THE PITTBBURaIi okGETTL trit.-JPitIRLISRED OV,Aik&TE•& MTV. 0 Pumas, le Agent for Otte piper at hie several . agenelea in 'New Raft, Philadelphia, and Siablatc sad ie aatboeived to receive cobaertytiena safirAPgri , s l Ws 4 1:r.lavainsaaa am canna!) , requestodlatand their favors before ..3 r. fa, and as early fn an , do , ao praatioable. .4docrdoexterno not maenad for • roam -LK thee wall. ~.'-u•rowa until ordered oot . Er . , 01•111 Alooticra.—Advertioe• Mears hod eabectiptieas to the North Amene.n lord Ma" SUOCIi (Lune, Philadelphia, received and Gar aragencomiaDa — lei Gaz-ia —Tidvertirevienta batripUoris, for this paper, will be rceorwed and forwarded (mm dila Maw, ilLlttLantalaColutoseioei..ev.—Sabacr i pe ono rer WD.M . Pages, will be received aod forward ed frees this elate. Diarsarraa hag arar-ah—gaemeeee . • and "" dl4: Marna foe this peace received and forwarded froo of charge hem Mk aka- AMILMIAsnaIe and Whig County Con • • wiriattos.. parmanca of dm call of tho Chairmen, the Whig and Autimasoolo Comity Commithe of Corterisind. dace out at Um Ceara Howe. Tile following remits 'non wan adopted, so wit:— Resolved, That the Whig and Antimosonic tuer. of the several Election District. of Alleatteny . Counry hes sad me hereby requested to meet n then usual moral for holding elections, on Katurday, she Iri day of lase next.thas and there to elect! two delegate• to the Cmaty Convention to be held at the Court tlome, onWromesday thedds day ofhl1114•. r. s a w Orimenuom to mate the meal and neemory risminatienii for the caning October Election., and alai, to ipPoust five delegates to represent the County intim Soh Commotion, to be held to the city of Phila. delnida,meWadaesday,rite lath day orison^ Tke primary wain[.in the Townships to be held between the boon of two and five wolea, tercel:a Pitliand thme the Ward. and Pornagbabetween the hosnefeenta and aloe o'clock. P. M. DM. E. Po s, A 111LANDE, Chairman. int ALVX. PILIItIL/16, }Secretarial.:' Trion SralriX, Pithblugh, April 10. Idle. xvniret.sTATE 0051171011T10N. • At a meeting( of Me Whig Stale Central Committee, hold at Harrisburg, Hatch lit, 1070, it seas Ruiotsrao. Thint the o higs of the .e.weral commies of this State be requested to select a number of delo gaits /Mud to theirgebortive repress tali rea is the Legislature; tie raid delegates to meet is Convention at theeity of Philadelphia, on the 19th 'day of lane. fbr!the purpose of nominating eandidam for Cane rommi,,,thwr, to be voted for at dm ensuing( General Election. _ • MORTON MeMICIIAEL, Chairman . Guilds H Haar, Secretary . Acia_rAGE FeR LOCAL meTrei The Lsoofeco majority In the Haase, et Harris. burgh, has taken the back track.. After joing through the area of tacking their infamous Gere rymneder to the Appropriation Bill, to Committee of the Whole,"when the bill woe reponed'to the House, 'amnia text morning, they undid till they hadipreviatisly done, refused to endorse the act of the Committee, aid primed the Appropriation Bill without this Genymeoder: The probability now Ir, that ea Apportionment Bill will pets thtn sea 'ion. A New Gtssowismx—A new explosive powper has been invented by the assayer of the taint at Constantinople, which is composed of- one part in weight of yellow pruminteof crystalized potash, oise part of powdered white sugar, and two parts of choleraic of potash. These are to be all first pulverized, and then effectually mixed' by pound ing in a broose mortar with a wooden pestle. It was claimed that ihispowder possessed three times the force, weight for weight, of the cow man powder used in war. Mr. John Caruthers of Sainernih, it Is said, has produced this powde according team direction given above. The Ell vartruiti Republican says "It is as white as flour and almost as fine. id tried it inn pistol, using about one fourth the Wl= charia and found that it exploded with much great .er coma tbizt lour times as much powder. The r port was also much louder. The hall which h. shot into apiece of wood, was unusually turns ad and' ashed." ••• • • . That acmes to be more than brdinory danger however, in manufacturing this white powder On the day following - dm above experiment, whit a boy, id the employ of blr. C., was preparing a bout two ounces of the powder in a mortar, by emu • acciderd it exploded with a loud report, metre! burning the face of the boy. We presume that ilt• precaution had not beeu taken to tee a ataxic. paale." If the powder is as repreeented, it will be a pow erful agent for all purposes that gunpowder is now used. 1.1 is not lic-a to indulge in via unpile° p • diction, as gun eaten has not realized half the ad eanniges 'Loped from it Naur Truairarn Conrair.—Workmen area engaged in cur siren., ibis morning, in pot ing V , ei pal. Gir nregraplt. Tie Fol. • painted and surmounted with a gilded ogle, so. are r•tuer an ornament to our atreeta.rilbang Joanna. We Irish the autheraies r tlita city mould tat, •hintfrom the above, and %nee cLii;imtahle tele graph posts to be put up, m tie •cad of thox which dichgaia our etrcets. Various la Catoromm.—Tao Phdadelphi. Lediar. is speaking of titn veotares a the mer ablate of that city, in the California trade, remark, as follows "s.,the of the Ventures to Cthilarnia, by the merchants of, this ctty, though the sobs were a: such high pnees as. to Cedece the hope of haed• .mo vats, by the sheets just now com ing to hood, show very little left to the shipper, oumuesslons_and charges in port annoy np , much of theprefits—lo may tustances nil. Much dis apptilitunent and dissatisfaction Is expressed. Tar fdrearcarrevre LrOIILTaar L W Pray. V7rarrtr.—Tha fo.lorcog is a FeCtiOti .4 a law in troller:ad la the Senate, nn Fit.lay, by Ilan A. 111,10. Walker. It is preserved t hero reference u. Prof. Webster's cur Sac. 34. Any person end:, sentence of Leath, at the time of tee pa.a.ce w lt.,, vu, w.ll he com mitted ID the State Ptia.a, I. lot I.4lilLed at Wad labor Ulan the expitat.on 01 one year van thc time of Ws lIIVIt.ICV, Cud. WWI Ike scetvore death ha executed, aid the Governer ehati mite hie Warrant, authoilzios and requiring such' cam• milment. A Caplet nclizeid . cate la mentioned by the NP. lions' latelllgencer in conacci.on the depar. tore of hir.Calhoin'e remains ham Washington city on biondiy. Au interesting and promising non aged 17, of Hon. Mr. Hilliard, who, with his percale, accompanied Mr. Calhoun to Washing. ton law December, way porch beck to the South ■ corpse, again attended by those nowt 111 cted pan WWII, In the anon conveyance which bore the corps of hie late d litiwelehed fellow trave!er.— Thus they come and returned together—but under how different cireamaiences. Sinn is Cavrosala.—Tbe fhts.hes Rea Tra &rays that tavery,ealt ha pradably em ployed fa Catania. — lt adduces the 611otalag lota:tee A freedman from Adams cooaty bed two &laves with him then, and having been fatly euctessful, and seemed as much of the precious duet as he we'll: 14 1 6 - brow& the sines back won him. So well had they done fur him, that he was offered two handrail dollar& a month for each of them, tf be would leave them behold. This be eefueedi as be did not wish to leave his faithful slaves ender the care of those who might net treat them as he would. Ocneral POMMISCI Briscoo, the Other of the fa mous BOSCOe Bill, of quo munnt naiad the Bak; has gone to Califon nil, with Prohibit the lineal slue tome that hen ever been taken there by one owner. His energy sad enterprise lOW, are doubt net, wale the ghee. lion, and Gen. Briscoe la bet one of the large num ber of fillsalsioppl planters who intend to test the video of slave labor in mining. Eseave now Fatty:to To Marg.—The Min 'room Register, of the 23d ultimo, in speaking of ,the very severe March now storm which visited that region, narrates the following adventure of an stnigetelt • - - • "Mr. W. B. White, an enterprising young emi grant from a milder clime, .who came among in Wt summer, was taking a look at the country on the other side of Lake St Croix, between Rush and Ktrinskismick • riven, some three weeks store, when be man caught in one of these stortaiT—the re. Teresa that has occurred. tie became wet to the skin by the min; and when the snow set in it ad hered to his clothes, nod in Sn hour or two - wet tranformed into • glare of Ice Ile lost his way and wandered about me knowing whither hia steps were leading him. Finally, about ten o'clock at night, he sank exhausted beneath a eltmtp of bush es, which bring covered with grape effies, aithrded him a lona degree of protection. His suffering was now intense. He could (eel the frost tak ing hold of his lower exuemities so far up no Ids knees. Score* of hungry wolves tent forth their mart. ling cries within a few feet of him—ki fit acme, paainsent to the sweeping blasts of the howling tempest. In bit aably. be prayed that they might eel upon him and devour him,. to save him Irons a more horrid death. lint they did ant; and by great presence of mind and pupil:al exertion, he kept alive nil morning. At sunrise, be arose to pursue his journey. He could only Trawl at first; but by exercise his stiffened limbs. relaxed, nod in an hour or no he could walk. Ilyionie means or oth er he seemed in reaching the camp from whence be warted;econpfetelr,exhausleid and delirithm.— Dr. CarU, of.l3tillwater, happcuirtgiophasTkusgdey, admioistered lA°. his wants. • Hei was ' , enabled to reach 81,..• Paul last Tuesday; and toes, mein, and knees are badly front bitten, he is ni a fair way to recover. Doc Dr. Wsfor.itit, of New York city, hu jut committed to press an account of his recent kravo 'is is &mend the East‘ D;IEU== For the Po:tabors* Covets. The Coarsesttowel Nowilasseloa. MR, gluten-1n new of the near appm*ch of the period when the nomination of a candidate to represent this dom-ict in Congress mutt be made, am induced to offer a few remarks upon the sub jett, more especially as it is ono which Bditora maybe auppewed to feel some embarrassment in diseursieg. With the general remarks of a previous cot. reepondent, I entirely concur. It is certainly very important that we should select a candidate who eau unite the party. Bet I submit that there is no danger to be apprehended on that score. The Nominating Convention will be elected with di. reef reference to the nomination for Congress, rl on that polar, at lanai, If on no 'arbor, 'nal truly represent ils constituents, and whoever may be selected by it, will receive Inc cordial balloon of the party, which is not going :o sacrifice 4rpyivei , piss in any body's quarrel about men Ady procrii neht man, whohos taken en active-part lit ON rm, w,.l he ante to hove seine enemien, some Inc f whom, it is possible, may forget their deity, their amulet, tail their price:ples, for the adze of grab. lying their private piques; bat the Whig party COllll4B but few such, tail In any nomination thatis to bc made, it would be filly to tote them into serions account. I think we may take it as a settled loot, that whoever the Convention nominal:,, 1,111,0 elect ed, and any thOg to the contrary, whether vo• Premed ar a doubt Or n threat. is =letdown to no harm. For my own par, l intend to go to the primary meetings, and endeaTor tfr,at the election of delegates who repiesent my view!, but if ovemiled, I atm!l submit cheat fully, and do all in my power to elect the co.:taxa of Ms portY. be be whom be may, and I cannot doubt that, with vu much at wake, 'cell will be the coerce o nit putty aencrally. C. Muotro or ure. MOM. , or Ira M.o.—Tim adjourned meeting of the members of rho Bar, yes terday morning, in the Lbs.riet Court Know, in re . lotion to the melsocholy..dceerisa of Mr. Franklie, was numerously attended by the mom proin.nebt gentlemen of the profession. lodge Lowrie resumed the Chair, nod, iu eh seam of the Secretary, Messrs. Friend and Slow - were appointed. Mr. Dollop, Chairman of the Cnmmhtce pp pointed to draft resuluticus, reported the Pillow jog : Resolved, That this !sleeting have learned, with sincere regret, the death of our eeirt tend Mend and hin.hrf Atoxan,ler Franibit, Eaq. &sand, That lodge Lows r, E Iwo F. :tau a. sku.l Witham C. Friend. be a Com wore to exprose to the family el Me. Fracklat the condolence of tie Bar and Booth, hl the dr ease of a young gentleman who has ondesred himself to us by hi. honorable. abloom!, and stumble der...meat, tad who. in los abort ...veer, has t saututed rich its teeing indications if Ma success in tie person • r los profession. Ruo'ved, That the Cornish, requebed to came there resolutiocs to be entered on intend, sad that the Judges. and foetal , rs of the Bar wear the usual badge of monrionv, Cie th.rie drys, in testimony actor respect for be memory to ino . bersell Resaord. Tint the Jllt'gtr , •tj es er Ile Bar Will tensed the , 11:10.I., of Mr. FrsoYLn, nod t - -at tins owning am) tern in tee. tin tie la We:A C Room, MI unit pa.: ore v'elorb, for that ur- Rmlord, That the Tooreedlues of :he Bar, In relation to the den.ll of Mr.F.e. ills, I r in me pal he p.n.c.'s nano :be direetoo. of the decretame. Mr. A. W. Loomis crreo •cd Prrsident—le hecouti ns the re, Ital.. alech have Lreu tultei;i•ed to our con•iderat o I clew° to untie With toy Prelate! in the r spa, e• a of iho meat caccre Ti stet, nil uni.filectril ter re V, for the Kaduna and unexpected l'esils of • sat worthy and Jeat!y csacerat .1 11.<111brr. of tt~ Bar. Hat pure morality, Inc .cynic deo, his mealy virtues, no dhaistnlxd the ar, tier jostly . sccuted for Lis traancay the CV4/111,1 aticc tine, and matt re-ic.rtful rercemlasi ee. Panes 11 4 13 loatry, an 1 S,UP '. , g pvirrsr•rahr i' i had Fir , bonne biro to an eci• 'a win v,liind , 'Y ti , electing of realized see. n end a nticerr:val ii:atine :ion. The aspiraliunkt 11/8 generous and laf t mbition are bow hothea io advent! silence. The rose of hope is tooled rote sorrows of the grave, ant no Wined by the g shing 1,11, of as: unite,' ..oTectiona. Sympathy, andnortow, and t.olTyrir. •Inster,in melancholy Millers, around :hie ail:. tivo calamity. I desire, vie, en this entente Otto. to commend, with impress: ee emphasis, to I•, but especially W wig I,U uper brethren, Lis vie on and his meritr. Ilie origin was beetle his Ti• an. were 11u opportuntues restricredi ll,:der every disc.:vantage, hy industry, enterprire• p rr e veiance, p o ..ry end pur, , Y, h r it to c squth.ti Mai? en erred honor on h iie•i 1, e 4 ram. 'v, onl vacation. ❑m blare, Ices ide died elarm over the attractions of youth, aud cucurini the ready homage or universal iespeet. Ile died ...loved by all who knew a:IJ amecciated his W Ito. The retirement of Lis crave wdl let sane. tti id and by the rich and beautiful I tare era spotless fame, and, as devoted election shall linger around there hallowed wet mete, tee eye cf faith will reel, with virtu, rerenity, on the or hope twinhuog in a Lighter or.J bt w ells And when the scrrowe ei truth rlind have caned, and the joys a Leaven ',hall Luce come uirneed, may oar departed brother, arisen, purr redoenar4, be round in that joyful which shall pans the golden etrceta of the Sow Je. rit, I em to mammon prepared for them in heaven. Bud to the full lruitlon of Joys I bee, !cried!, and crelll3l. Aficr adopting, the ro o'uiti:ni, the meeting ad FROM 11A1111.19121 VFW!! Ctrrespontlenne nf tbn rirtapirrlt„parer2p,, llAtandtrritati . , April 23, libla TM. morning the Hence hld„ , the peacUre of ocdohog, with eats ular uncnitioitA,the outrageous AnJ disrepotsble work of yesterday atternoon.— Immediately a:ler the committee rove, tee 11.mee adjourned., Talc morning the firm thion in order was the rePort onion ChaYman of the Comm:ace orthe Wool. Upon the 'q nectian ct receiving the report, the yeas and naps were eatled, and a !urge majority appeared in the negolve. Tao vote wan utmost unanimoue. The Appropristioall then cat, up on its Gnat paelega, in the shape in which it wan when the motion was made In to Into Committee of the Whole, and passed by a large mammy. It en,. braces the anent items. The cam of 5220,000 is appropriated towards the completion of the North Breach canal. providing it eau be paid without borrowing: alert, 5100 000 to avoid the Inehned planes on the west tilde of the Allegheny !Lunn- The remainder et the slay in the (lone, eves eonsamcd,in the consideration andante hilts and Senate amen:intents, generally et no public MI penance. In the Senate, Mr. Mobtenberg moved to pro ceed to the second reading and coneide ration of the new Apportionment Bill anb,mined by him on Saturday last, which was agreed to. The Senate then resolved itself into Committee of the Whole on said bill, and after some time the Committee rote, and the Chairman reported the bill to the Senate without amendment. The bill, was then laid over odder the rule till is 11101701./. On motion of Mr. Dtrite,. tho Senate look up and passed the 1,.11 to Incorporate the A a,ociated Flroman'a Insurance Company niche city of Pills bare: In the county of Alleghcr y. Mr. Danger KIK, enecoede4 in attaching k.etione elan amoodment, to a House bill, which matt then pasted, and Bent to the House for canear• ranee. • Sacrum RI. That the Ohio and Pennsylvania Rail Road Company, chartered by the joint net. of the Legialatore. of Oho and Pennsylvania, be and it la hereby authors:Al to borrow money fur the mmatrocdon tam rail rood, at any rate of in terest not exceeding that which may be authorized in the State of Ohio. Ste-rion 22, That the laws now in free for the collection dune: on unseated lets or lands to ab le the several coontms of the Comnsonweslib, e, and the same are hereby eat... Jed and lead, of. plieabie in t h e collection of city texett on utent.letf lets or lands within' the city of ratAtirgh, sad are. the sale of any such lots'or lands etithlo rbe litnits el said city, it shall be the el the Cent minim:ten of Allegheny, county to pay the Tres. surer of said oily the,amonnt of city lanes which may be doe thereon. !base neglected to notice Sic passage, a fear days ago, hp tho Senate, of Mr. Walker's Agri. eultaral Itesalittions,whieh had previously palmed the House of Representatives without a dissent lag voice. The speech of Mr. Walkernpon there resolu tions, Was just inch to stun. as the neceinna quired, and the unanintom vote upon it, in the 1101. e, was the best possible evidence that could have beco given att. enure appreciation. t,E==r=l though ••plain blunt man" of no pretensions, whatever, hot who, whenever he has any thing to ray, `•apobhs right on," without any alicitude for the beauty of his tropes and ficares, be is one of the moat active and influential members of the Horse. - COBDEN. FROM MEW YORK. Corzerponeeneo of the, Pituteargh Gaeette. New 'foal, April 23 The steamer Atlantic, of which you have before heard, has made her trial trip, and - placed American stemners In the most gratifying positions—on Salm , day night she left fin a tial trip returning to her dock, yesterday, after a performance such as has been recorded of_no steamer afloat, with only twenty pounds of steam to the square loch. She made se ventee‘ revolutions of her engincoattaining a speed of no less than seventeen mites all hour, a rate equal almost to our North River hoists, and equal 1 4 the average speed of trains upon Out rail roads. Every thing about the ship is of the most finished character, and in all her appointments she will compare with any private residence in New York, for elegance and convenience. On Saturday she leaver fur Liverpool, and if all signs do not 1101, at the first Used, throw the whole Cunard line into the shade, beating them oars upon their most raCod pi rune. tton operators are m high spirits, and talk of the uN extruvogunt profits upon this important staple. Fur the first time the Manchester spinners have become alarmed, nod run the risk of being made in pry such prices fur cotton as the producers choose to ask. This conclusion is must unwelcome —nay, so unlocked for, that all the presses of Eng land end most of the circulars take the ground that the cotton growers of the United Slate. are keep. no their cotton at home for die purposes of a pan ic Dud speculation. Tinto will disprove this, and convince Mein that upon the 23d of April, the re- eel pts at oar purls are half a million under those of IS-tfi, nod that the prospects of the next crop were never win., The p 0,111013 of the collect crop is well under...mod here, and nu trouble is experienced in - holding all we have. The rotes 'of interest are ' low, nod the ninon which goes abroad fur Me , balance of the 'result will net a good round toseit. There are very large orders in the market for Stale and National securities, for the European market. Government 4r, are getting scarce, and the inn has commenced upon Western Stare stocks. :Such as our transatlantic friends got frightened a bout and sent home for sale a year or two ego.— Very large lots of Pennsylvania ren have sold fur the next steamer, and the present prices will no, buy any but small lots. The dining prices of leading States are as fob lows Pennsylvania s'. 0.4 tinted Slates coupon ri's 119 3.4, Erie, new bonds,9. 7 3-4, do Stock 73 3 ft at d Heading 17. Money is a complete drug in the market, and, up on short ti ne , csu be had at four per cent. Upon cornmon brimless paper the rule is six and seven per cent. The amount of sterling exchange on the niarlet is not large, and the price of best names nay be placed at 109 I'_'—suine linsmess has been done for the America, but it is early for her mails. A new hank goAts 000 operanou soon to this city, under the control of the grlscers, the most solvent (-toss of htlsines, men. 11 is loving . elegant free stone bank mg house erected, and has, in the esti , I We man. of the bank tog department of New York, e hest plate 111 eitAcoce. to nay nothing of the el egance of the deign. It is the work or a new fine, Wellstmal, Be.n.a & ks. Han.inThe bills ,an he burned but not altered by the cngesn swind• ler alive. .. . Our Sue Canals open at Once, but the city will not be more crowded in conrequence. Every thing the shape of lodgings in hotels and boarding hou es is filled, and still nil are not aecommalated. The hotels ore coining money, end twenty fire pee eon inure how,. would nut reduce Mew profits much In ashes there has been wr.all *ales at Sri for pots and f.,:htl2 1 2 for peurk. Cotton ts than, lamb mosl e.ate sales thus utorrone. Flour ts active, and good M, e lugao ,en. at 5. 1 1,37.F.V4 1..1-4.imms of all kind. are heal htelter. !lye tll cent. I'm L has Limn 10 4 .110.12 1 2a.i10,2.1 for niers. L a rd 11 4 fin p.utle Who held firmly at 114.24 14. The state of the weather has meafureably checked 11,,114 A ,project is oif foot to build a telegraph smote the Allem, at an estimated cast of $3,000 000. It will take 1000 W. of wire. A gusting telegraph, by suspending a wire by floats and buoys at a certain depth below Mt surface . of the ocean, and one sug gested some time ago `ltlY.Air. John Wilkins, of New York, by sinkang a strong wire upon the bob toot of the ocean„ are the plans named. The Woe:demon eorrerpondes t of the Nal del;Ph•es MAU,. n It t• a L:t mut Mr. Bentoa hes appealed to the Deers t Celia It tote coon a auce of the tab omurreil between been. If and Mr Foote in the Senate Chamber, and In which Mt. F. drew n mewl, Mr. It. cridtenda that it is an Ind.-tab l e Mrence, nod detrimila the prim, inn of the taw.— I understand that the D.stro t Aitointy, slier give tog the matter he; otteutloe, y•eteiday docketed the case for the inquiry of the Grand Jury, who w most in t b.. 1.1 week. What may be ble issue remains to he teen. ND. F. feels roe. 14 , 11119 of nit jUnt, ti `tli.loo, but Mr. B. Moines like oindmon, and vows most ittercrently that he will brood hint 'tried bke u dnK —like dog, sit; ' and 'let the Court to execute its leek functions, if it dare." L. is deli cil a diragreealde and humili alum stair not isreharacterise it as a disgrace to the u huh" American people." Uncut. Aso Aura CAN Dratowasins.—A. lead. ice nerele iv are Loudon English Herald. recom• 11,114 f ',lemma at the salaries of Englishfor riga aurbaseador, sod eareeklly a redaction in Sr( 11-nry 13ulwer'a eatery, the minister to the U. S. That centleman now receive , ..£4.1300 per are nom, ar.d .f.:300 for house rent. The Herald ad vise, the government to knock el ono thousand, end remarks that 0000./4 000 would he a liberal allowance fdr an English envoy to • "Mod .1 11...• puelic." The Herald argues that the American government pays small calories. and yet the work of the gar iron - rent is well dune: and it wk.:- - Where is toe itneutiereisl treaty in,whieh the Am. ie sag lace been ono, Lieu? \Werra is the BC/ Serration in wired, they hove not ably,'lntelligent I, and ir efolly nssir tarried their right. , The A merrear. Jefferson% Admirer.. Munroe*, Pinch. nem liandol,rha, Pickering', Clay, end others, held fast their greyed in put graeratioo against the moat able statesmen and drplomatilis of Ml - and Frauce."—Bulrosissre Sots, Tire 'limn AND 3.llt.CYciT. cannot but Mink that :tie people'.Reprativspenta very profitless day yesterday, in the discussion of Mr. Richard...n . s reicolulions; to soy nothing of the petty desire for party annoyance which apparent ly prdnipied that gentlemanx motion, and the do- C..11f.01/S.uncivil tone to which pervaded rho n . a . c m i ti on .c, We to, e no idea hat Mr. Mich -11. d•on will make anything by hts motion, or that Mr. Ewing has anything to conceal with reference official action. But we uo less sincerely de preciate the exhibition of such • spirit as Messrs. 13aylev,and others evinced in the in, troduction and support of these resoluttons, for many reason', slid speetally.because such a course is a mere waste of time, foster. a bitter spirit, and cticuluted to bring into contempt not only the line of Representatives, but the official adv.. St!, of the highest officers of nation.—N. York Com. Dr. Dud's useennue has recently been the sob. jeer el remark in connection with the sentence op. on Dr. Webster. The facts are these:—Dr D. Prebend of St. and Chaplain to the King, committed forgery eon young lord to whom he was prec• pier. The sweat vies for seven temp seed pounds, and the money was obtained through the agency of ri broker. In the tinier; up of the bend a blot in the word seven appeared, and that led to the discovery of the forgery. On Dr. Dud be,ne charged with the oTes coo he oandidly admits ted that be was anther of the bond. and declared that it would be redeemed whet nit came to mates rev, and was informed that in case the money should be refunded no proceedings would be talc en Basting tin. Ha •everd,rmly refunded £4 000, mid gave an rvecnilan on his property for the bal ance. ticcerttclees, rapsesed and taken beret/ the Lard Mayor who we. obliged to commit the D Icier fur 910, the reault was fatal.— Eir. Li. was the founder of several benevolent In stitutions, and the ono that he venially exerted hinuir for, and the zeal old which led t his roo In c c ites, the hatordslen to Asylum in St. Go u ge's Fil Id. ha money that was fratdelently obtained was not to he applind fur the Doctor's benefit, but far the Asylum alluded to. Great exertions were. minlc to rave the life of a man that bad been se useful. The neavenpors of Parts deed together on Sao bale, (the 30th December ) at Barer, to rem. thee late rat chute In the cspit• I. Some re-stsii , w ere present. and the enter was laid for 165 persons. Mr. John Wagon of London, who had purchased 600,000 rat eking at ten costs • &re ton,tVi bottles of Chompagee, and the two pens. as of Grenoble wits, had at fint been in trey ty fettle shine rect 50 bottles of One Macon. At scw.e service two enormous Wei de Canases were plered on the table, Weighing 425 (ha, each, on the crust of which was represented • sse, /ger traur6 slog a rat with a lance.' Al the de,. n, M. Desire Fergcau proprsod a. • toms, ft...pebbler bonnets et modereer and M. Georges Somata, "The complete destrUction 01 thrgr.y rain of Norway, and the black ones of E planer The eloper condoned till twelve tichsck at aight,when the guest. separated In great coot homer. Mr. J. Wench has paid 000000' francs in Enna do Treiber for the abut of the rate little fo the them door' hoot. This sum was rtsv , sls'et anetogri the 144 scavengers of Paris and thcr brigediers, aq of whew have token out a b sok at the se•vms• blush with an inscription of 500 :three, 'pakten up the difference themselves. They all re foxed to aucept the gratuity offered by the municipality of Patio tor the destruction of the rate. Mr. Wartoo proposes to make ladles' ems of the okios.--Valis wag Meager. ganablbag Gathering A gang of Swindlers, In Parisihave, under the gentians rale of Michelle's & "Co., merchant., Paris and Nantes, defrauded individuals at vast. nos posts in Gtrmany, and elsewhere. They re ctory rent vessels, consigned to Messrs. Thomp son dc Clay, brokers, Newcastle, with orders for 100,000 tints of coals. Fortuustely, the attempted fraud was discovered through the sagacity of the Pleachedasol. A Plyrimontb, England, paper mention@ a capital anecdote. A coffin was tended with dud leer, moray from a 'mod which had just arrived, cud eras car ried with becoming gtinily to the rattas, motion, without, of comae, Ito interference of the police or ills carom house eill,crs. The ceffin mu filled with eicarr GILT Die/Intl, CI:WM — It will Lo seen by oar commercial article, says the N. 0. Crescent, of the 9th Mid that over EOOO hags c-f Iba colt e have been sold within a day or tv is at right amta per ramml. Early in February, the verscot race was 14e Cents, eel that the fail in prism- ainee that time Is shout .42 and a half rent, pre rood, Or mote than 810 per hag. Oct or Ottneti Mrs.—There is at present real- cling at Southampton an old man, named Welle, the last survive., of Captain Cook's .ILlDalli.nnt in hit voyages round the world. fie in 90 year. of age, and is in possession of a'l his faculties. lie wan present at Carole Cook'. death, and himself received a spear wand from one of the Wanders The vote, in Texas, on the location of the State House, it Is maid, has resulted in favor of :hp, env of Austin. Coco or 11.o...—Accounts from every ;steel the Rued. Empire speak of the remarkable male ' of the weather. The alternations of thaw and frost have been quite meowed, and revere es U e winters in Roar. generally are, the cold has I, en more intense this year the memory of Thera ore some horribly obliging people in this world—they will bore you to death for the sake of doing you a favor; you gannet 'Lefote or get away with any sort oh grant. 4. ronwpf this stamp once started a (need from his inolnight &loathera to ask if he had lost any thing ; for," said be, I am going ont of town, sod didn't know but I aught find it if you had." Among his other high sounding titles, the King f Ann, looks of t`Lord of twenty four I:nthrel. as." Thin as if he had prepared hantelf long reign ! A lie is tubrelich of promise{ for whoever 61.1.• ously addresses his discourse to another, tacitly pro intact to speak the troth, because he known that the truth is expected. Poereenote Mao —A gentleman in Albany ban about one babya month Intl at his door, uceomlart• led with the request that he will charitably pro vide for 0, and bring it up reltglously. Nothing is more slissitutlar than natural and ac quired politeness. The first consists iti a willing abnegation of self, the second in a ewupelled re collection of other. A Caution to liousewifes.—An old lady in Hol land, • \VW., sole occupation was hotacwifery, scrubbed her sitting room door until she fell through into the cellar, soul dislocated her shoulder. Nor an Thsng.—An unsuccessful Ire ver was asked by what means he lust his sheltie ty r -Alas!" said he, '.l flattered her till she got too proud ru speak to me ±" A pail full of lye, wiihi a piec of copperas half as e ben's egg, boiled iu if; will produce a tiue •olre color. which will not wash out. This in very inwful fur the linings of bed quilt, comfort', CANADIAN INDEPENDENCe —The "Tura°to lode peocleto." started about MI IMOLMIN sloCe, to Ad loAll Corinth,a lodopecdo3ce, ho, 1/cra diwoo lamed for lock of support. An elegant monument has Peen recently elect ed in the New Haven Cemetery, to me mammy of Mrs. A., widow of the lan Ethridge C.:ref ; one of the sigma s of the Deulorattort of Ind.-pett• donne, and etibsequeutly Vleeareaulent et . the United cbstiagughed elle, having &voted hie enure It, to - the aets,co of htscountry, died suddenly at Wastbrigt., while engaged in the databsego tb't. s olti.ttal dubc., thus prat beady exempt/tying Me own thmotint, eattiee,...lf a man helve but out ei:y in I:cr, that day meld be devoted to the sot at or hta coon.. tra IL you, mho cos nrsoced on chnsge of pot nsontry from the PoOsslciphin root Utrue, nns Iv an hocorsibly dlsonalsed. Fifty-alma ledtsWudn, the free at a tact lit oval a O.h heitown, united the Congrega tional Church ‘ in that piste. ilia not C. MM.:a. a 1101414 utalintiorait y• haven to till who have enact' with the Conah lance the eanicinuccruela a the tang:ohm 1111 C/ Clll 11:101. 1 place. 'Dimly or laity more are es petted to unite with thy Church soot, Ma. El.a.tisria, Who some time ago mandated his own hruiheran-law, ea Si. Bait, And was ac quitted upon min:, on the plea cf insanity, has slice mutilated his father. liray PLAY is now in Gs 7 tth year. Duos,: %Mossier is in his tiaib year. Coiducl is 67 years Al ago. Ist. it Gass le 6S. Ms. eddy bows was G. Mr. Simard •to about 50. Mr. Cooper is shoot 40. Mr. Bradbury is stoat 45. T Smith is about 60. Mr. Brigid, - of Inning., is 37. Mr. Dauglasn, is 97. Mr. Downs is 49 Mr. Dickenson is .50. M.. Ceinensin - 5.5. Mr. Upham in 65 So says the Ifarrinburn Union. TAX 6, n aeltiON are . lon t..r personal profs Iv, altoor gh the wooer.. nisy u, roe every e.orth of that proi a•ty. Tory at, ed for Sauk stock, whetter la the Stele or oat of .1. Ito Bauks Wee ply a State ax of nor, one. ernr., • red on elope et 6411...11.t0e111. They coo deduct their itkleicance/1 Of whet in own tonic, bet Boot 5.1 further pereooal pri per,. 11. IiIiTICEI) List IN lilt Nan,.—Mr. Div., of Mige stippt, has tenewed In lac 'Senate. the ~Id o!ti hill oriatoolly prepared by Getterel IVlsecuth, prov.dies fir a retired hot. lie etcel feature in to provide that when an bilker heroine. detnleed, he shall leave recruit with his pay proper, Iwlthoet tattoo.. forue, e1e..1 and that the one prt.moteil to 1,1. place .1,0111,..V0 the rnee. 01 the rank vacated and the pay pnspor of the cit.', trout which lit war promoted. This it to in the the hie of the retired sifter. Mr. Merrill, Isle Pre.!dent of the State hank• of ladstna, estimates the agricultural product. of that State, fur the peat year. a. r, J:1 ~ sts. Coro, 45,000200 bttheta, Woett, 0,0 ,000 boaltt-liv other grain, 10000000 bustiele. Aver age priee of Wheat f.. 0 cents. Of the 24,400,000 tierce of lied in the State, it se e.ttmat• , d that 11,200,000 are first ran inrmin; ludo, 4,020,050 interior, and 3 , 7,0,000 wo.ibless. 1,100 000 hogs ogre !Sumac 4, and 0;0 000 re ported. V11031:11/1 Wearetait.—A letter from Frederick, say. that the prnt bee been the trident wink,/ and spring . for 30 eve year.. Much of the stork in some pails or the Stale has teriated for want of feed. The wheat coop, however, lenha prom isn.a, having cloud the winter beyond all re:sellable calculations. natrian Pon Ovrwa.-331,500,000 4,11,(P ;IV. ed Mynah the pcet office* of rho 111,11e,1 dont during laat year, a a.,1 to every 100 of Limn, about 50 bad alampa ; 40 were prepaid with nnn Wet; and only 4 wore etunnlnted to the box Unps,d. - Fangio the Past has sent R biliniater to B. where the Esrey flop Majesty" burle squed at the Theatre. An 7unbassider has been accred ited at litichburg. Mrs. Ann S. Sutphen*, well krinan as a wria the magas:ries, sailed in the liermtnn on Sawn:ty, for a lout in Europe,in company with thu non and dausiter of Ow Pratt. Lord Elgin ban declarod that he wit] iltstrlbuie £lOO to the sz Ltda.:nal of the hest ;permits. of Canadian industry at the great lodusiriti Curvets to ba he'd at London in Mi. The C heinnan Dispatch states that there a-ere twenty lives lest by the alnktag of the New En gland No. 2, above partaccoutb, 0., same week. sine.. It la wated as a fact worthy of notice that there }moot been a (adore this seeme among Zhu chants of New Orleans. Portmd, it is said, has offered to settle Arnett. coo claims by arbitration. The Privateer, Gen. Armatroag, destroyed at Faye! In I bI4, will not be paid for, as that verse! &at fired into an unarmed boat and killed nine penione. There were six deaths by choler. at C.notnnats, In the week ending on the 17th lasi. • It la reported that the U. S. Frigate Raritan will he fitted up at Noriofir for n three years' mows. Deaths Is New York lag week 210—by con. 'empties 39, Scarlet Fever 3. The number of death.lo Boston InSt week was Eil--conmuppLoo Snow fell to the depth of nearly two feet on the Catskill mountain., N. Y. on Saturday last. Louis Napoleon drives Co American buggy through the streets of Parts. It Is the only thing of an American pattern that he ecems M know how to manage. well. The releaser o Republican Government trouble h•ot much. The e DOI ta of domestic Cotton exported from Boston Kir ahe last three months, is 6.3e6 226;-ri the .111110 maths last year $220 116 kers.. i1g5153. The Woomer Mt Vernon paseedlo,Ky., 0 ,, 10. 17,p, uhth P O Mormons from the uttoh borhood atladelphie, mho are ethighuhig to Ihelt LAke," m Uzheret. She also hod conic CO or 70 emismote to bars, from e.gler. sylvan:a. Oa the 14th Inst., at New 011GALIS Father Math. vie presented with the sum at $7OO, as. ti e• b u mp.' 01 the rem* ie WOIC4 ha Is hatil by ilia eontribu wt. Tim steam frigate Mitoosi,l3, ash ch t Icated st Napier, Fel Nary *tat Mr. Ina”h on bard, fat ou,orouooptr, attrartrd great suention. gy.,Y pope; to thOlYo Oa fro,. rs. A &cern boat all b wivcd et 49tCavd10 from New o.:eane on tho 20,1•, had.rour cholera dcatte (tenet; the trii.--znalgr.i deck psaftengera A put) of Amprinans, travelling in Arabia, tied been robbed by tan Bedouins, and the COl2llOl a; Culp had procured mires& Mr No Fthitivi mine as wxtooex Ds. IM:lel * 3 Lions Par.—The frightful catalogue of ditesses that have their Origin in a diseased state of the liver, mani fest themselves to a greater or lets extent in almost every family. Dyspepsia. sick bead ache, obstruc tions aide menses, ague and fever, pains in the side. with dry, hacking rough, ere all the results of Impitic derangement; and for Mese, Dr. 1111.ane's Pills are a sovereign remedy They hive never been known to fail, and they should he kept at all iimes by familm. Dun-oust—Take two or three going to bed, every second or third night. If they do not purge two or three times by the next morning, take one or two morn. alight breakfast ahould invanably follow their use. 'lle Liver Pill may be used where purging is simply t ry. As sn anti bilious putgative they are la leiter to none. And in doers of two or three, they give asionithing I, sick head ache; R:3O in slight dela, gemeats of the stomach. ye, nen , ere genuine without the fee ahnite of the pr9prietor i e signature. la - }'or Gale by J. KIDD ee CO, No GO Wood mem. enn7-ithwlt " pond Of th• Yon end Ankle Cured Mn em desirous of making known to the public the greet efficacy of your PETROLEUM in my own eine, wh.alt woe a s-very seed of the toot and a kir; upon noosing the st.leing, the slog ceded oil with 0, an Ik ft nothing but the bare ...ince I exceeted to bo all WI winter - kora the elects of ties 'weld, bat we applied the re - rolruin freely. by means are flannel cloth satura•cd with 0; et first, the sppliestion was par iol. but la a very short lane tho pain atonal. I hail on pain In one hour afterwards. la five dayn front the time of the actilmetlos of the Petroleum ; I was able to go to work. I tato pleasure 't mating those (Acta for the benefit of other euderers, and um desirous that they should be made public. I would r MAO siate, that I find homed:me relit f by the ura of Mr. Pntrolerito, burns, from whiell lam n heqactit rolieser awning to my bonnet s about the engine. I would recommend it as the most prompt nod eGll2},, remedy for burns I boon ever known. ) J R COE Engineer, Sharpaborgh, Allegheny Co Pinslnugh, Aprit.lbso. Igor sale I.y Net ter & bleDotodl, 110 Wood LL RIS 2enera, 0 Woad et; D 11l thirty, Allegl.ruy city; D A Ell tot, allonheny; Joseph Deng at, Alltsbeny; also by the proprirtor. R. 01 ap27 t•anal Itattin, seventh at, D.hty papsrs adlVerlisint retterlelitn, plow , copY I DIED, On Frt.lny ntorning,tittth Inst.. Mrs eAttlxr.lNU,Mril . to . Allen Drown, EN , In tho Cr7tl, )eor of her apt. ' The Dietnts of the faintly are respectful') intoned I• 111,0 hot funerat, this ISatulJay) aktooon,l ,o o3 he lute residence, Ittown's IfoteL - • - _ , Vecterd .y mornoog, at a o'clock, t r.ANaI Su. Ills In ibe •nal )par of t, age. frinlJ. of I'll family of ore,aeti ara 141,111 ed is aJber fowral, all SLIM ny arcrwoon, at C. en frin4ence (4 Col F Vom, in Mu Ninth Wa,.l _ - Al Pion rrrek Allcebedy county, Pa., nn Tur•lay, Isom a, lam of Ileedi ia Pa, ogril 3,lyr•ra. Il , r miasma were followed Me grave by all hta emicrii iiiende in and shoal the •iewity, urn n laryii meek of sees anitnares formed Ilia, hia *trivet hero. The deeceeml was highly m-terined (4 his ninny exeollearimi cif chancier, audacity a in g. ni.l standing, of the 14Ytirt Church. dAw birading pap, r notice • Tempo , •nee 211.etleg 11111: fliro.ll .."I,luneaanc. aro gen. Jatited Ito ouer.,l Ineolloo to be he:al Hall. on 7.11: 1 . DAY I.lin w. F. 1 , 1011 11 . 01. 1 0 ,1 00 .01 1 1 1,11adolr!.., scd other o osccuni irr R'hu.'• 1,0, Band ool! pure pe.r. f.”:a a t ‘r.xv..ct oi a riocpo.oo tam don/111..0 eveine.g p 7 c 11.71 • Mfir. meml.ref rf:' the Order .el effect at flee Ilaf I, neer Pfest Odic, n Afleiffefry f env, 1111 . 1 at Itaxllpskt t...v 1 . . elft Ife ate a. lee fe:eerefe e:cietet aerver Ity eider of I) G \A • le, Alfe,feCeey Matta I. ofel7 • I=l AA NIA. , ON a ...r ore ree.-rria‘g daily, naJ„an. . of .Iv, failoar.n. 6t) 1., 10 lion, ~..,Janet of 111 .4 1.k,.... vi.--Mopef !gent co.l 1 , ..,c; SAO", m. k T...,., Chotaks, Alhe me, :nil.. BareArs and Batelle De Low, linui, 1 .•.1 i Irrr oda, t, Jac%nr n... 1 It ~, qc,., .ie , al., 111v.trolog D. , •• 4.0 , 1 . I'. all tie , " railr:y ... err; Cloth., C•••haerr•, end Ve•tlngs A 1.‘111,1' or !up, B.otrk. 11 ue. Brown, .1..1 lOosol : ,, vp.r lloark,Dr.r.ack'•\ M ...• ••••I Fr:1111 o,tortitrt, also. Suprr M SUB:, Mane-Iles, and Frye) Car to Vretnqt—re coly-.1 r, a ~ow OreDllll A A Alt. ,, Oti A CO, ,1•• RESTAURANY AUX PU.116111.X S• PUOsiredVENUAUX, No. SI, Fou llk HAVE the honor of taunting the rotten, al Pill.- rlietalo, that I have °Mitt!, at the above large uni ennernim.l !Inn, a Real...rant l'inatott de All the del...lrmo the arnann can lino! vial ala aye errire.l se tlor to n0t6r,...“1 at, i..t. hr.ulra ore irrlrd lab'.,k aura a. Trui",.. Ma-broola•. (heo sraa,• de µ .6 , 1 won alwaya t.e rea,lT to ;mew, lan d. a tor pastlea. 'I. hr ot•Ilote at IA r y dot, litritit Tn. ej•Nwg for prvfratc Motu, can aloor4• be arraataaalatrol My la d r, and rellar compare! wlth auT mice to New York or Phtladelphi , -A fro more b. , ar4r.r• can be acc,olluoJatrol. •p..7.dt A NARDI NOTICE TO CONTRAOTOILS. rit 1 , 1 , 1.; 7 . 1 . 1 t L .. t i n o; ..tst thr Im,, I be ut St,eto,l:olts , obtatnt Cooniy, ,n, dor, Ilsc eay of May, I•40.1 . 01.1fEC101 , 1 est,nh oration of . UR- I , 7, , Aineets tap°. the I.!t,e, Or at 1. au, to xl. w• Itl order ol Oar 13..,4 of Ifirettars. WM ROIIINSIIN, Jr r r.!..arrh. A0r.1'11111,1,5,—.1327 11 . 1,,c,:,.1 ;Err.ld; Ilbi :+alc Journal, Columbus; and Ctor:cusu Gaze., copy Itucc Way., anJ tinge C,ng..ny ezenc= FLOURING MILL, with tour run of ctooe•—one jv ofthe tan Inenltone for Nome... Ilso In •t—soa a ler" cam Sew on an ottruol nev-r lailtog Alreatn, ICI vele, rof Lama. d Do - clang House, Ivnaset 11. vive. aria other onprov,henht, aou area arven usle• Ireul,los Mao !Liver, Monroe County, Won. ARin, oemr the oho a bena. F fol aim, welt Improved, eon. , na,tue acce ve, • ror tarsal. dr ~enriu ite of WILLI AM IL JOHNS fl IN, • 119 Second at., rtrabarch. I=l E ti tbal the ashen..ts of Satn•on all lay t had It. hr terfidnaus Del , sh had d,...pa11r , 1 on, or loo• flowing lo c., Ii s pow. all Jr pao.4 loans k i Vo, hrn 4l, l ll v. ace A )K And lovely 1a.., with ...deem lstr, briora who, beau. all sarm to ln,rt, the histary of Samson in forcittly hrounta to, mend l.ei that proud lady, through rick- Or neat!. he shorn of her luxurtant rlngle , a, and tur you.. or 1,n.. in at an end. Jlil.Fll YIAY/ EL'S EAU LOTH uLE IlAllt RESTORATIVE 1., without dodos, the fora ordain extant, far kt eying shit hair to a h -aPy state, and rensvi,or.trine hair arh,eh ha. be. et,ole thin and hsroh Its constant use 0111 keep she ha, to?, silk y, and luxuriant to 11, roost *decries el sac It eittnely era.liestea all dardrolgand seurr;and herr. Ike sip cle•n and healing, while ate I,a, 10.1 huh!. ha turn gsey so soon. It will holly to new tr hair to, heads which Lave Lee.e j.reinaturelv held, a.. 1 prevent the hair falling out Irmo the rirecl, of ri,,bne•..l have received Intro:umiak of Ito lene. hr lel • if-eta Irons per .of theXigheat respectability, and some or the moat aelentstie gentlemen of this city ha, pronodisconced st in he unique. A, carry highly nos. Oar u it very liable to be counterfeited or Itoi. e,d, .4, it to wah mg Eau ',salmi< Mir Nestor.tiee. An 111111111101 of lbw Prrelt hat lee, inanufnetused in li It ray, ohie:i I would pests, ularly NUMMI ILO puL• Le. eoolo.l. Always ask for 11.31.1.:S lIAU EL'S Eau Ltistctle lisle nertoranve, and 1110 141.1 then olgain ao urtsrle which it warranted to render avtisf,setion. 1-WES HAVEL. reipi,ner s t ll l lol,,,ojag, lid Cbe.tnut Street, below Fourth. For male wholesale and retail b) 11. A. Fahnestoelt & lb, nod II EPsitmlirgh; and John VW pant and J Allegheny city, Pit. ap.,7 I)AFER-I+9 mu Medium Straw Wrapping Paper, 'l5O mu Crown Jo do Al.l • l•rgo a...meld of Printing Paper of every desorption, on band, and for rale by A II KNGLIF , II & CO, Suceesmors to ELLItYII' & ENGLISH, n 79 Wood street. reretted—XJ brit Alum, for tale by J KIVU & CO, 11,10 GO Wand rt. NiAt;:t p ; . ,:, 7 llAW ;NU'P'E'—lto jo•t reed for 0210 by J KID! , & Cr, UA It RE'll'A tS*3l: II SNUFF-0(111lb. in bladder', for 0•10 by"' .lapel! I KIDD & CO w itr . r p t: 7 VlTlllol6--140 reed, ar i l c itr n om , l , o e b t y . -- 13A1119 01114N.‘600 lb. lust 00 band, for 0010 by ar 1 KIDO & CO IN k tLoo . r—l tiara •Vprtior quality, reeeivrd a : YMs Irma, Sced, and Perfumery Wareboaxn. of Yl rrb uml aVun , l N fVICKKKSHAAIr (null LIVIKR ull.--lust recessed, sad warranted tf pure a 1,,,,,, for sale L.) the gallon by apa7 UN WICaEIWIIAhI lAHD Lrit.-2, lat. Cutikling'i — No I, for sale Ly -A II A FA RN ESTO. li & Cal, a .:4; Corner First & Wood sir. TIN " " g lINKITOCIi & CO V " & CO ¶,12, sill A pet cool, for gak & by st,:e; FAIIMiSTOCK Ct. Jusr rued Nom the Pl.lltpavtlle Ott Cloth Factory• 1.4 0400 ).rd. 4.1 Floor Oil Cloth; boll do 3 I do do; lad do 04 do do; • Gott du 0.4 do do; hho do e 4 do do; For sale at the W 111,100121, Nor and 0 Crary a; 00 a. 11 011. CIA/TUN-1V dozen ...mad r sloe. •04 ttjlt , of Table, mod, and Uuteou•ef•, Inr . ..1c by .. _npr 1 tr 11 rt. 941 rs r 1 , 19 „ 1:11 , 0 01111DEN.-- ..., A 91.111 ns i rr i n .i t p l;lsl 7(y _a, and mr 501. Y S "L k - ott r e i d " t 4 0% " 01 ° 01 ", ;y C a L r i ti r ve l itle " itlott4It a n 0 p 0 lo 0 „ .. dot pauct,e,oh talartt see wlll eat to 050 , ,r, any size, at 00.1050 wholertde prteea J a II PHILLIPS 111,1 l REED HOUSE, EISDO KEITH tr. 11A1113613, Proprlotors, Pull.< Equate, En r. Pa. t.iniEnAL tlI AGE OFFICE—Wtern Western, slid pushers Stave, lesire stn. house dally. Car. liss to and front eqr•ltl ~.d Packet Stoat, limns. M. W. Ernst, Into of Or Minne. lintel, Erse, Pa. 11. W. Manx, late of Me Kinsman Hotel, 01no. soln.dslat Changaabls Silk Shawls,. O F ,, tl .c tll;e o t:tjt . ;ll , 4; ; ao i t 4 er: l l . o o l . 7 . : o o t,q u o t ity , lately N41(1'111( Cf FIELD, otts N E cuptilt of coital laud fiEte Oct et} Von Salo. A SPLENDID NF.W FAMILY CARRIAGE AND A linalik:SS, at the 1201.11 VOLCIOry VI C. Weal n. Co , Penn street, will be cola lo for east; or anima, well entered. rtra dsl Gloves and 11 r. L•G AR-150 lihdi N 0 • V J., .... : ...., S_ J UST tapcl received, a oprly of Ladies' Black, White, rit.'sloilsCtleaaTlXES ?80, Lead, sad Unbleached ile.tery; Embroider- " surrEa _, b,i, and 6 kimafrerh, jot 'old, and ed do; Piro Silk And Moravian do; and Mods Mitt li for nn , ~,. n o, j ANY/14Lp Whtto Unbleached Conon de; Merino ditto. Usla. N Mallows, malt Glove* for Ladies and Gentlemen; Embroideted Liite M0L. ,, 5 , W, 4-4. Wl'. F f .'‘ . ..',1 .0 '1, y sod Silk d& All at low cob rric, o , stare Of barrels ' ' •tore, n" Nlrdt M MITCIItiLTIIr.,I MURPHY & lit/IN:11f lUD. .2n:21 _ . 6 12. 5 N E corn, of Fourth and Al ttttt mr. _ .. .. Duet- Colored and While Wadding. FOUND:OWN 511L,L1N:', ,, /... L... 5.,..T i 1. tarot, Cotton Von from 5t040 0. Also, , _,... 11,1 CALES superior quality; Jot received from NG— Der *loom Braided Wick, Ch 6 flak . `'", UV manufacturer, on onalimenent, and lor rut* a , Wadkiii,g, dant &e. manufactured and for tale cl totem price, at the manufacturers' titochoute, IMISEY, FI.EMING &CM, n '7,,!!'„l nl a n ,' 'ram': by ' an 1,1e).5,.1,°.,.‘,VniN5,;(t,1.nrk. ,: ;•, • • opS5 1./9 Wood m. , - A SSORTCD FRE:deli .1011. DIALS, AllSl UTll a . D‘ndlidg Udd" "d ("d" id L.'. it ANISE:ITE, uun:NOLI:r A.. Pod d• .n -.. MOE Dwelling pow., occupied by th e i.,,, ~,.., ~, 2,1,- . X cut.nERTON .." -7,- 1 .11.11Cribef, 11l Third meet, above i, , H , e ,,, v1 . 0.1;A .,_, ~, ..v . , ,",, r ,,,,,,, ar ,,,,, mat z. Sroi•hfirld meet, with flolh Doom and r , tT ,,., 6 ." ;,,,,,f,,r talc by ga •,: Office, (rota the Ist of Jane, IrsO. Emsdre of HENRY WOODS, op j o/ ' A CVLIIERTSON oprd.dif TidAl nr Water rt.. SW:A it—... 11 bd.. lA.Veling.7l.r.hd;ll. d mid Cmoilie 1 ---- - . - - 1 sup M . , iim. rec,l a.ll for ~..C.: bY B ACON -211 mitts rime Shoolders Just receiving -,,,,.... A CI'I.IIERTSON on consignment, tor sale by; J S DILWORTH /I. CO BA , ON-0 cavk.. .ou ca., Lutclon , d d., Ci4r.v, do .45 51 Wood ft. , do 1111,-, ; do • Ur OAR-0 Iltds N 0 SUS., ICCVIVIbIK INI eoritign- Jur , Lrr ., ...Y.d (.‘" ^ I I ' . by ~ • . 0 meet, for sale b - J S DILWORTH & 1.0 IrP I, 1. ATI-Vil AN b SONS '------- ' AI I i11.'14 , 1: -, --1 ., brl• :-. t I P.,ir..... 4 ranire-revved. lARD-•&.1 Jere Na I Lard, I.YI •,,,1 lens., I.y I. a WATERMAN & SONS J 1.1. LH, do du rust reed, and for sale by ~,,,..j olej _J_B DILWORTH &CO • I - •. - . ---- - - -- - _ )A RD , liIIIIEN —II - crr,er of rra.l.- I: re-'O. •.‘d lor 12 nurrv--40 legs Butter for — ola by 2,0 t., DRACN k RIII I CIL f, I ) er, 1 R DILWORTH &CO . "'" b, ,_-, HO A It-71 bird. N 0 Burn, i - . - i nrrive by rtentunr I,At3TER PARIS-50U brim of superior quality. CI J. r-r• Lon, for rule by I , AIA II 1.1 , 1:1•Y kCO 1) finely groun b- d, rotate, pure, end unerduDersted, acd Rol:, Ii I War, rt sort able rot land, e., for sale lure by I al, k rt 00:r—A coo., 5e.....U. n of paw Hooter, W %V WALLACE, I) John Drrgo, i & Co.'s muoufaelare, Lept veil. apli 31.0 & TJL LibeHY a , slrovly on hand , and for it, lc br 1:11'ID.p 'ig RAULI : CEMENT fur so' A CULT; rill SON, W.W WALLACEIIIS Idherry nireet IVES- - Saps n cool Sape or tue• of e ~r, and (:bunt.l, l liCii BUBB AND LAUREL. BILL MILL ,y v ,„ em , w „„.„ ,„ 0 „„,,„„, „„ ha „,,... 4 ~,,, j.. bTONES, best titPtly.rotrorttolt and of Pncoo "b y 1.019 A CULBERTSON lOW., limn have. belt. been °tiered in Ifni;) market, I . op .3 W W WALLA 811 i .., Q IIItht.I.I.OIISTILLE LIME io. reed' owl for . I 0 sot, by ottlo ....CULBERTSON ATENFON lIAMS A ND DEER SKlNS • juottyee'J, V ~,,, ,„, ~," b y "p 0 A Clll.lll-.IITnON _ . .. . .. I •ti 1-.0t1.1.1 , . W BITE 1.1311,--too bnx frob. jut. J., reed, co I tor solo by C 11 URAN 0, opIP 01 Water .1. BOLTING CLOTHS, all nuallsera, beat 9aali7y w. , raated, et tedueed tiara W W WALLACI. ,IA RI11.1: 5I A Nrw.s of the best quality, my o a n IYlmew:Lucius, 00 bane und wads. worth, on abort W W WALLA= 01/151.11w.lyrieng - - SQ I/OAR-7114R0 N Bogor, on rootignment, aovr ding from steamer Jrderron, and tor ruin I, 12111 A • lOCIOW ec CO, a e.'S 111WAVI,I. ar t I " IV ~p95 t I 10EFI:1:-1!-2 lokgs Rio, to arrive, for notot, lJ • oVO ISAIAH DICKJ:V t CO Il\Alt.-1110brIa, to Imo, fer ..ale 1; 1 ai.zs ISA IA ti Ii ' ICKFX A CO FISII—Vi Ha No 3 M.kerel. 'Zs I.rla Herring; 101 Os I,ltaJ, to arrive, and fur rile ISM All 1•1 , K & CO BACON --.25.1.1111. 1111 n, tai,tl.le , 10 OW Ho Slintldera. tr, oar, for ..ale 11,15 1,e41A1l IPCKEV A CO S F:EDS-7 , 5 lirlepritee I Areriee .; to bag; roue rni , ilir Feed, for sa , ,i by .P., I. S ,VATERNI&N & SO JA QC,VII IP, i-Nl.:li rtiA A IWCI'..- 5 1 1 00.11 0 0 .. 1.7 Scythe. t. , iteatlia, Xi ears Rake- Air •u'e by cull 1. 8 v., Al ERNI AN & r+IINt. 1 )11.iIA .. ;;II-21 et-Ye ree.., , ii , 1 , 1 , 0r , ;t::i A t , i , y 0r., ,, , , S A LE:ll.ll'—t. , , t . 7 . .. , t4i 5 1i ii Cieve d i o iinit thvlef i rm; 22hr . iin do i.i impels rho er/ ree•i vet I , aual for ,i , .. by sy.',l W re IVCCANDI.F.Si a r -t--- ".yi..4 .\ l , ;l. : :Z . : n r ' et , d 11101 for .de , iy 01,,, 2% 111 :v. NIei.:ANIII , Er - S D. iiis Wm, It., April 5. 1 , 50. i i ,R00m,_.,%, 401 l'fl 11 11..eir a for .air. by Mr, n F. 5i1.1...-1 1 pur Sts—l laving u.ed 1101110 . .„, W1 , 36 . .}, hIeCANDLESS lui' your Vei osifuge in our families, with great surce..•, I ' I ni.d believing, (rent the T vy grnii,ottiiaetian it /ma • III: I IKON —.2tl 10. ail. 11, ree'll, and fan al. by Orel, in our iie.ghtmoiii.l. er Ili At It 1, the to,it tie,. itt 1 ail) I 01 ICK ?a IiIeCANDI.E. , S:_ ... 0r....1... , . 1.' 2 .. '''' ....', for ' hi° fIOFFEE & T(A,:-7:. hag. I n rue RIO Cofiee: Wo have to .1 n'l .re el.taed or ,n., oLo. k _, 73 „,, r ,,,,,, r ii . ~,,; ii,i.-ut V.iiri, re•pectfohy. I' N & /Iti.IAN 4 i It, G. I'. du; GO•rarent.. .hnotell oliirayir tiro , tire thy 18831 re- 5' r,..dy tiSi o. liable W.. 1,13 Medicine. •,.n half uh... re 111 sett ea, Or rreoared and by It I: SEI.I.I • IIS.:Nin 5 7 Wood ~,, i .,.,, ~,,,,,, a , , ,,,,,,,,,, ~,. ....I. and eels LT P.M In P. ,,,, . , 1 , 1r I. 11. 1.. aory LOUIS DA! ZELL Mrs Or'i ..--- , p,'INI7.I:I' ti11.— , 5 luta for e,, itiallGiC I BRICK! I. pp . !! //Olt , : DA 1.2:F.1. 1, 1)IIICR-20rii,o.1 Strain Prei.ed Itii , c.t the lie•t ._- - - -- —-- I ) quality, al. lagi.Outi of Comnini, Ile ek, foe .ale. Weal:M..l/. Fo.ouire or tap 2.7 I iiiiii.tifiltiN • CIIOVhIt FIVE arc luil oar' iit.-iii pale; ri , to IVi. I Lo.g rrliarationit inr a Directory or the Co Ith. !BOY AL. u: l'ilt.hoiel., apt*, i• i.ret.ullaui , y to Il A '.llKft. 114SNA k 'CIO havii reo..v. O. iii. le „.,,,,,,,, i •,,, 011 ,,,,,,, , Fxriorage °lee ta urqm - lir. ai cc tiler rit W wit' Hunts, et Ilaue.l u' 1 iiaile, car me r of T,,i. ... " , '" t ..,,,,:1. , ,..i w,,,0 ~,,,.. ...... , ~,y. -....---_ . IASKS—Gocd nrw bacon eats, P., sale. by np2,l I. 01 A It DICKEY & tL~II,',K,ErRuE4I..-;:ttimberls,,,PParrhbvary port /OEN MeV?, LIEN A el/ nptr..; expo! Poo",, P,rin Setters' Vernaltape—"The bees now In Uri."o It. 11. Marine 110•11•1. '1 • XTIT CILCANI CUFF:SE-4o bis Cream M. 0. ., EA LI D Nova.. *DI In Ter. tied, ut the eller or ,nlO 10 the eurvtior of the roe, et rt. Lantii, 51t.ioa, hy D k1.7:E{.1..t. Cit mad the 10 of M.y reit, !or 11,e ereeLon of I.ther, Mamie 11.1,041 upon the lut.ol eirue.d un whlth the lid . 11l lurtrr o., " u rn u r 11, 0 ..."„ lint. TIJII%Srik A: lA,. just reel forint. , elude 0„. • and t) vripete ith 1150.1 . EN.L. Na Thep,' iron on. onl l (.1,4,111f work a• ttrceimary, ...f.rh the wai• ere got. up itpls the mulls., a the Lorid• p r•A Of 1.01 W.,41.1, er fop Appear rut or th e wary, it. plin,"wrp uher...P.l bly.ltnts:ll. the Depth , rs Mahe., IK extplp,Cl unlit the clay of Ictprar. rim MID wArrs. Sure r5..ter.4.14, ICI/Fora:lr, Poet, Ant •treun, end Jiurnal, eppy Ap•tl t • ic. TINIO 111 V s..ELD-21/0 Fria, / rth.l LP T.ttiothy Pt.., and vac hy It 1/.I.I.ZELL. a. I it A 1111--N'. I I erd ,o Leo 101 l half Oct.. in ..tor t..r•rh. hy It lit."/.13 I, L. CO 11, ave!pure. 0 10.. Pred hag., ;reern ho tits irate hi, Co., rust teceired, uwl h.r ralr Ly II 1:1. latier.y Weer. C. YEAGER, 109 Market Street.. (near Liberty., IMPIIIIItIc• N 1,... AMERICAN, ENGLISH. AND CERSI , 1N F APli Cif 000 DS; 111/sit:RV, 111119.1N5. LACF.F., (.I.OVES, TURF:AI/3. CONWS, vurriott, SAS• PE-NLIERS, Ike. A4o, 114t1u, •oti F•uoy Vcatloc•• BLACK AND I , ANCY SILK l. II AA ATP, I'UNG Cr, an „ . DAM/ANN - A, and LIN un. 111 , . I.S a general an, T un , ,, , I , s .., bahr, 0, , ~,,,,,„.1„.., received aor.rnrot of FANS, and every sat. , of 1111111111/1,. il nod frm .41P by art) II LISP: - ..... I/)I 1 S‘l, - .1. SA A' AS -Pu-!ap nod Cotton W.I To Hail Road Con ttttt In a. I • II Sari, ~ ban., mud tar ..n , ..y II LEE o,k [4' W 1 , ' „!:,77,„7,r, ' ,:, " , ‘ , ' . ' , " ,,,: n 1, i ,,: ' ,. 1 , 7 ., ' , ' ,. ' ,,„!1 1 „..,,. ' i WIN 1:-L , r , In , u.,,, „me and „wwg „yin, for mat, 5.1 rd,..•, and St-rl of every I, on.l I sale I.y ar..o II 1,1,F. S,h6E9, l'A "1-MAN A CO, A r ENISON HA MS-I cask Ver.i,on Llano, fur sm:e. Illr Water al . - . Vby KC. 011 GRANT - • QINCITIII, HARTMAN & OD, Sl:mfr. - Id Workr.- i t . SEUART & SILL, I. "",.. '1...." Intl I. Alenufaetarrla of Some*. Axles, Sleet Anvil. ~.., Vices, Datier and Sher t Iron Sr he, niateboo. No, aril ll` Wood et Itil Wator 'meet^V ,,, .. 1 ID EAV RR 1.11.1 C KI.:Te,-513, dog In PO, COT elate by LAIRD OIL. . 11 a FIL S MAKE& SILL _ _. .. . . .. 10 P . A p ITF.I.S LARD I /IL , N , 5. 4 1, , nr_ntV•y ........, 1 lATT „,. ! , :.L-1.11 bal. sNoI, o no s r . ; . , u sTa . lq7isaY I 1.2 !IN I".II" 1 .". All-11 , low, ‘ 41 - Psug•r :11 „or, na.,l 1.,r 1.410 by I N , , • , _ s .. , it,.,,;„, -- ~,, A LCIII HIOL-1::, in v.v., and for , a'n IY 1 ;TA ~.. nt , zil J KIDD A - . CO r AHD-16.1..4r Lela !Ara for ly mgr.oa . stre, IIrENCII 1%11 yAI frIN COM/1E P—Vparlui•e• mr.l for ...le t•V " -4 "" —L "')_— re,l. (or .tio k. co Vi ( . 111,D CAN 1t1,r44-5n bni;:hloold in , • re, •nd for pale by 5 k II A MIA tj • for •46 KID.D.4co WINDOW GLASS—Ica ow tony An es 1:, ,t, Ma lindu 11s14,,tit recrord, ~,,,t ~.., ~I, by Dill_ Sy. W HAN lIA UGII , 1 III:IS V ILLE LIME—KA Fol• in illoto, and (or only. ,;It. by i^.l.'-"C'l J. 4 by WI NA , I , OAIIISAD 1 :11 '- 1 ) ACON.-ablill 11.% latr.U:airrf; VW:LARD :.It.IKS—A nioo auperior cayorioneur 1 1 a.. H., haol, city curt& 41 wort., and r Dow Opening by •p2l A A MASON A. CO .nr sn'e 1. • •Tti AaT It 'off I rP ' " ---------..._ 13A 111.:(..1::_e TISSUFI6.—.9 cam.* ek.r,ar.l et) ke re ec1,,1 per Irte F:vreyean Weiner, .81.1 con ore!. ept!.l A A NIANON W!DIE GOODS-- Mall, ItoM,Jaeol,,t, Lod Darted Mwlina, In great .1.1.1, •ri MASON! A. CO G r ROGER! ES, dle—to cLeals 1340 011..10A rig Tea 40 catty boo do Jo etip'r I-agony:lt Coffee; 2O bags Kw Lolfee, lb bags old (top. Jo. C 011.0.; I 1)0r ASII— eau. reee.wol, and Poi oa le Or 10 Lad' print, N Sun..; j to It DAL.:41,1.4. k. CO 40 brit reGned and 1-ral Eng.; )A P Elt 7317• Crown Si r'w• WI opri wr Paper; 401 , 11. N 0 Alalsower, 150 do Medium Straw do do IN/ LI br 8 114101. re, 3 101113014011 St oop Toretb •. with a large ned newsent al" printing Paper o Orr y wre n nod upd for uale by beta clarified Coler V enegltr, ' ' o A II 1,N(I1. 1 :411 A C.l. Ix/ Isloollro 0.1111110113,.; F.we.w.r.. . of F. 1.1. ore ENCILIfII, 40 dor patent %Int W.llPoard, No :p Word stwet. 10 b. 010011 and Cltoenlato, '4 L. Superfine Klee Floor, 00 baa tIos!Ials Drury J WILLIAMS S CO Correr Woad s 10 L ro . A 9111 , : , IVI: I'Llln , TEll--300 van's, V.dia. prrend, 13 .' :C I DN-fi0, , a41 - b - s Bacon - ti - arp - si --- - .. - It A VAIINI , ,TtnIti is CO 40p I) lba do tranndderal; -- A. foA valr by lOW InA do bolrei 0 n.l i ~ l l'II ;: ‘ . -1(' Ib' 'sew''l i ''- .\l 0 1 . 4 F.57(1.11t tr. CU Ent I Irani how., and fon Nile by acid 'l*. 11. "A " ArGil /1 VIII 48 &IV-1,011, rn , ctlr whin.. for Kaln , y 1 Jr . IA7INDOW GRASS-IWO bon ocll mooned A lA s, 44 4 o?.•• 4 4 .4 _I! A FA 44 11N 4 t.;,. 10 , .7K & i e . ° . 1 , V td Coro, and (yr .le by 1 /INK M. Ar— is. lo.r.upvr.ur num ay. Ina on , 4 0,,,,, IIF:NR VII ANNKN A. CO, i A. ,0„,, Na , ~, , J 411111 CO, -- ;21 ... Malk. etre.. 4 3 ,,- 4 , 9 GO Wocol I.lrcel IJI . , lIITE I.9AD-21 Ott 66 pore and No I, Whit, I ._ - Al titettiltb. DRAPER 6 CO, 7 V Lead in Uhl, 4. 1166 t, a Co Ie brand, for sale by • m. ..,, 0n .- 0, ,,,,,,,, E ., kco , ` A NF ho IT. It silt ti A . yEast. have associatid with apdt • _ J do m CIIA It Lb- , M LI , II, isn fatornt 1p known L I . ) ED LEAD & LITHA RUE in stare and for tale Ity for :he psst 1. tot en , cars an Hoar., iti the Ohne L ni tit • HENRY IIANNGN aCo of `poorer. nutty 8. • thintotti) as aware, The A RASOLS—A A. MAFON fr. CO, al Mari et st, business win to mode I c couductel motet the firm ' a Du A pra , Nr EL sit & c o . D I hat. nerved per express RI 6,6 of Para.,: . JOHN DRA Vita, of the beat 30•1111arkoles, and 0(61 on:elides apltt ' ltoliEßT DRAPER, T ACON e:Tel A PRINTED MUSLINS—A lugs in. CHARLN9 WELSH, t 7 some <dike More goods receited, and opening by "I•odeihitto Eeehkaret Aflrd 4 10,0 . atali-Mt •pill A A MASON aCO Is EA aL d 9ARCII—a • lies superior Pettri epoch, _ --- . • u Toed Collodi., odo i 111A14: tOlAlVt.:3—Another 166 stock 6 CmPa , -- 4 1. 0-- 1 by ~,u . n .' 2( •• 'I b ... ' h./ hhawla of the most elegant tubbreiderv. teceteed 't",', o" eons a or t -IS 9, . A A Atn.uv a. co .1 " iIARDN,JONLS A 1 CI Per 6966. by ..._ ..-= _ tt ' '- ' . r Z•1• E e liß9lLS—kiew cartes of tICS CO ghlifil — OITT - 61111MT kfTOII,E, ! ly es 'l:V , •l f e r : . ? ‘. ... y t J WIN - STUN & STOCRTON, L ivro 2 A ST. CLMR wr REM% near tha Ih.dge ,t it 134Lsellirs , corner of hiarket and Third at, Di CyLoaler china made at art. proptly. tdorts are made to measurement the saute as gar- - Went, Al: 666 warranted to fit, otherwise ex.. changed, or the money returned • We keep in the More a 166 assortment; those wistunit to purchase we take their measure, select starts to correspond. and taus they ate correctly fitted. We twee ships with mtandicent embroidery on rho bosom, to which we call die attention of aentlemo In Me habit 6 aoink to parties, 6 they would add Much to thcie net, ^661 appear.. e. No shirts told al our ti ' tut those mete bk.burselires. ' IL .k N. AUL apo die. - Match II A O U E T A I °"; CulUiTf.llV," ll@ Hecond st DIVAIDADAINO HOUSICS A LL pertona ltarlsOßthela pot On their houtea, A ,„ ty to a retoholon Boardf tlninell, plcate tau at the Rota. re the of •t rad, and rtory, Corner or Wood and Third for the rtaie. etAhlUhll. FAllNEitittek 4 Potent/0, April tn. lEhtl. atl•:t NONA RAIL.' ROAD IRON. 1111E' Ohio and Pournyleaidall.ll Cfmfd Company to contract lot eight Mainland tons of Itint Read IA it, for the elndern dt.teloli el 'beamed extrud ing westward from Pot/Aura. 'I hree thousand tons to be deflected co the Woo River, It Pit.NrgAlulTl Boater. benny the clam PI ritual turyigulton in the present year, tblcr, and the rtnalnityr th i t v yi ng o f . trout year rho rade. to tfl Ile of the It pattern, l it length. ol twenty feet, nod e r to weigh fad pounds per Ru al yard. They are to b ~blocs to the Inspection or e atom. W. Roberts, Chief gin:Meer. For further a t please address the I....indent ot the core. puny, al Pittsburgh. Ity order of the Rout] of t ectors. WAI MONSON, Jr, Presihnt Pittsburgh, April tiAlt, lehA WI era; Vk ,, , IN R6--I to bogy; Cl!ret Wineh, - ZOlce hr. nazi . baskets Lbampagne do do jar meld pet steamer Navigaiol, and for sale by A CV LIIERTAON, _inner— Ind Liberty it - ElaellOnt• C•rds. Li twin . CARDS lo 'Wool Cording Alayntnes, nodal, 0 plate and elem. fot salt, hy It ORM. COCHRAN, SE, Wood et. C""E6l..—L3i cheese; the boater and cheese depot, 143 Frontsneet. ap2l CANFIELD _ OIL-15 talp e 0,111.14.1 for Kole by CANIIELO lf toprattst Patsat Bed. A.b. 4b4. g`r:f4,.?,fi. th ,,, 11.1 n,lto now' on tie way Nom New ttrions, ei• poled here On. moll 1 ono all von 'hardy none Llsiumote per 'hips Jupl DAtuas en., WU. Alb., which onn be sold on arrival, of lye fowesl alerkert ptkep (op cue Pr iITOOeJ M NITCHELTREE, 0p93 No lig Liberty st. f 11/11 . culed ItagnA,N.l meet, and kyr pn , e. I, JAM' , A lIUTCIII^NON v CO, 7 LA-11-ItAMI rIIS Lead rei'd per ,tralter J 51 uud for Ea k ler u.rl=i JASIPS A CO .17; k. 13A...c41 buoulker* for a, IV V. upIS • JAM FS A iitrremsoN ACO "ji4;illl';:r& th V I.Aui• gleam Foner ()ACMF, , -- NSA,. p,.,,,h A , PIO: by I. S WATERMAN it SONS fr rf". l: '"" n :kr " ran S WATERMAN & 01I1S EMON dox.uperior for !mi l d Ly I KID!) e.. 00 W IN"MV more, sod for RTUA ILI do, ..I n l,.;;retet sl.2 . : l4 A Vv i. , g/ l f , or l'e by fr fi.N - IWO epai C AN n: F e I ... ;ESVICK—LOO PlLll;i4it;zlA.,,sesrtilb.z T) P""L Lth.r,y ro:r Id vKir OIL--cu gailo,owhirr, neiruti , ed l)t•e•e, for rn'e by U A FAIINEdITOCK 110, .IP2 Pornrr of Fun mad Wood id, tj tiMet VI•A CON ttll bta OF ..b.Ru . [t12.1 , C OTT 'S CONqUEST OF MEXICO, A few Anpos of sash of U ahove stmti just reed by YOONYM-IN & ilogrnat.tattnaiele,iityais . saLtod Post, copy.' (Zell WAIt'PtS rEN r PARIS GREEN ahsity LY 03 total and rev taro at thell .notest lobos, by aalb • RAUN & REITER. t-le:'V UR STUI. E.N.—Yestemln ;;, - , --" on sier mr,c.„ The Mon y ongahela 'louse slut V. ood sirco, SIXTY 1/01,I,ARS. The ender Rill b: llbmaily re.wmded by !raving it M this °tee. spit. 13.0(yv L ft:;..I:CLIC PORK, in prandiirtlcl,litit itecoreil. and Mr mde by ' a: IS S VON lIONNIIORST 4CO N Suant Sth,:r-9 r h:ts-N . DOW' HORST CO 3 sllly MN IA dt, 1,1 I. I 7;11. 1.1 tit, :In gm .7.1; by Jit • InLITIllt Ell ts. tor!. 111 •10rt , ,,11., 101 .1./e 4 F, L.11.111..n . rit s rot C 1613 I I 46°7 " . 'l` fly .p N ILWORTII h. C. , i 7 d 4l/11 ' .4'71W1 . 71T 1 & ,- - Pl6urniug Weal. Silk. nutio n t 7 : 7 to iTA b GILVIVADINE-4:-Islain and mint lSed Tirsues taco motet. and o_iber dscs. guo.l, 11 116801 Me o ' e erlNett r•tyle. rrc'd by • pl 7 h1C111 . 111( & 111.11CIIFIELD - • bhla PlatTett:Totilola ssss s - - (5 hd, Sugar lion. co A p.r.twutar Milton, mod for ,ole EJ •pl] - ILHOWN t KIRKPATRICt 1./U1AV11.1.61 1v Iti I LlAlri—w brig jlll.l reed, and Lir vuto by A CULBERTSON, •pl 7 11.5 Libcrty .. , irbNION II A bIY.,-"TiAi , ibr ul V. llnb in prin. , nr• _j_dl4o23!“ , H, (Dr ,111 A cubtlEirreoN bundie• j4l§l c;;d6;1.71141.90.;;J:ki IAY.I „rteer , t, for pitt< Uy %..T .07 RRAUNh REITER A.I.CIIOIIOL-4 bd. Tred, and Co, .1. by opt': BRAUN & fI,IITER W lA-7r ; 1 - ii.;"l - eei - J — ind ter .ale C) ,vll BRAUN tc REITER (111111. ME GRKF Lt: calics .N—raeclub 1it.17 IJRALIN HEIIERi -11 c 3.43 haus; IR do alder ; 7 do olkoutder. now landing from Fort did, and tut lalc ISAIAH MCVEY k CO !pl? 113 IValei Pt. Q i - A1.1,13A ruv—t.a na'r. by & 111,1!.4 , 1111.1.34 , 1 41.11 . 1:1R6 , -3 . 146 gellued, oe 3aibi t 0..., by 171 3F17 1111AIIN REITER Jlitalti tot we, vrOoletale Imo Ito so, apla IV V MARSHAL& THEATRE! _ _ Lessee ha Illkinset• ," ',ma or invzssiom Perin Cirele and Parone lir 50 cents. Second and Third To .23 " .... Gallery (Wei-aimed pe moon"— ...• • • •to Doom op. at 74; Coition Will rise at , o'eock. - -- . _ ‘.ICRAND COMIC NU:RT.—Lug tight of Mr. -Uri Saturday, Apr Trth, the perromanc4 will cam gnome wlth THE GREEN 'MOUNTAIN 11 , 1% .Ic2airh Mr Sill.bee Alter which, ono gel of JONATHAN IN 6N"A r* lt L :i 'Nisbet Salomon Scrap To con Jude %rah THE WOOL PEDLAR. Demeron o ......... • • • •• • • •••• - Mrll.l3co 7,1 o 11E: , 11.;FIT of Mr. 1t.30 EL' LEINIS . BALL. • BIOLOGY. • WONDZIL?IIL AND . ;AIIFUSIDG. DIES:Mt?. BUHR will kite they Lee:urea and Ex— periments en the new and wonderful science of Itio.ogy, at Wain& !fall. on SATl.lltit.s. illtifti• my. IDEYUAN'. ands IVEI)AIig tA Eveniiirr, April 221b,t1th, and /gay fat, Lt al Introructury. Lteltile ou Santulli) , evening, Ylik:Eiti A aeries of witontahing Okfmti , sentk with mind will be in.toduccd. Doors own ak7 o'clock, to commence at dr rocholk. For paruculars, ate balls.arlS =— --- SHAKSPEREAN READING. tin IT ItItAV avenins, Aptl V. - rtekete, :in eclat; IP Le had at Ann book entree of I. I,comiY, Kny C., and Jottniton k.ctaeat.nt, and tlte Matuntgalela Mute, Knettunge lintel, and St. entitle. Head, Slid at the dear. Won nten at CI, reading to commence tchmk. apt; dat IiALL, PITTSBUBCII, 137 & 130 Wood abo•• Fifth. yl AT piern,ol c'tso3.lanrnt Is now ciNc,li , r 10. 0 0, so!entlably stro.gc,l ~..r 0 ,,,ru, ectares, 1 shdthit•fig, Ae. l'or ie15n..1.1 , 01, 1 ,, /0/13i 137 A FllllotiS, Weir TZ d et. • PITTSBURGH - MUSEUM. APOLLO lIALL,—FOTYIL . TII STOMET. (11 . F.N DAlLV—froto t 045 in the toortting; sto 5 J the talc - moon, 'and (rota 7to to o'elddir to the li t 7sdioittortee 53 riot% Children tinder 11 se•t• hilt prier- mg:7 lIEM=I I!=121 WHOLESALE DRY GOODS-- A. A. MASON & CO, Market Ilitte•t,b•lmma, , Th,rd s Yourth, Pllleobtergli,Aea, WOULD reepeetfully cull the otteollon of city or.d ootry merchants, to one of 'Lir mart exteneiVe Stoat In the country, enthral-log over Vonneen llocilirel elutes owl Park ogre of Foreign end Dome*. 1 4, it, titpds, conatstint, to FYYhof .101 eases best styl. Ilubcos; " tlluehrd Memo', 01l grades; 40r Summer Stun and Cono,iatlet; " Mug . " de I ..n n. soul Moslinti; 't :taunt.. and l ivree.lel lb tlu.sireeree,..hill lit, e nod halcco , Tielt Ingo, e, A e.; 11.0 •• Drown !Outlin , e. T,eiher with the tau, oxen nesortrount of Iforor.ed Itond• in tht. e 1•1401, p..V4.111r the 111011 attic furtiti:et tor the tronsaenno of inelr bunions, owl in, of the par r• betbe . conatroily so the cm.teta. ittiri,ts.thon ior,etatage.try rldttot"... , Y. P 1) Y. by aetero haute. Tocy Lehrer, OW they coo offer great•r loJaaelncht< In merchants ge2rrAlly, in etylre, prirett t than any eastes it toarlict: Now e onoantly arriving. ?iteratons intending pert e ißutl are pariteulorly col t eiled tarxtino toter,ccat. A A Al A SON A. I'm' I=2 lia all., WM. CARR into portnerOop J. to, in Inv tat. I.tese. which wet frorti thi* dole he oils tril null, the nisue o' "John Poilior &Ca." %aril I lota. .101L4 YARKEIR. John Park,' ....William Carr. .1011 IN PA &KAM & CO, 1110,mthi Grocer', Thaler" i2ll Prod's.", nrcieo ' Idquers, Old Illonouglatelo and Rer”,ird Whistry. -- No. 3, I:4l,ll4,lt(Lini Lot, lilwrry aireti, mrl3 WiATIDWI P11..),II. JOSHUA. 11/0(.. wr. L. LUZ. I' ALM En, ILtN.NI & VO, Sucee.cors to Ilussey, Hawn A OAI ID A N KERS, EXCHANGE CHOKERS, sod dee.. It, Voreign and Domesue Exchause, Cenifiesleir laauvilc, Book Norco, *ad Specie--North west rims, of Wood and Ttiril streets. Current money received on decusne.—Fight Checks ( h e side, sod callecticas made tAs nearly all Me principal !waits in sae Vaned :Paws. Tlic hig Itemprominsa paid for ForelDa and AMOrde.lo Gold Advances made on conslammeom or Produce, vary owped V, on Itberal moos. filmy Maga:to. sand New Book., AT 1101-111ES' LITERARY DEPOT, T. 11.1 yraaar, opposite the Pant Ofilia : Offr.Vbi LADY'S 1100 K for V•y• - ; t: rnLr In'A alaussime da • sfaftlal'a M•K•afaa blannicu . C•ll, by ram VII, Women in America; her WOOL ynd bun nuaanna. B r Marie J. Mclntosh. bfuneypub•ryon the t ofthe Walla. I ittell. Liyabg Ana, No MO. -- Diary or • rybrica , , in ealsfainfa; •••tuol.Cipar:Cace, Including not., of he loaner , , tot 004 y r er , obfuryntions oa Out vibrate, roil, ba. _ • .1,21 Orphs Cmart fiwle 1 : 1;ItSIIANT to so order of the Orphans' Court, hold I at Itattsbargb. on the Ist day at Anti', A. 11.181., 1r a be t spored In pobtir sate. on the 2916 day of Ana, 11)', at Oyer n'rleck P. M , on the pow .of, oil tb•l drat:tin lot of ground •Ituato to the toy of rittroatret, and de.cob.ti as folio . ", toorto—ll 'ginning ott tae: turas tide of tterand Al. at the distance of forty scre• fettosttwarlly from Grant I.l.tbobee by 11,0 linear/oda holltrotes Ira, sod wallet:with Grant at isay - adree Ih to • three fret ti Ity common to 'mott,. owing lots caber sids,llol , oo by sold tart , and yatallet with St nand at. lonely sorest neer, to the Ito: of Willbaa Artloos' lot :hence by tho .5:1 line of Wto Attbara'• Int, sod piro . lrl with titan) wrest fatty titles feet to, Second .11001, tLGI!C • alnnC Sarol,d sorry Savo, . • • fort to tre lace 41 N.; tonal, 'l'c-ra. of Soto—Uoellundto4 do,larr to I e paid itplut delteery of lh I deed, lie balance it. two cunt pny , nisut oil and tea Irate rear eetiarla ttOro the Mae , of pair, with burro.t pny•lOo ntutrept.y, and mt. re— eared by hood and Mortgage onr pl. Mare. Farr 'lurtherp apply to G a AJtitletoil L Atlanta?' ot lave, Foutth •treel, or to the undrivigned,. ROOF:RI' t/UNCAA., Gutodinn of Ann Aiming/Lehr - mien 1 W cadd, minors. npV ritoptM OILLIGNWOOD °ARDS:MI. Two miles lebte Ih. City, mu tie Ohio Rime. %dr ,, e ; otz . r l eg w ai;s , b.auty, a• now ore for virilais. Ira ndding Creams, 7t to. • perate Conlcrtionety, an., kept as nom' in tee Saloons Public attention Is partiralerly invited to a large. miller:non of ever blooming !dame of all tracking,. usually found in urceohourest also, the elmieett k ends • minuet lowering plants and dahlias voil be ready. for delivery the 1,181 May. T► Steam Boat will commence running from My foot of Pitt Mega to the Gardens, the tat day of W.V. Two lines of Omnibuses - are now running from Ike , Old Allegheny Bridge. Gardens kept Ate temperance. , principles, nod 'eloped on Solidity. anlidat. Wall. Paper War - Ibonen ' , O 47,.. MARKET STREr.T. hetet - Termini and N Fourth streets, rinaborgh, Pa. TltetalAn PAL MER would reepTedailly Tall the attendee of hit friends and eamomers t his nresont exteneire end general stock of Increhandiate. 1110114 c :needle Tom itrise every d veription of American and French Wall Paper and Border lot Parlors, lialle r -rhetne Red Chatubere, Creation Room Am, rs pawl, host It! andto 02 a piece. So mat a diverlor ot Tree. and quallue• ran hardly fall to soft thdeiresen/r trees sod tastes PI pitchman who may favor with ( brit" patmagie, the old established stand OP Market street. • WHITE GOOD% MURPItY & BURCHFIELD invite the buyers to their large stork or White an. o ioh of as Cantbnes and Jae toilets, /11.!...k.• and Mutt Maxims, Firared Serum Manias, 1,0h,A,,e4 ditto l/aren'a Lawns, Book and but.. ',do., Barred Jr:baskets, Cartiblie Dunn,. and 'Am,. Vtclorin, Pnyjdran, 'thread, Iteda . ,„„,, Swi". Edging. and Inaentng.t .e4ens:orssol, Cellats; &c. he. As these geode ere Yet,naved rr . m the Agents of the etaeufneturers, they esA w solo pricer. - T. B au th•rir faxd NV ... • . DI a r-dTh-;i1;i; PREAIIUhI PERVUNIERV. The •llr rehr',.oiher retpeelfallyinvites tibLe attention to orret of Perfumery. Snap', nhnviag ••••hirts ar., to which seven rtilver end too Golden M.edrilshrive, within the last sir yea •s, neva iravg ,am or the Insantea of New York, Ramp, and Phila. • driplils, the latter being the only Cr den Medals over • o, ded for perfumery either Its atropin or inchisf cranny. !Wonsan's Unsty•then SWAIN. Cl/Pax, (Almond;. Rose. and Amnrosial ) lmivenalll 3CYPowledo.d , for lir •operiOr to any Shaving Cream in this col - anal. , - ottomans roe Snarato—Dientihrlly aansommir, and ppra tn vesg highly Sapoineemit mashie/it poirairneri 8 •Pon•l - r . n• C•nclearTiiri AarC”vsielSbny— irm Ta!,',4; fdtlinirf chiring Soap gr i Frit.- e Fcrc ro—A .e ta lcluy,l c,jl, A arr.,. . Pc . 1 ~ Frati Clive ircuccmo,in 11An..T.A ,,,, ,40--Itccr, Donne, Pungent de Caroline, fictao Ploutre. line, Jockey Crab. Ategoolia, aeration., Cnrrineile floret, and magi otheraremletim, in Oil piety diffeient per/ernes. Torner Wasp—Floride Water. thin de Toilette Orange Flower Waive and a grt ,1 vas rely of Co lons and Lareauler AV:Acts e . • inn ,Eau—G. rider Bezls Oil Antique Oil, Ilandoltne, u •11 Cast. a`e, 111e1.,e, e Conn. , p• n.! Marlow, Dan 11)e. liqui and in powder. or Philnerole,.Riettrine, end ' reuni Lind F . ,,,moec. OuingrALatt, PlTScacnoris—lialcatnic Dom Tooth Paste, Clutreeal LknratAce. •Montine, Tooth Paste and Tooth Powder. C°l4 ..nclf — Vegetable Corr:tile Amsodims for chapped heeds, Cod Cream of hone, Cream dr— Petra, Up Palvolinspherry Cream, gre. Deprator), Powders. for removing raperfloons hair„ Penn Powder, Vinaiero de Rover, Aro:o2 , lG Vinefrar. u . letoria .Ids Comocsition, Neut. it polls, besides G CfCtll Variety of Other snider, tf numereu• to be, minced in this advertisement. Tim subscriber hope. la mainviiri the reparation which true establithment has arqui..l, I , y disposin. of !lolling but fired rate articles, aini will be harm t o forniirlt those who may wish to pidice eta. rather wholesale or reraif, on se rerranoba tomt at nag es toblivlanerit is the United Vate. BUtcato. lewd farmer DiteXAr V .I'ERD LAA b. fN. I. n EUGENE ROIB.I 111 Chin;lit . lollllt. - Mi. BUM . . PLlfilellelY le for Bldt by all tn. ortuci— ral Onrggicru In the country. aoliAls - F - IRlEDPilitlig..4-141 - Im - TA - To. vote to twee roe L 7 cirrancro, fur sale by •pl 7 Nri:11.1.1.../k ROE rrui , ; : g t; lo de. Patent Mud ITFUT-7.7;5ce., Gues.4cr ft I.ed Nu isrol for vale by I: -v SODA A"-4'' VlVV ". 7rtr7 r l2l " laSdliil .pl 7 CK
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers