ESTABLISHED IN 1786 AIIILIBIIIED fly WHITE;• CO. DI. RAI wurrrj OARZIrTi SLO AMINO% TURD &TIM, 111:Vr POOR TO Orly •• r.....—. ....Arrow per arum. t ax., Wretli to desses)....--- ..•• 2EO • • Ds. • ens Mused rats., Oa, C OP ADVT.IN.TIIII3OI AGREILD UtON .DY Ty a PIVINDIIIIOIII PU2II. . 1 afloliaes of Normarell COO • i sertion•••••••••••••••••••••••• •—••-••100, 0 One Sulu re, earl addidestal imertlon• • • 11,0 Do: Ma weak-....__. 1,75 Do. two:AO Do. three weeks--- , 4,0* Do. one /pa Do. teat ninths----•—•--••• Dr- three asontes•-• • •—••-• Do. loammonths —• 10.0 00 Us.ali months.-- •—•---• MOO ' twee* months.— --- • • , 1 „,,,, , Y* Stealing Card (II lines or legal Per One Squire,ebauseable atpleasere (plea. • atm) exclusive of the paper 25 . 0 . Insetted e For ea addiional equate, scrow. MOW U. for each ch addtitional acall/0 10SULUMOUT 0* Duo. ly rate., heir price. Advertisements exceeding a .400, and alt teem Laren lines, to be charged es • Ream sad a half. Pablislien not ammo:debt° for UPI ariv o r 6ol miem beyond the amount charged for tbeirpoirlication. Atutotiacing candidate. for office, to be charged the acme other advertisements. AdiettleeMent• not will be the eopy for a speci fied number of inwniurni, will be cannoned till forbid, and paymentexecui Wea.l: • • The privileges ofyurlyadvertisent will be coated rigidly to their refuter bemoans, end all other adver tisement. not peculator to *elf regular haziness, as • 'greed air, La be ;mid extra. All adaclUesaelna for charitable tartitatlous, fire companies; weal, towmldp and o th er public meetings, end such like, to be ektored belfarieeialtYable elsictly advance. ' , tentage notice. is be ehargee 00 cents. Daub a:causal...Uri without charge, unless accom panied by funeral levitation. or oblusary notiees, and when e actompatued to be paid for. n e w., ngrenmere, and alloLkers seeding einem. elevions, roveiring notices designed to call au eo.- gip. to psi's, Soirees, Concerts, or UTpall, eillu tiasparUN MUT. charges an nada for eemittaner all notices of prime assoeiatlons—every notice do signet eoll I n to private emerprourreale Ma - ted at Intended promote individual lamest, eau on ly be buried with the understanding that the lame • Dm be paid for. If Intended to be mauled is the eel colsorn, the same will be charged at the rate of not lea than 10 cents per line. • Maros sr Fist Notices to be charged triple price, Tavern License Petition, eater: Legal and Medical advertisements to be charred at fall prices. Real Fatale Agents` and Meth:tuners' advertise saints not to be Ahmed under yearly rater, bat us be allowed discount ef,llny three and one third nerd.. from the meant of Ma WIIIIIMLT el 21.11MULT 131 ILIZT PAWL One Square, three insenlons• • —ll 50 Do. cut, addidonalinsenion• 37 •DIELTI3•NIXI2 WZIETT PsPit One Sieve, (la lined.) one , twertion•—•• .53 eta. Do. each add Inlo••••25 ." All transient advertisementsitional ba nse paid n in advance. WHITE CO, Gazette. L. ItARPER re•t. ROB'? AL - RIDDLE, Journal. JADES P. BARR I CO., Chronicle. Forma BROTHER, Dispatch. JOS. SNOWDEN, Neteury. JAIRES W. BIDDLN 111 RAM EALNE, Evening Tribune. Strom.; Dee. 1,1911. CARDS. LtigISINGER, WELLS & Co., h AMUPATURERS OP GREEN GLASS WARE, I)oahmt,as sidle to aide, oil ktndt, or Viol,. Baulea, •e. Porter and Mineral Water Bottles of so p:mot quality. Partycalar attention paid to reilltte Motid, OLithographic Eatablithrocnt %YM. sumvummANN. Thint at, opposite the Post.OlLee, Pittsburgh —Maps, Landscaper, heads, Shoerbillr, Labels, Architectural and Machine Draynngs, Maine. and Vsnine Cards, An., engraved or drawn on atone, and prioird in rotors, Gold, Bronze ir Black, in the most approved style, and •5 thn roost nsanable price. oetthily PLTTIGILSCW & makTTORNEVB AT LAW,FouArthslareLittar Grant I STEAM BOAT AGENTS. Orrtot . nova tea. IL Itotnors to Bno - - ALICXABIDXJA a, IArATIIING A 7TORNET AT LAW-01114e, an Fenn nree AM above IVood. ntrln DAVID C. TVVILV., A TTORNEY AT LAW, and Commissioner to A Poonlylvanis, Sr. Loth., M. All cetomonleatioas prosoptiy anameted. oetn.iy T. H.ii i. J. P. Sterreta. II &JEW & ITZ.TIVLETT, ATT and Golunation u Law—Fourth at between Etutnetheld and Grant, Pittsburgh, P. iald lobo It Large , _ LARGE t JAIRSS Y. KSILIt s ATTORNEY AT LAW-oa.. Fosath street. betneeu Seastlietda. Ora. Paubssiets • spllS•ly ALEXANDER IMAINKLIN, A ITUNNEY AT LAW—Ofieo on Fourth street, Pittsburgh. • goat Benlambs Patton. WSW= Bakewe U. PATTON & DARNWIELL, ATTORNEYS AT LAW-015ea to Tilghman Hall, Grant at, near the Coon Nom. tab? A CL:ffi JO. and Sand.) , School Booksellers and dealer to oh kinds of Miriam; Window and Wrapping Pa per, Na :9 Wood street. haw aen Fourth and Dla !tot! *1,17 artittinch 11. A Trolonsir and enameller at Law, mul Commis- Eton& for the State of Pennsylvania, SI. Louis; Ma, Sato of Pinstimgh.) Beferences—Patabusght H.o. W. Forward, Hamp ton k hillier, 7dV4ndleas k kleClare, John B. Parke, Manila t Semple, McCord 4 Kiog. aaltl4l, wi T. 40E114 LOMLR P. I. 11,00.1,133- LYY .111•1.2 f. RAO/LLEY, WOODIVARD it CO, Wholetale ems, Pio MI Market al, Philadelphia Ip4 • • Pillasbarigh Alkali Works. BMN MT, DERBY & CU, Mansfascarers of Soda Askpluthing Po orders, 111min:to an• Solphm lc Acids. archon.: So —.Water weal, below Ferry. no• 20 Is Fiederiek Braun. (team Reiter. 1311AUN & REITER, Wholt , sala and IlteUtil Drag ') gists, comer al Liberty and St Clair meet., gins buzga, apt George ".SEh •• • ........ —• • ittel I. 'tree, °zooms: w. SMITH £ co., • REVS' Elt9, MALT/NEES AND BOP DEALERS, S Pict sum, Plusher h. t . gtots9 Da9Uraa aPring, 41.11,. Steel. aaael /eon • ArioLEmAN, MAILMAN it CO, glimalieturers of N,,j Coach and Ensile Splings, Hammered Alias, Ernie( nod Plough Meet, Imo, tn. Warshaw" on Watesand Prom RIMS, Pittsburgh. Also, dealers Lo Coaeh Trimmings .4 Malleable astings, 0011.2 ARMSTRONG s CROZNR, COl 0118910 N MERCHANTS, and Donlon I. diet, No =Mutat Meet,' PRlaborgb. =CI 4 — ThirA. Craig. C al lte i re toSII3I I :27 . ALVVPs ' ErAt e r '" Tpi4°' nA. W.ANULTY & CO, Forwardlng and Cod, V. 'mission Ideraants, Quad Emu, Pittabargb, mrt C-it.lslll.A4T,Wbolaato Groner, Commission and Forwarding Merck.; No. Ill Water st.., Pius. Its Mersey— - • Andrew Fleming .R. K. Fleming. usaszir, PLICIIIIN6I do co., nOMMtBI4ION AtERCHANTA-For the mle or Do• meatie.Woolon, and Conon Goods; also, dealers in all kinds of Tailors' Trimings, No 1.0 Wood et, Iltb door Rom rah; Pittsburgh. Reference-kicsam. Wm. A. NM Co, Bankers. ; vtlt. It. RtfitOt. Maga t. , 1111X11111. Eff in.latt: & ISENNETT, Vara English, Va li ses. e & Idr I - Zsolesslo Grocers, GotuaisslustAuld Yor. ~,...,,i,,, 4 , 116,,essuss, sad dealers in Prods. sad Mts. ~,,,o, ju,s n..r.... au& N 0.37 Wood st., between 2d sad' oat J.Braylosie•-•—•••i•• ••.,,•••••••••-A. IL Ourkm. SIZZTVOULNI & °LAMM, E°AWARDING AND COMMISSION/if ERCII• LNTp, Dealers fe W. °lam White .Like. No 108 :.• • • & /aril iv's. H. Jo FORWAILDIIJO i COMMISSION MERCHANT, !' NO 111 Second at. 14 trabaralt. mai OkX/ROB COCHRAN. Comngstden and FortrartUng Merchant, NA SO Wood ward. l'ittabargtr. myl . 2 - - 11011111 LISAODS 7ACTOSIT. EILMON STEWART', mansfactarcr of Reim marbly, Chador, &e., Rebecca went, city • ay, ort•104dIr• itliek, losomowo go Mozphy a fo r We Deal 'or usd Cornmindad Marchant, for the aala et !Maid= Wordena, - Llbcdtn OPPtadta Sib nt. radl, WM. OIAZIN DILIMAOTO. A.l. BIAM30; ■DWA"ma ra ,Mal: lb- C. IIeCAIIOOI4 IMP A. wawa, Tat& & BUCKNOR, Tobacco Comodoica Moir 4 4. 14 114, 41 Nona Wacar as, & North Whams, noobtatt WI. r. roams. ITARDY,!ONES L brocoacaors to Atwood, 'coca & Co.) Comoduton 004 Foronudlng slum, Osalerstin liftaborgb Maalfactared firtcbarck..Pa. • • c 500147 IL1:R. Wooltle..l.rand Coamiulan Me/eh. . tot dm “I• or Amerman Wooten (Mods, Lib - emir aties.oppoAt. apl7 W.V. aAuSgALL. IMP° . 14E111. & .s m irg?elt'ou'lrteeriessi jll. Swink Window. lillatelaa,fire h r "". 14 4 111{01 . 1 -WA ~gisi r .A. Rations. slap, 4.1.43 WWI MOltoam, Wholagals Oradala...d ai d c.• la Dye Buda, Palma, Oil.. VarasOte.. &e. No ira Wood cm; one gem boa* of IMaood Allay Pltubare : apt it ivl2.[ArtAictioneet, easez64l and Wo o s .r TeJdn DALZELL,,Wholesletntear,Cessoatesion tf hicrel mt. and dealer la Prods.. and Piustm h himaxfaciares. Noll Watt/ • Patsbia • . I • H H DICKEY ih • Ca, intolesale Croosera'Cose se - .i.i.o Mereheals, esid &alewife l a ~...„a,:rl7 Front meets, Pitubargh. nova jarelOrrath•—•—•—•• • ---4theph Dilworth y B. muwoirra & CO., Wholesale roam. arid 0/ • /Wows for u.urd Powder Ca. N 0.117 Wood la, riusbertla 4.7 e. 051111 . . - Dvarr.. Co, Wialesabs Ortlears, Pro. Ansa and Conualmitsa Martimans and Agents Oar ibe Huard rowan Co. of N.Y.. Waled 51 , !Mbar& soos TWIN Y. TOWASEM Dan" , P 10. 43 K uhl st., OM. doom above Third ea PI awes will leave constantly ea band a yell agitated sill aermaent orate ban and 'Anima lifitheines. whirl be Irsigortl on the mumreasonabla ten.. .huma n. omens inters, wig be promptly attendsd to, and aap• r asa mita tutlelat stay =Fly upon as mak. fit • ~..yaleiaaa Proud will be aocantely anal w arp:mated ho the thethelels, say WM el oo wsidta• *hew plea tarp Oath of both sad goat Peek IRI2 THE: PITT - k.l-..:•Litca::'IMLIT 01ZETTE; BUSINESS CARDS, T D. CANFIELD, (late of Warren, Ohio.) Commie- t • shsit and Forwarding hlerrhant. and wholesale desire in Western Reserve Cheese, Dotter. Pot and Pearl Aidt, and Western Produce generally. %Vales Ores; between Smithfield and Wood, Pittaburgh. ape jOIiNSTON & STOCKTON, booksellers, Miners, t, ma Paper Manufacturers, No.ll Mirka etteet, Pittsburgh. apt RlehurS Floyd. Ir j'h :lL l° F 7 l.o 4. YD, eitile .no C 0111.13•1011 Merchants, mod Dealers in Fro4u.e, Round Chorea thilldings, frontins on Linertr, Wood nnd Sixth straeos, rinsborgli. Po_ a I OHN WATT, (successor to Ewalt a leb hart Wholesali . Grocer and Commission Merchant dealer in Product, and Pittsburgh Mannfaetures. cor es,. of Liberty Red Rand matt!, Patsburch Pa. pr-1 I.IIIIIW A. IMITCLIISON, Co.—Successors , 0 Leant ilatebison it Co., Commission March.u, sod Arrant], of the St. Louis !hewn Nagar Refinery. lie. la water and 92 front streets, rittsturlh. lanl JOUN 11. MELLOR, Wkoleule and Itetall dealer .I , fa Idn•ill and Moment IMIT.I,Its, to.hool Rook, met,Slott.. Steel Ern, (born, P 0.... Card+, and edaiouory rnerally,NO Wood I.l.4Pittlburgh. RTROre batten or taken in iro.i. • seRIS AOot (Or tao - Lokk — Erin rod khetiroort Wee to Er s ovos tool tke 112 the torte: 0$ 'Water and toottkfirld els. Joni_ tTeR. 81y11,11:EI,LIA:zo„ki, 1111 . 4061 protopily Outactoto, rat Workington, Fortin. and Omen ortnatoo, Po REFER TO Biaeketoet, Delta Co., Mork d %.".a.utbore, Ftn•buttb. %C:Bli . ~,,,n.a p i? , ! /,.Lltole.ale api JUN ES, F otsr•ratig and COll2lllllllllOll eti•eta, Deaden to Prostuco aid Pittsburgh mans- Utactuted attieti liasin, near h it. •p 4 -- frENNEEDY, MOLDS di CO., Manufacture.; of tratieturt 44 Seeenngt, Carpet Chain, Cotton ILotue and tinning. Vesuvius Iron Work.. T EMS DALZELI. it CO, al.alactaren or aura trar, Sae., Iloilo Iron and Nods or Om b graaldy., SI Water and ll* Front atm Wort. blillar,Plailad. C. W. Ricketson, Pittsburgh. M. L lmporta — ra ß o i n ' raeili ° c• N Alr l' i ' n c e i s t rn i ;ll 3 .7 ' r t a r. , 17Y and 174, corner of Liberty arid Irwin strew, lets. burgh, Pa. Iron, Nails, Colton VCIELS, an. coo 'tautly co hand. hilts hornet D. WWI. Walter C. Ron. ft A c6/LW' HOE, rvhnle.ue Groner. awl Cam,. aloaldernhanu, No 191 Ltberty S 4 PcDbarg apt _ . PreTSBURaII STRP.L WIRIER AND SPRING AND AXLE FACTORY. IMMO /OHM, • . 301111 W. quip, JONES 411, quicaa, ANUFACTURER3 of spring and bliaser steel, M. plough local, ace! plough wing., coach and chp I t springs, hasainered Ron aziea, and dealers in tool lualiie casting., are angina lamps, and couch trinunirga r a. arellicornat of Rosa and Front oz., ritoi,hio.26, NIIOLSII &SON, No 45 hl•rker at. second door from comer of Fourth, dealer. In Foreign and Llorne.tle Brno of Exchange, Cent:male. of trepotn, Bank Holm and Specie. • Irr — Colelerlous made on all the principal throughout the United drat.. • ___Rtes lcf BUCKSIASTER., Ar_ouna - so--triline, Fourth bt Uzird door Above Se cam id, south rle. Conveyemelag of all kinds dorm wok Lae greaten. care and legal accuracy. Tires to gem karate examined, Sc. oci3llly Wm. C. Friend SHAIDELETT & WHITE. DRY GOODS JOLOSERS, NO. lOt WOOD STREET, AVE; is store, and will he constantly receiving H donor to 2•23011, a large and well selected a smartest ol staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Vllll, Si they will sell for rash or approved credit. Western Merchants are invited to enswine our Cott. acre D OIIIN - ON. LITII,II CO. *0 192 Lthe y street Pitubo Ih Wholesale Grneers, Produ,e and Commission Merchants, 21,11 dealers to rts,burab Mansfac urea r cid; ROVERT Bloollg, ho:cuie arneer, 4r, Lia3illcr dealezia rrodoee, hu.ltenth Nanolita tures, Ml_ all kintl. cf Foroan and Llotaftitie and Liquor., No. it Liberty ...cot Ott head .eery luxe eon. of .oiler' or old alonongaltil watikey, which will be roll ltitor for • nat. - • . • - . EYNOLDS & WIER. Forwarding and Cowma n, don Morels.", for ine All , gone). River Trade, aeok-ra In Crocerica, Produce. ramhurge, !Ronan. farce, and Chloride of Lime. - . Tao itighert pries, in cash, paid at all antes for conatr7raja. Caine, Pena .rd Irwin at, epla ROBERT D.LZELL h Co, Whelesale Gasmen , Colanzirraaa rilereh.tir, dealers in Produce arid Pittsbargh litaaafrearres, Liberty arreel, Paa.barer, P. aplb DOBEAT A. CUNNING/IA:IL Wholerale Grocer Lit Dealer In Proinee an_ Patibergh blattufeetoree No. Ito Liberty meet. apt., SINGER. HARTMAN fr. CO, Sheffield Iron and Steel Wotts—Menufactefeis of Au. It Spruig and Plough Steel. Also—Forinse, Axles, Vices, At. sits, Aes They invite the attention llneefehauts and eousarodo to thsr stock before porehasirie else. where. They snooze their articles to be egos to any node in this country or unposed. C. 1111ACIL/./7.non. a. /AMC& QUACKLETT & WRITE, Wholontale De.leni in A. 7 Foratan and D.lll/Ttlif, Thy Coons, No. 09 Wood 1.1 1 / 1 / MIShII/11 447 k W lIARLIAUGII, Wool Merahanu, Deal.. • ____ • • • • in Pinar and Pradrine generally, and Forwarding and Commit/non Merchants, No. 33 V.:or urn e. Plustugh. Irl7 r. 111.1.1101. otrristratot. )0. 32COLs, NASTILLND j r tleis i ?nd General Corn bur:T. Sperm, Unread utillard "'" l l' pg ' Se F FONIION77IIORSF & CO. Whoie.tle Oro- I)1 en " tn i Vilt;:t g t It i nut m tu ' reVa r' nl l WeTtl; Prodace, have removed to their neer marettourc rom amad.) No. M, corner at FrmOstreet'and.Chan'eer, Lana: apt? L. S. Waterman. •It. N. Water/awn • • W. U. Waierman. L. EL WATZIaIII•N & SONS, WWHOLESALE.OILOCEILS, C001:16.11011 and F.. warding Merchant.; dealer. in all kiudsorPro deco & Pittsburg b Idanufaciared ArUcles; and Agent. for sale of Richmond and Lynchburg lilmufaeinred Tobseen. mil • WM. 71hIBLIN, ATTORNIZT AT LAW, Bulbs, Pa 1[111.4. also &tend to collectioaa and all other basi n, nee entrusted to him in Butler and Armstrong aoantlas,Pa. Haar to , J.& IL Floyd, Liberty st W. W. Wallace, do James Marshall do Pittsburgh. 44 Kay k Co., Wood at. J jan7 8. o,Baskseld George Mohan!. 11. Do DIIBHRICLD & CO.. V V HOU:SALE .d Retail Dealers m Groe.rda and Dry Goods, and Commission Merchants, o. Libedr •t, raub.ah. mrl2 aoH MerADIGN If. CO.. FORWAILDIrsG t COSIMISBIO4 bIERCHANTi, Canal Basin, real street. Pilt.burth. nuG JANIAIII 11. DAVIS & CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR. FACTORS, N 0.137 Market, and At Commerce at., Mandel; Itta Atlvaue& made, by either of the above,. coorice• •ata of Predicate to steer Hoare. rare —rotil _ _at 44. lON. FORWARDINS t , COMMIS:iION BIECCII&NTS .11112Illenellein, PL. OULD mayeetfully Wien. Woeignment of frMWyld, from Western ons Akroints, as they are prepared to receive •uy Line and Section Dos. running niiht mut dsy, the (misfit will net be detained, a. they will unload mob Gnats sl all Mum. klarriabargh, Feb.s", - J. D. J. D. WILLI/ 111118 a, CO., rtr tiorasi t bE,.. nErreiL FAJITIN f/ROCERS, F Forwardly, and Commission Merchants, and dealer. in Canal's Products and Fittsbargb Manutac• woo, comer of Wood and PM rittesurgis ml2O at. IL Willlems.-- 'SIM, H. WILLIAMS t CO.. HANKERS AND EXCHANGE BROKE,RS, North East corner oi Wood •ad Third "irreg., Joni' Pregoessee. l'o. IIIOALIT, /OEM • rottill•VS, Sr. 1.01.W.D, 1111,•111 14•11... T. WM. lIAUALEY & CO. Whoteiole Omer , . is and 10 Woo&atent, rittst.etgb spit' /mlllO. WIC!, narti. ierann.lon. WICK & 15VCANDLESS, (wece.goi• 431. J. D. 'Wigit.)_Wholeaala lir.betera, Forwarding and Omitlsaiog larebbraL dealer. In Iron, Natl., Wars, CMOs Yarn.. and ritt•butgb Alanufactuna genera'. (y, corner of Wood and Wale, • tract., , & u. AnTC 4 I. 4 ..TREV., Wholesale osorer., Retulying Aeolic", ,and Wine and Liquor liferehanta .11.1.--loiperters of Pala Ash and itesch. ipg Powdar,.No. IW I.4l,eiry street, (opprwite Sixth s?ll.l4 . ,)ptabargb.. wr w. WILSON, Watches, Jewelry Pierer Want V V.• arid Nili Va. dary Goods, corne N . r of ;dallier and Potato wee.. Pat•bargh. 15.—Wspcbes and Clocks earefally repaired. au 17 s')t GUIiL V. TOMO. JOHN WM. YOUNG k Cs.;' Desbus in Lesll,s, ittdr,s ka.,143 Utterly sliest Jar. 5.17 VW- /IltWan:oM Rolm aervlcifrov. w t g tvr i fuggrfl.lltzleGr> e c, r .l:oGin.r Panbar. Manaacaa , gecerally, Liberty a i red Pitubtugh, J. D. WILLIAIII{ & Ceantrtyroortee and priubarahaManartet a ey ear. tier of Woad and PM. 111.1Velf Mara 12, • MERGER k AISTELO. GENERAL COMMMIItiN MERCIIANIY, T , Labcral advances on consigumento Julit-Com - /1" ATTIIEW Pathanand Minimum 1.1. L noose, ROMA, corner at Port Oirteo Al ey and Fourth street, eons.. on Fourth at, nest /Marker. deenolti J. & J. Tardoe, Commission /Merchants: 'IVO. II Old Levee it, N Orleans, keep constahtly en DI hand • [arca lmomment of [trendies Of the fo ll ow. inn brands, which they offer for side as sure., for .1. Durand & C. Dosdeamerm Maclory, J. Noted, d Da. and & Co, Larochelle,llDurana, Cognac, A de M. teran. A L A de klondore, lean Irons. he.. Ac; also, Anchor Gin, If onleane Red and Whim Wines in casks and eases, selected w it h care by John Durand ik:Co; besides Champagne Wipe and Sorest INErgundy Port. febygy• i v IX WlGHTTlAN— M. nsfsetuter of all kin •ofeo a .1.1.• ton and woollen maekinery, Allegheny ity, Pa: The above works being now in fell sod lIIIC Oa op eratiom I am prepased to excreta milers eritk dirpmeh for all kinds of machinery in er.y One, reek as Woke, pickers, spreaders, cants, irrindirg tereliner.eitii amyl, rowing frames, apeerlers, thirralr, loomr,i modem cords, double or Meek, for merekva or country work, muleajacks, &e.; elide and hand lathes and 1001 A ill gen eral. All kid s of shelling mode to order, or plaits kit - an for gearing factories or mills at reasonable charm . Prete inu—Kennedy, Childs & Co., Illoeksinek, lk I 1 Co.. king, Pennock be Co., Jas. A. Gray. BENNETT & BROTHER, QuErriswAßE al AN OFACFURERS, at rat Ingham, [mane Pletakmargla y ] Pa. Oil Tot. No. 37 IVoter st,,' &sways /Vas/vs and Wood, Pstmaorg.k. 701 WILL constantly k eep on hand agood assort. at me or Wan; of oar own manufacture, Alma aay.eriorqualsty. Wholesale aod country Met , chant.. are rcspeetfully lashed to call Index. mine for themselves, as we are determined to sell heaper than has ever hem. been ofored to dm pals- , le. 113Urders !lent by mail,aceomplaied by the coati • oud reference, will be promptly attended to. rota BUM COACII FACTORY, •LteaninT. 10 - A. WHITE k CO., would resp erectedeetfolly ihform p AIL. the public that they have a slio_ on Laceek, between Federal aisl Sandusky greets. They are now making and are prepared to receive orders far every desenption of vehicles, Coacher, Chariot's, Ila tonnes, Buggie,, Phatoua, Ike., fee., which from their long experience in the manufacture of the above work, and the facties an have„they feel confident they aro enabled to do work on the ftleal reasonable lanes with their wanting articles In their line. Paying particular attention to the selection of mate. gals, and having none but romp : etas, watheuen, they have tie hesimuon in warranting their work. We therefore ask the altentson of the public m this matter. N. B. Repairing done in the best manner, and on the oat reasonable terms. laXthtf e. searric—. 3./.OM ATILIITSOTC is !WAIVE & A KINS TON, ntrwattrt WOOD arm Prrrauraan, rON'TNUE to manufacture all kindc of CPPER, TIN I AND SHEET IRON WARM Also, O Illock• Routh Work. &emu Boats built to order. SpCnlni attention given to steam boat work. Ifave on hands a tote assortment of Copper and Br.. Kettles, Tan Wore,Se. Sc. Steanabontecalmngttove, Portable Forge, vorions sires—n very eouveniesu ar ticle for steamboat, California emigrants, or rail road companies. We would respectfully inure steam boat Men and others to call and see oar mocks and poem, before purchasing el ...where JY:I7 W. lb J. GLENN, nookMadera. Ain: we ?till engaged to the above Lathier', corner V of Wood and Thad streets, Pittsburgh, where we are prepared to do any work iu our fine with des patch. We attend to our work personally, and sot.. faction will be given in regard to ha neatness and du rability. Blank Book. ruled to any pattern and bound tab stanuaily. Books in numbers weld books bound care fully On repaired.. Nantes put on books to gilt letters. Tnow that have work inethr line are invited to call.. Prices low. ruyltilf Pll.l. Machine 'Works and Venandry. 1.1117..811, JOJIN WRIGILT S Cu., ateprepared to build Cotton g) and Woolen klaehlnery of every dereripuoil. rue," Carding Idaehmea, Spinning Frames, Speeders, Drawing Frames, Railway Beads, Worpers,Spodlerr, Dressing Frames, Looms, Card Grinders, .I.e. Wrought Iron Shnilizar turned; all sixes of Cast Iron. Poli, and Dungen of the latest patterns, slide and hand LaiLes, and tools of all kinds. Castings of every description furnished on short notice. Patterns made to order for Geanng, Iran Roiling, Se. Stearn Pipe for hers, Fnetnner. Cast Iron NV indow Sash and fan, CM/. tinFa generally. Orders left or the Wereheirie ce 1. noose,. S Co., Liberty street, will Lave prompt site, =3=Ma Refer to Illankatock, Bell b. Co., I. K. 11;Niirehrld • . G. K Warner, John Irwin .1. Son, I'4l4lmi - re • p. , . J. 11. lamer, Steubenville PIANOSI oubeenloer °r em for axle • tame and rp.ondoi 1_ assortment of rosewood and mahogany ,11114 Al'otaolovlth and without C.olcumu'• A:alma Attactonent.. Tim above InHrum,nt. at , or• rumed to be equal to any manufactured in tiro coun try, and w‘ll be sold lower tbs• auy brought from the F. BLUME, No 112 wood H. . ... . gd de. above al N. U --Coy Sony will be taken at per for a iii , v al Le above assonmeod. osyl F. 11 • Fil t er. for Ilydi - Nitii. Tills to to certify that I hair apl 4. Pointed Living - non Roggen h Co, i note Ascots Jor.theirmia otJettoing's ?Mont LAupraligns Filter, for the cil ties of Pittsburgh and Allegheny. JOHN OltHiON, Agent, for Walter Al Canon.= Broadway. N. Yj 0c110,1618 We have neon using one of the above articles at the office of the Novelty Workii for three months, ou trial, and feel perfectly Avushed that it is a awful utvention, acid we take pleasure in recommending there as s use fat article to all who love pure seam, Ordcra will lw thankfully received and promptly exerowd. °elle LI vou...,TuN. Routs EN! co T UST received and for osi!e,•11Vo I IO Fel , o nd wee,. " L etta p s e te m r , nzie .o eLt . :ins . b. The of deniers inn% !U AILZOIIIITIEII TWE attention of the yobbo to rcapecuany called to the folb,wing certificate*: M. S. Goatua—having tented quantity of Gold weighed by your AIVOCICter. I find um retail prover coat btatrumest correct; and recommend the cm or it . Mesa going to California. aa the be withal for at, fling the real value of Gold. Rear. your., J. B. DUNLItIe Y, Gold Beata,. Pittsburgh, March 0,1040. Prrinnuese, Mach 7, ISta. Mt Faun—DeerSta Having fan/aloud the "A rec. mansfactored at year name, I do not amuse to commend tt to the use of those caftlemen who ars about removing to Calithrole In march of Gad. It gives a awe &oracle:Le non. the opecile greet ty of metals, and wall eenutely enable the adreuturet io awes/Lin when his placer la yielanc Gold. nlarlY Your, rearol. J. R. SPCLINTHGIE. HUMES. CLOTHING—Just received for tho California Hupalcan, a complete U. 114511,111 of GUM Flaw/. Clothing, at awesamong from Ltati CHAO for suit of coat, pants and hat. For ado at the lndta Rubber Uspot, No 5 Wood sr derna JCL II PHILLIPS =no TlfF.sabscrittei offers for ..le, the STEAM BRICK WORKS, above Lawrenceville, comprising a Steam Engfne,lßoilers, a Mould Machine, trapntile of manaMetunng 2U,UUO Pressed Bricks font of dry slay, as taken from the bank,' per day; with three news of land on the Aliegherry neer, on which ma 4 kiln and sheds,.machine and clay sheds, wheelbarrow.. vocka, shovels, spade', &c., every thing mistime to com mence operations at an hours nonce- Price, including the patent right to no said machine, 57,000r-leugas of payment made easy. Without the land, *5,000; For partmulani, address HENRY hIERTII77, mg - 27.W No 119 Nonempthela Hone. Thomas Parwasoth' WAACIfUNIST•AND hIANUFACTUIIER—Letheri, Tobacco, lion la and large Screws of all kinds; Brass Ewing! and Buss Works generally. Corner of Fort nod First streets. VIE subscriber, hosing purchased the Factory of James Patterson, Jr, located at the above stsnd, would respectfully inform his friends and the po him that he is prepared to fill stays:Wen 01 his line, _oil the &tom reasonable tero, tend with 'n4'4l'l4 will (eel grateful for their patronegs. TIIUbIAS PARKINSON. Pittsburgh, Jan. I, teN. HAVING &spored of Uty eatahlishment to Ph. Thomas Parkinson, I take the liberty to Wien for him the pat:wane of my friends and the public, feeling conhaent that any favors conferred will he duly appreciated and promptly attended to. JAMES PATTEMION, Jr. Pittsburgh, Jay. I, MO' .—tjan7.43en . . HE partnership heretofore existing under the Gm of A & C BRA DLEY,Is dissolved by tbsAibeia.c o r. Clf nullity. 'The busloads will bo carried on by A Bradley, wbo wIII settle the bpajne.. of the laut firm. lIESIOVAL—A Ilmazr removed his Foimarl Warehouse from No 112 fricond matt, to No 19 Wood . . . . . atract, between Fitst aad Second streets, to the wasp house latelyoccupied by 6 A Betty, whore he will keep gal:v.{4=ly no hand o general assorniontt of Cast. lan*. Grates, Sums, Cooking Stores, tc. /10 IBM= co, is aiiii•Jay uis.ol•Ed by RINO' COMM. ' Burke & Dunn wiil a n the business in Mt concorn for which purpose! they an, italiOtlied In use ti n - me, of the concern. rn LUX, EDMUND 813 If Po MEM The undersigned have :Malley associated rho eve! in the name of BURKE h LA LINES for the pu row.: of onunaleciering Pt re Poser Safe., Vera , Boom av , at Bic sltud of ale late Brut of Constshie, lit, 4e a Co, where they urdl be ideas:4 to receive the vallh,d , •ge of the customer. of Rat house Attd their roends. EDNIVEDIJUIIKV, THOMAS /faHNE.S. In miring from Me Arm of Consult Burly 4 CO, with dune.: pleomra recommend Them._ Burke a. arner in the congdenee of my Ilium,* and Me pahlio. Nb. U. Isry. Nr.,TLIANIEL. CONFTAIII.II rebl34l VILIK BOARD PKlFiTzt—Or all kinds, (in.d and Laster Topa, both of French fraportarion, nt W P MARSIIALUS Paper Store, rar2.s Wood rt. oet'n 4d3 had. Diamond alto y V. Aututyrnarov UAS jolt returned from the Eirmem Cities, •nd io 1./. receiving a large variety of seasonublo Coed, to which he reapeerfally invites the attormon of :Porch ants and pedlars. No et Wood at. fehll X impish And American nooks) Baokaell , e , r: I n ti o LiorLit „. r, 03 Wood etrrah) has for ..r W di( London Architectural 11logirclne, 5 aola, oao Wear.P.Trerche on Hail Roads, 8 vo.-+—Sparl'a Life and Writingo of Waallinsion, Is rola, Arc.--.9poraia Life and Wtitinss of Yrarkliu, 10 rola, loyal Irco Minors of klnglandi Pielorial edition: 4 sold, royal tiro. —Shakapoorel Pictorial edition; 3 volih royal tiro. JAMES D. tA)CKWOOD, =enl W Ponrch .1 la lIT and ab Unto BILLS'or EXC NUE, p • y 0 able in Cinc innati, Loairrillo and SIIA t. Lorna, par chased on the most favorable term. N. HOLMES& BON& ',7=7:7:::'-7:t7:;ZF:,K'.7;::T:::-C 7-711. PITTSBURGH, TUESDAY- . MORIkiI.NG, APRIL 23, -1850 GEM= 1 Old Dr. Tow... is now about 711)) cocoa, and hao long been known as the AUTHOR and Et co. VEBER of the GENUINF. ORI(IINAjn "TOWN ND SARSAPARILLA." . Being poor, he. woo esat Iled, to limit it. maatfacture, by which mean. it has een kept out of market, and the soles free acc t dto those only who had proved tle worth and kno its value. This Guano AND Unsticiaton Pssroxonn. Is manufactured on the largestscale, anti is naiad far three...bout the length and brea dt h of the land. Utilise young S. P. Townsend , , it implores with age, undhever change. but for the better bawl. it is p r on selentille ' principles by a seianlie man. The highest knowledge of .liemistry, and the West discover es of the Art have all been brought into ILP. quit:WlZ in the ota.l ' acturet of the Old Dr. San. nit - u The Samapari la root, It Is well known to med ical men, contain. medicinal properties, and some pro pent. which aro then or owlet.; and others, whirh, if retained in preparing It file na, produce ferment. bon and acid, Is N.M.• t. the tYgetll. pnle a th e properties ot Sarsaparilla are so admit that they entirety evertor.. and are lost In the pular. non, if they are not preserved by a scientific process, known only to show experienced in ith manatee... Moreover thew volatile principles which fly tight `yste por, or a. an exhalnuon, under beat, are the very no. semis! medical want. of are root, winch giyis 10.. nall no value. The GENUINE. OLD DR. JACOB Towm,END.s AII.A.A.PARH.I 4 k ' a an prepared; that all the inert properties of thc,Sa : I tom.. root are first removed, every thin; e en becoming acid or of fermentation, is ettlittelc d rmeetcd; then every paruclo.of mcdieal striae!. u. red in a pare and concentrated Deal; and the iris rendered incapable of losing any or its - vat .. an henling prom.. Prepared in 'al.„t! 14. ite mat poorrful acct. in the 7 , Cilia: Ok INNUMERABLE HISEASP. '.. Hence the reason why we hear foreland. 'on every thin to . favor be men, 'woolen and ch . n. Wc find it doing wonders in theca. of Ca 14 Dyspet.. and Laver Complaint, and hi R.I. to, Setae In and Piles, thotlvenros, till CutanalottE 'Ps oats, Punster, Member, and all &tee.. • to IMPURITY OF TJIE BLOOD. ~ It posses.. a warren°. allencylt.di 'co to aims:Dom indigestion, from Aeidtly of from unequal areal:Woo de.rminatla o(bl fol. head, pals...too of thc bean, new feet and coldest.. cold child and hot Rant'"' over the body. It has hot hid its equal in coughs and colds: and promotes easy expectoration, and gentle perspiration, retaking rule tare of the lan., throat, and every other part Bat in non.g to ii. excel !ceremony monthcstly wan and acknowledged M. in all kinds and stage. of FEMALE COMPLAINTA. .. - . . - • It works wonder. in eases of Cam alb,. or Ina.. ai Fling of the Womb, Obstructed. Sunpresseul,or Pain ful Menses, lirecnlanty of die menstrual penal..m i d the Ilk, is effectual inbeinna an forms of the Kid. my D,craqty By removing oi...ructions, and regula. ung the general system, it gives Simi and strength to Me whole bode, anJ corm nitrites. al NERVOUS DISEASEA AND DERILITY, and dins prevents or relict,. a grunt otriety of other •5 Slimed Irriuttion, Nostalgia, St. Vim* Dance, Swooning, nbleptle Cosmuloces, to- Is not th is, Men... klirmaxa roe Paz-Paraibr Nswif BM can any of these things be mud of b. S. Town. sendN Interior ankle? Thu manNliq nd is not to ha COMPARREL WITII THE OLD DILLS, because of the. Grand Pact, that the one to incapable of Deterioration and NEVER SPOILS, while ihe oth- - sr ISOF; It sotto, ferments, end blows the bottles contanung it tato fragments; Om 1110111, 11116.1 m, ploding and damaging other goods! &Institut this hoe. stile compound bat poisonous 10 the system? What pat acid into a system already diseased with acid! What causes Dyspepsia bot aehe Do we not all know, thal when Mod sours do our stomachs, what mischiefs it producesl—Ratulence, heatibuni,.palpitation of die heas, nom e implant; d inerheca. d ysentory, cholle sad corruption oldie blood? What a Werollala but ut aara humor In the body? What p - oduces all the humors whick bring on Lruptions of I/in Skin, Scald Ilcaft, Salt Rheurn,Erysiptlm,Wititc Swcilings, revesSores, and all ulcerations internal and cantonal/ Ti m nott. ing under polls an but an acid salistance, which sours, anti thus spoils all the fluids of the body, more , lem. What cause. Rheumatism but •i s send duld, which that..L..4.lf between the joints and elsewhere, it. outing end inflMiting the lender and delicate um. upon which it acts? So of nevem,. diacm., If bapti st, of the blood, of deranged clreolatiena, an nearly all Mr ailinents which inflict human nature. Now, is it not horrible to make anti sell, and Infinite. ly worse to use this _ . I.Diril uSURING, MAUL:MING: ACM "COMPOUND' OF S.F. TOWNSEND! --• • . and yet he would fain have it uudontoed tbat Old Ja. cob Townsend'. Genus, Orig.nal Sampatilla, is as lation of his inferior prepstaniagn Ration (teNd that we ihmld deal In an Intel. which would bear the mast distant reimmblance to ti P Townsend's article: and which should bring down upon the Old Dr. such • mountain load of complaint/ and criminal/mu from agent. who lave sold, sod paw chums who have med S. P. Townsend's Pcnnuning Compound We with it underatood, because it Is theabmlttle truth, Mat S. r. Townsend'. uncle and Endlk. Jacob' Towtmend's Summating are heavenwnde apart, to ioGnitely diaaimilarl that they are unlike in every par ticular, h•viiig not one single Ming to common. It m to arrest Wood. open the unfortunate., to poor balm into wounded buosandy, to kindle gape in the detouring bosom, to restore health nod hloola said vi gor isioa,She crushed wad broken and to banish intirmi. ty—thnt old DR. JACOB 111WAISEND bas SOLIOUT anJ FOUND the opportunity and Banana to bring his Gunn UNIVERSAL. CONCENFRATED Rk MEDY. within the reach, and to the knowledge of .11 Mho need 11, mat they m•y (tutu nod know, by tenni' en. penenee, its iganlClVOMnt Pawn. to Limn I . For sale by J. KIDD de CO., Wholesale Agent for Western Pennsylvania; J. bAIITIL Birtulngueah In. J. BA RGEAfiI, Allegheny; Dr. .1. CA.Sata.l, Ptah ererd. G. A. GARDNER. nth ward. Palabelath 'ma Ir IV lift Cl.thlrl.Alhil.—Another clink perforaaal 11.4 hung the O(IOG.Li, only true •nd 'Leonine Llver Fill. Ammon., Drown to., 0., March 20,1.7. Mr. FL Fl Sellers-1n April last my wire Was attack. rd with Liver Complaints and had the advice obi tiro physicians, who tried various remedies eritliont pro doeing•Lninerlll7,'``V-eo'le.l:llZlbl'olv"Tr7lah'ir. trial. I purchased a. boa of Mr. Sistr,Cf Zierdeon, sind give them according to the direction., by which te was Arently relieved. 1 proeared • aecond bon, which entirely cored her, and she now enjoy• evert tent health. I have ured them ;10.11, and pronounce Worn dm beet f.rdy medicine I ever tried. Vows, te., Maoism Brassy Prepared and mild by FL K BELLIFILO. 57 Wood +r sold at. by Druggists generally In the two al.. Mold LLICLOICE3 TT lIAS NEVER, in single Maumee, relied pel Worms. CAA. Coo. flows, Va., July 2, 1917. Mr. R. E. Sellers: You will recollect Mitt when tee were In Pittsburgh, in November last, you prevailed dias CO tly to your yertolfuge, totem ow virtues. Wp d no, and through the Wiettr tee soldtaidit wn put /nosed, which gave It a fair reputation. In May I rat we purehamd more, which was dimposed of noloced lately. We then ordered more, which reached us on the lath of the prevent month .sod on yesterday we SOlil the last of two dozen bottles. IVe fled it so vol. etr•le • Plod/ F.., OM o every p erson Of a family wish/ es to have It an lira r romesit. 'note who bane purchased it would be penlictly ilitug to give certificates silt, eacellency. Out of the quantity we have vended, it bas never, in *mingle mstresce, (wiled to owl worms. Your friend,. Waat. C.lllu.tx2 & Co. Propans4 and weld by Ft_ K AIiZI,LERS,o7 Wood sod •Ald by Druggist. generally an the two clues. fetid! Imperial Cough II yr/v. pins Wet be a preparation of much mem, when so J.maw al Our ewe Mimeos willingly and rattle , Ito certify to its curative propettim. 4q aged and highly respected citizen, sifter ming it, expressed, his triton of this very popular cough remedy bite/4ft "it Is worth its weight in gold.. An editor of one of our daily paper. same in n note-9 niwnye keep it in My house, and would not, on any aecoant, be orthunt It" An old country ohm eaya—.l am satisfied, afterof 01 of there oft (cur yea that it is the bolt cough. titillate I heap fret toed, either In the Old or New. Wolff." If yon have • mach, get • bottle and Ity ' it emu but 23 gents. tete Vgiouht aad Cast Iron Itallitig, llCsebsoti g btru beg from to Inform the Cahill, rho they have obtaine rro the East all the late and Illionsible &ague for Iron Railing, both for boasts out cancteries. Parsons wishing to protest hand some patterns will please tell and examine, and ladga for thazuclum. Railing will by farrlstuml at the %hart- esinner, slsd sewn sages*, te=g, 'Emox. MEDICAL. • To Mothers mad ttio >llsdleal Pr ptip. autigarilier ha* fast reeeived a large •apply el D. E. DILATTII ARTIFICIAL NIPPLI-.S. They are. withOot excepion, the only article aorta., to af ford relief and rare gore or errielird Nipplev; kad front their Parueular conwraelion they will prove invalua• Ida when the Nipples are moaned or in guy- manner defective. Dr Pratt's Palmt Breast Pump, a new invention expreasly for the relief of painful and sore 8M..., when dinended with milk they' are far superior to ahy now In use. Dr. Prates Patrol Nursing Bottle, which it Put sm ported ing—when introduced—all other kinds. Pr. Pratt's Cupping Apparatus, the most simple and the neatest article in use frir Cupping. For sale, wholesale and remit, by morn ft F. SELLERS, 67 Weed st PROCLAMATION. VNOW all men who are sick and afflicted with di.. L 1 ease of the bladder and kidneys, with rheumatic pare in chatr limbs, asilltoints, old sores, running rs, &r they ean be cured by taking dig Pa. Unlearn! You about Its being a nostrum as stuck es you please, but Mi. does not snake 11 se, for we proclaim In the Dee clan honest community, that It has virtues which ire not contained to any•other remedy. The anon who is racked with pairtund sub fenny from disease, Can for Illy teats, get Middens any of the ills enntimatated above. Render! il costs very Hutto to make a snalf• This Petroleum 17 uo mix ture—no eampond, put op (Sr the purpose °florin:ging on the community; but at ilia remedy elaborated by the master baud of nature, and bubbles up (rankle bo som of our mother earth to hi original purity, and of fers to Buttering Lumina y a ready. remedy, Is peeWo and cheap Dare. It has cored Piles alter other medicines have failed to render any relict It has cured Itheinnatismollang standing, and of the word and most painful chaiseter. It has cured Cholera Modes by one or two drdes,• It has cured old cases of Dißriten, in which every other remedy has been of no small. As a local remedy In burn. and maid., It is better than any medical' cocc i/end or alutment that we know of. 'twill eon. chil blains or frosted feet, in a few applleatiemc undoubt ed testimony can be tundshed of the truth contained In the above statement by oaf:ikon Samuel AL: Kier, Canal Basin, 7th street; or either of the ngents. Keyser I McDowell, corner of Wood street and Vint. AlleYi IL E. Sellers, 57 Waal street, D. A. EJ riet &D. M. Cum, Allegheny edit... , the . g . " Deal CAUTI N XTRA - A man by the name of IWEL CLASP has entstdd With a young man of the name of S. P.Townsenil, and mes his name to put op a Sarsipatilla, whieit they call Dr. Tosrusend's Sarsaparilla, denominating it GENUINE, Ongilml, etc. This Townsend Is no doc. for and - mover was, but was formerly a workeron rail. roads, eanals, an d the like. Yet he assumes tho title of Dr, for the purpose of gaining troth for what ho is uaqot. lin is sending out rds headed ‘Tricks of cks," in which he says. ca I have sold the me or my name for p r o duce week. I . will give S. P.Towasand SSW 'rise will one single solitary proof of ads.— mu to cannon the publle not to be devolved, and purchase none but the GENUINE ORIGINAL OLD Lir. Jacob Townsend's Samayarilla, having an it the Old Dr:s likeness, his family coat of arms, and his sig. maitre across the cunt of arms. JACORTOWNSEND. Principal Mee, 102 Nassau in, New York Ci,y. OLD DOCTOR JACOB TOI I IIBEIO, TIM ORIGINAL, DISCOVERER or TrIO • axnunal TOWNSEND SARSAPARILLA MISCELLANEOUS I.I9SURAIIIC6• 1 - 111 E DELAWARE. MUTUAL. SAFErIi INI‘IL I. RANCE COMPANY —OfKai North Room of the Es hams. Third street, Philadelphla. Sias Instatser.—lluildingo, alerehandise and other Popeely, in Town and Country, insured ossinat loss or Mum,. by fire, of the loosest ram of premiotn. MAIM. latatiosna—They alto insure W1W1..., CM , tom , and Freik htt, foreign or coastwise, under open or .pedal pale... v as the assured may desire. Ina. TYAMLI4.I.II,IIO:II.—They also iature march •ndiao mammon. by Wogsma, Rail Road Cars, Canal Floats and Strom boats, o a rivers and lakes, on the most liberal term.. DIRECOXIRS—PmepIi H. Reel Edmund A. Sooder, t John C Davis, Robert Burton, oho R Panto., Sam.. eI Edwards, Geo fl Le/per, Ell and Darlington, Isaac R. Dania, Wet Palawan, John villa. Dr R9l limbo. Jos C Hand, Theophilm Pool ins, II Jones Dr.., Henry Sloan, Hugh Craig. come Serrill, Sommer Wilma, Chillies Kelly, 1 G Jo hnsen, Wm Hay, Dr S Thomas. John Sellers Wm :ym, Jr. DI it F:CTORS AT Pn7B URGII—D T Mora., 119 11 1 . Craig, John T Logan. WILLIAM MARTIN, Ptealdunt. RIC.. MD F. Newsom, Seely. lir Offi gh ca or the Comp.y, No. 49 Water ore., Pittobur litutlfi-lf P. A. MADEIRA, Ast. no Franklin Firo In.suranec Co. of Phi/acre IRE TORS .— Charley N. Ruwker Thoma. Hart, Geo. %V Richard., Mordecai D.Lewis, Adolph° E. Lotto, David S. Drown, Mortio Patterson. • •. GUMMI. N. Charles G. Danelter, ticerctaig.litncru. Preoldem. Continue to snake iusurance, perpetual or limited, .0 every deseription et property In town or country, t rates as low as are consistent with eetarity. To Company have reserved a large continacat Fund, bleb with their Capital and Prerelease, safely invest. alford ample protection to the amsund. The aesew of the company, on January Ist, Idl9, a. allows, • üblished agreeably to as act of Assembly, were as vizi Afore Va g g Tam c po lrs . . ran , Lout. . ..... Cash, !Lc ...... • . 111,323,492 71 Pince their incorporation, •• period of 19 years, they have paid upwatd• done million four hundred thous and dollen, losses by fire, thereby affording evident. of the'ad•antages of insurmice, LI well the ability and disposition to meet with prompt... all ilabilitien. J. GARDINER COFFIN, Agent, marEdly Other N E corner Wood and 34 ats Lite and Health Ineatattee. rimE Mutual Lilo and Heatth Insu rance Company jof Philadelphia, Incorporated the Legialamirs of Penneylvania, March, OPE Cheiner perpetual. Capital, 111110,000. R a in town =MIMI" th anPr, cams COUPANT, and full aro per cent. lower the usual rates of Life Insurance, as the following com paris (dr ill w shown Thus, a person of th e ago of*, in suring MVO for life, must pay in the Girard 111,36 Penn.ylvan gang, Penn hlutual, 112,A Equitable, SLOE New England, Selpielt Noir York Life, 82,3e1; Al- Won, 1112,1 e; Life and Health, PhilaJelphi.,llll,7l.. Inustenns.—Samnel H. Orrick, Charles D. 11.11, W. F. Boone, Robert P. King, Chute. P. Hoye., M. W. Iliddwin, M. M. Reeve, D. Che• 0. B. Campbell, Lewis Cooper, I. Rodman flirter, EEL Butler, Edwin It. Cope. Pre 'dent—SamuelD. Ihrick; Vine Proof. dent—Robt. P. King; Seermary—Fronets Blackburae. •pplemnien. well be reeeived, and every informatioo poen by SAME. FAini &MOCK, Apt, Offico, Commercial Rooms, corner of 0ing7,117 Wood and Third sts, Pittsburgh WHIN AND MARINE ZNISUBANCIL. THE INSURANCE CO. ol North America will make permanent and limited Innunnce on pro perty in Mu city •nd vicinity, and un shipment. by Canal, Ricers , Lakes, lend by Sea. The properties of Ihia Cormvany are well invested, and furnish an avail able fund for the ample indemnity of all persons why desire to be protected by insarauce. myli WM. P. JONES, Age HYALTII INSUILANCIIC, at Plitabarib. The Spring Carden Health insurance Co, OF PHILADELPHIA—CAPITAL 3100,000, I NSIIRES !des •nd Female. Or ate Expert. 1 and Low oce al twineml by tticknea or l Accident, by an Immediate ellowanCe .of from $3 to Sel per week, for one, two, three, or roar years. The method of ettertiug Ilain Inthrence, and the manner of awarding the aick allowance, will he fully explained by the Agent. uwena A per.° can inrure again. Sicker. or Accident which will detain tam from bin ordinary business, ite I fellows, Ira, 7 For one year, by paying'64,thl,auJ receive $3 • week. Far two " 41,00, " " Far three. " Fr four " 10,5, " it Or, for pear/ of four yea r°, the nem of 114,40 paid Annually, will secure SS per ...cog whlle nick. kNery necessary Hanoi/anon will be afforded on the eolith. of Insurance generally. by d.CII-dern JAIIF.O DURNO CO, Agenth, Odeon ambling,. 7Ir1• Pannaylvanla Company Fan 1. ' Nees. &t Lams •an earer°. A ancenza. 13111 k; badt Lad_ eirauce Company in the 11. State. Incori.rated March 10, I tal—cha. ter perpetual. Capital,1100—all pawl in 'lava* auttsor.aed undethigned to receive apple °Minna for insurance, on Wl,leb polic I will be leaned, .according to their propneala and wart, winch wail he made known to applicants at bas'office, No as Wood street 111 OF.O COCHRAN. :11KT I.ILY at the BALTIMORE, PHILADELPHIA. NEW YORK. IPSION AND NEW ORLEANS U'RAL AGENCY AND COMMISSION OFFICE. Femur MEN in wholesale and retail ateres, and other respeetal.m 11.14.811, to net an Basok-Iteepera Sale. Men, Pormrs, Bar-keeper, Walter, Fanners Coach men, Car Aann, Boot and Map Agents, Collettora, Overseers In all branches at basiness, /Lc. We have at all time, M large number of gond siteatious on hand, whack pay WOW of to 11 . 4,0101 per &nano). Those in want of situattons of any kind would du well to iime 'as • call, as we have agents In each of the ahove which w:11 enable us to place everyapplicant in a suitable situation al the ;Morten Cainei. We hove • Ihrgeacquaintance tn. all the Aimee named mom, which we mum will enable as to line enure smiwac- Lion to all mlall may is vor wah a call. TA YLOR A 'LAYMAN. NO. 59 Second at, between South and Gay. N. B —Persons lion In any pan ot IiJC C. States apd .hung to obtain • mention in Baltimore, or el. ill2r of the above etue., will hare them wants unme• thately attended in by addressing an a line,ipd•t-palai) as by an doing they will eartall LAM treuldc and as. petie, which they otherwtse Vranid meta by comtug to the city, and seeking employment for themselves Address, TAILOR A TA ',MAN, N 0.59 Second street, Baltimore, ald Jodd t a - Moilleilled Liquid ColLloto TILTS is undoubtedly the best preparalon ever du L lain covered, tor dressing Barns, Scalds, Cola, Chit Itruirans, or any it tud of fresh wounds, edso for wan Nipples • remedy unequaled. This article La intended for (sooty use. and should be found in the posassion of every tautly in the land. 111echates who are in consnt danger of injury to Weir persons throosh aenlen ta t. and We improper or careless use of tools, will find dd. article to be meal.- ble to than, and after a far trial will consider It In dispensable. It Is au excellent sabstllute for naherive plastu. of all kind, without any of us Inconveniences, and is so inedieated as to allay an pun inamedtately and run. perfectly. A very little applied any whom on the surf.. of Me akin, immediately forms a firm, smooth coating, very moiler to the manna cantle or eater skin, whteh may be freely washed with water and unri,wlUtoui any Au Ivry to : he wound. The ertitne is freely used sod highly recommended by the most eminent physicians of New England, and otter part. of the country. For sate ant by R F. SELLERS, .77 Wood at —The trade supplied tithe manufacturee• price. fetid ICONOGIRAPIIIC MMOYCLOPX,DIA OF SCIENCE, LITERATURE, & AllTi SYSTEMATICALLY swinged by G. HECK, with five hundred guano mcel pl3ItS, by the moat cox tingumbed mtins of Germany'. The Text t ranslated and edited by SPENCER V. BAIRD, A. M., 111,D., Protcoor of Natural Science. in Dickinson College, Carlisle. Pa. Iconographic Eacydoraidia anti be pabliahed Tenparia, ewh containing Zl.plantes port Bo pa,gea of prey., famed in a eOl, cement port olio, In which anbacribera can keep their copies in perfect order un til compliticd, whim they can be bound fnte pan 14 poitlithed every month, at lilt very low price of 111,00, kith will enablrketie all lovers a Muria, don In the moat beautiful and pcal form, howey• er wanly their mean., to become 1/cheetah's. to the work. gobeeripnons taken for the whale work only Pnun the Buono ran. . . . The work .hoard not be eovelrd for a moment wily nay of the trashy or popularly scientific publications at Ore day. Prron Now York Toe exceeding beauty of the plates Tribune. recommend. them to. the ataruUco Or the lover of an. . . . From tho Ikerary World. A well ereeated solid work, of substantial value. The tetrialootien of thts work lino general etreutation among our school nod other Inane., public and pri vate, cannot fail to tie prodoetive of advantage. From the Washington ID. Cl. Mums. We cannot too Wahl recommend the work. The ungracious ate in one highest stlye of an. No Work Imo ever Wore been published in this country so splendidly Illustrated, mid the printed matter is of an ego:illy high aide, It Is lust the work for families. SIX NOS. of thislevalagale E ncyclopedia are 1.11 peblithed and ready for subscr ibers. J AMES U. LOCKWOOD, llooltrtollor and Importer, CLI %Fool U, 3011 (Atter lat April—Fourth tft, nett , wood., Choosers"' Edam at' algal Couto.. WI& ACIENTI FIC SEC n.N.—The Mesa , . Chain. Z ber• have employen the hot Proramers la Peet. lied, la the preparation of Mese works. They are noW tittered to the Paulo& of the Ultimo Plates, ander ten iltnelnWil revisiOn of D. Pl. Hem. ht. U, L L. U, .hateSuperinumilent of Public School., In the City and County of New York. ' intambers"Preotiory of Knowledge; !LAZ A l's Drawing and Perspective: 11.... -- omothem , Omen. of Natural Philosophy; IV. Read& listn'a Chemistry end Eleetrieity; V. Ilanailosa's Vegetable and Anima l'hyaiolegy; Vf. Chetah... F.letuonts of Zoology, with tilams; VI K.:Page's Eleme n ts of Gaccony, lila armed. It IS well known that the original publishers of them Wet (the Messrs Cheatham, of Edinburgh) are able or commend the boat talents to the preparation of their books, raid that it is the,. practice to deal faithfully With the public. This series willnot digeppotnt the, resseneble espeetations thus excited. They ere eh" Wotan winks, prepared by authors In coney way ca pable of doing justice to their respective onilartakitigs, and who have evidenUy bestowed upon theta the :m -ecum time and ht.( to adapt them in their plums. the recommend them to teachers and parents with cothdnaa The heat named volume. In the hands of p teacher of the young, clammy might furnish an Ins exhaustible fond of a:ailment aa and instroctian. To gether, they would Cu imam e rich Meagre to a lam -11 y of ill tolligent children, and import thirst foe knowlealce.—{Veremat Chroalrila. Published by A. S. llamas & Co. New Took; and for sale by A. 11. Elteit t lall A a1, ..a0n N, t 9 Wood of Dow nook.l New Flook• It I T HOLNI KV LITERARY DEPOT, Thud suds', op. Polite the Pest o<q, Eys FIL lig 14 PR Jamie Eag Agerum g Call, • vim df.paistr. by Mr. Ms Lidell's Living Age, No .w 7 Di Oementeg of Magazin , &glee !Fmk, awl Eregieerrufs Pare 6 pw Wi {kart -41:r, or the &en/ OrJer of Sereo,lrom• Dr ItoSofine, ond Tooke.lPo Alatarooroltomb Th. DID or Oa Felten, by N 81 Car W, Cp Wombat/4'6.3611'p a Italia Dimwit Wm iymbr obi liootelb /Story by &In lW whlu Irk. hy Dermal Melville ilahomMoot itto Ousecon!, by Waguagtala Irric l / 4 1 .211 TRANSPORTATION. NOTISI.' 1111151 undersigned baking purchased MG A. Ray 1, an!, the Ste= Saar Mil on the Allegheny River. Gene the Arsenel, are new prepared to All all bit, of iumber of, ny lire and length, from 00 fl. downward ng . Boat Sid M Deck Plank, Gunwales, loin, Scantli., Trimmer. B oa ardr, to ,on the ehortest notice. Lathe eonstaely on hand. Orders reclined mad any inform. Gum givenWightm., earner of Water and Liberty street., or 11 Morrison, No 150 Liberty street, and at the office of the mill. aplAd3m tYIGIITMAN k MORRISON Modern and antique Faraßare. JAMES W. WOODWELL, 83, Tem, Sr., Prrmomi. J. W. W. Respectfolly informs thaZ public that he his Co mpleted g stock of FURNITURE. the &rifesh and inouraried moment ever olered for sale an ibis city, comprising serer.! setts of Row:Troop, Munaur, and Diana Warts, carved, ornamental and plain, suitable for Parlors, Drawing and Bed Rooms, all of :Mich will bo sold at the lowest priers. Persons desiring Furniture of any description, aro spectrally invited to Midland:man:Me his stock, which embraces every description, from the cheapest and plainest to Me most elegant and easily, of which the following comprises a part Tete • Tete Sofas; Tate • Tete Divans' Conversation Chain; Eli:abet:lan Cams; Reception do Louis XIV do Extensiol do Buret Solque; What Not., Toilet Tables; Louis XIV Commodore; Duke of Fork's Coueb; 60 Sofa. with Plash and (lair-cloth corers; LO Drirans, do do do, 40 do: Mahogany Parlor Chain; 1p Rosewood do do; 12 " 1.111 Walnut do do; 40 " Cane Seal do; 1 "" do Mahog ayFr an ( Pi kn S tools ; do 60 Marble Top-Centre Tobin.; on do do %Flub Studs, .rti Mahogany Bedsteads; 12 do Wardrobe.; In 1311 Walnut do; Cherry do. A very large assortment of Common Clain and M u ?unmans too tedious to mention. A NZ• d llem pro llo p a u t y s . 1141:gt , e l d w o o n attortart notice. P. S.—Cabinet Makers can be supplied with all sorts ort Mahogany, 'Valuta, and Vesects, m considerably redoced prier. febl6 IPCORD Ai Co., Ja h (Soceesson to M'Cord k Rine flit V•shlenabld. Hatt•es, earner / ' Wood and Fifl.4 13treess. PARTICULAR attention paid to oar Retail Trade. Gentlemen ranrely upon getting their Hata and Caps from oar establishment of die kur &sums. and wo,amunctur, of the LierOir rms.., and at the urwm Patel. Canner y Merchants, purchasing by wholeule, are respectfully invited to call stamina oar Bu)ck; as we eau say with confidence that a. regard. SOU. , and corn., it will not roger in • emporium with any house in Philadelphia. ' erz r tliiitfb.tiff'PlZTt*sTac — iWiiYfTtitV. THE Second Susie.; of this institution, under th• j. care of Mr. and Mrs. Go:mom, for the present academic year, will commence on :his day, bloody, February loth, in the same bonding., No. 62 Liberty street 11,047,438 41 0.7x4 to 00,021 80 • 51,54 23 38,821 37 Arrangements have been made by which they will be ebb to famish young ladies facilities equal to any in the West, for obtaining a thorough English, Clasu eel, and Ornamental educauon. A full coarse of Phi impldeal nd Chemical Lemeres will be delivered during the winter, illustrated by apparels. The de. pertinent, of Vocal and Inatrumentat Music, Modem Languages, Drawing and Punting, will each be under the care of. competent Professor. ily Mose attention to the moral and intellectual improvement of their pm pile, the Principals tope to merit • continuation of the liberal patronage they have hither. enjoyed. For terms, see circular or apply to the Principals. futiltbdu MMMSII Elnepratt& Sans' Patent Soda Ash. 3 4h) CASKS will sh•nlY Ave,st direct from M. Gl7manufacture., in New Orleans, per stup Male, Briathera Jeyetea, and Anton, winch vodl b. soh:, on artmel, at the lowest market price, by WAN fUIIeIIELTREF., febt) IGO Liberty at ED , Tlacy will alto receive large mprptea during th. von: via Pedhilelphis and Beltimere. A. A. SAVOR & MO. Go Market Orem, are dolly receiving new told I'esimbie (Moils from me leading mannfactnnen of Ohio country, and of the latest ietworhations. The facilities which eastthey enjoy, In be ng connected with a hoax the , enables them to purchase good. at Me lowest I. almwm, and keep their stock fall and de• tables al all maw... They .have a 6,m unoMetent of House Keeping Good, to which they molten tie early • attention of their tweak and the public. Met Great Amerlone. Ilifeetierealleall 'Work. D. Appleton re Co , New York, have in roorve 00.1,- 1mo:ion, . pails, price twenty five cents each, A DICTIONARY riladrirrers, Warl,and Sn grsrffitnrrAr; designrd for Prarletal Wrrrtrieg rtitrt. arra those iruended for Use Eng. trierrrng Prrfusuns. 111. BT.. THIS WORK Ito( large I 70.111.. and will contain wo Tuoes•on rooks and upward. of Ile viten- SOOO / pre ant workiog•draari mica and descriptions of the molt importanfotachines in the United :fate. Independeat of the results of American Ingenuity, It will contain complete preen at tread no on Mee beaks, hl Ladner), Engine- o , and Entrincentig; with all that Is aerefal in more th. one thousand dollen worth of folio volumes, mey. eines, and other books. The great object of this publication is, to place be- for geseticai men mid .adeota sorb an amount of theoretical and scientific knowledge, In a coodenmad form, ari Atoll enable them ta work to the best advae• lace. and to avoid there Min.. which they :night otherwise commit. The amount orescfal Information drat brought together la simnel beyond precedent In 'orb wort., ...Ire& there in b•rile• nip • lancet within Ito range which es n-t ticated with slat clew. TIC and pre, noon, trim rieen • man of do" ordi niery capacity cm... fall of underattmling it, and Moo learning from it mach which II linporoun for him to know. The publisher. ere. in abort, determined, mgardleae of colt, to mate the wart a. tampion,. possible; and it te hoped every one desirous to obtain the wort will Nature it as issued in numbers. and thus entourage the enterprise. Tea work will be Issued to senti.monthly net:then, commencing in January, 1530 , and will papas. with event regularity. The whale Work will be publithed in ea numbers at ta cents per number, end completed within the eyn rent year, knit. • liberal discount will be made In atm.. h." , ? y re::i:rg; d gelr b 'f:. b i ll h't",.'s`t ° o'nmc%'7.".`,!l ape .II =: , =M! _ - - "To oar numerous uonnhrwren, Mealtimes, Ea Provide ginerr., s., (R. I and Art ) ier*, II nal be • mine of orealth."— .- Youi.g men, arm yourselees with its knowledge.— We eau with eonfidenee menu...rat our readers to posse.. therniiel•e e of its numbers feet as they ap pear."—Anterienn Arttesn. .nhcsamaicgay commend the work to those mi med In or intefeemd In Mechanical or scientific pur sons, as eminently worthy of their ea...lnman. and study."—Troy, (N. 1f..) Budget. .411 thend a gmat work, and Me publishers de. mesa thanks of inventors. mechanists, and mans lecturers. and indeed of the pebaic gcricrally. , --N. Y. Indeper.derd. “Tlals Dictionary will be highly useful to practical ataxia micas, and valuable to an wh i wash to acquaint themselves watt the preps. of Invention in the ine. chant. arts' —New Radford Daily adesenry. .Young mechanics aught to keep posted up In the oretical as well as prem.! knowledge, and this work will show them runt how they stand."—it ostiory Advertiser. "We take it who tut the work that .core. and harr dreds of our Intelligent mocLanies have desired to poe ee.. so ample are its descriptions, and so lull and minute Ita opecifications, that it seem. to us that any' mechanic might cont.ct any machine it describes, on 'he ..rength of its engravings and inrtmnno• s.".—N. Y. Commercial AdsarUser. • •• • Al• Inter.ted In mechanic,' •hould avail then, ves m . nthrantag..—Schaylkill, (Penn..) /oar work of extenaire practical utility and great Ica portance and value to tha rapidly Marmon ny interests of Me country. W. regard the work eminently calculated to prematelha cause af science and the mechanical arta, and to dluautunatia •aluabla Informs non no Masa subJactall—Pannor and Mechanic. •• - • “Practical men in all the varied walk* of mechani cal and manufacturing indasiryi engineering. R e., will find in this wort • leonine. which it will be to their mit to po .e—Troy Daily Whig. vWe have carefully perused the numhers,•and have no Iteativian In saying that it is Ike best wink fir me. shanica, traderrnen„siod mieutifie moon ever publish ed, for it maiming minute infotmation on every branch of the mechanical arts and setenem, expressed in a style and language Intelligible to any reader of ordi nary camselty."—tfloucester, (Mass,) Newa. `• We we sum we ten doing the mechanics of Nor wich and other parts of Connecticut • service by bvinsirg the work •to their attention. i. —Nonvich, (Conn.) &Merles. "II /2 lost such a work as every mechanic should' possess.'•—Preeman's We consider Ilene of the most meal and importaM publications of Meade. No mechanic eon afford to bs ithout It."—Nowars, IN. J.,) Commercial Comb r. • of all the various publications haying fee their ob ject the elucidation and wivancement of the mechani cal arts and sciences, none that we have semi, is so full of promise as this n—lintlkin Com. Adr. 'it is the hest and cheapest work e .er attired to the seicriftfie and practical enginser and mochas. The plat . are bimodal', executed.'—Washington Globe. ••This great Ltienanaly Id etc of the most tuck , winks ever published for year, nnd the low prier at which ti is sold =ekes it acceptable to all."—Setith We eagled it scone arthe most compteheeslea and .able, se wcII es cheapest works ewer publiched.” tattiest:no Adverdser "(light to be maws by every one desiring en keep Pace with the prtgrees of art and science in every one alibi labors of civilised Ille,"—Rondeal Coseirt. .111 s designed after Ma principle of Urn'. Utationn ry, only that It is more devoted to the mechanical and engineering professions, and *taw at!, it Is ',shamble as accompli•knot for America what Ure has done for gegtutd. dentihlng American machinery and worse of all"—Selenlille American. - - "pis published in numbers, no at a price no mode. rats, km king at 1100iliaconlained in e.teh number, that noene mho ha. the Mast Interest' in curb matters, dneed be deterred (romp rocuring it; and everyone who oes 1111, will find that he hiv in a coniensod mom an amount of ittureetion whirl, would be oliMined, if at all, only by the purchase of valy many volumes."—N, Y. Ceurier,pnd !Inquirer . "rho edtpichensiveness with which the subject. are treated, the ednurable manner in which May are Ulasmated, eans,nire to mate this one of the most desi rable worm i'—Ltemoeratle th is "Ibis watt huuld be In the handsel' every mechanic, attjaan, end Lem aortaafe rdediallY Mom who have the lent tat saiteta to exce l in their retpective but. Lemma. We IL tee emarally examined IL, with a view of recothraendiug II to niventore. TO them we would aay la the Wang Meow of the Dade: "It La Baltimore la remora' Joanna. =S=l;==!A t A, Unita States and Canada. If the foregoing advertisement it inserted Ave times daring the year, mid tea paper contalog eentra as, a copy of the wort wig be smut gratis Ls payment. aptawswitT h ,sooNoln, CLOTHS, Ca.!SitHrXES,& SATIN; - Ern, revived ou coasigmassa, and tarsals ai Dagnalitclusass warehoue, by HEIIBI4 FUMING 4 00 ARNDIARVIDOII4 IffeKELlirTi ItrANUFACTUREWOF CAST STEEL, end No I Lit and No. a American Blialer Steel. Also-13e. Can Steel Ftles, Drew riser; and Blacksmith and Sh • HarPh abort'' , op band and (*rule, either at biz "Ea ale Steel Works,* O'Hara street, Fifth Ward, or at the °dice in the Iron 'Store of HOLLNANS A CARS". SON, No (,Moot of Mood atmet, rituburgh. ntr22.nlna • U R CICLAR. We, the ondersigned, having used, With entire sat Mamma. the Cart Steel and Filea Made by Filmic MeKelvy, at his Eagle Steel Works, in this ennui* *immure In recommending them as equal in quality any ever used by as, of fbreign manufacture. Pittsburgh, hlamh 13. 1455. 0 & J FI SHOENBERGER & CO, Manufacturers of Iron and Nails. Pittsbamh. Pa. KNAPP & TLYTTEN. Iron Founder., and Machinist', Pittsburgh. Pa. coLpaten, lIAILMAN & CO, Manufacturers of Spnngs, Azle:, Spring Steel and Rivets, Pmburgh, Pa. • ' F & IV ND Legion Builders and Mncbine Cant M anafueta. rem, Pittsburgh. Pa A PC LTS/N.• BM. Founder. Pittsburgh. Pa. GRAFF. LINDSA & Matanfacturem of Iron and Nail, Pittsburgh. CO. Pa. JOSEPH TOMLINSON, Locomotive Engine and Ship Builder, Pinal.urc h, Pa. W W WLLACE. Marble Manufacturer, Machine and E n gine llitild. matt Cr. Pittsburgh, Pa lILLODICON PIANO. SHE sabsterther has Jam v.r,ixed n new and Fr beautiful i called iP ll lllohlelodeon Plano? from thenstrument factory of /dumb A Whim, Cincinnati. It has the elegance of exterior of a Piero Forte, and Is poe. mused of a tone at once sweet and powerful It. great advantage, however, conststs to the rapidity of tie enunciation, v•bleti miables the performer to one. erne upon it the moat brilliant pinuomusie. srit may he called the best reed instrument ever B. rented. Call and examine. KLEIIER, at Wonder-errs, role Alvin; (r march A White's manufactu P. S.—Also, several now and very fine blelode, mild Llonimal, Chronicle. and Memory copy, BridoilMareßrile PIM aubserileer Informs his friends and the ;mink. a M.mmtaocorr. J. that at his ettensive establishment, (capable of employing from tWo to three hundred workmen, and where he alwaYa keep. a large number of the beet machinist. engsped4 hem prepand toaxeco tea, In the best manner, and with great despatch. all osiers for MILL WORK and COrFON and WOOLEN MA CHINERY, of every description. For the workman ship and my m le of his Machine., he would refer to th e numerous anufertarers in the Western end Southern States, as wed a. the Middle States, who are now op crating them. lie ha. 4eently made great improve ments, both in the and plan* of his Machinery, which will be furnished at reasonable prices by ap plying to ALFRED J ENV, rSdha• Ilrbleshere. I. f (IDE SUELSCKIBRRir, having the Agency for mll• in. the Panting Paper of a lung established ad extensive Mill, I n Ibis vicinity, will be et ell Im es well .applied with the different sixes of Paper, of so fierier quality, which we offer at the lowest regular pnces. Any size or ninthly Will be ionnuibentred io order lion notice. A II (WOLIN/11k Cu (preeettront of billion , oral No 79 Wood sneer DISSN. LliE Partnership bere OLUTl telore exis O ting between Oltott English, to the Book and Paper Business, netts ived on the nth as by mutual consent The business will be cauttAued at the old sand, Ne.7o Wood street, under thcfittn of "A. IL English& Co;' by whore the besineseef the former partnership will be settled. PANUEI7 - El.l.llsT r, mr.ll A ft ENGLISII. 1850. 1830. SPRING DRY GOODS! ate prepared to sell at the lowest market prices to cash buyers ankprompt business teen We would ask the &neaten of City and Western Moretont, to oui ct k, believing we den offer many Inducements to purchase Pons us. DHACKLEIT & HITE, fetal Dry Goods Jobb-, Wand so *MESH BIG A LEXANDER & DAY, corner or the Diamond •nd LI. Market street, are prepared to offer, at the low• en arket pricer, a choice unit...Ant-Silks, of the be.t to and nearest styles. Best black glotsy Ore de Rhine, of celebrated manufacturer. warrant ad not to eat in wearing. Black Breeads fied Silts, very rich. itia figi i tlilka nod Satin De Chencs, in choice colors; Minn no, Oro de Rhine.; Satin do Climes, and Tore Sank ALEX , NDER & DA Ir, DS Meant .t. mat Northereat comer or the Diamond BELLING OUP AT REDUCED PRICUSI ALEX ANDEK A DAY, earner of IL< Diawood and Mar areket street, now selling aIT, at redLeed priers, their stork of Winter Goods, connoting of Shawls •nd Ts' Dress Goods. in great variety. Alwa—Blankete d Flannels,Cnt loa,Cestimes. Satin. rya, and a full assartwent at heavy Cotton Goads. Confident that better bargains cannel be had else where, we invite the attention of borers • ALI:XANDF:R & DAY, f - - - AMMO VIM .1..01.0 seamOr rub ntaro . - lum:imp, MIMI, Pl= Scrofula or K i ng'. ETU, M, Rheumatism, Obstinate Cot. neon. Erimuons, Pimple, or Plum!ey on the Face, Blotches, Biles, Chronic Sore Eyes, or Truer, Scald Head, Enlargement and Pain of the Bones and Joints, Stubborn Ulcers, Syphiltio Symptom; Salmi. or Lumbago,—and damases tutting from an injudicious use of Mercury, AM. tile. or Dmpsy, Flaposure or Imprudence In Loll Also—Cbrimic Constitutional Disorders, &e. In this prepahnion are insanely Concentrated all the Medicinal propertie of Sanmpanlia, combined "nth the most et - cont.! AI N, the most salutary producuom, the recut potent simples of the vegetable kingdom; and It ha. been so fatly mated, not only by patients them ;wives, bat al ab by phyaicians, that it has received. theirunquabfied recommendations and the tipprobts. non of the public; and has eataldiahed, on its own merits, a reputation Mr vons and MICACT far nap e . nor to Me various compounds bearing the name of Paraaparila. Disc.. bane been cured, snob no are not furnished in the *conta of time past, - and what It has already done fortthe Monsen. who have used it, It is capable ef doinrfor the millions aull suderlng and mantisng with disesse. It purifies, cleanses, and strengthens the fountein spring. of life, and inf..' new "rmor throughout the whole animal frame. ANOTHER CURE OF SCROFULA. The follownig striking, and—ss will be seen—per. nument rum of an Inveterate ease of Scroll., rem mends Itself to all aindlarly of Sorrustars, Coma, Jaa.l, Menu. Smdss Gentlemen, Sympathy for the alAtet. ed induce. me to inform you of the remarkable core erected by your Sanspartll., in the ease of my wife. She was severely entitled with the Scrofula on diner. eat part. of the body; the glands of the neck were greatly enlarged, and her limbs numb awollen. Arles matfeffp fus ed , year, and Gilding TIO relief from the mmedtthe disease attacked one leg, and he low tho knee suppurated. Her physiei. advised ii should be laid open, which was done. bat without any permanent bedear In this altuatiou we and of. end were reduced's, use, Sonde Sannipanlla. The Gm bottle produced a decided and favorable effect. fthe• Ing'ber morn than my prescription she had ever taken and before she used six battles—to the astoniehment and delight of her friends—she found her health quilt. restored. It is now over a year since the core was ef. famed, and her healtlvremaina good, showing dim the disease thoroughly eradicate d the wslell2. Oar neighbo was rs arc all knowing to these facts, and Min) very highly of Sands'ilassaparills. Yours with respeo; JULIUS PIKE. Extract from a letter received from Mr. N. W. Her ds, a gentlemen well known in Loofa's. Vu ! Gentlemen, I have eared a negro boy of mule with year Sarsapa ri lla, who was attacked with Scrofula, and of a serofelons “Yours, truly, N. W. HARRIS. "Predolekallall, Va., July 17, ISM" Sors , l4.4mour...—la seems almost nue meas. ry to direct attention to an article w' well known, and Jan deservedly popular, as this pmpanation, but peUent. flen wile watt to use the °street of Sessapuills; are ladomd m try wonltlesscompounds hearing the name, hat contairliug little or stone of the virtue of Ibis rats. able root; and wo thibk we c.not roofer a greater benefit on our reedetslhan in directing them attention !to the advertiscmc OM the Messrs. Saud; In another -- The battle has recently been enlarged to dart, and Moan who wish a really good article concentrated ln this all the medicinal value mt, The experience of tbouaands has proved _Jay in taring the various diseases for which it ___mmended; and al the ptcsent num mote than any other, perhaps, is thls medicine imeful, in prelim ring the system for a change of acaaon.—lllome door pai, Sept. MM. Prepared and sold, wholesale and retell. by A. B. a D. SANIII., Druggiot and Chemist, MI Fallon street, Corner of Willism New Vork. Sold also by Drug gists genenallythriughout the United States end eda. Price lllJper ImUla; sa bottles farad. For sale by L. WILCOX., Jr., It. A. FAIINESTOCII & CO., and EIMVA RI) FENDERICII, Pittsburgh. Al. 0. he Ih. S. SMITH, Bridgwater. Idclis.dendivrl ORION MONTAGUE, Pr a Yonno Chtittian 1 i , hoice:Narrat. re loand-d on the Emil hiamry at a Malawian Missionary; by C. D. Aforumer; one if to. vol., mash. Modern Literature mid Literary Men, being a ie.- and G ally•ry of Literary Pealrflll/. by (Norio ...111111an; rear Load cadre from the London edition, Ono largol2 mo vol, 11y n.e. Dictionary of Maclyines. he, Nq G. Ulric Z +Male, thy 13 w REID:Mr, by Ayr DlVise; 1 101 19 mo, muslin. • Anecdotes for rho Voting... Principles Wounded by Facts; compiled by for 1.1 Smith, 1 vol 111 ma ma- Woorungo to Yonth,ntggested by the Ilittory of re on Ole sorlphoe obiyaci•rs. lty Robert Mown; 1 .118 mo, tottOin. -Pas solo by R HOPKINS, Pl__ No NI Apodo 'Radium Foonh atm, IS UMJIIICII wags. )IPIIY & lIURCLIFIELD have received a lure :OA assortment of Repka`a Cotton Pummel. Wear for Men and &eye, eo well known for durability of role 'and wear. Also, :Wool Caulmares 6141 Tweeds, ie a great variety of etyles and needle.. Perma wanting say article in thin line wi:l be libe 1, to be suited of the none east corner of Poona and Market streets. Comm Merebants and mbar, will remember W. Murphy'. Wholsmie Roams, op atain—entnnee Croeircelmb anat. apt =~ -----k•--x VOL. XVII. NO. 219. MISCELLANEOUS, HERSEY, FL ILA VID FitOki TDB LIANUFA ERN MANDEs. Wilke IFlsunels, all Er I Red do do Yellow do Brown' do do Brack Sennett, Steel mixed do Blue do - I Drab do Black ClLRidltre. Fumy do Fancy Tweeds. Soper Black Broad Ciotti. Soper Browu do Soper Greco do Super Twilled do Super Black Doe Skins. Soper Drab Caskimerck Super Brown do Super Black do Caltromia Blankets. Scarlet do Blue do Drub do EMING .ez CO. OIL RALE, ,- URERS, ANDAt EAST REM' PRICER: . Rine DrOIN Blue De.miag Raoar Concoradeg aL ai offered at Factory Priam Dokteieague Ehintar. Check.. and &ripest, soy "r7= Good Red Padding, tepe:;10; Vest Padding, Bookram, . TatiersVansambeavy do ; Drown Llarna, &Rota's Drab d Sew, bloat do. s it ar wormed; Black and Waite 'tape; Mark Twist, Drab do'. • Linea Checks and Drub; Stuart's 0 cord VI Co o,o; do Linen Thread, A artootiOr ankle;. tAl . trigle . d Wallop; Broaro Holhold st'g %Moos, Cravats, e. &a. 'arehousa, No 187 Woad •. lora Groin Bilging. Brown brills; A I the liltunicaeturers' V Pittsburgh pi; tl Marl riIHE OFFI C EIof tho America, has been rei east of Wood.. arum, Company of Nortk •• ved to No. 141 Froot ay, The nu riert er, agent for arbte Company, veld tame their content•, and on shim Steam Boma and other yen ar3 r the above old and respon e Policies on Doildiotic and imams of Marchand.; by WILLIAM DIDBY DEGS leave to Inform his friends and customers that AP he Millet receiving ht new • wing stocker Geode s comprising, as usual, all the newest and mom fashion :llB.BJ l i eLo n f CI oth s, , C s ass i s m e a r e n 1.. f v a e t4y . y u es cl t= for gentlemen's wear keeping and summer.- It being impassible to describe the beauty, quality, or siumnitY of the stock, the proprietor hopes all who are In want of good, cheap, fashtrumble, and well made clothels. wiII /rive bon a pidl, as there i• no stock this *lda of the Alleghenies teal tan compare with it. The readymadc department is veiTestertelm h ad.,. tad to all taste.. flail road contractors, country merchants, and all who purchase largely, are particularly Invited to at. amine the stock befuse purchasing, as Pattiaallu Menem is paid to the wholesale busmeas In this estab lishment. • • theEery aniele in an d ng lino nada to s horty[ mon lubionabl but mune., at the notice. men _ . JOHN LYONS, NO. Y STATE STREET, BOSTON,. rigrot for artan and Remtery. of Property to EngLorld.. trAVINO spent nearly a year in the variMas Re latelAcrd Offices, National Llbrary, On., dling his visit to England, invougating ro e post., in this country, and having tenured efficient and ro ornarible Agents in London and Manchester, ho la prepaprepared to afford all mcmsary Informxtion and ad• red co ce to permnsry. who seek to recover their properly In thunt J. L. keep. a list of die Batik of England Dividend Books, whirl, may he examined for 50 cents, or 23 for each letter of the Alphabet. References In Horton, C:l3 F. ADAM, Notary Pobbe3 JAMES WELD, Erg; • HENRY K. MAY, tim; JOHN W. RIDGEWAY:Esq. Itonssasat lilwasnotal AFULL supply of China Pearl Rough and Ready, Rutland Braid, Mamma Braid, and other styles and Market streets, of Soo open by at Lau north east earner north =RPM' & Alto—Fare Flowers and Bonnet Caps, of new and handrail. styles. a•] • bonnet,, Bonnets, A A. MAEON & CO., Nlarket St., between 3d and LI, 4th, have jtpt reed, and are now opening, 31) eases Bonnets; among which arc Jimmy Lind, rearl Florence and Pwiss Pedal Braid, Latins,Bagllsh Dan. mantes, lingiish Straws, Bough and Ready, and a ir Itlral variety or alllonlitles nad Wens. - ao3 Li:=maJ • OPEN AT MURPHY & BURCHFIELD'S, ibis 4nerning—Chinn Peat), Cohere. Florence Braid, Coop, 'Drab and White.) Mined Braid, and other styles no Farley Banners. Alto— FLIATF.R.S AND CAPS, in great Terleor.and at ex ceedingly low prieen China Pearl 'Sonnet. so lawns an eat e. raPAI to tor ..1a by A. 11. 'English i V. So 79 Wood ..... T"sl;`cLA,L—i. Chestnut Gollege, a H to y nthor n of "TO yib O tsaeat oTTehaecohien t f •''The Groat Gortnnissina," The Great Commlstion ; or the ChHinlian Church Constitute,' and Clouted In Censer the Gospel to Toad. Ily thu D 11, " oreenet,-tab SVII.II an 111 mon," "T y.......0r0yi11it0n It. Wa ll i n ms,-D. 1/odlsciory lt , ttega; or thc Gltuots of the Nile.' By William FOrnilf. The elcrey Set. Thoughts Surge... by the Lord'. Prayer. By Gardiner baring, D.D, Putter of the' Book Presbyterian Church, City of New York. The extent of the Atonement in its relation in God .and the Universe. Ity Them. IV. Jonkyri, D. President of Coward College, London. M. Primeval; or the Consttio and Primitive Condition of the Human Being. itu A n contribution to Theological Science. By Rev. John Harris, D. D., President of Chestnut College. The Church in Fern.t. By John Angell Jamey._ author o("Toe Church Members. Geida," tc 'F. Elements of Pnlincal Economy. By PrencLs arleng, D. D., President of Brown UaiversitY r and Professor of Moral Philosophy. Republic. Christianity; or Tree Liberty, as en. hibited in the Life, Precepts, and Early Doiclples of toe Crcet ReJsenne. By E. L Magoon, author of - Proverbs fat the People," "Living OrCOlll of Miami ea c. :sketch.- end Rinnhles By I T. Headley. proa e re s f.r rte pe.le; or Illustretlons of Practi cal tiontincei, Drawn from the Beek of Wisdom. By - e: hlkgonn. apll Cli/Seitte et rnWircrtrpesetlption once ljUhiveree. By Mega nderllon Humboldt. kßye !Lime. !genial. of the Liia of Will el J. P. KentledT: new edition. Mcmoira of the Life end Writ a f Thom. Mel. D. D. Ily his eau in low, R %Valiant Liz: u-1 L. L D. 3 vole Sketcheu of Minnerne, the New England or the West, with Incidents of travel in that Territory &nick the simmer 011.49, in Owe parts. By E. 5. Bey:lour, ' with a map. .Paley'a Principles of Moral and Political Philosophy. Ival P2mo. Fairy Book, Muir.. with nut.. wood. By Adam. Ppares foneriem Bic/raptly, 10 vols Mao, 70 centa per volume. The Whale and hi. Captor', or the Wheleman's Ad. 'minaret and the Whales Biography. Ey !I. T. Cheerers, with engraviirna,B3ueoUt. Redhurn, his rim Voyagn, being the eller boy: eon (ewe]. and reralniuccneey of the eon of a uentlemon hi the merchant neretee. Itylleniaan /Melville, author of 'iTy per,'“VolLOo," O. The Modern lino=h Pluiareh, or Meta of Igen Ifia tin bed in the I n vent liiiitOry of EngLutd, for their Tel ma, Virtue, or A chterement, By W. C. Taylor, L. L. D. taw, Am. S.S. Book, on hand and (areal., by A. ENGLISH A. CO, Suceesrors of ELLIOTT dc ENGLISH, ' No. 7D, Wood at Powd eet Powder! 160 KEGS Do Pout's FFFG Hindi qr kegs co do do, 10 do Ilaaley Mite. BFFO Rifle; \ 000 do V, FF, &a, Blasting: 1100 do Lento's &Smith's rased Blastula; 200 do do do Mining. extra; 310 do do do N Y Rift.; WO do do do American Rifle; • lOU t and t kegs do do; 10 eased cannier, do do; JO do do Prairie Shooting: - 10 do do Deck do; 3 tibia Palmy roagarine and to ar. nye: all of which it OtlelCd to the trade do the moat favorable terms. Del,veratile at all hoard of the day. The quality and variety-of the C.nister Powder to the Otenons of tilt:rumen. • ._•P 2 J. C BIDWELL, Agent. d PIITSICIAWI3 TEETIRIONY. -- . • "I HAVE FOUND NOTHING TO EQUAL TREK" BLensaresi, Va., March 8,1850. NR. R E SELLERS-.I bare dirpored of all id dos of the Verns the lel Cough Syrupifirge. and Liver PiCs you sent me, and' I have seed all your Family 'Medicines m my family. and have also meet/bee them in my practice; I am' very much pleaved 'verb them, and be our Von:riling ;es found nothing Co equal i hem. iced rue Iloz of, and 'lto arm each or the Liver Pills an d Cough Syrup. • Respectfully yours, [Extract of Letter.] T. T. daces:oh Those bighlrpopular medicines may be had of the proprietor, E SELLERS, 27 Wood st i and Druggicts ' ',generally to the two cities and vicinity. ape NeW C O3MOB, a Sketch ors Physical deveriptian Nth. Ud row, by Hamholit; 2 • dr, and Paper. :rachm of IlLemma,slis Now Euglaud oftlie Wag, hy.,_ 8 &plume, with MeV vol, Cloth sod Pa?er. Idfs and Ounitspondeum or Men ;Souther, No 2. Raphael, or Pages from she Dock of Lae at Meaty, by Rise, Imo( Life mid Wntiori of Thar Chalmers, D 0,12 y W Hamm, D D; vol t, elub. For sal, by HDPKI Nel, lea 138 1dings,Fauselt at WIFE SACRED LIARAIONIDY, neer ....ell,. I Chureb Musk, Edited by George Kingsley, A. non or Social Choir. Juvenile Choir, &e, lee. Sabbath School Ger. ofMusical:ld Poetry, designed ehapx nk ressly for the Sabbath Scheel; by J. & A. Cora s _ A new Treatise on Astrononlyi and the Use of , be Brehm, la two parts. Containing Astronomic. 'and ether definitions; armories and potatoes althea/2n moon and planets: Kmdet's law. and Theory of Graviiation, tefraetton,Tvrilight, and Paradox, I.:animation., Pew dwdr, Illitances; Phenomena, sad Magaltudes of rho heavenly Bodies composing the Solar System, be.; lents M thoao, art exte U of thenalve cohesion of the mostasefol Plots (Babes. Illmuirmil for We ali!e satiety of Examples, ,ke ; designed for the line of fish School. and Academies. •Lly JiAla Idelna re, M. L., Professor of Mathematic. nod Astronomy in Me Central High kohool, of Baltimore.. Dock . • Deck and Port, or Ineident. of nernise in the United Stater Frigate Counter., to California; with Sketch.. oflliciJauctro, Lima, flonos. and Ban PI.CiKA. Ely Ho e. Wither S. N,; or :Hap sad Shore, ao. For Web], H. Succeoors t !L. o ELLIOT etENGLISH ENGLISH!. N 0.117 IVonts omit. April Elagasharm mod -Now' Rook.. AT IroLarEs, LITERARY DEPOT, Turn Slued; apposite the t'. Mee. - GODE','S Lad 7 2 .1 Book, for April; Graham'. Magatletr, de dartaln's do do- Lodi.' Notional do do Holden's Dollar do do Illtiekmood'a Magazine, for February. . Wane Jacket or me- orld to a BiamorWar. Her- man htelville'a dew nrork. - Mahorriet add Iflaerie. mama; by Walblneme Irving; well 1.---New Eng landp.altry Breeder; with twenty Ste accurate ea. irniunda--Art loomed, for Febroury and biszeb--. Webster's and Calm nose treeechea, to pamphlet fond- Copperbeid; Ly Dickeus.----7116 Family; a Comedy.—Explazioliona. and thatory_ of the Rochester Knoekina,---Coa Clegan, theletalt Oil Bray by Later.—asbrtra Cashel; by Lorer..-- History of readelmiri by Thackarey; Pro deary , of Neehaider; Engine Work and Eriiireedr ilia; put 4 .—Dark.Ossaus of Illsreni • • .. ,_„~ ~ ...~ EZEN2=II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers