MI=SM FMB! FURS!—Ike robse'rlbers mil pay T U & R , S zCoon., Mak,' Work Itar, Gray and Rod Fox, sad an kIM, of 'hint.' Fork*e bitheor oaorern prloro. ReCORD & O, Gado , corner Fifth and Wood sta. 171.11110LUT103. 'ME Partneriblphersetefore t he beter,, e . y nme . 1. Massey end John Best, in the Groer, esti Cbeantiteiart MAW-a' into 'dist' ived by null cement, ea the 14th inn. 'Mr. John ' Best basil; per elated the entire isterest of Jeatee 'Dewey, rn the line, the baguets will be settled by him, at their old 4" 112 i*. 35 Wood ". ' . I2 .SVB "S'EY' • • Noks . O.m4 Omagh ammo, • Toon wta, UM Miran% CHO Syrup can C.Oll- adardosal.reenatznend It. • • Frain the Evening Trbute, Feb.lo,lEso. Moinaira :Covert Brine—.We can MISCIMILIMIT plE03:141110.11d till/ medleke foe einiths, a• it bas cured ,ris of is Mott agplanded attack. It I. a 'cry different V/new ordinary patent medicine. bare it ' I try • Prepared and sold, wholesale and mut!, by •• JOH D. MORGAN, OrdßOo, ma Wood H.l N door below Dimond alle!,_ cit - sass& T HE subscribers y , haring- ----- ecur largn Sonskeitesse; Porkar az. all times, to wash, hong maron reririnable (CM. KIER & JONES, Proprietor. , I=ll Canal Basin, near Paper Haseitagr. Q PROM PELECTIOPL—WiII he teethed, by firm O elm( aiipenants, a new and choke, assortment of Wall Paper, of the lawn French and Founam ogler, in gold, .h.mcds, oak, plain and !ugh color,. W. P.AIAILSIIALL, (late & C llili ,) gum BIS Wood went DUIDDLITTION TB Co.partuership heretofore existing between B:. B. Seabeeld and John McGill, under the film ot B, Baskfield P. Co., is Aids day dissolved by mutual cosset. no business of the old firm will be setoe,l by B. B. Bashlield, - at the old nand, No. PRO Libeny street, Pittsburgh. ' S. B. BUBIIFIELD, Muth 1,1850. JOHN MeGILL S. 11. BUSFIFIELD and GEORGE RICHARD will gamin= the Wholnule acid Retail Dry Goods and Grocery buzlneas, at the old nand, No. L'o Liberty et, .ender aim of .8. R. 8181IFIELII tr. CO. Merck I,lBso.—lattli Rennin , ' Glove Renovator. Tor effectually teetering wiled Hid Gloves to thel pristine cleanliness. TgIRECTIONS—Draw the glove tightly over th • 1.1 hand, or on a frame made for the purpose, the =Us Eantwator with a piece of elean flwroal by pcd . 4l tent thenlarodect, For Or•st. Ilarlad sad Ssuataer Iff•tucia.. Dr.. 9. P. Theusead's Boraopardfo. inn DOZEN of the gamins Dr. Tayrosetyl's SF. VLF upantla. for sale wholesale tu uld rel by R. E. Balers, No. 67 Wood street, and by D. Id: Curry, Allegheny Oily. moo WM - SPRING GOODS—A A Mason Co issue -LI this attonilon of their patrons and the pestle, to Omit exteadre stock of new spring goods, comprising the most fashionable styles - of silks, sOmerls, press goods, Incensing &I.:housekeeping do, as. Non goods constantly received, by the amen! of almost every packet ship and steamer. mrl4 — aLW..suns axone. ALEXANDER A DAY, 75 Market st, North West earner or the Nimmon', have commenced reeeiv- Ng their sleek of Spline Dry Goods They have Apeaed a choke assortment of Silks, Linen, Lustre., awl other Doc... Goods. Also—Donnoss amd Bailees Coll Ribbons, a handsome assortment of French Worked • ars, ke. BpDriolid French Cloth., Cassimeres, sad Saran Vest. b tsissis Furniabing Goods--a complete usorimmat at rho lowest masto_t Woes. AL=AN W DERMasker on mr4 • N comer of the Diamond. A Present ter Your WarnLly. MORRIMORRIS & HOME JOURNAI,—Pab S Inked Weekly—Wine annum. • "The bestpaper m the Union."—Fivecong Sur. 'Bather get Ls coal than go without It."—Bost Post New witmerthen can be supplied from January Ist, ISA if immediate application be mode (either per• woolly or by letter) so the office el publication. J D LOCKWOOD, 03 Wood et . D. L. hat also received— Illaelarood , a Magazine, for February; Ed/tabor-A anima. for JannarY; London lbw-tar:7 iterriorr, for January; Weruninator • do . do; IMES D IMCKWOOD Bookseller 997/ iltponer,63 Wood .y rare lAA= I.t April 92 Founk st. eun a Wood T . HE Life of Label Gaon, EDMt I col, a; A inetrudr of lady Colgoboan. B 1 Harahan D The Eoglish Potpie. A collection of sermons, by the most eminent Urtng Foglia divines, I ea, e en; thi .pointory lecture on the Epistle to the Ephesame. By • Robt J MeGhco. A Mi Brrow Concoalace. =name Ile; The illoantans of the Bible. By McFarland; The common maxims of Infidelity, By II A Rowland. Dilly Bible fUnstrations, belay original readings for elver, = labiate fratt sacred History, Blogeophy, :=7 l. Al f =azaft e d , :palcc ia c i ep u f:Lal p y de- Seabee' N ot es op the Grape], according to St Mat thew, with a harmony. The IMild's Book. By Me. Shreamoy, Ragtime. The complete work. of Joe M Mason D D, in a Tole. Edited by his eon, E Mt.= For sato by All ENGLISH & CO, auld TaLll - 1002 - 01 , IfRifiT=% EGIUMY, AND VICLNITY, will be ready Mr engraver in 1.0 days. Versorts who may Isiah to ban news of their reentry WS. Pot on the oi•P oha do so by maalarapplleation to the mdersignoa any time before ths iIIM last.. To defray the napalm of the views ..... ill he malted in addition to ths'prleo of the taaß no• 19 If E MOGOWAN . ==o A BOUT Lou years Am, I wim travelinn th rough .61. the State of Ohio: while receding a few day. in Bkaren, I discovered - a !singular beadle ahhatuttee, and übsequently teamed that it had been known far IMM L and supposed to be of no nu or value, ballot. Ito'ul.iteryy of t . " 10 beVare tlr.f2, " bno what porpons I had not the lent idea. I commenced my erect:meats by burning it, boiling it, and pulver ising and compunding it with venous substance.; and to Ming was my confukocethatthere was valve in n, that I gave up my entire time and means in the • promotion of those ezperiments; and from that time 0 this, have.anended to no other bunters; al the ox. sign of sh oot nen years, I finally discovered , that, iltedecing itto a fine po wd er and mixing it with Wl ' wed al to about - the cmdsteney of thick paint, and !Wring this compound sv.th a brush, Mathis coming in a few mouths meld beeome a perfect nom or alum to that the miltanuice when applied ma actually slatela a liquid MX, and the large amount of Mika, alManta, magnesia and black oxide of -iron that it non mined, rendered it both weather and bra proof; as the longer creaeed, the harder and mom perthanent it teem to became and as the coating after It matsio I slam) loaf itself Indestructible by fire, consequently it protects the wood covered with it from the air, and I where there is no Mr, th ere la no blase Cr coeibustion; therefore the wood will seemly char, before the slate . amain will give way. I considered the discovery of the greatest import ance, and applied to Government for a patent for my : stasswien or diseerrery, foruily.hopleg that I Meld now be mumeratat for all my outlay In time and roo my. The govennuent, I Ito at any hesitation, grant. eel loins Loners Patent for th e sole right to manatee. ten, all and use my Improvement in the manufacture eta "Weather sod Fire Proof Composition or Ani • Mal Ilat4e fir fourteen years. *Mort la 1512. .Wbf. BLAKE. WE, tba In!sublimate of Sharon t hay mid the above ontemeal of Mr. Blake, and believe no be eaistan daily Correct, 1 1 / 1 we are knowing to most of the slats- Meats therein conutinech and we will farther state,that we do not believe that Mere ever was a patent more hs , := and laboriously earn or tnons,deservedly i • to he pursued hie experiments with Me most eigloadtable the under the most discoarming einanstanotte, as the public had not the least confi dence that there could he any thing valuable mate Boa the sabstance. He therefore had to eneoonter (or yens the Mem andiecoda of nearly the whole comm. eirg. Notwithstanding all this, be was indefatigable • in the prosecution of hie experiences, and wo do mit believe that there is one man m a thomendwho would have ponevered under all the eirennstancea. But he hes at lam trinsphed over all obstacles, and vre be llow there is now but one opinion In awarding him the mutt of this saleable discovery. CrFA). W. CRA B NE, 'cutlets or GIB, the JO N ATHANN EVETWARD, Peace. LEWIS C. CILiTFIELD, Tromees W"AEILL, of MIN "ONE, Township. EVERETT, T p Clerk. ALLEN HOWE, Treasurer. CAUTION TO THE PUBLIC. luso aszertained that there me individeaLs engaged litgoZulin. and prepariag for sale, use above nil, to tar mixed oU, andd pre. ' as / ate my patented article. I have been to Uwe° _persons and gown them ray patent. They eay s Shay do not la th ed to nefr.ega or trespass upon tor tr • rightg that they have a right to dig grind, and sell the poonlar,lf they cue Sod purehaserm shut they ere not • . Wand 10 know what they are to do with In that It is no latrlmptineem mini it is mixed with mi x to make the • and that thosetwito bay end ase n, • mutteka the resmmaibillty. blest of them say that ' they baUeve that tho - patent is soon sonic thou, that mix aad am the campsand, and servo have mad that 'Mustily wanted to use they eiroald eimainly purelt. up of me, as they did not Inland to mate themselves lieble la sea . Now I kolas:w the eer in dory bound to :izArbP:* Mildn4l frau d , W i.e k 'll " a and eu • ddieett Pe, fro an anlew, the use s m f u' lntich ha wail knows anisets the o f and =dr to a prose.- don and doe. Some of those who are engaged in this Itelarioas Wattle, will nnenestionably contend to the Debits that my _mem will not stand, sod Ldrire not prommuse.. brow,. take this azgament a wa y fro m .aem, I went to some of those who were Pree/. l .thtg that my patent ante of he value, and made the follow keg porpeettleee that they might seleet • Judge and two lawyers who have had some enamel in patent cues, and we Weald submit the patent to theml ed it the / decided that the patent was good, Member ' simile stop tAll.infiuthes in the bruin.; bat if they stJde that 1i would not In their opinion, hold, I would agree to let them go on and sell an they could, milked earns any dung to the public about them. Tnis pmosition they weeld not accede to. tio lee as the vall&T of my patent is eoncented. I do not de. peed stttttely noon my own }segment, although I have ins fallen coneneeleo in in but I have sabontted it to Many of thejudges s and metre! of the most cm tent patent lawyers, who have, without eseeptlon, deelded that is thearopmion It sea good, tad would protect etc In my &worm. I dried the article tie fine power, and put it an in barrels, the which ere marked: .11Loas's YSTICIT as Wsarmsa Pecos Arnmetar. Stars* I timbre give notice to all woo buy and are the above mentioned mineral for the papaw set forth in my patent, except from taa or my ththorized agents. that I shall bold themto a strict accountability, end Mall COOILMer.CII sake at War %MIPS( thou who the. Waage upon my right. WM. BLAKE Bassos, bladma,Co., 0., Aug. 14, 1919. a TONS of the &Wye Fire and Weather Proof &niacin! Stela on hand. and for eat, The above we tan recommend, for we have been using it brume 4 yenta, and Snort it to he what it ia Kr forth In every pardenfar. J. & IL PHILLIPS', Ant, wet )43m No 5 Wood at DR. JAYNE'S ALTERATIVE. Welters bun informed by Mr. Rose of acre per formed en her by Dr. Jayna , Ar AlteraUve, whirls p.n.. its sreriority o vvvvv cry other remedy of the mad. She has been sfaiemd for the last sixteen years with NEGROSEd or WHITE SWELLINGS, attended nth alecrations and catenation et vatioat bones. do• nagvklebt.sme many piceestlawebeen discharged from the moral bone el the entninm, from both her aims, wrist. tad Itiouts..d from both ler, and from the le ft femora. bone. and from the right knee. terldespainthl *keno otner pans of her pence, which hare bathed the skill of • number of the ammentinent phystet.e oaf earl—during meet of the time her saderums hare been exenuanne and deplorable. Aboat three mouths since she Ars farmed to try Dr.Jaynn's Altered., watch bad had an astorthinaly happy effect open her, by remeruhr all pain and errelpags, sod ceee,,,, the al • ' ters To hod, iddla at the sena-Isom her general health, * broom completely restored" that she slaw weighs • IS Ds mane tit. the did beforeshe comm.ced the a. Or this truly Voluble prepattea—[`Jet. Eve. Pan. For bather Intormanon,inquira of Allaktose,lio. 11l .* • TIMM n, thtladelpkra. . For sit I• /a Pius/Auk, as TIT MEIN TEA TT6TE, , g oaarWT4 . 111 • SLOOPS COLUMN. '13:7" AL. dm Xedicinee whektised by W.H. SLOAN ILF 4 IIIIERS, Weed etreet,w6lolll . 4 r.scori Liberty p Shun by G. SMITH. er j a y ..ear, by HENRY P. scnwArrz ea The But and Cheapest. Here. Netlints IN THE WORLD. !LOAN'S OINTMENT AND CONDITION POWDER, - Hare oersteds great name. Fee Ririts, Aldan:l43st. ty,and otouglant, SLOAAPS OINTALENT Emisit And is rapidly superseding all other Ointments and Liniments now in nee tor the ewe of We following dis cues: Fresh vraunds, galls of all kinds, sprains, baba cracked heels, Wsbone, windbone, pol , evil, eau; spats., sweeney, Smola, sill.; etre., lameness, sand creek, ionndentd feet, scratches or grease MAW or horse distemper. The Powder will remove all inflammation and fever parity the blood, loosen the skin, cleanse the water and strengthen every part of the bodr, And has proved a sovereign remedy for the following ell se sae Distemper, hide bead, loss of the Loran, strain, yellow water, Inflammation of the eyes, Saga from hard exercise. also, rheumatism, (commonly ea/- led stiff coreplaintdwincla proves so fatal to essaY stable hones hr this country. It is also • safe and err rain remedy for roughs and colds which generate so may fatal &senses. W. H. SLOAN, Grand Depot„4o Lake at, Chicago, HE POOF. Falnset from the .t.tTaltaar PROOF Western Ge.wate.'t By the atm of Sloan's Ointment and Condition Pow- der, I have entirely euredet filrti/lit on my horse and Otherwise' Improved his eonditiou more than MD pa cent. on the cost of the medicine And it cow wince was so feeble as to be eentidered worthless by myself and neighbor restored to good health amistryqgth by the nee anew then half a package of the powder, mid is now doing better than any other row I hove. Small Pox, May L 3,1848 - WM. VINCENT. THESUTFTJUNG CHILD. rhenalg certify that one of my. children, when no ked, fell into a large fire of li ve coals, and was burned severely from head to feet. The heft. of medical aid and attention was given to the child for four or five daya without c ould fi—catyp wetter ed till his Forms be heard at a great distance, at which critical period ode of my neighbors recommen ded and presemed to me a box of - Sloan , . Ointment. and la less Chan fifteen minute. after the application of the ointment to the aggravated sores of the suffering child, the pain ceased entirely, and he speedily began to recover. Myridenee Is heft township, Ver million eounty, an d SLIM of Indiana. THEODORE L. TAILOR. Chicago, August m, IE4B. EXTRAORDINARY CURE. April IA 1841 Few utiles mink of Chicago lon the road to Mdwankle,) Cook county, Illiriois. Mr. Sloim—Dess Sin One of my hones had a large bony moms on his breast bone, Immediately under the collar wluelt !tuned him and rendered his service. of or "• gr. Line o 7 Nervet/ appliedo klly Li i " nt7Ztlia bo at tU tf,.. least benefit. I [beg procured Wilder's Celetnates! Hone Ointment, and used thai until I became fully satisfied Mai lt would never relieve the animal. Fi nally I obtained a box of your truly nluable Oint ment, and in less than 60 day§ from the firm appber tion the tumor entirely diamipeased, and the horse was we/L Youn, EDWARD ARMSTRONG. POPULAR OPINION. If popular opthion Is an eriteri wo to rend at le on of the rth of article, we Invite the Incr y edulottsast a fe of the many sentinel/ cortineates that appear in on columns respecting the great variety of remittent cures erected by th e use of .Sloan's Celebrated Oint meat and Condition Powdent.^ These remedies no longer remain among Mom o doubtful entity, they have passed from the tide of ax periment, and now stand !either to reputation and becoming mons emensively used than all other arti. else of the kind.—filich. City News. THE ELMS DAB NOT BEEN TOLD. Pox Emmy June Id, 1(341. Dear Moan- 7 131n Please send by IBC bearer • new supply of your How Medicines. They am the best articles of the Mud that I have ever used, tier hav ing been disappointed in their eifeet, as I have been in the use of others, even the most celebrated Ointments, Liniments, de, of the day. Hike very mach th is &a tom in them, et. that they do all that is promised, and upon a thorough trial one is contained to old. the; "half has not been told." Respeetfally, , - 111.. DUDLEY. TEE DIFFERENCE. Tim ttrdinarYlems and liniments ft la well known are severe and partial in their operation.— Sloan'. Ointment is mild yet thorough—it teethes and removes the manse, henna it gives real and permanent relief. For parity, mildness. aafety, certainty, and thoroughness, Stout's Ointment excel., and is rapidly eurpereeding all other Ointments and Liniments now ID GU. WE CAN'T GET ALONG WITHOUT IT. BElSOliGnova,lll., Oct 21, 164.9. M. Slam—Si,, have tested the virtue of your Ointment in the mire of rattlesnake bites, wm throat, bamsomd many other injuries, and in every cue It has surpassed our expectations. As a family QM le mem, I have never seen its emu/. and tor beau Wa can't get along without it. Yours, /Le., HOES M. JOHNSON. EXCELLENT OINTMENT. Alt.Sloan—Dear. Sit: Fora considerable length of im e I was ...bluely afflicted milt the rheumatic com plaint, and applied freely the various IMM:ems, paint killers, & v., without obtaining any relief. After which your agi. at at this place influenced ma to try your Ointment, and within two weeks from the time I com menced using it. the pain ceased, and Ivrea effectually eared, and shallrecommend all who are &Mihaly a flicted with the distressing complaint, to pmcure your excellent ointment witheat delay. Prince Re vil le m') , Peoria co., May I, urs. OSCAR F. AIOTT. 1248. 79 Woodfimeet. rla7 FrOra the Han. 11. V. S. Brooke, Agent of the Emus and Michigan Canal Packet Boat Company. Comaoo,June 24, lob o ; Br. W. B. Sloan—Dear Sly . For the Imt MI years I have harloceasion to use many hones, and hare used the great variety of liniments and ointments in um, bat have never found any thing equal u, your mist. moot for inMries on kArses. Within the lust two months I have applied your ointment to some 60 horses, Lie venous injuries; and in every instance it has pro ved a sovereign remedy. A FINGER DITTEB EtITIRELT OFF. Two miles math of Chicago, Bept. 14,1848 Dr. Sloan—&'r. On the hth Instant my son had a fin ger hitter entirely oglig shone. We uninediately pliedynto celebrated ointment, which relayed him o f pain in ti few minute", and prevented the finger from rwelling the Man panicle, and the wound is healing rapidly. Reap". yours,. 8. BROCKWAY. DOCTORING IN GALENA Mt. Sloan—Deer Sin .Atioa/ three Jean we I woe ,seirely injured in one of my leg. by the falling of • pile re of wood which occitstoned large melting ulcers. Nearly every doctor in Galena tried to core them bet teed in vain, until Irma sympathy and improper treat ment my other-leg became a 2 bad a. the one original ly wounded. I dupaind of ever being well . again— tot In order than I might neglect no means within my reach, I parehased of your agent in Galena tome 14 your 'ointment. and you canjudge of my Nunn. an I gratitude better Win I can oxpreas IL to find myse/t entirely well before I had finished using the second lir These facts I make known that others Maimed may believe and not delay unimg,o valuable an ointment as roan has proved to be. Eeap'y your giatrfitl fr'd, Galena, 111, Dec.l9, 1543, EVAN DAVIS. ONLY an R&M Itefirre the following order, Mem. Vaughn it. Co purchased a lure supply of Bloanis prepameana. Jsecrolt, Mich. Feb. St, lee. 8. R. Hibbard—Dear Sim I am oat of Bloan's Comb lion Powder and Hone Ointment. , The sale far ex ceeds my expectation. Irvin can manage to send me 4 donee Ointment, I will pep for them the first dine that you are here, and presentel shall be able to sell ' an h. creertrA ' y Y , ' aa nth w e eflUrin m of yse th ff Yt'o'kee It will n. supplied. Very ;espy yearn,' me eon smntlp 8.8. VAUGHN t CO. • UISSISSOFI RIVER. Br. Loma, Feb. V. Inn , . Dr. Sloan—Sir. Afoot two years ago, while rating m the kliesheiopt river, In passing ever the rapids, I was Maimed boa the water, aral by the raftdulling mamma rock, crashing my left leg and otherwise ae. measly mimeo me, w mach Mat I lost all sensibility. Whoa commences. reamed.? found myself In In.. Lode, aurrounded by my weep/n;(11211y. Good nem. trilMtglemedical d a Va l "r months 'll7, wounds wily partlally healed, leaving large runmng soots at the knee, which CM many month a discharged blood and matter of the most offensive character. kly puns were inexprestrible, at limes toy wafering was so great that death would Gave, l on e eived • bouty wel. die. Fortunately kLe. Wilson, on of my imighberal advised me to try your Ointment. I obtained a boa aplied it according to direction—the sore. swan began to enamor a healthy aPPearanee, and In three months I was entirely cured, md enabled to do hard labor. Your obedient serum, W. THOMAS. We, the undersigned, neighbors of IL W. Thomas, were acquainted wi th the ease above stated, and know ing the eireimitances, MOW cheerfully confirm said Thomas' statement. REV. J. DOUGLASS, JAMES WILSON, PETER LAMB. GOOD NEWS. Cmcsoo, lan bth,lB,ll. W. D. Sloon—Sir: One of sly horses was hoof hoard and alth wounded in the stifle, in which he took cold, and became co crippled that he could scarcely travel. tly the free application of your valuable ointment, his hoofs were soon softened and, the slide permanently cured. I have also need the Ounment to the vase of PothEvil and on severe galls with snail success. Oa. mashed finger that was very pineal, it open. ted like a chews. Yours, /cc A. VAN ORDEN. TESTIMONY FROM LITTLE FORT. Sloan's Oin.l and Co. lan Powdr •re . knowledged by t/9 all who have ored them to e be the lett remedy for homes and eaule dun has been discovered Prestrwoonda spavins, brairea tingtanc, poll evil, and in than every outward disorder orb:dory can be cured by this wooderfol remedy. The Powder is designed fur inward strains distemper, bide bound, fatigue from hard exert*, allressed eyes, he.—Late County Chronic!. 'II,k77IER DOUITITNOLY, DiTT I THOUGHT WOULD TRY IT.. Wlcaters, Cook fa. Feb. 13,1843. Mr. Bloat—Bic. have a fine young home that was Luken with the screeches bun fall. I paid out about three doilies for medicine. to care him, but he grew worm. I then bought a box of your ointment at your office when in Cinema lam, rather doubtingly, bat I thought I would try it. Judge alum surprise and my flopinion of its beneficial qualltiee, when I found ray ume's leg:pia:tooth and well in lour days from the time I commenced implying it. Yourobethent, K F. COLBY. PACTS FOR THE PEOPLE. noted:tan fifteen years or anrivnlled (Delta, in the etre of every variety or Cll [ll llitli3eitiel and each as &prates, brumes, cuts, ham., eumneotu n.P' lions, sere lips, sore breasts, chapped beads, chlu- Mato s, Meets, calms, puns in the back, sidery or ottourparts or the system, rattlesnake Lime, An., bops* staple tertosnony that ploante Ointment is lost the thaw. retitle hoer. Cr-marmites yelthom number hove been received by the Proprietor from LION termed inthvidm ale, dieing detatla or remarkable cores by its use. A WISCONSIN wrrrals. s. Itilurankie co oct. 19 , famo Me. Sloan—Dear with a log chitin mnached,wt i ta, " %f e n . t. Tao in) •ininned them settoosly, nm e h . 1 4 .idierminie my team ruined for loonies. Tom b y at, consideeed eommended the use of your Ointment. I fdend ' . srankie and purchased. a box. It :t.,...".../tiii- Inilamotinarion, and in a few dap. the oand7 bo de d The The pent benefit derived (mat the sew of yourm mint, on my hone., induced me to acquaint you vii * It fact t liciieving its publicity armild benefi, y ea the public. Erspectfally youre, and OflOtlfiECOUSTopiz IT Is A POSITIVE. PACT, . And hu become a common saying, that Skein's Ointment and Condition PO *del. am rapidly annum ding all other remedies au all diseases of horses and mile. The beauty of the medicines consists in theit puny and safety. to salt they may he used noun &soy straliont any danger of taking told, or any whet Wary residua; front their (mitten: use, andnerrer fah so an if the. ~arms 17141.1y1 - - flookl.otaanoal Male of Dry Goods, 4/ lin at • A. A. MASON ii•CO., - TirriLL cammenmon New Yeac's Day, law, Ty time through the month of January ; em 'winch time the whole of their inune.e establlams (inciatqug,elrlheir Wholesale Rooms,)will bathmt Shfor Retail Trade; end emirs Wholes, ock will be. offered at avail,thei on r tthis oecesion, fully era /10G1211 Ll= than meal prices. Their Shawl Saloon contains more than =May comprising every de. ri ption of Long and Sou. Wool Shand., Cashmere, Broche, ax. Also, V 1.1.312.1, T O Tl: l e u urly....As.k..tc.., at . immense redact. DIUSIS AND CLOAK GOODS. Their stock comprises more than 1000 pieces fiber Cloths, hierinosiParamettas, Alpace., 1.46.666- Or era and Pelisse Cloths, will be .41 from Yu m 41) , teat, leis thin tricaiprices. Also—MO piece. nch plain and fird SILKS Cr. ced ZO per cent. , 20 emu Cashmeres .d Da /..alna, cadre new aryl, Also--Whoe Goods, Mottnuag . do., Embroideries , Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and Hosiery, Trimming., 0.1 ea. Plamels, 70 cases neer style Calicoes, 60 k ats Dleaehed Muslim, 100 bales Drown do. 00 balm Mckinga Also, Cloths, Cassino reit, Jeans, Cs sinew, rce. at extremely low prices. Together with an immense variety of other Gcrod., Ma/ ring an assorna.t one of Oa molt calms:ye in the country—all or which have been marked down at much lower prices than their extensive annual sale In January last. Good Th e y in nvit be e an sold. early rail, so many of their choice will IT.T • Tire lowest prim named et first. :one A. A. MASON tc CO. GO Mark,. __- • olgorwray T ir R. MURPHY, at Nonh East corner of Fourth and Market streem,!ham lately received a sup ply ofthe above perior make of Ihmikets, and lo rries those in of the citric to look at them be foeT. b . rty g lrz t : ., H a e vy has al c r e, o w n hand home Made Ulan• hich be is welting row. white, 2.o—Homesuperior Made FLANNELS, brown, barred and of a quality. Scarlet FLANNELS, to which he Invites the attention of buyer. wiLliA..ll:+rtzt,:tr,zlyupof.FLoicet w re a l . rall i of .. n .. eil in c ent! . very full and worthy the attention of dealers • nevl7 SELLEgS' FILLMIYArt gIY uocruic ms, Set 15,1849. Mr. R. E. Sellers—De m Rum I f See k l a I , p t is a duty I owe to the public, as well is to the credit of your Liver Pills, to Cato the good fleets produced by their use to my awn ease, Daring the month of June, MIS, I took very anwell, my appetite failed, and my strength was enurely prostrated, with SeSere pain in my side and shoulders. I was told by medical men that my disease was a severe attack of liver complaint. I took seve ral boxes of hl'Lene's Liver Pills, and some symps, which I was told Ira@ good for that diee.e, bat alter all I was getting Irene. I finally concleded to plans myself ander the care of a physic'an for better or worm; but, fortunately, pot no this time, I was told by the Rev. E Niblock, of this place, that a friend had sent him a box of,S.Wers , Liver Pills hem Pittsburgh, which had benefitted him very much. I forthwith vent fora boxof your Liver Pals, and by the time I arm done using them, I arm satisfied that it was lea the medicine that suited my mate. I seta for more, and took five or six boxes, end Mend myself almost 'entirely cored; but in March last I caught a severe cold, which brought back the disease, and in a short time I was as ba4 as aver. I again had recourse to your Liver Pills, and took them every other night for Watteek. mid occasionally , aince, and I ran...shy, can.now my, that I feel little if any symptams of the Liver Compliant, and gencml health is es good now as It has been for the lost 10 years. My neighbors ask me who wan my doctor. them that Sellers , Liver Pills was my doctor, and by the blearing of Divine vidence the Incense( as toe. lam confident that when the pulie become ea quaintml with the value of your Liver Pills, the de• mend (or them will increase. M.) of my neighbor., to whom I have recommended the pills, can legal] to their value, as well es to the facts above staled. Respectfully yours, Coosa. Massa. To Inta Prima—The Original, only true and germ. Nina Liver Pills are revved by IL E. Sellers, .d have hls mum ramped In black war upon the lot 4 each Box, and his signature on the °maids wrapper f[rAll others are eamterfena or hue iasioninns. NISI R. E. SELLERS, hopriei Jaynes , T.:pewter...at. Brim, Colombians c0.,0., Apr. 24, 1841. DR. D. JAYNES: Daaa 81.-1 feel bound to you and the afflicted public, to avail inyeelf of this op. portant t4 , lving publicity to the estraorditmry effects of year ' tornat on myself flasinbeen afflicted for sere years with a severe eon beetle fever and its concomitant diseases, and wale only doomed to linger out a short but miserable existence, until the fall of when, being more severely attacked, and o ar rsorted to all m oat r remedies, and the pre. seripu of two of the respectable physicians in the neighborhood without deriwng any benef Or the consolation of amelvitur hat a few days or weeks ej farthest—when the la.t gleam of hope was about te had by to me your Especterau and bleesed by that Rettig who does all things in the use Or the means—mad contrary to the expectations of my phyeicians and frie ds,l was In a few days raised from my bed, and was enabled by the used( a bottle, to euend to my lumineim, enjoying ware better health thus bad for tea years presume. Respectfully yours, ko, Jag Enug. For sale in Pinsbugh, at the Pekin Tea Store, 70 Fourth street. mars 'MIL ELIJAH EATON'S CERTIFICATE TO DR JAYNE.—This envies, that immediately after having attended my brother, who died of consumption in March, IS I was taken sick with the Consumption or Liver Complaint, and was reduced so low a-ids the disease, that for four years I was unableto amend to my business, either at home or abroad, being for the most ume confuted to my bed. Hanna the above peri od of time, I had expended for medical attendance o regale, Physicians and medicate; to the amount of &:00, whom receiving any benefit therefrom. In July, n 1b45, I commenced caking Dr. Jayne's et s, and bare taken them more or less ever nine, and believe thou it was by persevertng In their use, that I can now traly say that I hare completely then.. re.l my health. I believe that Jayne's &mauve Pills and Expectorant are the beat family medicines mow is use. I reaide in Springfield, Omego county, N. V., and curry on a furnace and machine shoo In that place, and ant not interested In any manner in the rate of the above mediemos, and make this certificate tar the ben . eft, of those &filleted. ELUAII EATON. Springfield, N. V., Sept. IS 181.3. let R - 1 H — P A Vt. - 0 0 0 Dill ALEXANDER & DAT, earner of the Diamond and Market street, notify their friend. and tile public! that they have ff<LIVIA their stock of Fall and Win ter GOODS, direct from the Importers, manufacturers and enction• at the ca w . Their stock anew Byte and fashionable Good. to large, and presents strong attrac tions to purchase's. In Ladies Dress Goods and Shawls, the moat tplendid and fashionable Goods of the season are now offered. at remarkably low price conriating in pan of the following LAI/11M' DBMS DS. New style Ificielm figi'd CILIZICII GOO . Silks; Col'd and Black Satin Du Cheers and Tu. Satins; Cold Cam ellen Grodcrhine, of the best qualities; Bleck glossy Groderiens of the celebrated high manufacture. The cut's above named Black Kilts are wan-anted not to the wear; for dreams and mantillas they are th imported. at fied Carnelian Satin Do Chene, the handsomer of the season. New style Dinette Silk figured Preach Memo., a new and aplendid article for ladies' walking dresses. Pilk Embrolderod French De Woes, for dresses and meat, an entirely new article. Cashmeres, De Lames, Merinos, Alpaceas and Per matins, a large assortment. SHAWLS AND SCARFS! Mocha Long and *lean Shawls. of the boat quell des. Plaid Long Shawls, of nut newest designs, remark ably cheap. Nplenind Terkeri Shawls, at greatly redneeil prices Comellon &oche ag'd Bilk Bliawls,ln great variety CtSI.III7CI7. EurrA .v Lzrg Wm Sedan real French Twillnl Cloths, all prices; best Sedan real French a n new style Amen lean Cassimeres; super Bann Vestings. LADIES' CLOAKING CLOTHS! - - - • • French end Belgian Black and Olrve Cloths, for I.a. dies , Civet& BLANKET& A rplendid assortment of American and imperial Elankets, at remarkably tow prices. DOMESTIC AND STAPLE GOODS! A large and complete assortment now on hand._ Many et our present stork of Staple Good. were ' bought from the manufacturer, previous to the present advance in prier.. A principal pan of oar stock of French and English goats have been purchased at the great Auction hales to Philadelphia arid New York, which enables us to offer decided bargains in almost every description of goods to our Mee of besieges. Country Merchants, Merchant Tellers, and all wholesale and retail buyers, are Invited to an early examination of our Block and price.. ALEXANDER & DAY, 73 Market st, Ocl2l north west corner of the Diamond. UV MAN cauum — ii WR. MURPHY, at north east corner of Fourth . and Market sts, , is now receiving his mooed supply for the season, and can offer indecernents lo Mims rarely to be met with. GOODSent of LADIES' DRESS I. very fall, emulating of French Merinos, Cashmeres, Coburga,Lyouese Cloths, super Printed French Cub incru, at pricu 'conalricrably lower than they 000ld be bought early in the aces°. His stock of LONG SHAWLS. _ls large, and embraces many of the beautiful styles mow on exhibition at Franklin Inmatte, Philad4. BONNET AND NECK RIBBONS, Of new and very handsome styles, Velvet Trim. Blimp, i.e. SACKING FLANNELS, Of various styles and qualitiea plant and embroidered Black Bilk Laces, Needle Worked Collate and Cuffs, Bonnet Salina and Velvet Flowers, Caps and Feathers. HANDSOME DRESS SILKS, Of the newest styles, and at lower prices than asuali and rich changeable Silks and Selina, for Manillas, Lo.; and a large stock of STAPLE AND HOUSEKEEPIN GOODS, 111 lowest prices. And In the gentlemen's department will be found fresh FRENCH BLACK AND FANCY COLD CLOTHS, Black Doeskins, Winter Vestings, Fancy Citastmeres, Undershlru and Drawers, Silk Cravats, rocket Hand kerchiefs,/ca. Inytderuldmo are invited o visit the lVholesnle 1/ Rooms, up stair. °eat .4FRYWONDER] VERMIRIOR ==aLammzU Nunn, Mercer co., Pa., SepL 2%1242. E. Sellers: Dear Sir, I bought one book of your Vermihige at tha Iron City Pnimace store,at this plate, and it has performed what we consider out here a won derful cure. on one of my boys eight years olds he had been unwell for some years, w much so Oral bed giv en up all hopes or his recovery. I was advise, by one Of my neighbors to try a bows of your Vensilfoge— end 1 am happy to inform you of It having the desired effector relieving my son. He raised, in the short in` of V 4 houts,ll4 worms, same of them me:wir ings:a ranch as Lit and 11 Inches long. 1 feel bound in Jostles to giro you the above statement, so as you may make any use of my name Wilt - you think proper. Pours, very respectfully, J n.. Prtpated and sold by R. EgIELLE.II S. 8, 57 ti Wood strreg and .•old. by Druggists generally in the two MAD I tninAlltyy..affizEgist COUGH yy. SUP—Fro. W. , K Bodge, Eq., Clerk of the Court of Quarter Sessions of Homer County: Dlr. S. E. Saone flirt Some time in the winter ley wife watt afflicted anitha sevens and dementia/ rough, and bearing of your invaluable Cough Syrup, I pur chased a bottle from S. Ti Trimble, of Bridgewater, and titter taking a portion of it two or three evening. on going to bed. she foond lonnedlato relief' an also several facade have been relieved to severe raw. I ant the refines honafied that it id agate and Valuable me dicine, and untold recontortend In to those who atay be afflicted with severe combs and colds. .:51arch 23, ISM W. K SODEN. illgt-Sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and by w ais t. generally In the two cider' and vicinity. ,ELT currus-3 outs Ulm and Dr , Fel Cloths,lnst nett and (dr sale by MUHPLIY, WILSON &CO, 48 Wood et Q.CARLITtUti. DE LAINS—W. R. Morph, nes /ellt ntert a lot of nigh colored Noon de Won edloorT. Scarlet, to., at the low price of wo. per yard. also, then Drab, Drown, to , Uri Randmper twit owl a larec.esaorunc.t of neat Styles a e tr i ttr . r . /adne, 01 "orlon. prices, ostler SYehoo, F.l.Yltilts, Fre o L D IZZ,V, Cokerts and Lioness Mons, at the ./ r R , corner of Roach and Market sta yilloAmoio lip stairs. • glom BEAVER PACKETS. Steamer Mitt lIGAN No. V--Copt LAKE ERIE, s Gordon. T HE above regular and well known Beaver Pack ard have commenead main" their daily trips to mid from Beaver, end will continue to ran as Pittsburgh and Beaver rgyttlady during the mason, as follows,- • • Michigan N 0.9 leaves Pittsburgh daily l 9 o'clock, A. PI., and Deaver at d.e'elock, P. N. Lake Erie ato'c leaves !leav P er daily at 9 o'clock, AIM., and Pittsburgh' lock, .M. These ueamen will tan in commotion with R 6 Parke' Express racket Line, for Erie; Taylor & LeStingwell's Warren Packets; Union Line of Freight Bouts for Cleveland; Clerks &Co's Pittsburgh and Cleveland Line Freight Boats. U O Parke daily New Castle Packets. CLARRE, PARRS Co, Beaver, Rieetc. JOHN A. CALIGIIKV, Agent," Pitteburgh • =hit cm Water and Smithfield ate a kialt . 1849. ri es = PITTABOBGE AND CLEVELAND LINE, ON THE SENNSYLVANLIs AND OHIO CANALS. , Proprietnrsofthis old established d molt L a t zt 41,inecd by siLumrloi ves rs lass Can too, with the steam boats BEAVE d R AND CA LEB COPE, are enabled to oiler one/nailed facilities for the transportation of freight and jiassengent, on the opening of Canal nariganon, to all points on the Penni sylvan. and Ohio and N. Yor&eastale and the Lakes. K M. PITCH & Co, Cleveland. BIDWELL & AgentsBROTHER, , J. C. BIDWELL, Ageßent.,aver. mare Water motet. Pittsburgh. WDWDDI., D. W. e. =wag, _ _ Plurt;Utgli Waver. BIDWELL 4 BROTHER. Forwarding Ilicrehantn, BEAVER, PA., Agents fur the P 41.411,14 awleleveland bargh and Erse LAM vie Erie, and fur steaks chits Beaver eakeChkd ape. thelarge and webs( dal Wharf Beet ,Mgt fel.' '' the Mon ngahela Packeta, have I with the additien of aWarehonsa, the mt.:t antpLo at commplations for receiving and foraratding, and pledge their utmost attention, promptness and despatch to consignnunts to their care, and rely on their Meat for a kin,. tuarhAty Second 111.4 Plano. O NE second band Piano, 0 °mires, Mae 11150.. I 6 4 4: yS " ~. For sale for cash at the above pr o" Mo ices, by J011:11 SIELLOII. fli Wend et nilo VIOLIN PLAYER—SrouWe j &woo; altered and co S nnected from the last Eng nab edition, to correspond with Spahr's Origmal School of Violin playing, by Lis pupil U. O. 11111. "If any arguments are required to recommend this work, It may be obietwed that Spahr hlmseltadheres atricily to the system laid .'own in the above work, and that he tea by the same mode of instruction, produced a neater number of distingaished pupils than any other master in Europa. A A simply of Me above lust ree'd , lPvide 11 7 .1 and Of sale by _defy J II MELLOR. 81 Wood st ME= 7.- - - fi a 'f: B :7lll Tpli 'N,B l7 - 1 .11- L A . !:....1.11,...4h• A N EMINENT and experienced PhyslMatt Dam the East, of IN years standing, offers to treM al/ ease* if a Delleate Narita with promptness and seerecy. His @access in Ballo and other large cities ha. been proverbial. 111. charges are moderato, and hi. emu permanent. Old cases of Glent, Stnentre, Senn fula,Flor Albin, Rheumatism, mte,Byphills, or my chronic or inveterate cases solicited. A cure warranted, or charge refunded. Omens, tot. Clair etre. ; Xdoors from the Bridge. Teeth Extracted Aden.° to the poor gratis. N. D.—Dr. A. eolith. the worst caeca of my dimes. in Pntsburgh to call. atrol4rdly E 'DEIHL M Vhl; 08 HUC@ OIL. .There are more Bung. In heaven Ind earth Than are dream pt of in pthlosophy.. FIIIIE VIRTUES of this remarkable. remedy, and the constant application (or it, to the propnetor, has induced ham to have it put up in bottles with la bels and directions for the benefit of the pablid The PETROLEUM is procured from a well in this enemy, at a depth of foot' handfed feet, is • pate ens. dulterated article, without any chemical Mamie, but, taut as flows from Nature's Great Labrateryl! That it contains properties reaching number of diseases, is no longer a matter of uncenahaty. nem are many things m the arcane of nature,svideh, if known,might be ot vest usefulnem an allemating seeming, and Fe ttering the bloom of health and nem to many a atif fermi. Lang before the proprietor thought n( putting II op in bottles, it had a reputation for the core of din es... The constant and duly Inereming calls for it, and several remarkable cures It has perfonued la a Lure Indication of its future popularity and wide spread application in the sure of dowase. We do not wish to mate a long parade of certifi cates, a. we are commons that the medicine ear soon work its vray into t of those who surer and with to he healed. Whilst we do not elalm for it • unitrenal application in every disease, we unhesita. tingly .ay, that in a number of Chronic lasPaaea unrivalled. Among them may he enumerated—all d /senses of the stutems tissues, such as CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, CONSUMPTION (in its ter!, staged Asthma, and all diseases of the air passages, LIVER COMPLAINT, DYSPEPSIA, !harem., Diseases of the Bladder and Kidney., Pains in the Buck or Side, Nerveas Diseases, Neuralgia, Palsy, Rheumatic Pains, Goat, Eartipelm, Teticr,'Ringworms, Burns, Scalds, Ilmisce, Old Sores, he., Ac , In eases of debility re sulting from eapoeurc, or long and protracted erne. of disease, this medicine will bring relief. It will act as a general TONIC and ALTERATIVE in such eaves, imparting tone and energy toile whole (mote, remov ing obstructiona, opemng elaggiaa funetiona,lehleh can.. dimes,' and broken earatintinnt, and givins, inercusul and renewed energy to all the mime of Idfe! The proprietor knows of several cares of PILES, that nwisted every other treatment, get well under the use of the PETROLEUM for a abort time. The proof ran he given to any Scram who deur. it. Norm genuine without the signmum of the proprietor, Sold by theproprietor, S. hl.➢ ICIER, Canal Basin, near &Tenth a. Also by It E.,SELLERS,S7 Wood at; Wood & M'DOWELL, corner Wood st. and Yuen alley; who are his noeSdlr regularly appointed Agent. EXCELSIOR! F. H. EATON & CO, No. 62 VOSTIth Scrim'. Plitsbargb, G I • Revs now In Store their full assortment of Trimmings, Gloves, Hosiery and Late ?ode ADARTE to the wants of every cla w of hiiIC46IIIII and Co n su m ers.' sumers' Co pains have been spared to present the newestd moat fashionable style of Their Goods in their line. stock consists in part of the following: - DRESS TRIIIIIIUNGS. 0.1 Fringe. and Gimps, of every variety; new stiles figoredGalloow; Algoelne and Imperial /Raids; wide and narrow Silk and Worsted Embroidering Braids; hued and eat Velvet Ribbons; plain So do; Cordod Nam. and plain Satin Ribbons, for trimming; blaek, white and colored Silk Laces; extra wide do do, for flounces;,with a full assortment of Dress Buttons; Dresses Pinked, Stamped Or Embroidered to order. LACE GOODS. - - oidered Lace and Muslin Cajoes, Chem Mates, tad Retiring Caps and Ilar Sleeves, French I Collars aid Cars, In great varietygLsee I aid Opera Ties; Mourning Cheat:ones, Col , _ifs and Half Sleet - elk Linen Lawn plain embroidered and het:Witched do, plain Linen do; real thread Laces and Edgings; Ins. do do; Bobbin, Lisle, Lace Malin mid Cotton I•dgulpaid I.orUags. BONNET TRIMMINGS. Rich new style Bennet Ribbons, French Fate Flow ers, Rennet Tabs, Velvets. Ruins and Florenees, Silk 1111101101111 and Tarlatans, Bonnet Frames and Tips. KID GLOVES. Best manufacture, with most approved fastenings, nd choicest caters. Au ostensive assortment always hand, A great variety of Wool, Cotton,. Merino .d Cashmere, for Lathes Itad Plisses; Tart. Plaids, and a full ulaorUarnt other styles fancy .d plata ren's Hose; newest styles Infants' Boots and Socks; Cents'. firmest., Tigouia, Merino, Cotton and fine Wool Half 'Hose. GLOVES. A (all imortmenl far men, women and chlldreal among which are Derby Ribbed FoLavelle and plant' Mai ribbed and plain Cattanerei Chtl2lol3 Lined tler- Imi Casehacre, Marino, Far-lined Deaver, heavy moth fine Dachakin, h/Ritary and Lisle Threaiand Conon.' WOOLEN GOODS, Such a. WI& ens: Chlkiren's Hoods, Children. Woolen Sacks, Knit Scarfs anti:loam, Children.. Gait eneandLong Mitts, Warled Cagy Knitting Worsteds and Woolen Yana, California Cainforu; also, fine Milkmen, Sends for Ladies. LADIES' DEPARTMENT. • Zephyr and Tapestry IVonteds, Canvass Patterns, Rum sod Emb's Pia, Bristol and Pcrihl Boards, Pa br Furorer Materials, Imp Mau, Tidies, and Em roidered Work. Also—ldadies'Sdk and Merino Vests And Drawers; Embroidered Peeks midElannels, French •Worked Caps Mid Wow for Infantspuld humnhpolowo Trimmings. LEMEN'S WEAR. Fine SLUM, Cravats and Collars; Merino, RIM and Comm Wrappers and Drawers; Suspender., &teethe, Manes and Dressing Donor, Silk and Linen Ildkfin Gloves and Hosiery. CO4ISS, BRUSHES AND PERFUMERY. French patterns carved and plain Shell Rack Combs; fluffslo and lin. do; Shell Side and Long Comb.; lm. do; fludialo,.Baths and Rosewood flair Brusher Shell, Buffalo fled Fog. nom Dressing and fine Ivory Combs; with an assortment of NW and Teeth Brushes. . . iVethetilPs "Gold Medal" Perfumery. VARIETY GOODS. Needles, Pins, Tapes, .thMons and Steel Goods, Parse Twist and &wings, Coat Itrodings it Galloons Cloak Cord sad Tassels, Mod & Studs Trimmings Pulpit re BaNter Taseets, Upholsterer's Fringes, Bod Wen, eas'd widths, &tallith oil Pied Chintz Binding, /100K81 V'UST reed tit the Pli.Mb No. 29 Wood street, an Jexinuerlebres. Lexicon of tho lobto, Nrunder's llh Rion and 21.areb, 1211Inne4 trine, Lbe of Jeremiah Real Ilurnsver of Ina Gospels, dt ble,a vole, Boman edidoo: Idedhonflreluna and Its I'r toes on - Seredenborgbiabor doter and many mbar Into, to du; abovs, all as war. tYTERfAN ROOK ROOM, id for sale al Eastern pricer. 'foorasend's Amegere,,,, Wan of the Obrisdau Reli t Treatise on Ceristfan Doe. Roldnson's (heck do Roaltda do do, Seotra Panstt's Bade Gazetteer, ?mows, Or. Wood'elce rso, Roles Mirri.O.UT 2. o . ; arresting storks, us Mut ream nn, Mr. R. E. Seller= Dear Sir—l think it a dory I ow to you and to the public Ilan If „to state that I have been s od with tha Liver Complaint for a long toile, and so badly that an sheen formed and broke, which /eft me in • very low suite. Having hoard of yoar rearmed Liver Pills being for stdi by A R harp in West Liberty, and recommended to me by my phian, Dr. E. Smith, I concluded to glve them a fan. 15 0 1. I purchased ono box, and found them to 5c lust what they are meommended, THEBEST LI WA PILL EVER OSSA and after taking four boxes I hod the H as has entirely left ma, and I am now perfectly well. Respectfully yonn, D COLEMAN. West Mem, fdareh va, I ea:Sty that I on personally aconaintal with klr Colon, .1 , and an bear testimony to the truth of the titre :eithheate : • - • 'rue *canine Liver Pins are prepared and sold by R E t . i.LEIII3, No 57 Wood street, sad by druggists in the .vro aides. • • • TO TILE PUBLIO.—The original, only true and gen uine Liver little are prepared by RESellers, and have his mune stamped in black wax upon the hd of each box, and his stanatare on the outside wrapper—all others are counterfeits, or hue imitations. aptO R E SELLERS, Pro • rimer DLL. GALLIIIII7i.itIVInHatIaSAII j'ROM the Itov..,AtiA. SUINN, a ...likewise and pop J.' elm. Clerrimaribt the ProtestantillethodiatChnrch• The undersigned heat. been atrlktedderingthepast winter with a &veva tale stomach, somsdnate pro due:ea strempeln etomashfor tenor mretve howl without:Mar. o tad after having tried various remedies with. effecteru fundshed with a bottle oak Diayne+4Ci mauve Balsam: TWA he need ae cordial to the direct.onaaad found mvartably that this cansedtha peas to abate in three or fe.a.a. ems, and in fifteen or twenty minutesevery anew sensation vras.drely quieted. The medicine was af. tenverdsused whenever indicalionsof the aersemcli of pahaerereporeelved, andthe pain mu thereby prevent. ed. Ile continued muse the medicine every eventno and eametieues in :he morning, and in a few weeks health was so far restored, that the mutterer was retire edam a large amount of oppremive pain. From ex perience the refore. iye can confidently reeommend l) ggle::=:::Mlaltigfl=l:!"llTVSlND Allegheny eity,jy3l ForPinninirnn at BTOR Ponnh street, neat No end also at 'henna' Stare of H P SCHWARTZ. Ve •rel Meet. Allegauel COIVEIUMiTIIiEB, BE OA YOUR GUARD. DR. BVVAYNE'S CUMPOUAD in& OF WILD OREM In OW? 10fID7 TOO Onsumption, Cough., Colds, Asthma, Bronchitis, "iC7 Nabob, Lima. trral'.74l.P. - n . me Heart. Influentsa, Cro a r up, Molten Con of stitution, Dom Throat,Nervons Debili ty, and all Diseases of the Throat, Breast end Lungs: the most of fennel and speedy eon ever known for any of the above diseas es, Is DR. en 1.42 , 13 Conapousid Syrup Of Wild Cherry! The snatchy, in no longer among Mose of doobtfill usllny. It has pruned away from the thousands doily twined upon the tide of experiment, and now stands higher in reputation, and le becoming more extensive ly seed than any other preparation Of medicine ever pranced for the rebel or endering men. It his been tetrodarni very generally through the United States Lea Earr pe, and then, are few town of Importance but what 000100 woe remarkable evi dence of its good effects. For proof of the foregoing etnanneute,and of the vain and efficacy of this me,- cies, the proprietor will inert a few of the many Moa ned testimonials which have been presenual to him by an of the first respectability—men who have higher views of moral responsibility and justice, then to cer tify to facts, becalm it will do another a favor, and themselves no injustice. Snob Mstimony prove. eon. °Mainly, that Ito surprising excellence as established by In intrinsic merits, and the unquestionable authori ty f poblie opinion. The innanumeous relief it af fords, and the soothing Influence it through the whole frame by its use, renders a a mon agreeable remedy for the affficted. 11.F.11EMBEID .Whoa men, acting from conscientious avulses, salutarily bear testimony to the truth of a thaw, or part molar Met, suchtestnnotty, beteg contrary to their worldly interests and Fatigues, coerces convaction of lie g n u, and co mm ends itself in a special manner to unison& endence.o—Mllogan`s Moral Maxima READ THE. HOME CERTIFICATES. Sects ANOTWn elgaz or Parc:meg, COreveglTlret There never was a remedy that ha been as successtal in desperate cues of Consumptlon, as Dr. Swayne'o Command arrop of Wild Cherry, It wreugthens the orgasm, and appears to heal the ulcers en the hinge, mum g new and rich blood; power pomused by ho other plicins. Crum Co., April 221, 1818 Dr. $n sync —Dear flita I verily believe your Com pound Sirup of Wild Cherry-has been the mean, of saving my life. I caught • severe told, which ug gradu ally grew Poise, &treaded renh 11. Severe coh, thaa maimed all the remedies which I had recourse to, still Inereasing until my ease exhibited all the oymptonto of Pulmonary Couumption. Every Ming I tried seemed to have en effect, and my compluat increased gorapial• ly that friends u well as myself, gave up all hopes of my recovery. At this time I era. reeommendetto try roar invaluable medicine: I did go with the moot hap py results. The Ara bottle had the effect to Morten the eough, cluing emu expectorate freely; and by the time I bad ova all We"! was entirely well, and am sow as hearty a man as I ever was In my life, and would be happy mese may inlormationscapsettng my case, that other unwell may dense the banallt for which lam so gratefaL For the truth of Um abets statement, I refer you to Peer Ruh, Grower, West Chester, Pa„, of whom! purchased the modiel iteopMfally years, Jura MOlelg. • wonderful Cart of • Mrthoriitt Marna. Dr. Swaytio—Dear Sari I feel • debt of gratituds due to you—and • dory to the eillieted generally, to offer my humble testimony in laser of Toot Competed Sy rup of Wild Cherry. Some three years since I was violently attacked with cold sod inflammation of the Lungs, which was accompanied . wi th a distressing tit u rintfge m otff b e ' n a d e h tt e s . it rt e ir r I consbk"'- LL e Imp, espe cially upon change of weather, however slight. ht first I felt no alarm about my rendition, bat was pretty soon convinced that I was rapidly going iuto crummy. [lon. I grew daily weaker, and at length was soaree ly able to walk About, or speak shove • whisper, such was theweeeding weakness of my lungs. Daring this time Iliad tried serious preparations and prescriptions, but Wand no reset—growing all the time worse. float here I wu atisi-ed and persuaded by a dear friend In Wilmington to duke trial of year Syrup of Wild Cher -1 must cones that previousl yv I had been preja- Meal against path ut medlethea aand I atestill against those ormung out of the hands of empettes, bat under standing your claims to the professien and practice of atediethe, and luring implicit faith in the saying of say friends, Ifontunth purchased of Dr. Shaw, one of year agents, few and month use. My di. saw was at thus brae of :Bar lei s' standing, eon sentiently it was deeply seated. I found, however, considerable relief from the use of the first four or five Wales. But each a public speaker, I frequently at . tempted to preach with my increasing strength, and thereby rupture-I those sasses that had w a s tiepin to heal; In this way, doubtless,• my cure was greatly I etarded. In witsequenee of acting than imprudent! I had to we t d or fifteen bottles before I wasp.. feed) restored I have no question, Yenteh small number ofhotth.s would have made me wand, ha the h a b it induarerloa The Syrup allayed the fees IA habit, wok way the distressing cough, put a a to the thseharys of matter from the hangs, and ae them and the ea systemgood health. have defer red offering this certificate until now, for the putyosi, of being arra.. satisfied With the permanency of We emu, and now Waal feel perfectly well I offer It wish pleware. Hsu. 1. P. Jamosa. Dublin county, N. G CF!•RIVI!, There is bat b. *genuine preparauon o peeredhen7, atul that is Dr. alwannits, the fast everto Um public, which osa been sold throughout the United States sod some pare of Earop,.; partitions canto by the name of Wild Cherry have Web put out abate ua., ander Cover Of tome deceptive eireurnittancea, Lia order Pi glass earteney to their sates. By a little obssrvatum, on person need mistake the genuine from tt false. Each bottle of the gennute is enveloped wit a beautiful steel engraving, with the Ukeness of Wart= Penn thereon' also, Dr. Sample , . aignalaret nod .1 farther security, the portrait of Dr. Swayoe will tie added hereafter," a. to distinguish his preparatiob 'tom all others. Now, if it wan not for the great curative properties and known virtues of Dr. Bzd a ne n ts o t n en:oxa.pof Wild Cherry, persons “Acton ti ost.sm nwia e . f ve nam 7 to an by atalng the eof mild Cheery. Romssaber, always bear iu mind the name of Dr. Bwayne ad be not deceived. Principal Mae, corner of Eighth and Race steeets, Philadelphia. For sale who. male and retail by OGDF.N & SNOW DEN, car ad ear Wood sta. ' A FAIINESTOCK it Co, roe Ist sno Wood, and 6th and Wood stai Whi THORN, CO **let ati 8 JONES, Itso Lawry, st; JAS A JONES, rot viand and Penn sts; JOHN MITCH ELL, Alleghert, city, and by all reepectable dealers in medicine. or • Dr. W. P. lalaadr► Premium PLasiar. L". P. INLAND, of the Medical College bf allphis, now offers to the public his Indian Veg table Pretniani Plaster, the qualities of widcb, after long .d tried experience, has been satisfactorily es tablished. To all women who may be Maimed with Prolapses Uteria or Fallen Womb, he recommends his plaster, guannteemg • sure and speedy ewe In the short space of from two to thee weeks, If applied with ease and rest—disenrding all the countless Instruments and egpensive bandages so long In use. This he feels coucteaooualn stating, Itissmuch ISA be has not (ailed In one ease out of three handfed and (arty-three pa tients. in Also Mr Rhettmanim and Weak Drees or Back, at tended with pain, there ia nothing to excel this Piste adording relielor erecting a care. For We by L Wilcox, comer of Diamond arid Markets liras. k. Reiter," Liberty and Di. Clear ua Dr J Sub' cut " Federal et and Diamond, All Xing It Co, " Demean and Diamond Ensuing ham. EXTRAE - CT OF COFFEE —An article which 14 ra pidly coming Imo use as a wholesome, nourishing and delicious °overage, being more p ' leasant and par. alabla than common Coffee, and far c heaper, as a small paper comag only ten cents, Will to as far WI four pounds of Cam. aaufaemre dL JOHN S. NI Pittaburell, Pa. Sold at wholanale by B A Frail 'ESTOOK & Co, cornerrh er ofirst and Wood and Sixth and Wood Wrench ()SUBORN'S RUBBER GOODS—Jost received, Camp Manaus' 20 officer coats; tlpr s Pants; Id palm ba , Brava Mum( Boots; la lathe:ma Dag; 2 water Tanks, and 12 aallono Belts; dd canteens, gallon each; de* Bockakon Money Belts; Ido otled ... hr . do The above goods for vale at the Ca/1- (Duda UntlitingFatabllalutsent,'No Nob Wood at. sachBl J & II PHILLIPS Swel Begs and Per.; Berlin Wire Baskets, Me Rosewood Desks and Fancy Work Basket. Pon/nixie, Prialenres and Ladles' Stationary, French Cork Solos, Silk k Giroirla Bain/eller. Paper bloom& Hallands, Mune Panda Webblnx, Cone/ and Shoe Lacers. ROOK'S ' A N ILS—Wroaght Iron Anvil., from the Temper works, warranted; ba earottantly on head and appliedorderi by sell • InKtiMclielaN. ea Wood et hf woes Itrandy—Ourd, rhspaY, foci PiP.P. E E .A0111.1 ln; dod netS“l4 bbla Whlokey; (or ule by W d Al hurcluzirerx BLlCOMNiiliMbrit—rs CAW Jut taaapran s.a.o wad, a soperforantele, for sale by • notil -W*lll MITCHELYREK IIA CASKeI Atlantan% Soda A 11 1.1 4.114 ill ow. icp wanking Powder, antral pet Ozenbridire, and now conang on bz canal, for sale ; --- —, W 1 $ MITIMELTRES N. Wt- TM * will meant doilla Al/ mama, largo rappllea via New Wean& nava • IV3. , TTLI - _V7IzW3II Antlion's Clarice] Series. Webster'. Dictionary, revised ed. 1 vol. two. do do unabridged. vol. Mo.' Base's Notes sad Quemions on New Testament. Whamlrs Logic. Mosheimis Ecclesiastical Hiner,. 3 vole and 2 le (sheep.) Veatiges of Creation. 1 voL lamo. Mornings among the Jesuits at Roma. 1 vol. (cloth nd aper.) Scrum where the Tempter bas Triumphed.. 1 voL !loth and paper.) Rogue's Theological Lemma. I vol. Bro. (cloth.) Mikes Pronouociag Bible. floyer'a French Dictionary. Smartie Horace. For We by It norms, nort3 Apollo Buildings, Fourth t,STEW -1430-10:10Witito—ITITE, Montaigne , edited by IL Ilaslitt, militarising Ms 1-lays, Letters, and Journey through Germany and Italy, with notes from all the Commentators, klieg - mph- Mai and Bibliographical Notice; he. Tgeory and Pramiea of Teaching; or, the Motive. and Methods of Good School-Keeping, by David _Plage, A. M. Painclpai of the State Normal School, Albany, N. Y. Frank Forester's Pink and Robing of the U. State. and British Province. of North America, by Henry Wm. Herbert. JOHNSTON fr. STYJCKTON, dove corner Third and _ Market at. --The Olawa-VinigT: TAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and Importer, IP No. El Wood street, has for sale a tew coalescent. plete, the remainder of the edition,) of thin valuable work, devoted to the Preservation of Occur:mutt, sod other authentic Information relmmg to the early ex plorations, settlement 11,1111 improvement of the country around the head of the Ohio. By Neville D. Craig, Fmk of Pittsburgh, in S arils aro. - novlo .1. D. LOCKWOOD. w,u, e view of the Liberty of OW. Ancient Nations: By Samuel Elliott, Erg. Wounded with twelve mgcavingi, ere. cuted at Rome. vols., Bon, uniform With Fresco:Or Historical Works. Just published and for sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller and loot() lmpona r .6t Wood m 12ANNY KPAWLE — IN ITALY; &Wien:Red/thin, Hiroo. 75 eta. MRS. FANNY RESME'S YEAR OF CONSOLATION. 4 The reading of this book has Impressed os with • mach higher opinion of its author than we had formed Dem perusing her other writing.. It diaplays xi deeper tone of 'thought, united so more pore womanly grace of feeling than any other production of th e Drank IltiOd with winch we are acquainted.”--Ere Mirror. ills a very agreeable and readable book, writtenlu Fumy Kimble'. Lest styk--bold, spirited and enter taining. We recommend it to our readers as the best pubLicallonnf the senzon..--Reading Gas. all con tams the Journal of a unser through Europe, and residence in lialy; and is one of ilia pleamotest aud most /indenting books of the aessonc—Cour. and. Enquirer. "A very charameristie book. We Mate read It from title page to Colophon with anabsted interest A at. Id picture of life in Rome. to all respects eminently reariable..—Krdekertmeker. Far sale by' JAMES D LOCKWOOD, novLs Ikrokselier & importer, 63 Wood t ilthomisphlo Zatabllinumaialt OW6l.,PalUtt/1111,1PITI,Tnird oPIK.II° sa 5... e Poet-Mice, Pittsbargb.—edaps, Lastiscapes, Bill bead; dhowbilta, Labaie , etteekthettaral and hloadoo Drama, detainees sod Visularr Cerd...(Kr”.. l or drawn on stone, sod printed color; Imo, Broose Of Mak; la the moat opproadayte, &al a the mom mumble awes: , mak* BOOK TRADE. SPECIAL 120TICE TO TEACHER/. IarROPIOSOR CHARLES DAVIE/ has o f pre, r pared • new arithmetical wort, a copy of winch will be preowned to each and every Teacher to the United States, anthem eharge, apen their application to A. G. Eagliah A CA,IT Wood meet, Pittsburgh, iimist paid) The work is entitt ,ed GRAMMAR OF ARITHMETIC ; Or, An Andysis of the Language of Arum and Sd. once of Numbers. The following not.° a copied from the Neer York shove of Jam "Gaunt. of AMOrdarric, ar Cita. Davila, L. L. D. (iem., pp. 144)—1n thin work the immeage of kora., and construction of numbers, are ear fully analysed' The alphabet, composed of ten figares—the words de rived from the alphabet. and the lawn by which - the figure. are eenneetel with each other,tare clearly eXplalead. 'The analysis shows that there are but four hun dred and eighty eight elementary combinations ip Arithmetic, each terreapooding to a word of oar com mon language; and that these combinations are so connected together a, to be all expressed by only sixty three different words, The system propose. to remmit these winds to memory, and then read the sults instead bevelling them, as now practised. No another reepeet the are= proposes an impels , Rol change, namely, to censider and treat all freedom' as entire things,having a given eclaton to the suite,,, from width they were derived. "We searcely need say that the little work evinces the Ingenuity and skilful enalysis, for which Profeisor Davies' writing on this minima am justly Celebrated. ; We commend it to the attention of practical teachers, ' believing that they will find It crowded with new and valuable suggestion... From tAg Pre:wars at Wart Point ultfusreas tiCanXent or U.S. Wen Pours, lea 17. `The ()seminar of Arithmetic, by Professor Davies, presents the suble.et to a new light It so analyses Arid:U.lle ea to Imams the adridof the !Berner with the first principles of mathematical science in weir sight order and connection, and the new sales for the seeding of figutes are of great practical value. Signed, W. 11. C. Bartlett, Prof. of Nat. & Ex. Phil. A. R. Church, Prof of Mathematic.. D. IL Maki. Prof. of Engineering." Ito Pro. A.S. BARNES A Co. would respectfully announce to teacher., and to all interaned in mathematical is. , &traction, that they will publish, on or before the Ist 1 of August, IMO, the followim• work:— THE LOGIC AND UTILITY OP MATHEMATICS; Or, an Analyse., of the Principle, of the Science—of .• the Nature of the reasoning—sod oftho best Methods of Imparting Instruction. Ty Ches. Davies. L. L.D., Author of "A Complete System of Mathematic.. cis N. B.—A. 8. Dunes & Co., are Hie publishers of Dame' System of Mathematics. ; cis For sale In this city by A. 11. ENGLISH & Co., No. oe . 79 Wood meet Ibis - &try Bonder.. leoWsros New N.lbtoplaw IL•lodleta. WINE to Run all Night; Dolly Day; Dolly Jones; Go down to de Cotton Nally wu a Lad), ALSO: Be Kind to He Loved Ones at Home; How thy boat lightly; True Love, by T. Hood; Oar way &arose the ma, dnetn A new medley song, by H. Coven; Jenny Oray, murk byhdaller, Joy. that were crowning, Wedding March; Uod bless the hardy mailer Schuylkill Waltz; Conseript's Departure, by W. C. Glover; Sounds from Home; Waltzes, Meyermarkisebe Co; Lust Rose of Sommer, eaay variant.. by nor. - United Stater Polka; Ladies , Soufenir Polksv Corn Crocker Quadrille; Louisville Quadrille; Beauties of 'WY; Danl., Trior. &b. 1 large assortment of Now hlusie cre bud. to tobieh additions aro made weekly. For ;slit b y felts J. H. MELLOR, el Wood rt. REM BOOKS? Tile WAR WITH bIEXICtiI, by R. B. RiAnalypley; Elements of Rhetoric; cprising so sis or the Laws of Moral Evidence om and of Pcnosalont oy Richard Whmely ; I). A Essay on Christtao Baptism: by Baptist W. Noel, hi /L The Ogibries, ■ Nova Fairy Toles, from all Notionw by Anthony R. Ma WM* with SI illbountiona by Doyle. Jost reed by JOHNSTON fr. STOCKTON, IMO corner Toss! and Harkin Entets . . Now wad !Clowning filer Booked SACRED SCENES AND CHARACTERS; by J T Headley, with Mesta miyinal designs by Darloy. Poems mid Prose Ibriungs, by Richard H. Ding 2 yok, unman Illuminated Oents ar Snared Poety, with .fa Must= dons engraved on weal, by John Sartain. Jast received by JOHNSTON STOCKTON, detl earner Third and Nadel sta. PHYSICIAN AND PATIENT; or a Procne. View of Ma mutual duties, relations and intercom of the Medical prceuioo and the Commui , 7l by %Vora , - Wigton Maker, Al. D. Tan War. of Michael De ALunalgoe; comprising his PA.., Letters, he. By Wm. Hulas Nineveh and ha Rental.. By Austen: Henry Loy al* Swa., D. C. L. Glimpscs of Spain; or Notes of an Unfinished To. in ISO. By B. T. Wallin. Tapper'. Proverbial Philosophy, new edition; Blow t rued. Jost received by nor. c JOHNSTON& STfiCKTON, mer Market and Third street. 1840.50: 1. LOCKWOOD'S ILLUSTRATED vebess—TiN maimed Books-134mM in richly carved binding, Illumteated and illustrated—Doom superbly bound in Velvet, Silk, Diatom°, and Com, °Maim, ,Un imitation or the Middle Ages—Bibles and Prayer s, beau. Wally booed Ia Velvet and Morocco, maichificently or• namemed and illuminated. For sale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, debt Boetreller K Imposter. 1 Wood °bast:Naas; stud N. 'friar Appronetiltagl ELEGANT AND SUBSTANTIAL BOOKS, Ia Itlagnificest Antique Binding, for ad Holiasys. irAMb D. LOCKWOOD, Bookseller Ladd Importer, EP W mom, has ved abemair collection M IllocrmedKlood Books, boandrecea tba most s lendid man ner by me best London and Amerimurbin ots—otoong them may be Wands Pearl. of Amer.: • Poetry; magnificently illandaso Lays of the We.t ern Waskh illasulaated in gold and Wordeworth'• Greeeei richly tilastsated. The I*.e aeher dlaaunsted by Owes{ Lines, and home carved ;root!. The Fong of &Mg.; in Min.cd br Flowers and their Cud tstl Thoughts; ithoulnatod by Jan.. Illefoing of Shah...- •- Heroines of Bbabapeare; illoaDated. Mrs. Jamelos,•• Charactoriallos of Woolen; Ohm.. tot Fur male by JAMES D LOCKWOOD, de la- 63 Wood all, New Heats. • AA, EDHURNs Uta First Voyage, by Hermsultirllvill author of.Typee." "Oruro,. &e. iliatory or King Alfred at Eaglaml, by Jacob Abbot With fine engranaga. ttidonia the &amen; by Wm. bfeinhobt. JOHNSTON & STOCKTON, north comsat Third and &Imam streets "ass of du Aran Reonwisbit Worns clod. Age." TINEVEII AND ITS REMAINS; rank on account of a visit to the Chands. Chrinianm of Karns tan, and the Youngs, or Devil-Worshippers; end en Inquiry Into the Mermen end Ana of the Ancient At. syrians. Dy Austen Henry Layerd, Eng., D. C. Is. With Introductory Note by Prof.& Rotetesun, D. D., LL D. Illutuatnd with 13 plates and lava and VU wont ems. I vela 800. cloth, 54,50. "The book hew a rare amount of grephir, vleid , plo- Stream wor k of "The work of Layerd Is the most pmwdoect comri• tuition to the study of antiquity, that ham epreaved for may yeara."--Chritt. "Not one excels in Interest the account of Nineveh and its Ruins, given by Mr. Leyerd."—Wesltlngto" latelligenter. "As axesnoW the diggers with breathless interest ht theivationt, suddenly fled ourselv es Ike. fora marmite figure carved wire minute eeeerecy, now Mug Its mania heed Rem the drat of SOU we tee "ecrrlwthirrldV Is wonderful, be!n l ett dependent rale by JAMES D. LOCKWOOD, novlo 63 Wood st • • cols our ~ • THE %%MEN V of um Old and New Testament Edited by 6D. Sprague, D. D. 1 me lam. 800., e w i ttrde llY b;:rant 18 ,' - cirbt'. l l2V,td.• t`ll - 12 DOE.CuY ° A.uI/flet,lfilra. bye , of Xy,l a now and enlarged edalonO r tluatmted by englasvins. from f;f i ge i t a n t d d an "f rgill 'y PsesLy voariol'elror'grrrellirn'Tat.: Cl. and Gift Books. Child's First Dock of the Illstery of Rome. I vol. lamp. THE MECHANIC'S ASSISTANT, odopled for the use al Carpenters, Shipwrights, Wheelwrights, ) a n, Lumbermen, Students, and Artisans gonersiir being a thorough and praeueal TITLIIIIO en Mensura tion and the Silting Rule . . By II M. Raper, A. M. Boise's Treatise on Greek Prose Composition. • Oliendore's Elementary French Grammar. By Prot Greene. of Brown University. I vol. Indio. Roe:diger% Gesertins , Ilebnaw Grammar, by ConanL Gesentus , Hebrew Lexicon. Loomis' Trigonometry and Logarithm:6C Tables. I vet. (sheep.' yhe Englishman's Greek Conconlanee. I vol.(mas lin.l EROGE BROKERS X. ~..X.X loss, II•mk•r•i ZAXzolnaing• UUUUUU I Au, immix. or NOTE3,IIA, ACCEP tuxNOCAGOLDOMM. C able °N al r ilM, ni N o .o ntllt a tedt e tte man MCCHANGE on New Sort, Philadelphia snd emote; also, Cincinnati, Saint Laws' sad Now Orleans, constantly Amulet. DANK NOT.—Not.ca on all solvent banks in Ohs United :hates discounted at Ilia lowest rates. 411 kinds of Foreign and Anscrlcart.Gold and Silver Coln bonght and' sold, Office No. 53 rdarket greet, between 3d .d Pittalnargh, Pr_ - ocs23 ye):L.4 B . - - ILLS on England, Ireland, and Scotland bought any amount at the Clamant Rama of Exchange. Alm, Drafts payable in any part of the Old Colantrunt, from .C 1 to 4000, at the rate of Si to the .£ Storting, withont deduction or tbsconnt, by JOSIIVA .110BIN SON, Pnropcan and General Agents OfrtFa Nb at o'4 dotr wart of wood. «Lau - KYLLta tiummn - _._. j_It9L3D Lk it HHN "DAMES 'AND EXCHANGE B RO K ERS. deafen IF in Foreign and Domestic Dille of Bic:tune. Cer tificates of Depotite,.Bank Notes and Coin, corner of 21 end Wood struts, directly opposite St. Charles Ho tel. IneYMBY larliiiitkiral pinzusi.L tnno indisai i.ay iddlonil, . , Bank Neteln-; ' purchased Cl th e low= rates, by N. ItOWd F:3 & PANS, re pl 3 - 25 Market street, BILLS 01 0 - 1/CXCHEBIGZ=43iiiii el. - fake - on New York, Philadelphia, and Baltimo CouteellY for tode be N. HOLNIE re, & SONS. .1,13 , 22 Market M. MISCELLANEOUS. Deatpeas,Oup.S. From the New York Tribune. AFRIEND, whose word Is most reliableount who ha. no porsible interest in the matter, but one or gratitude, derirea to nay, that he has been maned of ;numerate deafttees ‘ by the urea( "Searpi's Compound AcetonePhiladehia medicine, which la not. for Pllo ie thin oily, whichb he thinks ought to be, for the good of the aZieted. He has a sister who has also been eared by it. lle urgemly advises all who 010 aerie riDg llollldoolllll/, to try this remedy, with as illiatranee that. ualesside Clue be extraordinary, the experiment will Notre abund.tly.suecesafal. For sale at THE PEtItE TEA STORE, febx ?u Fottrth at, Pittsburgh • Combat COOkboki , _ 2 0 GROSS super Polka; 10 do do very fine; assid•Redding; 12 " super English nom nodding; 0" Pocket Combs; 500 " Wood 1000 doz amid Fine ivory; 39 " Shell Side Combs; • 10 " super largo Raltnio; WO gross ivied Side Combs; reed and for sale by lels C YEAGER; 108 Merkel st Huff Hoilatidl Had Holland ' TTARN:NS/TH.l.l nel W. McClintock loam this dsy received several r4r-4 at the finest and best litirr Window, Utilised, to which he would most respectfully call the attention of his customers and the public In general. Ip`CarQ.t Ware Rooms, 75 Fourth at. Jeuat AFEW very fine GUITARS, just. reed from the celebrated mmmfaetory of C. F. Matto. end for sole by land J. H. MELLOR, SI Wood et. Book. Jim' Roomlired. HE Complete Works of John Bunyan; 9 role, ere Ivo', illusrated; masllu gilt and gilt edges. alitehelSs Biblteal and Sabbath School Geography a now work; 1 vol, 12mo. Town's Analysts and Speller. Ufa of John Q. Adams by Wm. H. Seward; 1 eel, 12nro; marlin Poems by Mrs. Mums; 1 yob lemo; tinslin: gth. Routh'. SCllllo.—SritUollllpreached upon WireTEll occasions, by .Roberl Sou th . D. D.; a new edition, 4 vols; including Forthemons DiscOursey Same-1 vols. in Y; abeep, For sale by R. HOPKINS, 01. EAUL 19.017NDELY 101.1 lIIMOLSON G. Sr. O. rang. DE undersigned, successor. to Artlnirs J. 11014 beg leave to Inform the citizens of Pittsburgh and public genemlly, that they have rebuilt the EA GLE. FOUNDRY and are now in full operation, and .have part of their pane= reruly for the market:— Amongst which are Cooking Stoves, Coal and Weed Stoves with a splendid Mr- tight Coal Stove, which le now n ape ceding in other eitica the common rated Stave. Also, a cbeep coal Cooking Stove, wall adap ted for small families, with a fall assortment of rem. mon and mantel Grates We would particularly in vite the mention of persons building to Cull at gar warehonse beforepurchasing. and examine a eplendid article of enateraclled Grates, Polshed in Gun style— entirely OcN9 MO market. Warehouse, No. lel Liberty ati oppciite {Wed st angtMalti NICHOLSON It Ptah& PITTSBUIIOIIII7I4II:TATICiiii. MEAGER. Importer and Wholesale, Dealer is FANCY AND VARIETY GOODS: Sign of the Gilt Comb, ILfil Market at., Pittsburgh, Pa. Western blemh.ts, Pedlars, and others visng I Pittsburgh to purchase Goods, are respectfully invited to call end examine the extenstre assortment of Eng lish, American French and German Fanny Goals. All Foreign Goods at this establishment are import ed direct by myself, and 'iambuses, may rely on get ting goods from beet hands. I have the large& assort ment of articles, in the variety line in the city of Pittsburgh—ell of which will be notelet,. for calrA or city uceptances The Stock consists, in part, of Lace Gooda,ylosiery, Gloves, Ribbons. Silk Cravats, Shoo and Paten/ Tbreads, Sewing SIR, , r. o . lC d oi c t;fpcs, ttespenders, Rattans, Pins, N *- Gold and Silver Watches, Gold Jewelry, all kinds of Brushes, Combs and Razors. Petcossion Caps, Revolvers, Pistols, Clocks, Silk & Cotton Purses, spectacles., Sine/ Pens, Merle Boxes, Carpet Bags and Baskets. Eltedmgs, Findings and Trimmings. Toys and Fiery Goods; together with a liege varie ty of Fancy and Staple DR , . GOODS. C. YEAGER is also agent for the Celebrated Lan. elder Combs. nov/7 Great Nagllett ttemetly. FOR Coughs, Colds, Asthma and Consumption! . The GREAT AND ONLY REMEDY for the cure of the Wove diseases, is the HUNGARIAN LIALSAII LIFE, discovered by We celebrated Dr. Buchan, a: London, ling land, and introduced inn; the United States ender the immediate superintendence af the inventor. The extraordinary mercers of this medicine, itt W. cure of Pulmonary diseases, wirrams the American Agent in soliciting, for treatment We wont possible en. sea that eau ho found In the eommtmity--eaSes that seek relief In vain fora any of the common remedies of the day, and have been given op by the most distinguished physicians as confirmed and ;mumble. The Humeri. an Balsam has cured, and will core, the mom demerate of eases. It Is nit quack noimum, beta standard Ear BM medicine, of knot. and established mfieney. Every family in the United States should be shppliee with Buchan:A Hungarian Balsam of Life not only to eaunteract the consamptive tendencies of the climate, bat to be used ns a preventive medicine in all Case, or melds, coughs, spitting of blood, pain in the side and 'Chest, irritation and soreness of We Imp, brochitin difficulty of bmating, heeno fever, night sweats, alion and general debilityr asthma, infinenza,whomine Dough and creep. Sold in large bottles, at St per bottle, with .fall dnas nom for the restoration of health. Pamphlets, containing names of English and Amer/ can certificates, and other evidence, showing the ur, equalled merits of this great English Remedy, may its I obtained of the Agents, FT.Wit...,n_ For sale by II A FAIINF—STOCK le Co., corner o et and Wood and Wood md stn Cl.. ju.oltvrd. beGne—made on the most approved Eastern plans—. and most fashioaable Eastern pauerne and colon. Alec THE CHEAP ROLL, or BORCON BLIND, no hand or made to order of all sizes, and al al/ prices. . Country Merchants and when are Invited to collard ezernine the above for theasehres,as all will be sold wholesale or retail, soda liberal /•daetina made r wholesale purchasers. coldly A W Ii:STEttV ELT -- —,---- ,TIZE. STAR OP MUM WEST ' 40,1"VENITIAN BLIND MANUFACTORY East side °rite Diamond, where %WWI Blinds of all the dlCerent sixes and colors .are kept on hand or sande to order aft* • the latest and most approsed &stem rash. ions II the shortest notice sad on the mos . reasonable tam e. Also, the cheap Boston roll Or split Blind Transpa rency end raper Carotins °toll the different sixes and patterns, on hand and for sale law for cash. Old Van n. Blinds painted over and repaired, or taken la part payment for new. RM WF.STERVELT, N. B —All woi. done with ,the best Intlltriai and workmanship-rand warranted to Pie..dm mew i Mona. auglo.dly Allegheny city, Aug. 10, 1E46 ELLF:RS' IMPERIAL. CO MU SYRUP—Taxnes NOTIII3O Lug Ii! Ptreruceser, March 27,1947. Mr. R. E. Se!fern-In justice to you and your parable Cough DYnin, / beg leave to state, for Sieben eft of the community, that my wife bets been several time. ellieted with as most distressing cough. I pur chased, iu January last, a bottle of your Syrup, which cored a cough of two months' standi. About one month s tate, the tough returned, and w as SO severe that she could hardly move, from weakness in the breast; I sent fur one bottle of your Cough Syrup, and • part of ono bottle cured the cough I gave the other to a iourneyeaott who was severely afflicted, Nebo bed, to use Ms own words, "eaten cooogh cough candy to Cure all the people-to Pittsburgh,. if the candy had been as good as rePtexOnted. Yours, respectfully, , nuatre It. Kranz • Prepared and sold by R. E. SELLERS, 57 Wood street, and sold by Druggists generally in the two Cilia,. dela _ - — ----- ALLEMIIIiCNY VENITIAIII lIILINDi ANIL/CAW:NET WA,'ERUO3f. 1 .. keep tfo n ou lt t7 1 ' fi e, 71z Wi t ' keeps on hand at taiulort " St: west side of the Dtamosid, elle- ItberlY thy, a eeinpleta assort utenhof Veattiartllhods; also ye. SA•11..11 UV made lo der In In the beat style warranted. t•qual to any in the Waited State. Die Mods eats be removed lonia, riet the aid cif a screw driver. - Having purchased the met, • tools,nort Wool °Free cabinet ea at fishmeal °CRAM...rat M'Clel., Ikhd, I am-prepared Aca.ramish, thou old customers, "4 well as the puhtie at lnme. with a.at7 thing in the. H.... Agency, No ilVootl atntett Pluattusigh,. 7 „., . . . . J. A.-11110 A-tr. ...__°!'_!..Fl—: -.- _ ____,L, T ueT rued, . elegant ;dela DoseWeo.lo at al from the celebrated OntrunketorD 'Of Ninarl;-Fe Clark, N. Y., of reinnierMinN44.e7 itl , licme Prink. For late by . . ~, . II-diLEISEIt, Ards int J. W, )Ve-..- UT ILLIANIS' IVORY PEARL Toarn POWDER,. Vi ter temovinK Tartar,'Sdarry, Canker, and all sabodaneee dertnteuve tor*,Aellt. It Is delielone the taste Cielli•illS the month Itcylin• d d f" a • e g` h eu u t a 'r e st ; Z::tfl. ° l":::g g fe ul t . g ft ,L • R E aua...4.54 Wood et y i rtiTATOII.II4I I...CHEAPER TOEVER WV Jest ree%sn invoice offtgliewellad Pam eve Mantles; /usenet. fine eases, white / tan cell ea lola ea thlery and thiny ihre dopes', and staaranted to k l=pletile enertnnesil et JEWEIMITi:eent. pined the mime arid Went Wu, end ban poen. .W. WILJ3ON, Waseltmeter sal ifiriao dad maw Madan sad Pam* mu% MEDICAL: Vr• IaDDLIC, lierstist,s 41ft REMOVE:tons aterethree story brie[ en 13ushhfusld meet, one door below Sixth street. Teeth tnserted :rem one to tut entire set,. Itatl. prise-We, with • be••• reoreseutsilon of the wand teuse.-,.,,,ms { h!.b•pe of the men. • h. 8...'-Teeth a:ersatz:a With title'. rio pain. Iteeayed Tkoth persusentysed by pleke.nr, pro; .ventuti the tooth sche,sibleh I mach beuer than eu ring tt, though it should be do. In adnoter, of even instautlx s _ . _ srelltly SALTEB7B GINSENG PANACEA! rpo THOSE SUFFEREYO WITH DISEASED 1 MINOS—The vapretedeated mean whlel kaa Headed the woof the - SM PANACEA a all the mi..G IN forma wh CI eh ltritathm of the 1..... samea, has WI.. tna proprietor agaia to a. iu. n . Sae to this • WONDERFUL PREPARA TION.' The ehangable weather which inerkM our hll and winter months, ie always a fruitful memo of COLDS AND COUGHS. The., If nrialocted, . are bathe precursom of that fell destroyer, I • COSITAIFTION. The Omission, they how thou l we nipthe deatoyer to the bind! how shall we eel clean of ear conks end_ olds! is of vital imporumee te tee penile.. - will THE GREAT AND °N RI OI EDY will be fatted in the Ginseng Panacea. In proof of Oda we have from Mu to =a eat!lletterl the eertifiretea of Mums of oar Lest known e.tiserths who have aimed Its remittal" powers. These, with a mass cit Wain foam all pastry( the reentry,—from ?Sinister, bIik..OICAL hIEN.OF TIM FIRST RTANDING. of the Gape!, together with endow! not ices from the . I :I JOURNALS OF TUE DAY Ira UT*" embodladparephlar form, and may M tad gratis of any of o ageutt throughou LlES t nut country. • IRI ur SH rID9 OF Il IY/T taco bean asedin this city. - - TROUSANDS, AND TENS OF THOUSANDS throughout the United Sums sad Canada, cad we els lenge any manta point ono • • • SINGLE INSTANCY. - it which, when taken according to directions, and ba. Rre seer thfaile lu ed ngs had boon= fatally disorientate, It to ro - I , • nnwr OERFECT 'CURE. WhT, then, teed the &Meted beutitarat Why neon to tho utioorablo nostrums, gotten up by dux: own indivld• sal. a ltr the smutted name of seine co obratrd phy sician, and puled into runoriety by certilleatar of pas, scat squally unknown? Whilst a medians et UNPARALLELED EFFICACY le to be had, whose vouchers to at home,—eir nalahl bon,—many Of Whom it loos SNATCHED FROM THE CRAVE. In order that this invaluable mothelne may bruilacad within the reach of the par. as welt th e ;tat, In kris put the price at • ONLY FIFTY foot one half slao anal coot of cough ingdielnes n for rale by our agent* in nearly every town and things deer the wen , who are prep.. Li In Free inform*. n relative to T. PALTER, Proprietor, Broadway. a:min...n.olll* M'ALLISTER'3 OINTMENT -,..: :- . CONTAINING N 0 .: ~, • ;•:.:;,'".7- y e , ,,, MERCURY, or other Min : f: : ....T ii ; - • . , - 1- " - SORFS, SCROFULOUS ::- Lr. rs,' HUMORS, SKIN MS - • -. ne.. _-t EASES, ' POISONOUS --;.—::- k. - t tettisNit In In t' attere, and IL.:1 4 „ then hethem. 4 ,' '.. ..- '-n• Ii le htl tensed ~.., ',"" 1~; ,•-: '- ALL-UL y, . , . ..., ~. ... • there. Ls settreely a die _ . - ,,, , ,i, . ease estetnel or internal, . . • .-, that it atilt not benefit. . I have used it for the last glues Tease tot in disease, of the thou, (evolving the almost denser and ,espensibillty, and I declare -before heaven and man, that not In one ease hat It failed to benefit when the patient was within the reach ofatellal :nears,: • .1 have had phyalclane !ensued In the relent°. I have ministers of the gospel, hub., ev of life - bench. al. dennce,lawyers, gentlemen of the highest enelitlee, end ntuldtudes of the poor ass it In every vtwietY of w veto. ny t l he g r — e h W es A b LLI STE9 e , Y v OUß ne OINTMENT IS 1/00D!" . • - . • ItHILULfATIBM—II • removea almost Immediately the inflammation and swelling when the pain ewes. 111 . the directions around the box.) • ladtClllP—'llLe salve has emedpersorn of the head4ehn of twelve Teen means, and who had it mover every week eo dadvomlting took place. Ed.l4. AC HP,TOOTH.ACIIE, and AUUI!IN TIIE PACE, N *Weed with like glaceess. . SC,II HEAD—We have ettied cam that ectuallr deftest every thing known. arsred u the &Way of gr— own .o twenty doctors. One man told es he had spoon gas on his children withon any benefit, when a few •wtreaorbintment cared them. • MNI=NI=I= 8unn.1.117/INO—It I s one °Me bast thathra_th the world for PlLPS—Ttionsands ye yearly eared by this Ont. mein. It son fails in giving relief for the ID .. Aroundhe box are deti amiao p,P i iles OntstoafSfula, Lao oi C s taim n lay Tee, Chi/WainSal! Hearß i I mp, Throat, Browetem, Navous Afedoes, Qu Drw.fMs Sputa, Head ads, eadona t itarlear, Ear achy ßuena, Corns, ail Diem. pf Stan,. Sens Lip, Pi. Smelling of eA4t Limb Sorer, Hissumation, Pita, rad e., Fag, Crump, SsrellM a ', , Brains Crean, nosh isels,•.4gos in Me ...moks. COL IF.ET—Liver Complaint, pain in the Chest 'and Piste, failing off of the hair or the other aecomps. i ries cold feet. iThis Qintment s the true remedy.) It is a rum hien at disease to have cold , fem. • CORKS,Oceuional am of tie Clatatent Will al ways keep corns from growing. • People need never; be troubled with them if they use it frequently. That Onstmenits good (or arty. .part of the bodr or limbs when itillamieiL In some caste it ahoald ho applied oaten. • i• ttAUTION—No filament will be genuine animate name of /AMPS ide.ILLUOTER la written with a POST on every label. Fur axle by my Agents ingll the principal chi. and towns In the United Statea.,. MEIS Mo.S.LLISTER, Sole Proprietor or the obove medicine.. Err- ',tappet. °Bee, No North Third etreet, • earak.m onvro PER BOX. - - - - ••• tram, Plersimaan—Braan Reiter, earner of Libeny and St Clair sts; and Llzer, Jr, of of 14arket at and the Dimmind, , also Corner of 4a, sad Smithfield Es; J • II Carrel, corner of Walnut and Penn au, Gib Omni; and sold at tbe bgokstotif in Smithfield 431d00r from Second at; in Alleg bony city by 11P Schwartzand J Sargent; by J'G Smith, Dran, on, Sir. anaemia; D Netting . , Dort Liberty; '9l Earriinid, !de- Keesporg rtrlazaador & Sark, Monongahela Can N llovrinan fe Co, and J T liogerr" Drytenavillo; lobe. !lark Icy. Beaver, Po 4 are Irbolesale agents. - - - — Facts for the Public, In relation to that unrivalled family Salve, PAIN, EXTRACTOR. VISESTIBIONti of a respectable Physician.--Ream I. the following, addressed to my Agent, Mr. F. I , rywcather, Ciueuntati Cusitagasi, - ?eh. Id, /SD. Sir: A sense of duty compels me to give my tribute So Dalley'aPam Estractom - ileing opposed in quack ery and sal no having for their object calmer motivc•—but realising much good from the "King of Pain Killers.--1 em induced to tender you this cortlG man. I have used it in my family , la pay pniedce, and with all the !guppy and IvolulcriCl of Mal could poselbty be Dr. ! rake Ts ° lli: 4 ie NOT pultH ' t 1 :( 1 . 1 1=1/ 11 M1 Dr.aggiam . Inflammatory Rikrainuttiaes. The following testimonial contra grow a tome fa; =War to many of those traveling on oar Western era ;era Mr. Itilitoty the well and favorably knoll, pro. _ ladyof the Parkerabarg Hotel, is hatband to the. lady whose letter I annex: Pastremunrao, air.Antil L3, • 13.10-. To Henry Dailey Chemist. ge--sin Raving , rarely been lone ciliated with violent ingtounisthey I Rheumatism, which appeared en firmly seated es to. defy all otillnary appliances to allay the revers suala attending it, I was induced jry your Alsgioak ran. I..tractor and It having electeth Mutest as ilby ma ar tnimediate relief, and Hindu -to all appeanweits mt enure atm perfect Care / eed for th e bane- At of others who may be tattled with pain, eemmth by any kind of inflammation, to write Logue, declaring. r that In Iny opinion, foamiest On actual esperience 'your Mamma Path Litraotor le We Most valuable c th OV r, ot e present age for the inunetnnje extrne of bOdily pain. It is an almost immediate and a per- I feet eare for Barns aol beside, and all e.vimas/ j assamation. Haying many acquaintances formed by their at say husband's. hotel in this place,. have sap poised beefshowing them these few Imes, it iney poesibly benefit both to them and yourselti Id.z.therrn II entertain the hope that Mr. Clime wlll pardon the publicny I give to her letter, as well ea the score of humanity as of this being rho sanest mode of Winging la to the notice of her faiende.—ll. DALLIVni I , Wma Coal Extract of a letter, datid Itmatonr, Kl. Nov. ter, ISSN j Mr. IL Miley: “I have tried year Pain btraater in awe of felon, ism own fanly,. Each a retitled I _ and cured in a very a b ort dc126." in but y ea rs Cr;: t , . : M- YOOllO. 113 Sums and &alb, Piles, Sore Nipples, Stokes.. ' Brews; EMPtionsi Sore., Cemt 'Woartds, and - all Saturattlion, yields readily lathe wonderful properties i Of this unrivalled homily salve. Dot, in the wants portion that you will receive benefit from the gentrioes yea wilt be injairesl by the deleteriona , Mfects ad thIS $ cotunerfea salves. . CA UTION—Ue aoa rind apply milli to the inv. - Mar, D. Amass, e 1.7 Dor. ' .Near York, or tuna as. I thorized agents... • • JOSIIFD ORVAN, General Neel, PiZsbargh. wilgry Schwarm, Allegheny, ithgrt.; James %V Johnto, '474 ' P. erryareather, CbMinnali, a, Gee er .r N. IL—ln the wrerest Mahe end Scalds it tol l the pain ill • few aduates—it never fails tali JURE FOR WORMS. B. A. PA ruciesToows ininiasircrox I .. ....IL or E 1213111.41,21117114. IN onlor to afford al/ pottiltle wacky to the pubotr, as well as In themselves, against/Mod ate Ingo- , Lem, from comilmfentog Me proprietors have teethe I .....r e ma the exterior Wrapp e r or lodge ot tliero Of i imfoge. Trm nen , laheki match Is a atriel enerammt Off i the ..„, ...q...n. d.. / n. r.t.w.krkuumb,r, Ims hirew S mirolitetd ni a very great OIGOOOO, ~,,o .. j., thp -1-- b rain tint an.n of the antbilent.. The detwo n new. and the esti titian elaborate.' Several gear. and as 1 M portrait are on prominent, hot the word - rlastat• satia , ' primed in white letter. aria red and finely en- erased ground, should be pinieularty gemmed.— ..'. When Lehi u., to Ma light the letters, shading of that i IsUrri and every lane, however roinatt, throw. mutt!. It oracle of Ma pan of the atigraving Match L p . exactly es n the imprescon had been made sport one aade co- ly, although it is actually Rusted ea be 1,.., sides ef Ma paper. a l c w as . h . d h real lbes all 'PI" Inp.'"""l.A bo 4 o; 5 , malekr and should he ex %rued la st ' rod - ap ex same man er r no,.Wal l preparation-km . 4; Wm MOsar Me test of mi . 1 .2 .3 no , . Wall etul le couruletalY ri m , . a • .1 and causal atsdseaue for es,poliama worms from the, t o ' ,Mat. 1 i. , aaa. /akaislad C .emoera Want has attended: i usaanalidsuat.eas Inovery v.‘,,. where the it sr.. i really adheted arithLaronf ..eammely renders it veer- r thy the lidinnOnn Or PaYr lane . _rho prgitletor haa r .tOOO Ate int o, to otcorto o t ee ir " al .. kit' inch ewe ssonete wale* or I kisowledge sad ebv„...„..1 ..3.a.riehly hoe /14o rodatv.,Ikely art salutary oflecw-not nanoteckr IS au., Mteo3' 0 %1 ga a ordinary preparation, ...,,,, n I mended. fore. , " waa had bass Sweriedft ,-,"7" whkom nay '..ermansuat sySsmompx,; T ••-- '''', I.Wd bi MY, cella/mama and irialalOroto of Irian* artrprO rV ortilOrla is fd4erfal MT. et *g =, tail:!:ll=lEllEl774l4:l iii: 7 d l s s4lX". if to Um mon delicate loos.; • ' • Mho only pool. is prepated.he ... • ..„,......a. .. iumat - a•ad: SELLESUP 0 349.1 tsvrare..vms w. IL . I • Emelcr orb Court yet tOurter Smw- I r. S. • E. Sege ...at Bed us. I. the ..iyar. ggr ' - .a wile mai adllets & wur. a saved:wed Annaba s . .p 7 -- ..,, ,. t: sod hearing of seer drvaleahla-Vough_,S, ehased a bottle trokrifi. T. entabm, .....,...sie. I sail alter Wang %Mama atth taro to 7,8• 4 ea also I V. Scierao W. Lt iaM • Mond basedhus .... I 1 barrel blends am beta valved Laseecre 0 . . 1., am tberekwe sublet* that Ihis a cafe cad reAk. atedleaq . lied s om a ree,m,,,,,mal tr to thorn ids '''Y .. kcett.k4 with ..c.,,, conr. "a wcwa‘BoDEN. ' MattelaVS,lB43. ' K. Wood 1 . r trepluted and sold by IL 1VULLEE8,..,............g 7 . 4 . tad soldby draggtruat...... e laill ' 41
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers