THE fIITSBINGII GAZETTE, PUBLISHED. BY, wErrz ez co IM3i=M:3 MONDAY -MORNING, .APRIL 22, 1850 117•Anyzartssfis are earnestly molested to hand Ln taerr fawn before 3 r. ra., and as early lathe day as praenuble. Adrerdserneffla =mauled for • spec'. fel Uwe will Invariably be charred until ordered ord. Nam itausteam—Advertise - no , acme lead subscriptions to the Nonh - Amerlean sod it trotted States Oa axe, YhtladelphLa, received lead for. wattled from Ot 111119Crm:MmaLT GAZCITL—AtiITitiIe 19=1. :bseriplion for this paper, vsth be received and fantritted from this dace. • SZPreccommuiCeuratesetaLLrer. — Sa bsesi p tiOl t e . fOr 1 valuable paper, arid be received ant istavrard Ilatavzoar.Ammucea—Se Irserlpetweand advertise ments for this paper received and fomeadrA free of charge from this Wilco. (cry • LI Pax. is Agent for WE paper at girt r+en. NreACJell 19 NO. Rork, Philadelphia, and ,Borsee, and is embroiled to receive mbsenptions and edvertisentents for as. Aattseugenic bad Whig County Fen. vereettaes. Is permute of the call of the Chairman, the Whig and Alleelemeella Comity Committee of Correspond. erree Met at Om Court Rouse. The follouram resole, lieu was sloped, to ',Yin— ••llesolved, Thu the Whig and Antimasonto voters of the sevens Election Districts of Allegheny County be, and are hereby mamma to meet at their anal paces for holding elections, on Saturday, the lat day of Jam next. Men and there to elect to delegates to. the Connty COnVetitiOn to be held at the Coen Haase, onWeenesday, the 6th day of June, at 01 o'clock, a. lc Sold Convene= to make the must and necessary nondamions for the clueing October Elections, and ales to appoint five delegate. to represent the County in the State Coirreation, to be held m the city of Phil. delphia, on Wednesday, the I Dth day ofJene.” The primary meetings in the Townships to be bold between the hours or two. and five o'clock, (except Pint and those In the Wards and Boroughs between the bass of/even and nine o'clock. P. U. A HRaNDS, Chairman. Jiro. E. Pens, Arse.FlLlltil+eretaries. burgh, April 10.105f. 1N11161,1 TATRA GONVIRNTION. At et =minx of the Whig Sudo Centrel Committee, held al Itarritherg, March 11, 1630, it yea Aliollllli Thu the Whip of the metre! corral. of Sudo be requested to seleet o number of dele: nave equal to their rerpective representatives in the Legialatere; the mad Mentes to meet to Co”entine lithe city of. Philadelphia, on the 11th day of Jane, 1630, for the peptise of muninatine a madidate for Canal Co.imuorter, to be voted far at the ensued General Election. MORTON IdchIiCHAEL, Chnitmen. Genoa II Haar, ikerelary. come rear PAGE FUR LOCAL :MAPPER:" TELECIR&YUIC M;WS, ..Ont Waiblngton correspondent giyes n fntl ac Banat et the (lime:meal Beene in the Senate, be taxa Foote and Benton. Emma a: Banik.—We teen by a private tele graphic despatch from Harrisburg, that the Bill to 110-chatter the Eschithge Bank, under the new bilk law, bad pealed thud reading in the Senate• We andentezul that it I. the opinion thorn beat informed, that the stook holders will accept of the O n suter to the shape in which it now stands, so that isetins encouraged to hope that we shall suf. far no diminution of banking capital tb this city, it ire PUMA get an increase. We should be sorry to see the Exchange Bait wound up as rabies been of great service to our people, and is deservedly Popular. The die is eau! A majority of the Senate has resolved to link California with the Slavery bar. deo, and to make the question of her Mimissiott as a State dependent on the establishment of teethe ' flat government", in New Mexico and Eutaw, without the preview, and the. settlement of the; Taus boundary. The free State of California, with is just a right of admission as any State in the Union, is to be male as pack horse to carry slavery into the new territories, provided nature . and,theitmesent bambino:di will let it go there,. We regret this movement. Weorere in hope. that California - would be admitted on its own me. ails, alone, and then try the question of establish. lag governments for the territories. If this mile. net be done, they would then remain in the con. dition recommended by. the President, whose Plan tskieg It altogether; the- safest and best which has been proposed; and we me surprised that the Nindipt in Canvas have not rallied to it. 1 defence, Mid green it a vigorous support. The Compromise Bill, which will .fie reported by the eat and dried Committee of the Senate, we • suppose, will pun that body, but eau it pass the House I Knowing ones say it will—that noses have been counted, and a majority secured. TM, meybe so, but we doubt In We can hardly think there can be enough of Ngithem s men found who will consent to vote for the establishment of ten ritcnial governments, vithont the proviso, eves . CM the sake of securing the admission of Geist.- ' Ws. There is a general society to see the new Paella State admitted, but the immerse msjority of the people of free Stales prefer to see Imo walla year or two longer, than to have her user km the purpose of helping the South to untrue slavery. Botsupposetho Compromise passes both bonier and becomes a low, and suppose, further, that $ the Southern pmpsgandiste succeed in carrying slavery to one or both of the new terrttories, . that settle the slavery question I If any of the compromisers think so they rest an a vain hope. When such new slave territory applies for admin. sloe as'■ Sum, there will be another ducerate ' Wattle to be bought—one area a:mm.lmnd titan th .1 • gow waged. There is but lit le. '•n?a or any encral don being done 10 Cosi? pc.. 1,, 0 010 a in mare. „After the COmprannle 041 panes Inc Senate I Ilia haves desperate gaunilet w sun in the lino. It' may pass that body—we wish we could say would not—but those am mach mistaken who oppose it will have a quiet passage: It will be firmly, decidedly, vehemently opposed, to every • step of its progtets, and will only pass at last— if pass U does—by the flirt of its teeth. For the Pail:sure/ Gazeue. Ma. Emma—Permit me thus to call the atm& lion of your reader, to the 'Fair appointed by the Agricultural Society of our county, to be held on the Common, in the city of Allegheny; on the lent Tuesday of this month; we 'have reason to beliero that there will be a very respectable exhibition of ST= and ether :uncles, presented by ,those who have such to dispose a, and that it will fairnish to purchasers a new and improved facility for sup plying their wants. It is well Lnown thrit the role of horses and cows especially, is nnooopotioed in our marl:et : by a act of men who make that kind of littcxxxitutto their principal business; and thata fanner bringing_eith er of that description of stock to the markink in your cities; Ends the completely in the halals of theft men who by concerted action have r ton great extent, the. control of the trade. The Society by continuing those Fairs at quar terly or event= interval', during the year; need . bum furnished a medium of free intercourse and exchange between buyers and sellers, where they can atone do their own businees,frec from any ex traneous influences, and provide for a statecrpo .,itiratt to Which each may and will look forward with the none kind of assurance that they antici pate the recurrence of our regular market days for other purposes- My object nr merely to mil attention to the rub ' jecffor the present. and if not convenient for you publish the above, plea-ro effect the mine purpov In a better way by an editorial. • Respectfully yowl" April :an. 1850. SILOS 11A8211BUltatt. Germ Modem., data Pittatstugh.G•seue. L3A2111.11111014 Aprill7, The ionise this morsdag took op the new Ap. pleiloaseeot Bill, which was finally paned In that body this afternoon. It is said to be j grew im• pavement upon the one jest vetoed by the Gov. rote, but still very at from being jell to the Win piny. Bad as iris, however, it hos already been proclaimed by a Locollier Senator That U cannot pass the other branch. I presume the Scalia will take It Op tcvmortow, and by the end °Me meek we may hope to see the character of this second pialaation. Gate it is fatally passed open by both, Beams, It would be niche to send you en analysis of It. In the Senate, this morrAhtg, Mr. Dank, pftim,.. • rid a remonstrance from 715 citizens of mai dBegheny mantis rcPeal or tti -0(1817, Lerelerenuo to the recapture or rapi.. live shoes. consideranan :or noose amendments - to Sainte sals, aoeolried the entire dap in Ibis body. . . None edit= were of gooey!! linportonte ! . Ifs antendinonto to the t'll! entidid an p 4 kiting to tke_qchool iy¢d Intheiowaahip.ofillltce• mint, In the county OiLcsorno,and toectline pun pointn being ander. oonsidendlon, Mr: Bodice lived to amend by adding tho following inia Roy wilco, to vitt . ontii tholottitth nation of tie Wad- ItlaP4Pll4lllllloo.oll/11ilthi __ _~, MME 4ay of April, 1850; emagerso loe; and the same is hereby repealer which was agreed t°,—Yeas 13, nays 13. The section thin repealed la that *Wet compells the county banks to keep their notes at par In the cities 01 Piusborgh and Philadelphia. Whether this should be denominated hasty Log isisinn or not, it is certainly diegracefuL It is only two days since the Bank Bill paned from the hands of the two Rouses. Why, I ask, was not thin objectionable section stricken out before it went to the Govetner. The repeal of laws at the same session at which they were pasta, it a system of legislation which, for the honor of the cottony, I hope is peculistr to Pennrylvards. -- What a chancier we most be acquiring abroad! The Locefimos are certainly Tight in advocating • continuance of the veto power in Pennsylvania. The corruptions sod follies of the preempt session have clearly proved that however it may be with the General Government, and in Other States, in Penturylvenla the awe is • highly salutary and conservative power. CUBDEN. Vl3Olll WAIMINOTOS. ' Conespcmdente ore. Paubortit Guam Waal:enroll; AprillB, 1650. Election of Clerk—Deflelasieies to Ap. proprlations—Gen. Cue and Southern Democrats upon Austrian cruelty.. Cotton and Tobacco nOpeace keepers ...Who are now the Austrian MOnar. chime The attempt to elect • Clerk in the House to day fatted., tessilt which disappointed no body.— The proceedings, however, were conducted with quiet and good order, there being no fighting nor threats Marty. Five or all trials wore had, ape peering to reault in the disintegration of the Whigs, and the concentranon to wine extent of the dem ocrat, Mr. Friedel!, clerk of one of the breech. es of the New York Legislature, received a ma. jority of the Whig votes, on the first attempt, but gradually declined, until he wood second on the hat to Mr. Walker, one of the subordinates under the late clerk. This candidate being the only one of abont twenty nominated, who is from a slave Rate, will I presume be elected, If the Whigs sue cared upon any body. Their tree policy would have been to fix upon and adhere to roma cempe tent person until the division of the contest. The Democrats gave their highest vote throughout the day, to Hon. Richard M. Young, of Illinois. for merly U. S. Senator, sod Commissioner of the General Land Office during the last admit:antra don. Ile commenced with, twenty two votes, sod ended with sixty three. Geo. Hiram Wall. I bridge, of New York, stood next highest in the affections of the Democrats. Mr. Forney, of the Pennsylvanian, wee voted for by • portion of his party friend, apparently from an obstinate deter. , minatron to fleet the Free Seders, whom impram ' ticabdity alone, 011 this occasion, rated him:off the comae, as before it defeated him when entered in dna form. The venerable end well deserving Mathew St. Clair Clarke, obtained • the votes of a few Whig., Mot all soon saw, though with re gret, that he could not be elected. 'Mr. Clarke bas exhsmaed his energies in the public service, and should not now be left to languish in neglect and want in his old age. I know of no man bette r deserving of some appointment at the hands.of the Executive. 1 think the chances are, that the elec tion will be decided to morrow, and that Young will be elected. • • - The deficiency bill finally gotthrongh the Senate to day, in a shape providing supplies far the cur rent year, additional to former regular appropria tions of nearly $3,0011,000. I have beard it sap sated that instead of the deficiency bill, it should be entitled the general absorption bill.— The additional henna the Senate, will, I fancy. excite no inconaiderable debate In the Rouse. I must do old Gov. Dickinson the justice to say that he has teenaged this bill in the Senate with akin and succems. Gen. Cassreeeived a Mod tigaificant hint from his southern friends to dahin regard to his lam , efery about euspending diplomatic intercourse with Austria, on account of the brutality of that Government towards the gallant but dheated- Hungarians. Thu General had moved to strike out of the deficiency bill the item of Si,SOO, se outfits for a new &erg. to A oaths, intending to follow him, if suxesafol, with no Ahem, that the outfit for a new minister to Prussia, eve place to one lot • minister to an Imaginary central govern moot of Germany at Frankfort, both motions be mg intended as bkiwri:at the adininiltralloo. Haw over, his southern allies and supporters bad esti deatly mode up their mines that his game bad gene unite far enough. They therefore brought down upon him, with the weight and (gee of • sledge hammer, the argument that Austria and Prussia both took a great deal of southern cotton and tobacco, and therefore they could not think of offending those powers. After a great deal of palavering, a division was called for, sod the vote stood, ayes 17, nays 281 Gen. Can being defeated by not quite two to one, and Foote, so tar as I ob served, being the only Southern man who hoed by the Gellert!. It was a {retied Whettoo rout for hint. I now appeal to the Washington Union to an dole with Gen. Cum and not to forget to brand host of its own party who on this occasion voted menet its recent leader as recreant to the case, ofpopular liberty, and Austrian Monarchists at heart.' It is bond to do this, for hardly three tmontbs have eloped, since it denoaueed the pie ient administiunon and the Whigs, as opponents of Crial l e resolution aboirt the auspensibn of icier et one, and as forming • coalition with "Austrian Monarchism' Come out, Father Ritchie, and give , us the names of thew traitors to American liberty , and allies of Await? /moo. The proceedings in the Senate, to day, were brought toe claw by the moat disgraceful riot and tumult I have ever wen in Conger.. The debate tturoughout the day, boon hall put twelve o'clock to pearly Hve, woo exceedingly interesting, mld , the deepen interest attached to every word raid, aid every vote taken,_ because all ssw that un less something extraordinary happened, the 6nni vote on the propoeition to miller the admission of California, together with al pending quartiona as to slavery, to a special committee of thirteen. would las taken to day. i wish I had apace sod time to give you _soma passages from the really brilliant apecehesof Clay, Hall, and Beaton. One dike.: passages at arms between Clay and Hall will compare favorably with the finest parlismen tary.displays I have ever witnessed or listened to. Bat to come to the clot: as the day worn away, and fire o'clock drew near, Mr. Benton saw on. doubted evidences that the male question could •.• • • not be deferred much longer,bot by lonia deeper ate movement, and that he felt equal to making. By one vote of 28 to 24, and another 0(29 to 22. the Senate had declared Its intention of raining the Committee, and referring to It the question of the admission of California. Mr. Benton came in again with hie iwo sets'of tenni:en epeeist Insituctlens He spoke talellY open them. Shortly before Foote had entreated hie friends to &scale the matter no farther. but now he rose himself in re. ply to Mr. Beition. Hie bad made minor two per sonal but not dierespectful allusiona, when Mr Benton rose so precipitately from his seat as to throw off from it gleams and other things, which, dashing upon the floor, made those who did not IMO his movement, suppose the gallery hid given way over him. He started towards Foote's seat, the two Senators Dodge, father and win, DaGarlo, of California, and Hon. Preston King; of the House, hemming to entreat him not to go. Bat be persistold, end puled towards Footels seat.—• Foote. 'apposing, Ai he say., that ha intended to runalt him with a deadly weapon, immediately Irll his seat, and noshed or walked hastily down the middle aisle towards the Secrete:Vs table, and the presiding officer's chair, and, as ha dram a Vithafrcos his panda and meld it, with the evident purpoao of shooting Mr, Brinhal, if ho came open him. No words ran describe the scene that home• diately castled. Every Senator Inning from his seat and advanced towards one or the other °fan parties. Mr. Benton, on seeing Mr. Foote leave his see, had paused, and turned back to his own, but, on reaching it, seemed just made aware that he had drawn • pistol. It may be, and I adult it iris the tact, that when Mr. Foote left his seat and des:ended Into the aisle, Mr. Benton did not sea that be had drawn a pistoL Hardly had Mr. Foote ' A FARMIR gat his pistol in condition for nor, when tie was wised Moms. Butler, Timely, Norris, and Dickinson, Senators who sit near where; ha stood, and Mr. Dickinson, with great coolness, took the pistol oar of hands, nneocked It, and put it in hie own desk drawer, which he locked.. Mr. Benton's enemies say he taw the pis'ol tab., 11112 ,rrom Mr. Foote, before" he made any other bets Ugerant movement. Dot, however this may bo, issausi wind with the fan of a knitted de. #lOl4OOltY i7iof'WAY_ weapon. He endeavored to bunt through the friends that held and hemmed him in, striving to bear hie bresm, and calling upon the coward and scoundrel to fire—to shoot him if he dared—con juring his friends to make the way clew. 1 need not attempt to repeat all he said. For fall ten mia sma he' roared and bellowed like a straggling hull' while Hewn. Butler, Clay, Hale, and others, were shrieking order, ours! Servant at Amu! ace., ace., and the voice and hammer of the Vice President kept up a concert In the same geteral tune, that would have drowned any other din. Foote explained. He had seen Beaton miming, as be thought, to assault him, and believing him to be armed, he had admitted, (I ittoagla it hold like retreating,) and drawn a pistol for self defence, Alone. He war a man of peace, arc. Benton roaredont that it was a lying cowardly pre tense to assert that he wasarmed. lie had no arms. He never canied them. He instated that the mat ter should not be shuffled over so. The Senate should take cognisance of the fat, that an assas sin had come here, finned, to take his life. Would it pi .tect him--Or, should he, too, go and get tutees and pistols to defend himself in his place and in dm discharge of his duties! Messrs. Halo, Dodge. of Wisconsin, and Man. gum, called for a Committee. It was required by the Senate,.in assertion of Its' dignity and self respect. Mr. llarlaud, of Aikansas, thought it quite an amusing and ridiculous affair —a mends of no moment at all. He hod seen 11.11, and bad not thought there wu s op daager on Foots. rut hush). Quite natural, this, for Arkalllllll, where the Speakef of the Moore has been known to descend from the Chair, and murder • member on the door. ' The Senate showed its appreciation of such amusements, by ordering a select commit tee to Investigate and report upon the occurrence, and then the Senate adjourned. Junior. For the Put, Burgh GessEls PITTSBURGH INPIRMART. Many a cloud bu hung over this Inwitution since the incipient steps were taken to bring it in to being. They have, however, thus far only tested the froth of its friends. As Os claims- be eoine better known, new worms of support are developed; and while it continues with a Bionic eye to aim at its legitimate object-the relief of suffering humanity—lt cannot be doubted that a mercifal Providence will bring to its aid-the am ple resources el a benevolent community. to an hour of extremity, without any suggestion from. the Institution, one of the churches of thin city cams to its help in a way as creditable to its mem• hers as valuable to the needy. With the hope of briogiug the subject more Immediately to the no tice of all concerned, and that other churches may be provoked to love nod good works by fallowing so praiseworthy an esamplo, the following comes• pondence is furnished for publication. . Rev. N.f. Passottant—Dear Sir: .Some weeks ebsce a member of one of our official bodies, from a conviedoe that the Pittsburgh Irfirmery is • great charity, and richly merit. the support of this community, introduced the culiicot to his brethren by a motion recommending it to their patronage. It met a most cordial support, and resulted in the action indicated by the following extract from the minutes, taken at our "Quarterly conference," on the 15th Mt Resolved, That this cot:defence consider the' recommendation of the Leaders' meeting,• with reference to the 'Pittsburgh Infirmary. The Lead en,' meeting belong recommended to the Board of Trustee, and to the Quarterly Contemn. ol'the Liberty Street Station of Methodist Episcopal Church, to provide for raising a public yearly col lection in the Cougregatton, for the benefit of the Pittsburgh Infirmary, established by the Rev. W. A. Paseavant, and under his care, the Quarterly Conference approves of the suggestion of the Lead. era' meeting, and adopt. the following resolutions Resolved, That the benevolent Institution ea. tablished by the Rev. Mr. Pawavant, far afflicted persona, whether residents cr strangers, hma un deniable and urgent claims on this community Mr patronage aid support. Resolved, That in addition to whatever pria vale contributions • the members of crar'eharch may Plena to give for s h e same object, a public yearly collection ahaß be raised, by the Pastor et the Church, from the Congregation, in aid of the Pittsburgh Infirmary, to he paid by him to the Rev. Mr. PaSaaVaLIL Resolved, That the Secretary tommunieste to the Board of Trustees a copy of there preareedinge and express to the Board respectful solicitations to concur with the Quarterly Conference in the an nual contribution proposed by the Leaders' meet• fog, in aid of the Pittsburgh Infirmary.. I eta hippy to say the Trustees did not hesitate to and that on Sabbath last en appeal was made Co my congregation, and • collection lilted ounonntingllo one hundred and tort, four dollars and thirty eight cents nett, which the treasurer of oar Board of Stewards has been requested to ' plsce in your hands. We trust, small as the amount is In comparison with the magnitude of the chums of the Infirmary, our effort may provoke the other Protestant church ea of the two cities to "go and do likewise.", May the smiles of heaven rest upon the I.titu tion, and the blessings of those who were ready to perish, upon yourself. Very affectionately yours in chrianan fellowship, C. COOKE, Pastor Liberty 0. M. E Choral, Muslin. Prrrsacaon, PA, April 20, ISSO. Rev. C. Cools, D. D.—Dear Sir: Your letter rot.- Mining the proceedings of the different official bod ies of the church of which you are the cherished pastor, with refereoce td the Pittsburgh InkruiwY, Whereby gratefully acknowledged. I should Om:i ced my feelings did I not coofew Wu the very itiod manner tit which notice to tskenof this Ina• Motion and the warm interest muntesterl for us welfire, have filled my heart with .prolound grab• fade to God xneinre, A pnl 17. Ha who is uroadedul is cauacd, la a debt and heed, bath raised up beacfacima in a way that wo thought out of, ■nd hie, will be the praise. Amid the difficulties and imperfections colloca ted with the establishment of a Haspital, expression of coefi lance flow 40 respectable 0 body of our fellow citisens. Is gratefully appicci toed and will stlmulate all connected with the It 'dilution to card themselves with additioual or to make it deserving of the coefulcuce of all /food men. to behalf of the sick, whom their see roes bounty will enable us to rceetve, l deairet. esytess my sincerest thanks to yourself and lb • Liberty street M. E. Chnroh, with its different offi Mal bodies. " For the afinatoistnttion of ihts ter vice not only auppltetn the wants of the saints but is abundEnt also - by minty thsukrgiviogs unto Gad, while by the esperimeol of this ministration. they glorify Gad far your professed subjection unto the Gospel of Christ, and for your liberal distribu tion unto them and to all men." I avail myself of this opportunity of remarking that the confidence reposed indite by this commit• - - nifty and the uacontrulled disposition of monies placed in Thy hands for hospital purpose., grateful asst is to my fooling,, has been at times painfully oppressive. I have, therefore, applied to the Leg islature for an net of Incorporation,* which pros video for the appointment by the patrons of e Board of Visitera" taken from the ciaieens , whose duty it is to meet annually for the purpose of aud iting the accounts end:repotting on the condition and manegement of the Infirmary. 111, also made the special duty by the shorter, to Nee that no dis, elimination shell be made in favor of one creed, color or country, either In the granting of permits or the treatment of the sick. By these cheeky the waste of funds is effectually guarded against, and provision is made fir the future carrying on ofthe Institution in the spirit in which jt has hitherto been sought to conduct Its again. May it stand as a retreat for the worthy Well of every close, un tfi sun and moon ate no mere ! The charter likewise provides that any church making an annual contribution of steeply-Ova dollar. or upwards, shall have the right to the use or one bed in the Infirmary, for each patients so they may nominate, together with the privilege of voting fur all vacancies In the Boatd of Visitors. By the action of your church providing for an an. oust collection, ft Is therefore conatlinted a vPa tion" with the above tights. The same privilege Is given to Individuals and firms, upon the mama' payment of one hundred toilers fora specified number of years. The difference made In favor of churches Is beams.), In addition to their public collections, many of the members =tribute large ly to the support of the airily. In conclusion, I cannot but unite In the hope, eo cordially expressed in your letter, that the example _ _ of the Liberty Street M. E. Church may stimulate other churches to do likewise. Lis dilneult fur those not intimately acquainted with each testa°. tines to realize what an nmuunt of meane is re- quisite for their support. Durieg the pass year, the number of patients, for mumbo in sucemeloo, has 4 2100i4 1 .8 MINStil, &neat --- avenged from 2.1 1g ao, while at times 35 founds. home within its Walls. The cost of ,supportinf large a number with the necessary DUCKS, may be inferred from the expenses of an ordinary. family. It is perilous to the institution to depend for the maintenance of all these, merely upon iw casional donations, especially when so many other culls of benevolence are so constantly made to the public. An annual collection, however, such a , you suggest, by securing , regular income, would go very far to place the Institation upon a penman• ent basis, while, at the same time, the churches would receive en equivalent in the support and cure of such of their members or other persons es might be recommended by the pastor or Officers. Deeply sensible of your kindness, I remain your brother in Christ. W. A. PASSAVANT. Dn•rrr+cs—Mr. Edward Moore, of New port, Rhode Island, a highly respectable gentle• man, left the Astor Rouse, in Naw York city, an the afternoon of the 9th instant, intending to go to Orange, N. J., but his not since been heard at. Lan. rot Estonian. It was rumored In Sao s, on Monday, that the Governor and Connell d decided fioally is the case of Pianos, not to . - - eemmute the pulUshment, mud Wit the'day of ex ectmlau was fixed for the 19th of May ner.!. 7, - • y[7ll,leLaran Wong Vatotncaa.—lhe nopuluitr which this medleire has acqoirad in Western Penn , Sylvania, is a are guarantee a its excellence. Tros following gentles:mu, highly respectable classes of Allegheny nod Beaver counties, bare used this Va l:mirage in their (mikes, and else the ssarlabe of its treat medical properties. James Stratton. Fourth street Road, Pittsburgh. 'Mary .1 Stratton, . do Mary ! R Walton, do do Mary ork, Beaver county, Sarah Ilasberger,Manchester, near Pith Margaret Lindsey, do do 3.1111e4 Bust, Squirrel Hitt. Agnes Rork, do ID*For sale by J. KIDD& CO, No ITOWeed street. ap2o.dikerS Another WWl**. an UM Stand. CHRONIC RHEUMATISM. Mn. S. M. litaa:—Allots me to express toyon col • eartmit thanks for the great beuebt I !Mr., received root an article called PETROLEUM. ne ROCK OR.. of Inch you are theaole proprietor. I had cmcssioa to se it about the tat of January, in a violent attack of Rheninstam, which was very painfal, flying about from place to place, accompanted with much swelling, so a. to keep me to constant torture. I used the Pe• troleom externally, I few apphcations of which re• moved all pain and every symptom of the disease. I am now entirely well, and would take this accosto. to recommend the Petroleum en all who may be safer ing under the agonising pains of Rbenlllatlala or kin died diseases. ISignedi Gumon near Perry Hume, Pittsburgh. Sea general adverb...twenty to another COIIIMB !ebb! LOGAN, WILSON & CO., 149 WOOD erforer,:tuovg Flkrll, lIRFORTERB OF HARDWARE, CIFLIRY, Lt. Aek the attention of porch to their F'ltC9ll SPRING STOOK, %Vlach t h ey think arlll compare favorably, both in extent and cheapnem, with Mitt of any 0:11. home, either hero or in tha EaBIEM Clod fe1i7f.18.1•41. Mexicx Laos "I voax—Frepuen by J. IV. Kelly utreei, V, willur sale by A- Fourth wage,. Tula be found a delightft le of beverage in famine., and parhicalarly for Welt t 0061.4 ai•inipraved Chocolate prepara• [ton, tieing s annataitatiou of Carol nut; innocent, tn. •ignritling and palatable, nighty regasiasteridal pagan uiarl far nivolids. Prepay.' by W. Baker, Darehaiiii ter. Maas, and for sale by A.JAYiyES, at dm Paha Tea Stara. Ain. 70 youngmania • Improv•sitimia is llositislry. DR G. 0. STEARNS, lam of Boston, is prepared • munufacture anti bet BLOCS Toifit in whole and part frets, upon Suction or allempherie Suction Flame. ToeTuacus MOM IN rms . lIIMUTIU, where the acme expend. Mee and residence next door to the May or's office, Fourth street, Pittsburgh. Ramos so-J. li. iiiirmiden.F. 11. Faroe- . 1.11 Da. D. HUNT. .• Desivt.Comr *Marl and Decant, eau-dlyta 1131RVICOTrie CO:44IIEBT OF PERU: ;;;;;;;17 - o - ce71 — ep - ply. Addre;s. (pow paid, I I REBCOTr7I CONQUEST OF MEXICO; CHINE CO" Roe No 711, PhOwlelploa, Pa. • few °open of each of eke !Swan works Jew we'd aple.dlco by Lapikj JOHNSTON k STOCKTON _ _ • Tuna. Ilaissaake, Esq., ea Savaay, the 9111 L. st : , I Ileornal.,hroniele, Ameslea.e, wed P_e_sl,_!_woi ' I o'clock, P. M. -7-C-11V" le firer& are respecifelly Invided to emend his General, Which will, take place on Teesday, the rid inst., at I.o . o'clock, A. H., and will proceed fres hie late residence, el the heed of Sceeinh semi, to Alle g hey r Cemetery. latch lient•A , A tiV.MTV.FUL CAIR ULAC MAUI lIORSKt for sale by C UREY IS FOOLE, 11i7 Second sunnit.n.ina Al,l, persons again( nuastaTes pot on their to conforsoty to • resolsolon of Bouncily, will ;deem call at the Rooms of 'the Board of Trade; wcand story, cornea of Wood and Third ate, and pay for the same. RAhIUEL FAHHILMTHCK - $.OOO Noll RAIL ROAD IRON. THE Ohioand Penosylvaola RaiGiload Cowpony L wish to eantratt far eight thomaod lens of Roll toad Irma, for the e•stern divitioa of thea road. emend •ne westward tram Pitlabala Tbre• thousand tons to be delivered on the Ohio Steer, at Pittsburgh and Beaver, before the close or canal nem/alum an the present ye ar. ISSO, and th remainder lathe spring of nest ear. The raiH am to ha of the H length y s or twenty feet, and are to weigh GO poen& per Garai yard. They .era to be subject to tie Inspection of Solomon W. Roberts, Chief Engineer. Poe farther talariaanala,pleafa.aadredal the Ptettident of the eon, pony, sit Pittsbersh. By order of the Board of Dt. rectors. Whl 110U1NBON, Jr., Prato/eta. Ptashargh. Apr! V INNS.-lia boxes Claret Wines. choice Lesoda;. ap. badge. Champagne do do sa reed pea blVlralt N•llffillai, l 4 s4 / for sale by A CULIIERTdON, 10 Labatt , / at SSORTED FRENCII CORDIALS, ABRINIr .ANISETTE, GUIBAIOLET, aL,J•t , , ••t. • .3 sale by •Pri A CULBERTSON FULNCII VINEOAR—v tasks, "aperiar Artie! )tot rocciscd, and for .Alc by A CULBERTSON . QUO/rat-20 beis Govellng'a Powdared and Croak , la Sugars, rust reu'd, ant rot silt by lien A CULBERTSON D ACON-10 eat . E t tal . dars, Cociuu d ali ultra, 6 do MUMS, do . • • Jour ree'd, and boy tale by s.P.I S WATF.RMAN d. SONS M OLASSES— be bd. YddYlddd mul for We by T. S WATERMAN A. SONS ayrY D EAC h W ptime halves, dried peach lor rale op ATERMAN k BUNS IjUTTE9-15 pm.= packed 11 . 19 i.; toy ..le by 34 kg. do • • T 1 I. 9 WATERMAN ft SONS EF.DS-33 btlr prima Clovemod; 11l bog. prune Tonothy !hod, for oslo I. El WATERMAN & PONS ‘24eN"THE SNEATIN & RA EM—bbdo.. ,rrr 4.0 Scythe Socatba. 3U dob Globe.. for sale by e L.e4 WredPERAIAN a SoNS C OFFEE & T —?Ab b er:Rate o Coe: 43 do P do; btobady boo to, ~ boil ober.. Mark 'lea, reeving par cane, and for bee by _JAIUES DALZELL IpANNERS' 011.-15 Ws for Yale by . r ' lAMl1).11.21: • -- Wanted, ILIIVE sense and totelogent young non to modal in r maittog preparations for a Dimetary of the City of Palsoutalt, apply immediately to Rooms of lioard of Trvis, corner of Third apthdles and Wood Bt., ateeond gouty. E— XTRA CREAM CIIETSO bee Cream Cbee of extra quality, to store and to onus, a CU VS Liberty at. od awe by R ()ALMA , k. 12 _ Fa ker. and half Lrl., lo and for ..Io b 6 DA LZELL & CO -- --_ VlLOyklt. h. TIMOTHY NEED-1M bushel pr! • .1 efifierpeed, and 30 tni Taxingly In man, and I pale Ly •Pzt L IL DALZPILL t CO Sellers' Vorml tap Vos."•—PThe Host sow I ROM Vona, 0., April 11.1850. Mr. E. E. Satt.tim—Dear tfir—lleving used some of pear Ve,nallaige Inoue Cam ar ille., ab great strews, aim believing, tram the very /rat aativaetiosi it has pen in nor uaighbOthood, that II I. the beet now in use, we are animate to procure the agency for thin place. We have Bold all we obtained of your Onto advot. Yaws, wAlPant7olY. V A JEIJAN. WsPareuts should always probers, the moat to liable Worm hledlelue. Prepared and wild by R E SELLE6/3,Na G 7 Wood Street, and *old by Etafgletir generally lu the two eides. - .07 Wants a Situation. THE adeartleer, who thorou cu ghly undeande the itaineal, wishes to procure • eduction ret to tate charge of a tam. Ile Is a practical lama, and un• &Ismaels the treatment of sheep, cattle, and horses and the core of the al discaees to which the, .4 liable. Apply to W. O. at Ode *eke. aptidate • doom • lt/URPIIY k BURCHFIELD Inv,ku Br attention of A u e :a Moll Idiudins, Reared Bwiis Muslin' Embroidered ditto, Quota's Lewes, Book and Bain Mains, Barred Jaekonets, Cambria DIMIIk. and Stripes. Victoria, Lisle, _F4yptunt, Thread, 'Bobbing, Jaokonst, and Bears Fastege and Dwellings, Needlework, Collars, Re. Re. As these goods are purchased fr - olbt the sweats of the mannwe rrrrr s, they can he sold at low priers. ILION • j'OIINSTON &STOCKTON havejust reo'd ferule, Volumeeth Huss'. Duro., geowin, Hover* neer edluou, sloth Tnu Pisa or us Wo lin, or Idrtnl APPen• MCC/ Illustrations. by the Brothers /Saban, sial; lebroniele, Post, Kraals., and Journal, copy.] _ n9NEBURGS-10 bales Cotton Ositeberes, suitable for grain and feed boas, tarpaulin b y boat Ere weenie, de., last received, and for m at by II LEB, tai Libene ciao. ---2-- Ull LAPS-0 bales 4olneh Lied re bsawy berlaP 'Band sew sale by apw - ___ H I. WO WOOL SACKS—Barlapwa Cabins Wool 1 SUL, on bane, and for sale ny II LEE • WINE-600 lbs wool ryes and wrwlns II L twinlKE e. for b _Wall 7 .1.2._ . WrClNseakTssiern a u a N•m u.on=ele RR CORN -330 Da gtelled;in Maid tt i tt , , sT ac , S F •iiII4 . I;O ' NNIt ' OEST &CO bzvN Wood n• • I birr.. "PEOUIL-17 Ob. storeyfor rale by • S DILWORTH & CO BEAVRIII HIJCICETS-50 do: La :tore. for oats by - - STUART &SILL ' C °BNIUW°II3-2° d" r.W01741 . 11!( 1 : apt - 41.1LR0 4rl. in care, and :or szle by eta:: J fl DILWORTH k CO 11ATTIN13-311bales No 1, to gore, and fat u'• by boa° • STUART SILL ALCHOLIOL-12 bits In store, and far sale by ap2Cl J KIDD ix CO - _V just reed, fig yam by up2o 1 EIDD &CO WRENCH {MI rATION GOLD LEAF—hawker. K spin J 8 CIL:FORTH & & ----VBOTAEIH-0 eults last landin, is prime artirlr o atOOZEdliff liVigh Inks. VIURPIIY & BURCHFIELD loyite atentlon to 1" MON SYRUP-94 do: superior quality. Mr sale J./ by amen J KIDD &CO LUZ their anortment of NA goodm. apt: lATINDOW810:88-80-biu UM 79 bss WB, in More, mid rot .. 13 ' d tk"g"'ll"*"'/G"4".drari "mi g " !.ll ' th". . TraltAGE.B AND CIRENAPINES—PIsisi and ptint- V. tiTUART as SILL g""d". An """"U"""ilii.U"lgit, VIINC"11816.8 • apl7 DATENT BLACK—COD lb. ror ula by .I. ago / HIDIMCO BACON—CACO toe choulders . " - 35° hddkd' ddY %VALI' F. 81b. eFox d Pt, doz =rem alep rv in k s a uire k , andsiaat CrroN YARN—IOW !be nonce. for de by apbo STUART & SILL C AN v D 2o LEWICK- 0 5 0 0 1 b. in mre,_nuAtt_fTorrsllLy PEARL ASR-7 casks Jost reed and tor We by E DALZELL b. CO aptil Liberty st. _ dOTAt . euke received, R dCo I. • DALEELL a CO pAPEII.-150 raw Crown Straw Mopping Paper, 150 do Medium Straw do do Together with a Urge assortment of Yrindiog Paper of every one, on band and for 5,510 by A 11 ENGLISHCO, Soceersor. of E LLIoOo E 000!. ENGLISH, No 79 W 01:I LIVF:R 01L-80 Wong lobitc,irTmd . Cpore pyp , for We B FARR c Cornet of Pint and Watt. 11 PlUb1-10010s new crop, for role by croX, A FAHNESTOCK CO G-4.3° tb ; Nl l 3lo 6 .rittj h UM ARAUIC Nu am now. , 9 • No 60 Wood moot. )1N (R apto 211g111118. DRAPED. & CO., • RNOSE ENGRAVERS, hive wsociated wi th DI thew CHARLES WELI4II, Ow favorably known for the past banteen rears as Engraver in the dried f Spencer, Hafty A DanfortlO Cu copulae,. The basins. will in tattoo Le coodueted under the gem of DRAPER, WELSH k CO. • JOHN DRAPER, ROBERT DRAPER, CHARLES WELSH, Plinadelplua Esehulge, April 4 tabu. .4 , 10 all AMERICAN GOLD TA• ,u Caw, Thulto Eag and Gold AzUm =En t TEM =MANGE AND NANKING BOVNE A. WILKINS & CO., ME CORNER OF MARKET &THIRD STREETS, •vp A CARL. FORGE E AlitiOLD CO. have opened att Excnexoa 01 NIC 14 N 0.74 Fourth meet, ex door to the batik of Plttshurah, and are preparpd to trans act, on reasonable terms, any hostnest their lino that may do entrumcd to them. F.x.eitange, COW, Bank Notes, de., bought and sold. Collections made In all the pnnelpol cities .11 towns In the United Staten. Delved. seceived to prar fonds and currency. 'nosy rnspeetfully when • shoo of the cotton of Ma hotness commenity. ungl.leo GEORGE E. ARNOLD & CO., DEALERS IN EICII•AGE, COIN. HANK NOTES, dn. N 0.74 Fourth !street, next door us the Bank of Fina -1 bomb *w i i A ; l . 4 li l 7blt i' i l a E J ß ;il C etn — to ll jt. r a w uZo k r ' o ' f ' lC h hlfrin " S Latter Day Pamphlets, Pi.•/;—Tb. Prethat alma. By Thomas Carlyzie. Caatatura.—Muntoir• of Lath and Writing. ernes. •.A ha a lm y Pale D.. Evidences oPChleriestioenosr yoa n D d a H n i c l e s BOORS. . NlTratiVe of the United State. Expedition to 'he Lecture on Divinity, with two Introductory Lectures River Jordan and the Dead Rea: Fly W. F. Lynch, and. four Addrbares delivered In the New Colici Edinbanth, by Thomas Chalmers, D. D, L. L. P. U. S. Nave. Memoir. of Fixtraordlnary Popular De- , en, Yawn.- limiest.: By Charles Mackay. Women in France '• . during the Eighteenth Century liomboldt's Aspect/ lie sourc e. , of/ohn Calvin, compiled from anther< urc and paruealoly from his cortespondeithee. of Nature . PietiOnarl of Poetical Quotation. Dr 6 % n il it Deer, with „ nee , I eel Ile,. John T Watson. Lives of the .been. of England, Y klor sale by R HOPKINS, from the Norman Conquest:. By Agnes Strickland. ~nA, 78 Apollo Buildings, Fourth at._ Simpson'. Journal Round the World. Chanting'. — '--- Memoirs. The Mercy Sean By Gard therfthring D.D. "PRACTICAL MACHINISTS—An excellent <pith, For we by , I D LiIKWOD, JUtunlty now o r to a p d acucal Machini. of apl9 No 10( Punish at. well <Published reputation, en acme cap,imlo. en• age extensively in the Snow Easing, Dothn, .... DEARL STANCH-6. has superior Pearl etarch, f....„, ~,,,„„, 1. mantitacturrd by /alit. J Wood, Column..., Orio, A, a ,,,,,,a nne in I. now „ e n, for p n e n „ L „ n o n received on consigument, uid for •ale by in all its detail., inclading extensive what{ room, for *pig _ ..___ _HARDY, JONES b. 0 . any Hand steatibboata. and from goposition, If pro- DIALOGUE OF DEVILS—A tear ceple a of thin perry minducted, will doubtless commaod a large work ferule by JuIiNSTON i STOCKTUN, abate of haziness. ao:1) BooYeellefs. earner of Market and Third at.. , A . practical Machinist, a. • partner, a required, to . dact the whole establishment; and ouly Sloth fully SPATEN,' Pe RIO Gar ' EFf " .4. . ' triton; per Istr..;;;iiiir. , ;. - i ,, a fee ..t e by ky. on tend, and foe sale at the rowan prices. by ~,,, lIROIVN • KIRKPATRICK arils BRAUN ilk REITER. • pAgus GREE,..4_4 A .., o yi rA tg D. ~,,,1 ch d fee Jules llossi.aN.7 . - i ler . i . raln Mali /A.m; ' "-- 111 --/- 'P i ' '' "UN*. R T in t - ' VJEFORE producing a remedy for my dimase, it is UOAR-71 Ithde N 0 Bogey, to timbre by tamper 1 7 always becessary to po a thorough leas- SJefferson, for sale by ISAIA II DICKRY kl,O ledge,not °alio! the disease met!, but of the phyvto aerie lIINVaMr et logy of the . cages. sooght to Lc email emu. 'rue ammo aiLicte le otterrd to the public as a remedy for BRANDUKS-A eked., seisouo. a pm Itrandim i .A ,,,,, , A .,,, A , A Co.' . A . A .,., A , ~,,, e ,..._ V o se ,, : , Lte , r4tlio d H , ...r,z , o b lirie Um remit. maim years' steady on hand. and for ea le by t he Ilaseai Luetralc Hair Remoritivo it, probe. A CULBERTSON, ay, the oleo ellicamom •eid •ree•ble mimic amts. apt. INES-Seperior marlines of Claret and Chum mem... mom delight/el airtime, and Will reader the wperm Wines beat constantly on hand, and for Hair gloms, aunt. and beautiful, oreanslog it th ale ley Nil. A CULBERTSON roegbly from ail Ampanues, and by its sewn upon ti e tultilinti Organs St the Hair, give to at a tom and RIMS LOUISVILLE LIME fes e rm'cr tel for vigor before mina**. It will also totutly . ofiediceto 78 Me by _emir i fro VENISON DAMS AND DEER SKINS Met ree'd, m dee scalplt is autumn that melt hair I. a. holiow lobe, baw l' and for ,ale by 9_ 0 A CULBERTSON lag a root ,a aa,..,,a. ~, rOa ga ~,,,,,, ,bena is a aa a. 1101111,10 IL HAWORTH.smitaireabsum of blood and when, Irma sickness, We tiecumaletirn of das , dirutl, or other causes. the Tk A AND, WINE MERCHANTS, 0 ,,,,iu.,, ~,t,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 0 0 ,,,,d . ‘ 1,.., ~,,,A . A i., East tide Diamond, Pluebergh. - apto to Aerform their (anchors., and be [lair become. - ----- - harsh, rani, and gounially Milts off, thereby inducing TMA 1/11011 MEOLAIID. premature baldric.. It Is to nue. ouch os this ika: DRECISELY the same kind of Siao= and Roca. the Pin Lamm , . , 6 ,,,, .... P.. 0.00. adapted, i Savored Tea that are/mailed to the old c.stry .tis ettliccotog coo p 0 elbralim Umtrics •111 r.tive at 4s ea be per Wean be obtained for bookend 71. per all impurities, ...ore life and (mimes. to thit dry poand at Tes Tim Mauer, east side of the Insmood, .ad "Hod b. , Pinshargh, infer limns & Haworth's . Wine More 11 .t...f.... co y othvf oftielo for dmmiog T. Petc .. ra , ::%ri ,. .et, ,r A . l o, lcte i n t. y. o :ll , En o a gi bo i. v h e h i g . c . ta h C d n i, oe ., •: Lot , H . 1 ,0 ,..... i p t . cott n. :ll:lfo i Ld:Lioro.. it to. l ' ll . c o kli ft in c tu r froto tie Queen's Bonded Wore..., duty free, notli ofirettfooce• it ie 9.briblY the ootY really ea being foreaportationi .Pit •ntiheatty compounded preparatten ewer before th e °P-- public, mid tat 1 11.VMM popolviiy is apron &lathe - 1 - OUISVILLE WHITE LIPIE-4ZObrls fetish. lam public appreciate its swarth. Enure saii.ocuotigiveu J... ree'd.end for sale by I , II ORAN I% ' to the parch... to ase. Prepared only by opts 04 Water at. JULIEN HAUEL., Perim:MA and Chcmia. C.:9 Ceee•mut steam. below nm& lIAIH B-43 me engu cooed kemeltil toted. cod For mile wholesale arid retail by II A. Fahmiteck for sale by JAMES • HUTCH] SON ICO is Co, and B. E. Mlle., Pittsburgh; .sod mt. gar. Lk-4000.pigs Galena Lead roMill per steemer Pilo red J. Michell . "oil.. any . Pa. aplldly Milt., and for sale by_ •plie JAhIFB A HUTCHISON kno To S ----- outhesm nod W to BlarelsAnts. mooned mothers for sate by OUSSEL'S PREMIUM PERFILLIERV.=-The y Alan, A RuTeilmoN a, CO St subemnber reepectfully invites poblic attention to ,----,----- - e eillenalve Storm of Pertnmery. Soaps, Shavlog DREAD SILKS. Creams, Sm., to which 'even Silver and two Gold., A Ai MASON k CO. an receiving another large F".„." h, l' , tr ."; 1 4 " . 'cli.tic 'cc., been awarded tl.. Invoice rick Polley Dress Silks of all madame ~"',.;• l::.',,, te ' r f,. ° l7.., l ::, k ,!jr,rgyat,;N:; and onc e.; Chameleon do; Plain Blue do,el ll, kallei '''' .. .t .. ' e -- ' •.., only Golden r • qualities, and price.. Ratted and:Ftgateddo, kr. Au. for Perfumery .er oirope or at I M. Persona Malang in teatimes are putrolarly re eat- ccicct/ - , cd to colt and examine (bole crook,. they will Snd It 80011111.4 U=lll=l3l3 thiiiilleo ellalt, (Almond, iamb =ll hirireat and ebelpeat in I=l City. Row, and Ambrosial I anoreheally acknowledged to RIBBONS, fee. Le. he supeour to .y Shaving geese iu tilts country or LSO pee choice etylee Itorotet Ribbons: 150 doe. Lc . t°9c d„ a 1.., etch gi,...‘i a n d whim. ii.,..,. , ~i, Outormag woe Saminor-Eleasnifully transparent, heavy fringe; 11 do with and whim. (Wage, from 75e sad 1......‘" h. t hl ' 6" ' . ..1 ••°011. " md upwards, tried and now opium. lay It repenter, Sayonsreom COrtip=llet Alain:dial Shay- A A MASON &CO, ing Txbien filibtary tilorring Soap. sursonvaTowrettosev-Almomi Rose kliliefieure Market at. bemeau 33 ar. 4th st. ,-, i, ~,,,, ~,,,...p..i . h..4 ..,, i .;1 1 ,,, Fl . i . Able, reeeived and opeolog 3 ease Feinted Lawn. , -4..... c '• '''''' 'F'• • q .• ' ' • '-''' every variety of utiles and color.. ~ o ph. tore e Vetestrarene, Olive the, ti indium and circasman. kerma:* VOA I. 11........-11oee, Yieslein, GUISE Alllollllolan Illoobiaminall Work. : f! , :i e ..7 1 1 1 4 :' ., ,C.Z.,, d r., ( J: a .„ ....- 0 1, - ,„ , , tf c . ...;„ t ; i 7 d t,,, b 4 , „ .. ..x; D. O A,P.P.t= h i t:;4 1 : 1 :7, ',.. e . t.', l ', o n ,' e g.n . .;:,r ‘ ',7, Roane, and ma. other unetias, In all Italy di Teton, melt ' , • DICTIoNAkT of MC , baoct. M"rmnice lit- 11.1 ' 7 Warman-Fleinda Water, Eau de Toilette, v,,,,,:pli:Lir,riltrp.,,g, it!...1 4 orange Fk.wer %Vetter • and a gee& vaeley of Co. ProfneL. Rind b'y'ZNio-;i. ° .°. ° sme- " '14,7":"..d..'",.::°20°.`Ztria,._,...... Heer's Oil. This work la aim. ear Moe, and will eontain tyro Antique thi, liatlolioe, Fin Lastrale, Moine', Coon thousand pade.,nd upwar. of els thousand We ~„..,1 Q. me t e.or, HQ. Dyes, liquid end la powder, mots. lt will prement working dralwates sod deeceile• and Plalocome.Rine, and Jenny Lind Pentede.. lions of the most. llopohant machines in the United ~,,,a g pgs t igagmoau-kmgg,mq Eilor, Rem States ludependept Of the MOW. orAnterican In- Tooth Paste, Charmed (0 rice, Oduntinc, Tooth gene., it will tomato coemlete pettetiCal trestle.. p,,,,,c and Tomb Er h ard... Mechanic., Illochinsry• Engle. Work, nod Engineer. 0..".........ctah1. co t emetle. c.c., Am.dian tug; wok . 3 that le cmfol lo mom tarn ore IColitcod I. chapped bands, Cold Cream of Roses, Crettemili dollar* worth of folio volumes, magazines and other p..., Llp g r a c dt a spbceey cream, no. book. Cl. nambets reached; and foe =le by the jilesitimory Powdrreq fee r.soviteg Copt rflue. hair, agent, R. HOPICINte, Pearl Powder, Vinaigre do Hoop, Aromatic Vinegar,. apld 7d Apollo Buildings, Fourth at. Victoria :lair Composition, Preeton Salm, be et treat variety of other 'males. too =Melt= to be TAM TLA nkftivivr, ....a in tide dvertisemet. EAST SIDE OF THE IDIAItIONDd Tb. subscriber hopes to mow the reputation . Perrescsuo MA this establiehment has sequireil, by &shoeing INIERE is nothing P ence refreshing then a cup of of milting but first rate menet.. and will b oo happy to 1 good Telt, bat there Is great diliteultylleobtaug w hole s theme who may wish to patronise b either . . her I to sonde imponet en whir& there to wholesale or ratail,on es reasonable term. Co ant ea 'teeter deteepuou practised. The III.ACK TEAS Bahl tablialuocut in the Uoiteil dates. by Hearers generally, ens weak and trashy, end the XAVIER DARIN. Sheen Teas with • few exceplion., a Comm, Mem, Succeseor to and Lainfr Director of the Liboiatory Varmint= aruciejthe dna bloom On whsle, Lei; g a of EUGENE ROUSSEL, composition of VaNDIO &ie..= anllVialle.ll wilt 114 Mese& armor Irons. Such (thee ought to be eXpelleil from nor Mr. Darin'. thenPerfmery is for sate by ail the sinner aa.Poteosote.o- pal Detentions in country. apt7Aly We betv- --oimeneed the Tea Trade In Pi.'h --- --- ... uh ..._ _ ...- ......... __ _ 0110 T-36 kis spill de bite commence.. _- -- ----- ... ...---,,.. .ilk the fell determination of willing inure% Tea. I ouisv:l.L . i. • witrrn LIME-FD hole Nit rcohl, only; and having been d•alore in lbal article upwards • and ( dc ma by A CUILBIEIIiTBoN, et twenty year., (fire of which exeltnierely Is. Teal itplT Ilifi Liberty st• wa,fiatter oar .elees to he Judge. f It. 11.4 Teas, we - Mulder nue AT Set rues, end a had name Is eke obtained by selling them; bat if ea Mug a aooD arm.. unreasonable price. will obtain eastern, why we are grhERR SKINS-5 bundles jolt reed and for'sale by nee of our share. Oar price., tqualtry„consideted4 1.) ant? A CULBERTSON —._ seen always be es low es any other To. L'.'.''. I. g IASTOR titi-s Uiic reed and for sale try the United States. k. 4 apl7 Our P per Pound. SMACK. . 0111.1. A LCHOHOL-5 brie reed, and for tale by Hood Sisal. 01 o iGood Oreßn Tea 040 It apt, BRAUN & RPTTV.R Vine Flavored d 0.... 0 I Strong ditlo• •—• •••tt 60 SWEET Ol 1.-a casks reed and for sale by Suongroggittlevere4 Strong and fine tlar`d u 13 "y BRAUN b. REITER eEnghsit klad,' , •-• It 601/ery trawler •—• I eti - - ''. --- - 13eUtlfal aromatics fIV 0 :3 Extrequality end best LI ALTPETRE-S kg. refined, reed and fur ante by Ifery best imported.• ICO Imported..-... 113 67 spIT BRAUN & REITER Egon fitnn6 and M.O. tha o f o d 0,00,1'...7100.•/111ROMEClIrSEN-11 easi*ee`d - and for toile by per lb., ails Tea we receive direct from Me London rk, "ly !MAUS & itEn ER Duke, dirty free, It being for elporraxion; It Is pre- —., , ,A r g it noo k. boo, truly the moo kind that Is retailed by the Ten Deal- B- - - IU do sides; ere in England, Ireland, and Scotland, at kW . pound T do noslders, now landing from Fen Tense who mody economy will do well to en title ,,,,, kind of Tea. Pitt, and ( ..r eby ISAIAH DICKEY &CO t. The above Tau we retail direct from the original .1.1. 7 .. ___— ____.__111._ W ."...._... _ chews, as Imported from China. These who prefer ifThOFFRI.-4 0 ' bags prime Rio rest we'd, for sale by Package Teas, we hate each always on hand, from ti BROWN k, KIRKPATRICK, outer pound. upward.. MBO, Coten, Cocoa, apl3 _ _144 Lib er t y etrekL._ Chocolate, Loaf and Climbed Sum and Spices. and TIAND titiXbHfer rile, s' - islevalet and retai, by Pickles of all kinds. MORRIS I HAWORTH, n 403 W P MARSHALL PrOprietors of the Tea kluket, out side Diamond. - - W mktg.!. apti•eHM_ - - T-gthlP--641bales Missouri dew ratted, just received A petite, who has had some experience. The bee Ja ilitd (or eala by of references 'canned. Apply al No Ili Market it. 9111 JAMES A HUTCHISON k. CO .pig - _ _ _ . EFINED SUGARS-ICI brio curetted, powdered, IllilltOVALL. ' Kand for sale by JAMES • HUTCHISON & CO ~ Agitate St. Louie Stearn Mcrae Refinery RE sabocriber rerpeetfally urformahis friends and ~ -'.-•••2:•------- ' I the pUbIIC, that he bar eurioud hie BOoT AND SALTPETRE -001° Ins evade now landing, art& for SHOE MANUVACTORY to Nob Market strut, Iwo ale by ISAIAH DICKEY I CO, deem abo. Wider, where he has on hand a. .very Ilk Water st. large uierunent or BOOTS AND SHOES of hirown '"" ----- --- '' --- :7 ---- ' -.------ - ...... —• manufactanr, whisk he will NH LOWal than CM be ~},-pALLD, ram a-4 Mt mat reed per Witmer. pur e ed in die city. pANIEL RHP.A. l.yl arid foc Bala by ill, barrel 0r alkstle pear:4Bl Has Dreg, kke_k sad emery ars Immo, earner o Siath sad Wood . tr ""' 6r4 WiCtEa6l / 1 11 " . . ILL be reeeiveSTA P C S Slbsolibert for the de. OW 1.------------------ `S ILL i r liverl of from . fifty to one hundred thousand CI AP-100 boo Costionall No , for sale by • . Lus els of Coal at their warehouse doting the summer, o°.oo J 0 DILWORTH kCO allowing SD lbs to Ma bullet; the meted. to be de i .0 ,,, o n t crobits,.._y,...wd., , . f i,......., on tetml i ned t dt. by Rs eollemor's retard at the melee look. TAAIIIIIk O'CONNOR_ , b etween the Mentanaabela Hones ...P .7-4 ItZ: 2 l `,:g; S b IRTV DOLLARS. The finder 'ARICA-O,OOOA= Rem Pressed Drink of the be. will 0 ,.. 00 . 1 0 1 ..onsed by leavtog it ot Dm office. lle quollry; also soo,Ouu of Common ttnek, foLaal_ r Knutore of lapilD DuLtOION :•citexuat. 13.000 LDS. BULL PORK, ie prime "'"' ved, and for mile by npilAl , VON LIONNHORI , slier, last S . t...ttlA k,—"-rTfCn,rj ad do is ram far •016 c'" WICK a!tdaCANDLEKK iT CO 'imam; r BLACK-400 lba pas Teed and tarmac by QUCIA2-11 6 0 lbw tot b cr 1- J ~➢D &CO 10 11,18 HOMO /01T Ico spit No 00 Woo' • for tale by Cr p or. Vl3 lB —4 a'''. 1 0 oiLwotrro & co The Obrapent one first 110 World. DIL 3. B. CAhIPBELL'S BALSAM OF WILD CHERRY: tor the cure of Cold., Coughs, Con sumption, Bronchitis, Wes et Complaints, and MI Pul monary AireCllolll l Liver o:Opium., and Female Debility, and forlmpurities of the Blood, Catarrh Fever, Asthma, Croup, Induces., Whooping Covet, [re. For mile In quantities, or by the singlebottle, r at the Dreg, Seed, sod Pedumeyy Warehocute, COMe Stith and Wood sts. Pelee only 50e per bottle .pl 7 B N WICKERSHAM • • Mato. to our Patrons. RELILECE PORTABLE BOAT LINE. qikle decease of the active peruser, en Philadelphia, 1, (the late J ames hl Davis,) produces no interruption to the business—errangements have beenmede whieb Involves the same interests preciself, which have beretotore existed. The boainees Is continued under the same name and firm, Vie:— haler ht bean &Co., Philadelphia; Jeep Wrens" 1. Co.. Piusburgu. The continuance of the patronage of our cony friends le respeetfelly solicited. If any Persons bare demands against the concern, they aro requested to p teem them (onion& for payment. Pittsburgh, April 10,10. JOHN hITA DEN, Surviving peruser. MM:=ZI:= iM - DhIES HISTORY OF ENGLAND is now pa. yj Sabina by Harper dr Rio' , in 6 vols. cloth and rg. er .io st rcc nu per rob -Three rece KU ived, and apl7 78 Apollo Buildin v. Fourth st. • Unica thno it Pass's R. R. Co.. Third st./ rrrrstozoa, April 15, 1830. RrE Smothediters of the Ohio and Pen orybraina Rail Road Company are herepy notified to pay the Instalment of rive Dollars per shale. at the dime of the Company, as heretofore, on or betore tee Wth day or May nest, and the remaining instalioron , of Free Dollars per share each, on or before the loth day of each streceedlno month, until the whole are pald. De order of the Dosed of Directors. app-ded W. LAMMED, Jr., Treimurer.. COAL WANTED. PROPOSALS will be reeelVed by the subscriber for tletivery of Pity Thousand Ilashelsof Cosh Cos't/Mb for Use ournoso.; th e end to b e f res h, biu end dry. allowing esgbry roonde to the bushel. Tbe weight to be determined by re Collector.. Intent at tbe weigh scales. 1V V. HiNGU AM. Pittsburgh, Aprst ISSO •pl 7 DISSOLVTIOX Plink: PARTNERSHIP heretofore existing between I James Laughlin and James Steele, under the firm ot J. Steele, & Co., was dissolved by mutual consent, on ISM March. The business of the late firm will be tettlediop by Janes Laughlin at their fanner place of to.illt la, St. Clair ItreaL JAMES STEELE, •pld , JAMES LAUGHLIN. OIINSTON & STOCETON have just received for ag sale volume. 4 Unmet,' History in England, Ilan pen' new VI Son; cloth. VoL Smthey,s Common Place Rook. Cloth and pu er binding. Carlyle'. Latter Day Pamphlet., No. it. model Prkono." Onlwar's New Nagel—Night end Morning. pl 7 (icor.), A • elite., nod Cnrozncle copy_)_ 01...tei , 81—Cd 1 bids Phllll/11011111oluses has Idogor nouns do .n VENISON HAM-1000 lb. V. Hun. In prim e at. V dr, Ann ree'd t for see by A COLBEarecni LIFE INSURANCE! Trenton Stand Life Inentaiee Company.' Erns or roma= mom= 25 on can. CaO/s4 1110,000; .IAMFS DURNO tr. Co, Agents at-Pittsbarsh, Doan , OF DISIMON, ST TITTTOP, 71:1ICY. • Jame . Ilov, Jr. I Joseph et. atti, Presq. Meolasoio ttsh, d. Prdtrs, Jahn A. We., Eh Monis,Boontasy. Jootth. Foot, Treasuser REFEMEMS. /1131.0.3111 1 .... Ho,. James Campbell. David 11. White. Alexander Coin.... W. J. P. White, P. M. NZIN TOM Doiript.ollerof New York. GC111,1,1 Wood. John F. Mackie David Dudley Field. Joseph lionie. . . . H,. Pao. One. Hamm. Ex-Don. Vreem. W. L. Dayton, U. 8. Sen.l kale Wildrick,l6l. C. G. D. Wall, Ex U: S. Sen. Wm. A. Moment N. C. Rx.Gor. M. Dickerson. Hon. S. R. Hamilton. MEDICAL EXAMINERS. A. Sidney Doane, 111. D. W. W. Gerhard, M. D. • II Warren at., N. Y RD Waleot tr., Pail's. Wm.llPd Morgon.ll. 0 , H. R. Bell, M. D., George McCook, M. D., I AllegbenY &WI Pt. , Pittsburgh, Pa The As ot.tsof this Compenr,at Pittsburgh, are as hotbed to' take every first elmo ark 0 . 100 " 1 ' nonucrion or na cook from tha mall rotas of premium, as ehorged by other Companieo 1 issairtx. AMID 30 yekrs of age, taking a Policy of Insoraum for 000 noutavd Dollars. - • To ron fot ono year, pa o ys only 10,80. do Str2o "do M se une, " " " .1117 ;80 And in the come proportion , for any analog to B.sooo,whtch is the extent taken on any one life. TAM Capon! emansenced operationaon"the - yet October, lOU, and its monthly busier , s op to lb* ler October, IMP, shows a progress 'noontime that el aoy other I Ifo Company on record. . The first dividend of profits w,li be declared to the onored on Merit ismnary. ISM: .. Pamphlets contaiming the varlet.. tablo. of rates, and all the necersary informauOn on the important collect of I.ife Assurance. will be famished on appl, cation to JAMEB DURNO ir. kV, Ai..., doll Odeon Building.. . . FIRS: lABUILANCIM ut; TRENTON MUTUAL LIFE AND FIRE IN T NURANCE COMPANY will issue Policies o Insurance aiOnst Lou or Dumas by Ras, bac,. Uwe!hags and Fornitste, Od Sutra, Gads, .ke., b. appllcaquo to JAMES DURNO k. CO., Age , U. ng. del7 . eon Buildi, • ARI3•GREEN-6 user reed .d for lode by u 17 BRAUN FLAX SEED OlL—iCt Lea ree ß.& 'd andUN for ud REe by apa H & ITER from mom. llelle of We R e~y end for isle .17 J IIyCANFIELD QALERATUS-210 b,.e and 15 auks reed wad for 10 talc by 407 J B CANFIELD BOLCON—Io casks aligned Litton. now landing, end for sale by 1 bpt7 Cll CHANT. SWEET POTATOES-6 tale los seed, ree'd,sed • sele by apt? ARMSTRONG &CHOLER rAtt,CA_Akl i tnik rit Pl 4 VIM 1.1 1 COFFEE -100 bass Rio Coffee ImMing from Belle , of the West, end for raleloer,to close “eslgo mem, by JAMES DALIELLft •7 70 Water at. Atto-8 pale d ba by n po lal7 w I F S AIAH DICKEY it C O 116,11.11110 f Pan Pin n ny t:ATHEBB—Y7 sack. leading from steamer Port F and for sato by ISAL&O DICKEY &CO S U"AR- ili b ld. Sl i oTa N ci o arrEt '' ltr, . • hest received and litigate by' • BROWN te KIRKPATRICK. apl7 IN Liberty Wee: /10FFER - -iOO et-irTeatLeTttirtio-itrentliti—sede l.) b • .17 ' J & @FLOYD • —,__ DACON, Ac—ll:ro Family Ilims, • ZOO' do shoolden, IW do Jowls, 5 bbl. No (,Lard, In store and f• We by apl7 JOHN WATT k. CO . - - IVIACKEREI.:, to-4 bLla i Sp MI Jo Na V, blf do No 3, a dm= Colbob, In more .d for 7ale by ' JOHN NATT &CO 171..A_XSIIED bbla pore, to wive Com Soca roset coon } , for ask. by a. 1 7 7011 N WATT A CO DACIA SIDE S. Rol In wore oud for We by nr.l7 McCILLS & ROE • I ARD-70 kegs No 1, for sala by npl7 MeGILLS k ('TORN UROOSIS-171 do: for sale by k." opt? • bIeGILLS R ROE ROAR & 1110LASSE. 6 , --36 II hdg N 0 Edgar, 1 . 3 ._ . . MO bbls N 0 MolalOes,o•V LI ._ MailLl.ll & ROE 6=KOM TIMED PRACIIES-100 boob for sole ro eloso on riaboorro, for tale by upl7 blot:11.1.1A & 808 ifUllS-10 dos Yalta Palmed Toles for sate by apie 61eGILLB A BOK D ICE—Tlifereea fresh Rice, feed petstotteatabe R land No e, and for ”le by .07 BROWN & KIIIKPATIUCK 420 DA ASII—IS casks in store nal tarsals by _ 0 apt: BROWN•A. KIRKPATRICK 1. 3 .0:,—... t2 . 2 ..... n , nz. d,5 g e.; ,u. ,.. , - • In .tere ind or isle by L to 7 • &Row& & RIRKPATILICIC —... H0P..4-ti Wars Eastern ilops,just ine'd and f• .. n by . 5p17 BROWN B KIRI:PAT/CIE C 61"."7" r"---..l. . l l ° V . llOONkr.AirER k. CO •• 17 , 110 Wood am WUENLING HAND PAPER—assorted tar al. by apt'? J 9CIIOOIOIIIIOkIC k. CO ISEEII3-3 beg. for We by erre J aCHOONKAYER t CO London =MASER & CO S 1 . 11 p 1 , p3 TIJIIPEN77;it i r bb r g7g; i b i l co NMI:0-2 caws Was Manilla fa. We Iy_ apt? J VICNOONDIAIiEIL &'X) s•pl7J S M CHOONAKER. I CO MACKEREL -100 bbla"No 31asge, to arrive by ea.!, and bir salt, by 1 & IL NAVIN a • 7 Round Ckarah Haildlng DACON—COO pea assorted In Iw J and for or sale P OTASH -16 . & R OYD POTASH -16 pare, on band and for sale by. apl7 & R. FLOYD T ARD-11 bbl. No 1 in more and for sale by I a apl7 J & D FLOYD r....CANJ— , I;:iIy L u tr o g lamp, ro t 'awned bionda, 6. loop, in store and &Koala by J & R FLOYD IMINIEU WE have LW tons lee for it to arrive. male and Hotel Keeper. will End to their advantag to call an •O'CONNOR, ATKINS & CO., ay% Canal Butt, Liberty ot. SEWICKLEY ACADEMY. A CLASSICAL AND COMMERCIAL BOARDING A POIIOOI.. FOR BOPS, 12 miles from Pittsburgh; Rev. loser. S. Tioro.u, A. hi., Pncelpal. The eI3I.IIIICT &woo will commence onWedsewlsy, ?day 1, 1310. Terms—s 73 per Session ofi months. For Cheutars. ;inquire of the PrnielpG, Bewiekley Bottom P. 0.. PA, or of Messrs John Irwin A Foos, II Water street, or Mews. T. 11. Nevin A Co, No, ISA Liberty won. Plitsbargh. sole dlw - - - DASCOMS SERAIONS—Permons tor the pulpit, by DP II Ilreeonr, D. D., L. L. D., for .ale by R Ht nobs 79 Apollo Da'Wogs. Fourib et. - _ A WI VbANTP.l)—¢met be a good reader. la .11. gait" at Ibis office. LIME -50 brla LoV o tte a N I V D . G L E„ m4 , foj s nall co .pts Waisr Meet. ULK MEAT-39:3 pee aho elders; 2353 pee ham., for sate by pl 5 BURMA:MOE, WiLI3..)N k CO - - - pICKLF.D PORE-4 easka, • very rapersor muds Mi. day received, and far race by __apes. WICK & M,CANDLES - SVTIIE KKK/a/IS-3W doe poem, km sale by bpls WICK Kt BIeCIANDL.9 - - - PEARLS —just received, and for aabi Ly • apl5WJClldc - 11cCANDLESS VINIAtiR - L44 ule by . elpls WICK & IfIeCANDLIidS 11 X 7 ADDINGA fresh supply ive'd thorn the menu V V fasterers by - WICK hIeCANDLIZ39 lANVASSED lIABIB-310 Caknvessed bur. reed, for sale by. W.11:16 riIeCANULFZIS OULD CANDLES-147 boxes =miner Moab! Card es for sale br, . WICK & bIeANDLM , S 11HOTAili1-14cniliiecisCInd foe sale by .1; 1015 WICK & bIeCANDLIMS GtifflffiLt PEPPER—KJ bxs oriole Gronnin'epper for oak by WICK k IdeCANDLMS LiTIIICIT- - OX bra Boubriiht`a extra :Morel me% for sale It,. apla WICK k, aIeCANDIXI3.9 -EVE PLGUII-3O brla reed WT daY for salts-bi— &pia • WICK dMeCANDLESS VARIEGATED 35A11 3 : - -lentse tor sale by ant WICK & IdvCANDLFS9 eakceleTN—o4 .acts Ihied reaches fortsals Y I° ''" n el My, mATruEws &co YE FWCR-13 b:ls or sale - LT LIP _apts A HEY, MATTIILA s.k. CO I . )OTASIb—IO carts first sort, for saki by /. apl3 KIIEV, MATTHEWS kCO nEA I,4ll}.l3—Desks just reed on ton, ignmeni, r for sa.o by (0031 HARDY, JUNKS CO rrOIIACCIJ—g hide Leaf Tabasco sat lends.. ror A sale by 'Rola) HARDY, JONES kTO_ BBACON UAMY casks just landing, for sale by— *pH. HA RD Y, JONES Jr CO 'CAR 13-41 i kegs prt — dianding, and for sale, by •pl 3 hARDY, JONES k CO LEistrl.AltU—ollbrls No I Loot toad, Jun ncg, and lot solo by laptil C MORAN? U- IIIT — K LI M E-1. OttoHer `/ rcek per Genes an, iiblca 100b1S—I4 dDrtss WW, by itot3 WICK I IdoCANTHAM ORILICIIWOOD GAIiDAINA, Two miles Woo du the °Mini L . • %BUS Sommer Retreat, having ondrgene - and itarrosetnents, addles mach to his for m er beauty, is now open. for visitor/. lea Creams, Tem perm° Danko, 1. mils, Conleetionety, tee 1,,p1 as wool in the Saloons Publte attention Is particularly invited to a large collection of ever bleacting Omits of all initialler', email) , found in nrecoheasest also,thecholeen kinds f annual dowering Ideate and dahlias will be ready fr delivery the In of May. The Stearn Boat will commence ringing (met the foot of Pitt area to the Guts, the Ist day of bray. Two lines of Omnibuses or now running from the 11 1,1 roechenf Bridge. Oa r ens kept no Masbate.. ere.. and closed On Sunday. antrtgan peopoesai fey Coals Slack, &Wit Little. iiCt HALED PROPOSALS for delivering in the atom of tha Werke of the Pittiburgh Gin Coraginy, 110,e00 bushels bathers of Bitominoat CoaI,3O,CCO bathe of sisal., and o/so foe all. Lime whkh will be mull!, ed for the ate of Ow works for one year, will be re ceived at the throe of the Company until Wednviday, tin Stilt Inst., OttO'clock. P. 24. The above materi als to be of such 'sultrily and delivered at each Rums and in seen quinteden as shall be approved of and reeled. The standarlnfearapotation for the eon t and sleek to to le pound. pet bu•neL Proposals to be addressed to Thou. nakewell Fast Prestoesu of the Company, wid endorted --Proposals for Coal." 'Slur* or."Ltee," as the easo mar be. The paymeau tottie. made wiondtly, retaining *Pa MU y esouln. for performance of connset. qlll4, .TAKIN iff.ctugari, Truman, THE4 9 ITiItE! Lessee and Maniset r•• B. FORTIER • - Theta Circle and Paw/done 'SO pent. Second and Third Zara Ganarl Oar colored Parsonal.---ha u Doors open at 7d; Canaan will raw at o'clock. lErrint night o( Mr. SILSBEE. On Monday, Uhl WA presented Ile MARRIED RAKE. rEMEIM &Istroc To eoeelnde with the CELEIMAL EYPIHE. EhpaY rettengell .. ...... gashes TYROLEAN CONCERT 'till HAMER IPAIIILY, Claimaias of the aelabraial ,Riuxaa Fourr, a armed • VOCAL AND - INSTRUMENTAL CONCERT, At SlTllklant Tmooday,A3d We ON which °emotion, they unit sin, in their National Connote, a otlaba of that Notional Aire, Yod ling Duna Trion, Qaintenea &a aceinatmoted by Cater and Mem, • Tyrolean instrannimt; inutdoend for tea tint dare into thm eountry by Selina Hauser % sod pronouneed one of tlio relll[l4 ma ce] noooluce alto Um • Tlcketa,lo eentm_to to had at Richtudeon'a jewelry Y Ilartu st, ilea on More, Smithfield and You*. street., and at alio door on Me evening aper ient:erica_ - Door open at colleen to commence at n ieelook, {mainly. - • apA.43O f4ddfllßB4oll BILL; PlllB6llllll, 137 410 139 Wood 'street, abovii 41114. IHAT aplintld establishritent is sow offend tor ltrot It is' 44444 ranged for Coarem, eturriN.Exhibitions, .JoF;tatej,77,l,ll,3ts ut .'i m , ~,1311%L00d rt, PITTSBURGH MUSEUM. APOLLO sue,—VOIIIITSI mum:. OPEN DAlLY—!tout 9 to 19 In the moinitig; tto II In the sturasiort; nod from 7 1019 o'clock lathe ovenitk . p rAdatitutaots alms; Children ander 11 h yea:* t priee. • urn C. L. AIIINOXT it CO, "SW TC4I2. a a. x.•on . le co, nrnaraa. WHOLESALE DRY GOODS__ - - A. A. MASON Bi, CO I • Market. Wrest. between Third & lifeartb, Pitt/s'4=lol;Pa. WOULD respectfilly eall the multion of cit y mid Vi" country merchants, to one of them.* extensive Stock. In tha country, ;over Footmen Hundred Cases and Packer. of Foreign and Demos. de Dry Goods, coalmine, in put, of :00 cues best style Calleom " Bleached Munn, all grade.; 40 v Bummer Ras sad Commie% 30 ^ Mulls de Ulu, 40 Lawns sot NualitiM 50 v *Miaow and. Tweeds; 10 " Cassilieres, Cloth's; 11:0e and bales ef Ilelibies, Cheeks, Ike.; 300 Together ' " Brown Mash es. with the man extensive amertmesu of Imported Goods in this snubs, poisoning the most ample facilities for the transaction of their business, end one of the partnera being constantly in the tasters markets, than presenting every advantage enjoyed by eutern homes. They beim that they ran - oder greeter inducements to merchants style., qualiti aid constantly than au eastermarket. Nem goods arriving. Merchant. latendinggem • dieting East, are particularly solicited to !attainno mete asitonment. (4111 AA MASON k. CO CO.PARTIZEIMIP TORN B BAYARD having this day anociated with g 1 in”on,D Bay are, will eoutinue Ilse Leather, Hide, and Oil Badness, under the Mkt of John B Bayard a. Soo," in les buildings, earner of Penn and Walnut areas, in the Fifth Ward. They would in• vile the attention of purchasers le their well seleeted stack of Eastern Leatber now being received, combo tor .1 New York and" Baltimore Sole Leather, and Leather and Illoroccos of every description, tovnlet with every variery of ooi own_wanufactare, Spanish and Slaughter Solo, Upper, Kipo , Calf atlas, Harness, Skirting, Bridle, and Band Leather, Seeding, Lace Leather, Or. he. Also,Tanners , Oil and Car riers' Tools of the best aunty. All of which will be sold et the lowest possible Hoe. far mob. aptgAiter - 11Tutpratts , Palmist Mods Ask. 464 CASKS of the above gefebrawd, brand gad high ton, direct from the matioractsrega 121 cask. now on the way from New Orleamul peered here next week 'end 314 will the anise -via Baltimore per .hi ps Janlata,Chesapeakeiu. env, sod AMOS, Vidal will be sold on arnvel, el the lowest market pace (or cab or approved bilk. • - W bt BLITOLIELTRES, spit t No 160 Lawny V 4msm, , d , rirammaitc4.vis DLOGR-160 bile Yeadied,lll4 _§,f We by apl2 ARBLONG-lb CROZER Ann CANE FISHING RODS in store, and fos all.J b AR MSTRONG kplbo;Ri._ 800/4.3.-30 dox Nome' . No 1 Corn Drooesg; . doe common . do do ' and kre We by. CULVF.ITSON. - mold • its.Literry QCOTCII El HENNING-30 bz6 f$ . -• bo aealee, jaw mall/e . ; awl far sale by - spiel A CULBERTSON as hand. anai r ei sale by spit A COLBERTBIi I • 11.1,C I ••••••••••••,..1(11 p • ask by 'T . Ctittl.%siim . SHOT -t 8 kgs mooned Shot, 612 hma s mad ors by •PP CIILEHRISON VIBE BOARD - liiIIPIW-TtiO Fire Hoard Prams Or L' Froncl manafactbre, from Sic to SO bitch. for sate W:P ITARBHALL, od Wood M. IftluuL—o67. . ..,carboy. Cht Varill i tant7l, "A° l -"crt:- abrairile by ma rir m 17 .!Fprt,Egb_ c i lkerillre. POTASSIUM-81W - 1912 8 lb. 11(1 Dr& CO FIRM OP TIT EIPENTINE-33brla in prim order ,3 for solo by B A FAHNWTOCK k CO pt* Corner of Elrot &Wood sm. IQ ALT — ADO — A-13 east: EnglbATler rate by • opts QOAP.e.73 ben !)Emote tine Vatic gaud and Witbk, 0 on ronsigruneni, for sate by 412 B I..FAIINESTOOR k. CO ' LEACHING YOWDER,ldarrzue. in cash, for Moab, by . B FAMOISTOCK &CO SODA/31E 7 :40 casks ofiTar-parior brandond, and for oak by RROWNk EIRIEPATRICIE DEACUIEZ.—ISO bu.omt_ estiro. 1 for see by 'T"wvtKiggig 11a0PS-3 Wee of W. N. Vert Hops reed tkisSsYs .1.1 and lambs by b . BROWN tRIR IC BPATIUC R A ITIIB-" Itualrotorllla Water :works. DIitOPOSALS will be received by the Water Works I Committee, at the Treuerer'soditee,untilTstesday, the Mlth Say efApril, .19 o'clock, P M , tee hmulthing east him pipes, as fellow., to win-41.1 plpes beetles bent,9 feet WISE, wolglung each Talpeandm IS branch es for 0 Inch pipet le pope. 4 loch. bare, 9 feet long, weithlng each 200 pesetas, with the anal complinteat ef Mope, sleeves, io Oee half to be delimmed before the 10th of July, the balance on or before the 10th of September. Testing and, delivery at dombeeville '0 be at the commae or the contractor, for which. .entity will be reqaired. Payment as foll ' earti WM dollars to cash, upon the delivery of the amount of pipm and the balance in ones year tam the completion of the con tract, with interest. • Addison Steubenville Winer Works Committee, LOUIS A WAL9hI I , Cheis'e 3 1912 dew 1, 'DAWN-103 plecesjost rce.l Eh salt. 1 B CANFIELD gIALLOW-9 L 91.11 ree'd,and for sale by 11 apll 113 CANFIELD BLAVirTEKS—TOhaIf chest. ?midway, canoes Y 19 lu g = loo l leDl C ieetr ageNr inc sale by d • APPMII AM now prepared to (ankh Apple Tare., (new the 1 well keowe NatentrY ,, N. Brown. Th e met will be deberred at the wharf at Pittsburgh for 512 pot hundred. Persons wishing _good thrifty, trees hould leave tleirfordere .00n et th e Dreg, Seed, and Perfumery Warehouse, corner of Wood and Stalk eta. —apt! P N WICSF, f a ar etrA Water street, 6 P ri2 i r P 4. laTfa-Gr_ ""1 do **l _spa • BURBRIDGE, WILSON &CO a. warrenteara, eal la. IR 11.rrilivali, P.• WESTERVELT & SON. IVELL .KNOWN VENITIAN BLIND MAKER& keep constantly tm hand or make to order the best article in theirUrte at their 111,1 stood, N 0.13 clairetreet; also, et N0:34 klasketetreet, second wary, outset,ee in the Diamond. Veablen Shutters made to order, and old blinds needy repaired. oPIO noaN COLORID — CRAFE 31113.WLB—Plain sea . %acerb roldered, at atom of MURPHY' & BURCHFIELD, Bola N. E. corner of Fourth & Merkel eta. E=2 lIR oudersigued be lease to inform Oa Path. & tb.t h bes soelined tosittessis favor J►b ems, r. AL Dos is, a ho wiil.anusu. t►o AIgICYOU awl Cooll - bosoms esti the old tand, corner sr Wood and Mills mamma, end for whom be would solicit a cootie Case of the liberal patrols's° lorotorots bestowed Cu thsboaso. 30113 a IL Eld.llV4 April Olb 1930. DATIB, (BUCCE2IBOI. TO JOHN D. DAVI%) lIICTIONEBB AND COIIIIIIBIIIIIIIIBRCHINT, CORM OCIVOO9 an. 1111Vg 1.11.10 , .• IxT/1,4 make Juice, on hberal terms, or Foreign... 4 rP .11eocatlerelandtsc, Real Estate, thecae, &A!, and lopes, by . ;expetience *ad elate auention Laciness, to merit a eontinuance of the rapport ma patransOe so liberally-extended to the lomat henna. „ Anvil Inh.1850: - • • LI UNA% ltle.tailtlANl7s aIAUAZISP. tor A 1 tie.k . IA MO. Cornea New York. and Erie itaLwei Coaraterciel Statelier th Put sad Peceil; TM r fifCOMIDOIVIIIiII Abell* agraistietteee spathe • rer Pry; 'The rand Phlktee • rely. in; The ProdeetionoflWt in Nov Yort; : . ... Rankles, real Carrechy— lnterest —PreeLletterc Tn 46 Ns Protective."' arifs, or Strictures upea tit*" palled the Secretary of Treasury of the Mae. •'' ' for 1549, relating to Commute, Extessien tett. gait Empire to the But, lei AA- • . BLACYWOOD, for March IMO. .. _ LYILECTIC AIAnAZINF, 'tor Arai a .. Literary Depai, Third tenet opereme theped area RIGEOVALe • CItURCIL CARIYTHEES k CO. hove remedmie e Non Wm. , a/between Wood &Amber, la lbe boime formerly occupied by HardyiJdooe er. Co. Li r = I - 5 17 tbs 0 s tb , ^ 4. • tt F t 6 " : . 0 e g• Nr t . *Pt 11..E.1.401.15 • NILe N. 0. M i !: , ;!..II3SES;-15:00 bbls oak toopergers; fort BORBRIDOS__WLLSOAk9_ O N. :V. - I relll 9 1 11I=A S=Vi .bv J KI D &CO
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers