OTATORS - -400 boabolo Bsd; • r 119 U Pink Eyes, in care and tarsals by iny7 . ' sTUART tr.. 8111. SOOdit-1150 •• • 111 O . Sugar reel rve .. aaxs diIILO Y VEE- 7 16170zen auocial lid Cloven ' 300 dozen Ilsread and ,Cowni do, am 1.01'7 A A BIABON t CO wf;mtatAil ,Ml 4 im77/ d *la 140- COW PP, - . DRY GOODS, ko Boa nets sad" 'lemmas ! 11111Ppul. , - MURPHY &BURCHFIELD twe reenland anid dnional aupplrof above gnads,incliding . varied. rtflea of Calna..Pearl. Alb One, and Unial , B.aditiq White sad Calozsd Gimp do, and Ribtata all neat., rad .• • 1101711.1111RG GOODS: itrthitPLlY L .BURCHFIELD of those vanung goad. •far 110ornbair purposes, to their very fan assorunait,fast nativist, snob... Moak Bombazines, • 71-r- lA ""`"''' l LCMnl6M6. • •• • Moamlog- tVaa tiuks, • . . , do Printed Foulards; ' L '' Pasant, Tissues, Sicilian LAM., Alatirnes, Plain Moak and Printed Laliana,Black ..Easdnoittered Down Ribbons, fioarf to. • a:aYl7: . Barns de: Manes ' • • AA. MASON A. CO tare recciaed. per express . and near opening ao pcs eEpieo Career dal.ains• pcs Plain 111 ournlarf do. ECEIVED per uprets, sod ton day °pealed at JR, A A Mason &G St Market t: 100 Mode eadd Daft Shawls, plaia Y embroidered; be Week do. Aldo, 20 pee Black Oro de Made Silka; 6 pee do Sado de Chine; ' • do 4 pea Took Seder SUbintA CUAT/Nl.l—an! peg Caubracaers,assone. colors, • wort desirable uncle tor summer costs, .roc4l, and now openuag by a A MASON A CO , mayl2 62 Market rt - 1120:121triffrAWCo—Sopenor hlgticolored Tbibet Shawls, comprising Orman, Orange, Pak, Blue, Green, and Corn colored, Jost reeetrand per exams",. and duo day opening by A • MASON &CO aiye 17 . 62 Marta as On PIECES Posinf Bloc, Pant, Green, and Com 4/4., Colored Banger, reed per express and now maniac by morn A A MASON & CO black Ors si — fiiks. AA. MASON d CO are 1131/ day opening 20 Vices • 27 loth Slack Oro do Shine Silk; 10 pea 30 inch deli 10 pas 22 inch do; 6 pea 34 inch do; and 4 picot. 36 inch do. .n. 710 Lamaze liandkorchtsfat • 400 dos Ladies , Linen Cantbrintlakftna/1 prices; NO doe Gents , do' do do 1 2.3 dos do do • do colored bonlety Received do. day by A A MASON dtiCO! mettle et Market st. lAMBLLT LINEN L STR ES—SO pc* changoab Lame.; at the extreme low piusafltie per yard swlo A A MASON t CO' Irish and Brown Linea/. 91:0 pen 34 and 9:6 pea 44 Brown Llnonn • pos Gay's Barklay's, and Alamanitee, nupetiq Mak Linens, now opening by MOO A A MASON li CO: Fresh Arrival of Dew (geode.- - WE am now receiving lane, addinlons Moor Meld of Spring and Bummer Dry Goods, and are pry- pared to oder an ezeellent anortment at ow osual tow prices for culls, or approfed eradlt. The attention of western dealers la parddalarly rk• quested to our goods, as we feel eenident of Delos able to agree =must ludnearnent• make • WU • with vs. Call and examine al any rate. sueckmrrr & W 111714, let Wood street. , .L• • • • -... NS-40 pea tiinghar received,-and now !rating at th e verylaw price of In cam peryant, by . A A MASONA CU • USLANS a. BABEGES-100 pea Paris Printed 111. Barege. latest atylesi 'SY pea do at tEle Per Yard 600 pea tie Printed Muslin, all yielder, 110 peel fast colored Null. at to per yard, now opening by soul° A A MASON & CO C. YEAGER, AMERI CAN,.ENGLIS H. AND GEILUAN pAiSibY GOODS; HOSIERY, BIBLIONS. LACES, GLOVFN, THREADS, COMBS, BUTTONS, SU& PENDEB-S, Ac. Af,o, -• swan. &ad Parley lireatfats, BLAME ND FANCY SILK CRAY ATS, PONGEE, BANDANNA. uld LINEN EID/CFS. Ir.end ..• porn:tent or AN S, every yule!? unnaalogit. FIORY2III GOODS—We are nem r reeovermg • cyry large and fine ussinment of Spring and Sommer Goods,. luglyportiba of which have bean pirmlia”d at • greed re:log.39n frost the. prmeahroughs by rho. ume descripuons of goods in the early put of thy season, so that he alotasCivery kind of goods Ira 1•111. be enabled to odor Great Eugitin• so CashDayets, whom we wonld respectfully tarllo to .C/In a; No 85 Market st, north west corner of ihn.DiaMondi.- • , ma 13 & 1111 CIIIIELD are ,naw reteielog meond saPPO,Of Goode for Ws - Spring, and. offer their &mode atidbagera 'genet ely &large and choice acre:tricolor Ia releet from. 137. Denten are inapt& to leak in al the raluiluale moms of W R Maciby, up maim, where a, fresh cop. ply has alro been .reemaid end aermil kinid,i of grads can ba aold at lamer priegallbeCtimml.•- ingl? • AIrA. MASON A CO, CI llkel an open. • jog thoicei high Colored. Bareger,Tissum, Mar reicaas, Delphlnas, he., oil at redaced pricer- royIS FA.`,74-nztb"..7.:Vbymr2—"'ll: Dnee mayts RENCII PALETOTS—A A Magna & Co an pew F reeeivinx 4 cannons Sanaa Embroidered rain° s of the most fashionable laske. • llny I 5 Bargains in Faltlard a Inaba Wasik/Wks. 171 raTrie. ) :%: 17:1',?` a lot rie per yard; alw, lager de. at klgher Mire. Moll. vi neat plaids,* reduced panes; and a large as seamen% a( BAREGFB kORENADINFB,and Ladies' Drees Bbods generally, or newest stylesOn earth east comer of Faanh and Market a's. mails LOST, APAIR of Cold Spectacle., . opposed to have been dropped La Wood Luret, In soot of Iteketwea & PeorLe.Warenonal. The finder will be rebranled on eturning them to the owner, No. 26 Wood street. (111000LATE2. ac—Boterb No I Ch000!ax•. Bak orb Boma; Daces Coe.; French Choc•lare; Fpooish do; Owed (kg Vomit& do; Ea:N:do; tor oaie by _FR WM' APCLUIIN NCO "C LMSROR tilL-416,13 reed, awl Rs .In by. 13 E SELLERS Grit 11'11 tier. Jr E rgl a , , , Z29 l ER A LUMS -W-10 brie reed audit •• _arayl3 .17 Woorrst IN tlaytEF24-711700 lb. ree'd, 3 . 11e1 1 n war ms INUICO cue ie — tcra mayls A IL l • •TO LI- t117).1::.'0, to arrive. for sale ly tosyls ISAIAII DICKEY Zi CO MOLASSEZ-00 bils S noose, (St-James 11.4nerp 40 bill do Goodsll's IteSneri Fos eats by DURDIUDO E., WILSON b CO um 13 Water street rail) ALTLES—s bags for ma7l3 ITURBRIDGE "VS ILSON k CO T OVISVILI:k-EIME-11.10 tall Iraq, barns 'Wane Is Lime, fot sale by ,-- - mayls III7ILDRIPGE, AVTLSON le CO IkorANUFACTIIifF.J) ARTICILE9=3DOOIbs Cotton Yarn; 49 bales Outing; 3 bales Csodlosriek; LSO kegs ssiorted Nails; P. 9 trees pure Va. Lead; to to. hos; Shovels, frOades, oes, and Forks. for sale by 11111,15 • 0 Si .;BANT atr—; t 'arcs moon dew rotted; - ■ 10 balm Manilla solo by • mayls JAMES A 1111TCRIFOMA CO INDml.O77i-4 e"" M"'Ula“.".‘reb j u WANT etANTOH THA-43 hi elreata, tali low inked, fa lj anlebr ma7ls C H GRANT OTMki--ti casks of Abe • st quality, suitable for for oalo by J SCHOONMARE Et & CO mayl4 TS Wood street GREASE -10 tor . w Mi., fez aide by may IS ISAIAI-DICKEY& CO BILCON— hhds Hams - vo hhda Sidesi -n , 15 hhds Shoulders; .';‘, lu hbds assorted, In store, for cola by 131115 I iAILII DICKEY te CO PEA NllltLidi iiiirtenneiate, for sale br sosylo WICK thhIcCANDLESS TINSEED OIL—OO brio pare, Jost reed, for sole by mavo_ . • I H CANHDILD I eb.s 0 Sugar 120 ruck• Rio Calms . . Tt bleb's Y tigron.vitious grades 30 do Gatipotader and la,p 30 do Pottehong 5 do Moog 51 middy be. YH Imp & O P it bait Vs, Sts, and I6's Tob.eo 35 caddy Dos Harrow's s's do 20 boxes &area - 50 brisk tif Wirt Plalerstas Indigo, Madder Alum. Ginger, Pepper, Allsplee,_ Nutmegs, and Lan* Black in kegs for sale by , 0 GRANT mayls 04 Water at QUAC-1.10 bx• bill lcotbe Bomb just reed. for "in 13 mini) MILLER k NICKETSUN , AYNTONTA; or the Ea or Roue. • . 11,0011211[1:1 0(1E10 century. ByW Wdtia GAM. A fewcople• or .ale by JOHNSTON* srocicroN fA N BASTER OFERITNG. By fredlika Bremer. A TrAnalsted Mum tbaanyulkbed Bsediab Mann. tenet of Mary liakriu...For skin by malt/ 101INESTON A FITOCKTON 4t a o«,.• .1 ce• W p : HA LIM• ollyl7 • Wall Paper Btore,fs Wood .4 Modern .aud Antique Flirniture. JARMO W. WOODWEZ.I, 87 r 41u1ar87., Errnmai. " •Reepecifelty =foram the • rotate. that he b1i . ,C0,11. • plead his rpnng Wock o ". • FURNITUPP.. the largest and bast varied aentottitiql ever Waled ear ale in dos city, comprhdog solo of Rmsweon, pdavoairia, and Manz ‘Vinacri,• caved, ornimatal and , plalni suitable lot. Parlors, ,Drawing and Bed ECYDIA4I, all at ,athich ba sold at the lowest prices. . Persons louring Fondant ataxy deariptlan, era specially failed to call anderanane btock, embracesry description, from the cheapest and plainest to th e most elegant and tostly of which tar Trios tote Was; Toiditelerdvmv,.. GonveraaboriCkal% .Elizabealso Cam.; Nocepuon .do , Lotda"XlV 'do do • Bader &dote; 1V hat Not% •.• Tables: Loots 2111 CarmodOra Date of Yak ,• Conch; 60 Sofas Via Plush and taibelotli avr-tre • 110 Di•II& Oe do do, .do; 4'4./ ur Parlor Chain; - IV ...Rosewood do do; 11- Waltiabdo dot:' 40 d Cue Batt : ! L . " dr i Pfsort . '6O Marble Top Canny Table.; ; • - u:ao do Bed Wash Btandic ganyteate; IS do Wardrobes; -. .. IS BPkWaloat do: o7la Chthl ...db. t Cconeaa'allaillitlidoth eer Pa=tron ZOO 434110 ts to mention.. team Botta famished on the.obonoakdodea. ifi l irtgra promptly stranded to. ps,—zatlondolon eau basuppliad *Attu, D.d.4lll74.wohilihlN Vigmx, d lar VII. ~ sS~TO >~~B. ':_ :~ 8: FAILISWAVICIi kart OiosYNMFON,P. . Nymph' of his Ness Ilissaly , y,solss ,SsySk. of Iysbolgis,tmd - Mleghsny t Most s ' ' . p * s . .ir e!; M n arf n orrh t ' S ZI -7. be 'k h " s thsVe .end. of the..ociutcr , ZDylicic berweel the tOth -The citizen.; MM. UT: and ail wit° re:CIan:1;8ml in the production ofa onnric to end tierzoot.ammor, p.niecorly,ittoie clognCO Cot been eallrd on, wil I ouge lb.. uuertilmict thntrheir oo,unknywntions. OM olocce Of locilneticke ire noted for publication in the Baer:cry._ • Alf curtly to be Inseiteit, mumhe hanila In foillt• otith,or Al the (ateci thc glatedatmly rAmpd. macro _ airTia:roxas PIASOS . TUST.received.aad acas - ppating,araolsgaialiche• Valor ¢ oClave Alaloileso Paulo, from iC , cple• rated Inaaufae!ory elf./datalt do ttlases Cushapu. This is a emperor instruPsha t ef Gra time, apd wry rapid einsinepalsola. a e0,.<1. Musa aciava hielodeasi, Masai Watt, NgW PUBLICAT/ONS. — ' i t SYSTEM of Atlanta and- Illedtaerat Georraphy. I For the non of cc Look and - col It gee: =By Vit art. Antltre7 .44.10m.L.. bia rro Colle fessot P ieceol Bieck aroLLati344S.. gr.F es in Coge Yr rk. The ty of England. , hoot the lavanion of Julius Caviar, to Me abdication of Jonas By David EaQJ a new. canton, with the authertaiimieoi. MM. , / and improietraas; to which Lax. preGzeji abort amount elate life;'serittenify bilnaelf,.. Ovoid. Dictionary of lireek and Bottum ditionti tiey abridged tram the large,-dimionary. tlty • Wro. onlith,l,..L.D; with currecumis and. , L uarranceMitta by Charles Ar.thon,L, L. D. , , • Memoirs of the Life and Writlrs,e the Red. Tint. Chalmers, D. Do; by bin non in law, Dm Err, Willima Baena, lit three volumes.. Vol.o. White Jacket; or Life in a,lllan Ri-Warr, .By 11er. MIA Melville, author of “Typer. Omoo,n , SiorolovT - The Works of Alm:Shez wood: being , the 'only a:id ioms edition ever published la the lituted S tates. In EOM .••. - . , Fairy '.Talett, trans all, radian, :By Anthony IL Montatba, with twenty four Illastratlor.s.by ILAJoyje. -- -, Walton Harvey, and other tales. by Miss-Sedge trick. The National System of 7loot Keeping, adapted to all parts 'of the United States. By 4ctuableating, ac costs:any Also, a large um:outlaw or dreerican 8.8. Valois -"tools, mt hand, and for sale by .. A lltr; CO •' • Bocce...write IL'LLIOTT mayl4 —. 79 Wood street. .The Marmot , * Golds to lielYsittliitkird• •" .practical AyrioUlturs. , .• -H p KIM Professor Norton,of take College, New anon, ..„ are .prepsriag for the press a book under thrfabeivassl. tido. - It will embrace. emery 'pagers' of iinparthateii. - ornmeeted with Agriculture in all havarients branches, bolliTheorotleal end Praciletil. - "Scientets fn is tar as tt hie, op u, 007resrattlalc., been , mado.oroDalgo to practice, by experiment, will ha treated in its rela tion to every operation as it in' the •eitarse of the aeasons.. Toe wort mill be - arranged anicefoar distinct head., representing the sensons,.beglonlng with Whaler and ending Nvmh Amnon. I r • • - • I - JAMES DLOCR.WOODs 043 . Bookseller and mporter, 104 on at. IXEW..PODLICATIONI4 XISS Dretner's NVl•rks,' the •Altthar.• INA The Ntirbortu.nTslo,ot Bum Day Ws., A nmand mvieed edition, with an intr od uction mitten expresaltfor nbii edition by Ydin.llternar, lasto,adoth. Uniform .srith /rains's, c00pee.,34 . Sodsevrick.% .LI illustrated with kortralt and view et 110 author's rnid Unmet Ilind; translated by William gossper. rkted by Robert gouthey 1.. L. D:, With tunes - by A: Dwight. A sptegneia ediuon, oitTarge..paperr Il lustrated with twelve ensmaingain aatline. (TOM de. :yds . Flumiut. rOyla Eivo,clotlC - Ale.6,'etatreper fai Goldsmith's W o. orks,inelading,n yartety.O(pleeeir now brat collected. Tames • Pritic'lsorepreti In o n 4 vols.dano, ales andrpirtigads'nnirntrn in.AVUnrigi aver) , NY 'year, Edisrai,byW..C; Richards. o Bent vpiumo, :t6,stO, Clot, 28 O . Ctitio, Cloth tat, di cents. - .; • • •• • • .• • • • I.qt olobli. mPY' klonksel!ei Imkriet, 104 Volta at . 3 - 1 7 :QT&I'll:W - dikt.rtilh"1F - theinnW — of unothetip t vow, 610.6. ?MI:WILTON rir=t i ll i k . u et tria=ll 3 l"::neter .n af Oar of. Social Carativenile Cboi, Sabbath School Gems ofhte elected Poetry, designed exprezaly for the Sabboth School; by 4....Crtuk shank- A new Tretthe ou Artnenenryi Unlike Stre of , ha Globes; in taco Inat.%. ContointoK daunt...lca ...and other deaninono; matron. god peewees o I this ine,meem and planets: Center's law. met TheorYktrGrertionlon, Refraettenaccilight, andrrallax, Connessioao,P, nods, 'c oDistancee,Thno Knees, end Kasai:dee 'or the 'Heavenly Bodies ompeting the Fehr Gyithrecited ao exteneiveeedleet oct of the moat nae 1.10 . 1.- leout en the Ilse' af' the Glebe.: Illstairated by not able variety of F.xemplez, t ti . de l ligerdlor theeVett nrat r o d rilathottealeo the s e Cntral Right Sehoultotflahentor. pek antlFort, Inc tdem,of a Cr ain ein the United Sums Frigate Comoros.; re Califomta; valeitlifkaithes or Wet ranedro, VelparMak,"Ltma, : kleartialea.aral Rom Francisco. Cy Rev. Walter Colton; IL ph; =nor of Ship and Shore, dm - - For iMeity - - H. 6'4111.15U re. 51T.12.0r11 to ELLIOT& ENGLISH, - .1103 . No: 07 Woad tooth . ..1 re haw pulffitre74l73lol: oTllEttniou Stela inammery..--The Child' Book f Ballada.—klardorto7d, or the Great Ati . ataket a Story of Reel Life.-IMmegrove; or the - Replay Reboot Boys Contraste4.-.—The liar clime:. or the Danger of UnolatctiSrdAtllietion.—Sbariew °Miami .Boyce---Rneange,t the :Roam Chlef.—The- Idle of Lauber; with . wpeeial refereace .ot• it, earlier periods, and tie oneum,^. sceere of the liciannuttleut by - Darras D'D.—A Summary of Bl6lltd Anutaornee, tar *oboe!. at tt klublialted by Americo. robot, Per sidelyy, CO, , Saereaaota po.ELLIOFF ENOLISEI,' nict' ' ' 7U Wood emcee. - 002 i 217/I'rlat UO %/ A M A oro ub ei tt,cdtials.c.l , uom thi n, rah:bra. D. &alter, ArD., Boma- Sceowl edisio 1 voL Men.. ''LOCKWOOD — Ctomatimeas ledneat t owlet ressusso. , . T 2 t B . 3,, t,Trew.n,:plc.,T'thr'e'estir. h %tto ., :t.Pa land, in the veneration urdheie works. They ate 'now Offered to the Schools of the Culteo Mote., under too Amy - risme mon of Reese, 51. la, L.L.D, Into Supeonteedent of Public Schools, to the Ctrand CoontyafNew York . L altatabore Treasury of Enowisdge; If. ClatraTrivring mid Perspective; ' 111. Chainbeiio Nei: of 'Natural Philosophy; IV. Reid &dainitChemary and Electricity; V. Hamilton's Vegemble and Annual Physiolog; VI. ChisetheWietnents of Zoology, seta, plat.; - VII. Page's Element of Geoiogy, illustrate. . It is well knoesuthat the original panlahersof them works (the AlessrsCliformosof biliabnrst.) are able to command Mellott taldnts in the preparation of their books, 'and . thaL }t is their prettiest to deal faithfully mwith ampullae. tenor will not. dcsappolni the memtiable eineelaurms thus excited." They are ele mentary worta,prsp.rra by hl en sable otdolnissoce to thelt ende and f alho here eridently bee:owed upon Om the' =- testily dole .shot to ALIStr4 than solheir.parpose. VV TV.001.1[11,1 Mom to maebers and - patents isalt Ca donee. The Erit r.anied volume, in the huials of a - tightly of the yammer anew; foolish op to eshadsuble fond of amusement; end marection. To. gtaihr;theywould eon's:Ouse rich treasure to a fain. owl intelligent eldidrea,_end impart • :Nob tor knowledge --(Vermnt brontele. Pubbstied by A. O. Barnes & Co.,'New' Volk; and for sem by - A. IL E.NGLISII & CO. moat : . .„ No 11) Waal st — "ln gIAI-I,l3ll.l4ltaltiONS,' A . . _ 11ASSIZ—Late Euiftlfor, its Physical Chiracter. I/eget:.l, and Animals: evo. DlAnza—T/Le F. Illdstrated. Avo. ll.Enotor—Catates. 2 vols. 12a20. Ilmsec.o?—espeets 01Na - um - .2 voL. 12100. Dauwo—Turkiell Ev,nmg EAtert.mmenta. 121ro. ALLaaN--Eta , gical Anatnn77. - -Apin;ee.' 4l22 ' D.....—lreelas ADA Yntso Mr vols.-11.1.. TvcciaLAAN,Ttie o . ol2aisL. 1204. - W.llo3—Ponical quotatiti - ... 0220. • Calren—Harnees .bed. 1200. MAC4T—Portilaz Dehaio.. T0111:.19022J.. . • - • • . . For sale by- ' 7ATIFAir D LtION.WI3OD roa F.nlr.oller tr. Importer,lo4 Fourth FL 11.4.. ened Ly Thomas 'iettrrel::aril.'loPl;fe• . Ne I" ! i ' a mato J IiNETON STOCNTON ir.l9 t — WL:cll 1104HEC.Ni— ... AT HOLMES' , LITEBARY DEPOT TKI. Sum, app... the Cost Offma, L , TZDIELEIG n Domestic-IWe; 1.4 Charles Dick.. ens. Paco a emus. Dorton Sholtorwore, Na Is. Mornlog-Call; No. 7 • ,• —.• EldariWw or a dreatcrea the , path of Eitirito—A Voyage to Col.forni a, Bayard Taylor. ' —.Litton% Linos .Age, Na 311., , . Dictionary of Mechanics, No, " - • Hones Idscetame.Alskilaana, fol May. . EickeTboc,kFx far *arch, Awn, and May, lANVAIiSP.II H1ta23 , ..14 , 3 tot sate by' t . V atarlo Irr.f.". - " es"' 'fi'Vclll,-xVicic:Vel;;T. sEPelliM MALI uric rct e coca. - icur ...ill! by maylo tc SIcCA LSS tan by , •mair , . WICK& n" 9 . 4,'l"' "P ' iqltKiAirAsTiT maylo ear ...444‘1411 Waal st. ANCRTif.xii-L...iiia re,. a ..rcrop ri gicily Scod.and fe.r Y •- mvlo S N wirxrnsittat I.77.sairinto — i - 47,.11,..i,:. , ,: ro;• - ;4, - 17, . mwo . • , P. V. 14,1011 f 1141 , 1 t rnsfl ~.../ iiiiTLi./AML-1,2c...s 4, t reed red,ji Li :4 iv svicKnrquoa . .. I'Mptv,inn, • 7 • Sbrl:Lovelint 1 , 44 SO brig C. do; le r Co Dv.flixd , lottfutmeado: ' ‘lO . 10 l,ris Puwectrd tab. Crarified;' - ". • Lu 0.40,8mzi4 lustrx`diand lor eats by MEL, ER lc POCELTSpri 4.175 Lih<ny st. jt — Tirrek I,4lM's. kennel orN. fee st7le.ll — . • MILI.V.A Ric litaiiiON • 1411.12:11.11rOCKLISON 11.1bot.Y.orog bro !,:odbe oaroTrir: di;/, Vrot solo by.• MILLI-JI incimr, , , s eixo 94..51 .- 47 — ttriyies ab doouperior Budens/libe; fq plc nuLt.rtr. a. tupa - rsoN /Mt sty: 6ix en a, ALTL/b2l-okibtiltrrolo re t :o cooyobod bbo Driel pro for sou; by oraylb' • 2_,"‘ _co InCirtrtrON • • 61 ',sad 1,0 1 )1 4 :2 1 : 11 : T V i tttt 14'' 4t'?-42AV11V.7.31.7t161.*C0i Pig • 4 .v WOO 114
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers