~ii~dt~~C~~b;*J~Ci~lli~l~xN' 7l a ' ~~ 1 ' 1 ElNt ir. m " g ua r; El srua l. n7L a Y a : " D LlE 1 : FOREIGN NEWS 1 ARRIVAL' OV-TRE NIAGARA. _ 4 PuLtautuma, March 23. The 'Ni rei-neirs was delayed by a break in 'the Wires near St: lehrt; or it would have reached you yesterday morning. Accounts from the manufacturing districts are not satidfactory. , . The news powwows no Uttered commercially. The political etforta of England pewees but little special Interest. Nothing er entful, In a political sense, hen oc curred in V eliamont Lord lob Russell has given notice, that it is in I the contemplation of the Government to abolish the OfSee of Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, with the Vice Regal Court at Dublin, the intention being to have such affairs managed by the Homo I).spart. men!, and by the Secretary for Ireland. The Canadian annexation movement excites bat little special attention. . Collins' new line 'of American steamers coop mands a large share of pablto attention and good win. Lord Palmerston is severely commented upon, by the English joornaLs, in continuing the Greet blockade - • The Russian Government her presented en en. ergetic remonstrance a gainst.the proceedings of the English Government, and public 'pinion is general that the Ciar will sire the Greet% al tient support . The London Casette says the Queen message passed through Malta j. on the .25th ult., vii,th orders to Sir William Parker to WOO hostilities ageing Greece. FRANCE. The 'anniversary of the !Republic pn.±ed off without dialorbanee. The Miniver of France sates that the revenue will be adequate (or the public service this yen!. The Postmaster General opens all letters pan.- lag to sad from suspected persons. This conduct has given rice to warm debnles in the Assembly. ' It.la said Franee and Russia ere completely united upon the Greek question.. Letters from Toulon elate that the French fleet In the Levant had exiled for the Greet; coast. , • (semen amerce.) The New Toth mark:ate are eainiitelely vdel— checked by the 'steamer's neiet to the morning The weather is wet. The Niagara arrived at Halifni on Thursday roght. The political ring's Is unimportnnt. LIVERPOOL. MARKET. Livoceara., March S. Daring the past fortnight, Cotton has been dull. Holders have been obliged to submit to a de cline et 1 in all, descriptione below lair uplands. , no change in Mobile. Orioles quotations- 7 w Orleans 6Lldebileol, Orland 130. Sole, for two weeks 53250 thrill which speculator' took 12.000, the trade purchasing apanfigly. At Havre the market is very quiet. PrieciPl have given way In most articles. Indian corn has declined two peica par qr: for white, nod six to nine pence rot yellow. Floor—Beat western earil,Baltiranre, and Ohio dour declined one shilling and elspence per bd. The prevision market is rather Improved. Bed I. In gnod demand at fiSa far old, and 721561 for new. New hams are dull; shoulders are in better demand atimnroved rates. Lard Is unchanged. The demand far coffee is limited; holders and speculators are disinclined to act until aint' the great sales in Holland. Sugar—Considerable baguette is done in Porto Rico. Tobacco—Sales of the month, 2771 bhds., o which shout half was Kentucky Ovulard. Prixa have advanced during - the month from a half to ' one penny per pound on Virginia and Kentucky stemmed. LONDON MARKETS. Lf,NIP,X, March 8. - The market Mu slightly in3proved. • Commis closed to day at 9M for money,9 6 l for account. Auntie= frecoritien are in demand 'at improved raw, 6'f,107101653 Penna. s'a, 93@81. • CONGIIESSIONA L., Wasson'erron, March 23. Senate: The Senate, to day, p r neggdof at ga m to the consideration of the apeciel order, beingM r. Bradbary's resolution In relation to removals. from office. MPresider. mith resumed kis remarks in defence of Smith Talks his , and administration. from the charge of prescription. Wasruaoron, Morel 23. The Grand Jary of the District of Colombia has indicted B. F. Brown, of Ohio, for forging Troller,. ry vitoehers. FRO3I LIANNISI3I.IItGH. Matsuzawa, March 23. 1 , GOV[II2OI . Johnston sawn:tined, yesterday, to the two houses of the Legialatnre, resolutions if Vie &ha and Georgia, complaining of egg the on the put of the North. Governor Johnston, to his me nage, claims that Pennsylvania' has Bever failed In her duties, constitotional or otherwise, to her sister States of the South- The historical summary which the message em- The the Governor to his vindication of the ddelity of PennsylVlLDla. - or o'slou.yla LEL um STEAM BOAT F—XPLOSION—USS OF LIFE. . BurrsLo, Marcia 23. The boiler of raearner Troy burst aSstle eras !leering the port of Black . Rock, thir afternoon. Several persons were killed, and a number badly ~.*'`: CINCINNATI MARKET• • . . . CINCIMATI, Much The river I= fallen Ni Inches during the past 24 hours. The weather is very pleasant for the eet.oll. is firm; there ier an activili Flour—The mar at inquiry at this time. ' Sales of 900 bila at $5. l• Whiskey is Arm, and pricus have advanced In 2210 per gal. of Leuts—Bales 01'600 kegs prim aat el, Sslas in barrels at fii; 400 kegs country at 51 pc, 0. Eiroceries--Tho inulict is Arm, but prices mil utuchanged. - . ------- - . • • 7 CARPET WAREHOHSE, . , NO 75, goarth 0 ttttt . t W I:4n= jOrgarglirilnrg Trimalings,L.c., colre,Al, e r g Niteallow.in., vie: . ". 0 . Er " P., '' Ta p 7. try • 7' " .F , • FYlslievand Amserie. peg " . ,:t d • EXUA tiapeykne Vim . -° 3,, -4. SI Superfine .0 ' ; RIeILVAIN & WELLIANIS, NO. 10 GERMAN STREET, BALTIMORE, A GENTS for the sale of SODA ASII .e. IILLACII• It !NO POWDlbllte, bare now in the and vein r I routinize to receive, 101 l tuppltes of the lotiowtra well gars°, , a n n.. 100,14 “NUfpf•llf,' `Torino and Jar Superfine 1.8,1ip Darfeta,raalea.,...llPa*fE4Dl -....4. rrr,a urban aae) offer fore ale at marke rates I t.r° 4l, w, ____-- - -- f":' P-oPtab° do do 80 °''' JOAN ti. RANICIN. 0- Pilo— i a Tufted Rage, mos° 'l4, Ll tre w""l ' o';" Firm' '''' I A. cigar .foErYlll'endir.c"tat"e" ;VI?: n " ii ' l l ,:i"r w aiil a Z d S c b o Lott•vb 44, I and' Tap Yen Coe. C r .. 101° A,,, ° filo , (late of Pittsburgh.) 44 1 1 1,114 1•T.t 1 O 4 Corp . Kit ' a ° Referenees-Pittiitiargh Wm %V Foooratl, /lamp -44,1, i &di 4 plain Car Dl mfr a_* .._,_ hoe and Rag earmark, eh "..° ,"7:, ton A. Miner, 161'Catellese It McClure, Jahn b. Pride, .84 Priatcd .I.lexiCarilstr. TnAdl ~ Roselle ar. Semple, alaSardp. Hal nd 4 1Y Sheep Skin 5 II llumbfield•-• .... --- ••• -George Richard S. De 13013111 WIELD CC co., 04.7-4.C.4,8"4 4.4 and ) g Addatd .....," n Groeertry Ott CW4'; &tr. printed P^^ °"'" Wil.M.,9irAyiltinVed, aniorniLrihn' Mcrabants, ..L. n 4.4.4, mai i Idantialr , . table " I.ML ant Oil Cloths , , a N 0 .20 Libeny st . , Pntilosech mrl2 , f" '''''''' Platak.'"rdl.°°l° " -- - A 80—WIO:511V. FOB. ...10 or .03 I BRITANNIA SPORIIhr. 1:5 RTRAIT a 114113, C'n'llin...ndL Petaled woolen 7 glee and Drab Cloth.; ). antanard Stand r : od i,,, NOOMO su r er, riy...a.. 1. ..g1., , , ,. . ru e, Calms Midi tsbeneind L in t ..,,,,,,g t, e g to twqoanit weir nuotue,roniro..,on, will t.: C°°°h°4£l°,l.l '' Damask Star Linea , " u next Dietnbatlon of.Puf,rntrralllte.. 4 , 1 0.,.. 1 , „1,.., 11 -i Paartsaks for Ltedage; rot hey Red Choate., Walerad Marra= Chards Bordering, ... ch1""4"1I rre ' rriy tFotloer:( Um number of /011frf to be Covers Oil clab T .. ' - "'as.. is each clog. Irma Om member lAA liTlarlaDadrtZelk24("l"b‘d'' I rnagZin.n.,... a. mita laTeuirnd elms ditto a Early application rot the on ' 011 ".1-- • or Bled Bindle aa neeelintry. A party subedit.. Preside . ge angp. " %Toole:I " °0 . 0 .°, ' on e shale has the chancre( gaining Venetian lillad& ans. Stair Rods; Tganf"'n' than bowmen Those MO. who draw pair Drargdil; 7.31V11%'4V1.:10%..1nen• Carpel Ilindinga4 the v'aknio"ar Porrtraila will be resealed wok toe fol. Rama Cm& ' h" """°l4°"; h"""g".11.ori alt of Ist clabooeses SI ditto Beau& Blaped• • Bo... Linea Islep..‘irr ks-crOTlVirrtt 't, ',I 5,..!1•071; Vrtan.er, or t.kFit,,,stn.dllouTose....:: .. : .Cialu,Nlem A15,04r0 t 3 Ca oil cl o o, • Table tor Mode, 0 TONd llorse ..... pgato ~,r. Canna Ilaelebsek 'Jasper, i 5uu,....• • • 8,01). 3,0 00 •1 00, Pleaded mammas a a Non-Starters 4,1:10u 300 a arr a Om C10 . T130 N ef'rf.tt..,,,T.,o,o,‘,ADP,T...o,o4grriii \ ' Aar turnosaa In earn Chia, Duat being the fa worth, which rh,: r h 11'7.1: ...at to lit rooms, 11.11:, awl no T ii h t•fer " LT( i ea.+ enteredu,,,D,Litrkanten,..',Dat.erDnrxrpllnla Veriallntles of any rise ore ha!'° 11111.Slediested hiearl.l.7Try „rilAtrerKetfrorarria. \ as : i :i rt t ep : o ar7 , h d ie " , (:‘ , 7e:ili o r 9 ei r o a: te l i p lerrit .,,,i l .:l e .l: te ., :i f t li,r l.c ,, P lTi r, Rill ICanlpo'bita,.Varb"leh‘Puire".4%thealt•e.t..a,n,d.tra,,o.eut , e , le ,.. f o tot . t , be e, ioenneltto.ii,hais;bnl,..ns.eldkoneor,.• I h.‘, llg o l L t ; ll L_ , Rer . llla de- . " 1100 " 4 1"*”"`""" of . they eau be pardoned Subscriber , . 'elides °, .." " ,1 ' "...t n.°. ." '` rettll be sold at prices NS low a foe I. 0 11 11 or thecae:ern come. ecipt bf a 0010,01111 Cr. Bills of Fge bland. Waits. w a nk Notra, far . , addressed and wade payablo to the • H s i ~,,. ~,,,, a'7aarent ot tlie ridest and Managine 10,f001.0f0 %V J A MRS tr. CO. ianralinlll.S., IaIPERIAL TIMM Vara p, teat connitlrsion to La roduee ., d;al ~t he PLY and INGRAIN CAROMS wir!abra , rarrilnlr, IPedditation of boning., in band lw‘e cheap ads of pnce,..) a5,,,5.....n..,,,n, Ware at %anus val. . 11 * . : b r n lari T n an d web Men and Coach Mannfacturera_s..a. th ,, ....irk. odilittalMontacininT ßlMslll%. neersaarp in tam brettnesa. „.f., thr , only sr ., it , T. imlg.x. ,4* . 1 . , .0 —a a prepared to =II MaISLIMS OI I( In rbrladel °° ' — .l ere , ty . icami than tai i. parebasedelassra.., cK Dm. l_____!Ll'_------- PITTSBILTILGIE 130/1.11.73 OF TELLOT, XXICIIIII . I COMMITTEE FOR FOtt MARCH. • - XV/ 111iI,•• .1. 1. V 01111"..." of the ..6.t.:7:arners...scw Tle; game Csases, Cat -Ir°' lot 14°.1.°°4 on leaves 0.1.1(011 (or Laver e cum Mare.. Tit N.... G.rt- POO , On "n— Loth leaves Neste - (or Liver- Th Ecteva ih CaP , Pool.ra 11.17 _ Orrice. Prersentait it Gaaavra blottday Morning, Much an, teso. Tat Ms.aavra—Daring the forenoon of finitude), the 'teether was exuentely unpleasant, in consequence of winch we heard of no Isansemions of MOlelellt Fe far as quotations ate concerned, we found no change In thetnarket. Toe flyer continues in fine nnvigeble order for oar target clam of steamer*, old busmen in that quartc begira to assume a greeter degree of activity. UAL - Mon; March 20 PIM:If—We awe tales yesterday of 100 barrels: Maned fallout at 81,C21. To day tale. of NV Obit were Image at the same rate We'zinte salearif 0100 tibia City Mills Flour at 17,021, and of Obis Patapsco super at 25, 0 1 , A sale of 150 bbl, Susan:lllmila Floor at liroln—Smolt wales of Maryland red whint of 1009 105 e for good to prime parcel, OVO ntso note o In of Pennsylvania red at ltffic i euol of s parcel. of POW., white rat Sale , yellow. e ,:c for Oats - gate. Prnalaions-ic, 91,a, and iftoo luso, tomcod, on grit alto of 491 creaw lard t I...Wlustray—Tharlemand 411 ahoy and valet difficult to be effected. We quote Lillis at $llllll oaf Moto of 231924 craw, with lodes principally Md.' lower rigurea—Ameriemi. .- ..„-- ... ______........ __....... New York a. Boston Wool Market. For the stk. end. ?dare+ 19, 1050. Priv.te sal, have tech small daring the week.ow. "rag mainly to the demand Wog temporally supplied b a insge'sucton sale on Wednesday lust a watch se y metsm am be serataken hr ot situfnet is ...twat sayd oue half ne mach more hy l eperolsioss. The atten one tolls. sale was large sad the eld , ltn; spirnel, so [noels u., that tf tan take It ns a erl,nen of me wan. and wishes of Orate., we are mantled that the present stock of wool in tie country is thsulfletent In amount for their supply, tehrl nil, that prices most month nt. 1 sod above present rates Ptwate sale prwes were fel. I ly obi - mord at this sale, and it Is thought Mat twice the I iMantity would have been taken at FIR. rates Imd a been offered. Tho market.for foreign . rather out i er, thougli Fil reach sense 0..10 the val.. desetlle item., ram es on prisnte w tern ll. and 'MI 3.111, at our quote. now.. The sales Of trJrnemi other than ut Mr wn.on sale noticed sbear, resell some .9t IUS/ foe salons 1 grades at current rater N. V. Penne. Maros Patera AmericanFlneee V 15, .154:5415. 451seaw. avernenn WII ti and :deem°, 40e4 Id 4041 fiCIIiI I nod I Hsi Anienc., Native and 11 no, 1,6110, 5,1./5 No Puled, COUIllt), V...Z.3a 35.33, Cowan.32.d , 3 31.4. Supetfir.e, Pulled. Can, 3:41X 'South Anuase•n kV11•11Gtl, .4,1114 ' :health Amer %Unshed .k. Pncked, ...13;d2! ;Soul h Ante neon Unwashed, 7a Ab ie., ITowashed, temerca,.o awn.hed, 1.1114 11.115 s.lcilenn, Unwashed, 11./1 , 11.016 Cordwtn. Waled( IrlltZt N . time. lieut.—A be to Rattan!, llouge,under the nth., mune, hen rest been open , on Foorth yt nrar %Veil., ither the moriegernent of Mew.. 0310.10 Brown and Janney It Ramey. The prompt , edomed by !MY, end other int Muth , . uf the tird to our city, el allowing intereat to Deprwitors. crate. um ton the more mil/Liable mod true yyetcro of banking. Canto. Inersre.l mnrc ly for Um purpose. of c/reulatino, add nodal g either to the !Keenly o ff dwthn odvantage of bor rowers. Me.. Brown re Itamiy, who are to control the erfairi of the Union Ilea, ore pentlecom well end levorettly known to this Comm awl tis with pleasure that are tn.:comment! them to the confide:xi+ t , nisipetronage of the pet the. We ruler out MU . . to their Card to another coluttm— Cos 13.. Coratnron Bsem.—We ore of the dine- ni S, that tne Imuka Mum Farmrref Cane a: Nentucky,' If Covington Lranett nt h Le ape nett .on ten Monday, at .e tne Itlayer'sefliee in that mty, tor the suLteriptinn 0. stock. We onnerctend the proepect It, that Mete Will be a rash for it. Cairene from Cincinnati or fectirort tan ate Moot. and as the investment Will Lo a gond onr, give aft fair maraing.who ensh to embark I• anr6 opernion.—Cin Corn. -•••-- - Eacllsage Brokers, tan 36 110 aea enact, near • Pennsylvania.. Indiana.. Bank of 2 unbar - All --- , Far Stale B't it Br anetts• • Gaetano:a Bonk th.l'S.glet,nrip • .:, .. ~ March. b. 51an. Bank -Pall V arra' nal.. Ukr.of 21.iludelplua• • -7at Groloanr ne. o 1 turd Bask .......... pa Oafs:mt. e 13 k•uf Vs- r S'at • - • ' l ' Bunk of Germantown •ourlllk. ot tbe V alley,--- " . Chciter Counap• • paißk. of Virginia• • .. Do.law.e co.• ..gaellal 7-• 7.1. Bk., Whartme if. Mot.rocaf lat • •Fall d :do:gun:ono •• • • g " Nrthuml.erlana• •pn.l2. I V. gnat Fa--- • i Co: anablu 11.1ridr, , co.• • 1.11 do Weltsbat e•- • 1 Dayleg,,nwo Book ..... ryy. do Parker , tura....-. 4.4 Farmers' Ilk. Itradlog• ;4;1.1 Tolockewsa. FnaboreUk. Burka Co. otarl3k •of 'retneesse . •• • • 5 rf Met& B'k L0.n0n22-122riFor.g Her-61 ..-'n Bk..- •• Lancaster Co. 01k: • • .pnrrllnterr., ck.• Lancaster Bat.• -.•:- pat Union 114,------;......• o U. State , . r...1nk......----1.11 ditrilolorl. iltoiY1111•7111.2 In. pm Lititg•Dk Of Alivol.T.--• 1 so n sbmgeon Bt.: ••• .:-....1 -ttnatel. Garollaan• Gettyaburel•llk. • 1 Bk• nf Cape Fear- ..... 2 Chambersbure• •• • -... 0 blarela'sl3k.,tielocro• 0 eseqUoharom Co. BL --- Stair flank. Le ou srown• •-.-- - Fookfa Carolina. Sll4tllelokfro -- 'Camden 114 •••• ••- • • 2 Cartiala' ' 0 113 - of Blionetton••• •• 2 1.,,,, , 60 . ...... .• . 0 . 1 , , c......,.....: ir,,• ---- 1 k' [Soak.' .„..„, 1 D os ser. , 'Bk. of ticorresawn•-• 2 Doak, Warnesberg.• I 1 2 : 2 . 0 11.99.2,2-•" •• 2 llara•sbary • .....• ....- 'a 71Orntanta 111,---- - 2 Bou/.13a1e.--- -- • I Planar. Cc ble-ba'rßk. 2 eb•nnn par' tat. uf aond. C.17.3 . ..r.• . • 2 PO:31111e •-•-• ..- 4 , ' Rt.t . rial2.l. Nyorill.rty ... .. i .I.hyltanore. llks. ••• -• • • •pal l'./14 Et_ t ttaltol'e an fingesto •10 IN ' ,llltmtsh in. 1 Cumberland In .oiAII e- Re..et 73..tes ...... _-_ gnuty ••• • • • •-••• .. • I bl ra 01 U.. I'n I: 0 Fa , Ba. ol Mara.and • " Sone-Puts. I: thlanlyi Formats' a•-• 7.le.l.a_nieg 4 . Allegheny, 0 112. Pred^rick ..... •. " Ohio. Tied T 1 ne t Co la .--• . ebate lit. and liramcbes 1 liaa.'"bloaan Ba• • ..... " bituntgleaosat ..... ... :In,. to i Ilk. - —.- i butuboonlle• - ....... . 'l,olpsto Bk•-•••• ... a St•Clalmailla•-•-.. . Waslunstanllt---- .. „.1,,,,,,........_,...,...... ;...;11k.ofWeetnonater • • • • . ricer Lobar , • ... -.• . 1 • Michigan. Bu,oloast Banlas ...... . "Bk. of St. ela,• • --- Colialaub do. ..... • ; 4 , 'llk. of Ryser fino.en•-- Circleville.-- - --• ll .:"Eableata la.. Co- . - b 2azesrille •-...- ....... 'Para. Sleets ilk }.,,,,,,, ______ .. :Wisconsin Tierra...o. va• s oger --..--. - IliMAr..4.Firclnr.o.Nl.l.o, 2 Sll,...L[lar, --....-... I j Cal:kudos. ' L.lL,.thrlk c .13' All YolventlEtaLote• •• •• • 6. Genus. • ... ..... • ... ; ; Vs. of England Notes Norwalk ••• • .. ........ 70 •-----*4 70 V Leto. ct,„;;,,,,1,_-_,-........, I 'On II Fipocl•Vallso . Nap loons -•-•• 301 DAylf.--•.--.------, 0 ' U na as. ...... 0 150 9xo Wenern it•nerae."--. .. "01 0 ,, ~ o ld , „, .. 1 ,, 00 Franklin D't Cnlambes " Cad et non -,•. . 10 1 , 0 Ch;ili,,i,, --.- " . lin o 10no,ligantsb 16 CO Late Era •• • . •• ... • • " 'Do. CTlnt---• —• 15 30 griota• • - ..... •••-• " "dor etcns • •-• ... 4 rdi hatonater • -----10 'Gain as 3 00 llamilton------ ..... 13 ;Fred rickoForit-47 90 Granville - ...... • • -•• 50 • ren haler , - • • - 7 fib Fautn'esn's Canton —Co ,Tan Intlder. ••• • 392 urbane -- to 1i...00i Xorg• • ... • ISo aelote.cky. I Saki:Mask. kik of llentkr.ky• •••-•• I • •122.0 f 1.0ni.2111e No:kern Ilk. K.,n,te Is.r. 9 ,2-222-• EL•movoi• °novae klavinfae- V2WErrrwr"rkw. tli„alva.:o,l°T•lFFl4riSuo.o.'''37 HATES OF DISCOUNT. VATL: , 3 01.7151J'656 ia-CO kLECTIED BY 25. v.tmaiNs &suss, • i P , - er Irkff • i'TORNET AT LAW A above Wood. DAVID C. TUTTLE:, - A ITORNSIY AT LAW, and Comm. ft Penury 'yenta, St. Lnuir, Mo. All eur ni ninucautine promptli &narrated. eactSly L.s.Waremnan•.R.YLWate rot in • • NV. R. Wales L. B. WATS:WI/Of & ROSS, . 1117 GROCE) Crournisainn and Fri IT warding hlcrehuntai dna cr. In all kind. of Pm duce fa Pittsburgh Manufactur d Artie], anJ Agent. for sale of Richmond a.nd Lynchburg Manufactured Tolarecor. SIILACIfELIVrT•Ii WiIITE, j DRY GOODS JOUDERS, NO.IOI WOOD STREET, 1 II A il V orirl in t:':::'‘:::nd 71•Larpl': n'tTror".:lll.lr774V::. toronont of Stook! and F•ancv Dry Good., whi . rh they will cell for each or approved or.lD. Wooten , Merchants are invited to examine r o a n! I vtor!,______ _ - _ Sherlock op Dlvlne Prov.ltlenee. QVANIND etlilinn. vol PP . t..lwul pilt-d on fine white paper_ nut hithero very Neaten and eneetainolv valuable work 1114 been Oabllahed by J. Real. 11 is reeonnnended 1,1 severel of the clergymen of this city, of different de norainstionv , and fn non week fleetly 40. copies lutv beets eltealnied In l'uniburgh and minuet.,. Orders for the work me Invited. &Ina,. to wholebale purchasers. Fersele at the Meth:chat Seek De Mary. 1.101.14103. Agent. OF prrTssunit W 77. .—There Were 7 feet 6 ntehev Water in ehannel at evening; ad falba 6. ' ARRIVED. Caleb Cope, Murdock, Beaver. Michigan, Dries. Beaver. 11•PL120,.4 ?,,,l4ZrZklairarlgn. bele City. Atlantic, Parkwon, Baltic, Jacob., Brownsville. Camden. llc ridrickadn. McKeesport. Lake Eric, Clark. Beaver. ZacharY Taylor, Lucas. Louisville. , Connecticut, Norton, Now Orleans. Hamburg. Colwell. j Shipper, Zanesville. Pilot No 2, Dnvol, Ilockinsporis Shenudoah, Bowman, Clueinuti. • IP. eti.P hula McLane, Cannel. Wheelies. lliram Powers, Et Soots DEPARTED. Caleb Cope, Mudpack, Beaver. . .** Michigan, Mies, Denier. 11..trissir, Galloway, Monousdiel a CUT. 1:1 d Et, lienditek.ou, MchecsporL Fukien, Peebles, Elizabeth. . Baltic. Jacobs, Brownsville. Parkinson, Brownsville. Lake Erie, Clark, Beaver. J. L McLean, St Louie Cashier, --,Cinclouti. Paris, Smith, New Orleue Cumberlaud No 2. Buckeye State, Reno, Cincinnati. James Nelson, Moore %Viterbo.. Measenger No. 2, Woodwerd, Cincinnati. Glancerno, (Nachman. Reveilles, ,B God; Galliepolis. BOATS LEAVING THIS DAC. ST LOTIL--Fairmounc zANFsvittt-z..h.ry Taylor. ILLINOIS RIVER—Belle of the West. WIIEFLING—Litais hlel.auc Fon Sr Lout. •ND11.1.1x019 rtt—The fine Mean Salle of the Watt, it will be wen by ailveytkatnent saotiter relumn, will leave to above this day. FO6 ST U.N.—The splendid packet almoner, Fait• ..... nt,Capt.Ebbert, baring TClacited from the Railway, wit, re i underwent thorough repairs and repainting . , is up again for St. Imola, and will leave this afternoon at 4 o'clock. The Fairmount has well emahlisbed her popalunty,'a• a good runner, and rare carrier of pm, settlers and freight; we hope she may cottonne to re. calve that slime of public favor which ette so richly deserver. ....... .... _ Foa NAseut.—The nplentlinlight &wren WE or Fart Pitt. cant.tn Miller, will lerme at above tl afternoon at 3 o'clock. - IMPORTS BY RIVER.. Icincismati—Pla Cmcn.....r11-1 bald toes . mnehatut bk. mdae,Clark h Tkom; rco ram. tomes, 11 A Fahnemnek & co: 7.3 71.1. rd., 110 b. do, & SO Md. haw, Clark & Thaw, 3 boo mdse, 1 co., Ibx etgars. W Dirmhazn; 007.1 bbl. Alulvany & Ledlte. 50 Mid. meat, O'Cottoor Allan.; SO to. IN Bingham; 15 01,15 loaf stmOttl, promfo& Kirk route t; 10. bble ova nothfirld, cok. btde twitr, kg. lard. J Black more,' trilf,3 of s,llaga; 11 roll.. lesither, W Wryant. Wheeling—Mt Jo. NuAo3-13 505 t moo, 13 A Fahnestoci A co. 14 bbl. vntaker, oner - , II ram, 1 Ottl, 3 km. butter,'Jas Dalzr.ll, :a do. 'mum.. 5 'pada, 1G reamo paper....l big more, 1.3W1,crl kloputm 731 6010, mast. Jon Dolsell; SO las ria.•.tram, 7Ws dour, L, -noorant Obxe 0ced,2.1.• fruit. 4,0 pc. bacon, Ve 11011050, oka ftoll.n do mg, [MIMI, 7 Ogg of bap,Off r Marsl2ll , 2 701 55., kl Match= 13 rksoomdoes, bleCoy; 10 do do, J Clark; do do. W II Johnolon. L sn ZacetonT Ti41.0•—•21 Wm tn.. baceon, 7700 do, Se bp leathers, IMO kmt lord, 3 halt Mt. do, bol e, Mltt. do, II ca s mimeo, do haron,: los g• wool, I l7o.9Coles lam. 1/ !meth A en, SO mt.+ bueon, E 11mmatom 17530, tbs. mher,o, A Steel 77 bhdo eugar; Week & MeCtooltms. 2.5 AO do I Walt & eu; hi. Brown...Me- Omit feather,. Mitt, & co'33 lota, 41 tm 4 mum, 047ottoor Atki 14 baler. pelt.. II 1101100. A 4 4 1 br,t f,athrts, CII Grant; 3 itt • some, W I Os. ttb: Ited• ding, I couch. Dam., 11 bmt wool. Clark A Thaw; I 'tor Itoott•, lltoehern, 1 nx, d Idtd , 000 an, bbl. .‘, J Monohlou to no, b 7031 lottoreo, II Gruff & St. Lonto.—Cro (Ice tialare-77 Its meta, Clark Zr. Thaw; to dry h,de.. 1 It Havant, 3 . 1.1.1 e broken last, Corliae, Hebb:don St co; tte, pc. bulk 01011.* tlarbatreN ctki do. VO dry Iltdc. stone; y i• 11, el Itadno, alc6lll to Rotten tee lottos,./ NlcFadden Jo 13 bids scrap Iron, Jones h Clualtinatl—Patt Ilau.Cotatatlae hada surar, S I , Von ltoonortt; tal a at, tobacco, tl 1,1,...,10 rots on.. \V lloattant; 11 Weis sides, ac'deta a Nleol., bbl. eacoltcl, Clark Thaw - , 10: bales cotton, II Uratt a co; :41 bbds bacon. FOrtYttL A. co. ---- nandsosoo Conottry Bosidone• for Solo. PrltgAoTo.lzowtilfa.lbprik,dhvoate, with about one acre ot rob trrel and eltrubltc rj, eltUettC Ole the (Thin river, nt the lower port of gtteny rltp, now ill the occupancy of trunil aI Wlckct sham. pac t .PClsreacott given Aran I.L For particulars autl term. apply' to WILLIAMS' A. SHINN, Fourth bare WI36TEP.Ii 1118011ANIIE COMPIN OF CA PITTSBUR.GH. PITAL 4100,000. • J.l,l:trtra, Jr , :Rey. i It 1.1u.7...x, Ir, 1 , ,,,1. 1 W(3l trornye Against At 113 . 14. of nits FIRE AND MAIUNE. ' ALpLag.eses .33 Ix hbernily .43usted .4 prOmptly A home tneltation—m..cd by Difectere who aril well boos. ut &been...my, .4 who are detects:lP tel by promo.. nail a ssum e d to melon. the chnr act. which they haye ae. as perm the best protect.. to done who 0.1. to be Ipeored. .0.0,,,00.....331311er, Jr., Geo, Mick. J. W.lTenler, N. llonne,Jr. WI:13. 13. 11onues, C. Wks., Geo. W. Jackson, Wee. hl. Lyon, 4.. Ixppin...ott, Thos. G. Utah N a hl'Auley, Alex. Ninnek, Thos. !Leon. cr.., o. Na Water Greet, (warehouse of Span! A Co., up stalrs,llhu..llA Jklally -----!--- -_ FITTSDURCaI STEEL WORIO3 AND SPRUNG AND AXLE FACTORY. 3 OUT r. 4r.nao. =Ai; toxo, . Ware s 471: MtFtClßleel, b tw eisj,e ptoir tie spring.. herrenered, Itun h Ze*nbelral' ane Front er,, Ins f OAF SUGAR-lit) in,ls as , d No, P i us for vain I lor ..trirla ,IWRIIRIDGE. m . ,' ti.ON . CO In . :A h i 1 1';.., ( •4, `x."i•7,, b ' 1 Nittra , Pl' ACHPi--111 burg I Vbarb• •• for arrle by JI, / orrl4 - ' PO R lIRIDI iF, W ll..npN &CO Lilifti:::lNla,ll,-ffi do No I, now randing tr i manor Port - Pnt, for !lOC by gain ISAIAH I TC; KEY /a C . O , 13,.....t3ri.11-,,t,,11 Ifrots,dk,:rireszryted; now tl,ll 111 • frown inri Lurid SA I All DICKEY h. CO_ 1:k EATlittini-Lin band, for psi. by , . 9. r twin ISAIAH DICI.K &CO OLIVE OIL --5 LaalkirVad:&,,,a,,,FlL A co, rtirtn 11 Wood aucct -- -BV"arraßb.-LN:7"-i-iltd-TH DICKEY tr. CO SODA A:11-Ii . ~A Nol",ili7ralt""ln. b C°17,7,' -"c" PII"R".O9ti C f:l‘6oF'llNiP"iiiglld. BliTal3-20 kegs Inl,il,itil‘irkirsKaitarrnt.:fpnyr IraleZ.9. L'''. l ;, - , "" N"BVlZlTVb.`i':k7l.lintiP.:l;P•Cli. garAR & MOILASSES=i:I ,ii,il,,,NOir!,,P,MaLi . IA do Ilktile ' ground .4 4 11 do. in More, far POO by BROWN A KIRKPATRICK. BACON -37 caska Sides 'l.Calgt:Cl7,‘" by 175 Min.) , *trent NIA.1).1)-1;11.-:1504 ibk wporsoryna n ; :co ,. tarp, No. AO Wood.. L AN %.11gLACK--30 barrels, for tali on k Co. SA:WA-PER-WU fours', tinirin pja.inKnarz.srgeOny BLl.lm9,l,y7rßaii,utru pounik for alrtlair)o ~, co 1 .I:iirl po ferundal:l.olo andjf.orKsittir,,... by ~. NlV '''''-' lle n r . l: P llaT il7oon(L7trrbria"l'c4lt'' Isola C. 11. GRANT. 1 t AI6IN.I-45 bine. bunch rairins; 90 half box, do do f.,) ay!) by Illi EV, NIATTIIEWS/k CO. ,ri?;iOTIIY SEELI--4 bble jell ren'e& nialor solell 11. rorl I. WICK & MeCANDLESS Xl' 0 Suf/kW—WU /oe Joel eo&I, wed 10 , , , ,'511' I 'l_ 1 , 1 nal6 -- I W-- d " .. IP l t i.' : ' l t ' ' -‘l. lIIIIIIIINTINE-10 Ohl* on I , v l, e i l mian t e a A Nt;',." Ott blas in - .tore mud 1,...1. 4161 e b) inrld W UktiALF.S lc CO I) OLL RUTTER-10 Rita lee& W on& for palely J.& InrlO • _ 111k09.F.y_ & C9___ ' (17e77173 IT 0 -' ' ''' Ll ir i ILIA'S - Si o y s .. ...I. IIY lIL A 0LA55E..4..:&1 bole In oa k, , u i 011 GRONT WI mrIO STL &T k SIL L , . ii;si.lrcarvi. JlLMliFiErti—A,4 N1r , 0n n, t .r. .3 . 0 , .. , kglien....ll.,,ll—Oupertor N 0 . Sugar fo s r ,r - .7 s alls i t T y a, sill. IkdroNloktel‘lk"ll:7:‘°°,l7:le'di::•7':'c'. '"" ." i n 7 . 4. ." I . Yk ALON- Il'° ne..,3l,,d.nlsr core d: ,: f n o u r i . trArD lot.. ''t t lis. if ; el&ek, .000 oo.xi e il toro'llnd tor wale Le. I ~,,,,,•° SELLERS & NicoLs 4..—"'"" w R ; In ' ."' " ""A""" .--- -----17E11--7----Fddr-itarOili 7117, Cll'''''.ll' - 'mom ' .1 I e&W .i' 1 F " , ) ,. 1 1 " 1 ' .. - ;l 1 .1 " L b 1:1 "l i " or B eole Lr . A""--21' bb''," kg' No Itt"ij.4 end I twill utiRtIRIDGE. WILSON &CO ru Ll '0 ,1 1 0 15 t I 7 - re - ed On.l kr onlel/i - I oke—So Os, Coleloottel in ktore, I,AimelOW--'6 " " '" —: O & W 11&1111AUGH _ , S - , flt ,.._ STUART & SII.I. 1-Th""4-2°6''ll:-.-'44'l-bi S Eole' 'b "I'l,"'" /7ANDLE... 4- 2: 3 Dee NO I Iltr.pedi!!giver ~, 411.1. .... foully; lu d o Ilf do, ' ''...c ti7ll /I;VISILL k, , . m r " - Intl& . . _ ..WICK to klCklk DLY.III 1,r1:171lIk--110 dor. Coro Rrootokfor saw Oy s (BORN-4 la: eke Yellow', to storeiTsivn&Afßo!re;_l;ls,_ \ I : ll 7 , l h k i. y r t i,r, Z ; I :Ie 7tablir.,N,ll, cL,Fa.5.:7;..., 011.1.5nrodels;;.etlom-IlitioiCreolore_mi7sTlls.lAo 5 e10 r. 7 2 sofdilLfror le . 0 . :14 1 11-9 ek - k . lk A lIRPIIY--&-ifly LH , tA-0-C,SlRitbdi.titlßS-4 .k . „ )° ,!' m „ ° ,. d .y. t n ,," 1 In now style Ittbbon Cu so. n .. 6 1 orth 0111 corner of A 3Atolo by Otryl - 1121• J, ... '0 ,..2 J ;T:;",•. i ._ ; -,i'i, a, 1 Footth eout 19at i l:21j. tc m 0. __ . ...:71 7,7 11115:411-tilbi y ' . ' rtt ." l7 , r_ d ‘ l ° B At AI I ° DI q 17ff tr, Cf . ~, 2, F . -A :IP -25 b _ _ .4 0 1121 . 8111 aLi fr. ca t.., ()Z±IL ll i.ia.V.-- bi-'''''''''." '6';'7-=I4 firelll7 ' 1 CiIiPP?E6 "ia"° -itgigttrA7l7.Rqk I„) " 'rl'-----------L------2':------------" ...--- -..7"11111q-iiiitTPleiiireaoar;WILiClaTi• 602 reta..and eleellent order, byis landing No. E''''''' ' l'''. I.llll'ng.lr :11 . 111 ri l l3ll '..LTII EY, AGO I.dbeT eL_ u , ; ;; T4 tow b w GRANT, y M, lama • d OLL BUTteR-10 Los Dull tln 11, frit soleby stalk dG . e i. AN , 111:!bt!, UOAH-14 Ithdsonat rccfr, nod io j r n a c e A l : 4 - mold Mare. and mmn by C°BljYalrit°°"S-6b.dbfaRYFoGLF:O &CLaiARK Bunven BUCKFT4. doi in-morn an d for rain DRItVFOOLE k CLARK _ 0 by— 'AY - WOO Mop med . , and int!.q' OIiELL'EDCtigN- ARMSTRONG eßf.i/A.R_ m UE Plfrfr , for _ mrl4 ARMSTRONG teltir:R.ny Y"Wbb L _ OLCBUTTift -7 -13 A: 'CyOdN4II,II:OI.,,DEitS.-: 7 a l • ----- TiS •:m 1 ,•••• . 010 IepALZELL k Cl) stfiwatt. hd. ,wre Ins t .:de y R INetbk. CROZER mD01.312 bas-tAkalnNnfla.MiimM - 1-I",ll2.7_l;cll.oop_int ftFER )Wood +t_ e y Ra-p°tass°ll,*arlolof COW MI. ti<qii. JUffor'stedd6obtlars, arlha north raft comer or Fourth and Market mta. MUlTlLYiktVilLrigf.V.ltt (DDICOLATI%mrt:I-lilteMiLketws. 3 do; lon ch°".ln'n' ox " "* m nod uZoroxv &co, for solo by Aaent for tba Mtmnlketare rs %/lb" I.D • "DI t•,.Z-Nt tool4:t4oCtre'Ll., and for MlL°sUain byLAr‘snr'l4 ` WM. BA L UALFA nod reed. and for LA:ll6ni?; """‘",501:A1k,,,,,Ey tat on band, and om main by It 'ZI WM DAGALIi•Lk C. ,or ld -10 s (lame atiOuldnra, for o. Y 010 bt O oh lic bbl s -11 W tlCrdiZrr old tau - 111 M Jollit 4'o Tnakrag.—.B/mgy tpaken.her bisto,eippearanue to night, which ;Sad . operant her tieneiikt r appears in a nevvsiCA tiesiolll : Beffet , › lNV il l introduce tevetral.cif heoMiiit.:; • xt e ts nitt _ The heard WilidotiMiei.Oec*taa;l/..;,,:;,::,,;..: 41-liie"i#l,4e4llo}eai 19:40,1M0140**1101441cS or. their tiist..l7,poacycojeg thililtfidArplitfer been a Corn , .i..atiiiite•RsaitA ass, in this eity,whose , Irtiliti*daserving of 'credit. We 0.4 us rtp welcome back, the public will iyikke lee —lt was feared that there would be a grew 'scarcity (dada necessary article the ensuing sum mer, as but little could be obtained in thin place for packing, during the winter. Our dealers, how. :vet., are receiving supplies from up the Ades ghetty River, which will help the market rotund embly. BODY Fomm—The body of a men wee taken from the river,oppaeite the foot of Market Street last evening. It bad the appeintee of having been under waterier several weeks. It Was well dressed, nod some money was found in the pock ets of the clothing. larlovEdlin.—Wo are eetleed 10 learn from the Post, that the property holders on Virgin Alley have determined to widen It 12 feet, no no to form' convenient 01rett, and erect 00510130i0138 ana respectable dwellings in lieu of the .dilapidated building" which now disgrace that plact: 7his will destroy one 0r the most wretched haunts of iniquity and pauperism in lhiavity. • " FRAU. Houses—There is a great number of frame Louses at pieseot being erected in ebony. The new law for the prohibittoof such buildings in that city, goes into operation on the first ef neat month. Number. therefrtre en• deavoring to get even the frames of their houses railed, before that time, in order to anticipate the • A utesmn, Revs co., 0, Feb. IP:1 . 1d. Meets*. J. Kidd &CA—We wish to infoint you that we have sold AI of yoor Worm Specific yeu left with us. Wc wish you to send vs union mote as rsoon oa pestiblei us it has Owen eeneral satisfaction here.. We Lave toany calls for it store we are out of the On tiele. It has supereeded all other preparattoou In this county, and fot Ibis reason we vetch to beep a supply on hen& RA AI. A. FATTERUON. The above IN one of tbe. Inthdrodsrat canter corn ' 011.1111Catiomt which the proptleima on his medicine WO . tinily ;crewing. 'Where It tots been onto:Weed; it has bicolor_ she most popular remedy. In USU. For rah. 443. KIDD A CO.,igo. AA center of Fourth and Wood yt. l'lttshune. r'23-0 wlstS Anther Withee• •o the Stand• CHRONIC RHEUM ATISIL M. S. titer.—Allow me to expo. to yea my hes Welt Manus (or the erect benefit I have received (rem un article celled PLTROI.EIIII. or Roca Ou., ny 'limb you ore the oat, proprietor.' I had 0(0.111 11 . Mt it about the lit /armory, In I violent touch or Rh 10110411.011. 1111001 i Vt. very painful, Ilyirg sent from place to plate, netoropsincelarithmuchavreitog. so at to :cep me In coaatimt torture. I used the Pe nulearn externally, a few applicatilisis of which re moved all peon, and every 'pontoon of the disease.' lam unto calmly well, mid would tate tile octave. to recommend the Petroleum to all who may be sulere ing under the apordiing pains of Rheamwoa or to. died daments. latr.W l 6,113 WOO/a, near Rory Mame, Ilittalturgh. (D — See general SVIVEO39OIIII.I laaurither robot reblal --- LOGAN, WILSON & CO., • .149 vafroD STO.F.I:I',AIIOVE IMPORTERS OF EIRDAVARE, CUTLERY, Re. Inerainn of rurebneere to their. 9'LilaBll .S PAxisr a STOCK. Wulth they think wilt Onlpttill Invorabit, be. in extent .‘1 cheann C ein, dial of any other to tuber hero or /II the E.t.a Clue& fel.%.d&wlTT - ratunry f.tarot rooala—rrepared by J. W. tient Wduarn mrert. N. Y., and for solo by A . laynes. No. lto Foort , arced. Ting IsiN be (could a drbgldful urn. ele of beyeraxe in Wads, ie and parur otraly tor aft ro,m. grater Saunt• —Aa unproved Cboe.do . .o repara.- bon, ben!, • coorlanabor of Cocoa oda rover:ant, la vigor•Una and yalumble , allay renoomadded partic ularly for towohdr. Carpaged r Bou Dorn:ter tnr. Mara. and for xate lay -A_ JAYA CS. at tbe ban Tea mere. N 0.78 Fauna se. leekprovemets!, Dee:keen/4Sr DL sTeAttl•E!, late of llorten, la prepared to mop oloctote wtd ra%D.tnct Tititt Vu whole and port of 11., upon Suction or Annoirtherie Sur: on Platoo. pgastrocuo moon Itt agortrict, where the acne e.epueed Lace anti resateuee next door to 00 Vey or s odlec, Fourth Street, Pdtaburgh. Inhere ro—J.ll.lll,Faddeu.F. 11. Raton. tolP DII. D. RUNT, peau•i. Comet ottouek •ra Decatur, betaaern fled tate R,IVE -1 tl• v brla N 11, Motaarga: Mee, lamb. finm AI.- ont. end for male by W & miTcat FLTREE. omit 104 I.tberry al ILARIFED SVRUP—.2I barprla for Kale by ll norm .1 A IIUTCHItn/N &C_C. RAIL ROAD WORK. THE Chanters Coal Company .ill rerciree propo pala op to Tburany. March . ..Inth;for grudnir;ll.llll butldmg rim superwantore of.four tones or Thtii o t Ch u nk,. coeng; al,. for boilding twir l IllnanYa over Chargers Creel. Plans •n.I sorutfica. o may be pr-Elk at thelt z t'e. In Pro. wren, I've. burgh. nwariwroN, r to/19...J Itlvnaa• Senora' Cala its Wyr ags-“Wittioat ant vita" Preeroiwattel::::rdii F b 'eli. 0.0 . th, lent: Al a y I , t y • t ev S erC r L old. - The n t lg e ht l ' o t liti O w a tag r went to bed.eariter than usual,yetnoteritiwtanding I had Meet 11011 t, the mght before, my cough eras eli severe that could 'not sleep, neither could those in the room with mc. The pee.n alecptng 'With me waif sit much an• inoyed by my coughing that be got up rind went to a drug store and bought a bottle of your !Cough Syrup. ant dole of which, to ley g rest astonishment. to t't' e d nry cough tis if by magic. I went to ng; a In the Con e . mrn. tog, and am now quite welt. You ac , ! ~ n I beta) , eteifify that I am weell acquainted with toe above cite utilittetnece, unl that the etateencnt, given is true. A Jeanie., Cornet o.llarn lied gnaw) streets, Slit Ward. KT reeperea and sold by It It SI:MX.IN, n 7 Wood ctweet, andadvicty, sold by Draggle m generally in the two ! itlei !,.. 001.1.1,75:70tibus teca,plvietr,4r4o".,., OATmrlo23° t;'2'°";l* by . W II JOIINSTOIII in,:tivEc__. store, and for2iail 1iy .... 7_ . _ Y' P!'.!.nYtY! S U n G nl g f o r c s t r: t a r E b n y [ivtlft'iiitviCkeVlATNiOtt `..sl. unit - N1 ACK33Rlll7—Tabbls No 3 Emote, Maw 11; d .pess, 13 do No sl do dolob In Wore and for sole l,), matt J i I.3IF.S A OUTCIIIIION h CO RVE 3,llloR—h few BREVO ObisFO m GIX. & w e d nodCLAIM?. for sale - iby . iortil 11 , R m Ill LIUTIP.H-1 I;V:plitdilr.',4.',2R. 1,1131. K TICAT-40shasinbstitio-talsl, ut bulk, lood. L.) ing (rem steamer Lowell. and fors ale IA sort 3 HANDY, JON IA & CO I,p ACON—IWI via i to Maysvfilerl 3 Cio Cured Ili 1.1 con Moo, Sager, and Shoulders, reed per Aram er Ildiern.o No "1 for .abn 0 5 rort3 wn !LIN row) & en, ‘ V " ... ‘ 1131.1' APPLEA-30 ho tongt , t new) in store and Pa I/ sole lip l (.7313 .30illiff,Wfs1" atr :1; .1_9..1 i fr. ut T‘ g I }:''—' °" " .'" 7:3 UN th'Arr & CO TAR RED, ROOVINfir SAPER—A. constant. supply .i.. of the Lem qualay of kis kukkar N Prr, fur oak by . 1.mr131 J eqiipcilt4i kCO VAR k. PITCII-'3p-frirTgale by r .l. mrl3 J SCHOON M AKER to CO xi OLAisES-66 bias N ak; 40 do 5 . 11 i lu mom ukl LIR for oak by ARMSTRONG k CROZER OMIN-.N Salting, (or "(06 it II GRANT 0 1 15 . •---r-----'7T--.°"-k).. ~ lanalTSrfarrsianiaa O. Chir'.f PunAtiinlarehail,und for %lOC by .o 5 JAMES DA [ZELL -- e Ly ritilMtliSbllip -- • *" " " ..". 1A F... 4 DALRELL ki .0 __--- __ ._ • alga lactate by pot rTiVan_ SES -3- pur b ,iiLtE:ll:n3tN,. 145 Libetty 01 °0 . 5 _ 4 0 torn and foinnin by a. 0 LIG AFt--.50 nisn• pt.d.e . cujisirrsor,_ d"4 " Al'L3-t ea~te for ante by o'l3 • WICK aIdeCAND4EBB ij -! - .-7 , -`1 , .' 5 !; - .. • . oe- , - , •I 0 5.04.,•:-:.•:"...."7,"—•7 - • . - ...?er.OtfITRAVELE.RS.: . Pe,ArilrOds:, goal: 'load* : . ... na c.n:li ~.-I,;v4,:..Dallitinctlapnas Pnekelloats„,,. Iftgentiiety.f6r Pa...neural ':;.. • 0)1forIBLAIIMPILIA AND BALTIMORE, of . o ].inn will learn n. follows, ,i • ch,ranser—Tnew •• :Wre'Stn•n•ktby .. Tnn.flYyTntier' 1 Keystone Saie•Thompten, " WeduosdeY now's; • lovre• •• . ..-.--.A. Craig', . Wednesday night, Kentucky I L.Elhott, " Tlavgdoy morning; Ind Inna•• ••••• • P. Beebey, . Thursday rdaht; 7 O .*. . • ........ L.Crelghtoo, " friday mamma: 4. Packet will leave every Monolog and Everung throughout the swum, .1 VATI—Ten Dollars through.. • Tataixty Ileum I For p.... 5. a pply to 'tar BUTCH, • Monongahela 'louse, .. • ID or D LEECH fr. Do..._Canal•Basia -- - SPRING AILIZANG aMIIII I / 8 50. M liNjiliii PENNSYLVANIA ROUTE! Two Maly Lutes of Express Racket Mau, soul ilad Road Caro, ITO PIBLADELPHIA. AND BALTIMORE, Via the (treat Central Roll. Road and Penn's CourtL Tura—Slxty !Tun. kaaa—Teß3o InTk th i s tUtßoad. 160 do CmtaL =GUMMI:LI' TOR TA35130 63114 THE PROPRIETORS hove MLitt. addioonal Line of auperior new and sotorortsbie Packets, to c„,onnect with tern Control Rail Road On the opelung of nallgation. a pocket wilt leave every mantling at am o'clock, and every memos/ at nine o'clock; crostini Ike Portage Rail Road 3n daylight at Dielestown toke the aplondsd Cars of the Central R ol Road, 21M miles to Poslopplphia A /mood memo of pomengersOnip I will t orrid on then pitchout, oo imin "more ot metiort This mate, for safety, speed, and comfort, to n et:lanet:l by any notvin use to the 1:00: 10 CALM For passage or informouon apply to W. FLITCH, Monongahela House, sot to D. LEECH A CO , Lannl Basin N D the lot may next the Centroil orten h Road , will be open to fluntingsloO, which will s a the tom throusitta mrl.l Wccccc n.'fransportation Company. 1850..ftia D. LE.XCEL d CO'S LIND.. •lIETWEEN pirrsnuitou, PIIILADELBRIA, BALTIMORE Jr. NEW TORE For P4llloty/Dallia Canal and Rad Road, MBE Brous and Cam of this Line Lave been put In I complete order and math the addluon of several tom one to the .Line, enables ua carry • large yea ttity of produce and goof s. Toe entire stock of the UPC owned and co " ad by the Proprictora. —AKIN TO— • LIALRIIA LEECH, No 111Soutb Thud at, And tbn Tobacco Witroltoareßock at, Plutarloltia. Pa.; JOSEPII 'TAYLOR to SON. Nn 144 Nerd , lidarard au Ba at ltimore. MA: • OP ICE, No 7 West , Now Yore; LEECH A CO, Coma Italie. one TILE PENNSYLVANIA CANAL. IS OPEN: eITISBERGII TIINSPORTITION LINE. MialS so Vim P.e rimy Mantra Canals dr• Rail Iloilo. --•—..— • O'CONNOR, ATKINS & Co., Canal Bomin: Llbertr wee., PlC:burgh; ID k ATKINA, O'CONNOR k C 0. ,: 4'....41111atiet Mott, 1 DadelPlon. tiCortuosis A Co. 70 Netth street, Ilsiliworei Id Rum, New Tort: Ituterr lc Kama, ll Deane street, Rdoott; nov 0.. Gasv, Maysville, Kentucky', 111111 A Cn..Cal onaht a sweet, Clod:Wan; F,: Wras. LAllltyille. Rob., Naval' & On., St. I .eilia To.,Slyters of Ofirehoodsze and Prattes to and from lulaelykia, Bnittasora, .K. Fort,! Btston. Oar. oak being Dow in fine older, we are preparud n?tTirl'ildftge''digbt.itre"o're7l:itwit"7, trvisoxPrrelei'f'eor Le . . SKM,SOO. end wid, tbn felloveins extensive cock of Mitt feel confident of gonna @wire s idstaction to all o mew enitested to our core. Our ram oil yew, ed corm:tended by caputius of e xodrienee, and wir entire brie Is conducted . stria 5n.9.10. baling sadmMme' • ssncuipale.s I Bala. Cap.. Itoo City , Masan Penuaylv.is V.Cove Layton, Marylo) Alsoball 8b Levi., d. Cote.inuati. S.ds Cot. 110001021 Ridley Rath Aure„ Chatham Mary Debesub SIMI Wei Jiffies, Penread PAterpose, Rao.. Inaport, Allluado /anima llowen Rouen, .• Altar ' ' Gen. Scott, Owe filarluida Riley Telegraph-No 'Shields Cohn Ilnwiti. Point Mill liztyliVQuadv itlivellrancbGesser Illettn'eCdyporßtley Aentriel. Peery Ohio lkile Kearney MerlallLJ BlTOlgan I Hanle, . Riegle Tbe Eon brtjaade I Julia Ann 5 I.sylon Miters R etrywell Telegroph NolOnvis Lon* Starr Rt I Noon Qacen Wible t.lllppers will Gnd it to their adv... to owe us call. O'CONNOR, ATKINS ACO, ' Cs.l meld. Basle I.iberty st., Pittsburgh. • _ suiGnars TRANITORTiIION LIIIE, ErilealllSso.lllDia Ilarsv”.aPittalnargh malllrdastina ClUss. TOO Conn) beteg eme epos,tore are wilily to reeetie and forowrilprewptly, podste and etetell.dute east .. . .• •I•rajd lowest ['SIM chargsd =apt .oaoosorl oarvehaniho.yril,...be ro „6.7„ eflved an o d , fa or. r. lintlded 'cc. 'arid Welril °own.. of L fo f ,o. oratcl•og or olvancioF ..iAt ,, .. 0 1 . 1 e .. ~,,r 1011. of 1004 ot fora nrdod, and al 11 ou tally onendod to.. oo oto WM. BINGHAM.. CeLA4r.Vl.l"alion.eil,iLiber. tq and Wayoe.l. Ihuobonit. 1111i011L11 &,,DOCK, .. , Y. No 16.1, hlortel 01.,ibetVraii. Av. Ni. Nort h llowood •1. iialli UPite , No "4 - ° JAR BINGHA • No 10, (Vert Vgalinted. „nu., X,T ANTED--A two or . 11.7 ., us.tomry orl wish V• tloul.te parlor, with... grso4 tenant can tad to) lIL Lt.;, inc I _ L L .d°mrdl EDWARD lIRAZEI.TON CHEF:SE—in, tin+ sAlt4.y.ails—lmDA;Lat6 .3,01.ne11ez.1711 b c r vinEid) .d ' P" 1" T E Z*l...tte-iNnt"9 • LA K[' — :• 7 'br - fi: N S: ',ll,i'f:>, 6 .1. by 15_2;191r. 9 nul79Ac.r=" b"ilvith.VNlalißFS SkiliAlitat —Mat lb-canna Oiiir.; netO du La Napoleon; Mon do Coronae: Maio Jo Litton tle One; Mute Voerte ruteipe; Trgethey MOO. a can of other choice brand, e n —lialf Spanish and Common tsearet on canteen d will be sold' low to close thenovien. M oDnittIVITICO. ;flint la R A CrlUAlt—ati hada poisui.it,liielea NGIIANIfiti ,G CUNNI, both No 0 Contot_ 01,05E3 tOgibb l;01 HI. wool en 61rON rreti and for }MO A ter CUNNINGI-Eg L A RI ti stands; noes landing from steamer PM. perates; for sale lig 11ACON-21. rusts hentders, Wiire - O 7 fl — ou con. Fignment, tad for sale by mrll JAVIVA A lIUTCHISONkSO Ell— —----CL.fryillß SF 9 hbls , Aff , ft f.hired:VIVOLE•IS To the liortorae,tho .Tudg” ti the Court cf Cones *a ) 41P..frt Se... of the fusee, in and for rho County of .111,004. fr ID: petition of 1111.1. BANOBVIRT, of Lower St. Clair 1. towooldp, in the county aforesaid, humbly shew ctli, dal your peutioaer both provided himself with materials for the accommodation if travelers and others, at leis dwelling limn, in the tows:ship afore , said,.mul prays that too honors will be pleased to grani hinl o licenso keep a Subtle Ifpure of EA. tertainincut And your petitioner, as in duty bound, will pray. We, the subscribers, limns of the township aforesaid, do certify, that the•above petitioner we 1 W nf good repute for bounty and temperance, and te provided with home morn and conveniences for the acconimoilation and lodging of strangers and travel ers, and that said tavern I. Isere...P. John erney, Filitn,llcn). linll,W. Carnahan, J al anus Carter, A Wiles. Wm, Chew, Jon Davis, N. italianthin, A. NValklushaai, Hugh Roberts, John Conk. Daniel Illathrow. Spring Goods and Fashions tor ltisd, Y. DELANY. TAILOR NO. 49, LiIIERTY STREET, virrsuunaii. ii_Ase,rillatioeprpnlldnholllVAlT.ttrent ' Oro ° „ctllC:. The Cloths, Can•lnteresatal Veallart have been sole., ted with great mac from the latent importations and cemprlse part al every Hong Mails new he howl. rattle for SCRIM./ and sc al y WHAM. The odor, mcni of Vestiogs is unusually Mine •alledt bath in style and quality, and cannot be egeolled, equalled, by any other esmbliihroent In this city, tiller is ,U•I.• ITT, trearrrtiT, on Mari- Al.o. o new style of TWHED CASSINO:RE, adapt' ed fur Business Coats and Pants. Simmer Goods or every d•scslinion, each at gin red,. C•thineretts, lint an Clothe, Limp d'Etea, Ac. The entire melt will fa trembly compare with anY smck of goods dirtied heretolorc Lo elnabargh. Mr. I. C. Warm' well known OM and nide ti k Cutler, will peeve an ample guarantee to all who may favor dos establishment with their orders, that they will base as good and faahionable ninth as can be produced by any house in the Hail, and ni much Loam as pricer,. have been acknowledged by many who have tiled both. I would further state, Mat I will fur nish its good and fashionable Goods as combo Mond In the Lantern market, and at much tomer prices. HEADY MADE CLOTHING A large and general adortmeni of ready made cloth leg Is on hand, made in the present diming rashams, complising . Dress, Frock and Badness Caul! Of the la ent style, made of Vieneh, English, and Atnerlean Cloths, of all fashionable role,. PANTAIA.HINS cf every deretipllnit at plain and Laney Camioneres of the 101010 &min: Cloths, f ;admit and Pummel 13ooda, Yew. of the li.ttkmins and PlikaiMma and fano) , 14 ‘w w19.; Chubs, Cashmere, lte,• and other articles In the Cloth be cut and ramie Ina rigid workmanlike style, wli , w in A e sold low Inc clash, u g N c o l Ir. lint the tiarta bor o c r n ' t a V s ' ut n- dr eld" rnaed, n aVat t ' r ' v n e d f , Warinamd. la . Wholesale foramen will find the week 4 l 49 a most desirable one to acted a cheap and one 4 l , Oariment from. linarl4.ordial P. DLL ite!_• • xi urlCE—All,persons who tome pngeoV n in nil AI cholla Mr - ramie:ea done, will plane as .man the lit of April, ISM, If not, I will Waned: carding to law JOHN WillTn Pru""j, ' ""b Ftftb street, WATER CURE IZSTABLII3II.2IKNT, BYLIZtRI).A.CXIIi, M. D., hpotiorg, appa l' Reaves', op the Ohio river, lie. eaiinty. P. solYviviv DlT6licr liinliTiiii-di Thai I . iSegkriiiVob Y , millscEttme ous. k„ TE.V.RET • Coon ieliths it Law at; cid G mat, ' , imbue!, Pst. ifThiitiEfS.a nd tenee.so Smuhhe ...Wm. 0. Friend. John ft./4,6.• LA6gait AT GF. L& , Foiutt, JAAIIAS P. KERB, . A TTORNEY AT. LAW—Otlice Foutth Jo weer tioutlAeld Ind Grau Pittsburgh. ALEXANDICII. IMANKLIN, A ATT?itNEY AT Wiw—otace , ill rout sure, Pileburgh. uss2l J. ELAILRIS-ON SEWSLL._ ATTORNEY AT LAW, nIITO STATE COMMISSIONER for titling Depo kf Isitions, Acknowledgments of Dmds, Mee—Tooth Wet, above Smithfield. inr4-4.16mT JOHN ItIeFADIGN & CO., FORWARDING COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Canßl BLlAFFrit,_llt_nl.j.SisburKh._i' JiIMILS !R: DAVIS 0-CO, PRODUCE AND FLOUR FACTORS, N 0.227 Market, mad 54 Commerce at., l'hiledelobia. ' Advancee made, by either of the above, ea consign u ofhe - men Produce either House. ' iota ---- JOUR WALLOW/Ca it. 110114 FORWARDING & COMMISSION MERCHANTS iteataustraour, rA.,. TETODI.O respectfolly sollmt the emodonment of VT Ilaroshursh Irmght, from Weatero Merchants, as they are careered in receive any ritneuid.. .Line and Fretion floats running night and day, the freight mill not he detained, . they will unload such booze at 'all hours feb2o 3m lierriaburgb, Feb. :6, 1050. Ire Hersey•—••• Andrew Fleming .. .. R. Is -Flaming. 11EILSIBIr, FLU/CLING Is CO, 00313CS8ION kIERCIIANTP— i 'Par the ride of DI, kind. o f and Conan Bonds; olon, &tact , in all kinds of 'radars' 'Criminings, No la Wood st, 4th door from Fifth, Pittsburgh. Reference—A.l4.m Wei. A. 11,11 It Co, Bankers., tieorgo W. dot n.. ~—Verner. OICORGE IV. IFIAL/Tl l & CO..' 1011CWV.R8, NTALTNIION AND DOD DCALERI , Pitt Meet, Pittaborgh. . - Unrearoin Patton.-- William Bakeavell. PATTOX & BA*.EAVICIA , TTOIGNIENS AT LACY —( Mee in Tilghman Hall, AGrant at. near the COOTtHouse._ , lehd .--- 3. D. Willow. John.flafo J. D. WILLIAMS £ 00, Wllol.liddl.r. d. RgrAIL FAIIIIX GROCERS. Ferwanling end Genynierlon hlerchnnt nod tx " resTee in r „C e o r t ot t'lieZeVarkTF?'N'h in'trontn'ts7Lltutib"nr'acr lor2O I.Hilreylbele ...... • • ....... 11. Clarke. HDAYFOGLE. & CLARKS, FORWARDINO AND COMMISSION MERCH• ANTS, and Dealers is Window Claim, Whin Lead. dic. Nelletn Second in • lor. WEI. El. JOHNSTON , VORWARDINO h COMMISSION MERCHANT I'No Ct Second o, & CIIOZIC.N7 110hISIISSION FIERCHANTS. and Dealers la Pi duce, No tia Man. sittet, Pittsburgh. - T HATT. tide day wooer:tied with me, in the Whole sale aneery, Commitrion,and Forwarding bind. teas, my two Suns, It. N. and W. V. Wittermut. The brown* in tame will ne eaodueted waderthe style. of LS. Waterman & Soar, at the o f . end. No. al Wa ter and IS Front street. L. TERMA FittrinfighoidarshArLlt so. TIIL LULL Of L Mg/Mt I. VIM Mete repot sive than a bad, putrid breath, or data, Yolk. , drawn ed teeth. If pen/m have these It Yr then oven trolt .7 they anti , for two abillingro toy on ..le inn& frroi main their breath pure Ind .weer I. tJt S?lry It tures dt tette. of the Gun., epaugy or OICCI.IN and for the Teeth It Iv vorneell reeroctug the 10000 fastening the. weth in O. end inc. theta s statue es the Irwur of 01. pears Idc-th Sochi-Vender, ire the prope rties of Ione?. Atetil Tooth Paste. and, without rutting it ciervelven , he. what one of our reap...enable and scientiSc tk. lit., Mr. Pl.Fknd; of New York . , says 1 have both used and analiscd this beatnifel and in - p i rlinthie article, (Jena , Amber Tooth Paste i l ai 41 can recowriand ss pow:moire( all the. qualities &Ai ed forlt." Reeder, we C. My 110 0 . ..07.11 to contra only that 11 70* toy a or once you will be *v{loo23o 1. It rUI DV in benunfol English:China Puts, for a cents. Sold by the Agent, WM. JACESON, Übe r• 7 credit. Ilteshorelt. sorthdewrT glom, crractsars honorarily usetod v. 51 OF - following it re the acquit' am:lines d Y. bottle et loam's Coral 11.10 Rewerotivrese. If they citizens o vroi they cannel th.e. highly pectable nl .be have tried W— AIL Uno. nrchet, II Clin et, New York: Mrs. Dlatilda Reaves, Mytile air. Brent :Tn.. Mr. Wm. Tompkins, 11l King at, Near York. Mr. This. Jackson, Mows. Islar.d, rear Pritratis eh 11. F. Csdlco, late Iseriwr custolwat t4.AffteliCo- And wore than a hundred others stalk, though I must .11I.CC. that it will force the hair to grow on the rehenewsta acad Of fe, sto tt nop tt al; strengthen the n rewad dandnaf from the roots, msli tog rod. or gray bait wiry a line dark look, wad keeping dry, lardt or wiry hair "lout, toil, clean end beantintL a =Y. ...- Sold by the agent. NI.M. Jai:RUM, W Liberty Plushorgh. Price 371, 40 cants, and one dollar. nutivikat PILOCIALIII /orlon', • Bv V I RTUE or a precept under the hands of Hen. Woo B. McClure. Ilroldent of the Coon of Mitt man Ma: It and for the fah Jediciel (tholes of PennerlVanla. and Justice of the Mitt of Oyer and Terminer, and General Jail itelthery la and for wad Dinlelal, and 641nU0l Jone. add William Iferr, Artociato Judge. of Me .driln Moat., to Ana for the Cannot of Allegheny. dated the ilth der ef ,Febthery, lin the year of oar Lord ene th ousand eight hundred and hay, 0in4,10 direeted, for botanic o f u of Oyer and Terminer, god General Jail Waterat the Coact Was, in the City of Vituberalt, an the Fourth Monday i n hlcrelt 0004 .10 o'cloelf, A. M. Patti. nom e I. hereby given to all Jindiees of the Pence, Coroner. and Couout,:ex, of the. enn , ll , of At leshooy, thet they he then andord, there, an their same, perm, wi th their roll*, rrr mnaleninno, Nina other ren.3lll.raser, In On those things re which. to •Itrtr Isrpeciiso Olnees 111 tr illhf op• rear lo don.--and .1., tho.e lhalprOmMole the posh.rs that now err. or nzry t..., to the Jell of old County of Allegheny, in he then and there,to pro secute spatmt taco or thall ltith. "then ender toy hand, at lith dot of February. in the year of our head. tehtl,end of the Commonwealth the 7.lth. CANNER CUICFIS., Littlq-dasseiT_ Sherif. D. A. Denbo t & Co.. WHOLESALE 0NC14.018T2, corner of Fad! and. Wood anent.. Offer for dale t on favorable teens: IDO Ititls I% hiumr; 500 lb. Cub. Ammon., 1,0 do Alf&t. Dm Asufoorla, 000 do Dye Wood.", 4,55 do Crude rumor, do Lurgbluck, NM do laqunoo Coot, All do Von Red, 150 do In& Dlot.; s do t'omplico, 15u do ReslPrectpitnte; ID do :Spat, Brown, IN/ do Calomel Amer , Dl do Irllper Dehre, 00 do do YegU ID do Ittonstone, Ma do Ducher Etrstsesi 8 do lover, 150 do /Munn& Root, 2 do Phom Flowers, de do Samoa. do, 14 cued (fel:Pores, n 0 00 Cotton do. 26 ao )uttle Soar, NM no Sal Roe/mete; 15 60 rrustdo PINe; 500 do Deldlitt 121.V.TM LU do We Dllghtestn; GM do t'oe'd Itheberb, 13 do Chrome Green, 010 ds do tsilp sdo do Yellow, WO do do Arable, 6de Aut. Vertnltion, UM do de Dq. 11.1, Go Teel.l4 Sind PAM; 1 1 / 0 du do JD/ s in 23 bout tttcay Chita.; II Ido do AlCoyenne; oto bales Bottle Corks, NO do Wilpa Zoned 7or. Satoh. Norplua. °MI do Bar Tto 1)101 lb. Cape. Aloes MO do Tamarinds, 11011 do fhwhrorrt iotaslt, 110 do Chita 011001; PAM do Folk Root; 3do Oranfo Fool; 1506 do Turkey Ember, 75 do Coehioral, IAO do Cream Tartar, 35 do d Potash! 00 do Tartaric A 001; CO do Moon, 5 100 do /Ida lash 2.5 do Cranvllle Lotto. febthstrikmDeuT 11131 N RAILDW AKIO UT UK MON OF VIE PLANE AN" .AW. No. 711 Wood street, PM burg. Ult Ell. AND LAI/VI/lAN, Iropor , c and t_ &era an FOreigtl end DomesUo 11/1.111. , N A RY.. in dl varieties, are now prepared to sell ea 10VI on u reasonable terms as cud be porehr &dela-whoa. rte &belt our (mud+, and the pal& generally,to kirgLedon;; l iNvto!, SSOSIIIIMPS, 002010, House Tmonunge, noel, as LoekmLetched, Mu. and Scrods, together witb every article unallykept In Ilardonse Stored. We mode the attention or Carpet tend teak...ottani. uncrolly 10 our usortment of Tools, wrneti typo neon elected wall great core, and which we aro fa Itrothir 'd.'6ll6Fli lane sat/dup., m Mut aLT_ ITr kedirstoltd au 60111Duvasgp.-3( l Nkft t p lta ian Chelateal Snap emotes a free pentoration, sod • LUAU& tiino mallets, softens, and phuenl lo l Otto giving & thou:store nod beauty of en InlsePs sooner, PALs Ilatorst AIM telegmh are soon not only healed, bat coma by Its ode, 06 at k deven flea,. in Near York know, who use it to ouch cd mod find it unfailing—as oleo to ?nous, 1.11.011111C5, 01. toy other n doe s a w , 'rho reader In abstlrett that this no t tales. polled nostrum, as one Mal volt prove. 1 could moo. oterute at least la persons cored of 50,..11,0.,50mr. Lao. cap boar Bun — 1 ay it and use it, sod the reader Is again assured I mold no , o melly sell tt for the alone unlade I kneel. to be all I Mete. 'I hose who are halt le to , m.dao,Caseg MO, Olt CllArlth FLUSH, anti In tins Arty one afflictedwdb any or the above r Ilar diseases, wltl find this all and eutintore (P /mint ble to ha proporues)than 1 state. Eat, reader, the Mores are flooded with onattions, and be dam you ark for JONES'S Italian CI &Ilea tamp. Sold by W hl. JAChSON, 23 Liberty street Potebnrigh 2.1665144 r p'-or. Jahn Rocker s'o L' L Policy peemmm lb., P L Dudley n's, Joon Unre 11. A 'lnwood sa, John St. Lew& lbs, Horace & Anther sa; Rolm, Morns 1b..; Thor Metcalf sa, Omar lam Ilt., Dantolaunnvalled sa, 11 itutu lbs, Pkwick sa, Lament& Us, W,O South sa, Richard Hassey Mt, W King Za, A D A 1000.01131 n, Wm Miller Ito, Hort A Coo sa, Wm boot...mud DA Th. above, Including setae of the ta' ,ol PeP`tl a f 'Altenburg and Webfoot/ bratold Tolmren, on coll. agog:lent hem otattufseturare , l a . l d al %V . le_r sket,_l!22,jrollt NOTICE. llft..lAhlk, BAILIE would regretfully Warm lkA 161. the friends and canon,. of berler Tub ord, that she continued the WIN anti LICH OR begttle.s, at the old slOrt, t.. 1, Cll,Olllll. street, Phite(delplito— where eon be found. most vent ty of O lug and 1.11.1211, at &emu rosten and grologOs, olio ststing In pan at Foes s. Poly ?dram, 41, Cinfet, .Iloct, Itrendy, ton, Monongahela. and Olen M. holey, .51 Croix Venn, and &mama Stunts, Crown Mout and Scott h Ale Int of l. • ••' "'•••""" l'T Chrr‘P.lro'l..Zth •••••••• P" " Z.ll‘ll It: ."" " "Id " poets' e.S.CUslaut st PIA& obtr.lNeat door to Contress ritAivEn DEED-20 bra in store and e leovr, kl to close, by JADIFet A 1111TOIII9ON & melt tt , of March erm, 1.,A, Nolol, In the m ater of the nook/cotton of die rood R•rlillt in the fiorovgb ef Booth l'lnsbargh, for a Charter of IncorPorldon And now, la wit Much o, 1 , 50. the Chatter of tn. poration betook been et/DI/Cod and pte.ented, the Court dtreet rater to be Inserted in Ode newettope. printed in MOOlOlO7 of Alle,o‘..T. rot been three weeks. seams forth that appheatton ha. made to unseen , bY the Itteetbors of the First Reenter Bap tre tlahreh, of the liotooth of Booth Pittiborah for a Chatter of incorporation, and that dm same yell be emoted at the unit talln the Good of Gnomon rtow tf 111, =delete' reason be showo to thaw:glary. From the Record. indhiat . OEO. 8. HAYS, Pooilummary. I9AIAtt DICA }: I' ~CO A GAIITION—About the ONLY ORIGINAL A AND GENUINE WISTAWS HAL.,,.kaf OF WILD CHERRY, the great remedy foe CONIV Float . And thebest medicine known' m man forAsthina of every stage, Liver Complaints, Eronehitie,lnfluensa, Cough, 0 4,1., Bleeding of the Lungs, Shortn.a orßrelith, Puss and Wean.; tn'the 'Side • . • Breast, kz., and all other diseases of the • PUL3IONARY ORGANS. A very briporLud disease over which thls.Ralsarn ex. eels a veryonererfal internee, is that of a • DISEASED LIVER. In this complaint it bas endoubtedly pierecil more efficaciousth. any remedy hitherto employed, and in turnr°. instances when patients had endured long and, severe, suffering frointhe diseasesovithout rec ing the least benefit from. various remedieand when Meroury has been resorted to in vain, the eat - of this - Balsam has restated the Liver to &healthy eaten, mad In many instances erected permanent mires, - after every well known remedy had failed to produce this deemed effect. Besides its astonish!. efficaay in the die..above mentioned, we also hod It a very effectual remedy in Asthma, • complaint in which final been extensively used with decided sneezes, even le ARMS or years' mending. With the Increase of of ha. grown up • knowledge of the elements of health, and a re nsiyil for them, and commensuratelyariththe t science have we enquired the means of arresting die. ease, and everting its ravages. Notwilbs. tami ing th e progre. have made, statistics shove Mat even now, eon lath of the whole pendenton die annurdly of e fl o o nsjimptien. ant ° ell o ra t ttin"g meat co ' ? rtrore i 74 ' : elat e r. 2 fevir.w.v.,l,l;BALSAM OF WILD CIIERRY.;&. Wistar's Balsam of Wild Cherry is a tine 'lethal Medicine, composed chief? of WIM Chem . Hark and the genuine Iceland Mess, (Me la= Imported ageless ly' ior thi. • parpos y ej the rare a new c medi h em cinal virtues of which axe Mao combined bical process, with tie extract of Tar, dune rendering the whole compound the niost certain and efficacious , remedy diecovered for • CONSLIMPTIO.N OF TEE LbNOS. ' P. SteMIC -•- . -- , 61111 farther evideneei of the remarkable curative properties ef this inestimable preparation: , licsaltZWll.ll, Brows ea.,11, Ans. 21,1840: Mann. Handfeed te 'Park: Gentlemen, ' About Biz W s ago I received the agency of Wistars Balsam of Wild Cheny, but with ,o, w toluemace an my part, for the veason that I hod w er e gent of PO many ~, pill, and other mastrums, which e cracked op to be something wonderful, but whielv toned ou in the rod to be of no account ‘,Gatever., except to di have de s Bat I candidly admit' at this time have Leer deceived, tar the extraordinary cores etre tad by Wistarn Bahian hard convinced me that "g can come oat of Nazareth." Your agent left me o doz. of bottles, which are all sone—haeing heenth _. means of oaring several obstinate ease. of CourtimpLnit— and no mistake . tor what I see and know I ant Wand to believe. One. case to particulars A young gentle. man in Winchester, Adams county, G., 10 roles from this place, was emed of Conanumnon ashen the doe. tors has gnat him up, or at least could do nothing for him, and it was the intention of add friends to convey him honou r city, and enceinte ander tba career some ement pysician there. Bat a friend told Idea of Wirdart Balsam, and that he couid obtain it clews Ile sent fari . and before the second botdo was goo he was sou and well, arA attending to his everyday baleen. a them aro several ingairiasfor the otedt. , nine, it would be well to forward da additional supply without delety. Van' IZISIONTLAND: iThe above, !Coml.. Newland, rag., a highly reepe.M. able country merchant, commends Itself forcibly to the candid attention of all time who have doubted the great merit of Wiatars Wild Cherry Bliaallt Remember the origipaland only genuine-Ns , . Balsam of Wild Cherry, was introduced to the yea. 189:1, and has hies molt tented to all iomplaius for which It is recommended. For 17 years it has p geed more efficacious aia remedy for Coughs, Colds, law Dranchitle, Astlona, and Conadroption is its in city:eta sagas, than anyother medicine. LOST VOIC E, Ac.. RiIINTORETZ New Ulcerous Aka. 10,1018.. - Mr. S. W. rowlee Having eau :massy certificates pobllehed in relation to Dr. Wistars Balsam of Wild Chem, 1 talc this opportenity of °Tering a word in Its favor, which yoa nits also qt Rectly to publish. A few Months eigoe soy wife's lungs became so much af fected with a saiden cold. that she lost her 'Tome, and angered severely from pat° in the breast. .ller aimn y o ur cesed her friends mach alarm r ho w h o o Datum strongly recominende4 thous who used it, I purchased • tw,ttle fAsla Tot *M A T,. Ode S re ' ll a tgalgtfoq:frei.thrl f t6 or e di u ' s in - g - one ' laa - ttl ' e P sTo had completely reco*3 hervoice, the pains subset , ed, and her health • spa ,on fully mestablished. Voore, trelY, G. BRICIIITMAN. To DIVOCIrra ace DdaLVAII m Matearta—This eel. chratod and Infallible remedy foe the care of Consump tion, Asthma and Liver Complaint, bas by Its awn Ott. nu, been rapidly, OM o.rid sedely working lts . way Omagh the opposition of Inacks arid counterfeiters, bY its woe Value and trginsie excelleaL d a ti has ocrath7evoce nt and s o laebt ed ened poblie, from one eta of the emoineut to the other. The testimony of tlurasaads who have beg q re lieved and cored toy this valuable article, will show that it stands unrivalled—at the t,eat) el all other me dicine. for the ekre of diseases for which it ta =coat. ineuded. Tile gullible Dr. Wistarla Dalseult. of Wild Cherry is now tor sale by•duly appointed Agents, tuld,, • all respectable dealers in medicines, in all large vides and all heparin= teams throashoot the United Stales. Pasant per Hetve I Sin Dollies for SS. Sold by J ritUli, isaccesnor to Boadirmi t Pait,ll north and Walnut streets, Cinelneati, Ohio' Genera/ I Agent for the South sod West, - to whom all owlets must be addressed. L. Wilcox, Jr, datum A. Joann J. Kidd A Be; IL A. Falinestock tr. Co, giusbargh. lr 'lt lln; Howell, W g ash- I lOglop; W. . LocAbonwl, Fean/i L. 'B. Bowie, I klutordown; IL Welty, Cirecnaborght bfl, Scott Er-Gilmore, lkstford,• Bred tHon, Hunting- I dew . las. Orr, Hollidaysburg; Ilildebran I le 08, In& stew; J. E. Weight, Illuanntaw Roans a. Ile, M.A. I Co, N Callesdei , Ay Magoins,Adereer; dames; Xelly Ca, Ba ;Bla: Dorton der; &Baia, I Beaver,). D. Seramerum,Warmat F.L. &C. S.Joue. Condorsporn-P. Crasher, Jr, Bray.. arsine. ' febtAkwlytisiT r" ARK OAUTrtiN , KIND CONNON PREPARED MALE. • I nay lee ant aware how frightfully Wariest. It .is to tile skint bow eoarses how mash, how std, low, yellow, and unhealthy the skin ap. mess allordsinstprePared chalk: Be. sides it is iniations, containing a . huge quantity of Lead! We have prepared a beautifel eicetabla &stela; which call JONW' SPANISH; Y WHITE. It is petfeetly innocent, being far of all dele boy Iw o aid it imparts to the skin a natural, heal .thy, alabaster, cleyr, living white; at the tame tints coda; so d cosmetic on the skin, mukluk it iota and smooth Sold by the Agent, VAL JACKSON, 99 LID ,rty st, PittsherelL,Fnse....49 emus. one:dte liii7Wiiiikeorifeity tor TEE pobenntera pier for nolo • narnber 0 ehoots LPG, ahpatn Prtnr_Scoond W • ard,frornint On the C'''''auintagrafrtii .Taim9LC:tirst or of JAPROSI?iSON, on thno w rinnivo. miTlTldkopri , • , INIMICAL , AND 131113DICA.L OFFICIO, :No. OR, DIAMOND ALLEY, a a , 11lik few doors bolus Wool street, to .; -----"-- DR. FROWN, having been '1 • ' -- i - regularly ednaued to the medical , , ~ •,, . • gamic:at V a. b . . , af%r e me time . iti t' i ••'- : his attention attention' the treatment of li.". : tolhose unease and delicate cam -4.4.' ,,,,i; plaints for which, ls opportunities 4....- • , e. and expuieace peculiarly mtality '`. him. 14 years assiduously devoted to study tr. treatment of More coutplaintaidanng whim, time ho bee had more 'promise end has cured more pa. tents than esto ever falt to the total nor KN.:. prac titioner) amply queli fi es hint t.,, offer assaranemi of speedy, pereument, and eatisfam2 , ry core to ell Witted with dettata &mama amt all :13..cases arising there from Dr. Brown would inform Mose nEscted with private diseases whirl ban become ebe=4:r o tezr. Renamed by the ass of a. y of Coy of the day, th at th eir complatpt. eahß ta - as , da tben \ needy awed; Ivo having. iven IA candid atlettiton to the treatment of sect, casts, and aseacesied intardredit of Instances in curing pawns oflutisiornenort of the neck of the bladder, and kindred diseamm Which often remit from those cases whom others hone consigned them to hopelesedespair. • Ile particularly tallies soca to bane becalm and ananocuenllytroatral triothero to consult h when every satisfaction svilroes avert them. and their eases Muted la a earetal,thotaugh Ina l.n,telliggi gIUIDOT, laliltl i out by th, a leatzl i .sxtg, engaied in gen= retsin a' of e ,to grae to one ease of dives.. Ejliemla or Runtare..-11433mws ales iurniss pa wns afflicted with Benda to cell, as be has paid pane ear attention to this disease., CANCERS also eared. :.. • , Skin dlseasese also II s,Pahry, ate., speedily sand Ch AV- 7 41 1 ti l enns . of either shillalas eta distanes, by stating their dhteue to wetting, giving all the synop.l tom., can obtain medicine...with directions far awe, by addressing T. BROWN, M. D., post pasd, and gnaw ing n fee. Dike No. ill Diamondalloy, oppaalta the Wavoely Bow- ' Rtretarma.—DrßWlWlll newly discovered reme dy foe Rheumatism is a speedy w e cestain remedy for that pumfel trouble. It never Ws. , Mee and Private Consulting Rooms, No. 63 Die. I mond alley, Pittsburgh, Pa. The Doctor is always at home. irr No can cameo Dn. n -.IL IAM ' __ &SO. Ws SA ITL & Co. • IFORBI th eir Maras sosci tboriblic ihs thay has no longer any eonnesiti:r. Ia• establish mentlo Pena street, know. as the usburisi Wows , having srmosed their ant linsrusss to O. POIN er•1111. A. A. MASON & CO., . IC. L.. ANTHONY &CO. rtasselaut . NM TM. WIIOLICSALIC 10.111 r asrovait A. A. MASON 4 CO., r..zo. (H MARKET STREET, PITTSBURGH. W°&L.lnjrrrrotraltritoittetraghl 24yOtt comprieing probsoly the latgest and most varied as sortment of Foreign rod Do, floods ever catlike. Ited in this market Possessing the most ample fecal- des for the ,ration of their business, and-one of the gamer being constantly-4p thkeastern markets, thus They believedvantage ettloyed by EaStern Ilettses. They believ that theY '.. cic.iy estab. Attica the faet, that they oiler gee r Inducements to Merchants generally, to styles, on ales, and prin., then any e &Stern market Their Domestics, having been p rebased various to the advance, can be afforded at e low ratesof last . DUSEVLOWVARMS , & u . n. taro with a geoll cellar Mader .all-4011: 1 teal imet, deep; locate Art 'Esplanade MreeVAgethmt . 7:111. made good to the parch...cr. -,r,i Inquire atsl6:3sWOodatreet.' JOHN 11V.T. .torte Bales . - A ' PAM& on the Oblir abonelAmiles WO below Wheeling, to Ohio, containing 300 dozes, first rete river bottom, &boat fin e s. ender. fame, good dwelling house. barn, a :orchard, eird - other im provements. • Thorium. will). srgilovrrield V el. of be most desirable on the river. For.tarMer panic*• lers ermnire of WPl,ll4ofiliSraN4ll2 =dm. ,t , O I,ET,Tbo Aare ark n.ptw ,t , i•gtxt. d ."„r°„4,; - „. lelll be tented low to a Xo. l <irp • ”on given iensectruilely. ' For tea. . ontaili(„ :WALTER BAYANT:Ie*LibenY et. . • ' ver !Now; -,;“ THE foot attilon Canal Boat ?law Esol.aXol DOW laying at' Sharpsbortrb,and' in good order. AP pir to ' • , 11. /I:VVE-AVER, , Wayno 01, forf.:l4 ,--- orointito Canal 'Rosin TIIE. Dwelling Iloust,Third. now oocuoicol br.Ros-41,,f311 - EwelL - - loto.=FOrino or more yean r aorae,louge Lots of Ground, in the Ninth Ward, ,ou and um the noor, snimble for Lumber Yards.. ,Fatqulre 'Of /MIN M. DARLINGTON,or. of - 111r3-1( • ' ,D. DARLINGTON. Fourth at. - L - egtha &Pril l ene.ti " pho 4 WAßEHOUSE slet, r oceopied.by 7.1t0Y.& Dal, No 35 Wood et. leo • oleo of tJatiN BEST. • ..• ira* . • LARGE Safe; PlatformYlcale, Counter. Trueki sad other articles Ileeyall , ln the •WUTesale Gr. eery amine.,: 'jnqiiito at 25 Wood st. - . rni7r..llllldeniinesl ofera.br sale the entire stock of &neer.e et the late Grte or TOMMY & BEST, with the store fixtures and ilverrthing saitableJo ac commodate the transsetionefat hesey,besinees, which hoe been boiltop.by fire years close attention, and IL 'large custom obtatned,3lM Seed willefmrbieb will be. transferred. to the .parehttser.l44,lemeeeldee of the metabolise , given OR ne-n, el* sooner if, maim& Then.* well :be . ..armed of So re . quired; and paymentasitedealWrier;eawd.Peee r • -good 911 opportonity of fin C41.2411thC 1 1 business is sal - dose ' ered, and hat 'for Mbi i'engagemeqs regairing n my attendee, woold not be Siren op- Sotisfaetofy information ootthe obiained petite pre miser, No, 35 Wood Street. . • . • ,ThW i cotlif . ":7lPl= ply MicirilibeZEPLlty j Fnl; the neon& house (win ,*.ornenbt Diamond in 11.12 .1.1,72mr IRWIN. corolOodioiriliVi t, fit.LikG HOUSE T HAT lar6c and iti\Venter street. oboe rts • akittesent coca plod by, Mr. A: Vankak.!' Pix,Oraion is 14 Do glom oo the lot ApriL Inquiteodof 5-.11..42W44".rnT1i0 ot. - sArAi autteust. • A 1 I l an " ! rt f' l t "'" l ' t 1 3 ra% id Carriage !lonia In good rerun This , slid stlaated'on the Tank' of the Atle and of conatlerid one ottheihnst drtiro sant ailoation.rin , ile Cfry'of .11.•lecheny. Id terms :linty to SCAOI7.II, 110 Second sr 'Vs's Goode constantly arriving. merchants intending parekasing east, me partical iv elicited to cationne their asrtirt t.men ' A. A. 'MASON Pe CO. Pittsburgh, March eth.l6/o.—Purb - d&art 6 e 9 INFLAMMATORY REIS UNIATIBEIs TIIE AMERICAN RII M 10 B ALS AM!! A NEW remedy lately c o vered in Me Vegetable CI Kingdom—it are And permanent gore ,for all Inca Ole Complaints, ouch as ' Inflonamnbory, Chronic. Acute and /Scream! Illietiam; Gaut, :Ashore, utas Spinal At:Notions. This surdicine has tong been sought for. It has been said Mat Rheumatism could notbe- is bared' but there • remedy deaigned by nature far th r ! , :ure case that the human system Is sub Se . t a re. weds has been Awnd that cures Rhentestism of the worst form—ono of the most valuable vegetable pro &lenges of the earth—the grentast and mostimportant discovery of the age, and a wonderful b testier to the human family. It cores without Siekening or Malkin. Lief, and renews strealsdi and vigor to the whole sy tem. It has eared, daring the part three months, over SW ewe that were considered inenrtiblrt Certificates of the urrolve properties of this =a cme non be seams tencg the Agent. None rename put up Wilt.. engraved label Tun the not a/Tepper, signed by th e proprietor, R TURNER,'Brtfale, N. Y. Sold . H. SMYSEIL corner Third an d Market t, PitlFurgh. Sold also by C. P. s TIIOSIAS, Na ROD Main at. Ciaeinldo4 O. • No i os hand and O sole b . JAL3—Ur DICKEY &CO • iEtlik boxes on bond sad Cot sale try C nxri3ISCIA.II,DICKEY &CO CiPrait K.-1 1 ,03,0atiti by =CB =l= NAND. ACRES OF LAND, Mtinte'etiont mien I from the City, neat the resiaench Plenthn. Richard Lee. on the . Greenslmigh 'turnpike, sainable for Coun• try Raddenees.• •.. , . Also-19 ACI,I of Lirtni,cluinti.ilit-FaMoklia town. ship, about tannins from Pittsbniah,, Fry the Frank- AlsriA Led . f drool rite ORS nc4llasin, in the Snveth Weed being irt),lcrt *Narita. on which Is • two story 1 tick Danlling. Home... For particulars , nal Mona c nqutre of ' DAVID D. 1:81:Cli. Artirtnor at Law, to • - Firth Nl ' batMlyomi thfield. Ix7E affn far rele;on moderate terms: TV . la:. Th at lot of greavd. on P,onvisylvanta AV. cone, neer Conx - resi at ; befog abontgli feet in depth by about 22 feet 71ineheelA tvid 2, • 2d. That Lot an pennljiinnin Avenue, just beyond 31v. Winviinve property-being 112 feet deep by 25 feet Ti toeheein ertdill. ' 3d. A Lot on the Bill, ino behind the 21 Lot above named—belmt lidl fret feet deep by 25 fret 71 inehee "vide, extending from Cation tateccat st. • , • . '• ' ' U. W. &A. S. HELL, • Anornern nt I.Any oflied IN few* et, • feb.21.20r .•. • - - .- ,abOvetSroiddleld. To Lot. •. • r . '"g"'"'"Tutelow Ferry . 7‘7il E . q t 1 • ' Rosedale OT. bate: TIIAT blpotifot situation for it•ltrivito Reeideneo. on th e tot of the Ohio'itiror, in the. Immesh of Marebeste For term. upply telxl2 Gp2S.O9IIRAS7I9IVo?dat Uri will sell u n tuaren ono , of ii&VSSIITH'S VT DIRECT. ACTINCi STEAM, -li&SlTlEßoritla ?derrick & Tonne's tinprovernent , we:imbed It is in gerdordet..4 eitn,bo stenstoarorpcits. it is ad isurably adapted Pr %dins/Plc,. lazed. stiiiigling /11 14005. For furttiecinkonintioitap Tin 1411 SINGER, ilAl'efe CO. •N D • , • rpIifISECOND AND THIRD 9 STORItS of War , j. •tunow No 6 Market meet ntiVdoor Mul•say Ledltes Gloss Store. Vaoreirelff • fo•6,- lOHNSTON tr. STOCKTON ' • ii.,Pstr* IrarV= l „ rt(IsiiiININC; 160 ACILfi,S, obout. bolt of which eleaxed, sluuttod iu WaskluAt!na.oo o nty, OUto shout. floe miles ftonn.the -Ohio lion. stag au gieco inatnedtately. CO, RULtk.,lt •" . , ..Libeny street Pot Front'or Bola, — • • , lITIM subscriber vela sett or. weals very d.j. sable Country ilesidestoe,in Adestieny city, vit • and an Ohio lame en d. Allegheny Avenues west of the Common... Thu house is a largo double brick banding, in, complete order.„.There is s Co.r. siege Haase, ettaltle, and good Water audio groonds. which comprise two acres, well improved, containing every description of Frulh , Also—a spring horse end smoke house. Potscssion given donna' the month of _Mated. tebt-tf. JOHN GiEJIHAAT- _ IF FICS TO LLE tt lIT—O setrorta , atery, No • O'Willa at. Posse,.lon given let April. jenny• ISAIAR DICKEY & CO, Front st TOILE. TO RJANT—On fees frontby 40 deep -14.7 No 107 Front st. Ywsea.lOO given Ist April. jars2o In 0), Front r 4 . , laA desirable, Ttesidenee, situated on the Iltvar Bate„ First Ward; 'AlltelienT . City. at. tuts °Mee, or of .slrs. :%I.ea.lwayri, on the • realises. • jan23 If Ito Aiding Lola: - - FOR SALE, on at ifttbcr toms—Fifty Niue Lot. of Ground, siteratod on redo, Playne, - ond Ptltatu, nod Itto Duquesne - Way, zscorSing to tCrain to be %con ittivortc, where terms oat/ coalttious 'oat be made known. - - For Rent. FROM the finer day of ANSI. nest—one largo two storied BRICK DWELLINOILIJOSE, handsome ly situated on the Ohio giver: adiotpinte the borough of Alanehester,isonh about fear acres. of land; a number of Fault Tereis,orte largo Inlet Barn and Stable, and other out buildings .AutilT.to • • lanai JAMES Ii...IiVICULSON & CO. _ A • SMALL COTTAOH ,in Alkaleeni eitY, 41. on F.oplanado strceL • Reelvr. inguln, of Joni° • TASSEV jt;IIFST. ZS Wood es pruk Tiard A - LOT OF:GiOti. suitable for tC-Briek Yard, -end violated nea lltsi r the city lino, In th e vicinity of - tato Bridge, wilt be vemed tor a tem of yews. Ay- , • ply to D .O.AZZAM,Third otreet, litolf , •• • ' .off:teenier the Post Olace. - Tirol tsui. ROOM On tho" sedood.;to7 Oto—Warelaonso A. 2d Wong. tregolL.22__________—}oo IliWi r ien. 00E60. - Mg, fur number of yalre. — . /11.50' — Soveral Orter„s and Ar r trs „, t Towel., vr r rIV *mond, 4,5.!c.r...t lighLed, with entrandelroad the Damood, two. atom of eta subscribers. north vaest,nonitr at the Dia. mond and fluke% dtrodt. Apply to • oral " ALEXANDER to DAY. OS' T, two pleasantly .IU - titled Wok Dorsi-tins Itatioescwilk tee grounds Soljolain& at Oakland. - Posatudon tan Ost gloss, on the fast of Apt_ j 1 asst i..4''-—''BTP.W4k.E:S CO. rr 11E, Dark ran a( Wothoun wt.:pied by myna!, VIM fronting on Prom Meet: ntnB • • T. • GOOD TIIREF. ST BRICE-DWELLING, Aon Smithfield street, four dotal him' amends, west side. limairc of - SGIR YaSoeeb NA% inn? ' :FOIL STOIMPIItted up d Foimy Goals, on Market , beiverni Tian! an urth. at., Possession given on the Us of April next. Also—Several ROOMS and OFFICES. Possession given immediately. - E. D. GA EVA dotB . Ghee over the PossOtlmaThird ed by Messrs. a W . oateroccupi street, (romans of April nest. novtd JAMIBiIa HUTCHISON re CO lIFOE SALE—A Briek Maio, Out one year .bat,, and Lot, as, Robins. statt, Alloghools near old Bridge. PIiLE low and torms nire of jr.A F9ll°`T-T;gt:*'',o7l_,T•r , r l V:::::; , . --. led on Donotan street, num den, in 1' Lignallan't ylarr 7 .5, 79.90,81. and St—bot N 076 (Fatting. till feet on Ma . tdl ty rkanstreet,:a feat deep; the Wier f r (eel front each by EL feel de`p• „ ~, Tt•int-+—Greater part of pnrobade roo fe r May !el main (a pig rant, get Ural by 17101.6 7 N y a p 11716,1 alarroarre of .bOIIOY bft, xd________-:-. •110 16(40114 a ATAE,UAIIi,F. REAL ESTAAF.O. ..*;IE s tISTRERf on V FOR SALE—A La AU r Or ry nxl m i et.a street, tome. Ray and a1 c .. 14. adloiairta the boom and lot4rou n zt ,1 Ptt 150 knionn Itotr,ng a trout oil , fee.,--kAi_ odn._tio.bl.... Wood.- „ =— - • • A NEW AIIILAPIGILB IB . IS T. .V DIURNIS•—• ... •I. a.t.GbIIteIIFIELD. - aw. Retail Dry _W.I. btteibeit heretofore eondoet• J.ed by W. a: nel.P4 :lb/Rl:Melt Pourila sett Market stu L tnathoratb.wlll bereafr be carried oo by Mae.w hrm of. - . muarity&.• • wh „,,,.eray Cobalt aieuntiettehee;Of the the of the old auto:dem 0 r the estahltthineny bed the pubrie te ' control A. loge end carefully selected theek of (;noon wlll etway• be kept on bendound every in tact meat:offered the way of .low paces.' N. tb—VV. R. MLU teal continue the Wholo• tale bpdpr.z..a• heretofore, in the owner Up Stairs, entratrootl:ourthst. . • 1001' MARKET STREET, Pitteleirgh; Laporte, Jtll and Dexter to 4mm-orb Tazl ee b, end Ger man Fancy Goods. ilouiery, Ribbons, Lub Gloves Thread, Corot., Gratuity boiperblerblec.. aloe, !bath end num! Yubogs, Black and".Funcy Gravatt eroleobltoadoretet and I,dnestAbandtetehiefe,n gene rat usorlment of - of of flaptif4,l , , .• . - feet t
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers