...Alb gwomg.waollffM ESTA_BLISHED IN 1756. PUBLISITF.D DV WHITE;& CO. D. M. wraTl3 VAtatrr. ORRILTTIC SOT MINOS, TOED rTtRRT, NEXT POOR TO Daily pa r.— TruWee. —.47,00 per anau. ti,tl.3 a kly, in atleanre)•—• ••• . tarar W. u CICLti at a red:teat rate. iu.A.7 C. OP ADVELVDISING: AGREED UHJIN TI E PITTSDIIIIOII PRESS I:Ri o , ~(101ine. o (Nonpareil or Icrs) oqe ED.nO • - on rClur •e, earl, additiOnat ins< MOO •• • 0,1.5 no. one meek Ito. two Ito. three tveeks•--• ••• • ..... 4 . 04 'Do one month 1t... Oqb Inonthsod—.— .... .. ;MO war months —• 10 tat Dn. six months• • • • • --• IntU Do. twetve m00......._ 'gm/ Standing Card 11 liner or leer.) per "0" Ode Square, changeable Mplearam (maim caul exclusive of the ;moor WAD F t o curb additional square, Inserted overture month, an for one h additional squire hoerted under tho Team ly rates, half price. Ado. niinoonts exceeding a square, and net over fifteen lows. to he ellerged as rquare and a half l'oblohers not accountable far legal advertisements beyond the monunt charged for their publication. Annonneing candidates for office, to be charged the same as other advertmonenra• Advertisements net method ea the copy for a spent. bed othabar of insertions, toll be continued till forbid, nhd pa, north COMM] lee C , ll • • ' Thr rtrileges of yearly. edvertisera 'falba confined aridly to their regslar tpslneso, and all other lid sem tint ,fl a hrisg to their regular burinesr. as Ilgrreil The, to In paid extra. All advertisements for charitable mint:aloes, fire romp:miss, mard.loortoble and other public meetings, cut . ll like, to he cloned half prier, payable cooly In na r.l( r. Al nitro Iloilo, to he charged GO cents. Death notices moaned without eburgo, unloaaarteotot panted by funeral invitations or obituary Hollers, and w h et , t at to be poid for. Verolaradvertitert, and all tithe. •andinti Comm ti location., or tequirine. oozier, dotivnal to call an r rt. iota to Frit, Soirect: Cone on., or any phblie tater i.i, where flteges. niF mode (or &drain:met ell ',Marrs a private essoriatiunS—every notice de. signed to cull attention to p . riente enterprise. enleuttv out or odended to promote individual Interest, eau on ly be Inserted with the underttenatoS that the sane is to be paid for. If intended to to in/tenni in it e In. cal column, the same will be charged at the rate of not less than IP crate per line. p dr rut Notices to be chturett triple price, Tavern I irende retitle., •G each. Lc gel and Medical advertierreenti to he ciarged at foil prrr, Ural l: tote Agents' and A netioncere adverdsr turn!, r nt toelunied under yearly ratea, but to be I.l'o e d,rount of ,limy three and one third portent. Ince, uncurl of bills. . . (Inv Fquarc, three Itt.crlinne• $1 SD 1. , ... r,li itilditmonal in,erlinn••. IR vvicrrtsrloh.rra 111 W . 41r4 . P.M.. One Square, 11tOltira.) one 'neon. 50 as:. lb. each nalibilenal•insertion•—dA A.l I ado rivemenis in be paid in advance. k CO, Gavotte. liAltrEll Po.L HI dl' M PIDDLE, Journal. JAMES P. DARRS CO, C l .roniolre. Ih t " I'llll & URIITIICII, Dispatel, JrO SNOWDEN, Mercury., --111 1 -- JAMES W. Ulf/DU, American. • 11111 AM KAlNl,E•ealoiTObao.- Vresiivanit, Dec. I, IF-19. CARDS. ALgXARDEB. M. WATSON, 7'ftrß~itl' AT LAW—Ofbee, on rcurth greet twin k DAVID 'O. 'TUTTLE, A TTURISEY AT LAW, and Commissioner akr %onia, El. Leuis, All evince anieallous prominly answered. liel4l.ly_ _ IL Baird. [MIRO k STERRETT, 1 - FfiIINEVS and Conntollwa nt Law—Foutth Itozwenn Smoldield and Brant, Pntabergh, P. MIMI LARGE & FRIEND, ITORNEYS AT LAW, Faarth strect, vela Grant ,yltl4 A TTO7INEY AT LAW—Cldiee on Fourth street. netvreon Smlthfield n•nl Piktaborg, ALUXANDER FRANKLIN. TTUILNEY AT LAW-0114,0 on lourtia street, rtusburgi, .mrul Itriej Patton • • •'William Bat eort II PATTON & OAK.EWELL, TTORN A. EVS AT I.W—thriee in Tilghman llall A Grant st, neat the Conn Mate. lebn A. VnaT.UVlTi..ll.frr i t;tir:l727:: an all kinds of Writing; Window and Wrapping Pa per, 1110. Wend SIFT.CI. boirreen Fourth and Pia alley, PnwhergP, Pa. apll .7 OLIN TTORN EY mad Conniellor ot Law, and Commis. J - 1.. rioter for die Flaw or Vennaylvanin, Ft. Lona hlta;glane of Pittsburgh.) Itcfarenees-ndahatah: Ma. W. Forward, Hoop. ton & Miller, M'Coodlew & Meagre, John K. Yoke. Semple, :deeds! & Etna. auJI4-ly o r y ...... • • • -M. O. i'MY.V. r. 11. KMtvncn.., 11110,•1..• - DAGALEV, WOUDWAItt) k CO. WLolcsale Gro. J 3 ettx, No :NlJrken 4t, Ploindelphia. s 4 4 Pittsburgh Alkali Works. T)ENNITIT, TIP.RItY k. CO, Manors:wren of Soda AoL,ll:rocbirg Powder., Morintie one solphosir Acid. Woret,unec Nn Wow. strret, below Ferr y wlt,. IF MIMMI • • • • 13RAUN Ar REITER. Wbol,alc nild Retail !hug goon, Curlier ul Ltheity and fM..Clau strati., Pm% bur., ra. ap.l . ... • ~ •Geeorge W. smith Jame. 11 — AWier. - GIZOILGE. AV. SRI ITO t CO., mAt.mrEas AND DM' DEALT:R.9 .treat, Sir ff burgh. ilacilleme Spring, Axle, Steel, and Iron Works. . ( - 101.E11AN, MAILMAN & CO, Manafarturers of Coach end Ellrdie Springs, Hammered Axles, Spring and !lough Steel, Iron, ten. lilarehnere on Water and Front streems.rilt•barp. AlOO. dealer,' in Coach Trimmings and Malleable asung, _ °mil AILVISTRONG Jr. CROZZII, /10UNID.SION hIERCIIANTS suol Denten in FM. ll done, Na L Market etnel, itoottu mitt — roVn A vv. N..l , lkin:wr. 1 BRAIN &SKINNER, forwarding and Com-, u. ion L Alerehao:+, No 1 , 6 Market C,Plarburgh. oof ri A. iIeARULTI Jt.Cll;Forwrirdulg land Com. lJ mnislon Alcrehants,'C.A.Ll3..., - /1 /1. G RA NT, Wholesale 11 recu, Commirsion and NJ. Forward/Iqt Merchnnt, Nu. 41 Wcor Pm.. burgh. 44 Ira y• Andrew - I.i rning.• .R. -Flimni ILETLO&Y, & CO., IC ° , ‘ l l e' ‘l ls7,W.3%. ". ll l , E a n n n 6;Z ' ; ‘ al:n g , ' 2le c a o le f r ik t, 11 all kirMa TallOf Tfinamirma, la Wood ' at, 4th wear (rata Ftfth..thttaburlh. Itefere nee—Al own. Wm. mtr..M Wee n. Wrabnut 11Kel, I. EAl6l.lfill Jr, DENNtiTT, (tete Finel.sh, Generate.. 4. Co.) Wbolcsaln Grocers, Commis:don and For ward.. Merchant, and dealers In ['mince and Pitt. buren Manafaetaree, No. hi Wood st., between di and nett, J. C. Dreyfogie A. 11. Clarke. DRZTFOGILE tr. CLARKE, FODWARDIND AND COTIMISSIONI ANTS, and Dealers in WilldoA (ii/.11, While .I.read, tre. ,_ _ No ICS Second et • mril 11. JOHNSTON, FOIIWAItThriG k COM HISSION,MECICII ANT, No 112 2e.ceortd at. l'Ottletrah. r riktOttilECOCllltAN.Coau c t iarlon o nlForwarding Merchant, No. CO Woo&atreet _ rittaloorth. mcit . . . HOOF. LUAGVN. FACTORY. 1101-AMILTON STEWART, manufneuffer of Hess, k. tikletlngs, Checks, er.e., RebeCC4 stree,. coy n allesheny. novlb.div • ( I:LEX, (successor to oiphy t li o.l " " 4=4 " •- et and 0•110ninrioll Airlto/0 1 ., for the alta . 01 Auter!eso Woolens, Liken —s. s. oePoefte 6th et. (01 'V _ . J. 4aalD, Baltimore. a. Z. =ann. =WAX , TRW), plahin: coecaSiinff. lOC. a. wattetra, :f.Xitehti & BUCKNOrt, Toto.co Conerniselati Mer I chants, Cl Nolh Water at, &11 North Marva 'Note. ;wafted • 1. ttafa}, , MY. I. /ORM 11:1Alt11y, Joh; cs A. Co., (socewoore to Atwood 00 4 Comtnisston and .Forwarding Me, lhhl , ta la Pittsburgh hlattofhetored Cools S'auharsh. Its tnetT_ 13[4 I , TM, WoolDeslethnd Merchant j. tot the sole of &mamma ‘Voolen Cond., IA ,j.l4l.2Lttec_t,!hp.2slie opl7 F;M=3MI (MMUS.* TO 111•111 CM. C.lll/1.0 UPC/ATER & Dealer in French en d Arnericon Pa I Per Hangings an 4 BorSera. Window Shades Fir rward Nicas,k.e. Also_ ruing I.linting'snd Wrap pins Paper, No. er slf Gad RUE.. between Fourth Wee and Diamond niteT, west side, l'ittatiorgh, Pa. leht2 JOIIK IllnifisiA , P Wholesale Drsaggist, sTactiial et to .Pyr Staff, Paints, Oils. Velltl.llG, 1,10 NVot..l erect, one door South of lhaasoad Alley rittsbostill• opt JUAN P. le Auctuncm, ember bib and Wood otreats. P.ttebargh. apt TAMES CA LIEU., Whoieeala Crone r,Comrnluio n Meraba tit, anufac ure t,. mNo 11 W ad Maier M in Nada Ind Pittebargb s, m. 14.4 aaOtt °meal, DICI.T. rq VAIA DICK'EIt Co., Wholesale Ornate& Cam sgeranats, and dealers In Praline a, N0..M1 atm, an. 1.167 Front meets, Piteshareh. no, • Jaha lalwor11:••—•—• • ---•• • •---Joloph Odorant; y s. DILWORTH •Ic CO., Wholesale Grace., and Agc[ll6 for Hatard Powder Co., No• 27 Woad 41. Pinch , orßh_ drLy lOU. F. on.woinu. JOSMI 1 .doeWO R. C, Whotesale and Pro. and Concroission Merchant, and Agenis for the /Issotol Powder Co. of N. V., N 0.27 Wood at, rittalUTO,_ . • •• • . 01IN U. TOWNSEND, Druggar old Ayou " 1 th 10 .43 Market sr, ree door, above Third et! Pllts will bean constantly on hand a well' selected wi Atonement of the best and freshest btedteines, which be will sell on the most rewonahle tem.. Pltysielans wending ORletf,vrill be promptly attended to, and sop. plied with articles they may rely opon as ainnina.. ne~UV P•'Pafed from the hat materials, at any bsorol t. Oar or bight. Al.° for sale,large stalk of (rub and good Pella; a. fell Pe p`u.'~Y~ ',{!-"~~ ?i:-7rF,~ b,'s~ s ;n,K"' ~ißrrt?,~~; • '• DA • .•••••• • ;; • 1.A6 BUSINESS CARDS • T L!. CANFIF.T.,D,IIate of Warren, Ohio,) f. and r„....-mdin, Merchant, nod hnle•ol cleZer y in Westrro Kr.erve Clu.coe, Hamer. Pet and Pearl A.h, and West , ro Fr Oure reneroliy. Water .tree t, between ScalLhfirld and Wood, Vittaburgh. art _ roliNsTori & sTOCIZTON, Booksellers. Printers, .1 and Paper sl.lnfacturcra,No. 44 Martel Sheet, Pittshorch. sot ,Jobn l loyd. Richard 1' o,d. Jr FLOYD, Grocers, Commi rsrnn • Merchants, and Dcaters In Produsc, Itoorsl Churea UnOcincs, frentinc on Liberty, Hood and :Math streets, t stub, rho, to. aM T °MI WATT, (successor to Ewalt 2t bort • I Wholesale ((recur and Commission Aterchent /tiler in Proacce and l'iusburgh Manufacturer. cor n-. of hihertv and Iland streets . Pictsbutch ra. ja2. itlttF.N. A. HUTCHISON, t Co.—SatTePu” , Leal, Mckinnon lc Cr". Cornmnanon Merchant', end Mentz of the St. Lents Steam Soca? Refinery. in 45 water and v 9 front itreeta, P.ti"berlth. lent Dll\ 11. MELLOR, '‘Vtio!coate said Reail denier .1 in 11iTu..,i, niiii Musical school Donis, Poe", Steel Pens; Quills, Printers' Cards, wail 0- renerally,N, IT ltnc. hourill ar talon in irmle. (l. A. A g ent for the I.nke Erie end Alicfil~nn hire in Braver and the Lakes.—Olhee on the corner of Wnter and Smithfield me. Jno4 JJSWEITZI:II. Atturiwy . Luw, ottive .t . ' , Hooke shades notes, rill,littrrlt,will ids° attmil promptly in o.llectiptv, is Wstxhington, Fayette utJ Grecit coanYet, 1 . . REFER TO Binekntock, Dell & Co., Church fr.. Oarothers, rinatinr46. It T Maraan. ____—__9slP 4l MAKER & CO, Wbole•ale Drawlnr it Woad oirtei. Pitisburgh. PI Vorvviliding and Connunision clivr is, Deniers in Proalnee and Pinaburgh mann iliartu red ninths, ^anal ll•sin, tear 7 h 4f. c r PHN r GSI LL,iilTTignuon, - Or; ENNEI4OY, GUILDS in CO., liilnnuienturcla of very rap-nor 4-4 Vi teting, Carp. Chain, Counn Twine and Damn,. R.20-IV Yr..,ln• Iron Work• IFMS DAI ZEI,I. N. CO. Manninowrens of a n woo Dar, ..rhcrt, Under Iron and No, of the bro . luaint Warehror, 51 Met nod ICS Front Mort Jana, . • .- • - - 7,lilier, 1'1,113,1. C. W. Packets.. Pittsburgh. 1411.1,ER .4. RICK CASON. WOoLcsalo Grocers, rind .41 Iniperieri of liming.. Wine. end S tors, No.. 17i2 nod 174, corn., of 1..1 . -Mly rind Irwin strew, l'ilw burgh, l'o• Iron, Neils, Co ton ferns, &e. tte ,'wo ernetily on hood. Jon I. Jame• D. 1 , 1`6i11. Walter C. Roe ri e Grocer. awl Comma. 0100 :11erchnote No IS! Liberty St, l'Aiebarilla op Prrreuieitiai grga: IVORK.4 - AND BYECING AND AXLE: FACTORY. - LII4C /ONE, JOIN T. QZICAV. JONES & QU16131, 111,1r6NUFACITIZEILS of prang asid Winter steel, M u plough steel, stccl plough wing. % enact, and clip I c oprolgo, hammered ironaxles, and dealer,. in nod cable casunge, fire engine lamps, and coach tcimounge IFnel". ll .Y. corner of Ross and rront Pittsbotel., felrLi 1101.1 F, 4 St .N, Nell, Market at. seel nd dour .from comer ot Fourth, dearer• in rompt and Doluccia Data of Eacit. , :ge, Certificama of Depoqi. Dank Nolen and irrenleletiona ruada on all the minsipal citles tbrotopluut 111 c Univol State... apt IVr lII_MOI.kSTF.IL Arm ao r AN-I)lLee. Fourth et., 11. ward door above Su itrilield, south side. Cotiveyancieg of all kind, done with tor greatest earn ai.eleg•l oecurney. Tit es to Sea , kstate excluired, Se. oeCill IV REISINGER, WELLS a Co., ANUFATURERs laf GROXN GLASS .All!,. 1.% . ! U. Nlorket s'rert, Pantie eh. In, ket pen a• ly on hand, an ulnae to order alt kind. of Viol.. Esti, •e. loner and:dti.cral Water llottles ei no. pa P rlor quality. articular anention paid to Cries. Media.. Lithographic Katablishment OF 5511. SCEVOSMANN, Third at, upped. alto Post-Office, Pitsburgh.—Slop*, Lai.d , capca, beadi, Stilevebills, Labels, Archileetural and Machina Drawing", Swine's and Irsinna Curd, Ac., cop ravvil or dorm n on mune, and tan ited an color.. Gold, Moore or Mark, in the ntost approved st, le, and at the roost reaanniable once. oettaily !AZ= EM=I J. V PVTTIGIILEW, maskSTEAM BOAT AC:ENT . Oencx arovnWlt R. rotatts &Rao , apt"; No :I: Water street. SIIACILLETT b NVIZIETE., DRY GOODS JODDEDS. O. lel WOOD SI RF-ET, II AVE in •tare, al.:1 will Lc contr.:llly reretvoig jLA durt,, o.e, ,es.na, % iarce am! w, 3 ,ctr,ted . .- I,ollllllil . I l:i p:e mi:: rave, - Dr, ard•, w/...4 tmoy Will :ell for cu.h or approved crci, INvitrrn rolerelvaista are iliViLC4i to examine our Week. KUM ItOBIS ON. LI MIA: o 1921 ther)117001 , Ptit•bury It Wltali,ole I . (Yallre and COll/ v0..1011 nlcrc 4cnu,and drier. In 1 1 .1,b0rd4 Harm. lc or,. • YOB, 406, 100 1 1•11 . 11. e. to vo , oil lot,* r 1 Forept nd Dome•Oe Wow. , nod Liquor., No. Liberty Error t•et hand • vary larg: 'tuck of •upertor 31.nongxh.lt wn“kcy, witchwarl 1,0 'old low for . n.ll. 1,1)1 L 0..5,, 1,1 L , MICE. ..eakr• Grocerte, Produrt.. it:31;04;5, Alks,atar tore,mtkl Co:otie, of Lane • 'con 1.111/0 t IA p•sld 01 oil tonn. ,or country ric4, Como Peon ior.o Ire in .t., ni.l. 131111ERT I/AI:ZELL k Co , lifaker•, Cooons , /n,3lcreitgot , that- r• to Pro,:ort• Pttlaouret Li:krty atrrc•. Pk t) 1 LIEIIT A. Ci. , N NINE:IIAM. GroPer, L IF in Produce un No. 144 Lther y •ircr, aple, CZ INGER. HARTMAN k Ca. r,trik..ltl Iron :rod 1..) St el Workr—MannrOCLUMln 41 Ara. E. STnn , g :Arc, Azlrs, Vo.c., An. v.la, &c. rhey tavilt.th , nII-ruoa 01 :uerellaoll• UM/ CO:1%01/1. 1X In th•tr oto I.tfo, pqmitapkg etotr - shcrc. Ley rrnrrul.t th,r artlrlcs to I. c in any ins•ln In lhl. country or Importrd. Q I:AC KLET . & IVhnlcsule 1),Icr• in Forcign und D. ra,ativ. U,T 40w.1a, Lia. 99 We') clatt apl7 . . S& IIARIIM:011. Wool Alerthat, Dca n Flour and Produce generally, and Forwatdiag mid 3ornalitglon Mocha:its, No. a:I Wrcer sat.", Vitirburgh. n;al7 cLesi, eterenutou. Jou, ril(,),S. mere.. Si 1,(..t eb & :41LAJL', Produce aid areal e,ne tolizion March:m:l , , No ,7 I.iierts •tret I, live bury,) Sperm, Lanfiee.l and I.erd Oils. epl7 I' VON BON \ ILMIr k Co, G,o• . ccr , , l'orward,.g no! Gnu:lll.4i., M•rchantp. in 1.,1.•bur411 :Acta:. nod SVeit,(ll it.pthle, have reor,Vrd to their stew W.tehm.e,(Ohl stani,), No. at, wad C!1•11tEr• 11.11 E. stpl: Walermsu• •IL N Waterman • • W.R. Waterman j, ATNICAI AN di SONS, GROCERA, Commindon ar.d F. 3 1, Tir avardtnn NI erehan••; dealers In nII Buda of Pro dace & Pittanurgh Ala.:natured rna;r., - and A gr..' for •alc of lltrad.oncl and Lynclaqtra, Alanutattared tern. tart IV 51. 71511111Ny ATTORNEY AT LAW, Butler, Pa WILL also attend to collections and all other busi ness entrusted to him /II Kotler and Armstrong counties, Pa. (Icier to, I. fr. IL Floyd, I.lbeny ri 1 W. W. Wallace, do • /soles Sienna!! do ( Pittsburgh. dly Kay to Co., Wood st. jao7 I=l -• •. -,- 13• 13. DUSIIPIELD & wIIOI.Et+ALF: and Detail D.4oera In Grocerlca and Dry Goon, altd Ctanmis.lon Merchants, No. 2Zu Ltherty I.lu.hurah. mrl . 2 JOHN PlertlONN £ CO., FORWARDING tr. COMAIDSION Canal Haan, Penn Duet% Dlnsbarah. J. 11111313 111. DAVID & CO., PRODLICE AND FLOUR FACTORS, No TI7 Nortei, oaf at Commerce at., Philudel; Advonces made, by either of the above, on cour/gn• meet .101.101(8Ls of Produce to either House. out os WALowica .Ir.. SON, r FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS uesarpttun9ll, PA., WOULD respectfully solicit the contignment liarrishurgli veleta, from Western 1110..01 they are imated in receive nt Lin and Ovation Items it running nighandday, the Ireigh , will not be detained, as they will unload such boats a all hoary. thbdtl . - . II arri Omagh , Fe b. 2P, 15:i0. J. D. J. D.WILLIADDi 6. CO.. - .• . . te. ItKrAll, FAMII.Y . tiROCERS, TT Forwarding and Coorro..ion Afefehantg, nod dealers in Cou..try l`rAnce and l'attbordh Monofac• torte, comer of Wood nod Fifth min.., Pluaborgit. sorio MEN=I WM. 11. WILLIAMS 4 CO.. RANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKERS, North Ea.: corner of Wood end n! rtr,t, P"d. i.1713P1•1111,11. Wit 121.041•LM. lOW, • C. 04•11.•• 11, V...1.JWA1L11,.. 1 . 1 i. IfVltiA AGI.:I - h_ Co . Whoir,sle Omer.. 18 . 11.1 00 " Wenti cr. , , Fittriautql, .1.17 --_- WWI D. WIED, DAVID DIVADDLIDD. WICK ft WCANDL.CtIS. Otle M.O. t. I. a. J. D. linos.) Wholesale Gracert, rosoranding snit Commission Merstot nisi drat., In Iron, N. 1., (Ass. Cotton yarn. sod Pa...nigh DlADufsielurry genefrig iy, Doll., of Wood soul Wntot strests t r, it .1, urg h. •pt 7 _ - - /t. hIfTCIIF-LTREK, Whelrssla Grocers. W fu r rot,cr, urtd , Wine and I,quar filrrerantr. Al.—lmporters of l'oda rtkoh trod litettcb• J u g f! ,o urdur, No. 100 Liberty otrert, lopporite ept? r . rerrl Piterbargh. • . W . uurltes, Jewett: l Warm NIA monis. rll.—Wa'teTbr':!*43 Clock. carefully cri”ired. out? Wli TOON 1. 1011,1 X. JI'NN'IW M. VOUNG .t. a., DnAlers in L.vnb , r. 11.1 c dc, 113. Lille.): !Lf-en____ nr-v - . arcrindana. ancirrcatol. R NI,CUTCU::ON. W Gnaw ~w G., W!_f_tnr:nin Mahan, Iran, Clam and p,., ufacture geanrally, I.3deny infect janl7 , _ - J. D. WILLIAMS 6 CO.. WIIOLLIALII AND nErmi, GIIOCHRS , Fa: .INI.AR And Comnle.ion Alerchnnis, I/ceders • Country Produce And Potsburgh Alswaftelares, eai ner Woad and EMI meets, Pittsburgh. Plllsbuzib, !dutch If, INN. RIEROZIL S ARTE.LO. GENERAL COMMISSION MF.RCIIANTA, • tr , T.tberol tea made an . conkisfnarnts jani4-tins • foritTl'lll.:W sVILSIN, Portrait' And piminton• Plor• • Rooms, corner of 10.0116.50 A Coy and Fowl , . 1 r anltance oil Fourth at, near bib rket. J. d.l . Yard., Comonlaston Eterehheatr. O at 0,1 Levee at, Ii Orleans. keep canal ally . N Land a large arsortment of Brambes of the fallow ing Itrande, which they offer for sale as agrn.c for 1 Dersnd & Co. Borden= vim Mmeloey, J t mud. J Du rend & Co, LaroeheUe, J J Dame, Cognac, A de hl term AL Dierille, A do Mandan , . Jean he , &c; Aram Gio i llordertur. Red and While Wine in casks and easosoteleeird wink rare by Jelin Durant besides Champagne Wine and Sweat thogutoi Nat. fobr.ta• Penn MaCRII2IO . shop. WlGlMlAN—glanstractstrer of all kinds of co: .1.1.• ton and woollen machinery, Allegheny oily, Pa. The above works being now in fell and success:al odfo eon all I am proposoot to coot oto osiers vr;tl dispatch fur all kinds of machinery In ay bed, rook fo` pickers, spreaders, bards, Irrindrog machines, runway*, drawing Crews, opecdons, thiamils, looms, woolen cozdsolosoblo or single, for merch a nt or country work, moles,jacks, &c.; slide and band lathes and tools in gen. eral. All kinds of shafting made to order, or plan* OM en for gearing factories or mills or reasonable charge. Itoska . m—genneoly, Childs & Co., Black met, Del & Co., gong, Pennock & Co:, Jas. A. Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QUEEMWARE M A N UFACTURERS, Olrralugh.932, [solar Pittablargbd Pa. OAT, N. 37 7Voter st,' Atturcen Atria awl Wood, Patsturgh. 42W ILL , WILL conantly beep onhand a rod teems. mooLof Wit* of Our own rnanotseture,and soperinequalny. Wholesale and country bler• thirsts are respectfully invited to call and ex emits for themselves, as we are determined to seil cheaper than bas ever Worn been offered to the pub. lie. ' Er&hares sent by rnall,secompenled by the milt ei reference, will be promptly attended to. rora - - NEW COACH FACTORY, ALL'aA. WHITE & CO, would respectfull y Inform the public that they have erected a shop on locoek, between Federal Sandusky streets. They are now making and aro prepared to receive orders far every descriptton of vehicle., Conches, Chariot,, Be roaches, Buggies, Photons, ke. nhieh from their long experimor In the .mattlifise , ture of the above work, and the facilities they have, they feel confident they ate enabled to do work on the moo reasonable onus with those...aiding articles In their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate rials, and having none but chinpetent morkmen, they have no hesitation in warranting their work. We therefore ask the alteption of the public to tin. minter. N. B. Repairing done to the best manner, and on the most reasonable term.- manitf J•atri avtluota. BOAIFE ier, ATKINBON, P. 2 ore, 'Myren WOO it awn Mom., Prreammun, `...MiT1N1.11 , : to manufactare all kinds of COPPER, X../ TIN AND SHEET IRON WARE MAD, Black• smith Work. Steam Boats built to order. Barrie! givca to steam boat wort. Rave on hands •firifi asaortnont of Copper and Oran Betties, TIII Ware, lk e. le. ;Steamboat Cooking Blare., Portable Forges, vermin% sjace—a very convenient ar. auto (or steatuboats,'California emigrants, or rail road companies. We would respectfully invite steam boat men and other, to call and FCC our articles and prices before purchasing el sewheret iv:l7 W. & J.OLENR. Book Inolert. W E e ' ZS ! ci ti o n d ' efid i g l i i i.i t s h i e rre a ra lo , n ;ire " rg " l7; where w corner e aro prepared to do any work is our line with des atch. will anold to our work personally, and satis faction will be given in regard to Its neatuesa and du rability. Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and bound sub stantially. Books in another. or old looks bound care fully or repaired. Names pat on books in gilt letters. 10FC thus have work in our line are invited to roll Prices low. my:Oaf Pitt Machine Works sad Foundry. rirrusrutal, TOIIN WRIGIIT are prepared to build Cotton 0 end Woolen Machinery of every description, race as Carding Machines, Spinning Frames, Sttcoders. Drawing Frames, Railway Beads, Warpem,Spnolcm, Dreoung Front", Loom., Card (hinder., &c. Wrought Iron Shafting turned; all silos °react Iran, Pullics and !Lange. oldie latest patterns, slide and hand Lames, ! and tools Mall kinds. Castings of outcry description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for licaong, Iron Railing, ke. Strain Pito for heat. mg Factones, G.( Iron Window Bash...and fancy Cas tings generally. Orders lett at the Warehonse .I. Palmer Co, Liberty MCC:, Wlll Lave prompt unco- Refer to Iltackrtnek, Ikll S Co., 1. K. Nlooretiend Co V. E. Witiner,.John Irwin S Song, l'lttrbutrt, tt..l. I. II %Varner, Strobenrtllt lanlO PIANOS! • rI , IIE utbacriber °IT,. for ,tale a large alai apleild.d a.esortine IA of rorewood and unahogaoy grand A c' 11 hall., Wifil and without Coleman'. retet,ruteu /Eu , han Attachment The above inAtrutiarnt, urn war raolud t. be equal to any otauutactured I liglA coda. tty, und will be sold lower thee tiny !truantht from nit Fa, F. BLUME, No Ile wood dd door above N. It.—City atop will be taken at par for . fr w of he 111,0•11U.RIII1M.,, F. _ Filler, far 14 , 41gaa 1 Wat•i. THIS is to certify that I have up; pointed Livings.; Roc.. & en. Sole Agents for the sale of Jeanine, Patent !hoorah/rem Filter, for the elf ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN GIHAON, Agent, for Walter 111 Gibson, 310 liroadvray, N. Y: Oct.lo, LW. We have neen using one of the ahove , arneies at the orrice of the'Novelly Worts for three months, oh tr., and feel perfectly satisfied that it is il useful inveni.on, ~d wy take plcasute inreeninnienduis then, a.. is ow fel article to nil who Inns pure seater. Orders will 1,6 thankfully retrived rind'i.romptly .':ranted. octlN LIYINGSTON, 11l if:6KP; k Co 1...11.11P131 LAD( Phi UST received and for 11', al Nollo Se.osiol r-ci. e•luree and splemlPl .sorlin•id of Fluid i,ird and eamphene lamps, attic h mid I, gold :lor ctt ra.iern priers fur cash. The la./1110A of dca:ers 13 Iciiceilully .liciled. mr:,o SOLOMON SOHO VER • . vTI.: uention of the üblic la resyeeiruny caned to the follo ring certi ficates: Ilartne—!laving tented• quantity of Cold weighed by your AITOMC.t. I find ago wait prfiver your "nun:a:lent correct; and reconotrnd the nee 1.1 o 10 thosegoine to California, ma the beat method for a l.:inn:a the real value of Gold. Reap..youre, 1. 11 . DUNLEVN, Gold Beate: Pittsburgh, March 9, 1h49. lirrnaroactr, March 7,1E49. Mx. Bruns—Dear:tin Having ex. /toed the"A reo ntetr.:," inanuracturod at your room., I do not hesitate eommnitil it to the use of those gentlemen who are about removing to Colifornls in search of Gold. Itgives a close approximotion tome opecifie growl Di of ILILUaIt, and will chastely enable GO adventuror to ascertain when his placer is yielding Gold. marl,/ Yours. respl. J.ll. VeLINTOCK. 1 NI/IA CIARTIIING—Just received for the 1 EL complete assortment rot liar n tibwite clothing, at (nee, ranging from 15,50 to f 11,511 for soli 01 rout. pants and hat., (or sale •t the India Rubber Repot, No 5 Wood .1. a. (141 1 A. II PIIILI.III/A StisteisDrlelt Work* for Rader rIGIF. subscriber offers for sale, the STEASI BRICK 11 IA - 011KS, above Lawrenceville, compriong a :twain Engine, 2 Boilers, A Mould klacliine, capable of manufacturing iti.bbOU NefACki Brook. fool of /lrY clap, on taken from the hunk,) per day; with three sere. of land on ale Allegheny none, on which are 4 kilns anti sheds, machine end clay .Leda, wheelbirrows, trucks, shovels, spades, tee, every thingrequisite to Com mence operations al an hours Yrire, incl./tog the potent right to use said machine, 17,000—trems of payment made easy. Without the lond, 15,000. Bur partteulars, adder.. HENRI( MERRITT, 17-dtf No 111 Monongahela Doane,. Thomas Pariiinsen, NA'ACIIINIST AND MANURACTURGR—Lathen, INA Tobacco, Roman and large Screws of all kind.; Brass Ceiling. and Ilraos Works generally. Corner of Ferry and First streets. THE subscriber, bavine, purchased the Factory of James Patterson, Jr., located at the above stadd, remain respectfully inform bostfriends and the polite that ho is prepared to fill any orders in his line, on the MOO reasonable terms and Wads dispatch, sod will feel graarfal for starts TIIUMAS VARKINSON. Pittsburgh ,lan. I, IPSO. HAVING dispensed ofll4l4 . 7blishruenl to Mr. Thomas Parkinson, take liberty to i soften fir him this patronage of my frle ads and the public, feeling eonfidetit that any Maori conferred will be duly appreciated awl promptly attended io. JAAII, PATIItIIZON, Jr Pittsburgh, Jan. I, IP3o,—ban7-41501 NOTICE. THE partnership heretofore eglwing under the boo of A & C BRADLEY, Is dissolved . by the decease of hir.o Headley. The business will be carded on Ly A Brad/cy, who will nettle the baslneas of the into 111:1110VAL—A DUD., has restored his FouLdry Warehouse Horn No Durs t Second street, to No W Wood street, between First no Second streets, to the e ware keeps lately occupied by A Beery, Leen b o keep vonstsnUy an hand a general assortment of C ll a lugs, Grates, Wove., Cooking Stoves, ese. T iin eccpartneristp bevetefors estrus, Itsivvech the I. In the name of Courts:tin, Burke v. CO, ts this day dissolved by mutual I. 011, t pie.. , ._ Burke A Barnes will scale the business u Om lon which purpose they are nutitartsrd lu u•stie entre of the connote. NATIIANIKI. I 07V4 f AMC, EDNIUYIII Tilt dB Alt BARN (y. MEEM! The tunlemigned burro Ws day emaciated the mach,. le the name of BURKE to DAMES for Me pulp... of manufacturing Fare Frew , Safer, Vaal , Ihrora, ay kr ~ at the wand& .he dm o f Cnustable, Burke a co, where they will be planed to receive the estrum age of the maroon. of that bourn and their friend.. EIMIUND M1R0.% T110.11A6 11AltNF.S. • In re firing from the firm of Constable, Backe & Co., I with thiCeSo Wawa recommend Mews. 'Burke & Dames In the confidence filmy fiict.de and the please. Feb. 0, NATHANIEL CONITTAHLE labla•cl:f riumTid . —Of all Mode, 117 , 1 L'''"*" 4 P V'n 1 . 1 14 eatirri , tin . 2s Wood M. lieVn 4rA and Diamond ally y C. AitUVTUNO'D Ll' A S lull returned from the Failure Cities, and to ervlng • largo vnriery of aeaaonafde (Mod., le which ree he reopeetfulfy loaner. Um anemia.% of mere b and and pedlars. flu 81 Wood al. fehl I Jow... LOCK WOOD, lnadoolict nt Importer, 1011'400th Imam,. few coots east oi Wood, Onto 43 Wood inroad boo for mac— London Aoki'return! Magazine, 5 vol., 8,0. Wood'. Treatite on Hail Hondo, 8 vo.—epark t • Life and WlDina, of Warldngton, Id volt, lizo.—Spark's LiM and Wi Dings of Franklin, 10 vol., rny •I too Mowry of England; Pictorial edition; 4 v0t...Y 4 1P" , -r--B.nakspearci Pictorial edition; 3 nolo, royal eve. JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, rnero 104 noon at Sl6lllTandsharttitne BILLS OF EXCHANGE, pay able in Cincinnati, Louisville and lit. Lows, par chased an the moat lamarable ten.. ers r N. HOL/dralikk. BON% PITTSBURGH, FRIDAY' , MORNING,. APRIL '26, Isso. MEDICAL. To Mothers anti the Dloalloat Pro sssss on. TR sehferiber has Ind received mime .epply of Dr. E. PRATT'R ARTIFICIAL . NIPPLEt... 'They er, without eseepnon, the only article. venom ID of. ford relief end cure tore or emoted Nipples: nod (tote their partici:dor rorooreetioo flop will prove 'nonlife. hiewhen the Nipple. are inverted or to am' manner defective. . .Dr Pratt's Patent Breast Pump, a new invention expressly for the relict of painful and arm Orme*, when dc.tended with milk; they are far superior to any now In use. Dr. Pratis Patent Nursing Pottle, which is fast no permit inwhan introduced—all other kinds. Its. Pratt. Cupping Apparatut: the Mel simple and the neatest article in me Air Capping. For rale, wholesale sad retail, by mr.B It E SELLERS, El Wood at PROCLAMATION KNOW all melt who are sick and afflicted with die. case of the bladder and kitineye,witb rheummtie ulcers,n beck onlimbe, stifijoints, old sores, running he, that they van be cured by taking the Pe troleum! You may milk about Its being a no.cruln on much amt you please but this does not make it so, for weroclaim in the s ee f an honest 'Corernuen.Y..bot' it he.. virtues which not contained to any other remedy. Tho man who is racked with pain end sub tering from disease, eon for filly cents. get mild from toy elite ills ennumefflted above. Reader! It come troy lido to make a tnal. Thle Petroleum Is un tikii• lure—tio commend, pot up for the purp.e of imposing on the community; but it is tt remedy elaborated by the master hand of notate, and bubbles up from the bo som Moue mother earth in its origmel 'purity, and of fer+ to suffering Mouton y a reedy remedy, u certain, end cheap cure. It has eared Pilot after other medicines beau foiled to render toy relief. It has eared Rheumatism of long Standing, and of the worst end moat palatal character. It has cured Cholera Minima by one or two doecnl it has eared old one. of Diarrhea, In which every otter remedy has been of no avail. Aa a lucid remedy In burns and scald., it Is better than any medical wine pound or clement that we know nf. It will cure clot. lamina or frosted feet, in • few applications; undoubt ed testimony can be furnished of the truth ciried in the above alinement by calling on Samuel ht. obla Kier, Canal 110.10, 7th alms; or either of the ageute • Keyser t ; McDowell, earner of WOINI sheet and Virgin Alley; R. El Sellers, 07 Wood wreet, D. A. Ri ling A a M. Carry, Allegheny city, are , the agent.. jan.3l OAUTIBUTICTRA A man by the name of lIU .X EL CLAPP has engaged with a young man of the llama of 8. P.Towneend ' and owe his name to pat up a Sarsaparilla, which they call Dr. Townsend's Sarsaparilla, denomluating ti GENUINE, Ongiaml, coo. This Townsend Is no doc tor and never was, but was formerly a worker on rail- roads, canals, and the like. Vet be assumes the tale of Dr, for the purpose of gairfing credit for what he is not. Ile is sending out cards beaded "Tricks el Quacks,. in which he says, I have told the use of my name for 17 a week. I will give 8. P. Townsend pt. i..— If he will produce one single military proof of This ism caution the public not to be deceived, and purchase none bat the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Dr. Jacob Townsend's Semifinalis t bating on it the Old Des likeness, his family coat a arms, and Lis sig nature across the coat camas. Priortpal atre, ue Nassau sk, New York City: OLD • DOCTOR JACOB - TOWNSEND, THE ORIGINAL DISCOVERER oy 111 i arnzu TOBVNBIPAD BAIIIIXPAIIILLA. Old Dr. Townsend is now about 10 years of age, ansl has too been k omen es the AUTUOR nod DISCO VERER of the GENUINE ORIGINAL "TOWNSIEND SARSAPARILLi," Being poor, he was con/pc/led to limit its manduertire, by which means it has been kept out of marketoutd the stiles circumscribed to those only who had proved to worth and known Its mace. This Gam° nice Urnmenum Paccsunnon t. menufurnared on the largestscale, and is called for' throughout the length and breadth of Me :and. Unlike young S. P. Townsend'., It improve., with age, and never changes, hat for the better) because It prepared on chang e s, principles by • scientific rum The highest knowledge of .Themistry, and the latest discoveries of the An have all been brought into re nutrition to the mmuracture o f the Old Do's Sargon.. rill. The Sersapari la root, It Is well known to med ical men. cornetns medicinal proportion, and some pro peerues which aro inert or useless; and others, Phial, Browned in preparing it for me, produce former.- don and acid, which Is injurious to the rystem Some of the properties al Sarsaparilla aro so minutia that they entirely evaporate and are lost in the prepant• uon, if they are not preserved bya scrinufie proccu, known only to them, experienced to its manu.kirtum. Moreover these volatile principles which fly Mut •a. por, or is an exhalation, order heat, arc the very es sential medical pro erms of the rout, whirl, glees to it all its value. Tb • OLD DR. JACOB TO VNIaRNIJ'S SARSAI . tiRtI,LA itt so prepared, ths all the then pmperttes of the San sapartila root are 1 rat reved, every Ming capable of beeuenng sent m of t mo watentatlon, •• extracted nod rruerted, then even pa tiele of metheal vaunt ic intro nd in a pure and , on entrated form, and thus it to rendered Incapable nu lo ing any of lIA vuluablc an healing properucs. 1 n pneed In this way, it is 012. the moat powerful agent in the CURE OF I:IN ERA BLE DISEASF:Yt. Ilthice thenason whit we bear commendaitone on ever) o.tde in its favor by sera, women and chtldren. We hod it doing warden in the care of Connumpuon Dyspepsia, and Live, Complaint, and in Rhetunat.tin. , Scrothla and Piles, Costiveness, all Cutaneous Crop. tons, navies, Motet., and all atlectiotto ertslng Irons IN PURITY OF THE BLOOD. It pm ee men a marvellous efficacy in all complaints arising from Indigestion, from Acidity of the guitnaeh; from unequal circulation, determtnation of blood In the chitp of ihe heart, cold fret and cI/Jai/Ms cold . and hot gashes over the body It lim not had its equal in coughs and colds; and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration, relitstme sum. tore of the lungs, throat, mill every other part. flat in nothing Is its excellenee more manifestly seen and acknowledged Wen in Mt hunts and stages of YEAIALEC(IMPLAINT.s. . . - It works wonders In exi.e. of door all.. or vroltea, nolo, of the Woxob t oLatraeted,r;orpri-s.ed.or rag.- ful Men.es, Irrecolonly of the meaxlettal periods. nii.l the Itte; tod iilrdeelos.l in eurtutt all forma of the Kol. t.cy 1)1,..mea. fly retnoviog ohtnruettons, and erg 01,.- mtg. toe Keneral ry•tetn, vac, time and auettelb to the A Itote toils. and tare. all forma of NllllOOllO DISEASES AND DEBILITY, and thus prevents or rrlteves a grell nanny of other dweases, as Spinal 11111.1011, Neuralgia, 01. Vitus Danes, Suroonsug, Epdeptle File, Convulsions, A.e.. Is not tins, th en, M saint[ you 1 . 111[4:1400STILT Nat bl . Hat can any of these thin. be said of S. F. l'own. send's interior anielel Thisg man's liquid is not to be CfINIFARED WIT H Till.: OLD DR.'S, because of the Grand Fact, 'hat the one I. inennable in Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while the Mit er DI ACS; it soar., ferment., and blows the bottles rental:ling it Into fragments; Mc anus, acid liquid es. Moiling and damaging other goods! MLIIIIIIOI this hut. tibia compound be poison to the system? What! pm am: Into a aystem. already diseased with scull What cause. Dyspepsia but acid? Do we not all know, that when food sour. In our stomachs, what mischiefs isproduces!—Ratulence, heartburn, palpitation of the bean, liner complaint, diambrea, dysentery, c hob e and corruption of the blood? What is Scrofula but an arid bunter sn the tiodit What produces all the humors which bring on Eruption of the Skin, Scald Head, Salt IlimunbEry.ipclas,White Swcllings, Fever-Sores, and all alrerattons internal and external? It tsnoth ing under nearest hot an acid substance, which sours, and thus spoils all the fluids of the body, morn or 1e... What rouse. Rheumansm but a soar arid [bold, which insinuate. itself between the joints and ab.ewhere, Ir ritating and inflaming the tender and delicate timues upon which it acts! tlo of nervous diseases, of Imp°. ray of the blood, of deranged circulations, and neatly all the ailments which aMiet human nature. Now, is It not horrible to make and sell, and Infinite ly wane to one this . . . uSURINO, FERMENTING ACID .COMPOUND UP S. P. TOWNSEND! and yet he would 'fain bare it understood that Old Ja cob Townsend's Genuine Original Sarsaparilla , is an trratanon of hie Inferior preparation!! Deaven forbid that we should deal in an article which would bear the most distant reeemblance to S. P Townsend's article! and which should brinedown upon the Old Dr. wren a mountain load of complaints and cruninuorms from ageina obi/Rave sold, and par chasers who hare aged S. P. Townsend's Ferstienung Comp oun is d! We wish it understood, hecanhe tt le the absolute truth, thou S. P. Townsend'a article and Old Dr. Jacob Towherod's Sarsaparilla one heasenninde upon, sad infinitely dissimilar; that they ore unlike in every par. ocular, having not one striate thing in common. It is to arrest frauds upon the unfortunate, to poor balm into wounded hotnainly, to kindle nope i n the demurring bosom, to restore health and bloom and vi gor Into Me crushed and broken and to banish Infiniti. ty—that old DR. JACOB TOW NSEND bas soutit it and FOUND the opportunity and meat.. to bring I, ia Dunn UNI V ERSAL Ct/NCEN run TED REMEDY. within the reach, and to the knowledge of all who pneed it, that they may loam and know, by Joyful es. erienee, its Mk namn.r rowan In it au.! For sale by J. KIDD A CO., Wholesale Agent lin Western Prunsylvattia; J. !SMITH, Diminutions, DL J. 841011.:ANT, Allegheny; Ur. J. CASSELL, Falb ward. U. W. OARDN ER. eth ward. Samba rah sm.) f ittiiMPCA - lINII - Lidoth;r•c y -1../Itllig the original, ' only true an't'l'gPo'nuin'enLiscr Assaneent, Brown en, 0, March 20,1647. Mr. R. R. Writers—ln April last my wife woe outwa rd with laver Compleints, and bed the advice of two phymcims, who tried various remedlee without pro. ducMg any good effect. Having beard of your cel.l. heeled [Aver Pills, I concluded mgive Ante fair tool. I purchosed one box of Mr. Scott, of Aberdeen, and gave them according to the directions, by whit h Me was greatly relieved. I procured a accrual but, which entirely oared her, end elm now enjoys exec t. lent health. I have tire d Mysall, and pronounce them the best family medicine I over toed. Yours, the., Maas. Ilmst, Pre eyed and cold by R. E.:PELLEII.2. 57 Wood .1; sold oleo by Druggist. generally In Be two mated. timid SeMrs , Verm IT lIAS NEVER, Ina single hormone, failed to I e pet Worms. Coral. Cooly Mew, Vn , July W. 1017 Mr. R. E. Sailers: You will rccottnnt th it wherk, • were in i• illsbufgh, In Novemberl•tt, jiot janitor/et u 5 to try toyolif refrpituge. to Irst *5 value*. We did so, and thrungb the wooer we sold shat pun. chased, tablets gave it a toot reputatron. in flay lust we !rumiated more, which war disposed of Omar awry. We then ordered more, which reached es on the 13111 of the present month, and on yesterday arn sold Ilia loom of two doyen bottles. We find it so val. uable • median, that every person of a family with. es to have R in their possession. Those who have purchased it would be perfectly willing to give certificate. of It. emelleuey. Out of the quantity we hove vended, it has isever,.in a single instance, failed to. rope! worms. - "'fa • Your friend, Wu. C. Mit.t.g• .7. Co. Prepared and sold by R. P. SELLERS, 77 Wood at, and sold by Druggists generally In the two Glues. felon helilins. Imperial (Waugh nyrup. Tin.........p , epaTation of moth meat, w h.n so manrol our own citizens willingly and 'chanter 11y eertuy to us curotive properties An otedoisd highly respected citizen, after using It, expreszeil his opinion el this very popular cough remedy by saying, "It Is worth its weight In gold." An editor of one of our dully wen stoics in a not—'•l oiways keep It In my boas., and would not, on any account., be wish..ut 10 An Old Country. ist. •ays—q sellsfied, Oiler a will of three or foul mum, that it I. the Nut cough medicine I haze ever trsed, either in the Old or New. World." If }Galatia n cough, get a bottle and try iti It co. but 2.5 cobra. • • [lllll — Wren&ant and Cut 1/1:03 LILE nibtenban beg leave to Inform the public the they have obtained from the kinst all the line and eable dealgas for Iron Hailing, both for houses arm cemeteries. Parsons eriattiat to procure hand some patients will please call and examine, and Judge for Men:wives. Ratting will be tarnished at the short- Os notice, sod In tho Was manner, at the corner m nigand lielreesaltroollhAlklimnY SlZ asagadd A. LLllOrcr i ICNOIL. INSURANCE:. LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Mutual Life irlitlfallte Company SIAM or rozniux 11611CCED 25 PKI %T. Capital, $150,000. JAMES DURNO A Co, Ageno at PiCebo l,, Pa IMA4IO OF DIRICTION, Ar SilEr=l, NSW .1E116{.. Jame. Irov, Jr. Joseph C. No, I'rr•`t I7•.rjaarin Fkh, V. A. Perinea..., V. P. John A. Wear', F7i Morrir,Seetutary. Jonathan Flak, Trresorer. EETIMEI NEW . TM. Compile Hera New roil. nCeinve Wend. John F. Matilde David Dudley Field. I M Joseph x:, 111111LIMPIII, Hon. 3:mm. Campbell David IL Willie. Alexander Cumminr, W. J. P. While, P. M. IN Ric. Exc. ov. IlictiP.. E.G. , V r"... %V. L. DnytoiL IL S Sea Inv. WCalrick, M. C. G. D. Wall, ri I/ S. tic n, Wm. A. Newell, M. C. Ex.Cor. M. D.r.lorann. • Don. S. H. littimlton. MEDICAL EX AMINERS. A. S.clocy Doane, M. D. W W Gerhard, M D. 32 Warren r., N. Y. Ilt3 -Wain..., P.M, Wm. M' bloraan,Al.D, 11. B. Ball, M. D., George McClot, M. D Allegheny c ty, Pa., . Pittslmigls. Pa 1 Tne Are' to of Min Pill•hargb, am rm• tharil,l takc every GrAi clam risk on LAM al axone-now of nwza - nr.mva rza c m, from 111 • tem.' rams of promibm, za charged by other Pompon EXMITA:r. A moo 3by moyeam nflage, g a I alley of InYananec for One Thoorazd Do;lars. TO tun forone yitr, plait only nOOO en . do o Lon, " " 1117 tn. And In Cie same proportion far any Norolop to Eanthwinch le thr pulcal let ell on any n nlt e. rop.nrnee.l he en the let Orlnirr, and lin t inantlily hellcat,' up to the to October, I I Ito a imperils "rie.llo that .1 any other and on record The heal dividend 01 profit,. all be 'declared to tlin wowed en the let .1•011•,9•1,40.. . Pamphlets conimolna the Carlos. tables of Wen, and all dr necersnry ,olortnallan on the Important sal joot of life Assurance, or.ll I , e forolobed on aro! - Canon to JAIIIIIII DURNO k CO., Agron., IiCI7 °Joon ItailOongs. IMMI=LEM! 11, TRENTON 1111!TII AI, LIFE AND FIRE IN BURANCEE COMPANY WO 'ME Poliele• or luso:Ant, •gotot In.. or 111.1. to. Fax, upon Dwell„ to nod Pootitoo, Yom., Gonda, /cc hr., on oppliralson to JAMES DUMNO k CO., Ago o, del? Odeon Thldboo. 1:=3:133 PRE OPLAWARtiIi - IUUTIIAL SAFETY INSU. itArict: CO3l North Hoorn of the Faehange, Thud stree(. Philadelphia. nun I on ?dereliandise not other pr..perty, in Town and entente), 'mused estafret loss or damage by fire, at the !cure. roe of premien, Maalox Inspaance—They also inffure Vessel, Car. goes and Freiphts, foreign or coastwise, under open or epeeist policies. as the assured may desire. Irt.anu T11410P0113,T1011 —They alto lenti -Telt. and.< transported by Wagons, Rail Rend 11 s i Cann) BOW and Steers Boa., s steers and la s, on the most liberal terms. DIIII-h:POßS—Joseph IF SOO, Edmond A. Ponder, John C Davis, Robert Burton, Jahn R Penmen, Samu el Edwards, Geo G Leiner, Edward Darlington, Lane It Davis, Wen Falwell, Jahn Newlin. Dr It II Huston, Jos CJinnd, Throphtlna P.ldinc, II Jones Brno., Henry Siena. Hugh Craig, George Verrill, Spe,. MeDrain,Ds Krlly, .1 0 Johnson, Win Huy, nt Dr S Thomas. John Sellers, Wm liy Jr. DIRECTORS AT PITTSBURG re, lI—D T Morgan, Hugh Craig, John T Incon. - WILLIAM MARTIN, President. Ricusan S. Mimeo., Seey. 'Er Mee of the Company, No. IF IT ster arse,, Pittsburgh. lionWitf P. A. MADEIRA, Ant. Ui,) 4j T7is Franilin Fsre Mears:nes Co. of Philadelphia RECTORS.—Charles N. Daricker Thomas Hot, Tobias Wagner. Saplllol Gmot, Jacob IL Smith, Deo. W Diehards, Mordecai D. Lewis, Adolphe. E. Boric, David 0. Hrof . n, Morris Patterson. ob. o Dcarta, President. Charles G. Dana r, Secretory. Continue to make Maar:ince, perpetual or limited, on every description of property In town or country, at rates as low ILA are consistent with security. To Company have reserved a large contingent Fund, which with their Capital and Premiums, safely loom ed, agora ampleprotection to the osurod. 11ie assent of Pie compmy, on January 15t,1414, o published agreeably to an act of Assembly, were as f 'how, vim Mortgages 411,047,439 41 • Reajlistate cc -- 1 4 4, 4 24 Temporary Loans 94,0(11,65 Stocks • f • 11.4 Cash, ire. 3h,01S 71 11 1 7,492 Store their incorporation, a period 10 yeatO, they have paid upwards Orme million four advert thous and dollars, lows by fire, thereby allotting evidence bribe advantages of insurance, as well as the ability sod thxpo.itton to meet with promptness all liabilities. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent. torlolly Office N romeg Wood and 3.4 ate LIP. and llolth Dasnranc•. Mutual Life andlletturatice Company lof PhiladelphiS a lne orM. Late turps/ours Capital, Pennsylvania, . . hatter periletnal. Capital, Sloo.loo. Hamm now. Titan otv Pomo: V0.N3.• Gnomic, and toll At per cent. lower than the oual rates of Lae! Insurance, as thy Hollowing mi. parfshn s ill rho a person of Me age en Mt In. Powing for SIMI for life. Inuit ray in the Girard 82,3n— enoylvania, Mini, Penn Mutual, 112411; Equitable, g 2-04; New England, 4270; New York Al bion, 1i,14; Lite and Health, Philadelphia, CM. thilitriine.—gailluel D. Orrick, lMarlo D. Hall, W. F. Mont, Hobert I . King, Charles P. Hums, ?I. W. Huldwin, 41. M. Hove, 01. It., Cho. (I. II Campbell, Loma Coops . r. 1 Rodman II irks, 14.11 Ilatler,,Edmit H. Cope. President—Samuel D. (Mori, Vicei Press debt I'. gibe; Illaeltburne. A pplomuons ol reemm. everyisiformanon given by trASI L. FA Ilia FigiTtSll4, A st, OMer, Hooma, corner of ortg7 dlr WOCAI •S.ll o rd sm. Pittsburgh PULE AND DAM INSURANCE. ere llt. INSURANCE CU. t North Americh will I mak, permoi-bi and limited I nil:maitre nn pro perty in thm city and memity, and en Mipirimits by Cool. Rivers, Lakes, and by Sea. The properties of Cogmanydrre well mortised, furnish an avail able fund for the ample inileimitl of all Pers.. whO d mire to be protected by tnieranCer coyly WM. I'. Jl/Nl49,,Agent, 17 Wate st. Ilk LTII IfISILIIIANGIL. Plttriblairpriss The Spring Garden Health Inturanee Go GP PLIILADELPHIA—.-CAPITA /100,000, Id:SURES ?dales and Female% the Expense 1 and Leas occasioned by Meknes or Accident, by munedtate allowance of from S 3 to $5 per week, far one, two, three, or four years. The method of effecting 11114 111.11111 Ce, and the manner or awariluig the sick allowance, will be fully explained by the Agent. INN. A person can insure M usionet Sickness nr Accident which will demo hint from his onlionry business, as follows, vat For one year, by paying NO, and receive a7r week EMEMiI . Or, for period of foor yearly the con of 811,40 paid aannally, wlll secure ad per week while sick. Every necessary information will be afforded on the .object of Insurance genefally, by JAMES DOHNO & CO, Agent., de17.116m Odeon Ilitaldlng.a._ Tbs. P•asmaylvassess Company Fan Issuance on LIVICII.4” Guzman Anna - rms. rjvllE firm Life In.urancti Company In the U. States. incorpnrated March le, 1812—Mm. ter perpetual, Capital 11300,91.in—a1l paid in. Buying authonsed the undersigned to teener sprit- Winn , for Insurance, on which radicles wilt be issued, according to their proposals and macs, which will be made known to opplteants at his office, N0....11 Wood creel. sell GEOI. COCHRAN. WADIT/BDe DAILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA, NEW YORK. BOSTON AND NEW ORLEANS GENERAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE. Young MEN in wholesale and Xetall mores, and other respectable business, to stet es Book-keepers, Sales men, Porters, Bar-kecpers, NValmrs, Farmers, Coach. man, Car A . gents, Book and Map Agents, Collectors, Overseers to all branches of bariness, kn. Wh have at all times a large number of goal situations on hand, which pay from po to IMMO per annum. Thom in want of attuations Many kind would do well to give Lir a call, as we hive agents in each of Ike leseve ci ties, which will ramble Oslo Mace everyapplicant in a suitable situation at the chottest notice. We knee large acquaint.ue in all the above named eines, which we trust will enable us to give enure satirfae• don to ill who may favor oaf ith roll. Ps TAYLOR TAYPIA , No. Pa Second b tomen South and Gay. N. B.—Persons living In any part of the U. Stamm, and wishing to obtain a attention in Baltimore, or cc• then of the above cities, will have their want. imme diately attended to by addressing us aline, (p paid) as by no doing they will curtail both trouble and ex. 'tense, which they otherwise would ismer by coining to the city, and seeking employment fur themselves Address, TAYLOR A TAYMAN, streeb llay2.snitt lialdmorc, ld Jadd , s — Blealested Liquid 01 , 1110 is muloobtodly the best preparation ever dim coverrd, dn. Boras, Scalds, Cum, Chil Limns, Brut..., or nay kind of fresh wounds, also for sore Nipples et remedy unequaled. This othele is intended fur family us and should be Mood in thew ssession of to. (aunty e, in the land. Mecham. n are in constant danger of injury to their persons through aceideta. and the Improper or rot.g use of tools, 01 111 fold 00. article to be hive'. able to them, and after • fair trial will consider it in dispensable. It is an excellent substitute for adhesive plaster of oti hick, without any of its inconvenience., wrd is re medicated as to allay all pain immediately and mon perfedly. very little applied any mrActe on the surface of the skin, tounediatoly loons a firm, smooth coming. very to the woo.' entitle or outer akin; winch may Le freely washed with water and soap, without any to fur' la the wound. the artier is freely used and highly recommended by the must eminent physicians of Now England, and aher part , of the country. For sale onto Ay li E SELLERS, SI Wood at !ITN. 11—Fite trade supplied at the Manufacturer's prices. Calif sunnign. wttAn 1L RIMIV aUU lielIFIE1.1) have received a laet naiaranem of Iterdia, Calton Summer Wes, Men and Baia, a* well known far durability of cola lo WO wear. Alfa, • WlJOlarsinieres and Tweedy, in a great •onety of rotas and C Personswanting any attir l e In this line will be like ly to.be gulled at the north east earner of Fourth and Market sueets. Country Merchant. and' others will remember W. ft Plurphy's Wholesale Room, up - stairs--shutters from Fourth sure, sal - Dow Book.t Bow Book. 11 T HOLNI ES' LI rimA RI( DEPOT, Thsr,l ardeLlnp po.sto the Pays Ocrlh,s— Eve SI. MI.. by 0P It James el] hh,tning CO, • um bt,petute, by bin Paha LithaPe Lsving Age, No .' Diatiossaly or istithanice K. rr w a, end r.t Willard Mel:green r, or the Nero! Order or Berea, (com• Pk. Dr ) 17•Isht.or. sad Yank.Metsmo-yheeers The Mar of U. Fall., by IV M Curtis, EN Woman's Frisndthlp, • litory of Domelle Life Wwe. awl Haws, • Story ly Mrs Kai, hits Jacket, by Hers. Melville Mduaost and kb Illatcpers, by Wyheogliale lOWA' Or 4 MISCELLANEOUS Islfliondersiarred having. r archered riG A. Bay ard, ills. Steam SAW Sli I on nbc Alkehery Slyer. above tho Arsenal, arc now prepared to Gil nil bibs of lumber of any rile and length, from GO S. downwards. Bast Siding, Deck Plank. lionwsles, Jolla, recallin g ', Trimmers, nomads, an, on the sliorrst notice Lases constmly on band. (riders received and airy inform- . anon Oren by It Wightnran, corner 1.1 Wiser and Liberty Streets, or II Morris., No ISO Libeiry street, and at the ogien of the mill. aplo43ar bIOIII3.,SDN Modern and Antique Fardilpre. JAMES W. WOODWIELL, 53, Tmoo Sr., Prinraciaan. Respectlalty the the politic that he has com pleted Ms ' , plonk Met of FURNITURE. re and mos; variedawortment ever rillercil for wile in this city ; rlimprbing ...end setts of R0W..., Manoarinv, and Warr WALNUT, wDraved, ornamntal end plain, su table for Parlor., ing and Ro e d Rooms, all of which will be cold at the lowest prices. Persons de.inne Furniture of any destriptian, ors .pectfully invited to coil and examine hi, slate, which embrace. every dewription. from Ilia client est and pianism to the most elegant and costly, of which the following compel BOS a part Tote a Doe Sofa.; Tete a Tate Divans; Converiation Chair.; Elizabeth!. Caair.; Peceptinn do Louis XIV do Exion•ton do Roam titligue; Whet Note Toilet Table's; Loots XlV ' Commadore; Duke of VOIVA Cal , '•h; fA Pica. with Plnah and Hair-cloth covert, au Div do do do; 40 dox Maans, hogany Parlor Chain; In -Rosewood do do; 12 111 k W. hort do do; 40 Cane Peat do; Mahogany Rocking do; 2 11 do 1 1. no tai Marble Top Centro Tables; 20 do do Nash Stands; CO Mahogany Bedstead.; II do Wardrobe.; Is Ill'h Walnut do; Cherry do. A very large ansortrnero of Common Coen, tad oth er Furniture too tedious to mention. jor gleam Boats furulabed co the shortest antic',. Ail orders promptly attended to. P. 8 --Cabinet Maker. eon be wpplied with ell sons of Mahogany, Walnut, and Veneer., at conetuera toy reduced priers. 61115 CPCORD dr. CO., I'lloceevion to hf'Cord fr. King) fa Va•lniott•bl• 11.1 toes, Gomm, of Wood and Fifth &red., PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen en rely open getting their lid. and Caps from our establishment alike stn MAT.. LS and W0.21.01111', of the Lien? SITISA, and at the low., MILT. Country Merchants, purchasing by wholesale, are respectfully invited to call end examine our Sac k; ns we can say with confidence that as regards and Nam, w il l 110 fader in romparimn nom any house In Philadelphia _ 4hlf PETTSBLOWEI PIOCI:I.II.II4gTITUThe fURE Second SCAtIOII of this institution, mid, the acad, of Me. and Mrs. Gosnon, for the pre.eni emiaie year, mill continence on tide day, Monday, retires ry lath, tu the same betiding., No. lig Idlierty street Arrangemen. have been made by which They rill he We to furnish young ladies facilities equal in any in the West, for °len/nine a thorough lint;let.n, Chisel cabaret Ornamental education. A full course of Phi isophicat and Chemical hectares wit: be delivered daring the winter, Illustrated by apparatus. The dtr. oartmenui of Vocal and Instrumental Music, Modern Languages, Drawing and Paiting, will each Iw under the cure of competent Professor. Ily close Illttlit101) to the moral and intellectual improvement of their oar pile, We Principals bope to merit o entinnuation of the liberal patronage Wey have hitherto enjoyed. For terms, ace circular or apply to the Prtneipals. feble-thr taspratt lc Sons' Patent Sod• Ash. CArlSti will thrttly ave, direct from the lrOrule rest, .in ;14w Odra, per 41,ps lloadicia, Jet,ica, and Austria, which will be sold ;MI /MOW, at the barn market price, he er 51311 L'ettELTREF., reb•ZO 160 Liberty xi ID - They will also reed large napplics during the spring via Patthilelphia eiv Italitinare. A. A. MASON & CO.. XT O. CO Market eorel, are daily receicing new and derirrble Gaol, from the leading manufactories of thl• country, and of the latest lie fleilities which thry eniny, In tie nr, connected with a honor in the coot, mauler them to purchase good+ at the Inwc,i val , iannii, and keep their stock full sad &- nimble nt pII sea nits. T.ey hare a fine assortment of Hoare Keeping :iindr,to which they solicit the early attention of hi ir friends and the politic. mri (Door American M.ehanleal Work. D A..plclon k Cn Near Vert, have in eoar.e of pub licuuuu tu pally, pvee tveruly five rents each, A DICTIONARY Of Platlitntv, EICOM Work.and lin g,„rs•eng; destglud for Prnutral IVirrhne Nen, and thou Italeruird far me S'ng,. Prtf , Assan it.ll. 'NT UTLY. „. pins WORK tao( fart. frac,. und.wdl contain I Iwo ,ncgr an YaLi, and upwards of rtx you. w . . • Isno to 1114,101.. it will proemt orktne.draw. nca and descriptions 01 them troportant marltim, so the Unitr.d States fmkpende ost t.t of the retail. of American tuommity, it will contain complete practi cal 1,211 ea ou Mechanics, Machinery, I.:oaten-work, nnJ Fogmeetto, with that is useful Mere H.. one t h us and dollars worth of lobo volotot, maga zine...4l other books. • The c-rat °Sleet of this publication is, to place be- Cite psactical men and etudes.. such an amount of her cal and scientific knowledge. to a condensed fornt aft snail enable Silent to work to ihr best advs.- gig, and to avail those mistakes winch •p might the revs, comas.. The •Inosyn 0 , nen nen ni.tnnn broueht together is alinuis hesosid precedent in orb It Is. soils ed. there is bald,- nay soisset tvlttstit ii. ranee which is Lz.a rented with sue h clear- I=DZIMI=e=I n•ry capactiy c•ittiot of uoderstun. tog it, •nd thug !c•rning from It 'moth which it i. Important for Imo to 16 no 1 l, publishers ote,lll short, d,tertnined, dlcsn of east, tamale the walk es complete as nos-tble; and tt is hoped every one , olesiroun to obtain the work will procure it as issued in numbers, and thus encourage the enterprise. The work will he Issued io semi:monthly numbers, emuienetne in January, Raft, And 14/111prtIrcat mitt, coonseity The whole work will be published in numbers el el 23 cents per numb-, und completed within the en, rent year, WA. A liberal discount will be made to agent,. . . Any one reuniting the publishers eta udonnee, halbreerive the work throush the post &Lee free or Zptlif • • Opinions of tit• Prison 'To our natocrou.' Mormiatturera, Meehanini, En. gin and 'Aidnnon), a. will be mine of ar ealrli. ” PrOvide eem, uere, lit 1.) Journal. “ro,g men, armyourselvel With it. knowledge.— We e with eonlidence recommend our reader. to po.sess . thrro.elires of ithinunibms a. fast a they Kg pear."—Amenean Artisan. liWe unhesitatingly canitocrid the work to those en. gaged m or interested in mechanical or acientifie fir M.*, SP eminently worthy of their examination skid muily."—Troy, (N. Y..) gadget. "It is truly • great work, and the' putilkhera de serve the thank. of Inventor.. re...115t., and mane lecturers. and indeed of the pub.ie gentrally..—N. Y. ndependent. "This Dictionary will ba highly artful to practical and vslaattle to all wit t with to ar quaint DM wives with th • props,. of stirention In the me house arta "—New Dedlord Daily Moroni y. "Young mechantc• might to keep pinned up in the retinal as well ant pact eat knowledge, and this Ork will show item past bow airy stand."—ltokbary MK., Advent., r.We take It to be just the work that searmand hun dreds of our intelligent mechanics have deill.d to pot• less. ato ample ate us descriptions, and to full and minute its specslicattona that it seems to us that any mechanic might commat any rusehiue It describes, on she atetigth of twat gramngs and instruct. a V. Commetmal Advertiser. "Ad Interested in mechanics should avail them• elves at as advantages"—Schuylkill, 11•enn ,1 Jour 'A work Me:Lc:wive practical utility and peat im. penance and value to the rapidly increasang interests of the country. We regard the work p emincnily calculated to promote the eau.e of science and th• mechanical Prt, and to thwerni nate valuable lamina non on thew suldert.."—Farmar and Mechanic. "Practical tarn in ratite varied walk, ettnechani cal and manufacturing induatyi engineering. tee., will find 111 this work a treamore which it well 111, to their profit to poises. "—Troy Daily Mug. "We have carefully parole.' thenumbers, and bane 110 11..111 ion In saying that it Is the brat work far me amities, tradesmen, and scientific men, ever pnbliel, ed. for it chntaina infante information on every branch an. mechanical arts and sciences, expressekin style and langUsgs intelltgible to tiny reader of Ordi nary eapacity."—teloucester, Glass.,) News. "We are 11We we ars doing the mediates of Nor wich and other pans of Connecticut a peonies by Whist , g the work to their altention.”—Norse Leh, (Coned Csner. jam such a work 111 every mechanic should pomess —lgreeman`s Journal. %Vo conmder none of the most useful and important u blications of the age. No mechanic can afford to be without It." —Nevrata, (N. J..) Commercial Conn. r. IN all the Vtllll.llllpublieations baying for Mott ob ject the climb:talon and ndvanceimmit of the median, cal arts and enemies, none 1,1 we have seen, is to full of promisees this "—timid(' Com. Adv. "It It the best and cheapcit work escreffmcd to the scientific and practical engine r and 11.1110.111111 11. plal• • ms beautifully excented:'—Waihington Globe "Tat. great Ltictionary ie one of the moat useful walks aver published far years, and the low priest which it is sold tnekes acceptable to all n—tmeth Car.•lfinan. "We r gar! tins one of the most comprehensive and saleable, at well as chespest wort s red published.” —Mummer.: Advent., • Medd in he mama by everf t one dearirgt keep e V 1 ,114 prcgrem of art ea smenre h. every one ofte labors of tivoised Itie,"—llendsuaCoarier. "It Is timigned niter ill: pmemple of I: W. Dictionn ry, only that it is more devotee to the mechanical and engineering profess:aim, and ahoy • all. is valuable as accompli.hin dwelling flloeira what Um bus dune far Ktiglend, me: A.I/111,1"1 mac lonery and wools ofatt."—licl[llllf.AmerieN. "las published in numbers( eml at • Prleemode rate, Meting nt what contained in e eh number, that ln no one vet has aa m te• interest in such matters, need be &meted tram procuring it; and every one whit does so, will find that he h is in n condensed torm an amount al in...mien which would be Maimed, ifnt all, only by the purchase of very many volumea"—N. Courier and ri gam,. The enmpreheumeertess with - which the subjects aro teemed. Me admirable mammyn which they me Illustrated, c•ulsmre to make this one et the most desi rable wart s —lmmodaue Review. "tins wore • hould belt the h and, of every mechanic, art jeaih and iasnefiteturer, especially those who-have the least We to canal in their respecuve boa names. We It me emmtelly clammed it, with a view . of recommending it to inventors. To them we would stron g language of to; BIM. "It M goial."— Ilalthoure Inventors' /MIMS!. Nano la nia Prainnetant Ninapapers throughout the United Stairs and Canada If*. foregoing advertisement 111 inserted bee time g ur ij s the year, and Ike paper coursing it sent tO c . egult , tgzorit trill Ds sent gratis in payment. CoLioisii mortis, cAssirdssis. SATIN E Errs., received ea consigemeet, and for sale lae manafacterees • M i r= mum° a CO MISCELLANEOUS 43:=1 . . 11C1r , P. k S. , nm NELSON & remove!:tremove!to No also opposite the St Charles !Intel. the o c. b, ranted the style of their 11 , 0, net h anted on under the nude and styled "Poslley fc Nelsons:, POSTLEY t NELSONS, Manorsetaters of Cast teeel and Ilantaterrd =hee ls, boades, floe.. Hay end Manure Fast r,' tor fid Vice., Goo Barres, he. flaring e &twee da, it err r:•, they can supply diet. friends at the shoirte,t entice and !mew. prices the market will toter). ern etas mode oral, best matetists and lateness le Mer chants wishing to purchase will find it to their adran tare to ermine their stock before parettarere r lie where. 0 , :4 ire SPIFFORIPS EIPHESS FROM PITTSBURGH TO , ERIE- l'ausaillimilaoss AND Para., L1N6,01• 'KT tin: with Livingston, Fargo &Co'. Great Ea., rn suol Weiner, Ftp , ma Thin arrange new will all 1.4! vn• mterassed foe Ilion( for formardMg valuable p. skean. of Goode, Silver Ware Jewelry. /SANK BILLU, SPrCIF, an. Lake, and (Min then", to any of the cities minor west (rob Erie. Furorala atim• lion will be paid to COLLIASCLISte ACCiiUG - N and mating_ purchase. for those wisp to se, nnmine thole Cute, and dove the expense of prraneal n/11,11i011 In home.. at 1 distance. Truity atnt erlainiUtent metaengera Moray. accompany the xams.. LCILIMS Pittsburg's every FIUDIZ nmine. fur. they notice. Li II LIARPON, Agent, Monongahela nue. aarca..acts. Wirers. Hill /t. Cmal. Plorkurgh, IV= NI Wallace, n 1 firm ll...tare Lynn & en, Pi.; Joriab King; Fdq, firm, of King, Pedinoca & do, R. G. Parka. tieq., Reneeri Gen O.M. Reed, J. Fag, tt. Ca•Nrill, P.. Naito, and C. MeSpar. en, Eno, Pa. I.lviagclon, Fargo & Co, Pen, IlimerGeld Jr. Co., Nn. It Wall et, N. fart. ar.lo dan, 5150 B 0 0 T S. 5160 rpm . , tubperiber ionow monerrotorin; borrow - or J. sUSISIRR BOOT, of rood two-hors 211111 work. goonstoO, or OM V[}} row price of .4 50. . DANIEL No 0 Market or. second door from Water et 0p13..12m [roburre copy.] REMOVA.L. WAYNE IRON WORKS WARVIIOEsi. BAILEY MOWN & CO. hove removed to No I,:a Wnter et, 21 doer below t',e Slootim:n!,ele, boys , IValsr, I,TURNIV noriit rnr,, r A 1 of Fourth and Market haVd,rreelved n .ortment of Tweet,. Altrano. Caa.err, o.rr and Sannett., of fancy color,..a!h 0 10, tirern, Brown, and now idyleo of buys' a variety of .file. of Cotton Gond. for goys , Wear; ”Iso, FYIXeII LiNam AND LINKII firman.".ta of nuti-blO color. for boyi.. wont anl2 SPRING PARR - CON. IaTHIS bcautoill t,tsle of HAI'S II non' reeeived, and rr,ll be intrndneeti en Sat urday, March_ cl, by MeCiMI) CO. rn,ner nth G Wood rt ===111:al II ANUFACTINIER. cAsT STEEL. nnd No 111. and No. 'I Anlcriann Ilds . ter tneel. Cam. Sdfn.l nles, of all ..tzer, and Hlark•nthlnitlll.lgill , t alwal n on hand and a: to. "I:a. gld Work O'Hara .trect, Fifth Word. or of ogre i i In. IronSlort. •:( 131.N.L.MAN, , . GAIIBI. SUN. No I. loot 0( %V end tut., l'o!,borEll.. Dirt.: dim 17.131211 - . NV.., the utler..igned, bav•itg 11,1, with enure rat. 1.1 aciinn, the CaAt Steel awltend- 1,77 , 1314,1 AL:Kehl. hi. Steel Work+. in rt.. ear.. t.• plen•err in rermumen,hor, them 11. , 1,111111) 10 , . 11 1, ,111 CO 3 by us, tuAtl.intr , .re Pithaure lc, nr,ll 13. ti rt. I II SIItIIZNIIERGItit Z.- ‘7O. Nano acturert or Iron nott NaIJ.. Pito. rh. Bl==El Iron Founder. and htuchielkt, Ct. ',LEMAN, MAILMAN h Co. Manulacturer.o(Spnr.p, Azlc., Sprlng :MO I and Itlvets. l'a • • tr. W 51 Engine Mulder+ nod Machine Card dinaulaela• rev. Piu•l.ure h. I•a. A 1 1 / I .TirsT. Ems , Founder. rittibargh, ORAFI'.I.INIA blancrfactniert of Iran nod Na.1i41.0,1,nr01 l'a. • .11 , ;"1341 Locomotive Engine and t , lop I.lldrr. 1 . 11.1111 T II l'a W W WALLACV, Marble Manufacturer, 31aclenie :13.11 lingua build MUE=I 6:LODEO.N PIA NO ifFini 711 I.: catiursil,r het Illet rreckr,ln new MO I , entiiiMl .11.1111111. Itt iteheli - Mehulron Piano,. :Into thr h.otol 1 t.i 51?rrh ..t. White, Cmcmouti. It 1,, the eleg,nre of rtierior of a Pso , 0 Voile. utut 1: 11, e.t.a of a Inne 01 ottee Nwert end poweritol I, (real utlvuutage, however. con . i 111 the rotootly Cl it 4 eneuriation. which i-mthiro the ... prtforoser to , z..• cute upon It tly, tutm brilliant 1.110 muni... Alior„.nta• CI, it may be called the heat eerd im.trutucalt doer tn. vented. Call un.lexamire • El= So:e Arent for Al o rch osununtotom P. S oevelat nry anti very Nlehtd,..onF mrttl iJoornal, Chrnniele,n.l Metenry ea, Bttdosbnrg - Maculate Manufactory. int F. pubperttier informs friend,. ti.•d rte pubar L that no his ritenstve ectabtottanritt. traps., .0 f cropinyini from Iwo or duce hundred wotkouen, vt.l where he •Iwurt keep. n largo numb": Ihr I rovehtnist4 engogod,) he ti prepared to rx, 01 , 1.0 Gte hest raltnoer.: nod with r rent dwatt.h. oil ore,: In: 5111.1. 101111 K and CO rro WO - rt.t , N CHINFRI'. of every de.eiiptton. Furxvrkman ship nr.d 'tole of Niacin:Le, ho wou4l ler, to a:- nuntertne• ontnufneturer. in the IVt.lern and n ‘l,, 0101,110 :401,, who aro 1ar.0..- er:dio,lll. Ho Itas ra...esalv en 'treat t•v•.- neon, tic.. Me my.. 0.1 1.1101. 01 c • Ivett 1,11 nt C1.,C (101,00 ap plpr.rr In ALFRED At' , . otrd...hn• '• 0 Itride.d.orr. l'n. r I , 111.: SULIA MIItERS, Ira v!hq thec , r u 1t..pg ”1.14.1e exten•lee Al ll l, Ilk 11,i. ve,ull), will 11 nt al i t ne,i arll.uypl led th r &Or lent size. of -u perum quAllty, %vim. h c oder at the lost c 4 ulat price.. Any 1 , 3 z, or quallty mlnufficlu[c.l“, or.lcr nt boil notice. A II ENGIASII N. CO, ISuccevtots I,lltoti Ent,'.•l. :nen Nrr :11 rect DISSOLUTION. rarinershirl,trteloir rr,si,a,brinre,n Elluul & English, in the Rook and Por, lii..inefts, was dissolved on tlac 11th n t, nl mutual e , nterai 71. e business will he rontannril nt the old st,t.l. N 0.79 . • . Wood strcet, tooter the !Om or ^A 11. 1..:11h & Co." by wonnt the lovonoto of 11... former purt..•rtlt, relll . • CSZME= CIMME SPRING DRY GOODS! T in: ore now rcretvnto our redulnr ,uroltre of Do. nne•tle and ea, et, MIN' GINIf).., wr .•h preporrd .ell ot the lowe.tt znaraet porn to e...h !mom , and prompt home. to.n. %Ve would oak the attention at C.tr and Merchants to OUT.. ek, helievtoo WC CollAter 111:111). todoetmenus to pureltme from 9a. SIIACKI.I7I7 & WHITE, Dry Goods Jnl:l.•r•. PP W 414,1 11,49:1121 , 11 , INCI A LEX ANDER .t. DAY, corner of the Diamond and A Martel otrcet. ere prepared to offer, nt the law. ert market prices a chow° aooortment of Sill", of Etc boot quelina, ontencwest /dyke. Hest black °loopy Geo de Rhine, of a celebrated rennurneWer. warrant. rd not to eat in Wearing. Slack Brocade fin'd very rich. Rich fig'd Silks and.Setin De Cheer, in choice colon° Chameleon, Gro de Rhinos; Satin do Chem., end Tare Satins. ALEXANDER& DAV,K. Market at, Northwest corner of thn Monona InCLLINCI OFIS AT ttICDUCKD PICICIfait A LEXANDP.H A. DAY, corner of the Dianutiol and A hlorket street, are nonos'selling , alf, at redured prices, their stock of Winter Goads, eausisono of Shawl. and Ladies' Dress Goods, in great variety. Also—tilankets and Flonaels,CtothcCorrtotra, Solite cue, end a full monument of heavy Cqttort Good,. Confident ` that better Itaruatm can,. be had else where, we luvite the attention of buyers. ALEXANDER A DAY, janl2 75 Market vtreet. XI - ORION MONTAGUE, or n Young rhri.tin I' 1. Choice: a Naomi., loand , d oath,. Earl • histor y of u Aloraman Miesionaryi by C. 11. Mortimeri one Id trio. vol., muslin., Modem Lderature and Literary Men, being, a in, and Gallery or Literary Puma. Giorge n111111..1; reprinted entire from rite London edition, one lame II ma vol, muslin. Ityrnehi DtctiOnary of Machines, he, Nn 6. Ulric Swingle, the Swiss Roomier. by Res DlVise; 1 Vol 11.4 ma, [ll.llll. Anecdotes fir the Young, mr_Pr;nriples 1111r:rated by Pacts, compiled by Rev D Smith, 1 vol 16 mu mus lin. Warnings to Mouth, suggested by tbn Ilisiory n 1 re. Merlb ale sermtuto chancery. By. Robert lIa•lon: Vol le too, musks. For sale by It 110PRINS, apt No 73 rests Emma. even ICONOURAPIIIC ONCYCI.OP.AELHA Ito SCI ENCE, LIT ER AT UM w ART; t „,.• V,TEMA ricAl;IN seen led by G. Ilh-CK, with fire hundred guano ceel plate, bn the too. ma t igut•hed snails of Germany. The To" tratis'ated and celled by SPENCER P. BAIRD, A. M., M. D. Ptofessor of Natural Selene. , plek/11 , 011 College, Carlisle, Pa. The Iconographic Eneyelnyielia ortb be published in pans, each contairang and no pages , of letter press, issued in convenien t per olio. tEI svhteh •uhseratcrit can keep their copies in perfect order un til completed. when they can be brand. tine pan is published every month, at the very low price of MAX), hick Will citable all lovers of 11/Blrll[ Una In the most beautiful nod practical furor, howev er scanty their means, to bccomo subscPbers to the e work. übscripticms taken for the whole work only. From the Boston rust Thework should Le coupled for Rllll/111Pg{ With any of Ihe tro.oy or popularly ecientific poWitationx of the day. From the New York Trllion, . • The elect:Mott beauty at the Plates recommends them to the ottecuon of the loMer of mt. From the Literary World. - - A welt executed solid wort, of substantial t•ati The notrodurtion of thts wore Inusgeneral circulation among our school and other libraries, public nod pis. C3(11101 (nil so he prosineuve hi oon.•,~. From she Washington ID. C.) Coon. %Vs eannoi ingtry reciOutineild the wort. The engravings are in the highest atlyo or an. No wort has ever before been pablisheil in 'this enuoiry no splendidly illustrated, and die printed ma'uer is of an equally high glider It is )I.llt are work. for inrushes. SIX NOS. of this lava/hank Eneyelopw.lia arc now published and ready for subscribers. J AMPZ D. LOCKWOOD. itook.eller and'lmpottet, 631% /..td tt, cult t Attar tat pril,,ltatoth urar tt:66/1.1 MMEM C o . 3Mo , 7 4 l i Bket b elzf rTic e ttersipkca of the Oni Vitehthes of hlowichi, the New England of We,i, br 8 Seymour with our vol, Cloth awl thee,. Life awl Co;relpeindeece of Hobe. Southey, No 2. ilaphsel, or rer,ea,fiom ths Book of Life a Twvh..l"2 bl . . - of Life and Welting of Tho, Cl - alretrs, D Rev W Hums, D 044, Y., nl. hl it iiurKi NA, .441 N. 7IS Ipoib Bolduc, Youth 0. .~~~_ VOL. xviL - • MEC2 HERSEKY, Ft HAVE. I' FROM Till: id AM: , VAC:. ERN AlA7:l'l'.i.o %Vhite ull_W vv. Red do r. I'd!low tin Drown do •J. Black egliiletk:. Steel mixed " Ride Drab o , Hack Cl Pane) 121257=1 Soper Mark Wow! Cloth. Super Itrovvrr An Soper Green It, euprr Ittnrt Dce Sriper Dral. Ca.kmerrSt Super nro II et" Sap , r Black 4,10 CaVanua 11/here. Scarlet drk Gram Ilagr.ing Drown WI Al the 11..militr411era` Plusburgh - An" and id'ald fill OFFICI: at thelns America. hat hero re emit of Woad. 'I he attlzzeTiber, rt,ent (nr riLle Cemoany, yeti, i..ne their content..nd ott , ...am Canis and ot:,er terser WILLIA TjEGR leave to in lenn hi, l he Is jest rrecielne ompesine. tt, twatt!, nit the üble styles of Cloths, I:3 I/1 isenea linen summer gentlemen's ere tr for ,pr empesslttle In tlrserthe the Ltt of the .tack, the proprietor! of rood, cheap, Ltehtnnahlo, tylit 6er him n no rho the A IlreLentes can co Thu ready m td4 depat.ct ted to nll notes. Rm.' road cant actor., c who ptirrhacc I .c ly e car amine the dunck befo, p tcr.l3c II paid to he who . : lichonnt. . . Evory nniele i twin , ihr moat liashlowa 4 and 13- nnucc. - ST,ATE ST la fin. Chni n.l fur i C 1 Li I,lt , o I loci!, tnis couquy. uiA liayss. i:,. Iterated In uTnrvl vil nert, In rett..na ttritt, +Ca ti :mt count,:. 1,• p. v loq of t: o• cs look, velk hoo,..zont• • •o!, I,:z•r of .1,0, i:.... 11 e. A . . _ I.2olast . r lel APr T.l. o: Ctitn Iluiland WO I. Plop,. licronzia, oco.: n a 14 • nnn Markci...::,l,, Alm—Fare Florsclinm 13,noefte7t 4 . !it!, n, 11,11. a, F:urraer ,rrI.L 1,111 U =1461,, Straw, 1: nerd vrox,tyrr O uct•l PF.74 AT AIIIII . IIV • ortsh•g—ellirit rn e , ..P• {Drab and hit,'.) ne• at v Itommt, I.I.MVEIN AND CAPS, cer.livg,y 10, pricra. Books for •tile loy ol No 79 Cl.r..tout t Z. V,,,!,, it, :?... v .1 11.,. • . I: V I inck Prex,,rrso 1!.1.• , .n.Ol/I[ol ta Ala 1 . ,.34r0t of Co.:word t r. al y or t t l'crotopno ' or s- INsuno I f%cierc, I:y r ittA•rlA 11. Alf roe: Chure:t ni A10r+411 . 1:14.,5, r . 1:11/,'IrrrUt 110 01, la Le, lb- II; I I':' Vrop,r, E. 1.. DIMMI rtlrn.zsau 41(' 01, of Kraut E.Lor.:. ef' LEI.D. D. I , y htt v.. la la II 3 vu:. Saeiches of Nita :c•.; Wel4l, wlth ancidtmt, o: trnv .umoter .s: 1:1 , , in twu alai a mop. Principxoui 'tit" a Ivol MIM Sp4rk'r Ameriranll.oo - .a. per velum-. at,tl hi.. cLira. 14,1; Itrn. FI/•1 Vl') 0, , In mg- I:y Ti t o M.lerri rit.l•:r Of To( hod 1,10. wort,: tit- L. L. If. Alf.ff, Aso. S., f SOOtt,,fts of • leilosytterS I " 1)0 Von, Fl' Pill 40 do Ilaery 11 1 do 1 7 , El , ..tr 11.00 do 1.:..11.o'• WO do 00 3111 do Jo !241 A.r nuJ I krt. 11,ares 4,21111.51er 111 110 Jn 111 .in 1111 5 bb , Safety rase nye; a!' a Am!h r. vt14.1 favortsb, trnn, De3veTal . . The go-toty mot vatorty e , Worthy the elocution of epo; A PIIYSICIAN 9 "1 HAVE FOUND !Stall 11,r. 1%,1 R. R F. SEWERS—I 1111 Cough Be rup and Lar Is dm of the Verrreittge I bare poed all lout Fonti and hom &Air preacrlitt-d tit voty muck p1et...1 inn tA. to eqoai Ih.m. :toad ate o tl to Ova each of 0, In yr! Vi llc-prry . tilly yt =ln= Tito.e propt..r. It C gearrn!lyin thr tvn rti•••• Ll,6r rzoc,ott'hoir Juvv. o 1 10“ . .-Iy Suburll4 Tre . i..o ...a.rn ntlso r &I. !•• tot, Itto•toloo tin rzt•tl pt-titt•tot: oot, 100. lertitatottotil, f4t4gia, awl I intl•. lltottototo,, l'loentotttr. 11,ovattly Ilothrs rorrl.ot-lo .0 0tt r yo o •t t otro• ro•to • • t• Ire ott Moo l'o• • t•C Ili , to o M., variety or I%ottopleoto of Iligb erbotris unit .c arc ?J. 10, Pr01.:..00r tot Ma.l.c the Central High 0! 11c.ck ur.d Port, or cr Ffigrae f IlloJetpeAror, Valpunti•o, Frunctu.n.Uwe. W,. Ship and tshorr, Fr, Clzamb••••tut: vi prrp.trit.n.. 0. iLow c.Cerrd to , hr..• A lII' 11 , ,11 reV.lOll 4 taw Soper.r”dxs , a of County of New Yoe... n_Aotillber4' T.C3,1,) 0 71 CiAleftl.fr9 7 CiVg mid Di. 1:1/,01bet , t • IV. IL Amin'. V Itglttu,t , Ver., VI, chumt.ctr. , l.-it VI I I•asr'• 11. 11 IA wrll , oartaau.e Mentrg colosnatol ,012., nod 21 i. p 0 2,.. . To, r-rt respooal,t exprelabon.,l, mTYwr, urry4s,l 1. is4Mr of do: up, ax.al vrt.o Oat o •olyntiy bc rerrary and lALoi to a tY 'tecommeml the.. In eaurottnc, Ihr 11,1 2,n0 , tzvAier of do. r c eihOoubble fovtl of atm..: gellacr,they would co. ,100 tly of lotell3,tot 4tmolr rili/115111A by -A. tot Pale by pir2o wad ui Wood Mott).
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers